exploring the potential of the dedicated xml syntax for ...
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... that reason, harmonica players widely use the tablature or so-called âtabsâ â a method ... order, the whole 10...
Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference 2011, University of Huddersfield, UK, 31 July - 5 August 2011
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Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference 2011, University of Huddersfield, UK, 31 July - 5 August 2011
"#$%&'()"*+,! -%.&()/! 0%#1)! (++%2! )%! "#0,3! (#0! (#(+45,! )6%/,! )(*/! ,+,$).%#"$(++47! 8! &9/"$"(#! 26%! "#),.'.,)/! (! /%#:!"/!(+2(4/!2.")"#:!6"/!%2#!)(**,0!;,./"%#
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