Chapter 12 Exercise Solution.pptx | Expense | Cash Flow Statement

July 21, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Documents
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The following financial statements and additional information are reported: IKIBAN INC. Depreciation . IKIBAN INC.700 $2...


>he follo!ing incoe stateent and inforation aout changes in noncash current assets and current liailities are reported$ Sohad Company Income Statement For the year ended December 31 !"13

ales %ost of goods sold ross profit ;perating expenses alaries expense +epreciation expense Rent expense  )ortiotal operating expenses ain on sale of equipent &et incoe

'1(,2,(""" 1(""" ,#7(""" '245(5#5 44(2"" 4("" 4(2"" 1,(125 #1(" 475(#4" (2"" '4,1(54"

%hanges in current asset and current liaility accounts for the year that relate to operating activities follo!:  )ccounts receivale 9erchandise inventory

'#"(5"" 0ncrease 25(""" 0ncrease

)ccounts payale alaries payale

'12(5"" +ecrease #(5"" +ecrease

Prepare only the cash flo!s fro operating activities section of the stateent of cash f lo!s for 2"1# using the indirect ethod$

Statement of Cash Flows - Indirect Method

%ash flo!s fro operating activities &et incoe  )d*ustents to reconcile net incoe to operating cash flo!: 0ncoe stateent ites .opposite direction/: A &oncash expenses .+epreciation( aorti assets - ain on sale of C> assets Dalance sheet ites: %hange in noncash operating assets .opposite direction/ A +ecreases in current operating assets - 0ncreases in current operating assets %hange in noncash operating liailities .sae direction/ A 0ncreases in current operating liailities - +ecreases in current operating liailities &et cash provided .used/ y operating activities

tart assuing that &0 ? change in cash %orrect for that assuption 3hy@ >hese expenses didnBt reduce cash >hese revenues didnBt provide cash %ash flo! is reported in the 0nvesting activities section >hin of it as a *ournal entry: +eit %redit %ash %urrent asset %urrent asset %ash %ash %urrent liaility

%urrent liaility %ash

Sohad Company Income Statement For the year ended December 31 !"13

ales %ost of goods sold ross profit ;perating expenses alaries expense +epreciation expense Rent expense  )ortiotal operating expenses ain on sale of equipent &et incoe

Sohad Company Statement of Cash Flows (partial) - Indirect Method For the year ended December 31 !"13

'1(,2,(""" 1(""" ,#7(""" '245(5#5 44(2"" 4("" 4(2"" 1,(125 #1(" 475(#4" (2"" '4,1(54"

%ash flo!s fro operating activities &et incoe '4,1(54"  )d*ustents to reconcile net incoe to operating cash flo!: +epreciation expense '44(2""  )ortihe follo!ing incoe stateent and inforation aout changes in noncash current assets and current liailities are reported$ Sohad Company Income Statement For the year ended December 31 !"13

ales %ost of goods sold ross profit ;perating expenses alaries expense +epreciation expense Rent expense  )ortiotal operating expenses ain on sale of equipent &et incoe

'1(,2,(""" 1(""" ,#7(""" '245(5#5 44(2"" 4("" 4(2"" 1,(125 #1(" 475(#4" (2"" '4,1(54"

%hanges in current asset and current liaility accounts for the year that relate to operating activities follo!:  )ccounts receivale 9erchandise inventory

'#"(5"" 0ncrease 25(""" 0ncrease

)ccounts payale alaries payale

'12(5"" +ecrease #(5"" +ecrease

Prepare only the cash flo!s fro operating activities section of the stateent of cash f lo!s for 2"1# using the direct ethod$

Sohad Company Statement of Cash Flows (partial) - Direct Method For the year ended December 31 !"13

Sohad Company Income Statement For the year ended December 31 !"13

ales %ost of goods sold ross profit ;perating expenses alaries expense +epreciation expense Rent expense  )ortiotal operating expenses

'1(,2,(""" 1(""" ,#7(""" '245(5#5 44(2"" 4("" 4(2"" 1,(125 #1(" 475(#4" (2"" '4,1(54"

ain on sale of equipent &et incoe


%ash flo!s fro operating activities Receipts fro custoers Payents for erchandise Payents for salaries Payents for rent Payents for utilities &et cash provided y operating activities  )ccounts receivale 9erchandise inventory  )ccounts payale alaries payale

#eneral $ournal

%ash  )ccounts receivale ales

'#"(5"" 25(""" 12(5"" #(5""


0ncrease 0ncrease +ecrease +ecrease


1(77(5"" #"(5"" 1(,2,("""

%ost of goods sold 9erchandise inventory  )ccounts payale %ash

1(""" 25(""" 12(5""

alaries expense alaries payale %ash

245(5#5 #(5""

'1(77(5"" .1("2,(5""/ .24("#5/ .4(""/ .1,(125/ '452(24"



>he follo!ing incoe stateent and inforation aout changes in noncash current assets and current liailities are reported$ Sahim Company Income Statement For the year ended December 31 !"13

ales %ost of goods sold ross profit ;perating expenses alaries expense +epreciation expense Rent expense  )ortiotal operating expenses ain on sale of equipent &et incoe

'2("12(""" ,5(,," 1("2(12" '275(44 4,(2,, 54(#24 ("# 22(1#2 4"(424 1( ,("4, '27(744

%hanges in current asset and current liaility accounts for the year that relate to operating activities follo!:  )ccounts receivale 9erchandise inventory

'1,(1"" 0ncrease 1,(2"" 0ncrease

)ccounts payale alaries payale

'(#"" +ecrease 5(55" +ecrease

Prepare only the cash flo!s fro operating activities section of the stateent of cash flo!s for 2"1# using the direct ethod$

Sahim Company Income Statement For the year ended December 31 !"13

ales %ost of goods sold ross profit ;perating expenses alaries expense +epreciation expense Rent expense  )ortiotal operating expenses ain on sale of equipent &et incoe

'2("12(""" ,5(,," 1("2(12" '275(44 4,(2,, 54(#24 ("# 22(1#2 4"(424 1( ,("4, '27(744

#eneral $ournal

%ash  )ccounts receivale ales


1(#("" 1,(1"" 2("12("""

%ost of goods sold 9erchandise inventory  )ccounts payale %ash

,5(,," 1,(2"" (#""

alaries expense alaries payale %ash

275(44 5(55"



%hanges in current asset and current liaility accounts for the year that relate to operating activities follo!:  )ccounts receivale 9erchandise inventory

'1,(1"" 0ncrease 1,(2"" 0ncrease

)ccounts payale alaries payale


'(#"" +ecrease 5(55" +ecrease

Sahim Company Income Statement For the year ended December 31 !"13

ales %ost of goods sold ross profit ;perating expenses alaries expense +epreciation expense Rent expense  )ortiotal operating expenses ain on sale of equipent &et incoe

'2("12(""" ,5(,," 1("2(12" '275(44 4,(2,, 54(#24 ("# 22(1#2 4"(424 1( ,("4, '27(744

#eneral $ournal

%ash  )ccounts receivale ales



1(#("" 1,(1"" 2("12("""

%ost of goods sold 9erchandise inventory  )ccounts payale %ash

,5(,," 1,(2"" (#""

alaries expense alaries payale %ash

275(44 5(55"



Sahim Company Statement of Cash Flows (partial) - Direct Method For the year ended December 31 !"13

%ash flo!s fro operating activities Receipts fro custoers Payents for erchandise Payents for salaries Payents for rent Payents for utilities &et cash provided y operating activities

'1(#("" .1("1#(#,"/ .2,1(14/ .54(#24/ .22(1#2/ '22(,7"

Sahim Company Statement of Cash Flows (partial) - Direct Method For the year ended December 31 !"13

%ash flo!s fro operating activities Receipts fro custoers Payents for erchandise Payents for salaries Payents for rent Payents for utilities &et cash provided y operating activities

'1(#("" .1("1#(#,"/ .2,1(14/ .54(#24/ .22(1#2/ '22(,7"

Sahim Company Statement of Cash Flows (partial) - Indirect Method For the year ended December 31 !"13

%ash flo!s fro operating activities &et incoe '27(744  )d*ustents to reconcile net incoe to operating cash cash flo!: +epreciation expense '4,(2,,  )ortihe follo!ing financial stateents and additional inforation are reported: I*I+%, I,C Income Statement For the year ended $une 3" !"13

ales %ost of goods sold ross profit ;perating expenses ;ther expenses '7(""" +epreciation expense 5,("" >otal operating expenses ain on sale of equipent 0ncoe efore taxes 0ncoe taxes expense &et incoe

'7,(""" 411(""" 27("""

125("" 141(4"" 2(""" 14#(4"" 4#(," '(51"

Prepare a stateent of cash flo!s for the year ended Fune #"( 2"1# using the indirect ethod$

I*I+%, I,C Comparati.e +alance Sheets $une 3" !"13 and !"1! !"13 %ssets

%ash  )ccounts receivale( net 0nventory Prepaid expenses Equipent  )ccu$ +epreciation - Equipent &otal %ssets

',7(5"" 5(""" #(,"" 4(4"" 124(""" .27("""/ '#17(7""

'44(""" 51(""" ,(5"" 5(4"" 115(""" .("""/ '22(""

'25(""" (""" #(4"" #"(""" 22"(""" ##(#"" '#17(7""

'#"(""" 15(""" #(,"" "(""" 1"(""" 24(1"" '22(""

'iabilities and euity

 )ccounts payale 3ages payale 0ncoe taxes payale &otes payale .long-ter/ %oon stoc( '5 par value Retained earnings &otal 'iabilities and uity

a$ $ c$ d$ e$ f$


) '#"(""" note payale is retired at its '#"(""" carrying .oo value/ in exchange for cash$ >he only changes affecting retained earnings are net incoe and cash dividends paid$ &e! equipent is acquired for '57("" cash$ Received cash for the sale of equipent that had cost '4,(""( yielding a '2(""" gain$ Prepaid expenses and 3ages payale relate to ;ther expenses on the incoe stateent$ )ll purchases and sales of erchandise inventory are on credit$

I*I+%, I,C Income Statement For the year ended $une 3" !"13

ales %ost of goods sold ross profit ;perating expenses ;ther expenses '7(""" +epreciation expense 5,("" >otal operating expenses

'7,(""" 411(""" 27("""

ain on sale of equipent

125("" 141(4"" 2("""

0ncoe efore taxes 0ncoe taxes expense &et incoe

14#(4"" 4#(," '(51"

I*I+%, Inc Company Statement of Cash Flows - Indirect Method For the year ended $une 3" !"13

%ash flo!s fro operating activities &et incoe '(51"  )d*ustents to reconcile net incoe to operating cash flo!: +epreciation expense '5,("" ain on sale of equipent .2("""/

%ash flo!s fro investing activities

%ash flo!s fro financing activities

&et increase in cash

I*I+%, I,C Comparati.e +alance Sheets $une 3" !"13 and !"1! !"13

I*I+%, Inc Company Statement of Cash Flows - Indirect Method For the year ended $une 3" !"13 !"1!


%ash  )ccounts receivale( net 0nventory Prepaid expenses Equipent  )ccu$ +epreciation - Equipent &otal %ssets

',7(5"" 5(""" #(,"" 4(4"" 124(""" .27("""/ '#17(7""

'44(""" 51(""" ,(5"" 5(4"" 115(""" .("""/ '22(""

'25(""" (""" #(4"" #"(""" 22"(""" ##(#"" '#17(7""

'#"(""" 15(""" #(,"" "(""" 1"(""" 24(1"" '22(""

'iabilities and euity

 )ccounts payale 3ages payale 0ncoe taxes payale &otes payale .long-ter/ %oon stoc( '5 par value Retained earnings &otal 'iabilities and uity


%ash flo!s fro operating activities &et incoe '(51"  )d*ustents to reconcile net incoe to operating cash flo!: +epreciation expense '5,("" ain on sale of equipent .2("""/ 0ncrease in )ccounts receivale( net .14("""/ +ecrease in 0nventory 22(7"" +ecrease in Prepaid expenses 1(""" +ecrease in )ccounts payale .5("""/ +ecrease in 3ages payale .("""/ +ecrease in 0ncoe taxes payale .4""/ 51("" &et cash provided y operating activities 151(41" %ash flo!s fro investing activities %ash received sale of equipent '1"(""" %ash paid for equipent .57(""/ &et cash used y investing activities .47(""/ %ash flo!s fro financing activities

&e! equipent is acquired for '57("" cash$

d$ Received cash for the sale of equipent that had cost '4,(""( yielding a '2(""" gain$ Equipent 115(""" 57("" 4,("" 124("""

 )ccu$ +epr  (""" 4"("" 5,("" 27("""

&et increase in cash

>he oo value of the equipent sold !as ',(""" .'4,("" cost '4"(""/ accuulated depreciation$ ince it !as sold at a gain( cash receipt !as '1"("""$

I*I+%, I,C Comparati.e +alance Sheets $une 3" !"13 and !"1! !"13

I*I+%, Inc Company Statement of Cash Flows - Indirect Method For the year ended $une 3" !"13 !"1!


%ash  )ccounts receivale( net 0nventory Prepaid expenses Equipent  )ccu$ +epreciation - Equipent &otal %ssets

',7(5"" 5(""" #(,"" 4(4"" 124(""" .27("""/ '#17(7""

'44(""" 51(""" ,(5"" 5(4"" 115(""" .("""/ '22(""

'25(""" (""" #(4"" #"(""" 22"(""" ##(#"" '#17(7""

'#"(""" 15(""" #(,"" "(""" 1"(""" 24(1"" '22(""

'iabilities and euity

 )ccounts payale 3ages payale 0ncoe taxes payale &otes payale .long-ter/ %oon stoc( '5 par value Retained earnings &otal 'iabilities and uity

a$ ) '#"(""" note payale is retired at its '#"(""" carrying .oo value/ in exchange for cash$ $

>he only changes affecting retained earnings are net incoe and cash dividends paid$ '24(1"" A '(51" G +ividends ? '##(#"" +ividends ? '"(#1"

%ash flo!s fro operating activities &et incoe '(51"  )d*ustents to reconcile net incoe to operating cash flo!: +epreciation expense '5,("" ain on sale of equipent .2("""/ 0ncrease in )ccounts receivale( net .14("""/ +ecrease in 0nventory 22(7"" +ecrease in Prepaid expenses 1(""" +ecrease in )ccounts payale .5("""/ +ecrease in 3ages payale .("""/ +ecrease in 0ncoe taxes payale .4""/ 51("" &et cash provided y operating activities 151(41" %ash flo!s fro investing activities %ash received sale of equipent '1"(""" %ash paid for equipent .57(""/ &et cash used y investing activities .47(""/ %ash flo!s fro financing activities %ash received fro stoc issuance '"(""" %ash paid to retire notes .#"("""/ %ash paid for dividends ."(#1"/ &et cash used y financing activities ."(#1"/ &et increase in cash '4#(5"" %ash alance at Fune #"( 2"12 44(""" %ash alance at Fune #"( 2"1# ',7(5""

>he follo!ing financial stateents and additional inforation are reported: Prepare a stateent of cash flo!s for the year ended Fune #"( 2"1# using the indirect ethod$ I*I+%, I,C Income Statement For the year ended $une 3" !"13

ales %ost of goods sold ross profit ;perating expenses ;ther expenses '("" +epreciation expense 57(,"" >otal operating expenses ain on sale of equipent 0ncoe efore taxes 0ncoe taxes expense &et incoe

'72(""" 41"(""" 22("""

124(4"" 1#7("" 2(4"" 14"(""" 5(""" ',4("""

I*I+%, I,C Comparati.e +alance Sheets $une 3" !"13 and !"1! !"13 %ssets

%ash '1""(,""  )ccounts receivale( net (7"" 0nventory (1"" Prepaid expenses 4(#"" Equipent 12(#""  )ccu$ +epreciation - Equipent .2,(""/ &otal %ssets '##,(""

'57(1"" 51("" 5(,"" (2"" 115(""" .1"(7""/ '#15("""

'iabilities and euity

 )ccounts payale 3ages payale 0ncoe taxes payale &otes payale .long-ter/ %oon stoc( '5 par value Retained earnings &otal 'iabilities and uity

a$ $ c$ d$ e$


) '25(""" note payale is retired at its '25(""" carrying .oo value/ in exchange for cash$ >he only changes affecting retained earnings are net incoe and cash dividends paid$ &e! equipent is acquired for '"(1"" cash$ Received cash for the sale of equipent that had cost '4,(,""( yielding a '2(4"" gain$ Prepaid expenses and 3ages payale relate to ;ther expenses on the incoe stateent$

'2(1"" 7(5"" 2(1"" 4(""" 2#2(""" 24("" '##,(""

'#2(#"" 17(""" #(,"" 71(""" 1,#(""" 7("" '#15("""

I*I+%, Inc Company Statement of Cash Flows - Indirect Method For the year ended $une 3" !"13

%ash flo!s fro operating activities &et incoe ',4("""  )d*ustents to reconcile net incoe to operating cash flo!: +epreciation expense '57(,"" ain on sale of equipent .2(4""/

%ash flo!s fro investing activities

%ash flo!s fro financing activities

I*I+%, I,C Income Statement For the year ended $une 3" !"13

ales %ost of goods sold ross profit ;perating expenses ;ther expenses '("" +epreciation expense 57(,"" >otal operating expenses ain on sale of equipent 0ncoe efore taxes 0ncoe taxes expense &et incoe

'72(""" 41"(""" 22("""

124(4"" 1#7("" 2(4"" 14"(""" 5(""" ',4("""

I*I+%, I,C Comparati.e +alance Sheets $une 3" !"13 and !"1! !"13

I*I+%, Inc Company Statement of Cash Flows - Indirect Method For the year ended $une 3" !"13

%ash flo!s fro operating activities &et incoe ',4("""  )d*ustents to reconcile net incoe to operating cash flo!: +epreciation expense '57(,"" ain on sale of equipent .2(4""/ 0ncrease in )ccounts receivale( net .1,(1""/ +ecrease in 0nventory 2(7"" +ecrease in Prepaid expenses 1("" +ecrease in )ccounts payale .(2""/ +ecrease in 3ages payale .(5""/ +ecrease in 0ncoe taxes payale .1(7""/ 51(5"" &et cash provided y operating activities 1#5(5"" %ash flo!s fro investing activities %ash paid for equipent %ash flo!s fro financing activities




%ash '1""(,""  )ccounts receivale( net (7"" 0nventory (1"" Prepaid expenses 4(#"" Equipent 12(#""  )ccu$ +epreciation - Equipent .2,(""/ &otal %ssets '##,(""

'57(1"" 51("" 5(,"" (2"" 115(""" .1"(7""/ '#15("""

'iabilities and euity

 )ccounts payale 3ages payale 0ncoe taxes payale &otes payale .long-ter/ %oon stoc( '5 par value Retained earnings &otal 'iabilities and uity

'2(1"" 7(5"" 2(1"" 4(""" 2#2(""" 24("" '##,(""

'#2(#"" 17(""" #(,"" 71(""" 1,#(""" 7("" '#15("""

c$ &e! equipent is acquired for '"(1"" cash$ d$ Received cash for the sale of equipent that had cost '4,(,""( yielding a '2(4"" gain$

I*I+%, I,C Comparati.e +alance Sheets $une 3" !"13 and !"1! !"13

Equipent 115(""" "(1"" 4,(,"" 12(#""



%ash '1""(,""  )ccounts receivale( net (7"" 0nventory (1"" Prepaid expenses 4(#"" Equipent 12(#""  )ccu$ +epreciation - Equipent .2,(""/ &otal %ssets '##,(""

 )ccu$ +epr  1"(7"" #("" 57(,"" 2,(""

'57(1"" 51("" 5(,"" (2"" 115(""" .1"(7""/ '#15("""

'iabilities and euity

%ost  )ccuulated depreciation Doo Halue ain on sale of equipent %ash received fro sale

'4,(,"" .#(""/ ',("" 2(4"" '11(#""

 )ccounts payale 3ages payale 0ncoe taxes payale &otes payale .long-ter/ %oon stoc( '5 par value Retained earnings &otal 'iabilities and uity

'2(1"" 7(5"" 2(1"" 4(""" 2#2(""" 24("" '##,(""

'#2(#"" 17(""" #(,"" 71(""" 1,#(""" 7("" '#15("""

c$ &e! equipent is acquired for '"(1"" cash$ d$ Received cash for the sale of equipent that had cost '4,(,""( yielding a '2(4"" gain$

I*I+%, I,C Comparati.e +alance Sheets $une 3" !"13 and !"1! !"13

I*I+%, Inc Company Statement of Cash Flows - Indirect Method For the year ended $une 3" !"13

%ash flo!s fro operating activities &et incoe ',4("""  )d*ustents to reconcile net incoe to operating cash cash flo!: +epreciation expense '57(,"" ain on sale of equipent .2(4""/ 0ncr 0ncrea ease se in )ccou ccount nts s rece receiv iva ale le(( net net .1,( .1,(1" 1""/ "/ +ecrease in 0nventory 2(7"" +ecrease in Prepaid expenses 1("" +ecrease in )ccounts payale .(2""/ +ecrease in 3ages payale .(5""/ +ecrease in 0ncoe taxes payale .1(7""/ 51(5"" &et cash provided y operating activities 1#5(5"" %ash flo!s fro investing activities %ash %ash recei receive ved d fro fro sale sale of of equip equipen entt '11( '11(#"" #"" %ash paid for equipent ."(1""/ &et cash used y investing activities .4,(,""/ %ash flo!s fro financing activities



%ash '1""(,""  )ccounts receivale( net (7"" 0nventory (1"" Prepaid expenses 4(#"" Equipent 12(#""  )ccu$ +epreciation - Equipent .2,(""/ &otal %ssets '##,(""

'57(1"" 51("" 5(,"" (2"" 115(""" .1"(7""/ '#15("""

'iabilities and euity

 )ccounts payale 3ages payale 0ncoe taxes payale &otes payale .long-ter/ %oon stoc( '5 par value Retained earnings &otal &otal 'iabilities and uity

'2(1"" 7(5"" 2(1"" 4(""" 2#2(""" 24("" '##,(""

'#2(#"" 17(""" #(,"" 71(""" 1,#(""" 7("" '#15("""

c$ &e! equipent is acquired for '"(1"" cash$ d$ Received Received cash cash for the sale sale of equipen equipentt that had cost cost '4,(,""( yielding a '2(4"" gain$

I*I+%, I,C Comparati.e +alance Sheets $une 3" !"13 and !"1! !"13

I*I+%, Inc Company Statement of Cash Flows - Indirect Method For the year ended $une 3" !"13

%ash flo!s fro operating activities &et incoe ',4("""  )d*ustents to reconcile net incoe to operating cash cash flo!: +epreciation expense '57(,"" ain on sale of equipent .2(4""/ 0ncr 0ncrea ease se in )ccou ccount nts s rece receiv iva ale le(( net net .1,( .1,(1" 1""/ "/ +ecrease in 0nventory 2(7"" +ecrease in Prepaid expenses 1("" +ecrease in )ccounts payale .(2""/ +ecrease in 3ages payale .(5""/ +ecrease in 0ncoe taxes payale .1(7""/ 51(5"" &et cash provided y operating activities 1#5(5"" %ash flo!s fro investing activities %ash %ash recei receive ved d fro fro sale sale of of equip equipen entt '11( '11(#"" #"" %ash paid for equipent ."(1""/ &et cash used y investing activities .4,(,""/ %ash flo!s fro financing activities %as %ash rece receiived fro fro stoc toc issuan suanc ce '4( '4("" """ " %ash paid to retire notes .25("""/ %ash paid for dividends .7("""/ &et cash used y financing activities .4#("""/ &et increase in cash '4#(7"" %ash alance at Fune #"( 2"12 57(1"" %ash alance at Fune #"( 2"1# '1""(,""



%ash '1""(,""  )ccounts receivale( net (7"" 0nventory (1"" Prepaid expenses 4(#"" Equipent 12(#""  )ccu$ +epreciation - Equipent .2,(""/ &otal %ssets '##,(""

'57(1"" 51("" 5(,"" (2"" 115(""" .1"(7""/ '#15("""

'iabilities and euity

 )ccounts payale 3ages payale 0ncoe taxes payale &otes payale .long-ter/ %oon stoc( '5 par value Retained earnings &otal &otal 'iabilities and uity


'2(1"" 7(5"" 2(1"" 4(""" 2#2(""" 24("" '##,(""

'#2(#"" 17(""" #(,"" 71(""" 1,#(""" 7("" '#15("""

) '25(""" note payale payale is is retired retired at its its '25(""" '25(""" carrying carrying .oo value/ in exchange for cash$

$ >he only changes affecting retained earnings are net incoe and cash dividends paid$

I*I+%, I,C Comparati.e +alance Sheets $une 3" !"13 and !"1! !"13

I*I+%, Inc Company Statement of Cash Flows - Indirect Method For the year ended $une 3" !"13

%ash flo!s fro operating activities &et incoe ',4("""  )d*ustents to reconcile net incoe to operating cash cash flo!: +epreciation expense '57(,"" ain on sale of equipent .2(4""/ 0ncr 0ncrea ease se in )ccou ccount nts s rece receiv iva ale le(( net net .1,( .1,(1" 1""/ "/ +ecrease in inventory 2(7"" +ecrease in Prepaid expenses 1("" +ecrease in )ccounts payale .(2""/ +ecrease in 3ages payale .(5""/ +ecrease in 0ncoe taxes payale .1(7""/ 51(5"" &et cash provided y operating activities 1#5(5"" %ash flo!s fro investing activities %ash %ash recei receive ved d fro fro sale sale of of equip equipen entt '11( '11(#"" #"" %ash paid for equipent ."(1""/ &et cash used y investing activities .4,(,""/ %ash flo!s fro financing activities %as %ash rece receiived fro fro stoc toc issuan suanc ce '4( '4("" """ " %ash paid to retire notes .25("""/ %ash paid for dividends .7("""/ &et cash used y financing activities .4#("""/ &et increase in cash '4#(7"" %ash alance at Fune #"( 2"12 57(1"" %ash alance at Fune #"( 2"1# '1""(,""



%ash '1""(,""  )ccounts receivale( net (7"" 0nventory (1"" Prepaid expenses 4(#"" Equipent 12(#""  )ccu$ +epreciation - Equipent .2,(""/ &otal %ssets '##,(""

'57(1"" 51("" 5(,"" (2"" 115(""" .1"(7""/ '#15("""

'iabilities and euity

 )ccounts payale 3ages payale 0ncoe taxes payale &otes payale .long-ter/ %oon stoc( '5 par value Retained earnings &otal &otal 'iabilities and uity

'2(1"" 7(5"" 2(1"" 4(""" 2#2(""" 24("" '##,(""

'#2(#"" 17(""" #(,"" 71(""" 1,#(""" 7("" '#15("""

%opute the copanyBs cash flo! on total assets ratio for its fiscal year 2"1#$ ;perating cash flo!s  )verage total assets

'1#5(5"" .'#15(""" A '##,(""/ I 2 '1#5(5"" '#2(,""


Exercise 12-11 page 54(

>he follo!ing financial stateents and additional inforation are reported: I*I+%, I,C Income Statement For the year ended $une 3" !"13

ales %ost of goods sold ross profit ;perating expenses ;ther expenses '7(""" +epreciation expense 5,("" >otal operating expenses ain on sale of equipent 0ncoe efore taxes 0ncoe taxes expense &et incoe

'7,(""" 411(""" 27("""

125("" 141(4"" 2(""" 14#(4"" 4#(," '(51"

Prepare a stateent of cash flo!s for the year ended Fune #"( 2"1# using the direct ethod$

I*I+%, I,C Comparati.e +alance Sheets $une 3" !"13 and !"1! !"13 %ssets

%ash  )ccounts receivale( net 0nventory Prepaid expenses Equipent  )ccu$ +epreciation - Equipent &otal %ssets

',7(5"" 5(""" #(,"" 4(4"" 124(""" .27("""/ '#17(7""

'44(""" 51(""" ,(5"" 5(4"" 115(""" .("""/ '22(""

'25(""" (""" #(4"" #"(""" 22"(""" ##(#"" '#17(7""

'#"(""" 15(""" #(,"" "(""" 1"(""" 24(1"" '22(""

'iabilities and euity

 )ccounts payale 3ages payale 0ncoe taxes payale &otes payale .long-ter/ %oon stoc( '5 par value Retained earnings &otal 'iabilities and uity

a$ $ c$ d$ e$ f$


) '#"(""" note payale is retired at its '#"(""" carrying .oo value/ in exchange for cash$ >he only changes affecting retained earnings are net incoe and cash dividends paid$ &e! equipent is acquired for '57("" cash$ Received cash for the sale of equipent that had cost '4,(""( yielding a '2(""" gain$ Prepaid expenses and 3ages payale relate to ;ther expenses on the incoe stateent$ )ll purchases and sales of erchandise inventory are on credit$

I*I+%, Inc Company Statement of Cash Flows - Direct Method For the year ended $une 3" !"13

%ash flo!s fro operating activities Receipts fro custoers Payents for erchandise Payents for other expenses Payents for incoe taxes &et cash provided y operating activities %ash flo!s fro investing activities

'4(""" .##(#""/ .75("""/ .44(2"/ '151(41"

Income Statement

ales %ost of goods sold ross profit ;perating expenses ;ther expenses '7(""" +epreciation expense 5,("" >otal operating expenses ain on sale of equipent 0ncoe efore taxes 0ncoe taxes expense &et incoe

%ash flo!s fro financing activities

'7,(""" 411(""" 27("""

125("" 141(4"" 2(""" 14#(4"" 4#(," '(51"

Comparati.e +alance Sheets !"13


',7(5"" 5(""" #(,"" 4(4"" 124(""" .27("""/ '#17(7""

'44(""" 51(""" ,(5"" 5(4"" 115(""" .("""/ '22(""

'25(""" (""" #(4"" #"(""" 22"(""" ##(#"" '#17(7""

'#"(""" 15(""" #(,"" "(""" 1"(""" 24(1"" '22(""


#eneral $ournal


%ash  )ccounts receivale( net ales

4(""" 14("""

%ost of goods sold  )ccounts payale   0nventory %ash

411(""" 5("""



7(""" ("""

0ncoe taxes expense 0ncoe taxes payale %ash

4#(," 4""

&otal %ssets 'iabilities and euity

22(7"" ##(#""

;ther expenses 3ages payale Prepaid expenses %ash

%ash  )ccounts receivale( net 0nventory Prepaid expenses Equipent  )ccu$ +epreciation - Equipent

1(""" 75("""


 )ccounts payale 3ages payale 0ncoe taxes payale &otes payale .long-ter/ %oon stoc( '5 par value Retained earnings &otal 'iabilities and uity

I*I+%, Inc Company Statement of Cash Flows - Direct Method For the year ended $une 3" !"13

%ash flo!s fro operating activities Receipts fro custoers Payents for erchandise Payents for other expenses Payents for incoe taxes &et cash provided y operating activities %ash flo!s fro investing activities %ash received fro sale of equipent '1"(""" %ash paid for equipent .57(""/ &et cash used y investing activities %ash flo!s fro financing activities

Income Statement

'4(""" .##(#""/ .75("""/ .44(2"/ '151(41"

ales %ost of goods sold ross profit ;perating expenses ;ther expenses '7(""" +epreciation expense 5,("" >otal operating expenses ain on sale of equipent


0ncoe efore taxes 0ncoe taxes expense &et incoe

'7,(""" 411(""" 27("""

125("" 141(4"" 2(""" 14#(4"" 4#(," '(51"

Comparati.e +alance Sheets !"13




124(""" .27("""/ '#17(7""

115(""" .("""/ '22(""

#"(""" 22"(""" ##(#"" '#17(7""

"(""" 1"(""" 24(1"" '22(""




&e! equipent is acquired for '57("" cash$

d$ Received cash for the sale of equipent that had cost '4,(""( yielding a '2(""" gain$ Equipent 115(""" 57("" 4,("" 124("""

 )ccu$ +epr  (""" 4"("" 5,("" 27("""

>he oo value of the equipent sold !as ',(""" .'4,("" cost - '4"("" accuulated depreciation$/ ince it !as sold at a gain( cash receipt !as '1"("""$

Equipent  )ccu$ +epreciation - Equipent &otal %ssets 'iabilities and euity

&otes payale .long-ter/ %oon stoc( '5 par value Retained earnings &otal 'iabilities and uity

I*I+%, Inc Company Statement of Cash Flows - Direct Method For the year ended $une 3" !"13

%ash flo!s fro operating activities Receipts fro custoers Payents for erchandise Payents for other expenses Payents for incoe taxes &et cash provided y operating activities %ash flo!s fro investing activities %ash received fro sale of equipent '1"(""" %ash paid for equipent .57(""/ &et cash used y investing activities %ash flo!s fro financing activities %ash received fro stoc issuance '"(""" %ash paid to retire notes .#"("""/ %ash paid for dividends ."(#1"/ &et cash used y financing activities &et increase in cash %ash alance at Fune #"( 2"12 %ash alance at Fune #"( 2"1#

Income Statement

'4(""" .##(#""/ .75("""/ .44(2"/ '151(41"

ales %ost of goods sold ross profit ;perating expenses ;ther expenses '7(""" +epreciation expense 5,("" >otal operating expenses ain on sale of equipent


0ncoe efore taxes 0ncoe taxes expense &et incoe

'7,(""" 411(""" 27("""

125("" 141(4"" 2(""" 14#(4"" 4#(," '(51"

Comparati.e +alance Sheets

."(#1"/ '4#(5"" 44(""" ',7(5""



',7(5"" 5(""" #(,"" 4(4"" 124(""" .27("""/ '#17(7""

'44(""" 51(""" ,(5"" 5(4"" 115(""" .("""/ '22(""

'25(""" (""" #(4"" #"(""" 22"(""" ##(#"" '#17(7""

'#"(""" 15(""" #(,"" "(""" 1"(""" 24(1"" '22(""


%ash  )ccounts receivale( net 0nventory Prepaid expenses Equipent  )ccu$ +epreciation - Equipent &otal %ssets 'iabilities and euity

a$ ) '#"(""" note payale is retired at its '#"(""" carrying .oo value/ in exchange for cash$ $

>he only changes affecting retained earnings are net incoe and cash dividends paid$ '24(1"" A '(51" G +ividends ? '##(#"" +ividends ? '"(#1"

 )ccounts payale 3ages payale 0ncoe taxes payale &otes payale .long-ter/ %oon stoc( '5 par value Retained earnings &otal 'iabilities and uity

>he follo!ing financial stateents and additional inforation are reported: Prepare a stateent of cash flo!s for the year ended Fune #"( 2"1# using the direct ethod$ I*I+%, I,C Income Statement For the year ended $une 3" !"13

ales %ost of goods sold ross profit ;perating expenses ;ther expenses '("" +epreciation expense 57(,"" >otal operating expenses ain on sale of equipent 0ncoe efore taxes 0ncoe taxes expense &et incoe

'72(""" 41"(""" 22("""

124(4"" 1#7("" 2(4"" 14"(""" 5(""" ',4("""

I*I+%, I,C Comparati.e +alance Sheets $une 3" !"13 and !"1! !"13 %ssets

%ash '1""(,""  )ccounts receivale( net (7"" 0nventory (1"" Prepaid expenses 4(#"" Equipent 12(#""  )ccu$ +epreciation - Equipent .2,(""/ &otal %ssets '##,(""

'57(1"" 51("" 5(,"" (2"" 115(""" .1"(7""/ '#15("""

'iabilities and euity

 )ccounts payale 3ages payale 0ncoe taxes payale &otes payale .long-ter/ %oon stoc( '5 par value Retained earnings &otal 'iabilities and uity

a$ $ c$ d$ e$


) '25(""" note payale is retired at its '25(""" carrying .oo value/ in exchange for cash$ >he only changes affecting retained earnings are net incoe and cash dividends paid$ &e! equipent is acquired for '"(1"" cash$ Received cash for the sale of equipent that had cost '4,(,""( yielding a '2(4"" gain$ Prepaid expenses and 3ages payale relate to ;ther expenses on the incoe stateent$

'2(1"" 7(5"" 2(1"" 4(""" 2#2(""" 24("" '##,(""

'#2(#"" 17(""" #(,"" 71(""" 1,#(""" 7("" '#15("""

I*I+%, Inc Company Statement of Cash Flows - Direct Method For the year ended $une 3" !"13

%ash flo!s fro operating activities Receipts fro custoers Payents for erchandise Payents for other expenses Payents for incoe taxes &et cash provided y operating activities

I*I+%, I,C Income Statement For the year ended $une 3" !"13

'5#("" .#,(5""/ .74(2""/ .57(7""/ '1#5(5"" Debit

%ash  )ccounts receivale( net ales

5#("" 1,(1""

%ost of goods sold  )ccounts payale   0nventory %ash

41"(""" (2""



2(7"" #,(5""

;ther expenses 3ages payale Prepaid expenses %ash

("" (5""

0ncoe taxes expense 0ncoe taxes payale %ash

5(""" 1(7""

1("" 74(2""

ales %ost of goods sold ross profit ;perating expenses ;ther expenses '("" +epreciation expense 57(,"" >otal operating expenses

'72(""" 41"(""" 22("""

ain on sale of equipent 0ncoe efore taxes 0ncoe taxes expense &et incoe

124(4"" 1#7("" 2(4"" 14"(""" 5(""" ',4("""

I*I+%, I,C Comparati.e +alance Sheets $une 3" !"13 and !"1! !"13

%ash  )ccounts receivale( net 0nventory Prepaid expenses  )ccounts payale 3ages payale 0ncoe taxes payale


e$ Prepaid expenses and 3ages payale relate to ;ther expenses on the incoe stateent$

'1""(,"" (7"" (1"" 4(#"" '2(1"" 7(5"" 2(1""


'57(1"" 51("" 5(,"" (2"" '#2(#"" 17(""" #(,""

I*I+%, Inc Company Statement of Cash Flows - Direct Method For the year ended $une 3" !"13

%ash flo!s fro operating activities Receipts fro custoers Payents for erchandise Payents for other expenses Payents for incoe taxes &et cash provided y operating activities %ash flo!s fro investing activities %ash received fro sale of equipent '11(#"" %ash paid for equipent ."(1""/ &et cash used y investing activities

I*I+%, I,C Comparati.e +alance Sheets $une 3" !"13 and !"1! !"13

'5#("" .#,(5""/ .74(2""/ .57(7""/ '1#5(5""




Equipent  )ccu$ +epreciation - Equipent &otal %ssets

Equipent 115(""" "(1"" 4,(,"" 12(#""

12(#"" .2,(""/ '##,(""

115(""" .1"(7""/ '#15("""

 )ccu$ +epr  1"(7"" #("" 57(,"" 2,(""

c$ &e! equipent is acquired for '"(1"" cash$ d$ Received cash for the sale of equipent that had cost '4,(,""( yielding a '2(4"" gain$

0ncoe tateent: +epreciation expense ain on sale of equipent

'57(,"" 2(4""

%ost  )ccuulated depreciation Doo Halue ain on sale of equipent %ash received fro sale

'4,(,"" .#(""/ ',("" 2(4"" '11(#""

I*I+%, I,C Comparati.e +alance Sheets $une 3" !"13 and !"1! !"13

I*I+%, Inc Company Statement of Cash Flows - Direct Method For the year ended $une 3" !"13

%ash flo!s fro operating activities Receipts fro custoers Payents for erchandise Payents for other expenses Payents for incoe taxes &et cash provided y operating activities %ash flo!s fro investing activities %ash received fro sale of equipent '11(#"" %ash paid for equipent ."(1""/ &et cash used y investing activities %ash flo!s fro financing activities %ash received fro stoc issuance '4(""" %ash paid to retire notes .25("""/ %ash paid for dividends .7("""/ &et cash used y financing activities &et increase in cash

'5#("" .#,(5""/ .74(2""/ .57(7""/ '1#5(5""

&otes payale .long-ter/ %oon stoc( '5 par value Retained earnings



71(""" 1,#(""" 7(""

) '25(""" note payale is retired at its '25(""" carrying .oo value/ in exchange for cash$

$ >he only changes affecting retained earnings are net incoe and cash dividends paid$ Retained Earnings

.4#("""/ '4#(7""

4(""" 2#2(""" 24(""



7("" ,4(""" 24(""

I*I+%, I,C Comparati.e +alance Sheets $une 3" !"13 and !"1! !"13

I*I+%, Inc Company Statement of Cash Flows - Direct Method For the year ended $une 3" !"13

%ash flo!s fro operating activities Receipts fro custoers Payents for erchandise Payents for other expenses Payents for incoe taxes &et cash provided y operating activities %ash flo!s fro investing activities %ash received fro sale of equipent '11(#"" %ash paid for equipent ."(1""/ &et cash used y investing activities %ash flo!s fro financing activities %ash received fro stoc issuance '4(""" %ash paid to retire notes .25("""/ %ash paid for dividends .7("""/ &et cash used y financing activities &et increase in cash %ash alance at Fune #"( 2"12 %ash alance at Fune #"( 2"1#

'5#("" .#,(5""/ .74(2""/ .57(7""/ '1#5(5""



%ash '1""(,""  )ccounts receivale( net (7"" 0nventory (1"" Prepaid expenses 4(#"" Equipent 12(#""  )ccu$ +epreciation - Equipent .2,(""/ &otal %ssets '##,(""

'57(1"" 51("" 5(,"" (2"" 115(""" .1"(7""/ '#15("""

'iabilities and euity

.4#("""/ '4#(7"" 57(1"" '1""(,""

 )ccounts payale 3ages payale 0ncoe taxes payale &otes payale .long-ter/ %oon stoc( '5 par value Retained earnings &otal 'iabilities and uity

%opute the copanyBs cash flo! on total assets ratio for its fiscal year 2"1#$ ;perating cash flo!s  )verage total assets


'1#5(5"" .'#15(""" A '##,(""/ I 2

'1#5(5"" '#2(,""


'2(1"" 7(5"" 2(1"" 4(""" 2#2(""" 24("" '##,(""

'#2(#"" 17(""" #(,"" 71(""" 1,#(""" 7("" '#15("""

Exercise 12-12 page 54(

Kapton %opany reports the follo!ing inforation for its recent calendar year$ Income Statement

ales %ost of goods sold '1""(""" alaries expense 24(""" +epreciation expense 12(""" &et incoe



%hanges in current asset and current liaility accounts for the year that relate to operating activities follo!:  )ccounts receivale 9erchandise inventory alaries payale

'1"(""" 0ncrease 1(""" +ecrease 1(""" 0ncrease

Prepare the operating activities section of the stateent of cash flo!s for Kapton %opany using the indirect ethod$

Income Statement

ales %ost of goods sold '1""(""" alaries expense 24(""" +epreciation expense 12(""" &et incoe

 )ccounts receivale 9erchandise inventory alaries payale



'1"(""" 0ncrease 1(""" +ecrease 1(""" 0ncrease

/ampton Company Company Statement of Cash Flows (partial) - Indirect Method For the year ended December 31 !"13

%ash flo!s fro operating activities &et incoe '24("""  )d*ustents to reconcile net incoe to operating cash flo!: +epreciation expense '12(""" 0ncrease in )ccounts receivale .1"("""/ +ecrease in 9erchandise inventory 1(""" 0ncrease in alaries payale 1(""" 1(""" &et cash provided y operating activities '4#("""

Kapton %opany reports the follo!ing inforation for its recent calendar year$ Income Statement

ales %ost of goods sold alaries expense +epreciation expense &et incoe

'7,(""" '#(""" 14(""" 5(""" '2"("""

 )ccounts receivale '(""" 0ncrease 9erchandise inventory #(""" +ecrease alaries payale "" 0ncrease Prepare the operating activities section of the stateent of cash flo!s for Kapton %opany using the indirect ethod$

Kapton %opany reports the follo!ing inforation for its recent calendar year$ Income Statement

ales %ost of goods sold alaries expense +epreciation expense &et incoe

'7,(""" '#(""" 14(""" 5(""" '2"("""

 )ccounts receivale '(""" 0ncrease 9erchandise inventory #(""" +ecrease alaries payale "" 0ncrease /ampton Company Company Statement of Cash Flows (partial) - Indirect Method

%ash flo!s fro operating activities &et incoe '2"("""  )d*ustents to reconcile net incoe to operating cash flo!: +epreciation expense '5(""" 0ncrease in )ccounts Receivale .("""/ +ecrease in 9erchandise 0nventory #(""" 0ncrease in alaries Payale "" 2("" &et cash provided y operating activities '22(""

Exercise 12-1, page 54(

>he follo!ing incoe stateent and inforation aout changes in noncash current assets and current liailities are reported$ %rundel Company Income Statement For the year ended December 31 !"13

Revenues ;perating expenses alaries expense =tilities expense +epreciation expense ;ther expenses >otal operating expenses &et loss

+ecrease in )ccounts receivale Purchased a 9achine 0ncrease in alaries payale +ecrease in ;ther accrued liailities

'1""(""" ',4(""" 14(""" 14("" #(4"" 11(""" .'1("""/

'24(""" '1"(""" 1,(""" ,("""

Prepare the operating activities section of the stateent of cash flo!s using the indirect ethod$

%rundel Company Income Statement For the year ended December 31 !"13

Revenues ;perating expenses alaries expense =tilities expense +epreciation expense ;ther expenses >otal operating expenses &et loss

'1""(""" ',4(""" 14(""" 14("" #(4"" 11(""" .'1("""/

%rundel Company Statement of Cash Flows (partial) - Indirect Method

%ash flo!s fro operating activities &et loss .'1("""/  )d*ustents to reconcile net incoe to operating cash flo!: +epreciation expense '14("" +ecrease in )ccounts receivale 24(""" 0ncrease in alaries payale 1,(""" +ecrease in ;ther accrued liailities .,("""/ &et cash provided y operating activities '#2(""

+ecrease in )ccounts receivale Purchased a 9achine 0ncrease in alaries payale +ecrease in ;ther accrued liailities

'24(""" '1"(""" 1,(""" ,("""

>he follo!ing incoe stateent and inforation aout changes in noncash current assets and current liailities are reported$ %rundel Company Income Statement For the year ended December 31 !"13

Revenues ;perating expenses alaries expense =tilities expense +epreciation expense ;ther expenses >otal operating expenses &et loss +ecrease in )ccounts Receivale Purchased a 9achine 0ncrease in alaries Payale +ecrease in ;ther )ccrued Ciailities

',5(""" '7"(""" #5(""" #1(4"" 7(2"" 14#("" .'5,(""/ '24(""" '2"(""" 2(""" 15("""

Prepare the operating activities section of the stateent of cash flo!s using the indirect ethod$

Statement of Cash Flows - Indirect Method

%rundel Company Income Statement For the year ended December 31 !"13

Revenues ;perating expenses alaries expense =tilities expense +epreciation expense ;ther expenses >otal operating expenses &et loss +ecrease in )ccounts Receivale Purchased a 9achine 0ncrease in alaries Payale +ecrease in ;ther )ccrued Ciailities

',5(""" '7"(""" #5(""" #1(4"" 7(2"" 14#("" .'5,(""/ '24(""" '2"(""" 2(""" 15("""

%rundel Company Statement of Cash Flows (partial) - Indirect Method

%ash flo!s fro operating activities &et loss .'5,(""/  )d*ustents to reconcile net incoe to operating cash flo!: +epreciation Expense '#1(4"" +ecrease in )ccounts Receivale 24(""" 0ncrease in alaries Payale 2(""" +ecrease in ;ther )ccrued Ciailities .15("""/ &et cash provided y operating activities '7(,""

%ash flo!s fro operating activities &et incoe .loss/  )d*ustents to reconcile net incoe to operating cash flo!: 0ncoe stateent ites .opposite direction/: A &oncash expenses .+epreciation( aorti assets - ain on sale of C> assets Dalance sheet ites: %hange in noncash operating assets .opposite direction/ A +ecreases in current operating assets - 0ncreases in current operating assets %hange in noncash operating liailities .sae direction/ A 0ncreases in current operating liailities - +ecreases in current operating liailities &et cash provided .used/ y operating activities

Exercise 12-14 page 54(

%oplete the follo!ing spreadsheet in preparation of the stateent of cash flo!s$ .>he stateent of cash flo!s is not required$/ Report operating activities under the indirect ethod a$ &et incoe for the year !as '1""("""$ $ +ividends of ',"(""" cash !ere declared and paid$ c$ coretecBs only noncash expense !as depreciation expense of '7"("""$

d$ >he copany purchased plant assets for '7"(""" cash$ e$ &otes payale of '2"(""" !ere issued for '2"(""" cash$


Dalance sheet - deit alance accounts %ash  )ccounts receivale( net 9erchandise inventory Plant assets Dalance sheet - credit alance accounts  )ccu$ +epreciation - Equipent  )ccounts payale &otes payale .long-ter/ %oon stoc( '5 par value Retained earnings

',"(""" 12"(""" 25"(""" ""(""" '1("5"(""" '1""(""" 15"(""" #7"(""" 2""(""" 2#"(""" '1("5"("""


7"(""" 7"("""


'"(""" 1"(""" 2"(""" 2#"(""" 7"(""" '1(15"(""" 7"("""




'17"(""" 14"(""" 2"(""" #"(""" 2""(""" 1""(""" 25"(""" '1(15"("""

a$ &et incoe for the year !as '1""("""$ $ +ividends of ',"(""" cash !ere declared and paid$ c$ coretecBs only noncash expense !as depreciation expense of '7"("""$

d$ >he copany purchased plant assets for '7"(""" cash$ e$ &otes payale of '2"(""" !ere issued for '2"(""" cash$


Dalance sheet - deit alance accounts %ash  )ccounts receivale( net 9erchandise inventory Plant assets Dalance sheet - credit alance accounts  )ccu$ +epreciation - Equipent  )ccounts payale &otes payale .long-ter/ %oon stoc( '5 par value Retained earnings

',"(""" 12"(""" 25"(""" ""(""" '1("5"(""" '1""(""" 15"(""" #7"(""" 2""(""" 2#"(""" '1("5"("""

tateent of %ash lo!s ;perating activities &et incoe +epreciation expense 0ncrease in )ccounts receivale( net +ecrease in 9erchandise inventory +ecrease in )ccounts payale


7"(""" 7"("""



'17"(""" 14"(""" 2"(""" #"(""" 2""(""" 1""(""" 25"(""" '1(15"("""

1""(""" 7"(""" 7"(""" 2"(""" 1"(""" 7"(""" ,"(""" 2"(""" '44"("""


'"(""" 1"(""" 2"(""" 2#"(""" 7"(""" '1(15"(""" 7"("""

0nvesting activities %ash paid to purchase plant assets inancing activities %ash paid for dividends %ash received fro note payale



%oplete the follo!ing spreadsheet in preparation of the stateent of cash flo!s$ .>he stateent of cash flo!s is not required$/ Report operating activities under the indirect ethod$ a$ $ c$ d$ e$

&et incoe for the year !as '24"("""$ +ividends of '144(""" cash !ere declared and paid$ coretecBs only noncash expense !as depreciation expense of '"("""$ >he copany purchased plant assets for '2(""" cash$ &otes payale of '7(""" !ere issued for '7(""" cash$ 1!0310!"1!

Dalance sheet - deit alance accounts %ash  )ccounts receivale( net 9erchandise inventory Plant assets Dalance sheet - credit alance accounts  )ccu$ +epreciation - Equipent  )ccounts payale &otes payale .long-ter/ %oon stoc( '5 par value Retained earnings




'21,(""" 1#2(""" 274(""" 12(""" '1(2#("""

'2,(""" 211(""" 247(""" 7"4(""" '1(451("""

'1,4(""" 1(""" #,2(""" 22(""" 275(""" '1(2#("""

'244(""" 14(""" 45,(""" 22(""" #71(""" '1(451("""

a$ +ividends of '144(""" cash !ere declared and paid$ $ &et incoe for the year !as '24"("""$ c$ coretecBs only noncash expense !as depreciation expense of '"("""$ d$ >he copany purchased plant assets for '2(""" cash$ e$ &otes payale of '7(""" !ere issued for '7(""" cash$





Dalance sheet - deit alance accounts %ash  )ccounts receivale( net 9erchandise inventory Plant assets Dalance sheet - credit alance accounts  )ccu$ +epreciation - Equipent  )ccounts payale &otes payale .long-ter/ %oon stoc( '5 par value Retained earnings tateent of %ash lo!s ;perating activities &et incoe +epreciation expense 0ncrease in )ccounts receivale( net +ecrease in 9erchandise inventory +ecrease in )ccounts payale

'21,(""" 1#2(""" 274(""" 12(""" '1(2#(""" '1,4(""" 1(""" #,2(""" 22(""" 275(""" '1(2#("""

7(""" 2("""





'244(""" 14(""" 7(""" 45,(""" 22(""" 24"(""" #71(""" '1(451("""

24"(""" "(""" 7(""" 27("""

0nvesting activities %ash paid to purchase plant assets inancing activities %ash paid for dividends %ash received fro note payale

'2,(""" 211(""" 27(""" 247(""" 7"4(""" '1(451("""





144(""" 7(""" '7#5("""

.,("""/ '7#5("""

Exercise 12-15 page 55)

%ash and cash equivalents alance( +eceer #1( 2"12 %ash and cash equivalents alance( +eceer #1( 2"1# %ash received as interest %ash paid for salaries Donds payale retired y issuing coon stoc .no gain or loss on retireent/ %ash paid to retire long-ter notes payale %ash received fro sale of equipent %ash received in exchange for six-onth note payale Cand purchased y issuing long-ter note payale %ash paid for store equipent %ash dividends paid %ash paid for other expenses %ash received fro custoers %ash paid for erchandise

'4"(""" 14,(""" #(5"" 7(5"" 1,5(5"" 1""(""" "(25" #5(""" 1"5(25" 24(75" 1"(""" 2"(""" 45(""" 254(5""

=se the aove inforation aout the cash flo!s of erron %opany to prepare a coplete stateent of cash flo!s .direct ethod/ for the year ended +eceer #1( 2"1#$

%ash and cash equivalents alance( +eceer #1( 2"12 %ash and cash equivalents alance( +eceer #1( 2"1# %ash received as interest %ash paid for salaries Donds payale retired y issuing coon stoc .no gain or loss on retireent/ %ash paid to retire long-ter notes payale %ash received fro sale of equipent %ash received in exchange for six-onth note payale Cand purchased y issuing long-ter note payale %ash paid for store equipent %ash dividends paid %ash paid for other expenses %ash received fro custoers %ash paid for erchandise

'4"(""" 14,(""" #(5"" 7(5"" 1,5(5"" 1""(""" "(25" #5(""" 1"5(25" 24(75" 1"(""" 2"(""" 45(""" 254(5""

F2, C2M %,4 Statement of Cash Flows - Direct Method For the year ended December 31 !"13

%ash flo!s fro operating activities %ash received fro custoers %ash received as interest %ash paid for erchandise %ash paid for salaries %ash paid for other expenses

'45(""" #(5"" .254(5""/ .7(5""/ .2"("""/

&et cash provided y operating activities '147(5"" %ash flo!s fro investing activities %ash received fro sale of equipent '"(25" %ash paid for store equipent .24(75"/ &et cash provided y investing activities #5(5"" %ash flo!s fro financing activities %ash paid to retire long-ter notes payale .'1""("""/ %ash received in exchange for six-onth note payale#5(""" %ash dividends paid .1"("""/ &et cash used y financing activities &et increase in cash %ash and cash equivalents alance( +eceer #1( 2"12 %ash and cash equivalents alance( +eceer #1( 2"1# &oncash investing and financing activities: Donds payale retired y issuing coon stoc  .no gain or loss on retireent/ Cand purchased y issuing long-ter note payale

.75("""/ '1",(""" 4"(""" '14,("""

'1,5(5"" '1"5(25"

%ash and cash equivalents alance( +eceer #1( 2"12 %ash and cash equivalents alance( +eceer #1( 2"1# %ash received as interest %ash paid for salaries Donds payale retired y issuing coon stoc .no gain or loss on retireent/ %ash paid to retire long-ter notes payale %ash received fro sale of equipent %ash received in exchange for six-onth note payale Cand purchased y issuing long-ter note payale %ash paid for store equipent %ash dividends paid %ash paid for other expenses %ash received fro custoers %ash paid for erchandise

'21(""" 5("52 2(1"" "("" 145(""" 1"5(""" 51(45" 21(""" ,4(1"" 1(5" 12("" ##("" 4"7(4"" 211(,4,

=se the aove inforation aout the cash flo!s of erron %opany to prepare a coplete stateent of cash flo!s .direct ethod/ for the year ended +eceer #1( 2"1#$

%ash Dondspurchased Cand and dividends received payale cash fro as retired equivalents paid y interest issuing sale custoers yof issuing long-ter equipent alance( coon +eceer note payale stoc#1( .no2"12 gain or loss on retireent/ %ash and received paidcash to retire for other salaries store erchandise in equivalents exchange long-ter equipent expenses alance( for notes six-onth payale +eceer note payale #1( 2"1#

'145(""" '4"7(4"" '21(""" ',4(1"" '51(45" '12("" '2(1"" '1"5(""" '211(,4, '5("52 '21(""" '"("" '##("" '1(5"

F2, C2M%,4 Statement of Cash Flows - Direct Method For the year ended December 31 !"13

%ash flo!s fro operating activities %ash received fro custoers %ash received as interest %ash paid for erchandise %ash paid for salaries %ash paid for other expenses

'4"7(4"" 2(1"" .211(,4,/ ."(""/ .##(""/

&et cash provided y operating activities '1"#(152 %ash flo!s fro investing activities %ash received fro sale of equipent '51(45" %ash paid for store equipent .1(5"/ &et cash provided y investing activities #1(5"" %ash flo!s fro financing activities %ash paid to retire long-ter notes payale .'1"5("""/ %ash received in exchange for six-onth note payale 21(""" %ash dividends paid .12(""/ &et cash used y financing activities &et increase in cash %ash and cash equivalents alance( +eceer #1( 2"12 %ash and cash equivalents alance( +eceer #1( 2"1# &oncash investing and financing activities: Donds payale retired y issuing coon stoc Cand purchased y issuing long-ter note payale

.(""/ '#,("52 21(""" '5("52

'145(""" ',4(1""

Exercise 12-1% page 551

>he follo!ing suari-account reflects the total deits and total credits to the %ash account of >hoas %orporation for calendar year 2"1#$ %ash Dalance( +ec$ #1( 2"12 Receipts fro custoers Receipts fro dividends Receipts fro land sale Receipts fro achinery sale Receipts fro issuing stoc Receipts fro orro!ing

  Dalance( +ec$ #1( 2"1#

###(""" 5("""(""" 2",(4"" 22"(""" 71"(""" 1(54"(""" #(""("""

Payents for erchandise Payents for !ages Payents for rent Payents for interest Payents for taxes Payents for achinery Payents for long-ter investents Payents for note payale Payents for dividends Payents for treasury stoc

2(5"(""" 55"(""" #2"(""" 21,(""" 45"(""" 2(2#(""" 1(2"(""" #,(""" 5""(""" 21,("""

2(,,#(4"" @

=se this inforation to prepare a coplete stateent of cash f lo!s for year 2"1#$ >he cash provided or used y operating activities should e reported using the direct ethod$

%ash Dalance( +ec$ #1( 2"12 Receipts fro custoers Receipts fro dividends Receipts fro land sale Receipts fro achinery sale Receipts fro issuing stoc Receipts fro orro!ing

###(""" 5("""(""" 2",(4"" 22"(""" 71"(""" 1(54"(""" #(""("""

Dalance( +ec$ #1( 2"1#


Payents for erchandise Payents for !ages Payents for rent Payents for interest Payents for taxes Payents for achinery Payents for long-ter investents Payents for note payale Payents for dividends Payents for treasury stoc

&/2M%S C2M%,4 Statement of Cash Flows - Direct Method For the year ended December 31 !"13

%ash flo!s fro operating activities %ash received fro custoers %ash received fro dividends %ash paid for erchandise %ash paid for !ages %ash paid for rent %ash paid for interest %ash paid for taxes &et cash provided y operating activities %ash flo!s fro investing activities %ash received fro sale of land %ash received fro sale of achinery %ash paid for purchases of achinery %ash paid for purchases of C> investents &et cash used y investing activities %ash flo!s fro financing activities %ash received fro issuing stoc %ash received fro orro!ing %ash paid for note payale %ash paid for dividends %ash paid for treasury stoc purchases &et cash provided y financing activities &et increase in cash Deginning alance of cash Ending alance of cash

'5("""(""" 2",(4"" .2(5"("""/ .55"("""/ .#2"("""/ .21,("""/ .45"("""/ '1(","(4""

22"(""" 71"(""" .2(2#("""/ .1(2"("""/ .2(5("""/

1(54"(""" #(""(""" .#,("""/ .5""("""/ .21,("""/ 4("#(""" '2(55"(4"" ###(""" '2(,,#(4""

2(5"(""" 55"(""" #2"(""" 21,(""" 45"(""" 2(2#(""" 1(2"(""" #,(""" 5""(""" 21,("""

>he follo!ing suari-account reflects the total deits and total credits to the %ash account of >hoas %orporation for  calendar year 2"1#$ %ash Dalance( +ec$ #1( 2"12 Receipts fro custoers Receipts fro dividends Receipts fro land sale Receipts fro achinery sale Receipts fro issuing stoc Receipts fro orro!ing

Dalance( +ec$ #1( 2"1#

174(5"" (,"(""" 2"(""" #14(""" 42(""" 2("4(""" 2(51#("""

Payents for erchandise Payents for !ages Payents for rent Payents for interest Payents for taxes Payents for achinery Payents for long-ter investents Payents for note payale Payents for dividends Payents for treasury stoc

2("4(""" 1(152(""" 41(""" 1"5(""" #(""" 2(,#"(""" 1(1#"(""" 2("1"(""" 1(""(""" ,4"("""


=se this inforation to prepare a coplete stateent of cash f lo!s for year 2"1#$ >he cash provided or used y operating activities should e reported using the direct ethod$

&/2M%S C2M%,4 Statement of Cash Flows - Direct Method For the year ended December 31 !"13

%ash flo!s fro operating activities

%ash flo!s fro investing activities

%ash flo!s fro financing activities

Deginning alance of cash Ending alance of cash

174(5"" '2#(5""

&/2M%S C2M%,4 Statement of Cash Flows - Direct Method For the year ended December 31 !"13

%ash flo!s fro operating activities %ash received fro custoers %ash received fro dividends %ash paid for erchandise %ash paid for !ages %ash paid for rent %ash paid for interest %ash paid for taxes

'(,"(""" 2"(""" .2("4("""/ .1(152("""/ .41("""/ .1"5("""/ .#("""/

%ash flo!s fro investing activities %ash received fro sale of land %ash received fro sale of achinery %ash paid for purchases of achinery %ash paid for purchases of long-ter investents

#14(""" 42(""" .2(,#"("""/ .1(1#"("""/

%ash flo!s fro financing activities %ash received fro issuing stoc %ash received fro orro!ing %ash paid for note payale %ash paid for dividends %ash paid for treasury stoc purchases

2("4(""" 2(51#(""" .2("1"("""/ .1(""("""/ .,4"("""/

&/2M%S C2M%,4 Statement of Cash Flows - Direct Method For the year ended December 31 !"13

%ash flo!s fro operating activities %ash received fro custoers %ash received fro dividends %ash paid for erchandise %ash paid for !ages %ash paid for rent %ash paid for interest %ash paid for taxes &et cash provided y operating activities

'(,"(""" 2"(""" .2("4("""/ .1(152("""/ .41("""/ .1"5("""/ .#("""/ '2(45("""

%ash flo!s fro investing activities %ash received fro sale of land #14(""" %ash received fro sale of achinery 42(""" %ash paid for purchases of achinery .2(,#"("""/ %ash paid for purchases of long-ter investents .1(1#"("""/ &et cash used y investing activities .2(7"4("""/ %ash flo!s fro financing activities %ash received fro issuing stoc %ash received fro orro!ing %ash paid for note payale %ash paid for dividends %ash paid for treasury stoc purchases &et cash provided y financing activities &et increase in cash Deginning alance of cash Ending alance of cash

2("4(""" 2(51#(""" .2("1"("""/ .1(""("""/ .,4"("""/ 7(""" 44(""" 174(5"" '2#(5""

Exercise 12-17 page 551

 ) copany reported average total assets of '1(24"(""" in 2"12 and '1(51"(""" in 2"1#$ %alculate its cash flo! on total assets ratio for oth years$ !"1!

 )verage total assets &et operating cash flo!

'1(24"(""" '1(51"(""" '1"2(2" '1#,(2"

,et operatin5 cash flow %.era5e total assets

2"12 2"1#


'1"2(2" I '1(24"(""" ? '1#,(2" I '1(51"(""" ?

Cash Flow on &otal %ssets

,$#J $2J

 ) copany reported average total assets of '2"(""" in 2"12 and '2,(""" in 2"1#$ %alculate its cash flo! on total assets ratio for oth years$ !"1!

 )verage total assets &et operating cash flo!

2"12 2"1#

'2"(""" '1,(4"


'2,(""" '22(#",

,et operatin5 cash flow %.era5e total assets

Cash Flow on &otal %ssets

'1,(4" I '2"(""" ? '22(#", I '2,(""" ?

7$1J 7$,J

Exercise 12-1& page 551

Peugeot( $)$ reports the follo!ing financial inforation for the year ended +eceer #1( 2"11 .euros in illions/$ &et incoe &et decrease in !oring capital +epreciation and aorti
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