GEOLOGY Inggris Teknik Makalah | Sedimentary Rock | Rock (Geology)

April 17, 2016 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Documents
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CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION A. Background Geology is the study about the problems of earth sciences, particularly with regar...


CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION A. Background Geology is the study about the problems of earth sciences, particularly with regard to style and processes of the earth's crust affecting bumi.Geologi can also be defined as the study of planet Earth limu especially regarding constituent materials, a process that occurs pdanya, the results of this process, the history of the planet and forms of life since the earth was formed. As with other sciences, geology has a concept and methodology komprehensifsebagai a discipline ilmu.Oleh Therefore, knowledge and experience in the field of science students is needed to obtain the relevance among other sciences. B. Purpose 1. Students are able to define the geological sense as disciplines. 2. Students are able to explain the benefits tortured science, chemistry and biology as auxiliary ilmmu geological sciences. 3. Students are able to mention at least five branches of science that supports the science of geology. 4. Students can recognize and use a variety of tools that exist in the geology lab. 5. Students can understand concepts and dynamics of the depth of the earth. 6. Students can read and interpret maps properly geologi 7. Students can identify the physical properties of rock types. 8. Students can mengidntifikasi and determine the types of fossils. 9. Students can create a picture / chart forms tektonik. like deformation: fractures / faults, folds, cracks, etc. 10. Students can learn geosphere phenomena that exist on earth after studying geology.

CHAPTER 11 BASIC THEORY Basic basic geology of oil and gas A. Petrology Is the science that studies the rocks forming the Earth's crust that covers the way, the rock composition and its relationship with processes and geological history. The rocks forming the earth's crust can be generally divided into three types: 1. Rock Frozen

Formed as a result of freezing magma in the earth's surface and above the earth's surface (melt). 2. Sedimentary rocks

Formed as a result of deposition of material derived from fragments, a lump of rock that were destroyed by natural processes, then transported by water, wind, ice and accumulated in one place and compressed /compacted into a new rock layers. Have the feature layered sedimentary rocks as a result of repeated deposition. 3. Metamorphic rocks

Metamorphic rocks derived from igneous rocks or sedimentary rocks modified in the earth as a result of temperature and pressure is very high, resulting in changes in physical and chemical properties.

B. Trap Reservoir Reservoir trap is an impermeable layer (impermeable) which restricts the movement of oil and gas, where the gas that enters the layer can not be out so caught / trapped there.

Types of Traps Reservoir: 1) Structural traps Structural traps are traps of the most original and to this day is the most important pitfalls. The various elements that make up the trap insulating layer and the reservoir layer, so as to trap hydrocarbons, due to tectonic symptoms or structure, such as folding and faulting.

2) Trap Stratigraphy

Levorsen (1958), suggests that the stratigraphic trap is a general term for the traps that occur due to a variety of lateral variations in lithology a

reservoir layer in the continuation or termination of the distribution of oil in the earth. The principle of stratigraphic traps is that oil and gas trapped in its journey upwards unobstructed from all directions, especially from the top and sides, because the reservoir rock facies disappear or change into another rock. 3) combination trap

Hydrocarbon trap is a trap many structural traps with a combination of stratigraphic traps. C. Petroleum Geology Petroleum geology is one branch of geology to determine the presence of oil under the ground, then explore and produce it. In general there are two types of petroleum geology, the geological petroleum exploration that includes a search of petroleum and petroleum geology production. Production of petroleum in oil is not meant to make petroleum, but just making facilities to drain the oil from underground to above ground, using drilling and pumps. The theory of the existence of petroleum there are two, namely the theory of organic and inorganic theory. Organic theory is now widely embraced by geologists, petroleum which is believed to be produced by the remains of dead organisms millions of years ago. While most of the inorganic theory developed in Eastern Europe and Russia where experts believe that oil can be produced instead of organic material. Principles of petroleum geology are now commonly used is

organic theory that oil is often called fossil fuels. When the inorganic theory is proven, it will appear again petroleum resources which have not been explored. Frozen rock Igneous rock or often called igneous rocks are rocks formed from one or more minerals and formed by the freezing of magma. Based on the texture of igneous rocks can be distinguished into plutonic and volcanic igneous rock. The difference between the two can be seen from the large rock constituent minerals. Plutonic igneous rock formed from freezing magma generally relatively slower so that the constituent minerals are relatively large. Examples of these plutonic igneous rocks such as gabbro, diorite and granite (which is often used as home decoration). While the volcanic igneous rock is generally formed from magma that is very rapid freezing (eg due to volcanic eruptions) so that the smaller constituent minerals. Examples are basalt, andesite (which is often used as the foundation of the house), and dacite Sedimentary rocks Sedimentary rocks often called sediment sedimentary rock formed naturally in the Earth's surface from fragments of rock that solidifies and hardens back into rock. Formation of sedimentary rocks affected by water power, wind or ice. Most sedimentary rocks show characteristic layering. Although only 5% of the Earth's crust is built by sedimentary rocks, but 75% of the rocks are exposed at the surface of the Earth is a sedimentary rock. Sedimentary rocks are classified into three categories: clastic sedimentary rocks, which originated from previous rock fragments; chemical sedimentary rocks, which occur usually in the ocean or in the lake from the precipitation of dissolved minerals; organic sedimentary rock, formed from the former or shells of animals or plants. That is why fossils found only in sedimentary rocks. The most common of clastic sedimentary rocks are sandstone and mudstone. Sandstone formed from

sand and mudstone rocks derived finer material (silt or clay). Sandstone and mudstone formed from fragments carried by the wind, water, river, ocean currents and the glacier. Sand dunes are usually deposited as in the desert; or as a stream sediment and sediment beaches. While the finer clay tends to be longer float in sea water and will settle on a calmer atmosphere, such as the deep ocean floor or on the lake bottom. This sediment pile material would weigh and pressing the layer below it becomes more compact. The precipitate was then glue each other to form a hard rock. Chemical sedimentary rocks are most commonly referred to as rock evaporates, because formed from the evaporation of sea water or lake water. Rock materials dissolved in the water will crystallize forming minerals such as gypsum and halite. Gypsum is a mineral material used industry sabagai plaster materials; halite salt is the base material. The most common of organic sedimentary rock is limestone (limestone). Marine animals such as corals and mollusks have shells made of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). When the animals die, their shells will be piled into the seabed and form a thick pile of calcium carbonate. Piles of calcium carbonate will condense and glue to form limestone. The shell of an animal or plant species into these rocks diesebut preserved fossils. Coal including organic sedimentary rocks. Metamorphic rocks Metamorphic rocks is one of the major groups of rocks that are the result of transformation or alteration of a type of rock that have been there before, protolith, by a process called metamorphism, which means "change in form". Protolith were subjected to heat (greater than 150 ° Celsius) and extreme pressure will change the physics and / or chemistry major. Protolith can be sedimentary, igneous rocks, or other metamorphic rocks older. Some examples of metamorphic rocks is Gneiss, slate, marble, and skist. Metamorphic rocks up a large part of the Earth's crust and are classified by texture and chemical composition and mineral from (facies metamorphic) They formed deep below the earth's surface by a large emphasis on the rocks above and pressure and high temperature. They also formed by the intrusion of molten rock, called magma, into solid rock and is

formed mainly on the contact between magma and rock high temperature. Research metamorphic rocks (currently exposed at the Earth's surface due to erosion and removal) gives us valuable information about temperatures and pressures that occur deep within the earth's surface.

Not infrequently layer hollow rocks covered by a layer that is not hollow like mud, salt, or lime. It is forming a kind of cage for hydrocarbons collected in one part of it. As the tectonic movement, the rock layers turned into folds that cause hydrocarbons come to adjust himself. Hydrocarbons are trapped and then move up to the bottom layer is not hollow, with gas formation at the very top, the oil and water settle to the bottom layer.

The process of formation of the oil wells are still happening today. But oil wells are still young (less than 60 million years old) to form a saturated yet ready to be drilled. In some cases, erosion and strong encouragement of the folds of rocks cause leakage of hydrocarbons out of the cage. Some hydrocarbons are moving towards the surface and can be harvested without drilling, but it took a complicated processing to separate sand and other impurities.

Seismic data and 3D visual modeling the main reference in the drilling plan. After observation and survey conducted soil layer, then the evaluation phase of oil wells have been completed and the stage of development can begin. At this stage will be the construction of wells which include drilling, installation of tubular, cementing, and production preparation. The series of special equipment used to drill oil wells called rigs. The main characteristic of the rig is a tower made of steel and is used to raise and lower the pipes tubular wells so that the contents can be accessed wells.

The main component of the rig is a tower (derrick), pulpit base (floor), drawworks, power source (drive), and medium mud (mud handing). To gain access to the wells, then a segment of pipe (drill string) installed every 30 meters. Put pressure on the pipe rotation and torque is obtained from hydraulic or electrical stimulation generated at the top of the tower. Components of the drill bit (cone) contained in the bottom of the well is used for digging rocks. Types of rocks excavated material will affect the drill bit and the type of material used. All components are fully controlled by the drawworks. Exact calculation is necessary for drawwork not damage the pipe and drill bit at the bottom of the well.

Mud component serves to bring shale rock to the surface and cleans and cools the drill bit at the bottom of the well. To prevent leakage of oil and gas, the sludge must be able to give the equilibrium value of the pressure at the bottom of the well. Oil and gas leak can cause an explosion situation (blow-out) and rig equipment damage. Last prevention tool that is often used to prevent unwanted situations explosion is underground safety valve mounted on the well pipe.

Usually the direction of drilling vertical wells dideviasi deliberately towards the well. In modern drilling, the well is accessible 80o from the vertical axis in order to more easily penetrated septum formation and flow more oil. Drilling efficiency can also be done by making the branches of the pipe so that the wells at different locations can be accessed by the same rig.

The shape and structure of the rig tends to vary according to the type of operation and function in the development stage. Rigs operating on the surface of the water (offshore rigs) are classified based on the depth of the well is accessed. The range of depths ranging from seven to thousands of feet in the deep sea. Tools rig to drill ship put on a ship and is controlled using a computer as a very remote area of operation, far from land, and is used to access the on-sea wells. The rig has been successfully accessing the well will be given a protective outer (casing) and cement so that the layer formation along the well remained isolated and axial loads can wellbore Mohs scale Mohs scale of mineral hardness classify scratch resistance of various minerals through the ability of a harder material to scratch a softer material. This scale was created in 1812 by the geologist and mineralogist Friedrich Mohs Germany and is one of several definitions of hardness in comparison violence material.Metode techniques to see which one is able to scratch the mineral other minerals have long existed, was first mentioned by Theophrastus in his On The rocks around the year 200 BC, followed by Pliny the Elder in Natural History about 77 AD mineral Mohs scale of mineral hardness is based on the natural ability of the sample material to scratch another material. The sample material used Mohs is all minerals. Minerals are pure substances found in nature. Teruat rocks from one or several hardest natural substance that never existed when the scale is made, the diamond is placed at the top of the scale. Material hardness is measured against the scale by finding the hardest material that can scratch a soft material or otherwise. For example, if some materials capable scratched by apatite but not by fluorite, the hardness on the Mohs scale can occupy grades 4 and 5.

Mohs scale is a purely ordinal scale. For example, corundum two times harder than topaz, but diamond is almost four times harder than corundum. The table below shows a comparison with absolute hardness measured using Sclerometer with sample images. Mohs



Chemical formula





















Feldspar Ortoklas











Chemical formula




















On the Mohs scale, graphite (the main part of the "lead" pencils) has hardness of 1.5; Nail 2.2-2.5; copper coins from 3.2 to 3.5; 5.1 pocket knife; 5.5 blade body; 5.5 window glass; and 6.5 files. A plate line (non-glazed porcelain) has a hardness of 7.0. The use of ordinary materials with hardness that has been known to be a simple way to estimate the position of a mineral on this scale.

List of minerals The table below lists the mineral and scale Mohsnya:


Substances or minerals

0.2–0.3 sesium, rubidium 0.5–0.6 litium, natrium, kalium 1



galium, stronsium, indium, timah, barium, talium, timbal, grafit


boron nitrida heksagonal, kalsium, selenium, kadmium, sulfur, telurium, bismut


magnesium, emas, perak, aluminium, seng, lantanum, serium, jet (lignit)


kalsit, tembaga, arsenik, antimon, torium, dentin


fluorit, besi, nikel


platinum, baja


apatit, kobal, zirkonium, paladium, tooth enamel, obsidian (kaca vulkanik)


berilium, molibdenum, hafnium


ortoklas, titanium, mangan, germanium, niobium, rodium, uranium


kaca, kuarsa gabungan, besi pirit, silikon, rutenium, iridium, tantalum, opal


kuarsa, vanadium, osmium, renium


baja keras, tungsten, zamrud, spinel, Phenakite, beril, Euclase, zirkon


topas, zirkonia kubik


krisoberil, kromium, Yttrium aluminium garnet (YAG)


korundum (rubi, safir), silikon karbida (karborundum), tungsten karbida, titanium karbida, stisovit


renium diborida, tantalum karbida, titanium diborida, boron [11][12][13]


intan/berlian, karbonado (berlian hitam)


intan nanokristalin (hiperintan, fulerit ultrakeras)

CHAPTER 1II CLOSING  Conclusions 

Geology is the science of the earth, about asl, structure, composition, and history (including the development of life), as well as the processes that led to the state of the Earth has slowed now ini.Dengan studied geology we can know everything about the earth and its contents.

In the field of the introduction of the necessary tools and materials tools and materials research data collectors who wish to be observed.










karakteristiktersendiri properties, khisusnya for layering palingdalam have magmatic latin properties (liquid, gas, and incandescent) is called magma. 

Divergent boundaries / constructive (divergent / constructive boundaries) occurs when two plates move away from each other. Mid-oceanic ridge and fracture zones (rifting) active is an example of divergent boundaries

Limit convergent / destructive (convergent / destructive boundaries) occurs when two plates rub against each other approaches to form a

subduction zone when one plate moves under another, or continental collision (continental collision) if the two plates contain continental crust. 

Frozen rocks are rocks formed by the freezing of magma in the earth or freezing lava on the surface of the earth.

Rock formed as a result of the destruction of the host rock lithifikasi. Lithifikasi rocks include authigenic compaction and diagenesis processes (process terubahnya loose materials into compact rock).

Sedimentary rock is very much kind and widespread in thickness from a few centimeters to a few miles. In the lateral spread of sedimentary rocks reaches 70% of the rocks on the surface but only sedimentary rocks is 5% of the rocks at the earth.

REFERENCES Drs.Sriyanto .2004. Geologi umum.Semarang :UNNES. Graha,Doody Stia. 1987. Batuan dan Mineral. Bandung:ITB Press. Katili, JA dan P.Marks. 1960. Geologi. Jakarta:Dep. Urusan Research Nasional.

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