ASP Flashcards _ Quizlet | Ionizing Radiation | Fire Sprinkler System
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Mar 5, 2017 - Limited Water Supply systems 4 Combined ionizing radiation? 5. Easy to statically analyze things? water? 3...
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ASP Siderosis is associated with what two types of work?
Quizlet 474 terms mikaedwardsl213
Welding and iron ore mining. It is the inhalation of ☆ iron oxides. In pneumatic fire detection, the
The air pressure will go up and eventually the
pneumatic detectors have air at
diaphragm will be deflected.
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a b u l b w h i c h h a s a s e n s i t i v e d i a p h r a
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g m . I n c r e a s e i n t e m p e r a t u r e c a u s e s t
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h e a i r p r e s s u r e t o d o w h a t
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which will cause the diaphragm to do what?
Chemicals that attack the kidney upon If the air contains 500 PPM of acetone entry into the body are called? (TLV, 750PPM) and 50 PPM of MEK (TLV, 200PPM), the concentration of What are 3 examples the mixture is what? of Nephrotoxins? What is the occupational disease The reaction between an acid and a caused as a result of over - exposure base is BEST to cotton dust?described by which of the following terms? When acid and base react in the When an using luminescent detectors stoichiometric ratios,with the result is collision of neutrons the solid
Below the recommended values for the mixture. Because Nephrotoxins Cl/Tl + C2/T2 is < 1. Example 500/75 + 50/200 < 1.
Uranium, halogenated hydrocarbons, and vinyl chloride.
☆ ☆
The amount of energy received by the material.
Salt and Water. Both the acid and the base have been
what? material in the detector generates excess energy operate which is aemitted When workers power in the form of light. This is proportional to is presses, the fixed enclosure guard
It is always in place except for maintance and or die changing.
what? always in place expect for what two tasks?
Density = Mass/Volume. 70 = 2100/volume. Volume =
the mass of liquid in the tank is 2100
2100/70 = 30ft3. However, the above value is only half Lethal Dose 50 indicated the amount of chemic, which the total volumne of the tank. Total volume of tank = can produce death in 50% of tested animals in a given 30*2=60ft3 period of time.
lbs. The volume of the tank is equal to: Carbon Monoxide is a what?
Chemical Asphyxiant
Hearing loss due to aging is known as?
Prevalence - 2/1000 = 0.002
Define the LD 50? A spherical tank is half filled with a liquid that has a density of 70 lbs/ft3. If
In an epidemiological study 2 out of 1,000 people were found to have a disease. The prevalence for this study is what? ☆ Invasion and destruction of cells, production of toxic A bacteria can cause injury to the
materials, and producing damaging hypersensitivity
human body by what 3 examples?
Laser radiation is what type of raditation?
What is ionizing radiation?
Non - ionizing radiation
It is any electromagnetic or particulate radiation
ASP Flashcards | Quizlet
capable of producing ions either directly or indirectly as a result of interaction with matter. In oxgyen cutting of metals? The base metal is cut as a result of a chemical reaction
with oxygen and a fuel gas or arc maintains the elevated temperature. 20%
Approximately what percent of musculosketal injuries are caused by pushing or pulling objects? ☆ In welding operations, the primary purpose of an inert gas shield is what
To prevent entry of air to the arc and to minimize formation of nitrides and oxides in the weld.
two things? ☆ What is the main reason for guarding block and tackles used in confined
Prevent one's hand from getting caught between the pulley and the rope.
spaces? Fixed enclosure guard
Detects the flow of electricity to the ground and opens the
What is the best type of protection for workers who operate a power press? A Ground Fault Interrupter?
circuit. The two main categories of circuit
Magnetic and thermal
What does the thermal type circuit
It opens the circuit based on temperature rise resulting
breaker do?
from current flow.
breakers are?
What do magnetic circuit breakers do?
Work on the basis of the amount of current flowing
through the device. Magenta on yellow background
The universal color used for displaying radiation hazards signs and labels is? ☆ Seriousness of the hazard, means to avoid the hazard, An effective product hazard warning
and words such as caution and warning.
must include what 3 main things?
ASP Flashcards | Quizlet
ASP Flashcards | Quizlet
Behavior safety sampling involves
Safe or Unsafe. This observation is usually conducted at random
observation of worker's work habits
which is usually classified as what two things? It means that everyone should participate either
What is leveling according to Argyris?
directly or indirectly in the decision making process. Interlocked.
What are machine gaurds that shut off or disengage power and prevent the machine from starting when the guard is opened? Interlocked. What are self adjusting guards which provide barriers that move according to the size of the stock entering the danger area. THERP
An acronym for Technique for Human Error Rate
Which analytical technique deals with human error prediction? What isTHERP?
Prediction. What is FTA?
FAult Tree Analysis
What is FMECA?
Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis
What is PH A?
Preliminary Hazard Analysis
Name five characteritics of leadership 1. Build responsibility role in maintaining a quality safety
2. Focus on the process
3. Educate
& ^
4 Inspire by example 5. Set expectations.
In defining an effective safety training program, validity refers to what two things?
1. Identification of the hazards associated with each task.
2. The required knowledge and skills to preform those tasks in a safe manner. Name three characteristics of a trench? heat and fainting? Name a chemical that is not Mulitple exams are whatwith 3 suitable choice for being extinguished things? water?
1. A narrow excavation
2. Deeper than it is wide 3. Never wider than 15 feet Calcium carbide
1. Easy to grade
2. Easy to statically analyze
3. Can be objectively graded. 1. Pre action Gamma Rays Luminescent radiation detectors are 2. Deluge sprinkler systems? What are the six major types of
suitable for measuring which type of
3. Limited Water Supply systems 4 Combined
ionizing radiation?
5. Wet pipe
What are luminescent detectors
6. Dry pipe Measuring the flow of neutrons.
effective at? An outside automatic trainer cansprinkler be very systems effective1. Damage to piping or sprinkler heads Pre-action 1. The supervisors have relatively low skills 2. The property is sensitive to water. for what three situations? designed to control the fire when their 2. There is not adequate communication across different is a possibility of what two things? management levels
^ 'it
3. Different departments within the organization are reluctant to The term hypergolic refers to what?
cooperate The ignition of awith fuel each whenother. it comes into contact & Increase in air pressure. 'it with an oxidizer without presence of an outside source of ignition.
The pneumatic fire detection systems work principally on the basis what? 1. Flow method According to NFPA, there areoftwo 2. Capacity Determination method. of whether training is required. methods of calculating exit width which
are as follows: What is the first step in developing a safety training program? An extinguisher with an 8-A rating can put out more fire than an extinguisher
U-A rating By the process of "Absorption"
with what rating? How do air purifying respirators remove the contaminants from the air? Define uniform illumination? What does bonding do?
What term best describes the
Bonding does NOT eliminate the static charges. However, it Uniform illumination is the distribution of light such 'it prevents the flow of accumulated static charges (spark) by that the maximum or minimum illumination at any given point within the making the potential difference between the two containers equal. area is not more than 1/6 th above or below the average value in the The same phenomeenon is observed with lighting that makes the area. potential difference between two clouds or a cloud and ground Heat equal. Syncope is associate with fainting as a result 'it
symptoms of over-exposure to
of over-exposure to heat.
Class II hazardous locations are
Combustible dust may be present.
those in which what?
Class 1C regards to Matrix Management? A liquid with a flash point greater than
columns. 2. The horizontal and the vertical intersects into a grid.
or equal to 73 degrees but less than or
3. A matrix interface is where the focus of authority and
equal to 100 degrees F and a boiling
responsiblity comes into play.
point less than 100 degrees F is classified by the NFPA as? What is the major objective of safety audits?
To measure the safety performance within an ^ Class 1A Liquid ☆ organization with the major goal of improving safety performance.
NFPA classification for a liquid with a boiling point of 90 degrees F and flash What is the most critical step towards a point of 60 degree F is behavioral approach for improving safety? Heat transfer by radiation is proportional to? Stock insurance companies are what?
Defining the objectives and goals.
the fourth power of temperature Profit oriented Attainable
What best describes a tangible and verifiable safety goal in manufacturing What is the ultimate goal of safety facility? coaching?
Injury reduction. The coaching must treat this process as an achievement oriented proactive process. JHA
The technique of applying problem assessment to safetyofand healthdata? What is an example counted
Inspection of a control device for missing parts is an example of
training is called what?
counted data. Counted data is called "attributes" and are presented as whole numbers.
What two aspects of the workplace are What is the most powerful for an generally reviewed for aJHA? accident/incident investigation? What are two disadvantages to multiple choice questions? ISO 14000 family is primarly concerned with what?
and statistical information on accidents and Root Historical Cause Analysis illnesses and the tasks, which make a worker's job. ☆ When compared to true/false and matching, multiple choice items can be more challenging to write and they Environmental management. The means minimization of harmful require the creation of plausible incorrect answer effects on the environment caused by the organization's activities options. and achievement of continual improvement of its environmental ☆ Each individual is different and find a way to recognize performacne. these differences.
One of theBonds most are important of Covalent formedfunctions by?
as a result of atoms sharing electrons
a supervisor is his or her ability to work What is the recommended with people effectively. What is one of
35 mph. Ash can damage engine and metal parts
speed forcritical a volcano eruption? the most factors to consider in
so evacuation must only be done if directed by authroities.
order to work with people effectively? What are other names for Name three true statements in
Arc Welder's Disease or Metal Fume Fever. This is 1. It can be demonstrated in the forms of rows and
caused by inhalation of dust fumes or containing
iron particles. Hypothermic injury Body cell exposure to extremely low what? temperature causes? The probability of tipping over an object by pushing it increases as the? As the temperature goes down and the volume is kept constant, the pressure has to do A does of what? one roentgen of ionizing radiation due to X-rays gamma rays Simple asphyxiants canorcause is the equivalent of what? suffocation as a result of what? Name two good examples of simple GFCI detect the flow of electrical ashphyxiants? current to ground in approximately 2
force. Grasping point moves above the object's center of gravity. Go down to maintain the equality in the ideal gas law
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equation. One Rem
Reducing oxygen concentration.
Nitrogen Methane circuit Opening and the electrical
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hundreths (0.02) of a second.between The The study of the relationship GFCIs protect the personnel excessive noise and hearing by? loss fall within the domain of? Can through an open Doeselectricity thresholdflow refers to what? circuit?
The minimum dosage of a chemical which can produce a
Once the GFCI detects the flow of
measurable adverse effect. Opens the circuit and the electrical flow to ground stops. That at very low dosage a chemical may produce no
electrical current ground, does In toxicology, the to concept of itdose what? response indicates what? Unfired pressure vessels such as air Below the critical pressure andetc. tanks, steam jacketed kettles, temperature, we can convert liquid to must follow ASM E code what? vapor by? Oneexplosion An of the causes proof of electrical leukemia is what? equipment will do what?
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adverse effect and may even be beneficial to human health. Section VIII, division 1 and 2
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Heating and vapor to liquid by cooling. However, at the critical point, the two phases become indistinguishable. Withstand an internal explosion
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Ionizing radiation - which as been proven to contribute to leukemia especially in young children. Safely vent the resulting explosive gases.
The density of a substance to the density of water.
thermal energy
form of what> Objects tip over as a result of
The moment which is generated by the pushing
What chemical can produce a
The enclosures for explosion proof electrical equipment Specifc gravity is themust rationbe ofdesigned what? in such a way to do what? Portable electric tools that are double In acetylene thewhat? energy insulated do welding, not require released by the acetylene gas is in the
higher flame temperature upon combustion than any other gas? How many different classes has laser The management technique radiation been place into? that graphically demonstrates management Class laser styles Iby assigning values to the manager's concern for people and
Four The Blake - Mouton Management Grid
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☆ does not have enough power to cause severe injury
production is known as? Flame detectors respond to what?
Infrared radiation and ultraviolet radiation
Under OSHA's HAZCOM, there is no
The infrared hazard radiation portion of light generated by the Appropriate warnings, chemical name, and the
standard format for chemical labels Some flame detectors are designed to and MSDSs. However, every label on a respond to ultraviolet light, but most container of a hazardous chemical respond to what> must contain what? Luminescent detectors are effective
flame. name and address of the chemical manufacturer,
measuring instruments for the flow of What what?is the concentration that cannot
importer, or other responsible party.
TLV-C (Ceiling)
be exceeded even momentarily. How do luminescent detectors work?
Name three statement associated with equipment failure?
Product warning labels must address what three things? What is the most important element of a safety training program?
☆ The collision of neutrons with the solid material in the 1. Poor maintenance program. 2. Lack of fail safe detector generates excess energy which emitted is instrumentation. 3. Metal fatigue emitted in the form of light which is proportional to the amount of energy recieved by the material. to se goals and objectives 1. What the hazard is. 2. How to avoid the hazard. 3. The
severity of the hazard. An effective warning label must also address the likelihood of harm, and the consequences. Gamma, beta and alpha rays
A Geiger - Muller radiation measuring What does actual injury data do? instrument is suitable for measuring
It actually gets more employee attention. However,
☆ ☆
because of its nature, it creates a reactive rather than a proactive response to preventing injuries and accidents.
A Geiger - Muller is a tube which is
A gas that is capable of undergoing ionization.
filled by what? What is the most correct statement for With a Geiger - Muller interaction of eye and face protection when working
Adequate protection a face shield must be worn. An electriceye current which and is measured.
☆ ☆
ionizing radiation with the gas with hand held grinders? produces ions which in turn produce what? A face shield is primarily designed for
Primary face protection, and by itself doe snot provide
adequate eye protection.
OSHA regulations mandate that
The A scale.
sound levels in the workplace
for evaluation of employee noise expsoure be measured on what? Integrating Sound Level Meters
The average sound levels over a period of time.
(ISLMs) measure what? ☆ As the number of complete cycles in one second. Frequency of sound wave expressed in building code has been mainly used where? Hertz is defined as what? The correct definition of flash point is? The products of the chemical reaction between calcium carbide and water are what? The main decomposition of halons in
360,000 cycles/hr * 1 hr/3600 seconds The minimum temperature at which enough vapor is
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generated to supporta combustion in presence of an Calcium hydroxide, highly corrosive compound, and ignition source. acetylene which is a flammable gas. Hydrohalogenic Acids Air or nitrogen under pressure.
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Attitudes, preferences, and subjective reactions.
LD 50
Regular dry pipe fire situaitons is ?sprinkler systems have sprinkler heads that are A Likert Scale is used to measure connected to piping which contains what? what? When thesystems route of have entry water of the in the Wet pipe chemicals is by ingestion or skin piping to where? absorption, lethal doses are expressed as? When the route of entry of the HAzardous locations are classified chemical into an animal's body is byas? inhalation, lethal doses are expressed One as? unit of exit in the flow method is defined as what> LD 50 is expressed in units of? The maximum amount of class 1A The inert gas shield minimizes what? flammable liquids that can be stored in a laboratory unit with sprinkler system Define Isotopes is what> Fire point is always what?
The sprinkler head. In fire situations, the flow of water continues until the main water supply valve is manually closed. This can cause severe water damage to the area. LC 50
Class 1, II, III only
60 seconds per minute per 22 inces of exit width.
Chemical weight per body weight
☆ ☆
1200 Onlyarc NFPA approvedofamounts of Entry gallons. of air to the and 65 formations nitrides and flammable liquids oxides in the weld.shall be stored in laboratory units
outside of flammable liquid storage rooms. Isotopes are defined as atoms having the same atomic number but different atomic mass. A few degrees higher than flash point.
Sensitizers are chemicals that usually? The Uniform Building Code
Do not produce a sensitizing effect on the first exposure, Western part of US. but can produce an allergic reaction in living tissue after (UBC) was first published by International Conference of Building Officals (ICBO). This repeated or extended exposures. They may cause
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
sensitization in some people but not others.
What is the name of the F tornado scale? Winds in the range of 40 to 72 mph can damage chimney and
Fujita Pearson
break tree branches is which category? F-l
Winds in the range of 73 to 112 mph can demolish mobile homes are what cateorgry?
Winds in the range of 113 to 157 can demolish mobile homes and uproot trees and considered what category?
Winds in the range of 158 to 205 can tear roof and wall and throw cars are considered what category? Winds in the range of 207 to 260 are what category? Winds in the range of 261 to 318 are what category? The major emphasis of the science of epidemiology as relates to diesease is? ☆
Why are ionic bonds stronger than covalent bonds?
Due to the nature of electrical force developed among atoms, ionic bonds are stronger than covalent bonds. Thermal Energy
In acetylene welding, the energy released by the acetylene gas is in the form of what? ☆ The abbreviation CTD stands for?
Cumulative Trama Disorders (occupational ergonomics) ☆
Octave band analyzers are used to measure what?
The actual sound energy over a range of frequencies.
Velometers can do what three
Measures air velocity, useful in conducting energy
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audits, and useful in hood and spray booth monitoring. ☆ 1. Peer Pressure.
Name three concepts according to
2. Whether the job is important and meaningful to the
Frederick Herzbergs theories in
employee and his degree of involvement in aspects of
motivating influence on an employee to
the job.
conduct a job safely?
3. How good of performance is recognized within the organization. Illuminating Engineering Society (IES)
PH can vary between what levels?
1 to 1A
A PH value greater than 7 indicates?
A PH less than 7 indicates?
Acid (1.5 is a strong acid)
A hydro carbon is any chemical which
Only carbon and hydrogen atoms in its molecule
(example CH4 which is methane)
What type of chemicals cause liver
Levels of illumination for industiral work areas are recommended by?
damage? ☆ Are ionic bonds stronger or weaker than covalent bonds?
Due to the nature of electrical force developed among atoms, ionic bonds are stronger than covalent bonds Analytic studies
Orange - the door must be kept locked.
In epidemiology, the studies that focus on proving or disproving a hypotheses regarding the relationship between expsosure and disease are called?
The electrical switch and fuse
cabinet may be painted which color on the inside of the door
to attract attention when the door is open? ☆ employee exposure what? In designing a piece of equipment, Smoke detectors generally respondthe to
Displays should generally move in the same direction as More or less light movement of controls. (Control and display movement
controls andparticles displays generated must conform combustion as ato which of fire the and following principles? result of can be triggered by
must be compatible)
Velocity what? x times = what?
Concrete (Lead however is a more effective shield.
Smoke detectors generally respond to The preferred method for sheilding when? gamma ray sources is what?
during the second phase of fire as compared to thermal
detectors that respond during the first stage of a fire. Paper Whether the test actually measures what it is supposed
☆ ☆
to measure. Properly discharge the electrical energy through a
Reliablity a testelectrical determines what? Capacitorsofstore energy and
discharge resistor. The consistency of scores between different sections of
can pose a hazard even when the
the examination.
circuit is deenergized. The bestfollow way to The scores of a test generally protect what? agains this hazard is to do
A bell shape curve as they are normally distributed.
Validity of a testcannot determines Alpha particles shieldwhat? through?
what? A test can be and should be?
Both valid and reliable. Class II, division 1.
☆ ☆
Self-adjusting, adjustable, fixed and interlocked.
What is the important number to
Radioisotopes 24 A
remember when converting PPM to What are isotopes of a given element mg/m3 or vice versa? that do not have enough nuclear Density equals to what? binding energy hold the nucleus
The electrical equipment in an area What are the four basic types of where metal dusts are present should machine guards? be what class?
particles together, and as a result, part What is carpal tunnel syndrome of the nucleus is lost in the form of caused by? ionizing radiation?
The pressure on the median nerve at the point where it
goes through the carpal tunnel of the wrist resulting in tenderness, soreness, and weakness of muscles of the
What is used to measure the actual
thumb. Octave Band Analyzers. The data in turn is used to
sound energy over a range of A virus can adversely affect the human frequencies? body by?
TAking metabolic function of the cells. calcuateover the the noise exposures to employees.
Radiation The amount of heat required to melt a solid without
☆ ☆
A pocket dosimeter a device Heat fusion refers toiswhat? that is used to measure
changing its temperature. What are the classic symptoms of
Numbness and tingling in the thumb and first two
carpal tunnel syndrome?
fingers, and the thumb side and tip of the fourth
finger. When is carpal tunnel syndrome more
During sleep.
By surgical relief of tension or by therapy.
pronounced? How can carpal tunnel syndrome be treated? What is a condition resulting from overexposure to solvents?
Any stage of disorientation or unconsciouness due to over exposure to chemicals?
Ionizing radiation causes injury within the cell by attacking and altering the? ☆
The biggest danger associate with alpha radiation is what?
When it is ingested. This type of radiation does not have a very high penetrating power in contrast to X-rays. Once in the body however, it is capable of producing ions. A static load on hand and shoulder.
Light meter
Illuminating Engineering Society
Equipment Maintenance
The presence of what has been found to cause or aggravate disorders such as tendonitis, bursitis, or carpal tunnel syndrome? THe instrument that is used to measure the quantity of illumination is called?
Levels of illumination for industrial work areas are recommendd by?
Ensuring that the equipment energy is zero is very significant for which of the following operations?
3/5/2017 3/5/2017
ASP Flashcards | Quizlet ASP Flashcards | Quizlet Coefficient of expansion
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Increase in resistance to electric current
responsible for assuming total control of decision making on site is? Some fixedparty temperature thermal learning curve 3600 seconds detectors are made from seconds? a bimetallic One hour has how many element detectorsgained work based The levelThese of proficiency is What are the bones in the human ear on? directly proportional with the amount of called? The gas indicator time combustible devoted to learning but eventually operates based tends are to reach aon? limit isbones known What the smallest in as? the human body? Fire alarm systems fall into two broad categories. What are they?of ossicles? What is are three valid approaches in What the major function safety programs that primarily focus on behavior modification? This statement describes what "two conductors by and electrical What are theseparated three adverse effects of insulator thatdomains melts a fixed Name three of learning? noise on hearing canatbe categorized temperature in categories? the surrounding air? into what three I square foot equals how many
Automatic and manual Eliminate unwanted behavior, educate employees on desired To transmit and the sound to the innerpraise ear for to responses, providewave reward and/or fortransmission working the brain by the inner ear nerve cells. safely. Continuous line type of fire detector. 1. Conductive impairment Cognitive, affective and psychomotor. 2. Sensorineural 144 3. Mixed and sentral impariment
squared inches? Combustible gas indicators on Once determined thatcommonly safetyoperate training Centrifugal fans are used is in what principle? required, what? what must be clearly defined. Smoke detectors react to what? Centrifugal fans commonly follow The last step in a good training which law? What type of device uses a program is to develop? Wheatstone bridge? Air purifying respirators remove the What thename two sampling techniques What are is the for cellular injury due contaimnents from the air through the used the potential accident to lacktoofevaluate sufficient oxygen? process of absorption which is the predicting behavior? removal of what? The human body converts food into
Objectives gases increase the electrical resistance of Combustible Ventilation Systems. a heated element.q= Products of combustion
☆ ☆ ☆
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Affinity laws also known as fan laws. Techniques togas evaluate Combusitble meter the effectivenss of the program.
☆ ☆ ☆
One or incident more componets ofbehavior a gaseous mixture on a solid Critical and safety sampling.
☆ ☆
bed. Metabolic reactions
Responsiblity Calcium hydroxide and acetylene.
☆ ☆
What isby anusing example motivation energy whatofwhich also You should not mix calcium carbide factor according Herzberg's produces heat into the human body? with water because the products of the Motivation Hygiene theory? Frequency of sound wave isthe expressed chemical reaction between two
in what? create what what two chemicals Name three true statements in regard chemicals.
The number of complete cycles one second Corrective action based oninanaylsis of behavorial data
☆ ☆
Frequency sound wave expressed to the use ofofbehavioral data analysis in
can prevent accidents; behavioral data analysis can
Hertz is defined as what? for improving safety? Calcium hydroxide is what type of
suggest actions to prevent injury and behavioral data A highly corrosive analysis is essential in improving safety because it
closes the improvement loop.
Acetylene is which type of gas?
In an emergency situation, the
Depends on organization's operating procedure.
One unit of exit in the flow method is
60 people per minute per 22 inches.
Conductive and Sensineural
The maximum value of a sinusoidal wave.
Integrating sound level
Sound absorption
Noise Reduction Coefficent
Carbon Dioxide and Water
defined as how many persons per minute per how many inches of exit width. Two forms of Noise Induced Hearing Loss are? Amplitude refers to what? What instrument measures the average sound levels over a period of time?
What indicates the amount of sound energy which is absorbed and the remainder is reflected by the material? What refers to the arthmetic average of sound absorption coefficient at frequencies of 250, 500,1000 and 200 Hz.
The primary type of hearing loss which is caused as a result of over-exposure to excessive noise is known as?
A closed loop SCBA removes what two things from the exhaled air and after adding make up oxygen and sends it to the user? ☆ What are two benefits of a closed loop SCBA?
1. Recycles the exhaled air. 2. Lasts for longer periods of time compared to an open loop SCBA. ☆
When working with corrosive chemicals what type of goggles should
Goggles with indirect ventilation ports because they do not allow entry of liquids.
be used and why?
3/5/2017 3/5/2017
Cryogenic liquids are those liquids that have which two characterists?
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1. Generate a large volume of gas above their boiling points. 2. Are liquids stored at very low temperatures.
One proper step in treating cold contract burns?
To immerse the affected area in warm water (no less than 105 degrees F no more than 115 degrees F. Mimimize the blood flow to the affected areas.
LFL value increases and the UFL value decreases
In fire situations, fresh air is at the low
Fire gases have a vapor density of less than 1, and
spots because?
therefore rise in air. At low spots
Water would spread the fire.
Reduces oxygen concentration.
In all burns caused as a result of elevated temperatures, every effort must be made to do what? When pressure or temperature is decreased the LFL does what and the UFL does what?
Most flammable vapors have a vapor density which is greater than 1. Ventilation ports for flammable liquid storage areas should be placed where? If a container of flammable liquid which is insoluble in water and has a specific gravity of less than one is on fire?
The boiling point of a liquid will doe what when their is a decrease in ambient pressure.
Under constant temperature conditions, the volume of a gas will do what with an increase in air pressure? Carbon dioxide which is a product of combustion is not a
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toxic gas in confined spaces but does what? Dry powder fire extinguishing agents
Class D fires
are used on what? hydrocarbon? Name type nonflammable Rate oftwo Rise fireofdetectors operate on solids? the basis of what? Flammable liquids, gases and greases Rate of Rise fire detection systems are types of what class of fire? have a faster response than what? Fire doors are classified by what? Building Officials and Code
1. Sodium hydroxide of rise of temperature (not absolute value). 2. Rate Caustic Thermal Class B detectors
1. Hourly Midwestrating
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
☆ ☆
2. North Eastern
Administrators (BOCA) building codes ☆
have been mainly in which two Explain theused storage requirements for
Should not be stored in buildings that are designed for
areas Iofand theIIUSA? class flammable liquids in
public assembly unless in approved containers, approved Air or nitrogen under pressure. cabinets or approved storage areas.
Combustible metal fires (Class D)
In delugeofsprinkler systems, the Bonding a steel container involves
Electrically conductive. An example is connecting a steel Always open
☆ ☆
sprinkler heads are what? connecting the steel container to
container to another conductive container.
public assembly areas? Regular dry pipe sprinkler systems have sprinkler heads that are connected which contains Dry powdertoispiping suitable for what type of what? materials?
another object which is what? The color coding on deluge sprinkler systems depends on what? About 30% of sprinkler system failures are caused Bonding andby? grounding techniques are used why? What is the number of the NFPA hazard diamond which is used in fixed Flame Spread Rating of materials are installations or facilities to warn of used in NFPA101 to indicate what? hazards durning fire fighting? The Flame Spread Rating concept was The specific heat of a substances is developed by who at where? determined by what? What type of hydrocarbon is less flammable thanbrigade the parent Members of a fire are required
The temperature rating and has nothing to do with the type of sprinkler system. Closed water supply valves.
Danger of static sparks. 704
☆ ☆ ☆
Areas where the different materials can be used for finishing purposes. A.J. Steiner at Underwriters Laboratories.
The energy absorbed per unit mass per degree of
temperature increase. Halogenated hydrocarbon Positive Pressure
☆ ☆
Wet pipe because the water in the pipes will freeze
to wear what type of SCBA according to 1910.157?
In areas with freezing
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and cannot flow. temperatures, what type of sprinkler system should not be used and why? conduction is called? term Boiling Liquid- Expanding The lowest concentration of a vapor in Vapor (BLEVE)inreferes what? which air expressed volumetopercent
LFL - Lower Flammability Limit A container failure holding a liquid above its boiling point.
can support combustion is called? Corrosion and mechanical damage are direct factors. What are two factors that directly The lowest temperature that will contribute to container failures with produce combustion in the absence of BLEVEs and a factor that contributes an ignition source is called? indirectly?
Temperature is an indirect factor. Autoignition
☆ ☆
☆ ☆
☆ OSHA requires that a maximum travel The wider the range between the LFL distance for Class A fire extinguisher and the UFL, the more of what type of not exceed? hazard is this material? Class I hazardous locations are those The travel distance for a class B fire in which? extinguisher must not exceed what? Class III hazardous locations are those
75 feet A fire hazard. Example - a vapor with LFL = 1% and a
UFL = 16% is more likely to be a severe fire hazard. 50 feet. Flammable vapors and gases may be present
Ignitable fibers may be present
☆ ☆
in which? A proofdesign buildingand is one that? In fire building construction, fire
The maximum amount of heat generated in a given area The as a content result ofofa the fire.building may burn but the building
loading refers to what?
will not collapse.
Carbon dioxide extinguishing agents What organizaiton sets forth standards
extinguish a fireflammables by? for exits where are stored.
Diluting the mixture of air and vapors to below its LFL. Hydrohalogenic Acids
The main decomposition product of Hypergolic reactions generate halons in fire situations is?
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
tremendous amounts of what as they ☆
The amount of heat generated as a result of combustion
Heat is that an important What combustion are reactions generate heat, property in calculation of controlled? fire loading but heat removal can be
reactions. Exothermic
Nitric Acid and Gasoline
for buildings. Heat of combustion is? Name two compounds that fall within the definition of a hypergolic An indication the ease withreaction? which heat is tranferred by
What is the max amount of a flammable liquid that can be
Thermal Conductivity
1200 gallons
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stored int a lab unit with a sprinkler system? 120 destroy? Not more than how many gallons of When antibodies react with antigens, Class I, Class II, and Class IIIA liquids one of the major results is? shall be stored in an approved
the virus. Neutralization of toxins
Neutralization of toxins which is one of the major results
flammable storage? Agglutination of bacteria and Not more than how many gallons of the precipitation of soluble antigens are total shall be Class I and Class II other outcomes of what reaction? liquids?
when antibodies react with antigens. 60
Ammonium phosphate
RNA is composed of what? Name a suitable agent for Are protozoa multi celled? water? extinguishing fires besides
Organic compounds
Instantaneous by a of Atomic numberdamage refers tocaused the number
Protons Acoustic trama
☆ ☆
Descriptive studies. Atomic Mass
☆ ☆
protons plus neutrons
Analytic studies
Isotops are defined as atoms have the
Same the same protons but different protons plus
same atomic number but different In epidemiology, the studies that focus atomic mass which means what? on proving or disproving a hypotheses
loud is called? what noise in an atom? The number of protons plus the Epidemiological studies attempt number of neutrons in anthat atom is theto note what?the number of cases of a specific disease in a specific time period are Atomic mass refers to the number of? generally known as?
regarding the relationship between Ionic bond are formed by? exposure and disease are called?
a result of complete transfer of electrons from one atom
Does a virus have its own nucleus? Specific heat refers to the what?
to another. No Amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a
☆ ☆
Does a virus have its own cell
unit mass by one degree. No Reynolds number
☆ ☆
structure? What measures the degree of How does ainvirus survive? turbulance a flow system?
As intracellular parasites that can take over the
How is reynolds number calculated?
metabolic functions host By mulplying densityofby flowcells. velocity and pipe or conduit
Why are viruses difficult to
diameter and dividing the result by the visocsity of the Because one must kill the host cell in order to kill fluid.
Laminar flow
A Reynolds number of less than 2100 indicates what type of
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Run from indoors to outdoors as bricks and other
A Reynolds number of greater than 2100 indicates what? Why should you avoid showing or The higher the value of the Reynolds bathing during a thunderstorms number, the more what the flow is? Name six stimuli which can A toxic chemical is one that can create
flyingflow debris could pose a greater hazard than that faced indoors. Turbulent ☆ Turbulent ☆ Because bathroom plumbing and fixtures can conduct electricity.
1. Chemical agents A relatively small dosage
cause effect cellular an adverse in?injury?
2. Lack of sufficient oxygen
In toxicology, corrosivity information is
3. Infectious agents Conducting skin tests on laboratory animals. 4 Physical and mechanical factors
obtained by? Chemical asphyxiants are those chemicals Whatthat? is the most common type of cellular injury? Target organ chemicals attack specific
5. Genetic factors Have a higher affinity for binding with hemoglobin 6. Nutritional imbalances Hypoxia than oxygen. The blood stream
☆ ☆ ☆
Hypoxia canenter? be caused by what four 1. Reduced concentration of oxygen in air. organs once they things? The effect of a target organ chemical produces in the body primarily
2. Loss of hemoglobin or hemoglobin function. The amount of chemical. 3. Decreased production of red blood cells.
4 Disease of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
depends on? Chemical injury is initated by what? What type of toxins affect the liver? What can alter the DNA within a
The interaction between a toxic chemical agent and the cell's Hepatotoxins ☆ plasma membrane. Genetic factors Nephrotoxins
& ☆
What cell's type of toxins and affect thethe kidney? nucleus thus Contact with animals plasma membrane? Brucellosis is an occupational disease In order to function normally, cells 1. Minerals which can be caused by a result of? require adequate amounts of nutrients2. Carbohydrates such as what three Brucellosis is an infectious things? disease that primarily affects Name 6 physical agents that can what three types of animals? cause cellular injuries? In humans, brucellosis causes?
The most common occupational disease in the workplace is what?
3. Proteins 1. Cattle
2. Swine 1. Temperature extremes 3. Goats 2. Pressure changes Undulant fever or Malta fever 3. Radiation Dermatitis 4 Mechanical factors
☆ ☆
5. Nose 6. Vibration 23/49
3/5/2017 3/5/2017
Extremely low temperatures cause
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Full thickness burn
A partial thickness burn
Blast injury
Ionizing radiation
what type of injury? Exposure to high temperatures causes what tyep of injury?
What is the type of burn that is an open wound involving all skin layers; cellular regeneration is not possible and skin must be grafted to site from a donor?
What type of burn causes reddening of the area as a result of dilation of small blood vessels and increased permeability of cellular membranes with loss of protein rich fluid, resulting in the typical blister burn? What type of injury to the body cells can be caused as a result of sudden increase or decrease in atompheric pressure? What type of radiation refers to any type of radiation capable of removing orbital electrons from the atom and thereby forming ions? ☆
Name four typical forms of ionizing radiation?
1. x-rays 2. Beta particals 3. Alpha particles 4 Gamma rays ☆ 1. Directly
Ionizing radiation can affect the cellular
2. Indirectly
structure in which two ways? What is the type of effect of
☆ 24/49
ionizing radiation on cells which is by attacking and ionizing the macromolecules within the cell and in particular the DNA molecule? Indirect
Mechanical injury is caused by?
Physical impact or irritation
Noise is defined as?
A sound wave that has the potential for causing bodily
harm. Occupational
NIHL (Noise Inducted Hearing Loss)
Acoustic tramaand NIHL
Acoustic trama
Temporary Threshold Shift.
Permanent Threshold Shift
What is the effect of ionizing radiation on the cellular structure that is ultimately ionization of the DNA molecule?
The response of tissue to mechanical stress is the focus of what type of biomechanics? What results from the prolonged exposure to intense sound?
What are the two types of hearing losses associated with noise?
What can rupture the ear drum, displace the small bones in the middle of the ear called ossicles and damage the inner ear? When the sound has not been too loud and the hearing returns to normal, the hearing loss is called a?
When the hearing does not return to normal, the hearing loss is called?
What is the study of occurance of
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disease in human populations? The word Epi is derived from the Greek work? The work demo in epidemiology is derived from?
People (Disease upon people)
Descriptive Epidemiological Studies
Descriptive epidemological studies
What is the study that focuses on the number of cases of a disease in a time period?
What type of study provides information on the distribution of disease as well as the risk factors for an individual to contract the disease? ☆ What is the difference between
Descriptive studies in epidemiology are helpful in
descriptive studies in epidemiology and
formation of hypotheses regarding the relationship
analytic studies?
between exposure and disease. Analytic studies are studies seeking to prove or disprove specific hypotheses. Prevalence
Incidence rate
Vapor density
All matter is made up of?
What contains a central nucleus
An atom
What refers to the number of cases with a disease to the total number in the study?
What rate refers to the number of new cases of disease during a time period divided by the total number of risk? The ratio of density of a gas or vapor to density of air is called?
made up of positively charged particles, the protons, and
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electrically neutral particles called neutrons? Almost all of the mass of an atom is
In the nucleus
Negatively charged particles.
The molecular weight of that compound
Stoichiometric coefficients
Valence electrons
Chemical reactions
Chemical reactions
Positive ion
contained where? The nucleus is surrounded by what? Negatively charged particles surrounding the nucleus of an atom are known as? The number of electrons and protons in any atom are equal so that the atom in its normal state is?
What is the sum of atomic weight of different atoms making a compound called? The numbers in front of each reactant and product molecule are called? The electrons in the outer orbit of an atom are called? Valence electrons are responsible for what?
What occurs either as a result of complete transfer of one or more valence electrons from one atom to another or as a result of sharing valence electrons among different atoms? When one or more valence electrons are transferred from one atom to another, the atom
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that has lost the electrons becomes positively charged which is called what type of ion? Negative ion Large differences in electronegativity The atom that has gained the electrons result in complete transfer of electrons becomes becomes negatively charged from one atom to another and and is called what? formation of what? The strong electrical force that develops between positive and Chemical reactions that consume negative ions which form a new energy are called? compound is called? Chemical reactions that produce energy are called? Some chemical reactions take place Substances have same when atoms that share theirthe valance
An ionic bond
Ionic bound Endothermic
Exothermic Covalent bonding
☆ ☆
☆ ☆
Isomers of each other
Crystalline substance Covalent
☆ ☆
Atomic absorption
number of each electronsoftoatoms complete the element electron per molecule butindiffer in spatialshell of requirement the valance arrangement of the atoms are known each atom. This type of bonding as? among atoms is known as? What is an of ordered of itsionic or type bond isarray weaker, component covalent? atoms, ions or molecules?
What is the loss of electrons an An analytical technique whichbytakes atom involved in acharacteristic chemical reaction? advantage of the
absorption by metals of certain wavelength of light> What is the gain of electrons by an atom involved in a chemical reaction?
Reduction Electronegativity
☆ ☆
What is a property associated with certain atomsaccompanies which causesreduction? unequal What always sharing of electrons during bonding? Oxidation reduction reactions are more What results in shared electrons commonlymore known as? spending time with one atom and
Oxidation Electronegativity Redox Reactions
less time with the known as? Vapor pressure of other a liquid is defined
The pressure exerted by the vapor when the liquid and
vapor phases have reached equilibrium.
☆ ☆ ☆
Specific heat
What is energy in transfer called?
The amount of heat expressed
in calories which is required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of substance by one degree Celsius or the amount of heat expressed in BTU which is required to raise the temperature of one pound of substance by one degree Fahreheit? Heat of fusion
Heat of vaporization
Heat of sublimation
Heat of fusion + Heat of vaporization
Compressible fluid
Incompressible Fluid
The amount of heat required to melt 1 unit mass of the solid at its melting point without changing its temperature. The amount of heat required to vaporize 1 unit mass of liquid at its boiling point without changing its temperature.
The amount of heat required to convert 1 unit mass of a solid to vapor without changing its temperature? What is the heat of sublimation formula?
What is the fluid in which the volume changes significantly with changes in pressure or temperature. For example, by pressurizing a gas, we can reduce its volume substantially. What is the fluid when the
volume does not change signifcantly with changes in pressure or temperature. For
example, if we increase the
pressure on a liquid, its volume does not change substantially. ☆
The route of entry of toxic chemical into the body can be through what five ways?
1. Ingestion 2. Inhalation 3. Skin absorption 4 Eye absorption 5. Injection Dosage
What is the amount of chemical administered per unit of body weight? What is the minimum dosage of a
Dose Threshold
chemical that can produce a measurable adverse effect?
WHate are chemicals that can cause irreversible alteration of living tissue? Chemical corrosivity
What is determined by conducting skin tests on laboratory animals or in studies using synthetic skin? Asphyxiants
What are substances that can cause suffocation by preventing oxygen from reaching tissues? What are the two categories that
1. Simple
asphyxiants are classified?
2. Chemical Simple
What are the asphyixants that are gases or vapors which are not toxic by themselves but can cause suffocation as a result of reducing the oxygen concentration? What are the asphyxiants that interfere with body's capability
permanent changes genetic to absorb oxygen intotothe bloodmaterial stream?(DNA), such that the changes will propagate through generational lines? ☆ 1. Teratogens Carbon monoxide What are cause Name twochemicals examplesthat of chemical 2. Hydrogen Cyanide damage to developing fetus, but the ashyixants? damage does not propagate across Name two examples of simple generational lines? asphxiants? What are chemicals that attack specific WHat is the force between two bodies organs regardless of the route of entry when repulsive when they are similarly into the body? charged and attractive when they are dissimilarly charged? WHat are chemicals that can stop or decrease the hemoglobin function, The rate at which charge moves past a resulting in body tissues being point in the conductor is called what? deprived of oxygen? What involves maintaining an What is an example of a chemical that electrically conducting path to the earth reduces hemoglobin availiability by for the flow of excess electrons that damaging the hemapoietic cells of the have been generated through a fault bone marrow, even through it does not system of the equipment? act directly on the hemoglobin? In some elements, atoms that have the same atomic number can have a WHat are chemcials that can cause an different atomic mass; that is the allergic reaction in teh body after number of protons is the same in all repeated exposures? the atoms, but the number of neutrons What chemicals that can cause varies.are These different species of the
1. Hydrogen
2. Nitrogen Target organs Electrical force
☆ ☆
Hematopoietic System Hazards
Electric current
Grounding Benzene
☆ ☆
Reproductivenuclear Toxins binding Radioactive
☆ ☆
inflammation of living tissue as a result element are called? of a chemical reaction?
Sometimes, the amount ofinterferes in What is any chemical that
any way with the reproductive nuclear binding energy within the nucleus of an isotope is not process? What are chemcials that cause 42/49
enough to hold the nuclear particles (protons and neutrons) together, and as a result pat of
the nucleus is lost in a process of nuclear disintegration called? stream 3/5/2017 of fast-moving charged particles. Those isotopes of a given element that do notare have binding What theenough names nuclear of condition when
ASP Flashcards | Quizlet Radioisotopes X-rays Keratitis and conjuctivitis
☆ ☆ ☆
Alpha particles Cataracts
☆ ☆
Microvave Beta particles
☆ ☆
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
NRC regulations
Curie (Ci) Beta particles
☆ ☆
Rad OSHA, DOE and RC
☆ ☆
Gamma Rays
Roentgen Rems Gamma Rays
☆ ☆ ☆
2.58 * 1- to the -A coulomb per kilogram of air. Rem One Rem
☆ ☆ ☆
Gamma Rays
OSHA within 2A hours of the incident X-rays
☆ ☆
Erythema (sunburn)
30 Days
energy to hold theof particles together their is expsosure the unprotected When electrons are ejected are unstable called?from tehof eye which canspecies cause inflamamation inner orbits, the electrons from outer the cornea? shells fall to the lower orbits to fill their What particles have a helium nucleus Over-expsosure place. As a resultofofunprotected this energy eyes to and have a relatively low penetrative infrared radiation could rise to? transformation, what is give produced? power and a rather high ionization power? What of radiation wavelengths can What type can be emitted spontaneously by What particles can be either negatively vary from 10 meters to about and 1 mm? certain radioactve materials, can charged (negatrons) or postiviely be produced by bombarding the charged electrons (positrons) produced nucleus of certain What is the NRC? isotopes of by radioactive decay? hydrogen? When were revised in 1991 to reduce What is a measure of the activity of the allowable exposure to employees? What particles are more penetrative radioactive material? than alpha particles and have a moderate of ionization? What threepower agencies require radiation What is the measure of the dose of caution signs and labels (purple on ionizing radiation to the body in terms yellow background) in radiation areas? What is similar to X-rays but of shorter of energy absorbed per unit of tissue? wavelength? What isoraradiation special unit for measuring Doses for employee What is emitted when radioactive exposure in to the radiation? exposure workplace are typcially transformations take place and measured in? originate in the nucleus of the atom One ratherRoentgen than fromequals violentwhat? electron acitivity? A dose of one Roentgen due to X-ray or gamma radiation is equivalent to? What a measure of the dosealpha of any What is generally accompanies ionizing and betaradiation decay? to the body tissue of its estimated biological effect relative to Radiation exposures exceed What is most often a that result of a dose of one roentgen? prescribed regulatory limits must be the ionization of matter by a reported to? Over expsosure of unprotected skin to ultraviolet radiation may give rise to a A written report of radiation expsoure condition called? must be submitted no later than how many days from the occurrence of the incident?
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What law does radiation follow?
Inverse Square Law
Heat of combustion Name three typical shielding materials 1. Paper What is the amount of heat generated for rays? as alpha a result of the combustion of a fuel?2. Aluminum sheets
& ^
3. Ordinary clothing Heat of combustion is usually What are three examples of expressed in what for units? effective shielding beta
Units of energy per mass of fuel. 1. Lead 2. Aluminum
radiation? What is the electromagnetic
3. Water Heat transfer by radiation
mechanism of heat transfer which is What are three examples of proportional to thefor fourth power of effective shielding gamma
1. Concrete 2. Water
temperature? rays?
3. Lead
Heat transfer by what takes place as a
4 IronConvection
result of fluid motion?
Alpha particles
Least penetrating ionizing radiation? When cold fluid comes into contact with a hot surface, the film adjacent to Most penetrating ionizing radiation? the hot surface picks up what? The Half Life for a radioactive material
The length of time required for that material to
is defined as? loose 50 percent of its original activity. 1. The movement of air In a fire situation, convective heat 2. The combustion products Several transfer instruments takes place and as a devices result ofare what1. Film badges designed for measuring the two things? THe movement of air in the previous amount of radiation emitted from a questions is a critical factor as it given source. Name three types? determines what?
2. Ionization chambers 3. Geiger Mueller radiation detectors The direction in which a fire will spread.
The rate of convective heat transfer is What is the advantage of GM detectors proprotional to what two things? for measuring radiation?
What is the function of the physical What is defined as the rapid chemcial properties of the fluid? reaction of oxygen with a fuel? What is the mechanism of thermal
Thermal energy Gamma rays
The advantage is that it can be used to measure various types of 1. Temperature difference ☆ ionizing radiation (alpha, beta, gamma and x-rays) for which it is 2. Area of heat transfer calibrated. Combustion ^ Heat transfer coefficent
Carbon Dioxide or Carbon Monixde Conduction
energy transfer from one molecule to When fuel is burned, the carbon in the another usually in one phase called? fuel reacts with oxygen to form either what two chemicals? Different material have different thermal conductivites; for
example what type of material has high thermal conductivity and are good conductors of heat? Plastic
What material generally has low thermal conductivity and are poor conductors of heat? Thermal conductivity
The rate of heat transfer can be assumed to be proportional to the temperature gradient per unit thickenss of the wall and the transfer area. The proportionality constant K in the above equation is called? What are the four elements required for combustion?
☆ 1. Oxygen 2. Fuel 3. Source of ignition 4 Chemical chain reaction Fire Tetraedron
The four elements in the previous question make up what? What is a necessary component of all combustion reactions? Fuels can be present in which four
1. Solid
2. Liquid
3. Vapor 4 Gaseous ☆
Examples of solid fuels that can support combustion are what?
1. wood 2. coal 3. textiles 4 paper 5. plastics 6. Some metals such as magnesium 7. Metals such as cesium
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