NET 4. 5 Programming .NET 4.5 Programming Black Book is the one-time reference book, written from the. programmer's poin...
.NET 4.5 Programming .NET
4.5 Programming Black Book is the one-time reference book, written from the
programmer’s point of view, containing hundreds of examples covering every aspect of .NET 4.5 programming. It will help you master the entire spectrum of the .NET Framework 4.5 and Visual Studio 2012, from .NET Framework 4.5 basics to the details of Visual Studio 2012. In C# 2012, from C# language reference to OOPS, from delegates and events to exception handling, from ADO.NET to working with LINQ, from Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) basics to Documents in WPF, from assemblies to Windows Workflow Foundation (WF), and much more. In ASP.NET 4.5, from new features of ASP.NET 4.5 to Standard controls, from Navigation controls to Login and Web Parts controls, from caching to ASP.NET Web services and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Services, and much more. In advanced topics, from .NET remoting to deployment of Windows and Web applications, and much more. The book also includes a chapter on F#, which is a programming language introduced by Microsoft and is an integral part of the .NET Framework 2012. This unique book is designed to contain more .NET 4.5 coverage than any other book; no doubt every aspect of the book is worth the price of the entire book.
ISBN: 978-93-5004-510-7 | Pages: 1372 | Price: ` 649/- | Authors: KLSI What is in this book for you u Components of .NET Framework 4.5 and Visual Studio 2012
u Windows Workflow Foundation (WF)
u Dynamic Programming in C#
u File handling, threading, and .NET remoting
u Windows Forms controls and WPF applications
u Features and controls of ASP.NET 4.5
u WCF services and Windows services
u Master pages and themes
u Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
u Collections and generics
u Deployment
u .NET assemblies and Reflection
u Different Frameworks – Web parts Framework, Entity
Framework, and MVC Framework
This book will help you to u Develop applications in .NET Framework 4.5
u Work with LINQ queries and XML
u Develop graphic-rich desktop applications using WPF
u Deploy Windows and Web applications
u Create menus, toolbars, and dialog boxes
u Track an application using Performance Counters and Trace class
u Work with .NET assemblies and threads
u Create Windows services
u Create workflows for applications
u Configure Web applications according to different cultures
u Work with various ASP.NET 4.5 controls
u Develop applications in the F# language
u Personalize websites with the help of Web parts
u Work with Entity Framework and MVC Framework
u Build service-oriented applications using Web services and WCF
u Explore Cloud Computing
u Understand Component Object Model (COM+)
About the Author The proficient team at Kogent Learning Solutions Inc. and Dreamtech Press has seized the market of computer books bringing excellent content in software development to the fore. The team is committed to excellence— excellence in quality of content; excellence in the dedication of its authors and editors; excellence in the attention to detail; and excellence in understanding the needs of their readers. Published by:
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