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C# Nullable to string asked 4 years ago viewed 7571 times active 2 years ago
Front End Developer Six Foot Houston, TX
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edited edite d Sep 18 '09 at 17:30 Јοеу 146k 21 280 387
asked Sep 18 '09 at 17:06 JL.. JL 15.8k 53 195 324
iOS Developer Photojojo Houston, TX / relocation
string date string date = myVariable.HasValue myVariable. HasValue ? ? myVariable.Value myVariable. Value. .ToString ToString() () : string string. .Empty Empty; ; share | improve this answer
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I have a DateTime? variable, sometimes the value is null , how can I return an empty string "" when the value is null or the DateTime value when not null ?
Data Operations Engineer (SF (SF)) Audax Health San Francisco, CA hadoop
edited Sep 18 '09 at 20:36
answered Sep 18 '09 at 17:09 Jon Seigel 8,658 3 32 70
Software Engineer - Houston, TX Software Two Sigma Investments Houston, TX / relocation tsql
Thank you , exactly what I was looking looking for – JL JL.. Sep 18 '09 at 17:10 5
What!? You can just call .ToString .ToString() () on the the Nullable instance to get String.Empty. Even Eric Lippert (who might have even implemen Lippert implemented ted this this behavior) notes this. That should should be the accepted answer. – codekaizen Jul 9 '10 at 1:48
@codekaizen - I get an exception when I try that. that . So no, that would not not be the accepted answer. answer. Perhaps this is not a problem in more recent versions of c# or .net? – Kimball Robinson Au Robinson Aug g 20 20 '10 10 at 16:1 16:13 3 @k.robinson - perhap perhaps s that is because you are are using a boxed referen reference ce to the instance. Please realize that I'm advocating the same as Eric Lippert - one of the creators of the .Net platform itself - is pointing out in his answer. If you have a problem, you might want to reconsider if "select isn't broken" (pragprog.com/the(pragprog.com/thepragmatic-programmer/extracts/tips ). – codekaizen codekaizen Au Aug g 20 20 '10 10 at 16:5 16:57 7 @codekaizen - Ok. I still wish I could do this without a typecast: dateTimeField.Text = dateTimeObj.HasValue ? ((DateTime) dateTimeObj).ToShortDateString() : string.Empty; – Kimball Robinson Aug Au g 25 25 '10 10 at 0:12 0:12
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Though many of these answers are correct, all of them are needlessly complex. complex. The result of calling ToString on a nullable DateTime DateTime is already an e mpty string if the value is logically null. null. Just Just call ToString on your value; it will do exactly what you want. share | improve this answer
answered Sep 18 '09 at 18:01 Eric Lippert 297k 67 658 1492
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Unless you want to use the DateT DateTime ime properties properties like .Day .Week because that will give you the entire DateTime string and lose the power of the DateTime class. e.g. myVariable.Value.Hour.ToString() . '
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@baron, those properties aren't Nullable . – Sam Sep 10 '13 at 4:37
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Replace interior of matrix with zeros answered Sep 18 '09 at 17:17 Јοеу 146k 21 280 387
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+1 Did not know this. However, you cannot supply a formatting string this way. – Jon Seigel Sep 18 '09 at 17:20
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Hm, right. Though this may not be a problem in this case. I didn't know this myself too until yesterday, though. Stumbled over it when looking at Nullable in Reflector :-) – Јοеу Sep 18 '09 at 17:27
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public static string ToStringSafe (this DateTime? t) { return t.HasValue ? t.Value.ToString() : String.Empty; }
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... var str = myVariable.ToStringSafe (); share | improve this answer
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Or better yet: make it generic: public static string ToSafeString(this T? obj) where T : struct :) – JulianRSep 18 '09 at 17:51
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Holy smokes, didn't realize .NET had this abilit y! – tster Sep 18 '09 at 18:45
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answered Sep 18 '09 at 20:40 DJ. 324 1 4 18
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DateTime? d; // stuff manipulating d; return d != null ? d.Value.ToString() : String.Empty; share | improve this answer
answered Sep 18 '09 at 17:09 Cecil Has a Name 3,375 1 15 23
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DateTime d?; string s = d.HasValue ? d.ToString() : string.Empty;
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DateTime? MyNullableDT ; .... if (MyNullableDT .HasValue) { return MyNullableDT .Value.ToString(); } return ""; share | improve this answer
answered Sep 18 '09 at 17:10 Patrick Desjardins 50.9k 46 188 260
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answered Sep 18 '09 at 17:09 Ahmed Khalaf 741 5 22
edited Oct 9 '11 at 17:56 NullUserException 41.9k 11 96 164
answered Sep 18 '09 at 17:09 Mike 2,057 1 20 36
if (aDate.HasValue) return aDate; else return string.Empty; share | improve this answer
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