sejarah bab1 | Medina | Muhammad
Short Description
Why - because the government early in the development of Asian tengggara: - Local people, the sea and the sea are a resi...
(A) defined by Western civilization: - The word civilization comes from the words in Arabic bahasab, which mudun and madain. It's relation with the meaningful words madana high polish or the opening of the city (B) Definition of civilization in Islam: - In English, it has the same meaning Civilization civilization is derived from Greek words in the Array, the civitas which means bandar.Tamadun also be defined as a civilization.
Permanent settlements: - The advance of civilization will select the area to build permanent settlements mereka.Kehidupan regularly led to a pattern of life sistematik.Pemilihan this area is very important to ensure the survival of human innovation bekala makanan.Hasil also lead to progress in agriculture in terms of cultivation, storage food, animals and poultry. - Creation of new equipment such as hoes and use of technology as a more effective drainage system to practice the innovation. Organizational life: - Life is important because the organization is able to regulate human life and ensure the stability and prosperity their lives. - In the early stages of social organization or society that is born on a simple level of the family system. The more complex the division of community exists when there is increase in population and diversity of events economy. - The social system or community system early civilization and pyramid-shaped pyramid and bersusun bersusun layer: i) King and the bangsawaan - King led the government system, which led the government to sit bangsawaan the top layer. ii) The glass - glass is golonagan, who dominated the affairs of religious rites, individuals are respected by the community as the village chief, or leader of a group, the administration and scientists, as well as those who are experts in the field of art. iii) Ordinary People - The third is what most people, those are important because they are the backbone of economic activity, particularly in the areas of agriculture and trade. iv) The slave - - lapisaan terakhir.kehidupan take this class depends on the layers above it. System of government : - System designed to manage the administrative rule to be able to manage people more besar.Dalam early human civilization a leader or a king with supernatural elements and claimed himself as God's representative suipaya recognized as the leader of the government. . - Among the factors that cause the selection of this location are: a) where the soil around the river is suitable for agriculture. b) water supply facilities and resources. c) transportation and communication facilities.
Early World Civilization
Background: - It is the world's earliest civilizations. - Mesopotamia is derived from the words in the language of Greece which means "land between two rivers. - Located between the River Tigris to the Euphrates River. - Regional Mesopotamia evolved from the early Neolithic settlement (7000 - 5000 BC). The region has grown to become the center of early civilization around 3500 BC - The government is the government's earliest Sumerians (3500 BC), while the Chaldean kingdom is the last government collapsed in 539 BC -Civilization is divided into seven Mesopotania the reign of the Persian penting.Kuasa Mesopotamia dominated the region after the government fell Chaldean. - Other governments are Akkad, Ur, Babylon, Kassites, and Assyrians. The process of formation: divided into two parts: i) north of Baghdad. ii) south of Baghdad - Mesopotamian civilizations adopted this system of government rule-shaped beraja.Sistem theocracy. - Theocracy is rule by a god or gods based on the legal representative of the divine religions. - King is also a: i) the chief administrative ii) the army chief iii) the chief priests iv) religious leader - Questions of land, taxation, agriculture and business are also under the authority of the king. - The writing system early Mesopotamian civilization written in the form illustrated, but this eventually evolved into writing system written in the form of written symbols in the form of Cuneiform clay, known as cuneiform. - Code of Hammurabi laws enacted during the reign of King Hammurabi of Babylon, the government, is based on citizens' right to justice. - According to this law, penalties and fines should be commensurate with the offense, but different in layout layers of society. - The law is carved into the walls and large columns to allow people to read the bill. - Between the interests of the Law Code of Hammurabi is:
- The contributions of the other is literature, the development of astronomy, the creation of the wheel, the creation of transport equipment, brick making and the formation of the world's first empeyar.
Background - Ancient Egyptian Civilization considered as a gift of the Nile River Nil.Sungai megalir from northern Egypt to the Mediterranean Sea. - Ancient Egyptian civilization developed on the banks of the River Nile. - Nile River caused two streams, namely: a) Blue Nile (the start of land in Ethiopia tinngi)
b) White Nile (the start of lake Victoria in the Ugandan) - Development of Ancient Egyptian civilization began from the early settlements in Neolotik Age (10,000 BC 5000 BC) has evolved into a center of early civilization around 3500 BC - Civilization of Ancient Egypt is divided into empet time: i) First Period (3100-2200 BC) ii) Middle Ages (2040-1785 BC) iii) Age of Empire (1570-1085 BC) iv) The collapse of Ages (1080-322 BC) - Fall of the Ancient Egyptian civilization occurred when the government controlled by foreigners such as Libya, Kush, Assyria, Persia, Greece and finally Rome. The process of formation: i) record the bronze culture during the Age of Metal. ii) Establish a permanent settlement and the use of metal. - Construction of the pyramid, the creation of paper from trees Papyrus, written script evolved into hieratik hieratik, the link text. - System of education given to children managed by home medical ibadat.Bidang thrive and have a high status in ancient Egyptians masyarakat.Orang maggunakan mathematics such as algebra, geometry and astronomy to control the Nile floods that occur once in setahunl.
Background: - It is the earliest civilization in India.juga known as the Harappan Civilization. - Located in the Indus Valley: mlembah is flowing from the Himalayan Mountains to the Arabian Sea. The process of formation: i) Beginning with the nomadic hunting and gathering food. ii) production of agricultural products increased leading to increasing population.
- Performance related to expertise in the field of mathematics, geometry, and construction. - Indus civilization cities planned and built in a city square and straight jaln.
- Background: - Located in the valley of the river, the river Hwang Ho.Muncul result of soil fertility in the Hwang Ho, or better known as the Yellow River. - Hwang Ho River, second longest river in china, located in the northern part of the country China.Ia located far from the center of world civilization, the other, is setampat for having the physical characteristics of mountainous and berpadang sand. - Formation of civilization can be detected in the homo sapien skull discovery of Peking Man, this indicates that there is life Paleolithic era. - Construction of drainage system - Progress in the application of technology and the creation of hoe and sickle. - The writing system used by the Chinese in use to date and expand the evolution. - Introduction of the system berkelender during the Shang Dynasty.
- The development of thinking skills and lead to an increase tamadun.iaitu: in philosophy, education system, system of government, arts, religion, and science and technology. - Beginning with the formation of the city called "police". Setipa police are acropolis, agora, and agricultural areas. - Athens is a police terbesar.mempunyai 40,000 people only. - Setipa country town contains a market town, fortifications, temples, and istana.ia is surrounded by agricultural areas - National City has caorak government and its own laws, the people in each city-state usually united. - In terms of religion, they have tuhan.Terdapat some form of government adopted by a city-state Greeks, through various changes of the monarchy, oligarchy, aristocracy, dictatorship (tirani), and finally democracy. - Among the scientists who were present in the civilization of Greece, namely: i) Thales ii) Pythagoras iii) Hippocrates iv) Archimedes v) Ptolemy Philosophy Greeks - The Greeks, the famous philosopher who is: i) * is the historian Herodotus and the philosophy of leading Greece * Given the title "Father of History" ii) Thucydides * Regarded as the "founder of scientific history" Using the historical approach bertereskan penulisaan research. iii) Socrates * is "Father of Western Philosophy" * Experts in the discussions on the question and answer method. - Township Council was established by Roman rule in every city in the second century Masihi.Romulus in 753 BC - Cities that there is a planned city with many amenities. - Implementing the monarchy (753 BC) is absolutely ruled Ole Etruscan kings descended. - During the reign of Julius Caesar, Roman imperial standards. - Philosophy of Rome was founded from stoik philosophy or a philosopher stoisisme Greece, the Zeno. - This philosophy put justice, responsibility, courage, and humanity. - Science and technology of the Roman civilization was a member of Boethuis.Beliau matimatik been associated with real mathematics, geometry and astronomy. - To achieve the golden age between 2500-1800 years BC, but suffered because of the coming collapse of the Aryan the, e, take a culture to the Indus Valley people. - The first empire in 321 BC to exist when the entire northern India was integrated during the reign of the Mauryan Dynasty - Mauryan dynasty reached its peak of glory during the reign of Asoka. - To give emphasis to the religious and the core of Hinduism. - During this period, men dominated the education, women's groups are not given education. Menumpuhkan education to learning Vedic scriptures. - Science and technology in the civilization of India is a branch of Vedic knowledge. - The knowledge of astronomy can be taken from the Rig Veda. - Knowledge of mathematics in the civilization of India expanded rapidly in the Gupta period.
- Member of the Indian civilization matemetik srules, like Aryabhata and Varahamihira. Philosophy of the Roman civilization - Founded the philosophical stoil or stoisisme Greece is a philosopher Zeno. - This philosophy put justice responsibility, courage, and humanity.
- Chin dynasty led to the birth of the first empire in China. - Chin dynasty which founded by the Emperor Shih Huang Ti began in 221 BC and ended in 206 BC - The Chinese civilization is the primary education and its main purpose is to pass the public examinations to fill positions in government and administration - Education in China can be divided into three stages, namely, primary, secondary, and tertiary. Chinese civilization, philosophy - Stressing that the case related to the human, the human relationship with another man. - The famous philosopher who is: a) Kung-fu Tze or Confucius b) Lao Tze c) Mo Tzu (Motze or Mencius) d) Flow Legalism - The development of science and technology, the most important in the creation kertas.Mereka rtamadun China also has the skills maghasilkan a larger boat. - Technology made paper began in 105 M.oleh Chai Lun, an official at the palace of King China.Beliau also succeeded in making paper by mixing raw materials such as bamboo jute and vegetables chopped and used in the pulp, spread out on a solid screen, dituskan then dried to a thin sheet. - Among the contributions to civilization are political contributions and social contributions. - In terms of political, democratic system of government adopted civilization diman deemed democratic form of government government of the people, for example, democracy as practiced in Malaysia iaiyu demokasi parliamentary. - In sisitem, there are three main components: i) Body Government (executive power) ii) Legislative (comprising the Senate and House of Representatives) iii) Judiciary - The system pemerintahn republic, the Roman civilization, such as government controlled by the du consul, seeks to balance the power. - Consul assisted by the House of Assembly Senat.Dewan represented by the people to help the Senate. - In terms of social, religion, philosophy, architecture, science and technology, language, of literature, writing system, education system, and Olympic sports. - Religion is an important aspect in the development and improvement of a business or refer tamadun.Agama teaching that is followed by a guide and a guide who menusia to decent living. - In Indian civilization, born Hindu religion followed by buddha.Mengikut Hindu god has three functions, namely: i) create (Brahman) ii) memerihara (Vishnu) iii) destroy (Siva) - Agama Hindu hold on the Law of Karma is associated with the behavior depends on the karma manusia.Kelahitan "karma" a individu.tujuan life is to achieve "Moksya" means the absolute
freedom - Hindu golden age of 320-181 years BC has been the religion of the empire's most important since the time of this Maurya.Agama was dominated by the Brahmins. - In Buddhism siddharta Gautama, known by followers as the Buddha was the founder of Buddhism. - Basic teachings of Buddhism include empet noble truth that the eight-way, namely: i) Dukka (suffering) ii) Samudaya (for suffering) iii) Nirodha (and desire to bring misery) iv) Marga (way off lust and desire) - Eight way are: i) beliefs are correct ii) The purpose of the right iii) Good Speech iv) a good act v) Life is good vi) Description of good vii) Good Thoughts viii) a good reflection - Buddhism, win glory on the reign of Asoka.Dan agana Buddha made the official religion. - Used in Pali Buddhism, the book is the Holy Tripitaka contains SuttaPitaka buddha.Kitab religion, Vinaya and Abhidhamma Paramita Paramita. - In the early civilizations of China, appears Confucianism and Christianity Taoisme.Manakala born in Palestine, 610 M peda year of birth of Islam in Mecca. - Jesus Christ who came to the teachings of the founder Jeruselam Kristian.Jesus Christ was born on December 25 and every year ina on the date Christians celebrate Christmas as the heart. - The holy book of Christianity is the bible containing the Old Testament and the New Testament. - During the reign of Constantine, Christianity recognized as one of the lessons are free to practice by the community. - Religion of Islam revealed by Allh Almighty to Prophet Muhammad on August 6 to 17 years 610 M.bersamaan Ramadan.Wahyu is revealed through the angel Gabriel in the Cave of Hira. - Religion of Islam started to spread after the Heart of Muhammad received his revelation Allh swtNamun opposition of the Quraysh Makkah.Baginda have migrated to Madinah on 12 September this year 662 AD - There are two main thrusts of Islam, the faith and confidence throughout life syariah.Akidah referring to the oneness of Allah swt The reference Sharia law contained in the al-Quran and alSunnah (Hadith) of the guidance of Muslims. - All Muslims must convinced Pillars of Faith and Pillars of Islam. Pillars of Faith * Belief in God * Belief in angels. * Belief in the scripture. * Belief in the prophets and apostles. * Allow to compensatory ritual and Condom. Pillars of Islam * There is no God in worship but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. * Prayer five times a day and night. * Fasting in the month of Ramadan. * Performing charity. * Performing the pilgrimage to Makkah for those who can afford it. - Confucius was the founder of Confucianism, who was born around 551 BC in the state of Lu (shantung). The doctrine was adopted by a belief by the Chinese and Confucius was worshiped
as a god of vital. - The doctrine focuses on the principles of high moral: i) humanity (low) ii) morality (li) iii) obedience to parents (Xiao) - The teachings of Taoism emerged later than the school was founded by Lao Tze Confucius.Ia who was born in the state of Chu in 604 BC - In the original Taoist philosophy of nature, but then the teachings of Taoism shaped agama.Ajaran priority Toa concept of meaningful way.
- The existence of the government early as Funan, Angkor, Ayuthia, Chenla and Sukhotai has shown the emergence of the Mainland in Southeast Asia. - Tmadun early in the Islands of Southeast Asia, especially in the Malay archipelago is divided into two, namely a) Malay as of old, Gangga Negara and Langkasuka. b) Islands of Indonesia as the government Mataram.Srivijaya, Majapahit, and Singhasari. - At the initial stage, the government earlier in Southeast Asia was held i) diplomatic relations with the Chinese government. ii) cultural relations with Indai. - There are two forms of government beginning in Southeast Asia, namely: a) the government agrarian b) Maritime - The comparison between the government and the government agrarian maritime: - The emergence of government began with the emergence of agrarian settlements remain in the area, especially in the fertile valley of the government sungai.Manakala maritime coastal areas, and kepilauan. - Paddy rice is the main economic activities have been undertaken mereka.Penanaman rice since the Neolithic. - Why - because the government early in the development of Asian tengggara: - Local people, the sea and the sea are a resident pegagang maritim.Ini government led to the use of more than one language. - The concept of interdependent maritime government and the government agrarian such as:
- Growing since the metal, starting from the third century AD, the East Asian community and has been accepted and adopted some aspects of Indian culture, belief and practice animism. - The aspects such as belief and religion, the monarchy system, arts and literature. How the arrival of Hinduism and Buddhism. - There are four views of Hinduism and is said to Buddah Southeast Asia:
i) It is the view taken by the Indian Ksyatria or military, and they formed colonies in Southeast Asia ii) There is also the view taken by the influence of Indian traders or Vaisya. iii) a third opinion, the Indian influence brought by the Brahmins or priests. iv) And there is the possibility of Indian influence occurs when the local community to take some aspects of Indian culture interesting. - The Hindu and Buddhist influence in the government system are: i) There is a government that is influenced by the early monarchy in India ii) first introduced the king title iii) The concept of rebellion that explains the relationship between the king and the people where the people must be loyal to the king. iv) was born the concept of god-diwa the system of government beginning in Southeast Asia. v) Other custom elements menukuhkan the myth held for the king. vi) There is the concept of order of the cosmos. - System of Angkor and the Kingdom of Srivijaya rule system: Hindu and Buddhist influence in art and literature - Among them:
- Islamic civilization emerged in the Hijaz, a remote place in the desert heat and kering.Ia based thinking and religious teachings. - Ignorance is beradalam Arabic, which means jahala the ignorant, not knowing or not mampunyai knowledge. Pagan community to refer community Arabia at the time of the collapse of the dam Maarib in Sabak until revelation of God to Muhammad's Among the Arab community because the community known as the Pre-Islamic Arabia: a) Not to accept the truth b) Not in accordance with the teachings of previous prophets and messengers such as Solomon, Abraham, Moses, Ishmael, and Jesus. - Length of Pre-Islamic period lasted from 300 AD to 610 AD 570 years Masihi.Pada Muhammad was utterance, and in 610 AD, revealed to the Prophet Muhammad's era and the beginning of Islam. Among the reasons pre-Islamic period is considered as a time of darkness: a) sheer worship Allah, the One b) gods idols c) Trust animism d) Having a topsy-turvy life because there is no prophet or messenger and the scripture can be panduaan in their kehidauapan e) low character, that act cruel, arrogant and stubborn. 1) belong to two groups of Bedouin society and community Hadari. 2) Bedouin community residing in the middle of the Arabian Peninsula, the desert and inland areas, while Hadair people living in coastal Arabian Peninsula. 3) Applying immoral, gambling, adultery and drinking alcohol. 4) The position of women is the lowest in masyarakat.Wanita at the time of ignorance, they will not inherit the estate the remains of her parents mereka.Bayi newborn buried alive because the daughter would consider degrading their families. 5) Pre-Islamic Community also adopted four forms of religious belief, namely: i) Religious wathani (idol worship)
ii) Religious celestial (Christians and Jews) iii) Animism (worship of nature such as trees) iv) The belief or superstition superstitious (myth) - such as magic, fortune-teller predicted. 6) Religious Hanif Ole religion of Allah revealed to previous prophets before the coming of Islam.Ia delivered by Abraham and Ishmael were Hunafa asPengikutnya. 7) Among his followers were: i) Waraqah bin Naufah ii) Uthman bin Huwairith iii) Abdullah bin Jahsh iv) Umaiyah bin Abi Salt. - The table below shows the economic and social ignorance. 1) Muhammad, meaning "commendable." His full name is Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Muttalib Abdullah.Bapa he and his mother Aminah bint Wahab.Baginda Quraish descent and are in segani by Arab tribes originating from the lineage of leaders lain.Baginda the famous Mecca , a descendant of Qusai bin Kilab but Muhammad Hasyim often referred to, which his ancestors. 2) He was born on 20 April 570 to 12 Rabi M.bersamaan, Year Gajah.Nabi Muhammad was born in the house of his grandfather Abdul Muttalib. 3) which means the Temple of Mecca and Zamzam well controlled by the family of the Prophet Muhammad, he swaKeturunan wise in handling the administration of Mecca and business. 4) Abdul-Muttalib, Abdul Manaf, and Hasyim is the grandfather of the Prophet Muhammad was the leader of Mecca self in the Age of Ignorance. He has four major merit is: a) Siddiq (truthful) b) trust (trusted) c) tabliq (present) d) fatanah (wise)
- The spread of Islam is divided into two ways, namely:
Acceptance of Islam: a) Islamic Virtue b) Policy of the Prophet Muhammad's preaching. - Through persuasion - To compare - Using a verse of the Qur'an - Shows a good example - Instill faith Resistance to Islam: 1) The resistance factor Arabs Quraysh of Mecca are: i) The difference in beliefs and practices. - The teachings of Islam Allah bertauhidkan Esa.manakala Arabs Quraysh from it. ii) The principle of equality in the status of Islam - Where is Islam practiced the principles of equality and human status of Islamic brotherhood.
iii) The notion that one of the Prophet Muhammad's task - Due to the competition among the people of Mecca to be the leader or ruler of Mecca. iv) Economic Arabs Quraysh threatened - The company carved statue, because Islam forbids all idolatry. 2) How the Arab rebellion against the Prophet Muhammad's warning: i) force - While he was praying gangu Arabs Quraysh of Mecca with meletakakan dirty things in his neck ii) persuasion - Prophet Muhammad had offered the property, beautiful women and the Islamic da'wah to meningalkan. iii) a boycott - Warning people not doing business, not to provide assistance, and not berkawin the family of Muhammad Prophet Muhammad's problems 1. He has allowed the Muslims to migrate to various parts of the Ethiopia. 2. Migration to Taif to spread Islam in new places. 3. Strength of the show he was not easily discouraged dserta attitude. 4. Migration to Medina to continue with the Islamic da'wah and successful mendidirikan an Islamic government. Ketokohan and integrity of the prophet Muhammad's teachings is what makes the development of Islam from Makkah to the entire Arab peninsula.
The events that led to the agreement of the First Aqabah 1. The contents of the First Treaty of Aqabah: a) Quarter Aus and Khazraj should believe in Allah and His Messenger. b) They promised to help the struggle of the Prophet Muhammad's c) They promised not to do pagan practices such as drinking alcohol, stealing and killing a baby girl. 2. First Treaty of Aqabah a) Mus'ab bin 'Umar an Islamic preacher who had been sent by the Prophet to Medina for the purpose of spread of Islam. b) bermakan Islam had spread to Madinah before the Prophet Muhammad sawdan Muslims have arrived in the city. 3. Strength of the show he was not easily discouraged dserta attitude. 4. To continue the migration to Madinah Islamic missionary and succeeded mendidirikan an Islamic government. 1. During the second Aqabah 622 M Agreement was signed between the tribe and Khazraj Ausb the Prophet Muhammad's 2. Contents of the agreement: a) Quarter Aus and Khazraj megukuhkan converted to Islam and the Prophet Muhammad's loyalty terhadapNabi
b) They menjuemput Prophet Muhammad and the Muslims coming to Mecca to Medina. c) They will provide shelter and ensure his safety, and those Muslims migrated to Medina, Mecca time, and will defend Islam. 3. Between the interests of Aqabah Second Agreement are: a) assure the safety and willingness to defend the people of Medina, Islam has encouraged migration of Muslims from Mecca to Medina. b) To provide support and assistance to enable migration of Arabs and Muslims of Medina Mecca happen successfully. 4. Migration to Medina to continue with the Islamic da'wah and successful mendidirikan an Islamic government. 1. Hijrah to Madinah Makkah Muslims occurred in a Rabi or 12 September 622 AD Migration occurs in secret and in stages. 2. Prophet Muhammad migrated along with Abu Bakr Siddiq AI-which took about 12 hari.Umar bin al-Khattab, the more daring migrate alone and blatant. The concept of migration: - The Arabic word Hijrah means to move, a move that occurs from one place to another. - According to the context of Islamic civilization, migration is the migration of Muslims from the city of Makkah to the city seeks Madinah.Ia: a) Strategy to spread Islam to all. b) To strengthen the position of Islam. - Migration also means the struggle for truth teachings of Islam, leave the evil, evil away - The views of the West orientalis give a negative interpretation of Islamic penghijrajan. Reason and purpose of migration. 1. Revelation of God - With the revelation that was revealed, Allah Almighty has stated the intention and the plot to kill the Quraysh and the Prophet ordered him to immediately migrate. 2. Muhammad strategy - In order to continue the spread of Islam, migration is a matter which it considers necessary. 3. Invitation of the Arab community of Medina. - The Arabs of Medina, especially the tribe of Aus and Khazraj, requires leadership berwibwa Prophet Muhammad. The importance of migration 1. Allows the occurrence of the Islamic Da'wah. - Muslims will carry out a peaceful Islamic missionary and no longer hide 2. Help establish the relationship of brotherhood. - He reconciled quarter Aus and Khazraj who often disagreed over the years. - To establish the relationship between Islam Makkah to Madinah. 3. unite the people of Medina, - Unity among the people of Medina who are from various ethnic, religious, and cultural. 4. Construction of Masjid al-Nabawi - As a place of worship, study, meet and discuss the problems of Muslims. 5. Islamic calendar. - Establishing the Islamic Hijri calendar. 6. Change of name of Yathrib to Madinah al-Munawwarah. - Conversion of making sense of the city of light. 7. The importance of tolerance. 8. The importance of support and sacrifice 9. Highlighting the importance of the role of women to national development. 10. Fortitude and greatness of the Prophet Muhammad's life 11. Prophet Muhammad's wisdom 12. The establishment of Islamic state in Medina
1. Also known as Sahifah Medina. 2. Is the first written constitution enacted in the world. 3. Contents developed by the prophet Muhammad in 622 AD according to the revelation of God. 4. It has been designed with the consent of the Muslims (nevertheless, and the Ansar). 5. The basis of the Islamic Kingdom Medina. 6. Rules, the responsibility of heads of state and people. 7. And has been the foundation of a sovereign nation. 8. Contains 47 clauses i) clause 23 of the relations among Muslims and their responsibilities. ii) clause 23 is the responsibility of non-Muslims oraang including Jewish people against the state of Medina. 9. Medina Charter provides tumpuhan to seven important aspects, namely: 10. Between the interests of Constitution of Medina:
1. By sending envoys a) message to the Roman, Byzantine, Persia, Egypt, Ethiopia, and in areas around the Arabian peninsula. b) Using diplomacy and show values 2. By War a) only permits Muslims to fight on the following principles i) When the enemy attacked the Muslims ii) To find the peace that the place of worship awake iii) against tyranny and defend themselves. b) Islamic Army has obtained a victory for patience and endurance high. c) Islam grew secar voluntary and tolerance, and the tidal force despite the war. d) military must comply with current guidelines are in war i) Not allowed to kill the poor, such as the elderly, children, the sick, women and those who surrender. ii) Not allowed to kill livestock and destroy crops. iii) Do not demolish places of worship. e) After the battle of Badr, the Quraysh Arab people embraced Islam. Interest Hubaidiyah Agreement 1. Muslims have the opportunity to perform the hajj at 629 M. 2. Muslims are also free to enter Mecca, and can serve in the House at any time. 3. Menbolehkan Islamic missionary program. 4. Arab leaders are recruited. 5. Muhammad Ketokohan Reopening of the city of Makkah 1. City of Makkah is the birthplace of Muhammad and the birth place of Islam. 2. In the year 630 M.baginda captured the city of Mecca for Arabs Quraysh violation Permit Agreement 3. According to him, if the city of Makkah to control the government will strengthen the position of Medina. Among the factors of success of the opening of the city of Makkah: a) the Islamization of Abu Sufyan and al-Quraishi tyang Abbaskerana other Arab orabg also
embraced Islam. b) Taknik Muslim army attacked the city of Mecca in accordance with the principles of peace and it is very effective. Between the interests of the opening of the city of Makkah a) Paving the way for the spread of Islam b) Temple terpilihara c) City of Mecca as the holy city d) forgiving attitude of the Prophet e) create a center of Islamic rule.
1. Islamic ruling system of government established by him in Madinah continues through system administration, led by the caliph after his death. 2. The reign of Caliph called Ahl al-Rasyidin.Terdapat period of four prominent caliphs, namely: The concept of Khalifah - Search Ahl plural. - Caliph means successor of discharging the responsibility of government and administration of the previous government implemented the Prophet Muhammad's - While in the context of religion, it means that the successor who is responsible maintaining purity, harmony and stability of Islam was delivered by Prophet Muhammad saw Conditions and how the selection of caliph: A Caliph must be four methods of selecting caliphs a) an independent leleki a) or Shura Musyawrah b) islam religion b) proposed the name only c) is just c) The selection of some of the candidates d) think smarter d) Nomination by groups of people e) comply with the order of Allah f) knowledge in Islam g) prepared to carry out the punishment of Allah h) have good character i) gave a good and perfect body j) piety (obedience and obedience to the law God and abide by all prohibited). k) clever run the government. - Consultative Assembly or the Shura or consultative discussions held to reach a decision on a matter. - This process is strengthened by ritual or pronouncement sworn allegiance or baiah the appointment of a candidate as the Caliph - Baiah the oath of allegiance given to a person after he became a leader.
- In the process it is very important as to ensure the appointment of administrators to be accurate, highly qualified and prudent. Between the duties seoarang caliph
Contribution of Ahl al-Guided Caliphs and the background
- Children Umaiyah popular government:
Among the contributions of both government umaiyah Children: First Level 1 In polotik: 3. Islam grew rapidly. a) governance and administrative system that systematically. - Some of his figures b) emphasized four aspects, namely: i) Urwah bin al-Zihat Zubary and Ibn al-Zuhri (Hadith) i) the system of Caliphate ii) Ibn Jarih (Tafsir al-Quran) ii) the system wazarah iii) Hasan al-Basri and Wasil ibn Ata (Usuluddin) iii) the system of the Secretariat 4. Health is also developing iv) the system hijabah i) Construction of the first hospital in Damascus, c) establishment of four departments, namely: by the Caliph al-Walid bin Adbul Malik i) Department of ii) Construction of leprosy hospital by Caliph ii) Managing the Department of General Umar bin abdul Aziz. iii) The Department of Correspondence iv) Cap Mohot Government Affairs Department d) Military System was introduced, namely: i) military or Department of Diwanul Jundi ii) land and sea forces. e) Also change the legislation: - Judge sentenced based on ijtihad according to the Qur'an, sunnah, or ijmak. 2. In the social field:
a) The development of science. - City of Basra became the center of teaching and dissemination of knowledge. - To produce more scientists - Arabic the official language of the country. - Check the sound or the line was introduced in the writings of al-Quran - Book of reference for various fields of knowledge translation in Arabic. - Also expanding the field of chemistry and astronomy. Second Level 1. Social Field - Abdul Rahman III established centers of learning - Cordova became the center of economic activity and trade Cordov high, and grown into an international center of learning and commerce .. knowledge of Europe - The main activities are: - Al-Hakim II has built a library i) making pottery and jewelry of gold - Kedua0dua this figure has built 17 learning centers and silver. high and 70 libraries in Andalusia ii) processing of leather goods 2. Economics iii) memmbuat weapons - Establish Baitulmal to menaimbangkan income - while in the field of agriculture: and state spending and available from: i) construction of drainage systems that help nourish a) Charity ii) research to manghasilkan seed quality. b) kharaj (land tax) c) jizrah (tax perlindunga) d) usyur (tax of one tenth of the agricultural products secured by land yuan) e) rich (property seized by the military in war) Fall Children Umaiyah Children of the government formation Abbasiyah - Name of the government taken sempeana name al-Abbas, the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad's name. - Applying the rule based on legacy systems or systems based on the system of monarchy, a dynasty ruling system. - In 1258 AD, the reign of Bani Abbasiyah government ended when the Mongols under the leadership of Hulagu Khan captured Baghdad. Government contribution Abbasiyah - Is a brilliant contribution utama.Penulisan and translation of foreign works into Arabic, led to the development of knowledge. - Baitulah is a scientific institution and a center of philosophical and scientific works of translation, especially from the language of Greece. - Business translation done from Sanskrit, Suriani and Greece who have helped in the intellectual development of the following aspects: i) To reform the work translated into Arabic, and the description and the improvement of the work that was translated to fit the evidence and review the value and meaning. ii) To preserve the heritage of knowledge of the departed to maintain the knowledge inherent in the European Dark Ages hit. iii) Establish a center of higher learning. - Activities developed in three stages namely:
i) first stage - Post ideas or speech Pierce ii) Second Stage - Collect ideas similar or collect Hadith Prophet Muhammad saw in a book. iii) The third level - Writing Formation of the Ottoman Turkish government. - Uthman bin Ertughrul bin Sulaiman Shah is the founder of the origin of Qayi quarter. - At first the Ottoman government was a small town located west of Anatolia. - Government Anatolia independent management and administration of its government even if their government was under the influence Saljuk. Contribution of the Ottoman Turkish government 1. In politics: a) The creation of an empire b) Introduce a new legal system. c) Introducing the system of organization and administration of Islamic law. 2. Economics: - Islamic Networking World trade, including the port over the Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea and the sea Mediterranien Hindi. 3. Social a) Changing the social system with the introduction of individual excellence of each division mastarakat based on individual effort. b) Develop the knowledge, which introduced the system that affect the college education of the Muslim world. c) architecture is the contribution of the Ottoman government, which remains until now. The factors the spread of Islam to Europe 1. Holding faith and high moral 2. Islamic military spirit and high spirit Ghazi 3. Military system of the Ottoman Empire with the kumpilan janissari elite group trained in the insouts of the war, and have a complete and modern weapons. 4. Stable political situation in Europe. 5. Byzantine decline and weakness of the government. 6. Ottoman government policies that carry out policy based on diplomacy and tolerance. 7. Islamic social policy based on individual excellence, rather than ethnicity. 8. Migration of Turks into the Balkans. - Pertembunagan lian Islamic civilization in the world through trade and business, hunungan diplomatic, and military conquest, cultural and intellectual .. How to encounter 1. Trade and business - A way of Islamic civilization clash with other civilizations in the world is through long-distance trade. 2. Military conquest and - Government Hilafah al-Guided Caliphs, Umaiyah Children, Children Abbasiyah, and the Ottoman military expeditions were made. 3. Dipomatik relations. - Runs dipolmatik relationship with non-Muslims. 4. Cultural clash. - For example in Spain has emerged a new culture with the entry of Islam.
5. Intellectual convergence. - Occurred between the Muslims and non Muslims think. Effect of growth 1. Religious - Islam brought changes to the system of life and Islam easily accepted by the followers and the people in the occupied territories 2. Politics - The existence of various forms of government and society in the Islamic world include: i) Government of India's Mughal Delhi ii) The Muslim community in China there is even no Islamic government in China. iii) Islamic Government Umaiyah, Abbasiyah and the Ottoman central government adopted the system. 3. Economy - Muslims are able to effectively control trade through the expansion of power and territory. - The center of the Islamic ekoni growing up to areas like Aden, Siraf, Basra, Alexandria and Istanbul. - In the West, they have established trade relations with Spain, southern France, Armenia, and Sharp Desert in southern Africa. and the impact they could control trade in the Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Persian Gulf, Indian Ocean sea Cnina Hindi and South. 4. Social - Event of the process of urbanization and social organization in the city and surrounding areas - Muslims are also affecting the discipline of daily living such as dressing, and political communities.
Theory and evidence from the advent of Islam the Arabian Peninsula 1. The advent of Islam in theory presented by Jon Crawford is a Western historian of Islam which he said grew in Asia Tenggera through commercial activities 2. It can be proved through a) post china - whereby the Arab and Persian settlements have a business center and Canton in China. b) Trade with China - Arab merchants dominated the sea trade from the port of Alexandria in Egypt to China since the early days. c) Stopover at the port of Malacca straits. d) The construction of settlements in Southeast Asia .- While waiting for winds of change, many Arab traders settled for a few bula. e) marriage with local women f) The spread of Islam g) life and moral values of Islam which is in the merchant and the prosecutor Islam which Muslims do business honestly and prudently high. h) Shih Ta Village - Muslims in the village of North Sumatra in the year 650 AD 3. While Professor Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas also agree that Islam comes from the Arabian Peninsula based on the following evidence: a) The equation of the literature b) The influence of Arab culture c) the Islamization of Asia Tenggera election Theory and evidence of the arrival of Islam in China
1. Theory presented by i) Emanuel Gadinho Eredia ii) SQ Fatimi 2. Between decentralization: a) PDA around 876 AD, Muslim traders who live in Canton or Amoy crowds moved to Southeast Asia. b) Discovery of Terengganu Inscription in the 1899m "in the river estuary Tarsat, Kuala Berang, Terengganu strengthen this opinion beliau.Batu bertulisaan Jawi Inscription and dated the day Friday 4 th day of Rajab, 702 H is equivalent to February 22 of 1303 M. Among the items recorded in the tablets are: * The penalty for adulterers. * Required to execute justice. * Terms and family law. * Penalty for those who do not pay the debt. c) Pemnemuan gravestone in 1953, the village of sand embankment, Pulau Tambun, Pekan, Pahang with the writing of al-Quran and the Arabic word, dated 1028 AD d) The equation of architectural elements Theory and evidence from India, Islam 1. Theory of Islam presented by Snouck Hurgronje seoarang he Belanda.Menurut historians since the 13th century Islam had expanded into Southeast Asia via India, the Gujarati and the coast of Coromandel region. 2. His opinion on: a) There is an old trade relations between India with Southeast Asia. b) The characteristics of India on the tombstone. c) There hubangan with Indian culture. 1. Islam spread to Southeast Asia through the following ways: Trade a) The role of traders - The pelabihan is the main port of Malacca Strait, Gulf of Siam, Indo China and ports in the Spice Islands. - Muslim traders also made their village as a center of Islamic perbincanagn. b) the attitude of Muslim traders - Local people interested in the attitude of Muslim traders behavior demonstrated praiseworthy of merit as well mannered, sincere and gentle c) The role of scholars - Is among the scholars who lived for several months and stayed in port in Southeast Asia to carry the Islamic da'wah activities. d) The relationship between the trader with a local government. e) The role syahbandar The Islamization of the king and the bangswan. 1. In Singapore, when Megat Iskandar Shah converted to Islam, speaker, the royal family and the people of Melaka were converted to Islam 2. After the conversion rja Malik al-Salih Pasai the glass is also converted to Islam memyebabkan Pasia a strong Islamic state and Islam spread to the area of government business. 3. This proved to the King and the speaker is playing the role and influence of citizens in the spread of Islam. Marriage 1. Political marriages occurred between the royal family a) In Malacca, Sultan Mansur Shah II and Sultan Mazaffar princesses married to the King of Jambi, Riau, Riau and North Sumatera the variety Inderagiri in b) Princess King of Malacca was also married to the king of Pahang and Kedah
c) by the states later tersebaut diislamkan. 2. While ordinary marriage between Muslim traders or Islamic scholars from Arab or Indian Peninsula with the locals. Birth of the Islamic government 1. Between the Islamic government to spread Islam through the mastery of new areas are: a) patent b) Malacca c) Johor-Riau d) Demak e) Achah f) Pattani g) Brunei h) Champa The role of cultural center 1. Role as a) knowledge center b) the center spread of Islam 2. Samudera Pasai a translation center. 3. Melaka role writing books literature 4. The role of Acheh produce poetry as poetry. 5. The role of the Johor-Riau Emporium is the most important center in Southeast Asia. The role of missionaries 1. That those who play a direct role in the spread 2. Among them are: a) Sheikh Ismail and Fakir Muhammad, the earliest missionaries in Southeast Asia. b) Mahmud al-Sayyid Amir Syirazi and Tajuddin Al-Asfahani, preached at Pasai c) Sheikh Abdul Aziz, Maulana Abu Bakar, and Maulana Yusuf-active preachers preached in Malacca. 3. The clerics in Melaka just teach the basics of Islam in the early stages of the informal spread of Islam in Malacca. 4. In Acheh scholars became advisor to the king who ruled in Acheh. 5. Wali Songo (nine saints) who preached in Java and many local community members diislamkan olehnya.Beliau preached by: i) awareness and instill the spirit of community delam on the purpose of work and work in the real sense. ii) scraping to eliminate laziness masalh unemployment. iii) avoid the extravagant and wasteful kehidaupan Islamic privilege 1. Islam has good values. a) The concept of God's compassion or justice Ynag. b) justice, the rights of individuals and communities. c) Living in harmony d) Menyanjungi moral. e) The concept of happiness in the world and the hereafter. Effect of Governance and Administration 1. Elimination of the concept of the gods - After the advent of Islam, Southeast Asian governments adopted Islamic elements in their government 2. Introduction to the sultanate institution - Use the title of sultan nertujuan to: i) strengthen the position of the Islamic government in the Environmental Melayui
ii) ensure the integrity of the King 3. Government system - Put the sultan as head of state - Mufti is penasiahat sultan in Islamic affairs and administration. 4. Islam as official religion - Government Islam like the Malacca government, Achehe government and government of Brunei has made Islam as a religion rarmi. 5. Application of Islam in the name of the element. - Islamic elements are applied to the state name and the name of the person. 6. The adoption of sharia law - The law is based on the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet introduced to ensure the well being of the people and state. Government of Malays who practice the Islamic law 7. The spirit of jihad among the local people against the invasion of the West. - The law is based on the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet introduced to ensure the well being of the people and state. The effect of education sisitem 1. In the Islamic education of a change after the advent of Islam which all Muslims aware of the knowledge is very important. 2. Institute a formal education in Southeast Asia is a hut, or foster mother, the court, boarding school, college and prayer room. a) The education system hut - The first education center in Southeast Asia - First appeared in the government's patent on Utara.Juga Sumatera the variety known as different as follows: In Pettani and Malay Tnah - hut In Java - pesantren In Acheh - wet nurse b) Palace - Center for the nobility of formal education - Places of scholars to discuss - Places to advise the sultan. c) civil servant - Place of study of the Qur'an in the informal d) Madrasah - Places of formal education is carried out. Effects of language and literature. 1. Pebgaruh Islam can be seen especially in the Jawi script and the quality was dipertingkatkan.Huruf Arabic language in Al-Quran has been modified by a local scholar to write the Malay word, and it became the official script in the administration of Islamic governments and replace text Palava Dewanagari 2. Malay language became the language linguafranca in the Malay Archipelago, it increased to ilmu.Menjelang language of the 17th century, the Malay language widely used as: language of the court Correspondence language language to preach language knowledge relationship between language wiliyah Effect of lifestyle 1. After the advent of Islam and the cultural way of Southeast Asia began to change with changes in track Islam.Antara:
a) The spirit of worship and the sacred trust vanished. b) Dress according to the Islamic foundation that covered the head and bersongkok. 2. Islam as a "ad-din" is a complete way of life. 3. Social system changed according the standard concept of brotherhood and equality among people. 4. Moral values of Islam to be a guide in life. 5. Mutual-aid mutual respect, a cultural cooperation. 6. cleaning together and be united in the practice of village society. Impact on the arts 1. can be seen through: a) calligraphy - can see the stone and wood carvings b) Art carving - wood carving art c) Architecture - the building of mosques, domes, pulpit, sanctuary, prayer tower. The effect on the economy 1. Introducing baitulamal that is introduced by Sultan Iskandar Muda Mahkota Alam in Acheh, and serves as national treasures. 2. Islam encourages its followers to be: Islam prohibits its followers: a) a trade) to practice usury b) working diligently b) suppression c) cut c) fraud d) work hard d) begging perbuatam e) seek the lawful
1.Islam foothold in Malaya from the 13th century and 14th century. 2. The presence of Islam has brought the spirit of nationalism and intellectualism that is meaningful to the community 1. PengaruhIslam istitusi is particularly evident in the Sultanate and the legislature. Administration 1. Before the advent of Islam, the Malay monarchy sisitem practice but, after the introduction of the concept of Islam and the title was diperkenalakn. 2. Islamic concepts is given importance, the kings began to use the term environmental Zillulah Field- and fir-ardh Zillulah which means 'the shadow of God on earth ' 3. He shadows the title in the land inherited from boiling the rule of government: and this title was the core institution menjdi king. a) Abbasiyah and Saljuk in Baghdad b) the Mamluk Mesri c) in the Turkish Ottoman d) Khilji and Moghul India 4. The title used by the Sultan of Malacca, which Siltan Mahmud Shah and Sultan Abdul Ghaffur Muhyidin in Pahang. 5. After the advent of Islam, Islamic figures such as Alexander began Zulkanain nasad referred to as the base of this lineage based on the name of Islam 6. With the advent of Islam, the institution remains the institution of the sultanate on the pattern of inheritance and administration system based on Islam. 7. Sultan di negeri-negeri Melayu dibantu oleh lapisan pembesar seperti
bendahara,laksamana,penghulu bendahari dan temenggung. 8.Pda umumnya, terdapat toga lapisan asas dalam struktur pemerintahan dan pentadbiran kerajaan Melayu,iaitu : i) Pemerintahan pusat yang diketuai oleh Sultan ii) Pemerintahan daerah yang ditadbir oleh pembesar daerah. iii) Pemerintahan kampung yang diketuai oleh penghulu. 9. Konsep daulat penting dalam pemerintahan selepas kedatangan Islam ia bermaksud seorang raja atau seorang Sultan mempunyai kuasa tertentu yang membolehkan sesiapa sahaja menderhaka,iaitu melanggar pemerintahan sultan akan mendapat akibat. 10. Istiadat pertabalan yang dilaksanakan dengan penuh tertib menggambarkan kedaulatan seseorang sultan.Konsep in merupakan pengikat antara golongan rakyat dengan pemerintah. Perundangan - Ia sangat penting untuk menjamin keharmonian hidup dalam sesebuah masyarakat. 2. Undang-undang di negeri-negeri Melayu terbahagi kepada dua jenis,iaitu undang-undang bertulis dan undang-undang tidak bertulis. a) Undang-undang tidak bertulis atau hukum adat adalah seperti Adat Perpatih dan adat Temenggung b) Undang-undang bertulis seperti Hukum Kanun Melaka dan undang-undang Perak.merupakan peraturan dan hukum dalam sesebuah masyarakat. Undang-undang tidak bertulis (Adat Perpatih dan Adat Temenggung Sistem perundangan sebelum kedatangan Islam ke Tanah Melayu : a) Orang Melayu di negeri-negeri Melayu berpegang kepada perundangan berdasarkan tradisi Hindu-Buddha yang disesuaikan dengan adat resam tempatan. b) Aspek perundangan dalam tradisi in berasaskan Hukum Kanun Manu. Sisitem perundangan setelah kedatangan Islam ke Tanah Melayu a) Hukum-hukum Islam menjadi asas kepada perundangan tempatan. b) Menurut Profesor Ahmad Ibrahim,seorang sarjana tempatan,undang-undang Islam dan adat melayu merupakan undang-undang asas atau undang-undang negeri yang telah digunakan di negeri-negeri Melayu sebelum kedatangan penjajah British. c) Telah mengembangkan lagi undang-undang bertulis. d) Untuk mencorakkan dan melicinkan perjalanan mpemerintahan dan pentadbiran kerajaan. Anrata kepentingan undang-undang bertulis a) Menjadikan perjalankan masyarakat lebih tersusun. b) Menentukan segala perlakuan tanggungjawab serta hukuman tentang kesalahan yang dilakukan dalam masyarakat. c) Melambangkan kedudukan raja atau sultan sebagai kuasa tertinggi dalam kerajaan kerana secara pratisnya,undang-undang bertulis mengecualikan diri raja atau sultan dari sebarang tindakan.
Dalam Sistem Pendidikan 1. Orang Melayu mengamalkan 2 jenis pendidikan,iaitu : a) Pendidikan tidak normal b) Pendidikan formal 2. Pendidikan tidak normal merupakan pendidikan awal atau asuhan yang diberikan oleh institusi keluarga yang menumpuhkan terhadap pengajaran nilia-nilai moral,pendidikan formal pula ialah pendidikan berunsurkan keagamaan. 3. Pendidikan tidak normal berlaku melalui pendengaran,penglihatan dan pemerhatian,manakala
pendidikan formal melalui perantaraan institusi yang tertentu seperti surau,masjid,madrasah,pondok atau istana. 4. Kemahiran dalam pendidikan tidak normal ialah seperti pertanian, perikanan,kraf tangan atau pertukangan yang dipelajari kanak-kanak daripada ibu bapa mereka. 5. Antara kaedah yang digunakan dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran pendidikan tidak normal ialah : i) Kaedah bercerita ii) Pergaulan sosial iii) Kaedah pantun, peribahasa dan teka teki. 6. Peranan institusi dalam pendidikan formal pula : a) Rumah- iaitu mengutamakan pengajaran al-Quran,terdri daripada kanak-kanak yang berumur 7 himgga 15 tahun b) Istana - golongan pemerintah c) Masjid/ surau d) Pondok - sistem pendidikan bermula di Pattani sejak abad ke 12 M. Bahasa dan Kesusasteraan 1. Tulisan jawi Menjadi pengaruh kuat dan penting dalam bidang bahasa dan kesusasteraan MelayuTulisan jawi juga menjadi saluran utama untuk pembacaan dan penulisan .dan akhirnya ia menjadi hak milik orang Melayu. 2. Pertambahan dalam perbendaharaan kata bahasa Melayu juga berlaku.Ini disebabkan oleh tambahan istilah baru yang berasal daripada bahasa Arab atau bahasa al-Quran. 3. Kesusasteraan Melayu dimana pada peringkat awal disebarkan secara lisan. 4. Penulisan karya berkembang setelah kedatangan Islam ke Melaka dan berbentuk prosa dan puisi. 5. Perbendaharaan persatuaan Melayubertambah disebabkan terhasilnya hikayat saduran bercorak Arab-Parsi seperti Hikayat Abu Nawas dan Hikayat Hasn Damsyik Kesenian 1. Berasal daripada perkataan seni yang bermaksud sesuatu yang indah dan menyenangkan sama ada penciptanya atau penatapnya. 2. keindahan kesenian merangkumi bentuk seni halus, seni rupa, seni tampak, seni persembahan, seni tekstil, dan busana. 3. Bidang kesenian yang menampakkan pengaruh Islam adalah seperti nerikut : \ a) Seni bina - antara binaan yang utama bagi masyarakat melayu,Binaan tersebut merupakan tempat untuk menunaikan solat dan juga berkumpul sosial - Ciri utama ialah mimbar ( sebuah pentas di masjid yang merupakan tempat khatib atau imam berkhutbah).Ciri kedua mihrab (suatu ceruk atau tonjolan di hadapan yang menunjukkan arah kiblat serta tempat untuk imam dalam solat jemaah) b) Seni ukiran - Iaitu merangkumi hiasan dalaman di kesemua ninaan sama ada masjid,rumah atau istana - Sebelum kedatangan islam motif berdasarkan binatang,namun apabila kedatangan Islam motif tumbuh-tumbuhan,bunga-bungaan dan geometri yang berunsurkan Islam.
c) Kesenian epigrafi - Yang terdapat pada batu bersurat dan batu nisan yang turut berkembang,ia dapat dilihat pada Batu Bersurat Terengganu,terutamanya dari segi tulisan. d) Seni khat/kaligrafi - Iaitu seni tulisan dalam Islam yang digunakan sebagai hiasan masjid, madrasah, batu nisan, barang tenbikar,pakian, mata wang. - Tulisan khat jenis kufi yang berbentuk lurus dan menegak berasal dari Kufah,Iraq.Manakala tulisan khat jenis nasakh yang berbentuk melengkung dan geometri muncul di Baghdad
pada abad ke 11. e) Seni persembahan - Ynag meliputi bidang tarian, drama, muzik nyanyian dan wayang kulit. - Berdasarkan ajaran agama dan juga pengaruh dari Asia Barat dalam seni persembahan. Seni dikir - Seni kata lagu yang bercampur baur antara bahasa Melayu dengan Bahasa Arab memperlihatkan pengaruh Islam,Dinyanyikan dengan iringan pukulan rebana dan kompang Seni ghazal - Berkembang di Johor.Merupakan sejenis puisi Arab yng memuji-muji kebesaran Islam. Gaya Hidup masyarakat 1. Perubahan dalam golongan pemerintahan. a) Amalan protokol(hijabah) yang dijalankan dalam kalangan pemerintah menggambarkan pengaruh Bani Umaiyah. b) Adat perlantikan dan pertabalan raja dengan adat seperti lafaz ikrar oleh sultan dan pembesar. c) Selepas kemangkatan sultan,perlantikan pengganti akan dilakukan sebelum upacara pemakaman sultan dilangsungkan,yang dimulakan oleh para khalifah pada zaman Bani Umaiyah 2. Perubahan dalam masyarakat melayu. a) Hubungan menjadi erat dan menjadi kepentingan antara ahli keluarga dan sesama individu.Idu bapa dan orang yang lebih tua mesti di hormati - Memanggil yang lebih tua dengan gelaran seperti pak long,mak long,pak ngah,mak ngah atau pak lang. b) Adat berziarah menjadi amalan kepada oarang melayu dan bersalaman - Bismillah yang bermakna dengan nama Allah mestilah dibaca semasa hendak makan. c) Majlis-majlis seperti majlis perkawinan,majlis berkhatam (majlis tamat membaca al-Quran) berlangsung mengikut cara Islam. 1.Perkembangan perdagangan - Pedagang Islam telah menguasai perdagangan di Lautan Hindi dan laut China Selatan dari abad ke -12 hingga abad ke-18. - Pedagang Melayu terlibat secara aktif dalam kegiatan perdagangan Timur dan Barat sejajar dengan saranan Islam. - Dengan adanya 84 bahasa yang dipertuturkan perkembangan perdagangan di Melaka yang merupakan pusat perdagangan yang terpenting pada abad ke-15. a) Sebab perkembangan melaka ialah i) kedudukan yang strategik ii) Kehadiran pedagang iii) kemudahan pelabuhan iv) Pentadbiran pelabuhan yang licin v) Pelbagai barang dagangan seperti rempah ratus b) Jawatan juga telah diwujudkan oleh kerajaan Melaka i) Jawatan Laksamana untuk menjaga urusan kelautan ii) Jawatan Syahbandar untuk bertindak sebagai ketua pelabuhan. c) Turut diperkenalkan sistem sukat timbang dimana Syahbandar yang dipertanggungjawab. Sistem sukat timbang seperti berikut : - Kaedah urusan perdagangan yang digunakan di Melaka ialah kaedah pertukaran barang(sistem barter) dan kaedah jual beli. - Selepas Melaka jatuh ke tangan Portugis kerajaan Johor telah meneruskan perdagangan - Pada abad ke-17 dan ke 18 kerajaan Johor telah menjadi pesat dan tunjang kekuasaan melayu. - Selain Johor,negeri-negeri Melayu lain seperti Kedah, Terengganu dan Kelantan juga muncul sebagai pusat perdagangan yang penting pada zaman sama.
2.Penggunaan mata wang - Digunakan untuk memudahkan urusan perdagangan dan jual beli kerana bertindak sebagai perantaraan nilai baranagan. i.Melaka - Mata wang bebentuk bulat dan beratnya ialah satu kati lapan tahil. - Tercatat nama sultan yang memerintah serta tarikh menikut Islam. - Di perlabuhan Melaka,mata wang dari pasai, Hormuz, dan Camby jugu turut di gunakan,juga boleh ditukar dengan mata wang tempatan. ii. Johor - Mata wang timah yang di panggil katun yang berbentuk bulat atau segi enam.Mata wang emas di Johor juga di beri gelaran kupang.dan mengandungi emas seberat 10 grain(bersamaan dengan 0.65 gram) dan juga jenis emas yang mempunyai berat 40 grain (bersamaan dengan 2.6 gram. - Pada setiap mata wang,terteranama dan pangkat yang memerintah dan yang mengeluarkan mata wang tersebut. - Di Johot,mata wang tidak mempunyai tarikh tetapi mempunyai tulisan jawi atau Arab seperti Malik atau Sultan al-Adil. dan digunakan secara meluas pada abad yang ke-16. - 1527 adalah tarikh mata wang yang tertua iaitu semasa pemerintahan Sultan Alauddin Riayat Syah. iii. Kedah. - contoh mata wang kedah : - Kedah telah mengeluarkan mata wang timah sejak abad ke 17 lagi untuk kegunaan sendiri. - Mta wang Kedah berbentuk ayam jantan yang hinggap di atas beberapa cincin. - Boleh di patahkan dan digunakan secara berasingan - Mata wang emas digunakan secara meluas pada abad ke 16. iv. Kelantan. - Mata wang dikenali sebagai kijang.Ini kerana terdapat gambar kijang pada muka wang emas tersebut. 3.Percukaian 1. Cukai ialah bayaran yang dikenakan oleh pihak pemerintah terhadap kegiatan atau barangan tertentu.Sisitem percukaian wtelah wujud seiring dengan kegiatan perdagangan. 2. Ia merupakan sumber pendapatan kerajaan yang akan disalurkan semua untuk pembangunan negara. 3. Sistem percukaian di Melaka wajib dikenakan kepada pedagang yang hendak berurusniaga di mana pedagang mestilah menjelaskan cukai sebelum menjalankan perniagaan di pondok di sepanjang sungai Melaka.Antara cukai yang dikenakan ialah : i) Cukai tetap - merupakan cukai yang paling asas - Juga dikenali sebagai cukai import. - Jumlahnya di tetapkan oleh pemerintah - Cukai dikenakan sebanyak 6% keatas jumlah barangan yang dibawa oleh pedagang dari Pegu,Siam,India,Ceylon,dan Tabh Arab. - Manakala cukai sebanyak 5% dikenakan ke atas pedagang dari China dan Jepun. ii) Cukai diraja - 3% dikenakan ke atas orang asing yang datang dari Kepulauan Melayu. - 5% dikenakan ke atas orang asing lain. iii) Cukai lain - Dikenakan kepada orang asing yang mmenetap di Melaka. iv) Beras dan makanan tidak dikenakan cukai. 4. Amalan riba iaitu faedah atau pertambahan bayaran dalam urusan perjanjian hutang piutang tidak dibenarkan dalam perniagaan di kalangan Islam. 5. Golongan pemerintah telah menekankan kepada golongan kaya untuk membayar zakat harat memandangkan ekonomi yang pesat.
1. Zaman pertengahan terbahagi kepada 3 peringkat iaitu : a) Peringkat awal (476 M. - 1050 M.) b) Peringkat kemuncak (1050 - 1300 M.) c) Peringkat akhir (1300 - 1450 M.) Ciri-ciri Zaman Gelap 1. Pentadbiran pusat yang lemah dan tidak berkesan : 2. Gereja Katolik yang terlalu berkuasa hanya menunpuhkan kepada kegiatan amalan agama dan pembelajaran ilmu keakhiratan sahaja. 3. Kemerosotan ekonomi diman serangan orang gasar yang mengganggu perdagangan di pantai utara dan barat Eropah..Orang Eropah juga tida dapat datang ke Timur Jauh kerana orang Islam telah menguasai kawasan tersebut.Juga penumpuhan pada pertanian sara diri 4. Kemerosotan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan. Zaman Kemuncak Pertengahan - Merupakan Zaman Peralihan dari Zaman Gelap ke Zaman Renaissance. Ciri-ciri Zaman Kemuncak Pertengahan 1. Perubahan peranan memainkan peranan sebagai - institusi yang universal - ejen penyatuan. 2. Perubahan ekonomi di sebabkan : i) Pertambahan penduduk ii) Peningkatan kegiatan pertanian iii) Kemunculan perdagangan 3. Perubahan sosial a) Kelas pertengahan yang terdiri daripada artisan, pedagang, dan ahli perbankan. b) Kedudukan sosial seseorang tidak berasaskan kepada pemilihan tanah,tetapi kekayaan yang dimilikinya. 4. Perubahan Politik a) Penglihatan rakyat dalam kegiatan atau urusan politik. b) Institusi parlimen telah diwujudkan untuk membantu memenuhi tuntutan rakyat Zaman Renaissance 1. Pada Zaman Renaissance,kegemilangan tamadun bangkit semula.Istilah Renaissance berasal daripada perkataan itali iaitu ; "reniscimentt yang bermakna " kelahiran semula". 2. Ia cuba menonjolkan keupayaan manusia menggunakan fikiran untuk mencari penyelesaian kepada pemasalahannya.Aliran pemikiran ini dikenali sebagai humanisme. 3. Zaman Renaissance bermula di Itali pada abad ke-14 dan seterusnya berkembang ke Eropah Barat sehingga abad ke-17 4. Sebab-sebab Zaman Renaissance bermula di Itali : a) Kedudukan strategik itali b) Kemunculan bandar-bandar penting c) Kemunculan golongan pedagang kaya d) Peranan Paus di Rom 5.Kemunculan individualisme iaitu pada zaman pertengahan, golongan pelukis dan pengukir bekerja secara berkumpulan 6.Perubahan konsep pendidikan Kesan Zaman Renaissance 1. Politik - Kemunculan monarki baru 2.Ekonomi - Sistem perdagangan tempatan antarabangsa semakin maju dan meluas.
3. Sosial - Perubahan dakam pemikiran dan gaya hidup manusia dan perubahan dalam sikap masyarakat terhadap pendidikan. Gerakan Reformation 1.Antara sebab utama kemunculan Gerakan Reformation ialah : a) Kepincangan dan penyelewengan gereja Katolik b) Penjualan sijil Indulgences satu penyeleweng yang dilakukan oleh Gereja Katolik. Permulaan Reformation 1. Penentangan terhadap kewibawaan Gereja Katolik - Pada tahun 1517,Martin Luther seorang profesor ilmu teologi di jerman telah menentang amalan Indulgences. Kedudukan gereja dan institusi paderi tercabar akibat pendirian Luther. 2. Gerakan pertahankan kewibawaan gereja Katolik - Masyarakat mangadakan Counter Reformation, iaitu gerakan yang menahan atau bertindak menentang sesuatu yang baru. Kesan-kesan Zaman Reformation 1. Perpecahan agama dan peperangan terbahagi kepada 2 mazhad iaitu, Katolik dan Protestan. - Peperangan keagamaan yang meletus di Eropah ialah i) Peperangan keagamaan di Perancis yang berlaku dari tahun 1562 - 1598 ii) Perang 30 tahun di antara Sweden, Jerman, Denmark, Sepanyol dan Bohemia yang berlaku antara tahun 1618 - 1648. 2. Wujud sikap toleransi antara pelbagai mazhad. 3. Kemerosotan kuasa golongan gereja. Sebab-sebab penjelajahan 1. Desakan ekonomi 2. Galakan dari pemerintah. 3. Semangat keagamaan 4. Galakan monarki baru 5. Semangat kebangsaan bangsa Antara kesan- kesannya 1. Politik - Kemerosotan kuasa pemerintah 2.Ekonomi - Penguasaan laluan perdagangan oleh Barat 3. Sosial - pengaruh terhadap gaya hidup - kelahiran masyarakat baru - penyebaran agama Kristian - peneksploitasian buruh tempatan 1. Revolusi bermaksud suatu perubahan besar yang berlaku secara mendadak dan menyeluruh sama ada dalam bidang politik,sosial atau ekonomi. 2. Contoh- contoh revolusi politik adalah : (a) Revolusi Perancis (1789) - Perubahan daripada sistem monarki kepada demokrasi borjuis. (b) Revolusi China (1911) - Perubahan daripada sistem monarki kepada sistem republik. (c) Revolusi Rusia (1917) - Perubahan daripada sistem monarki kepada sistem komunis (d) Revolusi Indonesia (1949) - Perubahan daripada sistem kolonail kepada sistem peribumi. 3. Sumbangan Revolusi Pertanian terhadap perkembangan Revolusi Perindustrian a)Perkembangan bidang pertanian - Sebelum berlaku Revolusi Pertanian,pengeluaran makanan dijalankan dalam skala
yang kecil. 4. Pemilikan tanah persendirian a) sistem pemilikan tanah persendirian b) sistem pemilikan tanah awan. 5. Kaedah dan ciptaan baru bagi dalam pertanian - Penggunakan kaedah atau teknik saintifik i) cara penanaman yang lebih berkesan ii) penggunaan baja iii) penggunaan peralatan moden. 6. Pertanian komersial - Penggunaan baja asli secara meluas Perkembangan bidang perindustrian 1. Faktor yang mencetuskan Revolusi Perindustrian. a) Sumbangan Revolusi Pertaniaan dagi segi - Penyediaan modal - penydiaan bahan makanan b) Ciptaan baru dalam bidang sains dan teknologi serta semangat keusahawaan 2. Peralihan daripada industri desa kepada perkilangan * Revolusi Perindustrian membawa perubahan dalam: - Teknik pengeluaran - skala pengeluaran - aktiviti mengkomersialkan hasil barangan. 3. Penggunaan teknologi * Peralatan dikendalikan dengan menggunakan tenaga manusia, binatang atau air. * Semasa Revolusi Perindustrian, perubahan yang berlaku termasuk " a) Peningkatan perdagangan antarabangsa b) Kemajuan dalam bidang pengangkutan c) Kemunculan golongan buruh dan majikan d) Perkembangan Eropah sebagai kuasa yang kuat dan kaya. 1. Pertanian sebagai punca ekonomi - Revolusi Pertanian talah membantu perkembangan perindustrian denhan menyediakan : a) bahan makanan yang cukup b) tenaga buruh yang banyak 2. Perindustrian sabagai punca ekonomi baru - Kegiatan partanian telah digantikan oleh kagiatan pambuatan dan pangilangan sebagai bidang utama ekonomi negara. 3. Peningkatan perdagangan antarabangsa - Lebihan produk yang dihasilkan semasa Revolusi Pertanian dan Revolusi Perindustrian dipasarkan di peringkat antarabangsa. 4. Kemajuan bidang pengangkuatan - Sistem pengangkutan domestik diperlihatkan apabila kereta api dicipta. - Rekaan enjin berkuasa wap - Pengangkutan laut. 5. Kemunculan golongan buruh dan majikan. a) Beberapa akta ubaru telah diluluskan oleh kerajaan untuk membela nasib para pekerja kilang : b) Antara aktanya : i) Akta Kilang Digubal pada tahun 1833. Melarang kanak-kanak di bawah umur 9 tahun berkerja dan mesti dihantar ke sekolah. Had masa berkerja tidak boleh melebihi 9 jam sehari bagi kanak-kanak yang layak berkerja. Keselamatan para pekerja mereka di kilang adalah tanggungjawab para majikan. ii) Akta Lombong
Digubal pada tahun 1842 Kanak-kanak perempuan dan wanita dilarang berkerja dalam perusahaan arang batu iii) Akta Sepuluh Jam Digubal pada tahun 1847. Pekerja wanita yang terlibat dalam perusahaan tekstil dilarang bekerja lebih daripada sepuluh jam sehari 1. Foktor-faktor yang mendorong kedatangan kuasa-kuasa Barat ke Asia.
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