Makalah Studi Kasus PDAM | Water Resources | Drinking Water
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Water Laws and Related Regulation The Current Law Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) decision Nomor 85/PUU-XI/2013 state that UU S...
Makalah Studi Kasus PDAM
Tugas Ekonomi Sumber Daya Alam dan Lingkungan
Fadjri Rianda 1306401864
Although Indonesia enjoys 21 percent of the total freshwater available in the AsiaPacific region, many of the country’s water security issues are tied to its rapid development, poor urban infrastructure, and stretched institutional capacity. Economic growth has not been accompanied by a corresponding expansion of infrastructure and institutional capacity. As a result, nearly one out of two Indonesians lacks access to safe water, and more than 70 percent of the nation’s 220 million people rely on potentially contaminated sources. The country also has undergone significant land-use changes, and deforestation and extractive industries have polluted, altered the landscape, and left many areas more vulnerable to extreme events such as monsoon floods.
Indonesia has become a pollution hotspot as a result of its rapid urbanization and economic development. Expanding waste streams are evident across the growing industrial, domestic, and agriculture sectors. Extractive industries account for much of the development, and waste from industrial and commercial processes is increasingly making its way into both surface water and groundwater supplies. The country—particularly its urban slums—sorely lacks wastewater treatment, and the basic sanitation infrastructure necessary to prevent human excrement from contaminating water supplies is virtually nonexistent. Roughly 53 percent of Indonesians obtain their water from sources that are contaminated by raw sewage, and this exposure greatly increases human susceptibility to water-related diseases.
Water Laws and Related Regulation The Current Law Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) decision Nomor 85/PUU-XI/2013 state that UU Sumber Daya Air (SDA) Nomor 7 Tahun 2004 is against UUD 1945. The reason is because the law tend to support the water to go commercially and relieve the role of the government to provide the water.
It makes the derivatives regulation from UU Sumber Daya Air (SDA) Nomor 7 Tahun 2004 related to Peraturan Pemerintah, Keputusan Presiden, Peraturan Presiden, and Peraturan Menteri has no legal force anymore. Such as Kerjasama Pemerintah Swasta (KPS), Biaya Jasa Pengelolaan SDA (BJPSDA), Lembaga Koodinasi (Dewan SDA, TKPSDA WS), Pembagaian Wilayah Sungai (WS) for the basis integrated sustainable water resource operational, water resource management (Balai WS, BPPSPAM), the existence of the patterns and plans, maintenance activity, and DAM management. With the abolishment of UU SDA Nomor 7 Tahun 2004, MK state that UU Nomor 11 Tahun 1974 about water is reenacted. In the short term, there will be RUU about SDA to renew UU No. 11 Tahun 1974. To renew its current law, Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR) should meet the requirements that have made by Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) about water management qualification. The 6 requirements are; People rights to use the water is a must (prior); The Country must fulfill people rights to use the water, as well as the access; Environmental sustainability, due to Pasal 28 H ayat (1) UUD 1945; Water monitoring and controlling is only government rights; BUMN or BUMD is the main priority to undertaking the water; and Private enterprise of the water source is possible with terms and conditions from the government. Taxation Taxation system of the water is imposed by the local government upon retrieval and utilization of ground water and surface water. Taxation object is the retrieval and utilization of ground water and surface water by the individual or private. Taxation subject is the individual or private who retrieve and utilize the water (ground and surface). The basis for the imposition ground water tax, based from; Nilai Perolehan Air Tanah (NPAT), NPAT made by local government. Ground water tax rate maximum is 20% and regulated by local government. It could be below 20% depend on the condition of the region. Study Case: PDAM Semarang Selatan Since the establishment in 1911, until today PDAM Semarang customers continue to increase. Increasing the number of these customers due to the human need for clean water is getting increase along with the increase in the population from year to year.
Based on the type of customer, the customers of PDAM Semarang are divided into two major parts: active customers and inactive customers. Active customer is customer actively use the services of PDAM Semarang to meet the need for clean water. While passive customer is customer who use services PDAM but not every month depending on the customers' needs, even in general, they also have another source of water to meet water needs such as deep wells and artesian wells. Based on the categories of customers, customers of PDAM Semarang divided into nine categories of customers which include: social, household, industrial, domestic trade, commerce, government agencies, educational institutions, special public taps and water terminal. In the service area of PDAM South Semarang, the amount of customers is 22,141 customers. For the Region of Srondol Wetan Urban Village contained 3247 customers. Based on Srondol Wetan village population of which amounts to 18,980 people, with 4846 family, then the level of PDAM services reached 67%. Water Source and Production Capacity Water resources used by PDAM Semarang derived from sharing of resources, such as: surface water, spring water, and ground water. The sources of the raw water is directly used as a no water net directly supplied to consumers without going through treatment for has met water quality standards are set, but there is also a go through the stages of water treatment at the Water Treatment Plant in order to meet water quality standards are set, as in surface water sources. After the raw water from the source water quality has met the appropriate with the quality standards established in Indonesia, namely KEPMENKES-RI 907 / Menkes / SK / VII / 2002 on the terms and Quality Supervision Water, then the water distributed to customers through the reservoir-distribution pipes. Based on data obtained from PDAM South Semarang, to meet water needs of customers in the Village Srondol Wetan, used source of raw water coming from Ungaran, Zone E-4, namely Artesis Gowongan who have a discharge of 50 l / s. Clean water from sources Artesis Gowongan, and then streamed to the transmission pipeline Reservoir Distribution Banyumanik located on Highway Banyumanik. this reservoir capacity of 900 m3. These reservoirs collect water from the raw water source for then flowed to serve the
Banyumanik Housing, Territory Breadfruit, and Graha Aesthetics. Once accommodated at Reservoir Transmission Banyumanik, then water piped distribution to distribution reservoir Housing Banyumanik Housing Banyumanik for customer service, which is located in Jalan Nusa Beautiful, Village Srondol Wetan, Housing Banyumanik. Based on data obtained from PDAM South Semarang capacity of clean water distributed to customers in the Village Srondol Wetan, Housing Banyumanik amounted to 41 l / s.
Some of the problems facing by PDAM in the provision of clean water in Indonesia are the problem of quality and quantity level. 1. Water Quality Issues Raw water quality, especially in some urban areas water is not eligible for the class B, which designed for drinking water. On the other hand, technology used by PDAM was not designed for less qualified raw water conditions. As a result, the quality of water also unsatisfactory, if forced to achieve a good quality, it require substantial processing cost. In addition, some of PDAM use groundwater as raw water which has been processed. This method is the cheapest process because the technology used is simply some disinfection process and directly supplied to consumers. But if the content of iron or manganese in the water is high enough, then with the ordinary disinfection process will make the water becomes turbid and smelly. For urban areas in coastal region affected by the tidal seawater, raw water quality contaminated with seawater often become a serious problem. Water process technologies commonly used by PDAM are not designed to process salty raw water. 2. Water Quantity Issues Another serious problem faced by PDAM in Indonesia is a problem of availability of raw water. changes in land use from upstream to downstream create high fluctuations in the amount of water in the rainy season and the dry season. This has resulted in a decrease in a very sharply of the discharge of raw water during the dry season. For urban areas with poor surface water resources, to meet the needs of water supply for the community, PDAM generally use ground water. With the greater rate of population then the amount of the taking groundwater for the purposes to society and industry becomes increasingly large. On the
other hand, with changes in land use, the amount of rainwater that seeped into the ground is decline. Consequently, PDAM becomes difficult to get raw water. In addition, PDAMoften encountered the problem of leakage water pipe. This can be caused by factors of accidental such as natural disasters or intentional as the theft of water. This makes the water supply to the community is decline.
How does PDAM cope with the problem. To overcome the shortage of raw water, a few of PDAM build dams on water sources such as rivers. One is PDAM Sinjai who do damming on the Tangka river. The dam is intended that the machine of PDAM can still suck water when the water flow started to decrease. In addition one of the PDAM in the city of Bontang, PDAM Tirta Tuah Benua Sangatta planned to build a dam on the sangatta river. It will overcome the decline in the flow of water in the Sangatta River as a result of persistent drought. Pipeline leak repair is also done by PDAM as one way to reduce water loss. One of them at PDAM Malang that use Clamp Repair tool, which is the tool that attaches to the point of leaking pipe without the need to cut the pipe and without stopping the flow of water. It is also beneficial because it can save time and costs To purify water, PDAM typically use chlorine. But to a larger problem it doesn’t enough only using chlorine. PDAM Tirta in Bangka, monthly cleaning the water tank and the pipes in the PDAM office. If not cleaned regularly, the impact on the water quality of PDAM water would be dirty due to silt. On the other hand, PDAM Karawang already made improvements on system of filtration to produce truly clean water.
How PDAM cope with the issue of sustainability. One way PDAM to support the issue of sustainability of water in Indonesia is always encourage the communities to participate in keeping the water and not to exploiting excessively. PDAM through the messages in the media demonstrate to the community how to save water, such as by repairing damaged faucet, using enough water, and planting trees to keep water.
Some PDAM also makes the preservation of nature as a form of corporate social responsibility in order to support the issue of sustainability. One of them PDAM Tirta Pakuan Bogor, implemented the environmental program in order to meet the needs of today and can be developed further for future purposes. Environmental programs conducted by the PDAM Tirta Pakuan Bogor include: 1. Seedling seed, planting and maintenance of trees in the area of water resources and areas of PDAM work operations. 2. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). 3. Participate actively in the activities of Sanitation 4. Participate in the construction of drinking water facilities in one of the environmental education program (ADHIWIYATA). 5. Water Ambassador, in an effort to educate the community in saving water, avoiding water pollution and conserving water. 6. Distribute tree seed to the community. 7. Help process the waste into organic fertilizer.
from Tietenberg, Tom dan Lynne Lewis. 2009. Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, 9th ed. Boston: Pearson Education Inc. [TT] Keohane, Nathaniel, O. and Sheila M. Olmstead. 2007. Markets and the Environment. Washington: Island Press [KO]
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