Daily Time Record System | Php | Html

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Running Head: Automated Employee Employee Daily Time Record Management System Using RFID



A Thesis Presented to the F!"#t$ O% the Co##e&e o% S!ien!e  Te!hno#o&i!# Uni'ersit$ o% the Phi#i((ines A$# B#'d.) Mni#

In Prti# F"#%i##*ent o% the  Re+"ire*ents %or the De&ree B!he#or o% S!ien!e in In%or*tion Te!hno#o&$

Fe,r"r$ -/0

2 Automated Employee Daily Time Record Management System Using RFID

Te!hno#o&i!# Uni'ersit$ o% the Phi#i((ines COLLEGE OF SCIENCE Mni#



repared and su!mitted !y PAUL ABRYAN R. ALAGAR nd FRANZ GERALD T. NONO  in partial "ul"illment o" the re#uirements "or the degree $achelor o" Science in %omputer Science has !een e&amined and is recommended "or acceptance and appro'al "or ORAL E2AMINATION.


Ad'iser  Accepted in partial "ul"illment o" the re#uirements "or the degree $ach elor o" Science in In"ormation Technology( Technology( MINABELLE D. VILLAFUERTE %hair  DAR3IN C. VARGAS anel Mem!er 


Accepted in partial partial "ul"illment "ul"illment o" the re#uirements "or the degree $achelor $achelor o" Science in In"ormation Technology .


Pro%. MARILYN MARILYN M. IGNACIO )I%* )""ice o" the Dean

2 Automated Employee Daily Time Record Management System Using RFID

Te!hno#o&i!# Uni'ersit$ o% the Phi#i((ines COLLEGE OF SCIENCE Mni#



repared and su!mitted !y PAUL ABRYAN R. ALAGAR nd FRANZ GERALD T. NONO  in partial "ul"illment o" the re#uirements "or the degree $achelor o" Science in %omputer Science has !een e&amined and is recommended "or acceptance and appro'al "or ORAL E2AMINATION.


Ad'iser  Accepted in partial "ul"illment o" the re#uirements "or the degree $ach elor o" Science in In"ormation Technology( Technology( MINABELLE D. VILLAFUERTE %hair  DAR3IN C. VARGAS anel Mem!er 


Accepted in partial partial "ul"illment "ul"illment o" the re#uirements "or the degree $achelor $achelor o" Science in In"ormation Technology .


Pro%. MARILYN MARILYN M. IGNACIO )I%* )""ice o" the Dean

+ Automated Employee Daily Time Record Management System Using RFID


,e -ould li.e li.e to e&press our gratitude to all all the people -ho ha'e gi'en their o'er-helming supports in ma.ing this study a success(

To our almighty almighty /od* "or gi'ing the -isdom and perse'erance -e needed during this this research pro0ect and in our daily endea'ors(

To our ad'iser* ad'iser* Ms( Ms( ,ellanie ,ellanie M( Molino Molino "or ma.ing this research possi!le( possi!le( Her support* guidance* and ad'ice throughout the research pro0ect* as -ell as her pain1sta.ing e""ort in proo" reading the dra"ts* are greatly appreciated( Indeed* -ithout her guidance* -e -ould not !e a!le a! le to put the topic together( Than. you 'ery much Maam(

To our "amilies "amilies -ho are 'ery supporti'e "rom "rom the 'ery start( start( To To our "riends and classmates -ho ne'er "ailed to help us in times o" trou!le and "or !elie'ing that this -ould !e possi!le(

3astly* -e -ould li.e to to than. the rest o" our de"ense panel mem!ers: ro"essors Mina!elle D( 4illa"uerte* 4illa"uerte* Dar-in 4argas* argas* and Ferdinand $arral( ,ithout their .no-ledge and assistance* this study -ould not ha'e !een success"ul(

1 F(/(T(5 and (A(R(A

6 Automated Employee Daily Time Record Management System Using RFID


The study de'eloped an automated Employee Daily Time Record Management System Using RFID( The system can trac. and monitor employee time in and out using RFID technology* pro'ides system management settings such as date and time "ormat* report settings* time 7one* display* pass-ord and security( It also pro'ides a "ile management system that stores employees8 in"ormation and system transaction logs* and generates printing o" attendance reports( The de'eloped system -as created using H and MyS93 inter"aced in 5otepad* HTM3* and Ado!e hotoshop( Testing results sho-ed that the system can !e easily !e adapted !y its intended users( The e'aluation -as done !y +; respondents composed o" IT pro"essionals and students( The e'aluation instrument used to determine the accepta!ility o" the system -as the IS) -ith criteria namely* "unctionality* relia!ility* usa!ility* e""iciency* maintaina!ility and  porta!ility( The o'erall mean rating -as +(?* -hich is descri!ed as Highly Accepta!le(

? Automated Employee Daily Time Record Management System Using RFID



Title age


Appro'al Sheet






Ta!le o" %ontents


3ist o" Ta!les


3ist o" Figure




$ac.ground o" the Study


)!0ecti'es o" the Study


Scope and 3imitation o" the Study



Re'ie- o" Related 3iterature


Related Studies


%onceptual Model o" the Study


)perational De"inition o" Terms



ro0ect Design


ro0ect De'elopment


)peration and Testing rocedure


> Automated Employee Daily Time Record Management System Using RFID

E'aluation rocedure


Ch(ter 0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ro0ect Description


ro0ect Structure


ro0ect %apa!ilities and 3imitations


ro0ect E'aluation



Summary o" Findings










ro0ect /antt %hart



%ost o" roduction



Sample E'aluation Sheet



Summary o" E'aluation Result

@= @2




@ Automated Employee Daily Time Record Management System Using RFID


Testing rocedures "or Each Module o" the System



Rating Scale "or the E'aluation Instrument



Range o" Scale 4alues and its Interpretation



Test Results "or Functionality and Usa!ility



Respondents8 Mean Rating "or the ro0ect



Respondents8 )'erall Mean Rating o" the ro0ect




 Automated Employee Daily Time Record Management System Using RFID


%onceptual Model o" the Study



%onte&t Data Flo- Diagram o" the De'eloped System



Top 3e'el Data Flo- Diagram o" the De'eloped System



3o- 3e'el Data Flo- Diagram o" the De'eloped System



5et-or. Design



System Flo-chart "or the Employee Module



System Flo-chart "or the Administrator Module


The ro0ect De'elopment Flo-chart



Home age


=; Admin 3ogin age


== Main Admin age


=2 User Summary age


=+ %reate User age


=6 Search User age


=? )""ice Summary age


=> %reate 5e- )""ice age


=@ /roup Summary age


= %reate 5e- /roup age


=< Status Summary age


2; %reate 5e- Status age


2= AddBEditBDelete Time age


22 Edit System Settings age


2+ Daily Time Report age


< Automated Employee Daily Time Record Management System Using RFID

26 Total Hours ,or.ed Report age


Ch(ter / T1E PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING Introd"!tion Small and medium scale companies used manual systems to indicate the e'eryday

time o" -or. o" employees -hich ser'es as a !asis o" gi'ing salaries to the employees( )n the contrary* this method ta.es too much time and e""ort to the accounting c ler. to encode all the attendance o" employees( In addition* it re#uires long process such as gathering the data o" remittances* daily time records* an d indi'idual manual calculations o" payroll -hich may lead to inaccurate results( According to Fairchild C2;=2* regardless o" the industry* personnel e&penditures ma.e up an e'er1increasing slice o" the cost pie( $ y automating the processes "or time and attendance* employers can help dri'e do-n some o" these costs( For e&le* employees that are allo-ed to cloc.1in e'en slightly early Calso .no-n as cloc.1creep could -ind

=; Automated Employee Daily Time Record Management System Using RFID

up costing the employer untold sums o" money as those e&tra minutes accrue( For any industry or organi7ation -ith a large percentage o" hourly1-age -or.ers* this is a solution that allo-s "or accurate prediction* and increased success in la!or planning and management* o"ten reducing o'erall la!or e&penditures !y up to =;( %onse#uently*  5ucleus Research C2;; has per"ormed do7ens o" inter'ie-s -ith companies that ha'e used solutions "rom companies such as Gronos* AD* and ,or.!rain to replace time and attendance -or."lo-s that -ere either "ully manual or poorly automated( All companies  !ene"ited "rom the deployments( Return o" in'estments tended to !e particularly high "or companies that had migrated "rom a manual en'ironment( The primary !ene"its o" an

automated time and attendance system are impro'ed producti'ity* reduced payroll error* reduced payroll in"lation* lo-er o'ertime costs* and the elimination o" paper costs( B!8&ro"nd o% the St"d$ The automation o" recording employees8 daily time entries is essential to the Human Resource o""ice "or record .eeping and processing o" payroll( This transaction minimi7es human e""ort and speeds up the -or.ing process there"ore sa'ing 'alua!le time( It also aids the department in reducing errors due to hand -ritten entries( It can processes in"ormation "aster and is more accurate in handling transactions( Since the in"ormation a!out the attendance o" employees is directed automatically to the human resources* it does not re#uire employees to su!mit their daily time record e'ery no- and then( It also does not re#uire them to use time cards in order to log their time CSamulde* 2;=+( $y implementing an automated time .eeping system "or employees copes !etter to the ad'ancement o" technology today( Manual systems that cause technical pro!lems and  !ring trou!le to employees -ill !e eliminated( Delays in the transaction o" payroll -ould  !e a'oided and errors in the computation o" payroll -ould !e lessened( Employees -ill

== Automated Employee Daily Time Record Management System Using RFID

 !e gi'en an opportunity to e&perience an ad'anced attendance system and the introduction o" a RFID the system(

O,9e!ti'es o% the St"d$

The general o!0ecti'e o" the study is to de'elop a generic automated employee daily time record management system using RFID( Speci"ically* it aims to: =( Design the system -ith the "ollo-ing "eatures: a( Trac.s and monitors employee time in and out using RFID technology  !( ro'ides system management settings such as date and time "ormat* report settings* time 7one* user inter"ace display* pass-ord and security settings c(

Stores employees8 in"ormation and system transaction logs and*


/enerate printing o" attendance reports(

2( %reate the system using H* ,AM* HTM3* %SS and MyS93( +( Test and impro'e the system8s "unctionality and usa!ility 6( Determine the accepta!ility o" the de'eloped system according to "unctionality* relia!ility* usa!ility* e""iciency* maintaina!ility* and porta!ility(

=2 Automated Employee Daily Time Record Management System Using RFID

S!o(e nd Li*ittions o% the St"d$ The study co'ers the system design* creation* testing and e'aluation o" the de'eloped

system entitled Automated Employee DTR Management System Using RFID* a system that can trac. time .eeping and management process( It can record in"ormation !ased on the employee8s -or. schedule* daily time -or.ed and daily time rendered( It  pro'ides a "ile management system -here employees8 in"ormation and system transaction records are logged1in( It also co'ers the management o" employees8 time inBout using RFID technology( At the same time* it can also generate printing o" attendance in"ormation consisting o" daily time reports* and num!er o" hours -or.ed( The de'eloped system can only !e accessed in a local area net-or. and "ocuses only on the employees8 in"ormation that uses the said system( It -as de'eloped using H* HTM3* and %SS -ith the aid o" ,AM Ser'er and MyS93 as the "ront1end and !ac.1end applications* respecti'ely( The -hole system -as de'eloped in the span o" eight months "rom the analysis phase to the implementation phase !ased on the system /antt chart Csee Appendi& A( The mean -as then computed to analy7e the result o" the e'aluation( The e'aluation instrument used -as !ased "rom the IS) instrument using the criteria o" "unctionality* relia!ility* usa!ility* e""iciency* maintaina!ility* and porta!ility -ith +; respondents -hich consists o" pro"essionals and students in computer related courses( The cost o" production "or this pro0ect estimated on !o th de'elopment and operating cost -hich consists o" la!or* hard-are* so"t-are supplies* maintenance* and miscellaneous cost "or a total amount o" hp=;?* =;;(;; Csee Appendi& $(

=+ Automated Employee Daily Time Record Management System Using RFID


This chapter includes the re'ie- o" related literature* related studies* conceptual model o" the study* and the operational de"inition o" terms( Re'ie: o% Re#ted Litert"re This section includes related literature and concept o" the pro0ect precisely signi"icant to the researcher8s ideas( These topics greatly in"luenced the -ay the study -as conducted and done( Time and Attendance System

According to Messmer C2;=2* time and attendance systems not only trac. hours and attendance !ut also allo-s to manage employee scheduling and produce in'oice and other  materials !ased in part on time allocated 0o! or pro0ect( Some programs allo- one to identi"y and analy7e la!or cost according to employee* !ranch* department* and speci"ic  pro0ect( Rouse C2;=2 stated that time and attendance so"t-are is a type o" !usiness application designed to trac. and optimi7e the hours that employees spend on the 0o! and .eep records o" -ages and salaries paid( This type o" so"t-are is common in !usinesses o" all si7es( It also pro'ides management o" personnel -ith di'erse tools to help ma&imi7e cash "lo- and minimi7e -aste( Smith C2;== also discussed the ad'antages o" ha'ing a time and attendance system these ad'antages are as "ollo-s:

=6 Automated Employee Daily Time Record Management System Using RFID

/. Red"!e errors.

Time and Attendance so"t-are reduces the ris. o" human error and ensures and easy* impartial* and orderly approach in addressing speci"ic needs -ithout any con"usion( In

"act* Time and Attendance so"t-are has !een sho-n to ha'e an accuracy rate o" more than main #uality ch aracteristics* namely: "unctionality* relia!ility* usa!ility* e""iciency* maintaina!ility* porta!ility( These characteristics are !ro.en do-n into su!1characteristics( The main characteristics o" the IS) 1= #uality model can !e de"ined as "ollo-s:

Functiona!ity - Functionality is the essential purpose o" any product or ser'ice( For

certain items this is relati'ely easy to de"ine( The main point to note is that "unctionality is e&pressed as a totality o" essential "unctions that the so"t-are product pro'ides( It is also important to note that the presence or a!sence o" these "unctions in a so"t-are  product can !e 'eri"ied as either e&isting or not( Re!iabi!ity -  )nce a so"t-are system is "unctioning* as speci"ied* and deli'ered the

relia!ility characteristic de"ines the capa!ility o" the system to maintain its ser'ice  pro'ision under de"ined conditions "or de"ined periods o" time( )ne aspect o" this

22 Automated Employee Daily Time Record Management System Using RFID

characteristic is fault tolerance* that is* the a!ility o" a system to -ithstand component "ailure( For e&le* i" the net-or. goes do-n "or 2; seconds then comes !ac. the system should !e a!le to reco'er and continue "unctioning( 'sabi!ity - Usa!ility only e&ists -ith regard to "unctionality and re"ers to the ease o "

use "or a gi'en "unction( The a!ility to learn ho- to use a system Clearna!ility is also a ma0or su!1characteristic o" usa!ility( fficiency - This characteristic is cornered -ith the system resources used -hen

 pro'iding the re#uired "unctionality( For e&le* the usa!ility o" a system is in"luenced  !y the system8s per"ormance* in that i" a system ta.es + hours to respond the system -ould not !e easy to use although the essential issue is a per"ormance or e""iciency characteristic( aintainabi!ity - The a!ility to identi"y and "i& a "ault -ithin a so"t-are component is

-hat the maintaina!ility characteristic addresses( Maintaina!ility is impacted !y code reada!ility or comple&ity as -ell as modulari7ation( Anything that helps -ith identi"ying

the cause o" a "ault and then "i&ing the "ault is the concern o" maintaina!ility( Also the a!ility to 'eri"y Cor test a system* i(e( is one o" the su!1characteristics o" maintaina!ility( *ortabi!ity - This characteristic re"ers to ho- -ell the so"t-are can adopt to c hanges

in its en'ironment or -ith its re#uirements( The su!1characteristics o" this characteristic include adapta!ility( )!0ect oriented design and implementation practices can contri!ute to the e&tent to -hich the characteristic is present in a gi'en system(

2+ Automated Employee Daily Time Record Management System Using RFID

The o!0ecti'e o" this suite o" standards is to pro'ide a "rame-or. "or the e'aluation o" so"t-are #uality( IS)BIE% does not prescri!e speci"ic #uality re#uirements "or so"t-are* !ut instead descri!es a #uality model* -hich can !e applied to any so"t-are( This IS) standard includes the users 'ie- and introduces the concept o" K#uality in use8(  *+* 

According to Doyle C2;;( %reate aliases and control permissions(  +T According to Suehring et( al C2;=+* Hyper Te&t Mar.up 3anguage CHTM3 is the

language o" the -e!( ,hen someone goes to a -e! page in a -e! !ro-ser such as Internet E&plorer* Fire"o&* or Sa"ari* the !ro-ser do-nloads and displays HTM3( It is a  program li.e Microso"t ,ord is used to 'ie- -ord processor documents !ecause it .no-s ho- to read and display them( 3i.e-ise* -hen it comes to the -e!* the -e!  !ro-ser is the program that .no-s ho- to read and display documents created -ith HTM3( ,ord processor documents can !e created and read -ith a single program( )n the other hand* HTM3 documents need di""erent programs "or creation and reading one cannot create HTM3 documents -ith a !ro-ser( These documents are created using a  program called an editor -hich is a simple 5otepad program that comes -ith Microso"t ,indo-s or as comple& as Eclipse or Microso"t 4isual Studio(

Margaret Rouse C2;;? stated that HTM3 CHyperte&t Mar.up 3anguage is the set o" mar.up sym!ols or codes inserted in a "ile intended "or display on a ,orld ,ide ,e! !ro-ser  page( The mar.up tells the ,e! !ro-ser ho- to display a ,e! pages

2@ Automated Employee Daily Time Record Management System Using RFID

-ords and images "or the user( Each indi'idual mar.up code is re"erred to as an element C!ut many people also re"er to it as a tag( Some elements come in pairs that indicate -hen some display e""ect is to !egin and -hen it is to end(

HTM3 is a "ormal Recommendation !y the ,orld ,ide ,e! %onsortium C,+% and is generally adhered to !y the ma0or !ro-sers* Microso"ts Internet E&plorer and  5etscapes 5a'igator* -hich also pro'ide some additional non1standard codes( The current 'ersion o" HTM3 is HTM3 6(;( Ho-e'er* !oth Internet E&plorer and 5etscape implement some "eatures di""erently and pro'ide non1standard e&tensions( ,e! de'elopers using the more ad'anced "eatures o" HTM3 6 may ha'e to design pages "or  !oth !ro-sers and send out the appropriate 'ersion to a user( Signi"icant "eatures in HTM3 6 are sometimes descri!ed in general as dynamic HTM3( ,hat is sometimes re"erred to as HTM3 ? is an e&tensi!le "orm o" HTM3 called E&tensi!le Hyperte&t Mar.up 3anguage CNHTM3(

ascading Sty!e S.eets (SS)

According to 5athan C2;=;* %ascading Style Sheets C%SS is a style sheet language used to descri!e the presentation semantics Cthat is* the loo. and "ormatting o" a document -ritten in a mar.up language( Its most common application is to style -e!  pages -ritten in HTM3 and NHTM3* !ut the language can also !e applied to any .ind o"  NM3 document* including S4/ and NU3( %SS is designed primarily to ena!le the separation o" document content C-ritten in HTM3 or a similar mar.up language "rom document presentation* including elements such as the layout* colors* and "onts( This separation can impro'e content accessi!ility* pro'ide more "le&i!ility and control in the speci"ication o" presentation characteristics* ena!le multiple pages to share "ormatting*

2 Automated Employee Daily Time Record Management System Using RFID

and reduce comple&ity and repetition in the structural content Csuch as !y allo-ing "or ta!leless -e! design( %SS can also allo- the same mar.up page to !e presented in di""erent styles "or di""erent rendering methods* such as on1screen* in print* !y 'oice C-hen read out !y a speech1!ased !ro-ser or screen reader and on $raille1!ased* tactile de'ices( ,hile the author o" a document typically lin.s that document to a %SS style sheet* readers can use a di""erent style sheet* perhaps one on their o-n computer* to o'erride the one the author has speci"ied(


$ased on the the TechTerms maga7ine C2;;@* MyS93 is an open source relational data!ase management system( Suehring et( alC2;;= mentioned that it is the most  popular data!ase "or use in -e!sites* -as de'eloped to !e "ast and small* speci"ically "or -e!sites( It is particularly popular "or use -ith -e!sites that are -ritten in H* and H and MyS93 -or. -ell together( It is !ased on the structure #uery language CS93* -hich is used "or adding* remo'ing* and modi"ying in"ormation in the data!ase( Standard S93 commands* such as add* drop* insert* and update can !e used -ith MyS93( The language can used "or a 'ariety o" applications* !ut is most commonly "ound on -e! ser'ers( A -e!site that uses MyS93 may include -e! pages that access in"ormation "rom a data!ase( These pages are o"ten re"erred to as dynamic* meaning* the content o" each  page is generated "rom a data!ase as the page loads( ,e!sites that uses dynamic -e!  pages are o"ten re"erred to as data!ase1dri'en -e!sites(

2< Automated Employee Daily Time Record Management System Using RFID


From the TechTerms maga7ine C2;==* Apache is the most popular ,e! ser'er  so"t-are( It ena!les a computer to host one or more -e!sites that can !e accessed o'er the Internet using a -e! !ro-ser ( The "irst 'ersion o" Apache -as released in =
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