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Tinjauan proses pembuatan dan identifikasi karakteristik mutu "gula puan" dari susu kerbau rawa (bufelusus asiatikus) di...



Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Zooplankton Production.

Parsons, T.R.,

In “Fundamentals of Aquatic Ecosystem”. R.S.K. Banners dan K.H. Mann (Eds.).

Blackwell Scientific Publications, London, P: 84-102.

Zooplankton Production.

Parsons. T.R.

In R.S.K. Barnes dan K.H. Mann (Eds.). Fundamentals of Aquatic Ecosystem.

Blackwell Scientific Publications. London. P : 84 – 102.

Zinc. Halm. 261-279 Zinc Nutrition of oil palms & peat soil

Kiekens.L Singh, G

Heavy Metals in Soil Int. Oil Palm/Palm Oil Conf 738p

Blakie London Kuala Lumpur Mlysia

Zinc fertilization and behaviour in flooded soils. In: Fertility of Paddy Soils and Fertilizers Application for Rice

Mikkelson, D.S.

Zinc fertilization and behaviour in flooded soils. In: Fertility of Paddy Soils and Fertilizers Application for Rice.

Food and Technology Centre, ASPAC, Taiwan.

Zinc Deficiency Among Indonesian Children


Chilhood Malnutrition : Its Consequences and Management

Joint Between Departement Of Pediatrics Of Medicine, Sebelas Maret University and The Centre For Human Nutrition, University Of Sheffield UK

Zinc Zinc

Kieken.s L King. J.C

Heavy Metal In Soils Modern Nutrition In Health And Diseases

Blakie. London William & Wilkins Company. Baltimore


Sandstrom. B

Trace Elements In Human Nutrition And Health

World Health Organization, Geneva

Zeolite-Do they have a role in poultry production?

Evans, M.

recent advances animal nutrition Australia. D. J. Farrel ed.

Published by department of biochemistry, microbiology and nutrition. University of new england

Zeolit is Soils.

Ming, D. W.

Dixon, J.B.& S.D. Weed (ed). Mineral Soil Environtments.

2nd edition Academic Press. New York.

Zeo Van Granular (ZV) penetralisir tanah tanaman untuk pertanian, Jawa Barat.



PT. Bratama Utama, Mandiri.

Hlm 1 dari 1800

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Zat Pengtur Tumbuh Tanaman


PAU IPB dan Sumberdaya Informasi IPB Bogor

Zat Pengtur Tumbuh Tanaman


IPB Bogor

Zat Pengtur Tumbuh Tanaman


IPB Bogor

Zat Pengtur Tumbuh Tanaman


PAU IPB dan Sumberdaya Informasi IPB Bogor

Zat Pengtur Tumbuh Tanaman

Wattimena, G. A.

PAU IPB dan Sumberdaya Informasi IPB Bogor

Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Zat Pengatur Turnbuh Tanaman,

Kusumo, S. Wattimena, G.A.,

Zat Pengtur Tumbuh Zat Pengatur Turnbuh Tanaman,

CV. Yasaguna, Jakarta IPB, Bogor.

Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Tanaman.

Wattimena, D.A.

Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Tanaman.

Fakultas Pertanian Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Tanaman.

Wattimena, G.A.

Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Tanaman.

IPB, Bogor

Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Tanaman.

Wattimena, D.A.

Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Tanaman.

PAU IPB dan Sumberdaya Informasi IPB, Bogor.

Zat pengatur tumbuh tanaman

Kusumo, S

Zat pengatur tumbuh tanaman

CV, Yosa Guno. Bogor

Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Tanaman

Kusumo, S

Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Tanaman

CV Yasa Guna, Bogor

Zat Pengatur Tumbuh tanaman

Kusumo, S

Zat Pengatur Tumbuh tanaman

CV Yasa Guna, Bogor

Zat Pengatur Tumbuh tanaman

Kusumo, S.

Zat Pengatur Tumbuh tanaman

CV. Yasa Guna, Bogor

Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Tanaman


Zat Pengatur Tumbuh dalam pertanian

Danoesastro, H

Zat Pengatur Tumbuh dalam pertanian

Yayasan Pembina Fakultas Perta nian Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta

Zat Pengatur Tumbuh dalam pertanian

Danoesastro, H

Zat Pengatur Tumbuh dalam pertanian

Yayasan Pembina Fakultas Pertanian Uni versitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta


Judul Buku


PAU IPB Bogor dan Lembaga Sumber Daya Informasi-IPB

Hlm 2 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

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Judul Buku


Zat Pengatur Tumbuh dalam pertanian

Danoesastro, H

Zat Pengatur Tumbuh dalam pertanian

Yayasan Pembina Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta

Zat pengatur tumbuh dalam pertanian

Danoesastro, H

Zat pengatur tumbuh dalam pertanian

Yayasan Pembinaan Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Gajah Mada

Zat Pengatur Tumbuh

Wattimena, GA

Zat Pengatur Tumbuh

PAU Bioteknologi IPB, Bogor

Zat Pengatur Tumbuh dalam pertanian


Zat Pengatur Tumbuh dalam pertanian

Univ. Gadjah Mada

Zat bioaktif eks tanaman untuk kesejahteraan manusia. Ballon Seminar Intern Lab Kimia Tanaman.


Zat bioaktif eks tanaman untuk kesejahteraan manusia. Ballon Seminar Intern Lab Kimia Tanaman.

UNPAD (tidak dipublikasikan).

Zat pengatur tumbuh. Peran fisiologi dan dasar-dasar pemakaian


Zat pengatur tumbuh. Peran fisiologi dan dasar-dasar pemakaian

Fakultas Pertanian IPB

Zat Pengatur Tumbuh peran fisiologi dan dasar-dasar pemakaian


Zat Pengatur Tumbuh peran fisiologi dan dasar-dasar pemakaian

Fakultas Pertanian IPB

You and your aquarium.

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The complete guide to collecting and keeping aquarium fishes.

Dorling Kindersley, London. 288 pp.

IDF Standart 150

International Dairy Federation

Yogurt: determination of titratable acidity, potentiometric method Yodium (R.E. Olson ed.)

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Pengetahuan Gizi Mutakhir : Mineral

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Pengetahuan Gizi Mutakhir Mineral

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Yield response to water. Yield response to water. Yield Response to Water, FAO Irrigation and Drainge Paper No. 33

FAO FAO Doorenbos. T


Yield Response to Water


FAO. Rome


Hlm 3 dari 1800

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Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Yield Response to Water

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Irrigations and Drainage Paper Vol 24

Food and Agriculture Organization.Roma

Yield performance of fifteen maize variety in different environment.

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Contr. Centr. Res. Inst. Agric.

Puslitbangtan, Bogor.

Yield measurement in maize yield test.


Yield loss of groundnut due to peanute stripe virus

Wakman W

Summary Proceeding of the second coordinators meeting on peanut stripe virus


Yield Decline of Plantains

Ogier, TP

Musa paradisiaca, in Trinidad Associated With the Nematode Pratylenchus sp Turialba

Yield and quality of vegetable as affected by effective mocroorganisms

Kim s

Academic of agricultural sciences-state academic of science of DPRK, Pyongyang, Republic of Korea

Yield and quality of vegetable as affected by effective mocroorganisms

Kim s

Academic of agricultural sciences-state academic of science of DPRK, Pyongyang, Republic of Korea

Yield & yield components Yeast technology. 2nd ed.

Corley RHV Reed, G.

Oil Palm Research

Elsevier Amsterdam Van Nostrand, Reinhold, New York.

Yeast Tech

Reed. G

Yeast Tech

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Yea-sacc for Dairy Cattle in Low Concentrate Input Systems. Effect on Milk Yield and Composition in an Australian Experiment.

Dobos, R.C.

Research and Technical Bulletin, Altech, Inc. KY.

Yearbook of Fisheries Statistics.


Fishery Commodities.

FAO. Rome, 77: 425p.

Year of Improvement Yang Tercecer pada Birokrasi Dunia Ketiga

Leung, P. Budiman Arief

Year of Improvement Krisis Tersembunyi dalam Pembangunan : Birokrasibirokrasi dalam Pembangunan

Textile Asia Gramedia. Jakarta


Hlm 4 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

X-ray-induced mutability in embryogenic suspension cultures of Euphorbia pulcherima

Kleffel, B.

X-Ray Diffraction Techniques

Whitting. L.D

X-Control Chart JIS Z

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Methods Of Soil Analysis Part 1 Physical and Mineralogical Methods 2nd ed. Agronomy Series

ASA-SSSA. Inc. Madison. W.I. USA

X-Control Chart JIS Z

Japanese Standar Association

Xanthomonas, him. 189-228

Moffet, M.J.

P.C. Fahy & G.L. Persley (ed.). Plant Bacterial Disease: A Diagnostic Guide

Toronto: Academic Press.

Xanthan gum

Pettitt., D.J.

Food Hydrocolloid. M. Glicksman (ed)

CRC Press, Boca Raton Florida.

X and Y Choromosome Bearing Spermatozoa

Krzyzaniak, L.T.

_ E&E Hafez (ed) ReprodJCtion in Farm Animals. 5th. Edition

Lea and Febiger. Philadelphia. 640-662.

Wortel dan Lobak

Ali, N.B.V

Wortel dan Lobak

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.

World Vegetables: Principles, Production and Nutritive Value

Yamaguchi, M.

World Vegetables: Principles, Production and Nutritive Value

AVI Publishing Company Inc., Westport.

World vegetables, principles, production and nutritive values.

Yamaguchi, M.

Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Inc. New york

World Vegetables World Vegetable. Principles. Production and Nutritive Value

Yamaguchi M. Yamaguchi, M.

AVI Published Ellis Horwood Limited. Publishers. Chichester. England

World Shrimp Farming, Annual Report

Rosenberry B

Shrimp News International , San Diego

World Oil Seed Chemistry, Technology and Utilization

Salunkhe, D.K.,

World Oil Seed Chemistry, Technology and Utilization

AVI Book Published, New York.

World Oil Seed Chemistry, Technology and Utilization

Salunkhe, D.K

World Oil Seed Chemistry, Technology and Utilization

AVI Book Published, New York

World Market Impacts Of EC Resistaints On Croplands And Livestock Density

Hester Susan

Agricultural and Resource Quarterly

World Hunger and The World Economy

Grifin. K

Working with mycorrhizas in torestry and agriculture

Brundrett M


World Vegetable. Principles. Production and Nutritive Value

Holmes and Meier Publisher. Inc. New York Working with mycorrhizas in torestry and agriculture

ACIAR. Canbera

Hlm 5 dari 1800

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Working Together for Land Care : Group Man-agement Skills dan Strategies

Chamala, S

Working Together for Land Care : Group Man-agement Skills dan Strategies

Australian Academie Press. Bnsbane.

Working effectively with task oriented groups.

Seaman, D.F.

McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York.

Work Study

Soeryohadikoesoe mo

Yayasan Pembina Fakultas Kehutanan UGM, Yogyakarta

Work and motivation

Vroom HV

John Willey & Sons New York, London, Sidney

Work and Demographic behaviour in rural laguna household studies dalam Biswanger HP, RE Evenson, CA Florencio, BNF White (eds).

Evenson RE

Rural Household Studies in Asia

Word Declaration and Plan of Action for Nutrition


Rome Italy

Wood: Chemistry, Ultrastructure, Reaction.

Fengel, D

Wood: Chemistry, Ultrastructure, Reaction.

Walter de Gruyter, Berlin.

Wood: Chemistry, infrastructure and Reactions.

Fengel, D.

Wood: Chemistry, infrastructure and Reactions.

Walter de Gruyter, BerlinNew York.

Wood: Chemistry ultrastructure, reactions.

Fengel, D.

Wood: Chemistry ultrastructure, reactions.

Walter de Gruyter and Co., Berlin.

Wood, Chemistry Ultra Structure, and Reaction

Fengel, D

Wood, Chemistry Ultra Structure, and Reaction

Walter de Gruyter. Berlin. New York

Wood preservation.

Hunt, G. M.

Wood preservation.

McGraw-Hill Book Co.. New-York.

Wood preservation.

Hunt, G.M.

Wood preservation.

Mc-Graw Hill Book Co. New York - St. Louis San Francisco - Toronto London - Sydney.

Wood preservation.

Richardson, B.A.

Wood preservation.

The Construction Press. Lancaster -London - New York.

Wood Deterioration and Its Preventation by Preservative Treatments. Vol. 1. Degradation and Protection of Wood


Syracuse Wood Science Series 5

Syracuse University Press, New York


Singapore University Press

Hlm 6 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Wood Chemistry.

Wise, L. E.

Wood Chemistry.

Reinhold Publisher Corporation, New York.

Wood chemistry.

Wise, L.E.

Wood chemistry.

Reinhold publisher corporation.. New York.

Wood Chemistry.

Wise. L.E..

Wood Chemistry.

Reinhold publisher. Corporation New York.

Wood chemistry.

Wise. L. E.

Wood chemistry.

Reinhold Publisher Corporation, New York.

Wood Chemistry Ultra Structure Reaction.

Fengel, D.

Wood Chemistry Ultra Structure Reaction.

Walter de Gruyter. New York.

Wood chemistry p. 685.


Wood chemistry p. 685.

Reinhold Publishing. Wisconsin.

Wood Chemistry Laboratory Procedure. College of Forest Resources.

Raymond, A.Y.

Wood Chemistry Laboratory Procedure. College of Forest Resources.

University of Washington, Seatle.

Wood chemistry laboratory procedure. College of Forest Resources.

Raymond, A.Y.

Wood chemistry laboratory procedure. College of Forest Resources.

University of Washington, Seatle.

Wood Chemistry Laboratory Procedure.

Raymond. Ay.

Wood Chemistry Laboratory Procedure.

College of Forest Recources. University of Washington Seatle.

Wood chemistry laboratory procedure.

Young. R. A.

Wood chemistry laboratory procedure.

University of Washington Seattle, Washington.

Wood chemistry : Fundamentals and applications.

Siostrom. E.

Wood chemistry : Fundamentals and applications.

Academic Press. Inc. San Fransisco - New York Sao Paulo - London Montreal -Tokyo.

Wood anatomy of Pterospermum.

Madhavan, S.

Sosef, M.S.M., L.T. Hong, and S. Prawirohatmodjo (Eds.) Plant Resources of South East AsiaNo.5(3). Timber trees: Minor commercial timbers.

Backhuys Publisher, Leiden.p.619.

Wood anatomy of Macaranga spp.

Rojo, J.P.

Sosef, M.S.M., L.T. Hong, and S. Prawirohatmodjo (Eds.) Plant Resources of South East Asia No.5(3). Timber trees : Minor commercial timbers.

Backhuys Publisher, Leiden, p.619.


Hlm 7 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Wood anatomy of Litsea spp. w

Ho, Y.F.

Lemmens, R.H.M.J., I. Soerianegara and W.C. Wong (Eds.). Plant resources of South East Asia No. 5(2). Timber trees: Minor commercial timbers.

Backhuys Publisher, Leiden, p. 307-308.

Wood : Decay, Pets, and Protection


Champman and Hall, London

Wood : chemistry, ultrastructure, reaction,

Fengel D

walter de gruyter & Co, berlin

Wood : chemistry, ultrastructure, and reactions

Fengel, D

Wonogir dalam angka 1986 s/d 1994


Wonder Zeolit, Katalog1991

Wonder Indonesia Pharmaceutical

Wonder Zeolit, Katalog1991

Women's Participation in the Labor Force: Implication for Employment and Health/Nutrion Programs

Hart G.P

Cornel University.Mimeo

Women in development: issues, challenges and strategies in Asia and the Pacific.


Wold potato fac. WizardTM genomic DNA Purification Systems

CIP Anonim

Within Canopy Temperature Patterns Of Sorghum at Two Row Spacings

Graser. E.A

Agricultural And Forest And Meteorology

Winter Canola An Alternative Corp in Indiana

Christmas E.P

Winter Canola An Alternative Corp in Indiana

Purdue Univ. Coorperative ext. service. West Lafayrtte. Indiana

Wines Their Sensory Evaluation

Amerina Maynard A.

Wines Their Sensory Evaluation

W.H. Freeman and Co., San Fransisco

Windows QTL Cartographer VI.20. Statistical Genetics

Wang S

Windows QTL Cartographer VI.20. Statistical Genetics

North Carolina State Univ. USA


Wood : chemistry, ultrastructure, and reactions

Walter de Gruyter New York Kantor Statistik Jateng Wonder Indonesia Pharmaceutical. Jakarta.

ADB, Manila.

WizardTM genomic DNA Purification Systems

Promega Corp.

Hlm 8 dari 1800

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Winboot: a program for performing bootstrap analysis of binary data to determine the confidence limits of UPGMA based dendrograms. I

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RRI discussion Paper Series No. 14, 20p. IRRI Manila, Philippines

Wildlife Management In The Tropies, With Emphasis On South East Asia


A Guide Book To Wonder, Part 11 School Of Envieonment Mana gement (ATA 190),

School Of Envieonment Mana gement (ATA 190), Ciawi, Bogor, Indonesia.

Wildlife Manage ment

Giles, R.H.

Wildlife Manage ment

W.H. Freeman And Company, San Fransisco

Wildlife Ecology and Management

Teer et. Al.

Wildlife Ecology and Management

Prentice Hall, Inc. A Simon & Schuster Comp. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA.

Wildlife Ecology

Moen A.N.

Wildlife Ecology

Freeman and Co. San Fransisco.

Wilayah pengembangan komoditas pangan di Sumatera Barat.


Wilayah pengembangan komoditas pangan di Sumatera Barat.

Dinas pertanian tanaman pangan Dati I Sumatera Barat Padang

Widyakarya Nasional Pangan dan Gizi V.



Widyakarya Nasional Pangan Dan Gizi 1998


Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia. Jakarta

Widening circles of research collaboration for greater food security. p. 46-52

Javier, E.Q.

B. Friedhem and Sheridan (Eds.) The Globalization of Science: The Place of Agricultural Research

ISNAR, The Haque.

Why Bamboos Wait so Long to Flower ?


Tropicaltrees,Variation, Breeding and Conservation

Academic Press.Inc.London

Whole genome analysis of P seudomonas and its application to P. solanacearum, him. 59-76

Holloway, B.

A.C. Hayward & G.L. Hartmann (ed.), Bacterial Wilt: the Disease and its Causative Agents, P. Solanacearum

London: CAB. lnt'1 Wallingford.

WHO Features, April edition




Hlm 9 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

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Judul Buku


Which Age Groups Should be targeted for Supplementary Feeding?

Beaton G

In ACC/SCN.Nutritional Issues in Food Aid

ACC/SCN Symposium Report, Nutritional Policy Discussion Paper No.12, Geneva

Whey proteins

Bottomley RC

When Protein Functionality

Kilara, A.

When Protein Functionality

Wheat Growth From Phosphorus Fertilizers as Affected by Time and Method of Application in Soil With an Acidic Subsurface Layer

Purnomo. E

Fertilizers Research

Wheat Flour Compound that Properties and Quality

Bushuk, W.

Wheat Flour Compound that Properties and Quality

What's happening to the rice yields in rice-fish systems?, p. 177-183

Lightfoot, C.

C.R. Dela Cruz, C. Lightfoot, B.A. Costa-Pierce, V.R. Carangal and M.P. Bimbao (eds.) Rice-Fish Research and Development in Asia. ICLARM conf. Proc. 24, 457 p.

What is Political Economy, What Is Political Economy What classical and neoclassical monetary theory really was

Staniland, M., W Staniland, M Samuelson, P.A.

What is Political Economy, What Is Political Economy Canadian J. Econ. 1: 1-15.

Wetland rice-nutrient deficiencies other than nitrogen. p. 327-378.

Jones, U.S.,

In Rice Research Strategies for the Future. International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Philippines.

Wet soils of indonesia

Subagjo, H

J.M. Kimble (Ed.). Proceed of the VIIIth International soil Correlation Meeting : Characterization, Classification, and Utilization of wet soils

USDA. Soil Conservation Service, National Soil Survey Center. Lincoln, NE

Wet Rice Cultivation with Fish Culture : a Study of Some Agronomical Aspects

Satari, G.

Ph.D. Thesis

Bogor Agricultural University.


Elseiver applied science publisher London, NY Marecel Dekker Inc. Madison Aveneu, New York

Blackie Academic and Professional, Glasgow

Sage, London Sage, London

Hlm 10 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

West Afrivan Tall. Cataloque variety of cocinut germplasm

Konan JL

Were Farmer Wrong in Rejecting a Recommendation ? The Case Of Nitrogen At Transplanting For Irrigated Rice

Fujisaka. S

Agricultural Systems

Welfare Impact of Improved Boat Modernization in Pemalang Regencies, Central Java, Indonesia

Susilowati, I.

Master Thesis

The Faculty of Economics and Management, University Putra Malaysia.

Weedy plant species and their beneficial arthropods: potential for manipulation in field crops

Nentwig W

Pickett CH, Bugg RL (ed). Enhancing Biological Control. Habitat Management to Promote Natural Enemies of Agricultural Pests

Berkeley: University of California Press, him 4971.

Weed-Crop Ecology

Aldrich, J.R

Princiles in Weed Management

Breton Publisher. Massachusettes

Weed-Crop Ecology

Aldrich, R.J

Principle in Weed Management

Brenton Publisher. California

Weed-Crop Competition

Zimdahl. R.L

A Review IPPC

Oregon State University. Oregon

Weed-Cro Ecology

Aldrich, J.R

Principles in Wed Management

Breton Publisher. Massachusetts

Weed species infected by Rhiwctonia solani, him. 1-8

Kardin, M.K.

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Weed Sciences , Principles and Practice

Klingman C. G.

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Weed Science. Principles and Practices.

Klingman, G.C.

Weed Science. Principles and Practices.

Jonh Wiley and Sons, New York.

Weed Science Principles and Practices.

Klingman, C.

Weed Science Principles and Practices.

John Willey and Sons Toronto.

Weed Science in the Tropics.

Akobundo, O.I

Principles and Practices

John Wiley and Sons. New Delhi

Weed Science in the Tropics

Akobundo, O.I

Principles and Practices

John Wiley and Sons. New Delhi


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Penerbit Cogent/IPGRI

Hlm 11 dari 1800

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Judul Buku


Weed Science in the tropics

Akobundo, O.I

Principles and Practices

John Wiley & Sons. New Delhi

Weed Science in the Tropic

Akobundu, O.I

Principles and Practices

John Wiley and Sons. New York

Weed Science and Vegetation Analysis.

Dekker, R.J

Lecture Note. 7: In: Fifth BIOTROP Weed Sci. Training Course.

Kuala Lumpur.

Weed Science : Principles and Practices

Klingman, A.C

Weed Science

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Weed of Rice In Indonesia Weed Management in Soybean Crop in Indonesia

Soerjani,M Tjitrosemito. S

Weed Management in Soybean Crop in Indonesia

Tjitrosemito S.

SEAWIC Weed Leaflets 2 and 3


Weed identification and Control.

Isely, D.

Weed identification and Control.

Iowa State University Press, Iowa USA.

Weed Crop Interaction in The Sugarcane -Peanut Intercropping System

Moenandir, J

Weed Crop Interaction in The Sugarcane -Peanut Intercropping System

University Brawijaya, Malang

Weed crop Competition. Weed Controls

Zindall, R.L. Crafts, A.S

Weed crop Competition.

Weed control in the tropic Weed control in the tropic Weed Control in direct Seeded Rice Under Upland Conditions of Chnattisgarh

Kasasian Kasasian Singh, R.

Weed Allelopathy Weed Physiology I

Putnam, A.R

Reproduction and Ecophysiology

CRC Press, Florida

Wed-Crop competition

Zimdahl. R.L

A Review. International Plant Protection Center

Oregon State University. Corvalis-Oregon

Weather, dry matter production and yields .

Biscoe, P. V

Enviromental Effect on Crops Physiologi . Enviromental Effect on Crops Physiologi .

Academic Press. London.


John Wiley and Sons. New York Principles and Practices

John Wiley and Sons. New York Balai Pustaka. Jakarta SEAWIC Weed Leaflets 2 and 3. SEAMEO BIOTROP. Bogor

3th ed. Mc. Grow Hill Book Company, Inc. USA

Weed Control in direct Seeded Rice Under Upland Conditions of Chnattisgarh

Leonar Hill London Leonar Hill London India. IRRI Newsietter

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Weather Classification and Plant Weather Relationship. Food and Agriculture Organization

Trojer, H.

Working Paper No. 11.

Soil Research Institute, Bogor.

Wax Emulsion for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables to Extend Their Storage Life

Dalal. V.B.

Wax Emulsion for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables to Extend Their Storage Life

Central Ford Technological Research Institute. Mysore.

Wawasan Kelayakan dan Evaluasi Proyek,

Sumita N.,

Wawasan Kelayakan dan Evaluasi Proyek,

Penerbit Bumi Pasaka. Jakarta. 213 pp.

Water-soluble pentosans from rye ; II. Effects on rate of dialysis and on the retention of nutrients by the chick

Fengler, A.I

Cereal Chem

Waterlogged Soils

Armstrong W

JR Etherington (ed) Environment and plant ecology

John Willey & sons New York

Waterlogged Soils

Armstrong W

JR Etherington (ed) Environment and plant ecology

John Willey & sons New York

Waterfowl in Australia

Frith, H. J.

Waterfowl in Australia

Angus and Robertson. Melbourne.

Water toxicology

Metelev, V. V.

Water toxicology

Amerind Publishing Co. PVT. Ltd. New Delhi.

Water table management, organic soil conservation and crop production in the Florida Everglades.

Snyder, G. H.

Water supply for rural areas and small communities.

Wagner, E.C.

WHO Monograph Series No. 42

WHO, Geneva.

Water Suppley and Pollution Control.

dark, W.J.W,

Harper and Row Publ. New York. 857 pp.

Water Stress effects in flooded tropical rice. Pp.19-36

De Datta, S.K

Water management in Philliphines irrigation systems: Research and operations

International Rice Research institiute, Los Banos, Philippines

Water Requirements


FAO. Agriculture Irrigation and Drainage

Paper Number 24. Rome

Water relations of plants

Kramer, P. J.


Academic Press Inc. London

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Water quality studies in the Columbia river Basin.

Sylvester, R.O.

Spec.Sci. Rep. Fish.

U.S. Dept. of the Interior. Washington. 239: 134 p.

Water quality studies in the Columbia River Basin

R.O. Sylvester

Water quality studies in the Columbia River Basin

U.S. Department Interior, Washington DC.

Water Quality Management in Pond Fish Culture. 4th Printing.

Boyd, CF.

Water Quality Management in Pond Fish Culture. 4th Printing.

International Centre for Aquaculture Experiment Station. Auburn. 318 pp.

Water Quality Management in Pond Fish Culture. 4th printing.

Boyd, C.E.

Water Quality Management in Pond Fish Culture. 4th printing.

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Water Quality Management in Pond Fish Culture.

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Veterinary Bacteriology and Virology

Merchant, I.A.

Veterinary Bacteriology and Virology

The Iowa State University Press. Ames. Iowa.

Veterinary Applied Pharmacology And Therapeutics. 6th Ed.


Veterinary Applied Pharmacology And Therapeutics. 6th Ed.

The English Language Book Society. London,

Veterinary Applied Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Daykin P.W.

Veterinary Applied Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Bailliere Tindal and Cox. London.

Veterinary applied Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Brander, G.L

3rd ed. The English Language Book Soc. And Bailliare. Tindal, London

Veterinary applied Pharmacology and Therapeutics


2nd ed. Bailliare. Tindall, London


W. B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia, London, Toronto

Hlm 27 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Veterinary Applied Pharmacology and Therapeutic. Fifth Edition. E.L.B.S. with Bailliere, Tindal, Educational Low-Priced Scheme funded by the British Government.

Brander, G.C.

Veterinary Applied Pharmacology and Therapeutic. Fifth Edition. E.L.B.S. with Bailliere, Tindal, Educational Low-Priced Scheme funded by the British Government.

Veterinary Anesthesia. 9th Ed.

Hall L.W

Bailliere Tindall. London, p. 9394.

Veterinary ^icrooiology Infroductton to Bacteria and Virology. 7'' Ed

KingscoTe B

Veterinary ^icrooiology Infroductton to Bacteria and Virology. 7'' Ed

Vet. Hematology. 4th ed.

Jain, N. C.

Vespertilion In walton D.W and B.J Richardson ( Eds)


Fauna of Autralia Vol.1B.Mammalia

Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizae and Soil Microbial Interactions. In: Mycorrhizae in Sustainable Agriculture.

Linderman, R. G.

ASA Special Publication.

Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Research for Tropical Agriculture. Research Bulletin 174.

Mosse, B.

Hawaii Institute of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii.

Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorhyza.

Sieferding, E.

Management in tropical agrosystem Deutsche Gesell Schatt Fur Technische Zusanmenarbeit (GTZ) Eschborn

Vesicular-arbuscular Endomycorrhizal Inoculum Production I.

Mosse. B

Exploratory Experiment With Beans (Phaseoulus Vulgaris) In Nutrient Flow culture

Ca. J. Bot

Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Manage ment in Tropical Agrosystems

Sieverding, E.

Deutsche Gesellschaft fur, Technische Zusammennbeit (GTZ) GmbH

Technical Coope ration. Federal Republic of Germany

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae and oil microbial interactions

Linderman RG

Mycorrhizae in sustainable agriculture.

ASA Special Publications



The Iowa Slate University Press. Ames JowaLea and Fabiger, Philadelphia Australian Government Publishing Service.Canbera

Hlm 28 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Verwendung der Polyphenole aus Uncaria gambir zur Herstellung Von Holzbindemittel.

Kasim, A.

Vertical migration in the oceanic relm:possible causes and problems effects. In migration : Mechanism rankin.

Angel, M.V

Vertical migration in the oceanic relm:possible causes and problems effects. In migration : Mechanism rankin.

Contribution in marine science, suplemen volume 27

Vertical distribution of planktonic stages of penaeid shrimp

Temple, R.F

Vertical distribution of planktonic stages of penaeid shrimp

Publications of Institute of Marine Science, University of Texas

Vertebrate Endocrinology

Norris D.O

Vertebrate Endocrinology

Lea and Febriger Philadelphia.

Verslag Conssies De Groot In Het Landschp Panei (Report on The Groot Consessions In The Panei Region,East Coast of Sumatra)


IndonesianForestry Abstrct, Dutch Literature Untill About 1960

Centre for Agricuktural Publishing and Dokumentation. Wageningen

Vendor Selection and Buying Process

Dempsey. W.A

Industrial Marketing Management

Vegetative propagation of oil palm by somatic embryogenesis

Lioret C

The Incorporate Society of Planters vol (1):163-172

Kuala Lumpur

Vegetative propagation of cocoa


Vegetative propagation of cocoa

BPP, Medan

Vegetativ propagation of oil palm by somatic embryogenesis.

Lioret, C.

The Incorporet Society of Planters Vol (1) : 163-172

Kula Lumpur

Vegetation Structure, Logging Damage and Silvyculture In Tropical Rain Forest In Suriname


Agricultural University Wageningaen The Netherlands

Vegetarian Ok.(2)

Linan L

Keluarga Vegetarian Maitreya Indonesia.Jakarta

Vegetarian di Indonesia,Info Vegetarian


keluarga Vegetarian Maitreya Indonesia.Jakarta

Vegetables Oil and Fat Processing Volume

Bernardini, E

Vegetables Oil and Fat Processing Volume

Interstamps, Rome.

Vegetables of the Dutch Indies.

Ochase, J.J.

Vegetables of the Dutch Indies.

A. Asher & Co. BV. Amsterdam.


Hlm 29 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Vegetables in tropics

Tindall, H. D

Vegetables in tropics

English Language Book Society, Mcmillan Education Ltd. Hampshire, USA

Vegetables in The Tropics.

Tmdall, H.D.

Vegetables in The Tropics.

Macmillan Press London.

Vegetables in The Tropics.

Tmdall, H.D.

Vegetables in The Tropics.

Macmillan Press London.

Vegetables In The Tropics


McMillan Education Ltd. Britain

Vegetables in the tropics

Tindall, H. D.

AVI Publishing Company Inc. Wesrport, Connecticut

Vegetables in the Tropic

Tindall, H.D.

Vegetables in the Tropic

Macmillan Education Ltd., Hongkong.

Vegetable Tannins.

Haslam, E.

Biochemistry of Plant Phenolics (Recent Advances in Phytochemistry).

Plenum Press, New York.

Vegetable Oils and Fats Processing. Vol. II

Bernardini, E

Vegetable Oils and Fats Processing. Vol. II

Interstampa, Rome

Vegetable Oils and Fats Processing

Bernardini, E

Vegetable Oils and Fats Processing

Interstampa, Rome

Vegetable oil and oil seeds.


Vegetable of the Dutch East Indies

Ochse, J. J

Vegetable in thenTropics

Tindall H. D.

Vegetable in The Tropics

Tindall, H.D

Vegetable in The Tropics

MacMillan Press. London

Vegetable Growing Handbook

Splittstoesser, W. E.

Vegetable Growing Handbook

Avi Publishing Company, Inc. Wesport. Connecticut

Vegetable fats and oils. 2nd ed

Jamieson, G.S

Vegetable fats and oils. 2nd ed

Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York

Vegetable fats and oils. 2nd ed

Jamieson, G.S

Vegetable fats and oils. 2nd ed

Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York

Vegetable Fat and Oil. Their Chemistry, Producton and Utilization for Edible, Medical and Technical Purpose 2nd ed.

Jamieson, G.S.

Vegetable Fat and Oil. Their Chemistry, Producton and Utilization for Edible, Medical and Technical Purpose 2nd ed.

Reinhold Publishing Co. New York.


Internationa trade center Vegetable of the Dutch East Indies

Archipel Drukkerij, Buitenzorg Avi Publishing Company, Inc.

Hlm 30 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Vegetable Fat and Oil Their Chemistry

Jamieson, G.S.

Production and Luilization for Lidible. Medical and Thechnical Purpose. Second Edition.

Vegetable Fat and Oil American Oil Chemistry Society Monograph Series. No 125.

Eckey, A.W.

Vegetable Fat and Oil American Oil Chemistry Society Monograph Series. No 125.

Rainhold Publ. New York.

Vegetable crops

Thompson, C.

Vegetable crops

Tata Me. Graw-Hill, Company, New York

Vegetable Crops

Thompson H. C.

Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd

Vegetable Crops

Thompson H. C.

Mc Graw Hill Book Co. New York

Vegetable Crops

Thompson M. C.

Mc Graw Hill Book Co. New York

Vegetable crops

Thompson, H. C.

Vegetable crops

Tata Mc. Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. New Delhi

Vegetable crops

Thompson, H. C.

Vegetable crops

Tata Mc. Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. New Delhi

Vegetable crops

Thomson, S.

Vegetable crops

McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc. NY

Vegetable crops

Thomson, S.

Vegetable crops

McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc. NY

Vegetable Crop 5th Edition

Thompson H.C.

Vegetable Crop 5th Edition

McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc. New York

Vegetable breeding vol 3


Vegetable breeding vol 3. Dept of vegetble crops Haryana Agric. Univ. Hinsar India

CRC Press, Inc. Boca Raton, Florida

Vegetabics in South -East Asia

Herklots, G.A.C.

Vegetabics in South -East Asia

London George Allen and UNWIN Ltd

Vedenecum Bimas

Badan Pengendalian Bimas, Jakarta

Vedenecum Bimas Vedemikum tanaman hias

Dit Bina produksi Holtikultura

Vedemikum tanaman hias

Dit Bina produksi Holtikultura



Hlm 31 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Varnish Constituents.

Chatfield, H. W.

Varnish Constituents.

Leonard Hill Limited, London.

Varietas Tebu Unggul Ps 56 (BO 653)


BP3G Pasuruan

Varietas Tebu Unggul F-154 (BZ 132)


BP3G Pasuruan

Varietas dan Penyebaran

Sudaryono T

Varietal development

Pandey, S.

Variations in diversity within benthic maarine communities

Johnson, R.G.

Variations in diversity within benthic maarine communities

Variation of sex steroids levels in maturing grouper.

Yashiro, N.,

The Proceeding of Grouper Culture, Songkhia, Thailand, p. 815.

Variation in the nutritive value of rice straw in Northern Thailand. The utilization of fibrous agricultural residues as animal feed. Edited by P.T. Doyle.

Isarakul Cheva, B.

Variation in the nutritive value of rice straw in Northern Thailand. The utilization of fibrous agricultural residues as animal feed. Edited by P.T. Doyle.

Variation in intake among Groupfed Pregnant Scotish Black Face Ewes Given Restricted Amount of food

Foot, J.Z

VDI Richtlinie 4600, Entwurf. ICS 01.040.27. Kumulierter Energieaufwand - Begriffe, Definitionen, Berechnungsmethoden. Düsseldorf 1995 (Federation of German Engineers. Cumulated Energy Effort - Terms, Definitions, Calculation Methods. Düsseldorf 1995).


dalam Teknologi Produksi Salak, Kusumo S, Bahar FA, Sulihanti, S Krisnawati, y Suhardjo, dan Sudaryono T, Eds

Puslitbang Hortikultura , Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian , Departemen Pertanian Jakarta Lyenne Rienner Publishers. Inc, Colorado. Am. Natur., 104:285-300.

IDP. Canberra, Australia.

Animal production

Hlm 32 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Variation and Adaptation in Plant Species

Jones, D.A

Variation and Adaptation in Plant Species

Heinemann Educational Books Ltd. London.

Variation among cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) isolates and their interaction with the plants

Wahyuni, W.S.

Ph.D. Thesis

Adelaide: Fac. Agric. & Natural Resources University of Adelaide.

Variance Components


Variability in enzyme-linked imunosorbent assays and control of experimental designs.

Bauske, E. M.

Variabilitas dan adaptasi genotip terigu (Triticum aestivum L) pada bbr lingkungan tumbuh di Indonesia. Disertasi.

Darajat AA

Vanilla culture in the college of agriculture at Los Banos

David, P. A.

vanilia Culture in the college of agriculture at los Banos.

David P.A.

vanilia Culture in the college of agriculture at los Banos.

Vandemekum Bahan Obat Alam. Jakarta. Hal 225.

Departemen Kesehatan RI

Vandemekum Bahan Obat Alam. Jakarta. Hal 225.

Validitas dan reliabilitas. Edisi III

Azwar, S.

Validitas dan Reliabiltas Instrumen Penelitian

Ancok, Djamaludin

Validitas dan Reliabiltas Instrumen Penelitian

Metode penelitian survai. LP3ES. Jakarta

Valid names of plant pathogenic bacteria. p. 299-315.

Moffett, M.L.

In P.C. Fahy and G.J. Persley(Eds.) Plant Bacterial Diseases: A diagnostic guide.

Academic Press, Australia.

Vaginal sperm transport an sperm selection

Wishart GJ

Vadenukum Kehutanan Indonesia


Vadenukum Kehutanan Indonesia

Direktoral Jenderal Kehutanan Jakarta

Vademikum buah-buahan


Vademikum buah-buahan

Direktorat Bina Produksi Tanaman Pangan. Jakarta


John Willey & Sons. Inc. New York

Univ. Padjajaran Bandung (tidak dipublikasikan)

The Philippine Agriculture.

Pustaka pelajar, Yogyakarta

Dept. of Moelcular an Lie Sci. Dundee Institute of tech, Bell Street Dundee DDI IHG, Scotland, Uk

Hlm 33 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Vademicum Indonesia


Vademicum Indonesia

Departemen Pertanian Direktorat Jendral Kehutanan, Jakarta

Departemen Pertanian

Pusat Promosi dan Informasi Tanaman Pangan dan Holtikultur

Departemen Petanian. Jakarta

Vademekum, Sumber Daya Tahun 1996 Vademekum Pemasaran 19871997 Vademekum Pemasaran 1986 1996.Jakarta Vademekum buah-buahan.


Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Sumatera Barat.

Vademekum Bahan Obat Alami


Departemen Kesehatan Jakarta

Vademekum Bahan Obat Alam

Departement Kesehatan RI

Vademekum Bahan Obat Alam

Direktorat Jenderal POM, Jakarta.

Vademecum Kehutanan Indonesia.


Vademecum Kehutanan Indonesia.

Departemen Pertanian. Jakarta.

Vademecum Kehutanan Indonesia.


Vademecum Kehutanan Indonesia.

Departemen Pertanian. Jakarta.

Vademecum Kehutanan Indonesia.

Direktorat Jenderal Kehutanan. Departemen Pertanian.

Vademecum Kehutanan Indonesia.

Vademecum Kehutanan Indonesia


Vademecum Kehutanan Indonesia


Vademecum Bimas Vol IV

Sekretariat badan Pengendali Bimas

VA Mycorrhiza Research For Tropical Agriculture


Hawaii Institute Of Tropical Agriculture And Human Resources

UV-B radiation

Kulandaivelu G

MNV Prasad (ed) Plant Ecophysiology, p 41-60


Departemen Pertanian Direktorat jendral Kehutanan. Jakarta Direktorat Kehutanan, Departemen Pertanian Republik Indonesia

John Wiley & Sons Inc

Hlm 34 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

UUD 1945 Setelah Amandemen Kedua Tahun 2000.

Penerbit Sinar Grafika, Jakarta

UU Pangan No 7/1996 UU No. 21 Tahun 1961 tentang Merek Perniagaan dan Merek Perusahaan

Anonim Departemen Kehakiman RI

UU No. 19 Tahun 1992 tentang Merek

Departemen Kehakiman RI

UU No. 12/1992 tentang Sistem budidaya tanaman


Sekretariat Negara RI

UU No. 12/1992 tentang Karantina hewan ikandan tumbuhan


Sekretariat Negara RI

UU No. 10 Tahun 1992 tentang Perkembangan Kependudukan dan Pembangunan Keluarga Sejahtera.


Badan Koordinasi Keluarga Berencana Nasional.

Utilization offish viscera.

Poernomo, A

Liang, O.B., Buchanan, A. and Fardiaz, D (eds.). Development of Food Science and Technology in Southeast Asia. Bogor, Indonesia:

IPB Press

Utilization offish viscera.

Poernomo, A.

O.B. Liang, A. Buchanan, and D. Fariaz. (Eds.). Development of Food Science and Technology in Southeast Asia. Bogor, Indonesia.

IP Press, p. 379-385.

Utilization of urea by ruminants

Goodrich, R.D.

Selected reference papers international training course in dairy husbandry. Australian Development Assistance Agency (ADAA).

Utilization of Ugnosellulose for Ruminant.

Rgden, W.J.

In Ruminant Nutrition Selected Article from the World Animal Review, FAO UN, Rome, Italy.

Utilization of tofu soybean curd by products as feed for cattle bull

Amaha, K.

Food dan fertilizer technology center


UU No. 21 Tahun 1961 tentang Merek Perniagaan dan Merek Perusahaan UU No. 19 Tahun 1992 tentang Merek

Hlm 35 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Utilization of the waste of sardine canning factory for elevating omega-3 fatty acids level of eggs

Astuti, R.D

A Master thesis. Gadjah Mada University

Utilization of soybean meal and other non-marine protein sources in diets for penaeid prawns.

Kanazawa, A.,

In G. Allan (Editor), Aquaculture nutrition workshop, Program and Abstracts.

Salamander Bay, NSW Australia.

Utilization of southern pines

Koch P

Utilization of southern pines volume II

US Departement of Agriculture, Forest Service Southrn Forest Experiment Station, Washington DC

Utilization of shrub legumes and nutrient dynamics

Teleni, E.

termination report on ACIAR. Project No. 9312

Utilization of palmkemel cake, ground kapokseed and steamed cassava-urea mix as supplement of grass by lactating goats, him. 71-74

Sastradipradja, D.

J.F. Aguilera (Comp.), Energy Metabolism of Farm Animals. EAAP Publ. No. 76

Utilization of Palm Press Fibre and Rice Straw by Ruminants.

Jelan, Z. A.

Held in University Pertanian Malaysia

Utilization of Organic Materials in Rice Production of China

Wen, Q.X

IRRI (ed). Organic Matter and Rice

Utilization of neem (Azadirachta indica) and its by products

Ketkar, C. M.

Utilization of Metabolizable Energy. In: Energy Requirement of Poultry.

De Groote, G.

Utilization of Hardwoods Growing on Southern Pine Sites. Vol.111.

Koch, P.

Utilization of Hardwoods Growing on Southern Pine Sites. Vol.111.

Utilization of forest grazing by goats.

Bourbouze, A.

Hormones et Eaux

Utilization of Fibrous Crop Residues Associative Effect of Supplementation.

Bruchem, J. V.

Bioconversion Project Second Workshop on Crop Residues for Feed and Other Purposes, Grati.



Madrid: CSIC Publ. Serv.

British Poultry Science. Ltd. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. Washington, DC.

Hlm 36 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Utilization of feeding Stuffs From The Oil Palm.

Devendra, C

Feeding Stuffs for Livestock in South Asia

Utilization of Feeding Stuffd from Oil Palm.

Devendra, C.

Utilization of Crop Resi-dues as a Feed for Ruminant Animals Method of Ammoniation of Straw

Kumase, N

Utilization of Crop Resi-dues as a Feed for Ruminant Animals Method of Ammoniation of Straw

Utilization Of Cellulose and Gallic Acid By Litter Inhabiting Fungi and its Possible Implication in Litter Decomposition of A Tropical Decidous Forest


Pedobiologia.Dept. Bot. Banaras Hidu University, Varanasi, India

Utilization of aqautic weeds as animal feeds

Manidool C

Training Course on Aquatic Weed Management, Kasetsart University- Biotrop, Kampaengsan Nakornpathom Thailand

Utilization of agro-resources by radiation treatment.

Kume, T.

Production of animal feed and mushroom from oil palm wastes.

Radiat. Phys, Chem.

Utilitas Azolla microphylla, Sebagai Tepung Daun dan Konsentrat Protein Daun Pada Ayam Kampung

Piijaningsih, R.I,

Utilitas Azolla microphylla, Sebagai Tepung Daun dan Konsentrat Protein Daun Pada Ayam Kampung

Fakultas Petemakan, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang

Uterine artificial insemination in ewes

Davis, F.

reproduction sheep. D. R. Lindsay and D. T. Pearce editors. Australian academy of science, conjunction with the Australian wool corporation, Canberra

Usulan Rencana Karya Pengusahaan Hutan yang Meliputi Seluruh Jangka Waktu Pengusahaan Hutan

Dwimajaya Utama

PT. Dwimajaya Utama Kalimantan Tengah

Usulan pelepasan galur mutan genjah no 57/PsJ menjadi varietas baru

Ratma R

Using SPSS for Windows: Analysing and Understanding Data

Green, S.B.



National University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

Using SPSS for Windows: Analysing and Understanding Data

APAID. Obihiro. Japan

Prentice-Hall, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Hlm 37 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Using fatty acid esters in cosmetics

Lower E

Manufacturing chemist no 1: 3436

Uses of gelatin in edible products. In the Science and Technology of gelatin

Jones, N.R.

Uses of gelatin in edible products. In the Science and Technology of gelatin

Uses and application of anther and pollen culture in rice.

Niizeki H.

Cell and Tissue Culture Techniques for Cereal Crop Improvement. Proceedings of a Workshop Cosponsored by the Institute of Genetics, Academia Sinica and the International Rice Research Institute Beijing: Science Pr. him 165-171.

User's manual for LINDO.

Schrage, L.

Scientific Press. Palo alto, California, USA.

User's Guide To MSTAT-C

Freed. R.D

Minchgan State University, East Lansing

Users Guide to MSTAT, a Sofware Program for The Design, Management, and Analysis of Agronomic Research Experiments.

Bricker, B.

Michigan State University

User's guide for LSMLMW and MIXMDL. Mixed Model Leastsquarer and Maximum Likelihood computer program

Harvey, W.R.

User's guide for LSMLMW and MIXMDL. Mixed Model Leastsquarer and Maximum Likelihood computer program

Ohio State Univ., Columbus,

User's guide for LSMLMW and MIXMDL. Mixed model least squares and maximum likelihood computer program

Harvey, W.R.

User's guide for LSMLMW and MIXMDL. Mixed model least squares and maximum likelihood computer program

Ohio State Univ., Columbus.

User's guide for LSMLMW and MIXMDL PC-2 version mixed model least-squares and maximum likelihood compuler program

Harvey, W.R.

User's guide for LSMLMW and MIXMDL PC-2 version mixed model least-squares and maximum likelihood compuler program

Ohio State Univ. Colombus.

User's guide for LSMLMW and MIKMDL PC-2 version mixed model Least-Squares and maximum likelihood computer program

Harvey, W. R.

User's guide for LSMLMW and MIKMDL PC-2 version mixed model Least-Squares and maximum likelihood computer program

Ohio State Univ., Colombus.



Academie Press. London, New York, San Fransisco

Hlm 38 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


User's guide for LSMLMW and M1XMDL, Mixed model leastsquares and maximum likelihood computer program

Harvey, W.R.

User's guide for LSMLMW and M1XMDL, Mixed model leastsquares and maximum likelihood computer program

Ohio State Univ., Columbus,

User’s guide Basics


User’s guide Basics

SAS.Inst., Inc. Carry. N.C.

Useful role of fungi in food processing

Nout MJR

Samson RA, Hoekstra, JC Frisvad, O Filtenberg (ed) Introduction to food-borne fungi Forth Ed.

Centraalbureau Voor Schimmelcultures, Baarn

Useful role of fungi in food processing

Nout MJR

Samson RA, Hoekstra, JC Frisvad, O Filtenberg (ed) Introduction to food-borne fungi Forth Ed.

Centraalbureau Voor Schimmelcultures, Baarn

Use of twin screw extruder as a chemical reactor for starch cationisation

Della Valle G

Use of Trichogramma dendrolimi in forest pest control in China

Xilin, S.

Use of the universal soil loss equation to predict erosion in West Africa.

Roose, E.J.

Use of the nylon bag technique for protein and energy evaluation and for rumen environment studies in ruminant.

Orskov, E.R.

Livest. Research for Rural Development.

Use of the natural enrichment of 15N in plant available soil N for the measurement of symbiotic N2 fixation

Peoples, M.B.

Stable Isoptope In Plant Nutrition, Soil Fertility and Environmental Studies. Proceedings series

Use of Small-scale nutrient-film hydrophonis technique to reduce mineral accumulation in aquarium qater

R. Clarkson

Aquaculture and Fisheries Management



J.Voegele, J. Waage, and J. van Lanteren (Eds.). Trichogramma and other parasites. 2nd International Symposium, Guangzhou (China) Nov. 10-15, 1986. I (43): 591-596.

nstitute National De La Recherche Agronomique, Paris. Les Colloques de I'INRA.

Spec. Publ. No. 212. Soil conserv. Soc. Am. Ankeny. Iowa.

International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria.

Hlm 39 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Use Of Refigerated Containers To Transport Fruit and Vegetables In Papua New Guinea

Atkinson. G

Transport of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables. Proceeding of a Workshop Held at CSIRO Food Research Laboratory

North Ride, Sydney. Australia

Use of protoplasts for plant improvement. p. 202-206.

Compton, M.E.,

In R.N. Trigiano and D.J. Gray (eds.). Plant tissue culture, concepts and laboratory exercises.

CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.

Use of plant in control of agricultural and domestic pest.

Secoy, D. M.

Use of insect pest phatogen in pest management.

Maddox, J.V.

Use of insect pest phatogen in pest management.

John Wiley and Sons. Inc. New York.

Use of diseases in pest management

Maddox JV

Metcalf, WH Luckmann (ed) Intrduction to insect pests management

John Willey & Sons New York

Use of diseases in pest management

Maddox JV

Metcalf, WH Luckmann (ed) Intrduction to insect pests management

John Willey & Sons New York

Use of Bacteria for Microbial Control

Falcon, L.A.

In H D Burgess dan N.W. Hussey (eds) Microbial Control of Insects and Mites.

Academic Press Inc. London.

Use of Awlla in Pakistan, him. 177-185

Ali, S.

Awlla Utilization. Proceeding of the Workshop on Azof/a Use. Fuzhou, Fujian, China, 31 Maret 5 April 1985. Manila: IRR1.

Use of Artemia as a Food Source for Aquaculture. III

Bengton, D.A.,

Artemia Biology, (Brown, R.A., Sorgeloos, P. and Trotman, C.N.A., Eds.),

CRC Press, Boca Raton FL.

Use of Animal Waste as a Soil A Medment Inorganic Material as Fertilizers.

Mc Calla. T.M.

Soils 27.

Sida and FAO. Roma.

Use of amino acid to improve carcass quality of broilers

Fisher, C.

Feed mix

Use bacterial for microbial control. Pp. 67-81.

Falcon, L.A.,

Burges, H.D. and N.W. Hussey (Eds.). Microbial Control of Insect and Mites. 4th print.

Use and Interpretation of Anthropometric Indicators of Nutritional Status


WHO Working Group Bulletin of The Word Health Organization


Academic Press. London, New York.

Hlm 40 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

USApp: 248-357, 449-492.

Statistical Analysis System Package (SAS)

USApp: 248-357, 449-492.

Usaha-usaha meningkatkan potensi budidaya, produktifitas dan pertumbuhan ikan gurame (Osphronemous gouramy, Anabantoidae) Asia Tenggara.

Bitter A.,

151-174. Dalam Bitter A: (Ed). Budidaya Air.

Usaha-usaha konservasi tanah dan rehabilitasi lahan di DAS Wonogiri

Pemda Wonogiri

Usaha tani tanpa olah tanah


Deptan Liptan Balai Informasi Kalteng

Usaha Tani kontrak dan Industri Ayam Potong,

McConell DJ

dalam Ekonomi Pemasaran dalam Pertanian, Penyunting Kustiah Kristanto, John Quilkey dan Willem H Makaliwe

Penerbit PT Gramedia Jakarta

Usaha Tani Kontrak dan Industn Ayam Potong, dalam Ekonomi Pemasaran dalam Pertaman, Penyunting Kustiah Kristanto, John Quilkey dan Willem H. Makaliwe

McConnell, D.J.

Usaha Tani Kontrak dan Industn Ayam Potong, dalam Ekonomi Pemasaran dalam Pertaman, Penyunting Kustiah Kristanto, John Quilkey dan Willem H. Makaliwe

Penerbit PT. Gramedia. Jakana

Usaha Tani Kontrak dan Industri Ayam Potong, dalam Ekonomi Pemasaran dalam Pertanian, Penyunting Kustiah Kristanto, John Quilkey dan Willem H. Makaliwe

McConnell, D. J

Usaha Tani Kontrak dan Industri Ayam Potong, dalam Ekonomi Pemasaran dalam Pertanian, Penyunting Kustiah Kristanto, John Quilkey dan Willem H. Makaliwe

Penerbit PT. Gramedia, Jakarta

Usaha tani jagung

Mangkey, A.

Usaha tani jagung

Diperta TK. I. Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah bekerja sama dengan BPTP Biromaru

Usaha tani jagung Usaha Tani dan Pemasaran Cabai Merah.

Rukmana, R. H. Soetiarso, T.A

Usaha tani jagung Teknologi Produksi Cabai Merah.

Kanisius, Yogyakarta Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran, Lembang. hlm.: 85-99.



Yayasan Obor Indonesia, Jakarta 355 pp.

Pemda Dati II Wonogiri

Hlm 41 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Usaha Tani Bunga Potong.

Harry. N.R

Usaha Tani Bunga Potong.

Pusat Perpustakaan Pertanian dan Komunikasi Penelitian. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Jakarta

Usaha Tani Usaha rencana perluasan areal pertanian utk meningkatkan ketahanan pangan nasional 99 s.d. 2001

Mauladi, L. Ditjen Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura

Usaha rencana perluasan areal pertanian utk meningkatkan ketahanan pangan nasional 99 s.d. 2001

Ditjen Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura

Usaha Rakyat dalam Pola Desentralisasi Produksi Subkontrak

Rustiani, F

Usaha peternakan

Suryanto, B.

Bagian sosial ekonomi, F. P. Undip

Usaha peternakan

Suryanto B

Bag. Sosial FP UNDIP. Semarang

Usaha Penggemukan sapi Bali pola petani di Nusa Tenggara Timur.

Nggobe, M. N. Radandima

Usaha Penggemukan sapi Bali pola petani di Nusa Tenggara Timur

Prosiding Lokakarya Status dan Pengembangan Lahan Kering di Indonesia. Buku

Usaha Pemotongan Ternak Itik dan Penyerapan Dagingnya di Jawa Tengah

Witoeto, D

Pengembangan Usaha Ternak Itik di Jawa Tengah

Sub Balai Penelitian Ternak, Klepu.

Usaha Pemeliharaan Ikan Papuyu (Betok, Anabas testudineus) da/am Kurungan di Perairan Umum Kalimantan Selatan masih Tergantung pada Ketersediaan Alami.


Usaha Pemeliharaan Ikan Papuyu (Betok, Anabas testudineus) da/am Kurungan di Perairan Umum Kalimantan Selatan masih Tergantung pada Ketersediaan Alami.

Dinas Perikanan Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan, Banjar Baru. 20 pp.

Usaha meningkatkan kualitas kayu lapis dan panel kayu lainnya. Fokus Kayu Lapis 24.

Sutigno, P.

Usaha meningkatkan kualitas kayu lapis dan panel kayu lainnya. Fokus Kayu Lapis 24.





Usaha Rakyat dalam Pola Desentralisasi Produksi Subkontrak

AKATIGA, Bandung

Hlm 42 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Usaha menggenjahkan kedelai varietas tidar melalui pemuliaan mutasi imbas

Ratma R

Usaha mengatasi krisis beras

Hutabarat A

Usaha Mempertingi Hasil Kacang Tanah.


Jawatan Pertanian Jakarta.

Jawatan Pertanian Jakarta.

Usaha Budidaya Rumput Laut.


Usaha Budidaya Rumput Laut.

Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal Daerah Tingkat I Propinsi Jawa Timur

Usaha Budidaya Pemanfaatan Hasil, dan Aspek Pemasaran Kelapa Sawit


Usaha Budidaya Pemanfaatan Hasil, dan Aspek Pemasaran Kelapa Sawit

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

US Navy hidrographic office, Instructian manual for oceanographic of observation.


US Navy hidrographic office, Instructian manual for oceanographic of observation.

HO.Publ., No.607, Washington DC. p.1-210.

Urinary allantoin ex-cretion and rumen microbial protein synthesis in sheep in reSation to protein and energy intake

Antomewicz, A

Urinary allantoin ex-cretion and rumen microbial protein synthesis in sheep in reSation to protein and energy intake

Roczniki Naukowe Zootechniki, Monografie I Rozprawy

Urease Activity of Adherents Bacteria in Sheep Rumen.

Rybosova, E.

Physiol. Bohemoslov.

Urease Activity of Adherent Bacteria and Rumen Fluid Bacteria.

Javorsky, P.

Physiol. Bohemoslov.

Urease acticity in soils

Bremner JM

Burns RG (ed) Soil enzymes

Academic press London New York, San Francisco

Urease acticity in soils

Bremner JM

Burns RG (ed) Soil enzymes

Academic press London New York, San Francisco

Urea, Ammonia Treatment of Rice Straw to Improve Its Nutritive Value for Ruminants.

Jayasuriya, M. C. N.

Agric. Wastes.

Urea Tablet Mengapa

Suherman D

Warta Penyuluhan Pertanian No. IX



Dinas Pertanian. Daerah Tingkat l Jawa Timur. Surabaya.

Hlm 43 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Urea Molasses Blok sebagai pakan Suplemen Ruminansia.

Hotmuno, H.

Urea Molasses Blok sebagai pakan Suplemen Ruminansia.

Angkasa, Bandung.

Urea Molasses Blok Pakan Suplemen untuk ternak Ruminansia.

Musofie, A.

Urea Molasses Blok Pakan Suplemen untuk ternak Ruminansia.

BPPP. Sub Balai Penelitian Ternak.

Urea Molasses Blok dalam Meningkatkan Produktivitas Ternak.

Padlianto, N.

Peternakan Indonesia

Urea Molasses Block (UMB) Pakan Suplemen untuk Ternak Ruminansia

Musofie, A.

Urea Molasses Block (UMB)

Musofie, A.

Pakan Suplemen untuk Ternak Ruminansia, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Sub Balai Penelitian Ternak, Grati

Urea dan TSP di Indonesia dalam analisis permintaan kuantitatif.

Dharmawan Johan

Pusat Penelitian Agro Ekonomi

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Departemen Pertanian

Urbanisasi dan Permasalannya

Biontarto, R.

Urbanisasi dan Permasalannya

Ghalia Indonesia. Jakarta

Uptake and Metabolism Hydrogen Cyanamide in Plants


Dept. of Plant Nutrition Technical University of Munich. Germany

Upland rice environments in Indonesia and the fitness of improved technology

Syarifuddin, A. K.

In progress in upland rice research IRRI, Manila

Up-grading the nutrisional value of cas-sava leaves throuhg fungal biotech-nologi

Danna, J.

Report to ANBAPH. BPT. Bogor

Upaya Untuk Meningkatkan Keefektifan Kelompok Tani dalam Penyuluhan Pertanian, IPB, Bogor

Slamet, M

Upaya Peningkatan Mutu Intensifikasi (PMI) Padi, Kedelai, Jagung Dalam Rangka Ketahanan Pangan Nasional

Sekretariat Pengendali Bimas


BPPP Ternak, Grati

Sekretariat Pengendali Bimas

Departemen Pertanian. Jakarta

Hlm 44 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Upaya peningkatan mutu biji kakao rakyat melalui sentralisasi pengolahan.

Azis, M.I.

Upaya Pengembangan Produksi Kedelai tahun 2000/01

Judul Buku


Upaya Pengembangan Produksi Kedelai tahun 2000/01

Direktorat Jenderal Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura. Direktorat Bina Produksi Tanaman Pangan, Jakarta. 15 hlm.

Pusat Penyuluhan Kehutanan dan Perkebunan, Jakarta.

Upaya Pengembangan Masyarakat dalam Kegiatan Penghijaun dan Konservasi.

Uyang, M.


Upaya penanggulangan dampak kekeringan dan kebakaran pada tanaman kelapa sawit

Pamin K


Upaya Pemulihan Produktivitas Tanah Di Lahan Bekas Tambang Batu Apung Melalui Penerapan Budidaya Lorong Legum dan Ruput Makanan Ternak

Yasin. I

Kerjasama Pusat Penelitian UNRAM dengan Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Jakarta

Upaya Pemanfaatan Limbah Pisang Sebagai Pakan Ternak Ruminansia


Universitas Brawijaya. Malang.

Upaya Pemanfaatan Limbah Kopi Se-bagai Pakan Domba


Upaya Pemanfaatan Limbah Kopi Se-bagai Pakan Domba

Pusat Studi Lingkungan Hidup Universitas Brawijaya. Malang

Upaya Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Keterampilan dan Sikap Petani/Peternak/Nelayan Melalui Pendekatan Penyuluhan


Upaya Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Keterampilan dan Sikap Petani/Peternak/Nelayan Melalui Pendekatan Penyuluhan

Akademi Penyuluhan Pertanian, Departemen Pertanian, Gowa.

Upaya meningkatkan keuntungan peternak dalam pemeliharaan sapi prah di daerah Pengalengan Jabar.

Siregar SB

Upaya Mencegah Aterosklerosis dengan Pemberian Kunyit (Curcuma domestica val.)

Mangkoewidjodjo, S.


Puslitbangkank Bogor

Upaya Mencegah Atero-sklerosis dengan Pemberian Kunyit (Curcuma domestica val.)

PAU Pangan dan Gizi, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Yogyakarta.

Hlm 45 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Upaya Memperkaya Kandungan Omega-3 Pada Telur Ayam Dengan Memberikan bahan Minyak Dalam Pakan Ayam Petelur


Upaya Memperkaya Kandungan Omega-3 Pada Telur Ayam Dengan Memberikan bahan Minyak Dalam Pakan Ayam Petelur

Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Arlangga Surabaya.

Untersuchungen zunChromosomenaberattionen beim Wssergetflugel 4

Vagt A

Symp. Populationssgenetische Grundlagen und ihrenUmsetzung in der praktischen Tierzucht, Dezember 1986


Untersuchungen zum Vorkommen bakterieller Kran kheitserreger (Corynebacterium michiganense pv. michiganense (E. F. Smith) Yensen und Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Cokabe) young, Die & Willde and Tomaten (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill).

Mavridis, A.

In Griechen land zur Etkennung der Resistenz und zum P. tomato gebildeten chloroseausloesenden Toxin. Dissertation. Georg-August Universitaet Goettingen. Germany.

Untersuchung zum Einsatz von begasten Membranen in der biologischen Abwasserreinigung Dissertation

Suprihatin, S

Untersuchung zum Einsatz von begasten Membranen in der biologischen Abwasserreinigung Dissertation

TU Clausthal.

Untersuchugen zum Einfluss ausgewahlter prainkubatorischer Faktoren auf die Schuffahigkeitvon entenbruteiren

Vagt A

Anas platyrhynchos F dom.


Unsur Tanah Sebagai Dasar Pengembangan Lahan Kering

Satan, A.M.

Unsur Tanah Sebagai Dasar Pengembangan Lahan Kering

Institut Pertanian Bogor

Unsur Kelumit dalam Bahan Lingkungan Hidup dan Tubuh Manusia pada Penduduk di daerah GAKY Kabupaten Magelang.Propinsi Jawa Tengah

Lahagu F.L

Unsur Hara Tanaman, Pupuk dan Pemupukan.

Prasetya, B.

Unsur Hara Tanaman, Pupuk dan Pemupukan.

Fak. Pertanian Univ. Brawijaya, Malang


Hlm 46 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Unsaturated Fatty Acids Nutritional and Physiological Significance

British Nutrition Foundation (BNF).

The Report of The British Nutrition Foundation's Task Force, Chapman and Hall, London

Unpüblished data on ABE fermentation

Ishizaki, A

Universal Soil Loss Equation to Guide Conservation form Planning

Wischmeier, W.H

Universal Soil Loss Equation to Guide Conservation form Planning

Unit Percontohan Usaha Tani Konservasi Lahan Kering Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat

Satuan Pembina Bimas NTB

Satuan Pembina Bimas NTB

Unit Operation of Chemical Engenering. Fourth Edition

Warren. L. McCabe

Unit Operation in Food Processing. Terjemahan.


Unit Operation in Food Processing. Terjemahan.

Sastra Hudaya. Jakarta.

Unit operation in food processing (terjemahan)


Unit operation in food processing (terjemahan)

Sastra Hudaya Jakarta

Unit operation in food processing (Terjemahan Zein Nasution).

Earie, R. L.

Unit operation in food processing (Terjemahan Zein Nasution).

Sastra Hudaya Jakarta.

Unit IX Semangus, PT Musi Hutan Persada, Barito Pacific Group, Sumatera Selatan. Leaflet 1995.

PT Musi Hutan Persada, Unit IX Semangus.

Unit IX Semangus, PT Musi Hutan Persada, Barito Pacific Group, Sumatera Selatan. Leaflet 1995. Unique Pits of The Erythrocytes of The Lesser Mouse-Deer, Tragulus Javanicus

Fukuta, K.

Understanging Water Strees and lts Relation to Yield in Short Rotation of Multi purpose Tree Species. In: Adams, N.R. and F.B. Cady. 1985 (ed.) Modelling Growth and Yield of Multipurpose Tree Species

Riha, S.J.

Understanding the dairy cow.

Webster, J.



SCS-USDA, Washington DC

Mc. Graw-Hill International Book. Co

J. Anat.

Understanging Water Strees and lts Relation to Yield in Short Rotation of Multi purpose Tree Species. In: Adams, N.R. and F.B. Cady. 1985 (ed.) Modelling Growth and Yield of Multipurpose Tree Species

Winrock Int’l Institute for Agric. Developmént USAID

BPS. Professional Book, Oxford, London, Edinburgh, Boston, Palo Alto, melbourne

Hlm 47 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Understanding the Dairy Cow

Webster, J.

Understanding the Dairy Cow

BSP Professional Books. Oxford. London

Understanding plant adaption to achieve systematic applied crop improvement : A fundamental challenge.

Cooper, M.

In Cooper, M., and G.L. Hammer (eds). Pp 5 - 23, Plant adaption and Crop improvement.

CAB International, IRRI, and ICRISAT

Understanding Object-Oriented: A Unifying Paradigm. Communication of The ACM

McGregor, J.D

Understanding Object-Oriented: A Unifying Paradigm. Communication of The ACM

Understanding normal & Clinical nutritional

Witney EN

Understanding GIS


Understanding GIS

Environmental System Research, Institute Redland. California, USA.

Understanding Enzymes. Ed ke3

Palmer T.

Understanding Enzymes. Ed ke-3

New York: Ellis Horwood.

Understanding Educational Measurement

Mc.Daniel E

The University of Wincon-sins Madison, Madisons, Winsconsin

Understanding Crop Production.

Stopkops, N.S.

Understanding Crop Production.

Understanding Crop Production.

Stoskopf, N.C

Rest Publ. Comp. Inc. Res. Virginia.

Understanding crop production

Stoskopf NC

Reston Publ Co Inc Reston Virginia

Understanding crop production

Stoskopf NC

Reston Publ Co Inc Reston Virginia

Undersatanding and Planning an Environmental Management System BS 7750 and ISO 14000. Lokakarya sistem manajemen lingkungan, medan

Michael Mc

Under Utilized Resources as Animal Feed Stuffs.

National Research Council.


West publ Co USA

Under Utilized Resources as Animal Feed Stuffs.

Reston Publishing Co. Inc., London.

National Academy Prcss. Washington.

Hlm 48 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Undang-Undnag Republik Indonesia Nomor 7 Tahun 1996 Tentang Pangan. Jakarta. Undang-undang Usaha Peransuransian-Jaminan Sosial Tenaga Kerja-Perbankan


Undang-Undang Rl No. 5 Tentang Perindustrian

CV Ekojaya, Jakarta

Undang-Undang Rl No. 5 Tentang Perindustrian

Undang-Undang Rl No. 25 Tahun 1992, tentang Perkoperasian

Arkola, Surabaya

Undang-Undang RI Nomor 25 Tahun 1992 tentang Perkoperasian

Departemen Koperasi

Undang-Undang RI Nomor 23 Tahun 1997 tentang pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup

UU Republik Indonesia

Undang-undang RI No. 9, 10, 11 dan 12 Th 1994 Tentang ketentuan Umum & Tata Cara Perpajakan, Pajak Penghasilan, Pajak Pertambahan Nilai Barang & Jasa dan Pajak Penjualan Atas Barang Mewah, Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan


Undang-Undang RI No. 9 Tahun 1990 Tentang Kepariwisataan. Jakarta, 18 Oktober 1990.

Presiden RI.

Undang-Undang RI No. 9 Tahun 1990 Tentang Kepariwisataan. Jakarta, 18 Oktober 1990.

Undang-Undang RI No. 5 Tahun 1990 Tentang Konservasi Suniber Daya Alam Hayati dan Ekosistemnya. Jakarta, 10 Agustus 1990.

Presiden RI.

Undang-Undang RI No. 5 Tahun 1990 Tentang Konservasi Suniber Daya Alam Hayati dan Ekosistemnya. Jakarta, 10 Agustus 1990.


Departemen Perindustrian, Jakarta.

Departemen Koperasi, Jakarta

BP. Panca Usaha Jakarta

Hlm 49 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Judul Buku


Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 9 tahun 1995 tentang Usaha Kecil

Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 9 tahun 1995 tentang Usaha Kecil

Kantor Wilayah Departemen Koperasi dan Pembinaan Pengusaha Kecil Propinsi Jawa Timur. 44 hlm.

Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 22 Tahun 1999, Tentang Pemerintahan Daerah.

Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 22 Tahun 1999, Tentang Pemerintahan Daerah.

Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No.41 Tahun 1999, tentang Kehutanan

Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No.41 Tahun 1999, tentang Kehutanan

Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 41Tahun 1999 Tentang Kehutanan.

Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 41Tahun 1999 Tentang Kehutanan.

Koperasi Karyawan Hutan

Undang-Undang Perkoperasian RI


Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 15 Tahun 1997 Tentang Ketransmigrasian

Penulis Utama


Undang-Undang Perkoperasian RI Undang-undang Nomor 25 Tahun 1992 tentang Perkoperasian


Undang-undang Nomor 25 Tahun 1992 tentang Perkoperasian

Surabaya: Sinar Wijaya.

Undang-undang Nomor 25 Tahun 1992 tentang Perkoperasian


Undang-undang Nomor 25 Tahun 1992 tentang Perkoperasian

Surabaya Sinar Wijaya

Undang-undang Nomor 25 Tahun 1992 tentang Perkoperasian


Undang-undang Nomor 25 Tahun 1992 tentang Perkoperasian

Sinar Wijaya, Surabaya.

Undang-undang Nomor 22 Tahun 1999, tentang Pemerintahan Daerah, Undangundang Nomor 25 Tahun 1999, tentang Perimbangan Keuangan antara Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah


Undang-undang Nomor 22 Tahun 1999, tentang Pemerintahan Daerah, Undang-undang Nomor 25 Tahun 1999, tentang Perimbangan Keuangan antara Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah

Penerbit Restu, Jakarta

Undang-Undang No. 5 Tahun 1967 Tentang KetentuanKetentuan Pokok Kehutanan. Jakarta, 24 Mei 1967.

Pd. Presiden RI.

Undang-Undang No. 5 Tahun 1967 Tentang KetentuanKetentuan Pokok Kehutanan. Jakarta, 24 Mei 1967.


Hlm 50 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Undang-undang Ketransmigrasian.

Judul Buku


Undang-undang Ketransmigrasian.

Un virus como agente de control de la polilla de la papa Phthorimaea operculella

Alcazar, J.

Revista Peruana de Entomologia 34: 101-104.

Umus Chemistry, Genesis, Composition, Rections.

Stevenson, F.J.

Departement of Agronomy University of Illionis.

A Wiley Intercience Publication John Wiley & Sons New York Singapore.

Umbi Ketela Pohon Sebagai Bahan Industri

Ciptadi, W.

Umbi Ketela Pohon Sebagai Bahan Industri

Departemen Teknologi Hasil Pertanian. Fatemeta IPB. Bogor

Umbi garut Alternatif Pengganti Tepung Terigu


Umbi garut Alternatif Pengganti Tepung Terigu

Edisi Mei. Jawa Pos.




World Health Organization, Genewa

Ultrasonik l Ultrasonic Testing of whole Fruit for Non-Destructive Quality Evaluation

Trisnobudi Galili, N.

Ultrasonik l ASAE Paper No. 936026

ITB, Bandung. American Society of Agricultural Engineer. ST. Joseph. MI. USA.

Ultrasonic Testing : Nonconvensional testing techniques

Szilard, J.

Ultrasonic Testing : Nonconvensional testing techniques

John Wiley & Sons. New York

Ultrasonic Methods in Solid State Physics


Ultrasonic Methods in Solid State Physics

Academic Press. New York.


Cracknell, A.P.


Weekham Publication. London.

Ultrafiltration of Pseudo-plastic Fluids: Separations for Biotechnology. Editor: M.S. Verral dan M. J. Hudson

Aimar. P.

Ultrafiltration of Pseudo-plastic Fluids: Separations for Biotechnology. Editor: M.S. Verral dan M. J. Hudson

, Ellis Horwood, Chichester.

Ultrafiltration Handbook.

Cheryan, M

Ultrafiltration Handbook.

Technomic Publ. Co. Inc. Lancester Pennsylvania

Ultrafiltration Hand-book

Cheryan, M

Ultrafiltration Hand-book

Technomic Publ. Company Inc. Lancester Pennysylvania

Ultra structure of mature ungermined rice ( oryza sativa ) caryopsis.

Bachtel, D.B

The staschy endosperm.

Amer. J. Bot


Hlm 51 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Ujidiagnostic Dalam Pengelolaan Kelainan Kelenjar Tiroid

Masjhur. J.S

Ilmu Penyakit Dalam ed. III

Buku Kedokteran EGC, Jakarta

Uji Toksitas 60 Isolat Bacillus thuringiensis Sebagai Agen Pengendali Hayati Ternadap Hama H. annigera Hubner pada Tanaman Kapas

Chailani, S.R.

Uji Toksitas 60 Isolat Bacillus thuringiensis Sebagai Agen Pengendali Hayati Ternadap Hama H. annigera Hubner pada Tanaman Kapas

Prosiding Kongres llmu Pengetahuan Nasional VI. Jakarta 11-15 September 1995

Uji Toksitas 5 Isolat Bacillus thuringiensis Sebagai Agen Pengendali Hayati Ternadap Hama H. annigera Hubner pada Tanaman Kapas


Uji Toksitas 5 Isolat Bacillus thuringiensis Sebagai Agen Pengendali Hayati Ternadap Hama H. annigera Hubner pada Tanaman Kapas

Seminar Nasional Microbiologi di Malang, 12 -13 Nopember1996


Balai Hortikultura Solok

Uji tanaman inang antrknos papaya Uji tanah

Leiwakabessy FM

Faperta IPB

Uji tanah

Leiwakabessy FM

Faperta IPB

Uji Perbandmgan Berganda dalam Perancangan Percobaan


Diktat Kuliah Fakultas Pertanian Unibraw Malang.

Uji Perbandingan Berganda dalam Perancangan Percobaan


Uji Perbandingan Berganda dalam Perancangan Percobaan

Makalah diseminarkan. Agriculture Faculty of Brawijaya University Malang.

Uji Pendahuluan pemberian pakan tambahan terhadap kemampuan regenerasi organ dalam teripang pasir Holothuria scabra


Uji Pendahuluan pemberian pakan tambahan terhadap kemampuan regenerasi organ dalam teripang pasir Holothuria scabra

Sub. Balai Penelitian Perikanan Pantai Gondol (unpublished)

Uji Laboratorium Ekstrak Pestisida Botani.

Dinas Perkebunan Propinsi Daerah TK.I Lampung. TeginenengNatar Lampung Selatan. 25 hal.

Uji Laboratorium Ekstrak Pestisida Botani.

Uji kualilas telur dari empat galur ayam Leghorn Putih

Nataamijaya, A. G

Ilmu dan Peternakan

uji ketahanan varietas/galur harapan padi terhadap serangan wwereng coklat


Pemb penel. Sukarami 17 : 40-42


Hlm 52 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Uji Ketahanan Sobek Pulp dan Kertas SNI 14 - 036-1989, Uji Ketahanan Tarik dan Panjang Putus Pulp, Kertas dan Karton SNI 14 - 037-1989, Pengujian Derajat Putih Pulp dan Kertas SNI 14 -038 - 1989, Penentuan Gramatur SNI 14 - 039 -1989.

Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI).

Departemen Perindustrian. Jakarta.

Uji Indrawi

Qazuini. M

Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Mataram

Uji efikasi minyak cengkeh dan serai wangi terhadap Pseudomonas solanacearum

Hartati, S. Y.

Uji efikasi minyak cengkeh dan serai wangi terhadap Pseudomonas solanacearum

Hartati, S. Y.

Uji daya konsentrasi fraksi aktif ekstrak daun gambir (uncaria gambir Roxb) terhadap fusarium batatis wr. Var. vanillae tucker secara in vitro.


Uji daya kendali munyak serai wangi dan komponennya terhadap pertumbuhan Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. Vanillae secara in vitro.


Uji daya hasil padi lahan lebak


Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Lahan Rawa. Penelitian dan Pengembangan Rawa dan Pasang Surut Terpadu ISDP. hlm. 237-239.

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Jakarta.

Uji Coba Perbanyakan Vegetatif metoda Cutting terhadap Paronema sp., Gmelina Mollucana, Eucallyptus Urophylla, Shorea Leprosula


irektorat Jendral Reboisasi dan Rehabilitasi Lahan

Balai Teknlogi Reboisasi Banjarbaru


Judul Buku


Hlm 53 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Uji Biokimia terhadap Isolat Bacillus thuringiensis dan Petemakan Ulat Sutera Bombyx mori, Di Kabupaten Sukabumi, Kabupaten Kediri dan Blitar,

Laksmayoni, A.M.A.

Uji Biokimia terhadap Isolat Bacillus thuringiensis dan Petemakan Ulat Sutera Bombyx mori, Di Kabupaten Sukabumi, Kabupaten Kediri dan Blitar,

Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, IPB. Bogor.

Uji beberapa konsentrasi spora cendawan Beauveria bassiana Vuill. Terhadap mortalitas wereng jagung (Peregrinus maydis Ashm.) secara in vitro.


Uji Antagonistik Pseudomonas sp. Dalam Kompos Sampah Kota terhadap Patogen Tular Tanah Penyebab Rebah Kecambah pada Tanaman Tomat (Lycopersicurn esculenfum MUI).

Sabngiarso, I.

Uji Antagonistik Pseudomonas sp. Dalam Kompos Sampah Kota terhadap Patogen Tular Tanah Penyebab Rebah Kecambah pada Tanaman Tomat (Lycopersicurn esculenfum MUI).

IPB, Bogor.

Udjung Kulon: the Land of the Last Javan Rhinoceros

Hoogerwerf, A.

Udjung Kulon: the Land of the Last Javan Rhinoceros

Leiden: E.J. Brill.

Udjung Kulon, the land of the last javan rhinoceros

Hoogerwerf, A.

Udjung Kulon, the land of the last javan rhinoceros

E. J. Brill, Leiden

Udang Sebagai Bahan Pangan


Udang Sebagai Bahan Pangan

Lembaga Oseanografi Nasional, Jakarta.


Sastrapraja, S


PN. Balai Pustaka. Bogor


Lembaga Biologi Nasional




Balai Informasi Pertanian Padang.

Ubi jalar Uber das Verth Itnis des Oxydierten Stickstoffd zum reduzierten Kohlenstoff beim Nitratbilder

Sumartono Bomeke H

Ubi jalar

CV Yasaguna Jkt Archiv. Mikrobiol

Tyrosinase, in Copper Protein and Copper Enzyme

Robb, D.A.

Tyrosinase, in Copper Protein and Copper Enzyme

CRC Press. Boca Raton.

Types of Rhizoctonia diseases antd their occurrence

Baker, K.F.

Rhozoctonia solani: Biology and Pathology

Univ. california, Berkeley

Type of microorganisms

Fung, D. Y. C.

The microbiology of poultry meat products

Academic Press, Inc. San Diego, California


Balai Pustaka. Jakarta

Hlm 54 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Two-stage dilute sulfuric acid hydrolysis of wood.

Harris, J.F.

Two-stage dilute sulfuric acid hydrolysis of wood.

Forest Products Laboratory, Madison.

Two Stage trout broodstock selection program

G.A.E. Gall

Reproductive performance and growth rate

Calif. Dept. Fish Game Inland. Fish Admin.

Two Dimensional Systematic Sampling and The Associated Stratified Random Sampling

Das. A.C


Two Breeding schemes for the estimation of heterosis and recombination effects

Malik, R.C

Livestock Production Series

Twaalt laren rijstboorder bestrijding door zaaitijdsregeling in West Brebes (Res. Pekalongan). Lanbouw 20(11/12): 465-494

Van der Good, P.

With Summary in English.

Turnover Of Pesticide Residues In Soil,

Hamaker. J.W

Bound and Conjugated Pesticide Residue

ACS Symposium Series

Turfgrass : Sciance and culture,

Beard, J. B.

Turfgrass : Sciance and culture,

Prentice Hall, Eaglewood Cliff N. J. pp 181- 208.

Turbelensi dalam tumpangsari jagung dan kedelai


Risalah hsl lit tanaman pangan thn 91

Balit tanaman pangan Malang

Tupaia-Low-Cost Primates for Medical Research


Primate Utylization and Conversation

New York.USA

Tuntunan Menbangun Agribisnis


Tuntunan Menbangun Agribisnis

PT Elex Media Komputido. Jakarta

Tungro dan wereng hijau


Tungro dan wereng hijau

Direktorat Bina Perlindungan Tanaman

Tungro dan wereng hijau


Dit perlindungan Tanaman Jakarta

Tungro dan wereng hijau


Dit perlindungan Tanaman Jakarta

Tumpangsari Dengan Empang di Purwakarta Jawa Barat. Duta Rimba No. 59


Tumpang Gilir Tumpang Gilir Tumbuhan sebagai sumber bahan obat

Thahir SM Thahir SM Rusdi


Tumpangsari Dengan Empang di Purwakarta Jawa Barat. Duta Rimba No. 59

Tumbuhan sebagai sumber bahan obat

Perum Perhutani. Jakarta

CV Yasaguna Jakarta CV Yasaguna Jakarta Pusat penelitian Universitas Andalas Padang 99 hal Hlm 55 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Tumbuhan obat famili zingiberaceae

Darwis, M. I.

Pusat penelitian dan pengembangan tanaman Industri. Badan Litbang Deptan, Bogor

Tumbuhan monokotil

Sudarnadi H

PT Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Tumbuhan Indonesia Berguna II

Heyne. K

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan. Departemen Kehutanan

Yayasan Sarana Wana Wijaya, Jakarta

Tumbuhan gerguna Indonesia II.

Hayne K.

Tumbuhan gerguna Indonesia II.

Badan Litbang Departemen kehutanan Jakarata.

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia.. Terjemahan

Heyne, K

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia.. Terjemahan

Badan Litbang Kehutanan Departemen Kehutanan dan Yayasan Sarana Wana Jaya. Jakarta

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia. Jilid II. Jakarta

Heyne, K.

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia. Jilid II. Jakarta

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan. Hal. 12131214.

Tumbuhan Berguna Indo-nesia. Cetakan Pertama

Heyne, K.

Tumbuhan Berguna Indo-nesia. Cetakan Pertama

Yayasan Sarana Wana Jaya, Jakarta

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia. 1-4

Heyne, K.

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia. 14

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan, Departemen Kehutanan, Bogor.

Tumbuhan berguna Indonesia.

Heyne K..

Tumbuhan berguna Indonesia.

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan. Departemen Kehutanan, Jakarta.

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia.

Heyne, K

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia.

Koperasi Karyawan Depar-temen Kehutanan Republik Indonesia, Manggala Wanabhakti, Jakarta.

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia.

Heyne, K.

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia.

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan Dep. Kehutanan, Jakarta.


Judul Buku


Hlm 56 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia, Vol III

Heyne K.

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia, Vol III

Yayasan Wana Jaya, Jakarta

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia Jilid III (Terjemahan).

Heyne, K.

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia Jilid III (Terjemahan).

Departemen Kehutanan. Yayasan Sarana Wana Jaya, Jakarta.

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia Jilid III


Yayasan Sarrana Wanajaya Jakarta

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia Jilid II


Terjemahan Badan Litbang Kehutanan Dept. Kehutanan, Jakarta

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia Jilid II

Heyne, K

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia Jilid II

Diterjemahkan oleh Balitbang Kehutanan

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia III.

Heyne, K.

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia III.

Badan Litbang Kehutanan, Jakarta.

Tumbuhan berguna Indonesia III

Heyne, K.

Tumbuhan berguna Indonesia III

Badan Libang Kehutanan, Jakarta.

Tumbuhan berguna Indonesia III

Heyne, K.

Tumbuhan berguna Indonesia III

Balitbanghut Dephut, Jakarta

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia II. (Terjemahan)

Heyne, K.

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia II. (Terjemahan)

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan, Departemen Kehutanan, Jakarta.

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia II

Heyne, K.

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia II

Badan Penelitian dan Kehutanan, Bogor. hlm. 765-777.

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia II

Hayne, K

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia II

Yayasan Sarana Wana Jaya.

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia I

Heyne K

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia I

Badan Litbang Kehutanan

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia (jilid Iii)


Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Departemen Kehutanan Jakarta

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia


Badan Litbang Kehutanan, Cetakan I. Jakarta

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia



Team Badan Litbang Kehutanan, Penerj. Edisi Indonesia)

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan Dept. Kehutanan RI

Hlm 57 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia

Heyne, K

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia

Terjemahan. Yayasan Sarana Wana Jaya. Jakarta

Tumbuhan berguna Indonesia

Heyne, K.

Tumbuhan berguna Indonesia

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan, Departemen Kehutanan, Vol. I-IV.

Tumbuhan berguna Indonesia

Heyne K

Tujuh Teori Sosial Tujuh Langkah Beternak Ayam Buras

Cambell, Torn Marhijanto, B

Tujuh Teori Sosial Tujuh Langkah Beternak Ayam Buras

Kanisius, Yogyakarta. Arkola, Surabaya

Tuchung Leaf Supplementation Reduced Lipid Accumulation of Growing Chicks Caused by Dietary Cholesterol Research Report.

Santoso, U.

Tuchung Leaf Supplementation Reduced Lipid Accumulation of Growing Chicks Caused by Dietary Cholesterol Research Report.

Gifu University, Japan.

Tryglyceride Interesterification by Lipases 1. Cocoa Butter Equivalent from a Fraction of Palm Oil

Bloomer, S.,

Tryglyceride Interesterification by Lipases 1. Cocoa Butter Equivalent from a Fraction of Palm Oil


True metabolisable energy content of grain legumes: effects of enzyme supplementation.

Wiryawan, K. G.

Recent advances in animal nutrition in Australia.

University of New England, Armidale.

True digestibilityof essensial amino acid for poultry.


Tropical Vegetable and Their Genetic Resources

Grubben, G.J.H.

Tropical Vegetable and Their Genetic Resources

International Board for Plant Genetic Resources. Rome

Tropical Upland Improvent


Comparative Performance of Different Phosporus Source Preprint

IMPHOS-AARD/CSAR International Conference In Asia, Bali Indonesia


yayasan sarana wana Jaya

Ajinomoto, Tokyo.

Hlm 58 dari 1800

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Tropical species from NorthWest shelf of Australia: Sensory assessment and acceptability of fish stored on ice. p. 41-53

Bremner, H.A.

A. Reilly (Ed.) Spoilage of Tropical Fish and Product Development. Proceeding of a Symposium held in conjunction with the Sixth Session of the IndoPacific Fishery Commission Working Party on Fish Technology and Marketing. RMIT, Melbourne, Australia, 23-26 October 1984.

Tropical soils and soils survey

Young, A.

Tropical Soils and Soils Survey

Young, A.

Tropical Soils and Soil Survey

Young. A

Cambridge University Press

Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility : A Handbook Methods

Anderson. J.M

CAB International

Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility


Tropical Soil Tropical Sheep and Goat, Production

Mor E. C. J Edey, T.N.

Tropical Sheep and Goat Production.

Edey, T.N.

Tropical Sheep and Goat Production.

Dominion Press Hedge and Bell, Melbourne.

Tropical Sheep and Goat Production

Edey, T.N

Tropical Sheep and Goat Production

Australian Universities International Development Program. Canberra.

Tropical sheep and goat production

Edey TN

Tropical Sheep and Goat Production

Edey, T.N.

Tropical sheep and goat production

Edey, I.N



Cambridge Univ. Press, London. Tropical Soils and Soils Survey

A Handbook Methods

Tropical Sheep and Goat, Production

Cambridge University Press, London.

CAB International Bruxelles Canberra: Australian Universities International Development Program (AUIDP).

AUIDP Canberra AUDIDP, Canberra Publ. By Aust. Int. Development Programme, Canberra

Hlm 59 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

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tropical sheep & goats production

Edey TN

Australian Univ. Internationla development Program (AUIDP) Canberra

Tropical Roots Crops, Postharvest Physiology and Processing

Uritani Industri

Japan Scientific Societies Press, Tokyo

Tropical reef-fishes of the western Pacific Indonesia and adjacent waters

R.H. Kuiter

Tropical reef-fishes of the western Pacific Indonesia and adjacent waters

PT. Gramedia Jakarta

Tropical Reef Fishes of the Western Pacific Indonesia and Adjacent Waters.

Kuiter. R.K.

Tropical Reef Fishes of the Western Pacific Indonesia and Adjacent Waters.

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta. 314 hal.

Tropical Reef Fishes of the Western Pacific Indonesia and Adjacent Water.

Kuiter, R.H.

Tropical Reef Fishes of the Western Pacific Indonesia and Adjacent Water.

PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta. 314 pp.

Tropical posture science Tropical Plant Disease

Whiteman, P. C. Thurston, H.D

Tropical Peats in Southeast Asia.

Andriesse, J.P

Departement of Agriculture Research of the Royal Tropical Inst.

Communication. Amsterdam.

Tropical peats in Southeast Asia.

Andriesse, J.P

Department of Agriculture Research of the Royal Tropical Institut

Communication 63. Amsterdam

Tropical Peats in South East Asia

Andiresse. J.P

Tropical Peats in South East Asia

Andriesse. J.P


Tropical Pastures and Fodder Crops.


Longman Group, Ltd. New York.

Tropical Pasture Science

Whiteman PC

Oxford University Prees New York

Tropical pasture and fodder plants

Bogdan AV

Longman Inc New York

Tropical oil : truth & consequences

Jones JM

College St Catherine St Paul MN 55105

Tropical Mushroom Biological Nature and Cultivation Methods

Chang , ST


Judul Buku

Tropical Plant Disease


Oxford Press, Oxford The American Phytopathological Society. St. Paul, Minnesota

Dep. Agric. Res. Royal Trop. Inst. Com 53. Amsterdam Departemen of Agriculture Research of The Royal Tropical Institute. Amsterdam

The Chinese Univ. Hongkong

Hlm 60 dari 1800

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Tropical Meteorology

Herbert, R.

Tropical Meteorology

Dept. Meteorology University of Chicago, New York, Toronto, London

Tropical maize

Fischer. K.S.

P. 213-248. In Goldsworthy and N.M. Fischer (eds) The Physiology of trpical field crops .

John Wiley & sons, Ltd., Toronto.

Tropical legumes: Resources for the future


Nat. Acad. Sci., Washington , DC.

Tropical Legumes: Resources for the Future


National Acad. Sci., Washington, DC.

Tropical legumes: Resource for the future

Tropical legumes: Resource for the future

National Academic of Sciences. Washington, D.C. pp. 59-61.

Tropical legumes for small ruminants. In: tropical legumes in animal nutrition

Devendra, C.

Tropical Legume Resource for The Future


Tropical Legume Resource for The Future

National Academy of Science. Washington D C London.

Tropical Legume


Tropical Legume: Resources for The Future

National Academy of Sciences. Washington D.C.

Tropical Inland fisheries

C.F. Hickling

Tropical Inland fisheries

John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York

Tropical Inland fisheries

C.F. Hickling

Tropical Inland fisheries

John Willey & Son, Inc., New York

Tropical Grassland Husbandry.

Crowder, L.V.

Tropical Grassland Husbandry.

Longman Inc., New York

Tropical grassland husbandry

Crowder, L. V.

Tropical Grassland Husbandry

Crowder, L. V.

Tropical Grassland Husbandry

Long-man Inc., New York

Tropical grassland husbandry

Crowder, L.V.

Tropical grassland husbandry

Longman Gcoup Limited, USA

Tropical Grassland Husbandry

Cowder, I.V

Tropical Grassland Husbandry

Longman. London

Tropical Grassland Husbandry

Crowder. L.V.

Tropical Grassland Husbandry

Longman, London and New York

Tropical Grasses Tropical Grasses Tropical fruits.

Skerman, P.J. Skerman, P.J. Samson, J.A.

Tropical Grasses Tropical Grasses

FAO. Italy. Pp. 61-72. FAO. Italy. Pp. 61-72. Longman, London.


CAB International

Longman, London - New York

Hlm 61 dari 1800

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Tropical Fruits

Samson, J.A.

Tropical Fruits

Longman Series. London and New York. 250p.

Tropical fruits

Samson, J A

Tropical fruits

Longman, London and New York

Tropical fruits

Samson, J.A.

Tropical fruits

Longman, London and New York

Tropical Fruits

Samson, J.A

2nd ed. Tropical Agriculture Series

John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York

Tropical Fruit Tropical Forage Legumes.

Samson, J. A. Skerman, P.J.

Tropical forage legumes

Skerman, P. J.

FAO of the united nations. Rome Italy

Tropical forage legumes

Skerman, P. J.

FAO plant production stud. No. 2, Rome

Tropical Feeds. Feed Information Summaries and Nutritive Value.


Tropical Feeds. Feed Information Summaries and Nutritive Value

Gohl, B.

Tropical Feeds. Feed Information Summaries and Nutritive Value

Tropical Feeds.

Bo Gohl.

Feed Information Summaries and Nutritive Values, FAU-UN, Rome.

Tropical Feeds.

Gohl, Bo.

Tropical feeds.

Bo Gohl

Tropical Feeds.


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation. Rome.

Tropical Feeds, Feed Information Summaries and Nutritive Value.

Bo Gohl

United Version, FAO of the United Nations, Rome

Tropical feeds information summaries and nutritive values

Bo Gohl


Tropical Forage Legumes

Longman, NY Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

United Version, FAO of The United Nations, Rome. FAO (Rome).

Food and Agricultural Organization of The United Nations (FAO), Rome Italy. Feed information summaries and nutritive value. United. FAO of the united nations. Rome.

FAO of the United Nations, Rome

Hlm 62 dari 1800

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Tropical feeds

Bo Gohl

FAO Agric. Stud. No. 96, Rome

Tropical feeds

Gohl, B.

FAO of the United Nations, Rome

Tropical Feeds

Bo Gohl

Tropical Feeds

Feed International Summaries And Nutrition Value. FAO. Rome

Tropical Feeds

Bo Gohl

Feed International Summ-aries And Nutrition Value

FAO. Rome

Tropical ecology.

Pomeroy, D. E

Tropical ecology.

Longman Scientific and Technical, Essex.

Tropical crops. Monocotyledons 2

Purseglove, J.W

Tropical crops. Monocotyledons 2

Longmen. London. United Kingdom

Tropical Crops. Monocolyledones

Purseglove, J.W.

Tropical Crops. Monocolyledones

Longman Group Limited London.

Tropical crops, Monocotyledons.

Purseglove, J.W.

Tropical crops, Dicotyledons 2. Second edition.

Purseglove, J.W.,

Tropical crops, Dicotyledons 2. Second edition.

Longman, Green and Co. Ltd., London. P. 379-384.

Tropical Crops Monocotyledons. Vol. 1 and 2 combined

Purseglove, JW.

Tropical Crops Monocotyledons. Vol. 1 and 2 combined

Longman Group Ltd. London

Tropical crops Tropical Aquarium Fishes. How to keep marine fish.

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Longman, London Chancelor Press. London, p. 26-31.

Triggering the Break-down of Nutrients

Gruppen, H.

Triggering the Break-down of Nutrients

Feed Mix 4(1): 24-28

Triggering the break down of nutrients Feed Mix Vol 4 No 1 1996

Grouppen H

Trichodherma as abiocontrol Agent


Biocontrol Of Plant Disease Vol. 1

CRC. Press.Inc. Boca. Raton Florida

Trichoderma as a abiocontrol agent.

Well, H. D.

Biocontrol of plant desease Vol. I

CRC Press Inc. Boca Raton, Florida

Trichoderma - appli cation, mode of action, and potential as a biocontro! agent of soilborne plant pathogenic fungi

Chef, l.

Innovatives approach to Plant Diseases Conuol

John Wiley & Sons. NY

Triangulasi Fotogrametri. Diktat Kuliah.

Institut Teknologi Bandung. hlm. 7-9

Triangulasi Fotogrametri. Diktat Kuliah.



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Tri Konsep Pembangunan Sulawesi Selatan


Tri Konsep Pembangunan Sulawesi Selatan

Pemerintah Daerah Tingkat I Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan.

Trends in agricultural research expenditures in the United States. p. 3-9

Fuglie, K.O.

Fuglie and S. Pfennig (Eds.) Public-Private Collaboration in Agricultural Research: New Institutional Arrangements and Economic Implications

Iowa State University Press/Ames.

Trend bisnis curang di Indonesia

Didi Widayadi

Trend bisnis curang di Indonesia

Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro Semarang

Tree Pathology: A Short Introduction

Smith, W.H.

Tree Pathology: A Short Introduction

Acad. Press, London. 309 p.

Treatment Technologi for Agricultural reuse for Wastewater. Diterj. oleh Suheriy, L. Teknologi Pemanfaatan Kembali Air Limbah untuk Bidang Pertanian. Dalam "Memanfaatkan Air Limbah".

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Treatment Technologi for Agricultural reuse for Wastewater. Diterj. oleh Suheriy, L. Teknologi Pemanfaatan Kembali Air Limbah untuk Bidang Pertanian. Dalam "Memanfaatkan Air Limbah".

Yayasan Obor Indonesia, Jakarta

Treating Straw for Animal Feeding.

Jackson, M.G.

Treating Straw for Animal Feeding.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. Italy.

Treating Straw for Animal Feeding.

Jackson, M. G.

Treating straw for animal feeding, food and agriculture organization of the United Nations, Rome

Jackson MG

Trawled fishes of southern Indonesia and northwestern Australia

Gloerfelt-Trap, T

Trawled Fishes of Southern Indonesia and North-Westem Australia.

Gloerfelt-Tarp, T.


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome

Trawled fishes of southern Indonesia and northwestern Australia

ADAB-DGFI-GATC. Canberra, Australia 406 pp ADAB, DGF, and GTZ Publishers. 406 pp.

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Trawl Fishes of Southern Indonesia and Northwestern Australia. The Australian Development Assistance Bureau, The Directorate General of Fisheries Indonesia and The German Agency for Technical Cooperation. 59p.

Tarp. G.T.

Trawl Fishes of Southern Indonesia and Northwestern Australia. The Australian Development Assistance Bureau, The Directorate General of Fisheries Indonesia and The German Agency for Technical Cooperation. 59p.

Transportasi Ikan Hidup. Latihan Penangkapan.

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Transport Processes and Unit Operations. Second Edition

Geankoplis, C.J

Transport Processes and Unit Operations. Second Edition

Allyn and Bacon, Inc., Boston

Transport Process and Unit Operation.

Christie.J.Gemkopli s

Second Edition

Tallyn and Bacon, Inc. Boston

Transmigrasi Dari Daerah Asal Sampai Benturan Budaya di tempat Pemukiman

Warsito. R

Transit partikel dan dinamika cairan dalam saluran pencernaan ruminansia.

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Kursus singkat taknik evaluasi pakan ruminansia fakultas peternakan UGM. Jurusan Nutrisi dan Makananternak fakultas peternakan UGM

Transgenie erop plants using Agro-bacterium rhizogenesmedïated transformation. 99112.

Christey, M.C.

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Harwood Academie, Amsterdam.

Transgenic indica rice breeding line IR 58 expressing a synthetic Cry IA(b) gene from Bacillus thuringiensis provides effective insect pest control

Wunn, J.

Bio Technology


Transformations structurales et moleculaires de I'amidon dans la Cuisson-Extrussion

Colonna P. E.T

Transformation of plant cells by bombardment with mieroprojectiles.

Chibbar, R.N.



Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga

Eds Lavoisier, Submitted

In P.M. Gresshoff (Ed.) Biotechnological applications of plant cultures.

CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, USA. 37 pp.

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Transformasi pertanian, industrialisasi dan kesempatan kerja

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Transformasi mineral tanah dg bantuan mikroba tanah

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Gadjah Mada Univ Press

Transfer Of Two Burkholderia and an Alcaligenes Species To Ralstonia Gen.

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Microbiol Immunol

Transfer of resistance to race 2 of Plasmodiophora brassicae from Brassica napus to cabbage. In: Chinese Cabbage, Proceeding of the First International Symphosium.

Chiang, M.S.

N.S. Talekar and T.D. Griggs (editors).

AVRDC, Sanhua, Tainan, Taiwan, China.

Transfer of resistance to race 2 of Plasmodiophora brassicae from Brassica napus to cabbage. In: Chinese Cabbage, Proceeding of the First International Symphosium.

Chiang, M.S.

Transfer of Potato Production Technology (1985-1986) 5 years Southeast Asian Potato Program for Research and Development (SAPPRAD) in Indonesia.

Asandhi, A.A.

Transfer of potato production technology (1965-1986) 5 years SAPPRAD in Indonesia

Asandhi AA

Transfer Embrio yang pertama pada sapi perah di Indonesia. Masalah khusus

Yusuf, T.L.


Judul Buku

Penerbit Penerbit VI Press Jkt

AVRDC, Sanhua, Tainan, Taiwan, China.

Transfer of Potato Production Technology (1985-1986) 5 years Southeast Asian Potato Program for Research and Development (SAPPRAD) in Indonesia.



Transfer Embrio yang pertama pada sapi perah di Indonesia. Masalah khusus

Jurusan Biologi Reproduksi. FSBIPB

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Transduction me-chanisms for Gonadotrophin induced oocyte maturation in mammals.

Mattioli, M

Zygote 2:

Cambridge University Press

Trans fatty acid in nutrition labelling, nutrient content, claims, & health claims. Reopening of comment periods (Docket no 94P-0036) USA


Tranquillizers and Sedatives

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Laurence & A.L. Bacharach (Eds) Evaluation Drug Activities: Pharmacometrics (Vol. 1). P 215236

Training manual on breeding and culture of scallop and sea cucumber Qingdao, China, Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute Chinese Academy of Fisheries

Y.H. Liu

United Nation Educational Scientific Cultural Organization

Training manual on arUficial rnHCinmation in sheep ang goat food ang agrioilturc organization of the uriited nanon, Rome,

Chemineau, P.,

Training manual on arUficial rnHCinmation in sheep ang goat food ang agrioilturc organization of the uriited nanon, Rome,

Training manual on artificial insemination in sheep and goat

Chemineau P

FAO Animal Production and Health Paper

Traditional fermented of soybean

Winarno FG

Interantional Soybean Symp. Yogyakarta

Tradisi Pesantren; Studi Pandangan Hidup Kyai


Tradisi Pesantren; Studi Pandangan Hidup Kyai

LP3ES, Jakarta

Tradisi Pesantren; Studi Pandangan Hidup Kyai


Tradisi Pesantren; Studi Pandangan Hidup Kyai

LP3ES, Jakarta

Tradisi Pesantren; Studi Pandangan Hidup Kyai

Dhofier, Zamakhasyari

Tradisi Pesantren; Studi Pandangan Hidup Kyai

LP3ES, Jakarta

Tradisi Pesantren: Studi Pandangan Hidup Kyai

Dhofier, Zamakhasyari

Tradisi Pesantren: Studi Pandangan Hidup Kyai

LP3ES, Jakarta.

Tradisi Pesantren : Studi Pandangan Hidup Kiyai

Dhofier, Z.

Tradisi Pesantren : Studi Pandangan Hidup Kiyai

LP3ES, Jakarta.

Tradisi Pesantren

Zamakhsyari Dofier

Tradisi Pesantren

LP3ES, Jakarta



London and New York. Academic Press.


Hlm 67 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Trade Prospects of Indonesian palm oil in the international market for fats and oils

Suryana, A.

Trade and Sustainable Development. A Survey of Issues and a New Research Agenda


Trace Minerals in Food

Smith K.T

Marcel Dekker, New York

Trace Mineral In Food

Smith. K.T

Marcel Dekker. Inc. New York

Trace Elements in Soils Plants 2nd ed.

Kabata-Pendiaz. A

CRC Press London

Trace Elements in Soils and Plants

Kabata-Pendias. A

CRC Press. New York

Trace Elements in Soil And Plants 2nd ed

Kabata-Pendias. A

CRC Press London

Trace Elements In Human Nutrition and Health


Trace Elements In Human Nutrition and Health


World Health Organization, Geneva

Trace elements in human and animal nutrition

Underwood EY

Academic Press Inc. New York

Trace Element in Human Nutrition and Health


WHO, Geneva

TQM : Pergeseran Paradigma dalam Pengelolaan Perusahaan J. Akunt. Dan Manaj.


TQM : Pergeseran Paradigma dalam Pengelolaan Perusahaan J. Akunt. Dan Manaj.

STIE. YKPN. Yogyakarta

Toxins of Entomopathogenic Fungi. Dalam: H.D. Burges (Ed.) Microbial Control of Pests and Plant Diseases 1970 - 1980.

Roberts, D.W.

Toxins of Entomopathogenic Fungi. Dalam: H.D. Burges (Ed.) Microbial Control of Pests and Plant Diseases 1970 - 1980.

Academie Press. London. 949 p.

Toxins of entomopathogenic fungi

Roberts, D.W

H.D. Burgers (ed.) Microbial Control of Pest and Plant Diseases

Academic Press, London

Toxin Production in a Malysian Isolate of The Toxic Dinoflagellate Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum in Laboratory Cultures

Usup, G,

Lassus et al. (eds.) Harmful Marine Algal Blooms. Technique et Documentation

Lavoisier, Intercept, Ltd., pp.: 519-524.


Judul Buku


Trade and Sustainable Development. A Survey of Issues and a New Research Agenda

International Institute for Sustainable Development. Canada.

World Health Organization, Geneva

Hlm 68 dari 1800

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Toxigenic fungi in foods, him. 469-477.

Mislivec, P.B.

J.V. Rodricks, C.W. Hesseltine & M.A. Mehlman (ed.), Mycotoxin in Human and Animal Health

Illinois: Pathotox. Publ. Park Forest Smith.

Toxicology, the basic science of poisons.

Cassaret, L. J.

Mac Milan Publ. Co. Inc., New York

Toxicology of Insectisides

Matsumura, F

Plenum Press. New York

Toxicology of Insecticide.

Matsumura, F.,

Toxicological evaluation of some food additives including anticaking agent, antimicrobials, antioxidants emulsifiers and thickening agents.


WHO Geneve.

Toxicological Chemistry. 2nd.Ed.

Manahan, E. E.

Lewis Publ, Tokyo

Toxicological chemistry. 2nd ed.

Manahan, S. E.

Lewis Publ. Tokyo.

Toxicological chemistry. 2nd ed.

Manahan, S. E.

Lewis Publ. Tokyo

Toxicological Chemistry. Toxicity of weiland soil p 123138

Manahan, S. E. Van Mensvoort, M.E.

Lewis Publ, Tokyo. IRRI. Los Banos

Toxicity of sodium pentachlorophenate to the grass shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio, in relation to the molt cycle

Conklin, P.J.

in Pentachlorophenol: chemistry, pharmacology and environmental toxicology (ed. by K.R. Rao).

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Toxicity of sodium pentachlorophenate to the grass shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio, in relation to the molt cycle

Conklin, P.J.

in Pentachlorophenol: chemistry, pharmacology and environmental toxicology (ed. by K.R. Rao).

Plenum Press, New York. pp: 181-192.

Toxicity of selected organophosphates and carbamate pesticides to infective juveniles of the entomogeneous nematode, Neoplectana carpocapsae (Rhabditida : Steinernematidae)

Hara, A.H


Toxicology of Insecticide.

Intern Rice Res Inst Weiland soils: characterization, classification and utilization

Plenum Press, London.

Environmental Entomology

Hlm 69 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

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Judul Buku

Toxicity of selected controlled release and corresponding unformulated technical grade pesticides to the fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas.

Jarvinen, A. W

Environ. Pollut. Ser. A Ecol. Biol. 27:179-195.

Toxicity of Pesticides to Fish. Vol. 1

Murty, A.S.

Toxicity of Pesticides to Fish. Vol. 1

CRC Press. Inc. Florida.

Toxicity of heavy metals dissolved in sea water and influences of sex and size on metal accumulation and tissue distribution in the Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus

M. Canli

Toxicity of heavy metals dissolved in sea water and influences of sex and size on metal accumulation and tissue distribution in the Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus

Marine Environmental Research

Toxicity of cadmium and cooper tomarine fish larvae (Cyprinodon variegatus) and copepods (Tisbe battagliai)

T.H. Hutchinson

Toxicity of cadmium and cooper tomarine fish larvae (Cyprinodon variegatus) and copepods (Tisbe battagliai)

Marine Environmental Research

Toxicity and safety of fats and oils

Kitts D

Bailey's Industrial Oil and Fat Products

John Willey & Sons, Inc, New York

Toxicity & safety of fats & oil in Barley's Industrial Oil & Fat products

Kitts D

Toxicants Occuring Naturally in Food Nutrition Board National Research Council, USA

Wilson, B

Toxic Constituents of plant foodstuffs

Liener IE

Toxic algal blooms and red tides: a global perspective

Anderson, D.M.

Okaichi, T., Anderson, D.M., Nemoto, T. (eds). Red Tides. Biology, Environmental Science and Toxicology

Elsevier, New York. Pp. 11-16.

Towards durable disease resistance to blast and bacterial blight:

Nelson, R.

The use of molecular markers to characterize pathogen population and source of disease resistance.

Division of Plant Pathology, IRRI, Los Banos, Philippines.

Towards a marker assisted selection and transfer of downy mildew rsistance in Philippine maize inbreds

Hautea DM

Asian Agriculuture Congress, 2427/4 2001

Manila Philippines



John Wiley & Sons New York Toxicants Occuring Naturally in Food Nutrition Board National Research Council, USA

NationalAcademy of Science, Washing-ton

Academic Press. New York-London-TorontoSidney-San francisco

Hlm 70 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Toward a Sustainable Aquaculture Development

Liao I.C

Report of an APO Seminar on Improving Management of Aquaculture

Asian Productivity Organization, Taipei

Toward A better Lawn.

Wan, C. K.

Toward A better Lawn.

Agricultural and Horticulture Department, University Pertanian Malaysia

Tourism Planning Basic Concept Cases 3th ed.

Gunn. C.A

Taylor and Francis. USA

Tourism in Kenya, A Basic Need For Whom ?

Bachmann. P

P. Lang New York

Tourism Economic, Physical and Social Impacts

Mathieson. A

Longman Scientific & Technical. New York

Total Testosteron. Coat-ACount.


Diagnostics Products Corporation, Los Angeles, CA.

Total Quality Management.


Total Quality Management.

Andi Offset. Yogyakarta. WidjajaTunggal

Total Quality Control:

Feigenbaum, A.V

Total Quality Control: Third Edition .

McGraw-Hill Book, Inc.New York

Total ketersediaan sumber daya lahan dan arahan pemanfaatan untuk beberapa komoditas

Soekardi, M.

Total ketersediaan sumber daya lahan dan arahan pemanfaatan untuk beberapa komoditas

Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat. (Unpublished report).

Total Factor Productivity and Frontier Production Fungtion

Widodo. S


Jurusan Sosek. Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian UGM. Yogyakarta

Total elasticity of demand for indonesia natural rubber: the used of Armington Model.

Drajat, B.

Total Carbon, Organic Carbon and Organic Matter

Nelson. D.W

Methods Of Soil Analysis Part 2 : Chemical and Microbiological Properties

Agronomy Monograph No. 9. SSSA, Madison, Wiscosin

TOR TIPE-A Survei Kapa-bilitas Tanah. Dukumentasi No: 1/1982. Proyek P3MT

Pusat Penelitian Tanah

TOR TIPE-A Survei Kapa-bilitas Tanah. Dukumentasi No: 1/1982. Proyek P3MT

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Bogor. 50 hlm.

TOR TIPE-A survei kapabilitas tanah Dok No: l Proyek P3MT

Pusat Penelitian Tanah

TOR TIPE-A survei kapabilitas tanah Dok No: l Proyek P3MT

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Jakarta 50 hlm.

Tomato Washing Using Ozonated Water

Piper. J


EPRI Workshop, Memphis Hlm 71 dari 1800

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Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Tomato ACC Synthase Regulation Of Gene Expression and Importance of The Cterminal Region In Enzyme Activity

Mattoo. A.K

Cellular and Molecular Aspects Of The Plant Hormone Ethylene

Proceeding The International Symposium on Cellular and Molecular Aspects Of Biosynthesis and Action of The Plant Hormone. France

Tomat dan Cherry

Rukmana, Rahmat

Tomat dan Cherry

Penerbit Kanisius. Yogyakarta.

Tolok Ukur dan Klasifikasi Kemandirian P3A

Direktorat Jenderal Pengairan Jakarta.

Tolok Ukur dan Klasifikasi Kemandirian P3A ToksikologiDasar, Asas, Organ Sasaran dan Penilaian Resiko. Edisi kedua, Penerjemah Edi Nugroho.

Lu, C.F.,

ToksikologiDasar, Asas, Organ Sasaran dan Penilaian Resiko. Edisi kedua, Penerjemah Edi Nugroho.

Universitas Indonesia Press, Jakarta. 282 PP.

Toksikologi Dasar. Edisi ke3. Alih Bahasa Imago Argo

Loomis, Ted. A.

Toksikologi Dasar. Edisi ke3. Alih Bahasa Imago Argo

IKIP Semarang Press, Semarang

Toksikologi dasar

C.L.U Frank

Toksikologi dasar

Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta

Toksikologi Dasar

Lu F.C

Toksikologi Dasar( 2nd ed ) (Edi Nugroho, Penerjemah )

UI.Press, jakarta

Toksikan Nabati Pada Bahan Makanan

Makfoeld. D

Liberty Yogyakarta

Toksikan Nabati Pada Bahan Makanan

Makfoeld. D

Liberty. Yogyakarta

Toksikan Nabati Dalam Makanan

Makfoeld, D.

Tocotrienols regulate cholesterol producton in mamalian cells by post transcriptional supresion of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutamyl coenzyme A reductase

Parker RA

Tlie Ecology of Fishes Translated from Russian Bay. L.Birbret

Toksikan Nabati Dalam Makanan


Nikolsky. V

Tlie Ecology of Fishes Translated from Russian Bay. L.Birbret

Academic Press. London and New York.

Tjatjing jang berparasit pada hewan menjusui dan unggas di Indonesia

Tandjung Adiwinata, R.


Tissue Culture Propagation of Temperate Fruit Trees In ; Dodds J.H (Eds)


Tissue Culture of Trees Croom Helm, London


Tissue Culture of Trees Croom Helm, London

Hlm 72 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Tissue Culture of Hardwoods

Dodd. J.H

Tissue Culture Of Trees

Croom Helm, London and Canberra. The Avi Pulishing Co. Inc.

Tissue culture methods for the storage and utilization of potato germplasm. In Tissue culture methods for plant pathologists. D.S. Ingram and J.P. Helgeson (eds.).

Henshaw, G.G

Tissue culture methods for plant pathologists.

Oxford: Blackwell scientific Publications

Tissue culture in oil palm. In oil palm plantation management course

Rohani O

Selected Readings, PORIMMalaysia pp 34-43

Tissue culture in oil palm. In oil palm plantation management course

Rohani O

Selected readings , Porim Malaysia

Tissue culture in oil palm Tissue Culture and Differentioation of Galic

Rohani O Kehr A. E.

PORIM p 34-43

Tissue changes follow-ing deprivation of fat-soluble A vitamin

Wolbach, S.B

A. J. Exp. Med

Tissue and cell culture, him 4563

Brooks, K.H.

P.J. Delves (ed ), Cellular Immunology

Oxford: Bios Scientific Publisher

Tipe-Tipe Vegetasi

Samingan, TJ.

Tipe-Tipe Vegetasi

Penerbit Yayasan Pembina Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

Tinjauan ulang mengenai evaluasi suplemen pada jerami padi. Hal 325-328. Dalam: Seminar pemafaatan limbah pangan dan limbah pertanian untuk makanan ternak

Djajanegara, A

Tinjauan ulang mengenai evaluasi suplemen pada jerami padi. Hal 325-328. Dalam: Seminar pemafaatan limbah pangan dan limbah pertanian untuk makanan ternak

Lembaga Kimia Nasional. LIPIYogyakarta. 10-12 Januari 1983

Tinjauan thdp litbang pemanfaatan zeolit Indonesia


Dirjen pertambangan umum Pusat Pengembangan teknologi mineral

Tinjauan thdp litbang pemanfaatan zeolit Indonesia


Dirjen pertambangan umum Pusat Pengembangan teknologi mineral


Malaysia Hort Sci.

Hlm 73 dari 1800

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Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Tinjauan terhadap usaha intensifikasi tanaman pangan menjelang akhir Pelita 111. S.P.

S.P. Bimas

Tinjauan terhadap usaha intensifikasi tanaman pangan menjelang akhir Pelita 111. S.P.

Bimas Jakarta.

Tinjauan proses pembuatan dan identifikasi karakteristik mutu "gula puan" dari susu kerbau rawa (bufelusus asiatikus) di Pulo Layang, Pampangan OKI, Sumsel

Hanum, S. Y.

Tinjauan Pelaksanaan Program Bimas Intensifikasi Pertanian Kabupaten Dati II Minahasa


Tinjauan Pelaksanaan Program Bimas Intensifikasi Pertanian Kabupaten Dati II Minahasa

Satuan Pelaksana Bimas Kabupaten Dati II Minahasa, Tondano.

Tinjauan Pelaksanaan Program Bimas Intensifikasi Pertanian Kabupaten Dati II Minahasa selang Pelita V.


Tinjauan Pelaksanaan Program Bimas Intensifikasi Pertanian Kabupaten Dati II Minahasa selang Pelita V.

Satuan Pelaksana Bimas Kabupaten Dati II Minahasa, Tondano, April 1994.

Tinjauan Maslah Gizi di Indonesia sampai Dewasa ini

Abunai D

Widya Karya Pangan dan Gizi, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia Jakarta

Tinjauan literatur pengolahan daging

Palupi, W. D. E.

Tinjauan geologi letusan Gunung Kelud

Suryono, N

Tingkat partisipasi petani dalam penerapan teknologi produksi kakao. ( Kasus di Kecamatan Ladongi, Kab. Kolaka. ).

Supendy, R.

Time, Goods and Well Being

Pusat dokumentasi ilmiah nasional, lembaga ilmu pengetahuan indonesia, Jakarta Tinjauan geologi letusan Gunung Kelud

CV. Waicitra Consultant, Surabaya

Juster. F.T

Survey Reseach Center Institute For Social Research

The University of Minchigan USA

Time use :A measure of household production of family goods and services

Walker K.E

Wahington DC:Center for the Family of the American Home Economics Association

Time Series Analisys Forcasting and Control

Box G.E.P

Holden-Day,Inc.Oakland california

Time and mode of nitrogen fertilizer application to tropical wetland rice

Craswell, E. T.


Hlm 74 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Timber Management : A Quantitative Approach. New York

Clutter. J.L

Tillage in Lowland Rice-Based Cropping System

Lal. R

Soil Physic and Rice

Tikus sawah

Murakami O

Tulisan ilmiah kerjasama tehnis Ind-Jpg.Bidang perlindungan Tanaman Pangan

Dit Bina Perlindungan Tanaman. Dirjen Pertanian Tanaman Pangan

Tiga Ratus Satu Rangkaian Elektonika

Hartono I

Tiga Ratus Satu Rangkaian Elektonika

Elex Media Komputindo Jakarta

Tiga Metode Aerasi Pada Budidaya Jamur Tiram Putih


Jurnal Mikrobilogi Indonesia Vol. 2 (2)

Perhimpunan Mikrobiologi Indonesia Jakarta

Tiga Langkah Menuju Keluarga yang Harmonis

Eyre R

Tiga kasus terjadinya pembaruan kelembagaan, dalam Kasryno F dan Stepanek G (penyunting) Dinamika Pembangunan Pedesaan

Ruttan VW

Tiga Kasus Terjadinya Pembaman Kelembagaan. dalam Kasryno F. dan Stepanek G. (penyunting). Dinamika Pembangunan Pedesaan

Ruttan, V.W.

Tiga Kasus Terjadinya Pembaman Kelembagaan. dalam Kasryno F. dan Stepanek G. (penyunting). Dinamika Pembangunan Pedesaan

Penerbit Yayasan Obor Indonesia dan Gramedia. Jakarta.

Tidal Swamp Rice in Palembang Region

Koswara, O.

Tidal Swamp Rice in Palembang Region

Research Priorities in Tidal Swamp Rice IRRI. Los Banos.

Tidal and diurnal rhytms of locomotory activity and oxygen consumtion in the pink shrimp, penaeusence

Subrahmanyam. C.B

Tidal and diurnal rhytms of locomotory activity and oxygen consumtion in the pink shrimp, penaeusence

Contributions to marine science

Thyroids (by RK Ringer).

Strurkie PD

In: Avian Physiology, 3th edition.

Springer Verlag. New York. Heidleberg, berlin

Thyroid in Avian Physicologi. 3rd Ed.

Ringer, R.K.

Thyroid in Avian Physicologi. 3rd Ed.

Sturkie, P.D. Ed. Springer Verlag, New York.

Thyroid and Antitiroid Drugs, pp. 426.

Bavermant, L.E.

Thyroid and Antitiroid Drugs, pp. 426.


Judul Buku

Penerbit John Willey & Sons. Inc. New York

Yayasan Obor Indonesia dan Gramedia, Jakarta

Hlm 75 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Thyroid and Antithyroid Drug. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 6th ed.

Phamd, F.S.

Thyroid and Antithyroid Drug. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 6th ed.

Department of Pharmacology, University of California, San Francisco, pp. 583-584.

Thyazopir Weed Control In Parenial Crops


Thuricide Ecological Insecticide.


Thuricide Ecological Insecticide.

Sandoz Ltd. Basle (Switzerland).

Thrips, their Biology, Ecology and Economic Importance

Lewis, T.

Thrips, their Biology, Ecology and Economic Importance

Academic, London. 349 pp.

Three Use of Compost in Indonesia: Proposed Compost Standarts.

Blaendorf, E.

Urban Development Sector Unit East Asia and Pasific Region.

Three transfusion with tetracyclines as a measure for citrus likutin control

Chiu, R.J

Plant Desease due to mycoplasma like organism

Ref. FFTC Book series, Taipei

Thorpes Dictionary of applied chemistry. Fourth edition. Vol. II

Thorpe, JF

Thorpes Dictionary of applied chemistry. Fourth edition. Vol. II

Langmans Green and Co. London

Thorpe's dictionary of Applied Chemistry. Fourth Edition. Vol II.

Thorpe, J.F.

Thorpe's dictionary of Applied Chemistry. Fourth Edition. Vol II.

Longmans Green and Co, London.

Thorpe's Dictionary of Applied Chemistry

Thorpe J.F

Thorpe's Dictionary of Applied Chemistry (4th ed )

Longmans, Green dan Co, Cambridge

This is AARD


This is AARD

Jakarta: The Agency for Agricultural Research and Development.

Third Shrimp Health Management. Training HandBook.

Chanratchakool, P.,

Third Shrimp Health Management. Training HandBook.

The Aquatic Animal Health Research Institute. Department of Fisheries. Kasetsart University Campus. Bangkok.

Thioesterase activity

Sambanthamurti R

Symp on plant lipid


Thin Layer Chroniatograpliy.

Stahl, E.J.

Thin Layer Chroniatograpliy.

George Allein & Unwun, London 560 pp.

Thin Layer Chromatography.

Stahl, E.J.

Thin Layer Chromatography.

George Allein & Unwun, London. 560 pp.


Brit.Crop. Prot. Conf. (Weed)

Hlm 76 dari 1800

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Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Thidiazuron-induced adventitious shoot regeneration of sweet potato Qpomoea batatas).,

Gosukanda, R.M.,

Thickening and Gelling Agents for Food


Thickening and Gelling Agents for Food

Blackie Academic and Professional, London

Thickening and Gelling Agents


Thickening and Gelling Agents

Academic Press, New York

theUtilization of Poultry Waste as Feedstuff for Growing Chicks

Regal, C.J.

theUtilization of Poultry Waste as Feedstuff for Growing Chicks

Poultry sci

Thermoregulatory behavior

Ingram DL

Stress Physiology of Livestock. Vol 1 MK Yousef (Editor).

CKC Press Inc., Boca

Thermoregulation . In: Adaptation of Domestic Animals.

Bianca, W.

Thermophilic waste treatment system

Zinder, S. H.

thermophiles. Edt. By Thomas D. Brock

John Wiley and Sons Singapore


Edwards C.

C. Edward (ed). Microbiology ofExtrem Environments

New York, Me Graw-Hill. him. 1-32.

Thermophiles, him. 1-32

Edwards, C.

C. Edwards (ed.), Microbiology of Extreme Environments

Milton Keynes: Open University Press.

Thermoneutral Zone

Yousef MK

Stress Physiology of Livestock Vol II MK Yousef (Ed)

CRC Press,Inc Boca Raton, Florida

Thermal Pro-perties of Foods and Agricultural Materials

Mohsenin, N.N.

Thermal Pro-perties of Foods and Agricultural Materials

Cordon and Breach, Sci. Publ., Inc. New York

Thermal Prformance Tests Of Solar Under Hot And Humid Climatic Conditions.

Amri. A.M.S

Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Vol. 28

Thermal analysis-techniques and Applications.

Charsley EL

Royal society of chemistry, Cambridge

Thermal analysis of materials.

Speyer RF

Thermal analysis of materials.

marcel dekker Inc New york

Thermal adjusmnebts of steers (Bos Taurus ) to abrupt changes

McLean JA

Enviromental temperature


There's a new Champion in Copper fungicide and the Proof is in your hand. Agrol Chemical Products


There's a new Champion in Copper fungicide and the Proof is in your hand. Agrol Chemical Products

The Philipp Brothers Chemicals, Inc. Texas


Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia.

Hlm 77 dari 1800

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There has never been a herbicide like this before

Thompson. R. P.

round up herbicide. 3 eds.

Therapeutic Drugs.

Dollery, S.C.

Therapeutic Drugs.

Theory on the Migration of Layang (Decapterus spp.) in the Java Sea.

Hardenberg, J.D.F.

Med. Inst. Zeevisschenj. Batavia. 124-131.

Theory of plant breeding 2nd ed.

Mayo, O.

Oxford Science Publication, Clarendon Press Oxford

Theory of Elasticity

Timoshenko. S.P

McGraw Hill Book Company. New York

Theory of Econometrics: An Introductory Exposition of Econometrics Methods

Kontsoyianis, A.

Theory of Econometrics: An Introductory Exposition of Econometrics Methods

Macmillan Education Ltd.

Theory of Econometrics: An Introductory Exposition of Econometrics Methods

Kontsoyianis, A.

Theory of Econometrics: An Introductory Exposition of Econometrics Methods

Macmillan Education Ltd.

Theory of econometrics. An introductory exposition of econometrics methods. Second edition

Koutsayiannis A

Macmilan Press Ltd. USA

Theory of Econometrics 2nd ed.


MacMillan Press. Ltd. United Kingdom

Theory and promblems of genetics 2nd schain's outline series.

Stanfield W.D,

Theory and promblems of genetics 2nd schain's outline series.

Mc. Grow thill book Co. New Delhi.

Theory and problems of genetics. 2nd.


Scaum's outline series.

Mc Graw Hill Book Co.

Theory and problems of genetics. 2nd ed. (Schaum Series).

Stansfield, W.D.

Theory and problems of genetics. 2nd ed. (Schaum Series).

Mc Graw-Hill, Inc., London. p. 234-257.

Theory and Problems of genetics. 2nd ed

Stanfield WD

Schaum's Outline Series.

Mc Graw Hill Book Co. New Delhi

Theory and Problems of Genetics, 2ed Schaums out line series

W.D. Stansfield

Theory and Problems of Genetics, 2ed Schaums out line series

McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York

Theory and problems of genetics 2nd schain's outline series

Stanfield, W. D.

Mc Graw-Hill Book Co. New Delhi

Theory and Problems of Genetics 2nd ed. Schaum's Outline Series

Stanfield. W.D

McGrawth Hill Book. Co



Churchill Livingstone, New York. p. 107-110.

Hlm 78 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Theory and Problems of Genetics

Stansfield. W.D

Theory and Problems of Genetics

Stainfield, W.D

Theory and Problem of genetics. Second edition

Stanfield WD

McGrawHill, Inc. New York

Theory and Practice of Econometrics

Judge W

Addison and Walley.New York

Theory and Practical considerations of composting organic wastes.

Gaur, A.C

Organics in Soil Health and Crop Production.

Peekay Tree Crops developent Foundation. Kerala. India.

Theory and Practical considerations of composting organic wastes

Gaur, A.C

.K. Thampan (ed.). Organics in soil Health and Crop Production

Peekay Tree Crops Development Foundation. Kerala. India

Theory and application of the puncture test in food texture measurement. In : P Sherman (Editor), Food Texture and Rheology

Bourne M.C

Food Texture and Rheology

Academie Press, New York,N.Y

Theoritical Gains For Different Population Improvement Procedurs

Emping. I.T

University Of Nebraska Collage of Agriculture

Theoritical Gains For Different Population Improvement Procedures

Empig. L.T

University of Nebraska Collage of Agricultural

Theori Practice Leather Manufacture. The Author 4 second Avenue, Mahadma Gandhi Road Madras 600041

Sarkar. K.T.

Theori Practice Leather Manufacture. The Author 4 second Avenue, Mahadma Gandhi Road Madras 600041

Theori and problems of genetics


Schaum's Outline series

McGraw Hill Book Co.

Theoretical Criminology.

George B. Vold

Theoretical Criminology.

Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford

Their Production and use ND Vaccines

Allan, W.H.

Their Production and use ND Vaccines

FAO. Rome Italy. 1-159.

Their ecology & relationship with soils & land use

Lee KE

The yield of sugar beet in relation to weather and length of growing season .

Scot, R. K.


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Penerbit McGraw Hill Book Company. New York

Second Edition. Schaum's Outline Series

Mc Graw Hill Book Co. New york

Academic Press London

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The Yeast: A Taxonomy Study

Lodder J.

The Yeast: A Taxonomy Study

North Holland Publishing Co.

The yeast, a Taxonomic Study. 3rd ed.

Kreger-van Rij, N.J.W.

The yeast, a Taxonomic Study. 3rd ed.

Elsevier Sci. Publ., Amsterdam.

The Yeast, A Taxonomic Study

Lodder, J.

The Yeast, A Taxonomic Study

North Holland, American Eleevier

The World's Worst Weeds. Distribution and Biology.

Holm, L.J.

The World's Worst Weeds. Distribution and Biology.

University Press of Hawaii.

The World's worst weeds. Distribuion and biology

Holm, L. G.

The World's worse weeds

Holm, L.G.

The work ethics, New York: A division of american management association

Cherrington D

The Whitehead Encyclopedia of Deer

The University Press of Hawaii, Homolulu Distribution and biology.

The University Press of Hawaii, Honolulu.

Whitehead, G.K.

The Whitehead Encyclopedia of Deer

Stillwater: Swan Hill Press.

The white rice stem borer in Java

Dammerman, K.N.

Med. Lab. Plantenziekten


The water-holding capacity of meat. Pada: carcass composition and appraisal of meat animals. Selected paper. D. E. Tribe (ed.)

Hamm, R.

The water culture method of growing plants without soil

IIoagland, D.R.S.

The voluntary food intake of farm animals.

Forbes, J. M.

The Voluntary Food Intake of Farm Animals.

Forces, J.M.

The Voluntary Food Intake of Farm Animals.

Butterworth & Co, London.

The Volatile Flavor of Raw and Cooked Channel Catfish, in Food Flavor, Ingredients and Composition

Mills, E.O.

The Volatile Flavor of Raw and Cooked Channel Catfish, in Food Flavor, Ingredients and Composition

Elsevier Sciences Publ.

The Vocabulary of Organic Chemistry

Orchin, M.

The Vocabulary of Organic Chemistry

New York: John Willey & Sons.


CSIRO, Melbourne

The water culture method of growing plants without soil

California Agriculture Experiment Station Circulation No. 347. Berkeley: California Agriculture Experiment Station. Koskc, R.E.

Butterworths, London.

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The vitamins'.

Halver, J.E.

FAO/UNDP. Fish feed technology lectures. Trag course Fish Feed Technology held at the College of Fisheries. University of Washgton, Seatle Washgton, 9 October -15 December 1978 Rome, FAO/UNDP, 74-75.

The Vital Requirements of Artemia: Physiology and Nutrition,

D'Agostinos, A.S.,

In The Brine Shrimp Artemia, Vol 2, (Persoone, G., Sorgeloos, P., Roels, O. and Jaspers, E., Eds.),

The Visual Food Encyclopedia


The Virulence Factors in Escherichia Coli Strains Isolated from Pigs in The Ribeiro Preto Region, State of Sao Paolo, Brazil.

Carvalho, A. C. F. B.

CAB Abstracts 1992.

The Vertical Migration of Plankton crustacea

Cushing, D.H

The Vertical Migration of Plankton crustacea

Biological Reviews

The vertical distribution of marine macroplankton. VI. Further observation on diurnal changes

Russel, F.S

The vertical distribution of marine macroplankton. VI. Further observation on diurnal changes

marine Biological association of the United Kingdom

The Vegetative Plants, Reproductive Growth

Elliot, M. C.

In Plants growth Regulator Potensial and Practice Ed. Tudork. T. BCPC Publications

London Road, Coydon CRO2TD, The Levenham Press Limited Levenham, suffiok

The vegetative plants reproductive growth, p 57-98 in plant growth regulator potential and practice.

Elliot, M.C.

Ec Tudork. T. BCPC Publication London Road Coydon CRO2TD.

The Levenham Suffiok.

The Variance of the genetic correlation coeffecient

E. Reeve


The Vanishing Resource

Lal. R

Soil Management for Sustainability

The Value of Leucaena leoco cephala as a feed for ruminants in the tropics.

Jones, R.J.



Universe Press, Wettern, Belgium, 55p.

Mac Milan.New York, USA

Soil And Water Conservation Society. Iowa

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The Value of Dried Poultry Waste as Feedstuff in Broiler Diets

El Boushy, A. R

The Value of Dried Poultry Waste as Feedstuff in Broiler Diets


The Value of Cassava Root Meal For Chick

Enriquez, F. Q.

The Valuation of Environmental Goods and Service

Thampapillai D ZJ

The Utilization of Pasture in Ruminant Nutrition.

Holmes, W.

The utilization of fibrous residues in south Asia

Jayasuriya, M.C.N

The utilization of fibrous residues in south Asia

The usefullness of taxonomy for Solanaceae reeders with special reference to the genus Solanum and to Solarium melongena L. (eggplant)

Daunay, M.C.

Capsicum Newslett. 7: 10.

The useful plants of Indonesia. Indonesian. ( Translation of Heyne. K. 1950. De Nuttige Planten van Indonesie. Bandung. 2 volume)

Forest Research Development Agency

Sarana Wana Jaya Foundation. Jakarta, 4 volume

The usefül plants of Indonesia. Indonesian

Forest Research Development Agency

The usefül plants of Indonesia. Indonesian

Sarana Wana Jaya Foundation. Jakarta, 4 volume.

The used of immunostimulants to increase resistance of aquatic organism to microbial infection.

Raa, J.,

M. Shariff, R P. Subangsinghe, and J.R. Arthur (Eds.). Diseases Aquaculture I.

Fish Health Section. Asian Fisheries Society. Manila. Philippines, p. 3950.

The used of immunostimulants to increase resistance of aquatic organism to microbia! infection.

Raa, J.,

M. Shariff, R.P. Subangsghe and J.R. Arthur (Eds.). Diseases Aquaculture I Fish Health Section. Asian Fisheries Society. Manila. Philippes, p.39-50.


Department of Animal Science, University of Haway, Honolulu UNEP Region Office for Asia and Pacific

NETTLAP Publication No 6 Singapore INRA, Paris. Proceeding workshop on bioconversion of lignocellulosic and carbohydrate residues in rural communities, December 11-15, Bali, Indonesia

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The Use of The Nylon Bag Technique for The Evaluation of Feedstuff.

Orskov, E. R.

The Use of Synthetic Oligonucleotides as Specific Hybridization Probes in The Diagnosis of Genetic Disorders

Thein, S.L.

Human Genetic Diseases:A Practical Approach. (Davis, K.E. and V.A. Hemdon)

IRL Press. Oxford

The Use of single and mixed cultures for aerobic treatment of cane sugar stillage and SCP production

B.C. Nudel

Biol. Wastes

The Use of Shrubs and Tree Fodders by The Workshop on Shrubs and Tree Fodders for Farm Animals, 24-29 July 1989, Denpasar, Indonesia.

Devendra, C.

International Development Research Centre.

International Development Research Centre.

The use of resistance genes to curb population shirts in plant pathogens, him. 49-66

Nelson, R.R.

R.R, Nelson (ed.), Breeding Plants for Disease Resistance. Concept and Applications

London: The Pennsylvania State University Press.

The use of RAPD technique for the identification and classification of Pisum Sativum

Samec P

L Genotypes, Euphytica 89 :229234

The use of radioactive tracer (32 P) to asses the Agronomic effectiveness of phosphate rock.

Sisworo, W.H.

The Use of Phospate Rock for Direct Application to Soils Advances in Agronomy


The use of nylon bag technique for the evaluation of foodstuffs.

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The use of nuclear technique in studies of soil/plants relationship


The use of microorganisms for orange Cultivation in the Ju-du

Lee yung-min


Rowett research institute, bucksburn, Aberdeen, Scotland. A training Manual join FAO/IAEA Programme.

IAEA Laboratories

IN fourth conference on the technology of Effective Microorganisms 4, Che Ju-du, Republic Korea

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The use of microorganisms for orange Cultivation in the Ju-du

Lee yung-min

The use of imunostimulants to increase resistance of aquatic organisms to microbial infections.

Raa, J.,

Diseases Asian Aquacullure I. Shariff, M., Subasghe, R.P. and Arthur, J.R. (eds.), 39-50.

Fish Health Section, Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines.

The use of immunostimulants to increase resistance of aquatic organisms to microbial infections.

Raa, J.,

I.M. Shariff, R.P. Subasghe & J.R. Arthur (Eds.). D/s-eases Asian Aquaculture.

Fish Health Section, Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines, p.3950.

The use of immunostimulants to increase resistance of aquatic organisms to microbial infections

Raa, J.,

Shariff, M., Subangsihe, R.P. and Arthur, J.R. (eds). Diseases Asian Aquaculture I. Fish Health section,

Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philliphines. 3950.

The use of Immuno-stimulants to increase resistance of Aquartic Organisms to Microbial Infection


Disease in Asian Aquaculture I

Shariff M, J.R.Arthur.R.P.Subasingh e (Eds).Fish Health Section Asian Fisheries Society

The use of gamma Irradiation in vitro and combined use of in vitro cuture to select mutan clones in sweet potato.

Lu, SY.

The use of gamma Irradiation in vitro and combined use of in vitro cuture to select mutan clones in sweet potato.

IAEA-TECDOC-809. Vienna

The use of flourecein diacetate and phenolsafranin for determoning viability of cultured plant cells.

Widholm, J.M.

The use of dilute solutions of hidrogen peroxide to whiten fish flesh.

Young, K.W.,

E. Heen dan R. Kreuzer Fish Nutrition (Eds.).

Fishing News, England, p. 242-254.

The use of Brine Shrimp Artemia in Crustacean hatcheries and nurseries,

Sorgeloos, P.,

in Handbook of Marine culture, Vol. 1 (Mc Vey, J.P., Ed.)

CRC Press, Boca Raton FL. 71p.


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The Use of Artemia in Aquaculture.

Sorgeloos, P.

The Brine Shrimp Artemia. Vol 3. Ecology, Culturing, Use Aquaculture. Persoon, G., Sorgeloos, P,Roels, O,Jaspers, E. (Eds.)

Universa Press. Wetteren, Belgium, pp:2546

The use of an enzyme immunoassay for milk progesterone for evaluating dairy herd fertility

Hariadi, M.

Master of Philosophy Thesis,

Murdoch University. Western Australia.

The Use of an enzy-matic technique and net energy of compound feedstuff for ruminant

De Boecver, J.L

The use of allelic isozyme variation for the study of heterosis. Isozymes

Zouros, E

The use of allelic isozyme variation for the study of heterosis. Isozymes

Current Topics in Biological and Medical Research

The Use Endosperm Genes For Sweet Corn Improvement

Boyer. C.D

Plant Breeding Reviews (Vol. 1)

Avi Publishing Company Inc. Westport. Connecticut

The use and significance of pesticides in the environment

McEwen, F.L.

The use and significance of pesticides in the environment

John Wiley and Sons, New York. Brisbane. Toronto.

The UnResolved Problems Of Peat Water Relationships

Fuschman. C.H

Aspect of Water Retention and Dewatering in Peat

Elsevier Applied Sci. Publ. London

The Uncertain Promise The U.C. system for producing healthy container-grown plants.

Goulet, Denis Anonymous,

The Uncertain Promise

New York: IDOC Surray Beatty and Sons. Pty. Ltd. Australia.

The Twelve Who Survive, Strengthening Programmes of Early Childhood Developmend in Third Word

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Routledge in co-operation with UNESCO.London and New York

The Turtle Excluder Device (TED).

Mitchell J.F

Technical Memorandum.

The Tropical Tuber Crops

Onwueme. I.C

John Willey & Sons. Inc. Canada

The Tropical Rain Forest an Ecological Study

Richard P. W.

The Cambridge University Press

The tropical adaptation of beef cattle an australian study

Turner H.L


Animal Feed Sci. and Tech

In animal breeding:Selected articles from the Word Animal Review

National Marine Fisheries Service-Secretary Economic Fisheries Service Commerce.

FAO Animal Production and Healths Paper

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The tropic role of dissolved organic material.

Stephens, G.C.,

In: AR. Long-hurst (ed). Analysis of Marine Ecosystems.

Acad. Press. London, pp.271-361.

The Tree/Crop Interface - or simplifying The Biological/ Environmental Study of Mixed Cropping Agro forestry Systems

Huxley, P.A.

The Tree/Crop Interface - or simplifying The Biological/ Environmental Study of Mixed Cropping Agro forestry Systems

Agro forestry Systems

The transport, assimilation and production of nitrogenous compounds by cyanobacteria and microalgae, him. 50-90

Kcrby, N.W.

R.C. Cresswell, T.A.V. Rees & N. Shah (ed.), Algal and Cyanobartcrial Biotechnology

New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

The transport of live fish. A Review.

Berka, R.

EIFAC Tech.Pap.FAO(48) 52pp

The Timor problem, a geographical interpretation of underdeveloped island

Ormeling. F. J

The Tidal Swamps Rice Culture in South Kalimantan


The Tidal Swamps Rice Culture in South Kalimantan

The thornless prickly pear The Thirteenth International Rice Bacterial Blight Nursery. International network for genetic evaluation of rice (INGER)

Griffith. D IRRI

USDA Farmers Bulletin The Thirteenth International Rice Bacterial Blight Nursery. International network for genetic evaluation of rice (INGER)

The Third report On The World Nutrition Situation


The Theory of Share Tenancy

Cheung.S. NS

The Theory of Share Tenancy

The Theory of Regionalized Variables and Its Application

Matheron. G

Cahcent. Morpho. Math. Fontainebleau 5. Centre Geostatistic

The theory and classification of outbreaks

Berryman AA

In barbosa P & JC Schultz.Editor Insect outbreaks

Acad Press,New York

The theoretical and empirical basis of biological control

Rabb RL

Huffaker CB, Messenger PS (ed). Theory and Practice of Biological Control

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J. B. Wolters-Groningen. Jakarta Central Research Institute for Agricultural Representation, Kalimantan, Indonesia. 14 pp. Manila: International Rice Research Institute.

ACC/SCN Secretariat Geneva. Swiss The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London

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The Test Method for The Evaporated Amount of Formaldehyde


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The technology of plasticizer The technology of food preservation. Diterjemahkan M. Muljohardjo: Teknologi Pengawetan Pangan

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The technology of food preservation. 2nd edition

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The Avi Publ C., Inc Westport. Connecticut

The technology of food preservation

Norman W

AVI Publishing Co, Inc New Jersey

The Technological System The Task Force Report on Sustaining Long-Term Forest health and Productivity

Ellul, Jacques. Anonimus

The Technological System Society of American Forester

New York: Continum Grosvenor Lane, Bethesda. USA

The systematic identification of organic compounds.

Shriner RL

A laboratory manual, John Willey & sons

New York

The system of profession

Abbot A

Chicago: University of Chicago Press

The Synthesis, Transport, and Metabolism of endogenous cytokinins.

Van Staden, J.

Plant Cell Environ.

The Syncronisation of Nutrient Mineralization and Nutrien Demand

Myers. R.J.K

The Biological Management of Tropical Soil Fertility

John Willey & Sons. New York

The Symtomology of food allergy

Cant, J.A.

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The Swamp Buffalo as a Work Animal and as a Source of Meat

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The suspectibility of various species to infection by bacterium Aeromonas hydrophila

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In J.I. Maclean, L.E. Dizon. and L.V. Hosillos (Eds). The First Asian Fisheries Forum. AFS. Manila. Philippines.


The technology of food preservation. Diterjemahkan M. Muljohardjo: Teknologi Pengawetan Pangan


John Wiley & sons NY UI Press, Jakarta

Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, Jakarta, Indonesia.

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The Surface Chemistry of Soils

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The Subfamili Agathidinae (Hymenop-tera: Braconidae),

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Oriental Insects Morphology No. 6.

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The Study of Plant Structure. Principles and Selected Methods.

O’Brien, T.P.

The Study of Plant Structure. Principles and Selected Methods.

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The study of mycorrhizal and rhizobial inoculation on soybean in coatal sandy soil

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Indonesian The Indonesian Biotechnology Concorsium Jkt

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The stucture and chemistry of soil clay minerals.

Brown, G

The Chemistry of soil Constituens.

Wiley Chichester.

The Structure, development, food relation reproduction and life history of the squid loligo opalescens Perry.

Fiel, G.W.

The Structure, development, food relation reproduction and life history of the squid loligo opalescens Perry.

The Resources Agency. Department of Fish and Game. Fish Bulletin. 131. State of

The Structure of Plant Ce// Walls IV. A. Structural Comparison of the Wall Hemicellulose of Cell Suspension Cultures of Sycamore and of Red Kidney Bean.

Wilder, B.M.

In: Plant Physiologi.

Interscience Publ. New York.

The Structure of Mitochondria

Munn, E.A.

The Structure of Mitochondria

London : Academic Press.

The Structure of BetaLactoglobulin : its similarity to plasma retinol-binding protein

Papiz, M.Z



The Streptococci

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In Schaechter,M G Medoff and D.Schlessinger (Eds) Mechanism of Bacterial Disease

Wiilliams and Wilkins. Baltimore USA

The Strategy of Economics Development


The Storage of Coconut After Harvesting.

Cooke, F.C.,

The Malaya Agriculture Journal.

The status of N, P, K, and S of lowland rice soil in Java

Adiningsih, J. S.

The status of N, P, K, and S of lowland rice soil in Java

The status of N, P, K and S of lowland rice soil in java

Adiningsih, J. S.

The status of N, P, K and S of lowland rice soil in java

Adiningsih, J. S.


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The State of Persons Working in Electrical Fields of Outdoor 400 kV and 500 kV

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Swithyard: Gig. Tr. Prof. Zabol 10: 50-52.

The Starch Industry.

Knight, J.W.

The Starch Industry.

The Standard Cyclopedia of Holticulture.

Bailey, L.H.

The Mac. Millan Company, New York.

The Stages of Economic Growth: A Non-Communist Manifesto

Rostow, W. W.

Cambridge University Press, London

The St. Croix Sheep in The United States

Foote, W.C.

Wesview Press, CO.

The Spermosphere and Rhizosphere

Lynch. J.M

Soil Biotecnology

The Specific Calsium Appetite of The Domestic Fowl

Mongin, P.

K.N. Boorman and B.M. Freeman, Food Intake Regulation in Poultry

The soil Resources

Jenny. H

The Soil and the Microbe

Waksman, S.A.

The Soil and the Microbe

New York: John Willey & Sons.

The Sociology of The 3rd World

Goldthorpe. J.E

Disparity and Development

Cambridge University Press. New York

The Social System The small ruminant market system in Indonesia: A review, 87103

Parsons Knipscheer, H.C.

The situationer

Marketing Division

Fiber Industry Dev. Authority. Philippine

The Silage fermentation

Woolford, M. K.

Marcel dekker Inc. New York

The significant of changes in peroxidase in diseased plant

van Loon LCV


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Oxford University Press, New york .

Pergamon Press. London.

Blackwell Scientific Publication. Oxford London

Springer-Verlag. New York

C.R.W. Spedding (Ed.) Agricultural Systems, 25

Molecular & physiological aspects of plant peroxidases. H Grepin, C. penel, & Th Gaspar (ed)

London. Routledge Elsevier Applied Science

Univ. of Genewa Switzerland

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The Significance of Water Activity for Microorganisme in Meats. Dalam "Water Relation of Foods". Edited by R.B. Duckworth

Leistner, L.

The Significance of Water Activity for Microorganisme in Meats. Dalam "Water Relation of Foods". Edited by R.B. Duckworth

Academic Press, London

The Significance of Soil Microbial Biomass Estimations

Smith. J.L

Soil Biochemistry Vol. 5

Marcel Dekker. New York

The Sheepman'man Production Hand Boox

Scott G.E

The Sheepman'man Production Hand Boox 1st edition

Abberg Printing, Denver,Colorado

The semi Variogram


P.F. Mousset Jones (ed.) Geostatistics

McGraw - Hill. Inc. New York

The Search for Antiviral and Anticancer Compounds from Marine Organism.

Scheuer, P.J.

The search for antiviral and anticancer compound from marine organisms.

Munro, M.H.G,

InBioorganic Marine Chemistry. Vol I. ed Sheuer, P.J. 93-177,

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York.

The Seafood Industry, Osprey Book

Martin. R. E.

The Seafood Industry, Osprey Book

Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.

The scientific feeding of chickens. 5th ed.

Titus H. W.

The Scientific Feeding Animals.

Kellner, O.

Duckworth, London.

The Science of Zoology, Vol. II

Weisz, P.B.

The Science of Zoology, Vol. II

The science of providing milk for man

Chambell, J. R.

The Science of Providing Milk for Man

Campbel, R.S

The Science of Meat and Meat Products. 2 nd Edition

Bratzler, L. J.

The Science of Meat and Meat Product. America Meat Institute Foundation .

Wilson. G.D.

The Science of Meat and Meat Product. America Meat Institute Foundation .

Reinhold Publishing Co. New York

The science of meat and meat product.

Bratzler, L.J.

The science of meat and meat product.

W.H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco

The science of meat and meat product.

Price, J.F.

The science of meat and meat product.

Food & Nutrition Press, Inc., Westport, Connecticut


Spinger-Verleg Berlin Meidelberg, 133-135.

The interstate. Printers and Publishers, Inc. Danville, Illinois

Graw-Hill Book Company, New York, 504-506. McGraw-Hill Inc. New York, USA

The Science of Providing Milk for Man

Mc. Graw Hill Book Co. New York W. H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco

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the science of meat and meat product

Price, J. F.

W. W. & Co. San Fransisco

The Science of Food. 2 nd ed.

Gamon, P. M.

Pergamon Pres,. New York.

The Science of Food


The Science of Food

John Willey and Sons. New York. Leichester. Brisbane. Toronto, Singapore

The Science of Food

Bennion, M.

The Science of Food

John Wiley and Sons Inc. Canada.

The Science of Food

Bennion, M.

The Science of Food

John Wiley and Sons, New York.

The science of ecology. 2nd ed.

Brewer, R.

The science of ecology. 2nd ed.

Saunders College Publishing, Harcourt Brace College Publishers, Ft. Worth. Pp. 229-249.

The science of compositing.

Epstein E

Technomic Co, Inc. Lancester

The science of compositing

Epstein E

Technomic Publ. Co. Inc., Lancester USA

The science of animals that serve mankind. 2nd ed.

Campbell, J. R.

McGraw-Hill Book Company. St. Louis, San Fransisco, Auckland and London.

The Science of Animals That Serve Mankind

Campbell, J.R.

The science of animals that serve humanity. 3rd edition

Campbell JR

Mc Graw Hill Book Company, New York

The science of Animal Husbandry


Prentice Hill Press, New York

The Science Animal Husbandry

Blakely, J.

The Science Animal Husbandry

Virginia, Reston

The science and Technology of Gelatin

Ward, A.G

The science and Technology of Gelatin

Academic Press, New York

The Sciece Behind Transgenic Cotton Plant.

LIewellyn, D.J

The Sciece Behind Transgenic Cotton Plant

Proc, Australian Cotton Conference

The saprolegniaceae. Workshop on Mycological Aspect of Fish and Shellfish Disease.

Willoughby, G.

The saprolegniaceae. Workshop on Mycological Aspect of Fish and Shellfish Disease.

Aquatic Animal Healthreseach Institute. Kasetsart University Campus Bangkok Thailand, p. 9-32.


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The Science of Animals That Serve Mankind


McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York.

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The Sago Palms.

Flach, M.

Plant Production and Protection Paper No. 47 FAO. Rome.

The Safety of Food.

Graham, H.D.

The Safety of Food.

The Rural Nn-Farm sector in Asia, Kuala Lumpur

Mukhopadhyay, S

Asian and pasifis Development Centre

The ruminant animals. Digestive, physiology, and nutrition.

Church DC

Prentice Hall, New Jersey

The ruminant animal: Digestive physiology and nutrition

Church, D.C

Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

The ruminant animal digestive physiology and nutrion

Church, D. C.

Prentice-Hall, Engelwood Cliffs, New Jersey

The rumen bacteria. In: The rumen microbial ecosystem. (ed. P. N. Hobson, 1988)

Stewart, C. S.

Elsevier Applied Science

The Rumen and lts Microbes

Hungate, R.E

Academie Press, New York

The rumen and its microbes. Department of bacteriology and agriculture experiments Univ. of California

Hungate, R. E.

Academic Press, New York

The rumen and its microbes. Department of bacteriology and agriculture experiments Univ. of California

Hungate, R. E.

Academic Press, New York

The Rumen and Its Microbes.

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The Rumen and Its Microbes.

Academic Press, New York.

The Rumen and Its Microbes.

Hungate, R.E.

The Rumen and Its Mi-crobes.

Academic Press, New York.

The Rumen and Its Microbes.

Hungate, R. F.

Academic Press. New York and London.

The rumen and its microbes

Hungate, R. E.

Academic Press New York, San Fransisco, London

The Royal Horticurture Society. Printed in Enel md by Unwin Brothers The Role pressure effect and viscometry Buku

The Royal Horticurture Society. Printed in Enel md by Unwin Brothers Malkus D.S


TheAVI Publishing Co.Inc., WestportConnecticut

The Gresham Press. Ltd Woking Surrey. 1,070 p. Rheol Acta

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The Role Orf Ethylene in Fruit Ripening and Senescence

Dean. J.F.D

Food Enzymology

Elsevier Applied Science. London

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PT. Ichtiar Baru Van Hoeve, Jakarta

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The pests of crops in Indonesia

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The pests of crops in Indonesia

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The pests of crops in Indonesia

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PT Ichtiar Baru, Van Hoeve Jakarta

The pest of crops in Indonesia (Revised and translated by P.A. Van der Laan)

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The Nutrition and Feeding of Farmed Fish and Shrimp.

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The Nutrition Of Crops

Carter. O.G

Principles Of Field Crops Production

Sydney University Press

The Nutriënt Requirements of Ruminant Livestock, Suppl. No. l


The Nutriënt Requirements of Ruminant Livestock, Suppl. No. l

Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough

The nutrient requirement of ruminant livestock


Commonwealth agricultural bureaux, Slaugh

The nucleopolyhedrosis Virus of Heliothis species as a microbial insecticide

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H.D. Burges (Ed.) Microbial Control of Pest and Plant Diseases 1970-80. Academic Press. London. p. 329-362. IRRI. 1979. Control management. insect pests. Ann. Program Rev. pp. 1-28.

The Normal Breeding Animal.


J. A.Laing. Ed. Fertility and Infertility in Domestic Animal.

ELBS. London

The Nonspecific immune system humoral defense.

Yano, T.

G. Iwama and T. Nakanishi (Eds.). The Fish Immune SystemOrganism, Pathogen and Environment.

Academic Press. USA. p.106-140.

The Nonspecific Immune System

Secombes, C.J.

Cellulae Defences. In: G. Iwama and T. Nakanishi (Eds.). The Fish Immune System: Organism, Pathogen and Environment.

Academic Press. USA.p. 63-95.

The non structural carbohydrates

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Chemistry and Biochemistry of Herbage. Vol I. (Buttler, G.W. and Bailey. R.W. eds.).

Academic Press. London

The Newsletter

Akihama, T

The Newsletter

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The new rice economy of Indonesia

Mears L

Yogyakarta Indonesia:The Gajah Mada University Press

The New Public Management : Challenging the Boundaries of The Management vs Administration Debate

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Public Administration Review

the New Internal Auditing

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New York: John Willey

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The Neotropical Cornstalk Borer, Deatrea lineolata Wlk.and the Surgarcane Moth Borer, Diatrea saccharalis as Maize Pest in Trinidad, with Note from Grenada


The Neotropical Cornstalk Borer, Deatrea lineolata Wlk.and the Surgarcane Moth Borer, Diatrea saccharalis as Maize Pest in Trinidad, with Note from Grenada

The neem tree Azadirachta indica A. Juss. and other meliaceous plants: sources of unique natural products for integrated pest manage-ment, medicine, industry and other purposes.

Schmutterer, H., editor

The neem tree Azadirachta indica A. Juss. and other meliaceous plants: sources of unique natural products for integrated pest manage-ment, medicine, industry and other purposes.

Weinheim: VCH.

The Neem Tree Azadirachta Indica A. Juss and Other Meliaceous Plants: Sources of Unique Natural Products for Integrated Pest Management, Medicine, Industry and Other Purposes

Schmutterer, H. (ed.)

The Neem Tree Azadirachta Indica A. Juss and Other Meliaceous Plants: Sources of Unique Natural Products for Integrated Pest Management, Medicine, Industry and Other Purposes

Weinheim (Germany). 696 p.

The Neem Tree : Source Of Unique Natural Products For Integreted Pest Management, Medicine, Industry and Other Purpose

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The Nature, Origin, and Evolution of Parasitism, p. 1969.

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The Nature Of Preyudice

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Dalam Prasangka dan Diskriminasi

The Nature of Climatic Seasonally

Walsh, R.P.D.

Chambes, R., Longhurst, R., Pacey, A. (Eds). Seasonal Dimension of Rural Poverty

Frances Printer Limited, London.

The Nature and Proporties of Soils. Diterj. oleh Soegiman. 1982. Ilmu Tanah.

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The nature and proporties of soil

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The nature and proporties of soil

The Macmillan Co. CellierMacmillan Ltd., London

The Nature and Propeties of Solls

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The Nature and Properties of Soils. - Tenth ed.

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Mac Millan Company, New York.

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Bharat Karya Aksara, Jakarta.

The Nature And Properties Of Soils

Buckman. H.C

MacMillan. New York

The nature and properties of soils

Brady, N. C.

The nature and properties of soils

Buckman, H. O.

Bhatara Karya Aksara, Jakarta

The nature and properties of soils

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The Nature and Properties of soils

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The nature and properties of soil.

Buckman, H.O.

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The Nature and properties of soil

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The Nature and Properties of Soil

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The Nature and Properties of Soil

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The Nature and Composition

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The MIT Press.Cambridge Massachusetts

The Natural History of the Primates

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The Natural History of the Primates

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The Natural History of Deer.


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Christopher Helm Publication. Warcester.


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The Nature and properties of soil

The Macmillan Company New York.

Mac-Millan Publ. Co. New York

PT. bahtera Karya Aksara Jakarta . McMillan Publishing. Co. Inc. New York

Tenth Edition

Mac Millan Publishing Company. New York

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The national poultry improvement plan and auxiliary provisions.

US department of agriculture.

The Natioani Strategy and Action Plan for the Management of Indonesian Wet-lands.


The Natioani Strategy and Action Plan for the Management of Indonesian Wet-lands.

Kantor Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup, Jakarta. 1996.

The mycorrhizal response

Bowen, G.D

Training course on mycorrhiza Researh techniques

Serdang, Malysia

The Moral Economy Of The Peasent

Scott. J.C

Robellian on Subsistance In South East Asia

Yale University Press. New Haren, London

The molecular genetics and biotechnological application of enzymes from extremely thermophilic eubacteria, him. 4475

Bergquist, P.L.

R.A. Herbert & R.J. Sharp (ed.), Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of Extremophiles

New York: Blackie & Son Ltd.

The molecular genetics and biotechnological application of enzymes from extremely thermophilic eubacteria, him. 44-72

Bergquist, P.L

R.A Herbert & R.J. Sharp (ed.). Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of Extremopliiles

New York: Chapman and Hall, Inc.

The molecular biology of secreted enzyme production by fungi.

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G. G. Stewart and I. Russell Eds. Critical reviews in biotechnology

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J.E. Halver (ed.), Fish Nutrition, Ed. ke-2

The Mineralogy, Chemistry, and Physics of Tropical Soils with Variable charge Clays.

Uehara, G

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The Mineralogy, Chemistry, and Physics of Tropical Soils with Variable charge Clays.

Uehara, G

Westview Press Boulder, New York.

The Mineralogy, Chemistry, and Physics of Tropical Soils with Variable Charge Clays.

Uehara, G.

Westview Press, Boulder, Co.

The Mineralogy, Chemistry, and Physics of Tropical Soils With Variabel Charge Clays


Westview Press Boulder, Colorado

The Mineralogy, Chemistry, and Physics of Tropical Soil With Variable Charge Clays

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West View Press. Inc. Boulder. Colorado


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Penerbit Washington, DC. United States Department of Agriculture.

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The mineralogy, Chemistry and Physiscs of tropical soils withj Variable Charge Clay

Uehara, G

Westview Press, Colorado

The Mineralogy, Chemistry and Physiscs of Tropical Soils With Variable Charge Clay

Uehara, G.

Westview Press. Colorado

The mineralogy, chemistry and physics of tropical soils with variable charge clays

Uehara, G.

The mineralogy, chemistry and physics of tropical soils with variable charge clays

Westview Press/Boulder, Colorado. 170 p.

The mineralogy, chemistry and physics of tropical soils with variable charge clays

Uehara, G

The mineralogy, chemistry and physics of tropical soils with variable charge clays

Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado.

The Mineralogy, Chemistry and Physics of Tropical Soils with Variable Charge Clays

Uehara, G.

The Mineralogy, Chemistry and Physics of Tropical Soils with Variable Charge Clays

Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado.

The Mineralogy, Chemistry and Physics of Tropical Soils with Variable Charge Clays

Uehara, G

Westview Press. Colorado

The Mineralogy, Chemistry and Physics of Tropical Soils With Variable Charge Clay

Uehara. G

Westview Press. Colorado

The Mineralogy, Chemistry and Physics of Tropical Soils with Variable Charge Clay

Uehara, G

Westview Press. Colorado

The mineralogy, chemistry and physics of tropical soils with variable charge clay

Uehara, G

Westview Press, Colorado

The Mineralogy, Chemistry and Physics of Tropical Soil with Variable Charge Clays

Uehara, G

Westview Press/Boulder, Colorado

The Mineralogy, Chemistry and Physic Of Tropical Soils With Variable Charge Clay

Uehara. G.

Westview Press. Boulder. Colorado

The Mineralogy Chemistry and Physics of Tropical Soils With Variable Charge Clays


The Mineralogy Chemistry and Physics of Tropical Soil With Bariable Charge Clays

Uehara. G.

Westview Press. Inc. Boulder. Colorado

The Mineralogi, Chemistry, and Physics of tropical soils with variable charge clays

Uehara, G

Westview Press, Inc., Boullder, CO


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Westview Press/Boulder, Colorado

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The Minaralogy Chemistry and Physics of Tropical Soils With Variable Charge Clay

Uehara. G

The microflora of semipreserved fish

Erichsen, I

The Microbiology of Terrestrial Ecosystem


The Microbiology of seawater fish (Brogstrom, G. eds.)

Shewan, J.M.

The Microbiology of seawater fish (Brogstrom, G. eds.)

Academic Press, New York.

The Microbiology and Chemistry of Tempeh Fermentaüon, the Book of Tempeh, Profesional Ed.


The Microbiology and Chemistry of Tempeh Fermentaüon, the Book of Tempeh, Profesional Ed.

Harpen and Row Publisher.

The Microbiological populaton of compost of stable manure at different temperatures.

Cordon, T.C.

An Abstract Proceed.

Soil Sci. Soc.

The microbial world.

Stainer, R. Y.

The Metabolizable energy of poultry feeding stuffs in relation to their Chemical composition.

Clegg, K.M.

The merckveterinary manual. 5th ed.

Siegmund, D. H.

Merck and Co. Inc. Rahway, USA

The Merck Index: An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals.

Budaveri, S.

Merck & Co., Inc. Whitehouse Station, NJ.

The Merck Index: An encyclopedia of chemicals, drugs and biologicals. Eleventh edition.

Budavari, S

The Merck Index: An encyclopedia of chemicals, drugs and biologicals. Eleventh edition.

Merc and Co, Inc. Rahway. USA.

The merck index.


The merck index.

Published by Merck and Co Inc, Rahway, New York.

The merck index.

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The merck index.

Published by Merck and Co Inc, Rahway, New York.

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Process Biochem Longmann Singapore Publisher (Pte) Ltd. Singapore

Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. The Metabolizable energy of poultry feeding stuffs in relation to their Chemical composition.

J. Sci. Food. Agr7 :45

Merck & Co. Rathway, New York.

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The Merck Index 11th ed.

Susan Budavari

The Men Joim in The Union the Women Go on Strike : Sexual Contradiction and Labour Conflict on a West Afrcan Estate Farm

Mackintosh, M

Serving Two Masters : Third World Women in Development

New Delhi Allied Publisher.

The Meia Veterinary Manual

Siegmundd. D. H

The Meia Veterinary Manual

Merk & Co Inc. Rahway, N. J. L'SA.

The Medusae of The British Isles, Vol 2 Pelagic scyphozoa

Russel, F.S

The Medusae of The British Isles, Vol 2 Pelagic scyphozoa

Cambridge Univ Press

The medical uses of proteolytic enzymes

Christie RB

Di dalam Topik in Enzyme and Fermentation Biotechnology Vol 4

Ellis Horwood Limited England

the Medical Uses of Proteolytic Enyzme

Christie, R.B.

Topic in Enyzime and Fermentation Biotechnology Vol. 4.

Ellis Horword Limited, England.

The mechanism of nutritional compensation by phytophagous insects, pp. 111-160

Simpson, S. J.

Insect-plant interactions Vol.11

Florida, Boca Raton: CRC Press.

The meat we eat. 10th ed.

Romans, J. R.

The Interstate Printers & Publisher, Inc., Danville.

The meat we eat. 10th ed.

Romans, J. R.

The Interstate printers & Publishers Inc. Danville. Illinois.

The meat we eat. 10th ed.

Romans, J. R.

The interstate printers and publishers Inc., Danville, Illinois

The meat we eat. 10th ed.

Romans, J. R.

The Interstate Printers and Publishers Inc., Danville, Illinois

The Meat We Eat. 10 th ed.

Romans, J.R.

The Interstate Printers and Publishers, Inc., Danville, Illinois.

The Meat We Eat .


the meat board's lesson on meat.

Bowers, J. A.

The Measurement of Appearance 2nd ed., pp. 29

Hunter, R.S.


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Penerbit Merck and Co. Inc. Rahway. N.J. USA

The Meat We Eat .

The Interstate Printer and Publisher Inc. Denvül. Illinois. USA National live stock and meat board USA.

The Measurement of Appearance 2nd ed., pp. 29

John Wiley and Sons, New York. Hlm 112 dari 1800

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The Mathematical Theory of Communication.

Shannon, C.E.

The Mathematical Theory of Communication.

University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 125 pp

The master plan of water resources development & feasibility study for urgen flood control & urban darinage in Semarang City & suburb

Japan-Indonesia Corporation Agency

The Market Model and Higher Education

Leslie, L.

The Journal of Higher Education

America n Ass. For Higher Education, Ohio State Univ. Press.

The Marine and Freshwater Plankton,

Davls. G-C.

The Marine and Freshwater Plankton,

Machigan State University.

The Marine and Fiesh Water Plankton (Phytoplankton),

Morie, T.

The Marine and Fiesh Water Plankton (Phytoplankton),

The Michigan State Univ. Press. The United State of America. 215 pp.

The Marine and Freshwater Plankton

Davis CC

Michigan State University Press.USA

The manual of australian agriculture

Reid, R. L.

Butterworths, Australia

The Manpower Planning Handbook

Bennison, M.

The Manpower Planning Handbook

McGraw-Hill Book Comp. (UK), Ltd.

The Mangrove Ecosystem in Indonesia : Its Problems and Management

Soegiarto A

In HJ Teas (ed) Physiology and Management of Mangrove

W.Chung Publisher, The Hague

The Mango Botany.


The Mango Botany

Cultivation and Utilization Inter science. Pbl. Inc. New York

The Mango Botany Cultivational.

Singh, L.B

The Mango Botany Cultivational.

Leonard Hill. London

The management ofedible bird's nest caves in Sabah. Wildlife Section

Francis, C.M

The management ofedible bird's nest caves in Sabah. Wildlife Section

Sabah Forest Department. Sabah, Malaysia.

The Management of Human Resources.

Cherrington, David J.

Fourth Edition New Jersey. Prentice Hall. 1995.

The Management of Edible Birds Nest Caves in Sabah

Francis, C.M

Wildlife Section. Sabah Forest Departement. Sabah, Malaysia

The Management of Edible Bird's Nest Cave in Sabah. Wildlife Section

Francis, C.M.

The Management of Edible Bird's Nest Cave in Sabah. Wildlife Section


DPU Pengairan Semarang

Sabah: Sabah Forest Departement.

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The Management of Edible Birdnest Caves in Sabah

Francis, C.M

Wildlife Section. Sabah Forest Departement. Sabah, Malaysia

The mammalian ovum. In: The physiology of reproduction. Vol. 1. Edited by Erns Knobil and Jimmy D. Neil

Wassarman, P. M.

Raven press, New York

The Major Dimension of Church Memberships


The Social Meanings of Religion

Chicago. Rand McNally

The main phospholipid of the archaebacterium Thermoplasma acidophilum. New perspectives in biochemistry and medicine by liposome technology with this peculiar tetraetherlipid. (Das Hauptphospholipid des Archaebakteriums Thermoplasma acidophilum. Eroeffnet die Liposomentechnologie mit diesem eigentuemlichen Tetraetherlipid neue Perspektiven fuer Biochemie und Medizin?). Habililtatio

Freisleben, H.-J.

The main phospholipid of the archaebacterium Thermoplasma acidophilum. New perspectives in biochemistry and medicine by liposome technology with this peculiar tetraetherlipid. (Das Hauptphospholipid des Archaebakteriums Thermoplasma acidophilum. Eroeffnet die Liposomentechnologie mit diesem eigentuemlichen Tetraetherlipid neue Perspektiven fuer Biochemie und Medizin?). Habililtatio

Frankfurt: Johann Wolfgang GoetheUniversity.

The Lipid Handbook. 2nd Ed

Gunstone, F.D.

The Lipid Handbook. 2nd Ed

Chapman and Hall Chemical Datebase, New York

The Lipid handbook. 2nd ed

Gunstone FD

The Lipid handbook 2nd ed. : Dictionary Section

Gunstone FD,

The Lipid handbook 2nd ed. : Dictionary Section

The Lignin paradigm


University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

The life of sharks

Budher, P.

The life of sharks

New York Columbia Univ. Press. 179-199.

The life of insects ppulation, speciation and migration

Wigglessworth VB

New American Library

New york

The life of insects ppulation, speciation and migration

Wigglessworth VB

New American Library

New york


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Chapman & Hall London Chapman & Hall UK

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The life of birds

Welty, J.C

The life of birds

Saunders College Publishing. Philadelphia

The life of beetle

Evans, G.

The life of beetle

London George Allen and Union, London. 232 pp.

The Lepidopterous Stalk Borers of Rice and Their Life Cycles in the Tropics

Banerjee, SN

In Major Insect Pest of the Rice Plant

John Hopkins Press, Baltimore

The Lepidopterous stalk borers of rice and their life cycles in the tropic

Banerjee, S.W.

The Major Insect Pest of the Rice Plant. Proc. Symp. Int. Rice. Rest. Inst. Philippines,

John Hopkins Press, Baltimore. p. 103-125.

The legume Food Crop

Bernart RL

Mien Rifai (ed) asian Legume, Bogor

The last Evaluation of Hygienic Effect of Biogas Plant in China

Xun M, G

The last Evaluation of Hygienic Effect of Biogas Plant in China

Biogas Forum

The larvae of Indo-Pacific shores fishes.

Leis. J.M

The larvae of Indo-Pacific shores fishes.

New South Wales University Press. 371 pp.

The Language of Advartising.

Vestergaard, Torben

The Language of Advartising.

New York: Basil Blackwell.

The Landsat Tutorial Work Book : Basic of Satelite Remote Sensing

Short, N.M

The Land Resources of Indonesia. A National Overview


Main Report Land Resources Departement NRI, ODA Foreign and Commonwealth Office, UK.

The Laboratory Rat

Weihe, W.H

The UFAW Handbook on The Care and Management of Laboratory Animals. Edited by Trevor Poole, Longman Scientific and Technical Great Britain, pp. 309-330.

The Kinetics and Mass Transfer Behavior of Immobilized Invertace on IonExchange Resin Beads

Kobayashi, T.

The Kinetics and Mass Transfer Behavior of Immobilized Invertace on Ion-Exchange Resin Beads

Biotechnol. Bioeng

The Kidney & The Urine

Harper H A

Review of Physiological Chemistry

17th Edition.Lange medical Publication maruzen Asia PTE LTD


NASA. Washington D.C

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The Karyotypes of thee Two Sibling Species of Japanese Prond Frog with Special Reference of Those of the Diploid and Triploid Hybrid. Scient.

Nishioka. M.

The Karyotypes of thee Two Sibling Species of Japanese Prond Frog with Special Reference of Those of the Diploid and Triploid Hybrid. Scient.

Report. Lab. Amphibion Biol. Hiroshima University

The Javanese fat tail, an Indonesian sheep population with potential to produce hair sheep, him. 54-63

Iniquez, L.

S. Wildeus (ed.), Proceedings Hair Sheep Symposium. September 1991

University of the Virgin Islands.

The Iso-erodent Map of Java and Madura

Bols, P. L.

The Iso-erodent Map of Java and Madura

Soil Research Institute, Bogor

The IPM Experience in Highland Cabbage and Potato in Indonesia

Sudarwohadi S

Intercountry Programe for the Development and Aplication of Integrated Pest Control in Rice in South and Southeast Asia.Phase II.Makalah pada The Program Advisory Committee Meeting


The Invertebrates : A New Synthesis

Barness, R.S. K

The Invertebrates : A New Synthesis

Blackwell Scentific Publication London

The invertebrates

L.H. Hyman

The Echinoderms Vol IV

McGraw-Hill Book Company Co., Inc., New York

The intervertebrates

Barnes, R.S.K.,

A New Synthesis,

Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, p. 398 of 573pp.

The International Success of the Developing Country Firms Role of Govemment Directed Comparative

Aggarwal, R

Advantage management International Review

The International Cocoa Trade

Dand, R.,

The International Cocoa Trade

Wood Head Publishing Limited, Cambridge, England

The Institutional Economics Theory, Method, Policy.

Mare, R.

The Institutional Economics Theory, Method, Policy.

Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston

The Insects: Structure and Function.

Chapman, R.F

The Insects: Structure and Function.

The English University Press Ltd., London.

The Insects, Structure and Function 3rd. Ed.

Chapman. R.F

The Insects Structure and Function.

Chapman, R.F.,


Harvard University Press, Cambridge The Insects Structure and Function.

American Elsevier Publishing Company Inc., New York.

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The Insects an Outline of Entomology

Gullan. P.J

The Insect, structure and function.

Chapman, R.F.

The Insect, structure and function.

The English Universities Press Ltd. London.

The insect structure and function

Chapamn, R. F.

The insect structure and function

The english University Press Ltd. London

The insect structure and function

Chapman, R.F.

The insect structure and function

The English Univ. Press, London. 116 p.

The insect material

Eastop VF

Emden HP van (ed). Aphid Technology with Special Reference to the Study of Aphids in the Field

London: Academic Pr. him. 1-31.

The influence of water content onnon enzymic browning intermediates

Eichner K

RB Duckworth Water relation of food

Academic Press London, New York, San Francisco

The Influence of The Starch and Sugar Content of Concentrates on Feed Intake, Rumen Fluid, Production and Composition of Milk.

de Visser H.

Conf. Prod. Dis.

The Influence Of Temperature, Nutrition, Light and The Growth of The Mycelium on Capture and Infection of Melodogyne Hapla by Arthrobotrys Oligospora

Den Belder. E

Fundamentals Of Applied Nematology

The influence of temperature, inoculum level and race of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Cubense on the disease reaction of banana cv. Cavendish

Brake, V. M.

The influence of soil properties, total cooper, iron, manganesse, and zinc on the yield of oats, carrots, onions and lettuce

Marthur, S.P


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Penerbit Chapman and Hll Inc. South Melbourne

Comm. Plant soil Anal

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The Influence of soil properties, total cooper, iron, manganese, and zinc on the yield of oats, carrots, onions and lettuce.

Mathur, S.P.

Comm. Plant Soil Anal

The Influence of Sampling Method and Other Field Techniques of the Results of Residue Analyses

Ambrus, A.

Dalam H. GeissbuhIer.G.T Brooks, and P.C. Keamey (Eds). Advances in Pesticides Science.

The influence of polyphenolics on the nutritive value of browse

Woodward, A.

A summary of research conducted at ILCA, ILCA Bulletin No. 35, 1989, ILCA, Ethiopia

The influence of maternal diet rich in 1

Sanders. T.A.B.

inolenic acid on brain and retina decosahexaenoic acid in the rat

The Influence of Magnesium Fertilizer on Productivity of Sweet Corn and The Stover.

Soetrisno, D.

UGM, Project.

The influence of heat symptoms and the timer of insemination of cattle on the early and late return

Swenson, T.

Nord. Vet. Med.

The Influence of Forest Application of Sewage Sludge on The Cocentration of Metals In Vegetation and Small Mammals


The Forest Alternative For Treatmen and Utilization of municipal and Industrial Wastes

The influence of flowering time and growth habit on the performance of townsville stylo (Stylosanthes humilis) in tropical and subtropical queensland

Cameron, D. F.

Trop grassland

The influence of energy level on chemical composition of tissues and on the energy and protein utilization by broiler chicks.

Hakanson, J.

Swedish University of Agricultural science Report.

The Influence Of Ecological Conditions On The Productivity of Some Russian Coriander Cultivars Rasteniev. Nauki

Peneva. P



Pergamon Press. Oxfort, New York, Toronto, Sydney, Paris dan Frankfurt.

J. Nutr. 51: 57-66.

Univ.Wash.Press, Saettle.USA

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The influence of bilogical, sedimenthological and physical factors on sediment stability in intertidal waters.

Muskananfola, M.R.

The influence of bilogical, sedimenthological and physical factors on sediment stability in intertidal waters.

Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis. Department of Oceanography, University of Southampton, 265 pp

The Infections Disease of Domestic Animal With Special Reference to Ethyologi and Biology Therapy 3rd Ed

Hagan, W.A.

The Infections Disease of Domestic Animal With Special Reference to Ethyologi and Biology Therapy 3rd Ed

Comstok Publising Associate. A Division of Cornell University Press. Ithaca New York.

The Industrial Uses Of Palm and Coconut Oils

Berger. K.H

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The Inconsistency Of Land Values, Land Rents and Capitalization Formulas

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The improvement of embryo transfer programmes in sheep by examination of the ovary response in superovulated donor ewes by transrectal realtime ultrasound

Kaulfuss, K.H.

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The important of diet in controlling the build up of marbling fat in stress

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Feed milling International

The Importance of Urea Molasses Multinutrient Blocks for Ruminant Production in Indonesia.

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Isotopes and Related Techniques in Animal Production and Health.

The Importance of outotrophic versus heterotrophic oxidation of atmospheric ammonium in forest ecosystems with acid soil.

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AAEA Annual Meeting Location Date

IAEA, Vienna.

FEMS Microbial. Ecol.

Hlm 119 dari 1800

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The importance of natural enemies of leaf-eating caterpillars in oil palm plantations in Sumatera, Indonesia, use and possibilities, in summary of technical assistance activities in crops protection at the Marihat Oil Palm Research Center (from Oktober 1

Desmier de Chenon R

The importance of natural enemies in integrated control

Messenger, P.S.

Theory and Practice of Biological Control. C.B. Huffaker and P.S. Massenger (Eds.)

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The importance of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids. In: The role of B/as in Human Nutrition. Padley, F.B and Podmore, J. (eds

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The role of B/as in Human Nutrition.

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The importance and management of soil organic matter in tropics

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PL Woomer, MJ Swift (eds). The Biological Management of Tropical Soil Fertility

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The importance and management of soil organic matter in tropics

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PL Woomer, MJ Swift (eds). The Biological Management of Tropical Soil Fertility

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The Implication of Globalization for Higher Education.

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The imperata grassland of tropical asia: area, distribution and typology

Garrity, D. P.

Agroforestry systems


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Penerbit Pusat Penelitian Marihat, P Siantar, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

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The Impact of Agricultural Polices and Program On Nutrition

Eusebio, Y.S

A Conceptual Framework

The Impact Economics Crisis On Food Consumption

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Mini Workshop On Food And Nutrition

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The immune response: antigen, antibodies, antigen-antibody interaction

Mernaugh, R.L

Serolog. Methods for detec. And ident. Of viral and bacterial plant pathogens

APS Press, St.Paul, Minnesota

The ideal protein concept: Accounting for amino acid availability.


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The ideal maize plant. A breeders view

Dhawan, N. L.

The Hypolipidemic and Hypocholesterolemic Effects of Protein Hydrolysates Explored in Rats Fed Fat-Enriched Diet. Proceedings of IUFoST'96 Regional Symposium NonNutritive Health Factors for Future Foods

Lee, Y.S

The husbandry and health of the domestic buffalo

Cockrill, W. R.

The Humoral antibody formation to eiythrocyte antigens in three species of flatfish

Stolen, J.S.

Dev. S Comp. Immun. Suppl.2 pp: 101-106.

The human endothelin family

Inoue, A.

three structurally and pharmacologically distinct isopeptides predicted by three separate genes

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The hosts of Pseudomonas solanacearum

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A.C.Hayward and G.L. Hartman (Eds.), Bacterial Wilt: The Disease and Its Causative Agent, Pseudomonas solanacearum. . p. 25-34.

CAB International, Willingford, Oxon, U.K



Food and agriculture organization of the united nations, Rome

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The hosts of Pseudomonas solanacearum

Hayward, A.C.

Bacterial Wilt: The Disease and Its Causative Agent, Pseudomonas solanacearum. A.C. Hayward and G.L. Hartman (Eds.), p. 25-34.

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The hosts of Pseudo-monas solanacearum

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The Handbook Of Preventive Medicine

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A Complete Guide To Diet, Dietary Supplements And Lifestyle Factors In The Prevention Of Disease

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The Hamlyn Guide to Minerals, Rocks and Fossils. 5th Impression.

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The Hamlyn Guide to Minerals, Rocks and Fossils. 5th Impression.

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The guidance of hatchery sanitation.

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The growth rate of young grayling in soe french rivers

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The growth rate of young grayling in soe french rivers

The Growth of E. Crssipes and P Stratiotes in Different Level of N, P, K and Ca Contents Of Water Cultures

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AARD-Maros Res, Inst. For Food Crops

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The great transformation: the political economic origin of our time.

Polanyi, K.

The great asian crisis: danger and opportunity

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Can Asia Recover Its Vitality ? Globalization and the Roles of Japanese and US Corporation, Institute of Developing Economies and Japan External Trade Organization, Tokyo, Japan. p. 6-10.

The grains of Foxtail millet, lts uses and marketing possibilities. 172:15.

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The Glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans

Kennedy, J.F.

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The Glycaemic Indec of Food

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The Global Logic of Strategic Alliances

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The Global Logic of Strategic Alliances

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The global biodiversity of coral reefs: a comparison with rainforest

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The glass transition of amylopectin measured by DSC, DMTA, and NMR

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The Giant Clam : Hatchery and Nursery Culture Manual

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The Giant Clam : Hatchery and Nursery Culture Manual

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The Giant Clam : An Ocean Culture Manual

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The Giant Clam : An Ocean Culture Manual

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The Germination of Seeds.

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The germinatio of seeds

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The germinatio of seeds

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The geology of Indonesia. Vol. IA.

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The Geologi of Indonesia”

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The genus pinus

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The genus pinus

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The genus Penicillium and its teleomorphic states Eupenicillium and Talaromyces

Pitt, J.I

The genus Penicillium and its teleomorphic states Eupenicillium and Talaromyces

Academie Press, London

The genus Awspirillum

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The genus Aspergillus

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The genus Aspergillus

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The Genus Aspergillus

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The Genus Aspergillus

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The Genus Alternaria:Biology, epidemiology and Phatogenocity

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The genetical anlysis of quantitative traits

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The Genetic Structure of Wild and Cultivated Bananas as Perceived through Isozyme Variation

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The Genetic Improvement of Javanese Fat Tailed Sheep through Selection

Noor, R.R.

Research Report

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The genes and genetic apparatus of extreme thermophiles, him. 137-156

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The general theory of employment, interest and money

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The general theory of employment, interest and money

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The gender division of labor and reproduction of female disadvantage : Toward and integrated theory.

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The gelation of proteins

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The gambir processing industry in West Sumatra.

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The Freshwater Fishes of Siam or Thailand

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The Freshwater Algae.

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Academic press San diego

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The Form and Distribution of Metals in Plant : An Overview in Biological Implications of Metals in The Environment

L.O. Tiffin

The Form and Distribution of Metals in Plant : An Overview in Biological Implications of Metals in The Environment

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The Food Insect.

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The Folie Acid Requirements of Starting Broiler Chicks Fed Diets Based on Practica] Ingredients. l .Interrelation-ships with dietary choline

Ryu, K.S

The Folie Acid Requirements of Starting Broiler Chicks Fed Diets Based on Practica] Ingredients. l .Interrelation-ships with dietary choline

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The floworing response of the plant to photoperiod. Third Edition.

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The Flood Forest and Black Wafer Lake of Wildlife Reserve, West Kalimantan.

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The Flood Forest and Black Wafer Lake of Wildlife Reserve, West Kalimantan.

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The flavour of tropical fruits

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The fishing harbor of Brondong.

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The Fishes of the JudoAustralian Archipelago.

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The fishes of the IndoAustraliaarchipelago

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The fishes of the IndoAustraliaarchipelago

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The fishes of the Indo Australian Archipelago.

F.J. Brill Ltd Leiden. 3: 455PP.

The Fishes of Indo-Australian Archipleago (Ostariophysi II: Cyprinoidea, Apodes, Synbranchi)

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The Fishes of Indo-Australian Archipleago (Ostariophysi II: Cyprinoidea, Apodes, Synbranchi)

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The Fishery of the Danan Seritaruin Wildlife Reserve, West Kalimantan Indonesia.

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The fishery and fisherles biology of penaeid shrimps on the pacific Coast of Mexico

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The fisheries ecology of the Lubuk Lampam river in South Sumatera Indonesia.

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The fish of India being of natural history of the fish : Known to inhabit the sea and fresh water of India, Burma and Ceylon

F.L.S. Day

The fish of India being of natural history of the fish : Known to inhabit the sea and fresh water of India, Burma and Ceylon

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The Firm AN A nexus Internal and Eksternal Contract

The fire of life

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The feedlot. 2nd ed.

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The feedlot. 2nd ed.

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The feedlot. 2nd ed.

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The Feeding Value of Gliricidia Sepium.

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The feeding of rumainant Principles and praktice.

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The feeding behavior and ecology of marine fish larvae.

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The feeding behavior and ecology of marine fish larvae.

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The feeding behavior and ecology of marine fish larvae

J.R. Hunter

Fish behavior and its use in the capture fishes

ICLARM Conference Proceeding

The Feeding Behavior and Ecology of Marine Fish Larvae

Hunter, J.R.

J.E. Bardach, J.J. Magnuson, R.C. May and M. Reinhart (Eds.). Fish Behavior The Capture and Culture of Fishes

ICLARM, Manila, Philipines.

The feasibility of measuring the heritability of growth pattern variation in juvenil freshwater prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergii)

S.R. Malecha

The feasibility of measuring the heritability of growth pattern variation in juvenil freshwater prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergii)

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The faunal communities of Australian mangroves

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The farming systems perspective and farmer participation in the development of appropriate technology

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The farming of edible-nest swiftlets aerodramus fuciphagus in Indonesia.

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The family:The source of human resources

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The Family Revolution of Modern China


The factor which influences the fluctuation of the population density of Etiella zinckenella (Treit) and E. hobsoni (Butler) in West and Central Java, Indonesia

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Kerjasama Teknis IndonesiaJepang Bidang Perlindungan Tanaman Pangan (ATA162). hlm. 73-81.

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The Extra Pharmacopie. 30th ed.

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The extra pharmacopacia.

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The Examination of Residuals.

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The evolutionary ecology of phytoplankton.

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The evolution of the Bananas The Evolution of Life Histories.

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The Evaluation of Genotypes For Intercropping

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The evaluation of feeds through digestibility experiments

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The Evaluation of Feeds Through Digestibility Experiments

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The European Mango Market : a Promosing Tropical Fruit Symposium On Tropical Orchards

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Harvard University.Press. Cam-bridge

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The University of Georgia Press The University of Georgia Press, Athens, USA.

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The Estimation of Urinary Nitrogen and Faecal Nitrogen in Poultry Excreta.

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The Essential Role of phosphorus in crop production. Nutrient Management for sustainable crop production in Asia.

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The Essential Oils. Volume II.

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The Essential Oils. Volume II.

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The Essential Oils. Volume II.

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The Essential Oils. Volume II.

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The Essential Oils. Volume II.

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The Essential Oils. Volume II.

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The Essential Oils, Vol. VI.

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The Essensial Oils. Vol II.

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The Environmental Dimension

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The Changing Role Of The Common Agricultural Policy : The Future Of Farming In urope

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The Environment Versus Man and His Animals

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Animals Agriculture,The Biology of Domestic Animals and Their Use by Man HH Cole and M Ronning ( Ed).

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The enviromental and pasture growth

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The Entrepreneurial Eventual

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The engineering of salt-tolerant trans-genic glycophytes.

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The Energy Metabolism of Ruminants.

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The endogenous urea cycles of the ruminant

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Urea as a protein supplement

Pergamon Press

The elicitation of phytoalexin in cultures of Capsicum aimuum and Nicotiana taba-cum, him. 128-131

Watson, D.G.

P. Morris, A.H. Scraag, A. Stafford & M.W. Fowler (ed.), Secondary Metabolism in Plant Cell Cultures

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

The Eggs and Planktonic Stage of British Marine Fishes

Russel, F,R.S.

The Eggs and Planktonic Stage of British Marine Fishes

Acadcrmic Press. Inc. London, p. 524.

The Egg: Dalam Reproduction in mammals. C.R. Austin and R.V. Short, F.R.S. (ed) Germ cells and fertilization.

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The egg in reproduction in physiology & biochemistry of the domestic fowl vol 2. 1st ed

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The effert drying ensilage and alkali treatment on in vitro digestibility of coco pods. PP. 161-169

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The effects on growth and survival of feeding water fleas (Moina macrocopa Straus) and rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis) to milkfish (Chanos chanofi Forsskal)fry.

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The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture. Bamidgeh 42(1):1017.

The effects of various cultural practices on the epidemiology of verticillium wilt ipif cotton in New South Wales, Australia

Allen SJ

Book of Abstracts of the 6th Int. Verticilium Symp. Dead Sea israel Phytoparasitica

The Effects of some insecticides on nematodes of different ecological groups

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Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Fibrous Univ. and Colleges Limited, Canberra, Australia.

Polish Ecological Studies

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The Effects of some carbamide herbicides of nematodes of different ecological groups

Ferdoko, A

The effects of solar UV-B radiation (280 nm-315 nm) on higher plants:implications ozone reduction

Caldwell MM

The Effects Of Soil Organic Matter Levels on Soil Solution Concentrations and Extracabilities of Manganese,Zinc, and Copper



The Effects of Sludge Fertilization, acces Trail, Species, Initial Diameter, Density, Crown and Vigor Classes On Growth of Individual Oak Trees and Their Relations to watyershed management


Fakultas Kehutanan , Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

The Effects of Oil Palm Slurry in The Performance of Broiler Chickens.

Okai, D. B.

Ghana Animal Science Symposium (Accra).

The effectiviness of Fusion Neutron, 14,7 Me V Monogenic Areeuron and Co Gamma Radiation on Seedling growth Radiation and Induction of Chlorophyl Defision Mutation in Barley.

Conger BW

Biological effect of neutron radiation tech rep ser no 119, IAEA, Viena

The effect ofroguing as tactical control measure for tungro disease.

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Vhancellor TCB, PS teng, KL Heong (eds) Rice tungro disease epidemilogy : The development of sustainable and cost effective pest management practices to reduce yield losses in intensive rice cropping system. IRRI Discussion paper series no 19


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A Castellani (ed) Research in photobiology, p 597-607

Plenum Press, New York

IRRI Manila Philippine

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Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


The effect ofroguing as tactical control measure for tungro disease.

Tiongco ER

Vhancellor TCB, PS teng, KL Heong (eds) Rice tungro disease epidemilogy : The development of sustainable and cost effective pest management practices to reduce yield losses in intensive rice cropping system. IRRI Discussion paper series no 19

IRRI Manila Philippine

The Effect of Yeast Culture In Swine And Poultry Rations

Hyung Tai Shin

The Effect of Yeast Culture In Swine And Poultry Rations

Sun Kyun Kwan University. Korea.

The Effect of Yeast Culture In Swine And Poultry Rations

Hyung Tai Shin

The Effect of Yeast Culture In Swine And Poultry Rations

Sun Kyun Kwan University

The Effect of Tillage Methods and Water Regimes on Soil Properties and Yield of Lowland Rice From Sandy Loam in SouthWest Nigeria

OgunRemi. L.T

Soil and Tillage Res

The effect of the ash from oil palm fruit bunch and micro foliar fertilizer on the growth of fanili stem cutting.

Rosman, R.

The Effect of Tenperature on The Biological Activity of Soil an Soil Organic Decomposition


The Effect Of Sulfate and Methionine on Legume Proteins

Thomson. J.F

Sulfur Nutrition and Assimilation In Higher Plants

SPB Academic Publishing The Hugea, The Netherands, ISBN

The Effect Of Sulfate and Methionine On Legume Proteins

Thomson. J.F

Sulfur Nutrition and Assimilation In Higher Plants

Academic Publishing, The Hegue, The Netherlands

The Effect of Sulfate and Methionine of Legume Proteins in Higher Plants

Thomson. J.F

The Effect of Stem Girdling on BioChemical Cycles Within a Mixed Deciduous Forest In Estern Tennesse II

Johnson. D.W



Academic Publishing. The Hague, The Netherlands Soil Mineralization and Nutrification Rates


Hlm 133 dari 1800

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The effect of sodium butyric on the development of mouse preimplantation embryo in vitro

Sumarsono SH

Master Preliminary Thesis

Clayton, Victoria: Monash University.

The effect of salinity on cadmium toxicity in the estuarine mysid Mysidopsis bahia : Role of osmoregulation and calcium

P.F. De Lisle

The effect of salinity on cadmium toxicity in the estuarine mysid Mysidopsis bahia : Role of osmoregulation and calcium

Marine Environmental Research

The Effect of Rice Hull Incorporation on The True Metabolizable Energy Value of Corn and Soybean Meal for Mule Drakes and White Leghorn Cockerels.

Lu, S. J.

Chinese Livestock Soc. of Animal Science.

The effect of replacing coconut oil wit corn oil on human serum lipid profiles & platelet derived factor active in atherogenesis

Mendia S

Nutrition report international

The effect of potato virus X on the yield of the potato variety Hudson

Teri, J.

The Effect of Pellet Feed vs Mash Method on the Performance of Local Ducks Seminar Paper Vol. II.

Darmadja, D

The Effect of Mass Communication. In Mass Communication and Rural Development in The Third World Countries: an Introduction.

Gonzales, Hernando.

The effect of management on the physical properties of soils of the northern N.S.W. wheatbelt. p. 24-27

Harte, A.J.

K.J. Coughlan and P.N. Truong (Eds.). Proc. Effect of Management Practices on Soils Physical Properties

QDPI, Brisbane.

The effect of malathion on fecundity, longevity and geotropism of menochilus sexmaculatus

Parker, B.L.

Environmental Entomology


The Effect of Logging in Natural Forest



The Effect of Pellet Feed vs Mash Method on the Performance of Local Ducks Seminar Paper Vol. II.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Petemakan PT. Gramedia Publisher, Jakarta.

CIRAD Forest/Project STREK

Hlm 134 dari 1800

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Judul Buku


The effect of King grass silage with chicken manure on the metabolism and glucose production rate of lactating goats, him. 71-74

Kiranadi, B.

J.F. Aguilera (Comp.), Energy Metabolism of Farm Animals. EAAP Publ. No. 76

Madrid: CSIC Publ. Serv.

The Effect of Inorganic Cation on the Inhibition and Stimulation of Pro-tease Activity by Soil Humic Acid. So/7

add, S.N.

Biology and Biochemistry 2: 3340.

The effect of Haemonchus Concortus on the pregnant and lactating ewe

Thomas, R. J.

The effect of gossypol on rumen fungal attachment to and degradation of cellulose in culture


Proceedings of the Winter Meeting, Animal Production, p 153.

British Society of Animal production,

The effect of gossypol on animal cells in culture


Plant-Associated Toxins: Agricultural, Phytochemical and Ecological Aspects. (Eds. S.M. Colegate and P.R. Dorling)

CAB International, Wallingford, United Kingdom, pp. 201-206.

The effect of gossypol acetic acid on female reproduction

Lagerlof, R. K.

Drug and chemical toxicology

The effect of extreme soil acidity on the nutriënt uptake and physiology of plants in acid sulphate soils

Rorison, l H

ILRI Publication 18. Vol. l

Wageniiigcn. The Netherlands.

The effect of cutting upon the production of rice.

Andaya, I.

The effect of cutting upon the production of rice.

Philipp. Agric.

The effect of concentrate supplementation on glucose, energy and protein metabolism of single and twin pregnant ewes, him. 276-279

Sastradipradja, D.

C. Wenk & M. Boessinger (ed.). Energy Metabolism of Farm Animals. EAAP Publ. No. 58.

Zurich: Inst. Nutztierwiss. Gruppe Ernahrung, ETHZentrum.

The effect of color and intensity of light of behavior and performance of broiler

Sunarti D Prayitno

The effect of children on the housewife's value of time

Gronau R


New York

Univ. of Wales, UK

In T.W.Schultz (ed), Economics of the family: Marriage, children and human capital

Chicago, IL:The University of Chicago Press

Hlm 135 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

The Effect of Calf Weaned on Productivity Performance of PO Cows at Smallholder Farmers in East Java.

Affandhy, L.

The effect of boron deficiency on the yield of oil palm in Malaysia

Rajaratnam JA

The effect of amylose content on insulin and glucose responses to ingested rice

Goddard, M.S

the effect of accounting firm size and member rank on professionalism

Goerz J

Accounting, Organization and Society 16: 159-166

The effect Of Tillageon The Nitrogen Cycle In Corn And Wheat Production

Doran J.W.

Nutrient Cycling in Agricultural Ecosystes. Univ. Of Giorgia Coll

Agric. Spect. Pulp.No. 23. Athens Ga.

The Effect of Short Rotation Sesbania Seban Planted Fallows on Maize Yields

Kwesiga, F

The Effect of Short Rotation Sesbania Seban Planted Fallows on Maize Yields

Forest Ecology Management

The efect of mulching and row covers on vegetable productions.

Hanada, T.

The efect of mulching and row covers on vegetable productions.

ASPAC Food and Fert, Tech. Centre. Taipeh, Taiwan

The Economie Theory of Cooperatie.

Roepke, Jochen

The Economie Theory of Cooperatie.


The Economie of Fisheries Management

Anderson, L.G.

The Economie of Fisheries Management

The Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore and London

The Economie of Fisheries Management

Anderson, L.G.

The Economie of Fisheries Management

The John Hopkins Univ. Press. Baltimore and London.

The Economie of Fisheries Management

Anderson. L.G.

The Economie of Fisheries Management

The Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore and London.

The Economie of Fisheries Management

Anderson, L.G.

The Economie of Fisheries Management

The Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore and London

The Economie of Coffe. Economie of Crops in Developing Countries No. 1

Graff, J.De

The Economie of Coffe. Economie of Crops in Developing Countries No. 1

Pudoc Wegeningen. Netherlands


Judul Buku

Penerbit IPPTP Grati (In Press).

Advances in oil palm cultivation RL Wastie & DA Earp (Ed) ISP Kuala Lumpur Am. J. Clin. Nutr.


Hlm 136 dari 1800

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Judul Buku


The Economie of Agrucultural Development

Mellor, J. W.

The Economie of Agrucultural Development

Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York, USA.

The Economics of Nitrate Pollution Control in The UK

Hanley Nick

Farming and The Countryside : An Economic Analysis of External Cost and Benefits

CAB. International, London

The Economics Of Nitrate Pollution Control In The UK

Hanley. Nick

Farming And The Countyside : an Economics Analysis Of External Costs and Benefits

CAB. International

The Economics Of Natural Resources Use

Hartwick. J.M

The economics of integrated pest in irrigated rice

Waibel, H.

Crop Protection Monographs

Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany.

The Economics and Politics of Regulation: A Behavioral Approach

Needham, D

The Economics and Politics of Regulation: A Behavioral Approach

Little, Brown and Company, Boston.

The economic values of the production traits of the Javanese thin tail sheep

Soedjana, T.D.

Resource Utilization for Livestock Production in Malaysia.

The economic role of goat and sheep in Indonesia: a case study in West Java.

Knipscheer, H. C.

Pengembangan peternakan di Indonesia: model, sistem dan peranannya.

The Economic Potential of Rice Bran.


Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Division of Agricultural, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA.

The Economic of Rice-Fish Production Systems in North Sumatra, Indonesia : An Empircal and Model Analysis. Farming Systems and Resource Economics in the Tropics

Purba, S.

Wissenschaftsverlag Vauk Kiel KG. Vol: 31.

The Economic of Insect Control on Rice in the Philippines

Herdt R.W.

Judicious and Efficient Use of Insecticide on Rice

International Rice Research Institute, PO Box 933, Manila Philippines.

The Economic Evaluation of the impact of waste minimalization on waste water treatment

Timothy Daily

Food Industry Environmental Conf. Industrial food waste management PAU Pangan dan gizi



Harper & Row Publisher. Inc. New York

Yayasan Obor Indonesia, Jakarta.

Hlm 137 dari 1800

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Judul Buku


The economic and social context of pest, disease and weed problems.

Norton GA

In: Cherett JM, Sagar GR, editors. Origin of pest, parasite, disease and weed problems.

Oxford: Blackwell Science.

The Ecology Of Tropical Food Crops

Norman. M.J.T

The Ecology of Sulawesi.

Whitten, A.J.,

The Ecology of Sulawesi.

Gadjah Mada University Press. 777 pp.

The Ecology of Sulawesi.

Whitten A.J.

The Ecology of Sulawesi.

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta. P.253337

The Ecology of Sulawesi.

Whitten, A.J.,

The Ecology of Sulawesi.

Gadjah Mada University press, Yogyakarta. 235p.

The Ecology of Sulawesi

Whitten A.M

The Ecology of Sulawesi

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

The Ecology of Natural Resources

Simon, L.G

The Ecology of Marine Sediments.

Gray, J.S.

The Ecology of Marine Sediments.

Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 185 pp.

The ecology of marine protozoa: an overview

Lee, J.J.

G.M. Capriulo (ed.). Ecology of Marine protozoa

Oxford University Press, Oxford. Pp. 3-45.

The Ecology of Java and Bali. The Ecology of Indonesia Series


The Ecology of Java and Bali. The Ecology of Indonesia Series

Berkeley Books Private Ltd. Singapore

The Ecology of Freswater Phytoplankton. Third ed.

Reynolds, C.S.

The Ecology of Freswater Phytoplankton. Third ed.

Cambridge University Press, New York.

The Ecology of Freshwater Phytoplankton.


The Ecology of Freshwater Phytoplankton.

Cambridge University Press. Cambredge. 363 pp.

The Ecology of Fishes.

Nikolsky G.V.

The Ecology of Fishes.

Academic Press. New York. 325 pp.

The Ecology of Fishes.

Nikolsky. G.V.

The Ecology of Fishes.

Academic Press, l^ondon and New York. 352 pp.

The Ecology of Bird Communities

Wiens, J. A.

The Ecology of Bird Communities

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.


Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, London

John Wiley and Sons, New York

Hlm 138 dari 1800

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Judul Buku


The Ecology of Meiofaunaon a Malayan Mangrove Shore

Sasekumar, A.

Ph.D. Thesis.

Department of Zoology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. 183 p.

The ecological studies of rice stemborers in Japan

Torii, T.

A Review. Mushi 45: 1-49.

The East Friesian and Other European Breeds.

Farid, A.

CAB International, Oxon, UK.

The earthworm book. How to rise and use earthworm for farm and garden

Minnich, J.

Rodale Press, New York

The early history of seed certification, 1900-70

Parsons, F.G.

M.B. McDonald, Jr and W.D. Pardee (Eds.). The Role of Seed Certification in the Seed Industry. (10): 3-7.

CSSA Special Publication.

The Early developmental stages of Scylla serrata Forskal (Crustacea Portunidae) reared in the laboratory

K.S. Oong

The Early developmental stages of Scylla serrata Forskal (Crustacea Portunidae) reared in the laboratory

Proc. Indo-Pacific Fish. Coun.

The Dynamics of'Arthropod Predator-Prey Systems


The Dynamics of'Arthropod Predator-Prey Systems

New Jersey: Princeton Univ Pr.

The Dynamics Of Planned Change : A Comparative Study of Principles and Techniques


Harcort, Brace & World Inc. New York

The Double Ring Infiltrometer 2nd.ed.

Eijkelkamp Agrisearch Equipment

Giesbeek The Netherland

The Dithiocarbomate and Related Compound

Thorn. G.D

Elsevier Sci. Publ. Co. Developments in Soil Science 3 Amsterdam

The distribution of Hibiscus L. section Furcaria in Tropical East Africa. Systematic and Ecogeographic studies on crop gene pools 6

Edmods, J.M.

The distribution of Hibiscus L. section Furcaria in Tropical East Africa. Systematic and Ecogeographic studies on crop gene pools 6

IBPGR, Rome. 284 p.

The distinctive properties of Andosols.

Wada, K.

In Advances in Soil Science vol. 2. Stewart B.A. (ed.) Springer Verlang.

New York. p. 173-229.

The digestibility of tropical grasses. In: Nutrition abstracts & reviews.

Butterworth, M.H.

The digestibility of tropical grasses. In: Nutrition abstracts & reviews.

The Commonwealth Bureau of Animal Nutrition.


Hlm 139 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

The DIG system user's guide for filter hybridization


Boehringer - Mannheim, Germany

The Diffusion of Innovation

Rogers Everett. M

Westview Publication

The development, use and efficiency of indices of soil erodibility.

Byan, R.B.

The Development Rate, BodyWeight and Reproductive Capacity of Sitophilus Zeamais (Mothsch) Reared on Three Natural Hosts

Santhop, Q.


The Development Person Worth Publishers, New York

Hannekens C.H

Little Brown and Company.Boston

The Development Person Worth Publishers, New York

Berger K.S

The Development Person Worth Publishers, New York

The Development of Small Logs Harvesting for Indonesia Pulp and Paper Industries


The Development of Person Perception: Cognitive and Sicial Factor


Development Psychology

The development of marine fishery in the South China Sea area of Indonesia.

Mertha, I.G.S.

Country Status Report. The Second Regional Workshop on Shared Stocks in the South China Sea Area. Kuala Terengganu Malaysia 18-20 July 1995 SEAFDEC/MFRDMD/WS/95/CR 6. 91-98

The development of children

Cole M

The Development of Alley Cropping as a promoting Agro forestry Technology. Dalam: Steppler, H. A. dan P. K. rt. Nair (eds.) Agro forestry: A Decade of Development

Kang, B.T

The Development of Alley Cropping as a promoting Agro forestry Technology. Dalam: Steppler, H. A. dan P. K. rt. Nair (eds.) Agro forestry: A Decade of Development

ICRAF Nairobi, Kenya

The development analysis of small scale fisheries in Madura Strait, East Java

Muhammad, S

The development analysis of small scale fisheries in Madura Strait, East Java

ARM Report, Malang


Judul Buku



Enso Forest Development Ltd. Imatra Finland Social

New York : Scientific American Books

Hlm 140 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

The determinination of the bivalve Ruditapes decussatus cohort using the method of Bhattacharya


The determinination of the bivalve Ruditapes decussatus cohort using the method of Bhattacharya

The determination of total organic nitrogen, him. 601-616.

Lillevik, H.A.

M.A. Joslyn (ed.). Methods in Food Analysis:Physical, Chemical, and Instrumental Methods of Analyis

The Determination of Organic Carbon in Soil Using a ProbeColorimeter

Baker. K.F

The determination of hidroxyproline in tissue and protein sample containing small proportions of this animo acid

Wossner, F. J.

The detection of two potato viruses by enzime-linked imunosorbent assay (ELISA)

Gugerli, P.

The Design of Rural Development: Lessons from Africa

Lele, U.

Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.

The Design of Optimal Sampling Schemes For Local Estimation and Mapping of Regionalized Variables : Program and Examples

McBratney. A.B

Comput Geosci

The design and operation of commercial-scale live feeds production systems.

Fulks, W

The Demographic Dimension in Indonesian Development.


The Degree of Competitiveness in Agriculturak Marketting Contributed Paper Read at the 15th International Conferene of Agricultural Economic.

Krisnaswamy, L



NY:Academic Press.

Laboratory Practice

Arch. Biochem. Biophys.

Fulks, W. and Main, K.L. (eds.). Rotifer and microalgae culture systems. Proceedings of a USAsia Workshop, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 28-31, 1991.

The Oceanic Institute, Honolulu, Hawaii. 3-52.

Oxford University Press Singapore. The Degree of Competitiveness in Agricultural Marketting Contributed Paper Read at the 15th International Conferene of Agricultural Economic.


Hlm 141 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

The Deer and The Tiger. A Study of Wildlife in India.

Schaller, G. B.

Chicago: Midway Reprint.

The Decomposition of The Leaf Mulches of Leucaenaleucocephala, Glyricidia Sepium and Flemingia Macrophylla Unde Humid Tropical Condition


Agroforestry Systems

The Decapoda of the Siboga Expedition.

Holthuis, L.B.

Paul X. The Palaemonidae, Sub Family Palaemoninae. E.J.

Brill Leiden. 97 pp.

The Cutting of Meat.

Frank H. Johnston General Editor

The Cutting of Meat.

Mc Graw. Hill Book Company, Sydney.

The Current Status of Zinc, Copper, selenium, and Chromium in Aging

Hsu J.M

Handbook of Geriatric Nutrion.ParkRidge, New Jersey

The current of brassinosteroids.

Sakurai, A

Olant Growth Regul

The cultivation and processing of tea.

Penebar Swadaya

The Critical Period of Weed Control In Soybean (Glycine Max L. Merr)

Vanacker Swaton

Soybean Abstract

The crab fishery around the mangrove areas of Segara Anakan Cilacap, Jawa, Indonesia.

Suwarso dan Wasilun.

Ming, C.L.., Eng. C.T.. Woo. K.H. Eng, L.P. Paw, J.N. Silvestre, G. T. Valencia, M..J. White A.T. dan Kam, W.P. (eds.) Toward an integrated management of tropical coastal resources. Proceeding of the Asean/Us Technical Workshop on Integrated Tropical Coastal Zone Management.

Temasek Hall, National University of Singapore, 28-31 Oktober 1988: 5764.

The crab fishery around the mangrove areas of Segara Anakan Cilacap, Jawa, Indonesia.

Suwarso dan Wasilun.

Toward an integrated management of tropical coastal resources. Proceeding of the Asean/Us Technical Workshop on Integrated Tropical Coastal Zone Management.

Temasek Hall, National LTmversity of Singapore, 28-31 Oktober 1988: 5764.



Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta.

Hlm 142 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


The crab fishery around the mangrove areas of Segara Anakan Cilacap, Jawa, Indonesia


Mg, C.L, C.T. Eng, K.H. Woo, L.P. Eng, J.N. Paw, G.T. Silvestre, M.J. Valencia, A.T. White,and W.P. Kam. (Eds.). Toward an tegrated management of tropical Coastal resources. Proc. Asean/US Technical Workshop on tegrated Tropical Coastal Zone Management.

Temasek Hall, National University of Singapore, 28-31 Oktober 1988 p. 5764.

The crab fishery around the mangrove areas of Segara Anakan Cilacap Jawa Indonesia


Ming, I.C., C.T. Eng, K.H. Woo, L.P. Eng, J.N. Paw, G.T. Silvestre, M.J. Valensia, A.T. White, and W.P. Kam (Eds). Toward an Integrated Management of Tropical Coastal Resources. Proceeding of the Asean/US Technical Workshop on Integrated Tropical Coastal Zone Management. Temasek Hall. , 28-31 October 1998. p. 5764.

National University of Singapore

The crab fishery around the mangrove areas of Segara Anakan Cilacap, Jawa, Indonesia


Ming, C.L., C.T. Eng, K.H. Woo, L.P. Eng, J.N. Paw, G.T. Silvestre, M.J. Valencia, A.T. White, and W.P. Kam. (Eds.) Toward an integrated management of tropical coastal resourches. Proceeding of the Asean/US Technical Workshop on Integrated Tropical Coastal Zone Management. Temasek Hall. p. 57-64.

National University of Singapore. 28-31 October 1988.

The crab fishery around the mangrove area of Segara Anakan Cilacap Jawa Indonesia.


InC.L. Ming, C.T. Eng, K.H. Woo, L.P. Eng, J.N. Paw, G.T. Silvester, M.J. Valencia, A.T. White, and W.P. Kam. (Eds). Toward an Integrated Management of Tropical Coastal Zone Management.

Temaseh Hall, national University Of Singapura 28-31 Oktober1988. p. 5764.


Hlm 143 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

The correlation between amylase and cellulase activities with strach and fibre contents on the fermentation of cassapro (cassava protein) with Aspergillus niger.

Purwadaria, T.

Biotechnology conference, Jakarta, Indonesia.

The control ofeutrophi-cation of lake and reservoirs.

Ryding, S. 0

Man and the Biosphere. Vol. I. UNESCO Paris. 314 pp.

The control of growth and differentiation in plants

Warcing PF

Pergomon Press, new York

The control of growth and differentiation in plants

Warcing PF

Pergomon Press, new York

The control of floral pigmentation in Anthirhinum majus I


H. Thomas, and D Gierson (Eds). Development Mutant in Higher plant

Cambridge Univ. Press. London

The Control of Eutrophication of Lakes and Reservoirs. Man and the Biosphere Series Vol 1.

Ryding, S.O.

The Control of Eutrophication of Lakes and Reservoirs. Man and the Biosphere Series Vol 1.

The Parthenon Publishing Group. Paris, 314 pp.

The control of eutrophi-cation of lakes and reservoirs.

Ryding, S.O.

Man and the biosphere's series. Vol. I.

UNESCO. Paris. 314 pp.

The Control of eutrophication of lakes and reservoirs

S.O. Ryding

Man and the biosphere series. Vol 1

The Parthenon Publishing Group, UNESCO, Paris

The Control of eutrophication of lakes and reservoirs

S.O. Ryding

Man and The Biosphere Series

The conservation of grass and forage crops.

Watson, S. J.

The Concept of Corporate Strategy

Andrews, K.R

The Concept of Corporate Strategy. 3rd Edition

The Composition of Foods, Milk Products and Egg ( 4th ed)


Royal Society of Chemistry Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Cambridge

The complete book of mushrooms

Rinaldi, A.



Oliver and Byrd. Edinburgh and London. Irwin Publishing Company, lllinois.

Crown Publishers, Inc., New York

Hlm 144 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

The comparative performance ofindoneslan beefbreeds. Presented at AAVCS Short Course on BeefCattle Management and Economics

Moran, J.B

The Community-Based Fishery Management System: Issues, Problems and Constraints

Yahaya, J.


The Commercial Analysis of Food and Food Product

Jacob, S.M.B.

The Commercial Analysis of Food and Food Product

D. Van Nostrand Co. Preceton. New Jersey.

The Colour Science of Dyes and Pigments. Second edition

Laren, Me

The Colour Science of Dyes and Pigments. Second edition

Adam HilgerLtd. Bristol.

The Collection and Preservation of animal Parasites


University of Nebraska Press.Lincoln &London

The Collection and Preservation of Animal Parasites

Kruse, G.O.W.

The Collection and Preservation of Animal Parasites

The collection analysis and used of monitoring and evaluation data

Kasley, D. J.

A world bank Publication. Johns Hopkins University Press

the Cocunut palm

Freemond Y

International Potash Institute, Berne/Swizerland

The Coconut Palm : A monograph Indian Central Coconut Committee

Menon KPV

The coconut palm

Menon, K.P.V.

A Monograph. Central Coconut Research Station. Kasaragod.

The Cocoa Pod Borer Acrocercrops Cramerella Sn in Sabah a Threat to the Cocoa Industry

Kang, S.M.,

Peninsular Malaysia. Crop Prot. Branch,

The cocoa marketing sector in Sulawesi. Strategies of participants and the effect on product quality.

Faivre, B.


Judul Buku

Penerbit University of Hasanudin, Ujung Pandang

The Univ. of Nebraska Press Lincoln and London. P 72.

Dept. of Agric. Kuala Lumpur. 18 pp.

Hlm 145 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


The Chinese Mushroom (Volvariella volvaceae).


The Chinese Mushroom (Volvariella volvaceae).

The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press. Hong Kong

The chemoautotrophic ammonium-oxidising community in a nitrogen saturated acid forest in relation to pHdependent nitrifying activity

De Boer W

The Chemistry,Morphology and Analysis of Dietary Fiber Components

Theander, O.

G.E. Inglett dan S.I. Falkehag (eds.) Dietary Fiber: Chemistry and Nutrition

Academic Press, New York.

The chemistry, processing technology and quality of seafoods-An overview.

Shahidi, F.

Shahidi, F. and Bottr, J.R. (Eds.). Seafoods: Chemistry, Processing Technology and Quality.

Blackie Academic& Profesional, London, p. 12

The chemistry of thetoxic constituents of Acacia berlandieri

Adams. R

Annales New York Academy of Science

The Chemistry of Submerged Soils

PonnamPeruma. F.N

IRRI, Los Banos, Philippines

The chemistry of solid wood.

Rowell, R.

The chemistry of solid wood.

American Chemistry Society., Washington.

The chemistry of solid wood.

Rowell, R.

The chemistry of solid wood.

American Chemistry Society Washington.

The Chemistry of Solid Wood


The Chemistry of Solid Wodd.

Rowell, R..

The Chemistry of Soils

Sposito. G

Oxford. Univ. Press. London

The Chemistry of Soils

Sposito, G

Oxford University Press. London

The Chemistry of Soils

Sposito, G

Oxford Univ. Press. London

The Chemistry of Soil


Oxford University Press London

The chemistry of rancidity in foods

Hamilton, R.J.

J.C. Alien dan R.J. Hamilton (Eds). Rancidity in Foods. 2nd Edition

Elsevier Applied Science, London.

The Chemistry of Plant Cell Walls

Selvendran, R.R.

G.G. Birch and K.J. Parker(ed.). Dietary Fiber

Applied Sci. Publ., London.


Soil Biol. Biochem.

American Chemistry Sciety, Washington.D.C The Chemistry of Solid Wodd.

American Chemical Society. Washington.

Hlm 146 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


The Chemistry of Pectin.

Walter, R.H.,

The Chemistry of Pectin.

Academic Press Inc., New York

The Chemistry of Pectin

Walter, R.H

The Chemistry of Pectin

Academic Press Inc, New York

The Chemistry of Alumunium Iron and Manganese Oxides in Acid Soil

Paterson. E

Soil Acidity

Springler-Verlag, New York

The Chemistry and Technology of Food and Food Products. Second Edition. Volume I.

Jacobs. M.B.

The Chemistry and Technology of Food and Food Products. Second Edition. Volume I.

Interscience Publication. Inc. New York.

The Chemistry and Technology of Food and Food Products. Second Edition. Volume I.

Jacobs, M.B.

The Chemistry and Technology of Food and Food Products. Second Edition. Volume I.

Interscience Publication, Inc. New York.

The chemistry and technology of food and food products, second Edition. Vol III.

Jacobs, M.B.

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The chemistry and biology of antibiotics

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The Chemical Analysis of Food and Food Products. Second Edition. Volume 1.

Jacobs, M.B.

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Interscience Publication, Inc. New York.

The Chemical Analysis of Food and Food Products. Second Edition.

Jacobs. M.B.

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The Characterization of a Threemembered Microbial Community Growing on 1,6-Dichlorohexane. Ph.D

Kardena, E

The Characterization of a Threemembered Microbial Community Growing on 1,6-Dichloro-hexane. Ph.D

Thesis. School of Pure and Applied Biology, University of Wales College of Cardiff, U.K

The Challenge of Leadership in Higher Education

Gibson, R.C.

The Challenge of Leadership in Higher Education

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The Cellulolytic Capacity of Some Forest Litter Fungi


The Cell Cycle. An Introduction

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The Cell Cycle. An Introduction

The Cell Biology of Blastocyst Development. Molecular Reproduction and Development 33: 492-504.

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The Cell Biology of Blastocyst Development. Molecular Reproduction and Development 33: 492-504.

The Cause of Decay Resistance In Teak Wood (Tectona Grandis)


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The Birds of Bali

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The Biology of Running Water

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The Biology of Polluted Waters.

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The Biochemistry of Methylotrophs

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The Biochemistry and Physiology of Plant Disease

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The behaviour and catchability of some commercially exploited penaeids and their relation to stock and secruitrnent

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The behaviour and catchability of some commercially exploited penaeids and their relation to stock and secruitrnent

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The bbionomics and control of Nephotettix impicticeps Ishihara and transmission studies on its associated viruses in West Malaysia

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The bbionomics and control of Nephotettix impicticeps Ishihara and transmission studies on its associated viruses in West Malaysia

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The Balance Score Card : Translating Strategy into Action

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The bacterial wilt coused by Pseudomonas solana cearum

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A Literature review and bibliography

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A literature review and bibliography

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A Literature review and bibliography

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The Avocado Pear

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The Avian egg. 3rd Ed

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The Avian Egg

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The Assessment of the Nutritional Status of the Community

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WHO, Geneva

The Assesment of The Nutrition Status of Community

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World Health Oragnization, Geneva

The Artificial Propagation of Warm-Water Finfinsh, a Manual for Extention

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FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No 201

Rome: Food Agriculture Organization of the United Nation

The application of optimal foraging theory feeding behaviour in fish

C.R. Townsend

Theory energetics new perspective

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Horticultural Science Sixth Edition

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The Aplication of Tissue Culture to the Vegetative Propagation of Plants

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The Anatomy of the Sheep


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The Analytical Hierarchy Process

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The Analytic Hierarchy Process

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New York. McGraw-Hill

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John Willey & sons New York

The Analysis of Response In Crop and Livestock Production 3rd ed.

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Sydney Pergamon Press

The analysis of family budget

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The American Occupational Structure

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John Willey & Sons Inc. New York

The alkali treatment of whole crop cereals, part I Preliminary trials

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The Agronomy of Annual Crops

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The Agroclimatic Map of Sulawesi.

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The Agroclimatic Map of Sulawesi.

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The agroclimatic map of Maluku, Irian Jaya, and Bali, West and East Nusa Tenggara

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The agroclimatic map of Maluku, Irian Jaya, and Bali, West and East Nusa Tenggara

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The Agricultural Transformation

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Agricultural Development in The Thrid World 2nd ed.. Chapter 2

John Hopkins University Press. Baltimore

The Agricultural Marketing System 4th Ed.

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The African Genera Of Acridoidea


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The advantages of LISREL for accounting researchers

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Accopunting horizons (december) : 42-48


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The advantages and disadvantages of xenobiotics in plant foods and feeds

Acamovic, T.

Development and ethical considerations in toxicology. (Ed. M.I. Weitzner)

Royal Society of Chemistry. pp.129-138.

The advantages and disadvantages of xenobiotics in plant foods and feeds

Acamovic, T.

Development and ethical considerations in toxicology. (Ed. M.I. Weitzner)

Royal Society of Chemistry. pp,129-138.

The advantages and disadvantage of xenobiotics in plant foods and feeds

Acamovic, T.

Development and ethical considerations in toxicology. (Ed. M.I. Weitzner),

Royal Society of Chemistry. pp. 129-136.

The administrative process, integrated theory and practice.

Robins, S.

The adaptive effects of diatary fish and sanflower oil on lipid and lipoprotein metabolism in perfused rat liver

Wong, S. H.

Biochim. Biphys. Acta

The activation of leucocytes in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, by oral administration of Clostridium butyricum bacterin

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(Shariff M., J.R. Arthur and R.P. Subasinghe eds.). Diseases in Asian Aquaculture II. Fish Health Section, Asian Fisheries Society. Manila, pp. 427-431.

The abaca plant-its morphology and physiology

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The Abaca. Intern

The 9Th Ed. Subcommitte on Poultry Nutrition Board on Agriculture

Nutrient Requirement of Poultry

The 5 Minutes Veterinary Consult

Tilley, L.P.

Canine and Feline, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore p. 998.

The rainfall over the Indonesian waters

Wyrtki, K.

The rainfall over the Indonesian waters

Lembaga Meteorologi dan Geofisika 49:1-24.

The Biology of Mycoriza The Dinamics of MuttiOrganizational Partnerships : and Analysis of Changing Modes of Govemance

Harley, J.L. Lowndes, V.

The Biology of Mycoriza Public Administration, Vol 76 Summer

Leonard Hill. London.

The Company’s Woman. Labour Control in Sumatran Agrobusiness


Serving Two Master : Third World Women in Development

New Delhi, Allied Publisher.


Prentice Hall, New Jersey.

Doc.Center onabaca UPLB.Laguna Philippine NCR, Nation Academy Press Washington, D.C.

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The Herbicide Glyphosate

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The Herbicide Glyphosate

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Thalasogenic disease. UNEP

Shuval, H.I.

Regional seas report and studies No. 79.

UNEP, Nairobi.

Texture Measurement of Foods.

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Texture : Clay. Silt and Sand

McKeague. A

Textbook of Wood Technology Vol. II


Textbook of Wood Technology

Brown HP

Textbook of Wood Tchnology


McGraw-Hill.Inc. Book Co. New York

Textbook of Veterinary Physiology.

Cunningham, J.G.

W.B. Saunders Company. Philadelphia, London, Toronto, Montreal, Sydney, Tokyo.

Textbook of Veterinary Histology

Delmann H.D

Lea and Fiebiger Philadelphia

Textbook of Veterinary Histology


Textbook of Veterinary Histology 4th edition

Lea & Febiger .Philadelphia

Textbook of Tropical Sericulture. Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers 4

Katsumata, F

Textbook of Tropical Sericulture. Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers 4

Hiroo, Sibuyaku, Tokyo, Japan

Textbook of Microbiology, 17th ed.

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W.B. Saunders Corn., Philadelphia and London.

Textbook of medical physiology. 5th ed.

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Textbook of Medical Physiology, 5th Ed.

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Textbook of Medical Physiology, 5th Ed.

W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, London, Toronto: 70-95

Textbook of Medical Physiology 5th Ed.

Guyton, A.C.

Textbook of Medical Physiology 5th Ed.

Saunders Company. Philadelphia. (Terj. A. Dharma dan E. Lukmanto, 1983. CV. EGC. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran, Jakarta).


D. Reedel Publishing Company, Dordrecht. Manual On Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis

Soil Research Institute, Ottawa McGraw-Hill.Inc. Book Co. New York

Textbook of Wood Technology Vol II

Mac Craw Hill York

W. B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia, London, Toronto

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Textbook of medical physiology

Guyton, A. C.

W. B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia, London, Toronto

Textbook of Medical Physiology

Guyton A.C

W.B.Saunders Company.Philadelphia London.

Textbook of Medical Physiology

Arthur, C.G.

Textbook of Medical Physiology

W.B. Saunders Company Philadelphia. London Toronto, pp: 85-96.

Textbook of Limnology. Third Edition.

Cole, G. A.,

Textbook of Limnology. Third Edition.

Waveland Press, Inc. Prospect Heights. 401pp.

Textbook of Limnology.

Cole, G. A.

Textbook of Limnology.

Waveland Press, Inc. Prospect Heights, Illinois, USA. 401 p.

Textbook of Limnology

Cole, G.A.

Textbook of Limnology

Waveland Press, Prospect Heights, Illinois. 401 pp.

Textbook of Histology

Bloom W

Textbook of Histology

W.B Saunders Company Philadelphia London Toronto

Textbook of fish cultture: Breeding and cultivation of fish

M. Huet

Textbook of fish cultture: Breeding and cultivation of fish

Fishing News Book Ltd, London

Textbook of Endocrinology Physiology

Martin, C.R.

Textbook of Endocrinology Physiology

Oxford University. New York. 264 p.

Textbook of Endocrinology

Williams, R.H

5th ed. W.B. Sounders Company. Philadelphia, London. Toronto

Textbook of Dendrology 7th Ed.


McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, USA

Textbook of Biochemistiy.

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Textbook of Biochemistiy.

W.B. Sanders. Co. London. 445 pp.

Textbook of Algae.


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Published by Mohan Primlani, Oxford and IBM Publishing Co., New Delhi. 348 pp.

Text-book For The Eel Culture.

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Japan Fish Resorce Assec. p.1-191.


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Text book veterinary hematology manual. 5th ed.

Scalm, O. W.

Text Book of Wood Technology. Volume 1. Second Ed.

Panshin, A. J.,

Text Book of Wood Technology. Volume 1. Second Ed.

Mc. Graw-Hill Book Company. New York.

Text Book of Wood Technology Vol II.

Brown. MP.

Text Book of Wood Technology Vol II.

Mc. Graw Hill Book. Company Inc, New York.

Text Book of Fishing Famham, Survey,

Huet, M.,

Text Book of Fishing Famham, Survey,

New Books Ltd.

Text Book of Fish Diseases.

Arnlacher, E.

Text Book of Fish Diseases.

DATFH Publication. New York. USA. 302 pp.

Text Book of fish culture

M. Huet

Breeding and Cultivation of Fish

Fishing News Book Ltd, London

Texbook ofendocrine physiology.

Martin, C.R.

Texbook ofendocrine physiology.

Oxford University Press, New York, 462 pp.

Texbook of Medical Physiology. Eight Edition

Guyton, A-C.

Texbook of Medical Physiology. Eight Edition

W.B. Saunders Company. Philadelphia.

Texbook of Fish Culture. Breeding and Cultivation of Fish.

Huet, N

Texbook of Fish Culture. Breeding and Cultivation of Fish.

Fishing News Books Ltd London. 436 p.

Texbook of Fish Culture,Breeding and Cultivation of Fish

Huet, M.

Texbook of Fish Culture,Breeding and Cultivation of Fish

Fishing News (Books) Ltd., London. 436p.

Texbook of Clinical Chemistry

Tietz, N.W.,

Texbook of Clinical Chemistry

W.B. Saunders Company. Philadelphia.

Texas plants poisonous to livestock

Sperry. O.E

Texas Agricultural Experiment Servce

Tetumbuhan Sebagai Sumber Bahan Obat


Tetumbuhan Sebagai Sumber Bahan Obat

Tetelo Yang Bikin Masalah

Rangga Tabbu C

Peristiwa. Infovet. Edisi 042. Januari Jakarta. Hal. 35-37.


Judul Buku

Penerbit Merck and Co. Inc. Rahway, USA

Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Pusat Penelitian Universitas Andalas, Padang.

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Testis development in growing indonesian goats

Lubis A

In sheep and goats in indonesia

Proceeding Scientific Meeting on Small Animal Ruminant Research 2223 November, 1983, PPPT Ciawi Bogor Indonesia

Testing Market Integration. Testicular Hypoplacia in a Bull with XX/XY Chimerism

Ravalion, M. Bongso, T. A.

Cornell Vet.,

Test on a small rainfall simulator for evaluating soil erodibility.

Wan Sulaiman, W.H.

Tesis Magister Sains (S2) IPB Bogor

Busyra, B. S.

Terunyan: Sosok Desa Legendaris yang Tertinggal dalam Menerobos Lingkaran Kemiskinan


Profil Desa Tertinggal Indonesia

Bappenas-Aditya Media. Yogyakarta.

Terumbu Karang Indonesia, Sumber Daya, Permasalahan dan Pengelolaannya.

Soekarno, M. H.,

Terumbu Karang Indonesia, Sumber Daya, Permasalahan dan Pengelolaannya.


Terumbu Karang di Indonesia


Terumbu Karang di Indonesia

LON-LIPI. Jakarta. 102 hal.

Terrestrial Plant Ecology


Terpenoid Phytoalexin : Aspect of Biosynthesis, Catabolism, and Regulation

Threlfall, D.R.

Ternak perah Ternak Kerbau.

Syarief Z Saladin, R.

Ternak Kerbau.

Ternak Komersial

Suharno, B

Ternak Komersial

Penebar Swadaya.Jakarta

Terms Of Reference Type A : Survey Kapabilitas Tanah

Pusat Penelitian Tanah

Proyek Penelitian Pertanian Menunjang Transmigrasi

P3MT. Bogor

Termite Life and Termite Control in Tropical South East Asia

Roonwal ML

Scientific Publisher. India

Term of Reference Type A


P3MT-PPT. Bogor


The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company.Inc. California

Ecological Chemistry of Plant Terpenoid. Thomas, J.B. and Baxberan, F.A. (Eds)

Oxford Univ. Press. Oxford, p. 159-208. Jasa Guna Jakarta Fak. Peternakan Univ. Andalas, Padang.

Hlm 160 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Term of Reference : Survai Kapabilitas Tanah

Pusat Penelitian Tanah

Terapan Perpindahan Massa sebagai Parameter Proses Konversi Inulin Dahlia Menjadi Fruktosa oleh Sel Khamir Imobil dalam Bioreaktor Unggun Diam. (Karya ilmiah - Tidak dipublikasikan).

Mangunwidjaja, D

Teori Organisasi: Struktur, Desain dan Aplikasi. Terjemahan

Robbins, S.P

Teori Organisasi: Struktur, Desain dan Aplikasi. Terjemahan

Arcan, Jakarta

Teori Motivasi dan Aplikasinya

Siagian P. Sondang

Teori Motivasi dan Aplikasinya

Bina Aksara, Jakarta.

Teori Komunikasi


Teori Harga


Teori Ekonomi Produksi: Dengan Pokok Bahasan Analisis Fungsi Produksi CobbDouglas


Rajawali Press, Jakarta

Teori Ekonomi Produksi: Dengan Pokok Bahasan Analisis Fungsi Produksi CobbDouglas


Rajawali Press, Jakarta

Teori Ekonomi Produksi. Pokok Bahasan Analisis Fungsi Produksi Cobb-Douglas.


Teori ekonomi produksi dengan pokok bahasan aneka fungsi produksi Cobb-Douglas


Rajawali Jakarta

Teori Ekonomi Produksi dengan Pokok bahasan Analisis Fungsi Cobb-Douglas.


PT. Raja Grafindo Persada. Jakarta

Teori Ekonomi Produksi



Judul Buku

Penerbit Dep. Tan. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Bogor

Mandar Maju, Bandung. Teori Harga

Teori Ekonomi Produksi. Pokok Bahasan Analisis Fungsi Produksi Cobb-Douglas.

Teori Ekonomi Produksi

Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta.

Rajawali Press Jakarta.

Rajawali Press, Jakarta.

Hlm 161 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Teori Ekonomi Produksi


Teori Ekonomi Produksi Teori Ekonomi Mikro.

Soekartawi Taken, I.B.

Teori Ekonomi Produksi Teori Ekonomi Mikro.

Teori Ekonomi Mikro K. Penyadur Winardi. Tarsito

Ferguson, C.E.,

Teori Ekonomi Mikro K. Penyadur Winardi. Tarsito

Teori Ekonomi Mikro Intermediate. Teori, Masalah Pokok dan Penerapan

Miller, R. L.

Teori Ekonomi Mikro Intermediate. Teori, Masalah Pokok dan Penerapan

Teori Ekonomi Mikro Teori Ekonomi Mikro

Teken, I. B. Teken, I.B.

IPB, Bogor Teori Ekonomi Mikro

Teori ekonomi mikro Teori Ekonomi Makro (terj. P. Sitohang)

Teken IB Acley, Gardner

Teori Dasar Ultrasonic

Trisnobudi, A.

Teori dan Praktek Kepemimpinan

Siagian. S.P

Teori Dan Praktek Irigasi


Teori Dan Praktek Irigasi

PAU llmu Teknik Universitas Gajahmada. Yogyakarta

Teori dan Aplikasi Tenure and Productivity of Philippines Rice Producing Farmsi

J. Supranto Ruttan, V.W.

Teori dan Aplikasi LTC Reprint No.56

Erlangga Jakarta Land Tenure Center University of Wisconsin

Tennik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia

Siregar, A.P

Tennik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia

Cetakan Pertama. Penerbit Margic Group, Jakarta.

Tenancy Among Paddy Cultivators in Malay sia. A study of Tenancy Condition and Laws Affecting Landlord-Tenant Relations

Smith, E.D.

University of Kentucky, Lexington

Tenaga Kerja Dalam Pengembangan Agroindustri

Azis. M. Amin

Bangkit Jaya. Jakarta

Tenaga Kerja Wanita di Indonesia.


Tenaga Kerja Wanita di Indonesia

Temu-temuan ( Jahe, Temu Lawak, Kunyit dan Kencur ).


Temu-temuan ( Jahe, Temu Lawak, Kunyit dan Kencur ).


Judul Buku

Penerbit Rajawali Press. Jakarta

Teori Ekonomi Makro (terj. P. Sitohang) Teori Dasar Ultrasonic

CV Rajawali. Jakarta. Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta

Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor. IPB UI, Jakarta. Laboratorium Uji Konstruksi BPPT, Serpong. Rineka Cipta. Jakarta

Pusat Dokumentasi llmiah. LIPI. Jakarta

Hlm 162 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Temporal Variability of Properties of a Typic Albaqualf

Handayani. I.P

Agron Abs

ASA. SSSA. San Antonio, Texas. USA

Temporal Variability Of Loessial Soil as Affected By Cropping

Handayani. I.P

MS. Thesis

University of Arkansas Fayetteville. AR. USA

Temporal succession and spatial heterogeneity in phytoplankton.

Margalef, R.

Perceptives in Marine Biology (Buzzat-Traverso,A.A.,ed.)

University of California Press, Berkeley, pp. 323349.

Temperature influences the distribution of some nutrients in young banana plants independently of its effect on dry matter.

Turner, D.W.

Temperature influences the composition of diagnostic samples used to assess the nutrient status of banana plants.

Lahav, E.

Temperature influences nutrient absorption and uptake rates of banana grown in controlled environments.

Turner, D.W.

Temperature and Seed Germination

Roberts. E.H

Plants and Temperature

Society for Experimental Biology

Temperate and subtropical fruit production.

Jackson, D.

temperate and subtropical Fruit Production

Jackson , D

Butterworth of New Zealand

temperate and subtropical Fruit Production

Jackson , D

Butterworth Horticultural Books

Temperate and sub tropical fruit production.

Jackson, D.

Tempeh, an Indonesian fermented soybean food

Iljas N

Ohio Agricultual Research and dev. Centre, Wooster Ohio

Tempeh, an Indonesian fermented soybean food

Iljas N

Ohio Agricultual Research and dev. Centre, Wooster Ohio

Tempeh Fermentation



Tempeh Fermentation

Balai Pengkajian dan Penerapan Tehnologi. Jakarta

Hlm 163 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Tempe Mikrobiologi dan biokimia pengolahan serta pemanfaatan nya


Tempe Mikrobiologi dan biokimia pengolahan serta pemanfaatan nya

PAU Pangan dan Gizi. UGM. Yogyakarta.

Tempe dan kecap kecipir


Tempe dan kecap kecipir

Penerbit kanisius Yogyakarta

Tembakau kegiatan sosial ekonomi

Padmo, S.

Tembakau kegiatan sosial ekonomi

Penerbit Aditya Media Yogyakarta

Telur, Pengawetan dan Manfaatnya

Sarwono, B.

Telur, Pengawetan dan Manfaatnya

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta

Telur, Pengawetan dan Manfaatannya

Sarwono, B.B.A.

Telur, Pengawetan dan Manfaatannya

Penerbit Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Telur & pengolahannya

Sirait CH

Puslitbang peternakan Bogor

Telor Pengawetan & Pemanfaatannya

Sarwono B

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Telaahan Kualitas Air.

Effendie, H.

Telaahan Kualitas Air.

Jurusan Manajemen Sumber daya Perairan. Fakultas Perikanan dan llmu Kelautan. Institut Pertanian Bogor. 208 pp.

Telaah Kesuburan Tanah.


Telaah Kesuburan Tanah.

PT. Angkasa, Bandung.

Telaah Kesuburan Tanah. Telaah Kesuburan Tanah Telaah Kesuburan Tanah Telaah Kesuburan Tanah Telaah Kesuburan Tanah Telaah kesuburan tanah

Poerwowidodo. Poerwowidodo Poerwowidodo Poerwowidodo Poerwowidodo Poerwowidodo, M.

PPT Angkasa Bandung Telaah kesuburan tanah

Telaah kesuburan tanah Telaah kesuburan tanah

Poerwowidodo Poerwowidodo

Telaah kesuburan tanah Telaah kesuburan tanah

Telaah Kesuburan Tanah

Mas'ud, P

Telaah buah andaliman (Zanthoxylum acanlhopodium DC.)

Angkudidjojo, M.

Simpul Nasional ApinMap. Puslitbang Biologi

Bogor: Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia.

Telaah Buah Andaliman (zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC)

Mangkudidjojo, M.

Simpul Nasional ApinMap

Puslitbang Biologi, LIPI, Bogor.

Teknotogi Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian

Susanto T

Teknotogi Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian

PT. Bina llmu. Surabaya


Telaah Kesuburan Tanah

Angkasa, Bandung. Angkasa, Bandung Angkasa , Bandung Angkasa Bandung Penerbit angkasa Bandung PT. Angkasa bandung Penerbit Angkasa Bandung Penerbit Angkasa. Bandung

Hlm 164 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Teknologi usaha tani mina padi azolla dengan cara tanam jajar legowo

Suriapermana, S.

Teknologi Usaha Tani Kedelai


M. Syam dan A. Musaddad (Eds.): Pengembangan Kedelai, Potensi, Kendala dan Peluang. hlm. 23-53.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor.

Teknologi untuk Pengembangan Pertanian Lahan Pasang Surut. Risalah Pertemuan Nasional Pengembangan Pertanian Lahan Rawa Pasang Surut, dan Lebak. Cisarua, 3-4 Maret 1992

Manwan, l.

Teknologi untuk Pengembangan Pertanian Lahan Pasang Surut. Risalah Pertemuan Nasional Pengembangan Pertanian Lahan Rawa Pasang Surut, dan Lebak. Cisarua, 3-4 Maret 1992

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor.

Teknologi untuk meningkatkan hasil ubi jalar

Widodo, J.

Seri Pengembangan (25/3), 1993. 8 hlm.

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Malang.

Teknologi untuk meningkatkan hasil kedelai di indonesia

Manwan, I

Teknologi untuk meningkatkan hasil kedelai di indonesia

Pusdat penelitian dan pengembangan tanaman pangan

Teknologi Tekstil.

Hartanto, N.S.

Teknologi Tekstil.

PT Pradnya Paramita. Jakarta.

Teknologi sederhana pembuatan minuman asal buahbuahan


Teknologi Proses Pengolahan Pangan (Technology of Food Processing).

Muchtadi, T.R

Teknologi Produksi Salak

Kusuma S

Teknologi produksi kompos bioaktif tandan kosong kelapa sawit

Goenaadi DH

Teknologi Produksi Kedelai.


Direktorat Bina Produksi Tanaman Pangan.

Teknologi Produksi kedelai di Indonesia

Manwan I

Puslitbangtan Bogor

Teknologi Produksi kedelai di Indonesia

Manwan I

Puslitbangtan Bogor


Judul Buku

Penerbit Pusat penelitian sosial ekonomi Bogor

Balai Industri Semarang

Teknologi Proses Pengolahan Pangan (Technology of Food Processing).

PAU Pangan Gizi - IPB, Bogor, Indonesia

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hortikultura, Jakarta Pertemuan teknis bioteknologi perkebunan untuk praktek, Bogor 6-7 Mei 1998,

Unit Penelitian Bioteknologi Perkebunan, Bogor

Hlm 165 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Teknologi produksi dan penyimpanan jagung. Tonggak kemajuan teknologi produksi tanaman pangan. Konsep dan strategi peningkatan produksi pangan.

Baco, D.

Teknologi Produksi Bawang merah:



Puslitbang Hortikultura , Badan Litbang Pertanian, Jakarta

Teknologi Produksi Bawang Merah

Musaddad D

Panen dan Penanganan Segar Bawang Merah

Puslitbang Hortikultura , Badan Litbang Pertanian, Jakarta

Teknologi Permentasi.


Teknologi Permentasi.

Rajawali Pres, Jakarta.

Teknologi Permen Jelly Gelatin

Muchtadi. T.R

Teknologi Penyuluhan Pertanian.

A.G. Kartasapoetra

Teknologi Penyimpangan Pangan

Syarif. R

Arcan. Jakarta

Teknologi Penyimpangan Pangan

Syarif. R

Arcan, Jakarta

Teknologi Penyimpangan Pangan

Syarif. R

Arcan, Jakarta

Teknologi Penyimpanan Pangan.

Syarief, R.

Teknologi Penyimpanan Pangan.

Kerjasama dengan Pusat Antar Universitas Pangan dan Gizi IPB. 347 p.

Teknologi Penyimpanan Pangan

Syarief, R.

Teknologi Penyimpanan Pangan

Penerbit Arcan, Jakarta.

Teknologi Penyimpanan Pangan

Syarief, R

Teknologi Penyimpanan Pangan

PAU-IPB Bogor.

Teknologi Penyimpanan Pangan

Syarief, R.

Teknologi Penyimpanan Pangan

Penerbit Arcan Bandung.

Teknologi Penyimpanan Pangan

Syarief, R.

Teknologi Penyimpanan Pangan

Penerbit Arcan, Bandung.

Teknologi Penyimpanan pangan

Syarief, R.

Teknologi Penyimpanan pangan

Arcam Jakarta

Teknologi penyimpanan pangan

Syaiful RH

Arcan. Jakarta

Teknologi peningkatan produksi kedelai Indonesia

Manwan Ibrahim

Balitbang Pertanian Bogor


Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, IPB, Bogor Teknologi Penyuluhan Pertanian.

Penerbit Bumi Aksara, Jakarta.

Hlm 166 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Teknologi peningkatan produksi kedelai Indonesia

Manwan Ibrahim

Teknologi Peningkatan Produksi Kedelai di Indonesia. Laporan Khusus Pus/02/89.

Manwan, I.,

Teknologi Peningkatan Produksi Kedelai di Indonesia. Laporan Khusus Pus/02/89.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor.

Teknologi Peningkatan Produksi Kedelai di Indonesia

Manwan, I.

Teknologi Peningkatan Produksi Kedelai di Indonesia

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor.

Teknologi Pengolahan Rumput Laut.

Winarno, F.G.

Teknologi Pengolahan Rumput Laut.

Pustaka Sinar Harapan, Jakarta.

Teknologi Pengolahan Rumput Laut dalam Diskusi Panel Pengembangan Industri Pengolahan Rumput Laut.

Winarno F.G

Sekretaris Mnetri Negara Riset dan teknologi Republik Indonesia.Jakarta 26 Februari

Teknologi Pengolahan Rumput Laut

F.G. Winarno

Teknologi Pengolahan Pisang.


Teknologi Pengolahan Pisang.

Gramedia. Jakarta.

Teknologi pengolahan pisang.


Teknologi pengolahan pisang.

Gramedia Jakarta.

Teknologi Pengolahan Pisang.


Teknologi Pengolahan Pisang.

Gramedia. Jakarta.

Teknologi Pengolahan Pisang.


Teknologi Pengolahan Pisang


Teknologi Pengolahan Pisang


Gramedia, Jakarta

Teknologi Pengolahan Pisang


Gramedia Jakarta

Teknologi Pengolahan Pisang


Teknologi pengolahan pati

Mulyohardjo M

Teknologi pengolahan panghan nabati tepat guna

Astawan, M.

Teknologi Pengolahan Pangan Nabati Tepat Guna

Made Astawan

Akademika Pressindo. Jakarta

Teknologi Pengolahan Pangan Nabati Tepat Guna

Astawan. M

Akademika Pressindo. Jakarta


Judul Buku

Penerbit Balitbang Pertanian Bogor

Pustaka Sinar Harapan, Jakarta

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta. Teknologi Pengolahan Pisang

Teknologi Pengolahan Pisang

Gramedia. Jakarta.

Gramedia. Jakarta PAU Pangan dan Gizi UGM

Teknologi pengolahan panghan nabati tepat guna

Akademik Presindo. Bogor 185 hal

Hlm 167 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Teknologi pengolahan pangan nabati tepat guna

Astawan, M.

Teknologi pengolahan pangan nabati tepat guna

Akademika Pressindo, Bogor

Teknologi Pengolahan Pangan Hewani Tepat Guna (Appropriate Technology of Animal Food Processing)

Astawan, M.W

Teknologi Pengolahan Pangan Hewani Tepat Guna (Appropriate Technology of Animal Food Processing)

Akademika Pressindo, Jakarta, Indonesia

Teknologi pengolahan pangan hewani

Astawan, M. W.

Teknologi Pengolahan Minuman Beralkohol

Sutriswati, E.R.

Teknologi Pengolahan Makanan.

Tjahyadi, C.

Departemen P dan K. Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi. UNPAD Bandung.

Teknologi pengolahan kedelai menjadi makanan bermutu

Koswara S

Pustaka Sinar Harapan Jakarta

Teknologi Pengolahan Kedelai menjadi Makanan Bermutu

Kusworo S

Pustaka Sinar Harapan, Jakarta

Teknologi pengolahan kedelai menjadi makanan bermutu

Koswara S

Pustaka Sinar Harapan Jakarta

Teknologi Pengolahan Kedelai

Koswara, S

Pustaka Sinar Harapan, Jakarta

Teknologi pengolahan kedelai

Koswara, S.

Teknologi pengolahan kedelai

PT. Penelitian Swadaya Jakarta

Teknologi Pengolahan Jerami.

Komar, A

Teknologi Pengolahan Jerami.

Yayasan Dian Grahita. Jakarta.

Teknologi Pengolahan Jerami Sebagai Makanan Ternak.

Komar, A.

Teknologi Pengolahan Jerami Sebagai Makanan Ternak.

Yayasan Dian Grahita. Bandung.

Teknologi Pengolahan Jerami sebagai Makanan Ternak.

Komar, A.

Yayasan Dian Grahita, Bandung.

Teknologi Pengolahan Jerami sebagai Makanan ternak . Cetakan I.

Komar A

Yayasan Dian Grahita. Indonesia

Teknologi pengolahan jerami sebagai makanan ternak

Komar, A.

Yayasan Dhian Grahita, Bandung

Teknologi pengolahan jerami sebagai makanan ternak

Komar, A.

Yayasan dian grahita Bandung


CV. Akademika Pressindo, Jakarta. Teknologi Pengolahan Minuman Beralkohol

Fakultas Pertanian. UGM. Yogyakarta

Hlm 168 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Teknologi Pengolahan Jerami Sebagai Makanan Ternak

Komar. A

Teknologi Pengolahan Jerami Sebagai Makanan Ternak


Teknologi pengolahan jerami sebagai makanan ternak

Komar, A

Teknologi Pengolahan Jerami Sebagai Makanan Ternak

Komar, A,

Teknologi Pengolahan Jerami Sebagai Makanan Ternak

Yayasan Dian Grahita. Bandung

Teknologi pengolahan jagung

Winarno, F.G.

Subandi, M. Syam, dan A. Wijono. (Ed.) Jagung. hlm. 309348.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan. Bogor.

Teknologi pengolahan ikan

Afrianto E

Teknologi Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian.

Susanto, T.

Teknologi Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian.

PT. Bina Ilmu Surabaya.

Teknologi Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian

Susanto, T.

Teknologi Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian

Bina Ilmu, Surabaya.

Teknologi Pengolahan

Sri Kumalaningsih

Teknologi Pengolahan

Hasil Pertanian. Universitas Brawijaya. Malang

Teknologi Pengemasan Pangan Monograf

Syarief, R.

Teknologi Pengemasan Pangan Monograf

PAU Pangan dan Gizi, IPB, Bogor.

Teknologi Pengelolaan Pisang


Teknologi Pengelolaan Pisang

Gramedia Jakarta

Teknologi Pengeloaan Kedelai Manjadi Makanan Bermutu

Koswara, S.

Teknologi Pengeloaan Kedelai Manjadi Makanan Bermutu

Pustaka Sinar Harapan Jakarta.

Teknologi Pengawetan Pangan. Terjemahaan : Muchji Muljohardjo

Desrosier, N. W

Teknologi Pengawetan Pangan. Terjemahaan : Muchji Muljohardjo

Penerbit Universitas Indonesia (UI Prcss) Jakarta.

Teknologi Pengawetan Pangan, terjemahan oleh M Muljohardjo 3rd edition

Desrosier, N.W.

Teknologi Pengawetan Pangan, terjemahan oleh M Muljohardjo 3rd edition

Penerbit Ul Press Jakarta.

Teknologi pengawetan pangan, penerjemah Muchji Muljihardjo


Teknologi Pengawetan Pangan Terjemahan

Desroisier, N.W

Teknologi pengawetan pangan (terjemahan)

Desroisier NW


Penerbit Yayasan Dhian Grahita, Bandung

PT Pradaya Paramita Jakarta

UI-Press, Jakarta

Teknologi Pengawetan Pangan Terjemahan

Lll Press. Jakarta UI Press Jkt

Hlm 169 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Teknologi Pengawetan Pangan (terj. oleh Muchji Muljohardjo).

Desrosier, N.W.

Teknologi Pengawetan Pangan (terj. oleh Muchji Muljohardjo).

Univ. Indonesia, Jakarta.

Teknologi Pengawetan Pangan

Destrosier. N.W

Teknologi Pengawetan Edisi ke3. Terjemahan Murchiji Muhardjo

Desrosier, N. W.

Teknologi penelitian produksi kedelai di Indonesia.

Marwan, I.

Teknologi Penangkapan Ikan dengan Purse Seine Mini

U.I. Press. Jakarta Teknologi Pengawetan Edisi ke3. Terjemahan Murchiji Muhardjo

Ul Press, Jakarta.

Teknologi Penangkapan Ikan dengan Purse Seine Mini

Balai Pengembangan Penangkapan Ikan, Semarang

Teknologi Penanganan Pasca Panen.

Bina Aksara, Jakarta

Teknologi Penanganan Pasca Panen.

Kartasapoetra, A.G

Teknologi Penanganan Pasca Panen

Kartasapoetra. A.G

Teknologi Penanganan Pasca Panen

Kartasapoetra, A.G.

Teknologi Penanganan Pasca Panen

Kartasaputra AG

Teknologi penanganan dan pemanfaatan sampah

Bahar, Y. H

Teknologi penanganan dan pemanfaatan sampah

PT. Waca Utama Pramesti, Jakarta

Teknologi Pemasakan Ekslrusi. Lembaga Sumber-daya Informasi,

Muchtadi, T.R.,

Teknologi Pemasakan Ekslrusi. Lembaga Sumber-daya Informasi,

IPB. Bogor. 129 pp.

Teknologi pemanfaatan timbunan P di lahan sawah

Taher, A.

Teknologi pemanfaatan timbunan P di lahan sawah

Taher, A.

Teknologi Pascapanen Jagung

Thahir, R.

Subandi, M. Syam, dan A. Wijono (Ed.): Jagung. . hlm. 271-307.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor

Teknologi pasca panen hsl hutan ternak

Swarastuti A

Teknologi Pasca Panen

Thahir. R

Teknologi Papan Serat



Rineka Cipta. Jakarta Teknologi Penanganan Pasca Panen

Penerbit Rineka Cipta, Jakarta. UI Press, Jakarta

Fak peternakan Undip JAGUNG

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Deptan. Borog Fakultas Kehutanan UGM, Yogyakarta

Hlm 170 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Teknologi Papan Mineral


Teknologi Pangawetan Pangan

Desroiser, N.W.

Teknologi Pangawetan Pangan

Universitas lndonesia Press, Jakarta

Teknologi Pangan Lanjufan.

Muchtadi, T.

Teknologi Pangan Lanjufan.

Laboratorium rekayasa proses pangan. PAU pangan dan gizi., IPB Bogor. 50 pp.

Teknologi pakan dan reproduksi pada pengembagan usaha sapi perah rakyat di Jateng


Teknologi Mulsa.


Teknologi Mulsa


DewaRuci.Press, Jkarta

Teknologi Mulsa


Dewaruci Press. Jakarta

Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak I.

Djatmiko, B.

Teknologi Mikrobial.

Darwis, A. A.

Teknologi Konservasi Tanah dan Air

Kartasapoetra, G.

Teknologi Konservasi Tanah dan Air

Penerbit Rineka Cipta, Jakarta

Teknologi Hasil Hutan


Departemen Kehutanan Republik Indonesia

Pusat Pembinaan Pendidikan dan Latihan Kehutanan Bogor

Teknologi fortifikasi protein ikan pada makanan camilan tik-tik dan kue ikan.

Peranginangin, R.,

Seri Inforrnasi Pascapanen Perikanan No.: 41. Jakarta: Instalasi Penelitian Perikanan Laut Slipi, Balitkanlut, Jakarta, 8 pp.

Teknologi fermentasi. Kerjasama dengan PAU Pangan dan Gizi IPB

Rahman, A.

Teknologi fermentasi. Kerjasama dengan PAU Pangan dan Gizi IPB

Penerbit Arcan, Jakarta

Teknologi Fermentasi.

Judoamidjojo, R.M.,

Teknologi Fermentasi.

Rajawali Press, Jakarta.


Judul Buku

Penerbit Yayasan Pembina Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta


Teknologi Mulsa.

Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak I.

Dewa Ruci Press. Jakarta.

Agroindustri Press, Jurusan Teknologi Industri Pertanian, FATETA-IPB, Bogor. PAU Biotek. IPB. Bogor.

Hlm 171 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Teknologi fermentasi.

Rahman , A.

Teknologi fermentasi.

Kerjasama PAU Pangan dan Gizi, IPB dengan Arcan Jakarta.

Teknologi Fermentasi.

Judoamidjojo, M

Teknologi Fermentasi

Penerbit Rajawali Press, Jakarta

Teknologi fermentasi umbiumbian dan biji-bijian


Teknologi Fermentasi Susu. Departe-men Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Ed). Dirjen.Pendidikan Tinggi

Rahman. Ansori

Teknologi Fermentasi Susu. Departe-men Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Ed). Dirjen.Pendidikan Tinggi

Pusat Antar Universitas Pangan dan Gizi. IPB Bogor

Teknologi Fermentasi Produk Perikanan.

Rahayu, P.W.

Teknologi Fermentasi Produk Perikanan.

Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Ditjen. Pendidikan Tinggi, PAU Pangan dan Gizi IPB, Bogor

Teknologi Fermentasi Produk Perikanan.

Raliayu, P.W.

Teknologi Fermentasi Produk Perikanan

Depanemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Ditjen. Pendidikan Tinggi PAU. Pangan dan Gizi IPB, Bogor.

Teknologi fermentasi produk perikanan

Winiati, P.

Teknologi Fermentasi

Fardiaz. S

Teknologi Fermentasi

Jurusan Teknologi Pangan dan Gizi Fakultas Teknoiogi Pertanian Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor.

Teknologi Fermentasi Teknologi Farmasi

Rahman. A Voight, R.

Teknologi Fermentasi Teknologi Farmasi

ARCA. Bogor Gajah Mada Press. Yogyakarta.


Departemen pendidikan dan kebudayaan, Direktorat jenderal pendidikan tinggi, PAU pangan dan gizi, Institute Pertanian Bogor

Inter University Center for Food and Nutrition. Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor

Hlm 172 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Teknologi Effective Micro Organisme - 4 (EM-4) dan Budidaya Pertanian Akrab Lingkungan

Priyadi, Rudi

Teknologi Effective Micro Organisme - 4 (EM-4) dan Budidaya Pertanian Akrab

IKNFS, Jakarta

Teknologi Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi

Jusmaliani, W

Teknologi Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi

PEP-LIPI, Jakarta

Teknologi budidaya padi sawah di prop NTT


Tastra dkk (ed) Teknologi utk meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman pangan di prop NTT


Teknologi budidaya padi sawah di prop NTT


Tastra dkk (ed) Teknologi utk meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman pangan di prop NTT


Teknologi budidaya dan pengolahan gambir.

Denian, A.

Temu Tugas Aplikasi Paket Teknologi Pertanian Sub Sektor Perkebunan.

Bukit Tinggi.

Teknologi budidaya dan pengolahan gambir.

Hasan, Z.

Teknologi budidaya dan pasca panen gambir

Denian, A.

Teknologi budidaya dan pasca panen gambir

Denian, A.

Teknologi Buah dan Sayur Teknologi Buah dan Sayur Teknologi Buah dan Sayur Teknologi bioplus untuk hewan ternak.

Apandi M Apandi, M. Apandi M Herry, A.

Teknologi Benih. PT. Rajawali, Jakarta

Sutopo, L.

Teknologi Benih

PT. Rajawali, Jakarta

Teknologi Benih.

Sutopo, L.,

Teknologi Benih.

T. Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta.

Teknologi benih.

Kamil, J.

Teknologi benih.

Angkasa Raya, Padang.

Teknologi benih.

Kamil, J.

Teknologi benih.

Angkasa Raya, Padang.

Teknologi Benih Jagung Teknologi Benih I

Saenong. S Kamil. J

Angkasa Raya, Padang

Teknologi Benih I Teknologi Benih Dan Penuntun Praktikum

Kamil. J KartaSaputra. A.G

Angkasa, Bandung Angkasa , Jakarta

Teknologi Benih 1

Kamil. J

Angkasa Raya Padang


Teknologi Buah dan Sayur


Alumni, Bandung Alumni. Bandung Alumni Bandung Fakultas kedokteran hewan. Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

Hlm 173 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Teknologi Benih 1

Kamil, J

Angkasa Raya, Padang

Teknologi Benih

Sutopo, L

Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta

Teknologi Benih Teknologi Benih

Sutopo. L Sutopo L

CV. Rajawali. Jakarta P.T Pembimbing Massa.Jakarta

Teknologi Benih

Sutopo, L.

Teknologi Benih

Fakuitas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya Malang, Malang

Teknologi Benih

Kamil, J.

Teknologi Benih

Angkasa Bandung, Bandung

Teknologi Benih

Kamil, J.

Teknologi Benih

Angkasa Raya, Padang

Teknologi Benih


Teknologi Benih

Fakultas Pertanian UNIBRAW, Malang,

Teknol;ogi produksi kompos bioaktif tandan kososng kelapa sawit

Goenadi DH

Pertemuan teknis bioteknologi perkebunan untuk praktek, Bogor 6-7 May 1998,

Unit penelitian Bioteknologi Perkebunan Bogor Indonesia

Teknofogi Pengawetan Pangan

Desrosier, N.W.

Teknofogi Pengawetan Pangan

UI-Press. Jakarta

Teknik Uji Mutu Susu dan Hasil Pengolahannya

Hadiwijoto, S.

Teknik Uji Mutu Susu dan Hasil Olahannya

Hadiwiyoto S.

Teknik Uji Mutu Susu dan Hasil Olahannya

Liberty. Jakarta

Teknik Uji Gugus Rata-rata Scott-Knott


Teknik Uji Gugus Rata-rata ScottKnott

Bagian Statistik, Fak. Pertanian, Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung

Teknik Survei dan pemetaan kategori seri dlm sistem taksonomi tanah

abdullah TS

Jurusan tanah fak. Pertanian, IPB

Teknik Sampling Untuk Survei dan Experimen


Rineka Cipta Jakarta

Teknik Sampling (Bahan Penataran)

Harun AI-Rasyid

Teknik Sampling (Bahan Penataran)

Teknik produksi benih kacang tanah

Hidajat JR

Teknik produksi benih kacang tanah.Pusat Penelitian & Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan. Balitbangtan. Bogor


Judul Buku


Liberty, Yogyakarta


Hlm 174 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Teknik Perencanaan Linear Untuk Penyususnan Rencana di Bidang Pertanian


Teknik Percobaan Rumah Kaca.

Adiningsih, J.S.

Teknik perbanyakan cepat buahbuahan tropis.

Winarno, M.

Teknik Perbanyakan Cepat Buah-buahan Tropik

Winarno, M.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hortikultura, Jakarta

Teknik Perbanyakan Cepat Buah-buahan Tropik

Winarno, M.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hortikultura, Jakarta

Teknik Perancangan Percobaan : Rancangan dan Analisis.

Toto Warsa

Fakultas Pertanian Padjajaran, Bnadung

Teknik Penyamakan Kulit untuk Pedesaan

Judoamidjojo, R.M.

Teknik Penyamakan Kulit untuk Pedesaan

Angkasa. Bandung

Teknik Penuntunan pengendalian Mutu

Ishikawa K

Terjemahan Oleh : Nawolo Widodo dari Guide to Quality Control

PT.Melton Putra.Jakarta

Teknik Penuntun Pengendalian Mutu. Terjemahan

Ishikawa, K.

Teknik Penuntun Pengendalian Mutu. Terjemahan

PT Mediyatama Sarana Perkasa. Jakarta.

Teknik Pengukuran Pengetahuan Gizi

Khomsan. A

Jurusan Gizi Masyarakat dan Sumberdaya Keluarga, Fakultas Pertanian IPB, Bogor

Teknik Pengukuran Pengetahuan Gizi

Khomsan. A

Jurusan Gizi Masyarakat dan Sumberdaya Keluarga, Fakultas Pertanian IPB, Bogor

Teknik Pengukuran Pengetahuan Gizi

Khomsan. A

Jurusan Gizi Masyarakat dan Sumberdaya Keluarga, Fakultas Pertanian IPB, Bogor

Teknik pengolahan lahan berbukit kritis.

Rukmana, R.


Judul Buku

Penerbit IPB. Bogor

Teknik Percobaan Rumah Kaca.

Teknik pengolahan lahan berbukit kritis.

Lembaga Penelitian Tanah, Bogor.

Kanisius, Yogyakarta.

Hlm 175 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Teknik Pengawetan Pangan.


Teknik Pengawetan Pangan.

Pusat Antar Universitas Pangan dan Gizi. Yogyakarta.

Teknik pencucian lahan gambut pasang surut.

Budi, R.

Teknik Penangkapan Ikan.

Sadhori, N

Teknik Penangkapan Ikan.

Penerbit Angkasa, Bandung.

Teknik Penangkapan Ikan (2)

Sadhori, S.N.

Teknik Penangkapan Ikan (2)

Angkasa, Bandung 175 hal.

Teknik penanggulangan penyakit udang menyala di hatchery melalui pengendalian populasi bakteri


Teknik penanggulangan penyakit udang menyala di hatchery melalui pengendalian populasi bakteri

J. Penel. Budidaya Pantai

Teknik Pemuliaan kedelai


S somaatmadja, Ismunadji, M Syam, SO anurung , Yuswadi (ed) Kedelai, Balit pangan Bogor

Teknik Pemuliaan kedelai


S somaatmadja, Ismunadji, M Syam, SO anurung , Yuswadi (ed) Kedelai, Balit pangan Bogor

Teknik pemisahan nitrogen urin dan nitrogen feses dalam ekskreta unggas dengan metode kimia


teknik penelitian makanan ternak PTM 739. Fakultas peternakan UGM

Teknik pembuatan tanaman Agathis Sp


Teknik pembuatan tanaman Agathis Sp

Departemen Kehutanan Direktorat Jendral Reboisasi dan Rehabilisasi Lahan. Jakarta

Teknik pembuatan biak sel primer dan sekunder

Sardjono, B

Teknik pembuatan biak sel primer dan sekunder

Lab. Mikrohiologi, FKH UGM. Yogyakarta.

Teknik Pembuatan Biak Sel Primer dan Sekunder

Sardjono, B

Teknik Pembuatan Biak Sel Primer dan Sekunder

Laboratorium Mikrobiologi FKH UGM, Yogyakarta.

Teknik Pembuatan Batik dan Sablon


Teknik Pembuatan Batik dan Sablon

CV. Aneka Ilmu. Semarang.

Teknik Pembibitan Buahbuahan Secara Cepat

Supriyanto, A.

Teknik Pembibitan Buah-buahan Secara Cepat

. Sub Balai Penelitian Hortikultura TIekung, Malang


BPPT, Jakarta

Hlm 176 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Teknik Pembibitan Buahbuahan Secara Cepat

Supriyanto, A.

Teknik Pembibitan Buah-buahan Secara Cepat

Sub Balai Penelitian Hortikultura TIekung, Malang

Teknik Pembibitan Buahbuahan Secara Cepat

Supriyanto, A.

Teknik Pembibitan Buah-buahan Secara Cepat

Sub Balai Penelitian Hortikultura TIekung, Malang

Teknik Pembenihan Ikan Mujaer.


Teknik Pembenihan Ikan Mujaer.

CV Simplek, Jakarta, hlm. 68.

Teknik Modern Beternak Ayam di Indonesia.

Siregar, A P.

Teknik Modern Beternak Ayam di Indonesia.

CV. Yasa Guna, Jakarta.

Teknik modern beternak ayam

Siregar AP

Teknik Moderen Beternak Ayam.

Siregar, A.P.

Teknik Moderen Beternak Ayam.

CV Yasa Guna, Jakarta.

Teknik Menganalisa Industri dan Pesaing

Poner, M.E

Teknik Menganalisa Industri dan Pesaing

Terjemahan. Erlangga, Jakarta

Teknik Mencari Informasi Di Internet

Gunartha. I.G.E

Teknik Membuat dan Memanfaatkan Unit Gas Bio

Junus, M.

Teknik Membuat dan Memanfaatkan Unit Gas Bio

Gama Press, Yogyakarta

Teknik Kultur Phytoplankton dan Zooplankton

Isnansetyo, A.

Teknik Kultur Phytoplankton dan Zooplankton

Penerbit Kanisius. Yogyakarta. 116 hal.

Teknik Kultur Phytoplankton dan Zooplankton


Teknik Kultur Phytoplankton dan Zooplankton

Kanisius. Yogyakarta.

Teknik Kultur Jaringan. Pengenalan dan Petunjuk Perbanyakan Tanaman Secara Vegetatif Modern

Hendaryono Daisy. P.S

Teknik kultur Jaringan.

Gunawan, L.W.

Lab. Kultur Jaringan Tanaman.

PAU Bioteknologi IPB Bogor.

Teknik Kultur Jaringan.

Gunawan, L.W

Teknik Kultur Jaringan.

Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor

Teknik Kultur Jaringan Tumbuhan. Lab. Kultur Jaringan Tanaman PAU Bioteknologi IPB, Bogor.

Gunawan LW

Teknik Kultur Jaringan Tumbuhan. Lab. Kultur Jaringan Tanaman PAU Bioteknologi IPB, Bogor.

Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi. Dep Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

Teknik kultur jaringan tumbuhan.

Gunawan, L.W.

Teknik kultur jaringan tumbuhan.

PAU Bioteknologi, IPB Bogor.

Teknik kultur jaringan tumbuhan.

Gunawan, L.W.


CV yasaguna Jkt

ORYZA Inpress

Kanisius. Yogyakarta

Hlm 177 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Teknik Kultur Jaringan Tumbuhan

Gunawan, LW.

Teknik Kultur Jaringan Tumbuhan

Bogor: Institut Pertanian Bogor, Pusat Antar Universitas Bioteknologi.

Teknik Kultur Jaringan Tumbuhan

Gunawan L. W.

Teknik kultur jaringan in vitro dalam holtikutura.

Gunawan, L.W.

Teknik kultur jaringan in vitro dalam holtikutura.

Teknik Kultur Jaringan dalam Mikropropagasi tanaman


Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi Proyek Pengembangan Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan, Jakarta

Teknik Kultur Jaringan

Gunawan, L.W.

Teknik Kultur Jaringan

Pusat antar universitas (PAU) Bioteknologi Institut Pertanian Bogor

Teknik Kultur in vitro dalam Hortikultura.

Gunawan, L.W.

Teknik Kultur in vitro dalam Hortikultura.

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Teknik Kultur In Vitro dalam Hortikultura.

Gunawan, L.W.

Teknik Kultur In Vitro dalam Hortikultura.

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta. 115 hlm.

Teknik Kromatografi untuk Analisis Bahan Pangan

Adnan, M

Teknik Kromatografi untuk Analisis Bahan Pangan

Penerbit Andi Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta

Teknik Inokulasi Ektomikroza


Teknik in sacco mobil untuk estimasi kecernaan di dalam intestinum fraksi pakan yang tidak terdegradasi di dalam rumen



Teknik Evaluasi Nilai Gizi Protein

Muchtadi, D.

Teknik Evaluasi Nilai Gizi Protein

Program Studi Ilmu Pangan Program Passarjana IPB, Bogor.

Teknik eksploitasi hutan rawa. Makalah Penunjang Diskusi Pemanfaatan Kayu Kurang Dikenal.


Teknik eksploitasi hutan rawa. Makalah Penunjang Diskusi Pemanfaatan Kayu Kurang Dikenal.

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan, Jakarta.

Teknik Dasar Pemilihan AlatAlat Besar.


Teknik Dasar Pemilihan Alat-Alat Besar.

Technical Consulting Departement. PT. United Tractor, Jakarta.


PAU Bioteknologi IPB Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.

PAU-Bioteknologi IPB, Bogor

Hlm 178 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Teknik dan Metoda Penelitian Mikoriza Vasikular Arbuskular

Santosa, D. A.

Fakultas Pertanian IPB, Bogor

Teknik dan Analisis Regresi dan Korelasi


Tarsito Bandung

Teknik Budidaya Udang Windu

Soetomo, M.

Teknik Budidaya Udang Windu

Penerbit Sinar Baru. Bandung.

Teknik Budidaya Ka-cang Tanah


Teknik Budidaya Ka-cang Tanah

Sinar Baru. Bandung

Teknik Budidaya Kacang Tanah


Teknik Budidaya Artemia.

Kontara, K.E.,

Jaringan Informasi Perikanan Indonesia.

Dirjen Perikanan. Jakarta. 1-70.

Teknik Budi Daya Kacang Tanah.


Teknik Budi Daya Kacang Tanah.

Penerbit Sinar Dunia, Bandung.

Teknik Budi Daya Ikan Lele Lokal dan Dumbo.

Simanjuntak, R.H

Teknik Budi Daya Ikan Lele Lokal dan Dumbo.

Bharata. Jakarta. 54 hlm.

Teknik Beternak Sapi Perah di Indonesia

Ginting, N.

Teknik Beternak Sapi Perah di Indonesia

PT. Rekan Anda Setiawan. Jakarta

Teknik Beternak Ayam Ras di Indonesia

Siregar, A.P.M.

Teknik Beternak Ayam Ras di Indonesia

Margie Group, Jakarta

Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedagmg di Indonesia Cetakan I

Siregar, A.P

Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedagmg di Indonesia Cetakan I

Margie Group, Jakarta

Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia. Cetakan I

Siregar, A.P

Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia. Cetakan I

Margie Group. Jakarta

Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia.

Siregar , A. P,

Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia.

Cetakan Pertama. Penerbit Margie Group, Jakarta.

Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia.

Siregar, A . P .,

Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia.

Cet. I. Margie Group. Jakarta.

Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia.

Siregar, A. P.

Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia.

Siregar, A.P.

Teknik beternak ayam pedaging di Indonesia

Siregar, A. P.

Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia

Siregar, A.P.

Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia

PT. Margie Group, Jakarta.

Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia

Siregar, A.P.

Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia

Margie Group, Jakarta

Teknik beternak ayam pedaging di Indonesia

Siregar AP


Judul Buku


Sinar baru Bandung

Margie Group, Jakarta. Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia.

Margie Group, Jakarta Margie Group

Magie group Jkt

Hlm 179 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia

Siregar, A.P

Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia

Margi Group, Jakarta

Teknik Betemak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia.

Siregar. A. P

Teknik Betemak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia.

Cetakan I. Margie Group Jakarta.

Teknik Betemak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia.

Siregar, A.P.,

Teknik Betemak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia.

Margie Group Jakarta.

Teknik Betemak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia

Siregar, A.P

Teknik Betemak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia

Margil Group, Jakarta

Teknik Bertanam Salak

Soetomo, M. H, A.

Teknik Bertanam Salak

Sinar Baru. Bandung

Teknik Bercocok Tanam Jagung.


Teknik Bercocok Tanam Jagung.

Kanisius Yoyakarta.

Teknik Bercocok Tanam Jagung


Teknik Bercocok Tanam Jagung

A. A. K.

Teknik Bercocok Tanam Jagung

Kanisius, Yogyakarta

Teknik Bercocok Tanam Jagung

A. A. K.

Teknik Bercocok Tanam Jagung

Kanisius, Yogyakarta

Teknik analisis sifat kimia dan fungsional komponen pangan

Fardiaz, D.

Teknik analisis sifat kimia dan fungsional komponen pangan

PAU Pangan dan Gizi IPB Bogor

Teknik Analisis Sifat Kimia dan Fungsional Kompenen Pangan

Fardiaz D

Teknik Analisis Regresi dan Korelasi Bagi para Peneliti.


Teknik Analisis Regresi dan Korelasi bagi Para Peneliti


Tarsito, Bandung

Teknik analisis regresi dan korelasi bagi para peneliti


Penerbit Tarsito, Bandung

Teknik Analisis Regresi dan Korelasi

Sudjana, W.A.

Teknik analisis dl penelitian percobaan

Gasperz V

tarsito Bandung

Teknik analisis Data Penelitian Percobaan

Gasperz V

Transito, Bandung

Teknik Analisis Data Kualitatif


Tarsito, Bandung

Teknik analisis data kualitatif


Penerbit Tarsito, Bandung

Teknik Analisis dalam Penelitian Percobaan I

Gasperz V

Armico, Bandung

Teknik Analisis dalam Penelitian Percobaan 2.

Gaspersz, V


Kanisius Yogyakarta

Pusat antar Universitas Pangan dan Gizi IPB.Bogor Teknik Analisis Regresi dan Korelasi Bagi para Peneliti.

Teknik Analisis Regresi dan Korelasi

Teknik Analisis dalam Peneliti-an Percobaan 2.

Penerbit Tarsito. Bandung. 508 hal.

CV. Yasa Guna. Jakarta.

Transito. Bandung.

Hlm 180 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Teknik Analisis dalam Penelitian Percobaan 2

Gaspersz, V

Tarsito. Bandung

Teknik Analisis Dalam Penelitian Percobaan

Gaspers. V

Torsito. Bandung

Teknik Analisis dalam Penelitian Percobaan

Gaspersz Vincent

Tarsito Bandung

Teknik analisis dalam penelitian percobaan

Gasperz, V.

Teknik analisis dalam penelitian percobaan

Gasperz V

Penerbit Tarsito, Bandung

Teknik Analisis Dalam Penelitian Percobaan

Gasperz. V

Tarsito. Bandung

Teknik Analisa Kependudukan

Barclay, G.W

Teknik Analisa Kependudukan Cetakan l

Penerbit Bina Aksara, Jakarta.

Tekhnik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia.


Tekhnik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia.

Margie Group. Jakarta.

Tehnologi Penyuluhan pertanian

Kartasapoetra, S.G.

Tehnologi Penyuluhan pertanian

bumi aksara, Jakarta

Tehnologi benih I Tehnologi benih I Tehnik Pemijahan Ikan Nila dan Mujair.

Kamil J Kamil J Sugiarto.

Tehnik Pemijahan Ikan Nila dan Mujair.

Angkasa Raya Padang Angkasa Raya Padang CV Pusaka Alam Jakarta. 56pp.

Tehnik Pemeliharaan Ikan Mujahir dan Nila.


Tehnik Pemeliharaan Ikan Mujahir dan Nila.

CV. Simplex. Jakarta. 120 hal.

Tehnik merencanakan laba. Tehnik Laboratorium Utk Bidang Biologi dan Kimia

Garbutt D Anwar Nur M

Seri Manajemen N:14

Penrbit Erlangga Jkt PAU Bioteknologi IPB

Tehnik Laboratorium Utk Bidang Biologi dan Kimia

Anwar Nur M

PAU Bioteknologi IPB

Tehnik Kromatography utk analisis bahan makanan (terjemhan Moch. Adnan)

Christopherson SW

Penerbit Andi Yogyakarta

Tehnik Demografi

Pollard. A.H

PT. Bina Aksara. Jakarta

Tehnik Beternak Babi di Indonesia.

Aritonang, D

Tehnik Beternak Babi di Indonesia.

PT. Kawan Anda Setiawan. Jakarta

Tehnik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia

Siregar, A P

Tehnik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia

Penerbit Margie Group, Jakarta.

Tehnik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia

Siregar. A.P

Margie Group Jakarta

Tehnik analisis dlm penelitia percobaan I

Gaspersz V

Armico Bandung

Tehnik analisis dlm penelitia percobaan I

Gaspersz V

Armico Bandung


Judul Buku

Teknik analisis dalam penelitian percobaan


Penerbit Tarsito, Bandung

Hlm 181 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Tehnik analisis dalam penelitian percobaan 2 (terjemahan)

Gaspersz V

Tarsito Bandung

Tehnik analisis dalam penelitian percobaan 2 (terjemahan)

Gaspersz V

Tarsito Bandung

Tehnik analisis dalam penelitian percobaan

Gaspersz V

Tarsito, Bandung

Teelt van kasrozen

de Hoog Jr, J

Proefstation voor de Bloemisterij en Gasgroente, 218 p


Mars, B. B.

buku: Meat. Editor D. J. A. Cole Avel R. A. L. Lorie Butterworths. London

Technuques in Bioproductivity and Photosyntesis .

Coombs. J.

Chlorophyll determination Second Edition.

Pergamon Press, pp. 223225

Technology Transfer

Lionberger, H.F.

Technology Transfer

Illinois: The Interstate Orienters & Publishers, Inc.

Technology of Wine Making

Amerine, M.A.

Technology of Wine Making

The AVI Publ. Co., Westport, Connecticut, USA.

Technology of Natural liquid smoking: Prosiding of mini symposium: smoked food, IFST

Hawley, A. H

Technology of Meat and Meat Products.

Girard, J.P.

Technology of meat and meat product

Girard, J. P.

Ellis Horwood. England

Technology of machine tools. Fourth Edition

Krar SF

Glencoe MacMillan. Illinois

technology of Fortification

Borenstein, B.

Nutritional and Safety Aspect of Food Processing. S.R. Tannenbaum, ed.

Marcell Dekker Inc., New York.

Technology of Biscuits, Crakers and Cookies

Manley, D.J.

Technology of Biscuits, Crakers and Cookies

Ellis Horwood Limited, England.

Technology effective microogranism dalam tanya jawab

Higa, T

Technology effective microogranism dalam tanya jawab

IKNFS, Bogor


Judul Buku


South estern branch

Technology of Meat and Meat Products.

Ellis Hoi-wood. New York: 165-201.

Hlm 182 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Technology and application of hairy root culture

Doran, P.M.

In Proc. the 2nd Symposium on Trends in Biotechnology: Meeting the Challenges of the 21st Century,

UPM, Selangor, Malaysia. 27-29 April1994. p. 57-65.

Technological prospects reversing the declining trend in Asia's rice productivity

Pingali, P.L.

J.R. Anderson (Eds.) Agricultural Technology: Policy Issues for the International Community

Wallingford, UK: CAB International.

Technological Prospects for Reversing the Declining Trend in Asia's Rice Productivity

Pingali, P.L.

Social Science Division Paper No. 91-13

Los Banos, Philippines : International Rice Research Institute.

Technological Changes, Farm Management and Pollution Regulation

Lowe Phillips

Technological Change and The Rural Environment

David Fulton Pubisher. London

Technological Changes in Agricultural Practices : an Economic and Policy Perspective

Yakin Addinul

School Of Economics La Trobe University. Australia


Technological Change and Aggregate Production Function

Solow, R.M.,

Review of Economics and Statistics

Technological Advance in Intensive Pond Culture of Shrimp in the United States

Sandifer, P.A.

P.F. DeLoach, W.J. Dougherty and M.A. Davidson (eds.). Frontiers of Shrimp Research

Technoguide of potato production at mid elevation.

Asandhi AA

Techno-economic study on measures to mitigrate the environmental impact of the leather industry, particulary in developing countries.

Winter, D.

UNINDO. Innsbruck.

Techno-economic Study on Measures to Mitigrate the Environmental Impact of the Leather Industry, Particulary in Developing Countries

Winter, D.

UNINDO, Innsbruck


Elsevier Science B.V., Tokyo, p 241-256. Agency for agricultural research and developmentr. Horticultural Resarch Institute. Lembang

Hlm 183 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Techno-Economic Study on Measures to Mitigrate The Environmental Impact of The Leather Industry Particullary in Developing Countries.

Winter, D.

UNIDO. Innsbruck.

Technoeconomic Felling Cycles for Selected Energy Plantation Species in the Arid Areas of Western Rajasthan

Kalla, J.C.

Langdon, K. 1990 (Ed.):Acacia nilotica 1869-] 988

C.A.B. International, Oxford Forest Institute, Oxford.

Techniques of Flavonoid Identification

Markham, K.R.

Techniques of Flavonoid Identification

London: Academic Press.

Techniques in pheromone research

Hummel HE

Techniques in Inventory Management and Control

Mecimoore. C.D

Techniques in Inventory Management and Control

National Association for Accountants. New York

Techniques histologiques Techniques For The Study of Primate Populatie Ecology

Gabe. M. Anonymous

Masson et scie, Paris, 1133 p. Techniques For The Study of Primate Populatie Ecology

National Academie Preos, Washington, D.C.

Techniques for The Production and Characterization of Monoklonal Hybridoma Antibodies

Zola. H

Monoklonal Hybridoma Antibodies : Techniques and Applications, Boca Raton. Florida

Techniques for Image Processing and Classification in Remote Sensing

Schowengerdt, R.A

Techniques for Field Experiment with Rice.

Kwanchai, A.G.

International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.

Technique immunoenzymatiques ELISA en pathologie animale et vegetale.

Sanchez Vizcaino JM

2nd ed., serie technique no. 7 Office Int des Epizootic-Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias

Technical ropics Technical report of JICA Counter-part Tranining in Japan on Soil Borne Diseases and Plant Parasitic Nematodes

Stuk. R.L Djiwanti SR

Varian Techtron. PTY. Ltd RISMC



Springer verlag NY

Academic Press. New York

Balitro,Bogor ( Unpublished

Hlm 184 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Technical procedures on culturing red tilapia

Jangkaru Z

Research centre & fishereis developmetn JktInd

Technical control of dairy products. 2nd ed.

Monjonnier, T.

Published by Monjonnier Bros. Co. Milk Engineers. Chicago, Illinois.

Techincaal procedures of culturing fish in the floating cages

Dept. of Agric.

Dept of Agric Jkt

Tebang Pilih Tanam Indonesia


Tebang Pilih Tanam Indonesia

Direktorat Jenderal Pengusahaan Hutan; Jakarta

Teak, him. 300-315

Masccarenhas, A.F.

J.M. Bonga & D.J. Durzan (ed.). Cell and Tissue Culture in Forestry. Vol. 3

Dordrecht:MartinusNijhoff Publ.

Tea. 3rd edition

Eden T

Tea Pickers in West Java as Mother and Workers, Female WorK and Wcmens Jobs

Grijns, M

Indonesia Women in Focus

Dordrect, Fons, KITLV

Tea and Soluble Tea Products Manufacture

Pintauro, N.D.

Tea and Soluble Tea Products Manufacture

Noyes Data Corporation. New Jersey, USA.


Eden T

Tcknik Pembentukan dan Budidaya Mujair

Baraba F

Taxonomy of vascular plant

Lawrence GHM

The Mcmilla co new York

Taxonomy of vascular plant

Lawrence GHM

The Mcmilla co new York

Taxonomy of VA mycorrhizal fungi,

Hall, l.R

VA Mycorrhiza

Taxonomy of the Roof Associated Nitrogen-Fixing Bacterium Spirillum Lipoferum. Limitation and Potetials for Biological Nitrogen Fixation in the Tropics

Krieg, N.R.

Taxonomy of the Roof Associated Nitrogen-Fixing Bacterium Spirillum Lipoferum. Limitation and Potetials for Biological Nitrogen Fixation in the Tropics

Taxonomy of the Pseudomonas. p. 1-25.

Palleroni, N.J.

In J.R. Sokatch (Ed.) The Biology of Pseudomonas.


Judul Buku


Longman group. London

Longmans Publisher. London Tcknik Pembentukan dan Budidaya Mujair

Indah Surabaya, Surabaya

CRC Press Incc. Florida

Academic Press, Australia.

Hlm 185 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Taxonomy of rice stemborer p. 335

Kapur, A.P.

The Major Insect Pest of the Rice Plant. Proc. Symp. Int. Rice Res. Inst. Philippines.

John Hopkin Press, Baltimore. p. 727.

Taxonomy and physiology of photo-trophic purple bacteria and green sulfur bacteria, him. 115

Imhoff, J.F.

R.E, Blankenship, M.T. Madigan, & C.E. Bauer (ed.), Anoxygenic Photosynthetic Bacteria

Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publisher.

Taxonomy and biology of tropical finfish for coastal aquaculture in the Indo-Pasific Region

V. Gopalakrishna

Pillay, T.V.R. (Ed.) Coastal Agriculture the Indo-Pasific Region

FAO/IPEC/Fishing News Book, Ltd. London

Taxonomic studies of the GeneragonatocerusNess and Anagrus holiday of Japan and Adjacentregion with notes on the biology (Hymenoptera Myridae)

Sahad, K.A.

Taxonomic studies of the GeneragonatocerusNess and Anagrus holiday of Japan and Adjacentregion with notes on the biology (Hymenoptera Myridae)

Bull. Isnt. Trop. Agric. Kyushu Univ. 7: 1-78.

Tataniaga Pertanian Departemen Ilmu-ilmu Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian

Hamid, A.B.

Tataniaga Pertanian Departemen Ilmu-ilmu Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian

Fak. Pertnian IPB, Bogor

Tataniaga Pertanian Tataniaga Perikanan Tataniaga Jahe.

Azaino.Z. Hanifah, A.M Mauludi, L

Jahe. Monograf No. 3.

Tatalaksana Usaha Sapi Kereman


Penerbit Kanisius. Yogyakarta

Tatalaksana sapi peranakan Ongole.

Hardjosubroto, W.

Tatalaksana Produksi Susu, Perencanaan Usaha Sapi Perah dan Pedoman Pemeriksanaan Kualitas Susu.

IPB, Bogor UI Press Jakarta Balai Penclitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat, Bogor. hlm. 144-152.

Fakultas peternakan UGM. Yogyakarta. Tatalaksana Produksi Susu, Perencanaan Usaha Sapi Perah dan Pedoman Pemeriksanaan Kualitas Susu.

Fak. Peternakan, IPB, Bogor.

Tatalaksana penyuluhan Pertanian tanaman Pangan Propinsi Jawa barat

Dinas Pertanian

Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan, Jawa Barat Bandung

Tatalaksana pemeliharaan ternak kambing/domba di Indonesia dalam: Kumpulan peragaan dalam rangka penelitian ternak kambing dan domba di pedesaan.

Martawijaya, M.

Balitnak-SRCRSP. Puslitbangnak, Bogor


Hlm 186 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Tata Laksana Produksi Susu. Perencanaan Perusahaan Peternakan Sapi Perah. Pemulian Sapi Perah dan Pedoman Pemeriksaan Kualitas Air Susu

Sudono, A.

Tata Laksana Produksi Susu. Perencanaan Perusahaan Peternakan Sapi Perah. Pemulian Sapi Perah dan Pedoman Pemeriksaan Kualitas Air Susu

Dept. Ilmu Produksi Ternak. Fak. Peternakan IPB, Bogor

Taraf efikasi insektisida biologis Florbac dan Dipel WP thd ulat api Setothosea asigna Van Eecke di perkebunan kelapa sawit

Sudharto Ps

Tappi Test Methods: Specific gravity and moisture content of pulp wood. T-258 om-89.


Tappi Test Methods: Specific gravity and moisture content of pulp wood. T-258 om-89.

TAPPI Press, Alanta, Geprgia-USA.

TAPPI Test methods, TAP MPR-RI No. IV/MPR/ 1999 tentang Garis-Garis Besar Haluan Negara Tahun 19992004


TAPPI Test methods, TAP MPR-RI No. IV/MPR/ 1999 tentang Garis-Garis Besar Haluan Negara Tahun 1999-2004

Atlanta, Georgia.

Tanya jawab teknologi Effective Microorganisms

Higa T

Indonesia Kyusei Nature Farming dan PT Songgolangit Persada. Jakarta

Tanya jawab teknologi Effective Microorganisms

Higa T

Indonesia Kyusei Nature Farming dan PT Songgolangit Persada. Jakarta

Tanya jawab Technologi Effektive Microorganisme ( EM Technology)


Indonesia kyusei Natur Farming Societes dan PT Songgolangit Jakarta

Tanya jawab Technologi Effektive Microorganisme ( EM Technology)


Indonesia kyusei Natur Farming Societes dan PT Songgolangit Jakarta

Tanya Jawab Diet Penyakit Gula.

Hartono A

Penerbit Arcan, Jakarta.

Tanya Jawab : Diit Penyakit Gula.


Arcan. Jakarta.

Tannin Content and in Vitro Digestibility of Some Tropical Fodders.

Velario, C.

Agroforesteria en las Americas.


PPKS P Siantar

Hlm 187 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Tank model program for personel computer and the way to use

Sugawara, M

Tanggapan tanaman sorgum (Sorghum vulgare Pers.) terhadap cekaman NaCI: pertumbuhan dan osmo-regulasi

Rachmawati, D

Tanggapan pemilihan terkait untuk hasil tanaman kacang tanah (arachis hypogea (L) Merr)


Tanggapan hasil dan kandungan protein biji kedelai {Glycine max (L.) Merrill] akibat pemberian beberapa taraf dosis herbisida trifluralin


Z. Lamid, M. Kasim; Z. Irfan; N. Jalid; A. Rachman; & Ardi (editor) Prosiding Konferensi XII Himpunan Ilmu Gulma Indonesia (HIGI)


Tanggap tanaman jagung hibrida thdp pemupukan dosis tinggi utk mencapai produksi maksimum di lahan kering


Dahlan dkk (ed) Teknologi utk menunjang peningkatan produksi tanaman pangan. Lap. Hsl. Penelitian ARM 92/93 Balittan Malang

Balittan Malang

Tanggap tanaman jagung hibrida thdp pemupukan dosis tinggi utk mencapai produksi maksimum di lahan kering


Dahlan dkk (ed) Teknologi utk menunjang peningkatan produksi tanaman pangan. Lap. Hsl. Penelitian ARM 92/93 Balittan Malang

Balittan Malang

Tanggap kebal domba ekor gemuk terhadap inokulasi metaserkaria F. gigantica iradiasi

Boky, J. T.

Aplikasi isotop dan radiasi dalam bidang pertanian, peternakan, biologi, kimia, industri dan lingkungan (Risalah pertemuan ilmiah, Jakarta 1997) PAIR BATAN Jakarta

Tanaman tembakau (Nicotiana tabaccum L.)

Tarigan, I. P.

Tanaman Sela diantara Kelapa.

Darwis, S.N.,

Tanaman Sela diantara Kelapa.

Pusat Penelitian dan Penge-bangan Tanaman Industri, Bogor.

Tanaman Seia diantara Kelapa.

Darwis, S.N.

Seri Pengembangan 2.

Puslitbangtri, Bogor.


Judul Buku

Penerbit National Research Center for Disaster Prevention, Japan

Tanggapan tanaman sorgum (Sorghum vulgare Pers.) terhadap cekaman NaCI: pertumbuhan dan osmo-regulasi

Buil. Biologi Fak. Biologi, UGM

Balittan Malang.

Fakultas Pertanian USU Medan

Hlm 188 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Tanaman Rami di Antara Kelapa Yang Belum Menghasilkan

Luntungan, H.T.

Tanaman Rami di Antara Kelapa Yang Belum Menghasilkan

KNK IV, Puslitbangtri

Tanaman Pekarangan Tanaman Pangan Dengan Metode Tanpa Olah Tanah dan Diolah Minimum

Sastrapradja, S. Bangun. P

Tanaman Pekarangan

Balai Pustaka. Jakarta. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Departemen Pertanian. Jakarta

Tanaman Palawija , Luas Tanam, Luas Pnen Dan Produksi Di Kota Bogor

Departemen Pertanian

Tahun 1999

Dinas Tanaman Pangan Kodya Bogor

Tanaman Pakan Lebah


Tanaman Pakan Lebah

Perum PERHUTANI Unit II Jawa Timur, Surabaya

Tanaman minyak atsiri

Harris, R.

Tanaman minyak atsiri

Penebar swadaya Jakarta

Tanaman kelapa rakyat di Pulau Jawa

Asnawi, S.

Tanaman kelapa rakyat di Pulau Jawa

Balai Penelitian Kelapa, Manado.

Tanaman Kelapa Budidaya dan Pemanfaatannya.

Suhardiyono, L.

Tanaman Kelapa Budidaya dan Pemanfaatannya.

Kanisius Yogyakarta.

Tanaman Kanok dan Lingkungan Indonesis

Suriawiria. U,

Tanaman Kanok dan Lingkungan Indonesis

Ma-kalah Biotek dan Agro Industri ITB

Tanaman jajar legowopada sistem usaha tani mina padi pada lahan sawah irigasi

Suriapermana, S.

Tanaman Hias

Moenarni, T.

Tanaman Hias

Kelompok Studi Hortikultura. Jur. Budidaya Pertanian. Fak. Pertanian Univ. Brawijaya

Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat Indonesia. Jilid Ke-3 dan Ke-4.

Wijayakusuma, H.M.H.,

Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat Indonesia. Jilid Ke-3 dan Ke-4.

Penerbit Pustaka Kartini, Jakarta.

Tanaman Berkhasiat obat Indonesia

Wijayakusumah, H.

Tanaman Berkhasiat obat Indonesia

Pustaka Indonesia. Jakarta

Tanaman berkhasiat obat di Indonesia. Jilid 3

Hembing, H.M.W.

Tanaman berkhasiat obat di Indonesia. Jilid 3

Pustaka Kartini. 143 hlm.

Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat Di Indonesia.

Wijayakusuma, H.

Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat Di Indonesia.

Pustaka Kanini, Jakarta

Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat di Indonesia, jilid 2

Hembing Wijayakusuma, H.M.

Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat di Indonesia, jilid 2

Cetakan ke-5, Pustaka Kartini, hal. 59-63.


Hlm 189 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat di Indonesia II di Indonesia. Jilid 2 : 48-50.

Wijayakus'uma, H.

Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat di Indonesia II di Indonesia. Jilid 2 : 48-50.

Tanaman berkasiat obat di Indonesia

Wijayakusuma, H.

Tanaman berkasiat obat di Indonesia

Pustaka Kartini, Jakarta

Tanaman Atsiri baru (Klausena Adas Citiodora dan Litsea cubeba).


Edisi khusus Balittro Vol. VI No. I

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat Bogor

Tanah-tanah utama Indonesia

Munir M

Pustaka Jaya Jakarta

Tanah-tanah utama Indonesia

Munir M

Pustaka Jaya Jakarta

Tanah-tanah utama di Indonesia. Karakteristik dan Pemamfaatanya.

Munir, M.

Pustaka Jaya, Jakarta.

Tanah-tanah Pertanian dan Potensialnya

Soepraptohardjo. M

Panitia Latihan Agronomi Pola Bertanam LPPP-BIMAS-NFCEP

Bada Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. LPT. Bogor

Tanah-tanah pada landform utama di propinsi Kalimantan Selatan: potensi dan kendalanya untuk pengembangan pertanian hlm. 419-428

Prasetyo, B.H.

A. Sofyan, G Irianto, F. Agus, Irawan, W J. Suryanto, dan T. Prihatini (Ed.) Buku I, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Reorientasi Pendayagunaan Sumberdaya Tanah

Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat, Bogor.



Tanah. Jur. Tanah, Fak pertanian IPB


Tanah sawah bukaan baru di daerah Kotabumi, Lampung: karakterisasi dan prospek penggunaan pupuk P-alam. hlm. 131-145

Prasetyo, B.H

D. Santoso, M Soepartini, S. Sukmana, F. Agus, N Suharta, H.H. Djohar, B.H. Prasetyo, dan Le I. Amien (Ed ) Prosiding Pertemuan Pembahasan dan Komunikasi Hasil Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat

Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat, Bogor.

Tanah sawah Bukaan Baru di Daerah Kotabumi Lampung : Karakterisasi dan Prospek Penggunaan Pupuk P-Alam

Prasetyo. B.H

Prosiding Pertemuan Pembahasan dan Komunikasi Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat

Pusat Penelitian Tanah Dan Agroklimat

Tanah gambut. Tanah dan Seluk Beluknya bagi Pertanian

Suhardjo, H. Rismunandar

Tanah dan Seluk Beluknya bagi Pertanian

Sinar Baru, Bandung



Hlm 190 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Tanah dan Potensi Lahan Untuk Tanaman Padi

Soepraptohardjo. M

Padi Buku 1

Pusat Penelitian Tanaman Pangan. Bogor

Tanah dan Potensi Lahan Untuk Tanaman Padi


Padi Buku 1

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor

Tanah dan pertanian. Tanah dan Pemupukan Kopi.

Anonymous, Abdullah, S.

Aksi Agraris Kanisius.

Kanisius, Yogyakarta.

Tambak Udang Windu. Sistem Pengelolaan Intensif

Buwono, I.D.

Tambak Udang Windu. Sistem Pengelolaan Intensif

Kanisius, Jakarta. 151 hal.

Tambak air payau Taman Obat Keluarga (TOGA)

Murtidjo, B.A. Rosita,S.M.D.

Tambak air payau Taman Obat Keluarga (TOGA)

Kanisisus. Yogyakarta. Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat, Bogor. 125 hlm.

Taman bunga Ny. Bustanif Arifin akan telan biaya ratusan milliar


Taman bunga Ny. Bustanif Arifin akan telan biaya ratusan milliar

Harian Merdeka. 11 September

Taksonomi Tumbuhan Obat

Tjitrosoepomo. G

Taksonomi Tumbuhan (Spermatophyta).

Tjitrosoepomo, G

Taksonomi Tumbuhan (Spermatophyta).

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta. hlm. 416-417.

Taksonomi tumbuhan ( Spermatophyta ).

Tjitrosoepomo, G.A.

Taksonomi tumbuhan ( Spermatophyta ).

Gajah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta.

Taksonomi Tumbuhan

Tjitrosoepomo, G.

Taksonomi Tumbuhan

Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta. 479 hlm.

Taksonomi dan Kuntji Identifikasi Ikan. Bandung, 520 h.

Saanin, A.

Taksonomi dan Kuntji Identifikasi Ikan. Bandung, 520 h.

Taksonomi dan Kuntji Identifikasi Ikan, Bandung. 520h.

Saanin, A

Taksonomi dan Kuntji Identifikasi Ikan, Bandung. 520h.

Taksonomi dan kunci identifikasi ikan (Buku l dan 2).

Saanin, H

Taksonomi dan kunci identifikasi ikan (Buku l dan 2).

Take Another Look At Palm Oil


The Malaysian Palm Oil Promotion Council, Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia


Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Penerbit Binacipta, Jakarta.

Hlm 191 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Tablets Dosage Forming

Mohrle. R

Tablets Dosage Forming

Warner Lambert Company, Morris Plains, New Jersey

Tables of Feed Composition for Indonesia.

Hartadi, H.

Tables of feed composition for Indonesia.

Hartadi, H.

Tables of Feed Composition for Indonesia.

Hartadi, H.

The IFI, Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, Utah State University, Logan Utah.

Tabel-Tabel dari Komposisi Bahan Makanan Ternak untuk Indonesia.

Hartadi, H.

Gadjah Mada Press, Yogyakarta.

Tabel-tabel dari komposisi bahan makanan ternak untuk Indonesia.

Hartadi, H.

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Tabel-tabel dari komposisi bahan makanan ternak untuk Indonesia

Hartadi, H.

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Tabel-tabel dari komposisi bahan makanan ternak untuk indonesia

Hartasi, H.

Gajah Mada University Press

Tabel-tabel dan komposisi bahan Makanan Ternak Untuk Indonesia

Hartadi, H.

Gadjah Mada University Press

Tabel Volume Pohon untuk Pinus merkusii Jungh. et de Vries.

Suharlan, A.,

Tabel Volume Pohon untuk Pinus merkusii Jungh. et de Vries.

Lembaga Penelitian Hutan, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Departemen Pertanian. Bogor.

Tabel Tegakan Sepuluh Jenis Kayu Industri.

Suharlan, A.,

Lembaga Penelitian Hutan.

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Departemen Pertanian, Bogor.

Tabel pakan untuk Indonesia. Cetakan ke-2

Hartadi, H.


Published by IFI Utah Agric. Exp. Sta. Utah State University. IFI Utah Agricultural experiment station.

Utah State University. Logan Utah.

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Hlm 192 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Tabel komposisi pakan utk Indonesia

Hartadi H

UGM Press, Yogya

Tabel komposisi pakan untuk Indonesia. Cetakan ke-4.

Hartadi, H.

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Tabel komposisi pakan untuk Indonesia. Cetakan ke-4.

Hartadi, H.

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Tabel komposisi pakan untuk Indonesia. Cetakan ke-3.

Hartadi, H.

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Tabel komposisi pakan untuk Indonesia. Cetakan ke-2.

Hartadi, H.

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Tabel Komposisi Pakan untuk Indonesia.

Hartadi. H.

Tabel Komposisi Pakan untuk Indonesia.

Hartadi, H.

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Tabel Komposisi Pakan untuk Indonesia.

Hartadi, H.

Gadjah Mada. Universuty Press. Yogyakarta.

Tabel Komposisi Pakan untuk Indonesia.

Soedomo, S.

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Tabel Komposisi Pakan untuk Indo-nesia

Hartadi, H

Tabel Komposisi Pakan untuk Indonesia

Hartadi, H.

Tabel Komposisi Pakan untuk Indonesia

Hartadi, H.

Tabel Komposisi Pakan untuk Indonesia

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta.

Tabel komposisi pakan untuk Indonesia

Hartadi, H

Tabel komposisi pakan untuk Indonesia

Gadjahmada university press, Yogjakarta.

Tabel Komposisi Pakan untuk Indonesia

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Tabel Komposisi Pakan Untuk Indonesia

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Hlm 193 dari 1800

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Tabel Komposisi Pakan untuk Indonesia

Hartadi, H

Tabel Komposisi Pakan untuk Indonesia

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Tabel komposisi bahan makanan ternak untuk Indonesia

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Tabel dari Komposisi Makanan Ternak untuk Indonesia.

Hartadi, H.,

Tabel dari Komposisi Makanan Ternak untuk Indonesia.

Systems, simulation and modeling

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Systems Research Methods in Agriculture to Development Countries

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Increasing Soybeans production in Asia

CGPRT Centre Bogor

Sybthetics of agronomic rsults of SYGAP II in four locations in Indoensia

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Increasing Soybeans production in Asia

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Susu dan produk dari susu

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Fakultas peternakan Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung

Susu dan produk dari susu

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Fakultas peternakan Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung

Susu & produk olahannya Susu

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Sustainable Development of Forest. Land and Water

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Sustainable and Increased Food Production

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Sustainability In Rural And Agricultural Development : A Field Note From Bali, Indonesia

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Susceptibility of yogurt to syneresis

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Comparison of Centrifugation and drainage methods

Susceptibility of the different larval and postlarval stages of black tiger prawn, P. monodon fabricus, to Monodon baculovirus (MBV)

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Survival of the root nodule bacteria

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Survival of the root nodule bacteria

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EG Hallsworth (ed) Nutrition of the legumes

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Surveying Natural Populations

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Survey tanah detail dan land suitability

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Hlm 198 dari 1800

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Survey Research Methods

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Wadworth Publishing Company. Belmount. California

Survey Research Methods

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Wardworth Publishing Company. Belmont, California

Survey Produktivitas Lahan Sawah Intebsifikasi di Jawa

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Survey pertanian: produksi tanaman sayuran dan buahbuahan di Indonesia


Survey Pertanian: Produksi tanaman Padi di Indonesia


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Survey Pertanian. Luas dan intensitas serangan jasad pengganggu padi dan palawija di Indonesia.

Biro Pusat Statistik.

Survey pertanian produksi tanaman sayuran dan buahbuahan.


Survey pertanian produksi tanaman palawija di propinsi Jambi

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Survey Pertanian produksi tanaman Palawija di Indonesia



Survey Pertanian produksi tanaman Palawija di Indonesia



Survey pertanian produksi tanaman padi dan palawija di Indonesia tahun 1989


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Survey pertanian luas lahan menurut penggunaannya di Sumatera Barat


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Survey Manual for tropical marine resources

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Survey keragaan tembakau di Jawa dan Madura

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Hlm 200 dari 1800

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Survey dan Pemetaan Sumberdaya Lahan Tingkat Semi Detil (1:50.000) Daerah Kawasan Sumba Timur

Tim Peneliti Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat

Dokumen PUSLITTANAK. Bogor

Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional (Susenas).

Biro Pusat Statistik

Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional (Susenas).


Survei Pertanian, Luas, dan Intensitas Serangan Jasad Pengganggu Padi dan Palawija di Indonesia


Survei Pertanian, Luas, dan Intensitas Serangan Jasad Pengganggu Padi dan Palawija di Indonesia

Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta, Indonesi a

Survei Pertanian, Luas, dan Intensitas Serangan Jasad Pengganggu Padi dan Palawija di Indonesia


Survei Pertanian, Luas, dan Intensitas Serangan Jasad Pengganggu Padi dan Palawija di Indonesia

Biro Pusat Statistic Jakarta, Indonesia

Survei pertanian produksi tanaman sayuran di Jawa


Survei pertanian produksi tanaman sayuran di Jawa

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Survei Pertanian Produksi BuahBuahan di Jawa

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Survei Pertanian Produksi BuahBuahan di Jawa

Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta.

Survei Pertanian Produksi BuahBuahan di Jawa

Biro Pusat Statistik

Survei Pertanian Produksi BuahBuahan di Jawa

Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta.

Survei Pertanian Produksi BuahBuahan di Indonesia



BPS, Jakarta

Survei Pertanian Produksi BuahBuahan di Jawa

Biro Pusat Statistik

Survei Pertanian Produksi BuahBuahan di Jawa

Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta

Survei Pertanian Produksi BuahBuahan di Jawa

Biro Pusat Statistik

Survei Pertanian Produksi BuahBuahan di Jawa

Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta.

Survei Pertanian : Produksi tanaman Padi di Indonesia

Biro Pusat Statistik

Survei Pertanian : Produksi tanaman Padi dan Palawija di Indonesia




Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta

Hlm 201 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Survei penyakit-penyakit penting pada tanaman krops di Sumatera Barat


Survei pendahuluan dalam usaha menanggulangi keruskaan akibat letusan Gunung Kelud


Survei pendahuluan dalam usaha menanggulangi keruskaan akibat letusan Gunung Kelud

Survei Makrozoobenthos di Probolinggo


Survei Makrozoobenthos di Probolinggo

Survei Luas Tanaman Padi dengan Pendekatan Rumahtangga di jawa Tahun 1996/1997



Survei Konsumsi Pangan


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Survei Kesehatan Rumah Tangga tahun 1995

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Survei Hidrologi sungai-sungai Daerah kedu Selatan


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Survei benih Ikan kerapu (Epinephelus spp.) di Teluk Banten

K. Sugama

Scientific Report of Mariculture Research and Development Project (ATA-192) in Indonesia

Survay penelitian, produksi tanaman palawija di Indonesia Jakarta


produksi tanaman palawija di Indonesia Jakarta , 226 Halaman



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Penerbit Balai proteksi tanaman pangan Sumatera Barat, Padang

Survei Kesehatan Rumah Tangga 1995

Risalah hasil penelitian pengelolaan produk-tivitas lahan pasca letusan Gunung Kelud

Depkes RI. Jakarta

Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat, Bogor.

Hlm 202 dari 1800

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Survai tanah dan evaluasi lahan.

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Survai Tanah dan Penggunaan Lahan

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Survai Tanah dan Penggunaan Lahan

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Biro Pusat Statistik

Survai Pertanian: Produksi Tanaman Padi di Indonesia 1994

Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta.

Survai pertanian, produksi sayuran dan buah-buahan diluar Jawa Agric. Survey Prod. of Veg. and Fruit Crops Outside of Java.

Biro Pusat Statistik

Survai pertanian, produksi sayuran dan buah-buahan diluar Jawa Agric. Survey Prod. of Veg. and Fruit Crops Outside of Java.

Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta.

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Tim GAKI Fak Kedokteran UNDIP dan Kanwil DepKes Jateng

Survai pemetaan gangguan akibatkekurangan iodium (GAKI)

Hadisaputro S

Tim GAKI Fak Kedokteran UNDIP dan Kanwil DepKes Jateng

Survai keschatan rumah tangga 1992. Keragaman dan kecenderungan sebab kematian di Indonesia

Sumantri, S

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Survai indeks masa tubuh di 12 kotamadya Indonesia.

Kodyat, B.A.

Gizi Indon.

Survai evaluasi pelaksanaan proteksi perkebunan

Judul Buku

Penebar Swadaya Jakarta

Survai evaluasi pelaksanaan proteksi perkebunan

Survai Dasar Da-lam Rangka Pembangunan Pertanian Sulawesi Selatan. hlm. 1-110.

Lembaga Penelitian Tanah

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Survai dan Pemetaan Tanah Daerah Tembe LangkowalaLaea, Kendari Sulawesi Tenggara.

Lembaga Penelitian Tanah

Survai dan Pemetaan Tanah Daerah Tembe LangkowalaLaea, Kendari Sulawesi Tenggara.

Balitbang. Deptan.

Survai dan Pemetaan Tanah Daerah Roraya-TinaggeaAlangga-Palangga, Kendari Sulawesi Tenggara.

Lembaga Penelitian Tanah

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Surface and Colloid Chemistry

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Surface and colloid chemistry

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Schneider. R.W.

Suppressive soil and plant disease.

The American Phytopathological Society St. Paul Minnesota 35 page.


Hlm 205 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Suppression of pytium ultimum induced damping-off of cotton seedling by P. fluoresences and its antibiotic pyoluteorine

Howell, C. R.

Suppression of black root rot of tobacco and other root disease by strain Pseudomonas fluorescens: Potential mechanism and application. 93108.

De'fago, G.,

In D. Horby, R.J, Cook, Y. Henis, W.H. Ko, A.D. Rovira, B. Schippers and P.R. Scott (Eds.)

Biological Control of SoilBorne Plant Pathogen. CAB International, Oxon, UK.

Suplementasi Hijauan Pahilan pada Hijauan Jagung Muda Sebagai Pakan BasaI Ternak Domba


Suplementasi Hijauan Pahilan pada Hijauan Jagung Muda Sebagai Pakan BasaI Ternak Domba

Tesis. Pasca Sarjana Universitas Brawijaya. Malang

Superovulation in peripubertal and adult goats treated with PMSG of pFSH. In: Recent advances in goat production, RR. LOKESHWAR (Ed.),

Nowshari MA

Superovulation in peripubertal and adult goats treated with PMSG of pFSH. In: Recent advances in goat production, RR. LOKESHWAR (Ed.),

Nutan Printed, New Delhi, India

Superovulation in peripubertal and adult goats treated with PMSG and pFSH. In: Recent advances in goat production. RR. Lokeshwar (Ed.).

Nowshari, M.A.

Superovulation in peripubertal and adult goats treated with PMSG and pFSH. In: Recent advances in goat production. RR. Lokeshwar (Ed.).

Nutan Printed, New Delhi, India.

Superovulation and Transcervical Embryo Collection in Boer Goats


Superovulation and Transcervical Embryo Collection in Boer Goats

Cuvillier Publisher. Goettingen, Germany.

Superovulation and Transcervical Embryo Collection in Boer goats


Superovulation and Transcervical Embryo Collection in Boer goats

Cuvillier Verlag. Goettingen.

Superovulation and Transcervical Embryo Collection in Boer Goats.


Superovulation and Transcervical Embryo Collection in Boer Goats.

Cuvillier Publisher. Goettingen. Germany.

Superovulation and Transcervical Embryo Collection in Boer goats


Superovulation and Transcervical Embryo Collection in Boer goats

Cuvillier Verlag. Goettingen

Superovulation and embryo transfer in Indonesian sheep: A Preliminary study

Dharsana, R.

Ilmu dan Pet.


Hlm 206 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Superfamily Platygastroidea.

Masner L.

Goulet H, Huber JT (ed). Hymenoptera of the World: An Identification Guide to Families.

Ottawa: Research Branch Agriculture, him 558-565.

Superfamilies Mymaroimnatoidea and Chalcidoidea

Gibson AP

Goulet H, Huber JT (ed). Hymenoptera of the World: An Identification Guide to Families

Ottawa: Research Branch Agriculture, him 570-655.

Supercritical Fluid Extraction.

Paulatis, ME..

Review in Chemical Engineering. Volume I (12): 179 - 224.

SuperCos-1 Cosmid Vector Kit. Instruction Manual


SuperCos-1 Cosmid Vector Kit. Instruction Manual

California: Stratagen Cloning System, him. 132.

Super Tripton

PT. Panen Cita Tani. Malang.

Super Tripton Super Flourishing Summaries of additional paper on smoke curing.

Anonimous Hollenbeck, C.M.

Sumber pertumbuhan produksi padi an kedelai


Puslitbang Balitbangtan Deptan

Sumber pertumbuhan produksi padi an kedelai


Puslitbang Balitbangtan Deptan

Sumber Pertumbuhan Padi Propinsi Irian Jaya

Hasanuddin, A.

Sumber Pertumbuhan Padi Propinsi Irian Jaya

Balai Penelitian Jagung dan Serealia Lain, Maros. 54 hlm.

Sumber daya udang peneid dan krustasea lainnya


Widodo, J., K.A. Aziz, B.F. Priyono, G.H. Tampubolon, N. Naamin, dan A. Djamali (Eds.). Potensi dan Penyebaran Sumber Daya Ikan Laut di Perairan Indonesia. hlm. 107-138.

Komisi Nasional Pengkajian Stok Sumber Daya Ikan Laut. Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia. Jakarta.

Sumber daya perikanan pelagis kecil.

Merta, I.G.S.,

Potensi dan Penyebaran Sumber Daya Ikan Laut di Perairan Indonesia. Editor J. Widodo, K.A. Aziz, B.E. Proyono, G.H. Tampubolon, N.Naamin dan A. Djamali. Komisi Nasional Pengkajian Stok Sumber Daya Ikan Laut-LIPI, p: 89-105,


The Symposium Smoke CuringAdvances in Theory of Food Techology. Dallas. Tex. June 4-7, 1978 ,

Hlm 207 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Sumber daya perikanan pelagis kecil.

Merta, I.G.S.,

Potensi dan Penyebaran Sumber Daya Ikan Laut yang Tertangkap di Perairan Indonesia.

Komite Nasional Pengkajian Stok Sumber Daya Ikan Laut-LIPI. p. 89-105.

Sumber daya nabati Asia Tenggara No. 6. Rotan

Dransfield J

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta, Prosea

Sumber Daya Manusia: Peluang Kerja dan Kemiskinan.

Effendi, T. N.

PT. Tiara Wacana. Yogyakarta.

Sumber daya Lingkungan Tumbuh Jagung

Moentono. D.M

Sumber Daya Lahan, Air, dan Udara.

Manik. K.E.S

Sumber daya karang di Indonesia.

DJamali, A.,

Widodo. J. et al. Potensi dan Penyebaran Sumber Daya Ikan Laut di Perairan Indonesia.

Komisi Nasional Pengkajian Stok Sumber Daya Ikan Laut. Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia. Jakarta. 184194.

Sumber Daya Ikan Teri Di Indonesia

Hutomo. M.

Seri Sumber Daya Alam, No. 137.

Proyek Studi dan Potensi Sumber-daya Alam Indonesia. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Oseanologi. LIPI. Jakarta.

Sumber Daya Ikan Pelagis Besar

Uktolseja, J.C.B.

J. Widodo, K.A. Aziz, B.E. Priyono, G.H. Tampubolon, N. Naamin & A. Djamali (Eds). Potensi dan Penyebaran Sumber Daya Ikan Laut di Perairan Indonesia, pp:40-88

Komisi Nasional Pengkajian Stok Sumber Daya Ikan Laut. Jakarta

Sumber daya ikan konsumsi perairan karang.


Widodo. J. et al. Potensi dan Penyebaran Sumber Daya Ikan Laut di Perairan Indonesia.

Komisi Nasional Pengkajian Stok Sumber Daya Ikan Laut. Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia. Jakarta. 195200.


Kinerja Penelitian Tanaman Pangan

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung. Bandar Lampung

Hlm 208 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Sumber Daya dan Pemanfaatan Ikan Hiu

Wibowo, S

Sumber Daya dan Pemanfaatan Ikan Hiu

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta

Sumber Daya dan Pemanfaatan Hiu.

Wibowo, S

Sumber Daya dan Pemanfaatan Hiu.

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta. 156 PP.

Sumber daya dan Pemanfaatan Hiu

Wibowo, S.

Sumber daya dan Pemanfaatan Hiu

Swadaya. Jakarta. p. 156.

Sumber Daya Manusia, Kesempatan Kerja dan Pembangunan Ekonomi

Tjiptoheriyanto, P

Sumber Daya Manusia, Kesempatan Kerja dan Pembangunan Ekonomi

LPFE-Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta

Sumber dan pengaruh aflatoksin terhadap pcrtumbuhan dan performa lain broiler

Ginting, N.

Discrtasi, 209 hlm.

Univcrsitas Padjajaran, Bandung.

Sumber dan penanganan benih rotan makalah lokakarya nasional rotan, 15-16 Desember 1986, Jakarta

Nainggolan PHJ

Sumber Daya dan Pemanfaatan Ikan Hiu

Wibowo, S

Sumber Daya dan Pemanfaatan Ikan Hiu

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta

Sumbangan Usahatani Tanaman Pekarangan Terhadap Pendapatan Petani Di Desa Kepuhrej'o Kecamatan Takeran Kabupaten Magetan

Nurasia, E.

Sumbangan Usahatani Tanaman Pekarangan Terha-dap Pendapatan Petani Di Desa Kepuhrej'o Kecamatan Takeran Kabupaten Magetan

Fakultas Pertanian Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Universitas Wijaya Putera Surabaya.

Sumbangan pengetahuan tentang ayam Kedu

Merkens J.

Terjemahan karangan mengenai ayam dan Itik di Indonesia

LIPI. Jakarta

Sumbangan pengetahuan tentang ayam kedu

Merkens LA

Sumbangan penelitian dalam pembangunan pertanian

BadanLitbang Pertanian

Lima Tahun Badan Litbang Pertanian.

Sumbangan Pemikiran Bagi Pembangunan Pertanian di Irian Jaya

Dimiyati A.

Hara mineral dan pengelolaan air pada tanaman kacang tanah

Sumatera Selatan dalam Angka.

Biro Pusat Statistik.

Kerjasama Bappeda Tingkat I Sumatera Selatan dengan Biro Pusat Statistik Propinsi Sumatera Selatan. Palambang.

Sumatera Barat Dalam Angka.

Biro Pusat Statistik.

Sumatera Barat Dalam Angka.


LIPI Jkt Badan Litbang Pertanian, Jakarta.

Kantor Statistik Propinsi Sumatera Barat. Padang.

Hlm 209 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

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Judul Buku


Sumatera Barat Dalam Angka.

Sumatera Barat Dalam Angka.


Sumatera Barat dalam Angka.

Sumatera Barat dalam Angka.

Sumatera Barat dalam Angka.

Sumatera Barat dalam Angka.

Sumatera Barat dalam Angka.

Sumatera Barat dalam Angka.

Sumatera Barat dalam angka 1998


Bappeda Tk. I Sumatera Barat

Sumatera Barat dalam angka 1998


Bappeda Tk. I Sumatera Barat

Sumatera Barat dalam angka 1997

Bappeda Sumbar

Sumatera Barat dalam Angka 1995. Kerjasama Bappeda Tk. I Sumatera Barat dengan Kantor Statistik Tk. I Sumatera Barat

Bappeda Sumbar

Sumatera Barat dalam Angka

Sumatera Barat dalam Angka

BPS Sumatera Barat

Sumatera Barat Dalam Angka

Biro Pusat Statistik

Sumatera Barat Dalam Angka

BPS Padang

Sulphur Metabolism In Pants

J.W. Anderson

The Biochemistry Of Plant Vol. 16

Academic Press, San Diego. CA. USA. ISBN

Sulphur Metabolism in Pants

Anderson. J.W

The Biochemistry of Plant Vol. 16

Academic Press. San Diego. CA

Sulphur - the fourth major plant nutrient. p. 9-16.

Morris, R.J.

In the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Sulphur for Korean Agriculture.

Korean Society of Soil Science, Seoul, Korea and the Sulphur Institute, Washington D.C., USA.

Sulfonamid dan TrimetopriumSulfametoksazol

Mariana Y.

S. Gan (Ed). Farmakologi. 527838.

Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia. Jakarta.

Sulawesi Utara Dalam Angka 1994,

Sulawesi Utara Dalam Angka 1994,

Badan Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Daerah Tingkat I Sulawesi Utara.

Sulawesi Selatan dalam angka 1997

Sulawesi Selatan dalam angka 1997

Biro Pusat Statistik Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan, Ujung Pandang, hlm. 274, 307-309.


Hlm 210 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Sulawesi Selatan dalam Angka

Judul Buku


Sulawesi Selatan dalam Angka

BPS Sulawesi Selatan, Ujung Pandang.

Sukses di Era Ekonomi Liberal bagi Koperasi dan Perusahaan Kecil-Menengah

Ismawan, I.,

Sukses di Era Ekonomi Liberal bagi Koperasi dan Perusahaan Kecil-Menengah

Gramedia Widia Sarana Indonesia, Jakarta

Sugarcane Physiology

Alexander. A.G

A Compherensive Study of The Saccharum Source Tosink System

Elsevier Sci. Publ.Co. Amsterdam

Sugarcane Nutrition


Potash and Phosphate Institute, Atalanta Georgia

Sugarcane Nutrition


Potash and Phosphate Institute, Atalanta Georgia

Sugarcane mosaic virus. CMI/AAB Descriptions of Plant Viruses No. 342 (No. 88 revised)

Teakle, DS.

Sugarcane mosaic virus. CMI/AAB Descriptions of Plant Viruses No. 342 (No. 88 revised)

Sugarcane Crop Logging And Crop Control Principles and Practice


The Univ. Press Of Hawai

Sugarcane Crop Control, Principles and Practice


The University Pree of Hawaii, Honolulu

Sugar Notes.

Queensland Sugar Corporation.

Brisbane, Australia.

Sugar Distribution in Plant Tissues Cooked in Syrup. Terjemahan Bambang Sumantri.

Sterling. C

Sugar Distribution in Plant Tissues Cooked in Syrup. Terjemahan Bambang Sumantri.

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.

Sugance White Grub In Indonesia.


Crop Protection Compedium C.A.B.International, London, UK

Crop Protection Compedium C.A.B.International, London, UK

Sucrose Polyester, Cholesterol, and Lipoprotein Metabolism. In: Carbohydrate Polyesters as Fat Substitutes

Glueck, C.J

Carbohydrate Polyesters as Fat Substitutes

Marcel Dekker. New York

Sucrochimie, in G. Linden et D. Lorient (eds.). Biochimie Agroindustrielle

Linden, G

Sucrochimie, in G. Linden et D. Lorient (eds.). Biochimie Agroindustrielle

Valorisation Alimentaire de la Production Agricole. Masson, Paris


Commonwealth Mycological Institute, England.

Hlm 211 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

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Success In Microbial Control of Soil Pests, H. Marginalis, In Reunion Island ; Choise of a Suitable Fungus


Ivth International Colloquium on Invertebrate Pathology and Microbial Control

Montplier France 28 Agst2 Sept. 1994

Succesfull Poultry Management 7th. ed.


Succesfull Poultry Management 7th. ed.

Mc. Graw. Hill Book Comp. toe. New York.

Substrate Concentration Depen-dence of Apparent Maxirnum Reaction Rate and Apparent Michaelis Constant Observed in lmmobilized Enzyme reactions

Shiraishi, F.,

Substrate Concentration Depen-dence of Apparent Maxirnum Reaction Rate and Apparent Michaelis Constant Observed in lmmobilized Enzyme reactions

Kagaku kogaku, Robushu

Subsistence Agriculture : Concept and Scope In Subsistence Agriculture and Economic Development.

Wharton Clifton

Aldine Publishing Company, Chicago

Sublethal Injury, Bacteriocins and Food Microbiology

Ray, B

ASM News. Amer. Soc. Of Microbiology

Subing Dan Defiensi Seng

Berita Gizi Pangan

Subcutaneus immunization of guine pig with E. Viparus larvae attenuated and radiation in parasitology II

Tohamex, J.


Subcutaneus immunization of guine pig with E. Viparus larvae attenuated and radiation in parasitology II

Tonamex, J.


Subclass of Lattice Process Applied to a Problem an Plannar Sampling Biometrika

Martin. R.J

Suatu Tinjauan Tentang Rotan dan Masalahnya.

Yudodibroto, H.,

Suatu Tinjauan Tentang Rotan dan Masalahnya.

Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta.

Suatu Pendekatan Berorientasi Kasus Ed. 4

R., Montgomery

Suatu Pendekatan Berorientasi Kasus Ed. 4

CV Mosby Co. USA

Suatu Kajian Tentang Pengawetan Bambu Secara Tradisional Untuk Mencegah Serangan Bubuk.

Sullhoni, A.

Suatu Kajian Tentang Pengawetan Bambu Secara Tradisional Untuk Mencegah Serangan Bubuk.

Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta.


Vol. IV/1/1987

Hlm 212 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Suatu Gambaran Mengenai Beberapa Kemajuan dan Masalah Yang dihadapi

Dinas Perikanan Dati I NTB

Suatu Alternatif Pem-bangunan Pedesaan, Studi Dinamika Pedesaan


Suatu Alternatif Pem-bangunan Pedesaan, Studi Dinamika Pedesaan

Yayasan SAE, Bogor

Suatu Alternatif Pembangunan Pedesaan, Studi Dinamika Pedesaan


Suatu Alternatif Pembangunan Pedesaan, Studi Dinamika Pedesaan

Yayasan SAE, Bogor

Studying single species dynamics in multispecies context

Pauly, D.

D. Pauly and G.I. Murphy (eds.) Theory and management of tropical fisheries, ICLARM Conference Proseedg, Manila,, pp. 33-70.

Studying Public Policy: Policy Cycle and Policy Subsystems

Howlett, M

Studying Public Policy: Policy Cycle and Policy Subsystems

Oxford University Press, Oxford,

Studying Public Policy : Policy Cycle and Policy Subsystems

Howlett, M.

Studying Public Policy : Policy Cycle and Policy Subsystems

Oxford University Press, Oxford,

Study the Australian feeder steer trade to Indonesia lot feeding industry.


Asian marketing division, Australian meat and livestock corporation (AMLC), Australia.

Study the australian feeder steer trade to indonesia lot feeding industru


Asian marketing division, Australian meat and livestock (AMLC) AUS-MEAT, Australia

Study potensi lahan gambut di propinsi Bengkulu untuk tanaman semusim.

Muktamar, Z.P.

Study Perbandingan Antara Penebangan Secara Mekanis dan Manual


Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gdjah Mada Yogyakarta

Study Pengembangan Model Sistem Kewapadaan Pangan untuk Perumusan Kebijakan di Propinsi Irian Jaya, Maluku, Nusa Tenggara Timur dan Jawa barat

Sukandar D


Study on Intake Water and Water Management in Paddy Field Area Operatd By Traditional Water Right

Basri, H

Faculty of Agric.Dept. Agric. Eng. Kyushu Univ. Japan. (Dissertation) Unpublished


Judul Buku

Penerbit Dinas Perikanan Dati I NTB

Hlm 213 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Study on dispersal activity of Nephotettix virescens Distant, the most effective vector of rice tungro virus disease

Widiarta, I.N.

One day Seminar ITSF


Study On Decomposition of Plant Residues in Soil of Guangzhou and Wuxi


Acta Pedologica Sinicia

Study on callus induction from anther & inflorescene culture of sorghum

Nakamura, S

Study on callus induction from anther & inflorescene culture of sorghum. J. Fac Agric Kyushu Univ 42: 1-9

Study on biodiversity of AMF in different landuses system in Sumatera, Indonesia

Setiadi, Y.

Study on biodiversity of AMF in different landuses system in Sumatera, Indonesia

Study on Antimutagenicity and Anticarcinogenicity of Green Tea Epicatechins-A Natural Free Radical Scavenger. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Natural Antioxidants: Molecular Mechanisms and Health Effects.

Cheng, S.J.

Study on Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme Inhibitor in Natto

Hiroshi, H.

Master Thesis

Dept. of Brewing and Fermentations Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture.

Study on Agroekological Zone in Indonesia

Guhardja S

Food Systems and Nutrition Problems.Jurusan Gizi Masyarakat dan Sumberdaya Keluarga

Fakultas pertanian ,ITB.Bogor

Study on Agroecological Zone in Indonesia.Food System and Nutrition Problems

Guhardja S

Jurusan Gizi Masyarakat dan Sumberdaya Keluarga, Fakultas Pertanian, IPB.Bogor

Study of the Effect of Rootstock on Absorption and Translocation of Mineral Elements in Apple Cultivar Golden Delicious

Villeneuvee, F

La Racine - La Porte - Graffe. In Hort. Abst.

Study of the Early stages of tryptic hydrolysis of Beta-casein

Leonil, J


ICRAF. Bogor.

AOCS Press. Champaign


Hlm 214 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Study of paddy stemborers by cultural practices

Koyama, T.

The Major Insect Pest of the Rice Plant. Proc. Symp. Int. Rice. Res. Inst. Philippines.

John Hopkins Press, Baltimore. p. 369-387.

Study of developmental stages of Methylosinus trichosporium with the aid of fluorescentantibody staining techniques

Reed, W.M

Study Mutu dan Efisiensi Pendidikan, EPP & IEES Project


Study Mengenai Gulma Eupatorium Odoratum L. Yang terdapat di Hutan Jati


LPH. Bogor

Study Kelayakan Hutan Tanaman Industri Unit DAS Sesayap-Sembakung-Sebuku Propinsi DATI I Kalimantan Timur

PT. Adindo Foresta Indonesia

Jakarta Indonesia

Studies show talking with infants shapes basis of ability to think

Blakeslee S

The New York Times

Studies on zone hardening in rat oocytes that are matured in vitro in a serumfree medium.

Zhang, X.

Mol. Reprod. Dev.

Studies on vitamin 813 in sea water 1. On the asay of vitamin 812 in sea water

K. Kashiwada

Studies on vitamin 813 in sea water 1. On the asay of vitamin 812 in sea water

Mem. Fac. Fish. Kagoshima Univ

Studies on the sources of luminescent Vibrio harveyi in Penaeus monodon hatcheries

C.R. Lavilla-Pitogo

Diseases in Asian Aquaculture I

Fish Health Section, Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines

Studies on the quality changes in fresh hilsa (Hilsa ilisha) during ice storage in various containers

Uddin, M.

Studies on the quality changes in fresh hilsa (Hilsa ilisha) during ice storage in various containers

Department of Fisheries Technology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.

Studies on the Quality changes hilsa (hilsa ilisha) during ice storage in Departement of Fisheries Technology

Uddin, M.

Studies on the Quality changes hilsa (hilsa ilisha) during ice storage in Departement of Fisheries Technology

Bangladesh agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.


Appl. Environ. Microbiol

Study Mutu dan Efisiensi Pendidikan, EPP & IEES Project

USAID dan Pusat Informatika Balitbang Dikbud, Jakarta

Hlm 215 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Studies on the productivity and feeding value of napiergrass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach). 1. The effects of nitrogen fertilizer on the yields of napiergrass

Miyagi, E.

Studies on the productivity and feeding value of napiergrass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach). 1. The effects of nitrogen fertilizer on the yields of napiergrass

J. Japan Grassl. Sci., 27: 216-226.

Studies on the permeability and stability of liposomes derived from a membrane-spanning bipolar archaebacterial tetraether lipid, him. 100-123

Ring, K.

K.H. Schmidt (ed.), Liposomes as drug carriers

Stuttgart: G. Thieme Verlag.

Studies on the Nutritional Value of Tempen. Food and


Nutrition Laboratory Faculty of Science of living.

Osaka City University.

Studies on the Mechanism of Diamonback Moth Resistance to Insecticides. Hal. 347-357. Dalam N.S.Takelar dan T.D.Griggs (edv).Diamonback Moth Management

Miyata , T,

Studies on the Mechanism of Diamonback Moth Resistance to Insecticides. Hal. 347-357. Dalam N.S.Takelar dan T.D.Griggs (edv).Diamonback Moth Management

Proceedings of the First International Workshop Tainan.Taiwan: 11-15 March 1985 AVRDC.Taipe.Taiwan

Studies on the meat production characteristics of Botswana goat and sheep: carcass tissue composition and distribution.

Owen, J. E.

Meat Sci.

Studies on the Level of Heavy Metals and FCBs in the Marine Environment

Sjahrul, M.

Studies on the Level of Heavy Metals and FCBs in the Marine Environment

Ehime University, Japan. 15.

Studies on The Extracellular Polysaccharides (EPS) Produced by Pseudomonas phaseolicola.

Gross, M

Indication for polysaccharide resembling Alginic Acid in seven P. Syringae pahtovars.

J. Phytopath. 188 : 276 287.

Studies on the effect of pest damage on oil palm yield

Wood BJ

Advanced in oil palm cultivation (RL Wastrie and D Earp eds)

The incorp Soc of Plant K Lumpur

Studies on the culture of eucheuma stratium

Colina, A.B

Studies on the culture of eucheuma stratium

The Philippines Scientes


Hlm 216 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Studies on the biology of the pink shrimp, Penaeus duorarum Burkenroad, in Everglades National Park Florida

Tabb, D.C

Studies on the biology of the pink shrimp, Penaeus duorarum Burkenroad, in Everglades National Park Florida

Florida State Board Conservation, Tehnical Series

Studies on the active site and antihypertensive activity of angiotensin.

Maruyama, S

I : Converting Enzyme inhibitors derived from casein

Agric. Biol. Chem

Studies on southern corn leaf blight (H. Maydis) in annual report .


Thailand National corn and Sorghum.

Kaseetsart University, Depart-ment of Agricultural Thailand.P.

Studies on pod & beanT. Cacao L

Toxopeus H

In Nigeria I Environmental Effect on West African Amelonado with Particular Attention to Annual rainfall Distribution. Neth Journ of Agric Sci 18:132-139

Studies on peat in the coastal plaints of Sumatera and Borneo.

Sabiham, S.

III. Micromorphological study of peat in the coastal plaints of Jambi, South Kalimantan and Brunei.

Studies on peat in the coastal plains of sumatera and Borneo, I.Physiography and geomorphology of coastal plains


Studies on growth and development of Satsuma Mandarin (Citrus unshiu March.) under different temperature conditions, with special reference to flower bud differentiation

Poerwanto, R.

Ph.D. Thesis

Ehime, Japan: Ehime University.

Studies on egg parasites of the smaller brown planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus (Fellen) (Hemiptera Delpachidae) A Device for assessing the parasitic activity and results obtained in 1966

Otake, A.

Shikoku. Agric. Exp.Stn. Bull. 17: 91-103.

Shikoku. Agric. Exp.Stn. Bull. 17: 91-103.


South-east Asian Studies.

Kyoto University, Japan. Southeast Asian Studies

Hlm 217 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Studies on effect of pest damage on oil palm yield

Wood BJ

Advanced in oil palm cultivation (RL Wastrie and DA Earp eds)

The Incorp Soc of Plant, K Lumpur

Studies on dry matter production anf efficiency for solar energy utilization in Bupleurum falcatium at different plant ages

Shon TK

Plant Production Science

Studies on dry matter production anf efficiency for solar energy utilization in Bupleurum falcatium at different plant ages

Shon TK

Plant Production Science

Studies on Degradation and Extraction ofChitin and Chitosan from Prawn Shells.

Bastaman, S.

M.Sc. thesis.

Studies on chemical control of cocoa pod rot in Central java


In Entr. And paper south east pics. Yogyakarta

Studies on Chemical Component of Pearl Oyster Meat.

Maeda, M.,

Studies on Chemical Component of Pearl Oyster Meat.

Nagasaki Industrial Technology, Omura, Nagasaki, Japan, p.107100.

Studies on Algin from Brown Algae of Taiwan I.

Chou, H.N.

Estimation of yield and quality of algin. Acta Oc.

Taiwan. The National Taiwan University, Taiwan. (6): 135-140.

Studies on 5'-nucleotidase of fish muscle in relation to freshness. Doctor Dissertation. Graduate School of Biosphere Science

Marseno, D.W

Graduate School of Biosphere Science

Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan.

Studies on 5'-nucleotidase of fish muscle in relation to freshness. Doctor Dissertation


Graduate School of Biosphere Science

Hiroshima University, Japan

Studies on Peat in The Coastal Plains of Sumatra and Borneo II


The Clay Mineralogical Composition of Sediment in Coastal Plains of Jambi and South Kalimantan

Southeast Asian Studies

Studies of Milk production in crossbreed dairy cattle

Okumu, C


Queen's Univ. of Belafast, UK. 134 pp.

East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal

Hlm 218 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Studies of feeding fresh ipilipil (Leucaena leucocephala) leaves on growth and reproductive function of small ruminants (goats).

Teodoro, A.A.

Annual Report

Studies of Experimental Jembrana Disease in Bali Cattle II.


Clinical Signs and Hematological Changes


Studies in the use of low cost substrats in ethanol fermentation employing Zymomonas mobilis


Studies in the use of low cost substrats in ethanol fermentation employing Zymomonas mobilis

Kyushu University. Japan.

Studi Zona Agroekologi di Indonesia: Sistem Pangan dan Masalah Gizi.

Guhardja S

Studi Zona Agroekologi di Indonesia

Tim Peneliti Jurusan GMSK,Faperta IPB

Studi usahatani dan sistem pemasaran melinjo di Jawa Timur


Studi transisi kelurga, konsumsi pangan dan gizi , dan perkembangan anak.[ The study on the family in transition, food and nutrition consumption, and child development].

Guhardja S

Studi tentang stabilitas protein daging kering dan dendeng selama penyimpanan

Purnomo, H.

Universitas Brawijaya Press, Malang

Studi tentang perkebunan dan pemasaran minyak kelpa sawit indonesia


PT International Contact Bussines System Inc Jakarta

Studi tentang perkebunan dan pemasaran minyak kelapa sawit Indonesia.




IPB, Bogor.

Sistem Pangan dan Gizi. ( Studi di NTT dan Penyusun Model Intervensi di Jawa Barat).Laporan Penelitian Bagpro Pengembangan Kesehatan dan Gizi Masyarakat (CHN-III ProjectIBRD Loan No.3550-IND)

Jurusan sosial Ekonomi, Fakultas pertanian Unibraw. Bogor, Indonesia:Bogor Agricultural University.

Studi tentang perkebunan dan pemasaran minyak kelapa sawit Indonesia.

PT International Contanct Bussines System Inc, Jakarta Hlm 219 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Studi tentang perkebunan dan pemasaran minyak kelapa sawit indonesia


PT International Contact Business System, Jakarta

Studi tentang perkebunan dan pemasaran kelapa sawit Indonesia


Capricorn Indonesia Consult CIC, Jakarta

Studi tentang perkebunan & pemasaran minyak kelapa sawit Indonesia



Studi tentang Industri dan perkebunan kelapa sawit Indonesia


PT. CIC Inc. Jakarta

Studi tentang Industri dan Pemasaran Minyak Goreng di Indonesia Studi Tentang Industri dan Pemasaran Minuman Ringan di Indonesia, Jakarta

Capricorn Indonesia Consult

Studi tentang bakteri fecal sebagai indikator pencemaran laut di perairan muara sungai Dumai. Kota Administratif Dumai


Studi tentang analisis pasar dan prospek investasi oleokimia (oleochemical) indonesia


PT International Contact Bussiness System Inc Jakarta

Studi sumber pertumbuhan kedelai di NTB

Adisrwanto T

Balitan Malang

Studi Sosial Ekonomi di Daerah Sumur Pompa Bangkalan 3(Tiga) Lokasi

Studi tentang bakteri fecal sebagai indikator pencemaran laut di perairan muara sungai Dumai. Kota Administratif Dumai

Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Riau, 55 hal.

Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

Studi reproduksi tikus sawah (rattus argentiventer di Pamanukan Jabar) dan Randudongkal



Studi reproduksi tikus sawah (rattus argentiventer di Pamanukan Jabar) dan Randudongkal




Hlm 220 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Studi Rekayasa dan Rancang Bangun Sistem Usahatani Konservasi di Lahan kering Desa-Desa Tertinggal Jawa Timur


Lembaga Penelitian Unibraw

Studi proses pembuatan protein mikroba dengan ragi Amilolitik dan ragi Siniba pada media padiat dcngan bahan baku ubikayu (Manihot utilisima Pohl)


Fapeta. IPB. Bogor.

Studi produk-produk inkonvensional dari berbagai jenis unggas air, Jawa, Bali, dan Kalimantan selatan

Setioko AR

Balai Penalitian Ternak, Bogor

Studi Potensi Sumur gali Dalam Menunjang Keberhasilan Berbagai Sistem Penanaman Padi dan Pola Rotasi Padi/Palawija di Vertisol Lombok

Yasin Ismal

Fakultas Pertanian UNRAM

Studi Potensi dan Karakteristik Sumberdaya Lahan di wilayah miskin Jawa Timur bagian Selatan


Kerjasama LP Unibraw dengna BAPPEDA Tingkat I Jawa Timur

Studi Permintaan Kentang pada Hotel dan Restaurant di Kawasan Senggigi Lombok Barat

Sri Supartiningsih

Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Mataram

Studi Penyusunan Program Pembangunan Wilayah Tambak di Kabupaten Sidoarjo


Studi Penyusunan Program Pembangunan Wilayah Tambak di Kabupaten Sidoarjo

Kerjasama Fakultas Parikanan Unibraw dengan BAPPEDA Tingkat II Kabupaten Sidoarjo

Studi penyiapan pengelolaan dan konservasi Danau Taliwang di Kabupaten Sumbawa Nusa Tenggara Barat


Bahan Diskusi

Amythas Expert and Associates, Jakarta


Judul Buku


Hlm 221 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Studi Peningkatan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) Kab. Lombok Tengah


Judul Buku

Penerbit Pusat Penelitian Perencanaan Regional (P3R0-UNRAM dan Bappeda Dati II Lombok Tengah

Studi Pengkajian Pola Konsumsi Rumahtangga Defisit Energi dan Protein. Bogor. Studi Pengembangan Tanaman Rotan di Jawa Barat.


Studi Pengembangan Tanaman Rotan di Jawa Barat.

Lembaga Penelitian IPB Bogor.

Studi Pengembangan Model Pondok Pesantren Produktif sebagai Media Pembinaan Sumberdaya Manusia di Pedesaan Miskin di Jawa Timur

Hamid Hidayat

Studi Pengembangan Model Pondok Pesantren Produktif sebagai Media Pembinaan Sumberdaya Manusia di Pedesaan Miskin di Jawa Timur

Universitas Brawijaya, Malang

Studi Pengembangan Kelembagaan Kemitraan dan Manajemen Agroindustri Berorientasi Bisnis


Studi Pengembangan Kelembagaan Kemitraan dan Manajemen Agroindustri Berorientasi Bisnis

Depperindag, Jakarta. Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Tidak dipublikasikan

Studi Pengembangan Jamu Tradisional di Kabupaten Dati II Sukoharjo


Studi Pengembangan Jamu Tradisional di Kabupaten Dati II Sukoharjo

UNS-Pemda Dati II Sukoharjo.

Studi Pengembangan Diversifikasi Konsumsi Pangan dan Peningkatan Status Gizi Keluarga Melalui Peningkatan Partisipasi Masyarakat Aktif

Kusharto C.M

Fakultas Pertanian IPB

Studi Pengembangan Diversifikasi Konsumsi Pangan dan Peningkatan Status Gizi Keluarga Melalui Peningkatan Partisipasi Aktif Masyarakat

Kusharto C.M

GMSK - IPB, Bogor

Studi pengembangan masyarakat miskin di Kecamatan Kutabaro, Kabupaten Aceh Besar, D.I. Aceh



Pusat Penelitian Universitas Brawijaya, Malang

Hlm 222 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Studi pengem bangan masyarakat pedesaan miskin di daerah kritis Keca matan Bangunrejo, Kabupaten Lampung Utara, Lampung


Studi Penerapan Program Sasaran Linier pada Pcrencanaan Tingkat Produksi di Pabrik Gula Subang

Sofyan, M

Studi Penerapan Program Sasaran Linier pada Pcrencanaan Tingkat Produksi di Pabrik Gula Subang

Skripsi. Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor

Studi Pendugaan Produksi Ikan Berdasarkan Orthophospat di Waduk Pondok Ngawi.


Studi Pendugaan Produksi Ikan Berdasarkan Orthophospat di Waduk Pondok Ngawi.

Skripsi. Fak. Perikanan, Univ. Brawijaya, Malang.

Studi pendahuluan tentang kadar asam lemak omega 3 pada pengasapan ikan dengan smoking cabinet dan pengasapan tradisional

Fronthea Swastawati

Studi pendahuluan amobilisasi Enzim Lipase dari Pseudomonas cocovenenans a 128 dengan poliakrilamida.

Azmi, J.

Studi pendahuluan amobilisasi enzim lipase dari Pseudomonas cocovenenans 125 dengan poliakrilamid.

Azmi, J.

Studi Pendahuluan Pendugaan Produksi Serat Kenaf Varietas He 48 Berdasarkan Tinggi Tanaman


Studi Pendahuluan Pendugaan Produksi Serat Kenaf Varietas He 48 Berdasarkan Tinggi Tanaman


Studi Pembuatan Protein Mikroba dengan Ragi Amilolitik dan Ragi Simba Pada Media Padat dengan Bahan Baku Ubi Kayu (Manihotutilissima).


Studi Pembuatan Protein Mikroba dengan Ragi Amilolitik dan Ragi Simba Pada Media Padat dengan Bahan Baku Ubi Kayu (Manihotutilissima).

Praktek Kerja Lapangan. Fateta IPB. Bogor


Judul Buku

Penerbit Pusat Penelitian Universitas Brawijaya, Malang

Hlm 223 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Studi Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Wilayah Pedesaan Pantai Miskin, di Jawa Timur

Tim Peneliti

Studi Model Perencanaan Konsumsi Pangan Bagi Keluarga berpenghasilan Rendah (Tahun III: Perencanaan Konsumsi Pangan Bagi Penderita Diabetes).

Sumarwan U

Studi masyarakat miskin di daerah kritis Kecamatan Sape, Kabupaten Bima , Nusa Tenggara Barat

Hidayat, H

Pusat Penelitian Universitas Brawijaya, Malang

Studi masyarakat miskin di daerah kritis Kecamatan Sape, Kabu paten Bima , Nusa Tenggara Barat

Hidayat, H

Pusat Penelitian Univer sitas Brawijaya, Malang

Studi Konversi dan Penyusutan Padi, Kasus di Cianjur

Biro Pusat Statistik

Studi Konversi dan Penyusutan Padi, Kasus di Cianjur

Kerjasama BPS dan IPB.

Studi Kontaminasi Logam Berat Cd pada Udang Windu (Penaeus monodon) di Pertambakan Sekitar Muara Sungai Tallo

Asni, A.

Studi Kontaminasi Logam Berat Cd pada Udang Windu (Penaeus monodon) di Pertambakan Sekitar Muara Sungai Tallo

Program Pascasarjana UNHAS. 22.

Studi Konservasi dan Penyusutan Padi Kasus di Cianjur


Studi Konservasi dan Penyusutan Padi Kasus di Cianjur

Kerjasama BPS dan IPB.

Studi Komparasi Pendapatan Usaha Tani Tembakau Rakyat Antara Monokultur Dengan Sistem Tumpangsari di Kabupaten Lombok Timur

Astuti. S

Fakultas Pertanian Unram

Studi Komparasi Pendapatan Buruh Tani dan Buruh Industri di Lombok Barat

Sayuti Rosiady

Fakultas Pertanian Unram


Judul Buku

Penerbit Kerjasama Pusat Pene litian dengan Kantor Sekretariat Menteri Negara kependudukan dan Lingkungan Hidup

Jurusan Gizi Masyarakat dan Sumberdaya Keluarga, Fakultas Pertanian, IPB, Bogor.

Hlm 224 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Studi kolibasilosis pada anak sapi perah dan deteksi Escherichia coli K99, F41, dan K99F41


Studi kolibasilosis pada anak sapi perah dan deteksi Escherichia coli K99, F41, dan K99F41

Prosiding Temu llmiah Bidang Veteriner. Balai Penelitian Veteriner. Bogor, hlm. 148-155.

Studi kluster ekonomi di Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara.

Taufik, Y.

Studi kelayakan proyek; konsep teknik dan penyusunan laporan.


Studi Kelayakan Pembuatan Kecap dari Daging Sapi secara Hidrolisa Enzimatis Tinjauan dari Suhu dan Lama Inkubasi

Sanyoto, A.

Studi Kelayakan Pembangunan Pabrik Bioferlizer "EMAS"

YKPN Yogyakarta

Studi Kelayakan Pembuatan Kecap dari Daging Sapi secara Hidrolisa Enzimatis Tinjauan dari Suhu dan Lama Inkubasi

Fak. Pertanian Univ. Brawijaya, Malang.

Studi Kelayakan Pembangunan Pabrik Bioferlizer "EMAS"

Unit Penelitian Bioteknologi Perkebunan, Bogor.

Studi kelayakan bisnis Studi Kasus: Komposisi Susu Kuda Sumbawa

Umar H Mirnawati, S.

Studi kelayakan bisnis Studi Kasus: Komposisi Susu Kuda Sumbawa

Gramedia Jkt Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan IPB, Bogor.

Studi Kasus Pola Kemitraan Usaha Plasma-Inti Ayam Ras Pedaging di Kabupaten Sukabumi dan Bogor.

Somasanti, D.B.

Studi Kasus Pola Kemitraan Usaha Plasma-Inti Ayam Ras Pedaging di Kabupaten Sukabumi dan Bogor.

Skripsi. Fakultas Peternakan. Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Studi Kasus Komposisi Susu Kuda Sumbawa

Sudarwanto M.

Studi Kasus Komposisi Susu Kuda Sumbawa

Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan IPB, Bogor.

Studi karakteristik dan pengolahan ubi jalar (Ipomoea batatas) untuk pangan dan bahan baku industri Bahan pangan sumber vitamin A.

Syarif, R.

Studi karakteristik dan pengolahan ubi jalar (Ipomoea batatas) untuk pangan dan bahan baku industri Bahan pangan sumber vitamin A.

Pusbangtepa Lembaga Penelitian Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor.

Studi inkorporasi aasam lemak omega 3 pada minyak sawit dengan metode asidolisis enzimatik. Unpublished

Elisabeth J


Hlm 225 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Studi Identifikasi Kelompok Sasaran dan Pola Pemberian Bantuan sesuai dengan Kategori Kemis kinannya

Semaoen, I.

Studi Hubungan Ketersediaan Nitrat dan Phosphat dengan Kelimpahan Phytoplankton di Perairan Waduk Gajah Mungkur.

Mostra, C.Y.

Studi Hubungan Ketersediaan Nitrat dan Phosphat dengan Kelimpahan Phytoplankton di Perairan Waduk Gajah Mungkur.

Skripsi. Fak. Perikanan, Univ. Brawijaya, Malang

Studi habitat merak hijau (Pavo mulicus Linneaus) di resort Bekol, taman nasional Baluran. Jawa Timur


Studi habitat merak hijau (Pavo mulicus Linneaus) di resort Bekol, taman nasional Baluran. Jawa Timur

Jurusan Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan. Fakultas Kehutanan IPB. Bogor

Studi fusi protoplast Solanum khasianum clarke dengan protoplas S. mammosum L.

Priyanto, B.

Ringkasan Disertasi Thesis 37 hlm.

Program Studi Budi Daya Pertanian. Program Pascasarjana, IPB.

Studi evaluasi pola pertumbuhan dan produksi umbi beberapa varietas garut pada lahan kering, Desa Jatikerto, Kab Malang


Jur. Budidaya Pertanian, FP Unibraw

Studi evaluasi pengembangan masyarakat miskin di daerah kritis Kecamatan Biromaru, Kabupaten Donggala, Sulawesi Tengah

Nuhfil, H

Pusat Penelitian Universitas Brawijaya, Malang

Studi Ekobiologi dan Tingkat Serangan Hama Penggerek Buah Conopomorpha cramerella Sn. pada Tanaman Kakao di Sulawesi Utara.

Moniaga, W.M.,

Studi Efisiensi Penyadapan Getah Pinus merkusii Jungh et de Vriese Dengan Metode Quarre, RUI Dan Portugis

Nurjanto, A. D


Judul Buku

Penerbit Kerjasama Lembaga Penelitian Unibraw dengan Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan. Daerah Propinsi Dati I Jawa Timur, Surabaya

Studi Ekobiologi dan Tingkat Serangan Hama Penggerek Buah Conopomorpha cramerella Sn. pada Tanaman Kakao di Sulawesi Utara.

Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado. 33 hal.

Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor

Hlm 226 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Studi Distribusi komunitas makrozoobenthos di sungai kedunguling kecamatan Candi kabupaten Sidoarjo

Widjayanto, N

Studi Distribusi komunitas makrozoobenthos di sungai kedunguling kecamatan Candi kabupaten Sidoarjo

Skripsi Fakultas Perikanan Universitas Brawijaya Malang

Studi Dinamika Pantai Delta Jeneberang

Abdul Sobur, A.S.

Studi Dinamika Pantai Delta Jeneberang

Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Hasanuddin, Ujung Pandang.

Studi Dekomposisi dan Mineralisasi Bahan Panen dan Pangkasan Budidaya Lorong dengan Menggunakan Kantong Serasah

Sidhi, P

Studi Dekomposisi dan Mineralisasi Bahan Panen dan Pangkasan Budidaya Lorong dengan Menggunakan Kantong Serasah

Program Pascasarjana Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

Studi Dasar Pemanfaatan Limbah Buah Nangka

Kumalaningsih. S.

Fakultas Pertanian. Universitas Brawijaya. Malang.

Studi bahan tanam dan pembibitan tanaman garut pada lahan kering, Desa Jatikerto, Kab Malang


Jur. Budidaya Pertanian, FP Unibraw

Studi Awal Keanekaragaman Jenis Anggrek di Jayapura Papua.

Simbala Herny,

Studi Awal Keanekaragaman Jenis Anggrek di Jayapura Papua.

Studi Analisis Skala Usaha Budidaya Tambak

Hardjolukito. S

Direktorat Jendral Perikanan Bekerjasama Dengan Aquatic Consultans. Jakarta

Studi Analisis Skala Usaha Budidaya Tambak

Hardjolukito. S

Direktorat Jendral Perikanan Kerjasama Dengan Aquatic Consultans. Jakarta

Studi analisis profil wilayah dan masyarakat miskin di daeiah lahan kering Kecamatan Cerme dan Wringin, Kabupaten Bondowoso , Jawa Timur

Hidayat, H

Pusat Penelrtian Univer sitas Brawijaya, Malang-BAPPEDA Jawa Timur

Studi Analisis Profil Kesejahteraan Rumah Tangga Miskin di Wilayah Perkotaan dan Pedesaan Jawa Timur

Semaoen, I.

Kerjasama Lembaga Penelitian Unibraw dengan Bioro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta


Hlm 227 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Studi Analisis Model Anatomi Desa Miskin di Wilayah Jawa Timurdan Strategi Pengen tasannya


Fakultas Perta nian, Institut Pertanian Malang

Studi Analisis Keterpaduan Pasar Pada Sistem Pemasaran Komoditas Pangan Strategis

Kuntjoro. S.U

Kantor Menteri Negara Urusan Pangan Kerjasama Dengan Pusat Studi Kebijakan Pangan dan Gizi Lembaga Penelitian IPB. Bogor

Studi Analisis Coliform dan Colifecal Pada Perairan Sungai Siak Di Daerah Kodya Madya Pekanbaru


Studi Agrobisnis Gula Aren di Lombok Barat


Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Mataram

Studi Agribisnis Mangga, Melinjo dan Pisang di Magetan bagian Selatan

Imam Syafii

Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya, Malang.

Studi Agribisnis Mangga, Melinjo dan Pisang di Magetan bagian Selatan

Imam Syafii

Studi "Cost-Effectivenes Intervensi Zat Gizi Mikro



Studi mengenai penggunaan berbagai bagai umur kultur bakteri Acetobacter xylinum, terhadap pembuatan palikel pd pembuatan nata de coco secara ferentasi dari medium air kelapa

Uning Satya Bakti

Jur. Mikrobiologi Industri Fak. Tek. Pertanian UGM

Studi komunitas makrozoobentos sebagai bioindikator di sungai Banyubiru Kec. Gending Kab. Probolinggo


Studi komunitas makrozoobentos sebagai bioindikator di sungai

Faperik, Univ, Brawijaya. Malang

Struktural Glue Laminated Timber

Japanese Agricultutal Standart

Japanese Agricultural Standart

Japan Plywood Inspection Corporation.Tokyo


Judul Buku

Studi Analisis Coliform dan Colifecal Pada Perairan Sungai Siak Di Daerah Kodya Madya Pekanbaru

Studi Agribisnis Mangga, Melinjo dan Pisang di Magetan bagian Selatan


Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru. 71 hal.

Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya, Malang.

Hlm 228 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Struktur Tingkah Laku dan Penampilan Pasar Buah Mangga di Kabupaten Lombok Barat


Struktur Sistem Agribisnis Komoditas Buah-buahan Andalan Jawa Timur


Struktur pendapatan dan konsumsi Rumah Tangga pedesaan di Jatim

Fausal K

Struktur Otak Pada pnderita Sizofrenia Kronik

Amir. N

Masalah Psikiatri, Desember

Struktur Ongkos Usaha Tani Padi dan Palawija 1994

Biro Pusat Statistik

Struktur Ongkos Usaha Tani Padi dan Palawija 1994

Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta.

Struktur ongkos usaha tani padi dan palawija

Biro Pusat Statistik

Struktur ongkos usaha tani padi dan palawija

Biro Pusat Statistik. Jakarta. 218 hlm.

Struktur ongkos padi dan palawija

Biro Pusat Statistik

Struktur ongkos padi dan palawija

Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta.

Struktur laju pertumbuhan PDB menurut lapangn usaha


Struktur kandungan gizi beras.

Damardjati, D.S.,

Struktur genetik beberapa populasi kelapa berdasarkan analis Isozim dan karakter morfologi-agronomi

Dwi Asmono

Struktur dan Penjelasan Hubungan llmu Ekologi Terhadap llmu Ekonomi, Sosiologi dan Anthropologi.

Adiwibowo, S.

Materi Kuliah Mata Ajaran Ekologi Manusia (SPD 523).

Program Studi PSL-SPD. Program Pasca-sarjana. IPB. Bogor (unpubl).

Struktur dan Distribusi Pendapatan Rumah Tangga Pedesaan di Lampung

Nurmanaf, A.R.

Pasandaran, E. dkk (eds) : Perkembangan Struktur Produksi, Ketenagakerjaan dan Pendapatan Rumah Tangga Pedesaan.

Pusat Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian.

Struktur bunga Padi

Sutaryo B



Judul Buku

Penerbit Fakultas Pertanian UNRAM

Struktur Sistem Agribisnis Komoditas Buah-buahan Andalan Jawa Timur

Pusat Penelitian Pembangunan Wilayah Pedesaan, Lembaga Penelitian, Unibraw Puslit Agro Ekonomi, Balitbang Pertanian Deptan

Jakarta Padi Buku 1. M. Ismunadji, S. Partohardjono, M. Syam, A. Wijono (Eds.).

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor.

Program Pascasarjana IPB

Hlm 229 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Struktur bunga Padi Structures des peuplements ichtyologiques d'herbier a zostera marine de l'etang de thau (france). Etude de la composition alimentaire des juveniles du loup (Dicentrarchus labrax, Linnaeus, 1758), de la durade (sparus aurata, Linnaeus, 1758) st dumuge (chelon Labrosus, Risso, 1826) par des approches experimentale.

Sutaryo B Zainuri, M

-Structures des peuplements ichtyologiques d'herbier a zostera marine de l'etang de thau (france). Etude de la composition alimentaire des juveniles du loup (Dicentrarchus labrax, Linnaeus, 1758), de la durade (sparus aurata, Linnaeus, 1758) st dumuge (chelon Labrosus, Risso, 1826) par des approches experimentale.

Structured Lipids: Fats of the Future. Food Technology, November 76 - 83.

Kennedy, J.P

Structure, literfait and net primary production in the mangrove forest in East Kalimantan

Sukardjo, S

Structure, literfait and net primary production in the mangrove forest in East Kalimantan

Vegetation Science in Forestry, Kluwer Academie Publisher. Printed in the Netherlands

Structure of endocrine glands, him. 25-60.

Sedlak, B.J.

G.A. Kerkut, & L.I. Gilbert (ed.), Comprehensive Insect Physiology, Biochemistry, and Pharmacology, Vol. 7

Oxford: Pergamon Press.

Structure in Five: Designing Effective Organizations

Mintzberg, H

Structure in Five: Designing Effective Organizations

Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

Structure and protein offish and shell fish. Part II

Sikorski, Z.E.

Conell. J.J. (Ed). Advances in Fish Science and Technology.

Fishery News Book Ltd. Farnham. Sirrey.

Structure and Physiological Ecology of Soil Microbial Communities.

Metting, F.B. Jr.

F.B. Metting, Jr. (ed), Soil Microbial Ecology. Application in Agricultural and Environment Management

Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.

Structure and organization of purple bacterial antenna complexes, him. 315-348

Zuber, H.

R.E. Blankenship, M.T. Madigan & C.E. Bauer (ed.) Anoxygenic Photo-synthetic Bacteria

Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publisher.

Structure and development of the potato plant.

Cutter, E.G.

The potato Crop.

Chapman and Hall. London


Penerbit These de Doctorat, Univ. Montpellier II Scie. Tech. Du Languedog

Hlm 230 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Structure and Development of Meat Animals.

Swatland, H. J.

Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.

Structure and Development of Meat Animals.


Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.

Structure and development of meat animals

Swatland, H. J.

Prentice-Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

Structure and development of meat animals

Swatland, H. J.

Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

Structure and development of meat animals

Swatland, H. J.

Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

Structure and development of meat animals

Swatland, H. J.

Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

Structure and development of meat animals

Swatland, H. J.

Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

Structure and development of meat animals

Swatland, H.

Prentice-Hall, Engelwood Cliffs, New Jersey

Structure and development of meat animals

Swatland HJ

Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

Structure and development of meat animal.

Swatland, H. J.

Prentice-Hall Inc. Englewood, New York, New Jersey

Structure and development of meat animal

Swatland HJ

Prentice hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

Structure & Development Immun System

Kamani, N.R

Structural organization of soil and crop production

Greenland, D. J.

Structural of Change and Development Policy

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Structural equation modeling with LISREL: Essentials and Advances

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Judul Buku

Basic Human immunology.


Prentice-Hall. NewYersey. John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York

Structural of Change and Development Policy

Oxford University Press, New York Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Press

Hlm 231 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Structural Analysis of Hydrologic Time Series

Yevjevich, V

Stress and Disease

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Pathiphisiology. The Biologic Basis in Adult Children, by: Kathryn L Mc. Cance and Huether S.E. 2 eds. Mosby St. Louis Baltimore Boston Chicago London Madrid Philadelphia Sydney Toronto.

Streptococcus Caprinus sp.nov., a Tannin-Resistant Ruminal Bacterium from Feral Goats.

Brooker, J. D.

Letters in Applied Microbiology.

Streptococcal disease

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A.W. Stableforth and I.A. Galloway (eds.). Infectious disease of animals. Disease due to bacteria.

Streplococcus caprinus sp. Nov., a tannin-resistant ruminal bacterium from feral goats

Brooker, J.D

Letters in Applied Microbiology

STREK Project Objectioves and Methodology


Silvicultural Research In Lowland Mixed Dipterocarp Forest of East Kalimantan . The Contribution of STREK Project

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Street Food Project


Report Quality and Safety of Street food in West Java

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Isozymes in plant genetics and breeding Part B

Elsevier Science publishing Company Inc. New York

Straw and other fibrous by product as feed.

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Strategy Processes in Monsoon Asia's Economic Development

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The John Hopkins University Press. Baltimore and London

Strategi-strategi Pemasaran di Indonesia.

Chandradhy D

Lembaga Penelitian Fakultas Ekonomi, UI, Jakarta


Judul Buku

Penerbit Colorado State University. Fort Collins Colorado

Academic Press, New York. 589-650.

Hlm 232 dari 1800

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Judul Buku


Strategis in the Design of a Penicillin Acylase Process. In E. Gallindo and O.T. Ramirez (Eds.). Advances in Bioprocess Engineering

Gomez, A

Strategis in the Design of a Penicillin Acylase Process. In E. Gallindo and O.T. Ramirez (Eds.). Advances in Bioprocess Engineering

Kluwer Academic PubI., London

Strategis for integreted control of bacterial wilt of potatoes.

French, E.R

Bacterial Wilt: The Disease and its Causative Agent, Pseudomonas solanacearum.

CAB, International.

Strategies In Fungal Ecology Strategies for using gene probes. In: Gene probes 1. A practical approach. Hames and Higgins (eds)

Pugh. G.J.P Lamb, R. F.

Trans. Br. Mycol Soc

Strategies for integrated control of bacterial wilt of potatoes

French, E.R.

A.C. Hayward and G.L. Hartman (Eds.), Bacterial Wilt: The Disease and its Causative Agent, Pseudomonas solanacearum. p. 199-208.

CAB International, Willingford, Oxon, U. K.

Strategies for integrated control of bacterial wilt of potatoes

French, E.R.

Bacterial Wilt: The Disease and Its Causative Agent, Pseudomonas solanacearum. A.C. Hayward and G.L. Hartman (Eds.). p. 199-208.

CAB International, Willingford, Oxon, UK.

Strategies for integrated control of bacterial wilt of potatoes

French ER

Hayward AC & Hartman GL (ed). Bacterial Wilt: The Disease and Its Causative Agent, P. solanacearum

Wallingford: CAB International, him 199208.

Strategies for integrated control of bacterial wilt of potatoes

French, E.R

A.C. Hayward & G.L. Hartman (ed.) 1994. Bacterial Wilt : The Disease and its Causative agent, Pseudomonas solanacearum

CAB, International

Strategies for Implementing Deer Management in Irian Jaya

Fraser-Stewart, J.

Strategies for Implementing Deer Management in Irian Jaya

Bapeda Prop. Irian Jaya.114p.

Strategies for developing highquality beef production in Japan

Fukuhara, R.

Intl. Symp. of Strategies for Agricultural Technology Development in Northern Area of the Korean Peninsula

Kangwon National University, Chunchon, Korea.


IRL Press at Oxford University Press, New York-Tokyo

Hlm 233 dari 1800

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Judul Buku

Strategies for bacterial wilt control in potato

French, E.R.

Bacterial Wilt Disease of Potato. Report of the Planning Conference on Bacterial Wilt Disease of Potato, CIP: 133-141.

Strategie Plan


Strategie Plan

Agency for Agricultural Research and Development. Ministry of Agriculture, Jakarta.

Strategie Management: Text and Cases, 2nd Edition

Glenn Boseman

Strategie Management: Text and Cases, 2nd Edition

John Wiley&Sons

Strategie Management, Concepts and Aplications

Certo, S.

Strategie Management, Concepts and Aplications

Mc Graw Hill Inc., London.

Strategie Management and Business Policy (Terj.)

Glueck, W.F.

Strategie Management and Business Policy (Terj.)

Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta.

Strategic supplementation of small ruminants. In: S. Sivaraj, P. Agamuthu andT.K. Mukherjee (Eds.) Advances in Sustainable Small Ruminant Tree Cropping Integrated Systems

Raghavan, G.V

IAS University of Malay, Kuala Lumpur and IDRC

Strategic Processes In Mansoon Asia's Economic Development

Oshima. H,T

Strategic Plan for the Concervation of the Sungai Wain Protection Forest, East Kalimantan. The International Ministry of Forestry and Estate Crops - Tropenbos Kalimantan Project, Wanariset Samboja. Balikpapan.

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The John Hopkins University. Press Strategic Plan for the Concervation of the Sungai Wain Protection Forest, East Kalimantan.

The International Ministry of Forestry and Estate Crops - Tropenbos Kalimantan Project, Wanariset Samboja. Balikpapan.

Strategic Plan Agency for Agricultural Research and Development AARD

Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, Jakarta.

Strategic Plan Agency for Agricultural Research and Development 1999-2004

Agency for Agricultural Research and Development. Ministry of Agriculture, Jakarta.

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Strategic Plan Agency for Agricultural research and Development

Kasryno, F

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Strategic Market Mangement 3rd ed.

Aaker. D.A

John Willey & Sons. New York

Strategic Management: Planning, Implementation Concept, and Cases

Byars, L.D

Strategic Management: Planning, Implementation Concept, and Cases

Harper and Row, New York

Strategic Management, Fifth Edition

David, F.R

Strategic Management, Fifth Edition

Prentice Hall International Editions.

Strategic Management Formulation, Implementation and Control. 6th Ed

Pearce, J.A

Strategic Management Formulation, Implementation and Control. 6th Ed

Irwin, Boston.

Strategic Alliances and SME Developments in Indonesia

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Strategic Alliances and SME Developments in Indonesia

Strategi wanita dalam mata rantai perdagangan hasil perikanan di D.I Yogyakarta.


Strategi Perluasan dan Pengelolaan Lahan Sawah Irigasi Untuk Meningkatkan Pendapatan Petani dan Meraih Kembali Swasembada Beras

Fagi. A.M

Strategi Perbaikan Pemasaran Hasil Perikanan.

Hasril H. Yasin

Laporan Lokakarya, Fakultas Perikanan Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Strategi peningkatan ekspor komoditi pertanian

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Strategi Pengembangan pertanian pasca orde baru : Alternatif kebijakan majalah usahawan

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Strategi Pengembangan Pertanian di Propinsi Irian Jaya

Takur A.

Strategi Pengembangan Kelompok UPPKS Dalam Gerakan Pembanguanan Keluarga Sejahtera Nasional


Judul Buku

Seminar Nasional Sumberdaya Lahan : Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat

Strategi Pengembangan Pertanian di Propinsi Irian Jaya


Badan Litbang Pertanian. Cisarua. Bogor

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Kantor Mentri Kependudukan/ BKKBN

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Judul Buku

Strategi Pengembangan Industri Peternakan Sapi potong berskala kecil dan menengah

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Pembangunan Jangka Panjang II. PPA-CIDES-UQ. Jakarta

Strategi Pengembangan Ecotourism Perum Perhutani.


Strategi Pengembangan Ecotourism Perum Perhutani.

Perum Perhutani, Jakarta.

Strategi Pengembangan Agroindustri Buah-buahan Tropis.

Aziz, M.A.

Agroindustri Buah-buahan Tropis. ed. Aziz

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Strategi pengembangan agribisnis di Inüonesia Seminar Agribisnis, 2 Desember 1994 di Malang

Adjid, D. A

Strategi pengembangan agribisnis di Inüonesia Seminar Agribisnis, 2 Desember 1994 di Malang

Badan Agribisnis Dep. Pertanian, Jakarta

Strategi Pembangunan Perikanan Kelautan Nasional dalam Peningkatan Devisa Negara


Strategi Pembangunan Perikanan Kelautan Nasional dalam Peningkatan Devisa Negara

Unri Press. Pekanbaru, 186-193 hal.

Strategi Pembangunan Pedesaan


Strategi Pembangunan Pedesaan

P3K UGM, Yogyakarta.

Strategi Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa di Indonesia


Strategi Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa di Indonesia

Aditya Media, Yogyakarta.

Strategi Pemasaran. Edisi Ke dua. Cetakan Pertama

Fandy Ciptono

Strategi Pemasaran. Edisi Ke dua. Cetakan Pertama

Yogyakarta : Penerbit Andi

Strategi Pemanfaatan Limbah Pertanian Untuk Pakan Ruminansia


Strategi Pemanfaatan Gambut di Indonesia.

Bostang, Radjaguguk

Strategi pemamfaatan gambut di Indonesia, Kasus Pertanian.

Radjagukguk, B.

Strategi operational pengembangan agro industri sapi potong dalam agro industri sapi potong Strategi Nasional Pengembangan Pola Tata Ruang (SNPPTR)


Fakultas Peternakan. Universitas Brawijaya. Kasus pertanian, poseding Seminar tanah gambut untuk perluasan pertanian

Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara-Medan

Aziz, M. A.


PT. Insanmitra Satya Mandiri, Jakarta


Strategi Nasional Pengembangan Pola Tata Ruang (SNPPTR)

Badan Koordinasi Tata Ruang Nasional.

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Strategi Nasional Pengelolaan Keanekaragaman Hayati.

Judul Buku


Strategi Nasional Pengelolaan Keanekaragaman Hayati.

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Strategi Nasional Pengelolaan Keanekaragaman Hayati


Strategi Nasional Pengelolaan Keanekaragaman Hayati

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Strategi Nasional Pengelolaan Hutan Mangrove


Strategi Nasional Pengelolaan Hutan Mangrove

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Strategi Nasional Pengelolaan Hutan Bakau

Lembaga llmu Pengetahuan Indonesia. Jakarta

Strategi Nasional Pengelolaan Hutan Bakau Strategi Mekanisasi pertanian

Moens. A.

Strategi Mekanisasi pertanian

Departemen mekanisasi pertanian IPB dan agriculture engineering university Wagering, Bogor, Indonesia

Strategi isolasi dan kultur kion embryonic stem cell kambing

Djati, M.S

Strategi isolasi dan kultur kion embryonic stem cell kambing

Lembaga Penelitian. Universitas Brawijaya. Malang

Strategi dan Pengembangan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit di Indonesia

Direktur Jendral Perkebunan

Strategi dan Langkah Operasional Tanaman Pangan Berwawasan Lingkungan

Manwan I.

Dalam Mahyuddin Syam et al

Strategi dan langkah operasional penelitian tanaman pangan berwawasan lingkungan.

Manwan, I.

Kinerja penelitian tanaman pangan, Buku I, Kebijaksanaan dan hasil utama. Penelitian Puslitbangtan, Bogor

Puslitbangtan, Bogor

Strategi Bersaing, Teknik Menganalisa Industri dan Pesaing.

Porter, E.M.

Strategi Bersaing, Teknik Menganalisa Industri dan Pesaing. (Terjemahan : Agus Maulana).

Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta.

Strategi Bersaing Strategi Aliansi, Suatu Alternatlif Baru dalam Mewujudkan WinWin Competition

Anonimous Martani

Strategi Bersaing Strategi Aliansi, Suatu Alternatlif Baru dalam Mewujudkan Win-Win Competition

Erlangga. Jakarta Usahawan Jakarta


Direktorat Jendral Perkebunan Departemen Pertanian Jakarta

Hlm 237 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Strain differentiation of Pseudomonas solanacearum by molecular genetic methods

Cook, D.

A.C. Hayward and G. L. Hartman (Eds.), Bacterial Wilt: The Disease and Its Causative Agent, Pseudomonas solanacearum. p.77-94.

CAB International,Willingford, Oxon, U. K.

Storks, Ibises and Spoonbills of he World

Hancock, J. A.

Storks, Ibises and Spoonbills of he World

Academic Press, London.

Stork, Ibises and Spoonbills of the World

Kahl, M. P.

Stork, Ibises and Spoonbills of the World

Academic Press, London.

Storge and Environment and the control viability

Robert, E. H.

E. H. Roberts. (ed) Viability of Seeds

Chapman and Hall, Ltd. London

Stored Product Pests and Their Control.

Mitsui, E.,

Stored Product Pests and Their Control.

Laboratory of Stored Product Pests, Food Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Philippines.

Stored Grain Insects.

Wilbur, D.A.

R.E. Pfadt (Eds). Fundamentals of Applied Entomology.

McMillan Publishing Co., New York. 693 p.

Storage of pond culture shrimp (Penaeus monodon) held in melting iced and at ambient temperature.

Fonseka, T.S.G.

Working Party on Fish Technology and Marketing.

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Storage of Cereal Grain and Their Products.

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Storage of Cereal Grain and Their Products

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Storage loss

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A. Hosokawa (Ed.) Postharvest Technology. The Food Agency. , p. 241.

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Judul Buku


Storage Grain and Seeds

Williams, P.C.

Mycotoxin and Animal Foods

CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida.

Storage cycles in marine bivalve molluscs: a hypothesis concerning the relationship between glycogen metabolism and gametogenesis.

Gabbott, P.A.

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Aberdeen University Press, Aberdeen, 191211 p.

Storage at farm/ village level and in ware house

Picard, J.

D.L. Proctor (Ed.). Grain storage technique, Evaluation and trends in developing countries, Food and Agricultural Organization, Roma. pp. 135-163.

Storage and environment and the control viability


Viability of seed

Stop aging now: the secrets to keep young for life.

Carper, Jean

Stomata. Ed. ke-1

Willmer, C.M.

Stock condition and root initation on cuttings.

Andersen, A.S.

Stochastic Water Resource Technology

Kottegoda, N.T

Stimulation of the rate of Llactate fermentation

Voncktavesuk, P

Stimulasi pertumbuhan semai manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.)

Jawal, M.A.

Sterillisasi Komersial Produk Pangan

Winarno. F.G

Sterilisasi Komersial Produk Pangan

Winarno, F. G

Sterilisasi komersial produk pangan

Winarno FG

Staüstik Indonesia.

Biro Pusat statistik (BPS).

Staüstik Indonesia.

Status, trends and future scenarios for forest conservation including protected areas in the Asia-Pasific Region

Paine, J.R

Asia-Pasific Forestry Sector Outlook Study Working Paper Series. Working Paper No: APFSOS/ WP/04.


Chapman and Hall,Ltd London PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.

Stomata. Ed. ke-1

New York: Longman, Inc.

Mac Millan, Hongkong Stimulation of the rate of L-lactate fermentation

Gramedia. Jakarta Sterilisasi Komersial Produk Pangan

PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Ja-karta PT Gramedia

Forestry Policy and Planning Division, Rome. Regional Officer for Asia and Pacific, Bangkok. Rome.

Hlm 239 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Status report on genetic resources of durian in malaysia, Singapore


Status pengetahu-an tanahtanah mangrove di Indonesia


Status pengetahu-an tanah-tanah mangrove di Indonesia

Seminar III Ekosistem Mangrove, Den Pasar. Bali

Status Pengetahuan Hutan Bakau di Indonesia

Kartawinata, dkk

Status Pengetahuan Hutan Bakau di Indonesia

Seminar Ekosistem hutan Magrove. Jakarta

Status Penelitian Jagung dan Sorgum

Subandi, M

Status Pemanfaatan Bioteknologi penggunaan inokulum Rhizobium dalam pertanian di Indonesia


Microbiologi di Indonesia

Status of resistance of Phthorimaea operculella Zell. from some potato storages in the district of Bandung against several types of insecticide (In Indonesian language, unpubl.).

Sastrosiswojo, S.

Status of resistance of Phthorimaea operculella Zell. from some potato storages in the district of Bandung against several types of insecticide (In Indonesian language, unpubl.).

Status of Rambutan Industry In ASEAN.

Laksmi. L.D.S

Status of groundnut bacterial wilt research in Indonesia

Machmud M

Mehan VK, McDonald D (ed). Groundnut bacterial wilt in Asia

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Status of exchangeable aluminum under different cropping systems

Budianta, D

Report Faculty of Agriculture

Sriwijaya University. Palembang, Indonesia

Status of Epizootic Ulcerative Diseases in Indonesia.

Rukyani, A.

Status of Epizootic Ulcerative Diseases in Indonesia.

Research Institute of Freshwater Fisheries, Bogor. 12 pp.

Status of Coral Reefs of the World: 2000.

Wilkinson, C.

Status of Coral Reefs of the World: 2000.

Australian Institute of Marine Science. Townsville. 363pp.

Status of biological control of diamandback moth by introduction of parasitoid diadegma eucerophaga in Indonesia

Sastrosiswojo S

Diamondback Moth management. Proc of the first international workshop.

AVRDC Taiwan


Judul Buku

Penerbit IPGRI regional office for Asia, The Pacific and Oceania, Singapore

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan. Bogor


Hlm 240 dari 1800

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Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Status of biological control of diamandback moth by introduction of parasitoid diadegma eucerophaga in Indonesia

Sastrosiswojo S

Diamondback Moth management. Proc of the first international workshop.

AVRDC Taiwan

Status konsumsi gizi di Indonesia

Kodyat, B.

Analisis data survey gizi tahun 1995. Dep. Kesehatan, Jakarta

Status Kacang Tanah di Indonesia. Asal dan Sejarah Kacang Tanah.


Status hara P dan K serta sifatsifat tanah sebagai penduga kebutuhan pupuk padi sawah di pulau Lombok.

Soerpartini, N.

Pemb. Penel. Tanah dan Pupuk.

status hara lahan sawah di Sumatera Barat


pemberitaan penelitian Sukarami Badan Penelitian dan pengembangan

Bqalai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan

Status hama wereng pada tanaman padi dan pengendaliannya

Baehaki, S.E.

Padi Buku 3. hlm. 681-721.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan Bogor.

Status Gizi Balita.


Forum Pengkajian Pangan dan Gizi Nasional. LIPI, Jakarta.

Status dan potensi zat pengatur tumbuh serta prospek pengembangan Rootone-F dalam perbanyakan tanaman

Manurung, S. O.

Status dan pengembangan nasional komoditi jambu mete di Indonesia.


Status dan Kemungkinan Pengembangan Ayam Buras Secara Tradisional dan Semi Intensif


Status dan Kemungkinan Pengembangan Ayam Buras Secara Tradisional dan Semi Intensif

Status Attainment of Costarican Males : a Cross-Cultural Test of a Model

Hansen David. O

Rural Sociology


Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan. Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Malang

Departemen Kehutanan, Jakarta

Proceeding, Seminar Nasional Tentang Unggas Lokal. Semarang

Hlm 241 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Status and current research of soybean insect pest in Indonesia

Soejitno, J.

Soybean reseatch and development in Indonesia

Proc. Of a workshop, Cipayung, Indonesia

Statitiscal procedures for agricultural research

Gomez KA

Stat-itcf. Users Manual. H. Avenue Du President Wilson, Paris.

I'Anda, A.

Stat-itcf. Users Manual. H. Avenue Du President Wilson, Paris.




Statistika untuk penelitian Statistika untuk Biologi. Farmasi. Kedokteran dan llmu yang Bertaufan. Terjemahan:Suroso.

Sugiyono Schefler, W.C,

Statistika untuk Biologi, Farmasi, Kedokteran, dan ilmu yang Bertautan.

Schefler, W.C.

Statistika untuk Biologi, Farmasi, Kedokteran, dan ilmu yang Bertautan.

ITB Bandung.107-116.

Statistika Terapan. Diktat Kulian


Statistika Terapan. Diktat Kulian

Agriculture Faculty of Brawijaya University Malang

Statistika terapan


Diktat Kuliah Fakultas Pertanian Unibraw,


Statistika Sosial

Program Pascasarjana Univ. Padjadjaran Bandung

Statistika Sosial

Statistika pertanian Sulawesi Tenggara Tahun 1997.

John Willey & Sons New York

Statistika untuk Biologi. Farmasi. Kedokteran dan llmu yang Bertaufan. Terjemahan:Suroso.


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Kanwil Pertanian Sulawesi Tenggara.

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Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan, Jakarta

Statistika Perikanan Indonesia


Tahun 1993 - 1994

Direktorat Perikanan, Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta

Statistika perikanan dalam angka


Statistika perikanan dalam angka

Dirjen Perikanan Departemen Perikanan Jakarta

Statistika Nusa Tenggara Barat 1995


Kantor Perwakilan BPS Propinsi NTB. Matarm

Statistika non Parametrik

Sarmanu, H.

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Astuti, M.

Fakultas peternakan UGM, Yogyakarta



Bagian pemuliaan ternak fakultas peternakan UGM, Yogyakarta


Astuti, M.

Fakultas peternakan UGM. Yogyakarta.

Statistik Vertion 4,0 User's Manual


Statistik Vertion 4,0 User's Manual

Analytical Software, St Paul, MN

Statistik Update Statistik Untuk Biologi, Farmasi, Kedokteran dan Ilmu Yang Bertautan, Ed. II.

Oil World Scheffler, W.C.

Statistik Update

Hamburg Germany ITB Bandung

Statistik the 1990-1997


Statistik Teh

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pusat penelitian the dan kina, bandung Statistik Teh

Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta

Statistik Tanaman Padi

BPS, Jakarta.

Statistik Tanaman Padi

Biro Pusat Statistik

Statistik Sumberdaya Lahan/Tanah Indonesia


Puasat Penelitian anah dan Agroklimat, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Departemen Pertanian

Statistik Sulawesi Tenggara 1996.


Kanwil Deptan Sulawesi Tenggara.

Statistik sosial Statistik Produksi Tanaman Padi Dan Palawija NTB

Suparman, L.A Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS)

Statistik sosial

Statistik Produksi Tanaman Padi dan Palawija di Nusa Tenggara Barat

Bappeda Tk. I NTB

Tahun 1997

Statistik Produksi Gula Indonesia Tahun Giling 1996


Statistik peternakan tahun 1998


Rajawaii pers, Jakarta BPS. NTB

P3GI Pasuruan


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Statistik Peternakan Sumatera Barat Tahun 1997-1998.

Dinas Peternakan.

Statistik Peternakan Sumatera Barat Tahun 1997-1998.

Dinas Peternakan Dati I Sumatera Barat.

Statistik Peternakan Sumatera Barat Tahun 1997/1998.

Dinas Peternakan.

Statistik Peternakan Sumatera Barat Tahun 1997/1998.

Dinas Peternakan Dati I Sumatera Barat.

Statistik Peternakan Propinsi Sumatera Barat 1998-1999.

Dinas Peternakan,

Statistik Peternakan Propinsi Sumatera Barat 1998-1999.

Pemerintah Daerah Tingkat I Sumatera Barat, Padang.

Statistik Peternakan Jawa tengah

Disnak Tk I prop. Jateng

Statistik Peternakan Indonesia.

Dinas Peternakan Prop. Jateng Ungaran Statistik Peternakan Indonesia.

Ditjen Peternakan, Deptan, Jakarta.

Statistik Peternakan Direktorat Bina Program


Detjen. Peternakan, Departemen Pertanian Jakarta

Statistik peternakan 1995


Direktorat Jenderal Peternakan Jakarta.

Statistik peternakan

Direktorat jenderal peternakan

Departemen Pertanian

Statistik pertanian tanaman pangan dan hortikultura

BPS Sul-Sel

BPS Sul-Sel

Statistik Pertanian Propinsi Maluku


Kantor Wilayah Deptan Propinsi Maluku

Statistik pertanian propinsi Jambi.


Kanwil Deptan Propinsi Jambi

Statistik pertanian Propinsi Jambi.


Kanwil Deptan Propinsi Jambi.

Statistik Pertanian Propinsi Bali Tahun 1996

Dept. Pertanian Prop. Bali

Bagian Proyek Pengembangan Sumberdaya Sarana dan Prasarana Pertanian Propinsi Bali T.A. 1997/1998

Statistik Pertanian Indonesia 1990 - 1994.

Biro Pusat Statistik,

Statistik Pertanian Indonesia 1990 - 1994.

BPS, Jakarta.

Statistik Pertanian 1994

Kanwil Deptan Sumhar

Statistik Pertanian 1994

Propinsi Sumatera Barat. Kanwil Deptan Sumbar. Padanp

Statistik Pertanian

Biro Pusat Statistik

Statistik Pertanian

Jakarta. BPS.


Hlm 244 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Statistik Perkebunan Sulawesi Tenggara. Dok. Statistik perkebunan propinsi Sumatera Barat tahun 1999

Disbun Sumbar

Statistik perkebunan Maluku


Judul Buku


Statistik Perkebunan Sulawesi Tenggara. Dok.

Dinas Perkebunan Propinsi DATI I Sulawesi Tenggara

Dinas Perkebunan Propinsi Maluku

Statistik Perkebunan Lampung 1997

Statistik Perkebunan Lampung 1997

Dinas Perkebunan Daerah Tingkat I Lampung. 178 hlm.

Statistik Perkebunan Lampung 1996

Statistik Perkebunan Lampung 1996

Dinas Perkebunan Daerah Tingkat I Lampung. 149 hlm.

Statistik perkebunan kelapa sawit Indonesia.


Direktorat jenderal perkebunan.

Statistik perkebunan kelapa sawit Indonesia


Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan

Statistik Perkebunan Jawa Tengah 1993.


Dinas Perkebunan Propinsi Daerah Tingkat I Jawa Tengah, Ungaran.

Statistik perkebunan Jawa Tengah 1993


Dinas perkebunan Daerah Propinsi Tk. I Jawa Tengah, Ungaran

Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia: Nilam ( patchouli).


Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia: Kayumanis (Cassia vera).

Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia: Kayumanis (Cassia vera).

Departemen Kehutanan dan Perkebunan, Jakarta.

Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia. Kakao

Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia. Kakao

Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan, Jakarta

Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia,Nilam (Patchouli),Jakarta

Direktorat Jendral Perkebunan

Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia, Kelapa Sawit. Jakarta

Direktorat Jendral Perkebunan

Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia, 1996-1998, Kelapa Sawit


Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia 1996-1998



Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia, Kelapa Sawit. Jakarta Deptan Jakarta

Kelapa sawit

Ditjen Perkebunan, Jakarta Hlm 245 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia 1996-1998

Direktorat Jendral Perkebunan

Kelapa Sawit

Deptan Jakarta

Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia 1996-1998

Direktorat Jendral Perkebunan

Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia 1995 -1997 Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia 1991-1995


Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia 1977-1999.

Statistik perkebunan Indonesia : Kelapa Sawit . Dirjen Perkebunan-Dep.Pertanian RI

Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia 1995 -1997

Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan 1996, Kakao, Jakarta

Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia 1991-1995

Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan Jakarta

Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia 1977-1999

Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan dan Kehutanan, Direktor Jenderal Perkebunan, Jakarla

Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia

Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan Dephutbun, Jakarta.

Dirjen Perkebunan

Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia

Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia


Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia


Statistik Perkebunan 1998 Statistik Perkebunan Indonesi.

Deptan. Jakarta


Statistik Perikanan Sulawesi Selatan

Dirjen Perkebunan Jakarta Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia 1997-1999 : Kelapa Sawit. Dephutbun 52p


Statistik Perkebunan 1998

Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan, Jakarta.

Statistik Perkebunan Indonesi.

Kopi. Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan. Jakarta

Statistik Perikanan Sulawesi Selatan

Dinas Perikanan Propinsi Dati I Sulawesi Selatan. Ujung Pandang. 158 hlm.

Statistik Perikanan Jawa Timur.


Statistik Perikanan Jawa Timur.

Dinas Perikanan Tk. I Jawa Timur, Surabaya, 64 pp.

Statistik Perikanan Indonesia. 1997.


Buku Statprod No. 27.

Direktorat Jendral Perikanan Jakarta. 73 pp.


Hlm 246 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Statistik Perikanan Indonesia. 1996.


Buku Statprod No. 26.

Direktorat Jendral Perikanan Jakarta. 74 pp.

Statistik Perikanan Indonesia. 1995.


Buku Statprod No. 25.

Direktorat Jendral Perikanan Jakarta. 74 pp.

Statistik Perikanan Indonesia. 1994.


Buku Statprod No. 24.

Direktorat Jendral Perikanan Jakarta. 74 pp.

Statistik Perikanan Indonesia. 1993.


Buku Statprod No. 23.

Direktorat Jendral Perikanan Jakarta. 74 pp.

Statistik Perikanan Indonesia. 1992.


Buku Statprod No. 22.

Direktorat Jendral Perikanan Jakarta. 73 pp.

Statistik Perikanan Indonesia.

Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan.

Statistik Perikanan Indonesia.

Dit.Jen PerikananDEPTAN. Jakarta 75 p.

Statistik Perikanan Indonesia.


Statistik Perikanan Indonesia.

Ditjen Perikanan, Departemen Pertanian. Jakarta. 102 pp.

Statistik Perikanan Indonesia.

Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan.

Statistik Perikanan Indonesia.

Ditjen. Perikanan. Deptan. Jakarta.

Statistik Perikanan Indonesia Tahun 1997.

Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan.

Statistik Perikanan Indonesia Tahun 1997.

Departemen Pertanian, Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan , Jakarta

Statistik Perikanan Indonesia 1998

Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan, Jakarta. 77 hlm.

Statistik Perikanan Indonesia 1995

Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan, Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta. 74 pp.

Statistik Perikanan Indonesia 1992

Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan, Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta. 73 hlm.

Statistik Perikanan Indonesia 1998 Statistik Perikanan Indonesia 1995

Statistik Perikanan Indonesia 1992



Hlm 247 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Statistik Perikanan Indonesia 1991.


Buku Statprod No. 21.

Direktorat Jendral Perikanan Jakarta. 73 pp..

Statistik Perikanan Indonesia (Fisheries Statistic of Indonesia).

DGF, Minist. Agr. statprod.

Statistik Perikanan Indonesia (Fisheries Statistic of Indonesia). Statistik Perikanan Indonesia


Direktorat jendral Perikanan Departemen Pertanian.Jakarta

Statistik Perikanan Indonesia

Statistik Perikanan Indonesia

Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan, Jakarta. 75 hlm.

Statistik Perikanan 1994.

Statistik Perikanan 1994.

Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan, Jakarta.

Statistik Perdagangan NTB 1994

Dep. Perdagangan NTB

Statistik Perdagangan Luar negri Indonesia ( IMPOR )


Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negert Indonesia

Biro Pusat Statistik

Statistik perdagangan luar negeri Indonesia: Ekspor. BPS Vol. 1, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Mataram. NTB

Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negert Indonesia

Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta. 67 hlm.

Statistik perdagangan luar negeri Indonesia: Ekspor. BPS Vol. 1, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia. Produksi dan Eskpor

Biro Pusat Statistik.

Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta

Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia. (Ekspor

Biro Pusat Statistik

Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia. (Ekspor

BPS, Jakarta

Statistik perdagangan luar negeri Indonesia.


Ekspor 1996

Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta.

Statistik perdagangan luar negeri Indonesia.


Ekspor. Jilid/Volume I, Jakarta

Biro Pusat Statistik Jakarta-Indonesia

Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia Impor. Jilid II

Badan Pusat Statistik

Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia Impor. Jilid II

Jakarta: BPS.

Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia Ekspor 1995. Jilid 1.


Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia Ekspor 1995. Jilid 1.

Biro Pusat Statistik Indonesia, Jakarta

Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia


Ekspor. Jakarta.

Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia


Ekspor. Jakarta.


Hlm 248 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia

Biro Pusat Statistik

Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia

Statistical Year Book of lndonesia, Jakarta.

Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia

Biro Pusat Statistik

Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia


BPS, Jakarta Ekspor. Jilid I/Volume I

Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia

Balai Pusat Statistik, Jakarta

Statistik perdagangan luar negeri Indonesia

Biro Pusat Statistik

Impor. Vol. II

BPS. Jakarta

Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri

Biro Pusat Statistik

Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri

Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta

Statistik Perdagangan di Propinsi Bali Tahun 1996

Dep. Perdagangan Prop. Bali

Statistik Pembangunan Propinsi NTB


Statistik parametrik. Uji T dan Anova Satu Arah


Penataran Metodologi Penelitian dan Komputer. Universitas Airlangga.

Statistik of year 1991


Statistik of year 1991

Statistik Nonparametrik. Edisi ke2.

Saleh, S.

BPFE, Yogyakarta

Statistik Non-Parametrik Untuk Ilmu-ilmu Sosial

Siegel. S

Gramedia Jakarta

Statistik Nonparamemetrik untuk ilmu-ilmu sosial

Siegel, S

Statistik non parametrik utk ilmuilmu sosial

Siegels S

PT Gramedia Jakarta

Statistik non parametrik untuk penelitian


CV. Alfabeta, Bandung

Statistik Non Parametrik untuk llmu-llmu Sosial

Siegel, Sidney

Statistik non parametrik untuk ilmu-ilmu sosial

Siegels, S.

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Statistik Non Parametrik Statistik Non Parametrik

Djarwanto. P.S Sidney Siegel

BPFE. Jogjakarta Penerbit PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.

Statistik Kopi 1992 Statistik Kesejahteraan Rakyat



Kantor Perwakilan BPS Propinsi NTB. Matarm

Statistik Nonparamemetrik untuk ilmu-ilmu sosial

Statistik Non Parametrik untuk llmu-llmu Sosial

Statistik Non Parametrik

Survey Sosial Ekonomi Nasional

BPS. Jakarta , Indonesia

PT, Gramedia Jakarta

Gramedia, Jakarta.

AEKI, Jakarta BPS. Bogor

Hlm 249 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Statistik kelapa sawit Indonesia 1961-1996


Statistik kelapa sawit Indonesia 1961-1996

Ditjen Perkebunan RI, Dephutbun

Statistik Kelapa Sawit 1998

Direktorat Jendral Perkebunan

Departemen Kehutanan dan Perkebunan

Statistik Kelapa Sawit 1998

Direktorat Jendral Perkebunan

Dep Kehutanan dan perkebunan

Statistik Kehutanan Kalimantan Tengah 1995/1996.

Kanwil Kehutanan.

Statistik Kehutanan Kalimantan Tengah 1995/1996.

Statistik Kecamatan Nguling 1996


Statistik Kecamatan Nguling 1996

Kantor Statistik Kabupaten Pasuruan.

Statistik Kecamatan Lekok 1996


Statistik Kecamatan Lekok 1996

Kantor Statistik Kabupaten Pasuruan.

Statistik Kecamatan Kraton 1996


Statistik Kecamatan Kraton 1996

Kantor Statistik Kabupaten Pasuruan.

Statistik Kecamatan Bangil 1996


Statistik Kecamatan Bangil 1996

Kantor Statistik Kabupaten Pasuruan.

Statistik Industri Kecil di Jawa Timur


Statistik Industri Kecil di Jawa Timur

Statistik Industri Besar dan Sedang

Badan Pusat Statistik

Statistik Industri Besar dan Sedang Vol III.

Statistik Industri Besar dan Sedang, Bagian l dan II, Sensus Ekonomi Nasional, Jakarta, 1986

BIro Pusat Statistik

Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia, Jilid l dan II, Jakarta.

Statistik Industri

Biro Pusat Statistik

Statistik Industri

Statistik Industri

Biro Pusat Statistik

Hasil Pengolahan Industri Besar dan Sedang, Jakarta

Statistik Induktif. Edisi keempat. Cetakan Ketiga

Sjarwanto, PS

Statistik Induktif. Edisi keempat. Cetakan Ketiga

Statistik induktif Statistik Induktif Statistik Indonesia. Statistical year book of Indonesia

Djarwanto Djarwanto Biro Pusat Statistik

Statistik Indonesia. Jakarta. 615 hlm.

Biro Pusat Statistik

Statistik Indonesia. Jakarta. 615 hlm.

Statistik Indonesia. hlm. 204205.

Biro Pusat Statistik

Statistik Indonesia. hlm. 204-205.

BPS, Jakarta.

Statistik Indonesia.

Biro Pusat Statistik.

Statistik Indonesia.

BPS. Jakarta, hlm. 156209.


Statistik Indonesia. Statistical year book of Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Jakarta

Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta.

Yogyakarta: BPFE. BPFE, Yogyakarta BPFE. Yogyakarta Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta.

Hlm 250 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Statistik Indonesia.

Badan Pusat Statistik

Statistik Indonesia.

BPS, Jakarta.

Statistik Indonesia. Statistik Indonesia.

anonim Biro Pusat Statistik

Statistik Indonesia.

BPS. Jakarta. 664 hal. Jakarta

Statistik Indonesia.

Biro Pusat Statistik

Statistik Indonesia.

Biro Pusat Statistik

Statistik Indonesia.

Biro Pusat Statistik

Biro Pusat Statistik Jakarta.

Statistik Indonesia, tahun 1998

BPS, Jakarta

Statistik Indonesia, Jakarta.

CBS (Central Bureau of Statictics)

Statistik Indonesia, Jakarta.

Statistik Indonesia, jakarta

Biro Pusat Statistik

Statistik Indonesia, jakarta

Statistik Indonesia tahun 1996

Biro Pusat Statistik

Statistik Indonesia tahun 1996

Statistik Indonesia tahun 1989

Biro Pusat Statistik

Statistik Indonesia 1998

Badan Pusat Statistik

Statistik Indonesia 1998

Badan pusat statistik.

BPS. Jakarta

Statistik Indonesia 1997

Badan Pusat Statistik

Badan Pusat Statistik, Jakarta

Statistik Indonesia 1997

Biro Pusat Statistik

Statistik Indonesia 1997

BPS Jakarta, Indonesia.

Statistik Indonesia 1996. (Statistical Year Book of Indonesia 1996)

Biro Pusat Statistik

Statistik Indonesia 1996. (Statistical Year Book of Indonesia 1996)

Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta

Statistik Indonesia 1996.

Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS)

Statistik Indonesia 1996.

Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS)

Statistik Indonesia 1995


Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta

Statistik Indonesia 1990

Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS)

Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta

Statistik Indonesia 1985


Statistik Indonesia 1985

Biro Pusat Statistik. Jakar-ta

Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia

BPS Biro Puasat Statistik (BPS)

Statistik Indonesia

PBS, Jakarta.

Statistik Indonesia

Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS)


Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta BPS. Jakarta

Statistik Indonesia 1998

Badan Pusat Statistik, Jakarta. hlm. 115-117.

Hlm 251 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Statistik Indonesia

Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS)

Statistik Indonesia

Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS)

Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia


Statistik Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik

Badan Pusat Statistik Jakarta

Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia

BPS Badan Pusat Statistik

Statistik Indonesia

BPS Jakarta Jakarta: BPS.

Statistik Indonesia

Biro Pusat Statistik

Statistik Indonesia

BPS. Jakarta, Indonesia.

Statistik Indonesia

Biro Pusat Statistik

Statistical year book of Indonesia.

Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta.

Statistik Indonesia

Biro Pusat Statistik

Statistik Indonesia

Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta. 597 hlm.

Statistik Indonesia

Biro Pusat Statistik

Statistik Indonesia

Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta. 594 hlm.

Statistik Indonesia

Biro Pusat Statistik

Statistik Indonesia

Biro Pusat Statistik. Jakarta, hlm. 23.

Statistik Indonesia

Biro Pusat Statistik

Statistik Indonesia

Biro Pusat Statistik

Statistik Indonesia

Biro Pusat Statistik

Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia

BPS BPS BPS BPS BPS Biro Pusat Statistik

Statistik Indonesia

Statistik Indonesia


Statistik Indonesia

Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia


Statistik Indonesia


Judul Buku


BPS. Jakarta BPS. Jakarta BPS. Jakarta Statistical Year of Book Of Indonesia. Jakarta

Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia

BPS BPS Jakarta BPS Jakarta BPS, Jakarta BPS Biro Statistik Indonesia, Jakarta Biro Pusat Statistik Indonesia, Jakarta BPS Jkt Biro Pusat Statistik Indonesia, Jakarta. Biro Pusat Statistik Indonesia, Jakarta Hlm 252 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia Statistik II Statistik for Windows.

BPS BPS BPS BPS BPS BPS Sudjana Anonimous,

Statistik for Windows.

Statistik Ekspor Impor Indonesia

Biro Pusat Statistik

Statistik Ekspor Impor Indonesia

Statistik Ekspor Hasil Perikanan 1984.Jakarta

Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan

Statistik Ekspor Hasil Perikanan 1984.Jakarta

Statistik ekonomi, keuangan daerah prop jateng


Bank indonesia Semarang

Statistik Ekonomi Keuangan Indonesia

Bank Indonesia


Statistik Ekonomi I


STIE YKPN Yogyakarta

Statistik Ekonomi I


STIE YKPN Yogyakarta

BPS, Jakarta BPS BPS Jakarta BPS Jakarta BPS, Jakarta BPS tarsito bandung Analytical Software. Florida. Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta

Statistik Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan Statistik Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan

Statistik Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan

Statistik dan Informasi Peternakan Propinsi DIY.

Kantor Statistik Propinsi DIY.

Statistik dan Informasi Agribisnis

Badan Agribisnis

Statistik dan Informasi Agribisnis

Badan Agribisnis Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta

Statistik Dalam llmu Rekayasa dan Manajemen


Statistik Dalam llmu Rekayasa dan Manajemen

Penerbit Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta

Statistik A/on Parametrik Untuk llmu-llmu Sosial.

Siegel, S.

Statistik A/on Parametrik Untuk llmu-llmu Sosial.

Gramedia. Jakarta, p. 218-229.

Statistik Sumberdaya lahan

Pusat penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat

Pulit Tanah dan Agroklimat Balitbag Pertanian

Statistik Sumberdaya lahan

Pusat penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat

Pulit Tanah dan Agroklimat Balitbag Pertanian


Astuti, M.

Fakultas peternakan UGM, Yogyakarta


Hlm 253 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama


Astuti, M.

Statistics of pulp and paper industry

Judul Buku

Penerbit Fakultas peternakan, UGM, Yogyakarta

Statistics of pulp and paper industry

Statistics of pulp and paper industry

Indonesian Pulp and Paper Association Indonesian Pulp and Paper Association Jakarta

Statistics of Indonesia

Central Bureau of Statistics

Statistics of Indonesia

CBS, Jakarta. 472 p.

Statistics in Roy.

S.A.S. Institute.

Statistics in Roy.

5th Ed. SAS® Users Guide. Cary, NC. United States.

Statistics in Research.

Ostle, B.

Statistics in Research.

The IOWA State Uni. Press. Ames, Iowa, USA. 80 pp.

Statistics in Ray.

SAS Institute.

SAS Users Guide (Cary, NC, SAS Institute, Inc.).

Statistics in RAY,

S. A. S. Institute.

User Guide, Cary, NC, SAS Institute, Inc., United States.

Statistics in Biology.

Bliss, C. I.

New York: McGraw-Hill.

Statistics for Social Research

Argyrous. G

MacMillan Education. Australia

Statistics for Mangement and Economics, A Systematic Approach

Keller. G

Wadsworth Publishing Company Belmont, California

Statistics for Engineering and The Sciences


New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc

Statistics analytical Software version 4.0 user's manual

Siegel J

Analytical Software 1958 Eldridge avenue St Paul Minnesota

Statistics analytical software Version 4.0 user's manual

Siegel J

Statistics 7th

Mc Clave JT

Statistics : A Tool For Social Research.

Healey, Joseph S.

Statistical Yearbooks of Indonesia



Statistical Yearbooks of Indonesia




Analytical Software 1958

Eldridge Aveue St Paul Minnesota Prentice-Hall International

Fourth Edition. USA : Wadsworth Publishing Company. 1996.

Hlm 254 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Statistical year book of Indonesia

Central Bureau of Statistics

Statistical year book of Indonesia

Central Bureau of Statistics, Jakarta. 589 pp.

Statistical Techniques in Quantitative Genetics

Jain. J.P

McGraw-Hill International. New York

Statistical survey techniques.

Jessen J. Raymond

John Wiley and Sons, New York-CichesterBrisbane-Toronto

Statistical Structural and Neural Approaches

Schalkoff, R.

Statistical rosedure For agricultural Research

Gomez. A.A

Statistical Quality Control

Grant E.L

Statistical product and service solution (SPSS).

Santoso, S.

Statistical Process Control:Penerapan Teknikteknik Statistikal Dalam Manajemen Bisnis Total

Gaspersz V

Yayasan Indonesia Emas, Institut Vincent

PT.Gramedia Pustaka Utama Jakarta

Statistical Process Control Penerapan Teknik-Teknik Statistikal Dalam Manajemen Bisnis Total. Terjemahan

Gaspersz, V.

Statistical Process Control Penerapan Teknik-Teknik Statistikal Dalam Manajemen Bisnis Total. Terjemahan

Penerbit PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.

Statistical procedurs for agricultural rsearch with emphasis on rice

Gomez KA

IRRI Los Banos Philippines

Statistical Procedures in Food Research

Piggot, J.R

Elseiver Appl. Sci. London and New York

Statistical Procedures for Gricultural Researsh.

Gomez, K.A

Statistical Procedures for Gricultural Researsh.

John Wiley & Sons . New York, Brisbane, Toronto.

Statistical procedures for agriculture research. 2nd ed.

Gomez, K. A.

An International rice research institute book

John Willey and Sons Inc., New York

Statistical procedures for agriculture research

Gomez KA

IRRI Los Banos Philippines

Statistical procedures for agriculture research

Gomez KA

IRRI Los Banos Philippines

Statistical procedures for agricultural rsearch 2 nd

Gomez KA

John Wiley & Sons New York


Statistical Structural and Neural Approaches

John Wiley & Son, Inc. Toronto. John Willey & Sons. New York

Sixth Edition McGraw-Hill Book, Inc.New York PT. Elex Media Komputondo Kelompok Gramedia. Jakarta.

Hlm 255 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Statistical procedures for agricultural rsearch 2 nd

Gomez KA

John Wiley & Sons New York

Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research. 2nd ed.

Gomez, K. A.

John Willey & Sons, New York, Chichester, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore.

Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research.

Gomez, K. A.

Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research.

Gomez, K. A.

Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research.

Gomez, K.A.

2nd ed. An International Rice Researsh Institute Book.

John Wiley and sons, New York. Chichester. Brisbane. Toronto.

Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research, with Emphasis on Rice

Gomez KA

Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research, with Emphasis on Rice

Los Banos: International Rice Research Institute.

Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research, 2nd ed.

Gomez, K.A.

Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research, 2nd ed.

IRRI-John Wiley & Sons, Singapore.

Statistical procedures for agricultural research, 2nd edn.

Gomez K.A.

an International Rice Research Institute Book.

Singapore; John Wiley and Sons.

Statistical procedures for agricultural research with emphasis on rice

Gomez, K. A.

John Willey and sons Inc., New York

Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research with Emphasis on Rice

Gomez, A.K

IRRI. Los Banos

Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research Second Edition. An International Rice Research Institute Book

Gomez, K.A.

Statistical procedures for agricultural research

Gomez KA

Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research

Gomez, K.A

Statistical procedure of agricultural reaserch. 2nd ed.

Gomez, K.A.


Judul Buku


A Book of International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Manila, Philippines. John Willey and Sons Inc. Toronto.

Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research Second Edition. An International Rice Research Institute Book

John Wiley And Sons. New York, Chichester, Brisbane. Toronto, Singapore. John Wiley & sons

2nd Ed. An International Rice Research Institute Book

A Wiley-Interscience Publication. John Wiley and Sons. New York John Willey & Sons. New York.

Hlm 256 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Statistical procedure for Agricurture Research

Gomz, K A

Statistical procedure for Agricurture Research, 2nd ed

IRRl, Wiley and Sons. New York

Statistical Principles In Experimental Design. Int. Student Ed

Winer B. J

Statistical Principles In Experimental Design. Int. Student Ed

McGraw Hill

Statistical Principles In Experimental Design

Winer B. J.

Statistical Principles In Experimental Design

McGraw Hill.

Statistical power analysis for behavior sciences.

Cohen J

Statistical Methods. Fifth Edition.

Snedecor, G.W.,

Statistical Methods. Fifth Edition.

The State College Press, Ames, Iowa.

Statistical Methods. 8th edition,

Snedecor, G.

Statistical Methods. 8th edition,

Iowa State University Press, Iowa, USA, 499 pp.

Statistical Methods. 7th Ed


Statistical Methods. 7th Ed

Iowa State Univ, Press. Iowa.

Statistical methods. 6th ed.

Snedecor, G. W.

Oxford and I. B. H. Publishing Co.

Statistical methods. 6th ed.

Snedecor, G. W.

Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., Calcutta

Statistical methods. 6th ed.

Snedecor, G.W.

Statistical methods. 5th ed.

Snedecor, W. G.

The Iowa state Univ. Press, Ames, Iowa

Statistical methods. 5th ed.

Snedecor, G. W.

The Iowa State Univ. Press Ames. Iowa, USA

Statistical Methods. 5 ed.

Snedecor, G.W.

Statistical Methods.

Snedecor, G. W.

Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa.

Statistical Methods.

Snedecor, G. W.

The Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa, USA.

Statistical Methods.

Snedecor, G. W.

Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa.

Statistical Methods. Statistical methods.


New York: Academic Press

Statistical methods. 6th ed.

Statistical Methods. 5 ed.

The Iowa State University Press. Ames. Iowa. USA.

Iowa State University Press. Ames, Iowa.

Iowa State University Press, USA. Snedecor, G. W.

The Iowa State University Press. Ames, Iowa, USA.

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Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Statistical methods.

Snedecor, G.W.

Statistical methods.

The Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames, Iowa, USA.

Statistical Methods.

Snedecor, G.W

Statistical Methods.

The lowa State University Press, Ames, lowa, USA

Statistical Methods, Applied to Experiment In Agricultural and Biology

Snedecor, G. W

Statistical Methods, Applied to Experiment In Agricultural and Biology

The lowa State Univer-sity Press USA

Statistical methods, 8th edition,

Snedecor, G.

Statistical methods, 8th edition,

Iowa State University Press, Iowa, USA. 499 pp.

Statistical Methods Second Edition.

Snedecor, G. W.

Oxford and IBH Published, Calcuta,Bombay, New Delhi.

Statistical methods in agriculture and experimental biology. 2nd ed.

Mead, R.

Chapman & Hall, London.

Statistical methods in agricultural research

Little, T. M.

University of California, Davis. (in press)

Statistical Methods in Agricultural Research

Little. T.M

Administration Building Univ. of California. Davis. California

Statistical Methods For Psychology

Howell. D.C

Duxbury Press. Boston

Statistical Methods For Psychology

Howell. D.C

Ducbury Press, Boston

Statistical methods for phylogenetic tree recontruction

Saitou N

Rao CR, Chakraborty R

Editors Handbook of Statistic Vol.8 Elsevier Science

Statistical methods for phylogenetic tree reconstruction, him. 317-346

Saitou, N.

C.R. Rao & R. Chakraborty (ed.), Handbook of Statistics Vol 8

Kota: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.

Statistical Methods for Phylogenetic Tree Reconstruction

Saitou, N.

Rao, C.R., & R. Chakraborty (eds.). Handbook of Statistics, Vol. 8

Elsevier Science Publisher B.V.: 317-346.

Statistical Methods and Design and Analysis of Experiments.

Rasch, D.

Statistical Methods and Design and Analysis of Experiments.

Department of Mathematics, Wageningen Agricultural University. Wageningen.


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Judul Buku


Statistical methods

Snedecor. G M

Statistical methods

lowa State University Press Ames

Statistical Methods


The Iowa University Press, Ames, Iowa USA

Statistical Methods


Iowa State University Press Iowa

Statistical Methods


Statistical Methods. 7 edition

IOWA State University Press

Statistical methods

Snedecor, G.W

Statistical methods

The lowa State University Press, Ames, lowa, USA

Statistical methods

Snedecor, W.G

Statistical methods 5th ed

The Iowa State Univ. Press. Allies. Iowa USA.

Statistical Methode In Agriculture and Experimental Biology

Mead R

Statistical Methode In Agriculture and Experimental Biology

Chapman and Hall, London

Statistical Methode in Agricultural Research


Statistical Method. Ed. 5. Iowa State Univ. Press, Allies Iowa. Sofianti, E. 1991 Kajian Pemutihan Rotan Batang {Calamus ornatus Bl.) dengan Berbagai Konsentrasi bahan Kimia dan Cara Penggiinaannya.

Snedecor, G.W.

Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor.

Statistical Method. Ed. 5, Lowa State Univ, Press, Ames Iowa.

Snedecor, G.W.

Statistical Method. Ed. 5,

Lowa State Univ, Press, Ames Iowa.

Statistical Method Procedure for Agricultural Research

Gomez, K.A.

Statistical Method Procedure for Agricultural Research

John Wiley and Sons, New York

Statistical Method In Agriculture and Experimental Biology

Mead R

Statistical Method In Agriculture and Experimental Biology

Chapman and Hall, London

Statistical Method for Social Sciences

Agresti A

Printice Hall International, Inc.3rd.Ed

Statistical Method

Snedecor, G.

The Iown State University Press, Iowa

Statistical In Biology.

Bliss G. l.


Agric.Ext.Univ. Of California

Statistical In Biology

McGhraw Hill, Inc., USA.

Hlm 259 dari 1800

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Judul Buku


Statistical In Biology

Bliss G l

Statistical In Biology

Mc Ghraw Hill, Inc USA

Statistical genomics linkage, mapping and QTL analysis.

Liu, B.H.

Statistical genomics linkage, mapping and QTL analysis.

CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.

Statistical ecology: a primer on methods and computing

Ludwig, J.A.

Statistical ecology: a primer on methods and computing

John Wiley & Sons, New York

Statistical Ecology.

Ludwig, J.A.

A Primer on Methods and Computing.

John Wiley and Sons, New York.

Statistical Ecology.

Ludwiq, J.A.

A Primer on Methods and Computing.

John Willey and Sons, New York.

Statistical Ecology : a primer on methods and computing

Ludwig, J.A.

Statistical Ecology : a primer on methods and computing

John Willey & Sons.

Statistical Ecology : A primer on method and calculation

Ludwig, J.A

Statistical Ecology : A primer on method and calculation

John Wiley and Sons. New York

Statistical Ecology


John Willey and Sons, Singapore

Statistical Ecology


John Willey and Sons New York

Statistical Ecology

Ludwig. J.A

A primer On Methods and Computing

John Willey & Sons Inc. New York

Statistical Concepts and Methods

Bhattacharyya, G.K.

Statistical Concepts and Methods

John Wiley & Sons. New York, P 293.

Statistical book on livestock.

Directorate general livestock and services.

The Directorate general of livestock services, jakarta.

Statistical Analysis System.


SAS Institute Inc. Box 8000 Carry, NC. 27511800 USA.

Statistical Analysis in Geography

King, L.J

Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J

Statistical Tables.

Sokal, R.R

Statistical Analysis System

Statistical Tables.

W.H. Freeman and Company, San Fransisco

Statistical Analysis System

SAS/STAT guide for personal computers. Version 6. Cary. US:SAS Institute Inc

Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research

Gomez, K. A

Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research

John Wiley & Sons, Inc

Statistical Procedure for Agriculture Research, 2nd ed

Gomez K.A

Statistical Procedure for Agriculture Research, 2nd ed

IRRI, Wileh and Sons, New York.

Statistical STATISTICA for Windows [Computer Program Manual].

Anonimous. StatSoft, Inc.

Statistical Tulsa, OK: StatSoft, Inc.


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Statistic of Indonesia


Statistic non Parametric for Sosial Science

Siegel, Sidney

Statistic non Parametric for Sosial Science

John Willey and Sons Publisshing. New York

Statistic Methods Statistic for The Biological Science, Transl. by: Suroso.

Snedecor, G. W Schefler, W.S.

lowa. USA. Statistic for The Biological Science, Transl. by: Suroso.

ITB Bandung.

Statisrik Indonesia 1997 Statiscal Yearbooks of Indonesia


Biro Pusat Statistik BPS Jakarta

Statiscal Yearbooks of Indonesia


BPS Jakarta

Statiscal procedures for agricultural research with empasis on rice

Gomes KA

The International Rice Research Institute Los Bnos Philippina

Stating Behavioral Objectives For Classroom Instructon

Gronlund Norman. E

The Macmillan Comapany CollierMacmillan Limited, London

Stating Behavioral Objectives For Classroom Instruction

GronLund Norman. E

The MacMillan company Collier MacMillan Limited. London

Stat View SE + Graphics : The Solution For Data Analysis and Presentation Graphocs


Abacus Concepts Inc. Berkeley, California

Stastistik Indonesia

Badan pusat statistik.

BPS. Jakarta

Stastistical Methods In Agricultural Research

Little. T.M

University Of California, Davis, California

Staren: Chemistry and Technology. Secon Edition

Whistter. R.L

Staren: Chemistry and Technology. Secon Edition

Academie Press, Inc. Oriando. Florida. USA.

Starch: Structure, Analysis, and Application,

Zobel, H. F.

In A. M. Stephen, ed.. Food Polysaccharides and Their Applications.

Marcel Dekker, Inc., Hongkong.

Starbio. Meningkatkan efisiensi ransum ayam petelur, broiler dan babi


CV. Lembah Hijau Multifarm, Jakarta, Indonesia

Standart Operational Procedure (SOP)

PT. Sekar Abadi Jaya

PT. Sekar Abadi Jaya. Sumbawa. NTB


Judul Buku

Penerbit Statistical Central Bureau.

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Standart Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste


Standart Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste 14th ed

APHA Washington DC

Standart Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater.


Standars methods for the nutrition & feeding of farmned fish & shrimp

tacon AGJ

Standarisasi Pengajaran Agama di Pondok Pesantren

Sys. Z.A

Standarisasi Pengajaran Agama di Pondok Pesantren

Standarisasi Nasional Indonesia (SNI) 01-3925-1995

Badan Standarisasi Nasional

Standar karkas kambing/domba. Departemen pertanian: peternakan Indonesia, Jakarta

Standards methods for analysis of oils, fat & derivatives 6th ed

Paquot C

Standards methods for analysis of oils, fat & derivatives 6th ed

Standardization of Garlic Preparations

Muller, B.

Cardiology in Practice Supplement, June 4.

Standardization of chemical analyses for water and pond muds

H.S. Swingle

Standardization of chemical analyses for water and pond muds

FAO Fish Rep. 44(4)

Standardisasi Mutu Protein bahan makanan ruminansia berdasarkan parameter metabolismenya oleh mikroba rumen.

Sutardi, T.

Standardisasi Mutu Protein bahan makanan ruminansia berdasarkan parameter metabolismenya oleh mikroba rumen.

P3T, Dirjen. Pendidikan Tinggi Depdikbud dan IPB, Bogor

Standardisasi mutu protein bahan makanan ruminansia berdasarkan parameter metabolismenya oleh mikroba rumen

Sutardi T

Standard Values in Blood.

Albriton, B.C.

Standard Values in Blood.

W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia.

Standard Values in Blood

Albritton, A.B.

Standard Values in Blood

Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders.

Standard Pertanian Indonesia Bidang Perikanan


Standard Pertanian Indonesia Bidang Perikanan

Directorate General of Fisheries Departement of Agriculture, Jakarta



Dirjen Lembaga Islam Departemen Agama Rl, Jakarta

Pergamon Press Oxford

Proyek Pengembangan Imu Pengetahuan & Tek. DP3M DITJEN DIKTI. JKT

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Standard Nasional Indonesia.

Judul Buku


Standard Nasional Indonesia.

Balai Bimbingan dan Pengujian Mutu Hasil Perikanan, Ditjen. Perikanan, Jakarta

Standard Methods, 19th Edition


Standard Methods, 19th Edition


Standard methods of conducting machining tests of wood and wood-based materials : ASTM D 1666-64.


Annual Book ofASTM Standards, Part 22 : Wood Adhesives.

American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia.

Standard Methods for the Examinations of Water and Wastewater.


Standard Methods for the Examinations of Water and Wastewater.

APHA inc. Washington,DC.

Standard Methods for the Examination, of Water and Wastewater. 15"' Edition.


Standard Methods for the Examination, of Water and Wastewater. 15"' Edition.

American Public Health Association. Washington. 1070 pp.

Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater 15th ed


Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater 15th ed

American Public Health Association, N.Y.

Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water. Fifteenth Edition.


Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water. Fifteenth Edition.

American Public Health Association. Washington.

Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water. 17 ed.


Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water. 17 ed.

APHA, AWWA and WPCF. Washington D.C. 3464 pp.

Standard Methods for the Examination of Waste and Waste Water


Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater.

Cleseri, L.S.,

Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater.

Port City Press, Baltimore.

Standard Methods for the Analysis of Oils, Fats and Derivatives, 7th ed. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Commission on Oils, Fats and Derivatives


Standard Methods for the Analysis of Oils, Fats and Derivatives, 7th ed. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Commission on Oils, Fats and Derivatives

Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, England.

Standard Methods for Examination Water dan Wastewater.


Standard Methods for Examination Water dan Wastewater.


American Public Health Associstion, New York

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Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater


Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater

American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation. Washington DC.

Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. 14th ed.


Washington, D. C.

Standard Methods for Examination for water and Wastewater


American Public Health Assocaiation, Washington

Standard Methods for Examinaation of Water Including Bottom Sediment and Sludges


Standard Methods for Examinaation of Water Including Bottom Sediment and Sludges

American PUBLISHING Health A Sc. Inc. New York.

Standard Method for Laboratory Evaluation to Determine Resistance to Subterranean Termite

AWPA Standard M 12-72

Standard Method for Laboratory Evaluation to Determine Resistance to Subterranean Termite

New York: AWPA Book of Standards.

Standard laboratory method for soil, Pland, fertilizer from field experimence, Vienna


Standard laboratory method for soil, Pland, fertilizer from field experimence, Vienna

IAEA Austria

Standard handbook for civil engineers

Merrit FS

Standard evaluation system for rice. 4th ed.


Standard evaluation system for rice. 4th ed.

IRRI, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines. 52 pp.

Standard evaluation system for rice.


Standard evaluation system for rice.

Manila Philippines.

Standard evaluation system for rice International Rice Research Institutc, Los Banos. Philippines. 54 pp


Standard evaluation system for rice International Rice Research Institutc, Los Banos. Philippines. 54 pp

Standard Evaluation System For Rice 3rd ed.


International Rice Testing Program

IRRI. Los Banos. Laguna. Philippines

Standard Evaluation System For Rice


International Rice Testing Program

IRRI. Philippines

Standar syarat mutu sohun Standar pertanian Indonesia Bidang Perikanan. Petunjuk pengujia organoleptik

SII 0372 - 80 Ditjen Perikanan


Mc Graw Hill Book Company NY


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Standar pertanian Indonesia Bidang perikanan Petunjuk Pengujian Kimia

Ditjen Perikanan

Standar Pertanian Indonesia Bidang Perikanan


Standar Pertanian Indonesia Bidang Perikanan

Direktorat Jenderal Departemen Perikanan, Jakarta.

Standar Perencanaan Irigasi. Kriteria Perencanaan Bangunan (KP-04).


Standar Perencanaan Irigasi. Kriteria Perencanaan Bangunan (KP-04).

Badan Penerbit Pekerjaan Umum. Jakarta

Standar Perencanaan Irigasi. Kriteria Perencanaan Bagian Bangunan (KP-04),Jakarta


Standar Perencanaan Irigasi. Kriteria Perencanaan Bagian Bangunan (KP-04),Jakarta

Departemen Pekerjaan Umum.

Standar Perencanaan irigasi Kriteria Perencanaan Jaringan Irigasi (KP-01).


Standar Perencanaan irigasi Kriteria Perencanaan Jaringan Irigasi (KP-01).

Badan Penerbit Pekerjaan Umum. Jakarta

Standar Operational Procedure (SOP)

PT. Sekar Abadi Jaya

Standar Nasional Indonesia. SNI.01-2728-1992.


Standar Nasional Indonesia. SNI.01-2728-1992.

Standar Nasional Indonesia Ikan Pindang. NO. 0l-2717-1992. Jakarta.


Standar Nasional Indonesia Ikan Pindang. NO. 0l-2717-1992. Jakarta.

Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI).Komoditas Perikanan. Tuna dalam kaleng


(SNI 01-2712-1992). 1-10 pp.

Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI)

Ditjen Perikanan

Standar Nasional Indonesia


(SNI): 01-2900-1992. Damar.

Dewan Standarisasi Nasional Indonesia.

Standar Nasional Indonesia


(SNI): 01-2900-1992. Damar.

Dewan Standardisasi Nasional Indonesia, Jakarta.

Standar mutu gambir.


Standar mutu gambir.

Departemen perdagangan Republik Indonesia

Standar mutu crude palm oil (CPO) SNI-2901-1992.


Standar Method of Evaluating The Properties of Wood Base Fiber and Particle Panel Material



Judul Buku

Penerbit Ditjen Perikanan Deptan

PT. Sekar Abadi Jaya. Sumbawa-NTB Dewan Standardisasi Nasional.

Balai Bimbingan dan Pengujian Hasil perikanan Jakarta

Dewan Standarisasi Nasional - DSN Annual Book of ASTM Philadelphia

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Judul Buku


Standar Industri Indonesia. Cara Uji Kadar Selulosa Alfa, Beta dan Gamma Dalam Kayu dan Pulp.


Standar Industri Indonesia. Cara Uji Kadar Selulosa Alfa, Beta dan Gamma Dalam Kayu dan Pulp.

Departemen Perindustrian. Jakarta.

Standar Industri Indonesia. Cara Uji Kadar Lignin Dalam Kayu dan Pulp (Metoda Klasson).


Standar Industri Indonesia. Cara Uji Kadar Lignin Dalam Kayu dan Pulp (Metoda Klasson).

Departemen Perindustrian. Jakarta.

Standar higiene dan keamanan pangan

Sri Poernomo

Bahan penataran manajemen usaha jasa boga di IPB, Bogor

Standar evaluation system for rice.


Standar dan masalah mutu minyak nilam Indonesia.

Sumangat, D.

Standar Perencanaan Tapak

Chiara, J.D.

Standar Perencanaan Tapak

Penerbit Eriangga. Jakarta

Staining and Histopathological Techniques in Nematology

Daykin. M.E

Advanced Treatise on Meloidogyne Vol. II

Metodology. North Carolina State University. Raleigh, N.C. USA

Stages of soybean development.

Fehr, W.R

Lowa State Univ.

Exp. Stn. Spec. Rep.

Stability of Vitamin in Food

Ottaway, P.B.

Technology of Vitamins in Foods. P.B. Ottaway, Ed.

Blackie Academic & Professional, Glasgow.

Stability and change in human caracteristics

Bloom B.S

Stabilitical procedures for agriculture research

Gomez KA

2nd edition A Willey Interscience Publication

John Willey & Sons New York

Stabilitical procedures for agriculture research

Gomez KA

2nd edition A Willey Interscience Publication

John Willey & Sons New York

Stabilitas hasil, tinggi dan umur tanaman galur-galur harapan sorghum

Roesmarkam, S.

Stabilitas hasil, tinggi dan umur tanaman galur-galur harapan sorghum

Pemb. Pert. Balittan Bogor

St.udi Identifikasi/Inventarisasi Plasma Nutfah Perikanan Perairan I/mum Propinsi Jambi. 119 pp. St.atisfika i/ntuk Biologi, Farinasi, Kedokteran, dan limn yang Bertatifan.


IRRI Los Banos Philippines

New York : John Wiley and Sons

St.udi Identifikasi/Inventarisasi Plasma Nutfah Perikanan Perairan I/mum Propinsi Jambi. 119 pp. Schefler, W.C.

ITB Bandung.107-116.

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Srandar perencanaan irigasi Kriteria perencanaan bagian jaringan irigasi (KP-01)


Sub Direktorat perencanaan teknis, Dirjen Pengairan, Dep PU


SPSS Proffesional Statistic 6.1.

Norusis, M.J.

SPSS Proffesional Statistic 6.1.

Michigan, Illinois: SPSS Inc.

SPSS Mengolah Data statistik secara Profesional Versi 7,5

Santoso S

PT Elex Media Computindo.jakarta

Spray Drying Handbook.

Masters, K.

John Wiley and Sons. New York. 687 pp.

SPPS/PC+ Statistic 4.0 for the IBM PC/XT/AT and PS2


SPPS/PC+ Statistic 4.0 for the IBM PC/XT/AT and PS2

Michigan : SPSS Inc. Chicago

Sporulation and Light-Induved Development in Tricodherma

Betina, V.

Dalam Kubicek & Harman (eds.), Tricodherma and Gliocladium

Taylor & Francis Ltd. UK.

Sport medicine in Der Praxis, Springer vevlag, New York

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Sport Fishery Investigation.


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Spore Variation in the Thelypteridaceae

Wood, C. C.

Spore Variation in the Thelypteridaceae

Departement of Botany, The University of Liverpool, Liverpool.

Spore Atlas of New Zealand

Large, M.F.

Spore Atlas of New Zealand

SIR Publishing, Wellington.

Spontaneus tree growing initiatives by farmer : An explanatory study of study five cases in Luzon, Philippinse.

Pasicolan, P.

Imperata Project 1996/3

Improving Smallholder Farming Farming System in Imperaca Areas of Southeast Asia.

Spontaneous Healing: How to Discover and Enhance Your Body's Natural Ability to Maintain and Heal Itself.

Weil, Andrew, M. D.

Sponges bioactive screening for bactericide in shrimp culture.

Ahmad, T.

Sponges bioactive screening for bactericide in shrimp culture.

Spodoptera exigua

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Spices, Vol. I.

Purseglove, J.W.,

Spices, Vol. I.

Longman, London and New York. p. 100-147.

Spices, Condiments and Seasoni-ngs

Farell, K.T

Spices, Condiments and Seasoni-ngs

AVI Publishing Company inc. Westport. Connecticut

Spices Vol. 2.

Purgeslove, J.W.

Spices Vol. 2.

Longman Inc. New York.

Spices Vol. 2 Spices Vol 1

Purseglove. J.W Purseglove JW

Longman. New York Longman Groupo limited, longman House, Burnt Mill Harlos Essex, UK

Spices Vol 1

Purseglove JW

Longman Groupo limited, longman House, Burnt Mill Harlos Essex, UK

Spices and Condiments,.

Pruthi, J.S.

Spices and Condiments,.

Academis Press. New York. 449 pp.


Purseglove, J.W.


London: Tropical Agricultural Series.

Spesifikasi Pengawetan Kayu untuk Perumahan. Edisi ketiga.

Martawijaya, A.

Spesifikasi Pengawetan Kayu untuk Perumahan. Edisi ketiga.

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Spesies slak dan varietasnya


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Spermatozoa and seminal plasma, Mm. 189-209

Garner, D.L.

E.S.E., Hafez. (ed.), Reproduction in Farm Animals.

Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger,

Spermatozoa and Seminal Plasma

Garner, D.L.

Reproduction in Farm Animals

Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia

Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds. Fourth Ed

Silverstein RM

Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds. Fourth Ed

John Willey & Sons, Inc London

Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compound

Silverstein, R.M.

Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compound

New York: John Willey & Sons.

Spectometric identification of organic compound. 4th ed

Silverstein RM

Specific recognition in gene-forgene hostparasite systems.

Keen, N. T.


John Willey & Sons, Inc, Inggris

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Specific receptors for endothelin3 in cultured bovine endothelial cells and its cellular mechanism of action

Emori, R.

FEBS Lett., 263


Species, Condiments and Seasoning

Farrel. K.T

Species interactions in freshwater fish communities,.

Werner, E.E

J. Diamond and T.J. Case. (Eds.). Community Ecology.

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Species Interactions in freshwater fish communities

E.E. Werner

Community ecology

Harpper & Row, Publisher, New York

Species Differences in Seed Growth Characteristics

Egli, D.B

Species catalogue, Vol 3 Cephalopods of the world

C.F.E. Roper

An Annotated and illustrated catalague of species of interest to fisheries

FAO fish synop

Specialty Fats from Palm and Palm Kernel Oils

Goh, E.M.,

Specialty Fats from Palm and Palm Kernel Oils

New Jersey

Specialty Fats Based on Palm Oil and Palm Kernel Oil


Specialty Fats Based on Palm Oil and Palm Kernel Oil

MPOPC , Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Specialty fats based on palm oil and palm kernel oil

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Specialized sugar for the food industry


No yes data corporation, New Jersey

Special Study on Forest Management, Afforestation and Utilization of Forest Recources in The Developing Regions

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Special Study on Forest Management, Afforestation and Utilization of Forest Recources in The Developing Regions

Special features. Contributions of ecology to biological control

Kareiva, P.

Spatial-temporary colonization patterns of a rhizobacterium on underground organs of potatoes.

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Spatial Variability of Soil Sampling For Salinities In South West Iran



The AVI Publ. Co. Inc. Westport, Vam Nostrand Reinhold, New York

Field Crop Res.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Bangkok



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Spatial Variability of FieldMeasured Soil-Water Properties

Nielsen. D.R

Spatial Variability and Pedology

Wilding. L.P

Pedogenesis and Soil Taxonomy : I. Concept and Interaction Chapter 4

Spatial Distribution Of Adults Of Ooencytrus Kuvanae (Hymenoptera : Encyrtidae) An Egg Parasite Of Lymantria Dispa (Lepidoptera : Lymantriidae)

Brown. M.V

Can Entomol

Spacial Change

Vago Steven

Soybeans Chemistry, Technology and Utilization. An Aspen Publication

Liu, K.

Soybeans Chemistry, Technology and Utilization. An Aspen Publication

Aspen Publishers.Inc. Gaithersbug, Marylan.

Soybean. In Diepenbrock, W., and H.C. Becker (eds). Pp:169213. Physiological Potentials for Yield Improvement of Annual Oil and Protein Crops

Soldati, A

Soybean. In Diepenbrock, W., and H.C. Becker (eds). Pp:169213. Physiological Potentials for Yield Improvement of Annual Oil and Protein Crops



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Handbook Of World Fod Legumes : In Nutritional Chemistry, Processing Technlogy and Utulization Vol. III

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Soybean respond to controlled waterlogging


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Soybean respond to controlled waterlogging


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Penerbit Hilgardia

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Soybean hull and its effect on atherosclerosis in non human primates (Macacafascicularis)

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Soybean breeding for multiple and intensive cropping system in Indonesia


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Sources of Resistance to Viruses of Pepper {Capsicum spp.): a Catalog

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Sources of Infection : Food Source of heavy metals in wastewater. In JN Lester (ed) Heavy metals in wastewater and sludge treatment processes, Vol 1 Sources, analysis and legislation

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Source book of food enzymology.

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Source Book of Food Enzymology

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Source Book of Food Enzymology

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Pusat Antar Universitas Pangan dan Gizi IPB Bogor

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The University of Adelaide Australia

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Sosialisasi dalam Keluarga.

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Sorption phenomena in foods theoritical and practical aspect

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Sorghum and the Millets: Their composition and Nutritive Value

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Sorghum and the Millets: Their composition and Nutritive Value

Academie Press, London

Some theoritical aspect at the scoring of mutation frequencies after mutagenic treatment of barley seeds


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Some suggestions for improved productivity through management. In:

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Some suggestions for improved productivity through management. In: Improving Meal Goal Production in The Semiarid Tropics. 98112. (Eds W.I. Johnsond An E.R. de Oliveira).

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Some Studies on Mushroom Polyphenol Oxidase in Liquid and Solid Solvents. PhD. Thesis

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Theory determination and control of physical properties of food materials

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Some Recent Advances in the Basic Chemistry of Milk Proteins and Lipids

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Some Prespectives in Environmental Research for Agricultural Land Use Planning in Developing Countries

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Some observations on marine dinoflagellate cultures

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Some Methods for Statistical Analisys of Samples of BenthicInvertebrates Freshwater

Elliot, J. M.

Some Methods for Statistical Analisys of Samples of BenthicInvertebrates Freshwater

Biological Assosiation, Sdentific Publication

Some mechanism involved in the development iron toxicity symtonas in the rice plant. Soil

Tanaka, A.,

Some mechanism involved in the development iron toxicity symtonas in the rice plant. Soil

Sci. Plant Nutr

Some implication of the use of anabolic agents

Hoffmann B

Buttery PJ. DB Lindsay (ed) Protein deposition in animals

Butterwood London

Some Genetic Aspects of Morphometric Variation, p. 346363

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Numerical Taxonomy. J. Felsenstein (ed.)

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Some factors of gracilaria farming in brackish water pond

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Some factors of gracilaria farming in brackish water pond

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Some Factors Influencing the Efficiency of Feed Utilzation by Ruminants with Special Reference to the Tropics

Leng, R.A

Recents Advances in Animal Nutrition in Australia

D.J Farrell (editor). Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Nutrition, University of New England. Armidale, NSW

Some experiences atld highligllts of the Indonesia trawl banned

Chong, K

Some experiences atld highligllts of the Indonesia trawl banned

Some evidences of subterranean termite infestation on buildings and trees in Bogor and its around.

Sukartana, P.



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Some environmental considerations for stock assessment of small scale fisheries.

Saila, S.B.

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Some Effective Law Temperatur Storage of Milk

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Some Effective Law Temperatur Storage of Milk

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Some Effect of Overheating of Protein on Its Digestion and Absorption. Mattews, D.M. and Payne, J.W. eds. Peptide Transport in Protein Nutrition. Amsterdam

Ford, J.E

Some Effect of Overheating of Protein on Its Digestion and Absorption. Mattews, D.M. and Payne, J.W. eds. Peptide Transport in Protein Nutrition. Amsterdam

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Some concept and new methods for moleculer mapping in plants crop

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Philips RL,IK Vasil (eds) DNA Based Marekers in Plants

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Some chemical constituents often-year-old. American Sycamore and black locust grown in Illinois.

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Wood and Fiber Science 28 (2) : 186-193.

Some characteristics of Andosols from Western Indonesia.

Sjarif, S.

Ph.D. thesis

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Some biological control concepts and questions.

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Some biological control concepts and questions

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The Biological Control of Insect Pest and Weeds. P. De Bach (Ed) Chapmanand Hill, London. 118p.

Some biochemical properties of the protein synthesizing machinery of acidothermophilic archaebacteria isolated from Japanese hot springs, him. 353

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Some aspects of the population dynamic of tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus at Toba lake, North Sumatera.

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Some Aspects of the Physiology of Coffee Arabica L. : A review

Kumar, D

Some Aspects Of Seed Germination In Vegetables I

Bierhuizen. J.F

The Determination And Application Of Heat Sums And Minimum Temperature For Germination

Scientia Horticulturae

Some Aspects Of Metabolic Regulation Of Seed Germination And Dormancy

Come. D

Seed Development and Germination

Marcel Dekker Inc. New York

Some aspects of food and feeding ecology of sympatric hornbill species in Khao Yai National Park, Thailand Pp 137157 in P Poonswad (Ed.).

Poonswad. P

The Asian hornbills: Ecology and conservation BIOTEC-NSTDA

Some Aspects of Food and Feeding Ecology of Sympatric Hombill Species in Khao Yai National Park, Thailand.

Poonswad, P.

P. Poonswad (Ed.). The Asian Hornbills: Ecology and Conservation, pp. 137-158. Thai Studies in Biodiversity No. 2, Bangkok.

Some aspects of ascorbic acid on reproduction in fish. Proc. Ascorbic Acid in Domestic Animals.

Sandnes, K

Some aspects of ascorbic acid on reproduction in fish. Proc. Ascorbic Acid in Domestic Animals.

The Royal Danish Agricultural Soc. Copenhagen. p:206-212.

Some aspects of amino acids transport in yeast

Eddy, A.A.

Payne, Nitrogen Sources

John Wiley and Sons, New York, USA.

Some aromas produced by Trichoderma spp.

Panji, T.,

possible production of associated flavoring agents using cocoa sweating.

Menara Perkebunan 63 (1): 27-32.

Somatic Plant cells.

Murashige, T.

Tissue Culture Methods and Application.

Academic Press. New York.

Somatic plant cells

Murashige, T.

Tissue culture methods and application

Academic Press, New York

Somatic hybridization of sexually incompatible to-fruit tree rootstock, wild pear (Pyrus communis L. var pyraster) and colt cherry (Prunus avium x pseudocerasus)

Ochatt, S. J.


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Penerbit Kenya Coffee

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Somatic hybrid-ization of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) with its close and wild relatives

Sihachakr, D.

Somatic Hybridization in Crop Improve-ment. Y.P.S. Bajay (Ed.). l. Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry. Vol. 27: 255-278.

Somatic hybridization of citrus with relatives for germplasm enhancement and cultivar development.

Grosser, J. W.

Somatic Hybridization in Citrus : navelorange (C. Sinensis Osb.) and grapefruit (C. paradisi Marcf.)

Ohgawara, T

Theor. Appl. Genet.

Somatic hybrid plants obtained by protoplasts fusion between citrus sinensis and poncirus trifoliata

Ohgawara, T

Theor. Appl. Genet.

Somatic hybrid plants obtained by protoplast fusion between Citrus sinensis and Poncirus trifoliata

Ohgawara, T.

Somatic Embryogenesisof Banana and Plantain from Young Flowers

Escalant, J. V.

Somatic embryogenesis in Indonesia soybeans as a step towards gene transfer.


Somatic Embryogenesis In Coconut from Immature Inflorescence explants

Hornung. R

Current Advances In Coconut Biotechnology

Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dorrecht, Boston, London

Somatic Embryogenesis In Coconut (Cocos Nucifera L)

Blake. J

Somatic Embryogenesis In Woody Plants Vol. 2

Kluwer Academic Publisher, Netherlands

Somatic Embryogenesis In Coconut (Cocos Nicifera L.)

Verdeil. J.L

Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry. Vol. 30. Somatic Em,bryogenesis and Synthetics Seed I

Springer Verlag. Berlin

Somatic embryogenesis and somaclonal variation in Medicago sativa

Arcioni, S

L.J. Genet. Breed. 43:223-230

Somatic Embryogenesis and Regeneration In cocnut From Plumular Explants

Saenz. L

Current Advances In Coconut Biotechnology



Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dorrecht, Boston, London Hlm 277 dari 1800

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Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration through cell suspensions in Musa acuminata.

Marroquin, C.G.

Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from cultured zygotic embryos of soybean (Glycine max L. Merr).

Hammatt, N.

Somaclonal resistance in Cavendish banana to fusarium wilt

Hwang, S.

Somaclonal resistance in Cavendish banana to fusarium wilt

Hwang, S.

Solutions, Minerals and Equilibria

Garrels, R. M.

Solutions, Minerals and Equilibria

Harper and Row, New York, 450p.

Soll Micro organisms and Plant Growth

Rao, N. S. S.

Soll Micro organisms and Plant Growth

Oxford & iBH Publishing CO. New Delhi, Bombay, Calcuta

Solid-state fermentation for biological delignification

Reid, I.D

Solid Substrate Fermentation. Di dalam Advances in Applied Microbiol

Aido, K.E

Solid Substrate Fermentation. Di dalam Advances in Applied Microbiol

Solar energy conversion efficiency and growth aspects of the duckweed, spirodella puncatata

Mestayer, C. R.

Aquatic Botany

Solar Crop Dryer, Leaflet

Strofhove. W

Extension Material From Departement Of Energy and Exploration. R.I

Sol Karet Cetak. Standar Nasional Indonesia.

SNI 0778-1989-A

Sol Karet Cetak. Standar Nasional Indonesia.

Soils: an Introduction To Soils and Plant Growth

Donahue. R.L

Prentice Hall. Inc. Englewood Cliffs New Jersey

Soils, an introduction

Singer MJ

MacMillan Pub. Co New York

Soils of the Tropies

Van Wambeke, A.


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APS Press. St. Paul. Minnesota

Enzyme Microb. Technol

Soils of the Tropies

Academic Press, Inc

Badan Standardisasi Nasional, Jakarta

McGraw Hill., New York. 343 pp.

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Soils of the tropics

Van Wambeke, A.

Soils of the tropics

McGraw Hill Inc., New York. 343 p.

Soils of Malaysia: Use of soil surveys and effect of soil properties on oil palm cultivation.

Paramananthan S

Soils Nutrient Biovailability A Mechanistic Approach

Barber. S.A

A Willey Inter Publ. 2nd Ed. John Willey & Sons. New York

Soils and Soil Management

Soper. C.D

Prentice Hall Co Virginia

Soils And Soil Fertility

Thompson. L.M

McGraw-Hill International. New Delhi

Soils and Soil Fertilily.

Thompson, L.M.

Soils and soil fertiity

Thompson LM

MC Graw Hill Publ Company, New Delhi, India

Soils : An Introduction to Soils and Plant Growth

Miller, R.W

6th ed. Prentice Hall. New Jersey

Soil-Plant-Relationships. 2nd.

Black, C.A.,

Soil. Fertility and Fertilizers

Tisdale. L.T

Soil With Variable Charge : Agrnomic and Fertility Aspects

Fox. R.L

Soil With Variable Charge

Theng, B. K. G

Soil water conservation

Hillel, D.

Water deficit and plant growth 1

Soil Variability Within Land Facets In Areas Of Low, Smooth Relief : A Case Study On The Gwagwa Plains. Nigeria.

Areola. O

Soil Survey and Land Evaluation


Soils and Soil Fertilily.

Soil-Plant-Relationships. 2nd.

Assosiate Dean of Agriculture Iowa State Univ. McGraw-Hill Book Comp. Toronto –New York

Wiley Eastern Private Limited, New Delhi. MacMillan Publishing Co. Inc. New York and Collier Macmilan Publisher. London

Soil With Variable Charge

Soil Bereau. Dep. Of. Sci and Ind. Res. Lower Hut N.Z Soc. Soil Sci. New Zealand Academic Press, New York

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Soil Variability in Map Units Delineated by Aerial PhotoInterpretation : A Case Study In Aambara State. Nigeria.

Akamigbo. F.O.R

Soil Use and Management

Soil Variability A Serious Problem in Soil Site Studies in NorthEast

Mader. D.L

Soil testing and formulating fertilizer recommendation

Widjaya-Adhi, I. P. G.

Soil testing and formulating fertilizer recommendation

Widjaya-Adhi, I. P. G.

Soil taxonomy: a basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil surveys

Soil Survey Staff

Soil taxonomy. A basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil surveys soil conservation service USDA

Soil survey staff

Soil Taxonomy. A basic System of Soil Classification for Making and Interpreting Soil surveys


Soil. Sci. Soc. Am

Handbook USDA No. 436

Washington DC.

Soil Survey Staff

SCS USDA Hnadbook No. 436

US. Grout Printing Office, Washington DC

Soil Taxonomy. A basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil survey

Soil Survey Staff

USDA Agric. Handbook. (435). Washington DC.

Soil Taxonomy, USDA Handbook No. 436, Washington DC

Soil Survey Staff

Soil taxonomy A basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil surveys 2nd Edition

Soil Survey Staff

Soil Taxonomy : A Basic System of Soil Classification for Making and Interpreting Soil Survey

Soil Survey Staff

USDA. Washington. D.C

Soil Taxonomy : A Basic System of soil Classification for Making and Interpreting soil Survey

Soil Survey Staff

Soil Cons. Serv. USDAHandbook No. 436. Washington D.C


Soil taxonomy A basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil surveys 2nd Edition

United States Dept Agric., Natural Resources Conservation Service, Washington D.C.

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Soil Taxonomy

Soil Survey Staff

A Basic System of Soil Clasification for Making and in Terpreting soil Survey

SCS-USDA. Agric Handbook No. 436. Washington D>C

Soil Suvey Laboratory Method and Procedure for Collecting Soil Samples

Soil Concervation Service

Soil Surv. Invest. Rep. 1

Soil Conserv. Serv. USDA. Washingto, D.C

Soil Survey of Island ofHawaii State ofHawaii

Harry H.

USDA, Soil Conservation Service in Cooperation with Univ. of Hawaii. Agricultural Experiment Station, Univ. of Hawaii.

Soil Survey Manual.

Soil Survey Staff,

Agricultural Handbook. No. 18. Revised Fifth Draft.

Soil survey manual.


Soil conservation service

Soil survey manual.


Soil conservation service

Soil survey manual.


USDA Washington, DC.

Soil survey manual.


Soil Conservation service.

Soil Survey Manual

Soil Survey Division Staff

USDA Handbook No. 18

Soil survey manual

Soil survey Staff,

USDA Handbook No. 18 Washington DC.

Soil Survey Lahoratory Methods Mamial SSIR Numher 42 Version 10 Soil survey laboratory, methods and procedures for collecting soil samples

Soil Survey Lahoratory Methods Mamial SSIR Numher 42 Version 10 Soil Survey Staff

United States Department of Agriculture-Soil Conservation Service.


United States Dept of Agric, Washington. DC 611 pp

SSIR Number 1. Washington DC. 63 p. Soil Survey Staff. (1994). Keys to soil taxonomy. USDA Soil Conservation Service. 6th Ed., Washington DC. 306 p.

Soil survey laboratory methods manual. SSIR Number 42. Version 1.0

Soil survey laboratory methods manual. SSIR Number 42. Version 1.0

United States Dept. of Agric., Washington DC. 611pp.

Soil survey laboratory methods manna] Soil Survey Investigation Report, Numher 42. Version 10

Soil survey laboratory methods manna] Soil Survey Investigation Report, Numher 42. Version 10

US Dept of Agric., Washington DC. 611 pp.


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Soil Survey Laboratory Methodes and Properties for collecting Soil Samples.


Soil Survey Investigation.

Soil Conservation Service. ( Rev. 1972)

Soil Survey Laboratory Method and Procedure For Collecting Soil Samples

Soil Conservation Service

Soil Survey. Invest. Rep. I

Soil. Coserv. Serv. USADA Washington. D.C

Soil survey interpretation and its use

Steele JG

FAO of the united nations

Soil Survey and Land evaluation.

Dent, D.

George Allen & Unwin (Publishers) Ltd. UK.

Soil Survey and Land Evaluation

Dent, D

Soil Survey and Evaluation.

Dent, D.

Soil suitability guidelines for major tropical crops

Landon, L.R.

Booker Tropical Soil Manual.

Booker Agric. Int'I 2td., London.

Soil Suitability Guideline For Major Tropical Crops,

Landon, L.R

Booker Tropical Soil Manual,

Booker Agric. Int'l Ltd., London 8 pp.

Soil Structure, Tilth and Mechanical Behaviour

Payne. D

Soil Conditional and Plant Growth. 11th ed.

English Language Book Society

Soil Stresses Important To Management

Groenevelt. P.H

Soil Management For Sustainability

Soil and Water Conservation Society. Iowa

Soil Science in the next twentyfive years

Lauchli, A

Does biotechnology play a Rol

Soil. Am. J

Soil sampling, preparation, and analysis.


Soil sampling, preparation, and analysis.

The University of GeorgiaMarcel Deklar. Inc. N. Y. 356 pp.

Soil Sampling, Preparation, and Analysis


Marcel Dekker, Inc 270 Maison Avenue, New York

Soil Sampling, Preparation and Analysis

Tan. K.H

Marcel Dekker. Inc. New York

Soil Sampling Preparation and Analysis

Tan. K.H

Marcel Dekker. Inc. New York

Soil respiration and carbon input from crops in wheat soybean rotation under different tillage systems

Alvarez, R.R


Soil Survey and Land Evaluation

George Allen & Unwin, London George Allen and Unwin. Boston - Sydney.

Soil Use & Management

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Soil Redox Potential and Chermical Composition of Water in Acid Sulfate Soils of South Kalimantan

Purnomo. E

Research Report

LAWOO. The Netherlands

Soil Reaction and Exchangeable Acidity

Hendershot. W.H

Soil Sampling and Methods Of Analysis

Can. Soc. Soil. Sci. Lewis Publisher, Chelsea, Michigan, USA

Soil quality and sustainability

Lal, R

Methods for assessment of soil degradation. Advance in soil Science

CRC Press. Washington, D.C

Soil quality and soil erosion. Soil Properties variability in Slope Studies : Suggested Sampling Scheme and Typical Required Sample Size

Lal, R. Reynold, S. G

Soil Productivity Aspect of Agro forestry

Z. Geomorph. N. F

Soil Productivity Aspect of Agro forestry

ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya

Soil Processes and The Behaviour of Metals

Alloway. B.J

Heavy Metals Soils

Blakie London

Soil Processes and The Behaviour of Metals


Heavy Metals in Soils

Blakie, London

Soil Processes and The Behaviour of Metals

Alloway. B.J

Heavy Metals Soil

Blackie. London

Soil Processes and The Behaviour of Metal

Alloway. B.J

Heavy Metal In Soils

Blakie. London

Soil Processes and The Behaviour of Metal

Alloway. B.J

Heavy Metal In Soils

Blakie. London

Soil Processes and The Behavior of Metals


Heavy Metal Soils

Blakie London

Soil physics. Fourth Edition.

Baver. L.D.

Soil Physics. Fourth Edition

Baver, L.D

Soil Physics 4th ed

Baver. L.D

Wiley Eastern Limited. New Delhi

Soil Physics 4th ed

Baver. LD

Wiley estren Limited. New Delhi

Soil Physics 4 th

Baver LD

John Willey and Sons, New York

Soil Physics 4 th

Baver LD

John Willey and Sons, New York


John Wiley and Sons. Inc. New York. Soil Physics. Fourth Edition

Wiley Elastern Limited. New Delhi.

Hlm 283 dari 1800

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Soil Physics 3rd edition


John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York

Soil Physics

Jury, W.A

5th ed. John Willey & Sons Inc. New York

Soil Physics

Baver, L.D

Fourth Edition. Wiley Eastern Limited. New Delhi

Soil Physics

Baver, L.D

John wiley and Sons Inc., New York

Soil Physics

Kohnke, H

Mc Graw-Hill. New York

Soil physical Characteristics of Kalitirto and Rangkasbitung soil.

Notohadisuwarno, S

Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University. Yogyakarta

Soil physical characteristics and root growth

Trouse, Jr. A. C.

John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York

Soil Physic 4th Ed


Willey Estrn Limited. New Delhi

Soil Physic


Canbridge. University. Press. Great Britain

Soil Phisics

Jury, W.A.

5nd ed. John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Soil pH changes during legume growth and application of plannt material

Yan, F

Biol. Fert. Soil

Soil pH and Lime Requirement

McLean. E.O

Method of Soil Analysis II chemical and Microbiological Properties 2nd

ASA Madison, Wincosin

Soil pH and Lime Requirement

McLean. E.O

Method of Soil Analysis II Chemical and Microbiological Properties 2nd ed

ASA Madison. Wicosin

Soil pH and Lime Requirement

McLean. E.O

Methods Of Soil Analysis II Chemcal and Microbiological Properties 2nd ed.

ASA Madison. Wicosin

Soil Organic Matter, Crop Residues and Green Manuring Mangement

Vagnai. S.I

Soil Management Under Conditions in Asia and Pasific

Asialand. IBSRAM. Bangkok

Soil Organic Matter, Crop Residues and Green Manuring Management

Vagnai. S.I Kheoruenromne

Soil Management Under Humid Conditions in Asia and Fasific. Asialand

IBSRAM. Bangkok


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Hlm 284 dari 1800

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Soil Organic Matter Microoganism and Crop Production


Soil Water and Crop Production

AVI Publishing.Co.Inc. Westport-Connecticut

Soil Organic matter losses

McGill, W.B

Agricultural Land : Our Disappearing Heritage. A Symposium

Alberta Soil & Feed Testing Lab. Edmonton

Soil Organic Matter Biological and Ecological Effects

Tate III.R.L

John Willey & Sons. New York

Soil Organic Matter Biological and Ecological Effect

Tate. R.L

John Willey & Sons Inc. New York

Soil Organic Matter and Structure Stability : Mechanism And Implication For Mmanagement

Oades. J.M

Plant And Soil. J

Soil Organic Matter and Role in Crop Production

Alison, F.E.

Soil Organic Matter and Its Role in Crop Production

Allison. F.E

Elsevier Sci. Publ. Co. Developments in Soil Science 3 Amsterdam

Soil Organic Matter and its Role in Crop Production

Allison, F.E

Elsevier Science Pub., Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Soil organic matter and its Rog in erop production

Allison, F.E

Soil organic matter and its Rog in erop production

Elsevier. New York

Soil Organic Matter and Biological Avtivity

Vaughan, D

Development in Plant and Soil Sci. 16.

Martinus Nijhoff/Dr W. Junk Publish., Dordrecht, The Netherlands

Soil Organic Matter and Biological Activity


Development in Plant and Soil Sci. 16

W. Junk Publs, Dordrecht. The Netherlands

Soil Organic Matter and Biological Activity

Vaughan. D

Soil Organic matter and biological activity

Vaughan, D

Soil Organic Matter 2nd ed.


Pergammon Press Oxford

Soil organic matter : its nature its role in soil formation and in soil fertility

Kononova MM

Pergamon Press, London


Soil Organic Matter and Role in Crop Production

Elsevier, Amsterdam

Martinus Nigh off/Dr. W. Junk Publisher Developments in Plant and soil Sci

Martinus Nijhoff/ Dr. W. Junk Publishers, Dordrecht, the Netherlands

Hlm 285 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Soil organic matter : its nature its role in soil formation and in soil fertility

Kononova MM

Pergamon Press, London

Soil Organic Matter : Biological and Ecological Effects

Tate. R.L

John Willey & Sons. New York

Soil of Tropics and Subtropics. Genesis and characteristics.

Isbell, R. F.

Mineral Nutrition of Legume in Tropical and Subtropical Soils.

SCIRO Melbourne.

Soil of the tropics

van Wambeke, A.

Soil of the tropics

McGraw-Hill Inc., New York. 343 pp.

Soil of the Tropics

Van Wambeke. A.

Soil of the Tropics

McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York.

Soil Nutrient bioavailability. A Mechanistic Approach

Barber, S.A

Soil Nutrient Bioavailability.

Barber, S.A

A Mechanistic Approach. A Wiley Inter. Publ. 2nd.

John Wiley & Sons . New York.

Soil Nutrient bioavailability

Barber, S.A

A Mechanistic Approach

A Wiley Inter. Publ. 2nd Ed. John Wiley and Sons, New York

Soil Nutrient Bio-availability

Barber, S.A

A Mechanistic Approach

A Wiley Inter. Publ. 2nd Ed. John Wiley and Sons, New York

Soil Nutrient Bioavailability

Barber, S.A

Soil Nutrient Bioavailability

Barber, S.A

A Mechanistic Approach

A Wiley Inter. Publ 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons. New York

Soil morphology, genesis and classification

Fanning, D. S.

Soil morphology, genesis and classification

John Wiley and Sons. New York.

Soil Moisture and Temperature Regimes


SMSS Technical Monograph 9, Cornell University. Ithaca-New york

Soil Mineralogy.

Stoops, G.

Part II. Techniques.

ITC-Rijksuniv. Ghent. Belgium.

Soil Microorganism and Plant Growth

Rao, S.N.S.

Soil Microorganism and Plant Growth

New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publ. Co.

Soil Microorganism and Plant Growth

Rao, N. S. S

Soil Microorganism and Plant Growth

Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. New Delhi, Bombay, Calcuta


Judul Buku


A Wiley Inter. Publ. 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons, New York

A. Wiley Inter. Publ., John Wiley and Sons New York

Hlm 286 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Soil Microorganism and Plant Growth

Rao, S.N.S

Oxford & IBH Publ. Co. New Delhi

Soil Microorganism


Longman. London.New York

Soil Microbiology.

Waksman, S.A

Soil Microbiology.

John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, London. 890 pp.

Soil microbiology and biochemistry

Paul, E. Alvin

Soil microbiology and biochemistry

Academic Press, Inc. San Diego, California

Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry

Paul, E.A

Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry

Academic Press Limited. San Diego. CaliforniaSan Diego. California

Soil Microbiology & Biochemistry

Paul, E.A

Soil Microbial Ecology. Applications In Agricultural and Environmental Management

Metting, F.B.

Soil Microbial Ecology. Applications In Agricultural and Environmental Management

Marcel Dekker, Inc. Madison Avenue, New York

Soil Microbial Ecology

Metting, Jr., B

Soil Microbial Ecology

Marcel Dekker, inc. New York

Soil Mechanics and Foundation

Pun Mia

Soil Mechanics and Foundation

Rajin and Kumar, New Delhi

Soil map of the world


Revised Legend, World soil resource report 60. Rome

Soil Management

Davies. D.B

Soil Loss Estimation Research in Africa - A Review


a. Review - Dept. of Agriculture Engineering

Univ. of Illionis. USA

Soil Laboratory Manual.

Melville, M.D.

Soil Laboratory Manual.

School of Geography. University of New South Wales. 74 pp.

Soil Geography and Land Use.

Foth, H.D.

Soil Genesis and Classification.

Buol, S.W.

Soil Genesis and Classification 3rd ed.

Buol. S.W

Iowa State University Press

Soil Genesis and Classification 2nd ed.

Buol. S.W

Iowa State University Press. Ames

Soil Genesis and Classification 2nd Ed.


Iowa State University Press, Ames


Judul Buku


Academic Press. Inc. USA

National Book Store. Inc. Manila. Phllippines

John Wiley and sons, New York 2nd ed.

Iowa State Univ.Press Ames IA.

Hlm 287 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Soil Genesis and Classification

Buol. S.W

Iowa State University Press. Ames

Soil Genesis and Classification

Buol. S.W

Oxford and IBH. Publ. Co. New Delhi

Soil genesis and classification

Buol, S.W.

Soil genesis and classification

Buol, S.W

2nd ed. Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames, IA

Soil genesis and clasification.

Buol, S. W.

The Iowa State University. Press. Ames

Soil genesis

Van Runst

Ghent University Belgium

Soil genesis

Van Runst

Ghent University Belgium

Soil formation on granodiorites near Pontianak, West Kalimantan

Buurman, P.

P. Buurman (Ed.) Red Soils in Indonesia. SRI. Bogor. p. 107118.

Soil Formation on Granodiorites Near Pontianak, West Kalimantan


Red Soil In Indonesia

SRI. Bogor

Soil Formation on Granodiorites Near Pontianak (West Kalimantan)

Buurman. P

Red Soils in Indonesia

Centre Agric. Publ. Doc. Wageningen

Soil Formation on Granodiorites Near Pontianak (West Kalimantan)

Buurman. P

Soil for agriculture expansion in Indonesia

Driessen, P.M.

Soil for agricultural expansion in Indonesia.

Driessen, P.M.

Soil For Agricultural Expansion In Indonesia

Driessen. P.M

Soil Fertility Management for sustainable Agriculture.


Soil fertility and plant growth

Blair WC

A ourse manual in annual crop production (Maize, sorghum and soybeans) EM Matheson (ed)

Academic Press Brisbane

Soil Fertility and Fertilizers. Third edition.

Tisdale, S.

Soil Fertility and Fertilizers. Third edition.

Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., New York. 694 pp.


Judul Buku

Soil genesis and classification


Oxford & IBH Publishing Co, New Delhi. 360 pp.

Centr. Agric. Publ. Doc. Wageningen Soil Res. Inst. Bogor. FAO (1990) Guidelines for soil profile descriptions

FAO, Rome. 66 p.

Bulletin No. I

Soil Research Institute. Bogor Lewis Publ. New York.

Hlm 288 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Soil Fertility and Fertilizers. 3rd Ed.

Tisdale, S. L.

Soil Fertility and Fertilizers. 3rd Ed.

New York. Mac Millan Publishing.

Soil Fertility and Fertilizers.

Tisdale, S.L.

Soil Fertility and Fertilizers.

Macmillan Publ. Co., New York.

Soil fertility and fertilizers.

Tisdale, S.L.

MacMillan Publishing Co. Inc. New York.

Soil Fertility and fertilizers.

Tisdale, S.

Mc. Millan Publ. Co. Inc. New York.

Soil Fertility and Fertilizers.

Tisdale, S.D.

Soil Fertility and Fertilizers 4th ed.

Tisdale. S.l

Macmillan Publ. Co. New York

Soil Fertility and Fertilizers 4th Ed

Tisadale. S.

McMillan Publishing. Co. Inc. New York

Soil Fertility And Fertilizers 4th ed

Tisdale. S.S

McMillan Publ. Co. Inc. New York

Soil Fertility and Fertilizers 3th ed.


Collier MacMillan. New York

Soil Fertility and Fertilizers 3th ed.

Tisdale. S

Collier MacMillan. New York

Soil Fertility and Fertilizers 3rd ed.

Tisdale. S

McMillan Publishing. Co. Inc. New York

Soil Fertility and Fertilizers 3rd cd


Macmillan Publishing.Co.Inc. New York. London

Soil Fertility and Fertilizers

Tisdale. S.L

MacMillan Publishing Company. New York

Soil Fertility and Fertilizers

Tisdale, S.L.

Soil Fertility and Fertilizers

Macmillan Publ. Company, New York

Soil Fertility and Fertilizers

Tisdale, S.L.

Soil Fertility and Fertilizers

The Macmillan Co., New York.

Soil Fertility and Fertilizers

Tisdale, S.L.

Soil Fertility and Fertilizers

Macmillan Publ. Co., New York

Soil Fertility and Fertilizers

Tisdale, S.L.

Soil Fertility and Fertilizers

Macmillan Pub. Co, New York.

Soil fertility and fertilizers

Tisdale, S. I.

McMillan Publishing Company, New York

Soil Fertility and Fertilizers

Tisdale, S.S

McMillan Publ. Co. Inc., New York

Soil fertility and fertilizers Soil fertility and fertilizers

Tisdale, S.L Tisdale, S.L

Macmillan, New York The McMillan Publication Company. New York


Soil Fertility and Fertilizers.

Mc Millan Publ.Co. Inc. New York.

Hlm 289 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Soil Fertility and Fertilizers

Tisdale, S.L

4th ed. Mac Millan Publ. Company, New York

Soil Fertility and Fertilizers

Tisdale, S.L

MacMillan Publishing Co. New York

Soil Fertility and Fertilizers

Tisdale, S.L

The MacMillan. New York

Soil fertility and fertilizers

Tisdale, S.S

4th ed. McMillan Publ. Co. Inc., New York

Soil fertility and fertilizers

Tisdale, S.S

4th ed. McMillan Publ. Co. Inc., New York

Soil fertility and Fertilizer. Third Edition

Tisdale, S.L.

Soil fertility and Fertilizer. Third Edition

Mc Millan Company. Inc. New York

Soil Fertility and Fertilizer.

Tisdale, S.L.,

Soil Fertility and Fertilizer.

Mc Publishing Co. New York. 754 pp.

Soil Fertility and Fertilizer.


New York, Macmilan Publ.Co

Soil Fertility and Fertilizer.


4th.Ed. McMillan Publ.Co., New York

Soil Fertility and Fertilizer.


Mac Millan Publ.Co.New York

Soil Fertility and Fertilizer.

Tisdale, S.L.

Soil Fertility and Fertilizer 5th ed.

Tisdale. S.H

MacMillan Press. Ltd. United Kingdom

Soil Fertility and Fertilizer 4th ed.

Tisdale. S.H

MacMillan Publishing Company. New York. Maxwell

Soil Fertility and Fertilizer 4th ed.

Tisdale. S.L

MacMillan Publ. Co. New York

Soil Fertility and Fertilizer 4th ed.

Tisdale. S.L

MacMillan. New York

Soil Fertility and Fertilizer 4th ed.

Tisdale. S.L

MacMillan Publishing Company. New York

Soil Fertility and Fertilizer 4th ed

Tisdale. S.L.

Macmillan Publishing Company. New York

Soil Fertility and Fertilizer 3rd ed.

Tisdale. S

Collier Macmillan Publisher. London

Soil fertility and Fertilizer 3rd ed.

Tisdale. S.

Collier MacMillan International ed. New York

Soil Fertility and Fertilizer

Tisdale. SL.

McMillan Publ. Co., New York


Judul Buku

Soil Fertility and Fertilizer.


The Mcmillan Company, New York.

Hlm 290 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Soil Fertility and Fertilizer

Tisdale, S. L.

Soil Fertility and Fertilizer

The Macmillan Publishing Company, New York

Soil Fertility and Fertilizer

Tisdale, S. L.

Soil Fertility and Fertilizer

The Macmillan Publishing Company, New York.

Soil fertility and fertilizaers.

Tisdale, S.

Soil fertility and fertilizaers.

McMillan Publ. Co. New York.

Soil fertility & fertilizers 3th ed.

Tisdale S

mc milan Publishing Co NY

Soil fertility

Malherbe, I. de V.

Oxford University Press, New York

Soil fertiity and fertilizer 4th ed

Tisdale SL

Mc Millan Pub. Co. New York

Soil fertiity and fertilizer 4th ed

Tisdale SL

Mc Millan Pub. Co. New York

Soil feertility and fertilizer

Trisdale, S. L.

Soil erosion research on steep lands

Lal, R.

Soil erosion in Peninsular Malaysia

Soong, N. K.

Soil erosion from tropical arable land and its control.


Soil Erosion and Conservation, Longman

Morgan, R.P.C

Soil Erosion and Conservation

Morgan, R.P.C.

Soil erosion and conservation

Morgan RPC

Soil erosion

Morgan, R. P. C.

Soil Ecology


Cambridge University Press. England

Soil degradation in south and southeast Asia


UNEP-FAO-ISRIC, Netherlands

Soil data bank as a basic of fertilizer use efficiency.

Karama S

Soil Conservation.



Soil feertility and fertilizer

McMillan Published Coy. Inc NY

London and New York Soil Erosion and Conservation

Longman Group UK Ltd., New York Longman Group Hongkong

Richard clay Ltd.Bungary, suffolk, Murdock, L. W.

National soil summit (presscription arming : Matching productivity and security with sustainability) Jakarta 26 th Feb 98 McGraw-Hill.Inc. Book Co. New York

Hlm 291 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Soil conservation.

Hudson, N.

Soil conservation strategies for upland areas of Indonesia.

Carson, B.

Occasional papers of the East West Environment and Policy Institute.


Soil Conservation Consultant Report

Hamer, W.I

Soil Conservation Consultant Report

Soil Research Institute, Bogor

Soil Conservation

Kohnke, H.

Soil Conservation

McGraw Hill Book Co. Inc., New York

Soil Conditions and Plant Growth.

Russell, E.W.

Soil Conditions and Plant Growth.

Longmans, London

Soil conditions and plant growth.

Russel, E.

Longman Green, London.

Soil Conditions and plant growth

Russell, E.W

New Impressions. NY

Soil condition and plant growth. 9th Edition

Russel, E.W

Soil condition and plant growth. 9th Edition

John Wiley and Sons Inc. New York.

Soil Condition and Plant Growth. 9th ed.


Soil Condition and Plant Growth. 9th ed.

Longmans, Green and Co. London

Soil condition and plant growth.

Russelle, E.J.

Soil condition and plant growth 10th edition

Russel, E. W.

Soil Condition and Plant Growth 10th ed.

Russel. E.W

Soil condition and plant growth

Russell, E. W.

Soil Compaction on Over Looked Problem

Lamond, R.E

Soil Compaction- An Overlooked Problem.

Lamond R. E.

Soil classification in Indonesia

Dudal, R

Soil Research Institute. Bogor

Soil Chmistry


John Willey & Sons. New York

soil chemstry and plant nutrition

Drake, M

Soil Chemistry.

Bohn, H.L.

Soil Chemistry.

Bohn, H.L.


Judul Buku

Penerbit B.T. batsford Ltd, London.

Longman Green, London. Soil condition and plant growth 10th edition

ELBSN. Longman United Kingdom Longman New York

The english language book Society and Longman, London Kansas State University, kansas Cooperative Extension Service.

Kansas State University, Manhattan, kansas

Jhon Wiley & sons, New York. Soil Chemistry.

2nd edition John Wiley & Sons, New York

Hlm 292 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Soil Chemistry.

Bohn, H.L

John Wiley & Sons. New York.

Soil Chemistry 2nd ed.


John Willey & Sons. New York

Soil Chemistry 2nd ed.


John Willey & Sons. New York

Soil Chemistry 2nd ed.

Bohn. H.L

John Willey & Sons. New York

Soil Chemistry 2nd ed.

Bohn. H.L

John Willey & Sons. New York

Soil Chemistry 2nd ed.

Bon. H.L

A Willey Interscience Publication. John Willey & Sons. New York

Soil Chemistry

Bohn. H.L

John Willey And Sons New York

Soil Chemistry

Bohn, H.L

John Wiley and Sons. Inc., New York

Soil Chemistry

Bohn. H.L

John Willey & Sons. New York

Soil Chemistry

Bohn. H.L

John Willey & Sons. New York

Soil Chemistry

Bohn, H.L

John Wiley and Sons, New York

Soil Chemistry

Bohn, H.L

John Wiley and Sons. New York

Soil Chemistry

Bohn, H. L.

Soil Chemistry

Bohn HLB

John Wiley and sons New York

Soil Chemistry

Bohn, H

2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons. New York

Soil Chemistry

Bohn, H

2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Soil Chemistry

Bohn, H

2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons. New York

Soil Chemistry

Bohn, H.L

John Wiley & Sons. New York

Soil Chemistry

Bohn, H

2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons. New York

Soil Chemistry

Bohn HLB

John Wiley and sons New York

Soil Chemistri.

Bohn, H. L;


Judul Buku

Soil Chemistry

Soil Chemistri.


John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York

John Wiley and Sons. N. Y. 341. pp. Hlm 293 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Soil Chemical Analysis


Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliff, New York

Soil Chemical Analysis

Jackson. M.L

Prentice-Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs

Soil Chemical Analysis

Jackson, N. L

Taylor, Gamets Evans, and Co. Watford

Soil carbon dynamics and cropping practices in agriculture and energy

Lucas, R.E.

W. Lockeretz (ed.) Agriculture and Energy

Academic Press, New York, p. 333-351.

Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Pool Changes After Long-Term and Nitrogen No-Till and Plw Tillage System

Handayani. I.P

Agron. Abs.

SSSA. ASA St. Louis, Missiori. USA

Soil Biotechnology. Microbial Factors in Crop Productivity

Lynch, J.M.

Soil Biotechnology

Lynch. J.M

Soil Biology

Moawad. A

Soil Architecture and Distribution Of Organic Matter

Kooistra. M.J

Soil and water. Physical principles and process

Hilel D

Academic Press New York, San Fransisco, London

Soil and water. Physical principles and process

Hilel D

Academic Press New York, San Fransisco, London

Soil and Water Management Systems


Soil and Water Management Systems

John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Chichester, New York

Soil and Water Conservation Engineering.

Frevert, R.K.,

Soil and Water Conservation Engineering.

John Willey and Sons Inc., New York.

Soil and Water Conservation engineering

Schwab, GO

John Willey & Sons

Soil and water conservation engineering

Scwab, G.O

3rd ed. John Wiley and Sons. NY

Soil and Water Conservation engineering

Schwab, GO

John Willey & Sons


Judul Buku


Blackwell Sci. Pub., London. 191p. Microbial Factors In Crop Productivity

Blackwell. Sci. Pub. London Institute Of Agronomi The in Tropics, Gottingen University Goettingen

Structure and Organic Matter Storage in Agricultural Soils

Lewis Publisher

Hlm 294 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Soil and water analysis. A Laboratory Manual for the Analysis of Soil and Water.

Menon, R.G.

Soil and water analysis. A Laboratory Manual for the Analysis of Soil and Water.

Food Agricultural Organisation United Nations Development Programme. 191 pp.

Soil And Plant Manual Methods For The Examination of Soil and Determination of The Inorganic Constituents of Plant

Piper. C.S

Soil and Land Form : An Introduction of Geomorphology and Pedology

Gerrard, A.J

George Allen and Unwin

London-Boston- Sydney

Soil and introduction. 2nd ed. Mac. Millau. Publ. Co. N. Y.

Singer, M. J.

Soil and introduction. 2nd ed.

Mac. Millau. Publ. Co. N. Y.

Soil an introduction to soils and plant growth

Miller RW

Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

Soil an introduction to soils and plant growth

Miller RW

Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

Soil Aggregation

Martin J P

Norman AG (ed) Adv Agron 7:237

Soil Acidity and liming

Kamprath, E.J

Soil of Humid Tropics

National Academy of Science Washington

Soil Acidification its Measurement and The Processes InVolved

Heylar. K.R

Soil Activity and Plant Growth

Sydney Academic Press

Soil : Variability : Areview Soil Vertility and Plant Nutrition

Beckett. P.H.T Menzel, R. G.

Soil and Fertilizers in Isotopes and Radiation in Agricultural Science

Academic Press, London

Soft-sediment marine invertebrates of Southeast Asia and Australia. A guide to identification

Arnold, P.W.

Soft-sediment marine invertebrates of Southeast Asia and Australia. A guide to identification

Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville.

Soft Sediment Marine Invertebrates of Southeast Asia and Australia: A Guide to Identivication

Arnold P.W.

Soft Sediment Marine Invertebrates of Southeast Asia and Australia: A Guide to Identivication

Australian Institute of Marine Science. Townsville

Soft sediment ma-rin6 invertebrates of Southeast and Australia: A Guide to Identification.

Arnokl, P.W.

Soft sediment ma-rin6 invertebrates of Southeast and Australia: A Guide to Identification.

Australian Institute Marine Science. Townvillb. 435 pp.


The University of Adelaide

Hlm 295 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Sociology The Core 2th ed

Zanden J.W.V

Sociology an-Introduction Little Field


Sociology and Development : Theories, Policies, and Practices

Hulme David

Harvester Wheatsheaf, New York

Sociology and Development : Theories, Polices, and Practices

Hulme David

Harvest Wheatsheaf. New York

Socioeconomic aspects of village duck production in Central Java and Yogyakarta. Duck production science and world practice

Sabrani M

Socio-Ecology Study of The Crab-Eating Monkeys at Gunung Meru, West Sumatra

Koyama, N

Social Problems And the Quality of Life.

Lauer, R.H

Social Orga nization of Hanoman Langurs

Sugiyama, Y.

Social Orga nization of Hanoman Langurs

The University of Chicago Press. Chicago

Social Learning Theories


Social Learning Theories

Prentice Hall Inc., New Jersey

Social Learning Theories

Bandura, Albert

Social Learning Theories

Prentice Hall Inc., New Jersey.

Social Forestry Management (Dalam Forestry in Indonesia)

Mulyadi Bratamihardja

Social Forestry Management (Dalam Forestry in Indonesia)

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation, Bangkok.

Social development: Putting people first, in bureaucracy and the poor: closing the gap.

Korten, D. C.

Social Class and Ten Dimensions of Religius Involvement

Davidson James.D


Judul Buku

Penerbit McGraw-Hill Publishing, USA

Sociology an-Introduction Little Field

Kyoto University. Overseas Research Report of Studies on Asia Non-Human Primates IV

Adams & Co. Patterson, New. Yersey

Kyoto University Primate Research Institute

Brown and Benchmark. Wisconsin.

McGraw-Hill Inc. Singapore.

Doctoral Dissertation University of Notre Dame


Hlm 296 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Social and Environmental Impact of Coastal Aquaculture in Indonesia

Muluk C

Aquaculture Developmet social Dimensions of an Emerging Industry ( hlm 193-209)

Westview Press.Colorado

Social and Culture Perspective in Nutrition

Sanjur D

Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New York

Social and Culture Perspective in Nutrition

Sanjur D

Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New York

Social And Cultural Perspectives In Nutrition

Sanjur. D

Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New York

Soal Wanita

Dewantara, Ki Hadjar

Soal Wanita

Majelis Hukum Taman Siswa, Jakarta

Snack Food Technology

Matz, S.A.

Snack Food Technology

The AVI Publ. Co., Westport, Connecticut.

Smoking of fish and carcinogens

Sikorski ZE

Fish smoking and Drying, edited by JR Burt

Elsevier Applied Science, London and New York


Cutting, C.L.

G. Borgstrom, Fish as Food, Vol. III

Academic Press, New York and London.

Smoke in Food Processing.

Maga, J.A.

Smoke in Food Processing.

CRS Press, Inc. Boca Raton, Florida. 154 pp.

Smith's Introduction to Industrial Mycology. Seventh edition.

Onions. A.M.S.,

By Edward Arnold (Publisher) Ltd. London. p. 271-283.

Smith' s Introduction to Industrial Mycology 7th ed.

Onions A.H.S.

’Edward Arnold Publisher, Ltd.


Borchardt. G

Mineral In Soil Environments 2nd ed.

SSSA. Book series I Soil. Sci. Soc. Amer. Madison. W.I. USA

Smallholder tree growing on erosion prove marginal upland : a case study in Sumedang, West Java

Gunawan, M

Imperata Project paper 1996/1

The Australian National University, Australia.


Hlm 297 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Small Scale Test Method for Determining Formaldehyde Emissions from Wood Products Two-Hour Desicator Test (FTM. 1).


Small Scale Test Method for Determining Formaldehyde Emissions from Wood Products Two-Hour Desicator Test (FTM. 1).

National Particleboard Association (NPA), Hardwood Plywood Manufacturer Association (HPMA), Formaldehyde Institute (FI), Washington DC.

Small scale Fishes in Asia : Socio-economic Analysis and Policy

Pannayotou, T.

Small scale Fishes in Asia : Socioeconomic Analysis and Policy

IDRC, Ottawa. 283 pp.

Small Ruminant Production Systems. In: Proceedings Production in South and Southeast Asia, 6-10 October 1986, Bogor, Indonesia.

Devendra, C.

International Development Research Centre and The Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Support Program.

International Development Research Centre and The Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Support Program.

Small ruminant production in the humid tropics (with special reference to Indonesia)

WodzickaTomaszewska, M.

Small ruminant production in the humid tropics (with special reference to Indonesia)

Sebelas Maret University Press. Surakarta.

Small ruminant on small farms in West Java, Indonesia: Preliminary results of a baseline survey of upland and lowland farming systems

Sabrani, M.

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Sifat Fungsional dan Nilai Gizi Tempe Serta Pengembangan Produk Olahannya Untuk Ibu Hamil dan Menyusui

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Sifat dan ciri tanah. Departemen ilmu-ilmu tanah.

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Sifat dan Ciri Tanah. Sifat dan Ciri Tanah.

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Sifat dan Ciri Tanah. Sifat dan Ciri Tanah.

IPB, Bogor. Departemen llmu Tanah Fak. Pertanian IPB, Bogor.

Sifat dan ciri tanah. Sifat dan ciri tanah. Sifat dan ciri tanah. Sifat dan Ciri Tanah.

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Sifat dan Ciri Tanah IPB, Bogor.

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Sifat dan Ciri Tanah IPB, Bogor.

Sifat dan Ciri Tanah II. Departemen Ilmu Tanah.

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Sifat dan Ciri Tanah II. Departemen Ilmu Tanah.

Fakultas Pertanian. IPB. Bogor

Sifat dan Ciri Tanah I. Sifat dan Ciri Tanah 2

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IPB, Bogor. Institut Pertanian Bogor

Sifat Dan Ciri Tanah Sifat dan Ciri Tanah

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IPB. Bogor Fakultas Pertanian IPB

Sifat dan Ciri Tanah

Soepardi Goeswono

Institut Pertanian Bogor

Sifat dan ciri tanah

Soepardi, G.

Sifat dan ciri tanah

Soepardi, G

Sifat dan ciri tanah

G, Soepardi

Sifat dan Ciri Tanah Sifat dan ciri tanah

Soepardi. G Soepardi, G.

Sifat dan ciri tanah

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Sifat dan Ciri Tanah

Soepardi, G.

Sifat dan Ciri Tanah

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Sifat dan Ciri Tanah

Soepardi, G

Sifat dan Ciri Tanah

Departemen llmu Tanah dan Pemupukan IPB Bogor

Sifat dan Ciri Tanah

Soepardi, G.

Sifat dan Ciri Tanah

Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor.

Sifat dan Ciri Tanah Sifat dan Ciri Tanah Sifat dan Ciri Tanah

Soepardi, G. Soepardi, G. Soepardi, G.

Sifat dan Ciri Tanah Sifat dan Ciri Tanah Sifat dan Ciri Tanah

IPB Bogor. IPB, Bogor. Proyek Peningkatan Mutu Perguruan Tinggi Faperta IPB, Bogor.

sifat dan ciri tanah

Goeswono Soepardi


IPB, Bogor

Sifat dan ciri tanah

Soepardi, G.

Sifat dan Ciri tanah

Soepardi, G.

Sifat dan ciri tanah Sifat dan Ciri tanah Sifat dan ciri tanah

Soepardi, G. Soepardi, G. Soepardi G

Sifat dan ciri tanah

Soepardi Goeswono

Dep. Ilmu Tanah IPB Bogor

Sifat dan ciri tanah Sifat dan Ciri Tanah

Soepardi G Soepardi, G

Faperta IPB Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor

Sifat dan Ciri Tanah

Soepardi, G

Fakultas Pertanian, Institut pertanian Bogor. Bogor

Sifat dan ciri tanah

Soepardi Goeswono

Dep. Ilmu Tanah IPB Bogor

Sifat dan ciri tanah Sifat biologis dari kandungan kimia mimba (Azadirachta indica, A. juss) sebagai sumber pestisida botanis.

Soepardi G Djamin, A.

Faperta IPB Buletin Manggar

Sifat biologi dan kandungan kimia nimba (Azadirachta indica) sebagai sumber pestisida botani

Djamin, A.

Sifal dan Ciri Tanah

Soepardi G


Institut Pertanian Bogor Sifat dan Ciri tanah

Departemen Ilmu Tanah. Faperta IPB, Bogor

Fakultas Pertanian IPB Bogor

Departemen Ilmu-ilmu tanah Fakultas Pertanian

Pusat Penelitian Perkebunan. Bandar Kuala

Sifal dan Ciri Tanah

IPB Bogor

Hlm 308 dari 1800

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Sidik lintas sifat agronomi terhadap hasil jagung.

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Si Hijau Yang Cantik Shrimp Pond Bottom Soil and Sediment Management

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Si Hijau Yang Cantik Dalam Wyban J (Ed) Proceeding of the Special Session on Shrimp Farming ( hlm 166-181

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Shrimp meal

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A new look an old product Feedstuff's

Shrimp immunity and disease control: an integrated approach.

Bachere, E.

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Shrimp immunity and disease control: an integrated approach

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Shrimp feed requirements and, feed management

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Shrimp feed requirement and feed management

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Shrimp Disease General. Disease Diagnosis Apd Control In North American Marine Aquaculture

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Shrimp Disease General. Disease Diagnosis Apd Control In North American Marine Aquaculture

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Shrimp and Prawn of the World. An Annotated catalogue of species of interest to fisheries.

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The Freezing Preservation of Food. Tressler, W.B., Arsdel, V. and Copley, Mj. (eds)


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Hlm 309 dari 1800

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Should layers feeds be restricied

Latshaw. J.D

Short Term Calf Removal to Improve Conception Rates in Angoni Cows.

Chipepa, J. A. S.

IAEA Vienna Austria.

Short Course Beef Cattle Management and Economic

Tulloh N.M

Hasanudin University, Ujung Pandang

Short chain fatty acids in the human large intestine, portal, hepatic and venous blood

Cummings, J.H.,


Shore Protection, plan & design


Technical report No 4

New york

Ship Stabihty for Masters and Mates.

Derret, D.R.

Ship Stabihty for Masters and Mates.

The Marritime Press Limited 13 Long Acre London, W.C.2.

Shifting Cultivation on The Tidal Floodplains of Amazon : Impact on Soil Nutrient Status

Zarin. D.J

Shells of the World Color

Habe, T.

Vol II. The Tropical Pacific. 193 pp.

Shelf-life Dating of Foods

Labuza, T.P.

Shelf-life Dating of Foods

Food and Nutrition Press Inc., Westport, Connecticut,

Shelf Life Prediction of Packaged Foods. Chemical, Biological, Physical and Nutritional Aspects, (G. Charalambous, ed.)

Floros, J.D.

Shelf Life Prediction of Packaged Foods. Chemical, Biological, Physical and Nutritional Aspects, (G. Charalambous, ed.)

Elsevier Publ., London.

Shelf Life Dating of Foods

Labuza, T.P.

Shelf Life Dating of Foods

Food and Nutrition Press Inc., Westport, Connecticut.

Sheep production in the tropics.

Carles, A. B.

Oxford Univ. Press. London.

Sheep production in the tropics and sub tropics

Gatenby RM

Longman London and New York

Sheep production and management in a mediterranean climate: the agropostoral system of morocco.



Judul Buku


Agroforestry Systems

Small ruminant collaborative research support program. Univ. of California, Davis, CA.

Hlm 310 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Sheep and Goats in Reproduction in Farm Animals. 4th

Hulet, C. V.

Sheep and Goats in Reproduction in Farm Animals. 4th

Edited by E.S.E. Hafed Lea and Febiger (Eds.) Philadelphia. p. 346-357.

Sheep and goats

Jainudeen, M. R.

reproduction farm animal. 6th ed. E. S. E. Hafez.

Lea and Fabiger, Philadelphia

Sheep and Goats

Jaenudeen M R

In E S E Hafez (ed): Reproduction in Farm Animals 6th edition

Lea & febiger Philadelphia

Sheep and goats

Jainudeen MR

Hafez ESE (ed). Reproduction in Farm Animals. 6* Ed

Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger. him 330-342.

Sheep and goat markets during the Islamic holiday "Idul Adha" in Bandung, West Java

Soedjana, T.D.

Working Paper No.7

Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Support ProgramBalai Penelitian Ternak, Bogor, Indonesia.

Shark's Don't Get Cancer

Lane, W.

Shark's Don't Get Cancer

New York: Avery Publisher, Inc.

Shark Fleks in Food Industry

Gordvieskaya, U.S.

Shark Fleks in Food Industry

Pacific Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries, 95: 2733.

Shark Don't Get Cancer:How Shark Cartilage Could Save Your Life.

Lane, I.W.

Shark Don't Get Cancer:How Shark Cartilage Could Save Your Life.

Avery Publishing Group Inc., New York, 192 pp.

Shark Don't Get Cancer: How Shark Cartilage Could Save Your Life

Lane, I.W.

Shark Don't Get Cancer: How Shark Cartilage Could Save Your Life

Avery Publishing Group Inc., Garden City Park, New York. 192p.

Shark cartilage contains an inhibitor of tumor neovascularization

Lee, A.

Colwell, R.R., A.J. Sinskey, and E. R. Pariser (Eds.) Biotechnology in the Marine Sciences. p. 215-218.

John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Shadow hunters Shadow Hunters

Valli, E Valli, E

Shadow hunters Shadow Hunters

Sun Tree. Singapore Sun Tree Publishing Ltd. Singapore

Shadow Hunter Shading Effect of Some Tree Species on The Growth of Some Diptercarp Species

Valli, E Hardiwinoto.S

Shadow Hunter Annual Report Of Join Research GMU-KEEC 1995/1996

Sun Tree. Singapore

Sfatistik Perikanan Indonesia 1990.


Buku Statprod No. 20.

Direktorat Jendral Perikanan Jakarta. 74 pp.


Hlm 311 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Sexual Reproduction of Tree Crops.

Sedgley M

Sexual Reproduction of Tree Crops.

Academie Press Limited. London-New York-Tokyo

Sexual reproduction in five species of coral Montipora

Heyward, A.J.

P.L, |okiel, R.H. Richmond and R.A, Rogers (Eds), coral Reef Population Biology. Hawaii Inst Mar. Biol. Tech, Rep. 37: I70-178.

Sexual Maternal and Neonatal Behavior

Alexander, G.

E.S.E. Hafez (ed). Reproduction in Farm Animal

Lea & Febiger. Philadelphia.

Sexual Dimorphism in Snake

Shine, R.

R.A. Seigel dan J.T. Collms. Snakes Ecology and Behavior, pp. 49 - 86

McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York.

Sex Reversal in Earthen Pond. International Centre for Aquaculture Expriment Station

Popma, T.J.

Sex Reversal in Earthen Pond. International Centre for Aquaculture Expriment Station

Auburn University, Alabama. Series No. 35. 83 p.

Sex Differensaation. p : 117 175


W.S. Hoar and DJ, Randal (Eds). Fish Physiology Vol. III.

Academic Press, New York.

Sex Control and Sex Reversal in Fish Under Natural Condition. P: 171-213

Chan, S.T.H

W.S. Hoar, D.J. Randal and J.R. Brett (Eds). Fish Physiology Vol. IX

Academic Press, NewYork.

Sewindu Penelitian Pertanian di Lahan Rawa. Proyek Penelitian Pertanian Lahan Pasang Surut dan Rawa-Swamps II

Ismail Inu G. Trip Alihamsyah

Sewindu Penelitian Pertanian di Lahan Rawa. Proyek Penelitian Pertanian Lahan Pasang Surut dan Rawa-Swamps II

Badan Litbang Pertanian. Bogor.

Sewindu Penelitian Pertanian di Lahan Rawa, 1985-93

Ismail, I G.

Sewindu Penelitian Pertanian di Lahan Rawa, 1985-93

Badan Litbang Pertanian, Jakarta. hlm. 1-116

Sewindu Penelitian Pertanian di Lahan Rawa (1985-93) Kontribusi dan Prospek Pengembangan. Proyek Penelitian Pertanian Lahan Pasang Surut dan Rawa Swamps-II

Ismail, I G.

Sewindu Penelitian Pertanian di Lahan Rawa (1985-93) Kontribusi dan Prospek Pengembangan. Proyek Penelitian Pertanian Lahan Pasang Surut dan Rawa Swamps-II

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengem-bangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor.

Sewage in the sea


Sewage in the sea

Department of Zoology University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK.

Severe boron deficiency in young oil palms in sumatera

Purba AYL

Planters 49, 10p

Kuala Lumpur


Hlm 312 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Seuntai Usaha Tani Indonesia


Seuntai Pengetahuan Tentang Usahatani.

Kaslan, A.T.,

Seuntai Pengetahuan Tentang Usaha Tani Indonesia

Tohir. K

Bina Aksara Jakarta

Seuntai Pengetahuan Tentang Usaha Tani Di Indonesia

Kaslan. A.T

Bina Swadaya. Jakarta

Serum cholesterol and lipoprotein metabolism in hypercholesterolaemic NIDDM patients before and during sitostanol estermargarine treatment

Gylling, H


Serology of plant viruses

Van Regenmortel, M.H.V

Serology of plant viruses

Acad. Press, New York

Serological techniques for the detection of Pseudomonas solanacearum

Robinson-Smith, A

V.K. Mehan & D. McDonald, 1994 (eds.). Techniques for Diagnosis of Pseudomonas solanacearum, and for Resistence screening against Groundnut Bacterial Wilt.

International Crops Research Institut for SemiArid Tropics (ICRISAT), Hyderabad, India

Serological methods to detect plant viruses: production and use of monoclonal antibodies

Torrance, L.

Technique for the rapid detection of plant pathogents

Blackwell Acientific. Publ.

Serological detection of Pseudomonas solanacearum by ELISA

Robinson, A.

G.L. Hartman and A.C. Hayward (Eds). Bacterial Wilt Proceedings of an International Conference, Kaoshiung, Taiwan, 28-31 October 1992. ACIAR Proc. (45): 54-61.

Seri Kajian MR ; Merencanakan Pembangunan Hutan Untuk Strategi Kehutanan Sosial


Seri Fauna

Ensiklopedi Indonesia

Seri Fauna

PT. Intermasa, Jakarta, 256 p.

Seri Fauna

EnsiKlopedia Indonesia

Seri Fauna

PT. Intermasa. Jakarta. 256 h.


Judul Buku

Penerbit CV. Rajawali. Jakarta

Seuntai Pengetahuan Tentang Usahatani.

PT. Bina Aksara, Jakarta.

Aditya Media Yogyakarta

Hlm 313 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Serelia. Sumber karbohidrat utama.

Nurmala, T.

Serba-serbi Semiotika. Seration and circulation for effective aquaculture pond management

Sudjiman G.L. Rogers

Serba-serbi Semiotika Aquaculture Engineering

Jakarta: Gramedia.

Serat Pustakaraja Purwa

Ronggowarsito, R.Ng.

Serat Pustakaraja Purwa (dilatinkan)

Yayasan Centini, Yogyakarta

Sequence Conservation of Microsatellites Between Bos Taurus (Cattle), Capra Hircus (Goat) and Related Species

Pepin L.


Sequence and characterization of 6 LEA proteins and their genes from cotton

Baker, J

Seputar Makanan Ayam Kampung.

Rasyaf, M.

Sepuluh program percepatan pemuluihan ekonomi

Menko bid. Perekonomian

Separation of yeast chromosome size DNAs by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis

Schwartz DC

Cell 37:67-75.

Separation of isomers using double salts of CaCl2


U. S. Patent

Senyawa Obat. Edisi ke2. Terjemahan Joke. R. Wattimena

Schunack, W.,

Senyawa Obat. Edisi ke2. Terjemahan Joke. R. Wattimena

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Senyawa Obat. Buku Pelajaran Kimia Farmasi (edisi 2), Terjemahan J.R. Wattimena dan S. Soebito

Schunack, W.

Senyawa Obat. Buku Pelajaran Kimia Farmasi (edisi 2), Terjemahan J.R. Wattimena dan S. Soebito

Gajah Mada Univ. Press, Yogyakarta. 250 hal.

Senyawa Anti Gizi

Noor, Z.

Sentra Industri Kecil di Propinsi Sumatera Barat.


Judul Buku

Penerbit Rineka Cipta, Jakarta.

Plant Mol. Biol

Seputar Makanan Ayam Kampung.

Penerbit Kanisius, Yogyakarta. kantor Menko bid. Perekonomian, Jkt

PAU Pangan dan Gizi UGM, Yogyakarta Sentra Industri Kecil di Propinsi Sumatera Barat.

Proyek Pengembangan Industri Kecil dan Menengah (PIKM) Propinsi Sumatera Barat.

Hlm 314 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Sensus Tanaman Buah dalam Kotamadya Manado.

Pangemanan, L.,

Sensus Tanaman Buah dalam Kotamadya Manado.

Penelitian Fakultas Pertanian Unsrat Manado.

Sensus Pertanian, Pendapatan Rumah Tangga Pertanian Propinsi NTB. Mataram


Sensus Pertanian 1993: Pedoman Pengumpulan Data Tanaman Pangan dan Holtikultura


Sensus Penduduk Indonesia 1971-1990

BPS Sensus Penduduk 1990

Biro Pusat Statistik Tk.II Tapanuli Utara

Sensus Penduduk 1990 Sensory evaluation of foods: principles and methods

Mabesa, L. B.

Sensory Evaluation of Food and Food Product.

Mabesa, L.B.

Sensory evaluation of food

Lawless TH

Sensory Evaluation Method of The Food Products

Mabesa, L.B.,

Sensitivity of simulated phosphorous uptake to parameters use by mechanisticmathematical Models.

Silverbush, M.

Sengon. Budidaya Ke-gunaan dan Prospek


Seng dalam Mineral

Sandstead. H.H

Pengetahuan Gizi Mutakhi (Nasution. A.H ; Karyadi. D (Penterjemah)

Gramedia. Jakarta

Seng ( Penerjemah D.Karyadi & A.H. Nasution)

Sandstead H.H

in : Olson R.E., H.P.Bro-quist, C.O.Chichester, W.J.Darby, A.C.Kolbye & R.M.Stalvey (Editors).Mineral



Sandstead H.H

R.E.Olson, H.P.Broquist, C.O.Chicester, W.J.Darby, A.C.Kolbye Jr, R.M.Stalvey (Eds) Mineral (A.H.Nasoetion, penerjemah)

Gramedia , Jakarta


CRDL Printing Press. Makiling Subdivision. Los Banos. Laguna Sensory Evaluation of Food and Food Product.

Food Science and Technology UPLB. Philippines. International thomson Publ. NY

UPLB Los Banos Philipines

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Hlm 315 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Senescence and Postharvest Physiology of Cut Flowers-part I

Halevy. A.H.

Horticultura Reviews

AVI. Publishing. Westport, Conecticut

Senescence and Postharvest Physiology of Cut Flowers-part

Halevy. A.H

Horticultura Reviews

AVI. Publishing. Westport, Conecticut

Sendi-sendi Silvicultur


Sendi-sendi Pokok Usaha Tani.


Sendi-sendi pokok usaha tani


Departemen ilmu-ilmu sosial ekonomi. Faperta, IPB, Bogor

Sendi-sendi pokok usaha tani


Departemen Ilmu-ilmu sosial ekonomi fapera IPB Bogor

Sendi-sendi Pokok Ilmu Usahatani.


Sendi-sendi Pokok Ilmu Usahatani.

IPB, Bogor.

Sendi-sendi Pokok Ilmu Usahatani,

Soeharjo, A.

Sendi-sendi Pokok Ilmu Usahatani,

Univ. Hasanudin, Ujungpandang.

Sendi-sendi Pokok Ilmu Usahatani

Ratag, J.G.A.

Sendi-sendi Pokok Ilmu Üsahatani

Fak. Pertanian Unsrat Manado.

Seminar Nasional Lustrum ke VI Fakultas Peternakan, UGM, Yogyakarta 8 Nopember 1999

Triatmojo, S

semen Evaluation, Handling and Thawing, Proceedings of a Deer Course for Veterinarians.


New Zealand Veterinary Association.

Semarang municipal develops.

Semarang Municipal Government,

Semarang municipal develops.

Department of Public Relations, Regional Level II, Semarang, Indonesia.

SEM : A User's Manual for Material Science

Gabriel, B.L.I

SEM : A User's Manual for Material Science

The American Society for Metals Park, Ohio. American.


Irawadi, T


Diktat. PAU Bioteknologi IPB, Bogor.


Direktorat Djendral Kehutanan. Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta Sendi-sendi Pokok Usaha Tani.

Departemen Sosial Ekonomi, Fakultas Pertanian, IPB. Bogor. p.36-41.

Hlm 316 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Seluk Beluk dan Teknik Perdagangan Luar Negen.

Judul Buku


Seluk Beluk dan Teknik Perdagangan Luar Negen.

Penerbit PT. Pustaka Binaman Pressindo. Jakarta.


Burk. R.F

Pengetahuan Gizi Mutakhir Mineral

Gramedia. Jakarta


Mason. A.C

Trace Minerals In Foods

Marcel Dekker, New York

Seleksi terhadap Melanococaa.

Lubis A.U.

Seleksi terhadap Melanococca, (publikasi intern)

Marihat Research Station, Pematangsiantar

Seleksi Jagung Untuk Toleransi Terhadap Kekeringan

Slamet. S

Selection of trichogramma for inundative biological control

Pak GA

Grafich Bedfisch Ponsen en looijen. Wageningen

Selection of trichogramma for inundative biological control

Pak GA

Grafich Bedfisch Ponsen en looijen. Wageningen

Selection of mutants highly resistant to black spot disease in japanese pear 'Gold Nijisseiki' by irradiation of Gamma-rays

Masuda, T.

Selection of Beef Cattle for The Tropics. Beef Cattle Production in The Tropics.

Seifert, G. W.

Selection of a High Phosphate Slubility Activity Bacteria.

Shinmyo, A.

Selection Indices In Plant Breeding

Baker. R.J

CRC Press Inc. Boca Raton. FL

Selection for litter sizes. In: genetics of reproduction in sheep. R. B. Land and D. W. Robinson. Ed.

Bradford, G. E.

Butterworth, London

Selection for litter sizes. In: Genetics of reproduction in sheep. R. B. Land and D. W. Robinson. Ed.

Bradford, G. E.

Butterworth, London

Selection for Grain Filling in Maize

Poneleit, C.G

Ann. Corn and Sorghum Res. Conf


James Cook University of North Quennsland, Townsville. Abst. Review ofBiotech.

Hlm 317 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Selection For Earlines In Corn (Zea Mays L)


Selection for drought tolerance in maize Adapted to the lowland Tropics.

Edmeades, G.

Selection for drought and heat resistance in grain legumes. In: H.Mussel and R.C.Staples (Eds). Stress Physiology in Crop Plants.

Sulhvan. C.Y.,

Selection and Breeding Methods

Hallauer, A.R

Selecting Uncertainty Calculi and Granularity: An Experimentation in Trading-off Precision and Complexity, in Kanal, L.N. and Lemmer, J.F. (eds.)

Bonissone, P.P

Selecting Beef Cattle for Maximum Productivity. Animal Genetic and Breeding Unit.

Hammond K.

University of New England, Air Midale.

Selected Tropic in Animal Nutrition.

Close, W.

Universitat Honenheim, Institut fur Tierernahrung Federal, Republic of Germany.

Selected Topics in Animal Nutrition. Manual prepared for the 3rd Hohenheim Course on Animal Nutrition in the Tropics and Semi-Tropics 2nd edi-tion. In Cooperation with : H. Steingass and A. Trocher

Close, W,

Selected topic in animal nutrition

Clause W

Selected Exercises from Microbes in Action. 3rd ed.

Seeley, H.W.


Judul Buku

Penerbit Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Bogor

Selection for drought and heat resistance in grain legumes. In: H.Mussel and R.C.Staples (Eds). Stress Physiology in Crop Plants.

John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York. p. 268281.

K.J. Frey (ed.) Plant Breeding II Selecting Uncertainty Calculi and Granularity: An Experimentation in Trading-off Precision and Complexity, in Kanal, L.N. and Lemmer, J.F. (eds.)

Selected Topics in Animal Nutrition. Manual prepared for the 3rd Hohenheim Course on Animal Nutrition in the Tropics and SemiTropics 2nd edi-tion. In Cooperation with : H. Stein-gass and A. Trocher

Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. Pp. 167-195. North Holland, Amsterdam.

The Institute of Animal Nutrition, University of Ho-henheim

The Institute of Ammal Nutrition Univ. of Hohenheem, Germany Selected Exercises from Microbes in Action. 3rd ed.

W.H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco, Pp. 37-41.

Hlm 318 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Selayang Pandang Perikanan Kebupaten Sumenep, Madura.

Selayang Pandang Perikanan Kebupaten Sumenep, Madura.

Dinas Perikanan Kabupaten Sumenep.

Selayang Pandang Perikanan Kabupaten Sumenep

Selayang Pandang Perikanan Kabupaten Sumenep

Dinas Periakanan Kabupaten Sumenep.

Selat Malaka ditinjau dan segi perikanan

Unar, M.

Selat Malaka ditinjau dan segi perikanan

LPPL. Jakarta, 22 hal.

Selai Buah

Standar Industri Indonesia

Selai Buah

Departemen Perindustrian. Sll 017378. Jakarta.

Selai & jelly


Sektor Informal, Urbanisasi, Pengangguran di Kota

Hart. K

Sektor Informal, Urbanisasi, Pengangguran di Kota

Gramedia, Jakarta.

Sekolah Tani : Sebuah Studi Kasus SLPHT

Fakih, M

Kapita Selekta SLPHT

Program PHT Deptan. Jakarta

Sekolah Lapangan : Suatu Upaya Pembaharuan Penyuluhan Pertanian

Dilts, R.

Kapita Selekta SLPHT.

Program PHT Deptan. Jakarta

Sekitar Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia serta Masalah Sosial

Abdul Madjid

Sekilas Pengelolaan Cendana di Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Kupang.

Dinas Kehutanan.

Sekilas Pengelolaan Cendana di Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Kupang.

Sekam Gabah Sebagai Bahan Industri

Somaatmadja D

Komunikasi Balai Pelatihan Kimia Bogor

Sejarah SLPHT di kab. Banjarnegara

Dinas Pertanian Kab. Banjarnegara

Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Kab Banjarnegara

Sejarah SLPHT di kab. Banjarnegara

Dinas Pertanian Kab. Banjarnegara

Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Kab Banjarnegara

Sejarah kehutanan Indonesia II-


Sejarah Kehutanan Indonesia I : Periode Pra Sejarah-Tahun 1942

Departemen Kehutanan

Sejarah kehutanan Indonesia



Gramedia Pustaka Utama Jkt

Kompas, July 1989

Sejarah kehutanan Indonesia II-

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Industri, Departemen Perindustrian Bogor

Departemen Kehutanan RI. Jakarta PT, Beenbar Grafiscont

Sejarah kehutanan Indonesia

Departemen Kehutanan

Hlm 319 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Sejarah dan perkembangan budidaya nilam di Indonesia

Dhalimi, A.

Seiners fisheries in Indonesia.

Potter, M.

M.Potier & S.Nurhakim (eds.). Biology. Dynamics, Exploitation of the Small Pelagic Fisheries in the Java Sea. AARD-ORSTOM : p.195-214.

Sehat tanpa Daging

Kurniawan H.D

Majlis Agama Budha Mahayana.Indonesia .Jakarta

Segi-segi Sosial Budaya, Pola Konsumai dan kebiasaan Makan di 5 Daerah Pedesaan di Indonesia


Direktorat Gizi, Dirjen Pembinaan Kesehatan, Depertemen Kesehatan RI

Seewed and Plant Growth Seeds. Physiological of Development and Germination 2nd ed.

Senn. T.L Bewley. J.D

United States Americ

Seedling of black (Betula lenta L.) as foragers for nitrogen

Crabtree, R.C

Seedgermination and seedling growth

Takahashi N

Biology of rice (ed S Tsunoda and N Takahashi)

Japan Scientific Press

Seed-Borne Diseases and Seed Health Testing of Rice

Agrawal PC

Technical Bulletin No 3

Danish Gov.Inst.Seed Path.Developing Countries

Seed: Physiology of development and Germination

Bewly JD

Plenum Press, New York, London

Seed: Physiology of development and Germination

Bewly JD

Plenum Press, New York, London

Seed Vigor Testing Handbook


Seed vigor testing Handbook


Association seed analyst handbook on seed testing.

Seed vigor testing Handbook


Association seed analyst handbook on seed testing.


Judul Buku


Plenum Press, New York and London New Phytol

Contribution No.32 To the handbook On Seed Testing

The Seed Vigor Test Committee of the Association of Official Seed Analysts

Hlm 320 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Seed transmitted virus diseases, biology, detection and control

Lange, L.

Seed transmitted virus diseases, biology, detection and control

Danish Govt. Inst. Of seed pathology for dev. Country

Seed technology

Agrawal RL

Oxford and IBH Publ co New Delhi

Seed technology

Agrawal RL

Oxford and IBH Publ co New Delhi

Seed storange and longevity

Harrington JF

In TT Kozlowsky (Ed) Seed Biology Vol.III

Academic Press.

Seed Storage, Germination and Quality

Taylor. A.G

The Physiology of Vegetable Crops

CAB International Wallingford. U.K

Seed storage ang longevity

Harrington JF

TT Kozlowski (ed) seed biology, vol III

Academic Press New York and London

Seed storage ang longevity

Harrington JF

TT Kozlowski (ed) seed biology, vol III

Academic Press New York and London

Seed storage and longevity

Harrington, J.F.

T. Koslowski (Ed.). Seed Biology. Vol. 111

Academie Press, New York. p. 145-245.

Seed quality of secondary food crops in Indonesia. 183-200

Nugraha, U.S.

H. van Amstel, J.W.T. Bothema, M. Sidik and C.E. van Santen (Eds.) Integrating seed systems for annual food crops. Proc. Workshop

CGPRT Centre, Bogor.

Seed production.

Tamaru C.S. in Research Institute for Freshwater Fisheries.

Bogor-Indonesia (September 1992).

Seed production and agricultural crops longman scientific & Technical

Kelly AF

Copublished in the US with John Willey & Sons Inc, New York

Seed production and agricultural crops longman scientific & Technical

Kelly AF

Copublished in the US with John Willey & Sons Inc, New York

Seed Planning and Policy for Agricultural Production

Kelly, A.F.

Seed Planning and Policy for Agricultural Production

Belhaven Press. London, New York.

Seed physiology of development and germination

Bewley, J.D.

Seed physiology of development and germination

Plenum Press, New York

Seed improvement course TC 130-3PM


Participant's manual. Seed Tech. Laboratory MSU. USA.

Seed dormancy. In: Seed Biology: T.T. Kozlowski (Ed.).

Villiers, T.A.

Seed dormancy. In: Seed Biology: T.T. Kozlowski (Ed.).

Seed dormancy IRTP, Annual report for 1997



Seed dormancy IRTP, Annual report for 1997




Acad. Press. NY.

Hlm 321 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Seed Dormancy


International Rice Testing Program . Annual Report

FIR 1987. IRRI. The Phillippines

Seed certification in the next 10 years: A seedsmen’s view

Voris, M.

M.B. McDonald., Jr and W.D. Pardee (Eds.). The Role of Seed Certification in the Seed Industry. (10): 41-46.

CSSA Special Publication.

Seed certification

Svenson, O.

W.P. Feistritzer (Ed.). Cereal Seed Technology: A manual of Cereal Seed Production, Quality Control, and Distribution. p. 163202.

FAO of United Nation, Rome.

Sedimentologi Process and Products”

Leeder, M.R.

“Sedimentologi Process and Products”

Unwin Ltd. London.

Sedap Malam

Rukmana. R

Sedap Malam

Penerbit Kanisius, Yogyakarta

Secondary Structure Changes and Peptic Hydrolysis of BetaLactoglobulin induced by Diols

Dib, R

Secondary plant metabolites in preinfectional and postinfectional resistance

Stoessl, A.

Secondary plant metabolites in preinfectional and postinfectional resistance

Academic Press Ltd. Australia

Secondary Plant Metabolism.

Vickery, L.M.

Secondary Plant Metabolism.

The Macmillan Press Ltd., London.

Secondary Plant Metabolism

Vickery, M.L.

Secondary Plant Metabolism

London: The Macmillan Press.

Secondary metabolism in microorganism, plants and animals

Luchker, M.

Second land resource evaluation and planning project


centre for soil and agroclimate research, Bogor

Sebuah Pandangan Tentang Penguasaan Hutan di Kalimantan Timur serta Hubungannya dengan Keseimbangan Lingkungan

Wirakusuman, SR

Sebuah Pandangan Tentang Penguasaan Hutan di Kalimantan Timur serta Hubungannya dengan Keseimbangan Lingkungan

Fahutan, Unmul, Samarinda

Sebuah Dunia Yang Dilipat, Realitas Kebudayaan Menjelang Milenium Ketiga dan Matinya Postmodernisme

Piliang, Yasraf Amir

Sebuah Dunia Yang Dilipat, Realitas Kebudayaan Menjelang Milenium Ketiga dan Matinya Postmodernisme

Bandung: Mizan



Hlm 322 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Seaweed: Their environtment, biogeography and ecophysiology.

Luning. K

Seaweed: Their environtment, biogeography and ecophysiology.

A Wiley interscience pub. Jhon Wilwy and Sons inc. New York

Seaweed and Their Uses. 3rd edition.

Chapman, V.J.

Seaweed and Their Uses. 3rd edition.

Chapman and Hall, New York.

Seaweed and Their Uses. 3r ed.

V.J. Chapman

Seaweed and Their Uses. 3r ed.

Chapman and Hall, Ltd London

Seaweed and plant Growth

Senn, T.L

Seaweed and plant Growth

Clemson University USA

Seawater: Its composition, Properties, and Behaviour


Seawater: Its composition, Properties, and Behaviour

Pergamon Press, New York. 60p.

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National Academic Press, Washington, D.C.

Ruminant Nitrogen Usage

National Academy Press. Washington D.C. National Academic of Sci. Washington

Ruminant Nitrogen Usage

Ruminant Nitrogen Usage

National Research Council

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Ruminant (buffalo) nutrition

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the asiatic water buffalo. M. R. de Guzman and A. V. Allo. Eds. ASPAC Taiwan


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Livestock Production Science 19:217-278

Ruminal fermentation. In: D. C. Church (ed.), the ruminal animal digestive, physiology and nutrition

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D.C. Church (Ed), The Ruminat Animal Digestive Physiology and Nutrition. A Reston Book Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs, New Yersey.

Rumen Probiosis : the Effect of novel microorganism on rumen fermentation and ruminal productivity

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W. Haresign & D.J. Cole (Eds.). Recent Adv. In Animal Nutrition


Elsevier Science Publisher BV Amsterdam Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

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Rumen Dry Matter Degradability and Apparent Digestibility of Variously Treated Rice Hulls.

Flachowsky, G.

Wissenchaftsbereich Tierenahrun Gscemie, Selection Tierproduction und Veterinarmedizin, Karl Marx Universitat Leipzig, Dornburger. Str. 246900 Jena, German Democratic Republic.

Rumen Daegradation of Straw. 1.

Tuah, A. K.

Untreated and ammonia-treated Barley, oat and Wheat Straw Varieties and Triticale Straw

Rumen ciliate protozoal faunae of Bali cattle (Bos javanicus javanicus) and water buffalo (Bubalus bubalus) in Indonesia with the description of entodinium javanicum, new species

Imahi, I.

Zool. Sci. Tokyo

Rumen bacteria. In: methods in microbiology. Vol 3B. (eds. J. R. Norris and D. W. Ribbons)

Hobson, P. N.

Rumen bacteria

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Rubber: Botany, Production and Utilization.

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Rose breeding : past, present, prospect

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Rootstocks for Fruit Crops

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Roots Growth And Development In Sandy Clay Soils Of Sinegal

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Soil Physical Properties and Crop Production In The Tropics

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Roots as Primary Producers in Below Ground Ecosystems. Dalam: Fitter, A.H (eds) Ecological Interaction in Soil

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Roots as Primary Producers in Below Ground Ecosystems. Dalam: Fitter, A.H (eds) Ecological Interaction in Soil

Blackwell, Oxford, UK

Rooting and sprouting of stem cuttings of Citrus jambhiri Lush in response to Indol Butyric Acidand Cyclophosphamide.

Singh, Z.

Root Nodule of legumes : Structure and Function

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Root Dynamics in Drying Soil Environments

Smucker, A. J. M.

Root development of oil palms in inland soils of west malaysia

Tan, K. S.

Root Crops

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Root Corps. The tropical product

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Roleof lipoprotein lipase and hepatic endothelial lipase in the metabolism of high density lipoprotein: a nevel concept on cholesterel transport in HDL cycle. In: Metabolic Risk Factors ol' Coronary Heart Disease

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Metabolic Risk Factors of Coronary Heart Disease

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Role of women in development dan poverty alleviation in the fisheries sector.


Role of Wetland Plants in The Diurnal Control of CH4 and CO2 Fluxes in Peat

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Role of VAM fungi in biocontrol

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Mycorrhizae and Plant Health.

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Role of Soil and Sediment in Water Pollution Control Part 1. Reaction of Nitrogenous and Phosphatic Compound With Soil Soil and Geologic Strata

Bailey. G.W

U.S Departemen of The Interior. Federal Water Pollution Control Administration

SouthEast Water Laboratory

Role of root colonizing bacteria plant growth in Phytopathogenic procaryotes.

Suslow, T.V.

Role of Potassium in photosynthesis and respiration

Huber, S.C

R.D. Munson (Eds.). Potassium in Agriculture. Proceedings of an International Symposium

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Role of plasmid in starter cultures. Dalam: bacterial starter cultures for foods

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Role of plant aerenchyma in wet tolerance and methane emission from plaints. Pp. 455-461.

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Role of Phosporus Fertilization in Improving Soil Fertility of Acid Tropical And Subtropical Soils in Asia


Role of phenolic in plant disease resistance in biotechnologyin plant disease control. Edited by Ilan Chet

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Role of irrigation in agricultural systems

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Role of iron in the suppression of bacterial plant pathogens by fluorescent pseudomonads

Bakker PAHM

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Academic Press san Diego

Role of iron in the suppression of bacterial plant pathogens by fluorescent pseudomonads

Bakker PAHM

LL Barton, BC Hemming (ed) Iron chelation in plants and soil microorganisms

Academic Press san Diego

Role of fats in food and nutrition

Gurr MI

Role of Cultivar tolerance in increasing rice production on saline lands

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R.C. Staples & G.H. Toenniessen (eds.) Salinity Tolerance in Plants, Strategies for Crop Improvement

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Role of Alumunium and Iron In Accumulation of Organic Matter With Variable Charge

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Environmental Impact of Soil Component Interactions : Natural and Antrhopogenic Organic

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RNA Methodologies: A Laboratory Guide for Isolation and Characterization.

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River Pollution.

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River and reservoir Yield

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Rising game bird in Captivity

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Risalah widyakarya nasional pangan dan gizi V



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Risalah Temu Lapang Penakit Tngro di Daerah Banyumas Jawa Tengah

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Rintangan-rintangan Mental dalam Pembangunan Ekonomi Indonesia


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RIMIK CP10 Cone Penetrometer


Rift Valley Fever

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University Press, Capetown, Oxford

Riee diseases. 2nd ed.

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Riee diseases. 2nd ed.

Commonwealth Mycological Institute, CAB, Kew Surey, England. p. 109-201.

Rice-fish systems as intensive nurseries, p. 117-130

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C.R. Dela Cruz, C. Lightfoot, B.A. Costa-Pierce, V.R. Carangal and M.P. Bimbao (eds.) Rice-Fish Research and Development in Asia. ICLARM conf. Proc. 24.

Rice-fish farming research in lowland areas: the West Java case

Fagi, A.M.

C.R. Dela Cruz, C. Lightfoot, B.A. Costa-Pierce, V.R. Carangal and M.P. Bimbao (Eds.) Rice-Fish Research and Development in Asia. ICLARM Conference Proceedings 24: 273-286.


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Rintangan-rintangan Mental dalam Pembangunan Ekonomi Indonesia


Penerbit Bhatara, Jakarta

Institut Manajemen Koperasi Ind. Ringkasan Eksekutif Survai Pemetaan Tanah Tinjau Mendalam PLG Satu Juta Ha Propinsi Kalimantan Tengah

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Agridry Rimik Pty. Ltd. Toowomba. Australia.

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Rice-fish farming research in lowland areas: the West Java case. p. 273 - 286

Fagi, A.M.

C.R. Dela Cruz, C. Lightfoot, B.A. Costa Pierce, V.R. Carangal, and M.P. Bimbao (Eds.) Rice-Fish Research and Development in Asia. ICLARM conf. Proc. 24.

Rice: soil. water, land

Moormann. FR.

Rice: Production and utilization

Luh, BS

Rice: Chemistry and Technology.

Juliano, B. O.

Rice: Chemistry and technology

Juliano, B.O.

Rice: Chemistry and technology

The American Association of Cereal Chemists. Inc. St. Paul, Minnesota 774 pp.

Rice: Chemistry and Technology


Rice: Chemistry and Technology

The American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc. St. Paul Minnesota

Rice, Soil , Water Land Rice, Production and Utilization

Moorman. F.R Luh, S.

Rice, Production and Utilization

Rice, Chemistry and Technology


Rice, Chemistry and Technology

Rice Virus Diaseses in The Phlippines

Ling. K.G

Rice virus desease

Ling, K.C.


Rice Straw as Livestock Feed.

Jackson, M.G

World Anim. Rev London

Rice Straw as Feed for Ruminants.

Doyle, P. T.

Rice Straw as Feed for Ruminants.

Doyle, P. T.



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The AVI Publ., Co., Westport, Connecticut 925 pp. American Association of Cereal Chemists Inc. St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.

IRRI. Philippines The AVI Publication Co., Westport, Connecticut. The AVI Publ. Co. Inc. Westport, Connecticut. IRRI. Philippines Los Banos, Philippines

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International Development Program of Australian Universities, Canberra.

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Rice Straw as Feed for Ruminants

Doyle, P.T.

Rice Straw as Feed for Ruminants

Int’l Development Program of Australian Univ. and Colleges Ltd. (IDP), Canberra.

Rice straw as a feed for ruminants.

Doyle, P. T.

International development program of Australian Universities and colleges Limitted, Cnberra

International development program of Australian Universities and colleges Limitted, Cnberra

Rice straw as a feed for ruminants


Rice straw as a feed for ruminants

IDP, Canberra.

Rice straw as a feed for ruminant.

Doyle, P.T.

Rice straw as a feed for ruminant.


Rice straw as a feed for ruminant

Doyle, P.T.,

IDP. Camberra

Rice straw as a Feed for Ruminant

Doyle, P.T

Rice Straw A Feed for Ruminants

Doyle, P.T

Rice soil, water and land IRRI in Rajagukguk. Pertanian berkelanjutan di lahan gambut.

Moorman, F.R.

Rice Production and Utilization, 5th Ed.

IDP, Canberra Rice Straw A Feed for Ruminants

IDP of Australia Univ. and College Limited Canberra

Luh, S.

Rice Production and Utilization, 5th Ed.

The AVI Publ. Co., Westport, Connecticut.

Rice Production and Utilization

Luh, S.

Rice Production and Utilization

The AVI Publ. Co., Westport, Connecticut.

Rice Production and Utilization

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Rice Production and Utilization

The AVI Publ. Co., Westport, Connecticut.

Rice Post-production Technology in the Tropics. An East-West Center Book trom the East-West Food Institute


Rice Post-production Technology in the Tropics. An East-West Center Book trom the East-West Food Institute

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Rice Post-Harvest Technology


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Inter-national Development Research Centre. Ottawa, Canada

Rice plant growth and development

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Rice: Production and Utilization. B.S. Luth (Ed).

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Rice Irrigation in Japan


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Rice Improvement.

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Rice Improvement.

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Jenning, P.R.,

Rice improvement International Rice Research Institute. Los Banos, Philippines. 186 pp

Rice Hull and Rice Straw in Rice dalam Chemistry' and Technology. 2nd Ed

Juliano. B.0

The American Association of Cereal Chemist, Inc. Minnesota, USA

Rice Flour,

Deobald H. J.

Di dalam D. F. Hauston (Ed) Rice Chemistry, Ins, Minesota

Rice Diseases. Ed. ke-2.

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Rice Diseases


Commonwealth Mycological Institute

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Rice diseases

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Rice diseases

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Rice chemestry and technology

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Rice Breeding for Extremely higher Yielding ability

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Rice Bran and Polish.

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Rice bran : Chemistry and technology

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Rice Volume II. Utilization. B.S. Luh. Ed.

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Rice as potential source of bypass energy in ruminant diets

Throckmorton, J.M.

Recent Advances In Animal Nutrition in Australia : 7a. Eds

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R.S.V. Pullin and Z. Shehadeh (eds.). Integrated AgricultureAquaculture Farming Systems. ICLARM Conf. Proc. 4.

Rice Agriculture: factors controlling emission. Pages XXX.

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Global Atmospheric Methane. NATO ASI/ARW Series.

Rice Production Manual. 3rd.ed.

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Rhodimet Feed Formulation Guide.


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Rhodiment Nutrition Guide. Rhone Poulenc Animal Nutrition

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their role in symbiosis and competition.

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Rhizobium, Nodulation and Nitrogen Fixation

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Grain Legume Crop

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Rhizobium as a factor in soil fertility. In Division of soil CSIRO

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An Ausralian viewpoint

CSRO, Melbourne

Rhizobium as a factor in soil fertility. In Division of soil CSIRO

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An Ausralian viewpoint

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Rheometers For Molten Plastics

Dealy. J.M

Van Nostrand - Reinhold Co. New York

Rheology in Polymer processing

Han, C.D

Eds. Academic Press Inc. NY, pp

Rheological and scanning electron microscopic examination of skim milk cels obtained by fermenting with ropy and non ropy strain of lactic acid bacteria

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Food Microstructure

RFLP technology. P 8-38. In Phillips RL and IK Vasil (eds)

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DNA-based Marker in Plants

Revisiting Merkens and Soemirat's landmark paper on Small Ruminant Research in Indonesia

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Publication of the Indonesian Small Ruminant Network (ISRN) and Small RuminantCollaborative Research Support Program, Bogor, Indonesia

Revisi pola operasi dan pemeliharaan dan kalibrasi Waduk Wonogiri dan bendung Colo

Virama Karya


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Review of rice-fish vulture in Southeast Asia, p. 1- 14.

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R.S.V. Pullin and Z. Shehadeh (eds.). Integrated AgricultureAquaculture Farming Systems. ICLARM Conf. Proc. 4.

Review of Physiological Chemistry, 17th Ed.

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Review Of Physiological Chemistry 17th Ed.

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Review of Medical Physiology, 14th ed.

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Review of medical physiology

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Review of Medical Phisyiology.

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Review of Medical Microbiology. 16th ed.

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Review of Japanese Fishing Reef Technology.

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Review of duration and concentration urea treated straw on digestibility

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Review of clinical laboratory methods, 2nd Ed.

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Review of clinical laboratory methods, 2nd Ed.

The C.V. Mosby Company, St. Louis, Toronto, London, pp. 4-5.

Review of Biochemistry. Diterjemahkan oleh Nyan Darmawan.


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Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta. 774 pp.

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Badan Litbang Pertanian, Jakarta.

Review cf Phase I Results. Java and Bali. Regional Physical Planning Programme for Transmigration


Review cf Phase I Results. Java and Bali. Regional Physical Planning Programme for Transmigration

Departemen Transmigrasi Jakarta

Rethingking The Future

Gibson, R.

Rethingking The Future

Nicholas Breakly Publishing, London

Retensi fosfat tanah-tanah debu vulkanis gunung Sago.

Ahmad, P.

Retensi fosfat tanah-tanah debu vulkanis gunung Sago.

Pusat Penelitian Universitas Andalas Padang.

Retardation of Ripening of Mangoes by Postharvest Application of Calcium

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Retardation of Ripening of Mangoes by Postharvest Application of Calcium

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Results With Commercial Neem Pormulation Produced In India

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The Neem Tree : Azarachta Indica A Juss and Other Meliaceous Plants : Sources Of Unique Natural Products For Integreted Pest Management, Medicine, Industry and Other Puposes

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Results of surveys for pelagic resources in Indonesia waters with the R/V Lemuru December 1972 to May 1976

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D. Pauly and P. Martosubroto. (Eds). Baseline Studies of Biodiversitythe Fish Resources of Western Indonesia. DGF-GTZICLARM.p. 102-122.


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Result of the Alcoa Foundation Suriname Expedetion X

Studholme K.M

Pattern of cellular divergence and evolution in the gastric mucosa of two genera of phyllostomid bats,Trachops and Chiroderma

Ann.Carnegie Mus

Result of the Alcoa Foundation Suriname Expedetion VII

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Comparative ultrastructure of gastrik mucosae in four genera of bats ( mammalia : Chiroptera), with comments on gastric evolution

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Result of surveys for pelagic resources in Indonesian waters with the R/V Lemuru, December 1972 to May 1976

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Proc Nat Workshop 22-24 November 1992

Result of A Census of the Milky Stork Mycteria cinerea in West Java.

Allport, G. A.

Result of A Census of the Milky Stork Mycteria cinerea in West Java.

ICBP. England.

Restribution with Growth

Ahluwalia, M.

Restribution with Growth

Oxford University Press, Washington

Restibution With Growth London

Oshima, T.H

Restibution With Growth London

Oxford University press

Responses of plants to environmental stresses

Levitt, J.

Responses of plants to environmental stresses

Aca-demie Press. New York.

Responses of plants to enviromental stresses.

Levitt, J.

Response to salinity change as a tidal transport mechanism of pink shrimp penaeus duorarum

Hughes, D.A

Response Surface Methodology.

Myres, R.H

Allyn and Bacon, Inc, Boston, MA.

Response surface methodology

Myers, R.H

Allyn and Bacon, Inc., Boston, MA

Response Of Yellow Birch And Sugar Maple To Release and Fertilizer



Academic Press, New York. Response to salinity change as a tidal transport mechanism of pink shrimp penaeus duorarum

Biopogical Bulletin

Departement of Forestry, University of Vermont, Burlington

Hlm 350 dari 1800

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Response of soil aggregate stability to manure amendments in the ultuna long term soil organic matter experiment

Gerzabek MH

Z Pflanzenernahr Bodenk 158:257-60

Response of seasonally anoestuous ewes to 23 hours circadian darknes

McDonald, B. J.

Reproduction in sheep. Australian academy of science in conjunction with the Australian Wool Corporation

Response of rainfed lowland rice to potassium and sulphur under intensive and diversified cropping system and low fertility soils. p. 215-225.

Mamaril, C.P.,

In K.T. Ingram (Ed.) Rainfed Lowland Rice: Agricultural research for high-risk environments.

Response of plants to Environmental Stresses

Levitt, J

Academic Press. New York

Response of plants to environmental stress


Academic Press, in New York

Response of Different Rice Varietas to Azospirillum spp. Inokulation

Gopalaswamy, G

Response of Corn and Soybean Intercropped Tillage System and Fertilizer Nitrogen on a Tropopluvent Lombok

Yasin. I

Response to Rhizobium Inoculation and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Soybean in The Volcanic Soil in Garut West Java

International Rice Research Institute. Los Banos, Philippines.

Response of Different Rice Varietas to Azospirillum spp. Inokulation

Int. Race Res. Newsletter

Sunarlim, N

Response to Rhizobium Inoculation and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Soybean in The Volcanic Soil in Garut West Java

ESCAP CGPRT Center, Bogor

Response to Rhizobium Inoculation and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Soybean in The Volcanic Soil in Garut West Java

Sunarlim, N

Response to Rhizobium Inoculation and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Soybean in The Volcanic Soil in Garut West Java

ESCAP CGPRT Center, Bogor

Respons Masyarakat Desa Terhadap Modernisasi Produksi Pertanian Terutama Padi

Herman Soewardi

Respons Masyarakat Desa Terhadap Modernisasi Produksi Pertanian Terutama Padi

Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press


Hlm 351 dari 1800

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Penulis Utama

Respon tanaman kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merrill). Terhadap pemupukan kalium dan cekaman kekeringan pada fase reproduktif.

Harnowo, D.

Respon Tanaman Brokoli (Brassica oeiraceae L.) terhadap Pemberian Pupuk Kandang Ayam dan EM4 (Efektif Mikroorganisme-4).

Zahro, F

Respon seleksi terkait terhadap padi sawah dataran tinggi.

Bahar, H.

Respon seleksi terkait terhadap padi sawah dataran tinggi.

Bahar, Y. H

Respon seleksi terkait terhadap padi sawah dataran tinggi

Bahar, H.

Respon Masyarakt desa terhadap modernisasi pertanian terutama Bali

H. Soewardi

Respon jagung manis terhadap pemberian kotoran ayam, fosfot dan dolomit pada tanah gambut pedalaman.

Lamina, S.H.

Respon eksplan epikotil manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.) terhadap dosis arang aktif dan komposisi konsentrasi BAP dan NAA secara in vitro.

Satria, B.

Respon eksplan epikotil manggis (Garcinia mangostana L) terhadap dosis arang aktif dengan kombinasi konsentrasi BAP dan NAA secara in vitro (tesis) Pascasarjana

Satria, B.


Judul Buku


Respon Tanaman Brokoli (Brassica oeiraceae L.) terhadap Pemberian Pupuk Kandang Ayam dan EM4 (Efektif Mikroorganisme-4).

Skripsi. Fakultas Pertanian. Universitas Brawijaya. Malang

Respon Masyarakt desa terhadap modernisasi pertanian terutama Bali

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Universitas Andalas Padang.

Hlm 352 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Respon Eksplan Epikotil Manggis ( Garcinia Mangostana L.) Terhadap Kombinasi antara Dosis Arang Aktif dengan Komposisi Konsentrasi BAP dan NAA secara in vitro

Satria, B.

Pasca Sarjana Universitas Andalas, Padang

Respon Eksplan Epikotil Manggis ( Garcinia Mangostana L.) Terhadap Kombinasi antara Dosis Arang Aktif dengan Komposisi Konsentrasi BAP dan NAA secara in vitro


Pasca Sarjana Universitas Andalas, Padang

Respon Eksplan Epikotil Manggis ( Garcinia Mangostana L.) Terhadap Kombinasi antara Dosis Arang Aktif dengan Komposisi Konsentrasi BAP dan NAA secara in vitro


Pasca Sarjana Universitas Andalas, Padang

Respon Broiler terhadap berbagai kondisi Lingkungan


Unpad, Bandung

Respon Anak Sapi Perah Terhadap Jerami Padi yang diberi Molase

Siregar, S.B

Lembaran LPP.

Resource Management : The First Step To A Green Economy

Salmon Gray

Environmental Resouces and The Market Place

North Sydney, Australia : Allen and Unwin

Resived Chemical Equlibrium data For Major Water Mineral Reaction and Their Limitation

Nordstrom. D.K

Chemical Modelling of Aquoeus Systems II

ACS Symposium Series

Resistence and tolerance.

Cook, R

Principle and Practice of Nematode Control in Crops.

Acad Press New York.

Resistence and tolerance

Cook R

In Brow RH, Kerry BR.Editors.Principle and practice of nematode control in crops

Acad Press New York

Resistant starch a new food component : a classification of starch for nutritonal purposes

Englyst H.N

in : Morton I.D.(Ed) Cereal in a Europan Context : Chicester : Fist European conference on food science and technology

Ellis Horwood


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Resistance to pseudomonas solanacearum in potato : strain specificity and temperature sensitivity

French, E.R

Resistance to parasites

Niks, RE

Hayward MD, NO Bosemark, I Romagosa (eds) Plant Breeding Principles and prospects.

Chapman & Hall London, Glasljow, New York, Tokyo, Melbourne, Madras

Resistance to Bacterial Wilt (Pseudomonas solanacearum) in Tomato : Present status and prospect

Prior, P

A.C. Hayward & G.L. Hartman (ed). 1994. Bacterial Wilt : The Disease and its Causative Agent, Pseudomonas solanacearum

CAB, International, Wallingford

Resistance to anthracnose (Collectotrichum spp) in pepper

Kim BS

SK Green, TD Griggs, BT Mc Lean (eds) Tomato and Pepper production in the tropics

AVRDC, Shanhua, Taiwan China

Resistance pattern of microbial agents in the live stock production.


Resistance of Indonesian Timber to Impregnation with CCA. Preservative. Pengumuman No. 5.

Martawijaya, A.

Resistance of Indonesian Timber to Impregnation with CCA. Preservative. Pengumuman No. 5.

Balai Penelitian Hasil Hutan Bogor.

Resiko dan Ketidakpastian Dalam agribisnis Teori dan Aplikasi.


Resiko dan Ketidakpastian Dalam agribisnis Teori dan Aplikasi.

PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta

Residues for soil conservation

Larson, W.E.

W.R. Oschwald (ed.). Crop Residue Management Systems, Special Publ. No. 31

American Society of Agronomy, Madison, p. 115.

Residual effect of dry cattle manure on plant growth and soil properties

Lun, F. Z.

Residu obat-obatan ternak. Dalam: Winarno, F.G. (ed.).

Winarno, F.G.

Naskah Akademis Keamanan Pangan.

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Residu Obat Hewan Dalam Produk Peternakan


Residu Obat Hewan Dalam Produk Peternakan

Balai Pengujian Mutu dan Sertifikasi Obat Hewan. Manual Kesmavet 44: 3334.


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Penerbit Phytapathology


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Residu analysis of organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticides in soils, water and vegetables from central java and bali island

Oskawa, K.

Ecological impact of pest nanage ment in Indonesia. Tokyo university of agriculture Japan

Reservoirs of Srilanka and Their Fisheries

S.S. De Silva

Reservoirs of Srilanka and Their Fisheries

Research survey methods. Research on tropical agronomy for potatoes in Indonesia

Singarimbun, M. Subijanto, S

Research on rice-fish culture: Past experience and future research program, p. 287 - 293

Syamsiah, I.

C.R. dela Cruz, C. Lightfoot, B.A. Costa-Pierce, V.R. Carangal and M.P. Bimbao (eds.) Rice-Fish Research and Development in Asia. ICLARM conf. Proc. 24.

Research on Podzolic soils in Central and North Lampung (Sumatra) and it's hearing on agricultural development. p. 117149.

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Peat and Podzolic Soils and Their Potential for Agriculture in Indonesia. Proceeding ATA 106 midterm seminar, October 1976.

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Research On Podzolic Soil in Central and North Lampung (Sumatera) nad it's bearing on Agricultural Development.

Buurman, P.

Peat and Podzolic Soil and their potential for agriculture in Indonesia. Proc. Bull 3.

Soil Research Institute Bogor.

Research on Podzolic Soil In Central and North Lampung (Sumatera) And its Bearing on Agricultural Development

Buurman. P

Peat and Podzolic Soil

Research on mineral nutrition by IRHO


Corley RHV JJ Hardon and BJ Wood (ed) Oil Palm Research

Research Methods. Edisi revisi.

Sevilla, C. G.


Research Methods. Research Methodology in Applied Economics and Conducting Economic Research

Sevilla, C.G. Do. E

Edisi Revisi, Manila. Iowa State University Press/Ames. Iowa



FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 298, Rome LP3ES jakarta.

SAPPRAD Third Annual Meeting of the Coordinating Committe, Kandy-Srilangka, April 26-28

Elsevier Scientific Publ. Company

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Research Methodology

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Research Highlight 1988 Research for the Potato in The Year 2000.

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Research Highlight 1988 Processing of the International Congress.

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Research and development of GMFs from microorganisms in Indonesia: the potential challenge, him. 186-208

Suwanto, A.

F.G. Winamo (ed.). Release and Biosafety of Genetically Modified Foods (GMFs)

Jakarta: Indonesian Academy of Sciences.

Requirements of Prawn, Penaeus japonicus, for essential fatty acids

A. Kanazawa

Requirements of Prawn, Penaeus japonicus, for essential fatty acids

Mem. Fac. Fish., Kagoshima University

Requirements for successful fertilization to increase milkfish producrtion.

Djajadiredja, R.,

In: TVR. Pillay (Ed). Coastal Aquaculture in the Indo-Pacific Region.

Fishing News Book. London. p398-409.

Requirement of warm water fishes

National Research Council (NRC)

Requirement of warm water fishes

National Academic Sciences, Washington DC.

Requerement in Digestable Amino Acids For Poultry

Uzu. G.

Words Poultry Science Assosiation Proceeding. 9th Europpen Symposium In poultry Nutrition Poland.

Reprouction in Farm Animal. 5th, ed

Hafez. E.S.E.

Reprouction in Farm Animal. 5th, ed

Lea & Febiger. Philadelphia

Reproduksi, Tingkah laku dan Reproduksi Ternak di Indonesia


Reproduksi, Tingkah laku dan Reproduksi Ternak di Indonesia

P.T. Gramedia Pustaka Utama,Jakarta

Reproduksi, Tingkah Laku dan Produksi Ternak di Indonesia

WodzickaTomaszeska, M.

Reproduksi, Tingkah Laku dan Produksi Ternak di Indonesia

PT. Gramedia. Jakarta.

Reproduksi Udang Galah Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man

Bucher, D.

Reproduksi Udang Galah Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man

Universitas Nasional, Jakarta, 18 hal.

Reproduksi Tingkah laku dan produksi ternak di Indonesia


Reproduksi Ternak di Indonesia

Lindsay, D.R

Reproduksi Ternak di Indonesia

Universitas Brawijaya Malang

Reproduksi Ternak di Indonesia

Lindsay, D.R

Reproduksi Ternak di Indonesia

Universitas Brawijaya Malang

Reproduksi ternak di Indonesia

Lindsay DR


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Penerbit Longman. Melboune. Australia

PT Gramedis Pustaka Utama Jakarta

Fak. Peternakan dan Perikanan, Unbraw

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Reproduksi Peta.

Soetarmo, J.

Reproduksi Peta.

Jawatan Topografi TNlAD. Jakarta.

Reproduksi pada Ternak Reproduksi & dasar endokrinologi pd hewan ternak

Partodihardjo, S. Mattheij JAM

Mutiara Jakarta Unbraw Malang

Reproductive Physiology

Nalbandov AV

WH Freeman and Company, San Francisco, London

Reproductive Performance of Sumatra and Hair Sheep Crossbred Ewes

Gatenby, R. M.

SR-CRSP Annual Report.

Sungai Putih, Sumatera Utara.

Reproductive Patterns of Sheep and Goat

Pineda, M.H.,

Reproductive Patterns of Sheep and Goat forth ed

Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, London

Reproductive Pattern of Rusa Deer (Cervus timorensis russa) in New Caledonia. 178p.

Bianchi, M.

J.A Milne (ed.), Recent Developments in Deer Biology.

Macaulay Land Use Research Institute. Aberdeen.

Reproductive management program for large dairies; current theraphiin theriogenology 2.

Leond, D. Weaver

Reproductive Function in Beef

King, G. I.

Reproductive faikure in female

Jaenudeen MR

ESE Hafez (eds) : Reproduction in farm animal

Reproductive Efficiency in cattle : a Guideline for Project in Developing Countries.

Vandeplassche, M.

FAO. Rome

Reproductive development and performance of small ruminants in Indonesia. In: new technology for small ruminant production in Indonesia. P. Ludgar and S. Scolz Ed.

Sutama, I. K.

Reproductive Cycles. In: Reproduction in Farm Animals. 6th Edition. ESE Hafez (Ed.)

Hafez ESE


WB. Sanders Company. Philadelphia, London, Toronto, Mexico city, Rio de janerio, Sydney, Tokyo, Hongkong.

Lea and Fabiger, Philadelphia

Winrock international institute for agriculture development, morriton, arkansas.

Reproductive Cycles. In: Reproduction in Farm Animals. 6th Edition. ESE Hafez (Ed.)

Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia

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Reproductive cycles. In: Reproduction in Farm Animals.

Hafez, E.S.E.

Reproductive cycles. In: Reproduction in Farm Animals.

Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia

Reproductive Cycles and Pregnancy in Interspecific Sheep-Goat Chimeras

Maclaren, L. A.

Mol. Reprod.


Reproductive cycles and performance of deer in the tropics and sub-tropics, him. 262267

Woodford, K.B.

P.R Wilson (ed.), Proceedings of Deer Course for Veterinarians. No. 8

Palmerston North: New Zealand Veterinar Association-Massey University.

Reproductive Cycle. In Reproduction in Farm Animal

Hafez, E.SE

5th Reproductive Cycle. In Reproduction in Farm Animal Edition

Lea Febiger.

Reproductive Cycle. In Reproduction

Hafez, E.SE

Farm Animal

Lea Febiger.

Reproductive biology and harvesting strategy of Indian scad Decapterus russelli (Ruppel, 1830) (Pisces: Carangidae of the Java Sea)

Widodo, J.

Jur. Pen. Per. Laut:. 53: 89-96.

Reproductive and Trophic Ecology of Nudibranch Molluscs.The Mollusca. Vol. VI. Ecology

Christopher, D.I.

Reproductive and Trophic Ecology of Nudibranch Molluscs.The Mollusca. Vol. VI. Ecology

Academic Press, Inc. New York.

Reproduction, dispersal and recruitmrnt of Scleractinian corals

Harrison, P.L.

Dubinssky Z (ed) Ecosystems of the world. Vol. 25, Coral reefs.

Elsevier, Amsterdam, P. 133-207.

reproduction, dispersal and recruitment of scleratinian coral

Harrison, P.L

Dubinsky Z (ed) Ecosystem of the world, Vol 25, Coral reefs.

Elsevier, Amsterdam p 133-207

Reproduction, dispersal and recruitment of scleractinian corals.

Harrison, P.L.

In: Dubinsky Z. (ed) Ecosystems of the world 25: coral reefs,

Elsevier, New York, p133207.

Reproduction, dispersal and recruitment of scleractinian corals

Harrison, P.L.

Dubinsky Z. (ed) Ecosystems of the word, Vol. 25, Coral reefs

Elsevier, Amsterdam, p 133-207.

Reproduction, dispersal and recruitment of scleractinian corals

Harrison PL

Dubinsky Z (ed). Coral Reefs: Ecosystems of the World

Amsterdam: Elsevier. him 13-207.

Reproduction the Domestic Animals

Hafez, E. S. E.

Lea Fabiger, Philadelphia

Reproduction techniques goat husbandry and breeding in the tropics

Sivaraj, S.

University of malaya Kualalumpur, Malaysia


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Reproduction of some common Hawaiian reef corals

Stimson, J.S.

G.O. Makie (Ed), Coelenterate Ecology and Behavior. Plenum Press. New York, pp. 271-279.

Reproduction of Shepp

Terril C E

In E S E Hafez :Reproduction in Farm Animals

Reproduction of Marini' Invertebrates.

Giese. A.C.

Reproduction of Marine Invertebrates.

Giese. A.C.

Reproduction of Marine Invertebrates.

Reproduction of main small pelagic species in Java Sea.

Atmaja, S.B.,

Potier and S. Nurhakim (Eds.): Biology, Dynamics and Exploitation of small pelagic in Java Sea (BIODYNEX). AARD/ORSTOM. 69-84

Reproduction of main small pelagic species in Java Sea.

Atmaja, S.B.,

Potter and Nurhakim, S. (Eds.): Biology, Dynamics and Exploitation of small pelagic Java Sea (BIODYNEX).

Reproduction of animals

Hunter R H F

Reproduction in tropical species, him. 249-261.

Mylrea, G.E.

Reproduction in Poultry

Etches, R. J.

Cab. International, Ontario

Reproduction in Poultry

Etches, R. J.

Cab. International, Wallingford Oxon OX 10 8DE. United Kingdom

Reproduction in poultry

Etches, R. J.

Department of animal and poultry science, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Reproduction in groupers

P.Y. Shapiro



Lea & febiger Philadelphia Academic Press. New York. San Francisco London. 301 pp. Academic Press. New York. San Francisco London. 301 pp.


Axademic Press, London, New York, Toronto, Sydney,San Fransisco P.R. Wilson (ed.). Proceedings of Deer Course for Veterinarians. No. 8

Tropical Snappers and groupers, biology and fisheries management

Palmerston North: New Zealand Veterinary Association-Massey University.

West-view Press/Bohder & London

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Reproduction in Farm Animals. Seventh edition

Hafez, E,S.E

Reproduction in Farm Animals. Seventh edition

Lippincott William & Wilkins Baltimore. USA .

Reproduction in Farm Animals. Ed. ke-5

Hafez, E.S.E

Reproduction in Farm Animals. Ed. ke-5

Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger.

Reproduction in Farm Animals. 7th Ed.

Hafez, E.S.E.

Reproduction in Farm Animals. 7th Ed.

Lea and Febiger Philadelphia. USA.

Reproduction in Farm Animals. 6th edition

Hafez ESE

Reproduction in Farm Animals. 6th Ed.

Hafez, E.S.E.

Reproduction in Farm Animals. 6th Ed.

Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia.

Reproduction in farm Animals. 2nd ed.

Hafez, E.S.E

Reproduction in farm Animals. 2nd ed.

Lea and Febiger

Reproduction in Farm Animals.

Hafez, E.S.E.

Reproduction in Farm Animals.

Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia.

Reproduction in farm animals

Hafez, E,S.E.

Reproduction in farm animals

Lea Febiger, Filadelphia.

Reproduction in farm animals

Hafez, E. S. E.


Reproduction in Farm Animals


Reproduction in Farm Animals 6th.Edition

Lea & Febiger .Philadelphia

Reproduction in Farm Animals

Hafez, E.S.E.

Reproduction in Farm Animals. 6th ed

Lea and Febiger Philadelphia.

Reproduction in Farm Animal. 6th.

Hafez, E.S.E

Reproduction in Farm Animal. 6th.

Edition. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia.

Reproduction in Farm Animal. 6th Ed.

Hafez, E.S.E

Reproduction in Farm Animal. 6th Ed.

Lea and Febiger. Philadelphia.

Reproduction in Farm Animal. 6th Ed.

Hafez, E.S.E

Reproduction in Farm Animal. 6th Ed.

Lea and Febiger. Philadelphia.

Reproduction in farm animal. 5th ed.

Hafez, E. S. E.

Lea and Febiger, philadelphia

Reproduction in farm animal. 5th ed.

Hafez ESE

Lea and febiger, philadelphia

Reproduction in farm Animal. 5th ed

Hafez ESE

Lea, Febriger, Philadelphia

Reproduction in farm animal, 5th Ed.

Hafez, E.S.E.

Lea and Fabiger, Philadelphia

Reproduction in farm animal, 4th Ed.

Hafez, E.S.E.

Lea Febiger. Philadelphia.

Reproduction in Farm Animal,

Havez E.S.E

Reproduction in Farm Animal, 5th Edition

Lea and Frebiger, Philadelphia

Reproduction in Domestic Livestock in Indonesia

Lindsay, D.R.

Reproduction in Domestic Livestock in Indonesia

University of Queensland Press, Melbourne.


Lea and febiger. Philladelphia

Hlm 360 dari 1800

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Penulis Utama

Reproduction in Domestic animals. 3rd edition

Cole HH

Reproduction in domcstis animals. 2^ Ed

Cole, NLH.

reproduction in cattle, 2 nd .

Peters, A.R.

Reproduction in Cattle Reproduction in Cattle Reproduction et Croissance de Limande Limanda Limanda (Linnaeus, 1958) (Teleostern. Pleuronectidae) en Manche Orientale et Baie de Douarnenez. Cybium, 10(2):155176.

Peters A.R. Piters, A.R. Deniel, C.

Reproduction Efficiency in Cattle A Guideline for Project in sDeveloping Countris


FAO Rome

Reproduction des volailles et production d'Oeufs.

Sauveur, B.

INRA, Station de Recherches Avicoles Centre de Tours-Nouzilly. INRA Paris.

Reproduction Cycles in Hafez (ed) Reproduction in Animal.

Hafez. E.S.E.

Reproduction Cycles in Hafez (ed) Reproduction in Animal.

Lea dan Febriger

Reproduction behaviour in Indian goats

Agrawal KP

Research on Goats Indian Experience

Makhdoom-Mathura: Central Institute for Research on Goat. him 82-93.

Reproduction and Breeding Techniques for Laboratory Animals

Bennet, J.P

Reproduction and Breeding Techniques for Laboratory Animals

, Lea & Febiger. Philadelphia

Reproduction and breeding

Baker DEJ

Baker HJ, Lindsey JR, Weisbroth SH (ed). Laboratory Rat. Vol. 1

New York: Academic

Reproduction in Domestic Livestock in Indonesia

Lindsay, Entwistle

Reproduction in Domestic Livestock in Indonesia

Repression of asexual embryogenesis in vitro by some plant growth regulators.

Tisserat, B.


Judul Buku

Penerbit Academic Press. New York and London

Reproduction in domcstis animals. 2^ Ed

Academic Press, New York. Blackwell Science Ltd. Oxford, London, Australia.

Reproduction in Cattle Reproduction in Cattle Reproduction et Croissance de Limande Limanda Limanda (Linnaeus, 1958) (Teleostern. Pleuronectidae) en Manche Orientale et Baie de Douarnenez. Cybium, 10(2):155- 176.

Butterworth. London. Butterworths, London.

Hlm 361 dari 1800

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Judul Buku

Reports of the EIFAC, ILINS and ICES Working Group on Standardization of Methodology in fish nutrition research.

Castell, J.D.

EIFAC Technical Paper No. 36. FAO Rome. 24 pp.

Report prepared for the 13 th Asian Cropping system working Group meeting.


Report prepared for the 13 th Asian Cropping system working Group meeting.

Bangkok and chiangmai, Thailand, October 11 -15

Report on genetic improvement of the Javanese fat tailed sheep. Balitnak-FAO.

Sabrani, M.

Report on Genetic Improvement of Javanese Fat Tailed Sheep

Sabrani, M.

Report on Genetic Improvement of Javanese Fat Tailed Sheep

Bogor: Bogor Research Institute for Animal Production and FAO.

Report on Aquaculture Problem Analysis Entitle Extensive (Non feeding) Fish Cage Culture in Reservoir wifh Case Study in Soufheast Asia

Wiadnya, D.G.R.

Report on Aquaculture Problem Analysis Entitle Extensive (Non feeding) Fish Cage Culture in Reservoir wifh Case Study in Soufheast Asia.

Department of Fish Culture, University Wageningen The Netherland.

Report on 1982-83 acoustic survey ofpelagic fish resource in the coastal waters of Sangihe and Talaud archipelago ofNorth Sulawesi.


Report on 1982-83 acoustic survey ofpelagic fish resource in the coastal waters of Sangihe and Talaud archipelago ofNorth Sulawesi.

Report of the Working Group on Terminology. Format, and units of measurement relaled to flow trogh and recirculation systems.


EIFAC Tech Pap. 49: 100p.

Report of the forage consultant

Keoghan, J.


Report of the FAO Global Survey of Pesticide Susceptibility on Stored Grain Pests.

Champ, B.R

FAO Plant Production Series No. 5. Rome.

Report of survey by MY Lemuru Year 1976


Report of survey by MY Lemuru Year 1976



Directorate General of Fisheries, Department of Agriculture. Jakarta

Hlm 362 dari 1800

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Report of investigating on circulation Mechanism of water resources

Sugawara, M

On Discharge Model Association of science and technology for investigating circulation Mechanism of water resource, Japan (in Japanese)

Replanting the Tree of Ufe, Towards an International Agenda for Coconut Palm Research. CAB International

Persley, G.J

Replanting the Tree of Ufe, Towards an International Agenda for Coconut Palm Research. CAB International

Replanting The Tree Of Life : Towards an International Agenda For Coconut Palm research

Persley. G.J


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Recent advances in vitamin nutrition and metabolism in fish.

Halver, J.E.

C.B. Cowey, A.M. Mackie and J.G. Bell (Editors). Nutrition and Feeding Fisli.

Academic Press Inc, London, 415-429.


Judul Buku

Penerbit Franche

INRA Editions, Paris

Hlm 376 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Recent Advances In the Chemistry of Spoilage

Liston, J.

Chemistry and Biochemistry of Marine Food Product. Roy E Martin (ed.)

The AVI PubL Co, Inc, Westpoint, Connecticut

Recent advances in small ruminant research in Indonesia, feeding and nutrition strategies for Indonesia

Pond, K.R.

Advances in Small Ruminant Research in Indonesia. In Soebandryo and R.M. Gatenby (Eds.) RIAP-SRCRSP. Bogor. p. 115-125.

Recent advances in protoplasts cultures of horticultural crops : Citrus

Vardi, A

Recent advances in penaeid nutrition in Japan

A. Kanazawa

Recent advances in penaeid nutrition in Japan

Recent advances in oil palm clonal propagation . Aplication of palnt in vitro technology Syposim UPM 16-18 Nov pp 150-164

Rival. A.

Recent advances in oil palm clonal propagation . Aplication of palnt in vitro technology Syposim UPM 16-18 Nov pp 150-164

Recent Advances in NearInfrared Applications for Industries.

Williams, P. C.

Non-Destructive Measurements Symposium, Tsukuba.

Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition.

Johnson, I. D.

Re-cent Advances in Amino Acid Nutrition

Baker, D.H

Re-cent Advances in Amino Acid Nutrition

Ajinimoto Co. Inc. Tokyo

Recent advances and new developments in poultry nutrition. Temu Ilmiah HasilHasil Penelitian Peternakan

Balnave, D.

Recent advances and new developments in poultry nutrition. Temu Ilmiah Hasil-Hasil Penelitian Peternakan

Balai Penelitian ternak. hlm. 81-84.

Recent advance in oil palm clonal propagation. Application of plant in vitro technology symposium

Rival A

UPM nov 1996. P 156-164

Recent advances in goat production, RR. LOKESHWAR (Ed.)

Scien. Hortic

Aquaculture Nutrition Workshop, Salmander Bay, Australia

(Eds. W. Haresign and D. J. A. Cole).

Recent advances in goat production, RR. LOKESHWAR (Ed.)

Recall of meat and poultry products


Recall of meat and poultry products

FSIS Directive no. 8080. l, Rev. 3. FSIS-ÜSDA, Washington, D.C

Recall Cases


Recall Cases

Recall information center, FSIS-USDA, Washington, D.C


Hlm 377 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Recall Cases


Recall Cases

information center, FSISUSDA, Washington, D.C

Recall Cases


Recall Cases

Recall information center, FSIS-USDA, Washington, D.C

Recall Cases


Recall Cases

information center, FSISUSDA, Washington, D.C

Recall Cases


Recall Cases

Recall information center, FSIS-USDA, Washington, D.C

Rearing of Termites and Testing Methods Used in The Laboratory, him. 351-385.

Becker, G.

K. Krishna & F. Weesner (ed.), Biology of Termites

New York: Academic Press.

Realitas Sosial

Veeger, K.J.

Realitas Sosial

Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Reaksi buah beberapa kultivar lombok besar terhadap penyakit antraknosa

Sidik, N. I.

Reaksi buah beberapa kultivar lombok besar terhadap penyakit antraknosa

Perhimpunan Fitopatologi Indonesia

Reading on Diarrhea. Student Manual


Reading on Diarrhea. Student Manual

WHO, Geneva.

Reading In Attitude Theory and Measurement


Reactions with organic matter

Stevenson, F.J

Copper in soils and plants. Loneragan, J.F., D. Robson & R.D. Graham (Eds)

Academic Press. Sydney

Reactions of phosphate fertilizers in soils. p. 263-310

Sample, E.C.

F.E. Khasawneh, E.C. sample, and E.J. Kamprath (Eds.) The Role of Phosphorus in Agriculture

ASA, CSA & SSSA, Madison, WI.

Reactions of inorganic sulfur in soils. p. 233-249.

Bohn, H.L.,

In M.A. Jabatabai (Ed.) Sulfur in Agriculture. Agronomy Series no. 27. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Madison, WI, USA.

Reaction With Organic Matter

Stevenson. F.J

Copper In Soil and Plants

Academic Press. Australia. J

Reaction With Organic Matter

Stevenson. F.J

Copper in Soil and Plants

Academic Press. New York

Reaction With Organic Matter

Stevenson. F.J

Copper In Soil and Plants

Academic Press Australia


John Willey & Sons. New York

Hlm 378 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Reaction ofenzymes with starch granules:enhanced reaction of glucoamylase with gelatinized starch granules

Kimura, A.

Carbohydrate Research

Reaction ofenzymes with starch granule.s: kinetics and products of the reaction with glucoamylase

Kimura. A

Carbohydrate Research

Reaction Kinetics and Accelerated Test Simulation as a Function of Temperature

Labuza, T.P.

Computer-aided Techniques in Food Technology (I. Saguy, ed.)

Reaction in the rumen

Barnett, A. J. G.

Reacteurs Enzymatiques: Cinetique D'hydrolyse de L'amidon. These DucteurIngeneur.

Marc, A

Rayap dan Pemberantasannya (Penanggulangan dan Pencegahannya)

Hasan, T

RawmateriaIs inTheScience and Technology of gelatin. Edited by A.G. Ward and A. Courts


RawmateriaIs inTheScience and Technology of gelatin.

Academie Press. London, New York, San Fransisco

Rawa pasang surut sebagai daerah potensial untuk budidaya. Prosiding Seminar Perikanan Perairan Umum.

Sastrosoedarja, S.

Rawa pasang surut sebagai daerah potensial untuk budidaya. Prosiding Seminar Perikanan Perairan Umum.

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian.

Raw materials for concentrats. Proc of first workshop on the technology of animal feed reduction utility food waste materials, NRC, 1984.

Nitis IM

Nutrient Requirement of Poultry. 9th edition

National Academy of science, Washington DC

Raw Materials dalam Cosmetics & Toiletries Industry

Spiess E

Blackie Academic & Professional, London

Rats and mice. Their bilogy and control

Meehan AP

Research and development Rentokil Limited East Grinstead



Marcell Dekker, NY.

Edward Arnold, Ltd. London Reacteurs Enzymatiques: Cinetique D'hydrolyse de L'amidon. These DucteurIngeneur

lnstitut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, Nancy Yayasan Pembinaan watak dan bangsa. Jakarta

Hlm 379 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Rats and mice. Their bilogy and control

Meehan AP

Rapport betreffende de productie van de timmer-hout panglong no. 14-f in het Katemanche (Onderafdeling Karimun) Report Concerning The Production of Timber In The Panglong 14-F in The Kateman Region Karimun Subresidency)


IndonesianForestry Abstrct, Dutch Literature Untill About 1960

RAPP Logging Plan


PT. Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper, Riau

Rapid HPLC Determination of Fatty Acids Profiles of Lipids by Conversion to their Hydroxyamic Acids.

Gutnikov, G.

.J. Chromatography. 5K7: 292296.

Rapid Clonal Propagation by Tissue Culture

Zimmerman. R.H

Genetic Engineering : Application To Agriculture

Rowan and Allanheld Pub.

Rapid Assesment of Sources of Air, Water and Land Pollution. Diterj. dan Disadur oleh Djajadiningrat, S.T. dan H.H. Amir. 1989. Penilaian Secara Cepat Sumber-Sumber Pencemaran Air, Tanah dan Udara

Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta

US. Environmental Protection Agency, Assessment and Watershed Protection Division. Washington

Rapid Assesment of Sources of Air, Water and Land Pollution. Diterj. dan Disadur oleh Djajadiningrat, S.T. dan H.H. Amir. 1989. Penilaian Secara Cepat Sumber-Sumber Pencemaran Air, Tanah dan Udara

Judul Buku

Research and development Rentokil Limited East Grinstead

Rapid bioassessment protocols for use in streams and rivers: Benthic macroinvertebrates and fish.

Plafkin, J.L

Rapid bioassessment protocols for use in streams and rivers: Benthic macroinvertebrates and fish.

RAPD technique in silkworm (Bombyx mori} strain differentiation and identification. XVI International Sericultural Congress, Bandung, Indonesia, March 21-25, 1995.

Saksoong, P.

RAPD technique in silkworm (Bombyx mori} strain differentiation and identification. XVI International Sericultural Congress, Bandung, Indonesia, March 21-25, 1995.



Centre for Agricuktural Publishing and Dokumentation. Wageningen

Hlm 380 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


RAPD markers in the genetic diversity study of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.), abstr. 2, him. 4

Wadt, H.O.

International Symposium on Coconut Biotechnology

Mexico:Centro de Investigation Cientifica de Yucatan.

RAPD marker selectionusing DNA bulk of cultivars for differential respons in soybean cyst nematod races 3, 5 and 14.

Choi IS

Soyb-genet-newsl 22:245-250

RAPD and RFLP markers linked with the gene resistant to a SMV strain in China,

Gai J

Soybean Genetic Newsletter, 24. 75-78

RAPD analysis : use for genome characterization, tagging traits and mapping. P 305-333

Waugh R

MS Clark (ed) Plant Molecular Biology - A Laboratory Manual. Chapter 6

Ransum Ternak Rusminansia.

Siregar, S.B.

Ransum Ternak Ruminansia.

Siregar, S. B.

Ransum Ternak Ruminansia Ransum Ternak Ruminansia

Siregar, S.B. Siregar, S. B.

Penebar Swadaya Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Ransum ternak ruminansia

Siregar SR

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta

Ransum Praktis Untuk Ternak Potong.

Soegiri, J

Ransum Praktis untuk Ternak Potong.

Soegiri, J.

Range Legume Inoculation and Nitrogen Fixation by ' RootNodule

Holland, A.A

Range Legume Inoculation and Nitrogen Fixation by ' RootNodule

Bakteria University of California

Random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis


Polick BR, JE Thomson (ed). Methods in plant molecular biology and biotechnlogy.

CRC Press, Boca Raton, London Tokyo

Ranci Sapi Usaha Peternakan Yang Leblh Bermanfaat,

Tafal, Z.B.

Ranci Sapi Usaha Peternakan Yang Leblh Bermanfaat,

Bharata Karya. Jakarta.


Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta. Ransum Ternak Ruminansia.

Ransum Praktis Untuk Ternak Potong.

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.

Direktorat Bina Produksi Ditjen. Peternakan. Departemen Pertanian. Jakarta. Direktorat Bina Produksi. Ditjen Peternakan Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta.

Hlm 381 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Rancang-bangun Bioreaktor Unggun Diam dan Fluidisasi. Karya ilmiah

Priadi, A

Rancang-bangun Bioreaktor Unggun Diam dan Fluidisasi. Karya ilmiah

Jurusan Teknologi Industri Pertanian, IPB Bogor.

Rancangan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia tentang Paten. 200 pp.


Rancangan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia tentang Paten. 200 pp.

Rancangan Standar Nasional Indonesia No. 29 Durian


Rancangan Standar Nasional Indonesia No. 29 Durian

Dewan Standardisasi Nasional, Jakarta.

Rancangan Standar Nasional Indonesia Gaharu.


Rancangan Standar Nasional Indonesia Gaharu.

Dewan Standardisasi Nasional (DSN), Jakarta.

Rancangan Standar Nasional Indonesia : Kayu Bundar Rimba (Revisi Semua SNI Kayu Bundar Rimba).


Konsep SNI

Dewan Standardisasi Nasional, Jakarta.

Rancangan stadar industri Indonesia, mutu dn cara uji tembakau pipa

Balitbang Industri

Rancangan Rencana Pembangunan Lima Tahun Keenam Sub-Sektor Perkebunan (1994/19951998/1999). Buku I

Dep. Perindustrian Jakarta Rancangan Rencana Pembangunan Lima Tahun Keenam Sub-Sektor Perkebunan (1994/1995-1998/1999). Buku I

Dit Jen Bun,Deptan. Jakarta.

Rancangan Pola Kesejahteraan Sosial Anak Terlantar

Departement Sosial. R.I

Rancangan Percobaan: Teori dan Aplikasi

Kemas, A.H.

Rancangan Percobaan: Teori dan Aplikasi

Rajawal Press, Jakarta.

Rancangan Percobaan. Teori dan Aplikasi

Hanafiah, K.A.

Rancangan Percobaan. Teori dan Aplikasi

Rajawali Pers, Jakarta.

Rancangan Percobaan.

Srigandono, B.

Rancangan Percobaan.

Fakultas Peternakan dan Perikanan Universitas Diponegoro. Semarang, 132 pp.

Rancangan percobaan.

Srigandono, B.

Fakultas peternakan UNDIP, Semarang.

Rancangan Percobaan.

Astuti, M.

Fakultas Perternakan. Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.

Rancangan Percobaan, Teori dan Aplikasi

Hanafiah, Kemal Ali.


Badan Litbang, Jakarta

Rancangan Percobaan, Teori dan Aplikasi

Rajawali Press.. Jakarta

Hlm 382 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Rancangan Percobaan dan Analisis Statistik. Bag 1.

Astuti M

Fak Peternakan UGM Yogyakarta

Rancangan percobaan dan analisis statistik.

Astuti. M.

Fakultas Perternakan Universitas Gadjah Mada. Yogyakarta.

Rancangan percobaan dan analisis statistik Bgn I

Astuti M

Faperta UGM

Rancangan Percobaan dan Analisis Statistik Bagian II (Randomized Complete Block Designs, Repeated Measurement and Split Plot Design).

Astuti, M.

Bagian Pemuliaan Ternak. Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.

Rancangan percobaan dan analisis statistik Bagian II

Astuti, M.

Fakultas peternakan, UGM, Yogyakarta

Rancangan percobaan dan analisis statistik Bagian I

Astuti, M.

Fakultas peternakan, UGM, Yogyakarta

Rancangan percobaan dan analisis statistik bagian I

Astuti, M.

Bagian pemuliaan ternak, fakultas peternakan, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

Rancangan percobaan dan analisis statistik

Astuti, M.

Bagian pemuliaan ternak, fakultas peternakan UGM Yogyakrta

Rancangan percobaan dan analisis statistik

Astuti, M.

Bagian pemuliaan ternak, fakultas peternakan UGM Yogyakrta

Rancangan percobaan dan analisis statistik

Astuti, M.

Bagian pemuliaan ternak, fakultas peternakan, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

Rancangan Percobaan dan Analisa Statistika. Bagian Il

Astuti, M.

Bagian Pemuliaan Ternak Fakultas Peternakan UGM, Yogyakarta.

Rancangan Percobaan dan Analisa Statistika. Bagian II

Astuti, M

Bagian Pemuliaan Ternak Fakultas Peternakan UGM, Yogyakarta.

Rancangan Percobaan dan Analisa Statistika. Bagian II

Astuti, M.

Bagian Pemuliaan Ternak Fakultas Peternakan UGM, Yogyakarta.


Judul Buku


Hlm 383 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Rancangan Percobaan dan Analisa Statistik. Bagian satu. Bagian Pemuliaan Ternak

Astuti, M

Rancangan Percobaan dan Analisa Statistik. Bagian satu. Bagian Pemuliaan Ternak

Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Gadjahmada

Rancangan Percobaan dan Analisa Statistik. Bagian II. ( Randomized Complete Blok Design, Repeated Measurement and Split-plot Designs).

Astuti, M.

Bagian Pemuliaan Ternak. Fakultas Peternakan. Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.

Rancangan Percobaan dan Analisa Statistik. Bagian II.

Astuti, M.

Bagian Pemuliaan Ternak Fakultas Peternakan UGM, Yogyakarta.

Rancangan Percobaan dan Analisa Statistik. Bagian I.( Completely Randomized Designs ).

Astuti, M.

Bagian Pemuliaan Ternak. Fakultas Peternakan. Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.

Rancangan percobaan dan analisa statistik. Bagian I. (Completely randomized designs)

Astuti, M.

Bagian pemuliaan ternak, fakultas peternakan, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

Rancangan percobaan dan analisa statistik. Bagian I.

Astuti, M.

Fakultas peternakan, UGM, Yogyakarta

Rancangan Percobaan dan Analisa Statistik. Bagian I

Astuti, M.

Bagian Pemuliaan Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan UGM, Yogyakarta

Rancangan percobaan dan analisa statistik. Bag. 2. (Randomized complete block design, repeated measurement and split plot design).

Astuti, M.

Bagian pemuliaan ternak fakultas peternakan UGM, Yogyakarta

Rancangan percobaan dan analisa statistik. Bag. 1.

Astuti, M.

Bagian pemuliaan ternak fakultas peternakan UGM, Yogyakarta

Rancangan percobaan dan analisa statistik, bagian ke-2

Astuti, M.

Bagian pemuliaan ternak, fakultas peternakan, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta


Hlm 384 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Rancangan percobaan dan analisa statistik, bagian ke-2

Astuti, M.

Fakultas peternakan, UGM, Yogyakarta

Rancangan percobaan dan analisa statistik, bagian ke-1

Astuti, M.

Bagian pemuliaan ternak, fakultas peternakan, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

Rancangan percobaan dan analisa statistik, bagian ke-1

Astuti, M.

Bagian pemuliaan ternak, fakultas peternakan, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

Rancangan Percobaan dan Analisa Statistik, Bagian I.

Astuti, M.

Bagian Pemuliaan Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan, UGM, Yogyakarta.

Rancangan Percobaan dan Analisa Statistik I.

Astuti, M.

Bagian Pemuliaan Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan UGM, Yogyakarta

Rancangan percobaan dan analisa statistik Bg II

Astuti M

Bgn Pemuliaan Ternak, Fak Peternakan UGM Yogyakarta

Rancangan percobaan dan analisa statistik bagian II (Randomized complete block designs, repeated measurement and split plot designs)

Astuti, M.

Bagian pemuliaan ternak, fakultas peternakan, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

Rancangan percobaan (experimental design)

Srigandono, B.

Fakultas peternakan dan perikanan Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang (tidak diterbitkan)

Rancangan Percobaan & analisis statistik bgn I

Astuti M

Fapet UGM

Rancangan percobaan & analisis statistik

Astuti JM

faperta UGM

Rancangan Percobaan Rancangan percobaan Rancangan Percobaan

Widasari.S Srigandono Hanafiah, K.A

Karunika Jakarta Undip Semarang Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta


Judul Buku

Teori dan Aplikasi


Hlm 385 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Rancangan Pengendalian Perladangan Pola Usaha Pertanian Menetap (UPM) di Propinsi NTB

Lembaga Penelitian IPB

Kerjasa Antara Direktorat Penghijauan dan Pengendalian Perladangan, Direktorat Jendral Reboisasi dan Rehabilitasi Lahan, Departemen Kehutanan dengan Lembaga Penelitian IPB. Bogor

Rancangan Pelita VI Daerah Nusa Tenggara Barat


Pemerintah Daerah Propinsi Tk I NTB. Mataram

Rancangan dan Uji Teknis Alat Pengering Gabah dengan Menggunakan Energi Surya.

Tjahjohutomo, Rudi.

Rancangan dan Uji Teknis Alat Pengering Gabah dengan Menggunakan Energi Surya.

Rancangan dan Analisis Statistik.

Astuti, M.

Fakultas Peternakan UGM, Yogyakarta.

Rancangan dan analisa statistik

Astuti JM

fak. Peternakan UGM. Yogyakarta

Rancangan Alat Perajang Ubi Kayu.

Herdian, H.

Rancangan Alat Perajang Ubi Kayu.

Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Andalas. Padang.

Rancangan Acak Lengkap Rancang Bangun Sentra Pengembangan Komoditas Unggulan Kedele di Kabupaten Bima Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat

Kusriningrum. R. Sayuti. R.H

Rancangan Acak Lengkap

FKH Unair, Surabaya. Kantor Wilayah departemen Pertanian Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat

Rancang Bangun Bak Pendingin Susu pada Koperasi Sarono Makmur, Cangkringan


Rambutan cultivation Rakitan Teknologi Usahatani bawangmerah

Tindall, H. D. Baswarsiati

Rakitan Teknologi Usahatani bawangmerah

Monograf Rakitan Teknologi BPTP Karangploso.

Rakitan Teknologi Budidaya Kedelai


BPTP Karangploso

Rakitan Teknologi Budidaya Kedelai


BPTP Karangploso

Raiting Your Own Livestock

Weisburd, C

Raiting Your Own Livestock

Raising goats for milk and meat.

Sinn, R.

A heifer project int. training course, Arkansas.



Fakultas Mekanisasi dan Teknologi Pertanian. IPB Bogor.

PrenticeHall, INC., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

Hlm 386 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Rainfall types based on wet and dry ratio periods for Indonesia and Western New Guinea. Verh. 47

Schmidt, F H

Rainfall types based on wet and dry ratio periods for Indonesia and Western New Guinea. Verh. 47

Jawatan Meteorologi dan GeoHsika, Jakarta.

Rainfall types based on wet and dry period ratios for Indonesia. with Western New Guinea

Schmidt, F.H.

Rainfall types based on wet and dry period ratios for Indonesia. with Western New Guinea

Kementrian Perhubungan Djawatan Meteorogi dan Geofisika. Verh No 42 77 hlm

Rainfall types based on wet and dry period ratios for Indonesia with Western New Guinea. Verh. 42

Schmidt, F.H.

Rainfall types based on wet and dry period ratios for Indonesia with Western New Guinea. Verh. 42

Jawatan Meteorologi dan Geofisika, Jakarta.

Rainfall types based on wet and dry period ratio for Indonesia with Western New Guinea

Schmidt FH

Rainfall types based on wet & dry periode rations for Indonesia with New Guinea. PT Djulie Bogor

Schmidt, FH

Rainfall type based on wet and dry ratios for Indonesia

Schmidt, F.H.

Rainfall type based on wet and dry ratios for Indonesia

Rainfall Type Based on Wet and Dry Period Ration For Indonesia With Westrn New Guinea

Schmidt. F.H

Jawatan Met and Geofisika. Jakarta

Rainfall Type Based on Wet and Dry Period Ration For Indonesia With Westrn New Guinea

Schmidt. F.H

Rainfall Type Base on Wet and Dry Period Ratios for Indonesia with W. N. Guinea. Verth. 42

Schmidt, F. H.

Rainfall Type Base on Wet and Dry Period Ratios for Indonesia with W. N. Guinea. Verth. 42

Raifall Type based on wet and dry period ratios for Indonesia with westrn new guinee.

Schmidt, F.H.

Verh. No. 42, Jawatan meteorologi dan geofisika. Jakarta.

Rahasia sukses produksi telur



Kementrian Perhubungan Jawatan Meteorologi dan Geofisika, Jakarta

Djawatan Meteorologi dan Geofisik. Verh. 42. Jakarta. 77p.

Jawatan Meteorologi dan Geofisika. Jakarta

Kementrian Perhubungan RI. Jakarta.

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Hlm 387 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Rahasia Herbalis Cina. Ramuan Tanaman Obat Cina

Lucas, R.

Rahasia Herbalis Cina. Ramuan Tanaman Obat Cina

Pustaka Delapratasa, Jakarta.

Rahasia Dalam Pembuatan Roti

Bogasari Flour Mills

Rahasia Dalam Pembuatan Roti

Jakarta, Indonesia.

Rahasia Bercocok Tanam Melon

Yusuf, R

Ragam Budidaya Padi

Taslim. H

Ragam Ayam Piaraan Cet. V

Sarwono, B

Ragam ayam piaraan

Sarwono, B.

Ragam ayam piaraan

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta

Rafllesia Indonesia keanekaragaman ekologi dan pelestariannya. Yayasan Pembinaan Suaka Alam dan Suaka Margasatwa Indonesia (Indonesian Wildlife Fund) dan Laboratorium Konservasi Tumbuhan Jurusan Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan

Zuhud, E.A.M

Rafllesia Indonesia keanekaragaman ekologi dan pelestariannya. Yayasan Pembinaan Suaka Alam dan Suaka Margasatwa Indonesia (Indonesian Wildlife Fund) dan Laboratorium Konservasi Tumbuhan Jurusan Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan

Fakultas Kehutanan IPB.

Radiotracers in Agricultural Chemistry

L'Annunziata, M. F.

Radiotracers in Agricultural Chemistry

Academic Press, London, New York, San Fransisco

Radiotracers in agricultural chemistry

L. Anunziata, FM

Radiotracers in agricultural chemistry

Academic Press

Radiotracers in Agricultural Chemetry,

L'Annunziata, F. M.

Radiotracers in Agricultural Chemetry,

Academic Press

Radioisotopes studies on F. Gigantica infection of cattle, isotopes and radiation

Bitakaramine, P. K.

Radioimmunoassay of Testosteron in Serum or Plasma. Laboratory Training Manual on Radioimmunoassay in Anima Reproduction. Vienna.


Radioimmunoassay of Testosteron in Serum or Plasma. Laboratory Training Manual on Radioimmunoassay in Anima Reproduction. Vienna.


Wisnu A.W.



CV. Subur Makmur, Medan Padi. Buku I

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Tanaman Pangan. Bogor Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

IAEA, Vienna

Penerbit Andi, Yogyakarta. Hlm 388 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Radical developments in accounting thought

Chua WF

the Accounting review (October): 601-632

Radiation Type and Radiation Source

Brigg, R. W.

Manual on Mutation Breeding, IAEA, Vienna

Radiation processing of food and drugs

Goldblith, S.A.

Fundamentals of food processing operations, J.L. Heid dan M.A. Joslyn (Eds).

Radiation induce cell lethality of Salmonella typhimurium ATCC 14028 Cooperative effect of hydroxyl radical and oxygen

Kim, A.Y


Radiation biophysic,

Alpen EL

Prentice-Hall International ed p: 103-110

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Quatitative Genetics In Sheep Breeding

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Quatification Of Vesiculararbuscular Mycorrhiza in Plant Roots


Methods and Priciple of Mycorrizha research

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Quantitative relationship between mineralogy and properties of tropical soils

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University of California Press.Berkeley

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Quantitative Genetics in Maize Breeding

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Quantitative genetics in maize breeding

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Quantitative genetics in maize breeding

Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames.

Quantitative Genetics in Maize Breeding

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Quantitative Determination of Allicin from Garlic by HPLC.

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A revised model for the renewal of spermatozoa

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Quantitaive genetics in Maize Breeding

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Quantitaive genetics in Maize Breeding

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Purification and characterization of potato leaf roll virus

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Sinar Kencana

Pupuk NPK

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Pupuk mikro dan Prospeknya.

Pupuk Lepas Terkendali


PT. Pasirmaung Agritech, Bogor

Pupuk Kalium Klorida

SNI 02-2805

Pupuk Daun


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Jurusan Ilmu Tanah fakultas Pertanian Universitas islam Sumatera Utara, Medan

Pupuk dan pemupukan

Lubis, A.M.

Jurusan Ilmu Tanah Fakultas Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

Pupuk dan pemupukan Pupuk dan Pemupukan

UISU Sabiham, S

Pupuk dan Pemupukan Pupuk dan Pemupukan

Setyamidjaya, D Lingga, P.

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Pupuk dan pemupukan

Simplex, Jakarta Medyatama Sarana Perkasa, Jakarta

Pupuk dan pemupukan Pupuk dan Pemupukan

Sutejo MM Rinsema.

Pupuk dan Pemupukan

Rinsema, W.T

Bharata Karya Aksara. Jakarta

Pupuk dan pemupukan

Leiwakabessy, F.M

Jurusan Tanah, Fakultas Pertanian Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor

Pupuk dan pemupukan Pupuk dan Pemu pukan

Sutejo MM Suriatna

Bian Aksara Jakarta Mediyatania Sarana Perkasa. Jakarta

Pupuk dan cara pemupukannya, diterjemahkanoleh HM Saleh,

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Pupuk dan cara pemupukan.

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Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan Tanah Pertanian.

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Pustaka Buana, Bandung.

Pupuk dan cara pemupukan tanah pertanian

Sarief, E. S.

Pupuk dan cara pemupukan tanah pertanian

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Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan

Sutedjo, M.M.

Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan

Rineka Cipta. Jakarta.

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Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan

Rineka Cipta. Jakarta

Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan

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Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan

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Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan

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Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan

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Pupuk dan cara pemupukan

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Pupuk dan cara pemupukan

PT. Bina Aksara, Jakarta


Pupuk dan Pemupukan

Pupuk dan Pemu pukan

Bian Aksara Jakarta Bhratara Karya Aksara Jakarta

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Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan

Rinsema, W.T. Sutejo M.

Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan

Karya Aksara, Jakarta. PT. Bina Aksara. Jakarta

Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan


Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan

PT. Bima Aksara, Jakarta.

Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan Pupuk dan cara pemupukan Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan Pupuk dan Cara Pemu pukan

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Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan

Pupuk dan Cara Pemu pukan

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Mulyani Sutejo, M.

Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan

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Pupuk Buatan dan Penggunaannya


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Pupuk Akar. Tim Redaksi Trubus. Seri Teknologi XV/171/89. Cetakan ke XIII.


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Public Action and the Quality of Life in Developing Countries

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Psikologi Sosiologi


Psikologi Sosial Suatu Pengantar

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Psikologi sosial Psikologi Praktis : Anak, Remaja, dan Keluarga.

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Psikologi Pnedidikan

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Gadjah Mada University Press.Yogyakarta

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Psikologi Perkembangan

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Psikologi Perkembangan

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Gadjah Mada University Press.Yogyakarta

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Psikologi Perkembangan Psikologi Pengembangan

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Psikologi Pendidikan Psikologi Manajemen dan Administrasi

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Psikologi Komunikasi

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Pseudomonads as biocontrol agents of deiseases caused by soil borne pathogens

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Providing For The Future : Meeting The Global Challenges

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Prostaglandin Synthetase Inhibitor, A New Approach tor Insect Control in Biologically Active Natural Products

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Prostaglandin Synthetase Inhibitor, A New Approach tor Insect Control in Biologically Active Natural Products

Clarendon Press Oxford

Prospek Usaha Sapi Pedaging di Indonesia

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Makalah Kuliah Umum Mahasiswa Fakultas Peternakan UGM Yogyakarta

Prospek tanah Podsolik Merah Kuning di Lampung Khususnya dan di dataran 4 pulau besar pada umumnya untuk perluasan areal pertanian.

Menara Perkebunan.

Lembaga Penetian Tanah.

International Peat Society 12p


Prospek tanah gambut utk tanaman kelapa sawit di Indonesia

Purba, AU

Prospek sumberdaya tanah podsolik merah kuning dalam pembangunan pertanian di Indonesia

Suyono, A.D

Prospek Pengusahaan Gaharu di Nusa Tenggara Timur.


Studi Potensi dan Manajemen Eksploitasi, Kajian Permasalahan Lokal dan Nasional Hutan dan Kehutanan di Indonesia.

Universitas Nusa Cendana dan Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan, Departemen Kehutanan, Jakarta.

Prospek Penggunaan Beauvaria bassiana untuk mengendalikan hama tanaman perkebunan

Haryono, H

E. Martono et al. (Eds.) Simposium Patologi Serangga


Prospek Penggunaan Bacillus dalam Pengendalian Patogen Tanaman Penghuni Tanah di Lahan Kering, khususnya Sclerotium spp. Hal 127-133.


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Fak. Pertanian UNSOED, Purwokerto.

Prospek Pengembangan Usaha Petemakan dalam Upaya Membuka Peluang Ekspor


Prospek Pengembangan Usaha Petemakan dalam Upaya Membuka Peluang Ekspor

Seminar Perunggasan Nasi-onal di Surabaya


Universitas Padjajaran. Bandung

Hlm 405 dari 1800

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Prospek pengembangan ternak domba pada lahan kritis di Jawa Barat. Proc Seminar Penelitian Peternakan.

Djaja, S.K.

Prospek pengembangan ternak domba pada lahan kritis di Jawa Barat. Proc Seminar Penelitian Peternakan.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Peternakan, Bogor

Prospek pengembangan sistem usaha pertanian modern di lahan pasang surut Sumatera Selatan. Proyek pengembangan sistem usaha pertanian lahan pasang surut Sumatera Selatan

Badan penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Jakarta. 251 hlm.

Prospek pengembangan sistem usaha pertanian modern di lahan pasang surut Sumatera Selatan. Proyek pengembangan sistem usaha pertanian lahan pasang surut Sumatera Selatan

Prospek Pengembangan Sistem Usaha Pertanian Modern di Lahan Pasang Surut Sumatera Selatan. Proyek Pengembangan Sistem Usaha Pertanian Lahan Pasang Surut Sumatera Selatan

Ananto, E.E.

Prospek Pengembangan Sistem Usaha Pertanian Modern di Lahan Pasang Surut Sumatera Selatan. Proyek Pengembangan Sistem Usaha Pertanian Lahan Pasang Surut Sumatera Selatan

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Departemen Pertanian.

Prospek pengembangan peternakan sapi dan kerbau di daerah mekanisasi pertanian (studi kasus di Kabupaten Subang)

Suryadi, D.

Prospek pengembangan peternakan sapi dan kerbau di daerah mekanisasi pertanian (studi kasus di Kabupaten Subang)


Prospek Pengembangan Pemasaran Teh di Dalam Negeri


Prospek Pengembangan Pemasaran Teh di Dalam Negeri


Prospek pengembangan agribisnis jambu mete di Indonesia.

Sukmadinata, I.

Prospek penerapan teknologi pendederan udang windu di tambak lahan gambut payau

Pantjara, B.

A.M. Pasaribu, S. Saenong, A. Hanafi, N.1. Sidik, dan A. Ella (Eds.). Prosiding Seminar Regional Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Spesifik Lokasi, Buku 11.

Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Kendari, Kendari. hlm. 828-834.

Prospek penegmbangan kedelai di NTT

Adisarwanto T

Tastra dkk (ed) Teknologi utk meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman pangan di prop NTT

Balitkabi Malang


Hlm 406 dari 1800

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Prospek Penambangan P tanah sawahan dalam upaya efisiensi pemupukan P dan Optimasi usaha tani

Taher A.

Prospek penambangan P tanah sawah dalam upaya peningkatan efisiensi pemupukan P dan optimasi usaha tani

Taker, A.

Prospek penambangan P tanah sawah dalam upaya peningkatan efisiensi pemupukan P dan optimasi usaha tani

Balittan Sukarami.

Prospek Pembangunan Peternakan Indonesia Ditinjau dari Berbagai Segi SosialEkonomi.

Atmadilaga, D.

Biro Research dan Afiliasi

FP UNPAD, Bandung

Prospek Pembangunan Ekonomi Pedesaan Indonesia


Prospek Pembangunan Ekonomi Pedesaan Indonesia

Jakarta; Yayasan Obor Indonesia

Prospek Pemasaran Pupuk ZA dan TSP di Indonesia

Santoso, B.

Prospek Pemasaran Pupuk ZA dan TSP di Indonesia

Pusat Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Bogor. 249 hlm.

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Prospek Pemasaran inokulum rizobin di Ind. hal. 49-60. Dalam M. Syam, Ruhendi, dan A. nitrogen secara hayati pada kacang-kacangan. Bogor 30-31 Agustus 1988

Pusat Penelitian Pengembangan Bioteknologi, Lembaga llmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Bogor

Prospek pemanfaatan timbunan P dan optimasi usaha tani padi sawah

Taher, A.

Prospek pemanfaatan timbunan P dan optimasi usaha tani padi sawah

Taher, A.

Prospek Pemanfaatan Patogen Serangga Untuk Pengendalian Serangga Hama di Sulawesi Selatan.

Saranga, A.P.

Dalam: E. Martono, E. Mahr-ub, N.S. Putra, dan Y. Trisetyawati (Eds.)

Prosiding Makalah Simposium Patologi Serangga I, 12 - 13 Oktober 1993.

Prospek komoditi hortikultura di Indonesia dalam kerangka pembangunan ekonomi

Pasandaran, E

Bahan rapat kerja Puslitbanghorti di Solok

Prospek komoditi di Indonesia dalam kerangka pembangunan ekonomi.

Pasandaran, E.


Hlm 407 dari 1800

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Penulis Utama

Prospek kelapa sawit di Indonesia.


Prospek Inokulasi Pada Peningkatan Produksi Kedelai dan Leguminosa Lainnya


Prospek Inokulasi Pada Peningkatan Produksi Kedelai dan Leguminosa Lainnya


Dep. Mikrobiologi. Fakultas Pertanian UGM

Prospek dan Tantangan Pengembangan Industri Pulp dan Kertas Indonesia dalam Era Ekolabeling dan Otonomi Daerah

Ibnusantoso G

Dalam: Prosiding seminar: Prospek dan Tantangan Agribisnis Pulp dan Kertas dalam Era Ekolabeling dan Otonomi Daerah

Penyunting Sipayung T (dkk) bogor: Pusat Studi Pembangunan-IPB

Prospek dan strategi pemanfaatan insektisida alami dalam PHT

Prijono D.

Nugroho BW, Dadang, Prijono D (ed). Bahan Pelatihan Pengembangan dan Pemanfaatan Insektisida Alami, Bogor, 9-13 Agu 1999

Bogor: Pusat Kajian PHT, IPB. him 1-7.

Prospek dan Permasalahan Ekspor manggis dan Rambutan

Marsyasni, E.

Pertemuan Teknis Penyusunan Standar Asparagus, Manggis dan Rambutan

Departemen Perdagangan. Dirjen Perdagangan Luar Negeri. Direktorat Standarisasi dan Pengendalian Mutu, jakarta

Prospek dan pemamfaatan lahan gambut di propinsi Riau.


Bappeda Tingkat I Riau.

Prospek Dan Kendala Pengembangan Kedelai Di Indonesia

Sihombing. D.A

Pusat Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan . Bogor

Prospek dan Kendala Pengembangan Kedelai di Indonesia

Sihombing. D.A

KEDELAI (S. Smaatmadja)

Prospek dan kendala pengembangan kedelai di Indonesia

Sihombing DA

Somaatmadja S, et al (eds) Kedelai

Prospek dan kendala pengembangan kedelai di Indonesia

Sihombing DA

Somaatmadja S, et al (eds) Kedelai


Judul Buku


Dep. Mikrobiologi Fakultas Pertanian UGM. Yogyakarta

Puslitbangtan. Bogor

Hlm 408 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Prospek dan Kendala Pengembang Kedelai di Indonesia dalam Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian.

Sihombing, D.A.

Prospek dan kendala komoditi atsiri Indonesia

Tobing, K. H.

Prospek dan kendala dalam pemanfaatan mimba sebagai pestisida nabati. Dalam Sitepu dkk (penyunting): Prosiding Hasil Penelitian dalam Rangka Pemanfaatan Pestisida Nabati, 1-2 Desember 1993

Sudarmadji, D.

Prospek dan kendala dalam pemanfaatan mimba sebagai pestisida nabati. Dalam Sitepu dkk (penyunting): Prosiding Hasil Penelitian dalam Rangka Pemanfaatan Pestisida Nabati, 12 Desember 1993

Balit. Tanaman Rempah dan Obat, Bogor

Prospek dan Kendala Pengembangan Kedelai di Indonesia.

Sihombing, D.A.

Prospek dan Kendala Pengembangan Kedelai di Indonesia.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor.

Prospek dan kendala pengembangan kedelai di Indonesia

Sihombing, D.A.

Prospek dan kendala pengembangan kedelai di Indonesia

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor.

Prospek cerah bertanam kedelai


Mjlh Trubus no 339 th xxix Feb 98


Prospek dan Kendala Pengembangan Tehnologi Budidaya Sebar Langsung Padi Sawah di Lahan Irigasi

Malian, A.H

Kinerja Penelitian Pangam Buku 3

Prospek komoditi hortikultura di Indonesia dalam kerangka pembangunan ekonomi. Makalah Penyusunan Prioritas dan Desain Penelitian Hortikultura

Pasandaran, E

Prospek komoditi hortikultura di Indonesia dalam kerangka pembangunan ekonomi. Makalah Penyusunan Prioritas dan Desain Penelitian Hortikultura

Puslitbang Hortikultura, Jakarta

Prospects Of Hybrid Rice In The Tropics and Subtropics

Virmani. S.S

Hybrid Rice Technology New Development And Fututre Prospect

IRRI. Losbanos. Phlippines

Prospects for utilization of parasites and predators for management of Heliothis spp

King, E.G.

W. Reed, V. Kumble (Eds.). International Workshop on Heliothis Management. p. 103122.

International Crops Research Institute for the Semi Arid Tropics. Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh India.



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Prospects for small farm goat production in a transmigration area of Indonesia: results of a survey

Mink, S.

Working Paper No.2

Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Support ProgramBalai Penelitian Ternak, Bogor, Indonesia.

Prospect of native chicken in bangladesh.

Barua, A.

Poultry adviser.

Prospect for the management of the cocoa pod borer in Malaysia

Wood BJ

in PAC Ooi et al (eds). Symposium on the managemnet of the cocoa pod borer. Malaysia protection Plant Society

Prospect for increasing productivity from sheep and goats

Yousef MK

Prospect for breeding program in fish

T. Gjedrem

Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Praeger Publisher USA

Prospect for breeding program in fish

Institute of Aquaculture Research Ltd. Norway

Prosiding Teknologi Evaluasi Hasil Penelitian Usaha Tani Lahan Kering Waingapu Prosiding Pertemuan Teknis Tengah Tahunan II. Pusat Penelitian Perkebunan Gula Indonesia, Pasuruan


Prosiding Pertemuan Teknis Tengah Tahunan II. Pusat Penelitian Perkebunan Gula Indonesia, Pasuruan

Proses-proses mikrobiologipangan

Kuswanto, K. R.

PAU pangan dan gizi Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

Proses-proses Mikrobiologi Pangan.


PAU. Pangan dan Gizi.

Universltas Gadjah Mada.

Proses-proses Mikrobiologi Pangan

Kuswanto, K.

Proses-proses Mikrobiologi Pangan

PAU Pangan dan Gizi. Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta.

Proses penyamakan kulit

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Proses Penelitian Survai

Efendi, Sofian

Proses Penelitian Survai

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Proses Pemutihan Rotan, Bambu, Pandan daun lontar.


Proses Pemutihan Rotan, Bambu, Pandan daun lontar.

Balai Kerajinan Dinas Perindustrian DK.I, Jakarta.


Penerbit Balai Penelitian Kulit Yogyakarta

Hlm 410 dari 1800

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Proses Pembuatan "Abon" (The Production of "Abon"). Teknologi Tepat Guna


Proses Pembuatan "Abon" (The Production of "Abon"). Teknologi Tepat Guna

Akademi Usaha Perikanan, Jakarta, Indonesia

Proses Mikrobiologi Pangan.


Proses Mikrobiologi Pangan.

PAU Pangan dan Gizi, Universitas Gajah Mada.

Proses Biodegradasi 2,4-D Pada Tanah Persawahan

Widyati, E.

Proses Biodegradasi 2,4-D Pada Tanah Persawahan

Skripsi S-1. Fak. Biologi Lingkungan UGM, Yogyakarta.

Proses Proses Mikrobilogi Pangan

Kuswanto, K. R

PALJ Pangan dan Gizi

Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Prosedur statistik utk penelitian pertanian edisi kedua

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Univ. Indonesia Press. Jakarta

Prosedur statistik untuk penelitian pertanian. (Terjemahan : E. Syamsudin & J.S. Baharsyah, 1995)

Gomez, K

UI Press. Jakarta

Prosedur statistik untuk penelitian pertanian

Gomez, K. A.

Universitas Indonesia Jakarta

Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu pendekatan Praktis. Edisi Revisi IV

Arikunto, Suharsimi

Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu pendekatan Praktis. Edisi Revisi IV

Yogyakarta, Rineka Cipta.

Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik


Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik

Penerbit Rineka Cipta, Jakarta

Prosedur kerja scanning electron microscope

Komunikasi Pribadi

Prosedur dan Tatacara Kerja distribusi Semen Beku


Prosedur Analysis Untuk Bahan Makanan dan Minuman

Sudarmadji. S

Lyberti Yogyakarta

Prosedur analisa utk bhn makanan dan pertanian

Sudarmaji S

Liberty, Yogyakarta

Prosedur analisa utk bhn makanan dan pertanian

Sudarmaji S

Liberty, Yogyakarta

Prosedur Analisa untuk Bahan Pangan dan Pertanian. Edisi III.

Sudarmadji, et al.


Unit Pelaksana Teknis Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya Prosedur dan Tatacara Kerja distribusi Semen Beku

Prosedur Analisa untuk Bahan Pangan dan Pertanian. Edisi III.

Direktorat Jendral Peternakan Departemen Pertanian,BIB Lembang, Bandung.

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Hlm 411 dari 1800

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Prosedur Analisa untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian.

Sudarmadji, S.,

Prosedur Analisa untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian.

Liberty, Yogyakarta.

Prosedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian.

Sudarmadji, S..

Prosedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian.

Liberty Yogyakarta

Prosedur analisa untuk bahan makanan dan pertanian.

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Prosedur Analisa untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian.


Prosedur Analisa untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian.

Penerbit Liberty, Yogyakarta.

Prosedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian.

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Prosedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian.

Liberty, Yogyakarta

Prosedur analisa untuk bahan makanan dan pertanian

Sudarmadji S et al

Prosedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Ma-kanan dan Pertanian

Sudarmadji, S.

Prosedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian

Sudarmadji. S

Liberty. Yogyakarta

Prosedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian

Sudarmadji. S

Liberty. Yogyakarta

Prosedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian

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Prosedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian

Penerbit Liberty, Yogyakarta.

Prosedur Analisa untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian

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Prosedur Analisa untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian

Penerbit Liberty, Yogyakarta

Prosedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian

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Prosedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian

Liberty. Yogyakarta.

Prosedur Analisa untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian

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Prosedur Analisa untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian

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Prosedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Makan dan Pertanian


Liberty Yogyakarta

Prosedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Makan dan Pertanian


Liberty Yogyakarta


Liberty, Yogyakarta.

Liberty Yogyakarta

Prosedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Ma-kanan dan Pertanian

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Prosedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Makan dan Pertanian

Sudarmadji. S

Liberty Yogyakarta

Prosedur analisa Untuk Bahan Makan dan Pertanian


Libertu Yogyakarta

Prosedur Analisa Kimiawi Ikan dan Produk Olahan Hasil-hasil Perikanan.


Instalasi Penelitian Perikanan Laut Slipi, Jakarta. 100 pp.

Prosedur Analisa Bahan Pangan

Sudarmadji. S.

Prosedur Analisa Bahan Pangan

Gramedia, Jakarta,

Prosedur Analisa Bahan Makanan Dan Pertanian

Sudarmadji, S.

Prosedur Analisa Bahan Makanan Dan Pertanian

Liberty, Yogyakarta.

Prosedur Analisa Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian

Sudarmadji, S.

Prosedur Analisa Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian

Liberty, Yogyakarta.

Proseding Widya Karya Nasional Pangan dan Gizi VI



Proseding Widya Karya Nasional Pangan dan Gizi VI



Proposed scheme for an International Standard Test for the Resistance of Timber to Impregnation with Preservative.

Smith. D.N.R.

Proposed scheme for an International Standard Test for the Resistance of Timber to Impregnation with Preservative.

Ministry of Technology Forest Product Research Laboratory. New Zealand.

Proposed Baluran national park: Management Plan 1978 -1982. Field Report of UNDP/FAO Nature Conservation and Wildlife Management Project


Field Report of UNDP/FAO Nature Conservation and Wildlife Management Project

Food and Agriculture Organization. Bogor. Indonesia

Proposed Bawean Island Wildlife Reserve

Blouch, R.A

Proposed Bawean Island Wildlife Reserve

The World Wildlife Fund Indonesia Programme. Bogor.

Propose of Physical Measurement in Flooded Rice Soil

Tabuachi. T

Proposal penelitian Uji coba Pengoperasian Sistem Skyline Thunder Bird TTY 70 di Hutan Produksi Terbatas PT .Sumalindo Lestari Jaya.

Idris, M.M.,

Kerjasama Penelitian Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan dan Sosial Ekonomi Kehutanan dengan PT. Sumalindo Lestari Jaya.

Proporties of transformed root cultures. 201-225.

Rhodes, M.J.C.,

In B.V. Charlwood, and M.J.C. Rhodes (Eds.) Secondary Products from Plant Tissue Culture.


Judul Buku


IRRI. Philippines

Clarendon Press, Oxford.

Hlm 413 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Proporties and Management of Soil in The Tropics

Sanchez, P.

Proporties and Management of Soil in The Tropics

John Wiley and Sons.Inc

Proporties and Management of Soil In The Tropic.

Sanchez, P.A.

Proporties and Management of Soil In The Tropic

John Willey & Sons. New York.

Property, Power, and Public Choice: An Inquiry into law and economics

Schmid, A Allan

Property, Power, and Public Choice: An Inquiry into law and economics

Praeger Publisher, New York

propertoes and management of soil in the tropics


propertoes and management of soil in the tropics

Jhon willey, los banos, Laguna, Phlipines.

Properties, Genesis and Classification Of Vertisols

Eswaran. H.J

Properties, Genesis and Classification of Vertisols

Eswaran. H

Classification Management And Use Potential Of Swell-Srink Soils

A.A. Balkema. Rotterdam

Properties of microbial proteinase, him. 32-96.

Ward, 0. P.

W. Fogarty (ed.), Microbial Enzymes and Biotechnology

London: Appl. Pub.

Properties of Agricultural and Municipal Wastestes


Soil For Management of Organic Wastes and Waste Water

SSSA.Inc, Madison

Properties of Agricultural and Municipal Wastes

McCalla. T.M

Soil for Management of Organic wastes and Waste Water

SSSA Inc. Madison

Properties of Agricultural and Municipal Wastes

McCalla. T.M

Soil For Management of Organic Wastes and Waste Waters

SSSA Inc. Madison

Properties Genesis and Clasification of Vertisol

Eswaran. H.

A.A. Balkema. Rotterdam

Properties and process in upland acid soils in Sumatera and their management for crop production

Arya, L. M.

Sukarami Agriculture Research Institute for food crops. West Sumatera Indonesia

Properties and potential of natural pesticides from he neem tree, Azadirachta indica


Annu. Rev. Ent

Properties and Mnagement of Soil In the Tropics

Sanchez, A. Pedro

Properties and Mangement of Soil InThe Tropics

Sanchez. P.A

John Willey & Sons Inc. New York

Properties and Management Soil In the Tropics

Sanchez. P.A

John Willey & Sons. New York


A.A. Balkema. Rotterdam

A Wiley Inter Science Publication

John Wiley and Sons, New York, London. SiDney. Toronto

Hlm 414 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Properties and management of soils in the Tropics.

Sanchez, P.A.

John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Properties and Management of Soils In The Tropics

Sanchez. P.A

John Willey & Sons. New York

Properties and Management of Soils In The Tropics

Sanchez. P.A

John Willey & Sons. New York

Properties and Management of Soils in The Tropics

Sanchez, P. A

John Wiley and Sons, New York

Properties and Management of Soils in The Tropics

Sanchez, P.A

John Wiley and Sons. New York

Properties and management of soils in the tropics

Sanchez, P.A.

Properties and Management of Soils in the tropics

Sanchez. PA.

A Wiley Inter Science Publication

Properties and management of soils in the tropics

Sanchez PA

John Willey and Sons Inc. New York

Properties and Management of Soils in The Tropics

Sanchez, P.A

John Wiley and Sons. New York

Properties and Management of Soils in the Tropics

Sanchez, P.A

John Wiley & Sons. New York

Properties and Management of soils in the tropics

Sanchez, P.A

John Wiley and sons, New York

Properties and Management of soils in the tropics

Sanchez, P.A

John Wiley and sons, New York

Properties and management of soils in the tropics

Sanchez, P.A

John Wiley & Sons, New York

Properties and management of soils in the tropics

Sanchez PA

John Willey and Sons Inc. New York

Properties and management of soil in tropics. Soil Organic Matter

Sanchez, P. A.

Properties and management of soil in tropics. Soil Organic Matter

John Wiley and Sons, New York

Properties and Management of Soil in the Tropies

Sanchez. RA.

Properties and Management of Soil in the Tropies

J. Wiley and Sons, New York. 618 pp.

Properties and Management of Soil in the Tropics.

Sanchez, A.

Properties and Management of Soil in the Tropics.

A Wiley-Inter Science Publication. John Wiley and Sons New York. Toronto.

Properties and Management of Soil in the Tropics.

Sanchez, P.A

A Wiley Interscience Publ.

John Wiley & Sons. New York.

Properties and Management of Soil in The Tropics

Sanchez. P.A

John Willey & Sons. New York

Properties and Management of Soil in The Tropics

Sanchez. P.A

John Willey & Sons. New York


Judul Buku

Properties and management of soils in the tropics


J. Willey and Sons, New York. 618 p.

Hlm 415 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Properties and management of soil in the tropics

Sanchez, P. A.

johnWilley and sons Inc New York

Properties And Management Of Soil In The Tropics

Sanchez. P.A

John Willey & Sons Inc. New York

Properties and management of soil in the tropics

Sanchez, P. A.

Properties and management of soil in the tropics

John Wiley and Sons. New York-London

Properties and Management of Soil in the Tropic.

Sanchez, P.A.

Properties and Management of Soil in the Tropic.

Department of Soil Science North Carolina Univ. John Wiley and Sons, New York.

Properties and Management of Forest Soils 2nd ed


Proper Handling to Food Enzymology

Reddy, G.V.

Propagation. Rootstocks for Fruits Crops.

Howard, B. H.

John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Propagation. Rootstocks for Fruits Crops.

Howard, B. H.

A Wiley Interscience Publication, New York

Propagation of horticulture plants. Second edition.


Propagation of horticulture plants.

Adriance, C. W.

Propagation of Horticultural Plant.

Adriance, G.W.

Propagation of Horticultural Plant. Second ed.

Tata McGraw Hill Publ. Co. Ltd., New Delhi.

Propagation of Horticultural Plant

Adriance, G.W.

Propagation of Horticultural Plant

Tata McGraw Hill Publ. Co. Ltd., New Delhi.

Pronciples and Procedures of Statistics : A Biometrical Approach 2nd ed.

Steel, R. G. D.

Pronciples and Procedures of Statistics : A Biometrical Approach 2nd ed.

McGraw-Hill International Book Co., Singapore.

Promotong Stewarship of Forest in the Humid Forest Zone of Anglophone West and Centra Africa. C1FOR. Bogor.

Dykstra, DP

Promotong Stewarship of Forest in the Humid Forest Zone of Anglophone West and Centra Africa. C1FOR. Bogor.

Promoting Healthly Growth : Rationale and Benefits : Child Growth and Nutrition Country : Priorities Of Action

Martorell. R


Judul Buku


John Willey & Sons. Inc. New York Proper Handling to Food Enzymology

Propagation of horticulture plants. Second edition.

Departement of Food Science University of Wisconsin Madison.

Tata Graw-Hill Book Company, USA Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. Bombay, New Delhi

Cornell University Press, New York

Hlm 416 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Promise in seabass culture. S

Garcia, L.M.B.,

EAFDEC Asian Aquaculture 10(3):3.

Prolific Tropical Sheep

Mason, I.L.

Prolific Tropical Sheep

Prolific Breeds of Indonesia.

Bradford, G. E.

Prolific breeds of Indonesia, him. 137-146

Bradford, G.E.

M.H. Fahmy (ed.). Prolific Sheep

Prokasih. Enviromental Impact Management Policy. Jakarta.


Prokasih. Enviromental Impact Management Policy. Jakarta.

Proinciples of microbial processes of chemical degradation, assimilation, and accumulation

Keeney, D.R

W.S. Nelson et al (Eds.). Chemical Mobility and Reactivity in soil Systems.

Proinciples and Procedures of Statistics

Steel, D.G.R

2nd ed. Mc Graw Hill International Book Company. Singapore

Progress Report and Program Planning.

Soetarno, T.

Milk Quality Team of PT. Sari Husada. (Unpublished Report).

Progress in Weed Science and Control Technology in Tropical Rice

De Datta, S. K.

Progress in Weed Science and Control Technology in Tropical Rice

Second Tropical Weed Sci. Conf, Thailand

Progress in Pesticide Biochemistry and Toxicology V Insecticide,

Hutson, D.A.

Progress in Pesticide Biochemistry and Toxicology V Insecticide,

John Wiley and Sons, New York.

Progress in developing drought and low soil Nitrogen tolerance in maize.

Beck, D.

Programmed Cell Death

Kohn, K.W.

J.H. Vos (Ed.). DNA Repair Mechanisms:Impact on Human Diseases and Cancer. p.247-284

Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany.

Program Utama Nasional Riset dan Teknologi dalam Pembagunan Lima Tahun VI

Dewan Riset Nasional

rogram Utama Nasional Riset dan Teknologi dalam Pembagunan Lima Tahun VI

Kantor Menteri Negara Riset dan Teknologi Dewan Riset Nasional. Jakarta



Rome: Food and Agricultural Organization. CAB International, Oxon, UK. London: CAB International, University Press, Cambridge.

SSSA. 11. Madison, WI

Hlm 417 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Program penyuluhan pertanian Kecamatan Sumatera Pesisir Selatan

BPP Surantih

Program Penyediaan Hijauan Makanan Ternak Sepanjang Tahun

Sudarmadi, H

Fakultas Peternakan. IPB. Bogor.

Program Peningkatan Ekspor Hasil Perikanan, Protekan 2003

Direktorat Jendral Perikanan

Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta

Program pengembangn Jagung di indonesia

Bastari, T

Subandi, M. Syam, & Adi Widjojo (Penyunting)

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor

Program pengembangan jagung di Indonesia

Bastari T

Subandi, Mahyudin Syam, Adi Widjono (ed) Jagung

Balitbang Pertanian. Puslitbang Tanaman Pangan

Program pengembangan jagung di Indonesia

Bastari T

Subandi, Mahyudin Syam, Adi Widjono (ed) Jagung

Balitbang Pertanian. Puslitbang Tanaman Pangan

Program penelitian hama dan penyakit untuk menunjang pening-katan produksi dan kualitas hasil sayuran. Risalah Seminar Hania dan Penyakit Sayuran, 29-30 Mei 1994 di Cipanas

Ciptono, A. P

Program penelitian hama dan penyakit untuk menunjang peningkatan produksi dan kualitas hasil sayuran. Risalah Seminar Hania dan Penyakit Sayuran, 29-30 Mei 1994 di Cipanas

Badan Litbang Pertanian, Jakarta

Program penelitian hama dan penyakit untuk menunjang peningkatan produksi dan kualitas hasil sayuran. Risalah Seminar Hama dan Penyakit Sayuran, 29-30 Mei 1994 di Cipanas

Ciptono, A. P.

Program penelitian hama dan penyakit untuk menunjang peningkatan produksi dan kualitas hasil sayuran. Risalah Seminar Hama dan Penyakit Sayuran, 29-30 Mei 1994 di Cipanas

Badan Litbang Pertanian, Jakarta

Program pembangunan nasional (PROPENAS) perlindungan dan konservasi alam tahun 2000-2004


Program pembangunan nasional (PROPENAS) perlindungan dan konservasi alam tahun 2000-2004

Departemen Kehutanan dan Perkebunan Direktorat Jenderal Perlindungan dan Konservasi Alam. Jakarta.


Judul Buku


Hlm 418 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


program pembangunan dan kebutuhan teknologi pertanian berdasarkan agroekosistem wilayah Kotamadya Padang


Temu tugas Peneliti-PenyuluhBIPP se-Sumatera Barat. BPTP Sukarami

BIPP Padang

Program pembangunan dan kebutuhan teknologi pertanian berdasarkan agroekosistem wilayah kabupaten Padang/Pariaman


Temu tugas Peneliti-PenyuluhBIPP se-Sumatera Barat. BPTP Sukarami

BIPP Padang/Pariaman

Program Neway. International feed resources unit.

Chen, X. B.

Rowett research institute, bucksburn, Aberdeen AB2 9sb, UK.

Program Nasional Penelitian Kacang-kacangan


Puslitbang Balitbangtan Deptan

Program Nasional Penelitian Kacang-kacangan


Puslitbang Balitbangtan Deptan

Program Nasional Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Pengendalian Hama Terpadu.

Gallagher, K.,

Program Nasional Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Pengendalian Hama Terpadu.

Proyek Prasarana Fisik Bappenas, Jakarta.

Program Linear untuk Industri Ransum Ternak

Rasyaf, M

Program Linear untuk Industri Ransum Ternak

Yayasan Kanisius. Yogyakarta.

Program linear dan variasinya.

Nasendi, B.D.

Program linear dan variasinya.

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.

Program komputer untuk mengukur stabilitas hasil tanaman.


Program komputer untuk mengukur stabilitas hasil tanaman.

Penelitian pertanian Balittan, Bogor

Program Implementasi Pola llmiah Pokok Uni versitas Brawijaya Tahun 1992-1997 Bidang penelitian

Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Brawi jaya

Program Implementasi Pola llmiah Pokok Uni versitas Brawijaya Tahun 1992-1997 Bidang penelitian

Universitas Brawijaya. Malang

Program Bimas Intensifikasi Padi, Palawija, dan Hortikultura

Badan Pengendali Bimas

Program Bimas Intensifikasi Padi, Palawija, dan Hortikultura

Badan Pengendali Bimas Pusat. Jakarta.

Program bantuan penghijauan dan reboisasi (buku VII)


Instruksi bersama Menteri Dalam Negeri dan Menteri Pertanian

Program Alkohol di Indonesia

Djojonegoro, W

Bahan Ceramah di Universitas Brawijaya



Hlm 419 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Progesterone Directed Gene Expression in Rat Uterine Stromal Cells.

Mulholland, J.

Profit Pesantren; Laporan Hasil Penelitian Al Falah dan Delapan Pesantren Lain Di Bogor

Prasodjo, S

Judul Buku

Penerbit J. Mulholland and A. Plenum Press, New York.

Profit Pesantren; Laporan Hasil Penelitian Al Falah dan Delapan Pesantren Lain Di Bogor

LP3ES, Jakarta.

Profile Potensi Pembangunan Di Pulau Madura

Profile Potensi Pembangunan Di Pulau Madura

Lembaga Penelitian Univ. Brawijaya, Malang.

Profil Potensi Pembangunan Di Pulau Madura

Profil Potensi Pembangunan Di Pulau Madura

Lembaga Penelitian Univ. Brawijaya, Malang

Profil Peternakan di Kabupaten Malang


Profil Peternakan di Kabupaten Malang

Malang Dinas Peternakan Kabupaten Malang.

Profil Pesantren: Laporan Hasil Penelitian Al Fatah dan Detapan Pesantren Lain Di Bogor

Prasodjo, S

Profil Pesantren: Laporan Hasil Penelitian Al Fatah dan Detapan Pesantren Lain Di Bogor

LP3ES, Jakarta.

Profil Pertanian Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara.

Profil Pertanian Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara.

Profil pertanian dlm angka Profil perdagangan luar negeri Propinsi Jambi

Deptan BPS propinsi Jambi

Deptan Jkt

Profil perdagangan komoditi jagung di Indonesia.

Rahmanto, B.

Pusat Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Departemen Pertanian. Pros Agribisnis.

Profil Pengembangan Industri Rotan di Kabupaten Cirebon tahun 1993-1997.


Profil Pengembangan Industri Rotan di Kabupaten Cirebon tahun 1993-1997.

Kantor Departemen Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Kabupaten Cirebon.

Profil Komoditi Kopi Racik


Profil Komoditi Kopi Racik

DEPERINDAG Kotamadya Kediri

Profil Kesehatan Indonesia, Th 1998

Depkes R.I

Pusat Data Kesehatan

Depkes R.I, Jakarta

Profil kelapa sawit Indonesia Profil Kelapa Sawit Indonesia




Hlm 420 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Profil Industri Perkayuan Besar dan Menengah.

Anonimus, 1

Profil Industri Perkayuan Besar dan Menengah.

Biro Pusat Statistik.

Profil Industri Kecil dan Kerajinan Rumahtangga di Indonesia.

Profil Industri Kecil dan Kerajinan Rumahtangga di Indonesia.

Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta.

Profil dan Peranan Industri Pangan dalam rangka Menghadapi Globalisasi. Seminar: Mendorong Industriindustri Pangan untuk Memperkuat Ketahanan Pangan, Jakarta.

Profil dan Peranan Industri Pangan dalam rangka Menghadapi Globalisasi. Seminar: Mendorong Industriindustri Pangan untuk Memperkuat Ketahanan Pangan, Jakarta.

Profil biji kakao rakyat asal Sulawesi.


Profil Pesantren Profil kependudukan Provinsi Jawa Timur

Prasodjo BPS

Profil Pesantren Profil kependudukan Provinsi Jawa Timur

Professionalism, organizational commitment and job satisfication in an accounting organization

Norris D

Accounting, Organization and society: 49-58

Prodution and Operation Management

Dilworth, S. B

Prodution and Operation Management

Produktivitas dan Mutu Kehidupan. Seri Produktivitas I.

Ravianto J

Lembaga Sarana Informasi Usaha dan Produktivitas. Jakarta.

Produktivitas dan manusia Indonesia


Lembaga Sarana Informasi dan Produktivitas, Jakarta

Produktivitas sapi Perah


Produktifitas sapi Ongole, Bali dan Bahman cross di ladang ternak bila River Ranch Sulawesi selatan



Produktivitas sapi Perah

LP3ES, Jakarta Biro Pusat Statistik Jakarta, Indonesia

Random House Business Division. New York

Jurusan llmu Produksi Ternak Fakultas Peternakan Institut Pertanian Bogor

Hlm 421 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Produksi, Nilai gizi dan Daya Cerna Rumput Benggala (Panicum maximum) dan Gajah (Pennisetum purpurem) dengan Interval Pemotongan yang berbeda dan Tiga Tingkat Pemupukan

Soetanto, H.

Produksi, Nilai gizi dan Daya Cerna Rumput Benggala (Panicum maximum) dan Gajah (Pennisetum purpurem) dengan Interval Pemotongan yang berbeda dan Tiga Tingkat Pemupukan

Fak. Peternakan dan Perikanan, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang/NUFFIC

Produksi Unggas Air

Srigandono, B

Produksi Unggas Air

Gajah Mada Press Yokyakarta

Produksi Ternak Perah

Adi Soedono

Produksi Ternak Perah

Fakultas Peternakan, IPB, Bogor

Produksi ternak Kambing di daerah tropis

Devandra C

Produksi Tebu Sumatera Barat Tahun 1989 - 1994.

ITB Sekilas Sumatera Barat. Padang.

Produksi Tanaman Sayuran Dan Buah-buahan


BPS, Jakarta

Produksi Tanaman Sayuran Dan Buah-buahan


BPS, Jakarta

Produksi Tanaman Palawija di Propinsi Jambi.


BPS Propinsi Jambi.

Produksi Tanaman Palawija di NTB



Produksi tanaman padi di Indonesia.


Produksi tanaman padi di Indonesia.

BPS. Jakarta , Indonesia

Produksi tanaman padi di Indonesia


Produksi tanaman padi di Indonesia

BPS Jakarta, Indonesia

Produksi Tanaman Padi dan Polowijo.Survai Pertanian.

Biro Pusat Statistik.

PT. Willey Sahat Jakarta.

Produksi Tanaman Padi dan Palawija. Prop. NTB


Produksi Tanaman Padi dan Palawija Jawa Barat

BPS Propinsi Jawa Barat

Produksi tanaman Padi dan Palawija di Jawa barat 1988 1992 per Wilayah Pembangunan

Bandung : Kantor Statistik Propinsi Jawa Barat

Produksi Tanaman Hijauan Makanan Ternak Tropik.

Reksohadiprodjo, S.

Produksi Tanaman Hijauan Makanan Ternak Tropik

Fak. Ekonomi Univ. Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta.

Produksi Tanaman Bahan Makanan di Lampung

Biro Pusat Statistik

Produksi Tanaman Bahan Makanan di Lampung

BPS-Lampung. Bandar Lampung

Produksi Tanaman

Warsito, D.P

Produksi Tanaman

Soeroengan Jakarta


Hlm 422 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Produksi Sapi Pe-rah.

Sudono, A

Produksi Sapi Pe-rah

Jurusan llmu Produksi Ternak. Institut Pertanian Bogor

Produksi Sapi Perah.

Sudono, A.

Produksi Sapi Perah

Jurusan ilmu Produksi Ternak Perah. Fakultas Peternakan IPB Bogor

Produksi Sapi Perah.

Sudono, A.

Produksi Sapi Perah.

Fak. Peternakan IPB, Bogor.

Produksi Sapi Perah

Sudono, A

Produksi Sapi Perah

Fakultas Peternakan IPB Bogor

Produksi Sapi Perah

Sudono, A

Produksi Sapi Perah

Jurusan Ilmu Produksi Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor.

Produksi Renin Mucor pusillus pada Substrat Sisa Industri Minyak Jagung

Fardiaz, D.

Produksi pisang. Produksi pangan hewani di pedesaan. Makalah seminar tentang pendidikan tinggi dan masalah pangan, tanggal 19-21 Mei 1980

Sunaryono, H. Martojo H

Produksi kompos bioaktif TKKS dan efektifitasnya dlm mengurangi dosis pupuk kelapa sawit di PT Perkebunan Bioteknologi Perkebunan Untuk Praktek, Bogor 5-6 Mei 1999, 18

Hermawan S

PAU Pangan dan Gizi, IPB, Bogor

Produksi Kayu Propinsi Sumatra Utara.

Produksi Kayu Propinsi Sumatra Utara.

Kanwil Kehutanan Propinsi Sumatra Utara.

Produksi Kambing si Daerah Tropis

Davebdra, C


Produksi kambing di daerah tropis. Diterjemahkan oleh IDK Putra

Davendra C

ITB, Bandung dan Univ Udayana, Denpasar

Produksi Kambing di Daerah Tropis

Devendra, C

Produksi Kambing di Daerah Tropis

Pcnerbit ITB BandungUNUD.

Produksi Kambing di Daerah Tropis

Devendra, C.

Produksi Kambing di Daerah Tropis

Penerbit ITB Bandung UNUD.


Hlm 423 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Produksi kambing di daerah tropis

Devendra, C.

Produksi Kambing dan Domba di Indonesia ed. manika Wodzicatomaszewska, l Made Mastika, Andi Djajanegara, Susan Gardiner dan Tantan R. Wiradarya

Ginting, Ng

Produksi Kambing dan Domba di Indonesia ed. manika Wodzicatomaszewska, l Made Mastika, Andi Djajanegara, Susan Gardiner dan Tantan R. Wiradarya

Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta

Produksi Jagung Menurut Propinsi

Departemen Pertanian

Produksi Jagung Menurut Propinsi atistik7p rodjagungprop.htm

Produksi Induk Masak Telur. Di Dalam Pembenihan Udang Penaeid

Kokarkin, C,

Produksi Induk Masak Telur. Di Dalam Pembenihan Udang Penaeid

Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan. Departemen Perikanan

Produksi dan teknologi benih kedelai


kedelai. Badan Litbang Pertanian. Puslitbangtan, Bogor

Departemen Agronomi Fakultas Pertanian IPB Bogor

produksi dan teknologi benih kedelai


Somaatmadja S, et al (eds) Kedelai

produksi dan teknologi benih kedelai


Somaatmadja S, et al (eds) Kedelai

Produksi dan reproduksi ayam Kedu di Kecamatan Kedu Kabupaten Temanggung

Budiman, I.

Produksi dan Pemberian Ransum unggas

Rasyaf, M.

Produksi dan pemasaran apokat di Jawa Timur.

Suryadi, A.

Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Kabupaten/ Kotamadya di Indonesia 1993-1995. Jakarta.

Biro Pusat Statistik

Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) Propinsi NTB Per Kabupaten 1993-1995


Products of Allicin Transformation : Ajoene and Dithiins, Charac-terization and Their Determination by HPLC

Iberi, B


Judul Buku

Penerbit ITB, Bandung

Fak. Peternakan Unsoed. Purwokerto (tidak dipublikasikan) Produksi dan Pemberian Ransum unggas

Penerbit Kanisius, Yogyakarta

Kantor Perwakilan BPS Propinsi NTB. Matarm Products of Allicin Transformation : Ajoene and Dithiins, Characterization and Their Determination by HPLC

Planta Med

Hlm 424 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Products from Oil Palm Residues.

Akmar, P.F.

Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia.

Productivity of Zooxanthellae

Muscatine L

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Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

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Prinsip-Prinsip Pemasaran

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Prinsip-prinsip Masalah Pencemaran Lingkungan

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Prinsip-prinsip Management

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Prinsip-prinsip Biologi Tumbuhan untuk Daerah Tropik.

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Prinsip-Prinsip Biologi tumbuhan untuk Daerah Tropik (terjemahan)

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Prinsip-prinsip Biokimia. Prinsip total quality service. Edisi ke-1, cetakan ke-1

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Prinsip Teknik Pangan

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Prinsip Silvikultur (Terjemahan)


Prinsip Prosedur Statistika. Terjemahan Bambang Sumantri


Prinsip Prosedur Statistika. Terjemahan Bambang Sumantri

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Prinsip PrinsipBudi Daya Ikan.

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Prinsip PrinsipBudi Daya Ikan.

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Prinsip Praktek Penyimpanan Benih


Rajawali Press Jakarta

Prinsip praktek penyimpanan benih

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Rajawali Pers Jakarta

Prinsip praktek penyimpanan benih

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Rajawali Pers Jakarta

Prinsip Pemasaran. Edisi Ketujuh. Jilid 1 dan 2. Diterjemahkan oleh: Sadu Sundaru. Editor Gunawan Hutauruk

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Prinsip Pemasaran. Edisi Ketujuh. Jilid 1 dan 2. Diterjemahkan oleh: Sadu Sundaru. Editor Gunawan Hutauruk

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Prinsip Pemasaran 7th ed. Prinsip Pemasaran Prinsip HACCP dalam Industri Pangan

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Y. Lamarto, Penterjemah Prinsip Pemasaran Prinsip HACCP dalam Industri Pangan

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PT. Gramedia, Jakarta

Gadjah Mada Univ. Press. Yogyakarta

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Prinsip DasarFisio Behavieouristik Ikan.


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Prinsip Dasar Pengolahan Limbah Cair.

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Prinsip Dasar Pengolahan Limbah Cair.

Pusat Penelitian Gula Indonesia Pasuruan.

Prinsip Dasar Pengeringan Beku

Tambunan. A.H

Bahan Pelatihan Singkat Rancang Bangun Sistem Termal Untuk Produk Perkebunan

IPB. Bogor

Prinsip dasar komunikasi pertanian.


Prinsip Dasar Komunikasi Pertanian


Prinsip Dasar Ekonomi Pertanian: Teori dan Aplikasi.


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Rajawali, Jakarta

Prinsip dasar ekonomi pertanian. Teori & aplikasinya


Rajawali Jkt

Prinsip Dasar Ekonomi Pertanian : Teori dan Aplikasinya


Prinsip Dasar Ekonomi Pertanian : Teori dan Aplikasinya

Jakarta: Rajawali Pers

Prinsip Dasar Ekonomi Pertanian


Prinsip Dasar Ekonomi Pertanian

Universitas Indonesia Press. Jakarta

Prinsip dan Prosedure Statistika. Suatu pendekatan biometrika. Ed.2

Steil. R.G

Prinsip dan Prosedure Statistika. Suatu pendekatan biometrika. Ed.2

PT Gramedia, Jakarta

Prinsip dan Prosedure Statistika. Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik

Steel. R.G.D

Terjamahan Dari Bahasa Inggris

PT. Gramedia. Jakarta

Prinsip dan Prosedure Statistika.

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Prinsip dan Prosedure Statistika Terjemahan. Edisi kedua

Steel, R.G.D

Prinsip dan Prosedure Statistika : Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik

Steel. R.G.F.D

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta

Prinsip dan prosedur statistika: Suatu pendekatan biometrika. Diterjemahkan oleh Bambang Semantri

Steel RGD

PT Gramedia Jakarta


U.I. Press. Jakarta Prinsip Dasar Ekonomi Pertanian: Teori dan Aplikasi.

Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor.

Edisi ke-2 PT. Gramedia Jakarta. Prinsip dan Prosedure Statistika Terjemahan. Edisi kedua

Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta

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Prinsip dan prosedur statistika: suatu pendekatan biometrika (diterjemahkan oleh Bambang Sumantri)

Steel RGD

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika: Suatu pendekatan biometrik. Terjemahan oleh B. Soemantri

Steel, R.G.D.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika: Suatu pendekatan biometrik. Terjemahan oleh B. Soemantri

PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika: suatu pendekatan biometrik. Terjemaahan oleh B. Soemantri

Steel, R.C.D.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika: suatu pendekatan biometrik. Terjemaahan oleh B. Soemantri

PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika: Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik. Edisi Kedua

Steel, R.G.D.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika: Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik. Edisi Kedua

Penerbit PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika: Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik. Edisi II.

Steel R.G.D.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika: Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik. Edisi II.

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika: Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik. Edisi II

Steel, R.G.D.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika: Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik. Edisi II

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika: Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik (Terjemahan)

Steel, R.G.D.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika: Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik (Terjemahan)

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta. Pp 746.

Prinsip dan Prosedur statistika. Terjemahan Bambang Sumatri

Steel RGD

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika. Terjemahan Bambang Sumantri

Steel, R.G.D.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika. Terjemahan Bambang Sumantri

Penerbit PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika. Terjemahan B. Sumantri.

Steel, R.G.D.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika. Terjemahan B. Sumantri.

Penerbil PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika. Suatu Pendekatan.

Steel, R.G.D.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika. Suatu

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika. Suatu Pendekatan yang Biometrik

Steel J.H

Penterjemah Sumantri B. Penerbit PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika. Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik. Edisi Kedua. (Terjemahan).

Steel, R.G.D

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika. Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik. Edisi Kedua. (Terjemahan).


Judul Buku

Penerbit PT Gramedia Jakarta

Gramedia Jakarta

Penerbit PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.

Hlm 437 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Prinsip dan prosedur statistika. Suatu pendekatan biometrik. Edisi kedua

Stell, R. G. D.

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Prinsip dan prosedur statistika. Suatu pendekatan biometrik. Edisi kedua

Stell RGD

PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Prinsip dan prosedur statistika. Suatu pendekatan biometrik. Edisi ke-2.

Steel R. G. D.

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, PT., Jakarta

Prinsip dan prosedur statistika. Suatu pendekatan biometrik. Ed. Ke-2

Steel, R. G. D.

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Prinsip dan prosedur statistika. Suatu pendekatan biometrik. Ed. Ke-2

Steel, R. G. D.

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Prinsip dan prosedur statistika. Suatu pendekatan biometrik. Edisi ke dua

Steel, R. G.D

Prinsip dan prosedur statistika. Suatu pendekatan biometrik. Edisi ke dua

Penerjemah Bambang S., Penerbit PT Gramedia, Jakarta.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika. Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik.

Steel. R.G.D

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika. Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik.

PT. Gramedia. Jakarta.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika. Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik.

Steel, R.G.D.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika. Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik.

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.

Prinsip dan prosedur statistika. Suatu pendekatan biometrik.

Steel, R. G. D.

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.

Prinsip dan prosedur statistika. Suatu pendekatan biometrik.

Steel, R. C. D.

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika. Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik Ed. II


PT. Gramedia Jakarta

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika. Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik

Steel, R.G.D.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika. Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika. Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik

Steel, R.G.D.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika. Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Prinsip dan prosedur statistika. Suatu pendekatan biometrik

Steel, RGD

Prinsip dan prosedur statistika. Suatu pendekatan biometrik

Gramedia Pustaka Utama Jkt


Judul Buku


Hlm 438 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika. Edisi Kedua.

Steel. R. G. D

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika. Edisi Kedua.

PT. Gramedia. Jakarta.

Prinsip dan prosedur statistika. Diterjemahkan oleh Bambang sumantri.

Steel RG

Prinsip dan prosedur statistika. Diterjemahkan oleh Bambang sumantri.

Gramedia, Jakarta

Prinsip dan prosedur statistika.

Steel R. G. D.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika.

Steel, R.G.D.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika.

Edisi Kedua. PT Gramedia. Jakarta

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika, Suatu Pengantar Bioteknik

Steel, R.G.D.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika, Suatu Pengantar Bioteknik

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika, Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik. Translated to Indonesia by B. Sumatri

Steel, R.G.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika, Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik. Translated to Indonesia by B. Sumatri

PT Gramedia. Jakarta.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika, Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik.

Steel , R,G. D.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika, Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik.

Gramedia. Jakarta.

Prinsip dan prosedur statistika, suatu pendekatan biometrik

Steel, R. G. D.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika, Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik

Steel, R.G.D

Prinsip dan Prosedur statistika, Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik

Steel R

Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika, suatu Pendekatan Biometri.

Steel, R. G. D.

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.

Prinsip dan prosedur statistika, suaatu pendekatan biometrik, edisi ke-2.

Steel, R. G. D.

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama Jakarta.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika, (terjemahan)

Steel, RG.D.

Prinsip dan prosedur statistika suatu pendekatan biometrik. Edisi kedua

Steel GD

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik. Ed.II.

Steell, R.G D


PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama Jakarta.

PT. Gramedia pustaka utama Jakarta Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika, Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika, (terjemahan)

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta

PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta. Gramedia Pustaka Utama Jakarta

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik. Ed.II.

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta.

Hlm 439 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Prinsip dan prosedur statistika suatu pendekatan Biometrik. Alih bahasa B. Sumantri

Steel, R. G. D.

Prinsip dan prosedur statistika suatu pendekatan Biometrik. Alih bahasa B. Sumantri

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik. 748 hal. Alih Bahasa: Bambang Sumantri

Steel, R. G. D

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik. 748 hal. Alih Bahasa: Bambang Sumantri

Penerbit : PT. Gramedia, Jakarta

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik.

Steel, R.G.D.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik.

Gramedia, Jakarta.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika suatu Pendekatan Biometrik.

Steel, R. G. D.

Prinsip dan prosedur statistika suatu pendekatan Biometrik.

Steel, R.G. D.

Prinsip dan prosedur statistika suatu pendekatan biometrik (terjemahan oleh Bambang Sumantri)

Steel RGD

PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama Jakarta

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik

Steel R.G.D

Pt. Gramedia. Jakarta

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik

Steel. G.D

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika : suatu pendekatan biometrik. Edisi kedua. Diterjemahkanoleh: B Sumantri.

Steel RGD

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika : Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik

Steel. R.G.F.D


PT. Gramedia. Jakarta

Prinsip dan prosedur statistika : Suatu pendekatan biometrik

Steel, , R.G.D

Prinsip dan prosedur statistika : Suatu pendekatan biometrik

Penerbit P.T. Gramedia.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika (Terjemahan)

Steel, R.G.D.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika (Terjemahan)

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta. 748 hal.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika (Terjemahan)

Steel, R.G.D.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika (Terjemahan)

Gramedia. Jakarta


PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.

Terjemahan B. Sumantri Edisi Ke2

B. Sumantri, Penterjemah

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.

Gramedia. Jakarta

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Hlm 440 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Prinsip dan prosedur statistika (Suatu pendekatan biometrik)

Steel R.G.D.

Prinsip dan prosedur statistika (Suatu pendekatan biometrik)

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta. Hal. 403424.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika

Steel RGD

Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik ad2

PT.Gramedia Pustaka Utama,Jakarta

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika

Steel, R.G.D.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika

PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika

Steel R.G.

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Prinsip dan prosedur statistika

Steel, R. G. D.

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika

Steel, R. G.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika

Penerbit PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika

Steel, R. G.D

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika

Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta

Prinsip dan prosedur statistika

Steel, R.G.D

Prinsip dan prosedur statistika

PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Terjemahan. Jakarta.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika


Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika

Penerbit PT. Gramedia. Jakarta.

Prinsip dan prosedur statistika

Steel RGD

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika

Steel R. G. D

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika

Steel R.G.D

Gramedia , Jakarta

Prinsip dan prosedur statistik: suatu pendekatan biometrik. Edisi ke-2

Steel, R. G. D.

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Prinsip dan prosedur statistik: suatu pendekatan biometrik. Edisi ke-2

Steel, R. G. D.

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Prinsip dan prosedur statistik: suatu pendekatan biometrik. Edisi ke-2

Steel, R. G. D.

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Prinsip dan prosedur statistik: suatu pendekatan biometrik. Edisi ke-2

Steel, R. G. D.

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Prinsip dan prosedur statistik: suatu pendekatan biometrik. Edisi ke-2

Steel, R. G. D.

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta


PT Gramedia. Jakarta Penerbit PT Grameidia. Jakarta.

Hlm 441 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Prinsip Dan Prosedur Statistik. Terjemahan dari Principles and Prosedures of Statistics oleh Bambang Sumantri. IPB.

Steel, R.J.D. dan Torrie, J.H.

Prinsip Dan Prosedur Statistik. Terjemahan dari Principles and Prosedures of Statistics oleh Bambang Sumantri. IPB.

Penerbit PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistik. Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik.

Steell, R. G. D.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistik. Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik Terjemahan. Edisi kedua

Steel. R.G.D

Prinsip dan prosedur statistik, suatu pendekatan biometrik. Edisi kedua.

Steel RGD

Prinsip dan prosedur Statistik, suatu pendekatan biometrik

Steel, R.G.D.

Prinsip dan prosedur Statistik, suatu pendekatan biometrik

. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistik, Suatu Pendekatan Bioimetrik

Steel, R.G.D.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistik, Suatu Pendekatan Bioimetrik

Edisi ketua P.T Gramedia Jakarta.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistik Suatu Pendekatan Geometrik

Steel R. G. D.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistik Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik. Diterjemahkan oleh Bambang Sumantri. 168-177

Steel, R.G.D.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistik suatu Pendekatan Biometrik

Stell RGD

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistik (Terj. Bambang Sumantri).

Steel, R.G.D.

Prinsip dan Prosedur statistik

Steel RGD

PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Prinsip dan prosedur statistik Prinsip dan prosedur statiska: Suatu pendekatan biometrika

Stiil RGD Steel RGD

PT Gramedia Jakarta PT gramedia Jkt

Prinsip dan prosedur statiska. Suatu pendekatan biometrik (terjemahan Sumantri)

Steel RGD

Gramedia Jakarta


PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta. Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistik. Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik Terjemahan. Edisi kedua

Penerbit PT. Gramedia. Jakarta.

Penerbit PT Gramedia, Jakarta

Gramedia Jakarta

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistik Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik. Diterjemahkan oleh Bambang Sumantri. 168-177 PT.Gramedia Pustaka Utama,Jakarta Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistik (Terj. Bambang Sumantri).

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Hlm 442 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Prinsip dan prosedur stalislika suatu pendekatan biometrik

Steel. R.G.D

Prinsip dan prosedur stalislika suatu pendekatan biometrik

PT. Gramedia. Jakarta

Prinsip dan prosedur satistika.Suatu pendekatan biometrik

Steel R.G.D

Edisi ke dua.

PT.Gramedia Jakarta

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika, Suatu Pendekatan Bimetrik. Penterj.: Bambang Sumantri

Steel, R.G.D.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika, Suatu Pendekatan Bimetrik. Penterj.: Bambang Sumantri

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta

Prinsip dan Proaedur Statisok. Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik.

Steel, R.G.D.

Prinsip dan Proaedur Statisok. Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik.

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utara. Jakarta.

Prinsip dan Prisedur Statistik suatu Pendekatan Biometrik ( B.Sumantri, penerjemah)

Steel R.G.P

Prinsip dan Praktek Penyimpanan Propagul

Justice O.L


Rajawali Press.Jakarta

prinsip dan praktek penyimpanan benih

Justice, O.L

prinsip dan praktek penyimpanan benih

CV. Rajawali Jakarta

Prinsip dan praktek penyimpanan benih

Justice OL

Terjemahan Rennie Roesli Rajawali Jakarta

Prinsip dan praktek penyimpanan benih

Justice OL

Terjemahan Rennie Roesli Rajawali Jakarta

Prinsip dan Petunjuk Penilaiian Status Gizi

Riyadi H

Prinsip dan Metode Riset Epidemiologi.

Murti B

Prinsip Bioteknologi. Terj. oleh Usman, F.S., S. Barnbang dan S. Agus.

Smith, J.E.

Prinsip Bioteknologi. Terj. oleh Usman, F.S., S. Barnbang dan S. Agus.

Gramedia, Jakarta

Prinsip Bioteknologi. (Terj. oleh Lisman F.S., S. Barnbang dan S. Agus).

Smith, J.E.

Prinsip Bioteknologi. (Terj. oleh Lisman F.S., S. Barnbang dan S. Agus).

Gramedia, Jakarta

Prinsip Bioteknologi, Terjemahan Oleh Usman. F.S.., S. Barnbang dan S. Agus.

Smith, J.E.

Prinsip Bioteknologi, Terjemahan Oleh Usman. F.S.., S. Barnbang dan S. Agus.

Gramedia. Ja-karta


Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Jurusan Gizi Masyarakat dan Sum,berdaya Keluarga,Fakultas Pertanian,IPB Gajah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta.

Hlm 443 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Prinsip Bioteknologi

Smith, J.E.

Prinsip Bioteknologi

Penerbit PT. Gramedia, Jakarta. 202 hlm.

Prinsip Bioteknologi Prinsip bioteknologi Prinsip and Prosedur Statistik.

Smith, J.E Smith JE Steel, R. G. D.

Prinsip Bioteknologi

Gramedia. Jakarta Gramedia. Jakarta PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.

Prinsip and Prosedur Statistik suatu Pendekatan Biometrik.

Steel R.G.D.

Prinsip and Prosedur Statistik suatu Pendekatan Biometrik.

Gramedia Jakarta.

Prinsip & prosedur statistik suatu pendekatan biometrik

Steel RGD

Prinsip dasar komunikasi pertanian,


Prinsip dasar komunikasi pertanian

Univ. Indonesia, Jakarta

Prinsip dan Prosedure Statistika

Steil R G

Prinsip dan Prosedure Statistika

P T Gramedia. Jakarta

Prins/p Bioteknologi

Smith, E.

Prins/p Bioteknologi

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.

Princuples of plant breeding


John Wiley and sons Inc New York

Princuples of plant breeding


John Wiley and sons Inc New York

Principlesand Proceduresof statistics: Abiometrical Approach.

Steel, R. G. D

McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York

Principlesairy chemistry

Jennes, R. S. Patten

Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi

Principles ofMarketing, Fifth Ed.

Kotler, P.

Principles of Wood Science and Technology II


Principles of Wood Science and Technology

Kolmann FFP

Principles of Weed Science (A Rference-cum-handbook)

Rao, V.S

Principles of Weed Science

Rao, V.S

Principles of Wee Science ( A Reference-cum-hand-book).

Rao, V.S

Principles of Veterinary Pathology

Runells R.A


Gramedia Jkt

Principles ofMarketing, Fifth Ed.

Prentice-Hall Intemational, Inc. Springer Verlag New York Inc. New York

Vol II Springer-Verlag

Berlin Heidelberg, New York Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. New Delhi

Principles of Weed Science

Oxford and IBH Publ. Co. New Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. new Delhi

Principles of Veterinary Pathology

Iowa State University Press. Ames. Iowa.

Hlm 444 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Principles of Vegetable Crop. Production

Fordham. R.

Principles of Vegetable Crop Production


Principles Of Tourism

French. C.N

Principles of testing for acute toxic effects.

Rhodes, C.,

InBallantyne, B., Marrs, T.C., and Turner, P. (Eds.). General and Applied Toxicology. Abridged Edition.

The MacmillanPress Ltd., Basingstoke. 39-77.

Principles of Surface Water Quality Modeling and Control

Thomann, Robert V.

“Principles of Surface Water Quality Modeling and Control"

Harper & Row Publisher, New York.

Principles of Sugar Technology Volume 1


Elsevier Publishing Company Amsterdam, London, New York

Elsevier Publishing Company Amsterdam, London, New York

Principles of Sugar Technology Vol. 1


Principles of Statistics for University. 2nd Ed.

Steel, R.G.D.

Principles of Statistics for University. 2nd Ed.

McGraw-Hill, California.

Principles of Soymilk Production

Chen, S.

Principles of Soymilk Production

Amihcan Soybean Association, Taipe, Taiwan.

Principles of soil chemistry. Terjemahan Gunadi, D. H. Dasar Kimia Tanah

Tan, K. H.

Principles of Soil Chemistry.

Tan, K. H.

Principles of Soil Chemistry.

Tan, K.H

Marcel Dekker. New York.

Principles of soil chemistry third edition, revised and expanded

Tan Kim H

Marcell Dekker, Inc. New York

Principles of soil chemistry

Kim, H T.

Principles of Soil Chemistry

Tan. K.H

Principles of Soil Chemistry Principles of silviculture.2nd Edition

Tan, K.H. Daniel.T.W

Principles of Soil Chemistry

Moral Dekker. Inc. NY. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, USA

Principles of Silviculture.

Daniel, T.W.,

D. Marsono (trans) dan O.H. Soeseno (ed). 1987. Prinsipprinsip Silvikultur.

Gadjah Mada Univ. Press, Yogyakarta.


Judul Buku

Penerbit Collins London

Principles of Vegetable Crop Production

Collins Grafton streel London Longman Chesire. Melbourne

Elsevier Publ. Amsterdam

Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta Principles of Soil Chemistry.

Principles of soil chemistry

Marcell Dekker, Inc. New York andBasel. p. 362.

Marcel Dekker Inc., New York. Marcel Dekker. Inc. New York

Hlm 445 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Principles of Silviculture 3rd Edition


McGraw-Hill.Inc. Book Co. New York

Principles of Silviculture 2nd ed.


McGraw-Hill.Inc. Book Co. New York

Principles of Silviculture


McGraw-Hill.Inc. Book Co. New York

Principles of Sensory Evaluation of Food

Amerine, M.A.

Principles of seed science and techology,2nd ed.

Copeland LO

Burges Publishing Company, Minneapolis

Principles of seed science and techology,2nd ed.

Copeland LO

Burges Publishing Company, Minneapolis

Principles of Seed Science and Technology.

Copeland, C.O.

principles of seed science and technology 2nd

Copeland CO

Burgerss Publ Co Minneapolis

principles of seed science and technology 2nd

Copeland CO

Burgerss Publ Co Minneapolis

Principles Of Seed Science and Technology


Burgess Publishing Company, Minepolis

Principles of seed science and technology

Copeland, LO

Macmillan publ co New York, Collier Macmillan Publ London

Principles of Plant Nutrition.

Mengel, K

Inter. Potash. Int. WorblaufenBern/Switzerland

Principles of plant nutrition. Principles of plant nutrition. Principles of plant Nutrition.

Mengel, K. Mengel, K. Mengel, K

Principles of Plant Nutrition.

Mengel, K

Inter. Potash Ins. WorblaufenBern/Switzerland

Principles of Plant Nutrition.

Mengel, K

Inter. Potash Ins. WorblaufenBern/Switzerland

Principles Of Plant Nutrition 4th ed.

Mengel. K

International Potash Institute, Bern, Switzerland


Judul Buku

Principles of Sensory Evaluation of Food

Principles of Seed Science and Technology.

Inter Potash Inst.


Academic Press, London.

Burgress Publ. Co. Minnesota.


Hlm 446 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Principles Of Plant Nutrition 3rd ed.

Mengel. K

International Potash Institute, Bern, Switzerland

Principles of Plant Nutrition

Mengel, K

Inter. Potash Ins. WorblaufenBern/Switzerland

Principles of plant nutrition

Mengel, K

Principles of plant nutrition

Mengel K

International Potash Institute Bern Switzerland

Principles of plant nutrition

Mengel, K

Inter potash Inst. WorblaufenBern/Switzerland

Principles of Plant Nutriition Principles of Plant Nutrient Principles of Plant Desease Management.

Mengel.K Mengel.K Fry, W.E.

IPPI IPPI Acad. Press., New York. 43 p.

Principles of plant breeding.

Allard, R.W.

John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York.

Principles of plant breeding.

Allard, R.W.

John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York.

Principles of plant breeding

Allard RW

Principles of plant Breeding

Allard RW

Principles of Plant Breeding

Allard RW

Principles of plant breeding

Allard RW

Principles of Plant breeding

Allard, R. W.

Principles of plant breeding

Allard RW

John Willey and Sons Inc New York

Principles of Plant Breeding

Allard, R.W

John Wiley and Sons Inc. New York

Principles of plant breeding

Allard RW

John Willey and Sons Inc New York

Principles of Plant Biotechnology: An Introduction to Genetic Engineering in Plants

Mantell, S.H.


Judul Buku

Principles of plant nutrition

Principles of plant breeding


International Potash Institute. Switzerland

John Willey & Sons, Inc. New York John Wiley and sons, Inc. New York

Principles of Plant Breeding. 327p

John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York John Willey and Sons Inc. USA

Principles of Plant breeding

Principles of Plant Biotechnology: An Introduction to Genetic Engineering in Plants

John Wiley and Sons Inc. New York

Blackwell Scientific Publications. OxfordLondon-EdinburghBoston-Palo-Alto Mclbourne. 269p.

Hlm 447 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Principles of Plant Biology tor The Tropics

Loveless, A.R.

Principles of Plant Biology tor The Tropics

Longman Group Limited, London

Principles of Nutritonal Assesment

Gibson R.S

Oxford University Press.New york

Principles of Nutritonal Assesment

Gibson R.S

Oxford University Press.New york

Principles of Nutritional Assessment

Gibson, R.S.

Principles of Nutritional Assessment

Gibson R.S

Oxford University Press, Oxford

Principles of Nutritional Assesment

Gibson R.S

Oxford University Pres, Oxford

Principles of nutritional assesment

Gibson R.S

Oxford University Press, New York, Oxford

Principles of Nutritional Assesment

Gibson R.S

Oxford University Press, Oxford

Principles Of Nutritional Assesment

Gibson. R.S

Oxford University Press, New York

Principles Of Nutrition Assesment

Gibson. R.S

Oxford University Press. New York

Principles of Nutrional Assesment

Gibson R

Oxford University Press.New York

Principles of Microbes and Csll Cultivation

Pirt, J.S

Principles of meat science. 2nd ed.

Judge, M. D.

Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co. Dubuque, Iowa.

Principles of meat science. 2nd ed.

Judge, M. D.

Kendall/Huntpublishing Co. Dubuque, Iowa.

Principles of meat science. 2nd ed.

Judge, M. D.

Kendal/Hunt. Publ. Co., Dubuque, Iowa

Principles of Meat Science. 2nd ed

Judge, M.D,

Principles of Meat Science. 2 nd ed.

Judge, M.D.

Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co. Dubuque, Iowa.

Principles of meat science.

Forrest, J. C.

W. H. Freeman and Co. San Fransisco.

Principles of meat science.

Forrest, J. C.

W. H. Freeman and Co. San Fransisco. London.


Principles of Nutritional Assessment

Principles of Microbes and Csll Cultivation

Principles of Meat Science. 2nd ed

Oxford University Press, New York. 51.

Blackwell Scientific Publication, London

Kendall Hunt Publ., Co., Brisband

Hlm 448 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Principles of meat science.

Forrest, J. C.

W. H. Freeman and Co. San Fransisco. London.

Principles of meat Science.

Forrest, J. C.

W.H. Freeman, and Co. San Francisco.

Principles of meat science

Judge M D

Principles of Meat Science

Forrst, J. C.

W. H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco

Principles of Meat Science

Forrest, J. C.

W. H. Freemen and Co., San Fransisco

Principles of meat science

Forrest, J. C.

W. H. Freeman and Company, San Fransisco

Principles of meat science

Forrest, J. C.

W. H. Freeman and Company, San Fransisco

Principles of meat science

Judge, M. D.

Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., Dubuque, Iowa

Principles of meat science

Judge, M. D.

Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., Dubuque, Iowa

Principles of meat science

Forrest, J. C.

W. H. Freeman and Company, San Fransisco

Principles of meat science

Forrest C J

W H Freeman and Co.Sanfransisco USA

Principles of measurement of crop losses: Nematodes.

Taylor, A.L.

Paper presented at the FAO.

Symposium on Crop Losses, Rome, Italy.

Principles of Marketing

Peterson, R.T

Principles of Marketing. 1st edition

Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishing Company, Florida.

Principles of Management

Terry, Goerge R

Seventh Edition.Richard D Irwin.Inc.Homewood.Illinois

Principles of insect predation Principles of Insect Pathology. 1st ed.

Holling CS Steinhaus, E.A.

Ann Rev Entomol 6:163-182 Principles of Insect Pathology. 1st ed.

Principles of Insect Pathology



Judul Buku

Principles of meat science 2nd Ed


Kendall/ Hunt publishing Co.Dubuque.Iowa

McGraw-Hill Book, New York. 757 p. McGraw Hill Book Company, Newyork

Hlm 449 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Principles of Insect Pathology


Hafner Publishing Company, New ork and London

Principles of Human Resouce Development

Gilley Jerry. W

Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. Inc. USA

Principles of Horticulture

Denisn, E

Principles of Geomorphology 2nd ed.

Thornbury. W.D

Principles of Genetics. Ed. ke-6

Gardner, E.J.

Principles of Genetics. Ed. ke-6

New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Principles of Genetics. 5th ed.

Dobzhansky, T.

Principles of Genetics. 5th ed.

Mcgraw-Hill. New York.

Principles of gene manipulation. An introduction to genetic engineering

Old, R. W.

Principles of Food, Beverage and Labor Cost Controls for Hotels and Restaurants

Dittmer, P.R.

Principles of Food, Beverage and Labor Cost Controls for Hotels and Restaurants

Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.

Principles of Food Science

Fennema, O.R.

Principles of Food Science

Marcell Dekker, New York. 792p.

Principles of food sci. Part I Food Chemistry

Fennema OR

Principles of Food Chemistry


Principles of Food Chemistry

The AVl Publishing Co.Inc. Westport. Connecticut.

Principles of fish production

Huisman, E.A.

Principles of fish production

Dept. of Fish Cult. Wageningen Agricultural University, Wageningen. 170p.

Principles of field crop Production. 3rd Ed.

Martin JH

Principles of field crop Production. 3rd Ed.

Collier MacMillan Publishers. London

Principles of field crop production 3rd ed.

Martin, JH

Principles of field crop production 3rd ed.

Mcmillan publ. London

Principles of Feed Intake Control in Ruminant. Given Roughages in Utilization of Fibrous Agricultural Residues as Animal Feeds. Ed. PT. Doyle. Proc. of The 3 rd Annual Workshop of The Australian

Weston, R..H

Principles of Feed Intake Control in Ruminant. Given Roughages in Utilization of Fibrous Agricultural Residues as Animal Feeds. Ed. PT. Doyle. Proc. of The 3 rd Annual Workshop of The Australian

Asia Fibrus Agricultural Residues Reaserch Network


Judul Buku

Principles of Horticulture


Macmillan Co. NewYork John Willey & Sons. New York

Blacwell scientific publication Oxford, London

Marcel Dekker NY

Hlm 450 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Principles of Enzymology for The Food Sciences.

Whitaker, J. R.

Marcel Dekker, Inc.New York.

Principles of environmental phisycs

Monteith JL

Edward Arnold London

Principles of environmental phisycs

Monteith JL

Edward Arnold London

Principles of dairy sci.

Schmidt RV

WH Freeman & Co San fransisco

Principles of Cultivars Development. Vol. 1,

Fehr, W.R.,

Principles of Cultivars Development. Vol. 1,

Macmillan Publishing Co. A Division of Macmillan, Inc., New York.

Principles of Cultivar Development. Vol 1. Theory and technique

Fehr WR

Principles of Cultivar Development. Vol 1. Theory and technique

Macmillan Publ. Co. NY

Principles of cultivar development. Vol 1

Fehr, W.R

Theory and technique

MacMillan Publishing Company. New York

Principles of cultivar development.

Fehr, W.R.

Principles of cultivar development, Vol. 1

Macmillan Publishing company, New York.

Principles of cultivar development, Vol 1. Theory and practice

Fehr WR

Principles of cultivar development, Vol 1. Theory and practice

Macmillan Publ. New York

Principles of cultivar Development Vol I : Theory and Technique

Fehr RW

Iowa State University. Macmilan Publishing Company A Division of Macmillan Inc. New York

Principles of cultivar Development Vol I : Theory and Technique

Fehr RW

Iowa State University, Macmillan Publishing Company A division pf Mcmillan Inc, new York

Principles of cultivar Development Vol I : Theory and Technique

Fehr RW

Iowa State University, Macmillan Publishing Company A division pf Mcmillan Inc, new York

Principles of cultivar development vol 1

Fehr W

Principles of cultivar development Vol 1

Fehr WR

Macmillan Publ. Co. New York-London

Principles of Cultivar Development : Theory and Technique.

Fehr. W.R

MacMillan. Publishing Company. London


Judul Buku

Principles of cultivar development vol 1


macmillan Publ. Company New York

Hlm 451 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Principles of Cultivar development : Theory and Technique

Fehr, W.R

MacMillan Publishing Company. New York

Principles of cultivar development

Fehr, W. R.

Iowa State Univ. Press

Principles of cultivar development

Fehr, W. R.

Iowa State Univ. Press

Principles of crop improvement

Simmonds, N. W.

Longman group Ltd. London and New York

Principles of crop improvement

Simmonds, N. W.

Longman group Ltd. London and New York

Principles of Conservation Biology.

Meffe, G.K.A

Principles of biochemistry. 6th ed.

White, A.

Principles of Biochemistry

Lehninger, A.L

Principles of Biochemistry

Lehninger, A.L

2nd edition. Worth Publishers, New York, USA

Principles of Aquatic Chemistry

Morel. F.M.M

A Willey Interscience Publication. John Willey & Sons. New York

Principles of Animal Environment

Esmay L Merle

AVI Publishing Company, Inc., Westport Connecticut

Principles of agricultural engineering. Vol. 4

Michael, A.M.

Principles of agricultural engineering. Vol. 4

Joint Brothers, New Delhi.

Principles Of Agribusiness Management

Beieriein, J.G

Principles Of Agribusiness Management

Prentice-Hall, New Jersey

Principles In a Geomorphological Approach to Land Classification

Wright. R.L

Principles for use for protein nitrogen and by-pass protein in diet of ruminant. In: Ruminant nutrition

Kempton, T. J.

Principles f seed science and technology.

Copeland LO


Judul Buku

Principles of Conservation Biology.


Sinaeur Associates, Inc. Publisher. Sunderland, Massachusetts, p. 143178. McGraw-Hill Book Company. New York

Principles of Biochemistry

Worth Publ. Inc., New York


The world animal review. FAO. Rome

Macmillan Publ.Co.New York

Hlm 452 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Principles f seed science and technology.

Copeland LO

Prin-ciples dan Procedures of Statistics

Steel, R.G.D

Prin-ciples dan Procedures of Statistics

Mc. GrawHill Book Company, Inc, New York, Toronto London

Principles and Techniques of Contemporary Taxonomy

Quicke, D.L.J.

Principles and Techniques of Contemporary Taxonomy

Glasgow: Blackie Academic & Professional.

Principles and Techniques of Contemporary Taxonomy

Quicke, D.L.J

Glasgow: Blackie Academic & Proffesional. 31 Ip.

Principles and prosedures of statistics: a biometrical approach.

Steel R. G. D.

McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc. New York.

Principles and Prosedure of Statistics

Steel, R G.D.

Principles and Prosedure of Statistics

Mc. Graw. Hill Book Company London, New York, Toronto.

Principles and Prosedure of Statistics

Steel, R.G.D.

Principles and Prosedure of Statistics. Second Ed

Graw Hill International Book Company. Singapoare.

Principles and Prosedure of Statistics

Steel, R.D.G

Principles and Prosedure of Statistics

Mc Graw Hill Book Co. 1. C. New York.

Principles and Prosedure of Statistic.

Steel, R.G. O.

Principles and Prosedure of Statistic.

McGraw Hul Book Co., Inc., New York.

Principles and producers of statistic.

Steel, R.G.D.

Principles and producers of statistic.

McGraw - Hill, Kogakusha, Ltd. Tokyo.

Principles and procrdures of statistics.

Steel R. G. D.

McGraw-Hill book co. Inc., Singapore.

Principles and procesuresof statistic 2 nd edition

Steel RGD

Mc Graw-Hill Kogakusha Ltd Tokyo

Principles and procedurs statistik. 2nd ed.

Steel, R. G D

Principles and procedurs statistik. 2nd ed.

Mc. Graw Hill International Book Company Tokyo.

Principles and procedurs statistic. 2 nd ed.

Stell, R.G.D.

Principles and procedurs statistic. 2 nd ed.

Mc. Graw Hill International Book Company. Tokyo

Principles and Procedurs of Statistics. A biometrical Approach. Second Edition.

Steel, G.G.D.

Principles and Procedurs of Statistics. A biometrical Approach. Second Edition.

Me Graw-Hill. International Book Company. London.

Principles and procedurs of statistics second.

Steel, R.G.D

Principles and procedurs of statistics second.

Ed. Fong and Sons Printers PTE. Ltd. Singapore


Judul Buku

Penerbit Macmillan Publ.Co.New York

Hlm 453 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Principles and procedures ofstatistics. 2nd ed

Steel, R.G.D.

Principles and procedures ofstatistics. 2nd ed

MacGraw-Hill, New York,NY.

Principles and Procedures ofStatistic. 2nd Ed.

Steil, R.G.D

Principles and Procedures ofStatistic. 2nd Ed.

McGrawHill Kogakusha, LTD. Tokyo

Principles and Procedures Ofr Statistics a Biometrical Approach 3rd ed.

Steel. R.G.D

Principles and Procedures of Staüsucs. A Biometrical Aproach. 2nd Ed.

Steel, R.G.D.

Principles and procedures of Statistik-A bioirietrical approach


Principles and Procedures of Statistika : A Biometrical Approach

Steel R.G.D

Second Edition

McGraw-Hill, Tokyo

Principles and Procedures of Statistics: A biometrical approach.

Steel, R.G.D.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics: A biometrical Approach.

McGraw Hill Kagokusha, Ltd. Tokyo.

Principles and procedures of statistics: A biometrical approach

Steel, R.G.D

Principles and procedures of statistics: A biometrical approach

McGraw-Hill Book Company. New York.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics.International Student Edition.


Principles and Procedures of Statistics.International Student Edition.

McGraw-Hill, KogaKusha Ltd.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics.4thed.


Principles and Procedures of Statistics.4thed.

McGraw Hill Book Co., Tokyo.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics. Second Ed

Steel, R.G.D

Principles and Procedures of Statistics. Second Ed

McGraw Hill Book Co. Inc., Singapore

Principles and procedures of statistics. International Student Edition

Steel, R. G. D.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics. A Biometrical Approach. Ed ke-2

Steel ROD

Principles and procedures of statistics. A biometrical approach. 3rd ed.

Steel, R. G. D.

McGraw-Hill Book Co. New York.

Principles and procedures of statistics. A biometrical approach. 2nd ed.

Steel, R. G. D.

McGraw-Hill Book, Kogakusha Ltd. Tokyo


McGraw-Hill. Inc. New York Principles and Procedures of Staüsucs. A Biometrical Aproach. 2nd Ed.

McGraw-Hill International Book Company. McGrawhill. Kogakusha

McGraw-Hill, Inc., Tokyo

Principles and Procedures of Statistics. A Biometrical Approach. Ed ke-2

New York: McGraw-Hill.

Hlm 454 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Principles and procedures of statistics. A biometrical approach. 2nd ed.

Steel R. G. D.

Principles and procedures of statistics. A biometrical approach. 2nd ed.

Steel R. G. D.

Principles and procedures of statistics. A biometrical approach. 2nd ed.

Steel, R. G. D.

Principles and procedures of statistics. A biometrical approach. 2nd ed.

Steel, R.G.D.

Principles and procedures of statistics. A biometrical approach. 2nd ed.

McGraw-Hill. Kogakusha Ltd. Tokyo.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics. A Biometrical Approach.

Steel, R.G.D.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics. A Biometrical Approach.

McGraw Hill Int’l Book Company

Principles and Procedures of Statistics. A Biometrical Approach, 2nd

Steel, R.G.D.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics. A Biometrical Approach, 2nd

Mc-Graw Hill. Kogakusha Ltd., Tokyo.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics. A Biometrical Approach International Student

Steel, R.G.D

Principles and Procedures of Statistics. A Biometrical Approach International Student

Mc. Graw Hill Kogakusha Limited Tokyo.

Principles and procedures of statistics. A biometrical approach

Steel, R. G. D.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics. A Biometrical Approach

Steel, R.G.D.

Principles and procedures of statistics. A Biometrical approach

Steel RGD

Principles and Procedures of Statistics. A Biochemical Approach, 2nd ed.

Steel, R.G.D.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics. A Biochemical Approach, 2nd ed.

International Student.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics. 4th ed.

Stell, R.G.D.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics. 4th ed.

McGraw-Hill International Book Co. Tokyo.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics. 2nd Ed.

Steel, R.G.D.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics. 2nd Ed.

McGraw-Hill International Book Co. Tokyo.

Principles and procedures of statistics. 2nd ed.

Steel, R. G. D.

International student edition.

McGraw-Hill International book company, Singapore.


Judul Buku

Penerbit McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York

International student edition.

McGraw-HillInternational book company. Siangapore. McGraw-Hill book, Kogakusha Ltd., Tokyo

McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York Principles and Procedures of Statistics. A Biometrical Approach

McGraw-Hill International Book Company. McGraw Hill International Book Co. Singapore

Hlm 455 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Principles and procedures of statistics. 2nd ed.

Steel, R. G. D.

McGraw-Hill International book Co. Tokyo

Principles and procedures of statistics. 2nd ed.

Steel, R. G. D.

McGraw-Hill Tosho Print. Co. Ltd. Tokyo.

Principles and procedures of statistics. 2nd ed.

Steel, R. G. D.

McGraw-Hill International Book Company, London

Principles and Procedures of Statistics. 2nd ed.

Steel, R.G.D

Mcdraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. New York

Principles and Procedures of Statistics. 2nd Ed.

Steel R.G.D.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics. 2nd Ed.

McGraw-Hill International Book Company. Tokyo.

Principles and procedures of statistics. 2nd ed

Steel, R.G.D

Principles and procedures of statistics. 2nd ed

McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics.

Steel, R. G. D.

Principles and procedures of statistics.

Steel, R.G.D.

Principles and procedures of statistics.

McGraw Hill, New York, 481 pp.

Principles and procedures of statistics.

Steel, R.G.D.

Principles and procedures of statistics.

McGraw-Hill Kogakusha, Ltd., Tokyo, Auckland, New Delhi, Singapore and Sydney.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics.

Steel, R. G. D.

A Biometrical approach.

McGraw-Hill, USA.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics.

Steel, R. G. D.

McGraw Hill Book Co.Inc., Singapore-New York.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics.

Steel, R. G. D.

McGraw Hill Book Co. N.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics.

Steel, R. G. D.

McGraw Hill Kogakusha Ltd. Tokyo.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics.

Steel, R. G. D.

McGraw Hill Book Co. New York.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics.

Steel, R. G. D.

McGraw Hill Book Co. New York.

Principles and procedures of statistics.

Steel R. G. D.

Mcgraw-Hill Book Company Inc. New York


Judul Buku


McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc., New York.

Hlm 456 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Principles and procedures of statistics.

Steel R. G. D.

International student edition. McGraw-Hill Inc. Tokyo.

Principles and procedures of statistics.

Steel, R. G. D.

McGraw-Hill, New York.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics.

Steel, R.G.D.

A Biometrical Approach. 2 nd ed.

International Book Company, Singapore.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics.

Steel R.G.D

A Biometrical Approach 2nd ed.

McGraw-Hill. Inc. New York

Principles and Procedures of Statistics.

Steel, R.G.D.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics.

McGraw-Hill. Kogakusha Ltd

Principles and Procedures of Statistics.

Steel, R.G.D.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics.

McGraw-Hill, Inc., Winconsin

Principles and Procedures of Statistics.

Steel, R.G.D.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics.

McGraw Hill Int’l Book Company, Singapore.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics.

Steel, R.G.D.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics.

McGraw Hill Book Co.

Principles and procedures of statistics, a biometrical approach. International student ed.

Steel, R. G. D.

McGraw-Hill, Kokusha Limited, Tokyo

Principles and Procedures of Statistics, A Biometrical Approach.

Steel, D.G.R

McGraw Hill Publ. Co. New York.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics, A Biometrical Approach

Stell, D.G.R

McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. International Book Company. New York

Principles and procedures of Statistics, A Biometrical Approach

Steel, R.G.D

McGraw-Hill Co

Principles and Procedures of Statistics, A Biometrical Approach

Steel, R.G.D

2nd Ed. Mc Graw Hill Inter. Book Company, Tokyo

Principles and procedures of statistics, 2nd ed.

Steel, R. G. D.

McGraw-Hill International, London

Principles and Procedures of Statistics with Specil Reference to The Biological Science.

Steele, R. G. D.

McGraw Hill Book Co. Inc. New York.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics with Special References to the Biological Sciences

Steel, R.G.D.


Judul Buku

Principles and Procedures of Statistics with Special References to the Biological Sciences


McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc., New York, pp. 232-240.

Hlm 457 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Principles and Procedures of Statistics with Special Reference to The Biological Science.

Steel, R. G. D.

Principles and procedures of statistics with special reference to the biological science

Steel, R.G.D.

Principles and procedures of statistics a biometrical approach. 2nd ed.

Steel, R. G. D.

McGraw-Hill Book Company, Singapore

Principles and Procedures of Statistics A Biometrical Approach 2nd Ed.

Steel, R. G. D.

McGraw-Hill Kogakusha Ltd., Tokyo

Principles and Procedures of Statistics A Biometrical Approach

Steel, R.G.D.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics A Biometrical Approach

McGrow. Hill International Book co. Singapore.

Principles and Procedures Of Statistics 3rd Ed.

Stell, R.G.D

Principles and Procedures Of Statistics 3rd Ed.

Mc-Graw Hill International Book Co., Tokyo

Principles and Procedures of Statistics 2nd Ed. International Student

Steel, R.G.D.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics 2nd Ed. International Student

McGraw. Hill International Book Co. Tokyo

Principles and Procedures of Statistics : A Biometrical Approach.

Steel, R. C. D.

McGraw-Hill Book CO, Inc, New York, NY.

Principles and Procedures Of Statistics : A Biometrical Approach 2nd ed.

Steel. R.G.D

McGrawHill. New York

Principles and procedures of statistics : A Biometrical Approach

Steel RGD

Mc Graw Hill London

Principles and procedures of statistics : A Biometrical Approach

Steel RGD

Mc Graw Hill London

Principles and Procedures of statistics (A biometrical Approach). 2nd Edition

Robert, G.D

Principles and Procedures of statistics (A biometrical Approach). 2nd Edition

New York

Principles and Procedures of Statistics

Steel. R.G.D

A biometrical Approach 2nd ed.

McGraw-Hill. New York

Principles and Procedures of Statistics

Steel, R. G. D.

McGraw Hill, Kogakhusa

Principles and procedures of statistics

Steel, R. G. D.

McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York


Judul Buku

Penerbit McGraw Hill Book Co. Inc. New York.

Principles and procedures of statistics with special reference to the biological science

McGraw-Hill Book co., N.Y.

Hlm 458 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Principles and procedures of statistics

Steel, R. G. D.

A Biometrical approach

Company, Singapore

Principles and Procedures Of Statistics

Steel. R.G.D

Principles and Procedures of Statistics

Steel. R.G.D

A Biometrical Approach 2nd ed.

McGraw-Hill International. Singapore

Principles and procedures of statistics

Steel R G D

International student Ed

McGraw Hill Internatioanl Book Co.Singapure

Principles and procedures of statistics

Steel R G D

Principles and Procedures of Statistics

Steel RGD

Principles and Procedures of Statistics

Mc Graw Hill. Koghakusa Ltd.Tokyo.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics

Steel, R.G.D.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics

McGraw-Hill, Koghakusa Ltd. Tokyo.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics

Steel, R.G.D.

A Biometrical Approach 2nd Ed. McGraw-Hill Inc. Book Co. p: 336 347

Principles and Procedures of Statistics

Steel, R.G.D.

Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika. Diterjemahkan oleh B. Sumantri.

Principles and Procedures of statistics

Stell RG

McGraw Hill Inc London

Principles and procedures of statistics

Steel RGD

McGraw Hill, Kogusha ltd

Principles and Procedures of Statistics

Steel, D.G.R

2nd ed. Mc Graw Hil International Book Company. Singapore

Principles and procedures of statistics

Steel, D.G.R

a Biometrical approach

McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. International Book Company. New York

Principles and procedures of statistics

Steel, R.G.D

A Biometrical Approach

2nd ed. McGraw-Hill International. Singapore

Principles and Procedures of Statistics

Steel, D.G.R

A Biometrical Approach

McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. International Book Company. New York

Principles and Procedures of statistics

Steel, D.G.R


McGraw-Hill. Co. New York

Mc Graw - Hill


PT. Gramedia. Jakarta.

2nd ed. Mc Graw Hill International book Company. Singapore Hlm 459 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Principles and Procedures of statistics

Stell RG

McGraw Hill Inc London

Principles and Procedures of Statistic: A Biometrical Approach.

Steel, R. G. D.

McGraw-Hill Book Co, New York.

Principles and procedures of statistic. Alih bahasa Bambang Sumantri,1989. Prinsip dan prosedur statistika.


Principles and procedures of statistic. 2nd edition

Steel RGD

Principles and procedures of statistic.

Steel, R. G. D.

Principles and procedures of statistic.

Steel, R. G. D.

Principles and procedures of statistic.

Steel, RG.D.

Principles and procedures of statistic.

McGraw Hill, New York

Principles and Procedures of Statistic a Biometrical Approach, 2nd Ed

Steel, R.G.D

Principles and Procedures of Statistic a Biometrical Approach, 2nd Ed

Me Graw Will Kogakusha. LTD

Principles and Procedures of Statistic a Biometrical Approach . 2"" Edition

Steel, R.D.G

Principles and Procedures of Statistic a Biometrical Approach . 2"" Edition

McGrow. Kogahusha Ltd. Tokyo. 633 pp.

Principles and Procedures of Statistic A Biometrical Approach

Steel, R.D.G

2 (ed.). McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York

Principles and procedures of statistic 2nd ed.

Steel, R. G. D.

McGraw-Hill International book Co. Singapore

Principles and procedures of statistic 2nd ed.

Steel, R. G. D.

International Book Company, Singapore

Principles and procedures of statistic 2nd ed.

Steel, R. G. D.

McGraw-Hill. International Book CompanySingapura

Principles and procedures of statistic 2nd ed.

Steel, R. G. D.

McGraw-Hill Co. Inc., New York, Toronto, London

Principles and Procedures of Statistic 2nd Ed

Steel, R. G. D


Judul Buku

Principles and procedures of statistic. Alih bahasa Bambang Sumantri,1989. Prinsip dan prosedur statistika.


PT. Gramedia. Jakarta.

Mc Graw Hill Book Company, Sidney Principles and procedures of statistic.

McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc., New York, Toronto, London. McGraw-Hill book Company Inc, new York USA.

Principles and Procedures of Statistic 2nd Ed

McGrawHill International Book Co. Singapore

Hlm 460 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Principles and Procedures of Statistic : A Biometrical Approach.

Steel, R. C. D.

McGraw-Hill Book CO, Inc, New York, NY.

Principles and procedures of statistic - a biometrical approach 2nd ed.

Steel, R. G. D.

McGraw-Hill, Kogakusha

Principles and Procedures of Statistic

Steel, G.D.

Principles and procedures of Statistic

Steel, R. G. D.

Principles and procedures of statistic

Steel, R. G. D

Principles and procedures of statistic

McGraw Hill, New York, USA.

Principles and Procedures of Statistic

Steel, R.G.D

A Biometrical Approach

Second Ed. Mc Graw-Hill International Editions Singapore

Principles and Procedures of statistic

Steel, D.G.R

Principles and Procedures of Static. A Biometrical Approach.

Steel, R.G.D.

Principles and Procedures of Static. A Biometrical Approach.

McGrawHill International Book Company.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics

Steel, R.G.D

Principles and Procedures of Statistics

McGraw-Hill Kogakusha. Ltd

Principles and Procedure of Statistics. Aniometrical Approach

Steel R.G.D

Principles and Procedure of Statistics. Aniometrical Approach

Mc. Graw Hill, Inc. USA

Principles and Procedure of Statistics.

Steel. R.G.D.

Principles and Procedure of Statistics.

MsGraw-Hill Book Company.Inc., New York. 106-116.

Principles and Procedure of Statistics (2nd Ed.)

Steel, R.G.D.,

Principles and Procedure of Statistics (2nd Ed.)

McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., New York.

Principles and procedure of statistic.

Steel, R.G.D

Principles and procedure of statistic.

Mc. Graw-Hill Book Co., New York.

Principles and procedure of statistic.

Steel, R.G.D.

Principles and procedure of statistic.

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Prin-ciples and Procedure of Statistic.

Steel, R.G.D.

McGraw Hill Book Co., Inc., New York.

Principles and Procedure of Statistic

Steel. R.G.D

McGraw-Hill. Inc. Nw York

Principles and Procedure of Siatistics

Steel, R.D.G


Judul Buku

Principles and Procedures of Statistic


McGraw-Hill Book, New York. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York

2nd ed. Mc Graw Hill Inter. Book Comp., Singapore

Principles and Procedure of Siatistics

Mc Graw Hill Book Co. I. C. New York

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Principles and problems

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Principles and practices of rice production.

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Principles and Practices of Rice Production

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Principles and Practices of Rice Production

De Datta. S K

Principles and Practices of Rice Production

John Wiley and Sons New York.

Principles and practices of pond aqua-culture: A state of art review.

Lannan. R.E.,

Principles and practices of pond aqua-culture: A state of art review.

Oregon State University. 240 pp

Principles and practices of feeding tropical crops and byproducts to ruminant.

Leng, R. A.

department of biochemistry and nutrition. University of New England. Armidale, Australia

Principles and Practice of Rice Production

De Datta, S.K

John Wiley & Sons. New York. ChichesterBrisbane. Toronto

Principles and Practice of Nematode Control in Crops.

Brown, R.H

Principles and Practice of Nematode Control in Crops.

Acad Press, London. 447 p.

Principles and Po-tential of Biphasic Fermentation

Ghosh, S

Principles and Po-tential of Biphasic Fermentation

Conference International on Biogas. and Technologies Implementation Strategies. Pune-India

Principles and Potential of Biphasic

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Principles and Potential of Biphasic

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Principles and methods of plant breeding

Borojevic S

Elsevier New York

Principles and methods of plant breeding

Borojevic S

Elsevier New York

Principles and method of plant Breeding Elsevier

Borojevic S

Amsterdam-Oxford-New York-Tokyo

Principles and Procedures of Statistics, Second Ed

Steel, R.G.D,

Principles & procedurs of statistics . A biometrical approach 2nd ed.

Steel RGD


Judul Buku

Penerbit Mc Graw Hill Book Company Inc. New York

Principles and practices of rice production.

Jonh Wiley and Sons, New York. John Willey & Sons. New York

Principles and Procedures of Statistics, Second Ed

McGraw-Hili International Book Co., Singapore Mc Graw Hill Co. NY

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Principles & procedures of statistics. A Biometrical approach

Steel RGD

Mc Graw Hill Kogakusha Ltd Tokyo

Principles & procedures of statistics

Steel RGD

Mc Graw Hill Book Company, Sydney

Principles & procedures of statistics

Steel RGD

Mc Graw Hill Book Co. NY, Toronto, london

Principles & procedure of statistic. A biometrical approach. 3rd Ed.

Steel, RGD

Principles & procedure of statistic. A biometrical approach. 3rd Ed.

Mc graw Hill Comp Inc New York

Principles & Methods of Plant Breeding. Elsevier

Borojevic, S

Principles & Methods of Plant Breeding. Elsevier

Amsterdam-Oxford-New York - Tokyo

Principles and Procesedurs of Statistic

Steel, R.G.D

Principles and Procesedurs of Statistic

Mc Graw Hill. Inc.

Principles and procedures of statistics Second Ed

Steel, R.G.D

Principles and procedures of statistics

McGraw Hill Book Co. Inc., Singapore

Principles and procedures of statistics

Steel, R.G.D

Principles and procedures of statistics

McGraw Hill Book Co. Inc., Singapore

Principles and Procedure of Statistics

Steel R.G.D

Principles and Procedure of Statistics A Biometrical Approach

Mcgraw Hill, Kogak

Principle sof Foos Chemistry

deMan, JM

Principle sof Foos Chemistry

The AVI Publishing Company, Inc.Wesport Connecticu

Principle Properties of Reticulated Active Carbon from Poly Phenolic Resin,

Hoyashi, K.

Principle Properties of Reticulated Active Carbon from Poly Phenolic Resin,


Principle problems in the identification of meat species of slaughter animal using electophresis Methods

Hoffman K

In : Biochemmical Identification of meat species. RLS Patterson (ed)

Elsevier Applied Science Publ. London

Principle of Warm Water Aquaculture.

Stickney, R. R.

Principle of Warm Water Aquaculture.

John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Canada 375 PP.

Principle of warm water aquaculture

R. Stickney

Principle of warm water aquaculture

Wiley-Interscience, New York

Principle of Veterinary Science

Hoopoes, K.H.

Principle of Veterinary Science

Williams & Wilkins, Waverly Company. Baltimore. Philadelpia. London. Paris, Bangkok. Buanes Aires. Hongkong. Munich. Wroclaw.


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Principle of Statistics for University, 2nd Ed.

Torrie, R.G.D.

Principle of Statistics for University, 2nd Ed.

McGraw-Hill, California.

Principle of soil chemistry.

Tan, K. H.

Principle of soil chemistry.

Marcel Decker Inc. NewYork, p 267.

Principle of Soil Chemistry


Terjemahan D.H. Goenadi dan B. Radjagukguk

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Principle of soil Chemistry

Tan, Kim Hong

Marcell Dekker Inc. New York

Principle of seed science and technology

Copeland LO

Burgers Publishing Comapany, Minneapolis Minneasota

Principle of Seed Science and Technology

Copeland, L.O.

Principle of Seed Science and Technology

Burgess Publishing Company. Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Principle of Plant Nutrition.

Mengel. Konrad.

Principle of Plant Nutrition.

International Potash Institute.

Principle of Plant Nutrition

Mengel, K.

Principle of Plant Nutrition

International Potash Institut, Switzerland

Principle of Plant Breeding. 2nd ed.

Allard, R.W.

Principle of plant breeding

Allard RW

Principle Of Nutritional Meassurement

Gibson. R.S

Oxford University

Principle of Nutritiona! Assesment.

Gibson R.S

Oxford University Press.

Principle of meat science. 2nd ed.

Judge, M. D.

Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., Dubuque, Iowa

Principle of Meat Science. 1st ed.

Forrest, J.C.

Principle of Meat Science. 1st ed.

Freeman and Co., San Francisco, USA. Pp 7079.

Principle of Meat Science .

Forrest. C. J ,.

Principle of Meat Science .

W.H Preeman and Co. San Fransisco

Principle of Meat Science

Forrest, J.C

Principle of Meat Science

W.H. Freeman and Company. San Fransisco.

Principle of meat science

Forrest JC


John Willey & Sons, America. Principle of plant breeding

John Wiley & Sons. New York London,

WH Freeman and Company, San Francisco

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Principle of Fungicidal Action

Horsfall, J.G.

Principle of Fungicidal Action

Cronica Botanica Co. Mass

Principle of Food Science Part I Food Chemistry

Fennema. O. R.

Principle of Food Science Part I Food Chemistry

Marcel Dekker. Inc. New York.

Principle of Food Science

Fennema, R.W., ed.

Food Chemistry

Mercel Dekker Inc , NewYork.

Principle of Food Packing.

Sacharow, S.

Principle of Food Packing.

Zed. Avi Pub. Co. Westport, Connecticut.

Principle of Blochemistry

Abraham, W

Principle of Blochemistry. Third ed

the Graw Hlll Book Company, London

Principle of biochemistry. 2nd ed.


Mcgraw-Hill Book Company. New York Toronto and London.

Principle of biochemistry. (Lehninger). 3rd ed.

Nelson, D. L.

Madison, Winconsin

Principle of Biochemistry, 5th ed.

White, A.

Mcgraw-Hill, Kogakusha, Tokyo

Principle and proceduresof statistics.

Steel R. G. D.

McGraw-Hill Inc.

Principle and proceduresof statistics.

Steel R. G. D.

McGraw-Hill Kogakusha

Principle and Procedures Statistic. 2nd.Ed.

Steel, R.G.D.

Principle and Procedures Statistic. 2nd.Ed.

Mc. Graw Hill International Book Co. Tokyo.

Principle and Procedures Statistic, 2nd Ed.

Steel, R.G.D

Principle and Procedures Statistic, 2nd Ed.

Mc. Graw Hill International Book Co. Tokyo.

Principle and Procedures ofStatistics. Second Ed

Steel, R.G.D

Principle and Procedures ofStatistics. Second Ed

Graw Hill Book Comp. New York. Toronto. London

Principle and Procedures of Statistics. Second Ed

Steel, R.G.D

Principle and Procedures of Statistics. Second Ed

McGraw-Hill, Inter Book Company, Singapore

Principle and procedures of statistics. A Biometrical Approach. Second Edition

Steel, R.G.D.

Principle and procedures of statistics. A Biometrical Approach. Second Edition

McGraw Hill International Book Company. Japan. pp. 195-239.

Principle and procedures of statistics. A biometrical approach. 2nd ed.

Steel, R. G. D.

McGraw-Hill International Book Company, Japan

Principle and procedures of statistics. A biometrical approach. 2nd ed.

Steel, R. G. D.

McGraw-Hill Tosho Printing, Co., Ltd., London


Hlm 465 dari 1800

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Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Principle and Procedures of Statistics. A Biometrical Approach. 2nd Ed

Steel. R.G.D

Principle and Procedures of Statistics. A Biometrical Approach. 2nd Ed

McGraw-Hill. International Book Company

Principle and Procedures of Statistics.

Steel, R.G.D.,

With Special Reference to the Biological Science

McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York.

Principle and procedures of statistics.

Steel, R.G.D.

A biometrical approach

Mc Graw Hill, London

Principle and Procedures of Statistics


Principle and Procedures of Statistics

A Biome-tncal Approach. 2nd Ed. McGraw-Hill. Inleniational Book Company

Principle and Procedures of Statistic. 2 Ed.

Steel, R. G. D.

Principle and Procedures of Statistic. 2 Ed.

Graw-Hill Book Comp. New York, Toronto Londen.

Principle and procedures of statistic.

Steel, R.G.D.

Principle and procedures of statistic.

McGraw-Hill book Co. Inc. New York. Toronto, London.

Principle and Procedures of Statistic A Biometrical Approach.

Steel, R.G.D.

Principle and Procedures of Statistic A Biometrical Approach.

McGraw Hill Book Co., New York.

Principle and Procedure of Statitistic, a Biometrocal Approach.

Steel, R.G.D.

Principle and Procedure of Statitistic, a Biometrocal Approach.


Principle and Procedure of Statistics. 2nd. Ed.

Steel, R. G.

Principle and Procedure of Statistics. 2nd. Ed.

McGraw Hill Comp., New York.

Principle and Procedure of Statistics.

Steel, R.G.

Principle and Procedure of Statistics.

McGraw Hill Comp, New York

Principle and Procedure of Statistics.

Steel, R. G. D.

McGraw Hill New York.

Principle and Procedure of Statistics.

Steel, R. G. D.

McGraw Hill New York.

Principle and Procedure of Statistics.

Steel, R.G.

Principle and Procedure of Statistics.

McGraw Hill Comp. New York.

Principle and Procedure of Statistics, Agriculture Research.

Steel . R. G. D

Principle and Procedure of Statistics, Agriculture Research.

Mc Grow Hill Book Company . New York

Principle and Procedure of Statistics, A Biometrical Aproach

Steel, R. G

Principle and Procedure of Statistics, A Biometrical Aproach

McGraw Hill Inc Singapore

Principle and Procedure of statistics,

Steel R.G

Principle and Procedure of statistics,

MC. Graw Hill Book Co l.C New York


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Principle and Practices of Rice Production

De Datta, S. K.

Principle and Practices of Rice Production

John Wiley and Sons. New York-ChicesterBrisbane-TorontoSingapore

principle and application of inorganic, organic and biological chemistry

Corel RL

WC Brown Publisher USA

principle and application of inorganic, organic and biological chemistry

Corel RL

WC Brown Publisher USA

Principle and Procedures of Statistics

Steel, R. G. D

Principle and Procedures of Statistics

McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. Tokyo

Principle and Procedures of Statistics

Steel, R. G. D.

Principle and Procedures of Statistics

McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. Tokyo.

Principlals of plant desease management

Fry WE

Principics and procedures of statistics: A biometrical approach

Steel, R.G.D

Principics and procedures of statistics: A biometrical approach

McGraw-Hill Book Company New York

Principes of Plant Breeding

Allard, RW

Principes of Plant Breeding

Jhon Wiley &Sond, New York

Principals and procedures statistics

Steel WR

Principals and procedures statistics

Steel WR

Principal and Procedures of Statistics : A Biometrical Approach (2nd Ed)

Steel, R.G,

Principal and Procedures of Statistics : A Biometrical Approach (2nd Ed)

Mc. Grow-Hill Book Co., New York.

Primer User Manual:Plymouth Ruotines in Multivariate Ecological Research

Carr, M.R.

Primer User Manual:Plymouth Ruotines in Multivariate Ecological Research

Plymouth Marine Laboratory, United Kongdom.

Primbon Jawa Bektijamal Primary production department.


Baboning Kitab Primbon

Sadu Budi, Solo Ministry of National Development, Singapore.

Prilaku Konsumen Edisi Keenam Jilid 2.Terjemahan : Budijanto

Engel J.F

Binarupa Aksara.Jakarta

Priciples of genetics

Gardner EJ

John Wiley & Sons NewYork, Chichester, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore


Academic Press Colorado

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Priciples of Forest Pathology


John Willey & Sons. Inc. New York

Priciples of Field Crops Productions


McMillan Publishing co.Inc. New York

Priciples of cultivar Development Vol 1

Fehr WR

Mac Millian Inc New York

Priciples of cultivar Development Vol 1

Fehr WR

Mac Millian Inc New York

Priceples and Procedures of Statistics, 2nd ed.

Stell, R.G.D

Price Endogenous Analysis of Agricultural Policies in East Java, Indonesia.

Darmawan, D. H. A.

Price Endogenous Analysis of Agricultural Policies in East Java, Indonesia.

Darmawan, D. H. A.

Price and Investment Policies in the Indonesian Food Sector. IFPRI.

Priceples and Procedures of Statistics, 2nd ed.

Mc Graw Hill, Kogakusha Ltd.

Rosegrant, M.W

Price and Investment Policies in the Indonesian Food Sector. IFPRI.

Washington DC and CASER, Bogor

Price and Investment in the Indonesian Food Crop Sector

Rosegrant, M.W.

Price and Investment in the Indonesian Food Crop Sector

International Food Policy Research Institute. Washington D.C, and Centre for Agro Economie Research, Bogor.

Price and Invesment Policies in The Indonesian Food Crop Sector

Rosegrant, M.W

Price and Invesment Policies in The Indonesian Food Crop Sector

Centre for Agroeconomic Research, Bogor

Price and |investment Policies in Indonesian Food Crops Sector

Rosegant, M.W

Price and |investment Policies in Indonesian Food Crops Sector


Prey characteristics and predator niche width,

Hespenheide, H.A.,

Ecology and Evolution of Cominimites Cady. M.L. and J.M. Diamond (eds.)

The Belknap Press of Marvard Univ. Press, London. p:158-180

Prey characteristics and predator niche width,

Hespenheide, H.A

Cody, M.L. and Diamond, J.M. (Eds.). Ecology and Evolution of Communities.

The Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press, London, p. 158-180,

Prey Characteristics and predator niche width

H.A. Hespenheide

Ecology and Evolution of Communities

The Belknap Press of Harvard University, Press, London

Prey Characteristics and predator niche width

H.A. Hespenheide

Ecology and Evolution of Communities

The Belknap Press of Harvard University, Press, London


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Prevention of coronary heart disease. In practical management of the risk factor

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Prevalensi, Karakteristik dan Pola makan Penderita Diabetes Millitus di Beberapa Daerah Periurban Jawa Tengah

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Prevalensi Kurang Energi Protein (KEP) Menurut Kabupaten/Kota Dirktorat Bina Gizi Masyarakat

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Prevalence of Overweight within Household and household diet (A Brazilian Case Study)

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FAO, Rome

Prevalence of Listeria momocytogenes in food in Malaysia.


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Pretreatment of agrocellulosic waste for microbial biomass production with a defined mixed culture

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Presedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Makanan dan Peertanian


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Prescription d'un medicament chez Ie chien insuffisant renal

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Preliminary study on variability of nutrient element efficiency under alumunium stress condition in upland rice (Oryza sativa L)

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International Symposium on plant Response to Ionic Stress : Alumunium and Other Ions. September 19-20, 1997

Kurashiki, Japan

Preliminary study of the potency of agriculture waste and agroindustrial waste as animal feedstuff.

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Preliminary Study of The Impact of Bacteria as PSP Producers in The Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada

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Levasseur, M.

Yasumoto & Fukuyo (Eds.), Harmful and Toxic Algal Blooms

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Preliminary study of resistance in 4 populations of Helopeltis theobromae Miller (Hemiptrea : Miridae) to Gamma-HCH, propoxur and dioxacarb.

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Cocoa and Cocunuts: Progress and Outlook

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Preliminary Report of the studies on bacterial diseases of milkfish, Chanos chanos, during winter

Y.H. Huang

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Preliminary observations on predator/prey realtionship between chaetognaths and copepods in the java sea

Edmunds, P.J

Preliminary observations on predator/prey realtionship between chaetognaths and copepods in the java sea

Preliminary observation on salinity tolerance of Clarias lazera from Israel

Clay, D.

Badmigeh 29:102-109.

Preliminary mammal survey of Gag island

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Preliminary mammal survey of Gag island

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Preleminary Design and Mill Flow. In Feed ManufacturingTechnology. Edited by H.B. Pfost

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Preleminary Design and Mill Flow. In Feed ManufacturingTechnology. Edited by H.B. Pfost

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Pregnant Mare and Jenny

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World Animal Science. Book: C. Production System Approach. Horse Breeding and Management. Editor: J.W. Evans

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WB Saunders Company LTD London Philadelphia Toronto Sydney Tokyo

Pregnacy and its diagnosis

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WB Saunders Company Ltd. London, Philadelphia, toronto, Sydney, Tokyo

Preformed internal chemical defenses

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Plant Disease:An Advance Treatise

Horsfall JG & Cowling EB (eds) Acad.Press.New York

Preferensi Material penempelan Telur dan produksi anakan ikan pelangi (Melanotaenia boesemani)


Preferensi Material penempelan Telur dan produksi anakan ikan pelangi (Melanotaenia boesemani)


Preferensi makan dan oviposisi serta respons biologi Lophobaris piperis Marsh, pada tiga varietas lada

Deciyanto, S.

Preferensi makan dan oviposisi serta respons biologi Lophobaris piperis Marsh, pada tiga varietas lada

Fakultas Pascasarjana IPB, Bogor. 65 hlm.

Pree radical In biology and medicine

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Pree radical In biology and medicine

Clarendone Press Oxford

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Predominant aerobic bacteria of fish and shellfish.

Texas A & M University, Sea Grant College, Texas. 91 pp.

Predominant Aerobic Bacteria of Fish and Shellfish.

Lewis, D.H

Predominant Aerobic Bacteria of Fish and Shellfish.

Texas A&M University, Texas. 89 pp. Madigan, M.T.,

Predominant aerobic bacteria of fish and shell fish.

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Predominant aerobic bacteria of fish and shell fish.

Texas A. and M. University, Sea Grant College. Texas.

Predominant Aerobic Bacteria of Fish and Shell Fish.

Lewis, D.

Predominant Aerobic Bacteria of Fish and Shell Fish.

Texas A and M University, Sea Grant College, Texas.


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Predominant aeobic bacteria of fish and shell fish

D. Lewis

Predominant aeobic bacteria of fish and shell fish

Texas A and M University, Sea Grant College, Texas

Prediksi banyaknya anak, bobot lahir, komponen kimia kelenjar susu dan produksi susu, kaitannya dengan bobot sapih berdasarkan profil hormon dan metabolik darah selama kebuntingan domba Ovis aries.

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Prediction of Shelf Life of Package Water Sensitive Foods

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Prediction of Protein Deposition of Ruminants. Dalam Protein in Animals.

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Prediction of In situ protein degradability in the rumen.

Madsen, J.

Result of a European Ringtest. Livest. Prod. Sci.

Predicting rainfall erosion losses

Wischmeier, W.H

A giude to conservation Planning

USDA Handbook No. 537

Predicting Forage Quality by Infrared Reflectance.

Norris, K. H.

Predacious Fungi and The Control of Eelworms

Duddington. C.L

View Point in Biology . Vol. 1

Butterworth. London

Praxisrclevantes Verfahren zur unblutingen Gewinnung von Ziegeneinbryonen.

Pereira, R.J.T.A.

Praxisrclevantes Verfahren zur unblutingen Gewinnung von Ziegeneinbryonen.

ETTagung (AE Td). Schwabisch, Deutschland.

Prawn Culture Scientific and Practical Approach.

Jung, C.K.

Prawn Culture Scientific and Practical Approach.

Chuson Printing Press. Philippines, 323p.

Prawn culture in Taiwan. What when wrong? J. World Aquaculture Soc. 20: 19-20.

Lin, C.K

Prawn culture in Taiwan. What when wrong? J. World Aquaculture Soc. 20: 19-20.

Prawn Biology and Culture. Oceanography and Marine Biology.

Wickins. J.F.

Annual Review, (14):435-507p.

Pratylenchus brachyurus.CIH. Descriptions of plant parasitic nematodes.

Corbett, D.C.M

CAB. London.

Pratical organic chemistry

Vogel AI

Longmans Green & co Ltd. London


Butlerworth, London.

Hlm 473 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pratical Leather Technology

Thorstensen, T.C

Pratical Leather Technology

Robert E Krieger Publishing Co. Huntington New York

Pratical fish diets

R.T. Lovell

Fish Feed technology

United Nation Development Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nation, Rome

Prasngka dan Diskriminasi

Markum. E

Bahan Penataran Guru ISD, Bukit Tinggi

Praktikum Klinische Laboratorium Diagnostik Organfunktionsproben

Sernetz, M.

Gieben : Fachbereich Veterinaermedizin Justus - Liebig Universitaet

Praject Management For Rural Development

Gill Garcia

Course Note

Seamao Searca, Manila

Practicals in statistics and quantitative genetics

Knight, R

A Course Manual in Plant Breeding

R. Knight (ed.). Australian Vice-Chancellors's Commite

Practicals in statistic and quantitative genetics

Knight R

Knight R (ed) Plant Breeding

Gibbs and Podlich Pty. Ltd Brisbane

Practicals in statistic and quantitative genetics

Knight R

Knight R (ed) Plant Breeding

Gibbs and Podlich Pty. Ltd Brisbane

Practical uses of yeast culture (CYC-100) in Swine, poultry and ruminan rations.

Shin TH

Practical techniques used in the study of endogonaceae

Hall, l.R.

Training course on mycorrhiza research techniques, Serdang, Malysia

Practical Statistics for Field Biology.

Fowler. J.

Practical Statistics for Field Biology.

Practical Statistics for Field Biology.

Fowler. J.

Open University Press. Mylton Keynes, Philadelphia. 172-176.

Practical sheep dairying

Mills, O.

Thorsons publishers, Northamptonshire

Practical research. Planning and design

Leedy PD

Macmillan Publishing Co Inc London

Practical polyphenolics

Haslam E


Choong ang chemical Co. Ltd Seoul Korea

Strukture to molecular recognition and physiological action

Open University Press. Mylton Keynes, Philadelphia. 172-176.

Cambridge University Press, cambridge

Hlm 474 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Practical Nonparametric Statistics. 2nd ed

Conover WJ

John Willey & Sons, New York

Practical Nonparametric Statistics

Conover WJ

John Willey and Sons New York< Chischester, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore

Practical Nonparametric Statistics

Conover WJ

John Willey and Sons New York< Chischester, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore

Practical non parametric statistic

Conover WJ

John Willey & Sons , Inc New York

Practical non parametric statistic

Conover WJ

John Willey & Sons , Inc New York

Practical Method and primary knowledge culture of red seabream

M. Yamaguchi

Practical Method and primary knowledge culture of red seabream

Kosheishakoku, Japan

Practical Leather Technology


Practical Leather Technology

Robert E Krieger Publishing Company. Florida.

Practical isoenzyme Genetic

Pasteur, N

Practical insect pest management: A self instruction manual

Watson, T.F.

Practical insect pest management: A self instruction manual

W.H. Freeman, San Francisco

Practical Fish Diets. In Fish feed technology.

Lovell, R.T.

Practical Fish Diets. In Fish feed technology.

United Nation Development Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nation, Rome. p.32-40.

Practical feeding system for ruminants based on sugar cane and its by-products.

Foulkes, D.

ruminants feeding system utilising fibrous agricultural residues.

IDP Canbera, Australia

Practical aspects of organic matter maintenance in soil

Palaniappan, S.P

P.K. Thampan (ed.). Organics in Soil Health and Crop Production

Peekay Tree Crops Development Foundation, India

Practical aspects of Mycorrhizal Technology on Some Tropical Crops and Pastures

Howeler R.H.

Plant and Soil 100

Martinus Nijhoff Publ


Judul Buku


Ellis Horwood Ltd. Chicherter

Hlm 475 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Practical Application of Ozone : Principle and Case Study

Langlais. B

Ozone In Water Treatment

Lewis Publishers, Chelsea Michigan

Practical Application and Implementation of Induced Resistance

Tuzun. S

Induced Resistance To Disease In Plants

Kluwer Academic Publisher. The Netherlands

Poycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Brazilians margarine, vegetable cream & mayonaise

Toledo MCF

Kumpulan abstrak annual meeting & expo of international food technologist (IFT)

Atlanta, georgia, USA

Power, Labor and Livelihood.

Hart, G. P.

Power, Labor and Livelihood.

University of California Press. Berkeley, p.121134.

Power, Crime and Mystification

Steven Box

Power, Crime and Mystification

Tavbistock, London

Power dan Empowerment : Sebuah Telaahan mengenai Konsep Pemberdayaan di TIM, Jakarta

Ginanjar Kartasamita

Power and Em-powerment, A Radical Theory of Participatory Democracy


Power and Em-powerment, A Radical Theory of Participatory Democracy

Temple University Press, Philadelphia.

Poverty, Population and the Environment

Mink, S.D

World Bank Discussion Papers.

The World Bank, Washington DC

Poverty And Famine an Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation

Sen. A

Oxford University

Poultry: feeds and nutrition. 2nd ed.

Patrick, H.

AVI Publishing Company Inc., Westport, Connecticut

Poultry: feed and nutrition. 2nd ed.

Patrick, H.

Avi Publishing Co. Inc., Wesport Conecticut

Poultry: feed and nutrition

Schaible PJ

AVI Publ. Co. Inc New York

Poultry Technology

Mountney, G. I.

Poultry sciences and production.

Moreng RE

Reston Publishing Co. Reston Virginia

Poultry Science, 3rd Ed.

Ensminger ME

The interstate Printer and publisher, Inc Illinois

Poultry Science and Production

Moreng, R.E.


Poultry Technology

Poultry Science and Production

The Avi Publishing, Inc Wesport. Connecticut.

Reston Publishing Co., Inc., Virginia. Hlm 476 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Poultry Science and Production

Moreng, R.E.

Poultry Production

Reston Publishing Co., Reston Virginia

Poultry Science and Practice. 5th Ed.

Wintery A.R.

Poultry Science and Practice. 5th Ed.

J.B. Lippincontt Company. Chicaho Philadelphia

Poultry science 2nd ed

Ensminger ME

Printers & Publ. Inc. Danviller Illinois

Poultry Science (animal agriculture series). 2nd ed.

Ensminger, M. E.

The interstate Printers & Publisher, Inc., Danville, Illinois, USA.

Poultry science & practise 5th ed.

Winter AR

JB lipincott Co. Chicago Philadelphia

Poultry Science

Ensminger, M.E.

Poultry Science

The interstate Printers & Publisher, Inc., Danville, Illinois.

Poultry Science

Ensminger, B.S.

Poultry Science

Printers and Publishers, Inc. Danville. Illinois.

Poultry Products Technology. Second Edition

Mountney, G.J.

Poultry Products Technology. Second Edition

The Avi Publishing Company, Inc. Westport, Connecticut

Poultry products technology.

Mountney, G.

Poultry products technology.

Site Publishing Company. Clinton, lowa.

Poultry Production. Twenth Edition

Nesheim, M. C

Poultry Production. Twenth Edition

Lea and Febringer, Philadelphia.

Poultry Production. Thirteenth Edition.

Austic, R.

Poultry Production. Thirteenth Edition.

Lea and Febiger. Philadelphia. London

Poultry Production. Thirteenth Edition

Austic, R.E

Poultry Production. Thirteenth Edition

Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia

Poultry Production. 9th Ed

Card, L.E.

Poultry Production. 9th Ed

Lea and Febiger. Philadelphia

Poultry Production. 9th ed

Card, L.E

Lea and Febiger. Philadelphia

Poultry Production. 3rd ed

Jull, M.A

Poultry Production. 3rd ed

McGraw-hill Book Company Inc. New Delhi

Poultry Production. 2nd. ed.

Card, L. E.

Poultry Production. 2nd. ed.

Lea and Febriger, Philadelphia.

Poultry production. 13th ed.

Austic R

Lea and Febiger. Philadelphia, London

Poultry production. 12th ed.

Nesheim, M. C.

Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia


Hlm 477 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Poultry production. 11th ed.

Card, L. E.

Poultry Production. 11th Ed.

Card, LE

Poultry production. 11th Ed

Card LE

Poul-try Production.

Card, L.E.

Poul-try Production.

Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia.

Poultry Production.

Nesheim, M.C.

Poultry Production.

Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia.

Poultry production in hot climates

Daghir, N. J.

CAB international university press, Cambridge

Poultry production 9th ed.

Card LE

Lea and febiger, philadelphia

Poultry Production

Nesheim, M.C.

Poultry Production

Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia.

Poultry Production

Neishem, M.C

Poultry Production

Lea amd Febiger, Philadelphia

Poultry product technology 2nd ed.

Mountney GJ

Poultry Nutrition. 5th Ed.

Ewing, W.R.

Poultry Nutrition. 5th ed.

Ewing, W. R.

The Ray Ewing Co. Publisher. Pasadena. California

Poultry nutrition


The Ray Ewing Company Publisher, California

Poultry meat processing quality factors yield.

Snyder, E. S.

Ontario agriculture. Department publishing 9. Toronto.

Poultry Meat and Egg Production.

Parkhurst C.R.

USDA-Cooperative State Research Service. Washington DC.

Poultry management and production.

McArdle, A.A.

Poultry management and production.

Hall Steed Press, Sydney.

Poultry Indonesia. Edisi Juni 1997 No. 208


Poultry Indonesia. Edisi Juni 1997 No. 208

Ga bungan Perusahaan Pembibitan Unggas Indonesia (GPPU). Jakarta


Judul Buku

Penerbit Lee and Fabiger. Philadelphia, USA.

Poultry Production. 11th Ed.

Lea &. Febiger Philadelphia. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia

The Avi Publ. Co. Inc Westport Connecticut Poultry Nutrition. 5th Ed.

The Ray Erwing Co. Pasadena Califomia.

Hlm 478 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Poultry husbandry. 3rd ed.

Jull, M. A.

McGraw-Hill book Company Inc, new York USA.

Poultry husbandry. 3rd ed.

Jull, M. A.

McGraw Publishing Co. Ltd. New Delhi.

Poultry Husbandry.

Jull, M. A.

McGraw-Hill Co., New York.

Poultry Husbandry.


Poultry Husbandry.

McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc. New York, London, Toronto.

Poultry Husbandry 3rd Ed.


Poultry Husbandry 3rd Ed.

McGraw Hilr Book Co. Inc , New York. 333-349.

Poultry husbandry 3rd ed.

Jull MA

Mc Graw Hill Book Co. Inc. NY, Toronto, London

Poultry husbandry

Jull, M. A.

The McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc., New York

Poultry husbandry

Jull, M. A.

McGraw-Hill Book. Company Inc., New York, Toronto, London

Poultry Husbandry

Jull, G.T.

Poultry Husbandry

McGraw Hill Book Company, Inc., New York.

Poultry Husbandry

Jull, MA.

Poultry Husbandry

Mc Grow Hill Book Company, New York, USA,

Poultry Husbandry

Juil, M. A

Poultry Husbandry

Mc, Graw Hill Book Company. London

Poultry husbandary. Third edition.

Jull MA

tata mcgraw hill publ., co., ltd New Delhi

poultry husbandary. 3rd edition.

jull MA

Tata McGraw - Hill Book Company, Ltd, New Delhi

Poultry husbandary. 3rd Ed.

Jull, M.A.

Tata M.C. Graw Hill Book Company. Ltd, New Delhi

Poultry husbandary

Jull MA

Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi


Judul Buku


Hlm 479 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Poultry housing.

Elaroussi MA

In : Bioclimatology and the adaption of livestock in world animal science. A Neimann Sorensen and DE Tribe (eds)

Elsevier Science Publ. Company Inc., New York

Poultry Feeds and Nutrition

Patrick, H.

Avi Publishing Company, Inc. Westport, Connecticutt

Poultry Feeds and Nutrition

Patrick, H.

Avi Publishing Co. Westport, Connecticut

Poultry Feeds & nutrition 2nd ed.

Patrick H

Avi Publ. Co Inc Westport Connecticut

Poultry Feed from Waste. Processing and use.

El-Boushy, A.R.

Departement of Animal Nutrition Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands.

Poultry Feed from Waste Processing Use.

El Boushy, A. R.

Chapman and Hill.

Poultry Feed and Nutrition. lEd.

Schaible, D. J.

Poultry Feed and Nutrition.

Patrick, H.

Poultry Feed and Nutrition.

Patrick, H.

Poultry Feed and Nutrition.

Avi Publishing Co., Inc., Wesport Connecticut

Poultry Feed and Nutrition 4 Ed

Schaible, RJ.

Poultry Feed and Nutrition 4 Ed

The Avi Publisher Co. Inc. Westport

Poultry feed and Nutrition . lst Ed.

Schalble, P. J.

Poultry feed and Nutrition . lst Ed.

The Avy Publishing Co. Inc. West Port.

Poultry Breeding, Poultry Husbandry

Jull, M.A.

John Willey & Sons, Inc. New York, Mc. Graw-Hill Book Company, Inc. United States of America

Poultry : Feeds and nutrition. 3rd ed

Schaible PJ

AVI Publ Co Inc Westport, Connecticut

Potret Perkelapaan di Sulut.

Manado Post,

Kolom VI terbitan tanggal 26 Mei, 1997.

Potential risks of gene amplification by PCR as determined by 165 rDNA analysis of a mixed-culture of strict baropnilic bacteria.

Liesack. W.-

Microb. Ecol. 21 391-400.


Poultry Feed and Nutrition. l- Ed.

The Avi Publishing Co Inc. West Port. Ari Publishing Company, Inc. Wesport, Connecticut.

Hlm 480 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Potential of Biotechnology in Perennial Crop Improvement

Chen, Z.

Handbook of Plant Cell Culture

Potential of Biotechnologiy in perennial crop improvement.

Chen, Z.

McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. New York.

Potential Industrial Plants For The Production Of Special Fatty Acids

Ruhl. G


Potential for Synergistic Action of Phytochemicals in Spices

Stenberg, S.M.B,

Spices, Herbs and Edible Fungi.

Potential for Rhizobium improvement

Hodgson ALM

CRC Crit Rev Biotechnology 4:1174

Potential crop production ,

weraing P.E.

Potential crop production ,

Potential Biological Control of Bacterial Wilt in Tomato and Potato with Bacillus polymyxa FU6 and Pseudomonas fluorescens.

Aspiras, R.B.

Bacterial Wilt Disease Asia and The South Pacific.ACIAR Proc. No 13: 89-92.

Potential and Realities of Local Feed Production.

Tan, S. L.

Potential and problems of goat production in Indonesia


Potential and problems of goat production in Indonesia

Potensidan Penyebaran Sumber Daya Moluska dan Teripang.

Subani, W. etal.

Potensidan Penyebaran Sumber Daya Moluska dan Teripang.

Direktorat Jendral Perikanan, Jakarta. 26 pp.

Potensi, tingkat pengusahaan dan penyebaran sumberdaya ikan laut di Indonesia.

Nurhakim, S.,

Potensi, tingkat pengusahaan dan penyebaran sumberdaya ikan laut di Indonesia.

Inovasi Teknologi Pertanian, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Jakarta. 850863.

Potensi, Penyebaran, dan Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Ikan di Indonesia

Nurhakim. S.,

Potensi, Penyebaran, dan Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Ikan di Indonesia

Balai Penelitian Perikanan Laut. Jakarta 29 pp.

Potensi, Pemanfaatan, dan Peluang Pengembangan Sumberdaya Ikan laut di Perairan Indonesia

Aziz KA

Komisi Pengkajian Sumberdaya Perikanan Laut, Jakarta



Eisiver. Amsterdam.

Hainmann Educational Books , Ltd, London.

MSAP Conference. 27-28 July 1998, Malaysia.

Hlm 481 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Potensi, Masalah Lahan Hutan di Indonesia dan Peranan Pemanfaatan Limbah Lignoselulolitik

Fakuara, Y

PAU-Bioteknologi IPB, Bogor

Potensi Varietas Unggul Jagung dan Program Perbaikan Varietas

Sudjana, A

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan. Bogor

Potensi Trichogrammatoidea bactrae-bactrae parasitoid telur penggerek polong kedelai

Djuwarso. T.

M. Arifin, Sutrisno, D. Sutopo, I.W. Laba, Harnoto, A. Kusmayadi, Siswanto, I.M. Trisawa, dan D. Koswanudin (Eds.). Prosiding Seminar Nasional. Tantangan Entomologi pada Abad XXI. , p. 29-47.

Potensi Trichogramma loldea bactrae-bactrae, parasitoid telur penggerek polong kedelai

Djuwarso, T.

Panduan dan Kumpulan Abstrak Seminar Tantangan Entomologi pada Abad 21. Bogor. 8 Januari 1997: hlm. 33.

Potensi Tetrastichus schoenobii Ferr., Telenomus rowani Gah. dan Trichogramma japonicum Ashm. sebagai parasitoid telur penggerek batang padi kuning (Scirpophaga incertulas Walker)

Laba, I.W.

Disampaikan pada Seminar Tantangan Entomologi abad XXI.

Perhimpunan Entomologi Indonesia Cabang Bogor. 14 hlm.

Potensi sumber daya perikanan pantai Kabupaten Bone

Gaffar, M.Y.

Cholik, F., M.J.R. Yacob, Rosmiati, A. Mustafa, H. Pranama, dan A.M. Pirzan (Eds). Prosiding Temu Karya Ilmiah Potensi Sumber Daya Perikanan Pantai Sulawesi Selatan. Maros, 27-29 Desember 1988. hlm. 1113.

Balai Penelitian Budi Daya Pantai. Maros.

Potensi sirih (Peper betle L.) Sebagai Tanaman Obat

Darwis, S.N.

Potensi Sentra Industri Kecil Propinsi Jawa Tengah

Kanwil Dinas Perindustrian Jateng


Judul Buku


Perhimpunan Entomologi Indonesia Cabang Bogor

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Industri. Bogor Potensi Sentra Industri Kecil Propinsi Jawa Tengah

Hlm 482 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Potensi Produksi dan Kualitas Dadih yang beredar di 5 Kabupaten (Agam. Lima Puluh Kota, Sijunjung, Solok, Tanah Datar), Suma-tera barat

Sugitha I Made

Potensi Produksi dan Kualitas Dadih di 5 Kab. Sumatera Barat.

Sugitha, I.M.

Potensi Produksi dan Kualitas Dadih di 5 Kab. Sumatera Barat.

Faterna, Unand

Potensi Pertanian dan Swasembada Pangan Ekoriomi dan Bisnis Indonesia


Potensi Pertanian dan Swasembada Pangan Ekoriomi dan Bisnis Indonesia

BPPE, Yogyakarta

Potensi pengembangan lahan untk tanaman kedelai di prop NTT

Sosiawan H

Tastra dkk (ed) Teknologi utk meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman pangan di prop NTT


Potensi pengembangan lahan untk tanaman kedelai di prop NTT

Sosiawan H

Tastra dkk (ed) Teknologi utk meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman pangan di prop NTT


Fatema Unand

Potensi Pengembangan Industri Kecil di Propinsi Nusa tenggara Barat

Kantor Wilayah Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Propinsi NTB

Potensi Pengembangan budidaya keramba jaring apung laut di perairan Sendang Biru, Karimun Jawa dan Teluk Banten


Bull Pen. Perikanan Edisi Khusus No. 3

Potensi pengembangan agribisnis dan agroindustri tepung komposit substitusi terigu

Dharmawan, T.

Potensi pengembangan agribisnis dan agroindustri tepung komposit substitusi terigu

Potensi Pemanfaatan dan Peluang Pengembangan Sumberdaya Ikan Laut di Perairan Indonesia

Aziz, K.A.

Potensi Pemanfaatan dan Peluang Pengembangan Sumberdaya Ikan Laut di Perairan Indonesia

Potensi minyak atsiri daun Indonesia sebagai sumber bahan obat.

Sait, S.



Komisi Nasional Pengkajian Sumberdaya Perikanan Laut (KOMNAS KAJISKANLUT), Jakarta.

Hlm 483 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Potensi Melaleuca bracteato dalam pengendalian hama lalat buah. Pra-Baker II

Kardinan, A

Evaluasi penelitian dan pengembangan pertanian, Bogor, 28-30 Januari 1997.

Potensi limbah pertanian dan industri pertanian serta manfaatnya untuk makanan ternak

Mastika, I.M.

Universitas Udayana, Bali. Disertasi

Potensi limbah pertanian dan industri pertanian serta manfaatnya untuk makanan ternak

Mastika, I.M.

Universitas Udayana, Bali. Disertasi

Potensi gambut Indonesia. Tantangan, prospek dan pelestarian.

Dai, J.

Potensi eceng gondok (eichhornia crassipes (Mart Solm) Hasil Pengendalian fisik di Rawa Pening Kab.Semarang sebagai pakan

Fuskhah E

Potensi Desa Kabupaten Pasuruan tahun 1996


Potensi Desa Kabupaten Pasuruan tahun 1996

Kantor Statistik Kabupaten Pasuruan.

Potensi Desa /Kelurahan di seluruh wilayah Kecamatan Dringu


Potensi Desa /Kelurahan di seluruh wilayah Kecamatan Dringu

Kantor Statistik Kabupaten Probolinggo

Potensi dan upaya peningkatan Daya Guna Tanah Gambut sebagai Lahan Pertanian.

Hanafiah, K.A.

Potensi dan Prospek Pemanfaatan Lignin dari Limbah Industri Pulp dan Kertas di Indonesia

Rudatin S

Berita selulosa Vol XXV : 1

Balai Besar Selulosa Bandung

Potensi dan Prospek Babi Bibit di Balai Pembibitan Ternak babi Sumatera ütara

Aritonang. D

Potensi dan Prospek Babi Bibit di Balai Pembibitan Ternak babi Sumatera ütara

Balai Penelitian Ternak Bogor

Potensi dan permasalahan untuk pembangunan pertanian di propinsi Jambi.

Boestami, M.



Faperta Undip

Pusat penelitian tanah dan balitbang pertanian. Departemen pertanian.

Hlm 484 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Potensi dan penyebaran ikan demersai. hlm 1.1-10

Dwiponggo. A.

P. Martosubroto, N. Naamin, dan B.B. Malik (Ed.). Potensi dan Penyebaran Sumberdaya Ikan Laut di Perairan Indonesia

Ditjen Perikanan, Puslitbang Perikanan dan Puslitbang Oseanologi LIPI. Jakarta

Peta Tata Guna Tanah tahun terbitan 1988 dan 1990, skala l : 250.000.

Diperta Tanaman Pangan Jawa Timur, 59 pp.

Potensi dan Pemanfaatan Sagu

Penerbit Kanisius Jakarta

Potensi dan Pengembangan Komoditi Buah-buahan JawaTimur. Potensi dan Pemanfaatan Sagu

Haryanto, B

Potensi dan pemanfaatan sagu


Potensi dan peluang pemanfaatan sumber pertumbuhan produksi tanaman pangan di luar Jawa


Potensi dan Peluang Lahan di Kalimantan Selatan Untuk Pembangunan Pertanian Kesinambungan


Kalimantan Agrikultura

Potensi dan Konservasi Hujauan Makanan Ternak.

Soedomo, R.

Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.

Potensi Buan Coklat yang diproses secara Physik, Kimiawi dan fermentasi sebagai Sumber Pakan Domba

Romziah, S.B.

Potensi Buan Coklat yang diproses secara Physik, Kimiawi dan fermentasi sebagai Sumber Pakan Domba

Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Airlangga Surabaya.

Potensi beberapa jenis pestisida alami

Ellyda, A.W.

Potensi beberapa jenis pestisida alami

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat. 19 pp.

Kanisius Yogyakarta Potensi dan peluang pemanfaatan sumber pertumbuhan produksi tanaman pangan di luar Jawa

Potensi Bahan Galian C di NTB

Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal Daerah, BKPMD Propinsi daerah Tk. II NTB

Potensi agribisnis tepung garut


Potato virus X, in compendium of potato disease, W. J. Hooker (ed.)

Munro, J.

Potato virus M.

Hiruki, H.


Puslit Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian. Bogor.

Potensi agribisnis tepung garut

Hlm 485 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Potato virus A and potato leaf roll virus: purification, antiserum production and serogical detection in potato and test plants by enzime-linked imunosorbent assay (ELISA)

Gugerli, P.

Potato science and technology.

Lisinska, G.

Potato science and technology.

Department of Storage and Food Technology, Agricultural Academy, Wroclaw, Poland. Elsevier Applied Science, London, New York.

Potato leaf roll virus: antiserum preparation and detection in potato leaves and sprouts with enzime-linked imunosorbent assay (ELISA)

Maat, D. Z.

Potato leaf roll virus concentration in the vascular region of potato tuber examined by enzime-linked imunosorbent assay (ELISA)

Gugerli, P.

Potato and Sweet Potato in China: Systems, Constraints and Potential

Gitomer, C. S.

Potato and Sweet Potato in China: Systems, Constraints and Potential

International Potato Center and Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Peru. p. 35-90.

Potassium fertilizer management in intensified and diversified rice-based cropping system under rainfed lowland ecosystem in Central. Java, Indonesia. p. 612-614.

Mamaril, C.P.,

In Potassium in Asia: Balanced fertilization to increase and sustain agricultural production.

International Potash Institute. Bazel, Switzerland.

Potassium Availability and Uptake. In: Patassium for Agriculture. A Situation Analysis. Potash and Phosphate.

Munson, R.D.

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Pot And Field Experiments With Maize and Acid Forest Peat From Borneo

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Penberitaan Balai Besar Penyelidikan Pertanian. Bogor

Pot and Field Experiment With Maize and Acid Forest Peat From Borneo

Polak. B

Pemberitaan Balai Besar Penyelidikan Pertanian, Bogor

Postlarvae and juveniles of panaeus and metapenaeus (penaeidae, decapoda, natantia) from the java sea.

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Postlarvae and juveniles of panaeus and metapenaeus (penaeidae, decapoda, natantia) from the java sea.

Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro

Postharvest: An lntroduction to The Physiology and Handling of Fruits and Vegetables

Wills, R.H

Postharvest: An lntroduction to The Physiology and Handling of Fruits and Vegetables

South China Printing Co., Hong Kong

Postharvest: An Introduction to the Physiology and Handling of Fruits and Vegetables

Wills, R. B.

Postharvest: An Introduction to the Physiology and Handling of Fruits and Vegetables

The AVI Publishing Company Inc. Westport

Postharvest: an Introduction to the Physiology and Handling of Fruits and Vegetables

Wills, H.H.

Postharvest: an Introduction to the Physiology and Handling of Fruits and Vegetables

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Postharvest: An introduction to the physiology and handling of fruits and vegetables

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Postharvest: An introduction to the physiology and handling of fruits and vegetables

New Soth Wales Univ. Press, Australia

Postharvest, an introduction to the physiology and handling of fruits and vegetables

Wills, R.B.H.

Postharvest, an Introduction to the physiology and handling of fruits and vegetables

The AVI Publishing Co. Inc., Westport

Postharvest, An Introduction to the Physiology and Handling of Fruit and Vegetables

Wills, R.B.H

Postharvest, An Introduction to the Physiology and Handling of Fruit and Vegetables

New South Wales Univ. Press

Postharvest Physiology, Handling and Utilization of Tropical and Subtropical Fruits and Vegetables.

Pantastico, ER.B.

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Postharvest physiology, handling and utilization of tropical and subtropical fruits and vegetables

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Postharvest Physiology of Vegetables

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Marcel Dekker Inc. New York

Postharvest physiology handling and utilization of tropical and subtropical fruits and vegetables

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Watkins, J.B.

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Postharvest Biotechnology of Flowers and Omamental Plants

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Postharvest (An Intro duction to The Physiology and Handling of Fruit and Vege tables)

Wills, R.H.H

Postharvest (An Intro duction to The Physiology and Handling of Fruit and Vege tables)

New South Wales University. Australia

Postharvest an Introduction to the physiology and handling of fruit and vegetable

Wiils. R.B.H

Postharvest an Introduction to the physiology and handling of fruit and vegetable

New South Wales University Press.

Post Pollination Exudate From Stigmas Of Acacia


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Post harvest Technology of Horti cultural Crops


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Population ecology. A unified study of animal and plants

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Pondok Pesantren dan Pembangunan Masyarakaf Desa

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Pondok Pesantren dan Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa

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Pola Pengembangan Usaha Peternakan

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Pola distribusi penyakit pisang

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In M. Flach and F. Rumawas (Eds.) Plant Resources of SouthEast Asia No. 9. Backhuys Publ., Leiden.

Plants used by Andaman aborigines in gathering Rockbee honey

Dutta, T.R

Plants used by Andaman aborigines in gathering Rock-bee honey

Plants Consumed by Man. Plants and Microclimate : a Quantitive Approach to Environmental Plant Physiology

Brouk, B. Jones. H.G

Plants and Environment

Devlin, R.M.

Plantpropagation. Prinsiples and Practices 4th Edition

Harman, H. T.



Pusat Penelitian Pertanian. Bogor Endocrinology

Economie Botany

Academic Press Inc. Cambridge University Press. England

Plants and Environment

John Wiley and sons, Inc. London Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey Hlm 499 dari 1800

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Plant-Parasitic Nematodes that Attack Bananas and Plantains.

Roman, J. 1986

In Anonim, Plant Parasitic Nematodes of Banana, Cirus, Coffee, Grapes and Tobacco

Union Carbide Agric. Prod.Comp, USA

Plantlet formation of somatic hybrid of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) and its wild relatives, orange jasmine (Murraya paniculata) by electricallyinduced protoplast fusion

Shinozaki, S.

Plant-insecl herbivore interaction in elevated CO, environments Trends in Eculo^}' and Evolution 8:64-68

Lincoln, D.E

Plant-Growth inhibitors in Purple Nutsedge (Cyperus RotundusL.)

Komai, K.

Weed Res, Japan

Plantation Forestry In Tropics


Clarendons Press.Oxford

Plantaricins S and T, Twonew Bacteriocins Produced by Lactobacillus Plantarum LPCO 10 Isolated from Green Olive Fermentation

Jiminez-Diaz, R

Appl. And Environmental Microbiology

Plant virus-host interactions. Plant Virology

Zaitlin, M. Matthews, R. E. F.

Plant Virology

San Diego: Academic Press.

Plant tor Man.

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Plant tor Man.

Prentice-hall. Inc. Englewood Cliffs, N.J, USA

Plant tissue practice.

Taji, M.

Plant tissue practice.

Botany Departement and Departmenet of Agronomy and Soil Science. University of New England, Armidale, Centre for Biological population Management Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane.


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Plant tissue practice.


Botany Department and Department of Agronomy and Soil Science.

University of New England, Armidale, Centre for Biological Population Management Quennsland University of Technology, Brisbane.

Plant Tissue Cultures: Theory and Practice

Bhojwani, S.S.

Elsevier Scientific Publishing.

Company Amsterdam

Plant tissue culture: Theory and practice. Development in Crop Science Elsevier Sci Amsterdam. 5:502p

Bhojwani, SS

Plant tissue culture. Methods and application in agricultue

Thorpe TA

Plant Tissue Culture, Techniques, and Experiments.

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Plant Tissue Culture, Techniques, and Experiments.

Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, California, USA.

Plant Tissue Culture Techniques for Mutation Breeding.

Novak, F.J.

A Training Manual Joint FAO/IAEA Programe IAEA.

LaboratoriesSeibeesdorf, Austria Plant Breeding Unit.

Plant Tissue Culture Techniques and Experiments.

Smith, R.H.

Plant Tissue Culture Techniques and Experiments.

Academic Press. Inc. London

Plant Tissue Culture Methods and Application In Agriculture


Plant tissue culture : Methods and apllications in agriculture.

Thorpe, T.A.

Plant tissue culture : Methods and apllications in agriculture.

Acad. Press, New York.

Plant Tissue and Cell Culture

D.D. Bisbeoer

Plant Biology Vol. 13

Alan R. Liss. Inc. NY

Plant tissue analysis for micronutrients. In Mortved et al (eds.) Micronutrient in agriculture

Jones, J.B. Jr.

Plant tissue analysis for micronutrients. In Mortved et al (eds.) Micronutrient in agriculture

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Plant Tissue Analysis For Micronutrients

Jones. J.B. Jr.

Micronutrient In AgriCulture

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Plant Secondary Metabolites: Biochemical Coevolution with Herbivores

Freeland, W. J

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Plant Science.

Hartman, H.T.

Prentice-Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs. New Jersey.

Plant Science, Growth, Development and Utilization of Cultivated Plants

Hartman, H. T.

Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

Plant Science Growth Development and ultilization of cultivated plants.

Hartman, H.T.,

Prentice-hall Inc. Englewood, Cliffs New Jersey.

Plant Science

R.G. Halfacre

Plant Science

Plant Root systems their fungtion and interaction with soil

Russel, R.S

Mc Graw-Hill Book Company. London, New York

Plant Root Systems : Their function and interaction with the Soil

Russell, R.S

McGraw-Hill Book Company (UK) Limited. Maidenhead. Berkshire. England

Plant Root System

Russel. S.J

McGraw-Hill. Inc. Campany UL. Ltd.

Plant Root Plant Response To Meneral Element Toxicity and Defirency

Waisel. Y Clarch. R.B

Christiansen, N. and C.F. Lewis

Marcel Dekker. USA Breeding Plant for Loas Favausable envion ments

Plant Resourcesof South East Asia No. 2 Edible Fgruit and Nut

Verheij, E. W. M.

Porsea Fondasion, Bogor.

Plant resources of South East asia, a selection.

Verheij, E.W.M.

Pudoc. Wageningen

West Phal.

Plant Resources of South East Asia No. 5 (l).Timber trees: Major Commercial Timbers.

Soerianegara, I.

Plant Resources of South East Asia No. 5 (l).Timber trees: Major Commercial Timbers.

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Plant Residues and Organic Amandments in Relation To Biocontrol


Ecology Of Soil Borne Plant Pathogens

Univ. Calif. Press. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London

Plant regeneration In vitro from primary leaf nodes of soybean (Glycine max) seedlings.

Kim, J.H.

Plant regeneration from seedling explants and cotyledon protoplast of Glycine argyrea Tind.

Hammatt, N.


Judul Buku


Me Graw-Hill Company, New York.

Hlm 502 dari 1800

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Plant regeneration from embryo derived tissue cultures of soybeans.

Ranch, J.P.

Plant regeneration from Citrus Protplasts : Variability in methodological requirements among cultivars and species

Vardi, A

Plant regeneration from callus cultures of several soybean genotypes via embryogenesis and organogenesis.

Barwael. U.B.

Plant Regeneration By Tissue Culture : The Technology

George. E.F

Plant propogation, Third Edition.

Hortman, H.T.

Plant propogation, Third Edition.

Prentice Hall of India New Delhi.

Plant Propagation: Principles and Practices.

Hartman, H.T

Plant Propagation: Principles and Practices.

Prentice - Hall. Inc. New Jersey.

Plant Propagation. Third Edition

Hartman, H. T.

Plant Propagation. Principles and Practice. 4 nd

Hartmann H.T.

Plant Propagation. Principles and Practice. 4 nd

Prsntice-Hail, Inc. Er.giewood Cliffs, New jersey

Plant Propagation. Principles and Practice. 4 nd


Plant Propagation. Principles and Practice. 4 nd

Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New jersey

Plant Propagation. Principles and Practice

Hartmann H.T.

Prentice Hall, Inc. Englewood Clifts. New Jersey

Prentice Hall, Inc. Englewood Clifts. New Jersey

Plant Propagation. Principles & Practices. Fift Edition

Hartmann, H.T.

Plant Propagation. Principles & Practices. Fift Edition

Prentice. Hall. International. Inc. New Jersey.

Plant Propagation.

Hartman, H.T.

Prentice Hall, Englewood Clifts, New Jersey.

Plant propagation.

Hartmann, H.T.

Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd. New Delhi.

Plant Propagation.

Hartmann, H.T.

Prentice Hall, Inc. Englewood Clifts, New Jersey.

Plant propagation, principles and practises

Hartman, H. T.

Prentice Hall Intern. Inc. London


Judul Buku


Theor. Appl. Genet.

Exegetics, England

Prentice Hall of India Private, New Delhi

Hlm 503 dari 1800

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Plant propagation, principles and practises

Hartman, H. T.

Prentice Hall Intern. Inc. London

Plant Propagation, Principles and Practices



Plant Propagation, Principles and Practices

Hartman, H. T.

Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

Plant Propagation, Principles and Practices

Hartman, H.T

4th ed. Practice Hall Int. Inc. London

Plant Propagation, Principle, and Practiees (4"1 Ed.)

Hartman, H. T.

Plant Propagation, Principle, and Practiees (4"1 Ed.)

Prentiee Hall, New York. 662 pp.

Plant propagation third edition.

Hartman, H.T.,

Plant propagation third edition.

Prentice Hall of India New Delhi.

Plant Propagation Third Edition

Hartman, H. T.

Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi

Plant Propagation Third Edition

Hartman, H. T.

Prentice Hall of India Private, New Delhi

Plant Propagation Principles and Prktices.

Harman. H.T

Printice Hall of India Private Ltd. New Delhi

Plant propagation principles and practices, third edition

Hartman, H. T.

Plant propagation principles and practices, third edition

Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi

Plant Propagation Principle and Practices

Hartmann, H.T.

Plant Propagation Principle and Practices

Prentice hall of India Private LTD. New Delhi.

Plant propagation principle and practise

Hartmann, H.T

Plant Propagation by toissue culture

Geoge EF

Hanbook and directory of commercial laboratories

Basingstoke. England

Plant Propagation by toissue culture

Geoge EF

Hanbook and directory of commercial laboratories

Basingstoke. England

Plant Propagation by Tissue Culture. Handbook and Directory of Commercial Laboratories.

George, E.F.

Plant Propagation by Tissue Culture. Handbook and Directory of Commercial Laboratories.

Eastern Press, Reading, England.

Plant Propagation by Tissue Culture.

George, E.F.

Plant Propagation by Tissue Culture.

Exegetics Limited, England.

Plant propagation by tissue culture.

George, F.E.

Plant propagation by tissue culture.

George, E.F.


Judul Buku


Prentice Hall, Inc. Engelwood. New Jersey

Exegenetics Ltd. Eversley, Basingstoke, Hants. RG27 OQY, England. Plant propagation by tissue culture.

Exegetis Limited, England

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Plant propagation by tissue culture.

George, E.F.

Eversley Basingstoke.

Hants, England.

Plant propagation by tissue culture.

George, E.F.

Eversley Basingstoke.

Hants, RG27 OQY England.

Plant propagation by tissue culture.

George, E.P.

Exegotics Limited.

Plant Propagation by Tissue culture.

George, F.E.

Exegenetics Ltd. Evesley, Basingtoke, Hants. RG27 OQY, England.

Plant Propagation by Tissue culture.

George, E.V.

Eastern Press, England.

Plant Propagation By Tissue Culture.

George, E.F.

Eastern Press, England

Plant propagation by tissue culture, handbook and Directory of commercial laboratories

George EF

Exegetics Ltd England

Plant propagation by tissue culture, handbook and Directory of commercial laboratories

George EF

Exegetics Ltd England

Plant Propagation by Tissue Culture

George. E

Eastern Press

Plant Propagation by tissue Culture

George OL

Plant Propagation by Tissue Culture

George, F. E.

Plant propagation by tissue culture

George E.F

Plant propagation by tissue culture

Exegetics Ltd. England

Plant Propagation by Tissue Culture

Hartman, H. T.

Handbook and Directory of Commercial Laboratories

Exegenetics Ltd. Eversley, Basingtoke, England

Plant Propagation by Tissue Culture

George, E. F.

Plant Propagation by Tissue Culture

Hartman, H. T.

Plant Propagation by Tissue Culture

George, F. E.

Exegeties LTD

Plant Propagation by Tissue Culture

George, F. E.

Exegenetics Ltd.

Plant Propagation : Principles and Practices

Hartman. H.T

Prentice Hall. Inc. Englewood Clifft. N.J


Hand Book and Directory of Commercial Laboratories. 790p

Exegetics Ltd England

Exegenetics Ltd. Eversley, England

Exegenetics Ltd. Eversley, England Handbook and Directory of Commercial Laboratories

Exegatic Ltd. Eversley

Hlm 505 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Plant propagation : Principle and practices

Hartmann HT

New Jersey, Prentice-Hall Inc.

Plant propagation : Principle and practices

Hartmann HT

New Jersey, Prentice-Hall Inc.

Plant Propagation


Principles And Practices

Prentice-Hill. International Editions, New Jersey

Plant propagation

Mahlstede, J.P

Plant propagation

John Willey and Sons, Inc. London

Plant propagaion principles and practices

Hartman, H. T.

Plant propagaion principles and practices

Prentie-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs. New Jersey

Plant production ofbiochemical com-pounds

Cuppett, S.


Plant production and world crop production

Cramer, H.H.

Pflanzenschutznachrichten "Bayer". 20(1): 1-524.

Plant population management and breeding

Frey, K.J.

D.R. Wood (Ed.): Crop Breeding, p. 55-88.

Plant Popagation, principles and practices.

Hartman, H. T.

Plant physioogy.

Salisbury, F, B .

Plant Physiology. Terjemahan Dr. Lukman dan Sumaryono.

Salisbury, F.B.

Plant physiology. Terjemahan D. R. Lukman dan Sumaryono. Fisiologi tumbuhan jilid I

Salibury, F. B.

Penerbit ITB Bandung

Plant physiology. Terjemahan D. R. Lukman dan Sumaryono. Fisiologi tumbuhan jilid I


Penerbit ITB Bandung

Plant physiology. 4th. Ed. Plant Physiology. 4th ed

Devlin, R.M. Salisbury FB

Plant physiology. 4th. Ed.

Golden art. Print. Co. Wadsworth Publ. Company

Plant Physiology. 4"'ed.

Salisbury, F.B.

Plant Physiology. 4"'ed.

Wodsworth Publising. Company. Baltimore.

Plant Physiology.

Bidwell, R.G.S.,

Plant Physiology.

McMillan Publishing Co. Inc., New York.


Judul Buku


ASA-CSSA, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Prentice Hall, India

Plant physioogy.

Wadsworth Publ. , Belmon.CA.

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Plant Physiology.

Salisbury, F.B.

Plant physiology.

Salisbury, F.B

Plant physiology.

Wadsworth Publ.Co, Inc, Boulder, Co.

Plant Physiology.

Moher, H

Translated by Gudrun and David W. Lawlor.

Spring - Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York.

Plant Physiology.

Salisbury, F.B

Plant Physiology. Plant Physiology, First Published

Salisburry, F.B. Ridge, I.

Wadsworth Publ. Co. Inc. Plant Physiology, First Published

Belmont, California. The Open University. Walton Hall. Milton Keynes. p,269.

Plant Physiology, Biochemistry and molecular Biology

Dennis DT

Longman Scientific and Technical

Longman Singapore Publishers

Plant Physiology, 2nd ed.

Bidwell. R.G.S

Plant Physiology 4th ed.

Salisbury f.b.

Plant Physiology 4th ed.

Devlin. R.M

PWS Publishers, Boston. Massachusetts

Plant Physiology 4th ed.

Robert. D.M

National Book Store. INC. Boston

Plant Physiology 4th ed.

Salisbury. F.B

Wadworth, Belmont, CA, USA. ISBN

Plant Physiology 4th ed.

Salisbury. F.B

Wadsworth Publising Company, Belmont California

Plant physiology 2nd edition


Wadsworth, Publishng Co. Inc., Callifornia

Plant Physiology 2nd ed.

Taiz. L

Sinauer Associates Inc. Publishers, Sunderland, Massachusetts

Plant Physiology

Salisburry. F.B

Wodsworth Publ. Co. Inc. Belmont-California


Judul Buku

Penerbit Wardsworth Publishing Company. Belmont. California. A Division of Wardswoth, Inc.

4th Edition. Wodsworth Publishing Co.

Coller Mc Milkan International ed. New York Plant Physiology 4th ed.

Wadworth Publishing Company. California.

Hlm 507 dari 1800

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Judul Buku


Plant Physiology

Bidwell RGS

Plant Physiology 2nd Edition

McMillan International Edition , London

Plant Physiology

Taiz, L.

Plant Physiology

California: The Benyamin /Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.

Plant physiology

Bidwell, R.G.S.

Plant physiology

Mac Millan Publ. Co. Inc., New York.

Plant Physiology

Mac Millan Publising Co. Inc. New York.

Plant Physiology Plant physiology

Bidwell, R.G

Plant physiology

Queen's University Kingston, Canada

Plant physiology Plant Physiology

Delvin, R.M Bidwell, R.G.S.

Plant physiology Plant Physiology

3 New Delhi, Modoras Mac Millan Pub. Co., New York.

Plant Physiology Plant Physiology

Devlin, R.M. Bidwell, R.G.

3 th. New Delhi Madras Plant Physiology

Plant Physiology

Bidwell, R. G. S.

Plant physiology

Salisbury, B. W.

Plant Physiology

Salisburry FB

Wadsworth Publishing Company Inc, Belmont California

Plant Physiology

Salibury, F.B

Wadsorth Publishing Co. Inc. Belmont, California

Plant Physiology

Salisburry FB

Wadsworth Publishing Company Inc, Belmont California

Plant Physiologiy.

Bidwell, R.G.S.

MacMillan Publishing Co. Inc. New York.

Plant Phatology 4th ed.

Agrios. G.N

Academic Press. Sandiego

Plant Pests and Their Control.

Fenemore P.G.

Plant Pests and Their Control.

But- terwoth & Co Ltd. London. pp. 280.

Plant peroxides related to differentiation in vitro cultures.

Andersen, J.M.,

Molecular and Physiological Aspect of Plant Peroxides. Eds. H. Greppin, C. Penel & Th. Gaspar.

Univ. of Geneva. Switzerland. P. 353-359.


Queens University Kingstone, Ontario. Canada McMillan Publ. Co., New York

Plant physiology. Second edition

Wardsworth Publishing Company Inc. Belmont, California

Hlm 508 dari 1800

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Judul Buku


Plant Patology

Agrios, G.N

Plant Patology. Third Edition

Acad. Press. New York.

Plant pathology. The 2nd Edition.

Agrios, G. N.

Plant pathology. The 2nd Edition.

Acad. Press Inc. Orlando, Florida, USA

Plant Pathology. Ed. ke-3


Plant Pathology. Ed. ke-3

New York: Academic Press, Inc.

Plant Pathology. Ed. ke-3

Agrios, G.N.

Plant Pathology. Ed. ke-3

New York: Academic Press.

Plant Pathology.

Agrios, G.N.

Plant Pathology.

Acad. Press. NY. London, Toronto

Plant Pathology.

Agrios, G.N.

Plant Pathology.

Agrios, G.N

Plant Pathology.

4th Academic Press, Inc. San Diego

Plant Pathology, 3rd Ed.

Agrios, G.N.,

Plant Pathology, 3rd Ed.

Acad. Press. San Diego. 803 h.

Plant Pathology 4 rd

Walker, J.C

Plant Pathology 4 rd

McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. NY. London, Toronto

Plant pathology 3th ed.

Agroris, G.N.

Plant pathology 3th ed.

Academic Press, New York

Plant Pathology 3rd ed.

Agrios, G.N.,

Plant Pathology 3rd ed.

Academic Press Inc., San Diego California. 830 p.

Plant Pathology 3 rd ed

Agrios, G.N

Plant Pathology 3 rd ed

Acad. Press. NY. London

Plant Pathology


Plant Pathology

Agrios. G.N.

Plant Pathology

Academic Press Inc. San Diego. California. 803 p.

Plant pathology

Agrios GN

Plant pathology 4th ed

New York:Academic Pr

Plant Pathology

Agrios NG

Fourth Edition

Academic Press, INC London

Plant Pathology

Agrios GN

Plant pathology

Agrios GN

Plant pathology 4th ed.

Academic Press,Toronto

Plant pathology

Mehrota RS

Plant pathology.

tata Mc Graw Hill Publ Company Limited. New Dekhi

Plant Pathology

Agrios, G. N.

Plant Pathology

San Diego: Academic Press.


Academic Press, Inc. San Diego California.

Academic Press.Inc. San Diego, California

Academic Press Inc, Gainesville

Hlm 509 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

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Judul Buku


Plant Pathology

Goodman, R.N

Plant Pathology

Academic Press, London.

Plant Pathology

Agrios, G.N.

Plant Pathology

Acad. Press. NY. London, Toronto

Plant pathology

Agrios, G. N.

Plant Pathology

Agrios, G. N.

Plant Pathology

Agrios GN

Academic Press Inc, San Diego Amerika Serikat

Plant pathology

Agrios, G.N

3rd Academic Press, Inc. San Diego

Plant Pathology

Agrios GN

Academic Press Inc, San Diego Amerika Serikat

Plant Pathological Methods, Fungi and Bacteria.


Burgess Publishing Company

Plant Pathogens the Nematodes

Singh RS

International Sci.Pub New York

Plant Pathogenic Mycoplasma Like Organisms and their Effects on Plants.

Kirkpatrick, B.C.,

Strategies for Characterizing Plant Pathogenic Mycoplasma Like Organisms and their Effects on Plants.

Plant Pathogenesis.

Wheeler, H.,

Plant Pathogenesis.

Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. New York. 106 h.

Plant Parasitic Nematodes of the Pasific.

William, K.J.O


Survey of Agriculture Pests and Diseases in the South Pasific.

Plant Parasitic Nematodes of the Pasific

Wlliams KJO


Survey of Agriculture Pests and Diseases in the South Pasific

Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Subtropical and Tropical Agriculture.

Luc M.

Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Subtropical and Tropical Agriculture.

CA.B, Int Inst, of Parasitology, 6^5 p

Plant Parasitic Nematodes In Secondary Food Crops (Palawija) On Dryland (Tegal) In Indonesia (East Java, Madura and Lombok)

Maas. P.W

Research Institute For Crop Protection (IPO), Wageningen, The Netherland

Plant Nutrition: An Introduction to Current Conceps.

Glass, A.D.M

Jones and Bartlett Publ.


Acad. Press Inc. Orlando, Florida, USA The 2nd edition

Acad. Press Inc. Orlando Florida USA

Boston/Portola Valley, MA.

Hlm 510 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Plant nutrition. Short course in plant growth and nutrition

Blair, G.1.

Plant nutrition. Short course in plant growth and nutrition

Australian Asian Universities Cooperation Scheme. Unhas.

Plant Nematodes and their Control (Phytonematology).

Decker, H

Plant Nematodes and their Control (Phytonematology).

New Delhi, Bombay, New York

Plant molecular biology: a laboratory manual

dark MS (Ed)

Plant molecular biology: a laboratory manual

Heidelberg: Springer.

Plant Molecular Biology Rep. Plant microtechnique.

Jefferson, R.A. Johansen, D.A.,

Plant microtechnique.

McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York. P. 8-208.

Plant Microtechnique

Johansen DJ

Plant Microtechnique

McGraw-Hill New York and London

Plant Microbiology Plant Microbiology

Campell.R Campbell,R.

Plant Microbe Interactions In The Izosphere In Boersma (ed)

Elliot. L.F

Future Development in Soil Science Research

Soil Science Society of Amerika Inc. Madison. Wincosin. USA

Plant Hormones and Their Role Plant Growth and Development


Plant Hormones and Their Role Plant Growth and Development

Martinus Nijhoff Publisher.

Plant Hormones and Their Role in Plant Gorwth and Development

Davis, P.J

Plant Growth: Interaction Nutrition and Environment

Porter. J.R.

Plant Growth: Interaction Nutrition and Environment

Plant growth subtances in agriculture.

Weaver, R.J.

W.H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco.

Plant Growth Subtances


London. Leonard Hill. G.A.D

Plant Growth Subtance, Including Application inAgriCultur


Haryana Agriculture University, Hissar

Plant Growth Subtance In Agriculture


WH. Freeman and Company

WH. Freeman and Company

Plant Growth Substances, Vol. 1. Chemistry and physiology

Audus, L. J.

Plant Growth Substances, Vol. 1. Chemistry and physiology

Leonard Hill. London

Plant Growth Substances Vol. 1

Audus, L.J.

Chemistry and Physiology

Leonard Hill, London


Plant Microbiology

Edward Arnold.Victoria London: Edward Arnold.

3rd ed. Practise Hall Int. Inc. London Cambridge University Press. New York.

Hlm 511 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Plant growth substances vol. 1

Audus, L.J.

Chemistry and Physiology

Leonard Hill London

Plant growth Substances Including Application in Agriculture

Krishnamoorty, N. H.

Plant growth Substances Including Application in Agriculture

Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. New Delhi

Plant growth substances in agriculture

Weaver, R. J.

Plant growth substances in agriculture

University of California, San Fransisco

Plant Growth Substances in Agriculture


W. H. Freeman and Company, San Fransisco

Plant Growth Substances in Agriculture


W. H. Freeman and Company, San Fransisco

Plant Growth Substances in Agriculture


Plant growth substance.

Nickell, L.G.

Plant growth responses to vesicular arbuscular plants

Moose B

Tropical Mycorrhiza Research

Plant growth responses to vescular arbuscular mycorrhiza IV

Mosse B

Soil Given Additional Phosphate

Plant Growth Regulator,Agriculture Use.


Springer Verlag

Berlin, Heidelberg, New York

Plant Growth and Development.

Vergara, B. S.

In Rice Production Manual

Univ. of Philippines and The IRRI

Plant Growth and Development.

Leopold, A.C.

Plant growth and development

Leopold, A. C.

Plant growth and development

Leopold AD

Tata Mc Graw Hill Book co New Delhi

Plant growth and development

Leopold AD

Tata Mc Graw Hill Book co New Delhi

Plant Growth Analysis

Hunt, R

Edward arnold Publisher Ltd. London

Plant Growth Analisis.

Hunt, R.

Edward Arnold Publisher Ltd. London.

Plant Growt Substances in Agriculture

Weaver, R.J.


Plant Growth Substances in Agriculture

W. H. Freeman and Company, San Fransisco John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York. Clarendon Press. Oxford New York

2nd McGraw Hill Book Co, New York Plant growth and development

Plant Growt Substances in Agriculture

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Haryana Agriculture University. Tata MC Grawhill Co. Limited New Delhi

Plant Growt Substaces, including in agriculture

Krishnamoorthy HN

Haryana Agriculture University. Tata MC Grawhill Co. Limited New Delhi

Plant growt substances including applications in Agriculture

Krisnhnamoorthy, H.N

Plant growt substances including applications in Agriculture

Tata McGra Hill Publ. Co. New Delhi.

Plant Giowth Substances in Agriculture

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Plant Giowth Substances in Agriculture

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Plant Cell Culture, a Practical Aproach

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Plant cell culture a practical approach.

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Plant breeding for stress environments.

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Plant Breeding for Stress Environments

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Plant biotechnology in Agriculture.

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Plant and soil water relationships : a Modern syntesis

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Plant and soil water relationships : a Modern syntesis

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Plant and Environment

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Plant analysis handbook

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Plant Analysis Handbook

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Plant Analysis Handbook

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Plant & Soil water relationship. A Modern Synthesis

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Plant & Soil water relationship. A Modern Synthesis

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Plant Pathological Methods : Fungi and Bacteria

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Plant Pathological Methods : Fungi and Bacteria

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Plant Growth and Development

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Planned Change in Farming Systems: Progress in On-Farm Research

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Planktonologi. Fakultas Perikanan

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Pinus merkusii tast growing timber trees of the low land tropics

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Pinus merkusii tast growing timber trees of the low land tropics

Commonwealth Forestry Institute Departement of Forestry University ofOxford.Oxford

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Physiology Aspect of Lodging

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Physiological Chages during storage that effect soybean seed quality.

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Physiological Chages during storage that effect soybean seed quality.

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Physiological aspect of nutrition. In Oil Palm Research

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Physiological and Ecological Studies an The Analysis of Plant Environment XI. A Further Assessment of Influence of Shading on The Growth of Different Species in Vegetative Phase

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Physiological and Biochemical Effect Of Controlled Atmosphere on Fruit and Vegetable

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Food Preservation by Modified Atmosphere

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Physiological and Biochemical Effect of Controlled Atmosphere on Fruit And Vegetable

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Physico-Chemical Asp[ects of Pedogenesis

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Physico chemical of goat milk as district from international dairy federation

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Symp. Camb.. England. Oriel Press,


Soil Physics and Rice. International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Philippines

Hlm 526 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Physical properties of foods and food processing systems.

Lewis, M. J.

Chichester, Ellis Horwood Ltd.

Physical Properties Of Foods

Peleg. M.

AVI Publishing Company. Connecticut

Physical Properties of Food : What They Are and Their Relation To Other Food Properties (In Peleg. And Bagley)

Szczesniak. A.S

AVI Publishing Company. Connecticut

Physical properties of fat and fatty acids. In: Bailey's industrial oil and fat products, Vol. 1. D. Swen (ed.)

Formo, M. W.

John Willey and sons Inc., New York

Physical Properties and Processes of Puddled Rice Soils

Sarma. P.K

Advance in Soil Science

Springer-Verlag. New York

Physical Properties : di dalam D. Swern (ed) Bailey's Industrial Oil and Fat Products.

Fonno. M. W.

Bailey's Industrial Oil and Fat Products.

John Wiley and Sons. New York.

Physical Properties : di dalam D. Swern (cd) Bailee's Industrial Oil and Fat Products.

Formo. M. W

Bailee's Industrial Oil and Fat Products.

John Wiley and Sons. New York.

Physical oceanography of the Southeast Asian Waters. Naga Report, Vol.2,

Wyrtki, K.,

Physical oceanography of the Southeast Asian Waters. Naga Report, Vol.2,

Univ.of California. p. 1195.

Physical Oceanography of the South EastAsia Waters.

Wyrtki, K

Naga Report. Vol II. University ofCalifornia.

Physical Oceanography of the South East Asia Waters.

Wyrtki, K

Naga Report. Vol II.

University of California.

Physical oceanography of the southeast Asian waters

Wyrtki, K.

Naga Report

Scripps Inst. Oceanogr. Univ. Calif. 2: 1-195.

Physical chemistry with biological application

Laidler, K. J

Physical chemistry with biological application

The Benjamin/Cumming publishing Company, Inc. California

Physical Chemistry of Surfaces

Adamson. A.W


Judul Buku


Interscience Publisher. Inc. New York

Hlm 527 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Physical characteristics of soil in the tropics: determination and management

Lal, R.

Physical biological and chemical control intregrated for soil borne disease in potatoes.

Elad, Y.

Physical and performance properties of leather. In: the chemistry and technology of leather. Vol. IV.

Kanagy, J. R.

Robert E. Kriger Publ. Co. Huntington, New York.

Physical and chemical properties of reducing sugars. Vol. 1

Mcdonald, F. J.

Elsevier Publ. Co. New York

Physical and Chemical Characteristics of peat Soil of Indonesia

Widjaja-Adhi, I.P.G

Centre for Soil Research. Bogor, Indonesia

Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Malaysian Palm Kernel Cake (PKC).

Chong, C. H.

MSAP Conference.

Phylogeniedel'ADNMitochondria l, Structure Geographique et Reconstruction de I'histoire Evolutive des Populations du Complexes D'espece Decapterus cf. russelli Dans Ie Sud-est Asiatique.

Perrin, C.

Mem. DEA. Univ. Mediterranee Aix-Marseille II. ORSTOM/lab. Genome et Populations, CNRS UPR 9060. 43 pp.

Phylogenetic and systematic Inferences from Electrophoresis Studies.

Crawford DJ

Isozymes in Plant Genetics and breeding Part A

Elsevier Science Publ. Comp. Inc. New York

PHYLIP (Phylogeny Inference Package), version 3.7c.

Felsenstein, J.,

PHYLIP (Phylogeny Inference Package), version 3.7c.

Department of Genetics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.

PHT SDT/SDR Rintisan

Program Nasional/PHT

Program Nasional PHT, Jakarta

Photosynthetic response to varying light intensity in ecotypes of solarium dulcamata L. From shaded an exposed habitats.

Gauhl, L.



Judul Buku

Penerbit John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York


Hlm 528 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Photosynthesis: Meta-bolism, control, and Physiology.


Photosynthesis, growth, and production modeling of oil palm (E. guneensis Jacq.)

Dufrene, E.

Photosynthesis under field condition : An aerodynamic methode for determinating turbulent CO2 exchange between atmosphere and a corn field .

Lemon ,E. R.

Photosynthesis and carbon assimilation

Judul Buku

Penerbit John Wiley and Sons, Inc, Inc. New York.

Photosynthesis, growth, and production modeling of oil palm (E. guneensis Jacq.) Univ. De Paris-Sud Centre d' orsay. Thesis.


Farquhar, G.D

K.J. Boote ; J.M. Bennet ; T.R. Sinclair ; & G.M. Paulsen (Eds.). Physiology and Determination of Crop Yield

Am. Soc. Of Agron. Crop Sci. Soc. Of Am. And Soil Sci. Soc. Of Am. Madison. Wisconsin

Photosynthesis and carbohydrate formation, hlm. 837-843

Madore, M.A.

M. Pessarakli (ed.), Hand Book of Photosynthesis

New York: University of Arizona.

Photosynthesis Photosynthate and NitrogenRequirements For Seed Production By Various Crops

Ceulman RJ Sinclair. T.R

Physiology of trees

john Wiley & sons NY Science (Washington. D.C)

Photosyntesis Molecular, Physiological and environmental Processes. 2nd ed

Lawlor DW

Longman scientific & Technical

Burnt Mill, Harlow

Photosyntesis and seed Metabolism

Orgen, W.L

B.E. Cadwell (Ed). Soybean improvement, production and Uses

Am. Soc. Agron. Inc. Madison, U.S.A

Photogrametri and Photo Interpretation with a Section on Application to Forestry, arial Photograph in Forestry


The Ronald Press Company, New York

Phosphorus-zinc Interaction in Relation to Absorption Rates of Phosphorus, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, and Iron in Cron

Safaya. N.M

Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Publ.

Phosphorus Function In Plant

Walingford. W


Phosphorus For Agriculture : situation Analysis

Potash/Phosphate Institute, Atalanta Hlm 529 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Phosphorus defficiency in tropical soils as constrains on agricultural out put. In soil related constrain to food production intropics

Dabin, B.

Phosphorus and Nitrogen Limited Photosintesis and Growth of Gracilaria tikvahiae (rhodophyceae) in Florida Keys:

Lapointe, B.E

Phosphorus and Nitrogen Limited Photosintesis and Growth of Gracilaria tikvahiae (rhodophyceae) in Florida Keys:

An Experimental Field Study. Mar. Biol


Olsen. S.R

Methods of Soil Analysis II Chemcal and Microbiological Properties 2nd ed.

ASA Madison. Wicosin

Phosphors, in: W.D.P Steawart (ed.) : Algal Physiology and Biochemistry.

Kuhl. A

Phosphors, in: W.D.P Steawart (ed.) : Algal Physiology and Biochemistry.

Blackwell Scientific Publications. Bot. Monog

Phosphorous a basic nutrient for soil improvement.

Fox, R.L.

Phosphate sorption parameters of representative soils trom Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Syers, J.K.

Phosphate Sorption Parameters of Representative Soils from Rio Grande do Sul

Syers, J.K

Brazil Soil Sci

Phosphate Sorption By Soils Evaluated by Langmuir Adsorption Equation

Syers. J.K

Soil. Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc

Phosphate retention in different soil taxonomic classes

Bumham, C.P

Soil Sci

Phosphate Minerals In: Dixon, J. and S.B. Weed (Eds). 1989: Minerals in Soil Environment.

Lindsay, W.L.

Soil Sein. Soc. Amer.

Madison, Wiconsin


Collins, G.B.

In vitro tissue culture and plant regeneration in Trifloium pratense L. In: E.D. Early and Y. Demarly (eds) Variability in plants regenerated from tissue culture. Page 22-34

Praeger Publ. New York


Soil Sci. 112: 267-275.

Hlm 530 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pheromones and other recent developments in biochemical pest management

Beebor, P.S.

Chemistry and World Food Supplies. . pp. 163-171.

The New Frontiers, Chemrown II, Pergamon Press

Phenotypic and genetic parameters of weaning weight traits in Dorper sheep in Zimbabwe

Buvanedran, V

Small Ruminant Research

Phenotypic and genetic parameters for lamb weight in a synthetic line of sheep

Martin, T.G

Animal Production

Phenolic Resin Adhesives for Wood

Japanese Industrial Standart

JIS K 6802-1987

Japanese Standart Association Japan

Phenolic acids in soil and their influence of plant growth and soil microbial processes

Hartley, R.D

Soil Organic Matter and Biological Activity. Vaughan, D & R.E. Malcolm (Eds)

Martinus Nijhoff/DR W. Junk Publisher. Lancaster

Phenolic acids in soil and their influence on plant growth and soil microbial processes. p. 109-149

Hartley, R.D.

D. Vaughan and R.E. Malcolm (Eds). Soil organic matter and biological activity. Martinus Nijhoff/DR. W. Junk Pub. Lancaste.

Phenolic Acid Soils And Their Influence Of Plant Growth And Soil Microbial Pocesses

Hartley. R.D.

Soil Organic Matter and Biological Activity

Pharmacuties : The Sience of Dodage From Design.

Aulton, E.M.

Vchrichill Ling-stone Edinburgh. London,Melbourne and New York.

Pharmacology. 4th Ed.

Jacob, L.S

Pharmacology. 4th Ed.

Hongkong-BaltimorePhiladelphia-LondonMunich-Sydney-Tokyo. A Warverly Company, pp. 230-232.

Pharmacology and Physiology in Anesthesia Practice

Stoelting R.K

Pharmacology and Physiology in Anesthesia Practice

J.B. Lippincott Company. Philadelphia, p. 134-141.


Crossland, J


Martinus Nijhoff/DR. W. Junk Publisher. Lancaster

4th ed. The Williams and Wilkin Comp. Baltimore

Hlm 531 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pharmacological Agents for manipulating Oestrus abd Ovulation in the Ewe

Scaramuzi RJ

Lindsay DR, DT Perarce (ed) Reproduction in sheep

Cambridge University press Cambridge

Pharmacokinetic and Local Tolerance of Long Action Oxytetracycline Formulation on Camels

Oukersson. M. V

Pharmacokinetic and Local Tolerance of Long Action Oxytetracycline Formulation on Camels

Veterinary Medical Association

Pharmaceuticals from the Sea

Andersen, R.J.

Chemistry in the Marine Environment (ed. R.E. Hester and R.M. Harisson) : issue in Environmental Science and Technology, .No. 13. p. 55-79.

Pharmaceutical microbiology

Hugo, W. B.

Pharmaceutical microbiology

Blackwell Scientific Publ., Oxford.

Pharmaceutical Microbiology

Hugo, W.B.

Pharmaceutical Microbiology

Blackwell Scientific Publ., Oxford.

Pharmaceutical Microbiology

Hugo, W.B.

Pharmaceutical Microbiology

Blackwell Sci. Publ. Oxford.

Pharmaceutical Analysis Modern Methode. Part B.

Munson, J.W.

Pharmaceutical Analysis Modern Methode. Part B.

Marcel Dekker. Inc. The Upjohn Company. Kalamazoo, Michigan. 417 pp.

PGB 301 vector plasmid family and its use for molecular cloningin streptococci

Behnke, D.

microbiology-1982, American society for microbiology. Washington, D. C.

Pewilayahan Komoditas di Kabupaten Pasuruan


Pewilayahan Komoditas di Kabupaten Pasuruan

Pewi layahan Komoditas di Kabupaten Pasuruan


Pewi layahan Komoditas di Kabupaten Pasuruan

Pewarisan sifat komponen hasil padi gogo (Oryza sativa L)


Ilmu Pertanian V (2): 613-622

UGM Yogyakarta

Peunjuk Praktis Pencatatan dan Pelaporan Pendataan Keluarga Sejahtera Gerakan KB Nasional, Jakarta


Petunjuk Teknis TPTI. Departemen Kehutanan, Jakarta.1992. Manual Kehutanan.


Petunjuk Teknis TPTI. Departemen Kehutanan, Jakarta.1992. Manual Kehutanan.

Departemen Kehutanan. Jakarta.

Petunjuk Teknis TPTI pada hutan alam daratan.

Departemen Kehutanan, Jakarta.

Petunjuk Teknis TPTI pada hutan alam daratan. Buku

Hlm 532 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Petunjuk teknis termite control


Petunjuk teknis termite control PT Hetero Cendekia. Jakarta

Petunjuk Teknis Tebang Pilih Tanam Indonesia pada Hutan Alam Daratan.

Direktorat Jenderal Pengusahaan Hutan.


Departemen Kehutanan, Jakarta.

Petunjuk Teknis Tebang Pilih Tanam Indonesia pada Hutan Alam Daratan.

Petunjuk Teknis Tebang Pilih Tanam Indonesia pada Hutan Alam Daratan.

Departemen Kehutanan, Jakarta.

Petunjuk Teknis Tebang Pilih Tanam Indonesia (TPTI) pada hutan alam daratan.

Petunjuk Teknis Tebang Pilih Tanam Indonesia (TPTI) pada hutan alam daratan.

Departemen Kehutanan. Jakarta.

Petunjuk Teknis Sentra Pengembangan Agribisnis Komoditas Unggulan Ayam Buras

Direktorat Bina Penyebaran dan Pengembangan Peternakan. DITJEN Petemakan, DEPTAN. Jakarta

Petunjuk Teknis Sentra Pengembangan Agribisnis Komoditas Unggulan Ayam Buras


Petunjuk Teknis Petugas Palpasi Survei Pemetaan GAKI

Depkes R.I

Petunjuk Teknis Pengolahan The


Petunjuk Teknis Pengolahan The

Pusat Penelitian Teh dan Kina Gambung, Bandung

Petunjuk Teknis Pengolahan Teh

Arifin S.M

Petunjuk Teknis Pengolahan Teh

Pusat Penelutian Teh dan Kina Gambung, Bandung

Petunjuk Teknis Pengelolaan perairan waduk bagi Pembangunan perikanan

S. Ilyas

Seri Peengembangan Hasil Penelitian Perikanan No. PHP/KAN/07/1989

Badan Litbang Pertanian, Jakarta

Petunjuk Teknis Pengelolaan Perairan Umum bagi Pengembangan Perikanan. Seri Pengembangan Hasil Penelitian Perikanan No.PHP/KAN/09/1990.

Ilyas, S.

Petunjuk Teknis Pengelolaan Perairan Umum bagi Pengembangan Perikanan. Seri Pengembangan Hasil Penelitian Perikanan No.PHP/KAN/09/1990.

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. 80 hal.

Petunjuk Teknis Pengelolaan Perairan Umum bagi Pengembangan Perikanan.

llyas, S.

Seri Pengembangan Hasil Penelitian Perikanan,No.PHP/KAN/09/1990.

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. 80 pp.


Direktorat Jendral Bina Gizi Masyarakat, Jakarta

Hlm 533 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Petunjuk teknis pengelolaan perairan umum bagi pengembangan perikanan.

Ilyas, S. et at.

Seri Pengembangan Hasil Penelitian Perikanan. No.PHP/KAN/09/1990.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perikanan Jakarta. 62 pp.

Petunjuk teknis pengelolaan perairan umum bagi pcngembangan pcrikanan

Ilyas, S.

Seri Pengembangan Hasil Penelitian Perikanan No. HP/KAN/09/1990. 80 hlm.

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Jakarta.

Petunjuk Teknis Pendataan dan Pemetaan Keluarga Sejahtera Gerakan KB Nasional

Biro Pencatatan dan Pelaporan, Jakarta.

Petunjuk Teknis Pendataan dan Pemetaan Keluarga Sejahtera Gerakan KB Nasional Petunjuk Teknis Pemeliharaan Sapi Perah


Petunjuk teknis pembuatan arang aktif Bagian Proyek Litbang Pemanfaatan Hasil Hutan Tanaman Industri.

Sudradjat, R.

Petunjuk teknis pembuatan arang aktif Bagian Proyek Litbang Pemanfaatan Hasil Hutan Tanaman Industri.

Pusat Litbang Hasil Hutan dan Sosek Kehutanan. Badan Litbang Kehutanan.

Petunjuk Teknis Pembinaan Limbah dan Teknik Pengolahan Jerami Padi dengan Cara Amoniasi.

Wiryosuhanto, S.D

Petunjuk Teknis Pembinaan Limbah dan Teknik Pengolahan Jerami Padi dengan Cara Amoniasi.

Direktorat Bina Produksi Peternakan. Jakarta, hlm. 14-25.

Petunjuk Teknis Inseminasi Buatan


Petunjuk Teknis Inseminasi Buatan

Balai Inseminasi Buatan, Singosari, Malang

Petunjuk Teknis Informasi Peternakan.

Bag. Proyek Pengembangan Sapi Perah, BPT - HMT, Batu Raden

Petunjuk Teknis Informasi Peternakan.

Petunjuk Teknis Evaluasi Lahan. Puslittanak dan P4N,

Djaenudin. D.

Badan Litbang Pertanian.

Petunjuk Teknis Evaluasi Lahan. Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat,

Djaenudin, D.

Petunjuk Teknis Evaluasi Lahan. Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat,

Badan Litbang Pertanian, Bogor.

Petunjuk Teknis Evaluasi Lahan.


Petunjuk Teknis Evaluasi Lahan.

Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat, Bogor.

Petunjuk teknis evaluasi lahan.


Petunjuk teknis evaluasi lahan.


Petunjuk teknis evaluasi lahan.



Pusat penelitian tanah dan agroklimat

Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat.

Hlm 534 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Petunjuk Teknis Evaluasi Lahan

Tim Pusat Penelitian tanah dan Agroklimat

Dok. Puslittanak. Bogor

Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat

Petunjuk Teknis Evaluasi Lahan

Tim Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat

Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat

Petunjuk Teknis Evaluasi Lahan Petunjuk Teknis Evaluasi Lahan

Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat PPT-Agroklimat

Petunjuk Teknis Evaluasi Lahan

Deptan. Jakarta Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat Kerjasam Proyek Pembangunan Penelitian Pertanian Nasional dengan Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Departemen pertanian


Petunjuk teknis evaluasi lahan


Pusat penelitian tanah dan Agroklimat

Kerjasama dengan proyek pembangunan penelitian pertanian Nasional, Badan Litbangtan, Deptan, Jakarta

Petunjuk Teknis Budidaya Rumput Laut


Petunjuk Teknis Budidaya Rumput Laut

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembagan Pertanian, Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta.

Petunjuk Teknis Budidaya Perikanan.


Petunjuk Teknis Budidaya Perikanan.

Dinas Perikanan Riau. Pekanbaru.

Petunjuk Teknis Budidaya Pakan Alami Ikan dan Udang.

Puslitbangkan Jakarta

Petunjuk Teknis Budidaya Pakan Alami Ikan dan Udang.

Puslitbangkan Jakarta. 84 pp.

Petunjuk Teknis Budidaya pakan Alami Ikan dan Udang.

Chumaidi et al.

Petunjuk Teknis Budidaya pakan Alami Ikan dan Udang.

Puslitbangkan Jakarta 84 PP.

Petunjuk Teknis Budidaya Pakan Alami Ikan dan Udang


Petunjuk Teknis Budidaya Pakan Alami Ikan dan Udang

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perikanan. Jakarta.


Hlm 535 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Petunjuk Teknis Budidaya Ikan Nila Merah, Karper dan Bandeng. Disusun dalam rangka pengembangan usaha penkanan komoditas ung-gulan


Petunjuk Teknis Budidaya Ikan Nila Merah, Karper dan Bandeng. Disusun dalam rangka pengembangan usaha penkanan komoditas ung-gulan

Proyek Pengembangan Penkanan Rakyat di Jawa Tengah

Petunjuk Teknis Budidaya Ikan Nila Merah,

Departernen Pertanian.

Petunjuk Teknis Budidaya Ikan Nila Merah,

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan. Jakarta. 110 hal.

Petunjuk Teknis Budidaya dan Konservasi Lahan Kering


Petunjuk Teknis Budidaya dan Konservasi Lahan Kering


Petunjuk Teknis Budidaya dan Konservasi Lahan Kering

SP2UK-PPLK Jawa Timur, Malang.

Petunjuk Teknis Budidaya dan Konservasi Lahan Kering


Petunjuk Teknis Budidaya dan Konservasi

SP2UK-PPLK Jawa Timur, Malang.

Petunjuk teknis budidaya alami ikan dan udang

S. Chumaedi

Petunjuk teknis budidaya alami ikan dan udang

Puslitbang Perikanan, Jakarta

Petunjuk Teknis Budi Daya Tanaman Buah-buahan, Sayuran dan Tanaman Obatobatan


Petunjuk Teknis Budi Daya Tanaman Buah-buahan, Sayuran dan Tanaman Obat-obatan

Direktur Jenderal Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura, Jakarta. hlm 40-46.

Petunjuk Teknis Budi Daya lkan Nila. PHP/KAN/PT 17/1991.

Jangkaru, Z.

Petunjuk Teknis Budi Daya lkan Nila. PHP/KAN/PT 17/1991.

Puslitbang Perikanan, Jakarta.

Petunjuk teknis bagi pengoperasian unit usaha pembesaran udang Windu

S. Ilyas

Seri Pengembangan Hasil Penelitian Perikanan no. PHP/KAN/02/1987, Departemen Pertanian, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perikanan, Jakarta

Petunjuk tcknis pembuatan arang aktif.


Petunjuk tcknis pembuatan arang aktif.

Badan Penelitian dan Pengcmbangan Kelnilaiiun, Jakarta.

Petunjuk studi lapangan PHT sayuran.


Petunjuk studi lapangan PHT sayuran.

Kerjasama Balista dengan Program Nasional Pengendalian Hama Terpadu. Departemen Pertanian.


SP2UK-PPLK Jawa Timur, Malang

Hlm 536 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Petunjuk studi lapangan pengendalian hama terpadu sayuran

Departemen Pertanian

Dep. Pertanian

Petunjuk studi lapangan pengendalian hama terpadu sayuran

Departemen Pertanian

Dep. Pertanian

Petunjuk Sederhana Bagi Pemeliharaan Ulat Sutera

Katsumata, F.

Petunjuk Sederhana Bagi Pemeliharaan Ulat Sutera

Tokyo, Jepang.

Petunjuk Praktis Mencegah dan Mengobati Penyakit Jantung

Patel, C

Petunjuk Praktis Mencegah dan Mengobati Penyakit Jantung

Terjemahan oleh Widodo, ATK. Gramedia. Jakarta.

Petunjuk praktis budidaya lebah madu ( Apis cerena)

Perum Prehutani

Perum Perhutani Jakarta

Petunjuk praktis budi daya perikanan (Suatu rangkuman)

Arsyad, H.

Petunjuk praktis budi daya perikanan (Suatu rangkuman)

Petunjuk praktis beternak sapi perah. Cetakan ke-1


Petunjuk Praktis Beternak Babi

Sihombing, D. T. H

Petunjuk Praktis Beternak Babi

Fakultas Peternakan IPB, Bogor

Petunjuk Praktis Bertanam Petunjuk Praktikum Phatilogi Serangga dan Pembiakan Massal Mikroorganisme Patogenik

Anominous Situmorang.J

Petunjuk Praktis Bertanam Fak. Biologi UGM Jogjakarta

Kanisius. Yogyakarta Fak. Biologi UGM Jogjakarta

Petunjuk Praktikum Kimia Kayu


Fakultas Kehutanan UGM Yogyakarta

Tidak di Terbitkan

Petunjuk Praktikum Ilmu Tanah Umum

Departemen Ilmu Tanah-UGM

Petunjuk Praktikum Ilmu Penyakit Viral. Lab. Virologi dan Imunologi FKH Unair.

Ernawati, R.

Petunjuk Praktikum Ilmu Penyakit Viral. Lab. Virologi dan Imunologi FKH Unair.

Petunjuk Praktikum Fisika Kayu

Marsoem, S.N.

Petunjuk Praktikum Fisika Kayu

Fakultas Kehutanan UGM, Yogyakarta.

Petunjuk Praktikum Enzimologi.

PAU Bioteknologi ITB

Petunjuk Praktikum Enzimologi.

Pusat Antar Universitas Bioteknologi Bandung (tidak diterbitkan)

Petunjuk Praktek Pengawasan Mutu Hasil Pertanian 2


Dep. Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan R.I


Judul Buku


PD. Mahkota, Jakarta. 63 hlm. Kanisius, Yogyakarta

Yayanan Pembina Fakultas Pertanian UGM. Yogyakarta

Hlm 537 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Petunjuk perecanaan pengairan, seksi perencanaan pengairan, dinas Dep PU Prop Jateng


Petunjuk Penilaian Organoleptik Produk Perikanan. SNI - 01 2346

Dewan Standariasi Nasional

Petunjuk Penilaian Organoleptik Produk Perikanan. SNI - 01 2346

Departement Perindustrian Rl. Jakarta.

Petunjuk Pengujian Kualitas Gondorukem


Petunjuk Pengujian Kualitas Gondorukem

Yayasan Pembina Fakultas Kehutanan. Universitas Gadjah Mada. Yogyakarta.

Petunjuk Penggunaan Urea Tablet



Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Propinsi Dati l Jawa Timur. Sura-baya

Petunjuk Penggunaan Pupuk.

Lingga, P.

Petunjuk Penggunaan Pupuk.

PT. Penebar Swadaya Jakarta

Petunjuk Penggunaan Pupuk.

Lingga, P

Petunjuk Penggunaan Pupuk Daun

Effendi, S

Petunjuk Penggunaan Pupuk Daun

Yasaguna, Ja-karta.

Petunjuk penggunaan pupuk

Lingga, P

Petunjuk penggunaan pupuk

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta

Petunjuk Penggunaan Pupuk

Lingga, P.

Petunjuk Penggunaan Pupuk

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Petunjuk Penggunaan Pupuk

Lingga, P.

Petunjuk Penggunaan Pupuk

PT. Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Petunjuk Penggunaan Pupuk

Lingga, P.

Petunjuk penggunaan pupuk

Lingga, P.

Petunjuk penggunaan pupuk

Lingga P

PT Penebar Swadaya Jakarta

Petunjuk penggunaan pupuk

Lingga P

PT Penebar Swadaya Jakarta

Petunjuk penggunaan Pro-Gibb 2%


Petunjuk penggunaan Pro-Gibb 2%


Petunjuk Pengendalian dan Pemanfaatan Keong Emas

Pitojo, S.

Ungaran Trubus Agriwidya

Petunjuk Peng gunaan Pupuk

Indranada, H.K.

Petunjuk Peng gunaan Pupuk


Judul Buku

Penerbit Semarang

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta Petunjuk penggunaan pupuk

Penebar swadaya Jakarta

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta

Hlm 538 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Petunjuk PenampunganProsesing-Distribusi dan Evaluasi Mani Beku di Balai Inseminasi buatan Singosari.


Petunjuk PenampunganProsesing-Distribusi dan Evaluasi Mani Beku di Balai Inseminasi buatan Singosari.

Petunjuk PenampunganProduksi- Distribusi dan Evaluasi Semen Beku di Balai Inseminasi Buatan.


Petunjuk Penampungan-ProduksiDistribusi dan Evaluasi Semen Beku di Balai Inseminasi Buatan.

Petunjuk Penampungan, produksi, distribusi dan evaluasi semen beku


Petunjuk Penampungan, produksi, distribusi dan evaluasi semen beku

BIB Singosari, Malang

Petunjuk Pembuatan dan Pengoperasian Alat Tangkap Udang.


Petunjuk Pembuatan dan Pengoperasian Alat Tangkap Udang.

Balai Pengembangan Penangkapan Ikan Semarang.

Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Teknis SII Untuk Dodol

Handono. S.W

Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Peraturan Mentri Kesehatan RI No.240/Menkes/Per/V/85 tentang Pengganti Air Suzu Ibu

Direktorat Bina Gizi Masyarakat

BBIHP. Bogor Direktorat Bina Gizi Masyarakat, Direktorat Jendral Pembinaan Kesehatan Masyarakat, Departemen Kesehatan RI.Jakarta

Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Peran Serta Perguruan Tinggi dalam Pembangunan Keluarga Melalui Pengembangan Usaha Ekonomi Produktif Keluarga

Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Peran Serta Perguruan Tinggi dalam Pembangunan Keluarga Melalui Pengembangan Usaha Ekonomi Produktif Keluarga

BKKBN. Jakarta.

Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Pengembangan Pilot Proyek Kredit Usaha Tani Konservasi Tanah (P3KUK)

Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Pengembangan Pilot Proyek Kredit Usaha Tani Konservasi Tanah (P3KUK)

Dit. Kesesuaian Tanah, Kerjasama Dephut, BI dan Deptan.

Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Pengelolaan Penelitian di Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi (Dikti). Edisi III.

Direktorat Pembinaan Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.Jakarta

Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Pengelolaan Penelitian di Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi (Dikti). Edisi III.



Hlm 539 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Penataan Lahan dan Air untuk Pengembangan SUP Lahan Pasang Surut Sumatera Selatan

Kasdi Subagyono

Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Penataan Lahan dan Air untuk Pengembangan SUP Lahan Pasang Surut Sumatera Selatan

Departemen Pertanian. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Proyek Pengembangan SUP Lahan Pasang Surut Sumatera Selatan.

Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Pembinaan Kelompok Tani, Dirjen Tanaman Pangan


Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Pembinaan Kelompok Tani, Dirjen Tanaman Pangan

Direktorat Bina Penyuluhan Tanaman Pangan Kalimantan Timur, Samarinda

Petunjuk pelaksanaan pembinaan kelompok tani, Dirjen tanaman pangan


Petunjuk pelaksanaan pembinaan kelompok tani, Dirjen tanaman pangan

Direktorat bina penyuluhan tanaman pangan Kalimantan Timur Samarindah

Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Pemberian Kapsul Minyak Beruodium

Depkes R.I

Direktorat Bina Gizi Masyarakat dan Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Gizi

Depkes R.I, Jakarta

Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Inpres No. 4/1984,


Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Inpres No. 4/1984

Departemen Koperasi, Direktorat Jenderal Bina Lembaga Koperasi. Jakarta Departemen Pertanian. Jakarta

Petunjuk Pelaksanaan dan Pedoman Teknis Kegiatan Perluasan Areal Tanaman Dalam Rangka Upsus Peningkatan Ketahanan Pangan Nasional Melalui Pemberdayaan Masyarakat/Petani TA 1998/1999

Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Crash Program Rehabilitasi Perunggasan Ayam Ras.

Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Crash Program Rehabilitasi Perunggasan Ayam Ras.

Direktorat Jenderal Peternakan. Jakarta

Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Keputusan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 18 Tahun 1992

Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Keputusan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 18 Tahun 1992

Ditjen. Pembangunan Masy. Desa, Dit. Pembinaan Pembangunan Teknologi Pedesaan

Petunjuk Menggambar Desain AIat Penangkapan Ikan

Balai Pengembangan Penanganan Ikan, Semarang 31 hal.

Petunjuk Menggambar Desain AIat Penangkapan Ikan


Fauzi, N

Hlm 540 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Petunjuk Memilih Pupuk Daun


Petunjuk Memilih Pupuk Daun


Petunjuk memilih produk ikan dan daging

Sudarisman, T.

Petunjuk Membuat Ransum pada Beberapa Ternak.

Balai Informasi Pertanian

Petunjuk Membuat Ransum pada Beberapa Ternak.

Balai Informasi Pertanian Mataram. 22 hlm.

Petunjuk lengkap rnengenai obat-obatan di Indonesia dan khasiatnya sebagai obat-obatan tradisioanal. Jilid I Bagian Botani


Petunjuk lengkap rnengenai obatobatan di Indonesia dan khasiatnya sebagai obat-obatan tradisioanal. Jilid I Bagian Botani

Cetakan II CDRS Bethesda dan Andi Offset Yogyakarta.

Petunjuk Laobarorium Peniliaian Keadaan Gizi Masyarakat


Depdikbud, Dirjen Dikti

Pusat Antar Universitas, Pangan dan Gizi , IPB.Bogor

Petunjuk Laboraturium Fisiologi Pasca Panen Sayuran dan Buah-Buahan

Muchtadi. D

Departemen Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi

PAU Pangan dan Gizi IPB. Bogor

Petunjuk Laboratorium Uji sanitasi Industri Pangan

Jenie, B.S.L.

Petunjuk Laboratorium Uji sanitasi Industri Pangan

Pusat Antar Universitas Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Petunjuk Laboratorium Uji Sanitasi Dalam Industri Pangan

Muchtadi, T.R.

Petunjuk Laboratorium Uji Sanitasi Dalam Industri Pangan

PAU Pangan dan Gizi, IPB. Bogor.

Petunjuk Laboratorium Rekayasa Pangan


Petunjuk Laboratorium Rekayasa Pangan

PAU Ilmu Pangan dan Gizi UGM, Yogyakarta.

Petunjuk Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Tanah Hutan.

Setiadi, Y., I.

Petunjuk Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Tanah Hutan.

Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, PusatAntar Universitas Bioteknologi, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor. 257 pp.

Petunjuk Laboratorium Fisiologi Pascapanen Sayuran dan Buahbuahan.

Muchtadi, D

Petunjuk Laboratorium Fisiologi Pascapanen Sayuran dan Buahbuahan.

Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi - PAU Pangan dan Gizi, IPB, Bogor.

Petunjuk laboratorium fertilisasi in vitro

Putro, P. P.

Petunjuk Laboratorium Evaluasi Nilai Gizi Pangan

Muchtadi, D.


Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

PAU Bioteknologi UGM, Yogyakarta Petunjuk Laboratorium Evaluasi Nilai Gizi Pangan

PAU Pangan dan Gizi IPB, hal 54-60.

Hlm 541 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Petunjuk Labor'ato-rium Analisis Pangan.

Apriyantono, A.,

Petunjuk Laboratorium Analisis Pangan.

PAU Pangan dan Gizi, Bogor. 19-20.

Petunjuk laboratorium analisis pangan

Apriyantono, A.

Petunjuk laboratorium analisis pangan

PAU IPB, Bogor

Petunjuk Laboratorium Analisis Pangan

Apriyantono, A

Petunjuk Laboratorium Analisis Pangan

IPB Press, Bogor.

Petunjuk Laboratorium Analisis Pangan

Apriyantono, A.

Petunjuk Laboratorium Analisis Pangan

FPB, Bogor.

Petunjuk Laboratorium Analisis Pangan

Apriyantoro, A.

Petunjuk Laboratorium Analisis Pangan

Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Pusat Antar Universitas Pangan dan Gizi IPB, Bogor.

Petunjuk Laboratorium Analisis Pangan

Apriyantono, A.

Petunjuk Laboratorium Analisis Pangan

PAU Pangan dan Gizi, IPB.

Petunjuk Laboratorium Analisis Pangan

Apriyantono, A

Petunjuk Laboratorium Analisis Pangan

PAU Pangan dan Gizi IPB. Bogor.

Petunjuk Laboratorium Analisis Pangan

Apriyantono, A

Petunjuk Laboratorium Analisis Pangan

PAU Pangan & Gizi, IPB

Petunjuk laboratorium analisis dan evaluasi pakan

Soejono, M.

Fakultas peternakan, UGM, Yogyakarta

Petunjuk Laboratorium Analisis Air dan Penanganan Limbah


PAU-Pangan Gizi, UGM, Yogyakarta

Petunjuk Laboratorium Analisa Pangan

Apriyantono, A.

Petunjuk Laboratorium Analisa Pangan

PAU Pangan dan Gizi IPB, Bogor.

Petunjuk Laboratorium Analisa Pangan

Apriyantono, A.

Petunjuk Laboratorium Analisa Pangan

PAU Pangan dan Gizi, IPS, Bogor.

Petunjuk Laboratorium Analisa Pangan

Apriyantono A.dkk

Petunjuk Laboratorium Analisa Pangan


Petunjuk Laboratorium Analisa Pangan

Petunjuk Laboratorium.Pusat Antar Universitas Pangan dan Gizi IPB.Bogor

Petunjuk laboratorium analisa air dan penanganan limbah.


Petunjuk Laboratorium : Analisis Pangan.

Apriyantono, A.

Petunjuk Fotografi Praktis.


Petunjuk Evaluasi Produk Industri Hasil Pertanian

Kartika. B


PAU Pangan dan Gizi, UGM, Yogyakarta.

Penataran Asisten Soil Surveyor I.

IPLPP-Lembaga Penelitian Tanah, Bogor. PAU. Pangan dan Gizi UGM. Yogyakarta Hlm 542 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Petunjuk Evaluasi Produk Industri Hasil Pertanian

Kartika, B.

Petunjuk Evaluasi Produk Industri Hasil Pertanian

PAU Pangan dan Gizi, UGM Yogyakarta.

Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat


Petunjuk Evaluasi Lahan Petunjuk demonstrasi usaha ternak potong.

Direktorat Bina Program

Petunjuk demonstrasi usaha ternak potong.

Direktorat Jendral Peternakan. Departemen Pertanian. Jakarta

Petunjuk Demonstrasi PUTP.


Petunjuk Demonstrasi PUTP.

Ditjen Peternakan. Jakarta

Petunjuk Cara Pengukuran dan Penetapan Isi Kayu Bulat Rimba Indonesia.


Petunjuk Cara Pengukuran dan Penetapan Isi Kayu Bulat Rimba Indonesia.

Direktorat Jenderal Pengusahaan Hutan, Jakarta.

Petunjuk bergambar utk identifikasi hama dan penyakit kedelai di Indonesia

Mas Ismunadji

Puslitbang Tanaman Pangan Balai penelitian tanaman pangan BogorJICA Bogor

Petunjuk Bergambar untuk Identifikasi Hama dan Penyakit Kedelai di Indonesia.

Petunjuk Bergambar untuk Identifikasi Hama dan Penyakit Kedelai di Indonesia.

Petunjuk Bergambar untuk Identifikasi Hama dan Penyakit Kedelai di Indonesia.

Program Nasional Pengen-dalian Hama Terpadu.Jakarta.

Petunjuk Analisis Kesuburan Tanah

Petunjuk Analisis Kesuburan Tanah

Jurusan llmu Tanah dan Pemukukan, Fak. Univ. Brawijaya, Malang

Petunjuk Teknis Penilaian KUD Mandiri. Departemen Koperasi

Direktorat Jenderal Bina Lembaga Kope-rasi. Jakarta

Petunjuk Teknis Penilaian KUD Mandiri. Departemen Koperasi


Peteunjuk Umum Pelaksanaan Pengawasan Pestisida

Balittan, Bogor. 97 hal.


Peternakan Pengelolaan Usaha Ayam Pedaging

Rasyaf, M

Peternakan Pengelolaan Usaha Ayam Pedaging

Pustaka Utama.Gramedia Jakarta

Peternakan di Daerah Tropis. Arti Ekonomi dan Kemampuannya. Penelitian di Beberapa daerah Indonesia.

Huitema, H.

Peternakan di Daerah Tropis. Arti Ekonomi dan Kemampuannya. Penelitian di Beberapa daerah Indonesia.

Yayasan Obor Indonesia dan PT Gramedia. 346 hal.


Hlm 543 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Peternakan di Daerah Tropis. Arti Ekonomi dan Kemampuannya. Penelitian di Beberapa Daerah Indonesia.

Huitema, H.

Peternakan di Daerah Tropis. Arti Ekonomi dan Kemampuannya. Penelitian di Beberapa Daerah Indonesia.

Yayasan Obor Indonesia Penerbit. PT. Gramedia Jakarta.

Peternak Ayam Pedaging. Petani Rasional

AAK. Popkin. S.L

Petani Jateng incar abaca untuk diekspor

Fitriana R

Petani Desa dan kemiskinan

Prayitno H

BPEE- UGM Yogyakarta

Petani dan Kemiskinan .

Prayitno, H

Edisi Pertama. BPFE. Yogyakarta.

Peta Tata Guna Tanah tahun terbitan 1988 dan 1990, skala l : 250.000.


Peta tanahtinjau Kabupaten Padang Pariaman, Agam, Tanah Datar, Solok dan Sawahlunto Sijunjung


Kanisius, Yogyakarta. Yayasan Padamu Negeri. Jakarta Peluang Bisnis,Bisnis h. 4

Peta Tata Guna Tanah tahun terbitan 1988 dan 1990, skala l : 250.000. Pusat Penelitian Tanah Bogor

Peta Tanah Pulau Kalimantan Peta Tanah Indonesia Tingkat Eksplorasi, skala 1 :2.500.000.


Peta Tanah Indonesia Tingkat Eksplorasi, skala 1 :2.500.000.

Peta Tanah Bagan Indonesia Skala 1 : 2.500.000

Lembaga Penelitian tanah

Dok. LPT Bogor

Dok. LPT Bogor

Peta Status Fosfat dan Kalium Tanah Sawah Propinsi Lampung


Peta Satuan Lahan dan Tanah Lembar Padang Sumatera.

Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat, Bogor.

Peta Satuan Lahan dan Tanah Lembar Padang Sumatera. Peta Satuan Lahan dan Tanah Lembar Menggala. Bogor

Pusat Penelitian Tanah Dan Agroklimat

Peta Satuan Lahan dan Tanah Lembar Bengkulu (0912) Sumatera

Sukma. D

Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat Bogor

Peta Satuan Lahan dan Tanah Lebar Lahat (1012) Sumatera


Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Argoklimat, Bogor


Hlm 544 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Peta Potensi Komoditi Pertanian Subsektor Peternakan Kabupaten Malang

Dinas Peternakan Malang

Peta Potensi Komoditi Pertanian Subsektor Peternakan Kabupaten Malang

Peta Potensi Komoditi Pertanian Subsektor Peternakan Kabupaten Malang

Dinas Peternakan Malang

Peta Potensi Komoditi Pertanian Subsektor Peternakan Kabupaten Malang

Peta Konsumsi Pangan di Indonesia

Biro Pusat Statistik

BPS, Jakarta

Peta keperluan fosfor tanah sawah Pulau Jawa dan Madura

Moersidi, S

Pemb. Penel. Tanah dan Pupuk. No. 42

Peta keperluan fosfat tanah sawah di Jawa dan Madura.

Moersidi, S.

Peta keperluan fosfat tanah sawah di Jawa dan Madura.

Peta Geologo Lembar solok Peta Geologo Lembar padang.

Anonymous, Anonymous,

Peta Geologo Lembar solok Peta Geologo Lembar padang.

Peta geologi skala 1:250.000 lembar Sumba, Nusa Tenggara Timur

Effendi, A.C.

Peta geologi skala 1:250.000 lembar Sumba, Nusa Tenggara Timur

Peta Geologi Lember Bogor, Jawa barat



Peta Kenanekaragaman Pangan Nasional Bogor

Peta Geologi Lembar Ujung Pandang skala 1:1.000.000.

Direktorat Geologi, Bandung. Direktorat Geologi, Departemen Pertambangan Republik Indonesia, Bandung

Peta Geologi Lembar Ujung Pandang skala 1:1.000.000.

Direktorat Jenderal Geologi Bandung

Peta Geologi Lembar Tanjungkarang Skala 1 ; 250.000


Dir. Jend. Geologi Bandung

Peta Geologi Lembar Samba, Nusa tenggara. Skala 1 ; 250.000


Direktorat Geologi Bandung

Peta Geologi Lembar menggala, Sumatera

Burhan. G

Pusat penelitian dan Pengembangan Geologi Bandung

Peta Geologi Lembar Menggala,


Dir Penelitian dan Pengembangan Geologi Bandung


Hlm 545 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Peta Geologi Lembar Bogor, Jempang, dan Balekambang, Jawa Skala 1 : 100.000


Direktorat Geologi, Departemen Pertambangan dan Energi. Bandung

Peta Geologi Lahat Sumatra Skala 1 ; 250.000


Pusat Penelitan dan Pengembangan Geologi Bandung

Peta dan data pokok pembangunan propinsi Kalimantan Tengah, Palangkaraya.

Bappeda Kalimantan Tengah.

Peta Distribusi Endapan Erupsi


Peta Distribusi Endapan Erupsi

Dinas PU. DITJEN Pengairan. Proyek Penanganan Bencana Alam Akibat Letusan Gunung Kelud

Pests of Stored Products.

Munro, J.W.,

Pests of Stored Products.

Hutchinson & Co. Ltd., London.

Pests of Crops in Indonesia. Revised and Translated by P.A. van der Laan,

Kalshoven, L.G.E.,

Pests of Crops in Indonesia. Revised and Translated by P.A. van der Laan,

PT. Ichtiar Baru Van Hoeve, Jakarta.

Pests of crops in Indonesia.

Kalshoven, L.

Pests of crops in Indonesia.

PT. Ichtiar Baru Van Houve, Jakarta.

Pests of crops in Indonesia.

Kalshoven LGE

PT Ichtiar Baru-Van Hoeve Jakarta

Pests of crops in Indonesia.

Kalshoven LGE

PT Ichtiar Baru-Van Hoeve Jakarta

Pests of crops in Indonesia

Kalshoven, L.G.E

Pests of crops in Indonesia

Pests of Crops in Indonesia

Kalshoven L.G.E.

Pests of Crops in Indonesia

Pests of crops in Indonesia

Kalshoven LGE

Pests of crops in Indonesia

Kalshoven LGE

Pests of crops in Indonesia

Kalshoven LGE

PT Ichtiar Baru- Van Hoeve Jakarta

Pests of crop in Indonesia. Revised by Vander Laan, PA Rotschild, GHL Jakarta

Kalshoven LGE

PT Ichtiar Baru, Van Hoeve, Jakarta

Pests of crop in Indonesia. Revised by Van der laan, PA ; Rothschild GHL. Jakarta

Kalshoven LGE

PT Ichtiar Baru, Van Hoeve, Jakarta


Judul Buku


Ichtiar Baru, Jakarta

PT Ichtiar Baru- Van Hoeve Jakarta Pests of crops in Indonesia

P.T. Ichtiar Baru-Van Hoeve, Jakarta.

Hlm 546 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pests oc Cocoa

Entwistle, P. F

Pests oc Cocoa

Longman Group Umited. London

Pests Management of SoilInhabiting Insect With Microorganisms

Klein. M.G.

Agriculture, Ecosytems and Environment

Elsevier Science Publ. B.V. Amsterdam

Pests Crops In Indonesia (Revision and Translation)

Kalshoven. L.G.E.

Pests Control By Fungi Beauveria and Metharrizium


H.D. Burges (ed). Microbial Control of Pests and Plant Disease

Academic Press, LondonNew York-TorontoSydney-San Francisco

Pestisida. Dasar-dasar dan dampak penggunaannya

Sastroutomo, S. S.

Pestisida. Dasar-dasar dan dampak penggunaannya

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

pestisida utk tanaman

Subiyakto Sudarmo

penerbit Kanisius, Yogyakarta

pestisida utk petanian dan kehutanan


komisi pestisida deptan jakarta

Pestisida utk pertanian dan kehutanan,


komisi pestisida deptan, Jakarta

Pestisida Untuk Pertanian dan Kehutanan.

Komisi Pestisida

Pestisida Untuk Pertanian dan Kehutanan.

Departemen Pertanian. Jakarta.

Pestisida untuk Pertanian dan Kehutanan.

Komisi Pestisida

Pestisida untuk Pertanian dan Kehutanan.

Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta

Pestisida untuk pertanian dan kehutanan Koperasi Daya

Komisi Pestisida

Pestisida untuk pertanian dan kehutanan Koperasi Daya

Komisi Pestisida Deptan. Jakarta

Pestisida untuk pertanian dan kehutanan


Pestisida untuk pertanian dan kehutanan

Komisi Pestisida, Dep. Pertanian, Jakarta.

Pestisida untuk pertanian dan kebutuhan


Pestisida untuk pertanian dan kebutuhan

Direktorat Jendral Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Jakarta.

Pestisida Tanaman. Cetakan Pertama

Subiyakto, S.

Pestisida Tanaman. Cetakan Pertama

Kanisius Yogyakarta

Pestisida sebagai alat pengelola hama tanaman

Taruningkeng, R

Pestisida sebagai alat pengelola hama tanaman

Aspek Pestisida di Indonesia. LP3 Bogor

Pestisida nabati, ramuan dan aplikasi

Kardinan, A.

Pestisida nabati, ramuan dan aplikasi

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Pestisida Nabati Ramuan dan Aplikasi.

Kardinan, A.,

Pestisida Nabati Ramuan dan Aplikasi.


Pestisida nabati ramuan dan aplikasi .

Kardinan, A.

Pestisida nabati ramuan dan aplikasi .

PT. Penebar Swadaya , Jakarta .pp. 33-34

Pestisida hal. 55.63.

Sudarmo, S.

Pestisida hal. 55.63.

Penerbit Kanisius


PT. Ichtiar Baru - Van Hoeve. Jakarta

Hlm 547 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pestisida Dasar-dasar dan Dampak Penggunaannya.

Sastroutomo, S.S.,

Pestisida Dasar-dasar dan Dampak Penggunaannya.

Penerbit PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.

Pestisida dasar-dasar dan dampak penggunaannya


Pestisida dasar-dasar dan dampak penggunaannya

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta. 186 hlm.

Pestisida Dasar-Dasar dan Dampak Penggunaannya

Sastroutomo, S.

Pestisida Dasar-Dasar dan Dampak Penggunaannya

P.T. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta

Pestisida dan kegunaanya

Hidayat Natawigena

Pestisida dan Kegunaannya

Natawigena, H.

Pestisida Dan Kegunaannya Pestisida dan Kegunaannya Pestisida : Dasar-dasar dan dampak penggunaannya

Natawigena Natawigena, H Sastroutomo, S.S.


Sastroutomo, S.S


Pestisida Gramedia Pustaka Utama Jakarta

Pesticides: Preparation and Mode of Action.

Chermlyn, C.R.

Pesticides: Preparation and Mode of Action.

John Wiltey & Son, New York

Pesticides. Laboratory Mycology

Dekker, J.

Pesticides. Laboratory Mycology

Wageningen Agricultural University. The Netherlands


Newman J.F.

Hill,I.R. & S.J.L. Wright (Eds.). Pesticides MicrobiologyMicrobiology Aspects of Pesticides Behaviour the Environment.

Academic Press, London. p

Pesticides Mixtures.

Alif, Md. F.A

Lectures Fifth BIOTROP Weed Science Training Course.

Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur

Pesticides Mixtures

Faiz, A.M.A

Lectures Fifth BIOTROP Weed Science Training Course

Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur

Pesticides in soil and water

Guenzi, W.D



Armico. Bandung Pestisida dan Kegunaannya

Armico, Bandung. 72 hlm.

Pestisida dan Kegunaannya Pestisida : Dasar-dasar dan dampak penggunaannya

Armico. Bandung Armico, Bandung PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.


Soil Science society of America, Inc., Publisher, USA

Hlm 548 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pesticides as major constraints to integrated agriculturequaculture farming systems, p. 45-51

Koesoemadinata, S.

R.S.V. Pullin and Z. Shehadeh (eds.). Integrated AgricultureAquaculture Farming Systems. ICLARM Conf. Proc. 4

Pesticides as a Major constraints to integrated agriculture-aquaculture farming systems

S. Koesoemadinata

Integrated AgricultureAquaculture Farming Systems

ICLARM Conference Proceedings 4, Manila, Los Banos, Lagunan, Phillipines

Pesticide-aplication equipment. Revised and enlarged Edition

Bindra, O. S.

Pesticide-aplication equipment. Revised and enlarged Edition

Oxford and Publishing Co. New Delhi

Pesticide: Preparation and Mode of Action.

Chremlyn, R.

Pesticide: Preparation and Mode of Action.

John Willey and Son, New York.

Pesticide: Preparation and Mode of Action


Pesticide: Preparation and Mode of Action

John Wiley & Son. New York.

Pesticide Usage, Registration and Laboratory Practices Among selected countries in Asia

Gaston, C.P


Economic and Social Commision for the pacific, Bangkok

Pesticide Microbiology, Microbiologycal Aspect of Pesticide Behaviour in the Environment

Hill. I.R

Pesticide bioassays .with arthropods.

Robertson, J.L.

Pesticide bioassays .with arthropods.

Boca Raton: CRC Press.

Pesticide Application Method

Matthews, G.A.

Pesticide Application Method

Longman. London and New York

Academic Press. A Subsidisry of Harcourt Brace Javanovich, Publisher. Hlm

Pestalotia guepini. C.M.l.

Description of pathogenic fungi and bacteria

Pestalotia guepini. C.M.l.

Description of pathogenic fungi and bacteria

Pest ofcrops in Indonesia.

Kalshoven, L.G.E

Pest Of Sugarcane


Pest of Rice

Grist, D.H.

Pest of Rice

Longmant, Green & Co., London. 420p.

Pest of Crops in Indonesia. Revised and Translated by PA Van der Laan.

Kalshoveu, L.G.E.,

Pest of Crops in Indonesia. Revised and Translated by PA Van der Laan.

PT Ichtiar Baru Van Hoeve, Jakarta.


Pest ofcrops in Indonesia.

PT. Ichtiar Baru Vanhoeve, Jakarta. 701 pp. Elsevier Publ.Comp. Amsterdam Lndon-New York

Hlm 549 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pest of crops in Indonesia. Revised and translate by D. A. Van der Laan

Kalshoven, L. G. E.

Pest of crops in Indonesia. Revised and translate by D. A. Van der Laan

PT. Ichtiar Baru-Van Hoeve, Jakarta

Pest of Crops in Indonesia.

Kalshoven, L.G.E

Pest of Crops in Indonesia.

PT. Ichtiar Baru Van Hoeve, Jakarta.

Pest of Crops in Indonesia.

Kalshoven, L.G.E.,

Revised and Translated by P.A. van der Laan.

PT. Ichtiar Baru Van Hoeve. 701 pp.

Pest of Crops in Indonesia.

Kalshoven, L.G.E.,

Pest of Crops in Indonesia.

T. Ichtiar Baru-van Hoeve, Jakarta.

Pest of crops in Indonesia.

Kalshoven, L.G.E.

Pest of crops in Indonesia.

PT. Ichtiar Baru-Van Hoeve. Jakarta, Indonesia.

Pest of crops in indonesia

Kalshoven, LGE

Pest of crops in indonesia

PT Ichtisar Baru van Hoeve jakarta

Pest of crops in Indonesia

Kalshoven, L. G. E.

Pest of crops in Indonesia

Kalshoven, L. G. E.

Pest of Crop in Indonesia

Kalshoven, L.G.E

Pest of Coffee.

Palley, R.H.

Pest of Coffee.

Longmans, Green and Co. London,

Pest Management of Selected Vegetable Crops For Indonesia.


Pest Management of Selected Vegetable Crops For Indonesia.

Paper to be Presented During The Regional Workshop on Pest Management of Vegetables, Cameron, Malaysia

Pest management in stored groundnuts

Dick, K.M.

Information Buletm. (22): 28p.

International Crops Research Institute for the Semi Arid Tropics. Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh India.

Pest Control.

van Emden, H.F.

Pest Control.

Edward Arnold. London, New York, Melborne and Auckland. 117p.

Pest control in rice

Feakin SD

Pans manual no 3

Tropical pesticides research headquarters and information unit London England


PT. Ichtiar baru-Van Hoeve, Juakarta, Indonesia Pest of crops in Indonesia

PT. Ichtiar baru-Van Hoeve, Juakarta, Indonesia PT. Ichtiar Baru Van Hoeve. Jakarta

Hlm 550 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pest Control by the Fungi Beauveria and Metarhizium.

Perron, P.

Dalam: H.D. Burges (Ed.) Microbial Control of Pests and Plant Diseases 1970 - 1980.

Academie Press. London. 949 p.

Pest Control by The Fungus Hirsutella thompsinii.Universitas of Florida. IFAS. Agricultural Research and Education Center.Lake Alfred.Florida. USA. Hal. 499-511. Dalam Burges, H.D. 1981.Microbial Controi of Pest and Plant Diseases

Mc Coy.C.W.

Pest Control by The Fungus Hirsutella thompsinii.Universitas of Florida. IFAS. Agricultural Research and Education Center.Lake Alfred.Florida. USA. Hal. 499-511. Dalam Burges, H.D. 1981.Microbial Controi of Pest and Plant Diseases

Academie Prees.LondonNew York-TorontoSydney-San Fransisco

Pest control and its ecology. Edward Arnold. 59p.

Van Emden, H.P.

Pest control and its ecology. Edward Arnold. 59p.

Pest Control and Its Ecology

van Emden HP

Pest Control and Its Ecology

London: Edward Arnold.

Pesantren Sebagai Sub kultur

Wahid, Abdurrahman

Pesantren dan Perubahan Sosial

LP3ES. Jakarta

Pesantren Islamische Bildung in sozialen wandel

Manfred, Z.

Pesantren dalam Perubahan Sosial

P3M, Jakarta

Pesantren dan Pembaharuan

Rahardjo. Dawam

Pesantren dan Pembaharuan

LP3ES, Jakarta.

Pesantren dan Pembaharuan

Rahardjo, Dawam

Pesantren dan Pembaharuan

LP3ES, Jakarta.

Pesantren dan Pembaharuan

Rahardjo, Dawam

Pesantren dan Pembaharuan

LP3ES, Jakarta.

Pesantren dan Pembaharuan

Rahardjo, Dawam

Pesantren dan Pembaharuan

LP3ES, Jakarta.

Pesantren Dalam Perubahan Sosial, Terjemahan

Ziemek, Malfred

Pesantren Dalam Perubahan Sosial, Terjemahan

P3M, Jakarta.

Pesantren Dalam Perubahan Sosial

Ziemek, Matfred

Pesantren Dalam Perubahan Sosial

P3M, Jakarta

Pesantren Dalam Perubahan Sosial

Ziemek, Matfred

Pesantren Dalam Perubahan Sosial

P3M, Jakarta.

Pesan tren Sebagai Sub kultur

Wahid, Abdurrahman

Pesantren dan Perubahan Sosial

LP3ES, Jakarta

Pesan tren Sebagai Sub kultur

Wahid, Abdurrahman

Pesantren dan Perubahan Sosial

LP3ES, Jakarta

Perwilayahan Komoditas Pertanian Berdasarkan Kesesuaian Lahan di Tingkat II Aceh Tengah.


Pemerintah Daerah Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Aceh. Banda Aceh.

Hlm 551 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Perusahaan Tambak Udang di Indonesia

Badan Litbang Perdagangan

Departemen Perdagangan. Jakarta

Perusahaan Tambak Udang di Indonesia

Badan Litbang Perdagangan

Dep. Perdagangan. Jakarta

Perusahaan Inti Rakyat Perkebunan Pelaksanaan & Penilaian


Ditjenbun Tim Khusus Proyek PIR 345p


Perusahaan Inti rakyat perkebunan : Pelaksanaan & penilaian Ditjenbun. Tim Khusus Proyek PIR.


Perusahaan Inti rakyat perkebunan : Pelaksanaan & penilaian Ditjenbun. Tim Khusus Proyek PIR.


Perubahan-perubahan Kimiawi selama Pematangan & Penuaan

Matto, AK.

Fisiologi Pasca Panen, Pantastico, E.R.B. 1986. terjemahan Kamariyani

Gajah Mada Press. Yogyakarta.

Perubahan-perubahan bahan selama proses pematangan dan sesudah panen

Anggraeni. S.

Perubahan-perubahan bahan selama proses pematangan dan sesudah panen

PAU Pangan dan Gizi UGM. Yogyakarta

Perubahan Pola Konsumsi Sumber Protein Hewani di Indonesia.


Analisis Data SUSENAS. Pusat Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Bogor.

Perubahan Pola Konsumsi Hortikultura di Indonesia.

Sawit M.H

Pusat Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Bogor.

Perubahan Kimia Selama Proses Fermentasi Ubi Kayu dengan Penambahan Aspergillus mgerdan N an organik.


Perubahan Kimia Selama Proses Fermentasi Ubi Kayu dengan Penambahan Aspergillus mgerdan N an organik.

Balitnak Ciawi, Bogor.

Perubahan Fisikokimia selama Pematangan

Pantastico, Er B

Fisiologi Pasca Panen

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta.

Perubahan dan Kesempatan Kerja. Studi Dinamika Pede-saan

Saefudin, Y

Perubahan dan Kesempatan Kerja. Studi Dinamika Pede-saan

Yayasan Survey Argo Ekonomika, Bogor

Perubahan - Perubahan Bahan Pangan Selama Proses Pematangan dan Sesudah Panen

Sri Angrahini

Pertunjuk teknis budidaya ikan dalam keramba jaring apung.

Sukadi, M.F. et al.


Judul Buku


PAU. Pangan dan Gizi UGM. Yogyakarta

Seri Pengembangan Hasil Penelitian No.PHP/KAN/08/1989.

Badan Litbang Pertanian. Jakarta. 60 pp.

Hlm 552 dari 1800

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Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


pertumbuhan serta sifat-sifat karkas dan daging sapi sumba Ongoleo , Brahman Cross dan australian Comercial crosses yang dipelihara secara intensif pada berbagai bobot potong

Ngadiyono N

Ringkasan disertasi

Fakultas Pascasarjana IPB

Pertumbuhan Pertanian: Struktur dan Pola


Dinamika Pembangunan Perdesaan

Yayasan Obor Indonesia, Jakarta.

Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Tanaman

Isbandi. D

Pertumbuhan Dan Perkembangan Anak


Pengamatan Anak Umur 0-18 Bulan Di Kecamatan Mlonggo, Kab. Jepara, Jawa Tengah (Disertasi S-3)

Fakultas Kedokteran UNDIP, Semarang

Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Sorgum Pada Takaran, Formulasi dan Frekuensi

Ispandi, A.

Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Sorgum Pada Takaran, Formulasi dan Frekuensi

Balai Tanaman Pangan Malang

Pertimbangan-pertimbangan biokimia

Do, J.Y.

Er. B. Pantastico (Ed) Fisiologi Pascapanen

Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Pertimbangan Fisiologis dan Praktis


Fisiologi Pasca Panen.' Penanganan dan Pemanfaatan Buah-buahan dan Sayur-sayuran Tropika dan Subtropika (Diterjemahkan oleh Kamariyani).

Gajah Mada Univ. Press, Yogyakarta

Pertembakauan di Madura.

Dinas Perkebunan Jawa Timur

Pertembakauan di Madura.

Dinas Perkebunan Jawa Timur

Pertanian Tanaman Pangan dalam Angka

Pertanian Tanaman Pangan dalam Angka

Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Daerah Tk I Irian Jaya, Jayapura. 26 hlm.

Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Irian Jaya

Laporan Tahunan Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Daerah Tk. I Propinsi Irian Jaya, Jayapura. 34 hlm.

pertanian Pestlsida untuk dan kehutanan



Universitas Gadjah Mada

pertanian Pestlsida untuk dan kehutanan

Komisi Pestisida Departemen Pertanian

Hlm 553 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pertanian Lahan Kering dan Konservasi. Laporan Tahunan 1986/1998 Proyek Penelitian Penyelamatan Hutan, Tanah dan Air.


Pertanian Lahan Kering dan Konservasi. Laporan Tahunan 1986/1998 Proyek Penelitian Penyelamatan Hutan, Tanah dan Air.

Departemen Pertanian. Balitbang Pertanian, Jakarta.

Pertanaman Kedelai Pada Lahan Kering


Pertanaman Kedelai pada Lahan Kering



Puslitbangtan, Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Bogor

Pertanaman kedelai pada lahan kering

Ismail IG

S. Somaatmadja, M Ismunadji, M Syam ,SO Manurung, Yuswadi (ed) Kedelai

Puslitbbang Tanaman Pangan Bogor

Pertanaman kedelai pada lahan kering

Ismail IG

S. Somaatmadja, M Ismunadji, M Syam ,SO Manurung, Yuswadi (ed) Kedelai

Puslitbbang Tanaman Pangan Bogor

Persyratan Laboraturium dan Penetapan Media pada Teknik Kultur jaringan Tebu


Pelatihan dan Penanganan Mikropropagasi tanaman Tebu. Psuruan 4-9 February 1991

aboratuium Kultur Jaringan P3GI Pasuruan

Persyaratn Tanah dan air

K. Mintardjo

Pedoman Budidaya Tambak

Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan, Departemen Pertanian

Persyaratan Tanah dan Air.

Mintarjo, K.

Persyaratan Tanah dan Air.

Direktorat Jendral Perikanan, Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta.

Persyaratan Tanah dan Air Dalam Pedoman Budidaya Tambak.

Mintardjo, K.,

Persyaratan Tanah dan Air Dalam Pedoman Budidaya Tambak.

Balai Budidaya Air Payau, Jepara.

Persyaratan Tanah dan Air

Mintardjo, K

Persyaratan Tanah dan Air

Direktorat Jendral Perikanan. Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta

Persuteraan Alam


Persuteraan Alam

Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung


Balai Penelitian Perkebunan. Sembawa

Hlm 554 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Perspective of hybrid E oleifera x E guineensis for breeding purposes in Indonesia

Lubis RA

Workshop in Prospect of interspecific hybrids

ISOPB Malaysia

Personality Plus (terj)

Littauer F

Personal communications.

Karchesy, J.J.

Personal communication.

Suryawijaya, Suparya.

Personal communication Personal Cominication

Ito H

Persoalan Pembangunan Ekonomi Indonesia


Persoalan Pembangunan Ekonomi Indonesia

Alumni, Bandung.

Persistent Pesticides In The Environment. 2nd ed.

Edward, C.A.

Persistent Pesticides In The Environment. 2nd ed.

C.R.C. Press. Ohio.

Persistent Infection and Immunological Aspects of BVD Virus in Beef Cattle.


The Bovine Practitioner.

Persistent Infection and Immunological Aspects of BVD Virus in Beef Cattle.

Grotelueschen, M.

The Bovine Practitioner.

Persistance Of Glyphosate In Forest Soils

Torsteenson. N.T.L

Weed And Weed Control-20th Swedish Weed Conference

Persentasi larva plutella xylostella L terparasit oleh plutellae Kurdj. Di laboratorium


Sudjarwo, darsam, A suyanto, L Soesanto, HA Djatmiko, BSNugroho (ed) Peningkatan pengamatan serngga dan mikroba berguna dlm usaha menaikkan pendapatan petani. Proc. Sem.Nas. Faperta Unsoed

Persaingan Tanaman Budidaya Dengan Gulma

Moenandir. J

Ilmu Gulma Buku III

Rajawali Press. Jakarta

Persaingan Tanam-an Budidaya Dengan Gulma

Moenandir, J.

Persaingan Tanam-an Budidaya Dengan Gulma

Rajawali. Pers. Jakarta.

Persaingan Tanaman Budidaya dengan Gulma


Persaingan Tanaman Budidaya dengan Gulma

Rajawali Pers.

Persaingan Tanaman Budidaya dengan Gulma

Moenandir, J

Persaingan Tanaman Budidaya dengan Gulma

Rajawali Press, Jakarta


Binapura Aksara, Jakarta Personal communications.

Kerr, R.W. and Cleveland, F.C. 1960, U.S. Patent 2,961,440.

Center for soil and Agroclimate Research Bogor, Indonesia

Hlm 555 dari 1800

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Judul Buku


Persaingan Tanaman Budidaya Dengan Gulma

Moenandir, J.

Persaingan Tanaman Budidaya Dengan Gulma. Buku III.

Rajawali Pres. Jakarta

Perrenial Edibel Fruits of The Tropics an Inventory


US Departement of Agriculture. Research Service Agriculture Handbook

Perpektif gender pada sistim usahatani ladang. Suatu studi didesa Kabiarat Tanimbar Selatan, Maluku Tenggara.

De Rosari, B.

Perpaduan Pengendalian Secara Hayati dan Kimiawi Hama Ulat Kubis (Plutella xylostella: Yponoineutidae) pada tanaman Kubis.

Perpaduan Pengendalian Secara Hayati dan Kimiawi Hama Ulat Kubis (Plutella xylostella: Yponoineutidae) pada tanaman Kubis.

Disertasi. Universitas Padjadjaran

Permuliaan bawang merah

Permadi AH

Teknologi produksi bawang merah

Puslitbang hortikultura Balitbang pertanian

Permuliaan bawang merah

Permadi AH

Teknologi produksi bawang merah

Puslitbang hortikultura Balitbang pertanian

Permasalahan kakao mulia.


Permasalahan kakao mulia.

PT. Perkebunan Jawa Timur. Pros. Lokakarya kakao mulia Puslit kopi dan kakao, Jember

Permanent sampel plot techniques for mixed tropical forest

Alder, D

Permanent sampel plot techniques for mixed tropical forest

Oxford Forestry Institute, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford. London

Perlu dukungan penyuluhan untuk menciptakan perluasan pasar benih


Perlu dukungan penyuluhan untuk menciptakan perluasan pasar benih

PT Sang Hyang Sri, Jakarta.

Perlit. Departemen Pertambangan dan Energi.

Riyanto, A.

Perlindungan Tanaman. Perkoperasian Indonesia. Perkiraan Konsumsi Daging Sapi dan Kerbau di Sumatera Barat tahun 1990 -1994.

Matnawi, H., Chaniago, A. Jafrinur

Perlindungan Tanaman. Perkoperasian Indonesia Perkiraan Konsumsi Daging Sapi dan Kerbau di Sumatera Barat tahun 1990 -1994.

Kanisius Yogyakarta. Balai Aksara, Bandung Universitas Andalas Padang


Hlm 556 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Perkembangan Tingkat Upah Buruh Tani dan Harga Sembilan Bahan Pokok di Pedesaan Jawa Barat


Survay Agro Ekonomi

Perkembangan Teknologi Farmasi dan Peranan Perempuan. S

Atmawidjaja, S.

eminar Wanita. Teknologi dan Pembangunan.

Perkembangan sapi bali di bali dalam sepuluh tahun terakhir (1980-1990)

Masudan, W.

Buku panduan, kumpulan makalah utama dan abstrak. Seminar nasional sapi bali. Fapet UNUD, Denpasar, Bali

Perkembangan Produksi Sorgum di Dunia dan Penggunaannya


Perkembangan Produksi Sorgum di Dunia dan Penggunaannya

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan, Malang.

Perkembangan Perdagangan

Direktorat Ekspor Hasil Pertanian dan Kehutanan, Jakarta Jurusan Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan Fakultas Kehutanan. IPB.Bogor

Perkembangan Perdagangan

Perkembangan pendidikan lingkungan hidup di Indonesia, Jurusan Konservasi Suinberdaya Hutan

Harini, E.K

Perkembangan pendidikan lingkungan hidup di Indonesia,

Perkembangan nutrisi unggas

Kompiang, I. P.

Logasnas. 1987. Rembet, J., Basya, S. dan Manurung, T. 1976. Pengaruh jangka waktu pemberian makan penguat dan hijauan terhadap pencernaan makanan.Lembaga penelitian peternakan. Buletin No. 16

Perkembangan luas areal dan produksi perkebunan kelapa sawit di Indonesia.

Ditjen perkebunan

Aplikasi internet dalam sistem informasi agribisnis kelapa sawit. Skripsi. Fateta-IPB, Bogor.

Perkembangan konsep pengelolaan hama penyakit tanaman dan tumbuhan pengganggu

Sosromarsono, S.

M. Soehardjan, B.H. Siwi, I. N. Oka, M. Ismunadji, dan M. Sundaru (Eds.). Aspek Pestisida di Indonesia. Edisi Khusus No. 3. hlm. 14-26.

perkembangan konsep bahan tanaman kelapa swit di PNP

Lubis AU




Lembaga Pusat Penelitian Pertanian, Bogor.

PN Perkebunan Marhjat Research St.

Hlm 557 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Perkembangan Komponen Produksi TRIS I di Jawa TG 1977-1985.


Cerminan Proses Alih Teknologi. Bulletin No. 132

P3GI Pasuruan

Perkembangan kebijakan dan strategi penanggulangan hama BPK.


Pertemuan Regional dan Gelar Teknologi PBK, Sumatera Barat.

Direktorat Perlindungan Tanaman.

Perkembangan Hubungan perdagangan bilateral AS-RI


Atase Perindustrian dan perdagangan KBRI Washington Dc 10 maret 2000

Washington Dc

Perkembangan Helicoverpa armigera Pada Sorgum dan Kacang Gude

Yasin. M.

Hasil Penelitian Hama dan Penyakit Tahun 1996/97

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Balai Penelitian Tanaman jagung dan Serealia Lain

Perkembangan Helicoverpa armigera Hubner dan kerusakan yang ditimbulkan pada tumpang sari sorgum dan kacang gude.

Baco, D.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan.

Badan Penelitian dan pengembangan pertanian Bogor, Indonesia.

Perkembangan Harmigera Hubner Pada Tumpangsari Sorgum dan Kacang Gude

Yasin. M.

Hasil Penelitian Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman Tahun 1995/96

Badan penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Balai Penelitian Tanaman Jagung dan Serealia Lain

Perkembangan Harga Ikan dalam Proses Pemasaran.

Soetrisno Saleh

Perkembangan Harga Ikan dalam Proses Pemasaran.

Laporan lokakarya Teknofogi Pengolanan Ikan secara Tradisional. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Departemen Pertanian Jakarta.

Perkembangan ekspor menurut sektor dan komoditi di Sumatera Barat.


Perkembangan ekspor komoditas pertanian



Deptan. Jakarta

Hlm 558 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Perkembangan ekspor buahbuahan dari Sulawesi Selatan


Kantor Wilayah Departemen Perdagangan Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan

Perkembangan ekonomi keuangan daerah


Bank indonesia Semarang

Perkembangan dan peluan pembangunan pertanian tanaman pangan di NTT


Tastra dkk (ed) Teknologi utk meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman pangan di prop NTT


Perkembangan dan peluan pembangunan pertanian tanaman pangan di NTT


Tastra dkk (ed) Teknologi utk meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman pangan di prop NTT


Perkembangan Biotipe Wereng CoklatNilaparvata lugens Stall di Indonesia

Bahagiawati, A.H.

Edisi Khusus No. 1 Wereng Coklat

Balittan Bogor

Perkembangan bintil akar pada beberapa verietas kedelai

Supriati Y

M Ismunadji dkk (ed) Seminar hsl penelitian tanaman pangan Baliian Bogor 17-18 des 86 vol 2 Palawija

Ballitan Bogor

Perkembangan bintil akar pada beberapa verietas kedelai

Supriati Y

M Ismunadji dkk (ed) Seminar hsl penelitian tanaman pangan Baliian Bogor 17-18 des 86 vol 2 Palawija

Ballitan Bogor

Perkembangan Anak Balita

Darmadji S

Program Bina Kelurga dan Balita.Buku IV

Kantor Mentri Negara Urusan Peranan Wanita.Jakarta

Perkembangan Anak

Hurlock G.B

(Istiwidayanti dan Soedjarwo, Penerjemah ),

Erlangga, Jakarta

Perkembangan Fisik dan Kimiawi Salak Pondoh

Sosrodihardjo, S

Perkembangan Fisik dan Kimiawi Salak Pondoh

Sub Balithorti. Pasarminggu. Jakarta

Perkebunan Dalam Angka di Jawa Timur


Perkebunan Dalam Angka di Jawa Timur

Dinas Perkebunan Daerah Propinsi Daerah Tingkat I Jawa Timur.

Perkebunan 1830-1940 . : Ikhtisar

O'Malley, W. J.

Sejarah Ekonomi Indonesia

LP3ES Jakarta.

Perjanjian Kredit Bank

Meriam, D.B.

Perjanjian Kredit Bank

Penerbit Alumni Bandung.


Judul Buku


Hlm 559 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Perjanjian Kerjasama Kemitraan Pertambakan Inti Rakyat

PT. Sekar Abadi Jaya

Perjalanan Kopi Racik Kediri

Wiyanto, W

Perjalanan Kopi Racik Kediri

Penerbit Perusahaan Kopi Racik Merek Ibu Endang Setyowati Kediri

Perjalanan Nasib TKI-TKW Antara Rantai Kemiskinan dan Nasib Perempuan

Utomo, Priyo Y

Perjalanan Nasib TKI-TKW Antara Rantai Kemiskinan dan Nasib Perempuan

PT. Gramedia. Jakarta

periode prasejarah- Tahun


periode prasejarah- Tahun

Departemen Kehutanan RI. Jakarta

Perilaku Organisasional

Handoko, H.

Perilaku Organisasional

PPM Fakultas Ekonomi UGM Yogyakarta

Perilaku Konsumen (F.X. Budiyanto penerjemah).

Engel J.F

Binarupa Aksara, Jakarta.

Perilaku Konsumen (ed. Ke Enam)

Engel. J.F

Binarupa Aksara, Jakarta

Perilaku Konsumen

Engel J.F

Bina Aksara Putra, jakarta

Perilaku Keorganisasian., Edisi Pertama,

Gitosudarmo I

BPFE, Yogyakarta

Perilaku Ekosistem Mangrove dan Hasil Konservasi di Indonesia

Sukarjo, S

Perilaku Ekosistem Mangrove dan Hasil Konservasi di Indonesia

Institut Pertanian Stiper

Perikanan Jawa Tengah Angka.

Kepala Dinas Perikanan.

Perikanan Jawa Tengah Angka.

Dinas Perikanan Prop. Dati I Jateng. 108 hal.

Periadangan (Alih Bahasa dari Inggris, JB BerjuduI Ladang Boum),

Lahiya, A.A

Periadangan (Alih Bahasa dari Inggris, JB BerjuduI Ladang Boum),

IPB Bogor.

Perhutanan Sosial dan Konsekwensinya bagi Rimbawan

Sabarnurdin, S.

Silva Indonesia, No 1 Tahun 1988


Perhitungan Pendapatan Nasional

Partadiredja, A.C.E.

Perhitungan Pendapatan Nasional

LP3ES, Jakarta

Perhitungan Pendapatan Nasional

Partadiredja, Ace

Perhitungan Pendapatan Nasional

LP3ES, Jakarta.

Perhitungan Pendapatan Nasional

Ace Partadiredja

Perhitungan Pendapatan Nasional

LP3 Jakarta.

Perhitungan Pendapatan Nasional

Ace Partadiredja

Perhitungan Pendapatan Nasional

LP3 Jaklarta.


Judul Buku

Penerbit PT. Sekar Abadi Jaya. Sumbawa-NTB

Hlm 560 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Perhitungan harga pokok


Perhitungan dalam Merancang Alat Penangkapan Ikan

Friedman, A.L.

Perhitungan dalam Merancang Alat Penangkapan Ikan

Balai Pengembangan Penangkapan Ikan, Semarang 304 hal.

Perhitungan Dalam Merancancang alat Penangkapan Ikan.

Fridman, A.L.

Perhitungan Dalam Merancancang alat Penangkapan Ikan.

Balai Pengembangan Penangkapan Ikan, Semarang. 304 hal.

Pergulatan Dunia Pesantren, Membangun dari Bawah

Rahardjo, Dawam

Pergulatan Dunia Pesantren, Membangun dari Bawah

P3M, Jakarta.

Pergulatan Dunia Pesantren, Membangun dari Bawah

Rahardjo, Dawam

Pergulatan Dunia Pesantren, Membangun dari Bawah

P3M, Jakarta.

Pergulatan Dunia Pesantren, Membangun dari Bawah

Rahardjo, Dawam

Pergulatan Dunia Pesantren, Membangun dari Bawah

P3M, Jakarta.

Pergudangan dan penyimpanan benih

Barlian, Y.

Seed Technology Training for Researchers. . AARP.ed 11. 192218.

Seed Science and Technology Winrock International

Pergaruh Kanamycin, Terramycin dan Neomycin Terhadap Kelangsungan Hidup dan Pertumbuhan Udang Windu (Penaeus Menodon Fab.) Stadia Z1 -PL5.

Taslihan, A.

Pergaruh Kanamycin, Terramycin dan Neomycin Terhadap Kelangsungan Hidup dan Pertumbuhan Udang Windu (Penaeus Menodon Fab.) Stadia Z1 -PL5.

Balai Budidaya Air Payau. Jepara.

Performans Ayam Pedaging Pada Berbagai Tingkat Kepadatan Kandang.

Resnawati H

Performans Ayam Pedaging Pada Berbagai Tingkat Kepadatan Kandang.

Lembaga Penelitian Peternakan. Bogor.

Performans Kambing PE. Domba dan Kambing di Indonesia

Sitorus, P.

Performans Kambing PE. Domba dan Kambing di Indonesia

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Peternakan. BPT. Departemen Pertanian. Bogor

Performance of the duckweed species Lemna gibba on municipal waste water for effluent renovation and protein production

Oron, G.

Biotechnology and bioengineering

Performance of soybean on acid soil

Rochayati Sri

JWT Bottema, F dauplin, G Gijsbers (eds) Soybean Reseach Development

CGPRT Centre Bogor

Performance of soybean on acid soil

Rochayati Sri

JWT Bottema, F dauplin, G Gijsbers (eds) Soybean Reseach Development

CGPRT Centre Bogor


Judul Buku

Penerbit Bag Penerbit Fak Ekonomi, UGM Yogyakarta

Hlm 561 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Performance of Ettawah Grade and Kacang Goat

Setiadi, B

Performance of Ettawah Grade and Kacang Goat

BPT, Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Peternakan, Bogor

Performance of chickens fed on rice bran treated with hot wter to reduce the content of phytic

Tangenjaya B

Acid IPB


Performance of adult oil palm clones. PIPOC.

Cochard B

Kuala Lumpur 1-6 Februari 1999, 12-22

Performance National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Daniel G. Foster

Technical Memorandum.

National Marine Fisheries Service-Secretary Economic Fisheries Service Commerce 366. 35p.

Performan Produksi Sapi Bali yang Diantar-pulaukan dari Pulau Lombok.


Performan Produksi Sapi Bali yang Diantar-pulaukan dari Pulau Lombok.

Laporan penelitian, Depdikbud, Fapet-Unram. Mataram.

Perfect Empowerment: Pemberdayaan yang tetap.

Cook, S

Perfect Empowerment: Pemberdayaan yang tetap.

PT. Elex Media Kompetindo, Jakarta

Perencanaan Sosial di Dunia Ketiga : Suatu Pengantar

Diana Conyers

Perencanaan Pembangunan Wilayah

Budiharsono, S

Perencanaan Pembangunan Peternakan di Jawa Barat Bagian Selatan


Kerjasama Dinas Peternakan Prop. Jabar dengan Pusat Studi Pembangunan IPB

Perencanaan Pembangunan Peternakan di Jawa Barat Bagian Selatan

Pusat Studi Pembangunan IPB

Dinas Peternakan Dati I Jawa Barat

Perencanaan Pembangunan PAU

Esmara. H

Eonomi UI. Depok

Perencanaan Pembangunan dan Pemerataan Pendapatan.

Salim, E.

Perencanaan Mikroba pada Ruminansia.

Arora, S. P.


Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta Perencanaan Pembangunan Wilayah

Perencanaan Pembangunan dan Pemerataan Pendapatan.

Pusat Antar UniversitasStudi Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia

Yayasan Idayu, Jakarta.

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Hlm 562 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Perencanaan Makan Bagi Diabetesi dalam Soegondo S, P. Soewondo dan I. Soebekti (Ed), Diabetes Melitus, Penatalaksanaan Terpadu (hlm 38-56).

Sukardji K

Pusat Diabetes dan Lipid RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, FKUI, Jakarta.

Perencanaan Makan Bagi Diabetesi dalam Seogondo, Soewondo dan I. Soebekti : Penetalaksanaan Terpadu.


Pusat Diabetes dan Lipid RSUPN Dr. Ciptomangunkusumo, Jakarta.

Perencanaan Kesempatan Kerja Repelita VII Sulawesi Utara.

Rantung, V. dkk.,

Perencanaan Kesempatan Kerja Repelita VII Sulawesi Utara.

Kerjasama Unsrat dengan Depnaker Sulut.

Perencanaan Kegiatan tahun 1997/1998

Makalah Direktur Bina Program Dirjen Petemakan pada Pertemuan Teknis Produksi, UPT dan Penyebaran dan Pengembangan. Cisarua Bogor, November 1996

Perencanaan Kegiatan tahun 1997/1998


Perencanaan dan Pembinaan Tenaga Kerja

Zainun, B

Perencanaan dan Pembinaan Tenaga Kerja

Ghalia Indonesia. Jakarta

Perencanaan budi daya tambak di Sulawesi Selatan

Atmomarsono, M.

Perencanaan budi daya tambak di Sulawesi Selatan

Balai Penelitian Perikanan Budi Daya Pantai, Maros, (tidak dipublikasikan).

perencanaan & tata laksana pembibitan ternak unggas


Prog Pasca Sarjana UGM

Perekatan Kayu


Bagian Penerbitan Fakultas Kehutanan UGM, Yogyakarta

Perekatan Kayu

Prayitno. T.A

Bagian Penerbitan Fakultas Kehutanan UGM. Yogyakarta

Perekatan Kayu


Yayasan Pembina Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

Perekat Kayu


Fakultas Kehutanan UGM Yogyakarta


Hlm 563 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Perekat Kayu


Bagian Penerbitan Fakultas Kehutanan UGM, Yogyakarta

Perekat dan Perekatan

Sutigno P

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan.Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan.Bogor

Pereaksi Kromatografi Lapis Tipis.

Sutrisno, B.

Pereaksi Kromatografi Lapis Tipis.

Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila. Jakarta.

Perdagangan Impor Indonesia.


Perdagangan Impor Indonesia.

Biro Pusat Statistik

Perdagangan gambir Sumatera Barat.

GPEI, Padang.

Sambung Rasa Mutu Komoditas Gambir di Pakayumbuh.

Perdagangan dan Industri Dalam Pembangunan

Djojohadikusumo, Sumitco

Perdagangan dan Industri Dalam Pembangunan

Perdagangan berjangka badan pelaksana bursa komoditi (BAPEBTI) Jakarta


Percobaan, perancangan, analisa dan interpretasinya

Yitnosumarto, S.

Percobaan Tanaman Meranti (Shorea leprosula) di Jawa

Ardikoesoema R.I

Pengumuman No.48. Lembaga Penelitian Hutan.Bogor

Percobaan Rancangan, Analisis dan Interpre tasinya

Yitnosumarno S

Percobaan Rancangan, Analisis dan Interpre tasinya

Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya. Malang

Percobaan Perancangan Analisis dan Interprestasinya

Yitnosumarto, S.

Percobaan Perancangan Analisis dan Interprestasinya

Gramedia, Jakarta.

Percobaan Penyetekan tanaman lada

Wahid, P

Percobaan Pengaruh Persaingan Calopogonium Caeruleum Terhadap tanaman Karet yang Ditanam Dalam Pot.

Nasution, U.

Puslitbung Tanjung Morawa.

Belum di Publukasikan.

Percobaan Pendahuluan Pelapisan Lilin Terhadap BuahBuahan dan Sayuran

Roosmani, A.B.

Buil. Penel. Hort.

Lembaga Penelitian Hortikultura, Pasarminggu, Jakarta


Judul Buku


LP3ES, Jakarta

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Pemb. Pen. Tanaman Industri. Vol. VII

Hlm 564 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Percobaan Pencegahan Serangan Rayap Tanah Pada Tegakan Pinus Merkusii


Percobaan Pencegahan Serangan Rayap Tanah Pada Tegakan Pinus Merkusii

Lembaga Penelitian Hutan. Bogor

Percobaan Pemeliharaan Zoea Kepiting Bakau (Scylla serrata) dengan Jenis Pakan yang Berbeda

Moria, S.B.

Percobaan Pemeliharaan Zoea Kepiting Bakau (Scylla serrata) dengan Jenis Pakan yang Berbeda

Balai Penelitian Perikanan Pantai, Maros. (tidak dipublikasikan)

Perbanyakan tanaman. Dalam Bioteknologi Tanaman.

Wiendi, N.M.A.

G.A. Wattimena

PAU Bioteknologi IPB Bogor.

Perbanyakan tanaman. Perbanyakan tanaman gambir secara konvensional dan kultur jaringan.

Wiendi, N.M.A. Denian, A.

Perbanyakan melati dengan kultur jaringan

Masyhudi, M.F.

Buku Komoditas No. 4: Melati

Balai Peneli tian Tanaman Hias, Jakarta. p: 47-58.

Perbanyakan in vitro tanaman pepaya (Carica papaya L.) hasil persilangan pepaya Bangkok dengan pepaya Hawai

Anggraini, R.

Perbanyakan in vitro tanaman pepaya (Carica papaya L.) hasil persilangan pepaya Bangkok dengan pepaya Hawai

Jurusan Biologi, Fakultas Mate-matika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Pakuan, Bogor. 62 hlm.

Perbanyakan dan penyebaran pestisida nabati mindi (Melia azedarach) untuk mengendalikan hama penggulung daun (Palpita marinata) pada tanaman gambir (Uncaria gambir).


Perbanyakan dan penyebaran pestisida nabati mindi (Melia azedarach) untuk mengendalikan hama penggulung daun (Palpita marinata) pada tanaman gambir (Uncaria gambir).

Laboratorium Lapangan Dinas Perkebunan Dati I Sumbar. Padang, 12 hal

Perbandingan Pupuk ZA dan Urea dalam Tanaman Tebu Tahun Tebang 1961-1964

Tjioe Sien Bie

MPG II (1), BP#G, Pasuruan

Perbandingan Produktivitas dan Pendapatan Usaha Tani Cabe Yang Menggunakan Mulsa Plastik Hitam Perak dengan Yang Tanpa Menggunakan Mulsa Plasti Hitam Perak di Kodya Mataram


Fakultas Pertanian Unram


Laporan Tahunan bagian Proyek Littro Solok.

Hlm 565 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Perbandingan Pola Kebiasaan Menyusuai, Makanan Sapihan dan Status Gizi Bayi di Dareah Kota dan Pinggiran Jakarta

Abunain D

Puslitbang Gizi, Depkos, Bogor

Perbandingan beberapa metode penerapan KTK pada tanah mineral masam .

Hamid, A.

Pemb. Pen. Tanah dan Pupuk.

Perbaikan varietas Vanda melalui hibridisasi.

Soertini, S

Laporan tahunan Balai Peneltian Tanaman Hias Jakarta. Tidak dipublikasikan.

Perbaikan varietas padi. Perbaikan varietas padi mendukung pelestarian swasembada beras.

Harahap, Z. Soewito, T.

Perbaikan varietas padi. Kinerja Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Buku 2.

Puslitbangtan Bogor. Puslitbangtan Bogor.

Perbaikan varietas padi Dalam : M. Ismunadji et a, (eds)

Harahap, Z.

Padi Buku 2.

Puslitbangtan Bogor P335-361

Perbaikan Varietas


Subandi ; M. Syam ; Adiwidjono. JAGUNG

Balitan. Bogor

Perbaikan varietas


Subandi, Mahyuddin Syam dan Adi Widjono (penyunting) Jagung, h 81-98

Pusat Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Bogor

Perbaikan varietas


Subandi, M Syam, Adiwijaya(eds) Jagung. Puslitbangtan


Perbaikan varietas


Subandi, Mahydin Syam, dan Adi Widjono (eds) Jagung,

Balitbang Puslitbang Tanaman Pangan Bogor

Perbaikan varietas



BP3 Puslitbang Tanaman Pangan Bogor

Perbaikan varietas


Subandi Mahyudin Syam, Adi Widjon (ed) Jagung

Balitbang Pertanian.Puslitbang Tanaman Pangan Bogor

Perbaikan varietas



BP3 Puslitbang Tanaman Pangan Bogor

Perbaikan varietas


Subandi Mahyudin Syam, Adi Widjon (ed) Jagung

Balitbang Pertanian.Puslitbang Tanaman Pangan Bogor



Hlm 566 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Perbaikan Teknologi dan Sistem Produksi Padi Dua Kali Tanam Setahun di Lahan Lebak

Sutami, S.

Hasil Penelitian. Kerja Sama Penelitian Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Banjarbaru dengan P4N Bogor. hlm. 11-15.

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Banjarbaru.

Perbaikan penanganan pascapanen hasil pertanian melalui teknologi tepat guna Pelatihan Manajemen dan Usahatani bagi Manajer dan Apresiasi Manajemen Usahatani bagi Penyuluh Pertanian, Palembang, 22 Oktober 2000.


Perbaikan penanganan pascapanen hasil pertanian melalui teknologi tepat guna Pelatihan Manajemen dan Usahatani bagi Manajer dan Apresiasi Manajemen Usahatani bagi Penyuluh Pertanian, Palembang, 22 Oktober 2000.

Perbaikan Kultivar padi. Perbaikan Fermentasi ClU (Alkohol) dan Proses Penyulingan

Harahap, Z. Prijanto, B

Padi Buku Perbaikan Fermentasi ClU (Alkohol) dan Proses Penyulingan

Perbaikan Daya Hasil Jagung Kultivar Lokal Kebo dengan Seleksi Massa Berdasarkan Sifat Panjang Tongkol

Yacop. U.M

Perbaikan dan Analisis Pengembangan Mesin Perajang Ubi Kayu Rancangan V.M. Balasubramanian Untuk Keripik Sanjai Di Sumatera Barat. ,


Perbaikan dan Analisis Pengembangan Mesin Perajang Ubi Kayu Rancangan V.M. Balasubramanian Untuk Keripik Sanjai Di Sumatera Barat. ,

Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Andalas. Padang.

perbaikan budidaya tanaman jagung di lahan kering dan prospek pengembangannya di NTT


Tastra dkk (ed) Teknologi utk meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman pangan di prop NTT


perbaikan budidaya tanaman jagung di lahan kering dan prospek pengembangannya di NTT


Tastra dkk (ed) Teknologi utk meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman pangan di prop NTT


Perbaikan bahan tanaman jahe untuk penanggulangan penyakit layu


Penyusunan dan Pengolahan Program Penelitian Tanaman Industri. 16-18 Desember 1993. Malang.


Balai Pustaka, Jakarta

Fakultas Pertanian Unram

Hlm 567 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Peraturan Pemerintah RI Nomer 21 Tahun 1994 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Pembangunan Keluarga Sejahtera


Kantor Negara Kependudukan

Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomer 69 Tahun 1999 tentang Label dan Iklan Pangan


Direktorat Jendral Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan , Jakarta

Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 30 Tahun 1990. Tentang Pendidikan Tinggi


Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 30 Tahun 1990. Tentang Pendidikan Tinggi

Peraturan Mentri Nomor 115 ahun 1992 Tentang Pedoman Induk Penyelenggaraan Transmigrasi


Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Nomor:760761/Menkes/Per/IX/1992 tentang fito-farmaka

Departemen Kesehatan RI

Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Nomor:760761/Menkes/Per/IX/1992 tentang fito-farmaka

Peraturan dan undang-undang peternakan.

Pulungan, I.

UPT. Produksi media informasi, lembaga sumber daya informasi, IPB, Bogor.

Peratuan Pemerintah No. 24 Tahun 1993 tentang Kelas Barang atau Jasa Bagi Pendaftaran Merek

Departemen Kehakiman RI

Peratuan Pemerintah No. 24 Tahun 1993 tentang Kelas Barang atau Jasa Bagi Pendaftaran Merek

Peratuan Pemerintah No. 23 Tahun 1993 tentang Tata Cara Permintaan Pendaftaran Merek

Departemen Kehakiman RI

Peratuan Pemerintah No. 23 Tahun 1993 tentang Tata Cara Permintaan Pendaftaran Merek

Departemen Transmigrasi Republik Indonesia

Departemen Kesehatan, Jakarta.

Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan R.I No. 304/MENKES/PER/IV/1989 tentang Persyaratan Kesehatan Rumah Makan dan Restoran dan Pelaksanaannya, Jakarta, 1995.


Hlm 568 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Perangkap Kemiskinan: Problem dan Strategi Pengentasannya

Suyanto, B

Perangkap Kemiskinan: Problem dan Strategi Pengentasannya

Airlangga Univ. Press dan PUSSE-KOM Paramawidya, Surabaya.

Perancangan Percobuan untuk Ilmu-ilmu Pertanian, Teknik, Biologi

Gasperz, V

Perancangan Percobuan untuk Ilmu-ilmu Pertanian, Teknik, Biologi

Penerbit Cv. Armico, Bandung

Perancangan percobaan, analisis dan interpretasinya

Yitnosumarto, S.

Perancangan percobaan, analisis dan interpretasinya

PT Gramedia, jakarta

Perancangan Percobaan : Rancangan AcaK Kelompok, Rancangan Bujursangkar Latin dan Percobaan Faktorial


Perancangan Percobaan : Rancangan AcaK Kelompok, Rancangan Bujursangkar Latin dan Percobaan Faktorial

Universitas Airlangga Surabaya.

Perancangan Percobaan dan Analisis


Perancangan Percobaan dan Analisis

Makalah diseminarkan. Agriculture Faculty of Brawijaya University Malang.

Perancangan dan Analisis Percobaan.

Baihaki, A.

Serial Pengenalan Dasar-Dasar Statistik Terapan.

Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Bagian Statistik Pertanian No. 07/1.

Peranan zeolit di bidang pertanian

Sarief S

Makalahseminar hasil-hasil penelitian IPB

Peranan wanita Tani Terhadap Peningkatan Pendapatan Rumah Tangga Tani dan Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja di Kabupaten Lombok Tengah. Mataram


Peranan Wanita Tani Dalam Perkembangan Desa

Pujiwati Sayogyo

Peranan Wanita dalam Rumah Tangga dan Masyarakat Desa Sukorejo.


Peranan Wanita dalam Perkembangan Masyarakat Desa.

Sajogyo P

Rajawali, Jakarta.

Peranan Wanita Dalam Perkembangan Masyarakat Desa

Sajogyo Pudjiawati

C.V. Rajawali. Jakarta


CV. Rajawali. Jakarta Peranan Wanita dalam Rumah Tangga dan Masyarakat Desa Sukorejo.

Fak. Pertanian UNILA

Hlm 569 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Peranan Wanita Dalam Perkembangan Masyarakat Desa


Peranan Wanita Dalam Perkembangan Masyarakat Desa

Penerbit CV. Rajawali Jakarta

Peranan Wanita Dalam Perkembangan Masyarakat Desa

Pudjiwati Sajogyo

Peranan Wanita Dalam Perkembangan Masyarakat Desa

Yayasan llmu-llmu Sosial, Jakarta

Peranan Wanita dalam Perkembangan Masyarakat Desa


Peranan Wanita dalam Pembangunan di Indonesia


Peranan Wanita dalam Pembangunan di Indonesia

Ghalia Indonesia, Jakarta

Peranan Unsur Mikro untuk Peningkatan Produksi Kedelai


Peranan Unsur Mikro untuk Peningkatan Produksi Kedelai

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan, Bogor.

Peranan Sosial Ekonomi Kaum Wanita di Dua Area Pengembangan Wilayah Sulawesi Sanrego dan Gumawasangka


Peranan Sistem Usahatani Terpadu Dalam Upaya Mengentaskan Kemiskinan Di Berbagai Agroekosistem


Kinerja Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Eds : Syam, M. Hermanto, Husni Kasim dan Sunihardi

PusatPenelitian dan PengembanganBogor.

Peranan sisa-sisa tanaman dalam konservasi tanah dan air pada usahatani tanaman semusim.


Peranan sisa-sisa tanaman dalam konservasi tanah dan air pada usahatani tanaman semusim.

Disertasi Doktor Fakultas Pasca Sarjana IPBBogor.

Peranan Sisa-sisa Tanaman dalam Konservasi Tanah dan Air pada Usahatani Tanaman Semusim


Peranan Sisa-sisa Tanaman dalam Konservasi Tanah dan Air pada Usahatani Tanaman Semusim

Fakultas Pascasarjana, IPB.

Peranan Rhizopus Oligosporus dalam Fermentasi Campuran Limbah Tepung Tapioka (gamblong) dan Kotoran Ayam Kering (DPW) Sebagai Pakan Ayam Pedaging

Sjofjan, O

Peranan Rhizopus Oligosporus dalam Fermentasi Campuran Limbah Tepung Tapioka (gamblong) dan Kotoran Ayam Kering (DPW) Sebagai Pakan Ayam Pedaging

Laporan Penelitian. Universitas Brawijaya, Malang

Peranan Rhizobium pada Pertanaman Kedelai di Lahan Sawah Tadah Hujan

Damanik, M

Risalah Hasil Penelitian Kacang-kacangan 1990-1993

Puslitbangtan Banjar baru


Lembaga Pengabdian pada Masyarakat.IPB

Hlm 570 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Peranan pupuk kandang dalam meningkatkan air tersedia bagi pertumbuhan jagung (Zea mays L) dalam F. Ahmad. Permasalahan dan pengelolaan air tanah di lahan kering.


Peranan pupuk kandang dalam meningkatkan air tersedia bagi pertumbuhan jagung (Zea mays L) dalam F. Ahmad. Permasalahan dan pengelolaan air tanah di lahan kering.

Pusat Penelitian Unand. hal: 56 - 65.

Peranan penggunaan bahan inokulasi terhadap peningkatan produksi kedelai

Prihatini, T.

Peranan penggunaan bahan inokulasi terhadap peningkatan produksi kedelai

Pusat Penelitian Tanah Bogor

Peranan Pemuliaan Pohon terhadap Keberhasilan HTI. Diklat Manajer HTI

Na'iem M

Peranan Pemuliaan Pohon terhadap Keberhasilan HTI. Diklat Manajer HTI

Fakultas Kehutanan UGM. 16-20 Desember

Peranan Pemuliaan Pohon dalam Peningkatan Produktivitas Hutan


Peranan Pemuliaan Pohon dalam Peningkatan Produktivitas Hutan

Pidato Pengkuhan Jabatan Guru Besar dalam llmu Pemuliaan Pohon Hutan

Peranan pasca panen udang dalam mensukseskan budidaya Tambak dan ekspor. Lokakarya Budidaya Udang Nasional. 2729 Agustus

Putro, S.

Peranan pasca panen udang dalam mensukseskan budidaya Tambak dan ekspor. Lokakarya Budidaya Udang Nasional. 27-29 Agustus

Peranan Pasar Temak Dalam Memasarkan Produksi Sapi Potong di Sumatera Barat.


Peranan Pasar Temak Dalam Memasarkan Produksi Sapi Potong di Sumatera Barat.

Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Andalas, Padang.

Peranan Otak Terjemahan Peranan Orang Tua dalam Meningkatkan Prestasi belajar Anak

Bailey. R.H. Nasution T

Peranan Otak Terjemahan

Tira Pustaka, Jakarta. BPK Gunung Mulia, Jakarta

Peranan mikrobia pada ketersediaan fosfor tanah

Kabirun S

Peranan Mikroba Bagi Tanaman Kehutanan

Fahura. Y

Peranan Mikoriza dalam Bidang Pertanian



Faperta UGM Yogyakarta Diskusi Terbatas Tentang Beberapa aspek Pembangunan Hutan Tanaman Jakarta PAU-Bioteknologi IPB, Bogor

Hlm 571 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Peranan Mikoriza (Ekto dan VA) dan mekanismenya dalam pengambilan hara.


Peranan LIPI sebagai scientific authority di dalam konservasi sumberdaya alam hayati. Proceeding Workshop Teknik Pengelolaan dan Kebijaksanaan Konservasi Sumberdaya Alam Hayati

Prijono, S.N

Peranan LIPI sebagai scientific authority di dalam konservasi sumberdaya alam hayati. Proceeding Workshop Teknik Pengelolaan dan Kebijaksanaan Konservasi Sumberdaya Alam Hayati

Departemen Kehutanan dan Perkebuan. Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kehutanan dan Perkebunan. Bogor, 1011 Maret2000

Peranan LIPI sebagai scientific authority di dalam konservasi sumberdaya alam hayati. Proceeding Workshop Teknik Pengelolaan dan Kebijaksanaan Konservasi Sumberdaya Alam Hayati

Prijono, S.N

Peranan LIPI sebagai scientific authority di dalam konservasi sumberdaya alam hayati. Proceeding Workshop Teknik Pengelolaan dan Kebijaksanaan Konservasi Sumberdaya Alam Hayati

Departemen Kehutanan dan Perkebuan. Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kehutanan dan Perkebunan. Bogor, 1011 Maret2000

Peranan lingkungan Fisik terhadap produksi jahe

Januwati. N.

Monograf No. 3. (Jahe).

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat , Bogor Hal. 41-49

Peranan Lemak Dalam Bahan Pangan

Ketaren. S

Peranan Lahan Pasang Surut di Sumatera Selatan Valam Melestarikan Swasembada Pangan, Menuju Pemasok Pangan Nasional Peranan Koperasi dan Usaha Pengembangan Agribisnis di Indonesia

Pasaribu, S.M.

Peranan Kelembagaan Dalam Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Lokal

Anwar. A

Peranan kedelai dalam perekonomian Indonesia.

Silitonga, C.


Judul Buku

Penerbit Laboratorium Bioteknologi HutanPAU Bioteknologi IPB, Bogor

Departemen Hasil Pertanian FATEMETA. IPB, Bogor Peranan Lahan Pasang Surut di Sumatera Selatan Valam Melestarikan Swasembada Pangan, Menuju Pemasok Pangan Nasional

Kanwil Departemen Pertanian, Palembang.

Peranan Koperasi dan Usaha Pengembangan Agribisnis di Indonesia

Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta. Fakultas Pasca Sarjana IPB. Bogor

B. Amang dan M.H. Sawit (Eds.): Ekonomi Kedelai di Indonesia. hlm. 33-68.

IPB Press, Bogor.

Hlm 572 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Peranan Kalium dalam meningkatkan produksi tanaman pangan.

Ismunadji, M.

Kalium dan Tanaman Pangan

Lembaga Pusat Penelitian Pertanian, Bogor

Peranan kalium dalam meningkatkan produksi tanaman pangan


Peranan kalium dalam meningkatkan produksi tanaman pangan

Lembaga Pusat Penelitian Tanah Bogor. Edisi Khusus no. 2

Peranan kalium dalam meningkatkan produksi tanaman pangan

Ismunadji, M.

Peranan kalium dalam meningkatkan produksi tanaman pangan

Lembaga Pusat Penelitian Pertanian Bogor

Peranan Kalium dalam meningkatkan produksi tanaman pangan

Ismunadji, M.

Kalium dan tanaman pangan.

Lembaga pusat penelitian pertanian, Bogor

Peranan insektisida dalam pengelolaan hama terpadu


Diklat Tani Mhs Faperta Unsoed

Peranan insektisida dalam pengelolaan hama terpadu


Diklat Tani Mhs Faperta Unsoed

Peranan ikan laut dalam upaya pencegahan penyakit jantung koroner

Rilantono, L. I.

Dep. Kes. R. I. Jakarta

Peranan gizi dalam pembangunan nasional

Berg, A.

Rajawali, Jakarta

Peranan Gizi Dalam Pembangunan Nasional

Berg. A

Peranan Gizi dalam Pembangunan Nasional

Berg A

Rajawali Jakarta

Peranan Gizi Dalam Pembangunan Nasional

Berg. A

Rajawali Press, Jakarta

Peranan Gizi dalam Pembangunan nasional

Berg A


Peranan Fermentasi Dalam Pengolahan Biji Kakao Kering

Alamsyah, T.S.,

Peranan Fermentasi Dalam Pengolahan Biji Kakao Kering

Berita Penelitian Perkebunan

Peranan Endomikoriza dalam Kehutanan

Rahardjo. S.W.B

Bahan Kursus Singkat Teknologi Mikoriza

Kerjasama PAU Bioteknologi IPB dan UGM. 11 Des. 1989- 7 Jan. 1990

Peranan efisiensi penggunaan pupuk untuk melestarikan swa sembada pangan

Adiningsih, J.S.

Inovasi Teknologi Pertanian, Seperempat Abad Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, hlm 150-161.

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta.


Zahara (Penterjemah)

CV. Rajawali, Jakarta

Hlm 573 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Peranan Effective Microorganism 4 dalam meningkatkan kesuburan dan produktivitas tanah

Wididana GN

Peranan Dokter Hewan dalam Pembangunan Khusus Mengisi Repelita IV

Hutasoit, J.H

Peranan Dokter Hewan dalam Pembangunan Khusus Mengisi Repelita IV

Ditjen Peternakan Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta 8-9.

Peranan dan masalah irigasi dlm mencapai dan melestarikan swasembada beras

Asnawi S

Prisma no 2 thn xvii LP3ES Jakarta


Peranan Biota Air Sebagai Indikator Untuk Penentuan Kualitas Perairan Sungai


Peranan Biota Air Sebagai Indikator Untuk Penentuan Kualitas Perairan Sungai

Fakultas Perikanan UNIBRAW Malang

Peranan Biota Air Sebagai Indikator Untuk Penentuan Kualitas Perairan Sungai


Peranan Biota Air Sebagai Indikator Untuk Penentuan Kualitas Perairan Sungai

Fakultas Perikanan Unibraw Malang

Peranan benih jagung hibrida dlm menunjang peningkatan pendapatan petani

Nasib WW

Syam M, Hermanto, A Musaddad (ed) Kinerja penelitian tanaman pangan buku 4 Jagung, sorghum, ubi kayu dan ubi jalar. Proc. Simp. Penelitian Tanaman Pangan

Balitbang Pertanian Jakarta Bogor

Peranan benih jagung hibrida dlm menunjang peningkatan pendapatan petani

Nasib WW

Syam M, Hermanto, A Musaddad (ed) Kinerja penelitian tanaman pangan buku 4 Jagung, sorghum, ubi kayu dan ubi jalar. Proc. Simp. Penelitian Tanaman Pangan

Balitbang Pertanian Jakarta Bogor

peranan Benih jagung Hibrida dalam menunjang peningkatan pendapatan petani

Nasib WW

Syam, M Hermanto, A Musaddad (eds) Kinerja penelitian tanaman pangan buku 4 Jagung, sorghum ubi kayu, dan ubi jalar. Proc. Simp. Penelitian tanaman pangan.

Balitbang pertanian Jakarta/Bogor

Peranan Bakteri Azospinllum dan Pseudomonas Terhadap Peningkatan Hablur Tebu Melalui Bibit Keprasan Dua di Lahan Kering Mojokerto

Setyo Budi

Peranan Bakteri Azospinllum dan Pseudomonas Terhadap Peningkatan Hablur Tebu Melalui Bibit Keprasan Dua di Lahan Kering Mojokerto

Fakultas Pertanian UWK. Surabaya


Judul Buku

Penerbit Kyusei Nature Farming Jakarta

Hlm 574 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Peranan Aspergillus niger dan bahan organik dalam transformasi P anorganik tanah

Maningsih, G

Pember itaan Penelitian Tanah dan Pupuk 14:31-36.

Peranan Aspergillus niger dan bahan organik dalam transformasi P anorganik tanah

Maningsih, G

Peranan Aparatur Pajak Dalam Penghitungan Pajak Penghasilan Dengan Sistem Self Assesment di Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Semarang Timur

Sunaryo Aji. W


Pemb. Penel. Tanah danPupuk

Peranan Aparatur Pajak Dalam Penghitungan Pajak Penghasilan Dengan Sistem Self Assesment di Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Semarang Timur

FH USM Semarang

Peranan Mikroba dalam Pengomposan Limbah Organik dengan Cacing Tanah

Peranan Mikroba dalam Pengomposan Limbah Organik dengan Cacing Tanah

Cakrawala Pendidikan

Peran Serta Petani Pemakai Air di Dalam Pem-bangunan

Peran Serta Petani Pemakai Air di Dalam Pem-bangunan

Direktorat Jenderal Pengairan. Jakarta

Kumpulan Intisari Seminar Nasional Pengendalian Hayati Yogyakarta, 25-26 November. Pusat Studi hlm. 2.

Pengendalian Hayati Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Peran parasitoid Anagrus sp. dan Oligosita sp. terhadap telur wereng batang coklat, Nilaparvata lugens Stal

Atmadja, W.R.

Peran Internet dalam Membangun Masyarakat Informasi di Perguruan Tinggi Indonesia

Gunartha. I.G.E

Peran Faktor-faktor Iklim Terhadap variasi Produksi Buah 14 Varietas Anggur

Purnomo, S.

Peran Faktor-faktor Iklim Terhadap variasi Produksi Buah 14 Varietas Anggur

Pene. Hort

Peran dan prospek agribisnis dalam pembangunan agribisnis dalam seklor pertaman

Baharsjah. S.

Peran dan prospek agribisnis dalam pembangunan agribisnis dalam seklor pertaman

Pengeinbangan Agribisilis dan Agroindustri di Indonesia. Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta, hlm. 3—5.

Perakitan paket teknpologi kedelai di lahan produktivitas rendah

Adisarwanto T

Nasir Saleh dkk (ed) Teknologi untuk meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman pangan

Balittkabi Malang


ORYZA Inpress

Hlm 575 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Peptide mapping. In: protein structure a practical approach. (ed. T. E. Creighton)

Carrey, E. A.

Peptide inhibitors for angiotensin I-converting enzyme from thermolysin digest of dried bonito

Yokoyama K


Biotech Biochem

Peptide hormone producing endocrine/paracrine cell in the gastro entero-pancreatic region


Handbook of Chemical Neuroanatomy.Vol.6.The Peripheral Nervous System

A.B.jorklund, T.Hokfelt and C.Owman (eds). Elsevier Science Publishers BV

Peptide Alfa-Helicity in Aqueous trifluoroethanol : Correlations with predicted Alfa-helicity and the secondary structure of the growth corresponding regions of bovine hormone

Lehrman, S.R

Pepper breeding

Greenleaf, WH

In Mark J Bsset (Ed). Breeding vegetable crops

Vegetable Crops Dep. Univ Of Florida. Gaenesville Florida


Duta Ray, S.K

Nutrition of Vegetable Crops

Naya Prokash Calcutta, India


Duta Ray, S.K.

Nutrition of Vegetable Crops

Naya Prokash, Calcutta, India.

Peology and Geomorphology


Pedogenesis and Soil Taxonomy. I. Concept and Interaction

Elsevier, Amsterdam

Penyusunan Pedoman Jaminan Mutu Komoditi Pangan untuk Ekspor. Usulan Kegiatan Pusat Studi Pangan dan Gizi IPB, Bogor.

Darwin Kadarisman

Penyusunan Pedoman Jaminan Mutu Komoditi Pangan untuk Ekspor. Usulan Kegiatan Pusat Studi Pangan dan Gizi IPB, Bogor.

Penyusunan metode regresi utk tujuan pendugaan

Hudoyo SA

Media edisi IV th XVII Des. 92

Fak. Peternakan Undip

Penyusunan Klaim dan Paten Sederhana 2000.


Penyusunan Klaim dan Paten Sederhana 2000.

Dirjen Haki. Departemen Kehakiman Rl.

Penyusunan Kecukupan Gizi Berbagai kelompok Fisiologis dan Kegiatan Fisik

Khumaidi M


Judul Buku

Penerbit IRL Press, Oxford-New York-Tokyo


PAU Pangan dan Gizi IPB

Hlm 576 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Penyusunan Kecukupan Gizi Berbagai kelompok Fisiologis dan Kegiatan Fisik

Khumaidi M

Penyuluhan Pertanian Penyuluhan pertanian Penyuluhan Pembangunan Pertanian

Suhardiono Anonim Mardikanto, T

Penyuluhan Pembangunan Pertanian

Mardikanto. T

Penyuluhan Pembangunan Pertanian

Mardikanto, T.

Penyuluhan kpd rakyat tani. Usaha Swasembada Beras


Penyuluhan dan Aplikasinya


Penyubur tanah (Soil Conditioner).


Penyimpanan buah-buahan, Sayur-sayuran dan Bungabungaan.

Wiyandi, S.

Penyimpanan buah-buahan, Sayur-sayuran dan Bungabungaan.

Jurusan Teknologi Industri Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, IPB Bogor

Penyimpanan Buah-buahan, Sayur-sayuran dan Bungabungaan

Wijandi, S.,

Penyimpanan Buah-buahan, Sayur-sayuran dan Bungabungaan

Jurusan Teknologi Industri. FATETA, IPB, Bogor

Penyimpanan buah-buahan, sayur-sayuran dan bungabungaan

Wijandi, S.

Penyimpanan buah-buahan, sayur-sayuran dan bungabungaan

IPB, Bogor

Penyimpanan benih tanaman pangan

Sadjad S

Bahan Kuliah Latihan Pola bertanam LP3-IRRI Bogor

Penyimpanan benih tanaman pangan

Sadjad S

Bahan Kuliah Latihan Pola bertanam LP3-IRRI Bogor

Penyidikan penyakit hewan bluetongue di desa Caringin, Kabupaten Bogor.

Sudana, I.G.

Annual report of Disease Investigation in Indonesia during the period of 1975 -1981, Direktorat Kesehatan Hewan, Direktorat Jenderal Peternakan, Jakarta. p: I 1-121.


Judul Buku

Penerbit PAU Pangan dan Gizi IPB

Penyuluhan Pertanian Penyuluhan pertanian

PT. Erlangga, Jakarta. Alumni Bandung Sebelas Maret University Press, Surakarta Universitas Sebelas Maret Press. Surakarta

Penyuluhan Pembangunan Pertanian

Sebelas Maret University Press, Surakarta

Penyuluhan dan Aplikasinya

Brawijaya University Press, Malang, Jawa Timur. PT. Istana Kanematsu Indonesia.

Hlm 577 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Penyiapan Data Dasar Penw.jang Prcfil Regional clan Daerah Paket I: Penyediaan Database Spasial Desa Secara Digital


Penyiapan Data Dasar Penw.jang Prcfil Regional clan Daerah Paket I: Penyediaan Database Spasial Desa Secara Digital

Geosys Intipiranti dan Binadaya Inti Dinamika, Jakarta.

Penyerapan Zat Berwarna ke Dalam Telur dan Ayam.

Hattab, H. A.

Ayam dan Telur.

Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja Pada Usaha Tani Bimas dan Inmas


Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja Luar Sektor Pertanian Di Pedesaan Prospek Pemba ngunan Ekonomi Pedesaan Indonesia


Penyelidikan Tentang Neraca Hara Mineral Dari Padi Sawah (Oryza Sativa L)

Go Ban Hong

Pemb. Balai Beras Penyakit Pertanian

Penyelidikan tanah di kawasan Simpang lima dan sekitarnya

Lab mekanika tanah FT Undip


Penyelesaian Persoalan Analytic Hierarchy Process dengan Criterium Decision Plus


Penyelenggaraan Makanan Institusi Dan Jasa Boga

Moehyi. S

Bharata, Jakarta

Penyelenggaraan Makanan Institusi & Jasaboga.

Moehyi S

Penerbit Bhratara. Jakarta.

Penyediaan dan Pensyaratn sarana produksi

H.H. Suharto

Penyediaan dan pengelolaan pakan ternak ruminansia

Kartodisastro, H. R.

Penyebaran benih jagung di Indonesia


Ghalia Indonesia

Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja Luar Sektor Pertanian Di Pedesaan Prospek Pemba ngunan Ekonomi Pedesaan Indonesia

Penyelesaian Persoalan Analytic Hierarchy Process dengan Criterium Decision Plus

Seri Pengembangan Hasil Penelitian Perikanan no. PHP/KAN/06/1998

Yayasan Obor Indonesia, Jakarta

Jurusan Tehnologi Industri Pertanian Fakultas Teknologi Partanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor.

Badan Litbang Pertanian, Jakarta Kanisius, Yogyakarta

Penyebaran benih jagung di Indonesia

Direktorat Bina Perbenihan, Direktorat Jenderal Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura, Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta.

Hlm 578 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Penyamakan Kulit Reptil. Penyamakan Kulit Reptil. Penyamakan Kulit Reptil

Pumomo, E. Purnomo, E. Eddy P.

Penyamakan Kulit Reptil. Penyamakan Kulit Reptil Penyamakan Kulit Reptil

Kanisius. Yogyakarta. Kanisius Yogyakarta. Percetakan Kamsius Yogyakarta

Penyamakan Kulit Kaki Ayam.

Pumomo, E.

Penyamakan Kulit Kaki Ayam.

Kanisius. Yogyakarta.

Penyakit-penyakit Tenaman Perkebunan di Indonesia

Semangun, H.

Penyakit-penyakit Tenaman Perkebunan di Indonesia

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta. 317 p.

Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Perkebunan di Indonesia.


Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Perkebunan di Indonesia.

Gadjah Mada Univ. Press, Yogyakarta

Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Perkebunan di Indonesia


Gadjah Mada Univ. Press Yogyakarta

Penyakit-Penyakit Tanaman Perkebunan di Indonesia


Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Penyakit-Penyakit Tanaman Perkebunan di Indonesia


Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Perkebunan di Indonesia

Semangun, H.

Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Perkebunan di Indonesia

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta. hlm. 661-668.

Penyakit-Penyakit Tanaman Perkebunan di Indonesia

Semangun, H.

Penyakit-Penyakit Tanaman Perkebunan di Indonesia

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta. hlm. 661

Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Perkebunan di Indonesia

Semangun H

Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Perkebunan di Indonesia

Gadjah Mada Univ.Press. Yogyakarta

Penyakit-penyakit tanaman pangan di Indonesia

Semangun, H

Penyakit-penyakit tanaman pangan di Indonesia

üadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta 449 hlm

Penyakit-penyakit tanaman pangan di Indonesia

Semangun, H.

Penyakit-penyakit tanaman pangan di Indonesia

Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Penyakit-penyakit tanaman pangan di Indonesia

Semangun H

Gadjah mada Univ. Press

Penyakit-penyakit tanaman pangan di Indonesia

Semangun H

Gadjah mada Univ. Press

Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Padi di Kalimantan Selatan.

Prayudi, B

Latihan Peningkatan Tenaga Penyuluh Pertanian, Balai Latihan penyuluh Pertanian, Binuang.

Penyakit-penyakit tanaman hortikultura.

Semangun, H.

Penyakit-penyakit tanaman hortikultura.


Gadjah Mada Press, Yogyakarta.

Hlm 579 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Hortikultura Indonesia

Semangun, H

Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Hortikultura Indonesia

UGM, Yogjakarta

Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Hortikultura di Indonesia.

Semangun, H.,

Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Hortikultura di Indonesia.

Gadjah Mada Univ. Press, Yogyakarta.

Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Hortikultura di Indonesia.

Semangun, H.,

Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Hortikultura di Indonesia.

Gadjah Mada Univ. Press. Yogyakarta. 850 g.

Penyakit-penyakit tanaman hortikultura di Indo-nesia

Semangun. H

Penyakit-penyakit tanaman hortikultura di Indo-nesia

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Hortikultura di Indonesia

Scmangun, H.

Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Hortikultura di Indonesia

Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.

Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Hortikultura di Indonesia

Semangun, H.

Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Hortikultura di Indonesia

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Penyakit-penyakit tanaman hortikultura di Indonesia

Semangun, H.

Penyakit-penyakit tanaman hortikultura di Indonesia

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Penyakit-penyakit tanaman hortikultura di indonesia

Mahfud, M. C

Penyakit-penyakit tanaman hortikultura di indonesia

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Hortikultura di Indonesia

Semangun, H

Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Hortikultura di Indonesia

Gajah Mada Univ. press. Yogyakarta

Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Hortikultura di Indonesia

Haryono Semangun

Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Hortikultura di Indonesia

Universitas Gajah Mada

penyakit-penyakit tanaman hortikultura di Indonesia

Semangun, H.

penyakit-penyakit tanaman hortikultura di Indonesia

Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Penyakit-penyakit tanaman hortikultura di Indonesia

Semangun, H.

Penyakit-penyakit tanaman hortikultura di Indonesia

Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Penyakit-penyakit tanaman hortikultura di Indonesia

Semangun, H.

Gajah Mada University Press

Penyakit-penyakit tanaman hortikultura di Indonesia

Semangun, H.

Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Penyakit-penyakit tanaman hortikultura di Indonesia

Semangun, H.

Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Penyakit-penyakit tanaman hortikultura di Indonesia

Semangun, H.

Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Penyakit-penyakit tanaman hortikultura di Indoensia

Semangun, H.

Penyakit-penyakit tanaman holtikultura di Indonesia.

Semangun, H.

Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Holtikultura di Indonesia

Semangun H


Penyakit-penyakit tanaman hortikultura di Indoensia

Gajah Mada University Press Universitas Gadjah Mada Press, Yogyakarta.

Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Holtikultura di Indonesia

Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta Hlm 580 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Penyakit-penyakit tanaman cabai merah dan pengendaliannya

Duriat, A. S.

Penyakit-penyakit Hortikultura di Indonesia

Semangun, H.

Penyakit-penyakit Hortikultura di Indonesia

Gajah Mada University Press. 850 hlm.

Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Perkebunan di Indonesia.

Semangun, H.

Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Perkebunan di Indonesia.

Gadjahmada Univ. Press

Penyakit udang, Pencegahan dan Pengobatan dalam Hasil Lokakarya Pengelolaan Budidaya Udang.

Cheng - l - Liu

Penyakit udang, Pencegahan dan Pengobatan dalam Hasil Lokakarya Pengelolaan Budidaya Udang.

BPPP. Puslitbang Perikanan bekerjasama dengan ASS. Yayasan Pendidikan Wijaya Kusuma dan Institut dan Poltek Indonesia

Penyakit Udang, Pencegahan dan Pengobatan dalam Hasil Lokakarya Pengelolaan Budidaya Udang.

Cheng, l. Uu.

Penyakit Udang, Pencegahan dan Pengobatan dalam Hasil Lokakarya Pengelolaan Budidaya Udang.

BPPP. Puslitbang Perikanan bekerjasama dengan ASS. Yayasan Pendidikan Wijaya Kusuma dan Institut dan Poltek Indonesia.

Penyakit Tanaman Hortikultura di Indonesia

Semangun, H.

Penyakit Tanaman Hortikultura di Indonesia

Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta. 850 hlm.

Penyakit tanaman cabai merah dan pengendaliannya

Suryaningsih, E.

Penyakit- penyakit tanaman pangan di Indonesia

Semangun H

Penyakit- penyakit tanaman pangan di Indonesia

Penyakit mosaik jagung dan mosaik klorotik Rollhnellia mempunyai persamaan gejala. sifat pcnularan, dan tanaman mangnya Kongres Nasional XIV PFI, Palembang, Oktober 1997 7 hlm

Wakman, W.

Penyakit mosaik jagung dan mosaik klorotik Rollhnellia mempunyai persamaan gejala. sifat pcnularan, dan tanaman mangnya Kongres Nasional XIV PFI, Palembang, Oktober 1997 7 hlm

Penyakit kedelai dan penanggulangannya




Judul Buku

Penerbit Balista Puslitbang Hortikultura Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian

Puslitbang Hortikultura, Balitthor Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Balit Tanaman Pangan, Bogor

Hlm 581 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Penyakit jagungdan pengendaliannya,

Sudjon, M.S.

Dalam Subandi et al. (Ed) Jagung.

Badan Penelitian, pusat penelitian dan pengembangan tanaman pangan Bogor

Penyakit jagung dan pengendaliannya (dalam Subandi, Syam, M. dan Widjono, A.).

Sudjono, M.S.

Penyakit hawar daun bakteri padi di Indonesia, him. 85-99

Kardin, M.K.

M. Syam, H. Kasim & A. Musaddad (ed.), Risalah Seminar Puslilbang Tanaman Pangan. April 1992 -Maret 1993

Penyakit Degeneratif dan Gizi Lebih.


Widyakarya Nasional Pangan dan Gizi V. Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia.

Penyadapan Getah Pinus Sistem Saluran


Penyadapan Getah Pinus Sistem Saluran

Perum Perhutani KPH Lawu Ds. Madiun

Penyadap Air Tipe Tyirol l Bottom Rack.

Memed, M

Penyadap Air Tipe Tyirol l Bottom Rack.

Puslitbang Pengairan. Badan Penelitian dan Pengem bangan Departemen Pekerjaan Umum. Bandung

Penurunan Kualitas Gondorukem selama penyaringan di Jawa Tengah


Penurunan Kualitas Gondorukem selama penyaringan di Jawa Tengah

Lembaga Penelitian Hasil Hutan Bogor

Penuntunn Praktikum Penyakit Tumbuhan II


Penuntunn Praktikum Penyakit Tumbuhan II

Dep.artemen llmu Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan. Fakultas Pertanian, IPB

Penuntun Pratikum Ilmu Nutrisi Ruminansia.


Penuntun Pratikum Ilmu Nutrisi Ruminansia.

Pusat Antar Universitas Ilmu Hayat. Bogor.

Penuntun Praktis Budidaya Perikanan.

Arsyad, H.

Penuntun Praktis Budidaya Perikanan.

PD.Mahkota. Jakarta

Penuntun Praktis Budidaya Perikanan (Rangkuman).

Arsyad, H.

Penuntun Praktis Budidaya Perikanan (Rangkuman).

PD Mahkota, Jakarta. 120 hal.



Badan Pengembangan Pertanian, Pusat penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor.


Bogor: Pusat Penelitian dan Pengem-bangan Tanaman Pangan.

Hlm 582 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Penuntun Praktikum Sitogenetika

Gunarso LW

Penuntun Praktikum Penilaian Organoleptik

Rahayu W. P.

Penuntun Praktikum Penilaian Organoleptik

Jurusan Teknologi Pangan dan Gizi Fateta lPB. Bogor.

Penuntun Praktikum Penilaian Organoleptik

Rahayu, W.P.

Penuntun Praktikum Penilaian Organoleptik

Jurusan Teknologi Pangan dan Gizi, Fateta, IPB, Bogor.

Penuntun Praktikum Penilaian Organoleptik

Rahayu, W.P.

Penuntun Praktikum Penilaian Organoleptik

Jurusan TPG, FATETA, IPB, Bogor.

Penuntun Praktikum Mikrobiologj Pangan

Fardiaz, S.

Penuntun Praktikum Mikrobiologj Pangan

PAU Pangan dan Gizi, IPB, Bogor

Penuntun Praktikum Mikrobiologi Pangan

Fardiaz, S

Penuntun Praktikum Mikrobiologi Pangan

Jurusan TPG - Faleta IPB.

Penuntun Praktikum Laboratorium Klinik

Wirasmono, S.

Penuntun Praktikum Laboratorium Klinik

IPB. Bogor.

Penuntun Praktikum Konservasi Tanah.

Sitorus, S.R.P

Departemen Ilmu-ilmu tanah

Fakultas Pertanian Institut pertanian Bogor. Bogor

Penuntun praktikum Geologi

Mulyanto, B

Laboratorium Genesis, Klasifikasi & Mineralogi

Jurusan Tanah Fakultas Pertanian Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor

Penuntun Praktikum Fisika Tanah


Departemen Ilmu-ilmu tanah, Fakultas Pertanian IPB. Bogor

Penuntun Praktikum Fisika Tanah

Sitorus. S.R.P

Dep. Ilmu-ilmu Tanah. IPB. Bogor

Penuntun Praktikum Di Bidang Penyakit Tumbuhan


Jurusan Hama Penyakit Tumbuhan, Fakultas Pertanian IPB. Bogor

Penuntun Praktikum Biokimia Dasar, Bagian Pertama

Wirahadikusumah, M

Penuntun praktikum biokimia dasar

Soedigdo, P.

Penuntun Praktikum Analisa Pangan

Fardiaz, D.

Penuntun Praktikum Analisa Pangan

Jurusan TPG - Fateta IPB.

Penuntun Praktikum Analisa Pangan

Apriyantono, A.

Penuntun Praktikum Analisa Pangan

IPB Press, Bogor.


Judul Buku

Penerbit Laboratorium Biologi Tumbuhan. PAU IPB Bogor

Penuntun Praktikum Biokimia Dasar, Bagian Pertama

Jurusan Kimia FMIPA ITB, Bandung Departemen kimia, fakultas MIPA, ITB, Bandung

Hlm 583 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Penuntun Praktikum Analisa Pangan

Fardiaz, D.

Penuntun Praktikum Analisa Pangan

Jurusan Teknologi Pangan dan Gizi, FATETA, IPB, Bogor.

Penuntun Praktikum : Metode Analisis Biologi Tanah

Anas, I


Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor

Penuntun Praktek Mikrobiologi Pangan.

Fardiaz, S.

Penuntun Praktek Mikrobiologi Pangan.

Lembaga Sumber Daya Informasi, IPB. Bogor.

Penuntun praktek mikrobiologi pangan

Fardiaz, S.

Penuntun Praktek Mikrobiologi Pangan

Fardiaz, S.

Penuntun pemeriksaan laboratorium klinik, FKH IPB Bogor

Sukotjo, W.

Penuntun Pelatihan Transfer Embrio pada Sapi.

Lembaga sumberdaya informasi Institut Pertanian Bogor Penuntun Praktek Mikrobiologi Pangan

IPB Press, Bogor.

Tappa, B.,

Penuntun Pelatihan Transfer Embrio pada Sapi.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bioteknologi-Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia.

Penuntun Pelajaran Kimia Kelas III

Irfan, A

Penuntun Pelajaran Kimia Kelas III

Ganeca Exact, Bandung

Penuntun Mentjelup Penuntun Diit

Busser, H. RSCM dan PERSAGI

Penuntun Mentjelup

Balai Pustaka. Jakarta. Gramedia, Jakarta.

Penuntun Diit Penuntun Budidaya Hortikultura (Durian). Proyek Peningkatan Produksi Tanaman Pangan

Adjid, D.A.

Penuntun Budidaya Hortikultura (Durian). Proyek Peningkatan Produksi Tanaman Pangan

Penuntun Beternak Sapi Potong

Ramdan, Y.

Dinas Peternakan Propinsi Jawa Barat, Bandung.

Penuntun Berkebun Jeruk

Joesep, M

Penuntun Berkebun Jeruk

Penuntun bercocok tanam padi dengan technlogy Effective Microorganism 4 (EM4)

Higa T


Gramedia. Jakarta Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Propinsi Bengkulu, Bengkulu.

Bhratara Karya Aksara Jakarta PT Songgolangit Persada Jakarta

Hlm 584 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Penuntun bercocok tanam padi dengan technlogy Effective Microorganism 4 (EM4)

Higa T

Penuntun Bercocok Tanam Padi dan Teknologi EM4


Penuntun Anaslisa Tanah Penuntun Analisis Tanaman Penuntun analisis tanah. Latihan teknik analisa tanah, tanaman, air dan pupuk.

Sudjadi. M. Sudjadi. M. Anonymous,

LPT. Bogor LPT. Bogor Badan Litbang pertanian

Penuntun Analisis Peningkatan Dana Pembangunan Kota

Harun. H

Andi Offset. Yogyakarta

Penuntun Analisa Tanaman.

Sudjadi, M.

Penuntun Analisa Tanah Penuntun Analisa Tanah Penuntun Analisa Fisika Tanah.

Sudjadi. M Sudjadi. M Anonymous,

Penuntun Analisa Fisika Tanah.

Judul Buku

Penerbit PT Songgolangit Persada Jakarta

Penuntun Bercocok Tanam Padi dan Teknologi EM4

Penuntun Analisa Tanaman.

Penuntun Analisa Fisika Tanah.

LPT. Bogor.

R Songgolangit Persada. Jakarta

Lembaga Penelitian Tanah, Bogor. Puslitanak. Bogor Puslittanak. Bogor Lembaga Penelitian Tanah BogorBadan Penelitian dan Pengembangan pertanian, Departemen Pertanian.

LPT. Bogor.

Penuntun Analisa Fisika Tanah

Suwardjo, S

Penuntun Analisa Bahan Pangan

Apryanto, A.

Penuntun Analisa Bahan Pangan

Depart. Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi dan Pusat Antar Universitas Pangan dan Gizi, Bogor.

Penuntun Analisa Bahan Makanan Ternak. Laboratorium Makanan Ternak.

Askar, S.

Penuntun Analisa Bahan Makanan Ternak. Laboratorium Makanan Ternak.

Balai Penelitian Ternak, Bogor. 24 hlm.

Penuntun Analis Fisika Tanah


Bagian Konservasi Tanah

Lembaga Penelitian Tanah, Bogor


Bagian Konservasi Tanah dan Air, Lembaga penelitian Tanah. Bogor

Hlm 585 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Penuntun Praktis Budidaya Perikanan

Arsyad H

Penuntun Praktis Budidaya Perikanan

PD. Mahkota. Jakarta.

Penuntun Praktikum Analisis Pangan

Apriyantono. A. D.

Penuntun Praktikum Analisis Pangan

Penerbit IPB Press, Bogor.

Penundaan Pematangan Buah Mangga (Mangi fera indica L) cv Arumanis Dengan Pembungkus Rapat Per Buah Dalam Kantong Plastik

Broto, W


Balai Penelitian Hortikultura Solok

Pentingnya Memperhatikan Berat Telur Tetas Ayam Kampung Pada Pemeliharaan Semi Intensif


Pentingnya Memperhatikan Berat Telur Tetas Ayam Kampung Pada Pemeliharaan Semi Intensif

Seminar Peternakan dan Forum Peternakan ünggas dan Aneka Ternak. BPTT, Ciawi, Bogor.

Penjelasan Kesimpulan Sidang Kabinet Terbatas bidang Ekku/Wasbang dan Prodis.

Suara Karya

Penjelasan Kesimpulan Sidang Kabinet Terbatas bidang Ekku/Wasbang dan Prodis.


Peningkatan produktivitas ternak itik.

Sinurat, A. P.

Bunga rampai hasil penelitian ternak unggas dan ruminansia kecil. Balai penelitian ternak, Ciawi, Indonesia.

Peningkatan produktivitas ternak itik

Sinurat, A.P.

Bunga Rampai Hasil Penelitian Ternak Unggas dan Ruminansia Kecil

Peningkatan produktivitas tanah gambut melalui pengendalian reaktivitas asam-asam organik meracun : Persyaratn dasar pengembangan lahan gambut

Sabiham, S

Peningkatan produktivitas tanah gambut melalui pengendalian reaktivitas asam-asam organik meracun : Persyaratn dasar pengembangan lahan gambut

Sabiham, S

Hibah Bersaing

Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor

Peningkatan produktivitas dan mutu bunga anggrek. Monograf No. 01

Widiastoety, D.

Peningkatan produktivitas dan mutu bunga anggrek. Monograf No. 01

Balai Peneli tian Tanaman Hias, Jakarta. 59 p.


Balai Penelitian Ternak, Ciawi, Indonesia. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor

Hlm 586 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Peningkatan produksi & produktivitas ternak sapi potong dlm upaya peningkatan pendapatan asli daearah & kesejahteran petani di Kab Blora


Prog. Semi Que 3, Fak Peternakan Univ, Semarang


Peningkatan Produksi Tebu Dan Bibit Keprasan di PG Pelaihari Dengan Inokulum Bakteri Azospinllum dan Pseudomonas

Setyo Budi

Peningkatan Produksi Tebu Dan Bibit Keprasan di PG Pelaihari Dengan Inokulum Bakteri Azospinllum dan Pseudomonas

Fakultas Pertanian UWK. Surabaya

Peningkatan Parti sipasi Masyarakat Dalam Pembangunan


Peningkatan Parti sipasi Masyarakat Dalam Pembangunan

Departemen Dalam Negeri Republik Indonesia Direktorat Jendral Pembangunan Desa

Peningkatan mutu penili Indonesia


Peningkatan mutu penili Indonesia

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat. Cimanggu No. 3 Bogor

Peningkatan Mutu Onggok sebagai pakan kosentrat untuk kambing dengan menggunakan ragi tape dean suplementasi ampas tahu serta Urea sebagai sumber nitrogen secara In Vitro.

Bata. M.

Peningkatan Mutu Hasil Industri Pangan Olahan dalan rangka Meningkatkan Ekspor. Atase Pertanian Perutusan RI untuk Masyarakat Eropa, Brussel, Belgia.

Sumpeno Putro

Peningkatan Mutu Hasil Industri Pangan Olahan dalan rangka Meningkatkan Ekspor.

Atase Pertanian Perutusan RI untuk Masyarakat Eropa, Brussel, Belgia.

Peningkatan Kualitas nilai Gizi tepung Limbah udang Melalui Pengolahan dengan Uap Panas


Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Keluarga Menuju Ketahan Pangan Dan Perbaikan Gizi Melalui Partisipasi Aktif Masyarakat

Kusharto. C.M


Hlm 587 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Keluarga melalui PartisipasiAktif Masyarakat.

Koesharto C.M

GMSK - IPB.Bogor

Peningkatan kadar protein onggok dengan cara fermentasi media padat.

Anah L.

Vol III (4): 335 - 341.

Peningkatan kadar minyak tanaman nilam melalui kultur jaringan keragaman somaklonal.

Mariska, 1.,

Riset Unggulan Terpadu (RUT) II. Laporan akhir. Kantor Negara MENRISTEK dan Dewan Riset Nasional.

Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional LIPI, BPPT.

Peningkatan Hablur Tebu Dengan Inokulum Bakten Azospinllum dan Pseudomonas Melalui Inokulasi Pada Bibit KBD di Lahan Kering Pelaihari Kalimanfan Selafan

Setyo Budi,

Peningkatan Hablur Tebu Dengan Inokulum Bakten Azospinllum dan Pseudomonas Melalui Inokulasi Pada Bibit KBD di Lahan Kering Pelaihari Kalimanfan Selafan

Fakultas Pertanian UWK. Surabaya

Peningkatan Efisiensi Penggunaan Air Pada Tingkat Usaha Tani

Notohadprawiro. T

Departemen Ilmu Tanah Fakultas Pertanian UGM

Peningkatan efisiensi pemupukan P dengan menggunakan mikroorganisme pelarut P

Anas, I

Pusat Antar Universitas (PAU)-IPB. Bogor

Penilaian. Karyawan. Edisi 1 Penilaian Prestasi Kerja Teori dan Praktek. Terjemahan

Moon, P Rao, T. V.

Penilaian. Karyawan. Edisi 1 Penilaian Prestasi Kerja Teori dan Praktek. Terjemahan

PPM, Jakarta PT Pustaka Binaman Pressindo., Jakarta

Penilaian Prestasi Kerja Teori dan Praktek, Adakah Cara yang Paling Tepat ? Di dalam Manajcmen

Ruky, A.S

Penilaian Prestasi Kerja Teori dan Praktek, Adakah Cara yang Paling Tepat ? Di dalam Manajcmen

PT Binaman Pustaka Pressindo, Jakarta

Penilaian Permudaan Alam Hutan Mangrove antara S.Gaung dan S Mandah Riau

Alrasjid H

Soemodiharjo S, A.Nontji dan A.Djamali (eds).Prosiding Seminar II Ekosistem Mangrove : 162-171

MAB - LIPI, Jakarta

Penilaian organoliptik untuk industri pangan dan hasil pertanian.

Soekarto, S.T.

Penilaian organoliptik untuk industri pangan dan hasil pertanian.

Puslitbangtepa, IPB. Bogor.

Penilaian Organoleptik.

Rahayu W.P

Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian. Ipb, Bogor.

Penilaian organoleptik untuk industri pangan dan hasil pertanian.

Soekarto, Soewamo.

Penilaian organoleptik untuk industri pangan dan hasil pertanian.



Bhratara karya aksara. Jakarta.

Hlm 588 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Penilaian Organoleptik untuk Industri Pangan dan Hasil Pertanian, Penerbit Bhrata Karya Aksara, Jakarta.

Soekarto S.T

Penilaian organoleptik untuk industri pangan dan hasil pertanian

Sukarto, S. T.

Penilaian Organoleptik untuk Industri Pangan dan Hasil Pertanian

Soekarto, S.T

Penilaian Organoleptik untuk Industri Pangan dan Hasil Pertanian

Penerbit Bhratara Karya Aksara, Jakarta

Penilaian Organoleptik untuk Industri Pangan dan hasil Pertanian

Soekarto, S.T.

Penilaian Organoleptik untuk Industri Pangan dan hasil Pertanian

Bhratara Karya Aksara.

Penilaian Organoleptik untuk Industri Pangan dan Hasil Pertanian

Soekarto, S.I.

Penilaian Organoleptik untuk Industri Pangan dan Hasil Pertanian

Jakarta: Bhratara Karya Aksara.

Penilaian Organoleptik Untuk Industri Pangan dan Hasil Pertanian

Soekarto S.T

Bharata Karsa Aksara.Jakarta

Penilaian Organoleptik Untuk Industri Pangan dan Hasil Pertanian

Soekarto S.T

Haratara Karsa Aksara.Jakarta

Penilaian organoleptik untuk industri pangan .

Soekarto, S.T.

Penilaian organoleptik untuk industri pangan .

Brata Karya Aksara, Jakarta.

Penilaian Organoleptik

Soekarto. S T.

Penilaian Organoleptik

Bharata Karya Aksara. Jakarta.

Penilaian Organoleptik

Soekarto, S.T.

Penilaian Organoleptik

Penerbit Bhatara Karya Aksara, Jakarta.

Penilaian Organoleptic

Soekarto, S.T.

Penilaian Organoleptic

Bhratara Karya Aksara, Jakarta,

Penilaian Organolepik Untuk Industri Pangan dan Hasil Pertanian

Soekarto. S.T

Bharata Karya Aksara

Penilaian oganoleptik untuk industri pangan dan hasil pertanian

Soekarto, S. T.

Bharata Karya Aksara, Jakarta

Penilaian Kinerja dan Pengembangan Karyawan

Soeprihanto, J.

Penilaian Kinerja dan Pengembangan Karyawan

BPFE, Yogyakarta

Penilaian Kembali Suatu Investasi.


Penilaian Kembali Suatu Investasi.

Dinas Perikanan TK I. Propinsi Riau, Pekanbaru.

Penilaian kelayakan rencana penanaman modal; sebuah studi proyek bermotif laba.

Basamalah, S.


Judul Buku


Bharata Karya Aksara, Jakarta

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Hlm 589 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Penilaian Keadaan Gizi Masyarakat


Pusat Antar Universitas Pangan dan Gizi IPB Bogor

Penilaian hasil analisis tanah

Balittan Malang

Lab Tanah dan tanaman Balittan Mlang

Penilaian hasil analisis tanah

Balittan Malang

Lab Tanah dan tanaman Balittan Mlang

Penilaian den Perencanaan Konsumsi pangan


Jurusan Gizi Masyarakat dan Sumberdaya Keluarga

Penilaian dan Perencanaan Konsumsi Pangan


Jurusan Gizi Masyarakat dan Sumberdaya Keluarga, Fakultas Pertanian, IPB, Bogor

Penilaian dan Perencanaan Konsumsi Pangan


Jurusan Gizi Masyarakat dan Sumberdaya Keluarga, Fakultas Pertanian, IPB.Bogor

Penilaian dan Perencanaan Konsumsi Pangan


Jurusan GMSK, Faperta IPB.Bogor

Penilaian dan Perencanaan Konsumsi Pangan


Jurusan Gizi Masyarakat dan Sumberdaya Keluarga, Fakultas Pertanian IPB, Bogor

Penilaian Dan Perencanaan Konsumsi Pangan


Jurusan Gizi Masyarakat dan Sumberdaya Keluarga, Fakultas Pertanian IPB, Bogor

Penilaian dan Pemetaan Status Hara Lahan Sawah Supra Insus Pulau Lombok Nusa Tenggara Barat

Baharuddin. A.B

Pusat Penelitian Universitas Mataram

Penilaian dan oerencanaan pangan


Jurusan Gizi Masyarakat dan sumberdaya keluarga Faperta IPB Bogor

Penilaian dan oerencanaan pangan


Jurusan Gizi Masyarakat dan sumberdaya keluarga Faperta IPB Bogor


Judul Buku


Fakultas Pertanian , IPB

Hlm 590 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

penialaian Dan Perencanaan Konsumsi Pangan


Pengwilayahan Komoditas Sebagai Strategi Dasar Pengembangan Wilayah Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan


Pengwilayahan Komoditas Sebagai Strategi Dasar Pengembangan Wilayah Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan

Bappeda Propinsi Daerah Tingkat l Sulawesi Selatan, Makassar

pengwetan tanah dan air Pengusahaan Hutan Hujan Tropika Jilid I

sitanala arsyad Dipodiningrat, S.

pengwetan tanah dan air Pengusahaan Hutan Hujan Tropika Jilid I

IPB bogor Yayasan Pembina Fakultas Kehutanan. Universitas Gadjah Mada. Yogyakarta

Pengurh Madu Lebah, IBA dan Bentuk Stek terhadap Perakran Stek Kakao

Adi Prawoto

Menara Perkebunan

Pengumpulan data dan teknik pengambilan sampling

Suryanto, B.

BAPPEDA Tingkat I, Jawa Tengah, Semarang

Pengumpulan data dan teknik pengambilan sampel

Suryanto B


Pengumpulan data dan tehnik pengambilan sampling

Suryanto B

BAPEDA Tingkat I Jawa Tengah Semarang

Pengukuran tingkat kepuasan pelanggan untuk menaikan pangsa pasar

Supranto, J.

Rineka Cipta, Jakarta

Pengukuran biaya minimum usahatani jagung dengan menggunakan fungsi produksi Cobb-Douglas. 1993.

Hosen, N.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian.

Pengujian taraf efikasi Dipel WP (Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner) thd ulat api Thosen asigna Moore.

Sipayung A

Puslit Marihat, P Siantar 10p

Puslit Marihat, P Siantar

Pengujian Sifat Fisik Bahan Pangan (Examination of Physical Properties of Food),


Pengujian Sifat Fisik Bahan Pangan (Examination of Physical Properties of Food),

PAU Pangan Gizi, UGM, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Pengujian sifat fisik bahan pangan



Judul Buku

Penerbit Jurusan Gizi Masyarakat dan Sumberdaya Keluarga, Fakultas Pertanian IPB, Bogor

PAU pangan dan gizi. UGM, Yogyakarta

Hlm 591 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Pengujian sifat fisik bahan pangan


Pengujian sensori lokakarya problematika statistika dan metodologi penelitian ilmu-ilmu pertanian

Wiayaka, K.

ISPI Cabang Purwokerto dan Fakultas Peternakan Unsoed. Purwokerto

Pengujian Reseptifitas Kepala Putik Bunga Eucalyptus deglupta dengan Penyerbukan Buatan. Kumpulan Makalah

Sunarti S

Pengujian Reseptifitas Kepala Putik Bunga Eucalyptus deglupta dengan Penyerbukan Buatan. Kumpulan Makalah

Ekspose Hasil Penelitian dan Pemuliaan Pohon. Departemen Kehutanan. Yogyakarta, 23 Desember

Pengujian Patogenisitas dari Spora Bacillus thuringiensis yang Dibiakkan dalam Media Cair dan Padat terhadap Larva Plutella maculipennis

Antaprawira, J.

Pengujian Patogenisitas dari Spora Bacillus thuringiensis yang Dibiakkan dalam Media Cair dan Padat terhadap Larva Plutella maculipennis

Fakultas Pertanian Bogor. IPB.

Pengujian Mutu Susu dan HasiI Olahannya

Suwedo, H.

Pengujian Mutu Susu dan HasiI Olahannya

Penerbit Liberty Yogyakarta.

Pengujian mutu semen pada pabrik semen di Jawa Barat.


Brosur Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Industri Bahan dan Barang Teknik, Bandung.

Pengujian Inderawi Bahan Makanan dan Minuman

Qazuini. M

Pengujian Efektivitas Cendawan P. tincturius terhadap Pertumbuhan Semai P. Merkusii di Persemaian

Fakuara, Y.

Technical Notes

Fahutan, IPB.

Pengujian daya cerna nutrisi bungkil kelapa yang belum dan sudah difermentasi serta pemanfaatannya dalam ransum itik pejantan

Sinurat, A.P.

Kumpulan Hasil-Hasil Penelitian APBN Tahun Anggaran 1994/1995, Ternak Unggas dan Aneka Ternak

Balai Penelitian Ternak, Ciawi, Indonesia.

Pengolahan, dan Pengawetan Pangan

Sunaryo, S

Pengolahan, dan Pengawetan Pangan

Kerja sama Dirjen. Industri Kecil Deprin FATETA - IPB

Pengolahan Umbi Ketela Pohon

Ciptadi. W


Judul Buku

Penerbit PAU pangan dan gizi. UGM, Yogyakarta

Universitas Mataram. Lombok

Departemen Teknology Hasil Pertanian. IPB. Bogor

Hlm 592 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengolahan Ubi Ketela Pohon,

Ciptadi, W

Pengolahan Ubi Ketela Pohon,

Departemen Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Fateta, Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Pengolahan Tripang Asap

Edi S

Kumpulan hasil-hasil penelitian Pasaca panen perikanan

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perikanan, USAID FRDPP, Jakarta

Pengolahan tanah dan tanama pada tanah podzolik. Studi kasus di daerah Lampung

Hakim SL

U Kurnia, Marsoedi DS, N Suharta, M Supartini, I Amien (ed) Pros. Pertemuantenis Penelitian Tanah

Balitbang Deptan

Pengolahan tanah dan tanama pada tanah podzolik. Studi kasus di daerah Lampung

Hakim SL

U Kurnia, Marsoedi DS, N Suharta, M Supartini, I Amien (ed) Pros. Pertemuantenis Penelitian Tanah

Balitbang Deptan

Pengolahan Sirip Hiu

Suyuti N

Pengolahan Sirip Hiu


Pengolahan Sirip Hiu

Suyuti N

Pengolahan Sirip Hiu


Pengolahan Rumput Laut Pengolahan Roti

Ali Utami, I.S.

Pengolahan Rumput Laut Pengolahan Roti

Aqua Press. Jakarta Pusat Antar Universitas Pangan dan Gizi. Universitas Gajah Made, Yogyakarta.

Pengolahan Produk Serelia dan Biji-bijian

Endang Sunaryo

Pengolahan Produk Serealia dan Biji-bijian

Sunaryo, E.

Pengolahan Pangan Tingkat Rumah Tngga

Marliyati S.A

Pengolahan Kelapa Sawit

Murdiati, A.


Fakultas Pertanian. IPB Pengolahan Produk Serealia dan Biji-bijian

Jurusan Teknologi Pangan dan Gizi, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian-IPB. Bogor. Departemen P&K DIKTI PAU Pangan dan Gizi IPB.Bogor

Pengolahan Kelapa Sawit

PAU Pangan Gizi UGM, Yogyakarta

Hlm 593 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengolahan Kelapa I.

Djatmiko, B.,

Pengolahan Kelapa I.

Departemen Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Fatemeta, Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Pengolahan Karet Skim Dengan Teepol dan Sabun dan Penjelidikan Sifat-Sifat Karet Skim Yang Diperoleh

Suseno, S

Pengolahan Karet Skim Dengan Teepol dan Sabun dan Penjelidikan Sifat-Sifat Karet Skim Yang Diperoleh

Menara Perkebunan

Pengolahan Ikan kayu (Katsoubushi)

Suyuti N

Kumpulan Hasil-hasil Penelitian Pasca Panen Perikanan

Badan penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perikanan, USAIDFRDPP, Jakarta.

Pengolahan Ikan Asin Kering

Darmoredjo, S.

Pengolahan Ikan Asin Kering

LTP Dirjen Perikanan dan Pengolahan Laut, Jakarta.

Pengolahan hasil pertanian nabati II

Muchtadi, D.

Pengolahan hasil pertanian nabati II

Departemen teknologi hasil pertanian. Fateta IPB Bogor

Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian II Nabati

Muchtadi, D.

Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian II Nabati

Departemen Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fatemeta IPB, Bogor.

Pengolahan Hasil Peratanian Nabati II

Muchtadi , D.

Pengolahan Hasil Peratanian Nabati II

Fateta IPB, Bogor

Pengolahan dan Pemasaran Rotan (Tinjauan Terhadap Implikasi Kebijakan).


Kerjasama Badan Litbang Kehutanan dengan INBAR/IDRC.

Pengolahan dan Pengawasan Kualitas Gondorukem dan terpentin


Pengolahan dan Pengawasan Kualitas Gondorukem dan terpentin

Lembaga Penelitian Hasil Hutan. Bogor.

Pengolahan cumi-cumi asap dengan bambu


Kumpulan Hasil-hasil Penelitian Pasca Panen Perikanan

Badan penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perikanan, USAIDFRDPP, Jakarta.

Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian II (Nabati)

Muchtadi. D

Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian II (Nabati)

Fetemeta, IPB. Bogor.


Hlm 594 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengolahan tanah dan pengelolaan bahan organik pada Typic Haplohumuits terdegradasi di Jasinga-Jabar. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sumberdaya tanah dan pupuk.

Undang Kurnia.

Pengolahan tanah dan pengelolaan bahan organik pada Typic Haplohumuits terdegradasi di Jasinga-Jabar. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sumberdaya tanah dan pupuk.

PPT dan Agroklimat. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan, Dep. Pertanian.

Pengolah Citra Digital


Pengobatan sendiri II


Pengobatan sendiri II

Pusat Latihan Kerja Singosari Malang 24-25.

Pengobatan dan pencegahan penyakit ikan bercak merah. Prosiding Seminar Nasional II Ikan dan Udang, 16-18 Januari 1990.

Pasaribu, F.H.,

Pengobatan dan pencegahan penyakit ikan bercak merah. Prosiding Seminar Nasional II Ikan dan Udang, 16-18 Januari 1990.

Badan Litbang Pertanian, Jakarta. 153 hlm.

Pengkayaan gizi bahan pakan inkonvensional melalui fermentasi untuk unggas 3. Pemanfaatan limbah sawit (bungkil inti sawit dan lumpur sawit) dalam ransum itik

Sinurat, A.P.

Kumpulan Hasil-Hasil Penelitian Peternakan APBN Tahun Anggaran 1996/1997. Edisi Khusus. Buku III. Penelitian Ternak Unggas

Balai Penelitian Ternak, Bogor.

Pengkajian Zeolit Alam dan Strategi Penggunaannya dalam Agroindustri.

Burhanuddin, B. M.

Deputi Bidang Pengkajian Ilmu Dasar Dan Terapan

BPPT. Bandar Lampung

Pengkajian tentang Analisis Permintaan Rumahtangga terhadap Keanekaragaman Pangan untuk Menunjang Kebijaksanaan Diversifikasi Konsumsi. Bogor.

Departemen Pertanian dan IPB

Pengkajian Sifatsifat Produksi Ayam Kampung Serta Persilangannya Dengan Ayam Rhode Island Red

Mansjoer, S.S

Pengkajian Sifatsifat Produksi Ayam Kampung Serta Persilangannya Dengan Ayam Rhode Island Red

Disertasi. Fakultas Pasca sarjana, IPBBogor


Fakultas Geografi UGM. Yogyakarta

Hlm 595 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Pengkajian rakitan teknologi pertanian organik untuk penanaman sayuran bayam, kangkung, letus, tomat, kubis, mentimun dan spinas. Dalam Roesmiyanto dkk (Penyunting):

Judul Buku


Pengkajian rakitan teknologi pertanian organik untuk penanaman sayuran bayam, kangkung, letus, tomat, kubis, mentimun dan spinas. Dalam Roesmiyanto dkk (Penyunting):

Prosidng Seminar Hasil Penelitian/Pengkajian BPTP Karangploso. 289

Pengkajian Pemasaran Komoditi.

Saefudin, A.M.

Diktat Pasca Sarjana

IPB, Bogor

Pengkajian paket teknologi budidaya Bawangmerah di Luar musim

Rosmahani, L.

Pengkajian paket teknologi budidaya Bawangmerah di Luar musim

BPTP, Karang Ploso, Malang.

Pengkajian konsumsi dging dan keutuhan impor daging sapi

Hadi PU

Sudayanto (eds) : Analisis dan perspektif kebijaksanaan pembanguna pertanian desa pasca krisis ekonomi monograph series no 20

Puslit sosek pertanian Bogor

Pengiriman spesimen veteriner dan diagnosis penyakit secara laboratoris

Hardjoutomo, S.

Pelatihan Manajemen Tindak Karantina terhadap Satwa Liar. Bogor. 23 September-2 Oktober 1998.

Balai Karantina Hewan Soekarno-Hatta. Jakarta.

Penginderaati Jauh Untuk Terumbu Karang

Susilo, S.B.

Penginderaati Jauh Untuk Terumbu Karang

Fakultas Perikanan Institut Pertanian Bogor, 16 Hal,

Penginderaan Jauh.


Penginderaan Jauh.

Gadjah Mada Universily Press. Yogyakarta. hlm. 123-124.

Penginderaan Jauh Untuk Sumber Daya Hutan


Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Penginderaan Jauh dan Interpretasi Citra (Terjemahan)


Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Penginderaan Jauh dan Interprestasi Citra (Terjemahan dan "Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation" oleh Dulbari)

Lillesand, T.M.

Pengideraan Jauh Jilid I



Penginderaan Jauh dan Interprestasi Citra (Terjemahan dan "Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation" oleh Dulbari)

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Hlm 596 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Penghijauan Pantai


Penghijauan Pantai

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta.

PenggunaanRhizo-plus untuk meningkatkan produktivitas kedelai

Saraswati, R.

Inovasi Teknologi Pertanian, Seperempat Abad Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, hlm: 363-365.

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta.

Penggunaan, permasalahan serta prospek pestisida nabati dalam pengendalian hama terpadu

Oka, I.N.

D. Sitepu, P. Wahid, M. Soehardjan, S. Rusli, E.A. Wikardi, I. Mustika, dan D. Soetopo (Eds.). Prosiding Seminar Hasil Penelitian Dalam Rangka Pemanfaatan Pestisida Nabati. Bogor 1-2 Desember 1993. 10 hlm.

Penggunaan Urea Tablet

Pitoyo, S.

Penggunaan Urea Tablet

Penggunaan urea tablet

Pitoyo S

PT Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Penggunaan urea tablet

Pitoyo S

PT Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Penggunaan tepung ubi jalar sebagai salah satu bahan baku pembuatan bihun

Widowati, S.

A. Winarto, Y. Widodo, S.S. Antarlina, H. Pudjosantoso, dan Sumarno (Eds.). Risalah Seminar Penerapan Teknologi Produksi dan Pascapanen Ubi Jalar Mendukung Agroindustri. Edisi Khusus (3). hlm. 115-119.

Penggunaan tepung daun singkong dalam ransum babi

Sudaryanto, B. I

Ilrnu dan Peternakan, Vol. 1, Bogor

Penggunaan Sumber Daya dan Partisipasi Masyarakat terhadap Lembaga.


Pelayanan di Pedesaan DAS Konto - Fak. Pasca Sarjana IPB Bogor

Penggunaan pupuk fosfat alam secara langsung di Indonesia

Moersidi S

Penggunaan produk alami dalam PHT

Soelaksono, S.


Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta.

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Malang.

Balai Penelitian Perkebunan Bogor Penggunaan produk alami dalam PHT

Pusat Antar Universitas Ilmu Hayati, Intitut Teknologi Bandung. Bandung. 23 hlm.

Hlm 597 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Penggunaan Preparat Sulfonamid Pada Peternakan Ayam Petelur


Materi Pendidikan dan Latihan Peternakan. PT.Japfa Comfeed Indonesia,

Penggunaan pestisida secara bijaksana dalam pengendalian hama dan penyakit tanaman hortikultura, khususnya sayuran.

Sastrosiswojo, S.,

Prawirsumardjo, S. (Ed.). 1990. Perlindungan Tanaman Menunjang Terwujudnya Pertanian Tangguh dan Kelestarian Lingkungan.

PT. Agricon, Bogor. Hal. 18-44.

Penggunaan pestisida secara bijaksana dalam pengendalian hama dan penyakit tanaman holtikultura, khususnya sayuran

Sastrosiswojo S

SD Soedarmadji, Harsono, IS Basoeki (eds) Perlindungan tanaman menunjang terwujudnya pertanian tangguh dan kelestarian lingkungan

PTR Agricon Bogor

Penggunaan pestisida secara bijaksana dalam pengendalian hama dan penyakit tanaman holtikultura, khususnya sayuran

Sastrosiswojo S

SD Soedarmadji, Harsono, IS Basoeki (eds) Perlindungan tanaman menunjang terwujudnya pertanian tangguh dan kelestarian lingkungan

PTR Agricon Bogor

Penggunaan oksigen murni dalam peningkatan produktivitas akuakultur

Danakusumah, E.

Pertemuan Pcngembangan Teknologi Pembenihan Budi Daya Ikan Air Tawar, Payau, dan Laut Lintas 15 hlm.

UPT Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan 8-11 Juni 1998.

Penggunaan Metode Statistika Untuk llmu Hayati

Pollet A.

Penggunaan Metode Statistika Untuk llmu Hayati

Gajah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta.

Penggunaan Metode Statistika Untuk Ilmu Hayati.

Pollet A

Penggunaan Metode Statistika Untuk Ilmu Hayati.

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Penggunaan Metode Statistika Untuk Ilmu Hayati


Penggunaan kulit biji coklat (Theobroma cacao L] dalam ransum ayam broiler.

Hidayati, S.N.

Karya Ilmiah,

Fak. Peternakan IPB. Bogor.

Penggunaan Konsentrat Protein Daun Enceng Gondok (Eichornia grassipea) dalam Ransum Ayam Petelur

Hari Hartadi

Seminar Peternakan dan Forum Peternak "Unggas dan Aneka ternak"

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Peternakan, Ciawi, Bogor.



Gadjah Mada University Press. Jogjakata

Hlm 598 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Penggunaan Jenis TemuTemuan (Curcuma spp)

Prana MS.

Obar-Obatan Tradisional Dep. Fisiologi dan Farmakologi Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan IPB Bogor

Penggunaan Jenis BBM/BBG untuk Transportasi dengan tingkat Polusi Rendah

Wiromartono, W

Penggunaan Jenis BBM/BBG untuk Transportasi dengan tingkat Polusi Rendah

Badan Litbang Perhuungan,Jakarta

Penggunaan inokulan strain Rhizobium pada Gliricidia sepium di tanah asam untuk meningkatkan produksi hijauan. p. 225-227

Nurhayati, D.P.

A. Djajanegara, M. Rangkuti, S.B. Siregar, Suhardono, dan W.K. Sejati (Ed.) Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah Ruminansia. Cisarua, 8-10 November 1988

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Peternakan, Bogor.

Penggunaan HCG untuk merangsang ovulasi ikan baung (Mystus nemurus).


Penggunaan HCG untuk merangsang ovulasi ikan baung (Mystus nemurus).

Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Riau. Pekanbaru.

Penggunaan Ethephon secara praktis pada beberapa tanaman pertanian.

Kustohartoyo, D

Penggunaan Ethephon secara praktis pada beberapa tanaman pertanian.

Yayasan Pembinaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Gajah Mada

Penggunaan Ekstrak Kelenjar Hipofisa Ayam Broiler Dalam Merangsang Pengeluaran Mani Ikan Mas (Cyprinus carpio L).


Penggunaan Ekstrak Kelenjar Hipofisa Ayam Broiler dalam Merangsang Pengeluaran Mani Ikan Mas (Cyprinus carpio L)

Fak. Peternakan Univ. Andalas, Padang.

Penggunaan Cassapro (Singkong Terfer-mentasi) untuk itik petclur

Sinurat, Ap

llmu dan Petemakan

Penggunaan bahan organik hsl fermentasi dgn teknologi M-Bio dlm meningkatkan hsl pertanian

Rudi Priyadi

Univ. Siliwangi Tasikmalaya

Penggemukan sapi potong menggunakan jerami padi, amoniasi dan pakan konsentrat pada petani peternak di pedesaan

Astuti, T

Lembah Hijau Multifarm, Solo

Pengge-mukan dan Produksi Kepiting Matang Gonad

Hanafi, A.

Bahan Paket Teknologi Balai Penelitian Perikanan Pantai, Maros. 5 hlm.

Penggaraman dan pengeringan ikan.

Moeljanto, R

Penggaraman dan pengeringan ikan.



PT. Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Hlm 599 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Penggaraman dan Pengeringan Ikan

Moeljanto, R.

Penggaraman dan Pengeringan Ikan

PT. Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta.

Pengetahuan Tradisonal Tumbuhan Racun di Indonesia

Hamid. A

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat. Bogor

Pengetahuan Tentang Konsumsi Makanan

Enoch. M

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Gizi, Balitbangkes Depkes R.I. Bogor

Pengetahuan Tentang Konsumsi Makanan


Pusat Penelitian & Pengembangan Gizi, Bogor

Pengetahuan Perkoperasian


Pengetahuan Perkoperasian

Departemen Koperasi. Jakarta

Pengetahuan Gizi Mutakhir,Mineral

Hallberg, L

(Nasoetion, dkk, penerjemah).

Gramedia , Jakarta

Pengetahuan Dasar EIastomer. Kursus Teknologi Barang Jadi Karet

Arizal, R

Pengetahuan Dasar EIastomer. Kursus Teknologi Barang Jadi Karet

Balai Penelitian Teknologi Karet, Bogor

Pengetahuan dasar biologi bunga dan teknik penyerbukan silang buatan


Pengetahuan dasar biologi bunga dan teknik penyerbukan silang buatan

Penerbit PT Gramedia, Jakarta. 156 hlm.

Pengetahuan dan persepsi Masyarakat tentan permabahan Hutan Mangrove dj Dusun Sangkinah Taman Nasional Kutai


Pengetahuan dan persepsi Masyarakat tentan permabahan Hutan Mangrove dj Dusun Sangkinah Taman Nasional Kutai

Skripsi Sarjana Fahutan, Unmul, Samarinda

Pengetahuan Bahan Untuk Industri Pertanian

Syarif. R

MSP. Jakarta

Pengetahuan Bahan Untuk Industri Pertanian

Syarif. R

MSP. Jakarta

Pengetahuan Bahan untuk Industri Pertanian

Syarief, R.

Pengetahuan Bahan Untuk Industri Hasil Pertanian

Syarief. R

Medya Tama Sarana Perkasa. Jakarta

Pengetahuan Bahan Makanan Untuk Industri Pertanian

Syarief H

Mediyatama Sarana Perkasa, Jakarta

Pengertian Peranan Wanita

Melly, G.T.

Pengertian Peranan Wanita

LPSP Institut Pertanian Bogor

Pengeringan Temulawak.


Pengeringan Temulawak.

Komisi Teknik Perkebunan II.


Pengetahuan Bahan untuk Industri Pertanian

PT. Mediayatama Sarana Perkasa. Jakarta.

Hlm 600 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengeringan Ikan


Pengeringan Ikan


Pengeringan Ikan


Pengeringan Ikan


Pengeringan dan Pengawetan Kayu


Pengeringan bahan pangan dan hasil pertanian.

Sagara, Y.

Pengeringan bahan pangan dan hasil pertanian.

Departement of Agriculture Engineering, University ofTokyo Japan.

Pengeringan Agroindustri.

Sejihartini, Sri.

Pengeringan Agroindustri.

Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian. IPB Bogor.

Pengendallan Hama dan Penyakit Mangga

Mahfud, M.C

Pengendallan Hama dan Penyakit Mangga

Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Karangploso, Malang

Pengendalian terpadu pengerek batang padi


Tantangan dan peluang Balittan Bogor, Juli 1991

Pengendalian Teki (C. Rotundus L.) Pada Berbagai Tingkat Kesuburan Nitrogen.

Wiriatmodjo, J.

Pengendalian Teki (C. Rotundus L.) Pada Berbagai Tingkat Kesuburan Nitrogen.

Konferensi HIGI X.

Pengendalian Serangga Hama Tanaman Buah-Buahan

Sudarmo, S.

Pengendalian Serangga Hama Tanaman Buah-Buahan


Pengendalian secara hayati. Kursus Ilmu Tumbuhan Pengganggu

Mangoendihardjo, S.

Himpunan Ilmu Tumbuhan Pengganggu Indonesia. Bogor 430 Agustus 1975. 18 hlm.

Pengendalian Periadangan Berpindah dan Perambahan Hutan

Soedijar, A,

Pengendalian Periadangan Berpindah dan Perambahan Hutan

Makalan Lokakarya Pengendalian Peladangan Berpindah dan Perambah Hutan, Balitbang Kehutanan Departemen Kehutanan Bogor

Pengendalian Penyakit Udang dalam Lokakarya Pengelolaan Budidaya Udang

Cheng, L

Pengendalian Penyakit Udang dalam Lokakarya Pengelolaan Budidaya Udang

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengem-bangan Perikanan. Jakarta


Fakultas Kehytanan Institut Pertanian Yogyakarta

Hlm 601 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengendalian Penyakit Udang dalam Lokakarya Pengelolaan Budidaya Udang.

Cheng, L.

Pengendalian Penyakit Udang dalam Lokakarya Pengelolaan Budidaya Udang.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembang-an Perikanan, Jakarta.

Pengendalian Pencemaran Logam Berat Daerah Jabotabek dan Teluk Jakarta

Direktorat Penyelidikan Masalah Air

Pengendalian Mutu Perusahaan Secara Menyeluruh

Mizuno S

Terjemahan dari: Company-Wide Total quality Control.Oleh T.Hermaya

PT Pustaka Binaman Pressindo , Jakarta

Pengendalian kumbang O rhinoceros pada tnaman kelapa sawit secara terpadu.

Desmier de Chenon, R

Pertemuan teknis kelapa sawit 24/6 97 di PPKS


Pengendalian Hayati Penyakit Akar Merah Pada Akasia Dengan Trchoderma


Pengendalian Hayati dengan predator dan parasitoid

Manti, I

Pemanfaatan Penelitian Hama Tanaman Pangan. Risalah Lokakarya Penelitian Hama Tanaman Pangan Puslitbangtan dalam Rangka Mendukung Pembangunan Pertanian pada PJP II

BPPP Puslitbangtan BPTP Sukarami

Pengendalian hams terpadu dan implementasinya di Indonesia

Oka, I.N.

Pengendalian hams terpadu dan implementasinya di Indonesia

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta. 255 h1m.

Pengendalian Hama Terpadu Pada Implementasinya Di Indonesia

Oka. I.N

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Pengendalian Hama Terpadu pada Implementasinya di Indonesia

Oka. I.N

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Pengendalian hama terpadu dan implementasinya di Indonesia

Oka, I.N.

Pengendalian hama terpadu dan implementasinya di Indonesia

Gadjah Mada University Press. 255 hlm.

Pengendalian hama terpadu dan implementasinya di Indonesia

Oka, I.N

Pengendalian hama terpadu dan implementasinya di Indonesia

Gadjah Mada University Press. 255 hlm.


Direktorat Jendral Pengairan, Departemen Pekerjaan Umum Jakarta

Journal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia (In Press)

Hlm 602 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengendalian Hama Terpadu dan Implementasinya di Indonesia

Oka, I.N.

Program Nasional Pengendalian Hama Terpadu. Departemen Pertanian

Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta. hlm. 131-152.

Pengendalian hama terpadu dan implementasinya di Indonesia

Oka, I.N.

Pengendalian hama terpadu dan implementasinya di Indonesia

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Pengendalian hama terpadu dan implementasinya di Indonesia

Oka, I. N

Pengendalian hama terpadu dan implementasinya di Indonesia

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Pengendalian hama terpadu

Oka, I.N.

E.Soenarjo et al. (Red). Padi Buku 3. hlm. 653-680.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor.

Pengendalian hama terpadu

Flint M.

Pengendalian hama terpadu (terjemahan)

Kanisius. Yogyakarta

Pengendalian hama ramah lingkungandan ekonomis

Manuwoto, S.

Disampaikan dalam Seminar Pengendalian Hama yang Ramah Lingkungan dan Ekonomis. 16 Februari. 13 hlm.

Perhimpunan Entomologi Indonesia Cabang Bogor.

Pengendalian hama penyakit terpadu pada agribisnis cabai

Duriat, A.

Agribisnis Cabai

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta.

Pengendalian Hama dan Penyakit pada Budidaya Udang Windu.


Pengendalian Hama dan Penyakit pada Budidaya Udang Windu.

BPAP. Jepara. Jawa Tengah

Pengendalian Hama dan Penyakit pada Budidaya Udang Windu


Pengendalian Hama dan Penyakit pada Budidaya Udang Windu

BPAP Jepara. Jawa Tengah

Pengendalian Hama dan Penyakit Ikan.

Afrianto, E.

Pengendalian Hama dan Penyakit Ikan.

Kanisius, Yogyakarta.

Pengendalian Hama dan Penyakit

Afrianto, E

Pengendalian Hama dan Penyakit

Kanisius Yogyakarta.

Pengendalian Gulma pada Tanaman jagung.

Bangun. P

Hasil Penelitian Jagung, Sorgum, Terigu

Risalah Rapat Teknis Puslitbangtan, Bogor

Pengendalian Gulma pada Kedelai

Arjasa. W.S


Pengendalian Gulma Pada Kedelai


Somaatmadja, S. , M. Syam, dan S. O. Manurung (editor) Kedelai



Hlm 603 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Pengendalian Gulma dan Budidaya Padi Sebar Langsung di Lahan Sawah Irigasi dan Tadah Hujan

Pane, H

Kinerja Pen. Tan. Pangan, Buku 3. Pros. Simp. Pen.Tan. Pangan

Pengendalian Gulma dan Budidaya Padi Sebar Langsung di Lahan Irigasi dan Tadah Hujan

T.M. Gurning

Kinerja Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Buku 3

Pengendalian Ektoparasit


Pengendalian Ektoparasit

CV. Yasa Guna. Jakarta

Pengendaliail Hama Terpadu Wereng Coklat pada Tanaman Padi.


Pengendaliail Hama Terpadu Wereng Coklat pada Tanaman Padi.

Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Pertanian Tanaman Pangan, Jakarta.

Pengenalan Pelajaran Serangga.

Borror, D. J.

Pengenalan Pelajaran Serangga.

Penerbit Gajah Mada University Press.

Pengenalan Pelajaran Serangga, Penerjemah Soetiyono Partosoedjono.


Pengenalan Pelajaran Serangga, Penerjemah Soetiyono Partosoedjono.

Penerbit Gajah Mada University Prcss, Yokyakarta.

Pengenalan Pelajaran Serangga (Terjemahan). Edisi keenam

Borror. D.J.

Pengenalan Pelajaran Serangga (Terjemahan). Edisi keenam

Gajah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta.

Pengenalan pelajaran serangga (Terjemahan).

Borror, D.J.

Pengenalan pelajaran serangga (Terjemahan).

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta.

Pengenalan pelajaran serangga (terjemahan) edisi ke-6

Borror, D. J.

Pengenalan pelajaran serangga (terjemahan) edisi ke-6

Gajah Mada University Press

Pengenalan Pelajaran Serangga

Borror, D.J.

Pengenalan Pelajaran Serangga

Penerbit Gadjah Mada University Press Yogyakarta

Pengenalan Lapangan Burungburung di Jawa dan Bali (terjemahan)

MacKinnon, J.

Pengenalan Lapangan Burungburung di Jawa dan Bali (terjemahan)

Gadjah Mada Univ. Press,Yogyakarta.

Pengenalan Lapangan Burungburung di Jawa dan Bali

MacKinnon, J.

Pengenalan Lapangan Burungburung di Jawa dan Bali

Gajah Mada Univ Press, Yogyakarta.

Pengenalan JenisTanaman Buah- Buahan dan Bercocok Tanam Buah-Buahan Penting di Indonesia

Sunaryono, H

Pengenalan JenisTanaman BuahBuahan dan Bercocok Tanam Buah-Buahan Penting di Indonesia

Penerbit Sinar Baru. Bandung

Pengenalan Jenis Tanaman HTI


Diktat Diklat HTI, Fakultas Kehutanan UGM, Yogyakarta



Hlm 604 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengenalan Jenis Tanaman Buah- Buahan dan Bercocok Tanam Buah-Buahan Penting di Indonesia

Sunaryono, H

Pengenalan Jenis Tanaman BuahBuahan dan Bercocok Tanam Buah-Buahan Penting di Indonesia

Penerbit Sinar Baru. Bandung

Pengenalan Jenis Tanaman Buah- Buahan dan Bercocok Tanam Buah-Buahan Penting di Indonesia

Sunaryono, H.

Pengenalan Jenis Tanaman BuahBuahan dan Bercocok Tanam Buah-Buahan Penting di Indonesia

Penerbit Sinar Baru. Bandung

Pengenalan Jenis Tanaman Buah- Buahan dan Bercocok Tanam Buah-Buahan Penting di Indonesia

Sunaryono, H.

Pengenalan Jenis Tanaman BuahBuahan dan Bercocok Tanam Buah-Buahan Penting di Indonesia

Penerbit Sinar Baru. Bandung.

Pengenalan Echo Sounder Sebagai Instrumen Dasar Survey Akustik.

Amin, E.M

Pengenalan Echo Sounder Sebagai Instrumen Dasar Survey Akustik.

Balai Penelitian Perikanan Laut. Tidak diterbitkan. 17 hlm.

Pengenalan Burung-Burung Jawa dan Bali

Mackinnon J

Pengenalan Burung-Burung Jawa dan Bali

Universitas Gadjah Mada. Yogyakarta.

Pengenalan Beberapa Varietas Unggul Palawija

Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan NTB

Pengembangan varietas kacang tanah.

Kasno, Astanto

Monografi Balittan Malang No. 12 Kacang tanah.

Badan penelitian dan pengembangan pertanian. Balai penelitian tanaman pangan malang, Malang

Pengembangan Usaha Jaring Apung di Perairan Umum Saguling, Cirata dan Jatiluhur.


Pengembangan Usaha Jaring Apung di Perairan Umum Saguling, Cirata dan Jatiluhur.

Pemerintah Propinsi Daerah Tingkat I Jawa Barat, Dinas Perikanan 10 pp.

Pengembangan Udang Galah Dalam Hatchery dan Budidaya

Hadie, W.

Pengembangan Udang Galah Dalam Hatchery dan Budidaya

Kanisius, Yogyakarta. 98 hal.

Pengembangan teknologi varietas kedelai berumur panjang untuk lonjakan produksi

Rumawas, F.

Pengembangan teknologi varietas kedelai berumur panjang untuk lonjakan produksi

Bogor: Laporan Hibah Bersaing Perguruan Tinggi Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Pengembangan teknologi peternakan di daerah padat penduduk (Jawa). Laporan Tahun 1992/1993.


Puslitbang Peternakan, Bogor

Pengembangan teknologi pembuatan tempe


Sapuan dan N. Soetrisno (ed). Bunga Rampai Tempe Indonesia


Yayasan Tempe Indonesia. Jakarta.

Hlm 605 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengembangan tanaman tomat Budidaya tanaman tomat

Purwati E

AS Duriat (ed)Teknologi prouksi Tomat

Balitsa Lembang

Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia: Iptek dan tndustrialisasi dalam PJP II

Ginanjar Kartasasmita

Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia: Iptek dan tndustrialisasi dalam PJP II

FIA Unibraw, Malang.

Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia: Iptek dan industrialisasi dalam PJPlI

Ginanjar Kartasasmita

Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia: Iptek dan industrialisasi dalam PJPlI

FIA Unibraw, Malang.

Pengembangan sumber daya alam rawa pasang surut

Direktorat rawa

Pengembangan Sumbcr Daya Manusia. Edisi 2.

Notoatmodjo, S

Pengembangan Sistem Usaha Pertanian Lahan Pasang Surut Sumatera Selatan

Dirjen Pengairan Dep. PU, Jakarta Pengembangan Sumbcr Daya Manusia. Edisi 2.

PT Rineka Cipta. Jakarta

Pengembangan Sistem Usaha Pertanian Lahan Pasang Surut Sumatera Selatan

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Departemen Pertanian.

Caraka Tani. Edisi Spesial Bulan Desember 1994. hlm. 64-73.

Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sebelas Maret. Surakarta.

Pengembangan produk olahan dari ubi jalar

Antarlina, S.S.

Pengembangan Produk Makanan Tambahan Mutigizi Ibu Hamil

Marliyati. S.A

Pengembangan Peternakan Sapi Perah Ditinjau dari Manajeinen dan Pemberian Makanan

Sutardi, T

Depart. Ilmu Makanan Ternak. Fakultas Peternakan IPB Bogor

Pengembangan Peternakan di Sumatera Barat.

Saladin, R.

Pengembangan Peternakan di Sumatera Barat.

Fak. Peternakan Univ. Andalas, Padang.

Pengembangan Pertanian di Indonesia.

Affandi, A

Pengembangan Pertanian di Indonesia.

Badan Pendidikan, Pelatihan dan Penyuluhan, Ciawi, Bogor.

Pengembangan Pengolahan Rotan Lepas Panen.


Pengembangan Pengolahan Rotan Lepas Panen.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan dan Sosial Ekonomi Kehutanan. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan, Jakarta.


Jurusan Gizi Masyarakat dan Sumberdaya Keluarga, Fakultas Pertanian IPB, Bogor

Hlm 606 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Pengembangan Penerapan Hara Mikro Untuk Tanaman Pertanian

Soepardi. G

Pengembangan multipurpose dryer (APESSI) untuk pengeringan biji-bijian. Lokakarya Penanganan dan Pengeringan Biji-bijian


Pengembangan multipurpose dryer (APESSI) untuk pengeringan biji-bijian. Lokakarya Penanganan dan Pengeringan Biji-bijian

Direktorat Bina Usahatani dan Pengolahan Hasil, Jakarta

Pengembangan Model Kesejahteraan Masy. Melalui Industri Rumahtangga dalam rangka Mengentas Kemiskinan di Pedesaan


Pengembangan Model Kesejahteraan Masy. Melalui Industri Rumahtangga dalam rangka Mengentas Kemiskinan di Pedesaan

IKIP Surabaya

Pengembangan mata dagang minyak nilam kawasan pasar Masyarakat Eropah.


Badan Pengembangan Ekspor Nasional, Departemen Perdagangan.

Pengembangan Lahan Gambut untuk Pertanian: Suatu Peluang dan Tantangan.

Hardjowigeno, S.

Orasi Ilmiah Guru Besar Tetap Ilmu Tanah.

Fakultas Pertanian Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor.

Pengembangan Lahan Gambut untuk Pertania : Peluang dan Tantangan

Hardjowigeno, S

Orasi Ilmiah Guru Besar Tetap Ilmu Tanah

IPB Bogor

Pengembangan Kultur Tanaman Berkhasiat

Sutedjo. M.M

Pengembangan Koperasi Pengembangan Kemampuan Teknologi Indonesia dan Alih Teknologi di Indonesia. Di dalam Anwar, M.A. (eds), 1995: Sumberdaya, Teknologi dan Pembangunan

Thoby Mutis Indrawati, S.M.,

Pengembangan Koperasi Pengembangan Kemampuan Teknologi Indonesia dan Alih Teknologi di Indonesia. Di dalam Anwar, M.A. (eds), 1995: Sumberdaya, Teknologi dan Pembangunan

Gramedia, Jakarta. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Pengembangan Kelembagaan Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Padat Karya Sektor Kehutanan


Pengembangan Kelembagaan Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Padat Karya Sektor Kehutanan

Unibraw, Malang

Pengembangan Kelapa Hibrida KHINA-1 Berdasarkan Jumlah Benih

Novarianto, H.

Pengembangan Kelapa Hibrida KHINA-1 Berdasarkan Jumlah Benih

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Kelapa dan Palma Lain, Manado.

Pengembangan Jaringan Bisnis UKM melalui Subkontrak

Tambunan, M

Pengembangan Jaringan Bisnis UKM melalui Subkontrak

Center for Economic and Social Studies (CESS),


Judul Buku

Penerbit IPB. Bogor

Rineka Cipta, Jakarta

Hlm 607 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Pengembangan Investasi Perikanan

Direktorat Jendral Perikanan

Direktorat Jendral Perikanan, Departemen Pertanian

Pengembangan Investasi Perikanan

Direktorat Jendral Perikanan

Direktorat Jendral Perikanan Departemen Pertanian. Jakarta

Pengembangan Industri Sale Pisang.

Nursyamsi, M.S.

Pengembangan Industri Sale Pisang.

Dept. Penelitian dan Pengembangan Industri. Semarang.

Pengembangan Industri Kecil Pengolahan Rotan


Pengembangan Industri Kecil Pengolahan Rotan

Dirjcn IHPK.

Pengembangan Ikan Peliharaan di Indonesia.

Sumantadinata, K

Pengembangan Ikan Peliharaan di Indonesia.

Sastra Hudaya, Jakarta, hlm. 12-16.

Temu Karya Industri Hortikultura. Jakarta 27 Oktober 1992.

Kamar Dagang dan Industri Indonesia

Pengembangan desentralisasi dan peran serta masyarakat dalam pengelolaan kawasan konservasi.

ICEL (Indonesian Center for Environmental Law).

Pengembangan Hortikultura yang Berskala Komersial dan Industri Hortikultura. Kompartemen Pertanian dan Perkebunan. Kesimpulan dan Saran Langkah Lanjut Pengembangan desentralisasi dan peran serta masyarakat dalam pengelolaan kawasan konservasi.


Pengembangan dan Penerapan Hara Mikro Untuk Tanaman Pertanian

Soepardi. G

Pengembangan Daerah Rawa

Pengembangan budidaya ikan laut dalam keramba jaring apung di Kawasan Timur Indonesia.


Tonnek, S.

Judul Buku


IPB. Bogor

Pengembangan Daerah Rawa

Direktorat Jenderal Pengairan. Departemen Pekerjaan Umum, Jakarta. 93 hlm.

Dalam: Danakusumah et al. (Eds.). Presiding Rapat Teknis llmiah Penelitian Perikanan Budidaya Pantai, Tanjungpinang, 29 April-1 Mei 1993.

Balai Penelitian Perikanan Budidaya Pantai, Maros. p: 85-92.

Hlm 608 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Pengembangan alfa sulfo methyl ester dari minyak sawit. Laporan Hasil Penelitian. Bagian Proyek Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknik Produksi dan Pasca Panen Kelapa Sawit Tahun Anggaran 1994/1995. DIP No.264/XVIII/3/1994. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan P

Sadi S

PPKS p 49-60

Pengembangan Alat Pengering Surya dan Evaluasi untuk Pengeringan Ikan.

Suryanto, Hadi dan Syafriddin.

Pengembangan Alat Pengering Surya dan Evaluasi untuk Pengeringan Ikan.

Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Andalas. Padang.

Pengembangan Agroindustri Berbasis SDM dan lPTEK. Di dalam Sudradjat, A. (ed), 1999: Mewujudkan Pembangunan Kehutanan dan Perkebunan yang Berkeadilan dan Berkelanjutan


Pengembangan Agroindustri Berbasis SDM dan lPTEK. Di dalam Sudradjat, A. (ed), 1999: Mewujudkan Pembangunan Kehutanan dan Perkebunan yang Berkeadilan dan Berkelanjutan

Departemen Kehutanan dan Perkebunan, Jakarta

Pengembangan metode pengendalian hama terpadu di bidang hortikultura. Risalah Seminar Hama dan Penyakit Sayuran, 29-30 Mei 1984 di Cipanas


Pengembangan metode pengendalian hama terpadu di bidang hortikultura. Risalah Seminar Hama dan Penyakit Sayuran, 29-30 Mei 1984 di Cipanas

Badan Litbang Pertanian, Jakarta

Pengembalian kembali bahan

Hardiani, H

Pengembalian kembali bahan kimia(Chemical Recovery).

Balai Besar Penelitian & Pengembangan Industri Selulosa. Bandung.

Pengemasan pangan untuk konsumen dengan plastik

Hall, C.W.

Pantastico Er. B. (Ed) Fisiologi Pascapanen

Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Pengemasan Bahan Makanan Dengan Plastik


Pengemasan Bahan Makanan Dengan Plastik

Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian. Universitas Gadjah Mada. Yogyakarta.

Pengeluaran utk konsumsi penduduk indonesia 1996

Biro Pusat Statisik

Pengeluaran untuk konsumsi penduduk Indonesia.

Biro Pusat Statistik.




BPS Jakarta

Hlm 609 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Pengeluaran Untuk Konsumsi Penduduk Indonesia 1996

Survey Sosial Ekonomi Nasional

Pengeluaran untuk konsumsi penduduk Indonesia 1987.

Biro Pusat Statistik

Judul Buku

Penerbit Biro Pusat Statistik. Jakarta

Survai Sosial Ekonomi Nasional 1987. Buku I, Jakarta

Pengeluaran Untuk Konsumsi Penduduk Indonesia

BPS, Jakarta

Pengeluaran untuk Konsumsi Penduduk Indonesia


Pengeluaran Untuk Konsumsi Penduduk


Pengeluaran Untuk Konsumsi Penduduk

Pengeluaran Untuk Konsumsi

Biro Pusat Statistik

SUSENAS Tahun 1996.Jakarta

Pengelolahan kesuburan tanaman

Indranada, U.K.

Pengelolahan kesuburan tanaman

Yasaguna, Jakarta

Pengelolaan Usaha Peternakan Ayam Pedaging

Rasyaf, M.

Pengelolaan Usaha Peternakan Ayam Pedaging

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.

Pengelolaan usaha pembibitan tanaman buah


Pengelolaan usaha pembibitan tanaman buah

Penebar swadaya Jakarta

Pengelolaan untuk Pertanian Berkelanjutan l. Pengaruh Tingkat Erosi terhadap Tanaman

Utomo, W.H.

Pengelolaan untuk Pertanian Berkelanjutan l. Pengaruh Tingkat Erosi terhadap Tanaman

Univ. Brawijaya, Malang.

Pengelolaan tanah dan air lahan pasang surut

Widjaya-Adhi, IPG

Studi kasus Karang Agung, Sumatera Selatan Dalam Risalah Seminar Hasil Penelitian Proyek Penelitian Pertanian Lahan Pasang Surut dan Rawa Swamps II 1990. Bogor, 19-21 September 1989.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor.

Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Lahan Kritis di Indonesia. Kumpuian Informasi. Proyek Penyuluhan Pengembangan Penyuluhan Kehutanan 1997/1998.

Pusat Penyuluhan Kehutanan

Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Lahan Kritis di Indonesia. Kumpuian Informasi. Proyek Penyuluhan Pengembangan Penyuluhan Kehutanan 1997/1998.



Biro Pusat Statistik. Jakarta

Hlm 610 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengelolaan Satwaliar.JiW I.


Pengelolaan Satwaliar.JiW I.

Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebuda-yaan, Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi, Pusat Antar Universitas Ilmu Hayat, IPB. Bogor. 303 halaman.

Pengelolaan satwa liar I.

Alikodra, H.S.

Pengelolaan satwa liar I

PAU-Ilmu Hayat IPB. Ditjen Perguruan Tinggi, Departemen P dan K. Bogor

Pengelolaan Satwa Liar

Alikodra, H.S.

Pengelolaan Satwa Liar

Bogor: PAU Ilmu Hayat Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Pengelolaan Satwa Liar

Alikodra, H.S.

Pengelolaan Satwa Liar

Dep. Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Ditjen. Pendidikan Tinggi. Pusat Antar Universitas llmu Hayati. Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Pengelolaan reservat dan restocking di perairanumum


Petunjuk Pelaksanaan, Bina Sumber Hayati,

Ditjen Perikanan, Dep. Pertanian, Jakarta

Pengelolaan Reservat dan Restocking di Perairan Urnum.


Petunjuk Pelaksanaan.

Dit. Sumber Hayati, Ditjen Perikanan, Departemen Pertanian. Jakarta. 35pp.

Pengelolaan Pupuk di Lahan Kering.

Soepardi, G.

Pengelolaan Pupuk di Lahan Kering.

PT Petrokimia, Gresik.

Pengelolaan produktifitas lahan sawah gambut. Seminar nasional pengelolaan sawah bukaan baru dalam menunjang pelestarian swasembada pangan dan program transmigrasi UNES.


Pengelolaan produktifitas lahan sawah gambut. Seminar nasional pengelolaan sawah bukaan baru dalam menunjang pelestarian swasembada pangan dan program transmigrasi UNES.


Pengelolaan Produksi Teniak Unggas

Abbas, M.H

Pengelolaan Produksi Teniak Unggas

Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Andalas, Padang


Hlm 611 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengelolaan Pestisida Dalam Pengendalian Hama Kedelai Secara Terpadu


Pengelolaan Pestisida Dalam Pengendalian Hama Kedelai Secara Terpadu

Departemen Pertanian. Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Tanaman Pangan. Malang

Pengelolaan pengunjung : pelajaran dari Taman Nasional Galapagos. Di Dalam Ekoturisme : petunjuk untuk perencana dan pengelola (terjemahan).

Wallace, G.N.

Ekoturisme : petunjuk untuk perencana dan pengelola (terjemahan).

The Ecotourism Society, North Bernington, Vermont

Pengelolaan penetasan Pengelolaan Organisme Pengganggu Tumbuhan Secara Terpadu pada Tanaman Kubis.

Rasya M

Pengelolaan Mutu Air dalam Lokakarya Pengelolaan Budidaya Udang.

Tsai, C.K.

Pengelolaan Mutu Air dalam Lokakarya Pengelolaan Budidaya Udang.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perikanan. Jakarta

Pengelolaan Mutu Air dalam Lokakarya Pengelolaan Budidaya Udang

Tsai, C.K

Pengelolaan Mutu Air dalam Lokakarya Pengelolaan Budidaya Udang

Pusat Pene-litian dan Pengembangan Per-ikanan. Jakarta

Pengelolaan Limbah Gas bio

Udiharto, M

Pengelolaan Limbah Gas bio

Proyek Laboratorium PST PPTMGB "LEMIGAS" Cepu

Pengelolaan Lamtoro sebagai Makanan Ternak.

Semendawai, I. H.

Pengelolaan lahan bermasalah (gambut) bagi budi daya udang windu di tambak

Hanafi, A.

F. Cholik, A. Rukyani, A.S. Samita, E.S. Heruwati, Supamo, D. Monintja, K. Soewardi, J. Widodo, V.P. Nikijuluw, dan E.S. Kartamihardja (Eds.). Prosiding Perikanan Indonesia 1, Jakarta, 25-27 Agustus 1993, Buku I, Bidang Budi Daya Perikanan.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perikanan, Jakarta. hlm. 363-371.

Pengelolaan Kesuburan Tanah

Indranada, H.K

Pengelolaan Kesuburan Tanah

PT. Bina Aksara. Jakarta.


Pengelolaan Organisme Pengganggu Tumbuhan Secara Terpadu pada Tanaman Kubis.

Kanisius. Yogyakarta Dirjen Pertanian Tanaman Pangan, Direktorat Bina Perlindungan Tanaman. Jakarta. 42 hal.

Direktorat Bina Produksi Peternakan.

Hlm 612 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengelolaan Kebun bibit buahbuahan Bank Indonesia, Pasuruan

Sentra, I.W

Pengelolaan Kebun bibit buahbuahan Bank Indonesia, Pasuruan

Jurusan Budi daya Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian, Unibraw, Malang

Pengelolaan kawasan yang dilindungi di daerah tropika

MacKinnon, J.

Pengelolaan kawasan yang dilindungi di daerah tropika

Gadjah Mada University Press.

Pengelolaan kawasan yang dilindungi di daerah tropika

MacKinnon. J

Pengelolaan kawasan yang dilindungi di daerah tropika

Gajah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Pengelolaan kawasan yang dilindungi di daerah tropika

MacKinnon, J

Pengelolaan kawasan yang dilindungi di daerah tropika

Gadjah Mada Press. Yogyakarta.

Pengelolaan Hutan Bersama Rakyat. Teori dan Aplikasi pada Hutan Jati di Jawa

Simon, H.

Pengelolaan Hutan Bersama Rakyat. Teori dan Aplikasi pada Hutan Jati di Jawa

PT. Bigraf Pub. Yogyakarata

Pengelolaan Hutan Bersama Masyarakat

Simon, H.

Pengelolaan Hutan Bersama Masyarakat

BIGRAF Pub. Yogyakarta

Pengelolaan Hutan Bersama Rakyat (Cooperative Forest Mana-gement) Teori dan Aplikasi pada Hutan Jati di Jawa


Pengelolaan Hutan Bersama Rakyat (Cooperative Forest Mana-gement) Teori dan Aplikasi pada Hutan Jati di Jawa

BigraiPublishing. Yogyakarta

Pengelolaan hama padi di Sulawesi Selatan

Baco, J.

Peranan Hasil Penelitian Padi dan Palawija dalam Pembangunan Pertanian. Himpunan Makalah Simposium Maros. Buku III. hlm. 591-602.

Pengelolaan Gulma di Perkebunan


Gramedia Jakarta

Pengelolaan Gulma di Perkebunan


Gramedia Jakarta

Pengelolaan Gulma di Perkebunan

Tjitrosoedirdjo, S

Pengelolaan Gulma di Perkebunan

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta

Pengelolaan Budidaya Ikan Nila Merah Pada Jaring Apung di Waduk Gajah Mungkur.

Hendarto, E.

Pengelolaan Budidaya Ikan Nila Merah Pada Jaring Apung di Waduk Gajah Mungkur.

PKL Fak. Perikanan, Univ. Brawijaya, Malang.

Pengelolaan Air Untuk Tanaman Kedelai

Fagi, A.M.

Pengelolaan Air Untuk Tanaman Kedelai

Puslitbangtan. Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Bogor

Pengelolaan Air Untuk Pertanaman Kedelai



Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Sukamandi

Hlm 613 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Pengelolaan Air Untuk Pertanaman Kedelai


Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Sukamandi

Pengelolaan air untuk pertanaman kedelai

Fagi AM

Puslitbang Tanaman Pangan Balitbang Pertanian

Pengelolaan Air Limbah Secara Non Konvensional

Husin. Y.A

Akademi Kimia Analisis. Bogor

Pusbilnlat Depaartemen Perindustrian. Bogor

Pengelolaan Air Limbah dan Pemantauan Pencemaran Lingkungan dalam Sektor Industri

Suprijarna. E

Akademi Kimia Analisis. Bogor

Pusbilnlat Depaartemen Perindustrian. Bogor

Pengeloaan Kualitas Air

Wardoyo, S.TH,

Pengeloaan Kualitas Air

Fakultas Perikanan, IPB, Bogor. 41 halaman.

Pengawetan produksi tanaman dan penanganan pasca panen

Selamet Sudarmadji

Pengawetan pangan sebagai konsentrat gula. Teknologi pangan

Desrosier, N. W.

Pengawetan pakan ternak.

Siregar, S. B.

Pengawetan kayu untuk perumahan dan gedung.


SNI. 03-3528-94.

Dewan Standarisasi Nasional, Jakarta.

Pengawetan Ikan dan Hasil Perikanan.

HSR, Agus Irawan.

Pengawetan Ikan dan Hasil Perikanan.

CV. Aneka. Solo.

Pengawetan dan Pengolahan lkan

Afrianto, E.

Pengawetan dan Pengolahan lkan

Penerbit Kanisius, Yogyakarta.

Pengawetan dan Pengolahan Ikan.


Pengawetan dan Pengolahan Ikan.

Kanisius, Yogyakarta.

Pengawetan dan Pengolahan Ikan (The Production and Processing of Fish).

Afianto, E...

Pengawetan dan Pengolahan Ikan (The Production and Processing of Fish).

Kanisius Press, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Pengawetan dan Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan.


Pengawetan dan Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan.

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta.

Pengawetan dan Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan.

Moeljanto, R.

Pengawetan dan Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan.

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta.

Pengawasan Mutu Pangan Pengawasan Kualitas Dan Teknologi Pembuatan Gula Di Indonesia

Arpah, M Moerdokusumo. A

Pengawasan Mutu Pangan

Transito. Bandung ITB, Bandung


Judul Buku


Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta Pengawetan pangan sebagai konsentrat gula. Teknologi pangan

Penerbit Universitas Indonesia, jakarta Penebar Swadaya, jakarta.

Hlm 614 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengaturan Penjarangan

Perum Perhutani.

Pengaturan Penjarangan

Perum Perhutani. Jakarta.

Pengaturan Makanan dan Diit Untuk Penyembuhan Penyakit.


Pengaturan Cahaya dan Pakan Alternatif pada Ayam Broiler Breeder : Pengaruhnya Terhadap Pola Konsumsi Pakan Ritme Penelur


Pengatur Agronomi Pengatur Agronomi Pengasapan dan Fermentasi Ikan

Harjadi Setyati Harjadi Setyati Mulyanto

Pengasapan dan Fermentasi Ikan

Pengasapan dan Fermentasi Ikan


Pengasapan dan Fermentasi Ikan

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta

Pengarun Sifat-sifat Tanah Terhadap Zonasi Hutan Mangrove Banyuwedan Kab. Buleleng, Bali


Pengarun Sifat-sifat Tanah Terhadap Zonasi Hutan Mangrove Banyuwedan Kab. Buleleng, Bali

Program Pasca Sarjana Intitut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor

Pengaruh Waktu Pemupukan Nitrogen terhadap Produksi dan Kualitas Rumput Brachiaria brinzuntha

Vema, F.M.

LPP. Edisi September.


Pengaruh Waktu Inkubasi yang Berbeda terhadap Kualitas Kecap Dan Daging Merah Ikan Tuna (Thunnus sp).

Rahmatika, E.

Pengaruh Waktu Inkubasi yang Berbeda terhadap Kualitas Kecap Dan Daging Merah Ikan Tuna (Thunnus sp).

Fak. Perikanan. Univ. Brawijaya, Malang.

Pengaruh Waktu dan Tebal Hamparan Pengukusan Terhadap Masa Simpan Dedak Padi Varietas IR 36 Yang Disimpan Dalam Karung Goni

Waskitarini. E

Departemen Pertanian UNIBRAW

Pengaruh Varietas dan Insektisida Dalam Pengendalian Penyakit Tungro

Hasanuddin. A

Balittan Maros


Gramedia, Jakarta.

Persistensi dan Kualitas Telur, Sub Balai Penelitian Ternak Grati. Pasuruan

Gramedia Jakarta Gramedia Jakarta PT Panebar Swadaya, Jakarta.

Hlm 615 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengaruh Umur Semai Batang Bawah dan Macam Kultivar Batang Atas terhadap Keberhasilan Pembibitan Mangga.

Purbiati, T.

Penel. Hort. Vol. 3.

Balai Penelitian Horttikultura, Solok.

Pengaruh Umur Petik Terhadap Sifat Fisik dan Kimia Buah Apel Anna Selama Penyimpanan


Penelitian Hortikultura

Balai Penelitian Hortikultura, Solok.

Pengaruh Umur Petik dan Penyimpanan Suhu Ruang Terhadap Sifat-Sifat Buah Apel 'Malang'


Pengaruh Umur Petik dan Penyimpanan Suhu Ruang Terhadap Sifat-Sifat Buah Apel 'Malang'

Fakultas Pascasarjana, IPB, Bogor.

Pengaruh ümur dan. Jenis Kelamin Terhadap Hasil dan Kualitas Sapi Bali

Saka, I.K

Pengaruh ümur dan. Jenis Kelamin Terhadap Hasil dan Kualitas Sapi Bali

Fakultas Petemakan Univ. Udayana Bali.

Pengaruh Umur Bibit dan Metode Transplanting pada Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Slada ( Lactuca sativa L.) Varietas Great Lakes


Pengaruh Umur Bibit dan Metode Transplanting pada Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Slada ( Lactuca sativa L.) Varietas Great Lakes

Tesis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

Pengaruh Tumbuhan Tempat Tumbuh dan Perlakuan Zat IBA Terhadap Pertumbuhan Stek Batang Peronemma Canescen


Balai Teknologi Pembenihan Bogor

Pengaruh tingkat Kepadatan Tanah terhadap Sifat Fisika Tanah, Pertumbuhan dan Hasil kedelai

Abas, A

Pusat penelitian dan pengembangan pertanian. Bogor

Pengaruh tinggi pemotongan terhadap produksi leguminosa


Dinas peternakan propinsi NTB, Bag. Proyek pengembangan petani ternak kecil prop. NTB, Mataram

Pengaruh Tiga Varitas Batang Atas terhadap Pertumbuhan Sambungan Bibrt Mangga Varitas Madu umur 4 bulan dan 6 bulan sebagai Batang Bawah

Sarjono, S


Pengaruh Tiga Varitas Batang Atas terhadap Pertumbuhan Sambungan Bibrt Mangga Varitas Madu umur 4 bulan dan 6 bulan sebagai Batang Bawah

Tesis Dept. Agronomi, Univ. Brawijaya, Malang

Hlm 616 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengaruh Teknik Drainase dan Pemberian Jerami Padi terhadap Produktivitas Tanah Sulfat Masam Potensial di karang Agung I, Sumatera Selatan

Didi Ardi, S.

Kumpulan Hasil Penelitian Teknologi Produksi dan Pengembangan Sistem Usahatani di Lahan Rawa. Proyek Penelitian Pengembangan Pertanian Rawa Terpadu-ISDP

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian.

Pengaruh Sumber Fosfor dan infeksi Jamur Mikoriza Terhadap Pertumbuhan Plantet Kopi Secara Invitro


Pengaruh Sumber Fosfor dan infeksi Jamur Mikoriza Terhadap Pertumbuhan Plantet Kopi Secara Invitro

Puslit Kopi Kakao. Jember

Pengaruh Status Gizi dan Diet Ibu Hamil Terhadap Tumbuh Kembang Janin

Rumawas. J.S.P

Gizi Ibu dan Bayi : Peningkatan Mutu

Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia. Jakarta

Pengaruh radiasi sinar gamma pada tanaman anggrek Vanda genta Bandung

Soertini, S

Laporan tahunan Balai Peneltian Tanaman Hias Jakarta. Tidak dipublikasikan.

Pengaruh pupuk organik dan anorganik terhadap petumbuhan dan hasil jagung

Henny K

Pengaruh Pupuk kandang dan fosfat serta residualnya terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi jagung (Zea may L) di Daerah Transmigrasi Luwu Utara, Sulawesi Selatan.


Pengaruh Pupuk kandang dan fosfat serta residualnya terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi jagung (Zea may L) di Daerah Transmigrasi Luwu Utara, Sulawesi Selatan.

Disertasi Doktor Fakultas Pasca Sarjana IPBBogor.

Pengaruh Populasi Bayam Duri dan Tingkat Pemupukan Nitrogen terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanam an Jagung


Konferensi X Himpunan llmu Gulma Indonesia Malang

HIGI. Malang.

Pengaruh Perubahan Suhu dan Waktu Ekstraksi Terhadap rendemen dan Kandungan Komponen-Komponen Oleoresin Kunyit (Curcuma domestica Val)


Pengaruh Perubahan Suhu dan Waktu Ekstraksi Terhadap rendemen dan Kandungan Komponen-Komponen Oleoresin Kunyit (Curcuma domestica Val)


Balitbang pertanian. Nalit Tanaman Pangan Malang

Hlm 617 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengaruh perlakuan benih terhadap perkecambahan kedawung. Hal 70-73 dalam Media Komunikasi Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Industri


Pengaruh perlakuan benih terhadap perkecambahan kedawung. Hal 70-73 dalam Media Komunikasi Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Industri

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Industri-Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian-Departemen Pertanian. Bogor

Pengaruh Pergiliran Varietas Terhadap Pengendalian Wareng Hijau Sebagai Penular Virus Tungro Pada Tanaman Padi

Manwan. I

Pengaruh pergantian air dan lama aerasi pada budi daya udang windu (Penaeus monodon)

Mangampa, M.

Hanafi, A., M. Atmomarsono, dan S. Ismawati (Eds.) Prosiding Seminar Hasil Penelitian Perikanan Budi Daya Pantai, Maros, 16-19 Juli 1993. Balai Penelitian Perikanan Budi Daya Pantai, Maros. hlm. 67-72.

Balai Penelitian Perikanan Budi Daya Pantai, Maros. hlm. 6870.

Pengaruh Perendaman dalam NaOCI, NaHSO4 Untuk Mempertahankan Mutu Udang Beku Selama Penyimpanan

Perangin-angin, R

Pengaruh Perendaman dalam NaOCI, NaHSO4 Untuk Mempertahankan Mutu Udang Beku Selama Penyimpanan

Pasca Sarjana IPB Bogor

Pengaruh Penyimpanan Beku Terhadap Mutu Daging Buah Nangka.


Pengaruh penundaan perontokan terhadap mutu benih padi


Kelurga Benih Vol II

Lab Benih IPB.Bogor

Pengaruh penghematan energi dan protein pada periode dara terhadap saat dewasa kelamin ayam kampung

Heryandi, Y.

Pengaruh penghematan energi dan protein pada periode dara terhadap saat dewasa kelamin ayam kampung


Pengaruh Penggunaan Zeolit Dalain Litter Terhadap Kualitas Lingkungan Kandang dan Performans Broiler Pada Kepadalan Kandang Berbeda



Balittan Maros

Pasca Sarjana. Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Program Pascasarjana IPB, Bogor

Hlm 618 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengaruh Penggunaan Macammacam Zat Pengatur Tumbuh dan Lama Perendaman terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Tanaman Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria).

Mulyani, H.

Pengaruh Penggunaan Macammacam Zat Pengatur Tumbuh dan Lama Perendaman terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Tanaman Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria).

Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Malang.

Pengaruh Penggunaan Algae Cladophora terhadap Pengurangan Kadar Logam Berat Pada Limbah Pabrik Cat, Tekstil dan Pengecoran

E. Prihastanti

Pengaruh Penggunaan Algae Cladophora terhadap Pengurangan Kadar Logam Berat Pada Limbah Pabrik Cat, Tekstil dan Pengecoran

PPLH - UNDIP, Semarang

Pengaruh penggantian Artrmia satina dengan Daphnia sp. lerhadap pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup benih ikan gurame, Osphronemus goramy L.


Tesis Magister Sains

Program Pascasarjana, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor.

Pengaruh Pengeringan Tabung Bambu Terhadap Kualitas Dadih.

Hafid Dauli

Pengaruh Pengeringan Tabung Bambu Terhadap Kualitas Dadih.

Faterna, Unand

Pengaruh Pengeratan dan Perompesan Entris terhadap Keberhasilan Pembibitan Mangga Secara Cepat

Lembaga Penelitian Hortikultura, Jakarta

Pengaruh Pengeratan dan Perompesan Entris terhadap Keberhasilan Pembibitan Mangga Secara Cepat Pengaruh Pengendalian Gulma Secara Kimiawi Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Kacang Tanah

Simarmata. M

IPB. Bogor

Pengaruh pengendalian CVPD dengan oksitetrasiklin terhadap kualitas jeruk keprok


Bul. Penel. Hort

Pengaruh Pengemasan Terhadap Zat Gizi

Karel. M

Evaluasi Gizi Pada Pengolahan Bahan Pangan

ITB. Bandung

Pengaruh pengemasan terhadap zat gizi

Karel, M.

R.S. Harris dan E. Karmas: Evaluasi Gizi pada Pengolahan Pangan.

Institut Teknologi Bandung.


Hlm 619 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengaruh Pengaturan pH dan Jumlah Penambahan Gula terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Aktivitas Khamir Saccharomyces cereviceae Varietas Elliopsoideos

Puspitaningsih, Endang.

Pengaruh Pengaturan pH dan Jumlah Penambahan Gula terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Aktivitas Khamir Saccharomyces cereviceae Varietas Elliopsoideos

Departemen Teknologi Pertanian, Fak. Pertanian, Univ. Brawijaya, Malang.

Pengaruh pengapuran, pemupukan P dan inokulasi Rhizobium terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil kedelai.

Ridwan, A

Pengaruh pengapuran dan Pupuk hijau terhadap hasil kedelai pada tanah Podsolik Sitiung di rumah Kaca.

Wiwik, H.

Pengaruh pengapuran dan Pupuk hijau terhadap hasil kedelai pada tanah Podsolik Sitiung di rumah Kaca.

Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanah dan Pupuk Dept. Pertanian Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Pusat Penelitian Tanah-Bogor.

Pengaruh penambahan kompleks enzim ter-hadap kecernaan pakan dan pertumbuhan ikan gurami ukuran 10 g

Insan, I.

Pengaruh penambahan kompleks enzim ter-hadap kecernaan pakan dan pertumbuhan ikan gurami ukuran 10 g

Balai Penelitian Perikanan Air Tawar, Bogor.

Pengaruh Penambahan ISP terhadap Karakteristik Fisik Edible Coating dari Low Methoxy Pectins

Wibowo, J.T.,

Pengaruh Penambahan ISP terhadap Karakteristik Fisik Edible Coating dari Low Methoxy Pectins

Skripsi. Jurusan Teknologi Pangan Dan Gizi, IPB, Bogor.

Pengaruh penambahan gula dan lama inkubasi pada ekstraksi minyak kelapa secara fermentasi.

Putra, H.S.

Pengaruh penambahan gula dan lama inkubasi pada ekstraksi minyak kelapa secara fermentasi.

UNILA Pres, Lampung.

Pengaruh Penambahan Beberapa Level Asam Benzoat dan Lama Penyimpanan Terhadap Kualitas Dadih.


Pengaruh Penambahan Beberapa Level Asam Benzoat dan Lama Penyimpanan Terhadap Kualitas Dadih.

Faterna, Unand

Pengaruh penambahan bahan pemuca terhadap karakteristik Rolling Oil bekas hasil cold stripping

Dewi, A.,

Pengaruh penambahan bahan pemuca terhadap karakteristik Rolling Oil bekas hasil cold stripping

Skripsi Jurusan Teknologi Industri Pertanian Fateta IPB, Bogor


Balai penelitian tanaman Sukarami, Solok Sumatera Barat

Hlm 620 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengaruh pemupukan P dan K terhadap sifat kimia dan hasil padi pada sawah bukaan baru Ultisol Tugumulya, Sumatera Selatan

Hartatik, W.

Irsai Las (Ed). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sumberdaya Lahan.

Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat, Bogor. hlm. 201-215.

Pengaruh Pemupukan NPK Terhadap Hasil Ubi Kayu yang di Tanam secara Terus Menerus


Budidaya Ubi Kayu

PT. Gramedia Jakarta

Pengaruh Pemupukan Nitrogen, Phospor. dan Kalium terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Kualitas Pulp Bambu Duri (Bambusa bambos) di Kelompok Hutan Turaya (Bomisallo). Sulawesi Selatan,

Alrasyid, H.

Pengaruh Pemupukan Nitrogen, Phospor. dan Kalium terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Kualitas Pulp Bambu Duri (Bambusa bambos) di Kelompok Hutan Turaya (Bomisallo). Sulawesi Selatan,

Kerjasama BPH-PT, Pupuk Sriwijaya.

Pengaruh Pemupukan N,P,K,S dan Bahan Organik pada Tanaman Kedelai di Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat

Hartatik, W

Risalah Hasil Penelitian

Puslitanak, Bogor

Pengaruh Pemupukan N, P, dan K dan Pupuk Daun Terhadap Hasil Jagung Manis di Tanah Regosol Lombok

Yasin. I

Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Mataram

Pengaruh Pemupukan N, P, dan K dan Pupuk Daun Terhadap Hasil Jagung Manis Di Tanah Regosol Lombok

Yasin. I

Fakultas Pertanian Unram

Pengaruh Pembungkusan dan Penyimpanan Suhu Rendah terhadap Mutu Daging Sapi.

Sirait, C.H.S.

Pengaruh Pembungkusan dan Penyimpanan Suhu Rendah terhadap Mutu Daging Sapi.

Pengaruh pemberian zat pengatur tumbuh terhadap kualitas dan umur simpan buah tomat kultivar Gondol

Sumiati E

In press


Fak. Pascasarjana Institut Pertanian Bogor

Hlm 621 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengaruh Pemberian Urea Molasses Block dalam Ransum Terhadap Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium dan Performans Domba

Wahyuni RS

Pengaruh Pemberian Urea Molasses Block dalam Ransum Terhadap Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium dan Performans Domba

Fakultas Pasca Sarjana Unair.

Pengaruh pemberian tepung eceng gondok sebagai subsitusi dedak halus dlmransum thdp produksi ayam petelur

Inounu I

Lembaran Lembaga Penelitian Peternakan BogorBalit Ternak, Balitbang Pertanian Deptan th X no 4 Des 1980

Balit Ternak, Balitbang Pertanian Deptan

Pengaruh Pemberian suplemen Urea, Daun Kabesak, dan Putak dengan Level Urea Yang Berbeda Pada Sapi Bali Yang Meng-konsumsi Jerami Padi Sebagai Pakan Dasar.

Bamualim, A.

Publikasi Wilayah Kering.

Proyek Pembangunan Penelitian Pertanian Nusa Tenggara. Kupang, NTT.

Pengaruh pemberian sisa tanaman sebagai mulsa terhadap sifat Fisik tanah dan produksi tanaman jagung pada tanah podzolik.

Rusman. B.

Pengaruh pemberian sisa tanaman sebagai mulsa terhadap sifat Fisik tanah dan produksi tanaman jagung pada tanah podzolik.

Fakultas Pertanian Unand. Padang.

Pengaruh pemberian seng dan kapur pada tanah Podzolik Merah kuning Sitiung II terhadap produksi kedelai (Glycine max (L) Menr)

Yufdi, M.P.

Pengaruh pemberian seng dan kapur pada tanah Podzolik Merah kuning Sitiung II terhadap produksi kedelai (Glycine max (L) Menr)

Fak. Pertanian Unand Padang.

Pengaruh Pemberian Pupuk Kandang dan NPK Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Ketela Pohon dengan Jagung Secara Tumpangsari di Lahan Kering


Pengaruh Pemberian Pupuk Kandang dan NPK Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Ketela Pohon dengan Jagung Secara Tumpangsari di Lahan Kering

Intemal Report No. 80, 1993. Inres Project.

Pengaruh pemberian P dan Zn terhadap ketersediaan P, Zn, Cu, MI), dan Fe di tanah podzolik merah kuning dalam keadaan tergenang

Syukur, A.

Pengaruh pemberian P dan Zn terhadap ketersediaan P, Zn, Cu, MI), dan Fe di tanah podzolik merah kuning dalam keadaan tergenang

Fak. Pertanian, UGM, Yogyakarta.

Pengaruh Pemberian Nabenzoat terhadap Daya Awet Pindang Ikan pada Suhu Kamar

Zainuddin, T.

Pengaruh Pemberian Na-benzoat terhadap Daya Awet Pindang Ikan pada Suhu Kamar

Fakultas Perikanan, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat.


Hlm 622 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengaruh pemberian Jenis Herbisida Secara Tunggal dan Kombinasi Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Kedelai [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]


H.P. Widayat, A. Karim, Hasanuddin, Sufardi, Fajri (editor) Prosiding Seminar Hasil Penelitian Ilmu-ilmu Pertanian BKS-PTN Barat

Banda Aceh

Pengaruh pemberian fosfat dan pupuk kandang terhadap hasil kacang tanah lahan kering Kalimantan Selatan

Arifin, M. Z.


Pengaruh Pemberian Eceng Gondok (Eichornia crassipes (Mart.) Solm.) Terhadap Produktifitas Tanah dan Efisiensi Pupuk TSP Untuk Tanaman Kedelai di Tanah Podsolik


Direktorat P4M

Dikti, Depdikbud. Jakarta

Pengaruh Pemberian Eceng Gondok (Eichornia Crassipes (Mart.) Solm dan Pupuk Fosfat Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Efisiensi Hasil Kedelai di Tanah Ultisol


H.P Widayat, A. Karim, Hasanuddin, Sufardi, dan Fajri (Editor) Prosiding Seminar HasilPenelitian Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian BKS-PTN

Banda Aceh

Pengaruh Pemberian Dolomit Dan Pemupukan Tembaga Terhadap Pertumbuhan Vegetatif Kandungan N, P, K, dan Cu Tanaman Kedelai (Glicyne max (L) Merr) Pada Tanah Podzolik Merah Kuning, Jasinga

Nur. N.M

Masalah Khusus, Jurusan Tanah Fakultas Pertanian IPB

Pengaruh pemberian dolomit dan pemupukan tembaga terhadap pertumbuhan vegetatif dan kandungan N, P, K dan Cu tanaman kedelai (Glycine max (L) Meir) pada tanah Podzolik Merah Kuning, Jasinga


Pengaruh pemberian dolomit dan pemupukan tembaga terhadap pertumbuhan vegetatif dan kandungan N, P, K dan Cu tanaman kedelai (Glycine max (L) Meir) pada tanah Podzolik Merah Kuning, Jasinga


Masalah khusus, Jurusan Tanah Fakultas Pertanian IPB Bogor.

Hlm 623 dari 1800

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Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengaruh pemberian beberapa unsur mikro pada tanah Podzolik yang dikapur terhadap peningkatan produksi kedelai (Glycine max (L) Merr).

Arif, S.

Pengaruh pemberian beberapa unsur mikro pada tanah Podzolik yang dikapur terhadap peningkatan produksi kedelai (Glycine max (L) Merr).

Fakultas Pertanian Unand Padang

Pengaruh pemberian beberapa unsur mikro pada tanah podzolik yang dikapur terhadap peningkatan produksi kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merr.).

Arif, S.

Pengaruh pemberian beberapa unsur mikro pada tanah podzolik yang dikapur terhadap peningkatan produksi kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merr.).

Tesis 31. Fakultas Pertanian, Univ. Andalas, Padang.

Pengaruh Pemberian Air, ethrel dan atonik terhadap pembungaan dan pembuahan

Sudarmadi, P.

Pengaruh Pemberian Air, ethrel dan atonik terhadap pembungaan dan pembuahan

Balittan Malang (un published)

Pengaruh Pemberian Makan Ulat Kecil dan Ulat Besar dengan Daun yang Berbeda Jenisnya Terhadap Rendemep Pemeliharaan dan Mutu Kokon


Pengaruh Pemberian Makan Ulat Kecil dan Ulat Besar dengan Daun yang Berbeda Jenisnya Terhadap Rendemep Pemeliharaan dan Mutu Kokon

Badan Penelitian dan Pengem bangan Pertanian. Lembaga Penelitian Hutan, Bogor.

Pengaruh Pembeiian Isi Rumen Sapi Terhadap Pertambahan Bobot Badan. Konsumsi Pakan dan Konversi Pakan

Simanihuruk, R.

Pengaruh Pemasakan Rotan Terhadap Sifat Fisik dan Mekaniknya.

Marsoem, S.N.

Dalam Anonim,1991. Abstrak Hutan dan Kehutanan Vol. 1 No. 3 Rotan.

Perpustakaan Manggala Wanabakti , Jakarta.

Pengaruh Pemangkasan Pucuk Produktif dengan Pemeliharaan Sejumlah Daunnya terhadap Hasil Anggur

Purnomo, S.

Pengaruh Pemangkasan Pucuk Produktif dengan Pemeliharaan Sejumlah Daunnya terhadap Hasil Anggur

Laporan Hasil Penelitian. Sub Balithorti, Malang

Pengaruh Pemanfaatan Produk Biakan Lalat Hijau (Lucilia ulustris) Dengan Fcscs Broiler dcngan Ransum terhadap Retensi Nitrogen dan Rasio Efisiensi Protein Ayam Broiler :

Noer, R.

Pengaruh Pemanfaatan Produk Biakan Lalat Hijau (Lucilia ulustris) Dengan Fcscs Broiler dcngan Ransum terhadap Retensi Nitrogen dan Rasio Efisiensi Protein Ayam Broiler :

Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Andalas, Padang.


Fakultas Peternakan Universitas HKBP Nomensen. Medan

Hlm 624 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengaruh Pemakalan Lünbah Udang Pengganü Tepung Ikan Dalam Ransum Terhadap Retensi Nitrogen Dan Rasio Efisiensi Protein.

Sari. T.M.

Pengaruh Pemakalan Lünbah Udang Pengganü Tepung Ikan Dalam Ransum Terhadap Retensi Nitrogen Dan Rasio Efisiensi Protein.

Insütut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor

Pengaruh pelepasan parasitoid Trichogramma sp. (Hymenoptera


Trichogrammatidae) sebagai agensia pengendalian hayati penggerek batang padi di Sulawesi Selatan

Kumpulan Abstrak Kongres V dan Simposium PEI. Bandung 24-26 Juni 1997. hlm. 20.

Pengaruh Pasteurisasi dan Lama Penyimpanan Terhadap Kualitas Dadih.


Pengaruh Pasteurisasi dan Lama Penyimpanan Terhadap Kualitas Dadih.

Faterna, Unand

Pengaruh Pasang Surut dan Variasi Bulannya Terhadap Komunitas ikan di Daerah Mangrove Pulau Pari


Pengaruh Pasang Surut dan Variasi Bulannya Terhadap Komunitas ikan di Daerah Mangrove Pulau Pari

Seminar II Mangrove, Baturraden

Pengaruh paket pupuk organik dan anorganik terhadap pertumbuhan rami (Bochmeria nivea L. Gaud) pada tanah latosol Sukabumi

Sastrosupadi, A.


Balittas, Malang.

Pengaruh Okulasi dan Stadia Batang Bawah Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Jeruk Keprok Batu 55. (C. nobilis. Lour. Var. Chrysocarpa Hassk).


Pengaruh Okulasi dan Stadia Batang Bawah Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Jeruk Keprok Batu 55. (C. nobilis. Lour. Var. Chrysocarpa Hassk).

Balai Horti.

Pengaruh Naungan Pada Berbagai Tahap Perkembangan dan Populasi Tanaman Terhadap Pertumbuhan, Hasil dan Komponen Hasil Kedelai (Glycine Max (L). Merr)

Bahrsjah. J.S

Institute Pertanian Bogor

Pengaruh Mutu Masukan Organik Terhadap Sifat-sifat Humus dan Hasil Tanaman Jagung di Tanah Psament Lombok

Prijatna. S

Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Mataram


Hlm 625 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengaruh musim terhadap biomassa dan nilai nutrisi hijauan pakan temak di padang savana Oenoni, Timor Tengah Selatan, NTT.


Pengaruh musim terhadap biomassa dan nilai nutrisi hijauan pakan temak di padang savana Oenoni, Timor Tengah Selatan, NTT

Ekologi Indonesia

Pengaruh minyak nabati dalam mengatasi defesiensi Zn pada sapi yang memperoleh ransum berbahan dasar jerami padi.

Soetrisno, C.I.

Pengaruh minyak nabati dalam mengatasi defesiensi Zn pada sapi yang memperoleh ransum berbahan dasar jerami padi.

Fak. Pasca Sarjana, IPB, Bogor

Pengaruh Mikoriza terhadap penyerapan Fosfat pada Jagung di Tanah Typic Hapludults Merah Kuning


Pengaruh metoda penanaman rumput laut terhadap produksi rumput laut, bandeng, dan udang windu di tambak


Hanafi, A., M. Atmomarsono, dan S. Ismawati (Ed.). Prosiding Seminar Hasil-hasil Penelitian Perikanan Pantai, Maros 16-19 Juli 1993. hlm. 111-116.

Pengaruh medium terhadap kualitas embrio.

Triwulanningsih, E.

Laporan Tahunan Balitnak 19931994.

Pengaruh Media dan Saat Penyambungan pada Pembibitan Mangga Secara Cepat.


Pengaruh Media dan Saat Penyambungan pada Pembibitan Mangga Secara Cepat.

Lembaga Penelitian Hortikultura, Jakarta

Pengaruh Lilin terhadap Karakteristik Fisika-Kimia Buah Jeruk Siem (C'itrus nobilis var. mycocarpa) Selama Penyimpanan Suhu Ruang

Tirtosoekotjo, R.A.B.S.


Balai Penelitian Hortikultura, Solok.

Pengaruh Level Protein dan Pemakaian Mineral terhadap Daya Hidup dan Pertumbuhan Anak Babi sampai umur 7 Bulan.

Sihombing, M. T. H.,

PPMPT. Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor.

Pengaruh level protein dan pemakaian mineral terhadap daya hidup dan pertumbuhan anak babi sampai umur 7 bulan.

Sihombing, B. T. H.



Fakultas Pertanian Unsyiah. Banda Aceh

Balai Penelitian Perikanan Budi Daya Pantai, Maros.

Hlm 626 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Pengaruh level protein dan pemakaian mineral terhadap daya hidup dan pertumbuhan anak babi sampai umur 7 bulan.

Sihombing, B. T. H.

Pengaruh Larutan Quinon dan Sukrosa Terhadap Kesegaran Anggrek Potong Dalam Penyimpanan

Roosmani. A.B

Bunga Potong

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias Jakarta. Jakarta

Pengaruh Lama Penyimpanan Pada Suhu Kamar Terhadap Kualitas Dadih.

Ahya, F.A.

Pengaruh Lama Penyimpanan Pada Suhu Kamar Terhadap Kualitas Dadih.

Faterna, UNAND

Pengaruh lama penyimpanan dan macam kemasan terhadap mutu lada putih, him. 79-81


Media Kommikasi Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Industri

Jakarta: Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman In-dustri, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Departemen Pertanian.

Pengaruh Lama Pemanasan dan Pemberian Antioksidan BHT Terhadap Daya Simapn Dedak Padi Varietas IR36 Yang di Simpan Dalam Kantong Plastk


Pengaruh Konsentrasi Enzim Pepsin dan Waktu Inkubasi Yang Berbeda Terhadap Kualitas Nitrogen Hidrolisat Ikan Pepetek (Leiognathus insidiafol).

Amin, M.A.N.

Pengaruh Komposisi bahan baku dan lama pengomposan terhadap kualitas kompos


Balai Penelitian Kopi Gayo. Aceh Tengah

Pengaruh Kompos Lumpur serat terhadap Efisiensi pemakaian Air dan beberapa sifat fisik tanah Rgosol coklat kelabu sindangbarang Bogor

Vadari, T

Pusat penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat. Bogor


Judul Buku

Penerbit PPMPT, IPB, Bogor

Departemen Teknology Pertanian. UNBRAW

Pengaruh Konsentrasi Enzim Pepsin dan Waktu Inkubasi Yang Berbeda Terhadap Kualitas Nitrogen Hidrolisat Ikan Pepetek (Leiognathus insidiafol).

Fak. Perikanan. Univ. Brawijaya, Malang

Hlm 627 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengaruh Kombinasi Air Susu (Sapi dan Kambing) dan S. Thermophilus dan L. Bulagaricus terhadap Kelayakan Pembuatan Yoghurt.

Udju, D.

PAU Pangan dan Gizi UGM

Liberty, Yogyakarta

Pengaruh Kadar Lemak Terhadap Kualitas Dadih Susu Sapi.


Pengaruh Kadar Lemak Terhadap Kualitas Dadih Susu Sapi.

Faterna, Unand

Pengaruh Jenis Pisang dan Suhu Pengeringan Terhadap Mutu Tepung Pisang (Musa Paradisiaca L).


Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Pertanian, Banda aceh.

Pengaruh Jenis Media dan Dual Inokulasi pada Pertumbuhan Semai Sengon (Parasehanthes falcataria (L) Nielson).


Pengaruh Jenis Media dan Dual Inokulasi pada Pertumbuhan Semai Sengon (Parasehanthes falcataria (L) Nielson).

Laporan Penelitian Fakuttas Kehutanan. Universitas Gadjahmada

Pengaruh Jenis dan ketebalan substrat terhadap keragaman makrozoobentos hidup di hutan Tampora Probolinggo

Yulaicha, E.Y

Pengaruh Jenis dan ketebalan substrat terhadap keragaman makrozoobentos hidup di hutan Tampora Probolinggo

Fak. Kehutanan, Institut Pertanian Malang (Skripsi).

Pengaruh Jangka waktu antara pemberian makanan penguat dan hijauan terhadap kecernaan makanan

Rembet, J

Lembaga penelitian Peternakan Bogor. Buletin No. 16

Lembaga penelitian Peternakan Bogor

Pengaruh intensitas cahaya terhadap pertumbuhan kelangsungan hidup dan kualitas larva udang windu (Penaeus monodon Fabr.).

Riani, E

. LP-IPB. Bogor

Pengaruh Intensitas Cahaya Terhadap Pertumbuhan Beberapa Jenis Amaranthus sp.

Simbolon. H



Hlm 628 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengaruh Inokulum Bakten Azospinllum dan Pseudomonas Terhadap Peningkatan Produksi Tebu Lahan Kering Melalui Kutfur Janngan

Setyo Budi

Pengaruh Inokulum Bakten Azospinllum dan Pseudomonas Terhadap Peningkatan Produksi Tebu Lahan Kering Melalui Kutfur Janngan

Fakultas Pertanian UWK.Surabaya

Pengaruh Inokulasi Rhizobium dan Perawatan Benih dengan Insektisida pada Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Biji Kedelai

Harnowo, D.

Pengaruh Inokulasi Rhizobium dan Perawatan Benih dengan Insektisida pada Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Biji Kedelai

Penelitian Palawija Malang

Pengaruh Inokulasi Mikroba Pelarut P pada Beberapa Jenis Tanah terhadap Peningkatan


Pengaruh Inokulasi Mikroba Pelarut P pada Beberapa Jenis Tanah terhadap Peningkatan

Perhimpunan Mikrobiologi Indonesia, Bogor

Pengaruh industri Rumah Kayu Model Minahasa Terhadap Pembangunan Masyarakat Woloan Kecamatan Tomohon Propinsi Sulawesi Utara.

Malingkas-Roeroe. H.J.

Pengaruh Induksi Mutagen Kimiawi pada Benih Semangka (Citrullus vulgahs Schard.)

Tesis Program Pascasarjana

Universitas Sam Ratulangi.

Soegianto, A.,

Pengaruh Induksi Mutagen Kimiawi pada Benih Semangka (Citrullus vulgahs Schard.)

Generasi Mutan-1

Pengaruh imbangan asam amino dengan energi metabolis dalam ransum terhadap performan itik Mojosari

Sinurat, A.P.

Hasil-Hasil Penelitian Tahun Anggaran 1988-1989. Komoditi Unggas

Balai Penelitian Ternak, Ciawi, Indonesia.

Pengaruh IAA dan BAP Terhadap Inisiasi dan Mu;tiplikasi Tunas pada Beberapa Varietas Pisang Secara in Vitro

Meldia, Y.

Penelitian Hortikultura.

Balai Penelitian Holtikultura, Solok

Pengaruh fosfat dan hara lain terhadap keracunan besi pada padi sawah.

Ismunadji, M.

Pengaruh fosfat dan hara lain terhadap keracunan besi pada padi sawah.

Balittan Bogor.


Hlm 629 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengaruh ekstrak mimba (Azadirachta indica) terhadap perkembangan dan mortalitas Crocidolomia binotalis. Dalam Sitepu dkk (penyunting): Prosiding Hasil Penelitian dalam Rangka Pemanfaatan Pestisida Nabati, 1-2 Desember 1993

Priyono, D.

Pengaruh ekstrak mimba (Azadirachta indica) terhadap perkembangan dan mortalitas Crocidolomia binotalis. Dalam Sitepu dkk (penyunting): Prosiding Hasil Penelitian dalam Rangka Pemanfaatan Pestisida Nabati, 1-2 Desember 1993

Balit. Tanaman Rempah dan Obat, Bogor

Pengaruh ekstrak daun mimba terhadap perkembangan ulat kilan Hypo-sydra talaka

Wuryadiputra, S.

Pengaruh ekstrak daun mimba terhadap perkembangan ulat kilan Hypo-sydra talaka

Pelita Perkebunan

Pengaruh Dua Macam Pembungkus Dedak Padi Varietas IR 36 Terhadap Ketengikan dan Kadar Minyaknya Selama Penyimpangan

Prarudiayanto. A

Pengaruh Dosis dan Saat Aplikasi Pupuk Makro dan Mikro terhadap Produksi Salak

Sholeh, M

Pengaruh Dosis dan Saat Aplikasi Pupuk Makro dan Mikro terhadap Produksi Salak

Laporan Hasil Penelitian. Sub Balihorti, Malang

Pengaruh dinamika kelompok terhadap lingkungan fisik, sosial dan ekonomi petani ternak sapi potong di kabupaten Dati II Jepara


Pengaruh dinamika kelompok terhadap lingkungan fisik, sosial dan ekonomi petani ternak sapi potong di kabupaten Dati II Jepara

FP UNDIP Semarang (tdk dipublikasi)

Pengaruh CMA dalam pengambilan P oleh tanaman kedelai (Glycine Max (L) Merr) pada Orthic Acrisol yang dikapur,

Santosa, H. D.

Pengaruh CMA dalam pengambilan P oleh tanaman kedelai (Glycine Max (L) Merr) pada Orthic Acrisol yang dikapur,

UGM, Yokyakarta.

Pengaruh Cekaman Air dan Pemulihan Tanaman Jagung dan Sorgum Pada Vase Pertumbuhan Vegetatif

Sutoro. I Somadiredja

Pengaruh cara penyimpanan terhadap mutu bawang merah ( Allium ascalonicum L ) Bull

Sinaga RM


Fakultas Pertanian UNRAM

Penelitian Palaija


Hlm 630 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengaruh Cara Isolasi Minyak Atsiri dan Daun Jeruk Purut (Citrus hystrix, DC) terhadap sifat wangi-Dasar (fragrant principle) Aslinya.

Saits, S

Pengaruh Cara Isolasi Minyak Atsiri dan Daun Jeruk Purut (Citrus hystrix, DC) terhadap sifat wangi-Dasar (fragrant principle) Aslinya.

Balai Penelitian Kemurgi dan Aneka Industri Bogor

Pengaruh Cara Inokulasi Mikoriza terhadap Perkembangan Mikoriza dan Pertumbuhan P. Merkusii.

Anwar, C.

Pengaruh Cara Inokulasi Mikoriza terhadap Perkembangan Mikoriza dan Pertumbuhan P. Merkusii.

Laporan No. 325, Lembaga Penelitian Hutan, Departemen Pertanian, Bogor.

Pengaruh Bubur Buah Beberapa Kultivar Pisang terhadap Perturnbuhan Vegetatif Plantlet Denrobium

Pramesyanti, A.

Pengaruh Bubur Buah Beberapa Kultivar Pisang terhadap Perturnbuhan Vegetatif Plantlet Denrobium

Universitas Indonesia, Depok. 81 hlm.

Pengaruh bobot biji dan umur batang bawah terhadap pertumbuhan bibit sambung mini durian

Jawal Anwarudin

Pengaruh bobot biji dan umur batang bawah terhadap pertumbuhan bibit sambung mini durian

Penelitian Holtikultura

Pengaruh Biologis dan Cara Penanggulangan Pencemaran Minyak di Laut


Pewarta Oseana

LIPI-Lembaga Oseanologi, Jakarta.

Pengaruh Berbagai Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Terhadap Pertumbuhan Setek Melinjo (Gnetum Gnemon)

Darwati. I

Balai Penelitian Hortikultura Solok. Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanaman Industri Vol. XVII No. 4 (1992)

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Industri

Pengaruh Berbagai Bahan Hijauan Tanaman Kacangkacangan Terhadap Produktivitas Tanah Rusak

Purnomo. J

Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanah dan Pupuk No. 10

Puslttanak. Bogor

Pengaruh bentuk, dosis, dan cara pemupukan nitrogen terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi padi di lahan lebak


Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Lahan Rawa. Penelitian dan Pengembangan Rawa dan Pasang Surut Terpadu ISDP. hlm. 241-244.

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Jakarta.

Pengaruh belerang terikat pada zeolit thdp produksi kedelai pd podsolil Gajrug Lebak

Sitomorang R

Faperta IPB

Pengaruh belerang terikat pada zeolit thdp produksi kedelai ( glycine max merr) pd podzolik Gandjrung Lebak

Situmorang R

Faperta IPB


Hlm 631 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengaruh beberapa metode penyambungan terhadap keberhasilan penyambungan muda dan tingkat pertumbuhan bibit pada tanaman mangga (Mangifera indica L.) batang bawah varietas madu


Pengaruh beberapa metode penyambungan terhadap keberhasilan penyambungan muda dan tingkat pertumbuhan bibit pada tanaman mangga (Mangifera indica L.) batang bawah varietas madu

Tesis Fak. Pert. Univ. Brawijaya. Malang

Pengaruh Beberapa Metoda Perendaman Terhadap kandu-ngan Gizi dan Anti Gizi daging Biji Kepayang

Raudathi, E

Pengaruh Beberapa Konsentrasi Bubur Pisang Ambon Lumut terhadap Perturnbuhan Vegetatif Plantlet Dendrobium

Herawati, L.M

Pengaruh Beberapa Konsentrasi Bubur Pisang Ambon Lumut terhadap Perturnbuhan Vegetatif Plantlet Dendrobium

Universitas Indonesia, Depok.

Pengaruh Beberapa faktor Penting terhadap Komposisi Susu.

Sugitha, I.M.

Pengaruh Beberapa faktor Penting terhadap Komposisi Susu.

Fak. Peternakan Univ. Andalas, Padang

Pengaruh beberapa Amandemen Tanah Terhadap Muatan Koloid dan Sifat Fiokimia Tanah Typic Haplohumults (Ultisol)

Ali. S.A

Pengaruh Bangsa Terhadap Beberapa Parameter Kualitas dan Kuantitas Kambing Kacang dan Kambing Etawah

Liwa, A.M.

Pengaruh Bangsa Terhadap Beberapa Parameter Kualitas dan Kuantitas Kambing Kacang dan Kambing Etawah

Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Hasanuddin, Ujung Pandang.

Pengaruh Bahan Stek, cara tanam dan zat tumbuh terhadap pertumbuhan akar stek lada

Zaubin, R

Pengaruh Bahan Organik dan Arang Sekam Terhadap Mikroorganisme Tanah, Pembentukan Bintil Akar dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Kedelai di Tanah Masam.

Saraswati, R.


Pemb. Pen. Tanaman Industri. Vol. VII

Kongres Nasional Mikrobiologi, Surabaya.

Hlm 632 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengaruh bahan induk tanah terhadap sifat kimia dan komposisi mineral: Studi kasus di daerah Pametikarata, Lewa, Sumba Timur. hlm. 17-30

Prasetyo, B.H.

U. Kurnia (Ed.) Prosiding Pertemuan Pembahasan dan Komunikasi Hasil Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat

Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat, Bogor.

Pengaruh Bacillus Substilis Terhadap Intensitas Penyakit Layu Fusarium pada Tanaman Gladiol.


Prosiding Konggres XIV dan Seminar Nasional PFI, Palembang, Hal. 276-297.

Pengaruh aplikasi tandan kosong sebagai mulsa thd produksi tanaman kelapa sawit.

Siahaan MM

Pertemuan teknis kelapa sawit "Pemanfaatan Limbah Padat dan Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi pada Pabrik Kelapa Sawit"

Puslit Kelapa Sawit

Pengaruh aplikasi tandan kosong sawit sebagai mulsa terhadap produksi tanaman kelapa sawit.

Siahaan MM

Pertemuan teknis kelapa sawit "Pemanfaatan Limbah Padat dan Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi pada Pabrik Kelapa Sawit",

Puslit Kelapa Sawit

Pengaruh Alelopati imperata cylindrica Terhadap Pembentukan Mikoriza dan Pertumbuhan bibit pinus merkusii.


Berkala Ilmiah Biologi.

Fakultas Biologi UGM, Yogyakarta

Pengaruh Air Kelapa terhadap pertumbuhan stek vanili

Asnawi, R.M

Pemb. Pen. Tanaman Industri. Vol. XV

Pengaruh 2,4-D terhadap induksi kalus bawang putih (Alium sativum L)

Handayani TT

Fak MIPA Unila

Pengaruh ' Suhu Pengeringan terhadap Mutu Simplisia Daun Katuk (Sauropus androgynus Men".)


Pengaruh ' Suhu Pengeringan terhadap Mutu Simplisia Daun Katuk (Sauropus androgynus Men".)

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat Bogor (Tidak dipublika.sikan).

Pengaruh Intensrtas Serangan Hama Utama Kapas (Heliothis sp. dan Erios sp.) terhadap Intensrtas Kerusakan Buah dan Penurunan Produksi Kapas Berbiji


Pengaruh Intensrtas Serangan Hama Utama Kapas (Heliothis sp. dan Erios sp.) terhadap Intensrtas Kerusakan Buah dan Penurunan Produksi Kapas Berbiji

Simposium Entomologi, Ujung Pandang 19-21 Januari 1982


Hlm 633 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengapuran. pemupukan dan penggunaan sisa tanaman untuk tumpangsari padi gogo, jagung dan kedelai pada tanah podzolik.


Pengapuran. pemupukan dan penggunaan sisa tanaman untuk tumpangsari padi gogo, jagung dan kedelai pada tanah podzolik.

Fakultas Pertanian Unand. Padang.

Pengapuran untuk meningkatkan dan melestarikan lahan bereaksi masam.

Supardi, G

Departemen Ilmu-ilmu tanah, Fakultas pertanian Institut Pertanian Bogor

Pengapuran tanah pertanian. Pengapuran Tanah Masam Untuk Kedelai

Kuswandi. Widjaja-adhi. I. P.G


Kanisius, Yogyakarta. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan. Bogor

Pengapuran tanah masam untuk kedelai

Widjaja Adhi


Badan litbang Pusslitbang Tanaman Pangan Bogor

Pengapuran tanah masam untuk kedelai

Widjaja Adhi RPG


Puslitbangtan Bogor

Pengapuran tanah masam untuk kedelai

Widjaja Adhi


Badan litbang Pusslitbang Tanaman Pangan Bogor

Pengapuran tanah masam untuk kedelai

Widjaja Adhi RPG


Puslitbangtan Bogor

Pengapuran Tanah Masam Untuk Kedelaei

Widjaja-adhi. I.P.G


Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan . Bogor

Pengantarpengkajian tanahtanah wilayah tropika


Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Pengantar virologi tumbuhan.

Bos, L.

Gadjah Mada University Press.

Pengantar Virologi Tumbuhan

Bos, L.

Pengantar Untuk mengenal dan Menanam Jamur


Pengantar Untuk Memahami Pembangunan: Sebuah catatan kecil,


Pengantar Untuk Memahami Pembangunan: Sebuah catatan kecil,

Penerbit Angkasa, Bandung.

Pengantar Umum Toksikologi

Koeman, J.H.

Pengantar Umum Toksikologi

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yokyakarta. 187 h.

Pengantar Umum Toksikologi

Koeman, J.H.

Pengantar Umum Toksikologi

Gajah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta. 39.


Pengantar Virologi Tumbuhan

Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press. Angkasa Bandung

Hlm 634 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Pengantar teknologi pertanian

Winarno, F. G.

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan.


Pengantar Teknologi Pangan.

Gramedia, Jakarta.

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan.

Winarno, F.G.

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan.

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan.

Winarno, F. G.

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan.

Penerbit PT. Gramedia Jakarta.

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan.

Winamo, F.G.,

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan.

P.T. Gramedia. Jakarta.

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan.

Winamo, F. G

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan

Gramedia. Jakarta.

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan.

Winarno, F.G

PT. Gramedia Jakarta.

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan

Winarno. F.G

PT. Gramedia. Jakarta

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan

Winarno. F.G

Gramedia Pustaka Umum. Jakarta

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan

Winarno. F.G.,

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan

Penerbit PT Gramedia. Jakarta

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan


Pengantar Teknologi Pangan

PT Gramedia. Jakarta

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan

Winamo, F.G

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan

PT. Garamedia

Pengantar Teknologi pangan

Winarno, F. G

Pengantar Teknologi pangan

Gramedia. Jakarta

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan

Winarno, F.G.

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan

PT Gramedia, Jakarta

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan

Winamo, E.G

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan

PT. Gramedia. Jakarta.

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan

Winamo, F.G

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan

PT. Gramedia. Jakarta.

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan

Winarno F.G

Gramedia. Jakarta

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan

Winarno F.G

Gramedia. Jakarta

Pengantar Teknologi Panga.

Winarno, F.G.

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak-Pangan

Ketaren, S.

Pengantar teknologi minyak dan lemak pangan. Jakarta.

Kataren, S.

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak Pangan.

Ketaren, S.


Judul Buku

Penerbit Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak-Pangan

Ul Press, Jakarta. 315 hlm.

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak Pangan.

Universitas Indonesia Press. Jakarta. Hlm 635 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengantar Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak Pangan.

Ketaren, S.,

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak Pangan.

Penerbit Ul, Jakarta.

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak Pangan.

Ketaren, S.

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak Pangan.

Ul Press, Jakarta

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak Pangan

Ketaren, S.,

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak Pangan

Universitas Indonesia Press, Jakarta

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak Pangan


Pengantar Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak Pangan

Universitas Indonesia Press, Jakarta

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak Pangan

Ketaren, S.,

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak Pangan

Universitas Indonesia Press, Jakarta

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak Pangan

Ketaren, S

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak Pangan

Ul Press, Jakarta

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak Pangan

Ketaren, S

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak Pangan

Ul Press, Jakarta

Pengantar teknologi minyak dan lemak pangan

Ketaren, S.

Pengantar teknologi minyak dan lemak pangan

UI Press, Jakarta. 296 hlm.

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak Pangan

Ketaren, S

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak Pangan

Ul Press, Jakarta.

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak Pangan

Ketareni S

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak Pangan

Ul Press, Jakarta.

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak Pangan

Ketaren, S.

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak Pangan

UI Press, Jakarta.

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak Pangan

Ketaren, S.

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak Pangan

Ul Press, Jakarta.

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak Pangan

Ketaren, S.

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak Pangan

Univ. Indonesia Press, Jakarta

Pengantar teknologi minyak dan lemak pangan

Ketaren S

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak Atsiri.

Ketaren. S

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak Atsiri.

Balai Pustaka, Jakarta.

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak Atsiri.

Ketaren. S.

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak Atsiri.

Balai Pustaka. Jakarta.

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak Atsiri.

Ketaren. S.

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak Atsiri.

Balai Pustaka. Jakarta.

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak Atsiri.

Ketaren, S.,

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak Atsiri.

PN Balai Pustaka, Jakarta.

Pengantar teknologi minyak atsiri.

Ketaren, S.

Pengantar teknologi minyak atsiri.

Balai Pustaka. Jakarta.

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak Atsiri

Ketaren, S

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak Atsiri

Balai Pustaka, Jakarta.

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak Atsiri

Ketaren, S.

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak Atsiri

Balai Pustaka, Jakarta. 427 hlm.Mansur, M.

Pengantar teknologi minyak & lemak pangan

Ketaren S


UI Press, Jakarta

UI Press jkt

Hlm 636 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengantar Teknologi Lemak dan Minyak.

Kataren. S.

Pengantar Teknologi Lemak dan Minyak.

Universitas Indonesia.

Pengantar Teknologi Lemak dan Minyak Pangan.

Ketaren, S.

Pengantar Teknologi Lemak dan Minyak Pangan.

Univ. Indonesia Press, Jakarta

Pengantar Teknologi Fermentasi.

Rahman, A

Pengantar Teknologi Fermentasi.

PAU Pangan dan Gizi, IPB, Bogor

Pengantar teknologi fermentasi

Rachman, A.

DEPDIKBUD. Dirjen DIKTI PAU pangan dan gizi IPB

Pengantar teknologi fermentasi

Rachman, A.

IPB, Bogor

Pengantar Teknologi Fermentasi

Rahman, A.

Pengantar Teknologi Fermentasi

PAU Pangan dan Gizi, IPB, Bogor.

Pengantar Teknologi Fermentasi

Rahman, A

Pengantar Teknologi Fermentasi

Depdikbud. PAU Pangan dan Gizi. IPB. Bogor.

Pengantar Tekno logi pangan

S. Fardiaz

Pengantar Tekno logi pangan

Gramedia. Jakarta

Pengantar Teknik dan Perencanaan Transportasi

Morlok, E.K

Pengantar Teknik dan Perencanaan Transportasi

Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta.

Pengantar Tehnologi Minyak dan Lemak Pangan.

Kctaren, S.

Pengantar Tehnologi Minyak dan Lemak Pangan.

Universitas Indonesia Press. Jakarta.

Pengantar Tcknologi Minyak Atsiri.

Ketaren, S.

Pengantar Tcknologi Minyak Atsiri.

Balai Pustaka. Jakarta.

Pengantar Tataniaga Pertanian


Departemen Ilmu-ilmu Sosil Ekonomi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian IPB Bogor

Pengantar Tataniaga Pertanian

Limbong, W.H

Departemen Ilmu-ilmu Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian IPB Bogor

Pengantar Tataniaga Pertanian

Azzaino, Z

Pengantar Tata Niaga Pertanian


Pengantar Tata Niaga Pertanian

Azzaimo, Z


Pengantar Tataniaga Pertanian

Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor Departemen Ilmu-ilmu Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, IPB

Pengantar Tata Niaga Pertanian

Departemen Ilmu-ilmu Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian. Fak. Pertanian IPB, Bogor

Hlm 637 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengantar Studi Ekologi komunitas ikan karang dan metode pengkajiannya

M. Hutomo

Materi Kursus Pelatihan Metodologi Penelitian Penetuan Kondisi Terumbu Karang

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Oseanologi-LIPI, Jakarta

Pengantar Studi Demografi. Pengantar Statistika. Terjemahan

Mantra, I.B. Walpole. R.E.

Pengantar Studi Demografi. Pengantar Statistika. Terjemahan

Nucahaya, Yogyakarta PT Gramedia, Jakarta.

Pengantar Statistika. Pengantar Statistika, edisi Ke-3

Walpole, R.E Walpole,E.R.,

Pengantar Statistika.. 515 hal Pengantar Statistika, edisi Ke-3

Gramedia, Jakarta Penerbit Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Pengantar Statistika Edisi ke-3.

Walpole, R. E,.

Pengantar Statistika Edisi ke-3.

Penerbit PT. Gramedia Jakarta.

Pengantar Statistika ed Ke-3

Walpole Ronald. E

PT. Gramedia. Jakarta

Pengantar Statistika (B.Sumantri penerjemah)

Walpole R.E


Pengantar Statistika (B.Sumantri penerjemah)

Walpole R.E

Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta

Pengantar Statistika (B.Sumantri penerjemah)

Walpole R.E

Gramedia. Jakarta

Pengantar Statistika

Walpole, R.E.

Pengantar Statistika

Gramedia Jakarta. 516 hal.

Pengantar statistika

R.E. Walpole

Pengantar statistika

PT. Gramedia Pustaka, Jakarta

Pengantar Statistika

Walpole R.E

Edisi ke-3

PT.Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Pengantar Statistika Pengantar Statistika

Walpole R.E Walpole, R.E

Gramedia . Jakarta

Pengantar Statistik.

Pasaribu, A.

Pengantar Statistik.

Ghalia Indonesia. Medan. 130 pp.

Pengantar statistik ekonomi dan Perusahaan, Jilid II


Pengantar statistik ekonomi dan Perusahaan, Jilid II

UPP-AMP YKPN, Yogyakarta

Pengantar Statistik

Walpole. R.E

3rd ed. (Sumantri, Penterjemah)

Gramedia. Jakarta

Pengantar Statistik Pengantar Statistik Pengantar Sosiologi.

Walpole R.E Walpole. R.E Ismail, R.,

Pengantar Sosiologi, (Terj. Rosyidi, H. Ero)

Iver, Mac. R.M.


PT.Gramedia Pustaka Utama.Jakarta

Pengantar Sosiologi. Pengantar Sosiologi, (Terj. Rosyidi, H. Ero)

Gramedia. Jakarta Gramedia. Jakarta Penerbit Enesco, Bandung. Bandung

Hlm 638 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengantar Sosiologi Pertanian

Planck Ulrich

Dalam Planck Ulrich (Penyunting) Sosilogi Pertanian

Yayasan Obor Indonesia

Pengantar Sosiologi dan Perubahan Sosial


Pengantar Sosiologi dan Perubahan Sosial

Jakarta: Bina Cipta.

Pengantar Sistem Produksi Tanaman Agronomi

Sutidjo. D

Fakultas Pertanian IPB. Bogor

Pengantar sistem produksi tanaman agronomi

Sutidjo D

Faperta IPB

Pengantar sistem produksi tanaman agronomi

Sutidjo D

Faperta IPB

Pengantar Referensi pupuk P untuk padi sawah laporan Arasp


Pengantar Rancangan Percobaan Penelitian Pertanian.


Pengantar Rancangan Percobaan Penelitian Pertanian.

Pengantar Psikologi Pengantar Produksi Benih

Atkinson R Mugnisjah. W.Q

Eralangga, Jakarta

Pengantar Pratikum Bacteria Petunjuk Pencemaran di Suatu Perairan.


J.H. Kunarso dan Ruyitno (Eds.). Status Pencemaran Laut di Indonesia dan Teknik Pemantauannya

Pengantar Praktikum Bakteri Petunjuk Pencemaran di Suatu Perairan. Kursus Pemantauan Pencemaran Laut, Surabaya.


Pengantar Praktikum Bakteri Petunjuk Pencemaran di Suatu Perairan. Kursus Pemantauan Pencemaran Laut, Surabaya.

Pengantar peternakan di daerah tropis.

Williamson, G.

Pengantar Peternakan di Daerah Tropis

Williamson G

Terjemahan oleh SGN Djiwa Darmadja

Gadjah Mada University Press.Yogyakarta

Pengantar Perikanan Seri A Karya Nusantara.


Pengantar Perikanan Seri A Karya Nusantara.

Jakarta. 71 halaman.

Pengantar Pengoiahan Ikan Pengantar Pengo lahan Hasil Pertanian

Ilyas, S Susanto, T.

Pengantar Pengoiahan Ikan Pengantar Pengo lahan Hasil Pertanian

LPTP, Jakarta. Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya. Malang

Pengantar Penginderaan Jauh



Pusat Penclitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor.

Fakultas Pertanian IPB LIPI, Jakarta, hal 71-82.

Gadjah Mada Univeristy Press, Yogyakarta.

Fakultas Kehutanan UGM. Yogyakarta Hlm 639 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengantar Pengendalian Kualitas Statistik. Terjemahan

Montgomery, D. C.

Pengantar Pengendalian Kualitas Statistik. Terjemahan

Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Pengantar Pengendalian Jasad Pengganggu

Winarno, B

Pengantar Pengendalian Jasad Pengganggu

Kopma Press Unibraw. Malang

Pengantar pengendalian hama terpadu

Untung K

Gadjah Mada Univ Press, Yogyakarta

Pengantar pengendalian hama terpadu

Untung K

Gadjah Mada Univ Press, Yogyakarta

Pengantar Pengembangan, Penerapan dan Penyebarluasan Teknologi Tepat Guna


Pengantar Pengelolaan Hama Terpadu.

Pengantar Pengembangan, Penerapan dan Penyebarluasan Teknologi Tepat Guna

Direktorat Pembinaan Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat, Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Jakarta.

Pengantar Pengelolaan Hama Terpadu.

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Pengantar Pengelolaan Hama Terpadu

Untung. S

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Pengantar pengelolaan hama terpadu

Untung, K.

Gadjah Mada University Press. 273 hlm.

Pengantar pengelolaan hama terpadu

Untung, K.

Pengantar pengelolaan hama terpadu

Gadjah Mada Univ. Press. 273 hlm.

Pengantar pengelolaan hama terpadu

Untung, K

Pengantar pengelolaan hama terpadu

Gadjah Mada Press. Yogyakarta.

Pengantar pengelolaan hama terpadu

Untung K

Gadjah mada Univ. Press

Pengantar pengelolaan hama terpadu

Untung k

Gadjah Mada Univ. Press Yogyakarta

Pengantar Pengelolaan Hama Terpadu

Untung, K

Gadjah Mada University Press. Jogyakarta

Pengantar Pengelolaan Hama Terpadu

Untung, K

Gadjah Mada Universitas Press. Yogyakarta

Pengantar pengelolaan hama terpadu

Untung K

Gadjah mada Univ. Press

Pengantar pengelolaan hama terpadu

Untung k

Gadjah Mada Univ. Press Yogyakarta


Hlm 640 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengantar pengelolaan hama

Untung, K.

Pengantar pengelolaan hama

Gadjah Mada Univ. Press, Yogyakarta

Pengantar Pengelolaan Hama Terpadu. cetakan kedua

Kasumbogo Untung

Pengantar Pengelolaan Hama Terpadu. cetakan kedua

Gadjah Mada University Press Yogyakarta

Pengantar Penelitian Ilmiah : Dasar, Metode dan Teknik

Surakhmad. W

Pengantar Pemuliaan Tanaman.

Makmur, A.,

Pengantar Pemuliaan Tanaman.

Rinacipta, Jakarta.

Pengantar Pemuliaan tanaman

Bari, A

Pengantar Pemuliaan tanaman

Dep. Agronomi Faperta IPB

Pengantar Pemuliaan Tanaman

Makmur, A.

Bina Aksara jakarta

Pengantar Pemuliaan Tanaman

Makmur, A.

Bina Aksara jakarta

Pengantar Pemuliaan Tanaman

Bari, A

Fakultas Pertanian IPB Bogor

Pengantar Pemuliaan Tanaman

Bari, A

Departemen Agronomi Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian

Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor

Pengantar Oseanografi. Edisi ketiga.

Hutabarat, S.

Pengantar Oseanografi. Edisi ketiga.

Penerbit Universitas Indonesia (UI-Press), Jakarta. 159 pp.

Pengantar Oseanografi

Hutabarat S.

Pengantar Oseanografi

Univer sitas Indonesia Press. Jakarta

Pengantar Oseanografi Pengantar Oceanography

Hutabarat S Sidjabat

Pengantar Oceanography

Pengantar Oceanografi

Hutabarat, S.

Pengantar Oceanografi

Univeritas Indonesia (UI Press), Jakarta.

Pengantar Nematologi Tumbuhan.


Pengantar Nematologi Tumbuhan.

Gadjah Mada University Press.

Pengantar Mikrobiologi Umum.


Penerbit Angkasa, Bandung

Pengantar Mikrobiologi Umum cet ke 10

Suriawiria U

Penerbit Angkasa Bandung

Pengantar Mikrobiologi Umum

Suriawiria, Unus

Pengantar Mikrobiologi Umum

Penerbit Angkasa. Bandung

Pengantar Mikologi

Dwidjosepoetro, D

Pengantar Mikologi

Alumni, Bandung

Pengantar Metodologi Research Sosial

Kartini, Kartono

Pengantar Metodologi Research Sosial


Pengantar Metodologi Research

Kartini Kartono

Pengantar Metodologi Research

Alumni Bandung


Tarsito. Bandung

Penerbit UI Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor. 121 hal.

Hlm 641 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengantar Metodologi Ilmiah

Surachmad, Winarno

Pengantar Metodologi Ilmiah

Tarsito, Bandung

Pengantar Metodoiogi llmiah, Jilid II

Surachmad, Winarno

Pengantar Metodoiogi llmiah, Jilid II

Tarsito, Bandung

Pengantar Metode Statistik. Jilid I.

Dayan, A

Pengantar Metode Statistik. Jilid I.

LP3ES. Jakarta, p.202209.

Pengantar Metode Statistik II.

Dajan, A.

Pengantar Metode Statistik II.

Penerbit Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta.

Pengantar metode statistik Pengantar Metode Penelitian. Terjemahan Alimuddin Tumewu.

anto Dajan Sevilla, D.C.,

Pengantar Metoda Statistik Pengantar lmunologi Veteriner. Ed. 2 Pengantar llmu Tanah

Pengantar Metode Penelitian. Terjemahan Alimuddin Tumewu.

LP3ES JKT Penerbit Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta. 187p.

Dayan, A. Tizard, I.

Pengantar Metoda Statistik Pengantar lmunologi Veteriner. Ed. 2

LP3ES, Jakarta. Airlangga University Press, Surabaya.

Kartasapoetra, A.G.

Pengantar llmu Tanah

Bina Aksara, Jakarta

Pengantar llmu Penyakit Tumbuhan.

Gadjah Mada Univ. Press, Yogyakarta. 754 h.

Pengantar llmu Penyakit Tumbuhan.

Pengantar llmu Penyakit Tumbuhan.

Gadjah Mada Univ. Press, Yogyakarta. 754 h.

Pengantar llmu Manajemen Pengantar llmu Kependudukan

Kadarman, A.M Rusli, Said

Pengantar llmu Manajemen Pengantar llmu Kependudukan

Gramedia, Jakarta LP3ES, Jakarta.

Pengantar llmu Kehutananan


Pengantar llmu Kehutananan

Universitas Gadjah Mada. Yogyakarta

Pengantar llmu Hortikultura. Fakultas Pertanian

Notodimedjo, S

Pengantar llmu Hortikultura. Fakultas Pertanian

Universitas Brawijaya Malang

Pengantar llmu Gulma.

Kuntohartono, T

Pengantar llmu Gulma.

Dep. Agronomi, Faperta. Unibraw. Malang.

Pengantar llmu Ekonomi Ekonomi Mikro


Pengantar llmu Ekonomi Ekonomi Mikro

PBFE UGM, Yogyakarta

Pengantar llmu Ekonomi Pengantar llmu dan Pengendalian Gulma

Gilarso, T. Moenandir, J.

Pengantar llmu Ekonomi Pengantar llmu dan Pengendalian Gulma Buku I

Kanisius, Yogyakarta. Rajawali Pers. Jakarta.

Pengantar llmu Dan Pengendalian Gulma

Moenandir, J.

llmu Gulma Buku l.

CV. Rajawali. Jakarta

Pengantar llmu dan Pengendalian Gulma

Moenandir, J.

Pengantar llmu dan Pengendalian Gulma

Rajawali Pers. Jakarta

Pengantar llmu dan Pengendalian Gulma

Moenandir, J.

Pengantar llmu dan Pengendalian Gulma

Rajawali Press. Jakarta.


Hlm 642 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengantar llmu Hortikultura

Notodimedjo, S.

Pengantar llmu Hortikultura

Fakultas Pertanian. Universitas Brawijaya Malang.

Pengantar llmu Hortikultura

Notodimedjo, S.

Pengantar llmu Hortikultura

Fakultas Pertanian. Universitas Brawijaya Malang.

Pengantar Kromatografi Gas Cairan. Kumpulan Hand Out, Kimia, dan Biokimia, Pangan.

Adnan, M.

Pengantar Kromatografi

Gritter, R.J.

Pengantar Kromatografi

Penerbit Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung

Pengantar Kimia Tanah

Kussow. W

Proyek Penelitian Kesuburan Tanah

Departemen Ilmu-ilmu Tanah. Fakultas Pertanian IPB

Pengantar kimia organik II. Cetakan II


Pengantar Kimia Organik dan Hayati

Wilbraham, A.C

Pengantar Kimia Organik dan Hayati

Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville

Pengantar Kepada Arsitektur Pertamanan

Laurie, M

Pengantar Kepada Arsitektur Pertamanan

Intermedia. Bandung

Pengantar Imunologi Veteriner. Terjemahan

Tizard I.

Pengantar Imunologi Veteriner. Terjemahan

Airlangga Univ. Press, Surabaya. Hal. 18-3.

Pengantar Imunologi Veteriner. Edisi 2

Tizard, I.

Pengantar Imunologi Veteriner. Edisi 2

AUP Surabaya.

Pengantar Imunologi Veteriner. Diterjemahkan oleh Masduki dan S. Harjosworo.

Tizard, I

Pengantar Imunologi Veteriner. Diterjemahkan oleh Masduki dan S. Harjosworo.

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya. 197 hlm.

Pengantar imunologi veteriner edisi II

Tizard, I.

Pengantar Imunologi Veteriner

Tizard, I

Pengantar Imunologi Veteriner

Airlangga University Press.

Pengantar Imunologi Veteriner

Tizard, I.

Pengantar Imunologi Veteriner

Airlangga University Press, Surabaya.

Pengantar Immunologi Veteriner. Edisi 2

Tizzard, I.A.

Pengantar Immunologi Veteriner. Edisi 2

Airlangga Univ. Press. Surabaya. Indonesia.


PAU Pangan dan Gizi. UGM, Yogyakarta.

Aksara Baru, Jakarta

W. B. Saunders Company, United States of America

Hlm 643 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengantar Immunologi Veleriner. Terjemahan An Introduction for Veterinery Immunology oleh Masduki, P. dan Hardjoworo, S.

Tizard, I.

Pengantar Immunologi Veleriner. Terjemahan An Introduction for Veterinery Immunology oleh Masduki, P. dan Hardjoworo, S.

Airlangga University Press. Surabaya. 197 pp.

Pengantar Ilmu Tanah

Notohadipoero. A.R.S

Departemen Ilmu Tanah, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Gadjah Mada. Yogyakarta

Pengantar Ilmu Tanah Pengantar Ilmu Reproduksi Ikan

Sutejo, K Richter, C.J.J.

Rineka Cipta. Jakarta NUFFIC/UNIBRAW/ LUW/FISH. Fisheries Project. Malang.

Pengantar ilmu peternakan tropik

Reksohadiprodjo, S.

BPFE, UGM, Yogyakarta

Pengantar ilmu peternakan tropik

Reksohadiprojo S

BPFE UGM Yogyakarta

Pengantar Ilmu Pertanian Tropik

Reksohadiprodjo, S.

Pengantar Ilmu Pertanian Tropik

BPFE. Yogyakarta

Pengantar Ilmu Penyakit Tumbuhan.

Semangun, H.,

Pengantar Ilmu Penyakit Tumbuhan.

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta. 754 h.

Pengantar Ilmu Pemuliaan Tanaman I

Haeruman. K.

Fakultas pertanian UNPAD. Bandung

Pengantar ilmu pangan, nutrisi dan mikrobiologi

Gaman, P. M.

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Pengantar ilmu pangan, nutrisi dan mikrobiologi

Gaman, P. M.

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Pengantar Ilmu Gizi

Muchtadi D

Seri Makanan dan kesehatan. Bahan Kuliah

Telah dipublikasikan.Jurusan TPG-Fateta IPB,Bogor

Pengantar Ilmu Ekonomi Pertaniam.


LP3ES, rtnd D.D. BeU, 1990. Commercial Chicken Production Manual. 4th Ed.,

An AVI Book Published by Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.

Pengantar Ilmu Ekonomi Pengantar ilmu dan pengendalian Gulma.

Winardi Moenandir, J.

Pengantar Ilmu dan Pengendalian Gulam


Ilmu Gulma Buku I

Rajawali. Press

Pengantar Hukum Dagang


Pengantar Hukum Dagang

Dian Rakyat, Bandung


Pengantar Ilmu Reproduksi Ikan

Pengantar ilmu dan pengendalian Gulma.

Transito Bandung Rajawali, Jakarta.

Hlm 644 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengantar Hortikultura

Notodimedjo, S.

Pengantar Hortikultura

Fakultas Pertanian. Universitas Brawijaya Malang

Pengantar Fisiologi Tumbuhan. Edisi kedua


Pengantar Fisiologi Tumbuhan. Edisi kedua

PT Gramedia, Jakarta.

Pengantar Fisiologi Tumbuhan. Cetakan ketujuh

Dwidjoseputro, D.

Pengantar Fisiologi Tumbuhan. Cetakan ketujuh

P.T. Gramedia. Jakarta

Pengantar Fisiologi Tumbuhan.

Dwidjoseputro, D.

Pengantar Fisiologi Tumbuhan.

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.

Pengantar Fisiologi Tumbuhan.


Pengantar Fisiologi Tumbuhan.

Dwidjoseputro, D.

Pengantar Fisiologi Tumbuhan.


Pt. Gramesia, Jakarta.

Pengantar Fisiologi Tumbuhan

Dwijosepoetro. D

Gramedia, Jakarta

Pengantar fisiologi tumbuhan

Dwidjoseputro, D

Pengantar fisiologi tumbuhan

PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Pengantar Fisiologi Tumbuhan

Dwidjoseputro, D

Pengantar Fisiologi Tumbuhan

Gramedia. Jakarta

Pengantar Fisiologi Tumbuhan

Dwidjoseputro, D.

Pengantar Fisiologi Tumbuhan

Gramedia, Jakarta.

Pengantar fisiologi tumbuhan

Dwidjoseputro, D.

Pengantar fisiologi tumbuhan

Gramedia Jakarta

Pengantar Fisiologi Tumbuhan

Dwijoseputro D

Pengantar Fisiologi Tanaman

Dwijoseputro, D.

Pengantar Fisiologi Tanaman

Gramedia. Jakarta.

Pengantar Fisiologi Tanaman


Pengantar Agronomi

Gramedia. Jakarta

Pengantar Fisiologi Tumbuhan

Dwidjoseputro, D.

Pengantar Fisiologi Tumbuhan

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta

Pengantar fisiologi tumbuhan

Dwidjoseputro, D

Pengantar fisiologi tumbuhan

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta

Pengantar Evaluasi Proyek. Edisi Ke dua, Cetakan Ke dua

Gray , Clive

Pengantar Evaluasi Proyek. Edisi Ke dua, Cetakan Ke dua

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Pengantar Evaluasi Proyek.

Kadariah, L.,

Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia. Jakarta. 237 pp.


Gramedia Jakarta Pengantar Fisiologi Tumbuhan.

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta

UI Press. Jakarta

Hlm 645 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengantar Evaluasi Proyek


Pengantar Evaluasi Proyek

Lembaga Penerbit Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta.

Pengantar Evaluasi Proyek


Pengantar Evaluasi Proyek

Lembaga Penerbit Fakuttas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia. Jakarta.

Pengantar Evaluasi Proyek

Gray, C.

Pengantar Evaluasi Proyek

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.

Pengantar evaluasi proyek Pengantar Epidomologi Tanaman

Simanjuntak P Oka, l.N

Pengantar evaluasi proyek Pengantar Epidomologi Tanaman

Gramedia, Jkt Gadjah Mada Univ. press. Yogyakrata

Pengantar epiderminologi penyakit tanaman

Oka, I. N.

Pengantar epiderminologi penyakit tanaman

Gajah Mada University Press.

Pengantar Epidemiologi penyakit tanaman

Oka, I. N.

Pengantar Epidemiologi penyakit tanaman

Gajah Mada University Press

Pengantar epidemiologi penyakit tanaman

Oka, I. N.

Pengantar epidemiologi penyakit tanaman

Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Pengantar Ekonomika Edisi IV

Partadiredja, A

Pengantar Ekonomika Edisi IV

Badan Pembina Fakultas Ekonomi. Universitas Gadjah Mada. Yogyakarta

Pengantar Ekonomi Sumber Daya Manusia


Pengantar Ekonomi Sumber Daya Manusia

LPFE. Universitas Indonesia. Jakarta

Pengantar Ekonomi Sumber Daya Manusia

Simanjutak, J.P

Pengantar Ekonomi Sumber Daya Manusia

Penerbit Lembaga Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta.

Pengantar Ekonomi Produksi Pertanian

Kartasapoetro AG

Bina Aksara, Jakarta

Pengantar Ekonomi Perusahaan


Alumni, Bandung

Pengantar Ekonomi Perusahaan


pengantar ekonomi perusahaan


Penerbit alumni Bandung

Pengantar ekonomi perusahaan


Alumni Bandung

Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian. Cetakan kedua



Pengantar Ekonomi Perusahaan

Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian. Cetakan kedua

Penerbit Liberty. Yogyakarta.

LP2ES. Jakarta

Hlm 646 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian.


Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian.

Lembaga Penelitian, Pendidikan dan Penerangan Ekonomi dan Sosial (LP3ES). Jakarta, p. 44-50.

Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian.


LP3ES, Jakarta, 132 pp.

Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian.


Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian.

Lembaga Penelitian Pendidikan Ekonomi Sosial. Jakarta.

Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian.

Saputra, K.A.G.,

Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian.

PT. Bina Aksara. Jakarta.

Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian.


Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian.


Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian.

LP3ES. UGM, Yogyakarta

Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian,


Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian,

LP3ES Jakarta, 89 pp.

Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian,


Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian,

LP3ES Jakarta. 86 pp.

Pengantar ekonomi pertanian


LP3ES, Jakarta

Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian


LP3ES. Jakarta

Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian


LP3ES. Jakarta

Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian


LP3ES. Jakarta

Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian


LP3ES. Jakarta

Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian


LP3ES. Jakarta

Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian


Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian

Penerbit LP3ES, Jakarta

Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian


Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian

LP3E, Jakarta

Pengantar ekonomi pertanian


Pengantar ekonomi pertanian

LP3ES, Jakarta

Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian


Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian

LP3 SE Jakarta.

Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian


Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian

LP3 SE Jakarta.

Pengantar ekonomi pertanian



LP3ES. Jakarta.

LP3ES, jakarta

Hlm 647 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian


Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian


Pengantar ekonomi pertanian


LP3ES Jakarta

Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian


LP3ES. Jakarta

Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian


LP3ES Jakarta

Pengantar Ekonomi Pertaian Pengantar Ekonomi Pembangunan

Mubyarto Mubyarto

LP3ES. Jakarta Penerbit Lembaga Penelitian, Pendidikan dan Penerangan Ekonomi dan Sosial, Jakarta

Pengantar Ekonomi 2

Pratama Rahardja

Pengantar Ekonomi 2

Penerbit Intan Pariwara, Jakarta.

Pengantar Ekonomi Sumber Daya Manusia

Simanjuntak, P. J

Pengantar Ekonomi Sumber Daya Manusia

LPFE, Ul, Jakarta

Pengantar Ekologi Tumbuhan

Tjondronegoro. P.D

Fak. Pertanian IPB. Bogor

Pengantar Bisnis. Dasar-dasar Ekonomi Perusahaan. Edisi keempat

Sumarni, M.

Liberty, Jakarta

Pengantar bisnis dasar-dasar ekonomi perusahaan

Sumarni M

Liberty, Yogya

Pengantar biostatistika. Edisi kedua. Terjemahan oleh : Nasrullah, Disunting oleh S. Sastrosumarto

Sokal, RR

Gadjah Mada Univ. Press, Yogyakarta

Pengantar Bio Statistika. Ed. Indonesia

Sokal R.R.

Pengantar Bio Statistika. Ed. Indonesia

Gajah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta.

Pengantar Bio Statistika.

Sokal R.R.

Pengantar Bio Ed. Indonesia Statistika.

Gajah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta.

Pengantar antropologi. Pengantar Antropologi Pengantar Antropologi

Koentjaraningrat Koentjaraningrat

Pengantar Antropologi Pengantar Antropologi

Aksara Baru, Jakarta Jakarta Penerbit Aksara Baru, Jakarta.


Judul Buku

Penerbit LP3ES Jakarta

Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian

Pengantar Ekonomi Pembangunan

Lembaga Penelitian Pendidikan dan Penerangan Ekonomi dan Sosial Jakarta.

Hlm 648 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengantar Analisis Ekonomi Pengendalian Hama Terpadu.

Untung, K.,

Pengantar Analisis Ekonomi Pengendalian Hama Terpadu.

Andi Offset, Yogyakarta.

Pengantar Analisis Ekonomi Pengendalian Hama Terpadu

Untung. K

Andi Ofset. Yogyakarta

Pengantar Analisis ekonomi pengendalian hama terpadu

Untung K

Andi Offset Yogyakarta

Pengantar Analisis ekonomi pengendalian hama terpadu

Untung K

Andi Offset Yogyakarta

Pengantar Analisa Ekonomi. Pengendalian Hama Terpadu.

Untung, K.

Pengantar analisa ekonomi pertanian.

Bishop, C. E.

Mutiara, Jakarta.

Pengantar Analisa Ekonomi Pertanian


Mutiara Jakarta

Pengantar Analisa Ekonomi Pertanian


Pengantar Analisa Ekonomi Pertanian


Pengantar Analisa Ekonomi Pertanian

Mutiara, Jakarta

Pengantar Analisa Ekonomi Pertanian


Pengantar Analisa Ekonomi Pertanian


Pengantar Analisa Ekonomi Pengendalian Hama Terpadu.

Andi Offset. Yogyakarta

Pengantar Analisa Ekonomi Pengendalian Hama Terpadu.

Pengantar Analisa Ekonomi. Pengendalian Hama Terpadu.

Andi Ofset. Jogyakarta. 97 hal.

Pengantar Analisa Ekonomi Pertanian


Mutiara Jakarta

Pengantar Agronomy

Setyati. H

PT. Gramedia. Jakarta

Pengantar Agronomi..

Haryadi, S.

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.

Pengantar agronomi. Cetakan ke-6

Sri Setyati, H. M.

Gramedia, jakarta

Pengantar Agronomi.

Harjadi Setiyati Sri. M.M.

Departemen Agronomi Fakultas Pertanian IPB

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta

Pengantar Agronomi.

Harjadi, S. S.

Pengantar Agronomi.

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta

Pengantar Agronomi.

Haryadi, S.S.

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.

Pengantar Agronomi


Gramedia, Pustaka Utama. Jakarta

Pengantar Agronomi

Harjadi Sri Setyawati

PT. Gramedia. Jakarta


Hlm 649 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengantar Agronomi

Harjadi, S.

Pengantar Agronomi

PT. Gramedia. Jakarta.

pengantar Agronomi

Haryadi, S. S.

pengantar Agronomi

Gramedia Pustaka Utama Jakarta.

Pengantar Agronomi

Sri Setyati Harjadi

Pengantar Agronomi

Harjadi. M.M.S,S.

Pengantar Agronomi

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Pengantar Agronomi Pengantar Agronomi Pengantar Agronomi Pengantar Agronomi

Harjadi, S Harjadi, S.S. Harjadi, S.S. Harjadi, M.M.S.S

Pengantar Agronomi Pengantar Agronomi Pengantar Agronomi Pengantar Agronomi

Gramedia Jakarta Gramedia, Jakarta Gramedia, Jakarta. PT. Gramedia, Jakarta

Pengantar Agronomi

Harjadi, M.M.S.S.

Pengantar Agronomi

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Pengantar Agronomi Pengantar agronomi

Harjadi, S. S. Haryadi, S. S.

Pengantar Agronomi

PT. Gramedia Jakarta PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Pengantar Agronomi

Haryadi S

Dep. Agronom, Faperta IPB, Gramedia Jakarta

Pengantar Agronomi Pengantar Agronomi Pengantar Agronomi

Harjadi SS Harjadi, S.S Harjadi

PT Gramedia Jkt Gramedia. Jakarta PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Pengantar Agronomi

Haryadi S

Dep. Agronom, Faperta IPB, Gramedia Jakarta

Pengantar Dasar Hortikultura II

Sunaryono, H

Pengantar Dasar Hortikultura II

Masa Baru. Bandung

Pengangkutan ikan.

Bocek, A.

Pedoman Teknis proyek Penelitian dan. Pengembangan. Perikanan.

Pusat, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perikunan. Jakarta. 17 pp.

Pengangan Pasca Panen Buahbuahan

Departemen Pertanian

Pengangan Pasca Panen Buahbuahan

Kanwil Dep. Pertanian DKI Jakarta.

Penganfar Ekologi

Soedjiran, R.

Penganfar Ekologi

Remadja Karya, Bandung.

Pengambilan Keputusan. Seri manajemen no. 134

Thomas, S. L.

Pengambilan Keputusan. Seri manajemen no. 134

PPM Jakarta.


PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Hlm 650 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengambilan Keputusan dan Sistem Informasi. Edisi 2

Syamsi, I.

Pengambilan Keputusan dan Sistem Informasi. Edisi 2

Bumi Aksara, Jakarta

Pengambilan Keputusan Bagi Para Pemimpin. Terjemahan

Saaty, T.L

Pengambilan Keputusan Bagi Para Pemimpin. Terjemahan

PT Pustaka Binaman Pressindo., Jakarta

Pengambilan Keputusan bagi Para Pemimpin. Proses Hirarki Analitik Untuk Pengambilan Keputusan dalam Situasi Kompleks

Saaty, T.L.,

Pengambilan Keputusan bagi Para Pemimpin. Proses Hirarki Analitik Untuk Pengambilan Keputusan dalam Situasi Kompleks

PT. Pustaka Binana Pressindo, Jakarta

Pengambilan Keputusan bagi Para Pemimpin

Saaty, T.L

Pengambilan Keputusan bagi Para Pemimpin

Terjemahan. Pustaka Binaman Pressindo, Jakarta

Pengamatan penyakit tomat ( Lycopersicum esculentum Mill) di kecamatan dan kabupaten Dati II propinsi Jawa Timur

Susilawati SE

Dept.Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan

Fak.Pertanian IPB.Bogor

Pengamatan komposisi kimia kcrupuk udang guna mencari silat-sitat pcncntu mutunya

Haryono, B

Bag. Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian. Hak. TP LJGM

Pengalaman Pembudidayaan Rumput Vetiver Sebagai Penahan Erosi pada perkebunan Kopi di Aceh Tengah


IPPTP Gayo. Aceh Tengah

Pengakuan Orang Iklan

Ogilvy, David

Pengakuan Orang Iklan

Jakarta: Pustaka Tangga

Pengadaan bibit jahe dan temulawak.

Mariska, S.S.

Temu usaha dan temu tugas tanaman rempah dan obat.

Ditjenbun - Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pertanian Pemda Tk I. Jawa tengah, Semarang

Penetuan sampel dalam Metode Penelitian Survai, Singarimbun, M & Sofian E.

Mantra, IB

Penetuan sampel dalam Metode Penelitian Survai, Singarimbun, M & Sofian E.

LP3ES, Jakarta

Penerapan Teknologi Suplementasi Minyak Ikan dan Minyak Sayur Dalam Pakan Ayam Ras Guna Meningkafkan Kualitas Produk Telur


Penerapan Teknologi Suplementasi Minyak Ikan dan Minyak Sayur Dalam Pakan Ayam Ras Guna Meningkafkan Kualitas Produk Telur

Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Airlangga.


Hlm 651 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Penerapan Teknologi PHT pada tanaman sayuran


Penerapan Teknologi PHT pada tanaman sayuran


Penerapan Teknologi PHT pada tanaman sayuran


Penerapan Teknologi PHT pada tanaman sayuranEdisi ke-1


Penerapan Teknologi Pengomposan Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Pupuk Kandang

Kususmo. B.H

Penerapan Rancangan Tungku Hemat Energi Bahan-bakar Biomassa Pada Proses Pengasapan Ikan Laut. Seminar dan Kongres VI. Perhimpunan Teknik Pertanian Indonesia

Nur Komar

Penerapan Rancangan Tungku Hemat Energi Bahan-bakar Biomassa Pada Proses Pengasapan Ikan Laut. Seminar dan Kongres VI. Perhimpunan Teknik Pertanian Indonesia


Penerapan PHT pada Tanaman Sayuran


Task Force Sayuran

Komisi Penelitian dan Pengembangan PHT Program Nasional

Penerapan pengendalian hamapenyakit terpadu pada budidaya kentang

Dunat A. S

Penerapan pengendalian hamapenyakit terpadu pada budidaya kentang

Balai Penel. hort. Lembang, Bandung

Penerapan penelitian investasi


Penerapan konsep pengendalian hama wereng terpadu dan usaha penyempurnaanya.

Oka, I.N.

Peranan Hasil penelitian Padi Dan Palawija Dalam Pembangunan Pertanian. Edisi III. Pusat Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan. Bogor

Penerapan Konsep Hutan Lestari Dalam Pembangunan Berkelanjutan

Adhar, Abbas

Penerapan Konsep Hutan Lestari Dalam Pembangunan Berkelanjutan

MPI, Jakarta.

Penerapan Kebutuhan. Unsur Hara N dan P serta Serapan dan Sebarannya di Berbagai Tanaman Mangga

Soleh, M.

Penerapan Kebutuhan. Unsur Hara N dan P serta Serapan dan Sebarannya di Berbagai Tanaman Mangga

Risalah hasil Penelitian 94/95. BPTP Karangploso.

Penerapan analisis tumbuh penelitan dan budidaya pada tanman.

Djajasukanta. H.


Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Mataram


fakultas Pancasarjana Unifersitas padjajaran Bandung

Hlm 652 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Penerapan analisis tumbuh pada penelitian ilmu dan budidaya tanaman.

Djajasukanta, H.

Penerapan analisis tumbuh pada penelitian ilmu dan budidaya tanaman.

Fakultas Pascasarjana Universitas Padjadjaran. Bandung.

Penentun Analisa Tanah dan Air

Suranta. I.W.M

Penentuan Waktu Tanam Kapas di Indonesia Seri Edisi Khusus No.5/XI/1990. . hlm. 22-25.

Riajaya, P.D.

Penentuan waktu Blanching yang optimum utk bermacammacam sayurran dan buah

Muljohardjo M

Fak Tek Pertanian UGM Yogyakarta

Penentuan Tingkat Kadar Hormon Progesteron Dalam Darah dan Susu pada Ternak Kambing dan Sapi


Pusat Alikasi Isotop dan Radiasi Batan, Jakarta.

Penentuan posisi dg GPS dan Aplikasinya

Abidin H

Pradnya Paramitha, Jakarta

Penentuan LD50, LC50 dan LT50 Bahan Beracun Berbahaya dcngan Analisis Probit, Suatu Terapan Statistik: Kursus Analisis Limbah Industri bagi Dosen PTN-Intim

Bado, A.

Penentuan LD50, LC50 dan LT50 Bahan Beracun Berbahaya dcngan Analisis Probit, Suatu Terapan Statistik: Kursus Analisis Limbah Industri bagi Dosen PTNIntim


Penentuan Kadar Air.SNI-013182

Dewan Standarisasi Nasional

Penentuan Kadar Air.SNI-013182

Departemen Perindustrian Rl Jakarta.

Penentuan Indeks Pakan. kebiasaan makan dan Analisis Lambung pada Ikan,

Zainuri M.,

Penentuan Indeks Pakan. kebiasaan makan dan Analisis Lambung pada Ikan,

Penentuan Desa Miskin : Analisis Potensi Desa 1990. .


Populasi Vol. 4 No. l

Penentuan desa miskin : analisa potensi desa 1990 Populasi 1 Vol 4


Penentuan Berbagai Kombinasi Pupuk Makro bagi Tanaman Salak

Kusumainderawati, E.P


Pusat Penelitian Tanah . Bogor Penentuan Waktu Tanam Kapas di Indonesia Seri Edisi Khusus No.5/XI/1990. . hlm. 22-25.

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Tembakau dan Serat, Malang

Pusat Penelitian Kependudukan UGM. Yogyakarta. Puslit Kependudukan UGM yogya

Penentuan Berbagai Kombinasi Pupuk Makro bagi Tanaman Salak

Laporan Lengkap Hasil Penelitian. Sub balihorti Malang

Hlm 653 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Penentuan Aras Luka Ekonomi Ulat Grayak Kedelai (Spodoptera litwa) melalui Pendekatan Fisiologi.

Arifin, M.

Penentuan Aras Luka Ekonomi Ulat Grayak Kedelai (Spodoptera litwa) melalui Pendekatan Fisiologi.

Seminar Balittan Bogor tahun 1986. Bogor.

Penentuan Angka Asam Tioborbiturat


Penentuan Angka Asam Tioborbiturat

Departemen Perindustrian RI, Jakarta.

Penentuan analisa bahan makanan ternak

Askar S

Penentuan "Shelf Life" dan Kadaluarsa Bagi Makanan

Winarno, FG.

Penentuan "Shelf Life" dan Kadaluarsa Bagi Makanan

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pangan - IPB. Bogor.

Penembusan persenyawaan bor pada 10 jenis kayu Indonesia yang diawetkan dengan metode difusi. Pengumuman No, 1.

Martawijaya, A.

Penembusan persenyawaan bor pada 10 jenis kayu Indonesia yang diawetkan dengan metode difusi. Pengumuman No, 1.

Lembaga Penelitian Hasil Hutan Bogor.

Penembangan kawasan pantai timur Sumatera dalam perspektif Segitiga Pertumbuhan Sijori.


Penelusuran Senyawa Kandungan Turnbuhan Indonesia, Bioaktif Terhadap Serangga (Disertasi),

Tjokronegoro, R.K.,

Penelusuran Senyawa Kandungan Turnbuhan Indonesia, Bioaktif Terhadap Serangga (Disertasi),

Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, hal. 29.

Penelusuran genotipe kacang hijau terhadap ketahanan hama thrips

Prayitno, A.K.

Penelusuran genotipe kacang hijau terhadap ketahanan hama thrips

AARP-Departemen Pertanian. Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan, Malang. 25 hlm.

Penelitian teknologi budidaya jambu mete kasus P. Muna Sulawesi Tenggara.

Lubis, M.Y.

Penelitian teknik kultur masal Tubifek, Chironomus dan Hururangan sebagai makanan ikan. Penelitian Teknik Kultur Masal Tubifek,


Laporan Teknik Penelitian tahun 1984/1985.

Balai Penelitian Perikananan Air Tawar, Bogor. 5 him.

Penelitian prototipe alat simpan benih dan biji-bijian tanaman pangan

Lando, T.M.

Hasil Penelitian Pascapanen dan Mekanisasi Pertanian. 14: 28-32.

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Maros


Balai Penelitian Ternak, Ciawi bogor


Hlm 654 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Penelitian potensi pengembangan desa pantai, Maluku dan Sumatera Utara

V.T. Manurung

Penelitian potensi pengembangan desa pantai, Maluku dan Sumatera Utara

Pusat Penelitian Agro Ekonomi, Bogor

Penelitian Penyakit-Penyakit Virus Kacang Tanah (Disertasi).


Penelitian Penyakit-Penyakit Virus Kacang Tanah (Disertasi).

Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.

Penelitian pengembangan teknologi peternakan di daerah padat penduduk (Jawa).


Laporan tahun 1992/1993. Puslitbang peternakan, Bogor.

Penelitian Pengembangan teknologi peternakan di daerah padat penduduk (jawa)



Penelitian Pengembangan teknologi peternakan di daerah padat penduduk (jawa)



Penelitian pengembangan paket teknologi budidaya kedelai setelah padi sawah di NTB


Hsl Penelitian Kacang-kacangan Anggaran APBN 93/94, Balittan Malang

Balittan Malang

Penelitian pengembangan paket teknologi budidaya kedelai setelah padi sawah di Bali

Adisarwanto T

Hsl penelitian Kacang-kacangan anggaran APBN 93/94

Balittan Malang

Penelitian Pengembangan Agroindustri Buah-buahan di Jawa Timur


Penelitian Pengembangan Agroindustri Buah-buahan di Jawa Timur


Penelitian pendahuluan pemamfaatan zeolit Lampung sebagai penukar kation.

John, H.

Penelitian Pendahuluan Nematoda Puru Akar (Meloidogyne spp.) Pada Tanaman Kacang-kacangan

Herman, M.


Kerjasama antara Bappeda Tk I Jawa Timur dan Pusat Penelitian Universitas Brawijaya, Malang. Penelitian Pengembangan Agroindustri Buah-buahan di Jawa Timur

Kerjasama antara Bappeda Tk I Jawa Timur dan Pusat Penelitian Universitas Brawijaya, Malang

Penelitian Pendahuluan Nematoda Puru Akar (Meloidogyne spp.) Pada Tanaman Kacang-kacangan

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan, Bogor.

Hlm 655 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Penelitian Operasional Penelitian kultur teknik tanaman ubi jalar

Siagian, P Basuki, N.

Penelitian Operasional

Ul Press, Jakarta

Penelitian inokulasi Rhizobium di Indonesia

Pasaribu, D.

Penelitian inokulasi Rhizobium di Indonesia

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan

Penelitian Inokulasi Rhizobium di Indonesia

Pasaribu, D

Penelitian Inokulasi Rhizobium di Indonesia

Balai Penelitian Pangan dan Pengembangan Pertanian Bogor

Penelitian efisiensi penggunaan pupuk di lahan sawah

Rochayati, S.

Sudjadi, S. Adiningsih, A. Pakpahan, A. Hardjomulyo, Soetjipto, S. Kusumo, M.E. Siregar, I.P.G. Widjaya-Adhi (Ed.). Prosiding Lokakarya Nasional Etisiensi Penggunaan Pupuk II, Cisarua.

Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat, Bogor. hlm. 107-143.

Penelitian Efisiensi Pemupukan P pada Padi Sawah. Hasil Penelitian Pemupukan dan Varietas Padi Sawah Menunjang Swasembada Beras

Suyamto, H.

Penelitian Efisiensi Pemupukan P pada Padi Sawah. Hasil Penelitian Pemupukan dan Varietas Padi Sawah Menunjang Swasembada Beras

Balittan Malang

Penelitian dibidang ilmu ekonomi pertanian dan beberapa metode pengambilan contoh.

Teken, I.B.

Penelitian Diabetes Mellitus Suatu Tinjauan Tentang Hasil Penelitian dan Kebutuhan Penelitian Masa yang akan Datang dalam Seogondo, Soewondo dan I. Soebekti : Penatalaksanaan Terpadu.


Penelitian di Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi Pertanian dan Beberapa Metode Pengambilan Contoh


Institut Pertanian Bogor

Penelitian di bidang ekonomi pertanian dan bbr metode pengambilan contoh,

Teken IB

Fak Pertanian IPB, Bogor


Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Pusat Diabetes dan Lipid RSUPN Dr. Ciptomangunkusumo, Jakarta.

Hlm 656 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Penelitian dan pengembangan sayuran dan tanaman hias dalam Repelita IV untuk mencapai sistem pertanian tangguh

Asandhi, A. A

Penelitian dan pengembangan sayuran dan tanaman hias dalam Repelita IV untuk mencapai sistem pertanian tangguh

Balithort. Lembang

Penelitian dan pengembangan minyak atsiri Indonesia.

Rusli, S.,

Edisi Khusus Littro.

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat, Bogor. 2: 21-22.

Penelitian dan pengembangan minyak atsiri Indonesia.

Rusli, S.

Penelitian dan pengembangan minyak atsiri Indonesia.

Rusli, S.

Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hutan Tanaman Industry


Bahan Kuliah : Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan Manajer HTI, Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

Penelitian dan pengembangan sayuran dan tanaman hias dalam Repelita IV untuk mencapai sistem pertanian yang tangguh

Asandhi, A. A.

Penelitian dan pengembangan sayuran dan tanaman hias dalam Repelita IV untuk mencapai sistem pertanian yang tangguh

Balai Penelitian Hortikultura Lembang

Penelitian dan Penelitian Pendidlkan-

Sudjana, N.

Penelitian dan Penelitian Pendidlkan-

Penerbit: Sinar Baru, Bandung.

Penelitian dan Penelitian Pendidikan.

Sudjana, N.,

Penelitian dan Penelitian Pendidikan.

Penerbit Sinar Baru, Bandung.

Penelitian cara bertanam pada lahan sawah di Desa Kolisia zona dataran pantai utara Flores

Gunarto, L.

Hasil Penelitian Wilayah Kering Sub Base Maumere, No. 1. 1992. Proyek Pembangunan Penelitian Pertanian Nusa Tenggara, , hlm. 47-53.

Badan Litbang Pertanian, Departemen Pertanian

Penelitian Agribisnis (Buku l:Kedelai)

Purwoto, A,

Penelitian Agribisnis (Buku l:Kedelai)

Pusat Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Bogor.

Penelitian Agribisnis ( Buku I: Kedelai).

Purwoto, A.

Pusat Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian.

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Departemen Pertanian. Bogor.


Hlm 657 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Peneliti Operasional Peneirtian Heliothis armigera (Hubner) dengan Pakan Buatan

Siagian P Gothama, A.A.A.

Pendugaan Stok dan Altematif Pengelolaan Ikan Kembung Rastreliger sp untuk Perikanan Rakyat di Jawa Timur.

Setyohadi, D., dkk.

Pendugaan Stok dan Altematif Pengelolaan Ikan Kembung Rastreliger sp untuk Perikanan Rakyat di Jawa Timur.

Universitas Brawijaya Fakultas Perikanan bekerjasama dengan P4 N. Badan Penelitian Pengembangan Pertanian Jakarta.

Pendugaan Produksi Serat Kenaf Berdasarkan Karakteristik Batang Pada Berbagai Varietas dan Jarak Tanam


Pendugaan Produksi Serat Kenaf Berdasarkan Karakteristik Batang Pada Berbagai Varietas dan Jarak Tanam


Pendugaan Produksi Padi Dengan Menggunakan Komponen Hasil

Saleh F. N.

Berita Penelitian

LP3 Perwakilan Banjarmasin

Pendugaan prelinier pengaruh berbagai perubahan atas bawah ukuran ikan dan intensitas penangkapan terhadap perikanan pelagis keol di Laut Jawa.

Widodo J.

Jur. Pen. Per. Laut. 51:67-78.

Pendugaan Peran Gen

Basuki. N

Fakultas Pertanian Uiversitas Brawijaya

Pendugaan Peran Gen

Basuki, N

Fakultas Pertanian Unibraw, Malang

Pendugaan parameter genetik beberapa sifat agronomis padi sawah dataran tinggi

Zen, S.

Pendugaan Nilai Heritabilitas dan Korelasi Genetik Beberapa Sifat Produksi Ayam Kampung

Ahmad, D

Pendugaan Nilai Heritabilitas dan Korelasi Genetik Beberapa Sifat Produksi Ayam Kampung

Tesis Pasca Sarjana KPK IPB UNAND. Bogor.

Pendugaan kemajuan seleksi keturunan saudara tiri dan keturunan menyerbuk sendiri pada populasi jagung bisma

Murti RH

Berkala Pascasarjana

UGM. Inprint


Judul Buku Peneirtian Heliothis armigera (Hubner) dengan Pakan Buatan

Penerbit UI Press.jakarta Balittas. Malang

Hlm 658 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Penduduk Sulawesi Utara, Hasil Survey Penduduk Antar Sensus 1995, Jakarta. Penduduk Sulawesi Utara, Hasil Sensus Penduduk 1990. Jakarta.

Judul Buku


Penduduk Sulawesi Utara, Hasil Survey Penduduk Antar Sensus 1995, Jakarta. Biro Pusat Statistik,

Penduduk Sulawesi Tengah : Hasil Survai Penduduk Antar Sensus 1995

Penduduk Sulawesi Utara, Hasil Sensus Penduduk 1990. Jakarta. Penduduk Sulawesi Tengah : Hasil Survai Penduduk Antar Sensus 1995

Biro Pusat Statistik Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah, Palu

Penduduk Propinsi Lampung Akhir Tahun 1979

Biro Pusat Statistik

Penduduk Propinsi Lampung Akhir Tahun 1979

Kantor Statistik Propinsi Lampung

Penduduk NTB Hasil Survey Penduduk Antar Sensus (Supas) 1995

Biro Pusat Statistik

Seri S2.15

BPS. Jakarta

Penduduk Indonesia, Hasil Sensus Penduduk 1990, Jakarta.

Biro Pusat Statistik,

Penduduk Indonesia, Hasil Sensus Penduduk 1990, Jakarta.

Penduduk dan Kemiskinan.

Singarimbun M.

Penduduk dan Kemiskinan.

Pendidikan Kejuruan untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas dan Efisiensi Nasional


Pendidikan Kejuruan untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas dan Efisiensi Nasional

Pendidikan Kesehatan Pendekatan sistem pertanian untuk produksi ruminansia kecil.

Suharjo, U Sabrani, M.

Pendidikan Kesehatan Produksi kambing dan domba di Indonesia.

Karunia. Surabaya Sebelas Maret University press, Surakarta.

Pendapatan Regional Sulawesi Tengah

Biro Pusat Statistik Sulawesi Tengah, Palu

Pembenihan Kuda Laut (Hippocampus spp). Sudjiharno dan Antoro, S. (editor)

Departemen Pertanian Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan Balai Budidaya Laut Lampung. Hal: 1-2.

Pendapatan Regional Sulawesi Tengah

Bharata Karya Aksara, Jakarta.



Pencernaan Mikrobia pada Ruminansia.

Arora, S.P.

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Pencernaan Mikrobia pada Ruminansia.

Arora, S.P.

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Pencernaan mikrobia pada ruminansia

Arora, S. P.

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta


Hlm 659 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Pencernaan mikroba pada ruminansia. Cetakan ke-2

Arora, S. P.

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Pencernaan mikroba pada ruminansia.

Arora, S. P.

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Pencernaan Mikroba Pada Ruminansia

Arora, S.P.

Pencernaan dan toksikologi logam berat.


Pencemaran Udara

Ryadi, S.A.L.

Pencemaran Udara

Penerbit Usaha Nasional Surabaya.

Pencemaran Laut Oleh Logam Herat, dalam Status Pencemaran Laut Di Indonesia dan Teknik Pemantauannya

Hutagalung, H.P.

Pencemaran Laut Oleh Logam Herat, dalam Status Pencemaran Laut Di Indonesia dan Teknik Pemantauannya

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya laut dan Air Tawar, LIPI, Jakarta.

Pencemaran Laut oleh Logam Berat

Hutagalung, P.H.

Pencemaran Laut oleh Logam Berat

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Oseanologi LIPI, Jakarta. 35 p.

Pencemaran dan Tosikologi Logam Berat

Palar, H.

Pencemaran dan Tosikologi Logam Berat

Rineka Cipta, Jakarta.

Pencemaran dan Toksikologi Logam Berat


Penerbit Rineka Cipta, Jakarta

Pencemaran dan toksikologi logam berat


Rineka Cipta, Jakarta

Pencemaran dan toksikologi logam berat

H. Palar

Pencemaran dan toksikologi logam berat

Penerbit Rineka Cipta, Jakarta

Pencemaran Air, Dasar-dasar dan Pokok-Pokok Penanggulangannya.

Ryadi, S.

Pencemaran Air, Dasar-dasar dan Pokok-Pokok Penanggulangannya.

Karya Anda, Surabaya

Pencegahan penyakit kunangkunang pada larva udang windu (Peneus monodon)


Pencegahan penyakit kunangkunang pada larva udang windu (Peneus monodon)

Prosiding Seminar Sehari Upaya Penanggulangan Penyakit Benur pada Hatchery Udang, Surabaya

Pencegahan penyakit jantung

Kertohusodo S

Pradnya Paramita Jkt

Pencegahan pencemran pupuk dan pestisida

Kusno, Ir

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta


Judul Buku

Pencernaan Mikroba Pada Ruminansia


Cetakan kedua. Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta. Rineka Cipta Jakarta.

Hlm 660 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Penawaran, permintaan dan konsumsi pangan hewani di Indonesia Makalah Pra-WKNPG VI. Sub tema II LIIPI


Penatalaksanaan Gastritis dan Ulkus Peptikum.


Pendidikan Kedokteran Berkelanjutan Uji Diri. p. 1-29.

Penatalaksanaan Diabetes Terpadu dan Peran Persadia

MarwaniBratasaputra, M.

Derap Bethesda, Edisi Sebelas, Agustus, p. 7

Penataan Lahan dan Pengelolaan Air untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Lahan Sulfat Masam

Mansur, D.

Kumpulan Hasil Penelitian Teknologi Produksi dan Pengembangan Sistem Usaha Tani di Lahan Rawa. Proyek Penelitian Pengembangan Pertanian Rawa Terpadu-ISDP

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian.

Penataan dan Pengelolaan air untuk meningkatkan produktifitas lahan sulfat masam.

Djayusman, M.

Teknologi Produksi dan Pengembangan Sistem Usahatani di Lahan Rawa.

ISDP Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian.

Penarikan contoh dan ambang kendali untuk pengembangan PHT kedelai

Rauf, A.

Marwoto, N. Saleh, Sumardi, dan A. Winarto (Eds.) Risalah Lokakarya Pengendalian Hama Terpadu Tanaman Kedelai. hlm. 154-165.

Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan Malang.

Penangkapan ikan dengan alat tangkap bagan tancap di perairan Lekok Pasuruan


Penangkapan ikan dengan alat tangkap bagan tancap di perairan Lekok Pasuruan

Fakultas Perikanan Unibraw Malang

Penanggulangan Penyakit Busuk Pangkal Batang Tanaman Lada/ATA 221.


Laporan Perkembangan Kcgiatan Penelitian Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat

Bogor. 10 hlm.

Penanggulangan Limbah Secara Hayati


Penanggulangan Limbah Secara Hayati

PAU Bioteknologi -UGM Yogyakarta.

Penanggulangan Lahan Bermasalah dalam Menyongsong Abad 21, Prospek, Tantangan dan Kendalanya di Kalimantanselatan

Djaja. H.T

Penanggulangan Krisis Produksi Padi melalui IP-300

Badan Litbang Pertanian


Judul Buku


Kalimantan Agrikultura

Penanggulangan Krisis Produksi Padi melalui IP-300

Badan Litbang Pertanian, Jakarta.

Hlm 661 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Penanganan pascapanen jagung dalam rangka meningkatkan mutu jagung untuk industri/ekspor

Syarif, R.

Disajikan pada Seminar Tim Teknis Badan Pengendali Bimas. 27 Februari 1997. 27 hlm. (tidak dipublikasikan).

Deptan. Jakarta

Penanganan Lepas Panen


Penanganan Lepas Panen

PT. Melton Putra, Jakarta.

Penanganan dan Pengolahan Buah

Suyanti. Satuhu

Penanganan dan Pengolahan Buah

Satuhu, S.

Penanganan dan Pengolahan Buah

Penerbit Swadaya. Jakarta.

Penanganan dan Pengolahan Buah

Satuhu, S.

Penanganan dan Pengolahan Buah

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Penanganan dan Pemanfaatan Limbah Kelapa Sawit

Gumbira-Said, E

Penanganan dan Pemanfaatan Limbah Kelapa Sawit

Trubus Agriwidya, Ungaran.

Penanganan dan pemanfaatan limbah kelapa sawit

Sa'id EG

Penanaman tanaman sela pisang dan nenas diantara rambutan.


Penampilan reproduksi sapi di Indonesia

Putro PP

Penampilan produktivitas sapi perah Friesien eks Impor dan Friesien Lokal diderah Pengalengan Jabar

Sugiarti T

Penampilan Beberapa Varietas Jagung Harapan di Lahan Sawah Tadah Hujan dan Tegalan


Penambatan N2 pada beberapa tanaman pangan

Gunarto, L.

Penambahan gliricidia & lamtoro pada wafer pucuk tebu terhadap performans kambing & domba.

M Rangkuti

Penambahan bahan organik dalam usaha reklamasi kesuburan tanah kritis yang disebabkan erosi.

Armon, N.


Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta

PT Trubus Agriwidaya, Ungaran

Ilmu dan Peternakan 2: 57-60

Balitnak Ditjen Peternakan

Penelitian Pertanian Vol. 10

Kerja Sama Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian dan Direktorat Perguruan Tinggi. 65 hlm.

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan, Bogor.

BPT Ciawi Bogor

Hlm 662 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Penafsiran Poetret Udara (Terjemahan)


Penaeid shrimp nutrition for the commercial feed Industry,

Akiyama, D.M.

Penaeid shrimp nutrition for the commercial feed Industry,

American Soybean Association and Oceanic Institute, Waimanalo, USA, 50 pp.

Penaeid Growout Systems: An Overview

Fast, A.W.

A.W. Fast and L.J. Lester (eds.). Marine Shrimp Culture Principles and Practices

Elsevier Science Publishing Comp. Inc., New York, p. 343-353.

Pemurnian kembali minyak pelumas bekas.

Sutarti M

Pemurnian kembali minyak pelumas bekas

Sutarti M

Pemupukan Tanaman Cabe


Pemupukan P pada Tanaman Kedelai pada Beberapa Tingkat Kelengasan Tanah

Suyamto H.

Pemberitaan Penelitian (2)

Balittan Sukarami

Pemupukan NPK pada Kedelai

Pasaribu D


Badan Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Balittan Bogor

Pemupukan N,P, dan K pada jagung manis

Rifin, A

Pemupukan N pada tumpang sari Sesbania rostrata dan padi sawah

Rauf, M.

Pemupukan kedelai. Dalam kedelai

Pasaribu, D.

Pemupukan kalium pada tanaman kelapa sawit. Pedoman teknis

Sukarji R


Judul Buku

Penerbit Akademika Pressindo Jakarta

Pusat Dokumentasi dan Informasi Ilmiah, LIPI, Jakarta Pusat Dokumentasi dan Informasi Ilmiah LIPI

Jakarta Pusat Perpustakaan dan Komunikasi Penelitian. BIP Sumbar, Padang

Badan Penelitian dan pengembangan pertanian Balai penelitian tanaman pangan. Bogor Hasil Penelitian Padi No. 1.

Balittan Maros.

Pusat Penelitian Marihat

Hlm 663 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Pemupukan K dan Zn sebagai usaha penanggulangan keracunan besi pada padi sawah dilahan vertisols Cianjur dan inceptisoils Purwakarta.

Yuyun, S.

Pemupukan fosfat pada tanaman kelapa sawit di Sumatra Utara.

Purba, P.

Pemupukan dan pengolahan tanah. Cetakan ke-1

Sutrisno, T.

Armico, Bandung

Pemupukan dan pengolahan Gambir.


Departemen pertanian. Balai informasi pertanian propinsi Sumatera Barat

Pemupukan dalam Himpunan Diktat Kursus Tanaman


BP3G Pasuruan

Pemupukan Berimbang

Soepardi. G

Instititut Pertanian Bogor

Pemupukan ber mbang menuju peningkatan produksi dan kualitas tanaman pangan.

Soepardi, G

Diktat disajikan dalam berbagai pertemuan dengan PPS se Indonesia. IPB, Bogor.

Pemungutan kayu.

Iskandar, U.

Pemungutan kayu.

Yayasan Pembina Fakultas Kehutanan. Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.

Pemungutan kayu. Pemungutan Kayu

Juta, E.P. Iskandar.U

Pemungutan kayu.

Timun Mas, Jakarta. Yayasan Pembina Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

Pemungutan Hasil Hutan. Pemungutan Hasil Hutan.

Juta, E.P, Haryanto.

Pemungutan Hasil Hutan. Pemungutan Hasil Hutan.

Timun Mas, Jakarta. Yayasan Pembina Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta.

Pemungutan hasil hutan.


Pemungutan hasil hutan.

Yayasan Pembina Fakultas Kehutanan. Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.


Judul Buku


Pemupukan fosfat pada tanaman kelapa sawit di Sumatra Utara.

Balai Penelitian Perkebunan Bogor, Departemen Pertanian. Bogor.

Hlm 664 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Pemungutan Hasil Hutan (Bab 3 : Penyaradan)


Fakultas Kehutanan UGM, Yogyakarta

Pemungutan Hasil Hutan


Yayasan Pembina Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

Pemungutan Hasil Hutan


CV. Timun Mas, Bandung

Pemungutan Hasil Hutan


Fakultas Kehutanan UGM, Yogyakarta

Pemungutan Hasil Hutan


CV. Timun Mas, Bandung

Pemungutan dan Pengolahan Getah Pinus


Pemungutan dan Pengolahan Getah Pinus

Perhutani KPH Pekalongan Timur

Pemulihan dan Pelestahan Ikan Semah (Tor douronensis ) melalui Penetapan Reservat di Kabupaten Sarolangun Bangko Jambi.


Pemulihan dan Pelestahan Ikan Semah (Tor douronensis ) melalui Penetapan Reservat di Kabupaten Sarolangun Bangko Jambi.

Puslitbang Limnologi/LIPIDiskan TK.I Prop. Jambi. p.1-6.

Pemuliabiakan Ternak Sapi


P.T Gramedia ,Jakarta

Pemuliaan ternak. Edisi ke 4

Warwick EJ

Gadjah Mada Univ. Press. Yogyakarta

Pemuliaan ternak.

Warwick, E.J.

Pemuliaan Ternak.

Warwick, E. J.

Pemuliaan Ternak Sapi

Pane, I.

Pemuliaan Ternak

Warkwick, E. J.

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Pemuliaan Ternak

Warwick, E.J.

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Pemuliaan Ternak

Warwick, E.J.

Pemuliaan Ternak

Gadjah Mada Univ. Press, Yogyakarta

Pemuliaan Ternak

Warwick, E.J.

Pemuliaan Ternak

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta


Judul Buku

Pemuliaan ternak.


Gajah Mada Univ. Press, Yogyakarta. Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Pemuliaan Ternak Sapi

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta. 155 hal.

Hlm 665 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pemuliaan Ternak

Warwick, E.J.

Pemuliaan Ternak

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Pemuliaan ternak Pemuliaan Ternak

Warwick EJ Warwick, E. J.,

Pemuliaan Ternak

Pemuliaan Temak

Warwick, E.J

Pemuliaan Temak

Gajah Mada University Press, Yógyakarta

Pemuliaan Tanaman. Bab VI Pemuliaan sifat-sifat kuantitatif.

Crowder, L.V.

Pemuliaan Tanaman.

Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.

Pemuliaan Tanaman.


Pemuliaan tanaman secara in vitro

Suryowinoto, M.

Petunjuk Laboratorium

Pemuliaan Tanaman Jagung

Dahlan, M

A. Kasno, M. Dahlan dan Hasnam (editor)

Pemuliaan Tanaman I

Poepodarsono S

Pemuliaan Tanaman

Dahlan M

Bahan kuliah pemuliaan tanaman Fak Pertanian Un. Putra Bangsa Surabaya

Pemuliaan tanaman

Crowder, L. V.

Pemuliaan tanaman

Pemuliaan kultivar unggul anggrek Dendrobium: Waktu perendaman dan konsentrasi colchicine pada protokorm (plbs) anggrek Dendrobium Jayakarta terhadap pertumbuhan vegetatif

Soediono, S.

Kumpulan Hasil Penelitian Tanaman Hias Tahun Anggaran 1995/96. 11 hlm.

Pemuliaan anggrek Dendrobium hasil iradiasi sinar Gamma: Karakterisasi tanaman anggrek Dendrobium hasil iradiasi sinar Gamma

Soedjono, S.

Kumpulan Hasil Penelitian Tanaman Hias Tahun Anggaran 1995/96. 10 hlm.


Warwick. E.J


Pemodelan stokastilk Hidrograf Sungai

Rizal Z Tamin


UGM Press Yogya Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

IKIP Semarang Press. Semarang

Prosiding Simposium Pemuliaan Tanaman I. PPTI Komda Jatim Universitas Brawijaya Malang

Universitas Gajah Mada Yogyakarta

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yokyakarta. PAU ITB

Hlm 666 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pemilihan Metode Ekstraksi P Tanah P. Lombok

Soepardi, A

Risalah Hasil Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat

Puslitanak, Bogor

Pemilihan lokasi tambak udang berwawasan lingkungan

Poernomo, A.

Seri Pengembangan Hasil Penelitian No. PHP/Kan/ PATEK/004/1992.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perikanan, Jakarta. 40 hlm.

Pemilihan Lokasi Tambak Berwawasan Lingkungan.


Pemilihan Lokasi Tambak Berwawasan Lingkungan.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembang-an Perikanan, Jakarta.

Pemilihan Lokasi Tambak Berwawasan Lingkungan


Pemilihan Lokasi Tambak Berwawasan Lingkungan

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perikanan, Jakarta

Pemilihan Lokasi Ideal bagi Penempatan KJA reservat di perairan kep Riau, Lombok dan Sumbawa

W. Ismail

Pemilihan Lokasi Ideal bagi Penempatan KJA reservat di perairan kep Riau, Lombok dan Sumbawa

Pemilihan Calliandra Caltothyrsus Meisen sebagai Tanaman Penghijauan

Dirdjosoemarto, S

Pemilihan Calliandra Caltothyrsus Meisen sebagai Tanaman Penghijauan

Yayasan Pembina Fakuitas Kehutanan Universitas Gajah Mada Yogyakarta

Pemilahan waktu dan tempat oleh satwa-satwa frugivora pada pohon Ficus di Suaka Margasatwa Lambusango. Buton

Mardiastuti. A

Pemilahan waktu dan tempat oleh satwa-satwa frugivora pada pohon Ficus di Suaka Margasatwa Lambusango. Buton

Qiotalin press.

Pemijahan Ikan Domestikasi Jelawat (Leptobarbus hoeveni Blkr) dengan Teknik Hipofisasi

Hardjamulia, A.

Pewarta LPPD. tahun ke-3. No. l. hlm 13.

Pemijahan dan produksi benih ikan kakap putih, Lates calcarifer dalam rangka mendukung usaha budidaya. Makalah pada Temu Aplikasi Paket Teknologi di PekanbaruRiau, tanggal 31 Januari s/d 2 Februari 1995.11 pp.


Pemijahan dan produksi benih ikan kakap putih, Lates calcarifer dalam rangka mendukung usaha budidaya. Makalah pada Temu Aplikasi Paket Teknologi di Pekanbaru-Riau, tanggal 31 Januari s/d 2 Februari 1995.11 pp.

Pemijahan dan Pembenihan Bebcrapa Jenis Ikan Air Tawar Pemhibitan Ulat Sutera



Pemijahan dan Pembenihan Bebcrapa Jenis Ikan Air Tawar

Balai Informasi Pertanian Banjarbaru. 26 hlm.

Pemhibitan Ulat Sutera

Bogor: Lembaga Penelitian Hutan.

Hlm 667 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Pemetaan Tanah Tingkat Semi Detail Daerah Mbay, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur

Judul Buku


Pemetaan Tanah Tingkat Semi Detail Daerah Mbay, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur

Bagian Proyek Penelitian Sumber Daya Lahan dan Agroklimat, Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat,Bogor. DokNo.07/PSLA/01.02A/9 6.

Pemetaan Tanah Tingkat Semi Detail Daerah Magepanda, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur

Pusat Penelitian Tanah

Pemetaan Tanah Tingkat Semi Detail Daerah Magepanda, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur

Bagian Proyek Penelitian Sumber Daya Lahan dan Agroklimat, Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat, Bogor. Dok No. 08/PS LA/ 01.02A/96.

Pemetaan tanah tingkat detail, skala 1:10 000 daerah pasang surut Karang Agung Tengah. Musi Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan


Pemetaan tanah tingkat detail, skala 1:10 000 daerah pasang surut Karang Agung Tengah. Musi Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan

Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat, Bogor

Pemetaan Geologi Gunung Api Seulawah Agam dan sekitarnya dalam Kaitannya dengan Pengembangan Kabupaten Aceh Besar-Kabupaten Pidie

Banda Aceh

Deptamben D.I. Aceh. Banda Aceh

Pemetaan dan Penelitian Tanah Areal Pabrik Gula Subang. Dok. PPT. No. 8/1988.

Pemetaan dan Penelitian Tanah Areal Pabrik Gula Subang. Dok. PPT. No. 8/1988.

Pusat Penelitian Tanah

Pemetaan dan identifikasi serta evaluasi pembangunan Daerah Aliran Sungai Batang Hilir (DASBH) Propinsi Jambi.


Bappeda Tingkat I Jambi.

Pemetaan Agro -ekosistem lahan kering contoh Wllayah Kerja Balal Penyuluh Pertanian (WKBPP) Kelompok Penelitian Agro-ekosistem (KE-PAS)


Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian dan The Ford Foundation. Bogor


Hlm 668 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pemeriksaan Dadih Sebagai Makanan Tradisional di Sumatera Barat.


Pemeriksaan Dadih Sebagai Makanan Tradisional di Sumatera Barat.

FMIPA, Unand

Pemeriksaan Cemaran Aspergillus flavus Pada Jamu Serbuk

PPOM, Depkes RI,

Pemeriksaan Cemaran Aspergillus flavus Pada Jamu Serbuk

Depkes RI, Jakarta

Pemeliharaan, Pembiakan, dan Penggunaan Hewan Pereobaan di Daerah Tropis.

Smith, B.J.

Pemeliharaan, Pembiakan, dan Penggunaan Hewan Pereobaan di Daerah Tropis.

Penerbit Universitas Indonesia Press, Jakarta.

Pemeliharaan, Pembiakan dan Penggunaan Hewan Percohaan di Daerah Iropis

Smith, J.B.

Pemeliharaan, Pembiakan dan Penggunaan Hewan Percohaan di Daerah Iropis

Jakarta: UI-Press.

Pemeliharaan, Pembiakan dan Penggunaan Hewan Percobaan di Daerah Tropis. DGHE -IDP

Smith J.B.

Pemeliharaan, Pembiakan dan Penggunaan Hewan Percobaan di Daerah Tropis. DGHE -IDP

Penerbit Universitas Indonesia,

Pemeliharaan, pembiakan dan penggunaan hewan percobaan di daerah tropis

Smith, J. B.

Universitas Indonesia (UI Press)

Pemeliharaan, pembiakan dan penggunaan hewan percobaan di daerah tropis

Smith, J. B.

Universitas Indonesia Jakarta

Pemeliharaan, Pembiakan dan Penggunaan Hewan Percobaan di daerah Tropis

Smith JB

UI Press.Jakarta

Pemeliharaan Tawes

Ardiwinata, O. R.

Pemeliharaan Tawes

Penerbit Sumur. Bandung

Pemeliharaan Sapi Perah Dewasa.

Sudono, A.

Pemeliharaan Sapi Perah Dewasa.

Dit. Bina Produksi Peternakan, Ditjen. Peternakan, Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta.

Pemeliharaan Ikan Tawes. Jilid II.

Ardiwinata, R 0.

Pemeliharaan Ikan Tawes. Jilid II.

Sumur Bandung. Bandung. 100 pp.

Pemeliharaan Ikan Mas Jilid IV, Cetakan ke tiga.

Ardiwinata, R.O.

Pemeliharaan Ikan Mas Jilid IV, Cetakan ke tiga.

Penerbit sumur Bandung, Bandung. 140 pp.

Pemeliharaan Ikan Mas Dalam Keramba.


Pemeliharaan Ikan Mas Dalam Keramba.

PT. Gramedia. Jakarta. 89 halaman.

Pemeliharaan Ikan Di Dalam Keramba

Asmawi, S

Pemeliharaan Ikan Di Dalam Keramba

Gramedia, Jakarta. 82 halaman.


Hlm 669 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pemeliharaan Ikan Dalam Kolam Air deras.

Dinas Perikanan,

Pemeliharaan Ikan Dalam Kolam Air deras.

Departemen Pertanian Balai Informasi Pertanian Sumatera Barat.

Pemeliharaan Ikan dalam Keramba.

Asmawi, S.

Pemeliharaan Ikan dalam Keramba.

Gramedia. Jakarta. 82 halaman.

Pemeliharaan Ikan dalam Keramba

S. Asmawi

Pemeliharaan Ikan dalam Keramba

PT. Gramedia Jakarta

Pemeliharaan Ikan Dalam Karamba.

Asnawi, S.

Pemeliharaan Ikan Dalam Karamba.

PT Gramedia, Jakarta.

Pemeliharaan Ikan da/am Kolam Air Deras

Jangkaru, Z.

Pemeliharaan Ikan da/am Kolam Air Deras

CV Yasaguna. Jakarta. 50 p.

Pemeliharaan dan Kegunaan Ternak Sapi Perah.

Muljana, W

Pemeliharaan dan Kegunaan Ternak Sapi Perah.

CV Aneka. Semarang

Pemeliharaan Ayam Potong

Sarlis, E

Pemeliharaan Ayam Potong

Dirjen Peternakan. Jakarta.

Pembuktian Lahan dan Pengolahan Tanah.

Sosroalmodjo, P.

Pembuktian Lahan dan Pengolahan Tanah.

Leppenas, Jakarta

Pembukaan wilayah hutan.


Pembukaan wilayah hutan.

Fakultas Kehutanan Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor.

Pembukaan Lahan Gambut Satu Juta Hektar

Setiadi, B

Peluang dan Tantangannya. Konferensi Nasional dan seminar Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia.


Pembudidayaan tebu di lahan sawah dan Tegalan.

Tim Penulis PS.

Pembudidayaan Tanaman Salak di Beberapa Sentra Produksi di Indonesia.

Lahiya, A.A.

Pembudidayaan Tanaman Salak di Beberapa Sentra Produksi di Indonesia

Capita Selecta Hortikultura (Seri Himpunan Peninggalan yang Berserakan), Bandung

Pembudidayaan buncis, tipe tegak dan merambat

Setianingsih, T.

Pembudidayaan buncis, tipe tegak dan merambat

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta. 63 hlm.

Pembudidayaan Artemia untuk Pakan Udang dan Ikan.

Harefa, F.

Pembudidayaan Artemia untuk Pakan Udang dan Ikan.

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta. 76 pp.

Pembuatan tambak udang Di Indonesia

A. Poernomo

Seri Pengembangan no. &, 1988, Departemen Pertanian, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian

Balai Penelitian Perikanan Budidaya Pantai, Maros


Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.

Hlm 670 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Pembuatan pulp dan kertas dari tandan kosong sawit dengan proses soda antrakinon

Pratiwi W

Pembuatan pikel jahe


Pembuatan pikel jahe

Balai Panelitian rempah dan Obat, Bogor.

Pembuatan pikel Jahe


Pembuatan pikel Jahe

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obal, Bogor

Pembuatan peta digitasi kondisi lahan daerah tangkapan air (DTA) Danau Toba dengan citra satelit.


Pembuatan minyak kelapa secara fermentasi.


Pembuatan Konsentrat (Instan) Jahe

Hariantono. J

Fak. Teknologi Pertanian IPB. Bogor

Pembuatan gula kelapa Pembuatan epoksi butil stearat dari fraksi cair asam lemak sawit

Santoso, H. B. Herawan T

Kanisius, Yogyakarta tidak dipublikasikan

Pembuatan Edible Coating dari Limbah Kulit Kakao sebagai Pelapis Keju Lembaran. Laporan Penelitian Lomba Karya Inovatif Produksi Tingkat Nasional tahun 1997-1998

Muin, Z.,

Pembuatan Edible Coating dari Limbah Kulit Kakao sebagai Pelapis Keju Lembaran. Laporan Penelitian Lomba Karya Inovatif Produksi Tingkat Nasional tahun 1997-1998

Jurusan Teknologi Industri Pertanian, IPB, Bogor.

Pembuatan Arang Aktif.

Sudradjat, R.,

Petunjuk Teknis No. 01/Th 1/94.

Bagian Proyek Litbang Pemanfaatan Hasil Hutan Tanaman. Pusat Litbang Hasil Hutan dan Sosial Ekonomi Kehutanan. Badan Litbang Kehutanan. Jakarta.

Pembuatan arang aktif dari kayu Acacia mangium dengan gasifikasi Fludized bed.

Hendra, D.

Pembuatan arang aktif dari kayu Acacia mangium dengan gasifikasi Fludized bed.


Judul Buku

Penerbit Menara Perkebunan

Hlm 671 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pembinaan SumberBibit Sapi Potong, Direktorat Bina Produksi Peternakan.

Direktorat Jenderal Peternakan

Pembinaan SumberBibit Sapi Potong, Direktorat Bina Produksi Peternakan.

Direktorat Jenderal Peternakan, Departemen Pertanian.

Pembinaan Program dan Pendampingan Pokmas IDT


Pembinaan Program dan Pendampingan Pokmas IDT

Badan Perencanaan Pemba ngunan Nasional dan Depar temen Dalam Negeri. Jakarta

Pembinaan Program dan Pendamping Program IDT

Bappenas dan Depdagri

Pembinaan perbanyakan dan penyebaran pestisida nabati mindi (Melia ozedarach) untuk mengendalikan hama penggulung daun (Palpita marinata) pada tanaman gambir (Uncaria gambir).

Laboratorium Lapangan.

Pembinaan perbanyakan dan penyebaran pestisida nabati mindi (melia azedarach) untuk mengendalikan hama penggulung daun gambir (palpita marinata) pada tanaman gambir (uncaria gambir)


Laboratorium lapangan dinas perkebunan Dati I Sumatera Barat, Padang

Pembinaan dan Pengendalian Proyek-Proyek Perintis Pola Usaha Tanaman Pangan

Setyodhono. S

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Transmigrasi. Deptrans danPPH. Jakarta

Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Pengrajin Gula Kelapa di Kabupaten Blitar


Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Pengrajin Gula Kelapa di Kabupaten Blitar

BBIHP. Bogor.

Pembiakan Vegetatif. Pengantar Agronomi

Rochiman, K

Pembiakan Vegetatif. Pengantar Agronomi

Dept. Agronomi, Fak. Pertanian, IPB, Bogor

Pembiakan vegetatif. Pembiakan vegetatif

Rochiman, K. Rochiman, K

Pembiakan vegetatif Pembiakan vegetatif

Rochiman, I. S. Rochiman, K.


Bappenas dan Depdagri. Jakarta Pembinaan perbanyakan dan penyebaran pestisida nabati mindi (Melia ozedarach) untuk mengendalikan hama penggulung daun (Palpita marinata) pada tanaman gambir (Uncaria gambir).

Laboratorium Lapangan Dinas Perkebunan Dati I Sumatera Baret. Padang. 9 hal.

Pengantar Agronomi IPB, Bogor Pengantar agronomi IPB

Hlm 672 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Pembiakan vegetatif Pembesaran Kerapu dengan Jaring Apung

Rochiman, K. Sunyoto. P.

Pembesaran Ikan Patin di Karamba.

Judul Buku


Pembesaran Kerapu dengan Jaring Apung

PT Penebar Swadava. Jakarta. 65 hal.

Pembesaran Ikan Patin di Karamba.

Lembar Informasi Pertanian. Sumatera Selatan

Pemberokan (conditioning) ikan nila m e r a h dalam jaring apung di Teluk Banten.

Anggawati.A.M ,

Pemberokan (conditioning) ikan nila m e r a h dalam jaring apung di Teluk Banten.

Puslitbang Perikanan, Jakarta. 135-141.

Pemberian Terak Baja dan Blotong pada Tanah Hapludoxs Pleihari dalam upaya Memperbaiki Sifat Kimia Tanah serta Respon Pertumbuhan dan Serapan Hara Tanaman Tebu.

Mulyadi, M.

Kolokium Program Studi Ilmu Tanah.

Program Pascasarjana, IPB, Bogor. (Unpublished).

Pemberian Pupuk Fosfat pada padi sawah pada jenis tanah Slluvial beririgasi di Sulawesi Selatan

Momuat, E. O.

Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan JPS

Sumodiningrat, G

Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan JPS

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.

Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dab JPS

Sumodiningrat Gunawan

Pt. Gramedia. Jakarta

Pemberdayaan Masyarakat : Konsep pembangunan yang Berakar Pada Masyarakat

Kartasasmita Ginandjar

Bappenas. Jakarta

Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Rakyat Vol. I (6) 14 dan 43.

Mitra Usaha Kecil

Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Rakyat Vol. I (6) 14 dan 43.

Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Rakyat sebagai Perwujudan Demokrasi Ekonomi: Implementasi dalam Pembangunan Kehutaran dan Perkebunan

Nasoetion, M

Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Rakyat sebagai Perwujudan Demokrasi Ekonomi: Implementasi dalam Pembangunan Kehutaran dan Perkebunan

Pemberdayaan (npowerment) Dalam Pemberdayaan : Konsep, Kebijakan dan Implementasi

Pranarka. A.M.W


Departemen Kehutanan dan Perkebunan, Jakarta.

Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). Jakarta

Hlm 673 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pembentukan Kalus dan Regenerasi Tanaman Mutan Padi (Oryza Sativa) var. Atomita 1 dan Atomita 2


Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi Dalam Bidang Industri Pertanian dan Lingkungan

Batan, Jakarta

Pembentukan dan Produksi Benih Varietas Hibrida. Dalam Jagung

Moentoro, M.J.

Subandi, M. Syam dan A. Wijono

Puslitbangtan Bogor

Pembentukan dan Produksi Benih Varietas Bersari-bebas

Dahlan. M

Subandi ; Mahyuddin Syam ; dan Adi Widjono (Penyunting) JAGUNG

Balai Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pangan. Bogor

Pembentukan dan Produksi Benih Varietas Bersari Bebas

Dahlan. M

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan. Bogor

Pembentukan dan Produksi Benih Varietas Bersari Bebas

Dahlan. M


Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan. Bogor

Pembentukan dan Produksi Benih Sari Bebas

Dahlan. M

Subandi ; M. Syam ; Adiwidjono. JAGUNG

Balitan. Bogor

Pembentukan & produksi benih varietas hibrida

Moertono MD

Subandi, M Syam, Adiwijaya(eds) Jagung. Puslitbangtan


Pembenihan Ikan Air Tawar Pembekuan embrio hasil fertilasi in vitro

Sutisna. H Situmorang, P.

Pembenihan Ikan Air Tawar Laporan Tahunan

Kanisius. Balitnak

Pembastaran Antara Ampupu dan Hue di Wanagama l. Gunungkidul

Murtiyana, A

Pembastaran Antara Ampupu dan Hue di Wanagama l. Gunungkidul

Skripsi S1 Fak. Kehutanan UGM. Tidak dipublikasikan

Pembangunan Untuk Rakyat, Memadukan Pertumbuhan dan Pemerataan

Kartasasmita, G

Pembangunan Untuk Rakyat, Memadukan Pertumbuhan dan Pemerataan

CIDES, Jakarta

Pembangunan Untuk Rakyat : Memadukan Pertumbuhan dan Pemerataan

Ginanjar Kartasamita

CIDES. Jakarta

Pembangunan Untuk Rakyat

Ginanjar Kartasamita

CIDES. Jakarta


Hlm 674 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pembangunan Sentra Pengembangan Agrobisnis Komoditi Unggulan (SPAKU) Sapi Potong

Wiryosuhanto, S

Pembangunan Sentra Pengembangan Agrobisnis Komoditi Unggulan (SPAKU) Sapi Potong

Departemen Pertanian, Direktorat Jendral Peternakan, Direktorat Bina Program, Jakarta

Pembangunan Sebagai Proses Belajar dalam Basis


Pembangunan Sebagai Proses Belajar dalam Basis

Pembangunan PIR-Trans Kelapa Sawit Muara Timpeh, Padang


Dinas Perkebunan Tk. I Sumbar

Pembangunan Peternakan Repelita VII. Tinjauan Aspek Filosofi. Kebijaksanaan Umum dan Operasional, Pola dan Model Pembangunannya

Sri Dadi, W.

Ditjen Peternakan, Deptan, Jakarta.

Pembangunan Peternakan Repelita VII : Tinjauan Aspek Fisiologi, Kebijakan Umum dan Operasional, Pola dan Model Pembangunannya. Seminar Kajian Kebijaksanaan Pembangunan Peternakan.

Wiryosuhanto, S.D.

Pembangunan Pertanian Indonesia


Pembangunan Pertanian Era Reformasi

Pembangunan Peternakan Repelita VII : Tinjauan Aspek Fisiologi, Kebijakan Umum dan Operasional, Pola dan Model Pembangunannya. Seminar Kajian Kebijaksanaan Pembangunan Peternakan.

Ditjen Peternakan Deptan, Cisarua-Bogor, Maret 1997.

Departemen Pertanian Republik Indonesia Pembangunan Pertanian Era Reformasi

Biro Perencanaan Departemen Pertanian. Jakarta, 26 hlm.

Departemen Pertanian Republik indonesia


Pembangunan Pertanian di Indonesia

Afandi, A

Pembangunan Pertanian dan Pedesaan dengan Teknologi EM (Effective Microorganism).


Institut Pengembangan Sumber Daya Alam Denpasar. Bali.

Pembangunan Pertanian Alami Akrab Lingkungan dengan Mikroorganisme efektif ( Teknologi EM ).

Higa, T.

Bumi Lestari, Jakarta.

Pembangunan Pertanian


Raja Grafindo Persada. Jakarta


Hlm 675 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pembangunan Pertanian

Banoewidjojo, M

Pembangunan Pertanian

Jurusan Sosial Ekononomi, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya, Malang.

Pembangunan Pedesaan di Indonesia.


Pembangunan Pedesaan di Indonesia.

Liberty Press. Yogyakarta. p.105-112.

Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa


Pembangunan Masyarakat Pembangunan Kesuhatan 50 Tahun Indonesia Merdeka

Khairuddin, H. Depkes R.I

Pembangunan Masyarakat Pusat Data Kesehatan

Pembangunan Hutan Kemasyarakatan di Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat

Perum Perhutan

Satuan Pengambangan Hutan Kemasyarakatan NTB. Sumbawa Besar

Pembangunan Hutan Kemasyarakatan di Propinsi NTB

Perum Perhutani

Satuan Hutan Kemasyarakatan

Pembangunan Gizi Dan Pangan Dari Perspektif Kemandirian Lokal

Thaha. R

Perhimpunan Peminat Gizi Dan Pangan (Pergizi Pangan) Indonesia dan Center For Regional Resources Development dan Community Empowerment, Jakarta

Pembangunan Ekonomi Pedesaan

Prayitno, H.

Pembangunan Ekonomi Pedesaan

BPFE Yogyakarta

Pembangunan Ekonomi Di Dunia Ketiga. Terjemahan

Todaro, M. P.

Pembangunan Ekonomi Di Dunia Ketiga. Terjemahan

Ghalia Indonesi, Jakarta.

Pembangunan Ekonomi dan Pemerataan. Beberapa pendekatan alternatif

Me, K.W

Pembangunan Ekonomi dan Pemerataan. Beberapa pendekatan alternatif

PT Pustaka LP3ES. Jakarta

Pembangunan Ekonomi Dan Pemberdayaan Rakyat

Anggito Abimanyu

Pembangunan Ekonomi Dan Pemberdayaan Rakyat

PAU-SE UGM &BPFEYogyakarta, Yogyakarta

Pembangunan desa: mulai dari belakang.

Chambers, R.

Pembangunan Desa Mulai dan Belakang, (Diterj. oleh Pepep Sudrajat)

Chambers, Robert

Pembangunan Desa Mulai dan Belakang, (Diterj. oleh Pepep Sudrajat)

LP3ES, Jakarta

Pembangunan Desa Mulai dan Belakang

Chambers, Robert

Pembangunan Desa Mulai dan Belakang

Jakarta: LP3ES.


Liberty, Yogyakarta Yogyakarta: Liberty.

Perum Perhutani Sumbawa, Sumbawa Besar

LP3ES jakarta.

Hlm 676 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pembangunan Desa dan Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat.


Pembangunan Desa dan Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat.

Penerbit Yayasan Dian Desa, Yogyakarta.

Pembangunan dan Pengembangan Peternakan di Indonesia dari Sapi Perbaikan Mut Genetik Ternak.


Pembangunan Berwawasan Lingkungan

Dirjen Peternakan, Jakarta.

Pembangunan Berwawasan Lingkungan

Lembaga Penelitian, Pendidikan dan Penerangan Ekonomi dan Sosial (LP3ES), Jakarta

Pembangunan Agribisnis yang Berwawasan Lingkungan


Pembangunan Desa Mulai Dari Belakang

Chambers, Robert

Pembangunan Desa Mulai Dari Belakang

LP3ES. Jakarta

Pembanding Efektivitas dan Residu P-alam Tunisia Pada Tanah Podsolik Merah Kuning RangkasBitung

Hartatik. W

Prosiding Pertemuan Teknis Penelitian Tanah

Puasat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat

Pembagian Kerja Secara Seksual, Sebuah Pembahasan Sosiologis Tentang Peran Wanita Di dalam Masyara kat


Pembagian Kerja Secara Seksual, Sebuah Pembahasan Sosiologis Tentang Peran Wanita Di dalam Masyara kat

Penerbit PT. Gramedia. Jakarta

Pembagian Kerja Secara Seksual, Sebuah Pembahasan Sosiologi Tentang Peranan Wanita di dalam Masyarkat

Arief Budiman

Pembagian Kerja Secara Seksual, Sebuah Pembahasan Sosiologi Tentang Peranan Wanita di dalam Masyarkat

Penerbit Gramedia, Jakarta.

Pematangan gonad dan pemijahan ikan baung dalam karamba dengan pakan yang berbeda (belum terbit)

Mutlikhah, N.

Pematangan gonad dan pemijahan ikan baung dalam karamba dengan pakan yang berbeda (belum terbit)

Pemasyarakatan pembuatan minyak secara fermentasi.


Pemasaran: Dimensi Falsafah Disiplin dan Keahlian

Parwita, T.,


Yayasan Pencinta Lingkungan Hijau. Jakarta

PT. Kompas. Pemasaran: Dimensi Falsafah Disiplin dan Keahlian

Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Prasetya Mulya, Jakarta

Hlm 677 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pemasaran, Perdagangan dan Peminjaman Uang : Studi Mengenai Monopsoni Pedagang Perantara di Malasia Barat

Wharton Jr C,R.

Bunga Rampai Ekonomi Mikro : Kumpulan karangan-karangan mengenai penerapan teori mikro

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yayasan OborYayasan Pembina Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.

Pemasaran sosial PUGS dan ACMI

Ray N.K

Pra Widyakarya Nasional Pangan dan Gizi VI.Jakarta

Pemasaran Produk Pertanian

Saefuddin. A.M

IPB. Bogor

Pemasaran Hasil Perikanan, Khususnya Hasil Penangkapan Gil Net Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan.

Ali Hasmi

Pemasaran Hasil Perikanan, Khususnya Hasil Penangkapan Gil Net Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan.

Lembaga Penelitian Perikanan Laut. Badan Litbang Pertanian. Departemen Pertanian. Jakarta.

Pemasaran dan pembentukan harga

Zulham, A.

B. Amang dan M.H. Sawit (Eds.): Ekonomi Kedelai di Indonesia. hlm. 319-354.

1PB Press, Bogor.

Pemasaran dan Integrasi Pasar, Dalam Ekonomi Minyak Goreng di Indonesia

Mulyana. W

Pemasaran dan Bisnis


Pemasaran dan Bisnis

Yogyakarta : Andi Offsett

Pemasaran dan Bisnis


Pemasaran dan Bisnis

Yogyakarta : Andi Offsett.

Pemasaran : Teori dan Praktek Sehari - hari.

Ferrel, P.,

Pemasaran : Teori dan Praktek Sehari - hari.

Bina Aksara, Jakarta.

Pemantauan residu pestisida organofosfat dalam bawang merah di kabupaten brebes Jawa Tengah,

Ibnu Gholib Gandjar

Pemantapan Kebijakan Pertanian Yang Mendukung Meningkatnya Kemandirian dan Daya Saing Pertanian

Rasahan Chairil. A

Perhimpunan Ekonomi Pertanian Indonesia (PERHEPI). Jakarta

Pemantapan Fungsi Keluarga Menuju Terbentuknya Keluarga Sejahtera Kajian Aplikasi dan Kriteria Implementasi Delapan Fungsi Keluarga

Soedarmadi M

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Keluarga Sejahtera BKKBN, Jakarta


IPB. Press

PAU Pangan dan Gizi, Yogyakarta

Hlm 678 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Pemantapan Fungsi Keluarga Menuju Terbentuknya Keluarga Sejahtera : Kajian Aplikasi dan Kriteria Implementasi Delapan Fungsi Keluarga

Penerbit Pusat Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Keuarga Sejahter BKKBN

Pemangkasan Pohon BuahBuahan

Widodo, W.D

Pemangkasan Pohon BuahBuahan

Penebar Swadaya Jakarta.

Pemanfaatan Ulang dan Pendaur-ulangan Sumber Daya.

Partoatmodjo. S

Akademi Kimia Analisis. Bogor

Pusbilnlat Depaartemen Perindustrian. Bogor

Pemanfaatan ubi jalar dan program diver-sifikasi untuk keberhasilan swasembada pangan

Damardjati, D.S.

A. Winarto, Y. Widodo, S.S. Antarlina, H. Pudjosantoso, dan Sumarno (Eds.). Risalah Seminar Penerapan Teknologi Produksi dan Pascapanen Ubi Jalar Mendukung Agroindustri. Edisi Khusus (3). hlm. 1-25.

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Malang.

Pemanfaatan Trichgram matoidea thosae untuk mengendalikan ulat api pada kelapa sawit

Pardede DB

Pemanfaatan timbunan pada sawah irigasi

Taher, A.

Pemanfaatan timbunan pada sawah irigasi

Taher, A.

Pemanfaatan Timbunan P pada Padi sawah Irigasi


Pemanfaatan tepung singkong sebagai bahan substitusi terigu dalam pembuatan mie yang dimodifikasi dengan tepung tempe.

Muchtadi, D.

Pemanfaatan Teki (Cyperus sp.) di Kabupaten Sumenep dan Upaya Pengembangannya Pemanfaatan pestisida nabati sebagai alternatif pengendalian serangan hama kapas dan penyakit tambakau


Daimadiya, D.H

Risalah Seminar, Balittan Sukarami Pemanfaatan tepung singkong sebagai bahan substitusi terigu dalam pembuatan mie yang dimodifikasi dengan tepung tempe.

Faperta IPB, Bogor

Pemanfaatan Teki (Cyperus sp.) di Kabupaten Sumenep dan Upaya Pengembangannya

Laporan. HIMAGRO. FP Unibraw.


Hlm 679 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Pemanfaatan Pestisida Nabati Dan Permasalahan Pengembangan

Soehardjan. M

Pemanfaatan Organisme Mikro sebagai ioinsektisida di negara sedang berkembang.


Pemanfaatan organisme mikro sebagai bionisektisida di negar yang sedang berkembang .

Suhardjan, M.

Pemanfaatan Mulsa AlangalangSegar UntukPengendalian Gulma Kedelai


pemberitaan penelitian Sukarami Badan Penelitian dan pengembangan

BP3. Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Sukarami

Pemanfaatan Mikroorganisme dalam Kehutanan

Setiadi, Y.

Pemanfaatan Mikroorganisme dalam Kehutanan

PAU Bioteknologi. Bogor.

Pemanfaatan Mikro organisme Bagi Pertumbuhan Tanaman Hutan

Setiadi, Y

Pemanfaatan Mikro organisme Bagi Pertumbuhan Tanaman Hutan

PAU Bio teknologi IPB, Bogor.

Pemanfaatan Limbah Perkebunan Coklat Sebagai Bahan Dasar Pembuatan Pektin

Haryati, T

Pemanfaatan Limbah Perkebunan Coklat Sebagai Bahan Dasar Pembuatan Pektin

Menara Perkebunan

Pemanfaatan Limbah Kelapa Sawit Sebagai Media Pertumbuhan N. sitophila untuk menghasilkan enzim ekstra selulase

Irawadi, T.,

Pemanfaatan Limbah Kelapa Sawit Sebagai Media Pertumbuhan N. sitophila untuk menghasilkan enzim ekstra selulase

Lembaga Penelitian IPB, Bogor

Pemanfaatan Limbah Hasil Perkebunan Coklat sebagai Bahan Dasar Pembuatan Pektin

Haryati, T

Pemanfaatan Limbah Eksploitasi


Chapter : VII Pemnafaatan Limbah Kayu

Fakultas Kehutanan IPB,Bogor

Pemanfaatan limbah coklat sebagai dasar pembuatan pektin

Haryati, T.

Menara Perkebunan

Balai Penelitian Perkebunan, Bogor 52 (6): 13.


Judul Buku

Penerbit Bharata Jakarta

Menara Perkebunan

Hlm 680 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pemanfaatan limbah cair PKS utk tanaman kelapa sawit di Indonesia Lokakarya Nasional Pemanfaatan limbah cair kelapa sawit dg cara Land Application, Jakarta

Kabul Pamin

Pemanfaatan limbah agroindustri sebagai bahan penyusun ransum altarnatif ayam buras

Winarti, E.

Kumpulan Abstrak Seminar Sehari Teknologi Pertanian Dalam Rangka Mendukung Gerakan Olah Bebaya Hijau di Kalimantan Timur. 15 Desember 1998

Loka Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian, Samarinda.

Pemanfaatan Kulit Buah Kakao dan Kopi pada Pertamanan Kakao dan Kopi di PTP XXVI dalam: Seminar Bioteknologi Perkebunan dan Lokakarya Biopolimer untuk Industri


Pemanfaatan Kulit Buah Kakao dan Kopi pada Pertamanan Kakao dan Kopi di PTP XXVI dalam: Seminar Bioteknologi Perkebunan dan Lokakarya Biopolimer untuk Industri

PAU-IPB, 10-11 Des. 1991. Bogor

Pemanfaatan Jasad Renik dalam Pengolahan Hasil Sampingan sisa-sisa Produksi Pertanian,

Saono, S.

Pemanfaatan Jasad Renik dalam Pengolahan Hasil Sampingan sisa-sisa Produksi Pertanian,

LIPI. Jakarta.

Pemanfaatan jamur pelarut fosfor dan mikoriza vesikular arbuskular dengan Sesbania rostrata untuk peningkatan produktifitas tanah di lahan transmigrasi Sumatera


Pemanfaatan jamur antagonis Trichoderma spp. Dan ekstrak kompos dalam pengendalian hayati penyakit bercak daun apel Marssosnina

Sulasih, E

Pemanfaatan Gulma Persawahan di Hulu DAS Cisadane, Bogor.

Rahayu, M.


Jurusan Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan Fak. Pertanian, Unibraw, Malang

Pemanfaatan Gulma Persawahan di Hulu DAS Cisadane, Bogor.

Konferensi HIGI X.

Hlm 681 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pemanfaatan Enceng Gondok sebagai Makanan Non Ruminansia.


Prosiding. Seminar Penelitian dan Penunjang Pengembangan Peternakan.

Lembaga Penelitian Peternakan, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Dep. Pertanian, Ciawi, Bogor.

Pemanfaatan daun gambir sebagai pestisida nabati untuk pengendalian penyakit kanker batang tanaman kayu manis


Pemanfaatan biji pepaya (Carica papaya L) Untuk bahan makanan

Hadiwiyanto S

Pemamfaatan Tepung singkong sebagai bahan sibstitusi terigu dalam pembuatan mie yang difertifikasi dengan tepung tempe.

Muchtadi, D.

Pemamfaatan pupuk lepas lengkap terkendali untuk meningkatkan efesiensi produksi kopi.


Pemamfaatan gambut berwawasan lingkungan.

Hardjowigeno, S.

Pemamfaatan bromelain bongkol nenas pada proses pemisahan minyak dari santan kelapa.

Azhar, M.

Pemakaian pestisida dalam pengolahan hasil perikanan

Sumpeno Putro

Pemakaian Kontrasepsi. Laporan SDKl 1994.

Peluang Pertumbuhan Agroindustri, Manajemen dan Usahawan Indonesia


Fak. Teknologi Pertanian UGM Yogyakarta Pemamfaatan Tepung singkong sebagai bahan sibstitusi terigu dalam pembuatan mie yang difertifikasi dengan tepung tempe.

PAU Pangan dan Gizi UGM Yogyakarta Pemakaian Kontrasepsi. Laporan SDKl 1994.

Iwantono, Sutrisno

Faperta IPB, Bogor.

Deputi Bidang Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Program, Jakarta.

Peluang Pertumbuhan Agroindustri, Manajemen dan Usahawan Indonesia

Hlm 682 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Peluang peningkatan pendapatan petani lahan kering berorientasi konservasi tanah. Risalah Lokakarya Pelembagaan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sistem Usahatani Konservasi di Lahan Kering Hulu DAS Jratunseluna dan Brantas, Salatiga.


Peluang peningkatan pendapatan petani lahan kering berorientasi konservasi tanah. Risalah Lokakarya Pelembagaan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sistem Usahatani Konservasi di Lahan Kering Hulu DAS Jratunseluna dan Brantas, Salatiga.


Peluang pengembangan agribisnis jahe di Indonesia

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat, Bogor. 21 hlm.

Peluang pengembangan agribisnis jahe di Indonesia

peluang pegembangan usaha pembibitan ternak sapi potong di Indonesia dlm rangka swasembada daging 2005

Hadi PU

Peluang Kerja dan Berusaha di Pedesaan


Peluang kerja dan berusaha di pedesaan


BPEE- UGM Yogyakarta

Peluang Investasi di DIY dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Daerah.

Permono, I.S.


Peluang Investasi Bidang Peternakan di Sulawesi Selatan

Puslit Sosek Pertanian Bogor

Peluang Kerja dan Berusaha di Pedesaan

Peluang Investasi Bidang Peternakan di Sulawesi Selatan

BPFE, Yogyakarta.

Dinas Peternakan Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan, Ujung Pandang.

Peluang dan Tantangan Pengembangan llmullmu Nutrisi Ternak

Sutardi, T

Orasi llmiah. Fapet IPB. Bogor.

Peluang Bekerja dan Berusaha di Pedesaan Indonesia


Peluang Bekerja dan Berusaha di Pedesaan Indonesia

BPFE, Yogyakarta.

Pelsetarian Alam dan Pengelolaan Margasatwa

Alokodra H S

Pelsetarian Alam dan Pengelolaan Margasatwa

Manuskript Kuliah Program Pasca Sarjana IPB


Hlm 683 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pelestarian pemanfaatan keanekaragaman tumbuhan obat hutan tropika Indonesia. Jurusan Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan

Zuhud, E. A. M

Pelestarian pemanfaatan keanekaragaman tumbuhan obat hutan tropika Indonesia. Jurusan Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan

Fakultas Kehutanan - IPB dan Lembaga Alam Tropika Indonesia Bogor

Pelestarian pemanfaatan keanekaragaman tumbuhan obat hutan tropika Indonesia

Sandra, E

Pelestarian pemanfaatan keanekaragaman tumbuhan obat hutan tropika Indonesia

Jurusan Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan, Fakultas Kehutanan IPBLATFN. Bogor

Pelestarian pemanfaatan keanekaragaman tumbuhan obat hutan tropika Indonesia

Sandra, E

Pelestarian pemanfaatan keanekaragaman tumbuhan obat hutan tropika Indonesia

Jurusan Konservasi sumberdaya Hutan, Fakultas Kehutanan, IPB & Latin, Bogor.

Pelatihan Monitoring dan Evaluasi Sistem Pangan dan Gizi



Pelaporan intensitas serangan populasi hama dan penyakit, tindakan petani dan peringatan bahaya di wilayah pengamatan

Pelaporan intensitas serangan populasi hama dan penyakit, tindakan petani dan peringatan bahaya di wilayah pengamatan

Direktorat Jenderal Pertanian Tanaman Pangan, Jakarta.

Pelangi Kepariwisataan Bali, Telaah Dari Gatra Sociology Antropologis

Pitana. I.G

FP - UNUD. Denpasar

Pelaksanaan UU No. 16 Th. 1964 : Tntang Perjanjian Bagi Hasil Perkanan Laut di Wilayah Pantai Barat Kabupaten Lombok Barat


Universitas Mataram

Pelagic fish shoals in the Java sea.

Nugroho, D.,

D. Petit, P. Cotel, and D. Nugroho (Eds.). Proceed. Acoust. Sem. Akustikan 2,. EU-CRIFlORSTOM. p. 69-76.

Pekarangan, Petani dan Kemiskinan.

Penny, D.H.

Pekarangan, Petani dan Kemiskinan.

Pekarangan Petani dan Kemiskinan

Penny. D.H

Pekanbaru Dalam Angka



Yayasan Agro Ekonomika Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta. Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Pekanbaru Dalam Angka

Biro Pusat statistik Pekanbaru. Pekanbaru

Hlm 684 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pehlaku Organisasi.

Thoha, M.

Pehlaku Organisasi.

Rajawali Press.Jakarta, p.47-67,

Pedornan Praktis Cara Pemeliharaan Ayam Pedaging


Pedornan Praktis Cara Pemeliharaan Ayam Pedaging

Penerbit Departemen pendikan dan Kebudayaan, Jakarta.

Pedornan Pengendalian Penyakit Hewan Menular. Jilid II


Pedornan Pengendalian Penyakit Hewan Menular. Jilid II

Direktorat Kesehatan Hewan. Jakarta, 84-114.

Pedonam Praktikum Teknik Pengolahan Pangan Proyek Peningkatan Perguruan inggi

Purwadaria. H.K

Pedoman Umum Survey Pemetaan Nasional Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Iodium Tahun 1997

Depkes R.I

Direktorat Bina Gizi Masyarakat dan Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Gizi

Pedoman Umum Program Makanan Tambahan Anak Sekolah (PMT-AS)


Forum Koordinasi PMT-AS Tingkat Pusat, Jakarta

Pedoman Umum Pola-pola Transmigrasi


Pedoman Umum Pengujian Pestisida pada ikan untuk Pendaftaran.


Pedoman Umum Pengujian Pestisida pada ikan untuk Pendaftaran.

Pedoman Umum Pengujian Pestisida pada Ikan untuk Pendaftaran.


Komisi Pestisida. Departemen Pertanian.

Pedoman umum Pengujian pestisida pada ikan untuk pendaftaran


Pedoman umum Pengujian pestisida pada ikan untuk pendaftaran

Komisi Pestisida, Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta

Pedoman Umum Penghijauan Tahun Anggaran 1999/2000

Bappedalda Prop. Dati l Jatim.

Pedoman Umum Pengelolaan Taman Nasional

Departemen Kehu-tanan. Direktorat Jendral PHPA. Bogor

Pedoman Umum Penghijauan Tahun Anggaran 1999/2000 Pedoman Umum Pengelolaan Taman Nasional



IPB. Bogor

Depkes R.I, Jakarta

Departemen Transmigrasi dan Pemukiman Perambah Hutan, Jakarta Komisi Pestisida,Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta.

Hlm 685 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pedoman Umum Pelaksanaan Proyek Infra Structure Development Rural Rearing Multiplication Center (RRMC)

Subsektor Peternakan Departemen Pertanian. Jakarta

Pedoman Umum Pelaksanaan Program Makanan Tambahan kepada Anak Sekolah (PMTAS)

Forum Koordinasi Pusat Program Pembinaan Anak dan Remaja. Jakarta.

Pedoman Uji Indrawi Bahan Pangan

Kartika, B

Pedoman Uji Indrawi Bahan Pangan

PAU - UGM, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Pedoman Uji Inderawi Bahan Pangan

Kartika, B.

Pedoman Uji Inderawi Bahan Pangan

PAU Pangan dan Gizi UGM, Yogyakarta.

Pedoman Teknologi Benih


Pedoman Teknologi Benih

Pembimbing Masa, Jakarta

Pedoman Teknologi Benih


Pedoman Teknologi Benih

Pembimbing Masa, bandung

Pedoman Teknis usaha Pembesaran ikan Bandeng di Indonesia

A. Ismail

Seri Pengembangan Hasil Penelitian Perikanan no. PHP/KAN/26/1994, Departemen Pertanian, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perikanan, Jakarta

Pedoman teknis perbenihan ikan bandeng. Seri Pengembangan Hasil Penelitian Perikanan No.PHP/KAN/24/1993.

Ahmad, T.,

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Jakarta.

Pedoman teknis perawatan kualitas

Badan Urusan Logistik

BULOG, Jakarta

Pedoman teknis penyimpanan induk sapi penghasil bakalan lokal (Balok) melalui perbaikan pakan.

Winugroho, M.

Direktorat bina produksi, ditjen peternakan, Jakarta.

Pedoman teknis penyiapan induk sapi penghasil bakalan lokal (Balok) melalui perbaikan pakan

Direktorat Jenderal Peternakan

Direktorat Bina Produksi, Jakarta


Hlm 686 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Pedoman Teknis Penyiapan Induk Sapi Penghasil Bakalan Lokal (Balok) melalui Perbaikan Manajemen Pakan (Manual for Cow Management).


Pedoman teknis pengusahaan rotan,

Rachman, O.

Judul Buku

Penerbit Dit. Bina Produksi, Ditjen Peternakan, Jakarta.

Lembaga Penelitian Hasil Hutan, Bogor

Pedoman Teknis Penanganan Pestisida untuk Pertanian Tanaman Pangan

Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan, Bandung

Pedoman Teknis Penanaman Mangrove

Anwar C

Pedoman teknis pemuliaan padi

Harahap, Z.

Pedoman teknis pemuliaan padi

Bagian pemuliaan Lembaga Pusat Penelitian Pertanian Bogor

Pedoman Teknis Pembenihan Ikan Bandeng. Seri Pengembangan Hasil Penelitian Perikanan No. PHP/KAN/24/1993

Ahmad, T.

Pedoman Teknis Pembenihan Ikan Bandeng. Seri Pengembangan Hasil Penelitian Perikanan No. PHP/KAN/24/1993

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perikanan, Jakarta. 68 hal.

Pedoman Teknis kedelai

Sang Hyang Seri

Pedoman Teknis Budidaya Pakan Alami.

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan.Bogor

Departemen Pertanian Jakarta Pedoman Teknis Budidaya Pakan Alami.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perikanan. Jakarta.

Pedoman Teknis Budidaya dan Pemanfaatan Jelutung

(Tidak diterbitkan).

Pedoman Teknis Budidaya dan Pemanfaatan Jelutung

Zufri, H.

Pedoman Tebng Pilih Tanaman (TPTI)


Pedoman Tebang Pilih Tanaman Indonesia (TPTI)


SK Dirjen Pengusahaan Hutang No. 151/KPTS/IV-BPHH/1993, Jakarta

Pedoman Tebang Pilih dan Tanam Indonesia, Jakarta.

Ditjen Pengusahaan Hutan.

Pedoman Tebang Pilih dan Tanam Indonesia, Jakarta.

Pedoman tani


Diperta, ADP, BIP, Padang


Direktorat Jendral Pengusahaan Hutan , Jakarta

Hlm 687 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Pedoman Sistim Cabutan Bibit Dipterocarpaceae


BPK Samarinda, Balibanghut Dephut. RI

Pedoman sertifikasi benih

Dep Pertanian RI

Ditjen Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Dit Bina produksi Tanaman Pangan Jakarta

Pedoman sertifikasi benih

Dep Pertanian RI

Ditjen Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Dit Bina produksi Tanaman Pangan Jakarta

Pedoman Rakomendasi Pengendalian Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman Pangan


Direktorat Jenderal Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura. Jakarta

Pedoman Proyek Desain Taman Wisata. Direktorat Perlindun-gan dan Pengawetan Alam (PPA)


Pedoman Proyek Desain Taman Wisata. Direktorat Perlindun-gan dan Pengawetan Alam (PPA) Bogor

Pedoman Praktis Menilai Status Gizi Orang Dewasa.


Depkes, Jakarta.

Pedoman Praktis Memantau Stataus Gizi Orang Dewasa.


DIRJEN Pembinaan Kesehatan Masyarakat. Jakarta.

Pedoman Praktis Memantau Stataus Gizi Orang Dewasa.

Departemen Kesehatan

Departemen Kesehatan RI, Jakarta.

Pedoman Praktikum Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian

Lab. Fak. UPN"Veteran" Yogyakarta

Pedoman Praktikum Mikrobiologi Umum (Untuk Perguruan Tinggi)


Pedoman Praktikum Mikrobiologi Umum (Untuk Perguruan Tinggi)

Departemen Mikrobiologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Gadjah mada, Yogyakarta

Pedoman penyusunan rencana teknik lapangan rehabilitasi lahan dan konservasi tanah daerah aliran sungai

Departemen Kehutanan

Dirjen Reboisasi dan Rehabilitasi Lahan

Departemen Kehutanan. Jakarta


Hlm 688 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pedoman Penyusunan Rekomendasi Pemupukan Kopi.

Wibawa, A.,

Pedoman Penyusunan Rekomendasi Pemupukan Kopi.

Assosiasi Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan Indonesia, Jakarta.

Pedoman Penyusun rencana Pengelolaan Taman Nasional.

Departemen Kehutanan, Ditjen. Perlindungan Hutan dan Pelestarian Alam Taman Nasional Baluran.

Pedoman Penyadapan Getah Pinus dengan Sistem Saluran (Metode Rill)

Perum Perhutani Jakarta

Pedoman Penumbuhan dan Pengembangan Kelompok Tani Penghijauan (KTP).

Sekretariat Tim Pengendali Bantuan Penghijauan dan Reboisasi Pusat

Pedoman Penyusun rencana Pengelolaan Taman Nasional.

Pedoman Penyadapan Getah Pinus dengan Sistem Saluran (Metode Rill)


Pedoman Penumbuhan dan Pengembangan Kelompok Tani Penghijauan (KTP). Pedoman penilaian lahan kelapa sawit

Adiwiganda MR

Pedoman penilaian lahan kelapa sawit

Adiwiganda MR


Pedoman Penilaian Kinerja Posyandu


Jurusan Gizi Masyarakat dan Sumberdaya Keluarga, Fakultas Pertanian IPB, Bogor

Pedoman Penilaian Kesesuaian lahan kelapa Sawit.

Adiwiganda, R.

Pedoman Penilaian Kesesuaian Lahan Kelapa Sawit

Adiwiganda. R

Pedoman penilaian kesesuaian lahan kelapa sawit

RachmatAdiwiganda M

Pedoman penilaian kesesuaian lahan

Adiwiganda R

Pedoman pengendalian vegetasi alang-alang secara kimia dan mekanis.


Dirjen perkebunan dan Faperta UNPAD

Pedoman Pengendalian Penyakit Hewan Menular. Jilid III

Direktorat Kesehatan Hewan

Pedoman Pengendalian Penyakit Hewan Menular. Jilid III


Publikasi PPKS no IN -9523 Jan 1995 16hal

Publikasi Intern No 9523 PPKS 16p Pusat Penelitian Kelapa sawit, Meda Publ. IN-9523 PPKS 16 pp

Publ. Khusus PPKS

Direktorat Jenderal Petemakan. Jakarta.

Hlm 689 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pedoman pengendalian penyakit hewan menular. Jilid III

Direktorat Kesehatan Hewan

Pedoman pengendalian penyakit hewan menular. Jilid III

Direktorat Jendral Peternakan. Jakarta

Pedoman pengendalian hama tanaman jagung.


Direktorat Jendral Pertanian Tanaman Pangan.

Direktorat Bina Perlindungan Tanaman.

Pedoman Pengenalan Sumber Perikanan Darat

Djajadiredja, R.

Pedoman Pengenalan Sumber Perikanan Darat

Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan, Jakarta.Halaman 71 - 72.

Pedoman Pengembangbiakan Musuh Alami Tanaman Kelapa


Departemen Pertanian, Direktorat Jendral Perkebunan

Pedoman Pengembangbiakan Baculovirus Orytes Secara Sederhana


Departemen Pertanian, Direktorat Jendral Perkebunan

Pedoman Pengelolaan Satwa langka Di Indonesia. Jilid I. Mammalia, Reptilia dan Amphibia


Pedoman Pengelolaan Satwa langka Di Indonesia. Jilid I. Mammalia, Reptilia dan Amphibia

Direktorat Jenderal Kehutanan. Direktorat Perlindungan dan Pengawetan Alam. Bogor

Pedoman Pengamatan Tanah di Lapang.

Tim Lembaga Penelitian Tanah

Pedoman Pengamatan Tanah di Lapang.

Lembaga Penelitian Tanah, Bogor.

Pedoman Pengamatan Tanah Di Lapang

Lembaga Penelitian Tanah

LPT. Bogor

Lembaga penelitian Tanah. Bogor

Pedoman Pengamatan Tanah di lapang Pedoman Pengamatan Plasma Nutfah Anggur: II. Pencirian Ketahanan Varietas Terhadap Penyakit Lingkungan Cekaman Air dan Nutrisi

Purnomo, S.

Pedoman Pengamatan Plasma Nutfah Anggur: II. Pencirian Ketahanan Varietas Terhadap Penyakit Lingkungan Cekaman Air dan Nutrisi

Pedoman Pengamatan Kualitas Air. Direktorat Penyelidikan Masalah Air.


Pedoman Pengamatan Kualitas Air. Direktorat Penyelidikan Masalah Air.

Direktorat Jenderal Pengairan. Departemen Pekerjaan Umum. p:9038.

Pedoman pengamantan tanah dilapang


Dok. LPT. Bogor

Lembaga penelitian Tanah


Hlm 690 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pedoman Pengadaan Rimpang Jahe Bebas Penyakit untuk Bibit

Januwati, M.

Pedoman Pengadaan Rimpang Jahe Bebas Penyakit untuk Bibit

Balai Pene-litian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat, Bogor. 18 hlm.

Pedoman Penerapan Perhutanan Sosial PHT 55

Perum Perhutani, Jakarta

Pedoman Penerapan Perhutanan Sosial PHT 55 Pedoman Penenaman Rotan

Alrasjid H

Pedoman Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Tepatguna pada Industri Kecil oleh Perguruan Tinggi (Program Voucher). Edisi l,


Pedoman Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Tepatguna pada Industri Kecil oleh Perguruan Tinggi (Program Voucher). Edisi l,

Direktorat Pembinaan Pene litian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.Jakarta

Pedoman Penanaman Rotan.

Alrasjid, H.,

Pedoman Penanaman Rotan.

Lembaga Penelitian Hutan, Bogor.

Pedoman Pemuliaan Padi dan Produksi Benih.

Harahap. Z

Pedoman Pemuliaan Padi dan Produksi Benih.

Lembaga Pusat Penelitian Pertanian, Bogor. 25 hlm.

Pedoman pembuatan tanaman hutan sengon


Pedoman pembuatan tanaman hutan sengon

Perum Perhutani, Jakarta

Pedoman pembuatan produk asap


Pedoman Pembinaan Taman Wisata

Lembaga Penelitian Hutan. Bogor

Balai industri Semarang Pedoman Pembinaan Taman Wisata

Direktorat Perlindungan dan Pengawetan Alam, Bogor

Pedoman Pembinaan Langsung Perusahaan Industri Kecil Yang Potensial, Tidak dipublikasikan


Pedoman Pembenihan kepiting bakau Scylla serrata

M. Mardjono

Pedoman Pembenihan kepiting bakau Scylla serrata

Balai Budidaya Air Payau, Jepara

Pedoman Pelestarian Burung Walet dan Pembinaan Produksi Sarang Burung di Indonesia

Marzuki, A.F.,

Pedoman Pelestarian Burung Walet dan Pembinaan Produksi Sarang Burung di Indonesia

Biro Pusat Rehabilitasi Sarang Burung dan Dirjen Kehutanan Direktorat PHPA. Bogor


Departemen Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Rl, , Jakarta

Hlm 691 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pedoman Pelestarian Burung Walet dan Pembinaan Produksi Sarang Burung di Indonesia

Marzuki, A.F.

Pedoman Pelestarian Burung Walet dan Pembinaan Produksi Sarang Burung di Indonesia

Bogor: Biro Pusat Rehabilitasi Sarang Burung dan Direktorat jenderal Kehutanan DirektoratPHPA.

Pedoman Pelayanan Medik Tahun 1996

Direktorat Kesehatan Jiwa

Pedoman Pelayanan & Perawatan Kedaruratan Psikiatrik

Depkes. R.I

Pedoman Pelatihan Generasi Muda Dalam Pembangunan Kesehatan

Depkes R.I

Ditjen Pembinaan Kesehatan Masyarakat. Bina Peran Serta Masyarakat

Depkes R.I, Jakarta

Pedoman Pelaksanaan Proyek Pengembangan Lokal

Tim Sekretariat Bersama. PEL

Pedoman Pelaksanaan Pre Test Yield Survey 2000


Agricultural Statistical Technology Improvement and Training Project

kerjasama Teknis Departemen Pertanian JICA.Jakarta

Pedoman Pelaksanaan Pohon Induk Pala.


Pedoman Pelaksanaan Pohon Induk Pala.

Departemen Pertanian. Direktorat Jenderal Pertanian IPB.

Pedoman Meramu Pakan Unggas

Murtidjo, BA.

Pedoman Meramu Pakan Unggas

Cet. II. Penerbit Kanisius. Yogyakarta.

Pedoman Meramu Pakan Unggas

Murtidjo, B.A

Pedoman Meramu Pakan Unggas

Penerbit, Kanisius Yogyakarta

Pedoman Mata Pelajaran llmu Kesenatan Susu

Ressang, A.A

Pedoman Mata Pelajaran llmu Kesenatan Susu

Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor

Pedoman mata pelajaran Ilmu kesehatan susu

Ressang, A. A.

Pedoman Mata Ajaran Ilmu Kesehatan Susu

Ressang, A. A

Pedoman manajemen usahatani (Farm Management manual)

FAO. Regional Office for Asia and The Far East


Pedoman Klasifikasi Tanah Indonesia

Pusat Penelitian Tanah

Pusat Penelitian Tanah. Bogor

pedoman Kebutuhan untuk Tanaman padi dan tanaman lainnya PSA.010, Sub Dir. Bina Program, Direktorat Irigasi I, Dirjen Pengairan Dep PU




Bappenas. Jakarta

Milk Hygienis, Edisi Kedua. FKH IPB. Bogor

Hlm 692 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pedoman II. Pedoman Pencacahan


Pedoman II. Pedoman Pencacahan

Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta Indonesia

Pedoman Identifikasi Faktor Penentu Teknis Peternakan.

Ditjen Peternakan

Pedoman Identifikasi Faktor Penentu Teknis Peternakan.

Direktorat Jenderal Peternakan, Jakarta.

Pedoman evaluasi lahan untuk tanaman pangan

Pusat penelitin tanah

Pedoman evaluasi lahan untuk tanaman pangan

Pusat penelitin tanah

Pedoman Evaluasi dan Akreditasi Perguruan Tinggi Swasta di Indonesia

Ditjen. Pendidikan Tinggi

Pedoman Evaluasi dan Akreditasi Perguruan Tinggi Swasta di Indonesia

Pedoman Etik Penelitian Kedokteran Indonesia

Oemijati S

Fakultas Kedokteran UI, Jakarta

Pedoman Ekspor.


Pedoman Ekspor.

Biro Pusat Statistik. Jakarta.

Pedoman dan syarat-syarat teknis "Perusahaan Pembibitan Sapi Perah"

Direktorat Jenderal Petemakan. Jakarta.

Pedoman Cara Pemanfaatan Jerami pada Pakan Ruminansia.

Balai Penelitian Ternak. Bogor. hlm. 32-38

Pedoman dan syarat-syarat teknis "Perusahaan Pembibitan Sapi Perah" Pedoman Cara Pemanfaatan Jerami pada Pakan Ruminansia.

Winugroho, M

Pedoman Budidaya Tebu Dilahan Kering


LPP Yogyakarta

Pedoman Budidaya Tebu di Lahan Kering


Acasana Karya Bhakti, Yogyakarta

Pedoman Budidaya Ketimun Jepang


PT. Dharma Niaga. Jakarta

Pedoman Budidaya Kepiting Bakau (Sylla serrata) di Tambak


Pedoman Budidaya Kepiting Bakau (Sylla serrata) di Tambak

Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan, Balai Budidaya Air Payau. 30 hal.

Pedoman Beternak Sapi Perah

Adi Sudono

Pedoman Beternak Sapi Perah

Dit.Jen. Peternakan, Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta

Pedoman beternak sapi perah

Sudono, A

Pedoman beternak sapi perah

Ditjen Peternakan, Departemen Pertanian Jakarta.

Pedoman Beternak Sapi Daging.

Saladin, R.

Pedoman Beternak Sapi Daging.

Fak. Peternakan Univ. Andalas, Padang.

Pedoman Beternak Kambing dan Domba Sebagai Ternak Potong.


Pedoman Beternak Kambing dan Domba Sebagai Ternak Potong.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Peternakan Bogor.

Pedoman Beternak Ayam Broiler.

Murtidjo. B.A.

Pedoman Beternak Ayam Broiler.

Kanisius. Yogyakana


Hlm 693 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pedoman Betemak Ayam Broiler.

Murtidjo, B. A.

Pedoman Betemak Ayam Broiler.

Penerbit Kanisius. Yogyakarta.

Pedoman bertanam sayuran dataran rendah.


Gadjah Mada University Press. Bekerjasama dengan Prosea Indonesia dan Balai Penelitian Hortikultura, Lembang.

Pedoman bertanam sayuran dataran rendah


Kerjasama Universitas Gajah Mada dan Balai Penelitian Hortikultura Malang

Pedoman Bercocok Tanaman Pada Palawija dan Sayursayuran Jakarta

Badan Pengendalian Bimas Departemen Pertanian

Pedoman Bercocok Tanam Padi, Palawija, Sayur-sayuran Pedoman Bercocok Tanam Padi, Palawija dan sayursayuran

Pedoman Bercocok Tanam Padi, Palawija, Sayur-sayuran Departemen Pertanian R.I

Pedoman Bercocok Tanam Padi, Palawija dan Sayursayuran

Badan Pengendali Bimas. Departemen Pertanian

Satuan Pengandali Bimas, Jakarta Pedoman Bercocok Tanam Padi, Palawija dan Sayur-sayuran

Badan Pengendali Bimas, Jakarta

Pedoman bercocok tanam padi, palawija dan sayuran


Pedoman Bercocok Tanam Padi, Palawidja dan Sayursayuran


Pedoman Bercocok Tanam Padi, Palawidja dan Sayur-sayuran

Departemen Pertanian. Jakarta.

Pedoman Bercocok Tanam Karet rakyat

Tohir, K.A.

Pedoman Bercocok Tanam Karet rakyat

Balai Pustaka, Jakarta.

Pedoman bahan untuk industri pertanian

Wheat Associates, US

Pedoman Anemia

Husaini M.A

Pedoman analisis zat gizi.


Pedoman Analisis Kualitas Air dan Tanah Sedimen Perairan Payau.

Jaya, S.I.,


Badan Pengendali Bimas

Mediyatama Sarana Perkasa Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Gizi, Departemen Kesehatan, Jakarta Departemen kesehatan Republik Indonesia Pedoman Analisis Kualitas Air dan Tanah Sedimen Perairan Payau.

Ditjen Perikanan, Balai Budi Daya Air Payau,Jepara. 43 pp. Hlm 694 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Pedoman Amenia

Husaini M.A

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Gizi.Depkes,jakarta

Pedoman Umum Program Sarjana Penggerak Pembangunan Di Pedesaan (SP 3)


Pedoman Umum Program Sarjana Penggerak Pembangunan Di Pedesaan (SP 3)

Departemen Pendidikari Dan Kebudayaan, Dirjen. Pendidikan Luar Sekolah Pemuda dan Olah Raga, Proyek Sarjana Penggerak Pembangunan di Pedesaan. Jakarta.

Pedoman Pengaturan Pengunjung Taman Nasional


Pedoman Pengaturan Pengunjung Taman Nasional

Direktorat Jenderal Kehutanan. Departemen Kehutanan. Proyek Pembinaan Sumberdaya Alam Hayati. Bogor

Pedology, Weathering, And Geomorphological Research


Oxford University Press, New York-LondonToronto

Pedology, Weathering and Geomorphological Reseach

Birkeland. P.W

Oxford University New York. London. Toronto

Pedology Weathering and Geomarphological Reseach

Birkeland. P.W

Oxford Univ- New YorkLaondon-Toronto

Pedology and Geomorphology. In : L. P. Wildind, N. E. Smeck, And G. F. hall (eds.). Pedogenesis and Soil Texsonomy

Hall, G. F



Pedogenesis and Soil Taxonomy II

Wilding. L.P

The Soil Orders

Elsevier Sci. Publ. Comp. Inc. New York

Pediocin of Pediococcus acidilactici as Food Biopreservatives

Ray, B

B. Ray and M.A. Daeschel (editors). Food Biopreservatives of Microbial Origin

CRC Press Inc. Boca Raton

Pedeoman Penyelenggaraan Upaya Pelayanan Kesehatan Gigi di Puskesmas

Departemen Kesehatan R.I

Direktorat Kesehatan Gigi, Direktorat Jendral Pelayanan Medis.Jakarta


I. Concepts and Interactions


Elsevier, Amsterdam Oxford - New York

George Allen and Unwin, London

Hlm 695 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Pedeoman Deteksi Dini Kelainan Tumbuh Kembang Balita

Kaptiningsih A dkk

Direktorat Bina Kesehatan Keluarga.Jakarta

Pectin: Distribution, Significances.

Rouse, A.H.

Citrus Science and Technology. S. Navy, P.E. Shaw and M.K. Veldhius (eds). Vol I, hal 110

The AVI Pub. Co., Westport, Connecticut.


McCready. R. M.

Methods in Food Analysis loslyn M.A. Ed.

Academie Press New York.


Towle. G.A.

R.L. Whisler (ed) Industrial and Gum Znd ed., p. 429.

Academie Press. New York.


McCready, R.M.

Methods in Food Analysis: Physical, Chemical and Instrumental Methods of Analysis, 2nd ed. M.A. Joslyn (ed.), hal. 656

Academic Press, New York.


Christensen, S.H.

Food Hydrocolloids. M. Glicksman (ed.). Vol III, hal. 205

CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida.


Towle, G.A.

Industrial Gum. R.I. Whister (ed), haI. 429

Academic Press, New York.

Pectic Substances, Pectic Enzymes and Haze Formation Of Fruit Juices


Enzyme Microbiology and Technology

Pectic Substances and other Uronides Dalam A.C. Hulme (ed).

Pilnik, W..

The Biochemistry of Fruits and Their Products. Vol. l P. 53

Academie Press. New York.

Peat soils in rice and soils. Peat Soils

Driessen, P.M. Drissen. P.M

Soil and Rice

The Inter. Rice. Res. Inst (IRRI). Los Banos, Philippines

Peat Soils

Driessen, P.M

Soil And Rice

IRRI. Los Banos, Philippines

Peat soils

Driessen, P.M

Soil and rice

IRRI. Los Banos, Philippines

Peat soil of Indonesia : Location, classification, and problems for sustainability

Radjagukguk, B

J.O. Rieley & S.E. Page (Eds.). Biodiversity and sustainability of Tropical Peatlands

Samara Publ. Ltd. Cardigan, UK

Peat Soil

Driessen, P. M.

Soil and Rice Inter.

Rice. Res Inst. Los Banos.

Peat soil

Driessen, P.M

Soil and Rice

Inter. Rice Res. Inst. Los Banos



Hlm 696 dari 1800

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Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Peat Soil

Driessen, P.M

Soil and Rice

International Rice Research Institut. Philippines

Peasent Economics : Farm Household and Agrarian Development

Ellis, Frank

Peasent Economics : Farm Household and Agrarian Development

Cambridge Univer sity Press, Cambridge

Peasant Econommic: Farm Household and agrarian development

Ellis F

Peasant Economics : Farm Households and Agrarian Deve-lopment

Ellis, F.

Peasant Economics : Farm Households and Agrarian Deve-lopment

Cambridge University Press. Cambridge

Pearson's Chemical Analysis of Foods

Egan, H.

Pearson's Chemical Analysis of Foods

Churchill Livingstone, England.

Pearl millet

Burton GW

In : Fehr WR & HH Hardley eds hybridization of Crop Plants Am. Soc of Agron Crop Sci of America, Madison 457-469

Pearl Millet

Burton GW

In Fehr WR and HH Hardley eds, Hybridization of crop plants.Am Soc,od Agron. 457-469

peach rootstocks. Rootstocks for fruit crops

Layne, R. E. C.

Pcrkembangan Sapi Bali dalam Sepuluh Tahun Terakhir (19801990). Proceeding Seminar Nasional Sapi Bali 20-22 September.

Masudana, I.W.

Pcrkembangan Sapi Bali dalam Sepuluh Tahun Terakhir (19801990). Proceeding Seminar Nasional Sapi Bali 20-22 September.

Fakultas Peternakan Udayana, Denpasar.

PCR Core Systems


Technical Bulletin No. 254

Madison:Promega Corporation.

Pcngantar Statistik Ekonomi dan Perusahaan.

Budiyuono, N.

Pcngantar Statistik Ekonomi dan Perusahaan.

AMP YKPN, Yogyakarta.

Pcmeliharaan Udang Galah di Kolam Air Tawar

Wibowo, S.G.

Pcmeliharaan Udang Galah di Kolam Air Tawar

PT. Waca Utama Pramesti, Jakarta, 86 hal.


Cambridge Univ. Press. Cambridge

Crop Sci of America, Madison

John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Hlm 697 dari 1800

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PC ARC/INFO Understanding GIS : The Arc/Info Method (Edisi Bahasa Indonesia) Kerjasama BAKOSURTANAL, Dep. Transmigrasi, BPN dan Overseas Development Aministration (London)

RePPMIT Bakosurtanal

Pattes tordues du poulet de chair: Aspect clinique

Leterrier, C.

Comptes-rendus de la conferences avicole. WPSASIMAVIP. Cahier No. 7. Troubles locomoteurs chez le volailles. Groupe francais de la WPSA

Patterns, mechanisme and approaches to the study of migrations of estuarine dependent fish larvae and juveniles

Miller, J.M

Patterns, mechanisme and approaches to the study of migrations of estuarine dependent fish larvae and juveniles

Mechanism of migration in fishes. Plenum Pub. Corp

Patterns of Household Labour Allocation in Javanese Villages

Hart, G.P.

Patterns of Household Labour Allocation in javanese Villages

Singapore : A/D/C.RTM.

Patterns ang regulation of mycorrhizal plant and fungal diversity

Allen, E D

The significance and regulation of soil biodivsrsity

Kluwer Academie Publisher. Netherlands

Pattern of Development

M. Syrquin

Pattern of Development

Oxford University Press, London

Pattern and Process In Forested Ecosystem


Patology Khusus Veteriner. Patologi Serangga dalam sistem perlindungan tanaman

Ressang, A. A., Untung, K

Patology Khusus Veteriner. E. Martono et al. (Eds.) Simposium Patologi Serangga


Patologi pascapanen: azas-azas umum

Eckert, J.W.

Er. B. Pantastico (Ed): Fisiologi Pasca panen

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Patologi Khusus Veteriner.

Ressang, A.A.

Patologi Khusus Veteriner.

Team Leader IFAD Project. BCDIU Denpasar, Bali.


Judul Buku


Springer Verlag. New York - Berlin - Heidelberg

Hlm 698 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

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Judul Buku

Patologi Khusus Veteriner

Ressang A.A

Patologi Khusus Veteriner (2nd ed ) Team Leader IFAD Project: Bali Cattle Disease Investigation Unit, Denpasar Bali

Patologi Khusus Veteriner Patologi Khusus Veteriner

Ressang. A.A Ressang A.A

Patologi Khusus Veteriner Team Leader IFAD Project Bali Cattle Disease Investigation Unit. Denpasar. Bali.

Patologi Gigi Geligi

Schuurs A.H.B

Patologi dan Penyakit Ikan.

Nabib, R.

Patologi dan Penyakit Ikan.

Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi. Pusat Antar Universitas Bioteknologi. Institut Pertanian Bogor. 158 PP

Patofisiologi. Edisi 2 Bagian 1

Price, S.A

Patofisiologi. Edisi 2 Bagian 1

Penerbit EGC. Jakarta31-53,89-95.

Paticipation In Planned Development Influenced by Government Of Developing Countries at Local Level In Rural Areas

Dusseldrop Van D.B.W.M

Pathophysiology of acute renal failure. 64-63

Thurau, K

D. Black and N.F. Jones Ed.

Renal Disease Blackweet Scientific Publication. London,

Pathologic Basis of Disease. 3rd ed.

Robbins S.L.

Pathologic Basis of Disease. 3rd ed.

W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia, p 277-278.

Pathologic Basis of Disease

Stanley, M.D.

Pathologic Basis of Disease

London. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, p 55-88.

Pathologic Basic of Disease. 6th Ed.

Cotran, R.S.

Pathologic Basic of Disease. 6th Ed.

W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia.

Pathologi kedokteran veteriner. Cetakan ke-3.

Nabib, R.



N. V Denpasar.

Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta

Agricultural University, Wageningen Netherland

bagian patologi fakultas kedokteran hewan. IPB, Bogor. Hlm 699 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

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Judul Buku

Pathogenicity of baculovirus infection causing white spot syndrome in cultured panaeid shrimp in Taiwan.

Chou, H.Y.,

Dis. Aquat.Org., 23 : 165-173.

Pathogenic Root-Infecting fungi

Garret, S.D.

Pathogenic Root-Infecting fungi

Pathogenecity of the entomogenous nematode, Steinernema sp., to scarabaeid larvae injurious to turfgrass

Hatsukade, M

Pathogen divise resistance to potyvirus: Working. bul why?

Lindbo, .1 A .

Path Coeficient Analysis Of Seed Yield Components In Euphorbia Lathyris. C. Plan Breeding

Hondelmann. W

Path Analysis of Yield Components and Selected Agronomic Traits of Upland Rice Breeding Lines

Reuben, S. O. W. N.

Path analisis of yield components and selektected agronomic traits of upland rice breeding lines .

Reuben S.O.W.M.

IRRN 14( 4) :11-12

Patch-reef ecology and sedimentology of Glovers reef atoll.

Wallace, R.J

Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geologist, Studies in Geol., 4: 37-52.

Pasture under coconut in Thailand.

Manidol, C

Asian Pasttures, FFTC Book Series.

Pasture Establishment

Kismono, I

Pasture Establishment

Fakultas Peternakan, IPB Bogor

Pasture and Forages

Cecava, M.J.

Beef Cattle Feeding and Nutrition, 2nd Edition

Department of Animal Science, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.

Pasture and Forages

Cecava, M.J.

Beef Cattle Feeding and Nutrition, 2nd Edition.

Department of Animal Science, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.



Cambridge Univ. Press, London Japanese Society of Turfgrass Sciences J

Pathogen divise resistance to potyvirus: Working. bul why?

Department of Microbiology. Oregon State University. Natural. M.P. F L


IRRI Manila Philippines

Hlm 700 dari 1800

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Pastoral Research on the Nothern Tablelands New South Wales

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The New South Wales Department of Agriculture in Cooperation with CSIRO and University of New England

R. Parkin, (editor). Department of Agriculture New South Wales

Pasteurisasi dan sterilisasi dalam pengolahan pangan.

Fardiaz, D.

Bahan latihan teknik penelitian pasca panen pertanian sekunder. Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian IPB Bogor

pasteurellosis.In calnek B.W , H.J Barnes, C.W Beard,L.R mcDougald and Y.M.saif (eds): Diseases of poultry

rimler R.B

lowa state University press, ames

Pasca Panen Sayuran

Rina Nirwan Setyowati

Pasar Modal: Keberadan dan Manfaatnya Bagi Pembangunan.

Anoraga, P.

Pasar Modal Indonesia

Penebar Swadaya Pasar Modal: Keberadan dan Manfaatnya Bagi Pembangunan.

Rineka Cipta, Jakarta

Pasar Modal Indonesia

Jayakarta Agung Offset J akarta.

Partitioning of energy into metabolism and growth, p :184 210

Webb, P W

S.D. Gerking (Ed.) Ecology ot Freshwater Fish Production

Blackwell Scientific Publication.

Partisipasi Petani dalam Program Pengembangan Teknologi Tanaman Pangan,

Pranadji, T.,

Jurnal Agro Ekonomika. Puslit Agro Ekonomi Balitbang Pertanian,

Departemen Pertanian. Jur. Vol. 3 No. 1, Januari 1996.

Partisipasi Petani


Partisipasi Komunikasi, Persuasi, dan Disiplin Dalam Pembangunan Nasional


Partisipasi Komunikasi, Persuasi, dan Disiplin Dalam Pembangunan Nasional

Partisipasi dan Sikap Masyarakat dalam Perbaikan Lingkungan Hidup di Kelurahan Cipinang Muara ii, Jatinegara

Usman M.K



Pusat Studi Pembangunan. Lembaga Penelitian IPB. Bogor Alumni, Bandung

Hlm 701 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Particle-Size Analysis

Gee. G.W

Method Of Soil Analysis Part 1. Physical and Meneralogical Analysis

American Society of Agronomy Inc. and Soil Science Society of America Inc. Madison, Wincosin. USA

Particle-size Analisis

Gee. G.W

Physical and Mineralogical Methods I 2nd. Ed

ASA Madison. Wicosin

Particle mobility as a parameter in soil dispersibility

Churcman GJ

Australian Sodic soils:Distribution Properties and management. Naidu R Sumner, ME and Rengasamy P

CSIRO Australia

Particle mobility as a parameter in soil dispersibility

Churcman GJ

Australian Sodic soils:Distribution Properties and management. Naidu R Sumner, ME and Rengasamy P

CSIRO Australia

Particle Fractionation and Particle Size Analysis

Day. P.r

Methods Of Soil Analysis Pt. I. Physical and Mineralogical Properties Including Statistic of Measurement and Sampling

Agronomy series No. 9 American Agronomy Society. Madison

Participatory Rural Appraisal: Memahami Desa Secara Partisipatif

Chambers R

Kanisius, Yogyakarta

Participatory Rural Appraisal : Memahami Desa Secara Partisipatif

Chambers, R


Participatory rural appraisai concepts applied to agricultural extension: a case study in Sumatra

Landon-Lane, C.

Quarterly Bulletin of the International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists 41(1): 100-103.

Participatory monitoring and evaluation


Handbook for training field workers. Regional office for Asia and The Pasific (RAPA). FAO of the United Nations bangkok

Participative Approaches For Landcare : Perspectives, Policies and Programs

Chamala. S

Partial Characterization of a Moraxella Bovis Cyctolysin.

Gray, J. T.


RAPA Publication

Australian Academic Press. Brisbane Veterinary Microbiology.

Hlm 702 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

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Judul Buku


Parkia Biglobosa A Monograph.

Hall. J. B.

Parkia Biglobosa A Monograph.

School of Agricultural and Forest Science University of Wales, Bangor. U. K.

Pariwisata dan Perekonomian Ekonomi (Bali Sebagai Kasus)

Erawan. N

Pariwisata dan Kaitannya Dengan Kebudayaan dan Kepribadian Bangsa

Erawan. N


Norton R.R

Parental favoritsm toward daughters

Cronk L

American Scientist

Parasit-parasit Ayam Parasit-parasit ayam parasitology For Veterinarians. 6th Ed.

Soekardono, S Soeprato S. Bowman, D.D

Parasit-parasit Ayam Parasit-parasit ayam parasitology For Veterinarians. 6th Ed.

Gramedia, Jakarta PT Gramedia, Jakarta W.B. Saunders Company. Tokyo.

Parasitology for Veterinarians

Georgy, J.R.

Parasitology for Veterinarians

W.B. Saunders Company. Philadelphia London Toronto. 3rd Ed. p. 109-111.

Parasitology Biology Parasit Hewan

Noble, E.R

Parasitology Biology Parasit Hewan

Gadjah Mada Press. Yogyakana

Parasitologi. Terjemahan Widiarto.

Noble, E.R.

Parasitologi. Terjemahan Widiarto.

Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta. 315p.

Parasitologi Veteriner. Terjemahan dari: Text Book of Veterinary Parasitology by Norman D Levine.

Gatot Ashadi

Parasitologi Veteriner. Terjemahan dari: Text Book of Veterinary Parasitology by Norman D Levine.

Gajahmada Univ. Press, Yogyakarta.

Parasitologi Veteriner

Gatot Ashadi

(Terjemahan dari : The Text Book of Veterinary Parasitology Morman D Levine)

Gajahmada Universitas Press., Yogyakarta.

Parasitologi veteriner

Levine, N.D

Parasitologi veteriner

Gadjah mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Parasitologi (Terjemahan). Edisi Kelima

Noble, E.R

Parasitologi (Terjemahan). Edisi Kelima

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Parasitoids: Behavioral and Evolutionary Ecology.

Godfrey HCH

Parasitoids: Behavioral and Evolutionary Ecology.

Princeton: Princeton Univ Pr.


Upada Sastra. Denpasar

Kebudayaan Dan Kepribadian Bangsa (Bali Sebagai Kasus)

Upada Sastra. Denpasar

Prentice-Hall Inc, Englewood cliffs

Hlm 703 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Parasitisme Ooencyrlus malayensis Ferr. (Hymenoptera Encyrtidae) terhadap telur pengisap polong kedelai, Nezara viridula (Hemiptera Pentatomidae), dan Riprorius linearis (Hemiptera Alydidae)

Supartha, I.W.

Panduan dan Kumpulan Abstrak Seminar Tantangan Entomologi pada Abad 21, Bogor 8 Januari 1997: hlm. 47.

Parasitisme Anagrus sp. dan Gonatocerus sp. terhadap telur tiga jenis wereng pada pertanaman padi dan rerumputan

Atmadja, W.R.

Suprapto Hardjosumadi, Muhammad Machmud, Soewito Tjokrowinoto, Djuber Pasaribu, Sutrisno, Adang Kumia, dan Nono Mulyono (Eds.). Hasil Penelitian Tanaman Pangan. Prosiding Seminar Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Bogor, Vol. 3. 29 Februari2 Maret 1992. hlm. 722-729.

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Bogor.

Parasitic Wasps

Quicke DLJ

Parasitic Wasps

London: Chapman & Hall.

Parasites: Immunity and Patology

Behnke. J.M.

Parasites: Immunity and Patology

Taylor & Francis, London.

Parasite and Diseases of Fish Cultured in the Tropic.

Kabata, Z.

Parasite and Diseases of Fish Cultured in the Tropic.

Taylor and Francis. Philadelphia. 221p

Parasit dan Parasitisme.

Brotowidjojo, M.D.

Parasit dan Parasitisme.

Media Sarana Pres, Jakarta.

Parameter Untuk Derajat Pembukaan Wilayah Hutan Berdasarkan Jalan Hutan


Fakutas Kehutanan UGM. Yogyakarta

Parameter Untuk Derajat Pembukaan Wilayah Hutan Berdasarkan Jalan Hutan


Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gdjah Mada Yogyakarta

Paprika Hidroponik dan Non Hidroponik.

Prihmantoro, H.

Papan Semen


Papan Majemuk (Composition Board) Seri Papan Particle (Particle Board) Bagian I



Paprika Hidroponik dan Non Hidroponik


Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta Yayasan Pembina Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

Seksi Industry Hasil Hutan Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Hutan

Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Mulawarman Samarinda

Hlm 704 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Papan Majemuk (Composition Board)


Panorama des methodes de prevision de la digestibilite et de la valeur energetique des fourrages. In: Demarquilly, C. (ed).

Demarquilly, C.

Prevision de la valeur nutritive des aliments des ruminants.

Panjang Jalan Menurut Keadaannya di Kabupaten Malang


Panjang Jalan Menurut Keadaannya di Kabupaten Malang

Kantor Biro Statistik Kabupaten Malang

Panili. Suatu Tinjauan Terhadap Produksi dan Finansial.

Bank Rakyat Indonesia.

Panili. Suatu Tinjauan Terhadap Produksi dan Finansial.

Kantor Pusat, Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Jakarta. 44 hlm.

Panglima Laut dan Pawang: Peranannya dalam Masyarakat Nelayan Aceh

Lubis, S.

Panglima Laut dan Pawang: Peranannya dalam Masyarakat Nelayan Aceh

Pusat Penelitian IlmuIlmu Sosial Aceh.

Pangantar Industri Akomodasi dan Restoran, Jilid I

Mangkuwerdoyo, S.

Pangantar Industri Akomodasi dan Restoran, Jilid I

Lembaga Penerbit Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta.

Pangan, Gizi, Teknologi dan Konsumen

Winarno. F.G

Gramedia. Jakarta

Pangan, Gizi dan Pertanian (Suhardjo, penerjemah )

Harper L.J

UI-Press, Jakarta

Pangan, Gizi dan Pertanian Pangan, Gizi Dan Pertanian Pangan, Gizi Dan Pertanian Pangan, Gizi dan pertanian Pangan, Gizi dan Pertanian

Harper L.J Harper. H.A Harper. H.A Suharjo FAO.

Pangan, Gizi Dan Pertanian Pangan, Gizi dan pertanian Pangan Gizi, dan Pertanian

Harper. L.J Suharjo Harper. H.A

Suhardjo (Penterjemah)

Pangan Gizi Pertanian Pangan Gizi dan Pertanian. Terje. Suhardjo.

Harper. L.J Harper, J.L.,

Suhardjo (Penterjemah) Pangan Gizi dan Pertanian. Terje. Suhardjo.

Pangan gizi dan pertanian (terjemahan)



Judul Buku

Penerbit Yayasan Pembina Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

(Suhardjo, Penerjemah. Suhardjo, Penterjemah Suhardjo, Penterjemah Diterjemahkan Oleh : A.Nasoetion, C.M.Kusharto, dan Hardinsyah

Buku Penuntun Bagi Pengajar (Suhadjo, Penterjemah)

UI Press.Jakarta UI Press, Jakarta UI Press, Jakarta UI IPB, Bogor

UI Press, Jakarta UI UI Press, Jakarta

UI Press, Jakarta Universitas Indonesia Press, Jakarta. UI Jakarta

Hlm 705 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Pangan gizi dan pertanian (terjemahan)


Pangan (Gizi, Teknologi, dan Konsumsi)

Winamo, F.G.

Judul Buku

Penerbit UI Jakarta

Pangan (Gizi, Teknologi, dan Konsumsi)

Panduan Survei Tanah

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta. Bagian Pertama. BALITBANGTAN. Departemen Pertanian. Jakarta

Panduan Satwa

Tirtidiprojo, A.

Panduan Satwa

Kebun Raya dan Kebun Binatang Gembira Loka, Yogyakarta.

Panduan Riset Unggulan terpadu IV Tahun Anggaran 1996/1997.

Kantor Menteri Negara Riset dan Teknologi

Panduan Riset Unggulan terpadu IV Tahun Anggaran 1996/1997.

Kantor Menteri Negara Riset dan Teknologi Dewan Riset Nasional. Jakarta

Panduan Riset Unggulan Kemitraan

Kantor Menteri Negara Riset dan Teknologi

Panduan Riset Unggulan Kemitraan

Kantor Menteri Negara Riset dan Teknologi Dewan Riset Nasional. Jakarta

Panduan Program Inpres Desa Tertinggal


Panduan Program Inpres Desa Tertinggal


Panduan Program Inpres Desa Tertinggal

Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional Departemen Dalam Negeri. Jakarta, Desember 1993

Panduan Program Inpres Desa Tertinggal


Panduan Program Inpres Desa Tertinggal

Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional dan Departemen Dalam Negeri. Jakarta.

Panduan Program Inpres Desa Tertinggal


Panduan Program Inpres Desa Tertinggal

Departemen dalam Negeri

Panduan Pengolahan Data dengan Paket Program Minitab Windows

Sumertajaya, I.M.

Panduan Pengolahan Data dengan Paket Program Minitab Windows

Jurusan Statistik. Fakultas Matematika dan IPA, IPB, Bogor. Edisi Kedua.

Panduan Penerapan dan Pemanfaatan Iptek di Daerah (Iptekda).


Panduan Penerapan dan Pemanfaatan Iptek di Daerah (Iptekda).

Pengelola Program Iptekda BPPT, Jakarta.


Bappenas dan Depdagri. Jakarta

Hlm 706 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Panduan Pembangunan Keluarga Sejahtera dalam Rangka Peningkatan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan


Panduan Pembangunan Keluarga Sejahtera dalam Rangka Peningkatan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan

Jakarta : Kantor Menteri Negera Kependudukan/Badan Koordinasi Keluarga Berencana Nasional.

Panduan Pelaksanaan Pembalakan yang dapat Mengurangi Dampak Lingkungan.


Panduan Pelaksanaan Pembalakan yang dapat Mengurangi Dampak Lingkungan.

Departemen Kehutanan dan Perkebunan, Jakarta

Panduan pelaksanaan model pengembangan sistem usaha pertanian th. 1998/1999


Badan litbang pertanian

Panduan pelaksanaan model pengembangan sistem usaha pertanian th. 1998/1999


Badan litbang pertanian

Panduan pelaksanaan gema protein 2001 (gerakan mandiri produksi protein hewani) tahun anggaran 1998/1999.

Ditjen peternakan

Ditjen Peternakan Jakarta.

Panduan Pcmbuatan Manisan Buah-Buahan

Apriyantono, A.

Buku III Pendidikan dan Latihan Tenaga Penyuluh Lapangan Spesialis lndustri Kecil

Departemen Pertanian Kerjasama Dengan Fateta-IPB, Bogor.

Panduan Mikrostat Untuk Mengolah Data Statistik.

Mustafa, Z.E.Q.

Panduan Mikrostat Untuk Mengolah Data Statistik.

Penerbit Andi Offset, Yogyakarta.

Panduan Microstat Untuk Mengolah Data Statistik

Zainal Mustafa, EO

Panduan Microstat Untuk Mengolah Data Statistik

Andi Offset, Yogyakarta.

Panduan Microstal Untuk Mengolah Data Statistik.

Mustafa, Z.

Audi Offset, Yogyakarta.

Panduan merencanakan laba atas investasi

Hamilton A

Seri Manajemen

Alexander Hamilton Institute

Panduan Lengkap SPSS 6.0 for Windows


Panduan Lengkap SPSS 6.0 for Windows

Wahana Komputer dan Andi Offset, Yogyakarta

Panduan Lapangan Pengenalan Burung-burung di Kalimantan (termasuk Kalimantan Utara dan Brunei), Sumatra, Jawa dan Ball


Panduan Lapangan Pengenalan Burung-burung di Kalimantan (termasuk Kalimantan Utara dan Brunei), Sumatra, Jawa dan Ball

LIPI. Bogor.


Hlm 707 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Panduan Lapangan BurungBurung Di Kawasan Wallacea. Alih bahasa : SN. Kartikasari, M.D. Tapilatu & D. Rini. Penyunting : SN. Kartikasari, F. Lambert & R. Saryanthi

Coates, B.J.

Panduan Lapangan BurungBurung Di Kawasan Wallacea. Alih bahasa : SN. Kartikasari, M.D. Tapilatu & D. Rini. Penyunting : SN. Kartikasari, F. Lambert & R. Saryanthi

BirdLife InternationalIndonesia Programme & Dove Publications. Bogor.

Panduan dan Teknis Pembuatan Kmpos dari Sampah ,Teori dan Aplikasi

Center for Policy and Implementation studies


Panduan dan Teknis Pembuatan Kmpos dari Sampah ,Teori dan Aplikasi

Center for Policy and Implementation studies


Panduan Analisis Fisika Tanah

Soekarmodjo. S

Jurusan Ilmu Tanah Fakultas Pertanian UGM. Yogyakarta

Panduan analisis fisika tanah

Kertonegoro, B.D

Laboraturium Fisika Tanah Fakultas Pertanian UGM, Yogyakarta

Panduan 13 Pesan Dasar Gizi Seimbang.


DITJEN Pembinaan Kesehatan Masyarakat.

Panduan 13 Pesan dasar Gizi Seimbang

Departemen Kesehatan (Depkes)

Direktorat Bina Gizi Masyarakat,Departemen Kesehatan .Jakarta

Panduan 13 Pesan dasar Gizi Seimbang

Departemen Kesehatan

Departemen Kesehatan RI .Direktorat Jendral Pembinaan Kesehatan Masyarakat .Direktorat Bina Gizi masyarakat

Panduan 13 Pesan dasar Gizi Seimbang

Depkes RI

Departemen Kesehatan, Jakarta

Panduan 13 Pesan Dasar Gizi Seimbang

Departemen Kesehatan (Depkes)

Direktorat Bina Gizi Masyarakat, Departemen Kesehatan Jakarta

Pandangan Soedomo, Masalah Ketenagakeriaan di Indonesia, Jakarta


Pandangan Soedomo, Masalah Ketenagakeriaan di Indonesia, Jakarta


Direktorat Bina Gizi Masyarakat, Jakarta.

Hlm 708 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Panas Bumi Mendukung Kebijaksanaan Energi di Indonesia


Panas Bumi Mendukung Kebijaksanaan Energi di Indonesia

Departemen Penerangan RI, Jakarta.

Palm Oil-Edible oil of tomorrow in Erickson DR

Law K

Edible Fats and oils Proc. Basic Pronciples and Modem Pactises. World Conference Proceedings.Am Oils Chem Soc.

Champaign Illinois - USA

Palm oil research Institute of Malaysia, Ministry of Primary Industries Malaysia

PORIM Test methods.

Palm oil research Institute of Malaysia, Ministry of Primary Industries Malaysia

Palm Oil Factory Process Handbook. Part 1: General Description of the Palm Oil Milling Process

Maycock JH

Palm Oil Factory Process Handbook. Part 1: General Description of the Palm Oil Milling Process

Palm Oil Dispelling The Myths


The Malaysian Palm Oil Promotion Council, Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia

Palm Oil dalam Hui YH (ed)

Basiron Y

Bailey's industrial oil and fat products volume 2

Palawija, Budidaya danAnalisis Usaha Tani

Najiati S

Palawija, Budidaya dan Analisis Usaha Tani


Palawija, Budidaya dan Analisis Usaha Tani

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Palatability of tropical tree legume forage to rabbits

Raharjo YC

NFTPR Research reports

Balai penelitian ternak Bogor

Palatability characteristics of meat. Pada: the science of meat and meat products. 2nd ed. Edited by J. F. Price and B. S. Schweigert

Bratzler, L. J.

Palant Parasitic nematode associated with Pathchouli disease in West Java.

Djiwanti, S.R.

Paket teknologi UPSUS Percepatan Peningkatan Produksi Kedelai di NTB



PORIM Malaysia

John Willey & Sons Inc NY USA Panebar Swadaya Jakarta

W. H. Freeman and Company, San Fransisco

Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Dati I NTB

Hlm 709 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Paket teknologi pengendalian hama kedelai. Dalam Risalah Loka Karya Pengendalian Hama Terpadu Tanaman Kedelai. Hal. 12 -28

Direktorat Bina Perlindungan Tanaman

Paket teknologi pengendalian hama kedelai. Dalam Risalah Loka Karya Pengendalian Hama Terpadu Tanaman Kedelai. Hal. 12 -28

Departemen Pertanian, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Ta-naman Pangan, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan. Malang

Paket Teknologi Komoditas Sayuran di Daerah Perkotaan

Mahfud, M. C

Paket Teknologi Komoditas Sayuran di Daerah Perkotaan

Apresiasi Teknologi Pertanian Perkotaan, 18 Oktober 1997 di IPPTP Denpasar

Paket teknologi kedelai pada lahan sawah dan lahan kering di NTB

Adisarwanto T

Suyamto dkk (ed) Risalah Sem. Perbaikan Teknologi utk meningkatkan produkstivitas tanaman pangan di NTB

Balitkabi Malang

Paket teknologi dan strategi pengendalian penyakit busuk batang panili (BBP)

Tombe, M.

Paket Satuan Teknik Pembenihan. SPP.


Paket Satuan Teknik Pembenihan. SPP.

SUPM Negen Cikaret, Bogor. hlm. 35.

Paket Teknologi Penangkapan Ikan Rawai Basah


Paket Teknologi Penangkapan Ikan Rawai Basah

Balai Pengembangan Penangkapan Ikan, Semarang

Pakan ternak non-ruminansia (unggas)

Kamal, M.

Jurusan nutrisi dan makanan ternak, fakultas peternakan UGM, Yogyakarta

Pakan ternak gembala

Reksohadiprodjo, S.

BPFE, Yogyakarta

Pakan ternak gembala

Reksohadiprotodjo S

BPFE Yogyakarta

Pakan Ikan Alami.

Djarijah A.S.

Pakan Ikan Alami.

Penerbit Kanisius. Yogyakarta. 46-49.

Pakan dengan Kadar Protein .35%, 45%, 55% bagi Benih Ikan Gurame (0. gouramy Lac).


Pakan dengan Kadar Protein .35%, 45%, 55% bagi Benih Ikan Gurame (0. gouramy Lac).

Fakultas Perikanan, IPB. 51 pp.

Pajak Paerbaikan Varietas. Dalam jagung

Wahyutomo, I Subandi

UUP AMP YKPN Subandi, M. Syam dan A. Widjono

Y ogyakarta Puslitbangtan Bogor

Paduan Reksa Dana

Bapepam, Jakarta

Paduan Reksa Dana


Hlm 710 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Padi Unggul< ToleranKekeringan dan naungan

Harahap, Z.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian

Padi Sawah Padi Sawah Padi lahan marjinal

FAO FAO Muhammad Noor

Penerbit Nusa Indah Penerbit Nusa Indah Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Padi Lahan Marginal

Noor. M

PT. Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta

Padi Hibrida

Suprihanto. B

Padi di Lahan Marjinal ed. I


Padi 1.

Ismunadji, M.S.,

Padi 1.

Badan Pene-litian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan. Bogor. P. 1-9.




Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta


Ismunadji, M

Paddy soils in tropical Asia: Their material nature and fertility

Kawaguchi, K.

Pada, Palawija, Sayur-sayuran

Departemen Pertanian

Departemen Pertanian, Pengendalian Bimas

Paclobutrazol plant growth regulator for fruit. Technical data

Imperial chemical industries PLC

Surrey GU 27 3 JE England

Paclobutrazol plant growth regulator for fruit. Technical data

Imperial chemical industries PLC

Surrey GU 27 3 JE England

Packing Materials dalam Priciples of Package Development

Griffin, R.C.

Packing Materials dalam Priciples of Package Development

Packed and Fluidized Bed Biofilm Reactor Performance for Anaerobic

Denac, M

Wastewater Treatment. Biotechnology and Bioengineering,

Packaging materials: Migration of toxin components.

Benfenati E

Bailey's Industrial Oil and Fat Products


Padi. Buku Ke-2

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan. Bogor Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

PUSLITBANGTAN. Bogor Paddy soils in tropical Asia: Their material nature and fertility

University Press of Hawaii, Honolulu. 258 pp.

The Avi Publishing Company Inc., Westport Connecticut

John Willey & Sons, Inc, New York

Hlm 711 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pabrik Papan Semen Kayu di Suinalcra Ulara.

Kliwon, S.

Pabrik Papan Semen Kayu di Suinalcra Ulara.

Publikasi Kluisus Lembaga Penelitian Hasil Hutan.

P for International Agriculture.


P for International Agriculture.

Ozone Toxicology and Gudelines For Safe Use In Food Processing Ozonation System

Pryor. A

EPRI Workshop, Memphis

Ozone In Food Processing aplication : Past Experience, Future Potential and Regulatory Issue

Perkins. M

ConncTech '97. Atlanta

Ozone as Gases Fumigant


http;// process/agriculture/ozone tech

Ozone and Its Application In Food

Ewell. A.W

Refigeration application Data Book 2nd ed.

Ozonasi dan filtrasi biologi pada penggunaan ulang media pemeliharaan larva udang galah Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man

L.E. Hadie

Ozonasi dan filtrasi biologi pada penggunaan ulang media pemeliharaan larva udang galah Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man

Oxydation Reduction Potentials of Organic System

Clark, M.W.

Oxydation Reduction Potentials of Organic System

The William and Witkins Company, USA

Oxisols and Associated Soils On Ultramafic and felsic Volcanic Rocks In Indonesia

Buurman. P

Red Soils in Indonesia

Centre Agric. Publ. Doc. Wageningen


Van Wambeke. A

Pedogenesis and Soil Taxonomy II The Soil Orders

Elsevier Sci. Publ. Comp. Inc. New York

Oxides Hydroxides And Alumunisilicates

Jackson. M.L

Method Of Soil Analysis Part 1. Physical And Mineralogical Methods 2nd ed. Agrinomy Series

SSSA. Book series I Soil. Sci. Soc. Amer. Madison. W.I. USA

Oxidative chnges in foods at low and intermediate moisture levels

Labuza TP

RB Duckworth Water Relation of food

Academic Press London, New York, San Francisco

Oxidation of Nutrients in Bull Calves Treated with badrenergic Agonist

Chwalibog, A.

Archives of Animal Nutrition


American Society Eng. Menasha Washington. D.C

Hlm 712 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Oxidation of nitrite to nitrate in a soil column

Ardakani, M.S.

SSSA. Proc. 37: 53-56.

Oxidation of inorganicnitrogen compounds

Aleem M.I.H

Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol

Oxalic acid in biology and medicine

Hodgkinson A

Academic Press New York

Ovulation: Insights About The Mechanism Basic on A Comparative Approach. In: Hormones and Reproduction in Fishes, Amphibians and Reptile. By: David, E.E., and R.E. Jones.

Jones, R.E.

Ovulation rate as selection creterion for improving litter size in Merino sheep. In: reproduction in sheep. D. R. Lindsay and D. T. Pearce Ed.

Piper, R. L.

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

Ovulation rate as selection creterion for improving litter size in Merino sheep. In: reproduction in sheep. D. R. Lindsay and D. T. Pearce Ed.

Piper, R. L.

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

Ovulation charachteristics of synchronized non-descript goats in tropical zona of India. In: Recent advances in goat production, RR. LOKESHWAR (Ed.),

Goei AK

Ovulation charachteristics of synchronized non-descript goats in tropical zona of India. In: Recent advances in goat production, RR. LOKESHWAR (Ed.),

Overweght Children : Description, Epidemiology and Demographics

Troiano. R.P


Overview: The role of species interactions in community ecology.

Roughgarden, J.

J. Diamond and T.J. Case. (Eds.). Community Ecology.

Happer& Row, Publisher, New York. p. 333-343.

Overview the role of species interactions in community ecology

J. Roughgarden

Community ecology

Harpper & Row, Publisher, New York


Ovulation: Insights About The Mechanism Basic on A Comparative Approach. In: Hormones and Reproduction in Fishes, Amphibians and Reptile. By: David, E.E., and R.E. Jones.


Plenum Press, New York.

Nutan Printed, New Delhi, India

Hlm 713 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Overview of pesticide use in rice-fish farming in Southeast Asia. p. 217-233

Cagauan, A.G.

C.R. Dela Cruz, C. Lightfoot, B.A. Costa-Pierce, V.R. Carangal, and M.P. Bimbao (Eds.). Rice-Fish Research and Development in Asia. ICLARM conf. Proc. 24.

Over de Verspreiding van Plantenziekten

Thung, T.H.


Output supply & Input Demand in Rice & Upland Crop Production : The Quest for Higher Yields in Thailand

Puapanichya, K.

Output supply & Input Demand in Rice & Upland Crop Production : The Quest for Higher Yields in Thailand

Outlook Komoditi Pertanian Semester II. Pembangunan Pertanian 1995 dan Prospek 1996. Proyek Penyempurnaan Statistik Pertanian TA 1995/1996.

Pusat Data Pertanian

Outlines of Biochemistry. 4th eds

Conn, E.E.

Outlines of Biochemistry. 4th eds

Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi

Outlines of Biochemistry

Conn, E.E.

Outlines of Biochemistry

John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Toronto.

Outline of veterinary clinical pathology. 3rd Ed.

Benjamin, M.M.

Outline of veterinary clinical pathology. 3rd Ed.

The Iowa State University Press. Ames. Iowa. USA. Pp. 9, 25.

Outline of Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 3rd ed

Benjamin, M.M.

Outline of Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 3rd ed

The Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa. pp. 48-49, 61, 71.

Outline of The Agroforestry Concept


Viewpoints On Agroforestry

Agricultural University Wageningen, The Netherlands

Out line of veterinary clinical phatology. 3rd ed.

Benjamin, M. M.

The Iowa state Univ. Press, Ames, Iowa

Out line of veterinary clinical phatology. 3rd ed.

Benjamin, M. M.

The Iowa state Univ. Press, Ames, Iowa

Our Soils and Their Management

Donahue. R.L

The Interstate Printers & Publisher. Inc. Danville. Illionis

Our soil area, their management in the interstate

Donahue, W. G.

Prin and Pul Inc. Danville Illinois



Dep of Agric. Economics, Kasetsart univ. Thailand

Pusat Data Pertanian Jakarta

Hlm 714 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Osmotic stability of mannitol and PEG 20000 solution used as seed germination of five pature species

Thill, D. C.

Osmotic response and feeding pattern of Kuruma Prawn (Penaeus japonicua) at various molting stages.


Research Report,

Lab. Propagating Physiol., Fisheries Fac. Kagoshima University.

Osmotic and ionic regulation in teleost eggs and larvae. Him 163-251

Alderdice, D.F.

W.S. Hoar & D.J. Randall (ed.), Fish Physiology. Vol 11 A

NY: Academic Press.

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Organics in soil fertility and productivity management.

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Organic carbon

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Organ indices and biochemicall levels of ova from penaeid shrimp maintained in captivity versus those captured in the wild

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Optimasi Sumber daya Lahan Berwawasan Liingkungan


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Optimasi Pola Tanam Di Lahan Kering Yang Telah di Kapur

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Optimasi Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Pertanian Di Daerah Transmigrasi (Konsep)

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Optimalisasi Penggunaan Lahan Dalam Perencanaan Produksi di Sulawesi Selatan

Mansyur Ramly

Optimalisasi Penggunaan Lahan Dalam Perencanaan Produksi di Sulawesi Selatan

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Optimal Pollination condition for seed after self pollination, an intraspscific cross and an interspesific cross of marrowstem kale (brassica oleracea var. achephala),

Brown, A.P.


Optical Mineralogy 3rd ed.

Kerr. P.F

McGraw-Hill. New York

Opportunities in Fast Food Career.

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Opioid activities of BetaCasomorphins

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Operation Management: ValueDriven Approach

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Operasional pembesaran ikan Kerapu dalam Keramba Jaring Apung

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Open Channel Hydraulics. International Student Edition

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Open Channel Flow

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Open Channel Flow

Mac Millan Co Inc and Collier Mac Millan Publishers London

Open Cha Flow

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Open Cha Flow

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On the nature of the Enzymatic Catechol Oxydase in Tea Plant

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On the mineral nutrition of some tripical crops

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On the mineral nutrition of some tripical crops

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On the islands of Muna and Buton

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On the endogenous control of tide associated displacements of pink shrimp, penaeus duorarum

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On the dynamics of exploited fish populations

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On the culture of Epinephelus tauvina (Forskal).

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On the culture of Epinephelus tauvina (Forskal).

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On the coelomic corpuscles the body fluid of some invertebretes. VII wich On the formed elements In the body fluid of some marine Invertebrates which possess the red blood corpuscles.

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Science Reports of the Tohoku University. Series 4. Biology, 12: 203-239.

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On Simple Formulae for Calculating the Heat Expediture and the Quantities of Carbohydrate and Fat Metabolized in Ruminants, from Data on Gaseous Exchange and Urine-N.

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On Pomacea canaliculata (Lamarck, 1822) (Mollusca

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On Measuring and Planning the Quality of Life.

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The science and lore of the kitchen

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On Competition

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On bacteria decomposing cholesterol

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On bacteria decomposing cholesterol

omega-3 polyemic acids:

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Omega-3 fatty acid and immunity: a brief history and update

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Omega-3 news

Oleochemicals: A world overview.

Kaufman AJ

In Proc World Conf. On Oleochemicals into the 21st Century

Old and new mechanism of antiepileptic drug action

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Olahan Susu Kerbau Tradisional Minang, Manfaat, Kendala dan Prospek dala Era Industrialisasi Sumatera Barat

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Olah tanah konservasi untuk mendukung pertanian berkelanjutan. Berwawasan agribisnis.

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Okobilanzen und Produktlinienanalysen

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Okobilanzen und Produktlinienanalysen

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Oil Seeds in Bangladesh

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Bangladesh Canada Agriculture

Government of The Peoples Republic Of Bagladesh, Dhaka Bangladesh

Oil seeds in Bangladesh

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Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

Applewhite TH American oil chemist Society Champaign Illinois

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Oil seeds in Bangladesh

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Oil Palm Research and Development in Malaysia: Progress and Trends.

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Oil Palm fron Leaves for PreSlaughter Maintenance in Goats.

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Oil palm Diseases and Disorder

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Oil palm Diseases and Disorder

Oil palm cultivation and management

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Oil palm cultivation & management

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The Incorporated Society of Planters 672p

Oil Palm by-Products: Its Utilization and Contribution for Livestock Industry.

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Oil Palm breeding introduction

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16th Edition

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Association Of Official Analytical Chemist. Inc. Virginia. USA



Oxford Univ. Press Kuala Lumpur The Incorporated Society of Planters, Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur

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Official Standard of Analysis Association of Official Analytical Chemist, 14th ed.


Official Standard of Analysis Association of Official Analytical Chemist, 14th ed.

AOAC Inc., Arlington, Virginia.

Official of analysis of official analytical chemits.


Official methods the association official agricultural chemist


AOAC, Arlington

Official Methods of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists 14th,


Official Methods of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists 14th,

Official methods of the association of official analytical chemist (AOAC) 12th ed.


Official Methods of Chemical Analysis W. Howirt.(Ed.)13th ed


Official Methods of Chemical Analysis W. Howirt.(Ed.)13th ed

Official Methods of Analytisis. Assiociation of official Analytical Chemic.


AOAC. Washington DC. USA.

Official Methods of Analytisis. 12th. Ed


Assiociation of official Analytical Chemic. Washinton DC.

Official methods of analysis. The 12th ed.


Association of official analytical chemist, Washington

Official Methods of Analysis. IS^ed. Helrich, K. (ed.).


Official Methods of Analysis. IS^ed. Helrich, K. (ed.).

Washington, D.C.: AOAC, 27 pp.

Official Methods of Analysis. 3th Ed


Official Methods of Analysis. 3th Ed

Association of Oficial Analytical Chemists. Washington, D.C.

Official Methods of Analysis. 15th Ed.


Official Methods of Analysis. 15th Ed.

Association of Official Analytical Chemist, Washington

Official Methods of Analysis. 14th Edition.


Washington DC., USA.

Official Methods of Analysis. 14th Edition.


Washington DC., USA.

Official Method's of Analysis. 14th ed. Association of Analytical Chemistry,



Horwitz, W. Washington

AOAC, Virginia. 1141 p.

Washington, D. C.

Official Method's of Analysis. 14th ed. Association of Analytical Chemistry

AOAC. Washington DC.

Williard Grant Press, Washington, USA.

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Official methods of analysis. 14th ed.


Association of official agricultural chemists, Washington, DC.

Official methods of analysis. 14th ed.


Association of official analytical chemists, Washington, DC.

Official methods of analysis. 14th ed.


Association of official analysis of chemistry. Arlington. VA.

Official methods of analysis. 14th ed.


Association of the official analytical chemist. Virginia. USA.

Official methods of analysis. 14th ed.


Association official analytical chemistry (AOAC), Arlington, Virginia.

Official methods of analysis. 14th ed.


Association of analytical chemistry

Official Methods of Analysis. 14th Ed


Official Methods of Analysis. 14th Ed

Official Methods of Analysis. 14th Ed


Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Washington, DC

Official Methods of Analysis. 13th. Ed


Official Methods of Analysis. 13th. Ed

Association of Official Analytical Chemist, Washington, D.C.

Official Methods of Analysis. 13th ed.


Official Methods of Analysis. 13th ed.

Assoc. of Official Analytical Chemist, Washington, D.C.

Official methods of analysis. 13th ed.


Official methods of analysis. 12th edition


Official methods of analysis. 12th edition

Official Methods of Analy-sis. 12th ed.


Association of Official Analytical Chemist, Washington, DC

Official methods of analysis. 12th ed.



Judul Buku


Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington D.C.

Association of official analytical chemists, Washington, D. C. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington, DC.

Association of official analytical chemist, washington dc

Hlm 726 dari 1800

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Official methods of analysis. 12th ed.


Association of official analytical chemist. Washington, D. C.

Official methods of analysis. 12th ed.


Association of official analytical chemist, Washington, DC

Official Methods of Analysis. 12 ed.


Association of Official Analytical Chemist.

Official Methods of Analysis. 11th. Ed.,


Official methods of analysis. 10th ed.


Official Methods of Analysis.


Official Methods of Analysis.

Association of Analitical Chemistry. -Washington DC.

Official Methods of Analysis.


Official Methods of Analysis.

Association of Analytical Chemistry. Washington DC.

Official Methods of Analysis.

A. O. A. C.

Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington.

Official Methods of Analysis.


Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington DC.

Official Methods of Analysis.


Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington DC.

Official Methods of Analysis.


Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington DC.

Official Methods of Analysis.


Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington DC., USA.

Official Methods of Analysis.


Association of Analytical Chemists, Washington DC., USA.

Official Methods of Analysis.


Association of Official Analysis of Chemistry.

Official Methods of Analysis.


Association of Official Analysis of Chemistry.

Official Methods of Analysis.


Association of Official Analytical Chemists.


Judul Buku


AOAC, Washington DC. AOAC, Washington, DC.

Hlm 727 dari 1800

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Penulis Utama

Official Methods of Analysis.


Association of Official Analytical Chemists. AOAC, Washington.

official methods of analysis.


Association of official analytical chemist, Washington, DC

Official Methods of Analysis.


Official methods of analysis.


Official Methods of Analysis. Official methods of analysis.


Official Methods of Analysis. Official methods of analysis.

AOAC, Arlington Association of Official Analytical Chemists AOAC, Washington DC.

Official methods of analysis, 15th edition.


Official methods of analysis, 15th edition.

Association of official Analytical Chemists, Washington, DC., 1994 pp.

Official methods of analysis, 15th ed. K. Helrich (Ed.)


Official methods of analysis, 15th ed. K. Helrich (Ed.)

AOAC, Washington, D.C.

Official methods of analysis, 11th ed


Official methods of analysis, 11th ed

Association of Analytical Chemistry, Washington

Official Methods of Analysis The Association of Official Analytical Chemist Washington DC.


Official Methods of Analysis of the Assoslatlon of Official Analitycal Chemist.


Official Methods of Analysis of the Assoslatlon of Official Analitycal Chemist.

Benjamin Franklin Station, Washington D.C. p. 547 and p. 669.

Official Methods of Analysis of The Assosiation of Official of Analytical Chemist. Horwitz (Ed.)


Official Methods of Analysis of The Assosiation of Official of Analytical Chemist. Horwitz (Ed.)

Benjamin Franklin Station, Washington D.C. 884 pp.

official methods of analysis of the assosiation of official analytical chemist. 14th ed.


Washington, D. C.

Official methods of analysis of the assosiation of official analytical chemist. 12th ed.


Washington, D. C.


Judul Buku

15th Ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemists


Arlington. VA The Association of Official Analytical Chemistry Inc. Arlington Virginia.

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Official methods of analysis of the association of the official agricultural chemist.


Official methods of analysis of the association of the official agricultural chemist.

Assn. Offisial Agric. Chem., USA.

Official Methods of Analysis of The Association of Offiicial Analytical Chemists, 15th. Ed.


Official Methods of Analysis of The Association of Offiicial Analytical Chemists, 15th. Ed.

AOAC Inc . Washington. DC.

Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official of Analytical Chemist. Washington D.C.


Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official of Analytical Chemist. Washington D.C.

Official Methods of Analysis of The Association of Official Chemist, 14th. Ed.

Association of Official Analytical Chemist (AOAC)

Official Methods of Analysis of The Association of Official Chemist, 14th. Ed.

AOAC Inc. Arlington, Virginia.

Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Anaytical Chemist


Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Anaytical Chemist

Association of Official Chemists. Washington DC.

Official Methods of Analysis of The Association of Official Analytical Chemits


Official Methods of Analysis of The Association of Official Analytical Chemits

AOAC, Washington. DC.

Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists


Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists

Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington, D.C.

Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemist. Edited by Horwitz.


Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemist. Edited by Horwitz.

Benjamin-Franklin Station, Washington D.C. 547.

Official methods of analysis of the association of official analytical chemist. 14th ed.


Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemist, 14th ed.


Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemist, 14th ed.

AOAC, Inc., Washington.

Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemist, 14th ed.


Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemist, 14th ed.

AOAC, Inc., Arlington, Virginia.

Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemist, 14th ed.


Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemist, 14th ed.

AOAC, Inc., Arlington, Virginia.

Official methods of analysis of the association of official analitical chemists. 12th ed.



AOAC Inc. New York, USA

Association of official analytical chemists. Washington DC.

Hlm 729 dari 1800

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Official methods of analysis of the association of official analitical chemists. 12th ed.


Official Methods of Analysis of The Association of Official Agricultural Chemist.


Official Methods of Analysis of The Association of Official Agricultural Chemist.

AOAC, Arlington, USA

Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Analytical Chemist


Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Analytical Chemist

AOAC, Virginia, USA.

Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC International, 13th Ed.


Arlington, Virginia. 554 pp.

Official methods of analysis of official analitical chemist. 12th ed.


Official Methods of Analysis of Association of Official Analytical Chemist International, 16th ed

Association of Official Analytical Chemist (AOAC)

Official methods of analysis of agriculture chemistry


Willard Grant Press, Washington, D. C.

Official methods of analysis chemistry


Association of analytical chemistry, Washington, DC

Official Methods of Analysis Association of Offical Analitycal Chemists

A. O. A. C.

Ed. Helrich, K. AOAC, Inc. USA

Official methods of analysis 4 th editions


Association of official analytiical Chemist, Washington DC

Official methods of analysis 13th ed.


Association of official analytical chemist, Washington, DC

Official Methods of Analysis


Official methods of analysis


Official methods of analysis Official Methods of Analysis



Judul Buku

Penerbit Association of official analytical chemists. Washington DC.

Benjamin Franklin, Washington, DC. Official Methods of Analysis of Association of Official Analytical Chemist International, 16th ed

Official Methods of Analysis

AOAC International, Arlington, Virginia.

The Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Washington, D. C. Association of official analytical chemists, Washington, DC.

AOAC Washington DC Official Methods of Analysis

Association of Official Analytical Chemists.

Hlm 730 dari 1800

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Official Methods of Analysis


Official Methods of Analysis

Associated Official Analysis Chemistry. Washington D.C

Official Methods of Analysis


Official Methods of Analysis

AOAC Inc., Virginia, USA.

Official Methods of Analysis


Official Methods of Analysis

Washington, DC: Association of Official Analytical Chemist.

Official Methods of Analysis


Official Methods of Analysis

Association of Official Analytical Chemist Inc., Virginia.

Official Methods of Analysis


Official Methods of Analysis

Association of Official Analytical Chemist. Washington, D.C.

Official Methods of Analysis Official Methods of Analysis


Official Methods of Analysis


Official Methods of Analysis


Official Methods of Analyse of the Association Analytical Chemists, 14 th ed

Association of Official Analytical Chemistry

Official Methods of Analyse of the Association Analytical Chemists, 14 th ed

AOAC, Inc., Arlington, Virginia.

Official Methods of Analisys of The Association of Official Analitycal Chemists


Official Methods of Analisys of The Association of Official Analitycal Chemists 15 th ed

AOAC Inc Arlington, Virginia

Official Methods of Analisys of the Association of Analitycal Chemist


AOAC, Washington

Official Methods for Analysis of The Association Official Agriculture Chemist.


Official methods and recommended pratices of the American Oil Chemists' Society



Official Methods of Analysis

Official Methods of Analysis (Horwitz,W., ed.). 13rd Ed.

Arlington Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington, D.C. The Association of Official Analysis Chemists. Benjamin Franklin Station. Washington, D.C. 14th ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemist, Washington

Association Official Agriculture Chemists.

Hlm 731 dari 1800

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Official methods and recommended practices, American Oil Chemist Society.


Official methods and recommended practices, American Oil Chemist Society.

Champaign, Illinois

Official methode of the association of the agriculture chemist. 12th ed.


Official Methode of Analysis of the Association of Analytical Chemist, l4th Ed.


Official method on analysis of association of official analytical chemist. 13th ed.


Official method on analysis of association of official analytical chemist. 12th ed.


Official method on analysis of association of official analytical chemist. 12th ed.


Association of official analytical chemist, Washington, DC

Official method on analysis of association of official analytical chemist. 12th ed.


Association of official analytical chemist, Washington, DC

Official method ofanalysis. 13rd ed.

Minolta AOAC

Official method ofanalysis. 13rd ed.

Association of Official Analytieal Chemistry, Washington, DC.

Official Method ofAnalysis of the Assocciation of Official Analytical Chemist, 13rd Eds.


Official Method ofAnalysis of the Assocciation of Official Analytical Chemist, 13rd Eds.

Assocciation of Official Analytical Chemist. Washington, DC. 32 pp.

Official method of analysis. 14th ed.


Association of official analytical chemists, Inc., Arlington, Virginia, USA

Official method of analysis. 14th ed.

Association of official analytical chemist

Association of official analytical chemists, Inc., Arlington, Virginia, USA

Official method of analysis. 14th ed.


Association of official analytical chemist Inc., Arlington, Virginia, USA

Official Method of Analysis. 13 rd rev. ed.


Association of Official Chemist.



Official Methode of Analysis of the Association of Analytical Chemist, l4th Ed.

AOAC Inc., Arlington, Virginia Association of official analytical chemist, Washington, DC

Ass. Benjamin Franklin, Washington DC

Hlm 732 dari 1800

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Official Method of Analysis.


Benyamin Franklin Station, Washington DC.

Official Method of Analysis.


Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington DC.

Official Method of Analysis.


Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington DC.

Official Method of Analysis.


Association of Official Analytical Chemist, Arlington, Virginia 22209, USA.

Official Method of Analysis.


Association of Official Agricltural Chemists, Washington DC.

Official method of analysis. Official method of analysis of the association of the official analitical chemistry Inc. Arlington Virginia.


Washington, D. C.

Official method of analysis of the association of official analytical chemist. 12th ed.


Benjamin Franklin Sta. Washington, D. C.

Official method of analysis of the association of official analytical chemist. 12th ed.


Benjamin Franklin Sta. Washington, D. C.

Official Method of Analysis of the Association Analytical Chemists, Washington


Official Method of Analysis of The AOAC. 13 ed.


Official Method of Analysis of Association of Official Analytical Chemists


Official Method of Analysis 15ed 3rd Supplement


Official Method of Analysis


Association of Official Agriculture Chemists, Washington Dc

Official Method of Analysis


Official Method of Analysis 13rd ed


Judul Buku

Official Method of Analysis of the Association Analytical Chemists, Washington



AOAC. Washington DC Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington DC Association of Official Analitycal Chemist, Inc. Virginia

Association of Official Chemists,New York USA

Hlm 733 dari 1800

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Official Method of Analysis


Offic. Agric. Chemist. Washington DC.

Official and Tentative Methods of the American Oil Chemist's Society. 2 nd ed.


Official and Tentative Methods of the American Oil Chemist's Society. 2 nd ed.

Official and Tentative Methods of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 15th ed


American Oil Chemist Society, Champaign IL

Official methods of analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Fourth edition


Offcial Methods of Analysis


Offcial Methods of Analysis

Of Beial Methods of Analysis. 15th Ed


Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Arlington. VA

Oestrus induction during thé anoestrous season in goals by means of intravaginal pessaries or subcutaneous implants. In:

Holtz W.,

Oestrus induction during thé anoestrous season in goals by means of intravaginal pessaries or subcutaneous implants. In:

Nutan Printed, New Delhi, India

Oestrus cycle control and fertility in beef cattle following short term progestagen treatments

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Controlled of reproduction in the cows

The Hague-Martinus Nijhoff

OECD Guide Lines for Testing of Chemicals No. 203.


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Occurrence, Prevention and Monitoring of Microbial Quality Loss of Foods and Dairy Products

Mossel, D.A.A.

Jay, J.M., 1996. Modern Food Microbiology

Chapman and Hall, New York.

Occurrence of the enthomophatogen beauveria bassiana (balsamo) Vuillemin in different tillage regimes and zea mays L. and virulence to ward Ostrinia nubinalis (Hubner)

Bing, L.A

Occurance of food-borne fungsi and factors for growth.

Northolt, M.D.,

Introduction of Food-borne Fungi

Centraal Bureau voor Schimmel Cultures. Delft, p. 243-250.



American Oil Chemist's Society. Chicago.

AOAC, Inc Virginia USA

AOAC. Inc. Virginia, USA.

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Occurance and Formation of Biogenic Amines in Foods

Brink. T

De Ware Chemicus

Occurance and formation of Iron Oxides in Various Pedoenvironments


Iron In soil and Clay Mineral NATO ASI Series, Serier C : Mathematical and Physical Science

D. Reidel Publishing Company. Tokyo

Occurance & characteristic oil& fats dalam FD Gunstone, JL Harwood, FB Padley (eds) The Lipid Handbook

Padley, FB

Occurance & characteristic oil& fats dalam FD Gunstone, JL Harwood, FB Padley (eds) The Lipid Handbook

Chapman & Hall Great Britain

Obtaining spectral data and tristimulus values. Measuring Colour. Second edition.

Hunt, R.W.G,

Obtaining spectral data and tristimulus values. Measuring Colour. Second edition.

Ellis Hoi-wood. New York 110-123.

Observations on The Aggressive and Sexual Behaviour of Red Deer (Cervus Elaphus).

Jaczewsky, Z.


Observation on the artivicial breeding of red deer. Dalam Artificial Breeding of NonDomestic Animals.

Krzywinski, A.

Artificial Breeding of NonDomestic Animals

Academie Press. London.

Observation of leaf and planthopper on rice in West Java


Observation of leaf and planthopper on rice in West Java

Contr. Centr. Res. Inst. Food Crops, Bogor. (3): 10p.

Object-Oriented Modeling And Design

Rumbaugh, J

Object-Oriented Modeling And Design

Prentice-Hall International, Inc., New Jersey.

Object Oriented Analysis.

Yourdon, F.

Object Oriented Analysis.

Yourdon Hill Inc., New York

Object Oriented Analysis, Design Implementation : A New Approach to Software Engineering

Seller, B. H.

Object Oriented Analysis, Design Implementation : A New Approach to Software Engineering

Prentice Hall Inc. New York

Object Oriented Analysis (3rd Edition).

Coad, P

Object Oriented Analysis (3rd Edition).

Yourdon Press, PrenticeHall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

Object Oriented Analysis

Coad, P

Object Oriented Analysis

Yourdon Press. PrenticeHall Inc., New Jersey



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Obat-Obat Penting. Khasiat. Penggunaan dan Efek-Efek Sampingnya. Edisi 4. p. 179187.

Tan, H.T.

Obat-Obat Penting. Khasiat. Penggunaan dan Efek-Efek Sampingnya. Edisi 4. p. 179-187.

Oat Groat Fractionation Process


Nutriüorial Requirements of Swine. 8th ed

Nutrional Research Council

Nutriüorial Requirements of Swine. 8th ed

NationAl Academy Press, Washington D.C.

Nutritive value of rice straw as related to location of growth and season, with special reference to the situation of East Java, Indonesia. In: (M.N.M. Ibrahim, R. de Jong, J van Bruchem and Hari Purnomo, eds.) Livestock and feed development in the tropics


Nutritive value of rice straw as related to location of growth and season, with special reference to the situation of East Java, Indonesia. In: (M.N.M. Ibrahim, R. de Jong, J van Bruchem and Hari Purnomo, eds.) Livestock and feed development in the tropics

Proceeding of an Inter-national Seminar at Brawijaya University, Matang, Indonesia

Nutritive Value of Oil Palm Trunk for Ruminants.

Oshio, S.

Malaysian Society of Animal Production.

Nutritive value of eggs. In: Egg science and technology 2nd ed. (eds. Stadelman, W. J. and O. J. Cotterill)

Cook, E.

Nutritional Values of Australian Foods

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Nutritional Values of Australian Foods

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Nutritional Value. Didalam S.T . Chang and W.A. Hayes (Eds). 1978. The Biology and Cultivation of Edible Mushroom

Crisan, E.V

Nutritional Value. Didalam S.T . Chang and W.A. Hayes (Eds). 1978. The Biology and Cultivation of Edible Mushroom

Academic Press,New York

Nutritional value of rubber seed meal in livestock in Southeast Asia. In: Feedingstuff for livestock in Southeast Asia. Devendra, C. and R.I. Hutagalung.

Toh, K.S.

Nutritional value of rubber seed meal in livestock in Southeast Asia. In: Feedingstuff for livestock in Southeast Asia. Devendra, C. and R.I. Hutagalung.

Malaysian Society of Animal Production.



US Patent No. 4.028.468

AVI Publishing Company Inc., Westport, Connecticut Departement of Community Services and Health Australian Government Publishing Australia McMillan, Australia

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Nutritional value & composistion of the coconut

Banzon JA

Special issue for the Xith world congress of cardiology Manila

Nutritional studies on sea bass (Lates calcarifer).

Boonyaratpalin, M.

S.S. DeSilva (ed.). Fish Nutrition Research Asia. Proceeding of the Fourth Asian Fish Nutrition Workshop Asian Fish Soc.Spec.Publ.5.

Nutritional Studies on Mature Rabbits.

Aboul-El, S. S.

Animal Production Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazig University, Egypt.

Nutritional Studies on The Genus Hirsutella

Mac Leod., D.M

Canadian Joumal of Botany

Nutritional situation in Jakarta: current trends and future needs

Susilowati, D

Nutritional situation in Jakarta: current trends and future needs

Nutritional Research Techniques for Domestic Wild Animal.

Harris, L. E.

Published by L. E. Harris (in Paris).

Nutritional research techniques for domestic wild animal.

Harris, L. E.

Published by L. E. Harris (in Paris).

Nutritional Requirements of The Predominant Rumen Cellulolytic Bacteria.

Bryan, M. P.

Fed. Anim. Soc. Exp. Biol.

Nutritional quality feed used seed production offish.

Watanabe, T.

Proceedg of 7'" Japan-Soviet Jot Symp Aquaculture. Tokyo.

Nutritional Properties of Rice.

Houston, D. F.

Nutritional properties of coconut oil : its use in filled Milk. Phil J. Coco Stud vol IV No 3

Kaunitz HMD

Nutritional Needs tbr Fat and the Role of Fat in the Diel. In: Deep Frying; Chemistry, Nutrition, and Practical Applications. Perkins. E.G and Erickson, M.D (eds)

Melton, S.L

Deep Frying; Chemistry, Nutrition, and Practical Applications.

Nutritional Metabolite Kit Protocols.


Animal Production Unit. IAEA, Vienna.



Asian Fisheries Society, Manila. p:33-42.

Abstract) Adelaide: XV International Congress of Nutrition

National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC.

AOCS Press. Campaign, lllinois

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Nutritional Implications Of Gums


Food Technology

Nutritional genetics

Pym, R.A.E..

Poultry breeding genetics, R.D. Crawford, ed

Nutritional factors limiting nitrogen fixed by rhizobia, in: biological nitrogen fixation in farming system of the tropics, Ayanaba, A. dan P. J. Dart (eds)

Edwards, D. G.

Nutritional Epidemiology

Willett, W

Nutritional Epidemiology

Willet W

Nutritional Ecology, of the Ruminant. Ruminant metabolism, nutritional strategies, the cellulolytic fermentation and the chemistry of forage and plant fibers.

Van Soest, P.J

Nutritional ecology of the ruminant. 2nd edition

Van Soest, P. J.

Nutritional ecology of the ruminant. 2nd edition

Van Soest, P.J

Nutritional ecology of the ruminant. 2nd ed.

Van Soest, P. J.

Cornel University Press. New York.

Nutritional ecology of the ruminant. 2nd ed.

Van Soest, P. J.

O & B Book Inc. USA.

Nutritional ecology of the ruminant. 2nd ed.

Van Soest, P. J.

Comstock publishing associaties.

Cornell University Press London

Nutritional Ecology of The Ruminant.

Van Soest, J. P.

Nutritional Ecology of The Ruminant.

O and B Books Inc. Corvallis, Oregon.

Nutritional Ecology of The Ruminant.

Van Soest, P. J.

A Division of Cornell University Press. Ithaca and London.

Nutritional Ecology of The Ruminant.

Van Soest, P. J.

Comstock Publishing Associates a Division of Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London.

Nutritional Ecology of The Ruminant.

Van Soest, P. J.

O&B Books, Inc., Corvallis.



Elsevier. New York. NY. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto

Second Edition

Oxford University Press, Oxford Harverd University Press.Harvard

Nutritional Ecology, of the Ruminant. Ruminant metabolism, nutritional strategies, the cellulolytic fermentation and the chemistry of forage and plant fibers.

O & B Book. Inc. Oregon.

Cornel University Press, New York Nutritional ecology of the ruminant. 2nd edition

Cornell University Press, USA

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Nutritional Ecology of The Ruminant.

Van Soest, P. J.

Corvaillis, Oregon, United State of America.

Nutritional Ecology of The Ruminant.

Van Soest, J.P.

Nutritional Ecology of The Ruminant.

O and B Books Inc. Corvallis, Oregon.

Nutritional Ecology of The Ruminant.

Van Soest, J.P.

Nutritional Ecology of The Ruminant.

O and B Books Inc. Corvallis, Oregon.

Nutritional Ecology of The Ruminant.

Van Soest, P.J.

Nutritional Ecology of The Ruminant.

O & B Books Inc., Oregon, USA.

Nutritional ecology of the ruminant, ruminanat metabolism, Nutritional strategies. The cellulolytic fermentation and chemistry of forages and plant fibers

Van Soest, P. J.

Published and distributed by O & B Inc. Corvalles, Oregon

Nutritional ecology of the ruminant Ed.

Van Soest, P. J.

O and B books, Carvallis, USA

Nutritional Ecology of the Ruminant . Ruminant Metabolism, Nutritional Strategies, the Cellulolytic Fermentation and the Chemistry of Forages and Plant Fibers

Van Soest, P.J.

O & B Books Inc. Corvallis, Oregon

Nutritional Ecology of the Ruminant

Van Soest, P.J

O & B Books, Inc., Corvalis, Oregon.

Nutritional Ecology of the Ruminant

Van Soest, P.J.

Nutritional Ecology of The Ruminant

Van Soest, P.J..

Nutritional Ecology of Stored Product Insect, in F. Slansky and J.G. Rodriguez (1987).

Backer, J.E

Nutritional Ecology of Mites, Spider, and Related Invertebrates.

A Wiley Interscience Publishing. John Wiley and Sons, New Vork.

Nutritional Ecology of Ruminant.

Van Soest, P.J.

Nutritional Ecology of Ruminant.

Comstock Publ. Associates. Cornell University, Ithaca.

Nutritional Ecology of Ruminant Metabolism Nutritional Strategies the Cellulolytic Fermentation and Chemistry of Forage and Plant Fiber.

Van Soest . P. J.

Nutritional Ecology of Ruminant Metabolism Nutritional Strategies the Cellulolytic Fermentation and Chemistry of Forage and Plant Fiber.

Comel University. Oregon. USA.


Nutritional Ecology of the Ruminant


O & B Books, Inc., Corvalis, Oregon. Cornell University Press. Ithaca. New York.

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Nutritional ecology of insects, mites, spiders, and related invertebrates: an overview, pp. 169

Slansky, F.

F. Slansky, Jr. & J. G. Rodriguez (eds.), Nutritional Ecology of Insects, Mites, Spiders, and Related Invertebrates

John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Nutritional ecology of forb foliage-chewing insects, pp. 71103

Tabashnik, B. E

F. Slansky, Jr., & J. G. Rodriguez (eds.), Nutritional Ecology of Insects, Mites, Spiders and Related Invertebrates

John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Nutritional disorders of the rice plant in asia


Nutritional diets therapy. The 2nd ed.

Williams, S. R.

The CV. Mosby Company, Saint Louis

Nutritional Control of Milk Synthethis.

Collier, R. J.

Iowa State University Press, Ames.

Nutritional control of milk synthesis. In: Lactation. Larson, B. Ed.

Collier, R. J.

Iowa state university press, Ames

Nutritional Consequences of the Transformation from Subsistence to Commercial Agriculture


Human Ecology

Nutritional Consequences of the Transformation from Subsistence to Commercial Agriculture

Dewey K.G

Human Ecology

Nutritional Biochemisty. Nutritional Biochemistry.

Brody, T Brody, T,

Academie Press, Sydney Nutritional Biochemistry.

Nutritional Biochemistry.

Brody, T

Nutritional Biochemistry

Nutritional biochemistry and metabolism

Linder, C. M.

Department of chemistry. California state university fullerton

Nutritional Biochemistry and metabolism

Linder MC

Elsevier Sci Pub Coy Inc. New York

Nutritional Biochemistry

Brody, T.

Nutritional Biochemistry

Academic Press, New York. p. 420-427.

Nutritional Biochemistry

Brody, T

Nutritional Biochemistry

Academie Press. Sydney

Nutritional Assessment

Gibson. R.S

A Laboratory Manual, University Of Guelph.

Oxford University, New York


Academic Press, Inc. New York. p. 420-427. Academie Press. Sydney

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Nutritional Assesment

Gibson. R.S

A Laboratory Manual

Oxford University Press. New York

Nutritional aspect of cardiovascular disease

Department of Health

Report of Cardiovascular Review Group. Committeee on Medical Aspect of Food Policy


Nutritional and physiological effects of used frying fats

Marquez Ruiz G

Deep Frying

AOCS Press Inc California

Nutritional and Metabolishm in Patient Care.

Kinney J.M

W.B.Saunders Company, Philadelphia

Nutritional and health aspects of dietary lipids in introduction to fats and oils technology. Edited by P. J. Wan

Liepa, G. U.

American oil chemists society, Champaign, Illinois

Nutritional and growth manual.

Davies, H. L.

Australian universities international development program (AUIDP), Melbourne

Nutritional Adequacy of Diets of Low Income Households


Nutrient Adequacy. Assesment Using Food Consumption Surveys 1986

Nutrition: An Integrated Approach

Pike, R.L.

Nutrition, digestionand energy utilization

M. Arthur

Fish Physiology Vol. 1

Academic Press, New York

Nutrition Throughout the Life Cycle.


Fourth Report on The World Nutrition Situation.

United Nstions Administrative Committee on Coordination SubCommittee on Nutrition (ACC/SCN) in colaboration with International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), geneva.

Nutrition Ruquirement for Goats


Nutrition Ruquirement for Goats

National Academy Press, Washington D.C.

Nutrition research techniques for domestic and wild animals. Volume 1

Harris, L.E

Nutrition research techniques for domestic and wild animals. Volume 1

Animal Science Department. Utah State University Logan, Utah


National Academy Press Washington. D.C John Wiley and Sons, New York. Hal 248: 805808.

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Nutrition Research Techniques for Domestic and Wild Animals

Harris, L.E.

Nutrition Research Techniques for Domestic and Wild Animals

Animal Science Department, Utah State Universityu. Logan.

Nutrition Research Technique for Domestic and Wild Animal

Harris, L.E.

Nutrition Research Technique for Domestic and Wild Animal

Published by L.E. Harris New York

Nutrition Requirement of poultry. New Ed

National research council (NRC)

Nutrition Requirement of Fish


Nutrition Requirement of Dairy Cattle.


Nutrition requirement of beef cattle. 5th rev ed.


Nutrition requirement of domestic animal. NAS. Washington DC.

Nutrition quality of Artemia from different location as living feed from viewpoint of essential fatty acids for marine fish.

Fujita, S.,

G. Personne, P. Sorgelos, 0. Roels, and E. Jespers (Eds). The Bre Shrimp Artemia, vol 3

Nutrition principles and aplication in healthpromotion. 2nd ed.

Siuitor, C. J. W.

Nutrition ofChicken. 3rd-ed..M.C

Scott, M.L

Nutrition ofChicken. 3rd-ed..M.C

Scott & Associates, New York.

Nutrition of Vegetable Crops

Mitra, S.K

Nutrition of Vegetable Crops

Naya Prokash. Calcutta. India

Nutrition of Vegetable Crops


Nutrition of Vegetable Crops

Naya Prokash. Calcuta. India.

Nutrition of the Chiken. 2nd Ed.

Scott, M.L.,

Nutrition of the Chiken. 2nd Ed.

Scott and Associated Ithaca. New York.

Nutrition of the Chickens

Scott, M.L.

Nutrition of the Chickens

M.L. Scott and Assoc. Ithaca, New York.

Nutrition of the Chicken. Third Edition

Scott, M. L

Nutrition of the Chicken. Third Edition

M. L. Scott & Associates, Ithaca, New York

Nutrition of The Chicken. Third Edition

Scott, M. L

Nutrition of The Chicken. Third Edition

. L. Scott and Association, Ithaca

Nutrition of the Chicken. fourth ed

Scott, M.L

Published by M.L. Scott& associates Ithaca, New York

Published by M.L. Scott& associates Ithaca, New York


Lea and Febiger Philadelphia Nutrition Requirement of Fish

Washington D.C: National Acad. Press. National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC.

Universa Press, Belgium. P:277-290.

J. B. Lippincot Company, Philadelphia

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Nutrition of the Chicken. 3rd Ed.,

Scott, M.L.,

Nutrition of the Chicken. 3rd Ed.,

M.L. Scott and Association. Ithaca, New York.

Nutrition of the Chicken. 3rd Ed.,

Scott, M.L.,

Nutrition of the Chicken. 3rd Ed.,

M.L. Scott and Association. Ithaca, New York.

Nutrition of The Chicken. 3rd Ed. M.L.

Scott, M.L.,

Nutrition of The Chicken. 3rd Ed. M.L.

Scott Assoc. Publ, Ithaca, New York.

Nutrition of the chicken. 3rd ed. M.L

Scott, M.L

Scott and Associates, tthaca. New York

Nutrition of The Chicken. 3rd Ed.

Scott, M.L.,

Nutrition of The Chicken. 3rd Ed.

Nutrition of the chicken. 3rd ed.

Scott, M. L.

M. L. Scott and assoc. Ithaca, new York.

Nutrition of the chicken. 3rd ed.

Scott, M. L.

M. L. Scott and associates publisher, ithaca, new York

Nutrition of the chicken. 3rd ed.

Scott, M. L.

M. C. Scott & Associates, Ithaca, New York

Nutrition of the Chicken. 3rd Ed.

Scott, M.L

Nutrition of the Chicken. 3rd Ed


Nutrition of the Chicken. 3 rd Ed. M.L

Scott, M.L

Nutrition of the Chicken. 3 rd Ed. M.L

Nutrition of the Chicken. 2nd Ed. M.L. Scott and Associates

Scott, M.L

Ithaca, New York.

Nutrition of the chicken. 2nd ed.

Scott, M. L.

Ithaca, New York

Nutrition of the chicken. 2nd ed.

Scott, M. L.

M. L. Scott and Ass. Ithaca

Nutrition of the Chicken. ed. M.L


Nutrition of the Chicken. ed. M.L

Nutrition of the Chicken.

Scott, M. L,

Nutrition of the Chicken.

Nutrition of The Chicken.

Scott, M. L.



Nutrition of the Chicken. 3rd Ed.

Publ. By M.L. Scott and Assosiates Ithaca. New York.

M.L Scott and Associates, Ithaca, New York. M.L. Scott and Associates. Ithaca, New York


Scott and Associated Itheca, New York.

Scott and Associates. Ithaca, New York 2nd Ed. M.L. Scott and Association Ithaca. New York. M. L. Scott and Association, Ithaca, New York. Hlm 743 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Nutrition of The Chicken.

Scott, M. L.

Nutrition of The Chicken.

Scott, M. L.

Scott, M. L. and Associates, Ithara.

Nutrition of the Chicken.

Scott, M.L.

Nutrition of the Chicken.

Nutrition of the chicken.

Scott ML

Nutrition of the Chicken.

Scott, M.L.

Nutrition of the Chicken.

ML. Scott & Ass. Ithaca, New York

Nutrition of the Chicken.

Scott, M.L.

Nutrition of the Chicken.

M.L Scott and Assosiated, Ithaca, New York.

Nutrition of the chicken, fourth ed

Scott, M.L

Published by M.L. Scott& associates Ithaca, New York

Nutrition of the chicken, fourth ed

Scott, M.L

Nutrition of the chicken, fourth ed

Nutrition of the chicken 2nd ed

Scott ML

Nutrition of The Chicken . 2nd Ed.

Scott ., M. L.

Nutrition of The Chicken . 2nd Ed.

ML. Scott and Association Ithaca . New York.

Nutrition of The Chicken

Scott, M.L.

Nutrition of The Chicken

ML. Scott and Association Ithaca. New York.

Nutrition of the Chicken

Scott, M.L.

Nutrition of the Chicken

Mc Scott Associate, Ithaca, New York.

Nutrition of the Chicken

Scott, M.L.

Nutrition of the Chicken

M.L. Scott and Association, New York

Nutrition of The Chicken

Scott, M.L

Nutrition of The Chicken. 3rd' Ed

M.L. Scott Associates lthaca. New York.

Nutrition of the Chicken

Scott, M.L.,

Nutrition of the Chicken

M.L. Scott and Associates Itacha. New York

Nutrition of Ponds Fishes.

Hepher, B.

Nutrition of Ponds Fishes.

Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, New York. 388 pp.

Nutrition of Pond Fishes.

Hepher, B,

Nutrition of Pond Fishes.

Cambridges University Press. Cambridge. 383 pp.


Judul Buku

Penerbit M. L. Scott and Associated, Ithaca.

M.L. Scott and Associates, Ithaca, New York. ML Scott and Associates Publ Itaca New York

Published by M.L. Scott& associates Ithaca, New York ML Scott & associates Ithaca NY

Hlm 744 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Nutrition of plant tissue culture in K. Vasil (ed) Cell cultre and somatic cell gnetics of plant. Vol 2 pp 129-134

Ozias, A.P

Nutrition of plant tissue culture in K. Vasil (ed) Cell cultre and somatic cell gnetics of plant. Vol 2 pp 129-134

Nutrition of plant tissue culture in IK Vasil (ed) Cell culture & somatic cell genetics of plant

Ozias AP

Nutrition of Penaeid Prawns and Shrimp, p. 121-130

Kanazawa, A.

Nutrition of Grazing Ruminants in Warm Climate.

McDowell, L. R.

Nutrition of fish viscera silage Nutrition of Draught Animals.

Eggum Teleni E.

the Science and Food

Nutrition of Chicken. 2"'1 Ed.

Scott, M. L. ,

Nutrition of Chicken. 2"'1 Ed.

M. L. Scott and Association Ithaca, New York.

Nutrition of Chicken.

Scott, M.L.

Nutrition of Chicken.

M.L. Scott & Associates, New York.

Nutrition of Chicken 2nd Edition

Scott, M. L

Nutrition of Chicken 2nd Edition

Ithaca, New York

Nutrition of Chicken

Scott, M.L.

Nutrition of Chicken

Publ. M.L. Scoot and Associates, Ithaca, New York.

Nutrition of Chicken

Scott, M.L.

Nutrition of Chicken

M. L. Scott and Assosites Ithaca. New York.

Nutrition Medium and Characteristc of Plant Cell and Tissue Culture


Plant Tissue Culture. Method and Application in Agriculture

Acad Press. New York

Nutrition In Women Health

Krummel. D.A

Nutrition in the Reproduction of Farm Animal

Robinson, J. J.



New York

Y. Taki, J.H. Primavera and J.A. Llobrera (Eds). Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Culture of Penaeid Prawn/Shrimp

Aquacul. Dept., SEAFDEC, Iloilo, Philippines.

Academic Press Inc. New York. ACIAR - RIAP Indonesia.

Aspec Publisher. Inc. Maryland, US Nutr. Res. Nutr

Hlm 745 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Nutrition in Relation to Atherosclerosis. In: Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease 6th ed Ed. By M.G. Wohl and R.S. Goedhart,

Friedman, G.J

Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease 6th ed

Lea and Febiger Publishers, Philadelphia, USA

Nutrition in Preventive Dentistry (2nd ed)

Nizel. A.E

Nutrition in Liver Disorder

Lieber C.S

Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease Ninth Edition (Shils, M.E, at al, eds).

Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore.

Nutrition in Health and Dissease

Mitchell, HS.,

Nutrition in Health and Dissease

Lippincott, New York

Nutrition in Developmental Transition in South-East Asia

Gopalan C

WHO, Regional Office for SouthEast Asia, New Delhi

Nutrition in childhood

Pipes P

In B.S.Worthington-Robert & S.R Williams (Eds), Nutrition throughout the life cycle

Nutrition guide. Feed formulation with digestible amino acids.


Rhone poulenc animal nutrition. Antony cedex, france.

Nutrition for reproduction. In: reproduction in sheep. D. R. Lindsay and D. T. Pearce. Ed.

Egan, A. R.

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

Nutrition For Fitness and Sport 4th ed.

Williams. S.R

Broken & Bench Mark Pub., Madison

Nutrition for Developing Countries

King F.S

Oxford University Press, New york .

Nutrition et Alimentation des Volailles.

Larbier, M.

INRA Ed., Paris.

Nutrition ecology of the ruminant.

Van Soest

O & B Book Inc. USA.

Nutrition Ecology of

W.B.Saunders Company, London

Nutrition Ecology of

O & B Book. Inc. Oregon.

Nutrition During Pregnancy

Food aand Nutrition Board

National Academy Press.Wasington DC

Nutrition During Pregnancy

Food and Nutrition Board

National Academy Press.Washington DC

Nutrition biochemistry and metabolism with clinical aplication

Munro, H. N.

Elsevier science publishing company inc., New York

Nutrition azotee. In: Jarrige. R. Alimentation des Bovins, Ovins et Caprins.

Verite, R.

INRA Paris.


Hlm 746 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Nutrition Azotee. In: Alimentation des Bovins, Ovins et Caprins.

Verite R.

Nutrition Aspects Of Palm Oil


Nutrition and physical fitness. 8th ed. WB Saunders, Philadelphia, London-Toronto

Bogert LJ

Nutrition and metabolism of vitamins

Linder, M. C.

M. C. Linder (ed) nutritional biochemistry and metabolism

Nutrition and Meat Production.

Devendra, C.

Tando Jam, Pakistan.

Nutrition and Meat Production.

Devendra, C.

Tando Jam, Pakistan.

Nutrition and management of ducks.

Scott, M. L.

M. L. Scott of Ithaca. P. O. Box. 4464. Ithaca N. Y. 14852.

Nutrition and management of ducks

Scott, M. L.

M. L. Scott of ithaca, New York

Nutrition and management of ducks

Scott, M. L.

M. L. Scott and Ass. Ithaca

Nutrition and Management of Ducks

Scott, M.L

Nutrition and Management of Ducks

Scott Ithaca, New York

Nutrition and Lactafion in Dairy Cow

Garnsworthy, P.C.

Nutrition and Lactafion in Dairy Cow

Buttersworth. Boston. USA

Nutrition and growth.

Watanabe, T.

InC.J Shepherd and N.R. Bromage (Eds.). Intensive Fish Farming.

BSP Professional Books, London, p.154-197.

Nutrition and Growth Manual.

Davies, H.L.

Nutrition and Growth Manual.

Australian Universities Int’l Development Program (AUIDP), Melbourne.

Nutrition and Global Chalenge. Food Nutrition Agriculture.



Nutrition and Feeding of Fish.

Lovell, T.

Nutrition and Feeding of Fish.


Judul Buku


The Malaysian Palm Oil Promotion Council, Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia

Elsevier science publishing company, Inc. New York. Amsterdam. Oxford

New York. Van Nostrand Reinhold. 50 pp.

Hlm 747 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Nutrition and Feeding of Fish.

Lovell, T.

Nutrition and Feeding of Fish.

An AVI Book Published by Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York 275 pp.

Nutrition and feeding of fish

Lovell R.T

Van Nostrand Reinhold. New York

Nutrition And Diet Theraphy

Williams. S.R

The UV. Mosby Company, Saint Louis




Nutritioanl Status and Alternative Live Style Diets, with Special References to Vegetarian in the United State

Dwyer J.T

Nutritin of the chicken, 2th. Ed.

Scott. M. L.

M.L. Scott and Ass. Ithaca, N.Y.

Nutritin Et, Alimentation des volailes.

Larbier. M.

Institute National De La Recherche Agronomi que, Paris.

Nutrision of Chicken. 3rd. Ed.

Scott. M. L.

Nutrisi Unggas Lanjut.


Jurusan Nutrisi dan Makana Ternak. Program Pascasarjana Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.

Nutrisi Ternak I.

Kamal, M.

Fakultas peternakan UGM, Yogyakarta

Nutrisi Ternak Dasar


Nutrisi Ternak Dasar

Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Brawijaya. Malang.

Nutrisi Ternak 1. Rangkuman

Kamal, M.

Nutrisi Ternak 1. Rangkuman

Lab. Makanan Ternak. Jurusan Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak. Fak. Peternakan. Univ. Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.

Nutrisi Tanaman

Agustina, L

Nutrisi Tanaman

Rineka Cipta, Jakarta.


Rechcigl, Mr.Jr. (Eds), CRC Handbook of Nutrition Suplement

Nutrision of Chicken. 3rd. Ed.

Boca Raton.CRC.Press.Florida

Published by M. L. Scott and Accociation Ithaca. New York.

Hlm 748 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Nutrisi aneka ternak unggas

Anggorodi, H. R.

PT. Gramedia pustaka utama Jakarta

Nutrisi aneka ternak unggas

Anggorodi, H. R.

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Nutrisi Aneka Temak Unggas

Anggorodi, R

Nutrirional Biochemistry.

Brody, T.

Nutrion Planning is Alive and Well, Thank You

Berg A

Word Bank Reprint Series : Number 418

Nutrion of Chicken. 3rd Ed

Scott, M, L

Publ. M. C. Scott and Associates. Ithaca, New York

Nutrinon of Chicken. M. L

Scott, M. L

Nutrinon of Chicken. M. L

Scott and Ass. Ithaca. New York

Nutrients Requirements of Warmwatel Fishes.


Nutrients Requirements of Warmwatel Fishes.

National Academy of Sciences, Washington D.C. 78 pp

Nutrients Requirements of Poultry.


National Academy of Science, Washington.

Nutrients Requirements of Poultry.


National Academy Press, Washington, DC.

Nutrientrequirements of poultry.


National academic of science.

Nutrient utilization of growing female Etawah crossbreed goats fed diets containing different protein/energy ratios, him. 67-70

Putra, I.G.A.

Nutrient Utilization of Growing Female Etawah Crossbreed Goats Fed Diets Containing Different Protein/Energy Rations. In: Energy Metabolism of Farm Animals.

Arta Putra, I. G. A.

CAB International, UK.

Nutrient Uptake in Mycorrhizal Symbiosis. In: Proc. Of an International Symposium on Management of Mycorrhizas in Agriculture, Holticulture and Forestry.

Marschner, H.

Perth. Kluwer Academic Publisher.

Nutrient uptake in mycorrhizal symbiosis

Marschner H

Kluwer Academic Publisher


Judul Buku

Nutrisi Aneka Temak Unggas


PT Gramedia Pustaka ütama. Jakarta Academic Press, San Diego

K. McCracken, E.F. Unsworth & A.R.G. Wylie (ed.), Energy Metabolism of Farm Animals

Wallingford Oxon: C.A.B. International.

Hlm 749 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Nutrient uptake improvement of centro and puero by rock phospate fertilization and VAM innoculation in the Latosolic soil

Lukiwati DR

Nutrient transportin vasicular arbuscular mycorhizas


Judul Buku


Model new based on the distribution of ATP-ases on fungal and plant membrances .

Biotop Special publication No. 56:p .73

Nutrient Requrements of Poultry National Academy of Sci Washington DC.

National Research Council

Nutrient Requrement of Ruminants in Developing Countries

Kearl, L.C

Nutrient Requrement of Poultry.


Nutrient Requiremerits of Goats


Nutrient Requiremerits of Goats

National Academy Prcss. Washington D.C.

Nutrient Requirements ofWarmwater Fishes.


Nutrient Requirements ofWarmwater Fishes.

National Academy of Sciences. Washington DC. 103 pp.

Nutrient Requirements of Warmwater Fishes.


Nutrient Requirements of Warmwater Fishes.

National Academy of Sciences. Washington, D.C. 125pp.

Nutrient Requirements of Warmwater Fishes.

National Research Council.

Nutrient Requirements of Warmwater Fishes.

National Academy of Sciences, Washington D.C. p 71.

Nutrient requirements of warmwater fishes and shellfishes.


Nutrient requirements of warmwater fishes and shellfishes.

National Academic Press, Washington, D.C., 103 pp.

Nutriënt requirements of warm water fishes

National Research Council, National Academy of Science, Washington D.C. 78 p.

Nutrient Requirements of Swine

National Academie of Science. Washington. D.C

Nutriënt requirements of warm water fishes

Nutrient Requirements of Swine


Nutrient requirements of suspension culturesm of soybean root cells.

Gamborg, O.L.


Nutrient Requrement of Ruminants in Developing Countries

Utah State University. Logan, Utah National Academic Press. Washinton DC. Ninth Revised Edition.

Hlm 750 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Nutrient requirements of sheep. 6th rev. ed.


National academy science. Academy of science. Washington, D. C.

Nutrient requirements of sheep


National academy press, Washington DC.

Nutrient requirements of ruminants in developing countries.

Kearl, L. C.

Nutrient requirements of ruminants in developing countries.

Kearl LC

Nutrient Requirements of Ruminants in Developing Countries.

Kearl, L.C.

Nutrient Requirements of Ruminants in Developing Countries.

Nutrient requirements of ruminants in developing countries, International feedstuffs institute

Kearl, L. C.

Utah State University, Logan Utah

Nutrient requirements of ruminants in developing counties

Kearl, L. C.

International feedstuff institute. Utah Agricultural experiment station

Nutrient Requirements of Ruminant in Developing Countries.

Kearl, L. C.

The IFI, Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, Utah State University, Logan Utah.

Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. Sixth Revised Edition

National Research Counsil

National Academy of Science, Washington, D.C., USA.

Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. Ninth Revised Edition.

National Research Council

Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. Ninth Revised Edition.

National Academy Press Washington DC

Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. Ninth Revised Edition

National Research Council (NRC)

Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. Ninth Revised Edition

National Academy Press, Washington D.C.


Judul Buku

International feedstuffs institute, Utah agricultural experiment station, Utah University, Logan Utah


International feedstuffs institute, Utah agricultural experiment station, Utah University, Logan Utah

International Feedstuff Institute, Utah State University, Utah Int’l Feedstuffs Institute, Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, Utah State Unv. Logan, Utah, USA.

International feedstuff institute. Utah Agricultural experiment station

Hlm 751 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. Ninth Revised Edition


Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. Eight Revised Ed


Nutrient requirements of poultry. 9th revised ed.


National Academy Press, Washington DC.

Nutrient requirements of poultry. 9th revised ed.


National Academy Press, Washington DC.

Nutrient requirements of poultry. 9th revised ed.


National Academy Press, Washington DC.

Nutrient requirements of poultry. 9th rev. ed.


National academy Press, Washington, D.C.

Nutrient requirements of poultry. 9th rev. ed.


National academic Press, Washington, DC.

Nutrient requirements of poultry. 9th ed.


National academy press, Washington DC

Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. 9th ed.


Washington D.C., National Academic Press.

Nutrient requirements of poultry. 9th ed.


National academy press. Washington, D. C.

Nutrient requirements of poultry. 8th rev. ed.


National academy of science, Washington, DC.

Nutriënt Requirements of Poul-try. 23th Ed


Nutriënt Requirements of Poul-try. 23th Ed

The National Academy of Science, Washington D. C.

Nutrient Requirements of poultry. 23th Ed


Nutrient Requirements of poultry. 23th Ed

The National Academy of Science, Washington D.C

Nutrient Requirements of poultry. 23th Ed


Nutrient Requirements of poultry. 23th Ed

The National Academy of Science, Washington D.C.

Nutrient Requirements of Poultry, 8th Ed, Revised

National Research Council

Nutrient Requirements of Poultry, 8th Ed, Revised

National Academy Press. Washington .DC.


Judul Buku

Penerbit National Academy Press, Washington DC

Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. Eight Revised Ed

National Academy Press, Washington, DC

Hlm 752 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Nutrient requirements of poultry and nutritional research. First published

Fisher, C.

Nutriënt Requirements of Poultry


National Research Council, National Academy of Science, Washington

Nutrient Requirements of Poultry

National Research Council

Nutrient Requirements of Poultry

National Academy Press, Washington D.C.

Nutrient Requirements of Poultry


Nutrient Requirements of Poultry

National Academy Press. Washington, D.C.

Nutriënt Require-ments of Fish. NRC


Nutriënt Require-ments of Fish. NRC

National Academie Press. Washington. D.C

Nutrient requirements of domestic animals. No. 3 Nutrient requirements of dairy cattle. 5th Rev. Ed.

National research council

National academy of sciences, Washington D. C.

Nutrient Requirements of Domestic Animals.


National Academy Press, Washington DC.

Nutrient Requirements of Domestic Animals.


National Academy Press, Washington DC.

Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Goats, Past and Present.

Haenlein, G. F. W.

Goat and Sheep Res.

Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle. Washington, DC


Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle. Washington, DC

Nutrient requirements of dairy cattle. 6th revised editor.


National academy of science. Washington DC.

Nutrient requirements of dairy cattle. 6th ed.


National academic Press, Washington, DC.

Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle.


National Academy Press, Washington DC.

Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle.



Judul Buku

Penerbit Butterworths, London

Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle.

Nat. Acad. Press.

National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.

Hlm 753 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Nutrient requirements of dairy cattle

National research council

National academic Press, Washington, DC.

Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle

National Research Council

National Academy Scientice, Washington. D.C

Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle. Sixth Revised Edition.


Nutrient Requirements of Domestic Animals, NAS, Washington, D.C.

Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle. No. 4 Fifth Revised Edition.


Nutrient Requirements of Domestic Animals, NAS, Washington, D.C.

Nutrient requirements of beef cattle. 5th rev. ed.


National Academy of Science, Washington, D. C.

Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle. 5th eds


National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC.

Nutrient requirements of beef cattle. 5th ed.


National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC.

Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle. 5"' Ed


Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle. 5"' Ed

National Academy of Press., Washington, D.C

Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle.


Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle.

National Academy Press. Washington. D.C.

Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle. No. 4 Fifth Revised Edition.


Nutrient Requirements of Domestic Animals, NAS, Washington, D.C.

Nutrient Requirements for Goats.


Nutrient Requirements for Goats.

Nutrient requirement of warmwater fishes and shellfishes


National Academy of Science.Washington DC

Nutrient Requirement of Warmuiater Fishrs and Shellfish.


Nutrient Requirement of Warmuiater Fishrs and Shellfish.

National Academy Press, Washington D.C,. 78 pp.

Nutrient Requirement of Warm water Fishes.


Nutrient Requirement of Warm water Fishes.

Nation Academy Press, Washington D.C. 78 pp.


Judul Buku


National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. USA.

Hlm 754 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Nutrient Requirement of Warm Water Fishes.


Nutrient Requirement of Warm Water Fishes.

Washington D.C., National Academy of Sciences.

Nutrient Requirement of Warm Water Fishes.


Nutrient Requirement of Warm Water Fishes.

Washington D.C., National Academy of Sciences. 102 PP.

Nutrient Requirement of Warm Water Fisher.

National Research Council

Nutrient Requirement of Warm Water Fisher.

National Academy of Sciences, Washington D.C. 71 pages.

Nutrient Requirement of Warm water Fish and Shellfish.


Nutrient Requirement of Warm water Fish and Shellfish.

National Academy Press, Washington. 102 pp.

Nutrient requirement of sheep


Nutrient requirement of sheep

National Academy ot Sciences, Washington. DC

Nutrient requirement of ruminants in developing countries.

Kearl, L. C.

IFI Utah Agricultural experiment station.

Utah State University. Logan Utah.

Nutrient Requirement of Ruminants in Developing Countries

Kearl, L.C

Feedstuff Institute Utah Agric, Experiment Station. Utah State Univ. Logan Utah

Nutrient Requirement of Poultry. 9th Revised Edition


National Academic Press, Washington D.C.

Nutrient requirement of poultry. 9th revised edition

N. R. C.

National academic Press, Washington, DC.

Nutrient requirement of poultry 9th ed


National academy of sci. Washinton DC

Nutriënt Requirement of Poultry

National Research Council

Nutrient requirement of poultry


National academy press. Washington, D. C.

Nutrient Requirement of Goats: Angora, Dairy, and Meat Goats in Temperate and Tropical Countries.


National Academy Press, Washington DC.

Nutrient Requirement of Goats



Nutriënt Requirement of Poultry

Nutrient Requirement of Goats

National Academy Press. Washington. D C

National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.

Hlm 755 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Nutrient Requirement of Fish


Nutrient Requirement of Fish

National Academy Press, Washington D.C. 115 pp.

Nutrient requirement of egglaying ducks. In: D. J. Farrel and P. Stampleton, Ed.

Shen, T. F.

Duck production science and world practice. Univ. New England Press. Armidale

Nutrient requirement of egglaying ducks. Dalam: duck production science and world practice

Shen, T. F.

University of England, Armidale

Nutrient Requirement of Domestic Animals. Nutrient Requirement of Beef Cattle.


National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC.

Nutrient requirement of domestic animal nutrient requirement of warm water fishes and shellfishes


Nutrient requirement of domestic animal nutrient requirement of warm water fishes and shellfishes

National Academy Press, Washington DC., USA

Nutrient requirement of domestic animal nutrient requirement of cold water fishes


Nutrient requirement of domestic animal nutrient requirement of cold water fishes

National Academy Press, Washington DC., USA

Nutrient requirement of dairy cattle. 6th edition


National Academic Press. Washington DC

Nutrient requirement of dairy cattle. 6th ed.


National academy press. Washington, D. C.

Nutrient requirement of dairy cattle 5th revised ed.


National academy of science. Washington DC.

Nutrient requirement of beef cattle. In: nutrient requirements of domestic animals. 5th ed.


NAS, Washington, D. C.

Nutrient Requirement of Beef Cattle. In: Nutrient Reqiurements od Domestic Animals. Numer 4, 5 th rev. ed.


National Academy of Science, Washington DC.

Nutrient requirement of beef cattle. 5th ed.

NRC (National Research Council)

National academy of science. Washington DC.

Nutrient Requirement of Beef Cattle. 5 th rev. ed.


National Academy of Science, Washington DC.


Hlm 756 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Nutrient Requirement of Beef Cattle.


Nutrient Requirement of Beef Cattle.

National Academy Press, Washington D.C.

Nutrient requirement of beef cattle revied


Nutrient requirement of beef cattle

National Academy of science, Washington, D. C., USA Nutrient requirement of beef cattle

National Research Council

Nutrient requirement for beef cattle. 8th ed.


National Academic Press. Washington DC.

Nutrient requiremcnt of sheep


National Academy of Sciences. Washington. DC

Nutrient Requerements of Dairy Cattle



Kearl LC

Nutri-ënt Recuirements of Poultry. 7th ed

Nutritional Research Council

Nutri-ënt Recuirements of Poultry. 7th ed

National Academy Press. Washington D.C

Nutrient needs during critical periods of life cycle. Dalam: the ruminant animal digestive physiology and nutrition. Editor: D. C. Church

David, J. S.

A Reston Book

Prentice-Hall, Engelwood Cliffs, New Jersey

Nutrient needs and improved feeding systems. In: Improving Meat Goat Production in The Semiarid Tropics, 6774. (Eds W.L. Johnson And E.R. de Oliveira).

Johnson, W.L.

Nutrient needs and improved feeding systems. In: Improving Meat Goat Production in The Semiarid Tropics, 6774. (Eds W.L. Johnson And E.R. de Oliveira).

SRCRSP Univ. California, Davis.

Nutrient Interactions

Baddwell, C.E.

Nutrient Interactions

Marcell Dekker, Inc., New York and Basel. Hal 4-6.

Nutrient Interactions

Greger J.L

Nutrient efficiency and growth response variation of Theobroma cacao infected by three mycorrhizal fungi

Baon JP


Nutrient Requerements of Dairy Cattle 6th Revised Ed

National Academic Press Washington DC International Feedstuff Institute Utah State Univ. Utah

Marcel Dekker Inc.New York Indonesian Biotechnology Conference, June 17-19

The Indoesian Biotechnology Concorsium Jakarta

Hlm 757 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Nutrient Composition of the Leaf biomass of three selected woody leguminous species.

Buldeman, A.

Sgroforestry Systems

Nutrient Composition of Feedstuffs Pig and Poultry

Evans, M

Queensland Dept.

Of Primary Industies

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Natural toxicants in feeds and poisonous plants

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Natural Toxicants in Feeds and Poisonous Plants

Cheeks, P.R

Natural Toxicants in Feeds and Poisonous plant.

Cheeke, P.R.

Natural Resources Accounting In The Land Use Sector : Theory and Practice

Adger. W. Niel

Euroean Review Of Agricultural Economics

Natural Resistance of Wood to Microbial Deteriroration


Annual Review Of Phytophatology. Vol. 4

Natural Products: A Laboratory Guide

Ikan, R.

Natural Products: A Laboratory Guide

Academic Press, London, New York

Natural Products, A Laboratory Guide. 2nd

Ikan, R

Natural Products, A Laboratory Guide. 2nd

Academie Press. San Diego. New York 360 pp.

Natural plant growth inhibitors and phyto-hormones.

Kefeli, V.I.

Natural plant growth inhibitors and phyto-hormones.

Dr. W. Junk b.v. Publisher. The Hague/Boston.

natural phospate fertilizer for agriculture

SNI 02-3776

Natural outcrossing Mechanisms in rice

Virmani SS

Heterosis and hybrid rice breeding

IRRI, Philippines

Natural outcrossing Mechanisms in rice

Virmani SS

Heterosis and hybrid rice breeding

IRRI, Philippines


Natural Toxi-cants In Feeds and Poisonous Plants

Avi Publishing Company, INC. Westport Connecticut Avi Publishing Company Inc., Westport, Connecticut

Natural Toxicants in Feeds and Poisonous Plants

Avi. Publishing Company, Inc. Westport, Conecticut The AVI Publishing Company Inc. Westport, Connectict.

badan standarisasi nasional

Hlm 771 dari 1800

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Natural Occurrence of Vitamins in Food

Crawley, H.

Technology of Vitamins in Foods. P.B. Ottaway, Ed.

Blackie Academic & Professional, Glasgow.

Natural Dyes and Home Dyeing

Androsko, R.J.

Natural Dyes and Home Dyeing

Dover Publications, Inc. New York.

Natural crop protection based on local farm resources in the tropics and subtropics

Stoll, G.

Natural crop protection based on local farm resources in the tropics and subtropics

Margraf publishers. FR. Germany. 187 pp.

Natural crop protection based on local farm resources in the tropics and subtropics

Stoll, G.

Natural crop protection based on local farm resources in the tropics and subtropics

Margraf Publishers. FR. Germany. 187p.

Natural Crop Protection : Based On Local Farm Resources In he Tropics and SubTropics

Stoll. G

Natural and Synthetic Growth Regulators and Their Uses in Horticultural and Agronomic Crop.


Davies, Peter J. (Ed.). Plant Hormones and Their Role Plant Growth and Development.

Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. pp. 614-635.

Natural and Synthetic Growth Regulators and Their Use In Holticultural and Agronomic Crops


Plant Hormones, Physiology, Byochemistry and Molecular Biology

Kluwer Academic Publ. Dordrecht

Natural and adaptive immunity in marine teleosts to bacterial isolates from sewage sludge

Stolen, J.S.

M.J. Manning and M.F. Tatner (eds.) Fish Immunology, pp. 207220

Academic Press. London.

Natural organic matter and metal-organic interactions in aquatic system.

Buffle, J

In:Metal Ions Biological Systems. Circulation of metals the Environment. Vol: 18

Mercer Dekker. New York.

National Soil Classification System

Soil Research Institute

Definition of Great Soil Group. Condensed. Bogor


National research council, nutrient requirements of poultry.


National Integrated Pest Management In Indonesia. It's Succes and Challngers

Ruchiyat, E.T.


Magraf Publisher Scientific Books. Switzerland

National academy of animal science. In Ooi, P.A.C; G.S. Lim : T.H.Ho :P.I. Manalo; and J. Waage

Proc. Conference on IPM in Asia Pasific Region's, Kuala Lumpur

Hlm 772 dari 1800

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National Coordinated Research Programme Cassava and Sweet Potato

Dimyati. A

National coordinated research program on cassava and sweet potato

Dimyati, A.

National coconut breeding programme in India

Ratnambal JM

P. Batugal and R Rao. Paper presented on Workshop on standardization od Coconut breeding Research Techniques 20-25 June 1994

Port Bouet,Cote d'Ivore.IPGRI-COGENT, Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

National Classification system


Soil Res .

Soil research Institut Dept. Of Agricultural. Bogor

nangka dan cempedak: ragam jenis dan pembudidayaan

Widyastuti, Y. E.

Nangka dan Cempedak, Ragam Jenis dan Pernbudidayaan

Widyastuti, Y.E

Nangka dan Cempedak, Ragam Jenis dan Pernbudidayaan

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta.

Nangka dan Cempedak

Erna Widyaastuti

Nangka dan Cempedak

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta

Nanas dan Teknoloi Pengolahannya

Muljohardjo M

Liberty Yogyakarta

Nabati Dalam Bahan Makanan

Makfoel. D

Liberty. Yogyakarta

Mycotoxins, him. 341-391

Wilson, D.M.

D.B. Sauer (ed.). Storage of Cereal Grains and Their Products

St. Paul: American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.

Mycotoxins, Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Aspects, vol. 9

Betina, V.

Mycotoxins, Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Aspects, vol. 9

Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Mycotoxin Training Manual.

Bainton, S.J.

Mycotoxin Training Manual.

London: Tropical Products Institute.

Mycotoxin production of fungi on commercial foods, him. 479-487

Hitokoto, H.

J.V. Rodricks, C.W. Hesseltine & M.A. Mehlman (ed.), Mycotoxins in Human and Animal Health

Illinois: Pathotox Publ. Inc.

Mycotoxin - Formation, Analysis, and Significance

Smith, J.E.

Mycotoxin - Formation, Analysis, and Significance

Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.

Mycorrizal System And Other Elements A Specially Micro Nutrient


Proc. Of 6th North American Conference On Mycorrizal Oregon State University


Mycorrhizal Symbiosyc

Smith, SE.

Mycorrhizal Symbiosyc

Academie Press. UK.


Judul Buku

Penerbit CRIFC - AGRD, Bogor

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Hlm 773 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Mycorrhizal symbiosis 2nd edition.

Smith, S. E.

Academic Press. Harcourt Brace and Company Publisher, New York

Mycorrhizal Symbiosis

Harley, J.L

Academic Press. New York

Mycorrhizal symbiosis Mycorrhizae: A root-soil interface in plant nutrition

Smith, S.E. Reid, C.P.P.

Mycorrhizae Symbiosis

Harley. J.L

Mycorrhizae of Havea and leguminous gruond covers in rubber platations.

Waidyanatha, U. P.

In ; Tropical Mycorrhyzae Research.

Oxford University Press. New York.

Mycorrhizae and Its Role in Forestry

Bakshi, B.K

Forest Research Institute and Colleges

Dehra Dun-India

Mycorrhizae and control of root diseases

Chakravarty, P.

Abst. Publ. European Symp. on Mycol. Prague, Chekoslovakia

mycorizas and their significance in modulating nitrogen fixing plants

Barea, J. M.

Mycorizal symbiosis .

Smith S.E.

Mycoplasmalike-organism and plant diseases in Europa

Ploaie PG

In K.Maramorosch K, Harris KF, Editors.Plant diseases and vactors:Ecology and epidemiology

Mycoplasma and Phytarboviruses as Plant Pathogens Persistently Transmitted by Insects.

Whitcomb, R.F.

Smith, R.F. and F.E. Mitler (Ed.). Annual Review of Entomology Vol. 15. Annual Review, Inc., California.

Mutu minyak dan cara uji minyak kelapa.


Mutu Kayu Lapis Penggunaan Umum. Standar Nasional Indonesia,


SNI 01 -02704-1992.

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Mutu Kayu Lapis Penggunaan Umum SNI 01-2704-1992.


Mutu Kayu Lapis Penggunaan Umum SNI 01-2704-1992.

Dewan Standardisasi Nasional, Jakarta.

Mutu dan pola citra rasa biji beberapa klon kakao lindak.



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Mycorrhizal symbiosis Microbial-plant interactions


Academic Press. ASA Special pub Academic Press London

Acad. Press. San Diego 605p Academic Press,New York

Departemen Perindustrian.

Hlm 774 dari 1800

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Mutu dan Cara Uji Sirup

Standar Nasional Indonesia

Mutu dan cara uji minyak sawit.


Mutu dan cara uji minyak kelapa.


Mutu dan Cara Uji Minyak Goreng. SU 0150 - 77. UDC 665353


Mutu dan Cara Uji Kopi Instan

Standar Nasional Indonesia

Mutu dan Cara Uji Gelatin

SNI 06.3735

Mutu dan Cara Uji Gelatin

Mutu dan Cara Uji Garam Konsumsi


Departemen Perindustrian RI.jakarta

Mutu dan Cara Uji Arang Aktif. Standar Industri Indonesia (SII) 0258- 89.


Mutu dan Cara Uji Arang Aktif. Standar Industri Indonesia (SII) 0258-89

Departemen Perindustrian, Jakarta

Mutu dan cara uji arang aktif.


Standar Industri Indonesia (SII) 0258-89.

Departemen Perindustrian, Jakarta.

Mutu dan cara uji arang aktif

Standar Industri Indonesia (SII 025888)

Mutu atau Mati: Waspadalah Hai Para Pengusaha

Domingo, R.T

Terjemahan Oleh:Kristanto Santosa dari Quality Means Survival:Caveat Vendidor Let The Seller Beware

PQM Consultants.Jakarta

Mutations and Major Variants in Guinea Fowl

Somes Jr. R

R.D. Crowford (ed) : Poultry Breeding and Genetics

Elsevier Science Publishing Company Inc Canada

Mutation breeding of vegetative crops. Breeding of varieties by use of radiation gamma field symposia, no 21: Int of Radiation Breeding NARMAFF Ohmymachi, Ibaraken, Japan

Yamaguchi T

Mutation breeding for disease resistance using invitro culture techniues.

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Standar Nasional Indonesia. SNI 01-0013-1987.

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Mutu dan Cara Uji Minyak Goreng. SU 0150 - 77. UDC 665353

Dep. Kes.RI.

Departemen Perindustrian R.I Dewan Standarisasi Nasional, Jakarta

departemen perindustrian, Jakarta

Hlm 775 dari 1800

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Mutation and Tissue Culture

Bright, S. W. J.

in Withers L. A. and P. G. Alderson. Plant Tissue Culture and Its Agriculture Aplications

Mutation and Major Variants in Japanese Quail

Cheng, K. M

R.D. Crowford In : Poultry Breeding and Genetics.

Elsevier Science Publishing Company. Inc. Canada

Mutagenesis and in vitro selection.

Handro, W.,

Plant Tissue Culture Method and Application in Agriculture. Ed. Y.P.S. Bajaj.

Acad. Press, New York. P. 80-83.

Mushrooms from waste materials

Senyah, J. K.

developments food microbiology4. Robinson, R. K. (ed.).

Elsevier Applied Science, London

Mushrooms demystified

Arora David

Ten speed press. Berkeley

Mushroom growing for everyone

Genders, Roy

Faber and faber, London

Muscle and Meat Biochemistry.

Pearson, A.M.

Muscle and meat biochemistry.

Pearson, A. M.

Muscle and Meat Biochemistry

Pearson, A.M.

Muscle and Meat Biochemistry

Academic Press, London. p. 371-376.

Musa Genetics, him. 84-109

Ortiz, R.

S. Gowen (ed.). Bananas and Plantain

London:Chapman & Hall.

Musa Genetics Municipal Sludge Fertilization on Oak Forests in Minchigan : Short-Term Nutrient Changes and Growth Responses

Ortiz, R. Nguyen.P.V

The Forest Alternative For Treatment and Utilization of Minicipal and Industrial Wastes

University of Washington Press, Seattle and London

Mulu dan Cara Uji Arang Aktif Standar Indusiri Indonesia (Sll) 0258-89. Departemen Perindustrian. Jakarta.


Standar Indusiri Indonesia (Sll) 0258-89.

Departemen Perindustrian. Jakarta.

Multivariate Statistics in the social sciences: A Researcher's Guide

Marascuilo LA

Multivariate Statistical Methods

Manly, B. F. J.

Multivariate Statistical Methods

Chapman and Hall, London.

Multivariate statistical method

Manly FJB

Multivariate statistical method

Univ ontago New Zealand

Multivariate statistical analysis in Geography

Johnson, R.J


Muscle and Meat Biochemistry.


Academic Press, London, p. 371-373. Academic Press, New York.

Brooke/Cole Publ. California

Longman, London

Hlm 776 dari 1800

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Multivariate Statistical Analysis for Biologists.

Seal, H. L.

London: Metheum.

Multivariate Observations. Multivariate Descriptive Statistical Analysis

Seber, G. A. F. Lebart, L.

Multivariate Descriptive Statistical Analysis

New York: John Willey. John Wiley & Sons, Singapore.

Multivariate Data Analysis With Reading

Hair, Joseph F. Jr.

Multivariate Data Analysis With Reading

Macmillan Pub. Company, USA.

Multivariate Data Analysis


Multivariate Data Analysis

John Wiley & Sons Inc, Toronto

Multivariate Data Analysis

Cooley, William W.

Multivacate Data Analysis

John Wiley & Sons Inc, Toronto.

Multivariate Analysis.Methods and Applications

Dilton WR

Multivariate analysis of eqological communities.

Digby, P.G.N,

Multivariate analysis of eqological communities.

Chapman & Hall. 206p.

Multivariate Analysis Methods and Application

Dillon, William.

Multivariate Analysis Methods and Application

John Wiley & Sons, Canada

Multivariate Analysis

Kendall, M

Multisectoral Nutrition Planning

Field J.O

A Post Mortem.Food Policy Feb

MultiPurpose Australian Trees and Schrubs


Lesser-Known Species For Fuelwood and Agroforestry

Multipupose Australian Trees and Agroforestry


Multiplicity of beta-1, 4-xylanase in microorganism function and application

Wong, K. K. Y.

Microbiology review

Multiplecropping in tropical America

Pinchinat, AM

RI Papendick, PA Sanches, GB Triplett (eds) Multiple cropping. American Society of agronomists, Special Edition

Multiplecropping in tropical America

Pinchinat, AM

RI Papendick, PA Sanches, GB Triplett (eds) Multiple cropping. American Society of agronomists, Special Edition

Multiple Range and Multiple F Test.

Duncan, D. B.


Multiple nutritional stress as prerequisite for iron toxicity of wetlanos tropical agriculture.

Ottow, J. G.


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John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York; Brisbane; Toronto;Singapore

2th ed. Charles Griffin & Company Ltd., London

ACIAR Canbera ACIAR Camberra

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Multiple Cropping.

Effendi, S

Derektorat Jendral Pertanian.

Badan Pengendalian BIMAS. Jakarta.

Multiple Cropping System

Charles. A.F

Collier Macmillan Publisher. London

Multiple cropping system

Francis CA

Macmillan Publication Co New York

Multiple Cropping in The Humid Tropics of Asia


International Dev. Res. Center. Canada

Multiple cropping and tropical farming system.

Beets, W.C.

Multiple cropping and tropical farming system.

Gower Publish Co. Ltd. Hampshire, England.

Multiple cropping and tropical farming system.

Beets, W.C.

Multiple cropping and tropical farming system.

Gower Publish Co. Ltd. Hampshire, England.

Multiple cropping and tropical farming system

Beets WC

Gower Publishinh Co. Hamsphire England

Multiple cropping and tropical farming system

Beets WC

Gower Publishinh Co. Hamsphire England

Multilingual Guide to EC Freshness Grades for Fishery Products


Multi Phase reaction engineering for fine chemicals, vol 8

Mills PC

Multi element analysis of plantrelated tissue and fluids by optical emmision spectrometry.

Alexander, G.V.

Muller and Kirk's Small Animal Dermatology. 5th ed.

Multilingual Guide to EC Freshness Grades for Fishery Products

Torry Research Station, Food safety Directorate, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Aberdeen, Scotland.

Scott, D.W.

Muller and Kirk's Small Animal Dermatology. 5th ed.

W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia, p. 2.

Mudcrab Culture in Mangrove Areas.

Aldon, E.T.

Mudcrab Culture in Mangrove Areas.

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Mud crab, (Scy//a serrata Forskal) fattening in SuratThani Province.

Rattanachote, A.

Mud crab, (Scylia serrata Forskal) fattening in SuratThani Province.

The Mud Crab, Report of the Seminar on the Mud Crab Culture and Trade held in Surat Thani, Thailand, November 5-8, 1991 p. 171-177.

MSUSTAT an Interactive Statistical Analysis.

Lund, R. E.

Package Montana State Univ. Bozemen, Montana 59717.


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MSTAT C. A microcompouter program for the design, management , & analysis of agronomic research experiments

Nissen, O

MSTAT C. A microcompouter program for the design, management , & analysis of agronomic research experiments

Michigan State Univ. USA

Mouse-Deer or Chevrotains, Family Tragulidae. In: The Wild Mammals of Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia) and Singapore, 2nd ed.

Medway, L.

Oxford University Press, Kuala Lumpur

Mouse Deer. In: Microlivestock: Little-Known Small Animals with a Promising Economic Future

National Research Council

National Academy Press, Washington DC.

Moulos, Toxin and Food 2 nd. Edition

Moreou, C.

Moulos, Toxin and Food 2 nd. Edition

John Willey & Son, New York

Motored drag-net fisheries. Pisheries III. Dept. Fishing methods

Asia Kyokai

Motored drag-net fisheries. Pisheries III. Dept. Fishing methods

Faculty of Fisheries IPB, Bogor

Motivasi perambahan Hutan Oleh Masyarakat Transmigrasi PIR di Kecamanatn Kuaro, Kabupaten Pasir

Maria, Y.

Motivasi perambahan Hutan Oleh Masyarakat Transmigrasi PIR di Kecamanatn Kuaro, Kabupaten Pasir

Skripsi Sarjana Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Mulawarmap. Sarnarinda

Motion and Time Study 4th Ed.


Morphology, characteristics and genesis of soils on Mount HuluSabuk Volcano, Tanjung Raja, Lampung, Indonesia


M.Se. thesis

Morphology of immature bovine oocytes.

Loos, de F.

Gamete Research

Morphology of Artemia Biology (Persoone, G., Sorgeloos, P., Roels, O. and Jaspers, E., Edds.).

Criel, G.R.J.,

Morphology of Artemia Biology (Persoone, G., Sorgeloos, P., Roels, O. and Jaspers, E., Edds.).

Universe Press, Wettern, Belgium 393p.

Morphology and Histology of Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizae, A. Anatomy and Cytology

Brown. M. F

Methods and Principles of Mycorrhizal Re search

The American Phyto pathological Society. St. Paul Minnesota

Morphology and Cytology of Rhizoctonia solani

Butler, E.E.

Rhizoctonia Solani: Biology and Pathology

Univ. California, Barkeley


John Willey & Sons, Inc. New York Univ. of The Philippines, Los Banos.

Hlm 779 dari 1800

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Carlson, J.B.

A.G. Norman (ed.) Soybean : Improvement, Production, and Uses

Second Edition. Am. Soc. Agron. Mad., Wisconsin

Morphological properties of Oxisols

Paramanathan, S.

B. K. G. Theng. (Ed.) Soils with Variable Charge. Offset Publication, New Zealand. p. 3543.

Morphological Properties of Oxisol

Paramananthan. S

Soil With Variable Charge

Offset Publication, New Zealand

Morphological Properties of Oxisol

Paramananthan. S

Soil With Variable Charge

Offset Publication, New Zealand

Morphological and anatomical responses to waterlogging and submergence in selected plants, him. 205-219

Kuo, J.

C. George Kuo (ed.). Adaptation of Food Crops to Temperature and Water Stress. Proceedings of International Symposium Taiwan, 13-18 August 1992

Taipei: Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center Council of Agriculture, ROC Institute of Botany,A»ademiaSinica.

Morphogenetic responses of plants

Andel OM Van

lJ Audus (ed) Herbicides, Physiology, Biochemistry, Ecology Vol I

Academic Press Dept of Botany, Bedfond college London Univ.

Morfologi Tanaman Kedelai

Hidayat. O.O

Soamaatmadja. S ; M. Ismunadji ; Sumarbno ; M. Syam ; S.O. Manurung. KEDELAI

PPPTP. Bogor

Morfologi Tanaman Kedelai

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Morfologi Tanaman Kedelai

Puslitbangtan. Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Bogor

Morfologi tanaman kedelai Morfologi tanaman kedelai

Hidayat, O. O. Hidayat, O. D.

Morfologi tanaman kedelai

Hidayat Oman

Balitbang pertanian Puslitbang Tanaman Pagnan Bogor

Morfologi tanaman kedelai

Hidayat Oman

Balitbang pertanian Puslitbang Tanaman Pagnan Bogor

Morfologi dan syarat hidup pisang: pisang, budi daya, pengolahan, dan prospek pasar

Suyanti, S.


kologi Gulma

Morfologi dan syarat hidup pisang: pisang, budi daya, pengolahan, dan prospek pasar

Puslitbangtan Bogor PT. Gramedia, Jakarta

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.

Hlm 780 dari 1800

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Morfologi dan Fisiologi Padi.

Manurung, S.O.

M. Ismunadji, Soetjipto P., Mahyudin S. dan Adi W. (editor). Padi.

Morfologi dan Fisiologi Padi

Manurung, S.O.


Badan Penelitian dan Pengemba-ngan P etanian Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan. Bogor

Mordernization among Peasants

Rogers Everett

The Impact orf Communication

Holt, Rinehart and Winston

Moral Ekonomi Petani. (Terj.)

Scott, C. James

Moral Ekonomi Petani. (Terj.)

Jakarta: LP3ES.

Montomorrilonite and Other Smectite Minerals

Borchard. G.A

Minerals In Soil Environments

Soil. Sci

Monsoon-current in Java Sea and its entances.

Berlage HP

Koniklij Magnetisch en Meterolgish Obsevatorium te Batavia Verhandelingen 19: 1-28 + charts

Monotremes and Marsupials - a Reference for Zoological Institutions

Collins, L.R.

Monotremes and Marsupials - a Reference for Zoological Institutions

Smithsonian Institution, Washington.

Monosaccharides, him 3-5

Chaplin, M.F.

M.F Chaplin (ed ). Carbohydrate analysis

New York: 1R1 Press.

Mononematous Species of Hirsutella

Minier D.W

Mononematous Species of Hirsutella

Transaction of the British Mycological Society

Monograph of Monochaetia and Pestalotia

Cuba, E.F.

Monograph of Monochaetia and Pestalotia

Harvard Univ. Press

Monografi Satuan Pemukiman Transmigrasi Teluk Dalam

Kanwil Dep. Transmigrasi Prop. Kalimantan Timur.

Monografi Limbah Pertanian.

Kementrian Muda Urusan Pertanian. Jakarta.

Monografi Satuan Pemukiman Transmigrasi Teluk Dalam


Monografi Limbah Pertanian.

Winamo, F.G.

Monografi Desa Wangunjaya, Kec. Leuwiliang, Kab. Bogor

Pemda Bogor

Pemda Bogor

Monografi Desa Wangunjaya, Kec. Leuwiliang, Kab. Bogor

Pemda Bogor

Pemda Bogor

Monografi Desa Tulo, Donggala


Monografi Desa Tulo, Donggala

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Monografi Desa Loli Oge, Donggala

Judul Buku


Monografi Desa Loli Oge, Donggala

Monoclonal antibody production, him. 75-82.

Zola, H.

G.W. Burgess (ed.), EL1SA Technology in Diagnosis and Research

Townsville:Graduate School of Tropical Veterinary Science, James Cook University of North Queensland.

Monoclonal antibody production, him 75-82

Zola, H.

G.W Burgess (ed.), ELISA Technology in Diagnosis and Research

Townsville: Graduate School of Tropical Veterinary Science, James Cook University of North Queensland.

Monoclonal antibodies : A Manual of techniques

H. Zola

Department of Clinical Immunology Flinders Medical Center and Flinders University of South Australia, Redford Park, Australia

CRC Press, INC., Boca Raton, Florida

Monoclonal Antibodies Monoclonal Antibodies

Forghani. B Sikora, K.

Virology Monoclonal

Academic Press Blackwell Scientific Publications, London. 132 p.

Monnig's Veterinary Helminthology and Entomology. Fourth Edition.

Lapage, G.

Monnig's Veterinary Helminthology and Entomology. Fourth Edition.

Bailliere, Tindal and Cox, 7 & 8 Henrietta Street, Coven Garden.

Monitoring Soil erosion's impact on crop productivity.

Pierce, F.J.

Soil Erosion Research Methods.

2nd ed. Soil water Conservation Society. Ankeny, Lowa.

Monitoring Reproductive Performance of Cross Breed Dairy Cattle on Smallholder Farmers in Malaysia.

Wahab, S.

Monitoring Pyrodinium and other harmful phytoplankton in the water column

Corrales, R.A.

Santos-Mendigo, M.A. and Corrales, R.A. (ed.). Field and Laboratory Manual on Philippines Red Tide Monitoring and Data Management. Department of Agriculture-Fisheries Sector Program. Pp. 15-20.

Monitoring Perkembangan Pemukiman Transmigrasi 1983/1984.

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Monitoring Perkembangan Pemukiman Transmigrasi 1983/1984.



IAEA Vienna Austria.

Departemen Transmigrasi Tingkat I Kalimantan Timur. Samarinda.

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Monitoring Lake and Reservoir restoration. EPA 440/4-90-007

R.E. Wedepohl

Monitoring Lake and Reservoir restoration. EPA 440/4-90-007

N. Am. Lake Manage. Soc. For US Environment Prot.Agency, Washington D.C.

Monitoring dan studi sedimentasi waduk Wonogiri


Monitoring coral reef for global change. Reference Methods for Marine Pollution Studies. No. 61.


Australian Institute of Marine Science. 112pp.

Monitoring coral reef for global change. Reference methods for marine pollution studies. No. 61.


Monitoring coral reef for global change. Reference methods for marine pollution studies. No. 61.

Monitoring and Improving Agrilime Use In Transmigration Are (Continuation)


Monitoring and improving agrilime use in trans. II area (Indonesia).

Tim Studi Kapur

Monitoring and improving agrilime use in Trans II area (Indonesia)


Australian Institute of Marine Science. 112 pp.

Cooperation Between PSP2DT Direktorat Jendral Pertanian Tanaman Pangan, Departemen Pertanian dan Fakultas Pertanian IPB. Bogor

Monitoring and improving agrilime use in trans. II area (Indonesia).

Kerja sama proyek PSP Deptan dengan Fakultas Pertanian IPB.Bogor

Monitoring and improving agrilime use in Trans II area (Indonesia)

Kerjasama proyek PSP2DT Deptan dengan Fakultas Pertanian IPB, Bogor.

Money, interest, and prices

Row, Peterson, Evanston.

Money, interest, and prices

Patinkin, D.

Mon 13200In Sugarcane


Momentum mass and heat exchange of plant communities

Thom AS

JL Monteith (ed) Vegetation and atmosphere Vol 1

Academic Press London

Momentum mass and heat exchange of plant communities

Thom AS

JL Monteith (ed) Vegetation and atmosphere Vol 1

Academic Press London

Molluscan Shellfish Depuration

Otwell, W. S.

Molluscan Shellfish Depuration

CRC Press Inc. Boca Raton, Florida.


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Chapman & Hall, New York, London

Molescular evolutionary genetics

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Molescular evolutionary genetics

Colombia Univ. Press. New York

Molekuler Clowning; A Laboratory Manual

Maniatis T

Molekuler Clowning; A Laboratory Manual

CSH New York

Molekulare Bioteknologie

Glick, R.B.

Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.

Moleculer Biology of The Gene.

Watson, J. D.

Molecular weight dependency of antimicrobial activity by chilosan oligomers, him 71-76

Seikignchi, S.

Molecular Tools in plant genetic resourches Conservation : A Guide to the technologies

Karp AS

Molecular systematics. Sinauer Associates

Hillis. D.M

Molecular systematics. Sinauer Associates

Inc. Publishers, Sunderland. Massachusetts. USA.

Molecular Procedures for Identification of Isolates of P. Solaiiaceariiin

IIolloway, B.W.

Molecular Procedures for Identification of Isolates of P. Solaiiaceariiin

Victoria: Monash University.

Molecular Marker, Natural History and Evolution

Avise, J.C.

Molecular Marker, Natural History and Evolution

New York: Chapman and Hall, Inc.

Molecular genetics Potato Genetic

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Molecular genetics of Bradyrhizobium symbiotic, him. 647-681.

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New York: Chapman & Hall.

Molecular Genetics of Bacteria. Ed. Pertama

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Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory manual. 2"dEd

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Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, Vol. 1. Ed ke-2

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Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual. 2nd ed.

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Molecular Cloning. A Laboratory Manual

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Molecular Cloning. A Laboratory Manual

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Sambrook, J.E.,

A laboratory manual. 2nd Ed.

Cold Spring Harbor Lab. Press, New York.

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Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, New York.

Molecular Cloning, A Laboratory Manual. Hd Ke-2

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New York: Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory Press

Molecular cloning, A laboratory manual.

Sambrook, J.,

Molecular cloning, A laboratory manual.

Cold Spring Harbor Lab. Press, New York.

Molecular Cloning, A Laboratory Manual, 2nd ed

Sambrook, J.

Molecular Cloning, A Laboratory Manual, 2nd ed

Cold Spring HarbourLaboratory Press, USA

Molecular cloning, a laboratory manual

Sambrook, J.

Molecular cloning, a laboratory manual

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Molecular cloning and characterization of 9 cDNAs for genes that are responsive to desiccation in Arabidopsis fhaliana

YamaguchiShinozaki, K.

sequence analysis of one cDNA clone that encodes a putative trans-membrane channel protein

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Molecular Cloning A Laboratory Manual. 2nd ed

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Molecular Cloning A Laboratory Manual. 2nd ed

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Molecular Cloning A laboratory Manual

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Molecular Cloning A laboratory Manual

New York: Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory.

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New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.

Molecular Cloning A Laboratory Manual, 2nd ed

Sambrook, J.

Molecular Cloning A Laboratory Manual, 2nd ed

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Molecular cloning

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A laboratory manual. 2nd edition

Cold spring harbor laboratory press

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Scientific American Books, W.H. freeman Company, New York. I 342pp

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Molecular Activities Of Plant Cells

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Molecular & evolutionary genetics.

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Columbia Univ. Press, New York

Molecider Cloning : A Laboratory Manual. Ed. Ke-2

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Modern Nutrition in Health and Dishease

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Modern Labour Economics Theory and Public Policy

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Mineral Occurance in Soil Environments

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Mineral In Soil Environments 2nd ed.

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Setagaya. Tokyo Agric. Sci. J.

Soil With Variabel Charge

Offset Publication, New Zealand IRRI Los Banos, Philippines

F.J. Stevenson (ed.) Nitrogen in Agricultural soil

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Hlm 796 dari 1800

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Mineral Nutritition of Higher Plants

Marschner. H

Academic Press. London

Mineral nutrition of plants: principles and prespectives

Epstein, E.

John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York

Mineral Nutrition of Plants: Principles and Perspectives.Departement of Soils and Plant Nutrition.

Epstein, E.

John Wiley and Sons, Inc, Inc. New York.

Mineral nutrition of maize

Arnon, I.

Mineral nutrition of maize

International Potash Institute Bern/Switzerland.

Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants. Ed. ke-2

Marschner, H.

Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants. Ed. ke-2

San Diego: Academic Press Inc.

Mineral Nutrition Of Higher Plants 2nd ed.

Marschner. H

Academic Press Ltd. London U.K. ISBN

Mineral Nutrition Of Higher Plants 2nd ed.

Marschner. H

Academic Press. Horcourt Brace Jovanovich. Publisher. London

Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants (2nd Ed)


Acad Press San Diego

Mineral Nutrition Of Higher Plants

Marschner. H

Acd. Press. London

Mineral Nutrition Of Higher Plants


Academic Press.Inc. London

Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants

Marschner. H

Academic Press Harcourt Brace Javanovich. Publisher

Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants

Marschner. H

Academic Press Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Publishers

Mineral nutrition of higher plants

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Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plant

Marschner, H

Mineral nutrition of animals. Butterworths, London

Georgievskii, V. I.

Mineral nutrition of animals. 4th ed.

Georgievski, V. I.

Butterworth, London

Mineral Nutrition of Animal Science.

Georgivieskii, V. I.

Butterworths, London.

Mineral Nutrition in Higher Plants

Marschner H.


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Mineral nutrition of higher plants


Academie Press. London Acad. Press. Inc London

Mineral Nutrition in Higher Plants

London. Academic

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Mineral Nutrition in Higher Plants

Marschner, H

Academic Press Inc. London

Mineral nutritio in higher plant

Marshner H

Academic press inc London

Mineral nutritio in higher plant

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Mineral Concentration in Malaysian Feedstuff for Ruminant Feeding.

Wan Zahari, M.

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D.J.A. Cole, Haresign, W. Hendrichsmeyer, J.P. Hudson, G. Kimber, J.L. Krider, G.E. Russel, D.E. Tribe & V.R. Young (ed.). Mineral Nutrition of Animals

MINEQL+ A Chemical Equlibrium Program For Personal Computers

Schecher. W.D

Environmental Research Software, Maine

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Milk Standardization.


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Milk proteins. In: food proteins (eds. J. R. Whitaker and S. R. Tannenbaum)

Brunner, J. R.

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Milk protein chemistry and molecular biology, Vol. 1.

McKenzie, H. A.

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Milk progesterone pregnancy test in the dairy cows in subtropical Taiwan.

Yu, K.L.

the Animal Science Congress Proceedings, New Zealand.

Milk production and processing

Judkins, H. F.

Milk Pasteurisation

Hall, C. W.

Milk Pasteurisation

The Avi Publishing Co.Cooperation, Westport, Connecticut

Milk Pasterurization.

Hall. C.W

Milk Pasterurization

The Avi Publishing Company. Incorporation. Westport. Connecticut

Milk control on reception milk hygiene

John, K. C.

Milk Collection and Dairy Cooperatives.


Third Printing, FAO Publication.

Milk and milk products in human nutrition.

S. K. Ken

FAO of the United Nation, Roma. 2nd ed.

Milk and Milk Products

Eckles, C. H.

Milk and Milk Product. 4th edition


Milk and Milk Product. 4 th Ed

Ecles, C.H..

Mc. Graw Hill Books Company Inc. New York

Milk and Milk Product.

Eckles, C.H Comb.

4th ed. Mc. Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. New Delhi.

Milk and Milk Product

Eckles, C.H

Milk and Milk Product

Tata McGrawHill Publishing Co; Ltd. New York Toronto London

Milk and Dairy Foods

Porter, J.W.G

Milk and Dairy Foods

Oxford University Press, London.

Milk and beef production in the tropics.

Barret, M. A.

Oxford University Press. Oxford.

Milk and beef production in the tropics.

Barret, M. A.

The English Book Society and Oxford University Press. Oxford

Milk and beef production in the tropics

Barrett, M. A.

Oxford univ. press



Printed in the USA

WHO, Geneva

Tata McGraw-Hill Publ. Co., Ltd., Bombay, New Delhi Milk and Milk Product. 4th edition

Mc. Graw - Hill Book Company, INC. New York

Hlm 799 dari 1800

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Mikroorganisme tanah dan pertumbuhannya

Rao, N.S.S

Mikroorganisme Tanah dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman. Edisi Kedua. Diterjemahkan oleh H. Susilo.

Subba-Rao, N.S

Mikroorganisme Tanah dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman. Edisi Kedua. Diterjemahkan oleh H. Susilo.

UI-Press, Jakarta. 353 hlm.

Mikroorganisme Tanah dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman. Ed. 2 Terjemahan. Susilo

Rao, N.S.S.

Mikroorganisme Tanah dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman. Ed. 2 Terjemahan. Susilo

UI-Press. Jakarta

Mikroorganisme Tanah dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman. Diterjemahkan: H. Susilo. Edisi kedua.

Subba Rao, N.S

Mikroorganisme Tanah dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman. Diterjemahkan: H. Susilo. Edisi kedua.

Penerbit Universitas Indonesia (UI-Press), Jakarta. 353 pp.

Mikroorganisme tanah dan pertumbuhan tanaman. Diterjemahkan oleh H. Susilo. Edisi kedua

Subba Rao, N.S.

Mikroorganisme tanah dan pertumbuhan tanaman. Diterjemahkan oleh H. Susilo. Edisi kedua

UI-Press, Jakarta. 353 him.

Mikroorganisme Tanah dan Pertum buhan Tanaman

Rao, N.S

Mikroorganisme Tanah dan Pertum buhan Tanaman

Universitas Indonesia Press. Jakarta


De. Rozari, B.


Fakultas Pascasarjana IPB Bogor

Mikroenkapsulasi Minyak Sawit Kaya Beta Karoten dengan Teknik Penyerapan SiO; dan Office Process

Wardayanie N.I.A.

Mikroenkapsulasi Minyak Sawit Kaya Beta Karoten dengan Teknik Penyerapan SiO; dan Office Process

PATPI. Univ. Airlangga, Surabaya

Mikroekonomi Intermediate dan Aplikasinya Jilid II Ed. Ke-5

Nicholson Walter

Terjemahan Agus Maulana

Binarupa aksara. Jakarta

Mikroekonomi Mikrobiologi. Untuk Profesi Kesehatan (Review of medical microbiology).

Samuelson, P.A. Me'nick, E.J.J.L

Mikroekonomi Mikrobiologi. Untuk Profesi Kesehatan (Review of medical microbiology).

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Mikrobiologi utk profesi kesehatan (terjemahan dari "review of medical microbiology")

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Mikrobiologi untuk profesi kesehatan. Diterjemahkan oleh G. Bonang. Edisi 16.

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Mikrobiologi untuk profesi kesehatan. Diterjemahkan oleh G. Bonang. Edisi 16.

EGC, Jakarta.

Mikrobiologi untuk Perguruan Tinggi

Yoetono, Y

Mikrobiologi untuk Perguruan Tinggi

Fakultas Pertanian UGM Yogyakarta


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Penerbit UI-Press. Jakarta

EGC Penerbit Buku Kedokteran. Jakarta

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Mikrobiologi Untuh Profesi Kedokteran. Terjemahan H. Tonang


Mikrobiologi Untuh Profesi Kedokteran. Terjemahan H. Tonang

EGC. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran.

Mikrobiologi Umum. Alih Bahasa oleh R.M. Baskoro

Schlegel, H.G.

Mikrobiologi Umum. Alih Bahasa oleh R.M. Baskoro

Yogyakarta: Gadjahmada Univ. Press.

Mikrobiologi Umum

Schlegel, H.G

Mikrobiologi Umum

Gajah Mada Universitas Press

Mikrobiologi Tanah II.

Imas, T

Bahan Pengajaran. Departemen Pendidikan dan kebudayaan. Direktorat Jendral Peguruan Tinggi Pusat antar Universitas Bioteknologi

Institut Teknologi Bogor. Bogor

Mikrobiologi Tanah dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman

Rao, S

Mikrobiologi Tanah dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman

UI Press. Jakarta

Mikrobiologi Tanah

Sutedjo, M.M.

Mikrobiologi Tanah

PT. Rineka Cipta, Jakarta.

Mikrobiologi Tanah Mikrobiologi Tanah

Sutedjo, M.M. Syekhfani

Mikrobiologi Tanah Mikrobiologi Tanah

Rineka Cipta Jurusan Tanah dan Pemupukan, FP. Unibraw, Malang

Mikrobiologi Tanah

Mulyani, M.S

Mikrobiologi Tanah

Penerbit Rineka Cipta. Jakarta

Mikrobiologi Tanah Mikrobiologi Tanah

Sutedjo, M.M Imas, l, S. Y.

Mikrobiologi Tanah Mikrobiologi Tanah

Rineka Cipta. Jakarta. PAU IPB bekerja sama dengan LSI-IPB

Mikrobiologi Tanah

Anas, I.

Mikrobiologi Tanah

Fakuttas MIPA, IPB, Bogor

Mikrobiologi Pengolahan Pangan Lanjut.

Fardlaz. S.

Mikrobiologi Pengolahan Pangan Lanjut.

Pusat Antar Universitas Pangan dan Gizi IPB. Bogor.

Mikrobiologi Pengolahan Pangan Lanjut

Fardiaz, S.

Mikrobiologi Pengolahan Pangan Lanjut

PAU Pangan dan GIZI. Bogor.

Mikrobiologi Pangan: Penuntun Praktek Laboratorium

Fardiaz, S.

Mikrobiologi Pangan: Penuntun Praktek Laboratorium

Jurusan Teknologi Pangan dan Gizi. FATETA - IPB. Bogor.

Mikrobiologi Pangan. Penuntun Praktek Laboratorium Jurusan Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan

Fardiaz, S.

Mikrobiologi Pangan. Penuntun Praktek Laboratorium Jurusan Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan

Fak. Teknologi Pertanian, IPB, Bogor.

Mikrobiologi Pangan Penuntun Praktikum.

Fardiaz, S.

Mikrobiologi Pangan Penuntun Praktikum.

Laboratorium Jurusan Teknologi Pangan dan Gizi,IPB, Bogor.


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Mikrobiologi Pangan Penuntun Praktikum Laboraturium

Fardiaz. S

Mikrobiologi Pangan I (Food Microbiology l).

Fardiaz, S

Mikrobiologi Pangan I (Food Microbiology l).

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, Indonesia

Mikrobiologi Pangan I Mikrobiologi Pangan I

Fardiaz, S. Fardiaz S

Mikrobiologi Pangan I Jurusan Teknologi Pangan dan Gizi, FATETA. Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Gramedia. Jakarta

Mikrobiologi Pangan I Mikrobiologi Pangan HewaniNabati.

Fardiaz. S Nurwantoro

Mikrobiologi Pangan 1

Fardiaz, S.

Mikrobiologi Pangan 1

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama Jakarta.

Mikrobiologi Pangan

Fardiaz, S.

Mikrobiologi Pangan

Pusat Antar Universitas Pangan dan Gizi Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Mikrobiologi Pangan

Fardiaz, S.

Mikrobiologi Pangan

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.

Mikrobiologi Pangan

Fardiaz, S.

Mikrobiologi Pangan

Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi, Depdikbud, PAU IPB, Bogor.

Mikrobiologi Pangan

Joko S

Mikrobiologi Kedokteran. Edisi 20

Brooks, G.F.

Mikrobiologi Kedokteran. Edisi 20

EGC Jakarta, hal. 180.

Mikrobiologi Kedokteran untuk Laboratorium dan Klinik

Bonang, E.

Mikrobiologi Kedokteran untuk Laboratorium dan Klinik

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.

Mikrobiologi Industri


Mikrobiologi Industri

PAU Bioteknologi ITB, Bandung

Mikrobiologi Dlam Pengolahan Dan Keamanan Pangan

Supardi. I

Mikrobiologi Dasar. Edisi 5. Jilid l.

Volk, W.A

Mikrobiologi Dasar. Edisi 5. Jilid l.

Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta. 396 hlm.

Mikrobiologi Dasar.

Timotius. K.H.,

Mikrobiologi Dasar.

Penerbit Universitas Kristen Stya Wacana, Salatiga. 802 hal.


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Penerbit Jurusan Teknologi Pangan dan Gizi. IPB. Bogor

Mikrobiologi Pangan HewaniNabati.

Gramedia. Jakarta Penerbit Kanisius, Yogyakarta.

PAU Pangan Gizi UGM Yogyakarta

Yayasan Adikara IKAPI dengan The Ford Foundation, Alumni Bandung

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Mikrobiologi Dasar Dalam Praktek. Teknik dan Prosedur Dasar Laboratorium.

Ratna, S.H.

Mikrobiologi Dasar Dalam Praktek. Teknik dan Prosedur Dasar Laboratorium.

Gramedia, Jakarta

Mikrobiologi dasar dalam praktek. Teknik dan prosedur dasar laboratorium

Ratna, S. H.

Mikrobiologi Dasar Dalam Praktek. Teknik dan Prosedur Dasar Laboratorium

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta Mikrobiologi Dasar Dalam Praktek. Teknik dan Prosedur Dasar Laboratorium

Gramedia, Jakarta.

Mikrobiologi Dasar dalam Praktek

Hadioetomo, R. S.

Mikrobiologi Dasar dalam Praktek

Penerbit P.T Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta.

Mikrobiologi dasar Mikrobiologi Air dan Dasardasar Pengolahan buangan secara Biologis.

Volk, A.W. Suriawira, U.,

Mikrobiologi dasar Edisi V. Mikrobiologi Air dan Dasar-dasar Pengolahan buangan secara Biologis.

Erlangga, Jakarta. Penerbit Alumni, Bandung 330 hal.

Mikrobiologi Air dan Dasardasar Pengolahan Buangan Secara Biologis.

Suriawiria, U.

Mikrobiologi Air dan Dasar-dasar Pengolahan Buangan Secara Biologis

Alumni, Bandung


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Depdikbud. Dirjen. Dikti. Pusat Univ. Bioteknologi IPB


Lay, B.W.


Rajawali Press, Jakarta, 376 hal.


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Mikrobilogi Pangan Mikrobial degradation of pesticides,

Fardiaz, S Matsumura, F.

Mikrobilogi Pangan M.A.Q. Khan and J.P. Berdeka (Eds), Survival Toxic Environment.

PAU-IPB Bogor. Academic Press, Inc., New York, San Fransisco, London, p: 129-154

Mikrobia psikotropi

Koesnijo, R.

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Mikro Biologi Pangan Mikoriza, tepri dan kegunaan dalam praktek.

Fardiaz. S Fakuara.Y.M

Mikoriza Vesikular Arbuskular

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Mikoriza dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman

Setiadi, Y

Mikoriza Mikorfiza : Teori dan Kegunaan Dalam Praktik

Husin, E. F. Fakuara. T.S

Migrations. In Physiology of Crustacea 2

Bainbridge, R

Migrations. In Physiology of Crustacea 2

Academic Press, New York

Migration by Spodoptera exigua and S.frugiperda,North American style

Mitchell ER

In Rabb RL, Kennedy GG.Editors Movement of highly mobile insect

North Carolina State Univ.Raleigh

Mieroflora, him. 313-340

Sauer, D.B.

D.B. Sauer (ed.), Storage of Cereal Grains and Their Products

St. Paul: American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.

Midterem Reveuwe Pelita VI MicroWngy of Marine Food Prnducls

Bappeda NTB Wood, D.R,

Microstat utk mengolah data statistik

Mustafa E Zainal

Microscopic Wood Anatomy of Pterospermum.

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Bakhuys Publ.. Leiden

Microscopic Wood Anatomy of Mastixia.

Aglua, A.

Plant Resources of South East 5 (3). Timber trees: Lesser known timbers.

Bakhuys Publisher, Leiden.

Microscopic Wood Anatomy of Koilodepas.

Wheeler, E.A.

Plant Resource ohf South East Asia 5 (3), Timber trees : Lesser known timbers.

Bakhuys Publisher, Leiden.

Microscopic Wood Anatomy of Ficus.

Vu, C.

Sosef, M.S.M.L.T. Hong, and S. Prawirohatmodjo. Plant Resources of South East Asia 5 (3) : Timbers trees. Lesser known timbers,

Bakhuys publisher Leiden.

Microscopic Wood Anatomy of Drypetes.

Ella, A. B.

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Penerbit PAU-Bioteknologi IPB, Bogor

Pusat Antar Universitas (PAU) IPB dan Lembaga Sumberdaya Informasi IPB

MicroWngy of Marine Food Prnducls

Bappeda NTB An Avi Book- New York. Andi offset Yogya

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Microscopic Wood Anatomy of Diospyros.

Sudo, S.

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Microscopic wood anatomy of Mezzettia.

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Sosef, M.S.N..L.T. Hong and S. Prawirohatmodjo. Plant resources of South East Asia 5(3): 603622:Timber trees: Lesser known timbers.

Bakhuys Publ. Leiden.

Micropropagtion and Cloning In Vitro Of Decorative Plants


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Micropropagation of tropical and subtropical fruits In: Micropropagation: Technology and application.

Litz, R.E.

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Micropropagation of switchgrass by node culture.

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Micropropagation of Orchids

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Micropropagation of Orchids

Micropropagation of Musa AAA cv

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Poyo in the Ivory Coast. Trop. Agriculture

Micropropagation by Poliferation of Axillary Buds

Phillips. G.C

Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture-Fundamental Methods

Micropopagation and Estabilsment of Eucalyptus Grandis Hybrids

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South African Journal Of Botany 1994

Microparticulate diets for fish larvae, pp 57-61

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Microorganisms and soil aggregate stability

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Blackie Academic & Professional, New York. Oxford and IBH Pub. Co. New Delhi, Bombay, Calcuta

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Microorganism and Fermentation.

Jugerson, A.

Microorganism and Fermentation.

Charles Griggin and Co. Ltd, London

Microorganism and Fermentation.

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Microorganism and Fermentation.

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In oil palm research

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Micronutrients and The Nutrient Status of Soils : a Global Study

Mikko Sillanpaa

FAO of The UNO

Micronutrients And The Nutrient Status of Soils : a Global Study

Mikko Sillanpaa

FAO of The UNO

Micronutrients and The Nutrient Status of Soil

Silanpaa. M

FAO of The United States

Micronutrients : Iodine Deficiency Disorders


3rd Report On The World Nutrition Situation ACC/SCN

Micronutrient Content And Release

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Mineralogy and Chemical Propeties Of Some Residual Soils and Rocks In Alabama

MS Thesis, Auburn Univ. AL. USA

Micronesian reef fishes.

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A Practical Guide to the Identification of the Coral Reef Fishes of the Tropical and Western Pacific. Second Edition.

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Sauer, D.B.

D.B. Sauer (ed.). Storage of Cereal Grains and Their Products

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Microeconomic Theory a Mathematical Approach 3rd ed.

Henderson. J.M

Microeconomic Theory

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Microdiffusion Analysis and Volumetric.

Conway, E. J.

Crosby Lockwood & Son. Ltd., London

Microdiffusion analysis and volumetric error. 5th ed.

Conway, E. J.

Crosby Lockwood and Son, London

Microdiffusion Analysis and Volumetric Error.

Conway, E. J.

Crosby Cockwood, London.

Microdiffusion Analysis and Volumetric Error.

Conway, E. J.

Crosby Lockwood & Son. Ltd., London

Microcredit Summit Declaration Draft

UNDP's Human Development Report

Microcredit Summit Declaration Draft


Microclimate: The Biological Environment.

Rosenberg, N.J.,

Microclimate: The Biological Environment.

John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Microclimate : The biological environment

Rosenberg NJ

John Willey and sons New York

Microclimate : The biological environment

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John Willey and sons New York

Microbiology: Fundamentals and Application

Atlas, R.M.

Microbiology: Fundamentals and Application

Macmillan Publ. Co., New York.

Microbiology. Concepts and Applications.

Ketchum, P.A.,

Microbiology. Concepts and Applications.

John Wiley & Sons, USA.


Pelezar, M. J.


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Mcgraw Hill Cooperation. New York

Microbiology of the rumen and intestine. In: The Ruminant Animal Digestive Physiology and Nutrition. Church, D.C. (Ed.)

Yokoyama, M.T.

Microbiology of the rumen and intestine. In: The Ruminant Animal Digestive Physiology and Nutrition. Church, D.C. (Ed.)

Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.

Microbiology of irradiated foods, in Food irradiation

Murano, E.A

Food irradiation

A source book ed. E.A. Murano

Microbiology of fermented foods. Vol. 1

Wood, B. J. B.

Elsevier science publishing company inc., New York

Microbiology of Fermented Foods

Wood, B. J. B.

Elsevier Applied Sci. Publisher, London


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Penerbit International Student ed. McGraw-Hill International Book Co. Singapore

Microeconomic Theory

the Dryden Press. Hinsdale, Illinois

TMH Publishing Co., Ltd. New Delhi.

Hlm 807 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Microbiology of Fermentation Milks dalam R.K. Robinson (Ed). Dairy Microbiology of Milk

Robinson, R.K

Microbiology of Fermentation Milks dalam R.K. Robinson (Ed). Dairy Microbiology of Milk

Applied Science Publ. London and New Jersey

Microbiology of Fermentation

Pederson, C.

Microbiology of Fermentation

Westport, Connec tticut. The AVI. Publ. Comp. Inc

Microbiology of Fermentation

Pederson, C

Microbiology of Fermentation

Westport, Connec tticut. The AVI. Publ. Comp. Inc.

Microbiology of Food Fermentation

Pederson, C S.

Microbiology of Food Fermentation

AVI Publ. Co, Connecticut.

Microbiology Laboratory Exercises.

Barnett, M.E

Microbiology Laboratory Exercises.

C. Brown Publishers. Dubugue, lowa

Microbiology in practice. Individualized Instruction For the Allied Health Science. 3rd Ed.


Microbiology in practice. Individualized Instruction For the Allied Health Science. 3rd Ed.

Hayer and Row Publisher N. Y.

Microbiology in practice . a self instructional laboratory course, 5th edition

Beishir, L.

Microbiology in practice . a self instructional laboratory course, 5th edition

Karper Collins Publisher, Inc., New York.

Microbiology for Environmental Scientists and Engineers

Gaudy, A.F

Microbiology for Environmental Scientists and Engineers

McGraw-Hill Book Conip., New York.

Microbiology for Envirometal Scientist and Engineers.

Guady, A.F.

Microbiology for Envirometal Scientist and Engineers.

Mc Graw Hill International Book Co., Auckland. 736 hal,

Microbiology concepts and applications

Pelczar MJ

McGraw Hill Inc, new York

Microbiology concepts and applications

Pelczar MJ

McGraw Hill Inc, new York

Microbiology a laboratory manual.

Cappucino, Y.G.

Microbiology a laboratory manual.

Publishing Company Inc, Sydney.

Microbiology 4th Ed.

Peiczar, M.J.,

Microbiology 4th Ed.

Tato V-Graw Hill Pub Co. Ltd New Delhi.


Pelczar. MJ


Pelezar, M.J.


McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York.




McGraw-Hill Inc., New York.

Microbiological specification and testing methods for irradiation foods


FAO and IAEA Collaboration, IAEA, Vienna


McGraw Hill Book. Co. New York

Hlm 808 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Microbiological Methods. 6th ed

Collins, C.H.

Microbiological Applications: A Laboratory Manual in General Microbiology. Fourth Edition.

Benson, H. J,

Microbiological Applications: A Laboratory Manual in General Microbiology. Fourth Edition.

Wm. C. Brown Publishers. Dubuque, Iowa. 450 PP

Microbiological applications: A laboratory manual in genera microbiology. Fourth edition. Wm.C.

Benson, H.J.

Microbiological applications: A laboratory manual in genera microbiology. Fourth edition. Wm.C.

Brown Publishers, Dubuque, Iowa.

Microbiological application: A laboratory manual in general microbiology. Complete Version Wm.C.

Benson, H.J

Microbiological application: A laboratory manual in general microbiology. Complete Version Wm.C.

Brown Publisher, Dubuque, lowa. 450 pp.

Microbiological and rheological properties of the Indonesian traditional fermented milk dadih

Yusdar, Z

Microbiol control of insects; viral pathogens

Ignoffo CM

FG Maxwell and FA Harris (ed) Proc,. Summer Institute on Biocotrol of plant insect and Dis

Univ Press of Mississippi, Jackson

Microbiol control of insects; viral pathogens

Ignoffo CM

FG Maxwell and FA Harris (ed) Proc,. Summer Institute on Biocotrol of plant insect and Dis

Univ Press of Mississippi, Jackson

Microbiol biomass as an index for tillage induced changes in soil biolgical properties

Carter, M.R


Carpenter, P.L.


WB Sounders Company, Philadelphia, London, Toronto


Pelczar, M.J.


Mc, Graw Hill Book Company New York.

Microbial transformation of herbicides and pesticides

Cork DJ

Nerdleman SL, Laskin AI (ed). Applied Microbiology.

London: Academic Pr. him 1-37.

Microbial Toxicity Studies

Pritchard, P.H.

Fundamentals of aquatic Toxicology (Eds. G.M. Rand and S.R. Petrocelli)

Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, New York. p. 177-217.

Microbial technology.

Pappler, H. J.


Judul Buku

Penerbit Batterworths, Oxford.


Soil Tillage Res

Reinhold publishing corporation, New York. Hlm 809 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Microbial Technology in Division of Energy and Chemical from Renewable Resource. Di dalam Pearlman (ed.). Advance in Applied Microbiology.

Ghose, T.K

Microbial Technology in Division of Energy and Chemical from Renewable Resource. Di dalam Pearlman (ed.). Advance in Applied Microbiology.

Academic Press, New York.

Microbial Tech, vol.1

Peppler. H.J

Microbial Tech, vol.1

Academic Press, New York.

Microbial Tecchnology fermentation technology

Peppler HJ

Microbial succession in composting.

Sadasivam, K.V.

Lecturer delivered at FAO/UNDP training Cource on compost Technology.

IARI. New Delhi.

Microbial Production of Amino Acid

Hirose, Y.

Microbial Technology, Microbial Process (Peppler, H.J. and Pearlman, D., ed.)

Academic Press Inc., New York.

Microbial Production and Consumption of Greenhouse Gases. Methane, Nitrogen Oxides, and Halomethane

Rogers, J.E.

Microbial Production and Consumption of Greenhouse Gases. Methane, Nitrogen Oxides, and Halomethane

Am. Soc. Microbiol., Washington, DC.

Microbial Metabolites

Lynch. J.M

The Rhizosphere

John Willey & Sons. New York

Microbial interactions with the diet and host animal

Schwartz, H.M

W. Mc Donald & A.C.I. Warner (Eds.) Digestion and Metabolism in the Ruminant

Proc. Of the IV International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology. Sydney, Australia

Microbial Indicators of Soil Quality

Turco. R.F

Defining Soil Quality For a Sustainable Environment

SSSA Spec. Publ. 35. SSSA and ASA, Madison. WI

Microbial Ecology: Organisms, Habitats, Activities.

Stolp, H

Microbial Ecology: Organisms, Habitats, Activities.

Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, New York, New Rochelle, Melbourne, Sydney. 308 pp.

Microbial Ecology: Fundamental and Aplications. Ed ke-3

Atlas RM

Microbial Ecology: Fundamental and Aplications. Ed ke-3

Singapore: Benjamin/Cummings.

Microbial Ecology, Fundamentals and Applications

Atlas. R.M

Microbial Ecology, Fundamentals and Applications

Addiso-Wesley Publishing Company Inc, Philiphinnes.


Academic Press a subsidiary of harcourt brace jovanovich publishers, New York

Hlm 810 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Microbial Ecology Of The Rhizosphere in Metting (ed)

Bolton. H. Jr

Soil Microbial Ecology

Maecel Dekker, New York

Microbial Ecology Fundamentals And Aplications 3rd Ed.


The Benjamin/Cumming Publishing Company.Inc. Red Wood City California

Microbial Ecology Fundamental and Applications

Atlas. R.M

The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing

Microbial Ecology : Fundamental and Applicalion

Atlas, P.M.

Microbial Ecology : Fundamental and Applicalion

Addison Wesley. Publ. Company Massachusett.

Microbial Ecology Microbial digestion in Ruminants,

Alexander, M. Arora SP

Microbial Ecology

John Wiley, New York India Council Agricultural research. New Delhi

Microbial digestion in ruminants

Arora, S. P.

Microbial Digestion in Ruminants

Arora, S.P.

Microbial Digestion in Ruminants

Microbial degra-dation of tannins and related compounds. In: Lewis. N.G. and Paice, M.G. ed. Plant Cell Wall Polymers

Deschamps, A.M

American Chemistry Society. Wa-shington, D.C

Microbial degradation in the digestive trad. In : Straw and Other Fibrous By-Products as Feed. (Ed. Sundstol and Owen, E).

Chesson, A.

Elsevier. pp

Microbial Criteria for Seawater and Shellfish Tissue in Tropical Countries

CEA (Canadian Executing Agency)

Asean-Canada Cooperative Programe On Marine SciencePhase II (Cpms II). 31 p.

Microbial Conversion of Lignocellulosic into Feed.

Zadrazil, F.

Microbial Control of Insects, Mite and Plant Diseases

Burges, H. D.

Microbial Control of Insects, Mite and Plant Diseases

Acedamic Press.

Microbial Control of Insect and Miles

Urges, H.D

Microbial Control of Insect and Miles

Academie Prees. LondonNewYork.


India council agricultural research, New Delhi India Council Agricultural Research.New Delhi

Elsevier Sci. Publ., Amsterdam.

Hlm 811 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Microbial Control of Pest and Plant Diseases

Burges, H.D

Microbial Control of Plant Diseases

Microbial cellulose. In: W. M. Fogarty (Ed). Microbial enzimatic and biotechnology

Enary, T. M.

Microbial Cellulose. Di dalam W.M. Fogarty

Enari, T.M.,

Microbial Enzyme and Biotechnology

Appl. Sci. Publisher, London, New York

Microbial cellulases.

Enarl, T.M

Microbial Enzymes and Biotechnology.

John Wiley & Sons. New York.

Microbial cellulases

Enari T-M.

W.M. Fogarty (ed). Aficrobial Enzymes and Biotechnology

London: Elsevier Science, him. 183-223.

Microbial Biomass in Soil : Measurement and Turnover

Jenkinson. D.S

Biochemistry Vol. 5

Marcel Dekker. New York

Microbial biomass and mineralizable nitrogen distribution in no-tillage and plowed soils

Doran, J.W

Microbial Biomas Formed From 14C and !5 N labelled Plant Material Decomposition In Soil In the Field

Ladd J.M

Microbial Biomas Formed From 14C and !5 N labelled Plant Material Decomposition In Soil In the Field

Soil. Biol. Biochem

Microbial and environment

Wagiyo, C.E.

L.H. Stevenson and R.R. Colwell (eds) Estuaries Microbial Ecology

University of South Carolina Press, Columbia.

Microbial Amylases

Enari, T.M.

Microbial Enzymes and Biotechnology

Aplied Sci Publisher. New York.

Microbes in the intestine Microbes in action (2nd ed)

Anonimus Seeley, J.R.W.H.

Microbes in action (2nd ed)

Honsa Co. Ltd. Japan W.H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco.

Microalgal Biotechnology.

Borowitzka, M.A.

Ed. Borowitzka and Borowitzka,

Micro Nutrients Malnutrition, Intervebtion Programs,

Kodyat A.B.dkk

An Indonesian Experince

Micro Economy Theory (Terj. Wimardi)

Ferguson, C.E.

Micro Economy Theory (Terj. Wimardi)

Tarsito, Bandung.

Micro diffusion Analysis and Volumetric Error. 5th ed.

Conway, E.J.

Micro diffusion Analysis and Volumetric Error. 5th ed.

Crosby Lockwood and Son, London.

Micro Diffusion analysis and Volumetric Error. 4th Edition.

Convway, E. G.

Crossby Lockwood and Sons, London, UK.


Penerbit Pest


Academic Prees.LondonNew York-TorontoSydney-San Fransisco. Applied science publisher, London

Biol. Fert. Soils

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Hlm 812 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Micro Economic Theory (Terjemahan E.C. Winardi).


Micro Economic Theory (Terjemahan E.C. Winardi).

Penerbit Tarsito, Bandung.

Micodiffusion analysis and volumetric error. 5th ed.

Conway, E. J.

Metodology for on-Farm Cropping systems Research IRRI, Manila

Zandstra, H. G.

Metodologi riset Metodologi Research, Jilid III

Marzuki Hadi, Sutrisno

Metodologi Research

Metodologi Research, Jilid I

Hadi, Sutrisno

Metodologi Research

Fak. Psikotogi, UGM, Yogyakarta

Metodologi Research

Hadi, Sutrisno

Metodologi Research

Fak. Psikologi, UGM, Yogyakarta

Metodologi Research

Sutrisno Hadi

Metodologi Research

yayasan Penerbit Fak. Psikologi UGM Yogyakarta

Metodologi Research

Sutrisno Hadi

Metodologi Research

Yayasan Penerbit Fak. Psikologi UGM, Yoyakarta.

Metodologi Research

Sutrisno Hadi

Metodologi Research

Fak. Psikologi, UGM, Yogyakarta.

Metodologi Research

Hadi, Sutrisno

Metodologi Penelitian.

Nasir, M

Metodologi Penelitian

Penerbit Tarsito. Bandung

Metodologi Penelitian Pembangunan Desa

Ndraha, Taliziduhu

Metodologi Penelitian Pembangunan Desa

Bina Aksara, Jakarta.

Metodologi penelitian ekonomi

Arief, S.

Metodologi penelitian dan pengkajian Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian.

Sudana, I.W.

Metodologi Penelitian Masyarakat


Metodologi Penelitian Metodologi Penelitian

Gaspersz Moh. Nazir

Tarsito Bandung Ghalia Indonesia. Jakarta

Metodologi Penelitian

Moh. Nazir

Ghalia Indonesia. Jakarta

Metodologi Penelitian

Moh. Nazir

Ghalia Indonesia. Jakarta

Metodologi Penelitian Metodologi Penelitian

Gaspersz Nazir. M

Tarsito Bandung Ghalia Indonesia


Crosby Lockwood and Son, London

BPFE UII YOGYA Fak. Psikotogi, UGM, Yogyakarta

Yayasan Penerbit FPUGM, Yogyakarta.

Universitas Indonesia Jakarta

Metodologi Penelitian Masyarakat

PT Gramedia, Jakarta

Hlm 813 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Metodologi Penelitian

Zainuddin, M.

Metodologi Penelitian

Cetakan Kedua Program Pascasarjana Unrversitas Airlangga,

Metodologi Penelitian

Zainuddin, M.

Diktat Kuliah Pascasarjana, Unair, Surabaya.

Metodologi Penelitian

Zainuddin, M

Diktat, Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Airlangga.

Metodologi Penelitian

Nasir, M.

Metodologi Penelitian

Metodologi Penelitian Metodologi dan Permasalahan Analisis Aspek Sosial Amdal

Sumadi S. Suprapto. R.A

Metode-metode untuk Bakteriologi

Hadiutomo, R.S.

Metode-metode untuk Bakteriologi

Pusat Antar Universitas, Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Metode-metode Penelitian Masyarakat


Metode-metode Penelitian Masyarakat

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta

Metode-metode Penelitian Masyarakat


Metode-metode Penelitian Masyarakat

Penerbit PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.

Metode-metode dasar pembekuan embrio.

Supriatna I.

Metode-metode dasar pembekuan embrio.

FKH-IPB. Bogor

Metode-metode dan tehnik penelitian sosial


Metode Uji Penetapan Bilangan Peroksida dalam Minyak dan Lemak


Metode Uji Penetapan Bilangan Peroksida dalam Minyak dan Lemak

Lab. Analisis Komoditi Industri Hasil Pertanian BBIHP, Bogor.

Metode Uji Penetapan Asam Lemak Bebas, Derajat Asam dan Bilangan Asam dalam Minyak dan Lemak


Metode Uji Penetapan Asam Lemak Bebas, Derajat Asam dan Bilangan Asam dalam Minyak dan Lemak

Lab. Analisis Komoditi Industri Hasil Pertanian BBIHP, Bogor.

Metode Uji Mutu Beras Dalam Program Pemuliaan Padi


Padi. Buku Ke-2

Puslitbangtan. Bogor


Mater Kursus : Kursus Penyusunan AMDAL Angkatan II

Penerbit Tarsito, Bandung CV Rajawali Jkt Kerjasama Menteri Negara Kependudukan dan Lingkungan Hidup Dengan Pusat Penelitian Lingkungan Hidup IPB

Kelompok Studi Sosiologi komparatif Erasmus Unib=versiteit Rotterdam

Hlm 814 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Metode statistika. Edisi ke-5 Metode statistika. Edisi I Metode Statistika. Edisi Keenam

Sudjana. Sudjana Sudjana

Metode Statistika. Edisi Keenam

Tarsito, Bandung. Tarsito, Bandung Bandung: Tarsito.

Metode Statistika. Cetakan VI.

Nasution, A.H.

Metode Statistika. Cetakan VI.

Metode statistika utk penarikan kesimpulan

Nasoetion AH

PT Gramedia Jakarta

Metode statistika untuk penarikan kesimpulan


PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Metode Statistik, Edisi ke 5 Metode Statiska Metode Statiska Metode Riset dan Aplikasinya di dalam Riset Pemasaran

Sudjana Sudjana Sudjana Supranto, J.

Metode Statistik, Edisi ke 5

Metode Research (penelitian ilmiah).

Nasution, S.

Metode Research (penelitian ilmiah).

Bumi Aksra, Jakarta

Metode Research

Nasution, S.

Metode Research

Penerbit Bumi Aksara, Jakarta.

Metode Research Metode Ramalan Kuantitatif untuk Perencanaan Ekonomi dan Bisnis.

Nasution Suprananto, J.

Metode Research

Jemmars. Bandung PT. Rineka Cipta, Jakarta.

Metode Ramalan Kuantitatif Untuk Perencanaan.

Gramedia, Jakarta

Metode Ramalan Kuantitatif

Metode Riset dan Aplikasinya di dalam Riset Pemasaran

Penerbit PT Gramedia. Jakarta. 197 pp.

Tarsito. Bandung. Tarsito Bandung Tarsito Bandung Lembaga Penerbitan Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta

Metode Pewarnaan (Histologi dan Histokimia)

Suntoro, S.H.

Metode Pewarnaan (Histologi dan Histokimia)

Bhatara Karya Aksara. Jakarta. 359 hal.

Metode Pewarnaan

Suntoro, S H.

Metode Pewarnaan

Bhratara Karya Aksara. Jakarta. Hal. 101.

Metode Perencanaan Tenaga Kerja Tingkat Nasional, Regional dan Perusahaan


Metode Perencanaan Tenaga Kerja Tingkat Nasional, Regional dan Perusahaan

Universitas Gadjah Mada. Yogyakarta

Metode Peren canaan Tenaga Kerja Tingkat Nasional, Regional Dan Perusahaan

Swasono, Y

Metode Peren canaan Tenaga Kerja Tingkat Nasional, Regional Dan Perusahaan

BPFE - Universitas Gajahmada, Yogyakarta


Hlm 815 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Metode perancangan percobaan. Untuk ilmu-ilmu Pertanian, Ilmu Teknik dan Biologi

Gaspersz, V

Metode perancangan percobaan. Untuk ilmu-ilmu Pertanian, Ilmu Teknik dan Biologi

Amco. Bandung. 472 hal.

Metode Perancangan Percobaan.

Gasperz. V.

Metode Perancangan Percobaan.

Institut Teknolopi Bandung, Bandung.

Metode Perancangan Percobaan.

Gasperz, V.

Metode Perancangan Percobaan.

Armico, Jakarta. Metode Perancangan Percobaan.

Armico Bandung

Metode Perancangan Percobaan untuk Ilmu-ilmu Pertanian, Ilmuilmu Teknik, Program Pascasarjana

IPB, Bogor.

Metode Perancangan Percobaan untuk Ilmu-ilmu Pertanian, Ilmu-ilmu Teknik, Program Pascasarjana

Gasperz, V.

Metode Perancangan Percobaan


Metode Perancangan Percobaan

Gaspersz, V.

Metode Perancangan Percobaan

Armico. Bandung. 472 hal.

Metode Perancangan Percobaan

Gaspersz, V.

Metode Perancangan Percobaan

Armico. Bandung. 472 hal.

Metode perancangan percobaan

Gaspersz, V.

Metode Perancangan Percobaan

Gaspersz. V.

Metode Perancangan Percobaan

Armico, Bandung.

Metode Perancangan Percobaan

Gasperz, V

Metode Perancangan Percobaan

CV Armico. Bandung.

Metode penlitian survai

M. Singarimbun

Metode penlitian survai

Penerbit LP3ES, Jakarta

Metode Peniliaian Citrarasa I

Nasoetion A

Departemen Ilmu Kesejahteraan Keluarga, Fakultas Pertanian IPB.Bogor

Metode Penilaian Survey Metode Penilaian Survey

Singarimbun. M Singarimbun. M

LP3ES -IPB, Bogor Lembaga Penelitian, Pendidikan Dan Penerangan Ekonomi Sosial, Jakarta

Metode Penilaian Survei. LP3S. Jakarta.

Singarimbun M

Metode pengumpulan data dan teknik sampling.

Suryanto, B.

pendidikan dan latihan tenaga peneliti. BAPPEDA Tingkat I Jawa Tengah.

Metode Pengujian Kimia Hasil Perikanan


Metode Pengujian Kimia Hasil Perikanan


Armico Bandung

CV. Armico, Bandung

Lembaga Teknologi Perikanan, Jakarta. Hlm 816 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Metode Pengambilan Contoh Sayuran.

Untung, K.

Metode Penetpan Zat Gizi

Sulaeman. A

Jurusan Gizi Masyarakat dan Sumberdaya Keluarga Fakultas Pertanian IPB Bekerjasam Dengan Bagian Proyek Pengembangan Kesehatan dan Gizi Masyarakat, Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi Depdikbud (Third Community Health and Nutrition Project)

IBRD Loan No. 3550-IND

Metode Penelitian.

Nazir, M.

Metode Penelitian.

Ghalia Indonesia. Jakarta, p.366-381.

Metode Penelitian.

Nazir, M.

Metode Penelitian.

Nazir, Moh.

Metode Penelitian.

Ghalia Indonesia, Jakarta.

Metode Penelitian Untuk Skripsi dan Tesis Bisnis. Cetakan Kedua

Umar, Husein

Metode Penelitian Untuk Skripsi dan Tesis Bisnis. Cetakan Kedua

Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada

Metode Penelitian terumbu karang. Makalah yang Disampaikan da/am Kursus Pelatihan Metodologi Penelitian Penentuan Kondisi Terumbu Karang.


Metode Penelitian terumbu karang. Makalah yang Disampaikan da/am Kursus Pelatihan Metodologi Penelitian Penentuan Kondisi Terumbu Karang.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Oseanologi-LIPI. 15 pp.

Metode Penelitian Survey, dalam Masri Singarimbun dan Sofian Effendi

Mantra, I.B.

Metode Penelitian Survey, dalam Masri Singarimbun dan Sofian Effendi

Penerbit LP3ES, Jakarta.

Metode penelitian survey Metode Penelitian Survey

Singarimbun, M. Masri Singarimbun

LP3ES, Jakarta LP3ES. Jakarta

Metode Penelitian Survey Metode Penelitian Survey Metode Penelitian Survey

Singarimbun. M Singarimbun Singarimbun

LP3S Jakarta LP3ES. Jakarta Lembaga Penelitian Pendidikan dan Penerangan Ekonomi dan Sosial, Jakarta.


Judul Buku

Penerbit Lokakarya Pengamatan dan Peramalan Hama Tanaman Palawija dan Hortikultura, Cisarua, Bogor

Ghalia Indonesia, Jakarta.

Metode Penelitian Survey

Hlm 817 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Metode Penelitian Survey

Masri Singarimbun

Metode Penelitian Survey

LP3ES, Jakarta

Metode Penelitian Survey Metode Penelitian Survey

Singarimbun M Singarimbun. M

LP3ES,Jakarta Lembaga Penelitian dan Penerangan Ekonomi Sosial, Jakarta

Metode Penelitian Survey Metode Penelitian Survey Metode Penelitian Survey Metode Penelitian Survey Metode Penelitian Survei, Metode Penelitian Survei

Singarimbun. M Singarimbun. M Singarimbun. M Singarimbun. M Singarimbun, M Singarimbun, Masri

LP3ES. Jakarta LP3ES. Jakarta LP3ES. Jakarta LP3ES. Jakarta LP3ES. Jakarta. LP3ES, Jakarta

Metode Penelitian Survei Metode Penelitian Survei Metode penelitian survei Metode Penelitian Survei Metode Penelitian Survai.

Singarimbun Singarimbun M Singarimbun M Singarimbun M Singarimbun, M.

Metode Penelitian Survai. Metode Penelitian Survai Metode Penelitian Survai Metode Penelitian Survai Metode Penelitian Survai

Singarimbun, M Singarimbun Singarimbun, Sofian Effendi Singarimbun M

Metode Penelitian Survai. Metode Penelitian Survai Metode Penelitian Survai Metode Penelitian Survai

LP3ES. Jakarta. Jakarta : LP3 ES. Jakarta : LP3ES. LP3ES, Jakarta LP3S PT Midas Surya Grafindo, Jakarta

Metode Penelitian Sosial.

Malo, M.,

Metode Penelitian Sosial.

Karunika Universitas Terbuka, Jakarta.

Metode Penelitian Sosial

Sofya, Singarimbun

Metode Penelitian Sosial

LP3ES, Bogor, Jawa barat.

Metode Penelitian Sosial

Singarimbun, M.

Metode Penelitian Sosial

Penerbit LP3ES, Jakarta

Metode Penelitian Sosial

Singarimbun, M

Metode Penelitian Sosial

Penerbit LP3ES, Jakarta

metode penelitian Sosial Metode Penelitian Sosial

Singarimbun, M. Singarimbun, M

metode penelitian Sosial Metode Penelitian Sosial

Penerbit LP3ES Penerbit LP3ES, Jakarta

Metode Penelitian Praktis (utk ilmu sosek)

Suparmoko, M

Metode Penelitian Praktis (utk ilmu sosek)

BPFE Yogya

Metode Penelitian Praktis (Utk Ilmu Soisial & ekonomi) edisi 2


Metode Penelitian Praktis (Utk Ilmu Soisial & ekonomi) edisi 2

BPFE, Yogya


Metode Penelitian Survei, Metode Penelitian Survei Metode Penelitian Survei

Metode Penelitian Survai.

LP3ES, Jakarta. LP3ES Jakarta LP3ES Jakarta LP3ES.Jakarta LP3ES kerjasama dengan USAID. IKAPI. Jakarta.

Hlm 818 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Metode penelitian praktis (untuk ilmu-ilmu sosial dan ekom\nomi)

Suparmoko M

Metode penelitian komunikasi

Rakhmat j,

Metode penelitian komunikasi

Remaja karya, Bandung

Metode Penelitian Edisi 5


Metode Penelitian Edisi 5

Penerbit Tarsito Bandung.

Metode penelitian cacing tanah dan Nematoda

Anas, I.

Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, PAU Bioteknologi, IPB

Metode penelitian bisnis Metode Penelitian Bidang Sosial

Sugiyono Namawi Hadar, H

Metode Penelitian Bidang Sosial

CV. Alfabeta, Bandung Gadjah Mada University Press.

Metode Penelitian Administrasi.


Metode Penelitian Administrasi.

Penerbit Alfa Bèta Bandung

Metode penelitian administrasi


Metode penelitian administrasi

alfabeta, Bandung

Metode Penelitian Masyarakat


Metode Penelitian Masyarakat

Jakarta :Gramedia

Metode Penelitian Survey

Sinqarimbun, Masri dan Effendi

Metode Penelitian Survey

LP3ES. Jakarta

Metode Penelitian Survei

Masri Singarimbun

Metode Penelitian Survei

LP3ES, Jakarta.

Metode penelitian

Nazir. M

Ghalia Indonesia. Jakarta

Metode Penelitian

Nazir. M

Ghalia Indonesia. Jakarta

Metode Penelitian

Nazir. M

Ghalia Indonesia. Jakarta

Metode Penelitian

Moh. Nazir

Ghalia Indonesia. Jakarta

Metode Penelitian Metode penelitian Metode Penelitian

Nazir. M Nazir. M Nazir, Moh.

Metode Penelitian. Cetakan III

Ghalia Indonesia Ghalia Indonesia Jakarta : Ghalia Indonesia.

Metode Penelitian

Nazir, Moh.

Metode Penelitian. Cetakan III

Jakarta : Ghalia Indonesia.

Metode Penelitian

Nazir, Moh

Metode Penelitian

Cetakan III. Ghalia, Jakarta.


Judul Buku

Penerbit BPFE. Yogyakarta

Hlm 819 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Metode penelitian

Nazir, M,

Metode penelitian

Ghalia Indonesia, Jakarta

Metode Penelitian

Moh. Nazir

Metode Penelitian

Penerbit Ghalia Indonesia, Jakarta.

Metode Penelitian

Nazir Muhammad

Metode Penelitian

Ghalia Indonesia, Jakarta

Metode Penelitian Metode Penelitian

Nazir, M Nazir M

Metode Penelitian Metode Penelitian

ghalia. Jkt Indonesia Ghalia indonesia, jakarta

Metode penelitian

Nazir M

Ghalia Indonesia, Jakarta

Metode penelitian

Nazir, M

Ghalia Indonesia, Jakarta

Metode Peneli tian Sosek

Hamid Hidayat

Metode Peneli tian Sosek

Faku!tas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya. Malang.

Metode Penangkapan Ikan

Ayodhya, A.U.

Metode Penangkapan Ikan

Yayasan Dewi Sri, Bogor 97 hal.

Metode Pembuatan dan Pemeliharaan Kebun Pangkas Dipterocarpaeae


Metode Pelepasliaran Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus) di Wanariset Samboja

Susilo, A.

Metode kultur jaringan tanaman, ed. Kedelai 25-32 diterjemahkan Mathida

Wetter LR


Metode kultur jaringan tanaman, ed. Kedelai 25-32 diterjemahkan Mathida

Wetter LR


Metode Kriop reservasi Embrio Mamalia

Supriatna, l

Metode kimia biokimia dan biologi dalam evaluasi nilai gizi pangan olahan, Bogogr

Muchtadi, D.

PAU Pangan dan gizi. Institut Pertanian Bogor

Metode Kimia Biokimia dan Biologi dalam Evaluasi nilai Gizi Pangan Olahan

Muchtadi D

Departemen P&K DIKTI PAU Pangan dan Gizi IPB.Bogor

Metode Inventore Hutan.

Simon, H.

Metode Inventore Hutan



Assosiasi Panel Kayu Indonesia. Jakarta Metode Pelepasliaran Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus) di Wanariset Samboja

Metode Kriop reservasi Embrio Mamalia

Metode Inventore Hutan.

Balai Penelitian Kehutanan. Samarinda.

IPB. Bogor.

Penerbit Aditya Media Yogyakarta. Aditya Media Yogyakarta

Hlm 820 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Metode Inventore Hutan

Simon, H.

Metode Inventore Hutan

Penerbit Aditya Media Yogyakarta. 586 hal.

Metode Inventarisasi Hutan

Ruskanda, E.M

Metode Inventarisasi Hutan

Institut Pertanian Malang. Malang

Metode Fitokimia. Penuntun Cara Modern Menganalisis Tumbuhan. Terjemahan. K. Padmowinata dan I. Soediro


Metode Fitokimia. Penuntun Cara Modern Menganalisis Tumbuhan. Terjemahan. K. Padmowinata dan I. Soediro

Penerbit ITB, Bandung. 46 hlm.

Metode Fitokimia. Penuntun Cara Modern Menganalisis Tumbuhan

Harborne, J.B.

Metode Fitokimia. Penuntun Cara Modern Menganalisis Tumbuhan

ITS Bandung.

Metode Fitokimia. Penuntun Cara Modern Menganalisa tumbuhan (Terjemahan Padmawinata dan I. Soediro)

Harborne, J.B.

Metode Fitokimia. Penuntun Cara Modern Menganalisa tumbuhan (Terjemahan Padmawinata dan I. Soediro)

Penerbit ITB, Bandung.

Metode fitokimia Metode fitokimia Metode Fitokimia

Harborne. J.B. Harborne. J.B. Harborne, J.B.

Metode fitokimia Metode fitokimia Metode Fitokimia

ITB Bandung. ITB Bandung. Bandung: Penerbit ITB Bandung.

Metode Eksperimen dan Analysis Kuantitatif

Gunartha. I.G.E

Materi Penataran Tenaga Peneliti Dosen-dosen PTS Kopertis VIII. Denpasar

Metode dan Teknik Penelitian Masyarakat

VredentBergt. T

Metode dan Teknik Penelitian Masyarakat

J. Vredenbergt

Metode dan Teknik Penelitian Masyarakat

Penerbit PT. Gramedia, Jakarta

Metode dan Proses Penelitian

Singarimbun, Masri

Metode dan Proses Penelitian

Metode penelitian survai. LP3ES. Jakarta

Metode dan Prosedur Pengujian KimiawiHasil Perikanan


Metode dan Prosedur Pengujian KimiawiHasil Perikanan

Lembaga Teknologi Perikanan. Jakarta. 99 pp.

Metode dan Prosedur Pengujian Kimiawi Hasil Perikanan.


Metode dan Prosedur Pengujian Kimiawi Hasil Perikanan.

Lembaga Penelitian Teknologi Perikanan, Jakarta. 99 pp.

Metode dan Prosedur Pemeriksaan Kimiawi Hasil Perikanan.


Metode dan Prosedur Pemeriksaan Kimiawi Hasil Perikanan.

Lembaga Teknologi Penkanan Ditjenkan, Deptan, Jakarta: 9-13.

Metode dan masalah penelitian sosial, diterjemahkan oleh E. Koeswara

J.A. Black

Metode dan masalah penelitian sosial, diterjemahkan oleh E. Koeswara

Penerbit Pt. Eresco, Bandung

Metode dan Masalah Penelitian Sosial

Black James. A


Gramedia. Jakarta

PT. Eresco, Bandung

Hlm 821 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Metode dan Masalah Penelitian Sosial

Black James. A

Metode dan Aplikasi Peramalan

Makridakis, S

Metode dan Aplikasi Peramalan

Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta.

Metode dan Aplikasi Peramalan

Makridarkis, S

Metode dan Aplikasi Peramalan

Erlangga, Jakarta

Metode dan Aplikasi Peramalan

Makridakis, S. et all

Metode dan Aplikasi Peramalan

Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta

Metode biologi pertanian


Metode biologi pertanian

Yayasan Dewi Sri, Bogor

Metode Biologi Perikanan.

Efïendi, MT

Metode Biologi Perikanan.

Yayasan Dewi Sri, Bogor. 112 hlm.

Metode Biologi Perikanan.

Effendie, M.I.

Metode Biologi Perikanan.

Yayasan Dewi Sri. Bogor. 112pp.

Metode Biologi Perikanan.

Effendi, M.I.

Metode Biologi Perikanan.

Yayasan Dewi Sri Bogor. 112pp.

Metode Biologi Perikanan, Cetakan Pertama

M.I. Effendie

Metode Biologi Perikanan, Cetakan Pertama

Yayasan Dewi Sri, Bogor

Metode biologi Perikanan hal 106-107, Cetakan I

M.I. Effendie

Metode biologi Perikanan hal 106107, Cetakan I

Yayasan Dewi Sri, Bogor

Metode biologi perikanan

M.I. Effendie

Metode biologi perikanan

Yayasan Dewi Sri, Bogor

Metode Biologi Perikanan

Effendi. M.I.

Metode Biologi Perikanan

Yayasan Agromedia, Bogor. 112 p.

Metode Biologi Perikanan

Effendie, M.I.,

Metode Biologi Perikanan

Yayasan Dewi Sri. Bogor. 112 pp.

Metode Biologi Perikanan

Effendie, M.I.

Metode Biologi Perikanan

Bogor: Yayasan Agromedia.

Metode Biologi Perikanan

M.I. Effendie

Metode Biologi Perikanan

Yayasan Dewei Sri, Bogor

Metode Biologi Perikanan

M.I. Effendie

Metode Biologi Perikanan

Yayasan Dewi Sri, Bogor

Metode biologi perikanan

M.I. Effendie

Metode biologi perikanan

Yayasan Dewi Sri, Bogor

Metode Biologi Perikanan

Effendie. M.I.

Metode Biologi Perikanan

Yavasan Agromedia. Bogor. 1121-ial.

Metode Analisa Residu Pestisida.

Komisi Pestisida,

Metode Analisa Residu Pestisida.

Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta.

Metode Alternatif Penentuan Tingkat Hasil dan Harga Kompetitif : Kasus Kedelai di Pulau Jawa

Siregar Masjidin

Forum Penelitian Agroekonomi Vol. 17 No. 1

PSE-Baltbangtan. Deptan, Bogor

Metode & Teknik Penelitian masyarakat

Vredenbregt, J

Metode & Teknik Penelitian masyarakat

Gramedia Jkt


Judul Buku

Penerbit PT. Eresco. Bandung

Hlm 822 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Metode Statistik


Metode Statistik

Penerbit Tarsito, Bandung

Metode Penelitian Survei. Cetakan Kedalapan

Singarimbun, Masri

Metode Penelitian Survei. Cetakan Kedalapan

Jakarta: LP3ES.

Metode Penelitian Sosial

Singarimbun, M.

Metode Penelitian Sosial

Penerbit LP3ES, Jakarta.

Metode penelitian sosial

Singarimbun, M.

Metode penelitian sosial

Penerbit LP3ES, Jakarata

Metoda Statistika. Edisi ke5


Metoda Statistika. Edisi ke5

Penerbit Tarsito, Bandung.

Metoda Statistika.

Sudjana, M. A.

Metoda Statistika.

Tarsito, Bandung. Edisi ke lima.

Metoda Statistika Metoda statistika Metoda Statistika

Sudjana Sudjana Sudjana

Tarsito Bandung Tarsito Bandung Penerbit Tarsito Bandung

Metoda Statistika Metoda Statistik.

Sujana Sudjana, M.A.

Tarsito, Bandung Penerbit: Tarsito, Bandung

Metoda Statiska Metoda Penelitian Survai Metoda penelitian Survai Metoda Penelitian Air

Sudjana SingimbunMasri Singarimbun, M. Alaerts. G

Metoda penelitian

Nasir, M.

Metoda penelitian

Metoda Pembuatan Stek Dipterocapaceae

Yasman, I

Balai penelitian Kehutanan Samarinda. Edisi Khusus No. 03, Samarinda

Metoda OO-ISE Sebagai Alat Bantu Analisis dan Perancangan Arsitektur Sistem Informasi

Wiryono, S.K

Metoda OO-ISE Sebagai Alat Bantu Analisis dan Perancangan Arsitektur Sistem Informasi

Metoda Fitokimia Metoda Fitokimia

Harborne, J. B. Harborne, J.B.

Metoda Fitokimia

Harborne, J.B.

Metoda Fitokimia

Harborne, J. B.


Metoda Statistik.

Tarsito Bandung LP3ES, Jakarta LP3ES, jakarta Usaha Nasional. Surabaya

Metoda Fitokimia ( diterjemahkan oleh Dr. Kosasih ). Metoda Fitokimia ( diterjemahkan oleh Dr. Kosasih ).

Ghalia Indonesia, Jakarta.

Laboratorium Sistem Informasi dan Keputusan, Jurusan Teknik Industri, ITB, Bandung. ITB Bandung ITB , Bandung.

ITB , Bandung.

ITB Bandung

Hlm 823 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Metoda dan teknik penelitian masyarakat (terjemahan Hadi Irawan)

Vranden Breght J

Metoda dan Aplikasi Peramalan

Makridakis, S.,

Metoda dan Aplikasi Peramalan

Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta.

Metoda Biologi. Perikanan.

Effendi, M.l.

Metoda Biologi. Perikanan.

Fakultas Perikanan Bagian Ichtiology IPB. 810.

Metoda Biologi Perikanan.

Effendie, M.I.

Metoda Biologi Perikanan.

Yayasan Dewi Sri. Bogor. 112 pp.

Metoda Biologi Perikanan.

Effendi, M.I

Metoda Biologi Perikanan.

Fakultas Perikanan Bagian Ichtiology IPB. P:27-63.

Metoda Biologi Perikanan.

Efendy, M.I.

Metoda Biologi Perikanan.

Penerbit Dewi Sri. Bogor. 356 hlm.

Metoda Biologi Perikanan

Effendie, M.I.

Metoda Biologi Perikanan

Yayasan Dewi Sri, Jakarta. 112 h.

Metoda biologi perikanan

Effendie, M.I.

Metoda biologi perikanan

Yayasan Dewi Sri, Jakarta. 112 hal.

Metoda Biologi Perikanan

Effendie, I.M.

Metoda Biologi Perikanan

Penerbit Dewi Sri. Bogor.

Metoda Biologi Pehkanan.

Effendie, M.I

Metoda Biologi Pehkanan.

Yayasan Dewi Sri. Bogor. 112pp.

Metoda analisa Residu pestisida dengan metode HPLC,

Iip Izul Falah

Metoda Analisa Air Irigasi

Sudjadi. M

Publ. No. 8/72 Bagian Kesuburan Tanah, Lembaga Penelitian Tanah, Bogor

Methylmercury Methods/or the Diagnosis of Bacterial Disease of Plant

WHO Leiliot RA

EHC no. 101 Geneva Methods/or the Diagnosis of Bacterial Disease of Plant

Methods Soil Analysis Part 1

Klute. A

Methods of testing wood preservatives by laboratory soilblock cultures.

AWPA Standard.

Methods of Soil Chemical Analysis

Hidayat. A


Methods of Soil Analysis Part 2

Page. A.L

ASA. SSSA Publisher. Madison. WI


Judul Buku

Penerbit PT Gramedia JKT

PAU Pangan dan Gizi, Yogyakarta

London: Blackwell Scientific. ASA. SSSA Publisher. Madison. WI

AWPA Ml 0-77, Stevensville, MD. pp 1-8.

Hlm 824 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Methods of sensory evaluation of food.

Larmond, E.

Food research institute, central experimental farm, Canada department of agriculture, Ottawa.

Methods of sensory evaluation of food

Larmond, E.

Methods of sensory evaluation of food

Canada Dpartment of Agriculture. Publication

Methods of preservation of poultry products

Cunningham, F. E.

The microbiology of poultry meat products

Academic Press, Inc. San Diego, California

Methods of planting rice. Methods of plant breeding

Mabbayad, B. B. Hayes HK

Methods of plant breeding

Hayes, H.K

Methods of Enzymatic Analysis Vol. V.

Bergmeyer, H.V.

methods of enzymatic analysis vol. II

Bergmeyer, V. H.

Methods of Enzymatic Analysis

Bergmeyer HU

Methods of Enzymatic Analysis

Weinheim: Verlag Springer.

Methods of Culturing Aquatic Oligochaeta. Aquatic Oligochaeta worms. Taxonomy, Ecology and Fannistic Studies in The USSR, Translated from Russian.

Timm, T.E

Methods of Culturing Aquatic Oligochaeta. Aquatic Oligochaeta worms. Taxonomy, Ecology and Fannistic Studies in The USSR, Translated from Russian.

Amerind Publishing Co. PVT. LTD. New Delhi.

Methods of Analysis.


Methods of analysis for soil, plants and waters.

Chapman, H. D.

Mc Graw Hill Book Company Inc New YorkLondon-Toronto Kogakusha Company Ltd Tokyo McGraw-Hill Book Company. Inc. New York Methods of Enzymatic Analysis Vol. V.

Weinheim: Verlag. Chemi. Verlag Chem, Weinhein

Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington DC. Unversity of California, division of Agricultutal, Science.

Methods of alleviating them in animals. In: Shrubs and tree fodders for farm animals. Methods in Soil Biology


Schinner. F.

Springer-Verlag. Germany

Hlm 825 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Methods in Plant Pathology with Special Reference to Breeding for Disease Resistance

Kiraly, Z.

Methods in Plant Pathology with Special Reference to Breeding for Disease Resistance

Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company. New York

Methods in Plant Genetics.

Burnham CR

Acourse Manual Univ. of Minnesota, MN (Unpublished)

Methods in Phytobacteriologi

Klement, Z.

Methods in Marine Zooplanklon Ecology.

Omon, M.

Methods in Legume Rhizobium Technology

Somasegaran, P.

NiFTAL Project and Mircen, Hawaii.

Methods in Immunology. A laboratory text for instruction and research

Garvey JS

WA Benjamin Inc. Advanced Book Program. London

Methods in Food Analysis, Physical Chemical and Instrumental ethods or Analysis

Joslyn, M.A.

Methods in Food Analysis, Physical Chemical and Instrumental ethods or Analysis

Academic, Press, New York.

Methods in Aquatic Bacteriology.

Austin, B.

Methods in Aquatic Bacteriology.

John Wiley and Sons. Chichester. New York. Brisbane. Toronto. Singapore. 425 pp.

Methods in aquatic bacteriology

B. Austine

Methods in aquatic bacteriology

John Wiley and Sons Inc, Chichester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore

Methods for the recovery and quantitative estimation of propagules from soil, him. 29-35

Daniels, B.A.

N.C. Schenk (ed.). Methods and Principles of Mycorrhiwi Research

Minnesota: Amer. Phytopathol. Soc.

Methods for The Evaluation of Impact of Food and Nutrition Programms

Sahn, D.E.

Nte United Nation University. Tokyo.

Methods for the diagnosis of bacterial diseases of plant.

Lelliott, R.A.

Methods for the diagnosis of bacterial diseases of plant.

Methods for the determination of oil-type preservative in wood.

AWPA Standard.

AWPA A6-83, Stevensville, MD. pp 1-7.


Academiai Kidao, Budapest Methods in Marine Zooplanklon Ecology.

A.Wiley & Sons.New York -Chechester- Brisbane Toronto - Smgapura - 332 pp.

BSPP. Blackwell Sci., UK. 216 pp.

Hlm 826 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Methods for soil physical analyses

Hartmann, R

Methods for Sensory Evaluation of Foods.


Methods for Sensory Evaluation of Foods.

Research Branch Canada Dept. Agricultural Publication. McGraw-Hill Pub. Comp. Ltd., New Delhi.

Methods for sensory evaluation of food

Larmond, E.

Methods for sensory evaluation of food

Canada Dpartment of Agriculture. Publication

Methods for Sensory Evaluation of Food

Larmond, E.

Methods for Sensory Evaluation of Food

Canada Department of Agriculture. Ottawa.

Methods for Sensory Evaluation of Food

Larmond Elizabeth

Canada Department of Agriculture

Methods for Sensory Evaluation of Food

Larmond Elizabeth

Canada Department of Agriculture

Methods for Sensory Evaluation of Food

Elizabeth, L

Methods for Sensory Evaluation of Food

Larmond Elizabeth

Canada Department of Agriculture

Methods for Research on The Ecology of Soilborne Pathogens

Johnson, LF

Methods for Research on The Ecology of Soilborne Pathogens

Burgess Publishing Company. Minneapolis. Minnesota.

Methods For Recovery and Quantitative Estimation of Propagules From Soil

Daniels. B.A

Methods and Priciple of Mycorrizha research

APS. St. Paul MN

Methods for Protein Analysis: A Practical Guide to Laboratory Protocol

Copeland, R.A.

Methods for Protein Analysis: A Practical Guide to Laboratory Protocol

Chapman & Hall, New York, London.

Methods for legumes in glasshouses and controlled environment cabinets

Gibson AH

FJ Bergersen (ed) Methods for evaluating Biological nitrogen fixation

John Wiley and Sons, Brisbane

Methods for legumes in glasshouses and controlled environment cabinets

Gibson AH

FJ Bergersen (ed) Methods for evaluating Biological nitrogen fixation

John Wiley and Sons, Brisbane

Methods for identifying strains of diazotrophs. p. 337-365

Schwinghamer, E.A.

F.J. Bergensen (Ed.) Methods for Evaluating Biological Nitrogen Fixation

John Wiley & Sons Ltd., New York.


Judul Buku

Penerbit Department of soil Physics, State Univ. Gent

Departement of Agricultural Publication

Hlm 827 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Methods for Identification and Assays of Virginimycin in Animal Feeds

Boon, B


Methods for Fish Biology.

Schreck. C.B

Methods for Fish Biology.

Methods For Evaluating Biological Nitrogen Fixation

Bergersen. F.J

Methods for determination of the metabolizable energy and digestibility coefficients of poultry feeds

Terpstra, K

Spelderholt Institute for Poultry Report No. 101.... Beek-bergen, Netherlands

Methods for chemical analysis ofsoil.

Blackmore, L.C.

NZ Soil Bureau Sci. Rep. 10A.

Soil Bureau. Lower Hult, New Zealand

Methods for chemical analysis of soils. N. Z. Soil Bureau Sci. Rep. 10A

Blackmore, L.C.

Methods for chemical analysis of soils. N. Z. Soil Bureau Sci. Rep. 10A

Soil Bureau, Lower Hutt, New Zealand.

Methods for chemical analysis of soils NZ Soil Bureau Sci . Rep 10A

Blackmore, L.C.

Methods for chemical analysis of soils NZ Soil Bureau Sci . Rep 10A

Soil Bureau, Lower Hult, New Zealand.

Methods For Chemical Analysis of Soils

Blakemoore. L.C.

NZ Soil Bureau Scientific Report No. 80. New Zealand

Methods for Chemical Analysis of Soils

Blakemore, L.C

N.Z. Soil Beureau Sci. Rep.80

Methods for Chemical Analysis of Soils

Blakemore, L.C

Methods for Chemical Analysis of Soils

Blakemore, L.C

N.Z. Soil Bereau Sci. Rep. 80., New Zealand

Methods for Chemical Analysis of soils

Blackmore, L.C

N.Z. Soil Bureau Sci. Rep. 80

Methods for Chemical Analysis of Soils

Balackmore, L.C

Methods for Chemical Analysis of Fresh Waters.

Golterman, H.L.

Bell and Bain Ltd., Glasgow. 165 pp.

Methods for Analysis of Musts and Wines

Amerine, M,A.

Methods for Analysis of Musts and Wines

Methods for acute and chronic hormone, administration in fish,

Crim, L.W.

Proceeding for a workshop held at Tungkang Marine Laboratory Taiwan, April 22-24, 1985, p..1-9,



American Fisheries Society. Bathesda, Maryland USA 684 pp. John Willey & Sons. New York

Soil Bereau, New York N.Z. Soil Bur. Sci. Rep. 10A., New Zealand

Soil Bureau. New Zealand N.Z. Soil Bureau Sci. Rep. 80. Soil Bureau, New Zealand

John Wiley and Sons, New York.

Hlm 828 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Methods for identifying strains of diazotrophs. p. 337-365

Swinghamer, E.A.

F.J. Bergensen (Ed.) Methods for Evaluating Biological Nitrogen Fixation

Willey, Chichester.

Methods and Prinsiples of mycorrhizal Research.

Schenk, N. C.(Ed).

The American Phytophalogical Soc.Minesota.

Methods and Principles of Mycorrhizal Research

Kormanik, P. P.

Methods and Principles of Mycorrhizal Research

University of Florida, The American Phytopathological Society. St. Paul, Minnnesota

Methodology for meat species identification.

Hitchcock C

In : Biochemmical Identification of meat species. RLS Patterson (ed)

Elsevier Applied Science Publ. London

Methodologies for assessment of soil degradation due to water erosion

Laflen, J.M

Methods for assessment of soil degradation. Advance in soil Science

CRC Press. Washington, D.C

Methodes statistiques a lusage des medecins et des biologistes

Schwartz, D

Methodes statistiques a lusage des medecins et des biologistes

Medicine-Sciences Flammarion. Paris, 277p

Methodes of soil analysis.

Page, A.L.

Part 2. Chemical and Microbiological Properties2nd. Number 9 (part 2) in the series Agronomy.

ASA & SSSA. Madison

Methodes of Sensory Evaluation of Food

Larmond E

Methodes for the recovery and quantitative estimation of propagules from soil

Daniels, B.A

The Amer, Phyt. Soc., Miennesota

Method with haemoglobin, casein, and azocoll as substrat, him. 270-278

Walter, H.

H.U. Bergmeyer (ed.), Methods of Enzymatic Analysis. Edisi ke-3

Weinheim: Verlaag Chemie.

Method or Soil Nutrient Analysis

Method of Soil Nutrient Analysis Committee

Method or Soil Nutrient Analysis

Yokendo. Tokyo. Pp. 171200.

Method of Studying Soil Microflora Plant Desease Relationships

Johnson, L.F.

Method of Studying Soil Microflora Plant Desease Relationships

Burgers Publishing Company U.S.A.

Method of Studying Root System

Bohm, W

Method of Soil Nutrient Analysis


Departemen of Agriculture, Canada

Springer Verlag, New york Method of Soil Nutrient Analysis

Yokendo, Tokyo, pp. 171200. Hlm 829 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Method Of Soil Analysis Part I. Physical and Mineralogical Properties

Klute. A

Method of Soil Analysis

Bradfort, J.M

Part I. Physical and Minerological Methods

Second Edition. Am. Soc. Of Agron, Inc. Soil Sci. Soc. Of Am. Inc. Mad, Wisconsin

Method of Producing L-Lysine by Fermentation

Shiio, I

Method of Producing L-Lysine by Fermentation

US Patent, No. 3,

Method of Evaluating the Degree of Fermentation of Cocoa Beans

Gourieva, K.B

Method of Evaluating the Degree of Fermentation of Cocoa Beans


Method in Microbiology

Morris, J.R

Method in Microbiology. Vol 3

Academie Press, Inc, Londen

Method in Aquatic Bacteriology.

Austin. B.

Method in Aquatic Bacteriology.

John Wilev & Sons. A Wiloy Interscience Publication. 425 pp.

Method in Aquatic Bacteriology.

Austin, B.,

Method in Aquatic Bacteriology.

John Wiley & Sons. A Wiley Interscience Publication. 425 PP.

Method For The Determination of Chemical Composition of Water Sample From Column Experiments

Toorn Avd

Method for studying soil microflora plant desease relationship

Johnson, L. F.

Method for sensory evaluation of food

Larmound, E.

Method for Sensory Evaluation of Food

Larmond, E.

Method for Sensory Evaluation of Food

Lardmond, E.

Method for Sensory Evaluation of Food

SSSA Inc. Madison

LAWOO. The Netherlands

Method for studying soil microflora plant desease relationship

Burgess Publishing Company, Minesota department of agric. Ottawa-Canada

Canada Dept. of Agric. Publ.


Lardmond, E.

Method for Sensory Evaluation of Food

Canada Departement of Agriculture Publication

Method for controlling weight with Hy-pericum perforatum and Garcinia cambogia

Braswell AG

US Patent 5,911,992

Method for concentrating carotenes, US Patent 2,615,927

Passino HJ


Hlm 830 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Methane-Oxidizing microorganisms

Higgins, I. J

Methane Production from agricultural and Domestic Wastes

Hobson,. P.N.

Methane production and consumption in a cultivated humisol

Megraw, S. R

Methane Planning a Digester

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Methane Oxidation by Nitrosococcus oceanus and Nitrosomonas europaea.

Jones, R.D

Appl. Environ. Microbiol

Methane consumption in aeratd soils of the temperate zone

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Methane and nitorus oxide fluxes in native, fertilized and cultivated grasslands

Mosier, A


Metals and microorganism

Hughes, M. N.

Chapman and Hall, London. Losi, M. E. dan W. T. Frankenberge, Jr. 1983. Chromium resistant microorganism isolated from evavoration ponds a metal processing plant. Water, air and soil polution

Metal Pollution in The Aquatic Enviroment

Forstner, U.

Metal Pollution in The Aquatic Enviroment

Springer Verlag North, Holland Inc., New York.

Metal Poisoning In Fish

Sorensen, E.M.

Metal Poisoning In Fish

Ellis Horwood Limited, England.

Metal Poisoning in Fish

E.B. Sorensen

Metal Poisoning in Fish

C.R.C. Press, Inc, New York

Metal ion exchange on peat. p. 61-93

Kadlec, R.H.

C.H. Fuchsman. (Ed). Peat and Water

Elsevier App. Sci. Pub. Ltd., London and New York.

Metal Induced Sulfate Adsorption by Soil : II effect of Metal Type, Valence and Concentration

Ajwa. H.A


Judul Buku

Penerbit Micro-biol. Rev

Methane Production from agricultural and Domestic Wastes

Applied Science Publisher Ltd., London p. 35. Biol Fertil. Soils

Methane Planning a Digester

Unwin Brother Published. a Survey

Soil. Sci

Hlm 831 dari 1800

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Judul Buku

Metabolizable Energy Value and Protein Digestibility In Chickens: Influence of Genotype, Age, and Diet.

Hassan, A. S.

Genet. Sel. Evol.

Metabolisme Zat Gizi. Jilid II

Muchtadi, D.

Metabolisme Zat Gizi. Jilid II

Metabolisme Zat Gizi Jilid II

Muchtadi D

Metabolisme Zat Gizi I.

Muchtadi, D.

Metabolisme Zat Gizi I.

Metabolisme Zat Gizi

Muchtadi D

Jilid II.Pustaka Sinar Harapan jakarta

Metabolisme Zat Gizi

Muchtadi, D.

Metabolisme Zat Gizi

Pustaka Sinar Harapan, Jakarta.

Metabolisme pemakanan. Ciri pemakanan Ternakan. Cetakan Pertama

Jaafar I. M.,

Metabolisme pemakanan. Ciri pemakanan Ternakan. Cetakan Pertama

Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Kementrian Pelajaran Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

Metabolisme Nitrogen pada ruminansia

Nolan J

Metabolisme Nitrogen pada ruminansia

Universitas Brawijaya Malang.

Metabolisme energi karbohidrat dan lemak

Wirahadikusuma, U.

Metabolism ofN-nitro-samines by the nasai mucosa. In: Nasai tumors in Ani-mals and Man. Vol. III, Experimental Nasai Carcinogenesis. G. Reznik and S. Stinson, Eds

Brittebo, E.B.

Nasai tumors in Ani-mals and Man. Vol. III, Experimental Nasai Carcinogenesis.

CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fl, USA.

Metabolism of nitrogencontaining compounds

Wallace, R.J

P.N. Hobson (Ed.) The Rumen Microbial Ecosystem

Elsivier Appl. Sci., London

Metabolism of 4-chloro-2-methyl phenoxyacetic by soil bacteria

Bollag, J.M

Metabolism in the rumen.


Metabolism in the rumen.

Meteun and Co. Ltd. London.

Metabolism in skeletal muscle cells, him. 9-28.

Madsen, A.

P.M. Riis (ed.). Dynamic Biochemistry of Animal Production.

Amsterdam:Elsevier Sci. Publ. B.V.

Metabolism in liver cells, him. 5374

Madsen, A.

P.M. Riis (ed.). Dynamic Biochemistry of Animal Production.

Amsterdam: Elsevier Sci. Publ. B.V.



Pustaka Sinar Harapan, Jakarta. Pustaka Sinar Harapan, Jakarta Pustaka Sinar Harapan, Jakarta.

Penerbit ITB Univ. Press

Appl. Environ. Microbial

Hlm 832 dari 1800

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Judul Buku


Metabolism in adipose cells, him. 29-52

Madsen, A.

P.M. Riis (ed.), Dynamic Biochemistry of Animal Production.

Amsterdam: Elsevier Sci. Publ. B.V.

Metabolism and biochemical effects of aflatoxins

Wogan, G.N.

L.A. Goldblatt, (Ed.) Aflatoxins. Academie Press. New York. p. 151-157.

Metabolisable energy evaluation of poultry diets. In: recent developments in poultry nutrition.

Sibbald, I. R.

Metabolic relationships of putrescine, GABA and alkaloids in cell and root cultures of Solanaceae. 174-185.

Flores, H.E.

In K.H. Neuman, W. Barz, and E. Reinhard (Eds.) Primary and Secondary Metabolism of Plant Cell Cultures.

Springer Verlag, Berlin.

Metabolic links between somatic sexual maturation and oogenesis in nereis annelids-a brief review.

Fischer, A

Metabolic links between somatic sexual maturation and oogenesis in nereis annelids-a brief review.

Invertebrate reproduction and development

Metabolic and biochemical aspect of salt tolerance

Kylin, A.

Metabolic activation and tumourigenesis

Thies E.

Prog Pharmacol CIin Pharmacol. 7, 200-214

Metabolic activation and tumourigenesis

Thies E.

Prog Pharmacol Clin Pharmacol. 7, 200-214

Mesophilit spoilage of whiting (Sillago maculata) and tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). p 133145

Estrada, M.

A. Reilly (Ed) Spoilage of Tropical Fish and Product Development. Proceeding of a Symposium held in conjunc-tion with the Sixth Session of the Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission Working Party on Fish Technology and Marketing. RMIT, Melbourne, Australia, 23-26 October 1984.

Meristem, shoot tip, and bud culture. In Evans, Sharp, Ammirato, & Yamada (eds.):

Huec, Y,

Meristem, shoot tip, and bud culture. In Evans, Sharp, Ammirato, & Yamada (eds.):


Anchor Press Ltd. Tiptree, Essex, Great Bitain.

Springer verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York

Handbook of plant and cell culture. Vol l Techniques for propagation and breeding. Macmillan Publishintg Co. New York

Hlm 833 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Meristem, Shoot Tip and Bud Cultures

Hu C. Y.

Handbook of Plant Cell Culture Techniques for Propagation and Breeding

Macmillan Publ.

Merinda : an Economic Analysis of Malnutrition Among Young Children In Rural India

Levinson. F.J

Merencanakan Sistem Pengangkutan

Warpani, S.,

Merencanakan Sistem Pengangkutan

Penerbit ITB, Bandung

Merencanakan Penelitian dalam Pendidikan (terj. Arief)

Evans, K.M.

Merencanakan Penelitian dalam Pendidikan (terj. Arief)

Bina llmu, Surabaya

Merencanakan Pembangunan Hutan untuk - Strategi Kehutanan Sosial


Merencanakan Pembangunan Hutan untuk - Strategi Kehutanan Sosial

Aditya Media. Yogyakarta

Mercury - Environmental Aspects


EHC no.86 Geneva

Mercury Mercury Mercury Menyusun rencana penelitian

Steinnes. E Steinnes. E Steinnes. E Tatang

Heavy Metals Soil Heavy Metal In Soils Heavy Metal In Soils

Menyusun rencana penelitian


Menyusun Gizi Yang Baik dan Merata di Pedesaan dan di Kota.

Sayogo ,

Menyusun Gizi Yang Baik dan Merata di Pedesaan dan di Kota.

Gajah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Menyimpan bahan pangan

Imdad, H.P.

Menyimpan bahan pangan

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Menyesuaikan Proyek pada Manusia

Uphoff Norman

Mengutamakan Manusia di Dalam Pembangunan : VariabelVariabel Sosiologi di Dalam Pembangunan Pedesaan

U.I. Press. Jakarta

Menuju Terbentuknya Saluran Distribusi Gondo rukem Yang Menguntungkan Berdasarkan Supply dan Demand Yang Seimbang


Menuju Terbentuknya Saluran Distribusi Gondo rukem Yang Menguntungkan Berdasarkan Supply dan Demand Yang Seimbang

Perusahaan Kehutanan Negara Perhutani

Menuju Pemupukan Berimbang Guna Menngkatkan Jumlah Mutu Hasil Pertanian

Soepardy. G

Direktorat Penyuluhan Tanaman Pangan, Dirjen Pertanian Tanaman Pangan . Deparemen Pertanian



Blackie. London Blakie. London Blakie. London Rajawali Jakrta Rajawali, Jakarta

Hlm 834 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Menuju pemupukan berimbang guna meningkatkan jumlah dan mutu hasil pertanian.

Soepardi, G.

Direktorat penyuluhan tanaman pangan Dirjen tanaman pangan Departemen pertanian

Menuju pemupukan berimbang guna meningkatkan jumlah dan mutu hasil pertanian.

Soepardi, G.

Direktorat penyuluhan tanaman pangan Dirjen tanaman pangan Departemen pertanian

Menuju pemupukan berimbang guna meningkatkan jumlah dan mutu hasil pertanian.

Soepardi, G.

Menuju Pemupukan Berimbang Guna Meningkatkan Jumlah dan Mutu Hasil Pertanian

Ismunandji. M

Dinas Penyuluhan Tanaman Pangan. Dirjen Tanaman Pangan Departemen Pertanian

Menuju Pemupukan Berimbang Guna Meningkatkan Jumlah dan Mutu Hasil Pertanian

Soepardi. G

Direktorat Penyuluhan Tanaman Pangan, Dirjen Pertanian Tanaman Pangan, Dirjen Pertanian Tanaman Pangan. Departemen Pertanian

Menuju Pemupukan Berimbang Gula Meningkat Jumlah dan Mutu Hasil Pertanian

Soepardi, G.

Menuju Pemupukan Berimbang Gula Meningkat Jumlah dan Mutu Hasil Pertanian

Soepardi, G.

Menuju Pemupukan Berimbang Gula Meningkat Jumlah dan Mutu Hasil Pertanian

Soepardi, G.,

Menuju Pemupukan Berimbang Gula Meningkat Jumlah dan Mutu Hasil Pertanian

Ditjen Pertanian Tanaman Pangan, Deptan, Jakarta

Menuju Masyarakat Adil Makmur, Penyunting Syah dkk

Umar Kayam

Menuju Masyarakat Adil Makmur, Penyunting Syah dkk

Gramedia, Jakarta.


Judul Buku

Menuju Pemupukan Berimbang Gula Meningkat Jumlah dan Mutu Hasil Pertanian


Ditjen Pertanian Tanaman Pangan, Deptan, Jakarta. Ditjen Pertanian Tanaman Pangan. Deptan, Jakarta.

Hlm 835 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Menuju Kemandirian, Pesantren dan Pembangunan Desa


Menuju Kemandirian, Pesantren dan Pembangunan Desa

PAU-UGM, Yogyakarta

Menuju Kemandirian, Pesantren dan Pemba ngunan Desa


Menuju Kemandirian, Pesantren dan Pemba ngunan Desa

PAU-UGM, Yogya karta.

Menuju Kemandirian, Pesantren dan Pembangunan Desa


Menuju Kemandirian, Pesantren dan Pembangunan Desa

PAU-UGM, Yogyakarta

Menuj'u Keman dirian, Pesantren dan Pemba ngunan Desa


Menuju Kelestarian Lingkungan Hidup.

Zen, M.T.

Menuju Kelestarian Lingkungan Hidup.

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta

Menuju ke petani pekebun yg efektif pd masa pasca konversi

Soetrisno, L

Kumpulan makalah Pertemuan ilmiah PIR BUN LPP.


Menuju Gizi Baik Yang Merata Di Pedesaan Dan Di Kota


Menu Sehat II

Simorangkir A

Indonesia Publishing House,Bandung

Mensukseskan Padi IP.300


Mensukseskan Padi IP.300

Menopause Masalah dan Penanggulannya

Pakasi. L.S

Menningkatkan efisiensi nasional


Menningkatkan efisiensi nasional


Menjabarkan Kualitas dan Martabat Manusia dan Masyarakat" dalam Memba ngun Martabat Manusia : Peranan llmu-ilmu Sosial Dalam Pemba ngunan

Atwi Dahlan. M.

Menjabarkan Kualitas dan Martabat Manusia dan Masyarakat" dalam Memba ngun Martabat Manusia : Peranan llmuilmu Sosial Dalam Pemba ngunan

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Menjabarkan Kualitas dan Martabat Manusia dan Masyarakat

Atwi Dahlan. M

Memba ngun Martabat Manusia : Peranan llmu-ilmu Sosial Dalam Pemba ngunan

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.


PAU-UGM, Yogya karta

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Materi Pembekalan Teknologi Pelaksanaan Padi IP 300 Propinsi Jawa Timur. BPTP Karangploso Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia. Jakarta

Hlm 836 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Meningkatkan Kualitas Produkproduk Gula Sebagai Bahan Baku


Laporan Tahun 1993

Pusat Penelitian Perkebunan Gula Indonesia

Meningkatkan Intelegensi Anak Balita

Hadisubrata, M.S

Mengutamakan manusia di dalam pembangunan

R.B. Pollnac

Publikasi Bank Dunia

UI Press, Jakarta

Mengolah Data Statistik Secara Profesional. SPSS versi 10

Santoso S

Mengolah Data Statistik Secara Profesional. SPSS versi 10

Penerbit PT Elex Media Komputindo Kelompok Gramedia, Jakarta.

Menggerakkan dan Membangun Pertanian.

Mosher, A.T,

Menggerakkan dan Membangun Pertanian.

Penerbit CV Yasaguna Jakarta, 198 pp.

Menggerakkan dan Membangun Pertanian Cetakan ke enam

Mosher, A.T

Menggerakkan dan Membangun Pertanian Cetakan ke enam

CV Yasa Guna. Jakarta.

Menggerakkan dan Membangun Pertanian

Mosher. A.T

Menggerakkan dan Membangun Pertanian

A.T. Mosher

Menggerakkan dan Membangun Pertanian

Yasaginas, Jakarta

Menggerakkan dan Membangun Pertanian

Mosher, A.T.

Menggerakkan dan Membangun Pertanian

Yasaginas, Jakarta.

Menggerakkan dan Membangun Pertanian

Mosher, A.T.

Menggerakkan dan Membangun Pertanian

C.V. Yasaguna, Jakarta.

Menggerakan dan membangun pertanian.

Mosher, A. T.

Menggambar Teknis Geologi”

Aryono, S.

Mengerakkan dan Membangun Pertanian

Mosher. A.T

CV. Yasaguna. Jakarta

Mengerahkan dan membangun pertanian

Mosher AT

CV Yasaguna Jakarta

Mengenal Ternak Indonesia: Ternak Unggas

Simanjuntak, D.S.

Mengenal Ternak Indonesia: Ternak Unggas

Direktorat Jenderal Peternakan. Jakarta.

Mengenal teknologi EM 4 dalam pertanian akrab lingkungan

Sumarni, N.

Mengenal teknologi EM 4 dalam pertanian akrab lingkungan

Departemen pertanian, Bogor

Mengenal Sifat-sifat Kayu Indonesia dan Penggunaannya


Mengenal Sifat Tanah di Lapangan secara Praktis untuk Pengelolaan Lahan Kritis di DAS Brantas Hulu

Djaenudin, D.


BPK Gunung Mulia.Jakarta

Yasaguna. Jakarta

CV. Yasaguna, Jakarta. “Menggambar Teknis Geologi”

Dept Pend & Kebudayaan, Jakarta.

Kanisius Yogyakarta

Mengenal Sifat Tanah di Lapangan secara Praktis untuk Pengelolaan Lahan Kritis di DAS Brantas Hulu

Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat, Bogor.

Hlm 837 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Mengenal sapi Bali. Mengenal Pohon Eucalyptus Urophylla dan Manfaatnya

Pane, I. Herwiyono, E

Mengenal sapi Bali.

Mengenal mikoriza dan aplikasinya.

Setyadi, Y.

Mengenal mikoriza dan aplikasinya.

Mengenal Kayu Mengenal Kayu Mengenal Jenis Hijauan MakananTernak.

Dumanauw.J.F Dumanauw.J.F Ibrahim, T. M.

Mengenal jam dan cara pembuatannya

Muhidin, D.

Mengenal Ekonometrika Pemula


CV. Armico Bandung

Mengenal dasar hidrologi terapan

Sri Harto BR

Penerbit Keluarga Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil UGM

Mengenal Buah Unggul Indonesia

Nusmarwarhaeni. D

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Mengenal Anggrek Alam Indonesia.

Soeryowinoto, M.,

Mengenal Anggrek Alam Indonesia.

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.

Mengenai Penyelenggaraan Pembuatan Tanaman Hutan.


Mengenai Penyelenggaraan Pembuatan Tanaman Hutan.

Perum Perhutanan, Jakarta

Mengelola ternak itik Mengelola ternak itik Mengatsi Problem Anak seharihari Seri Psikologi Anak

Murtidjo, B. A. Murtidjo, B. A. Mulyadi S

Buku 2

Kanisius, Yogyakarta Kanisius, Yogyakarta Gramedia jakarta

Mengatasi buah rontok, busuk, dan berulat

Karlie, M.B.

Mengatasi buah rontok, busuk, dan berulat

Penebar Swadaya, him 107-159.

Mengatasi buah rontok, busuk dan berulat

Karlie, M.B.

Penebar Swadaya


Mengapa Harus Reksa Dana?

Mengajarkan Emotional Inteligence pada Anak


Penerbit Fakultas Kehutanan UGM, Yogyakarta Pusat Antar Universitas, Bioteknologi Institut Pertanian Bogor. Kanisius. Yogyakarta Kanisius. Yogyakarta Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. BPTP Gedong Johor, Sumatera Utara.

Mengenal jam dan cara pembuatannya

Gramedia Jakarta

Capital Society Of Indonesia (CMS) dan Majalah Uang & Efek Glori Offset Pres. Saphiro L.E

PT.Gramedia Jakarta

Hlm 838 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Menentukan masa petik optimum jeruk untuk semua jenis sebagai buah meja.

Rasyad, S.

Meneliti Peranan Wanita di Pedesaan

Pujiwati, S

Meneliti Peranan Wanita di Pedesaan

LPBS - IPB. Bogor

Menelaah Garis Kemiskinan.


Menelaah Garis Kemiskinan.

Lembaga Penelitian Sosiologi Pedesaan IPB. Bogor.

Menelaah garis kemiskinan


Lembaga penelitian Sosiologi Pedesaan IPB

Mendirikan Usaha Pemotongan Ayam.

Priyatno M.A

Penerbit Swadaya. Jakarta.

Menciptakan Struktur Pedesaan Progresif Untuk Melayani Petani Modern

Mosher. A.T

Yasaguna Jakarta

Mencari Lintasan Pertumbuhan Optimal Bagi Usaha Tani Lahan Kering Transmigran, Studi Kasus Di Pemukiman Baturaja, Martapura, Sumatera Selatan

Wiryokusumo. H

Fakultas Pasca Sarjana IPB. Bogor (UnPublished)

Menangkap Amo nium dan Nitrat Urea Prill dan Teblet di Tanah


Menaksir Kecukupan Energy dan Protein serta Penilaian Mutu Gizi Konsumsi Pangan

Canopy Edisi XXVIII

HMP Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya. Malang

Wirasari Jakarta

Menaksir Kecukupan Energi Dan Protein Serta Penilaian Mutu Gizi Konsumsi Pangan


Wirasari. Jakarta

Menaksir Angka Kecukupan Energi Dan Protein Serta Penilaian Mutu Gizi Konsumsi Pangan


Wirasari, Bogor

Menaikkan produksi susu pada peternakan rakyat melalui peningkatan mutu konsentrat

Soegiarti T

Memupuk tanaman buah.

Primantoro, H.


Kumpulan hasil2 penelitian APBN TA 94/95 Puslitbangnak Bogor

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.

Hlm 839 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Memungkinkan Perambah Hutan, Kehutanan Indonesia


Memungkinkan Perambah Hutan, Kehutanan Indonesia

Departemen Pertanian Indonesia, Jakarta.

Memperkenalkan Teori Ekonomi Ganda Dalam Sajogyo 1982


Bunga Rampai Perekonomian Desa

Yayasan Obor Indonesia. Jakarta

Mempelajari sifat-sifat byi melinjo (Gnetum gnemon, H) selama penyimpanan dengan menggunakan gamping.

Aditama, Setia-

Mempelajari sifat-sifat byi melinjo (Gnetum gnemon, H) selama penyimpanan dengan menggunakan gamping.

Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian EFB. Bogpr.

Mempelajari Pengaruh pH dan Jenis Bakten Proteolitik terhadap Proses Pembentukan Nitrogen Terlarut pada Fermentasi Cairan Hidrolisat Daging Ikan Lemuru (Sardinella sp).

Hayati, M.

Mempelajari Pengaruh pH dan Jenis Bakten Proteolitik terhadap Proses Pembentukan Nitrogen Terlarut pada Fermentasi Cairan Hidrolisat Daging Ikan Lemuru (Sardinella sp).

Fak. Pertanian. Univ. Brawijaya, Malang.

Mempelajari cara Pembuatan Keripik Kentang.

Yunianti, Sri.

Fakultas Tekhnologi Pertanian.

Institut Pertanian Bogor

Mempelajari bbr segi ekologi dan perikanan segara anakan

Martosubroto P

Publications for marine fisheries Institute (LPPL) 1/73:34-55

Memori serah terima Direktorat bina Perbenihan, masa bakti : Januari1994-Januari 1996

Dirjentan Pangan

Direktorat bina Perbenihan, Direktorat Jendral Pertanian Tanaman Pangan dan hortikultura

Memilih usaha dan teknik analisis investasi untuk usaha pertanian/agribisnis.

Prabowo, D.

Aditya Media, yogyakarta.

Memilih Lokasi Hotel

Setiada. N.K

Universitas Udayana. Denpasar

Memerangi Kemiskinan di Pedesaan Melalui Pendidikan No-Formal

Combs Philips. H

Rajawali. Jakarta

Memelihara Lele Dumbo di Kolam Taman. P

Najiyati, S

Memelihara Lele Dumbo di Kolam Taman. P

enebar Swadaya, Jakarta. 49 hlm.

Memelihara kambingsebagai ternak potong dan Perah

Murtidjono B A

Memelihara kambingsebagai ternak potong dan Perah

Kanisus. Yogyakarta

Memelihara Ikan bersama ayam

S. Kusno

Memelihara Ikan bersama ayam

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta


Hlm 840 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Memelihara domba. Memelihara Domba Memelihara Burung Pu-yuh

Murtidjo Agus, M.B. Rasyaf, M.

Membudidayakan tanaman buah-buanan


Membudidayakan tanaman buahbuanan

Sinar Baru bandung

Membudidayakan Tanaman Buah-Buahan


Membudidayakan Tanaman BuahBuahan

Sinar Baru. Bandung.

Membudidayakan Gurami Secara Intensif.

Puspowardoyo, H.

Membudidayakan Gurami Secara Intensif.

Kanisius, Yogyakarta. hlm. 40-45.

Membudidayakan 5 Jenis Bawang.


Membudidayakan 5 Jenis Bawang.

CV Sinar Baru, Bandung. 116 hlm.

Membuat Tanaman Cepat Berbuah

Septarini. N.

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta

Membuat Kompos.

Murbandono, L.

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.

Membuat kompos secara kilat.

Indriani, U.H.

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.

Membuat Kompos Secara Kilat

Indriani. Y.H.

Membuat Kompos


Membuat Kolam Ikan.

Susanto, H.

Membuat bahan bangunan dari sampah


Membuahkan di luar musim jadi kunci sukses berkebun mangga



Membrane and Consequences for the Postharvest Period. In "Postharvest Physiology of Vegetables"

Mazliak, P

Postharvest Physiology of Vegetables

Marcel Dekker. New York

Membran changes in seed as related to germination and the perturbation resulting from deterioration.

Bewley, J.D.

Membran changes in seed as related to germination and the perturbation resulting from deterioration.

The Cop Science Society of America, Inc.

Memberdayakan Masyarakat Pedesaan

Soetrisno, R

Memberdayakan Masyarakat Pedesaan

Lembaga Ekonomi Budaya, Sidoarjo.

Membangun Sumberdaya Manusia Berkwalitas, Suatu Telaah Gizi Masyarakat dan Sumberdaya Keluarga

Syarief H

Fakultas Pertanian , IPB.Bogor


Judul Buku


Memelihara Domba Memelihara Burung Pu-yuh

Kanisius, Yogyakarta. Kanisius, Jakarta Yayasan Kanisius, Yokyakarta

Membuat Kompos Secara Kilat

Panebar Swadaya. Jakarta. PT. Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Membuat Kolam Ikan.

PT. Penebar Swadaya Jakarta. 140 hal. Puspa swara Jakarta

Hlm 841 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Membangun Sumberdaya Manusia Berkwalitas : Suatu Telaah Gizi Masyarakat dan Sumberdaya Keluarga (Orasi Ilmiah)

Syarief H

Institut Pertanian Bogor

Membangun Sumberdaya Manusia berkualitas

Syarief H

Suaru telaah Gizi Masyarakat dan Sumberdaya Keluarga Orasi Ilmiah Guru Besar Ilmu Gizi Masyarakat dan Sumberdaya Kelurga, Fakultas Pertanian, Insitut Pertanian Bogor

Membangun Peternakan Tangguh


Membangun Peternakan Tangguh

Membangun pertanian yg tangguh dan tugas pokok sektor pertanian dlm Repelita IV

Departemen Pertanian

Membangun Pertanian Abad Ke21 Menuju Pertanian Yang Berkebudayaan Industri

Kartasasmita. G

Bappenas. Jakarta

Membangun Pertanian Abad 21 Menuju Pertanian yang Berkebudayaan Industri

Ginanjar Kartasamita

Bappenas. Jakarta

Membangun Koperasi dan Koperasi Membangun

M. Hatta,

Membangun Koperasi dan Koperasi Membangun

Inti Idayu Press, Jakarta.

Membangun industri mete nasional jangka panjang.

Simanungkalit, T.Y.

Membangun industri mete nasional jangka panjang.

AIMI, Ujung Pandang. 42 hlm.

Membangun Industri Benih Dalam Era Agribisnis Indonesia.

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Membangun Industri Benih Dalam Era Agribisnis Indonesia.

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Memasyara katkan Ide-ide Baru

Rogers Everrt M.

Memasyara katkan Ide-ide Baru

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Memasarkan Hasil Peternakan

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Memasarkan Hasil Peternakan

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Memahami Data.

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Memacu Pertumbuhan Gurami

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Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Jawa Barat.

Hlm 842 dari 1800

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Penulis Utama

Memacu Masyarakat Berprestasi

McCelland. David. C

Melvin, Marketing Analysis Methods and Applications


Melongok Usaha Perunggasan Bengkulu dalam Poultry Indonesia.


Melodologi Research. Jilid II.

Judul Buku

Penerbit Intermedia. Jakarta

Melvin, Marketing Analysis Methods and Applications

John Wiley & Sons, Canada

Hadi, S.

Melodologi Research. Jilid II.

Yayasan Penerbilan Fakultas Psikologi. Universitas Gajah Mada. 136-155.

Melode Biologi Perikanan. Cetakan Pertama.

Effendie. M.I

Melode Biologi Perikanan. Cetakan Pertama.

Yayasan Dewi Sri, Bogor. 112 pp.

Melati Puspa Bangsa

Kristiani, A

Bonus Majalah Sarinah No. 275, Edisi Juni-Juli.



Suhendar, A.G.


Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta. 86 hlm.

Mekanisme Pengomposan dan Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kualitas Kompos


PAU Bioteknologi

IPB, Bogor

Mekanisme Kerja Enzim Proteolitik

Suprayitno, E.

Mekanisme Kerja Enzim Proteolitik

Fak. Perikanan. Univ. Brawijaya, Malang

Mekanika tanah & teknik pondasi

Sastrodarsono S

Mekanika Tanah


Mekanika tanah Mekanika Mesin.

Sunggono, KH Santosa.

Mejaramiento de maize y strategias de produccion para temporal de la region.

Luna, M.F.

Medicinal plants of east and south-east Asia. Attributed properties and uses.

Perry, L. M.

Medicinal Plants of East and Southeast Asia Attributed Properties and Uses



PT Pradnya Paramitha Jkt Mekanika Tanah

Mekanika Mesin.

Dept. Pekerjaan Jalan Umum, Jakarta Nova, Bandung Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Andalas. Padang.

The MIF Press, London.

Medicinal Plants of East and Southeast Asia Attributed Properties and Uses

England: The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, page 143.

Hlm 843 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

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Judul Buku


Medicinal Herb Index in Indonesia. Indeks tumbuhtumbuhan obat di Indonesia. Edisi ke-2

Eisai Indonesia

Medicinal Herb Index in Indonesia. Indeks tumbuhtumbuhan obat di Indonesia. Edisi ke-2

Jakarta: PT Eisai Indonesia.

Medicinal Herb Index in Indonesia


PT EISAI Indonesia, 538 hlm.

Medicinal Herb Index in Indonesia


Medicinal Herb Index in Indonesia

Medicinal Benefit of The Mushroom Ganoderma


Adv. Appl. Microbiol

Medical Physiology. 10th ed. Diterjemahkan oleh Adji Dharma

Ganong, W. F.

Medical Physics

Cameron, J.R.

Medical Physics

A Willey, Intereciences Publication. New York.

Medical Immunology. 9th Ed.

Stites D.P.

Medical Immunology. 9th Ed.

A. Simon & Schuster Company, Prentice-Hall International Inc. USA.

Medical herb index in indonesia

Eisai Indonesia

Medical herb index in indonesia

P.T. Eisai Indonesia 2"0 Edition. Jakarta

Medical Botany. Plants affecting man's health.

Lewis, W. H.

Medical Biochemistry

Bhagawan N V

Medical Biochemistry

Jones and Bartlett Publication. 20 Park Plaza Boston

Media Used in Vibrio and Photobactehum Identification.

Muir, P.

Media Used in Vibrio and Photobactehum Identification.

Department of Microbiology, Biomedi-cal and Tropical Veterinary Sciences. James Cook University of North Queensland. Australia. 7 pp.

Media And Methods For isolation And Diagonistic Test

Fahy. F.C

Plant Bacterial Diseases : A Diagnostic Guide

Academic Press. Sydney

Mechanisms of Disease

Slauson D.O.

Mechanisms of Disease

Williams and Wilkins. Baltimore. London.

Mechanisms of ammonia transformation in fishponds. In: Rosenthal, H., and S. Sarig (Eds)

Van Rijn, J.,

Research on Aquaculture. Europ. Aquacult. Soc., Spec., Publ., No. 8: 17-40pp.


PT EISAI Indonesia, Jakarta 538 pp.

Penerbit buku kedokteran EGC, Jakarta

A Wiley Interscience Publication. New York

Hlm 844 dari 1800

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Mechanisms of adsorption of nonhumic organic species by clays. p. 58-76

Mortland, M.M.

P.M. Huang and M. Schnitzer (Eds). Interaction of Soil Minerals with Natural Organics and Microbes. SSSA Spec. Pub. 17

Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, USA.

Mechanisms in modern engineering design, Volume IV, translated to English by Nicholas weinstein,

Artobolevsky IL

Mechanisms Associated with The Fixation of Nitrogen in The Legume Root Nodule

Bergessen, F.J

Advances in Legume Science

Mechanism of The Liebermann Buchard and Zak Color Reaction for Cholesterol.

Burke R.W.

Clin. Chem.

Mechanism of salt tolerance in nonhalophytes

Greenway, H.

Mechanism of potassium absorbtion

Barber, S.A

V.J. Kilmer, S.E. Younts & N.C. Brady (eds.). The Role of Potassium in Agriculture

Amer. Soil. Agron, Crop Sci. Sol. Amer and Soil Sci. Sol. Amer., Madison. Wisconsin

Mechanism of inhibition of Nnitroso compounds-induced mutagenicity

Gichner, T

Mechanism of inhibition of Nnitroso compounds-induced mutagenicity

Mutation Research

Mechanism of hormone action

Austin, C. R.

University press of Cambridge, Cambridge

Mechanism of enzimic hidrolysisof hemicelluloses (Xylans) and dures for determination of the enzyme activities involved

Puls, J.

BFH Institute of wood chemistry Leuschnerstr, Hamburg

Mechanism of bacteriophage insensitivity in the lactic streptococci

Daly, C.

Mechanism and modes of action of allelochemicals. Inc. Eds. Alam, R. P. and C. H. Tang. The science of Allelopathy

Einhelling, E. A.


Mir Publisher Moscow

Royal Botanic Garden, Kew, England

Streptococcal genetics, American society for microbiology, Washington, D. C. John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York

Hlm 845 dari 1800

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Mecahnism of tungro resistence in rice variety Pankhari 203

Ling KC

Philippine Phytopatol

Mecahnism of tungro resistence in rice variety Pankhari 203

Ling KC

Philippine Phytopatol

Meat. Dalam "Food Theory and Applications" Edited by P.P. Paul dan H.H. Palmer

Paul, P.C.

Meat. Dalam "Food Theory and Applications" Edited by P.P. Paul dan H.H. Palmer

John Willey and Sons. Inc. Toronto.

Meat, Poultry and Seafood Technology.

Karmas, E.

Meat, Poultry and Seafood Technology.

Noyes data. Corporation Park ridge, NewYersey, USA. 330 pp.

Meat, Poultry and Seafood Technology

Hendrickson. R.L.

Meat, Poultry and Seafood Technology

Prentice Hall Inc, Englewood Cliffs. New York.

Meat technology. A practical text book for student and butcher. 5th ed.

Gerrard, F.

Meat Technology. 5th. Ed.

Gerrard, F.

Meat Technology, Element of food technology

Desroier NW

AVI Publ Company Inc, Westpert, Connecticut

Meat science. 5th ed.

Lawrie, R. A.

Pergamon Press, London

Meat science. 4th ed.

Lawrie, R. A.

Pergamon Press, Oxford.

Meat science. 4th ed.

Lawrie, R. A.

Pergamon Press. Oxford. New York.

Meat Science. 4th ed.

Lawrie, R. A.

Pergamon Press, London

Meat science. 4th ed.

Lawrie, R. A.

Pergamon Press, Oxford

Meat science. 3rd ed.

Lawrie, R. A.

Pergamon Press, Sydney

Meat science. 3rd ed.

Lawrie, R. A.

Pergamon press, London

Meat Science. 3rd ed.

Lawrie, R.A.

Meat Science. 3rd Ed

Lawrie RA

Pergamon Press, Ltd. Hetington Hill, Oxford

Meat Science. 2rd Ed

Lawrie RA

Pergamon Press, Oxford


Judul Buku


Northwood publishing, Ltd., London Meat Technology. 5th. Ed.

Meat Science. 3rd ed.

Northwood Publications, Ltd., London.

Pergamon Press, Oxford. Pp. 169-180.

Hlm 846 dari 1800

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Meat Science.

Lawrie, R.A

Meat Science.

Puganon Press London, UK

Meat science, 3rd ed.

Lawrie, R. A.

Programion Press Oxford

Meat science

Lawrie, R. A.

Pergamon Press. Oxford. London, Edenburgh. New York. Toronto

Meat Science

Lawrie RA

Pergamon Press. Oxford

Meat Preservation. In: The science of meat and meat products. 2nd ed. J. F. Price and B. S. Schweigert, eds.

Urbain, W. M.

W. H. Freeman and Co., San Fransisco

Meat Poultry and Sea Food Technology.

Karmas, E.

Meat Poultry and Sea Food Technology.

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Meat lipids. In: Developments in Oils and Fats. Hamilton, RJ (ed).

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Developments in Oils and Fats.

Blackie Academie. London

Meat hygiene. 2nd ed.

Miller, A. R.

Meat Hygiene and Milk Hygiene.


Meat hygiene and milk hygiene


direktorat penyuluhan fakultas kedokteran hewan IPB, Bogor

Meat Hygiene

Gracey JF

Bailliere Tindall, ELBC, Eastbourne, East Sussex

Meat Higiene.

Miller, A.R.

Meat Higiene.

Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia.

Meat Component and their variability

Lawrie RA

In DJA Cole and RA Lawrie (ed). Meat Proceeding of the twenty first easter school in Agricultural Science

Univ of Nottingham, Butterworth

Meat as food.

Simonsen, B.

Meat science, milk science and technology. Cross, H. R. dan A. J. Overby (ed.)

Elsevier science publisher B. V. Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Meat and meat products

McNeal, J. E.

official methods of analysis of the association of official analytical chemists. K. Helrich (ed.)

The association of official analytical chemists, Inc., Arlington, Virginia


Lea Fibiger, Philadelphia, USA Meat Hygiene and Milk Hygiene.

Dit. Penyuluhan, Fak. Kedokteran Hewan IPB, Bogor.

Hlm 847 dari 1800

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Measurment of rancidity

Rosell, J.B.

J.C. Allen dan R.J Hamilton Rancidity in Foods

Applied Science Publishers Ltd., London.

Measurment and determinant of Food Diversity : Implication for Indonesian's Food and Nutrition Policy


Measuring the impact of a natural enemy refuge: the prune tree/vineyard example.

Murphy BC

Pickett CH, Bugg RL (ed). Enhancing Biological Control. Habitat Management to Promote Natural Enemies of Agricultural Pests

Measuring Change in Nutritional Status: Guidelines for Assesing the Nutritional Impact of Supplementary Feeding Programmes for Vulnerable Group


WHO , Geneva

Measuring Change in Nutritional Status : Gauidelines for Assesing the Nutritional Impact of Supplementary Feeding Programmes for Vulnerable Groups


WHO, Geneva

Measurement of water relation parameter in field beans (Vicia faba L.) at varied K nutrition.

Lindhauer, M.G.

Measurement of physical factorsdetermination of moisture content by oven-drying as a practical reference method.

Haines, C.P.

Measurement of physical factorsdetermination of moisture content by oven-drying as a practical reference method.

Bogor: Scameo Biotrop, Southeast Asian Regional Centre for Tropical Biology.

Measurement of nitrogen fixation by indirect means

Turner, G

Bergersen, F.J. (ed.). Methods for Evaluating Biological Nitrogen Fixation

John Wiley & Sons. New York.

Measurement Of Issues Related To Studies Of Childhood Obesity : Assesment Of Body Composition, Body Fat Distribution, Physical Activity and Food Intake

Goran. M.I



Unpublished Ph.D.Dissertation.Brisban e Berkeley: University of California Press, him 297309.

Hlm 848 dari 1800

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Measurement of CO@ assimilation by palnts in the field & the lab. P 62-94. In J. Coombs, DO Hall, SP Long , JMO Scurlock (eds). Techniques in biproductivity & photosintesis 2nd ed.

Long SP

Measurement of CO@ assimilation by palnts in the field & the lab. P 62-94. In J. Coombs, DO Hall, SP Long , JMO Scurlock (eds). Techniques in biproductivity & photosintesis 2nd ed.

Pergamon Press, Oxford UK

Measurement method of reducing sugar. In Experiment of Bioehemistry Series

Fukui, S

Measurement and Use pH and Electrical Conductivity for Soil Quality Analysis

Smith. J.L

Defining Soil Quality For a Sustainable Environment

Measurement and determinant of Food Diversity; Implication for Indonesia's Food and Nutrition Policy


Nutrition Program Faculty of Medicine, University of Queensland, Australia

Measurement And Analysis On Dorsal Aspect Target Strength Of Fish at Four Frequencie

Miyanohana. Y

Report Of International Symposium On Fish. Acoust

Measure to Increase the Production and Marketing of Value-Added Fish Products in Asia and the Pacific Island Countries.


Regional Consultation on the Fisheries Industry for Asia and Pacific Inland Countries. Vienna, 2-6 December 1991. Prepared by UNIDO Secretariat.

Mearusing Change In Nutritional Status Guedelines For Assesing The Nutritional Impact Of Supplementary Feeding Programmes For Vulnerable Groups


Mean and stability for yield in early and late varietes of corn in varying environments.

Subandi, M.

McNabb, W.C., Barry, T.N., Foo, Y. & Peters, J.S.

Jackson, F.S

M-bio dari petani, oleh petani, untuk petani.

PT. Hayati Lestari.


Gakkui Shuppan Center. Tokyo

SSSA Spec. Publ. 35. SSSA and ASA, Madison. WI

Seattle. Washington. D.C

WHO, Switzerland

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Hlm 849 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

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Maximum likelihood to estimate variance components for animal model with several random effects using derivative free algorithm.

Meyer, K.

Genetic Selection and Evolution.

Maximum Likelihood Program

Ross. G.J.S

Rothamsted Experimental Station

Maximising The Rate of Fibre Digestion in The Rumen. In: Ruminant Feeding Systems Utilising Fibrous Agricultural Residues.

Dixon, R. M.

Maturation and germination of somatic embryos as affected by sucrose and plant growth regulators in soybeans Glycine gracilis Skvortz and Glycine max (L.) Merr.

Komatsuda, T.

Maturation and germination of mango somatic embryos.

Dewald, S.G.

J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.

Matrix formulation of the transition from a statistical coil to an intramolecular antiparallel Beta-sheet

Mattice, W.L


Mathematical Models in Hydrology

Clark, R.T

Food Agriculture Organization. FAO-19, Rome

Mathematical Modeling in the Life Sciences

Daucet, P

Mathematical model in agriculture. A quantitative approach to problem in agriculture & related science

France J

Materialien; Datenkatalog zum Haushaltsstrom-verbrauch




R. M. Dixon, I. D. P. Canberra.

Mathematical Modeling in the Life Sciences

Ell is Horwood. New York. Butterworth, London Boston

Vereinigung Deutscher Elektrizitatswerke e. V.; VDEW

Organization of German Power Stations. Data of Household-Energy Turnover, Frankfurt

Hlm 850 dari 1800

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Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Material Requirement Planning; The New Way of Life in Production and Inventory Management

Orlicky, J

Material Requirement Planning; The New Way of Life in Production and Inventory Management

McGraw-Hill Book Company, USA.

Material Handling Equipment, English Edition by Trotsky, Edition by Nicholas Weintein,

Rudenko N

Mir Publisher, Moscow

Material Handling Aplications, Modern Asia Edition,

Haynes D Oliphant

Chilton Company Philadelphia

Materia Medika Indonesia. Jilid V

Direktorat Jenderal Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan

Materia Medika Indonesia. Jilid V

Jakarta. Departemen Kesehatan Rl p. 28.

Materia Medika Indonesia II Materia Medika Indonesia Materi Pokok Ekonomi Produksi untuk Universitas Terbuka.

Anonimus Depkes Rl. Sumodiningrat, G.

Materia Medika Indonesia II Materia Medika Indonesia

Depkes R1. Jakarta. Dirjen POM, Jakarta. Karunika, Jakarta.

Matematika Terapan Untuk Bisnis dan Ekonomi


Matching ruminant production systems with available resources in the tropics and subtropics

Preston, T.R.

Matching ruminant production systems with available resources in the tropics and sub-tropics

Penambul books: Armidale, New South Wales, Australia.

Matching ruminant production systems with available resources in the tropics and subtropics

Preston, T.R.

Matching ruminant production systems with available resources in the tropics and sub-tropics

Penambul books: Armidale, New South Wales, Australia.

Matching Ruminant Production Systems with Available Resources in the Tropics and Sub-tropics

Preston, T.R.

Matching Ruminant Production Systems with Available Resources in the Tropics and Subtropics

Armidale: Penambul Books.

Matching Ruminant Production Systems with Available Re-sources in the Tropics and Sub Tropics.


Matching Ruminant Production Systems with Available Resources in the Tropics and Sub Tropics.

Penambul Bookd Armidale, New South Wales, Australia.

Matching ruminant production system with available resoursec in the tropics & sub tropics

Preston TR


BPFE Yogyakarta

Penambul Books Armidale Australia

Hlm 851 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Matching Ruminant Production System with Available Resources in The Tropics.

Preston, T. R.

Matching Ruminant Production System with Available Resources in The Tropics and Sub-tropics.

Preston, T. R.

Matching ruminant production system with available resources in the tropics and sub-tropics

Preston, T. R.

Matching Ruminant Production System With Available Resources in The Tropics and Subtropics


Matching ruminant production system with available resources in the tropic and sub-tropic

Preston, T. R.

Matching Ruminant Production System with Available Resources in the Tropic

Preston, T.R

PenambuH Book, Armidale

Matching livestock production systems with available resources in the tropics and subtropics

Preston, T.R

Matching livestock production systems with available resources in the tropics and sub-tropics

Penambul Book, Armidale, Australia

Matching Livestock Production Systems to Available Resources.

Orskov, E.R.

Matching Livestock Production Systems to Available Resources.

International Live stock Centre of Africa, Addis Ababa. Ethiopia.

Mataram dalam Angka 1996 Masyarakat Tani dan Kebudayaan

BPS NTB Redfield. R

Terjaman (YIIS)

CV. Rajawali. Jakarta

Masyarakat Tani dalamMembangun


Sosiologi Pertanian

Yayasan Obor Indonesia

Master Plan for the Jakarta Fishery Port.

Master Plan for the Jakarta Fishery Port.

Directorate General of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Indonesia

Master plan for The Jakarta Fishery Port.

Master plan for The Jakarta Fishery Port.

Dit. General of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Indonesia.


Judul Buku

Penerbit Penambul Books, Armidale.

Penambul Book, Armidale.

Penabul books armidale, Australia

Parasitic Nutrition Interaction, NSW-Australia.

Penambul books, Armidale

Hlm 852 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

massive Hepatic Necrosis Induced by Dichloropropanol Liver

Haratake, J

massive Hepatic Necrosis Induced by Dichloropropanol Liver

Mass Transfer Operation, 3rd Ed,

Treybal RE

Mass spawning of scleratinian coral in the Dampier Archipelago and the implication of management of coral reef in Western Australia.

Simpson, C.J.

Mass spawning of scleratinian coral in the Dampier Archipelago and the implication of management of coral reef in Western Australia.

Mass selection tor prolificacy in maize.

Lonnquist, J.H.

Der Zuchter

Mashab dan penggolongan teori dalam kriminologi


Mashab dan penggolongan teori dalam kriminologi

Citra Aditya Bakti

Masalah Wanita, Kedudukan dan Peranannya

Notopuro, Hardjito

Masalah Wanita, Kedudukan dan Peranannya

Penerbit Bina Cipta, Bandung.

Masalah Susut Akibat Serangan Hama Pascapanen.

Pranata, R. I.,

Masalah Susut Akibat Serangan Hama Pascapanen.

Direktorat Perlindungan Tanaman Pangan. Coaching Pengendalian Hama Gudang Cisarua, Bogor.

Masalah Petani Gurem. Masalah Petani Gurem

Catiyono,T.C. Bambang Tri Cahyono

Masalah Petani Gurem. Masalah Petani Gurem

liberty Jakarta. Penerbit Liberty. Yogyakarta

Masalah perlindungan tanaman kelapa di Indonesia

Madry B

Dalam:Buku II Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Kelapa III.

Bogor: Balitbang Pertanian, h 89-108. Bogor 20-23 Juli 1993.

Masalah Periadangan di Indonesia

Soedarma, H.M

Masalah Periadangan di Indonesia

Dirjen Kehutanan, Jakarta

Masalah Perencanaan Penelitian (dalam Metodemetode Penelitian Masyarakat)

Tan, M.G.

Penelitian (dalam Metode-metode Penelitian Masyarakat)

Gramedia, Jakarta

Masalah pengapuran tanah mineral di Indonesia. Prosiding seminar alternatif-alternatif Pelaksanaan Program Pengapuran Tanah-tanah Mineral Masam di Indonesia.

Radjagukguk, B.

Masalah pengapuran tanah mineral di Indonesia. Prosiding seminar alternatif-alternatif Pelaksanaan Program Pengapuran Tanah-tanah Mineral Masam di Indonesia.

Fak. Pertanian UGM. Yogyakarta.



Mc Graw Hill Kogakusha, Ltd Tokyo Western Aust Dept Conserv Env. Perth.

Hlm 853 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Masalah Pencemaran Ungkungan oleh Limbah Pabrik Gula dan Cara Pengendaliannya

Tedjowahyono, S.

Paket Informasi, BP3G, Pasuruan

Masalah pembudidayaan tanaman nilam, serai wangi dan cengkeh.

Wahid, P.

Masalah Pembudidayaan tanaman nilam, serai wangi dan cengkeh.

Wahid, P.

kusi Minyak Astiri V,

Puslitbang Industri, Bogor.

Masalah Pembangunan Pertanian Indonesia, (terj. S. Krisnandhi)

Penny, D.H.

Masalah Pembangunan Pertanian Indonesia (terj. S. Krisnandhi)

Yayasan Obor Indonesia, Gramedia, Jakarta.

Masalah Pelestarian Plasma Nutfah Tanaman


Media Komunikasi Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Industri

Puslitbangtri, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Deptan

Masalah Modal Dasar Manusia (Human Capital) Dalam Hubungan Mengatasi Kesenjangan Gender Dan Kebijaksanaan Pemerataan Ekonomi

Anwar Efendi

Bahan Acuan Penelitian Human Capital Untuk Program Studi PWD IPB

Masalah Lapangan untuk Bertanam Padi di Daerah Tropika.

Masalah Lapangan untuk Bertanam Padi di Daerah Tropika.

Masalah kesuburan tanah podzolik merah kuning dan kemungkinan pemecahannya.

Sudjadi, M.

Masalah kesuburan tanah Podsolik Merah Kuning dan kemungkainan pemecahannya.

Sudjadi, M.

Masalah kesuburan tanah dan pemupukan

Supardi, G.

Masalah kesempatan kerja daerah persawahan di pedesaan jawa Timur.

Yusdja, Y.

Masalah hrara dan produksi tanaman pangan di daerah transmigrasi

Ismunadji, M.



Masalah kesuburan tanah Podsolik Merah Kuning dan kemungkainan pemecahannya.

Makalah pada pertemuan teknis penelitian pola usahatani tgl 27-29 Februari 1984 di Cisarua Bogor.

Balai penelitian tanaman pangan Bogor, Bogor

Hlm 854 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Masalah Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman Dalam Mempertahankan Produksi Pertanian.

Sosromarsono, S.,

Pertemuan llmiah Pembangunan Pertanian Berwawasan Lingkungan di IPB, Bogor.

Masalah Gulma dan Cara Pengendaliannya

Madkar, O.R

HIGI Bandung

Masalah Gulma dan Cara Pengendaliannya


HIGI Bandung

Masalah gulma dan cara pengendaliannya

Madkar, O.R

HIGI Bandung

Masalah gulma air dalam pengelolaan pengairan

Soerjani M

Ditjen Pengairan proyek pemb. Wilayah Sungai Jratunseluna

Masalah Gizi Ganda Dalam Pembangunan Jangka Panjang Kedua


Widya Karya Nasional Pangan dan Gizi V.Jakarta, 20-22 April

Masalah Gizi dan Tanaman Pangan di Pedesaan. Dalam Kumpulan Bahan Penataran/Lokakarya Intensifikasi Pekarangan Penunjang UP-GK, UNICEF IPB.

Khumaidi, M.

Masalah Gizi dan Tanaman Pangan di Pedesaan. Dalam Kumpulan Bahan Penataran/Lokakarya Intensifikasi Pekarangan Penunjang UP-GK, UNICEF - IPB.

Masalah Gizi dan Alternatif Cara Pengembangannya Terutama pada Anak Prasekolah


Pulitbang Gizi Departemen Kesehatan RI.Bogor

Masalah Ekonomi dan Kelembagaan Perikanan

Anwar Affendi

Program Studi PWD, PPs IPB. Bogor

Masalah Ekonomi dan Kelembagaan Perikanan

Affendi. A

Program Studi PWD, PPs IPB. Bogor

Masalah dan strategi pembangunan Indonesia

Kasiyanto, M.J.

Pustaka Pembangunan Swadaya Nusantara

Masalah dan kebijakan irigasi, pengalaman Indonesia

Varley RCG

PT Pustaka LP3ES Indonesia Jkt

Masalah budidaya walet. Vol. IIV.

Nugroho, E.

Eka Offset, Semarang.

Masalah budidaya walet. Vol. IIV.

Somadikarta, S.

Eka Offset, Semarang.

Masakan untuk Pengobatan dan Kesehatan

Wijayakusuma. H.

Masakan untuk Pengobatan dan Kesehatan

Pustaka Kartini. Jakarta.

Martindale. The Extra Pharmacopodia. 30"' Edition.

Reynold, J.F.F.

Martindale. The Extra Pharmacopodia. 30"' Edition.

The Pharmaceutical Press. London.



Direktorat Jenderal Pertanian Tanaman Pangan, Dept. Pertanian. Bogor.


Hlm 855 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Marketting of Agricultural Products. 4th Ed.

Kohls, R.I

Marketting of Agricultural Products. 4th Ed.

The Macmilan Company New York

Marketing Strategy, Planing and Implementation, 2nd Ed. Iriwin Series in Marketing Madison

Walker, B.L.

Marketing Strategy, Planing and Implementation, 2nd Ed.Iriwin Series in Marketing Madison

Marketing Research: an Applied Approach. 4th eds

Kinnear, T.C

Marketing Research: an Applied Approach. 4th eds

Mc.Graw HilI. New York.

Marketing Research: An Applied Approach. 4th eds

Kinnear, T.C

Marketing Research: An Applied Approach. 4th eds

McGraw-Hill, New York.

Marketing Research: an Applied Approach

Kinnear, T.C

Marketing Research: an Applied Approach

McGraw-Hill, New York.

Marketing Research Principles and Aplications

Crask, Melvin.

Marketing Research Principles and Aplications

Prentice Hall, New Jersey USA.

Marketing Research Measurement and Method 2nd ed.

Tull. D.S

Marketing Research an Apllied Orientation

Malhotra, Naresh K.,

Marketing Research an Apllied Orientation

Prentice Hall, International Editions, New Jersey, USA.

Marketing Research Applied Orientation


Marketing Research Applied Orientation

Prentice Hall, Intemasional Editions, New Jersey USA


Marketing prospects for beef, lambs and mutton in Brunei Darussalam, other Asian and Middle Eastern Countries


Livestock Exports Seminar, Sept. 2-3

Directorate General of Livestock Services, Jakarta.

Marketing Produk Pertanian dan Industri. Cetakan Kedua

Kartasapoetra. G.

Marketing Produk Pertanian dan Industri. Cetakan Kedua

Jakarta. Rineka Cipta.

Marketing Planning and Strategy

Jain, S.C.

Marketing Planning and Strategy

South-western Publishing Co, Dallas

Marketing Of Palm Oil In Indonesia : Almost Ideal Demand Approach

Wijayanti. E

Departement Of Agricultural Bussiness. Adelaide University

Marketing of Agriculture Products 8th ed.

Kohls. R

Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle. River. N.J

Mar-keting of Agricultural Products, Sixth edition

Kohls R.L.

Mar-keting of Agricultural Products, Sixth edition

MacMillan Publishing Company. New York.

Marketing Management, Strategy and Cases.

Dariymple, D.J

Marketing Management, Strategy and Cases. 4 th Edition

John Willey & Sons. New York.

Marketing Management

Effendy, Rustam

Marketing Management

Malang: IKIP.


Hlm 856 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

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Judul Buku


Marketing Farm Products

Shepherd, G

Marketing Farm Products

The lowa State University Press, Ames, lowa, USA.

Marketing Farm Product Economics Analysis

Shepherd, O.S.

Marketing Farm Product Economics Analysis

The lowa State Univ. Press, lowa.

Marketing 7th ed.

Evans. J.R

Marketing of Agricuttural Products. Fifth Edition

Kohls, Richard, L

Marketing of Agricuttural Products. Fifth Edition

New York: Collier Mac Millan International editions.


Asri, M.


Unit Penerbitan dan Percetakan AMP YKPN. Yogyakarta.

Market and price analysis in the agricultural industries

Dahl, D. C. et al

Marine. Products in Japan. Revised edition.


Marine. Products in Japan. Revised edition.

Koseisha-koseikaku Co. Tokyo. 246-252.

Marine Shripm Pond Management

Clifford, H.C

Marine Shripm Pond Management

A Review. Proc of Special Session on Shrimp Farming.

Marine Shrimp Pond Management : A Review

Clifford H.C

Dalam Wyban J (Ed) Proceeding of the Special Session on Shrimp Farming ( hlm 166-182

The Word Aquaculture Society.Baton Rouge LA

Marine resources and fisheries in the exclusive economic zones of Thailand.

Bhatiyasevi, U.

Fishery Resources and State of Stocks Exploitation the Waters of Gulf of Thailand, East Coast of Pensular Malaysia and Andaman Sea. Trag Department. SEAFDEC. 90pp.

Marine Products in Japan. Revised edition.

Tanikawa, E.,

Marine Products in Japan. Revised edition.

Published by Koseiha Kaseikaku. Co. Ltd. Tokyo, p. 246-252.

Marine Product in Japan,

Tanikawa, E.,

Marine Product in Japan,

Koseisha Okseikaku. Co. Ltd. Tokyo. p.246-252.

Marine Plankton. A Practical Guide. Firth Edition.

Newell, G.F.

Marine Plankton. A Practical Guide. Firth Edition.

Hutchunson Educational.

Marine Plankton.

Newel, G.E.

A Practical Guide.

Hutchinson and Co. Publ. Ltd., London. P. 244.

Marine Plankton : A Practical Guide.

Newell G.E.

Marine Plankton : A Practical Guide.

Hutchinson. 231p.


Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle. River. N.J

McGraw-Hill Book Company, Toronto

Hlm 857 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

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Marine plankton

G.E. Newell

A Practical Guide, Fifth Edition

Hutchinson & Co. Ltd., London

Marine Plankton

Newell GE

Hutchinson Education, London

Marine Oils as a source of omega 3 faty acids in the diet: how to optimize the health benefits.


prog in food and nutr sci 16:199243

Marine Natural Products Chemistry.

Faulkner, D.J

Marine Natural Products Chemistry.

Plenum Press, New York, 433 PP.

Marine Natural Product. Vol.II,

Scheuer, P.J.

Marine Natural Product. Vol.II,

Aca-demic Press, Inc London. 405 pp.

Marine Natural Product. Vol.1,

Scheuer, P.J.

Marine Natural Product. Vol.1,

Academic Press, Inc London, 387 pp.

Marine natural product. Vol l.

Scheuer. P.J.

Marine natural product. Vol l.

Academie Press, Inc. London 387 pp.

Marine natural product. Vol II.

Scheuer, P.J.

Marine natural product. Vol II.

Academie Press, Inc London 405 pp.

Marine Natural Product.

Scheuer. P.J.

Marine Natural Product.

Academic Press. Inc London 387 pp.

Marine Natural Product

Schcuer. P.J.

Marine Natural Product

Academic Press, Inc London 387p.

Marine Microbiology. A Monograph on Hydrobacteriology

Zobell, C.

Marine Microbiology. A Monograph on Hydrobacteriology

Chronica Botanica Co., Waltham.

Marine Microbiology.

Austine, B.

Marine Microbiology.

Cambridge Univeristy Press. Cambridge. 222 pp.

Marine Microbiology.

Austin, B.

Marine Microbiology.

Cambridge Univeristy Press. Cambridge. 222 pp.

Marine Microbiology.

Austin, B

Marine Microbiology.

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 222 pp.

Marine Microbiology.

Austin. B.

Marine Microbiology.

Cambridge University. Press, New York. 222 hal.

Marine microbiology

Austin, B.

Marine microbiology

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England 222 p.

Marine microbiology

B. Austine

Marine microbiology

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

Marine Microbiology

Austin, B.

Marine Microbiology

Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.


Hlm 858 dari 1800

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Marine fishery resources of the Bay ofBengale.

Sivasubrahmaniam , K.


Marine Fishery Resources of the Bay of Bengal

Sivasubrahmaniam , K.,

BOBP/WP/36. FAO-UNDP : 66 P.

Marine Fisheries.

Bal, D.V.

Marine Fisheries.

Tata Mcgraw-Hill Pub. Corn, Lim. New Delhi. 455

Marine Fisheries of Indian

Bal, D.V.

Marine Fisheries of Indian

Tata McGraw-Hill Pubishing Co.Ltd., New Delhi. Pp 345-372.

Marine Fisher Chemical Composition and Processing Properties Bussian Translation Series

Boykov, V.P.

Marine Fisher Chemical Composition and Processing Properties Bussian Translation Series

A.A., New Delhi, Nath Printer.

Marine Fish ParasitoIogy.

Grabda, J.

Marine Fish ParasitoIogy.

PWN-Polish Sci. Pub. Warsaw. 148p.

Marine Enviroment an Analysis.

Swarup, R:

Marine Enviroment an Analysis.

Mittal Publications New Delhi. Lst: 211-263.

Marine ecology. Compendium Til Oevelser I Mari Oekologi

Hylleberg, J.

Marine ecology. Compendium Til Oevelser I Mari Oekologi

Institute for Genetic and Ecology, Australia.

Marine Ecology.

Nybakken, J.W.

An Ecological Approach. Biologi Laut. Suatu Pendekatan Ekologi (terjemahan).

PT. Gramedia. Jakarta.

Marine Ecology.

Nybakken, J.W.,

An Ecological Approach. Biologi Laut, Suatu Pendekatan Ekologi (terjemahan).

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.

Marine climate, weather and fisheries

Laevastu, T.

Marine climate, weather and fisheries

Fishing News Books. London. 204 p.

Marine Biotechnology and Developing Countries.

Zilinskas, R.A.

Marine Biotechnology and Developing Countries.

The World Bank. Washington, D.C. 115 pp.

Marine Biology: An ecological Approach.

Nybaken, J. W.,

Marine Biology: An ecological Approach.

Harper & Row. Publishers, New York. 459 PP.

Marine Biology: An Ecological Approach

Nybakken, J.W.

Marine Biology: An Ecological Approach

Harper and Row. New York. 446p.

Marine Biology:

Nybakken, J.W.

An Ecological. Approach. Alih Bahasa M. Eidman dkk.1988

PT Gramedia. Jakarta. 459 pp.



Hlm 859 dari 1800

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Marine and Estuarine Microbiology Laboratory Manual

Colwell, R.R.

Marine and Estuarine Microbiology Laboratory Manual

University Park Press. Baltimore.

Mari Menanam Panili (Vanilla planifolia Andrews).

Wirawan, G.N.

Mari Menanam Panili (Vanilla planifolia Andrews).

CV. Simplex, Jakarta. 71 hlm.

Marfologi dan Fisiologi padi. Mapping quantitative trait loci. Pp 58-96. In Phillips RL and IK Vasil (eds)

Manurung, S.O. Knapp SJ

Padi Buku I. DNA-based Marker in Plants

Puslitbangtan Bogor. Kluwer Acad., The Netherlands

Mapping in woody plants with RAPD markers: Application to breeding in forestry and horticulture, p. 37-40.

Grattapaglia, D.,

Application of RAPD Technology to Plant Breeding. Joint Plant Breeding symposia Series, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 1 Nov. 1992.

CSSA, Am. Soc. Horticul. Sci. and Am. Genet. Assoc.

Mapping in woody plants with RAPD markers: Application to breeding in forestry and horticulture

Grattapaglia D

Application of RAPD Technology to Plant Breeding. Joint Plant Breeding Symposia Series

Minneapolis: CSSA/ASHS/AGA. him 37-40.

Manufacturing's New Economic of Scale

McGrath, M.E

Manufacturing's New Economic of Scale

Developing a Global Strategy, May-June,

Manufacture and Refining Rawcane Sugar


Sugar Series 2

Sugar Series 2

Manual tor identification of VAM fungi

Schenk, N.C

Manual tor identification of VAM fungi. 2nd ed.

INVAM. University of Florida. Gainesville

Manual Pola Rehabilitasi Terpadu Kegiatan Penghijauan

Direktorat Rehabilitasi dan Konservasi Tanah... Direktorat Jenderal Reboisasi dan Rehabilitasi Lahan. Departemen Kehutanan. Jakarta. Laboratorium ofaquaculture and artemia reference center University of Gent. Belgium. 101-318.

Manual Pola Rehabilitasi Terpadu Kegiatan Penghijauan

Manual on The Production and Use of Live Food for Aquaculture.

Stappen, G.V.

Manual on The Production and Use of Live Food for Aquaculture.

Manual on Mutation Breeding.


Joint FAO/IAEA Div. of Atomic Energy in Food and Agriculture.

Manual on Irrigation Water Management


Phillippines Water Management Project


Hlm 860 dari 1800

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Judul Buku

Manual on Hoesehold Food and Consumtion Surveys.

Reh, Emma

Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations, Rome

Manual of Veterinary Clinical Pathology. 3rd ed

Coffin, D.L.

Manual of Veterinary Clinical Pathology. 3rd ed

Manual of Surface Drainage Engineering


Manual of Standards for Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines. 3rd ed


Office International des Epizooties. Paris, France. 267275.

Manual of Standardized Methods for Veterinary Microbiology

Cottral, G.E.

Manual of Standardized Methods for Veterinary Microbiology

Comell University Press. Ithaca, USA.

Manual of rural composting project field document

Gaur, A. C.

Manual of rural composting project field document

FAO, Rome

Manual of Quantitave Genetics

Becker W.A

Manual of Quantitave Genetics 3rd.Edition

Wasington State University Press, Washington

Manual Of Quantitative Gnetics (4th edition)


Academic Enterprises, Pullman, Washington

Manual of Quantitative Genetics.

Becker, W. A.

Academic Enterprice, Pullman, Washington.

Manual of Quantitative Genetics 3rd ed.

Becker, W.A

Manual of quantitative genetics

Becker WA

Manual of Quantitatif Genetics. 4th ed

Becker, W.A

Manual of Quantitatif Genetics. 4th ed

Academie Enterproses, Pullman, Washington

Manual of Phycology

Smith GH

An Introduction to the Algae and Their Biology

The Ronald Press Company, New York

Manual of Ornithology

Proctor, N. S.

Manual of Ornithology

Yale University Press. London.

Manual of Minitab Program Release 8.2.

Moore D

Manual of Minitab Program Release 8.2.

Manual of Methods in Aquatic Environment Reaseach

Reish. D.J.

Manual of Methods in Aquatic Environment Reaseach

FAO, Rome.212p.

Manual of Medical Entomology 4th Ed

Furman, D P.

Manual of Medical Entomology 4th Ed

Cambrioge Univetsity Press,



Comstock Publishing Associates. Ithaca, N.Y. Amsterdam, The netherland Ellsiever Publication

Manual of Quantitative Genetics 3rd ed.

Washington State Univ. Press, USA Academic entrprises, Pullman, USA

Hlm 861 dari 1800

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Manual of Identification of Medical Bacteria. Second edition.

Cowan, S.T.

Manual of Identification of Medical Bacteria. Second edition.

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 238 pp.

Manual of Histologic Staining Methods of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. Third Edition

Luna, L.G.

Manual of Histologic Staining Methods of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. Third Edition

McGraw-Hill Inc. New York. 258 p.

Manual of Fungi in Feeds, Foods, and Cereal Grains.

Christensen, C.M.

Manual of Fungi in Feeds, Foods, and Cereal Grains.

University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota.

Manual of Food Quality Control

Martin, P.G.

Manual of Food Quality Control

Comodities. FAO Rome.

Manual of Clinical Microbiology 5th Ed


Manual of Clinical Microbiology 5th Ed

American Society for Microbiology, Washington, DC

Manual of Analysis of Fruit and Vegetables Product

Ranggana, S.

Manual of Analysis of Fruit and Vegetables Product

Tata McGraw-Hill Book Co., Ltd., New York.

Manual of Analysis of Fruit and Vegetable Product.

Ranggana, S.

Manual of Analysis of Fruit and Vegetable Product.

Tata McGraw-Hill Book Company Ltd. New Delhi.

Manual of Analysis of Fruit and Vegetable Pro ducts


Manual of Analysis of Fruit and Vegetable Pro ducts

Tata Mc- Graw-Hill Publishing Company Limited. New Dehli.

Manual of Anaiysis of Fruit and Vegetable Products


Manual of Anaiysis of Fruit and Vegetable Products

Tata Mc. Graw-Hill Publishing Company Limited. New Dehli.

Manual of Acute Toxicity: Interpretation and Data Base of 410 Chemicals and 66 Species of Freshwater Animals.

Mayer, F. L

Manual of Acute Toxicity: Interpretation and Data Base of 410 Chemicals and 66 Species of Freshwater Animals.

Resource Publ 160. US Department of Interior, Washington DC.72 pp.

Manual Kehutanan: Teknologi


Manual Kehutanan: Teknologi

Departemen Kehutanan. Jakarta

Manual Kehutanan


Departeman Kehutanan Republik Indonesia

Departeman Kehutanan Republik Indonesia

Manual Kehutanan


Manual Kehutanan

Departemen Kehutanan Republik Indonesia , Jakarta

Manual Kehutanan Manual inventore hutan


Dep. Kehutanan Republik Indonesia Simon, H

Manual inventore hutan

Terjemahan. UI Press. Jakarta Hlm 862 dari 1800

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Manual for The Use of Nylon Bag Technique in The Evaluation of Feedingstuffs.

Bhargava, P. K.

The Roweet Research Institute, Buckburn, Aberdeen.

Manual for The Use of Nylon Bag Technique in The Evaluation of Feedingstuffs.

Bhargava, P. K.

The Roweet Research Institute, Buckburn, Aberdeen, UK.

Manual for the identification of medieal bacteria.

Cowan. S.T

Manual for the identification of medieal bacteria.

Manual for the identification of medical bacteria. 2nd ed.

Cowan, S. T.

Manual for the Identification of Medical Bacteria.

Cowan, S.T.

Manual for The Identification of Medical Bacteria.

Cowan, S. T.

Manual for the Identification of Medical Bacteria

Cowan, S.T.

Manual for the Identification of Medical Bacteria

Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.

Manual for the Identification of Medical Bacteria

Cowan, S.T.

Manual for the Identification of Medical Bacteria

Cambridge at the University Press. London. UK.

Manual for the Culture and Use of Brine Shrimp Artemia in Aquaculture.

Dobbeleir. J.

Manual for the Culture and Use of Brine Shrimp Artemia in Aquaculture.

State University of Ghent, Belgium. 140pp.

Manual for The Culture and Use of Brine Shrimp Artemia in Aquaculture.

Sorgeloos, P.,

Manual for The Culture and Use of Brine Shrimp Artemia in Aquaculture.

Faculty of Aqriculture. State University of Ghent. Belgium. 1-319

Manual for The Culture and Use of Brine Shrimp Artemia in Aquaculture.

Sorgeloos, P.,

Manual for The Culture and Use of Brine Shrimp Artemia in Aquaculture.

Artemia Reference Centre. State Univ. of Ghent, Belgium.319pp.

Manual for Social Surveys on Food habits and Consumption in Developing Countries

Hartog A.P

Pudoc Waningen,Netherland

Manual for Social Surveys on Food Habits and Consumption in Developing Countries

Hartog, A.P

Margarf Verlag, Weikersheim

Manual for hybrid rice seed production for IRRI

Virmani SS

IRRI Philippines

Manual for hybrid rice seed production for IRRI

Virmani SS

IRRI Philippines



Cambridge University Press. London. p 103116. University Press. Cambridge.

Manual for the Identification of Medical Bacteria.

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 216 pp. University Press, Cambridge.

Hlm 863 dari 1800

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Manual for Fish Diseases and Diagnosis Marine Fish and Crustacean Diseases in Indonesia.

Zafran, D.

Lolitkanta Gondol, Puslitbangkan, Balitbang Pertanian, JICA.

Manual Evaluation Location Important Birds Area


Manual Evaluation Location Important Birds Area

PHPA-BirdLife International Indonesia Programme, Bogor.

Manual Bamboos of Asia Pasific Region


Bamboo Research in Asia


Manjemen Produktivitas Total Strategi Peningkatan Produktivitas Bisnis Global

Gaspersz, V.

Manjemen Produktivitas Total Strategi Peningkatan Produktivitas Bisnis Global

Vincent Foundation dan PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.

Manipulation of rumen fermentation. In: Hobson, Ed The Rumen Microbial Ecosystem.

Van Nevel, C.J.

Manipulation of rumen fermentation. In: Hobson, Ed The Rumen Microbial Ecosystem.

Elsevier Science Publisher Ltd. London

Manipulation of Rumen Fermentation. Ed. By Haresign and D. J.A. Cole

Thomas, P. C.

Manipulation of Rumen fermentation

Van Nevel, C.J

P.N. Hobson (Ed.) The Rumen Microbial Ecosystem

Manipulation of protein nutrition for production in young animals

Orskov, E. R.

Reviews in rural science II

Manipulating The mouse Embryo:A laboratory manual

Hogan B

Cold spring harbor laboratory


Manipulating the Mouse Embryo: A Laboratory Manual

Hogan B

Manipulating the Mouse Embryo: A Laboratory Manual

New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Manipulating The Mouse Embryo, A Laboratory Manual

Hogan B

Manipulating The Mouse Embryo, A Laboratory Manual

New York: Cold Spring Harbor Lab.

Manipulating the Mouse Embryo

Hogan, B.

Manipulating the composition of the egg to improve human health

Farrel, D.J.

RPAN Seminars, Rhone Poulenc. Jakarta.

Mangrove soils in Indonesia. In Ricardo M. Umali (Editor). Mangroves of Asia and the report of the UNDP

Soemodihardjo, S.

Mangroves of Asia and the report of the UNDP



Butterworths, London Sydney, Boston. Toronto. Elsivier Appl. Sci., London

New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Hlm 864 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

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Mangrove Forests of Banyuasin, Musi River Estuary, South Sumatra

Sukardjo S

In Srivastava PBL, AM Ahmad, G.Dhanarajan and I.Hamzah (Eds) Symposium on Mangrove & Estuarine Vegetation in Southest Asia

Biotrop Special Publication

Mangrove forest and fisheris Mangrove ecosystem analysis. Dalam Patten, B.C. (Editor), System analysis and simulation in ecology Vol. IV.

MacNae, W Lugo, A.E

Mangrove forest and fisheris Mangrove ecosystem analysis. Dalam Patten, B.C. (Editor), System analysis and simulation in ecology Vol. IV.

FAO, Rome Department of Zoology, University of Georgia Athens Georgia. Academie Press New York.

Mangrove crabs (Scylla spp.)


Aquaculture in Tropical Area

Midori Shobo co. Ltd. , Tokyo, Japan


Lizada. C

Biochemistry of Fruit Ripening

Chapman and Hall. London


Johnson. G.I

PostHarvest Diseases Of Horticultural Produce Vol. 2 Tropical Fruit

Queensland Departement Of Primary Industries. Brisbane

Mango. Fruit Development Postharvest Physiology and Marketing in ASEAN

Mendoza, D.B

Mango. Fruit Development Postharvest Physiology and Marketing in ASEAN

ASEAN Food Hand ling Bureau, Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia

Mango Pest and Disorders

John, l. Bagshaw

Mango Pest and Disorders

Queensland Government

Mango (Mangifera indica L.)


Mango (Mangifera indica L.)

Lembaga Penelitian Hortikultura, Jakarta

Mangium and Other Fast Growin Acacias For The Humid Tropics


Manggarai Dalam Angka. .

National Academic Press, Washington Manggarai Dalam Angka. .

Kantor Statistik Kabupaten Manggarai, Ruteng

Mangga dan Budidaya Tanaman Mangga

Lahiya. A.A.

Mangga dan Budidaya Tanaman Mangga

Penerbit Andi Offset

Mangga (Mangifer Indica L.)

Kusumo, S.

Mangga (Mangifer Indica L.)

Lembaga Penelitian Hortikultura, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta

Manfaat Embung Pertanian Gabi Petani Lahan Kering Dan Kemungknan Pengembangannya di Kabupaten Pati

Singgih. S

Manfaat dan Prospek Pengembangan Kunyit

Nugroho, N.A.


Puslitbangtan Kerjasama Dengan Diperta Jawa Tengah

Manfaat dan Prospek Pengembangan Kunyit

Trubus Agriwidya. Jakarta. Hlm 865 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Manfaat bungkil kelapa sawit, bungkil biji kapuk dan urea ubi kayu kukus dalam ransum melalui kajuan metabolisme kambing laktasi.

Sastradipradja, D.

Manfaat bungkil kelapa sawit, bungkil biji kapuk dan urea ubi kayu kukus dalam ransum melalui kajuan metabolisme kambing laktasi.

Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan. Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Manajerial Economics Manajer sebagai Pemimpin

Douglas, J.E Toyota Astra

Manajerial Economics Hand out Dealer's Manager Training, PT Toyota Astra Motor

Prenfice Hall, USA.

Manajer Paling Efektif dalam Bisnis Anda

Lockett, J.

Manajer Paling Efektif dalam Bisnis Anda

Bina Rupa Aksara/Jakarta

Manajement Persediaan, Aplikasi di Bidang Bisnis

Rangkuti, F

Manajement Persediaan, Aplikasi di Bidang Bisnis

PT. Rajagrafindo Persada Jakarta


Stoner, James A.F.

Manajemen. Jilid l, Edisi Ketiga

C.V.Intermedia, Jakarta

Manajemen usaha tani daerah tropis.

Makeham, J. P.

LP3ES jakarta.

Manajemen usaha tani daerah tropis

Makeham, J. P.

LP3ES, terjemahan, Jakarta

Manajemen Usaha tani Daerah tropis

Makeham JP

LP3ES Jakarta

Manajemen Usaha Tani Daerah Tropis

Mahekam JP

LP3ES. Jakarta

Manajemen Umum. Terjemahan

Lock, D.

Manajemen Sumberdaya Keluarga


Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (M.S.D.M.) dalam Era Globalisasi

Tjiptono, Fandy

Bussines News

Manajemen Strategik

Prastawa, A.S.

Materi Kuliah KPL II Pusdiklat Perum Perhutani Madiun

Manajemen Strategi: Sebuah Konsep Pengantar


Manajemen Strategi: Sebuah Konsep Pengantar

Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta

Manajemen Strategi dan Kebijaksanaan Perusahaan

Glueck, W.J

Manajemen Strategi dan Kebijaksanaan Perusahaan

Erlangga, Jakarta

Manajemen Strategi dan Kebijakan Perusahaan (Terjemahan). Edisi kedua

Jauch, L.R

Manajemen Strategi dan Kebijakan Perusahaan (Terjemahan). Edisi kedua

Erlangga, Jakarta.


Manajemen Umum. Terjemahan

PT Elex Media Komputindo, Jakarta. Jurusan Gizi Masyarakat dan Sumberdaya Keluarga. Fakultas Pertanian IPB

Hlm 866 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Manajemen Strategi dan Kebijakan Perusahaan (Terjemahan). Edisi kedua

Jauch, L.R

Manajemen Strategi dan Kebijakan Perusahaan (Terjemahan). Edisi kedua

Erlangga, Jakarta

Manajemen Strategi

Gitosudarmo, I

Manajemen Strategi

Badan Penerbit Fakultas Ekonomi UGM, Yogyakarta

Manajemen Produksi/Operasi

Buffa, E.S

Manajemen Produksi/Operasi

Erlangga, Jakarta.

Manajemen Produksi Ternak Perah

Sarwiyono, T.E.

Manajemen Produksi Ternak Perah

Nuffic-Unibraw, Malang.

Manajemen Produksi Perencanaan Sistem Produksi

Ahyari, A

Manajemen Produksi Perencanaan Sistem Produksi

BPFE. Yogyakarta

Manajemen Produksi dan Operasi. Jilid 2.

Moore, F.G

Manajemen Produksi dan Operasi. Jilid 2.

Terjemahan Remaja Karya. Bandung

Manajemen Produksi dan Operasi


Edisi Pertama

Ekonsia, Fakultas Ekonomi UII.Yogyakarta

Manajemen Produksi

Sofyan Assauri

Manajemen Produksi

Penerbit LPFE UI. Jakarta

Manajemen Perspektif Asia

Kotler, dkk.

Manajemen Perspektif Asia

Penerbit Andi, Yogyakarta.

Manajemen Personalia. Terjemahan M. Masud

Flippo, E.B

Manajemen Personalia. Terjemahan M. Masud

Erlangga, Jakarta

Manajemen Personalia, Edisi ketiga

Husnan, S.

Manajemen Personalia, Edisi ketiga

BPFE Yogyakarta

Manajemen Personalia Teknik dan Konsep Modern

Dressler, G

Manajemen Personalia Teknik dan Konsep Modern

Erlangga, Jakarta.

Manajemen Personalia dan Sumber Daya Manusia. Edisi kedua

Handoko, T.H.

Manajemen Personalia dan Sumber Daya Manusia. Edisi kedua

BPFE Yogyakarta

Manajemen Personalia dan Sumber Daya Manusia, Edisi 2

Handoko, H.T.

Manajemen Personalia dan Sumber Daya Manusia, Edisi 2

BPFE, Yogyakarta

Manajemen Personalia Manajemen perlaku organisasi

Heidjrahman SH Winadi

Manajemen Perguruan Tinggi

Taliziduhu Ndraha

Manajemen Perguruan Tinggi

Penerbit Bina Aksara, Jakarta.

Manajemen Penjualan Manajemen Pemberian Pakan Ikan

Swastha, B. Ekawati, A.W

Manajemen Penjualan Manajemen Pemberian Pakan Ikan

BPFE, Yogyakarta. Fakultas Perikanan Universitas Brawijaya. Malang


BPFE. Yogyakarta PT Citra Aditya Bakti. Bandung

Hlm 867 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Manajemen Pemasaran: Analisis, Perencanaan, Implementasi, dan Pengendalian.

Kotler, P.

Manajemen Pemasaran: Analisis, Perencanaan, Implementasi, dan Pengendalian.

Lembaga Penerbit Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Indonesia. Jakarta.p.460-469.

Manajemen Pemasaran. Terjemahan. Edisi Keenam

Kotler, P

Manajemen Pemasaran. Terjemahan. Edisi Keenam

Erlangga, Jakarta

Manajemen Pemasaran, Analisis, Perencanaan dan Pengendalian

Kotler, O

Manajemen Pemasaran, Analisis, Perencanaan dan Pengendalian (Terjemahan : Ellen Gunawan)

Penerbit Erlangga. Jakarta.

Manajemen Pemasaran Modern.


Manajemen Pemasaran Modern.

Liberty, Yogyakarta.

Manajemen Pemasaran Modern

Swastha, Basu

Manajemen Pemasaran Modern

Yogyakarta : Bagian Penerbitan Lembaga Manajemen Akademi Manajemen Perusa haan YKPN.

Manajemen Pemasaran Modern

Irawan BS

Manajemen Pemasaran Analisis, Perencanaan, Implementasi dan Pengendalian.


Manajemen pemasaran analisa perilaku konsumen. Cetakan ke2

Swastha, B.

Manajemen Pemasaran : Dasar, Konsep, dan Strategi

Assauri, Sofjan

Manajemen Pemasaran : Dasar, Konsep, dan Strategi

Rajawali Pres. Jakarta

Manajemen Pemasaran : Analisis, Perencanaan, Implementasi dan Pengendalian.


Manajemen Pemasaran : Analisis, Perencanaan, Implementasi dan Pengendalian.

Salemba Empat, Prentice - Hall, Jakarta.

Manajemen Pemasaran : Analisis , Perencanaan , dan Pengendalian Jilid II. Terjemahan

Kotler P

Manajemen Pemasaran Modern

Swasta, B. Irawan

Manajemen Pemasaran Modern

Liberty, Jakarta

Manajemen Pemasaran Marketing Management Analisis Perencanaan dan Pengendalian

Kotler, Philip

Manajemen Pemasaran Marketing Management - Analisis Perencanaan dan Pengendalian Cetakan ke 2 Jilid 1..

Jakarta : Erlangga


Liberty Yogya Manajemen Pemasaran Analisis, Perencanaan, Implementasi dan Pengendalian.

Erlangga, Jakarta.

Liberty, Yogyakarta

Erlangga, Jakarta

Hlm 868 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Manajemen Pemasaran Marketing Mana gementAnalisis Perencanaan dan Pengendalian

Kotler, Philip.

Manajemen Pemasaran Marketing Mana gement-Analisis Perencanaan dan Pengendalian Cetakan ke 2 Jilid 1

Jakarta : Erlangga.

Manajemen Pemasaran Analisis Peren canaan dan ImplementasI dan Pengendalian

Kotler, Philip

Manajemen Pemasaran - Analisis Peren canaan dan ImplementasI dan Pengendalian Edisi Kedelapan; Buku Satu

Jakarta : Salemba Empat Prentice Hall.

Manajemen Pemasaran – Analisis Perencanaan dan Implementasi dan Pengendalian.

Kotler, Philip

Manajemen Pemasaran – Analisis Perencanaan dan Implementasi dan Pengendalian. Edisi Kedelapan. Buku Satu

, Jakarta : Salemba Empat Prentice Hall.

Manajemen Pemasaran Perspektif Asia

Kotler, Philip

Manajemen Pemasaran Perspektif Asia Edisi Pertama Cetakan Pertama. Buku 1

Yogyakarta Penerbit Andi.

Manajemen Pemasaran Manajemen Pemasaran

Swastha. B Kotter,

Manajemen Pemasaran

Manajemen Pemasaran

Mursid, M.

Manajemen Pemasaran

Bumi Akasara bekerjasama dengan Pusat Antar Universitas-Studi Ekonomi, Universitas Indonesia. Jakarta

Manajemen Pemasar an: Analisis, Perencanaan, Implementasi, dan Kontrol. Edisi 9. Alih Bahasa : H. Teguh dan R. A. Rusli

Kotler, P.

Manajemen Pemasar an: Analisis, Perencanaan, Implementasi, dan Kontrol. Edisi 9. Alih Bahasa : H. Teguh dan R. A. Rusli

Prenhallindo. Jakarta

Manajemen Operasi Manajemen Modem Dalam Pembangunan Hutan

Subagyo, P. Yaman, M.

Manajemen Operasi Manajemen Modem Dalam Pembangunan Hutan

BPFE, Yogyakarta Duta Rimba Perum Perhutanan, Jakarta

Manajemen Kualitas. Penerapan Konsep-konsep Kualitas dalam Manajemen Bisnis Total.

Gasperz, V.,

Manajemen Kualitas. Penerapan Konsep-konsep Kualitas dalam Manajemen Bisnis Total

Yayasan Indonesia Emas dan Penerbit PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Manajemen Kualitas

Aryani, D.W.

Manajemen Kualitas

Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta.


BPFE. Jagjakarta Lembaga Penerbit feui. Jakarta

Hlm 869 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Manajemen Krisis Pangan

Arifin B

30 Tahun Peran Bulog dalam Ketahanan Pangan.,Bulog Jakarta

Manajemen Keuangan, 1990

Agus Sartono

Manajemen Keuangan, 1990


Manajemen Keuangan Usaha Kecil.


Manajemen Keuangan Usaha Kecil.

Penerbit Satya Wacana, Semarang.

Manajemen Biaya Terpadu. Manajemen Bank Umum Manajemen Agri-bisnis (Agribusiness Management)

Amin Siamat D Downey, W.D.

Manajemen Biaya Terpadu.

Harvarindo Jakarta Intermedia. Jakarta Penerbit Eriangga.

Manajemen Agribisnis (Agribusiness Management)

Downey, W.D

Manajemen Agribisnis (Agribusiness Management)

Penerbit ErLangga.

Manajemen Agribisnis (Agribusiness Management)

Downey, W.D

Manajemen Agribisnis (Agribusiness Management)

Penerbit Erlangga.

Manajemen Agribisnis


Manajemen Agribisnis

Penerbit Erlangga Surabaya.

Manajemen Agribisnis


Manajemen Agribisnis

Alih Bahasa oleh Rochidayat Ganda S. Erlangga, Jakarta.

Manajemen Agribisnis (Agribusiness Management)

Downey, W. D.

Manajemen Agribisnis (Agribusiness Management)


Manajemen Jilid 2, Edisi Ketiga

C.V.Intermedia, Jakarta.


Manajemen Agri-bisnis (Agribusiness Management)


Manaiemen Pemasaran Modern

Swastha, Basu

Manaiemen Pemasaran Modern

Yogyakarta : Bagian Penerbitan Lembaga Manajemen Akademi Manajemen Perusahaan YKPN

Managing tropical rice pests through conservation of generalist natural enemies and alternative prey

Settle, W.H.



Managing Tropical Animal Resources. LittleKnown Asian Animals with a Promising Economie Future


Managing Tropical Animal Resources. LittleKnown Asian Animals with a Promising Economie Future

National Academy Press. Washington, D.C

Managing The Ecology of Rice roduction In Indonesia

Fox James

Indonesian Resources, Ecology and Environment

Singapore : Oxford University Press

Managing The Ecology Of Rice Production In Indonesia

Fox James. J

Resources Ecology and Environment

Oxford University Press


Hlm 870 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Managing quality. 2nd ed.


Managing Quality.


Managing Quality.

Prentice Hall International. United Kingdom

Managing Livestock Wastes

Merkel. J.A

Managing Livestock Wastes

Avi Publishing Company. Inc. Westport. Connectitut

Managing Indonesia : The Modern Political Economy

John Bresnan

Managing hybrid rice seed production

Xu S

Hybrid rice IRRI

IRRI, Philippines

Managing hybrid rice seed production

Xu S

Hybrid rice IRRI

IRRI, Philippines

Managing Human Resource. Eight Edition


Managing Human Resource. Eight Edition

Managing Hospitality Human Resources.

Wood, Robert H

USA : Educational Institute of the American Hotel and Motel Association. 1992.

Managerial Economics

Pappas. P.L

Alih Bahasa Diniel Wirajaya dalam Ekonomi Manajerial Jilid I ed. Keenam

Managerial Economic. Managements of Sloping soils for Production in Vietnam

Hirschy, M. Vi, N

The Bryden Press. ACIAR, Canberra

Management. Fourth Edition.

Hicks, H.G.

McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York.

Management. Edis Ketiga (Prentice-Hall International Editions)

Stoner, J.A..F.

Prentice Hall, New Jersey.


Kinard, J.

Health and Company, Lexington.

Management Strategies for Farmed Chital deer. pp 189-196

English, A.W.

Management Science

Lee S

Management Pertanian (Agribisnis)

Kartasapoetra, G

Management Of Vertisol For Sustainable Agriculture

Yasin. I


Judul Buku

Penerbit Prentice-Hall International, United Kingdom

New York - Colombia University Press

R.D Brown (ed.), The Biology of Deer

Bina Aksara. Jakarta

Springer-Verlag Publication. New York. Allyn and Bacon, New York

Management Pertanian (Agribisnis)

Penerbit Bina Aksara Jakarta. University of Queensland. Gatton. Australia

Hlm 871 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Management Of Tropical Vertisol

Ahmad. N

Vertisols Management in Africa

IBSRAM Proceeding No. 9

Management of The Golden Kuhol (Pomacea spp.): The Philippines Experience. Second National Malacogical Convention.

Casimero, V.V.

Management of The Golden Kuhol (Pomacea spp.): The Philippines Experience. Second National Malacogical Convention.

Malacogical Society of The Philippines.

Management of Sloping Soils forproduction in Vietnam

Vy, N

E.T. Craswell & E. Puspharajah (Eds). Management of aAcid Soils in the Humid Tropics of Asia

ACIAR, Camberra

Management of Resistance. In Arthropods

Georghiou, G.P.,

Georghiou, G.P. and T. Saito (Eds.). Pest Resistance to Pesticides.

Plenum, New York, London.

Management of Problem Soils in Indonesia

Soekardi, M.

Management of Problem Soils in Indonesia

CSAR, Bogor.

Management of problem soils in Indonesia

Soekardi M

CSAR Bogor

Management of problem soils in Indonesia

Soekardi M

CSAR Bogor

Management of potato tubermoth Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) in potato seed storage in Thailand

Chouvalitwongporn , P.

management of irrigation on facilities in Asia and the pasific, tokyo


Management of bacterial wilt of brinjal using asafoetida and turmeric

Pun, K.B.

Management of Acid Soils in Asia

Uexkull, H.R

Austr. Cen. Intern. Agric. Res. Canberra

Management of Acid Mineral Soils in the Humid Tropics in Asia

Craswell, A

ITTA, Canberra

Management Information. Systems

Long, L

Management Information. Systems

Prentice-Hall International Inc,. New Jersey

Management Information System : A Study of ComputerBased Information System

Mc.Leod R. Jr

Management Information System : A Study of Computer-Based Information System 6th Edition

Prentice-Hall, Inc. Adivision of Simon & Schuster, Inc.Englewood Cliffs.New Jersey


Management of potato tubermoth Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) in potato seed storage in Thailand

University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines. Asian productivity organization

Bacterial WiltNews. 14:6.

Hlm 872 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Management foundations and practices. Fifth edition.

McFarland, D.E.

management factors in oestrus cycle control

Drew. B

Control of reproduction in the cows

In sreenan J.M .Ed The Haggue

Management factors in oestrus cycle control


Control of reproduction in the cows

Martinus Nijhof

Management factors in oestrous cycle control.

Drew, B.

Control of Reproductionin the cows. Editor: Sreenan J.M. The Haggue.

Management DAS

Danaatmadja, O.

Management DAS

Akademi Kehutanan, Prop. DT l Jawa Barat, Bandung

Management Considerations For Acid Soils With high Phosphorus Fixation Capacity

Sanchez, P. A

F. E. Khasawneh (ed.) The Role of Phosphorus in Agriculture

Soil Sci. Soc. Am. , Inc. Winconsin, USA

Management consideration for acid soils. 471-509

Sanchez, P.A.

The role of phosporous in agriculture

SSSA, Madison, Wisconsin.

Management con.sideration tbr acid soils

Sanchez, PA.

The Role of Phosporous in Agriculture. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Madison, Wisconsin. p. 471-509.

Management and Utilization of Mangrove in Asia and the Pasific


FAO Enviromental Paper III

Management and Properties of Soil in Tropics


Management and Housing of Farm Animal in Hot Environment

Hahn Gl

Stress Physiology of Livestock Vol II MK Yousef (Ed)

Management and Conservation of Captive Tiger Panthera tigris. Minnesota Zoo.

Tilson, R.

Management and Conservation of Captive Tiger Panthera tigris. Minnesota Zoo.

Management Pertanian (Agribisnis).

Kartasapoetra, G

Management Pertanian (Agribisnis).

Penerbit Bina Aksara Jakarta.

Management Pertanian (Agribisnis)

Kartasapoetra, G

Management Pertanian (Agribisnis)

Penerbit Bina Aksara Jakarta.

Managemen Produksi Buku I


Managemen Produksi

Assauri, Sofyan.


Judul Buku

Penerbit MacMillan Publishing Co. Inc., New York.

FAO, Rome

John Willey & Sons. New York CRC Press,Inc Boca Raton, Florida

BPFE, Universitas Gadjah Mada Managemen Produksi

Fakultas Ekonomi Univ. Indonesia, Jakarta

Hlm 873 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Managemen Penyakit dan Kesehatan Ikan.

Prayitno, S.B.

Program Pembekalan Pegawai Bank Dagang Negara bekerjasama dengan Universitas Diponegoro

(tidak dipublikasikan). 21p.

Man Power Planning For And Local Labour Markets


Man Power Planning For And Local Labour Markets

Olypus Publishing Company, Salt Lake City

Man Power Planning For And Local Labour Markets


Man Power Planning For And Local Labour Markets

Olypus Publishing Company, Salt Lake City

Man Power Planning For And Local Labour Markets

Mangum, L. Garth

Man Power Planning For And Local Labour Markets

Olypus Publishing Company, Salt Lake City

Man Betemak Sapi Perah.

Atmadilaga, D.,

Man Betemak Sapi Perah.

Fakultas Petemakan Universitas Padjajaran. Bandung

Mammls of Thailand


sahakarnbhat, Co.Bangkok

Mammary gland. In: Lactation. Larson, B. L. Ed.

Anderson, R. R.

Iowa state university press, Ames

Mammals Species of The World

Honacki, J.H.

Mammals Species of The World

Mammals of The Southwest Pacific and Moluccan Islands. Australian Museum/Reed Books.


Mammals of The Southwest Pacific and Moluccan Islands. Australian Museum/Reed Books.

Mammals of Thailand

Lekagul, B.

Mammals of Thailand

Bangkok: Sahakambhath, Co.

Mammals of New Guinea. 1st ed.

Flannery, T.

Mammals of New Guinea. 1st ed.

Robert Brown & Associatesm, Carian, Queensland.

Mammals of New Guinea.

Flannery, T.

Mammals of New Guinea.

Australian Museum/Reed Books, Chatswood, NSW, Australia.

Mammalian Chimeras

Maclaren, L. A.

Maluku dlm Angka 1991. Kerjasama Bappeda Tingkat I. Propinsi Maluku dengan Kantor Statistik Propinsi Maluku. Ambon



Lawrence : Alien Press and Associated of Systematic Collections.

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

Hlm 874 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Maluku Dalam Angka

Biro Puasat Statistik (BPS)

Malnutrition : A South Asian Enigma

Ramalingaswami. V

Malnutrition In South Asia : A Regional Profile

UNICEF : Regional Office For South Asia

malion of microbial protein supply to sheep and cattle on urinary excretion ofpurine derivatives. An overview of the techni-cal details. International Feed Resources Unit

Chen, X.B

malion of microbial protein supply to sheep and cattle on urinary excretion ofpurine derivatives. An overview of the techni-cal details. International Feed Resources Unit

Esti, Rowett Research ïnstitute, Bucksbum, Aberdeen. Occasional Publication

Male reproductive Organ

Bolm E

In E S E Hafez reproduction in Farm Animals

Lea & febiger Philadelphia

Malaysian feedingstuffs

Devendra C

Malaysian Belachan (Shrimp Paste)


Makna makanan dalam olahraga, dalam gizi olahraga lokakarya gizi olahraga, Jakarta

Rumawas JSP

Making waste control pay in dairy processing, 1992. Industrial food waste management. PAU pangan dan gizi,

Roy E Carawan

Univ Gadjah Mada

Making aquatic weeds useful: some perspectives for developing countries

National Academy of Science

Washington, D. C.

Making Aquatic Weeds Useful : some Perspective for Developing Countries

National Academic of Science

Washington. D.C

Making Agriculture a Sustainable Industry

Brady, N.C

Sustainable Agricultural Systems

Soil and Water Conservation Society, lowa.

Makanan Wujud Variasi dan Fungsinya serta Cara Penyajiannya Pada Orang Palembang Daerah Sumatera Selatan

Ratnawati, L.

Makanan Wujud Variasi dan Fungsinya serta Cara Penyajiannya Pada Orang Palembang Daerah Sumatera Selatan

Departeman Pandidikan dan Kebudayaan, Palembang.


Judul Buku

Penerbit BPS Dati I Maluku

Malaysian Agric. Research & development Institute Serdang, Selangor Handbook of Indegenous Fermented Foods

Institute of Food Sciences. Commuel University. Genewa. New York

Hlm 875 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Makanan untuk Pembinaan Kejernihan Pikiran , Filsafat Vegetarian

Acarya A.A

Persatuan Ananda Mraga Indonesia.Jakarta

Makanan Indonesia dalam Pandangan Islam

Mentri Negara urusan Pangan

Kantor Mentri Negara Urusan Pangan .Jakarta

Makanan Ikan. Cetakan 9.

Mujiman, A.

Makanan Ikan. Cetakan 9.

PT. Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta. hlm. 152-165.

Makanan Ikan.

Jangkaru, Z.

Makanan Ikan.

Correspondence Course Centre, Dit. Jen. Perik., Deptan., Jakarta. 72 PP.

Makanan Ikan

Hariati, A.M.

Makanan Ikan


Makanan Ikan Makanan hasil proses fermentasi. Ceramah ilmiah

Mujiman, A Poesponegoro. M

Makanan Ikan

Penebar Swadaya LKN-LIPI, Bandung.

Makanan Ekstrudat


Makanan Ekstrudat

Dewan Standardisasi Nasional, Jakarta.

Makanan Ekstrudat


Makanan Ekstrudat

Dewan Standardisasi Nasional, Jakarta.

Makanan buatan untuk larva udang Penaeid.

Manik, R.

Pedoman Budidaya Udang Penaeid.

Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan, Dept. Pertanian. p. 83-94.

Makanan Bayi Bergizi

Husaini Y.K

Makanan Ayam Broiler. Makanan ayam broiler. Makanan Ayam Broiler

Rasyaf, M. Rasyaf, M. Rasyaf, M

makalah seminar konsepsi pengembangan agro industri nasional dalam Pelita VI, Dep Perindustrian jakarta

Anang I

Makadamia (Macadamia integrifolia). Informasi umum untuk perkebunan di Indonesia


Makadamia (Macadamia integrifolia). Informasi umum untuk perkebunan di Indonesia

Pusat Penelitian Perkebunan, Bogor, 13 hlm.

Makadamia (Macadamia integrfolia)


Informasi umum untuk perkebunan di Indonesia.

Pusat Penelitian Perkebunan. Bogor. 13 hlm.



Gadjah Mada University Press.Yogyakarta Makanan Ayam Broiler. Makanan Ayam Broiler

Kanisius Yokyakarta. Kanisius, Yogyakarta. Penerbit Kanisius, Yogyakarta. Jakarta

Hlm 876 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Major Protozoa in The Tropical Subterranean Termita (Coptotermes Curvignathus) Holmgren


Major diseases of cultured shrimp in Asia

Shariff, M.

W. Fulks and K.L. Main (eds). Disease of cultured Penaeid Shrimp in Asia and the United States. The Oceanic Institute. Hawaii. p. 37-46.

Major Banana Diseases and their Control

Sulya, Y

Abstr. Indon Agric.Res Dev.J

Maize. Principles of Cultivar Development. Vol 2

Hallauer, A.R

Crops Species

Maize. In potential productivity of field crop under different Environments.

Fisher, K.S.

Maize seed production and processing in Indonesia. Seeds Production of Maize in Asia and Researches in Crop Management Asia Maize Training Centre, Suwan farm Pak Chong, Thailand.

Suherman, O.

Maize rough dwarf a planthoper virus diseases affecting maize, Rice small grain and grasses.

Harpaz, I.

Maize on-farm research in the district of Malang.

Dahlan, M.

Maize losses due to drought in Indonesian and source of drought tolerance and escape. Developing drought and low Ntolerant maize.

Dahlan, M.

Maize in the third world

Dowswell, C.R


Hallauer AR


Judul Buku

Penerbit Sociobiology. Vol. 32

W.R. Fehr (ed.). MacMillan Publishing Company. New York

Maize seed production and processing in Indonesia. Seeds Production of Maize in Asia and Researches in Crop Management Asia Maize Training Centre, Suwan farm Pak Chong, Thailand. Israel University Press, Jerussalem.

Westview Press, Inc., Boullder, CO Fehr WR (ed) Principles of cultivar Development vol II : Crop Species

Macmillan Publishing Company Adivision of Macmillan Inc New York

Hlm 877 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku



Hallauer AR

Fehr WR (ed) Principles of cultivar development vol II Crop Species

Macmillan Publishing Companey A Division of Mcmillan Inc New York


Hallauer AR

Fehr WR (ed) Principles of cultivar development vol II Crop Species

Macmillan Publishing Companey A Division of Mcmillan Inc New York

Maintenance, symptoms and distribution of potato viruses X, S, Y, A, M and leaf roll in potato tissue culture plants

McMorran, J. P.

Maintaining Fishes for Research and Teaching

Stickney, R.R.

C.B. Shrech and P.B. Molyle (eds.). Methods for Fish Biology

American Fisheries Society, Bathesda, Maryland, p. 633-663.

Main report of the " feasibility on Jratunseluna River Basin Development project Tuntang Jragung area studies & design"

Haskoning & its associates

Magnitude, Determinat, and Indicators of Rural West java and East Nusa Tenggara

Martinato D

The Graduate School University of The Philippines Los Banos

Magnitude, Determinants, and Indicator of Household Food and Nutrition Security in Rural West Java and East Nusa Tenggara; Indonesia

Martianto D

The Graduate School University of The Philippines Los Banos

Magnessium, Calcium, Strontium and Barium

Lanyon. L.E

Method of Soil Nalysis Pt. 2. Chemical and Microbial Properties 2nd. Ed.

Agronomy series No. 9 American Agronomy Society. Madison

Magnesium requirements of oil palms in Malaysia. 45 years of experimental results

Chan KW

Int. Dev. In Oil Palm.

Inc. Soc Of Planters Kuala Lumpur

Madura Cattle. Sonderdruck aus Zeitschrift fur Teirzuchtung und Zuchtungsbiologie

Payne, W.J.A

Madura Cattle. Sonderdruck aus Zeitschrift fur Teirzuchtung und Zuchtungsbiologie

Madu, teknologi , khasiat & analisa

Winarno FG

Macroinvertebrate Field and Laboratory Methods for Evaluating the Biological Integrity of Surface Waters.

Klemm, D.J. Philip



Ghalia Indonesia, Jkt Macroinvertebrate Field and Laboratory Methods for Evaluating the Biological Integrity of Surface Waters.

EPA. Washington. DC 256 pp.

Hlm 878 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Macrobrachium rosenbergii culture in Polynesia progress in developing a mass intensive larval rearing in clear water


Macrobrachium rosenbergii culture in Polynesia progress in developing a mass intensive larval rearing in clear water

Proc World Maricult Soc. And Avoult J.W. Lousiana State University, Baton Rouge

Mackerel fisheries in the Malacca Straits. Investigation on the mackerel and scad resources of the Malacca Straits.

Tampubolon, G.H.,

Annexure 4. BOBP/Rep./39 FAOUNDP: p.8-10.

Mackerel fisheries in the Malacca Strait. Jn Investigation on the Mackerel and Scads Resources of the Malacca Straits.

Tampubolon, G.

FAO / UNDP-BOBP/Rep./39 Annex 4

Maching Ruminant Production Systems with Available Resources in The Tropic and Sub-Tropics.

Preston, T. R.

Penambul Book, Armidale, Australia.

Macaranga Thouars

Lim, S. C.

Sosef, M.S.M., L.T. Hong, and S. Prawirohatmodjo (Eds.). Plant Resources of South East Asia No.5(3).Timber trees: Lesserknown timbers.

Macadamia: Cultivation and Physiology critical review in Plant Sciences. 10(5): 441-470.

Nagao, M.A.

Macadamia: Cultivation and Physiology critical review in Plant Sciences. 10(5): 441-470.

Macadamia nuts in Hawaii. History and production

lhiguera, G.T.

Macadamia nuts in Hawaii. History and production

Hawaii Inst. Trop. Agric. Human Resources. Univ of Hawaii. Res. Ext. Ser. 039: 11-73.

Macadamia nut cultivars recommended for Hawaii

Hamilton, R.A.

Macadamia nut cultivars recommended for Hawaii

Hawaii Institute of tropical agriculture and human resources. Univ. of Hawaii. Information Text Series 023: 3-7.

Maalah tanaman di tanah gambut

Widjaja Adhi

Puslit Tanah Bogor

Maalah tanaman di tanah gambut

Widjaja Adhi

Puslit Tanah Bogor


Backhuys Publisher, Leiden, p. 340-344.

Hlm 879 dari 1800

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MA STASISTIK Teori & Aplikasi

Supranto, J.

MA STASISTIK Teori & Aplikasi

Eriangnga, Jakarta


Parson, C.

ADM bioproduct decatur IL.

Lysine in poultry nutrition. Lymnology.

Austic, R. E. Goldman, C.R.


Ajinomoto, Co. Inc. Me Graw-Hill International Book Company. Auckland. Tokyo. 464 pp.

L'utilisation des matieres grasesdans les aliment destines aux vollailles comptes rendus de la conference avicole

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Luecaena Promising Forage And Tree Crop For The Tropic

National Academy Of Sciences

Lubrication A Practical Guide to Lubricant Selection

Lansdown, A.R

Lubrication A Practical Guide to Lubricant Selection

Pergamo Press, New York.

Lubrication A Practical Guide to Lubricant Selection

Lansdown, A.R.,

Lubrication A Practical Guide to Lubricant Selection

Pergamo Press, New York

Luas perkebunan kelapa sawit di Indonesia.

Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan.

Luas perkebunan kelapa sawit di Indonesia.

Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta.

Luas panen, rata-rata hasil, dan produksi tanaman pangan & hortikultura di Indonesia th 1999

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Luas panen, rata-rata hasil, dan produksi tanaman pangan & hortikultura di Indonesia th 1999

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Luas panen, rata-rata hasil dan produksi tanaman Hortikultura di Indonesia.


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Luas panen, rata-rata hasil dan produksi tanaman hortikultura di Indonesia tahun 1990

Direktorat Bina Produksi Tanaman Pangan


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Luas panen, rata-rata hasil dan produksi tanaman hortikultura di Indonesia tahun 1990

Direktorat Jenderal Pertanian Tanaman Pangan, Jakarta

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Luas Panen, Rata-rata Hasil dan Produksi Hortikultura (Sayuran dan Buah-buahan)

Napitupulu, T.E.M.

Luas Panen, Rata-rata Hasil dan Produksi Hortikultura (Sayuran dan Buah-buahan)

Direktorat Bina Program. Direktorat Jenderal Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura, Jakarta.

Luas Panen, Ratarata dan Produksi Tanaman Hortikultura di Indonesia.

Direktorat Bina Program Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura, Jakarta.

Luas Lahan Menurut Penggunaannya di Luar P. Jawa

Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta.

Luas Panen, Ratarata dan Produksi Tanaman Hortikultura di Indonesia. Luas Lahan Menurut Penggunaannya di Luar P. Jawa

Biro Pusat Statistik

Luas Lahan Menurut Penggunaan di Propinsi Lampung


Luas dan Sebaran Lahan Kering diWilayah Pabrik-Pabrik di Jawa serta Implikasinya


Prosiding Seminar Budi Daya Tebu Lahan Kering

P3GI, Pasuruan

Low-temperature Preservation of Foods and Living Matter

Fennema, O.R.

Low-temperature Preservation of Foods and Living Matter

Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.

Lowland and highland in Java from the viewpoint of vegetable production

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Data Bank LEHRI-ATA 395, Information system for Location of Vegetable Production in Indonesia

Internal Communication LEHRI-ATA

Low Salt Fermentation Method for Conserving Fresh Waste Under South East Condition.

Stanton, W.R.

Low Salt Fermentation Method for Conserving Fresh Waste Under South East Condition.

Malaysian Agriculture Research and Development Institute Malaysia.

Low Salt Fermentation Method for Conser-ving Fresh Waste Under South East Condition.

Stanton, W.R.,

Low Salt Fermentation Method for Conserving Fresh Waste Under South East Condition.

Stanton, W.R.

Low Salt Fermentation Method for Conserving Fresh Waste Under South East Condition.

Malaysian Agriculture Research and Development Institute Malaysia,

Low pH and Lactate are Necessary for Conversion of Prepediocin to Pediocin AcH in Pedioceccus acidilactici H

Johnson, M.C

Program of the 92nd General Meeting of Am. Soc. For Microbiology

New Orleans, LA



Malaysian Agriculture Research and Development Institute. Malaysia

Hlm 881 dari 1800

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Low Input Technology For Managing Oxisol and Ultisol In Tropical America


Advantes in Agronomy

Low Input Technology for Managing Oxisols and Ultisol In Tropical America

Sanchez. P.A

Advances in Agronomy

Losses in Agriculture

U.S. Dept. Of Agriculture

U.S. Departement of Agriculture Handbook

Looging : The principle and Methode of Harvesting Timber in The United States and Canada

Brown N.C

John Willey & Sons. Inc. New York

Long-term Productivity of Sumatra Thin-Tail and Virgin Island Crossbreed Ewes at Sei Putih, North Sumatra.

Gatenby, R. M.

SR-CRSP Working Paper, No. 142.

Sungai Putih, Sumatera Utara.

Long Vegetable Fibre Development in South Vietnam and Other Asian Countries

Dempsey, J.M.

Long Vegetable Fibre Development in South Vietnam and Other Asian Countries


Long vegetable fiber Development in south Vietnam and other Asian Country

Dempsey JM

Long Therms Shanges in Behavior Malayan Primate.

Chivers, D. J.

Long Therms Shanges in Behavior Malayan Primate.

Plenum Press, New York.

Long -tailed Macaques

Aldrich-Blake, F.P.G.

Malayan Fo-rest Primates. Ten Years Studi in Tropical Rain Forest

Plenum Press. NewYork

Long and Short term recurrent selection in finite populationschoice of population size

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FT Corbin (Ed) World Soybean Research Conference II : Proceeding.

Westview Press. Boulder, CO

Long Acting Injectible Contraceptives

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Academic Press. London.

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Lombok Barat dalam Angka


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Lokasi pengembangan dan pemanfaatan tanaman hortikultura unggulan propinsi Jambi.

Jambi ekspres

Lokasi dan Luas Lahan Kritis pada SWP DAS Prioritas sebagai Sasaran Rehabilitasi Lahan dan Konservasi Tanah dalam Repelita V

Lokasi dan Luas Lahan Kritis pada SWP DAS Prioritas sebagai Sasaran Rehabilitasi Lahan dan Konservasi Tanah dalam Repelita V

Lokakarya Ilmu dan teknologi daging

Sekretariat Tim Pembina Penghijauan dan Reboisasi Tk. Pusat, Ditjen. Reboisasi dan Rehabilitasi Lahan. Fakultas peternakan Institut Pertanian Bogor dan The University of New England. IPB. Bogor

Lohmarin Broiler Management Program

Lohmann Tierzucht GmbH

Lohmann Cuxhaven. Am Seedeicn 9-11

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Logistic Regression: A SeffLearning Text.

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Logistic Regression: A SeffLearning Text.

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Logistic Regression

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A.Self Learning Text

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John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.

Logging Transportation, The Principles and Methods of Log Transportation in The United States and Canada


Logging Practices



John Willey & Sons, Inc. New York

Principles Of Timber Harvesting System

Miller Freeman Publication.Inc. USA

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Logging Practice - Principles of Timber Harvesting Systems.


Miller Freeman Publications.Inc. California

Logging and Pulpwood Production


The Ronald Press Company. New York

Logging and log transportation in tropical high forest. F


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Logging and environment, with particular reference to soil and stream protection in tropical rainforest situations.

Gilmoure, D.A.

Guidelines for watershed management,

Logging : Areal Log. Transport in Man Made Forest In Developing Contries


Logam dalam Sistem Biologi Makhluk Hidup


Logam dalam Sistem Biologi Makhluk Hidup

Universitas Indonesia (UI. Prees), Jakarta

Logam Dalam Sistem Biologi Mahluk Hidup.


Logam Dalam Sistem Biologi Mahluk Hidup.

Penerbit Universitas Indonesia (UI Press), Jakarta. P. 87-99.

Locusts and Grass Hoppers (Acridoidae) as Pests Of Sugar Cane


Pests of Sugarcane Ed. J.R. William et.Al

Elsevier Publ.Co.NewYork

Localizea Irrigation

Vermeiren, L

Localizea Irrigation

Food Agriculture Organization of The United Nations. Rome Italy

Localization of a cytochrome P450 isozyme (Cytochrome P450 PB-B) and NADPHcytochrome P-450 reductase inrat nasai mucosa

Voight, J.M

Cancer Lett

Local Organizations : Intermediaries in Rural Development

Esman Milton. J

Cornell University Press. USA

Local Organization For Social Development : Concepts and Cases of Irrigation Organization

Freeman David. M

Westview Press. San Francisco

Local management of fisheries resources in Indonesia: opportunities and constraints.

Bailey, C.


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FAO. UN. Rome, p: 223235.

Yayasan Pembina Fakultas Kehutanan UGM Yogyakarta

In Pollnac, R.B., C. Bailey and A. Poernomo, Contributions to Fishery Development Policy in Indonesia,

Central Research Institute for Fisheries, Jakarta, Indonesia, p 3856

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Local Institutional Development : an Analytical Sourcebook With Cases

Uphoff Norman

Local institution and participation for sustainable development.

Uphoff, N.

International institute for Environment and development.

International institute for Environment and development.

Local and systemic signalling during a plant defence response

Bowles, D.

Local and systemic signalling during a plant defence response

Cambridge University Press, Birmingham

Loca/ Common Names of Indonesian Fishes.

Schuster, W.H.

Loca/ Common Names of Indonesian Fishes.

W. Van. Hoeve Bandung, 's-Gravenhage. 276 pp.

lntegrated Production System. Management, Analysis, Design

Bedworth. D. D

lntegrated Production System. Management, Analysis, Design

John Wiley and Son, New York

lnsektisida Pengendalian Hama Tanaman.


lnsektisida Pengendalian Hama Tanaman.

P. Angkasa, Bandung.

L-Lysine Production in Continous Culture of an LLysine Hyperproducing Mutant of Corynecac-terium glutamicum. Appl. Microbio

Hirao, T

L-Lysine Production in Continous Culture of an L-Lysine Hyperproducing Mutant of Corynecac-terium glutamicum. Appl. Microbio



Nakayama, K.

Blanch, W.H., Drew, S., and Wang, C.I.D. (eds.) Comprehension Biotechnology. The Principles, Applications and Regulations of Biotechnology, Industry, Agriculture and Medicine. P 607

Pergamon Press Ltd., England.

llmu Usahatani dan Penelitian Pengembangan Petani Kecil


llmu Usahatani dan Penelitian Pengembangan Petani Kecil

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llmu Usaha Tani.

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llmu Usaha Tani dan Penelitian untuk Pengembangan Petani Kecil.

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llmu Usaha Tani dan Penelitian untuk Pengembangan Petani Kecil.

Penerbit Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta. 162 pp.


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Penerbit Kumari Press. USA

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Penerbit BPFE Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarata

llmu Usaha tani


llmu Usaha tani

PT Penebar Swada ya. Jakarta

llmu Usaha tani

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llmu Usaha tani

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta

llmu Unggas Air

Srigandono, B

llmu Unggas Air

Universitas Gajah Mada. Yogyakarta

llmu Unggas Air

Srigandono, B

llmu Unggas Air

Gadjahmada University Press. Yogyakarta

llmu ternak Itik

Samosir. D.J

llmu ternak Itik. Cet. 11

PT. Gramedia. Jakarta.

llmu Teknologi Daging


llmu Teknologi Daging

Gadjah Mada University Press Yogyakarta.

llmu Tanah. Edisi Revisi

Hardjowigeno, S

llmu Tanah. Edisi Revisi

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llmu Tanah. Diterjemahkan oleh: Soegiman.

Buckman, H.O.

llmu Tanah. Diterjemahkan oleh: Soegiman.

Bharatara Karya Aksara, Jakarta. 926 pp.

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Buckman, H.O.

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Remaja Rosda Karya. Bandung

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Hardjowigeno, S.

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Mediayatama Sarana perkasa, Jakrta

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Batara Karya Aksara, Bandung

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llmu Tanah

PT. Mediyatama Sarana Perkasa. Jakarta

llmu Sistem (ed. 2), llmu Seni Menjual (Salesmanship).

Eriyatno Winardi.

llmu Sistem (ed. 2), llmu Seni Menjual (Salesmanship).

IPB Press, Bogor Bandung Nova.


Batara Karya Aksara, Jakarta

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llmu Reproduksi Hewan. Fakultas Kedok-teran Hewan IPB

Partodiharajo, S

llmu Reproduksi Hewan. Fakultas Kedok-teran Hewan IPB

Penerbit Mutiara Sumber Widya. Jakarta

llmu Reproduksi Hewan

Partodiharajo, S.

llmu Reproduksi Hewan

Penerbit Mutiara Sumber Widya. Jakarta.

llmu Penyakit Tumbuhan

Sastrahidayat, I.R.

llmu Penyakit Tumbuhan

Penerbit Usaha Nasional, Surabaya

llmu Penyakit Tumbuhan

Sastrahidajat, I.R.

llmu Penyakit Tumbuhan

Penerbit Usaha Nasional Surabaya

llmu Pangan. Terjemahan. H. Purnomo dan Adiono

Buckle, K. A.

llmu Pangan. Terjemahan. H. Purnomo dan Adiono

Penerbit Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta.

llmu Pangan. Terjemahan oleh Hari Purnomo dan Adiono.

Buckle, K.A.,

llmu Pangan. Terjemahan oleh Hari Purnomo dan Adiono.

U.I. Press. Jakarta.

llmu Pangan Terjemahan oleh Pumomo, H. dan Adiono

Buckle, K.A.,

llmu Pangan Terjemahan oleh Pumomo, H. dan Adiono

Universitas Indonesia. Jakarta

llmu Pangan (Terjemahan) llmu Pangan

Buckle, K.A Buckle, K.A.

llmu Pangan (Terjemahan) llmu Pangan

Ul-Pres. Jakarta. Unversitas Indonesia Press, Jakarta .

llmu Pangan llmu Nutrisi Unggas

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UI-Press. Jakarta. Cetakan Kedua. Gajah Mada University Press, Yogjakarta,

llmu Nutrisi Unggas

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Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

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Wahyu, J

llmu nutrisi unggas

Gajah Mada University Press, Jogjakarta

llmu nutrisi unggas

Wahyu, J.

llmu nutrisi unggas

Gajah Mada University Press, Jogjakarta

llmu Nutrisi Unggas

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llmu Nutrisi Unggas

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

llmu Nutrisi Unggas

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llmu Nutrisi Unggas

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

llmu Nutrisi Unggas

Wahyu J.

llmu Nutrisi Unggas

Gadjah MadaUniversity Press. Yogyakarta

llmu Nutrisi dan Makanan Temak

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llmu Makanan Ternak Unggas

Anggorodi, R.

llmu Makanan Ternak Unggas

Ul-Press, Jakarta.

llmu makanan ternak umum

Anggorodi, R

llmu makanan ternak umum

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta

llmu makanan ternak umum

Anggorodi, R

llmu makanan ternak umum

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta

llmu Makanan Ternak Umum

Anggorodi, R

llmu Makanan Ternak Umum

PT. Gramedia. Jakarta.

llmu Makanan Ternak Dasar

Tillman, A.D.,

llmu Makanan Ternak Dasar

Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Gadjah Mada. Yogyakarta

llmu Makanan Temak Ruminansia.

Chuzaemi, S

llmu Makanan Temak Ruminansia.

Fakultas Petemakan Universitas Brawijaya. Malang

llmu Makanan Temak Dasar


llmu Makanan Temak Dasar

PT. Gramedia. Jakarta

llmu Kimia Analitik Dasar

Harjadi W

llmu Kimia Analitik Dasar

Penerbit PT. Gramedia Jakarta

llmu Kesuburan Tanah

Leiwakabessy, F.M.


Jurusan llmu Tanah Fakultas Pertanian IPB. Bogor

llmu Kemajiran pada Ternak Sapi. Edisi Pertama

Toelihere, M.R.

llmu Kemajiran pada Ternak Sapi. Edisi Pertama

Institut Pertanian Bogor.

llmu Gulma Dasar

Soejono, A.T

llmu Gulma Dasar

Pendidikan D1 PHT UGM Yogyakarta.

llmu Gulma Dalam Sistem Pertanian


llmu Gulma Dalam Sistem Pertanian

Rajawali Pers , Jakarta

llmu Gulma Dalam Sistem Pertanian


llmu Gulma Dalam Sistem Pertanian

Rajawali Press. Jakarta.

llmu dan Teknologi Daging


Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Gajah Mada

Gajah Mada University Press. Yokyakarta.

llmu dan tehnologi Daging


llmu dan tehnologi Daging

Gadjah Mada Universrty Press.

llmu Tanah

Buckman, H.O

llmu Tanah

Bihatara karya Aksara, Jakarta

llmu Gizi Ruminansia. LUW


llmu Gizi Ruminansia. LUW

Universitas Brawijaya. Malang

Living, an introduction biology.

Stanley, M.

Living with Your Neighbours. Living Nutrition

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Addison Wesley Publishing Company, London. Poultry Digest, March 1981. Living Nutrition

John Wiley & Sons, New York.

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Livestockfeeds and feeding. 4th ed.

Church, D. C.

Livestock to 2020 the next food revolution

Delgado, C.

Livestock sub-sectors: review, Indonesia: Kampung chickens.

Diwyanto, K.

Livestock statistical pocket book

Judul Buku

Penerbit O and B Book Inc., Oregon

IFRI, FAO, ILRI FAO, Rome (in press).

Livestock statistical pocket book

Directorate General of Livestock Services, Jakarta.

Livestock Poultry Production Practice.

Singh, H

Livestock Pocket Book. Livestock Nutrition in Indonesia.

Anonimous. Muller, Z. O.

Livestock nutrition in Indonesia.

Muller, Z. O.

United nation development program. Food agriculture organization united nation, Rome.

Livestock Feeds and Feeding. 4th ed.

Church, D. C.

O and B Book Inc., Oregon

Livestock Feeds and Feeding.

Church, D. C.

Oxford Press, Oregon.

Livestock Feeds and Feeding.

Church, D. C.

O and B Book Inc., Oregon.

Livestock feeds and feeding. Livestock And Poultry Production. Third Edition

Church, D. C. Bundy. C. E

O & B Book Inc. USA.

Livestock and poultry production 12th ed.

Bundy, C. E.

Livestock and Poultry Production


Prenttice-Hall of India New Delhi

Live, attenuated Dengue vaccine. Approaches to vaccine development

Bhamarapratavi, N

Vaccine development against Dengue and Japanese encephalitis: WHO flavivirus meeting in conjunction with the International Congress of Virology, Tel Aviv, Israel.

Lithium, Sodium and Potassium

Knudsen. D

Methods of Soil Analysis Pt. 2 Chemical and Microbial Properties 2nd. Ed.


Hal of Indoa Private Limited. New Delhi, India DGLS, Jakarta, 1996. FAO of The United Nations, Rome.

Prentice Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs. New York Lea and Fabiger, Philadelphia

Agronomy series No. 9 American Agronomy Society. Madison

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List of tree species, collected in Timor (Lesser Sunda islands).

Hidelbrand, F. H

Report of the Forest Research Institute No. 60. Bogor

Forest Research Institute No. 60. Bogor

List of tree and shrub names from Timor

Drees, E. M

Indonesian. Report of the Forest Research Institute No. 33. Bogor.

Forest Research Institute No. 33. Bogor.

List of CITES Species.


List of CITES Species.

Direktorat Jenderal Perlmdungan Hutan dan Pelestarian Alam, Dept. Kehutanan dan Perkebunan, Jakarta.

List of CITES Species


List of CITES Species

Direktorat Jenderal Perlindungan Hutan dan Pelestarian Alam. Jakarta.

LISREL 7 User's Reference Guide, Moorescille

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Liquifaction of Wood Without a Catalyst III.Resinification of the Liquefied Wood water-Soluble Phenolic Resin Adhesives


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Liquifaction of Wood in Phenol and Its Application to Adhesives


USDA Forest Service, Southerm Fprest Experient Station and Japan Wood Research Society Settle Washington

Liquid Chromatographic Analysis of Amino Acids in Feeds and Foods using a Modification of Pico-Tag Method (Revision).


Liquid Chromatographic Analysis of Amino Acids in Feeds and Foods using a Modification of Pico-Tag Method (Revision).

Milipore Corporation. 10 pp.

Lippincot's Illustrated Review

Champe. P.C

Biochemistry 2nd Ed.

J.B. Lippincot Co. Philadelphia

LipozymeR IM


Novo Nordisk A/S, Novo Alle, Bagsuaerd, Denmark

Novo Nordisk A/S, Novo Alle, Bagsuaerd, Denmark

Lipolytic enzymes

Brockerhoff, H.,

Lipolytic enzymes

Academie Press, New York

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Lipids of Thermoplasma, him. 396-406

Langworthy T.A.


Scientific Software, Inc Forest Research Instute Taipe,Taiwan.ROC

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New York: Academic Press. Hlm 890 dari 1800

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Lipids of Archaebacteria, him. 459-496

Langworthy, T.A.

C.R. Woese & R. Wolfe (ed.). The Bacteria, A Treatise on Structure and Function. Vol. 8

New York: Academic Press.

Lipids in Foods, Chemistry, Biochemistry and Technology. Maxwell, R. (Ed.).

Gunstone, F.D

Lipids in Foods, Chemistry, Biochemistry and Technology. Maxwell, R. (Ed.).

Pergamon Press, Oxford

lipids in foods

Gunstone FD

Pergamon press Oxford UK

Lipids in food Chemistry, biocehmistry and technology,

Gunstone FD

Pergamon Press, Sydney

Lipids and Essential Fatty Acids in the Nutrition of Penaeus monodon Larvae, p. 181. Abstract

Millamena, O.M.

Y. Taki, J.H. Premavera and J.A. Llobrera (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on the Culture of Penaeid Prawn/Shrimp

SEAFDEC, Aquaculture. Dept., lloilo, Philippines.


Nawar, W.W.

O.R. Fennema (ed.) Food Chemistry

Marcel Dekker Inc., New York.

Lipid-protein interaction in insects, him. 295-309

Law, J.H.

M.M. Locke & D.S. Smith (ed.), Insect Biology in the Future

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Lipid requirement

D.J. Lee

Lipid requirement

Fish Nutrition Academy Press, Inc., New York

Lipid oxidation of edible oil

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Food lipids, chemistry, nutrition and biotechnology

Marcel Dekker Inc New York

Lipid metabolism in the rumen.

Harfoot, C. G.

Prog.Lipid Res.

Lipid and their metabolism

Radledge C.

The Yeast, 2nd ed. Vol. 3. ed. Rose A.H. and Harrison J.S. pp.367-455. London and New York: Academic Press.

Lipid and Rumen Digestion

Tamminga. S.,

Rumen Microbial Metabolism and Rummal Digestion., INRA., Paris.

Linmologi, Penuntun Praktikum dan Metode Analisa Kualitas Air.

Hariyadi, S.,

Linmologi, Penuntun Praktikum dan Metode Analisa Kualitas Air.

Linmologi, Pennntiin Praktiknin dan Metode Analisa Kualitas Air.

Hanyadi, S.,


Institut Pertanian Bogor. 30-31. Institut Pertanian Bogor. 30-31.

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Judul Artikel

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Linkages Agriculture & Nutrion Implication Policy and research

Kennedy E

Intern Food Policy Research Inst, Washington, D.C

Linier Regression Methods for Forest Research


USDA Forest service , Forest Product Laboratory, Madison, WIS

Linier Programing, Teori dan Aplikasinya Khususnya dalam Bidang Pertanian


Linguistic Labels for Expressing Fuzzy Preference Relations in Fuzzy Group Decision Making


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IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Sybernetics

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Agriculture Research Service (ARS H-4), USDA.

Least-squares analisis of data with unequal subelass Numbers

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Le Role du zooplancton dans I'alimentation des juveniles de poissons : Approche experimentales in situ dans les herbiens a Zostera marina.

Memoire DESU.Univ. de Montpellier II-Scie. Tech. Du Languedoc

Le rebond de projectiles sphériques : Une methode simple pour déterminer les propriétés superficielles et Ie comportement rhéologique de caoutchouc naturel

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Un equilibrium dynamique. Masson Paris Milan Barcelone. 153-156.

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Laporan tahunan hasil perikanan Kab. Jepara

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Laporan Tahunan Biro Statistik Propinsi Riau, Pekanbaru 246 hal.

Laporan Tahunan Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Peternakan


Laporan Tahunan Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Peternakan

Laporan tahunan 1998/1999 Badan penelitian dan pengembangan pertanian



Departemen Perindustrian Sumatera Barat.

Ujung Pandang

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Peternakan, Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta. Badan penelitian dan pengembangan pertanian

Hlm 904 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Laporan Tahunan 1998

Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Aceh.

Laporan Tahunan 1997/1998

Laporan Tahunan 1997/1998

Laporan tahunan 1997/1998 Laporan tahunan 1997/1998 Laporan Tahunan 1997.

Anonymous, Anonymous,

Laporan Tahunan 1995. Dinas Peternakan Daerah kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur

Dinas Peternakan

Laporan Tahunan 1995. Dinas Peternakan Daerah kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur

Laporan Tahunan 1995. Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Daerah Propinsi Dati I Jawa Timur.


Laporan Tahunan 1995. Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Daerah Propinsi Dati I Jawa Timur.

Laporan Tahunan 1995 Dinas Peternakan Daerah Propinsi Dati I Jawa Timur

Dinas Peternakan

Laporan Tahunan 1995 Dinas Peternakan Daerah Propinsi Dati I Jawa Timur

Dinas Prtanian Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura Tingkat I Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Aceh.

Laporan Tahunan 1994/1995

Laporan Tahunan 1994. Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Daerah Propinsi Dati I Jawa Timur

Laporan Tahunan 1994


Dinas Peternakan Dati II Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara BPTP Sukarami BPTP Sukarami Dinas Prtanian Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura Tingkat I Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Aceh.

Kanwil Departemen Perindustrian Prop. NTB DIPERTA

Laporan Tahunan 1994.

Laporan Tahunan 1994 Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Daerah Propinsi Dati I Jawa Timur.


Laporan Tahunan 1994. Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Daerah Propinsi Dati I Jawa Timur Dinas Perikanan Propinsi Kalimantan Timur, Samarinda.


Laporan Tahunan 1994 Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Daerah Propinsi Dati I Jawa Timur. Pemerintahan Kabupaten Daerah Tingkat II Cirebon

Hlm 905 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Laporan Tahunan 1993. Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Daerah Propinsi Dati I Jawa Timur.


Laporan Tahunan 1993. Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Daerah Propinsi Dati I Jawa Timur.

Laporan Tahunan 1993 Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Daerah Propinsi Dati I Jawa Timur


Laporan Tahunan 1993 Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Daerah Propinsi Dati I Jawa Timur

Laporan Tahunan 1989/1990. Ujung Pandang.

Laporan Tahunan 1989/1990. Ujung Pandang.

Laporan tahunan 1988/1989. Proyek Penelitian Lahan Pasang Surut dan Rawa Swamps-II


Laporan Tahunan 1986/1987. Balihorti. Solok


Laporan Tahunan

Laporan Tahunan




Laporan Tahunan 1986/1987. Balihorti. Solok Laporan Tahunan

Departemen Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Mataram. NTB

Laporan Tahunan

Dinas Peternakan Daerah Tingkat I Sumatera Barat 1995/1996. Padang

Laporan Tahunan

Kantor Dep. Koperasi Kodya, Banjarmasin

Laporan Tahunan

Dinas Perkebunan Tingkat II Aceh Tengah

Laporan survey komoditi buah rambutan segar.

Darmawan, J.

Laporan survey komoditi buah rambutan segar

Darmawan, J

Laporan survey hama dan penyakit serta penggunaan pestisida pada sayuran dataran rendah di Indonesia


PROYEK ATA 395 dan Balit Hortikultura Lembang

Laporan survey hama dan penyakit serta penggunaan pestisida pada sayuran dataran rendah di Indonesia


PROYEK ATA 395 dan Balit Hortikultura Lembang


BPEN Standarisasi buah rambutan dan manggis untuk ekspor


Hlm 906 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Laporan Survey Baseline Ternak Kambing & Domba.

Sabrani, M.

Sr-CRSP dan Balai Penelitian Ternak, Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Peternakan, Bogor.

Laporan Survei Minyak Atsiri

Samosir, M


Sumatera Utara. Medan

Laporan studi pengembangan industri ubi kayu di Brazil

Departemen Perindustrian dan Departemen Pertanian

Laporan serngan tungro di Jateng



Laporan serngan tungro di Jateng



Laporan Praktek Kerja Laporan Pnelitian Penyembuhan Gizi Buruk Pada Anak Balita Dengan Perawatan Di Rumah

Sugiharti Husaini. M

AKS Tarakanita Yk

Laporan pertembakauan tahun 1991

Lembaga tembakau

Lembaga Tembakau Jakarta

Laporan Perkembangan Pencetakan Sawah Baru di Pulau Lombok


Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan NTB

Laporan Peninjauan Serangan Tungro Pada PB 36 Di Daerah Bali

Sam. S

Balittan. Bogor

Laporan Peninjauan Perkebunan Pisang di Philipine dan Taiwan


Laporan Penelitian Studi "Cost Effectiveness Intervensi Zat Gizi Mikro (Intervensi Ioodium)


Laporan pendahuluan hasil penelitian pemanfaatan limbah kelapa sawit


Laporan pencegahan penyebaran hama penggerek buah kakao (PBK) Sumatera Barat.



Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Gizi, Bogor

Pusat Studi Kebijkan Pangan Dan Gizi

IPB, Bogor

Pertemuan Regional dan Gelar Teknologi PBK, Sumatera Barat.

Dinas Perkebunan Sumatera Barat.

Hlm 907 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Laporan pencegahan penyebaran hama penggerek buah Kakao (BPK) Sumatera Barat.


Pertemuan Regional dan Gelar Teknologi PBK, Sumatera Barat.

Dinas Perkebunan Sumatera Barat.

Laporan Penanggulangan Penyakit Surra di Jawa Timur


Dinas Peternakan Daerah Propinsi Daerah Tingkat 1 Jawa Timur. 1-8.

Laporan Pemantauan Kebiasaan Makan. Jakarta.

Departemen Pertanian

Laporan Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Demonstrasi Usaha Tani Konservasi Daerah Transmigrasi


Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Kab. Dati II Bengkulu Utara

Laporan Latihan Kultur Jaringan di Los Banos dan Davao, Philippines

Widayanti, E.

Sub Balai Penelitian Hortikultura Malang

Laporan kunjungan ke PT Perkebunan Nusantara XIV evaluasi hama kelapa sawit, pemasangan foretrap utk memerangkap O. rhinoceros & pelepasan serangga pemakan gulma Chromolaena odorata.

Prawirosukarto, S

Laporan Kemajuan RUT V : Konservasi Lahan Kering dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Melalui Pola Agribisnis dan Sistem Pertanian Yang Berkelanjutan

Sayuti Rosiyadi

Laporan Kegiatan TIPP Daerah Irigasi Mamak Sumbawa

EX-97173 PPKS


Fakultas Pertanian Unram

Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan NTB

Laporan Kegiatan Pelatihan Petugas TIPP Wilayah Pengairan Mamak Sumbawa

Fakultas Pertanian Unram

Faperta Unram

Laporan Kegiatan Pelatihan Petani TIPP Wilayah Pengairan Sumbawa

Fakultas Pertanian Unram

Faperta Unram


Hlm 908 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Laporan Kegiatan Pelatihan Petani TIPP Wilayah Pengairan Mamak Sumbawa

Yotopaulus. P.A

Judul Buku

Penerbit Faperta Unram

Laporan Kegiatan Analisis Usaha Tani Tahun 1995/1996

Dinas pertanian Tanaman Pangan Tk. I NTB

Laporan kajian teknologi pengendalian penyakit antraknose pada tanaman cabai di wilayah pengamatan Pariaman Kabupaten Padang Pariaman, Padang


Balai proteksi tanaman pangan dan hortikultura II wilayah Sumbar, Riau dan Jambi

Laporan Hasil Pengujian Kombinasi Pupuk NPK Pada Dosis Optimal di NTB


Disa Pertanian Tanaman Pangan NTB

Laporan hasil penelitian uji biologis destilat karet, jati, tusam dan bakau.

Kardinan A.,

Balai Penelitian Rempah dan obat. Bogor.

Laporan Gubernur Kepala Daerah Tk. I Jambi di depan sidang pleno khusus DPRD Propinsi Tk. II Jambi dalam rangka Hari Ulang tahun propinsi daerah Tk. I Jambi XLI, 6 Januari 1998 Laporan Final Survei dan Pemetaan Tanah Tinjau Mendalam Daerah Kerja A Proyek Pengembangan Lahan Gambut Sejuta Hektar untuk Pengembangn Tanaman Pangan di Propinsi Kalimantan tengah Laporan Diskusi Kelestarian Burung Walet, Surabaya 24-26 September.

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian

Suwelo. l.S.,

Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat. Bogor

Direktorat Jenderal Kehutanan, Direktorat Perlindung-an dan Pelestarian Alam. Bogor.

Laporan dinas peternakan kabupaten Sawahlunto/Sijunjung.


Hlm 909 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Laporan Dinas Perikanan Propinsi Jawa Timur

Judul Buku


Dinas Perikanan Propinsi Jawa Timur, Surabaya.

Laporan Akhir Survey Konsumsi Gizi Tahun 1995

Departemen Kesehatan RI

Laporan Akhir Survey Konsumsi Gizi Di Indonesia Tahun 1995

Direktorat Bina Gizi

Laporan Akhir Studi tentang Prospek Perkreditan Kope-rasi.

Anwar, A.,

Laporan Akhir Studi tentang Prospek Perkreditan Kope-rasi.

Kerjasania BPPK Departemen Koperasi dengan Program Pascasarjana Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Laporan Akhir Riset Unggulan Terpadu

Santoso. S.O.

Produksi Sediaan Obat dari Daun Katuk (Sauropus androgynus Merr.) sebagai Obat untuk Meningkatkan Produksi dan Kualitas Air Susu Ibu (ASI). Fakultas Kedokteran UI. lOhhn.

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat. Jakarta.

Program Penelitian dan Peningkatan Pendayagunaan Sumber Daya Iklim Guna Menunjang Pengembangan Pertanian. hlm. 150-163.

Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat, Bogor.

Laporan Akhir Penelitian Analisis Peubah Iklim dan Pengembangan Metode Prakiraan Iklim untuk Mengantisipasi Penyimpangan Iklim

Direktorat Jendral Bina Gizi Masyarakat, Jakarta

Laporan Akhir Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Proyek Pengembangan Ekonomi Lokal Kabupaten Bima


Laporan Akhir Konsumsi Gizi Tahun 1995.

Departemen Kesehatan RI

Direktorat Jendral Pembinaan Kesehatan, Direktorat Bina Gizi, Jakarta

Laporan Akhir Konsumsi Gizi Tahun 1995

Depkes R.I

Direktorat Bina Gizi Masyarakat dan Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Gizi

Lapora tahunan 2000

Dinas Peternakan Prop Jateng

Lap. Tahunan. Diperta Pangan Tk. I Sulsel. Ujung Pandang

Diperta Pangan Tk I Sulsel


Bappeda Kab. Bima

Depkes R.I, Jakarta

Dinas peternakan prop Jateng, Ungaran

Hlm 910 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Lap. Tahunan 1996/97.

Badan Litbang Kehutanan

Dep. Kehutanan. Badan Litbang Kehutanan. Jakarta

Lap. Pengkajian SUP sapi potong TA 1998/1999

Nuschati U

Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP) Ungaran

Lap Tahunan


Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Propinsi Maluku

Lap rekomendasi pemupuukan tanaman kelapa sawit menghasilkan Ex No 0105, 0111, 0139, 0141, 0156, 0157, 0166, 0194, dan 0195


Lap rekomendasi pemupuukan tanaman kelapa sawit menghasilkan Ex No 00106, 00116, 0024, 0042


Langkah-langkah Antisipasi untuk mengatsi kelangkaan Pupuk Fosfat


Langkah-langkah antisipasi untuk mengatasi kelangkaan pupuk fosfat pada MT 19951996


Langkah-langkah antisipasi untuk mengatasi kelangkaan pupuk fosfat pada MT 1995/1996


Langkah-langkah antisipasi untuk mengatasi kelangkaan pupuk fosfat pada MT 1995/1996


Langkah-langkah antisipasi untuk mengatasi kelangkaan pupuk fosfat pada MT 1995/1996


Langkah-langkah antisipasi untuk mengatasi kelangkaan pupuk fosfat pada MT 1995/1996



Judul Buku



Puslittanah dan agroklimat, Bogor

Hlm 911 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Langkah-langkah antisipasi untuk mengatasi Kelangkaan Pupuk fosfat


Langkah-langkah antisipasi untuk mengatasi Kelangkaan Pupuk fosfat


Langkah-langkah antisipasi untuk mengatasi kelanggkaan pupuk Fosfat pada MT.


Langkah -langkah antisipasi kelangkaan pupuk fospat pada MT. 1995/1996


Langkah -langkah antisipasi kelangkaan pupuk fospat pada MT. 1995/1996

Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agrioklimat, Bogor.

Langkah Kerja Melakukan Negoisasi Kemitraan dalam Temu Usaha Agribisnis

Marwey, R. D

Agribisnis Development Project. Jakarta

Landw land-Use Analysis for Spatial Planning. Mangrove Rehabilitation and Management Project in Sulawesi

Schaumloffel, E Abdul Sobur AS

Landw land-Use Analysis for Spatial Planning. Mangrove Rehabilitation and Management Project in Sulawesi

Forsch Asian Development Bank, Manila, The Philippines.

Landscape ecology of Ujung Kulon (West Java, Indonesia

Hommel, P. W. F. M

Landscape ecology of Ujung Kulon (West Java, Indonesia

Privately Published, Wageningen

Landscape Architecture

Simonds, JO

Landscape Architecture

Mc. Graw-Hill Book CO. New York

Landliche EnwicklungEinleitfaden zur Konzeption, Planung, und Durchfuhrung artmutsorientierter Entwicklungsprojekte.

Fisher, K.M.

Landliche EnwicklungEinleitfaden zur Konzeption, Planung, und Durchfuhrung artmutsorientierter Entwicklungsprojekte.


Landbouw en welvaart in het regenschap pasoeroean.

de Vries, E.

Bijdrage tot de Kennis van de sociale economie van java. Dalam: Lanbouw. Buitenzorg.

Landasan Ilmu Nutrisi. Jilid I. Dept. Ilmu Makanan Temak.

Sutardi, T.

Landasan Ilmu Nutrisi. Jilid I. Dept. Ilmu Makanan Temak.

Fakultas Petemakan, IPB. Bogor.

Landasan ilmu nutrisi. Jilid I.

Sutardi T

Departemen Ilmu Makanan Ternak.

Fak. Peternakan IPB

Landasan Ilmu Nutrisi.

Sutardi, T.

Landasan Ilmu Nutrisi.

Diktat Jilid I. Departemen Ilmu Makanan Ternak. Fakultas Peternakan. IPB. Bogor.


Hlm 912 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Landasan Ilmu Nutrisi.

Sutardi, T.

Landasan Ilmu Nutrisi.

Departemen llmu Makanan Ternak, Fak. Peternakan IPB, Bogor

Landasan Ilmu Nutrisi Ternak.

Sutardi, T.

Departemen Ilmu Makanan Ternak Fak. Peternakan, IPB, Bogor.

Landasan ilmu nutrisi I

Sutardi T

Dep Ilmu Makanan Ternak Fak Peternakan IPB

Landasan Ilmu Nutrisi

Sutardi, T.

Fakultas Perternakan Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Landasan Ilmu Nutrisi

Sutardi, T.

Landasan Ilmu Nutrisi

Dep. Ilmu Makanan Ternak, Fak. Peternakan, Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Landasan ilmu nutrisi

Sutardi, T.

Landasan ilmu nutrisi

Fakultas Peternakan IPB, Bogor.

Landasan Ekonometrika

Ananta, A.

Penerbit Gramedia, Jakarta

Landasan ekonometrika Land use System Analysis

Ananta A Driessen, P.M.

Gramedia Jkt

Land Use And Cover Changes in a Hilly Area of South Sumatera, Indonesia (From 1970 to 1990)


Soil Sci. Plant Nutr

Land Unit Classification for The Reconnaissance Soil Survey of Sumatra

Buurman. P

Technical Report No. 3 Ver. 2.0. Dec. 1990

Centre for Soil and Agroclimate Research Bogor

Land Unit Classification for The Reconnaissance Soil Survey of Sumatra

Buurman. P

Technical Report No. 3 Ver. 2.0. Dec. 1990

Centre for Soil and Agroclimate Research Bogor

Wageningen Agric. University. INRES Cooperation Between Univ. Brawijaya, Wageningen Agric. Univ and State Univ. Leyden.

Land Suitability For Agricultural and Sivikultural Plants Land Resources Eco-nomics.


LREP II Project. Bogor

Barlowe, R.

Land Resources Eco-nomics.

Engelwood Cliffts, New Jersey.

Hlm 913 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Land Resources Economics (The Economics of Real Estate)

Barlowe. R

Land Resources Appraisai of Bangladesh for Agricultural Development. Report 2.


Agroecological Regions of Bangladesh.pp.212-221.

(Food and Agriculture Organization)

Land Quality Irrigation Development and Cropping Pattern in The Northern High Plains

Lichtenberg. E

American Jounal of Agricultural Economics

AAEA Annual Meeting Lousiana State University

Land Preparation For Rice Soil

De Natta. S.K

Soil and Rice

IRRI. Philippines

Land Evaluation. Part II.

Sys, C.

Rijksuniversiteit-Gent, Belgium.

Land Evaluation.

McRae, S.G.

Clarendon Press. Oxford.

Land Evaluation Part III Crops Requirement. ITC Univ. Ghent. Agric. Publ. No 7.

Sys, C.

Land evaluation part II State University of Ghent belgium

Sys C

Land Evaluation for Estates Crop in Indonesia, criteria for rubber, Oil Palm, coconut, cocoa and tea cultivation.

De Boer MWH

Land Evaluation for Agricultural Use of Aceh Utara and Aceh Tengah ITC Team

Land Evaluation and Land (Scape) Science. 2nd ed.

Zonneveld. I.S

Land evaluation and farming systems analysis for land use planning.

Fresco, O.L.

Land Evaluation

Rossiter, D. G.

Penerbit Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs. New Jersey

Land Evaluation Part III Crops Requirement. ITC Univ. Ghent. Agric. Publ. No 7.

directorate general of estate government of Indonesia Sumatera Indonesia Vol. II

Land Evaluation for Agricultur Use of Aceh Utara and Aceh Tengah (DPA III ) Sumatera Indonesia.


Judul Buku

International Institut for Aerial Survey and Eart Sciences. Enschede International Institute for Aerial Survey and Earth Science.

ITC Textbook of Photo Interpretation. Vol. VII Chapter VII.4

ITC. Enschede, Netherlands

Lecture Note, SCAS Teaching Series T94-1, Comell University.

Hlm 914 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Land Degradation in Indonesia : Data collection and analysis. In : The collection and Analysis of land Degradation Data


Report of the Expert Consultation of the Asian Network on Problem Soils

FAO. The United Nations. Bangkok, Thailand

Land degradation in indnesia : Data collecting and analysis


Regional Office for Asia and the Pasifik

FAO of the Untied Nations, Bangkok

Land Degradation : Development and Breakdown of Terrestrial Environments.

Barroe, C.J

University Press, Canbridge.

Land Degradation : Development and Breakdown of Terestrial Environments

Barrow, C.J

Cambridge Univ. Press. Cambridge. New York

Land Conservation 011 Imperata Grassland in Indonesia, a Historical Review

Gunawan, M.

Canberra, CRES, AND, Imperata Project Paper 1996.

Land Clearing Use of The Humid Tropical

Ghuman. B.S

Soil Physical Properties

Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J

Land and Water Management For Crop Production on Rainfed Vertisol and Associated Soil

Verma. G.P

Classification Management And Use Potential Of Swell-Srink Soils

A.A. Balkema. Rotterdam

Bidang Pertanian, BPS-Propinsi Lampung.

C.V. Januari

Lampu merah untuk Hutan Indonesia, Menuju Kelestarian Hutan

yayasan Obor Indonesia

Lake and reservoir restoration guidance manual

United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington DC.

Lampung Dalam Angka Lampu merah untuk Hutan Indonesia, Menuju Kelestarian Hutan

Lubis, M

Lake Toba watershed. Province of North Sumatera Indonesia. Assessment of enviromental degradion and recommendations for the implementation of necessary land use changes.


Lake and reservoir restoration management techniques

D. Cooke


Hlm 915 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Lake and reservoir restoration guidance manual 2nd Edition

H. Olem

Lake and reservoir restoration guidance manual 2nd Edition

N. Am. Lake Manage. Soc. For US Environment Prot.Agency, Washington D.C.

Laju Perumbuhan Mikroba Rumen dalam kaitannya dengan kemanfaatan Biologis Pakan.

Hendratno, C.

Lahan untuk perluasan pertanian dan usaha melestarikan kesuburan tanah.

Soepardi, G.

Lahan Kritis dan Cara Rehabilitasinya

Suwardjo. H

Puslttanak. Bogor

Lahan : Sumber Alam Serba Gatra Dan Lingkungan Hidup Manusia

Notohadprawiro. T

Departemen Ilmu Tanah Fakultas Pertanian UGM

Ladder edition Getting Agriculture Moving

Mosher AT

Lada, budidaya dan tataniaganya


Lada, budidaya dan tataniaganya

Lada Putih. Standar Nasional Indonesia, SNI 01-0004-1995.


Lada Putih. Standar Nasional Indonesia, SNI 01-0004-1995.

Lada Putih Bubuk. Standar Nasional Indonesia, SNI 013717-1995.


Lada Putih Bubuk. Standar Nasional Indonesia, SNI 01-37171995.

Lada Hitam. Standar Nasional Indonesia, SNI 01-0005-1995.


Lada Hitam. Standar Nasional Indonesia, SNI 01-0005-1995.

Lada Hitam Bubuk. Standar Nasional Indonesia, SNI 013716-1995.


Lada Hitam Bubuk. Standar Nasional Indonesia, SNI 01-37161995.

Lada (Piper nigrum L.) Pedoman Pengendalian Hama Terpadu Tanaman Perkebunan.

Mustika, I.

Lada (Piper nigrum L.) Pedoman Pengendalian Hama Terpadu Tanaman Perke-bunan.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Industri, Bogor.




C.V. Yasaguna Jakarta.



Microbiologi di Indonesia.

Pros. Kongres Mikrobiologi, Bogor.

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.

Hlm 916 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


L'activite des bacteries nitrifiantes dans i'aire marine du panache Rhodanien el dans l'eau et Ie sediment de l'ocean Austral (mission Antares l)


L'activite des bacteries nitrifiantes dans i'aire marine du panache Rhodanien el dans l'eau et Ie sediment de l'ocean Austral (mission Antares l)

Universite AixMarseille II. 132p.

Lactic acid of the world unite. In: Lactic acid bacteria

Carr. J.G

Beverages and Food

Academic Press. London

Lactic acid bacteria; current advances in metabolism, genetics and applications

Bozoglu, T. F.

Lactic acid bacteria in marinated herring, in Lactic Acid Bacteria

Blood. R.M.

Beverages and Food

Academic Press. London

Lactic acid bacteria in contemporary perspective. In : The genera of lactic acid bacteria

Holzapfel, W.H

The genera of lactic acid bacteria

Blackie Academie and Professional, London

Lactic acid bacteria : classification and physiology

Axellsson, L.

Lactic Acid Bacteria, Microbiology and Functional Aspects. Salminen, S and A. Wright (eds)

Marcel Dekker Inc. New York.

Lactic Acid bacteria

Stemer J. R

Defigueiredo, M.P. dan D. F. Splittstoesser. Food Microbilogy Public Health and Spoilage Aspect

AVI Publ. Co, Connecticut.

Lactic Acid Bacteria

Salminen, S.

Lactic Acid Bacteria

Marcell Dekker, Inc. New York.

Laboratory work-chemical evaluation of dietary nutrients, him. 179-233

Takeuchi, T.

Watanabe (ed.), Fish Nutrition and Mariculture

Tokyo: Tina's Book Press, Inc.

Laboratory work-chemical evaluation of dietary nutrients , p.179 - 233

Takeuchi T

In: Watanable (ed). Fish nutrion and mariculture

Kanagawa International Fisheries Training Centre.Japan Internatioanl Cooperation Agency ( JICA), Japan

Laboratory work. Chemical evaluation of dietary nutrients, p. 179-233.

Takeuchi, T.

T.Watanabe (Ed.). Fish Nutrition and Mahculture. JICA Textbook The General Aquaculture Cource.

Department of Aquatic Biosciences Tokyo University of Fisheries.

Laboratory Work - Chemical Evaluation of Dietary Nutrition, him. 69

Takcuchi, T.

T. Watanabe (ed.). Fish Nutrition and Mariculture

Japan: JICA.


Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

Hlm 917 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Laboratory Tests for the Assessment of Nutritional Status

Sauberlich, H.E

CRC Press, Boca Raton

Laboratory spawning and mass rearing of the mangrove crab, Scylla serrata Forskal, from first zoea to first crab stage

M.P. Heasman

Laboratory spawning and mass rearing of the mangrove crab, Scylla serrata Forskal, from first zoea to first crab stage


Laboratory protocols CIMMYT. Applied molecular genetics laboratory. 3th ed

Hosington D

Laboratory protocols CIMMYT. Applied molecular genetics laboratory. 3th ed

CIMMYT, El-Batan, Mexico DF

Laboratory Productions of Cattle Embryo

Gordon, I.

Laboratory Productions of Cattle Embryo

Cab. International. The University Press, Cambridge.

Laboratory Production of Cattle Embryos.

Gordon, I.

Biotechnology in Agriculture Series.

CAB International.

Laboratory production of cattle embryos

Gordon, I.

Laboratory Production of Cattle Embryos

Gordon I

Laboratory Production of Cattle Embryos

Cambridge: Cab International Pr.

Laboratory Production of Cattle Embryos

Gordon, I

Laboratory Production of Cattle Embryos

CAB. International Wallingford.

Laboratory Production of Cattle Embryos

Gordon, I.

Ca. International, Cambridge.

Laboratory production of cattle embryos

Cordon l

Laboratory production of cattle embryos

Departement of Animal Science and Production, University Colllege, Dublin, Ireland.

Laboratory' Methods of Soil and Plant Analysis'.A Working Manual.

Okalebo, J.R.

Laboratory' Methods of Soil and Plant Analysis'.A Working Manual.


Laboratory Methods for Work with Plant and Soil Nematode

Southey JF

Univ of Agric. Fisheries and Food , London

Laboratory Methods for The Sensory Evaluation of Food

Larmond E

Canada Departement of Agriculture, Ottawa

Laboratory methods for sensory evaluation of food.

Larmond, E.

Ottawa, Dept. Agriculture Pbl.

Laboratory Methods for Sensory Evaluation of Food

Larmond, E



Cambridge university press, United Kingdom

Laboratory Methods for Sensory Evaluation of Food

Canada Departement of Agriculture

Hlm 918 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Laboratory Methodes for Work with Plant and Soil Nematode.

Southey, J.F

Ministry of Agriculture.

Fisheries and food, London.

Laboratory method of sensory evaluation of food research

Harmond, E.

Canada department of agriculture publication

Laboratory manualfor the examination of water, wastewater and soil. 2nd ed.

Rump. H. H.

VCH. Weinheim

Laboratory Manual on Analytical Methods and Procedures of Fish and Fish Products.

Hasegawa, H.

Laboratory Manual on Analytical Methods and Procedures of Fish and Fish Products.

Marine Research Dep. South East Asean Fisheries Development Center. Singapore.

Laboratory Manual of General Ecology. Third Edition,

Cox, G.W.

Laboratory Manual of General Ecology. Third Edition,

W.M. C. Brown Publication Co. Dubuque, Iowa. 232 pp.

Laboratory manual of general ecology. 3rd Edition.

Cox, G. W.

Laboratory manual of general ecology. 3rd Edition.

W.M. Brown Publishing Company. Dubuque, Iowa. 232 pp.

Laboratory Manual of General Ecology.

Cox, G. W.

Laboratory Manual of General Ecology.

W. M C.Brown Co Publ. Dubuque Iowa. 35 pp.

Laboratory Manual of General Ecology

Cox, G. W.

Laboratory Manual of General Ecology

W.M.C. Brown Company Publisher, lowa

Laboratory manual of genera ecology

Cox, G.W.

Laboratory manual of genera ecology. 5th ed.

Wm.C. Brown Publishers. Dubugue. lowa

Laboratory Manual In vitro Fertilization.

Chye, N.S.

Laboratory Manual In vitro Fertilization.

National University of Singapore

Laboratory manual for the examination of water, Waste water and soil. 2nd ed.

Rump. H. H.

Laboratory manual for physiological studies of rice. 3rd ed.

Yoshida, S.,

Laboratory manual for physiological studies of rice. 3rd ed.

Laboratory Manual for Physiological Studies of Rice IRRI.

Yoshida S..

Los Banos, Philippines 83 p.


VHC, Cambridge

International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Philippines.

Hlm 919 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Laboratory Manual for Nutrition Research

Krishna. G

Laboratory Manual for In Vitro Fertilization.

Chye, N. S.

Laboratory Manual for In Vitro Fertilization.

National Umversity of Singapura

Laboratory Manual for Fish Feed Analysis and Fish Nutrition Studies.

Lovell, R.T.

Laboratory Manual for Fish Feed Analysis and Fish Nutrition Studies.

Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures International Center for Aquaculture Auburn University. 65 pp.

Laboratory Manual for Fish Feed Analysis and Fish Nutrition Studies

Lovel, R.T.

Laboratory Manual for Fish Feed Analysis and Fish Nutrition Studies

Alabama: Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures International Center for Aquaculture, Auburn University.

Laboratory instruction in biochemistry. 6th ed.

Kleiner, L. S.

Laboratory handbook for oil & fat analysis

Cocks LV

Laboratory handbook for oil & fat analysis

Laboratory guide in dairy chemistry practicals.

Davide, C. L.

Dairy training and research institute. University of the Philippines. Los Banos. College. Laguna.

Laboratory guide in dairy chemistry practicals

Gomez, I. V.

FAO regional dairy development and training center for asia and the pacific

Laboratory Guide for seed Bacteriology

Vincent, M.N.,

Laboratory Guide for seed Bacteriology

Danish Government Institute for Seed Pathology for Developing Countries. Hellerup

Laboratory guide for plant pathogenic bacteria.

Schaad, N.W.

Laboratory guide for plant pathogenic bacteria.

American Phytopathological Society, St Paul, Minnesota.

Laboratory guide for identification of pathogenic Bacteria-Bacteriology Committee of American Phytopathological Society

Schand, N. W.


Judul Buku

Penerbit Vikas Publishing PVT. Ltd. New Delhi

The CV. Mosby Company, New York. Academic Press london

St, Paul. Minn.

Hlm 920 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Laboratory Experiments in Microbiology 2nd Ed.

Johnson, TR

Laboratory Experiments in Microbiology 2nd Ed.

The Benyamin Comuning Publishing Company Inc. California,

Laboratory Experiment in Microbiology. 3rd. Edition

Johnson, T.R.

Laboratory Experiment in Microbiology. 3rd. Edition

The Benjamin/Cumn-iings Publishing Co., Inc., California.

Laboratory assesment of demage coused by sitophilus spp. And Rhizopertha dominica in stored grains

Moralla- Rejesus B.

In sorgum and millets abstracts C.A.B. April 1982 Vol. 7 No. 1 Abstracts 1-20

Laboratory assesment of demage caused by Sitphilus sp. And Rhizoperta dominica

Morallo - Rejesus, B.

in stored grains in sorgum and miliets abstract CAB April 1982. Vol.7 No. 1 Abstract 1-120.

Laboratorium Fundamentals of Microbiology

Alcamo, I.E.

Laboratorium Fundamentals of Microbiology

Addison-Eesley Publishing Company, Inc., New York 224 p.

Laboratorium Fundamentals of Microbiology

Alcamo, I.E.

Laboratorium Fundamentals of Microbiology

Addison-Eesley Publishing Company, Inc., New York 224 p.

Labor use for small ruminants in three Indonesian villages

Amir, P.

Working Paper #62

Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Support Program

La Function Ovarience Chez Les Mamiferes. Masson Paris

Thibault C

La digestion des amidons par les ruminants et ses consequences.

Sauvant, D.

l Kemungkinan Milk Replacer \ Sebagai Pengganti Air Susu Untuk Pedet PPH asai Boyolali Sampai Umur Tiga Bulan

DjOjowdagdo, S

l Kemungkinan Milk Replacer \ Sebagai Pengganti Air Susu Untuk Pedet PPH asai Boyolali Sampai Umur Tiga Bulan

L etat des connaissance en matieres de nutrition, des bacteries Lactiques

Desmazeaud, M.


Kyai dan Perubahan Sosial, (terjemahan)


Kyai dan Perubahan Sosial, (terjemahan)

P3M, Jakarta.

Kyai dan Perubahan Sosial, (terjemahan)


Kyai dan Perubahan Sosial, (terjemahan)

P3M, Jakarta


INRA Prod. Anim.

Seminar Ruminansia

Hlm 921 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Kyai dan Perubahan Sosial, (terjemahan)

Harukoshi, Hiroko

Kyai dan Perubahan Sosial, (terjemahan)

P3M, Jakarta.

Kyai dan Perubahan Sosial, (terjemahan)

Harukoshi, Hiroko

Kyai dan Perubahan Sosial, (terjemahan)

P3M, Jakarta.

K-value increasing rate and IMPdegradingactivities in various fish muscle

Tomioka, K

K-value increasing rate and IMPdegradingactivities in various fish muscle

Nippong Suisan Gakkaishi

Kursus Singkat " Anibodi Monoklonal'

L. Parede

Kursus Singkat " Anibodi Monoklonal'

Jurusan Farmasi ITB Bandung, 14 Juli 1997

Kupang dan Produk Olahannya

Prayitno, S.

Kupang dan Produk Olahannya

Penerbit Kanisius Yogyakarta

Kunyit. Kunci Taksonomi tanah. Edisi Kedua Bahasa Indonesia 1999

Rukmana, R. Soil Survey Staff


Kanisius, Yogyakarta. Puslit Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian

Kunci Taksonomi Tanah , Edisi Pertama Bahasa Indonesia.

Soil Survey Staff

SMSS Technical Monograph No. 6.

Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat, Bogor.

Kunci Identifikasi Zooplankton

Hutabarat, S.

Kunci Identifikasi Zooplankton

UI-Press. Jakarta.

Kunci Identifikasi zooplankton

Hutabarat, S

Kunci Identifikasi zooplankton

Penerbit Universitas Indonesia

Kunci Determinasi Hama Gudang.

Atmosudirdjo, O.,

Kunci Determinasi Hama Gudang.

Yayasan Pembina Fakultas Pertanian UGM Yogyakarta.

Kunci Determinasi Hama Gudang

Atmosudirdjo, Oe.

Kunci Determinasi Hama Gudang

Yayasan Pembina Fakultas Pertanian UGM

Kunci bercocok tanam tanaman penting di Indonesia (Produksi Hortikultura II).

Sumaryono, H.

Sinar Baru, Bandung.

Kunci bercocok tanam sayursayuran penting di Indonesia.


Sinar Baru, Bandung.

Kunci bercocok tanam sayursayuran penting di Indonesia.

Sunaryono, H.

Kunci Bercocok Tanam Sayuran Penting diIndonesia


Kunci Bercocok Tanam Sayuran Penting di Indonesia.

Sunarjono, H.


Kunci bercocok tanam sayursayuran penting di Indonesia.

Sinar Baru, Bandung. Sinar Baru Bandung

Kunci Bercocok Tanam Sayuran Penting di Indonesia.

Sinar Baru, Jakarta.

Hlm 922 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Kumpulan tulisan penyuluhan pertanian

Reksohadiprojo I

Kumpulan Standard Mutu Hasil Perikanan.

Kumpulan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) Ransum

Ditjen Peternakan

Kumpulan Resep-Resep Makanan


Judul Buku


Kumpulan Standard Mutu Hasil Perikanan.

Balai Bimbingan dan Pengujian Mutu Hasil Perikanan, Ditjen. Perikanan, Jakarta Direktorat Bina Produksi. Deptan Jakarta

Kumpulan Resep-Resep Makanan

PT. Pionir Jaya Bandung.

Kumpulan Petunjuk Praktis Pengujian Hasil Perikanan.

Kumpulan Petunjuk Praktis Pengujian Hasil Perikanan.

Ditjen. Perikanan, Dep. Pertanian

Kumpulan Peraturan Perundangundangan di Bidang Makanan

Edisi III.Jilid I. Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia

Direktorat Jendral Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan .Jakarta

Kumpulan Peraturan Perundang di Bidang Makanan Edisi III

Ditjen POM

Kumpulan Makalah Agribisnis I


Kumpulan hand out kursus singkat proses thermal pangan

Sudarmadji, S.

Kumpulan Desain Alat Tangkap Tradisional.

Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan

Kumpulan Desain Alat Tangkap Tradisional.

Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan, Jakarta. hlm. 32.

Kumpulan Desain Alat Tangkap Tradisional

Rasdanil, M.

Kumpulan Desain Alat Tangkap Tradisional

Balai Pengembangan Penangkapan Ikan, Semarang 76 hal.

Kumpulan buletin informasi P4K tentang teknologi EM.


Buku pintar P4K, seri 34. Badan pendidikan dan latihan pertanian, Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta

Kumpulan Bacaen Penyuluhan Per tanian

Margono Slamet (ed)

Kumpulan Bacaen Penyuluhan Per tanian

Bogor: Institut Pertanian Bogor

Kultur Sel dan Jaringan Hewan

Malole, M.B.M.

Kultur Sel dan Jaringan Hewan

Depdikbud. Dirjen Dikti. Pusat Antar Universitas Bioteknologi. IPB. Bogor.

Kultur Sel dan Jaringan Hewan

Malole MBM


Departemen Kesehatan R.I Kumpulan Makalah Agribisnis I

Bogor: IPB PAU Pangan dan gizi UGM, Yogyakarta

PAU Bioteknologi IPB. Bogor

Hlm 923 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Kultur masal larva udang windu, Peneus monodon dengan pemberian pakan alami


Kultur masal larva udang windu, Peneus monodon dengan pemberian pakan alami

J. Penel. Budidaya Pantai

Kuantifikasi Metabolisme Benih.

Sadjad, S.

Kuantifikasi Metabolisme Benih.

PT. Gransido, Jakarta

Kuantifikasi matabolisme benih

Sadjad S

PT Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia Jakarta

Kuantifikasi matabolisme benih

Sadjad S

PT Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia Jakarta

Kualitas telur

Sudaryani, T.

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Kualitas Telur

Sudaryani T

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Kualitas Gondorukem dari Jawa Tengah dan Perubahannya Selama Penyaringan


Lembaga Penelitian Hasil Hutan Bogor

Kualitas Dadih Susu Sapi yang Dibuat dengan Penambahan Gula Pasir.

Kualitas Dadih Susu Sapi yang Dibuat dengan Penambahan Gula Pasir.

Faterna, Unand

Kualitas buah dan faktor yang mempengaruhi

Anggarwati, W

Kualitas buah dan faktor yang mempengaruhi

Balai Penelitian Hortikultura Malang

Krussen 's Handbook of physical Medicina and Rehabilitation

Justus F. Lehman

Krussen 's Handbook of physical Medicina and Rehabilitation

WB Saunder's, Washington DC.

KromotografiGas:Teori, Peralatan, dan Penerapan dalam Farmasi.

Kline, B.J.

Munson, J.W. (Ed.). Analisis Farmasi Metode Modem. Diterjemahkan oleh: Harjana. ParwaA.

Airlangga University Press, Surabaya. 11: 195. L


Sastromihardjojo. H.


Liberty. Yogyakarta.

Kromatografi gas dalam analisis pangan Petunjuk laboratorium

Fardiaz. D

Kromatografi gas dalam analisis pangan Petunjuk laboratorium

PAU Pangan dan Gizi. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor 196 hlm


Sastrohamidjojo, H.


Liberty, Yogyakarta.




Penerbit Liberty. Yogyakarta.


Hlm 924 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Kriteria Penyusunan Tata Ruang Peternakan

Ditjen Peternakan

Kriteria Penyusunan Tata Ruang Peternakan

Direktorat Pengembangan dan Penyebaran Peternakan, Direktorat Jenderal Peternakan Jakarta.

Kriteria penilaian sifat kimia tanah, Bogor


kriteria penelitian sifat kimia tanah

pusat penelitian tanah

kriteria penelitian sifat kimia tanah

Kriteria Kualitas Air untuk Keperluan Pertanian dan Perikanan

Wardoyo, S.T.

Kriteria Kualitas Air untuk Keperluan Pertanian dan Perikanan

Kriteria kesesuaian tanah dan iklim tanaman pertanian.


Departemen Pertanian.

Kriteria kesesuaian tanah dan iklim tanaman pertanian


Departemen pertanian

Kriteria kesesuaian tanah dan iklim tanaman pertanian


Departemen pertanian

Kriteria Kesesuaian Tanah dan Iklim Tanaman Pertanian


Kriteria Kesesuaian Tanah dan Iklim Tanaman Pertanian

Biro Perencanaan, Departemen Pertanian; Jakarta

Kriteria dan Indikator Keanekaragaman Hayati Hutan untuk pengelolaannya. Ekspose Hasil-hasil Penelitian Kehutanan

Adisoemarto, S.

Kriteria dan Indikator Keanekaragaman Hayati Hutan untuk pengelolaannya. Ekspose Hasil-hasil Penelitian Kehutanan

Balai Penelitian Kehutanan Ujung Pandang, 15-16 Desember 1997.


Hasim, I.,


Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.

Kredit Pedesaan di Indonesia.

Mubyarto, E.S.

Kredit Pedesaan di Indonesia.

BPFE, Yogyakarta.

Kredit Pedesaan di Indonesia.


Kredit Pedesaan di Indonesia.

Badan Penerbit Fakultas Ekonomi, Yogyakarta.

Kredit Pedesaan di Indonesia.

Mubyarto, E.S.

Kredit Pedesaan di Indonesia.

BPFE, Yogyakarta.

kraft lignin recovery: Acid Precipitation versus Ultrafiltration Part I: Laboratory Test Result, Pulp & Paper Canada, 90, 61-71

Uloth VC

Kotamadya Jambi dalam angka 1991.



Pusat penelitian tanah

Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor.

Bappeda Tingkay II Jambi.

Hlm 925 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Korelasi dan analisi.s Regresi Ganda.


Korelasi dan analisi.s Regresi Ganda.

Nur Cahaya. Yogyakarta.

Kopi: Budidaya dan Penanganan Lepas Panen

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Kopi: Budidaya dan Penanganan Lepas Panen Kopi. Budidaya dan penanganan lepas panen


Kopi. Budidaya dan penanganan lepas panen

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Kopi Budidaya dan Penanganan Lepas Panen.

Najiyati, S.

Kopi Budidaya dan Penanganan Lepas Panen.

Penerbit Swadaya, Jakarla.

Kopi Budidaya dan Penanganan Lepas Panen

Najiyati, S.

Kopi Budidaya dan Penanganan Lepas Panen

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta.

Kopi Budidaya dan Penanganan Lepas Panen

Najiyati, Sri

Kopi Budidaya dan Penanganan Lepas Panen

Penebar Swadaya Jakarta

Koperasi Indonesia

Kartasapoetra, S.

Koperasi Indonesia

Bina Aksara, Jakarta.

Koperasi Indonesia

G. Kartasapoetra, dkk.

Koperasi Indonesia

Rineka Cipta, Jakarta.

Koordinasi Strategi Pengembangan Sapi Potong dalam Rangka Kerjasama Salatiga Pertumbuhan


Koordinasi Strategi Pengembangan Sapi Potong dalam Rangka Kerjasama Salatiga Pertumbuhan

Lembaga Penelitian Unand dan Dinas Peternakan Sumatera Barat. Padang

Koordinasi Strategi Pengembangan Sapi Potong Dalam Rangka Kerjasama Pertumbuhan Re-gional

Bachtiar, N dkk

Koordinasi Strategi Pengembangan Sapi Potong Dalam Rangka Kerjasama Pertumbuhan Re-gional

Dinas Petemakan Sumbar dan Lembaga Penelitian Unand. Padang

Konversasi sumber daya tanah dan air ,

Seta, A,K,

Konversasi sumber daya tanah dan air ,

Kalam Mulia. Jakarta.

Kontroversi beras Jepang Bagi Indonesia


Kontrol Terhadap Reaksi Browning dalam Pengolahan Pangan

Koswara, S.

Kontrol Terhadap Reaksi Browning dalam Pengolahan Pangan

PAU Pangan dan Gizi, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor.

Kontrol Kualitas Pakan dan Menyusun Ransurn Ternak

Kamal, M.

Kontrol Kualitas Pakan dan Menyusun Ransurn Ternak

Fakultas Pasca Sarjana Universitas Gadjah Mada. Yogyakarta.

Kontribusi Pendapatan Usahatani Jagung terhadap Pendapatan Keluarga Petani pada Polatanam Tumpangsari di Kecamatan Kawangkoan Kabupaten Minahasa,

Pandjaitan, J.M.,

Kontribusi Pendapatan Usahatani Jagung terhadap Pendapatan Keluarga Petani pada Polatanam Tumpangsari di Kecamatan Kawangkoan Kabupaten Minahasa,

Fakultas Pertanian Unsrat, Manado.


Hlm 926 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Kontribusi genetik sapi bali pada ketunman cross breeding dengan sapi Eropa


Buku Panduan Seminar Nasional. Denpasar, 25-26 Mei 2000. him 14.

Konsumsi Pangan Tingkat Rumah Tangga Sebelum Dan Selama Krisis Ekonomi

Latief. D. Atmarita

Widyakarya Nasional Pangan dan Gizi VII

Konsumsi kedelai

Sudaryanto, T.

B. Amang dan M.H. Sawit (Eds.): Ekonomi Kedelai di Indonesia. hlm. 237-264.

IPB Press, Bogor.

Konsumsi Kedelai Konsumsi Kalori dan Protein Penduduk Indonesia per Propinsi.

Sudaryanto, T.

Ekonomi Kedelai di Indonesia

IPB Press - Bogor BPS, Jakarta.

Konsumsi kalori dan protein penduduk Indonesia dan Propinsi,


Konsumsi Kalori dan Protein Penduduk Indonesia dan Propinsi 1996. Jakarta.

Biro Pusat Statistik

Konsumsi kalori dan protein penduduk Indonesia dan propinsi

Biro Pusat Statistik

BPS Jakarta

Konsumsi Kalori dan Protein Penduduk Indonesia dan Propinsi


Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta

Konsumsi kalori dan protein penduduk indonesia 1996

Biro Pusat Statisik

BPS Jakarta

Konsultasi Pribadi

Wattimena, G.A

Pusat Antar Universitas (PAU IPB)

Konstruksi Sara, Kemajemukan dan Demokrasi

Nugroho, Heri.


Konstruksi Ideologi Gender dalam Ruang Publik Orde Baru. Konsevasi Tanah Dan Air Konsesus Pengelolaan Diabetes Mellitus di Indonesia.



BPS Jakarta

Lab. Bioteknologi dan Selular Tanaman Institut. Institut Pertanian Bogor

Konstruksi Ideologi Gender dalam Ruang Publik Orde Baru. Arsyad. S Perkeni

IPB. Press. Bogor Perkeni, Jakarta.

Hlm 927 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Konservasi Tanah dan Air. Pelaksanaan konservasi lahan, pengapuran dan perlindungan tanaman di daerah transmigrasi Sumatera Barat.

Sinukaban. N.

Konservasi Tanah dan Air. Pelaksanaan konservasi lahan, pengapuran dan perlindungan tanaman di daerah transmigrasi Sumatera Barat.

Direktorat Perluasan Areal Pertanian.

Konservasi Tanah dan Air.

Sarief, E.S

Konservasi Tanah dan Air. Konservasi Tanah dan Air Suatu Rekaman dan Analisa

Arsyad, S., Utomo WH

Konservasi Tanah dan Air Suatu Rekaman dan Analisa

Utomo WH

CV Rajawali Jakarta

Konservasi Tanah dan Air Konservasi Tanah dan Air

Arsyad, S

IPB,. Bogor Penerbit Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB Press).

Konservasi Tanah dan Air


Konservasi Tanah dan Air

Pustaka Buana, Bandung.

Konservasi Tanah dan Air

Sarief, S.

Konservasi Tanah dan Air

Pustaka Buana, Bandung

Konservasi Tanah dan Air

Pustaka Buana, Bandung

Pustaka Buana Bandung. Konservasi Tanah dan Air.

Konservasi Tanah dan Air

Konservasi Tanah dan Air

IPB, Bogor. CV Rajawali Jakarta

Konservasi Tanah dan Air Konservasi Tanah dan Air

Sapoetra, E.S. Sarief Saiffudin

Konservasi Tanah dan Air Konservasi Tanah dan Air

Rineka Cipta, Jakarta Pustaka Buana, Bandung

Konservasi tanah dan Air

Saiffudin Sarief

Konservasi tanah dan Air

Pustaka bUana Bandung

Konservasi tanah dan air

Arsyad, S.

Konservasi tanah dan air

Institut Pertanian Bogor

Konservasi Tanah dan Air

Sarief S

Pustaka Buana Bandung

Konservasi Tanah dan Air Konservasi Tanah dan air

Seta AK Arsyad, S

Kalam Mulia Jakarta Penerbit IPB (IPB Press). Bogor

Konservasi Tanah dan Air

Sarief S

Pustaka Buana Bandung

Konservasi Tanah dan Air Konservasi Sumber Daya Tanah dan Air

Seta AK Seta, A.K.

Kalam Mulia Jakarta Kalam Mulia Jakarta

Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Hayati dan Ekosistemnya



Konservasi Sumber Daya Tanah dan Air Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Hayati dan Ekosistemnya

Biro Humas Sekjen Departemen Kehutanan, Jakarta

Hlm 928 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Konservasi Lahan Kering Dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Melalui Sistem Pertanian dan Pola Agribisnis Yang Berkelanjutan

Sayuti. R.H

Konservasi keanekaragaman hayati Dalam Agenda 21 Indonesia. Strategi Nasional Untuk Konservasi Gigi ( L.Yuwono, penerjemah)

Judul Buku

Penerbit Kantor Menteri Negara Riset dan Teknologi. Dewan Riset Nasional

Konservasi keanekaragaman hayati Dalam Agenda 21 Indonesia. Strategi Nasional Untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan. Eccles J.D

Konservasi alam dan pembangunan Irian Jaya

Widya Medika, Jakarta Konservasi alam dan pembangunan Irian Jaya

Grafitti Press. Jakarta

Konsepsi Pelestarian Plasma Nutfah dengan Biaka In Vitro

Mariska, I

Konsep Standar Makanan Ternak Burung Puyuh.


Konsep Standar Makanan Ternak Burung Puyuh

Deptan, Dirjen Peternakan, Direktorat Bina Produksi, Jakarta.

Konsep Pengendalian Hama Terpadu.

Untung, K.

Konsep Pengendalian Hama Terpadu.

Andy Offset. Yogyakarta

Konsep pengendalian hama terpadu

Untung, K

Konsep pengendalian hama terpadu

Andi Offset Yogyakarta

Konsep Pengendalian Hama Terpadu

Untung, K

Konsep Pengendalian Hama Terpadu

Untung, K.

Konsep Pengendalian Hama Terpadu

Penerbit Offset, Yogyakarta. 149 hlm.

Konsep Pengendalian Hama Terpadu

Untung, K.

Konsep Pengendalian Hama Terpadu

Andi Offset. Yogyakarta

Konsep Pengelolaan Hara Tanaman Berdasarkan Uji Tanah dan Analisis Tanaman.

Widjaja-Adhi, I P. G

Konsep Pengelolaan Hara Tanaman Berdasarkan Uji Tanah dan Analisis Tanaman.

Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat, Bogor.

Konsep pembangunan berkelanjutan dalam pembangunan berkelanjutan: konsep dan kasus.

Tjokrowinoto, M.


Gadjah Mada University Press. Jogyakarta

PT. Tiara Wacana Yogya, Yogyakarta.

Hlm 929 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Konsep Kualitas Sumberdaya Manusia Indonesia Menyongsong Abad 21

Megawangi. R

Diskusi Forum Koordinasi Peningkatan Kualitas SDM di Kantor Menteri Kependudukan/BKKBN Nasional

Konsep Gizi Ternak Itik.

Siregar, A.P

Balai Penelitian Ternak, Bogor.

Konsep dasar pengembangan industri gula nasional.

Hutabarat, B.S.M.

Konsep Dan Kebijakan Diversifikasi Konsumsi Pangan Dalam Rangka Ketahanan Pangan


Widyakarya Nasional Pangan Dan Gizi VI

Konsep dan gagasan pengembangan berbagai teknologi pengeringan maju dan peluang komoditas hasil pertanian kering dalam pasar domestik dan luar negeri Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pengeringan Komoditi Pertanian, Jakarta, 21-23 November 1990.

Abdullah, K.

Konsep dan gagasan pengembangan berbagai teknologi pengeringan maju dan peluang komoditas hasil pertanian kering dalam pasar domestik dan luar negeri Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pengeringan Komoditi Pertanian, Jakarta, 2123 November 1990.

Konmunitas Ikan Karang pada Perairan Terumbu Karang Kepulauan Kei Kecil, Maluku Tenggara, Perairan Maluku dan Sekitarnya.

Hukom, F.D..

Konmunitas Ikan Karang pada Perairan Terumbu Karang Kepulauan Kei Kecil, Maluku Tenggara, Perairan Maluku dan Sekitarnya.

Balitbang Sumberdaya Laut. P30-LIPI Ambon. 5363.

Kondisi untuk stabilitasi minyak sawit.

Loebis, B.

Kondisi Sapi Perah di Kotamadya Padang Panjang

Sapardi M.

Kondisi Sapi Perah di Kotamadya Padang Panjang

Balai Penyidikan Penyakit Hewan Wilayah II Bukit Tinggi

Kondisi Produksi Beras Tahun 1998

Biro Statistik Pertanian

Kondisi Produksi Beras Tahun 1998

Biro Statistik Pertanian, Jakarta.

Kondisi Produksi Beras Tahun 1998


Kondisi Peternakan di Jawa Timur




Biro Pusat Statistik. Jakarta Kondisi Peternakan di Jawa Timur

Pemerintah Daerah Propinsi Daerah Tingkat l Jawa Timur. Dinas Peternakan Daerah. Surabaya

Hlm 930 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Kondisi Kualitas Air dan struktur Komunitas Hewan. Makrobenthos di Muara Sungai Tapak Semarang.

Yusuf, Muh.,

Kondisi Kualitas Air dan struktur Komunitas Hewan. Makrobenthos di Muara Sungai Tapak Semarang.

Program Studi Ilmu Kelautan UNDiP Semarang.

Sub Balai Rehabilitasi Lahan dan Konservasi Tanah.

Kanwil Departemen Kehutanan Propinsi Jawa Barat. Bandung BPS Propinsi Kalimantan Timur

Kondisi Fisik DAS Citarik dan Sekitarnya Kondim Sosial Kependudukan Kalimantan Timur


Kondim Sosial Kependudukan Kalimantan Timur

Komunitas plankton di Waduk Saguling, Jawa Barat dan manfaatnya bagi perikanan.

Umar, C.

Komunitas plankton di Waduk Saguling, Jawa Barat dan manfaatnya bagi perikanan.

Komunitas Ikan karang dan metode sensus visual

M. Hutomo

Komunitas Ikan karang dan metode sensus visual

Komunikasi, Adopsi dan Difusi Inovasi.

Slamet, M

Komunikasi Pribadi Cara Pembuatan ''Jongkong Ubi'' di Kelurahan Pemecutan. Denpasar Barat, Bali.

Kebun. K.

Komunikasi Pribadi Cara Pembuatan ''Jongkong Ubi'' di Kelurahan Pemecutan. Denpasar Barat, Bali.

Komunikasi Pribadi


Fakultas Kehutanan

Komunikasi Pribadi

Peranginangin, A. M.

Komunikasi Pribadi Komunikasi Pribadi Komunikasi Pribadi Komunikasi Pembangunan

Baihaki A H. Ito Supena H Totok Mardikanto

Komunikasi Pembangunan

Surakarta: Sebelas Maret University Press

Komunikasi Pembangunan

Mardikanto, T.

Komunikasi Pembangunan

Sebelas Maret University Press, Surakarta

Komunikasi langsung dalam forum temu informasi teknologi pertanian antara BPTP Ungaran dg para pengguna di Bandung, Semarang



LON-LIPI Jakarta (Unpublished) M. Slamet, IPB, Bogor, Dalam Kumpulan Bahan Bacaan Penyuluhan Pertanian Ed. 3

Technische Universitat Munchen. Munich

Faperta Unpad Komunikasi Pribadi

Hlm 931 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Komunikasi Elektronika. Jilid I

Achyanto, D

Komunikasi Elektronika. Jilid I

Erlangga. Jakarta

Komunikasi Bisnis, Bisnis Sebagai proses Komunikasi, Komunikasi sebagai Kegiatan Bisnis

Redi Panuju

Komunikasi Bisnis, Bisnis Sebagai proses Komunikasi, Komunikasi sebagai Kegiatan Bisnis

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.

Komunikasi Bisnis Praktis. Seri Praktis No. 7

Bernard Katz

Komunikasi Bisnis Praktis. Seri Praktis No. 7

PT Pustaka Binaman Pressindo, Jakarta

Komunikasi Berbasis Internet (Upaya-Upaya Yang Telah Dilakukan Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi)

Gunartha. I.G.E

Materi Rapat Pimpinan Politeknik/Politani se-Indonesia dalam Rangka Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Pimpinan Politeknik

Komputerisasi Model Peramalan Deterministik dengan Teknik Pemulusan untuk Perencanaan Industri Pertanian

Hudri, A.,

Komputerisasi Model Peramalan Deterministik dengan Teknik Pemulusan untuk Perencanaan Industri Pertanian

Skripsi. FATETA-IPB, Bogor

Komposisi Zooplankton yang terdapat dl dalam Lambung Udang Windu (Peneus monodon Fabricus) dan pada Perairan Tambak udang yang Berbeda Warna dalam Kaitannya dengan Pertumbuhan Udang WIndu dl Kabupaten Serang, Jawa Barat- Karya Ilmlah (tidak dipublikasikan).

Setyaningsih, N.

Komposisi Zooplankton yang terdapat dl dalam Lambung Udang Windu (Peneus monodon Fabricus) dan pada Perairan Tambak udang yang Berbeda Warna dalam Kaitannya dengan Pertumbuhan Udang WIndu dl Kabupaten Serang, Jawa BaratKarya Ilmlah (tidak dipublikasikan).

Fakultas Perikanan, IPB, Bogor.

Komposisi Media dan Eksplan untuk Inisiasi dan Proliferasi salak secara in vitro

P. E. R. Prahardini

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Holtikultura, Solok

Komposisi Media dan Eksplan untuk Inisiasi dan Proliferasi salak secara in vitro

P. E. R. Prahardini

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Holtikultura, Solok

Komposisi Media dan Eksplan untuk Inisiasi dan Proliferasi salak secara in vitro

P. E. R. Prahardini

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Holtikultura, Solok


Hlm 932 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Komposisi Media dan Eksplan Untuk Inisiasi dan Proliferasi Manggis Secara in vitro


Komposisi dan Nilai Gizi Tempe dan Manfaatnya dalam Peningkatan Mutu Gizi Makanan


Komposisi dan Distribusi Ikan Asin dan Tebaran di Waduk Gajah Mungkur. Komposisi bahan pakan ternak


Komposisi Bahan Makanan

Judul Buku

Penerbit Lembaga Penelitian UNAND

Sapuan dan N. Soetrisno (ed). Bunga Rampai Tempe Indonesia

Yayasan Tempe Indonesia. Jakarta.

Komposisi dan Distribusi Ikan Asin dan Tebaran di Waduk Gajah Mungkur.

Skripsi. Fak. Perikanan, Univ. Brawijaya, Malang.

Badan kontak peternakan, Malang Komposisi Bahan Makanan

Dit. Gizi Departemen kesehatan R.l. Bhatara Karya Aksara, Jakarta

Komponen buah kelapa hibrid pada beberapa tingkat umur buah. (belum dipublikasikan).

Barlina, R.

Komponen buah kelapa hibrid pada beberapa tingkat umur buah. (belum dipublikasikan).

Komponen Aktif dalam Bahan Pangan.


Kursus Singkat Makanan Fungsional, PAU-UGM, Yogyakarta, 8-9 Juli 1996.

Komplikasi Kronik dan Tatalaksana Pengelolanya

Soedjono R.S

A Tjokroprawiro, Diabetes MellitusAspek Klinik dan Epiodiologi

Airlangga University Press, Surabaya

Kompilasi Data Pembangunan Daerah Tingkat II Bogor Tahun 1996.


Kompetisi Masa Depan


Kompetisi Masa Depan

Harvard Bussiniss School Press

Komoditi Teh : Peranannya dalam Perekonomian Indonesia


Komoditi Teh : Peranannya dalam Perekonomian Indonesia

Kanisius. Yogyakarta

Komoditi prospektif industri kecil perkebunan dan kehutanan propinsi Sumatera Barat


Komoditi Karet, Peranannya Dalam Pereko-nomian Indonesia

Spillane, J. J

Komoditi Karet, Peranannya Dalam Pereko-nomian Indonesia

Kanisius, Yogya.

Komoditi Ekspor Indonesia.

Siswoputranto, P. S.

Komoditi Ekspor Indonesia.

Penerbit PT. Gramedia. Jakarta.


Kanwil Perindag Sumbar

Hlm 933 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Komitmen kebangsaan utk menjadikan masyarakat tani yg maju, mandiri dan sejahtera

Kasryno F

monograph series no 17

Pusat penelitian Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Bogor

Kombinasi Uji Keturunan Half Sib dan Uji Ras Lahan Paraserianthes Falcataria (L0 Nielsen serta Evaluasi Pertumbuhannya sampai Dengan Umur 6 Bulan di Wanagama I


Fakultas Kehutanan UGM Yogyakarta

Tidak di Terbitkan

Kombinasi pengaruh lama perkecambahan dan pengeringan sangan terhadap aktivitas a-amilase pada biji jagung bahan pakan.

Achmadi, J.

Kombinasi pengaruh lama perkecambahan dan pengeringan sangan terhadap aktivitas aamilase pada biji jagung bahan pakan.

Buletin Sintesis (in press)

Kombinasi makanan alami dan makanan buatan pada pemeliharaan larva bandeng.


Kombinasi makanan alami dan makanan buatan pada pemeliharaan larva bandeng.

J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai 8(4):1-8.

Kolesterolfobia. Keterkaitan dengan Penyakit Jantung

Sitepoe, M.

Kolesterolfobia. Keterkaitan dengan Penyakit Jantung

Gramedia Pusat Utama, Jakarta.

Kolesterol yang perlu anda ketahui

Heslet, L.

Megapoin, Jakarta

Kolesterol Pobia keterkaitannya dg penyakit jantung

Sitepoe M

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Kolesterol Fobia. Keterkaitannya dengan Penyakit Jantung

Sitepoe M.

Kolesterol fobia,keterkaitannya dengan penyakit jantung

Sitepoe, M.

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Kolesterol Fobia, Keterkaitannya Dengan Penyakit Jantung

Sitepoe M

Gramedia Pustaka Utama Jakarta

Koleksi, konservasi, karakterisasi, dan evaluasi plasma nutfah tanaman atsiri.

Nuryani, Y


Kolesterol Fobia. Keterkaitannya dengan Penyakit Jantung

Review Hasil dan Program Penelitian Plasma Nutfah Pertanian.

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta.

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian.

Hlm 934 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Koleksi beberapa tanaman insektisida nabati di Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat

Djisbar, A.

Pemanfaatan Pestisida Nabati. Perkembangan Teknologi Tanaman Rempah dan Obat. 11(2): 10.

Kol alias Kubis.


Perbanyakan dan penyebaran pestisida nabati mindi (Melia azedarach) untuk mengendalikan hama penggulung daun (Palpita marinata) pada tanaman gambir (Uncaria gambir).

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta. 70 hal.

Kol alias Kubis.


Kol alias Kubis.

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Kol alias Kubis


Kol alias Kubis

PT Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta

Koksidiosis pada domba. Koeiies, Planters en Koloniale Politiek

Rosadas, A., Breman, J.

LPPH, Bogor Koeiies, Planters en Koloniale Politiek

Leiden KITLV Uitgeverij

Kodeks Makanan Indonesia tentang Bahan Tambahan Makanan


Kodeks Makanan Indonesia tentang Bahan Tambahan Makanan

Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, Jakarta.

Kodeks Makanan Indonesia tentang Bahan Makanan Tambahan.


Kodeks Makanan Indonesia tentang Bahan Makanan Tambahan.

Departemen Kesehatan. Jakarta. 118 pp.

Knowledge Acquisition for Expert Systmes.

Hart A

McGraw Hill Book Company. New York

Knowledge Acquisition for expert systems

Hart A

McGraw Hill Book Company, New York

Knott's Handbook for Vegetable Growers 2nd ed

Lorenz. O.A

Willey Interscience. New York

Klinesche Chemie, Band II, Spezille Klinisch - Chemische Analytic

Kruse-Jerres, J.D.

Klimatologi pertanian dasar

Team IPB

Jurusan matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, IPB, Bogor

Klimatologi Klimatologi Klimat soil and Production in the humid tropic.

Hanafi Hanafi William CN

Faperta Unpad Faperta Unpad Oxford Univ. Press, Singapore

Klimat soil and Production in the humid tropic.

William CN

Oxford Univ. Press, Singapore



Gustav Vischer Verlag, Stutgart, New York

Hlm 935 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Klasifikasi Tanah, Dasar Teori Gabi Peneliti Tanah dan Pelaksana Pertanian Di Indonesia

Darmawijaya. M.I

Gadjah Mada Uniersity Press. Yogyakarta

Klasifikasi Tanah, Dasar Teori Bagi Peneliti Tanah dan Pelaksana Pertanian di Indonesia

Darmawijaya. M

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Klasifikasi Tanah, Dasar Teori Bagi Peneliti Tanah dan Pelaksana Pertanian di Indonesia

Darmawijaya. M

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Klasifikasi Tanah Kopi

Darmawijaya. I

Klasifikasi tanah dan pedogenesis. Edisi I

Hardjowigeno, S

Klasifikasi Tanah dan Pedogenesis.

Hardjowigeno, S.

Klasifikasi Tanah dan Pedogenesis.

Hardjowigeno, S

Klasifikasi Tanah dan Pedogenesis, Edisi Pertama

Hardjowigeno, S

Klasifikasi Tanah dan Pedogenesis

Hardjowigeno. S

Akademika Pressindo. Jakarta

Klasifikasi Tanah dan Pedogenesis

Hardjowigeno, S

Akademi Pressindo. Jakarta

Klasifikasi Tanah dan Pedogenesis

Hardjowigeno, S.

Klasifikasi Tanah dan Pedogenesis

Akademika Pressindo, Jakarta. 274 hlm.

Klasifikasi Tanah : Dasar Teori bagi Peneliti dan pelaksana Pertanian di Indonesia


Balai Penelitian Teh dan Kina Gambung, Bandung

Balai Penelitian Teh dan Kina Gambung, Bandung

Klasifikasi Tanah

Dharmawijaya. M.I

Dasar Teori Bagi Peneliti Tanah dan Pelaksanma Pertanian di Indonesia

Gadjah Mada Uniersity Press. Yogyakarta

Klasifikasi gambut di Indonesia menurut US Soil Taxonomy dalam upaya meningkatkan pemahaman tentang sifat dan potensinya

Lopulisa, C.

T. Sugeng, B. Setiadi, B. Nurachman, D. Mulyono, E. Nurhasid, dan Kasiran (Eds.). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Gambut II.

Himpunan Gambut Indonesia dan Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi, Jakarta. him. 94-103.

Klarifikasi Tanah.

Darmawidjaya, M.I.

Dasar Teori Bagi Peneliti Tanah dan Pelaksana Pertanian di Indonesia.

Gadjah Mada Univerity Press, Yogyakarta.





Judul Buku


Komisi Teknis Perkebunan V. Budidaya Kopi-Kakao, Tretes Akademika Persindo. Jakarta Edisi Pertama.

Akademi Pressindo. Jakarta. Akadimika Pressindo. Jakarta.

Klasifikasi Tanah dan Pedogenesis, Edisi Pertama

Akademika Pressindo. Jakarta.

Hlm 936 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Perdata


Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Perdata

Pradnya Paramita, Jakarta

Kisaran kelimpahan dan komposisi plankton predominan di Sekitar Pulau Sumatera.

Arinardi, O.H.,

Kisaran Kelimpahan dan Komposisi Plankton Predominan di Perairan Kawasan Timur Indonesia,

Arinardi , AB.

Kisaran Kelimpahan dan Komposisi Plankton Predominan di Perairan Kawasan Timur Indonesia,

Puslitbang OseanologiLIP I, Jakarta, p. 5-27.

Kisah Lima Keluarga. Telaahtelaah kasus orang Meksiko dalam kebudayaan kemiskinan

Lewis, 0.

Kisah Lima Keluarga. Telaahtelaah kasus orang Meksiko dalam kebudayaan kemiskinan

Yayasan Obor Indonesia, Jakarta, p. 70-85.

Kisah Kemandinan Wanita Untuk Mempertahankan Ekonomi Rumah Tangga (kajian Terhadap Wanita Berpenghasilan Rendah dan Menengah).

Ichromi, TO

Kisah Kemandinan Wanita Untuk Mempertahankan Ekonomi Rumah Tangga (kajian Terhadap Wanita Berpenghasilan Rendah dan Menengah).

Lembaga Penerbit Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia. Jakarta

Kirk - Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology

Standen A

Kirk - Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology (2nd ed ).

John Wiley & Sons, USA

King grass as a feed for small ruminants In: New Technologies for Small Ruminant Production in Indonesia Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development.

Mathius, I.W.

King grass as a feed for small ruminants In: New Technologies for Small Ruminant Production in Indonesia Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development.

Kinetics of the Primery Immune Response in Rainbow Trout Administered Yersinia ruckeri of antigen by Flush Exposure

Anderson D.P


Kinerja Ekspor Produk NonMigas Indonesia ke Pasar Jepang.Jakarta.


Kinerja Ekspor Produk Non-Migas Indonesia ke Pasar Jepang.Jakarta.

Kind of Gastropod fossil In Sangiran, Surakarta. Unpubl. BSc Project Report.

Afiati N.,

Kind of Gastropod fossil In Sangiran, Surakarta. Unpubl. BSc Project Report.

Kimia, nutrisi pangan



P30 LIPI. Jakarta. 110Op.

Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 64pp PAU Pangan dan Gizi, Univ Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta Hlm 937 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Kimia Vitamin

Andarwulan. N

Kimia Vitamin

Andarwulan, Nuri

Kimia Vitamin

Andarwulan. M

Kimia Untuk SMA Kimia Tumbuhan

Poelling Suradikusumah, E.

Kimia Untuk SMA Kimia Tumbuhan

Gramedia Jakarta. Depdikbud. Dikti. PAU. IPB, Bogor.

Kimia Tanah.

Samosir, S.S.R

Kimia Tanah.

Jurusan llmu Tanah, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Hasanuddin, Ujung Pandang.147 pp.

Kimia Tanah

Dirjen Dikti, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Jakarta

Kimia Tanah

Judul Buku

Penerbit PAU. Pangan dan Gizi IPB. Bogor

Kimia Vitamin

Rajawali Pers. Jakarta Pusat Antar Universitas Pangan Dan Gizi, IPB, Bogor

Kimia Tanah

Wiralaga, A.Y

Kimia Pangan. dan Gizi.

Winarno. F.d.

Kimia Pangan. dan Gizi.

PT. Gramedia. Jakarta. 253 pp.

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi.

Winamo, F.G.

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi.

PT Gramedia. Jakarta.

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi.

Winarno, F.G.

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi.

P.T. , Gramedia, Jakarta. 253 pp.

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi.

Winarno, F.G.

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi.

P T.Gramedia, Jakarta. 253 pp.

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi.

Winarno, F.G,

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi.

Gramedia, Jakarta. 253 pp.

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi.

Winamo, F.G.

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi.

Penerbit PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta.

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi. Kimia Pangan dan Gizi.

Winamo, F. G. Winarno, F.G

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi. Kimia Pangan dan Gizi.

Gramedia. Jakarta. PT. Gramedia, Jakarta

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi. Kimia Pangan dan Gizi. Kimia Pangan dan Gizi.

Winarno, F.G Winamo, F.G. Winarno, F.G.

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi. Kimia Pangan dan Gizi.

Gramedia. Jakarta. Gramedia. Jakarta Gramedia, Jakarta.


Badan Kerjasama Ilmu Tanah BKS/USAID (University of Kentucky) WUEA Project. Lampung

Hlm 938 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Kimia Pangan dan Gizi.

Winarno, F.G.

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi.

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi.

Winarno, F.G.

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi.

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi.

Winarno FG

Fak Tek Pertanian dan Fak. Pasca Sarjana IPB

PT Gramedia, Jakarta

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi, Teknologi dan Konsumen

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Umum

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi


Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

P.T. Gramedia Jakarta.

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi Kimia Pangan dan Gizi Kimia Pangan Dan Gizi Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

Winarno, F. G. Winarno. F.G Winarno F.G ________,

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

PT Gramedia Jakarta. Gramedia, Jakarta Gramedia. Jakarta PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.

Kimia pangan dan gizi

Winarno, F. G.

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Kimia pangan dan gizi

Winarno, F. G.

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Kimia pangan dan gizi

Winarno, F. G.

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

Winarno. F.G

Gramedia Pustaka Umum. Jakarta

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

Winarno. F.G

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

Winarno. F.G

PT. Gramedia. Jakarta

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

Winarno, F.G. Winarno, F.G

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

Gramedia, Jakarta PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

Winarno, F.G

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

Winarno, F.G

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

Penerbit Gramedia. Jakarta

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

Winarno, F.G.

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

Winarno, F. G.

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

PT, Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

Winarno, F. G.

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta.


Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

Hlm 939 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Kimia Pangan dan Gizi Kimia pangan dan Gizi

Winarno. F.G. Winarno, F.G.

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi Kimia pangan dan Gizi

Gramedia Jakarta. PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

Winarno, F.G.

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

Winarno, F.G.

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi


Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

PT. Gramedia. Jakarta

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi Kimia Pangan dan Gizi Kimia Pangan dan Gizi Kimia Pangan dan Gizi Kimia Pangan dan Gizi Kimia pangan dan gizi Kimia Pangan dan Gizi Kimia pangan dan gizi

Winamo, F.G. Winarno Winarno, F. G. Winarno Winarno F. G. Winarno, M. Winarno FG Winarno FG

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

Gramedia, Jakarta Gramedia Jakarta PT. Gramedia Gramedia Jakarta Gramedia Jakarta PT. Gramedia Jakarta Gramedia, Jakarta PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Kimia pangan dan gizi Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

Winarno FG Winarno F.G

PT Gramedia Jakarta Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

Winarno F.G

Gramedia Pustaka Utama.jakarta

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

Winarno F.G

Gramedia Pustaka Utama.jakatya

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

Winarno F.G

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi Kimia Pangan dan Gizi kimia pangan dan gizi

Winarno F.G Winarno. F.G Winarno FG

Gramedia. Jakarta Gramedia. Jakarta PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Kimia Pangan & Gizi Kimia Pangan & Gizi Kimia Pangan & Gizi Kimia Pangan

Winarno FG Wianrno FG Winarno FG Winarno, F.G.

Kimia Pangan

Gramedia Jkt gramedia Jkt Gramedia Jkt Pusbangtepa, IPB. Bogor.

Kimia Pangan

Sultanry, R.

Kimia Pangan

Badan Kerjasama Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Indonesia Bagian Timur, Ujung Pandang.

Kimia Pangan

Winarno, F.G.

Kimia Pangan

Gramedia, Jakarta.


Kimia pangan dan gizi

Hlm 940 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Kimia Organik Suatu Kuliah Singkat

Achmadi, S

Kimia Organik Suatu Kuliah Singkat

Terjemahan. Erlangga, Jakarta

Kimia Organik Jilid I. Ed ke3 Kimia Organik

Fessenden RJ Holleman

Kimia Organik

Erlangga Jakarta Jakarta-Groningcn Koteswara

Kimia medisinal. Cetakan pertama


Kimia Medisinal


Kimia (Farmasi).


Kimia Makanan terjemahan Padmawinata, K. Edisi ke II

de Man, J.M

Kimia Makanan terjemahan Padmawinata, K. Edisi ke II

ITB Bandung. Bandung

Kimia Makanan . Jurusan Kimia Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam .

Aliunir, N .

Kimia Makanan . Jurusan Kimia Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam .

IKIP Padang

Kimia Lippida Laboraturium Kimia dan Biokimia Pangan


Kimia Lipid


Kimia Lipid

Kimia Koloid dan Kimia Permukaan

Johannes H

UGM, Yogyakarta

Kimia kayu. Dasar-dasar dan penggunaan.

Sjostrom, E.

Kimia kayu. Dasar-dasar dan penggunaan.

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Kimia kayu.

Achmadi, S.

Kimia kayu.

Institut Pertanian Bogor

Kimia Kayu : Dasar-dasar dan Penggunaan


Kimia Kayu

Sjostrom E

Dasar-dasar dan Penggunaannya

Gadjah Mada University Press.Yogyakarta

Kimia Fisik Untuk Universitas.

Bird, T.

Kimia Fisik Untuk Universitas.

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.


Airlangga University Press, Surabaya Kimia Medisinal

Airlangga University. Surabaya Universitas Airlangga Press, Surabaya. 401 pp.

PAU Pangan dan Gizi. UGM.

Zool. Soc. London No 44, 207-217.

Genetics of green plantlet regeneration from anther culture of cereals

Zhou H.

Jain SM, Sopory SK, Veilleux RE (ed). In Vitro Haploid Production in Higher Plants. Vol. 2. Applications

Dordrecht: Kluwer. him 169-187

Genetics of Biochemical Variants in Chickens

Grunder, A.A.

R.D. Crowford (ed) : Poultry Breeding and Genetics

Elsevier Science Publishing Company. Inc. Canada

Genetics of bacterial blight resistance in rice, him. 481-489

Sidhu, G.S.

Rice Genetics. Proceed. Rice Genetic Symp. 27-31 May 1985

Manila: International Rice Research Institute.

Genetics Notes.

Crow, J F.

Genetics Notes.

Burgees Publ. Co., Minneapolis MNUSA.

Genetics Notes

Crow, James F

Genetics Notes

Burgess Publishing Co., Minneapolis, MN- USA.


Judul Buku

Penerbit United States Of America

Genetics of Livestock Improvement. 3rd Ed

Prentice-Hall Englewood Cliffs, NJ,USA. Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs New Jersey

Hlm 1116 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Genetics Notes

Crow, James F

Genetics Notes

Burgess Publishing Co., 7 th. Ed., Minneapolis, MN USA

Genetics for Fish Hatchery Managers.

Tave 1).

Genetics for Fish Hatchery Managers.

Avi Publ. Comp. Westport. Connecticut. 223-.

Genetics for Fish Hatchery Managers.

Tave, D.

Genetics for Fish Hatchery Managers.

AVI Publishing Co. Inc.Westport. Connecticut, p. 122-145.

Genetics diversity of P. solanacearum detection of RFLP with DNA probes that specify virulence and the hypersensitive response.

Cook, D.

Mol. Plant Microbe Interasc.


Genetics and improvement of biological nitrogen fixation. 220225.

Mc Cardell, A.

In F.B. Metting, Jr (Ed.) Soil Microbial Ecology.

Prestice Hall Press.

Genetics & breedings of farm animals

Mukherjee DP


Hedgecock, D.

D.E. Bliss (ed) The Biology of Crustacea Vol. 2, Embryology, Morphology and Genetics, pp. 283-403

Academic Press, New York


Hedgecock, D.

In: D.E. Bliss (ed) The Biologyof Crustacea. Vol 2. Embryology, Morphology and Genetics,, pp. 283-403

Academic Press, New York, NY

Genetic variation in erop species and their wild relatives: A viewpoint for their conservation.

Debouck, D.G.

In Genetic Diversity and Crop Strategies for Roots and Tubers.

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Tropische and Subtropische Agroforschung E.V. and International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, Bonn, Germany. p. 41-51.

Genetic Variation for Physiological Traits in Corn

Mahmud, T

Genetic variability in tissue culture impact on germplasm consentration and utilization

Scowcroft, W.R.


Oxford & IBH Publishing co, New Delhi India

WUAE-USAID Palembang Genetic variability in tissue culture impact on germplasm consentration and utilization

IBPGR, Rome.

Hlm 1117 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Genetic variability and path analysis in rice growth in saline soil. IRRN

Gonzales, O. M.

Genetic Variability and path analysis in rice grown in saline soil.

Gonzalez, O.M.

Genetic Variability and path analysis in rice grown in saline soil

Gonzales, O. M.

Genetic Variability and Path Analysis in Rice Grown in Salin Soil

Gonzales, O. M.

Genetic Studies of Quantitative Trait Loci in the Early Generation of a Maize Population

Asmono D

Ph. D. Dissertation.

Genetic selection for growth rate alters hypothalamic satiety mechanism in chickens.

Burkhart, C. A.

Behaviour Genetics.

Genetic resourches of capsicum


Genetic Resources of capsicum


Genetic Resources of capsicum

IBPGR Secretariat. Rome

Genetic Resources in Plants.

Frankel, O.H

Genetic Resources in Plants.

International Biological Programme. London.

Genetic resources and plant breeding

Kearsey, MJ

Callow JA, BV Foed-Loyd and HJ Newbury (eds) Biotechnology and plant genetic resourches

Cab international, Wallingford UK

Genetic Resource of Fifteen Tropical Acacias


Acacias for Rural, Industrial and Environmental Development

FORSPA, Bangkok, Thailand

Genetic potential for solving problem of soil mineral stress :Adoption of crops to salinity

Epstein E

MJ Wright(ed) Proceeding of workshop on plant adaptation to mineral stress in problem soils.

Cornell Univ Agric Exp Sta New York

Genetic of livestock improvement.

Lasley, J. E.

Genetic of Livestock Improvement 3rd ed.

Lasley, J.F.


Judul Buku


IRRI, Philippines.


IRRI, Philippines


Iowa State University, Ames, IA. USA

IBPGR Secretariat Rome

Prentice-Hall Inc. Englewood, New York, New Jersey Genetic of Livestock Improvement 3rd ed.

Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi. Hlm 1118 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Genetic of abiotic stress tolerance in maize.

Granados, G.

Genetic Nature, Stability, and Improved Virulence Of Hibrids From Protoplst Fusion In Beauver Sp. Microbial Ecology


Genetic Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci for Growth and Fatness in Pigs.

Andersson L.


Genetic Management of Hatchery Stocks. In: Ryman, N. and Utter, F. (Eds.).

Allendorf, F.W.

Genetic Management of Hatchery Stocks. In: Ryman, N. and Utter, F. (Eds.).

Washington Sea Grant Program, Seattle and London, p. 141-160.

Genetic Improvement of Tropical Eucalyptus Tree Species in China. Australian Tree Species Research in China

Jiayu, B

Genetic Improvement of Tropical Eucalyptus Tree Species in China. Australian Tree Species Research in China

Aciar Proceedings

Genetic Euginering: An Introduction to Gen Analysis and Explantion in Eukariotes

Kingsman, S. M.

Genetic Euginering: An Introduction to Gen Analysis and Explantion in Eukariotes

Blackwell Scientific Publications. Oxford.

Genetic Enhancements of Ruminant Quality of Sorghum and Millet Crop Residues: Potential Returns to The Research Investment

Kristjanson, P. M.

International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya.

International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya.

Genetic Engineering: Dreams and Nightmares

Russo, E.

Genetic Engineering: Dreams and Nightmares

New York: W.H. Freeman.

Genetic Engineering: Dreams and Nightmares

Russo, E.

Genetic Engineering: Dreams and Nightmares

New York: W.H. Feerman.

Genetic Engineering of Gram Negative Bacteria

Priefer U B.

Puhler A (ed). Tokyo: Genetic Engineering of Microorganism, him. 56-78.

Genetic dta analysis.

Weir BS

Genetic diversity of wild and cultivated rice

Oka HI


Judul Buku


Springer Verlag . New York

Sinauer Association Inc. Sunderland, Massachussets Khush GS and GH Toennissen (Eds) Rice Biotechnology, pages : 55-81,

CAB in association with IRRI PO. Box 933, 1099 Manila Philippines

Hlm 1119 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Genetic Diversity Of Pseudomonas Solanacearum : Detection Of Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms With DNA Probes Tha Specify Virulance and Hypersensitive Response

Cook. D

Olec Plant Microbe Interact

Genetic diversity of luminous vibrio isolated from shrimp larvae, him. 217-224

Suwanto, A.

T.W. Flegel (ed.), Advances in Shrimp Biotechnology

Bangkok: National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology.

Genetic diversity and centers of origin

Zohary D.

Frankel OH, Bennet E (ed). Genetic Resources in PlantsTheir Exploration and Conservation

Oxford: Blackwell Scientific, him 33-42.

Genetic diagnostics in plant breeding

Rafalski. J.A.

RAPDs. microsatellites and machines.

Trend Genet 9: 275-280.

Genetic Bases of Fish Selection.

Kirpichnikov, V.S.

Genetic Bases of Fish Selection.

Springer-Verlag, Berlin: 410 pp.

Genetic Bases of Fish Selection.

Kirpichnikov, V.S

Genetic Bases of Fish Selection.

Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, Germany

Genetic bases of fish selection

V. S. Kirpichnikov

Genetic bases of fish selection

Spring Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, New York

Genetic and molecular basis of plant pathogenesis

Vanderplank, J.E.

Genetic and molecular basis of plant pathogenesis

Springer-Verlag, New York.

Genetic and Molecular Basis of Plant Pathogenesis.

Vanderplank, J.E.

Genetic and Molecular Basis of Plant Pathogenesis.

Springer Veriag, Berlin Heidelberg, New York.

Genetic and Immuno logical Characterization of High Resistance to Internal Parasites in Indonesian Thin Tail Sheep, Proposal, Project AS1/97/27


Genetic and Immuno logical Characterization of High Resistance to Internal Parasites in Indonesian Thin Tail Sheep, Proposal, Project AS1/97/27

Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra.

Genetic and environmental factors affecting growth rate and survival of Junin sheep in central highlands of Peru

Burfening, P.J



Small Ruminant Research

Hlm 1120 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

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Judul Buku


Genetic and breeding aspects of resistance to bacterial wilt

Liao BS

Middleton KJ, Hayward AC (ed). Groundnut Proceedings of an ACIAR/ICRISAT Collaborative Research Planning Meeting. ACIAR Proc. No 18.

Canberra: ACIAR. him 3943.

Genetic and biochemestry of insecticide resistance in arthropods : Prospect for the future.

Plapp FW. Ir

Anonymous, 1986 Pesticide Resistance : Strategies and Tactics for management

Nat. Acad Press

Genetic and biochemestry of insecticide resistance in arthropods : Prospect for the future.

Plapp FW. Ir

Anonymous, 1986 Pesticide Resistance : Strategies and Tactics for management

Nat. Acad Press

Genetic analysis with RAPD markers. P. 491-498.

Tingey, S.V.,

In G. Coruzzi and P. Puigdormenech (Eds.) Plant Molecular Biology.

Genetic analysis with RAPD markers, p. 3-8.

Tingey, S.V.,

Application of RAPD technology to plant breeding. Joint Plant Breeding Symposia Series, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 1 Nov. 1992.

CSSA, Am. Soc. Horticul. Sci. and Am. Genet. Assoc.

Genetic analysis with RAPD markers, NATO ASI Series, vol H-81,

Tingney SV

Plant Molecular Biology, ed By Gloria Coruzzi and Pere Puigdormenech

Springer Verlag Berlin Heidleberg

Genetic analysis with RAPD markers

Tingey SV

In plant molecular Biology eds by C Coruzzi, g and P Puigdormenech, p 491-498

Genetic analysis of agronomic traits in sugarcane {Saccharum spp. L). PI 58.

Guimares. C .

In S.R Heller, M. Gale. JP Miksche.

Genesis and solution chemistry of acid sulphate soils in Thailand.

Breemen, N. Van.


S McCouch (Eds.). Plant Genome IV: Final Program and Abstracts Guide The International Conference on the Status of Plant Genome Research, Town and Country Hotel San Diego, CA. 14-18 January 1996.

Center for agricultural Publ. And Documentation. Wageningen.

Hlm 1121 dari 1800

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Genesis and Solution Chemistry of Acid Sulphate Soils in Thailand.

Van Breemen, N.

Cent. Agric. Publ. And Doc. Wageningen.

Genesis and classification of low activity clay alfisols and ultisol. In soil with variable charge (Ed. BKG Theng) Soil bureau depert. Of sci. and industrial research

Isbell RF

Genesis and classification of low activity clay alfisols and ultisol. In soil with variable charge (Ed. BKG Theng) Soil bureau depert. Of sci. and industrial research

Genesis and classification of low activity clay alfiosol and utisol.

Isbell RF

In oil with variable charge J BKG Theng (Ed) Soil Burreau Dept. of Soil and Industrial Res Lower Hutt New Zealand p. 397-410

Genesis and Classification of Humic Allophone Soil in Japan. An dosols

Kanno, Ichino

University of Georgia

Genesis and Clasification of Humic Allophane Soil in Japan

Kanno, I Chino

University of Georgia. A Hutchinson Ross Bencgwark Book

Genes for crop improvement Genes for crop improvement Generations and Politics: A Panel Study of Young adult and Their Parents

Bennet, J. Bennet, J. Jiennings, M.K

General Viticulture.

Winkler, A.J,

General Viticulture.

University California Press Topan Company Limited. Tokyo, Japan.

General Veterinari Pathology. 2nd Ed

Thomson, R.G.

General Veterinari Pathology. 2nd Ed

W.B. Saunders Company. Philadelphia105-109, 103-166.

General Textbook of Eutomology

Richards, O.W.

General Textbook of Eutomology

Butle & Tanner, London

General Testing Methods for Adhesives

Japanese Industrial Standart

JIS K 6833-1980

Japanese Standart Association Japan

General terms, and their definitions concerning standarization. certification and testing laboratory, accreditation.


ISO Guide 2: 006.001-4.



Lower Hutt. New Zealand

Princeton University Press. Princeton.

Hlm 1122 dari 1800

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General resistantce to Late Blight of Solanum tuberosum Plants Regenerated from callus Resistant to Cultur Filtrates of Phytophora infestant.

Behnke, M.

Theor. ApU. Genet., 56

152 - 152.

General Parasitology. 2nd ed.

Cheng, T.C.

General Parasitology. 2nd ed.

Academic Press, Inc . Orlando, Florida

General Parasitology.

Smith, A.S. and E. Noga.

In: M.K. Stoskopt (Ed.). Fish Medicine.

W.B. Saunders Company Harcout Brace Jovanovich, Inc. Philadelphia. 231p.

General Outline of Spectrophotometric Method. A Manual on Methods for Measuring Primary Production in Aquatic Environments.

Talling, T.J.

In R.A. Vollenweider (Ed.)

Blackwell Scientific Publication. Oxford. Pp. 22-25.

General methods of preparation. Didalam: Furia, T.E. and Bellanca, N. (eds.). Handbook of Flavor Ingredients

Schay, S.R.,

General methods of preparation. Didalam: Furia, T.E. and Bellanca, N. (eds.). Handbook of Flavor Ingredients

CRC Press, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio.

General media and Vessels suitable for woody plant culture, him. 4-16

McCown, B.H.

J.M. Bonga & D.J. Durzan (ed.), Cell and Tissue Culture in Forestry. Vol. 1.

Dordrecht:Martinus Nijhoff Publ.

General linear interactive modelling (GLIM) release 3.77

Royal Statistical Society

General linear interactive modelling (GLIM) release 3.77

London: RSS.

General Limnological and Biological Stream Survey as Simple Means of Detecting Pollution and Controlling Their Effects.

Schmitz, W.

General Limnological and Biological Stream Survey as Simple Means of Detecting Pollution and Controlling Their Effects.

Pergamon Press. London. 145 pp.

General lecture of mycorrhiza

Dela Cruz, R. E.

Publ. by Workshop on Myco. Inoc. Comp. UPLB

General Lecture At The University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta


General Laboratory Procedures

Departement of Dairy Science,


UGM Yogyakarta

University Wisconsin Madisson

Hlm 1123 dari 1800

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General Laboratory Procedure.

Judul Buku


General Laboratory Procedure.

University of Wisconsin, Dept of Dairy Science. Wisconsin, Madison, USA.

General Information of Virginiamycin

Smith KIine Animal Health Products.

General Information of Virginiamycin


General Information About Bali


General Genetics 2nd ed

Edgar, R.S.

General Genetics 2nd ed

Toppan Company, Limited. Singapura.

General Entomology

Mani, M.S

General Entomology

Oxford and IBM Publishing Co. New Delhi

General Aspect and Spesific Data On Ecological Effect of Metals

Beijer. K

Handbook on The Toxicology of Metals

Elsevier Science. Publ. Amsterdam

Genera/M/croib/o/ogy 4lh Edition.

Stainer R.Y,

General Microbiology 4th Edition.

London: The Mac Millan Press Ltd. p. 28-29

Gene Mutation. In : Methods for general and molecular bacteriology

Eisentadt, E.,

Methods for general and molecular bacteriology

American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.

Gene expression regulated by abscisic acid and its relation to stress tolerance

Chandler, P.M

Gene expression and parental dominance in hybrid plants

heslop-Harriison, J. S.

Development 1990 suplement

the company of biologist Lt. Great Britain

Gene Cloning: An Introduction.

Brown, T.A.

Gene Cloning: An Introduction.

Van Nostrand Reinhold. United Kingdom.

Gene cloning and expression in lactic streptococci

de Vos, W. M.

FEMS Microbiol. Lett.

Gene cloning an introduction

Brown, T. A.

Gene Cloning an Introduction

Brown, T.A

Gene Cloning an Introduction

Gender preselection mammal an ovaries DTW

Johnson, L.A.

DISCH Tierarztl Wochenschr, 103: 288-291.

Gender Issues in European Agricultural Systems

Gasson, R

Rural and Farming Systems Analysis

Buku geo-info.hatml

Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol

Van Nostrand Reinhold, United Kingdom Van Nostrand Rein-hold, United Kingdom.

CAB International. Oxon. UK. Hlm 1124 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

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Judul Buku


Gema Penyuluhan Pertanian.


Gema Penyuluhan Pertanian.

Departemen Pertanian. Proyek Penyuluhan Pertanian. Jakarta

Gema penyuluhan Pertanian Palawija Gema Penyuluhan Pertanian : Palawija

Proyek Penyuluhn pertanian. Jakarta Ditjen Pertanian Tanaman Pangan

Direktorat Jendral Pertanian Tanaman Pangan . Proyek Penyuluhan Pertanian. Jakarta

Gema Penyuluhan Pertanian Gema Penyuluhan Pertanian

Dirjen Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Departemen Pertanian R.I

Gema Penyuluhan Pertanian

Gema Pembangunan NTB

Departemen Penyluhan R.I. Jakarta Gema Penyuluhan Pertanian

Ditjen. Pertanian Tanaman Pangan, Jakarta. Pemda NTB

Biro Humas Pemda Tk. I NTB

Gema Palagung 2001 di Propinsi NTB.

Dinas pertanian Tanaman Pangan NTB

Gema Palagung 2001 di Propinsi NTB.

Sekretariat Satuan Pembina Bimas NTB

Gelation and coagulation

Schmidt, R.H.

J.P. Cherry (ed). Protein Functionally in Foods. ACS Symposiurn Series 147

Am. Chem. Soc. Washington, DC.

Gelatinization ofStarch; in Starch: chemistry and Technology

Leach H.W

Gelatinization of Starch; in Starch: chemistry and Technology

New York, Academie Press.



geef Cattle Production


geef Cattle Production

Prentice-Hall Englewood Cliffs. NJ, USA

GCMS Analyses cf Essential Oil in Rhizomes cf Curcuma zedoaria and Curcuma solocnsis in Java

Hirotaka S.

The Unesco Sub-regional Seminar on the Chemistry of Natural Product.

Hasanuddin University, Ujung Pandang Indonesia.

GBHN 1993 - 1998


ITC Publisher. Geneva

Penerbit Bina Pustaka llmu, Surabaya.

Hlm 1125 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

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Gazetteer No. 13. Indonesia and Potruguese Timor. Official Standard Names.


Gazetteer No. 13. Indonesia and Potruguese Timor. Official Standard Names.

Office of Geography, Departernent of the Interior, Washingon DC.

Gatra Tanah dalam Pembangunan Hutan Tanaman di Indonesia


Gatra Tanah dalam Pembangunan Hutan Tanaman di Indonesia

Rajawali Press

Gatra tanah dalam pembangunan hutan tanaman di Indonesia


Rajawali Press Jakarta

Gatra tanah dalam pembangunan hutan tanaman di Indonesia


Rajawali Press Jakarta

Gastrointestinal Nematodes of Ruminants. In: Veterinary Epidemiology. Edited by R.S.F. Campbell.

Copeman, D.B.

Gastrointestinal Nematodes of Ruminants. In: Veterinary Epidemiology. Edited by R S F Campbell.

Publ.: AUIDPAVCC, Australian Development Assistance Bureau, Canberra

Gastroenteropanceatic Endocrine system

Fujita T


Springer - Verlag, Tokyo.Japan

Gastric Emtying of a Solid Meal Is Accelerated By The Removal of Dietary Fibre Naturally Present In Food


Gasification on overview.

Overend. R.

hardware for energy generation in the forest products industry.

Forest Products Research Society, Madison.

Gas chromatography and lipids: A practical guide.

Christie, W.W.

Gas chromatography and lipids: A practical guide.

The Oily Press, Ayr, Scotland.

Gas ChromathographyOlfactometry

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Flavor Measurement. C.T. Ho & C.H. Manley (Ed.)

Marcel Dekker. Inc. New York, Basel, Hong Kong.

Garis-Garis Besar Haluan Negara Rl.

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Republik Indonesia

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Garis Kemiskinan dan Kebutuhan Minimum Pangan


PSP, LP - IPB, Bogor


Hlm 1126 dari 1800

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Judul Buku


Garis Kemiskinan dan Kebutuhan Minimum Pangan


Garis Kemiskinan dan Kebutuhan Minimum Pangan

PT. Gramedia. Jakarta

Garcinia Mangostana L. Mangosteen

Cox, Jill E. K.

Propagation of Tropical Fruit Trees. First edition Commonwealth bureau Farn Royal England

Garcinia Mangostana L. Mangosteen

Cox, Jill E. K.

Propagation of Tropical Fruit Trees. First edition Commonwealth bureau Farn Royal England

Garcinia mangostana L. Mangosteen


RJ Gardner (Ed) Propagation of Tropical fruit Trees Common Wealth Bureau. Farn harn Royal. England

Garcinia Mangostana Mangosten

Cox. J.E.K

Commonwealth Bureaux of Holticulture and Crops Food and Agriculture Organization Of The United Nation

Ganottheraphy Gangguan Akibat Defiensi Yodium dan Gondok Endemik

Djokomoeljanto. R

Ganottheraphy Ilmu Penyakit dalam ed. III

Brosur DXN Buku Kedokteran EGC, Jakarta

Gangguan Akibat Defesinsi Yodium dan Gondok Endemik

Djokomoeljanto R

Ilmu Penyakit dalam (Editor : Dr.Soedarman )

Buku Kedokteran EGC cetakan 4 hal 449-454, Jakarta

Gametogenesis and breeding in natural population of nereis virens,

Brafield, A.E

Gametogenesis and breeding in natural population of nereis virens,

Mar. Biol. Assoc. U.K

Gambut pedalaman untuk lahan pertanian (Inland peats for agricultural land)

IPB Team

Gambut pedalaman untuk lahan pertanian (Inland peats for agricultural land)

Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Kalimantan Tengah - Fak. Pertanian IPB.

Gambut Kedalaman untuk Lahan Pertanian.

Fakultas Pertanian, IPB.

Kerjasama Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Propinsi Dati I Kalimantan Tengah dengan Fakultas Pertanian IPB. Bogor

Gambir, Budidaya, pengolahan hasil dan kemungkinan diversifikasinya

Nazir, N.

Gambir, Budidaya, pengolahan hasil dan kemungkinan diversifikasinya

Nazir, N.


Hlm 1127 dari 1800

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Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Gambir, budidaya, pengolahan dan prospek diversifikasinya

Nazir, N.

Gambir, budidaya, pengolahan dan prospek diversifikasinya

Yayasan Hutanku, Padang

Gambir processing and marketing in West Sumatera

Linkenheil, K.

Gambaran Gabungan Koperasi Susu Indonesia Koordinator Daerah Jatim Pandaan


Gambaran Gabungan Koperasi Susu Indonesia Koordinator Daerah Jatim Pandaan

GKSI Koordinator Jawa Timur.

Gambaran Gabungan Koperasi Susu Indonesia


Gambaran Gabungan Koperasi Susu Indonesia

Jakarta : GKSI.

Gamal (Gliricidia sepium) & pemanfaatannya

Wina E

Galvanic Separation of X and Y Chromosome Bearing Spermatozoa ln ESE Hafez (ed) Reproduction in Farm Animals. 5th edition

Hafs, H,D,

Galur harapan kedelai toleran tanah masam dan berdaya tinggi


Faperta Unsoed

Galur harapan kedelai toleran tanah masam dan berdaya tinggi


Faperta Unsoed

Galur harapan kedelai toleran tanah masam dan berdaya hasil tinggi


Faperta Unsoed Purwokerto

Galur harapan kedelai toleran tanah masam dan berdaya hasil tinggi

Sunarto N

Faperta Unsoed

Galur harapan kedelai toleran tanah masam dan berdaya hasil tinggi


Faperta Unsoed Purwokerto

Galur harapan kedelai toleran tanah masam dan berdaya hasil tinggi

Sunarto N

Faperta Unsoed

GAKI dan Garam Bryodium Gagasan Menuju Terciptanya Citra Sistem Pertanian Yang Tangguh

Depkes R.I Anonimous

Depkes R.I, Jakarta Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Deptan. Borog

G.E. Seidel JR. Embryo Trans-fer Procedure for Cattle

Eisden. R.P


Balai penelitian Ternak Bogor Galvanic Separation of X and Y Chromosome Bearing Spermatozoa ln ESE Hafez (ed) Reproduction in Farm Animals. 5th edition

Bovine Embryo Transfer Workshop

By Lea and Febiger. Philadelphia. 496-500

The University oh Sidney. Proc

Hlm 1128 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Fuzzy Sets, Natural Language Computations, and Risk Analysis

Schmucker, K.J.,

Fuzzy Sets, Natural Language Computations, and Risk Analysis

Computer Science Press, Rockville.

Future Direction in Waste Utilization

Pratt. P.F

Soil For Mnagement of Organic Wastes and Waste Water

SSSA Inc. Madison

Future Direction in Waste Utilization

Pratt. P.F

Soil For Management of Organic Wastes and Waste Waters

SSSA Inc. Madison

Futher studies into the mode of action of growth promotans in turkey

Lindsey, T.0

Pacesetter Conference STAFAC (Virginiamycin) for Turkey. San Diego, CA

Fusarium wilt of banana in Australia: a review

Pegg, K. G.

Fusarium wilt (Panama disease): a review

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Further investigations on the development of insecticide resistance in Helopeltis theivora (Heteroptera:Miridae) from cocoa estates of Peninsular Malaysia

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The Planter

Further improvement in the yield of monoglycerides during enzymatic glycerolisis of fat & oils

Mc Neill GP

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Fungus diseases of tropical crops

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Fungus diseases of tropical crops

Fungus (Lagenidium) diseases of blue crab eggs and larvae.

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Fungtional Properties vs Physicological Action Of Total Dietary Fiber


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Fungtional Anatomi of Female Reproduction In Farm Animals

Hafez, E.S.E.

Fungtional Anatomi of Female Reproduction In Farm Animals. 3rd Edition

Fungtion Of The Polyad In Reproducton of Acacia


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Fungsi Pekarangan Bagi Penduduk dan Pogram Intensifikasi Pekarangan Menunjang UPGK


Fungsi Indikator Kesehatan dalam usaha peningkatan Kesehatan Masyarakat Desa


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Fungsi dan Manfaat Bakau didalam Mintakat Pantai


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Fungisida. Fungicides

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PT. Soeroengan, Jakarta Fungicides

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Fungi and Food Spoilage. Text book.

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Academic Press. Tokyo, p.269-274.

Fungi and Food Spoilage. Ed. ke-2.

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London: Blackie Academic & Professional.

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Fungi and Food Spoilage.

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Fungi and Food Spoilage.

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Fungi and Food Spoilage.

Academic Press. Sydney, p. 269-274.

Fungi and Food Spoilage

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Fungi and Food Spoilage

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Fungal-Plant Interactions

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Fungal-Plant Interactions

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Fungal Plant Interactions

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Fungal Plant Interactions

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Fungal pathogens of Limacodidae

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Fungal pathogen/parasites of aquatic animals.

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Fungal Nutrition and Physology

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Fungal Nutrition and Physology

John Willey, New York

Fungal Nutrition and Physiology

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Fungal Nutrition and Physiology

John Wiley and Sons, USA


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Fungal lipase

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B. Borgstrom and H.L. Brockman (eds). Lipases

Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Fungal diseases of rice seed

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In Rice Seed Health. Proceedings of The International Workshop on Rice Seed Health 16 - 20 March 1987

IRRI, PO.Box 933 Manila, Philipines

Fungal Decomposition of Wood. Its Biology and Ecology.

Rayner, A.D.M.

Fungal Decomposition of Wood. Its Biology and Ecology.

John Wiley and Sons, Nath Avon.

Fungal Cellulases and Hemicellulases and Their Application to The Analisys of Forage. In: Carbohydrate Research In Plant and Animals.

Jones, D.l.H.

Micscellaneous Paper

H. Veennann and Zonen B. V. Wegeningen, Nederlands

Fungal Nutrition and Physilogy

Garraway, M.0.

Fungal Nutrition and Physilogy

John Wiley and Sons. USA. Pp 212-262.

Fundmentals of rice crop science.

Yoshida S

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Fundementals of the Histology of Domestic Animals


Comstock Publishing Associated

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Fundamentalys of soil Science

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Fundamentals oftoxocology.

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Fundamentals of Weed Science.

Zimdahl, R.L

Academic Press, Inc. San Diego.

Fundamentals of Weed Science

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Academic Press. New York

Fundamentals of Weed Science

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Academic Press. New York

Fundamentals of Weed Science

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Academic Press, Inc. San Diego

Fundamentals of Weed Science

Zimdahl. R.L

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Fundamentals of Weed Science

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Fundamentals of Veterinary Opthalmology

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Fundamentals of Veterinary Opthalmology

W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, p. 143-460.

Fundamentals of soil science 6th edition

Foth, H. D.

Toronto - London - New York, John Wiley & Sons

Fundamentals of Soil Science

Foth. H.D

John Willey & Sons. New York

Fundamentals of rice crop science.

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Fundamentals of Rice Croop Science

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IRRI, Los Banos Laguan Philippines

Fundamentals of Rice Croop Science

Yoshida S

IRRI, Los Banos Laguan Philippines

Fundamentals of Quality Control for The Food Industry

Kramer A.

Fundamentals of Quality Control for The Food Industry

The AVI Publishing Company Inc., Westport.

Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement.


Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement.

Macmillan Publishing Company. New York.

Fundamentals of Plant Systematics

Radford, A.E.

Fundamentals of Plant Systematics

Harper, & Row Pub. New York

Fundamentals of Plant Breeding.

Kuckuck, H.;

Fundamentals of Nutrition

Lloyd, L. E.

Fundamentals of Nutrition

2 nd Ed. W. H. Freman and Company, San Franssisco.

Fundamentals of Nutrition

Llyod, L.E

Fundamentals of Nutrition 5th Ed

The Ewing Company. Pasadena. California

Fundamentals of Microbiolo-gy. 9th


Fundamentals of Microbiolo-gy. 9th

A.B. Saunders Company. Ltd. Tokyo. Japan.

Fundamentals of Management.


Fundamentals of Management.

Van Hoffman Press, Inc. USA

Fundamentals of horticulture. Fourth Edition

Edmond, J. B.

Fundamentals of horticulture

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Fundamentals of horticulture

McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc. New York

Fundamentals of entomology

Elzinga, R. F.

Fundamentals of entomology

Prentice-Hall of India, Private limited, New Delhi

Fundamentals of Ecology. Third Edition. W.B.

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Fundamentals of rice crop science.

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Fundamentals of Ecology.

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Philadelphia, Tokyo, Toppan Co. Ltd.

Fundamentals of Ecology, 3rd ed.

Odum, E.P.

Fundamentals of Ecology, 3rd ed.

W.B.Saunders Co., Tokyo, Japan. 326pp.

Fundamentals of Ecology, 3rd ed

Odum, E.P

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Saunders, Philadelphia

Fundamentals of Ecology 3rd edition.

Odum. H.T.

Fundamentals of Ecology 3rd edition.

Toppan Co. Ltd . Tokyo.

Fundamentals of Ecology

Odum EP

Fundamentals of Bacterial Plant Pathology.

Goto, M-,

Fundamentals of Bacterial Plant Pathology.

Academie Press, Inc. Calofomia.

Fundamentals of Aquatic Toxicology

Rand, G.M.

Fundamentals of Aquatic Toxicology

Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, New York. 666 P.

Fundamentals of Aquatic Toxicology

Rand, G. M.

Fundamentals of Aquatic Toxicology

Hemisphere Publishing Corporation. Washington.

Fundamentals of Aquatic Ecosystem.

Barnes, R.S.K.

Fundamentals of Aquatic Ecosystem.

Blackwell Scientific Publication. Oxford. London. 395 pp.

Fundamentals of Applied Entomology.

Pfadt, W.B.,

Fundamentals of Applied Entomology.

McMillan Publishing Co., New York. 693 p.

Fundamentals of weed Science.

Zimdahl, R.L

Fundamentals of Marketing

Stanton, William J.

Fundamentals of Marketing

USA : MacGraw Hill

Fundamentals Af Marketing

Stanton, William J

Fundamentals Af Marketing

USA. Mc Graw Hills

Fundamentalism of Nutrition 2"'1 Ed


Fundamental statistics in psychology and education

Guilford, J.P.

Fundamental statistics in psychology and education. 5th ed.

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Fundamental principles of bactériology.

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Fundamental Principles of Bacteriology.

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Fundamental Principles of Bacteriology. Fifth Edition

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fundamental Principles of Bacteriology Fifth edition.

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Fundamental Principle of Bacteriology

A.J. Salle

Fundamental Principle of Bacteriology

McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., London

Fundamental ofMicrobiology

Alcamo, I.E

Fundamental ofMicrobiology

Addison Wesley Pubhiising Co Massachusett, Califomia, London, Amsterdam, Don Milis, Ontario and Sidney

Fundamental of soil Science. Terjemahan ED Purbayanti, DR Lukiwati, R Trimulatsih

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Fundamental of Soil Science.

Milar, C.E.,

Fundamental of Soil Science


John Willey & Sons. Inc. New York

Fundamental of Soil Science

Foth. H.D

John Willey & Sons. New York

Fundamental Of Soil Physics

Hillel. D

Academic Press. Inc. London. Ltd

Fundamental of Rice Crop Science.

Yoshida, S.,

Fundamental of Rice Crop Science.

International Rice Research Institute. Los Banos, Philippines.

Fundamental of rice crop science

Yoshida. S

Fundamental of rice crop science, 269 pp

International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Philippines

Fundamental of plant virology

Matthews, REF.

Fundamental of plant virology

Academic Press, New York

Fundamental of Plant Breeding

Coulter JM

Prakash Publisher, Jaipur

Fundamental of plant breeding

Kuckuck, H.

Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, London, Paris, Tokyo, Hongkong, Barcelona and Budapest

Fundamental of Nutrition.

Uoyd, L. E,


Gadjah Mada University Press Yogyakarta

Fundamental of Soil Science.

Fundamental of Nutrition.

John Willey and Sons Inc., New York.

Ind Ed. W. H. Freeman and Company. San Fransisco.

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Fundamental of Nutrition 2nd Ed.

Lyiod, L.E

Fundamental of Nutrition 2nd Ed.

W.H Freeman and Campany. San Fransisco.

Fundamental of nutrition

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Fundamental of Microbiology

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Fundamental of Microbiology

Addison Wesley Publishing Co., Massachusett

Fundamental of Marketing.

Stanton, W. J.,

Fundamental of Marketing.

Mc Graw-Hill Book Company, New York.

Fundamental of Marketing.

Stanton, W.

Fundamental of Marketing. 9 th Edition

Mc Graw Hill Inc, New York

Fundamental of Horticulture

Edmond, J.B

Fundamental of Horticulture

McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. New York Toronto. London

Fundamental of Horticulture

Edmond, J.B

Fundamental of Horticulture

McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. New York. Toronto. London

Fundamental of Food Microbiology.

Field, M. L.

Fundamental of Food Microbiology.

AVI. Westport. Connecticut.

Fundamental of food Microbiology

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Fundamental of food Microbiology

The AVI Publishing Co. Inc. WestportConnectitut

Fundamental of Ecology. Third edition.

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Fundamental of Ecology. Third edition.

W. B. Sounders Company Toronto. 574 pp.

Fundamental of Ecology.

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Fundamental of Ecology.

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Fundamental of Ecology Third Edition

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Fundamental of Ecology 3'" ed.

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Philadelphia W.B. Saunders Company. 574 pp

Fundamental of Ecology (3rd ed.).

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Fundamental of Ecology (3rd ed.).

Toppan Company. Ltd..Tokyo. 574 p.

Fundamental of Ecology


Fundamental of Ecology

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Fundamental of Ecology

E.B. Sounders Co. Philadephia, USA

Fundamental of Ecology

Odum E.P

Fundamental of Ecology 3rd Edition

WB Saunders Co.Philadelphia-LondonToroto


WH Freeman & co. San Fransisco

W. B. Sounders Company, Philadelpia

John Willey and Sons. Inc. Canada

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Fundamental of ecology

Odum, E.P.

Fundamental of ecology. 3rd ed.

WB Sounders. Philadelphia.

Fundamental of Ecology

Odum, E.P.

Fundamental of Ecology

Sounders College Publishing, Philadelphia.

Fundamental of Ecology


Fundamental of Ecology 3rd ed.

Saunders College Publishing Philadelphia

Fundamental Nutrition.

Crampton, E.W.

Fundamental Nutrition.

W.H. Freeman and Company, London.

Fundamental methods of mathematical economics. International Student Edition. Second edition

Chiang, C. Alpha

Fundamental methods of mathematical economics. International Student Edition. Second edition

Mc Graw Hill Kogakusha Ltd. Tokyo

Fundamental Food Microbiology

Ray, B.

Fundamental Food Microbiology

CRC Press, Inc London.

Fundamental Food Microbiology

Ray, B.

Fundamental Food Microbiology

CRC Press New York p 191-200.

Fundamental Food Microbiology

Ray, B

Fundamental Food Microbiology

CRC Press, New York

Fundamental Ecology. 3rd Edition. W.B.,

Odum, E.P.

Fundamental Ecology. 3rd Edition. W.B.,

Saunders Company, Toronto. 407p.

Fundamental 4th ed.

Edmond. J.B.

Fundament Hydraulic Engineering Sys United States of America.

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Functions of shoaling behaviour in teleosts.

Pitcher, T. J.

T. J. Pitcher (Ed). The Behaviour of Te-leost Fishes. Croom Helm, London and Sydney, p. 294-337.

Functional roles of major groups of bacteria associated with detritus

J.C. Fry

Detritus and microbial ecology in aquaculture

ICLARM, Conference Proceeding 14, International Centre for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Manila,Philippines

Functional Properties of Food Component. Second edition

Pomeranz. Y.

Functional Properties of Food Component. Second edition

Academic Press, New York.

Functional Histology Functional foods (Kinosel Shokuhin tenbo)

Wheater.P.R. Tokoro, I.

Long Group Limited.London Takasago Koryo Jiho, 97 : 25 (in Japanese)


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Functional Foods

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Functional Foods

Champan & Hall, New York.

Functional differences between sperm bearing the X and Y chromosomes, him. 201-211

Ericsson, R.J.

R.P. Amann & G.E. Seidel, Jr. (ed.), Prospects for Sexing Mammalian Sperm

Corolado: Colorado Associated University Press.

Functional Consequences Of Zinc Deficiency

McClain. C.J

Progress In Food And Nutrition Science

Functional anatomy of scallops

Beninger, P G.

Shumway SE (ed) Scallops: biology, ecology and aquaculture,

Functional foods-a major oppurtunity for the dairy industry ?

Potter, D.

Dairy Ind. Int. 55.32-33.

Function of pectin in plant tissue structure and firmness. In "The Chemistry and Technology of Pectin",

Van Buren, J. P

The Chemistry and Technology of Pectin

Academie Press, Inc., New York

Function of Micronutrient in Plants

Price. C.A

Micronutrient in Agriculture

Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Publ.

Funcional Food

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Fulliculogenensis, Egg Maturation and Ovulation, Transport and Survival of Gamets, Fertilization

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Reproduction in Farm Animals. 6th Ed.

Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, USA, p. 144188.

Full House. Reassessing the Earth's Population Carrying Capacity

Brown, L.R.

S. Linda (ed.), The Worldwatch Environmental Alert Series

London: W.W. Northon & Company.

Fuel Wood Crops

NAS (National Academy Of Science)

Schrubs and Tree Species For Enegy Prodution Vol.2

National Academy Press. Washington DC

Fsiologi reproduksi & IB Frying of Food (Principle Changes, New Approaches)

Toelihere RM Varela G

FKH IPB, Ellis Horwood, Chichester, England

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Fruit trees and the soil.

Wright, D.M.

Faber and Faber, London.

Fruit physiology and production.

Singh, A.

Kalyaji Publisher. New Delhi.

Fruit and Vegetable

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Elsevier. Amsterdam, 33223 p., B.L.

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Fruit and Vegetable

Pergamon Press Ltd, Oxford, London, Edenburg, New York, Toronto, Sydney, Paris, Brunschewerg

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Frotran 77, Pengenalan program dan terapannya

Amrinsyah Nasution

Penerbit Erlangga Jakarta

Frontier Orbitals and organics chemical reaction

Fleming I

John Willey & Sons Inc., London

From harvest to store. From diagnosis to farmer adoption: MARIF's Maize OnFarm Research Programme in East Java, Indonesia

Wood, G.A.R. Krisdiana, R.

From harvest to store. R. Tripp (Ed.). Planned Change in Farming Systems: Progress in OnFarm Research. p. 143-168.

From casein to cheese; the role of lactococcus lactis

Konings, W. N.

Food Biotech.

Freshwater prawn culture Freshwater Invertebrates of United States. Second Edition.

M.B. New Pennak, R.W.

Freshwater prawn culture Freshwater Invertebrates of United States. Second Edition.

A review Aquaculture A Welley Inter Science Publication. John Willey and Sons. Inc. New York 769 pp.

Freshwater invertebrates of United States.

Pennack. R.W.

Freshwater invertebrates of United States.

Jhon Wiley and Sons, New York. 803 pp.

Freshwater fishes of Western Indonesia and Sulawesi.

Kottelat, M,

Freshwater fishes of Western Indonesia and Sulawesi.

Periplus. Ed. Ltd. 293 PP.

Freshwater fishes of western Indonesia and Sulawesi.

Kottelat, M.,

Freshwater fishes of western Indonesia and Sulawesi.

Periplus Edition Ltd. Indonesia. p.25-50.

Freshwater fishes of Western Indonesia and Sulawesi (Ikan air tawar Indonesia Bagian Barat dan Sulawesi).

Kottelat, M.,

Freshwater fishes of Western Indonesia and Sulawesi (Ikan air tawar Indonesia Bagian Barat dan Sulawesi).

Periplus Editions Ltd. Indonesia. 293p.

Freshwater Fishes of Western Indonesia and Sulawesi (Ikan Air Tawar Indonesia bagian Barat dan Sulawesi)

M. Kottelat

Freshwater Fishes of Western Indonesia and Sulawesi (Ikan Air Tawar Indonesia bagian Barat dan Sulawesi)

Periplus Editions Ltd., Indonesia

Freshwater Fishes of Western Indonesia and Sulawesi

Kottelat, M.

Freshwater Fishes of Western Indonesia and Sulawesi

Berkeley Books Pte. Ltd. Forrer Road, P.O. Box 115, Singapore 9128.

Freshwater Fishes of Western Indonesia and Sulawesi

Kottelat, M.

Freshwater Fishes of Western Indonesia and Sulawesi

Periplus Edition, Singapore.

Freshwater fishes of the world

G. Sterba

Freshwater fishes of the world

T.F.H. Publication, Inc.Ltd. , London

Freshwater fishes of the world

G. Sterba

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Freshwater Fishery Biology.

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Freshwater Fishery Biology.

WM.C.Brown Company. Iowa. 421 pp.

Freshwater Fish

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P. Calow (ed.): Handbook of Ecotoxicology. Vol. I

Blackwell Sci. Publ. Oxford, London, pp. 6682.

Freshwater Ecology. Principles and Applications

Jeffnes, M.

Freshwater Ecology. Principles and Applications

Belhaven Press, London.

Freshwater Biology. Second Edition.

Edmonson. W.T.

Freshwater Biology. Second Edition.

John Willey and Sons, Inc. 1248 pp.

Freshwater Biology

Needham. J.G

Freshwater Biology

Holden Day Inc. Sanfrancisco. 108 pp.

Freshwater Algae.

Prescott, G.W.,

The Picture Key Nature Series

Brown Company Publishing, Iowa. p.78.

Freshness Test

Farber, L.

G, Borgstroom (Ed) Fish As Food. Vol. IV

Academic Press New York.

Freshness quantity of seafoods: A Review

Botta, J. R

G. Borgstrom (Ed). Fish as Food Volume IV

Academic Press Inc. London,

Fresh-fish - Quality and quality changes. A Training Manual

Huss, H.H.

Fresh-fish - Quality and quality changes. A Training Manual

FAO of the UNO, Rome, 134 pp.

Fresh water Invertebrates of the United States

Penac. R.W.

Fresh water Invertebrates of the United States

John Willey and sons. New York. 803 pp.

Fresh water Biology.

Needham J.G.

Fresh water Biology.

Holden day Inc. San Fransisco. 108 i)p.

Fresh Water Biology

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Frequencies of nodulation response Alleles Rj2 and RJ4

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Soybean plant introduction and breeding lines, tech bull no 1628

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Frequencies of nodulation response Alleles Rj2 and RJ4

Devine TE

Soybean plant introduction and breeding lines, tech bull no 1628

US Depart Agric

Freezing meat. Pada: fundamental of food freezing, N. W. Desroiser and D. K. Tressler, eds.

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Free redical in low moisture systems

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Free radicals in biology and medicine

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Free Radical In Medicine II., Involvement in Human Desiese

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Free Radical In Medicine II., Involvement in Human Desiese

Mayo Clin Press

Free Radical in Biology and Medicine

Halliwell B

Free Radical in Biology and Medicine

Clarendon Press, Oxfort

Free Oxygen Scavenging Packaging

Harima, Y.

Food Packaging, Kadoya, T, 1990

Academic Press., Inc, San Diego. New York Hal. 229

Free Amino Acid in Fresh and Inoculated with Saccharomyces Cecevisiae (Wild Strain

Samah, O.A.,

Free Amino Acid in Fresh and Inoculated with Saccharomyces Cecevisiae (Wild Strain

The Planter, Kuala Lumpur

Fravor Chemistry and Technology

Heath, H

Fravor Chemistry and Technology

The Avi Publ. Co. Inc., Westport Connecticut.

Fractionation Procedures for Obtaining Cocoa Butter Like Fat from Enzymatically Interesterified palm olein

Chong, C.N.,

Fractionation Procedures for Obtaining Cocoa Butter Like Fat from Enzymatically Interesterified palm olein


fowl Cholera


pasteurella and pasteurellosis

academic press,harcout Brace Jovanovich,Publisher ,london

Foundations of economic analysis

Samuelson, P.A.

Foundations of economic analysis

Harvard University Press. Cambridge. p. 177-122.

Foundation of silviculture upon an ecological basis

Toumey, J. W.

Foundation of silviculture upon an ecological basis

John Willey and Son, Inc. New York.

Foundation of College Chemistry 6th ed.

M. Hein

Foundation of College Chemistry 6th ed.

Wadsworth Inc., USA

Foundation of Behavioral Research


Foundation of Behavioral Research

Holts, Rinehart and Winstons

Fotogrametri. Diktat Kuliah.

Institut Teknologi Bandung. hlm. 7-48.

Fotogrametri. Diktat Kuliah. Fotografi Udara Dan Penafsiran Citra Untuk Pengelolaan Sumber Daya (Terjemahan)


forthcoming Growth models with endogenous population

Nerlove, M.

M. R. Rosenzweig and O. Stark (Eds.). The Handbook of Population and Family Economics

New York: Elsevier.

Forth coming Study on-farm and off-farm Labour.

Kuster, E.

Forth coming Study on-farm and off-farm Labour.

TAD, Samarinda

Forrage Fibre Analysis.

Goering, H. K.

U.S.D.A. Handbook.


Gadjah Mada Univ. Press. Yogyakarta

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Formulation of insect pathogens

Couch TL

HD Burgers (ed) Microbial control of pests and plant diseases 19701980

Academic Press New York

Formulation of insect pathogens

Couch TL

HD Burgers (ed) Microbial control of pests and plant diseases 19701980

Academic Press New York

Forms And Distribution of Copper in Solid and Solution Phases of Soil

Murray. M.B

Copper In Soil and Plants

Academic Press. Australia. J

Forms and Distribution Of Cooper In Solid And Solutin Phases

McBridge. M.B`

Copper In Soil and Plants

Academic Press Australia

Formation Of Soil Aggregate and Accumulation Of Soil Organic Matter

Tisdall. J.M

Structure and Organic Matter Storage in Agricultural Soils

Lewis Publisher

Formation of Secondary Metabolite in Cultured Plant Cells and Its Impact on Pharmacy

Berlin, J.

Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry 4. Bajaj, Y.P.S. (Ed.)

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Formation of NVDV in Heated Fats and Oils

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Formation of NVDV in Heated Fats and Oils

Food Technology

Formation of NVDV in Heated Fats and Oils

Perkins, G.E

Formation of NVDV in Heated Fats and Oils

Food Technology

Formation of indole alkaloids serpentin and ajmalicine in cell suspension cultures of Catharanthus roseus, him. 2743

Zenk, M.H.

W. Barz, E. Reinhard & M.H. Zenk (ed.). Plant Tissue Culture and its Bio-Technological Application

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Cancer Res.(Suppl.),

Format-fonnat Penelitian Sosial : Dasar-dasar Aplikasi. Edisi pertama. Cetakan Ketiga

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Format-fonnat Penelitian Sosial : Dasar-dasar Aplikasi. Edisi pertama. Cetakan Ketiga

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Biophys. Acta


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Ronald publishing corp. New York.

Formaldehyde Environment Health Criteria '89


Form and function in birds. Vol. 1

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Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada

WHO (Word Health Organization ), Ganeva Academic Press, New York.

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Foresty in watershed management.

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Directorate general of forest utilization. Ministry of foresty, Government of Indonesia, and food and agriculture organization of soil conservation works

Forestry Hand Book. 2nd Ed.

Wenger, K.F.

Forestry Hand Book. 2nd Ed.

John Wiley And Sons. New York-ChichesterBrisbanc-TorontoSingapore.

Forester Engineering Handbook


Forest Soils: Proporties and Processes

Armson, K.A

Forest Soil

Lutz, H.J

John Willey & Sons. Inc. New York

Forest Soil

Lutz, H.J

John Wiley & Sons. Inc. London

Forest Resource Economics.

Gregory, G. R.

Forest Resource Economics.

John Wiley & Sons.

Forest Products and Wood Science. First Edition.

Haygrecn, J.G.

Forest Products and Wood Science. First Edition.

The Iowa State University Press. Anies.

Forest Products and Wood Science. An Introduction.

Haygreen, J.G.

Forest Products and Wood Science. An Introduction.

The Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa(pp: 204-214).

Forest Products and wood science

Haygreen JG

An Introduction.

The Iowa State University Press

Forest Products and Wood Science

Haygreen, J.G.

Forest Products and Wood Science

Iowa State University Press.

Forest Product.

Panshin, A.T.,

Forest Product.

Me Graw - Hill Book Company, New York.

Forest Inventory Vol. I


Forest Engineerng - Its Role In The Management Of The Mixed Dipterocrap Forest Of Sarawak



W.Heffer & Sons Ltd, Cambridge Forest Soils: Proporties and Processes

University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Canada

Verlagsgesseel Chaft, Muenchen The Malaysian Forester

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Forest Ecology


Lecture Note

Departement of Forestry Minchgan State University USA

Forest as an Ecosystem, Its Structure and Function :1 Floristic Composition and Stand Structure

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In Ogino K and M Cihara (Eds).Biological System of Mangrove: a Report of East Indonesian Mangrove Expedition 1986 : 85 - 96

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Force and Energy Requirement for Cutting Oil Palm Fresh Fruit Bunch. Departement of Power and Mechinery Engineering,

Hadi Suryanto,

Force and Energy Requirement for Cutting Oil Palm Fresh Fruit Bunch. Departement of Power and Mechinery Engineering,

Fakulty of Engineering University Pertanian Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.

Force and Energy Requirement for Cutting Oil Palm Fresh Fruit Bunch.

Suryanto, Hadi.

Force and Energy Requirement for Cutting Oil Palm Fresh Fruit Bunch.

Paper UPM. Selangor, Malaysia.

Foraminifera Padani (terziario e quatemario). Atlante iconografico e Distribuzione Stratigrafica. Second ed


Foraminifera Padani (terziario e quatemario). Atlante iconografico e Distribuzione Stratigrafica. Second ed

Agip, SPA.

Foraminifera Ketjil dari Sumur No. 1 di Kebayoran Jakarta

Marks, P.

Foraminifera Ketjil dari Sumur No. 1 di Kebayoran Jakarta

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John Wiley and Sons. London.

Foraging ecology of a tropical aerial feeding bird guild

Waugh, D.R


Forage in ruminant nutrition.

Minson, D. J.

Academic Press, New York.

Forage in ruminant nutrition

Minson DJ

Academic Press. New York-London-TorontoSidney-San francisco

Forage Fibre Analysis.

Goering, H. K.

US. Dept. Agric.

Government Printing Office, Washington DC., USA.

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Forage Fibre Analysis (Apparatus, Reagent, Procedure and Some Applications).

Goering, H. K.

US Departement of Agriculture, Washington, DC, USA.

Forage fibre analyses

Goering, H K

USDA Agriculture Research Science

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Goering, H. K.

Agricultural handbook. Agricultural research service, USA.

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Goering, H. K. Goering, H. K.

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Goering, H.K

Forage fiber analysis.

Agricultural Handbook No. 379, Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Washington DC, USA

Forage fiber analysis (apparatus, reagents, procedures and some application).

Goering, H.K.

Forage fiber analysis (apparatus, reagents, procedures and some application).

Agric. Handbook, Washington D.C.

Forage fiber analysis (apparatus, reagants, procedures and some appSicationh

Goering, H.K

Forage fiber analysis (apparatus, reagants, procedures and some appSicationh

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Forage Fiber Analysis Forage fiber analysis

Goering, H.K. Georing, H. K.

Agriculture Handbook 379. Agricultural handook. Agricultural research service, USA

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Forage Fiber Analyses Forage Fiber Analyses

Goering, H.K Goering, H.K

Agriculture Handbook Agricultural Handbook No. 379

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Foods oils and their uses

Weiss TJ

Foods Industry Indonesia.




The Avi Publ Co., Inc Westport

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Vail, G.E.


Houghton Muffin Company, Boston.


Vail G.E



A. Booth and P. McCawley (Eds.). The Indonesian Economy during the Soeharto Era.

Oxford University Press, Kuala Lumpur p. 23-61.

Foodiron Absorption

Hallberg, I.

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Churchil Livingstone, New York.

Foodborne Illness : an Overview

Waites. W.M

Food-born disease and isolation of pathogenic bacteria

Ito H

Bahan ceramah expert PAIR BATAN


Food, The Chemistry of lts Components

Coultate, T.P.

Food, The Chemistry of lts Components

Royal Society of Chemistry. Cambridge.

Food, Nutrition and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective


Food, Nutrition and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective


Food, nutrition and heakth.

Clydesdale, F. M.

The Avi Publ. Corp. Inc. Westport Connecticut.

Food Values of portion Commonly Used

Pennington J.A.T

Harper & Row, New York

Food Theory and Applications

Bower, J.

Food Theory and Applications

Food Supplement Use and Relatied Belife


Survey of Community College Student Journal of Nutrition Education

Food Security, Population and Environment

Ehlich Paul. R

Population and Development Review

Food Science. Terjemahaan : Purnomo, N dan Adiono.

Buckle, K.A.

Food Science. Terjemahaan : Purnomo, N dan Adiono.

Ilmu Pangan. UI Press. Jakarta.

Food Science. Penerjemah Hari Purnomo dan adiona

Buckle, KA

Ilmu Pangan

Universitas Indonesia (UIPress), Jakarta.

Food Science. A course manual in Food Science

Buckle, K.A

Food Science. A course manual in Food Science

Australian Vice Chancelors Comitte, Brisbane

Food science. 1st ed.

Potter, N. N.


Haughton Mifflin Company, USA


Macmillan Publ. Company, New York.

AVI Publishing Company Inc., Westport, Connecticut Hlm 1145 dari 1800

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Food Science Laboratory. Training Course Udayana University. School of Food Technology

Buckle, K. A.

Food Science Laboratory. Training Course Udayana University. School of Food Technology

The University of New South Wales. Kensington, Australia.

Food Science (diterjemahkan Purnomo, H dan Adiono)

Buckle KA

Food Science

Buckle, K.A.

Food science

Carley, H.

Food Science

Charley, H.

Food Science

John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Canada.

Food Science

Potter, N. N.

Food Science

Chapman and halI New York.

Food Science Food safety

Buckle KA Jones, M.

food safety


national environmental health action plans

WHO Regional Office for Europe

Food Recalls


Food Recalls

Food Safety focus. FSISUSDA. Washington, D.C.

Food Protein Chemistry

Regenstein, J.M.

Food Protein Chemistry

London: Academic Press, Inc.

Food Protein

Whitaker, J.R.

Food Products Formulary

Tressler DK

Fruits, Vegetables and Nuts Vol 3

The AVI Publishing Co.Inc.Westport, Connecticut

Food Processing Technology Priciples and Prac-tice

Fellows, P. J

Food Processing Technology Priciples and Prac-tice

El l is Horwood. New York

Food Processing Technology : Principle and Practise

Fellows, P.J

Food Processing Technology : Principle and Practise

Ellis Horwood Press. London.

Food Processing Methods For Improving The Zinc Content And Bioavailability Of Home Based dan Commercially Available Complementary Foods

Gibson. R.S

USAID & FAO Micronutrient Interaction : Impct Child Helth And Nutrition


UI Press, Jakarta

Food Science

Watson Ferguson & Co Brisbane, Australia. Printed by John Willey and Sons Inc., Toronto

UI Press Eagan Press, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA

Avi Publishing CompanyWestport Connecticut

Hlm 1146 dari 1800

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Food Processing and Nutrion

Bender A.E

Academic Press, London

Food Procesing : Principles and Aplication

Fellow. P.J

Academic Press. New York

Food Price Policy In Indonesia

Piggot. R.R

ACIAR. Canberra

Food Preservation for Filipinos

Lagua, R.T.

Food Preservation for Filipinos

G.M.S. Publishing Corp. Quezon, Philippines, hal 21.

Food Packaging Principle and Practices

Robertson, G.L.

Food Packaging Principle and Practices

Marcel Dekker, Inc., NY.

Food Oils and Their Uses. Second edn

Weiss, T.J.

Food Oils and Their Uses. Second edn

Avi Publishing Company. Westport, Connecticut

Food Oils and Their Uses.

Weiss, T.J.,

Food Oils and Their Uses.

The AVI Publishing Comp, Inc., Westport Connecticut.

Food Oils and Their Uses

Weiss, T.J.

Food Oils and Their Uses

AVI Publ. Co. Inc., Westport, Connecticut.

Food Nutrition And Diet Therapy

Krause. M.V

7th ed.

Liviraria Roca, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Food Nutrition And Diet Therapy

Krause. M.V

7th ed.

Liviraria Roca, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Food Nutrition and Diet Theraphy. A Text-Book of Nutritional Care

Krause, M.

Food Mikrobiolgy

Frazier, W.C

Food Mikrobiolgy

Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing, New York

Food Microbiology.

Frazier, W.C.

Food Microbiology.

Mc Graw Hill Pub.Co, Ltd. New Delhi, India

Food Microbiology.

Frajeer, W.C.

Food Microbiology.

Tata Mc.Graw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi

Food Microbiology.

Frazier, W.C.

Food Microbiology.

McGraw - Hill Book Company, Inc. New York.

Food Microbiology, 4th ed.

Frazier, W.C.

Food Microbiology, 4th ed.

Tata McGraw-Hill Co. Inc., New York.

Food Microbiology Fourth Edition

Frazier, W.C.

Food Microbiology Fourth Edition

McGraw Hill. International ed. Food Sci. Series. New York.

Food microbiology 4th ed.

Frazier, W. C.



W. B. Saunders Co.

McGraw-Hill Book Company, Singapore.

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Food Microbiology 4th ed.

Frazier. P.J

Food Microbiology (4th ed)

Frazier, W.C.

Food Microbiology (4th ed)

McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York.

Food Microbiology (3rd ed.)

Frazier, W.C.

Food Microbiology (3rd ed.)

McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York.

Food Microbiology

Frazier. W.C

Food Microbiology

Adams. M.R

The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge

Food Microbiology

Frazier, W.C.

Food Microbiology

food microbiology

Farazier, J. C.

Food Microbiology

Adams. M.R

The Royal Society Of Chemistry, Cambridge

Food Microbiology

Frazier, W.C.

Food Microbiology

Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi.

Food Microbiology

Frazier. WC.

Food Microbiology

AVI Publ Co, Connecticut.

Food Microbiology

Frazier, W.C.

Food Microbiology

Tata McGraw-Hill Publ. Co. Ltd., New York.

Food Microbiology

Adam, M.R.

Food Microbiology

The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge.

Food Microbiology

Frazier, W.C.

Food Microbiology

New Delhi:Tata McGrawHill Publ, Company Limited.

Food microbiology

Frazier, W.C.

Food microbiology

Tata McGraw - Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New ork.

Food Microbiology

Frajeer W.C

Food Microbiology

Tata Mc. Graw - Hill Publishing Company Limited. New Delhi

Food Microbiology

Frazier, W.C

Food Microbiology

Mc. Graw Hill Book Company, London

Food Microbiology

Fraoer, W.C

Food Microbiology. TMH Ed

Mc Graw Hill Publishing Comp. Ltd. New Delhi


Judul Buku

Penerbit McGraw-Hill. New York

McGrawth Hill Book. Co

McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York. Tata McGraw-Hill, Book, Co., Ltd., New Delhi

Hlm 1148 dari 1800

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Food Microbiologv and Hygiena

Hayes, P.R.

Food Microbiologv and Hygiena

Elsevier Applied Science Publisher Ltd, England,

Food Microbilogy 3rd edition

Frazier WC

Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co Ltd New Delhi

Food Microbilogy 3rd edition

Frazier WC

Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co Ltd New Delhi

Food labelling : trans fatty acids in nutrition labeling, nutrient content claims & health claims (Docket no 94P-0036)



Food labelling : trans fatty acids in ntrition labelling, nutrition labelling, nutrient content claims, & health claims


Food labeling: Trans fatty acids in nutrition labeling, nutrient content claims, and health claims (Docket no.94P-0036) USA


Food Irradiation Newsletter. Food irradiation

Docket no 94p-0036 FDA HHS

Washington DC

Anonymus Supriyadi

Food Irradiation Newsletter.

FAO & IAEA, Vienna Inter University center of food and nutrition, Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta

Food Intake Regulation Poultry

K.M. Boorman

Edinburgh British Poultry Sci.

Food In Theory and Practisa Food Fundamentals. 3 rd

Medved, Eva. Williams, N .

Food In Theory and Practisa Food Fundamentals. 3 rd

Plyeon Press USA Jhon Willy and Sons . Inc. New York

Food Fortification

Richardson, D.P.

Technology of Vitamins in Foods. P.B. Ottaway, Ed.

Blackie Academic & Professional, Glasgow.

Food For Special Dietary Uses Insluding Foods For Infants and Children.

Codex Alimentarius Commission


Food Enzymology

Fox, P.F

Vol. 2. Elsevier App. Science



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Food energy and the metabolism of nitrogen, dalam: Albanese, A.A. Protein and Amino Acid Nutrition.

Swanson, P.

Food energy and the metabolism of nitrogen, dalam: Albanese, A.A. Protein and Amino Acid Nutrition.

Lea Academic Press, New York.

Food emulsifiers & their chemical & pjysical properties

Krog NJ

Food emusions, K Larson & SE Friberg (eds)

Marcel Dekker New York

Food Distribution and Foraging Behavior

Oates, J. F.

B. B. Smuts, D. L, Cheney, R. M. Seyfarth, R. W. Wrangham and T. T. Struhsaker (Eds.). Primate Societies, pp. 197-209

The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

Food consumption and utilization, pp. 87-163

Slansky, F. Jr.,

G.A. Kerkut & L.I. Gilbert, Comprehensive Insect Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Volume 4

Pergamon Press, Oxford.

Food Composition Table For Use In East Asia


Food Policy And Nutrition Division Rome FAO/UN

Food Composition and Analysis

Triebold. H.O

D. Van Nostrnd Company. Inc. Canada

Food Chemistry.

Meyer, L.H.

Food Chemistry.

Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York.

Food Chemistry.

Meyer. L. H.

Food Chemistry.

Affiliated East West Press PVT, LTD. New Delhi

Food Chemistry.

Meyer. L.H.

Food Chemistry.

Affiliated East West Press PVT. LTD. New Delhi.

Food Chemistry.

Meyer, L. H.

Food Chemistry.

Affiliated East West Press PVT. LTD, New Delhi.

Food Chemistry.

Meyer, L.H.

Food Chemistry.

Van Nostrand Reinhold. Co. New York. p. 259.

Food Chemistry.

Meyer, L.H.

Food Chemistry.

The AVI Publ. Co. Inc. Westport. Connecticut

Food Chemistry(2nd ed)

Fennema, O.R.

Food Chemistry(2nd ed)

Marcel Dekker Inc, New York.

Food Chemistry (English edn.)

Belts, H.D.

Food Chemistry (English edn.)

Springer-Verlag, New York.


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Food Chemistry

Meyer. L. H.

Food Chemistry

Affiliated East West Press PVT. LTD. New Delhi.

Food Chemistry

Fennema, O.R.

Food Chemistry

Marcell Dekker. Hal. 175.

Food Chemistry

Fennema, O.R.

Food Chemistry

Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.

Food Chemistry

Meyer, L.H.

Food Chemistry

Reinhold Publishing Corp. New York.

Food Chemistry

Fenemma, O.R.

Food Chemistry

Marcel Dekker Inc., New York.

Food Chemistry

Fenema, O. R.

Food Chemistry

Marcel Dekker, New York.

Food Chemistry

Meyer, L. H.

Food Chemistry

JMJ Press Inc.,Philippines.

Food Chemistry Food Chemistry Food Chemistry

Belitz, H.D Belitz, H.D. Meyer LH

Food Chemistry

Springer Verlag Berlin Springer Verlag. Reinhold Publishing Corporation New York

Food Chemistry

Meyer LH

Food Chemical Codex. 2nd Ed.


Food Chemical Codex. 2nd Ed.

National Academic of Science, Washington DC. p. 155-195.

Food Carbohydrates

Lineback, D.R.

Food Carbohydrates

Avi Publishing Company, Inc. Westport, Connecticut.

Food biopreservitives of microbial origin

Ray, B.

Food Biopreservatives of Microbial Origin.

Ray, B

Food and nutrition encyclopedia. 2nd ed.

Esminger, A. H.

Food and Nutrition


Food and Nutrition

Food and Drug Administrations USA.


Center food Safety Applied Nutritions.

Food and drink biotechnology

Beech, G.A

Biotechnology Principles and Applications (Higgins, I.J.. D.J. Best and J. Jones, eds)

Blackwell Scientific Publications

Food and Beverage Control

Keister, D.C.

Food and Beverage Control

Prentice-Hall Inc., NewJersey.


Affiliated East-West PVT.Ltd.New Delhi

CRC Press, London Food Biopreservatives of Microbial Origin.

CRC Press. Boca-Raton 103-132 CRC Press London Mill and Bopn. Ltd, London.

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Food Analysis: Analitical and Quality Control Methods for The Food Manufacturer and Buyer

Lees, R.

Food Analysis: Analitical and Quality Control Methods for The Food Manufacturer and Buyer

Leonard Hill Books, London

Food Analysis, Theory and Pratice

Pomeranz, Y

Food Analysis, Theory and Pratice

The AVI Publ., Wesport Connecticut.

Food Analysis, Theory and Practice dalam Pengaruh Jenis Pengisi dan Penambahan Natrium Metabisulfit Terhadap Mutu Tepung Saribuah Sirsat (Alnona muricata) Selama Penyimpanan (Eds Suratmi),

Pomeranz, Y.

Food Analysis, Theory and Practice dalam Pengaruh Jenis Pengisi dan Penambahan Natrium Metabisulfit Terhadap Mutu Tepung Saribuah Sirsat (Alnona muricata) Selama Penyimpanan (Eds Suratmi),

Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian IPB. Bogor

Food Analysis, Theory and Practice

Pomeranz, Y

Food Analysis, Theory and Practice

AVI Publ. Co, Connecticut.

Food Analysis : Theory and Practice (Rev.ed.)

Pomeranz, Y

AVI Publistang, Westport, Connecticut

Food Microbiology

Frazier, W.C.

Food Microbiology

Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New York

Food Microbiology

Frazier, W.C.

Food Microbiology

Tata McGraw - Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.. NewYork

Folliculogenesis, Egg Maturation, and Ovaluation.

Hafez, E.S.E.

Farm animals Reproduction in Farm Animals 6th. Ed. Hefez, E.S.E. (Ed).

Lea and Febiger. Philadelphia.

Folliculogenesis, egg maturation and ovulation

Hafez, E.S.E.

transport and survival of gametes, fertilization

Reproduction in Farm Animals. 6th Ed. Lea and Febiger Philadelphia. 114143.

Follicular dynamics during the ovulatory season in goals

Ginther OJ


Foliage plant production

Joiner JN

London Prentice Hall, Inc

Foliage plant production

Joiner JN

London Prentice Hall, Inc

Fluktuasi Serangan Penggerek Batang Padi dan Parasit Telurnya di Pinrang dan Sidrap

Yasin. M.


Hasil Penelitian Padi No. 4, 1993

Badan Litbang Pertanian Balittan Maros

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Fluktuasi Kunjungan Wisatawan Manca Negara dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Tingkat Hunian Kamar Hotel Berbintag di Bali

Suarta. I.K

Flower scent of some traditional medical Plants

Brunke, E. J.

Bioactive Volatile Coumpouds from plants. (Teranish, R. Buterry, R.G. and Sugiisawa, H. eds)

American Chemical Society, Washington, DC.

Flow of Open Channel. Revised Edition

Subramanya, K

Flow of Open Channel. Revised Edition

Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishers. New Delhi

Flow in C Cnannel, First Revised Edi

Subramanya, K

Flow in C Cnannel, First Revised Edi

Tata Mc. Graw-Hill.

Floral structure and behaviour in relation to outcrossing in rice

Namai H

Lecture. Hybrid rice seed production training cource

IRRI, Philippines

Floral structure and behaviour in relation to outcrossing in rice

Namai H

Lecture. Hybrid rice seed production training cource

IRRI, Philippines


Van Steenis, C.G.G.,


PT. Pradnya Paramita, Jakarta.

Flora untuk sekolah di Indonesia

Van Steenis, C. G. G. J.

Flora untuk sekolah di Indonesia

PT. Pradya Paranita, Jakarta Pusat

Flora untuk Sekolah di Indonesia

Steenis, C.G.G.J.

Flora untuk Sekolah di Indonesia

PT Pradnya Paramita. Jakarta.

Flora of Java. Vol. III Flora of Java. Vol. II. NVP Nordhoff-Groningen.

Backer, C.A. Backer, C.A.

Flora of Java. Vol. III Flora of Java. Vol. II. NVP Nordhoff-Groningen.

Groningen: Nordhoff. The Netherlands. P. 1819.

Flora of Java (Spermatophites Only). Vol. II

Backer CA

Flora of Java (Spermatophites Only). Vol. II

The Netherland: NVP Noordhoff-Groningen.

Flora of Java

Backer, C. A.

N. V. P. Noorshoff, Groningen, Netherlands

Flora of Japan.

Ohwi, J.

Flora of Japan.

Flora Malesiana 5 (2) 1955 Flora Malesiana

Leenhouts.P.W Mabberley DJ

Noordhoff-kolf N.V, Jakarta Series 1- Spermathophyta.Vol 12,part 1: Meliaceace

Flora cf Java 3 Flora Flora

Backer, C.A. Steenis, van Steenis, C.G.G.J.

Flora cf Java 3 Flora Flora


Judul Buku

Penerbit Politekni Universitas Udayana. Denpasar

Washington DC: Smithsonian Institution.

Leaden:Rijksherbarium/H ortus Botanicus,Leiden University Noordhoff Groningen. PT Pradnya Paramita P.T. Pradnya Paramita, Jakarta Hlm 1153 dari 1800

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Steenis, C.G.G.J.


PT. Pradnya Paramita, Jakarta.


Steenis CGG




Steenis CGG

Flood Damage Survey on Semarang flood control Project

FT Undip

Flavor Chemistry and Technology

Heath HD

Biogenesis of Flavor in Fruits and vegetables

API Publishing, Connecticut

Flavor Chemistry and Technology

Heath, H. B.

Flavor Chemistry and Technology

Von Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York.

Flavonoids, dietary-derived inhibitors of cell proliferation and in vitro angiogenesis.

Fotsis, T.

Cancer Res. 57:2916-2921.

Five years SAPPRAD in Indonesia

Kusumo, S

Five years SAPPRAD in Indonesia

Fiundamentals of Weed Science

Zimdahl, R.L

Fitokimia Fitokimia Fitokimia Fisologi herbisida Fisiology tumbuhan, metabolisme dasar

Djamal, R. Djamal, R. Djamal, R. Moenandir, J Suseno, H.

Fisiology tumbuhan Fisiology tumbuhan Fisiology Reproduksi and Inseminasi Buatan pada Sapi.

Suseno H Suseno H Djanuar, R.

Fisiologi. Kedokteran. Fisiologi Tumbuhan. Metabolisme dasar

Ganong, W.F. Suseno, H.

Fisiologi Tumbuhan. Metabolisme dasar

Suseno, H.


Pradnya Paramita Jakarta Flora

Pradnya Paramita. Jakarta Pradnya Paramita Jakarta

Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (AARD), Jakart Academic Press. New York

Fisologi herbisida Fisiology tumbuhan, metabolisme dasar

CV. Rajawalii. Jakarta. Departemen Botani. Fakultas Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Faperta IPB Faperta IPB Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Fisiologi. Kedokteran.

EGG. Jakarta. 683 pp. Departemen Botani, Fakultas pertanian IPB Departemen Botani, Fakultas pertanian IPB

Hlm 1154 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Fisiologi tumbuhan. Diterjemahkan oleh Diah R. Lukman dan Sumaryono. 1995.

Salisbury, F.B.,

Fisiologi tumbuhan. Diterjemahkan oleh Diah R. Lukman dan Sumaryono. 1995.

Penerbit ITB. Bandung.

Fisiologi tumbuhan terjemahan Lukma DR, Sumaryono

Salisbury FB

Plant Physiology


Fisiologi Tumbuhan Jilid II. (Terj. Dr. DR. Lukmana dan Ir. Sumarijono, MSc.)

Salisbury, F.B.

Fisiologi Tumbuhan Jilid II. (Terj. Dr. DR. Lukmana dan Ir. Sumarijono, MSc.)

Penerbit ITB, Bandung.

Fisiologi Tumbuhan Budidaya (terjemahan).

Gardner, F. P.

Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta.

Fisiologi Tumbuhan (terjemahan).

Salisbury FB

Gadjah Mada Univ. Press. Yogyakarta

Fisiologi Tumbuhan Fisiologi tumbuhan Fisiologi Tumbuhan

Salisbury. F.B Salisbury, F. B. Suseno Hari

ITB. Bandung Penerbit ITB bandung Departemen Botani Fakultas Pertanian IPB

Fisiologi tumbuhan Fisiologi Tumbuhan

Salisbury, F. B. Salisbury, F.B

Fisiologi ternak

Azfirman, A.

Fisiologi Tanaman. Fisiologi Tanaman Tebu

Wilkins, M.B., Soetopo

Fisiologi tanaman Budidaya. Terjemahan Herawati Susilo

Gardner, F. P.

Fisiologi Tanaman Budidaya. (Terj.)

Gardner, F.P.

Fisiologi Tanaman Budidaya. (Terj.)

Penerbit Univ. Indonesia, Jakarta

fisiologi tanaman budidaya. fisiologi tanaman budidaya. Fisiologi tanaman budidaya tropik

Gardener herawti susilo Goldworthy, P. R.

physiogoly of corps plant physiogoly of corps plant Alih bahasa oleh Tohari dari: The Physiology of tropical field crops

UI Press, jakarta UI Press, jakarta Gajah Mada University Press

Fisiologi tanaman budidaya tropik

Goldsworthy, P. R.

Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Fisiologi tanaman budidaya tropik

Goldsworthy, P. R.

Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Fisiologi tanaman Budidaya terjemahan Herawati Susilo, UI

Gardner FP


Fisiologi tumbuhan Metabolisme Dasar

Fisiologi Tumbuhan

Penerbit ITB Bandung Penerbit ITB, Bandung. Fakultas peternakan UNAND, Padang

Fisiologi Tanaman.

Bina Aksara, Jakarta. Acasana Karya Bhakti, Yogyakarta UI Press, Jakarta

Hlm 1155 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Fisiologi tanaman Budidaya terjemahan Herawati Susilo, UI

Gardner FP

Fisiologi Tanaman Budidaya (terjemahan)


Fisiologi Tanaman Budidaya (terjemahan)

Gardner, F.P.

UI-Press. Jakarta.

Fisiologi Tanaman Budidaya (Terjemahan Susilo)

Gardner, P.F

Universitas Indonesia Press

Fisiologi Tanaman Budidaya Fisiologi Tanaman Budidaya

Gardner. F.P Gardner. F.P

UI Press Univesitas Indonesia Press, Jakarta

Fisiologi Tanaman Budidaya Fisiologi Tanaman Budidaya

Gardner, F.P. Gardner F.P.

Fisiologi Tanaman Budidaya Fisiologi Tanaman (terjemahan M. M. Sutedjo & A.G. Kartasapoetra)

GarDner Wilkins, M.B.

Fisiologi stress lingkungan Fisiologi stres lingkungan. Fisiologi reproduksi Ternak. Fisiologi reproduksi pd ternak

Harjadi, S. S. Harjadi, S. Toelihere, M. Toelihere MR

Fisiologi Reproduksi pada Ternak. Edisi Pertama

Toelihere, M.R.

Fisiologi Reproduksi pada Ternak. Edisi Pertama

Penerbit Angkasa, Bandung.

Fisiologi Reproduksi pada Ternak.

Toelihere, M.R.

Fisiologi Reproduksi pada Ternak.

Penerbit Angkasa, Bandung. hlm. 121-124.

Fisiologi Reproduksi pada Ternak.

Toelihere, M.R.

Fisiologi Reproduksi pada Ternak.

Penerbit Angkasa, Bandung. hlm. 92-122.

Fisiologi Reproduksi pada Ternak.

Toelihere, M.R.

Fisiologi Reproduksi pada Ternak.

Penerbit Angkasa, Bandung

Fisiologi Reproduksi pada Ternak.

Toelihere, R. M.

Fisiologi Reproduksi pada Ternak.

Toelihere, M.R.

Fisiologi reproduksi pada ternak

Toelihere, M. R.

Angkasa, Bandung.

Fisiologi reproduksi pada ternak


Angkasa, Bandung.


Judul Buku


Fisiologi Tanaman Budidaya (terjemahan)

Universitas Indonesia Press. Jakarta

Fisiologi Tanaman Budidaya Fisiologi Tanaman Budidaya

UI Press. Universitas Indonesia. Jakarta. UI Press PT. Bina Aksara, Jakarta.

Angkasa, Bandung. Penerbit Angkasa, Bandung, Naskah Publikasi

Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, IPB, Angkasa, Bandung. Fisiologi Reproduksi pada Ternak.

Penerbit Angkasa, Bandung.

Hlm 1156 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Fisiologi reproduksi pada ternak

Toelihere, M. R.

Angkasa, Bandung.

Fisiologi Reproduksi pada Ternak

Toelihere, M. R.

Angkasa Bandung

Fisiologi Reproduksi Pada Ternak

Toelihere, M.R.

Fisiologi Reproduksi Pada Ternak

Penerbit Angkasa, Bandung.

Fisiologi Reproduksi pada ternak

Toelihere M

Fisiologi Reproduksi pada ternak

Angkasa bandung

Fisiologi Reproduksi pada Ternak

Toelihere, MR.

Fisiologi Reproduksi pada Ternak

Penerbit Angkasa Bandung.92-122.

Fisiologi Reproduksi pada Ternak

Toelihere, M.R

Fisiologi Reproduksi pada Ternak

Angkasa. Bandung.

Fisiologi Reproduksi Pada Ternak

Toelihere, M.

Fisiologi Reproduksi Pada Ternak

Angkasa Bandung. Hal 32-34

Fisiologi Reproduksi Pada Ternak

Toelihere, M R

Fisiologi Reproduksi Pada Ternak

Penerbit:Angkasa, Bandung

Fisiologi reproduksi pada ternak

Toelihere MR

Angkasa Bandung

Fisiologi reproduksi pada ternak

Toelihere MR

Penerbit Angkasa Bandung

Fisiologi Reproduksi Pada Ternak


Fisiologi Reproduksi Pada Ternak

Angkasa. Bandung.

Fisiologi Reproduksi pada Ternak

Toelihere, M. R.

Fisiologi Reproduksi pada Ternak

Penerbit Angkasa Bandung.

Fisiologi reproduksi pada ternak

Toelihere, M.R

Fisiologi reproduksi pada ternak

Penerbit Angkasa Bandung

Fisiologi Reproduksi pada Ternak

Toelihere, M.R

Fisiologi Reproduksi Pada Temak

Toelihere, M.R

Fisiologi Reproduksi pada Mamalia dan Unggas. Terjemahan Sunaryo Keman

Nalbandov, A. V.

Fisiologi Reproduksi pada Mamalia dan Unggas. Penerjemah Sunaryo Keman

Nalbandov, A.V.

Fisiologi Reproduksi dan Inseminasi Buatan Pada Ternak. Diterjemahkan oleh R. Djanuar.

Salisbury, G.W.

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Fisiologi Reproduksi dan Inseminasi Buatan pada Sapi.

Djanuar, R.

Gadjah Mada University Press.


Judul Buku


Penerbit Angkasa, Bandung Fisiologi Reproduksi Pada Temak

Angkasa Bandung Universitas Indonesia Jakarta

Fisiologi Reproduksi pada Mamalia dan Unggas. Penerjemah Sunaryo Keman

Penerbit Universitas Indonesia Press, Jakarta.

Hlm 1157 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Fisiologi reproduksi dan inseminasi buatan pada sapi.

Salisbury, G.W.

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Fisiologi reproduksi dan inseminasi buatan pada sapi.

Salisbury, G.W.

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Fisiologi reproduksi dan inseminasi buatan pada sapi (terjemahan)

Djanuar, R.

Fisiologi reproduksi dan inseminasi buatan pada sapi (terjemahan)

Gadjah Mada University Press

Fisiologi Reproduksi dan Inseminasi Buatan Pada Sapi (Terjemahan)

Januar, R.

Fisiologi Reproduksi dan Inseminasi Buatan Pada Sapi (Terjemahan)

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Fisiologi Reproduksi dan Inseminasi Buatan Pada Sapi (Terjemahan)

Januar, R

Fisiologi Reproduksi dan Inseminasi Buatan Pada Sapi (Terjemahan)

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Fisiologi Reproduksi dan Inseminasi Buatan pada Sapi

Salisbury, G.W.

fisiologi reproduksi dan inseminasi buatan pada sapi

salisbury G W

Terjemahan R. Djanuar

Gajahmada Universiti Press Yogyakarta

Fisiologi Reproduksi dan Inseminasi Buatan Pada Sapi

Djanuar, R.

Fisiologi Reproduksi dan Inseminasi Buatan Pada Sapi

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Fisiologi Reproduksi dan IB.

Toelihere, R. M.

Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, IPB, Angkasa, Bandung.

Fisiologi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman.

Lakitan, B.

Rajawali Pres, Jakarta.

Fisiologi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman

Lakitan B.

Fisiologi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman

PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakart

Fisiologi Perkecambahan.

Murniati, E.

Bahan Kuliah untuk Peserta Training Teori dan Praktikum Fisiologi Benih

Balitan Sukamandi, Deptan. Kampus Benih Leuwikopo

Fisiologi pascapanen

Pantastico, ER. B.

Fisiologi pascapanen

Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Fisiologi Pas-ca Panen. Penanganan Buah-buahan dan Sayuran Tropika dan Subtropika Terjemahan Kamariyani.

Pantastico, Er.B

Fisiologi Pas-ca Panen. Penanganan Buah-buahan dan Sayuran Tropika dan Subtropika Terjemahan Kamariyani.

Gajah Mada Univer sity Press. Yokyakarta

Fisiologi Pasca Panen, Petunjuk Praktikum Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, UGM, Yogyakarta.


Fisiologi Pasca Panen, Petunjuk Praktikum Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, UGM, Yogyakarta.

UGM, Yogyakarta.


Judul Buku


Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Hlm 1158 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Fisiologi Pasca Panen, Penanganan dan Pemanfaatan Buah-Buahan dan SayurSayuran Tropika dan Sub Tropika


Fisiologi Pasca Panen, Penanganan dan Pemanfaatan Buah-Buahan dan Sayur-Sayuran Tropika dan Sub Tropika

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Fisiologi Pasca Panen, Penangan dan Pemanfaatan Buah-buahan dan Sayu-sayuran Tropika dan Subtropika

Pantastico, E.B (ed)

Fisiologi Pasca Panen, Penangan dan Pemanfaatan Buah-buahan dan Sayu-sayuran Tropika dan Subtropika

Gadjah Mada Univ. Press, Yogyakarta.

Fisiologi Pasca Panen Sayuran dan Buah-buahan

Muchtadi, D

Fisiologi Pasca Panen Sayuran dan Buah-buahan

PAU IPB. Bogor

Fisiologi Pasca Panen Penanganan dan Pemanfaatan Buah-buahan dan Sayursayuran Tropika dan Sub Tropika

Pantastico. E.R.B

Post Harvest Physiology Handling and Utilization of Tropical and Subtropical Fruits and Vegetables (Terjemahan)

UGM. Press. Yoyakarta

Fisiologi Pasca Panen Penanganan dan Pemanfaatan Buah-buahan dan Sayursayuran Tropica dan Sub Tropica

Pantastico. E.R.B

Fisiologi Pasca Panen dan Pemanfaatan Buah-buahan dan Sayuran Tropika dan Sub Tropika


Fisiologi Pasca Panen dan Pemanfaatan Buah-buahan dan Sayuran Tropika dan Sub Tropika

Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Fisiologi Pasca Panen (terjemahan oleh Kamarijani)

Pantastico, E-R.B.

Fisiologi Pasca Panen (terjemahan oleh Kamarijani)

Gadjah Mada Press, Yogyakarta.

Fisiologi Pasca Panen


Fisiologi Pasca Panen

FTP-UGM. Yogyakarta.

Fisiologi Nutrisi. Volume II.

Pilliang W

Fisiologi nutrisi. Volume I Depdikbud.

Piliang WG

Fisiologi nutrisi. Volume I

Piliang, W. G.

PAU Ilmu Hayat, IPB, Bogor

Fisiologi manusia dan mekanisme kerja penyakit

Guyton, A. C.

EGC. Penerbit buku kedokteran, Jakarta

Fisiologi Lingkungan Tanaman (Terjemahan).

Filter, A.H

Fisiologi Lingkungan Tanaman (Terjemahan).

Gajahmada University Press. Yogyakarta.

Fisiologi Lingkungan Tanaman

Fitter A.H.

Fisiologi Lingkungan Tanaman

Gajahmada University Press Yogyakarta


Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

PT. Penerbit IPB, Bogor. Dikti PAU Ilmu hayat. IPB pp 213134

Hlm 1159 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Fisiologi Lingkungan Tanaman

Fitter, A.H

Fisiologi Lingkungan Tanaman

Gradner, F. P

Fisiologi Lingkungan Tanaman

Fisiologi Lingkungan


Bahan Kuliah Pasca Sarjana Universitas Pajajaran Bandung

Fisiologi Lepas Panen.

Winarno, F.G

Fisiologi Lepas Panen

Sastra Hudaya, Jakarta

Fisiologi Lepas Panen

Winarno, F.G.

Fisiologi Lepas Panen

Sastra Hudaya, Jakarta.

Fisiologi Lepas Panen

Winarno, F.G.

Fisiologi Lepas Panen

Dep. Teknologi Hasil Pertanian. Fatemeta IPB, Bogor.

Fisiologi Lepas Panen

Winarno, F.G

Fisiologi Lanjutan dan Nutrisi


Fisiologi kerja dan olahraga serta peranan tes kerja (Exercise test) untuk diagnostik

Effendi, H.

Penerbit alumni, Bandung

Fisiologi kelenjar endokrin. Vol. II

Djojosoebagio, S.

PAU Ilmu Hayat, IPB, Bogor

Fisiologi kelenjar endokrin. Vol. I

Djojosoebagio, S.

PAU Ilmu Hayat, IPB, Bogor

Fisiologi Kelenjar Endokrin II.

Djojosoebagio, S

Fisiologi kelenjar endokrin Fisiologi Kelenjar Endokhn II.

Djojosoebgio S Djojosoebagio, S.

Fisiologi Kedokteran. Penerjemah Adji Dharma dan P. Lukmanto. Edisi 5. E.G.C.

Guyton, A.C.

Fisiologi Kedokteran ed. 14th

Ganong. W.F


Judul Buku

Penerbit UGM Press. Yogyakarta Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Sastra Budaya. Jakarta Fisiologi Lanjutan dan Nutrisi

Fisiologi Kelenjar Endokrin II.

Fisiologi Kelenjar Endokhn II.

Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian. Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

PAU IPB dan Dept. P dan K. 253 pp. PAU Ilmu Hayat IPB PAU, IPB dan Departemen P dan K. 253 pp. Buku Kedokteran, Jakarta.

Petrus Andrianto, Penterjemah

J. Oswari ed. EGC, Jakarta

Hlm 1160 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Fisiologi kedokteran (Review of medical physiology). Ed. 10

Ganong, W. V.

Buku kedokteran Jakarta (diterjemahkan oleh Adji Dharma)

Fisiologi kedokteran Fisiologi kedokteran

Ganong, W. F. Ganong WF

Fisiologi Kedokleran (Review of Medical Physiology). Diterjemahkan Dharma, A.

Ganong, W.F.

Fisiologi Kedokleran (Review of Medical Physiology). Diterjemahkan Dharma, A.

EGC. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran. Jakarta. 2324.

Fisiologi ikan

Fujaya, V.

Fisiologi ikan

Jurusan Perikanan Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan Universitas Hasanuddin. Ujung Pandang, 217hal.

Fisiologi Hewan Jilid 1.

Widjajakusuma, R.

Fisiologi Hewan Jilid 1.

Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan - IPB. Bogor. 213 pp.

Fisiologi Herbisida (Ilmu Gulma Buku II).

Moenandir, J.,

Fisiologi Herbisida (Ilmu Gulma Buku II).

Rajawali, Jakarta.

Fisiologi Ferrnentasi.

Fardiaz, S

Fisiologi Ferrnentasi

P.A U. Lembaga Sumber Daya Informasi IPB Bogor

Fisiologi Fermentasi. PAU IPB Bogor dengan USU

Fardiaz, S

Fisiologi Fermentasi. Fisiologi Fermentasi.

Fardiaz, S. Anonim

Fisiologi Fermentasi. Fisiologi Fermentasi.

PAU USU, IPB. Bogor. PAU Pangan dan Gizi, IPB. Bogor.

Fisiologi Fermentasi.


Fisiologi Fermentasi.

PAU Pangan dan Gizi. IPB, Bogor.

Fisiologi Fennentasi Pusat antar Universitas

Fardiaz. S.

Fisiologi Fennentasi Pusat antar Universitas

IPB. Bogor.

Fisiologi dan Teknologi Reproduksi Hewan Domestik

Hunter, R.H.F

Fisiologi dan Teknologi Reproduksi Hewan Domestik

Penerbit ITB Bandung & Universitas Udayana.

Fisiologi dan Teknologi Reproduksi Hewan Domestik

Hunter, R.H.F.

Fisiologi dan Teknologi Reproduksi Hewan Domestik

Penerbit ITB Bandung dan Universitas Udayana.

Fisiologi dan teknologi reproduksi hewan betina domestik.

Hunter, R. F. H.

ITB, Bandung, Universitas Undayana, Denpasar.

Fisiologi dan Teknologi Reproduksi Hewan Betina Domestik

Hunter, R. F. H.

ITB Bandung, Universitas Udayana Denpasar



EGC, Jakarta Penerbit Buku Kedokteran Jkt

IPB, Bogor

Hlm 1161 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Fisiologi dan Teknologi Pasca Panen

Susanto, T.

Fisiologi dan Teknologi Pasca Panen

Penerbit Akademika, Yogyakarta

Fisiologi dan reproduksi ternak

Toelihere MR

Fisiologi dan Inseminasi Buatan pada Sapi (Physiology and Artificial Insemination of Cattle). Diterjemahkan oleh Januar

Salisbury, G W

Fisiologi dan Inseminasi Buatan pada Sapi (Physiology and Artificial Insemination of Cattle). Diterjemahkan oleh Januar

Gajah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta. 319,334-339,342-343,

Fisiologi dan biokimia kemunduran benih

Suseno, H.

dasar-dasar teknologi benih. Capita Selecta

Departemen Agronomi Fakultas Pertanian IPB Bogor

Fisiologi Tumbuhan Fisika-Kimia Tanah pertanian

Salisbury FB Sarief, S.E

Fisiologi Tumbuhan

ITB Bandung Pustaka Buana. Bandung

Fisika untuk universitas. Vol. 2.

Francis, W. S.

Fisika untuk ilmu-ilmu hayati, Edisi kedua

Alan H. Cromer

Fisika tanah. Fisika tanah.

Arsyad, S. Sukmana, S.

Fisika tanah dasar. Bagian Ilmu tanah

Sarief, S.

Fakultas pertanian UNPAD Bandung

Fisika Tanah : Dasar Dan Teori

Utomo. W

Fakultas Pertanian UNIBRAW

Fisika Tanah

Herujito. D

Departemen Ilmu Tanah Fakultas Pertanian IPB

Fisika Tanah

Utomo, W.H

Fisika Tanah

Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang

Fisika Tanah

Arsyad, S.

Fisika Tanah

Fakultas Pertanian IPB. Bogor

Fisika Kimia Tanah Pertanian.

Sarief, E.S.

Fisika Kedokteran EGC

Gabriel. J,F.


Angkasa Bandung

Binacipta, Jakarta. Fisika untuk ilmu-ilmu hayati, Edisi kedua

Gadjah Mada University Press Departemen Pertanian. Badan Pengendali Bimas dan Lembaga Penelitian Tanah.

Cv. Pustaka Buana Bandung. Fisika Kedokteran EGC

Penerbit Buku Kedokteran.Jakarta. 45.

Hlm 1162 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Fisika Kedokteran

Gabriel, J.F

Fisika Kedokteran

Departemen Fisika UNUD.

Fisika Dasar Gelombang dan Optik.


Fisika Dasar Gelombang dan Optik. Cetakan ka-3

ITB, Bandung.

Fishing Methods of the Word and Action

Von Brand, A.

Fishing Methods of the Word and Action

Fishing News (Book) Ltd., London. p. 418.

Fishes. An Introduction to Ichthyology.

Moyle, P.B.

Fishes. An Introduction to Ichthyology.

Prentice Hall, Inc. USA. 559 pp.

Fishes of The World

Bykov, J.S.

Fishes of The World

John Wiley and Sons Inc. New York.

Fishes of The World

Nelson, J.S.

Fishes of The World

John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Fishery Science. Its Methodes and Aplications.

Rounsefell, G-A.

Fishery Science. Its Methodes and Aplications.

John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York. 415 pages.

Fishery by Product Technology

Brody. J.

Fishery by Product Technology

The AVI Publishing Company. Inc., Wesport, Conneticut.

Fishermen's Workbook. Fisheries techniques.

Prado, J.P.C, Nielsen, L.A.

FAO, Rome, Italy. Am. Fish. Soc. Bethesda, Maryland 468pp.

Fisheries Synopsis Marine Lobsters of the World.

Holthuis, L.B.

Fisheries Synopsis Marine Lobsters of the World.

FAO. Rome, Italy. 292 p.

Fisheries Statistics of Indonesia 1996

Directorate General of Fisheries, Department of Agriculture, Jakarta. 75 pp.

Fisheries Statistics of Indonesia 1996

Fisheries of the Malacca Straits with specific reference to the environment in coastal zone management in the Straits of Malacca.

Martosubroto, P.

Binbridge PR, Koesoebiono, H. Drischi, and B. Patton (eds.). School for Resources and Environment Study, Dalhousie University. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada : 225-237.

Fisheries Ocenography

Hela, I.

Fisheries Ocenography

Fishing News (Books) Ltd. London. 238 p.

Fisheries Oceanography and Ecology

Laevastu, T.

Fisheries Oceanography and Ecology

Fishing News (Books) Ltd. Farmhands Surray, England, 199 p.

Fisheries Oceanography and E cology.

Laevastu, T.

Fisheries Oceanography and E cology.

Fishing News Books Ltd. Farnham, Surrey, England. 199 pp.


Hlm 1163 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Fisheries management frameworks of the countries bordering the South China Sea. FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Rap. Publication 1997/33.151 pp.

Menasveta, D.

Fisheries management frameworks of the countries bordering the South China Sea. FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Rap. Publication 1997/33.151 pp.

Fisheries Ecology of FloodplainRivers.

Welcomme, R.L

Fisheries Ecology of FloodplainRivers.

Longman London and New York 317 pp.

Fisheries Ecology of Floodplain Rivers.

Welcomme, R.L.,

Fisheries Ecology of Floodplain Rivers.

Longman, London. 317 pp.

Fisheries Ecology of Flood Plum Rivers

Welcome. R.L.

Fisheries Ecology of Flood Plum Rivers

Longman.London and New York. 106-1 36.

Fisheries Dynamics of Modified Floodplains in Southern Asia, Final Technical Report.


Fisheries Management Science Programme, ODA. UK. 275pp + app.

Fisheries co-management and small-scale fisheries: A policy brief

Pomeroy, R. S.

Fisheries co-management and small-scale fisheries: A policy brief

Fisheries biology, a study in population Dynamics (2nd Ed.)

Cushing, D.H.

Fisheries Biology, A Study in Population Dynamics

Cushing, D.H.

Fisheries Biology, A Study in Population Dynamics

The University of Wisconsin, Madison : 200 p.

Fisheries biology and management. Correspondence Centre


Fisheries biology and management. Correspondence Centre

Ditjen Perikanan, DeptanJakarta, 61 hal.

Fisheries Acoustics.

MacLennan, D. N

Fisheries Acoustics.

Chapman & Hall. London. 325 pp.

Fish Vaccination

Ellis, A.E.

Fish Vaccination

Academic Press, London. 255p.

Fish reproduction: Its physiology and artificial manipulation.

Zohar, Y

S. Shilo and S. Sarig (Eds.). Fish Culture Warm Water Problems and Trends.

GRC Press. p:65-119.

Fish reproduction its physiology and artificial manipulation.

Zohar, Y.

S. Shilo and Sarig (Eds.). Fish Culture Warm Water Problem and Trends.

Grc Press, p.65-119.



ICLARM. Manila: ICLARM. The Univ. Wisconsin Press. Madison, Wisconsin. 295 p.

Hlm 1164 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Fish Protein. Their modification and potential uses in the food industry da/am chemistry and biochemistry of marine products. Edt. R.E. Martin.

Spinelli, J.

Fish Protein. Their modification and potential uses in the food industry da/am chemistry and biochemistry of marine products. Edt. R.E. Martin.

The AVI Publishing Co., Inc. Connecticut.

Fish Population Dynamics in Tropical Waters: A Manual for Use with Programmable Calculators

Pauly, D.

Fish Population Dynamics in Tropical Waters: A Manual for Use with Programmable Calculators

ICLARM, Manila, Philipines. 325 p.

Fish Physiology, Bioenergetics and Growth (Vol.III)

Hoar, W.S.

Fish Physiology, Bioenergetics and Growth (Vol.III)

Academic Press, Inc. New York. 485pp

Fish Pathology. 2nd edition

Roberts R.J

Bailliere Tindall. London, pp. 135152, 306-307.

Fish nutrition.

Halver, John E.

Fish Nutrition.

Halver, J.E.

Fish Nutrition.

Acad. Press Inc., New York, 713 p.

Fish Nutrition.

Halver, J.E.

Fish Nutrition.

Academic Press, New York.N.Y.713p.

Fish Nutrition.

Halver, J.E.

Fish Nutrition.

Academic Press, Inc. London. 978 pp.

Fish Nutrition.


Fish Nutrition.

Academic Press, London and New York, 713 pp.

Fish Nutrition in Aquaculture. Fisrt Edition.

De Silva, S.S

Fish Nutrition in Aquaculture. Fisrt Edition.

Chapman and Hall. London - Glosgow Weinheein -New York Tokyo - Melbourne Madras

Fish nutrition and marticulture

Watanabe T

Departemen of aquatic biosciences

Tokyo University of Fisheries.JICA

Fish nutrition and Marl culture. JICA Textbook The General Aquaculture Cause.

Watanabe, T.

Fish nutrition and Marl culture. JICA Textbook The General Aquaculture Cause.

Departement of Aquatic Bioscience, Tokyo University of Fisheries. 233 pp.

Fish nutrition and mariculture


JICA Textbook The General Agriculture Course 16

Fish Nutrition and Man'culture JICA.

Watanabe, T.

The general aquaculture course.

Fish nutrition

Halver J.E


Academic Press. New York. 713 pp.

Dept. of Agriculture. Bioscience, Tokyo University, 233 pp. Academic Press.INC.London Hlm 1165 dari 1800

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Judul Buku


Fish Nutrition Fish Marketing in Central Luzon, Philippines. R and D Series No.21

Halver JE. Sevilleja, R.C.

Fish Nutrition Fish Marketing in Central Luzon, Philippines. R and D Series No.21

Boston: Academic International Center for Aquaculture. Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, USA.

Fish immunology.

Anderson, D.P

In S.F. Snieszko and H.R. (Eds), Diseases of Fish.

TFH Publication Inc. Ltd. Hongkong. 239 p.

Fish Hatchery Management.

Piper Cl.R.,

Fish Hatchery Management.

United States Department of Interior. Washington, D.C.517 pp

Fish Hatchery Management.

Piper, R.G.

Fish Hatchery Management.

United States Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington D.C. 517 pp.

Fish Hatchery Management United States Departementof The Interior.

Piper R.G.

Fish Hatchery Management United States Departementof The Interior.

Fish and Wildlige Service. Washington, D.C. 517 pp.

Fish Hatchery management

R.G. Piper

Fish Hatchery Management

Piper, R.R.

Fish Hatchery Management

Washington D.C.: United States Departement of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service.

Fish feed technology

Pillay T.V.R

United Nation Development Programmed

Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Union

Fish fauna of frech mediterranean Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadoes

Bell, J.D

Fish fauna of frech mediterranean Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadoes

Community structure. Tethys

Fish Fanning Handbook.

Brown, EE

Fish Fanning Handbook.

Avi Publishing Company. Inc. Westport. 391 PP.

Fish Endocrinology.

Matty, A. J.

Fish Endocrinology.

Croom Helm, London and Sydney. 259 pp.


United State Department of The Interior Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington DC

Hlm 1166 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Fish Endocrinology.

Matty, A.J.

Fish Endocrinology.

Croorn Helm and Timber Press, London-PortlandOregon.

Fish Disease. Diagnosis and treatment.

Noga E.J.

Fish Disease. Diagnosis and treatment.

Mosby-Year Book, Inc. St. Louis Missouri USA. p. 55-59.

Fish Disease.

Schaperclaus, W.

Fish Disease.

A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam. 212p.

Fish Curing and Processing.

Zaitzev, V.I.,

Fish Curing and Processing.

MIR Pub., Moscow. 722 p.

Fish Curing and Processing.

Zaitsev, V.P.,

Fish Curing and Processing.

MIR Published, Moscow. 722 pp.

Fish Curing and Processing,

Zaitsev, V.,

Fish Curing and Processing,

Mir Publisher, Moscow. 370 pp.

Fish Curing and Processing

Zaitzev, V.

Fish Curing and Processing

MIR Publisher, Moscow.

Fish curing and processing

Zaitsev, V. S.

Fish Curing and Processing

Zaitsev, V.

Fish Curing and Processing

MIR Publisher. Moscow

Fish Curing and Processing


Fish Curing and Processing

MIR Publisher, Moscow.

Fish curing and processing

Zaitsev V

Mir Publisher, Moscow

Fish curing & processing


MIR Publisher Moscow

Fish Culture. Second edition.

Hickling, C.F.

Fish Culture. Second edition.

Faber and Faber, London. 371 pp.

Fish culture. III. The culture of Giant Gouramy.

Ardiwinata, R.O.

Fish culture. III. The culture of Giant Gouramy.

Sumur Bandung Press. Bandung. 87pp.

Fish Culture.

Hickling, C.F,

Fish Culture.

Faber and Fabaer,London, p. 33-48.

Fish culture methods Fish Culture

Afrianto E Hickling, C.F.

Fish Communities in Tropical Fresh Water.

Mir. Published, Moscow

Fish Culture

Kansius Yogya Faber and Faber, London.

Connel-Lowe, R.H.

Fish Communities in Tropical Fresh Water.

Longman London and New York. 85-123.

Fish catching methods of the world (3rd Edition). Fishing News Book

von Brandt, A.

Fish catching methods of the world (3rd Edition). Fishing News Book

Farnham-Surrey-England p. 80-99.

Fish Bioenergetics.

Jobling, M.

Fish Bioenergetics.

Chapman and Hall. London, 309p.


Hlm 1167 dari 1800

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Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Fish Bioenergetic.

Jobling, M.

Fish Bioenergetic.

Chapman and Hall. 309 pp.

Fish as Biological Agents in Rice.

Halwart, M.

Weikersheim: Margraf Verlag

Fish and Wildlife Service.

Piper, R.G.

Fish and Wildlife Service.

United States Dept. of Interior. Washington D.C.

Fish and Krill Protein: Processing Technology.

Suzuki, T.

Fish and Krill Protein: Processing Technology.

Applied science publishers Ltd., London,

Fish and Krill Protein Processing Technology.

Suzuki, T.,

Fish and Krill Protein Processing Technology.

Applied Science Publishers LTD. London.

Fish and Krill Protein Processing Technology

Suzuki, T.

Fish and Krill Protein Processing Technology

Applied Science Publ. Ltd., London.

Fish and Invertebrate Culture. Water Management in Closed System.

Spotte, S.

Fish and Invertebrate Culture. Water Management in Closed System.

John Wiley and Sons, New York. 179 pp.

Fish and Human Health.

Lands, W.E.M

Fish and Human Health.

Academie Press, Sydney.

Fish and Human Health

Lands, W.E.M

Fish and Human Health

Academie Press. Sydney

Fish and Human Health

Lands, W.E.M

Fish and Human Health

Academic Press Inc. Orlando

fish and human health

lands WEM

Fisat and Stock Assessment BIODYNEX of Small Pelagic Fishes in the Java Sea

Gayanilo, F.C., JR

First year responses of grape fruit trees to semi selective pruning

Fucik, J.E.

First Course in Statistics. Laboratory of Animal Breeding

Shinjo, A.

First Course in Statistics. Laboratory of Animal Breeding

College of Agriculture, University of the Ryukyus, Japan.

First Course in Statistics. Laboratory of Animal Breeding

Shinjo, A.

First Course in Statistics. Laboratory of Animal Breeding

College of Agriculture, University of the Ryukyus, Japan.

First Course in Statistics. Laboratory of Animal Breeding

Shinjo, A

First Course in Statistics. Laboratory of Animal Breeding

College of Agriculture, University of the Ryukyus.Japan


academic press inc., orlando Fisat and Stock Assessment BIODYNEX of Small Pelagic Fishes in the Java Sea

Ministry of Agriculture Agency for Agricultural Re-search and Development-ORSTOMEU. Jakarta, April 1995 Texas A & I University Citrus Center, Weslaco.

Hlm 1168 dari 1800

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Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


First Course in Statistics.

Shinjo, A.

First Course in Statistics

Laboratory of Animal Breeding, College of Agriculture, Univ. of the Ryukyus, Japan.

First Course in Statistics Laboratory of Animal Breeding.

Shinjo, A.

First Course in Statistics

Shinjo A

Fire In Forestry


Finite Element Prediktion of Silage Temperature

Jiang, S..

Tower Silos. Transactions of ASEA. Vol. 30.

Finite Element Prediction of Silage Temperatures in Tower Silos.

Jiang, S.

Transaction of ASEA.

Financial cost and benefits of reduced impact logging relative to conventional logging in the Eastern Amazone. Final Report.

Holmes, T.P.,

Financial cost and benefits of reduced impact logging relative to conventional logging in the Eastern Amazone. Final Report.

Tropical Forest Foundation, USDA Forest Service.

Final Report: Small-scale Fisheries Development Project. Rice-Fish Culture Subproject

Dela Cruz, C.R.

USAID/ARD Project No. 4970268

United States Agency for International Development, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Final Report: Integrated Pest Management Training Projec (Loan 3586IND). Impact Evaluation Study


Final Report: Integrated Pest Management Training Projec (Loan 3586IND). Impact Evaluation Study

SEAMEO Regional Center for Graduated Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA).

Final Report on the Consultant of Mycorrhiza Program Development in the IUC Biotechnology Centre

De La Cruz, R.E

Final report of the consultant on mycorrhiza program development


the IUC Biotechnology Center May 10 to June 5, 1990

Depdikbud PAU Bioteknologi IPB. Bogor

Final report of project ATA-395. Strengthening of research and development of lowland vegetables in Indonesia


Final report of project ATA-395. Strengthening of research and development of lowland vegetables in Indonesia

Wageningen, The Netherlands.


College of Agriculture, University of the Ryukyus. Japan. Laboratory of Animal Breeding, Collage of Agriculture ,University of the Ryukyus.japan

University of the Ryukyus.japan

John Willey & Sons. Inc. New York.

PAU-Bioteknologi IPB, Bogor

Hlm 1169 dari 1800

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Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Final Report for Phase III(1992/93-1994/ 95)


Final Report for Phase III(1992/931994/ 95)

Crop-Animal Systems Research. Batumarta Dua, Tulang Bawang Tengah, Air Manganyan, Indonesia.

Final Forest Resopurces Statistics Report

NFI-National Forest Inventori

National Forest Inventory of Indonesia

Directorate General of Forest Inventory and Land Use Planning and Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations. Jakarta

Fillers and extenders for plywood adhesives. Oregon State University School of Forestry.

Klein, A.J.

Short Course in Plywood Manufacturing.

Corvallis. Oregon.

Filler and Extender

Filoteo AG

FORPRIDECON. Technical Note

Forest Product Research and Industries Development Commision.Philipines

File Dinas Perikanan ( tidak dipublikasikan ) Fifty years of progress in water relation research

Kramer, P.J

Field trial manual.


Field trial manual.

CIBA-GEIGY Agrochemicals Division, Bazle Switzerland

Field screenng for resistance in tomato tobacterial wilt. Tomato commodity


Report pathology AVRDC

Shanhua Taiwan

Field Laboratory Tats For Characterization of Histosols

Lynn. W.C.

Histosol : Their Charactistic, Classification and Use

Soil Sci Soc Amer. Spescal Publ. No. 6 Madison Wincosin

Field guide to the mammals of Bomeo

Payne, J.,

Field guide to the mammals of Bomeo

The Sabah Society with World Wildlife Fund Malaysia.

Field evaluation on cypermethhrin (RIPCORD) on the control of some major cocoa insect pests

Lee, CS

Cocoa and Cocunuts:Progress and Outlook

Incorporated Sosiety of Planters, Kuala Lumpur


Plant Physiol

Hlm 1170 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Field Evaluation of Nitrogen Fertilizer by Sorghum Pigeonpea Intercropping on an Alfisol in The Indian sem-arid Tropics

Tobita. S

Field evaluation of drought response in smail grain cereals.

Sojka, R.E.

Field Book for the Reconnaisance Survey of Sumatera, Version 1-0.

Judul Buku

Penerbit Biology and Fertility of Soil

Field Book for the Reconnaisance Survey of Sumatera, Version 1-0.

Centre for Soil Research, Bogor.

Field and Laboratory Methods for General Ecology. 2nd ed. Wm C.

Brower, J.E.

Brown Pub. Dubuque,Iowa. 276p.

Fibre of PKC and its Potential as Poultry Feed.

Daud, M. J.

MSAP Annual Conference, Malaysia.

Fiberboard Manufacturing Practicess in United States.

Suchsland, O.

Agricultural Handbook. No. 640.

Forest Service. USDA.

Fiber Crops

Dempsey, J.M.

Fiber Crops

The University Press of Florida, Gainesville.

Ff'sh Nutrition.

Halver J.E.

Ff'sh Nutrition.

Academic Press Inc. Toronto. 798 pp.

Fetuin inhibits zone pellucid hardening and conversion of ZP2 to ZP2f during spontaneous mouse oocyte maturation in vitro in the absence of serum.

Schroeder, A.

Biol. Reprod.

Fertization and Mineral Nutrition of Rice

Fageria, N.K

Fertillizer and soil fertillity.

Jones, U.S

Fertilizing bananas-leaf analysis as a guide.

Turner, D.W.

Fertilizer Recommendation Guide. pp.11&41.Farmgate, Dhaka: BARC. Fertilizer management for efficient use in wetland rice soils


De Datta SK

EMBRAPACNPAF/Editoria Campus, Rio de Janeiro Resto Pub. Co. Inc.

A prentice-Hall Company. Reston Virginia.

Fertilizer Recommendation Guide. pp.11&41.Farmgate, Dhaka: BARC.

BARC (Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council)

soils and rice

IRRI Los Banos Philippines

Hlm 1171 dari 1800

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Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Fertilizer management for efficient use in wetland rice soils

De Datta, S.K

IRRI Soils and Rice

International Rice Research Institut. Los Banos, Philippines

Fertilizer management for efficient use in wetland rice soils

De Datta SK

soils and rice

IRRI Los Banos Philippines

Fertilizer in Indonesian Agriculture. The susidy issue

Hedley, D. D.

Fertilizer Guide For Tropical and Subtropical Farming

De Geus. J.G

Fertilizer and soil Fertility

Jones, U.S

2nd ed. Reston Pulb. Co. Inc. London

Fertilizer and Soil fertility

Jones, U.S

Reston Pub. Co. Inc. A Prentice-Hall Company. Virginia

Fertilizer and soil amandmentsw

Foilet, R. H.

Fertilizer and Soil Amandement

Follet, R. H.

Fertilization, early development and embryo transfer

Anderson, G.B.

Fertility. In: WJA Payne (Ed).

Branton C.

Cattle Production in The Tropic, Longmans, London

Fertility management in dairy cattle

Esslemont, R. J.

Collins, London

Fertility management in dairy cattle

Esslemenont. R.J.

Fertility management in dairy cattle

John Wiley & Sons. London.

Fertility Decline in Indonesia.

Mc Nicoll, G

population Couyncil Center for Policy Studies Working Paper, no,92 and 93 ( vol.I dan II)

Population Council. New York.

Ferns and Allied Plants, with Special Reference to Tropical America

Tryon, R.M.

Ferns and Allied Plants, with Special Reference to Tropical America

Springer Verlag, New York.

Fermented Vegetable

Fleming, HP

Rose, A.H. Economic Microbioiogy Vol.7

Fermented Food Academic Press, London.

Fermented Milk. Di dalam R.J.B. Wood Microbiology of Fermen-ted Foods

Oberman, H.

R.J.B. Wood Microbiology of Fermen-ted Foods

Elsevier Applied Sci-ence Publishers, London and New York


Center d'Etude de L'Azote, Zurich

Fertilizer and soil amandmentsw

Prentice-Hall Inc. Ney York USA Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood Clips, New Jersey USA

Reproduction in Domestic Animals. 4th ed. Perry T. Cupps (Editor)

Academic Press, Inc., California.

Hlm 1172 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Fermentation Subtrates From Cellulosic Material: Production Of Fermentable Sugar Cellulosic Material


Fermentation of woods by rumen anaerobic fungi

Joblin, K. N.

FEMS Microbiol. Lett.

Fermentation characteristics, rumination activity and distribution of rumen and faecal particle.

Bosch WM

Marlow Bosch (Eds). Influence of stage maturity of grass silage on digestion processes in dairy cow. Wageningen

Fermentation characteristics, rumination activity and distribution of rumen and faecal particle

Bosch, W. M.

Marlow Bosch (ed.) influence of stage maturity of grass silage on digestion processes dairy cow. Wageningen

Fermentation Characteristics, Rumination Activity and Distribution of Rumen and Faecal Partide. In Mariow Bosh (Eds.)

Bosch, W.M

Fermentation Characteristics, Rumination Activity and Distribution of Rumen and Faecal Partide. In Mariow Bosh (Eds.)

Fermentation and Post Fermentation Changes in Israeli


Wines. J. of Food Sci. Vol 49.

Fermentation and Enzyme Technology.

Wang, D.I.C.,

Fermentation and Enzyme Technology.

Fermentation and enzyme technology.

Wang, I.C.D.

Fermentation and enzyme technology.

Wang, I.C.D.

Fermentation and enzyme technology

Wang, D. I. C.

John Willey and sons Inc., New York

Fermentation and enzime tachnology

Wang, D. I. C.

John Willey and Sons Inc., New York

Fermentation a Practical Approach

Neil, M.B

Fermentation a Practical Approach

IRL Press, New York

Fermentasi ubi kayu dengan menggunakan inukulum murni kering kapang amylomyces rouxii dan Khamir endomycopsis burtonii.


Sain Teks. III(4):1-7.

Univ. Semarang


Judul Buku

Penerbit Academic Press. New York

Influence of Stage Maturity of Grass Silage on Digestion Processes in Dairy Cow. Wageningen

John Wiley and Sons, New York. John Wiley & Sons. New York.

Fermentation and enzyme technology.

John Wiley and Sons. Inc. New York.

Hlm 1173 dari 1800

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Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Fermentasi Tepung Kulit Nanas Sebagai Sumber Protein Makanan Ternak : Kajian Tentang Komposisi Bahan Pencampur


Fermentasi Tepung Kulit Nanas Sebagai Sumber Protein Makanan Ternak : Kajian Tentang Komposisi Bahan Pencampur

(Unpublished). Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian Univ. Brawijaya. Malang

Fermentasi Media Padat dan Manfaatnya

Satiawiharja, B

Fermentasi Media Padat dan Manfaatnya

Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Indonesia, Jakarta

Fermentasi Kecap Ikan Lemuru (Sardinella sp).

Kumalaningsih, S.

Fermentasi Kecap Ikan Lemuru (Sardinella sp).

Fak. Pertanian. Univ. Brawijaya, Malang.

Fermentasi biji Mucuna pruriens dan Pengaruhnya terhadap kualitas protein

Ganjar, I

Fermentasi biji Mucuna pruhens dc. pengaruhnya terhadap kualitas protein

Ganjar, I.

Fermentasi biji Mucuna pruhens dc. pengaruhnya terhadap kualitas protein

Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung

Fermentasi bahan makanan tradisional.

Suwarno, O.

Fermentasi bahan makanan tradisional.

PAU Pangan dan Gizi UGM Yogyakarta

Fenomena Penyakit Udang Ditinjau dari Pengelolaan Tingkat Petambak di Kecamatan Pangkajene. Kabupaten Pangkep. Sulawesi Selatan (Studi kasus)

Padda, H.

Fenomena Penyakit Udang Ditinjau dari Pengelolaan Tingkat Petambak di Kecamatan Pangkajene. Kabupaten Pangkep. Sulawesi Selatan (Studi kasus)

Balai Penelitian Perikanan Pantai, Maros 13 hlm.

Fenol formaldehida cair, mutu dan cara uji.


Fenol formaldehida cair, mutu dan cara uji.

Departemen Perindustrian, Jakarta

Female Reproductive System. In Veterinary Endocrinology and Reproduction

Pineda, M.H

Female Reproductive System. In Veterinary Endocrinology and Reproduction

Lea & Febiger Philadelphia, London

Female Reproductive System

Pineda, M.H

Veterinary Endocrinology and Reproduction

Lea & Febiger Philadelphia, London

Female Reproductive System

Pineda, M.H

Veterinary Endocrinology and Reproduction fourth ed

Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, London

Feeds and nutrition. 1st ed.

Esminger, M. E.

Feeds and Nutri-tion

Ensm;nger, M. E


ITB, Bandung

The Esminger Publishing Company, Avenue, USA Feeds and Nutri-tion

The Ensminger Publishing., California

Hlm 1174 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Feeds and feeding. 2nd ed

Cullison AE

Feeds and Feeding.

Cullison, A.E.

Feeds and Feeding.

Prentice Hall Inc, New York.

Feeds & Nutritive (Formerly, Feeds & Nutrition-complete).

Ensminger, M.E

Feeds & Nutritive (Formerly, Feeds & Nutrition-complete).

Ensminger PublishingCompany. California

Feeding values of cassava tuber and leaf meals

Ravindran, V.

Nutrition Report International. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg. Virginia

Feeding values for poultry. 2nd ed.

Janssen, W. M. M. A.

Beekbergen, Netherlands: Spelderholt center for poultry research and information services

Feeding trials of suspected plants. Texas

Boughton, R

Agricultural Experiment Station. Annual Report

Feeding Tables For Ruminants in Srilanka

Ibrahim. M.N.M

Feeding Tables For Ruminants in Srilanka

Kandy Offset Printers. Kandy.

Feeding table for ruminants in Sri Lanka

Ibrahim. M.N.M

Feeding table for ruminants in Sri Lanka

Kandy Offset Printers. Kandy

Feeding stuffs from the residues of agricultural industry.

Sastradipradja, D.

Invited paper presented at the first ASEAN workshop on the technology of animal feed production utilizing food waste materials. The national institute for the chemistry, Indonesian Institute of science. Bandung.

Feeding stuffs from the residues of agricultural industry

Sastradipradja, D.

invited papers presented at the first ASEAN workshop on the technology of animal production utilising food waste materials, bandung

Feeding strategy and pattern of movement in juvenile estuarine fishes

J.M. Miller

Estuarine perspective


Judul Buku

Penerbit Reston Publ. Co. Inc., A Prantice-hall Company Reston, Virginia

Academic Press, New York

Hlm 1175 dari 1800

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Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Feeding Strategies for lmproving Milk Production of Dairy Animals Managed By Small Farmers In The tropics. In: Feeding Dairy Cows in The Tropics. Eds. A. Speedy and R. Sansaucy

Leng, R.A.

Animal Production and Health. Paper 86.

F.A.O. Rome

Feeding standards for Australian livestock: Poultry.

SCA (Standing Comitte on Agriculture)

Feeding Standard for Australian Livestock-Poultry

Farrell, D.J.

Ed. And Publ

Feeding Standard for Australian Livestock: Ruminants.


CSIRO Melbourne.

Feeding standard for Australian Livestock Poultry.


Feeding standard for Australian Livestock Poultry.

Feeding prickly pear to stock in Texas

Griffith. D

USDA Bureau of Animal industry Bulletin

Feeding Poultry In the tropics. Animal Production in the tropics

Austic RE

Praeger Special Studies Preager Scientific

Feeding of Urea-Ammonia Treated Rice Straw.

Schiere, J.B.

Puduc, Centre for Agricultural Publ. Documentation, Wageningen

Feeding of Urea Treated Straw.

Schiere, J. B.

The Straw Utilization Project, Srilanka.

Feeding of urea ammonia treated rice straw

Schiere, J.B

Feeding of urea ammonia treated rice straw

Feeding of Non Ruminant Livestock.

Wiseman, J.

Feeding of Farm Animals in Hot and Cold Environments. In Stress Physiology in Livestock.

Conrad, J. H.


CSIRO, Melbourne, Australia Unit CSIRO, Melbourn

SCIRO Melbourne, Australia.

A compilation of miscellaneous report produced by the straw utilization project (Sri Lanka), Wageningen, The Netherlands

CRC Press, Boca Raton.

Hlm 1176 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Feeding experiment with dairy cattle. In: Ternouth, J. H., Dairy cattle research techniques

Wicker, R. B.

Queensland department of primary industries, Australia

Feeding Dairy Cows in Livestock Feed and Feedfng.

Schingoethe, D.J.

Feeding Dairy Cows in Livestock Feed and Feedfng.

Regents/Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.

Feeding Biology of Gastropods.

Kohn, A.J.

Saleuddin A.S.M. and K.M. Wilbur 1983. The Mollusca. Vol 5. Physiology, Part 2

New York:Academic Press, pp: 19-20

Feeding Behaviour of Goats on Rangelands.

Narjisse, H.

Goat Nutrition, EAAP Publication. Pudoc, Wageningen, Netherlands.

Feeding Behaviour of Goats at The Trough.

Morand-Fehr, P.

Goat Nutrition, EAAP Publication. Pudoc, Wageningen, Netherlands.

Feeding behavior of domestic chicks in a novel environment: Effects of food deprivation and sex.



Feeding and digestion ofCephalophods.

Camou, E.B.

The Mollusca.

Academic Press, New York. 5(2): 149-180.

Feeding and digestion in bivalvia.

Morton, B.

Saleuddin, A.S.A, and K.M. Wilbur (Eds.), The Mollusca. Vol. 5.

Academic Press. A. Subsidiary of Harcourt Brace Novanovich. Publisher. New York. Paris. San Diego. Sanfransisco. Sao Paulo. Sydney. Tokyo. Toronto. 65-147.

Feeding and digestion In Bivalvia

Morton, B.S.

Salaeuddin ASM. Wilbur KM (eds) The Mollusca, Vol. 5. Physiology, part II

Academic Press, New York, 65-147 p.

Feed science

Orskov, E. R.

Elseiver science publishers BV. Amsterdam

Feed Resources in Malaysia. In: Animal Industry in Malaysia.

Alimon, A. R.

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science. University Putra Malaysia.

Feed Resources in Malaysia. Feed products from corn processing.

Alimon, A. R. Shroder, J. D.


Animal Industry in Malaysia. corn; culture, processing, products.


The Avi Publ. Corp. Inc. Westport Connecticut.

Hlm 1177 dari 1800

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Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Feed from Animal West. State of Knowledge.

Muller, Z.O.

FAO Animal Production and Health paper Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Rome.

Feed Formulation For Growing Chicken Base on Nitrogen Retennon

Wahju. J

Nitrogen Consumed and Metabolisme Energy Disertation.

Institute Pertanian Bogor. Bogor

Feed for Farm Animal From the Oil Palm.

Hutagalung, R. I.

Feed for Farm Animal From the Oil Palm.

University Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, Malaysia.

Feed enzymes for ruminants.

Beauchemin, K.A.

Feed enzymes for ruminants.

Feed Mix 5(3): 17-21

Feed and nutrition. 2nd edition

Ensminger ME

the esminger publ. Company, california

Feed and nutrition digest 2nd ed.

Esminger, M. E.

Esminger Publishing Company, California

Feed and Nutrition Complete. Lst Ed

Ensminger, M. E

Feed and Nutrition Complete. Lst Ed

The Ensminger Publishing Com-pany, California, U.S.A.

Feed and Nutrition

Ensminger, M. N

Feed and Nutrition

The Ensminger Publishing Company. California

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Feed and Feeding.The third edition

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The Reston Publishing Company, Inc. Reston, Virginia Reston Publishing Company, Inc, A PrenticeHall Company Reston, Virginia.

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Feed and Feeding of Fish and Shrimp. United Nations Development Programe

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Feed and Feeding of Fish and Shrimp. United Nations Development Programe

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome

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feed and Nutrition

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Ismail, A.,

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Federal Enforcement Theory and Practice

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Innovation In Environmental Policy

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Fecal sterol studies: sampling processing and microbial degradation.

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Features of Heavy Metal Pollution in Japan

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Heavy Metals Pollution In Soil Japan

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Feasibility Study for Simalungun Irrigation Project


Feasibility Study for Simalungun Irrigation Project

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Fatty acids - Japanese market. The First ICIS

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Biotechnology and Food Ingredients.

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Fascioiiasis in Indonesian Livestock

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Farming, Fertilizers an The Nitrate Problem

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Fascioiiasis in Indonesian Livestock

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Participatory Development From Advocacy to Action

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Farmakope Indonesia 2nd Ed.


Farmakope Indonesia 2nd Ed.

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Farmakologi dan Terapi. Farmakologi Fakultas Kedokteran

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Farmakologi dan Terapi. Farmakologi Fakultas Kedokteran

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Farm Management 3th ed

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Farm Management 3rd ed.

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McGraw-Hill. New York

Farm Machinery.Tenth ed.


The English Language Book Society and Granada London

Farm Machinery Mechanisms


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Farm Business Management

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Farm budget from farm income analysis to agricultural project analysis.

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Faktor-faklor yang Menentukan Berfungsinya Perkumpulan Petani Pemakai Air (P3A)

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Faktor-fakfor Adopsi Urea-tablet di Kabupaten Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah


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Faktor Lingkungan Dominan pada Budldaya Udang Intensif.

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Faktor Lingkungan Biotis dan Abiotis di dalam Proses Pembentukan Biogas serta Kemungkinan Penggunaan Starte Efektif didalamnya.

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Faktor Lingkungan Biotis dan Abiotis di dalam Proses Pembentukan Biogas serta Kemungkinan Penggunaan Starte Efektif didalamnya

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Experimental Soil Microbiology

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Experiment in Plant Tissue Culture

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Experiment in Plant Tissue Culture

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Experiences with agricultural development in tropical Africa

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Exercise physiology. Theory and application to fitness and performance

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M.E. Brown (Editor). The Physiology of Fishes. Vol. 1, pp: 163-205

Academic Press, Inc. New York.

Excitation energy transfer between chlorophylls and carotenoids. A proposed molecular mechanism for nonphotochemical quenching

Owens TG

Baker NR, Bowyer JR (ed). Photoinhibition of Photosynthesis from Molecular Mechanisms to the Field

Oxford: Bios. him 53-76.

Exchangeable Alumunium as Criterion For Liming Leached Mineral Soils

Kamprath. E.J

Soil. Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc

Exchangeable aluminum as a criterion for liming leashed as a criterion for liming leached mineral soils

Kamprath, E.J

Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc

Exchangeable aluminium as a creterion tor liming leached mineral soils

Kamprath, E.J.

Exchangable aluminium as a creterion for liming leached mineral.

Kamprath, E. J.

Example of New Utilization of Charcoal.

Exchangeable aluminium as a creterion tor liming leached mineral soils



Example of New Utilization of Charcoal.

JDFDA /Japan Domestic Fuel Dealer Association.

Example of New Utilization of Charcoal.


Example of New Utilization of Charcoal.

Japan Domestic Fuel Dealer Association.

Evolutionary Ecology

Pianka, E. R.

Evolutionary Ecology

Harper & Row Publisher, New York.

Evolutionary Biology

Futuyama, D.J.

Evolutionary Biology

Sinauer Associates, Inc.

Evolution of the concepts of vitellogenesis in polychaete annelids

Porchet, M

Evolution of the concepts of vitellogenesis in polychaete annelids

Invertebrete Reproduction and Development

Evolution of animal mitochondrial DNA. him. 62-88

Brown, W.M.

M. Nei & R.K Koehn (ed.), Evolution of Genes and Proteins

Sunderland: Sinaeuer Associates INC, Publishers.

Evnvironmental Physiology of Plants. 2nd. Ed.

Fitter, H.


Academic Press., New York.

Hlm 1192 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Evidence for The Presence of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus in Dairy Cattle in Biotechnology of Agriculture Viruses.

Wasito, R.

Evidence for the endogenous control of swimming in pink shrimp, penaeus duorarum.

Hughes, D.A

Evidence for the endogenous control of swimming in pink shrimp, penaeus duorarum.

Biological Bulletin

Evidence for an Upper Carboniferous mangrove community

Raymond, A.

Biology and Ecology of mangroves (ed. H.J. Teas)

Dr. W. Junk Publishers, Boston. p. 19-30.

Evapotranspiration and irrigation water requirement

Jensen, M.E



Klimatologi Dasar Landasan Pemahaman Fisika Atmosfir dan Unsur-unsur Iklim

Jurusan Geofisika dan Meteorologi, FMIPA-IPB.

Evalusi Sumberdaya Lahan

Sitorus, S.R.P

Evalusi Sumberdaya Lahan

Penerbit Tarsito. Bandung.

Evaluation Technique for Disease Resistance

Polamar, K.M

Root Crops. Southest Asia and the Pasitic Training Course on Root and Tuber Crops. Germ Plasm Evolution and utilization. Philiipinnes

Evaluation on Nitrifiting Actifity in sediment by dark 14CBicarbonate incorporation.

Billen G

Evaluation of upland lrice lines at morogor Tanzania Philippines

Reuben S.O.W.M.

IRRN 14(4) : 22-23

Evaluation of two recurrent selection methods for increased oil percent in soybean

Priardi DP

D. Susanto, L Amalia, M Rachmadi, and R Wijayakusumah (Eds). Pemuliaan Meningkatkan Daya saing Komoditas Pertanian Indonesia. PERIPI Bandung

Evaluation of tropical grasses in increasing shade under coconut canopies.

Smith, M.A.

Expl. Agriculture.


Judul Buku

Penerbit ISPS-UGM Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

ASCE., Manual

Wat Res.

IRRI Manila Philippines

Hlm 1193 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Evaluation of Trichogramma liberations to control the sugarcane moth borers, Chillo auricilius Dudgeon and Tryporyza nivella Intacta SN. on sugarcane in West Java

Samoedi, D.

M. Thohari, S. Tjitrosemito, R. Umali, A.G. Ibrahim, J.P. Sumangil, S.M. Bato, C.T. Hing, and D.M. Sitompul (Eds.) Proc. of the Symposium on Pest Ecology and Pest Management. (32): 177182.

Biotrop Special Publication.

Evaluation of The Oral Toxicity Acetaldehyde and Formaldehyde in a 4-Week Drinking Water Studi in Rats

Till H.P

Food Chemical Toxicology

Evaluation of the Immune Response and Protection Conffered in walking catfish, Clarias batrachus, Adiministered Inactivated Aeromonas hydrophyla bacterin by Immersion


Disease in Asian Aquaculture II

Evaluation of the effect of crop. And soil management on erosion losses

Jamal, T.

advances in Soil research in Malaysia

Evaluation of soybean resistance to Etiella podborer

Djuwarso, T.

I. Prasadja, M.F. Muhadjir, N. Sunarlim, L. Gunarto, and U.G. Kartasasmita. Effective Use of Agricultural Materials and Insect Pest Control on Soybean. BORIFJICA. p. 21-32.

Evaluation of Reproduction Performance Using milk progesterone assay.


Devition of Nuclear technique in Food ang Agriculture in Costa Rica.

Evaluation of pollen viability by en-zimatically induced fluorescence: Intercellular hydrolysis of fluorescein diacetat. In: Stain Technology.

Heslop-Harrison, J.S.

The Williams & Wilkins Co., USA.

Evaluation of pollen viability by en-zimatically induced fluorescence: Intercellular hydrolysis of fluorescein diacetat. In: Stain Technology.

Heslop-Harrison, J.S.

The Williams & Wilkins Co., USA.


Shariff M, J.R.Arthur.R.P.Subasingh e (Eds).Fish Health Section Asian Fisheries Society

Hlm 1194 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Evaluation of land limitation for agriculture development in the samosir island.

Nasution, Z.

Evaluation of insectidal activity of seed extracts of annonaceous, fabaceous and meliaceous plants against mungbean beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus.

Prijono D

Biotrop Special Publication no 59


Evaluation of Growth by Physical and Chemical Means. Di dalam Norris, J.R. dan D.W. Ribbons (ed). Methods in Microbiology

Mallette, M.F

Evaluation of Growth by Physical and Chemical Means. Di dalam Norris, J.R. dan D.W. Ribbons (ed). Methods in Microbiology

Academic Press Inc., New York

Evaluation of Food Moisture Sorption Isoterm Equation

Lomaro. C.J

Part II Milk, Coffe, Tea, Nuts, Oilseed, Spicy and Starchy Foods

Lebens-Wiss Technol

Evaluation of Food Moisture Sorption Isoterm Equation

Lomaro. C.J

Part II. Milk, Coffee, Tea, Nuts, Oilseed, Spicy, and Starchy Foods

Lebensm - Wiss Technol

Evaluation of Food Moisture Sorption Isoterm Equation

Lomaro. C.J

Part II. Milk, Coffee, Tea, Nuts, Oilseed, Spicy, and Starchy Foods

Lebensm - Wiss Technol

Evaluation of erop residues and agro-indusirial by-products using the nylon-bag method. In : Guiddines for research for crop residue

Orskov, E.R.,

Evaluation of erop residues and agro-indusirial by-products using the nylon-bag method. In : Guiddines for research for crop residue

ILCA-FAO Publication

Evaluation of Dry Matter Production and Nutritive Value of Selected Tree Fodder Species as Affected by The Stage of Harvest Grown Under Hedge Row System in The Mid Country of Sri Lanka.

Perera, A. N. F.

Consultative Report, Sri LankaGerman GTZ Project, Kandy Sri Lanka.

Evaluation of drug activities.

Paget, G.E.

Laurence, D.R. and Bacharach, A.I. (Eds.). Pharmacometrics. Vol I.

Academic Press. London. 160-162.

Evaluation of Drug Activities

Laurence, D.R.

Evaluation of Drug Activities

London Academic Press, p 815-825.

Evaluation of direct tissue blotting to detect potato viruses

Samson, R. G.


Hlm 1195 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Evaluation of crop residues and agroindustrial byproducts using the nylon bag method. In: Guidelines for Research on Crop Residues.

0rskov, E.R.,

Evaluation of crop residues and agroindustrial byproducts using the nylon bag method. In: Guidelines for Research on Crop Residues.

ILCAFAO Publications

Evaluation of Certain Veterinary Drugs Residu es in Food


Technical Report. Series No. 799

WHO Genewa.

Evaluation of biological,technical and economical aspects of eel farming in intensive recilculation soybean.

Kamstra. A.,

The frame of the Eel Research Programme in the Fisheries Sector, Netherlands. 5-9.

Evaluation of A No Till Tropical Legume Ley Farming Strategy

McCowen. R.L

Agro research For Semi Arid Tropics : North West Australia

Evaluation of a new laboratory procedure for estimating the fermentation kinetics of tropical feeds.

Theodorou, M. K.

Evaluatie van enkele typische bodems van de Aceh provincie voor rijst.

Nasution, Z.

Evaluasi sumberdaya Lahan edisi Ke-3

Sitorus. S.R.P

TARSITO. Bandung

Evaluasi Sumberdaya Lahan Evaluasi Sumber daya Lahan. Edisi Ke-3

Sitorus, S.R.P Sitorus. S.R.P

Tarsito. Bandung TARSITO. Bandung

Evaluasi Sumber Daya Lahan Untuk MendukungPenataan Ruang di Propinsi Sumatera Utara

Staf Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat

Dok. Puslittanak No. 02/PSLA/01.6312-E/97

Evaluasi Sumber Daya Lahan Untuk MendukungPenataan Ruang di Propinsi Aceh

Staf Pusat Penelitian Tanah Danm Agroklimat

Dokumen Puslittanak No. 02/PSLA/01.6312-E/97

Evaluasi Sumber daya Lahan


Evaluasi Sumber daya Lahan


University of Queensland Press. St. Lucia. Chap AFRC institutefor grassland and environmental research, maidenhead, berkshire, SLG.SLR, United Kingdom.

Penerbit Tarsito Bandung

Hlm 1196 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Evaluasi Proyek pada Usaha penangkapan ikan dengan alat payang di Jatirejo Lekok Pasuruan


Evaluasi Proyek pada Usaha penangkapan ikan dengan alat payang di Jatirejo Lekok Pasuruan

Fakultas Perikanan Unibraw Malang

Evaluasi proyek keputusan investasi.


Evaluasi Program Perngamanan ternak Pelita II dan Rencana Pengamanan Ternak Pelita III

Direktorat Kesehatan Hewan

Evaluasi Program Perngamanan ternak Pelita II dan Rencana Pengamanan Ternak Pelita III

Dir.Jen, Peternakan. Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta.

Evaluasi Program Kebijakan Pemerintah


Alimi (Editor) Kemiskinan dan Kesenjangan di Indonesia

Aditya Media. Yogyakarta.

Evaluasi Produksi Getah Pinus merkusii Jungh et de Vriese Dan Analisis Manfaat Biaya Hubungannya Dengan Pemanfaatan Stimulansia Asam Cairan - CAS 25 % Pada Lahan Tegakan RPH Sumberjati,

Priatno, N.,

KPH Jember Perum Perhutani Unit II Jawa Timur. Jember

Evaluasi Posyandu Dan Kader Tahun 1998

Tim Pnggerak PKK Pusat

Depdari, Jakarta

Evaluasi Pola Kemitraan Plasma Inti pada kelompok Peternak Ayam Ras Pedaging di Kabupaten Bogor dan Sukabumi: Studi Kasus di PT. Agro Utama.

Suhendar, E.

Skripsi. Fak. Peternakan, IPB, Bogor.

Evaluasi Pelita V Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Propinsi Sulawesi Utara (1989 - 1994).


Evaluasi pelaksanaan pengapuran lahan kering bereaksi masam.


Direktorat Bina Produksi.

Evaluasi pelaksanaan pengapuran lahan kering bereaksi masam.


Direktorat Bina Produksi

Evaluasi pelaksanaan lelang lebak lebung di Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir - Sumatera Selatan.

Nasution, Z.,


Badan penerbit UNDIP Semarang.

Evaluasi Pelita V Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Propinsi Sulawesi Utara (1989 - 1994).

Laporan Penelitian Kerjasama Puslitbang Perikanan dan Centre for Development Studies

Kerjasama Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Dati I dengan Program Pasca Sarjana Unsrat Manado.

University of Bath. United Kingdom.

Hlm 1197 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Evaluasi of protein quality.

Miller, D.S.

NRC Publication

National Academy of Science.

Evaluasi Nilai Gizi Pangan

Muchtadi, D.,

Evaluasi Nilai Gizi Pangan

PAU Pangan dan Gizi IPB, Bogor

Evaluasi nilai gizi dari homini sebagai pakan ayam.

Kopiang, I. P.

Evaluasi Nilai Biologis Pangan.

Muchtadi D

Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian. IPB, Bogor.

Evaluasi Musim Hujan 1995/96 dan Prakiraan Musim Hujan 1996/97 Wilayah Pertanaman Kapas Sulawesi Selatan


Evaluasi Musim Hujan 1995/96 dan Prakiraan Musim Hujan 1996/97 Wilayah Pertanaman Kapas Sulawesi Selatan

Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika, Departemen Perhubungan Jakarta. hlm. 2-8.

Evaluasi Kualitas Bahan Baku Tebu di PG Jatitujuh dalam Kaitannya dengan Pasca Panen.

Mochtar, M.

Evaluasi Kualitas Bahan Baku Tebu di PG Jatitujuh dalam Kaitannya dengan Pasca Panen.

Laporan Teknis Intern. P3GI Pasuruan.

Evaluasi Ketersediaan Lahan untuk Perluasan Areal Pertanian di Propinsi Riau, Jambi, Sumsel, Lampung, Kalbar. Kalsel, Jabar, Jatim, dan NTT. N0. 05/Puslittanak/ 2000


Evaluasi Ketersediaan Lahan untuk Perluasan Areal Pertanian di Propinsi Riau, Jambi, Sumsel, Lampung, Kalbar. Kalsel, Jabar, Jatim, dan NTT. N0. 05/Puslittanak/ 2000

Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat, Bogor. 66 hlm.

Evaluasi KesesuaianLahan Gambut Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit.

Sabri, A.

PT. Fajar Bacry and Brothers Aceh Barat.

Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Syiah Kuala. Banda Aceh

Evaluasi kesesuaian tanah gambut (Histosol) untuk tanaman padi sawah di Desa Pandan Jaya, Kecamatan Mendahara, Jambi.


Evaluasi kesesuaian lahan untuk tanaman padi sawah pada tanah gambut (Histosol) di Desa Lambur II, Kecamatan Muara Sabak, Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung.

Warsah, E.

Evaluasi kesesuaian lahan pasang surut di desa Bangun Karya. Kecamatan Rantau Rasu. Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung untuk tanaman kelapa dan kelapa sawit.

Siagian, M.


Belum diterbitkan.

Hlm 1198 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Evaluasi kesesuaian lahan pasang surut di Desa Bangun Karya, Kecamatan Rantau Rasau, Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung untuk tanaman kelapa dan kelapa sawit.

Siagian, M.

Evaluasi kesesuaian lahan gambut (Histosol) untuk tanaman kedelai dan jagung di desa Lambur II, Kecamatan Muara Sabak, Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung.


Evaluasi kesesuaian lahan gambut (Histosol) untuk tanaman kedelai dan jagung di desa Lambu II. Kecamatan Muara Sabak. Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung timur.


Evaluasi keperluan fosfat pada lahan sawah intensifikasi di Jawa

Adiningsih, J.S.

Sudjadi, S. Adiningsih, U. Kumia, Suwarto, dan A. Mulyani (Ed.). Prosiding Lokakarya Nasional Efisiensi Penggunaan Pupuk, Cipayung. hlm. 63-89

Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat, Bogor.

Evaluasi Kebutuhan Air Untuk Tanaman Anggur Pada Tanahtanah di Dataran Lembah Palu, Sulawesi Tengah.

Hendrisman. M

Penmb. Pen. Tanah Dan Pupuk No. 12

Evaluasi kebijaksanaan kedelai di Indonesia dan alternatif pengembangannya.

Kasryno, F.

M. Syam, and A. Musaddad (Eds.), Pengembangan Kedelai: Potensi, Kendala, dan Peluang, . hlm. l 17.

Evaluasi kebijaksanaan kedelai di Indonesia dan alternatif pengembangannya

Kasryno, F.

M. Syam, dan A. Musaddad. Pengembangan Kedelai, Potensi, Kendala, dan Peluang. Puslitbangtan. hlm. 1-17.

Evaluasi Kebijakan Public

Wahab, S.A

Evaluasi Kebijakan Public


Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor

Danarjaya, Malang

Hlm 1199 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Evaluasi Keberhasilan Program PKK dan Kaitannya Dengan Kehidupan Keluarga Pedesaan

Megawangi. R

Fakultas Pertanian IPB

Evaluasi Gizi Pangan dan Pngolahan Bahan Pangan

Harris. R.S

ITB. Bandung

Evaluasi Gizi Pada Pengolahan Bahan Pangan. Penerjemah Suminar Achmadi

Harris, R.S.

Evaluasi Gizi Pada Pengolahan Bahan Pangan. Penerjemah Suminar Achmadi

Penerbit ITB, Bandung

Evaluasi Gizi pada Pengolahan Bahan Pangan, Cetakan ke-2.

Haris, R.S.

Evaluasi Gizi pada Pengolahan Bahan Pangan, Cetakan ke-2.

Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung

Evaluasi Gizi pada Pengolahan Bahan Pangan

Harris, R.S

Evaluasi Gizi pada Pengolahan Bahan Pangan

ITB. Bandung.

Evaluasi Daya Hasil Lanjutan Padi Sistem Gogorancah Umur Genjah


Hasil Penelitian Padi No. 1. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Maros

Evaluasi Program Pembinaan Masyarakat Desa Hutan di Jawa Timur


Evaluasi Program Pembinaan Masyarakat Desa Hutan di Jawa Timur

kerjasama Fakultas Pertanian Universitas dengan Perum Perhutani Unit II Jawa Timur

EutrophicationofLake Causes, Effects and Means for Control, with Emphasize onLakeRehabilitation.


EutrophicationofLake Causes, Effects and Means for Control, with Emphasize onLakeRehabilitation.

WHO, Rome,Italy.

Eutrophication of Lakes. Causes and means for control with emphasis on lake rehabilitation.

Lander, D. L.

Eutrophication of Lakes. Causes and means for control with emphasis on lake rehabilitation.

W. H.0,Rome.

Eutrophication of Lake, Causes Effects and Means for Control with Emphasis on Lake Rehabilitation.

Lander, D.L.

Eutrophication of Lake, Causes Effects and Means for Control with Emphasis on Lake Rehabilitation.

WHO. Rome. 8 pp.


The. E.C and Tourism

Eucalyptus for Planting


FAO Forestry Series No. 11, Italy Rome

Eucalypt Domestication and Breeding

Eldrige, K

Eucalypt Domestication and Breeding


Judul Buku


Oxford Science Publication

Hlm 1200 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Etude infrastructurale des corpora allata de Locusta migratoria migrator ioides (R. et F.), phase solitaire, au cours de la maturation sexuelle et des cycles ovariens. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances. Academic des Siences (Paris) C.R. Hebd.

Fain-Maurel, M.A.

Seances Acad. Sci. Paris 268: 2721-2723.

Etude du Temps de Sejour des Residues Alimentaires Dans le Tube Digestif des Vaches Laitieres : Aspects Methodolgiques et Facteurs de Variation

Mambrini, M.

I'Universite de Rennes I

Etref, Etcrop, Etsplit and Deficit, a Computer Package for Calculation Crop Water Requirement.

Raes, D.


etos kerja Peg. Negeri

Hafidz W

Lembaga Penelitian IKIP Malang

Etika Pembangunan dalam Pemi kiran Islam di Indonesia


Etika Pembangunan dalam Pemi kiran Islam di Indonesia

Rajawali, Jakarta

Etika Pembangunan dalam Pemi kiran Islam di Indonesia

Nourouzzaman, Shiddiqie

Etika Pembangunan dalam Pemi kiran Islam di Indonesia

Rajawali, Jakarta

Etika Pembangunan dalam Pemikiran Islam di Indonesia

Nourouzzaman, Shiddiqie

Etika Pembangunan dalam Pemikiran Islam di Indonesia

Rajawali, Jakarta




PT Agrocarb Indonesia

Ethnograpic Decision Tree Modelling

Gladwin. C.H

Sage Publications. Inc. NewBurry Park. California

Estuarine nitrification : A Natirally occurring fluidized bed reaction ? Estuar

Owen N.J.P

Coast. Shel. Sci

Estuaria ecology

Day, J.W.


Estuaria ecology


John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York.

Hlm 1201 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Estimations of ammo acid digestibility and availability in feedstuffs for poultry. Recent Developments in Poultry Nutrition.

Papadopoulos, M.C.

Estimations of ammo acid digestibility and availability in feedstuffs for poultry. Recent Developments in Poultry Nutrition.


Estimation of The Energetic Value Obtained From Chemical Analysis and In Vitro Gas Production Using Rumen Fluid

Menke, K.H

Estimation of Rumen Microbial Protein Yield from Purine Derivatives in Urine.

Animal Research and Development

A Laboratory Manual for FAO/IAEA Co-ordinate Research Programme, IAEA-TECDOC-000, Viena.

Estimation of Phosporus availability to maize and cowpea from phosphate rock as enhanced by ater soluble phosphorus.

Chien, S.H.

Estimation of Microbial Protein Supply to Sheep and Cattle Based on Urinary Excretion of Purine Derivatives an Overview of The Technical Details.

Chen, X. B.

Estimation of microbial protein supply to sheep and cattle based on urinary excretion of purine derivaties. An overview of the technical detail.

Chen, X. B.

International feed resources unit Rowett research institute. Bucksburn Aberdeen AB2 9sb, UK

International feed resources unit Rowett research institute. Bucksburn Aberdeen AB2 9sb, UK

Estimation of microbial protein supply to sheep and cattle based on urinary excretion of purine derivates an overview of the technical details

Chen, X.B

Estimation of microbial protein supply to sheep and cattle based on urinary excretion of purine derivates an overview of the technical details

International Feed Resourses Unit Rowett Research Institute, Bucksbum, Aberdeen AB2 9SB, UK

Estimation of income elasticites from cross-section data

Dax P

Applied Economics

Estimation of genetic variance p 53-94

Cockerham, CC

WD Hanson & HF Robinson (ed). Statistical Genetics & Plant breeding


Rowett Research Institute, Bucksburn, Aberdeen.

NAS. NRC Publ. 982. Washington

Hlm 1202 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Estimation of Genetic parameters for use in sheep sires reference schemes.

Mercer, J.T


Estimation of Damage to Ecosystems. Methods to Assess The Effects of Chemichals on Ecosystems

Ramade, F.

Linthurst, R.A.: Bourdeau, P. and Tardiff, R.G. (eds)

John Willey & Sons, Chichester: 381-394.

Estimation of combining ability of the first oil palm E. guineensis breeding cycle at Marihat.

Purba, A.R.

PORIM International Palm Oil Conggres

Kulal Lumpur

Estimation of Body Weight by Chest Girth in Madura Cattle

Soesetya, RHB

Internal Report NO. 12


Estimation of bioavailable amino acids in feeding stuffs for poultry and pigs: a review with emphasis on balance experiments

Sibbalad, I. R.

Canadian J. Anim. Sci.

Estimation of available phosphorus in soils by extraction with sodium bicarbonate

Olsen, S.R.

Estimation of available phosphorus in soils by extraction with sodium bicarbonate

Estimation of Allophone and Hin Sequences of Volcanic Soils.

Parfitt, R.L.

Estimation of allophane and halloysite in three sequences of volcanic ash soils, New Zealand.

Parfitt, R. L.

Estimating the Kappa coefficient and its variance under stratified random sampling

Stehman, S.V

Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing J

Estimating Heterosis in Crossbreed dairy cattle

Donald, H.D

Animal Production

Estimating Fertilizer Requirements : A Quantitative Approach

Colwell. J.D

Guildford UK : CAB International



US. Dept. Agric. Circ. 939.

Wageningen. New Zaeland In: E. F. Caldas and D. H. Yaalon (eds.) Volcanic Soils Weathering and Landscape Relationship of Soils on Tephra and Basalt. Catena Supplement 7. Catena Verlag. Destedt-Germany. p. 1-8.

Hlm 1203 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Estimating Air Flow And Drying Rate Due To Natural Convection in Soler Rice Dryers

Jindal. V.K

Reneweble Energy Review. Vol. 4

Estimates of Genetic and Environmental Variability in Soybean

Johnson, H. W.

Estimate of the Bioavailability of Iron, Copper and Zinc in Infant Formulase-Studies In Vitro

Barbera R

Nutrition and Food Chemistry.Faculty of PharmacyAvda.Vincent Andres Estelles, Spain

Estimasi Produksi Ikan Herbivor Berdasarkan Produkfifitas Primer di Waduk Gajah Mungkur.

Cahyadi, O.

Estimasi Produksi Ikan Herbivor Berdasarkan Produkfifitas Primer di Waduk Gajah Mungkur.

Estimasi Permintaan Sayursayuran Oleh Hotel di Bali


estiamation of average dominance of genes

Comstock RE

Esterification of Food Proteins : Characterization of the derivatives by a calorimetic method and by electrophoresis

Bertrand-Harb, C

Ester C - Vitamin C Generasi III. Diterjemahkan oleh Muhilal dan Komari

Goodman, S

Essestials of Econometric

Gujarati D

Essentials of marketing. Marketing Series,

Lancaster, G. A.

Essentials of marketing. Marketing Series,

the McGraw-Hill Book Company, London.

Essentials of Managerial Finance

Weston J Fred

Essentials of Managerial Finance 7th Edition

Fort Worth: The Dryden Press

Essentials of Econometrics

Gujarati D

McMillan Publishing Company.New York

Essentiale of pharmacotherapeutics

Barar, F. S. K.

S. Chan & Company Ltd., New Delhi

Essential Reproduction. Ed. ke4

Johnson, M.H.

Essential oil and waxes : Modern Methods of plant Analysis. Vol. 12

Linskens, H.F



Skripsi. Fakultas Perikanan, Univ. Brawijaya Malang. Fakultas Pertanian Udayana. Denpasar

In : JW Gowen (ed) Heterosis

Iowa State College Press Sci. Aliments

Ester C - Vitamin C Generasi III. Diterjemahkan oleh Muhilal dan Komari

PT Gramedia Jakarta.

McMillan Publishing Company.New York

Essential Reproduction. Ed. ke-4

Oxford: Blackwell Science. Springer-verlag. New York

Hlm 1204 dari 1800

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Judul Buku


Essential Oil

Guenther, E.

Diterjemahkan oleh: Ketaren, S. 1988. Minyak Atsiri. Jilid I. 507 hlm.

Penerbit Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta.

Essential of Marketing. 5th ed

McCCarthy, E.J

Essential of Marketing. 5th ed

Irwin, Boston

Essential Immunology

Roitt, I.R.

Essential Immunology

Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publ, London.

Essential Immunology

Roiit, I.

Essential Immunology

BlackwelI Sci. Pub,. London.

Essential Immunology

Roitt, IM

Essential Immunology

Blackwell Scientific Publ. London

Essential fatty acids and brain development

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Ekspor Indonesia

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Ekosistem Laut dan Pantai

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Ekosistem Lahan Basah Indonesia


Ekosistem Lahan Basah Indonesia

Pusat Studi Lingkungan Hidup Universitas Brawijaya Malang

Ekosistem Hutan Tropikal Humida

Marsono, D

Ekosistem Hutan Tropikal Humida

Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada, dengan Proyek Pendidikan dan Latihan Pengendalian Tenaga Kerja Pengusahaan Departemen Kehutanan, Yogyakarta

Ekosistem Hutan Tropika Humida.

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Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.

Ekosistem Fakuttas Kehutanan

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Bursa Buku Univ. Mulawarman, Samarinda.

Ekonomika sumberdaya air. Penantar ke hidromika


BPFE Yogyakarta

Ekonomika Mikro


AMP. YKPN, Yogyakarta

Ekonomi Sumberdaya dan Lingkungan : Teori dan Kebijaksanaan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan

Yakin Addinul

Ekonomi Sumberdaya dan Lingkungan : Teori dan Kebijaksanaan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan

Yakin Addinul

CV. Akademika Pressindo. Jakarta

Ekonomi Sumber Daya Alam dan Lingkungan (Suatu Pendekatan Teorities)

Suparmoko. M

BPFE. Yogyakarta

Ekonomi Selayang Pandang


Ekonomi Selayang Pandang

Penerbit SumurBandung, Bandung

Ekonomi Rakyat.


Program IDT dan demokrasi Indonesia.

Aditya Media, Yogyakarta.

Ekonomi Produksi. Terjemahan. Penyunting Gunawan Sumodiningrat. Cetakan kedua

Beattie, B. R.

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Ekonomi Produksi Pertanian


Institut Pertanian Bogor

Ekonomi produksi (terjemahan Soeratno Josohardjono)

Beattie B

Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta

Ekonomi produksi Ekonomi Pertanian Indonesia

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Ekonomi Pertanian

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Ekonomi Pertanian

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Ekonomi Pertanian

Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor

Ekonomi Perencanaan Ekonomi pemeliharaan ternak ruminansia kecil, dalam produksi kambing dan domba di Indonesia

Kadariah, Soedjana, T. D.

Ekonomi Perencanaan

Jakarta Sebelas Maret University Press


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Ekonomi pemeliharaan ternak ruminansia kecil

Soedjana TD

produksi kambing dan domba di Indonesia

Sebelas Maret University Press

Ekonomi pemeliharaan ternak ruminansia kecil. Dalam "Produksi kambing dan domba di Indonesia".

Soejana, T.D

Ekonomi pemeliharaan ternak ruminansia kecil. Dalam "Produksi kambing dan domba di Indonesia".

Sebelas Maret University Press, Surakarta

Ekonomi Pembangunan: Teori, Masalah dan Kebijakan

Kuncoro, M.

Ekonomi Pembangunan: Teori, Masalah dan Kebijakan

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Ekonomi Pembangunan. Ekonomi Pembangunan

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Ekonomi Pembangunan

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Ekonomi Pembangunan

PT. Pembangunan, Jakarta.

Ekonomi Pembangunan


Ekonomi Pembangunan

Badan Penerbit FE UGM, Yogyakarta.

Ekonomi Pembangunan

Arsyad, Lincolin

Ekonomi Pembangunan

Yogyakarata: Sekolah tinggi llmu Ekonomi YKPN.

Ekonomi Pembangunan

Ambar Todang

Ekonomi Pembangunan

Penerbit PT. Bina llmu, Surabaya

Ekonomi Pembangunan Ekonomi Pemba ngunan : Proses, Masalah Dan Dasar Kebijaksanaan

Jhingan JL Sukirno, S

Ekonomi Pemba ngunan dan Perencanaan


Ekonomi Pemba ngunan dan Perencanaan

Rajawali Press, Jakarta.

Ekonomi Mikro.


Ekonomi Mikro.

Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.

Ekonomi Mikro Ekonomi mikro Ekonomi manajerial Ekonomi mikro terapan utk manakemen bisnis

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BPFE, Yogyakarta BPFE Yogya Gramedia Jkt

Ekonomi Manajerial . Ekonomi Mikro Terapan untuk Manajemen Bisnis

Arsyad, L.

BPFE, Yogyakarta


Ekonomi Pemba ngunan : Proses, Masalah Dan Dasar Kebijaksanaan

CV Rajawali, Jakarta LPFE-Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta

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Ekonomi Manajerial

Lincolin, A

Ekonomi Manajerial

Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Gajah Mada Yogyakarta, BPFE Yogyakarta.

Ekonomi kedelai: rangkuman

Amang, B.

B. Amang, M.H. Sawit, dan A. Rachman (Eds.). Ekonomi Kedelai di Indonesia. hlm. 1-32.

1PB Press, Bogor.

Ekonomi Kedelai di Sulawesi Selatan

Purwoto, A.

Ekonomi Kedelai di Sulawesi Selatan

Pusat Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Bogor.

Ekonomi kedelai di Indonesia

Amang B

IPB Press Bogor

Ekonomi kedelai di Indonesia

Amang B

IPB Press

Ekonomi kedelai di Indonesia

Amang B

IPB Press Bogor

Ekonomi kedelai di Indonesia

Amang B

IPB Press

Ekonomi Kedelai

Amang B

B. Amang dkk (ed) Ekonomi Kedlai di Indonesia

IPB Press

Ekonomi Kedelai

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B. Amang dkk (ed) Ekonomi Kedlai di Indonesia

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Ekonomi Internasional. Edisi Pertama

Hadis, S

Ekonomi Internasional. Edisi Pertama

PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, Ja-karta

Ekonomi Mikro


Ekonomi Mikro

Penerbit BPFE. Yogyakarta

Ekonomi Ketenagakerjaan. Terjemahan

Bellante, D

Ekonomi Ketenagakerjaa. Terjemahan

LPFE - Ul, Jakarta

Ekonomi Internasional. Edisi Kedelapan

Lindert, P.H

Ekonomi Internasional. Edisi Kedelapan


Ekonometrika I, II


Ekonometrika I, II

Universitas Indonesia Press, Jakarta.

Ekonometrika Dasar. Diterjemahkan Sumarno Zein,

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Ekonometrika Dasar (Terj.)

Gujarati, Damodar.

Ekonometrika Dasar (Terj.)

Erlangga Press, Jakarta

Ekonometrika Dasar

Damodar Gaus Gujarati

Ekonometrika Dasar

PT. Erlangga, Jakarta.

Ekonometrika Dasar Ekonometrika Dasar

Gudjarati, D. Gudjarati, D.


Erlangga, Jakarta

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Ekonometrika Buku Satu

Supranto, J.

ekonometrik Buku Satu

Supranto, J

ekonometrik Buku Satu

fakultas Ekonomi UI, Jakarta


Soepranto, J.


Lembaga Penerbit Fakultas Ekonomi UI, Jakarta.

Ekono metrika : Pengantar

Sumodiningrat, G

Ekono metrika : Pengantar

BPFE, Yogyakarta

Ekologi, the Experimental Analysis of distribution and Abudance

Kerbs, J. C.

Ekologi, the Experimental Analysis of distribution and Abudance

Harper & Row Publisher, Inc. New York.

Ekologi, Lingkungan Hidup dan Pembangunan

Soemarwoto, O

Ekologi, ekologisme, dan pengelolaan sumberdaya hutan

Soerianegara, I.

Ekologi, ekologisme, dan pengelolaan sumberdaya hutan

Jurusan Manajemen Hutan Fakultas Kehutanan Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor.

Ekologi Umum (terjemahan : General Ecology).

McNaughton, S. J

Ekologi Umum (terjemahan : General Ecology).

Univ. Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta

Ekologi Tanaman. Suatu Pendekatan Fisiologis

Jumin, H.B

Ekologi Tanaman. Suatu Pendekatan Fisiologis

Penerbit Rajawali Pers. Jakarta.

Ekologi Tanaman Tomat dalam A.S. Duriat, W.W. Hadisoeganda, A.D. Permadi, R.M Sinaga, Y. Hilman, R.S. Basuki dan S. Sastrosiswojo (Ed.) Teknologi Produksi Tomat

Hidayat, A.J.

Ekologi Tanaman Tomat dalam A.S. Duriat, W.W. Hadisoeganda, A.D. Permadi, R.M Sinaga, Y. Hilman, R.S. Basuki dan S. Sastrosiswojo (Ed.) Teknologi Produksi Tomat

Balai Penelitian Tenaman Sayuran. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hortikultura. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian

Ekologi Tanaman

Sugito, Y

Ekologi Tanaman

Fakultas Pertanian UNIBRAW. Malang

Ekologi Tanaman Ekologi Tanaman

Jumin, H.B Jumin, H.B

Ekologi Tanaman

Rajawali Pers.Jakarta Rajawali Press. Jakarta

Ekologi tanah dan pengelolaan kesuburan tanah secara biologi

Handayanto, E

Ekologi tanah dan pengelolaan kesuburan tanah secara biologi

Jurusan Tanah, Fakultas Pert.anian Unibraw. Malang

Ekologi Sulawesi

Whitten, A.J.

Ekologi Sulawesi

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.


Judul Buku

Penerbit Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta.

Djambatan, Jakarta

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Judul Buku


Ekologi Sulawesi

Whitten, A. J.

Ekologi Sulawesi

Gajah mada University Press. Yogyakarta.

Ekologi sistem suatu pengantar (Terjemahan)

Odum. H.T

Ekologi sistem suatu pengantar (Terjemahan)

Gajah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta.

Ekologi reproduksi ikan terubuk (Alosa toll.) di perairan Bengkalis, Riau.

Ahmad, M.,

Jurnal Perikanan dan Kelautan 1: 2-19.

Ekologi Perairan

Ekologi Perairan


Ekologi Perairan

Ekologi Perairan

Fakultas Kehutanan Institut Pertanian Malang. Malang

Ekologi Perairan

Fakultas Kehutanan. Institut Pertanian Malang. Malang.

Ekologi Perairan

Fakultas Kehutanan Institut Pertanian Malang

Ekologi Lingkungan Hidup dan Pembangunan Jambatan. Jakarta

Otto Soemarwoto

Ekologi Lingkungan Hidup dan Pembangunan

Soemarwoto, O.

Ekologi Lingkungan Hidup dan Pembangunan

Djambatan, Bandung

Ekologi Laut Tropis

Tuwo, A.

Ekologi Laut Tropis

Universitas Haluoleo, Kendari.

Ekologi Kuantitatif. Metode Analisis Populasi dan Komunitas.


Ekologi Kuantitatif. Metode Analisis Populasi dan Komunitas.

Penerbit Usaha Nasional Surabaya

Ekologi Kuantitatif Metode Analisis Populasi dan Komunitas

Soegianto A

Ekologi Kuantitatif Metode Analisis Populasi dan Komunitas

Penerbit Usaha Nasi onal Surabaya. Surabaya

Ekologi Kuantitatif Metode Analisis Populasi dan Komunitas


Penerbit Usaha Nasional Surabaya. Surabaya.

Ekologi Kalimantan


Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Ekologi Hutan Indonesia

Soerianegara, I.

Ekologi Hutan Indonesia

Departemen Managemen Hutan, Fakultas Kehutanan, IPB, Bogor

Ekologi hutan Indonesia

Soerianegara. I.

Ekologi hutan Indonesia

Fakultas Kehutanan IPB. Bogor.


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Judul Buku


Ekologi Hutan Indonesia

Soerianegara l

Ekologi Hutan Indonesia

Fakultas Kehutanan. Institut Pertanian Bogor

Ekologi hutan

Kusmana, C.

Ekologi hutan

Laboratorium Ekologi Hutan Fahutan IPB. Bogor.

Ekologi Hewan Tanah Ekologi gulma. Ekologi Gulma.

Sum.N.M. Sastroutom, S.S. Sastroutomo, S.S.

Ekologi Hewan Tanah Ekologi gulma. Ekologi Gulma.

Bumi Aksara. Jakarta. Gramedia PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.

Ekologi Gulma


Ekologi Gulma

Sastroutomo, S.S.

Ekologi Gulma

Sastroutomo, S.S

Ekologi Ekosistem Sumatra

Anwar, J.

Ekologi Ekosistem Sumatra

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Ekologi Ekosistem Sumatera

Anwar, J

Ekologi Ekosistem Sumatera

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Ekologi ekosistem Sumatera

Anwar, J.

Ekologi ekosistem Sumatera

Gajah Mada University Press

Ekologi Ekosistem di. Sumatera.

Anwar, J..

Ekologi Ekosistem di. Sumatera.

Gajah Mada University Press Yogyakarta. 268273.

Ekologi Ekosistem Sumatera

Anwar, J

Ekologi Ekosistem Sumatera

Gajah Mada Univ. Press.

Ekologi dan Biologi Tropika

Deshmukh l,

Ekologi dan Biologi Tropika

Yayasan Obor Indo nesia. Jakarta

Einfluss von temperatur und Eiweissangebot auf Nahrungumsatz und Wachstum bei Jugendstadien von Penaeus monodon Fabricius, 1798.


Einfluss von temperatur und Eiweissangebot auf Nahrungumsatz und Wachstum bei Jugendstadien von Penaeus monodon Fabricius, 1798.

IfM CAU Kiel. Shaker verlag. Aachen. ISSN 0945-0688. 192 p.


Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta Ekologi Gulma

Penerbit PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta. 215hal. PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jkarta

Hlm 1229 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung Zielorientierter Gleichgewichtskurven im Plenterwald


Deutscher Verband, Forstlicher Forschungsanstalten, Sektion Forstlitche Biometrie und Informatik 10 Tagung. Freiburg, 24-26 September 1997

Eight Weeks to Optimum Health: A Proven Program for Taking Full Advantage of Your Body's Natural Healing Power.

Weil, Andrew, M. D.

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Aman, Jakarta.

Eight new somatic hybrid citrus rootstocksd with potential for improved disease resistance

Eliezer, S


Eggs and early life history.

Bagenal, T.B

Ricker.W.E (Ed). Methods for Assessement of Fish Production Freshwater. IBP Handbook No 3.

Blackwell Scientific Publications. 159-181.

Eggs and early life history.

Bagenal, T.B.

InT.B. Bagenal (ed.) Methods Assessment of Fish Production in Freshwaters. 3rd ed. IBP Hand Book No.3,

Blackwell Sci. Pub., Oxford,. P:165-202.

Egg science and technology.

Stadelman, W. J.

Egg Science and Technology

Stadelman, W. J

Egg Science & technology Egg lipids. In: Egg qualitycurrent prob-lems and recent advances

Stadelman WJ Noble, R.C

Egg & Products Efisiensi Substitusi Hijauan Lapangan dengan Kulit Buah Kakao pada Domba Jantan yang disuplementasi Blok Urea Molasses

Orr HL Mide, M.Z.

Efisiensi Relatif dan Sikap Petani Pada Usaha Tani Kedelai di Jawa Timur.




The Avi Publ. Corp. Inc. Westport Connecticut. Egg Science and Technology. 2nd. Ed

Avi Poblishing Company, Inc. Wesport. Connecticut

Poultry Sci Symposium

The Avi Publ Inc Butterwirth, London

Laporan BBI

Canada Dept. of Agric. Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Hasanuddin, Ujung Pandang.

Universitas Brawijaya

Hlm 1230 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Efisiensi Produksi Ayam Ras Pedaging di Kotamadya Padang.


Efisiensi Produksi Ayam Ras Pedaging di Kotamadya Padang.

Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Andalas, Padang.

Efisiensi penggunaan pupuk pada lahan sawah.

Adiningsih, J. S.

Efisiensi penggunaan pupuk pada lahan sawah.

Adiningsih, J. S.

Efisiensi pemupukan pada padi dan palawija

Sudarman, S.

Efisiensi Pemberian Hara Makro, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S dan Mikro Zn, Cu Mn untuk Tanaman Rami Pada Tanah Gambut Berengbengkel, Kalimantan Tengah


Efisiensi Pemberian Hara Makro, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S dan Mikro Zn, Cu Mn untuk Tanaman Rami Pada Tanah Gambut Berengbengkel, Kalimantan Tengah

Balittas, Malang.

Efisiensi biaya pestisida pada tanaman padi dengan program pengendalian hama terpadu

Dermawan, D.

M. Syam, Hermanto, Husni Kasim, dan Sunihardi (Eds.) Prosiding Simposium Penelitian Tanaman Pangan III. Jakarta/Bogor 23-25 Agustus 1993. Kinerja Penelitian Tanaman Pangan. Buku 3. hlm. 1.0071.022.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan Bogor.

Efikasi Bubuk Lada Hitam terhadap Sitophilus zeamais, him. 101-105

Mardiningsih, T.L.

D. Sitepu, P. Wahid, M. Soehardjan, S. Rusli, A.W. Ellyda, I. Mustika, D. Soetopo, Siswanto, I.M. Trisawa, D. Wahyuno & M. Nuhardiyati (ed.), Prosiding Seminar Hasil Penelitian dalam Rangka Pemanfaatan Pestisida Nabati. Bogor, 1 2 Desember 1993.

Efikasi berbagai konsentrasi emulsi ekstrak daun ketepeng (Cassia alata) terhadap Thosea asigna,Van ecke.

Ginting, C.U.

Efikasi berbagai konsentrasi emulsi ekstrak daun ketepeng (Cassia alata) terhadap thosea asigna, Van ecke.

Ginting, C.U.


Puslitbangtan Bogor

Hlm 1231 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Efficient fertilizer use in acip upland soils of the humid tropics.

Uexkull VHR

FAO of the US Roma

Efficient fertilizer use in acip upland soils of the humid tropics.

Uexkull VHR

FAO of the US Roma

Efficiency of Uptake of P And Interaction of P with Other Nutrients

Munson. R.D

Efficiency Faktor-faktor Produksi Kubis di Daerah Citarum andung

Sugianto. T

Departemen Ilmu-ilmu Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, IPB

Efficacy of an escherichia coli bacterin for the control of coliform mastitis in dairy cows.

Clark, P.

CAB Abstracts.

Effects or Heating on Foodstuffs

Priestley, R.J.

Effects or Heating on Food-stuffs

Applied Science Publishers Ltd. Lon-don

Effects on peptidoglycan (PG) on growth, survival, immune, response and tolerance to stress in black tiger shrimp, Peneus monodon

S. Boonyaratpalin

Disease in Asian Aquaculture II

Fish Health Section, Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines

Effects on ecosystems, him 283310

Mellilo, J.M.

11' Houghton. G ,1, .lenkins & .1.1 Rphraums (ed ), Climate Change: The IPCC Scientific Assessment

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Effects of Water Hardness on the Toxicity of Several Organic and Inorganic Herbicides to Fish.

Inglis.Adan E.

Effects of Water Hardness on the Toxicity of Several Organic and Inorganic Herbicides to Fish.

US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of Interior, Washington, DC. 12 pp.

Effects of vitamin A deficiency and hypervitaminosis A in animals. In: The Vitamins. W.H. Sebrel and R. S. Harries, eds

Wolbach, S.B

The Vitamins.

Academie Press, New York, Vol. I

Effects of temperature regimes and photoperiods on soybean varieties.

Ravoof, A.A.

Symposium on feedingstuffs for livestock.

Faculty of Medicine. Nat Univ. of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia.


Judul Buku

Phosphorus For Agriculture


Potash/Phosphate Institut

Hlm 1232 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Effects of Sugar-cane trash and pineapple residue on soil pH, redox potential, extractable Al, Fe and Mn. Trop. Agric. (Trinidad)

Ashgar, M

Effects of stocking rate on cattle growth, pasture production and coconut yield in bali.

Rika, I.K

Effects of soil moisture on the survival and infectivity of the entomogeneous nematode

Kondo. E

Steinernema felitiae (DD-136). Proceedings of the association for Plant Protection of Kyushu

Effects of roller chopping on nutrtional qualuty of guajillo and blackbrush

Fulbright. T

Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute Annual Report, 19861987

Effects of resistance genes, heat tolerance genes and cytoplasms on expression of resistance to Pseudomonas solanacearum

Tung, P.X

E.F. Smith in Potato


Effects of puddling on soil physical properties and processes. p. 217-234

Sharma, P.K.

Soil Physics and Rice

International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.

Effects of Puddling on Soil Physical Properties

Sarma. P.K

Soil Physic and Rice

IRRI. Philippines

Effects of protein ingestion on the glucose and insuline response to a standardized oral glucose load

Nuttall F.Q.,

Diabetes care

Effects of Practice on Growth Teak, Crop Production and Soil Fertility


MSU Dissertation

Effects of physiological and morphological characterics on the chemical composition and in vitro digestibility of different varieties of rice straw

Sannasgala K

The univ of melbourne, Parkville, Australia

Effects of Phosphorus and Potasium on Soybean Nodulation Seed Yield

Jone. G.D

Agron Jour


Judul Buku


Trop Grasslang.


Hlm 1233 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Effects of Neem on Pests of Vegetables and Fruit Trees

Schmutterer, H

Effects of Moisture Removal or Nutriens

Bluestein. P. M

Judul Buku

Penerbit M. Jacobson (editor) The Neem Tree, FL-CRC Press Boca Raton

E. karmas dan O. S. Harris (eds) Nutrition Evaluation of Food Processing 3nd.

Effects of marine shells in mule ducks upon their bone mineralization and foie gras production.

Van Nostran Reinhold, New York. Tours. France.

Effects of low activities of aluminium on soybean (glycine max) II Root cell structure and root fair development

Hecht-buhholz CH

ML van Beusichem (ed) Plant Nutrition Physiology and applications

Effects of low activities of aluminium on soybean (Glycine max) I Early growth and nodulation

Brady DJ

ML Van Beusichem (ed) plant nutrition-physiology and application

Effects of low activities of aluminium on soybean (Glycine max). II. Root cell structure and root hair development. p. 335343

Hecht-Buckholz, Ch.

M.L. van Beusichem (Ed.) Plant Nutrition-Physiology and Applications.

Effects of low activities of aluminium on soybean (Glycine max). I. Early growth and nodulation. p. 329-334

Brady, D.J.

M.L. van Beusichem (Ed.) Plant Nutrition-Physiology and Applications.

Effects of Light and Temperature on Budding, Strohilation, and The Symbiotic Zooxanthellae in The Scyphistomae of Phyllorhiza punctata. (unpublished student report)

Jufri, A.W.

Effects of Light and Temperature on Budding, Strohilation, and The Symbiotic Zooxanthellae in The Scyphistomae of Phyllorhiza punctata. (unpublished student report)

School of Environmental Biology, Curtin University of Technology, Perth Australia.

Effects of Health and Nutrition on Cognitive and behavioural development in children in the first three years of life.

McGregor S.M.G

Food and Nutrition Bulletin, Vol. 20, No. 1. 1999.

UNU Press, USA.


Hlm 1234 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Effects of Growth Hormone on Glucose and Acetate Metabolism in Sheep.

Laarveld, B.

Comp. Biochem.


Effects of Genetic Selection on Growth Rate and Intestinal Structure in The Domestic Fowl (Gallus Domesticus).

Smith, M. W.

Comparative Biochemistry Physiology.

Effects of garlic extract and of three pure components isolated from it on human platelet aggregation. arachidonate metabolism, release reaction and platelet ultrastructure

Apitz-Castro, A.

Thrombosis Research

Effects Of Food Processing on Residues of Ethylene Bisdithiocarbomate Fungicides and Ethylene Thiourea

Philips. W.F

Effects of Exogenous Growth Hormone on Mammary Function in Lactating Goats.

Mepham, T. B.

Horm. Metab. Res.

Effects of eutrophication on Zooplankton.

Ravera. O.

In Eutrophication of deep lakes. S.H. Jenkins (Ed),

Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, P: 84 -102.

Effects of europhication on Zooplankton.

Ravera, O.,

In “Europhication of deep lakes”, S.H. Jenkins (Ed.).

Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, p: 84-102.

Effects of Dry Season in 1994 on rice stook. Pangan

Supanto, A.

Effects of different mulch materials on soil properties and yield of maize and cowpea in an eastern Amazon Oxisol.

Schoningh, E.

Effects of contolled atmosphere storage on grain quality : a review

Banks HJ

Food Technologi in Australia 33(7)335-341. Copeland LO 1985. Principles of seed scince and technology

Burgerss Publ Co Minnesota

Effects of contolled atmosphere storage on grain quality : a review

Banks HJ

Food Technologi in Australia 33(7)335-341. Copeland LO 1985. Principles of seed scince and technology

Burgerss Publ Co Minnesota


US. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington D.C

Int. Symp. Humid Trop. 1st, Manaus, Barazil

Hlm 1235 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Effects of compaction and pudding on soil physical properties nd rice growth

Ghildyal BP

Soils and Rice IRRI


Effects of co-ingestion of fat and protein upon carbohydrateinduced hyperglycemia

Estrich, D


Effects of CO

Kinney, K.K.

and NO, availability on deciduous trees:phytochemistry and insect performance ecology 78:215-230

Effects of cadmium on the shrimps, Penaeus duorarum, Palaemonetes pugio and Palaemonetes vulgaris.

Nimmo, D.R.,

In: Physiological respons of marine biota to pollutant (Eds.: Vernberg, F.J., Calabrese, A., Thurberg, F.D., Vernberg, W.B.).

Effects of bulk density and soil moisture on radicle elongation of some tropical crops

Maurya, P. R.

Effects of breakfast on classroom behaviour in rural Jamaican school children .

Chang SM

Effects of Aquoeus Al, Cd, Cu, Fe(II), Ni, and Zn on Pb Immobillization by Hydroxiapatite

Ma. Q.Y

Effects of alumunium on plant growth

Foy CD

EW Carson (ed) The plants root and its environment

Un. Of Virginia Press. Charlottesville

Effects of alumunium on plant growth

Foy CD

EW Carson (ed) The plants root and its environment

Un. Of Virginia Press. Charlottesville

Effects of Agroforestry Practice on Growth of Teak, Crop Production and Soil Fertility Michigan State University 1988 Dissertation


Effects if chromium, copper and nickle on survival and feeding behavior of Metapenaeus ensis larvae and postlarvae (Decapoda : Penaeide)

C.K. Wong


Academic Press, New York: 131-183.

John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York

Food and Nutrition Bulletin.

Environ.Sci. Technol


Effects if chromium, copper and nickle on survival and feeding behavior of Metapenaeus ensis larvae and postlarvae (Decapoda : Penaeide)

Marine Environmental Research

Hlm 1236 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Effects d'un insecticide organophosphore, Ie fenitrothion sur la physiologie de la crevette Penaeus japonica (Crustace, Decapode).

Langy, S.

Memoire DES,

Universite Montpelier II, 70p.

Effective Small Business Management

Zimmere. T.W

Effective Selection Criteria for Assessing Plant Stress Tolerance.

Fernandez, G.C.J.,

Effective Microorganisms (EM) Untuk pertanian dan lingkungan yang berkelanjutan

Higa T

Indonesia Kyusei Farming Societies, Jakarta

Effective Microorganisms (EM) Untuk pertanian dan lingkungan yang berkelanjutan

Higa T

Indonesia Kyusei Farming Societies, Jakarta

Effective microorganisme.


PT. Songgolangit Persada, Jakarta.

Effective microorganism 4 dimensi baru dalam Kyusey Nature Farming


Effective Microorganism 4

MacMillan Publ. Co. New York Kuo C.G. (ed.). Adaptation of Food Crops to Temperature and Water Stress. Proc. of an Int. Symp., Taiwan, 13-18 Agustus 1992. AVRDC. p 257-270.

Effective microorganism 4 dimensi baru dalam Kyusey Nature Farming

IKNFS, Bogor

Effective Microorganism 4

Indonesian Kyusei Nature Farming, Jakarta.

Effective Microorganism (EM4) Technology Serving The World

Higa T

Bulletin Kyusei Nature Farming Jakarta

Effective Microorganism (EM4) Technology Serving The World

Higa T

Bulletin Kyusei Nature Farming Jakarta

Effective microorganism Effect of Zinc Supplementation on Children's Growth : A MetaAnalysis of Intervention Trials

Higa, T. Brown, K.H


Effective microorganism In Sandstrom, B.And P.Walter (Eds).Role of Trace Elements for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

IKNFS, Bogor Bibliotheca Nutritio et Dieta No 54, Karger, Basel

Hlm 1237 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Effect Of water And Heat Stress on Carbon Metabolism of Plant With C3 and C4 Photosynthesis

Lawlor. D.W

Stress Physiology In Crop Plants

John Willey & Sons. New York

Effect of Virginiamycin on Ruminal Fermentation in Faunated or Ciliate-Free sheep Overfed with Barley Grain

Nagaraja, T.G

Small Ruminant Research


Effect of vesicular mycorrhizal fungi on the relation on plant growth

Stribley, D.P.

Internal phosphorus concentration and soil phosphate analysis.

J. Soil. Sci. 31:655-672

Effect of vegetation cover and slope on runoff and soil losses from the watershed of Burundi.

El-Hassanin, A.S.

Effect of undegraded protein level on nutrient digestibility and microbial protein synthesis of dairy cows. In: Lobley GE, A. White and JC. MacRae (ed). Protein metabolism and nutrition

Widyobroto, B. P.

Book of abstracts of the VIII th International symposium on protein and metabolism

EAAP publication Wageningen Holland

Effect of Trans-piration and Changing Diameter on Mass Tranfer to Spheres

Brian, P.L.T

Al ch. E. J

Effect of Transparent Fluid on Motility of Cock Spermatozoa.

Mohan, J.

Effect of Tillage Depth on Infiltration Charateristic of Two Bangladesh Soils Having Plowghpans

Rachman. L.M

Soil Tillage Research

Effect óf Supplemental Folie Acid on the Perfor-mance of Starting Broiler Chicks

Ryu, K.S

Effect óf Supplemental Folie Acid on the Perfor-mance of Starting Broiler Chicks

Poul-try Sci. 72

Effect of Sulfur Dioxide on Physiological Protesses in Dants

Black, V. J.

Effect of Sulfur Dioxide on Physiological Protesses in Dants

Dept. of Physiology and Environmental Science. Univ. Nothingham School of Agric.


Central Avian Research Institute, Izatnagar, 243 122, U.P., India.

Hlm 1238 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Effect of storage conditions of the oxidative and hydrolytic rancidity

Tangenjaya B

Effect of Spray Application of KNO3, Urea and Growth Regulators On The Yield of Tommy Atkins Mango

Oosthuyse. S.A

S.A. Mango Growers Asso A Trial To Regulate Flowering of Mangosten (Garcinia Mangostana. L) atNarmada Lombok West Nusa Tenggara. C

Effect of spray application of KNCh, urea and growth regulators on the yield of growing Atkins Mango.

Oosthuyse, S. A

Yearboo Vol. 13

Mango Grower Assoc

Effect of Species On Flavoring Materials On Growth Of Yeast

Webb. A.H

Pengaruh Ektrak Laos (Alpinia Galanga.L) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Mikroba Yang Berperan Dalam Ragi Tape

Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, IPB. Bogor

Effect of Soil Texture on Critical Bulk Densities for Root Growth

Jones C.A

Effect of Soil Conditioners an Initial Water Potential Of a Vertisol on In Filtration and Head of Wetting

Lal. R

Effect of Soil Compaction on Root Growth and Uptake of Phosporus.

Shierlaw, J

Plant Soil

Effect of silage additives on ensiling. In silage: field to feedbunk.

Muck, R. E.

NRAES-99, NRAES, Ithaca, NY

Effect of service on duration of oestrus and ovulation in dairy goats.

Romano, J. E.

Elsevier science publishing company, Inc. New York. Amsterdam. Oxford

Effect of sequential neem teratment on green leafhopper (GLH) rice tungro virus (RTV) infection, and predatory mirid and spidera in rice

Kareem AA

International Rice research Newsletter 13(6):37-40

Effect of salinity on plant growth and crop yields

Flowers, T.J

J.H. Cherry (ed.). Environmental Stress in Plants, Biochemical and Physiological Mechanism


Judul Buku

Penerbit IPB Bogor

Soil Sci. Soc

Modification of Soil Structure

John Willey & Sons Inc. New York

Springer-verlag, Berlin Heidelberg

Hlm 1239 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Effect of root morphology on reactor design and operation for production of chemicals. 151167.

Carvalho, E.B.,

In P.M. Doran (Ed.) Hairy Roots Culture and Applications.

Harwood Academie, Amsterdam.

Effect of Rice Hulls in Grain Based Diets on Live Weigh Change, Intake and Acidosis in Sheep.

Verstegen, M. W. A.

Institute for Agriculture and Environmental Science, Groningen, Netherlands.

Effect of relaxin on mammary growth in the hypophysectomized rat. In: Relaxin. Anderson, R. R. Ed.

Wright, L. C.

Plenum Press, New York

Effect of Quantity and Nature of Feed Intake on Protein Digestibility and Amino Acid Availability of Yellow Corn and Soya Bean Meal Determined with Adult Cockerels.

Mohamed, M. A.

French-Egyptian Symposium on Poultry Sciences and Development.

Effect of Puddling on Soil Physical Properties and Processes

Sharma. P.K.

Soil Physics and Rice

Effect of protected cyclopropena fatty acids on the composition of ruminant milk fat

Cook, L. J.


Effect of protected cyclopropena fatty acid on the composition of ruminant milk fat.

Cook, L. J.


Effect of processing on resistant strach and glycemic index of selected Indonesian Food

Marsono Y


Effect of processing on nutritive value of feeds: Enzyme treatment. Handbook of nutritive value of processed Food.VolII Animal feedstufts. Edited by Miloslav R Jr.

Herstard O


IRRI. Philippines

CRC Press Inc. Boca Raton

Hlm 1240 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Effect of primary and secondary infection with potato virus X (PVX) on yield, size, chemical composition, blight resistance and cooking quality of potato variety Kerr's Pink

Dowley, L. J.

Effect of polyhydroxy alcohol on invertase stabilization, him. 84590.

Combes, D.

A.I. Laskin, C.T. Tsao & L.B, Wingard (ed.), Enzyme Engineering VII

N.Y: Acad. Sci. New York.

Effect of Photoperiod on Reproductive Development of Peanut (Arachis Hypogeae)

Bell. M.J

A Cool Subtropical Environment. 1. Field Studies

Australian Journal Agriculture Research

Effect of Photoperiod on Reproductive Development of Peanut (Arachis Hypogeae)

Bell. M.J

II. Temperature Interactions

Australian Journal Agriculture Research

Effect of phenol -formaldehyde copolymer on gluebond performance of lignin-phenolic resin system

Hse, Chung-Yun

RW Hemingway, Anthony H Conner and Susan J Branham. Adhesives from Renewable Resources

ACS Symposium 1998.Washington DC

Effect of P.Thornei and growth,physiology and oil yield Mentha spicata

Haseeb A

Afro Asian J of Nematol

Effect of Organic matter on growth and cell yield of ammonia oxidizing bacteria

Krummel A

Effect of Organic Matter Management on Land Preparation and Structural Regeneration in Rice Based Cropping System

De Natta. S.K

Organic Matter and Rice

IRRI. Philippines

Effect of Organic and Fertilization on Soil Physical Properties and Hydrophobicity of Soil Organic Matter

Nakaya, N.

In Organic Matter and Rice

IRRI, Philippines.

Effect of organic acids on Aluminium toxicity in sub-soils

Hue, N. V.

Effect of nutrition in fertility reproduction and lactation

Schingocthe. D.J.

the ruminant animal

Prentice Hall. Englewood Cliffs. New Jersey


Arch. Microbiol

Hlm 1241 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Effect of Nitrogen and Rhizobium Inoculation on Growth and Yield of Soybean in Red-Yellow Podsolic Soil

Sunarlim, N.

Pertanian 12(3)

Balitan. Bogor

Effect of Nitrate Nitrogen on Growth, Nodulation and Distribution of 14C Labelled Photo synthate of Cowpea

Khan, A

Plant and Soil

Effect of Nitrate Nitrogen on Growth, Modulation and Distribution of 14C Labelled Photo synthate of Cowpea

Khan, A

Plant and Soil

Effect of mevalonic acid on lactate fermentation using Pediococcus sp. ISK-1

Herawati, E.,

J. Fac. Agric. Kyushu. Univ.Japan

Effect of management factors on the reproductive performance of the post partum dairy cows

O'Farrel K.J

In Martinus Nijhoff

Factors Influencing Fertility in the Post Partum Cows.The Hague

Effect of major biocontrol agents on the population dynamics of the green rice leafhopper Nephotettix virescens, the most efficient vector of rice tungro disease

Suzuki, Y.

FFTC Book Series


Effect of Lime and Phosphate on the growth of annual bluegrass and creping bentgrass in two acid soils

Kuo, S

Effect of light, magnesium and sucrose on leaf anatomy, photosyntesis, strach and total sugar accumulation, in kiwi fruit cultured in vitro.

Dimassi-theriou, K.

Effect of Level of Dietary Fiber on Nitrogen and Amino Acid Excretion in The Fasted Mature Rooster.

Muztar, A. Z.


Soil Sci

Nutr. Rep. Int.

Hlm 1242 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Effect of intercropping system on surface processes in an acid ultisol I. Short term changes in soil physical properties.

Zainol, E.

Effect of Insecticide of Rice Ecosystem in Southeast Asia. Ecotoxicology and Climates. Bourdeau et al (ed).

Megalfona, E.D.

Effect of Insecticide of Rice Ecosystem in Southeast Asia. Ecotoxicology and Climates. Bourdeau et al (ed).

John Willey and Son.

Effect of Insecticide of Rice ecosystem in Southeast Asia

Megallona, E. D.

Ecotoxicology and climates

John Wiley and Son.

Effect of Indonesian electric furnace slag on rice yield and chemical properties of soils.


Plant Nutritions for Sustainable Food Production and Environment.

Effect of Incullation and NPK Fertilization on Soybean


Effect of Incullation and NPK Fertilization on Soybean

Effect of high level formaldehyde fumigation on bacterial population on the surface of chicken hatching eggs.

Williams, J. E.

Avian diseases.

Effect of heat-moisture treated cassava in urea containing feed supplement on carbohydrate, protein and energy metabolism of goats, him. 73-76.

Manik, I.G.

Y. van der Honing (Comp.), Energy Metabolism of Farm Animals. EAAP Publ. No. 43

Pudoc-Wageningen: Center for Agric. Publ. & Docn.

Effect of Heat Processing on Nutrients

Lund, D.B.

Nutritional Evaluation of Food Processing (R.S. Harris, ed.)

AVI Publishing Co., Westport, Connecticut.

Effect of guar gum on body weight, hunger ratings and metabolism

Krotkiewsky, M.

Effect of guar gum on body weight, hunger ratings and metabolism

Brit. J. Nutr. 52:97.

Effect of Green Manure on Physicochemical Properties of Irrigated Rice Soils

Wen, Q.X


Effect of green manure and coral lime on groeth and chemical properties of an acid oxisol in Western Samoa

Hunter, D.J

Biol Fertil. Soils


Tropical Grain Legum Bull

Hlm 1243 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Effect of gossypol on pituitariovarian endocrine function, ovulation and fertility in female hamsters

Wu, Y. M.


Effect of genotype on somatic embryogenesis from immature cotyledons of soybean.

Parrot, W.A.

Effect of genotype on level of natural infection of Strongyles in lambs

Mirza, I.

Effect of gel fibre on gastric emptying and absorption of glucose and paracetamol

Holt S

Lancet I

effect of gamma Irradiation on cell proliferation and regeneration in explaned tissue of pigeon pea, cajanus cajan (L) Mills

Shama Rao, H.K

Rad. Bull

Effect of fruit maturity on Athracnose development. Progress Report in Tomato and Pepper production in the Tropics


Shanhua, Taiwan, China

Effect of fruit maturity on Antracnose development


Progress Report in Tomato and pepper Production in the tropics.

AVRDC. Shanbua, Taiwan, China

Effect of Fiber on Mineral and Vitamin Bioavailability

Kelsay, J.L.

G.V. Vahaouny and D. Kritchevsky (eds.) Dietary Fiber in Health and Disease

Plenum Press, New York.

Effect of Fertilizer Use on Cowpea and Soybean Nodulation and Nitrogen Fixation in The Lowland Tropics

Kang, B.T

Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Farming System of the Tropics

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Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Farming System of the Tropics

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Efek Tipe Lebar dan Arah Jalur Terhadap Anakan Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus) Pada Hutan Gambut Sekunder


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Efek kapur terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kacang tanah

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Efek Tipe Lebar dan Arah Jalur Terhadap Anakan Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus) Pada Hutan Gambut Sekunder


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Economie growth, equity and nutritional improvement in Indonesia



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Economics of development: Empirical Investigations

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Economics and Economic Policy of Dual Societies

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Economics Analysis Of Farm Program

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Economical Important Seaweed In Chile, Gracilaria

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Economic Theory and The Underdeveloped Countries

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Economic Statistic and Econometrics 2nd ed.

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Econometric Model and Economic Parecats

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Econometric Analysis 2nd. Ed.

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Econometric Analysis

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Ecology: The Experimental Analysis of Distribution and Abundance. 4th ed.

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Harper & Row, New York.

Ecology: the experimental analysis of distribution and abundance

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Ecology: the experimental analysis of distribution and abundance

Harper & Row Publisher, New York.

Ecology: The experiment analysis of distribution and abundance

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Ecology The Experimental Analysis ofDistribution and Abundance

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Ecology The Experimental Analysis of Distribution and Abundance. Second Edition.

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Ecology of Water Weeds in The Neotropics

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Ecology of VA mycorrhizal fungi

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Ecology of VA Myccorrhizaal fungi


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Ecology of Tropical Oceans.

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Ecology of Soil Fungi


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Ecology of pesticides

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Ecology of Inland Water Estuaries.

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Ecology of I ml and Water Estuaries.

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Ecology of Freshwaters

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Ecology and Natural Resource Management

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System Analysis and Simulation

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Ecology and Field biology

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Ecology and Evolution of Communities

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Ecology and Evolution of Communities

The Belknap of Harvard University Press. Cambridge. England.

Ecology and Distribution of Benthic Foraminifera

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Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates.

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Ecology and behaviour of the green peafowl (Pavo mulicus Linneaus 1766) in the Daluran national park, East Java, Indonesia

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Ecology and behaviour of the green peafowl (Pavo mulicus Linneaus 1766) in the Daluran national park, East Java, Indonesia

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Ecology : the link between the natural social science, 2ned

E.P. Odum

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Scientific and Technology.

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Ecological Diversity and Its Measurement.

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Ecological Diversity and Its Measurement.

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Princenton Univercity Press, New Jersey. 179 pp.

Ecological Diversity and Its Measurement

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Ecological Diversity and Its Measurement

Princeton University Press, Princeton.

Ecological Aspects of The Development Acid Suphate Soil in The Humid Tropics Vol. 5

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Ecological Aspects Of Host Plant Resistance And Biological Control : Interactions Among Three Tropich Levels

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Interactions Of Plant Resistance And Parasitoids And Pradators Of Insects

Ellis Harwood, Chichester, West Sussex, England

Ecological Aspect of Plant Mineral Nutrition

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Advances in Plant Nutrient, Vol. 3

Preager Publisher, New York

Ecological Approach To Pest Management

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Ecological Approach to Pest Management

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Ecological animal geography.Second Edition


Ecolocical diversity and its measurement

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Ecolocical diversity and its measurement

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Earthworm a new resource of protein

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Dye and Tannin Producing Plants

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Durian untuk kebun Komersil dan Hobi.

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Dual Intensity Soil Map (Detailed Reconnaissance and Reconnaissance) of The Palu Study Area, Central Sulawesi

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The AVI Publishing Company, Inc. Printed in the United States of America

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Drying cereal grains

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Drying Cereal Grain.

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Drying and Storage of Agricultural Crops

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Drying and Storage of Agricultural Crops

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Drying and Storage of Agricultural Crop

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Drought Resistance In CerealsRice : a Case Study

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Stress Physiology In Crop Plants

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AVI Publishing Co. Westport Connecticut

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Drought Resistance And Adaptation To Water Deficits In Crop Plants

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Stress Physiology In Crop Plants

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Drought feeding strategies. Theory and practice

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DNA Fingerprinting in Plants and Fungi

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DNA Fingerprinting in Plants and Fungi

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DNA Fingerprinting in Plants and Fungi

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DNA Fingerprinting in Plants and Fungi

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DNA Fingerprinting in Plants and Fungi

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DNA Fingerprinting in Plants and Fungi

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DNA Based Diagnostic Techniques For Pseudomonas Solanacearum With Emphasis On Biovar 3 and 4

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Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook

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Disseases And Parasites Of Marine Fisheries

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Kane, J.P

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Ditjen Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Dit Bina produksi Padi dan Palawija

Diskripsi varietas palawija



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Diseases of Poultry

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Diseases of Poultry

Iowa State Universrty Press, USA.

Diseases of Fruits Crops

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Diseases of Fruits Crops

Oxford dan IBH Publ., New Delhi. 309p.

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Diseases and parasites. Dalam: Hafez, E.S.E and I.A.Dyer. Animal Growth and Nutrition

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Diseases and Parasites of Marine Fishes.

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Diseases and Parasites of Marine Fishers


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Diseases and Parasites of Marine Fishers.


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Diseases & disorders of the oil palm in malaysia

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The Incorporated Society of Planters 247p

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Diseased problem faced by marine prawn farms and hatcheries

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Disease susceptibility and genetics in relation to breeding of banana and plantains

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Disease Resistance In Plants


Disease Resistance in Plants

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Disease Resistance in Plants

New York: Academic Press.

Disease resistance in plant and its concequences tor plant breeding in K. J. Frey (Ed). Plant Breeding II.

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Disease resistance in plant and its concequences for plant breeding in K. J. Frey (Ed). Plant Breeding II.

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Disease problems ofsmall ruminant in Indonesia in Proceedings of Small Ruminant Production System in South and Southeast Asia, ed. C. Devendra

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Disease Pest and Weeds in Tropical Crops

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Disease Pest and Weeds in Tropical Crops

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Disease of Some Tropical Plantation Acacias In Penisular Malaysia


Disease of Tropical Acacias

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Disease of Poultry. Eighth Edition

Hofstad, M.S.

Disease of Poultry 8th Ed

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Disease of Poultry 8th Ed

Angus and Robenson Sydney. Melbourne,

Disease of Potatoes

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American Phytophatological Society.

The Potato Association of America

Disease of cocoa.

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Disease Diagnosis and Control in North America Marine Aquaculture

Sinderamana, C.


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Academic Press.Inc New York

Iowa State University Press. Ames, Iowa, USA

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Disease control in aquaculture

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Disease and Parasie of l.ivestock in the Tropic


Disease and Parasie of l.ivestock in the Tropic

Formelli Prin-ciple of College of Animal Science, University Nigeria

Disease and defense mechanisms of the American Lobster Homarus Americanus

W.D. Paterson

Disease in Asian Aquaculture I

Fish Health Section, Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines

Discrimainant Analysis

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Discovery, development and chemistry of" glyophosate

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the herbicide glyphosate

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Discharge Measurement Structures. Working Group on Small Hydraulic Structures

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Disch Measurement Structn Working Group on Small Hydr Structure

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Disaggregation and clay dispersion of Oxiosis

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Dinas Peternakan, Padang

Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Tingkat I Propinsi Jambi


Dinamika Populasi. Kajian Ekologi Kuantitatif.

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Dinamika Populasi, Kajian Ekologi Kuantitatif.

Tarumingkeng Rudy C.

Dinamika Populasi, Kajian Ekologi Kuantitatif.

Dinamika populasi ikan kembung di Laut Jawa.

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Dinamika Populasi Udang Jerbung (Penaeus merguiensis de Man) di perairan Arafuru dan alternatif pengelolaannya

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Warkshop on the scientific Basic for the Management of Penaeid Shrimps, Florida

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Dinamika pestisida dalam lingkungan

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Lembaga Pusat Penelitian Pertanian, Bogor

Dinamika Obat. Edisi ke 5. Diterjemahkan oleh M.B. Widianto dan A.S. Ranti

Mutschler, E.

Dinamika Obat. Edisi ke 5. Diterjemahkan oleh M.B. Widianto dan A.S. Ranti

Penerbit ITB Bandung. p. 213, 429, 430.

Dinamika Obat. Edisi 5. Diterjemahkan oleh: M. B. Widianto dan A. S. Ranti.

Mutschler, E.

Dinamika Obat. Edisi 5. Diterjemahkan oleh: M. B. Widianto dan A. S. Ranti.

Penerbit ITB, Bandung. 209-217.

Dinamika Obat.

Mutschler, E,

Dinamika Obat.

Penerbit ITB, Bandung, p. 521-535.

Dinamika Kelompok dan pengaruhnya terhadap tingkat kesejahteraan peternak dalam menunjang pembangunan peternak di Jawa Tengah


Dinamika Kelompok dan pengaruhnya terhadap tingkat kesejahteraan peternak dalam menunjang pembangunan peternak di Jawa Tengah

Lemlit UNDIP Semarang (tidak dipublikasikan)

Dinamika K pada lahan tadah hujan selama pertumbuhan padi.

Rahman, A.


Pustaka Sinar Harapan dan Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana, Jakarta.

Pustaka Sinar harapan dan Univesitas Kristen Krida Wajana. Jakarta

Hlm 1271 dari 1800

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Dinamika hara tanaman pangan. Rencana penelitian penunjang Swamp II

Makarim AK

Badan litbang Pusslitbang Tanaman Pangan Bogor

Dinamika hara tanaman pangan. Rencana penelitian penunjang Swamp II

Makarim AK

Badan litbang Pusslitbang Tanaman Pangan Bogor

Dinamika Populasi Udang Windu (Penaeus monoclon) dan Putih (Penaeus merguiensis) di perairan Selat Madura serta Alternatif Pengelolaannya


Dinamika Populasi Udang Windu (Penaeus monoclon) dan Putih (Penaeus merguiensis) di perairan Selat Madura serta Alternatif Pengelolaannya

Unibraw-BPPP. ARM Project. 1993

Dinamika Populasi Udang Werus (Metapenaeus spp) di Perairan Selat Madura serta alternatif pengelolaannya


Dinamika Populasi Udang Werus (Metapenaeus spp) di Perairan Selat Madura serta alternatif pengelolaannya

PSL Project. Unibraw

Dimetric and higher oliogomeric triglycerides

Dobarganes MC

Deep Frying

AOCS Press, Champaign

Dimensi manusia dalam pembangunan


Dimensi manusia dalam pembangunan

LP3ES, Jakarta

Dilema Pestisida. Dilema Keberadaan Pengusaha Kecil dan Komitmen Pemerintah.

Ekha, I. Mono, Henny.

Dilema Pestisida.

Kanisius, Yogyakarta. Penerbit Bisnis Indonesia, Jakarta.

Dilema ekonomi desa: suatu pendekatan ekonomi terhadap perubahan kelembagaan di asia

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Dilema Ekonomi Desa : Suatu Pen-dekatan Ekonomi Terhadap Perubahan Kelembagaan di Asia

Hayami, Y

Dilema Ekonomi Desa : Suatu Pen-dekatan Ekonomi Terhadap Perubahan Kelembagaan di Asia

Yayasan Obor, Jakarta

Dilema Ekonomi Desa : Suatu Pendekatan Ekonomi Terhadap Perubahan Kelem-bagaan di Asia

Hayami, Y

Dilema Ekonomi Desa : Suatu Pendekatan Ekonomi Terhadap Perubahan Kelem-bagaan di Asia

Yayasan Obor Indo-nesia. Jakarta

Diktat Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Tanaman. Lab Kultur Jaringan Tanaman


PAU Bioteknologi, IPB Bogor

PAU Bioteknologi, IPB Bogor

Diktat Yang Tidak Di Publikasikan

Effendi A.D

Program Pascasarjana Jurusan Gizi Masyarakat dan Sumber Daya Keluarga , ITB

Diktat virologi tumbuhan.

Suseno, R.


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Hlm 1272 dari 1800

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Diktat Teknik Persemaian

Daryono, H.

Diktat Teknik Persemaian

Pusat Pembinaan Pendidikan dan Latihan Kehutanan, Bogor

Diktat Perekat dan Perekatan.


Diktat Perekat dan Perekatan.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan, Bogor.

Diktat Pengujian Kayu Lapis.


Diktat Pengujian Kayu Lapis.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan, Bogor.

Diktat Pengantar Uji t dan Anova


Diktat Pengantar Uji t dan Anova

Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya.

Diktat Pengantar Uji t dan Anava


Diktat Pengantar Uji t dan Anava

Program Pascasarjana. Universitas Airlangga.

Diktat Pengantar Kesehatan Lingkungan

Atmojo S.M

Jurusan Gizi Masyarakat dan Sumberdaya Keluarga, Faperta, IPB, Bogor

Diktat pemasaran Hasil Pertanian


Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya. Malang

Diktat Metode Penelitian Sosial

Hamid Hidayat

Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

Diktat mekanisasi mesin


Fakultas pertanian Unand, Padang

Diktat Kimia Tanah

M. Soepartini

Diktat irigasi, fak Teknik Jur. Sipil Univ. Semarang

Soewadi, Imam

Diktat Ilmu Ukur Kayu (Terjemahan)


Diktat Endokrinologi Umum

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Untuk latihan Analisa Tanah, tanaman, air dan pupuk tanggal 10 Pebruari-13 Maret 1987

Badan Litbang Pertanian Puslittan-P5/NAR II, Bogor

Fakultas Kehutanan UGM Yogyakarta Diktat Endokrinologi Umum

Program Pascasarjana Unair.

Hlm 1273 dari 1800

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Diktat Dasar-dasar Perlindungan Tanaman.


Diktat Dasar-dasar Perlindungan Tanaman.

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Diklat agrometerologi,

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Digestive Physiology,

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Digestive physiology of the duck.

Moran, E. T.

Duck production science and world practice. Univ. New England

Digestive Physiology and nutrition of ruminants. 2nd. Ed

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Digestive Physiology and nutrition of ruminants. 2nd. Ed

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Digestive Physiology and Nutrition of Ruminants.

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Digestive Physiology and nutrition of ruminants Vol 1

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Digestive physiology and nutrition of ruminant. Vol. 1.

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Digestive physiology and nutrition of ruminant. Vol 1

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Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Pattimura Ambon NASA. Washington D.C.

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Digestive Physiology. 2nd ed. Metropolitan Printing Co. Portland, Oregon.

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Digestive Physiology and Nutrition of Ruminant.

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Digestive Physiology

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Digestive Physiology and Metabolism in Ruminants


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The Rowett Research institue, greenburn road, Bucksburn, Aberdeen, Scotland

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A riston book, prenticeHall. A division of Simon and Schuster Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

Digestion, Absorption and Excretion in Ruminants.

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A Reston Book Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.

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Digestion and Metabolism in The Ruminant.

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Digestible physiology and nutrition of ruminant. Vol. 3

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Department of animal science OSU. Corvallis, Oregon USA

Digestibilities of Amino Acids in Foodstuff for Poultry and Pigs.

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Rhone Poulenc Nutrition Laboratories, Franc.

Digesfive Physiology and Nufrition of Ruminanfs. Vol 1 Digestive Physiology. Second edition

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Difuusion of Inoovation 3rd ed.

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Oregon state University. Corvalis. Oregon. Digestive Physiology and Metabolism in Ruminants

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Diffusion of Water in Foods During Storage.

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Diffusion of Water in Foods During Storage.

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Diffusion Of Innovation 3rd ed.

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Difficulties in mangosteen culture.

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Differentiation in Muorales

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Microbial Differentiation, J.M. Aswoth and J.E. Smith. Ed

Cambridge University Press

Differentiation in Mucorales.

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In Microbial Differentiation, J.M. Aswoth and J.E. Smith. Ed;

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Differentiation in Mucorales In: J.M Asworth and J.E. Smith (Ed).

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Differential Response of Peanut Variety To Sub Soil Acidity Knes

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Different Methode of Composting.

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Lecturer delivered at FAO/UNDP training Cource on compost Technology.

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Difference of eating and ruminating behaviours between fresh grass and hav feeding

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Dietary Management of Diabetes Mellitus in Europe and North America

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Internatonal Textbook of Diabetes Terpadu Vol. 1.2ed edition (Alberti, K.G. M.M., P. Zimmet, RA. De Fronzo and H. Keen)

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Dietary Induced Thermogenesis and Feed Evaluation in Ruminants.

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Dietary energy, protein and phosphorus requirement of muscovy duckling

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Dietary Digestive Interactions Determining the Feeding Value of Foreges and Roughages

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Diet in the treatment of hypertension

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DieErschlieBungssituationen bei der Nutzung Tropischer Immergrune Feuchtwalder in OstKalimantan Indonesien-eine Fallstudie an einem Beispielbetrieb


Diplomarbeit der Forstwissenschaftlichen Fakulta Der GeorgAugust-Universitat Gottingen

Die Spaltung des BLactoglobulin AB mit Bromeyan

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Di dalam : Nutrition and Blood Pressure

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Die Permeabilitet der Pansenwand Fur Harnstoff, Antipyrin un Waster.

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Die Ernahrung der wassrtiere und der Stoffhaushhalt der Gewasser.

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Dictionary Of Nutrition and Food Technology

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Dictionary of drying

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Diases Resistance Studies with Tissue Culture in Use of tissue Culture and Protoplast in Plant Phathologi (Edited by Helgeson J. P and B. J Deverall).

Academie Press. London.

Diarrhoeal Diseases Control

Word Health Organization

WHO, Geneva

Diameters Growth of Individual Hardwood Trees


The Effect O Certain Tree and Enviromental Factors On The Growth Of Several Species

USDA Forest Sevice Research Paper NE-45

Diameter Growth of Individual Hardwood Trees

Trmble. G.R

The Effect to Certain Tree and Enviromental Factors on The Growth of Several Species

USDA Forest Service Research Paper

Dialog with Asian rural man. A Workshop Report.

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Dialog with Asian rural man. A Workshop Report.

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Diagnostik Ultrasonic Applled to Obsterlics and Gynekolog

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Diagnostik Ultrasonic Applled to Obsterlics and Gynekolog

Diagnostic Techniques For Rice Tungro Disease

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Diagnostic Procedurs in Veterinary Bacteriology and Micology Antimicrobial Agents and Susceptibility

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Diagnostic Procedurs in Veterinary Bacteriology and Micology Antimicrobial Agents and Susceptibility

Cornell University Press, lthaca, New York.

Diagnostic Microbiology. 7th Ed.

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Diagnostic Microbiology. 7th Ed.

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Diagnostic Manual for Identification of insect Pathogens.

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A. Mujeeb-Kazi and L.A. Sitch (eds). Review Advances Plant Biotechnology. International Symposium on Genetic Manipulation Crops.

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Diagnosis Penyakit Tanaman (Alih Bahasa Dr. Imam Santoso).

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Univ Arizona, USA

Diagnosis Of Copper Deficiendy and Toxity

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Copper In Soil and Plants

Academic Press Australia

Diagnosis and treatment of lipoprotein disorders impaction prevention of etherosclerotic disease

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Diagnosis and treatment of lipoprotein disorders impaction prevention of etherosclerotic disease

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Dharmasri 5 EC. Zat Pengatur tumbuh tanaman

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D-Glucose determination with glucose oxidase and peroxidase.

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Developrnent ofBiomass Resources forAnimal Feed and Utilization of Agricultural Products and byproducts in Malaysia. In Utilization of By Product Feed Sources. Asian Programme of Educational Innovation for Development (APAID).

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Obihiro University of Agricultural and Veterinary Medicine.Japan

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Blackie Academie. New York

Developments in grouper culture in Saudi Arabia

S.A. Thobaity

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Developmental history and reproduction of spalangia cameroni parasite of synantripic flies


Developmental Biology. Ed. ke2

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Massachusetts: Sinauer Associates, Inc. Publishers

Developmental Biology. Ed ke-5

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Developmental Aspects of Soybean (Glycine max) somatic embryogenesis.

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Development, implementation and adoption of integrated pest management for major vegetable pest in Indonesia

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Development Theory and Three Worlds

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Development Theory and Three Worlds

Development Theory and Three Worfds

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Development Theory and Three Worfds



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Development Prospect and Export Potential of Indonesia Vanilla.

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Development Prospect and Export Potential of Indonesia Vanilla.

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Development Planning for tilapia in Africa

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Development of the Avian embryo.

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Chapman and Hall, London

Development of the Avian Embryo.

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Development of Rice-Fish Farming in Indonesia: Past, Present and Future. p: 45-62

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Development Of Questionary To Examine Relationship Of Physical Activity and Diabetes In Pima Indian

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Development of Models For Sustainable Management of The Mixed Tropical Rain Forest in Xischuangbanan, Yunnan Province, PR of China

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Development of Commercial Fisheries and Export Trading In Re-Aligned Direction


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Development Biology

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Development Biology

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Development biochemistry of cotton seed embryogenesis and germination : changing mRNA populations as shown in vitro and in vivo protein synthesis

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Development at The Crossroads : Agricultural Versus Tourism Versus The Environment In Bali Indonesia

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The Indian Ocean Center For Peace Studies

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Development and use of restriction fragment length polymorphism in rice breeding genetics p. 109-133.

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Development and application of Citrus hystrix flavour for food. Didalam: Proceedings of Asean Workshop on the Production of Natural Flavors for Food. Kuala Lumpur, 18-22 May 1992

Development a predictive model for the effects of ionizing radiation and environmental factors on Salmonella typhimurium. Food Safety Res. Unit Eastern Regional Research Center

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Penerbit Biochem

Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute Kuala Lumpur

Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agricultural, Wyndmoor, USA.

Hlm 1284 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Developing an appropriate grain storage system

Anderson, D.G.

Developing an appropriate grain storage system

Food and Grain Institute, Kansas State Univ. Manhattan, Kansas. 48 p. (unpublished).

Detoxification of Pyrodinium'generated paralytic shellfish poisoning toxin in Pema viridis from western Samar, Philippines. Pp. 80-85.

Gacutan, R.Q.

Detoxification of Pyrodinium'generated paralytic shellfish poisoning toxin in Pema viridis from western Samar, Philippines. Pp. 80-85.

Detoxification of pesticides by microbial enzymes

Johnson, L.M

Detoxification of aflatoxincontaminated corn, him. 87-90

Anderson, R.A.

U.L. Diener, R.L. Asquith & J.W. Dickens (ed.), Aflatoxin and Aspergillus flaws in Corn. Southern Cooperative Series Bulletin 279.

Alabama: Department of Research Information, Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn University.

Deterministic Threshold Models in the Theory of Epidemics.

Waltman, P.

In Levin. S. (ed.), Lecture Notes in Biomathematics.

Springer-Verlag, New York.

Determining optimum fertilizer

Morris, R. A.

Basic prosedure for agroeconomic research, IRRI, Manila

IRRI, Manila

Determining Modulus Of Elasticity In Agricultural Products By Loaded Plungers

Timbers. G.E

Agricultural Engineering Magazine

Determinationof Nitrogen by Micro Difusion in Mason Jars. I

Sughir. N.S

Inorganic Nitrogen in Soil Axtract

Comm. Soil. Sci & Plant Anal

Determination of trimethyl-amine oxide (TMAO-N), trimethylamine (TMA-N), total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N) by Conway's microdiffusion methods (1% boric acid and 0.02N hydrochloric acid). p. B-8.1-B8.5

Siang, N.C.

K. Miwa and L.S. Ji. (Eds.) Laboratory Manual on Analytical Methods and Procedures for Fish and Fish Product. 2nd. Marine Fish

Res, Dep., SEAFDEC, Singapore.

Determination of total valtile fatty acids in the rumen fluids by steam distillation

General Laboratory Procedures



Dept of Dairy Science Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison Hlm 1285 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Determination of the Ester Methoxyl Content of Pectin by saponification and Titration


Determination of the Anhydrouronic acid content by decarboxylation and titration of the Liberated Carbon Dioxide. Methods Carbohydrates Chem. 5 : 189.

Determination of Organic Substances in Water. Vol I

Crompton, T.R.

Determination of Organic Substances in Water. Vol I

John Wiley and Sons, New York.

Determination of optimum solid culture eonditions tor the raw sago starch-digesting amylase production by Penicilliuin brunneum

Haska. N

Determination of optimum solid culture eonditions tor the raw sago starch-digesting amylase production by Penicilliuin brunneum

Denpun Kagaku

Determination of Nitrogen by Microdiffusion in Meason Jars. I. Inorganic Nitrogen in Soil Extract

Saghir. N.S

Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis

Determination of gossypol. Official method Ba 7-58


Official and Tentative Methods of analysis, 3rd edition

American Oil Chemist Society, Chicago, p. 1.

Determination of gossypol. Official method Ba 7-58


Official and Tentative Methods of analysis. 3rd edition

American Oil Chemist Society, Chicago, p. 1.

Determination of Fruit and Vegetable Properties by Ultrasonic Excitation

Mizrah, A.

Determination of Fruit and Vegetable Properties by Ultrasonic Excitation

American Society of Agricultural Engineer. ST. Joseph. MI. 32 (6), November-December.

Determination of fish freshness using the K-value and comments on some other biochemical changes in relation to fresness. Dalam : Seafood quality detennination (Editor : D.E. Kramer dan J.J. Liston)

Ehira, S

Seafood quality detennination

Elsevier Science, Amsterdam. The Netherlands

Determination of fish freshness using the K-value and comments on some other biochemical changes in relation to freshness. In : Seafood quality determination

Ehira, S

Seafood quality determination

Science Publ. Co. Inc., Elsevier New York



Hlm 1286 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Determination of erodibility of a subtropical caly soils : A rainfall simulator experiment.

Elwell, H.A.

Determination of C-Terminal Sequences by Digestion with Serine Carboxipeptidases : The Influence of Enzymes Specificity

Breddam, K

Determination of Confeyon and Delivery Losses of Water in Irrigation Channel


The centralm of Luzon State University Presented at The annual Conference Philipines Society Of Agricultural Engineering

Determination of Clay Mineral in Soils and Sediments

Briner. G.P

State Chemistry Laboratory of Victoria analytical Methods Hadbook

Determination of Carbohydrates in Fermented Process by High Performance Liquid Chromatography.

Plaga, A.

Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol.

Determination of Amonia in Dressed Thomback Ray (Rayaciata). As a Quality Test Food technology, Canada.


Determination of Amonia in Dressed Thomback Ray (Rayaciata). As a Quality Test Food technology, Canada.

Determinatietabel voor houtsoorten van Malesie tot op Familie of geslacht.

Den Berger. LG.

Determinatietabel voor houtsoorten van Malesie tot op Familie of geslacht.

Determinants of Access To Higher Education in Indonesia

Hansen David. O

Deteksi Pseudomonas solanacearum dalam rimpang jahe. hlm. 167-170.


Dalam M. Hasanah, A. Dhalimi, D. Sitepu, Supriadi, Hobir, H. Muhammad, dan A.M. Rivai (Eds.) Prosiding Forum Konsultasi Ilmiah Perbenihan Tanaman Rempah dan Obat, Bogor 13-14 Maret 1997.

Detection of yellowhead and Chinese baculovirus in penaeid shrimp by the western blot technique

E.C.B. Nadala

Detection of yellowhead and Chinese baculovirus in penaeid shrimp by the western blot technique


Judul Buku


Carlsberg Research Communification

Departement of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Melbourne

Balai Penyelidikan Kehutanan Bogor. Indonesia. Comparative Education Review

Department of Microbiology, University of Hawaii-Manoa

Hlm 1287 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Detection of Vibrio anguillarum from waters

K. Muroga

Detection of Vibrio anguillarum from waters

Bul. Soc. Sci. Fish

Detection of potato virus X in tubers with the enzime-linked imunosorbent assay (ELISA)

de Bokx, J. A.

Detection of potato leaf roll virus in potato and physalis floridana by enzyme-linked imunosorbent assay (ELISA)

Casper, R.

Detection of groundnut viruses by molecular hybridization with nonradioactive DNA probe.

Dietzgen. R G.

Detection and distribution of latent viruses in potato cultivar Atlantic.

Goth, R.W.

Detection and distribution of latent viruses in potato cultivar atlantic

Goth, R. W.

Destructive dan Useful Insects.

Metcalf, CL

Destructive dan Useful Insects.

McGraw-Hill, New York

Destructive and useful insects. Their habits and control.

Metcalf, C.L.

Destructive and useful insects. Their habits and control.

Mc. Graw-Hill Book Company inc. p.760-762.

Destructive and useful insects. Their habits and control

Metcalf, C.L.

Destructive and useful insects. Their habits and control

McGraw Hill, New York

Destructive and Useful Insects.

Metcalf, C.L.

Destructive and Useful Insects.

McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, p. 369.

Destructive and useful insects

Metcalf, C.L.

Destructive and useful insects

MsGraw Hill, New York

Deskripsi varietas ungul padi dan palawija 1993-1998.


Deskripsi varietas ungul padi dan palawija 1993-1998.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan Bogor.

Deskripsi varietas unggul padi.1943-1992


Deskripsi varietas unggul padi.1943-1992

Puslitbangtan, Bogor

Deskripsi varietas unggul padi.


Deskripsi varietas unggul padi.

Puslitbangtan Bogor.

(Kompilasi) Sunihardi, Yunastri, dan Sri Kumiasih.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan. Bogor. hlm. 65-66.

Deskripsi Varietas Unggul Padi dan Palawija 1993-98


Queensland Agricultural Biotechnology Centre, Australia. 6 pp

Hlm 1288 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Deskripsi varietas unggul padi dan palawija 1993-1998


Deskripsi varietas unggul padi dan palawija 1993-1998

Puslitbangtan, Bogor

Deskripsi Varietas Unggul Padi 1942-1992,


Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan, Deptan

Deskripsi varietas unggul pada dan palawija 93-98


Balitbang Pertanian Bogor

Deskripsi varietas unggul pada dan palawija 93-98


Balitbang Pertanian Bogor

Deskripsi Teknologi Budidaya Garut oleh petani lahan kering di wilayah Kab. Malang. Jawa Timur. Studi kasus di Kecamatan Jabung

Sukendar Sm

Jur. Budidaya Pertanian, FP Unibraw

Deskripsi padi varietas Batang Digul , Jakarta


SK Menteri Pertanian No. 635/Kpts/Tp.301/7/96

Deskripsi padi varietas Batang Anai, Jakarta


SK Menteri Pertanian No. 633/Kpts/Tp.301/7/96


Bernarde, M.A.


Marcel Decker, Inc. New York USA. 312-313,

Designing Project Monitoring and Evaluation

Departemen Evaluasi Pengoperasian Bank Dunia

Designing Project Monitoring and Evaluation Designing Benefits for Valuable Employees.

Sbine, Denis R.

Franchising World. Vol. 28.

Design, Development and Evolution of A Cassava Chipper.

Balasubramanian, V.M.

Di dalam Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Vol. 24, No. l.

Design, Development and Evalution of A Cassava Chipper.

Balasubramanian,V .M.,

Di dalam Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Afrika and Latin America. Vol.24,No.l.

Design of the flow process diagram of the crawfish shell waste conversion to chitin


Manusia dan lingkungan

Design of airlift pumps for water circulation and aeration in aquaculture

N.C. Parker

Aquaculture Engineering


Hlm 1289 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Design and Operation of Immobilised Enzyme Reactor. In: R.A. Messing (ed.). Immobilised Enzymes for Industrial Reactors

Pitcher, W.H.,

Academic Press, New York.

Design and Operation of Farm Irrigation System

Jensen. M.E

Design and Experiment CTVM

Smith, A.

Design and experiment analysis. 3rd ed.


Design and Experiment Design and anlysis of experiments 2nd

Smith A. Petersen RG

Design and analysis of feeding experiment with milking dairy cattle.

Lucas, H. L.

North Carolina State University.

Design and analysis of experiments. 2nd ed.

Montogomery, D. C.

John Willey & Sons, New York.

Design and Analysis of Experiments.

Petersen, R.G.,

Design and Analysis of Experiments.

Marcel Dekker, Inc. N.Y. and Basel. 429 pp.

Design and Analysis of Experiments.

Petersen, R.G.

Design and Analysis of Experiments.

Marcell Dekker, Inc., New York.

Design and analysis of experiments in the animal and medical sciences. Volume 3 Appendics

Gill, J. L.

The Iowa State University Press. Iowa

Design and analysis of experiments in the animal and medical sciences. Volume 1. 2nd print

Gill, J. L.

The Iowa State University Press. Iowa

Design and analysis of experiments in the animal and medical sciences. Volume 1. 2nd print

Guill, J. L.

The Iowa State University Press. Iowa

Design and Analysis of Experiments in the Animal and Medical Sciences. Vol. 3.

Gill, J.L

Design and Analysis of Experiments in the Animal and Medical Sciences. Vol. 3.

The Iowa Slate University Press. Ames, Iowa.

Design and Analysis of Experiments in the Animal and Medical Sciences. Vol. 3

Gill, I. L.

Design and Analysis of Experiments in the Animal and Medical Sciences. Vol. 3

The Lowa State University Press, Ames, lowa



ASAE. St. Joseph. Michigan. USA Design and Experiment CTVM

Scotland-UK. Tarsito Press, Bandung

Design and Experiment

CTVM, Edinburgh. Marcell Dekker, New York

Hlm 1290 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Design and Analysis of Experiments In The Animal and Medical Sciences Vol. 2


Design and Analysis of Experiments

Petersen, R. G

Design and Analysis of Experiments

Marcel Dekker Inc., New York

Design and Analysis of Experiments

Petersen. R. G

Design and Analysis of Experiments

Marcel Dekker Inc. New York

Design and Analysis of Experiment.

Pctersen, R.Ci.

Design and Analysis of Experiment.

Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York-Basel. 429 pp.

Design and analysis of experiment in the animals and medical sciences. 1st Ed.

Gill, B.D

Design and analysis of experiment in the animals and medical sciences. 1st Ed.

Iowa States University Press, Ames.

Design and analysis of experiment

R.G. Petersen

Design and analysis of experiment

Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York-Basel

Design and Analysis of Experiment

Peterson. R.G

Marcel Dekker Inc. New York

Design and analysis of experimenets 2nd edit

Montgomery DC

John Willey & sons New York

Design Analysis of Experiments In The Animal and Medical Sciences Vol. 3

Gill. J.L

Minchigan State University, East Lansing Minchigan

Design Analysis of Experiments In The Animal and Medical Sciences Vol. 2

Gill. J.L

Minchigan State University, East Lansing Minchigan

Design Analysis of Experiments In The Animal and Medical Sciences Vol. 1

Gill. J.L

Minchigan State University, East Lansing Minchigan

Deseases of Tropical Acacias in Torthem Queensland. Dalam Diseases of Tropical Acacias. Dalam K.M. Old, L.S. See and J.K. Shai-ma (eds.). Diseases of Tropical Acacias. Proc. of an Int’l Workshops held at Subanjeriji (South Sumatra).

Old, K.M.

Diseases of Tropical Acacias. Proc. of an Int’l Workshops held at Subanjeriji (South Sumatra).


Desease Of Black Tiger Shrimp (Penaeus monodon) in Thailand,

Limsuwan, C

Technical Bulletin, Vol. AQ 42

American Coy Bean Association. Singapore

Descriptions of plant viruses


Descriptions of plant viruses



Judul Buku

Penerbit Minchigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan

Hlm 1291 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Desain dan Eksperimen Ed. III


Desain dan Analisis Experimen. Edisi III


Desain dan Analisis Experimen. Edisi III

Tarsito Bandung.

Desain dan Analisis Eksperimen.


Desain dan Analisis Eksperimen.

Tarsito, Bandung.

Desain dan Analisis Eksperimen.


Desain dan Analisis Eksperimen.

Tarsito. Bandung.

Desain dan analisis eksperimen.


Desain dan analisis eksperimen.

Tarsito, Bandung.

Desain dan Analisis Eksperimen.


Desain dan Analisis Eksperimen.

Tarsito, Bandung.

Desain dan Analisis Eksperimen

Sudjana, M.A

Desain dan Analisis Eksperimen

Penerbit Tarsito, Bandung

Desain dan Analisis Eksperimen


Desain dan Analisis Eksperimen

Penerbit Tarsito, Bandung

Desain dan Analisis Eksperimen


Desain dan Analisis Eksperimen

Penerbit Transito, Bandung.

Desain dan Analisis Eksperimen

Sudjana S

3rd. Edition

Tarsito Bandung

Desain dan Analisis Eksperimen


Desain dan Analisis Eksperimen ( 3rd ed ).Tarsito Bandung

Desain dan Analisis Eksperimen

Sudjana S

Desain dan Analisa Eksperiment


Desain dan Analisa Eksperiment

Tarsito. Bandung.

Desain dan Analisa Eksperimen


Desain dan Analisa Eksperimen

Tarsito, Bandung

Desain Analisis Enperiment. Edisi III


Desain Analisis Enperiment. Edisi III

Tarsito, Bandung.

Desa Miskin 1993: Penjelasan dan Metodologi


Desa Miskin 1993: Penjelasan dan Metodologi

Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta

Derivative Free Maximum Likelihood (DFREML) Manual. Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit

Meyer, K.

Derivative Free Maximum Likelihood (DFREML) Manual. Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit

Armidale: University of New England, Australia.

Der Plenterbetrieb Vorlesungsunterlagen zur Vorlesung Waldbau III und zu SANASILVA Fortbildung skursen, ETH Zurich



Judul Buku

Penerbit Tarsito Bandung

Tarsito, Bandung

Hlm 1292 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Dept. of Dairy Sci

General Laboratory Procedurs

Depresi Inbreeding pada Pinus merkusii


Depresi Inbreeding pada Pinus merkusii

Skripsi S1 Fak. Kehutanan UGM. Tidak dipublikasikan

De-partment of Dairy Science

General Laboratory Procedure

Department of Dairy Science

Univer-sity of Wisconsin

John, A Burns School of medicine

University of Hawaii

Departement of Biochemitry and Biophysics

Judul Buku

Penerbit University of wisconsin

Departemen Pertanian Direktorat Jendral Perikanan, Jakarta

Statistik Perikanan Indonesia

Dense Gases For Extraction and Refining.

Stahl. E.K.,

Dense Gases For Extraction and Refining.

Spinger-Verlag. Berlin.

Dendrologi Flora Indonesia


Dendrologi Flora Indonesia

Fakultas Kehutanan Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor

Dendrobium Kantor Wilayah

Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta

Demography Balinese People


Dematiaceous hyphomycetes

Ellis, M.B

Deltametrin, Monograph

Walden B.G

Delineating Zn deficiënt soils in west Java, Indonesia

Soepardi, G

Deklarasi Dunia Tentang Gizi.

Dematiaceous hyphomycetes

Common-wealth Mycological Institute, Kew, United Kingdom Roussel - Uclaf, France

Report to the inter ational Atomic Energy Agency

National Atomic Energy Agency - Bogor Agriculture Univ

Hasil Konferensi Gizi Internasional Roma. Desember 1992.

Dehydration of Fodstuffs

Brennan, J. G.

Degussa amino data I. O.

Fickler, J.

Degradation of Soil Mineral By Organics Acids

Tan. K.H


Home Page : http: //www. g.hatm

Hardman, T.M. water and Food Quality

Elsevier Applied Science. London. Degussa interactive PCSoftware.

Interaction Of Soil Minerals With Natural Organics and Microbes

Soil Science Society of America, Inc. Madison, Wiscosin. USA

Hlm 1293 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Degradation of nitrogen fraction in the rumen and rate of passage of fibrous feeds from agricultural residue in Indonesia.



Degradation of Lignin, Dari: Gibson, D.T., Microbial Degradation of Organic Compounds

Kirk, T.K

Degradation of Lignin, Dari: Gibson, D.T., Microbial Degradation of Organic Compounds

Degradation of contaminated plastics polym.

Day, M

Deg & Stability 48, 341

Degradation of cholesterol in lard by extracellular and cellbound enzymes from Rhodococcus equi

Watanabe, K

Lebensm. Wiss. Technol

Degradation of carbufuran. Iprodione and vinclozolin by soil bacteria and initial evidence for plasmid involment in their metabolism

Head, I.M

Brington Crop Protection Conf. Pest and Disease, England

Degradation of carbufuran. Iprodione and vinclozolin by soil bacteria and initial evidence for plasmid involment in their metabolism

Head, I.M

Brington Crop Protection Conf. Pest and Disease. Proc. 2. Brington Centre and Brington Metropole, Brington England

Degradation of 2,4dichlorophenol in the microbial community of groundwater sample by bacterial isolate E-6J

Martani, E

Pesticide Sci

Degradation lipids by fungi. In Microbial degradation of natural products

Lazar, G

Microbial degradation of natural products

Weinheim, VCH.

Degradasi mineral tanah oleh asam organik

Tan, K.H

Interaksi Mineral Tanah dengan Organik Alami

Gadjah Mada University Press

Degradasi herbisida

Salwa. L.D.

Degradasi herbisida

Fakultas Pasca Sarjana Univ. Pajajaran Bandung

Degradasi Bahan Lignosellulotik Menjadi Kompos, Penanganan Limbah Secara Hayati


Degradasi Bahan Lignosellulotik Menjadi Kompos, Penanganan Limbah Secara Hayati




Marcel Dekker Inc., New York

Hlm 1294 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Degradable films of crosslinked sago starch & linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) : The mechanical propeerties, water sorption & degradation.


Lignocellulosic Conference

School of Industrial Chemistry UnivSains, malysia

Definition of gossypol and its prevalence in cottonseed products.

Jones, L.A.

Cattle Research with gossypol containing feeds,: A collecting of papers addressing gossypol effects in Cattle. (Eds L.A, Jones, D.H. Kinard and J.S. Mills)

Published by National Cottonseed Products Association, Memphis, Tennessee. Pp.1-18.

Definition of gossypol and its prevalence in cottonseed products

Joneg, L.A.

Cattle Research with gossypol containing feeds: A collecting of papers addressing gossypol effects in Cattle. (Eds. L.A. Jones, D.H. Kinard and J.S. Mills).

Published by National Cottonseed Products Association, Memphis, Tennessee. Pp 1-18.

Definition of gossypol and its prevalcnce in cottonseed products

Jones, L.A.

Cattle Research with gossypol containing feeds: A collecting of papers addressing gossypol effects in Cattle. (Eds L.A. Jones. D.H. Kinard and J.S. Mills)

Published by National Cottonseed Products Association, Memphis, Tennessee. pp.1-18.

Definision of Growth. In: T. L. J. Lawrence (Ed.) Growth in Animals.

Widdowson, E. M.

Definisi dan Penggolongan Alat Penangkapan Ikan

Nedelec, C.

Definisi dan Penggolongan Alat Penangkapan Ikan

Defining the Social Network of a Strategic Alliance

Hutt, M.D

Sloan Management review

Defining the future role of enzymes within the Asia Pacific region

Pluske, J.R.

Altech's 11th Annual Asia Pacific Lecture Tour - Towards 2000, Kentucky, USA. p. 45-63.

Defining Soil Quality For Sustainable Environment

Doran. J.W

SSSA. Inc. Madison.

Defining Soil Quality For Sustainable Environment

Doran. J.W.

SSSA. Spec. Publ.35 SSSA and ASA. Madison

Defining and Assesing Soil Quality for Quality

Doran. J.W.


Butterworths, London.

Diefining Soil Quality for Sustainable Environment

Balai Pengembangan Penangkapan Ikan Semarang. 86 hal.

SSSA. Spec. Publ.35 SSSA and ASA. Madison

Hlm 1295 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Deficit of heterozygotes in relation to selective interactions between loci in the mussels brachidontes rostratus and xenostrobus pulex. Heredity

Colgan, D.J

Deficit of heterozygotes in relation to selective interactions between loci in the mussels brachidontes rostratus and xenostrobus pulex. Heredity


Defence at the Perimeter Extrudent Chemicals

Weinhold A.R

Plant Diseases an Advance Treatise. Vol. V

Academic Press. New York

Defaunation of the rumon

Jouany. P

Rumen Microbial Metabolism and Ruminant Digestion

Institut National De La Recherche Agronomique, 147, rue de l'Universitü 75338 Paris

Deerand elk Use of Forage Treated with Municipal Sewage Sludge


In The Forest Alternative For Treatment and Utilization of Municipaland Industrial Wastes

Univ.Wash.Press, Saettle.USA

Deer of the World. Deer of The World.

Whitehead, B.K. Whitehead, G. K.

Deer of the World.

Constable. London. London: Constable Co. Ltd.

Dedak Padi sebagai pakan (In Indonesia0

Tangenjaya, B


Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan. Bogor.

Dedak Padi dan Manfaatnya

Ciptadi. W

Dedak padi dan manfaatnya

Ciptadi, W.

Dedak Padi


Decurence of the enthomopathogen Beaveria bassiana Vuill in different tilage reginus and Zea Mays L. anf virulence forward Ostrinia nubilalis (Hubner).

Bing, L.A.


Departemen Teknology Hasil Pertanian. IPB. Bogor Dedak padi dan manfaatnya

Jurusan Teknologi Industri Pertanian. Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor. 47 hlm. Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan dan Peternakan UNRAM

Hlm 1296 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Decree of the Minister of Agriculture No. 745/KPTS/TN. 240/12/1992


Decree of the Minister of Agriculture No. 745/KPTS/TN. 240/12/1992

Directorate General ofLivestock, Department ofAgriculture

Decomposition aspect of imperata cylindrica Bioass in relation to zero tillage Technique


Ros. Symposium in Weed Science, Bogor

Decomposition and binding action of polysaccharides in soil

Martin, J.P

Decomposition : Quantitative Aspects

Hamaker. J.W

Organic Chemicals In The Soil Environment Vol. I

Marcel Dekker. Inc. New York

Decomposition in Tropical Forest. Dalam: Sutton,S.L, Whitmore,T,C. dan Chadwick, A.C.(eds) Tropical Rain Forest: Ecology and Management

Anderson, J.M.

Decomposition in Tropical Forest. Dalam: Sutton,S.L, Whitmore,T,C. dan Chadwick, A.C.(eds) Tropical Rain Forest: Ecology and Management

Blackwell, Oxford, UK.

Decision Making for Leaders. The Analytical Hierarchy Process for Decisions in a Complex World

Saaty, T.L.

Decision Making for Leaders. The Analytical Hierarchy Process for Decisions in a Complex World

Lifetime Learning Publications, Belmont, California.

Decision Making For Leader: The Analytical Hierarchy Process for Decision in Complex Word


RWS Publication.Pittsburgh

Decision Support System, An Organizational Perspective

Keen, P.G

Decision Support System, An Organizational Perspective

Addison-Esley Publishing Company, USA

Decesion Making For Leaders : The Analytical Hierarchy Process for Decision in Complex World

Saaty, T.L.

Decesion Making For Leaders : The Analytical Hierarchy Process for Decision in Complex World

RWS Pubiication, Pittsburgh.

De plagen von de cultuurgewasen in Indonesia

Kalshoven, L.G.E.

De plagen von de cultuurgewasen in Indonesia

NV. Uit geverij W. van Hoeve, Gravenhage, Bandung. hlm 208-211.

De Oliepalm (E. guineensis): Historisch onderzoek over den oliepalm in netherlandisch-indie

Hunger FTW


Soil Biol. Biochem

NV Boekhandel en Drukkerij voorheen, EJ Brill, Leiden

Hlm 1297 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


De Nuttige Planten van Indonesie (Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia. Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia tahun 1987)

Heyne, K.

De Nuttige Planten van Indonesie (Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia. Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia tahun 1987)

Badan Litbang Kehutanan, Jakarta.

De Nottige Planten Van Indonesia deel I. 3e Druk N.V. Vetgeverij Van Hoeve, S. Graven Bandung (terjemahan) Badan Litbang Departemen Kehutanan RI.1987. Edisi IV.

Heyne, K.

De Nottige Planten Van Indonesia deel I. 3e Druk N.V. Vetgeverij Van Hoeve, S. Graven Bandung (terjemahan) Badan Litbang Departemen Kehutanan RI.1987. Edisi IV.

Yayasan Sarana Wana Jaya. Jakarta.

De Javaansche Jeestenwereld

Van Hien, H.A.

De Javaansche Jeestenwereld


de Boschexploitatie in de Buitenbezittingen (Forest Exploitation In Quarter Provices)

De Jonge.J.M

IndonesianForestry Abstrct, Dutch Literature Untill About 1960

Centre for Agricuktural Publishing and Dokumentation. Wageningen

De Bevolkingskap In Borneo (Timber Exploitation by The Population in Kalimantan).

De Van.Z

IndonesianForestry Abstrct, Dutch Literature Untill About 1960

Centre for Agricuktural Publishing and Dokumentation. Wageningen

De Aardappel Situatie op Java als Gevolg van Het Optreden van Enige Nieuwe Ziekten

Muller, H.R.A.


Korte Med. Inst. PIziekten

Dcftar Nama, Kode, dan Peta Wilayah Administrasi Indonesia


Dcftar Nama, Kode, dan Peta Wilayah Administrasi Indonesia

Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta - Indonesia.

dBStat, statistical package DBSTAT user's guide

Brouwer, B., Brouwer, B.O

dBStat, statistical package DBSTAT user's guide

dBase 4.0, software package.

Ashton Tate

dBase 4.0, software package.

dBase 4.0, paket perangkat lunak. Brouwer, B, 1992. dBStat, paket statistik.

Ashton Tate

dBase 4.0, paket perangkat lunak. Brouwer, B, 1992. dBStat, paket statistik.


Department of Animal Husbandry, Agricultural University Wageningen, Wageningen, The Netherlands

Hlm 1298 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Daya Suplai Nitrogen dan Fraksionasi Pool Carbon Nitrogen Labil pada Lahan Kritis

Handayani. I.P

Laporan Riset Unggulan Terpadu VII (RUT) Tahun I

LIPI Universitas Bengkulu

Daya Racun dan pengaruh logam berat Zn. Terhadap populasi rotifer Brachionus plicatillis pada berbagai salinitas


Daya Racun dan pengaruh logam berat Zn. Terhadap populasi rotifer Brachionus plicatillis pada berbagai salinitas

Skripsi Program Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang

Daya lindung vaksin-vaksin Aeromonas Hydrophyla yang diberikan secara intra peritonial pada ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio

Suzanna, E

Daya lindung vaksin-vaksin Aeromonas Hydrophyla yang diberikan secara intra peritonial pada ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio

Skripsi. Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, IPB.

Daya Infeksi Cendawan Muskardin Hijau (Metarhizium anispliae) terhadap Imago Kutu Daun Kedelai (Aphis glycines).

Piapti, M.D. A.

Skripsi S1,

Universitas Lampung, Bandar Lampung. 28 hlm.

Daya hdup dn kemampuan koloni Nephotettix virescens (distant) sebagai penular virus tungro

Siwi S

Penelitian Pertania Tanaman pangan

Daya Hasil Kelapa

Ketaren. S.

Agro Industri Press.Jurusan Teknologi Industri Pertanian Faperta IPB, Bogor

Daya guna kelap

Ketaren S

Jur. Teknologi Industri Faperta IPB

Daya guna kelap

Ketaren S

Jur. Teknologi Industri Faperta IPB

Daya Guna Hasil Kelapa

Ketaren, S.,

Daya guna hasil kelapa

Keteran S

Daya anti bakterial perasan bawang putih dibandingkan kloramfenikol terhadap pertumbuhan Salmonella pullorum secara in vitro dengan metode difusi disk.

Ati, I.K


Daya Guna Hasil Kelapa

Jurusan TIN, Fateta, IPB Dept. Tenologi hasil pertanian Fatemeta IPB

Daya anti bakterial perasan bawang putih dibandingkan kloramfenikol terhadap pertumbuhan Salmonella pullorum secara in vitro dengan metode difusi disk.

Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan. Universitas Airlangga. Surabaya. 46 hlm.

Hlm 1299 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Daya absorbsi tanah Namuang terhadap warna minyak makan.

Yani, S.

Davidson and Passmore Human Nutrition and Dietetics. 8 th. edn

Passmore, R

Davidson and Passmore Human Nutrition and Dietetics. 8 th. edn

Churchill Livingstone. New York

Daur Ulang Limbah Sampah Kota Menjadi Kompos dengan Memanfaatkan Potensi Cacing Tanah.

Yulipriyanto, H.

Daur Ulang Limbah Sampah Kota Menjadi Kompos dengan Memanfaatkan Potensi Cacing Tanah.

Cakrawala Pendidikan

Daur Ulang Limbah Organik dalam Memanfaatkan Potensi Cacing Tanah

Yulipriyanto, H.

Daur Ulang Limbah Organik dalam Memanfaatkan Potensi Cacing Tanah

Yogyakarta: Laboratorium Biologi Tanah, Jur. Pendidikan Biologi, FPMIPA, IKIP Yogyakarta

Daun kembang sepatu (Hibiscus rasa-sinensis) sebagai sumber protein dan energi ternak ruminansia serta daya defaunasi nya


Ringkasan Seminar Nasional l llmu Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak 3 4 Juli 1996

Fakultas Peternakan, Istitut Pertanian Bogor

Data. Model, and Statistical Analysis.

Cooper, R.A.

Data. Model, and Statistical Analysis.

Philip Allan Publishers Limited. 400 pp.

Data, Model and Statistical Analysis.

Cooper, R.A.

Data, Model and Statistical Analysis.

Philip Allan Publishers Limited.

Data Tiras Peredaran IPPPN Tahun 1995

Departemen Penerangan

Direktorat Jendral Pembinaan Pers dan Grafika, Departemen Penerangan Republik Indonesia

Data Tahunan Debit Sungai. Wilayah Tengah (Jawa, Bali, Kalimantan).

Buku II/Hi-I/1995.

Departemen Pekerjaan Umum. Jakarta.

Data survei Pemetaan GAKI di Kab Banyumas thn 96

Dinas Kesehatan Kab. Banyumas

FK Undip, Kanwil Depkes/Dinas Kesehatan Kab. Banyumas

Data survei Pemetaan GAKI di Kab Banyumas thn 96

Dinas Kesehatan Kab. Banyumas

FK Undip, Kanwil Depkes/Dinas Kesehatan Kab. Banyumas

Data survei banjir Semarang 2000-2001

Saputro A


Hlm 1300 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Data stratification and pelagic fish density evaluation in the Java Sea.

Petit, D.,

The Fourth Asian Fishery Forum. Beijing, Oct.1995. 5pp

Data Statistika Pertanian Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura Dati I Propinsi Riau. Pekan Baru.


Data Statistik Perkebunan NTB

Dinas Perkebunan Dati I NTB


Dinas Tanaman Pangan Tingkat I Riau.

Tahun 1999

Kantor Wilayah Depperindag. NTB

Data Sentra Industri Gula Merah di Propinsi NTB. Mataram Data Requirement for Land Evaluation Studies. T.P.INS.44.

Dent, F.1

Data Produksi Buah-Buahan dan sayuran tahun 1987-1991


Data Pokok Pembangunan Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. Mataram

Bappeda. NTB

Data Pokok Pembangunan Daerah Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat


Kerjasa Bappeda Prop. Dati I NTB Dengan Kantor Wilayah Badan Pertanahan Nasional Propinsi NTB. Mataram

Data Pertanian Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura Tahun 1994.Pemerintah Daerah Tingkat I Jambi.


Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan.

Data penyebaran tanah di propinsi Jambi


Kantor wilayah badan pertanahan nasional

Data Penting Tanaman Pangan


Pusat Peneltian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan. BPPP. Dep. Pertanian

Data Luas Panen, Produksi per Hektar , dan Produksi Padi Menurut Kabupaten dan Jenis Lahan Propinsi jawa Barat

BPS Propinsi Jawa Barat


Data Requirement for Land Evaluation Studies. T.P.INS.44.

Soil Research Institute, Bogor. Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan

Hlm 1301 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Data Koperasi di Daerah Kabupaten Malang


Data Koperasi di Daerah Kabupaten Malang

Malang: Departemen Koperasi & PKM Kabupaten Malang

Data Industri yang Membuang Limbah ke Sungai di Kabupaten Sidoarjo


Data Industri yang Membuang Limbah ke Sungai di Kabupaten Sidoarjo

BLH Dati II Kabupaten Sidoarjo.

Data Iklim Sorong 1988 Sampai Dengan 1997

Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika

BMG. Kabupaten Dati II Sorong

Data For Agrarian Development

Poate. C.D

Cambridge Great Britain : The University Press

Data fisiologi hewan piaraan di Indonesia. Seri penerbitan penelitian.

Snedecor, G. W.

Gadjah Mada University Press.

Data Debit Sungai DAS SerayuLukulo tahun 1986-95

Data Debit Sungai DAS SerayuLukulo tahun 1986-95

Direktorat Jenderal Pengairan. Jakarta.

Data dasar populasi ternak kab wonosobo

Disnak Tk II Kabupaten Wonosobo

Data Dasar Pembangunan RLKT Pelita VIl di Wilayah Kerja SWP DAS Brantas.

Sub BRLKT Brantas

Data Dasar Pembangunan RLKT Pelita VIl di Wilayah Kerja SWP DAS Brantas

Kanwil Dephutbun Jawa Timur. Surabaya.

Data dan analisis data oseanologi Teluk Jakarta.


Atlas Oseanologi Teluk Jakarta.

P30-LIPI, Jakarta. 3-6.

Data Bali Membangun

Bappeda Tk. I Bali

Data Bali Membangun


Data Bali Membangun

Bappeda Tk. I Bali

Data Bali Membangun


Data Analysis With Reading

Hair, Joseph F.

Data Analysis With Reading

Macmillan Pub. Company, USA

Data access from Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS).


Data access from Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS).

Dasarwasa. Prospek dan Tantangan Jakarta

Sumitro, D

Dasarwasa. Prospek dan Tantangan Jakarta

DasarPengawetan, Sanitasi dan Keracunan

Winarno, F. G

DasarPengawetan, Sanitasi dan Keracunan


dinas peternakan dati II wonosobo

Departemen Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, FATEMETA IPB. Bogor

Hlm 1302 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Dasar-dasrar Kimia Tanah.

Tan, K.H

Edisi 4 Gajah Mada Univ. Press. Yogyakarta.

Dasar-dasrar Kimia Tanah (terjemahan; Principles of Soil chemistry).

Tan, K.H

Gadjah Mada University. Press Yogyakarta.

Dasar-dasarMicrobiologi I, Penterjemah: R S. Hadioetomo, T. Imas S Tjitrosomo, S. L. Agka

E. C. S. Chan

Dasar-dasarMicrobiologi I, Penterjemah: R S. Hadioetomo, T. Imas S Tjitrosomo, S. L. Agka

Dasar-Dasar Teori Portofolio dan Analisis Sekuritas

Husnan, S.

UPP AMP YKPN, Yogjakarta

Dasar-Dasar Teori dan Penggunaan Teknik Pengambilan Contoh (sampling Techniques) Dalam Inventarisasi Hutan.

Hitani, Hasril,

Dasar-Dasar Teori dan Penggunaan Teknik Pengambilan Contoh (sampling Techniques) Dalam Inventarisasi Hutan.

Pradnya Paramita, Jakarta.

Dasar-dasar tentang Zat Pengatur Tumbuh tanaman


Dasar-dasar tentang Zat Pengatur Tumbuh tanaman

CV Angkasa, Bandung

Dasar-dasar tentang Zat Pengatur Tumbuh tanaman


Dasar-dasar tentang Zat Pengatur Tumbuh tanaman

CV Angkasa Bandung

Dasar-dasar tentang Zat Pengatur Tumbuh


Dasar-dasar tentang Zat Pengatur Tumbuh

CV Angkasa, Bandung

Dasar-dasar teknologi, produksi dan sertifikasi Benih

Kuswanto H

Andi Yogyakarta

Dasar-dasar teknologi, produksi dan sertifikasi Benih

Kuswanto H

Andi Yogyakarta

Dasar-dasar Teknologi Benih.

Sadjad, S.,

Dasar-dasar Teknologi Benih.

Dasar-dasar Teknologi Benih


Bahan latihan Teknik Penelitian Pasca Panen dan Benih

Dasar-Dasar Teknologi Benin.

Harjadi, S.S.

Dasar-Dasar Teknologi Benin.

Depart. Agronomi. IPBBogor.

Dasar-dasar Tehnik Research

Winamo Surahmad

Dasar-dasar Tehnik Research

CV. Tarsito Bandung

Dasar-dasar perlindungan tanaman bagian ilmu penyakit tanaman


Faperta IPB

Dasar-dasar perlindungan tanaman bagian ilmu penyakit tanaman


Faperta IPB


Judul Buku


UI. Press, Jakarta.

Departemen Agronomi Institut Pertanian Bogor. 214 hal.

Hlm 1303 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Dasar-dasar perlindungan tanaman


Dasar-dasar perlindungan tanaman

Fakultas Pertanian Unand, Padang

Dasar-Dasar Perlindungan Tanaman

Heroetadji, R.H

Dasar-Dasar Perlindungan Tanaman

Jurusan Hama Penyakit Tanaman. Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya. Malang

Dasar-dasar perlindungan tanaman

Natawigena, H.

Dasar-dasar perlindungan tanaman

Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Padjajaran Bandung

Dasar-dasar perlindungan tanaman


Fakultas Pertanian Unand, Padang

Dasar-dasar perlindungan tanaman

Natawigena, H.

Fakultas pertanian Universitas Padjadjaran bandung

Dasar-dasar perlindungan tanaman


Fakultas pertanian Unand, Padang

Dasar-dasar Penyuluhan Modern.

U. Samsudin S.

Dasar-dasar Penyuluhan Modern.

Bina Cipta Bandung

Dasar-dasar Penyuluhan dan Modernisasi Pembangunan

Samsudin, S.U.

Dasar-dasar Penyuluhan dan Modernisasi Pembangunan

Bina Cipta, Bandung

Dasar-Dasar Penyuluhan dan Modernisasi

Samsudin, U.

Dasar-Dasar Penyuluhan dan Modernisasi

Bina Cipta Bandung.

Dasar-Dasar Pengolahan Gondorukem


Dasar-Dasar Pengolahan Gondorukem

Yayasan Pembina Fakultas Kehutanan. Universitas Gadjah Mada

Dasar-dasar pengolahan dan pengawetan daging

Grasindo, Jakarta

Dasar-dasar pengolahan dan pengawetan daging

Purnomo, H.

Grasindo, Jakarta

Dasar-dasar pengolahan dan pengawetan daging


Grasindo, Jakarta

Dasar-Dasar Pengolahan dan Pengawetan Daging

Purnomo, H

Dasar-Dasar Pengolahan dan Pengawetan Daging

Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

Dasar-dasar pengetahuan tentang zat pengatur tumbuh.

Abidin, Z.

Dasar-dasar pengetahuan tentang zat pengatur tumbuh.

Angkasa, Bandung.

Dasar-dasar pengetahuan tentang zat pengatur tumbuh

Abidin, Z.

Dasar-dasar pengetahuan tentang zat pengatur tumbuh

Aksara Bandung

Dasar-Dasar Pengelolaan Margasatwa


Dasar-Dasar Pengelolaan Margasatwa

Fa kultas Kehutanan, Institut Perta nian Bogor


Hlm 1304 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Dasar-dasar Pengelolaan Air Limbah


Dasar-dasar Pengelolaan Air Limbah

Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta

Dasar-dasar penge tahuan tentang zat pengatur tumbuh

Abidin, Z.

Dasar-dasar penge tahuan tentang zat pengatur tumbuh

Angkasa, Bandung

Dasar-dasar Pengawetan, Sanitasi dan Keracunan

Winarno, F.G

Dasar-dasar Pengawetan, Sanitasi dan Keracunan

Departemen Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Fatemeta IPB Bogor.

Dasar-dasar Pengawetan

Hudaya, S.

Dasar-dasar Pengawetan

Depdikbud. Direktorat Pendidikan Menengah Kejuruan, Jakarta

Dasar-dasar Pengawasan dan Standarisasi Mutu Pangan.

Soekarto S.T

Dasar-dasar Penanganan Sludge.


Dasar-Dasar Pemuliaan Tanaman

Poespodarsono. S

Pusat Antar Universitas IPB. Bogor

Dasar-dasar Pemuliaan Tanaman


IPB. Bogor

Dasar-dasar Pemuliaan Tanaman

Poespodarsono. S

Second University Development Project IBRD

Loan No. 2547 IND, Bogor

Dasar-dasar pemuliaan tanaman

Allard RW

Dasar-dasar pemuliaan tanaman

PT Rienika Bina Aksara Jkt

Dasar-dasar Pemikiran Guna penyelenggaraan Aneka Usaha Kehutanan


Dasar-dasar Pemikiran Guna penyelenggaraan Aneka Usaha Kehutanan

Prasarana pada Seminar Dalam Rangka Alumni Home Coming Day III, Fahutan IPB Bogor

Dasar-Dasar Pembinaan Marga Satwa.


Dasar-Dasar Pembinaan Marga Satwa.

Fakultas Kehutanan Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor.

Dasar-dasar pembinaan kelompok tani dlm tensifikasi tanaman pangan

Satuan pengendali Bimas

Dasar-dasar pembelanjaan perusahaan.

Rianto Bambang

Dasar-dasar pembelanjaan perusahaan.

Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta

Dasar-dasar Pembelanjaan Perusahaan

Rijanto, Bambang


Penerbit IPB (IPB PRESS). Bogor Kursus : dasar-dasar Pengendalian Pencemaran Lingkungan

Badan Pengendalian Dampak Lingkungan dan Pusat Penelitian Lingkungan Hidup UGM, Yogyakarta

Gajah Mada Yogyakarta

Hlm 1305 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Dasar-dasar pembelanjaan perusahaan

Riyanto, B.

Yayasan Badan Penerbit Gajah Mada Yogyakarta

Dasar-dasar pembelanjaan perusahaan

Riyanto B

yayasan badan penerbit gadjah mada. Yogyakarta

Dasar-dasar pembelanjaan perusahaan

Riyanto B

Yayasan Badan Penerbit Gadjah Mada. Yogyakarta

Dasar-Dasar Pembelanjaan Perusahaan

Bambang, R

Dasar-Dasar Pembelanjaan Perusahaan

Yayasan Badan Penerbit Gadjah Mada. Yogyakarta

Dasar-dasar pembangunan fasilitas dan utilitas dalam kawasan wisata.

Rajiman, G.

Dasar-dasar pembangunan fasilitas dan utilitas dalam kawasan wisata.

UGM, Yogyakarta.

Dasar-dasar Patologi Serangga

Santoso, T

E. Martono et al. (Eds) Simposium Patologi Serangga I


Dasar-dasar Operation Research

Subagyo, P

Dasar-dasar Operation Research

BPFE-UGM, Jogyakarta

Dasar-dasar Mikrobiologi.


Dasar-dasar Mikrobiologi.

Penerbit Djambatan. Jakarta, 188 hal.

Dasar-dasar Mikrobiologi.

Dwidjoseputro, D.

Dasar-dasar Mikrobiologi.

Jembatan, Jakarta.

Dasar-dasar Mikrobiologi.

Dwidjoseputro, D

Dasar-dasar Mikrobiologi.

Penerbit Djambatan, Jakarta. 214 pp.

Dasar-dasar Mikrobiologi II.

Pelezar, M.J.

Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta.

Dasar-Dasar Mikrobiologi 2. Terjemahan Ratna Siri Hadioetomo

Pelczar, M.J.

Dasar-Dasar Mikrobiologi 2. Terjemahan Ratna Siri Hadioetomo

Ul Press. Jakarta, 210 hal.

Dasar-Dasar Mikrobiologi 1. Penterjemah R.S. Hadioetomo dkk.

Pelczar, Jr., M.J.

Dasar-Dasar Mikrobiologi 1. Penterjemah R.S. Hadioetomo dkk.

Penerbit UI Press, Jakarta.

Dasar-dasar Mikrobiologi


Dasar-Dasar Mikrobiologi

Dwidjoseputro, D.

Dasar-dasar mikrobiologi Dasar-dasar mikrobiologi

Dwijoseputro, D. Dwidjoseputro, D.


Judul Buku


Fakultas Pertanian dan Peternakan universitas Brawijaya, Malang Dasar-Dasar Mikrobiologi

Gramedia, Jakarta. Djambatan Djambatan, Jakarta

Hlm 1306 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Dasar-dasar mikrobiologi

Dwijosepoetro, D.

Dasar-dasar mikrobiologi

Djimbaran. Malang.

Dasar-Dasar Mikrobiologi

Pelczar, M.J.

Dasar-Dasar Mikrobiologi

McGraw-Hill Book Company, Universitas Indonesia Press. Pp. 446507, 808-813.

Dasar-dasar Mikrobiologi


Dasar-dasar Mikrobiologi. Cetakan II

Penerbit Jembatan Jakarta

Dasar-dasar Mikrobiologi

Pelezar, M.J

Dasar-dasar Manajcmen Produksi

Handoko. H.T

Dasar-dasar Manajcmen Produksi

BPFE-UGM, Yogyakarta

Dasar-dasar llmu Tanah.

Hakim, N.,

Dasar-dasar llmu Tanah.

Penerbit Universitas Lampung, Bandar Lampung. 488 pp.

Dasar-dasar llmu Tanah

Hakim, N

Dasar-dasar llmu Tanah

Penerbit Universitas Lampung. Lampung

Dasar-Dasar llmu Tanah

Hakim, N.

Dasar-Dasar llmu Tanah

Universitas Lampung, Tanjung Karang

Dasar-dasar llmu Tanah


Dasar-dasar llmu Tanah

Penerbit Univ. Lampung

Dasar-dasar llmu Politik

Budiardjo, Miriam

Dasar-dasar llmu Politik

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta

Dasar-dasar Klimatologi Pertanian


Dasar-dasarKlimatologi Pertanian

Penerbit Univ. Brawijaya, Malang.

Dasar-dasar Kimia Tanah.

Tan, H. Kim.

Dasar-dasar Kimia Tanah.

Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Gajah Mada. Gajah Mada University Press.

Dasar-dasar Kimia Tanah.

Tan, K.H.

Gajah Mada Univeristy Press.

Dasar-Dasar Kimia Tanah (terjemahan)

Tan, Kim Hong

Gajah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Dasar-dasar Kimia Tanah (Terjemahan)

Tan, K.H

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Dasar-dasar Kimia tanah (Terjemahan D.H. Goenadi, 1992)

Tan, K.H

Gajah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Dasar-dasar Kimia tanah (terjemahan : rinciples of Soil Chemistry )

Tan, K.H

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta


University of Indonesia Press. Jakarta

Hlm 1307 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Dasar-Dasar Kimia Tanah (Terjemahan : Principles of Soil Chemistry)

Tan, K. H

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Dasar-Dasar Kimia Tanah (terjemahan : Principles of Soil Chemistry)

Tan, K.H

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Dasar-dasar Kimia Tanah (terjemahan : Principles of Soil Chemistry)

Tan, K.H

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Dasar-dasar Kimia Tanah (terjemahan : Principles of Soil Chemistry)

Tan, K.H

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Dasar-dasar Kimia Tanah (ed. Terjemahan)


Gadjah Mada University Press.Yogyakarta

Dasar-dasar kimia tanah (Alih bahasa Didiek Hadjar Goenadi).

Tan, K.H

Dasar-dasar Kimia Tanah ( terjemahan: Principles of Soil Chemistry).

Tan. K.H.

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Dasar-Dasar Kimia Tanah ( Terjemahan : Principles of Soil Chemistry )

Tan, K.H

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Dasar-dasar Kimia Tanah

Tan. K.H

Terjemahan Principles of Soil Chemistry

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Dasar-dasar Kimia Tanah

Tan. K.H

(Terjemahan) Principle of Soil Chemistry

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Dasar-dasar Kimia Tanah

Tan. Kim. H

Universitas Gadjah Mada. Press. Yogyakarta

Dasar-dasar Kimia Tanah

Tan. K.H

Gadjah Mada Uniersity Press. Yogyakarta

Dasar-dasar Kimia Tanah

Tan. K.H

Terjemahan Didiek Hadjar Goenadi

Gadjah Mada University Press. Jogjakarta

Dasar-Dasar Kimia Tanah

Tan Kein H.

Fakultas Pertanian UGM

GajahMada University Press

Dasar-dasar kimia tanah

Tan, H. Kim

Fakultas Pertanian UGM

Gajah Mada University Press.


Judul Buku

Dasar-dasar kimia tanah (Alih bahasa Didiek Hadjar Goenadi).


Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Hlm 1308 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

dasar-Dasar Karies ( N.Sumawinata dan S.Faruk,penerjemah)

Kidd E.A.M

EGC, Jakarta

Dasar-dasar Ilmu Tanah. Edisi Ketujuh.

Foth, D. Hendry.

Dasar-dasar Ilmu Tanah. Edisi Ketujuh.

Dasar-dasar Ilmu Tanah. Edisi ke tujuh.

Foth, H.D.

Dasar-dasar Ilmu Tanah. BKSPTN USAID.

Hakim, N.,

Dasar-dasar Ilmu Tanah. BKSPTN USAID.

Universitas Lampung. Lampung. 488 hal.

Dasar-dasar Ilmu Tanah.

Hakim, N.. Nyakpa,

Dasar-dasar Ilmu Tanah.

Universitas Lampung Press.

Dasar-dasar ilmu tanah. Dasar-dasar ilmu tanah. Dasar-dasar Ilmu Tanah Edisi Ketujuh

Hakim, N. dkk. Hakim, N. dkk. Foth.H.D

Dasar-dasar Ilmu Tanah Edisi Ketujuh


Dasar-dasar Ilmu Tanah (terjemahan).

Foth, H. D

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Dasar-dasar Ilmu Tanah (terjemahan)

Foth, H.D

Penrbit Erlangga. Jakarta

Dasar-dasar Ilmu Tanah

Hakim, N

Penerbit Universitas Lampung. Bandar Lampung

Dasar-dasar Ilmu Tanah

Hakim. N

Universitas Lampung. Bandar lampung

Dasar-dasar Ilmu Tanah Dasar-dasar Ilmu Tanah Dasar-dasar Ilmu Tanah

Nurhajati.H Hakim. N.Y Foth. H.D

Universitas Lampung Universitas Lampung Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Dasar-dasar ilmu tanah

Hakim, N.,

Dasar-Dasar Ilmu Tanah

Foth, Henry, D.

Dasar-dasar Ilmu Tanah Dasar-dasar ilmu tanah

Nurhajati Hakim Forth, Hendy D.

Dasar-dasar Ilmu Tanah Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Diponegoro

Universitas Lampung Gajah Mada University Press.

Dasar-dasar ilmu tanah

Forth, Hendry D.

Dasar-dasar ilmu tanah

Gajah Mada University Press.

Dasar-dasar ilmu tanah

Forth, H. D.

Dasar-dasar ilmu tanah

Penerbit Erlangga jakarta



Gadjah Mada University Press. Gajah Mada Univeristy Press.

GajahMada University Press Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Diponegoro

Dasar-dasar ilmu tanah

GajahMada University Press

Universitas Lampung Press. Lampung Gajah Mada University Press

Hlm 1309 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Dasar-dasar ilmu tanah

Foth, H. D.

Dasar-dasar ilmu tanah

Foth, H. D.

Dasar-dasar ilmu tanah

Gajah Mada University Press

Dasar-dasar ilmu tanah

Foth, H. D.

Dasar-dasar ilmu tanah

Gajah Mada University Press

Dasar-dasar ilmu tanah Dasar-dasar ilmu tanah

Hakim, N. Henry DP

Dasar-dasar ilmu tanah Dasar-dasar ilmu tanah

Hakim N Hakimi N

Unila, Lampung badan penerbit UNILA. Lampung

Dasar-dasar ilmu tanah

Hakim, N

Universitas Lampung. Lampung

Dasar-dasar Ilmu Tanah

Hakim, N

Universitas Lampung. Lampung

Dasar-dasar ilmu tanah

Henry DP

Gadjah Mada Univ press Yogyakarta

Dasar-dasar ilmu tanah Dasar-dasar ilmu pemupukan

Hakim N Sumarno

Unila, Lampung Faperta Unibraw

Dasar-dasar Ilmu Pemuliaan Tanaman.

Soemardjo Poespodarsono,

Dasar-dasar Ilmu Pemuliaan Tanaman.

Poespodarsono, S.

Dasar-dasar Ilmu Pemuliaan Tanaman

Poespodarsono, S


Dasar-Dasar Ilmu Faal Darah (Hematologi).

Rahmatullah, P.

Bagian Fisiologi Fakultas Kedokteran. Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor.

Dasar-dasar ilmu benih.

Bustamam, T.

Dasar-dasar ilmu benih

Bustaman, Tamsil

Dasar-dasar Genetika dan Pemuliaan Tanaman (Terjemahan Bahasa Inggris).

Welsn, J. R.


Judul Buku

Penerbit Gajah Mada University Press

Gadjah Mada Univ press Yogyakarta

Dasar-dasar Ilmu Pemuliaan Tanaman.

Dasar-dasar ilmu benih.

AU IPB, Bekerjasama dengan Lembaga Sumber-daya Informasi IPB.

Fakultas Pertanian Univesitas Andalas, Padang. Universitas Andalas, Padang

Dasar-dasar Genetika dan Pemuliaan Tanaman (Terjemahan Bahasa Inggris).

Penerbit Erlangga. Jakarta.

Hlm 1310 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Dasar-dasar Genetika Biokimia Manusia

Harris, H.

Dasar-dasar Fisiologi Tumbuhan.

Prawiranata, W.

Dasar-dasar fisiologi tumbuhan.

Prawiranata, W.S.

Departemen Botani,

Fakultas Pertanian, IPB, Bogor.

Dasar-Dasar Fisiologi Tumbuhan Jilid II

Prawinata S

Diktat Kuliah Jurusan Biologi


Dasar-dasar fisiologi tumbuhan II.

Prawiranata, W.S.

Dasar-dasar fisiologi tumbuhan II.

Dep. Botani Faperta IPB Bogor.

Dasar-dasar fisiologi tumbuhan II.

Prawiranata, W.

Dasar-dasar fisiologi tumbuhan

Lakitan, B.

Dasar-dasar Fisiologi Tumbuhan

Prawiranata, W

Departemen Botani

Fakultas Pertanian IPB. Bogor

Dasar-dasar Fisiologi Tanaman.

Darmawan, J.

Dasar-dasar Fisiologi Tanaman.

PT. Suryandaru Utama, Semarang. hlm.: 74-77.

Dasar-dasar fisiologi tanaman

Darmwan J.

Dasar-dasar fisiologi tanaman

PT. Suryandaru Utama Semarang.

Dasar-dasar fisiologi tanaman

Darmawan, J.

PT. Suryandaru Utama Semarang

Dasar-dasar Fisika Tanah


Jurusan Ilmu Tanah, Fakultas Pertanian Universias Brawijaya Malang

Dasar-dasar Ekologi. Terjemahan

Odum, E. P.

Dasar-dasar Ekologi. Terjemahan

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta. 697 hal.

Dasar-Dasar Ekologi. (Penerj. Tjahjono Sanungan dan B. Srigandono)

Odum, E. P.

Dasar-Dasar Ekologi. (Penerj. Tjahjono Sanungan dan B. Srigandono)

Gajah Mada University Press.

Dasar-dasar Ekologi Serangga.

Sunjaya, P.I.

Dasar-dasar Ekologi Serangga.

Bagian Ilmu Hama Tanaman Pertanian, IPB. Bogor.

Dasar-Dasar Ekologi

Odum E, P

Dasar-Dasar Ekologi

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Dasar-dasar Demografi

Nurdin, H. (ed).

Dasar-dasar Demografi

Lembaga Demografi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta


Judul Buku

Penerbit Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta

Rajawali Press, Jakarta

Hlm 1311 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Dasar-dasar dan teknik pengeringan biji-bijian.

Thahir. R

Latihan teknik penelitian pascapanen pertanian, balai penelitian tanaman padi, Sukamandi 7 November-3 Desember 1988

Dasar-dasar Biosintesis Asamasam Amino

Satiawihardja, B.

Dasar-dasar Biosintesis Asamasam Amino

Dasar-dasar Biokomia. Jilid 2.

Lehninger, A. L.

Dasar-dasar biokomia Jilid III (diterje-mahkan oleh Maggy T.).


Dasar-dasar biokimia. Jilid 1. Terjemahan Maggy T. cetakan ke-2

Lehninger, A. L.

Erlangga, Jakarta

Dasar-dasar biokimia. Ed. 2. Alih bahasa oleh Thanawijaya


Penerbit Airlangga

Dasar-Dasar Biokimia jüid l. Penerjemah Maggy Theanawidjaja.

Lehninger, A.L.

Dasar-Dasar Biokimia jüid l. Penerjemah Maggy Theanawidjaja.

P.T Gelora Aksara Pratama, Jakarta.

Dasar-dasar Biokimia jilid I diterjemahkan oleh Thenawidjaja, M.,

Lehninger, A.L.,

Dasar-dasar Biokimia jilid I diterjemahkan oleh Thenawidjaja, M.,

Erlangga, Jakarta.

Dasar-dasar biokimia

Poedjadi, A.

Dasar-dasar Biokimia Dasar-dasar Bio Kimia. Dasar-dasar Bertambak Udang Intensif. Makalah Seminar Budidaya Udang lntensif. 28-31 Maret

A. Poedjiadi Lehninger, A. L. Cholik, F.

Dasar-dasar Biokimia

Dasar-dasar bercocok tanam. Cet. II

Kanisius, A. A.

Dasar-dasar bercocok tanam. Cet. II

Dasar-Dasar Bercocok Tanam


Dasar-Dasar Analisa Tumbuhan Tanaman

Agustina, L

Dasar-Dasar Analisa Tumbuhan Tanaman

Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya. Malang

Dasar-dasar Akutansi Dasar-dasar agronomi

Honggodjojo, A Basri, H. J.

Dasar-dasar Akutansi

FEUI, Jakarta. CV. Rajawali Press, Jakarta

Dasar-dasar agronomi




PAU Bioteknologi, IPB. Erlangga, Jakarta.

Dasar-dasar biokomia Jilid III (diterje-mahkan oleh Maggy T.).

Erlangga, Jakarta, hlm. 125-127.

Penerbit Universitas Indonesia

Dasar-dasar Bertambak Udang Intensif. Makalah Seminar Budidaya Udang lntensif. 28-31 Maret

UI Press, Jakarta Erlangga, Jakarta. PT. Patra Utama, Jakarta

Penerbit Kanisius, Yogyakarta Kanisius Yogyakarta

PT Raja Grafindo Persaada jakarta Hlm 1312 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Dasar-dasar agronomi


Dasar-dasar llmu Pemuliaan Tanaman

Poespodarsono, S.,

Dasar-dasar llmu Pemuliaan Tanaman

Pusat Antar Universitas. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor

Dasar-dasar Hlstologi


Dasar-dasar Hlstologi

Penerbit Erlangga. Jakarta.

Dasar-dasar llmu Tanah Dasar-dasar Bisnis (Suatu Petunjuk Praktis untuk Usaha Kecil. " Bagaimana Memasarkan Suatu Produk"

Nurtiajati Hakim, Wirasasmito

Dasar-dasar llmu Tanah Dasar-dasar Bisnis (Suatu Petunjuk Praktis untuk Usaha Kecil. " Bagaimana Memasarkan Suatu Produk"

Universitas Lampung Bandung : Pionir.

Dasar-Dasar Bisnis (Suatu Petunjuk Praktis untuk Usaha Kecil. " Bagaimana Memasarkan Suatu Produk"


Dasar-Dasar Bisnis (Suatu Petunjuk Praktis untuk Usaha Kecil. " Bagaimana Memasarkan Suatu Produk"

Bandung : Pionir.

Dasar Tcknologi dan Kimia Kulit. Departemen Teknologi industri Pertanian

Judoatmidjojo. R.M

Dasar Tcknologi dan Kimia Kulit. Departemen Teknologi industri Pertanian

Fateta IPB.

Dasar Pengolahan Gula II

Gregory. J. F.

Agroindustri Press

Jurusan TIN Fateta - IPB. Bogor.

Dasar Pengolahan Gula Dasar Pengetahuan llmu Tanaman

Goutara Abidin, Z

Departemen Hasil Pertanian Dasar Pengetahuan llmu Tanaman

Fatemeta IPB. Bogor Angkasa. Bandung

Dasar Pemikiran, Landasan Konstitusional & Implementasi

Tjokrowinoto M

M.Tjokrowinoto (Ed).Program Bina Walpole, R.E.1993.Pengantar Statistika.Edisi ke-3

PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Dasar Parasitologi Klinis

Brown, H.W.l

Dasar Parasitologi Klinis

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta, 185-199.

Dasar Kromatografi Gas. Dasar Ilmu Tanah

Mc Nair HM Anonymous

Dasar- dasar Penyuluhan dan Modernisasi Pertanian.


Dasar -dasar Ilmu Tanah Dasar dan Teori Perkembangan anak

Nurhayati. H Gunarsa

Universitas Lampung PT BPK Gunung Mulia, Jakarta

Dasar dan Teori Perkembangan Anak

Gunarsa S.D

BPK Gunung Mulia, Jakarta


Judul Buku

Penerbit PT Raja Grafindo Persaada jakarta

Dasar Ilmu Tanah

Dasar- dasar Penyuluhan dan Modernisasi Pertanian.

Penerbit ITB Bandung Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang Bina Cipta, Jakarta.

Hlm 1313 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Dasar dan Teknik Research.

Surachman, Winarno

Pengantar Metodologi llmiah

PT. Eresco, Bandung.

Dasar Biologis dan Klinis (Terjemahan A. Samik Wahab). Edisi 4

Shulman, S. T.

Dasar Biologis dan Klinis (Terjemahan A. Samik Wahab). Edisi 4

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta.

Dasar - dasar Penyuluhan dan Modernisasi Pertanian.

Samsudin, U.,

Dasar - dasar Penyuluhan dan Modernisasi Pertanian.

Penerbit Bina Cipta, Jakarta.

Dasar - Dasar Kimia Tanah

Tan. K.H

Terjemahan (didiek Hadjar Goenadi)

Gadjah Mada University Press. Jogjakata

Dasar - Dasar Ekologi

Odum, P

Dasar - Dasar Ekologi. Edisi Ketiga

Gajah Mada University Press

Dasar - dasar Bercocok Tanam


Dasar - dasar Bercocok Tanam

Yayasan Kanisius, Yogyakarta

Dasa-dasar Irigasi Pertanian Mekanisasi Pertanian

Wirosoedarmo. R

Dari limbah rumah potong hewan bisa dihasilkan anak sapi

Boediono A


Dari Jamu Menjadi Obat Tradisional Menuju Ke Fitofarmaka


Laboratorium Botani Farmasi Farmakologi. hlm. 26-28.

Dari benih kepada benih

Sadjad S

PT Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia Jakarta

Dari benih kepada benih

Sadjad S

PT Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia Jakarta

Dan benih ke benih

Sadjad, S.

Dan benih ke benih

PT Gramedia, Jakarta. 143 hlm.

Dampak-dampak kegiatan perta-nian terhadap lingkungan hidup. Makalah pada Apreasiasi Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup

Mahfud, M. C

Dampak-dampak kegiatan pertanian terhadap lingkungan hidup. Makalah pada Apreasiasi Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup

Kantor Wilayah Departemen Pertanian Prop. Jawa Timur, Surabaya

Dampak-dampak kegiatan pertanian terhadap lingkungan hidup. Makalah pada Apreasiasi Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup

Mahfud, M. C

Dampak-dampak kegiatan pertanian terhadap lingkungan hidup. Makalah pada Apreasiasi Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup

Kantor Wilayah Departemen Pertanian Prop. Jawa Timur, Surabaya


Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya. Malang

Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya.

Hlm 1314 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Dampak terhadap Sosial Budaya

Vitalaya. A.S

Materi Kurus : Dasar-dasar Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan Angkatan XII

PusatPenelitian Lingkungan Hidup IPB

Dampak Sosial Ekonomi pada Tanaman Padi

IPB (team)

Dampak Persetujuan Putaran Uruguay-GAAT Terhadap Industri Kecil


Dampak penghapusan subsidi pupuk terhadap permintaan pupuk dan produksi padi nasional.

Rusastra, I. W.

Dampak penghapusan subsidi pupuk terhadap permintaan pupuk dan produksi padi nasional.

Rusastra, I. W.

Dampak Pengembangan Irigasi Pompa Air Tanah Terhadap Peningkatan roduksi Pertanian, Pendapan dan Kesempatan Kerja di Pedesaan

Pakpahan. A

Pusat Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertania. Jakarta

Dampak Pengembangan Embung terhadap Pengelolaan Pertanian dan Peternakan Lahan Kering di Pulau Sumbawa

Adnan. H. Muhammad

Fakultas pertanian UNRAM (UnPublished)

Dampak Pencemaran Lingkungan. Edisi Pertama. Cetakan Kedua.

Wardhana, W.A.,

Dampak Pencemaran Lingkungan. Edisi Pertama. Cetakan Kedua.

Penerbit Andi Offset. Yogyakarta.

Dampak Pencemaran Lingkungan.

Wardhana, W.A.,

Dampak Pencemaran Lingkungan.

Penerbit Andi Offset Yogyakarta. Hal. 106-111

Dampak Pemberian Sludge pada Tanah: II.

Aiman, N

Dampak Pariwisata Terhadap Permintaan Buah-buahan di Kawasan Wisata Bali


Fakultas Pertanian Udayana. Denpasar

Dampak Krisis Ekonomi Terhadap Pangan Rumah Tangga

Ariani. M

Pusat Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian. Bogor


IPB Thoha

Dampak Persetujuan Putaran Uruguay-GAAT Terhadap Industri Kecil

UI-Press, Jakarta

Hlm 1315 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Dampak Krisis Ekonomi Terhadap Kemiskinan Dan Beberapa Implikasinya Untuk Strategi Pembangunan

Irawan. P.B

Widyakarya Nasional Pangan dan Gizi VII

LIPI, Jakarta

Dampak Kekeringan Dan Krisis Moneter Terhadap Produksi Pangan

Suryana. A

Prihati Lahir Batin

Puslitbang Kepekdudukan & Ketenagakerjaan LIPI Bekerjasama Dengan UNICEF, Jakarta

Dampak intensitas TPTI terhadap regenerasi dan ekosistem hutan di Kalimantan Timur.


Kerjasama penelitian Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan dan Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda.

Damage. In : Lewis T.E & B.L. Conkling (ed) Forest Health Monitoring, South East Loblolly/Shortleaf Pine Demonstration Intern Report


Office of Research and Development US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington.D.C

Damage Controlled Logging in Managed Forest In Suriname


Wageningen Agricultural University Netherlands

Damage and regeneration: Link to growth in the reef-building coral.

Meesters, E.H.,

Montartrea anularis. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 112: 119-128.

Damade-Controlled Logging in Managed Tropical Rain Forest In Suriname


Agricultural University Wageningaen The Netherlands

Dalam Widyakarya Pangan dan Gizi VI


Dalam perlindungan tanaman menunjang pertanian tangguh dan kelestarian lingkungan. 20 tahun PT. Agricon. Edisi Pertama.

Soerjani, M.

Dalam perlindungan tanaman menunjang pertanian tangguh dan kelestarian lingkungan. 20 tahun PT. Agricon. Edisi Pertama.

Dalam Berbagai Terbitan Dairying with holstein in Indonesia.

BPS Mc. Dowell, R. E.

Dalam Berbagai Terbitan International seminar on holsteinfriesian dairying in tropical environments Indonesiabeef and dairy farmer Association. Bandung.


LIP, Jakarta

International seminar on holsteinfriesian dairying in tropical environments Indonesiabeef and dairy farmer Association. Bandung.

Hlm 1316 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Dairy technology and engineering.

Harper, W. J.

Dairy Technology

Harper, W.J.

Dairy science and technology. Handbook 1 (Principles and Properties)

Hui, Y. H.

Dairy Production: fifth Edition,

Diggins, R.V

Dairy production

Diggins, R. V.

The Prentice-Hall Vocational Agriculture, USA

Dairy Farm Management.

Quinn, T.

Delmar Publishing, Albany-New York 12205.

Dairy Farm Management.

Quinn, T.

Van Nostrand Reinhold, Co. New York.

Dairy development in the province of east java.

Ibrahim, M. N. M

Department of tropical animal production agricultural University Wageningen, Netherlands - Faculty of animal husbandry Brawijaya University, Malang.

Dairy Cows. R. Jarrige (Ed.) in : Ruminant Nutrition Recommendation and Feed Tables

Coulon, J.P

Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique. Paris

Dairy chemistry and physics

Walstra, P.

John Wiley & Sons (SEA) Pte. Ltd., New York, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapura

Dairy Cattle: Principles, Practices, Problems and Profits.

Bath, D.L,


Judul Buku

Penerbit AVI Publishing company, Inc. Westport Connecticut. Chancellors committee Press Etching Oty. London.

Dairy Technology

Chapman and Hall Limited. Jhon Willey and Sons Inc., New York. VCH Publisher, New York

Dairy Production: fifth Edition,

Dairy Cattle: Principles, Practices, Problems and Profits.

Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs. New Jersey

Lea and Febiger. Philadelphia

Hlm 1317 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Dairy Cattle. Principles, Pratices, Problems and Profits

Folley, R.C

Dairy Cattle. Principles, Pratices, Problems and Profits

Lea B Febiger, Philadelphia

Dairy Cattle. Principle, Practices and Problems. 2nd eds.

Bath, D.L.

Dairy Cattle. Principle, Practices and Problems. 2nd eds.

Lea and Febiger. Philadelpia.

Dairy cattle, principles, practices, problems, profits

Bath DL

Dairy Cattle Science. Animal Agriculture Series.

Ensniinger, M.M.

Dairy Cattle Science Animal Agriculture. Series 1 st Ed

Esminger, M.E.

Dairy cattle research techniques

Ternouth, J. H.

Dairy cattle principles, problems, profit

Folley CR

Lea & Febriger Filadelphia

Dairy cattle principles, practices, problem and profits

Folley, E. C.

Lea Fabiger, Philadelphia

Dairy cattle management, pronciples and practise.

Wing, J. M.

Chapman and Hall Ltd. London.

Dairy Cattle Feeding and Nutrition.

Miller, W.J„

Dairy Cattle Feeding and Nutrition

Miller, W. J.

Academic Press, New York

Dairy cattle feeding and nutrition

Miller, W. J.

Academic Press, Inc. Florida, USA

Dairy cattle feeding and nutrition

Miller, W. J.

Academic Press Inc., London

dairy cattle feeding and management. 4th ed.

Reaves, P. M.

Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi

Dairy cattle crossbreeding in the tropics; Performance of secondary cross-breed population

Syrstad, O

Livestock Production Science

Dairy Cattle and Milk Production. 5th edition

Eckles, C.H

Dairy Bacteriology

Hammer, W. B.


Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia Dairy Cattle Science. Animal Agriculture Series.

The Interstate Printers and Publ. McDanvile, Illinois The Intertate Printers and Publisher Inc Danvile. Illionis

Queensland Dept. of primary Ind. Australia

Dairy Cattle Feeding and Nutrition.

Dairy Cattle and Milk Production. 5th edition

Academie Press. A Subsidiary of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers. New York

The Mac Millan Company. New York John Willey and Sons, Inc., New York

Hlm 1318 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Daily energy expenditure and protein requirement of working female swamp buffaloes estimated from energy balance and body composition.

Mahardika, I. G.

energy metabolism of farm animals. K. McCracken, E. F. Unsworth and A. R. G. Wylie, ads.

CAB International, UK.

Daily energy expenditure and protein requirement of working female swamp buffaloes estimated from energy balance and body composition, him. 283286

Mahardika, I.G.

K. McCracken, E.F. Unsworth & A.R.G. Wylie (ed.). Energy Metabolism of Farm Animals

Wallingford Oxon: C.A.B. International.

Daftar Peta Sumberdaya Lahan

Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat (PUSLTTANAK)

Dokumen PUSLITTANAK. Bogor

Daftar Peta Sumber Daya Lahan. Dok. Puslittanak.

Daftar Peta Sumber Daya Lahan. Dok. Puslittanak.

Daftar Pasang Surut Kepulauan di Indonesia Tahun 1998.

Daftar Pasang Surut Kepulauan di Indonesia Tahun 1998.

Dinas Hidro Oseanografi TNI-AL

Daftar Pasang Surut Kepulauan di Indonesia Tahun 1997.

Daftar Pasang Surut Kepulauan di Indonesia Tahun 1997.

Dinas Hidro Oseanografi TNI-AL

Daftar Pasang Surut Kepulauan di Indonesia Tahun 1996,

Daftar Pasang Surut Kepulauan di Indonesia Tahun 1996,

Dinas Hidro Oseanografi TNI-AL

Daftar Organisme Pengganggu Tumbuhan Penting yang Dilaporkan Telah Terdapat di Dalam Wilayah Republik Indonesia.

Pusat Karantina Pertanian

Daftar Organisme Pengganggu Tumbuhan Penting yang Dilaporkan Telah Terdapat di Dalam Wilayah Republik Indonesia.

Pusat Karantina Pertanian, Jakarta.

Daftar Nama Tanaman

Afriastini, J.J.

Daftar Nama Tanaman

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta.

Daftar Nama Pohon-pohonan Jawa-Madura


Lembaga Penelitian Hutan Bogor

Daftar komposisi makanan

Bharata Karya Aksara, Jakarta

Daftar Komposisi Makanan

Dit.Gizi, Dep. Kesehatan RI.

Daftar Komposisi Makanan

Penerbit Bharatara Karya Aksara, Jakarta

Daftar Komposisi Bahan Makanan.


Daftar Komposisi Bahan Makanan.

Direktorat Gizi. Jakarta.


Hlm 1319 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Daftar komposisi bahan makanan.


Departemen Kesehatan RI. Direktorat Gizi.

Daftar Komposisi Bahan Makanan.

Departemen Kesehatan

Penerbit Bhratara: Jakarta.

Daftar Komposisi Bahan Makanan.

Direktorat Gizi

Penerbit Bhratara Karya Aksara. Jakarta.

Daftar Komposisi Bahan Makanan

Direktorat Gizi Depkes R.I

Bharat Karya Aksara. Jakarta

Daftar komposisi bahan makanan

Dir Gizi Depkes RI

Daftar komposisi bahan makanan

Bhtera Karya Aksara. Jakarta

Daftar Komposisi Bahan Makanan

Direktorat Gizi Departemen Kesehatan RI

Daftar Komposisi Bahan Makanan

Bhatara, Jakarta.

Daftar Komposisi Bahan Makanan


Daftar Komposisi Bahan Makanan

Direktorat Gizi Departement Kesehatan RI

Daftar Komposisi Bahan Makanan

Bharata, Jakarta.

Daftar Komposisi Bahan Makanan


Daftar Komposisi Bahan Makanan

Direktorat Gizi Departemen Kesehatan RI. Bhratara, Jakarta. 57 hlm.

Daftar Komposisi Bahan Makanan

Direktorat Gizi, Departemen Kesehatan Rl

Daftar Komposisi Bahan Makanan

Bhatara Karya Aksara, Jakarta.

Daftar Komposisi Bahan Makanan

Daftar Komposisi Bahan Makanan

Bhatara Karya Aksara, Jakarta.

Daftar Komposisi Bahan Makanan

Daftar Komposisi Bahan Makanan

Bhatara Karya Aksara, Jakarta

Daftar Komposisi Bahan Makanan

Daftar Komposisi Bahan Makanan

Bhatara Karya Aksara, Jakarta.

Bhratara Karya Aksara, Jakarta

Daftar komposisi bahan makanan

Dire gizi Depkes RI

Bhatara Karya Aksara, Jakarta

Daftar Komposisi Bahan Makanan

Direktorat Bina Gizi

Depkes. R.I

Daftar Kandungan Gizi Bahan Pangan dan Kandungan Komposisi Asam Amino Esensial


Daftar Kandungan Gizi Bahan Pangan dan Kandungan Komposisi Asam Amino Esensial

Fak. Pertanian, IPB, Bogor.

Daftar isian Potensi Desa/Kelurahan se Kecamatan Jabung


Daftar isian Potensi Desa/Kelurahan se Kecamatan Jabung

Kantor Bangdes Kabu paten Malang


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Daftar isian Potensi Desa/Kelurahan se Kecamatan Jabung


Daftar isian Potensi Desa/Kelurahan se Kecamatan Jabung

Kantor Bangdes Kabupaten Malang

Daftar Isian Potensi Desa se Kecamatan Karangan Kabupaten trenggaiek


Daftar Isian Potensi Desa se Kecamatan Karangan Kabupaten trenggaiek

Daftar Ekspor rotan hasil rotan 1977-1995.


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Daftar Bahan Makanan Penukar.


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Cytogenetic studies in meat type poultry, new data on the relationship between abortive development and chromosome abnormalities in early chicken (Gall.dom) embryos 32

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Cytochrome P-450-de-pendent monooxygenase activity in nasai membranes of six species

Hadley, W.M

Cytochrome P-450-de-pendent monooxygenase activity in nasai membranes of six species

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Cycles Of Soil Carbon Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Micronutrients

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Cycles Of Soil Caebon, Nitrogen, Phosporus Sulfur and Micronutrients

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Cycles of Soil

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Cycles of Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Suphur, Micronutrient

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Curret Devel;opment In Microbial control of Insect Pests and Prospect for The Early 21st century



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Cultivation of Volveriella Mushrooms In South Asia



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Controlled Atmosphere Storage of Fruits

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Community Nutritional Assessment: with special reference to less technically developed countries

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Communication of Innovations : A Cross Cultural Approach

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The Free Press. New York

Communication Of Innovation L A Cross Cultural Approach

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Communication for Agricultural Development

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Commodity Prices and Price Projection.

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An East West Center Book The University Press of Hawaii, Honolulu

Commodity Prices and Price Projection.

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Commersial Poultry Nutrition

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Commercially Important Pectin Subtances

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Food Colloids. H.D. Graham (ed), hal. 418

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Commercial Vegetable Processing

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Biological Control of livestock insect pests.

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Commercial Chicken Production Manual. Fourth Edition

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Commercial Chicken Production Manual. 4th Ed.,

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Commercial Chicken Production Manual. 4th Ed.,

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Commercial Chicken Production Manual. 4th

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Commercial Chicken Production Manual. 4 th. Ed.

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Commercial chicken production manual. 3rd ed.

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Commercial Chicken Production Manual. 3rd ed

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Commercial chicken production manual. 2nd ed. (rev. ed.)

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Commercial Chicken Production Manual. 2nd Ed.

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Commercial chicken production manual.

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Commercial chicken production manual, 3rd ed.

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Commercial Chicken Production Manual Third Ed

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Commercial Chicken Production Manual Third Ed

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Commercial Chicken Production Manual Animal Science.

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Commercial Chicken Production Manual Animal Science.

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Commercial chicken production manual 3rd ed.

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Commercial Chicken Production Manual

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Commercial Chicken Production Manual

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Commercial Chicken Production Manual

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Commercial chicken production manual

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AVI Publishing Company Ltd. Conecticut, USA

Commercial chicken production mannual. 4th ed.

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Commercial chicken production mannual. 4th ed.

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Commercial Chicken Production Mammal.

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Commercial chicken prod. Manual

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Cheese and Fermented Milk Foods, 2nd edition

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Characterization of psych rotrophic bacteria in the surface and deep-sea waters from rhe northwestern Pacific Ocean based on 16S ribosomal DNA analysis

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Characteristics of edible plant tissues

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Characteristic of the microplate method of enzime-linked imunosorbent assay for the detection of plant viruses

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Characteristic of Membrane Filters in Relation to Al Studies in Soil Solution and Nature Water.

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Character and Occurrence of Peat Deposits in The Malaysian Tropic

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Balai Penyelidikan Kehutanan .Bogor.

Carbone Dioxide and Methane Formation In Forest Mineral and Peat Soil During Aerobic and Anaerobic Incubations

Magnusson. T

Carbon dan Nitrogen Transformation After Long-Term No-Till and Conventional Tillage

Handayani. I.P

PhD Disertation

University of Kentucky, Lexington. KY. USA

Carbon Assimilation and Metabolism.

Shibles, R.

In; J.R. Wilcox (ed) Soybeans: inmprovement, Production, and Uses.

ASSA- Wisconsin.

Carbon assimilation and metabolism

Shibles, R

J.R. Wilcox (ed.) Soybeans : Improvement, Production, and Uses.Number 16 in the series Agronomy

ASA, CSSA, SSSA. Madison- Wisconsin

Carbon assimilation and metabolism

Shibles, R.

J.R. Wilcox (ed.) Soybeans : Improvement, Production, and Uses. Number 16 in the sries Agronomy

ASA, CSSA, SSSA. Madison-Wisconsin

Carbon and Nutrient Dynamics in Relation to Growth Rhythm in The Giant Bamboo



Plant & Soil

Carbohydrates. Food chemistry. Second edition. Revised and expanded

Whistler, R.L.

Carbohydrates. Food chemistry. Second edition. Revised and expanded

Marcel Dekker, New York. 430-440.


Whistler, R.I.

Food Chemistry, 2nd ed., O.R. Fennema (ed.), hal. 123

Marcel Dekker Inc., New York.

Carbohydrate status of rainfed lowland rices in relation to submergence, drought and shade tolerance, him. 104-122

Chaturvedi, G.S.

V.P. Singh, R.K. Singh, B.B. Singh & R.S. Ziegler (ed.). Physiology of Stress Tolerance in Rice

Los Banos: IRRI.



Soil Biol. Biochem

Hlm 1376 dari 1800

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Carbohydrate determination by phenolsulphuric acid method. 9575.

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In J.A. Hellebust and J.S. Craigie (Edv,) Handbook of phycological methods: Physiological and biochemical methods.

Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge.

Carbohydralase, him. 946-961.

Riidiger, A.

Drauz & Waldman (ed.), Handbook od Enzyme Analysis in Organic Synthesis

VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH. Weinheim.

Cara-cara pengolahan dan klasifikasi mutu cassia vera sebagai komoditi ekspor dari daerah Sumatera Barat.

Muchtar, M, S.

Cara-cara pengolahan dan klasifikasi mutu cassia vera sebagai komoditi ekspor dari daerah Sumatera Barat.

Badan Urusan Cess Daerah Propinsi Sumatera Barat.

Cara-cara Analisa di Pabrik Gula


Cara-cara Analisa di Pabrik Gula

Lembaga Pendidikan Perkebunan Jogyakarta.

Carabao Research and Development in the Phillippines

Castillo, L. S

FFTC Book Series

Buffalo Res. and Development

Cara uji ketahanan tarik kertas dan karton

Standar National Indonesia, 14-04371989

Cara uji ketahanan sobek kertas

Standar National Indonesia, 14-04361989

Cara uji ketahanan retak lembaran pulp kertas

Standar National Indonesia, 14-04931989

Cara uji kekuatan fisik kertas map

Standar National Indonesia, 14-01551989

Cara Uji Cemaran Mikroba. SII 2461


Cara Uji Cemaran Mikroba. SII 2461

Pustan Departemen Perindustrian, Jakarta.

Cara uji air minum dalam kemasan


Standar Industri Indonesia, 25 hal.

Departemen Perindustrian, Jakarta

Cara Pengiriman/Transportasi Ikan dalam Keadaan Hidup.

Praseno, 0.

Cara Pengiriman/Transportasi Ikan dalam Keadaan Hidup.

Balai Penelitian Perikanan AirTawar. Bogor. 15pp. Remmerswaal,

Cara Pembuatan Kompos PTP Nusantara II (Persero).


Cara Pembuatan Kompos PTP Nusantara II (Persero).

Balai Penelitian Tembakau Deli, Medan. 16p,

Cara Pemberian Ransum Pada Ternak Unggas. Cetakan Ke IV.

Wahju, J.

Cara Pemberian Ransum Pada Ternak Unggas. Cetakan Ke IV.

Fakultas Peternakan . IPB. Bogor.


Hlm 1377 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Cara Pemberian Ransum Pada Ternak Unggas. Cet ke IV.

Wahju , J.

Cara Pemberian Ransum Pada Ternak Unggas. Cet ke IV.

Fakultas Peternakan. IPB. Bogor.

Cara Pemberian dan Penyusunan Ransum Unggas. Cetakan keempat.

Wahju, J.

Cara Pemberian dan Penyusunan Ransum Unggas. Cetakan keempat.

Fakultas Peternakan, IPB, Bogor.

Cara Pemberian dan Penyusunan Ransum Unggas.

IPB, Bogor

Cara Pemberian dan Penyusunan Ransum Ayam. Cetakan ke 4

Fakultas Petemakan. IPB, Bogor

Cara Pemberian dan Penyusunan Ransum Unggas. Cara Pemberian dan Penyusunan Ransum Ayam. Cetakan ke 4

Wahju. J

Cara pemberian dan penyusunan ransum ayam

Wahju, J.

Cara mengadakan penyerbukan buatan pada bunga cokelat


Cara Memperbanyak Cendawan Metarrhizium anipsoliae di Laboratorium dan Cara Penyebarannya di Lapangan

Wikardi, E.A

Cara Cemaran Mikroba. Edisi SN 2461. 54 hal.

Departemen Perindustrian RI.

Cara Aman Dan Efektif Menurunan Berat Badan

Wirakusumah. E.S

Gramedia. Jakarta


Mathew AG

Centrap Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore India


Mathew AG


Central Food Technological Research Institute. Mysore India.

Caprine semen evaluation, processing and artificial insemination in India

Sahni KL

Research on Goats Indian Experience

Makhdoom-Mamura: Central Institute for Research on Goat. him 94-107.

Capitalism and Confrontation in Sumatra’s Plantation Belt 18701979

Stoler, A.L.

Capitalism and Confrontation in Sumatra’s Plantation Belt 18701979

New Haven/London: Yale University Press


Fakultas peternakan IPB Cara mengadakan penyerbukan buatan pada bunga cokelat

Balai penelitian perkebunan cabang Jember Lembaga Penelitian Tanaman Industri. Bogor

Cara Cemaran Mikroba. Edisi SN 2461. 54 hal.

Hlm 1378 dari 1800

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Capitalism and Agrarian Differentiation in a Javanese Village,

Husken, F.

Hart, eds., Agrarian Transformations, Local Processes and The State in the South-East Asia, Berkeley and Los Angeles.

University of California Press, p. 127-188.

Capital Budgeting dan Teori Portofolio

Nur Fatah

Capital Budgeting dan Teori Portofolio

Andi Offset. Yogyakarta

Capillary Electrophoresis Used to Monitor the Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Caseins and the Fractionation of Hydrolysis Products

Kristiansen, K.R

Canola Production

Berglund. D.R

Cane Sugar Handbook 12th ed.

Chen. J.C.P

Jhon Wiley & Sons, Singpore, New York

Cane Sugar Handbook 12 ed


Jhon Wiley & Sons,Inc. New York

Cancer Prevention in Primary Care: Diet and Cancer. BMJ.June

Austoker, J

Cancer Prevention in Primary Care: Diet and Cancer. BMJ.June

Cancer Genetics

Colins FS

Fenton RG and Longo DL(Eds). Cell Biology of Cancer

Cancer 8:235 Cananga and ylang-ylang olie uit de blocmen van Cananga odoratum Baill

Barclay M Koolhaas, D. R.

Callus Induction From Root Segments and Plant Regeneration In Rice

Masaharu. K

Kagawa Daigaku Nagakubu Gakujutsu

Calliandra; A Versatiles Small Tree for The Humid Tropics


Calliandra; A Versatiles Small Tree for The Humid Tropics

National Academy Press Washington D.C

Califorms, Enterococci and Other Microbial Indicators

DeFiguerido, M.P.

Food Microbiology: public Health and Spoilage Aspects. (deFiguiredo, M.P. and Splittstoesser, D.F. Eds.)

Avi Publishing Company, Inc., Connecticut, 271274.

Calculations for Fishing Gear Design.

Fridman, A. L.

Calculations for Fishing Gear Design.

FAO. Fishing News Books. 241 pp.



Canola Production

North Dakota State. Univ. (NDSU) ext. service

McGraw Hill, NY

Hlm 1379 dari 1800

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Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Calculating Synergistic and Antagonistic Response of Herbicide Combinations.

Colby, S.R.,

Calculating Synergistic and Antagonistic Response of Herbicide Combinations.

Agronomy Department, University of Maryland, College Park.

Calculated Soil Moisture and Temperature Regimes of Africa

Van Wambeke, A

Cage Culture: A Method of Fish Production in Indonesia. FRDP.

Schmittou, H.R.

Cage Culture: A Method of Fish Production in Indonesia. FRDP.

Central Research Institute for Fisheries, Jakarta, Indonesia. 114 pp.

Cage Culture: a Method of Fish Production in Indonesia. FRDP.

Schmittou, H.R.

Cage Culture: a Method of Fish Production in Indonesia. FRDP.

Central Research Institute for Fisheries, Jakarta, Indonesia. 114 pp.

Cage Culture. A method offish production in Indonesia.

Schmittou, H. R.

Cage Culture. A method offish production in Indonesia.

FRDP. CRIFI.Jakarta Indonesia. 114 pp.

Cage Culture.

Beveridge, M.C.M.

Fishing News Books.

Printed in Great Britain. 335 p.

Cage Culture : a method of fish production in Indonesia

H.R. Schmittou

Cage Culture : a method of fish production in Indonesia

FRDP, CRIFI, Jakarta, Indonesia

Cage Culture .

Beveridge, MCM.

Cage Culture .

Fishing News Books Ltd. England. 352 pp.

Cage Aquaculture.

Bevendge. M.C.M.

Cage Aquaculture.

Fishing News Books Ltd. Farnham. Surrey. England. 351 pp.

Cadmium. Institute of Applied Physical Chemistry, Reseach Center (KFA) Juliech, Germany.

Stoeppler, M.

Stocpplcr, M (Editor),Hazardous Metals In The Environment Institut Fur Chemie

Forschungszentrum Julich Gmbh, Institut 4, Germany.

Cadmium, Copper, and Zinc Levels in The Rice and Rice Field Soil of Houston, Texas.

Suzuki. S

Biological Trace Element Research

The Humana Press Inc.

Cadmium, Coppe and Zinc In Rice Produced In Java

Suzuki. S

Arch. Environm. Contam. Toxicol

Cadmium Cadmium Cadmium Cadmium Cacao breeding

Alloway. B.J Alloway. B.J Alloway.B.J Alloway. B.J Toxopeus H

Heavy Metal In Soils Heavy Metal In Soils Heavy Metals in Soils Heavy Metals Soil Outlines of perenial crops breeding in the tropics.

Blakie. London Blakie. London Blakie, London Blackie. London H Veenman & Zomen NV, Wageningen

Cacao 4th ed.

Wood GAR

Cacao 4th ed.

Longman group lim. New York


SMSS-AID. New York

Hlm 1380 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Cacao & its allies a taxonomic revision of the genus Theobroma

Cuatrecasas, J

Cacao & its allies a taxonomic revision of the genus Theobroma

Smithsonian Institution Washington DC

Cabe Puyang Warisan Nenek Moyarig

Mardisiswojo, S

Cabe Puyang Warisan Nenek Moyarig

PT. Dian Rakyat. P. 109110,172-173.

Cabe Puyang Warisan Nenek Moyang

Sudarman, M.

Cabe Puyang Warisan Nenek Moyang

PT Karya Wreda, Jakarta.

Cabe Puyang Warisan Nenek Moyang

Mardisiswoto, S.

Cabe Puyang Warisan Nenek Moyang

PN. Balai Pustaka, Jakarta.

Cabai Merah. Komoditas Prospektif dan Andalan.

Duriat, A.S

Teknologi Produksi Cabai Merah.

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran, Lembang. hlm.: 1-2.

Cabai Merah.

Sumarni, N

Teknologi Produksi Cabai Merah.

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran, Lembang. hlm.: 12.

Cabai Hot Beuty


Cabai Hot Beauty

Nawangsih, A. A.,

Cabai Hot Beauty

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta

Cabai hot beauty

Nawangsih, A. A.

Cabai hot beauty

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Cabai hot beauty

Nawangsih, A. A.

Cabai hot beauty

Penbar Swadaya, Jakarta

Cabai hot beauty

Nawangsih, A. A.

Cabai hot beauty

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta



Bercocok tanam sayuran dataran rendah

Balai Penelitian Hortikultura, Lembang.

C4 Grasses and Cereals

Jones, C. A.

C4 Grasses and Cereals

John Wiley & Sons. Inc, New York. pp. 2-189.

C4 grasses and Cereals

Jones, C.A.

C4 grasses and Cereals

John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. 2-189.

C4 grasses and Cereals

Jones, C.A.

C4 grasses and Cereals

John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 2-189.

By-products of wood carbonozation IV. components of wood vinegars. T

Yatagai M.,

By-products of wood carbonozation IV. components of wood vinegars. T

sukuba International Centre.

By-Products Of The Cane Sugar Industry


An Intriduction To Their Industrial Utization. Sugar Series 11

Elsevier Amsterdam

By-Products of The Cane Sugar Industry



Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Elsevier Publ.Co. Amsterdam Hlm 1381 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


By-Products of The Cane Sugar Industry

Paturau, J.M.,

By-Products of The Cane Sugar Industry

Elsevier Publishing Company, AmsterdamLondon-New York

By-Product of The Cane Sugar Industry.

Paturau, J. M.

Elsevier Sci. Publ., Amsterdam.

By-Product from milk.

Witter, E. O.

The AVI publishing company Inc. Westport, Connecticut.

BYMV pada Tanaman Kedelai

Roechan M

BYMV pada Tanaman Kedelai

Balitan Bogor

BYMV pada Tanaman Kedelai

Roechan M

BYMV pada Tanaman Kedelai

Balitan Bogor

Byfolan Liquid Fertilizer Containing Trace Element


By products of the cane sugar industry

Puturou, J.M.

By products of the cane sugar industry

Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., Amsterdam.

By Product of the Sugar cane Industry an Introduction to their Industrial Utization

Paturan, J.M.

By Product of the Sugar cane Industry an Introduction to their Industrial Utization

Elsevier Scientific.

By product of the cane suger industry

Puturou, J.M.

By product of the cane suger industry

Elseviar Scientivic Publishing Co., Amsterdam.

By Product of the Cane Sugar Industry


By Product of the Cane Sugar Industry

Elseiver Scientific Publishing Company. New Vork.

Bw\.a'i\aCTV Sayuran Daun

Soedw^oadWïAso, S

Bw\.a'i\aCTV Sayuran Daun

Karya Bani. Jakwta

Butterfly fishes of the family Chaetodontidae at Hila reef, Ambon, Maluku, Indonesia

K.T. Mackay

Butterfly fishes of the family Chaetodontidae at Hila reef, Ambon, Maluku, Indonesia

Fakultas Perikanan, Universitas Pattimura (Unpublished)

Butterfly and angelfishes of the world Vol. 2

G.R. Allen

Butterfly and angelfishes of the world Vol. 2

A Wiley Interscience Publication John Wiley & Sons, New York

Business Research Methods

Emory, W.C.

Business Research Methods

Richard D. Irwin, Inc, USA

Business Marketing Management , Strategic View of Industrial and Organisational Markets 6th ed.

Hutt. M.D

Business Communication

Wiliam C. Himstreet.


Bayer Leverkusen Division, West Germany Vol. 15

The Dryden Press, Harcourt Brase College

Business Communication

Richard D Irwin. Inc Illinois Hlm 1382 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Burung-burung Terancam Punah di Indonesia. Penyunting J. Shannaz, P. Jepson & Rudyanto.

PHPA/MoF-BirdLife Indonesia Programme

Burung-burung Terancam Punah di Indonesia. Penyunting J. Shannaz, P. Jepson & Rudyanto.

Burung-burung Terancam Punah di Indonesia

Rudyanto, J

Burung-burung Terancam Punah di Indonesia

Penerbit PT. Sukses sejah-tera. Jakarta.

Bureaucracy and the Poor: Closing the Gap. Manila,

Korten, D.C

Bureaucracy and the Poor: Closing the Gap. Manila,

Asian Institute of Management. Philippines.

Buraucratic Theory, Meet Reality : Public Choice and Service Contracting in DS Local Govemment,

Boyne, G.A

Public Administration Review

Bunga Sedap Malam Cara Bercocok Tanam dan Pengusahaannya di Bangil Kabupaten Pasuruan

Adisasmito, K

Bunga Sedap Malam Cara Bercocok Tanam dan Pengusahaannya di Bangil Kabupaten Pasuruan

Bunga Rampai Hukum Pidana


Bunga Potong.

Widyawan, R.,

Bunga Potong.

Lembaga llmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Jakarta.

Bunga Anggrek Permata Belantara Indonesia

Latief, S.M.

Bunga Anggrek Permata Belantara Indonesia

Penerbit Sumur Bandung, Bandung. 442 hlm.

Keluarga Tani I (6), Surabaya.

Alumni, Bandung

Buletin Statistik dan Ekonomi Ternak.

Dit. Bina Program, Jakarta.

Buletin Statistik dan Ekonomi Ternak.


Direktorat Bina Program, Dirjen Peternakan, Jakarta.

Buletin Ringkas BPS. Buku teks Wilson dan Gisvold kimia farmasi dan mendisinal organik. Edisi VIII

BPS. Doerge, R. F.

BPS. JB. Lippicott Company, Philadelphia-Toronto

Buku Teks Histologl Veteriner I (Terjemahan oleh Hartano). Ed. Ketiga

Dellman, H.D.

Buku Teks Histologl Veteriner I (Terjemahan oleh Hartano). Ed. Ketiga

Ul Press. Jakarta.

Buku Teks Histologi Veteriner, Hartona (Penerjemah).


Buku Teks Histologi Veteriner, Hartona (Penerjemah).

Ul Press. 147 pp.

Buku Teks Fisiologi Kedokteran. Bag. 2. Edisi 5. Diterjemahkan: A. Dharma dan P.Lukmanto.

Guyton, A.C.

Buku Teks Fisiologi Kedokteran. Bag. 2. Edisi 5. Diterjemahkan: A. Dharma dan P.Lukmanto.

ECG Penerbit Buku Kedokteran, Jakarta.p. 327-339.


Buku teks Wilson dan Gisvold kimia farmasi dan mendisinal organik. Edisi VIII

Hlm 1383 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Buku Tatanan Praktek Peggelolaaan Hutan Indonesia.


Buku Tatanan Praktek Peggelolaaan Hutan Indonesia.

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan dan Perkebunan. Jakarta.

Buku Tahunan,

Universitas Brawijaya

Buku Tahunan,

Biro Administrasi Perencanaan dan Sistem Informasi Universitas Brawijaya. Malang.

Buku Tahunan Statistik Perikanan Tingkat I Propinsi Riau, Pekanbaru. 86 hal.

Dinas Perikanan Tingkat I Riau

Buku Tahunan Statistik Perikanan Tingkat I Propinsi Riau, Pekanbaru. 86 hal.

Buku Tahunan 1989 - 1990

Dinas Peternakan Jawa Tengah

Buku Tahunan 1989 - 1990

Dinas Peternakan Propinsi Dati I JaTeng. Ungaran

Buku Statistik Peternakan.

Dirtjen. Peternakan, Jakarta.

Buku Statistik Peternakan.

Direktorat Jendral Peternakan Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta

Buku Statistik Peternakan. Buku Statistik Peternakan.


Buku Statistik Peternakan.

Ditjen. Peternakan.

Direktorat Jendral Peternakan. Departemen Pertanian RI.

Buku Statistik Peternakan.

Buku Statistik Peternakan.

Dinas Peternakan Tingkat I Sumatera Barat.

Buku Statistik Peternakan.

Buku Statistik Peternakan.

Ditjen Peternakan, Dep. Pertanian

Buku Statistik Peternakan tahun 1993

Direktorat jenderal peternakan, Jakarta.

Buku Statistik Peternakan 1994

Buku Statistik Peternakan 1994

Direktorat Jen deral Peternakan, Jakarta.

Buku Statistik Peternakan

Buku Statistik Peternakan

Departemen Pertanian. Ditjen Peternakan, Jakarta.

Buku Sta-tistik Peternakan

Ditjen. Peternakan. Deptan. Rl, Jakarta.

Buku Sta-tistik Peternakan

Direktorat Bina Program

Buku statistik peternakan


Direktorat jenderal peternakan, Jakarta

Buku statistik peternakan


Direktorat jenderal peternakan, jakarta


Hlm 1384 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Buku statistik peternakan

Direktorat jenderal peternakan

Buku statistik peternakan

Direktorat jenderal peternakan

Buku statistik peternakan

Dir. Jen. Peternakan

Buku Statistik Peternakan

Ditjen Petemakan

Buku Statistik Peternakan

Judul Buku

Penerbit Direktorat jenderal peternakan, Departemen pertanian, Jakarta

Statistical book on livestock, Jakarta. Direktorat jenderal peternakan bekerja sama dengan ASOHI Jakarta Buku Statistik Peternakan

Departemen Pertanian. Jakarta

Buku Statistik Peternakan

Direktorat Jenderal Peternakan. Jakarta.

Buku Statistik Peternakan

Disnak Tk I Propinsi Jawa Tengah

Deptan. Jakarta

Buku statistik peternakan


Direktorat Jendral Peternakan. Departemen Pertanian Jakarta

Buku Statistik Peternakan

Dir. Jen. Peternakan

Buku Statistik Peternakan

Dir. Jen. Peternakan Bekerjasama dengan Asohi. Jakarta

Buku Statistik Petemakan


Buku Statistik Petemakan

Direktorat Jenderal Peternakan

Buku Statistik Petemakan


Buku Statistik Petemakan

Direktorat Jendral Petemakan. Ja-karta

Buku Statistic Peternakan


Buku Statistic Peternakan

Direktorat Jenderal Peternakan, Jakarta.

Buku saku statistik kelapa sawit

Manurung A

Buku Saku Statistik

Badan pusat Statistk

Buku Saku Peternakan.


Dit. Bina Program, Ditjen Peternakan, Jakarta.

Buku saku peternakan 1998

Dit. Jen. Peternakan


Buku Saku Peternakan

Direktorat Jenderal Peternakan.

Direktorat Jenderal Bina Program. Jakarta.


PPKS Buku Saku Statistik

Biro pusat Statistik. Jakarta

Hlm 1385 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Buku Saku Diagnosis Gangguan Jiwa

Maslim. R

Rujukan Ringkas Dari PPDGJ III, Jakarta

Buku Saku BPS Sumatera Barat Padang.


Buku Saku BPS Sumatera Barat Padang.

BPS Sumatera Barat Padang.

Buku Pintar P4K

Departemen Pertanian

Suatu Proyek Pengembangan Sumberdaya Manusia Bagi Keluarga Petani -Nelayan Kecil

Badan pendidikan dan Latihan Pertanian, Departemen Pertanian. Jakarta

Buku PetunjukBudidaya Walet Secara Modern

Nugroho, E.

Buku PetunjukBudidaya Walet Secara Modern

Semarang: Eka Offset.

Buku Petunjuk perencanaan Irigasi, Sub Dir. Perencanaan teknis Dirjen Pengairan Dep PU


Buku Penyusunan Kriteria Kesesuaian Lahan untuk Komoditas Pertanian. Versi 1

Djaenudin D.

Buku Pengawasan proyek pengerukan Pelabuhan dan Alur pelayaran, Daerah Pealyaran III & lainnya

Dirjen Perhubungan laut

Buku peladjaran patologi chusus veteriner

Ressang, A. A

Buku peladjaran patologi chusus veteriner

Departemen Urusan Research Nasional Repubilk Indonesia. Djakarta.

Buku Pegangan Kuliah Ilmu Titik Ternak

Soenarjo, C.H.

Buku Pegangan Kuliah Ilmu Titik Ternak

CV. Baru Jakarta.

Buku Pedoman. Anemi, Gizi, Penetapan Masalah, Pengolahan dan Pengobatan


Puslitbang Gizi, Depkes R.I.Bogor

Buku Pedoman Terapi Diet dan Nutrisi

Moore M.C

Hipokrates, Jakarta

Buku Pedoman Survei Luas Panen Padi Sawah di Jawa Bara, Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur ( Agricultural Statistical Technology Improvement and Training Project )

Departemen Pertanian

Buku Pedoman Survei Luas Panen Padi Sawah di Jawa Bara, Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur ( Agricultural Statistical Technology Improvement and Training Project )




Buku Penyusunan Kriteria Kesesuaian Lahan untuk Komoditas Pertanian. Versi 1

Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat, Bogor. Jakarta

kerjasama Teknis Departemen Pertanian JICA.Jakarta

Hlm 1386 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Buku Pedoman Survei Luas Panen Padi Sawah di Jawa Bara, Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur ( Agricultural Statistical Technology Improvement and Training Project )

Departemen Pertanian

Buku Pedoman Survei Luas Panen Padi Sawah di Jawa Bara, Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur ( Agricultural Statistical Technology Improvement and Training Project )

kerjasama Teknis Departemen Pertanian JICA.Jakarta

Buku Pedoman Pengenalan Sumberdaya Perikanan Laut. Bagian I. Jenis-jenis Ikan Ekonomis Penting

Dirjen Perikanan

Buku Pedoman Pengenalan Sumberdaya Perikanan Laut. Bagian I. Jenis-jenis Ikan Ekonomis Penting

Direktoral Jenderal Perikanan, Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta. 170 p.

Buku Pedoman Pengenalan Smber Perikanan Darat Bag/an / (Jenis-jenis Ikan Ekonomi Penting).

Djajadiredja, R,

Buku Pedoman Pengenalan Smber Perikanan Darat Bag/an / (Jenis-jenis Ikan Ekonomi Penting).

Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan. Jakarta. 96 pp.

Buku Pedoman Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan Pencemaran Industri Pulp dan Kertas.

Badan Litbang Industri.

Buku Pedoman Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan Pencemaran Industri Pulp dan Kertas.

Direktorat Penyelidikan Masalah Air, Departemen Perindustrian, Jakarta.

Buku Pcdoman Pcngenalan Sumberdaya Perikanan Laut, Bagian I. Jenis-Jenis Ikan Ekonimis Penting

Dirjen Perikanan

Buku Pcdoman Pcngenalan Sumberdaya Perikanan Laut, Bagian I. Jenis-Jenis Ikan Ekonimis Penting

Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan, Departemen Pertania, Jakarta. 170 p.

Buku Panduan Teknik Pengelolaan Lahan Basah,.


Buku Operasional Pengendalian Terpadu Hama Pengisap Buah Lada Dasynus piperis China

PHPA/AWB Bogor. 1-14. Buku Operasional Pengendalian Terpadu Hama Pengisap Buah Lada Dasynus piperis China

Direktorat Bina Perlindungan Tanaman, Departemen Pertanian. Jakarta. Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan. 1997. Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia 1995-97. Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan, Jakarta. 56 hlm.

Buku Mutu Air Laut Untuk Biota Laut (Budidaya Perikanan).

Dirjen Perikanan Rl.

Buku Mutu Air Laut Untuk Biota Laut (Budidaya Perikanan).

Departemen Pertanian. Jakarta. Hadi, S.

Buku Monograf Khitin dan Khitosan.

Suhadi, Santoso, U.,

Buku Monograf Khitin dan Khitosan.

PAU. Pangan dan Gizi. UGM, Yogyakarta 73 pp.


Hlm 1387 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Buku Materi Pokok Metode Statistika II.


Buku Materi Pokok Metode Statistika II.

Universitas Terbuka. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Jakarta

Buku Manual SPS (Seri Program Stalistik). Paket Midi.

Hadi, S.,

Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta: 131pp.

Buku latihan SPSS parametrik


PT. Elex Media Komputindo, Jakarta

Buku Krasifikasi Industri : Pembagian Cabang, Jenis dan Komoditi masing - masing Kelompok Industri


Buku Krasifikasi Industri : Pembagian Cabang, Jenis dan Komoditi masing - masing Kelompok Industri

Department Perindustrian, Jakarta.

Buku Informasi Peternakan di Jawa Tengah.

Buku Informasi Peternakan

Buku Informasi Peternakan di Jawa Tengah

Dinas Peternakan Propinsi Dati I Jawa Tengah. Ungaran

Buku dan Peta Satuan Lahan dan Tanah.

LREP I P. Sumatra.

Buku dan Peta Satuan Lahan dan Tanah. Buku dan Monogrrf Teknologi Penyimpanan Pangan

Syarief, Rizal

Buku dan Monogrrf Teknologi Penyimpanan Pangan

Laboratorium Rekayasa Pangan. PAU Pangan dan Gizi. IPB Bogor

Buku dan Monograf Teknologi Penyimpanan Pangan

Syarief, R

Buku dan Monograf Teknologi Penyimpanan Pangan

Laboratorium Rekayasa Pangan Pusat Antar Universitas Pangan Dan Gizi Institut Pertanian Bogor

Buku dan Monograf Teknologi Pengemasan Pangan. Laboratorium Rekayasa Proses Pangan

Syarief, R.

Buku dan Monograf Teknologi Pengemasan Pangan. Laboratorium Rekayasa Proses Pangan

PAU Pangan dan Gizi, IPB, Bogor.

Buku ajar fisiologi kedokteran

Guyton, A. C.

Buku Statistik Peternakan, Statistical Book on Livestock 1997

EGC. Penerbit buku kedokteran, Jakarta Buku Statistik Peternakan, Statistical Book on Livestock 1997

Direktorat Jenderal Peternakan, Jakarta.

Budidaya.Tanaman Padi Di Indonesia

Siregar, H.

Budidaya.Tanaman Padi Di Indonesia

Gatra Hudaya. Bogor.

Budidaya, Pengolahan dan Pernasaran Coklat


Budidaya, Pengolahan dan Pernasaran Coklat

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta

Budidaya, Pengolahan dan Pemasaran Coklat.

Siregar, T.H.S.,

Budidaya, Pengolahan dan Pemasaran Coklat.

Penerbit Swadaya, 170 hal.


Hlm 1388 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Budidaya, Pengolahan dan Pemasaran Cokelat

Tumpal H. S. Siregar

Budidaya, Pengolahan dan Pemasaran Rumput Laut

Indriani, Hety

Budidaya walet. Budidaya vanili dan analisis ekonomi .

Whendrato, I. Santoso, H. B.

Budidaya Umbikayu

Wagiono, J.

Budidaya Umbikayu

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta

Budidaya Udang Windu


Budidaya Udang Windu

Penerbit Swadaya. Anggota IKAPI. Jakarta

Budidaya Udang di Tambak. dalam: Udang (biologi, potensi, budidaya, produksi dan udang sebagai bahan makanan di Indonesia). Editor Aprilani Soegiarto, Victor Toro dan Kinarti A. S

Poemomo, Alie

Budidaya Udang di Tambak. dalam: Udang (biologi, potensi, budidaya, produksi dan udang sebagai bahan makanan di Indonesia). Editor Aprilani Soegiarto, Victor Toro dan Kinarti A. S


Budidaya Udang di Tambak

Poernomo, A.

K. Sugianto, A. Sugianto dan V. Torro (eds.). Udang, Biologi, Potensi, Budidaya, Produksi dan Udang Sebagai Makanan di Indonesia

LON-LIPI, Jakarta. Hal. 77-170.

Budidaya udang di tambak Budidaya Ubi-Ubian dan Sayuran

Poernomo, A Sjechnadarfuddin

.. LON-LIPI Materi Kuliah Jurusan Penyuluhan Pertanian. APP Malang

Budidaya Ubi Kayu Dan Hubungannya Dengan Konservasi Tanah


Budidaya Ubi Kayu

Budidaya tomat dan analisis usahatani.

Cahyono, B.

Budidaya Tnaman Jagung.


Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan. Bogor.

Budidaya ternak itik.

Setioko, A. R.

Perpustakaan pertaniandan publikasi penelitian. Badan penelitian dan pengembangan pertanian, Jakarta


Judul Buku

Penerbit PT. Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Budidaya, Pengolahan dan Pemasaran Rumput Laut

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta. Eka Offset, Semarang. CV. Sinar Baru Off Set Bandung.

PT. Gramedia Jakarta

Kanisius, Yogyakarta. Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan. Bogor.

Hlm 1389 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Budidaya ternak di daerah transmigrasi Sitiung Proc. Seminar Penelitian Peternakan.


Budidaya ternak di daerah transmigrasi Sitiung Proc. Seminar Penelitian Peternakan.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Peternakan, Bogor.

Budidaya tanaman tropika.

Sastrshidajat, I.R.

Budidaya tanaman tropika.

Usaha Nasional, Surabaya.

Budidaya tanaman tropika

Sastrahidajat, I. R.

Budidaya tanaman tropika

Penerbit Usaha Nasional Surabaya

Budidaya tanaman tropika

Sastrahidajat, I. R.

Penerbit Usaha Nasional Surabaya

Budidaya tanaman tropika

Sastrahidajat, I. R.

Usaha Nasional, Surabaya

Budidaya Tanaman Tropik.

Hidayat, S.

Usaha Nasional Surabaya.

Budidaya Tanaman Tropik Budidaya tanaman tomat

Sastrahidayat, R. Nurtika N

Budidaya Tanaman Tropik AS Duriat (ed)Teknologi prouksi Tomat

Usaha Nas. Surabaya Balitsa Lembang

Budidaya Tanaman Temulawak dan Prospeknya di Indonesia.

Djakamiharja, S. et al.

Budidaya Tanaman Temulawak dan Prospeknya di Indonesia.

UNPAD. Bandung.

Budidaya Tanam-an Sayuran Dataran Rendah. II Tomat. Hasil dan Kumpulan Makalah Kursus Singkat Tanaman Sayuran Tropis Dataran Rendah

Sunarjono, H

Budidaya Tanam-an Sayuran Dataran Rendah. II Tomat. Hasil dan Kumpulan Makalah Kursus Singkat Tanaman Sayuran Tropis Dataran Rendah

Fakultas Pertanian. UNIBRAW. Malang

Budidaya Tanaman Sagu

Departemen Pertanian

Budidaya Tanaman Sagu

Departemen Pertanian Padang

Budidaya Tanaman Pangan di Daerah Pasang Surut

Suastika. KI.W

Pengembangan Terpadu Pertanian Lahan Pasang Surut Lebak (Risalah Pertemuan Nasional )

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan . Departemen Pertanian

Budidaya Tanaman Padi Di Indonesia

Siregar Hadrian

Budidaya tanaman padi di Indonesia

Siregar, H.

Budidaya tanaman padi di Indonesia

PT. Sastra Husada, Jakarta

Budidaya Tanaman Padi di Indonesia

Siregar. H

Sastra Hudaya, Jakarta

Budidaya Tanaman Manggis Budidaya Tanaman Mangga Budidaya Tanaman Mangga Budidaya Tanaman Mangga

Rahmat. R Anonim Anonim Aak.

Kanisius. Yogyakarta Kanisius Yogyakarta Kanisius Yogyakarta Kanisius. Yogyakarta


Budidaya Tanaman Mangga Budidaya Tanaman Mangga Budidaya Tanaman Mangga

Hlm 1390 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Budidaya tanaman jahe (Zingiber officinale) Rosc di Indonesia dan penelitian beberapa aspek budidaya


Budidaya Tanaman Jahe (Zingiber officinale Rosc.).


Budidaya tanaman jagung. Budidaya Tanaman Jagung

Sutoro. Sutoro. Y

Budidaya Tanaman Jagung

Sutoro. Y

Budidaya tanaman hortikultura

Soenarjono H

Dep. P & K

Budidaya tanaman Hortikultura

Azhari, H. D.

UGM Yogyakarta

Budidaya tanaman cabai merah dalam produksi cabai merah

Sumarni, A

Budidaya tanaman cabai merah

Sumarni, N.

Budidaya tanaman cabai merah

Sumarni, N.

Budidaya tanaman cabai merah

Puslitbangtan Hortikultura, Balitthor

Budidaya tanaman cabai merah

Sumaryono, H.

Budidaya tanaman cabai merah

Sinar Baru, Bandung

Budidaya tanaman cabai merah

Sumarni, N.

Teknlogi budidaya cabai merah,

Balitsa, Bandung

Budidaya tanaman berkhasiat obat.

Kartasapoetra, G.

Budidaya tanaman berkhasiat obat.

Rieneka Cipta, Jakarta.

Budidaya tanaman berkasiat obat

Kartasapoetra, G.

Budidaya tanaman berkasiat obat

Penerbit Rineka Cipta, Jakarta

Budidaya Tanaman Berbunga Indah


Budidaya Tanaman Berbunga Indah

Yayasan Bunga Nusantara dan Dirjen Pertanian Tanaman Pangan, Jakarta

Budidaya Tanaman Bawang Merah. Teknologi Produksi Bawang Merah


Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hortikultura

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian

Budidaya tamanan jagung

Muhadjir. F.


Pusat penelitian dan pengembangan tanaman Pangan. Bogor.

Budidaya seriti.

Whendrato, I.


Judul Buku

Penerbit Lembaga Penelitian Tanaman Industri (LPTI) Bogor

Budidaya Tanaman Jahe (Zingiber officinale Rosc.).

Balittro, Bogor.

Balitbangtan Puslitbangtan. Bogor Jagung

Balai penelitian tanaman sayuran

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan. Bogor

Pusat penelitian dan pengembangan hortikultura Puslitbang Hortikultura, Balitthor

Eka Offset, Semarang. Hlm 1391 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Budidaya Sengon Budidaya Sengon Budidaya sarang walet. Budidaya Rumput Laut Budidaya Rumput Laut Budidaya rumpu laut

Santoso, H.B. Santoso, B Wibowo, S. Asian, L. Asian, M. Laode Asian

Budidaya Sengon Budidaya Sengon

Kanisius, Yogyakarta Kanisius, Yogyakarta Arkola, Suabaya. Kanisius. Yogyakarta. Kanisius, Yogyakarta. Penerbit Kanisius Yogyakarta

Budidaya rambutan varietas unggul

Kalie, M. B.

Budidaya Pucung. Usaha Produksi Kluak dan Minyak Kepayang.

Sunarto, H.

Budidaya Pucung. Usaha Produksi Kluak dan Minyak Kepayang.

Kanisius, Yogyakarta.

Budidaya Pucung. Usaha Produksi Kluak dan Minyak Kepayang.

Sunarto, H.

Budidaya Pucung. Usaha Produksi Kluak dan Minyak Kepayang.

Kanisius, Yokyakarta

Budidaya pisang raja Budidaya Pertanian Tanpa Olah Tanah

Zuhairini, E. Utomo, M.

Teknologi Untuk Pertanian Berkelajutan

UNILA. Lampung

Budidaya Pepaya.

Sudaryono. T

Budidaya Pepaya.

Dept Pertanian. PPSEP. BP Teknologi Pertanian Karangploso, Malang

Budidaya pepaya,

Samsudin US

Budidaya Peningkatan Produksi Padi Sawah, Gogorancah dan Gogo

Partohardjono, S. H.

Budidaya Padi, Jagung, Kedelai


Budidaya nenas: Pengolahan dan pemasaran


Budidaya nenas: Pengolahan dan pemasaran

C.V. Aneka, Solo

Budidaya Nenas pengolahan dan pemasaran


Budidaya Nenas pengolahan dan pemasaran

CV. Aneka Solo

Budidaya Nangka

Rukmana, R.

Penerbit Kanisius , Yogyakarta 75 Hal

Budidaya nangka Budidaya melinjo dan usaha produksi emping.

Rukmana, R. Sunanto, Hatta.

Kanisius, Yogyakarta Penerbit Kanisisus. Yogyakarta.

Budidaya Mawang Merah


Budidaya Manggis

Rukmana, R.


Budidaya Rumput Laut Budidaya Rumput Laut Budidaya rumpu laut

Kanisius Jakarta

Pustaka Budaya, Bandung Hasil Penelitian Padi dan Palawija dalam Pembangunan Pertanian Buku II

Puslitbangtan, Bogogr


Budidaya melinjo dan usaha produksi emping.

Penerbit Swadaya Jakarta Budidaya Manggis

Kanisius. Yogya karta

Hlm 1392 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Budidaya Lorong teknologi Bermasukan Terjangkau Petani Sebagai Pilihan Berusaha Tani Konservatif

Soepardi. G

Budidaya Kubis (Brassica).

Sunarjono, H.

Budidaya Kubis (Brassica).

Soeroengan, Jakarta. 43 hal

Budidaya Kubis (Brassica) Penting di Indonesia.

Sunariono, H.

Budidaya Kubis (Brassica) Penting di Indonesia.

Lembaga Penelitian Hortikultura, Pasarminggu. Jakarta.

Budidaya Kerarnba: Suatu Metode Produksi Ikan di Indonesia,

Schmittou, H.R.

Budidaya Kerarnba: Suatu Metode Produksi Ikan di Indonesia,

FRDP, Puslit-bang Perikanan, Jakarta Indonesia

Budidaya Keramba: Suatu Metode Produksi Ikan di Indonesia. FRDP.

Schmittou, H.R.

Budidaya Keramba: Suatu Metode Produksi Ikan di Indonesia. FRDP.

Puslitbang Perikanan. Jakarta. Indonesia. 126 pp.

Budidaya keramba: Suatu Metode Produksi Ikan di Indonesia.

Schmittou, H. R.,

Budidaya keramba: Suatu Metode Produksi Ikan di Indonesia.

FRDP. Puslitbang Perikanan. Jakarta Indonesia. 126 pp.

Budidaya Kepiting Bakau dan Biologi Ringkas.

Kasry, A.

Budidaya Kepiting Bakau dan Biologi Ringkas.

Penerbit Bhratara Niaga Media, .lakarta. lOF) pp.

Budidaya Kentang.

Soenarjono, Hendro.

Budidaya Kentang.

PT. Bina Ilmu Surabaya.

Budidaya kemiri komoditas ekspor

Sunanto H

Penerbit Kanisius

Budidaya kemiri komoditas ekspor

Sunanto H

Penerbit Kanisius

Budidaya kegunaan dan prospek sengon


Budidaya Kedelai

Djakamihardja. D

Budidaya kayumanis di Desa Kebumen, Baturaden, Banyumas.

Aminudin, S.

Budidaya kambing perah

Dit. Jen. Peternakan


Budidaya Kacang Tanah

Adi Sarwanto

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Malang

Budidaya Jamur Shitake dengan Polybag Berisi Serbuk Gergaji

Yeh-Hsüen, Y.


Judul Buku

Penerbit Tim studi Kapur. IPB. Bogor

Budidaya kegunaan dan prospek sengon

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta CV. Pustaka Buana. Bandung

Dalam Prosiding-1: Seminar, Lokakarya, Pembudidayaan Tanaman Obat dan Pameran Obat Tradisional.

Budidaya Jamur Shitake dengan Polybag Berisi Serbuk Gergaji

Universitas Jenderal Sudirman, Purwokerto.

Dinas Pertanian Dl. Yogyakarta

Hlm 1393 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Budidaya jamur Edible

Nurfalakhi, A.

Budidaya jamur Edible

Balai Teknologi Pertanian Bedali-Lawang, Malang.

Budidaya Jambu Mete, Pengipasan Glondong

Saragih, Y.P

Budidaya Jambu Mete, Pengipasan Glondong

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Budidaya jahe muda di Hawaii

Takeda, K.Y

Budidaya Jagung.


Budidaya jagung di lahan gambut dalam No. 05/B/A1MJ/P2TP/96-97


Budidaya Ikan.

Mulyadi, 0.

Budidaya Ikan.

CV. Yasa Guna. Jakarta. 90 hal.

Budidaya Ikan Nila.


Budidaya Ikan Nila.

CV Dewi Sri. Jakarta. 86 hal.

Budidaya Ikan Nila, Cetakan ke 2

Mudjiman. A

Budidaya Ikan Nila, Cetakan ke 2

Cv. Yasaguna. Jakarta

Budidaya Ikan Mas, Nila, Tawes dan Gurame. Cetakan 6.

Sukma, O.M

Budidaya Ikan Mas, Nila, Tawes dan Gurame. Cetakan 6.

CV. Yasaguna. Jakarta

Budidaya Ikan Gurami.

Susanto, H

Budidaya Ikan Gurami.

Kanisius, Yogyakarta. hlm. 35-40.

Budidaya Ikan di Pekarangan.

Susanto, H.

Budidaya Ikan di Pekarangan.

PT. Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta. 140 hal.

Budidaya Ikan di Jaring Terapung

Rochdianto, A.

Budidaya Ikan di Jaring Terapung

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Budidaya Ikan dan udang dalam tambak.

Soeseno, S.

Budidaya Ikan dan udang dalam tambak.

PT. Gramedia. Jakarta. 220 hal.

Budidaya Gurame

Sitanggang, M

Seri Perikanan XXI/181/87.

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.

Budidaya dan usaha tani sengon laut berskala kecil

Agustina, L.

Budidaya dan usaha tani sengon laut berskala kecil

Universitas Brawijaya

Budidaya dan Penyulingan Nilam

Sudaryani. T.


P.T. BAT Indonesia, Ungaran Budidaya Jagung.

Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Biromaru-lnstalasi Penelitian dan Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Kalasey Sulawesi Utara, Manado.

Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Sukarami. Departemen Pertanian

Penebar Swadaya

Hlm 1394 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Budidaya dan Pengolahan Sorgum.

Mudjisihono, R.

Budidaya dan Pengolahan Sorgum


Budidaya dan Pengolahan Sorgum

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.

Budidaya dan Pengolahan Kopi.

Yahmadi, M.

Budidaya dan Pengolahan Kopi.

Balai Penelitian Perkebunan. Bogor.

Budidaya dan pengolahan kopi

Yahmadi, M.

Budidaya dan pengolahan kopi

Balai penelitian perkebunan Bogor

Budidaya dan Pengolahan Kopi

Yahmadi, M

Budidaya dan Pengolahan Hasil Kedelai.


Budidaya dan Pengolahan Hasil Kedelai.


Budidaya dan Pengolahan Coklat


Budidaya dan Pengolahan Coklat

Balai Pene litian Perkebunan. Jember

Budidaya dan Pengolahajn Kakao


Budidaya dan pasca panen gambir serta permasalahannya.


Budidaya dan pasca panen gambir serta permasalahannya.

Biro Bina Pengembangan Sarana Perekonomian Dati I Sumbar.

Budidaya dan pasca panen gambir


Budidaya dan pasca panen gambir

Dinas Perkebunan dati I Propinsi Sumatera barat

Budidaya dan pasca panen gambir

Disbun Sumbar

Budidaya dan bisnis sarang walet.


Budidaya dan Bisnis Sarang Walet


Budidaya dan Bisnis Sarang Walet

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.

Budidaya dan Bisnis Sarang Burung Walet


Budidaya dan Bisnis Sarang Burung Walet

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta.

Budidaya dan Aneka Jenis


Budidaya dan Aneka Jenis

Penebar Swadaya, jakarta

Budidaya cacing tanah dan pemanfaatannya

Simanjuntak, A. K.

Budidaya Bunga Potong.


Budidaya Bunga Potong.

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta.

Budidaya Beberapa Sayuran Bemilai Ekonomi Tinggi

Yohana, F

Budidaya Beberapa Sayuran Bemilai Ekonomi Tinggi


Budidaya Bawang, Seri Pertanian

Wibowo, S

Budidaya Bawang, Seri Pertanian

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Budidaya bawang putih, merah dan bombay

Singgih, W.


Judul Buku

Penerbit Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.

SBPB. Jember

BPP Bogor, Sub BPP Jember

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta.

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Penebar Swadaya Jakarta

Hlm 1395 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Budidaya Bawang Putih, Bawang Merah dan Bawang Bombay


Jakarta, Penebar Swadaya

Jakarta, Penebar Swadaya

Budidaya Bawang Putih , Bawang Merah dan Bawang Bombay

Wibowo S

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta

Budidaya bawang putih Budidaya bawang Merah (Allium Ascolonicum L.)

Kusumo, S. Sunarjono, H

CV. Yasaguna, Jakarta Sinar baru Bandung

Budidaya bawang merah (Allium Ascalonicum)


Budidaya bawang merah (Allium Ascalonicum)

CV. Sinar Baru, Bandung

Budidaya Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonicum)


Budidaya Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonicum)

CV. Sinar Baru, Bandung

Budidaya Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonicum)


Budidaya Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonicum)

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Budidaya bawang merah (Allium ascalonicum (L))

Suwardjono, Hendro

Budidaya bawang merah (Allium ascalonicum (L))

Sinar Baru, Bandung

Budidaya bawang merah (Allium ascalonicum (L))


Budidaya bawang merah (Allium ascalonicum (L))

Penerbit Swadaya Jakarta

Budidaya bawang daun unggulan

Utami, K. P.

Budidaya Bawang


Budidaya Bawang

Penerbit Swadaya Jakarta

Budidaya bawang


Budidaya bawang

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Budidaya Bawanf Merah (Allium Ascalonicum. L)

Soerjono. H

Budidaya Bandeng Umpan, Prospek dan Permasalalum.nya.

Cholik, F.

Budidaya Bandeng Umpan, Prospek dan Permasalalum.nya.

Balai Penelitian Budidaya Pantai, Maros. Ifi pp.

Budidaya bandeng (Chanos chanos Forsk)

F. Cholik

Budidaya Perikanan

Badan Pendidikan Latihan dan Penyuluhan Pertanian, Departemen Pertanian Bogor

Budidaya Ayam Beskisar dan Ayam Hutan


Eka Offset.Semarang.

Budidaya Ayam Bekisar dan Ayam Hutan

Whendarto, I

Budidaya Ayam Bekisar dan Ayam Hutan

Eka Offset. Semarang

Budidaya artemia dengan dosis bungkil kelapa yang berbeda di tambak.


Budidaya artemia dengan dosis bungkil kelapa yang berbeda di tambak.

J. Penelitian Budidaya Pantai 8(4): 25-30.

Budidaya Apel

Soelarso, B

Budidaya Apel

Kanisius. Yogjakarta


Sinar Baru Bandung

Hlm 1396 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Budidaya Anggur.

Departemen Pertanian.

Budidaya Anggur.

Balai Informasi Pertanian Jawa Timur, Surabaya.

Budidaya Ikan Tambak Bandeng dan Udang.


Budidaya Ikan Tambak Bandeng dan Udang

Departemen Pertanian. Balai Informasi Pertanian. Lembang -Jawa Barat

Budi daya udang windu secara semi intensif di tambak tanah gambut

Mustafa, A.

A.M. Pasaribu, S. Saenong, A. Hanafi, N.I. Sidik, dan A. Ella (Eds.). Prosiding Seminar Regional Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Spesifik Lokasi, Buku II.

Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Kendari, Kendari. hlm. 820-827.

Budi daya udang dan dampaknya terhadap lingkungan perairan sekitarnya

Cholik, F.

M. Syam, K. Suradisastra, A. Saefudin, dan A. Pakpahan (Eds.). Pengembangan Budi Daya Tambak di Indonesia: Masalah dan Alternatif Pemecahannya.

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian-The Ford Foundation. Jakarta. hlm. 47-60.

Budi daya ubi jalar

Wargiono J

Budi daya tanaman pisang. Produksi Pisang di Indonesia

Sunarjono, H.

Budi daya tanaman pisang. Produksi Pisang di Indonesia

Publikasi Hortikultura, Jakarta.

Budi daya tanaman jahe (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) di Indonesia dan penelitian beberapa aspek budi daya


Budi daya tanaman jahe (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) di Indonesia dan penelitian beberapa aspek budi daya

Lembaga Penelitian Tanaman Industri. Bogor.

Budi daya markisa Dalam Perkembangan Penelitian Hortikultura


Budi daya markisa Dalam Perkembangan Penelitian Hortikultura

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hortikultura, Jakarta. hlm 45-48.

Budi Daya Ikan di Pekarangan

Susanto, H.

Budi Daya Ikan di Pekarangan

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta. 152 hlm.

Budi daya Ikan dan Udang dalam tambak

Slamet Soeseno

Budi daya Ikan dan Udang dalam tambak

Diterbitkan dengan kerjasama Pemerintah DKI Jakarta dan Penerbit Gramedia Jakarta

Budi Daya Gurami. Cetakan kesepuluh

Sitanggang, M

Budi Daya Gurami. Cetakan kesepuluh

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta, hlm. 30.

Budi Daya Bawang Putih, Merah, dan Bombay.

Wibowo, S

Budi Daya Bawang Putih, Merah, dan Bombay.

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta. 194 hlm.


Penerbit Bhatara, Jakarta

Hlm 1397 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Budi daya bandeng intensif di tambak

Ahmad, T.

Perkembangan Terakhir Teknologi Budi Daya Pantai untuk Mendukung Pemulihan Ekonomi Nasional. Bali, 6-7 Agustus. hlm. 23-35.

Budi Daya Anggur.


Budi Daya Anggur.

Balai Penelitian Hortikultura, Solok.

Budi Daya Anggur.

Departemen Pertanian

Budi Daya Anggur.

Balai Informasi Pertanian Jawa Timur, Surabaya.

Budi Daya Anggur.


Budi Daya Anggur.

Balai Penelitian Hortikultura Solok. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hortikultura. Jakarta.

Budi daya air. Seri Studi Pertanian. Kerja sama Jerman dan Indonesia

Bittner, A.

Budi daya air. Seri Studi Pertanian. Kerja sama Jerman dan Indonesia

Yayasan Obor Indonesia.

Budaya Konsumen dan Ctra Perempuan dalam Media Massa, dalam Ibrahim, Idi Subandy dan Suranto, Hanif, ed., Wanita dan Media;


Budaya Konsumen dan Ctra Perempuan dalam Media Massa, dalam Ibrahim, Idi Subandy dan Suranto, Hanif, ed., Wanita dan Media;

Bandung: Rosda.

Budaya Industrial dalam Industri Pers, Dampak Kemasyarakatnnya

Puranto I.A

Alternatif: Jurnal Masalahmasalah Pembangunan

Buah-buahan. Buah-buahan Langka Buah-buahan

Sastrapradja, S. Rini. S Sastrapraja, S.

Buah Komersial


Brush management principles and practices for Texas and the Southwest

Scifres. C

Brosur zat pengatur tumbuh Rootone-F


Brock, the Biology of Microorganisms. Ed ke-8

Madigan MT

Brock, the Biology of Microorganisms. Ed ke-8

New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Brock Biology of Microorganisms. 8th ed

Madigan, M.T.

Brock Biology of Microorganisms. 8th ed

Prentice Hall International Inc.

Broadclub cutlefish, Sepia latimanus page 228-298

M. Yamaguchi

Aquaculture in Tropical Area

Mindoro Shobo Co. Ltd., Japan




Indra Press Lembaga Biologi Nasional - LIPI, Bogor. 133 hlm. Penebar Swadara, Jakarta

Brush management principles and practices for Texas and the Southwest

Texas A&M University Press. College Station PT. Agricarp Indonesia, Jakarta

Hlm 1398 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

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Judul Buku


Broadclub cutlefish (Sepia latimanus).

Yamaguchi, M.

Shokita, S.K. Kakazu, A. Tamori, and T. Toma. (Eds). Aquaculture Tropical Area.

Midoro Shobo Co. Ltd. Japan p. 288-298.

British Standard Plywood. BS6566.


British Standard Plywood. BS6566.

British Standards Institution (BSI), London.

Breeding, field crops Breeding wheat (T. aestivum) for aluminium toxicity tolerance at CIMMYT.

Poehlman, JM Rajaram, S

Breeding, field crops In : NE Bassam et al (Ed). Genetic aspects of plant mineral nutrition

Avi Publ. Connecticut Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht, Netherlands

Breeding the yield frontier of rice

Kush, G. S.

Breeding programs for dairy cattle development in the tropicswith Special references to Malaysia

Sivarajasingam, D

Livestock production and Disease

Proc. 5th Conf. Of Tropical Vet. Med.

Breeding plants for less favorable environments

Christiansen, M.N.

Breeding pearl millet


In : J Janick (ed). Plant breeding reviews

Avi Publ Co, westport

Breeding of cross-pollinated crops.

McWhirter KS

Halloran, GM R Knight KS McWhirter, DHB Sparrow, Plant breeding

Australian Vice Chancellors Committtee, Brisbane

Breeding of cross-pollinated crops.

McWhirter KS

Halloran, GM R Knight KS McWhirter, DHB Sparrow, Plant breeding

Australian Vice Chancellors Committtee, Brisbane

Breeding of crosspollinated crops.


R. Knight (ed) Plant breeding

Australian Vice Chancellors Comm. Brisbane

Breeding of cross pollination crop

Mc Whirter KS

R. Knight (ed) Plant Breeding. AAUCS

Breeding of Cross Pollinated Crops.

McWhirter, K.S.

R. Knight (Ed) Plant Breeding,

Australian Vice Concellor Commite, Brisbane

Breeding of cross pollinated crops.

mc Whriter

Plant Breeding

Australian Vice Consellors Committee Brisbane

Breeding of Arabica Coffee for Durable Resistence to Leaf Rust Cultivation and Fertilizer Requipment.

Snoeck, J.

Report on Coffee Agronomy and Fertilization in Indonesia.

FAO - Clafiers.


A Wiley Interscience Publication. John Wiley & Sons, Singapore.

Hlm 1399 dari 1800

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Breeding objectives in meat sheep.

Banks, R.G

Animal Breeding, the modern Approach. Postgraduate Foundating in Veterinary Science.

Foundation in Veterinary Science, University of Sydney, Sydney.

Breeding multigenic traits. Pp 97115. In Phillips RL and IK Vasil.

Stuber CW

DNA Based Markers in Plant

Kluwer Acad Publ The Netherlands

Breeding Methods tor Production of Interspecific Hibrids in Clonal Selection and Mass Propagation Programmes in the Tropics and Subtropics

Nikles, G.D.,

Breeding Methods tor Production of Interspecific Hibrids in Clonal Selection and Mass Propagation Programmes in the Tropics and Subtropics

Proceeding of the Regional Symposium on Recent Advances in Mass Clonal Multiplication of Forest Trees tor Plantation Programmes, FAO. Cisarua 1-8 December

Breeding for Nutitional characteristics in cereal

Graham, R.D

N.K. Fageria et al Growth and mineral Nutrition of Field Crops

Marcel Dekker, Inc., NY

Breeding for Morphology Cell and Physiological Traits In Plant Breeding II

Wilson. D

Breeding for Morphological and Physiological Traits

Wilson, D

Breeding for drought and low N tolerance in maize.

Banzinge, M.

Breeding field crops.

Poelman, J. M.

Breeding field crops

Poehlman JM

Breeding biology of the Ediblenest Swiftlets Aerodramus fuciphagus

Langham, N

Breeding biology of the Ediblenest Swiftlets Aerodramus fuciphagus

Langham, N

Breeding bananas and plantains

Rowe, P.

Breeding bananas and plantains

Rowe, P.


IOWA State University

K.J. Frey (ed.) Plant Breeding II

The Iowa State University Press. Minnesota

Breeding field crops.

The AVI Publishing Company, Inc. Iowa State Univ. Press/ Ames. New York

Breeding biology of the Ediblenest Swiftlets Aerodramus fuciphagus



Hlm 1400 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

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Judul Buku


Breeding at 2x level for combined pests and diseases resistence using wild species and extracted haploid from selected tetraploid clones.


Utilization of genetic Resources III

International Potato Center (CIP). Lima Peru.

Breeding Aquarium Fishes. Book 2.

Axelrod, H.R.

Breeding Aquarium Fishes. Book 2.

T.F.H. Publication Inc. Ltd, The British Crown Colony of Hongkong. 352 pp.

Breeding and Selection for Drought Resistance in Tropical Maize.

Fischer, K.S.,

Breeding and Selection for Drought Resistance in Tropical Maize.

CIMMYT. El Batan. Mexico. 19 p.

Breeding and selection for drought resistance in tropical maize

Fisher, K.S.

Breeding and of Farm Animals

F.N., Warwick. E.J..

Breeding and of Farm Animals

McGrawHill Book

Breeding and larval rearing of the Milkfish Chanos chanos. (Pisces: Chanidae)

Vanstone. WE.

A Complication of Seafdec Aqd Technical Paper On Milkfish and Other Finfish. Vol. 1

Aquaculture Departement. Shoutheast Asian Fisheries development Center, Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines.p.ll-26.

Breeding and Improvement of Farm Animals. 5th ed.

Rice, V.A.

Breeding and Improvement of Farm Animals. 5th ed.

McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc., New York, USA

Breeding and Improvement of Farm Animals.

Warwick, E. J.

Breeding and Improvement of farm animal, seventh ed

E.J. Warwick

Breeding and Improvement of Farm Animal

Warwick E.J

Breeding and improvement of farm animal

Rice, V.A

Breeding and improvement of farm animal

Tata McGraw Hill Publish. Co. Ltd. New Delhi

Breeding and Improvement of Farm Animal

Warwick, E.J.

Breeding and Improvement of Farm Animal

Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi


Tate McGrow-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi. Breeding and Improvement of farm animal, seventh ed

Tata McGraw hill Publish. Co. Ltd. New Delhi Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing.Co.New Delhi

Hlm 1401 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Breeding and culture of sea cucumber in China

L. Yonghong

Training Course Aquacultural Technology of Marine Economic Animals, September 17-27, 1996, Qingdao, China

Chinese Center Of Marine Biotechnology, Biotechnology Action Council, United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Brazil and Guatemala : Communications, Rural Modernity, and Structural Constraints

Contreras Eduardo

Communication In The Rural 3rd World : The Role Of Information in The Development

Preager, New York USA

Bravermans Introduction to The Biochemistry of Food

Berk. Z.

Bravermans Introduction to The Biochemistry of Food

Elsvier Scientific Pub Co., Amsterdam.

Brassica species

Downey, R. K.

Brassica species

McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. New York

Brassica Oleraceae L. cv. Groups Cauliflower and Broccoli

Van Der Vosen. H.A.M

Plant Resources Of South East Asia No. 8. Vegetables

Pudoc Scientific Publishers, Wageningan. The Netherlands

Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD). Vido Fact Sheet 11.


Bovine Mastitis.

Schalm, O.W.E.

Bovine Mastitis.

Bovine hematology

Straub, O.C

Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin and Hamburg, pp.14-19, 44-45.

Bovine Embryo Transfer

Kanagawa, H

Bovine Embryo Transfer

Bovine cumulus expansion and coronaoocyte disconnection during culture in vitro. Reproduction, Nutrition and Development.

Laurincik, J.

Bovine cumulus expansion and coronaoocyte disconnection during culture in vitro. Reproduction, Nutrition and Development.

Bound Water in Food.

Kuprianoff, J.,

In Fundamental Aspect of the Dehydration of Foodstuffs.

Society of Chemical Industry, the Macmillan Co., New York.

Botanical Pesticides : Past, Present, and Future

Jacobson. M

Insecticides Of Plant Origin

ACS, Washington. D.C

Botanical Microtehnique.

Sass, J.E.

Botanical Microtehnique.

The loa State univ. Press


Vido University of Saskatchewan, Canada. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia.

Japan International Corporation Agency. Hokaido Branch.

Hlm 1402 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

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Judul Buku


Botanical Microtechtechnique

Sass, JE

Botanical Microtechtechnique

Iowa State Univ.Press Iowa

Botanical Microtechnique. Third edition.

Sass, J.E.,

Botanical Microtechnique. Third edition.

The Iowa College Press. P. 3-219.

Botanical Microtechnique. Ed. ke-3.

Sass, J.E.

Botanical Microtechnique. Ed. ke3.

Iowa: The Iowa State College Press.

Botanical Microtechnique. Ed. Ke-3

Sass, J.E.

Botanical Microtechnique. Ed. Ke3

Iowa: The Iowa State College Press.

Botanical Microtechnique.

Saas, J.E.

Botanical Microtechnique.

Sass, J.E.

Botanical Microtechnique, Third Edition.

Sass, J.E.

Botanical Microtechnique and Cytochemistry

Berlyn, GP

Botanical Microtechnique 3rd

Sass, J. E.

Botanical microtechnique and cytochemistry

Berlyn, G.P

Botanical microtechnique and cytochemistry

Iowa State Uni-versity Press., Ames

Botani Tanaman Tomat. Dalam: A.S. Duriat, W.W. Hadisoeganda, A.D. Permadi, R.M Sinaga, Y. Hilman, R.S. Basuki dan S. Sastrosiswojo (Eds.) Teknologi Produksi Tomat

Budi Jaya

Botani Tanaman Tomat. Dalam: A.S. Duriat, W.W. Hadisoeganda, A.D. Permadi, R.M Sinaga, Y. Hilman, R.S. Basuki dan S. Sastrosiswojo (Eds.) Teknologi Produksi Tomat

Balai. Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hortikultura. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian

Booker Tropical Soil Manual for a Hand Book for soil Survey and Agricultural Land Evaluation the Tropics and Subtropics.

London, J.R

1st ed. Booker Agr.

Int. Limit Great Britain by Pitman Press Limited Both.

Booker Tropical Soil Manual


Booker Agricultural, International Limited, London

Booker Tropical Soil Manual

Landon. J.R

Longman Inc. New York

Booker Tropical Soil Manual

Landon. J.R

Booker Agricultural International Ltd

Booker Tropical Soil Manual

Landon. J.R

Booker Agriculture International Ltd


The Iowa State Univ. Press. Botanical Microtechnique.

The IOWA State Univ. Press, Ames, Iowa. p.228. The Iowa State College Press, Ames, Iowa, USA.

Botanical Microtechnique and Cytochemistry

Iowa State Univ. Press Ames, Iowa The Iowa State College Press, Ames, Iowa, USA

Hlm 1403 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Booker Tropical Manual

Ladon. J.R

Book of Vital World Statistics : A Complete Guide To The World In Figures

The Economist

The Economist Books Limited and The Hutchinson Business Books Limited

Bitain London

Book of Standard.


Book of Standard.

AWPA. Stevensville. Madison.

Book for farmers stock disease.


Boletus in Malaya

Corner, E.J.H.

Bokhasi Bahan Organik dengan tehnologi effektive mikroorganism (EM4, Cara pembuatan dan aplikasi


kerjasama Indonesia Kyusei Natture Farming Societies dengan PT Songgolangit Persada Jkt

Bokhasi Bahan Organik dengan tehnologi effektive mikroorganism (EM4, Cara pembuatan dan aplikasi


kerjasama Indonesia Kyusei Natture Farming Societies dengan PT Songgolangit Persada Jkt

Bokhasi alternatif lain pupuk organik.


Bokashi Hasil Terapan Teknologi EM4.

Pusat Penyuluhan Kehutanan.

Bokashi - Fermentasi Bahan Organik dengan EM-4

Judul Buku

Penerbit Booker Agricultural International. Ltd.

Bayer Leverkusen veterinary department. Germany Boletus in Malaya

Singapore: Singapore Botanic Garden.

Pusat Penyuluhan Kehutanan.

Departemen Kehutanan. Jakarta.

Bokashi - Fermentasi Bahan Organik dengan EM-4

Saptekreasi Group, Jakarta

Body Mass Index; A measure of Chronic Energy Deficiency in Adults.

Shetty P.S

B-lymphocite and their selfrenewal In Avian Immunology : Basis and Practice. Vol I.

Pink, JRL

B-lymphocite and their selfrenewal In Avian Immunology : Basis and Practice. Vol I.

CRC.Press. Inc. Boca Raton. Florida.

Blood Circulation and the cardiovaskuler system physiological properties and celluler and chemical constituents of blood.

Sorenson MJ

In : M Swenson Editor. Duke's Physiology of Domistic Animal, 10th Ed.

Cornell University Press, Ithaca



Hlm 1404 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Blood and Other Body Fluids

Altman, P. L.

Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, MD.

Biudidaya Kedelai

Djakamihardja. D

Bisnis Manis Sayuran Bisnis Informasi, Petunjuk Praktis Berkomunikasi

Surjadi, H John Tondowidjojo

Biro pusat statistik peternakan


Birds to Watch II. The World List of Threatened Birds.

Collar, N. J.

Birds to Watch II. The World List of Threatened Birds.

BirdLife International. Cambridge.

Birds of the Island of Java Bird Trapping and Bird Banding: a Hand Book for Trapping Methods All Over The World

Kuroda, N. Bub, H.

Birds of the Island of Java Bird Trapping and Bird Banding: a Hand Book for Trapping Methods All Over The World

Kuroda, Tokyo. Cornel 1 University Press. New York.

Bioteknologi. Latar Belakang dan Beberapa Penerapannya.


Bioteknologi. Latar Belakang dan Beberapa Penerapannya.

Gramedia Pustaka Intan. Jakarta, p. 8-24.

Bioteknologi tanaman.

Wiendi, N.M.

TIM Laboratorium kultur jaringan tanaman.

PAU Bioteknologi IPB Bogor.

Bioteknologi Tanaman

Wattimena, GA

Tim Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan Tanaman

PAU Bogor

Bioteknologi Latarbelakang dan beberapa penerapannya


Bioteknologi Latarbelakang dan beberapa penerapannya

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.

Bioteknologi dan pertanian dunia ketiga

Hobbelink H

yayasan obor Indonesia, Jakarta

Bioteknologi dalam dunia industri. Edisi I


Andi Offset, Yogyakarta

Bioteknologi biotecnological approach to sweet potato improvement at tuskegee university

Sardjoko Prakash,C.S

Bioteknologi biotecnological approach to sweet potato improvement at tuskegee university

Gramedia, Jakarta Biotechnology and development monitior.

Biotechnology: A Textbook of Industrial Microbiology. 2nd ed.,

Crueger, W.,

Biotechnology: A Textbook of Industrial Microbiology. 2nd ed.,

Sinauer Assc. Inc., Sunderland.

Biotechnology: A Textbook of Industrial Microbiology. 2nd ed.

Crueger, W

Biotechnology: A Textbook of Industrial Microbiology. 2nd ed.

Sinauer Associates, Inc.

Biotechnology of Plant-Microbe Interactions

Nakas, J.P.

Biotechnology of Plant-Microbe Interactions

McGraw-Hill, USA. 348 p.



CV. Pustaka Buana. Bandung Bisnis Manis Sayuran Bisnis Informasi, Petunjuk Praktis Berkomunikasi

Trubus Grasindo, Jakarta Dirjen peternakan

Hlm 1405 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Biotechnology of Plant-Microbe Interaction


Biotechnology of Plant-Microbe Interaction

McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. New York.

Biotechnology of Oil and Fats

Ratledge, C.

Ratledge, C. and S.G. Wilkinson (eds.) Microbial Lipids. Vol. 2

Academic Press, London.

Biotechnology of Biomass Conversion.

Wayman., M

Biotechnology of Biomass Conversion.

Open University Press,

Biotechnology in flavor synthesis

Mor, J.R.

Bessiera, J. and Thomas, A.F. (eds.) Flavor Science and Technology

John Wiley and Sons, Chicester.

Biotechnology : A text-book of industrial microbiology

Crueger, W.,

Biotechnology : A text-book of industrial microbiology

Sinauer Associates Inc.,

Biotechnological applications of cold-adapted organisms, Margensin, R and Schinner, F (Eds).

Ohgiya, S.,

Biotechnological applications of cold-adapted organisms, Margensin, R and Schinner, F (Eds).

Springer. Tokyo.

Biosynthesis of photosynthesis pigments, him. 133-205

Beale, S.I.

N.R. Baker & J. Barber (ed.). Chloroplast Biogenesis

Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.

Biosynthesis of Natural Products.

Manitto, P.

Biosynthesis of Natural Products.

Ellis Horwood Ltd., Publisher. West Sussex.

Biosynthesis of flavor compounds by microorganism

Drawert, F.

there products of monoterpens by the yeast Kluyxerromyces lactis

J. Agric. Food Chem. 26 (A): 765

Biosynthesis of fatty acid from acetat in the prawn, Penaeus Monodon and Panaeus Merguiensis.

Kanazawa, A.,

Mem. Fac. Fish. Kagoshima Univ. 28:21-26.

Biosynthesis of dolichol and related compounds, him. 305354

Hemming, F.W.

J.W. Porter & S.L. Spurqein (ed.) Biosynthesis of Isoprenoid compounds. Volume 2

Biosurfactants: Moving Towards Industrial Application

Fiechter, A


Biostatistique. Gaetan Morin Editeur. Quebec, 850 p.

Soherrer, B.

Biostatistique. Gaetan Morin Editeur. Quebec, 850 p.

Biostatistical Analysis.

Zar, J. H.

Biostatistical Analysis.


New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. 718 pp.

Hlm 1406 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Biostatistical Analysis, 2nd ed.

Zar, J. H.

Biostatistical Analysis, 2nd ed.

Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliff, New Jersey

Biostatistical analysis

Zar, J.H

Biostatistical analysis

Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffe, New Jersey. 718 pp.

Biostatislical Analysis

Zar, J.H.

Biostatislical Analysis

Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood, New Jersey

Biostatical Analysis, 3rd edn.

Zar, J.H.,

Biostatical Analysis, 3rd edn.

Prentice Hall, New Jersey.

Biostastical Analysis Biosorption. Biosorption. Biosorption of toxic heavy metals from aquenous solutions

Zar JH Gadd, G. M. Gadd, G. M. Senthilkumar

Biosorption Biosintesis Produk Alami. Cetakan ke-1.

Gadd, G. M. Manito, L.G.

Chemistry and industry Biosintesis Produk Alami. Cetakan ke-1.

Bioprocess engineering principles.

Doran, P.M.

Bioprocess engineering principles.

Academie Press, London. 439 pp.

Biopolyiners First Edition

Walton, A.C

Biopolyiners First Edition

Academic Press, New York, London

Biophysical Sclences

Ackerman E.

Biophysical Sclences, Edisi Bahasa Indonesia, llmu Biofisika

Airlangga Universitas Press, Surabaya

Biophysical Science

Ackerman E.

Biophysical Science

Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.

Biophysical Science

Ackerman, E

Biophysical Characterzation of Upland Acosystem At Mount Makeling, Calamba, Laguna, Philipines


A Report of The UHP, UPLB

Bioorganic Marine Chemistry Vol. IV.

Scheuer, P.J.

Bioorganic Marine Chemistry Vol. IV.

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, New York. p. 33-91.

Bioorganic Marine Chemistry Vol. III.

Scheuer, P.J.

Bioorganic Marine Chemistry Vol. III.

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, New York. p. 1-47.


London, Prentice-Hall Chemistry and Industry. Chemistry and industry Biores. Tech.

IKIP Semarang Press, Semarang. (diterjemahkan oleh Koen Soemardiyah)

Prentice Hall. Inc. New Jersey

Hlm 1407 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Bioorganic Marine Chemistry Vol. I

Scheuer, P.J.

Bioorganic Marine Chemistry Vol. I

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, New York. p. 61-93,

Biometry: The Principles and Practice of Statistics in Biological Research. Second edition.

Sokal. R.B.

Biometry: The Principles and Practice of Statistics in Biological Research. Second edition.

W.H. Freeman and Company, New York. 859 pp.


Sokal R.R.


Freeman and Co. San Francisco. California. 776 pp.

Biometry, The Principles and practice of statitics in biological reserch

Sokal, R.R.

Biometry, The Principles and practice of statitics in biological reserch

W.H. Freeman and Company, San Fransisco


Sokal. R.R


Sokal R.R

The Principles and Practise of Statistics in Biological research

W.H.Freeman and Company.USA


Sokal, R.R.

Biometry. 776 pp

Freeman and Co. San Francisco. Calif.

Biometrical methods in quatitative genetic analysis

Singh RK

Kalyani Publisher. Ludhiana New Delhi

Biometrical Methods in Quantitive Genetic Analysis

Singh. R.K

Kalyani Publicato\ion

Biometrical methods in quantitave genetic analysis

Singh RK

Biometrical methods in quantitave genetic analysis

Kalyarii Publisher New Delhi

Biometrical methods in quantitative genetics analysis.

Singh, R.K.

Biometrical methods in quantitative genetics analysis.

Kalyani Publ. New Delhi.

Biometrical methods in quantitative genetics analysis.

Singh, R.K.

Biometrical methods in quantitative genetics analysis.

Kalyani Publishers Revised Edition India.

Biometrical Methods in Quantitative Genetics Analysis

Singh RK

Biometrical methods in quantitative genetics analysis

Sigh ID

Biometrical Methods in Quantitative Genetics Analysis

Singh, R. K

Kalyani Publ. New Delhi, Ludhiana

Biometrical Methods in Quantitative Genetic Analysis

Singh, R. K.

Kalyani Publ. New Delhi

Biometrical Methods In Quantitative Genetic Analysis

Singh. R.K

Kalyani Publishers. New Delhi


Freeman and Co. San Francisco

Kalyani Publisher. New Delhi Biometrical methods in quantitative genetics analysis

Kalyani Publ. New Delhi

Hlm 1408 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Biometrical methods in quantitative genetic analysis

Singh RK

Biometrical methods in quantitative genetic analysis

Singh, R.K.

Biometrical methods in quantitative genetic analysis

Singh, R. K.

Kalyani Publ. New Delhi

Biometrical Methods in Quantitatif genetic analysis

Singh, R. K.

Kalyani Publ. New Delhi

Biometrical methods

Singh RK

Quantitative genetic analysis

Kalyani publishera, Ludhiana New Delhi

Biometrical methods

Singh RK

Quantitative genetic analysis

Kalyani publishera, Ludhiana New Delhi

Biometrical Methode in Quantitative Genetic Analysis

Singh, R.K

Biometrical Methode in Quantitative Genetic Analysis

Kalyani Pub. New Delhi

Biometrical Method in quantitative genetic Analysis

Singh RK

Biometrical method in Quantitative Analysis

Singh, R. K.

Biometrical Method in Quantitaive Genetic Analysis

Singh RK

Biometrical Genetics. The study of continuous variation

Mather K

Biometrical Genetics. The study of continuous variation

Cornell Univ. Press Ithaca. New york

Biomethrical methods in quantitative genetic analysis

Singh RK

Biomethrical methods in quantitative genetic analysis.

Kalyani Publisher Ludhiana ; New Delhi

Biomethical methods in quantitative genetic analysis.

Singh, R.K.

Kalyani Publisher. Ludhiana, New Delhi.

Biomethical Methods in Quantitative Genetic Analysis

Singh RK

kelyani Publishers Ludhiana New Delhi

Biomethical Methods in Quantitative Genetic Analysis

Singh RK

kelyani Publishers Ludhiana New Delhi

Biomedical Potential of Marine Natural Products

Ireland, C.M.

D.H. Ataway and O.R. Zaboraky (Eds), Marine Biotechnology, Volume 1,

Plenum Press, New York, 1-45.

Biomasses et structure detaille du zooplankton hivernal dans une lagune nordemiterraneenne

Lam. Hoat, T

Biomasses et structure detaille du zooplankton hivernal dans une lagune nordemiter-raneenne

Cah, Biol Mar

Biomass production and its distribution by Acacia nilotica plantation of five different ages in Haryana

Tandon, V.N.

Langdon, K. 1990 (Ed.):Acacia nilotica 1869-1988

C.A.B. International, Oxford Forestry Institute, Oxford


Judul Buku

Penerbit Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana. New Delhi

Biometrical methods in quantitative genetic analysis

Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi. 304 p.

Kalyani Publisher New delhi Biometrical method in Quantitative Analysis

Keylani Publisher, Bombay Kaliani Publisher New Delhi

Hlm 1409 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

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Judul Buku


Biologycal control of plant pathogens

Baker, K.F.

Biologycal control of plant pathogens

W.H. Freeman and Company San. Francisco.

Biology ofMicroorganisms. Seventh Edition.

Broek, T.D.,

Biology ofMicroorganisms. Seventh Edition.

Prentice-Hall. Inc., New Jersey. 986 pp.

Biology of the tropical grouper E. Tauvina Forskal

S.M. Tan

Preliminary study on hermaproditsm in E. tauvina

Singapore. Jur. Pri. Ind

Biology of The Pig

Pond. G

London Comell University Press

Biology of the Bawean Deer and Prospects for Its Management. pp320-327

Blouch, R.A

C.M Wemmer (ed.): Biology and Management of the Cervidae.

Smithsonian Institute. Washington

Biology of Milkfish {Chanos chanos Forskal).

Bagannao, T.U.

Biology of Milkfish {Chanos chanos Forskal).

Aquaculture Deparment Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Centre Tigbauan. Iloilo, Philippines. 99 p.

Biology of Microorganisms. 3rd.

Brock, T.D.,

Biology of Microorganisms. 3rd.

Prentice, hal 1 International Inc., London 802 hal.

Biology of Microorganisms, him. 289-290

Brock, T.D.

Biology of Microorganisms, him. 289-290

New Jersey: PrenticeHall.

Biology of microorganisms

Brock, T.D.

Biology of microorganisms

Seventh Edition. PrenticeHall, Inc., New Jersey. 986p.

Biology of Microorganism. Seventh Edition

Brock, T. D ,

Biology of Microorganism. Seventh Edition

Prentice Hall International, Inc. 909pp.

Biology of microorganism

Brock, T.D.

Biology of microorganism

Prentice-Hall International, Inc. New York, p.403-410.

Biology of Lactation.

Schmidt, G. H.

Biology of Lactation.

Schmidt, G.H.

Biology of Lactation.

Freeman and Co., San Francisco.

Biology of Freshwater Pollution. 3rd ed.

Mason, C. F.

Biology of Freshwater Pollution. 3rd ed.

Longman Singapore Publishers (Pte). Ltd. Singapore.

Biology of Freshwater Pollution.

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Biology of Freshwater Pollution.

Longman, London. 476 p.


Cornell University, W. H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco.

Hlm 1410 dari 1800

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Biology of Freshwater Pollution.

Mason, C.F.

Biology of Freshwater Pollution.

Longman Singapore Publihser Pte. Ltd. Singapore. 250 pp.

Biology of earthworm

Edward, C. A.

Biology of Bryophytes.

Chopra, R.N.

Biology of Bryophytes.

Biology in The Feed Industry

Lyons, T. P

Alltech Publication. Nicho-lasville

Biology' Concepts A Connections

Campell, IM.A.

Biology' Concepts A Connections

Biology and epidemiology of bacterial wilt caused by Pseudomonas solanacearum

Hayward, A.C

Biology and Economics of Growing Seaweeds on Land in A Film Culture.

Moeller, H.W

Biology and Economics of Growing Seaweeds on Land in A Film Culture.


Biology and diseases of fish

Fox, J.G.

Biology and diseases of fish

Academic Press, Inc., Toronto,

Biology and controll of shrimp reproduction

Chamberlain, G.W

Biology and controll of shrimp reproduction

Texas Shrimp Farming Manual. By G.W. Agricultural Extension Service. Texas. 50

Biology of Microorganism.

Brock, T.D.

Biology of Microorganism.

Prentice Hall, New Jersey.

Biologiy and Soil Fertility

Mulder. E.G

Unesco Soil Biology Review Research

Biologie halietigue des lagunes

Lassere, G

Biologie halietigue des lagunes

Biologically Active Substances in Subterranean Part of Purple Nutsedge

Friedman, T.

Biologically Active Angredients, Azadirachtin and Other Triterpenoids

Kraus. W


Chapman and hall Ltd., London Willey Eastern Limited, India.

California: Ihe Benjamin/dimming PublishingCompany, Inc Amnn. Rev. Phytopathol

Weed Sci.

The Neem Tree : Azarachta Indica A Juss and Other Meliaceous Plants : Sources Of Unique Natural Products For Integreted Pest Management, Medicine, Industry and Other Puposes

VCH. Weinhem, Germany

Hlm 1411 dari 1800

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Biological Wastewater Treatment, Theory and Application

Grady, C.P.L

Biological Wastewater Treatment, Theory and Application

Marcel Dekker Inc., New York

Biological synopsis ofAlimango, genus Scylla.

Motoh. H.

Reading on Aquaculture Practices

SEAFDEC, Aquaculture Department, Iloilo, Philippines. 136-153

Biological synopsis ofAlimango, genus Scylla.

Motoh. H.

Reading on Aqu.aciilt.nre Practices SEAFDEC, Aquaculture Department, Iloilo, Philippines. 136-153

Biological Scine. Fourt Edition

Keaton, WT

Biological Scine. Fourt Edition

Biological properties of chloronicotinyl properties of chloronicotinyl insecticide imidacloprid. IPM compatible use in the practice

Iwaya K

The third Asia Pacific Conf. Of Entomology, Nov 16-22, 97 Taichung Taiwan

Biological Process in toxic Waste Treatment. In: Tyagi R.D. (ed) Wastewater Treatment by Immobilized Cells

Bwetra, J.K

Biological Process in toxic Waste Treatment. In: Tyagi R.D. (ed) Wastewater Treatment by Immobilized Cells

CRC New York

Biological principles of pond culture: Sediment and benthos.

White, D.,

In: J.E. Lannan, RO. Smitherman, G. Tchobanoglous (Eds.). Principles and Practices of Pond Aquaculture.

Oregon State Univ. Press. Corvallis, Oregon. p15-

Biological Principles of Pond Culture: Bacteria and Nutrient Cycling.

Moll, R.

In: J.E. Lannan, R.O., Smitherman and G. Tchobanoglous.

Principles and Practises of Pond Culture, Oregon State University Press. USA

Biological Oceanographyc Processes

Parsons, T.R

Biological Oceanographyc Processes

Pergamon. Press. Sidney

Biological Oceanographic Processes. 3rd Edition

Parsons, T.R.

Biological Oceanographic Processes. 3rd Edition

Pergamon Press, Germany.

Biological Oceanographic Processes

Parson TR

Third edition

Pergamon Press New York

Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Sugarcane. In Subba Rao, N.S. Current Development in Biological Nitrogen Fixation

Ruschel, A.P.

Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Sugarcane. In Subba Rao, N.S. Current Development in Biological Nitrogen Fixation

Oxford and IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi.


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Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Sugarcane. In Subba Rao, N. S. Current Developments in Biological Nitrogen Fixation

Ruschel, A. P.

Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Sugarcane. In Subba Rao, N. S. Current Developments in Biological Nitrogen Fixation

Oxford and IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi

Biological interactions with VA mycorrhizal fungi


VA Mycorrhiza

CRC Press. Florida

Biological Indicator of Water Quality.

James, A.

Biological Indicator of Water Quality.

John Wiley & Sons. Chichester New York.297 pp.

Biological indicator of pollution.

Wilhm, J.L.

B.A Whitton (Ed). River Ecology II.

Blackwell Sci. Publ. Oxford. London. 735 pp.

Biological Indicator of Freshwater Pollution and Environmental Management.

Hellawell, J.M.

Biological Indicator of Freshwater Pollution and Environmental Management.

Elsevier Science Publisher LTD. England 546 pp.

Biological effects of dietary lectins

Pusztai, A.

Recent advances of research in antinutrional factors in legume seeds. (Eds. J. Huisman, T.F.B. Van der Poel, I.E. Liener)

PUDOC, Wageningen. pp. 17-19.

Biological Diversity And Forests


Managing The World's ForestLooking For Balance Between Conservation and Development

Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company Iowa

Biological Denitrification Biological Data Analysis Biological Control Trials on the Cocoa Pod Borer in the Philippines. 315-329.

Firestone. M.K Fry. J.C Nagaraja, H.,

Nitrogen In Agriculture Soils

ASA Madison. Wicosin IRL Press. Oxford Univ. Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang. 516 pp.

Biological control of sheathblight of rice in india with antagonistic bacteria.

Vasantha, T. D.

Biological control of postharvest disease, him. 157-169

Chalutz, E.

Biological Control Of Plant Patogens


W.H. Freeman, San Francisca

Biological Control of Plant Patogens


W.H. Freeman, San Francisco

Biological control of plant pathogents

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G.J. Boland & L.D. Kuykendall (ed.), Plant-Microbe Interactions and Biological Control

Biological control of plant pathogents

New York:Marcell Dekker, Inc.

W. H. Freeman and Company San Fransisco

Hlm 1413 dari 1800

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Biological Control of Plant Pathogens.

Baker, K.F.

Biological Control of Plant Pathogens.

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Biological Control of plant pathogens

Baker, KF


Biological Control of Plant Pathogen

Barnett, H.L.

Biological Control of Plant Pathogen

Biological Control of Plant Parasitic Nematodes

Striling. G.R

CAB International Wallingford, Oxon UK

Biological Control Of Plant Parasitic Nematodes

Stirling. G.R

CAB. International, London

Biological control of plant diseases

Mukerji, G.K

Biological control of pathogen

Baker KF

Freemen and Co, san Fransisco

Biological control of pathogen

Baker KF

Freemen and Co, san Fransisco

Biological Control Of Nematodes

Jatala. P

An Advanced Tretise On Meloidogyne

Biology And Contral NC. State University. Releigh NC

Biological Control Of Nematodes

Saxena. G

Biocontrol Pf Plant Diseases Vol. 1

CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida

Biological control of microbial plant pathogens

Campbell, R.

Biological Control of Microbial Plant Pathogen

Campbell, R

Biological Control of Microbial Plant Pathogen

Cambridge University Press

Biological control of insect pest and weed

De Bach, P.

Biological control of insect pest and weed

Chapman and Hall. Ltd. London, 844p.

Biological control of Etiella podborer of soybean. Ill. Fields trial and seasonal prevalence of Trichogrammatoidea baetraebaetrae

Djuwarso, T.

I. Prasadja, M.F. Muhadjir, N. Sunarlim, L Gunarto, and U.G. Kartasasmita. Effective Use of Agricultural Materials and Insect Pest Control on Soybean. BORIFJICA. p. 51-58.

Biological control of Etiella podborer of soybean II. biology and mass production methods of selected egg parasitoid, Trichogratnmatoidea bactraebactrae Nagaraja

Naito, A.

I. Prasadja, M.F. Muhadjir, N. Sunarlim, L. Gunarto, U.G. Kartasasmita (Eds.). Effective Use of Agricultural Materials and Insect Pest Control on Soybean. Borif-Jica. p. 43-50.


Biological control of plant diseases. Vol l dan II

W.H. Freman and Co. San Fransisco

CRC Press. Inc Boca Ratton, Florida

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

Hlm 1414 dari 1800

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Biological control of Etiella pod borer of soybean II. Biology and mass production methods of selected egg parasitoid, Trichogrammatoidea bactraebactrae Nagaraya

Naito, A.

I. Prasadja, M.F. Muhadjir, N. Sunarlim, L Gunarto, and U.G. Kartasasmita. Effective Use of Agricultural Materials and Insect Pest Control on Soybean. BORIFJICA. p. 43-50.

Biological control of Eliella pod borer of soybean I. Larval parasitoids of Etiella pod borer in Indonesia. Possibility of using larval parasitoid

Naito, A.

I. Prasadja, M.F. Muhadjir, N. Sunarlim, L. Gunarto, and U.G. Kartasasmita. Effective Use of Agricultural Materials and Insect Pest Control on Soybean. BORIFJICA. p. 33-42.

Biological Control Of Diseases of Fruit in Biological Control of Plant Diseases Vol. II

Janisiewiz. W.J

Biological control of brown planthopper

Chiu, S.C.

Biological Control Of Botrytis Root of Apple

Gullino. M.L.

Biological control of bacterial wilt of potatoes attempts to induce resistance by treating tubers with bacteria

Kempe, J

Plant Deseases

Biological control f leaf diseases with bacteria, him. 45-62

Spurr, H.W.Jr.

C.E. Windels & S.E. Lindow (ed.). Biological Control on the Phylloplane

Minnesota: The American Phytopathological Society.

Biological control effect of a new isolate of trichoderma harzianum on phytium aphanidermatum

Sivan, A.

Biological control - concepts and practices, him. 1-13.

Nigam, N.

K..G. Mukerji & K.L. Garg (ed.), Biocontrol ofPlant Diseases

Boca Raton: CRC Press.

Biological control - concepts and practices, him. 1-13

Nigam, N.

K.G. Mukerji & K.L. Grag (ed.), Biocontrol of Plant Diseases, vol. 1

Florida: CRC Press.

Biological Control

Van Driesche RG

Biological Control

New York: Chapman & Hall.



CRC. Press. Inc. US. Boca Raton Florida

Brown Planthopper Threatto Rice Production in Asia. p. 3-17.

IRRI, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.

Hlm 1415 dari 1800

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Biological control

Bosch, R.V.D

Biological control

Intex Edu. Publ., New York

Biological and Ecological studies of Heliothis.

Jayaray, S.

Internayional Workshop on Heliothis Management.

ICRISAT. Patancheru, A.P.India.

Biological and cultural plant disease control

Jacobsen, B. J.

Biological and chemical aspects of dissolved organic material in seawater.

Williams, P.J., LeB,

In: Riley, P.J., Skirrow, G. (eds).

Chemical Oceanography Academic Press London, p 307-364.

Biological Activity of Extracts of Trichilia Species and The Limonoid Hirtin Againts Lepidopteran Larvae

Xie. Y.S

Biochem System Ecol

Biological Activities of Bacteria Used in Plant Pathogen Control.

Lam, S.T.

Biotechnology Plant Control.

Wileyliss, Inc. New York. h. 291-320.

Biological active pools of carbon and Nitrogen in tallgrass prairie soil.

Rice, C.W

Defining Soil Quality for Sustainable Environment.

SSSA Spec. Oubl. 35. SSSA, ASA, Madisson.

Biological Controi of Plant Pathogens

Baker K.F.

Biological Controi of Plant Pathogens

W.H.Freeman and Company, Sanfransisco

Biological Unavailability of Bound Paraquat Residues in Soil

Riley, D.

Biological Unavailability of Bound Paraquat Residues in Soil

I.C.I. Plant Protection. Division. Jealott’s. Hill Research Station Bracknell. Berkshire.United Kingdom.

Biologi. Biologi wereng jagung Peregrinus maidis (Homoptera : Delphacidae).

Soetarmi, T. S. Baehaki.

Biologi Umum I.

Sastrodinoto, S.

Biologi Umum I.

Penerbit PT Gramedia, Jakarta.

Biologi Umum I.

Sastrodinoto, S.

Biologi Umum I.

PT. Gramedia. Jakarta.

Biologi Udang. Biologi, Potensi, Kultur, Produksi. dan Udang sebagai Bahan Makanan di Indonesia

Toro. V

Biologi Udang. Biologi, Potensi, Kultur, Produksi. dan Udang sebagai Bahan Makanan di Indonesia

Lembaga Penelitian Potensi Sumberdaya Ekonomi. Lembaga Oceanologi Nasional LIPl Jakarta


Erlangga, Surabaya. Perhimpunan Entomologi Indonesia.

Hlm 1416 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Biologi Udang Penaid

Martosudarmo, B.

Pedoman Pembenihan Udang Penaeid. Balai Budidaya Air Payau

DitJen. PerikananDepartemen Pertanian.

Biologi Udang Penaeid.

Martosudarmo, B.

Pedoman Pembenihan Udang Penaid.

BBAP, Jepara. 130 hal.

Biologi udang penaeid

Martosudarmo, B

Biologi udang penaeid

Ditjen Perikanan. Departemen Pertanian. Jakarta

Biologi pertanian.

Heddy, S.

Biologi Perikanan. Cetakan I,

Effendie, M.I.

Biologi Perikanan. Cetakan I,

Penerbit Yayasan Dewi Sri. Bogor.

Biologi Perikanan. Bagian I. Studi Natural History.


Biologi Perikanan. Bagian I. Studi Natural History.

Fakultas Perikanan IPB. Bogor. 105 pp.

Biologi Perikanan, Cetakan I

M.I. Effendie

Biologi Perikanan, Cetakan I

Yayasan Dewi Sri, Bogor

Biologi Perikanan, Bag. I. Study Natural History.


Biologi Perikanan, Bag. I. Study Natural History.

Fakultas Perikanan IPB. Bogor. 150 pp.

Biologi Perikanan Bagian II. Dinamika Populasi Ikan

Effendie, M.I.

Biologi Perikanan Bagian II. Dinamika Populasi Ikan

Fakultas Perikanan, IPB, Bogor. 63 hal.

Biologi Perikanan

Effendie, M.I.

Biologi Perikanan

Yayasan Pustaka Nusatama, Yogyakarta. 105 hal.

Biologi Perikanan

Effendie, M.I.

Biologi Perikanan

Yayasan Pustaka Nusantara. Yogyakarta. 163 h.

Biologi Perikanan

Effendie, M.I.

Biologi Perikanan

Yayasan Pustaka Nusatama, Yogyakarta 163 hal.

Biologi Perikanan

Effendie, M.I.

Biologi Perikanan

Yayasan Pustaka Nusatama. Yogyakarta. 163 hal.

Biologi Perikanan

Effendie, M.I.

Biologi Perikanan

Yayasan Pustaka Nusatama, Yogyakarta.

Biologi parasitoid telur Trichogramma sp (Hym : Trichogrammatidae) dan Telenomus sp (HYM : Scelionidae) pd penggerek padi kuning Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker)

Nurariaty A

Lep : Pyralidae


Rajawali Pres, Jakarta.

Hlm 1417 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Biologi Paederus fuscifes Curt. dan kemampuannya memangsa wereng batang coklat (Nilaparvata Jugens Stal.)

Laba, I.W.

M. Machmud, R. Saraswati, TS. Silitonga, R. Sumardi dan B. Sugiharto (Eds.). Risalah Hasil Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Bogor. (4): 240-245.

Biologi Molekuler Sel Biologi Laut: Suatu Pendekatan Ekologis, alih bahasa H. M. F.idman elf al., cet. 1,

Albert, B. Nybaken, J. W.

Biologi Molekuler Sel Biologi Laut: Suatu Pendekatan Ekologis, alih bahasa H. M. F.idman elf al., cet. 1,

Gramedia, Jakarta. Gramedia, Jakarta, 480 pp.

Biologi Laut. Suatu Pendekatan Ekologis

Nybakken, J. W.

Biologi Laut. Suatu Pendekatan Ekologis

Gramedia. Jakarta

Biologi Laut. Suatu Pendekatan Ekologis

Nybakken, J.

Biologi Laut. Suatu Pendekatan Ekologis

Gramedia, Jakarta.

Biologi Laut.


Biologi Laut.

Fakultas Perikanan, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor. 150 pp.

Biologi Laut.


Biologi Laut.

Fakultas Perikanan Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor. 150 pp.

Biologi Laut, Suatu Pendekatan Ekologis.

Nybakken, J. W.

Biologi Laut, Suatu Pendekatan Ekologis.

Penerbit Gramedia JKT 325 pp.

Biologi laut, suatu pendekatan ekologis

J.W. Nybakken

Biologi laut, suatu pendekatan ekologis

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Biologi Laut Suatu Pendekatan Ekologis

Nybakken, J.

Biologi Laut Suatu Pendekatan Ekologis

Gramedia Jakarta.

Biologi laut suatu pendekatan ekologis

Nybakken, J.W

Biologi laut suatu pendekatan ekologis

PT. Gramedia. Jakarta

Biologi Laut Suatu Pendekatan Ekologis

Nyabeken J.W

Biologi Laut Suatu Pendekatan Ekologis

PT Gramedia Jakarta. Jakarta

Biologi Laut Suatu Pendekatan Ekologi

Nybakken, J. W.

Biologi Laut Suatu Pendekatan Ekologi

Gramedia. Jakarta

Biologi Konservasi.

Primack, R.B.,

Biologi Konservasi.

Yayasan Obor Indonesia. Jakarta, p.1-108.

Biologi jüid I. Penerjemah Siti Soetarmi Tjitrosomo dan Nawangsari Sugiri.

KimbaU, J. W.

Biologi jüid I. Penerjemah Siti Soetarmi Tjitrosomo dan Nawangsari Sugiri.

Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta.

Biologi Dan Konser vasi Primata di Indonesia

Bismark, M.

Biologi Dan Konser vasi Primata di Indonesia

Fakuttas Pasca Sarjana. Insti tut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor



Hlm 1418 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Biologi dan kekhususan inang Lixus Sp (Curculionidae) pada Bayam (Amaranthus spp).

Prawirosukarta, S.

Biologi dan kekhususan inang Lixus Sp (Curculionidae) pada Bayam (Amaranthus spp).

Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.

Biologi Crocidolomia binotalis Zeil. (Lepidoptera;Pyralidae) pada tanaman kubis dan lobak. Laporan Masalah Khusus,

Lubis, A.H.

Pembinaan perbanyakan dan penyebaran pestisida nabati mindi (Melia ozedarach) untuk mengendalikan hama penggulung daun (Palpita marinata) pada tanaman gambir (Uncaria gambir).

Departemen Ilmu Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan Fakultas Pertanian IPB. Bogor. 53 hal.

Biologi Benih Biologi benih Biologi benih Biolistic Transformation of plants

Pranoto. H.S Pranoto HS Pranoto HS Upadhyana, NM


Biokonversi: Pemanfaatan limbah industri pertanian

Hardjo, S.

IPB, Bogor

Biokonversi: Pemanfaatan limbah industri Pertanian

S. Hardjo

Biokonversi: Pemanfaatan limbah industri Pertanian

Dep P&K, Ditjen Perg. Tinggi, PAU Pangan dan Gizi, IPB, Bogor

Biokonversi: Pemanfaatan Limbah Industri Pertanian

Hardjo, S., N

Biokonversi: Pemanfaatan Limbah Industri Pertanian

PAU Pangan dan Gizi IPB, Bogor




Pusat Antar Univ. Bioteknologi Univ. Gajah Mada, Yogjakarta.

Biokimia: Suatu pendekatan fungsional. Edisi ke-3.

McGilvery, R. W.

Airlangga University Press, Surabaya.

Biokimia: Suatu pendekatan fungsional. Edisi ke-3.

McGilvery, R. W.

Airlangga University Press Surabaya

Biokimia: Proteina, Enzima dan Asam Nukleat

Wirahadikusumah, M.

Biokimia: Metabolisme, energi, karbohidrat dan lipid. Terbitan pertama

Wirahadikusumah, M.

Penerbit ITB Bandung

Biokimia. Satu pendekatan berorientasi kasus.

Ismadi, M.

Gadjah Mada Univeristy Press, Yogyakarta.

Biokimia. Jilid l. Cetakan XII.

Martohacsono, S.

Biokimia. Jilid l. Cetakan XII.

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta


Kusnawidjaja, K.


Alumni Bandung


Biokimia: Proteina, Enzima dan Asam Nukleat

Departemen Kimia ITB, Bandung.

Hlm 1419 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Biokimia, suatu pendekatan fungsional. Edisi ke-3. Alih bahasa: Tri Martini Sumarno et al.

Mc Gilvery, R. W.

Airlangga University Press Surabaya

Biokimia Patologi Hewan

Girindra A

Pusat Antar Universitas Ilmu Hayati, IPB

Biokimia nutrisi dengan pemakaian secara klinis. Cetakan pertama.

Linder, M. C.

UI Press, Jakarta.

Biokimia nutrisi dan metabolisme. Cetakan ke-1

Linder, M. C.

Universitas Indonesia Jakarta

Biokimia Nutrisi Dan Metabolisme, Dengan Pemakaian Secara Klinis

Linder. M.C

Parakkasi. A (Penterjemah)

UI Press, Jakarta

Biokimia Nutrisi dan Metabolisme dengan Pemakaian secara Klinis.

Under, M.C.

Biokimia Nutrisi dan Metabolisme dengan Pema-kaian secara Klinis.

Universitas Indonesia. Jakarta.

Biokimia nutrisi dan metabolisme dengan pemakaian secara klinis

Linder, M. C.

Biokimia Nutrisi dan Metabolisme Dengan Pemakaian Secara Klinis

Linder. M.C

A. Parakkasi (Penterjemah)

UI Press, Jakarta

Biokimia Nutrisi dan Metabolisme Dengan Pemakaian Secara Klinis

Linder. M.C

Aminuddin Prakkasi, Penterjemah

UI Press, Jakarta

Biokimia Nutrisi dan Metabolisme (Parrakasi, A, Penerlemah )

Linders M.C

Biokimia Nutrisi dan Metabolisme

Linder, M.C.

Biokimia Nutrisi dan metabolisme


UI Jkt

Biokimia Nutrisi dan Metabolisme

Linder. M.C

UI Press, Jakarta

Biokimia nutrisi dan metabolisma

Linder Maria C


Biokimia nutrisi dan metabolisma

Linder Maria C


Biokimia Nutrisi (Vitamin). Edisi I

Prawirokusumo, S.

Biokimia Nutrisi (Vitamin). Edisi I

BPFE -Yogyakarta.

Biokimia Jilid 1

Thenawijaya. M.

Biokimia Jilid 1

Tcrjcmahan Erlangga. Jakarta


Judul Buku


Universitas Indonesia Jakarta

UI Press, Jakarta

Biokimia Nutrisi dan Metabolisme

Universitas Indonesia Press, Jakarta

Hlm 1420 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Biokimia I Biokimia Harper (Harper's review of biochemistry). Edisi ke6

Girindra, Aisjah Martin, D. W.

Biokimia Harper (Harper's Review of Bio chemistry). Edisi 22. Alih bahasa: A. Hartono,

Murray, R.K.,

Biokimia Dan Teknologi Pasca Panen


Biokimia dan Teknologi Pasca Panen


Biokimia : Metabolisme Energi, Karbohidrat dan Lipid

Wirahadikusumah. M

Biokimia (Harper Review of Biochemistry). Edisi 19. Alih Bahasa: A. Dharma dan A.S. Kumiawan

Martin, D. W.

Biokimia (Harper Review of Biochemistry). Edisi 19. Alih Bahasa: A. Dharma dan A.S. Kumiawan

EGC Penerbit Buku Kedokteran. Jakarta: p. 497-513.

Biokimia & Teknologi Pasca Panen


Biokimia & Teknologi Pasca Panen

PAU Pangan-Gizi, UGM, Yogyakarta.


Sofro, A. S. M.

Biokiinia Tana/nan Metabolisme Nitrogen

Sitompul, S.M.

Bioindustri: Penerapan teknologi fermentasi

E.G. Said


Gumbira-Sa'id, E


Mediyatama Sarana Perkasa, Jakarta


Brown, J.H.


The C.V. Mosby Company, St. LouisMissouri.

Biogas, Production and Utilization

Price, E.C.

Biogas, Production and Utilization

Ann. Arbor Science Publishers, Inc., Michigan

Biogas Plant in Animal Husbandry.

Warner, U.

Biogas Plant in Animal Husbandry

Friedr Vieweg and Sohn, Braunschweig, Wiesbaden

Biofertillezers in agriculture.

Rao, S. N. S.

Oxford & IBH Publ. Co. New Delhi.

Biofertilizers in Agriculture

Rao. N.S.S

Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. New Delhi


Judul Buku

Penerbit PT. Gramedia EGC. Penerbit buku kedokteran, Jakarta

Biokimia Harper (Harper's Review of Bio chemistry). Edisi 22. Alih bahasa: A. Hartono,

EGC Penerbit Buku Kedokteran, Jakarta, p. 716-737. PAU. Pangan dan Gizi UGM. Yogyakarta

PAU Pangan dan Gizi

UGM Yogyakarta ITB. Bandung

PAU Pangan dan Gizi UGM, Yogyakarta Biokiinia Tana/nan Metabolisme Nitrogen

Malang: Universitas Brawijaya. PT. Mediatama Sarana Perkasa, Jakarta

Hlm 1421 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Biofertilizers in Agriculture

Rao. N.S.S

Biofertilizers in Agriculture

Rao, S.N.S.

Biofertilizers in Agriculture

Rao, S.N.S

Biofermentasi dan Biosintesa Protein

Winarno, F.G.

Bioenergetic and growth with special refernce to the efficiency complex in domestic animals

Brody S

Bio-Ekologi Teripang (Holothuria sp.) di Perairan Pulau Persufnpahan, Propinsi Sumatera Barat.


Bio-Ekologi Teripang (Holothuria sp.) di Perairan Pulau Persufnpahan, Propinsi Sumatera Barat.

Program Pascasarjana. Institut Pertanian Bogor. 89 pp.

Bioecology and Management of Diamondback Moth in India. Hal. 63-76. Dalam N.S. Takelar, dan T.D.Griggs fecte./ Diamonback Moth Management

Chelliah, S

Bioecology and Management of Diamondback Moth in India. Hal. 63-76. Dalam N.S. Takelar, dan T.D.Griggs fecte./ Diamonback Moth Management

Proceedings of the First International Workshop. Tainan.Taiwan. 11-15 March 1985. AVRDC.Shanhua.Taiwan

Bioecologi des princpales especes pelagiques exploiters en mer de Java.

Sadhotomo, B.

Tehse de docteur.

Universite de Montpellier II.

Biodiversity on Rice Variety Maintaining the Balance


Biodiversity on Rice Variety Maintaining the Balance

IRRI, Los Banos, Philippines.



The Lake States Forestry Alliance (LSFA)

Biodiveristy Action Plan for Indonesia


Biodiveristy Action Plan for Indonesia

Biodegradation of Plant Wastes by The Fungus Pleurotus Ostreatus.

Akhmedova, Z. R.


Judul Buku

Penerbit Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. New York

Biofertilizers in Agriculture

New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publ. Co. Oxford & IBH Publ. Co. New Delhi

Biofermentasi dan Biosintesa Protein

Angkasa Bandung. Hafner Press New York

BAPPENAS. 1993. Institut of The Biochemistry and Physiology of Microorganism, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Moscow Oblast 142 292, Rusia.

Hlm 1422 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Biodegradation of Pesticide in Tropical Rice Ecosystem. Ecotoxicology and Climates. Bourdeau et al (ed).

Sethunathan, N.

Biodegradation of Pesticide in Tropical Rice Ecosystem. Ecotoxicology and Climates. Bourdeau et al (ed).

John Willey and Son.

Biodegradation d'imides cycliques dans le sol et differences d'efficacite' pratique observe'es sur le sclerotinia minor.

Martin, C

Bioconvertion for utilization of agroindustrial by product. IPB, Bogor.

Suhadi, H.

Biocontrol of postharvest diseases of temperate fruits: challenges and opportunities, him. 171-198

Janisiewicz, W.J.

Biocontrol of plat disease

Mukerji KG

CRC Press Inc Boca Raton, Florida

Biocontrol of plat disease

Mukerji KG

CRC Press Inc Boca Raton, Florida

Biockhemistry of the plant growth Substance

Morre, T.C.

W. H. Freeman and Company . San Francisco USA.

Biochimie Generale et Medical.

Louisot, P.

Biochemistry. 3rd ed.

Styer, L.

Biochemistry. 3rd Ed


Biochemistry. 3rd Ed

Pren-ticeHall. Inc. New Yersey.

Biochemistry. 2nd edition

Lehninger, A.L.

Biochemistry. 2nd edition

Kalyani Publishers. Indiana. New Delhi. 1104 pp.

Biochemistry. 2nd ed.

Lehninger, A.L.

Biochemistry. 2nd ed.

Kalyani Publishers. Ludiana. New Delhi. 1104 pp.

Biochemistry. 2nd ed.

Lehninger, A. L.

Biochemistry. 2nd ed

Lehninger, AL

Biochemistry. 1st ed.

Styer, L.


La De'fence des Vegetaux

G.J. Boland & L.D. Kuykendall (ed.), Plant-Microbe Interactions and Biological Control.

New York: Marcell Dekker, Inc.

Villeurbanne, Franc. W. H. Freeman and Co., New York

Worth publisher Inc. New York USA Biochemistry. 2nd ed

Wort., Publ., Inc., New York. W. A. Freeman and Company. San Fransisco, USA

Hlm 1423 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku



Orten, J.M


The C.V. Mosby Comp & Toppan Comp. Ltd.,St. Louis and Tokyo

Biochemistry ofFoods

Eskin, N.A.M

Biochemistry ofFoods

Academie Press., Inc. Califomia, USA

Biochemistry ofantimicrobial action. Fourth edt

Franklin, T.J

Biochemistry ofantimicrobial action. Fourth eds

Chapman and Hall. New York

Biochemistry of resistance to plant viruses, him. 56-64.

Fraser, R.S.S.

A. Hadidi, R.K. Khetarpal & H. Koganezawa. Plant Virus Disease Control

St. Paul, Minnesota: APS Press.

Biochemistry of Insect

Rockstein .M

Biochemistry of Foods. 2nd Edition

Eskin, N. A. M.

Biochemistry of Foods. 2nd Edition

Academic Press inc, San Diego.

Biochemistry of Foods.

Eskin, N.A.M.

Biochemistry of Foods.

Academic Press, Inc. California, USA.

Biochemistry of Foods

Eskin, N.A.M.

Biochemistry of Foods

Academie Press. Califomia.

Biochemistry of Food

Eskin, NAM

Biochemistry of Food

Academic Press. New York

Biochemistry in flavor synthesis

Metzler, D.E.

Bessiera, J. and Thomas, A.F. (eds.) Flavor Science and Technology

John Wiley and Sons, Chicester.

Biochemistry illustrated. 2nd edition

Champbell PN

Churchill Livingstone UK

Biochemistry and Physiology Of Polyamines In Plants

Slocum. R.D

CRC Press, Boca Raton

Biochemistry and physiology of plant hormones.

Moore, T.C.

Springger-Verlag, New York.

Biochemistry and Physiology of Plant Hormones

Moore, T. C.

Springger-verlag, NeW York

Biochemistry and Physiology of Plant Hormones

Moore, T. C.

Biochemistry and Physiology of Plant Hormones

Springer-Verlag NY

Biochemistry and Physiology of plant Hormones

Moore, T. C.

Biochemistry and Physiology of plant Hormones

Springer-Verlag, Berllin, Heidelberg, New York

Biochemistry and physiologi of plant growth substances

Morre, T. C.

W. H. Freeman and company. San Fransisco. USA

Biochemistry a Function Approach

Mc. Gilvery, R.w

Igaku Shorn, Ltd Tokyo


Zubay, G.

McMilan Publ. Co, Singapore


Academic Press. London

Hlm 1424 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku



Orten, J.M.


The C.V. Mosby Comp & Toppan Comp. Ltd., St. Louis and Tokyo.


Voet, D.


New York:John Willey and Sons.


Lehninger, A.L

Worth Publisher, Inc. New York

Biochemichal Plant Pathology


Wiley Chichester

Biochemichal Engineering Fundamentals.

James E Bailey

2nd edition, Mc Graw Hill, Int p 923-957

Biochemical Tests in Diagnostic Microbiology

Blazevic, D.J.

A Wiley Biomedical Pub

John Wiley and Sons, USA.

Biochemical tests for identification of medical bacteria.

Mac Faddin, J.F

Biochemical tests for identification of medical bacteria.

The Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore, MD.

Biochemical Techniques, Theory and Practice.

Robyt, J.F.

Biochemical Techniques, Theory and Practice.

Waveland Press, Inc., Illinois.

Biochemical techniques theory and practice

Robyt, J. F.

Brooks/Cole Pub. Co., Monterey, California

Biochemical technic theory & practice

Robyt JF

Waveland press Inc. Illinois

Biochemical properties of rice .

Juliano BO

Juliano (ed) : Chemistry and technology.

The American Association of Cereal Chemist Inc St Paul Minnesota

Biochemical properties of rice .

Juliano BO

Juliano (ed) : Chemistry and technology.

The American Association of Cereal Chemist Inc St Paul Minnesota

Biochemical Pathways tor Methane Fermentation and use Granulated Biomass tor High-Rate anaerobic Digestion. International Conference on Biogas

Jain, M.K

Biochemical Pathways tor Methane Fer-mentation and use Granulated Biomass tor HighRate anaerobic Digestion. International Con-ference on Biogas

Technologies and Implementation Strategies. Pune-India

Biochemical mechanisms involved in resistance of plants to fungi

Ward, E. W. B.

Springer-verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, London, Paris and Tokyo

Biochemical mechanism of plant hormone activity

Jacobson, H. J.

Handbook of plant cell culture


Mac Millan Publ. Co.. NY

Hlm 1425 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Biochemical eva-luation of seafood. In : Chemistry and biochemistry of marine food products

Jacober, L.F.,

Biochemical eva-luation of seafood. In : Chemistry and biochemistry of marine food products

Avi Publisihing Co., Westport Connecticut, U.S.A

Biochemical Engineering

Humpery, A.E

Biochemical Engineering. Second Edition

University of Tokyo Press. Tokyo,

Biochemical Ecology of Water Pollution

Dugan, P.R

Biochemical Ecology of Water Pollution

Plenum Press, New York

Biochemical deterioration of fish muscle. p. 125-138

Hultin, H.O.

H.H. Huss, M. Jacobsen, and J. Liston (Eds.) Quality Assurance in the Fish Industry. Proceeding of an International Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 26-30 August 1991.

Biochemical aspects of juvenile hormone action in insects, him. 123-149

Akamatsu, V.

R.H. Meintz & E. Davis (ed.). Control Mechanisms in Development

New York: Plenum Press.

Biochemical and physiological approaches shellfish nutrition.

Cowey, C.B.

G.D. Pruden, C.I. Langdon, D.E. and Conkl. (Eds.). Proceedgs of The Second ternational Conference on Aquaculture Nutrition.

Lousiana State University, Division of Continuing Education, Baton Rouge. p. 13-30.

Biochemical and Genetic Mechanisms Used by Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria.

Glick, B.R.

Biochemical and Genetic Mechanisms Used by Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria.

London: Imperial College Press.

Biochemical and Genetic Mechanisms Used by Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria

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Biochemical and Genetic Mechanisms Used by Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria

London: Imperial College Pr.

Biochemical activitiesof gut microorganism

Prins, R.A

R.T.J. Clarke and T. Bauchop (Eds.). Microbial Ecology of the Gut

Academic Press, London

Biocemistry of insect

Rockstein, M.

Biocemistry of insect

Academic Press Inc., New York

Bio-active substance from Tropical Plants.

Kato, K.O.S.

Bioactive pheolics and related compounds.


Scheuer, P.J. (ed.). Bioorganic Mare Chemistry, Vol. IV

Academic, New York, 3590.

Bioactive Phenolics and Related Compounds.

Higa, T.,

In. Bioorganic Marine Chemistry. Vol IV. ed Sheuer, P.J. 33-93.

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York


Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture.

Hlm 1426 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Bioaccumulation of metals by scenedesmus, selenastrum and chlorella algae.

Brady, D.


Bioaccumulation of Metals by Scenedesmus, Selenastrum and Chlorella Algae

Brady, D.


Bioaccumulation and Distribution of Silver in Four Marine Teleosts and Two Marine Elasmobranchs: Influence: of Exposure Duration, Concentration, and Salinity

Webb, N.A.

Bioaccumulation and Distribution of Silver in Four Marine Teleosts and Two Marine Elasmobranchs: Influence: of Exposure Duration, Concentration, and Salinity

Departement of Biology, McMastcr University, 1280 Main St W., Hamilton, Ont, Canada, aquatox.

Bio statistical Analysis.

Zar, J. H.

Bio statistical Analysis.

Prentice-Hall. Inc. Englewood Cliffs. New Jersey. 718 pp.

Binding Of Humic Subtance By Soil Mineral Colloids

Schnitzer. M

Interaction Of Soil Mineral With Natural Organic and Microbes

Soil Science Society Of America. Inc. Madison. USA

Binding of humic substances by soil mineral colloids. p. 77-102

Schnitzer, M.

P.M. Huang and M. Schnitzer (Eds). Interaction of Soil Minerals with Natural Organics and Microbes. SSSA Spec. Pub. 17

Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, USA.

Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan


Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan

Sumber llmu, Bandung

Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan

R.B.S. Fudjar Tantama

Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan

Penerbit Sumber llmu, Bandung.

Bijdrage tot de kennis van de schappenfokkerij in Nederlandsch-Indie. Nederlandsche Indische Bladen voor Diergeneeskunde 38:395414. (Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia: Sumbangan pengetahuan tentang peternakan domba di Indonesia

Merkens, J.

Domba dan Kambing. Terjemahan Karangan Mengenai Domba dan Kambing di Indonesia

Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, September 1979, SDE67).

Bijdarge tot de kennis van de Gaiten Fakkery Nederlandsch Oost Indie

Merkens, J.

Ned. Ind. Bladen v. Diergeneesch XLIV



Hlm 1427 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Biiku Panduan Burung-Bunmg di Jawa, Ball, Sumatra dan kalimantan.

MacKinnon, J.


Puslitbang Biologi LIP1. Bogor.

Bicarbonate uptake by nitrifiers : Effects of growth rate, pH, substrate concentration, and metabolic inhibitors

Belser L.W

Appl. Environ Microbiol.

Biaya dan pendapatan di dalam usaha tani, jurusan sosial ekonomi pertanian,

Hadisapoetra S

UGM Yogyakarta

Biaya dan pendapatan dalam usaha tani.

Hadisapoetra, S.

Biaya dan pendapatan dalam usaha tani.

Departemen Ekonomi Pertanian. Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Gajah Mada. Yogyakarta

Biaya Dan Pendapatan Dalam Usaha Tani

Hadisapoetro. S

Departemen Ekonomi Pertanian

Fakultas Pertanian Gadjah Mada. Jogjakarta

Biaya dan Harga Pokok l Biaya dan Harga Pokok

Soemita, A Adikoesoemah, R. S

Biaya dan Harga Pokok l Biaya dan Harga Pokok

Tarsito. Bandung Penerbit Tarsito. Bandung

Bi. Cons 9000, Plant Nutrient Solution

CV. Berkah Manunggal Sejati. Madiun.

Beyond Total Quality Management : Toward Emerging Paradigm

Mc Graw Hill Inc., New York

Bi. Cons 9000, Plant Nutrient Solution Beyond Total Quality Management : Toward Emerging Paradigm

Bounds, G.

Better Utilization of Crop Residues and by-Products in Animal Feeding: Research Guidelines.

Preston, T. R.

Better living though chemistry. The relationships between allelochemical interaetions and contivite networks. p 315-327.

Buss. L.W.

In F W Harisson and R.R. Cowde (Eds.). Aspects of Sponge Biology.

Academie Press, New York

BeternLak Puyuh


Beternak Puyuh

P.T. Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Beternak Sapi Potong


Beternak Sapi Potong

Yayasan Kanisius,Yogyakarta .

Beternak Puyuh. Beternak Puyuh

Nugroho, E. Djanah, D


Food and Agricultural Organization of The United Nations (FAO), Rome Italy.

Eka Offset, Semarang. Penerbit CV Simpiek, Ja-karta

Hlm 1428 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Beternak kelinci unggul

Kartadisastra, H. R.

Kanisius, Yogyakarta

Beternak kelinci unggul Beternak kelinci unggul

Sarwono B Sarwono B

Penebar swadya Jkt Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta

Beternak kelinci secara modern


Eka offset, Semarang

Beternak kambing unggul

Sarwono, B

Beternak kambing dan domba

Direktorat bina penyuluhan

Dirjen peternakan, Deptan Jakarta

Beternak kambing dan domba

Direktorat Bina Penyuluhan

DITJEN Peternakan Deptan Jakarta

Beternak Itik Tanpa Air


beternak itik tanpa air

Murtijjo BA

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta

Beternak Itik tanpa Air

Murtidjo BA

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Beternak Itik secara Intensif

Suharno, B

Beternak Itik secara Intensif

Penebar Swadaya Jakarta.

Beternak Itik Alabio


Beternak Itik Alabio

Penerbit Kanisius, Yogyakarta.

Beternak Itik Beternak ayam petelur

Rasyaf. M Rasyaf, M.

Beternak Itik. Cet. I

Kanisius Yokyakarta. Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

beternak ayam petelur

Rasyaf M

penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Beternak ayam petelur

Rasyaf M

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta

Beternak Ayam Pedaging

Rasyaf, M.

Beternak ayam pedaging Beternak ayam pedaging Beternak ayam pedaging Beternak Ayam Kampung

Rasyaf M Anonimus Rasyaf M Rasjaf, M

Beternak Ayam Kampung

Beternak Ayam Kampung

Rasyaf, M.

Beternak Ayam Kampung

Beternak ayam kampung

Djatmiko DH

CV Simplex Ciawi Bogor

Beternak ayam kampung

Rasyaf M

Penebar Swadaya Jkt


Judul Buku

Beternak kambing unggul

Beternak Itik Tanpa Air

Beternak Ayam Pedaging


Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Penerbit Swadaya, Jakarta. Penebat Swadaya Jkt Kanisius Yogyakarta Penebar Swadaya Jkt PT. Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Hlm 1429 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Beternak Ayam Buras sebagai Usaha Sampingan.


Beternak Kambing yang Berhasil

Sumoprastowo, C.D.A., R.M

Betemak Burung Puyuh. Eka Offset, Sema-rang Nutrient Requirement of Poul-try


Betemak Ayam Kampung

Rasyaf, M

Betemak Ayam Kampung

Beta-caroten Appears to Improve Reproductive Performance.

Chew, B. P.

Feedstuffs, May 9, 1994

Beta3 and atypical betaadrenoceptor

Arch, J.R.S

Med. Res. Rev

Beta3 and atypical beta adrenoreceptors.

Arch, J.R.S

Med. Res. Rev.

Beta conglycinin from soybean proteins, Isolation and immunological properties of the monomeric forms

Thanh VH

Ach Biochem. Biophys 490:370384

Berternak Ayam Pedaging


Berternak Ayam Pedaging

Bertani Jamur dan seni Memasaknya


Bertanam ubi-ubian Bertanam Ubi-ubian

Lingga, PB Lingga, P.

Bertanam ubi-ubian Bertanam Ubi-ubian

Penebar swadaya Jkt Penebar Swadaya Jakarta

Bertanam Ubi-ubian

Lingga, P.

Bertanam Ubi-ubian

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Bertanam Terung Bertanam semangka

Rukmana. Kalie, M. B.,

Bertanam Semangka Bertanam selada andewi Bertanam sayur-sayuran.

Wihardjo Rukmana, R. Anonymous,

Bertanam Sayuran


Bertanam Sayuran

Bhatara. Aksara Jakarta

Bertanam Salak Bertanam Salak

Tjahjadi, N Tjahjadi, N.

Bertanam Salak Bertanam Salak

Kanisius, Yogyakarta Kanisius, Yogyakarta


Judul Buku

Penerbit Fakultas Perternakan. Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. Purwokerto.

Beternak Kambing yang Berhasil

Bhratara. Jakarta. National Academy Press, Washington D.C PT. Penerbit Swadaya, Jakarta

Penerbit Kanisius, Yogyakarta Angkasa Bandung

Bertanam semangka

IKAPI. Yogyakarta PT Panebar Swadaya. Jakarta PT. Kanisius Jakarta Departemen Pertanian.

Hlm 1430 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Bertanam Pohon Buah-buahan II


Bertanam Pohon Buah-buahan II

Yayasan Kanisius. Yogyakarta.

Bertanam Pohon Buah-buahan II


Bertanam Pohon Buah-buahan II

Yayasan Kanisius. Yogyakarta.

Bertanam Pohon Buah-buahan


Bertanam Pohon Buah-buahan I

Yayasan Kanisius. Yogyakarta

Bertanam petsai dan sawi. Bertanam Pepaya

Rukmana, R. Baga Kali M

Kanisius, Yogyakarta. PT Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Bertanam padi tanpa olah tanah

Utomo Muhajir

Penebar Swadaya Jakarta

Bertanam padi tanpa olah tanah

Utomo Muhajir

Penebar Swadaya Jakarta

Bertanam Padi Sawah Tanpa Olah Tanah

Utomo, M

Bertanam Padi Sawah Tanpa Olah Tanah

Penebar Swadaya. Jkt

Bertanam Nenas.


Bertanam Nenas.

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Bertanam nenas


Bertanam Melon

Tjahjadi, N.

Bertanam Melon

Penerbit Kanisius, Yogyakarta.

Bertanam Melon


Seri Pertanian

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Bertanam Melon Bertanam Melinjo

Nur Cahyadi Rahardja, P. C.

Penerbit Kanisius PT. Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Bertanam mangga Bertanam Lombok Bertanam lobak. Cetakan pertama.

Pracaya Pracaya Rukmana, R.

Pnebar Swadaya Jkt Penerbit kanisius Yayasan Kanisius. Yogyakarta

Bertanam Kelapa Bertanam Kedelai

Setyamidjaja Suprapto H

Kanisius Yogyakarta PT Penebar Swadaya Jakarta

Bertanam Kedelai

Suprapto H

PT Penebar Swadaya Jakarta

Bertanam Kacang Tanah.

Suprapto, H.,

Bertanam Kacang Tanah.

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.

Bertanam Kacang Tanah

Suprapto, H.S,

Bertanam Kacang Tanah

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta.

Bertanam Kacang Tanah

Suprapto, H.S.

Bertanam Kacang Tanah

Penebar Swadaya Jakarta.

Bertanam Kacang Hijau.

Soeprapto, H.S.,

Bertanam Kacang Hijau.

PT. Penebar Swadaya, Bogor.

Bertanam Jeruk


Bertanam Jeruk

Terate Bandung


PT Penebar Swadaya Jkt

Bertanam Lombok. 68p

Hlm 1431 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Bertanam Jagung.

Suprapto, H.S

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta

Bertanam Jagung

Suprapto. H.S

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta

Bertanam Jagung

Suprapto, H

Bertanam Jagung

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta

Bertanam Jagung

Suprapto, H.S.

Bertanam Jagung

PT. Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Bertanam Jagung Bertanam Jagung

Suprapto, H. S. Suprapto HS

Bertanam Jagung

Penebar Swadaya PT Penebar Swadaya Jakarta

Bertanam durian


Bertanam durian

Penebar Swadaya Jakarta

Bertanam Cabai.


Bertanam Cabai

Syamsudin, J. S.

Bertanam bawang daun

Rukmana, R.

Bertanam Anggur. Bertanam Cabai Bertambak udang intensif.

Setiadi Cholik, F.

Judul Buku


Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta. Bertanam Cabai

Bina Cipta Majalengka Penerbit Kanisius, Yogyakarta

Bertanam Anggur.

Departemen Pertanian

Bertanam Cabai Bertambak udang intensif.

Penebar Swadaya Balai Penelitian Perikanan Budidaya Pantai, Maros. 57 pp. (Tidak diterbitkan)

Berkas Pedoman Penyuluhan dan Pengawasan Usaha Pertambangan Bahan Galian Golongan C Berwawasan Lingkungan

Kanwil Dep. Dan Energi

Berkas Pedoman Penyuluhan dan Pengawasan Usaha Pertambangan Bahan Galian Golongan C Berwawasan Lingkungan

Kanwil Dep. Pertambangan Dan Energi

Bergmeyer, H.U. Methods of Enzymatic Analysis. 3rd ed. III: 36-37

Den Tandt, R.W.

Bergmeyer, H.U. Methods of Enzymatic Analysis. 3rd ed. III: 3637

VCH. Publ. Wenheim.

Bergey's Manual ofSystematic Bacteriology. Vol. I


Bergey's Manual ofSystematic Bacteriology. Vol. I

The Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore.


Hlm 1432 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Bergey's manual of Systematic bacteriology. Vol. I

Krieg, N.R.,

Bergey's manual of Systematic bacteriology. Vol. I

Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, U.S.A.

Bergey's manual of systematic bacteriology Vol. l

Krieg, N. R.

Bergey's manual of systematic bacteriology Vol. l

Williams and Wilins. Baltimore/London

Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology. Ed. ke-9

Holt, J.G.

Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology. Ed. ke-9

Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.

Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology. Ed ke-9

Holt JG

Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology. Ed ke-9

Baltimore: William & Wilkins.

Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology.

Buchanan, R. E.

Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, 9th edition

Holt, J.G. (editor-inchief)

Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, 9th edition

Wilhams and Wilkins, Baltimore.

Bergey's Manual Of Determinative Bacteriology, 9th ed.


Bergey's Manual Of Determinative Bacteriology, 9th ed.

Wilkins. Baltimore.

Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology ninth edition. Williams, K., Hensky (ed) and Wilkins Baltimore, 787 hal.

Holt, J.G.

Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology ninth edition. Williams, K., Hensky (ed) and Wilkins Baltimore, 787 hal.

Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology ninth edition. Williams K. Hensky (ed) and Wilkins Baltimore. 787 haI.

Holt, J.G.

Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology ninth edition. Williams K. Hensky (ed) and Wilkins Baltimore. 787 haI.

Bergey'S Manual of Determinative Bacteriology 8th ed.

Buchanan, R.E

Bergey'S Manual of Determinative Bacteriology 8th ed.

The William & Wilkins Company. Baltimore.

Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology

Breed, B.S.

Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology.

The William & Wilkins Comp. Baltimore.

Bergeys manual of Determinative Bacteriology

Buchanan, R.E.

Bergeys manual of Determinative Bacteriology

The Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore, 521: 546547.

Bergey's Mammal of Determinating Bacteriology

Buchanan, R.E.

Bergey's Mammal of Determinating Bacteriology

The Williams and Wilkins’s Company. Baltimore USA.

Bergey’s Manual Determinative of Bacteriology, 8th ed.

Breed, R.S.,

Bergey’s Manual Determinative of Bacteriology, 8th ed.

The Williams Co., London


The Williams & Wilkins Company, Baltimore.

Hlm 1433 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Bergers Manual Of Systimatic Bacteriology

Bergey, D. H

Bergers Manual Of Systimatic Bacteriology. Volume l

William And Wilkins. Baltimore London

Bercocok tanaman kacang tanah.

Sutarto, lg.V

Bahan Penataran Tenaga-tenaga Penyuluh Pertanian Spesialis. BPP, Direktorat Bina Produksi Tanaman Pangan.

bercocok tanam the

Adisewojo RS

Bercocok tanam sayuran dataran rendah.


Bercocok Tanam Sayuran

Sugeng, H.R,

Bercocok Tanam Sayuran

Aneka llmu. Semarang

Bercocok Tanam Pohon Buahbuahan

Tohir, K. A.

Bercocok Tanam Pohon Buahbuahan

Pradnya Paramita. Jakarta.

Bercocok Tanam Pohon Buahbuahan

Tohir, K.A.

Bercocok Tanam Pohon Buahbuahan

Pradnya Paramita. Jakarta

Bercocok Tanam Pepaya

Muljana, W

Bercocok Tanam Pepaya

Aneka llmu. Semarang

Bercocok tanam padi, palawija, sayur-sauran


Satuan Pengendali Bimas Deptan Jkt

Bercocok Tanam Padi, Palawija dan Sayr-sayuran

Badan Pengendali Bimas

Deptan. R.I. Jakarta

Bercocok Tanam Padi


Bercocok Tanam Melon

penerbit sumur bandung

Bercocok Tanam Padi

Yasaguna, Jakarta. 206 hlm.

Bercocok Tanam Melon

Instalasi Penelitian dan Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian. Yogyakarta. Badan Litbang Pertanian

Bercocok Tanam Kakao.

Manurung, Z.M

Bercocok Tanam Kakao

Balai Penelitian Perkebunan, Jember

Bercocok Tanam Jagung. PS.


Bercocok Tanam Jagung. PS.

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.

Bercocok Tanam Jagung

Effendi, S.

Bercocok Tanam Jagung

CV. Yasa Guna, Jakarta

Bercocok tanam jagung Bercocok Tanam Jagung Bercocok tanam cabai

Efendi, S. Effendi, S Setiadi

Bercocok tanam jagung

CV. Yasaguna, Jakarta Yasaguna. Jakarta Penebar Swadaya Jakarta

Bercocok Tanam Bauh-buahan

Tohir K

Pradnya paramita.jakarta

bercocok tanam padi

Soemartono, B

bercocok tanam padi


Yasaguna Jakarta Hlm 1434 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Bercocok Tanam Bercocok sayuran dataran rendah.

Soedyanto Subhan

Bercocok Tanam Bercocok sayuran dataran rendah

CV. Yasaguna. Jakarta Balai Penelitian Hortikultura Lembang

Berbagai serangga tanaman padi

Baehaki SE

Berbagai implikasi mobilitas penduduk Indonesia

Menneg kependudukan/Ka BKKBN

Berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhi kadar lemak susu sapi perah

Sori Basya

Puslitbangnak Bogor

Berbagai Cara Pendidikan Gizi


Pusat Antar Universitas Pangan Dan Gizi, IPB, Bogor

Berbagai Cara Pendidikan Gizi


Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Dirjen Dikti

PAU Pangan dan Gizi, IPB.Bogor

Berat jenis dari jenis-jenis kayu Indonesia dan pengertian beratnya untuk keperluan praktek. Pengumuman No, 1.

Oey Djoen Seng.

Berat jenis dari jenis-jenis kayu Indonesia dan pengertian beratnya untuk keperluan praktek. Pengumuman No, 1.

Lembaga Penelitian Hasil Hutan Bogor.

Berat jenis dan jenis-jenis kayu Indonesia dan pengertian beratnya untuk keperluan praktek. Pengumuman No. 1.

Oey Djoen Seng.

Berat jenis dan jenis-jenis kayu Indonesia dan pengertian beratnya untuk keperluan praktek. Pengumuman No. 1.

Lembaga Penelitian Hasil Hutan, Bogor.

beometrical methodsinquantitative genetics analysis


Benzo[a]pyrene regulated with coal tar pitch volatiles

Edsell, RD

Benzo(a)pyrene. Agency for Toxic substances and disease registry (ATSDR),


Benthic Macroinvertebrate and Fish as Biological Indicators of Water Quality.

Lee. C.D.,


Penerbit Angkasa Bandung Pokok-pokok pembekalan utk lokakarya mobilitas penduduk di Jakarta, 5-10 Nov 96

Kalyam Publ. New Delhi 304p. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)

US Dept Labor US Dept of Health and Human Services

With reference to community Diversity Index. International Conference on Water Pollution Control in Developing Country. Bangkok.358 pp.

Hlm 1435 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Bentang alam ratu alam sekitarnya dan potensinya sebagai kawasan wisata "Wilderness".

Wibowo, A.

Bentang alam ratu alam sekitarnya dan potensinya sebagai kawasan wisata "Wilderness".

Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta.

Beneficial Effects of Activated Charcoal on Plant Tissue and Organ Cultures

Wang. P.J

Behavioural Ecology and Evolu tionary Approach. Sinauer Asso ciates

Krebs, J.R

Behavioural Ecology and Evolu tionary Approach. Sinauer Asso ciates

INC. Publishers. Sunder land. Massachusetts

Behaviour of Glyphosate In Soils and Its Degradation

Torsteenson. N.T.L

The Herbicide Glyphosate

Butterworth London

Behaviour of Aphis gossypii Glov

Lee KM

Transmitting Chilli Veinal Mottle Virus. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Plant Protection in the Tropics. 28-31 Mar 1994

Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Plant Protection Soc. him. 240-241.

Behaviour of Anaerobic Decomposition Products in Submerged Soil


Behaviour in infective nematodes

Ishibashi, N

Entomopathogenic Nematodes in Biological Control

CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida

Behaviour Differences Between Reptiles and Mamals : An Analysis of Activity and Mental Capabilities

Regal, P.J.

Greenberg, N & P.D. Maclean (eds.). Behavior and Neurology of Lizards. Pp 183 - 202

National Institute of Mental Health. Maryland.

Behavioral response of the entomopathogenic nematodes Steinernema carpocapsae and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora to oxamyl

Gaugler, R

Annals of Applied Bio

Behavior of adhesion Strength and Percentage of Wood Failure of Some Indonesian Wood

Prayitno. T.A

College of Forestry UPLB. Laguna


Soil. Sci. Plant. Nutr

Hlm 1436 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Behandlung Industrieller Abwasser in Entwickklungslanden oleh Suheriy, L. Pengolahan Air Limbah Industri di Negara Berkembang dalam "Memanfaatkan Air Limbah".

Hartman, L.

Behandlung Industrieller Abwasser in Entwickklungslanden oleh Suheriy, L. Pengolahan Air Limbah Industri di Negara Berkembang dalam "Memanfaatkan Air Limbah".

Yayasan Obor Indonesia, Jakarta

Beekeping & honey quality control

Horn H

Kursus singkat produksi ternak Fapet Unbraw Malang

Beef Production Guide.

Cole, V. G.

New South Wales, University Press, United, Kensington.

Beef production guide

Cole, V. G.

New South Wales University Press Limited Kensington

Beef production guide

Cole V G

Beef Production and The Beef Industry.

Taylor, R. E.

Burgess Publishing Company, Minnesota.

Beef Production and The Beef Industry.

Taylor, R. E.

Mc Millan Publishing Company, New York USA.

Beef production and the beef industry : A Beef Producer's Perspective

Toyler RE

Burgerss Pub Co Minneapolis. Minnesota

Beef production and management.

Minish, G. L.

Reston Publishing Co. Inc. A Prentice-Hall Co. Reston, Washington, DC.

Beef production and management.

Minish, G. L.

Reston publishing Co. Inc. A Prentice-Hall Co. Reston. Virginia.

Beef Production and Management.

Minish, G.L.

Reston Publishing Company, Inc, A PrenticeHall Company Reston, Virginia.

Beef production and management decisions

Taylor, R. E.

Macmillan publishing Co., New York

Beef production and management

Minish G L

Reston Publishing Co Inc

A Prentice hall Co reston Virginia

Beef Cattle Science. 4th Ed

Ensminger. M.E

Beef Cattle Science. 4th Ed

The Interste Printers & Publisher. Inc. Danvile Illionis


Beef production guide

New South Wales University Press

Hlm 1437 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Beef Cattle Production.

Lasley, J. E.

Beef Cattle Production

Lasley, John F

Beef Cattle Production 1st. Ed

Prentice-Hall Engiewood Cliffs, NJ.

Beef Cattle Manajement and Economics

Bowker, W.A.T

Beef Cattle Manajement and Economics

Acaderry Press Pty, Brisbane

Beef Cattle Management and Economics.

Bowker, W.A.T.

Beef Cattle Management and Economics.

Australian ViceChancellors' Committee, Brisbane.

Beef cattle feedlots ration formulation. Dalam: Feedlotting notes, a collection of farm notes

Clarke, M. R.

Department of primary industries, Queensland

Beef cattle feeding and nutrition

Perry, T. W.

Academic Press, Inc. Ltd. New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, San Fransisco

Beef cattle feeding and nutrition

Tilden, W. P.

Academic Press Inc., San Diego, California

Beef Cattle 8th Ed Beef cattle

Neumann, A.L. Ensiminger, M.E.

Beef Cattle 8th Ed Animal Science (Animal Agriculture series). 9th Ed

John Wiley & Sons. NY Interstate Publishers Inc., Danville, Illinois. PP. 309457.

Beef Cattle Production Bedeutung der Organischen Bodensubtanz Fuer Eigenschaften and Ertragfaehig kait von Vertsolen und Acrisolen in Sued Berlin

Lesley, J.F Gaisler. T

Beef Cattle Production

Prentice-Hall, Inc. N.Y. Hohenheimer Bodenkundliche Hefte 12

Beberapa Status Faali dan Penampilan Rusa Bawean (Axis kuhlii) di Kandang Percobaan Sub Balai Penelitian Grati

Ma'sum K

Kumpulan Abstrak Simposium Nasional Pelestarian Satwa Langka

Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Unair. Surabaya.

Beberapa Sifat Produksi dan Reproduksi dari berbagai Bangsa Sapi Daging di Ladang Ternak.


IPB, Bogor.

Beberapa Sifat lahan Mangrove di Tinjau dari Segi Edafologi.


Beberapa Sifat lahan Mangrove di Tinjau dari Segi Edafologi.


Judul Buku

Penerbit Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.

Seminar Ekosistem Hutan Mangrove

Hlm 1438 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Beberapa predator wereng coklat dan kemampuan memangsanya

Soekarna, D.

Ismunadji, M., M. Syam, Suprapto, S.O. Manurung, Yuswadi, dan Supriyanto (penyunting) Pemberitaan Pertanian.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan Bogor. (3): 1-7.

Beberapa Persoalan Agama Dewasa ini

Mukti Ali

Beberapa Persoalan Agama Dewasa ini

Rajawali Press, Jakarta

Beberapa Persoalan Agama Dewasa Ini

Mukti Ali

Beberapa Persoalan Agama Dewasa Ini

Rajawali Press, Jakarta

Beberapa Persoalan Agama Dewasa ini

Mukti Ali

Beberapa Persoalan Agama Dewasa ini

Rajawali Press, Jakarta

Beberapa Metode praktis penetasan telur.

Tri Yuwanta

Beberapa Metode praktis penetasan telur.

Proyek pengadaan/ penerbitan buku, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan tinggi, Depdikbud, Jakarta

Beberapa metode fermentasi biji kakao skala kecil.


Beberapa Metode Efektif Untuk Pematahan Dormansi Benih Padi


Beberapa Masalah Penting Di Dalam Analisa Untuk Mengukur Efisiensi Usaha Tani

Harjanto Widadeng

Beberapa Masalah Pengelolaan Tanah di Perkebunan Nanas PT. GGPC. Lampung Tengah


Beberapa masalah penduduk di indonesia dan akibatnya di bidang sosial ekonomi

Mantra, I. B.

Beberapa Masalah Ekonomi dan Manajemen Pengangkutan.

Siregar, M.,

Beberapa komponen teknologi dalam budidaya nilam secara menetap.



Keluarga Benih 3

Direktorat Bina Sarjana Tanaman Pangan, Direktorat Jendral Pertanian Tanaman Pangan

Beberapa Masalah Ekonomi dan Manajemen Pengangkutan.

Lembaga Penerbit Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta

Hlm 1439 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Beberapa Jenis Tanaman untuk Pengembangan Hutan Tanaman Industri dan Penerapannya di Indonesia

Sumiasri, N.

Warta Biotek

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bioteknologi LIPI. Cibinong X (2): 6-9

Beberapa Jenis Hijauan Makanan Ternak Tropika dan Metoda Pengawetannya

Siswono. A

Beberapa Jenis Gulma Padi Sawah

Sundaru, M

Beberapa Jenis Gulma Padi Sawah

Lembaga Pusat Penelitian Pertanian Bogor. Bogor.

Beberapa Hama Tanaman Padipalawija dan Usaha Pengendaliannya. Direktorat Jenderal Pertanian Tanaman Pangan.


Beberapa Hama Tanaman Padipalawija dan Usaha Pengendaliannya. Direktorat Jenderal Pertanian Tanaman Pangan.

Direktorat Perlindungan Tanaman Pangan.

Beberapa Hama Penting Tanaman Pangan.

Kartosuwondo, U

Beberapa faktor sosial dan ekonomi yang mempengaruhi penerapan PUTP petani ternak sapi potong anggota kelompok tani di kabupaten Dati II Kebumen


Beberapa faktor mutu biji kakao.


Beberapa Faktor Keunggulan Strategis Pada Industri Kecil Bordir.

Fakultas Peternakan. Unsoed. Purwokerlo.

Jurusan Hama Dan Penyakit Tumbuhan IPB Bogor Beberapa faktor sosial dan ekonomi yang mempengaruhi penerapan PUTP petani ternak sapi potong anggota kelompok tani di kabupaten Dati II Kebumen

FP UNDIP. Semarang (tidak dipublikasi)

Utami, Mudji.

Beberapa Faktor Keunggulan Strategis Pada Industri Kecil Bordir.

Tugas Akhir Strata-2, Unair-Surabaya.

beberapa data penting tanaman pangan nasional


beberapa data penting tanaman pangan nasional

Puslitbangtan Bogor

Beberapa Catatan Tentang Rotan Indonesia.

Djajapertjunda, S.

Beberapa Catatan Tentang Rotan Indonesia.

Direktorat Pemasaran, Direktorat Jenderal Kehutanan, Jakarta.

Beberapa Catatan Penting tentang Damar di Indonesia.

Djaja Pertjunda. S.S.

Beberapa Catatan Penting tentang Damar di Indonesia.

Direktorat Jenderal Kehutanan. Direktorat Pemasaran. Jakarta.

Beberapa Catatan Penting tentang Damar di Indonesia.

Djaja Pertjunda, S.S.

Beberapa Catatan Penting tentang Damar di Indonesia.

Direktorat Jenderal Kehutanan. Direktorat Pemasaran, Jakarta.

Beberapa Catalan Penting Tentang Damar di Indonesia.

Djaja Pertjunda, S.S.

Beberapa Catalan Penting Tentang Damar di Indonesia.

Direktorat Jenderal Kehutanan. Direktorat Pemasaran, Jakarta.


Hlm 1440 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Beberapa Azas Ekonomi Produksi Peternakan

Prawiro Kusumo, S

Beberapa Azas Ekonomi Produksi Peternakan

Penerbit Pionir Jaya, Bandung.

Beberapa Azas Ekonomi Produksi Pertanian.

Teken, I.B.

Beberapa aspek Pokok yang Perlu Diperhatikan dalam Proses Peningkatan Peranan Wanita di Pedesaan dan Pengambilan Keputusan


Suatu Analisa Sosial Ekonomi, Lokakarya Nasional Peranan Wanita dalam Pembangunan Pedesaan.Cipayung 22-24 oktober 1980

Beberapa aspek pestisida dan pengelolaannya

Baehaki SE

Latihan Penelitian Hama Penyakit terpadu, sukamandi 23 Jan-12 Feb 89

Beberapa aspek pestisida dan pengelolaannya

Baehaki SE

Latihan Penelitian Hama Penyakit terpadu, sukamandi 23 Jan-12 Feb 89

Beberapa aspek pemberantasaan hama tanaman dalam pertanian teknik jantan mandul untuk pemberantasan hama

Winarno, B.

Beberapa aspek pemberantasaan hama tanaman dalam pertanian teknik jantan mandul untuk pemberantasan hama

Badan Tenaga Atom Nasional

Beberapa Aspek Ekologi Jplutung ( Dyera lowii ).

Setyawati, T.,

Beberapa Aspek Ekologi Jplutung ( Dyera lowii ).

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hutan dan Konservasi Alam, Bogor. Belum diterbitkan.

Beberapa aspek ekologi dan aktivitas perkemhangbiakan merak hijau (Ptivo muticus Linneaus) di taman nasional Baluran, Jawa Timur

Winarto, R

Beberapa aspek ekologi dan aktivitas perkemhangbiakan merak hijau (Ptivo muticus Linneaus) di taman nasional Baluran, Jawa Timur

Jurusan Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan. Fakultas Kehutanan IPB

Beberapa aspek biologi ikan jambal di Waduk Jatiluhur.

Sarnita, A.

Pewarta Lembaga Penelitian Perikanan Darat. Bogor. 54 pp.

Beberapa asas ekonomi produksi peternakan.

Prawirokusumo, S.


Fakultas Pertanian Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor.

Fakultas peternakan UGM. Yogyakarta.

Hlm 1441 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Bebeiapa sifat kimia tanah scri Sanggauledo (Anionic Acroperox) Kalimanlan Barat. hlin 43-55


N. Suharta, S. Sukmana, S. Abujamin, I.P.G. Widjaja-Adhi, D. Setyorini, Le I Amien, P Rejekiningrum, BH Prasetyo, dan M. Soekardi (Ed.). Risalali Hasil Penelitian Potensi Sumberdaya Lahan untuk Pengembangan Sawah Irigasi di Kalimantan dan Sulawesi

Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat, Bogor.

Be ware of rations having free gossypol

Randel, R. D.

Beef. Spring

Be Kelinci Fakultas Pean

Natasasmita, A.

Institut Pertani an Bogor. Bogor

be ayam Kampung

Rasyaf, M

be ayam Kampung

PT. Penebar Swadaya Anggota 1KAPI, Jakarta

Be Ayam dan Itik


Be Ayam dan Itik

CV. Yasa Guna, Jakarta

Bayle Scale of Infant Development


Second Edition .USA

Bayesian Network Without Tears

Charniak, E

Bayesian Network Without Tears

Artificial Intelligence Magazine

Bayani (Giant ipil-ipil---Leucaena leucocephala) : A source of fertilizer, feed and energy for the Phillipines.

Benge, M.D

USAID Agriculture Development Series

United States Agency for International Development, Manila


Bandini, Y.


Rukmana , R.


Penerbit Kanisius. Yogyakarta.

Bawang Putih Kegunaan dan Prospek Pemasaran

Purnomowati, S.

Bawang Putih Kegunaan dan Prospek Pemasaran

Jakarta: Pusat Dokumentasi dan Informasi Ilmiah - LIPI.

Bawang Putih Dataran Rendah.


Bawang Putih Dataran Rendah.

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.

Bawang merah

Rahayu, E.

Bawang merah

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Bawang Merah

Rahayu, E.

Bawang Merah

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Batas Maksimum Cemaran Mikroba dan Batas Maksimum Residu dalam Bahan Makanan Asal Hewan


Batas Maksimum Cemaran Mikroba dan Batas Maksimum Residu dalam Bahan Makanan Asal Hewan

Dewan Standardisasi Nasional Indonesia, hal. 512.


Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Hlm 1442 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Basic Statistics for The Behavioral Science.

Hopkins, Kenneth D.

Basic Standards of Organic Agriculture and Food Processing. And Guidelines For Social Rights and Fair Trade, Coffee, Cocoa, and Tea, Evaluation of Inputs


International Federation Organic agriculture Movement General Asembly at Christ-Church/ New Zeland

Basic Standards of Organic Agriculture and Food Processing.


International Federation Organic Agriculture Movement


Basic Standards of Organic Agriculture and Food Processing and Guidelines for Social Rights and Fair Trade, Coffee, Cocoa, and Tea, Evaluation of Inputs


International Federation Organic Agriculture Movement

General Asembly New Zeland

Basic Sensory Methods.

Watts, B. M.

IDRC, Ottawa - Canada.

Basic sensory methods.

Watts, B. M.

IDRC. Ottawa-Canada.

Basic sensory methods for food evaluation. Penerjemah: Purwadi

Watts, D. M.

International development research center, Canada

International development research center, Canada

Basic Sensory Methods for Food Evaluation Diterjemahkan oleh Purwadi

Watts, B. M.

Basic Sensory Methods for Food Evaluation Diterjemahkan oleh Purwadi

Program Studi Teknologi Hasil ternak Universitas Brawijaya Malang.

Basic Sensory Methods for Food Evaluation

Watts, B.M

Basic Sensory Methods for Food Evaluation

International Dev. Res. Centre

Basic sensory methods Basic Sensory Methods for Food Evaluation

Watts, B. M. Watts, B.M

Basic Prtinciples of Chemistry.

Gray, B. H.

Basic Prtinciples of Chemistry.

W.A. Benyamin. Inc. New York

Basic Principles of Membrane Technology

Mulder, M

Basic Principles of Membrane Technology

Kluwer Academic Publisher, Netherland

Basic principles of freezing injury to plant eells: natural tolerance and approaches to Cryopreservation p. 13-47

Merryman, H.T.

K K Kartha (Ed.). Cryopreservation of Plant Cells and Organs

CRC Press Inc , Boca Raton, Florida, USA.

Basic Principles of Chemistry.

Gray, B. H.

Basic Principles of Chemistry.

W.A. Benyamin. Inc. New York.


Judul Buku

Penerbit Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.

IDRC-Ottawa-Canada International Dev. Res. Centre

Hlm 1443 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Basic principle of membrane technology

Marcel PJ

Basic Plant Pathology Methods CRC

Dhingrs, O.D.

Basic Plant Pathology Methods CRC

Basic Nutrition. Basic Microcomputer Models in Biology

McHenry, E. W. Spain, J.D

Montreal. Basic Microcomputer Models in Biology

Basic microbiology. 5th ed. Penerjemah: Markham

Volk, W. A.

Basic microbiology

Volk, W.A.

Basic microbiology. 5th ed

Basic Methods of Specimen Preparation

Murray, J.K.

In Parasitology. IDRC Manuscript Reports, Canada. 18p.

Basic list of species and commodity I

Lemmens RHMJ

prosea Project, Wageningen The Netherlands

Basic list of species and commodity I

Lemmens RHMJ

prosea Project, Wageningen The Netherlands

Basic haematology and serology for fish health programs.

Anderson, D.P.

M. Syariff, J.R. Arthur, and R.P. Subasghe (Eds.). Diseases Asian Aquaculture II. Fish Health Section.

Asian Fisheries Society. Manila. Philippines. p.185202.

Basic Food Microbiology. Abridged Ed

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Basic Food Microbiology. Abridged Ed

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Basic Econometryics

Gujarati Damodar

McGraw-Hill. Inc. Singapore

Basic Econometrics 3rd ed.

Gujarati. D.N

McGraw-Hill. Inc. New York

Basic Econometric. Third Edition

Gujarati, D

Basic Econometric. Third Edition

Mc Graw-Hill International Edition, Singapore

Basic econometric Internatioanl Student Edition

Gujarati, D

Basic econometric Internatioanl Student Edition

International Book. Company, New Delhi

Basic Econometric

Gujarati. D.N

International Edition

McGraw Hill Book Company. New York

Basic Design Bioreactor

Van't Riet

Basic Design Bioreactor

Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York

Basic concept of weathering and soil genesis in humid tropic

Tavernier, R


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Penerbit Kluwer Academy Publisher, Dordrecht Pr. Inc. Boca Raton, FL

Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. London. Erlangga, Jakarta Harper & Row Publisher Inc. Virginia

Second Asian Soil Conference

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Basic Concept in Population, quantitative and evolutionary genetics

Crow JF

Basic Biotechnology.

Bu'lock, J.,

Basic Biotechnology.

Academic Press. Toronto

Basic Biochemical Methods

Alexander, R.R

Basic Biochemical Methods

John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA.

Basic animal nutrition and feeding

Church, D. C.

Basic Animal Nutrition and Feeding

Chuch, D

Basic Animal Nutrition and Feeding

John Willey and Sons. New York

Basic Animal Nutntion and Feeding

Chuch, D, C

Basic Animal Nutntion and Feeding

John Wi'ley and Sons. New York

Basic and Clinical Endocrinology

Greenspan F.S

Basic Blochmical Methods

Renie R.A

Basic Blochmical Methods

John Willey and sons. New York.

Barito Utara dalam Angka


Barito Utara dalam Angka

Kantor Statistik Barito Utara

Bargey's manual of determinative bac-teriology. 9"' ed.

Hold, G.H.,

Bargey's manual of determinative bac-teriology. 9"' ed.

The Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. p. 97-113.

Barbados Blackbelly Sheep in Central Java

Gatenby, R.M.

Working Paper No. 80

Small RuminantCollaborative Research Support Program, Bogor, Indonesia.

Bapepam Harus Mampu Membuat Peraturan Baru.

Anwar, Y.

Bapepam Harus Mampu Membuat Peraturan Baru.

Uang dan Efek, Jakarta.

Bantuan Kredit untuk Rakyat Miskin, (Dalam Monetisiasi Pedesaan, penyunting Maryanto Danusputro, Yusuf M. Colter, Pandu Suharo).


Bantuan Kredit untuk Rakyat Miskin, (Dalam Monetisiasi Pedesaan, penyunting Maryanto Danusputro, Yusuf M. Colter, Pandu Suharo).

Jakarta: Lembaga Pembangunan Perbankan Indonesia

Bangli Dalam Angka

Bappeda Tk. II. Bangli

NTB Dalam Angka

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Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics. Statistical Pocket Book of Bangladesh.


Statistic Division, Ministry of Planning, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics. Statistical Pocket Book of Bangladesh.


Statistic Division, Ministry of Planning, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


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John Wiley & Sons (SEA) Pte. Ltd., New York, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapura

Large Maruzen Asia.Singapore

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Stover, R.H.

Bananas, Chemistry, Physiology, Technology

Von Loesecke, H,W

Bananas, Chemistry, Physiology, Technology

Interscience Publ, Inc. NewYork

Bananas and plantains Bananas : Chemistrv, Physiology Technology. 2 nd revised ed.

Robinson, J. C. Baenell Loeseckle, H.W, von

Bananas : Chemistrv, Physiology Technology. 2 nd revised ed.

Interscience Publisher Inc . New York.

Banana Bamboos Bamboo Propagation Through Conventional and Vitro Techniques

Simmonds NW Dransfield.S Rao. I.V.R


London: Longmans. PROSEA.Bogor CASAFA, Bristol

Bamboo Handling in the Rural Area Yogyakarta, Indonesia with Special Reference to its Tradtional Preservation

Suthoni, A.

Bamboo Handling in the Rural Area Yogyakarta, Indonesia with Special Reference to its Tradtional Preservation

Bali Paradise


BALF, a computer programme for use in the faculty of veterinery science at the University of Queensland.

Beattie, A. W.

Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Sukarami-Sumatera Barat

Taher A.

Baku Mutu Limbah Cair Bagi Kegiatan Yang sudah Beroperasi

SK. Menteri

Keputusan Menteri Negara Kependudukan dan Lingkungan Hidup No. KEP-03/MENKLH/1991

Balai Penelitian Dampak Lingkungan Hidup

Baku Mutu Air Laut.


Baku Mutu Air Laut.

Kantor Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup. Jakarta.

Baku Monograf Khitin dan Khitosan.

Suhadi, U.

Baku Monograf Khitin dan Khitosan.

PAU. Pangan dan Gizi. UGM, Yogyakarta.

Baku Cara Uji Air dan Air Limbah di Jawa Timur


Baku Cara Uji Air dan Air Limbah di Jawa Timur

Biro Bina Kependudukan dan Lingkungan Hidup Sekretariat Wilayah TK I, Jawa Timur


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Penerbit Longman Singapore Publisher.

Rapid Propagation of Fast Growing Woody Species

IDRC Bamboo Preservation Project

Home Page : html The University of Queensland.

BPTP Sukarami

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Baku Cam Uji Air dan Air Limbah di Jawa Timur


Baku Cam Uji Air dan Air Limbah di Jawa Timur

Biro Bina Kependiidukan dan Lingkungan Hidup. Sekretanat Wilayah Daerah Tmgkat I Jatim.

Bakterielle Erkrankungen der Kulturpflazen, VEB Gustav Fiscer Verlag.

Kleinhempel, H.,

Bakterielle Erkrankungen der Kulturpflazen, VEB Gustav Fiscer Verlag.

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Bakteri Asam Laktat. Kursus Fermentasi Pangan

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Bakteri Asam Laktat. Kursus Fermentasi Pangan

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Baktenal Disease of Fishes

Bullock. GL

Snieszko, S.F. and H.R. Axelrod (ed.). 1971. Disease ot Fishes Hongkong

Bakery Material and Methode

Daniel, A.R.

Bailey's Industrial Oils and Fat Production. Volume II.

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Bailey's Industrial Oils and Fat Production. Volume II.

John Wiley and Son. New York.

Bailey's Industrial Oils and Fat Production. Volume II.

Swern, D.

Bailey's Industrial Oils and Fat Production. Volume II.

John Wiley and Son, New York.

Baileys Industrial Oil and Fat Products. Volume II.

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Baileys Industrial Oil and Fat Products. Volume II.

John Wiley & Sons. New York.

Baileys Industrial Oil and Fat Products. Vol. II

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Baileys Industrial Oil and Fat Products. Vol. II

Interscience Publisher, Inc., New York

Bailey's industrial oil and fat products Vol 2. 4th ed

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Bailey's industrial oil and fat products Vol 2. 4th ed

John Willey and sons, New York

Bailey's Industrial Oil and Fat Products

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Fels research Institute and Departement Of Chemistry

Temple University. Interscience Publisher a Division of John and Sons New York, London, Sydney

Baileys Industrial Oil and Fat Products

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Baileys Industrial Oil and Fat Products

Interscience Publisher, Inc., New York

Baileys Industrial Oil and Fat Product 5th Ed.

Hui, Y.H.(ed.)

Baileys Industrial Oil and Fat Product 5th Ed

John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York

Bailey's industrial oil & fat production (5th ed) vol 1

Hui YH

John Wiley & Sons inc, NY USA

Bailey Industrial Oil and Fat Products. Oilseeds Products. 5th ed

Hui, Y.H.,

John Willey and Son Company Publisher, New York


Elsefier Applied Science

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Bahasa dan Kuasa: Tatapan Posmodernisme, dalam Bahasa dan Kekuasaan, Politik Wacana di Panggung Orde Baru.

Heryanto, Ariel

Bahasa dan Kuasa: Tatapan Posmodernisme, dalam Bahasa dan Kekuasaan, Politik Wacana di Panggung Orde Baru.

Bandung: Mizan

Bahan-bahan Seminar Seperempat Abad UUPA.

Sinaga, R.

Bahan-bahan Seminar Seperempat Abad UUPA.

Universitas Indonesia. Jakarta. 29 pp.

Bahan-bahan Pemanis Bahan-bahan pemanis Bahan Tanam Unggul Anjuran Kopi Arabica dan cara Mengenal Kunci Pencirinya

Sudarmadji. S Sudarmadji S Hulupi,R

Bahan Tambahan Untuk Makanan dan Kontaminan

Winarno, F.G.

Bahan Tambahan Untuk Makanan Dan Kontaminan

Winarno F.G

Pustaka Sinar Harapan, Jakarta

Bahan Tambahan untuk Makanan dan Kontamin

Winarno F.G

Pustaka Sinar Harapan, Jakarta

Bahan Tambahan Pangari


Bahan tambahan makanan


Bahan Rapat Pengendalian Program dan Proyek BKKBN Jawa Timur, Surabaya

Bahan Tanam Unggul Anjuran Kopi Arabica dan cara Mengenal Kunci Pencirinya Bahan Tambahan Untuk Makanan dan Kontaminan

Bahan Tambahan Pangari

Agritech. Yogyakarta Fapet UGM Pusat Penelitian Kopi dan Kakao, Jember

Pustaka Sinar Harapan, Jakarta

PAU Pangan dan Gizi. Universitas Gadjah Mada. Yogyakarta. PAU pangan dan gizi. UGM, Yogyakarta

Bahan Rapat Pengendalian Program dan Proyek BKKBN Jawa Timur, Surabaya

BKKBN Jatim, Surabaya.

Bahan Pengajaran Patologi dan Penyakit Ikan.

Nabib, R.,

Bahan Pengajaran Patologi dan Penyakit Ikan.

Dept. P&K. Ditjen. PendidikanTinggi. PAU Bioteknologi-IPB. Bogor. 158 pp.

Bahan Pengajaran Mikrobiologi Tanah II,


Bahan Pengajaran Mikrobiologi Tanah II,

IPB, Bogor.

Bahan Pengajaran Embriologi 1

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Bahan Pengajaran Biokimia Pangan.



Pusat antar Universitas Ilmu Hayat ITB Bahan Pengajaran Biokimia Pangan.

Pusat Antar Universitas Pangan dan Gizi, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.

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Bahan Pangan terfermentasi

Winarno, F.G

Bahan Pangan terfermentasi

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tehnologi Pangan, IPB, Bogor.

Bahan Pangan terfermentasi

Winarno, F.G.

Bahan Pangan terfermentasi

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tehnologi Pangan, IPB, Bogor

Bahan pangan terfermentasi


Bahan pangan terfermentasi

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pangan. IPB, Bogor.

Bahan Organik sebagai Komponen Fase Padat Tanah

Kartonegoro. D.O

Bahan Makanan Unggas di Indonesia

Rasyaf. M

Bahan Makanan Unggas di Indonesia

Kanisus. Jakarta

Bahan Makanan Unggas di Indonesia

Rasyaf, M.

Bahan Makanan Unggas di Indonesia

Penerbit Kanisius, Yogyakarta

Bahan Makanan Ternak Limbah Pertanian dan Industri.

Reksohadiprodjo, S.,

Bahan Makanan Ternak Limbah Pertanian dan Industri.

BPFE Yogyakarta.

Bahan makanan ternak limbah pertanian dan industri


Bahan Makanan Bergizi


Bahan Makanan Bergizi

PT. Bogasari Flour Milis. Jakarta, Surabaya

Bahan Kuliah Konservasi Tanah

L. Supriyandono

Bahan Kuliah Konservasi Tanah

Yayasan Pembinaan Fak. Kehutanan, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

Bahan kuliah kesuburan tanah

Lewakabessy, F .M.

Bahan Alat Penangkapan Ikan, Yasaguna, Jakarta. 80 hal. Sadhori, S.N. 1985.

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Bahan ajaran: Serat makanan



Departemen Ilmu Tanah Fakultas Pertanian UGM

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PAU pangan dan gizi. UGM, Yogyakarta

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Bagaimana Memulihkan Tanah Kritis

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Bagaimana Memulihkan Tanah Kritis

Dep. Pertanian Proyek Pendidikan dan Latihan Petugas Lapangan Program Bantuan Penghijauan dan Retribusi

Badan Pengendalian Bimas

Vedenecum Bimas

Badan Pengendalian Bimas


Baculoviridae. NonOccludedBaculoviruses

Huger. A.M

Atlas Of Invertebrata Viruses

CRS Press

Baculoviral infectivity trial on Kuruma Shrimp larvae, Penaeus japonicus of different age

T. Sano

Fish And Shellfish Pathology

Academic Press, London

Bacteriological Examination

World Health Organization

Examination of Water Pollution Control. (M.J. Suess ed). Vol 3

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Bacteriological analytical manual 8th ed.


Bacteriocin of Sterter as Food Biopreservatives

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Food Biopreservatives of Microbial Origin (1992)

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Bacteriocin of Lactic Acid Bacteria as Food Biopreservatives : and Overview

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CRC Press Inc. Boca Raton

Bacteriocin and food applications

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Bacterial wilt: past, present, and future

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Bacterial wilt revisited

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Bacterial Wilt Resistance Screening. Laboratory Course on Bacterial Wilt of Tomato

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Bacterial Wilt Resistance Screening. Laboratory Course on Bacterial Wilt of Tomato

Bangkok: Kasetsart University.

Bacterial wilt resistance in potato population with multiple sources of resistance and adaptation

Tung, P.X

Bacterial Wilt of Potato

Martin, C

Bacterial wilt manual

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Bacterial wilt in the People’s Republic of China

He, L.Y.

Bacterial Wilt Disease in Asia and the South Pacific. Proceedings of an International Workshop held at PCARRD, Los Banos, Philippines, October 1985. G. J. Persley (Ed.). ACIAR Proceedings 13: 40-48.

Bacterial Wilt in Indonesia

Machmud, M.

Bacterial Wilt Workshop

PCARD, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines: 16 pp.

Bacterial starter cultures for foods

Gillialand, S.E

Bacterial starter cultures for foods

CRC Press, Inc. Boca Raton, Fla

Bacterial Starter Cultures for Food

Gilliand, S.E.

Bacterial Starter Cultures for Food

CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida.

Bacterial insecticides : development in the tropics. Bio Contr. : Issues in the tropic (PAC Ooi, GS Lim and PS Teng eds) pp23-30

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Bacterial insecticides : development in the tropics. Bio Contr. : Issues in the tropic (PAC Ooi, GS Lim and PS Teng eds) pp23-30

Bacterial Indication of Water Pollution.

Bonde, G.J

Advances In Aquatic Microbiology, (ed) Droop, M. R., dan Jannasch, H.W. Vol. I

Academic Press. London.

Bacterial ice nucleation activity, him. 428-434

Lindow, S.E.

Z. Klement, K. Rudolph & D.C. Sands (ed.). Methods in Phytobacteriology

Budapest: Akademiai Kiado.

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Bacterial fish pathogens: Diseases in Farmed and wild fish, 2nd edition

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Bacterial Wilt Training Manual

International Potato Center (CIP). Lima Peru. International Potato Center (CIP), Lima, Peru

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Bacterial Fish Pathogens. Disease in Farmed and Wild Fish. Second edition.

Austin, B.

New York. London. Toronto. Sydney. Tokyo. Singapore. 384 pp.

Bacterial fish pathogens. Disease in farmed and wild fish. Second edition

Austin, B.

Bacterial fish pathogens. Disease in farmed and wild fish. Second edition

Ellis Horword limited. Chichester, England, 383 p.

Bacterial Fish Pathogens. Disease in farmed and wild fish.

Austine, B.

Bacterial Fish Pathogens. Disease in farmed and wild fish.

Ellis Norwood Ltd., Chichester, England. 364 pp.

Bacterial Fish Pathogens.

Austine, B.

Disease in farmed and wild fish.

Second edition. New York. London. Toronto. Sydney. Tokyo. Singapore. 384 pp.

Bacterial fish pathogens : Disease in farmed and wild fish

Austin, B.

Bacterial fish pathogens : Disease in farmed and wild fish

Ellis Horwood Ltd. New York

Bacterial Fish pathogens

B. Austine

Diseases in farmed and Wild Fish

Ellis Horwood Ltd., Chichester, England

Bacterial fish pathogens

B. Austine

Diseases in farmed and Wild Fish, Second Edition

New York, London,Toronto, Sydney, Tokyo and Singapore

Bacterial Fish Pathogen.

Austin B

Disease in Farmed and Wild Fish.

Ellish Harwood Ltd. England.

Bacterial fish pathogen disease in farmed and wild fish.

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Bacterial fish pathogen disease in farmed and wild fish.

Ellish Harwood Ltd, England.

Bacterial Diseases.

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Bacterial diseases of fish

Munday, B.L

Fish diseases- Refresher course for veterinarians

Proceedings 106. Post Graduate Committee in Veterinary Science University of Sidney, Australia.

Bacterial blight on soybean in plant of international importance

Lim, S. M.

Bacterial Antigent.

Hirst, R.G.

ELISA technology diagnosis and research. Graham W.B. (Ed).

JCU Townsville, 193213.

Bacterial and fungal disease of tomato

Yang, C.Y.

International symposium on tropical tomato.

AVRDC. Taiwan



Prentice Hall, Englewood Clifts, New Jersey

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Background and history of faba bean production. 3-22

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P.D. Hebblethwaite (Ed.) The faba bean (Vicia faba L.)

Butterworths, London.

Bacaan Terpilih tentang:Total Quality Management

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Cetakan Pertama

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Babul (Acacia nilotica) A Multipurpose Tree of Dry Areas

Dwivedi, A.P.

Babul (Acacia nilotica) A Multipurpose Tree of Dry Areas

Arid Forest Research Institute, Jodhpur, India.

B. Thuringiensis: Natural and recombinant bio-onsectices product.

Baum, J.A.,

Hall, F.R and J.J. Menn (Eds.). Biopesticides: Use and Delivery.

Humana Press. Totowa, New Jersey. 189-230.

Azotobacter Inoculant And Azospililum Inoculant

Rao. S.N.S

Biofertilizers in Agriculture

Oxford and I.B.H. Publishing Co. New Delhi

Azospirillum Inoculant

Rao. S.N.S

Biofertilizer in Agriculture

New Delhi Bombay Calcutta

Azolla, Pembudidayaan dan pemanfaatan pada tanaman padi.

Arifin, Z

Azolla, Pembudidayaan dan pemanfaatan pada tanaman padi.

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Azolla as Potential Source of Organic Matter Nutrient

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Cabefarm News. Jan-Feb. 9(3)

Azolla as a Fish Food.

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Idann News Letter.

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Azas-azas Marketing Azas-azas Marketing Azas-azas Marketing Azas-azas Marketing

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Faperta UGM

Azas dan tujuan analisis tanah, air dan tanaman dalam pertanian

Notohadiprawiro T

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Azas dan Dasar Perpajakan 2

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Azas -azas marketing

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Ayam-ayam Lokal di Indonesia Sifatsifat Pro-duksi pada Lingkungan yang Baik

Creswell, D.C

Ayam-ayam Lokal di Indonesia Sifatsifat Pro-duksi pada Lingkungan yang Baik


Ayam kampung ( gallus domesticus ).

Nataamijaya, A. G

Bunga Rampai Hasil Penelitian Ternak Unggas dan Ruminansia Kecil. BPT Puslitbang-nak Balitbang Pertanian Bogor

Ayam dan itik.

Djanah, J.

Ayam buras. Bunga rampai hasilhasil penelitian ternak kecil dan unggas.

Nataamijaya, A.A.

Ayam buras. Bunga rampai hasilhasil penelitian ternak kecil dan unggas.

BPT, Ciawi, Bogor.

Ayam Buras Pedaging Awspirillum irakense sp. nov., a nitrogen-fixing bacterium associated with rice roots and rhizosphere soil

Cahyono, B. Khammas KM

Ayam Buras Pedaging Res Microbiol 140:679-693.

Pt. Trubus Agriwidya

Awas bahaya pestisida, rsidu pestisida buah impor di bawah ambang,


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Avoidance of towed nets by zooplankton.

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Avocado Fruit Development And Ripening Physiology

Seymour. G.B

The Biochemistri of Fruit Ripening

Chapmann Hall. London

Avian Physiology. 3rd.

Sturkie, PD.

Avian Physiology. 3rd

Springer Verlag New YorkHeidelberg- Berlin

Avian physiology. 3rd ed.

Sturkie, P. D.

Avian Physiology. 2"'1. Ed

Sturkie, P.D

Avian Physiology. 2"'1. Ed

Camstock Publishing Associates,. Itacha, New York

Avian Physiology.

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Avian Physiology.

Springer Verlag, New York-Heidelberg-Berlin.

Avian Physiology.

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Avian Physiology 6thEd.


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Springer-verlag. New York-Berlin.

Avian Physiology

Sturkie. P.D

Avian Physiology 3rd Ed

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Limnology and Oceanography

Springer verlag new York Heidelberg Berlin

Springer - Verlag, New York.

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Avian Physicology. 3rd Ed. Spinger Verlag, New York, Heidenberg, Berlin

Sturkie, P.D.

Avian Physicology. 3rd Ed.

Spinger Verlag, New York, Heidenberg, Berlin

Avian Phisiology, 3 rd. Ed.

Sturkie, P.D.

Avian Phisiology, 3 rd. Ed.

Spinger Verlag, New York, Heildelberg, Berlin.

Avian Phisiology

Sturkie, P.O

Avian Phisiology

Springer Verlag, New York, USA.

Availability and measurement of soil water.

Gardner, W. R.

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Academic Press , New York.

Availability and intensive utilization of sugar cane byproducts.

Rangnekar, D. V.

non-conventional feed resources. Prosiding of a consultation held hisar, India.

Autotrophic and Heterotrophic nitrification in acidic forest and native grassland soils

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Automated Land Evaluation System ALES. Version 4.5

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User Manual. Cornell Univ. Dept. of Soil, Crop & Atmospheric Sciences. Ithaca NY USA. SCAS Teaching Series (193-2). Revision 6.

Automated Land Evaluation System

Rossiter. D.G

Cornell University Departement of Soil Crop & Atmosphiric Sciences. Ithaca New York USA

Automated Land Evaluation System

Rossiter. D.G

Version 4.5 User's Manual

Automated Land Evaluation System

David.G Rossiter

Cornell University, Depart. Of Soil Crop & Atmospheric Science. Ithata, NY.USA

Automated Land Evaluation System

Rossiter. D.G

Cornel University, Depatement of Soil Crop & Atmospheric Sciences. Ithata, NY. USA

Automated Land Evaluation System

David. G. Rossiter

Cornell University, Depart. & crop & Atmosphiric Sciences. Ithata. NY. USA


Soil. Biol. Biochem

Departement of Agronomy Cornell University, Ithaca. NY

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Automated and Semiauton\mated Methods For Soil and Plant Analysis


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IITA. Ibadan. Nigeria

Australian Laboratory Handbook Of Soil and Water Chemical Methods

Rayment. G.E

Australian import demand alanysis dalam ASEAN Australian trade manufactures.

Silvapulla, P.

Australian goats detoxify the goitrogen 3-hydroxy-4(1H) pyridone after rumen infusion from indonesian Goats

Jones, R. J.

Australia Mercantile Law. 14th ed.

Yorston, S. K.


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Aufschluss von Aspenholz (Populus trenula L.x Populus tremiloides Michx,) nach den formacell-Verfahren.

Lehnen, R.

Atypical B(Beta)-Adrenoceptor on brown adipocytes as target for anti-obesity drugs

Arch, J.R.S


Atttitude dan Attitude change.


Johny Wiley and Son. New York.

Atonik anew type of plant stimultant


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Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore

Applied Veterinary Histology


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Applied Social Research.

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Holt, Rinehart and Winston New York

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Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Second Ed

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Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Second Ed

Prentice-Hall International, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

Applied multivariate statistical analysis

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Applied multivariate statistical analysis

Prentice-Hall International Editions

Applied Multivariate Analysis.

Johnson, R. A.

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Applied mathematics in chemical engineering, 2nd edition

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Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd New Delhi

Applied Logistic Regression. Applied Logistic regression

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Applied Logistic Regression.

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Applied Forest Tree Improvement

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John Willey & Sons Inc. Canada

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Applied Biochemical and Bioengineering

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Enzyme Technology

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Applied Animal Reproduction. 3rd edition

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Applied Animal Reproduction. 2th ed

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Applied Animal Reproduction. 2nd Edition

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Applied animal reproduction

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Applied animal reproduction

Bearden, H.J..

Applied animal reproduction. Third Edition

Reston Publishing Company

Applied Animal Nutrition. 2nd Ed.

Crampton, E.W.

Applied Animal Nutrition. 2nd Ed.

W.H. Freeman and Company, San Fransisco.

Applied animal nutrition.

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W. H. Freeman and Co. San Fransisco.

Applied Animal Nutrition.

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Applied Animal Nutrition.

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Applied Animal Nutrition, 2nd Ed

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Application of isozymes in tree breeding

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Antibacterial and antifungal propeties of essential oil components

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Antibacterial and antifungal propeties of essential oil components

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Animal Tissue Technique

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Animal Science Research Report. Editor R.H. Thayer dan J.R. Cozart

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Animal Science & industry

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Animal Science Animal response to silage additives. In silage: field to feedbunk

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Animal Science

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Animal reproduction

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Animal Nutrition. 5th Ed.

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Animal nutrition. 2nd, edition Animal nutrition. 2nd ed.

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Animal nutrition in the tropics Animal Nutrition and Feeding Practice in India

Ranjhan SK Ranjhan, S.K

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Animal Life cycle feeding and nutrition.

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Animal husbandry.

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Animal Husbandry in the Tropics. lts Economics Impotance and Potentialities Studies in a Few Regiems in Indonesia.

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Animal Husbandry in the Tropics. lts Economics Impotance and Potentialities Studies in a Few Regiems in Indonesia.

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Animal Agriculture. The Biology of Domestic Animals and Their Use by Man.

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Animal Growth and Nutrition

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Angkatan kerja di Indonesia

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Runtuwene, H.

Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Aneka ayam piaraan. Androgen dan Anti Androgen dalam Farmakologi dan Terapi Sulistia Gan (ed.).

Sarwono, B. Wilmana, P.F

Bhatara, Jakarta. 2nd ed. Bagian Farmakologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta

Andosol dari daerah Sukamantri Kabupaten Bogor

Hardjosoesastro, R

Pembr. Pen. Tanah dan Pupuk No. 2

Ando Soils in Japan. Ando Soils in Japan. Ando Soils in Japan

wada, K. Wada, K. Wada, K

Kyushu Univ. Press. (Publ) Kyusu Univ. Press.

Tokyo Japan. ( Publ.) Tokyo, Japan. Kyushu Univ. Press. (Publ). Tokyo. Japan

Anatomy Vetcriner VII Anatomy dan Fisiology Ayam

Tanudimadja, K.

Anatomy Vetcriner VII Anatomy dan Fisiology Ayam

Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan. IPB. Bogor.

Anatomy of The Chicken and The Domestic Birds. lst. Ed.

Koch, T.

Anatomy of The Chicken and The Domestic Birds. lst. Ed.

The lowa State University Press. New York.

Anatomy of the Chicken and Domestic Birds


Anatomy of the Chicken and Domestic Birds

The Iowa State University Press, Iowa

Anatomy of Seed Plants. Second Edition.

Esau, K.,

Anatomy of Seed Plants. Second Edition.

John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Singapore. P. 1-550.

Anatomy of seed plants

Esau K

Anatomy of seed plants

John Willey & Sons. Toronto

Anatomy of Domestic Bird. Spinger Verlog

Nickel. R.A.

Anatomy of Domestic Bird. Spinger Verlog

New York. Heidelberg Berlin.

Anatomy of domestic bird.

Nickel, R. A.

Anatomy of dicotyledons. Leaves, Stem, and Wood in Relation to Taxonomy with Notes on Economic Uses. Vol. II.

Metcalfe, C.R.

Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals.

Sorensen, A. M. J.


Judul Buku

Penerbit Swadaya Jakarta

Aneka Hukum Bisnis

Alumni, Bandung

Verlag paul parey. BerlinHamburg. Anatomy of dicotyledons. Leaves, Stem, and Wood in Relation to Taxonomy with Notes on Economic Uses. Vol. II.

Clarendon Press. Oxford. New York. P. 78.

Lea and Febrigriger Philadelpia, Pensylvania, USA.

Hlm 1483 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Anatomy and morfology of VA mycorrhiza

Bofante-Fasolo, P

VA Myccorrhiza

CRC Pres. Inc

Anatomical and Chemical Characteristics.

Theander, P.

Anatomi udang: Buku Penunjang Kegiatan dan Keterampilan. Cetakan I

Mahardono, A.

Anatomi udang: Buku Penunjang Kegiatan dan Keterampilan. Cetakan I

PT Intermasa.

Anatomi tumbuhan, dalam biologi pertanian

Nihayati, E.

Anatomi tumbuhan, dalam biologi pertanian

Rajawali Jakarta

Anatomi tumbuhan berbiji Anatomi Tumbuhan (Terj.)

Hidayat, E. B. Fahn, A

Anatomi tumbuhan berbiji Anatomi Tumbuhan (Terj.)

Penerbit ITB bandung Gadjah Mada Univ. Press, Yogyakarta.

Anatomi Revolusi Pertanian Indonesia


Canopy edisi XXVIII

HMP Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya. Malang

Anatomi of Male reproduction

Ashdown R R

In E S E Hafez (ed): Reproduction in Farm Animals 5th ed

Lea & febiger Philadelphia

Anatomi of Male reproduction

Ashdown R R

In E S E Hafez (ed): Reproduction in Farm Animals 6th ed

Lea & febiger Philadelphia

Anatomi I. Terjemahan Z. S. Bustami

O'Rahilly, G.

Anatomi I. Terjemahan Z. S. Bustami

UI-Press. P:20

Anatomi dan Pisiologi Temak. Edisi ke 4.

Frandson, R. D.

Anatomi dan Pisiologi Temak. Edisi ke 4.

Gadjah Mada University Press.

Anatomi dan identifikasi kayu

Pandit KN

Anatomi dan Fsiologi Ayam. Anatomi Veteriner VII.

Tanudimadja, K.

Anatomi dan Fisiologi Ternak. Judul asli : Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals. Edisi Keempat. Penerjemah Srigandono, B dan K. Praseno.

Frandson, R.D.

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Anatomi dan Fisiologi Ternak

Frandson, R.D.

Gadjah Mada University Press

Anatomi dan Fisiologi Ternak

Frandson, K.D.

Anatomi dan Fisiologi Ternak

UGM Press, Yogyakarta.

Anatomi dan Fisiologi Ternak

Frandson, R.D.

Anatomi dan Fisiologi Ternak

Gadjah Mada Univ. Press, Yogyakarta.

Anatomi dan Fisiologi Ayam.

Tanudimadja, K.


Elsevier Sci. Publ., Amsterdam.

Fak. Kehutanan IPB Bogor Anatomi dan Fsiologi Ayam. Anatomi Veteriner VII.

Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan. IPB. Bogor.

Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, IPB, Bogor.

Hlm 1484 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Anatomi & Fisiologi Untuk Paramedis

Pearce. E.C

Analyze d'image sipport audenombrement de zooplankton preleve dans le cadre du programme ecothau

Lam Hoai, T

Analyze d'image sipport audenombrement de zooplankton preleve dans le cadre du programme ecothau

Analytical methods for estimating freshness offish.

Uchiyama, H.,

Utilization of Marine Products. OTCA. Japan. 206-214.

Analysis Twenty scond Int. Irrigated rice yield NurseryMedium


International workshop on GxE interaction Analysis. Los Banos Philippines 4-6 Okt 1995

IRRI, Philippines

Analysis Twenty scond Int. Irrigated rice yield NurseryMedium


International workshop on GxE interaction Analysis. Los Banos Philippines 4-6 Okt 1995

IRRI, Philippines

Analysis of The Bovine Viral Diarrhea Genom for Possible Celluler Insertions.

Qi, F.


Analysis of Oils and Fats.

Hamilton, R.J.

Analysis of Oils and Fats.

Analysis of oils and fat

Hamilton RJ

Analysis of Nitrogen Compounds

Judul Buku

Penerbit Gramedia. Jakarta Acta Ecologica Ecol. Applic

Elsevier applied Science, London and New York Elseiver Applied Science Publishers

Method of Plant Nutrition Experiment

Hakuyu-sha, Tokyo. pp. 174-203.

Analysis of genetic relationship among genotypes based on molecular marker data, p. 8-14.

Nienhuis, J.,

Analysis of Molecular Marker Data. Joint Plant Breeding Symposia Series, Corvallis, Oregon 5-6 August 1994.

CSSA, Am. Soc. Horticul. Sci. and Am. Genet. Assoc.

Analysis of Fruit and Vegetable Product


Analysis of Fruit and Vegetable Product

The AVI Publ. Co. Inc. Westport Connecticut.

Analysis of Four Uncertainty Calcul

Henkind, S.J.

Analysis of Four Uncertainty Calcul

IEEE Trans. Sys. Man. Cyb

Analysis of coconut germplasm biodiversity by DNA marker technologies and construction of a first linkage map, abstr. 2, him. 7

Rohde, W.

International Symposium on Coconut Biotechnology

Mexico: Centre de Investigation Cientifica de Yucatan.


Hlm 1485 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Analysis- of Catch and Effort Data on Marine Capture Fisheries in East Java, Indonesia.

Wiadnya, D.G.R.

Verslag Nummer 1376, Landbouw Universiteit, Wageningen, The Netheriands, Indonesia.

Analysis of Carbohydrate in the Alimentary Tract and its Nutritional Significance

McAllan, A.B.

G.G. Birch (ed.). Analysis of Food Carbohydrate

analysis of bank financial statement

Wood Jr

Analysis of Anthocyanins

Francis, F.J.

Analysis Methode of Kinetics Models of Organic Nitrogen Mineralization in Soil


Analysis Break Even Point.

Sigit, S.

Analysis and Quality Control For Fruit and Vegetable Product

Ranganna. S

McGraw-Hill International. New York

Analysis & simulation of water nitrogen interactions of wheat crop


The Univ. Melbourne

Analyse of Hydroliske Tidsserie

Hansen, E

Danmarks Tekniske Hoejskole, Lyngby

Analyse de la structure genetique de deux cohortes consecutives chez un bivalve, Ruditapes decussatus. St. ann


Analyse de la structure genetique de deux cohortes consecutives chez un bivalve, Ruditapes decussatus. St. ann

Analitycal methods for otomic Absorbtion Spectrometry.


Norwolk. Conecticut. USA.

Analisis Vegetasi Mangrove Morowali, Sulawesi Tengah

Darnaedi D

Soemodiharjo S, A.Nontji dan A.Djamali (eds).Prosiding Seminar II Ekosistem Mangrove : 19 - 28

MAB - LIPI, Jakarta

Analisis Usahatani Padi di SulSel

Marisa Y

Kasryno, F dkk (eds) : Perubahan Ekonomi Pedesaan Menuju Struktur Ekonomi Berimbang. Prosiding Patanas.

Pusat Penelitian Agro Ekonomi, Badan Litbang Pertanian



Elsevier Applied Sci. Publishers, London. Litton Educational Inc

Markakis, P. (ed.) Antocyanins as Food Colors

Academic Press, New York. 263 p. Nokankenho

Analysis Break Even Point.

Penerbit Pendidikan Ahli Administrasi Perusahaan Universi-tas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta,

Scie. Evol. Ecol. Univ. Montpellier-Scie. Tech Languedoc

Hlm 1486 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Analisis Usahatani Durian Rakyat di Blitar dan Tulungagung

Syafrial. N

Analisis Usahatani jagung

Makian H


BP3 Puslitbang Tanaman Pangan Bogor

Analisis Usahatani jagung

Makian H


BP3 Puslitbang Tanaman Pangan Bogor

Analisis usaha tani


Analisis Tataniaga Ayam Ras Pedaging Peternak Plasma-Inti CV. Setiabudi. Sawangan di Kotif Depok dan DKJ Jakarta.


Analisis SWOT, teknik membedah kasus bisnis edisi ke3.

Rangkuti, F.

Analisis SWOT Teknik Membedah Kasus Bisnis

Rangkuti, F

Analisis SWOT Teknik Membedah Kasus Bisnis

Analisis Stabilitas hasil beberapa varietas kedelai (Glycine max L. Merr)


tesis. Pascasarjana UGM. Yogyakarta

Analisis Sosial Ekonomi Perkreditan dan Pembiayaan Pola Pengambek pada Usaha penangkapan Ikan Sekala Kecil di Wilayah pedesaan Pantai Miskin Jawa Timur

Koid, A

Analisis skala usaha permintaan, masukan dan penawaran hasil industri

Purwoto, A

Analisis skala usaha permintaan masukan dan penawaran hasil industri.

Purwoto, A.

Analisis Sistem Terapan Berdasarkan Pendekatan Teknik Industri.


Analisis Sistem Terapan Berdasarkan Pendekatan Teknik Industri.

Tarsito. ITB. Bandung.

Analisis Sistem Tataniaga Gula Pasir Pasca Monopoli Bulog

Hermanto, B.,

Analisis Sistem Tataniaga Gula Pasir Pasca Monopoli Bulog

Fakultas Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor.


Judul Buku

Penerbit Fakuitas Pertanian Unibraw Malang

Penerbit Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta Analisis Tataniaga Ayam Ras Pedaging Peternak Plasma-Inti CV. Setiabudi. Sawangan di Kotif Depok dan DKJ Jakarta.

Karya llmiah. Fak. Peternakan IPB, Bogor.

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama Jakarta. Gramedia Pustaka. Utama. Jakarta

Fak. Perikanan Unibraw, Malang

Hlm 1487 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Analisis sifat kimia tanah .

Pusat Penelitian Tanah

Analisis sifat kimia tanah .

Pusat Penelitian Tanah , Bogor.

Analisis sifat kimia tanah


Analisis Regresi.

Dwi Santoso,

Analisis Regresi Terapan. Edisi Kedua. Alih Bahasa Bambang Sumantri

Draper NP

PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama Jakarta

Analisis Regresi Terapan (Terjemahan)


PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Analisis Regresi Terapan (Terjemahan)


PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama Jakarta

Analisis Regresi terapan

Draper NR

PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Analisis Regresi dan Korelasi Untuk Penelitian Pertanian


Liberty Yogyakarta

Analisis Regresi Analisis Profit Rumahtangga Pertanian. Sensus Pertanian 1993.

Sugiarto BPS

Andi Offset. Jogjakarta Biro Pusat Statistik Propinsi Sumatera Barat.

Analisis Produktivitas dan Effisiensi Pengoperasian Unit Skidding Di HPH Dwima Group

Kurniawan Basuki

Analisis produksi dan pemasaran ubi kayu dari agro industri faktor penunjang pembangunan pertanian Indonesia.

Irawan, B.

Analisis probit. Balai Penel

Koestoni, T.M

Analisis Potensi Penyebaran dan Pengembangan Peternakan; Pasaman dan Agam


Analisis Potensi Penyebaran dan Pengembangan Peternakan; Pasaman dan Agam

Dinas Peternakan Tingkat I Sumatera Sarat. Padang

Analisis Pertumbuhan Tanaman.


Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

Gadjah Mada Univ. Press Yogyakarta

Analisis pertumbuhan tanaman.

Sitompul, S.M.


Pusat penelitian tanah Bogor Analisis Regresi.

Analisis Profit Rumahtangga Pertanian. Sensus Pertanian 1993.

Andi Offset Yogyakarta.

PT. Dwimajaya Utama , Tumbang Manggo

Hortikultura Lembang. Bandung

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Hlm 1488 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Analisis Pertumbuhan Tanaman.


Badan Kerjasama Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Wilayah Barat. Palembang

Badan Kerjasama Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Wilayah Barat. Palembang

Analisis Pertumbuhan Tanaman.

Sitompul, S.M

Gadjah Mada University Press. Jogyakarta

Analisis Pertumbuhan Tanaman.


Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Analisis Pertumbuhan Tanaman

Sitompul. S.M

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Analisis Pertumbuhan Tanam-an

Sitompul, S. M

Analisis Pertumbuhan Tanaman

Sitompul. S.M

Analisis Pertumbuhan Tanaman

Sitompul, S. M.

Analisis Pertumbuhan Tanaman

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Analisis Pertumbuhan Tanaman

Sitompul, S. M.

Analisis Pertumbuhan Tanaman

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Analisis Pertumbuhan Tanaman


Badan Kerjasama PTN Wilayah Barat. Palembang

Analisis Pertumbuhan tanaman

Sitompul, S.M

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Analisis Pertumbuhan Tanaman

Sitompul, S.M

Gadjah Mada University Press. Jogyakarta

Analisis Pertumbuhan Kedelai [ Glycine max (L) Merrill] pada Berbagai Dosis Herbisida Trifluralin.


Pusat Penelitian Universitas Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh.

Analisis Perilaku Meminjam dan Menabung Rumah Tangga Pedesaan. Kasus Tiga Desa di Kabupaten Sumedang, Jawa Barat.


Program Pasca Sarjana IPB. Bogor.


Analisis Pertumbuhan Tanam-an

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Jurnal Ilmiah Mon Mata.

Hlm 1489 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Analisis Perawaran Gula Aren di Kabupaten Lombok Barat


Fakultas Pertanian Unram

Analisis Penentuan Waktu Jual Komoditi Bawang Merah di Tingkat Petani di Kecamatan Aikmel Lombok Timur


Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Mataram

Analisis pendapatan usahatani enterprise parsial dan parametik.

Suryana, A.

Analisis pendapatan usahatani enterprise parsial dan parametik.

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan pertanian, Departemen Pertanian.

Analisis pendapatan dan efisiensi penggunaan faktorfaktor produksi usahatani tanaman hias anggrek Dendrobium

Muhammad, R.

Analisis pendapatan dan efisiensi penggunaan faktor-faktor produksi usahatani tanaman hias anggrek Dendrobium

Jurusan Hmu-llmu Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian. Fakultas Pertanian. Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Analisis Pasar Modal

Bambang Tri Cahyono

analisis pasar modal

Badan Penerbit IPWI, Jakarta

Analisis Pangan

Apriyantono. A

PAU. Pangan dan Gizi IPB. Bogor

Analisis pangan

Apriyantono. A

IPB Press kerjasama Dengan PAU Pangan Dan Gizi IPB, Bogor

Analisis Pangan

Apriyantono, A.

Analisis Pangan

PAU Pangan dan Gizi. IPB Press.

Analisis pangan


Analisis pangan

PAU Pangan dan Gizi, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor. 227 hlm.

Analisis Pangan


Analisis Pangan

Departemen P dan K. Dirjen Dikti. Pusat Antar Bahan Pangan dan Gizi. IPB. Bogor.

Analisis Pangan

Apriyantoro, A.

Analisis Pangan

Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Ditjen. Pendidikan Tinggi Pusat Antar Pangan dan Gizi, IPB.

Analisis Pangan

Apriyantono, A.

Analisis Pangan

PAU Pangan dan Gizi. IPB, Bogor.


Judul Buku


Hlm 1490 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Analisis Pangan

Anton Apriyanto

Analisis Pangan

Apriyantono, A

Analisis Pangan Analisis Obat Secara kromatografi dan Mikroskopi

Apriyantono A Stahl, E.

Analisis mutu kakao lindak pada beberapa perlakuan fermentasi.


Analisis mutu kakao lidak (Theobroma cacao. L) Pada beberapa perlakuan fermentasi


Analisis Mikroorganisme di Laboratorium.

Lay, B.W

Analisis Mikroorganisme di Laboratorium.

PT Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta 168 hlm.

Analisis Mikrobiologi Pangan.

Fardiaz, S.,

Analisis Mikrobiologi Pangan.

Departemen Pendidikan Dan kebudayaan Direkorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi PAU Pangan Dan gizi. IPB Bogor.

Analisis Mikroba di Labotorium

Lay, B.W.

Analisis Mikroba di Labotorium

Rajawali Press, Jakarta, 168 hal.

Analisis Mikroba di Laboratorium.

Lay. B.W.

Analisis Mikroba di Laboratorium.

Raja Grafindo. Persada, Jakarta. 168 hal.

Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan.

Soemarwoto. O.

Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan.

Gadjah Mada University Press. Jogyakarta.

Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan ; Prinsip Dasar dan Pemapanannya Dalam Pembangunan

Fandeli Chakid

Liberty Yogyakarta

Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan

Suratmo. F.G

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan


Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta

Analisis laporan keuangan, analisis rasio

Soediyono, R.

Liberty, Yogyakarta


Judul Buku

Penerbit PAU Pangan dan Gizi, IPB Bogor

Analisis Pangan

Analisis Obat Secara kromatografi dan Mikroskopi

PAU Pangan & Gizi IPB Bogor IPB.Press, Bogor Penerbit ITB. Bandung.

Hlm 1491 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Analisis Kuantitatif Untuk Data Sosial

Slamet. Y

Analisis Kuantitatif untuk Data Sosial

Slamet Y

Analisis Kuantitatif untuk Data Sosial

Slamet Y

Debara Publisher

Analisis Kuantitatif Untuk Data Sosial


Dabara Publisher, Solo

Analisis Komposisi Kimia dan Fisik BeberapaVarietas/Galur Sorgum Terhadap pertumbuhan Populasi Hama Gudang

Pabbage, M.S.

Analisis Komposisi Jenis Pohon Hutan Rawa Gambut di Tangkiling dan Sampit Kalimantan Tengah

Judul Buku

Penerbit Dabara Publisher Solo

Dabara Publisher, Solo

Hasil Panel.Hama dan Penyakit Tahun 1996/1997

Badan Litang, Balitjas

Analisis Komposisi Jenis Pohon Hutan Rawa Gambut di Tangkiling dan Sampit Kalimantan Tengah

Manggala Wanabakti, Jakarta

Analisis Komposisi Jenis Pohon Hutan Rawa Gambut di Beberapa Daerah Suma tera Bagian Timur


Analisis Komposisi Jenis Pohon Hutan Rawa Gambut di Beberapa Daerah Suma tera Bagian Timur

Manggala Wanabakti, Jakarta

Analisis Kinerja dan Kemungkinan Pengembangan Mesin Perajang Ubi Kayu Rancangan V.M. Balasubramanian.


Analisis Kinerja dan Kemungkinan Pengembangan Mesin Perajang Ubi Kayu Rancangan V.M. Balasubramanian.

Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Andalas. Padang

Analisis keuntungan kompetitif usahatani jagung di propinsi Jawa Tengah

Adnyana MO

Analisis Keunggulan Kompetitif Wilayah

Winoto, J.

Analisis keunggulan komparatif produksi dan pakan ternak di Jabar dan Lmpung


Puslit Agro Ekonomi Bogor

Analisis kesenjangan hsl kedelai di Jawa


Pusat Palawija Bogor

Analisis kesenjangan hsl kedelai di Jawa


Pusat Palawija Bogor


Puslitbangtan, Bogor

Analisis Keunggulan Kompetitif Wilayah

Biro Perencanaan, Departemen Pertanian Republik Indonesia.

Hlm 1492 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Analisis Kesempatan Kerja dan Efisiensi Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja sebagai Dasar Dalam Perencanaan Tenaga Kerja.


Analisis Kesempatan Kerja dan Efisiensi Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja sebagai Dasar Dalam Perencanaan Tenaga Kerja.

Disertasi (S3), UNAIRSurabaya.

Analisis Kelembagaan Perusahaan Inti Rakyat Perunggasan Nasional. dalam Forum Penelitian Agro Ekonomi

Rusastra, I.W.,


Analisis Kelembagaan Bagi Hasil di Perikanan Laut

Taryoto. A.H

Pusat Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian

Analisis kebijaksanaan usaha pengembangan ternak sapi perah domestik antisipasi thdp kesepakatan Urugay (GATT)

Rachman B

Puslat Penelitian Sosek Pertanian Bogor

Analisis Kandungan Logam Cu, Cd, Pb dan Fe pada Organ Tubuh Ikan Bandeng (Chanos chanos Forsskal) di Tambak Lakkang, Kecamatan Tallo, Ujung Pandang


Analisis Kandungan Logam Cu, Cd, Pb dan Fe pada Organ Tubuh Ikan Bandeng (Chanos chanos Forsskal) di Tambak Lakkang, Kecamatan Tallo, Ujung Pandang

Jurusan Kimia FMIPAUNHAS. 31.

Analisis isozim peroksidase pada koleksi kelapa di kebun percobaan Pakuwon, Sukabumi

Novarianto H

Floribunda, 1(7):25-28


Analisis fungsi produksi CobbDouglas


Univ. Brawijaya Malang

Analisis Fungsi Cobb-Douglas


Fakultas Prtanian Universitas Brawijaya, Malang

Analisis frekwensi panjang ikan banyar (Rastrelliger kanagurta) dari perairan Aceh Selatan, wilayah Barat Sumatera. Pesisir dan Pantai Indonesia VI Seri I.

Hariati, T.,

Analisis finansial usaha tani. Analisis Eksplorasi Data Peubah Ganda

Kemala, S. Siswadi


Analisis frekwensi panjang ikan banyar (Rastrelliger kanagurta) dari perairan Aceh Selatan, wilayah Barat Sumatera. Pesisir dan Pantai Indonesia VI Seri I.

Puslitbang Oceanologi LIPI Jakarta, p. 29-40.

Jurusan Mtematika.FMIPA IPB Bogor.

Hlm 1493 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Analisis Ekonomi Proyek Proyek Pertanian

Gittingger Price. J

UI-Press. Jakarta

Analisis ekonomi proyek pertanian. Diterjemahkan oleh Slamet Sutomo dan K. Mangiri edisi 2

Gittinger, J. P.

Penerbit UI Press, Jakarta

Analisis ekonomi percobaan pergantian air dan lama serasi dalam budi daya udang windu di tambak Marana, Kabupaten Maros, Sulawesi Selatan

Padda, H.

Hanafi, A., M. Atmomarsono, dan S. Ismawati (Eds.). Prosiding Seminar Hasil Penelitian Perikanan Budi Daya Pantai, Maros, 16-19 Juli 1993.

Balai Penelitian Perikanan Budi Daya Pantai, Maros. hlm. 161168.

Analisis ekonomi percobaan penggantian air dan lama aerasi dalam budi daya udang windu secara intensif di tambak Maiana. Kabupaten Maros, Sulawesi Selatan

Padda, H.

Hanafi, A., M. Atmomarsono, dan S. Ismawati (Ed). Prosiding Seminar Hasil-hasil Penelitian Perikanan Pantai, Maros 16-19 Juli 1993. hlm. 161-168.

Balai Penelitian Perikanan Budi Daya Pantai, Maros.

Analisis Ekonomi Mikro dari proyek percobaan budiaya perairan; konsep dan definisi

Y.C. Shang

Penelitian Ekonomi Budidaya Perairan di Asia

Yayasan Obor Indonesia dan Pt. Gramedia, Jakarta

Analisis ekonomi & kemungkinan pengembangan sapi perah di kab Semarang

Wahyuningsih CE

Analisis Ekonomi Proyekproyek Pertanian. Edisi kedua.

Gittinger, J.P.

Analisis Ekonomi Proyek-proyek Pertanian. Edisi kedua.

UI Press, Jakarta

Analisis data morfologi substrat dasar terumbu karang

Y.T.I. Hermanlimianto

Materi Kursus Pelatihan Metodologi Penelitian Penetuan Kondisi Terumbu Karang

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Oseanologi-LIPI, Jakarta

Analisis Data Kategorial

Purnomo, W

Penataran Metodologi Penelitian Statistik dan Komputer. Lembaga Penelitian Unair.

Analisis Dan Penyimpanan Rhizoma Laos

Rosdiyati. D.

Analisis Dan Penyimpanan Rhizoma Laos

Analisis dampak lingkungan waduk Wonogiri

PPLH - Undip

PIPWSBS Surakarta

Analisis Dampak Lingkungan

Soemarwoto. O

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta


Judul Buku



AKA Departemen Perindustrian Bogor.

Hlm 1494 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Analisis Dampak Lingkungan

Soemarwoto, O.

Analisis Dampak Lingkungan

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta. 378 hlm.

Analisis Biaya Mutu pada Sistem Pengendalian Mutu di PT. Mirota KSM Inc.


Analisis Biaya Mutu pada Sistem Pengendalian Mutu di PT. Mirota KSM Inc.

FTP UGM. Yogyakarta

Analisis Biaya Eksploitas Hutan ( Merupakan Saduran, Terjemahan dan Ringkasan dari Beberapa Buku Mengenai Analisis Biaya)


Analisis Biaya dan Pendapatan Usaha Tani.


Analisis Benih

Kuswanto H

Analisis angkutan sedimen suspensi hubungannya dengan kondisi fisik DAS Cimanuk Hulu

Suharto, F.T

Analisis angkutan sedimen suspensi hubungannya dengan kondisi fisik DAS Cimanuk Hulu

Fakultas teknologi Pertanian, IPB.

Analisis Regresi Terapan. Terjemahan

Draper, N

Analisis Regresi Terapan. Terjemahan

PT. Gramedi Utama, Jakarta

Analisa untuk bahan makanan dan pertanianm


Analisa Statistik Industri Kecil


Sensus Ekonomi Nasional, BPS & P3e FE Unsri, BPS

Analisa Statistik Industri Besar dan Sedang

Humaidi, M

Sensus Ekonomi Nasional, BPS & P3E FE Unisri, BPS

Analisa Sistem Industri Pangan. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan


Analisa Sistem Industri Pangan. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

Analisa sifat kimia tanah Analisa produk buah-buahan & sayuran

Anonymous, Suhardi

Pusat penelitian tanah PAU UGM

Analisa Pola Tanam Optimal di Lahan Kering

Silvanita. M

Jurusan Ilmu-ilmu Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, IPB. Bogor

Analisa pertumbuhn tanaman

Sitompul SM

Gadjah Mada Univ.Press Yogyakarta

Analisa pertumbuhn tanaman

Sitompul SM

Gadjah Mada Univ.Press Yogyakarta


Fakultas Kehutanan IPB, Bogor

Analisis Biaya dan Pendapatan Usaha Tani.

Departemen llmu-ilmu Sosial Ekonomi Fakultas Pertanian, IPB. Bogor. 79 pp. Andi Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta

Liberty, Yogyakarta

Direktorat Jenderal Perguruan Tinggi, PAU Pangan dan Gizi, lPB, Bogor

Hlm 1495 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Analisa Perbandingan Peningkatan Pendapatan dan Pemerataan


Analisa Perbandingan Peningkatan Pendapatan dan Pemerataan

Yayasan Pengembangan Keterampilan dan Mutu Kehidupan Nusantara, Jakarta

Analisa penerimaan dan biaya usaha ternak kambing

Suryanto, B.

PE Media, pengembangan ilmuilmu peternakan dan perikanan. F. P. Undip Ed. II Th XVIII Juni ISSN 0215-9317 Semarang

Analisa Pendapatan Usaha Tani Tembakau Rakyat Sistem Penanaman Monokultur dan Tumpang sari Cabe di Kabupaten Lombok Tengah


Analisa Pendapatan dan Pencurahan Tenaga Kerja Nelayan di Desa Pantai.


Analisa Pendapatan dan Pencurahan Tenaga Kerja Nelayan di Desa Pantai.

Pusat Penelitian Agro Ekonomi, Bogor.

Analisa Pangan

Apriyantono, A.

Analisa Pangan

PAU Pangan dar Gizi, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor.

Analisa Pangan Analisa Pangan Analisa mikrobiologi pangan

Apriyantono, A. Apriyantono A. Fardiaz, S.

Analisa Pangan Analisa Pangan

IPB Press, Bogor. IPB, Bogor. PT. Raja Grafisindo Persada, Jakarta

Analisa Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan

Soemarwoto, O.

Analisa Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan

Gadjah Mada University Press

Analisa Laporan Keuangan, analisis rasio

Soediyono R

Analisa Kesesuaian Lahan Beberapa Jenis Tanaman Berdasarkan Arahan Fungsi Pemanfaatan Lahan Sub-sub DAS Mangu, Kabupaten Magelang

Wibowo, S.

Analisa Kebijaksanaan Pangan antara Tujuan dan Kendala

Rachman A

Bulog Jakarta

Analisa Kebijaksanaan Pangan antara Tujuan dan Kendala

Rachman A

Bulog Jakarta


Fakultas Pertanian Unram

Liberty, Yogyakarta Analisa Kesesuaian Lahan Beberapa Jenis Tanaman Berdasarkan Arahan Fungsi Pemanfaatan Lahan Sub-sub DAS Mangu, Kabupaten Magelang

Skripsi, Fakultas Kehutanan Univ. Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.

Hlm 1496 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Analisa Kebijaksanaan Pangan : Antara Tujuan dan Kendala

Rachman A

Bulog, Jakarta

Analisa finansial usahatani pepaya Bangkok dan tanaman alternatif di lahan kering (studi kasus empat desa di Kabupaten Malang).

Djauhari, A.

Forum Penel, Agroek

Analisa Fertilitas di Indonesia: Berdasarkan Sensus Penduduk 1980.

Hatmadji, S. H.

BPS dan Lembaga Demografi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia Jakarta.

Analisa Eko-nomi Proyekproyek Pertanian. Edisi Kedua

Gittinger, J.P

Analisa ekonomi proyek-proyek pertanian.

Gittinger, J. P.

Analisa Ekonomi Proyek-proyek Pertanian

Gittinger, J. P.

Analisa Ekonomi Proyek-proyek Pertanian.

Terj. UI Press-John Hopkins, Jakarta.

Analisa Determinan Pemakaian Kontrasepsi dan Pelaksanaan Program KB

Soeradji, Budi.

Analisa Determinan Pemakaian Kontrasepsi dan Pelaksanaan Program KB

Akademi llmu Statistik, BPS dan LDFEUI, Jakarta.

Analisa dan Evaluasi Sampel Regristrasi Penduduk 1974 1977

Suyono, Haryono, dkk.

Analisa dan Evaluasi Sampel Regristrasi Penduduk 1974 1977

BPS, Jakarta.

Analisa Dampak Suatu Proyek terhadap kualitas air untuk keperluan pertanian dan perikanan

Wardoyo, S.T

Analisa Dampak Suatu Proyek terhadap kualitas air untuk keperluan pertanian dan perikanan

IPB Bogor

Analisa Dampak Sosial Ekonomi Pengiriman Tenaga Kerja Indonesia Ke Malaysia (Kasus di Desa Pejanggik Kabupaten Lombok Tengah

Andiastuti Wahyuni

Analisa break even.

Sigit, S.

Analisa break even.

Sigit, S.

Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.

Analisa Biaya pada Pemungutan Hasil Hutan (Sebuah Ringkasan

Iskandar Untung

Yayasan Pembina Fakultas Kehutanan UGM Yogyakarta


Judul Buku

Analisa Eko-nomi Proyek-proyek Pertanian. Edisi Kedua


UI Press-John Hopkins. Jakarta UI Press, Jakarta

Fakultas Pertanian. Universitas Mataram

Analisa break even.

Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Gadjah Mada. Yogyakarta.

Hlm 1497 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Analisa Bahan Pangan Pertanian


Liberty , Yogya

Analisa Bahan Makanan Dan Pertanian

Sudarmadji. S

Liberty Yogyakarta Bekerjasama Dengan PAU Pangan dan Gizi Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

Analisa Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian

Sudarmadji S

Liberty Yogyakarta

Analisa Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian

Sudarmadji, S

Analisa Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian

Liberty, Yogyakarta

Analisa Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian

Sudarmadji, S

Analisa Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian

Liberty, Yogyakarta

Analisa Regresi Terapan

Drapper, Norman

Analisa Regresi Terapan

Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta

Anaerobic fungi in herbivorous animals

Trinci, A. P. J.

Mycol. Res.

An.Agro-Climatic Map of java

Oldemen L.R

central Research Institute for Agricultural, Bogor, Indonesia

An Overview on rice stem borer central program based on integrated management

Oka, I.N.

Indonesia IPM National Program

An Overview of The Prevention and Control of Iodone Deficiency Disorder

Hetzel B.S

in Hetzel J.T. Dunn and J.B.Stanbury (ed) halm 7 - 29. Elsevier Science Plubbisher, New York

An overview of the formosan subterranean termite (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in the World, him. 252-263

Su, N-Y.

Biology and Control of The Formosan Subterranean Termite. Proc. 67"' Meeting of the Pasific Branch, Entomol. Soc. Am.

Honolulu: The Pasific Branch, Entomol. Soc. Am.

An overview of live feeds production system design in Thailand.

Kongkeo, H.

W. Fulks and K.L. Ma(eds.), Rotifer and microalgae culture systems. Proceedings of a USAsia Workshop, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 28-31, 1991.

The Oceanic Institute, Honolulu, Hawaii. 175186.

An Outbreak of Highly Infectous disease in Cattle and Buffaloes on the island of Bali

Pranoto R.A

The Pathology of Natural and Experimental Jembrana Disease hemerazoa


Judul Buku



Hlm 1498 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

An oil palm fertilizer experiment on Yellowish-red Podsolic-Soil in North Sumatera

Taniputra B

Pusparajah E and Chew Poh Soon(ed) The Oil Palm in Agriculture in the Eightes. Vol II The incorp. Soc Of the Planters

An investigation on the use of host plant resistance & crop manipulation in the management of cocoa pod borer

Azhar I

PAC Ooi et al (eds). Symposium on the management of the cocoa pod borer. Malaysia Plant Protection Society.

An investigation of the B(beta)adrenoceptor that mediates metabolic responses to the novel agonist BRL 28410 in rat soleus muscle.

Challis, R.

An Intruduction to Vterinary Immunology

Tizard I

W.B Saunders Co.

Philadelphia, USA

An Introducton to Animal Husbandry In the Tropics. 2nd Ed.

Williamson . G.

An Introducton to Animal Husbandry In the Tropics. 2nd Ed.

Longman London, New York.

An introduction to veterinary immunology. Penerjemah: P. Masduki dan S. Hardjosworo. Pengantar Imunologi Veteriner.

Tizard, 1.

An introduction to veterinary immunology. Penerjemah: P. Masduki dan S. Hardjosworo. Pengantar Imunologi Veteriner.

Universitas Airlangga. Surabaya. 497 pp.

An introduction to veterinary immunology. Penerjemah: P. Masduki dan S. Hardjosworo. Pengantar Imunologi Veteriner.

Tizard, 1.

An introduction to veterinary immunology. Penerjemah: P. Masduki dan S. Hardjosworo. Pengantar Imunologi Veteriner.

Universitas Airlangga. Surabaya. 497 pp.

An Introduction to Tropical Grassland Husbandry.

Mcllroy, R. J.

An Introduction to Tropical Grassland Husbandry

Mcllroy, R. J

An Introduction to Tropical Grassland Husbandry

Oxford University Press. Amen House. London

An Introduction to The Tropical Plankton.

Wicksted, J.H.

An Introduction to The Tropical Plankton.

Hutchinson &, Co, Ltd. Osaka. London.

An Introduction to the Study of Insects (Pengenalan Pelajaran serangga alih bahasa Tim Gadjah Mada University)

Borror, DJ.,

An Introduction to the Study of Insects (Pengenalan Pelajaran serangga alih bahasa Tim Gadjah Mada University)

Gadjah mada University press, Yogyakarta



Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Biochem Pharmacol

Oxford University Press. Amen Hause, London.

Hlm 1499 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


An Introduction to the Study of Insects

Borror DJ

An Introduction to the Study of Insects

Ohio: Saunders Coll.

An introduction to the study of insects

Borror, D.J.

An introduction to the study of insects 5th ed.

Saunders College Publ., New York

An Introduction to The Study of Insect

Borror, D.J

An Introduction to The Study of Insect

Holt, Rinebart and Winshon Inc. New York

An Introduction to The Deer of Australia : With Special Reference to Victoria

Bentley, A.

An Introduction to The Deer of Australia : With Special Reference to Victoria

The Koetoeng Trust. Melbourne.

An introduction to soil mineralogy. 1-34

Schuld, D.G.

J.B. Dixon and S.B. Weed (Eds.) Mineral in soil environments. 2nd Ed.

SSSA, Madison, Wisconsin.

An introduction to sampling theory

Samford, M. R.

An Introduction to Rumen Studies

Czerkawski, J.W.

An Introduction to Rumen Studies

Pergamon Press, Oxford.

An introduction to rumen studies

Czerkawski, J.M.

An introduction to rumen studies

Pergamon Press, Oxford

An introduction to quantitatives geneties

Falconer, D. S.

An introduction to quantitatives geneties

The Ronald Press Co. Ney York

An Introduction to Quantitative Ecology.

Poole, R V.

An Introduction to Quantitative Ecology.

Me. Graw Hill Series in Population Biology. Inc. All Right Reserved Printers in United States of America California. 76 pp.

An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry.

Plummer, D. T.

Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. Bombay, New Delhi.

An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry.

Plummer, D. T.

Tata McGraw Hill Publication Co., Ltd. Bombay.

An introduction to practical biochemistry.

Plummer, D. T.

Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. New Delhi

An introduction to practical biochemistry

Plummer, D. T.

Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. Co. Ltd. Bombay, New Delhi

An introduction to practical biochemistry

Plummer, D. T.

McGraw-Hill book Co. Ltd. New Delhi


Oliver and Boyd Edinburg and London

Hlm 1500 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

An introduction to Practical Biochemistry

Plummer, D. T.

Tata McGraw-Hill, Book, Co., Ltd., New Delhi

An introduction to practical biochemistry

Plumer, D. T.

McGraw-Hill Publ. Co. Ltd. Bombay, New Delhi

An Introduction to Practical Animal Breeding.

Dalton, D. C.

English Language Book Sociaty, London.

An Introduction to Practi-cal Animal Breeding

Dalton, D.C

An introduction to practical animal breeding

Dalton DC

An Introduction to Plant Physiology.

Curtis, O. F.

McGraw -Hill Book Co.

Inc. New York

An Introduction to Livestock Production

Cole, H.H

An Introduction to Livestock Production

W.H. Freeman and Company, San Fransisco

An Introduction to Laboratory Technique in Bacteriology

Alcamo, I.E.

An Introduction to Laboratory Technique in Bacteriology

Mac Millan Comp. New York.

An Introduction to Histochemical Technique

Pr. Bancroft DJ

An Introduction to Histochemical Technique

London: Division of Meredith.

An Introduction to Genetics Analysis. 7th ed.

Griffiths, A.J.F.

An Introduction to Genetics Analysis. 7th ed.

W.H. Freeman and Company. New York.

An Introduction to genetic analysis 4th.

D.T. Suzuki

An Introduction to genetic analysis 4th.

W.H. freeman and company, New York

An Introduction to genetic analysis

Griffiths, AJF

WH Freeman and Co, New York

An introduction to genetic Analysis

Suzuki DT

WH Freeman and Co. New York

An Introduction to Coastal Geomorphology.

Pethick, J.

An Introduction to chemical engineering kinetics & reactor design

Hill CG Jr

An Introduction to Biological Control

van den Bosch R

An Introduction to Biological Control

New York: Plenum Pr.

An introduction to biological control

Van den Bosch

An introduction to biological control

Plenum Press. N.Y. London. 247 pp.

An Introduction to Biological Control

Van den Bosch, R

An Introduction to AnimaUBreeding

Bowman, J.C


Judul Buku

An Introduction to Practi-cal Animal Breeding


The English Language Bok Society and Granada. Lon-don English Book Society

An Introduction to Coastal Geomorphology.

Edward Amold Publisher Ltd. London. John Wiley & Sons, New York

Plenum Press. New York An Introduction to AnimaUBreeding

Edward Amold, Ltd. London Hlm 1501 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


An Introduction to Animal Husbandry in Tropics, Third edition


An Introduction to Animal Husbandry in Tropics, Third edition

The English Language Book Society and Longman.

An Introduction to Animal Husbandry in The Tropics.


An Introduction to Animal Husbandry in The Tropics.

Longman Green and Company

An Introduction To Animal Husbandry In The Tropics.

Williamson, G.

An Introduction To Animal Husbandry In The Tropics.

Longman Group Limited. London.

An introduction to animal husbandry in the tropics.. 2nd ed.

Williamson, G.

An Introduction to Agroforestry

Nair. P.K.R

An Introduction to Agroforestry

Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht, The Netherlands

An Introduction to Agro forestry

Nair P.K.R

An Introduction to Agro

Kluwer Academie Publisher, London, In Cooperation with International Center tor Research in Agro forestry, ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya

An Introduction to Agri-cultural System. 2nd Edition

Spedding, C

An Introduction to Agri-cultural System. 2nd Edition

Elsevier Applied Science. London.

An Introduction of Animal Husbandary in the Tropic.

Williamson, G

An Introduction of Animal Husbandary in the Tropic.

Society Longman Group Ltd, London.

An Introcfion to the Aquatic Insects of North America.

Merritt, R.W.

An Introcfion to the Aquatic Insects of North America.

An integrated system of classification of flowering plants

Cronquist A

An integrated system of classification of flowering plants

New York: Columbia Univ Pr.

an integrated site specific fertilizer recommendation system (INFERS) for high productivity in mature oil palm.

Kee KK

Management for enhanced profitability in plantations

The incorporated Society of Planters, Kuala Lumpur

An Integrated site specific fertilizer recommendation system (INFERS) for high productivity in mature oil palm

Kee KK

Management for enhanced profitability in plantations. The Incorporated Society of Planters. Kuala Lumpur

An Iniroduction of Beha vioral Ecology an Industrial View Of Microbial Inoculants For Crop Plants


Logmans, Gleen and Co. Ltd. London and harlow


An Iniroduction of Beha vioral Ecology Lethbridge. G

Blackwell Scientific Publication, Oxford.

Special Publication of The Society for General Microbiology

Hlm 1502 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

An Industrial profile coconut fibre extraction and processing

Jarman CG

An improved technique for measuring large bowel poly.saccharide metabolism in grower pigs

Gooden, J.M

Adelaide: XV International Congress of Nutrition

An Improved TBA Test for Rancidity.

Lemon, D.W.

An Improved TBA Test for Rancidity.

An Improve Turbidimetric Analysis of Polyethylene Glycol Utilizing and Emulsifier.

Malawar, S.J.


An Immunohistochemical study of gut endocrine cells of two species of insectivorous vespertilionid bats ( Chiroptera:Pipistrellus abramus and Plecotus auritus sacrimontis)


Gegenbaurs Morph


An experimental study of the influence of the micronutrients on the uptake of microelements by plants

EK Kholi AF

Ph.D Thesis.

Agricultural Univ. Wageningen, The Netherlands

an Examination of The Value of Site Analysis in Field Studies in Tropical Australia

Wright. R.L

An examination of proffesional commitment in public accounting.

Aranya N

Accounting, Organizations and society 6 : 271-280

An Evaluation of the Structure and Function of Tropical Home Gardens.

Fernandes, E.C.M.

K. Landauer and M. Brazil (eds.) 1990. Tropical Gardens.

United Nations Univ. Press, Tokyo.

An Evaluation of soybean pests, factors affecting their abudance, and recommendation for integreated pest management in Java.

Wagiman, F.X.,

Survey Report Department of Entomology and Phytopathology,

Faculty of Agriculture, Gajahmada University, Yogyakarta. 21 p.

An evaluation of sorghum for multiple pest resistance in sorghum and millet abstracts

McMillan, W. W.

C. A. B. April 1982 Vol. 7 No. 4


Judul Buku

Penerbit Tropical Development and research Institute. London

Fisheries and Marine of Environment Canada, New Series Circular, No.51.


Hlm 1503 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

An evaluation of selected of sorgum for multiple pest ressistence

Mc. Millan . W.W.

sorgum and millets abstracts C.A.B. April 1982 Vol. 7 No. 4 Abstracts 447-555

An Economical Comparison of different powers and implements

Sharma, A.N.

An Economical Comparison of different powers and implements

Departement of Agec. Econ. Pantnagar

An Economic Survey of West Nusa tenggara

Daroesman. H

Sosiologi Pertanian

Yayasan Obor Indonesia. Jakarta

An economic framework for assessing the role of fish on rice-IPM : case study from North Sumatra, Indonesia, p:38-39

Purba, S.

Dela Cruz (ed). Role of fish in enhancing rice field ecology and integrated pest management

Central Research For Food Crops, Bogor, Indonesia and International Center For Living Aquatic Resources Management, Manila, Philippines.

An ecologycal study on the green peafowl in the game reserve of Baluran, Banyuwangi, East Java

Pattaratuma. A.

An Ecological framework for marine fishery investigations

J.F. Caddy

An Ecological framework for marine fishery investigations

FAO. Fish. Tech. Pap

An ecofarming assessment of vegetable cultivation in highland Indonesia

Fujimoto, A.

Rehabilitation and Development of Upland and Highland Ecosystem.

Tokyo University of Agricultural Press. Japan. p. 72-87

An Autosomal Genetic Linkage Map of The Sheep Genome.

Crawford A. M.


An Atlas of Second Edition Fish Histology (Normal and Pathology Feature). Second Edition

Takashima, F.

An Atlas of Second Edition Fish Histology (Normal and Pathology Feature). Second Edition

An assessment by progesteron assay of accuracy of oestrus detection in dairy cows


An assesment of Arachis pintoi for soil erosion control


Dep of Agriculture Serawak

An Assay for microbiol biomass based on ninhydrin-reactive nitrogen in extracts of fumigated soils

Amato, M

Soil Biol. Biochem



Indonesia BIOTROP SEAMEO Regional Center for Tropical Biology. Bogor.

Kodansha Ltd., Tokyo. 195 p.

Hlm 1504 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


An Apprasial Of Physiographyc Units For Predicting Site Conditions In Arid Areas

Perrin. R.M.S

Millitary Engineering Experimental Estabilihment. Report No. 1111. Vol. 1

Christchurch. Hampshire. England

An appraisal of stocking strategies in the light of developing country constraints.

Cowx, I.G.

T. Petr(ed). Inland fishery enhancements. Paper presented attheFAO/DFID. Expert consultation on inland fishery enhancement. Dhaka, Bangladesh, 7-11 April 1997. FAO Fish. Tec/?. Pap. No. 374. Rome. p119-132.

An anthropological approach to the study of the economic value children in Java and Nepal.

Nag, M.

Current anthropology.

An Analysis of the Growth Inhibitory

Deal, L.M

Characteristics of Alachlor and Metolachlor

An analysis of the function of the leaf in the process of root formation in the cuttings.


An Analysis of Logging Damage in Tropical Rain Forest, North Borneo



An Agroclimatic Map of Sumatra.


Contr.Centre. Inst. Agric. Bogor

An Agroclimatic map of sumatera

Oldeman I

An Agroclimatic map of sumatera

Central Research Institut For Agriculture, Bogor Indonesia

An Agro-climatic Map of South Sulawesi, Scale 1 : 250,000

Oldeman L.R.

An Agro-climatic Map of South Sulawesi, Scale 1 : 250,000

Central Research Institute for Agriculture (CRIA), Bogor.

An Agroclimatic Classification System of the Rice Growing Environments in Indonesia


Agroclimatic Research on Rice and Secondary Crops. Centr. Res. Ins. Agric. Bogor. Vol A 22p.

An Agroclimate Map of Java An Agroclimate Classification System of the Rice Growing Environments in Indonesia

Oldeman, L.R Oldeman, L. R.

An Agroclimate Map of Java Centre. Res. Agric. Bogor, Vol A. 22p.

CRIA (LP3), Bogor

An Aerial Survey of Wetlands Birds in Eastern AustraliaOctober 1991

Kingsford R. T.

An Aerial Survey of Wetlands Birds in Eastern AustraliaOctober 1991

National Parks and Wildlife Service (NSW).


Weed Sci

Hlm 1505 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


An Aerial Survey of Wetlands Birds in Eastern AustraliaOctober 1991

Kingsford R. T.

An Aerial Survey of Wetlands Birds in Eastern AustraliaOctober 1991

National Parks and Wildlife Service (NSW).

An Aerial Survey of Wetlands Birds in Eastern AustraliaOctober 1990.

Kingsford R. T.

An Aerial Survey of Wetlands Birds in Eastern AustraliaOctober 1990.

National Parks and Wildlife Service (NSW).

An Aerial Survey of Wetlands Birds in Eastern AustraliaOctober 1990.

Kingsford R. T.

National Parks and Wildlife Service (NSW).

An Aerial Survey of Wetlands Birds in Eastern AustraliaOctober 1989

Kingsford R. T.

An Aerial Survey of Wetlands Birds in Eastern AustraliaOctober 1989

An Aerial Survey of Wetlands Birds in Eastern AustraliaOctober 1989

Kingsford R. T.

National Parks and Wildlife Service (NSW).

An Aerial Survey of Wetlands Birds in Eastern AustraliaOctober 1988

Kingsford, R. T.

An Aerial Survey of Wetlands Birds in Eastern AustraliaOctober 1988

An Aerial Survey of Wetlands Birds in Eastern AustraliaOctober 1988

Kingsford, R. T.

National Parks and Wildlife Service (NSW).

An Aerial Survey of Wetlands Birds in Eastern AustraliaOctober 1987.

Kingsford, R. T.

An Aerial Survey of Wetlands Birds in Eastern AustraliaOctober 1987.

National Parks and Wildlife Service (NSW).

An Introduction to Animal Husbandry in the Tropics

WiHiamson, G

An Introduction to Animal Husbandry in the Tropics

Longman Inc. London.

Amylases, a and P, him. 149150.

Bernfeld, P.

S.P. Colowick & N.O. Kaplan (ed.), Methods in Enzymology I.

New York: Academic Press, Inc.

Ampas tahu utk makanan ternak

Pulungan A

warta penelitian dan pengembangan pertanian

Deptan RI

Ammonia Treatment. In : Straw and Other Fi-brous Byproducts as Feed. Ed. Sundstol and Owen

Sundstol, F

Ammonia Treatment. In : Straw and Other Fi-brous Byproducts as Feed. Ed. Sundstol and Owen


Ammonia Treatment.

Sundstol, F.

Ammonia treatment of wheat straw

Van Bruchem, J


National Parks and Wildlife Service (NSW).

National Parks and Wildlife Service (NSW).

Department of Animal Nutrition, Agricultural University of Norway, Norway. Ammonia treatment of wheat straw

Voluntary intake, chewing behaviour, rumen pool size and turnover, and partition of

Hlm 1506 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Amion acids, Peptides, and Proteins. In: Functional Foods: Designer Foods, Pharmafoods, Nutraceuticals. Goldberg, I (editor).

Marshall, W.E

Functional Foods: Designer Foods, Pharmafoods, Nutraceuticals.

Chapman &Hall. New York

Amino acid, peptides, and protein. Fennema, O.R. (ed)

Angiemier. A.F.

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Agro-ecological Zone Project


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Agroclimatology Of Vertisols: A Study Of The Moiture Regime For Dryland Cropping

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Agroclimatology of Vertisols : A Study Of The Moisture Regime For Dryland Cropping

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A.A. Balkema. Rotterdam

Agroclimatic Maps of Kalimantan, Irian Jaya, Bali, West and East Nusa Tenggara

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Agro-Chemical News in Brief Special Issue. Sept 1996

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Agro-Chemical News in Brief Special Issue. Sept 1996


Agrobisnis Sapi Potong

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Agriculture factors affecting methane oxidation in arable soil

Arif, M.A.S

Biol Fertil. Soils

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Agriculture Economic and in the Tropic,

Longman, London. 497 pp.

Agriculture and Nutrition Linkages , Implication for Policy and Research


Intern Confrence on Nutrition

Agriculture and Economic Development

Ghatak Subrata

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AgriculturalExternalities In Agricultureal and Environmental Resource Economics

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Oxford University Press

Agricultural systems Agricultural Statistical Technology Improvement and Training Project ( ASTITS )

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Agricultural research and Technology

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Agricultural Production Economics.

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Agricultural Production Economics

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Agricultural production economics

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Agricultural Production Economics

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Agricultural Production Economics

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Agricultural Process Engineering.

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Agricultural process engineering

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Agricultural process engineering

John Wiley and Sons, New York

Agricultural Process Engineering

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Agricultural Process Engineering

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Agricultural Prices and Commodity Market Analysis

Ferris, J.N.,

Agricultural Prices and Commodity Market Analysis

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Agricultural Marketing, System, Coordination, Cash and Future Prices.

Purcell, W. D.

Agricultural Marketing, System, Coordination, Cash and Future Prices.

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Agricultural Marketing and processing in Unpad Java


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Agricultural Marketing and processing in Unpad Java


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Agricultural Insects Pests of The Thopics and Their Control

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Agricultural Insects Pests of The Thopics and Their Control

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Agricultural insect pests of the tropicts and their control

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Agricul-tural in the Tropics Agricultural Field Experiments: Design and Analysis.

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Agricul-tural in the Tropics Agricultural Field Experiments: Design and Analysis. pp. 205-260

Longman, London Marcel Dekker Inc.

Agricultural Field Experiments Design and Analysis

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Agricultural field Experiment Design & analysis

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Agricultural field Experiment Design & analysis

Mecel Dekker Inc New York

Agricultural field experiment design & analysis

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Agricultural field experiment design & analysis

Marcel Dekker New york

Agricultural Externalities

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Agricultural and Environmental Resource Economics

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Agricultural Extension in developing Countries

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Agricultural Extension in developing Countries

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Agricultural Extension

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Agricultural Experimentation Design and Analysis.

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Agricultural Experimentation design and analysis.

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Agricultural experimentation design and analysis.

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Agricultural ecology and insect outbreaks

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Agricultural Ecology

Tivy Joy

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Agricultural Ecology Agricultural Development: An international Perspective

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Agricultural Development, An International Perspektive

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Agricultural Development in Indonesia

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Agribisnis Teori dan Aplikasinya


Agribisnis Teori dan Aplikasinya


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Agribisnis Nangka Problem dan Prospek

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Agribisnis Jeruk: Usaha Tani dan efisensi Pemasarannya

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Advance guide to hydrophonic (soil less cultivation)

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Adsorption and Desorption Of Water Vapour By Cereal Grain and Their Products

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Adoption of New Ideas and Practices

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Adoption Of New Idea and Practices

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Adoption Of New Idea and Practices

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Advance in Food and Nutrition Research.

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Adaptasi Hijauan Pakan Tropik terhadap Lingkungannya.

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Adaptasi genotipe kacag tanah di ingkungan tumpangsari jagung dan cekaman gulma

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Adaptasi dan stabilitas hasil beberapa galur kacang hijau

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A Textbook of Soil Chemical Analysis

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A Textbook Of Hospital Catering

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A Textbook of Animal Husbandry 5th edition

Benerjee, G.E

A Textbook of Animal Husbandry 5th edition

Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. New Delhi.

A Textbook and Manual Weed Control. Third Edition

Craffs, A

A Textbook and Manual Weed Control. Third Edition

MC Graw Hill Book Company, Inc. New York

A Text book of animal husbandary. Mohan Primlani

Banerjee GC

A taxonomic monograph of the genus Aglaia Lour. (Meliaceae)

Pannell, C.M.

Kew Bulletin Additional Series XVI

London: HMSO.

A Taposequence of Latosols on Volcanic Rocks in The Bogor Jakarta


Red Soils in Indonesia

Centre Agric. Publ. Doc. Wageningen

A Super Soy Food from Indonesia.

Shurtleff, S.W.

A Super Soy Food from Indonesia.

The Book ofTempe. Harper and Row, New York.



Chemical Publ. Co. Inc. New York A Textbook of Modern Plant Pathology.

Vikas Publ. House PVT Ltd. New Delhi. 343 h. Barie & Rochliff, London

Oxford and IBH Publ, Co. New Delhi

Hlm 1533 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


A Super Soy Food From Indonesia The Book of Tempen.

Shurtlef, W.,

A Super Soy Food From Indonesia The Book of Tempen.

Harper and Row. New York.

A Super Soy Food From Indonesia

Shurleff, W

The Book of Tempeh

Harper and Row. New York.

A Super Soy Food From Indonesia

Shurtleff. W

The Book of Tempeh

Harper and Row New York

A summary model of crop growth. 87-98

Van Keulen, H.

F.W.T. Penning de Vries and H.H. van Laar (Eds.) Simulation of plant growth and crop production. Simulation monograph

Pudoc, Wageningen.

A sudy of mastitis in the temperate areas in Mexico.

Calva, R. B.

A study to estabilished method for improvement of the reproductive management of dairy cows using milk progesterone enzyme immunoassay

Dradjat. A.S

M.Phil. Thesis

Murdoch University WA

A study on the classification of the Korean Anthozoa

Song, J.I.

J. Scleractinia (Hexacorallia)

Natural History Museum, Ewha Wowont University, 25: 131-140.

A study on classification of the Korean Anthozoa 7. Scleractinia (Hexacorallia)

Song, J. I.

A study on classification of the Korean Anthozoa 7. Scleractinia (Hexacorallia)

Natural History Museum, Ewha Wowont University. 25: 131-140-

A Study of Trade Among Developing Countries. 1950 1980 Analisis AppraisaI of The Emerging

Thomas, C.H.

A Study of Trade Among Developing Countries. 1950 1980 Analisis AppraisaI of The Emerging

Pattern North-Holland Amsterdam-New YorkOxford-Tokyo

A study of the susceptibility of 28 tropical onion cultivars to purple blotch (Alternaria porri)

Ssekuewa, C.

Abstract Eastern Africa regional Alliums workshop, pp. 124-128

A study of the influence of genetic agronomic & environmental factors on the growth, floweing & bunch production of the oil palm in the West Coast of malaysia

gray, BS

A study of the influence of genetic agronomic & environmental factors on the growth, floweing & bunch production of the oil palm in the West Coast of malaysia. PhD thesis Univ of Aberdeen 947p


CAB Abstracts.

Hlm 1534 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


A Study of the Fuelwood Problem in Pakistan

Ishaq, S.M.

Langdon, K. 1990 (Ed.): Acacia nilotica 1869-1988

CAB International, Oxford Forest Insti -tute, Oxford.

A Study of Metabolic Fecal and Endogenous Amino Acid Excretion an Fasted Mature Cockerels with Time.

Muztar, A. Z.

Nutr. Rep. Int.

A Study of Floral Composition of Peat in The Lower Batang Hari River Basin of Jambi, Sumatera

Sabiham. S

Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto Univ.

A study in the production and concentration of sago waste. Proc. 6th International Sago Symp. Sago

Bujang, K.B.,

A study in the production and concentration of sago waste. Proc. 6th International Sago Symp. Sago

A Studi of the Potensial for beef development in Maluku Province, Indonesia.

Ivory, D.A.

LTA 72

A stochastic model of parasitism of the Mexican Beans beetle Epilachna varivestis (Coleptera:Coccinellidae) in soy beans by Pediobius Faveolatus,Crawford.

Aldred, J.M.

A stochastic model of parasitism of the Mexican Beans beetle Epilachna varivestis (Coleptera:Coccinellidae) in soy beans by Pediobius Faveolatus,Crawford.

A Standard for Standard. Part I.

British Standard.

Guide to general principles ofstandarization. BSO: Part 1:1991.

A Soil erodibility nomograph for farmland and contuction sites.

Wischmeier, W.H

Soil Water Conserv.

A soil actinomycete antagonistic to corticium salmonicolor causing pink disease of rubber

Joseph K

Indian J, Nat Rubber res 4(2) :126130


A small rainfall simulator for the determination of soil erodibility.

Kamphorst, A.

a Single Layer Drying Equation For Rough Rice

Wang. C.Y

American Society of Agricultural Engineers

ASAE. St. Joseph, MI


The future source of food and feed. 9-12th Dec. 1996. Pekanbaru, Indonesia

Academic sociates centre. Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo. Japan.

Hlm 1535 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

A Simplified Rapid Method for The Determination of Apparent and True Metabolizable Energy Values of Poultry Fee.

Kussaibati, R.

Arch. Geflugelk.

A simplified direct milk progesterone enzyme immunoassay

Katsilometes, G.W.

A manual. Univ. California. Unpublished.

A Simple Apparatus For Measuring Degradation of 14C Labelled Pesticides In Soil

Goswani. K.P

Soil Biology And Biochemistry

A Short Textbook of Chemical Pathology


A Short Textbook of Chemical Pathology

A short course on the rational use of molasses/urea multitient block for supplementation of ruminant feed crop residues, poor quality forages and agroindustrial by product low in protein. Produces initiallity for FAO.

Leng, R.A.

A short course on the rational use of molasses/urea multitient block for supplementation of ruminant feed crop residues, poor quality forages and agroindustrial by product low in protein. Produces initiallity for FAO.

A Short Course On the rational Use of Molasses/Urea Multinutrient Blocks for Supplementation of Ruminants fed crop Residues, poor quality Forages and agro-industrial By product low in Protein. FAO.


A Short Course On the rational Use of Molasses/Urea Multinutrient Blocks for Supplementation of Ruminants fed crop Residues, poor quality Forages and agro-industrial By product low in Protein. FAO.

A short course on the rational course of molasses urea multinutrition block for supplementation of ruminants feed crop residues, poor quality forage and agroindustrial by product low in protein

Leng, R.A


A Second course in business statistics : Regression Analysis

Mendenhall W

Dellen Publishing Co. California



Royal Free Hospital Scholl of Medicine.London.

Hlm 1536 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


A Sapur Soy Food from Ind the book of tempeh.


A Sapur Soy Food from Ind the book of tempeh.

Harper and Graw New York.

A Revision ofthegenus Trichoderma. Micological Paper.

Rifai , M. A.

A Revision ofthegenus Trichoderma. Micological Paper.

Common-wealth Micological Institut, New Surrey, England..

A Revision Of The Genus Trichoderma

Rifai, M.A

Commonw. Mycol Inst


a Revision of The Genus Trichoderma


Commow. Mycol Inst.

Mycol Paper

A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures.

Murashige, T.

A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures.

Murashige, T.

A review of the word production and market environment for macadamia nuts

Gregor, A.M.

A review of the word production and market environment for macadamia nuts

Hawaii Macadamia Nut Association.

A review of the Indonesian shrimp fisheries and their management

Unar M

Penaied shrimps. Their biology and management. Edited by Gulland JA and Rothschild, BJ Fishing News Boo Limited, England

A review of the effects of nutritional deficiencies on hatchability. In: The fertility and hatchability of the hen's egg.

Beer, A. E.

A Review of The Biological Control of Insect and Other Pest In South East Asia and The Pasific Region

Rao. V.P

Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux

Royal-Slough S12 3 BN. England

A review of some major diseases of economic significant on penaeid prawns/shrimps of the Americans and Indopacific.

Lightner, D.V.,

Shariff, I. N., R.P. Subasinghe, and R.J. Arthur (Eds.), Diseases Asian Aquaculture.

Fish Health Section, Asian Fisheries Society, Manila. Philippines. p.5780.

A review of some major disease of economic significant on penaeid prawns/shrimp of the Americans and Indo-Pacific

D.V. Lightner

Diseases in Asian Aquaculture I

Fish Health Section, Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines


Oliver and Boyd. Edinburgh.

Hlm 1537 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


A review of some majaor disease of economic significant on penaeid pawns/shrimp of the Americans and Indo-Pacific

D.V. Lighnert

Diseases in Asian Aquaculture

Fish Health Section, Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines

A review of reproductive performance of female Bos indicus (zebu) cattle. In: ILCA Monograph No. 6

Mukasa-Murgewa, E.

International Livestock center for Africa

International Livestock center for Africa

A review of oil palm breeding.

Hardon, J.J

Plant Breednig I (G.E. Russel (ed)) pp 139-163


A review of maturation and reproduction in closed thelycum penaeid. Proc

Primavera, J.H.

First. Inter. Conf. Cult. Penaeid Prawns/Shrimps. Iloilo. Philippines. 17-64.

A review of Japanese studies. In Burt J.R. (ed.) Fish smoking and drying: The effect of smoking and drying on the nutritional properties of fish

Motohiro, T

Fish smoking and drying: The effect of smoking and drying on the nutritional properties of fish

Elsevier Applied Science, London

A Review of Gracilarea Farming Aquaculture

Santelices, B

A Review of Gracilarea

Farming Aquaculture

A review of genetical and physiological effects of selection in meat-type poultry.

McCarthy, J. C.

Animal Breeding Abstracts

A Review of Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome (EUS) in Asia.

Lilley, J.H.,

A Review of Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome (EUS) in Asia.

Aquatic Animal Health Research Institute Kasetsart University Campus. Bangkok. 73 pp.

A Research framework for traditional fisheries

I.R. Smith

A Research framework for traditional fisheries

International Center for Living Aquatic Resources management, Manila, Philippines

A rapid method of total lipid extraction and purification

Bligh, E. G.

Canadian journal of biochemistry and physiology

A rapid method for the determination of lipid in animal tissue

Atkinson, T.

A rapid method for studying the root distribution of soil palm and its application.

Chan, K. W.


Analyst, London

In D. A. Earp and W. Newals (eds). Proc. Int. devt. Inoil palm ISP KL. Hlm 1538 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

A Rapid and Precise Method for Routine Determination of Organic Carbon in Soil

Yeomans. J.C

Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis

A Protoplasts-totreesystem in Microcitrus based on Protoplasts derived from a sustained embryogenic callus

Vardi, A

A protocol to determine seed storage behaviour

Hong, T.D.

IPGRI Technical Bull, No. 1.

A Protocol For Non Radioactive DNA Labelling and Detection In The RFLP Analysis Of Rice and Tomato Using Single Copy Probes

Panaud. O

Plant Molec Biol Reptr

A Prospect of crop physiology.

Watson, D. J.

Annual general meeting Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden, Hearts, Britain.

Harpenden, Herts, Britain.

A profile of the sheep and goats markets in West Java Indonesia

Sabrani, M.

Working Paper No.3

Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Support Program/ Balai Penelitian Ternak, Bogor, Indonesia.

A Primer on permanent plots for monitoring natural resources.

Lund G. H.

A Primer on permanent plots for monitoring natural resources.

USDA Forest Service, Washington.

A Primer in Azolla Production and Utilization in Agriculture

Khan, M.M.

A Primer in Azolla Production and Utilization in Agriculture

UPLB, PCARRD and SEARCA. Los Banos, Philippines.

A Preliminary Characterization of Some Pectins From Quince Fruit (Cydonia Oblonga Mill) And Prickly Pear(Opuntia Ficus Indica) Peel


Carbohidrate Polymers

A Practical Hand Book of Sea Waters Analysis.

Strickland, J.D.H,

Fish. Res. Board of Canada.

A Practical Guide To Monoclonal Antibodies

Liddel. J.E

A practical guide to monoclonal antibodies

Liddell, J.E.



Plant Cell Rept.

Depart. of Agric, The University of Reading, UK.

John Willey & Sons Inc. New York A practical guide to monoclonal antibodies

John Willey and Sons, England Hlm 1539 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

A Plasmid encoded twocomponent regulatory system involved in copper-inducible transcription in lactococcus lactis

Khunajakr, N.


A plant DNA minipreparation: version II Plant Mol Biol Rep l: 19-21.

Dellaporta, S.L.,

A plant DNA minipreparation: version II Plant Mol Biol Rep l: 1921.

A Planning Scheme To Evaluate New Aromatic Plants For The Flavour and Fragrance Industries

Lawrence. B.M

New Crops

John Willey & Sons Inc. New York

A Planning Scheme To Evaluate New Aromatic Plants For The Flavour and Fragrance Industries

Lawrence. B.M

New Crops

John Willey & Sons. New York

A pilot study investigating the complexity of Fusarium wilt of bananas in West Sumatera, Indonesia

Nasir, N.

A palm oil-enriched diet lowers serum lipoprotein (a) in normocholesterolemic volunteers

Hornstra, G

A palm oil-enriched diet lowers serum lipoprotein (a) in normocholesterolemic volunteers


A novel plasmidencoded phage abortive infection system from lactococcus lactis biovar. Diacetylactis

Deng, Y. M.

A novel method to decrease the cholesterol content of foods. In: "Fat and cholesterol reduced foods: technologies and strategies". C. Haberstroh and C. Morris (ed.).

Dehal, S.S

Fat and cholesterol reduced foods: technologies and strategies

Portfolio Publishing Company, The Woodlands, Texas

A note species of Nephotettix malayanus I and K from Indonesia (Homoptera Euscelidae)

Siwi, S.S.

A note species of Nephotettix malayanus I and K from Indonesia (Homoptera Euscelidae)

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan, Bogor.

A Note on the Charac-teristic of Puberal Oestrus and Oestrus Cycle

Prassad, S. P

Barbari Nannies

Indian J. Animal Si. Vol. 49



FEMS Microbiol. Lett

Hlm 1540 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


A new technique for storage of meristem-tip cultures of Cavendish banana.

Ko, W.W.

A New Technique for Storage of Meristem Tip Cultures of Cavendish Banana

Ko, W. H.

Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture

Kluwer Academic Publisher

A new rice variety to meet tomorrow's food productions challenge


IRRI 1994-1995

Los Banos, International Rice Research Institute, Philippines.

A New Rice Plant Type A New Rapid Colorimetric Determination of Acethylcholine Esterase Activity.

IRRI Ellman, G. L.

The IRRI Reporter Biochem. Pharmacology.

A new rapid aging method for seed storability by using ethyl alcohol damp special case tor corn seed

Sadjad, S.

Submitted to the Seminar Comparative Agric. Studies of Biological. Production in Tropical and Temperate Regions. Tokyo, 26 March-2Aprill980.14p.

A New perfusion technique for the measurement and characterization of potential rates of soil nitrification

Killham, K

A new methodology for rapidly acquiring basic information on tropical fish stock: Growth, mortality, and stock recruitment relationships.

Pauly, D.

S.B. Saila and M. Roedel (Eds.). Stock Assessment from Tropical Small Scale Fisheries.

A National Prespective of Pekarangan : System Performance, And Constrain

Daw Michael. E

Pekarangan Land : Development Possibilities and Their Constribution to Farmers Welfare Caser, FAO. Bogor

A morphologically competent soybean sispension culture.

Christianson, M.L.

A Modified Procedure For Staining Roots To Detect VA Mycorrhizae, Mycological Research 92

Koske, R.E


Plant and Soil

ICLARM, URI. p. 154172.

Hlm 1541 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


A Modern Dictionary of Sociology : The Concept and Terminology of Sociology and Descrpties.

Theodorson, G. A.

A Modern Dictionary of Sociology : The Concept and Terminology of Sociology and Descrpties.

Thomas Y. Crooweek, New York.

A Model of Phosphorus Cycle and Phytoplankton Growth in Shaka Lake.

Fleming, W.M.

A Model of Phosphorus Cycle and Phytoplankton Growth in Shaka Lake.

British Columbia. Canada.

A Minor Outbreak of Salmonellosis Caused By Fermented Pork Sausage

Van. Netten. P

A Method for The Solution of Certain Nonlinear Problems in Least Squares.

Levenburg, K.

Quart. Appl. Math.

A method for determination of sapogenin and saponin contents in soya bean

Gestetner, B.


A Method for Culture of Micromanipulated Sheep Embryos and Its Use to Produce Monozygotic Twins.

Willadsen, S. M.


A market share approach to the foreign demand for US cotton

Sirhan, G.

A Manual Survey Method of Living Resource in Coastal Areas.

Dartnal. A.J.

Asean-Australia cooperative Program on Marine Science. Hanbook.

A Manual on Species and Provenance Research with Particular Reference To The Tropics.


Trop. For. Pop. 10 Comm. For. Ins. Oxford

A manual on methods for measuring primary production in aquatic environments.

Vollenweider, R. A.

International Biological Program Handbook No. 12.

Blackwell, Oxford, U.K.

A Manual of Survey Methods for Living Resources in Coastal Area.

Dartnall, A. J.

A Manual of Survey Methods for Living Resources in Coastal Area.

ASAN Australia Cooperation Program on Marine Science. 65 pp.

A Manual of Rural Composting. In: Improving Soil and Fertility Through Organic Recycling.

Gaur, A.C.

Organic Recycling

FAO of United Nation, Rome.


Tijdschrift Voor Diegerneeskunde

Townsville The Australian Institute of Marine Science. 167 pp.

Hlm 1542 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


A Manual of Rice Seed Health Testing


A Manual of Poultry Disease A manual of laboratory techniques.

Bains, B.S. Raghuramulu, N.

A Manual of Poultry Disease

Roche and Basie National institute of nutrition, india council of medical research, JamaiOsmania, Hyderabad India.

A Manual of Chemicals and Biological Methods for Seawater Analysis.

Parsons, T.R.,

A Manual of Chemicals and Biological Methods for Seawater Analysis.

Pergamon Press. Oxford. Pp: 101-111.

A manual of Australia Agricultural, 4th. Edition

Reid, R.L

A manual of Australia Agricultural, 4th. Edition

Witliam Heinemann, Melboumee

A Manual of Acarology

Krantz, G.W.

Fourth Printing 1975,

Corvalis, Oregon. pp 335

A Manual For The Processing of Agar from Gracilaria

G.A. Santos

ASEAN/90/Manual no. 5 Phillipine

ASEAN/UNDP/FAO/Regi onal Small Sacle Coastal Fisheries Development Project

A Manual for the Practical Study of the Root Nodules Bacteria

Vincent, J.M

Handbook 15

Blackwell Scientific Publication Oxford

A Manual for Starch Gel Electrophoresis of Tropical Trees

Liengsiri, C.

Saraburi: Asean Canada Forest Tree Seed Center.

A linear interpolation method for sublethal toxicity: the inhibition concentration (ICp) approach (Version 2.0).


A linear interpolation method for sublethal toxicity: the inhibition concentration (ICp) approach (Version 2.0).

A linear interpolation method for sublethal toxicity: the inhibition concentration (ICp) approach (Version 2.0).


A Letter From Tepisiring : Agriculture In The Modernising Bali

Pitana. I.G

Departement of Socio-economics, Faculty of Agriculture. Udayana University. Denpasar

A Key to Common Algae. Forth edition.

Bellinger. E.G.

A Key to Common Algae. Forth edition.


Environmental Research Laboratory, Duluth, MN 55804. Environmental Research Laboratory, Duluth, MN 55804.

The Institution of Water and Environmental Management. London. 137 pp.

Hlm 1543 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


A Hydrologycal Model of the Upper Kapuas River and Sentarum Lake Wildlife Reserve.


A Hydrologycal Model of the Upper Kapuas River and Sentarum Lake Wildlife Reserve.

AWB - PHPA, Bogor. 48 pp.

A Hundred Goat, Milk. And Milk Protein Content.

Loiseau, M.


A hundred and fifty years of oil palm development in Indonesia : From the Bogor Botanical Garden to the Industry 1998 IOPC, Nusa Dua Bali

Pamin K

A hundred and fifty years of oil palm development in Indonesia : From the Bogor Botanical Garden to the Industry 1998 IOPC, Nusa Dua Bali

A History of Nutrition Hougton Miffin Company.Boston

McCollum, E.V

A History of Nutrition

McCollum E.V

A hight yield of amylase from Aspergillus niger by the effect of gamma irradiation.

El-Saadany, R.M.A.

Starch 362p. 64

A Highly Sensitive, Non Radioactive DNA Labelling and detection System

Martin. R


A Highlight of the Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology (AIAT)

Hougton Miffin Company.Boston

A Highlight of the Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology (AIAT)

Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (AARD), Jakarta, p. 16. The World Aquaculture Society, Baton Rouge, Lousiana 70803, USA

A handbook of shrimp pathology and diagnostic procesdures for diseases of cultured penaeid shrimp

D.V. Lightner

A handbook of shrimp pathology and diagnostic procesdures for diseases of cultured penaeid shrimp

A handbook of shrimp pathology and diagnostic procedure for disease of cultured penaeid shrimp

Lightner, D.V.

The World Aquaculture Society.

A Handbook of Organic Analysis, 5 th

Clarke, H.T.

A Handbook of Organic Analysis, 5 th

Ederald Arnold, Belfast

A Handbook of New Guinea Marsupialia and Monotremes

Menzies, J.

A Handbook of New Guinea Marsupialia and Monotremes

Kristen Pres. Inc. Madang, Papua New Guinea.

A handbook of New Guema Marsupials and Monotremes

Menzies, J.

A handbook of New Guema Marsupials and Monotremes

Kristen Pres Inc. Madang , Papua New Guinea.


Hlm 1544 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


A Handbook of Malesian Mosses

Eddy, A.

A Handbook of Malesian Mosses

British Museum (Natural History). London.

A handbook of food packaging

Paine FA

A hand book of field methods for research on rice stemborers and other natural enemies

Nishida, T.

A guide to Tilapia feed & feeding

Jauncey K

A guide to the shrimp, prawn, lobsters, and crabs of Malaysia and Singapore

Lovette, D.L.

A Guide to The Feeding and Nutrition of Ruminants in The Tropics.

Tillman, A. D.

A Guide to the Birds of Wallacea. Sulawesi, the Moluccas and Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia

Coates, B.J.

A Guide to the Birds of Wallacea. Sulawesi, the Moluccas and Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia

Dove Publications. Queensland.

A Guide to Sorghum Breeding.

House, L. R.

International Crops Research Institute for The Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), India.

International Crops Research Institute for The Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), India.

A guide to fresh and salt-water fishing

Fichter, G

A guide to fresh and salt-water fishing

Golden Press, New York. p. 58-73

A Guide to Econometrics 3rd ed.

Kennedy. P

A Guide to Commercial Artificial Intelligence

Rauch-Hindin WB

A Guide to commercial Artificial Inteligence

Rauch Hindin WB

A Guide of Condition Scoring of Zebu Cattle.

Nicholson, M. J.


Leonard Hill, London IBP Hand Book No. 14. 132p.

Blackwell Scientific Publications. Oxford.

Inst. Of agric. Univ. of Stirling Scotland A guide to the shrimp, prawn, lobsters, and crabs of Malaysia and Singapore

Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia. Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development. Morrilton, Arkansas USA.

The MIT Press. Campbridge. Massachusetts A Guide to Commercial Artificial Intelligence

Prentice-Hall, New Jersey Prentice Hall New Jersey

International Livestock Center for Africa, Addis Ababa.

International Livestock Center for Africa, Addis Ababa.

Hlm 1545 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

A Geomorphological Reconaissance of Sumatera and Adjacent Island (indonesia)

Verstappen. H

A genetic Lingkage Map for Cattle

Bishop M. D.


A generic protocol for conducting tropical acute toxicity tests with fish and invertebrates.

Canadian Executing Agency.

ASEAN - Canada CPMS Phase II. Cida Project No. 143/15461. 29 p.


A generic protocol for conducting tropical acute toxicity tests with fish and invertebrates.

Canadian Executing Agency.

ASEAN - Canada CPMS Phase II. Cida Project No. 143/15461. 29 p.


A Generalized Theory of Sorption Phenomena in Biological Material Part II.

Ngoddy, P.O.

Adsorption Compression on Sorbing Water.

Trans of the ASAE 15 (6): 1153-1159.

A framework for land evaluation.


A framework for land evaluation.


A framework for land evaluation


A framework for land evaluation


a field manual for analyzing agricultural technology development and transfer systems

Swarson BE

A field guide to the insects of America north of Mexico

Donald, J.B

A field guide to the insects of America north of Mexico

Houghton Mifflin Company Boston.

A field guide to the birds of SouthEast Asia

King, B.M

A field guide to the birds of SouthEast Asia

Collin st James Place. London.

A field guide to the birds of Java and Bali

MacKinnon, J.

A field guide to the birds of Java and Bali

Gajah Mada Press. Yogyakarta

A Field Guide to the Birds of Borneo, Sumatra, Java and Ball

MacKinnon, J.

A Field Guide to the Birds of Borneo, Sumatra, Java and Ball

Oxford University Press.

A Field Guide to the Birds of Borneo, Sumatra, Java and Bali.

MacKmnon, J

A Field Guide to the Birds of Borneo, Sumatra, Java and Bali.

Oxford University Press, Oxford.

A Field Guide to the Birds of Borneo, Sumatra, Java and Bali


A Field Guide to the Birds of Borneo, Sumatra, Java and Bali

Oxford University Press Inc. New York.


Judul Buku

Penerbit Wolters-Noordhoff Publ. Groningen


Hlm 1546 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


A Field Guide to The Birds of Borneo, Sumatera,Java and Bail.

MacKinnon, J.

A Field Guide to The Birds of Borneo, Sumatera,Java and Bail.

Oxford Univ. Press,Tokyo.

A Fast Method For Measuring The Activity Of Water In Food

Multon. J.L

Lebens-Wiss Technol

A Fast Method For Measuring The Activity of Water In Food

Multon. J.L

Lebensm - Wiss Technol

A Fast Method For Measuring The Activity of Water In Food

Multon. J.L

Lebensm - Wiss Technol

A Farmer's Primer on Growing Rice

Vergara, S.B

International Rice Research Institut (IRRI). Manila Phillippines

A factor in yoghurt which lowers cholesteremia in man

Mann, G. V

A factor in yoghurt which lowers cholesteremia in man

A Draft Guide COMPLEATELEFAN Software Project 2: 65p. and 10 diskettes.

Gayanilo, F.C.Jr.,

A Draft Guide COMPLEATELEFAN Software Project 2: 65p. and 10 diskettes.

A dictionary of the economic products of the Malay Peninsula. Vol. II.

Burkill, I. H.

A Dictionary of the Economic Products of The Malay Peninsula Vol. I.

Burkill, I.H

A Dictionary of the Economic Products of The Malay Peninsula Vol. I.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Kuala Lumpur.

A Dictionary of The Economic Products of Malay Peninsula.

Burkill. I.H.

A Dictionary of The Economic Products of Malay Peninsula.

Government of Malaysia and Singapore. The Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives. Kualalumpur.

A Dictionary of the Economic Products of Malay Peninsula.

Burkill, I.H.

A Dictionary of the Economic Products of Malay Peninsula.

Government of Malaysia and Singapure, the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives. Kuala Lumpur.



The crown agents for the colonies, London.

Hlm 1547 dari 1800

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Judul Buku


A Dictionary of the Economic Products of Malay Peninsula.

Burkill, I.H.

A Dictionary of the Economic Products of Malay Peninsula.

Government of Malaysia and Singapore, the Ministry of Agricuture and Cooperatives, Kuala Lumpur.

A Dictionary of The Economic Products of Malay Peninsula.

Burkill, I.H.

A Dictionary of The Economic Products of Malay Peninsula.

Government of Malaysia and Singapure, The Ministry of Agricuture and Cooperatives, Kualalumpur.

A Dictionary of the Economic Product of the Malay Peninsula. Vol 1 (A-H).

Burkill, I.H.

A Dictionary of the Economic Product of the Malay Peninsula. Vol 1 (A-H).

University Press Oxford. London.

A Dictionary of Epidemiology, Second Edition

Last, J.M., (Ed)

A Dictionary of Epidemiology, Second Edition

Oxford University Press, New York.

A Dictionary of Economic Product of The Malay Peninsula, Vol. I

Burkill, H.A

A Dictionary of Economic Product of The Malay Peninsula, Vol. I

Crow Agents for The Colonies, London

A Dictionary of Economic Product of The Malay Peninsula

Burkill, H.A.,

A Dictionary of Economic Product of The Malay Peninsula

Crow Agents for The Colonies, London

A dictionary of Birds

Campbell, B.

A dictionary of Birds

Buteo Books, Vermillion.

A diagnotstic Approach to Organizational Behavior

Gordon, J.R.

A diagnotstic Approach to Organizational Behavior

Allyn & Bacon, USA

A developmental toxicity evaluation of gossypol

Beaudoin, A. R.


A defined medium for rumen bacteria and identification of strains impaired in de novo biosynthesis of certain amino acids

Nili, N

Letters in Applied Microbiology

A cucumber mosaik Cucumovirus isolate from banana mosaic disease in Indonesia

Suastika, G.

Nodai Center for Intl Prog.

Tokyo Univ. For Agriculture, Japan

A critical review on the role of pollution as cause of fish diseases.

Moller, H.

A. E. Ellis (ed.) fish and Shellfish Pathology, pp.l69-l82

Academic Press, London.


Hlm 1548 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

A Critical Review of the technique for testing insecticides.

Busvine JR

2nd ed Commonwelth Agricultural Bureaux Farnharm Royal England

A Critical Review of the technique for testing insecticides.

Busvine JR

2nd ed Commonwelth Agricultural Bureaux Farnharm Royal England

A course manual in tropical sheep and goat production.

Edey, T.N.

A course manual in tropical pasture science

Whiteman, P. C.

A Course Manual in Tropical Beef Cattle Production.

Barker, J. S. F.

Australian Vice Chancellors Committees.

A Course Manual in the Tropical Sheep and Goat Production

Edey, T.N

A Course Manual in the Tropical Sheep and Goat Production

A course manual in nutrition and growth. AUIDP

Davies, H. L.

A Course Manual in Nutrition and Growth. AUIDP

Davies, H.L

A Course Manual in Nutrition and Growth. AUIDP

Hedges and Bell Pty Ltd. Melboume

A Course Manual in Nutrition and Growth.

Davies, H.L.

Australian Vice-Chencellors' Committee. AUIDP.

Hedges and Beef Pty. Ltd . Melbourne.

A Course Manual in Annual Crops Production (Maize, Sorghum and Soybeans)

Matheson. E. M

Australian Vice-Chacellor's Comm

Academy Press Pty. Ltd. Brisbane

a Concept of Agribusiness

Davies. J.H

Division Of Research Graduate School of Business Administration Havard University

The Agriculture Development Inc. Boston

A Complete Course in Training.

Lopez. A

A Complete Course in Training.

Baltimore. Maryland.

A comparison between egg surface and volumes of several avian species

Gonzales, M.

Comparative biochemistry and physiology

A comparative Study on important pathogen causing diarrhoea in calves and piglets

Tzipori, S.

Infectious diarrhoea in the young. strategies for control in humans and animals. Tzipori S. (Ed). Proceeding of an International Seminar on Diarrhoeal Diseases in South East Asia and Western Pacific Region. . p. 371-379.


Judul Buku

A course manual in tropical sheep and goat production.


AAUCS, Malang. Brisbane


Hedges and Bell Pty. Ltd. Melbourne

Gelong, Victoria, Australia

Hlm 1549 dari 1800

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Judul Buku

A Comparation for 'invertebrate Fauna Under Eucalyptus and VinuA' forest in the Otway Range, Victoria

Ahren. UD

Royal Soc. Victoria Proc. 89 (1 & 2): 127-136.

A Color Atlas Of Postharvest Diseases and Disorders of Fruit and Vegetables

Snowdon. A.L

A Characterisation of the Chicken Broiler as a Function of Sex and Age: Live Performance, Processing, Grade and Cooking Yields.

Moran, E.T.

Food Technology.

A Centrifuge Method for Obtaining Soil Solution.

Gillman, G.P.,

A Centrifuge Method for Obtaining Soil Solution.

A case study on the utilization of effluent and by-products of oil palm by cattle and buffaloes on an oil palm estate

Dalzell, R.

Feedingstuffs for livestock in south east asia

A Brief introduction in grain amaranth cultivation techniques

Hongliang S

Research and developmnet of grain amaranth in China

A Brief guide to oil palm science

Wood BJ

The Incorporated Society of Planters. Kuala Lumpur

A Book of Object-Oriented Knowledge: Object -Oriented Analysis. Design and Implementation: A New Approach to Software Engineering

Sellers. BH

A Book of Object-Oriented Knowledge: Object -Oriented Analysis. Design and Implementation: A New Approach to Software Engineering

Prentice-Hall. Sydney.

A biology of green leafhopper Nephotettix nigropictus Stal (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) from South Kalimantan colony.

Siwi, S.S.

Contr. Res. Inst. Food Crops Bogor


A Biologist's Basic Mathematics

Causton. D.R

A Bench Study on Chromium Recovery from Tannery Sludge.

Macchi, G.



CRC. Press. Barkley

CSIRO Aust. Div. Soils. Divl. Rep. 16.

Edward Arnold Publisher. London Water Res.

Hlm 1550 dari 1800

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A Bacterial Risk Assessment as A Model for Assessing Risks of Algal Blooms.

Todd, E.C.D.

A Bacterial Risk Assessment as A Model for Assessing Risks of Algal Blooms.

In Press.

A Background and History of Carbohydrate Polyester. In: Carbohydrate Polyesters as Fat Substitutes.

Swanson, B.G

Carbohydrate Polyesters as Fat Substitutes.

Marcel Dekker. New York

90 tahun penyuluhan pertanian di Indonesia

Abbas, S.

90 tahun penyuluhan pertanian di Indonesia

Deptan Jakarta.

Seri Pengembangan, (5): 28-31.

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Departemen Pertanian.

30 tahun penelitian tanaman obat

1UCN Red List of Threatened Animals

Baillie, J.

1UCN Red List of Threatened Animals

1UCN Gland. Switzerland

14-Qualitalive Standards for Tennilicides, Preservative Termiticides, and Soil-Poising Termiticides

JWPA Standard

Japan Wood Preserving Association 4-2-5

Tokyo: Japan Wood Preserving Association.

13 ways Aloe vera can help you


Alternative Medicine, The Voice of Alternative Medicine Vol. 28.

^ Reproduction in domestic Animals. 3rd Edition

Cole, H.H

^ Reproduction in domestic Animals. 3rd Edition

Academie Press, Inc. New York

/ntroduction to tropical fish stock assessment. Part I (Manual).

Sparre, P.

Introduction to tropical fish stock assessment. Part I (Manual).

FAO. Fisheries Technical Paper (rev. 1). 376 p.

. The Ecology of the Indonesian Seas. Part 11

Tomascik, T

. The Ecology of the Indonesian Seas. Part 11

Periplus Editions (HK) Lid. Singapore.

. Sumber Daya dan Pemanfaatan Hiu

Wibowo, S

. Sumber Daya dan Pemanfaatan Hiu

. Penebar Swadaya Jakarta.

. Poisonous plants

Dollahite, J.W

Texas Agricultural Program Report

. Pengaruh Penambahan Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa blimbi) Terhadap Pengaruh Bau Pesing Pada Pari (Trygon sp) Asap

Rinie, A.

. Pengaruh Penambahan Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa blimbi) Terhadap Pengaruh Bau Pesing Pada Pari (Trygon sp) Asap

. Fakultas Perikanan Universitas Brawijaya.

. PengantarTeknologi Pangan


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. Pengantar Umum Toksikologi. Penerjemah Yudono

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. UGM Press Yogyakarta.


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. Keragaman dan program penelitian pasca panen perikanan


Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perikanan, Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta

. Isolation offilamentous fungi. In: Labeda, D.P. (ed.). Isolation ofbiotechnological organisms from na

Seifert, K.A

Isolation of biotechnological organisms from na

MacGraw-Hill Publishing Co, New York

. Health Management in Shrimp ponds

Chanratchakool, P.

. Health Management in Shrimp ponds

Health Research Institut. Bangkok, Thailand p. 5053.

. Gambaran Histopatologi Hepatopankreas Udang Windu (P. monodon Fab) Yang Dipelihara di Tambak di Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur


. Gambaran Histopatologi Hepatopankreas Udang Windu (P. monodon Fab) Yang Dipelihara di Tambak di Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur

. Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Airlangga. Hal 13-15.

. Fundamentals of Organic and Biologicalchemistry

McMurry, J

Fundamentals of Organic and Biologicalchemistry

Printice Hall, New Jersey

. Ekstraksi asam lumat dan fulvat dari bahan gambut saprik Ketaping Selatan.

Saidi, A.

. Ekstraksi asam lumat dan fulvat dari bahan gambut saprik Ketaping Selatan.

Fak, Pertanian Unand. Padang.

. A Handbook of Normal Penaeid Shrimp Histology. World Aquaculture society

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A Handbook of Normal Penaeid Shrimp Histology. World Aquaculture society

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. 5 Years of Agricultural Research and Development in Indonesia

Badan Litbang Pertanian

AARD Ministry of Agriculture Indonesia.

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Winarno FG

Sterilisasi Komersial Produk Pangan

PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta

. "Pengendalian Mutu Perusahaan Secara Menyeluruh."


Pengendalian Mutu Perusahaan Secara Menyeluruh

PT Pustaka Binaman Pressindo. Jakarta

(Terj. Ero H. Rosyidi), Pengantar sosiologi

R.M. Mac Iver

(Terj. Ero H. Rosyidi), Pengantar sosiologi.

Penerbit Alumni Bandung.

(summitted to publication) Follicular dynamics and coincidental hormone concentrations in heifers alter treatment with GnRH agonist in a sustained releasing formulation (Decapeptyl Depot)

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(summitted to publication) Follicular dynamics and coincidental hormone concentrations in heifers alter treatment with GnRH agonist in a sustained releasing formulation (Decapeptyl Depot)



Hlm 1552 dari 1800

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(In press). The chromosomes of Anadara antiquata (L.) (Bivalvea Arcidae) from Central Java, Indonesia.

Afiati N.,

(In press). The chromosomes of Anadara antiquata (L.) (Bivalvea Arcidae) from Central Java, Indonesia.

(eds). Atlas OseanologiPerairan Indonesia dan Sekitarnya.

Sugiarto, A.

Buku No. 1

.Lembaga Oseanologi Nasional/LTPL Jakarta. 79hal.

(Ed.). On the Ecology of a Tropical Fish Community.

Piet, G.J.

(Ed.). On the Ecology of a Tropical Fish Community.

M.C. Escher/Cordon ArtBoarn-Holland. 189 pp.

(Ed.). Acacia nilotica 1869-1988

Langdon, K.

(Ed.). Acacia nilotica 1869-1988

C.A.B. International, Oxford Forest Institute, Oxford.

(Dalam Pudjiwati Sajogyo, 1983, Peranan Wanita Dalam Perkembangan Masyarakat Desa)


(Dalam Pudjiwati Sajogyo, 1983, Peranan Wanita Dalam Perkembangan Masyarakat Desa)

Yayasan llmu-lmu Sosial, Jakarta.

Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus Isolate from Cucumber. Cucumis sativus: Purification and Serology

Huang, C-H.

Virus Diseases of Horticultural Cronps in the Tropics and Subtropics, FFTC Book Series No, 33. FFTC lor The Asian and Pasific Region, Taipei, Taiwan. ROC

Zooplankton Production

Parsons, T.R.

"Fundamentals of Aquatic Ecosystem". R.S.K. Barnes dan K.H. Mann (Eds.)

Blackwell Scientific Publications, London. P




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Zinsser Microbiology 18th ed.

Joklik W. K.

Zinsser Microbiology 18th ed.

Apleton-CenturyCrofts/Norwalk. Connecticut pp 24.234337.673-678.

Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Tanaman.

Wattimena, G.A.,

Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Tanaman.

Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan PAU Bioteknologi IPB, Bogor, 247 p.

Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Tanaman.

Wattimena. G. A.

Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Tanaman.

IPB. Bogor

Yoghurt Science and Technology

Tamime, A.Y.

Yoghurt Science and Technology

Pergamon Press, New York.

Yoghurt like products from riceflour and soymilk

Coflado. L. S.

The Philippine Agriculturist 77 (3) : 307-319



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Xanthomonas. p. 189-222

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World Oilseeds.

Salunkhe, D.K.

World Oilseeds.

Van Nostrand Reinhold. New York,

Wood Raw Material Supply


vol III of the Wood Processing Industry Sector Study


Wheat Production, Properties and Quality

Bushuk, W.

Wheat Production, Properties and Quality

Great Britain. Cambridge University Press.

Weed Science.

Ashton, F.M.,

Principles and Practices.

John Willey & Sons, New York.

Weed Science Principle. 2nd ed.

Anderson, W.P.,

Weed Science Principle. 2nd ed.

West Publishing Co., New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco.

Weed Science in The Tropics.

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Principles and Practices.

John Willey & Sons, New York.

Weed Management in Soybean Crop in lndonesia.


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Weed Control Handbook. Volume I

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J.B. Lippincott Company. Philadelphia. USA.

Wayside Trees of Malaya, In Two Volumes

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Wayside Trees of Malaya, In Two Volumes

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Waves In Ocean Engineering, Measurement, Analysis, Interpretation

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Waves In Ocean Engineering, Measurement, Analysis, Interpretation

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Water Wave Mechanichs for Engineering and Scientists

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Water Wave Mechanichs for Engineering and Scientists

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Water Resources and Management

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Water Resources and Management

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Water Resources and Agricultural Development in the Tropics

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Water Resources and Agricultural Development in the Tropics

Longman Scientific And Technical Publisher. Copublised in the United States with John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York.

Water Quality Management in Pond Fish Culture.

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Auburn University. Auburn. 30 pp.

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Water Quality Management for Pond Fish Culture.

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Water Quality Management for Pond Fish Culture.

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Water quality management and aeration in shrimp farming. Technical Guidance,

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Water Quality in Warmwater Fishponds.

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Auburn University, Departement of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures. First Edition. Alabama, USA. 359 pp.

Water Quality in Warmwater Fish Ponds.

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Water Quality in Warmwater Fish Ponds.

Auburn University. 345 pp.

Water quality in ponds for aquaculture.

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Water quality in ponds for aquaculture.

Craftmaster Printers, Inc. Opelika Alabama, USA. 365 PP-

Water Quality in Ponds for Aquaculture,

Boyd, C.E.

Water Quality in Ponds for Aquaculture,

Auburn University, Alabama 482 pp.

Water Quality for Warm Water Fish Ponds.

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Water Quality for Warm Water Fish Ponds.

Auburn University. Auburn Alabama. USA.

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Water Quality Criteria For Freshwater Fish

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Water Quality Criteria For Freshwater Fish

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Water and Sustainability

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Global Patterns and Long-range Problems

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Water analysis: some revised methods for limnologists.

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Waktu Timbulnya Birahi dan Angka Kebuntingan pada Sapi Perah yang Diberi Hormon PMSG

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Waktu Timbulnya Birahi dan Angka Kebuntingan pada Sapi Perah yang Diberi Hormon PMSG

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Voluntary efforts in Decentralized Management.

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Volatile fatty acids: their production, absorption, utilization, and roles in human health

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Veterinary, Endocrinology and Reproduction

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Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics 6th Ed

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Veterinary Protozoology. First Edition.

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Veterinary Protozoology. 1st Ed.

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Veterinary Parasitology

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Veterinary Applied Pharmacology Therapeutics

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Tanaman Pekarangan. Lembaga Biologi Nasional.

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Tanaman Obat Indonesia. Jilid I


Tanaman Obat Indonesia. Jilid I

Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, p. 79

Tanaman Murbei di Kehutanan Indonesia

Hani in, 0.

Tanaman Murbei di Kehutanan Indonesia

Yogyakarta: Fakultas Kehutanan UGM

Tanaman kencur (Kaempferia galanga L.)

Astuti, Y.

informasi tentang fitokimia dan efek farmakologi

Warta Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia 3(2): 26-27.

Tanaman Kelapa dan Lingkungan Pertumbuhannya.

Darwis, S.N.,

Tanaman Kelapa dan Lingkungan Pertumbuhannya.

Balai Penelitian Kelapa Manado. 55-69 p.

Tanaman Kelapa Budidaya dan Pemanfaatannya.

Suhardiyono, L.,

Tanaman Kelapa Budidaya dan Pemanfaatannya.

Kanisius, Yogyakarta.


Hlm 1582 dari 1800

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Tanaman Hias. Bunga Potong. Tanaman Pot.

Judul Buku


Tanaman Hias. Bunga Potong. Tanaman Pot.

Direktorat Bina Produksi Hortikultura, PT. Metro Pos Jakarta. 64 p.

Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat di Indonesia. Jilid I-IV.

Wijayakusuma, H.M.H..

Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat di Indonesia. Jilid I-IV.

pustaka Kartini, Jakarta.

Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat di Indonesia. Jilid 3.


Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat di Indonesia. Jilid 3.

Pustaka Kartini. Jakarta.

Tambak Udang Windu

Buwono I. D.

Sistem pengelolaan Intensif

Kanisius, Jakarta, 151 pages.

Taksonomi dan Kunci Identifikasi Ikan

Saanin, H.

Taksonomi dan Kunci Identifikasi Ikan

Binacipta. Jakarta.



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Tabel Komposisi Bahan Pakan untuk Indonesia. Cetakan ketiga.

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Tabel Komposisi Bahan Pakan untuk Indonesia. Cetakan ketiga.

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yokyakarta.

System identification

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System identification

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Symbiotic marine algae: Taxonomy and biological fitness

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Sustainable Human Development and Agriculture


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Susceptibility of the different larval and postlarval stages of black tiger prawn, P. monodon fabricus, to monodon baculouirus (MBV)

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Survival rate of P.monodon Fabricius larvae fed Chaetoceros sp. And bread yeast

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Hlm 1583 dari 1800

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Survey of 2,4Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid Degradative Properties in Bacteria Associated with Coral (inpress)

Sabdono, A.

Survey of 2,4Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid Degradative Properties in Bacteria Associated with Coral (inpress)

Survey Manual for Tropical Marine Resources

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Survey Manual for Tropical Marine Resources

Australian Institute of Marine Science. Townsfile. 5: 235-259 pp

Survey Manual for Tropical Marine Resources

English, S.

Survey Manual for Tropical Marine Resources

Australian Institute of Marine Sciences. Townsville-Australia

Survey Manual for Tropical Marine Resources

English, S.

Survey Manual for Tropical Marine Resources

Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville

Survey Konsumsi Pangan


Survey Konsumsi Pangan

Pusat Antar Universitas IPB, Bogor.

Survei Tanah dan Evaluasi Lahan

Abdullah, T.S.

Survei Tanah dan Evaluasi Lahan

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta

Survei Kesehatan Rumah Tangga


Survei Kesehatan Rumah Tangga

Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Jakarta.

Survei evaluasi pelaksanaan proteksi perkebunan

Departemen Ilmu Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan, Bogor. hlm. 1-7.

Survei evaluasi pelaksanaan proteksi perkebunan


Survai Penyakit Busuk Pucuk (Phytophthora sp.) Pada Beberapa Varietas Kelapa di Indonesia


Survai Penyakit Busuk Pucuk (Phytophthora sp.) Pada Beberapa Varietas Kelapa di Indonesia

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Surgical Principles

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Surgical Principles

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Surface Water-Quality Modeling

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Hlm 1584 dari 1800

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Suppression of Black Root of Tobacco and other Root Diseases by Strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens Potential Applicalions and Mechanisms, p. 75-81

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Suppression of bacterial growth by seawater

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Superovulasi dengan PMSG dan Gabungan PMSG dan HCG

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Superovulasi dengan PMSG dan Gabungan PMSG dan HCG

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Sumberdaya ikan pelagis besar. Buku Potensi dan Penyebaran Sumberdaya Ikan Laut di Perairan Indonesia.

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Hlm 1585 dari 1800

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Sugar and Sweetener: Situation and Outlook Report

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Succesful Induced Spawning and Rearing of Holothurians Holothuria (Metryatila) scabra Jaeger at Turicorin

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Succesful Induced Spawning and Rearing of Holothurians Holothuria (Metryatila) scabra Jaeger at Turicorin

Central Marine Fisheries Res. Inst Cochin - India

Subsrat untuk produksi besarbesaran Trichoderma

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Subak Sistem Irigasi Tradisional di Bali, dalam Subak Sistem Irigasi di Bali, Sebuah Canangsari

Upada Sastra, Denpasar.

Suatu Tinjauan Kepustakaan, Komunikasi Pribadi

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Suatu Tinjauan Kepustakaan, Komunikasi Pribadi

Suatu cara Penilaian Kemampuan Wilayah

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Hlm 1586 dari 1800

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Study on Monitoring the Impact of Policy Changes and Investments in the Tree Crops Sector-Indonesia

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Study on Monitoring the Impact of Policy Changes and Investments in the Tree Crops Sector-Indonesia

Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional and Department of Agriculture. Doc. No. T.A. No. 1936/INO.

Study on isolation of squalene from acid ensilaged shark liver oil.

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Study of sediment and water polution level In Demak Coastal Water (Preliminary studies for aquaculture purposes)

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Case study in Sayung and Bonang regencies

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Studies on the sources of Luminescent Vibrio harvcyi in Penaeus monodon hatcheries.

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Studies on Insect immune Systems

Anggraeni, T.

Ph.D Thesis

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Studies on heterozygosity and size in the scallop, Pecten maximus

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Proceeding of the 19th European marine Biology Symposium. Plymouth 1984 (Ed. P.E. GIBBS)

Cambridge University. Press: 455-464.

Studies of mangrove litterfall in tropical Australia

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Australian National University Press, Canberra.

Studi Tentang Serapan dan Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja Serta Sifat Penggunaan Input dan Hasil Balik Produksi Pada Sektor Industri di D.I. Yogyakarta


Studi Tentang Serapan dan Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja Serta Sifat Penggunaan Input dan Hasil Balik Produksi Pada Sektor Industri di D.I. Yogyakarta

Jurusan TIP, FTP UGM Yogyakarta.


Hlm 1587 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Studi tentang penggunaan beberapa jenis bahan bubu untuk penangkapan ikan karang di perairan Pulau Podangpodang, Pangkep

Mansyur, A.

Research Institute for Coastal Fisheries Report. 14 pp

Studi produktivitas mangrove dl Teluk Ambon

Pulumabuny, S.

Soemodihargo S., S. Birowo dan K. Romimohtarto (eds) Teluk Ambon II: Biologi, Perikanan, Oseanografi dan Geologi.

Balitbang Sumberdaya Laut. Puslitbang Oseanologi-LIPI hal 5362

Studi produktivitas mangrove di Teluk Ambon

Pulumabuny, S.

Soemodihargo S., S. Birowo dan K. Romimohtarto (eds) Teluk Ambon II: Biologi, Perikanan, Oseanografi dan Geologi. Balitbang Sumberdaya Laut

Puslitbang OseanologiLIPI: Hal. 53-62

Studi produk- produk inkonvensional dari berbagai jenis unggas air di Jawa, Bali dan Kalimantan Selatan

Setioko, A.R.

Studi produk- produk inkonvensional dari berbagai jenis unggas air di Jawa, Bali dan Kalimantan Selatan

Balai Penelitian Ternak, Ciawi, Indonesia.

Studi Potensi Danau Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu Kalimantan Barat.

Aziz, K.A.

Studi Potensi Danau Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu Kalimantan Barat.

Fakultas Perikanan Institut Pertanian Bogor bekerja sama dengan Dinas Perikanan Propinsi Kalimantan Barat. 106 pp.

Studi penyusunan kehijakan agroindustri kecil dan Menengah Repelita VII


Studi penyusunan kehijakan agroindustri kecil dan Menengah Repelita VII

Kerjasama FTP UGM dan DEPPERINDAG, Jakarta.

Studi Pembuatan Cincau Hitam Instan

Gabby Setiowaty

Studi Pembuatan Cincau Hitam Instan

Lomba Inovasi Toknologi Mahasiswa, Yogyakarta

Studi on the sources of luminecent Vibrio harveyi in P. monodon Fab. hatcheries. 157164.

Lavilia-Pitogo, C.R.,

In. M. Shariff, R.P. Subagsinghe and J.R. Arthur (Eds).Diseases in Asian Aquaculture I.

Asian Fisheries Society, Manila.

Studi Mengenai Beberapa Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Penggumpalan Lateks Skim dengan serum Lateks serta Peningkatan Mutu Lateks Skim

Soeseno S.


UNPAD, Bandung



Hlm 1588 dari 1800

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Judul Buku


Studi Kelayakan Proyek

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Studi Kelayakan Proyek

Yogyakarta: UPPAMPYKPN

Studi Kasus Komposisi Susu Kuda Sumbawa

Sudarwanto, M.

Studi Kasus Komposisi Susu Kuda Sumbawa

Fakultas Kedoktleran Hewan, Institut Pertanian Bogor. (Abstr.) Bogor.

Studi evaluasi lingkungan unit penambangan dan peleburan timah Bangka. Volume 2.


Laporan Utama.

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Studi daya dukung hijauan pakan di lokasi tanaman sayuran

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Structures des Peuplements Ichtyologiques D'une Zone D'herbier a Zostera marina de L'etang de Thau (France)

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Etude de la Composition Alimentaire des juveniles du Loup (Dicentrar-chus labrax, Linnaeus, 1758). de la Daurade (Sparus aurata. Linnaeus, 1758) et du Muge (Chelon labrosus. Risso, 1826) par des Approches Experimentale. These de Doctorat

Univ. Montpellier II - Scie. Tech. du Languedoc. 315p

Structure and physiological ecology of soil microbial communities.

Melting. F.B. Jr.

F.B. Metting, Jr. (ed). Soil microbial ecology: Application inagricultural and development management.

Marcel Dekker, Inc.. New York, Basel, Hongkong. hal.3-25

Structure and Chemical Composition of The Potato Tuber

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Potato Processing. Talburt, W.F. dan Smith, 0. (Eds) 4"1 ed.

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Strategies for increasing maize production in the Asia-Pacific region

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RAPA Publication: 1993/25

Strategic Management Strategi nasional pengelolaan kawasan terumbu karang

Pierce, J., Supriharyono, M.R.

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Strategi Nasional Pengelolaan Kawasan Terumbu Karang



Lemlit-UNDIP, Semarang. LEMLIT-UNDIP, Semarang.

Hlm 1589 dari 1800

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Judul Buku


Strategi Bersaing, Teknik Menganalisis Industri dan Pesaing.

Porter, E.M.,

Strategi Bersaing, Teknik Menganalisis Industri dan Pesaing.

Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta.

Storage of Tropical Fruit Seed.

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Faculty of Agriculture University Pertanian Malaysia 1977.

Storage of Tropical Fruit Seed.

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H.F. Chin, I.C. Enoch, R.M.R. Harun (ed) Seed Technology the Tropics Faculty of Agriculture University Pertanian Malaysia 1977.

Faculty of Agriculture University Pertanian Malaysia 1977.

Storage of Cereal Grains and Their Products.

Haward, WH

Storage of Cereal Grains and Their Products.

American Asosiation of Cereal Chemist Inc., St Paul, Minnesota.

Storage and commercial storage operation

Pantastico, E.B.

Pantastico, E.B. (Ed.). Postharvest Physiology, Handling, and Utilization of Tropical and Sub Tropical Fruits and Vegetables

AVI Publ. Co. Westport,CT.

Stopping Subsidies for Pesticides in Indonesian Rice Production.

Gallagher. K.D.

Stopping Subsidies for Pesticides in Indonesian Rice Production.

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Status of shrimp nutrition and feed development in Southeast Asia

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Statitika Non Parametrik


Penataran Penelitian Muda. FKH Unair

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Statistika non Parametrik Terapan. Alih Bahasa oleh Alex Tri Kamcono W

Penerbit PT. Gramedia, Jakarta. 272-275.


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Yayasan Penerbit Fakultas Psikologi UGM, Yogjakarta. 86 hlm.

Statistik Peternakan Indonesia.

Statistik Peternakan Indonesia.

Ditjen Peternakan, Deptan, Jakarta.

Statistik Perkebunan: Lada

Statistik Perkebunan: Lada

Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan, Jakarta.


Hlm 1590 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia, Kelapa Sawit (Indonesia Estate Crop Statistics, Oil Palm)

Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan

Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia, Kelapa Sawit (Indonesia Estate Crop Statistics, Oil Palm)

Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan, Jakarta.

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Statistik Perikanan1996.

Ditjen Perikanan, Dept. Pertanian No.26

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Statistik Perikanan Indonesia 1995


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Statistik Perikanan Indonesia 1994


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Statistik Perikanan 1997, No.27.


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Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan, DepTan.

Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia

Biro Pusat Statistik

Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia

BPS- Jakarta,

Statistik non parametrik untuk ilmu-ilmu sosial.

Siegel. S.

Statistik non parametrik untuk ilmu-ilmu sosial.

Penerbit P.T. Gramedia, Jakarta.


Hlm 1591 dari 1800

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Judul Buku


Statistik Industri

Biro Pusat Statistik

Statistik Industri


Statistik Indonesia. Statistik Deskriptif

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Statistik dan Informasi Peternakan di Propinsi DIY Tahun 1992 - 1996


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Statistics and Data Analysis, an Introduction.

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Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research

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Statistical Method in Hydrology

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Statistical Method in Hydrology

The Iowa University Press / Ames. USA.

Statistical Ecology. A Primer on Methods and Computing.

Ludwig, J.A.,

Statistical Ecology. A Primer on Methods and Computing.

John Wiley & Sons. New York. 337 pp.

Statistical Ecology.

Ludwig, J.A.

A primer on methods and computing.

John Wiley & Sons, New York, 337 pp.

Statistical Ecology, A Primer on Method and Computing.

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Statistical Ecology, A Primer on Method and Computing.

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Statistical Ecology

Ludwig, J.A.

Statistical Ecology

John Wiley & Sons. New York. pp. 206-207, 212221.

Statistical analysis And computation procedure


Statistical analysis And computation procedure

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Statistic for experimenters: An introduction to design, data analysis, and model building.

Box, G.E. P. ,

Statistic for experimenters: An introduction to design, data analysis, and model building.

John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 653 pp.

Statistic Ekspor Hasil Perikanan 1996.


Statistic Ekspor Hasil Perikanan 1996.

Ditjen Perikanan, Dept. Pertanian No. 19

Starch, Chemistry and Technology

Whistler, R.L.

Starch, Chemistry and Technology

2nd Academic Press, Inc. Hartcourt Brace Jovanovic, Publ. Orlando San Diego - New York.

Starch Lipids: A Reappreasial

Morrison, W. R.

Starch/Starke 33(3): 408-410


2 ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.

Hlm 1592 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Starch in human nutrition

Wursch, P.

Bourne, GH (ed): Nutritional value of cereal products, beans and starches. World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics. Basel, Karger, 60: 199-256

Starch in human nutrition

Wursch, P.

Bourne, GH (ed): Nutritional value of cereal products, beans and starches. World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics. Basel, Karger, 60: 199-256

Starch gel electro-phoresis and species distinction. 141-170.

Leary, L.F.

In: Shreck, C.B. and Moyle, P.B. (Eds.). Methods for Fish Biology. Am. Fish. Soc., Bethesda, Maryland. USA.

Starch Derivatives, Production and Uses

Ruttenberg, M. W.

In Starch Chemistry and Technology. R.L. Whistler, J.N. Be Miller and E. F. Paschal (ed). Academic Press, Inc., Orlando

Starch and Its Modifications for the Food Industry. In H. D Graham, ed., 1977

Heckman, E.

Food Colloids

The AVI Publishing Co., Connecticut.

Starch and Its Modifications for the Food Industry

Heckman, E.

Graham, H. D. (Ed.). Food Colloids

The AVI Publishing Co., Connecticut.

Starch and Its Derivatives Vol. II

Radley, J. A.

Starch and Its Derivatives Vol. II

John Willey & Sons, Inc., New York.

Starch and It's Derevatives. Vol. 2

Radley, J.A.

Starch and It's Derevatives. Vol. 2

John Willey and Sons Inc., New York.

Starch :Chemistry and Technology. Vol. I.

Whistler, R.L.

Starch :Chemistry and Technology. Vol. I.

Academic Press. New York.

Standard Perencanaan Irigasi: Kriteria Perencanaan Bagian Petak Tersier (KP - 01)


Standard Perencanaan Irigasi: Kriteria Perencanaan Bagian Petak Tersier (KP - 01)

Departemen Pekerjaan Umum, Jakarta.

Standard Nasional Indonesia : Gula dan Hasil Olahannya (Sugars and Sweets)


Standard Nasional Indonesia : Gula dan Hasil Olahannya (Sugars and Sweets)

Dewan Standardisasi Nasional, Jakarta

Standard Nasional Indonesia


Mangga, SNIOl -3164-Jakarta



Hlm 1593 dari 1800

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Standard Methods for the Examination Water and Wastewater. 15th Edition.


Standard Methods for the Examination Water and Wastewater. 15th Edition.

American Public Health Association. Washington. 113

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Prinsip dan Prosedur Stastika: Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik. Alih bahasa: Ir. Bambang Sumantri

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Prinsip dan Prosedur Stastika: Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik. Alih bahasa: Ir. Bambang Sumantri

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Prinsip dan Prosedur Stalistika: Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik. Ed II

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Principles of Food Science and Technology, vol. l, Solid Wood

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Principles of Food Science and Technology, vol. l, Solid Wood

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Principles of Food Science Principles of Food Chemistry

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Principles of Fish Nutrition.

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Principles of Fish Nutrition.

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Principles of Fermentation Technology.

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Principles of Fermentation Technology.

Pergamon Press, London.

Principles of comparative respiratory physiology (second revised edition)

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Principles of comparative respiratory physiology (second revised edition)

Elsevier/North - Holland Biomedical Press: 265 p.

Principles of Biotechnology

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Principles of Biotechnology

Surrey University Press. UK.

Principles of Biochemistry Mammalian Biochemistry.

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Principle's Application of Inorganik, Organik and Biological Chemistry. 1 sted.

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Principle's Application of Inorganik, Organik and Biological Chemistry. 1 sted.

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Principles and prosedures of Statistics. A Biochemical Approach 2nd ed.

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Principles and prosedures of Statistics. A Biochemical Approach 2nd ed.

Mc Graw Hill. International Book Company,Tokyo

Principles and Procedures ofStatistics Second Edition.

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Graw - Hill, Book Comp. New York.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics: A Biometrical Approach. Second Edition p 633

Steel, R.G.D.

McGraw-Hill, Ltd. London.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics: A Biometrical Approach. Second Edition

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Principles and Procedures of Statistics: A Biometrical Approach. Second Edition

McGraw-Hill Ltd. London. 633.

Principles and Procedures of Statistics. A Bio-metrical, Aproach. 2nd ed.


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Principles and Procedures of Statistics. A Biometrical Approach

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By Vannostrond Reinhold, A Division of Wadswarth Inc.

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Principles and Procedures of Statistics 4th ed.

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A Blometrical Approach

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Principles and Procedures of Statistics

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A Biometrical Book Company. Tokyo. Japan

Principles and Procedures of Statistic. A Bio-metical Approach. 2nded.

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Principles and Procedures a Statistco. 2nd Ed

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Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Airlangga. Surabaya.

Perencanaan Pelabuhan

Kramadibrata, S.

Perencanaan Pelabuhan

Ganeca Excact. Bandung.

Perbenihan Bandeng.

Sugama, K.,

Perbenihan Bandeng.

Profil Badan Litbang Pertanian, Jakarta. 10 pp.

Perbandingan Parameter Teknik dan Organisasi Sutera Alam


Perbandingan Parameter Teknik dan Organisasi Sutera Alam

Yogyakarta: Fakultas Kehutanan UGM

Perbandingan laju pertumbuhan beberapa jenis ikan kerapu Epinephelus spp. dalam kurung-kurung apung

Sugama, K.

Scientific Report of Mariculture Research and Development Project (ATA-192) in Indonesia

Japan International Coopeartion Agency. p. 211-219

Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 25 Tahun 2000 tentang Kewenangan Pemerintah dan Kewenangan Propinsi sebagai Daerah Otonom. Biro Organisasi dan Tatalaksana.

Republik Indonesia.

Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 25 Tahun 2000 tentang Kewenangan Pemerintah dan Kewenangan Propinsi sebagai Daerah Otonom. Biro Organisasi dan Tatalaksana.

Departemen Pertanian. Jakarta. Mei 2000.

Peranan Wanita dalam Perkernbangan Masyarakat Desa.

Pudjiwati Sajogyo,

Peranan Wanita dalam Perkernbangan Masyarakat Desa.

CV. Rajawali, Jakarta.


Hlm 1639 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Peranan Swasta dan Kepentingan Masyarakat Dalam Pengelolaan Air Bersih oleh Sektor Swasta

Haeruman, H.

Kerangka Kerjasama PemerintahSwasta Dalam Pembangunan Infrastruktur

Penerbit Koperasi Jasa Profesi LPPN, Jakarta.

Peranan Peralatan Proses dalam Pengembangan Industri Gula Kelapa.

Tjiptadi, G.B.,

Peranan Peralatan Proses dalam Pengembangan Industri Gula Kelapa.

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Industri. BBIHP, Bogor.

Peranan minyak sawit dalam memenuhi sembilan kebutuhan pokok

Amang, B.

Paper presented at Seminar Peluang dan Tantangan Industri Kelapa sawit Menyongsong Abad XXI, Medan, 1-2 Agustus 1995

Peranan Ayam Berkeliaran di Indonesia

Kingston, D.J.

Pusat Pengembangan Ternak Ciawi, Bogor

Peranan aspek fisik, teknis dan sosial ekonomi dalam pembangunan komoditas pertanian.

Effendi, S.

Materi Latihan Metode Penelitian Agro Ekonomi, Bogor, 14 Januari 2 Maret 1991,

Puslit Sosek Pertanian, Badan Litbang Pertanian.

Peranan Alsintan dalam. Peningkatan Produksi Padi dan Palawija


Peranan Alsintan dalam. Peningkatan Produksi Padi dan Palawija

Dit. Bina Produksi Tanaman Pangan, Jakarta.

Pepsin, Pepsinogen, Uropepsinogen.

Rick, W.

In Bergmeyer, H.U. (ed.). Methods of Enzymatic Analysis.

New York: Academic Press p819-823.

Pepper Statistical Year-Book 1995


Pepper Statistical Year-Book 1995

IPC, Jakarta.

Pepper Statistical Year-Book 1993


Pepper Statistical Year-Book 1993

IPC, Jakarta.

Penyerentakan Birahi dengan menggunakan Prostaglandin F2a dosis tunggal dan ganda pada sapi perah FH

Samik, A.

Penyerentakan Birahi dengan menggunakan Prostaglandin F2a dosis tunggal dan ganda pada sapi perah FH

Lembaga Penelitian, Universitas Airlangga.

Penyemahan Ikan Terubuk beserta Syairnya.

Rahim Isk, W.A,

Penyemahan Ikan Terubuk beserta Syairnya.

Dinas P dan K, Kab. Bengkalis, Riau, 17 pp.

Penyelidikan Potensi Cekungan Air Tanah Semarang, Jawa Tengah

Arifin, M.B.

Penyelidikan Potensi Cekungan Air Tanah Semarang, Jawa Tengah

Direktorat Geologi Tata Lingkungan. Direktorat Jenderal Geologi dan Sumberdaya Mineral. Departemen Pertambangan dan Energi.


Hlm 1640 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Perkebunan di Indonesia

Samangun, H.

Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Perkebunan di Indonesia

Gadjah Mada Univ. Press, Ygyakarta.

Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Holtikultura di Indonesia

Semangun, H.

Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Holtikultura di Indonesia

Gadjah Mada Univ. Press.Yogyakarta.850 hlm

Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Hortikultura di Indonesia

Semangun, H.

Penyakit-penyakit Tanaman Hortikultura di Indonesia

Gadjah Mada Univ Press Yogyakarta. 850 hlm,

Penyakit Tanaman Vanili di Indonesia. Edisi Khusus Litro III (2): 103-108

Tombe, M.

Penyakit Tanaman Vanili di Indonesia. Edisi Khusus Litro III (2): 103-108

Penyakit CVPD Merupakan Bahaya Laten Bagi Tanaman Jeruk di Indonesia

Tirtawidjaja, S.

S Pawirosumardjo, D. Sudarmadji, Harsono & I. S. Basuki (Eds) Perlindungan TanamanMenuju Terwujudnya Pertanian yangTangguh dan Kelestarian Lingkungan

Penyakil Kuning Lada dan Upaya Pengendaliannya p. 130141

Mustika, I.

Wahid, P.W, D. Soelopo, R. Zaubin, L Mustika & N. Nurdjannah (eds.), Monograf Tanaman Lada, Balittro, Bogor

Penyajian Evaluasi Lingkungan Pabrik Tepung Kelapa P.T. Unicotin-Airmadidi Sulut.

Rondo, M.,

Penyajian Evaluasi Lingkungan Pabrik Tepung Kelapa P.T. Unicotin-Airmadidi Sulut.

Penuntun Praktek Mikrobiologi Pangan.

Fardiaz Srikandi,

Penuntun Praktek Mikrobiologi Pangan.

Penuntun Laboratorium Parasitologi I.


PAU Biotehnologi. IPB 23-25

Penuntun Budidaya Hortikultura (Durian). Proyek Peningkatan Produksi Tanaman Pangan

Adjid, D.A.

Penuntun Budidaya Hortikultura (Durian). Proyek Peningkatan Produksi Tanaman Pangan

Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Propinsi Bengkulu. Bengkulu.

Penuntun Budidaya Hortikultura (Durian). Proyek Peningkatan Produksi Tanaman Pangan

Adjid, D.A.

Penuntun Budidaya Hortikultura (Durian). Proyek Peningkatan Produksi Tanaman Pangan

Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Propinsi Bengkulu. Bengkulu.

Penuntun Analisis Tanah. Bagian Kesuburan Tanah

Widjat, S.

Penuntun Analisis Tanah. Bagian Kesuburan Tanah

Lembaga Penelitian Tanah. Bogor.


PT. Agricon. Jakarta. 229-313.

Lembaga Sumber Daya Informasi IPB, Bogor.

Hlm 1641 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Penuntun Analisa Bahan Makanan Ternak.

Askar, S.

Laboratorium Makanan Ternak.

Balai Penelitian Temak, Bogor.

Peningkatan kandungan protein tepung ubi jalar dan pengaruhnya pada hasil produk

Antarlina, S.S.

A. Winarto, Y. Widodo, S.S. Antarlina. H. Pudjosantoso, dan Sumamo (Eds.). Risalah Seminar Penerapan Teknologi Produksi dan Pascapanen Ubi Jalar Mendukung Agroindustri. Edisi Khusus (3). hlm. 120-135.

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Malang.

Penilaian Organo-leptik.

Soekarto, S.T.,

Penilaian Organo-leptik.

Bharata Karya Aksara, Jakarta.

Penilaian organoleptik untuk industri pangan dan hasil pertanian

Soekarto, S. T.

Penilaian organoleptik untuk industri pangan dan hasil pertanian

Jakarta, Penerbit Bhratara Karya Aksara.

Pengusahaan Sutera Alam Perum Perhutani Unit I Jawa Tengah

Yogyakarta: Fakultas Kehutanan UGM

Pengusahaan Sutera Alam Perum Perhutani Unit I Jawa Tengah Pengujian Residu Antibiotika dan Cemaran Bakteri pada Susu Kuda Liar

Hermawati, D.

Loka Pengujian Mutu Produk Peternakan. (Abstr.). Bogor.

Pengolahan Telur

Sri Harimurti

Pengolahan Telur

Pengolahan Limbah Cair Yang Mengandung Senyawa Organik Tinggi.

Ghozali, M.

Buletin Gula Indonesia XVIIl.

Pengolahan Kelapa I.

Djatmiko, B.,

Pengolahan Kelapa I.

Departemen Teknologi Hasil Pertanian. Fakultas Teknologi dan Mekanisasi Pertanian , IPB.

Pengolahan Kelapa I.

Djatmiko, B.,

Pengolahan Kelapa I.

Departemen Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Pengolahan kedelai menjadi berbagai bahan makanan


Somaatmadja, M. Ismunadji, Sumarmno, M. Syam, S.O. Manurung, dan Yuswadi (Eds.), Kedelai

Puslitbangtan, Bogor.


PAU Pangan dan Gizi, Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta.

Hlm 1642 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengolahan Hasil Hewani I

Sri Naruki

Pengolahan Hasil Hewani I

PAU Pangan dan Gizi, Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta.

Penglndraan Jauh Dasar dan Interpretasi jilid I dan II


Penglndraan Jauh Dasar dan Interpretasi jilid I dan II

Gadjahmada Press.UGM

Pengindraan Jauh dan Interpretasi Citra

Lillesand, T.M

Pengindraan Jauh dan Interpretasi Citra

Gadjahmada Press, Yogyakarta (Terjemahan )

Penginderaan Jauh Jilid I.


Penginderaan Jauh Jilid I.

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Penggunaan 'Starchy Material' sebagai 'Binder' pada Pembuatan 'Fish Meat Loaf.

Daulay, D.

Penggunaan 'Starchy Material' sebagai 'Binder' pada Pembuatan 'Fish Meat Loaf.

Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian. IPB, Bogor.

Penggunaan Gabungan FSH, hCG dan Dynoprost untuk Superovulasi pada Sapi. Simposium Peranan Transfer Embrio dan Rekayasa Genetik dalam Peningkatan Mutu dan Produksi Ternak

Mahaputra, L.

Penggunaan Gabungan FSH, hCG dan Dynoprost untuk Superovulasi pada Sapi. Simposium Peranan Transfer Embrio dan Rekayasa Genetik dalam Peningkatan Mutu dan Produksi Ternak

Inter University Center for Live Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University.

Pengetahuan Bisnis Ekspor Impor.

Penerbitan PT. Pustaka Binaman Pressindo. Jakarta.

Pengetahuan Bisnis Ekspor Impor. Pengendalian penyakit bakterial pada ayam khususnya penyakit pullorum.Pidato Pengukuhan Ahli Peneliti Utama Bidang Bakteriologi Hewan.

Poernomo, S.

Pengendalian penyakit bakterial pada ayam khususnya penyakit pullorum.Pidato Pengukuhan Ahli Peneliti Utama Bidang Bakteriologi Hewan.

Balai Penelitian Veteriner, Bogor.

Pengendalian Hayati Penyakit Layu Bakteri Tembakau dengan Bacillus spp. 1. Isolasi Bakteri Antagonis

Risamena, J.

Sem Reg

PFI Komda Jawa Tengah dan DIY, Salatiga.

Pengendalian Hama Terpadu dan Implementasinya di Indonesia

Oka, Ida Nyoman

Pengendalian Hama Terpadu dan Implementasinya di Indonesia

Gajah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta.


Hlm 1643 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengendalian Gulma pada Kedelai.

Ardjasa, S.,

Pengendalian Gulma pada Kedelai.

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan Bogor.

Pengenalan Jenis Tanaman Buah-buahan dan Bercocok Tanam Buah-buahan Penting di Indonesia.

Sumaryono, H.

Pengenalan Jenis Tanaman Buah-buahan dan Bercocok Tanam Buah-buahan Penting di Indonesia.

Sinar Baru. Bandung.

Pengembangan Rumput Laut untuk Industri

Istini S.

Pengembangan Rumput Laut untuk Industri

BPPT, Jakarta.

Pengembangan Proses Pembuatan Lempeng Gendar dan Modifikasi Peralatannya


Pengembangan Proses Pembuatan Lempeng Gendar dan Modifikasi Peralatannya


Pengembangan Agribisnis yang berorientasi Ekspor.


Pengembangan Agribisnis yang berorientasi Ekspor.

Direktorat Jenderal Perdagangan Internasional Departemen Perindustrian dan Perdagangan, Jakarta.

Pengelolaan Terumbu Karang di Pulau Panjang Kabupaten Dati II Jepara


Pengelolaan Terumbu Karang di Pulau Panjang Kabupaten Dati II Jepara

Lemlit-Undip. 18 hlm

Pengelolaan tanah dan air dalam pengembangan sumberdaya lahan untuk pengembangan Usahatani berkelanjutan dan berwawasan lingkungan.


Integrated Swamps Development Project,

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Jakarta.

Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai

Sudira, Putu

Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai

FTP UGM, Yogyakarta.

Pengawetan dan Pengolahan Ikan

Afrianto E

Pengawetan dan Pengolahan Ikan

Penerbit Kanisius Yogyakafla

Pengaruh Penggunaan Berbagai Kombinasi Brachionus plicatilis Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Kelangsungan Hidup Larva Bandeng

Samidjan, I

Pengaruh Penggunaan Berbagai Kombinasi Brachionus plicatilis Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Kelangsungan Hidup Larva Bandeng

Jurusan Perikanan Fakultas Peternakan Undip, Semarang.


Hlm 1644 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengaruh Pemberian Makanan Brachionus plicatilis Muller dan Nauplius Artemia salina Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Survival Rate Larva Udang Windu

Samidjan, I.

Pengaruh Pemberian Makanan Brachionus plicatilis Muller dan Nauplius Artemia salina Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Survival Rate Larva Udang Windu

Fakultas Peternakan UNDIP,

Pengaruh Pemberian Kapur dan Fosfat terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Kedelai di Lahan Pasang Surut Sulfat Masam, p. 11-22

Anwar, M.

Noor, M, e. al. (eds.). Risalah Hasil Penelitian Kacangkacangan 1990-1993

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Petanian. BPTP Banjarbaru.

Pengaruh Cara Pengendalian Gulma terhadap Pertumbuhan Gulma dan Hasil Kedelai di Lahan Sawah Tadah Hujan, p. 103-110

Nazemi, D.

Noor, M. et. AL, (eds.), Risalah Hasil Penelitian Kacangkacangan 1990-1993

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. BPTP Banjarbaru.

Pengapuran Tanah Masam: Usaha untuk Meningkatkan Produksi Pangan Dunia

Radjagukguk, B.

Pengapuran Tanah Masam: Usaha untuk Meningkatkan Produksi Pangan Dunia

Fakulltas Pertanian UGM. Yogyakarta.

Pengapuran Tanah Pertanian


Pengapuran Tanah Pertanian

Kanisius. Yogyakarta.

Pengantar Umum Toksikologi

Koeman, J.H

Pengantar Umum Toksikologi

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta 17-37.

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan.

Winarno, F.G.,

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan.

Penerbit PT.Gramadia Jakarta. 59-62.

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan.

Winamo, F.G.,

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan.

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan.

Winarno, F.G.,

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan.

Penerbit PT Gramedia, Jakarta.

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan.

Fardiaz. D

Pengantar Teknologi Pangan.

PT Gramedia, Jakaita.

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak Pangan

Ketaren. S.

Pengantar Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak Pangan

Pengantar Teknologi Makanan.


Pengantar Teknologi Makanan.

PT. Gramedia.

Pengantar Teknologi Fermentasi.

Rahman, A.

Pengantar Teknologi Fermentasi.

Depdikbud PAU Pangan dan Gizi. IPB Bogor.


Hlm 1645 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengantar Petemakan di DaerahTropis. Penerjemah S.G.D.Darmadja


Pengantar Petemakan di DaerahTropis. Penerjemah S.G.D.Darmadja

Gajah Mada University Press.

Pengantar pengolahan tepung serealia dan biji-bijian

Hubeis, M.

Pengantar pengolahan tepung serealia dan biji-bijian

Jurusan Teknologi Pangan dan Gizi. Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor.

Pengantar Pengolahan Tepung Serealia dan Biji-Bijian


Pengantar Pengolahan Tepung Serealia dan Biji-Bijian

Jurusan Teknologi Pangan dan Gizi Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Pengantar Pengolahan Ikan

Ilyas, S.

Pengantar Pengolahan Ikan

Lembaga Penelitian Teknologi Perikanan. Departemen Pertanian. Jakarta

Pengantar Pengolahan Citra

Arimurti, A.M

Pengantar Pengolahan Citra

PT. Elex Media Komputerindo. Kelompok Gramedia

Pengantar Pengendalian Hama Serangga Secara Bercocok Tanam, Mekanik, Fisik, dan Karantina.

Sembel, D.T.,

Pengantar Pengendalian Hama Serangga Secara Bercocok Tanam, Mekanik, Fisik, dan Karantina.

Fakultas Pertanian Unsrat Manado.

Pengantar pengelolaan Hama terpadu

Untung, K.

Pengantar pengelolaan Hama terpadu

Fakultas Pertanian UGM. Yogyakarta 273 hi m.

Pengantar Pengelolaan Hama Terpadu

Untung, K.

Pengantar Pengelolaan Hama Terpadu

Gadjah Mada Univ. Press, Yogyakarta. 273 p,

Pengantar Patologi Umum Edisi III


Pengantar Patologi Umum Edisi III

Gajah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta.

Pengantar Nematologi Tumbuhan, Edisi kedua

Dropkin, H.V.

Pengantar Nematologi Tumbuhan, Edisi kedua

Diterjemahkan ojeh Supratoyo, Gadjah Mada Univ. Press. 366 him.

Pengantar Mikrobiologi Umum. Edisi Pertama

Suriawiria, U.

Pengantar Mikrobiologi Umum. Edisi Pertama

Angkasa Bandung, Bandung 238 hal.

Pengantar Metodologi Penenelitian

Wasito, H.

Pengantar Metodologi Penenelitian

Gramedia, Jakarta, hal 721.


Hlm 1646 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengantar Metode Statistik Jilid II

Dajan, A.

Pengantar Metode Statistik - Jilid II

Lembaga Pcnelitian Pendidikan dan Pcnerangan Ekonomi dan Sosial. Jakarta.

Pengantar llmu dan Pengendalian Gulma.

Moenandir, J.,

Pengantar llmu dan Pengendalian Gulma.

Rajawali Pers. Jakarta.

Pengantar llmu Anthropologi,


Pengantar llmu Anthropologi,

Penerbit Rineka Cipta, Jakarta.

Pengantar ke Falsafah Sains.

Nasoetion, A. H.

Pengantar ke Falsafah Sains.

PT Litera Antarnusa. Bogor.

Pengantar Imunologi Veteriner

Tizard, I.R

Pengantar Imunologi Veteriner

Airlangga University Press (Terjemahan), pp. 497.

Pengantar Ilmu Pangan, Nutrisi dan Mikro Biologi


Pengantar ïlmu Hama Gudang.

Pranata, R.T.

Pengantar ïlmu Hama Gudang.

Tropical Pests Biology and Bogor Agriculture Univ. Bogor. 58 p.

Pengantar Ilmu bedah


Pengantar Ilmu bedah

Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Airlangga. Surabaya

Pengantar Herbisida.

Sumintapura, A.H.

Pengantar Herbisida.

PT. Karya Nusantara, Jakarta.

Pengantar Evaluasi Proyek Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian. Edisi Ketiga.

Payaman S. Mubyarto,

Pengantar Evaluasi Proyek Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian. Edisi Ketiga.

Jakarta: Gramedia LP3S.

Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian.


Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian.

LP3ES. Jakarta.

Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian,


Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian,

LP3ES. Jakarta.

Pengantar Ekonometrika


Pengantar Ekonometrika

BPFE, UGM. Yogyakarta.

Pengantar Alantoin

Subekti, D.T.

Pengantar Alantoin

Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Airlangga. Surabaya.

Penganan Mangga Segar untuk Eksport


Penganan Mangga Segar untuk Eksport

Penerbit Panebar Semangat, Jakarta

Pengambilan Keputusan Dalam Keluarga Bagi Para Ibu yang Berperan Tunggal dan Berperan Ganda,

Lestari Indra,

T.O. Ihromi (ed.), Kelompok Studi Wanita FISIP-UI,

Lembaga Penerbit FE UI, Jakarta.


Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Hlm 1647 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pengamatan distribusi logam berat (Hg) dalam tubuh ikan dari pasar ikan Ambon.

Tarigan, Z.

Soemodihardjo, S. et al. (Eds.). Teluk Ambon II: Biologi, Perikanan, Oseanografi dan Geologi.

Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sumberdaya Laut, P30LIPI. Ambon. 63-66

Pengalaman Pemasaran Teknologi Pertanian Bemilai Komersial.

Goenadi. D.H

Pengalaman Pemasaran Teknologi Pertanian Bemilai Komersial.

Unit Penelitian Bioteknologi Perkebunan Bogor.

Penerapan Teknik Transfer Embrio pada Sapi Perah dengan menggunakan embrio segar

Mahaputra, L.

Penerapan Teknik Transfer Embrio pada Sapi Perah dengan menggunakan embrio segar

Penentuan struktur senyawa organic


Penentuan struktur senyawa organic

Ghalia Indonesia. Jakarta.

Penelitian Pendangkalan Waduk Akibat Sedimentasi Dengan Studi Kasus di Waduk Sempor

Arief Ilyas M

Penelitian Pendangkalan Waduk Akibat Sedimentasi Dengan Studi Kasus di Waduk Sempor

Puslitbang Pengairan DPU, Bandung.

Penelitian pendahuluan tentang kecepatan gugur daun dan penguraiannya dalam Hutan Bakau Pulau Rambut.


Hal 81 - 85 dalam Soemardiharjo, S., Nont|i A., dan Djamail (eds)

Penelitian Mastitis pada Sapi Perah Rakyat. Pertemuan Ilmiah Direktorat Kesehatan Hewan 1216 Maret 1985

Hutabarat, T.S.N.

Penelitian Mastitis pada Sapi Perah Rakyat. Pertemuan Ilmiah Direktorat Kesehatan Hewan 1216 Maret 1985

Direktorat Jenderal Peternakan, Jakarta.

Penelitian Konsumen Jilid I

Engel, J.F.

Penelitian Konsumen Jilid I

Bina Rupa Aksara. Jakarta.

Penelitian hutan mangrove di Indonesia: pendayagunaan dan konservasi

Budiman, A.

Hutomo, M. & S. Soemodihargo (eds.) Prosiding Lokakarya Nasional Penyusunan Program Penelitian Biologi Kelautan dan Proses Dinamika Pesisir, Semarang, 24 - 25 November 1992.

LIPI - UNDIP, Hal. 34-71

Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian


Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian

Departemen Pertanian Rl, Jakarta.

Penelitian dan Penelitian Pendidikan

Sudjana, N.

Penelitian dan Penelitian Pendidikan

Penerbit Sinar Baru, Bandung.


Hlm 1648 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Penelaahan Daun Janggelan (Mesona palustris BL).


Penelaahan Daun Janggelan (Mesona palustris BL).

Balai Penelitian Kimia. Semarang.

Pendapatan Regional Propinsipropinsi di Indonesia.

BPS. Jakarta.

Pendapatan Regional Propinsipropinsi di Indonesia. Pencemaran Laut oleh Logam Berat dan Analisa Logam Berat

Hutagalung, H.P.

Kursus Pemantauan Pencemaran Laut. Kerjasama antara UNESCO/ UNDP, PPPOLIPI dan Universitas Riau. Pekanbaru, 7-16 Januari 1993.

PUSLIT UNRl, Pekanbaru. 13 hal

Pencemaran dan Toksikologi Logam Berat

Palar, H.

Pencemaran dan Toksikologi Logam Berat

Rineka Cipta. Jakarta. 152 hal.

Pencemaran Air.


Pencemaran Air.

P.T. Grafindo Indonesia.

Pencemaran Air dan Pemanfaatan Limbah Industri. Edisi Kedua

Mahida, U.N

Pencemaran Air dan Pemanfaatan Limbah Industri. Edisi Kedua

CV Rajawali. Jakarta 938.

Penanggulangan Limbah Secara Hayati


Penanggulangan Limbah Secara Hayati

PAU Bioteknologi UGM, Yogyakarta.

Penanggulangan Limbah Secara Hayati


Penanggulangan Limbah Secara Hayati

PAU Bioteknologi, UGM Yogyakarta.

Penanganan Limbah Pertanian Sebagai Makanan Ternak.

Sayono, M.,

Penanganan Limbah Pertanian Sebagai Makanan Ternak.

Fapet UGM, Yogyakarta.

Penanganan Limbah Industri Pangan.

Jeme, B.S.L

Penanganan Limbah Industri Pangan.

Penerbit Kanisius Kerjasama dengan Pusat Antar Universitas Pangan Dan Gizi IPB.

Penanganan dun Pengolahan Buah Mangga


Penanganan dun Pengolahan Buah Mangga

Penerbit Kanisius, Yogyakarta

Penaeid shrimp nutrition for the commercial feed industry

Akiyama, D.M.

Penaeid shrimp nutrition for the commercial feed industry

American Soybean Association and Oceanic Institute, Waimanalo, USA 50 pp.

Penaeid shrimp nutrition

Akiyama, D.M.

A.W. Fast and L.J. Lester (Editors). Marine Shrimp Culture: Principles and Practices

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. pp. 535568.


Hlm 1649 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pemupukan N dan K pada Tanaman Kedelai.

Pajow, S.,

Balitan Kalasey Sulut. Disajikan dalam Seminar Ilmiah Masalah Pertanian

Fak. Pertanian Unsrat Manado.

Pemuliaan mawar


Buku Komoditas No. 1: Mawar. hlm. 7-14.

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias, Jakarta.

Pemodelan dan Simulasi

Sudira P.

Diktat Kuliah Pascasarjana

Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian UGM. Yogyakarta.

Pemeliharaan Kepiting Bakau.

Afrianto, E

Pemeliharaan Kepiting Bakau.

Penerbit Kanasius. Yogyakarta. 74 halaman.

Pemeliharaan Ikan dalam Kolam Air Deras.

Jangkaru, Z.

Pemeliharaan Ikan dalam Kolam Air Deras.

Yasaguna.Jakarta.50 pp.

Pemeliharaan Ikan dalam Keramba.

Departemen Pertanian BIP Kalimantan Barat. Pontianak. 40 pp.

Pemeliharaan Ikan dalam Keramba.

Pembuatan Tambak Udang di Indonesia.

Poernomo, A.

Pembuatan Tambak Udang di Indonesia.

Badan Litbang Pertanian. 30 pp.

Pembuatan Tambak Udang di Indonesia.


Seri Pengembangan. Badan Litbang Pertanian.

Departemen Pertanian. 7:1-30.

Pembuatan Tabung Impedansi Untuk Pengukuran Koefisien Absorbsi Bunyi Normal

Anjayani, W.A.

Pembuatan Tabung Impedansi Untuk Pengukuran Koefisien Absorbsi Bunyi Normal

Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Institut Sepuluh Nopember. Surabaya.

Pembuatan Media Pertumbuhan Beberapa Kuman dari Ekstrak Daging Sapi. Media Kedokteran Hewan Vol. 15, No. 4

Tyasningsih W

Pembuatan Media Pertumbuhan Beberapa Kuman dari Ekstrak Daging Sapi. Media Kedokteran Hewan Vol. 15, No. 4

Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Airlangga Surabaya.

Pembuatan Kembang Tahu

BB. PIHP Dep. Perindustrian, Bogor.

Pembuatan Kembang Tahu Pembuatan bleng cair (laporan kunjungan ke Kabupaten Purwodadi dan Kodya Solo)

Mahdar, D.

Pembuatan bleng cair (laporan kunjungan ke Kabupaten Purwodadi dan Kodya Solo)

Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Industri Hasil Pertanian.

Pembuatan Bleng Cair

Dedi Mahdar

Pembuatan Bleng Cair

Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Industri Hasil Pertanian, Bogor.

Pembibitan Tanaman Pisang.

Meldia, Y., A.

In : Pumomo (Ed). Pisang.

Balai Penelitian Buah Solok. Pp. 25-45.


Hlm 1650 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pembesaran Kerapu dengan Keramba Jaring Apung.

Sunyoto, P.

Pembesaran Kerapu dengan Keramba Jaring Apung.

PT Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta. 65 hal.

Pembesaran kerapu dengan karamba jaring apung

Sunyoto. P.

Pembesaran kerapu dengan karamba jaring apung

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta.

Pemanfaatan Limbah Urine Sapi Potongan Sebagai Sumber Produksr Alantoin Industri Farmasi.

Subekti, D.T.

Pemanfaatan Limbah Urine Sapi Potongan Sebagai Sumber Produksr Alantoin Industri Farmasi.

Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

Pelunakan duri berbagai jenis ikan olahan

Yusuf, I.B.

Pelunakan duri berbagai jenis ikan olahan

Fakultas Pertanian UGM Yogyakarta.

Bioteknologi Pertanian 2.

PAU Bioteknologi. IPB. Bogor.

Pelestarian Plasma Nuftah Tanaman dalam Haran. S dan Nurhayati Ansori (Eds) Pekarangan, Petani dan Kemiskinan,

Penny, M. Ginting,

Pekarangan, Petani dan Kemiskinan,

UGM, Yogyakarta.

Pedoman Umum Pengujian Lapangan Toksisitas Pestisida pada Ikan untuk Keperluan Pendaftaran.

Komisi Pestisida.

Pedoman Umum Pengujian Lapangan Toksisitas Pestisida pada Ikan untuk Keperluan Pendaftaran.

Komisi Pestisida, Departemen Pertanian. 21pp.

Pedoman Teknologi Benih, Terjemahan: E, Hamidin.

Byrd, H.W.

Pedoman Teknologi Benih, Terjemahan: E, Hamidin.

Universitas Padjajaran Bandung.

Pedoman teknis usaha pembesaran ikan bandeng di Indonesia.

Ismail A.,

Seri Pengembangan Hasil Penelitian Perikanan PHP/ KAN/36/1995.

Badan Litbang Pertanian. 73 pp.

Pedoman Teknis Usaha Pembesaran Ikan Bandeng di Indonesia

Ismail, A.,

Seri Pengembangan Hasil Penelitian Perikanan No.PHP/KAN/26/1994

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perikanan, Jakarta.

Pedoman teknis perbenihan ikan bandeng.

Ahmad, T.,

Seri Pengembangan Hasil Penelitian Perikanan PHP/KAN/36/1995.

Badan Litbang Pertanian: 69 pp.

Pedoman Teknis Pengelolaan Terumbu Buatan.

Ilyas. S.

Seri Pengembangan Hasil Penelitian Perikanan No.PHP/KAN/PT.29/1994.

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Jakarta. 90 hal.

Pedoman teknis budi daya pakan alami ikan dan udang.


Seri Pengembangan Hasil Penelitian Perikanan.

Puslitbangkan. 64 p.

Pedoman Teknik Pembenihan Ikan Bandeng, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian

Departemen Pertanian

Pedoman Teknik Pembenihan Ikan Bandeng, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perikanan, Jakarta.


Hlm 1651 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pedoman Teknik Pembenihan Ikan Bandeng

Departemen Pertanian

Pedoman Teknik Pembenihan Ikan Bandeng

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perikanan. Jakarta.

Pedoman Sertifikasi Benih.

Sub Direktorat Pembinaan Mutu Benih, Direktorat Perlindungan Tanaman Pangan.

Pedoman Sertifikasi Benih.

Pedoman Praktikum Mikrobiologi Umum Untuk Perguruan Tinggi.


Pedoman Praktikum Mikrobiologi Umum Untuk Perguruan Tinggi.

Departemen Mikrobiologi, Fakultas Pertanian. Univ. Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta. 181 h.

Pedoman Pengelolaan Wilayah Pesisir.


Pedoman Pengelolaan Wilayah Pesisir.

Kantor Menteri Negara Kependudukan dan Lingkungan Hidup. Jakarta, 87 pp.

Pedoman Pengamatan Tanah di Lapang.

Lembaga Penelitian Tanah, Bogor.

Pedoman Pengamatan Tanah di Lapang. Pedoman Pembenihan Kepiting Bakau (Scylla serrata) di Tambak


Pedoman Pembenihan Kepiting Bakau (Scylla serrata) di Tambak

Balai Budidaya Air Payau, Jepara.

Pedoman Budidaya Kepiting Bakau (Scylla serrata) di Tambak


Pedoman Budidaya Kepiting Bakau (Scylla serrata) di Tambak

Balai Budidaya Air Payau, Jepara.

Pedoman Budidaya kepiting bakau (Scylla Serrata) di tambak


Pedoman Beternak Ayam Broiler.

Murtidjo, B.A.,

Pedoman Beternak Ayam Broiler.


Pedoman Beternak Ayam Broiler

Murtidjo, B.A.

Pedoman Beternak Ayam Broiler

Kanisius, Yogyakarta

Pedoman Bertanam Jambu Mete

Dinas Perkebunan NTB

Pedoman Bertanam Jambu Mete

Sub Dinas Penyuluhan Perkebunan NTB, Mataram.

Pedoman Analisis Kualitas Air dan Tanah Sedimen Perairan Payau



BBAP. Jepara.


Hlm 1652 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Pedoman Praktikum Mikrobiologi Umum untuk Perguruan Tinggi


Pedoman Praktikum Mikrobiologi Umum untuk Perguruan Tinggi

Departemen Mikrohiologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta- 181 p-

Pectins Distribution Significance

Rouse, A.H.

S. Nagy. P.E. Shaw dan M.K. Veldhulis (ed) Citrus Science and Technology. Vol l. P. 110.

AVI Publ.

Pearson's Composition and Analysis of Foods. Ninth edition.

Kirk, R.S.

Burnt Mill, Harlow: Longman Scientific & Technical. 708pp

Pearson's Composition and Analysis of Foods. Ninth edition.

Kirk, R.S.

Pearson's Composition and Analysis of Foods. Ninth edition.

Longman Scientific and Technical, Burnt Mill, Harlow, UK.

Peanut, Production, Processing Products. Third Edition

Woodroof, J. G.

Peanut, Production, Processing Products. Third Edition

The AVI Publishing Co. Inc. Westport, Connecticut.

Pattern Recognition: Statistical, Structural and Neural Approaches

Schalkoff, R.J.

Pattern Recognition: Statistical, Structural and Neural Approaches

John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York.

Patologi Khusus Veteriner. Edisi Kedua


Patologi Khusus Veteriner. Edisi Kedua

Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Institut Pertanian Bogor. 607.

Patologi Khusus Veteriner Ed. 2


Patologi Khusus Veteriner Ed. 2

Fakultas kedokteran Hewan, IPB. Bogor.

Patologi Khusus Veteriner

Ressang, A.A

Team Leader IFAD Project Bali Cattle Disease Investigation Unit

Patologi dan Penyakit ikan

Pasaribu, H.P.

Patologi dan Penyakit ikan

Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi. Pusat Antar Universitas Bioteknologi Institut Pertanian di Bogor.

Pathophysiology of Acute Renal Failure. 64-88

Thurau, K.

Dikutip oleh D. Black and N.F. Jones. Ed. Renale Disease

Blackwell Scientific Publication, London.

Pathogenicity of Xanthomonas and Related Bacteria towards Plants p. 353-369

Daniels, M.J.

Hopwood, P.A. & K.F. Chater (eds.), Genetics of Bacterial Diversify

Acad-Press. San Diego.


Hlm 1653 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

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Judul Buku


Pathogenesis Induced by (Recombinant) Baculoviruses in Insect

Flipsen, H.

Pathogenesis Induced by (Recombinant) Baculoviruses in Insect

NOW. Netherland.

Parasitology Veteriner (terjemahan)

Levine, N.D.

Parasitology Veteriner (terjemahan)

Gajah Mada University Press. Hal. 544.

Parasites of North American Fresh Water Fishes.

Hoffman, G.L.

Parasites of North American Fresh Water Fishes.

University of California Press, London. 486 p.

Parasit Gastro Intestinal yang Menginfeksi Felis Catus L di Bagian Parasitologi Fakultas Kedokteran UGM

Umniyali. S R.

Kongres dan Pertemuan Ilmiah Mikrobiologi Dan Parasitologi Kedokteran Indonesia ke 3 Yogyakarta

Parasit - parasit ayam

Soekardono, S

Parasit - parasit ayam

PT. Gramedia,Jakarta.

Pangan, Gizi dan Konsumen.


Pangan, Gizi dan Konsumen.

Penerbit PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.

Panduan ringkas SAS non interactive dan procedure.


Materi Latihan Metode Penelitian Agro Ekonomi, Bogor, 1 4 Januari - 2 Maret 1991,

Puslit Sosek Pertanian, Badan Litbang Pertanian.

Panduan Budidaya Ulat Sutera


Panduan Budidaya Ulat Sutera

Magelang: Kelompok Tani Sutera Alam Sawangan

Pabrik Tepung lkan Kekurangan Bahan Baku


Surat Kabar Harian Surabaya Pos. Tangal 3 Juni 1998 Hal. 7

Oxidation of lipids in biological membranes and intracellular consequences.

O'Brien, P.J.

In Chan, H.W.S. (ed.). Autoxidation of unsaturated lipids.

Academic Press, London, UK. p 233-280.

Oxford Textbook of Medicine

Weatherall, J.G.G

Oxford Textbook of Medicine

Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Origin of cultivated potatoes and species relationships.

Hawkes, J.G.

In J.E. Bradshaw and G.R. Mackay (Eds.) Potato Genetic.

CAB International.


Flick CE

DA Evans, WR Shrap, PV Amirato and Yamaha, Handbook of plant cell cultur

Macmillan Publ. Co. New York


Flick CE

DA Evans, WR Shrap, PV Amirato and Yamaha, Handbook of plant cell cultur

Macmillan Publ. Co. New York

Organization and Expression of Potyvirus Genes

Shaw, J.G.

Pirone, T P and J.G. Shaw (eds.). Viral genes and Plant Pathogenesis

Springer-Verlag, New York. 215 p,


Hlm 1654 dari 1800

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Organic Matter Decomposition.

Paul, E.A.

Encyclopedia of Microbiology. Volume 3

Academic Press, Inc.

Optimum Energy Model For Tillage

Singh, G

Soil and Tillage Research. 6 : 235 - 245

Optimisasi kondisi pemasakan bandeng presto

Hadiwiyoto, S.

preparasi untuk publikasi Agritech

Optimasi Pangukuran Aktivitas Hyaluronidase Spermatozoa Mencit

Prajogo B.E.W

Progress in Pharmacy (inpress).

Operating instructions for 1341 Qxygen bomb calorimeter


Operating instructions for 1341 Qxygen bomb calorimeter

Parr Instrument Co., Moline.

Operasionalisasi Strategi Pembangunan Sulawesi Utara,


Operasionalisasi Strategi Pembangunan Sulawesi Utara,

Pemerintah Daerah Tingkat I Sulawesi Utara

Operasional Pembesaran Ikan Kerapu dalam Keramba Jaring Apung.

Ahmad, T.,

Operasional Pembesaran Ikan Kerapu dalam Jaring Apung.

Ahmad, T.,

Operasional Pembesaran Ikan Kerapu dalam Jaring Apung.

Balai Penelitian Perikanan Budidaya Pantai, Maros.

Onions in Tropical Regions

Currah, L.

Onions in Tropical Regions

Kent: Natural Resources Institute.

On the respiration in scallops (Lamellibranchiata)

Van Dam, L.

Biological Bulletin. Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass, 107:192-202

On the induced spawning and larval rearing of milkfish, (Chanos chanos Forskal).

Liao, I.C.,

Aquaculture IS: 75-93.

On the Emery Settling Tube for Grain Size Analysis of Sand. p. 492-503

Matoba, Y.

Prof. K. Huzioka Memorial Volume,

On Overview of Diseases of Culture Crustaceans in Asia

Brock, J.A

The Network of Aquaculture Centers in Asia. Bangkok, Thailand. p 28-29

Oil World Annual

Oil World

Oil World Annual

ISTA Mielke GmbH. Hamburg. Germany.

Oil World 2012

Oil World

Oil World 2012

ISTA Mielke GmbH. Hamburg. Germany.

Oil stability.

Smouse. T.H.

In Peterson, M.S.P. and Johnson, A.H. (eds.). Encyclopaedia of Food Science.

The AVI Publishing Co.Inc., Westport, Connecticut, USA. p 577580.


Balai Penelitian Perikanan Budidaya Pantai. Maros. 59 pp.

Akita University (in Japanese with English abstract)

Hlm 1655 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

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Official Standard and Methods of American Dehydrated Onion and Garlic Association for Dehydrated Onion and Garlic Products

Judul Buku


California : Technical Committee ADOGA, 128 p

Official Methods of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 14th edition.


Official Methods of Analysis. 15th ed.


Official Methods of Analysis. 15th ed.

Association of Official Analytical Chemist. Washington.

Official methods of analysis, 15th edition


Official methods of analysis, 15th edition

Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington, D.C., 1094pp.

Official methods of analysis, 15th edition

AOAC (Association of Official Analytical Chemists)

Official methods of analysis, 15th edition

Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington, D.C. 1094pp.

Official Methods of Analysis, 11th ed.


Association of Official Analysis Chemis. Washington DC.

Official Methods of Analysis of the Assosiation of Official Analitycal Chemist.

Horwitz. W.,

Official Methods of Analysis of the Assosiation of Official Analitycal Chemist.

Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official of Analytical Chemist. Washington D.C.


Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official of Analytical Chemist. Washington D.C.

Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists.

Horwitz, W.

Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists.

Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Analitycal Chemist


Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Analitycal Chemist

AOAC, Washington DC.

Official Methods of Analysis of Official Analytical Chemists


Official Methods of Analysis of Official Analytical Chemists

AOAC, Washington.

Official Methods of Analysis of Official Analytical Chemists


Official Methods of Analysis of Official Analytical Chemists

The Association, Washington.


AOAC, Virginia, USA. 1141 pp.

Benjamin Franklin Station, Washington D.C.

AOAC, Washinghton D.C. 1018 pp.

Hlm 1656 dari 1800

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Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Official Methods of Analysis of Official Analytical Chemist


Official Methods of Analysis of Official Analytical Chemist

AOAC, Washington,

Official methods of analysis Association of Official Analytical Chemist


Official Methods of Analysis


Official Methods of Analysis

Association of Official Analytical Chemistry Inc., Arlington, Virginia, USA.

Official Methods of Analysis


Official Methods of Analysis

The Accociation of Official Analysis Chemist, Washington D.C.

Official Methods and Recommended Practices of the American Oil Chemists’ Society


Official Methods and Recommended Practices of the

American Oil Chemists’ Society

Official Methods Analysis,


13th Ed. Assn Offic. Anal. Chem., Inc., Washington, D.C.

Official Methodes of Analisys of the Association of Official Analysis Chemists. Sidney W. (ed.)


Official Methodes of Analisys of the Association of Official Analysis Chemists. Sidney W. (ed.)

The AOAC inc., Virginia,USA.

Official Methode of Analysis of The Association of Official Analytical Chemist


Official Methode of Analysis of The Association of Official Analytical Chemist

Association of Analytical Chemist. Washington.

Observed patterns in multispecies fisheries,

Gulland, J.A.

In Exploitation of marine communities, ed. May, R.M.,

Springer-Verlag, p: 155190.

Observation on fish diseases In the German Bight and their possible relation to pollution

Dethlefsen, V.

Rapports et Proces Verbaux des Reunions du consei Internationale pour I”Exploration de Ia Mer, 179: 110 -117

Obat-obat Antirnikroba

Jawet, E.

Watt, HD. 1984. Terapi Medik Edisi 17. EGC, Penerbit Buku Kedokteran Jakarta.

Obat Asli Indonesia Nutritive Value of Potatoes

Thomas, A.N.S. Mc Cay, C.M.

Obat Asli Indonesia Potato Processing. Talburt, W.F. dan Smith, 0. (Ed) 4 th ed.

Kanisius, Yogyakarta. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York.

Nutritional value of ensilaged bycatch fish from Indonesian shrimp trawlers.

Kompiang, I.P.,

In: Connell, J.J. (Ed.). Advances in Fish Science and Technology.

Fishing News Books Ltd., Farnham, Surrey, England, p. 349-352.


Washington. D. C.

Hlm 1657 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

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Judul Buku


Nutritional studies of red seabream.

Yano. Y.

Price. K.S.. W.N. Shaw and K.S. Danberd (Eds). Proceeding of the First Inter. Cof. on aquaculture Nutrition.

Univ. of Delaware, pp 3439

Nutritional of the Ruminant.

Van Soest, J. P.

Nutritional of the Ruminant.

O and B Books Inc. Corvallis, Oregon.

Nutritional Evaluation of Protein Foods

Pellett, L.

Nutritional Evaluation of Protein Foods

The United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan.

Nutritional Ecology of the Ruminant

Van Soest, P.J.

Nutritional Ecology of the Ruminant

O and B Books, Oregan, USA.

Nutritional Ecology of Insects, Mites, Spiders, and Related invertebrates: an Overview, p. F69

Slansky Jr. F.

Slansky J.r, F- & J.G Rodriguez (eds.), Nutritional Ecology of insects, Mites, Spiders, and Related Invertebrates

John Willey &. Sons, Canada.

Nutritional Aspects of Microalgae used in Mariculture

Brown, M. R.

a Literature Review. -CSIRO Marine Laboratories Report 205. 44 pp

CSIRO Marine Laboratories

Nutrition, media and charaecteristik of plant cell and tisuue culture

Gamborg OL

TA Thorpe (ed) Plant tissue culture : Methods and aplication in agriculture

Academic press, New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, san Fransicco

Nutrition, media and charaecteristik of plant cell and tisuue culture

Gamborg OL

TA Thorpe (ed) Plant tissue culture : Methods and aplication in agriculture

Academic press, New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, san Fransicco

Nutrition Requirements of Warm-water Fishes and Shellfishes.

National Research Council.

Nutrition Requirements of Warmwater Fishes and Shellfishes.

National Academy of Sciences. Washington D.C. 102 pp.

Nutrition of Pond Fishes

Hepher, B.

Nutrition of Pond Fishes

Cambridge University Press. New York. New Rocbelle. Melbourne, Sydney. 188 pp.

Nutrition of Pond Fishes

Hepher, B.

Nutrition of Pond Fishes

Cambridge University Press, New York. 388.

Nutrition of giant clams

Fitt, W.K.

W.K. Fitt (ed.). Biology and Maricuture of Giant Clams. ACIAR Proceedings No. 47. p:3140

Nutrition of giant clams

Fitt, W.K

WK, Fitt (ed). Biology and Mariculture of Giant Clams ACIAR Proc. No. 47. p: 31-40


Hlm 1658 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Nutrition of Chicken. 2nd.

Scott, M .L ,

Nutrition of Chicken. 2nd.

M. L. Scott and Associates. Ithaca. New York.

Nutrition and Growth Manual.

Davies, H. L.

Nutrition and Growth Manual.

The Australian University International Development Program. Melboume.

Nutrition and Diabetes

Anderson, J.W.

Nutrition Update. Vol. 2. p.49-67

Nutrition and Culture of The Giant Gouramy, Ospherenemus goramy Lacepede In Floating Cages, p. 46-56

Ang, K.J.

In: Agricultural Research in Asia: Management Techniques and Nutrition

Nutrition and Culture of The Giani Gouramy, Osphronemus goramy Lacepede in Floating Net Cages, p. 46-56. In Agricultural Research in Asia: Management Techniques and Nutrition

Ang, K.J.

Pudoc Wageningen.

Nutrient Requirements of Warmwater Fishes.


Nutrient Requirements of Warmwater Fishes.

Nat. Acad. Sci., Washington, D.C.

Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. Eight revised edition

March, B.E.

Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. Eight revised edition

National Academy Press Washington, D.C. 27.

Nutrient Requirement of Warmwater Fishes and Shellfishes.


Nutrient Requirement of Warmwater Fishes and Shellfishes.

Nat. Acad. Press. Washington D.C.

Nutrient Requirement of Poultry

National Research Council

Nutrient Requirement of Cold Water Fishes.


Nutrient Requirement of Cold Water Fishes.

National Academic Sciences Press. Washington. D.C. USA. 63 pp.

Nutriënt Requirement of Beef Cattle 6th ed.

National Research Council.

Nutriënt Requirement of Beef Cattle 6th ed.

National Academie of Sci. Washington.


Pudoc Wageningen.

National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. USA.

Hlm 1659 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

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Judul Buku


Nutrient element cycling in Rhizophora Mangrove ecosystems

Teas, H.J.

The Mangroves, Proceedings of National Symposium on Biological, Utilisation, and Conservation of Mangroves (ed L.J. Bhosale), pp. 7-15

Shivaji University, Kolhapur, India.

Nusantara Sea.

Nontji, A.

Nusantara Sea.

Ul Press Publisher. Jakarta, 105-113.

Numerical Taxonomy.

Sneath. P.H.

Numerical Taxonomy.

Freeman and Co. San Francisco. Ca. 859 pp.

Numerical Taxonomy.

Sneath, P.H.

Numerical Taxonomy.

Freeman and Co. San Francisco, California. 859 pp.

Numerical Taxonomy, the Principles and Practice of Numerical Classification.

Sneath, P.H.A.

Numerical Taxonomy, the Principles and Practice of Numerical Classification.

W.H. Freeman, San Francisco. 859 pp.

Numerical Methods for Engineers

Chappra, S. C.

Numerical Methods for Engineers

McGraw Hill Book Company. New York.

Numerical Method for Engineers

Chapra, S. C.

Novel concepts in technology and design of machinery for production and application of smoke in the food industry

Hollenheck. C.M.

Advances in Smoking of Foods (A. Rutkowski. Ed.)

Oxford. Pergamon Press.

Notes on parasites of fresh water fishes in Indonesia,

Sachlan, M.

Buku Pemberitaan

Balai Penyelidikan Perikanan Darat, Bogor. 2: 1-60.

Note on the occurrence of Pyrodinium bahamense in eastern Indonesian waters

Wiadnyana, N. N.

Yasmoto, T., Oshima Y. & Fukuyo, Y (eds) Harmful and Toxic Algal Blooms.

Intergovermental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, hal. 53-56

North Java coast fisheries: Preliminary observations on small seine nets exploitation.

Hariati, T.,

In: Potier M. and Nurhakim S. (Eds.). BIODYNEX: Biology, Dynamics, Exploitation of'the Small Pelagic Fishes in the Java Sea.

AARD/ORSTOM. p. 185.194.

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llmu Kemajiran Pada Ternak

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llmu Kemajiran Pada Ternak

Airlangga University Press.

llmu Kemajiran pada Ternak

Hardjopranyoto, S.

llmu Kemajiran pada Ternak

Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Unair.

llmu Kemajiran Pada Ternak


llmu Kemajiran Pada Ternak

Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Airlangga, hal 65-80.

llmu Inseminasi Buatan


llmu Inseminasi Buatan

Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Airlangga. Hal : 62, 65-60

llmu Inseminasi Buatan


llmu Inseminasi Buatan

Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Airlangga. Hal : 62, 65-60


Hlm 1683 dari 1800

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llmu dan Teknologi Daging


llmu dan Teknologi Daging

Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 1-14.

Living Resources in Coastal Areas

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Institute of Marine Science and University of the Philippines. Quezon City. Philippines. 366-377 pp

Lipolytic enzymes

Brochkerhoff, H.

Lipolytic enzymes

Academic Press, New York.

Lipid metabolism of the prawn P. japonicus during maturation: variation in lipid proviles of the ovary and hepatopancreas.

Teshima. S.,

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology., 92B (I): 45-49.

Lipid in Human Nutrition

Brisson, G. J.

Lipid in Human Nutrition

Jack K. Burgess, Inc., Englewood, New Jersey.

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Food and Agriculture Organization and Metabolism. Academic Press. New York. London. 464 pp.

Lingkungan: Sumberdaya Alam dan Kepen-dudukan Dalam Pembangunan,

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Penerbit Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta.

Lingkungan Eksternal Perusahaan dan Antisipasinya Demi Mempertahankan Kinerja Perusahaan.

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Ahloowalia, B.P.S.

In J. Semal (Ed.) Somaclonal variation and crop improvement.

Martinus Nijhoff Publisher, USA.

Limbah Bahan Ransum Unggas yang Rasional.

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Limbah Bahan Ransum Unggas yang Rasional.

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Hlm 1684 dari 1800

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Light and Photosynthesis in Aquatic Ecosystem.

Kirk, John T.O.

Light and Photosynthesis in Aquatic Ecosystem.

Cambridge University Press. Cambridge: 1-399 pp.

Life History of The Oval Squid, S. lessoniana in Kominato and Adjacent Waters Central Honshu Japan.

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Life History of The Oval Squid, S. lessoniana in Kominato and Adjacent Waters Central Honshu Japan.

Tokyo University of Fisheries. 74(2):67-105.

Legume seed protein axiracbon, processing and end product characteristic.

Gueguen, J

Plant Protein in Human Food

Martinus Nijhoff/DR.W.Jun Publisher.

Lecture notes and selected paper for workshop on pulse field gel Electrophoresis for DNA figerprinting

Suwanto. A.

Lecture notes and selected paper for workshop on pulse field gel Electrophoresis for DNA figerprinting

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Leaf Area, Solar Radiation Interception and Dry Matter Production by Soybean Crop. Sci. p. 575-578.

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Leaf Area, Solar Radiation Interception and Dry Matter Production by Soybean Crop. Sci. p. 575-578.

Lead: Environment, Health and Welfare

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The Royal Danish School of Pharmacy, Cultural University, Copenhagen. 50 p.

Le Role du Zooplancton dans L'alimenta-tlon des Juveniles de Poissons : Approche Expertmentales in situ dans les Herbiers a Zostera marina

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Univ. de Montpellier II Scie. Tech. du Languedoc. 67p

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Hlm 1685 dari 1800

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Laut Nusantara.

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Laut Nusantara.

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Penerbit Djembatan. Jakarta. 368 hal.

Laut Nusantara

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Djambatan. Jakarta, 368 hal.

Laut Nusantara

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Larva Food for Penaeid Prawn

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Hlm 1686 dari 1800

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Land Unit Classification for the Reconnaissance Soil Survey of Sumatera, Haskoming Royal Dutch Consulting Engineers and Architics with: DHV Consulting Engineers, P.T. Lestari Daya Rancindo DESERCO Development Services.

Burman, P.

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Land Degradation in Indonesia : Data Collection and analysis

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Report of the Expert Colsultation of the Asia Network on Problem Soils

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Land Capability Appraisal Indonesia. Water Avaibility Aparaisal

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L'activite des bacteries nitrifiantes dans l'aire marine du panache Rhodanien et dans l'eau et le sediment de l'ocean Austral (mission Antares I)


L'activite des bacteries nitrifiantes dans l'aire marine du panache Rhodanien et dans l'eau et le sediment de l'ocean Austral (mission Antares I)

Universite AixMarseille II. 132p.

Laboratory Work Chemical Evaluation of Dietary Nutrient, p. 179-226

Takeuchi, T.

In: Watanabe, T. (Ed.). Fish Nutrition and Mariculture. JICA Textbook The General Aquaculture Course

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Laboratory Tecniques for the Cultivation of microalgae

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CRC Handbook of Microalgae Massculture

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Laboratory techniques in food analysis

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Laboratory techniques in food analysis

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Laboratory Studies of energy budget

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Laboratory Production of Cattle Embryos

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Laboratory Production of Cattle Embryos

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Laboratory methods for sensory evaluation of food

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Laboratory methods for sensory evaluation of food

Ottawa, Dept. Agriculture Pbl.

Laboratory methods for sensory evaluation of food

Larmond, E.

Laboratory methods for sensory evaluation of food

Ottawa, Dept. Agriculture Pbl.


Hlm 1687 dari 1800

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Laboratory methods for sensory evaluation of food


Laboratory Methods for Sensory Evaluation of Food

Larmond, E.L.

Laboratory Methods for Sensory Evaluation of Food

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Laboratory Methods for Sensory Evaluation of Food

Larmond, E.

Laboratory Methods for Sensory Evaluation of Food

Canada Dept. of Agric. Ottawa.

Laboratory Method for Sensory Evaluation of Food

Larmond, E.

Canada Department of Agriculture Publication

Laboratory method for sensory evaluation

Larmond, E.

Laboratory method for sensory evaluation

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Laboratory manual on analytical metods and procedures for fish and fish products. 2nd


Laboratory manual on analytical metods and procedures for fish and fish products. 2nd

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Laboratory Manual on Analytical Methods and Procedures for Fish and Fish Products. 2nd edition.

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Laboratory Manual on Analytical Methods and Procedures for Fish and Fish Products. 2nd edition.

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Laboratory Manual on Analytical Methods and Procedures for Fish and Fish Product. 2nd editions.

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Laboratory Manual for the Analysis of Water, Feeds and Feed Ingredients.



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Laboratory Manual for the Analysis of Water, Feeds and Feed Ingredients.

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Laboratory Manual for Fish Feed Analysis and Fish Nutrition Studies.

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Laboratory Guide for Identification of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria.

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Laboratory Guide for Identification of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria.

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Laboratory Guide for Identification of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria. 2nd Ed,

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Laboratory Guide for Identification of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria. 2nd Ed,

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Laboratory Fundamentals of Microbiology

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Laboratory Fundamentals of Microbiology

Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. Inc., New York, 324 p.

Laboratory fundamentals of microbiology

Alcamo, I.E.

Laboratory fundamentals of microbiology

Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Inc, New York, 325p.

Laboratory Fundamental of Microbiology

Alcamo, I.E.

Laboratory Fundamental of Microbiology

Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, Massachusetts, 224 p.

Laboratory Animal Anesthesia

Fleknell, P.A.

Laboratory Animal Anesthesia

Academic Press, London 4-7

Laboratory animal anaesthesia

Plecknell, P.A.

Laboratory animal anaesthesia

Academic Press, London. 4 - 7

Laboratory and field investigations in marine biology

Sumich, J.L.

Laboratory and field investigations in marine biology

Brown Publishers. pp. 171-177.

La peche indonesienne et les mini-senneurs de la Kabupaten de Rembang.

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Memoire de DEA

Universite Paris IV, France

L’activite des bacteries nitrifiantes dans I'aire marine du panache Rhodanien et dans I'eua et Ie sediment de I'ocean Austral (Mission Antares I)

Feliatra, F.

L’activite des bacteries nitrifiantes dans I'aire marine du panache Rhodanien et dans I'eua et Ie sediment de I'ocean Austral (Mission Antares I)

Universite Aix Marseille II, 132 p.

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Kunci Identifikasi Zooplankton

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Kunci Identifikasi Zooplankton

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Kunci Identifikasi Zooplankton

Hutabarat, S

Kunci Identifikasi Zooplankton

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Hlm 1689 dari 1800

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Kunci Bercocok Tanam Sayursayuran Penting di Indonesia.

Sunaryono, H.

Kunci Bercocok Tanam Sayursayuran Penting di Indonesia.


Kunci Bercocok Tanam Sayursayuran Penting di Indonesia.


Kunci Bercocok Tanam Sayursayuran Penting di Indonesia.

Sinar Baru. Bandung.

Kriteria investasi Untuk Analisis Finansial Proyek

Ismaryanto, S.

Kriteria investasi Untuk Analisis Finansial Proyek

LPEM-FE-UI, Jakarta

Kriteria evaluasi suaka perikanan perairan darat.

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Penebar Swadaya. 96 p.

Kontrol Kualitas Pakan dan Menyusun Ransum Ternak

Kamal, M.

Kontrol Kualitas Pakan dan Menyusun Ransum Ternak

Fakultas Pascasarjana, Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Kontrol Kualitas Pakan dan Menyusun Ransum Ternak

Kamal, M.

Kontrol Kualitas Pakan dan Menyusun Ransum Ternak

Fakultas Pascasarjana. Universitas Gajah Mada.

Konsumsi Gula rumah Tangga di Indonesia



Sosek Fak. Pertanian UGM, Jogjakarta

Konservasi Tanah dan Air.

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Konservasi Tanah dan Air.

Pustaka Buana, Bandung.

Konsepsi Steiinbauer-Sadjad sebagai Landasan Pengembangan Matematik Benih di Indonesia.


Konsepsi Steiinbauer-Sadjad sebagai Landasan Pengembangan Matematik Benih di Indonesia.

IPB. Bogor.

Konsepsi Penggunaan Kombinasi Sistem Kanal dan Kabel untuk Pemanenan Di Hutan Rawa.

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Konsepsi Penggunaan Kombinasi Sistem Kanal dan Kabel untuk Pemanenan Di Hutan Rawa.

Pusat Penelitian Hasil Hutan, Bogor.

Konsep program bioteknologi kelautan nasional.

Nontji, A.

Konsep program bioteknologi kelautan nasional.

Kelompok Kerja Bioteknologi Kelautan LIPI - Jakarta, (tidak dipublikasikan)

Komposisi Zat Gizi Pangan Indonesia


Komposisi Zat Gizi Pangan Indonesia

Departemen Kesehatan, Jakarta.

Komposisi Kimia Bleng


Komposisi Kimia Bleng

Akademi Kimia Analisa Bogor, Bogor.

Komposisi beberapa makanan jajanan di Jakarta

Tarwotjo, I..

Komposisi beberapa makanan jajanan di Jakarta

Balai Penelitian Gizi. Bogor.

Komoditi Ekspor Pertanian, Perikanan dan Peternakan.


Komoditi Ekspor Pertanian, Perikanan dan Peternakan.

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.


Hlm 1690 dari 1800

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Koleksi Jasad Renik suatu Sarana yang Diperlukan bagi Pengembangan Mikrobiologi.

Saono, S.

Koleksi Jasad Renik suatu Sarana yang Diperlukan bagi Pengembangan Mikrobiologi.

LIPI, Bogor.

Koefisien Absorbsi Bunyi Bahan Porus dan Panel Berlubang - lubang

Anjayani W.A.

Koefisien Absorbsi Bunyi Bahan Porus dan Panel Berlubang lubang

Fakultas Matematika dan llmu Pengetahuan Alam Institut Sepuluh Nopember. Surabaya

Kmymic Hydrolysis of Food Proteins.

AdIer-Nissen, J.

Klasiflkasi Tanah dan Pedogenesis

Hardjowigeno, S.

Klasiflkasi Tanah dan Pedogenesis

Akademika Pressindo, Jakarta.

Klasifikasi Satuan Bentuk Lahan

Suharsono, P.

Klasifikasi Satuan Bentuk Lahan

Tim Bakosurtanal dan Fakultas Geografi UGM. Yogyakarta.

Kinetics of Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Olive Oil in Biphasic Organic-Aquous System

Tsai, S.W.

Biotechnology and Bioengineering Vol 38: 761-766

Kinds of variability and uncertainty affecting fisheries.

Steele, J.H.,

In R.M. May (Eds.). Exploitation of marine communities. Dahlem Workshop Reports. Life Sciences Research Report 32.

Springer-Verlag.Berlin. 366 pp.

Kimia Pangan.


Kimia Pangan.

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Kimia Pangan.

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Kimia Pangan.

Pusat Teknologi Pangan, Insitut Pertanian Bogor.

Kimia Pangan.

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Kimia Pangan dan Gizi.

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London: Elsevier Appl. Science Publishers. 427pp.

Hlm 1691 dari 1800

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Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

Winarno, F.G.

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.

Kimia Pangan dan Gizi


Kimia Pangan dan Gizi

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.

Kimia Organik II, Edisi ke-4 Kimia Medisinal. Pendekatan secara Biokimia. Terbitan kedua

Stanley, H Nogrady, T

Kimia Organik II, Edisi ke-4 Kimia Medisinal. Pendekatan secara Biokimia. Terbitan kedua

ITB Bandung, P. 744 Penerbit ITB. Bandung, hal. 295-296.

Kimia dan teknologi protein


Kimia dan teknologi protein

Yogyakarta PAU Pangan dan Gizi UGM.

Kimia dan Ekotoksikologi Pencemaran.

Connell, D.W.

Kimia dan Ekotoksikologi Pencemaran.

Penerbit UI Press Jakarta.

Kimia Anorganik Dasar Kima: Biologi, Sumber Daya dan Kelestariannya

Cotton, F.A. Romimohtarto, K.

Kima: Biologi, Sumber Daya dan Kelestariannya

UI Piess. Puslitbang Oceonologi LIPI ). Jakarta. hlm.1-34,

Ketela Sebagai Bahan Baku Industri


Ketela Sebagai Bahan Baku Industri

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Industri. Deperindag. Bogor.

Kesuburan Tanah


Kesuburan Tanah

Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

Kerang Hijau


Kerang Hijau

PT Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.

Kerang hi|au


Kerang hi|au

PT Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta.

Keragaman panjang udang windu hasil budidaya di tambak Kabupaten Maros dan Pangkep, Sulawesi Selatan

Mustafa, A.,

Keragaman panjang udang windu hasil budidaya di tambak Kabupaten Maros dan Pangkep, Sulawesi Selatan

Jurnal Penelitian Budidaya Pantai, 3(2): 6574.

Keragaan dan Program Penelitian Pascapanen Peternakan

Sirait, C.H.

Keragaan dan Program Penelitian Pascapanen Peternakan

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Kepiting Bakau, Scylla serrata (Forskal, 1775) dari Perairan Indonesian.

Moosa, M.K.

Kep-02/MENKLH/l/1988 Lampiran VII tentang Baku Mutu Air Laut Buku

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Kembang Anggrek. Jilid I.

Latif, S.M.,

Kembang Anggrek. Jilid I.

N.V. Masa Baru, Bandung. 140 h.

Kelayakan beberapa macam teknologi budidaya padi dilahan pasang surut di Delta Telang Musi Banyuasin Sumatera Selatan.

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Kelapa Sawit : Kajian Sosial ekonomi

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Kelapa Kajian Sosial Ekonomi.

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Kelapa Hibrida.

Setyamidjaja, Johana,

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Keep Quality High During Harvest The Peanut Farmer.

William, M.,

Keep Quality High During Harvest The Peanut Farmer.

Kedelai dan Cara Budidayanya.

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Kedelai dan Cara Budidayanya.

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Kedelai dan Cara Bercocok Tanamnya.


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Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan. Bogor. 53 hal

Kedelai dan Bercocoktanamnya


Kedelai dan Bercocoktanamnya

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor.

Kebutuhan Riset dan Koordinasi Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Air di Indonesia

Dewan Riset Nasional

Kelompok Sumberdaya Alam dan Energi




Kebijaksanaan Sistem Jasa Sewa Alsintan Dalam Pengembangan Mekanisasi Pertanian Tanaman Pangan

Ananto, E.E.

Kebijaksanaan Sistem Jasa Sewa Alsintan Dalam Pengembangan Mekanisasi Pertanian Tanaman Pangan

Kebijaksanaan Persuteraan Alam dan Implementasinya di Indonesia


Kebijaksanaan Persuteraan Alam dan Implementasinya di Indonesia

Balai Hiperkes dan Keselamatan Kerja Jawa Timur. Departemen Tenaga Kerja Jawa Timur. Surabaya.

Yogyakarta: Fakultas Kehutanan UGM

Hlm 1693 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Kebijakan Pengembangan Mekanisasi Pertanian di Indonesia


Kebijakan Pengembangan Mekanisasi Pertanian di Indonesia

IPB - LHW, Bogor.

Keberlanjutan Aset Lahan Sawah Beririgasi

Susanto, S.

Bagian I: Efektivitas Penyediaan Air. Visi, Majalah Sumberdaya Air, Lahan dan Pembangunan. No. 15, September 1998

Kebelanjutan aset lahan sawah beririgasi, Bagian I: efektivitas penyediaan air

Susanto, S.

Visi, Jurnal Irigasi, Sumberdaya Air, Lahan dan Pembangunan. No. 18 September, 1998

Keanekaragaman dan sebaran lamun di teluk Kuta dan teluk Gerupuuk, Lombok Selatan

Kiswara W.

Keanekaragaman dan sebaran lamun di teluk Kuta dan teluk Gerupuuk, Lombok Selatan

P3o LIPI.Jakarta.

Keadaan Lingkungan Fisik Delta Cimanuk. Jawa Barat

Effendi, L.

Keadaan Lingkungan Fisik Delta Cimanuk. Jawa Barat

LON-LIPI. Jakarta

Keadaan dan Perkembangan Pelabuhan Cilacap


Keadaan dan Perkembangan Pelabuhan Cilacap

PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III Cabang Cilacap. Cilacap.

Kayu: Kimia, Ultra Struktur

Fengel, D.

Reaksi-reaksi, Hardono Sastrohamidjojo (Penerjemah)

Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Karyotype differentiation among natural population of sand goby Oxyeteotris marmorata Bleeker 1874 (Teleostei eleotriciae)

Masagca. T.J.

College of agriculture and fisheries. The catanduones state virac. Catanduones 14800. The Philippine workshop in-fish genetic and its application to aquaculture and fishery management

SEAMEO Biotrop Bogor, Indonesia. P, 39-40

Karl Fischer Titration

Scholz, E

Karl Fischer Titration

Springer Verlag. Berlin.

Karet Strategi Pemasaran Tahun 2000, Budidaya dan Pengolahan


Karet Strategi Pemasaran Tahun 2000, Budidaya dan Pengolahan

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta, 127-129.


Setyamidjaja, D.


Setyamidjaja, D.


Kanisisus, Yogyakarta, 157-180. Karet

Kanisius, Yogyakarta.

Hlm 1694 dari 1800

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Judul Buku


Karakteristik Bentuk dan Geologi Pantai di Indonesia


Diklat PU Wil. III.

Direktorat jenderal Pengairan, Departemen Pekerjaan Umum, Yogyakarta

Karakteristik Bentuk dan Geologi Pantai di Indonesia


Diklat PU Wil. III

Direktorat jcnderal Pengairan, Departemen Pekerjaan Umum, Yogyakarta

Kandungan logam berat dalam sedimen di perairan Teluk Jakarta

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ISO 9001. Quality system Model for Quality Assurance in Design, Development, Production, Instalation and Servicing


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Ilmu Pangan. Terjemahan oleh Hari Purnomo dan Adiono. Edisi Keempat

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Ilmu Makanan Ternak Unggas, Kemajuan Mutakhir

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Ilmu Makanan Ternak Dasar

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Ilmu Makanan Ternak Dasar

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Ilmu Makanan Ternak Dasar

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Ilmu dan Teknologi Daging


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Illustrations of the Marine Plankton of Japan.

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Illustration of the marine plankton of Japan

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Illustration of the marine plankton of Japan

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Illustration of the marine plankton of Japan

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Illustration of the marine plankton of Japan

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Illustration of The Marine Plankton of |apan

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Illustration of The Marine Plankton of |apan

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Identifikasi Mineral Abu Qi yang Berperan dalam Pembentukan Gel Cincau Hitam dari Ekslrak Tanaman Janggelan (Mesona Palustris BL)

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Genus Toxoplasma

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Fundamentals of the Fungi

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Fundamentals of Pesticides

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Fundamentals of Ecology

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Fundamentals of Bucterial Plant Pathology

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Fundamentals of Bacterial Plant Pathology


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Fundamental Principles of Bacteriology

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Fundamental Of Quality Control For The Food Industry. Page 13

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Fundamental of Microbiology

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Fundamental of Ecology. Third Edition

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Fundamental of Ecology. 3rd Edition

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Fundamental food microbiology

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Fundamental Food Microbiology

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Fundamental Ecology

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Fundamenetal of Food Microbiology

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Frying Technology

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Fruit Physiology after Harvest. Handling, Transpotation and Storage of fruits and Vegetables

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From strains to domains: Measuring the degree of phylogenetic diversity among prokaryotic species and as yet uncultured strains

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Foxpro 2 : Business & MIS Applications

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Forest Ecology

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Forced Convection Heat Transfer Corelation for Flow in Pipe, Flat Plate, Single Cylinder

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Food Texture and Vi.scocity : Concept and Measurement, Page 256-257

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Food Texture : Measurement and Preparation

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Food Texture

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Food Processing Waste Management

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Food irradiation : current status and future prospects

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Food composition and analysis

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Fisiologi Herbisida

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Fishery By-products Technology.

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Fisheries Oceanography and Ecology.

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Fisheries Management,


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John Wiley & Sons New York.

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Fish vaccines

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Fish vaccines

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Fish Stock Assessment A Manual of Basic Method.

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Fish Nutrition. Second edition.

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Fish nutrition in Asia

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Final environmental statement: Operation and maintenance of the New Jersey intercostals Waterway and Manasquan, Barnegat, Absecon and cold spring inlets, New Jersey

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Hlm 1729 dari 1800

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Ekosistem Laut dan Pantai

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Effect of Different Type of Organic Materials on Soil Agregation

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Effect of Cytoplasmic Polyhedrosis Virus and Bacterial Contamination on Growth and Development of the Corn Earworm Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera

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Dasar - dasar ekologi umum. Bagian II

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Current status of plant product reported to inhibit sperm, in research frontiers in fertility

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Regulation, P: 1-6.

Current Protocol in Molecular Biology

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Current Protocol in Molecular Biology

John Willey, New York.

Culture of Pytoplankton for feeding marine invertebrates

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Coccidiosis of Man and Domestic Animals

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Coastal Environment

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CLIPS version. Software technology

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CLIPS version. Software technology

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Clinical Chemical and hematological Reference Values in Normal Experimental Animal and Normal Humans. 2nd Ed

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Clinical Chemical and hematological Reference Values in Normal Experimental Animal and Normal Humans. 2nd Ed

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Clinical Chemical and hematological Reference Values in Normal Experimental Animal and Normal Humans. 2nd Ed

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Clinical Chemical and hematological Reference Values in Normal Experimental Animal and Normal Humans. 2nd Ed

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Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals


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Clinical Biochemical and hematological Reference Values in Normal Experimental Animal and Normal Humans. 2nd ed

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Clinical Biochemical and hematological Reference Values in Normal Experimental Animal and Normal Humans. 2nd ed

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Climwat for Cropwat A Climatic Database for Irrigation Planning and Management

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Climwat for Cropwat A Climatic Database for Irrigation Planning and Management

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CIMMYT, Mexico, D.F.

Ciclagem mineral em um ecossistema de floresta tropical humida

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Chromosome Techniques, Theory and Practice, (3rd ed.)

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Chromosome Techniques, Theory and Practice, (3rd ed.)

Choosing and use of Testing Methods for Water Quality of Ponds of Tiger Shrimp

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Primadona Perikanan, Juli, 54 pages

Cholesterol Phobia, Keterkaitannya dengan Penyakit Jantung

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Chemoreception in the shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio

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Chemistry, 4th ed.

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Chemistry of Agars and Carragenans

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Chemistry 1Hsted

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Chemistry 1Hsted

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Chemical Modification of Natural Rubber

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Natural Rubber Science and Technology. Robert, A.D. (ed).

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Chemical Engineering. Vol. I. (SI Units).

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Chemical Control of the Lagenidium, a Fungal Pathogen of Marine Crustacea.

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Chemical Control of Nematodes, p, 131-178

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Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Dietary Cereal Fiber

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Chemical and biological studies of fish ponds and reservoirs in Taiwan.

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Chemical and Biological Methods of Water Analysis forAquaculturists.

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Chemical and Biological Methods of Water Analysis forAquaculturists.

Stirling: Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling. 118 pp.

Chemical Analysis of Ecological Materials, 2nd edition

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Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.

Chemical analysis of ecological materials, 2nd. Edn

Allen, S.E.

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Blackwell Scientific Publications

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Characteristics and composition of pepsins from Atlantic cod.

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New York: Plenum Press

Change in marine communities: an approach to statistical analysis and interpretation

Clark, R. B

Change in marine communities: an approach to statistical analysis and interpretation

Natural Environment Research Council, U. K. 144 pp

Cereal Production

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Cereal Production

Butterworth & Co. Ltd. Dublin.

Cereal grain, mycotoxins, fungi and quality in drying and storage

Chelkowski, J (ed.)

Cereal grain, mycotoxins, fungi and quality in drying and storage

Cereal and Cereal Products

Pomeranz, Y.

Kramer, A. and Twigg, B.A. Quality Control for The Food Industry Vol II page 288

The AVI Publ, Co, Inc. Westport, Connecticut.

Cephalopods of the Philippine Islands Contr

Voss, G.L.

Cephalopods of the Philippine Islands Contr

Smithsonian Inst. Washington, DC.

Cephalopods of the Philippine Islands

Voss, G.L.

Cephalopods of the Philippine Islands

Smithsonian Institution. Washington DC.

Celluler and Molecular Immunology

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Celluler and Molecular Immunology

WB Saunders Company, pp. 13 - 33.

Cells of lactic acid bacteria as food biopreservatives

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CRC Press. New York.

Cell Tissue Res. Enhancement of Seminiferus Tubular

Meisami, E.A

Growth and Spermatogenesis in Testis of Rats Recovery from Early Hypothyroidism a Quantitative Study, p. 503-511.

Cell and Molecular Biology. 3rd Ed.

Sheeler, P.

Cell and Molecular Biology. 3rd Ed.

John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Singapore, p. 125-138.

Catch prediction of the banana prawn, Penaeus merguiensis, in the south-eastern Gulf of Carpentaria.

Staples, D.J.,

In J.A.Gulland and B.J.Rothschild (Eds.). Penaeid shrimp - their biology and management.

Fishing News Books Limited. England, p. 259267.

Carbohydrate biochemistry. Onions and Allied Crops, Vol. III. Biochemistry, Food Science and Minor Crops

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Carbohydrate biochemistry. Onions and Allied Crops, Vol. III. Biochemistry, Food Science and Minor Crops

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Cara uji air minum dalam kemasan

Departemen Perindustrian

Standar lndustri Indonesia, Jakarta, 25 hal

Capita Selecta Dasar-dasar Teknologi Benih.

Sadjad, S.,

Capita Selecta Dasar-dasar Teknologi Benih.

Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Canonical Analysis. A review with application to ecology.

Gittins, R.

Canonical Analysis. A review with application to ecology.

Springer-Venag. Berlin.

Canine Anatomy

Adam, D.R.

Canine Anatomy

The Iowa Stale University Press / Ames.

Cage Culture.

Schmittou, H.R.

A Method of Fish Production in Indonesia.

FRDP. CRIFI. Jakarta. Indonesia. 114 pp.

Cage Culture.

Schmittou, H.R.

A Methode of Fish Production in Indonesia.

FRDP. CRIFI. Jakarta. 114pp.

Busuk Buah Tantangan Agribisnis Salak

Suara Karya

Busuk Buah Tantangan Agribisnis Salak

ed. 3 Maret.

Burung-burung terancam punah di Indonesia

Shannaz, Y.

Burung-burung terancam punah di Indonesia

PHPA-Birdlive Indonesia Programme, hal. 50 dan 64.

Bunga Potong

Widyaman. R,

Bunga Potong

Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia. Jakarta

Buku Teks Wilson dan Gisvolg Kimia Farmasi dan Medisinal Organik, Ed VII


Buku Teks Wilson dan Gisvolg Kimia Farmasi dan Medisinal Organik, Ed VII

IKIP. Semarang Press. Semarang. (Alih Bahasa : Mustofa Path). 152 hal.

Buku Resep Lebaran Blue Band


Buku Resep Lebaran Blue Band

Blue Band, Jakarta.

Buku Rapat Anggota Tahunan Koperasi Produksi Susu Bogor.

Koperasi Produksi Susu Bogor.

Buku Rapat Anggota Tahunan Koperasi Produksi Susu Bogor.

Buku pedoman pengenalan sumber perikanan darat bagian I (jenis-jenis ikan ekonomis penting)

Djajadiredja, R.

Buku pedoman pengenalan sumber perikanan darat bagian I (jenis-jenis ikan ekonomis penting)

Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan, Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta.

Buku Panduan Pelaksana Teknis Adsministrasi Paten.


Buku Panduan Pelaksana Teknis Adsministrasi Paten.

Dirjen Hak Cipta, Paten dan Merek. Departemen Kehakiman.

Buku Materi Pokok Metode Statistik I

Soejoeti, Z

Buku Materi Pokok Metode Statistik I

Penerbit Karunia, Universitas Terbuka.

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Buku Laporan Lomba Kelompok Tani Tingkat Nasional.

Judul Buku


Buku Laporan Lomba Kelompok Tani Tingkat Nasional.

Dinas Daerah Tingkat 1 Jawa Barat. Dirjen Perikanan Dept Pertanian. Jakarta.

Budldaya dan pelestarian moluska

Sutarjo, N.

Budldaya dan pelestarian moluska

Budidaya, Pengolahan, dan Pemasaran Rumput Laut, Surabaya

Tim Penulis Penebar Swadaya

Budidaya, Pengolahan, dan Pemasaran Rumput Laut, Surabaya

Budidaya Ulat Sutera Budidaya Udang Windu di Pantai Selatan Jawa. Temu Profesi Pembangkitan Kembali Bidadaya Udang melalui Teknologi Teruji.

Guntoro Gansar, C.

Budidaya Ulat Sutera Budidaya Udang Windu di Pantai Selatan Jawa. Temu Profesi Pembangkitan Kembali Bidadaya Udang melalui Teknologi Teruji.

Yogyakarta: Kanisius. ISPIKANI.

Budidaya udang windu

Suyanto S.R.

Budidaya udang windu

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta, 211 pages.

Budidaya Udang Penaeus.


Budidaya Udang Penaeus.

Penerbit Kanisius, Yogyakarta.

Budidaya Udang dengan Sistem Resirkulasi dan Masalahnya


Budidaya Udang dengan Sistem Resirkulasi dan Masalahnya

PT. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia, Medan.

Budidaya Tembakau cerutu.I Masa Pra-Panen

Hartana I.

Budidaya Tembakau cerutu.I Masa Pra-Panen

Balai Penelit. Perkeb. Jember. 107 p.

Budidaya Rumput Laut. Budidaya Rumput Laut

Aslan Laode, M., Hidayat, A.

Budidaya Rumput Laut. Budidaya Rumput Laut

Kanisius, Yogyakarta. Penerbit Usaha Nasional, Surabaya.

Budidaya Murbei dan Usaha Persuteraan Alam


Budidaya Murbei dan Usaha Persuteraan Alam

Yogyakarta: Kanisius

Budidaya Kepiting.

Departemen Pertanian. Balai Informasi Pertanian Ujung Pandang. 32 halaman.

Budidaya Kepiting.

Budidaya kepiting bakau dengan keramba apung

Arifin. S.

Techner.08 Th II

Dinas Perikanan Gresik. Jawa Timur

Budidaya Kepiting Bakau dan Biologi Ringkas.

Kasry, A.

Budidaya Kepiting Bakau dan Biologi Ringkas.

Bhratara. Jakarta. 93 halaman

Budidaya kepiting Bakau Bertelur dengan Karamba Apung

Arifin, S.

Techner, 08. Tahun II

Dinas Perikanan Gresik, Jawa Timur

Budidaya Jagung Manis. Bahan Kursus,

Koswara, J.,

Budidaya Jagung Manis. Bahan Kursus,

Fakultas Pertanian IPB, Bogor.


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Budidaya Ikan Jelawat.

Judul Buku


Budidaya Ikan Jelawat.

Departemen Pertanian BIP Sumatera Selatan. Palem-bang. 32 pp.

Budidaya dan pelestarian moluska

Sutarjo, N.

Budidaya dan pelestarian moluska

Dirjen Perikanan Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta.

Budidaya Bunga Potong.


Budidaya Bunga Potong.

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta. XXVIII.

Brosur Makanan Ternak dan Unggas

Japfa Comfeed Indonesia, PT.

Brosur Makanan Ternak dan Unggas

Broodstock Management and Egg and Larval Quality.

Robert, R.J.

Broodstock Management and Egg and Larval Quality.

Blackwell Science Ltd. Lambridge USA. p. 269271

Breeding programs for ornamental fish production in Asia.

Phang V.P.E.

In: Main, K.L. and Reynolds, E. (Eds.). Selective Breeding of Fishes in Asia and the United States.

The oceanic Institute. Honolulu, p. 60-66.

Breeding for Disease Resistance, p. 125-156

Sparrow, D.H.B.

R. Knight (ed.), Plant Breeding. AAUCS, Australia

Breadicing The Storage Life of Seeds.

Roberts, E.,

Seed Science and Technology.

Botanical microtechninue.

Sass, J.E,

Botanical microtechninue.

The Iowa State College Press. P. 3-219

Bonus Masakan Kartini no. 460


Serba Pepes Yang Sedap Dibiingkus Daun Pisang

Pustaka Kartini, Jakarta.

Bonus Masakan Kartini no. 455


Hidangan Prasmanan Yang Istimewa Untuk Tamu

Pustaka Kartini, Jakarta.

Bonus Masakan Kartini no. 444


Menu Kesukaan Gina Adriana

Pustaka Kartini, Jakarta.

Bonus Masakan Kartini no. 439


Yang Gurih-Gurih dari Berbagai Daerah

Pustaka Kartini, Jakarta.

Bonus Masakan kartini no 499


Aneka Donas Manis Dan Lezat

Pustaka Kartini, Jakarta.

Bonus Masakan Kartini no 472


Lezat Nikmat Menyambut Tahun Baru

Pustaka Kartini, Jakarta.

Bonus Masakan Kartini no 466


Aneka Roll Cake

Pustaka Kartini, Jakarta.

Bonus Masakan Kartini no 464


Hidangan Untuk Menyambut Tamu KTT Nonblok

Pustaka Kartini, Jakarta.

Bonus Masakan Kartini no 463


Serba Merah Putih di Hari Proklamsi

Pustaka Kartini, Jakarta.


Hlm 1762 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Bonus Masakan Kartini no 462


Lezatnya Hidangan Yang Serba Gulung

Pustaka Kartini, Jakarta.

Bonus Masakan Kartini no 459


Aneka Masakan Khas Betawi

Pustaka Kartini, Jakarta.

Bonus Masakan Kartini no 458


Lezat Nyaman Menyambut Idhul Qurban

Bonus Masakan Kartini no 456


Yang Sedap Dari Ikan Asin

Pustaka Kartini, Jakarta.

Bonus Masakan kartini no 454


Yang Khas Dari 'Kartini' Masa Kini

Pustaka Kartini, Jakarta.

Bonus Masakan Kartini no 453


Aneka Tahu, Murah, Meriah, Bergizi

Pustaka Kartini, Jakarta.

Bonus Masakan Kartini No 447


Menu Ringan Bergizi Bagi Yang Tidak Sarapan Nasi

Pustaka Kartini, Jakarta

Bonus Masakan Kartini no 440


Hidangan Dari Maluku

Pustaka Kartini, Jakarta.

Bonus Masakan Kartini no 438


Soon Dalam Selera

Pustaka Kartini, Jakarta.

Bonus Masakan Kartini no 437


Menu Kegemaran Proklamator Kita

Pustaka Kartini, Jakarta.

Bonus Masakan Kartini no 432


Hidangan Lezat Menyambut Idul Qurban

Pustaka Kartini, Jakarta.

Bonus Masakan Kartini no 431


Sate Yang Serba Ditusuk

Pustaka Kartini, Jakarta.

Bonus Masakan Kartini no 429


Variasi Menu Sehari-hari

Pustaka Kartini, Jakarta.

Bonus Masakan Kartini no 426


Menu Untuk Sahur Dan Buka Puasa

Pustaka Kartini, Jakarta.

Bonus Masakan Kartini no 425


Aneka Hidangan Dari Mie, Resep Kreasi Para Juara Festival Mie

Pustaka Kartini, Jakarta.

Bonus Masakan Kartini no 424


Aneka Penganan Untuk Suguhan

Pustaka Kartini, Jakarta.

Bonus Masakan Kartini 448


Variasi Menu Siang Hari

Pustaka Kartini, Jakarta.

Bonus Masakan Kartini 442


Yang Lezat Dari Gorontalo

Pustaka Kartini, Jakarta.

Bonus Majalah Sarinah no 224


Yang Segar Menggugah Selera

Majalah Sarinah, Jakarta.

Bonus Majalah Sarinah no 172


Hidangan Idulfitri

Majalah Sarinah, Jakarta.

Blast protocols. Molecular Plant Pathol-ogy.


Blast protocols. Molecular Plant Pathol-ogy.



Hlm 1763 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Bivalve seashells of the Red Sea

Oliver, G.P.

Verlag Crista Hemmen, Nat. Mus. of Wales, Cardiff, 320pp

Biotechnology : A textbook of industrial microbiology

Crueger. W.

Biotechnology : A textbook of industrial microbiology

Sinauer Associates Inc., Sunderland.

BIOSYS : A Computer Program for the Analysis of Allelic Variation in Population Genetic and Ssyslematics.

Swofford, D.L.

Release 1.7 Illinois.

University of Illinois.

Biostatistical Analysis.

Zar, J.H.

Biostatistical Analysis.

Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 620 pp.

Biostatistical Analysis, 3rd Edn.

Zar, J.H.

Biostatistical Analysis, 3rd Edn.

Prentice Hall, New Jersey,

Biostatistical analysis

Zar, J.L.

Biostatistical analysis

Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 662 p.

Biostatistical analysis

Zar, J.E.

Biostatistical analysis

Prentice Hall, New Jersey. 662 p.

Biostatistical analysis


Biostatistical analysis

Prentice Hall, New Jearsey. 662 p.

Biostatistic Analysis 3 rd ed Biosintesis Produk Alami

Zar, J.H. Manitto, O.

Biostatistic Analysis 3 rd ed Biosintesis Produk Alami

Prentice Hall Int. Inc. IKIP Semarang Press. 597 hal.

Bioreactors in Biotechnology.

Scragg, A.H.

A Practical Approach.

Ellis Horwood Limited.

Biomonitoring Water Environment Research. Vol. 68, No. 4, hal. 801.

Lange, C.R.,

Biomonitoring Water Environment Research. Vol. 68, No. 4, hal. 801.

Biometry: The Prinnciple and Practice of Statistics in Biological Researchs. 2nd Edition.

Sokal, R.R

Biometry: The Prinnciple and Practice of Statistics in Biological Researchs. 2nd Edition.

San Francisco. W.H.Freeman & Co., 859 pp.

Biometry. 2nd Ed.

Sokal. R.R.

Biometry. 2nd Ed.

W.H. Freeman and Co.. New York.


Sokal, R.R.

The principles and practice of statistics in biological research.

Freeman and Company. San Fransisco. 859PP.


Sokal. R.R.


Freeman. San Francisco. Ca. 859 pp.


Sokal, R.R.


Freeman and Co. San Fransisco Calif. 776 pp.



Hlm 1764 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku



Sokal R.R.


W. H. Freeman and Company. Second Edition. New York. p. 293300.


Sokal, R.R.


Freeman and Co. San Francisco. California. 776 pp.

Biometry, beaks and food habits of Uroteuthis bartschi Rehder in East Indonesian seas

Ghofar, A.

Biometry, beaks and food habits of Uroteuthis bartschi Rehder in East Indonesian seas (in press).

Biometry (2nd edition 1981)

Sokal, R.R.

Biometry (2nd edition 1981)


Badoaux, D.M

In Getty Sisson an d Grossman's The Anatomy of The Domestic Animal 5th ed.

Biology of spiders.

Foelix, R.F.,

Biology of spiders.

Harvard Univ. Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England. 306 p.

Biology of Seagrass

Larkum, A.W.D.

Biology of Seagrass

Elsevier. Amsterdam. 378 p.

Biology of Plants.

Raven, Evert

Biology of Plants.

Worth Publisher Inc. New York.

Biology of Milkfish (Chanos chanos)

Bagarianao, T.U.

Biology of Milkfish (Chanos chanos)

Aquacultur Department South East Asean Fisheries Development Centre. Tigbaun. lloilo, Philippines

Biology of Milkfish (Chanos chanos)

Bagarinao, T. U.

Biology of Milkfish (Chanos chanos)

Aquaculture Department society. East Asian Fisheries Development Center. Tigbaulan. llo Ilo. Philiphines

Biology of Microorganisms

Brock. T. D.

Biology of Microorganisms

6 th Prentice Hall Englewood Cliff. New Jersey. Pp. 361-362.

Biology of intertidal animals. 1st edition

Newell, R.C.

Biology of intertidal animals. 1st edition

EIek Books, Lond., 555 p.


San Fransisco, W.H., Freeman and Company, 859p.

Hlm 1765 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Biology Laut Suatu pendekatan Ekologis. diedit Eidman, M.Koesoebiono,Bengen, Hutomo dan Sukardjo

Nybakken. J.W.

Suatu pendekatan Ekologis. diedit Eidman, M.Koesoebiono,Bengen, Hutomo dan Sukardjo

Gramedia, Jakarta.

Biological Variation in Ecological Genetics

Merell, D.J.

Biological Variation in Ecological Genetics

Longmann, London. Pg. 46-49.

Biological Transformation Processes of Pesticides, p. 169211

Bollag, J.M.

Cheng, H.H.(ed.) Pesticides in the soil Environment : Processes, impact, and Modeling. Soil. Sci. Soc. Of America, inc., Maison. Wisconsin, USA

Biological Oceanographic Processes

Parsons. T. R.

Biological Oceanographic Processes

Pergamon Press. Oxford. 332 pp.

Biological Monitoring for Environmental Effects.

Worff, D.L.,

Biological Monitoring for Environmental Effects.

Lexington Books, Toronto.

Biological Indicators of Pollution

Wilm, J.I.

Whitton, B.A. (eds) : River Ecology

Blackwell Sci. Publ. Pp. 45-49.

Biological Foundation of Behavior: An Integrative Approach

Leger DW

Biological Foundation of Behavior: An Integrative Approach

Harper Collins Publisher.pp.226

Biological Controll of Microbial Plant Pathogens

Camptbell. R.

Biological Controll of Microbial Plant Pathogens

Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge.

Biological Control: Parasites and Predators, p, 288-297

Doutt, R.L.

Anonim, Pest and Strategies in the future.

National Academy of Science Washington D,C

Biological Control Pacific Prospects

Waterhouse, D.f.

Biological Control Pacific Prospects

Inkata Press, Melbourne. 454 p,

Biological Control of Fusarium Wilts: Opportunities for Developing A Commercial Product, p. 192-212

Alabouvette, C.

Hall, R (ed.). Principles and Practice of Managing Soilborne Plant Pathogens

APS Press, Minnesota.

Biological benefits of carotenoids: Astaxanthin

Kurmaly, K.

Roche Aquaculture Far East, Bangkok, 21 p

Biological Assays for Screening of Marine Samples

Concepcion G. P.

Second Marine Natural Product Workshop. Marine Science Institute an Institute of Chemistry

University of the Philippines. Diliman, Quezon City 15-18 hal.

Biologi Reproduksi Ikan Bandeng (Chanos chanos Forskall)

Priyono. A

Biologi Reproduksi Ikan Bandeng (Chanos chanos Forskall)

Sub Balai Penelitian Budidaya Pantai, Gondol, Bali


Hlm 1766 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Biologi Reproduksi Ikan Bandeng (Chanos chanos Forskal)

Priyono, A.

Biologi Reproduksi Ikan Bandeng (Chanos chanos Forskal)

Sub Balai Penelitian Budidaya Pantai, Gondol Bali.

Biologi Perikanan (Bag. Natural History)

Effendi, M.

Biologi Perikanan (Bag. Natural History)

Fakultas Perikanan IPB. Bogor.

Biologi Perikanan

Effendi, M.I.

Biologi Perikanan

Fakultas Perikanan, Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Biologi Laut: Suatu pendekatan ekologis

Nybakken, J.W.

Diterjemahkan oleh M. Eidman, Koesbiono, D.G. Bengen, M. Hutomo dan S. Sukardjo

Gramedia, Jakarta, 459 hal.

Biologi Laut. Suatu Pendekatan Ekologis

Nybakken, I.W.

Biologi Laut. Suatu Pendekatan Ekologis

Gramedia. Jakarta. 443 hlm. (Diterjemahkan oleh M. Eidmann, et al).

Biologi Laut, Suatu Pendekatan Ekologi

Nybakken, J.W.

Biologi Laut, Suatu Pendekatan Ekologi

PT Gramedia, Jakarta.

Biologi laut suatu pendekatan ekologis

Nybaken, J.W.

Diterjemahkan oleh Eidman, Koesoebiono, D.G. Bengen, M. Hutomo dan S. Sukarjo

Gramedia, Jakarta, 459 hal.

Biologi Konservasi

Primack, R.B.

Biologi Konservasi

Yayasan Obor Indonesia, Jakarta, hal. 95-105.

Biologi dan Biokimia Peruraian Bahan Organik


Bahan Kuliah,

Program Pasca Sarjana. Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta


Judoamidjojo, R.M.


IPB Press. Pep. Pen & Keb. Dirk. Jend. Pend. Tinggi. PAU bioteknologi IPB. 58 hal.

Biokimia Nutrisi dan Pmetabolisme.

Linder, M.C.,

Biokimia Nutrisi dan Pmetabolisme.

Penerbit Ul Press, Jakarta.

Biokimia Nutrisi (Vitamin). Edisi 1

Prawirokusumo, S.

Biokimia Nutrisi (Vitamin). Edisi 1

BPFE. Yogyakarta. P 97.

Biokimia (Harper: Review of Biochemistry). Edisi 19. Alih Bahasa: Dharma, A. dan Kurniawan, A.S. EGC

Martin, D.W.,

Biokimia (Harper: Review of Biochemistry). Edisi 19. Alih Bahasa: Dharma, A. dan Kurniawan, A.S. EGC

Penerbit Buku Kedokteran. Jakarta, p. 497-513.

Bioindicators and Environmental Management.

Jeffrey, D.W.,

Bioindicators and Environmental Management.

Academic Press London.


Hlm 1767 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Biofertilizer in Agriculture

Rao, N.S.S.

Biofertilizer in Agriculture

Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. New Delhi.

Biofermentasi dan Biosintesa Protein

Winamo, F.G.

Biofermentasi dan Biosintesa Protein

Angkasa, Bandung.


Devisaquet, J


Airlangga University Press.Surabaya.

Bioenergetics and growth with special reference to eficiency complex in domestic: animals


Bioenergetics and growth with special reference to eficiency complex in domestic: animals

Collier-MacMillan Publ. London.

BIODYNEX: Biology, Dynamics, Exploitation of the Small Pelagic Fishes in the Java Sea.

Potier, M.

BIODYNEX: Biology, Dynamics, Exploitation of the Small Pelagic Fishes in the Java Sea.

AARD/ORSTOM. 281 pp.

Biochemistry. The Molecular Basis of Cell Structure and Functions. 2nd edition.

Lehninger, A.L.

Biochemistry. The Molecular Basis of Cell Structure and Functions. 2nd edition.

The John Hopkins University, School of Medicine. Kalyani Publishers, Ludiana, New Delhi.

Biochemistry. 1st ed.

Southerland W. M.

Biochemistry. 1st ed.

Churchill Livingstone Inc pp. 149 -151.

Biochemistry of foods

Eskin, N.A.M.

Biochemistry of foods

New York, Academic Press.

Biochemistry of Food.

Eskm N.A.M,

Biochemistry of Food.

Academic Press. New York.

Biochemical systematic and evolution.

Ferguson, A.

Biochemical systematic and evolution.

Blackie, London, 194pp.

Biochemical genetics and adaptation molluscs

Koehn, R.K.

Vol. 2 (Ed. P.W. Hocha Chka), pp. 305-330.

New York: Academic Press.

Biochemical genetic studies in fishes: Potentialities and limitation.

Utter, F.,

In: Malins, D.C. and Sargent, J.R. (Eds.). Biochemical and Biophysical Perspectives in Marine Biology.

Academic press, New York, p. 213-238

Bioavailable phosphate sediment atn Cleveland Bay


Marine Chemistry Group,

James Cook University of North Queensland, TownsviIIe-Australia

Bioavailable phosphate sediment at Cleveland Bay


Bioavailable phosphate sediment at Cleveland Bay

Marine Chemistry Group, James Cook University of North Queensland, TownsviIIe-Australia.


Hlm 1768 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Binatang Parasit

Kadarsan, S.

Binatang Parasit

Lembaga Bioiogi Nasional-LlPI

Bibliografi Beranorasi Tentang Masalah Geologi Wilayah Pesisir dan Pulau di Indonesia

Ongkosongo. O S.R

Bibliografi Beranorasi Tentang Masalah Geologi Wilayah Pesisir dan Pulau di Indonesia

Lembaga Oseanologi Nasional - LIPI. Jakarta

Biaya dan Pendapatan Usahatani.

Soedarsono, H.,

Biaya dan Pendapatan Usahatani.

Departemen Ekonomi Pertanian UGM, Yogyakarta.

Biaya Dan Pendapatan di dalam Usahatani

Hadisapoetro, S.

Biaya Dan Pendapatan di dalam Usahatani

Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Fakultas Pertanian UGM, Yogyakarta.

Beternak Kelinci Idaman

Sumoprastowo, R.M

Beternak Kelinci Idaman

Penerbit Bhatara Karya Aksara, Jakarta.

Beternak Ayam Pedaging

Rasyaf, M

Beternak Ayam Pedaging

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta

Beternak Ayam dan Itik.

Djanah, D

Beternak Ayam dan Itik.

CV. Yasaguna, Jakarta.

Beternak Lebah Madu Modern.

Sumoprastowo. R M

Beternak Lebah Madu Modern.

Penerbit BhrataraJakarta.

Betemak Ayam Pedaging.

Rasyaf, M.

Betemak Ayam Pedaging.

Penerbit PT. Swadaya, Jakarta .

Bertanam Kelapa Hibrida.

Suhardiman, P.,

Bertanam Kelapa Hibrida.

Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.

Bertanam Buah-buahan.


Bertanam Buah-buahan.

Penerbit PT. Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.

Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology. 8th Ed.

Buchanan, R.E.

Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology. 8th Ed.

Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore.

Bergeys Manual Determinative Bacteriology, ninth edition

Holt, J.G.

William K. Henskyl (eds). William and Wilkins Baltimore 787 p

Bergery's Manual ot Systematic Bacteriology

Krieg N.R.

Bergery's Manual ot Systematic Bacteriology

Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore

Bercocok Tanaman Keras.

Soetedjo, R.

Bercocok Tanaman Keras.

PT. Soeroengan. Jakarta.


Hlm 1769 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Bercocok tanam padi

Sudarsono, D.

Bercocok tanam padi

Proyek Penyuluhan Pertanian Tanaman Pangan bekerja sama dengan Lembaga Pusat Peneltian Pertanian, Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta.

Bercocok tanam kayumanis.

BPTP Gedong Johor.

Liptan 195/51,

BPTP Gedong Johor, Medan.

Berbagai Pengolahan Produk Makanan dari Kedelai


kedelai S. Somaatmadja, M. Ismunadji, Sumarno, M. Syam, S.O. Manurung dan Yuswadi (Eds)

Puslitbangtan, Bogor. Hal 441-469.

Berbagai laporan tentang Penelitian / Pembinaan Tata Air Dalam Bentuk Petak Tersier Percontohan di berbagai unit sistem skeme rawa pasang Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Selatan dan Kalimantan Tengah. Proyek Pembukaan Persawahan Pasang Surut


Berbagai laporan tentang Penelitian / Pembinaan Tata Air Dalam Bentuk Petak Tersier Percontohan di berbagai unit sistem skeme rawa pasang Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Selatan dan Kalimantan Tengah. Proyek Pembukaan Persawahan Pasang Surut

DitJen Pengairan, Dep. Pekerjaan Umum, Jakarta bckerjasama dengan Test-Farm UGM.

Benthic Macroinvertebrate of water Quality

Lee, C.D

E.A.R. Quano, B.N. Lohani and Thanh (eds) : Water Pollution Control in Developing Countries.

The Asian Institute of Technology. Bangkok. p. 412

Benthic Macroinvertebrate Community of Estuarine Waters of West Bengal, India

Datta, N.C.

Thompson, M. F., R. Sarojini, and R. Nagabhushanam (Eds) . Biology of Benthic Marine Organisms,

A. A. Balkema/ Rotterdam. India, pp. 247256

Benthic macroinvertebrate and fish as biological indicator of water reference to community diversity index

Lee, C.D.

Guano (Ed) Water pollution control In developing countries. Vol. I. Int. Conf. Water. Poll. Cont Dev. Count., Bangkok

Bekicot, budidaya dan pemanfaatannya.

Beng, A,

Bekicot, budidaya dan pemanfaatannya.

P.T. Penebar Swadaya, 46 hal.

Bekicot (Achatina fulica) sebagai hospes perantara cacing Angiostrongylus di Kotamadya Surabaya

Subagyo Y. Machfudz

Bekicot (Achatina fulica) sebagai hospes perantara cacing Angiostrongylus di Kotamadya Surabaya

Lemlit Unair, Surabaya, hal 25


Hlm 1770 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Bekicot (Achatina fulica) sebagai hospes perantara cacing Angiostrongylus di Kotamadya Surabaya

Subagyo Y

Bekicot (Achatina fulica) sebagai hospes perantara cacing Angiostrongylus di Kotamadya Surabaya

Lemlit Unair Surabaya.25hal

Bekasam ikan mas

Murtini, IT,

Kumpulan hasil-hasil penelitian pascapanen perikanan Ed. Suparno, S.Nasran dan E.Setiabudi,

Puslitbangkan, Jakarta. Hal 135-136

Bee Beekeeping Honey and Pollination.

Goymerac, W.L.

Bee Beekeeping Honey and Pollination.

University of Wisconsin AVI Publishing, London

Beberapa Usaha Pengawetan Nira Aren.

Sukriya, D.H.,

Beberapa Usaha Pengawetan Nira Aren.

Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian IPB, Bogor.

Beberapa catatan mengenal rajungan dari Teluk Jakarta dan Pulau Seribu

Moosa, M.K.

Burhanuddin, dkk. (Eds.). Sumber Daya Hayati Bahari.

LON-LIPI, Jakarta

Beberapa catatan mengenai fauna ekhinodermata dari Lombok

Aziz, A.

Pengembangan dan Pemanfaatan Potensi Kelautan : Potensi Biota Teknik Budidaya, dan Kualitas Perairan, (D. P. Praseno W.S. Atmadja I. Supangat. Rujitno, B.S Soedbjo. Eds.)

Puslitbang Oseanologi LIPI, Jakarta : 43 – 50

Beberapa Cara Aplikasi Jamur yang Menyerang Hama Padi

Hendarudin, W.

LaboratoriumPHPTP Madiun,12 hlm

Beberapa Aspek yang Mempengaruhi Daya Awet Ikan Asap.


Teknis Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan Mutu HasiI Perikanan. No. 12 thn. V.

Beberapa aspek ekologi fauna ekhinodermata di rataan terumbu Pulau Menjangan, Bali

Triana, C.

Bawang Daun. Batas Maximum Cemaran Mikroba dan Batas Maksimum Residu dalam Bahan Makanan Asal Hewan

Rukmana, R., Anonymous

Bawang Daun. Batas Maximum Cemaran Mikroba dan Batas Maksimum Residu dalam Bahan Makanan Asal Hewan

Kanisius. Yogyakarta. Dewan Standardisasi NasionaI Indonesia, hal 512.

Basic Microbiology. 7th ed.

Volk W A.

Basic Microbiology. 7th ed.

harper and Collins Publisher.p. 74.


Lingkungan dan Pembangunan

Hlm 1771 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Basic Immunology Workshop.

Adams, A.

Basic Immunology Workshop.

The Aquatic Animal Health Research Institute, Bangkok, Thailand, p. 44.

Basic food chemistry. 2nd ed.

Lee, F.A.

Basic food chemistry. 2nd ed.

The Avi Pub. Co. Inc., Westport Connecticut, 564 p.

Basic Control Systems Engineering. 1st edition


Basic Control Systems Engineering. 1st edition

Prentice Hall International, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Basic Control Systems Engineering


Basic Control Systems Engineering

1st edition. Prentice Hall International, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Basic Coastal Engineering

Sorensen, R.M.

Basic Coastal Engineering

John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 226 p.

Basic Coastal Engineering

Sorensen, R.M

Basic Coastal Engineering

John Wiley &. Sons, Inc., New York, 226 pp.

Basic Coastal Engineering

Sorensen, R.M.

Basic Coastal Engineering

John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 226 pp.

Barrier Properties of Polymer films in Science and Technology of Polymer films

Bixler, H.J.

Barrier Properties of Polymer films in Science and Technology of Polymer films

Interscience, New York

Bandeng presto


Kumpulan Hasil Penelitian Teknologi Pasca Panen Perikanan

Jakarta, Balai Penelitian Teknik Perikanan.

Bandeng presto


Kumpulan Hasil Penelitian Teknologi Pasca Panen Perikanan

Jakarta, Balai Penelitian Teknik Perikanan.

Baku Mutu Lingkungan Hidup.


Baku Mutu Lingkungan Hidup.

Kantor Menteri Negara Kependudukan dan Lingkungan Hidup. Jakarta.

Baku Mutu Air Laut untuk Biota Laut (Budidaya Perikanan)

Dirjen Perikanan RI

Baku Mutu Air Laut untuk Biota Laut (Budidaya Perikanan)

Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta, 1-30.

Bakery Technology and Engineering.

Matz, S.A.

Bakery Technology and Engineering.

The AVI Publishing Co, Inc. Westport, Connecticut


Hlm 1772 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku

Baitfish stock assessment using the egg production method: an application on the Hawaiian anchovy or Nehu (Encrasicholina purpurea).

Somerton, D.A.

In Blaber, S.J.M and Copland, J.W. (eds.). Tuna baitfish in the Indo-Pacific region. ACIAR Proceedings 30: 152-158.

Bahan Pelajaran Proses Anaerobik Dalam Pengolahan Air Buangan Industri,

Syafila, M.

Bahan Pelajaran Proses Anaerobik Dalam Pengolahan Air Buangan Industri,

Pusat Antar Universitas Bioteknologi. Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Bahan Pangan Hasil Fermentasi. Food and Nutrition Culture Collection (FNCC)

Rahayu E.S.R

Bahan Pangan Hasil Fermentasi. Food and Nutrition Culture Collection (FNCC)

Pusat Antar Universitas Pangan dan Gizi Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta.

Bahan makanan campuran untuk golongan rawan


Bahan makanan campuran untuk golongan rawan

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Gizi. Bogor.

Baculoviruses (Baculoviridae), p. 3-9

Summers, M.D.

Maramorosch, K. (ed.) The Atlas of Insect and Plant Viruses

Acad. Press, New York.

Baculovirus Expression Vector. A Laboratory Manual

O’Reilly, D.R.

Baculovirus Expression Vector. A Laboratory Manual

Oxford Univ. Press, New York.

Baculovirus Expression Vectors, A Laboratory Manual

O’Reilly, D.R.

Baculovirus Expression Vectors, A Laboratory Manual

W.H. Freeman and Company, New York. 347 p.

Bacteriocin of lactic acid bacteria. In Ray, B. dan Daeschel, M.A. (Eds)

Daeschel, M.A.

Food biopreservatives of microbial origin

CRC Press. New York.

Bacteriocin and food aplications

Ekcner, K.F.

Dairy, Food and Environmental Sanitation, 4: 204-209

Bacterial starter cultures for foods

Gillialand, S.E.

Bacterial starter cultures for foods

CRC Press, Inc.

Bacterial Fish Pathogens: Disease in Farmed and Wild Fish. Second Edition

Austin, B.

Bacterial Fish Pathogens: Disease in Farmed and Wild Fish. Second Edition

Ellis Horwood Limited, Chichester, England. 383 p.

Bacterial Fish Pathogens, Disease in Farmed and Wild Fish.

Austin, B.

Bacterial fish pathogen: diseases in farmed and wild fish, 2nd edition

Austin, B.



John Willey & Sons, New York. Bacterial fish pathogen: diseases in farmed and wild fish, 2nd edition

Ellis Harwood, New York. 194-200.

Hlm 1773 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Bacterial diseases, catfish (lctaluridae)

Plumb, J.A.

Health maintenance of cultured fishes: Principal microbial diseases

CRC Press, Boca Raton: 135-160.

Bacterial Diseases of Nematode and Their Role in Controlling Nematode Populations. p. 263-279

Sayre, R.M.

Edwards, C.A., D. Stinner & S. Rabatin (Eds.) Biological Interaction in Soil. Elsevier, Tokyo

Background to the study sites in the bay Jakarta and Kep. Seribu

Ongkosongo, O.S.R.

Human Induced damage to the coral reefs. Unesco reports in Mar. Sci. vol 40.

Awas, Ulat Grayak Ada Dimanamana.


Berita Entomologi No. 1 Mei 1984. Media Komunikasi antar Anggota.

Avian Physiology, 6th Ed

Sturkie, P.D.

Avian Physiology, 6th Ed

Springer-Verlag, New York-Berlin.

Avian Physiology

Sturkie, P.C.

Avian Physiology

Springer Verlag, Inc. New York. NY.

Avian medicine and surgery. 1stEd.


Avian medicine and surgery. 1stEd.

Blackwell Scientific Publications. London. 102122.

Avian Medicine and Surgery. 1st Ed

Coles, R.H.

Avian Medicine and Surgery. 1st Ed

Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, London.

Avian Medicine and Surgery

Altman, R.B.

Avian Medicine and Surgery

W.B. Saunders Company, London 810812.

Automatic Control Systems. 7th edition

Kuo, B.C.

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Prentice Hall. Upper Saddle River. New Jersey.

Automatic Control Systems

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Atlernatrive Methods for the Control of Stored Product Insect Pests: A Bibliographyc Database

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Atlas Peta-peta Penelitian Potensi dan Tingkat Kesesuaian Lahan untuk Tanaman Mangga Daerah Propinsi D.I Aceh, Lampung dan Jawa Timur.


Atlas Peta-peta Penelitian Potensi dan Tingkat Kesesuaian Lahan untuk Tanaman Mangga Daerah Propinsi D.I Aceh, Lampung dan Jawa Timur.

Unesco workshop pub, Paris, p56-73

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Hlm 1774 dari 1800

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Assurance of Seafood Quality.

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FAO-UN. Rome

Association of Official Analysis Chemical: Offical Method Of Analysis


Association of Official Analysis Chemical: Offical Method Of Analysis

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Association between heterozygosity and growth rate variables in three western forest trees

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Isozymes of North American Trees and Forest insect (ed. M.T., Conkle) pp. 27-34

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Assignment of Vibrio sp. strain ABE-1 fo Coiwellia maris sp.nov.

Yumoto, I.

a new psychrophilic bacterium, Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol.48: 13571362

Assessment of pest and disease status of early growth of Shorea spp

Widyastuti, S.M.

Assessment of pest and disease status of early growth of Shorea spp

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Assays for insect Feeding

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Aspects of phosphorous pollution from aquaculture.

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Ascorbic acid

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Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, USA, pp.: 235-260.

Artificial lntelligence

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Artificial lntelligence

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Artificial Insemination of Cattle

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Artificial Insemination of Cattle

W.H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco and London. P 187-207.

Arthropods In Livestock and Poultry Production

Lancaster, J. L

Arthropods In Livestock and Poultry Production

Halsted Press: A Division Ot John Willeyand Sons. New York. pp. 91-99.

Artemia Production at the Perum Garam Industrial Saltworkin Madura Island.

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Artemia Production at the Perum Garam Industrial Saltwork in Madura Island.

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Aquaculture Engeneering

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Aquaculture and controlled eutrophication: photoautotrophic/heterotrophic interaction and water quality

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Approved Methods of the American Association of Cereal Chemists


Approved Methods of the American Association of Cereal Chemists

AACC Inc. St. Paul MN

Approved Methods of American Association of Cereal Chemists.

American Association of Cereal Chemists. AACC Inc. St. Paul, MN.

Approved Methods of American Association of Cereal Chemists.

Appraisal of the Marine Resource Evaluation and Planning Project (MREP) in Indonesia.


Appraisal of the Marine Resource Evaluation and Planning Project (MREP) in Indonesia.

Asian Development Bank. 73 pp.

Applied Regression Analysis: A Research Tool - 2nd edition.

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Applied Regression Analysis: A Research Tool - 2nd edition.

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Applied Pharmacology. Tenth Edition


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Applied Linear Regression, second edition.

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John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Applied Groundwater Modeling Simulation of flow and Advective Transport

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Applied Groundwater Modeling Simulation of flow and Advective Transport

Academic Press, Inc., London.

Applied Geomorphology.

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Applied Calculus with Linear Programming

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Prentice Hall. Englewood Cliff, New Jersey.

Applied Calculus with Linear Programming

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Application of gynogenetic technique on the purification of common carp.

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Application of enzymes for fish processing in Iceland: Present and future aspects.

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Application of antibody probes in the diagnosis and control of fish disease.

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Aquaculture and biotechnology Oxford and IBH publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, p. 1-12.

Application of a biochemical method for the estimation of amino acid needs in fish: Quantitative arginine requirements of rainbow trout in different salinities.

Kaushik, S.

In: Halver, J.E. and Tiews, K. (Eds.). Finfish Nutrition and Fish Feed Technology. Volume 1.

Heenemann Verlagsgesellsehaft MBH, Berlin p.197-207.

Anybodies. A Laboratory Manual


Anybodies. A Laboratory Manual

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Antimicrobial in Foods. Second edition Revised and Expanded

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Antimicrobial in Foods. Second edition Revised and Expanded

Marcel Decker Inc. New York

Antimicrobial Food Aditives Characteristic Uses, Effect. 2th revised and Enlarged edition

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Antimicrobial Food Aditives Characteristic Uses, Effect. 2th revised and Enlarged edition

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Antibodies. A Laboratory Manual

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Antibodies. A Laboratory Manual

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Antibiotics: Assessment of Antimicrobial Activity and Resistance

Russell A.D.

Antibiotics: Assessment of Antimicrobial Activity and Resistance

Academic Press, Inc.

Antibacterial Effects of Spices on Fermented Meat

Darmadji, P.

The Scientific Reports of The Faculty of Agriculture Okayama Univ. 83(1): 9-15

Anthropogenic influences onTyne estuary flounder

Gill, M.E

Anthropogenic influences onTyne estuary flounder

(In press)

ANSWERS (Area Nonpo'mt Soiirce Watershed Envlronment Response Simulation)

Beasly, D.B.

ANSWERS (Area Nonpo'mt Soiirce Watershed Envlronment Response Simulation)

Agricultural Engineering Department, Purdue University, Indiana, USA.

ANSWERS (Area Nonpoint Source Watershed Environment Response Simulation)

Beasly D.B.

ANSWERS (Area Nonpoint Source Watershed Environment Response Simulation)

Agricultural Engineering Department, Purdue University, Indiana, USA.

ANSWERS (Area Nonpoint Source Watershed Environment Response Simulation)

Beasly D.B

ANSWERS (Area Nonpoint Source Watershed Environment Response Simulation)

Agricultural Engineering Department, Purdue University, Indiana, USA.

Annual fisheries statistics

Fisheries Service of South Sumatra.

Annual fisheries statistics

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Animal Nutrition, 6th Edition

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Animal Nutrition, 6th Edition

McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 613 pp.

Animal Growth and Nutrition

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Animal Growth and Nutrition

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Animal Ecology.

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Animal Ecology.

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Animal Cytology and Evolution, 3rd ed.

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Angtosirongyliasis and Eosinophilic meningitis in Taiwan: A review

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Studies on Angiostrongyliasis in Eastern Asia and Australia.

A Special Pub. U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit No.2, Taipei, 57-73

Angka kecukupan gizi yang dianjurkan


Risalah Widyakarya Pangan dan Gizi

LIPI, Jakarta.


Hlm 1779 dari 1800

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Angiostrongyliasis in Indonesia: A Review. Studies on Angiostrongyliasis in Eastern Asia and Australia

Carney, W.P.

A special Pub.U.S.Naval Med.Res.Unit No 2, Taipei:14-25

Angiostrongyliasis in Indonesia. A review

Carney W P

Studies on Angiastrongyliasis in Eastern Asia and Australia.

Angiostrongyliasis and Eosinophilic meningitis in Taiwan : A review. Studies on Angiostrongyliasis in Eastern Asia and Australia

Chen, E R

A special Pub.U.S.Naval Med. Res. Unit No.2,Taipei:14-25

Aneka Tanaman Bahan Camcau

Etijo Pitojo

Aneka Tanaman Bahan Camcau

Kanisius, Yogyakarta.

Aneka Permasalahan Durian dan Pemecahannya

Sunarjono, H.

Aneka Permasalahan Durian dan Pemecahannya

Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta

Aneka Kue Kering


Aneka Kue Kering

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Andaliman Rempah Tradisional Sumut dengan Aktivitas Antioksidan dan Antimikroba.

Wijaya, C.H

Andaliman Rempah Tradisional Sumut dengan Aktivitas Antioksidan dan Antimikroba.

Anatomy Veteriner IV, Anatomi dan Fisologi Ayam. Bagian Anatomi Veteriner.

Tanudimadja, K.

Anatomy Veteriner IV, Anatomi dan Fisologi Ayam. Bagian Anatomi Veteriner.

Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Institut pertanian Bogor, Bogor.

Anatomy of The Dog

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Anatomy of The Dog

W.B Saunders Company. Philadelphia

Anatomy of seed plants. Second edition

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Anatomy of Seed Plants.

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John Willey and Sons. New York. 550 p.

Analytical Sedimentology

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Analytical Methods for Pesticides, Plant, Regulator Food Additives Vol. V

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Additional Principles & Methods Analysis

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Hlm 1780 dari 1800

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Analysis on the condition factor of the wild tropical oyster, Saccostrea cucullata in the Central Maluku Islands. Perairan Maluku dan Sekitarnya 8:1-13.

Wouthuyzen, S.

Analysis on the condition factor of the wild tropical oyster, Saccostrea cucullata in the Central Maluku Islands. Perairan Maluku dan Sekitarnya 8:1-13.

Analysis of smoke and smoked foods

Hamm, R.

Advances in smoking of foods. (A.Rutkowski, Ed,)

Oxford. Pergamon Press.

Analysis of Smoke and Smoked Foods

Hamm, R.

Pure and Appl Chem, vol. 49

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Analysis of characteristics of echinoderms associated with stress and disturbance

Lawrence, J.M.

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A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam

Analysis and Design of Information System

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Analysis and Design of Information System

McGraw-Hill Publishing Company.

Analisis Usaha Penangkapan Pancing Rawai di Juana Kabupaten Pati (Jawa Tengah).

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Analisis Sistem Terapan Berdasarkan Pendekatan Teknik Industri

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Analisis Sistem Terapan Berdasarkan Pendekatan Teknik Industri

Penerbit Tarsito Bandung.

Analisis Sistem terapan Berdasarkan Pendekatan Teknik Industri


Analisis Sistem terapan Berdasarkan Pendekatan Teknik Industri

Penerbit Tarsito, Bandung.

Analisis Produktivitas: Studi Kasus di PI Blabak Jawa Tengah

Rahayu, SM

Analisis Produktivitas: Studi Kasus di PI Blabak Jawa Tengah

Jurusan TIP, FTP UGM Yogyakarta.

Analisis Pengembangan Sistem Pendapatan Regional Propinsi Sulut.


Analisis Pengembangan Sistem Pendapatan Regional Propinsi Sulut.

Kerjasama Pekerjaan Umum Propinsi Sulut Unit Perencanaan dan Lembaga Penelitian Ekonomi dan Masyarakat Fakultas Ekonomi Unsrat Manado.

Analisis Mikroba di Laboratorium. Cetakan Pertama

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Analisis Mikroba di Laboratorium.

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Analisis Mikroba di Laboratorium.

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Hlm 1781 dari 1800

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Analisis Kebijakan Pengembangan Industri Tepung Ikan di Indonesia.

Nikijuluw, V.P.H.

Analisis Kebijakan Pengembangan Industri Tepung Ikan di Indonesia.

Pusat Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, 43 pp.

Analisis ekonomi dan distribusi pendapatan perikanan skala kecil di Pangandaran.

Basuki, R.,

J. Pen. Perikanan Laut, 51: 4558.

Analisa Ragam

Steel, R.G.D

Prinsip dan Procedure Statistika : Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik

P.T. Gramedia. Jakarta. p 68-205.

Analisa Pangan

Apriyantono A.

Analisa Pangan

PAU Pangan dan Gizi. IPB, Bogor.

Analisa Numerik pada Proses Pangan


Analisa Numerik pada Proses Pangan

Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi PAU Pangan dan Gizi, Bogor.

Analisa Mutu Pada Kakao Lindak. (Theohroma Cacao L.) Pada Beberapa Perlakuan Fermentasi


Analisa Mutu Pada Kakao Lindak. (Theohroma Cacao L.) Pada Beberapa Perlakuan Fermentasi

Pelita Perkebunan.

Analisa Kualitas Susu dan Daging


Analisa Kualitas Susu dan Daging

Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya. 2934, 58-59.

Analisa Kimia dan Mikrobiologis Hasil Perikanan


Analisa Kimia dan Mikrobiologis Hasil Perikanan

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Analisa Finansial Pengoperasian Traktor di Desa Mariuk, Kab. Subang, Jabar : Konsekuensi Mekanisasi Pertanian di Indonesia, hal 8997

Hurun, A. M.

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Analisa Ekonomi Pertanian. Analisa Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian. Ed. 1.

Bishop, G.E. Sudarmadji, S.

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PT. Mutiara. Jakarta. Liberty. Yogyakarta.


Hlm 1782 dari 1800

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Analisa Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian

Sudarmadji, S.

Analisa Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian

Penerbit Liberty bekerjasama dengan Pusat Antar Universitas Pangan dan Gizi Universitas Gadjah Mada.Yogyakarta.

Analisa Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian

Sudarmadji, S.

Analisa Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian

PAU Pangan dan gizi, Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta.

An Overview of Upland Rice in the World


An Overview of Upland Rice in the World

I.R.R.I. Los Banos, Lagune. Philippines.

An overview of the disease situation, diagnostic techniques, treatments and preventives used on shrimp farms in China,

Chen. D.

In “Diseases of Cultured Penaeid Shrimp in Asa and the United States” Eds by W. FuLks and K.L. Main.

The Oceanic Institute. P 47 - 55.

An overview of live feeds production systems in Singapore.

Lim, L.C.

W. Fulks and K.L. Ma(eds.). Rotifer and microalgae culture systems. Proceedings of a USAsia Workshop, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 28-31, 1991.

The Oceanic Institute, Honolulu, Hawaii. 203220.

An Investigation Of The Behaviour Of Phosphorous In The Marine Environment Townsville. Australia

Chriswell, R.

An Investigation Of The Behaviour Of Phosphorous In The Marine Environment Townsville. Australia

An Introduction to the Identification of Marine Flagellates

Throndsen, J.

An Introduction to the Identification of Marine Flagellates

International Phytoplankton Course. Napoli. 68pp

An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry. Second Edition

Plummer, D.T.

An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry. Second Edition

Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi. 362p.

An Introduction to Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis

Hames, B.D.

"Gel Eiectrophoresis of Protein. A Practical Approach". Hames, B.D. and Rickwood. (Eds)

IRL Press. Oxford, Washington DC. 1-86.

An Introduction to Marine Ecology

Barnes, R.S.K.

An Introduction to Marine Ecology

Blackwell Scientific Publication. London. 351 pp

An Introduction to Database Systems

Date, C.J.

An Introduction to Database Systems

Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Massachusetts.


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An Introduction to Biological Rhythms

Saunders, D.S.

An Introduction to Biological Rhythms

Blackie & Sons, Glasgow.

An Integrated System of Classification of Flowering Plants.

Cronquist, A.

An Integrated System of Classification of Flowering Plants.

Columbia University Press. New York.

An improved TBA test for rancidity.

Lemon, D.W.

New Series Circular No.51.

Halifax Laboratory, Fisheries and Marine Service, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. 2 pp.

An Improve Open Boundary Condition for a Tidal Model of Bass Strait dalam Numerical Modelling: Application to Marine Systems

Arnold, R.J.

An Improve Open Boundary Condition for a Tidal Model of Bass Strait dalam Numerical Modelling: Application to Marine Systems

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. NorthHolland, Noye J. (ed).

An illustrated Guide to Shrimp of the Word.

Dore, I.

An Osprey Book

Published by Van Nortrand Reinhold. NewYork. 229 p.

An evaluation of twelve genetic groups of catfish for suitability in commercial production.

Chappcll. J.A.

Tave, D. 1986. Genetics for Fish Hatchery Management.

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An evaluation of the production and use of a live bacterial isolate to manipulate the microbial flora in the commercial production of Penaeus vannamei postlarvae in Equador. p:53-59.

Garriques, D.

In: Browdy and Hopkins, J.S. (Eds). Through trouble water. Proceeding of the Special Session on Shrimp Farming Aquaculture '95.

World Aquaculture Society,Baton rouge, Lousiana USA.

An evaluation of the production and use of a live bacterial isolate to manipulate the microbial flora in the commercial production of Penaeus vannamei postlarvae in Ecuador.

Garriques, D.

In: C.L. Browdy and J.S. Hopkins (eds.). Swimming through troubled water. Proc. of the special session on shrimp farming, Aquaculture '95.

World Aquaculture Society, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA. p: 53-59.

An ecological study of red tides in the East China Sea

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Hlm 1784 dari 1800

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An Applied Approach

Bowerman, B.

Time Series and Forecating

Duxbury Press. North Scituate Massachusetts, USA,

An Analytical Framework for the Design of Autonomous,

Kok, R.

Enclosed AgroEco-system. Agricultural System 43: 235-260.

Ampas Tahu Sebagai Bahan Dasar Pembuatan Cookies Manis

Murdiati, A.


Ampas Tahu sebagai Bahan Dasar Peimbuatan Cookies Manis

Murdiati. A.

Ampas Tahu sebagai Bahan Dasar Peimbuatan Cookies Manis

Fakultas Teknologi Pcrtanian, UGM. Yogyakarta

Ampas Jambu Mete Dalam Beberapa Tingkat Penggunaannya Dengan Rumput Lapangan Pada Domba LokaL Jantan

Sudarsono, dkk.

Ampas Jambu Mete Dalam Beberapa Tingkat Penggunaannya Dengan Rumput Lapangan Pada Domba LokaL Jantan

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Peternakan Bogor.

Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins. Fa Food Chemistry 3rd edition. Feimema, O.R (Ed.).

Cheftel, J.C

Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins. Fa Food Chemistry 3rd edition. Feimema, O.R (Ed.).

Marcel Dekker Inc. New York. pp.245-369.

Amino acids and protein.

Wilson, R.P.

Halver, J.E. (ed.). Fish nutrition.

Academic Press, Inc., San Diego. 111-151.

Amino Acid Content as an Estimate of Protein Quality for Humans. In Digestibility and Amino Acid Availability in Cereals and Oilseeds.

Bodwell, C.E.

Finley, J.E., and D. T. Hopkins (Ed.). American Association of Cereal Chemists, inc. Minnesota. pp.1-14.

Amino acid analysis of protein hydrolyzates

Block, R.J.

Analytical method of protein chemistry, R. Alexander and R.J. Block, Eds., Vol. 2

Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1-56.

Alternative Local Organization Supporting the Agricultural Development of The Poor.


Alternative Local Organization Supporting the Agricultural Development of The Poor.

Institute of lnternational Studies (IIS) University of California, Berkeley.

Alteration of Autographa californiaca MNPV Host by Enhancing Factor (EF). In Press

Wijonarko. A.

Alteration of Autographa californiaca MNPV Host by Enhancing Factor (EF). In Press

Allozyme Electrophoresis.

Richardson, B.J.,

A Handbook for Animal Systematics and Population Studies


Academic Press, Australia. North Ryde, N.S.W. 2113 pp.

Hlm 1785 dari 1800

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Algal Physiology and Biochemistry.

Stewart, W.D.P.

Algal Physiology and Biochemistry.

Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, London, p 10-11, and 5862.

Algal Cultures and Phytoplankton Ecology.

Fogg, G.E.,

Algal Cultures and Phytoplankton Ecology.

The University or Wisconsin Press Ltd. London, England, Pp259.

Algal Cultures and Phytoplankton Ecology

Fogg, G.E.

Algal Cultures and Phytoplankton Ecology

The University of Winconsin Press. 175 pp.

Algal Culture From Laboratory To Pilot Plant.

Burlew J.S.

Algal Culture From Laboratory To Pilot Plant.

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Department of Biology, Michigan State University, Pubuque, Iowa, Germany. 956 pp.

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Air Pollution, The Effect of Air Pollution Vol II,

Academic Press, New York.

Air Pollution Technology.

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Air Pollution Technology.

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Air Pollution and Plant Life.

John Willey and Sons, New York.

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Published in the United States with John Willey and Sons Inc. New York.


Hlm 1786 dari 1800

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Agriculture Production Function

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Agriculture Production Function

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Agricultural Soil Mechanics


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Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

Agricultural Process Engineering.

Henderson, SM

Agricultural Process Engineering.

The AVI Publ. Co. Inc. Westport. Conn.

Agricultural Power and Machinery

Clinton O.

Agricultural Power and Machinery

Gregg Division, Mc GrawHill Book Company. New York.

Agricultural Insect Pests of the Tropics and Their Control. Second Edition.

Hill, D.S.,

Agricultural Insect Pests of the Tropics and Their Control. Second Edition.

Cambridge University Press. London, Great Britain.

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Agricultural effects on groundwater quality : Congressional Research Service, the Library of Congress, Washington, DC

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Agarose: Purification, Properties, and Biomedical Application

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Hlm 1787 dari 1800

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Aerial Photography and Image Interpretation for Resources Management.

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Aerial Photography and Image Interpretation for Resources Management.

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Advance in population breeding and its potential impact on the efficiency of breeding potatoes for developing countries. p 234246.

Mendoza, H.A.

In G.J. Jeelis and D.E. Richardson (Eds.) The Production of New Potato Varieties Technology Advances.

Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge.

Adsorption, Surface Area and Porosity,

Gregg, S.J.

Adsorption, Surface Area and Porosity,

Academic Press New York

Adat Istiadat Suku Bangsa Minahasa.

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Adat Istiadat Suku Bangsa Minahasa.

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Adat dan Hukum Adat Minahasa.

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Adat dan Hukum Adat Minahasa.

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Adaptiviness and Implication of small size in te-leost. /n. P.J. Miller (Eds.) Fish Phenology. Anabolic Adaptiviness in Teleost.

Acad. Press. London, p. 202-306.

Acidomic Fermentation of Corn Stover

Datta, R.

Biotechnology and Bioengineering, vol XXIII, 61- 71

Acid Sulphate Soils: A Baseline for Research and Development.

Dent, D.

ILRI Publ. 39.

International Institutions Land Redamation and Improvement, Wagenigen.

Acid Sulphate Soils : A Baseline for Research and Development

Dent, D

Acid Sulphate Soils : A Baseline for Research and Development

International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement (ILRI), Wageningen The Netherland

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A. Field Guide to Groupers of Southeast Asia.

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A. Course Manual in Nutrition and Growth


A. Course Manual in Nutrition and Growth

Hedges and Bell Pty. Ltd., Melbourne.

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Hlm 1788 dari 1800

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A World Bank Policy Papaer: Water Resources Management

The World Bank

A World Bank Policy Papaer: Water Resources Management

IBRD, Washington D.C.

A two phase photoperiodic response controlling the annual gametogenic cycle in Harmothoe imbricata (L.) (Polychaeta: Folynoidae)

Clark, S.

Invertebrate. Reproduction. Develoment., 14: 245-266

A Textbook of Entomology. Fourth Edition.

Ross, H.H.,

A Textbook of Entomology. Fourth Edition.

John Wiley and Sons, New York.

A Textbook of Animal Husbandry.5th Ed.

Banerjee, G.C.,

A Textbook of Animal Husbandry.5th Ed.

Oxford and IBH Publishing Co., Calcuta.

A study on the classification of the Korean Anthozoa 7. Scleractinia (Hexacorallia)

Song, J.I.

A study on the classification of the Korean Anthozoa 7. Scleractinia (Hexacorallia)

Natural history Museum, Ewha Wowont University, 25: 131-140

A review of the shrimp fisheries of India ; a scientific basis for the management of the resources.

Silas, E.G.,

In J.A.Gulland and B.J.Rothschild (Eds.). Penaeid shrimp - their biology and management.

Fishing News Books Limited. England, p. 104110.

A review of some major disease of economic significant on penaeid prawns/shrimp of the Americans and Indopacific.

Lightner, D.V..

Shariff, I. M.., R.P. Subasinghe, and R.J. Arthur (Eds.), Diseases Asian Aquaculture.

Fish Health Section, Asian Fisheries Society, Manila. Philippines. 5780.

A Review of High Pressure Liquid Chromatographic Methods for Measuring Nucleotide Degradation in Fish Muscle

Kennish, J.M.

Seafood Quality Determination (Ed) D.E. Kramer and J. Liston

Elsevier Publisher, Netherlands.

A review of cage fish culture and its application in Africa.

Coche, A.G.

Advances in aquaculture.

Fishing News Book Ltd. Famham Surry England. 428-441.

A reef under siltation stress

Cortes, J.

A Decade of Degradation CIMAR and Escuela de Biologia

Universidad de Costa Rica San Pedro, Costa Rica.

A Rating Scheme for Field Evaluation of Root-Knot Nematode Infestation.

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A Rating Scheme for Field Evaluation of Root-Knot Nematode Infestation.

PflanzenschutzNachrichten Bayer AG 24:141-144

A rating Scheme for Field Evaluation of Root-Knot Nematode Infestation

Zeck, M.W.

Pflanzenschutz-Nachrichten. Bayer AG.24: 141-144


Hlm 1789 dari 1800

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A procedure for oocyte aspiration.

Hill, B.R.

13rd Annual Convention American Embryo Transfer Association. p.5-6.

A practical handbook of seawater analysis

Strickland, J.D.H.

Fish. Res. BD. Canada. Ottawa, Bull. 167:310 pp

A note on the taxonomy of the edible green mussels Perna viridis

Tan, W.H.

A note on the taxonomy of the edible green mussels Perna viridis

Tan. W. H.

A note on the taxonomy of the edible green mussels Perna viridis

A non-occluded, systemic baculovirus that occurs in cells of ectodermal and mesodermal origin and causes high mortality IN the black tiger prawn Penaeus monodon.

Wongteerasupaya, C,

Dis.Aquat.Org., 21: /69-77.

A Monograph on the Polychaeta of southern Africa.

Day, J.H.

A Monograph on Spirulina Platensis Biotechnology and Application

Ventakaraman, L.V.

A Monograph on Spirulina Platensis Biotechnology and Application

Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore, India

A Modular Three-Dimensional Finite-Difference Ground-Water Flow Model

McDonald, M.G.

Reference Manual The Official U.S.G.S.

Modflow, United States Government Printing Office, Washington.

A Manual of Tropical Ruminant Nutrition & Feeding

Matthewman, R.

CTVM, Scotland-UK

A manual of Introductory Soil Science and Simple Soil Analysis Method

Reynold, S. G.

A manual of Introductory Soil Science and Simple Soil Analysis Method

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A Manual of Fresh water Algae.

Whitford. 1,.A.

A Manual of Fresh water Algae.

Universitets Bokhandelen. Sparks Press Raleigh. N.C. 324 pp.

A Manual of Chemical and Biological Methods for Seawater Analysis (3rd Ed)

Parson, T.R.

A Manual of Chemical and Biological Methods for Seawater Analysis (3rd Ed)

Pergamon Press Pic., U.K. 173 pp.



Dept of Zoology, University of Singapore, 14 pp. Dept of Zoology. University of Singapore, l4pp.

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Hlm 1790 dari 1800

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A manual of chemical and biological methods for seawater analysis

Parsons, T.R.

Pergammon Press, Oxford. 673 p

A maiayensis in Indonesia

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Southeast Asian J.Trop. Med. Pub. Hith. 7(3): 940-491

A Key to the Fresh and Brackish Water Gastropods. Scientific Publication No. 13, 4th edition,

Macan, T.T.

A Key to the Fresh and Brackish Water Gastropods. Scientific Publication No. 13, 4th edition,

Ambleside, Cumbria, Freshwater Biological Association. 44 pp.

A Handbook on Recirculating Systems for Aquatic Organism (1st Ed)

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A Handbook on Recirculating Systems for Aquatic Organism (1st Ed)

Fishing Industry Training Board of Tasmania Inc. Hobart, 72 pp

A handbook of shrimp pathology and diagnostic procedures for diseases of cultured penaeid shrimp. The World Aquaculture Society.

Lightner, D.V.

A handbook of shrimp pathology and diagnostic procedures for diseases of cultured penaeid shrimp.

The World Aquaculture Society.

A Handbook of shrimp pathology and diagnostic procedures for diseases of cultured penaeid shrimp.


A Handbook of shrimp pathology and diagnostic procedures for diseases of cultured penaeid shrimp.

World Aquaculture Society, Lausiana, USA. 305 pp.

A handbook of shrimp pathology and diagnostic procedure tor disease of cultured penaeid shrimp

Lightner, D.V.

The World Aquaculture Society. Baton Rouge, pp. 71-76

A handbook of normal penaeid shrimp Histology

Bell, T.A.

A handbook of normal penaeid shrimp Histology

World Aquaculture Society, Baton Rouge. p. 114

A handbook for the identification of cephalopod beaks

Clarke, M.R. (Ed.)

A handbook for the identification of cephalopod beaks

Oxford University Press. 273 pp

A handbook for The Identification of cephalopod beaks

Clarke, M.R. (ed.)

A handbook for The Identification of cephalopod beaks

Oxford University Press. 273pp.

A Guide to the Study of Freshwater Biology.

Needham, J.G.

A Guide to the Study of Freshwater Biology.

Holden-Day, Inc. San Francisco. 108 pp.

A Guide to the assessment of heavy metal contamination In estuaries using biological indicators

Bryan, G.F.W.

Occasional Publication of the Marine Biological Association of the Uniited Kingdoom, 4



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A guide to assesment of heavy metal contamination in estuaries using biological Indicator

Bryan, G,W.

Marine Biological Ass. UK. Occasional Pub. No. 4

A Generalized Theory of Sorption Phenimena in Biological Materials. Part II

Ngoddy, PO

Adsorption Compression on Sorbing Water Trans. Of the ASAE 15(6) : 1153-1159.1972

A Field Guide to Groupers of South East Asia.

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A Field Guide to Groupers of South East Asia.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perikanan. PHP/ KAN/PT. No. 141. /1990. Jakarta. 26 pp.

A Field Guide to Grouper at Southeast Asia.

Kohno. H,.

A Field Guide to Grouper at Southeast Asia.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perikanan. PHP/KAN/PT No. 14/1990. Jakarta. 26 pp.

A Dictionary of Plant Pathology.

Holliday, P.,

A Dictionary of Plant Pathology.

Cambridge Univ. Press, New York. 369 h.

A Coral Reef Handbook

Mather, P

A Guide to the fauna, flora and geology of Heron Island and adjacent reefs and cays, Handbook ser No 1. 2nd ed.

The Australian Coral Reef Society. Brisbane

A Comparison of Techniques for Determining the Amount of "By Pass" for Ruminants.

Djajanegara, A.

A Comparison of Techniques for Determining the Amount of "By Pass" for Ruminants.

Masters Sain Thesis, University of New England, Armidale, Australia.

A Colour Atlas ofPathogenic Fungi

Frey D

A Colour Atlas ofPathogenic Fungi

Wolfe Medical Publication Ltd.

A Basic Conception of Equilibrium Moisture Agr.Eng. 33. 24.


A Basic Conception of Equilibrium Moisture Agr.Eng. 33. 24.

1999 Recall Cases


Recall information center, FSISUSDA, Washington, D.C.

1998 Recall Cases


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1997 Recall Cases


Recall information center, FSISUSDA, Washington, D.C.



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1996 Recall Cases


Recall information center, FSISUSDA, Washington, D.C.

1995 Recall Cases


Recall information center, FSISUSDA, Washington, D.C.

“Pelagic Fish Schoals in The Java Sea. Java Sea Pelagic Fishery Assessment Project”

Nugroho, D.

The Pelfish Communications Given to the Forth Asian Fisheries Forum, 16-20 October 1995, Beijing,


. Studies on IPM Policy in SE Asia. Two centuries of Planti Protection in Indonesia. Malaysia and Thailand

Oudejans, J.H.M.

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Backhuys Publ.,Leiden. 316 p.

(Terjemahan: Kosasih Padmawinata dan Iwang Sudiro). Metode Fitokimia.

Harbone, J.B.

Penuntun Cara Modern Menganalisis tumbuhan.

ITB. Bandung.

(Eds.). On the Ecology of a Tropical Fish Community.

Piet, G.J.

(Eds.). On the Ecology of a Tropical Fish Community.

M.C. Escher/Cordon ArtBoarn-Holland. 189 pp.

(ed). Handbook of Indigenous Fermented Foods

Steinkraus. K.H.

(ed). Handbook of Indigenous Fermented Foods

Marcel Dekker Inc., New York.

(Ed). A profile of intestinal bacteria

Mitsuoka, T.

"Sashimi Maguro" (Sashimi tuna).

Tayama J.

"Sashimi Maguro" (Sashimi tuna).

Penerbit "Shadan Hojin Nihon Kyokai" ( Japan Self Tuna Association) 722-17 TOC Building Nishi -Gotanda Shinagawa -Ku Tokyo. Japan. 112-.

"Manfaat dan Kegunaan"

Alam, Sumber Kesehatan

"Manfaat dan Kegunaan"

Jakarta: Balai Pustaka, p. 163.

"Bipyridiliums" In Mode of Action of Herbicides

Ashton, F.M.

"Bipyridiliums" In Mode of Action of Herbicides

Wiley. New York.

Wood preservation: A guide to the meaning of terms.

Hickin, N.E.

Wood preservation: A guide to the meaning of terms.

Hutchinson and Co. Ltd. London

The spider fauna of Philippine dryland and wetland rice agroecosystem.

Barrion, AT.

The spider fauna of Philippine dryland and wetland rice agroecosystem.

Faculty of tha Graduate School, University of the Philippine at Los Banos Thesis 276 P.



Yakult Honska Co. Ltd. Japan.

Hlm 1793 dari 1800

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The Land Resources of Indonesia: A National Overview


Main Report Land Resources Department Natural Resources Institute, ODAPANKIM, DEPTRANS.

The effect of government policies on smallholder livelihood-An Indonesian study.

Smith, D.

The effect of government policies on smallholder livelihoodAn Indonesian study.


The Concept of Threshold Density in Insect Pathology: A Theoretical and Experimental Study on Tetranychus Neozygites Mycosis, p. 29-36.

Susilo, F.X.

Dalam Martono, E., E. Mahrub, N.S. Putra & Y. Trisetyawati (eds.) Prosiding Makalah Simposium Patologi Serangga I PEI Yogyakarta,

Fakultas Pertanian UGM, Pronas PHT BAPPENAS. Yogyakarta.

The Biology of Some Important Priniary, Secondary and Associated Species of Stored Products Coleoptera.

Sample, R.L.,

Southeast Asia Cooperative.

Post-Harvest Research and Development Programme, Laguna, Philipina.

Statistical Year-Book of Indonesia

CBS (Central Bureau of Statistics)

Statistical Year-Book of Indonesia

Social and Cultural Perspective in Nutrition

Sanjur, D.

Social and Cultural Perspective in Nutrition

Prentice Hall Inc., New York.

Small Animal Medical Therapeutics

Lorenz, M,D.

Small Animal Medical Therapeutics

J.B. Lippencott Co. Philadelphia p 446 – 450.

Small Animal Medical Diagnosis.2nd ed

Lorenz, M.D

Small Animal Medical Diagnosis.2nd ed

J.B. Lippincott Co. Philadelphia p. 498 – 500.

Sikap Manusia : Teori dan Pengukurannya - Edisi Kedua. Cetakan Ke-3

Azwar, S.

Sikap Manusia : Teori dan Pengukurannya - Edisi Kedua. Cetakan Ke-3

Pustaka Pelajar. Yogyakarta.

Reproduction of the Main Small Pelagic Species”. Biology, Dynamic, Exploitation of the Small Pelagic Fishes in the Java Sea

Atmaja, S.B.B.

Biodynex. Pp 69-84

Rancangan Standar Nasional Indonesia No 29 Untuk Durian


Rancangan Standar Nasional Indonesia No 29 Untuk Durian



CBS, Jakarta.

Dewan Standarisasi Nasional. Jakarta

Hlm 1794 dari 1800

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Quick Reference to Veterinary Medicine. 2nd.ed

Fenner, W.R

Quick Reference to Veterinary Medicine. 2nd.ed

J.B. Lippincott Co Philadelphia. p. 455-456

Program, Progres, Permasalahan dan Saran Tindak Lanjut Reboisasi dan Rehabilitasi Lahan

Departemen Kehutanan

Program, Progres, Permasalahan dan Saran Tindak Lanjut Reboisasi dan Rehabilitasi Lahan

Direktorat Jenderal Reboisasi dan Rehabilitasi Lahan. (Tidak dipublikasikan).

Prinsip-Prinsip Dasar Ekologi: Suatu Bahasan Tentang Kaidah Ekologi dan Penerapannya,

Heddy, S.

Prinsip-Prinsip Dasar Ekologi: Suatu Bahasan Tentang Kaidah Ekologi dan Penerapannya,

PT Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta.

Principle of Laboratory Animal Science

Zulphen, L.F.M.

Principle of Laboratory Animal Science

Elseiver, Amsterdam, London, New York and Tokyo, p. 17-26,

Practical Non-parametric Statistics. Second edition.

Conover, WJ

Practical Non-parametric Statistics. Second edition.

John Wiley and Sons, New York

Pmeliharaan Ikan dalam Keramba.

Asmawi, S

Pmeliharaan Ikan dalam Keramba.

PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.

Plant Breeding.

Halloran, G.M,

Plant Breeding.

Australian ViceChancellors Comittee. Poly-Graphics Pty-

Phytoplankton Pigments in Oceanography

Jeffrey, 5.W.

Monographs on Oceanographic Methodology

UNESCO. Paris, 661pp

Pertanian untuk masa depan: Pengantar Pertanian Masukan Luar Rendah (LEISA)

Reijntjes, C.,

Pertanian untuk masa depan: Pengantar Pertanian Masukan Luar Rendah (LEISA)

Kanisius Yogyakarta. 250 p,

Perbaikan Teknologi Proses Pembuatan Pengolahan Kerupuk Tapioka dan Modifikasi Peralatannya


Perbaikan Teknologi Proses Pembuatan Pengolahan Kerupuk Tapioka dan Modifikasi Peralatannya


Penyempurnaan Cara Pembuatan dan Penelitian Mutu Gula Aren Sumatera Utara.

Sagala M,

Penyempurnaan Cara Pembuatan dan Penelitian Mutu Gula Aren Sumatera Utara.

Departemen Perindustrian Balai penelitian Kimia Medan.

Pengendalian Hama Terpadu dan Implementasinya di Indonesia.

Oka, I.N.

Pengendalian Hama Terpadu dan Implementasinya di Indonesia.

Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta. 225 hal.


Hlm 1795 dari 1800

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Pengaruh jenis umpan terhadap hasil tangkapan ikan karang dengan menggunakan bubu kawat

Tangko, A.M.

Research Institute for Coastal Fisheries Report. 13 pp.

Pedoman Pengenalan dan Pengendalian Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman Kopi,

Pedoman Pengenalan dan Pengendalian Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman Kopi,

Departemen Pertanian Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan, Direktorat Perlindungan Tanaman Perkebunan. Jakarta.

The Oceanic Institute. p 57 -112

Occurrence, diagnosis and treatment of shrimp diseases in Thailand. Eds. by W. Fulks and K.L Main.

Flegel, T.W,

Occurrence, diagnosis and treatment of shrimp diseases in Thailand. Eds. by W. Fulks and K.L Main.

Monograph of Shallow-water Indowest Pacific Echinoderms Trustees Brit

Clark, AM.

Mus. (Nat. Hist.), London

Molds, Yeasts and Actinomycetes

Skinner, C.E.

Molds, Yeasts and Actinomycetes

Minitab statistical programme realease 10.2 for windows

Minitab Inc

Minitab statistical programme realease 10.2 for windows


Marketing Management Strategies and Programs

Peiczar, M.J,



John Wiley and Sons. Inc., New York. Mininitab Inc. USA.

Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co, Ltd. New Delhi.


Marketing Management Strategies and Programs

New York: Me Graw-Hill, Inc.

Fitt, W.K.

Menzel W (ed). Estuarine and Marine Bivalve Mollusk Culture

CRC Press Inc, Boca Raton Ann Arbor. Boston

Manual for the Identification of Medical Bacteria

Cowan S.T.

Manual for the Identification of Medical Bacteria

Cambridge at The University Press

Managemen Perkreditan. Major virus diseased of black tiger prawn Penaeus monodon in Thailand.

Moeljono. T. P. Flegel, T.W.

Managemen Perkreditan. In: New approaches to viral diseases of aquatic animal, NRIA International Workshop, National Research Institute of Aquaculture, Nansei, Mie Japan, pp 218-228.

BPFE Jogyakarta.

Maricultufe of giant clams

Introductory Nutrition



Introductory Nutrition

CV. Mosby Company Missouri.

Hlm 1796 dari 1800

Judul Artikel Hama Tanaman Perkebunan.

Penulis Utama Anonim.

Judul Buku Hama Tanaman Perkebunan.

Penerbit Kanwil Pertaniani Dati I, Sulawesi Utara. Manado.

Gelatinization of Starch and Mechanical Pioperties of Starch Pastcs

Zobef, H.F.

Starch Chemistry and technology. R.L. Whistler, J.N. Be Millcr and L.F. Paschall (eds)

Academic Press. Inc., Orlando.

Fundamentals of Veterinary Ophtalmology

Slatter, D.H

Fundamentals of Veterinary Ophtalmology

W.B. Saunders Co Philadelphia. p 143- 147, 455 - 460

Mangold, R.

Fieid Methods Guide. USDA Forest

Steenis, C.G.C.J.

Flora untuk Sekolah di Indonesia

Pradnyaparamita. Jakarta- 495 p,

Forest Health Monitoring Flora untuk Sekolah di Indonesia Fish and krill protein


Fish and krill protein

App. Sci. Pub. Ltd., England, 260 p

Essay in Applied Microbiology

Norris, J.R.

Essay in Applied Microbiology

John Wiley and Sons, New York.

Enzyme engineering: Immobilized biosystems

Gemeiner, P. (Ed)

Enzyme engineering: Immobilized biosystems

Ellis Horwood, New York.

Environmental Chemistry 5 th ed,

Manahan, S.E.

Environmental Chemistry 5 th ed,

LWEIS Publishers Michigan

Ecological methods with particular reference to the study of insects populations.

Southwood, T.R.E.

Ecological methods with particular reference to the study of insects populations.

The English Language. Book Society and Chapman and Hall 524 p.

Biostatiscal analysis

Zar, J.E.

Biostatiscal analysis

Prentice Hall, New Jaersey. 662 p.

Antimicrobics and Chemotherapy of Bacterial and Viral Infectious.

Piorde, J.J.

Medical Microbiology An Introduction to Infectious Diseases. Ryan, KJ (Editor) Third Edtion.

Prentice-Hall International Inc. London.

Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keuntungan Industri Kecil di Wilayah DIY

Pramono, R.

Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keuntungan Industri Kecil di Wilayah DIY

TIP-FTP UGM, Yogyakarta

Veterinary Ophthalmology 3rd° ed

Gelatt, K.N

Veterinary Ophthalmology 3rd° ed

Lippincott and Williams and Wilkins Co. Philadelphia p.630- 631.

Veterinary Drug Handbook 3rd ed

Plumb. D.C

Veterinary Drug Handbook 3rd ed

Iowa State University Press. Ames.


Hlm 1797 dari 1800

Judul Artikel

Penulis Utama

Judul Buku


Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia (4 Volume).

Heyne, K.

Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia (4 Volume).

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan. Departemen Kehutanan. Jakarta.

The uses of vaccines and immunosimulants in the culture of penaid shrimps

Latchford, J. W.

European Aquaculture Society. 24:506 - 511. Gent. Belgium

The five Minutes Veterinary Consult

Tilley, L-P

The five Minutes Veterinary Consult

Wllams and Wilkins Co. Baltimore. p. 630 – 631.

Teori Dasar Ultrasonik. Laboratorium Uji Konstruksi

Trisnobudi, A.

Teori Dasar Ultrasonik. Laboratorium Uji Konstruksi

BPP Teknologi

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Chapman and Hall, London. 524 p.

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