Workshop Penulisan Jurnal Ilmiah Nasional & Internasional Aan Jaelani Reviewer ID-Diktis: 200601750102043 âBerbagi...
Workshop Penulisan Jurnal Ilmiah Nasional & Internasional Aan Jaelani Reviewer ID-Diktis: 200601750102043
“Berbagi Pengalaman Menulis & Mereview Artikel pada Jurnal Internasional” “The Connected FSEI Researchers”
Fakultas Syariah & Ekonomi Islam IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon Grage Sangkan Hotel, Kuningan, 23-24 Agustus 2017 “Although my article is bad, not well structured and English-style Majasem but the academic community in Western, Europe & Middle East, many also read it.” The Connected FSEI Researchers 2017
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Preparasi Naskah Jurnal Internasional • •
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The Connected FSEI Researchers 2017
Cover Letter Cover Letter Dr. Aan Jaelani State Islamic Institute Syekh Nurjati Cirebon (IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon), Indonesia Jl. Perjuangan By Pass Sunyaragi Cirebon 45132 Phone: +6282119293321; e-mail:
[email protected] Website: June 30, 2017 Dear Editor, I wish to submit an original article entitled “Public Expenditure Management in Indonesia: Islamic Economic Review on State Budget 2017” for consideration by SAGE OPEN Journal, SAGE Publishers. I confirm that this work is original and has not been published elsewhere, nor is it currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. In this paper, I report on / show that “management of public expenditure can be assessed in Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 38 Year 2017 on State Budget 2017. The application of Indonesian based distribution system that includes central government expenditure by function, organizations and programs, transfers to the regions, and the village fund. In management, the government will also continue to sharpen the efficiency and effectiveness of central government expenditure in order to improve the quality of public expenditure”. This is significant because “the public expenditure related to the government's role in carrying out its functions, such as setting harmonious religious life, law enforcement, society protection, fulfillment of basic needs, financial administration, and development. This function is focused on people's lives embodiment prosperous for economic development.”
I believe that this manuscript is appropriate for publication by “SAGE OPEN Journal”. I have no conflicts of interest to disclose. Thank you for your consideration of this manuscript. Sincerely, Dr. Aan Jaelani
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Judul Abstrak Kata kunci (IMRAD) • Pengantar • Metode • Hasil • Dan • Pembahasan Kesimpulan Ucapan Terima Kasih Referensi/Daftar Pustaka Data Pelengkap
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Research Manuscript Sections • Introduction: The introduction should briefly place the study in a broad context and highlight why it is important. It should define the purpose of the work and its significance, including specific hypotheses being tested. The current state of the research field should be reviewed carefully and key publications cited. Please highlight controversial and diverging hypotheses when necessary. Finally, briefly mention the main aim of the work and highlight the main conclusions. As far as possible, please keep the introduction comprehensible to scientists working outside the topic of the paper. • Materials and Methods: They should be described with sufficient detail to allow others to replicate and build on published results. New methods and protocols should be described in detail while well-established methods can be briefly described and appropriately cited. Give the name and version of any software used and make clear whether computer code used is available. Include any pre-registration codes. • Results: Provide a concise and precise description of the experimental results, their interpretation as well as the experimental conclusions that can be drawn. • Discussion: Authors should discuss the results and how they can be interpreted in perspective of previous studies and of the working hypotheses. The findings and their implications should be discussed in the broadest context possible and limitations of the work highlighted. Future research directions may also be mentioned. This section may be combined with Results. • Conclusions: This section is not mandatory, but can be added to the manuscript if the discussion is unusually long or complex.
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Elsevier, SAGE, Taylors, Wiley, Emerald, MDPI, EconJournals Publishers (Indexed pada Thomson Reuters & Scopus)
Title, Abstract, Keywords, JEL (1) European Economic Review
Business Horizon
Demand, costs and product scope in the export market
Why strategy is key for successful social media sales
Bee Yan Aw, Yi Lee
Joan Lindsey-Mullikin, Norm Borin
Abstract In this paper, we distinguish between the contributions of two dimensions of firm heterogeneity, quality and productivity, to the export performance of Taiwanese multiproduct firms. We develop a theoretical model in which the relative importance of these two dimensions of firm heterogeneity depend on the degrees of product differentiation and cost elasticities of quality improvement. Our empirical results confirm the predictions of the theoretical model. Both quality and productivity play important roles in explaining firm export participation and export scope. Quality contributes more to export decisions for firms in more differentiated product markets and products with lower cost elasticities of quality improvements while productivity effects are stronger in markets with low degrees of product differentiation but high cost elasticities of quality improvements.
Abstract Many successful companies spend substantial time and effort engaging with potential consumers on social media sites. They determine how consumers spend their time online and develop interesting content to increase awareness and enjoyment of the brand—often only to lose those potential customers because the purchase process becomes too difficult once consumers have decided to buy the product. New technology recently introduced by third-party vendors allows companies to offer a sales option directly on social media websites such as Facebook and Instagram. In this article, we present the effects on the consumer decision process created by the ‘Buy Now’ option across the consideration, evaluation, purchase, and post-purchase stages. We compare and contrast three distinct decision models: (1) traditional media only, (2) traditional media and social media with only a communication capability, and (3) traditional media and social media with the added function of immediate purchase. We argue that though the possibility of buying on social media will decrease the number of brands considered and evaluated, the number of purchases and amount of brand advocacy will increase significantly due to the ease of purchase. We conclude with some recommendations on future research.
Keywords: Product differentiation; Product cost elasticity; Productivity; Demand; Export participation JEL classification: F1; L1 Reference: Yan Aw, B. , Lee, Y. (2017), Demand, costs and product scope in the export market. European Economic Review, 100, pp. 28-49. Available from: or Note: Received 6 June 2016, Accepted 24 July 2017, Available online 1 August 2017. Published Nopember 2017. (Elsevier Publisher)
The Connected FSEI Researchers 2017
Keywords: Social media sales; Consumer decision-making process; Digital marketing; Retail social media; Brand social media
Reference: LindseyJ-Mullikin, Borin, N . (2017), Why strategy is key for successful social media sales. Business Horizons, 60(4), pp. 473-482. Available from: or (Elsevier Publisher)
Title, Abstract, Keywords, JEL (2) International Journal of Development Issues Cultural modernization and work-related values and attitudes: An application of Inglehart’s theory Hamid Yeganeh Abstract • Purpose The purpose of this study is to rely on the modernization theory to analyze and explain the cross-national differences in work-related values and attitudes (WVA). •Design/methodology/approach First, the modernization theory and WVA are conceptualized, their relations are discussed and the hypotheses are formulated. Next, the data, measures, variables and empirical tests are presented. Finally, the theoretical and managerial implications are discussed, an integrative model is proposed and avenues for future research are suggested. •Findings The empirical results confirm the explanatory strength of the modernization theory and provide valuable insights into the patterns of WVA across the world. It is found that the countries involved in the first phase of human development emphasize work centrality, extrinsic aspects of a job and material rewards and are likely to show noticeable discrimination against women and foreign workers. In contrast, post-industrial societies that are involved in the second phase of human development prefer emancipative WVA, such as low work centrality, tolerance of foreign workers, gender equality and hedonism at the workplace. •Research limitations/implications Despite the remarkable acceptance of the modernization theory, some of Inglehart’s propositions have been subject to criticism. Furthermore, human development, modernization and the subsequent cultural shifts are “path-dependent” as they are affected by the national, religious and civilization heritage of a country. •Practical implications The findings of this study can help international mangers adopt the appropriate strategies for a wide range of issues, such as staffing, planning, job description and compensation policies. •Originality/value The modernization theory is a suitable alternative to national cultural dimensions. This approach relies on the premise that socioeconomic development creates consistent patterns of values, beliefs and behaviors that ultimately shape WVA around the globe. Keywords: Culture, Cultural values, Modernization, Human development, Inglehart’s theory, Work-related values and attitudes. Type: Research Paper Reference: Hamid Yeganeh, (2017) "Cultural modernization and work-related values and attitudes: An application of Inglehart’s theory", International Journal of Development Issues, Vol. 16 Issue: 2, pp.130-146, Available from: (Emerald Publisher)
Title, Abstract, Keywords, JEL (3) Tourism Economics Economic impact of a religious and tourist event: A Holy Week celebration
Law, Culture and the Humanities Justice as Failure Andrew Dilts
Víctor Lafuente Sánchez, María Devesa Fernández, José Ángel Sanz Lara Abstract Holy Week is one of the most important traditional celebrations in many parts of the world. It has a deep-rooted cultural and social tradition, yet also embraces a tourist dimension, which ultimately impacts on the economy of the places where it is held. The present work seeks to explore the impact of Holy Week on the city of Palencia (Spain). To do this, an economic impact study based on a description and evaluation of three types of effect, direct, indirect and induced, is carried out. Results show that this event generated a total of €2.258 million, of which 82% remained in the economy of the city itself, with the hotel and restaurant sectors benefitting the most. This traditional celebration thus contributes to creating revenue and employment, to maintaining traditional industries, to preserving cultural heritage and to enhancing the area’s image and projection. Keywords: Religious; Tourist event; Holy Week; Cultural heritage; Social tradition Reference: Sánchez, V.L., Fernández, M.D., Sanz Lara, J.A. (2017), Economic impact of a religious and tourist event: A Holy Week celebration. Tourism Economic, 23(6), pp. 1255-1274. DOI: Note: Article first published online: November 10, 2016; Issue published: September 1, 2017. (SAGE Publisher)
The Connected FSEI Researchers 2017
Abstract In this reflection, I take up the contradiction of calling for justice to be delivered from the same institutions that, under contemporary conditions of settler-colonial and white supremacist hetero-patriarchy, are often themselves the sources of injustice. I argue for an orientation toward justice that grounds itself on its condition of failure, drawing on Beauvoir’s existentialist ethics and queer theory’s embrace of failure as a resource for critical analysis and liberation. From an abolitionist perspective, I thus call for thinking about justice as failure in order to better hear the voices and respond to the demands of those most marginalized by carceral logics and practices.
Keywords: Justice; Failure; Beauvoir’s existentialist; ethics; queer theory’s Reference: Dilts, A. (2017), Justice as Failure. Law, Culture and the Humanities, 13(2), pp. 184-192. DOI: Note: Article first published online: January 6, 2016; Issue published: June 1, 2017 . (SAGE Publisher)
Title, Abstract, Keywords, JEL (4) International Review of Law and Economics Independent judicial review: A blessing in disguise Alon Cohen
Journal Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja Are some cultures more favourable for social entrepreneurship than others? Irena Kedmenec & Sebastjan Strašek
Abstract Traditional political-economy wisdom implies that independent judicial review is a commitment device, used by politicians to credibly validate policies they sell to special-interest groups. This study suggests a somewhat opposite thesis, whereby independent judicial review allows politicians to credibly commit to destabilizing the validity of such policies. Due to the probable judicial intervention—as a result of the independent judicial review process— the expected policy in force will align more closely with general-interests, insofar as constitutional standards are so oriented. Thus social welfare increases and the politician gains electoral benefits which are otherwise unattainable in equilibrium.
Keywords: Judicial independence; Judicial review; Lobbying contributions; Constitution JEL classification: K40; P48 Reference: Cohen, A. (2014), Independent judicial review: A blessing in disguise. International Review of Law and Economics, 37, pp. 209-220. Available from: Note: Received 15 June 2013, Revised 6 September 2013, Accepted 22 October 2013, Available online 15 November 2013. (Elsevier Publisher)
The Connected FSEI Researchers 2017
Abstract The goal of this paper is to examine whether certain national cultural dimensions facilitate or hamper social entrepreneurship. The paper offers a conceptualisation of the possible associations between Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and social entrepreneurial activity as defined by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, along with its empirical testing across more than 40 countries around the world. Based on correlation analysis that was controlled for the countries’ level of economic development, there appears to be a negative association between the national power distance level and social entrepreneurial activity. In addition, the rate of young social entrepreneurial ventures is associated with lower levels of masculinity. The cultural dimensions of individualism and uncertainty avoidance have no direct linear association with social entrepreneurial activities of any kind. In factor-driven economies, lower levels of masculinity appear to support the development of social entrepreneurship. On the other hand, in innovation-driven economies, social entrepreneurial ventures emerge more often in those cultures characterised by short-term orientation and indulgence. Keywords: Social entrepreneurship, culture, power distance, masculinity, shortterm orientation, indulgence JEL Classifications: L31, L26, E71 Reference: Kedmenec, I., Strašek, S. (2017), Are some cultures more favourable for social entrepreneurship than others?. Journal Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 30, pp. 1-16. DOI: (Taylors & Francise Online)
Title, Abstract, Keywords, JEL (5) Industrial Marketing Management
Journal of Marriage and Family
Social media research in the industrial marketing field: Review of literature and future research directions
Household Income and Trajectories of Marital Satisfaction in Early Marriage
Jari Salo
Grace L. Jackson, Jennifer L. Krull, Thomas N. Bradbury, Benjamin R. Karney
Abstract Since the emergence of social media, industrial marketing academics and marketers have also been intrigued by the influence of such media on the discipline. As, social media research in the field of industrial marketing has been of increasing interest, this research attempts to review and assess the advances in social media research in the industrial marketing field. From the literature review conducted, it can be identified that some of the research areas have witnessed steady theory development increases, e.g., sales and marketing communications, while others are clearly lagging behind, e.g., pricing and ethics. Also methodological pluralism is called for instead of more traditional methods (conceptual analysis, qualitative and survey) to establish and solve more nuanced research problems. This research provides a review of the current state of research in the field and suggests directions for future development. Keywords: Social media; Industrial marketing; Business-to-business marketing; Web 2.0; Literature review
Abstract Are the marriages of lower income couples less satisfying than the marriages of more affluent couples? To address this question, we compared trajectories of marital satisfaction among couples with a wide range of household incomes. The marital satisfaction of 862 Black, White, and Latino newlywed spouses (N = 431 couples) was assessed five times, each 9 months apart, during the first 4 years of marriage. Lower income couples did not have less satisfying marriages on average, nor did their satisfaction decline more steeply on average. They did, however, experience (a) significantly greater fluctuations in marital satisfaction across assessments and (b) significantly more variability between husbands and wives. If efforts to support the marriages of low-income couples are to address the unique characteristics of their marital development, these findings suggest that efforts to stabilize their marriages may be more effective than efforts to improve their satisfaction alone.
Reference: Salo, J. (2017), Social media research in the industrial marketing field: Review of literature and future research directions. Industrial Marketing Management. In Press, Corrected Proof (August 2017). DOI: Note: Received 22 November 2016, Revised 28 April 2017, Accepted 24 July 2017, Available online 8 August 2017. (Elsevier Publisher)
The Connected FSEI Researchers 2017
Keywords: family policy; longitudinal; low-income families; marital satisfaction; welfare reform. JEL Classifications: L31, L26, E71 Reference: Jackson, G. L., Krull, J. L., Bradbury, T. N. and Karney, B. R. (2017), Household Income and Trajectories of Marital Satisfaction in Early Marriage. Journal of Mariage and Family, 79: 690–704. doi:10.1111/jomf.12394. Available from: (Wiley Online Library)
Title, Abstract, Keywords, JEL (6) Economics
(The open-access, Open-Assesment E-Journal)
A theory of economic policy lock-in and lock-out via hysteresis: rethinking economists’ approach to economic policy Thomas Palley Abstract This paper uses hysteresis to develop the concept of policy lock-in and lockout. Policy changes may near-irrevocably change the economy’s structure, thereby changing the distribution of wealth, income and power. That may lock-in policy by changing the political equilibrium. Exit costs that block policy reversals also cause lock-in. Conventional thinking treats policy as a dial which is adjusted according to the economy’s state. Policy lock-in questions the dial formulation and raises new issues for optimal policy design. It also offers insights into economic and political crisis theory. Policy lock-in is illustrated with examples that include tax policy, government spending, the euro, globalization, and the neoliberal policy experiment.. Keywords: Economic policy; lock-in; hysteresis; globalization; euro; neoliberalism JEL classification: D7, E6, F5, H3, L5 Reference: Thomas Palley (2017). A theory of economic policy lock-in and lock-out via hysteresis: rethinking economists’ approach to economic policy. Economics, 11 (2017-18): 1–18. Source: (Kiel Institute for World Economy and the ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics)
Natural Resources and Productivity: Can Banking Development Mitigate the Curse? Ramez Abubakr Badeeb and Hooi Hooi Lean
Abstract This paper contributes to the literature concerning the natural resource curse by exploring the role of banking development in reducing the resource curse in a natural resource-based country, Yemen. Using time series data over the period 1980–2012, we find that natural resource dependence is negatively related to productivity, and this relationship depends on the level of banking development. Increasing this level reduces the negative consequences of the natural resource curse. Therefore, policymakers should proactively encourage credit to enable the banking sector to play a more efficient intermediary role in mobilizing domestic savings and channeling them to productive investments. This will help to accumulate permanent productive wealth to enhance any diversification effort and compensate for the decline in natural resource production. Keywords: natural resource curse; banking development; productivity JEL Classifications: O13; O16; C22
Reference: Badeeb, R.A., Lean, H.H. (2017). Natural Resources and Productivity: Can Banking Development Mitigate the Curse?. Economies, 5(2), 11. doi:10.3390/economies5020011. Available from: (MDPI Publisher)
The Connected FSEI Researchers 2017
Publikasi Narasumber
Prof. Dr. Suliyanto, MM
Dr. Yuli Andriansyah Google Scholar Citation SINTA (Science and Technology Index) - Dikti
Dr. Aan Jaelani
Title, Abstract, Keywords, JEL (a) Prof. Dr. Suliyanto, MM 1.
Suliyanto, S., & Rahab, R. (2012). The role of market orientation and learning orientation in improving innovativeness and performance of small and medium enterprises. Asian Social Science, 8(1), 134. DOI: 2. Suliyanto (2013). Financing Model of Coconut Sugar Micro Small and Medium Entreprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia. International Business Management, 7: 410413. DOI: 10.3923/ibm.2013.410.413. 3. Suliyanto, Novandari, W. Setyawati, S.M. (2015). Training Program Evaluation on Batik Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSMEs): An Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Method. International Business Management, 9: 251-257. DOI: 10.3923/ibm.2015.251.257. . 4. Suliyanto, Novandari, W. Setyawati, S.M. (2016). Training Quality: Partisipatory Training Versus Non-Partisipatory Training on Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSMES). International Business Management, 10(4), 534-539. DOI: 10.3923/ibm.2016.534.539. 5. Navarra, M. Q., Niehof, A., Van Der Vaart, W., van der Horst, H. M., & Suliyanto, S. E. (2012). The disruption and rebuilding of social capital in involuntary resettlement in the Philippines and Indonesia. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies, 4(2), 307-324. 6. Suliyanto, S., Wulandari, S. Z., & Novandari, W. (2010). Competitive Strategy Model for Purbalingga Batik. Economic Journal of Emerging Markets, 2(2), 169185. 7. Suliyanto, S. (2017). Mimicry Marketing Strategy on Marketing Performance of Small and Medium Enterprise. TRIKONOMIKA, 14(2), 96-103. Retrieved from Source:
The Connected FSEI Researchers 2017
Dr. Yuli Andriansyah 1.
5. 6.
Andriansyah, Y., & Anto, M. B. H. (2016). Government Spending in Indonesia 2005-2013 from Islamic Economic Perspective. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 6(3S), 1-5. Farhan, F., & Andriansyah, Y. (2016). Factors Affecting Muslim Students Awareness of Halal Products in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(4S), 27-31. Darmadji, A., Zubaidah, S., Sibly, M. R., & Andriansyah, Y. (2015). Islamic Education Teachers’ Content Knowledge of Islamic Law Matters: A Study in Yogyakarta City. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(5), 441. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n5p441. Andriansyah, Y. (2015, February). Post-Disaster Economic Recovery in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. In Interdisciplinary Behavior and Social Sciences: Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Interdisciplinary Behavior and Social Science 2014 (ICIBSoS 2014), 1–2 November 2014, Bali, Indonesia. (p. 349). CRC Press. s_navlinks_s. The model of bullying behavior on senior high school students: A case study. Psychology and Education, issue 1-2 (2017). Darmadji, A., & Andriansyah, Y. Curriculum of Islamic Economics and Finance In Islamic University of Indonesia: Challenges of Asean Economic Community. Academia.Edu. Darmadji, A., & Andriansyah, Y. (2015, December). Implementation of Information and Communication Technology in Islamic University of Indonesia. In Economics, Social Sciences and Information Management: Proceedings of the 2015 International Congress on Economics, Social Sciences and Information Management (ICESSIM 2015), 28-29 March 2015, Bali, Indonesia (p. 39). CRC Press. se0x-&lr&pg=PA39#v=onepage&q&f=false.
Title, Abstract, Keywords, JEL (a) Dr. Aan Jaelani 1.
Jaelani, A., Nursyamsudin, Setyawan, E. (2016). Religious Heritage Tourism and Creative Economy in Cirebon: The Diversity of Religious, Cultures and Culinary. Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 3 (1): 63-76. Jaelani, A. (2016). Islamic Tourism Development in Cirebon: The Study Heritage Tourism in Islamic Economic Perspective. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 3 (2), June 2016, p. 215-235. Jaelani, A. (2016). Cirebon as the Silk Road: A New Approach of Heritage Tourism and Creative Economy. Journal of Economics and Political Economy, 3 (2), 264-283. Jaelani, A. (2016). Zakat Accounting: Metaphor and Accounting Treatment for Business Organization. Proceeding ECONIES II. Economic & Social Impacts of Innovation eJournal (SSRN e-Journal, Elsevier), 4 (35). Jaelani, A. (2016). Pancasila Economic and The Challenges of Globalization and Free Market In Indonesia. Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 3 (2), 241-251. Jaelani, A. (2016). Zakah Management for Poverty Alleviation in Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam. Turkish Economic Review, 3 (3), 495. Jaelani, A. (2017). Religion, Economy, and State: Economic Thought of alMawardi in Adab al-Dunya wa-al-Din. Journal of Economics Library, 3 (3), 508. Jaelani, A. (2017). Halal Tourism Industry in Indonesia: Potential and Prospects. International Review of Management and Marketing, 7 (3), 2534.
The Connected FSEI Researchers 2017
FSEI in 2018
Title, Abstract, Keywords, JEL (a) Asian Social Science The Role of Market Orientation and Learning Orientation in Improving Innovativeness and Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises Suliyanto Suliyanto, Rahab Rahab Abstract
Keywords: Learning orientation, Market orientation, Innovation, Performance
Reference: Suliyanto, S., & Rahab, R. (2012). The role of market orientation and learning orientation in improving innovativeness and performance of small and medium enterprises. Asian Social Science, 8(1), 134. DOI: Source: Canadian Center of Science and Education
(SCOPUS-Q3; Canadian Center of Science and Education)
Reviewer Acknowledgements International Journal of Marketing Studies wishes to acknowledge the following individuals for their assistance with peer review of manuscripts for this issue. Their help and contributions in maintaining the quality of the journal are greatly appreciated.
Reviewers for Volume 9, Number 4 Aan Jaelani, IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon (State Islamic Institute Syekh Nurjati Cirebon), Indonesia Bo Liang, Saint Vincent College, United States Chuan Huat Ong, KDU Penang University College, Malaysia Cornelia Pop, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania Hongliang Qiu, Tourism College of Zhejiang, China Hung-Che Wu, Nanfang College of Sun Yat-sen University, China Imran Hanif, University of Lahore, Pakistan Jong Keun Kim, Seoul Women's University, Korea, Republic of Lung-Tan Lu, Fo Guang University, Taiwan, Province of China M.J. Alhabeeb, University of Massachusetts Amherst, United States Makam Sathyaprakash Balaji, University of Nottingham Ningbo, China Mamoru Miyamoto, Kanto Gakuin University, Japan Minna Lammi, Consumer Society Research Centre, University of Helsinki, Finland Nuno Gustavo, Estoril Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Studies, Portugal Yalim Ozdinc, Whitireia Community Polytechnic, New Zealand Zi-Yi Guo, Wells Fargo Bank, United States Source: Editorial Team International Journal of Marketing Studies; Vol. 9, No. 4; 2017 ISSN 1918-719X E-ISSN 1918-7203 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education URL: (EBSCO,DOAJ; Canadian Center of Science and Education)
The Connected FSEI Researchers 2017
The purpose of study is to describe contradiction relationship between market orientation toward organizational performance and to provide a quantitative analysis, in which learning orientation, market orientation, entrepreneurial orientation, and innovativeness function as the key success factors in technologyintensive firms. The authors formulate a structural equation model to examine the relationship among these constructs. A structural equation model was designed to examine the relationship. To test the model, the authors conducted covariance structural analyses of data collected from 150 small medium enterprises in Banyumas Regency. The central finding is that learning orientation plays a mediating role in the relationship between market orientation and innovativeness. The results indicate that innovativeness has effect on business performance. Market orientation can strengthen learning orientation and innovativeness. In the small medium enterprises, the market information obtained from customers and competitors helps firms to keep an eye on the market. For better competitive advantages and business performance, firms must have learning capabilities and employees’ identity with organizational mission. The findings indicate that firms should strengthen their learning orientation and innovativeness to improve business performance.
International Journal of Marketing Studies (IJMS)
Title, Abstract, Keywords, JEL (b) International Business Management
Social Sciences
Financing Model of Coconut Sugar Micro Small and Medium Entreprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia Suliyanto
Economic Philosophy of al-Mawardi: Review of Economic Behavior in Islamic Economic Aan Jaelani (Status in Press, Nopember 2017)
Abstract Indonesia is the largest coconut sugar producer in the world but the welfare of coconut sugar MSMEs entrepreneurs are relatively low. The low of their welfare because it was confronted with various problems, one of the most critical problem is financing. The objectives is to formulate a model of financing for cococnut sugar MSMEs entrepreneurs in Indonesia. Reseacrh was placed in Banyumas, Central-Java. The data analysis used qualitative analysis, meanwhile we used questionnaires, in-depth interviews and Focuss Group Discussion (FGD). Based on the analysis, formulation obtained financing model namely the Indonesia Coconut Sugar Bank (ICSB). Keywords: Coconut sugar , Indonesia coconut sugar , Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), interview, focuss group discussion Reference: Suliyanto (2013). Financing Model of Coconut Sugar Micro Small and Medium Entreprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia. International Business Management, 7: 410-413. DOI: 10.3923/ibm.2013.410.413. Source: (SCOPUS-Q4; Medwell Journal)
Abstract Economic behavior in the study of Islamic economics is the basis for the government to portray political ethics and ethical economic functions of individuals in functioning as a member of society. Secular ethics and religious ethics, according to Mawardi, as the code of conduct in conducting economic practices by the government and every member of society to uphold the principle of goodness. In the context of economic behavior, the world ethics (adab al-dunya) and the religious ethics (adab al-din) became guidelines for economic actors in conducting business activities, including other forms of cooperation or other muamalah practice.
Keywords: Philosophy of economics, behavioral economics, ethics, religion, Islamic Economic JEL Classification: B31, D6, H5, N25, Z12 Reference: Jaelani, A. (2017). Economic Philosophy of al-Mawardi: Review of Economic Behavior in Islamic Economic. Social Sciences. In press.. Available from: (SCOPUS-Q4; Medwell Journal)
The Connected FSEI Researchers 2017
Title, Abstract, Keywords, JEL (c) International Business Management
Journal of Tourism
Training Program Evaluation on Batik Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSMEs): An Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Method Suliyanto , Weni Novandari and Sri Murni Setyawati
Event and Festival in Cirebon: Review of Shariah Marketing Mix Aan Jaelani
Abstract The aims of this study to evaluate the batik MSMEs training program. Respondents in this study was craftsmen of batik MSMEs who have attended several training programs. Data was collected using in-depth interviews, questionnaires and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Data analysis using descriptive qualitative and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Based on the analysis concluded that several factors lead to non optimal of batik MSMEs training programs sequences was a trainer quality, training methods, training materials, motivation of trainees, facilities and infrastructure, environment and time of training. In order to optimal, batik MSMEs training programs should be conducted to use participatory training model. Keywords: Training program evaluation, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), batik MSMEs , quality, factor Reference: Suliyanto, Novandari, W. Setyawati, S.M. (2015). Training Program Evaluation on Batik Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSMEs): An Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Method. International Business Management, 9: 251-257. DOI: 10.3923/ibm.2015.251.257. Source:
(SCOPUS-Q4; Medwell Journals)
(Status In Review June 18, 2017) Abstract This paper reviewed the event and festival tourism held in Cirebon the last few years very heavily promoted. Cirebon as the gate of secret and as a metropolitan city has many tourist attractions and facilities adequate infrastructure as one of the tourist traffic in Indonesia. With the review of documents and trend analysis, the shariah marketing mix approach in the promotion of events and festivals in Cirebon, both in the field of religious and traditions, art and culture, culinary, natural beauty, and the local economy offers a new concept in marketing tourism products which emphasize aspects locality and uniqueness noticed preservation, and also principles of shariah ensure their halal products and values of business ethics in marketing. Keywords: event, festival, halal tourism, shariah marketing mix JEL classification: L83, M31, O18, Z32, Z33 Reference: Jaelani, A. (2017). Event and Festival in Cirebon: Review of Shariah Marketing Mix. Journal of Tourism. In Review). Source:; Full texts of scientific papers available at: (Institut za turizam, Kroatia)
The Connected FSEI Researchers 2017
Title, Abstract, Keywords, JEL (d) International Review of Management and Marketing
International Review of Management and Marketing
Factors Affecting Muslim Students Awareness of Halal Products in Yogyakarta, Indonesia Yasid, Fikri Farhan, Yuli Andriansyah
Halal Tourism Industry in Indonesia: Potential and Prospects Aan Jaelani
Abstract This paper is aimed to investigate the factors affecting the awareness of Muslim students towards halal food products. The variables used are religious belief, selfidentity and media exposure as the independent variables and costumers’ awareness as the dependent variable. Using the convenience sampling, 234 respondents, students of Universitas Islam Indonesia, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta and Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta were involved in this study through questionnaires. Data gathered was analysed with descriptive and causal through regression. Results of this study indicated that religious beliefs, self-identity and media exposure affect the awareness of Muslim customers towards halal food, either from partial and simultaneous analysis. Keywords: Halal Products, Religious Beliefs, Self-Identity, Media Exposure, Costumers’ Awareness JEL Classifications: D11; N35; P46
Reference: Yasid, Farhan, F., Andriansyah, Y. (2016). Factors Affecting Muslim Students Awareness of Halal Products in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(4S): 27–31. Available from: : Source: Asia International Conference (AIC 2015), 5-6 December 2015, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
(SCOPUS-Q3; EconJournals Publisher)
The Connected FSEI Researchers 2017
Abstract This study confirms that halal tourism is a tourism industry which has contributed to economic growth in Indonesia, although the world economy slows down. In Indonesia, halal tourism has long been grown in the form of a pilgrimage undertaken by people with religious motivation. Along with the development of the global Islamic economy, then this type of tourism is undergoing a metamorphosis that requires a change in modern ranging from attractions, hotels, up to marketing. The paper combines descriptive of halal tourism industry and practices of Islamic law in Indonesia. This approach found that halal tourism industry can not be separated from the religious practices of the majority of Muslims in Indonesia, but also economically contribute to the local community, and tourist sites that display the beauty and hospitality for tourists Muslims and non-Muslims. This study concludes that halal tourism has become part of the national tourism industry to position Indonesia as a center for halal tourism in the world in the future. Keywords: industry, religion tourism, shariah tourism, halal tourism JEL Classifications: L83, N53, Q57, Z31, Z32 Reference: Jaelani, A. (2017). Halal Tourism Industry in Indonesia: Potential and Prospects. International Review of Management and Marketing, 7(3): 25–34. Available from: (SCOPUS-Q3; EconJournals Publisher)
Title, Abstract, Keywords, JEL (e) International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues
Government Spending in Indonesia 2005-2013 from Islamic Economic Perspective
Fiscal Policy in Indonesia: Analysis of State Budget 2017 in Islamic Economic Perspective
Yuli Andriansyah, M. Bekti Hendrie Anto Abstract This research is aimed to analyse government spending in Indonesia based on its types and functions according to Islamic economic perspective. Data used in this research are government spending classified based on type and function which were secondary one collected from financial note of government and national budget and spending or Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara in Bahasa of Republic of Indonesia, 20052013. Theoretical framework used in this research includes modern approach to government spending from Islamic perspective which rely only to realistic issue for current practices. The results suggest that government spending in Indonesia generally has been in line with spending proposed by Islamic economic perspectives. Government spending in Indonesia has been aimed to meet the functions suggested by Islamic teachings originally mentioned in Holy Koran or Hadith as well as derived from the two sources by contemporary ijtihad or based on what people in Indonesia ask to the government according to political and democratic mechanism adopted. However, government spending in Indonesia needs always improvement and control to ensure its capacity in achieving national purposes especially in terms of social welfare and education.
Keywords: Government Spending; Islamic Economics; Fiscal Policy; Local Autonomy JEL Classifications: H5; H7; P4 Reference: Andriansyah, Y., Anto, M.B.H. (2016). Government Spending in Indonesia 2005-2013 from Islamic Economic Perspective. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 6(3S), 1–5. Available from: Source: Asia International Conference (AIC 2015), 5-6 December 2015, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (SCOPUS-Q4; EconJournals Publisher)
Aan Jaelani (Status: in Review, 2017-02-08) Abstract This study of fiscal policy in State Budget (APBN) 2017 that the task of the Indonesian government to run them to create prosperity for the community. The state budget is prepared using the rules of public economics consisting of state revenues, state expenditures, and budget financing has the posture of the budget, the issues of fiscal policy, and the role of the government in carrying out its functions. With the analysis of Islamic economics, fiscal policy in the State Budget 2017 is the duty of the government to implement the budget for the public welfare with indicators on aspects of religion (religious life), life (justice and security), intellect (education), descent (health and social security family), and treasure (income distribution and access to employment). Keywords: fiscal policy, state budget, welfare, maqashid shariah, Islamic economics JEL classification: E62, F52, G18, H61, O23, P43 Reference: Jaelani, A. (2017). Fiscal Policy in Indonesia: Analysis of State Budget 2017 in Islamic Economic Perspective. In Review. Available from: (SCOPUS-Q4; EconJournals Publisher)
The Connected FSEI Researchers 2017
Title, Abstract, Keywords, JEL (c) International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Renewable Energy Policy in Indonesia: The Qur'anic Scientific Signals in Islamic Economics Perspective Aan Jaelani, Slamet Firdaus, Juju Jumena
Public Expenditure Management in Indonesia: Islamic Economic Review on State Budget 2017 Aan Jaelani
(Status: in Review, 2017-08-01)
(Manuscript ID=SO-17-0658; Status: in Review, 30-Juni-2017)
Abstract This paper discusses the management of public expenditures in Indonesia in State Budget 2017. The data collected from fiscal policy documents, especially about government spending plans in 2017, and then be reviewed by policy analysis, the theory of public expenditures, and the theory of public goods, and compared with the theory of public expenditure in Islamic economics. Public expenditure management in Indonesia has implemented a distribution system that divided public expenditure for central government expenditures, transfers to the regions, and the village fund. In terms of fiscal policy, public expenditure priorities to support the achievement of sustainable economic growth, job creation, poverty reduction, and the reduction of gaps in the welfare of the whole community. In Islamic economics, public expenditure is used to meet the needs of the community based on the principles of general interest derived from the shari'a. Public expenditure on Indonesia's government as an effective tool to divert economic resources and increase the income of society as a whole, and focused on the embodiment of the people's welfare.
This study confirms that renewable energy sources become the solution for energy development in Indonesia due to the increasingly depleted use of fossil-based energy, due to an increase in the population that increases energy consumption and waste in fuel consumption. The Qur'an has provided simple concepts and illustrations about renewable energy sources that can be utilized by humans, energy conservation, and energy enrichment. With the codification and content analysis approach to energy policy in Indonesia and energy themes in the Qur'an, this paper asserts that the Government of Indonesia's renewable energy policy focuses on providing and developing renewable energy as part of sustainable development. This renewable energy policy can be proven scientifically with the implementation of scientific Qur'anic terms about renewable energy sources such as water, geothermal, ocean, vegetation, and wind. The policy on energy conservation through energy saving becomes a religious obligation for every person, institution, and government because to meet the needs of consumers, maintain the survival of the community, and preserve the environment. Keywords: renewable energy, energy conservation, energy efficiency, energy economy JEL classification: Q28, Q48, Q58
Reference: Jaelani, A., Firdaus, S., Jumena, J. (0000). Renewable Energy Policy in Indonesia: The Qur'anic Scientific Signals in Islamic Economics Perspective. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy. In Review. Available from: (SCOPUS Q3, EconJournals Publisher)
The Connected FSEI Researchers 2017
Keywords: State budget, fiscal policy, public expenditure, Islamic economic JEL Classification: E62, H11, H41, H5, 023, P5 Reference: Jaelani, A. (0000). Public Expenditure Management in Indonesia: Islamic Economic Review on State Budget 2017. SAGE OPEN. In Review. Available from: (SCOPUS-Q3 & ESCI WoS-Thomson Reuters; SAGE Publisher)
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The Connected FSEI Researchers 2017
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Form Review1 •
Article Title: Impact of Service Quality on Customer Referrals; The Mediating Role of Customer Gratitude • Reviewer’s Name: Dr. Aan Jaelani (The reviewers' identities remain anonymous to author/s)
The editor will forward the below part to author/s • Evaluation (Please evaluate the manuscript by grade 1-5) 5=Excellent 4=Good 3=Average 2=Below Average 1=Poor
Items : Grade: • Contribution to existing knowledge 3 • Organization and Readability 2 • Soundness of methodology 3 • Evidence supports conclusion 2 • Adequacy of literature review 3
Recommendation to Editor (Please mark “x” for appropriate option) ( ) Excellent, accept the submission (5) ( ) Good, accept the submission with minor revisions required (4) (x) Acceptable, revisions required (3) ( ) Resubmit for review, major revisions required (2) ( ) Decline the submission (1)
Form Review2 • Strengths 1. Introduction: The question has authenticity, but it has not been defined clearly and well. This article will contribute positively to the development of service quality on customer referrals. 2. Literature Review: The writing of articles has been properly prepared and the review literature provided is sufficiently authoritative and comprehensive to support the data and arguments presented in the research results. 3. Methods: The design of the study has been prepared precisely and the method used in the form of exploratory studies. The completeness of the methods, tools, and instruments is important so that other researchers can reproduce for the development of this study. 4. Result & Discussion: The results in this article are described argumentatively supported by data and literature in response to research questions. 5. Conclussion: The conclusion of the article can invite the reader further to read the entire article.
• Weaknesses 1. This article is still in the form of a summary thesis. The description of this article is too long so it can obscure the essence of the problem to be answered in this paper. 2. Literature Review: The authors present only the results of the study and do not present a contributory discussion for the development of service quality on customer referrals. 3. Methods: The methodology needs much improvement. There is no description of where/when/how the surveys were conducted. Survey questions need to be outlined or a sample survey attached as an appendix. The accidental sampling method needs more explanation along with the quantitative analysis process and model formulation. The study could have benefited from some qualitative components to reinforce the numbers and statistics provided by the survey data. 4. Result & Discussion: The result of the study are interpreted long enough, but the main conclusions are supported by the results. 5. Conclussion: The conclusion is largely descriptive and lacks any theory and should have contained several of the key references from the literature review
Form Review3 • Suggestions to Author/s Reconsider after major revision: 1. Abstract 2. Introduction 3. Literature review 4. Methods 5. Result & Discussion 6. Conclussion 7. References See: 1. The result of review (pdf); 2. Paper Submission Guide ( de.html)
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