Karena Adikku Ingin Sekolah | Credit | Capitalism
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Karena Adikku Ingin Sekolah Hari ini unas sudah selesai. Adikku berjingkrak-jingkrak riang karena selesai sudah beban belajar di SMP...Ia sudah ingin segera berganti seragam putih abu-abu yang keren. Biar boleh pacaran, biar nggak dibilang anak kecil lagi. Dia bilang ke ibunya, "ibu besok aku boleh melanjutkan ke sekolah favorit kan?" kata Adikku penuh harap. Ibuku hanya bingung mendengar permintaan adikku. Bukan karena nilai adikku jelek, tapi karena ibu bingung. "Sekolah favorit kan mahal?" kata ibuku. Beliau tidak ingin membuat adikku patah semangat. Maka dijawabnya "Ya, nanti kamu sekolah di sekolah favorit, tapi belajar yang rajin ya." Ibu hanya berusaha membesarkan hati adikku dan berharap keinginan adikku nanti bisa diwujudkannya. Entah dengan cara bagaimana, mungkin dengan ngutang pada rentenir yang bunganya mencekik karena ibuku tidak punya petak tanah yang suratnya bisa dijaminkan ke bank, juga bukan pegawai negeri yang surat pengangkatan PNS nya bisa digunakan sebagai jaminan utang. Ibuku hanya gambaran contoh kecil dari korban kapitalisme pendidikan. Kapitalisme pendidikan menjadi momok yang menakutkan dalam dunia pendidikan kita. Karena yang berkuasa adalah capital modal uang. Sehingga masyarakat yang tak bermodal tidak bisa menikmati pendidikan. Apalagi di sekolah dengan embel-embel favorit yang semuanya serba mahal.....Biarpun katanya bebas SPP tapi ada biaya seragam, study tour, buku-buku pelajaran yang mungkin juga dijadikan ladang bisnis bagi sekolah....entah sampai kapan kenyataan seperti ini akan menghantui masyarakat yang ingin mengenyam pendidikan...kalau seperti ini terus lalu kapan orang miskin bisa menaikkan tingkat kehidupannya bukankah salah satu fungsi sosial dalam pendidikan identik dengan fungsi untuk menaikkan tingkat kehidupan Kalau orang miskin dilarang sekolah terus kapan Indonesia akan menghilangkan imagenya sebagai negara miskin?????? Due Want My brother School Today UNAS been completed. My brother pranced merrily as the load is complete already learned in school ... She had wanted to change the gray and white uniforms are cool. I'll be dating, let me not exactly a kid anymore. She told her mother, "mom tomorrow I shall go on to the school's favorite?" My brother said hopefully. My mother was just confused by the request of my brother. Not because of the ugly sister, but because the mother confused. "School is my favorite expensive?" said my mother. He did not want to make my brother discouraged. Then he answered "Yes, you're in school favorite school, but learned that it diligently." My mother just trying to encourage my brother and my sister wants the future can expect accomplishment. Somehow, perhaps owe interest on the loan shark who strangled because she did not have a plot of land that can be pledged to a bank letter, nor the letter of appointment of civil servants can be used as collateral for its debt. My mother is just a small sample of victims of capitalist education. Capitalism is a frightening specter of education in our education. Because the ruling is the capital of capital money. Are not capitalized, so that people can not enjoy education. Especially at school with your favorite appendage that everything is expensive ..... Even though he is free but there is a charge uniform fees, study tour, textbooks that may also be used as a farm business for the school .... who knows how long such a reality this will haunt the people who want an education ... if this continues then when the poor can not raise the level of life in one of the social function of education is identical to the function to raise the living standards of poor people is prohibited if the school continues when Indonesia will eliminate his image as a country poor??
Due Want My brother School Today UNAS been completed. My brother pranced merrily as the load is complete already learned in school ... She had wanted to change the gray and white uniforms are cool. I'll be dating, let me not exactly a kid anymore. She told her mother, "mom tomorrow I shall go on to the school's favorite?" My brother said hopefully. My mother was just confused by the request of my brother. Not because of the ugly sister, but because the mother confused. "School is my favorite expensive?" said my mother. He did not want to make my brother discouraged. Then he answered "Yes, you're in school favorite school, but learned that it diligently." My mother just trying to encourage my brother and my sister wants the future can expect accomplishment. Somehow, perhaps owe interest on the loan shark who strangled because she did not have a plot of land that can be pledged to a bank letter, nor the letter of appointment of civil servants can be used as collateral for its debt.
My mother is just a small sample of victims of capitalist education. Capitalism is a frightening specter of education in our education. Because the ruling is the capital of capital money. Are not capitalized, so that people can not enjoy education. Especially at school with your favorite appendage that everything is expensive ..... Even though he is free but there is a charge uniform fees, study tour, textbooks that may also be used as a farm business for the school .... who knows how long such a reality this will haunt the people who want an education ... if this continues then when the poor can not raise the level of life in one of the social function of education is identical to the function to raise the living standards of poor people is prohibited if the school continues when Indonesia will eliminate his image as a country poor??
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