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Tinjauan proses pembuatan dan identifikasi karakteristik mutu "gula puan" dari susu kerbau rawa (bufelusus asiatikus) di...
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Judul Buku
Zooplankton Production.
Parsons, T.R.,
In “Fundamentals of Aquatic Ecosystem”. R.S.K. Banners dan K.H. Mann (Eds.).
Blackwell Scientific Publications, London, P: 84-102.
Zooplankton Production.
Parsons. T.R.
In R.S.K. Barnes dan K.H. Mann (Eds.). Fundamentals of Aquatic Ecosystem.
Blackwell Scientific Publications. London. P : 84 – 102.
Zinc. Halm. 261-279 Zinc Nutrition of oil palms & peat soil
Kiekens.L Singh, G
Heavy Metals in Soil Int. Oil Palm/Palm Oil Conf 738p
Blakie London Kuala Lumpur Mlysia
Zinc fertilization and behaviour in flooded soils. In: Fertility of Paddy Soils and Fertilizers Application for Rice
Mikkelson, D.S.
Zinc fertilization and behaviour in flooded soils. In: Fertility of Paddy Soils and Fertilizers Application for Rice.
Food and Technology Centre, ASPAC, Taiwan.
Zinc Deficiency Among Indonesian Children
Chilhood Malnutrition : Its Consequences and Management
Joint Between Departement Of Pediatrics Of Medicine, Sebelas Maret University and The Centre For Human Nutrition, University Of Sheffield UK
Zinc Zinc
Kieken.s L King. J.C
Heavy Metal In Soils Modern Nutrition In Health And Diseases
Blakie. London William & Wilkins Company. Baltimore
Sandstrom. B
Trace Elements In Human Nutrition And Health
World Health Organization, Geneva
Zeolite-Do they have a role in poultry production?
Evans, M.
recent advances animal nutrition Australia. D. J. Farrel ed.
Published by department of biochemistry, microbiology and nutrition. University of new england
Zeolit is Soils.
Ming, D. W.
Dixon, J.B.& S.D. Weed (ed). Mineral Soil Environtments.
2nd edition Academic Press. New York.
Zeo Van Granular (ZV) penetralisir tanah tanaman untuk pertanian, Jawa Barat.
PT. Bratama Utama, Mandiri.
Hlm 1 dari 1800
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Zat Pengtur Tumbuh Tanaman
PAU IPB dan Sumberdaya Informasi IPB Bogor
Zat Pengtur Tumbuh Tanaman
IPB Bogor
Zat Pengtur Tumbuh Tanaman
IPB Bogor
Zat Pengtur Tumbuh Tanaman
PAU IPB dan Sumberdaya Informasi IPB Bogor
Zat Pengtur Tumbuh Tanaman
Wattimena, G. A.
PAU IPB dan Sumberdaya Informasi IPB Bogor
Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Zat Pengatur Turnbuh Tanaman,
Kusumo, S. Wattimena, G.A.,
Zat Pengtur Tumbuh Zat Pengatur Turnbuh Tanaman,
CV. Yasaguna, Jakarta IPB, Bogor.
Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Tanaman.
Wattimena, D.A.
Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Tanaman.
Fakultas Pertanian Institut Pertanian Bogor.
Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Tanaman.
Wattimena, G.A.
Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Tanaman.
IPB, Bogor
Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Tanaman.
Wattimena, D.A.
Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Tanaman.
PAU IPB dan Sumberdaya Informasi IPB, Bogor.
Zat pengatur tumbuh tanaman
Kusumo, S
Zat pengatur tumbuh tanaman
CV, Yosa Guno. Bogor
Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Tanaman
Kusumo, S
Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Tanaman
CV Yasa Guna, Bogor
Zat Pengatur Tumbuh tanaman
Kusumo, S
Zat Pengatur Tumbuh tanaman
CV Yasa Guna, Bogor
Zat Pengatur Tumbuh tanaman
Kusumo, S.
Zat Pengatur Tumbuh tanaman
CV. Yasa Guna, Bogor
Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Tanaman
Zat Pengatur Tumbuh dalam pertanian
Danoesastro, H
Zat Pengatur Tumbuh dalam pertanian
Yayasan Pembina Fakultas Perta nian Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta
Zat Pengatur Tumbuh dalam pertanian
Danoesastro, H
Zat Pengatur Tumbuh dalam pertanian
Yayasan Pembina Fakultas Pertanian Uni versitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta
Judul Buku
PAU IPB Bogor dan Lembaga Sumber Daya Informasi-IPB
Hlm 2 dari 1800
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Judul Buku
Zat Pengatur Tumbuh dalam pertanian
Danoesastro, H
Zat Pengatur Tumbuh dalam pertanian
Yayasan Pembina Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta
Zat pengatur tumbuh dalam pertanian
Danoesastro, H
Zat pengatur tumbuh dalam pertanian
Yayasan Pembinaan Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Gajah Mada
Zat Pengatur Tumbuh
Wattimena, GA
Zat Pengatur Tumbuh
PAU Bioteknologi IPB, Bogor
Zat Pengatur Tumbuh dalam pertanian
Zat Pengatur Tumbuh dalam pertanian
Univ. Gadjah Mada
Zat bioaktif eks tanaman untuk kesejahteraan manusia. Ballon Seminar Intern Lab Kimia Tanaman.
Zat bioaktif eks tanaman untuk kesejahteraan manusia. Ballon Seminar Intern Lab Kimia Tanaman.
UNPAD (tidak dipublikasikan).
Zat pengatur tumbuh. Peran fisiologi dan dasar-dasar pemakaian
Zat pengatur tumbuh. Peran fisiologi dan dasar-dasar pemakaian
Fakultas Pertanian IPB
Zat Pengatur Tumbuh peran fisiologi dan dasar-dasar pemakaian
Zat Pengatur Tumbuh peran fisiologi dan dasar-dasar pemakaian
Fakultas Pertanian IPB
You and your aquarium.
Mills, D.
The complete guide to collecting and keeping aquarium fishes.
Dorling Kindersley, London. 288 pp.
IDF Standart 150
International Dairy Federation
Yogurt: determination of titratable acidity, potentiometric method Yodium (R.E. Olson ed.)
Matovinovic. J
Pengetahuan Gizi Mutakhir : Mineral
Gramedia. Jakarta
Matovionic. J
Pengetahuan Gizi Mutakhir Mineral
Gramedia. Jakarta
Yield-increasing bacteria (YIB) and biocontrol of sheatblight of rice, him. 267-278
Tang, W.H.
M.H. Ryder, P.M. Stephen & G.D. Bowen (ed./ Improving Plant Productivity with Rhizosphere Bacteria
Adelaide: Commenwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.
Yield response to water. Yield response to water. Yield Response to Water, FAO Irrigation and Drainge Paper No. 33
FAO FAO Doorenbos. T
Yield Response to Water
FAO. Rome
Hlm 3 dari 1800
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Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Yield Response to Water
Doorenboss J
Irrigations and Drainage Paper Vol 24
Food and Agriculture Organization.Roma
Yield performance of fifteen maize variety in different environment.
Subandi, M.R.
Contr. Centr. Res. Inst. Agric.
Puslitbangtan, Bogor.
Yield measurement in maize yield test.
Yield loss of groundnut due to peanute stripe virus
Wakman W
Summary Proceeding of the second coordinators meeting on peanut stripe virus
Yield Decline of Plantains
Ogier, TP
Musa paradisiaca, in Trinidad Associated With the Nematode Pratylenchus sp Turialba
Yield and quality of vegetable as affected by effective mocroorganisms
Kim s
Academic of agricultural sciences-state academic of science of DPRK, Pyongyang, Republic of Korea
Yield and quality of vegetable as affected by effective mocroorganisms
Kim s
Academic of agricultural sciences-state academic of science of DPRK, Pyongyang, Republic of Korea
Yield & yield components Yeast technology. 2nd ed.
Corley RHV Reed, G.
Oil Palm Research
Elsevier Amsterdam Van Nostrand, Reinhold, New York.
Yeast Tech
Reed. G
Yeast Tech
The AVI Publ. Co. FloridaBasel.
Yea-sacc for Dairy Cattle in Low Concentrate Input Systems. Effect on Milk Yield and Composition in an Australian Experiment.
Dobos, R.C.
Research and Technical Bulletin, Altech, Inc. KY.
Yearbook of Fisheries Statistics.
Fishery Commodities.
FAO. Rome, 77: 425p.
Year of Improvement Yang Tercecer pada Birokrasi Dunia Ketiga
Leung, P. Budiman Arief
Year of Improvement Krisis Tersembunyi dalam Pembangunan : Birokrasibirokrasi dalam Pembangunan
Textile Asia Gramedia. Jakarta
Hlm 4 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
X-ray-induced mutability in embryogenic suspension cultures of Euphorbia pulcherima
Kleffel, B.
X-Ray Diffraction Techniques
Whitting. L.D
X-Control Chart JIS Z
Judul Buku
Methods Of Soil Analysis Part 1 Physical and Mineralogical Methods 2nd ed. Agronomy Series
ASA-SSSA. Inc. Madison. W.I. USA
X-Control Chart JIS Z
Japanese Standar Association
Xanthomonas, him. 189-228
Moffet, M.J.
P.C. Fahy & G.L. Persley (ed.). Plant Bacterial Disease: A Diagnostic Guide
Toronto: Academic Press.
Xanthan gum
Pettitt., D.J.
Food Hydrocolloid. M. Glicksman (ed)
CRC Press, Boca Raton Florida.
X and Y Choromosome Bearing Spermatozoa
Krzyzaniak, L.T.
_ E&E Hafez (ed) ReprodJCtion in Farm Animals. 5th. Edition
Lea and Febiger. Philadelphia. 640-662.
Wortel dan Lobak
Ali, N.B.V
Wortel dan Lobak
Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.
World Vegetables: Principles, Production and Nutritive Value
Yamaguchi, M.
World Vegetables: Principles, Production and Nutritive Value
AVI Publishing Company Inc., Westport.
World vegetables, principles, production and nutritive values.
Yamaguchi, M.
Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Inc. New york
World Vegetables World Vegetable. Principles. Production and Nutritive Value
Yamaguchi M. Yamaguchi, M.
AVI Published Ellis Horwood Limited. Publishers. Chichester. England
World Shrimp Farming, Annual Report
Rosenberry B
Shrimp News International , San Diego
World Oil Seed Chemistry, Technology and Utilization
Salunkhe, D.K.,
World Oil Seed Chemistry, Technology and Utilization
AVI Book Published, New York.
World Oil Seed Chemistry, Technology and Utilization
Salunkhe, D.K
World Oil Seed Chemistry, Technology and Utilization
AVI Book Published, New York
World Market Impacts Of EC Resistaints On Croplands And Livestock Density
Hester Susan
Agricultural and Resource Quarterly
World Hunger and The World Economy
Grifin. K
Working with mycorrhizas in torestry and agriculture
Brundrett M
World Vegetable. Principles. Production and Nutritive Value
Holmes and Meier Publisher. Inc. New York Working with mycorrhizas in torestry and agriculture
ACIAR. Canbera
Hlm 5 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Working Together for Land Care : Group Man-agement Skills dan Strategies
Chamala, S
Working Together for Land Care : Group Man-agement Skills dan Strategies
Australian Academie Press. Bnsbane.
Working effectively with task oriented groups.
Seaman, D.F.
McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York.
Work Study
Soeryohadikoesoe mo
Yayasan Pembina Fakultas Kehutanan UGM, Yogyakarta
Work and motivation
Vroom HV
John Willey & Sons New York, London, Sidney
Work and Demographic behaviour in rural laguna household studies dalam Biswanger HP, RE Evenson, CA Florencio, BNF White (eds).
Evenson RE
Rural Household Studies in Asia
Word Declaration and Plan of Action for Nutrition
Rome Italy
Wood: Chemistry, Ultrastructure, Reaction.
Fengel, D
Wood: Chemistry, Ultrastructure, Reaction.
Walter de Gruyter, Berlin.
Wood: Chemistry, infrastructure and Reactions.
Fengel, D.
Wood: Chemistry, infrastructure and Reactions.
Walter de Gruyter, BerlinNew York.
Wood: Chemistry ultrastructure, reactions.
Fengel, D.
Wood: Chemistry ultrastructure, reactions.
Walter de Gruyter and Co., Berlin.
Wood, Chemistry Ultra Structure, and Reaction
Fengel, D
Wood, Chemistry Ultra Structure, and Reaction
Walter de Gruyter. Berlin. New York
Wood preservation.
Hunt, G. M.
Wood preservation.
McGraw-Hill Book Co.. New-York.
Wood preservation.
Hunt, G.M.
Wood preservation.
Mc-Graw Hill Book Co. New York - St. Louis San Francisco - Toronto London - Sydney.
Wood preservation.
Richardson, B.A.
Wood preservation.
The Construction Press. Lancaster -London - New York.
Wood Deterioration and Its Preventation by Preservative Treatments. Vol. 1. Degradation and Protection of Wood
Syracuse Wood Science Series 5
Syracuse University Press, New York
Singapore University Press
Hlm 6 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Wood Chemistry.
Wise, L. E.
Wood Chemistry.
Reinhold Publisher Corporation, New York.
Wood chemistry.
Wise, L.E.
Wood chemistry.
Reinhold publisher corporation.. New York.
Wood Chemistry.
Wise. L.E..
Wood Chemistry.
Reinhold publisher. Corporation New York.
Wood chemistry.
Wise. L. E.
Wood chemistry.
Reinhold Publisher Corporation, New York.
Wood Chemistry Ultra Structure Reaction.
Fengel, D.
Wood Chemistry Ultra Structure Reaction.
Walter de Gruyter. New York.
Wood chemistry p. 685.
Wood chemistry p. 685.
Reinhold Publishing. Wisconsin.
Wood Chemistry Laboratory Procedure. College of Forest Resources.
Raymond, A.Y.
Wood Chemistry Laboratory Procedure. College of Forest Resources.
University of Washington, Seatle.
Wood chemistry laboratory procedure. College of Forest Resources.
Raymond, A.Y.
Wood chemistry laboratory procedure. College of Forest Resources.
University of Washington, Seatle.
Wood Chemistry Laboratory Procedure.
Raymond. Ay.
Wood Chemistry Laboratory Procedure.
College of Forest Recources. University of Washington Seatle.
Wood chemistry laboratory procedure.
Young. R. A.
Wood chemistry laboratory procedure.
University of Washington Seattle, Washington.
Wood chemistry : Fundamentals and applications.
Siostrom. E.
Wood chemistry : Fundamentals and applications.
Academic Press. Inc. San Fransisco - New York Sao Paulo - London Montreal -Tokyo.
Wood anatomy of Pterospermum.
Madhavan, S.
Sosef, M.S.M., L.T. Hong, and S. Prawirohatmodjo (Eds.) Plant Resources of South East AsiaNo.5(3). Timber trees: Minor commercial timbers.
Backhuys Publisher, Leiden.p.619.
Wood anatomy of Macaranga spp.
Rojo, J.P.
Sosef, M.S.M., L.T. Hong, and S. Prawirohatmodjo (Eds.) Plant Resources of South East Asia No.5(3). Timber trees : Minor commercial timbers.
Backhuys Publisher, Leiden, p.619.
Hlm 7 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Wood anatomy of Litsea spp. w
Ho, Y.F.
Lemmens, R.H.M.J., I. Soerianegara and W.C. Wong (Eds.). Plant resources of South East Asia No. 5(2). Timber trees: Minor commercial timbers.
Backhuys Publisher, Leiden, p. 307-308.
Wood : Decay, Pets, and Protection
Champman and Hall, London
Wood : chemistry, ultrastructure, reaction,
Fengel D
walter de gruyter & Co, berlin
Wood : chemistry, ultrastructure, and reactions
Fengel, D
Wonogir dalam angka 1986 s/d 1994
Wonder Zeolit, Katalog1991
Wonder Indonesia Pharmaceutical
Wonder Zeolit, Katalog1991
Women's Participation in the Labor Force: Implication for Employment and Health/Nutrion Programs
Hart G.P
Cornel University.Mimeo
Women in development: issues, challenges and strategies in Asia and the Pacific.
Wold potato fac. WizardTM genomic DNA Purification Systems
CIP Anonim
Within Canopy Temperature Patterns Of Sorghum at Two Row Spacings
Graser. E.A
Agricultural And Forest And Meteorology
Winter Canola An Alternative Corp in Indiana
Christmas E.P
Winter Canola An Alternative Corp in Indiana
Purdue Univ. Coorperative ext. service. West Lafayrtte. Indiana
Wines Their Sensory Evaluation
Amerina Maynard A.
Wines Their Sensory Evaluation
W.H. Freeman and Co., San Fransisco
Windows QTL Cartographer VI.20. Statistical Genetics
Wang S
Windows QTL Cartographer VI.20. Statistical Genetics
North Carolina State Univ. USA
Wood : chemistry, ultrastructure, and reactions
Walter de Gruyter New York Kantor Statistik Jateng Wonder Indonesia Pharmaceutical. Jakarta.
ADB, Manila.
WizardTM genomic DNA Purification Systems
Promega Corp.
Hlm 8 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Winboot: a program for performing bootstrap analysis of binary data to determine the confidence limits of UPGMA based dendrograms. I
Yap IV
RRI discussion Paper Series No. 14, 20p. IRRI Manila, Philippines
Wildlife Management In The Tropies, With Emphasis On South East Asia
A Guide Book To Wonder, Part 11 School Of Envieonment Mana gement (ATA 190),
School Of Envieonment Mana gement (ATA 190), Ciawi, Bogor, Indonesia.
Wildlife Manage ment
Giles, R.H.
Wildlife Manage ment
W.H. Freeman And Company, San Fransisco
Wildlife Ecology and Management
Teer et. Al.
Wildlife Ecology and Management
Prentice Hall, Inc. A Simon & Schuster Comp. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA.
Wildlife Ecology
Moen A.N.
Wildlife Ecology
Freeman and Co. San Fransisco.
Wilayah pengembangan komoditas pangan di Sumatera Barat.
Wilayah pengembangan komoditas pangan di Sumatera Barat.
Dinas pertanian tanaman pangan Dati I Sumatera Barat Padang
Widyakarya Nasional Pangan dan Gizi V.
Widyakarya Nasional Pangan Dan Gizi 1998
Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia. Jakarta
Widening circles of research collaboration for greater food security. p. 46-52
Javier, E.Q.
B. Friedhem and Sheridan (Eds.) The Globalization of Science: The Place of Agricultural Research
ISNAR, The Haque.
Why Bamboos Wait so Long to Flower ?
Tropicaltrees,Variation, Breeding and Conservation
Academic Press.Inc.London
Whole genome analysis of P seudomonas and its application to P. solanacearum, him. 59-76
Holloway, B.
A.C. Hayward & G.L. Hartmann (ed.), Bacterial Wilt: the Disease and its Causative Agents, P. Solanacearum
London: CAB. lnt'1 Wallingford.
WHO Features, April edition
Hlm 9 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Which Age Groups Should be targeted for Supplementary Feeding?
Beaton G
In ACC/SCN.Nutritional Issues in Food Aid
ACC/SCN Symposium Report, Nutritional Policy Discussion Paper No.12, Geneva
Whey proteins
Bottomley RC
When Protein Functionality
Kilara, A.
When Protein Functionality
Wheat Growth From Phosphorus Fertilizers as Affected by Time and Method of Application in Soil With an Acidic Subsurface Layer
Purnomo. E
Fertilizers Research
Wheat Flour Compound that Properties and Quality
Bushuk, W.
Wheat Flour Compound that Properties and Quality
What's happening to the rice yields in rice-fish systems?, p. 177-183
Lightfoot, C.
C.R. Dela Cruz, C. Lightfoot, B.A. Costa-Pierce, V.R. Carangal and M.P. Bimbao (eds.) Rice-Fish Research and Development in Asia. ICLARM conf. Proc. 24, 457 p.
What is Political Economy, What Is Political Economy What classical and neoclassical monetary theory really was
Staniland, M., W Staniland, M Samuelson, P.A.
What is Political Economy, What Is Political Economy Canadian J. Econ. 1: 1-15.
Wetland rice-nutrient deficiencies other than nitrogen. p. 327-378.
Jones, U.S.,
In Rice Research Strategies for the Future. International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Philippines.
Wet soils of indonesia
Subagjo, H
J.M. Kimble (Ed.). Proceed of the VIIIth International soil Correlation Meeting : Characterization, Classification, and Utilization of wet soils
USDA. Soil Conservation Service, National Soil Survey Center. Lincoln, NE
Wet Rice Cultivation with Fish Culture : a Study of Some Agronomical Aspects
Satari, G.
Ph.D. Thesis
Bogor Agricultural University.
Elseiver applied science publisher London, NY Marecel Dekker Inc. Madison Aveneu, New York
Blackie Academic and Professional, Glasgow
Sage, London Sage, London
Hlm 10 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
West Afrivan Tall. Cataloque variety of cocinut germplasm
Konan JL
Were Farmer Wrong in Rejecting a Recommendation ? The Case Of Nitrogen At Transplanting For Irrigated Rice
Fujisaka. S
Agricultural Systems
Welfare Impact of Improved Boat Modernization in Pemalang Regencies, Central Java, Indonesia
Susilowati, I.
Master Thesis
The Faculty of Economics and Management, University Putra Malaysia.
Weedy plant species and their beneficial arthropods: potential for manipulation in field crops
Nentwig W
Pickett CH, Bugg RL (ed). Enhancing Biological Control. Habitat Management to Promote Natural Enemies of Agricultural Pests
Berkeley: University of California Press, him 4971.
Weed-Crop Ecology
Aldrich, J.R
Princiles in Weed Management
Breton Publisher. Massachusettes
Weed-Crop Ecology
Aldrich, R.J
Principle in Weed Management
Brenton Publisher. California
Weed-Crop Competition
Zimdahl. R.L
A Review IPPC
Oregon State University. Oregon
Weed-Cro Ecology
Aldrich, J.R
Principles in Wed Management
Breton Publisher. Massachusetts
Weed species infected by Rhiwctonia solani, him. 1-8
Kardin, M.K.
M. Rifai (ed.), Masalah dan Pengendalian Penyakit Tanaman Pertanian Indonesia. Presiding Kongres Pitopatologi Nasional III, Cibogo 22-25 Februari 1975.
Bogor: Perhimpunan Pitopatologi Indonesia.
Weed Sciences , Principles and Practice
Klingman C. G.
Weed Sciences , Principles and Practice
, John Wiley and Sons.New York. Toronto Brisbane
Weed Science. Principles and Practices.
Klingman, G.C.
Weed Science. Principles and Practices.
Jonh Wiley and Sons, New York.
Weed Science Principles and Practices.
Klingman, C.
Weed Science Principles and Practices.
John Willey and Sons Toronto.
Weed Science in the Tropics.
Akobundo, O.I
Principles and Practices
John Wiley and Sons. New Delhi
Weed Science in the Tropics
Akobundo, O.I
Principles and Practices
John Wiley and Sons. New Delhi
Judul Buku
Penerbit Cogent/IPGRI
Hlm 11 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Weed Science in the tropics
Akobundo, O.I
Principles and Practices
John Wiley & Sons. New Delhi
Weed Science in the Tropic
Akobundu, O.I
Principles and Practices
John Wiley and Sons. New York
Weed Science and Vegetation Analysis.
Dekker, R.J
Lecture Note. 7: In: Fifth BIOTROP Weed Sci. Training Course.
Kuala Lumpur.
Weed Science : Principles and Practices
Klingman, A.C
Weed Science
klingman, Y
Weed of Rice In Indonesia Weed Management in Soybean Crop in Indonesia
Soerjani,M Tjitrosemito. S
Weed Management in Soybean Crop in Indonesia
Tjitrosemito S.
SEAWIC Weed Leaflets 2 and 3
Weed identification and Control.
Isely, D.
Weed identification and Control.
Iowa State University Press, Iowa USA.
Weed Crop Interaction in The Sugarcane -Peanut Intercropping System
Moenandir, J
Weed Crop Interaction in The Sugarcane -Peanut Intercropping System
University Brawijaya, Malang
Weed crop Competition. Weed Controls
Zindall, R.L. Crafts, A.S
Weed crop Competition.
Weed control in the tropic Weed control in the tropic Weed Control in direct Seeded Rice Under Upland Conditions of Chnattisgarh
Kasasian Kasasian Singh, R.
Weed Allelopathy Weed Physiology I
Putnam, A.R
Reproduction and Ecophysiology
CRC Press, Florida
Wed-Crop competition
Zimdahl. R.L
A Review. International Plant Protection Center
Oregon State University. Corvalis-Oregon
Weather, dry matter production and yields .
Biscoe, P. V
Enviromental Effect on Crops Physiologi . Enviromental Effect on Crops Physiologi .
Academic Press. London.
John Wiley and Sons. New York Principles and Practices
John Wiley and Sons. New York Balai Pustaka. Jakarta SEAWIC Weed Leaflets 2 and 3. SEAMEO BIOTROP. Bogor
3th ed. Mc. Grow Hill Book Company, Inc. USA
Weed Control in direct Seeded Rice Under Upland Conditions of Chnattisgarh
Leonar Hill London Leonar Hill London India. IRRI Newsietter
Hlm 12 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Weather Classification and Plant Weather Relationship. Food and Agriculture Organization
Trojer, H.
Working Paper No. 11.
Soil Research Institute, Bogor.
Wax Emulsion for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables to Extend Their Storage Life
Dalal. V.B.
Wax Emulsion for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables to Extend Their Storage Life
Central Ford Technological Research Institute. Mysore.
Wawasan Kelayakan dan Evaluasi Proyek,
Sumita N.,
Wawasan Kelayakan dan Evaluasi Proyek,
Penerbit Bumi Pasaka. Jakarta. 213 pp.
Water-soluble pentosans from rye ; II. Effects on rate of dialysis and on the retention of nutrients by the chick
Fengler, A.I
Cereal Chem
Waterlogged Soils
Armstrong W
JR Etherington (ed) Environment and plant ecology
John Willey & sons New York
Waterlogged Soils
Armstrong W
JR Etherington (ed) Environment and plant ecology
John Willey & sons New York
Waterfowl in Australia
Frith, H. J.
Waterfowl in Australia
Angus and Robertson. Melbourne.
Water toxicology
Metelev, V. V.
Water toxicology
Amerind Publishing Co. PVT. Ltd. New Delhi.
Water table management, organic soil conservation and crop production in the Florida Everglades.
Snyder, G. H.
Water supply for rural areas and small communities.
Wagner, E.C.
WHO Monograph Series No. 42
WHO, Geneva.
Water Suppley and Pollution Control.
dark, W.J.W,
Harper and Row Publ. New York. 857 pp.
Water Stress effects in flooded tropical rice. Pp.19-36
De Datta, S.K
Water management in Philliphines irrigation systems: Research and operations
International Rice Research institiute, Los Banos, Philippines
Water Requirements
FAO. Agriculture Irrigation and Drainage
Paper Number 24. Rome
Water relations of plants
Kramer, P. J.
Academic Press Inc. London
Hlm 13 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Water quality studies in the Columbia river Basin.
Sylvester, R.O.
Spec.Sci. Rep. Fish.
U.S. Dept. of the Interior. Washington. 239: 134 p.
Water quality studies in the Columbia River Basin
R.O. Sylvester
Water quality studies in the Columbia River Basin
U.S. Department Interior, Washington DC.
Water Quality Management in Pond Fish Culture. 4th Printing.
Boyd, CF.
Water Quality Management in Pond Fish Culture. 4th Printing.
International Centre for Aquaculture Experiment Station. Auburn. 318 pp.
Water Quality Management in Pond Fish Culture. 4th printing.
Boyd, C.E.
Water Quality Management in Pond Fish Culture. 4th printing.
International Centre for Agriculture Experiment Station, Auburn 359pp.
Water Quality Management in Pond Fish Culture.
Boyd, C.E.
Water Quality Management in Pond Fish Culture.
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Veterinary Bacteriology and Virology
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Veterinary Bacteriology and Virology
The Iowa State University Press. Ames. Iowa.
Veterinary Applied Pharmacology And Therapeutics. 6th Ed.
Veterinary Applied Pharmacology And Therapeutics. 6th Ed.
The English Language Book Society. London,
Veterinary Applied Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Daykin P.W.
Veterinary Applied Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Bailliere Tindal and Cox. London.
Veterinary applied Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Brander, G.L
3rd ed. The English Language Book Soc. And Bailliare. Tindal, London
Veterinary applied Pharmacology and Therapeutics
2nd ed. Bailliare. Tindall, London
W. B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia, London, Toronto
Hlm 27 dari 1800
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Judul Buku
Veterinary Applied Pharmacology and Therapeutic. Fifth Edition. E.L.B.S. with Bailliere, Tindal, Educational Low-Priced Scheme funded by the British Government.
Brander, G.C.
Veterinary Applied Pharmacology and Therapeutic. Fifth Edition. E.L.B.S. with Bailliere, Tindal, Educational Low-Priced Scheme funded by the British Government.
Veterinary Anesthesia. 9th Ed.
Hall L.W
Bailliere Tindall. London, p. 9394.
Veterinary ^icrooiology Infroductton to Bacteria and Virology. 7'' Ed
KingscoTe B
Veterinary ^icrooiology Infroductton to Bacteria and Virology. 7'' Ed
Vet. Hematology. 4th ed.
Jain, N. C.
Vespertilion In walton D.W and B.J Richardson ( Eds)
Fauna of Autralia Vol.1B.Mammalia
Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizae and Soil Microbial Interactions. In: Mycorrhizae in Sustainable Agriculture.
Linderman, R. G.
ASA Special Publication.
Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Research for Tropical Agriculture. Research Bulletin 174.
Mosse, B.
Hawaii Institute of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii.
Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorhyza.
Sieferding, E.
Management in tropical agrosystem Deutsche Gesell Schatt Fur Technische Zusanmenarbeit (GTZ) Eschborn
Vesicular-arbuscular Endomycorrhizal Inoculum Production I.
Mosse. B
Exploratory Experiment With Beans (Phaseoulus Vulgaris) In Nutrient Flow culture
Ca. J. Bot
Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Manage ment in Tropical Agrosystems
Sieverding, E.
Deutsche Gesellschaft fur, Technische Zusammennbeit (GTZ) GmbH
Technical Coope ration. Federal Republic of Germany
Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae and oil microbial interactions
Linderman RG
Mycorrhizae in sustainable agriculture.
ASA Special Publications
The Iowa Slate University Press. Ames JowaLea and Fabiger, Philadelphia Australian Government Publishing Service.Canbera
Hlm 28 dari 1800
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Verwendung der Polyphenole aus Uncaria gambir zur Herstellung Von Holzbindemittel.
Kasim, A.
Vertical migration in the oceanic relm:possible causes and problems effects. In migration : Mechanism rankin.
Angel, M.V
Vertical migration in the oceanic relm:possible causes and problems effects. In migration : Mechanism rankin.
Contribution in marine science, suplemen volume 27
Vertical distribution of planktonic stages of penaeid shrimp
Temple, R.F
Vertical distribution of planktonic stages of penaeid shrimp
Publications of Institute of Marine Science, University of Texas
Vertebrate Endocrinology
Norris D.O
Vertebrate Endocrinology
Lea and Febriger Philadelphia.
Verslag Conssies De Groot In Het Landschp Panei (Report on The Groot Consessions In The Panei Region,East Coast of Sumatra)
IndonesianForestry Abstrct, Dutch Literature Untill About 1960
Centre for Agricuktural Publishing and Dokumentation. Wageningen
Vendor Selection and Buying Process
Dempsey. W.A
Industrial Marketing Management
Vegetative propagation of oil palm by somatic embryogenesis
Lioret C
The Incorporate Society of Planters vol (1):163-172
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Vegetative propagation of cocoa
Vegetative propagation of cocoa
BPP, Medan
Vegetativ propagation of oil palm by somatic embryogenesis.
Lioret, C.
The Incorporet Society of Planters Vol (1) : 163-172
Kula Lumpur
Vegetation Structure, Logging Damage and Silvyculture In Tropical Rain Forest In Suriname
Agricultural University Wageningaen The Netherlands
Vegetarian Ok.(2)
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Keluarga Vegetarian Maitreya Indonesia.Jakarta
Vegetarian di Indonesia,Info Vegetarian
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Vegetables Oil and Fat Processing Volume
Bernardini, E
Vegetables Oil and Fat Processing Volume
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Vegetables of the Dutch Indies.
A. Asher & Co. BV. Amsterdam.
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Vegetables in tropics
Tindall, H. D
Vegetables in tropics
English Language Book Society, Mcmillan Education Ltd. Hampshire, USA
Vegetables in The Tropics.
Tmdall, H.D.
Vegetables in The Tropics.
Macmillan Press London.
Vegetables in The Tropics.
Tmdall, H.D.
Vegetables in The Tropics.
Macmillan Press London.
Vegetables In The Tropics
McMillan Education Ltd. Britain
Vegetables in the tropics
Tindall, H. D.
AVI Publishing Company Inc. Wesrport, Connecticut
Vegetables in the Tropic
Tindall, H.D.
Vegetables in the Tropic
Macmillan Education Ltd., Hongkong.
Vegetable Tannins.
Haslam, E.
Biochemistry of Plant Phenolics (Recent Advances in Phytochemistry).
Plenum Press, New York.
Vegetable Oils and Fats Processing. Vol. II
Bernardini, E
Vegetable Oils and Fats Processing. Vol. II
Interstampa, Rome
Vegetable Oils and Fats Processing
Bernardini, E
Vegetable Oils and Fats Processing
Interstampa, Rome
Vegetable oil and oil seeds.
Vegetable of the Dutch East Indies
Ochse, J. J
Vegetable in thenTropics
Tindall H. D.
Vegetable in The Tropics
Tindall, H.D
Vegetable in The Tropics
MacMillan Press. London
Vegetable Growing Handbook
Splittstoesser, W. E.
Vegetable Growing Handbook
Avi Publishing Company, Inc. Wesport. Connecticut
Vegetable fats and oils. 2nd ed
Jamieson, G.S
Vegetable fats and oils. 2nd ed
Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York
Vegetable fats and oils. 2nd ed
Jamieson, G.S
Vegetable fats and oils. 2nd ed
Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York
Vegetable Fat and Oil. Their Chemistry, Producton and Utilization for Edible, Medical and Technical Purpose 2nd ed.
Jamieson, G.S.
Vegetable Fat and Oil. Their Chemistry, Producton and Utilization for Edible, Medical and Technical Purpose 2nd ed.
Reinhold Publishing Co. New York.
Internationa trade center Vegetable of the Dutch East Indies
Archipel Drukkerij, Buitenzorg Avi Publishing Company, Inc.
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Vegetable Fat and Oil Their Chemistry
Jamieson, G.S.
Production and Luilization for Lidible. Medical and Thechnical Purpose. Second Edition.
Vegetable Fat and Oil American Oil Chemistry Society Monograph Series. No 125.
Eckey, A.W.
Vegetable Fat and Oil American Oil Chemistry Society Monograph Series. No 125.
Rainhold Publ. New York.
Vegetable crops
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Tata Me. Graw-Hill, Company, New York
Vegetable Crops
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Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd
Vegetable Crops
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Vegetable Crops
Thompson M. C.
Mc Graw Hill Book Co. New York
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Tata Mc. Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. New Delhi
Vegetable crops
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Vegetable crops
Tata Mc. Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. New Delhi
Vegetable crops
Thomson, S.
Vegetable crops
McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc. NY
Vegetable crops
Thomson, S.
Vegetable crops
McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc. NY
Vegetable Crop 5th Edition
Thompson H.C.
Vegetable Crop 5th Edition
McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc. New York
Vegetable breeding vol 3
Vegetable breeding vol 3. Dept of vegetble crops Haryana Agric. Univ. Hinsar India
CRC Press, Inc. Boca Raton, Florida
Vegetabics in South -East Asia
Herklots, G.A.C.
Vegetabics in South -East Asia
London George Allen and UNWIN Ltd
Vedenecum Bimas
Badan Pengendalian Bimas, Jakarta
Vedenecum Bimas Vedemikum tanaman hias
Dit Bina produksi Holtikultura
Vedemikum tanaman hias
Dit Bina produksi Holtikultura
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Varnish Constituents.
Chatfield, H. W.
Varnish Constituents.
Leonard Hill Limited, London.
Varietas Tebu Unggul Ps 56 (BO 653)
BP3G Pasuruan
Varietas Tebu Unggul F-154 (BZ 132)
BP3G Pasuruan
Varietas dan Penyebaran
Sudaryono T
Varietal development
Pandey, S.
Variations in diversity within benthic maarine communities
Johnson, R.G.
Variations in diversity within benthic maarine communities
Variation of sex steroids levels in maturing grouper.
Yashiro, N.,
The Proceeding of Grouper Culture, Songkhia, Thailand, p. 815.
Variation in the nutritive value of rice straw in Northern Thailand. The utilization of fibrous agricultural residues as animal feed. Edited by P.T. Doyle.
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Variation in the nutritive value of rice straw in Northern Thailand. The utilization of fibrous agricultural residues as animal feed. Edited by P.T. Doyle.
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IDP. Canberra, Australia.
Animal production
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Variation and Adaptation in Plant Species
Jones, D.A
Variation and Adaptation in Plant Species
Heinemann Educational Books Ltd. London.
Variation among cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) isolates and their interaction with the plants
Wahyuni, W.S.
Ph.D. Thesis
Adelaide: Fac. Agric. & Natural Resources University of Adelaide.
Variance Components
Variability in enzyme-linked imunosorbent assays and control of experimental designs.
Bauske, E. M.
Variabilitas dan adaptasi genotip terigu (Triticum aestivum L) pada bbr lingkungan tumbuh di Indonesia. Disertasi.
Darajat AA
Vanilla culture in the college of agriculture at Los Banos
David, P. A.
vanilia Culture in the college of agriculture at los Banos.
David P.A.
vanilia Culture in the college of agriculture at los Banos.
Vandemekum Bahan Obat Alam. Jakarta. Hal 225.
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Validitas dan reliabilitas. Edisi III
Azwar, S.
Validitas dan Reliabiltas Instrumen Penelitian
Ancok, Djamaludin
Validitas dan Reliabiltas Instrumen Penelitian
Metode penelitian survai. LP3ES. Jakarta
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Moffett, M.L.
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Vaginal sperm transport an sperm selection
Wishart GJ
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Vademikum buah-buahan
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Dept. of Moelcular an Lie Sci. Dundee Institute of tech, Bell Street Dundee DDI IHG, Scotland, Uk
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Vademicum Indonesia
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Vademecum Kehutanan Indonesia.
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Direktorat Jenderal Kehutanan. Departemen Pertanian.
Vademecum Kehutanan Indonesia.
Vademecum Kehutanan Indonesia
Vademecum Kehutanan Indonesia
Vademecum Bimas Vol IV
Sekretariat badan Pengendali Bimas
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Hawaii Institute Of Tropical Agriculture And Human Resources
UV-B radiation
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MNV Prasad (ed) Plant Ecophysiology, p 41-60
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Sekretariat Negara RI
UU No. 12/1992 tentang Karantina hewan ikandan tumbuhan
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Badan Koordinasi Keluarga Berencana Nasional.
Utilization offish viscera.
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Utilization of urea by ruminants
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Utilization of Ugnosellulose for Ruminant.
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Utilization of tofu soybean curd by products as feed for cattle bull
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Utilization of the waste of sardine canning factory for elevating omega-3 fatty acids level of eggs
Astuti, R.D
A Master thesis. Gadjah Mada University
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Utilization of southern pines
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Utilization of southern pines volume II
US Departement of Agriculture, Forest Service Southrn Forest Experiment Station, Washington DC
Utilization of shrub legumes and nutrient dynamics
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Utilization of Palm Press Fibre and Rice Straw by Ruminants.
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Utilization of Organic Materials in Rice Production of China
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Utilization of neem (Azadirachta indica) and its by products
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Utilization of Metabolizable Energy. In: Energy Requirement of Poultry.
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Utilization of Hardwoods Growing on Southern Pine Sites. Vol.111.
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Utilization of feeding Stuffs From The Oil Palm.
Devendra, C
Feeding Stuffs for Livestock in South Asia
Utilization of Feeding Stuffd from Oil Palm.
Devendra, C.
Utilization of Crop Resi-dues as a Feed for Ruminant Animals Method of Ammoniation of Straw
Kumase, N
Utilization of Crop Resi-dues as a Feed for Ruminant Animals Method of Ammoniation of Straw
Utilization Of Cellulose and Gallic Acid By Litter Inhabiting Fungi and its Possible Implication in Litter Decomposition of A Tropical Decidous Forest
Pedobiologia.Dept. Bot. Banaras Hidu University, Varanasi, India
Utilization of aqautic weeds as animal feeds
Manidool C
Training Course on Aquatic Weed Management, Kasetsart University- Biotrop, Kampaengsan Nakornpathom Thailand
Utilization of agro-resources by radiation treatment.
Kume, T.
Production of animal feed and mushroom from oil palm wastes.
Radiat. Phys, Chem.
Utilitas Azolla microphylla, Sebagai Tepung Daun dan Konsentrat Protein Daun Pada Ayam Kampung
Piijaningsih, R.I,
Utilitas Azolla microphylla, Sebagai Tepung Daun dan Konsentrat Protein Daun Pada Ayam Kampung
Fakultas Petemakan, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang
Uterine artificial insemination in ewes
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Usulan Rencana Karya Pengusahaan Hutan yang Meliputi Seluruh Jangka Waktu Pengusahaan Hutan
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Using fatty acid esters in cosmetics
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Uses of gelatin in edible products. In the Science and Technology of gelatin
Jones, N.R.
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User's Guide To MSTAT-C
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Users Guide to MSTAT, a Sofware Program for The Design, Management, and Analysis of Agronomic Research Experiments.
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User's guide for LSMLMW and MIXMDL. Mixed Model Leastsquarer and Maximum Likelihood computer program
Harvey, W.R.
User's guide for LSMLMW and MIXMDL. Mixed Model Leastsquarer and Maximum Likelihood computer program
Ohio State Univ., Columbus,
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User's guide for LSMLMW and MIKMDL PC-2 version mixed model Least-Squares and maximum likelihood computer program
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User's guide for LSMLMW and M1XMDL, Mixed model leastsquares and maximum likelihood computer program
Harvey, W.R.
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Useful role of fungi in food processing
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Use of twin screw extruder as a chemical reactor for starch cationisation
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Use of Trichogramma dendrolimi in forest pest control in China
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Use of the universal soil loss equation to predict erosion in West Africa.
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Use Of Refigerated Containers To Transport Fruit and Vegetables In Papua New Guinea
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Use of plant in control of agricultural and domestic pest.
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Use of insect pest phatogen in pest management.
Maddox, J.V.
Use of insect pest phatogen in pest management.
John Wiley and Sons. Inc. New York.
Use of diseases in pest management
Maddox JV
Metcalf, WH Luckmann (ed) Intrduction to insect pests management
John Willey & Sons New York
Use of diseases in pest management
Maddox JV
Metcalf, WH Luckmann (ed) Intrduction to insect pests management
John Willey & Sons New York
Use of Bacteria for Microbial Control
Falcon, L.A.
In H D Burgess dan N.W. Hussey (eds) Microbial Control of Insects and Mites.
Academic Press Inc. London.
Use of Awlla in Pakistan, him. 177-185
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Use of Artemia as a Food Source for Aquaculture. III
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Artemia Biology, (Brown, R.A., Sorgeloos, P. and Trotman, C.N.A., Eds.),
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Use of Animal Waste as a Soil A Medment Inorganic Material as Fertilizers.
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Soils 27.
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Use of amino acid to improve carcass quality of broilers
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Use and Interpretation of Anthropometric Indicators of Nutritional Status
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dalam Ekonomi Pemasaran dalam Pertanian, Penyunting Kustiah Kristanto, John Quilkey dan Willem H Makaliwe
Penerbit PT Gramedia Jakarta
Usaha Tani Kontrak dan Industn Ayam Potong, dalam Ekonomi Pemasaran dalam Pertaman, Penyunting Kustiah Kristanto, John Quilkey dan Willem H. Makaliwe
McConnell, D.J.
Usaha Tani Kontrak dan Industn Ayam Potong, dalam Ekonomi Pemasaran dalam Pertaman, Penyunting Kustiah Kristanto, John Quilkey dan Willem H. Makaliwe
Penerbit PT. Gramedia. Jakana
Usaha Tani Kontrak dan Industri Ayam Potong, dalam Ekonomi Pemasaran dalam Pertanian, Penyunting Kustiah Kristanto, John Quilkey dan Willem H. Makaliwe
McConnell, D. J
Usaha Tani Kontrak dan Industri Ayam Potong, dalam Ekonomi Pemasaran dalam Pertanian, Penyunting Kustiah Kristanto, John Quilkey dan Willem H. Makaliwe
Penerbit PT. Gramedia, Jakarta
Usaha tani jagung
Mangkey, A.
Usaha tani jagung
Diperta TK. I. Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah bekerja sama dengan BPTP Biromaru
Usaha tani jagung Usaha Tani dan Pemasaran Cabai Merah.
Rukmana, R. H. Soetiarso, T.A
Usaha tani jagung Teknologi Produksi Cabai Merah.
Kanisius, Yogyakarta Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran, Lembang. hlm.: 85-99.
Yayasan Obor Indonesia, Jakarta 355 pp.
Pemda Dati II Wonogiri
Hlm 41 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Usaha Tani Bunga Potong.
Harry. N.R
Usaha Tani Bunga Potong.
Pusat Perpustakaan Pertanian dan Komunikasi Penelitian. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Jakarta
Usaha Tani Usaha rencana perluasan areal pertanian utk meningkatkan ketahanan pangan nasional 99 s.d. 2001
Mauladi, L. Ditjen Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura
Usaha rencana perluasan areal pertanian utk meningkatkan ketahanan pangan nasional 99 s.d. 2001
Ditjen Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura
Usaha Rakyat dalam Pola Desentralisasi Produksi Subkontrak
Rustiani, F
Usaha peternakan
Suryanto, B.
Bagian sosial ekonomi, F. P. Undip
Usaha peternakan
Suryanto B
Bag. Sosial FP UNDIP. Semarang
Usaha Penggemukan sapi Bali pola petani di Nusa Tenggara Timur.
Nggobe, M. N. Radandima
Usaha Penggemukan sapi Bali pola petani di Nusa Tenggara Timur
Prosiding Lokakarya Status dan Pengembangan Lahan Kering di Indonesia. Buku
Usaha Pemotongan Ternak Itik dan Penyerapan Dagingnya di Jawa Tengah
Witoeto, D
Pengembangan Usaha Ternak Itik di Jawa Tengah
Sub Balai Penelitian Ternak, Klepu.
Usaha Pemeliharaan Ikan Papuyu (Betok, Anabas testudineus) da/am Kurungan di Perairan Umum Kalimantan Selatan masih Tergantung pada Ketersediaan Alami.
Usaha Pemeliharaan Ikan Papuyu (Betok, Anabas testudineus) da/am Kurungan di Perairan Umum Kalimantan Selatan masih Tergantung pada Ketersediaan Alami.
Dinas Perikanan Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan, Banjar Baru. 20 pp.
Usaha meningkatkan kualitas kayu lapis dan panel kayu lainnya. Fokus Kayu Lapis 24.
Sutigno, P.
Usaha meningkatkan kualitas kayu lapis dan panel kayu lainnya. Fokus Kayu Lapis 24.
Usaha Rakyat dalam Pola Desentralisasi Produksi Subkontrak
AKATIGA, Bandung
Hlm 42 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Usaha menggenjahkan kedelai varietas tidar melalui pemuliaan mutasi imbas
Ratma R
Usaha mengatasi krisis beras
Hutabarat A
Usaha Mempertingi Hasil Kacang Tanah.
Jawatan Pertanian Jakarta.
Jawatan Pertanian Jakarta.
Usaha Budidaya Rumput Laut.
Usaha Budidaya Rumput Laut.
Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal Daerah Tingkat I Propinsi Jawa Timur
Usaha Budidaya Pemanfaatan Hasil, dan Aspek Pemasaran Kelapa Sawit
Usaha Budidaya Pemanfaatan Hasil, dan Aspek Pemasaran Kelapa Sawit
Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta
US Navy hidrographic office, Instructian manual for oceanographic of observation.
US Navy hidrographic office, Instructian manual for oceanographic of observation.
HO.Publ., No.607, Washington DC. p.1-210.
Urinary allantoin ex-cretion and rumen microbial protein synthesis in sheep in reSation to protein and energy intake
Antomewicz, A
Urinary allantoin ex-cretion and rumen microbial protein synthesis in sheep in reSation to protein and energy intake
Roczniki Naukowe Zootechniki, Monografie I Rozprawy
Urease Activity of Adherents Bacteria in Sheep Rumen.
Rybosova, E.
Physiol. Bohemoslov.
Urease Activity of Adherent Bacteria and Rumen Fluid Bacteria.
Javorsky, P.
Physiol. Bohemoslov.
Urease acticity in soils
Bremner JM
Burns RG (ed) Soil enzymes
Academic press London New York, San Francisco
Urease acticity in soils
Bremner JM
Burns RG (ed) Soil enzymes
Academic press London New York, San Francisco
Urea, Ammonia Treatment of Rice Straw to Improve Its Nutritive Value for Ruminants.
Jayasuriya, M. C. N.
Agric. Wastes.
Urea Tablet Mengapa
Suherman D
Warta Penyuluhan Pertanian No. IX
Dinas Pertanian. Daerah Tingkat l Jawa Timur. Surabaya.
Hlm 43 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Urea Molasses Blok sebagai pakan Suplemen Ruminansia.
Hotmuno, H.
Urea Molasses Blok sebagai pakan Suplemen Ruminansia.
Angkasa, Bandung.
Urea Molasses Blok Pakan Suplemen untuk ternak Ruminansia.
Musofie, A.
Urea Molasses Blok Pakan Suplemen untuk ternak Ruminansia.
BPPP. Sub Balai Penelitian Ternak.
Urea Molasses Blok dalam Meningkatkan Produktivitas Ternak.
Padlianto, N.
Peternakan Indonesia
Urea Molasses Block (UMB) Pakan Suplemen untuk Ternak Ruminansia
Musofie, A.
Urea Molasses Block (UMB)
Musofie, A.
Pakan Suplemen untuk Ternak Ruminansia, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Sub Balai Penelitian Ternak, Grati
Urea dan TSP di Indonesia dalam analisis permintaan kuantitatif.
Dharmawan Johan
Pusat Penelitian Agro Ekonomi
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Departemen Pertanian
Urbanisasi dan Permasalannya
Biontarto, R.
Urbanisasi dan Permasalannya
Ghalia Indonesia. Jakarta
Uptake and Metabolism Hydrogen Cyanamide in Plants
Dept. of Plant Nutrition Technical University of Munich. Germany
Upland rice environments in Indonesia and the fitness of improved technology
Syarifuddin, A. K.
In progress in upland rice research IRRI, Manila
Up-grading the nutrisional value of cas-sava leaves throuhg fungal biotech-nologi
Danna, J.
Report to ANBAPH. BPT. Bogor
Upaya Untuk Meningkatkan Keefektifan Kelompok Tani dalam Penyuluhan Pertanian, IPB, Bogor
Slamet, M
Upaya Peningkatan Mutu Intensifikasi (PMI) Padi, Kedelai, Jagung Dalam Rangka Ketahanan Pangan Nasional
Sekretariat Pengendali Bimas
BPPP Ternak, Grati
Sekretariat Pengendali Bimas
Departemen Pertanian. Jakarta
Hlm 44 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Upaya peningkatan mutu biji kakao rakyat melalui sentralisasi pengolahan.
Azis, M.I.
Upaya Pengembangan Produksi Kedelai tahun 2000/01
Judul Buku
Upaya Pengembangan Produksi Kedelai tahun 2000/01
Direktorat Jenderal Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura. Direktorat Bina Produksi Tanaman Pangan, Jakarta. 15 hlm.
Pusat Penyuluhan Kehutanan dan Perkebunan, Jakarta.
Upaya Pengembangan Masyarakat dalam Kegiatan Penghijaun dan Konservasi.
Uyang, M.
Upaya penanggulangan dampak kekeringan dan kebakaran pada tanaman kelapa sawit
Pamin K
Upaya Pemulihan Produktivitas Tanah Di Lahan Bekas Tambang Batu Apung Melalui Penerapan Budidaya Lorong Legum dan Ruput Makanan Ternak
Yasin. I
Kerjasama Pusat Penelitian UNRAM dengan Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Jakarta
Upaya Pemanfaatan Limbah Pisang Sebagai Pakan Ternak Ruminansia
Universitas Brawijaya. Malang.
Upaya Pemanfaatan Limbah Kopi Se-bagai Pakan Domba
Upaya Pemanfaatan Limbah Kopi Se-bagai Pakan Domba
Pusat Studi Lingkungan Hidup Universitas Brawijaya. Malang
Upaya Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Keterampilan dan Sikap Petani/Peternak/Nelayan Melalui Pendekatan Penyuluhan
Upaya Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Keterampilan dan Sikap Petani/Peternak/Nelayan Melalui Pendekatan Penyuluhan
Akademi Penyuluhan Pertanian, Departemen Pertanian, Gowa.
Upaya meningkatkan keuntungan peternak dalam pemeliharaan sapi prah di daerah Pengalengan Jabar.
Siregar SB
Upaya Mencegah Aterosklerosis dengan Pemberian Kunyit (Curcuma domestica val.)
Mangkoewidjodjo, S.
Puslitbangkank Bogor
Upaya Mencegah Atero-sklerosis dengan Pemberian Kunyit (Curcuma domestica val.)
PAU Pangan dan Gizi, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Yogyakarta.
Hlm 45 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Upaya Memperkaya Kandungan Omega-3 Pada Telur Ayam Dengan Memberikan bahan Minyak Dalam Pakan Ayam Petelur
Upaya Memperkaya Kandungan Omega-3 Pada Telur Ayam Dengan Memberikan bahan Minyak Dalam Pakan Ayam Petelur
Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Arlangga Surabaya.
Untersuchungen zunChromosomenaberattionen beim Wssergetflugel 4
Vagt A
Symp. Populationssgenetische Grundlagen und ihrenUmsetzung in der praktischen Tierzucht, Dezember 1986
Untersuchungen zum Vorkommen bakterieller Kran kheitserreger (Corynebacterium michiganense pv. michiganense (E. F. Smith) Yensen und Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Cokabe) young, Die & Willde and Tomaten (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill).
Mavridis, A.
In Griechen land zur Etkennung der Resistenz und zum P. tomato gebildeten chloroseausloesenden Toxin. Dissertation. Georg-August Universitaet Goettingen. Germany.
Untersuchung zum Einsatz von begasten Membranen in der biologischen Abwasserreinigung Dissertation
Suprihatin, S
Untersuchung zum Einsatz von begasten Membranen in der biologischen Abwasserreinigung Dissertation
TU Clausthal.
Untersuchugen zum Einfluss ausgewahlter prainkubatorischer Faktoren auf die Schuffahigkeitvon entenbruteiren
Vagt A
Anas platyrhynchos F dom.
Unsur Tanah Sebagai Dasar Pengembangan Lahan Kering
Satan, A.M.
Unsur Tanah Sebagai Dasar Pengembangan Lahan Kering
Institut Pertanian Bogor
Unsur Kelumit dalam Bahan Lingkungan Hidup dan Tubuh Manusia pada Penduduk di daerah GAKY Kabupaten Magelang.Propinsi Jawa Tengah
Lahagu F.L
Unsur Hara Tanaman, Pupuk dan Pemupukan.
Prasetya, B.
Unsur Hara Tanaman, Pupuk dan Pemupukan.
Fak. Pertanian Univ. Brawijaya, Malang
Hlm 46 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Unsaturated Fatty Acids Nutritional and Physiological Significance
British Nutrition Foundation (BNF).
The Report of The British Nutrition Foundation's Task Force, Chapman and Hall, London
Unpüblished data on ABE fermentation
Ishizaki, A
Universal Soil Loss Equation to Guide Conservation form Planning
Wischmeier, W.H
Universal Soil Loss Equation to Guide Conservation form Planning
Unit Percontohan Usaha Tani Konservasi Lahan Kering Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat
Satuan Pembina Bimas NTB
Satuan Pembina Bimas NTB
Unit Operation of Chemical Engenering. Fourth Edition
Warren. L. McCabe
Unit Operation in Food Processing. Terjemahan.
Unit Operation in Food Processing. Terjemahan.
Sastra Hudaya. Jakarta.
Unit operation in food processing (terjemahan)
Unit operation in food processing (terjemahan)
Sastra Hudaya Jakarta
Unit operation in food processing (Terjemahan Zein Nasution).
Earie, R. L.
Unit operation in food processing (Terjemahan Zein Nasution).
Sastra Hudaya Jakarta.
Unit IX Semangus, PT Musi Hutan Persada, Barito Pacific Group, Sumatera Selatan. Leaflet 1995.
PT Musi Hutan Persada, Unit IX Semangus.
Unit IX Semangus, PT Musi Hutan Persada, Barito Pacific Group, Sumatera Selatan. Leaflet 1995. Unique Pits of The Erythrocytes of The Lesser Mouse-Deer, Tragulus Javanicus
Fukuta, K.
Understanging Water Strees and lts Relation to Yield in Short Rotation of Multi purpose Tree Species. In: Adams, N.R. and F.B. Cady. 1985 (ed.) Modelling Growth and Yield of Multipurpose Tree Species
Riha, S.J.
Understanding the dairy cow.
Webster, J.
SCS-USDA, Washington DC
Mc. Graw-Hill International Book. Co
J. Anat.
Understanging Water Strees and lts Relation to Yield in Short Rotation of Multi purpose Tree Species. In: Adams, N.R. and F.B. Cady. 1985 (ed.) Modelling Growth and Yield of Multipurpose Tree Species
Winrock Int’l Institute for Agric. Developmént USAID
BPS. Professional Book, Oxford, London, Edinburgh, Boston, Palo Alto, melbourne
Hlm 47 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Understanding the Dairy Cow
Webster, J.
Understanding the Dairy Cow
BSP Professional Books. Oxford. London
Understanding plant adaption to achieve systematic applied crop improvement : A fundamental challenge.
Cooper, M.
In Cooper, M., and G.L. Hammer (eds). Pp 5 - 23, Plant adaption and Crop improvement.
CAB International, IRRI, and ICRISAT
Understanding Object-Oriented: A Unifying Paradigm. Communication of The ACM
McGregor, J.D
Understanding Object-Oriented: A Unifying Paradigm. Communication of The ACM
Understanding normal & Clinical nutritional
Witney EN
Understanding GIS
Understanding GIS
Environmental System Research, Institute Redland. California, USA.
Understanding Enzymes. Ed ke3
Palmer T.
Understanding Enzymes. Ed ke-3
New York: Ellis Horwood.
Understanding Educational Measurement
Mc.Daniel E
The University of Wincon-sins Madison, Madisons, Winsconsin
Understanding Crop Production.
Stopkops, N.S.
Understanding Crop Production.
Understanding Crop Production.
Stoskopf, N.C
Rest Publ. Comp. Inc. Res. Virginia.
Understanding crop production
Stoskopf NC
Reston Publ Co Inc Reston Virginia
Understanding crop production
Stoskopf NC
Reston Publ Co Inc Reston Virginia
Undersatanding and Planning an Environmental Management System BS 7750 and ISO 14000. Lokakarya sistem manajemen lingkungan, medan
Michael Mc
Under Utilized Resources as Animal Feed Stuffs.
National Research Council.
West publ Co USA
Under Utilized Resources as Animal Feed Stuffs.
Reston Publishing Co. Inc., London.
National Academy Prcss. Washington.
Hlm 48 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Undang-Undnag Republik Indonesia Nomor 7 Tahun 1996 Tentang Pangan. Jakarta. Undang-undang Usaha Peransuransian-Jaminan Sosial Tenaga Kerja-Perbankan
Undang-Undang Rl No. 5 Tentang Perindustrian
CV Ekojaya, Jakarta
Undang-Undang Rl No. 5 Tentang Perindustrian
Undang-Undang Rl No. 25 Tahun 1992, tentang Perkoperasian
Arkola, Surabaya
Undang-Undang RI Nomor 25 Tahun 1992 tentang Perkoperasian
Departemen Koperasi
Undang-Undang RI Nomor 23 Tahun 1997 tentang pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup
UU Republik Indonesia
Undang-undang RI No. 9, 10, 11 dan 12 Th 1994 Tentang ketentuan Umum & Tata Cara Perpajakan, Pajak Penghasilan, Pajak Pertambahan Nilai Barang & Jasa dan Pajak Penjualan Atas Barang Mewah, Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan
Undang-Undang RI No. 9 Tahun 1990 Tentang Kepariwisataan. Jakarta, 18 Oktober 1990.
Presiden RI.
Undang-Undang RI No. 9 Tahun 1990 Tentang Kepariwisataan. Jakarta, 18 Oktober 1990.
Undang-Undang RI No. 5 Tahun 1990 Tentang Konservasi Suniber Daya Alam Hayati dan Ekosistemnya. Jakarta, 10 Agustus 1990.
Presiden RI.
Undang-Undang RI No. 5 Tahun 1990 Tentang Konservasi Suniber Daya Alam Hayati dan Ekosistemnya. Jakarta, 10 Agustus 1990.
Departemen Perindustrian, Jakarta.
Departemen Koperasi, Jakarta
BP. Panca Usaha Jakarta
Hlm 49 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Judul Buku
Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 9 tahun 1995 tentang Usaha Kecil
Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 9 tahun 1995 tentang Usaha Kecil
Kantor Wilayah Departemen Koperasi dan Pembinaan Pengusaha Kecil Propinsi Jawa Timur. 44 hlm.
Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 22 Tahun 1999, Tentang Pemerintahan Daerah.
Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 22 Tahun 1999, Tentang Pemerintahan Daerah.
Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No.41 Tahun 1999, tentang Kehutanan
Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No.41 Tahun 1999, tentang Kehutanan
Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 41Tahun 1999 Tentang Kehutanan.
Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 41Tahun 1999 Tentang Kehutanan.
Koperasi Karyawan Hutan
Undang-Undang Perkoperasian RI
Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 15 Tahun 1997 Tentang Ketransmigrasian
Penulis Utama
Undang-Undang Perkoperasian RI Undang-undang Nomor 25 Tahun 1992 tentang Perkoperasian
Undang-undang Nomor 25 Tahun 1992 tentang Perkoperasian
Surabaya: Sinar Wijaya.
Undang-undang Nomor 25 Tahun 1992 tentang Perkoperasian
Undang-undang Nomor 25 Tahun 1992 tentang Perkoperasian
Surabaya Sinar Wijaya
Undang-undang Nomor 25 Tahun 1992 tentang Perkoperasian
Undang-undang Nomor 25 Tahun 1992 tentang Perkoperasian
Sinar Wijaya, Surabaya.
Undang-undang Nomor 22 Tahun 1999, tentang Pemerintahan Daerah, Undangundang Nomor 25 Tahun 1999, tentang Perimbangan Keuangan antara Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah
Undang-undang Nomor 22 Tahun 1999, tentang Pemerintahan Daerah, Undang-undang Nomor 25 Tahun 1999, tentang Perimbangan Keuangan antara Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah
Penerbit Restu, Jakarta
Undang-Undang No. 5 Tahun 1967 Tentang KetentuanKetentuan Pokok Kehutanan. Jakarta, 24 Mei 1967.
Pd. Presiden RI.
Undang-Undang No. 5 Tahun 1967 Tentang KetentuanKetentuan Pokok Kehutanan. Jakarta, 24 Mei 1967.
Hlm 50 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Undang-undang Ketransmigrasian.
Judul Buku
Undang-undang Ketransmigrasian.
Un virus como agente de control de la polilla de la papa Phthorimaea operculella
Alcazar, J.
Revista Peruana de Entomologia 34: 101-104.
Umus Chemistry, Genesis, Composition, Rections.
Stevenson, F.J.
Departement of Agronomy University of Illionis.
A Wiley Intercience Publication John Wiley & Sons New York Singapore.
Umbi Ketela Pohon Sebagai Bahan Industri
Ciptadi, W.
Umbi Ketela Pohon Sebagai Bahan Industri
Departemen Teknologi Hasil Pertanian. Fatemeta IPB. Bogor
Umbi garut Alternatif Pengganti Tepung Terigu
Umbi garut Alternatif Pengganti Tepung Terigu
Edisi Mei. Jawa Pos.
World Health Organization, Genewa
Ultrasonik l Ultrasonic Testing of whole Fruit for Non-Destructive Quality Evaluation
Trisnobudi Galili, N.
Ultrasonik l ASAE Paper No. 936026
ITB, Bandung. American Society of Agricultural Engineer. ST. Joseph. MI. USA.
Ultrasonic Testing : Nonconvensional testing techniques
Szilard, J.
Ultrasonic Testing : Nonconvensional testing techniques
John Wiley & Sons. New York
Ultrasonic Methods in Solid State Physics
Ultrasonic Methods in Solid State Physics
Academic Press. New York.
Cracknell, A.P.
Weekham Publication. London.
Ultrafiltration of Pseudo-plastic Fluids: Separations for Biotechnology. Editor: M.S. Verral dan M. J. Hudson
Aimar. P.
Ultrafiltration of Pseudo-plastic Fluids: Separations for Biotechnology. Editor: M.S. Verral dan M. J. Hudson
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Ultrafiltration Handbook.
Cheryan, M
Ultrafiltration Handbook.
Technomic Publ. Co. Inc. Lancester Pennsylvania
Ultrafiltration Hand-book
Cheryan, M
Ultrafiltration Hand-book
Technomic Publ. Company Inc. Lancester Pennysylvania
Ultra structure of mature ungermined rice ( oryza sativa ) caryopsis.
Bachtel, D.B
The staschy endosperm.
Amer. J. Bot
Hlm 51 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Ujidiagnostic Dalam Pengelolaan Kelainan Kelenjar Tiroid
Masjhur. J.S
Ilmu Penyakit Dalam ed. III
Buku Kedokteran EGC, Jakarta
Uji Toksitas 60 Isolat Bacillus thuringiensis Sebagai Agen Pengendali Hayati Ternadap Hama H. annigera Hubner pada Tanaman Kapas
Chailani, S.R.
Uji Toksitas 60 Isolat Bacillus thuringiensis Sebagai Agen Pengendali Hayati Ternadap Hama H. annigera Hubner pada Tanaman Kapas
Prosiding Kongres llmu Pengetahuan Nasional VI. Jakarta 11-15 September 1995
Uji Toksitas 5 Isolat Bacillus thuringiensis Sebagai Agen Pengendali Hayati Ternadap Hama H. annigera Hubner pada Tanaman Kapas
Uji Toksitas 5 Isolat Bacillus thuringiensis Sebagai Agen Pengendali Hayati Ternadap Hama H. annigera Hubner pada Tanaman Kapas
Seminar Nasional Microbiologi di Malang, 12 -13 Nopember1996
Balai Hortikultura Solok
Uji tanaman inang antrknos papaya Uji tanah
Leiwakabessy FM
Faperta IPB
Uji tanah
Leiwakabessy FM
Faperta IPB
Uji Perbandmgan Berganda dalam Perancangan Percobaan
Diktat Kuliah Fakultas Pertanian Unibraw Malang.
Uji Perbandingan Berganda dalam Perancangan Percobaan
Uji Perbandingan Berganda dalam Perancangan Percobaan
Makalah diseminarkan. Agriculture Faculty of Brawijaya University Malang.
Uji Pendahuluan pemberian pakan tambahan terhadap kemampuan regenerasi organ dalam teripang pasir Holothuria scabra
Uji Pendahuluan pemberian pakan tambahan terhadap kemampuan regenerasi organ dalam teripang pasir Holothuria scabra
Sub. Balai Penelitian Perikanan Pantai Gondol (unpublished)
Uji Laboratorium Ekstrak Pestisida Botani.
Dinas Perkebunan Propinsi Daerah TK.I Lampung. TeginenengNatar Lampung Selatan. 25 hal.
Uji Laboratorium Ekstrak Pestisida Botani.
Uji kualilas telur dari empat galur ayam Leghorn Putih
Nataamijaya, A. G
Ilmu dan Peternakan
uji ketahanan varietas/galur harapan padi terhadap serangan wwereng coklat
Pemb penel. Sukarami 17 : 40-42
Hlm 52 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Uji Ketahanan Sobek Pulp dan Kertas SNI 14 - 036-1989, Uji Ketahanan Tarik dan Panjang Putus Pulp, Kertas dan Karton SNI 14 - 037-1989, Pengujian Derajat Putih Pulp dan Kertas SNI 14 -038 - 1989, Penentuan Gramatur SNI 14 - 039 -1989.
Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI).
Departemen Perindustrian. Jakarta.
Uji Indrawi
Qazuini. M
Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Mataram
Uji efikasi minyak cengkeh dan serai wangi terhadap Pseudomonas solanacearum
Hartati, S. Y.
Uji efikasi minyak cengkeh dan serai wangi terhadap Pseudomonas solanacearum
Hartati, S. Y.
Uji daya konsentrasi fraksi aktif ekstrak daun gambir (uncaria gambir Roxb) terhadap fusarium batatis wr. Var. vanillae tucker secara in vitro.
Uji daya kendali munyak serai wangi dan komponennya terhadap pertumbuhan Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. Vanillae secara in vitro.
Uji daya hasil padi lahan lebak
Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Lahan Rawa. Penelitian dan Pengembangan Rawa dan Pasang Surut Terpadu ISDP. hlm. 237-239.
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Jakarta.
Uji Coba Perbanyakan Vegetatif metoda Cutting terhadap Paronema sp., Gmelina Mollucana, Eucallyptus Urophylla, Shorea Leprosula
irektorat Jendral Reboisasi dan Rehabilitasi Lahan
Balai Teknlogi Reboisasi Banjarbaru
Judul Buku
Hlm 53 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Uji Biokimia terhadap Isolat Bacillus thuringiensis dan Petemakan Ulat Sutera Bombyx mori, Di Kabupaten Sukabumi, Kabupaten Kediri dan Blitar,
Laksmayoni, A.M.A.
Uji Biokimia terhadap Isolat Bacillus thuringiensis dan Petemakan Ulat Sutera Bombyx mori, Di Kabupaten Sukabumi, Kabupaten Kediri dan Blitar,
Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, IPB. Bogor.
Uji beberapa konsentrasi spora cendawan Beauveria bassiana Vuill. Terhadap mortalitas wereng jagung (Peregrinus maydis Ashm.) secara in vitro.
Uji Antagonistik Pseudomonas sp. Dalam Kompos Sampah Kota terhadap Patogen Tular Tanah Penyebab Rebah Kecambah pada Tanaman Tomat (Lycopersicurn esculenfum MUI).
Sabngiarso, I.
Uji Antagonistik Pseudomonas sp. Dalam Kompos Sampah Kota terhadap Patogen Tular Tanah Penyebab Rebah Kecambah pada Tanaman Tomat (Lycopersicurn esculenfum MUI).
IPB, Bogor.
Udjung Kulon: the Land of the Last Javan Rhinoceros
Hoogerwerf, A.
Udjung Kulon: the Land of the Last Javan Rhinoceros
Leiden: E.J. Brill.
Udjung Kulon, the land of the last javan rhinoceros
Hoogerwerf, A.
Udjung Kulon, the land of the last javan rhinoceros
E. J. Brill, Leiden
Udang Sebagai Bahan Pangan
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Lembaga Biologi Nasional
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Ubi jalar Uber das Verth Itnis des Oxydierten Stickstoffd zum reduzierten Kohlenstoff beim Nitratbilder
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Ubi jalar
CV Yasaguna Jkt Archiv. Mikrobiol
Tyrosinase, in Copper Protein and Copper Enzyme
Robb, D.A.
Tyrosinase, in Copper Protein and Copper Enzyme
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Types of Rhizoctonia diseases antd their occurrence
Baker, K.F.
Rhozoctonia solani: Biology and Pathology
Univ. california, Berkeley
Type of microorganisms
Fung, D. Y. C.
The microbiology of poultry meat products
Academic Press, Inc. San Diego, California
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Two-stage dilute sulfuric acid hydrolysis of wood.
Harris, J.F.
Two-stage dilute sulfuric acid hydrolysis of wood.
Forest Products Laboratory, Madison.
Two Stage trout broodstock selection program
G.A.E. Gall
Reproductive performance and growth rate
Calif. Dept. Fish Game Inland. Fish Admin.
Two Dimensional Systematic Sampling and The Associated Stratified Random Sampling
Das. A.C
Two Breeding schemes for the estimation of heterosis and recombination effects
Malik, R.C
Livestock Production Series
Twaalt laren rijstboorder bestrijding door zaaitijdsregeling in West Brebes (Res. Pekalongan). Lanbouw 20(11/12): 465-494
Van der Good, P.
With Summary in English.
Turnover Of Pesticide Residues In Soil,
Hamaker. J.W
Bound and Conjugated Pesticide Residue
ACS Symposium Series
Turfgrass : Sciance and culture,
Beard, J. B.
Turfgrass : Sciance and culture,
Prentice Hall, Eaglewood Cliff N. J. pp 181- 208.
Turbelensi dalam tumpangsari jagung dan kedelai
Risalah hsl lit tanaman pangan thn 91
Balit tanaman pangan Malang
Tupaia-Low-Cost Primates for Medical Research
Primate Utylization and Conversation
New York.USA
Tuntunan Menbangun Agribisnis
Tuntunan Menbangun Agribisnis
PT Elex Media Komputido. Jakarta
Tungro dan wereng hijau
Tungro dan wereng hijau
Direktorat Bina Perlindungan Tanaman
Tungro dan wereng hijau
Dit perlindungan Tanaman Jakarta
Tungro dan wereng hijau
Dit perlindungan Tanaman Jakarta
Tumpangsari Dengan Empang di Purwakarta Jawa Barat. Duta Rimba No. 59
Tumpang Gilir Tumpang Gilir Tumbuhan sebagai sumber bahan obat
Thahir SM Thahir SM Rusdi
Tumpangsari Dengan Empang di Purwakarta Jawa Barat. Duta Rimba No. 59
Tumbuhan sebagai sumber bahan obat
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CV Yasaguna Jakarta CV Yasaguna Jakarta Pusat penelitian Universitas Andalas Padang 99 hal Hlm 55 dari 1800
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Tumbuhan obat famili zingiberaceae
Darwis, M. I.
Pusat penelitian dan pengembangan tanaman Industri. Badan Litbang Deptan, Bogor
Tumbuhan monokotil
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PT Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta
Tumbuhan Indonesia Berguna II
Heyne. K
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan. Departemen Kehutanan
Yayasan Sarana Wana Wijaya, Jakarta
Tumbuhan gerguna Indonesia II.
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Tumbuhan gerguna Indonesia II.
Badan Litbang Departemen kehutanan Jakarata.
Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia.. Terjemahan
Heyne, K
Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia.. Terjemahan
Badan Litbang Kehutanan Departemen Kehutanan dan Yayasan Sarana Wana Jaya. Jakarta
Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia. Jilid II. Jakarta
Heyne, K.
Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia. Jilid II. Jakarta
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan. Hal. 12131214.
Tumbuhan Berguna Indo-nesia. Cetakan Pertama
Heyne, K.
Tumbuhan Berguna Indo-nesia. Cetakan Pertama
Yayasan Sarana Wana Jaya, Jakarta
Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia. 1-4
Heyne, K.
Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia. 14
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan, Departemen Kehutanan, Bogor.
Tumbuhan berguna Indonesia.
Heyne K..
Tumbuhan berguna Indonesia.
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan. Departemen Kehutanan, Jakarta.
Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia.
Heyne, K
Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia.
Koperasi Karyawan Depar-temen Kehutanan Republik Indonesia, Manggala Wanabhakti, Jakarta.
Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia.
Heyne, K.
Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia.
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan Dep. Kehutanan, Jakarta.
Judul Buku
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Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia, Vol III
Heyne K.
Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia, Vol III
Yayasan Wana Jaya, Jakarta
Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia Jilid III (Terjemahan).
Heyne, K.
Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia Jilid III (Terjemahan).
Departemen Kehutanan. Yayasan Sarana Wana Jaya, Jakarta.
Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia Jilid III
Yayasan Sarrana Wanajaya Jakarta
Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia Jilid II
Terjemahan Badan Litbang Kehutanan Dept. Kehutanan, Jakarta
Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia Jilid II
Heyne, K
Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia Jilid II
Diterjemahkan oleh Balitbang Kehutanan
Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia III.
Heyne, K.
Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia III.
Badan Litbang Kehutanan, Jakarta.
Tumbuhan berguna Indonesia III
Heyne, K.
Tumbuhan berguna Indonesia III
Badan Libang Kehutanan, Jakarta.
Tumbuhan berguna Indonesia III
Heyne, K.
Tumbuhan berguna Indonesia III
Balitbanghut Dephut, Jakarta
Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia II. (Terjemahan)
Heyne, K.
Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia II. (Terjemahan)
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan, Departemen Kehutanan, Jakarta.
Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia II
Heyne, K.
Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia II
Badan Penelitian dan Kehutanan, Bogor. hlm. 765-777.
Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia II
Hayne, K
Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia II
Yayasan Sarana Wana Jaya.
Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia I
Heyne K
Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia I
Badan Litbang Kehutanan
Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia (jilid Iii)
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Departemen Kehutanan Jakarta
Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia
Badan Litbang Kehutanan, Cetakan I. Jakarta
Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia
Team Badan Litbang Kehutanan, Penerj. Edisi Indonesia)
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan Dept. Kehutanan RI
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Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia
Heyne, K
Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia
Terjemahan. Yayasan Sarana Wana Jaya. Jakarta
Tumbuhan berguna Indonesia
Heyne, K.
Tumbuhan berguna Indonesia
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan, Departemen Kehutanan, Vol. I-IV.
Tumbuhan berguna Indonesia
Heyne K
Tujuh Teori Sosial Tujuh Langkah Beternak Ayam Buras
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Tujuh Teori Sosial Tujuh Langkah Beternak Ayam Buras
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Tuchung Leaf Supplementation Reduced Lipid Accumulation of Growing Chicks Caused by Dietary Cholesterol Research Report.
Santoso, U.
Tuchung Leaf Supplementation Reduced Lipid Accumulation of Growing Chicks Caused by Dietary Cholesterol Research Report.
Gifu University, Japan.
Tryglyceride Interesterification by Lipases 1. Cocoa Butter Equivalent from a Fraction of Palm Oil
Bloomer, S.,
Tryglyceride Interesterification by Lipases 1. Cocoa Butter Equivalent from a Fraction of Palm Oil
True metabolisable energy content of grain legumes: effects of enzyme supplementation.
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Recent advances in animal nutrition in Australia.
University of New England, Armidale.
True digestibilityof essensial amino acid for poultry.
Tropical Vegetable and Their Genetic Resources
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Tropical Vegetable and Their Genetic Resources
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Comparative Performance of Different Phosporus Source Preprint
IMPHOS-AARD/CSAR International Conference In Asia, Bali Indonesia
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Tropical soils and soils survey
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Tropical Soils and Soils Survey
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Tropical Soils and Soil Survey
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Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility : A Handbook Methods
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Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility
Tropical Soil Tropical Sheep and Goat, Production
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Tropical Sheep and Goat Production
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Tropical Sheep and Goat Production
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Tropical sheep and goat production
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Tropical Sheep and Goat Production
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tropical sheep & goats production
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Australian Univ. Internationla development Program (AUIDP) Canberra
Tropical Roots Crops, Postharvest Physiology and Processing
Uritani Industri
Japan Scientific Societies Press, Tokyo
Tropical reef-fishes of the western Pacific Indonesia and adjacent waters
R.H. Kuiter
Tropical reef-fishes of the western Pacific Indonesia and adjacent waters
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Tropical Reef Fishes of the Western Pacific Indonesia and Adjacent Waters.
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Tropical Reef Fishes of the Western Pacific Indonesia and Adjacent Waters.
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Tropical Reef Fishes of the Western Pacific Indonesia and Adjacent Water.
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Tropical posture science Tropical Plant Disease
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Tropical Peats in Southeast Asia.
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Tropical peats in Southeast Asia.
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Tropical Peats in South East Asia
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Tropical Peats in South East Asia
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Tropical Pasture Science
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Tropical pasture and fodder plants
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Tropical oil : truth & consequences
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Tropical Mushroom Biological Nature and Cultivation Methods
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Tropical Plant Disease
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Tropical Meteorology
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Tropical Meteorology
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Tropical maize
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Tropical legumes: Resources for the future
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Tropical legumes: Resource for the future
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Tropical Legume Resource for The Future
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National Academy of Science. Washington D C London.
Tropical Legume
Tropical Legume: Resources for The Future
National Academy of Sciences. Washington D.C.
Tropical Inland fisheries
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Tropical Inland fisheries
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Tropical Grassland Husbandry.
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Tropical Grassland Husbandry
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Tropical grassland husbandry
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Tropical Grassland Husbandry
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Tropical Grassland Husbandry
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Tropical Fruits
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Tropical fruits
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Longman, London and New York
Tropical Fruits
Samson, J.A
2nd ed. Tropical Agriculture Series
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Tropical Fruit Tropical Forage Legumes.
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Tropical forage legumes
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Tropical forage legumes
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Tropical Feeds. Feed Information Summaries and Nutritive Value.
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Tropical feeds
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Tropical ecology.
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Tropical crops. Monocotyledons 2
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Trend bisnis curang di Indonesia
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Tree Pathology: A Short Introduction
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Training manual on arUficial rnHCinmation in sheep ang goat food ang agrioilturc organization of the uriited nanon, Rome,
Training manual on artificial insemination in sheep and goat
Chemineau P
FAO Animal Production and Health Paper
Traditional fermented of soybean
Winarno FG
Interantional Soybean Symp. Yogyakarta
Tradisi Pesantren; Studi Pandangan Hidup Kyai
Tradisi Pesantren; Studi Pandangan Hidup Kyai
LP3ES, Jakarta
Tradisi Pesantren; Studi Pandangan Hidup Kyai
Tradisi Pesantren; Studi Pandangan Hidup Kyai
LP3ES, Jakarta
Tradisi Pesantren; Studi Pandangan Hidup Kyai
Dhofier, Zamakhasyari
Tradisi Pesantren; Studi Pandangan Hidup Kyai
LP3ES, Jakarta
Tradisi Pesantren: Studi Pandangan Hidup Kyai
Dhofier, Zamakhasyari
Tradisi Pesantren: Studi Pandangan Hidup Kyai
LP3ES, Jakarta.
Tradisi Pesantren : Studi Pandangan Hidup Kiyai
Dhofier, Z.
Tradisi Pesantren : Studi Pandangan Hidup Kiyai
LP3ES, Jakarta.
Tradisi Pesantren
Zamakhsyari Dofier
Tradisi Pesantren
LP3ES, Jakarta
London and New York. Academic Press.
Hlm 67 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Trade Prospects of Indonesian palm oil in the international market for fats and oils
Suryana, A.
Trade and Sustainable Development. A Survey of Issues and a New Research Agenda
Trace Minerals in Food
Smith K.T
Marcel Dekker, New York
Trace Mineral In Food
Smith. K.T
Marcel Dekker. Inc. New York
Trace Elements in Soils Plants 2nd ed.
Kabata-Pendiaz. A
CRC Press London
Trace Elements in Soils and Plants
Kabata-Pendias. A
CRC Press. New York
Trace Elements in Soil And Plants 2nd ed
Kabata-Pendias. A
CRC Press London
Trace Elements In Human Nutrition and Health
Trace Elements In Human Nutrition and Health
World Health Organization, Geneva
Trace elements in human and animal nutrition
Underwood EY
Academic Press Inc. New York
Trace Element in Human Nutrition and Health
WHO, Geneva
TQM : Pergeseran Paradigma dalam Pengelolaan Perusahaan J. Akunt. Dan Manaj.
TQM : Pergeseran Paradigma dalam Pengelolaan Perusahaan J. Akunt. Dan Manaj.
STIE. YKPN. Yogyakarta
Toxins of Entomopathogenic Fungi. Dalam: H.D. Burges (Ed.) Microbial Control of Pests and Plant Diseases 1970 - 1980.
Roberts, D.W.
Toxins of Entomopathogenic Fungi. Dalam: H.D. Burges (Ed.) Microbial Control of Pests and Plant Diseases 1970 - 1980.
Academie Press. London. 949 p.
Toxins of entomopathogenic fungi
Roberts, D.W
H.D. Burgers (ed.) Microbial Control of Pest and Plant Diseases
Academic Press, London
Toxin Production in a Malysian Isolate of The Toxic Dinoflagellate Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum in Laboratory Cultures
Usup, G,
Lassus et al. (eds.) Harmful Marine Algal Blooms. Technique et Documentation
Lavoisier, Intercept, Ltd., pp.: 519-524.
Judul Buku
Trade and Sustainable Development. A Survey of Issues and a New Research Agenda
International Institute for Sustainable Development. Canada.
World Health Organization, Geneva
Hlm 68 dari 1800
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Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Toxigenic fungi in foods, him. 469-477.
Mislivec, P.B.
J.V. Rodricks, C.W. Hesseltine & M.A. Mehlman (ed.), Mycotoxin in Human and Animal Health
Illinois: Pathotox. Publ. Park Forest Smith.
Toxicology, the basic science of poisons.
Cassaret, L. J.
Mac Milan Publ. Co. Inc., New York
Toxicology of Insectisides
Matsumura, F
Plenum Press. New York
Toxicology of Insecticide.
Matsumura, F.,
Toxicological evaluation of some food additives including anticaking agent, antimicrobials, antioxidants emulsifiers and thickening agents.
WHO Geneve.
Toxicological Chemistry. 2nd.Ed.
Manahan, E. E.
Lewis Publ, Tokyo
Toxicological chemistry. 2nd ed.
Manahan, S. E.
Lewis Publ. Tokyo.
Toxicological chemistry. 2nd ed.
Manahan, S. E.
Lewis Publ. Tokyo
Toxicological Chemistry. Toxicity of weiland soil p 123138
Manahan, S. E. Van Mensvoort, M.E.
Lewis Publ, Tokyo. IRRI. Los Banos
Toxicity of sodium pentachlorophenate to the grass shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio, in relation to the molt cycle
Conklin, P.J.
in Pentachlorophenol: chemistry, pharmacology and environmental toxicology (ed. by K.R. Rao).
Plenum Press, New York. pp: 181-192.
Toxicity of sodium pentachlorophenate to the grass shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio, in relation to the molt cycle
Conklin, P.J.
in Pentachlorophenol: chemistry, pharmacology and environmental toxicology (ed. by K.R. Rao).
Plenum Press, New York. pp: 181-192.
Toxicity of selected organophosphates and carbamate pesticides to infective juveniles of the entomogeneous nematode, Neoplectana carpocapsae (Rhabditida : Steinernematidae)
Hara, A.H
Toxicology of Insecticide.
Intern Rice Res Inst Weiland soils: characterization, classification and utilization
Plenum Press, London.
Environmental Entomology
Hlm 69 dari 1800
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Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Toxicity of selected controlled release and corresponding unformulated technical grade pesticides to the fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas.
Jarvinen, A. W
Environ. Pollut. Ser. A Ecol. Biol. 27:179-195.
Toxicity of Pesticides to Fish. Vol. 1
Murty, A.S.
Toxicity of Pesticides to Fish. Vol. 1
CRC Press. Inc. Florida.
Toxicity of heavy metals dissolved in sea water and influences of sex and size on metal accumulation and tissue distribution in the Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus
M. Canli
Toxicity of heavy metals dissolved in sea water and influences of sex and size on metal accumulation and tissue distribution in the Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus
Marine Environmental Research
Toxicity of cadmium and cooper tomarine fish larvae (Cyprinodon variegatus) and copepods (Tisbe battagliai)
T.H. Hutchinson
Toxicity of cadmium and cooper tomarine fish larvae (Cyprinodon variegatus) and copepods (Tisbe battagliai)
Marine Environmental Research
Toxicity and safety of fats and oils
Kitts D
Bailey's Industrial Oil and Fat Products
John Willey & Sons, Inc, New York
Toxicity & safety of fats & oil in Barley's Industrial Oil & Fat products
Kitts D
Toxicants Occuring Naturally in Food Nutrition Board National Research Council, USA
Wilson, B
Toxic Constituents of plant foodstuffs
Liener IE
Toxic algal blooms and red tides: a global perspective
Anderson, D.M.
Okaichi, T., Anderson, D.M., Nemoto, T. (eds). Red Tides. Biology, Environmental Science and Toxicology
Elsevier, New York. Pp. 11-16.
Towards durable disease resistance to blast and bacterial blight:
Nelson, R.
The use of molecular markers to characterize pathogen population and source of disease resistance.
Division of Plant Pathology, IRRI, Los Banos, Philippines.
Towards a marker assisted selection and transfer of downy mildew rsistance in Philippine maize inbreds
Hautea DM
Asian Agriculuture Congress, 2427/4 2001
Manila Philippines
John Wiley & Sons New York Toxicants Occuring Naturally in Food Nutrition Board National Research Council, USA
NationalAcademy of Science, Washing-ton
Academic Press. New York-London-TorontoSidney-San francisco
Hlm 70 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Toward a Sustainable Aquaculture Development
Liao I.C
Report of an APO Seminar on Improving Management of Aquaculture
Asian Productivity Organization, Taipei
Toward A better Lawn.
Wan, C. K.
Toward A better Lawn.
Agricultural and Horticulture Department, University Pertanian Malaysia
Tourism Planning Basic Concept Cases 3th ed.
Gunn. C.A
Taylor and Francis. USA
Tourism in Kenya, A Basic Need For Whom ?
Bachmann. P
P. Lang New York
Tourism Economic, Physical and Social Impacts
Mathieson. A
Longman Scientific & Technical. New York
Total Testosteron. Coat-ACount.
Diagnostics Products Corporation, Los Angeles, CA.
Total Quality Management.
Total Quality Management.
Andi Offset. Yogyakarta. WidjajaTunggal
Total Quality Control:
Feigenbaum, A.V
Total Quality Control: Third Edition .
McGraw-Hill Book, Inc.New York
Total ketersediaan sumber daya lahan dan arahan pemanfaatan untuk beberapa komoditas
Soekardi, M.
Total ketersediaan sumber daya lahan dan arahan pemanfaatan untuk beberapa komoditas
Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat. (Unpublished report).
Total Factor Productivity and Frontier Production Fungtion
Widodo. S
Jurusan Sosek. Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian UGM. Yogyakarta
Total elasticity of demand for indonesia natural rubber: the used of Armington Model.
Drajat, B.
Total Carbon, Organic Carbon and Organic Matter
Nelson. D.W
Methods Of Soil Analysis Part 2 : Chemical and Microbiological Properties
Agronomy Monograph No. 9. SSSA, Madison, Wiscosin
TOR TIPE-A Survei Kapa-bilitas Tanah. Dukumentasi No: 1/1982. Proyek P3MT
Pusat Penelitian Tanah
TOR TIPE-A Survei Kapa-bilitas Tanah. Dukumentasi No: 1/1982. Proyek P3MT
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Bogor. 50 hlm.
TOR TIPE-A survei kapabilitas tanah Dok No: l Proyek P3MT
Pusat Penelitian Tanah
TOR TIPE-A survei kapabilitas tanah Dok No: l Proyek P3MT
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Jakarta 50 hlm.
Tomato Washing Using Ozonated Water
Piper. J
EPRI Workshop, Memphis Hlm 71 dari 1800
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Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Tomato ACC Synthase Regulation Of Gene Expression and Importance of The Cterminal Region In Enzyme Activity
Mattoo. A.K
Cellular and Molecular Aspects Of The Plant Hormone Ethylene
Proceeding The International Symposium on Cellular and Molecular Aspects Of Biosynthesis and Action of The Plant Hormone. France
Tomat dan Cherry
Rukmana, Rahmat
Tomat dan Cherry
Penerbit Kanisius. Yogyakarta.
Tolok Ukur dan Klasifikasi Kemandirian P3A
Direktorat Jenderal Pengairan Jakarta.
Tolok Ukur dan Klasifikasi Kemandirian P3A ToksikologiDasar, Asas, Organ Sasaran dan Penilaian Resiko. Edisi kedua, Penerjemah Edi Nugroho.
Lu, C.F.,
ToksikologiDasar, Asas, Organ Sasaran dan Penilaian Resiko. Edisi kedua, Penerjemah Edi Nugroho.
Universitas Indonesia Press, Jakarta. 282 PP.
Toksikologi Dasar. Edisi ke3. Alih Bahasa Imago Argo
Loomis, Ted. A.
Toksikologi Dasar. Edisi ke3. Alih Bahasa Imago Argo
IKIP Semarang Press, Semarang
Toksikologi dasar
C.L.U Frank
Toksikologi dasar
Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta
Toksikologi Dasar
Lu F.C
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Toksikan Nabati Pada Bahan Makanan
Makfoeld. D
Liberty Yogyakarta
Toksikan Nabati Pada Bahan Makanan
Makfoeld. D
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Toksikan Nabati Dalam Makanan
Makfoeld, D.
Tocotrienols regulate cholesterol producton in mamalian cells by post transcriptional supresion of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutamyl coenzyme A reductase
Parker RA
Tlie Ecology of Fishes Translated from Russian Bay. L.Birbret
Toksikan Nabati Dalam Makanan
Nikolsky. V
Tlie Ecology of Fishes Translated from Russian Bay. L.Birbret
Academic Press. London and New York.
Tjatjing jang berparasit pada hewan menjusui dan unggas di Indonesia
Tandjung Adiwinata, R.
Tissue Culture Propagation of Temperate Fruit Trees In ; Dodds J.H (Eds)
Tissue Culture of Trees Croom Helm, London
Tissue Culture of Trees Croom Helm, London
Hlm 72 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Tissue Culture of Hardwoods
Dodd. J.H
Tissue Culture Of Trees
Croom Helm, London and Canberra. The Avi Pulishing Co. Inc.
Tissue culture methods for the storage and utilization of potato germplasm. In Tissue culture methods for plant pathologists. D.S. Ingram and J.P. Helgeson (eds.).
Henshaw, G.G
Tissue culture methods for plant pathologists.
Oxford: Blackwell scientific Publications
Tissue culture in oil palm. In oil palm plantation management course
Rohani O
Selected Readings, PORIMMalaysia pp 34-43
Tissue culture in oil palm. In oil palm plantation management course
Rohani O
Selected readings , Porim Malaysia
Tissue culture in oil palm Tissue Culture and Differentioation of Galic
Rohani O Kehr A. E.
PORIM p 34-43
Tissue changes follow-ing deprivation of fat-soluble A vitamin
Wolbach, S.B
A. J. Exp. Med
Tissue and cell culture, him 4563
Brooks, K.H.
P.J. Delves (ed ), Cellular Immunology
Oxford: Bios Scientific Publisher
Tipe-Tipe Vegetasi
Samingan, TJ.
Tipe-Tipe Vegetasi
Penerbit Yayasan Pembina Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
Tinjauan ulang mengenai evaluasi suplemen pada jerami padi. Hal 325-328. Dalam: Seminar pemafaatan limbah pangan dan limbah pertanian untuk makanan ternak
Djajanegara, A
Tinjauan ulang mengenai evaluasi suplemen pada jerami padi. Hal 325-328. Dalam: Seminar pemafaatan limbah pangan dan limbah pertanian untuk makanan ternak
Lembaga Kimia Nasional. LIPIYogyakarta. 10-12 Januari 1983
Tinjauan thdp litbang pemanfaatan zeolit Indonesia
Dirjen pertambangan umum Pusat Pengembangan teknologi mineral
Tinjauan thdp litbang pemanfaatan zeolit Indonesia
Dirjen pertambangan umum Pusat Pengembangan teknologi mineral
Malaysia Hort Sci.
Hlm 73 dari 1800
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Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Tinjauan terhadap usaha intensifikasi tanaman pangan menjelang akhir Pelita 111. S.P.
S.P. Bimas
Tinjauan terhadap usaha intensifikasi tanaman pangan menjelang akhir Pelita 111. S.P.
Bimas Jakarta.
Tinjauan proses pembuatan dan identifikasi karakteristik mutu "gula puan" dari susu kerbau rawa (bufelusus asiatikus) di Pulo Layang, Pampangan OKI, Sumsel
Hanum, S. Y.
Tinjauan Pelaksanaan Program Bimas Intensifikasi Pertanian Kabupaten Dati II Minahasa
Tinjauan Pelaksanaan Program Bimas Intensifikasi Pertanian Kabupaten Dati II Minahasa
Satuan Pelaksana Bimas Kabupaten Dati II Minahasa, Tondano.
Tinjauan Pelaksanaan Program Bimas Intensifikasi Pertanian Kabupaten Dati II Minahasa selang Pelita V.
Tinjauan Pelaksanaan Program Bimas Intensifikasi Pertanian Kabupaten Dati II Minahasa selang Pelita V.
Satuan Pelaksana Bimas Kabupaten Dati II Minahasa, Tondano, April 1994.
Tinjauan Maslah Gizi di Indonesia sampai Dewasa ini
Abunai D
Widya Karya Pangan dan Gizi, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia Jakarta
Tinjauan literatur pengolahan daging
Palupi, W. D. E.
Tinjauan geologi letusan Gunung Kelud
Suryono, N
Tingkat partisipasi petani dalam penerapan teknologi produksi kakao. ( Kasus di Kecamatan Ladongi, Kab. Kolaka. ).
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Time, Goods and Well Being
Pusat dokumentasi ilmiah nasional, lembaga ilmu pengetahuan indonesia, Jakarta Tinjauan geologi letusan Gunung Kelud
CV. Waicitra Consultant, Surabaya
Juster. F.T
Survey Reseach Center Institute For Social Research
The University of Minchigan USA
Time use :A measure of household production of family goods and services
Walker K.E
Wahington DC:Center for the Family of the American Home Economics Association
Time Series Analisys Forcasting and Control
Box G.E.P
Holden-Day,Inc.Oakland california
Time and mode of nitrogen fertilizer application to tropical wetland rice
Craswell, E. T.
Hlm 74 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Timber Management : A Quantitative Approach. New York
Clutter. J.L
Tillage in Lowland Rice-Based Cropping System
Lal. R
Soil Physic and Rice
Tikus sawah
Murakami O
Tulisan ilmiah kerjasama tehnis Ind-Jpg.Bidang perlindungan Tanaman Pangan
Dit Bina Perlindungan Tanaman. Dirjen Pertanian Tanaman Pangan
Tiga Ratus Satu Rangkaian Elektonika
Hartono I
Tiga Ratus Satu Rangkaian Elektonika
Elex Media Komputindo Jakarta
Tiga Metode Aerasi Pada Budidaya Jamur Tiram Putih
Jurnal Mikrobilogi Indonesia Vol. 2 (2)
Perhimpunan Mikrobiologi Indonesia Jakarta
Tiga Langkah Menuju Keluarga yang Harmonis
Eyre R
Tiga kasus terjadinya pembaruan kelembagaan, dalam Kasryno F dan Stepanek G (penyunting) Dinamika Pembangunan Pedesaan
Ruttan VW
Tiga Kasus Terjadinya Pembaman Kelembagaan. dalam Kasryno F. dan Stepanek G. (penyunting). Dinamika Pembangunan Pedesaan
Ruttan, V.W.
Tiga Kasus Terjadinya Pembaman Kelembagaan. dalam Kasryno F. dan Stepanek G. (penyunting). Dinamika Pembangunan Pedesaan
Penerbit Yayasan Obor Indonesia dan Gramedia. Jakarta.
Tidal Swamp Rice in Palembang Region
Koswara, O.
Tidal Swamp Rice in Palembang Region
Research Priorities in Tidal Swamp Rice IRRI. Los Banos.
Tidal and diurnal rhytms of locomotory activity and oxygen consumtion in the pink shrimp, penaeusence
Subrahmanyam. C.B
Tidal and diurnal rhytms of locomotory activity and oxygen consumtion in the pink shrimp, penaeusence
Contributions to marine science
Thyroids (by RK Ringer).
Strurkie PD
In: Avian Physiology, 3th edition.
Springer Verlag. New York. Heidleberg, berlin
Thyroid in Avian Physicologi. 3rd Ed.
Ringer, R.K.
Thyroid in Avian Physicologi. 3rd Ed.
Sturkie, P.D. Ed. Springer Verlag, New York.
Thyroid and Antitiroid Drugs, pp. 426.
Bavermant, L.E.
Thyroid and Antitiroid Drugs, pp. 426.
Judul Buku
Penerbit John Willey & Sons. Inc. New York
Yayasan Obor Indonesia dan Gramedia, Jakarta
Hlm 75 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Thyroid and Antithyroid Drug. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 6th ed.
Phamd, F.S.
Thyroid and Antithyroid Drug. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 6th ed.
Department of Pharmacology, University of California, San Francisco, pp. 583-584.
Thyazopir Weed Control In Parenial Crops
Thuricide Ecological Insecticide.
Thuricide Ecological Insecticide.
Sandoz Ltd. Basle (Switzerland).
Thrips, their Biology, Ecology and Economic Importance
Lewis, T.
Thrips, their Biology, Ecology and Economic Importance
Academic, London. 349 pp.
Three Use of Compost in Indonesia: Proposed Compost Standarts.
Blaendorf, E.
Urban Development Sector Unit East Asia and Pasific Region.
Three transfusion with tetracyclines as a measure for citrus likutin control
Chiu, R.J
Plant Desease due to mycoplasma like organism
Ref. FFTC Book series, Taipei
Thorpes Dictionary of applied chemistry. Fourth edition. Vol. II
Thorpe, JF
Thorpes Dictionary of applied chemistry. Fourth edition. Vol. II
Langmans Green and Co. London
Thorpe's dictionary of Applied Chemistry. Fourth Edition. Vol II.
Thorpe, J.F.
Thorpe's dictionary of Applied Chemistry. Fourth Edition. Vol II.
Longmans Green and Co, London.
Thorpe's Dictionary of Applied Chemistry
Thorpe J.F
Thorpe's Dictionary of Applied Chemistry (4th ed )
Longmans, Green dan Co, Cambridge
This is AARD
This is AARD
Jakarta: The Agency for Agricultural Research and Development.
Third Shrimp Health Management. Training HandBook.
Chanratchakool, P.,
Third Shrimp Health Management. Training HandBook.
The Aquatic Animal Health Research Institute. Department of Fisheries. Kasetsart University Campus. Bangkok.
Thioesterase activity
Sambanthamurti R
Symp on plant lipid
Thin Layer Chroniatograpliy.
Stahl, E.J.
Thin Layer Chroniatograpliy.
George Allein & Unwun, London 560 pp.
Thin Layer Chromatography.
Stahl, E.J.
Thin Layer Chromatography.
George Allein & Unwun, London. 560 pp.
Brit.Crop. Prot. Conf. (Weed)
Hlm 76 dari 1800
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Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Thidiazuron-induced adventitious shoot regeneration of sweet potato Qpomoea batatas).,
Gosukanda, R.M.,
Thickening and Gelling Agents for Food
Thickening and Gelling Agents for Food
Blackie Academic and Professional, London
Thickening and Gelling Agents
Thickening and Gelling Agents
Academic Press, New York
theUtilization of Poultry Waste as Feedstuff for Growing Chicks
Regal, C.J.
theUtilization of Poultry Waste as Feedstuff for Growing Chicks
Poultry sci
Thermoregulatory behavior
Ingram DL
Stress Physiology of Livestock. Vol 1 MK Yousef (Editor).
CKC Press Inc., Boca
Thermoregulation . In: Adaptation of Domestic Animals.
Bianca, W.
Thermophilic waste treatment system
Zinder, S. H.
thermophiles. Edt. By Thomas D. Brock
John Wiley and Sons Singapore
Edwards C.
C. Edward (ed). Microbiology ofExtrem Environments
New York, Me Graw-Hill. him. 1-32.
Thermophiles, him. 1-32
Edwards, C.
C. Edwards (ed.), Microbiology of Extreme Environments
Milton Keynes: Open University Press.
Thermoneutral Zone
Yousef MK
Stress Physiology of Livestock Vol II MK Yousef (Ed)
CRC Press,Inc Boca Raton, Florida
Thermal Pro-perties of Foods and Agricultural Materials
Mohsenin, N.N.
Thermal Pro-perties of Foods and Agricultural Materials
Cordon and Breach, Sci. Publ., Inc. New York
Thermal Prformance Tests Of Solar Under Hot And Humid Climatic Conditions.
Amri. A.M.S
Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Vol. 28
Thermal analysis-techniques and Applications.
Charsley EL
Royal society of chemistry, Cambridge
Thermal analysis of materials.
Speyer RF
Thermal analysis of materials.
marcel dekker Inc New york
Thermal adjusmnebts of steers (Bos Taurus ) to abrupt changes
McLean JA
Enviromental temperature
There's a new Champion in Copper fungicide and the Proof is in your hand. Agrol Chemical Products
There's a new Champion in Copper fungicide and the Proof is in your hand. Agrol Chemical Products
The Philipp Brothers Chemicals, Inc. Texas
Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia.
Hlm 77 dari 1800
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There has never been a herbicide like this before
Thompson. R. P.
round up herbicide. 3 eds.
Therapeutic Drugs.
Dollery, S.C.
Therapeutic Drugs.
Theory on the Migration of Layang (Decapterus spp.) in the Java Sea.
Hardenberg, J.D.F.
Med. Inst. Zeevisschenj. Batavia. 124-131.
Theory of plant breeding 2nd ed.
Mayo, O.
Oxford Science Publication, Clarendon Press Oxford
Theory of Elasticity
Timoshenko. S.P
McGraw Hill Book Company. New York
Theory of Econometrics: An Introductory Exposition of Econometrics Methods
Kontsoyianis, A.
Theory of Econometrics: An Introductory Exposition of Econometrics Methods
Macmillan Education Ltd.
Theory of Econometrics: An Introductory Exposition of Econometrics Methods
Kontsoyianis, A.
Theory of Econometrics: An Introductory Exposition of Econometrics Methods
Macmillan Education Ltd.
Theory of econometrics. An introductory exposition of econometrics methods. Second edition
Koutsayiannis A
Macmilan Press Ltd. USA
Theory of Econometrics 2nd ed.
MacMillan Press. Ltd. United Kingdom
Theory and promblems of genetics 2nd schain's outline series.
Stanfield W.D,
Theory and promblems of genetics 2nd schain's outline series.
Mc. Grow thill book Co. New Delhi.
Theory and problems of genetics. 2nd.
Scaum's outline series.
Mc Graw Hill Book Co.
Theory and problems of genetics. 2nd ed. (Schaum Series).
Stansfield, W.D.
Theory and problems of genetics. 2nd ed. (Schaum Series).
Mc Graw-Hill, Inc., London. p. 234-257.
Theory and Problems of genetics. 2nd ed
Stanfield WD
Schaum's Outline Series.
Mc Graw Hill Book Co. New Delhi
Theory and Problems of Genetics, 2ed Schaums out line series
W.D. Stansfield
Theory and Problems of Genetics, 2ed Schaums out line series
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York
Theory and problems of genetics 2nd schain's outline series
Stanfield, W. D.
Mc Graw-Hill Book Co. New Delhi
Theory and Problems of Genetics 2nd ed. Schaum's Outline Series
Stanfield. W.D
McGrawth Hill Book. Co
Churchill Livingstone, New York. p. 107-110.
Hlm 78 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Theory and Problems of Genetics
Stansfield. W.D
Theory and Problems of Genetics
Stainfield, W.D
Theory and Problem of genetics. Second edition
Stanfield WD
McGrawHill, Inc. New York
Theory and Practice of Econometrics
Judge W
Addison and Walley.New York
Theory and Practical considerations of composting organic wastes.
Gaur, A.C
Organics in Soil Health and Crop Production.
Peekay Tree Crops developent Foundation. Kerala. India.
Theory and Practical considerations of composting organic wastes
Gaur, A.C
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Peekay Tree Crops Development Foundation. Kerala. India
Theory and application of the puncture test in food texture measurement. In : P Sherman (Editor), Food Texture and Rheology
Bourne M.C
Food Texture and Rheology
Academie Press, New York,N.Y
Theoritical Gains For Different Population Improvement Procedurs
Emping. I.T
University Of Nebraska Collage of Agriculture
Theoritical Gains For Different Population Improvement Procedures
Empig. L.T
University of Nebraska Collage of Agricultural
Theori Practice Leather Manufacture. The Author 4 second Avenue, Mahadma Gandhi Road Madras 600041
Sarkar. K.T.
Theori Practice Leather Manufacture. The Author 4 second Avenue, Mahadma Gandhi Road Madras 600041
Theori and problems of genetics
Schaum's Outline series
McGraw Hill Book Co.
Theoretical Criminology.
George B. Vold
Theoretical Criminology.
Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford
Their Production and use ND Vaccines
Allan, W.H.
Their Production and use ND Vaccines
FAO. Rome Italy. 1-159.
Their ecology & relationship with soils & land use
Lee KE
The yield of sugar beet in relation to weather and length of growing season .
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Penerbit McGraw Hill Book Company. New York
Second Edition. Schaum's Outline Series
Mc Graw Hill Book Co. New york
Academic Press London
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The Yeast: A Taxonomy Study
Lodder J.
The Yeast: A Taxonomy Study
North Holland Publishing Co.
The yeast, a Taxonomic Study. 3rd ed.
Kreger-van Rij, N.J.W.
The yeast, a Taxonomic Study. 3rd ed.
Elsevier Sci. Publ., Amsterdam.
The Yeast, A Taxonomic Study
Lodder, J.
The Yeast, A Taxonomic Study
North Holland, American Eleevier
The World's Worst Weeds. Distribution and Biology.
Holm, L.J.
The World's Worst Weeds. Distribution and Biology.
University Press of Hawaii.
The World's worst weeds. Distribuion and biology
Holm, L. G.
The World's worse weeds
Holm, L.G.
The work ethics, New York: A division of american management association
Cherrington D
The Whitehead Encyclopedia of Deer
The University Press of Hawaii, Homolulu Distribution and biology.
The University Press of Hawaii, Honolulu.
Whitehead, G.K.
The Whitehead Encyclopedia of Deer
Stillwater: Swan Hill Press.
The white rice stem borer in Java
Dammerman, K.N.
Med. Lab. Plantenziekten
The water-holding capacity of meat. Pada: carcass composition and appraisal of meat animals. Selected paper. D. E. Tribe (ed.)
Hamm, R.
The water culture method of growing plants without soil
IIoagland, D.R.S.
The voluntary food intake of farm animals.
Forbes, J. M.
The Voluntary Food Intake of Farm Animals.
Forces, J.M.
The Voluntary Food Intake of Farm Animals.
Butterworth & Co, London.
The Volatile Flavor of Raw and Cooked Channel Catfish, in Food Flavor, Ingredients and Composition
Mills, E.O.
The Volatile Flavor of Raw and Cooked Channel Catfish, in Food Flavor, Ingredients and Composition
Elsevier Sciences Publ.
The Vocabulary of Organic Chemistry
Orchin, M.
The Vocabulary of Organic Chemistry
New York: John Willey & Sons.
CSIRO, Melbourne
The water culture method of growing plants without soil
California Agriculture Experiment Station Circulation No. 347. Berkeley: California Agriculture Experiment Station. Koskc, R.E.
Butterworths, London.
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The vitamins'.
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FAO/UNDP. Fish feed technology lectures. Trag course Fish Feed Technology held at the College of Fisheries. University of Washgton, Seatle Washgton, 9 October -15 December 1978 Rome, FAO/UNDP, 74-75.
The Vital Requirements of Artemia: Physiology and Nutrition,
D'Agostinos, A.S.,
In The Brine Shrimp Artemia, Vol 2, (Persoone, G., Sorgeloos, P., Roels, O. and Jaspers, E., Eds.),
The Visual Food Encyclopedia
The Virulence Factors in Escherichia Coli Strains Isolated from Pigs in The Ribeiro Preto Region, State of Sao Paolo, Brazil.
Carvalho, A. C. F. B.
CAB Abstracts 1992.
The Vertical Migration of Plankton crustacea
Cushing, D.H
The Vertical Migration of Plankton crustacea
Biological Reviews
The vertical distribution of marine macroplankton. VI. Further observation on diurnal changes
Russel, F.S
The vertical distribution of marine macroplankton. VI. Further observation on diurnal changes
marine Biological association of the United Kingdom
The Vegetative Plants, Reproductive Growth
Elliot, M. C.
In Plants growth Regulator Potensial and Practice Ed. Tudork. T. BCPC Publications
London Road, Coydon CRO2TD, The Levenham Press Limited Levenham, suffiok
The vegetative plants reproductive growth, p 57-98 in plant growth regulator potential and practice.
Elliot, M.C.
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The Levenham Suffiok.
The Variance of the genetic correlation coeffecient
E. Reeve
The Vanishing Resource
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Soil Management for Sustainability
The Value of Leucaena leoco cephala as a feed for ruminants in the tropics.
Jones, R.J.
Universe Press, Wettern, Belgium, 55p.
Mac Milan.New York, USA
Soil And Water Conservation Society. Iowa
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The Value of Dried Poultry Waste as Feedstuff in Broiler Diets
El Boushy, A. R
The Value of Dried Poultry Waste as Feedstuff in Broiler Diets
The Value of Cassava Root Meal For Chick
Enriquez, F. Q.
The Valuation of Environmental Goods and Service
Thampapillai D ZJ
The Utilization of Pasture in Ruminant Nutrition.
Holmes, W.
The utilization of fibrous residues in south Asia
Jayasuriya, M.C.N
The utilization of fibrous residues in south Asia
The usefullness of taxonomy for Solanaceae reeders with special reference to the genus Solanum and to Solarium melongena L. (eggplant)
Daunay, M.C.
Capsicum Newslett. 7: 10.
The useful plants of Indonesia. Indonesian. ( Translation of Heyne. K. 1950. De Nuttige Planten van Indonesie. Bandung. 2 volume)
Forest Research Development Agency
Sarana Wana Jaya Foundation. Jakarta, 4 volume
The usefül plants of Indonesia. Indonesian
Forest Research Development Agency
The usefül plants of Indonesia. Indonesian
Sarana Wana Jaya Foundation. Jakarta, 4 volume.
The used of immunostimulants to increase resistance of aquatic organism to microbial infection.
Raa, J.,
M. Shariff, R P. Subangsinghe, and J.R. Arthur (Eds.). Diseases Aquaculture I.
Fish Health Section. Asian Fisheries Society. Manila. Philippines, p. 3950.
The used of immunostimulants to increase resistance of aquatic organism to microbia! infection.
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M. Shariff, R.P. Subangsghe and J.R. Arthur (Eds.). Diseases Aquaculture I Fish Health Section. Asian Fisheries Society. Manila. Philippes, p.39-50.
Department of Animal Science, University of Haway, Honolulu UNEP Region Office for Asia and Pacific
NETTLAP Publication No 6 Singapore INRA, Paris. Proceeding workshop on bioconversion of lignocellulosic and carbohydrate residues in rural communities, December 11-15, Bali, Indonesia
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The Use of The Nylon Bag Technique for The Evaluation of Feedstuff.
Orskov, E. R.
The Use of Synthetic Oligonucleotides as Specific Hybridization Probes in The Diagnosis of Genetic Disorders
Thein, S.L.
Human Genetic Diseases:A Practical Approach. (Davis, K.E. and V.A. Hemdon)
IRL Press. Oxford
The Use of single and mixed cultures for aerobic treatment of cane sugar stillage and SCP production
B.C. Nudel
Biol. Wastes
The Use of Shrubs and Tree Fodders by The Workshop on Shrubs and Tree Fodders for Farm Animals, 24-29 July 1989, Denpasar, Indonesia.
Devendra, C.
International Development Research Centre.
International Development Research Centre.
The use of resistance genes to curb population shirts in plant pathogens, him. 49-66
Nelson, R.R.
R.R, Nelson (ed.), Breeding Plants for Disease Resistance. Concept and Applications
London: The Pennsylvania State University Press.
The use of RAPD technique for the identification and classification of Pisum Sativum
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L Genotypes, Euphytica 89 :229234
The use of radioactive tracer (32 P) to asses the Agronomic effectiveness of phosphate rock.
Sisworo, W.H.
The Use of Phospate Rock for Direct Application to Soils Advances in Agronomy
The use of nylon bag technique for the evaluation of foodstuffs.
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The use of nuclear technique in studies of soil/plants relationship
The use of microorganisms for orange Cultivation in the Ju-du
Lee yung-min
Rowett research institute, bucksburn, Aberdeen, Scotland. A training Manual join FAO/IAEA Programme.
IAEA Laboratories
IN fourth conference on the technology of Effective Microorganisms 4, Che Ju-du, Republic Korea
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The use of microorganisms for orange Cultivation in the Ju-du
Lee yung-min
The use of imunostimulants to increase resistance of aquatic organisms to microbial infections.
Raa, J.,
Diseases Asian Aquacullure I. Shariff, M., Subasghe, R.P. and Arthur, J.R. (eds.), 39-50.
Fish Health Section, Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines.
The use of immunostimulants to increase resistance of aquatic organisms to microbial infections.
Raa, J.,
I.M. Shariff, R.P. Subasghe & J.R. Arthur (Eds.). D/s-eases Asian Aquaculture.
Fish Health Section, Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines, p.3950.
The use of immunostimulants to increase resistance of aquatic organisms to microbial infections
Raa, J.,
Shariff, M., Subangsihe, R.P. and Arthur, J.R. (eds). Diseases Asian Aquaculture I. Fish Health section,
Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philliphines. 3950.
The use of Immuno-stimulants to increase resistance of Aquartic Organisms to Microbial Infection
Disease in Asian Aquaculture I
Shariff M, J.R.Arthur.R.P.Subasingh e (Eds).Fish Health Section Asian Fisheries Society
The use of gamma Irradiation in vitro and combined use of in vitro cuture to select mutan clones in sweet potato.
Lu, SY.
The use of gamma Irradiation in vitro and combined use of in vitro cuture to select mutan clones in sweet potato.
IAEA-TECDOC-809. Vienna
The use of flourecein diacetate and phenolsafranin for determoning viability of cultured plant cells.
Widholm, J.M.
The use of dilute solutions of hidrogen peroxide to whiten fish flesh.
Young, K.W.,
E. Heen dan R. Kreuzer Fish Nutrition (Eds.).
Fishing News, England, p. 242-254.
The use of Brine Shrimp Artemia in Crustacean hatcheries and nurseries,
Sorgeloos, P.,
in Handbook of Marine culture, Vol. 1 (Mc Vey, J.P., Ed.)
CRC Press, Boca Raton FL. 71p.
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The Use of Artemia in Aquaculture.
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The Brine Shrimp Artemia. Vol 3. Ecology, Culturing, Use Aquaculture. Persoon, G., Sorgeloos, P,Roels, O,Jaspers, E. (Eds.)
Universa Press. Wetteren, Belgium, pp:2546
The use of an enzyme immunoassay for milk progesterone for evaluating dairy herd fertility
Hariadi, M.
Master of Philosophy Thesis,
Murdoch University. Western Australia.
The Use of an enzy-matic technique and net energy of compound feedstuff for ruminant
De Boecver, J.L
The use of allelic isozyme variation for the study of heterosis. Isozymes
Zouros, E
The use of allelic isozyme variation for the study of heterosis. Isozymes
Current Topics in Biological and Medical Research
The Use Endosperm Genes For Sweet Corn Improvement
Boyer. C.D
Plant Breeding Reviews (Vol. 1)
Avi Publishing Company Inc. Westport. Connecticut
The use and significance of pesticides in the environment
McEwen, F.L.
The use and significance of pesticides in the environment
John Wiley and Sons, New York. Brisbane. Toronto.
The UnResolved Problems Of Peat Water Relationships
Fuschman. C.H
Aspect of Water Retention and Dewatering in Peat
Elsevier Applied Sci. Publ. London
The Uncertain Promise The U.C. system for producing healthy container-grown plants.
Goulet, Denis Anonymous,
The Uncertain Promise
New York: IDOC Surray Beatty and Sons. Pty. Ltd. Australia.
The Twelve Who Survive, Strengthening Programmes of Early Childhood Developmend in Third Word
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Routledge in co-operation with UNESCO.London and New York
The Turtle Excluder Device (TED).
Mitchell J.F
Technical Memorandum.
The Tropical Tuber Crops
Onwueme. I.C
John Willey & Sons. Inc. Canada
The Tropical Rain Forest an Ecological Study
Richard P. W.
The Cambridge University Press
The tropical adaptation of beef cattle an australian study
Turner H.L
Animal Feed Sci. and Tech
In animal breeding:Selected articles from the Word Animal Review
National Marine Fisheries Service-Secretary Economic Fisheries Service Commerce.
FAO Animal Production and Healths Paper
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The tropic role of dissolved organic material.
Stephens, G.C.,
In: AR. Long-hurst (ed). Analysis of Marine Ecosystems.
Acad. Press. London, pp.271-361.
The Tree/Crop Interface - or simplifying The Biological/ Environmental Study of Mixed Cropping Agro forestry Systems
Huxley, P.A.
The Tree/Crop Interface - or simplifying The Biological/ Environmental Study of Mixed Cropping Agro forestry Systems
Agro forestry Systems
The transport, assimilation and production of nitrogenous compounds by cyanobacteria and microalgae, him. 50-90
Kcrby, N.W.
R.C. Cresswell, T.A.V. Rees & N. Shah (ed.), Algal and Cyanobartcrial Biotechnology
New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The transport of live fish. A Review.
Berka, R.
EIFAC Tech.Pap.FAO(48) 52pp
The Timor problem, a geographical interpretation of underdeveloped island
Ormeling. F. J
The Tidal Swamps Rice Culture in South Kalimantan
The Tidal Swamps Rice Culture in South Kalimantan
The thornless prickly pear The Thirteenth International Rice Bacterial Blight Nursery. International network for genetic evaluation of rice (INGER)
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USDA Farmers Bulletin The Thirteenth International Rice Bacterial Blight Nursery. International network for genetic evaluation of rice (INGER)
The Third report On The World Nutrition Situation
The Theory of Share Tenancy
Cheung.S. NS
The Theory of Share Tenancy
The Theory of Regionalized Variables and Its Application
Matheron. G
Cahcent. Morpho. Math. Fontainebleau 5. Centre Geostatistic
The theory and classification of outbreaks
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The theoretical and empirical basis of biological control
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Huffaker CB, Messenger PS (ed). Theory and Practice of Biological Control
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J. B. Wolters-Groningen. Jakarta Central Research Institute for Agricultural Representation, Kalimantan, Indonesia. 14 pp. Manila: International Rice Research Institute.
ACC/SCN Secretariat Geneva. Swiss The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London
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The Test Method for The Evaporated Amount of Formaldehyde
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The Technological System The Task Force Report on Sustaining Long-Term Forest health and Productivity
Ellul, Jacques. Anonimus
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The systematic identification of organic compounds.
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A laboratory manual, John Willey & sons
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The system of profession
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Chicago: University of Chicago Press
The Synthesis, Transport, and Metabolism of endogenous cytokinins.
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Plant Cell Environ.
The Syncronisation of Nutrient Mineralization and Nutrien Demand
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The Biological Management of Tropical Soil Fertility
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The Symtomology of food allergy
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The Swamp Buffalo as a Work Animal and as a Source of Meat
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The suspectibility of various species to infection by bacterium Aeromonas hydrophila
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In J.I. Maclean, L.E. Dizon. and L.V. Hosillos (Eds). The First Asian Fisheries Forum. AFS. Manila. Philippines.
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John Wiley & sons NY UI Press, Jakarta
Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, Jakarta, Indonesia.
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The Surface Chemistry of Soils
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The Subfamili Agathidinae (Hymenop-tera: Braconidae),
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Oriental Insects Morphology No. 6.
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The Study of Plant Structure. Principles and Selected Methods.
O’Brien, T.P.
The Study of Plant Structure. Principles and Selected Methods.
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The study of mycorrhizal and rhizobial inoculation on soybean in coatal sandy soil
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The stucture and chemistry of soil clay minerals.
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The Chemistry of soil Constituens.
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The Structure, development, food relation reproduction and life history of the squid loligo opalescens Perry.
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The Structure, development, food relation reproduction and life history of the squid loligo opalescens Perry.
The Resources Agency. Department of Fish and Game. Fish Bulletin. 131. State of
The Structure of Plant Ce// Walls IV. A. Structural Comparison of the Wall Hemicellulose of Cell Suspension Cultures of Sycamore and of Red Kidney Bean.
Wilder, B.M.
In: Plant Physiologi.
Interscience Publ. New York.
The Structure of Mitochondria
Munn, E.A.
The Structure of Mitochondria
London : Academic Press.
The Structure of BetaLactoglobulin : its similarity to plasma retinol-binding protein
Papiz, M.Z
The Streptococci
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In Schaechter,M G Medoff and D.Schlessinger (Eds) Mechanism of Bacterial Disease
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The Strategy of Economics Development
The Storage of Coconut After Harvesting.
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The status of N, P, K, and S of lowland rice soil in Java
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The status of N, P, K, and S of lowland rice soil in Java
The status of N, P, K and S of lowland rice soil in java
Adiningsih, J. S.
The status of N, P, K and S of lowland rice soil in java
Adiningsih, J. S.
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The State of Persons Working in Electrical Fields of Outdoor 400 kV and 500 kV
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Swithyard: Gig. Tr. Prof. Zabol 10: 50-52.
The Starch Industry.
Knight, J.W.
The Starch Industry.
The Standard Cyclopedia of Holticulture.
Bailey, L.H.
The Mac. Millan Company, New York.
The Stages of Economic Growth: A Non-Communist Manifesto
Rostow, W. W.
Cambridge University Press, London
The St. Croix Sheep in The United States
Foote, W.C.
Wesview Press, CO.
The Spermosphere and Rhizosphere
Lynch. J.M
Soil Biotecnology
The Specific Calsium Appetite of The Domestic Fowl
Mongin, P.
K.N. Boorman and B.M. Freeman, Food Intake Regulation in Poultry
The soil Resources
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The Soil and the Microbe
Waksman, S.A.
The Soil and the Microbe
New York: John Willey & Sons.
The Sociology of The 3rd World
Goldthorpe. J.E
Disparity and Development
Cambridge University Press. New York
The Social System The small ruminant market system in Indonesia: A review, 87103
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The Silage fermentation
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The significant of changes in peroxidase in diseased plant
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Oxford University Press, New york .
Pergamon Press. London.
Blackwell Scientific Publication. Oxford London
Springer-Verlag. New York
C.R.W. Spedding (Ed.) Agricultural Systems, 25
Molecular & physiological aspects of plant peroxidases. H Grepin, C. penel, & Th Gaspar (ed)
London. Routledge Elsevier Applied Science
Univ. of Genewa Switzerland
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The Significance of Water Activity for Microorganisme in Meats. Dalam "Water Relation of Foods". Edited by R.B. Duckworth
Leistner, L.
The Significance of Water Activity for Microorganisme in Meats. Dalam "Water Relation of Foods". Edited by R.B. Duckworth
Academic Press, London
The Significance of Soil Microbial Biomass Estimations
Smith. J.L
Soil Biochemistry Vol. 5
Marcel Dekker. New York
The Sheepman'man Production Hand Boox
Scott G.E
The Sheepman'man Production Hand Boox 1st edition
Abberg Printing, Denver,Colorado
The semi Variogram
P.F. Mousset Jones (ed.) Geostatistics
McGraw - Hill. Inc. New York
The Search for Antiviral and Anticancer Compounds from Marine Organism.
Scheuer, P.J.
The search for antiviral and anticancer compound from marine organisms.
Munro, M.H.G,
InBioorganic Marine Chemistry. Vol I. ed Sheuer, P.J. 93-177,
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York.
The Seafood Industry, Osprey Book
Martin. R. E.
The Seafood Industry, Osprey Book
Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
The scientific feeding of chickens. 5th ed.
Titus H. W.
The Scientific Feeding Animals.
Kellner, O.
Duckworth, London.
The Science of Zoology, Vol. II
Weisz, P.B.
The Science of Zoology, Vol. II
The science of providing milk for man
Chambell, J. R.
The Science of Providing Milk for Man
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The Science of Meat and Meat Products. 2 nd Edition
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The Science of Meat and Meat Product. America Meat Institute Foundation .
Wilson. G.D.
The Science of Meat and Meat Product. America Meat Institute Foundation .
Reinhold Publishing Co. New York
The science of meat and meat product.
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W.H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco
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The Science of Providing Milk for Man
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the science of meat and meat product
Price, J. F.
W. W. & Co. San Fransisco
The Science of Food. 2 nd ed.
Gamon, P. M.
Pergamon Pres,. New York.
The Science of Food
The Science of Food
John Willey and Sons. New York. Leichester. Brisbane. Toronto, Singapore
The Science of Food
Bennion, M.
The Science of Food
John Wiley and Sons Inc. Canada.
The Science of Food
Bennion, M.
The Science of Food
John Wiley and Sons, New York.
The science of ecology. 2nd ed.
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The science of ecology. 2nd ed.
Saunders College Publishing, Harcourt Brace College Publishers, Ft. Worth. Pp. 229-249.
The science of compositing.
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Technomic Co, Inc. Lancester
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Epstein E
Technomic Publ. Co. Inc., Lancester USA
The science of animals that serve mankind. 2nd ed.
Campbell, J. R.
McGraw-Hill Book Company. St. Louis, San Fransisco, Auckland and London.
The Science of Animals That Serve Mankind
Campbell, J.R.
The science of animals that serve humanity. 3rd edition
Campbell JR
Mc Graw Hill Book Company, New York
The science of Animal Husbandry
Prentice Hill Press, New York
The Science Animal Husbandry
Blakely, J.
The Science Animal Husbandry
Virginia, Reston
The science and Technology of Gelatin
Ward, A.G
The science and Technology of Gelatin
Academic Press, New York
The Sciece Behind Transgenic Cotton Plant.
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The Sciece Behind Transgenic Cotton Plant
Proc, Australian Cotton Conference
The saprolegniaceae. Workshop on Mycological Aspect of Fish and Shellfish Disease.
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The saprolegniaceae. Workshop on Mycological Aspect of Fish and Shellfish Disease.
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The Science of Animals That Serve Mankind
McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York.
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The Sago Palms.
Flach, M.
Plant Production and Protection Paper No. 47 FAO. Rome.
The Safety of Food.
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The Rural Nn-Farm sector in Asia, Kuala Lumpur
Mukhopadhyay, S
Asian and pasifis Development Centre
The ruminant animals. Digestive, physiology, and nutrition.
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Prentice Hall, New Jersey
The ruminant animal: Digestive physiology and nutrition
Church, D.C
Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
The ruminant animal digestive physiology and nutrion
Church, D. C.
Prentice-Hall, Engelwood Cliffs, New Jersey
The rumen bacteria. In: The rumen microbial ecosystem. (ed. P. N. Hobson, 1988)
Stewart, C. S.
Elsevier Applied Science
The Rumen and lts Microbes
Hungate, R.E
Academie Press, New York
The rumen and its microbes. Department of bacteriology and agriculture experiments Univ. of California
Hungate, R. E.
Academic Press, New York
The rumen and its microbes. Department of bacteriology and agriculture experiments Univ. of California
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The Rumen and Its Microbes.
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The Rumen and Its Microbes.
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The Rumen and Its Mi-crobes.
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The Rumen and Its Microbes.
Hungate, R. F.
Academic Press. New York and London.
The rumen and its microbes
Hungate, R. E.
Academic Press New York, San Fransisco, London
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TheAVI Publishing Co.Inc., WestportConnecticut
The Gresham Press. Ltd Woking Surrey. 1,070 p. Rheol Acta
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The Role Orf Ethylene in Fruit Ripening and Senescence
Dean. J.F.D
Food Enzymology
Elsevier Applied Science. London
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The pests of crops in Indonesia
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The pests of crops in Indonesia
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The pests of crops in Indonesia
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The Nutrition Of Crops
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Principles Of Field Crops Production
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The Nutriënt Requirements of Ruminant Livestock, Suppl. No. l
The Nutriënt Requirements of Ruminant Livestock, Suppl. No. l
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough
The nutrient requirement of ruminant livestock
Commonwealth agricultural bureaux, Slaugh
The nucleopolyhedrosis Virus of Heliothis species as a microbial insecticide
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The Nonspecific Immune System
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The non structural carbohydrates
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The Newsletter
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The New Public Management : Challenging the Boundaries of The Management vs Administration Debate
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Public Administration Review
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The Neotropical Cornstalk Borer, Deatrea lineolata Wlk.and the Surgarcane Moth Borer, Diatrea saccharalis as Maize Pest in Trinidad, with Note from Grenada
The Neotropical Cornstalk Borer, Deatrea lineolata Wlk.and the Surgarcane Moth Borer, Diatrea saccharalis as Maize Pest in Trinidad, with Note from Grenada
The neem tree Azadirachta indica A. Juss. and other meliaceous plants: sources of unique natural products for integrated pest manage-ment, medicine, industry and other purposes.
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The neem tree Azadirachta indica A. Juss. and other meliaceous plants: sources of unique natural products for integrated pest manage-ment, medicine, industry and other purposes.
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The Neem Tree Azadirachta Indica A. Juss and Other Meliaceous Plants: Sources of Unique Natural Products for Integrated Pest Management, Medicine, Industry and Other Purposes
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The Neem Tree Azadirachta Indica A. Juss and Other Meliaceous Plants: Sources of Unique Natural Products for Integrated Pest Management, Medicine, Industry and Other Purposes
Weinheim (Germany). 696 p.
The Neem Tree : Source Of Unique Natural Products For Integreted Pest Management, Medicine, Industry and Other Purpose
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The Nature Of Preyudice
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Dalam Prasangka dan Diskriminasi
The Nature of Climatic Seasonally
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Frances Printer Limited, London.
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The Nature and Properties of Soils. - Tenth ed.
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The Nature And Properties Of Soils
Buckman. H.C
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The nature and properties of soils
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The Nature and properties of soil
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The Nature and Properties of Soil
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The Nature and Properties of Soil
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The Nature and Composition
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The nature and properties of soils
The Nature and properties of soil
The Macmillan Company New York.
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PT. bahtera Karya Aksara Jakarta . McMillan Publishing. Co. Inc. New York
Tenth Edition
Mac Millan Publishing Company. New York
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The national poultry improvement plan and auxiliary provisions.
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The Natioani Strategy and Action Plan for the Management of Indonesian Wet-lands.
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The mycorrhizal response
Bowen, G.D
Training course on mycorrhiza Researh techniques
Serdang, Malysia
The Moral Economy Of The Peasent
Scott. J.C
Robellian on Subsistance In South East Asia
Yale University Press. New Haren, London
The molecular genetics and biotechnological application of enzymes from extremely thermophilic eubacteria, him. 4475
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The molecular genetics and biotechnological application of enzymes from extremely thermophilic eubacteria, him. 44-72
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The molecular biology of secreted enzyme production by fungi.
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The Mineralogy, Chemistry, and Physics of Tropical Soils with Variable charge Clays.
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Westview Press Boulder, New York.
The Mineralogy, Chemistry, and Physics of Tropical Soils with Variable Charge Clays.
Uehara, G.
Westview Press, Boulder, Co.
The Mineralogy, Chemistry, and Physics of Tropical Soils With Variabel Charge Clays
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The Mineralogy, Chemistry, and Physics of Tropical Soil With Variable Charge Clays
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The mineralogy, Chemistry and Physiscs of tropical soils withj Variable Charge Clay
Uehara, G
Westview Press, Colorado
The Mineralogy, Chemistry and Physiscs of Tropical Soils With Variable Charge Clay
Uehara, G.
Westview Press. Colorado
The mineralogy, chemistry and physics of tropical soils with variable charge clays
Uehara, G.
The mineralogy, chemistry and physics of tropical soils with variable charge clays
Westview Press/Boulder, Colorado. 170 p.
The mineralogy, chemistry and physics of tropical soils with variable charge clays
Uehara, G
The mineralogy, chemistry and physics of tropical soils with variable charge clays
Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado.
The Mineralogy, Chemistry and Physics of Tropical Soils with Variable Charge Clays
Uehara, G.
The Mineralogy, Chemistry and Physics of Tropical Soils with Variable Charge Clays
Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado.
The Mineralogy, Chemistry and Physics of Tropical Soils with Variable Charge Clays
Uehara, G
Westview Press. Colorado
The Mineralogy, Chemistry and Physics of Tropical Soils With Variable Charge Clay
Uehara. G
Westview Press. Colorado
The Mineralogy, Chemistry and Physics of Tropical Soils with Variable Charge Clay
Uehara, G
Westview Press. Colorado
The mineralogy, chemistry and physics of tropical soils with variable charge clay
Uehara, G
Westview Press, Colorado
The Mineralogy, Chemistry and Physics of Tropical Soil with Variable Charge Clays
Uehara, G
Westview Press/Boulder, Colorado
The Mineralogy, Chemistry and Physic Of Tropical Soils With Variable Charge Clay
Uehara. G.
Westview Press. Boulder. Colorado
The Mineralogy Chemistry and Physics of Tropical Soils With Variable Charge Clays
The Mineralogy Chemistry and Physics of Tropical Soil With Bariable Charge Clays
Uehara. G.
Westview Press. Inc. Boulder. Colorado
The Mineralogi, Chemistry, and Physics of tropical soils with variable charge clays
Uehara, G
Westview Press, Inc., Boullder, CO
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Westview Press/Boulder, Colorado
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The Minaralogy Chemistry and Physics of Tropical Soils With Variable Charge Clay
Uehara. G
The microflora of semipreserved fish
Erichsen, I
The Microbiology of Terrestrial Ecosystem
The Microbiology of seawater fish (Brogstrom, G. eds.)
Shewan, J.M.
The Microbiology of seawater fish (Brogstrom, G. eds.)
Academic Press, New York.
The Microbiology and Chemistry of Tempeh Fermentaüon, the Book of Tempeh, Profesional Ed.
The Microbiology and Chemistry of Tempeh Fermentaüon, the Book of Tempeh, Profesional Ed.
Harpen and Row Publisher.
The Microbiological populaton of compost of stable manure at different temperatures.
Cordon, T.C.
An Abstract Proceed.
Soil Sci. Soc.
The microbial world.
Stainer, R. Y.
The Metabolizable energy of poultry feeding stuffs in relation to their Chemical composition.
Clegg, K.M.
The merckveterinary manual. 5th ed.
Siegmund, D. H.
Merck and Co. Inc. Rahway, USA
The Merck Index: An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals.
Budaveri, S.
Merck & Co., Inc. Whitehouse Station, NJ.
The Merck Index: An encyclopedia of chemicals, drugs and biologicals. Eleventh edition.
Budavari, S
The Merck Index: An encyclopedia of chemicals, drugs and biologicals. Eleventh edition.
Merc and Co, Inc. Rahway. USA.
The merck index.
The merck index.
Published by Merck and Co Inc, Rahway, New York.
The merck index.
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The merck index.
Published by Merck and Co Inc, Rahway, New York.
The Merck Index.
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Process Biochem Longmann Singapore Publisher (Pte) Ltd. Singapore
Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. The Metabolizable energy of poultry feeding stuffs in relation to their Chemical composition.
J. Sci. Food. Agr7 :45
Merck & Co. Rathway, New York.
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The Merck Index 11th ed.
Susan Budavari
The Men Joim in The Union the Women Go on Strike : Sexual Contradiction and Labour Conflict on a West Afrcan Estate Farm
Mackintosh, M
Serving Two Masters : Third World Women in Development
New Delhi Allied Publisher.
The Meia Veterinary Manual
Siegmundd. D. H
The Meia Veterinary Manual
Merk & Co Inc. Rahway, N. J. L'SA.
The Medusae of The British Isles, Vol 2 Pelagic scyphozoa
Russel, F.S
The Medusae of The British Isles, Vol 2 Pelagic scyphozoa
Cambridge Univ Press
The medical uses of proteolytic enzymes
Christie RB
Di dalam Topik in Enzyme and Fermentation Biotechnology Vol 4
Ellis Horwood Limited England
the Medical Uses of Proteolytic Enyzme
Christie, R.B.
Topic in Enyzime and Fermentation Biotechnology Vol. 4.
Ellis Horword Limited, England.
The mechanism of nutritional compensation by phytophagous insects, pp. 111-160
Simpson, S. J.
Insect-plant interactions Vol.11
Florida, Boca Raton: CRC Press.
The meat we eat. 10th ed.
Romans, J. R.
The Interstate Printers & Publisher, Inc., Danville.
The meat we eat. 10th ed.
Romans, J. R.
The Interstate printers & Publishers Inc. Danville. Illinois.
The meat we eat. 10th ed.
Romans, J. R.
The interstate printers and publishers Inc., Danville, Illinois
The meat we eat. 10th ed.
Romans, J. R.
The Interstate Printers and Publishers Inc., Danville, Illinois
The Meat We Eat. 10 th ed.
Romans, J.R.
The Interstate Printers and Publishers, Inc., Danville, Illinois.
The Meat We Eat .
the meat board's lesson on meat.
Bowers, J. A.
The Measurement of Appearance 2nd ed., pp. 29
Hunter, R.S.
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The Meat We Eat .
The Interstate Printer and Publisher Inc. Denvül. Illinois. USA National live stock and meat board USA.
The Measurement of Appearance 2nd ed., pp. 29
John Wiley and Sons, New York. Hlm 112 dari 1800
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The Mathematical Theory of Communication.
Shannon, C.E.
The Mathematical Theory of Communication.
University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 125 pp
The master plan of water resources development & feasibility study for urgen flood control & urban darinage in Semarang City & suburb
Japan-Indonesia Corporation Agency
The Market Model and Higher Education
Leslie, L.
The Journal of Higher Education
America n Ass. For Higher Education, Ohio State Univ. Press.
The Marine and Freshwater Plankton,
Davls. G-C.
The Marine and Freshwater Plankton,
Machigan State University.
The Marine and Fiesh Water Plankton (Phytoplankton),
Morie, T.
The Marine and Fiesh Water Plankton (Phytoplankton),
The Michigan State Univ. Press. The United State of America. 215 pp.
The Marine and Freshwater Plankton
Davis CC
Michigan State University Press.USA
The manual of australian agriculture
Reid, R. L.
Butterworths, Australia
The Manpower Planning Handbook
Bennison, M.
The Manpower Planning Handbook
McGraw-Hill Book Comp. (UK), Ltd.
The Mangrove Ecosystem in Indonesia : Its Problems and Management
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In HJ Teas (ed) Physiology and Management of Mangrove
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The Mango Botany.
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The Mango Botany Cultivational.
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The Mango Botany Cultivational.
Leonard Hill. London
The management ofedible bird's nest caves in Sabah. Wildlife Section
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The management ofedible bird's nest caves in Sabah. Wildlife Section
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Fourth Edition New Jersey. Prentice Hall. 1995.
The Management of Edible Birds Nest Caves in Sabah
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The Management of Edible Bird's Nest Cave in Sabah. Wildlife Section
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The Management of Edible Bird's Nest Cave in Sabah. Wildlife Section
DPU Pengairan Semarang
Sabah: Sabah Forest Departement.
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The Management of Edible Birdnest Caves in Sabah
Francis, C.M
Wildlife Section. Sabah Forest Departement. Sabah, Malaysia
The mammalian ovum. In: The physiology of reproduction. Vol. 1. Edited by Erns Knobil and Jimmy D. Neil
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The Major Dimension of Church Memberships
The Social Meanings of Religion
Chicago. Rand McNally
The main phospholipid of the archaebacterium Thermoplasma acidophilum. New perspectives in biochemistry and medicine by liposome technology with this peculiar tetraetherlipid. (Das Hauptphospholipid des Archaebakteriums Thermoplasma acidophilum. Eroeffnet die Liposomentechnologie mit diesem eigentuemlichen Tetraetherlipid neue Perspektiven fuer Biochemie und Medizin?). Habililtatio
Freisleben, H.-J.
The main phospholipid of the archaebacterium Thermoplasma acidophilum. New perspectives in biochemistry and medicine by liposome technology with this peculiar tetraetherlipid. (Das Hauptphospholipid des Archaebakteriums Thermoplasma acidophilum. Eroeffnet die Liposomentechnologie mit diesem eigentuemlichen Tetraetherlipid neue Perspektiven fuer Biochemie und Medizin?). Habililtatio
Frankfurt: Johann Wolfgang GoetheUniversity.
The Lipid Handbook. 2nd Ed
Gunstone, F.D.
The Lipid Handbook. 2nd Ed
Chapman and Hall Chemical Datebase, New York
The Lipid handbook. 2nd ed
Gunstone FD
The Lipid handbook 2nd ed. : Dictionary Section
Gunstone FD,
The Lipid handbook 2nd ed. : Dictionary Section
The Lignin paradigm
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
The life of sharks
Budher, P.
The life of sharks
New York Columbia Univ. Press. 179-199.
The life of insects ppulation, speciation and migration
Wigglessworth VB
New American Library
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The life of insects ppulation, speciation and migration
Wigglessworth VB
New American Library
New york
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Chapman & Hall London Chapman & Hall UK
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The life of birds
Welty, J.C
The life of birds
Saunders College Publishing. Philadelphia
The life of beetle
Evans, G.
The life of beetle
London George Allen and Union, London. 232 pp.
The Lepidopterous Stalk Borers of Rice and Their Life Cycles in the Tropics
Banerjee, SN
In Major Insect Pest of the Rice Plant
John Hopkins Press, Baltimore
The Lepidopterous stalk borers of rice and their life cycles in the tropic
Banerjee, S.W.
The Major Insect Pest of the Rice Plant. Proc. Symp. Int. Rice. Rest. Inst. Philippines,
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The legume Food Crop
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Mien Rifai (ed) asian Legume, Bogor
The last Evaluation of Hygienic Effect of Biogas Plant in China
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The last Evaluation of Hygienic Effect of Biogas Plant in China
Biogas Forum
The larvae of Indo-Pacific shores fishes.
Leis. J.M
The larvae of Indo-Pacific shores fishes.
New South Wales University Press. 371 pp.
The Language of Advartising.
Vestergaard, Torben
The Language of Advartising.
New York: Basil Blackwell.
The Landsat Tutorial Work Book : Basic of Satelite Remote Sensing
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The Land Resources of Indonesia. A National Overview
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The Laboratory Rat
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The UFAW Handbook on The Care and Management of Laboratory Animals. Edited by Trevor Poole, Longman Scientific and Technical Great Britain, pp. 309-330.
The Kinetics and Mass Transfer Behavior of Immobilized Invertace on IonExchange Resin Beads
Kobayashi, T.
The Kinetics and Mass Transfer Behavior of Immobilized Invertace on Ion-Exchange Resin Beads
Biotechnol. Bioeng
The Kidney & The Urine
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Review of Physiological Chemistry
17th Edition.Lange medical Publication maruzen Asia PTE LTD
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The Karyotypes of thee Two Sibling Species of Japanese Prond Frog with Special Reference of Those of the Diploid and Triploid Hybrid. Scient.
Nishioka. M.
The Karyotypes of thee Two Sibling Species of Japanese Prond Frog with Special Reference of Those of the Diploid and Triploid Hybrid. Scient.
Report. Lab. Amphibion Biol. Hiroshima University
The Javanese fat tail, an Indonesian sheep population with potential to produce hair sheep, him. 54-63
Iniquez, L.
S. Wildeus (ed.), Proceedings Hair Sheep Symposium. September 1991
University of the Virgin Islands.
The Iso-erodent Map of Java and Madura
Bols, P. L.
The Iso-erodent Map of Java and Madura
Soil Research Institute, Bogor
The IPM Experience in Highland Cabbage and Potato in Indonesia
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Intercountry Programe for the Development and Aplication of Integrated Pest Control in Rice in South and Southeast Asia.Phase II.Makalah pada The Program Advisory Committee Meeting
The Invertebrates : A New Synthesis
Barness, R.S. K
The Invertebrates : A New Synthesis
Blackwell Scentific Publication London
The invertebrates
L.H. Hyman
The Echinoderms Vol IV
McGraw-Hill Book Company Co., Inc., New York
The intervertebrates
Barnes, R.S.K.,
A New Synthesis,
Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, p. 398 of 573pp.
The International Success of the Developing Country Firms Role of Govemment Directed Comparative
Aggarwal, R
Advantage management International Review
The International Cocoa Trade
Dand, R.,
The International Cocoa Trade
Wood Head Publishing Limited, Cambridge, England
The Institutional Economics Theory, Method, Policy.
Mare, R.
The Institutional Economics Theory, Method, Policy.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston
The Insects: Structure and Function.
Chapman, R.F
The Insects: Structure and Function.
The English University Press Ltd., London.
The Insects, Structure and Function 3rd. Ed.
Chapman. R.F
The Insects Structure and Function.
Chapman, R.F.,
Harvard University Press, Cambridge The Insects Structure and Function.
American Elsevier Publishing Company Inc., New York.
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The Insects an Outline of Entomology
Gullan. P.J
The Insect, structure and function.
Chapman, R.F.
The Insect, structure and function.
The English Universities Press Ltd. London.
The insect structure and function
Chapamn, R. F.
The insect structure and function
The english University Press Ltd. London
The insect structure and function
Chapman, R.F.
The insect structure and function
The English Univ. Press, London. 116 p.
The insect material
Eastop VF
Emden HP van (ed). Aphid Technology with Special Reference to the Study of Aphids in the Field
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The influence of water content onnon enzymic browning intermediates
Eichner K
RB Duckworth Water relation of food
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The Influence of The Starch and Sugar Content of Concentrates on Feed Intake, Rumen Fluid, Production and Composition of Milk.
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Conf. Prod. Dis.
The Influence Of Temperature, Nutrition, Light and The Growth of The Mycelium on Capture and Infection of Melodogyne Hapla by Arthrobotrys Oligospora
Den Belder. E
Fundamentals Of Applied Nematology
The influence of temperature, inoculum level and race of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Cubense on the disease reaction of banana cv. Cavendish
Brake, V. M.
The influence of soil properties, total cooper, iron, manganesse, and zinc on the yield of oats, carrots, onions and lettuce
Marthur, S.P
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Penerbit Chapman and Hll Inc. South Melbourne
Comm. Plant soil Anal
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The Influence of soil properties, total cooper, iron, manganese, and zinc on the yield of oats, carrots, onions and lettuce.
Mathur, S.P.
Comm. Plant Soil Anal
The Influence of Sampling Method and Other Field Techniques of the Results of Residue Analyses
Ambrus, A.
Dalam H. GeissbuhIer.G.T Brooks, and P.C. Keamey (Eds). Advances in Pesticides Science.
The influence of polyphenolics on the nutritive value of browse
Woodward, A.
A summary of research conducted at ILCA, ILCA Bulletin No. 35, 1989, ILCA, Ethiopia
The influence of maternal diet rich in 1
Sanders. T.A.B.
inolenic acid on brain and retina decosahexaenoic acid in the rat
The Influence of Magnesium Fertilizer on Productivity of Sweet Corn and The Stover.
Soetrisno, D.
UGM, Project.
The influence of heat symptoms and the timer of insemination of cattle on the early and late return
Swenson, T.
Nord. Vet. Med.
The Influence of Forest Application of Sewage Sludge on The Cocentration of Metals In Vegetation and Small Mammals
The Forest Alternative For Treatmen and Utilization of municipal and Industrial Wastes
The influence of flowering time and growth habit on the performance of townsville stylo (Stylosanthes humilis) in tropical and subtropical queensland
Cameron, D. F.
Trop grassland
The influence of energy level on chemical composition of tissues and on the energy and protein utilization by broiler chicks.
Hakanson, J.
Swedish University of Agricultural science Report.
The Influence Of Ecological Conditions On The Productivity of Some Russian Coriander Cultivars Rasteniev. Nauki
Peneva. P
Pergamon Press. Oxfort, New York, Toronto, Sydney, Paris dan Frankfurt.
J. Nutr. 51: 57-66.
Univ.Wash.Press, Saettle.USA
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The influence of bilogical, sedimenthological and physical factors on sediment stability in intertidal waters.
Muskananfola, M.R.
The influence of bilogical, sedimenthological and physical factors on sediment stability in intertidal waters.
Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis. Department of Oceanography, University of Southampton, 265 pp
The Infections Disease of Domestic Animal With Special Reference to Ethyologi and Biology Therapy 3rd Ed
Hagan, W.A.
The Infections Disease of Domestic Animal With Special Reference to Ethyologi and Biology Therapy 3rd Ed
Comstok Publising Associate. A Division of Cornell University Press. Ithaca New York.
The Industrial Uses Of Palm and Coconut Oils
Berger. K.H
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Wadsworth Publishing Company, Belmont, California.
The Inconsistency Of Land Values, Land Rents and Capitalization Formulas
Clark. J.S
American Jounal of Agricultural Economics
The improvement of embryo transfer programmes in sheep by examination of the ovary response in superovulated donor ewes by transrectal realtime ultrasound
Kaulfuss, K.H.
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The important of diet in controlling the build up of marbling fat in stress
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Feed milling International
The Importance of Urea Molasses Multinutrient Blocks for Ruminant Production in Indonesia.
Hendratno, C.
Isotopes and Related Techniques in Animal Production and Health.
The Importance of outotrophic versus heterotrophic oxidation of atmospheric ammonium in forest ecosystems with acid soil.
Stams, A.J.M.
AAEA Annual Meeting Location Date
IAEA, Vienna.
FEMS Microbial. Ecol.
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The importance of natural enemies of leaf-eating caterpillars in oil palm plantations in Sumatera, Indonesia, use and possibilities, in summary of technical assistance activities in crops protection at the Marihat Oil Palm Research Center (from Oktober 1
Desmier de Chenon R
The importance of natural enemies in integrated control
Messenger, P.S.
Theory and Practice of Biological Control. C.B. Huffaker and P.S. Massenger (Eds.)
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The importance of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids. In: The role of B/as in Human Nutrition. Padley, F.B and Podmore, J. (eds
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The role of B/as in Human Nutrition.
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The importance and management of soil organic matter in tropics
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PL Woomer, MJ Swift (eds). The Biological Management of Tropical Soil Fertility
John Willey and Sons Pub. New York
The importance and management of soil organic matter in tropics
Woomer PL
PL Woomer, MJ Swift (eds). The Biological Management of Tropical Soil Fertility
John Willey and Sons Pub. New York
The Implication of Globalization for Higher Education.
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Dalam: Learning from Experience: Policy and Practice in Aid to Higher Education (Buchert, L. and King, K., ed). CESO Paperback No. 24.
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The implementation of forest resource conservation in sustainable forest management in Indonesia (in) Indonesia's efforts to achieve sustainable forestry (Revised Edition).
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Forum ofindonesian Forestry Scientists
The imperata grassland of tropical asia: area, distribution and typology
Garrity, D. P.
Agroforestry systems
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Penerbit Pusat Penelitian Marihat, P Siantar, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Hlm 120 dari 1800
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The Impact of Agricultural Polices and Program On Nutrition
Eusebio, Y.S
A Conceptual Framework
The Impact Economics Crisis On Food Consumption
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Mini Workshop On Food And Nutrition
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The immune response: antigen, antibodies, antigen-antibody interaction
Mernaugh, R.L
Serolog. Methods for detec. And ident. Of viral and bacterial plant pathogens
APS Press, St.Paul, Minnesota
The ideal protein concept: Accounting for amino acid availability.
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The ideal maize plant. A breeders view
Dhawan, N. L.
The Hypolipidemic and Hypocholesterolemic Effects of Protein Hydrolysates Explored in Rats Fed Fat-Enriched Diet. Proceedings of IUFoST'96 Regional Symposium NonNutritive Health Factors for Future Foods
Lee, Y.S
The husbandry and health of the domestic buffalo
Cockrill, W. R.
The Humoral antibody formation to eiythrocyte antigens in three species of flatfish
Stolen, J.S.
Dev. S Comp. Immun. Suppl.2 pp: 101-106.
The human endothelin family
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three structurally and pharmacologically distinct isopeptides predicted by three separate genes
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The hosts of Pseudomonas solanacearum
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A.C.Hayward and G.L. Hartman (Eds.), Bacterial Wilt: The Disease and Its Causative Agent, Pseudomonas solanacearum. . p. 25-34.
CAB International, Willingford, Oxon, U.K
Food and agriculture organization of the united nations, Rome
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The hosts of Pseudomonas solanacearum
Hayward, A.C.
Bacterial Wilt: The Disease and Its Causative Agent, Pseudomonas solanacearum. A.C. Hayward and G.L. Hartman (Eds.), p. 25-34.
CAB International, Willingford, Oxon, UK. ACIAR Proceeding.
The hosts of Pseudo-monas solanacearum
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A.C. Hayward and G. L. Hartman (Eds.). Bacterial Wilt: The disease and its causative agent, Pseudomonas solanacearum. p. 25-34.
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In Fuxa, J.R. & Y. Tanada (eds.), Epizootiology of Insect Diseases.
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The Handling of Milk Hygiene.
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The Handling of Milk Hygiene.
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The Handbook Of Preventive Medicine
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A Complete Guide To Diet, Dietary Supplements And Lifestyle Factors In The Prevention Of Disease
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The Hamlyn Guide to Minerals, Rocks and Fossils. 5th Impression.
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The Hamlyn Guide to Minerals, Rocks and Fossils. 5th Impression.
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The guidance of hatchery sanitation.
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The growth rate of young grayling in soe french rivers
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The growth rate of young grayling in soe french rivers
The Growth of E. Crssipes and P Stratiotes in Different Level of N, P, K and Ca Contents Of Water Cultures
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The Grouper watcher
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The Green Revolution: Seven Generalization
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The Green Leafhopper Gems Nephotettix Matsumura. Proceedings of The Workshop on Rice Tungro Virus
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AARD-Maros Res, Inst. For Food Crops
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The great transformation: the political economic origin of our time.
Polanyi, K.
The great asian crisis: danger and opportunity
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Can Asia Recover Its Vitality ? Globalization and the Roles of Japanese and US Corporation, Institute of Developing Economies and Japan External Trade Organization, Tokyo, Japan. p. 6-10.
The grains of Foxtail millet, lts uses and marketing possibilities. 172:15.
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The Glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans
Kennedy, J.F.
Kennedy, J.F. (Ed.) Carbohydrate Chemistry. p. 303341.
Clarendon Press. Oxford.
The Glycaemic Indec of Food
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The Medical Journal of Australia
The Global Logic of Strategic Alliances
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The Global Logic of Strategic Alliances
Developing a Global Strategy, March–April,.
The global biodiversity of coral reefs: a comparison with rainforest
Reaka-KudIa ML
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The glass transition of amylopectin measured by DSC, DMTA, and NMR
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The Giant Clam : Hatchery and Nursery Culture Manual
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The Giant Clam : Hatchery and Nursery Culture Manual
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The Giant Clam : An Ocean Culture Manual
Calumpong, H.P.
The Giant Clam : An Ocean Culture Manual
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The Germination of Seeds.
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The Germination of Seeds.
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The germinatio of seeds
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The germinatio of seeds
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The geology of Indonesia. Vol. IA.
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The geology of Indonesia. Vol. IA.
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The genus pinus
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The genus pinus
The Ronald Press Company. New York
The genus Penicillium and its teleomorphic states Eupenicillium and Talaromyces
Pitt, J.I
The genus Penicillium and its teleomorphic states Eupenicillium and Talaromyces
Academie Press, London
The genus Awspirillum
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The genus Aspergillus
Raper, K.D
The genus Aspergillus
The Williams & Wilkins Co., Baltimore
The Genus Aspergillus
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The Genus Aspergillus
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The Genus Alternaria:Biology, epidemiology and Phatogenocity
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The genetical anlysis of quantitative traits
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The genetic structure of wild and cultivated bananas as percieved through isozymes variation
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The Genetic Structure of Wild and Cultivated Bananas as Perceived through Isozyme Variation
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The Genetic Improvement of Javanese Fat Tailed Sheep through Selection
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The general theory of employment, interest and money
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The general theory of employment, interest and money
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The gender division of labor and reproduction of female disadvantage : Toward and integrated theory.
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The gelation of proteins
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The gambir processing industry in West Sumatra.
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The functional morphology ofteleost gonads.
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The Freshwater Fishes of Siam or Thailand
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The Freshwater Algae.
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The Freezing Preservation of Foods.
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Academic press San diego
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The Form and Distribution of Metals in Plant : An Overview in Biological Implications of Metals in The Environment
L.O. Tiffin
The Form and Distribution of Metals in Plant : An Overview in Biological Implications of Metals in The Environment
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The Food Insect.
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The Folie Acid Requirements of Starting Broiler Chicks Fed Diets Based on Practica] Ingredients. l .Interrelation-ships with dietary choline
Ryu, K.S
The Folie Acid Requirements of Starting Broiler Chicks Fed Diets Based on Practica] Ingredients. l .Interrelation-ships with dietary choline
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The floworing response of the plant to photoperiod. Third Edition.
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The Flood Forest and Black Wafer Lake of Wildlife Reserve, West Kalimantan.
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The Flood Forest and Black Wafer Lake of Wildlife Reserve, West Kalimantan.
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The flavour of tropical fruits
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The fishing harbor of Brondong.
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The fishes of the IndoAustraliaarchipelago
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The fishes of the IndoAustraliaarchipelago
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The fishes of the Indo Australian Archipelago.
F.J. Brill Ltd Leiden. 3: 455PP.
The Fishes of Indo-Australian Archipleago (Ostariophysi II: Cyprinoidea, Apodes, Synbranchi)
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The Fishes of Indo-Australian Archipleago (Ostariophysi II: Cyprinoidea, Apodes, Synbranchi)
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The Fishery of Selat Madura, East Java, Indonesia. Its mana-gement and The fishery statistics
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The fishery and fisherles biology of penaeid shrimps on the pacific Coast of Mexico
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The fisheries ecology of the Lubuk Lampam river in South Sumatera Indonesia.
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The fish of India being of natural history of the fish : Known to inhabit the sea and fresh water of India, Burma and Ceylon
F.L.S. Day
The fish of India being of natural history of the fish : Known to inhabit the sea and fresh water of India, Burma and Ceylon
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The Firm AN A nexus Internal and Eksternal Contract
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The Firm AN A nexus Internal and Eksternal Contract
The fire of life
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The feedlot. 2nd ed.
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The feedlot. 2nd ed.
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The Feeding Value of Gliricidia Sepium.
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The feeding of ruminants: principles and practice
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The feeding of ruminants, principles and practice
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The feeding of rumainant Principles and praktice.
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The feeding behavior and ecology of marine fish larvae.
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The feeding behavior and ecology of marine fish larvae.
Hunter, J. R.,
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The feeding behavior and ecology of marine fish larvae
J.R. Hunter
Fish behavior and its use in the capture fishes
ICLARM Conference Proceeding
The Feeding Behavior and Ecology of Marine Fish Larvae
Hunter, J.R.
J.E. Bardach, J.J. Magnuson, R.C. May and M. Reinhart (Eds.). Fish Behavior The Capture and Culture of Fishes
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The feasibility of measuring the heritability of growth pattern variation in juvenil freshwater prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergii)
S.R. Malecha
The feasibility of measuring the heritability of growth pattern variation in juvenil freshwater prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergii)
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The faunal communities of Australian mangroves
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The farming systems perspective and farmer participation in the development of appropriate technology
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The farming of edible-nest swiftlets aerodramus fuciphagus in Indonesia.
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The FAO-ICLARM Stock assessment tools (FISAT) user guide.
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The family:The source of human resources
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The Family Revolution of Modern China
The factor which influences the fluctuation of the population density of Etiella zinckenella (Treit) and E. hobsoni (Butler) in West and Central Java, Indonesia
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The Examination of Residuals.
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The evolutionary ecology of phytoplankton.
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The evolution of the Bananas The Evolution of Life Histories.
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The Evaluation of Genotypes For Intercropping
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The evaluation of feeds through digestibility experiments
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The Evaluation of Feeds Through Digestibility Experiments
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The evaluation of feeds through digestibility experiment
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The European Mango Market : a Promosing Tropical Fruit Symposium On Tropical Orchards
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Harvard University.Press. Cam-bridge
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The University of Georgia Press The University of Georgia Press, Athens, USA.
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The Estimation of Urinary Nitrogen and Faecal Nitrogen in Poultry Excreta.
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The Essential Role of phosphorus in crop production. Nutrient Management for sustainable crop production in Asia.
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The Essential Oils. Volume II.
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The Essential Oils. Volume II.
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The Essential Oils. Volume II.
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The Essential Oils. Volume II.
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The Essensial Oils. Vol II.
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The Environmental Dimension
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The Changing Role Of The Common Agricultural Policy : The Future Of Farming In urope
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The Environment Versus Man and His Animals
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Animals Agriculture,The Biology of Domestic Animals and Their Use by Man HH Cole and M Ronning ( Ed).
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The enviromental and pasture growth
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The Entrepreneurial Eventual
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The engineering of salt-tolerant trans-genic glycophytes.
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The Energy Metabolism of Ruminants.
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The endogenous urea cycles of the ruminant
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Urea as a protein supplement
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The elicitation of phytoalexin in cultures of Capsicum aimuum and Nicotiana taba-cum, him. 128-131
Watson, D.G.
P. Morris, A.H. Scraag, A. Stafford & M.W. Fowler (ed.), Secondary Metabolism in Plant Cell Cultures
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
The Eggs and Planktonic Stage of British Marine Fishes
Russel, F,R.S.
The Eggs and Planktonic Stage of British Marine Fishes
Acadcrmic Press. Inc. London, p. 524.
The Egg: Dalam Reproduction in mammals. C.R. Austin and R.V. Short, F.R.S. (ed) Germ cells and fertilization.
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The egg in reproduction in physiology & biochemistry of the domestic fowl vol 2. 1st ed
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The effert drying ensilage and alkali treatment on in vitro digestibility of coco pods. PP. 161-169
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The effects on growth and survival of feeding water fleas (Moina macrocopa Straus) and rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis) to milkfish (Chanos chanofi Forsskal)fry.
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The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture. Bamidgeh 42(1):1017.
The effects of various cultural practices on the epidemiology of verticillium wilt ipif cotton in New South Wales, Australia
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Book of Abstracts of the 6th Int. Verticilium Symp. Dead Sea israel Phytoparasitica
The Effects of some insecticides on nematodes of different ecological groups
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Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
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Polish Ecological Studies
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The Effects of some carbamide herbicides of nematodes of different ecological groups
Ferdoko, A
The effects of solar UV-B radiation (280 nm-315 nm) on higher plants:implications ozone reduction
Caldwell MM
The Effects Of Soil Organic Matter Levels on Soil Solution Concentrations and Extracabilities of Manganese,Zinc, and Copper
The Effects of Sludge Fertilization, acces Trail, Species, Initial Diameter, Density, Crown and Vigor Classes On Growth of Individual Oak Trees and Their Relations to watyershed management
Fakultas Kehutanan , Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
The Effects of Oil Palm Slurry in The Performance of Broiler Chickens.
Okai, D. B.
Ghana Animal Science Symposium (Accra).
The effectiviness of Fusion Neutron, 14,7 Me V Monogenic Areeuron and Co Gamma Radiation on Seedling growth Radiation and Induction of Chlorophyl Defision Mutation in Barley.
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Biological effect of neutron radiation tech rep ser no 119, IAEA, Viena
The effect ofroguing as tactical control measure for tungro disease.
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Vhancellor TCB, PS teng, KL Heong (eds) Rice tungro disease epidemilogy : The development of sustainable and cost effective pest management practices to reduce yield losses in intensive rice cropping system. IRRI Discussion paper series no 19
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Penerbit Polish Ecological Studies
A Castellani (ed) Research in photobiology, p 597-607
Plenum Press, New York
IRRI Manila Philippine
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The effect ofroguing as tactical control measure for tungro disease.
Tiongco ER
Vhancellor TCB, PS teng, KL Heong (eds) Rice tungro disease epidemilogy : The development of sustainable and cost effective pest management practices to reduce yield losses in intensive rice cropping system. IRRI Discussion paper series no 19
IRRI Manila Philippine
The Effect of Yeast Culture In Swine And Poultry Rations
Hyung Tai Shin
The Effect of Yeast Culture In Swine And Poultry Rations
Sun Kyun Kwan University. Korea.
The Effect of Yeast Culture In Swine And Poultry Rations
Hyung Tai Shin
The Effect of Yeast Culture In Swine And Poultry Rations
Sun Kyun Kwan University
The Effect of Tillage Methods and Water Regimes on Soil Properties and Yield of Lowland Rice From Sandy Loam in SouthWest Nigeria
OgunRemi. L.T
Soil and Tillage Res
The effect of the ash from oil palm fruit bunch and micro foliar fertilizer on the growth of fanili stem cutting.
Rosman, R.
The Effect of Tenperature on The Biological Activity of Soil an Soil Organic Decomposition
The Effect Of Sulfate and Methionine on Legume Proteins
Thomson. J.F
Sulfur Nutrition and Assimilation In Higher Plants
SPB Academic Publishing The Hugea, The Netherands, ISBN
The Effect Of Sulfate and Methionine On Legume Proteins
Thomson. J.F
Sulfur Nutrition and Assimilation In Higher Plants
Academic Publishing, The Hegue, The Netherlands
The Effect of Sulfate and Methionine of Legume Proteins in Higher Plants
Thomson. J.F
The Effect of Stem Girdling on BioChemical Cycles Within a Mixed Deciduous Forest In Estern Tennesse II
Johnson. D.W
Academic Publishing. The Hague, The Netherlands Soil Mineralization and Nutrification Rates
Hlm 133 dari 1800
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The effect of sodium butyric on the development of mouse preimplantation embryo in vitro
Sumarsono SH
Master Preliminary Thesis
Clayton, Victoria: Monash University.
The effect of salinity on cadmium toxicity in the estuarine mysid Mysidopsis bahia : Role of osmoregulation and calcium
P.F. De Lisle
The effect of salinity on cadmium toxicity in the estuarine mysid Mysidopsis bahia : Role of osmoregulation and calcium
Marine Environmental Research
The Effect of Rice Hull Incorporation on The True Metabolizable Energy Value of Corn and Soybean Meal for Mule Drakes and White Leghorn Cockerels.
Lu, S. J.
Chinese Livestock Soc. of Animal Science.
The effect of replacing coconut oil wit corn oil on human serum lipid profiles & platelet derived factor active in atherogenesis
Mendia S
Nutrition report international
The effect of potato virus X on the yield of the potato variety Hudson
Teri, J.
The Effect of Pellet Feed vs Mash Method on the Performance of Local Ducks Seminar Paper Vol. II.
Darmadja, D
The Effect of Mass Communication. In Mass Communication and Rural Development in The Third World Countries: an Introduction.
Gonzales, Hernando.
The effect of management on the physical properties of soils of the northern N.S.W. wheatbelt. p. 24-27
Harte, A.J.
K.J. Coughlan and P.N. Truong (Eds.). Proc. Effect of Management Practices on Soils Physical Properties
QDPI, Brisbane.
The effect of malathion on fecundity, longevity and geotropism of menochilus sexmaculatus
Parker, B.L.
Environmental Entomology
The Effect of Logging in Natural Forest
The Effect of Pellet Feed vs Mash Method on the Performance of Local Ducks Seminar Paper Vol. II.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Petemakan PT. Gramedia Publisher, Jakarta.
CIRAD Forest/Project STREK
Hlm 134 dari 1800
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The effect of King grass silage with chicken manure on the metabolism and glucose production rate of lactating goats, him. 71-74
Kiranadi, B.
J.F. Aguilera (Comp.), Energy Metabolism of Farm Animals. EAAP Publ. No. 76
Madrid: CSIC Publ. Serv.
The Effect of Inorganic Cation on the Inhibition and Stimulation of Pro-tease Activity by Soil Humic Acid. So/7
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Biology and Biochemistry 2: 3340.
The effect of Haemonchus Concortus on the pregnant and lactating ewe
Thomas, R. J.
The effect of gossypol on rumen fungal attachment to and degradation of cellulose in culture
Proceedings of the Winter Meeting, Animal Production, p 153.
British Society of Animal production,
The effect of gossypol on animal cells in culture
Plant-Associated Toxins: Agricultural, Phytochemical and Ecological Aspects. (Eds. S.M. Colegate and P.R. Dorling)
CAB International, Wallingford, United Kingdom, pp. 201-206.
The effect of gossypol acetic acid on female reproduction
Lagerlof, R. K.
Drug and chemical toxicology
The effect of extreme soil acidity on the nutriënt uptake and physiology of plants in acid sulphate soils
Rorison, l H
ILRI Publication 18. Vol. l
Wageniiigcn. The Netherlands.
The effect of cutting upon the production of rice.
Andaya, I.
The effect of cutting upon the production of rice.
Philipp. Agric.
The effect of concentrate supplementation on glucose, energy and protein metabolism of single and twin pregnant ewes, him. 276-279
Sastradipradja, D.
C. Wenk & M. Boessinger (ed.). Energy Metabolism of Farm Animals. EAAP Publ. No. 58.
Zurich: Inst. Nutztierwiss. Gruppe Ernahrung, ETHZentrum.
The effect of color and intensity of light of behavior and performance of broiler
Sunarti D Prayitno
The effect of children on the housewife's value of time
Gronau R
New York
Univ. of Wales, UK
In T.W.Schultz (ed), Economics of the family: Marriage, children and human capital
Chicago, IL:The University of Chicago Press
Hlm 135 dari 1800
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Penulis Utama
The Effect of Calf Weaned on Productivity Performance of PO Cows at Smallholder Farmers in East Java.
Affandhy, L.
The effect of boron deficiency on the yield of oil palm in Malaysia
Rajaratnam JA
The effect of amylose content on insulin and glucose responses to ingested rice
Goddard, M.S
the effect of accounting firm size and member rank on professionalism
Goerz J
Accounting, Organization and Society 16: 159-166
The effect Of Tillageon The Nitrogen Cycle In Corn And Wheat Production
Doran J.W.
Nutrient Cycling in Agricultural Ecosystes. Univ. Of Giorgia Coll
Agric. Spect. Pulp.No. 23. Athens Ga.
The Effect of Short Rotation Sesbania Seban Planted Fallows on Maize Yields
Kwesiga, F
The Effect of Short Rotation Sesbania Seban Planted Fallows on Maize Yields
Forest Ecology Management
The efect of mulching and row covers on vegetable productions.
Hanada, T.
The efect of mulching and row covers on vegetable productions.
ASPAC Food and Fert, Tech. Centre. Taipeh, Taiwan
The Economie Theory of Cooperatie.
Roepke, Jochen
The Economie Theory of Cooperatie.
The Economie of Fisheries Management
Anderson, L.G.
The Economie of Fisheries Management
The Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore and London
The Economie of Fisheries Management
Anderson, L.G.
The Economie of Fisheries Management
The John Hopkins Univ. Press. Baltimore and London.
The Economie of Fisheries Management
Anderson. L.G.
The Economie of Fisheries Management
The Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore and London.
The Economie of Fisheries Management
Anderson, L.G.
The Economie of Fisheries Management
The Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore and London
The Economie of Coffe. Economie of Crops in Developing Countries No. 1
Graff, J.De
The Economie of Coffe. Economie of Crops in Developing Countries No. 1
Pudoc Wegeningen. Netherlands
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Penerbit IPPTP Grati (In Press).
Advances in oil palm cultivation RL Wastie & DA Earp (Ed) ISP Kuala Lumpur Am. J. Clin. Nutr.
Hlm 136 dari 1800
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Judul Buku
The Economie of Agrucultural Development
Mellor, J. W.
The Economie of Agrucultural Development
Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York, USA.
The Economics of Nitrate Pollution Control in The UK
Hanley Nick
Farming and The Countryside : An Economic Analysis of External Cost and Benefits
CAB. International, London
The Economics Of Nitrate Pollution Control In The UK
Hanley. Nick
Farming And The Countyside : an Economics Analysis Of External Costs and Benefits
CAB. International
The Economics Of Natural Resources Use
Hartwick. J.M
The economics of integrated pest in irrigated rice
Waibel, H.
Crop Protection Monographs
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany.
The Economics and Politics of Regulation: A Behavioral Approach
Needham, D
The Economics and Politics of Regulation: A Behavioral Approach
Little, Brown and Company, Boston.
The economic values of the production traits of the Javanese thin tail sheep
Soedjana, T.D.
Resource Utilization for Livestock Production in Malaysia.
The economic role of goat and sheep in Indonesia: a case study in West Java.
Knipscheer, H. C.
Pengembangan peternakan di Indonesia: model, sistem dan peranannya.
The Economic Potential of Rice Bran.
Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Division of Agricultural, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA.
The Economic of Rice-Fish Production Systems in North Sumatra, Indonesia : An Empircal and Model Analysis. Farming Systems and Resource Economics in the Tropics
Purba, S.
Wissenschaftsverlag Vauk Kiel KG. Vol: 31.
The Economic of Insect Control on Rice in the Philippines
Herdt R.W.
Judicious and Efficient Use of Insecticide on Rice
International Rice Research Institute, PO Box 933, Manila Philippines.
The Economic Evaluation of the impact of waste minimalization on waste water treatment
Timothy Daily
Food Industry Environmental Conf. Industrial food waste management PAU Pangan dan gizi
Harper & Row Publisher. Inc. New York
Yayasan Obor Indonesia, Jakarta.
Hlm 137 dari 1800
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The economic and social context of pest, disease and weed problems.
Norton GA
In: Cherett JM, Sagar GR, editors. Origin of pest, parasite, disease and weed problems.
Oxford: Blackwell Science.
The Ecology Of Tropical Food Crops
Norman. M.J.T
The Ecology of Sulawesi.
Whitten, A.J.,
The Ecology of Sulawesi.
Gadjah Mada University Press. 777 pp.
The Ecology of Sulawesi.
Whitten A.J.
The Ecology of Sulawesi.
Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta. P.253337
The Ecology of Sulawesi.
Whitten, A.J.,
The Ecology of Sulawesi.
Gadjah Mada University press, Yogyakarta. 235p.
The Ecology of Sulawesi
Whitten A.M
The Ecology of Sulawesi
Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta
The Ecology of Natural Resources
Simon, L.G
The Ecology of Marine Sediments.
Gray, J.S.
The Ecology of Marine Sediments.
Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 185 pp.
The ecology of marine protozoa: an overview
Lee, J.J.
G.M. Capriulo (ed.). Ecology of Marine protozoa
Oxford University Press, Oxford. Pp. 3-45.
The Ecology of Java and Bali. The Ecology of Indonesia Series
The Ecology of Java and Bali. The Ecology of Indonesia Series
Berkeley Books Private Ltd. Singapore
The Ecology of Freswater Phytoplankton. Third ed.
Reynolds, C.S.
The Ecology of Freswater Phytoplankton. Third ed.
Cambridge University Press, New York.
The Ecology of Freshwater Phytoplankton.
The Ecology of Freshwater Phytoplankton.
Cambridge University Press. Cambredge. 363 pp.
The Ecology of Fishes.
Nikolsky G.V.
The Ecology of Fishes.
Academic Press. New York. 325 pp.
The Ecology of Fishes.
Nikolsky. G.V.
The Ecology of Fishes.
Academic Press, l^ondon and New York. 352 pp.
The Ecology of Bird Communities
Wiens, J. A.
The Ecology of Bird Communities
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, London
John Wiley and Sons, New York
Hlm 138 dari 1800
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The Ecology of Meiofaunaon a Malayan Mangrove Shore
Sasekumar, A.
Ph.D. Thesis.
Department of Zoology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. 183 p.
The ecological studies of rice stemborers in Japan
Torii, T.
A Review. Mushi 45: 1-49.
The East Friesian and Other European Breeds.
Farid, A.
CAB International, Oxon, UK.
The earthworm book. How to rise and use earthworm for farm and garden
Minnich, J.
Rodale Press, New York
The early history of seed certification, 1900-70
Parsons, F.G.
M.B. McDonald, Jr and W.D. Pardee (Eds.). The Role of Seed Certification in the Seed Industry. (10): 3-7.
CSSA Special Publication.
The Early developmental stages of Scylla serrata Forskal (Crustacea Portunidae) reared in the laboratory
K.S. Oong
The Early developmental stages of Scylla serrata Forskal (Crustacea Portunidae) reared in the laboratory
Proc. Indo-Pacific Fish. Coun.
The Dynamics of'Arthropod Predator-Prey Systems
The Dynamics of'Arthropod Predator-Prey Systems
New Jersey: Princeton Univ Pr.
The Dynamics Of Planned Change : A Comparative Study of Principles and Techniques
Harcort, Brace & World Inc. New York
The Double Ring Infiltrometer 2nd.ed.
Eijkelkamp Agrisearch Equipment
Giesbeek The Netherland
The Dithiocarbomate and Related Compound
Thorn. G.D
Elsevier Sci. Publ. Co. Developments in Soil Science 3 Amsterdam
The distribution of Hibiscus L. section Furcaria in Tropical East Africa. Systematic and Ecogeographic studies on crop gene pools 6
Edmods, J.M.
The distribution of Hibiscus L. section Furcaria in Tropical East Africa. Systematic and Ecogeographic studies on crop gene pools 6
IBPGR, Rome. 284 p.
The distinctive properties of Andosols.
Wada, K.
In Advances in Soil Science vol. 2. Stewart B.A. (ed.) Springer Verlang.
New York. p. 173-229.
The digestibility of tropical grasses. In: Nutrition abstracts & reviews.
Butterworth, M.H.
The digestibility of tropical grasses. In: Nutrition abstracts & reviews.
The Commonwealth Bureau of Animal Nutrition.
Hlm 139 dari 1800
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The DIG system user's guide for filter hybridization
Boehringer - Mannheim, Germany
The Diffusion of Innovation
Rogers Everett. M
Westview Publication
The development, use and efficiency of indices of soil erodibility.
Byan, R.B.
The Development Rate, BodyWeight and Reproductive Capacity of Sitophilus Zeamais (Mothsch) Reared on Three Natural Hosts
Santhop, Q.
The Development Person Worth Publishers, New York
Hannekens C.H
Little Brown and Company.Boston
The Development Person Worth Publishers, New York
Berger K.S
The Development Person Worth Publishers, New York
The Development of Small Logs Harvesting for Indonesia Pulp and Paper Industries
The Development of Person Perception: Cognitive and Sicial Factor
Development Psychology
The development of marine fishery in the South China Sea area of Indonesia.
Mertha, I.G.S.
Country Status Report. The Second Regional Workshop on Shared Stocks in the South China Sea Area. Kuala Terengganu Malaysia 18-20 July 1995 SEAFDEC/MFRDMD/WS/95/CR 6. 91-98
The development of children
Cole M
The Development of Alley Cropping as a promoting Agro forestry Technology. Dalam: Steppler, H. A. dan P. K. rt. Nair (eds.) Agro forestry: A Decade of Development
Kang, B.T
The Development of Alley Cropping as a promoting Agro forestry Technology. Dalam: Steppler, H. A. dan P. K. rt. Nair (eds.) Agro forestry: A Decade of Development
ICRAF Nairobi, Kenya
The development analysis of small scale fisheries in Madura Strait, East Java
Muhammad, S
The development analysis of small scale fisheries in Madura Strait, East Java
ARM Report, Malang
Judul Buku
Enso Forest Development Ltd. Imatra Finland Social
New York : Scientific American Books
Hlm 140 dari 1800
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The determinination of the bivalve Ruditapes decussatus cohort using the method of Bhattacharya
The determinination of the bivalve Ruditapes decussatus cohort using the method of Bhattacharya
The determination of total organic nitrogen, him. 601-616.
Lillevik, H.A.
M.A. Joslyn (ed.). Methods in Food Analysis:Physical, Chemical, and Instrumental Methods of Analyis
The Determination of Organic Carbon in Soil Using a ProbeColorimeter
Baker. K.F
The determination of hidroxyproline in tissue and protein sample containing small proportions of this animo acid
Wossner, F. J.
The detection of two potato viruses by enzime-linked imunosorbent assay (ELISA)
Gugerli, P.
The Design of Rural Development: Lessons from Africa
Lele, U.
Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
The Design of Optimal Sampling Schemes For Local Estimation and Mapping of Regionalized Variables : Program and Examples
McBratney. A.B
Comput Geosci
The design and operation of commercial-scale live feeds production systems.
Fulks, W
The Demographic Dimension in Indonesian Development.
The Degree of Competitiveness in Agriculturak Marketting Contributed Paper Read at the 15th International Conferene of Agricultural Economic.
Krisnaswamy, L
NY:Academic Press.
Laboratory Practice
Arch. Biochem. Biophys.
Fulks, W. and Main, K.L. (eds.). Rotifer and microalgae culture systems. Proceedings of a USAsia Workshop, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 28-31, 1991.
The Oceanic Institute, Honolulu, Hawaii. 3-52.
Oxford University Press Singapore. The Degree of Competitiveness in Agricultural Marketting Contributed Paper Read at the 15th International Conferene of Agricultural Economic.
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The Deer and The Tiger. A Study of Wildlife in India.
Schaller, G. B.
Chicago: Midway Reprint.
The Decomposition of The Leaf Mulches of Leucaenaleucocephala, Glyricidia Sepium and Flemingia Macrophylla Unde Humid Tropical Condition
Agroforestry Systems
The Decapoda of the Siboga Expedition.
Holthuis, L.B.
Paul X. The Palaemonidae, Sub Family Palaemoninae. E.J.
Brill Leiden. 97 pp.
The Cutting of Meat.
Frank H. Johnston General Editor
The Cutting of Meat.
Mc Graw. Hill Book Company, Sydney.
The Current Status of Zinc, Copper, selenium, and Chromium in Aging
Hsu J.M
Handbook of Geriatric Nutrion.ParkRidge, New Jersey
The current of brassinosteroids.
Sakurai, A
Olant Growth Regul
The cultivation and processing of tea.
Penebar Swadaya
The Critical Period of Weed Control In Soybean (Glycine Max L. Merr)
Vanacker Swaton
Soybean Abstract
The crab fishery around the mangrove areas of Segara Anakan Cilacap, Jawa, Indonesia.
Suwarso dan Wasilun.
Ming, C.L.., Eng. C.T.. Woo. K.H. Eng, L.P. Paw, J.N. Silvestre, G. T. Valencia, M..J. White A.T. dan Kam, W.P. (eds.) Toward an integrated management of tropical coastal resources. Proceeding of the Asean/Us Technical Workshop on Integrated Tropical Coastal Zone Management.
Temasek Hall, National University of Singapore, 28-31 Oktober 1988: 5764.
The crab fishery around the mangrove areas of Segara Anakan Cilacap, Jawa, Indonesia.
Suwarso dan Wasilun.
Toward an integrated management of tropical coastal resources. Proceeding of the Asean/Us Technical Workshop on Integrated Tropical Coastal Zone Management.
Temasek Hall, National LTmversity of Singapore, 28-31 Oktober 1988: 5764.
Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta.
Hlm 142 dari 1800
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Judul Buku
The crab fishery around the mangrove areas of Segara Anakan Cilacap, Jawa, Indonesia
Mg, C.L, C.T. Eng, K.H. Woo, L.P. Eng, J.N. Paw, G.T. Silvestre, M.J. Valencia, A.T. White,and W.P. Kam. (Eds.). Toward an tegrated management of tropical Coastal resources. Proc. Asean/US Technical Workshop on tegrated Tropical Coastal Zone Management.
Temasek Hall, National University of Singapore, 28-31 Oktober 1988 p. 5764.
The crab fishery around the mangrove areas of Segara Anakan Cilacap Jawa Indonesia
Ming, I.C., C.T. Eng, K.H. Woo, L.P. Eng, J.N. Paw, G.T. Silvestre, M.J. Valensia, A.T. White, and W.P. Kam (Eds). Toward an Integrated Management of Tropical Coastal Resources. Proceeding of the Asean/US Technical Workshop on Integrated Tropical Coastal Zone Management. Temasek Hall. , 28-31 October 1998. p. 5764.
National University of Singapore
The crab fishery around the mangrove areas of Segara Anakan Cilacap, Jawa, Indonesia
Ming, C.L., C.T. Eng, K.H. Woo, L.P. Eng, J.N. Paw, G.T. Silvestre, M.J. Valencia, A.T. White, and W.P. Kam. (Eds.) Toward an integrated management of tropical coastal resourches. Proceeding of the Asean/US Technical Workshop on Integrated Tropical Coastal Zone Management. Temasek Hall. p. 57-64.
National University of Singapore. 28-31 October 1988.
The crab fishery around the mangrove area of Segara Anakan Cilacap Jawa Indonesia.
InC.L. Ming, C.T. Eng, K.H. Woo, L.P. Eng, J.N. Paw, G.T. Silvester, M.J. Valencia, A.T. White, and W.P. Kam. (Eds). Toward an Integrated Management of Tropical Coastal Zone Management.
Temaseh Hall, national University Of Singapura 28-31 Oktober1988. p. 5764.
Hlm 143 dari 1800
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Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
The correlation between amylase and cellulase activities with strach and fibre contents on the fermentation of cassapro (cassava protein) with Aspergillus niger.
Purwadaria, T.
Biotechnology conference, Jakarta, Indonesia.
The control ofeutrophi-cation of lake and reservoirs.
Ryding, S. 0
Man and the Biosphere. Vol. I. UNESCO Paris. 314 pp.
The control of growth and differentiation in plants
Warcing PF
Pergomon Press, new York
The control of growth and differentiation in plants
Warcing PF
Pergomon Press, new York
The control of floral pigmentation in Anthirhinum majus I
H. Thomas, and D Gierson (Eds). Development Mutant in Higher plant
Cambridge Univ. Press. London
The Control of Eutrophication of Lakes and Reservoirs. Man and the Biosphere Series Vol 1.
Ryding, S.O.
The Control of Eutrophication of Lakes and Reservoirs. Man and the Biosphere Series Vol 1.
The Parthenon Publishing Group. Paris, 314 pp.
The control of eutrophi-cation of lakes and reservoirs.
Ryding, S.O.
Man and the biosphere's series. Vol. I.
UNESCO. Paris. 314 pp.
The Control of eutrophication of lakes and reservoirs
S.O. Ryding
Man and the biosphere series. Vol 1
The Parthenon Publishing Group, UNESCO, Paris
The Control of eutrophication of lakes and reservoirs
S.O. Ryding
Man and The Biosphere Series
The conservation of grass and forage crops.
Watson, S. J.
The Concept of Corporate Strategy
Andrews, K.R
The Concept of Corporate Strategy. 3rd Edition
The Composition of Foods, Milk Products and Egg ( 4th ed)
Royal Society of Chemistry Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Cambridge
The complete book of mushrooms
Rinaldi, A.
Oliver and Byrd. Edinburgh and London. Irwin Publishing Company, lllinois.
Crown Publishers, Inc., New York
Hlm 144 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
The comparative performance ofindoneslan beefbreeds. Presented at AAVCS Short Course on BeefCattle Management and Economics
Moran, J.B
The Community-Based Fishery Management System: Issues, Problems and Constraints
Yahaya, J.
The Commercial Analysis of Food and Food Product
Jacob, S.M.B.
The Commercial Analysis of Food and Food Product
D. Van Nostrand Co. Preceton. New Jersey.
The Colour Science of Dyes and Pigments. Second edition
Laren, Me
The Colour Science of Dyes and Pigments. Second edition
Adam HilgerLtd. Bristol.
The Collection and Preservation of animal Parasites
University of Nebraska Press.Lincoln &London
The Collection and Preservation of Animal Parasites
Kruse, G.O.W.
The Collection and Preservation of Animal Parasites
The collection analysis and used of monitoring and evaluation data
Kasley, D. J.
A world bank Publication. Johns Hopkins University Press
the Cocunut palm
Freemond Y
International Potash Institute, Berne/Swizerland
The Coconut Palm : A monograph Indian Central Coconut Committee
Menon KPV
The coconut palm
Menon, K.P.V.
A Monograph. Central Coconut Research Station. Kasaragod.
The Cocoa Pod Borer Acrocercrops Cramerella Sn in Sabah a Threat to the Cocoa Industry
Kang, S.M.,
Peninsular Malaysia. Crop Prot. Branch,
The cocoa marketing sector in Sulawesi. Strategies of participants and the effect on product quality.
Faivre, B.
Judul Buku
Penerbit University of Hasanudin, Ujung Pandang
The Univ. of Nebraska Press Lincoln and London. P 72.
Dept. of Agric. Kuala Lumpur. 18 pp.
Hlm 145 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
The Chinese Mushroom (Volvariella volvaceae).
The Chinese Mushroom (Volvariella volvaceae).
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press. Hong Kong
The chemoautotrophic ammonium-oxidising community in a nitrogen saturated acid forest in relation to pHdependent nitrifying activity
De Boer W
The Chemistry,Morphology and Analysis of Dietary Fiber Components
Theander, O.
G.E. Inglett dan S.I. Falkehag (eds.) Dietary Fiber: Chemistry and Nutrition
Academic Press, New York.
The chemistry, processing technology and quality of seafoods-An overview.
Shahidi, F.
Shahidi, F. and Bottr, J.R. (Eds.). Seafoods: Chemistry, Processing Technology and Quality.
Blackie Academic& Profesional, London, p. 12
The chemistry of thetoxic constituents of Acacia berlandieri
Adams. R
Annales New York Academy of Science
The Chemistry of Submerged Soils
PonnamPeruma. F.N
IRRI, Los Banos, Philippines
The chemistry of solid wood.
Rowell, R.
The chemistry of solid wood.
American Chemistry Society., Washington.
The chemistry of solid wood.
Rowell, R.
The chemistry of solid wood.
American Chemistry Society Washington.
The Chemistry of Solid Wood
The Chemistry of Solid Wodd.
Rowell, R..
The Chemistry of Soils
Sposito. G
Oxford. Univ. Press. London
The Chemistry of Soils
Sposito, G
Oxford University Press. London
The Chemistry of Soils
Sposito, G
Oxford Univ. Press. London
The Chemistry of Soil
Oxford University Press London
The chemistry of rancidity in foods
Hamilton, R.J.
J.C. Alien dan R.J. Hamilton (Eds). Rancidity in Foods. 2nd Edition
Elsevier Applied Science, London.
The Chemistry of Plant Cell Walls
Selvendran, R.R.
G.G. Birch and K.J. Parker(ed.). Dietary Fiber
Applied Sci. Publ., London.
Soil Biol. Biochem.
American Chemistry Sciety, Washington.D.C The Chemistry of Solid Wodd.
American Chemical Society. Washington.
Hlm 146 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
The Chemistry of Pectin.
Walter, R.H.,
The Chemistry of Pectin.
Academic Press Inc., New York
The Chemistry of Pectin
Walter, R.H
The Chemistry of Pectin
Academic Press Inc, New York
The Chemistry of Alumunium Iron and Manganese Oxides in Acid Soil
Paterson. E
Soil Acidity
Springler-Verlag, New York
The Chemistry and Technology of Food and Food Products. Second Edition. Volume I.
Jacobs. M.B.
The Chemistry and Technology of Food and Food Products. Second Edition. Volume I.
Interscience Publication. Inc. New York.
The Chemistry and Technology of Food and Food Products. Second Edition. Volume I.
Jacobs, M.B.
The Chemistry and Technology of Food and Food Products. Second Edition. Volume I.
Interscience Publication, Inc. New York.
The chemistry and technology of food and food products, second Edition. Vol III.
Jacobs, M.B.
The chemistry and technology of food and food products, second Edition. Vol III.
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Artz, W.E
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The chemistry and biology of antibiotics
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The Chemical Analysis of Food and Food Products. Second Edition. Volume 1.
Jacobs, M.B.
The Chemical Analysis of Food and Food Products. Second Edition. Volume 1.
Interscience Publication, Inc. New York.
The Chemical Analysis of Food and Food Products. Second Edition.
Jacobs. M.B.
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The Characterization of a Threemembered Microbial Community Growing on 1,6-Dichlorohexane. Ph.D
Kardena, E
The Characterization of a Threemembered Microbial Community Growing on 1,6-Dichloro-hexane. Ph.D
Thesis. School of Pure and Applied Biology, University of Wales College of Cardiff, U.K
The Challenge of Leadership in Higher Education
Gibson, R.C.
The Challenge of Leadership in Higher Education
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The Cellulolytic Capacity of Some Forest Litter Fungi
The Cell Cycle. An Introduction
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The Cell Cycle. An Introduction
The Cell Biology of Blastocyst Development. Molecular Reproduction and Development 33: 492-504.
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The Cause of Decay Resistance In Teak Wood (Tectona Grandis)
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The care, breeding, & management of experimental animals for research in the tropics
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The capture and use of energy by diseased plants
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The Capital Budgetting of Investment Project
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The Calf. Principal Scientific Offer, Feeding and Metabolism
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The Birds of Java and Ball
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The Birds of Java and Ball
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The Birds of Bali
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The Birds of Bali
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The Biometry of Plant Growth.
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The Biology of Running Water
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The Biology of Running Water
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The Biology of Polluted Waters.
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The Biology of Polluted Water
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The Biology of Pleurotus Cultivation In The Tropics
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The Biology of Nitrogen-Fixing Organism.
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The Biology of Fish Growth, Division of Life Sciences
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The Biology of dalag (Ophiocephalus striatus)
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The Biology of dalag (Ophiocephalus striatus)
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The Biological Basis of Freshwater Fish Production
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The Biochemistry of Methylotrophs
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The Biochemistry of Ethylene Biosynthesis
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The Plant Hormone Ethylene
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The Biochemistry and Physiology of Plant Diseases
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The biochemistry and physiology of plant disease.
Goodman, R.N.
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The Biochemistry and Physiology of Plant Disease
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The behaviour fate of pesticides in mikrobial environments.
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The behaviour and catchability of some commercially exploited penaeids and their relation to stock and secruitrnent
Penn. J. W.
The behaviour and catchability of some commercially exploited penaeids and their relation to stock and secruitrnent
The Behavior of The Tropical Rain Forest of The Brazillian Amazon After Logging
Oxford Univ. Press
The bbionomics and control of Nephotettix impicticeps Ishihara and transmission studies on its associated viruses in West Malaysia
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The bbionomics and control of Nephotettix impicticeps Ishihara and transmission studies on its associated viruses in West Malaysia
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The Balance Score Card : Translating Strategy into Action
Kaplan, R.S.
The Balance Score Card : Translating Strategy into Action
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The bacterial wilt coused by Pseudomonas solana cearum
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A Literature review and bibliography
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The bacterial wilt caused by Pseudomonas solanacearum
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A literature review and bibliography
North Carolina Agri. Exper. Station Tech. Bull
The Bacterial wilt caused by Pseudomonas solanacearum
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A Literature review and bibliography
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The bacteria, Atrearise or structure function Vol 3
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The Azola Program of The Philippines
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The Awassi sheep with special reference to the improved dairy type.
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FAO animal production and health paper. Food and agriculture organization of the United nations. Rome
The Avocado Pear
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The biochemistry Of Fruit and Their Products Vol. 2
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The Avian egg. 3rd Ed
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The Avian egg. 3rd Ed
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The Avian Egg.
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John Wiley and Sons Inc. New York.
The avian egg, chemistry and biology
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The Avian Egg
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The Avian Egg
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The atmospheric cycle of methane
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The Atlas of Australian Birds
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The Assessment of the Nutritional Status of the Community
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WHO, Geneva
The Assesment of The Nutrition Status of Community
Jellife D.B
World Health Oragnization, Geneva
The Artificial Propagation of Warm-Water Finfinsh, a Manual for Extention
Woynarovich, E.
FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No 201
Rome: Food Agriculture Organization of the United Nation
The application of optimal foraging theory feeding behaviour in fish
C.R. Townsend
Theory energetics new perspective
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The application of fungal endoxylanase in poultry diets. Hal.371 - 378. Dalam : Xylans and Xylanases. J. Visser, M.A. Kusters-van Someren, G. Beldman, and A.G.J. Voragen, ed
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The Application of Biotechnology for Forest Tree Improvement in Indonesia
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Horticultural Science Sixth Edition
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APS Press St. Paul Minnesota
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The Aplication of Tissue Culture to the Vegetative Propagation of Plants
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The Anatomy of the Sheep
The Analytical Hierarchy Process: Planning Priority and Setting Resources Allocation
Saaty, T.L
The Analytical Hierarchy Process: Planning Priority and Setting Resources Allocation
McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York
The Analytical Hierarchy Process
Saaty, T.L.,
The Analytical Hierarchy Process
McGraw-Hill, Inc., USA
The Analytic Hierarchy Process
T.L. Saaty
The Analytic Hierarchy Process
New York. McGraw-Hill
The analysis of variance
Scheffe H
John Willey & sons New York
The Analysis of Response In Crop and Livestock Production 3rd ed.
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Sydney Pergamon Press
The analysis of family budget
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Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press
The American Occupational Structure
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John Willey & Sons Inc. New York
The alkali treatment of whole crop cereals, part I Preliminary trials
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The Agronomy of Annual Crops
Norman, M.J.T
The Agroclimatic Map of Sulawesi.
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The Agroclimatic Map of Sulawesi.
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The agroclimatic map of Maluku, Irian Jaya, and Bali, West and East Nusa Tenggara
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The agroclimatic map of Maluku, Irian Jaya, and Bali, West and East Nusa Tenggara
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The Agricultural Transformation
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Agricultural Development in The Thrid World 2nd ed.. Chapter 2
John Hopkins University Press. Baltimore
The Agricultural Marketing System 4th Ed.
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The African Genera Of Acridoidea
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The advantages of LISREL for accounting researchers
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Accopunting horizons (december) : 42-48
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Gorsuch Scarisbrick, Scottsdale. Arizona University Press.Cambridge
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The advantages and disadvantages of xenobiotics in plant foods and feeds
Acamovic, T.
Development and ethical considerations in toxicology. (Ed. M.I. Weitzner)
Royal Society of Chemistry. pp.129-138.
The advantages and disadvantages of xenobiotics in plant foods and feeds
Acamovic, T.
Development and ethical considerations in toxicology. (Ed. M.I. Weitzner)
Royal Society of Chemistry. pp,129-138.
The advantages and disadvantage of xenobiotics in plant foods and feeds
Acamovic, T.
Development and ethical considerations in toxicology. (Ed. M.I. Weitzner),
Royal Society of Chemistry. pp. 129-136.
The administrative process, integrated theory and practice.
Robins, S.
The adaptive effects of diatary fish and sanflower oil on lipid and lipoprotein metabolism in perfused rat liver
Wong, S. H.
Biochim. Biphys. Acta
The activation of leucocytes in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, by oral administration of Clostridium butyricum bacterin
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The abaca plant-its morphology and physiology
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The 9Th Ed. Subcommitte on Poultry Nutrition Board on Agriculture
Nutrient Requirement of Poultry
The 5 Minutes Veterinary Consult
Tilley, L.P.
Canine and Feline, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore p. 998.
The rainfall over the Indonesian waters
Wyrtki, K.
The rainfall over the Indonesian waters
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The Biology of Mycoriza The Dinamics of MuttiOrganizational Partnerships : and Analysis of Changing Modes of Govemance
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The Biology of Mycoriza Public Administration, Vol 76 Summer
Leonard Hill. London.
The Company’s Woman. Labour Control in Sumatran Agrobusiness
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Doc.Center onabaca UPLB.Laguna Philippine NCR, Nation Academy Press Washington, D.C.
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The Herbicide Glyphosate
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The Herbicide Glyphosate
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Thalasogenic disease. UNEP
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Regional seas report and studies No. 79.
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Texture Measurement of Foods.
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Texture : Clay. Silt and Sand
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Textbook of Wood Technology Vol. II
Textbook of Wood Technology
Brown HP
Textbook of Wood Tchnology
McGraw-Hill.Inc. Book Co. New York
Textbook of Veterinary Physiology.
Cunningham, J.G.
W.B. Saunders Company. Philadelphia, London, Toronto, Montreal, Sydney, Tokyo.
Textbook of Veterinary Histology
Delmann H.D
Lea and Fiebiger Philadelphia
Textbook of Veterinary Histology
Textbook of Veterinary Histology 4th edition
Lea & Febiger .Philadelphia
Textbook of Tropical Sericulture. Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers 4
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Textbook of Tropical Sericulture. Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers 4
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Textbook of Microbiology, 17th ed.
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Textbook of medical physiology. 5th ed.
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Textbook of Medical Physiology, 5th Ed.
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Textbook of Medical Physiology, 5th Ed.
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Textbook of Medical Physiology 5th Ed.
Guyton, A.C.
Textbook of Medical Physiology 5th Ed.
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D. Reedel Publishing Company, Dordrecht. Manual On Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis
Soil Research Institute, Ottawa McGraw-Hill.Inc. Book Co. New York
Textbook of Wood Technology Vol II
Mac Craw Hill York
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Textbook of medical physiology
Guyton, A. C.
W. B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia, London, Toronto
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Guyton A.C
W.B.Saunders Company.Philadelphia London.
Textbook of Medical Physiology
Arthur, C.G.
Textbook of Medical Physiology
W.B. Saunders Company Philadelphia. London Toronto, pp: 85-96.
Textbook of Limnology. Third Edition.
Cole, G. A.,
Textbook of Limnology. Third Edition.
Waveland Press, Inc. Prospect Heights. 401pp.
Textbook of Limnology.
Cole, G. A.
Textbook of Limnology.
Waveland Press, Inc. Prospect Heights, Illinois, USA. 401 p.
Textbook of Limnology
Cole, G.A.
Textbook of Limnology
Waveland Press, Prospect Heights, Illinois. 401 pp.
Textbook of Histology
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Textbook of Histology
W.B Saunders Company Philadelphia London Toronto
Textbook of fish cultture: Breeding and cultivation of fish
M. Huet
Textbook of fish cultture: Breeding and cultivation of fish
Fishing News Book Ltd, London
Textbook of Endocrinology Physiology
Martin, C.R.
Textbook of Endocrinology Physiology
Oxford University. New York. 264 p.
Textbook of Endocrinology
Williams, R.H
5th ed. W.B. Sounders Company. Philadelphia, London. Toronto
Textbook of Dendrology 7th Ed.
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Textbook of Biochemistiy.
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Textbook of Algae.
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Text-book For The Eel Culture.
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Text book veterinary hematology manual. 5th ed.
Scalm, O. W.
Text Book of Wood Technology. Volume 1. Second Ed.
Panshin, A. J.,
Text Book of Wood Technology. Volume 1. Second Ed.
Mc. Graw-Hill Book Company. New York.
Text Book of Wood Technology Vol II.
Brown. MP.
Text Book of Wood Technology Vol II.
Mc. Graw Hill Book. Company Inc, New York.
Text Book of Fishing Famham, Survey,
Huet, M.,
Text Book of Fishing Famham, Survey,
New Books Ltd.
Text Book of Fish Diseases.
Arnlacher, E.
Text Book of Fish Diseases.
DATFH Publication. New York. USA. 302 pp.
Text Book of fish culture
M. Huet
Breeding and Cultivation of Fish
Fishing News Book Ltd, London
Texbook ofendocrine physiology.
Martin, C.R.
Texbook ofendocrine physiology.
Oxford University Press, New York, 462 pp.
Texbook of Medical Physiology. Eight Edition
Guyton, A-C.
Texbook of Medical Physiology. Eight Edition
W.B. Saunders Company. Philadelphia.
Texbook of Fish Culture. Breeding and Cultivation of Fish.
Huet, N
Texbook of Fish Culture. Breeding and Cultivation of Fish.
Fishing News Books Ltd London. 436 p.
Texbook of Fish Culture,Breeding and Cultivation of Fish
Huet, M.
Texbook of Fish Culture,Breeding and Cultivation of Fish
Fishing News (Books) Ltd., London. 436p.
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Tietz, N.W.,
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W.B. Saunders Company. Philadelphia.
Texas plants poisonous to livestock
Sperry. O.E
Texas Agricultural Experiment Servce
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Tetumbuhan Sebagai Sumber Bahan Obat
Tetelo Yang Bikin Masalah
Rangga Tabbu C
Peristiwa. Infovet. Edisi 042. Januari Jakarta. Hal. 35-37.
Judul Buku
Penerbit Merck and Co. Inc. Rahway, USA
Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Pusat Penelitian Universitas Andalas, Padang.
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Proceeding Scientific Meeting on Small Animal Ruminant Research 2223 November, 1983, PPPT Ciawi Bogor Indonesia
Testing Market Integration. Testicular Hypoplacia in a Bull with XX/XY Chimerism
Ravalion, M. Bongso, T. A.
Cornell Vet.,
Test on a small rainfall simulator for evaluating soil erodibility.
Wan Sulaiman, W.H.
Tesis Magister Sains (S2) IPB Bogor
Busyra, B. S.
Terunyan: Sosok Desa Legendaris yang Tertinggal dalam Menerobos Lingkaran Kemiskinan
Profil Desa Tertinggal Indonesia
Bappenas-Aditya Media. Yogyakarta.
Terumbu Karang Indonesia, Sumber Daya, Permasalahan dan Pengelolaannya.
Soekarno, M. H.,
Terumbu Karang Indonesia, Sumber Daya, Permasalahan dan Pengelolaannya.
Terumbu Karang di Indonesia
Terumbu Karang di Indonesia
LON-LIPI. Jakarta. 102 hal.
Terrestrial Plant Ecology
Terpenoid Phytoalexin : Aspect of Biosynthesis, Catabolism, and Regulation
Threlfall, D.R.
Ternak perah Ternak Kerbau.
Syarief Z Saladin, R.
Ternak Kerbau.
Ternak Komersial
Suharno, B
Ternak Komersial
Penebar Swadaya.Jakarta
Terms Of Reference Type A : Survey Kapabilitas Tanah
Pusat Penelitian Tanah
Proyek Penelitian Pertanian Menunjang Transmigrasi
P3MT. Bogor
Termite Life and Termite Control in Tropical South East Asia
Roonwal ML
Scientific Publisher. India
Term of Reference Type A
P3MT-PPT. Bogor
The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company.Inc. California
Ecological Chemistry of Plant Terpenoid. Thomas, J.B. and Baxberan, F.A. (Eds)
Oxford Univ. Press. Oxford, p. 159-208. Jasa Guna Jakarta Fak. Peternakan Univ. Andalas, Padang.
Hlm 160 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Term of Reference : Survai Kapabilitas Tanah
Pusat Penelitian Tanah
Terapan Perpindahan Massa sebagai Parameter Proses Konversi Inulin Dahlia Menjadi Fruktosa oleh Sel Khamir Imobil dalam Bioreaktor Unggun Diam. (Karya ilmiah - Tidak dipublikasikan).
Mangunwidjaja, D
Teori Organisasi: Struktur, Desain dan Aplikasi. Terjemahan
Robbins, S.P
Teori Organisasi: Struktur, Desain dan Aplikasi. Terjemahan
Arcan, Jakarta
Teori Motivasi dan Aplikasinya
Siagian P. Sondang
Teori Motivasi dan Aplikasinya
Bina Aksara, Jakarta.
Teori Komunikasi
Teori Harga
Teori Ekonomi Produksi: Dengan Pokok Bahasan Analisis Fungsi Produksi CobbDouglas
Rajawali Press, Jakarta
Teori Ekonomi Produksi: Dengan Pokok Bahasan Analisis Fungsi Produksi CobbDouglas
Rajawali Press, Jakarta
Teori Ekonomi Produksi. Pokok Bahasan Analisis Fungsi Produksi Cobb-Douglas.
Teori ekonomi produksi dengan pokok bahasan aneka fungsi produksi Cobb-Douglas
Rajawali Jakarta
Teori Ekonomi Produksi dengan Pokok bahasan Analisis Fungsi Cobb-Douglas.
PT. Raja Grafindo Persada. Jakarta
Teori Ekonomi Produksi
Judul Buku
Penerbit Dep. Tan. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Bogor
Mandar Maju, Bandung. Teori Harga
Teori Ekonomi Produksi. Pokok Bahasan Analisis Fungsi Produksi Cobb-Douglas.
Teori Ekonomi Produksi
Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta.
Rajawali Press Jakarta.
Rajawali Press, Jakarta.
Hlm 161 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Teori Ekonomi Produksi
Teori Ekonomi Produksi Teori Ekonomi Mikro.
Soekartawi Taken, I.B.
Teori Ekonomi Produksi Teori Ekonomi Mikro.
Teori Ekonomi Mikro K. Penyadur Winardi. Tarsito
Ferguson, C.E.,
Teori Ekonomi Mikro K. Penyadur Winardi. Tarsito
Teori Ekonomi Mikro Intermediate. Teori, Masalah Pokok dan Penerapan
Miller, R. L.
Teori Ekonomi Mikro Intermediate. Teori, Masalah Pokok dan Penerapan
Teori Ekonomi Mikro Teori Ekonomi Mikro
Teken, I. B. Teken, I.B.
IPB, Bogor Teori Ekonomi Mikro
Teori ekonomi mikro Teori Ekonomi Makro (terj. P. Sitohang)
Teken IB Acley, Gardner
Teori Dasar Ultrasonic
Trisnobudi, A.
Teori dan Praktek Kepemimpinan
Siagian. S.P
Teori Dan Praktek Irigasi
Teori Dan Praktek Irigasi
PAU llmu Teknik Universitas Gajahmada. Yogyakarta
Teori dan Aplikasi Tenure and Productivity of Philippines Rice Producing Farmsi
J. Supranto Ruttan, V.W.
Teori dan Aplikasi LTC Reprint No.56
Erlangga Jakarta Land Tenure Center University of Wisconsin
Tennik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia
Siregar, A.P
Tennik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia
Cetakan Pertama. Penerbit Margic Group, Jakarta.
Tenancy Among Paddy Cultivators in Malay sia. A study of Tenancy Condition and Laws Affecting Landlord-Tenant Relations
Smith, E.D.
University of Kentucky, Lexington
Tenaga Kerja Dalam Pengembangan Agroindustri
Azis. M. Amin
Bangkit Jaya. Jakarta
Tenaga Kerja Wanita di Indonesia.
Tenaga Kerja Wanita di Indonesia
Temu-temuan ( Jahe, Temu Lawak, Kunyit dan Kencur ).
Temu-temuan ( Jahe, Temu Lawak, Kunyit dan Kencur ).
Judul Buku
Penerbit Rajawali Press. Jakarta
Teori Ekonomi Makro (terj. P. Sitohang) Teori Dasar Ultrasonic
CV Rajawali. Jakarta. Institut Pertanian Bogor.
Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta
Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor. IPB UI, Jakarta. Laboratorium Uji Konstruksi BPPT, Serpong. Rineka Cipta. Jakarta
Pusat Dokumentasi llmiah. LIPI. Jakarta
Hlm 162 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Temporal Variability of Properties of a Typic Albaqualf
Handayani. I.P
Agron Abs
ASA. SSSA. San Antonio, Texas. USA
Temporal Variability Of Loessial Soil as Affected By Cropping
Handayani. I.P
MS. Thesis
University of Arkansas Fayetteville. AR. USA
Temporal succession and spatial heterogeneity in phytoplankton.
Margalef, R.
Perceptives in Marine Biology (Buzzat-Traverso,A.A.,ed.)
University of California Press, Berkeley, pp. 323349.
Temperature influences the distribution of some nutrients in young banana plants independently of its effect on dry matter.
Turner, D.W.
Temperature influences the composition of diagnostic samples used to assess the nutrient status of banana plants.
Lahav, E.
Temperature influences nutrient absorption and uptake rates of banana grown in controlled environments.
Turner, D.W.
Temperature and Seed Germination
Roberts. E.H
Plants and Temperature
Society for Experimental Biology
Temperate and subtropical fruit production.
Jackson, D.
temperate and subtropical Fruit Production
Jackson , D
Butterworth of New Zealand
temperate and subtropical Fruit Production
Jackson , D
Butterworth Horticultural Books
Temperate and sub tropical fruit production.
Jackson, D.
Tempeh, an Indonesian fermented soybean food
Iljas N
Ohio Agricultual Research and dev. Centre, Wooster Ohio
Tempeh, an Indonesian fermented soybean food
Iljas N
Ohio Agricultual Research and dev. Centre, Wooster Ohio
Tempeh Fermentation
Tempeh Fermentation
Balai Pengkajian dan Penerapan Tehnologi. Jakarta
Hlm 163 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Tempe Mikrobiologi dan biokimia pengolahan serta pemanfaatan nya
Tempe Mikrobiologi dan biokimia pengolahan serta pemanfaatan nya
PAU Pangan dan Gizi. UGM. Yogyakarta.
Tempe dan kecap kecipir
Tempe dan kecap kecipir
Penerbit kanisius Yogyakarta
Tembakau kegiatan sosial ekonomi
Padmo, S.
Tembakau kegiatan sosial ekonomi
Penerbit Aditya Media Yogyakarta
Telur, Pengawetan dan Manfaatnya
Sarwono, B.
Telur, Pengawetan dan Manfaatnya
Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta
Telur, Pengawetan dan Manfaatannya
Sarwono, B.B.A.
Telur, Pengawetan dan Manfaatannya
Penerbit Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta
Telur & pengolahannya
Sirait CH
Puslitbang peternakan Bogor
Telor Pengawetan & Pemanfaatannya
Sarwono B
Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta
Telaahan Kualitas Air.
Effendie, H.
Telaahan Kualitas Air.
Jurusan Manajemen Sumber daya Perairan. Fakultas Perikanan dan llmu Kelautan. Institut Pertanian Bogor. 208 pp.
Telaah Kesuburan Tanah.
Telaah Kesuburan Tanah.
PT. Angkasa, Bandung.
Telaah Kesuburan Tanah. Telaah Kesuburan Tanah Telaah Kesuburan Tanah Telaah Kesuburan Tanah Telaah Kesuburan Tanah Telaah kesuburan tanah
Poerwowidodo. Poerwowidodo Poerwowidodo Poerwowidodo Poerwowidodo Poerwowidodo, M.
PPT Angkasa Bandung Telaah kesuburan tanah
Telaah kesuburan tanah Telaah kesuburan tanah
Poerwowidodo Poerwowidodo
Telaah kesuburan tanah Telaah kesuburan tanah
Telaah Kesuburan Tanah
Mas'ud, P
Telaah buah andaliman (Zanthoxylum acanlhopodium DC.)
Angkudidjojo, M.
Simpul Nasional ApinMap. Puslitbang Biologi
Bogor: Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia.
Telaah Buah Andaliman (zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC)
Mangkudidjojo, M.
Simpul Nasional ApinMap
Puslitbang Biologi, LIPI, Bogor.
Teknotogi Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian
Susanto T
Teknotogi Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian
PT. Bina llmu. Surabaya
Telaah Kesuburan Tanah
Angkasa, Bandung. Angkasa, Bandung Angkasa , Bandung Angkasa Bandung Penerbit angkasa Bandung PT. Angkasa bandung Penerbit Angkasa Bandung Penerbit Angkasa. Bandung
Hlm 164 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Teknologi usaha tani mina padi azolla dengan cara tanam jajar legowo
Suriapermana, S.
Teknologi Usaha Tani Kedelai
M. Syam dan A. Musaddad (Eds.): Pengembangan Kedelai, Potensi, Kendala dan Peluang. hlm. 23-53.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor.
Teknologi untuk Pengembangan Pertanian Lahan Pasang Surut. Risalah Pertemuan Nasional Pengembangan Pertanian Lahan Rawa Pasang Surut, dan Lebak. Cisarua, 3-4 Maret 1992
Manwan, l.
Teknologi untuk Pengembangan Pertanian Lahan Pasang Surut. Risalah Pertemuan Nasional Pengembangan Pertanian Lahan Rawa Pasang Surut, dan Lebak. Cisarua, 3-4 Maret 1992
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor.
Teknologi untuk meningkatkan hasil ubi jalar
Widodo, J.
Seri Pengembangan (25/3), 1993. 8 hlm.
Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Malang.
Teknologi untuk meningkatkan hasil kedelai di indonesia
Manwan, I
Teknologi untuk meningkatkan hasil kedelai di indonesia
Pusdat penelitian dan pengembangan tanaman pangan
Teknologi Tekstil.
Hartanto, N.S.
Teknologi Tekstil.
PT Pradnya Paramita. Jakarta.
Teknologi sederhana pembuatan minuman asal buahbuahan
Teknologi Proses Pengolahan Pangan (Technology of Food Processing).
Muchtadi, T.R
Teknologi Produksi Salak
Kusuma S
Teknologi produksi kompos bioaktif tandan kosong kelapa sawit
Goenaadi DH
Teknologi Produksi Kedelai.
Direktorat Bina Produksi Tanaman Pangan.
Teknologi Produksi kedelai di Indonesia
Manwan I
Puslitbangtan Bogor
Teknologi Produksi kedelai di Indonesia
Manwan I
Puslitbangtan Bogor
Judul Buku
Penerbit Pusat penelitian sosial ekonomi Bogor
Balai Industri Semarang
Teknologi Proses Pengolahan Pangan (Technology of Food Processing).
PAU Pangan Gizi - IPB, Bogor, Indonesia
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hortikultura, Jakarta Pertemuan teknis bioteknologi perkebunan untuk praktek, Bogor 6-7 Mei 1998,
Unit Penelitian Bioteknologi Perkebunan, Bogor
Hlm 165 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Teknologi produksi dan penyimpanan jagung. Tonggak kemajuan teknologi produksi tanaman pangan. Konsep dan strategi peningkatan produksi pangan.
Baco, D.
Teknologi Produksi Bawang merah:
Puslitbang Hortikultura , Badan Litbang Pertanian, Jakarta
Teknologi Produksi Bawang Merah
Musaddad D
Panen dan Penanganan Segar Bawang Merah
Puslitbang Hortikultura , Badan Litbang Pertanian, Jakarta
Teknologi Permentasi.
Teknologi Permentasi.
Rajawali Pres, Jakarta.
Teknologi Permen Jelly Gelatin
Muchtadi. T.R
Teknologi Penyuluhan Pertanian.
A.G. Kartasapoetra
Teknologi Penyimpangan Pangan
Syarif. R
Arcan. Jakarta
Teknologi Penyimpangan Pangan
Syarif. R
Arcan, Jakarta
Teknologi Penyimpangan Pangan
Syarif. R
Arcan, Jakarta
Teknologi Penyimpanan Pangan.
Syarief, R.
Teknologi Penyimpanan Pangan.
Kerjasama dengan Pusat Antar Universitas Pangan dan Gizi IPB. 347 p.
Teknologi Penyimpanan Pangan
Syarief, R.
Teknologi Penyimpanan Pangan
Penerbit Arcan, Jakarta.
Teknologi Penyimpanan Pangan
Syarief, R
Teknologi Penyimpanan Pangan
PAU-IPB Bogor.
Teknologi Penyimpanan Pangan
Syarief, R.
Teknologi Penyimpanan Pangan
Penerbit Arcan Bandung.
Teknologi Penyimpanan Pangan
Syarief, R.
Teknologi Penyimpanan Pangan
Penerbit Arcan, Bandung.
Teknologi Penyimpanan pangan
Syarief, R.
Teknologi Penyimpanan pangan
Arcam Jakarta
Teknologi penyimpanan pangan
Syaiful RH
Arcan. Jakarta
Teknologi peningkatan produksi kedelai Indonesia
Manwan Ibrahim
Balitbang Pertanian Bogor
Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, IPB, Bogor Teknologi Penyuluhan Pertanian.
Penerbit Bumi Aksara, Jakarta.
Hlm 166 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Teknologi peningkatan produksi kedelai Indonesia
Manwan Ibrahim
Teknologi Peningkatan Produksi Kedelai di Indonesia. Laporan Khusus Pus/02/89.
Manwan, I.,
Teknologi Peningkatan Produksi Kedelai di Indonesia. Laporan Khusus Pus/02/89.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor.
Teknologi Peningkatan Produksi Kedelai di Indonesia
Manwan, I.
Teknologi Peningkatan Produksi Kedelai di Indonesia
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor.
Teknologi Pengolahan Rumput Laut.
Winarno, F.G.
Teknologi Pengolahan Rumput Laut.
Pustaka Sinar Harapan, Jakarta.
Teknologi Pengolahan Rumput Laut dalam Diskusi Panel Pengembangan Industri Pengolahan Rumput Laut.
Winarno F.G
Sekretaris Mnetri Negara Riset dan teknologi Republik Indonesia.Jakarta 26 Februari
Teknologi Pengolahan Rumput Laut
F.G. Winarno
Teknologi Pengolahan Pisang.
Teknologi Pengolahan Pisang.
Gramedia. Jakarta.
Teknologi pengolahan pisang.
Teknologi pengolahan pisang.
Gramedia Jakarta.
Teknologi Pengolahan Pisang.
Teknologi Pengolahan Pisang.
Gramedia. Jakarta.
Teknologi Pengolahan Pisang.
Teknologi Pengolahan Pisang
Teknologi Pengolahan Pisang
Gramedia, Jakarta
Teknologi Pengolahan Pisang
Gramedia Jakarta
Teknologi Pengolahan Pisang
Teknologi pengolahan pati
Mulyohardjo M
Teknologi pengolahan panghan nabati tepat guna
Astawan, M.
Teknologi Pengolahan Pangan Nabati Tepat Guna
Made Astawan
Akademika Pressindo. Jakarta
Teknologi Pengolahan Pangan Nabati Tepat Guna
Astawan. M
Akademika Pressindo. Jakarta
Judul Buku
Penerbit Balitbang Pertanian Bogor
Pustaka Sinar Harapan, Jakarta
PT. Gramedia, Jakarta. Teknologi Pengolahan Pisang
Teknologi Pengolahan Pisang
Gramedia. Jakarta.
Gramedia. Jakarta PAU Pangan dan Gizi UGM
Teknologi pengolahan panghan nabati tepat guna
Akademik Presindo. Bogor 185 hal
Hlm 167 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Teknologi pengolahan pangan nabati tepat guna
Astawan, M.
Teknologi pengolahan pangan nabati tepat guna
Akademika Pressindo, Bogor
Teknologi Pengolahan Pangan Hewani Tepat Guna (Appropriate Technology of Animal Food Processing)
Astawan, M.W
Teknologi Pengolahan Pangan Hewani Tepat Guna (Appropriate Technology of Animal Food Processing)
Akademika Pressindo, Jakarta, Indonesia
Teknologi pengolahan pangan hewani
Astawan, M. W.
Teknologi Pengolahan Minuman Beralkohol
Sutriswati, E.R.
Teknologi Pengolahan Makanan.
Tjahyadi, C.
Departemen P dan K. Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi. UNPAD Bandung.
Teknologi pengolahan kedelai menjadi makanan bermutu
Koswara S
Pustaka Sinar Harapan Jakarta
Teknologi Pengolahan Kedelai menjadi Makanan Bermutu
Kusworo S
Pustaka Sinar Harapan, Jakarta
Teknologi pengolahan kedelai menjadi makanan bermutu
Koswara S
Pustaka Sinar Harapan Jakarta
Teknologi Pengolahan Kedelai
Koswara, S
Pustaka Sinar Harapan, Jakarta
Teknologi pengolahan kedelai
Koswara, S.
Teknologi pengolahan kedelai
PT. Penelitian Swadaya Jakarta
Teknologi Pengolahan Jerami.
Komar, A
Teknologi Pengolahan Jerami.
Yayasan Dian Grahita. Jakarta.
Teknologi Pengolahan Jerami Sebagai Makanan Ternak.
Komar, A.
Teknologi Pengolahan Jerami Sebagai Makanan Ternak.
Yayasan Dian Grahita. Bandung.
Teknologi Pengolahan Jerami sebagai Makanan Ternak.
Komar, A.
Yayasan Dian Grahita, Bandung.
Teknologi Pengolahan Jerami sebagai Makanan ternak . Cetakan I.
Komar A
Yayasan Dian Grahita. Indonesia
Teknologi pengolahan jerami sebagai makanan ternak
Komar, A.
Yayasan Dhian Grahita, Bandung
Teknologi pengolahan jerami sebagai makanan ternak
Komar, A.
Yayasan dian grahita Bandung
CV. Akademika Pressindo, Jakarta. Teknologi Pengolahan Minuman Beralkohol
Fakultas Pertanian. UGM. Yogyakarta
Hlm 168 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Teknologi Pengolahan Jerami Sebagai Makanan Ternak
Komar. A
Teknologi Pengolahan Jerami Sebagai Makanan Ternak
Teknologi pengolahan jerami sebagai makanan ternak
Komar, A
Teknologi Pengolahan Jerami Sebagai Makanan Ternak
Komar, A,
Teknologi Pengolahan Jerami Sebagai Makanan Ternak
Yayasan Dian Grahita. Bandung
Teknologi pengolahan jagung
Winarno, F.G.
Subandi, M. Syam, dan A. Wijono. (Ed.) Jagung. hlm. 309348.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan. Bogor.
Teknologi pengolahan ikan
Afrianto E
Teknologi Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian.
Susanto, T.
Teknologi Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian.
PT. Bina Ilmu Surabaya.
Teknologi Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian
Susanto, T.
Teknologi Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian
Bina Ilmu, Surabaya.
Teknologi Pengolahan
Sri Kumalaningsih
Teknologi Pengolahan
Hasil Pertanian. Universitas Brawijaya. Malang
Teknologi Pengemasan Pangan Monograf
Syarief, R.
Teknologi Pengemasan Pangan Monograf
PAU Pangan dan Gizi, IPB, Bogor.
Teknologi Pengelolaan Pisang
Teknologi Pengelolaan Pisang
Gramedia Jakarta
Teknologi Pengeloaan Kedelai Manjadi Makanan Bermutu
Koswara, S.
Teknologi Pengeloaan Kedelai Manjadi Makanan Bermutu
Pustaka Sinar Harapan Jakarta.
Teknologi Pengawetan Pangan. Terjemahaan : Muchji Muljohardjo
Desrosier, N. W
Teknologi Pengawetan Pangan. Terjemahaan : Muchji Muljohardjo
Penerbit Universitas Indonesia (UI Prcss) Jakarta.
Teknologi Pengawetan Pangan, terjemahan oleh M Muljohardjo 3rd edition
Desrosier, N.W.
Teknologi Pengawetan Pangan, terjemahan oleh M Muljohardjo 3rd edition
Penerbit Ul Press Jakarta.
Teknologi pengawetan pangan, penerjemah Muchji Muljihardjo
Teknologi Pengawetan Pangan Terjemahan
Desroisier, N.W
Teknologi pengawetan pangan (terjemahan)
Desroisier NW
Penerbit Yayasan Dhian Grahita, Bandung
PT Pradaya Paramita Jakarta
UI-Press, Jakarta
Teknologi Pengawetan Pangan Terjemahan
Lll Press. Jakarta UI Press Jkt
Hlm 169 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Teknologi Pengawetan Pangan (terj. oleh Muchji Muljohardjo).
Desrosier, N.W.
Teknologi Pengawetan Pangan (terj. oleh Muchji Muljohardjo).
Univ. Indonesia, Jakarta.
Teknologi Pengawetan Pangan
Destrosier. N.W
Teknologi Pengawetan Edisi ke3. Terjemahan Murchiji Muhardjo
Desrosier, N. W.
Teknologi penelitian produksi kedelai di Indonesia.
Marwan, I.
Teknologi Penangkapan Ikan dengan Purse Seine Mini
U.I. Press. Jakarta Teknologi Pengawetan Edisi ke3. Terjemahan Murchiji Muhardjo
Ul Press, Jakarta.
Teknologi Penangkapan Ikan dengan Purse Seine Mini
Balai Pengembangan Penangkapan Ikan, Semarang
Teknologi Penanganan Pasca Panen.
Bina Aksara, Jakarta
Teknologi Penanganan Pasca Panen.
Kartasapoetra, A.G
Teknologi Penanganan Pasca Panen
Kartasapoetra. A.G
Teknologi Penanganan Pasca Panen
Kartasapoetra, A.G.
Teknologi Penanganan Pasca Panen
Kartasaputra AG
Teknologi penanganan dan pemanfaatan sampah
Bahar, Y. H
Teknologi penanganan dan pemanfaatan sampah
PT. Waca Utama Pramesti, Jakarta
Teknologi Pemasakan Ekslrusi. Lembaga Sumber-daya Informasi,
Muchtadi, T.R.,
Teknologi Pemasakan Ekslrusi. Lembaga Sumber-daya Informasi,
IPB. Bogor. 129 pp.
Teknologi pemanfaatan timbunan P di lahan sawah
Taher, A.
Teknologi pemanfaatan timbunan P di lahan sawah
Taher, A.
Teknologi Pascapanen Jagung
Thahir, R.
Subandi, M. Syam, dan A. Wijono (Ed.): Jagung. . hlm. 271-307.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor
Teknologi pasca panen hsl hutan ternak
Swarastuti A
Teknologi Pasca Panen
Thahir. R
Teknologi Papan Serat
Rineka Cipta. Jakarta Teknologi Penanganan Pasca Panen
Penerbit Rineka Cipta, Jakarta. UI Press, Jakarta
Fak peternakan Undip JAGUNG
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Deptan. Borog Fakultas Kehutanan UGM, Yogyakarta
Hlm 170 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Teknologi Papan Mineral
Teknologi Pangawetan Pangan
Desroiser, N.W.
Teknologi Pangawetan Pangan
Universitas lndonesia Press, Jakarta
Teknologi Pangan Lanjufan.
Muchtadi, T.
Teknologi Pangan Lanjufan.
Laboratorium rekayasa proses pangan. PAU pangan dan gizi., IPB Bogor. 50 pp.
Teknologi pakan dan reproduksi pada pengembagan usaha sapi perah rakyat di Jateng
Teknologi Mulsa.
Teknologi Mulsa
DewaRuci.Press, Jkarta
Teknologi Mulsa
Dewaruci Press. Jakarta
Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak I.
Djatmiko, B.
Teknologi Mikrobial.
Darwis, A. A.
Teknologi Konservasi Tanah dan Air
Kartasapoetra, G.
Teknologi Konservasi Tanah dan Air
Penerbit Rineka Cipta, Jakarta
Teknologi Hasil Hutan
Departemen Kehutanan Republik Indonesia
Pusat Pembinaan Pendidikan dan Latihan Kehutanan Bogor
Teknologi fortifikasi protein ikan pada makanan camilan tik-tik dan kue ikan.
Peranginangin, R.,
Seri Inforrnasi Pascapanen Perikanan No.: 41. Jakarta: Instalasi Penelitian Perikanan Laut Slipi, Balitkanlut, Jakarta, 8 pp.
Teknologi fermentasi. Kerjasama dengan PAU Pangan dan Gizi IPB
Rahman, A.
Teknologi fermentasi. Kerjasama dengan PAU Pangan dan Gizi IPB
Penerbit Arcan, Jakarta
Teknologi Fermentasi.
Judoamidjojo, R.M.,
Teknologi Fermentasi.
Rajawali Press, Jakarta.
Judul Buku
Penerbit Yayasan Pembina Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta
Teknologi Mulsa.
Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak I.
Dewa Ruci Press. Jakarta.
Agroindustri Press, Jurusan Teknologi Industri Pertanian, FATETA-IPB, Bogor. PAU Biotek. IPB. Bogor.
Hlm 171 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Teknologi fermentasi.
Rahman , A.
Teknologi fermentasi.
Kerjasama PAU Pangan dan Gizi, IPB dengan Arcan Jakarta.
Teknologi Fermentasi.
Judoamidjojo, M
Teknologi Fermentasi
Penerbit Rajawali Press, Jakarta
Teknologi fermentasi umbiumbian dan biji-bijian
Teknologi Fermentasi Susu. Departe-men Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Ed). Dirjen.Pendidikan Tinggi
Rahman. Ansori
Teknologi Fermentasi Susu. Departe-men Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Ed). Dirjen.Pendidikan Tinggi
Pusat Antar Universitas Pangan dan Gizi. IPB Bogor
Teknologi Fermentasi Produk Perikanan.
Rahayu, P.W.
Teknologi Fermentasi Produk Perikanan.
Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Ditjen. Pendidikan Tinggi, PAU Pangan dan Gizi IPB, Bogor
Teknologi Fermentasi Produk Perikanan.
Raliayu, P.W.
Teknologi Fermentasi Produk Perikanan
Depanemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Ditjen. Pendidikan Tinggi PAU. Pangan dan Gizi IPB, Bogor.
Teknologi fermentasi produk perikanan
Winiati, P.
Teknologi Fermentasi
Fardiaz. S
Teknologi Fermentasi
Jurusan Teknologi Pangan dan Gizi Fakultas Teknoiogi Pertanian Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor.
Teknologi Fermentasi Teknologi Farmasi
Rahman. A Voight, R.
Teknologi Fermentasi Teknologi Farmasi
ARCA. Bogor Gajah Mada Press. Yogyakarta.
Departemen pendidikan dan kebudayaan, Direktorat jenderal pendidikan tinggi, PAU pangan dan gizi, Institute Pertanian Bogor
Inter University Center for Food and Nutrition. Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor
Hlm 172 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Teknologi Effective Micro Organisme - 4 (EM-4) dan Budidaya Pertanian Akrab Lingkungan
Priyadi, Rudi
Teknologi Effective Micro Organisme - 4 (EM-4) dan Budidaya Pertanian Akrab
IKNFS, Jakarta
Teknologi Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi
Jusmaliani, W
Teknologi Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi
PEP-LIPI, Jakarta
Teknologi budidaya padi sawah di prop NTT
Tastra dkk (ed) Teknologi utk meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman pangan di prop NTT
Teknologi budidaya padi sawah di prop NTT
Tastra dkk (ed) Teknologi utk meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman pangan di prop NTT
Teknologi budidaya dan pengolahan gambir.
Denian, A.
Temu Tugas Aplikasi Paket Teknologi Pertanian Sub Sektor Perkebunan.
Bukit Tinggi.
Teknologi budidaya dan pengolahan gambir.
Hasan, Z.
Teknologi budidaya dan pasca panen gambir
Denian, A.
Teknologi budidaya dan pasca panen gambir
Denian, A.
Teknologi Buah dan Sayur Teknologi Buah dan Sayur Teknologi Buah dan Sayur Teknologi bioplus untuk hewan ternak.
Apandi M Apandi, M. Apandi M Herry, A.
Teknologi Benih. PT. Rajawali, Jakarta
Sutopo, L.
Teknologi Benih
PT. Rajawali, Jakarta
Teknologi Benih.
Sutopo, L.,
Teknologi Benih.
T. Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta.
Teknologi benih.
Kamil, J.
Teknologi benih.
Angkasa Raya, Padang.
Teknologi benih.
Kamil, J.
Teknologi benih.
Angkasa Raya, Padang.
Teknologi Benih Jagung Teknologi Benih I
Saenong. S Kamil. J
Angkasa Raya, Padang
Teknologi Benih I Teknologi Benih Dan Penuntun Praktikum
Kamil. J KartaSaputra. A.G
Angkasa, Bandung Angkasa , Jakarta
Teknologi Benih 1
Kamil. J
Angkasa Raya Padang
Teknologi Buah dan Sayur
Alumni, Bandung Alumni. Bandung Alumni Bandung Fakultas kedokteran hewan. Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya
Hlm 173 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Teknologi Benih 1
Kamil, J
Angkasa Raya, Padang
Teknologi Benih
Sutopo, L
Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta
Teknologi Benih Teknologi Benih
Sutopo. L Sutopo L
CV. Rajawali. Jakarta P.T Pembimbing Massa.Jakarta
Teknologi Benih
Sutopo, L.
Teknologi Benih
Fakuitas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya Malang, Malang
Teknologi Benih
Kamil, J.
Teknologi Benih
Angkasa Bandung, Bandung
Teknologi Benih
Kamil, J.
Teknologi Benih
Angkasa Raya, Padang
Teknologi Benih
Teknologi Benih
Fakultas Pertanian UNIBRAW, Malang,
Teknol;ogi produksi kompos bioaktif tandan kososng kelapa sawit
Goenadi DH
Pertemuan teknis bioteknologi perkebunan untuk praktek, Bogor 6-7 May 1998,
Unit penelitian Bioteknologi Perkebunan Bogor Indonesia
Teknofogi Pengawetan Pangan
Desrosier, N.W.
Teknofogi Pengawetan Pangan
UI-Press. Jakarta
Teknik Uji Mutu Susu dan Hasil Pengolahannya
Hadiwijoto, S.
Teknik Uji Mutu Susu dan Hasil Olahannya
Hadiwiyoto S.
Teknik Uji Mutu Susu dan Hasil Olahannya
Liberty. Jakarta
Teknik Uji Gugus Rata-rata Scott-Knott
Teknik Uji Gugus Rata-rata ScottKnott
Bagian Statistik, Fak. Pertanian, Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung
Teknik Survei dan pemetaan kategori seri dlm sistem taksonomi tanah
abdullah TS
Jurusan tanah fak. Pertanian, IPB
Teknik Sampling Untuk Survei dan Experimen
Rineka Cipta Jakarta
Teknik Sampling (Bahan Penataran)
Harun AI-Rasyid
Teknik Sampling (Bahan Penataran)
Teknik produksi benih kacang tanah
Hidajat JR
Teknik produksi benih kacang tanah.Pusat Penelitian & Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan. Balitbangtan. Bogor
Judul Buku
Liberty, Yogyakarta
Hlm 174 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Teknik Perencanaan Linear Untuk Penyususnan Rencana di Bidang Pertanian
Teknik Percobaan Rumah Kaca.
Adiningsih, J.S.
Teknik perbanyakan cepat buahbuahan tropis.
Winarno, M.
Teknik Perbanyakan Cepat Buah-buahan Tropik
Winarno, M.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hortikultura, Jakarta
Teknik Perbanyakan Cepat Buah-buahan Tropik
Winarno, M.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hortikultura, Jakarta
Teknik Perancangan Percobaan : Rancangan dan Analisis.
Toto Warsa
Fakultas Pertanian Padjajaran, Bnadung
Teknik Penyamakan Kulit untuk Pedesaan
Judoamidjojo, R.M.
Teknik Penyamakan Kulit untuk Pedesaan
Angkasa. Bandung
Teknik Penuntunan pengendalian Mutu
Ishikawa K
Terjemahan Oleh : Nawolo Widodo dari Guide to Quality Control
PT.Melton Putra.Jakarta
Teknik Penuntun Pengendalian Mutu. Terjemahan
Ishikawa, K.
Teknik Penuntun Pengendalian Mutu. Terjemahan
PT Mediyatama Sarana Perkasa. Jakarta.
Teknik Pengukuran Pengetahuan Gizi
Khomsan. A
Jurusan Gizi Masyarakat dan Sumberdaya Keluarga, Fakultas Pertanian IPB, Bogor
Teknik Pengukuran Pengetahuan Gizi
Khomsan. A
Jurusan Gizi Masyarakat dan Sumberdaya Keluarga, Fakultas Pertanian IPB, Bogor
Teknik Pengukuran Pengetahuan Gizi
Khomsan. A
Jurusan Gizi Masyarakat dan Sumberdaya Keluarga, Fakultas Pertanian IPB, Bogor
Teknik pengolahan lahan berbukit kritis.
Rukmana, R.
Judul Buku
Penerbit IPB. Bogor
Teknik Percobaan Rumah Kaca.
Teknik pengolahan lahan berbukit kritis.
Lembaga Penelitian Tanah, Bogor.
Kanisius, Yogyakarta.
Hlm 175 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Teknik Pengawetan Pangan.
Teknik Pengawetan Pangan.
Pusat Antar Universitas Pangan dan Gizi. Yogyakarta.
Teknik pencucian lahan gambut pasang surut.
Budi, R.
Teknik Penangkapan Ikan.
Sadhori, N
Teknik Penangkapan Ikan.
Penerbit Angkasa, Bandung.
Teknik Penangkapan Ikan (2)
Sadhori, S.N.
Teknik Penangkapan Ikan (2)
Angkasa, Bandung 175 hal.
Teknik penanggulangan penyakit udang menyala di hatchery melalui pengendalian populasi bakteri
Teknik penanggulangan penyakit udang menyala di hatchery melalui pengendalian populasi bakteri
J. Penel. Budidaya Pantai
Teknik Pemuliaan kedelai
S somaatmadja, Ismunadji, M Syam, SO anurung , Yuswadi (ed) Kedelai, Balit pangan Bogor
Teknik Pemuliaan kedelai
S somaatmadja, Ismunadji, M Syam, SO anurung , Yuswadi (ed) Kedelai, Balit pangan Bogor
Teknik pemisahan nitrogen urin dan nitrogen feses dalam ekskreta unggas dengan metode kimia
teknik penelitian makanan ternak PTM 739. Fakultas peternakan UGM
Teknik pembuatan tanaman Agathis Sp
Teknik pembuatan tanaman Agathis Sp
Departemen Kehutanan Direktorat Jendral Reboisasi dan Rehabilisasi Lahan. Jakarta
Teknik pembuatan biak sel primer dan sekunder
Sardjono, B
Teknik pembuatan biak sel primer dan sekunder
Lab. Mikrohiologi, FKH UGM. Yogyakarta.
Teknik Pembuatan Biak Sel Primer dan Sekunder
Sardjono, B
Teknik Pembuatan Biak Sel Primer dan Sekunder
Laboratorium Mikrobiologi FKH UGM, Yogyakarta.
Teknik Pembuatan Batik dan Sablon
Teknik Pembuatan Batik dan Sablon
CV. Aneka Ilmu. Semarang.
Teknik Pembibitan Buahbuahan Secara Cepat
Supriyanto, A.
Teknik Pembibitan Buah-buahan Secara Cepat
. Sub Balai Penelitian Hortikultura TIekung, Malang
BPPT, Jakarta
Hlm 176 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Teknik Pembibitan Buahbuahan Secara Cepat
Supriyanto, A.
Teknik Pembibitan Buah-buahan Secara Cepat
Sub Balai Penelitian Hortikultura TIekung, Malang
Teknik Pembibitan Buahbuahan Secara Cepat
Supriyanto, A.
Teknik Pembibitan Buah-buahan Secara Cepat
Sub Balai Penelitian Hortikultura TIekung, Malang
Teknik Pembenihan Ikan Mujaer.
Teknik Pembenihan Ikan Mujaer.
CV Simplek, Jakarta, hlm. 68.
Teknik Modern Beternak Ayam di Indonesia.
Siregar, A P.
Teknik Modern Beternak Ayam di Indonesia.
CV. Yasa Guna, Jakarta.
Teknik modern beternak ayam
Siregar AP
Teknik Moderen Beternak Ayam.
Siregar, A.P.
Teknik Moderen Beternak Ayam.
CV Yasa Guna, Jakarta.
Teknik Menganalisa Industri dan Pesaing
Poner, M.E
Teknik Menganalisa Industri dan Pesaing
Terjemahan. Erlangga, Jakarta
Teknik Mencari Informasi Di Internet
Gunartha. I.G.E
Teknik Membuat dan Memanfaatkan Unit Gas Bio
Junus, M.
Teknik Membuat dan Memanfaatkan Unit Gas Bio
Gama Press, Yogyakarta
Teknik Kultur Phytoplankton dan Zooplankton
Isnansetyo, A.
Teknik Kultur Phytoplankton dan Zooplankton
Penerbit Kanisius. Yogyakarta. 116 hal.
Teknik Kultur Phytoplankton dan Zooplankton
Teknik Kultur Phytoplankton dan Zooplankton
Kanisius. Yogyakarta.
Teknik Kultur Jaringan. Pengenalan dan Petunjuk Perbanyakan Tanaman Secara Vegetatif Modern
Hendaryono Daisy. P.S
Teknik kultur Jaringan.
Gunawan, L.W.
Lab. Kultur Jaringan Tanaman.
PAU Bioteknologi IPB Bogor.
Teknik Kultur Jaringan.
Gunawan, L.W
Teknik Kultur Jaringan.
Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor
Teknik Kultur Jaringan Tumbuhan. Lab. Kultur Jaringan Tanaman PAU Bioteknologi IPB, Bogor.
Gunawan LW
Teknik Kultur Jaringan Tumbuhan. Lab. Kultur Jaringan Tanaman PAU Bioteknologi IPB, Bogor.
Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi. Dep Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Teknik kultur jaringan tumbuhan.
Gunawan, L.W.
Teknik kultur jaringan tumbuhan.
PAU Bioteknologi, IPB Bogor.
Teknik kultur jaringan tumbuhan.
Gunawan, L.W.
CV yasaguna Jkt
ORYZA Inpress
Kanisius. Yogyakarta
Hlm 177 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Teknik Kultur Jaringan Tumbuhan
Gunawan, LW.
Teknik Kultur Jaringan Tumbuhan
Bogor: Institut Pertanian Bogor, Pusat Antar Universitas Bioteknologi.
Teknik Kultur Jaringan Tumbuhan
Gunawan L. W.
Teknik kultur jaringan in vitro dalam holtikutura.
Gunawan, L.W.
Teknik kultur jaringan in vitro dalam holtikutura.
Teknik Kultur Jaringan dalam Mikropropagasi tanaman
Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi Proyek Pengembangan Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan, Jakarta
Teknik Kultur Jaringan
Gunawan, L.W.
Teknik Kultur Jaringan
Pusat antar universitas (PAU) Bioteknologi Institut Pertanian Bogor
Teknik Kultur in vitro dalam Hortikultura.
Gunawan, L.W.
Teknik Kultur in vitro dalam Hortikultura.
Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta
Teknik Kultur In Vitro dalam Hortikultura.
Gunawan, L.W.
Teknik Kultur In Vitro dalam Hortikultura.
Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta. 115 hlm.
Teknik Kromatografi untuk Analisis Bahan Pangan
Adnan, M
Teknik Kromatografi untuk Analisis Bahan Pangan
Penerbit Andi Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta
Teknik Inokulasi Ektomikroza
Teknik in sacco mobil untuk estimasi kecernaan di dalam intestinum fraksi pakan yang tidak terdegradasi di dalam rumen
Teknik Evaluasi Nilai Gizi Protein
Muchtadi, D.
Teknik Evaluasi Nilai Gizi Protein
Program Studi Ilmu Pangan Program Passarjana IPB, Bogor.
Teknik eksploitasi hutan rawa. Makalah Penunjang Diskusi Pemanfaatan Kayu Kurang Dikenal.
Teknik eksploitasi hutan rawa. Makalah Penunjang Diskusi Pemanfaatan Kayu Kurang Dikenal.
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan, Jakarta.
Teknik Dasar Pemilihan AlatAlat Besar.
Teknik Dasar Pemilihan Alat-Alat Besar.
Technical Consulting Departement. PT. United Tractor, Jakarta.
PAU Bioteknologi IPB Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.
PAU-Bioteknologi IPB, Bogor
Hlm 178 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Teknik dan Metoda Penelitian Mikoriza Vasikular Arbuskular
Santosa, D. A.
Fakultas Pertanian IPB, Bogor
Teknik dan Analisis Regresi dan Korelasi
Tarsito Bandung
Teknik Budidaya Udang Windu
Soetomo, M.
Teknik Budidaya Udang Windu
Penerbit Sinar Baru. Bandung.
Teknik Budidaya Ka-cang Tanah
Teknik Budidaya Ka-cang Tanah
Sinar Baru. Bandung
Teknik Budidaya Kacang Tanah
Teknik Budidaya Artemia.
Kontara, K.E.,
Jaringan Informasi Perikanan Indonesia.
Dirjen Perikanan. Jakarta. 1-70.
Teknik Budi Daya Kacang Tanah.
Teknik Budi Daya Kacang Tanah.
Penerbit Sinar Dunia, Bandung.
Teknik Budi Daya Ikan Lele Lokal dan Dumbo.
Simanjuntak, R.H
Teknik Budi Daya Ikan Lele Lokal dan Dumbo.
Bharata. Jakarta. 54 hlm.
Teknik Beternak Sapi Perah di Indonesia
Ginting, N.
Teknik Beternak Sapi Perah di Indonesia
PT. Rekan Anda Setiawan. Jakarta
Teknik Beternak Ayam Ras di Indonesia
Siregar, A.P.M.
Teknik Beternak Ayam Ras di Indonesia
Margie Group, Jakarta
Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedagmg di Indonesia Cetakan I
Siregar, A.P
Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedagmg di Indonesia Cetakan I
Margie Group, Jakarta
Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia. Cetakan I
Siregar, A.P
Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia. Cetakan I
Margie Group. Jakarta
Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia.
Siregar , A. P,
Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia.
Cetakan Pertama. Penerbit Margie Group, Jakarta.
Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia.
Siregar, A . P .,
Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia.
Cet. I. Margie Group. Jakarta.
Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia.
Siregar, A. P.
Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia.
Siregar, A.P.
Teknik beternak ayam pedaging di Indonesia
Siregar, A. P.
Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia
Siregar, A.P.
Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia
PT. Margie Group, Jakarta.
Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia
Siregar, A.P.
Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia
Margie Group, Jakarta
Teknik beternak ayam pedaging di Indonesia
Siregar AP
Judul Buku
Sinar baru Bandung
Margie Group, Jakarta. Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia.
Margie Group, Jakarta Margie Group
Magie group Jkt
Hlm 179 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia
Siregar, A.P
Teknik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia
Margi Group, Jakarta
Teknik Betemak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia.
Siregar. A. P
Teknik Betemak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia.
Cetakan I. Margie Group Jakarta.
Teknik Betemak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia.
Siregar, A.P.,
Teknik Betemak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia.
Margie Group Jakarta.
Teknik Betemak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia
Siregar, A.P
Teknik Betemak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia
Margil Group, Jakarta
Teknik Bertanam Salak
Soetomo, M. H, A.
Teknik Bertanam Salak
Sinar Baru. Bandung
Teknik Bercocok Tanam Jagung.
Teknik Bercocok Tanam Jagung.
Kanisius Yoyakarta.
Teknik Bercocok Tanam Jagung
Teknik Bercocok Tanam Jagung
A. A. K.
Teknik Bercocok Tanam Jagung
Kanisius, Yogyakarta
Teknik Bercocok Tanam Jagung
A. A. K.
Teknik Bercocok Tanam Jagung
Kanisius, Yogyakarta
Teknik analisis sifat kimia dan fungsional komponen pangan
Fardiaz, D.
Teknik analisis sifat kimia dan fungsional komponen pangan
PAU Pangan dan Gizi IPB Bogor
Teknik Analisis Sifat Kimia dan Fungsional Kompenen Pangan
Fardiaz D
Teknik Analisis Regresi dan Korelasi Bagi para Peneliti.
Teknik Analisis Regresi dan Korelasi bagi Para Peneliti
Tarsito, Bandung
Teknik analisis regresi dan korelasi bagi para peneliti
Penerbit Tarsito, Bandung
Teknik Analisis Regresi dan Korelasi
Sudjana, W.A.
Teknik analisis dl penelitian percobaan
Gasperz V
tarsito Bandung
Teknik analisis Data Penelitian Percobaan
Gasperz V
Transito, Bandung
Teknik Analisis Data Kualitatif
Tarsito, Bandung
Teknik analisis data kualitatif
Penerbit Tarsito, Bandung
Teknik Analisis dalam Penelitian Percobaan I
Gasperz V
Armico, Bandung
Teknik Analisis dalam Penelitian Percobaan 2.
Gaspersz, V
Kanisius Yogyakarta
Pusat antar Universitas Pangan dan Gizi IPB.Bogor Teknik Analisis Regresi dan Korelasi Bagi para Peneliti.
Teknik Analisis Regresi dan Korelasi
Teknik Analisis dalam Peneliti-an Percobaan 2.
Penerbit Tarsito. Bandung. 508 hal.
CV. Yasa Guna. Jakarta.
Transito. Bandung.
Hlm 180 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Teknik Analisis dalam Penelitian Percobaan 2
Gaspersz, V
Tarsito. Bandung
Teknik Analisis Dalam Penelitian Percobaan
Gaspers. V
Torsito. Bandung
Teknik Analisis dalam Penelitian Percobaan
Gaspersz Vincent
Tarsito Bandung
Teknik analisis dalam penelitian percobaan
Gasperz, V.
Teknik analisis dalam penelitian percobaan
Gasperz V
Penerbit Tarsito, Bandung
Teknik Analisis Dalam Penelitian Percobaan
Gasperz. V
Tarsito. Bandung
Teknik Analisa Kependudukan
Barclay, G.W
Teknik Analisa Kependudukan Cetakan l
Penerbit Bina Aksara, Jakarta.
Tekhnik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia.
Tekhnik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia.
Margie Group. Jakarta.
Tehnologi Penyuluhan pertanian
Kartasapoetra, S.G.
Tehnologi Penyuluhan pertanian
bumi aksara, Jakarta
Tehnologi benih I Tehnologi benih I Tehnik Pemijahan Ikan Nila dan Mujair.
Kamil J Kamil J Sugiarto.
Tehnik Pemijahan Ikan Nila dan Mujair.
Angkasa Raya Padang Angkasa Raya Padang CV Pusaka Alam Jakarta. 56pp.
Tehnik Pemeliharaan Ikan Mujahir dan Nila.
Tehnik Pemeliharaan Ikan Mujahir dan Nila.
CV. Simplex. Jakarta. 120 hal.
Tehnik merencanakan laba. Tehnik Laboratorium Utk Bidang Biologi dan Kimia
Garbutt D Anwar Nur M
Seri Manajemen N:14
Penrbit Erlangga Jkt PAU Bioteknologi IPB
Tehnik Laboratorium Utk Bidang Biologi dan Kimia
Anwar Nur M
PAU Bioteknologi IPB
Tehnik Kromatography utk analisis bahan makanan (terjemhan Moch. Adnan)
Christopherson SW
Penerbit Andi Yogyakarta
Tehnik Demografi
Pollard. A.H
PT. Bina Aksara. Jakarta
Tehnik Beternak Babi di Indonesia.
Aritonang, D
Tehnik Beternak Babi di Indonesia.
PT. Kawan Anda Setiawan. Jakarta
Tehnik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia
Siregar, A P
Tehnik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia
Penerbit Margie Group, Jakarta.
Tehnik Beternak Ayam Pedaging di Indonesia
Siregar. A.P
Margie Group Jakarta
Tehnik analisis dlm penelitia percobaan I
Gaspersz V
Armico Bandung
Tehnik analisis dlm penelitia percobaan I
Gaspersz V
Armico Bandung
Judul Buku
Teknik analisis dalam penelitian percobaan
Penerbit Tarsito, Bandung
Hlm 181 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Tehnik analisis dalam penelitian percobaan 2 (terjemahan)
Gaspersz V
Tarsito Bandung
Tehnik analisis dalam penelitian percobaan 2 (terjemahan)
Gaspersz V
Tarsito Bandung
Tehnik analisis dalam penelitian percobaan
Gaspersz V
Tarsito, Bandung
Teelt van kasrozen
de Hoog Jr, J
Proefstation voor de Bloemisterij en Gasgroente, 218 p
Mars, B. B.
buku: Meat. Editor D. J. A. Cole Avel R. A. L. Lorie Butterworths. London
Technuques in Bioproductivity and Photosyntesis .
Coombs. J.
Chlorophyll determination Second Edition.
Pergamon Press, pp. 223225
Technology Transfer
Lionberger, H.F.
Technology Transfer
Illinois: The Interstate Orienters & Publishers, Inc.
Technology of Wine Making
Amerine, M.A.
Technology of Wine Making
The AVI Publ. Co., Westport, Connecticut, USA.
Technology of Natural liquid smoking: Prosiding of mini symposium: smoked food, IFST
Hawley, A. H
Technology of Meat and Meat Products.
Girard, J.P.
Technology of meat and meat product
Girard, J. P.
Ellis Horwood. England
Technology of machine tools. Fourth Edition
Krar SF
Glencoe MacMillan. Illinois
technology of Fortification
Borenstein, B.
Nutritional and Safety Aspect of Food Processing. S.R. Tannenbaum, ed.
Marcell Dekker Inc., New York.
Technology of Biscuits, Crakers and Cookies
Manley, D.J.
Technology of Biscuits, Crakers and Cookies
Ellis Horwood Limited, England.
Technology effective microogranism dalam tanya jawab
Higa, T
Technology effective microogranism dalam tanya jawab
IKNFS, Bogor
Judul Buku
South estern branch
Technology of Meat and Meat Products.
Ellis Hoi-wood. New York: 165-201.
Hlm 182 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Technology and application of hairy root culture
Doran, P.M.
In Proc. the 2nd Symposium on Trends in Biotechnology: Meeting the Challenges of the 21st Century,
UPM, Selangor, Malaysia. 27-29 April1994. p. 57-65.
Technological prospects reversing the declining trend in Asia's rice productivity
Pingali, P.L.
J.R. Anderson (Eds.) Agricultural Technology: Policy Issues for the International Community
Wallingford, UK: CAB International.
Technological Prospects for Reversing the Declining Trend in Asia's Rice Productivity
Pingali, P.L.
Social Science Division Paper No. 91-13
Los Banos, Philippines : International Rice Research Institute.
Technological Changes, Farm Management and Pollution Regulation
Lowe Phillips
Technological Change and The Rural Environment
David Fulton Pubisher. London
Technological Changes in Agricultural Practices : an Economic and Policy Perspective
Yakin Addinul
School Of Economics La Trobe University. Australia
Technological Change and Aggregate Production Function
Solow, R.M.,
Review of Economics and Statistics
Technological Advance in Intensive Pond Culture of Shrimp in the United States
Sandifer, P.A.
P.F. DeLoach, W.J. Dougherty and M.A. Davidson (eds.). Frontiers of Shrimp Research
Technoguide of potato production at mid elevation.
Asandhi AA
Techno-economic study on measures to mitigrate the environmental impact of the leather industry, particulary in developing countries.
Winter, D.
UNINDO. Innsbruck.
Techno-economic Study on Measures to Mitigrate the Environmental Impact of the Leather Industry, Particulary in Developing Countries
Winter, D.
UNINDO, Innsbruck
Elsevier Science B.V., Tokyo, p 241-256. Agency for agricultural research and developmentr. Horticultural Resarch Institute. Lembang
Hlm 183 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Techno-Economic Study on Measures to Mitigrate The Environmental Impact of The Leather Industry Particullary in Developing Countries.
Winter, D.
UNIDO. Innsbruck.
Technoeconomic Felling Cycles for Selected Energy Plantation Species in the Arid Areas of Western Rajasthan
Kalla, J.C.
Langdon, K. 1990 (Ed.):Acacia nilotica 1869-] 988
C.A.B. International, Oxford Forest Institute, Oxford.
Techniques of Flavonoid Identification
Markham, K.R.
Techniques of Flavonoid Identification
London: Academic Press.
Techniques in pheromone research
Hummel HE
Techniques in Inventory Management and Control
Mecimoore. C.D
Techniques in Inventory Management and Control
National Association for Accountants. New York
Techniques histologiques Techniques For The Study of Primate Populatie Ecology
Gabe. M. Anonymous
Masson et scie, Paris, 1133 p. Techniques For The Study of Primate Populatie Ecology
National Academie Preos, Washington, D.C.
Techniques for The Production and Characterization of Monoklonal Hybridoma Antibodies
Zola. H
Monoklonal Hybridoma Antibodies : Techniques and Applications, Boca Raton. Florida
Techniques for Image Processing and Classification in Remote Sensing
Schowengerdt, R.A
Techniques for Field Experiment with Rice.
Kwanchai, A.G.
International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.
Technique immunoenzymatiques ELISA en pathologie animale et vegetale.
Sanchez Vizcaino JM
2nd ed., serie technique no. 7 Office Int des Epizootic-Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias
Technical ropics Technical report of JICA Counter-part Tranining in Japan on Soil Borne Diseases and Plant Parasitic Nematodes
Stuk. R.L Djiwanti SR
Varian Techtron. PTY. Ltd RISMC
Springer verlag NY
Academic Press. New York
Balitro,Bogor ( Unpublished
Hlm 184 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Technical procedures on culturing red tilapia
Jangkaru Z
Research centre & fishereis developmetn JktInd
Technical control of dairy products. 2nd ed.
Monjonnier, T.
Published by Monjonnier Bros. Co. Milk Engineers. Chicago, Illinois.
Techincaal procedures of culturing fish in the floating cages
Dept. of Agric.
Dept of Agric Jkt
Tebang Pilih Tanam Indonesia
Tebang Pilih Tanam Indonesia
Direktorat Jenderal Pengusahaan Hutan; Jakarta
Teak, him. 300-315
Masccarenhas, A.F.
J.M. Bonga & D.J. Durzan (ed.). Cell and Tissue Culture in Forestry. Vol. 3
Dordrecht:MartinusNijhoff Publ.
Tea. 3rd edition
Eden T
Tea Pickers in West Java as Mother and Workers, Female WorK and Wcmens Jobs
Grijns, M
Indonesia Women in Focus
Dordrect, Fons, KITLV
Tea and Soluble Tea Products Manufacture
Pintauro, N.D.
Tea and Soluble Tea Products Manufacture
Noyes Data Corporation. New Jersey, USA.
Eden T
Tcknik Pembentukan dan Budidaya Mujair
Baraba F
Taxonomy of vascular plant
Lawrence GHM
The Mcmilla co new York
Taxonomy of vascular plant
Lawrence GHM
The Mcmilla co new York
Taxonomy of VA mycorrhizal fungi,
Hall, l.R
VA Mycorrhiza
Taxonomy of the Roof Associated Nitrogen-Fixing Bacterium Spirillum Lipoferum. Limitation and Potetials for Biological Nitrogen Fixation in the Tropics
Krieg, N.R.
Taxonomy of the Roof Associated Nitrogen-Fixing Bacterium Spirillum Lipoferum. Limitation and Potetials for Biological Nitrogen Fixation in the Tropics
Taxonomy of the Pseudomonas. p. 1-25.
Palleroni, N.J.
In J.R. Sokatch (Ed.) The Biology of Pseudomonas.
Judul Buku
Longman group. London
Longmans Publisher. London Tcknik Pembentukan dan Budidaya Mujair
Indah Surabaya, Surabaya
CRC Press Incc. Florida
Academic Press, Australia.
Hlm 185 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Taxonomy of rice stemborer p. 335
Kapur, A.P.
The Major Insect Pest of the Rice Plant. Proc. Symp. Int. Rice Res. Inst. Philippines.
John Hopkin Press, Baltimore. p. 727.
Taxonomy and physiology of photo-trophic purple bacteria and green sulfur bacteria, him. 115
Imhoff, J.F.
R.E, Blankenship, M.T. Madigan, & C.E. Bauer (ed.), Anoxygenic Photosynthetic Bacteria
Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publisher.
Taxonomy and biology of tropical finfish for coastal aquaculture in the Indo-Pasific Region
V. Gopalakrishna
Pillay, T.V.R. (Ed.) Coastal Agriculture the Indo-Pasific Region
FAO/IPEC/Fishing News Book, Ltd. London
Taxonomic studies of the GeneragonatocerusNess and Anagrus holiday of Japan and Adjacentregion with notes on the biology (Hymenoptera Myridae)
Sahad, K.A.
Taxonomic studies of the GeneragonatocerusNess and Anagrus holiday of Japan and Adjacentregion with notes on the biology (Hymenoptera Myridae)
Bull. Isnt. Trop. Agric. Kyushu Univ. 7: 1-78.
Tataniaga Pertanian Departemen Ilmu-ilmu Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian
Hamid, A.B.
Tataniaga Pertanian Departemen Ilmu-ilmu Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian
Fak. Pertnian IPB, Bogor
Tataniaga Pertanian Tataniaga Perikanan Tataniaga Jahe.
Azaino.Z. Hanifah, A.M Mauludi, L
Jahe. Monograf No. 3.
Tatalaksana Usaha Sapi Kereman
Penerbit Kanisius. Yogyakarta
Tatalaksana sapi peranakan Ongole.
Hardjosubroto, W.
Tatalaksana Produksi Susu, Perencanaan Usaha Sapi Perah dan Pedoman Pemeriksanaan Kualitas Susu.
IPB, Bogor UI Press Jakarta Balai Penclitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat, Bogor. hlm. 144-152.
Fakultas peternakan UGM. Yogyakarta. Tatalaksana Produksi Susu, Perencanaan Usaha Sapi Perah dan Pedoman Pemeriksanaan Kualitas Susu.
Fak. Peternakan, IPB, Bogor.
Tatalaksana penyuluhan Pertanian tanaman Pangan Propinsi Jawa barat
Dinas Pertanian
Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan, Jawa Barat Bandung
Tatalaksana pemeliharaan ternak kambing/domba di Indonesia dalam: Kumpulan peragaan dalam rangka penelitian ternak kambing dan domba di pedesaan.
Martawijaya, M.
Balitnak-SRCRSP. Puslitbangnak, Bogor
Hlm 186 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Tata Laksana Produksi Susu. Perencanaan Perusahaan Peternakan Sapi Perah. Pemulian Sapi Perah dan Pedoman Pemeriksaan Kualitas Air Susu
Sudono, A.
Tata Laksana Produksi Susu. Perencanaan Perusahaan Peternakan Sapi Perah. Pemulian Sapi Perah dan Pedoman Pemeriksaan Kualitas Air Susu
Dept. Ilmu Produksi Ternak. Fak. Peternakan IPB, Bogor
Taraf efikasi insektisida biologis Florbac dan Dipel WP thd ulat api Setothosea asigna Van Eecke di perkebunan kelapa sawit
Sudharto Ps
Tappi Test Methods: Specific gravity and moisture content of pulp wood. T-258 om-89.
Tappi Test Methods: Specific gravity and moisture content of pulp wood. T-258 om-89.
TAPPI Press, Alanta, Geprgia-USA.
TAPPI Test methods, TAP MPR-RI No. IV/MPR/ 1999 tentang Garis-Garis Besar Haluan Negara Tahun 19992004
TAPPI Test methods, TAP MPR-RI No. IV/MPR/ 1999 tentang Garis-Garis Besar Haluan Negara Tahun 1999-2004
Atlanta, Georgia.
Tanya jawab teknologi Effective Microorganisms
Higa T
Indonesia Kyusei Nature Farming dan PT Songgolangit Persada. Jakarta
Tanya jawab teknologi Effective Microorganisms
Higa T
Indonesia Kyusei Nature Farming dan PT Songgolangit Persada. Jakarta
Tanya jawab Technologi Effektive Microorganisme ( EM Technology)
Indonesia kyusei Natur Farming Societes dan PT Songgolangit Jakarta
Tanya jawab Technologi Effektive Microorganisme ( EM Technology)
Indonesia kyusei Natur Farming Societes dan PT Songgolangit Jakarta
Tanya Jawab Diet Penyakit Gula.
Hartono A
Penerbit Arcan, Jakarta.
Tanya Jawab : Diit Penyakit Gula.
Arcan. Jakarta.
Tannin Content and in Vitro Digestibility of Some Tropical Fodders.
Velario, C.
Agroforesteria en las Americas.
PPKS P Siantar
Hlm 187 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Tank model program for personel computer and the way to use
Sugawara, M
Tanggapan tanaman sorgum (Sorghum vulgare Pers.) terhadap cekaman NaCI: pertumbuhan dan osmo-regulasi
Rachmawati, D
Tanggapan pemilihan terkait untuk hasil tanaman kacang tanah (arachis hypogea (L) Merr)
Tanggapan hasil dan kandungan protein biji kedelai {Glycine max (L.) Merrill] akibat pemberian beberapa taraf dosis herbisida trifluralin
Z. Lamid, M. Kasim; Z. Irfan; N. Jalid; A. Rachman; & Ardi (editor) Prosiding Konferensi XII Himpunan Ilmu Gulma Indonesia (HIGI)
Tanggap tanaman jagung hibrida thdp pemupukan dosis tinggi utk mencapai produksi maksimum di lahan kering
Dahlan dkk (ed) Teknologi utk menunjang peningkatan produksi tanaman pangan. Lap. Hsl. Penelitian ARM 92/93 Balittan Malang
Balittan Malang
Tanggap tanaman jagung hibrida thdp pemupukan dosis tinggi utk mencapai produksi maksimum di lahan kering
Dahlan dkk (ed) Teknologi utk menunjang peningkatan produksi tanaman pangan. Lap. Hsl. Penelitian ARM 92/93 Balittan Malang
Balittan Malang
Tanggap kebal domba ekor gemuk terhadap inokulasi metaserkaria F. gigantica iradiasi
Boky, J. T.
Aplikasi isotop dan radiasi dalam bidang pertanian, peternakan, biologi, kimia, industri dan lingkungan (Risalah pertemuan ilmiah, Jakarta 1997) PAIR BATAN Jakarta
Tanaman tembakau (Nicotiana tabaccum L.)
Tarigan, I. P.
Tanaman Sela diantara Kelapa.
Darwis, S.N.,
Tanaman Sela diantara Kelapa.
Pusat Penelitian dan Penge-bangan Tanaman Industri, Bogor.
Tanaman Seia diantara Kelapa.
Darwis, S.N.
Seri Pengembangan 2.
Puslitbangtri, Bogor.
Judul Buku
Penerbit National Research Center for Disaster Prevention, Japan
Tanggapan tanaman sorgum (Sorghum vulgare Pers.) terhadap cekaman NaCI: pertumbuhan dan osmo-regulasi
Buil. Biologi Fak. Biologi, UGM
Balittan Malang.
Fakultas Pertanian USU Medan
Hlm 188 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Tanaman Rami di Antara Kelapa Yang Belum Menghasilkan
Luntungan, H.T.
Tanaman Rami di Antara Kelapa Yang Belum Menghasilkan
KNK IV, Puslitbangtri
Tanaman Pekarangan Tanaman Pangan Dengan Metode Tanpa Olah Tanah dan Diolah Minimum
Sastrapradja, S. Bangun. P
Tanaman Pekarangan
Balai Pustaka. Jakarta. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Departemen Pertanian. Jakarta
Tanaman Palawija , Luas Tanam, Luas Pnen Dan Produksi Di Kota Bogor
Departemen Pertanian
Tahun 1999
Dinas Tanaman Pangan Kodya Bogor
Tanaman Pakan Lebah
Tanaman Pakan Lebah
Perum PERHUTANI Unit II Jawa Timur, Surabaya
Tanaman minyak atsiri
Harris, R.
Tanaman minyak atsiri
Penebar swadaya Jakarta
Tanaman kelapa rakyat di Pulau Jawa
Asnawi, S.
Tanaman kelapa rakyat di Pulau Jawa
Balai Penelitian Kelapa, Manado.
Tanaman Kelapa Budidaya dan Pemanfaatannya.
Suhardiyono, L.
Tanaman Kelapa Budidaya dan Pemanfaatannya.
Kanisius Yogyakarta.
Tanaman Kanok dan Lingkungan Indonesis
Suriawiria. U,
Tanaman Kanok dan Lingkungan Indonesis
Ma-kalah Biotek dan Agro Industri ITB
Tanaman jajar legowopada sistem usaha tani mina padi pada lahan sawah irigasi
Suriapermana, S.
Tanaman Hias
Moenarni, T.
Tanaman Hias
Kelompok Studi Hortikultura. Jur. Budidaya Pertanian. Fak. Pertanian Univ. Brawijaya
Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat Indonesia. Jilid Ke-3 dan Ke-4.
Wijayakusuma, H.M.H.,
Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat Indonesia. Jilid Ke-3 dan Ke-4.
Penerbit Pustaka Kartini, Jakarta.
Tanaman Berkhasiat obat Indonesia
Wijayakusumah, H.
Tanaman Berkhasiat obat Indonesia
Pustaka Indonesia. Jakarta
Tanaman berkhasiat obat di Indonesia. Jilid 3
Hembing, H.M.W.
Tanaman berkhasiat obat di Indonesia. Jilid 3
Pustaka Kartini. 143 hlm.
Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat Di Indonesia.
Wijayakusuma, H.
Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat Di Indonesia.
Pustaka Kanini, Jakarta
Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat di Indonesia, jilid 2
Hembing Wijayakusuma, H.M.
Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat di Indonesia, jilid 2
Cetakan ke-5, Pustaka Kartini, hal. 59-63.
Hlm 189 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat di Indonesia II di Indonesia. Jilid 2 : 48-50.
Wijayakus'uma, H.
Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat di Indonesia II di Indonesia. Jilid 2 : 48-50.
Tanaman berkasiat obat di Indonesia
Wijayakusuma, H.
Tanaman berkasiat obat di Indonesia
Pustaka Kartini, Jakarta
Tanaman Atsiri baru (Klausena Adas Citiodora dan Litsea cubeba).
Edisi khusus Balittro Vol. VI No. I
Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat Bogor
Tanah-tanah utama Indonesia
Munir M
Pustaka Jaya Jakarta
Tanah-tanah utama Indonesia
Munir M
Pustaka Jaya Jakarta
Tanah-tanah utama di Indonesia. Karakteristik dan Pemamfaatanya.
Munir, M.
Pustaka Jaya, Jakarta.
Tanah-tanah Pertanian dan Potensialnya
Soepraptohardjo. M
Panitia Latihan Agronomi Pola Bertanam LPPP-BIMAS-NFCEP
Bada Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. LPT. Bogor
Tanah-tanah pada landform utama di propinsi Kalimantan Selatan: potensi dan kendalanya untuk pengembangan pertanian hlm. 419-428
Prasetyo, B.H.
A. Sofyan, G Irianto, F. Agus, Irawan, W J. Suryanto, dan T. Prihatini (Ed.) Buku I, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Reorientasi Pendayagunaan Sumberdaya Tanah
Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat, Bogor.
Tanah. Jur. Tanah, Fak pertanian IPB
Tanah sawah bukaan baru di daerah Kotabumi, Lampung: karakterisasi dan prospek penggunaan pupuk P-alam. hlm. 131-145
Prasetyo, B.H
D. Santoso, M Soepartini, S. Sukmana, F. Agus, N Suharta, H.H. Djohar, B.H. Prasetyo, dan Le I. Amien (Ed ) Prosiding Pertemuan Pembahasan dan Komunikasi Hasil Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat
Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat, Bogor.
Tanah sawah Bukaan Baru di Daerah Kotabumi Lampung : Karakterisasi dan Prospek Penggunaan Pupuk P-Alam
Prasetyo. B.H
Prosiding Pertemuan Pembahasan dan Komunikasi Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat
Pusat Penelitian Tanah Dan Agroklimat
Tanah gambut. Tanah dan Seluk Beluknya bagi Pertanian
Suhardjo, H. Rismunandar
Tanah dan Seluk Beluknya bagi Pertanian
Sinar Baru, Bandung
Hlm 190 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Tanah dan Potensi Lahan Untuk Tanaman Padi
Soepraptohardjo. M
Padi Buku 1
Pusat Penelitian Tanaman Pangan. Bogor
Tanah dan Potensi Lahan Untuk Tanaman Padi
Padi Buku 1
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor
Tanah dan pertanian. Tanah dan Pemupukan Kopi.
Anonymous, Abdullah, S.
Aksi Agraris Kanisius.
Kanisius, Yogyakarta.
Tambak Udang Windu. Sistem Pengelolaan Intensif
Buwono, I.D.
Tambak Udang Windu. Sistem Pengelolaan Intensif
Kanisius, Jakarta. 151 hal.
Tambak air payau Taman Obat Keluarga (TOGA)
Murtidjo, B.A. Rosita,S.M.D.
Tambak air payau Taman Obat Keluarga (TOGA)
Kanisisus. Yogyakarta. Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat, Bogor. 125 hlm.
Taman bunga Ny. Bustanif Arifin akan telan biaya ratusan milliar
Taman bunga Ny. Bustanif Arifin akan telan biaya ratusan milliar
Harian Merdeka. 11 September
Taksonomi Tumbuhan Obat
Tjitrosoepomo. G
Taksonomi Tumbuhan (Spermatophyta).
Tjitrosoepomo, G
Taksonomi Tumbuhan (Spermatophyta).
Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta. hlm. 416-417.
Taksonomi tumbuhan ( Spermatophyta ).
Tjitrosoepomo, G.A.
Taksonomi tumbuhan ( Spermatophyta ).
Gajah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta.
Taksonomi Tumbuhan
Tjitrosoepomo, G.
Taksonomi Tumbuhan
Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta. 479 hlm.
Taksonomi dan Kuntji Identifikasi Ikan. Bandung, 520 h.
Saanin, A.
Taksonomi dan Kuntji Identifikasi Ikan. Bandung, 520 h.
Taksonomi dan Kuntji Identifikasi Ikan, Bandung. 520h.
Saanin, A
Taksonomi dan Kuntji Identifikasi Ikan, Bandung. 520h.
Taksonomi dan kunci identifikasi ikan (Buku l dan 2).
Saanin, H
Taksonomi dan kunci identifikasi ikan (Buku l dan 2).
Take Another Look At Palm Oil
The Malaysian Palm Oil Promotion Council, Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia
Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta
Penerbit Binacipta, Jakarta.
Hlm 191 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Tablets Dosage Forming
Mohrle. R
Tablets Dosage Forming
Warner Lambert Company, Morris Plains, New Jersey
Tables of Feed Composition for Indonesia.
Hartadi, H.
Tables of feed composition for Indonesia.
Hartadi, H.
Tables of Feed Composition for Indonesia.
Hartadi, H.
The IFI, Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, Utah State University, Logan Utah.
Tabel-Tabel dari Komposisi Bahan Makanan Ternak untuk Indonesia.
Hartadi, H.
Gadjah Mada Press, Yogyakarta.
Tabel-tabel dari komposisi bahan makanan ternak untuk Indonesia.
Hartadi, H.
Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.
Tabel-tabel dari komposisi bahan makanan ternak untuk Indonesia
Hartadi, H.
Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta
Tabel-tabel dari komposisi bahan makanan ternak untuk indonesia
Hartasi, H.
Gajah Mada University Press
Tabel-tabel dan komposisi bahan Makanan Ternak Untuk Indonesia
Hartadi, H.
Gadjah Mada University Press
Tabel Volume Pohon untuk Pinus merkusii Jungh. et de Vries.
Suharlan, A.,
Tabel Volume Pohon untuk Pinus merkusii Jungh. et de Vries.
Lembaga Penelitian Hutan, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Departemen Pertanian. Bogor.
Tabel Tegakan Sepuluh Jenis Kayu Industri.
Suharlan, A.,
Lembaga Penelitian Hutan.
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Departemen Pertanian, Bogor.
Tabel pakan untuk Indonesia. Cetakan ke-2
Hartadi, H.
Published by IFI Utah Agric. Exp. Sta. Utah State University. IFI Utah Agricultural experiment station.
Utah State University. Logan Utah.
Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta
Hlm 192 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Tabel komposisi pakan utk Indonesia
Hartadi H
UGM Press, Yogya
Tabel komposisi pakan untuk Indonesia. Cetakan ke-4.
Hartadi, H.
Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta
Tabel komposisi pakan untuk Indonesia. Cetakan ke-4.
Hartadi, H.
Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta
Tabel komposisi pakan untuk Indonesia. Cetakan ke-3.
Hartadi, H.
Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta
Tabel komposisi pakan untuk Indonesia. Cetakan ke-2.
Hartadi, H.
Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta
Tabel Komposisi Pakan untuk Indonesia.
Hartadi. H.
Tabel Komposisi Pakan untuk Indonesia.
Hartadi, H.
Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta
Tabel Komposisi Pakan untuk Indonesia.
Hartadi, H.
Gadjah Mada. Universuty Press. Yogyakarta.
Tabel Komposisi Pakan untuk Indonesia.
Soedomo, S.
Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.
Tabel Komposisi Pakan untuk Indo-nesia
Hartadi, H
Tabel Komposisi Pakan untuk Indonesia
Hartadi, H.
Tabel Komposisi Pakan untuk Indonesia
Hartadi, H.
Tabel Komposisi Pakan untuk Indonesia
Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta.
Tabel komposisi pakan untuk Indonesia
Hartadi, H
Tabel komposisi pakan untuk Indonesia
Gadjahmada university press, Yogjakarta.
Tabel Komposisi Pakan untuk Indonesia
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Tabel Komposisi Pakan Untuk Indonesia
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Tabel Komposisi Pakan untuk Indo-nesia
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Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta
Hlm 193 dari 1800
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Tabel Komposisi Pakan untuk Indonesia
Hartadi, H
Tabel Komposisi Pakan untuk Indonesia
Gajah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta.
Tabel komposisi bahan makanan ternak untuk Indonesia
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Tabel dari Komposisi Makanan Ternak untuk Indonesia.
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Increasing Soybeans production in Asia
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Susu dan produk dari susu
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Fakultas peternakan Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung
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Fakultas peternakan Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung
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Survey Research Methods
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Wadworth Publishing Company. Belmount. California
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Survey Produktivitas Lahan Sawah Intebsifikasi di Jawa
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Survey Pertanian. Luas dan intensitas serangan jasad pengganggu padi dan palawija di Indonesia.
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Survey pertanian produksi tanaman padi dan palawija di Indonesia tahun 1989
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Survey pertanian luas lahan menurut penggunaannya di Sumatera Barat
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Biro Pusat Statistic Jakarta, Indonesia
Survei pertanian produksi tanaman sayuran di Jawa
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Survei Pertanian Produksi BuahBuahan di Jawa
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Survei Pertanian Produksi BuahBuahan di Jawa
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Survei Pertanian Produksi BuahBuahan di Jawa
Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta
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Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta.
Survei Pertanian : Produksi tanaman Padi di Indonesia
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Survei Pertanian : Produksi tanaman Padi dan Palawija di Indonesia
Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta
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Survei penyakit-penyakit penting pada tanaman krops di Sumatera Barat
Survei pendahuluan dalam usaha menanggulangi keruskaan akibat letusan Gunung Kelud
Survei pendahuluan dalam usaha menanggulangi keruskaan akibat letusan Gunung Kelud
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Survei benih Ikan kerapu (Epinephelus spp.) di Teluk Banten
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Survay penelitian, produksi tanaman palawija di Indonesia Jakarta
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Survai tanah dan evaluasi lahan.
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Tim GAKI Fak Kedokteran UNDIP dan Kanwil DepKes Jateng
Survai pemetaan gangguan akibatkekurangan iodium (GAKI)
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Survai keschatan rumah tangga 1992. Keragaman dan kecenderungan sebab kematian di Indonesia
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Survai indeks masa tubuh di 12 kotamadya Indonesia.
Kodyat, B.A.
Gizi Indon.
Survai evaluasi pelaksanaan proteksi perkebunan
Judul Buku
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Survai evaluasi pelaksanaan proteksi perkebunan
Survai Dasar Da-lam Rangka Pembangunan Pertanian Sulawesi Selatan. hlm. 1-110.
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Survai dan Pemetaan Tanah Daerah Tembe LangkowalaLaea, Kendari Sulawesi Tenggara.
Lembaga Penelitian Tanah
Survai dan Pemetaan Tanah Daerah Tembe LangkowalaLaea, Kendari Sulawesi Tenggara.
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Surface and colloid chemistry
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Suppressive soil and plant disease.
The American Phytopathological Society St. Paul Minnesota 35 page.
Hlm 205 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Suppression of pytium ultimum induced damping-off of cotton seedling by P. fluoresences and its antibiotic pyoluteorine
Howell, C. R.
Suppression of black root rot of tobacco and other root disease by strain Pseudomonas fluorescens: Potential mechanism and application. 93108.
De'fago, G.,
In D. Horby, R.J, Cook, Y. Henis, W.H. Ko, A.D. Rovira, B. Schippers and P.R. Scott (Eds.)
Biological Control of SoilBorne Plant Pathogen. CAB International, Oxon, UK.
Suplementasi Hijauan Pahilan pada Hijauan Jagung Muda Sebagai Pakan BasaI Ternak Domba
Suplementasi Hijauan Pahilan pada Hijauan Jagung Muda Sebagai Pakan BasaI Ternak Domba
Tesis. Pasca Sarjana Universitas Brawijaya. Malang
Superovulation in peripubertal and adult goats treated with PMSG of pFSH. In: Recent advances in goat production, RR. LOKESHWAR (Ed.),
Nowshari MA
Superovulation in peripubertal and adult goats treated with PMSG of pFSH. In: Recent advances in goat production, RR. LOKESHWAR (Ed.),
Nutan Printed, New Delhi, India
Superovulation in peripubertal and adult goats treated with PMSG and pFSH. In: Recent advances in goat production. RR. Lokeshwar (Ed.).
Nowshari, M.A.
Superovulation in peripubertal and adult goats treated with PMSG and pFSH. In: Recent advances in goat production. RR. Lokeshwar (Ed.).
Nutan Printed, New Delhi, India.
Superovulation and Transcervical Embryo Collection in Boer Goats
Superovulation and Transcervical Embryo Collection in Boer Goats
Cuvillier Publisher. Goettingen, Germany.
Superovulation and Transcervical Embryo Collection in Boer goats
Superovulation and Transcervical Embryo Collection in Boer goats
Cuvillier Verlag. Goettingen.
Superovulation and Transcervical Embryo Collection in Boer Goats.
Superovulation and Transcervical Embryo Collection in Boer Goats.
Cuvillier Publisher. Goettingen. Germany.
Superovulation and Transcervical Embryo Collection in Boer goats
Superovulation and Transcervical Embryo Collection in Boer goats
Cuvillier Verlag. Goettingen
Superovulation and embryo transfer in Indonesian sheep: A Preliminary study
Dharsana, R.
Ilmu dan Pet.
Hlm 206 dari 1800
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Judul Buku
Superfamily Platygastroidea.
Masner L.
Goulet H, Huber JT (ed). Hymenoptera of the World: An Identification Guide to Families.
Ottawa: Research Branch Agriculture, him 558-565.
Superfamilies Mymaroimnatoidea and Chalcidoidea
Gibson AP
Goulet H, Huber JT (ed). Hymenoptera of the World: An Identification Guide to Families
Ottawa: Research Branch Agriculture, him 570-655.
Supercritical Fluid Extraction.
Paulatis, ME..
Review in Chemical Engineering. Volume I (12): 179 - 224.
SuperCos-1 Cosmid Vector Kit. Instruction Manual
SuperCos-1 Cosmid Vector Kit. Instruction Manual
California: Stratagen Cloning System, him. 132.
Super Tripton
PT. Panen Cita Tani. Malang.
Super Tripton Super Flourishing Summaries of additional paper on smoke curing.
Anonimous Hollenbeck, C.M.
Sumber pertumbuhan produksi padi an kedelai
Puslitbang Balitbangtan Deptan
Sumber pertumbuhan produksi padi an kedelai
Puslitbang Balitbangtan Deptan
Sumber Pertumbuhan Padi Propinsi Irian Jaya
Hasanuddin, A.
Sumber Pertumbuhan Padi Propinsi Irian Jaya
Balai Penelitian Jagung dan Serealia Lain, Maros. 54 hlm.
Sumber daya udang peneid dan krustasea lainnya
Widodo, J., K.A. Aziz, B.F. Priyono, G.H. Tampubolon, N. Naamin, dan A. Djamali (Eds.). Potensi dan Penyebaran Sumber Daya Ikan Laut di Perairan Indonesia. hlm. 107-138.
Komisi Nasional Pengkajian Stok Sumber Daya Ikan Laut. Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia. Jakarta.
Sumber daya perikanan pelagis kecil.
Merta, I.G.S.,
Potensi dan Penyebaran Sumber Daya Ikan Laut di Perairan Indonesia. Editor J. Widodo, K.A. Aziz, B.E. Proyono, G.H. Tampubolon, N.Naamin dan A. Djamali. Komisi Nasional Pengkajian Stok Sumber Daya Ikan Laut-LIPI, p: 89-105,
The Symposium Smoke CuringAdvances in Theory of Food Techology. Dallas. Tex. June 4-7, 1978 ,
Hlm 207 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Sumber daya perikanan pelagis kecil.
Merta, I.G.S.,
Potensi dan Penyebaran Sumber Daya Ikan Laut yang Tertangkap di Perairan Indonesia.
Komite Nasional Pengkajian Stok Sumber Daya Ikan Laut-LIPI. p. 89-105.
Sumber daya nabati Asia Tenggara No. 6. Rotan
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Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta, Prosea
Sumber Daya Manusia: Peluang Kerja dan Kemiskinan.
Effendi, T. N.
PT. Tiara Wacana. Yogyakarta.
Sumber daya Lingkungan Tumbuh Jagung
Moentono. D.M
Sumber Daya Lahan, Air, dan Udara.
Manik. K.E.S
Sumber daya karang di Indonesia.
DJamali, A.,
Widodo. J. et al. Potensi dan Penyebaran Sumber Daya Ikan Laut di Perairan Indonesia.
Komisi Nasional Pengkajian Stok Sumber Daya Ikan Laut. Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia. Jakarta. 184194.
Sumber Daya Ikan Teri Di Indonesia
Hutomo. M.
Seri Sumber Daya Alam, No. 137.
Proyek Studi dan Potensi Sumber-daya Alam Indonesia. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Oseanologi. LIPI. Jakarta.
Sumber Daya Ikan Pelagis Besar
Uktolseja, J.C.B.
J. Widodo, K.A. Aziz, B.E. Priyono, G.H. Tampubolon, N. Naamin & A. Djamali (Eds). Potensi dan Penyebaran Sumber Daya Ikan Laut di Perairan Indonesia, pp:40-88
Komisi Nasional Pengkajian Stok Sumber Daya Ikan Laut. Jakarta
Sumber daya ikan konsumsi perairan karang.
Widodo. J. et al. Potensi dan Penyebaran Sumber Daya Ikan Laut di Perairan Indonesia.
Komisi Nasional Pengkajian Stok Sumber Daya Ikan Laut. Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia. Jakarta. 195200.
Kinerja Penelitian Tanaman Pangan
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung. Bandar Lampung
Hlm 208 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Sumber Daya dan Pemanfaatan Ikan Hiu
Wibowo, S
Sumber Daya dan Pemanfaatan Ikan Hiu
Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta
Sumber Daya dan Pemanfaatan Hiu.
Wibowo, S
Sumber Daya dan Pemanfaatan Hiu.
Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta. 156 PP.
Sumber daya dan Pemanfaatan Hiu
Wibowo, S.
Sumber daya dan Pemanfaatan Hiu
Swadaya. Jakarta. p. 156.
Sumber Daya Manusia, Kesempatan Kerja dan Pembangunan Ekonomi
Tjiptoheriyanto, P
Sumber Daya Manusia, Kesempatan Kerja dan Pembangunan Ekonomi
LPFE-Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta
Sumber dan pengaruh aflatoksin terhadap pcrtumbuhan dan performa lain broiler
Ginting, N.
Discrtasi, 209 hlm.
Univcrsitas Padjajaran, Bandung.
Sumber dan penanganan benih rotan makalah lokakarya nasional rotan, 15-16 Desember 1986, Jakarta
Nainggolan PHJ
Sumber Daya dan Pemanfaatan Ikan Hiu
Wibowo, S
Sumber Daya dan Pemanfaatan Ikan Hiu
Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta
Sumbangan Usahatani Tanaman Pekarangan Terhadap Pendapatan Petani Di Desa Kepuhrej'o Kecamatan Takeran Kabupaten Magetan
Nurasia, E.
Sumbangan Usahatani Tanaman Pekarangan Terha-dap Pendapatan Petani Di Desa Kepuhrej'o Kecamatan Takeran Kabupaten Magetan
Fakultas Pertanian Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Universitas Wijaya Putera Surabaya.
Sumbangan pengetahuan tentang ayam Kedu
Merkens J.
Terjemahan karangan mengenai ayam dan Itik di Indonesia
LIPI. Jakarta
Sumbangan pengetahuan tentang ayam kedu
Merkens LA
Sumbangan penelitian dalam pembangunan pertanian
BadanLitbang Pertanian
Lima Tahun Badan Litbang Pertanian.
Sumbangan Pemikiran Bagi Pembangunan Pertanian di Irian Jaya
Dimiyati A.
Hara mineral dan pengelolaan air pada tanaman kacang tanah
Sumatera Selatan dalam Angka.
Biro Pusat Statistik.
Kerjasama Bappeda Tingkat I Sumatera Selatan dengan Biro Pusat Statistik Propinsi Sumatera Selatan. Palambang.
Sumatera Barat Dalam Angka.
Biro Pusat Statistik.
Sumatera Barat Dalam Angka.
LIPI Jkt Badan Litbang Pertanian, Jakarta.
Kantor Statistik Propinsi Sumatera Barat. Padang.
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Sumatera Barat Dalam Angka.
Sumatera Barat Dalam Angka.
Sumatera Barat dalam Angka.
Sumatera Barat dalam Angka.
Sumatera Barat dalam Angka.
Sumatera Barat dalam Angka.
Sumatera Barat dalam Angka.
Sumatera Barat dalam Angka.
Sumatera Barat dalam angka 1998
Bappeda Tk. I Sumatera Barat
Sumatera Barat dalam angka 1998
Bappeda Tk. I Sumatera Barat
Sumatera Barat dalam angka 1997
Bappeda Sumbar
Sumatera Barat dalam Angka 1995. Kerjasama Bappeda Tk. I Sumatera Barat dengan Kantor Statistik Tk. I Sumatera Barat
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Sumatera Barat dalam Angka
BPS Sumatera Barat
Sumatera Barat Dalam Angka
Biro Pusat Statistik
Sumatera Barat Dalam Angka
BPS Padang
Sulphur Metabolism In Pants
J.W. Anderson
The Biochemistry Of Plant Vol. 16
Academic Press, San Diego. CA. USA. ISBN
Sulphur Metabolism in Pants
Anderson. J.W
The Biochemistry of Plant Vol. 16
Academic Press. San Diego. CA
Sulphur - the fourth major plant nutrient. p. 9-16.
Morris, R.J.
In the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Sulphur for Korean Agriculture.
Korean Society of Soil Science, Seoul, Korea and the Sulphur Institute, Washington D.C., USA.
Sulfonamid dan TrimetopriumSulfametoksazol
Mariana Y.
S. Gan (Ed). Farmakologi. 527838.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia. Jakarta.
Sulawesi Utara Dalam Angka 1994,
Sulawesi Utara Dalam Angka 1994,
Badan Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Daerah Tingkat I Sulawesi Utara.
Sulawesi Selatan dalam angka 1997
Sulawesi Selatan dalam angka 1997
Biro Pusat Statistik Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan, Ujung Pandang, hlm. 274, 307-309.
Hlm 210 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Sulawesi Selatan dalam Angka
Judul Buku
Sulawesi Selatan dalam Angka
BPS Sulawesi Selatan, Ujung Pandang.
Sukses di Era Ekonomi Liberal bagi Koperasi dan Perusahaan Kecil-Menengah
Ismawan, I.,
Sukses di Era Ekonomi Liberal bagi Koperasi dan Perusahaan Kecil-Menengah
Gramedia Widia Sarana Indonesia, Jakarta
Sugarcane Physiology
Alexander. A.G
A Compherensive Study of The Saccharum Source Tosink System
Elsevier Sci. Publ.Co. Amsterdam
Sugarcane Nutrition
Potash and Phosphate Institute, Atalanta Georgia
Sugarcane Nutrition
Potash and Phosphate Institute, Atalanta Georgia
Sugarcane mosaic virus. CMI/AAB Descriptions of Plant Viruses No. 342 (No. 88 revised)
Teakle, DS.
Sugarcane mosaic virus. CMI/AAB Descriptions of Plant Viruses No. 342 (No. 88 revised)
Sugarcane Crop Logging And Crop Control Principles and Practice
The Univ. Press Of Hawai
Sugarcane Crop Control, Principles and Practice
The University Pree of Hawaii, Honolulu
Sugar Notes.
Queensland Sugar Corporation.
Brisbane, Australia.
Sugar Distribution in Plant Tissues Cooked in Syrup. Terjemahan Bambang Sumantri.
Sterling. C
Sugar Distribution in Plant Tissues Cooked in Syrup. Terjemahan Bambang Sumantri.
PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.
Sugance White Grub In Indonesia.
Crop Protection Compedium C.A.B.International, London, UK
Crop Protection Compedium C.A.B.International, London, UK
Sucrose Polyester, Cholesterol, and Lipoprotein Metabolism. In: Carbohydrate Polyesters as Fat Substitutes
Glueck, C.J
Carbohydrate Polyesters as Fat Substitutes
Marcel Dekker. New York
Sucrochimie, in G. Linden et D. Lorient (eds.). Biochimie Agroindustrielle
Linden, G
Sucrochimie, in G. Linden et D. Lorient (eds.). Biochimie Agroindustrielle
Valorisation Alimentaire de la Production Agricole. Masson, Paris
Commonwealth Mycological Institute, England.
Hlm 211 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Success In Microbial Control of Soil Pests, H. Marginalis, In Reunion Island ; Choise of a Suitable Fungus
Ivth International Colloquium on Invertebrate Pathology and Microbial Control
Montplier France 28 Agst2 Sept. 1994
Succesfull Poultry Management 7th. ed.
Succesfull Poultry Management 7th. ed.
Mc. Graw. Hill Book Comp. toe. New York.
Substrate Concentration Depen-dence of Apparent Maxirnum Reaction Rate and Apparent Michaelis Constant Observed in lmmobilized Enzyme reactions
Shiraishi, F.,
Substrate Concentration Depen-dence of Apparent Maxirnum Reaction Rate and Apparent Michaelis Constant Observed in lmmobilized Enzyme reactions
Kagaku kogaku, Robushu
Subsistence Agriculture : Concept and Scope In Subsistence Agriculture and Economic Development.
Wharton Clifton
Aldine Publishing Company, Chicago
Sublethal Injury, Bacteriocins and Food Microbiology
Ray, B
ASM News. Amer. Soc. Of Microbiology
Subing Dan Defiensi Seng
Berita Gizi Pangan
Subcutaneus immunization of guine pig with E. Viparus larvae attenuated and radiation in parasitology II
Tohamex, J.
Subcutaneus immunization of guine pig with E. Viparus larvae attenuated and radiation in parasitology II
Tonamex, J.
Subclass of Lattice Process Applied to a Problem an Plannar Sampling Biometrika
Martin. R.J
Suatu Tinjauan Tentang Rotan dan Masalahnya.
Yudodibroto, H.,
Suatu Tinjauan Tentang Rotan dan Masalahnya.
Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta.
Suatu Pendekatan Berorientasi Kasus Ed. 4
R., Montgomery
Suatu Pendekatan Berorientasi Kasus Ed. 4
CV Mosby Co. USA
Suatu Kajian Tentang Pengawetan Bambu Secara Tradisional Untuk Mencegah Serangan Bubuk.
Sullhoni, A.
Suatu Kajian Tentang Pengawetan Bambu Secara Tradisional Untuk Mencegah Serangan Bubuk.
Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta.
Vol. IV/1/1987
Hlm 212 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Suatu Gambaran Mengenai Beberapa Kemajuan dan Masalah Yang dihadapi
Dinas Perikanan Dati I NTB
Suatu Alternatif Pem-bangunan Pedesaan, Studi Dinamika Pedesaan
Suatu Alternatif Pem-bangunan Pedesaan, Studi Dinamika Pedesaan
Yayasan SAE, Bogor
Suatu Alternatif Pembangunan Pedesaan, Studi Dinamika Pedesaan
Suatu Alternatif Pembangunan Pedesaan, Studi Dinamika Pedesaan
Yayasan SAE, Bogor
Studying single species dynamics in multispecies context
Pauly, D.
D. Pauly and G.I. Murphy (eds.) Theory and management of tropical fisheries, ICLARM Conference Proseedg, Manila,, pp. 33-70.
Studying Public Policy: Policy Cycle and Policy Subsystems
Howlett, M
Studying Public Policy: Policy Cycle and Policy Subsystems
Oxford University Press, Oxford,
Studying Public Policy : Policy Cycle and Policy Subsystems
Howlett, M.
Studying Public Policy : Policy Cycle and Policy Subsystems
Oxford University Press, Oxford,
Study the Australian feeder steer trade to Indonesia lot feeding industry.
Asian marketing division, Australian meat and livestock corporation (AMLC), Australia.
Study the australian feeder steer trade to indonesia lot feeding industru
Asian marketing division, Australian meat and livestock (AMLC) AUS-MEAT, Australia
Study potensi lahan gambut di propinsi Bengkulu untuk tanaman semusim.
Muktamar, Z.P.
Study Perbandingan Antara Penebangan Secara Mekanis dan Manual
Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gdjah Mada Yogyakarta
Study Pengembangan Model Sistem Kewapadaan Pangan untuk Perumusan Kebijakan di Propinsi Irian Jaya, Maluku, Nusa Tenggara Timur dan Jawa barat
Sukandar D
Study on Intake Water and Water Management in Paddy Field Area Operatd By Traditional Water Right
Basri, H
Faculty of Agric.Dept. Agric. Eng. Kyushu Univ. Japan. (Dissertation) Unpublished
Judul Buku
Penerbit Dinas Perikanan Dati I NTB
Hlm 213 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Study on dispersal activity of Nephotettix virescens Distant, the most effective vector of rice tungro virus disease
Widiarta, I.N.
One day Seminar ITSF
Study On Decomposition of Plant Residues in Soil of Guangzhou and Wuxi
Acta Pedologica Sinicia
Study on callus induction from anther & inflorescene culture of sorghum
Nakamura, S
Study on callus induction from anther & inflorescene culture of sorghum. J. Fac Agric Kyushu Univ 42: 1-9
Study on biodiversity of AMF in different landuses system in Sumatera, Indonesia
Setiadi, Y.
Study on biodiversity of AMF in different landuses system in Sumatera, Indonesia
Study on Antimutagenicity and Anticarcinogenicity of Green Tea Epicatechins-A Natural Free Radical Scavenger. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Natural Antioxidants: Molecular Mechanisms and Health Effects.
Cheng, S.J.
Study on Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme Inhibitor in Natto
Hiroshi, H.
Master Thesis
Dept. of Brewing and Fermentations Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture.
Study on Agroekological Zone in Indonesia
Guhardja S
Food Systems and Nutrition Problems.Jurusan Gizi Masyarakat dan Sumberdaya Keluarga
Fakultas pertanian ,ITB.Bogor
Study on Agroecological Zone in Indonesia.Food System and Nutrition Problems
Guhardja S
Jurusan Gizi Masyarakat dan Sumberdaya Keluarga, Fakultas Pertanian, IPB.Bogor
Study of the Effect of Rootstock on Absorption and Translocation of Mineral Elements in Apple Cultivar Golden Delicious
Villeneuvee, F
La Racine - La Porte - Graffe. In Hort. Abst.
Study of the Early stages of tryptic hydrolysis of Beta-casein
Leonil, J
ICRAF. Bogor.
AOCS Press. Champaign
Hlm 214 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Study of paddy stemborers by cultural practices
Koyama, T.
The Major Insect Pest of the Rice Plant. Proc. Symp. Int. Rice. Res. Inst. Philippines.
John Hopkins Press, Baltimore. p. 369-387.
Study of developmental stages of Methylosinus trichosporium with the aid of fluorescentantibody staining techniques
Reed, W.M
Study Mutu dan Efisiensi Pendidikan, EPP & IEES Project
Study Mengenai Gulma Eupatorium Odoratum L. Yang terdapat di Hutan Jati
LPH. Bogor
Study Kelayakan Hutan Tanaman Industri Unit DAS Sesayap-Sembakung-Sebuku Propinsi DATI I Kalimantan Timur
PT. Adindo Foresta Indonesia
Jakarta Indonesia
Studies show talking with infants shapes basis of ability to think
Blakeslee S
The New York Times
Studies on zone hardening in rat oocytes that are matured in vitro in a serumfree medium.
Zhang, X.
Mol. Reprod. Dev.
Studies on vitamin 813 in sea water 1. On the asay of vitamin 812 in sea water
K. Kashiwada
Studies on vitamin 813 in sea water 1. On the asay of vitamin 812 in sea water
Mem. Fac. Fish. Kagoshima Univ
Studies on the sources of luminescent Vibrio harveyi in Penaeus monodon hatcheries
C.R. Lavilla-Pitogo
Diseases in Asian Aquaculture I
Fish Health Section, Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines
Studies on the quality changes in fresh hilsa (Hilsa ilisha) during ice storage in various containers
Uddin, M.
Studies on the quality changes in fresh hilsa (Hilsa ilisha) during ice storage in various containers
Department of Fisheries Technology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.
Studies on the Quality changes hilsa (hilsa ilisha) during ice storage in Departement of Fisheries Technology
Uddin, M.
Studies on the Quality changes hilsa (hilsa ilisha) during ice storage in Departement of Fisheries Technology
Bangladesh agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.
Appl. Environ. Microbiol
Study Mutu dan Efisiensi Pendidikan, EPP & IEES Project
USAID dan Pusat Informatika Balitbang Dikbud, Jakarta
Hlm 215 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Studies on the productivity and feeding value of napiergrass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach). 1. The effects of nitrogen fertilizer on the yields of napiergrass
Miyagi, E.
Studies on the productivity and feeding value of napiergrass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach). 1. The effects of nitrogen fertilizer on the yields of napiergrass
J. Japan Grassl. Sci., 27: 216-226.
Studies on the permeability and stability of liposomes derived from a membrane-spanning bipolar archaebacterial tetraether lipid, him. 100-123
Ring, K.
K.H. Schmidt (ed.), Liposomes as drug carriers
Stuttgart: G. Thieme Verlag.
Studies on the Nutritional Value of Tempen. Food and
Nutrition Laboratory Faculty of Science of living.
Osaka City University.
Studies on the Mechanism of Diamonback Moth Resistance to Insecticides. Hal. 347-357. Dalam N.S.Takelar dan T.D.Griggs (edv).Diamonback Moth Management
Miyata , T,
Studies on the Mechanism of Diamonback Moth Resistance to Insecticides. Hal. 347-357. Dalam N.S.Takelar dan T.D.Griggs (edv).Diamonback Moth Management
Proceedings of the First International Workshop Tainan.Taiwan: 11-15 March 1985 AVRDC.Taipe.Taiwan
Studies on the meat production characteristics of Botswana goat and sheep: carcass tissue composition and distribution.
Owen, J. E.
Meat Sci.
Studies on the Level of Heavy Metals and FCBs in the Marine Environment
Sjahrul, M.
Studies on the Level of Heavy Metals and FCBs in the Marine Environment
Ehime University, Japan. 15.
Studies on The Extracellular Polysaccharides (EPS) Produced by Pseudomonas phaseolicola.
Gross, M
Indication for polysaccharide resembling Alginic Acid in seven P. Syringae pahtovars.
J. Phytopath. 188 : 276 287.
Studies on the effect of pest damage on oil palm yield
Wood BJ
Advanced in oil palm cultivation (RL Wastrie and D Earp eds)
The incorp Soc of Plant K Lumpur
Studies on the culture of eucheuma stratium
Colina, A.B
Studies on the culture of eucheuma stratium
The Philippines Scientes
Hlm 216 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Studies on the biology of the pink shrimp, Penaeus duorarum Burkenroad, in Everglades National Park Florida
Tabb, D.C
Studies on the biology of the pink shrimp, Penaeus duorarum Burkenroad, in Everglades National Park Florida
Florida State Board Conservation, Tehnical Series
Studies on the active site and antihypertensive activity of angiotensin.
Maruyama, S
I : Converting Enzyme inhibitors derived from casein
Agric. Biol. Chem
Studies on southern corn leaf blight (H. Maydis) in annual report .
Thailand National corn and Sorghum.
Kaseetsart University, Depart-ment of Agricultural Thailand.P.
Studies on pod & beanT. Cacao L
Toxopeus H
In Nigeria I Environmental Effect on West African Amelonado with Particular Attention to Annual rainfall Distribution. Neth Journ of Agric Sci 18:132-139
Studies on peat in the coastal plaints of Sumatera and Borneo.
Sabiham, S.
III. Micromorphological study of peat in the coastal plaints of Jambi, South Kalimantan and Brunei.
Studies on peat in the coastal plains of sumatera and Borneo, I.Physiography and geomorphology of coastal plains
Studies on growth and development of Satsuma Mandarin (Citrus unshiu March.) under different temperature conditions, with special reference to flower bud differentiation
Poerwanto, R.
Ph.D. Thesis
Ehime, Japan: Ehime University.
Studies on egg parasites of the smaller brown planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus (Fellen) (Hemiptera Delpachidae) A Device for assessing the parasitic activity and results obtained in 1966
Otake, A.
Shikoku. Agric. Exp.Stn. Bull. 17: 91-103.
Shikoku. Agric. Exp.Stn. Bull. 17: 91-103.
South-east Asian Studies.
Kyoto University, Japan. Southeast Asian Studies
Hlm 217 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Studies on effect of pest damage on oil palm yield
Wood BJ
Advanced in oil palm cultivation (RL Wastrie and DA Earp eds)
The Incorp Soc of Plant, K Lumpur
Studies on dry matter production anf efficiency for solar energy utilization in Bupleurum falcatium at different plant ages
Shon TK
Plant Production Science
Studies on dry matter production anf efficiency for solar energy utilization in Bupleurum falcatium at different plant ages
Shon TK
Plant Production Science
Studies on Degradation and Extraction ofChitin and Chitosan from Prawn Shells.
Bastaman, S.
M.Sc. thesis.
Studies on chemical control of cocoa pod rot in Central java
In Entr. And paper south east pics. Yogyakarta
Studies on Chemical Component of Pearl Oyster Meat.
Maeda, M.,
Studies on Chemical Component of Pearl Oyster Meat.
Nagasaki Industrial Technology, Omura, Nagasaki, Japan, p.107100.
Studies on Algin from Brown Algae of Taiwan I.
Chou, H.N.
Estimation of yield and quality of algin. Acta Oc.
Taiwan. The National Taiwan University, Taiwan. (6): 135-140.
Studies on 5'-nucleotidase of fish muscle in relation to freshness. Doctor Dissertation. Graduate School of Biosphere Science
Marseno, D.W
Graduate School of Biosphere Science
Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan.
Studies on 5'-nucleotidase of fish muscle in relation to freshness. Doctor Dissertation
Graduate School of Biosphere Science
Hiroshima University, Japan
Studies on Peat in The Coastal Plains of Sumatra and Borneo II
The Clay Mineralogical Composition of Sediment in Coastal Plains of Jambi and South Kalimantan
Southeast Asian Studies
Studies of Milk production in crossbreed dairy cattle
Okumu, C
Queen's Univ. of Belafast, UK. 134 pp.
East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal
Hlm 218 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Studies of feeding fresh ipilipil (Leucaena leucocephala) leaves on growth and reproductive function of small ruminants (goats).
Teodoro, A.A.
Annual Report
Studies of Experimental Jembrana Disease in Bali Cattle II.
Clinical Signs and Hematological Changes
Studies in the use of low cost substrats in ethanol fermentation employing Zymomonas mobilis
Studies in the use of low cost substrats in ethanol fermentation employing Zymomonas mobilis
Kyushu University. Japan.
Studi Zona Agroekologi di Indonesia: Sistem Pangan dan Masalah Gizi.
Guhardja S
Studi Zona Agroekologi di Indonesia
Tim Peneliti Jurusan GMSK,Faperta IPB
Studi usahatani dan sistem pemasaran melinjo di Jawa Timur
Studi transisi kelurga, konsumsi pangan dan gizi , dan perkembangan anak.[ The study on the family in transition, food and nutrition consumption, and child development].
Guhardja S
Studi tentang stabilitas protein daging kering dan dendeng selama penyimpanan
Purnomo, H.
Universitas Brawijaya Press, Malang
Studi tentang perkebunan dan pemasaran minyak kelpa sawit indonesia
PT International Contact Bussines System Inc Jakarta
Studi tentang perkebunan dan pemasaran minyak kelapa sawit Indonesia.
IPB, Bogor.
Sistem Pangan dan Gizi. ( Studi di NTT dan Penyusun Model Intervensi di Jawa Barat).Laporan Penelitian Bagpro Pengembangan Kesehatan dan Gizi Masyarakat (CHN-III ProjectIBRD Loan No.3550-IND)
Jurusan sosial Ekonomi, Fakultas pertanian Unibraw. Bogor, Indonesia:Bogor Agricultural University.
Studi tentang perkebunan dan pemasaran minyak kelapa sawit Indonesia.
PT International Contanct Bussines System Inc, Jakarta Hlm 219 dari 1800
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Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Studi tentang perkebunan dan pemasaran minyak kelapa sawit indonesia
PT International Contact Business System, Jakarta
Studi tentang perkebunan dan pemasaran kelapa sawit Indonesia
Capricorn Indonesia Consult CIC, Jakarta
Studi tentang perkebunan & pemasaran minyak kelapa sawit Indonesia
Studi tentang Industri dan perkebunan kelapa sawit Indonesia
PT. CIC Inc. Jakarta
Studi tentang Industri dan Pemasaran Minyak Goreng di Indonesia Studi Tentang Industri dan Pemasaran Minuman Ringan di Indonesia, Jakarta
Capricorn Indonesia Consult
Studi tentang bakteri fecal sebagai indikator pencemaran laut di perairan muara sungai Dumai. Kota Administratif Dumai
Studi tentang analisis pasar dan prospek investasi oleokimia (oleochemical) indonesia
PT International Contact Bussiness System Inc Jakarta
Studi sumber pertumbuhan kedelai di NTB
Adisrwanto T
Balitan Malang
Studi Sosial Ekonomi di Daerah Sumur Pompa Bangkalan 3(Tiga) Lokasi
Studi tentang bakteri fecal sebagai indikator pencemaran laut di perairan muara sungai Dumai. Kota Administratif Dumai
Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Riau, 55 hal.
Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya
Studi reproduksi tikus sawah (rattus argentiventer di Pamanukan Jabar) dan Randudongkal
Studi reproduksi tikus sawah (rattus argentiventer di Pamanukan Jabar) dan Randudongkal
Hlm 220 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Studi Rekayasa dan Rancang Bangun Sistem Usahatani Konservasi di Lahan kering Desa-Desa Tertinggal Jawa Timur
Lembaga Penelitian Unibraw
Studi proses pembuatan protein mikroba dengan ragi Amilolitik dan ragi Siniba pada media padiat dcngan bahan baku ubikayu (Manihot utilisima Pohl)
Fapeta. IPB. Bogor.
Studi produk-produk inkonvensional dari berbagai jenis unggas air, Jawa, Bali, dan Kalimantan selatan
Setioko AR
Balai Penalitian Ternak, Bogor
Studi Potensi Sumur gali Dalam Menunjang Keberhasilan Berbagai Sistem Penanaman Padi dan Pola Rotasi Padi/Palawija di Vertisol Lombok
Yasin Ismal
Fakultas Pertanian UNRAM
Studi Potensi dan Karakteristik Sumberdaya Lahan di wilayah miskin Jawa Timur bagian Selatan
Kerjasama LP Unibraw dengna BAPPEDA Tingkat I Jawa Timur
Studi Permintaan Kentang pada Hotel dan Restaurant di Kawasan Senggigi Lombok Barat
Sri Supartiningsih
Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Mataram
Studi Penyusunan Program Pembangunan Wilayah Tambak di Kabupaten Sidoarjo
Studi Penyusunan Program Pembangunan Wilayah Tambak di Kabupaten Sidoarjo
Kerjasama Fakultas Parikanan Unibraw dengan BAPPEDA Tingkat II Kabupaten Sidoarjo
Studi penyiapan pengelolaan dan konservasi Danau Taliwang di Kabupaten Sumbawa Nusa Tenggara Barat
Bahan Diskusi
Amythas Expert and Associates, Jakarta
Judul Buku
Hlm 221 dari 1800
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Penulis Utama
Studi Peningkatan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) Kab. Lombok Tengah
Judul Buku
Penerbit Pusat Penelitian Perencanaan Regional (P3R0-UNRAM dan Bappeda Dati II Lombok Tengah
Studi Pengkajian Pola Konsumsi Rumahtangga Defisit Energi dan Protein. Bogor. Studi Pengembangan Tanaman Rotan di Jawa Barat.
Studi Pengembangan Tanaman Rotan di Jawa Barat.
Lembaga Penelitian IPB Bogor.
Studi Pengembangan Model Pondok Pesantren Produktif sebagai Media Pembinaan Sumberdaya Manusia di Pedesaan Miskin di Jawa Timur
Hamid Hidayat
Studi Pengembangan Model Pondok Pesantren Produktif sebagai Media Pembinaan Sumberdaya Manusia di Pedesaan Miskin di Jawa Timur
Universitas Brawijaya, Malang
Studi Pengembangan Kelembagaan Kemitraan dan Manajemen Agroindustri Berorientasi Bisnis
Studi Pengembangan Kelembagaan Kemitraan dan Manajemen Agroindustri Berorientasi Bisnis
Depperindag, Jakarta. Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Tidak dipublikasikan
Studi Pengembangan Jamu Tradisional di Kabupaten Dati II Sukoharjo
Studi Pengembangan Jamu Tradisional di Kabupaten Dati II Sukoharjo
UNS-Pemda Dati II Sukoharjo.
Studi Pengembangan Diversifikasi Konsumsi Pangan dan Peningkatan Status Gizi Keluarga Melalui Peningkatan Partisipasi Masyarakat Aktif
Kusharto C.M
Fakultas Pertanian IPB
Studi Pengembangan Diversifikasi Konsumsi Pangan dan Peningkatan Status Gizi Keluarga Melalui Peningkatan Partisipasi Aktif Masyarakat
Kusharto C.M
GMSK - IPB, Bogor
Studi pengembangan masyarakat miskin di Kecamatan Kutabaro, Kabupaten Aceh Besar, D.I. Aceh
Pusat Penelitian Universitas Brawijaya, Malang
Hlm 222 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Studi pengem bangan masyarakat pedesaan miskin di daerah kritis Keca matan Bangunrejo, Kabupaten Lampung Utara, Lampung
Studi Penerapan Program Sasaran Linier pada Pcrencanaan Tingkat Produksi di Pabrik Gula Subang
Sofyan, M
Studi Penerapan Program Sasaran Linier pada Pcrencanaan Tingkat Produksi di Pabrik Gula Subang
Skripsi. Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor
Studi Pendugaan Produksi Ikan Berdasarkan Orthophospat di Waduk Pondok Ngawi.
Studi Pendugaan Produksi Ikan Berdasarkan Orthophospat di Waduk Pondok Ngawi.
Skripsi. Fak. Perikanan, Univ. Brawijaya, Malang.
Studi pendahuluan tentang kadar asam lemak omega 3 pada pengasapan ikan dengan smoking cabinet dan pengasapan tradisional
Fronthea Swastawati
Studi pendahuluan amobilisasi Enzim Lipase dari Pseudomonas cocovenenans a 128 dengan poliakrilamida.
Azmi, J.
Studi pendahuluan amobilisasi enzim lipase dari Pseudomonas cocovenenans 125 dengan poliakrilamid.
Azmi, J.
Studi Pendahuluan Pendugaan Produksi Serat Kenaf Varietas He 48 Berdasarkan Tinggi Tanaman
Studi Pendahuluan Pendugaan Produksi Serat Kenaf Varietas He 48 Berdasarkan Tinggi Tanaman
Studi Pembuatan Protein Mikroba dengan Ragi Amilolitik dan Ragi Simba Pada Media Padat dengan Bahan Baku Ubi Kayu (Manihotutilissima).
Studi Pembuatan Protein Mikroba dengan Ragi Amilolitik dan Ragi Simba Pada Media Padat dengan Bahan Baku Ubi Kayu (Manihotutilissima).
Praktek Kerja Lapangan. Fateta IPB. Bogor
Judul Buku
Penerbit Pusat Penelitian Universitas Brawijaya, Malang
Hlm 223 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Studi Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Wilayah Pedesaan Pantai Miskin, di Jawa Timur
Tim Peneliti
Studi Model Perencanaan Konsumsi Pangan Bagi Keluarga berpenghasilan Rendah (Tahun III: Perencanaan Konsumsi Pangan Bagi Penderita Diabetes).
Sumarwan U
Studi masyarakat miskin di daerah kritis Kecamatan Sape, Kabupaten Bima , Nusa Tenggara Barat
Hidayat, H
Pusat Penelitian Universitas Brawijaya, Malang
Studi masyarakat miskin di daerah kritis Kecamatan Sape, Kabu paten Bima , Nusa Tenggara Barat
Hidayat, H
Pusat Penelitian Univer sitas Brawijaya, Malang
Studi Konversi dan Penyusutan Padi, Kasus di Cianjur
Biro Pusat Statistik
Studi Konversi dan Penyusutan Padi, Kasus di Cianjur
Kerjasama BPS dan IPB.
Studi Kontaminasi Logam Berat Cd pada Udang Windu (Penaeus monodon) di Pertambakan Sekitar Muara Sungai Tallo
Asni, A.
Studi Kontaminasi Logam Berat Cd pada Udang Windu (Penaeus monodon) di Pertambakan Sekitar Muara Sungai Tallo
Program Pascasarjana UNHAS. 22.
Studi Konservasi dan Penyusutan Padi Kasus di Cianjur
Studi Konservasi dan Penyusutan Padi Kasus di Cianjur
Kerjasama BPS dan IPB.
Studi Komparasi Pendapatan Usaha Tani Tembakau Rakyat Antara Monokultur Dengan Sistem Tumpangsari di Kabupaten Lombok Timur
Astuti. S
Fakultas Pertanian Unram
Studi Komparasi Pendapatan Buruh Tani dan Buruh Industri di Lombok Barat
Sayuti Rosiady
Fakultas Pertanian Unram
Judul Buku
Penerbit Kerjasama Pusat Pene litian dengan Kantor Sekretariat Menteri Negara kependudukan dan Lingkungan Hidup
Jurusan Gizi Masyarakat dan Sumberdaya Keluarga, Fakultas Pertanian, IPB, Bogor.
Hlm 224 dari 1800
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Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Studi kolibasilosis pada anak sapi perah dan deteksi Escherichia coli K99, F41, dan K99F41
Studi kolibasilosis pada anak sapi perah dan deteksi Escherichia coli K99, F41, dan K99F41
Prosiding Temu llmiah Bidang Veteriner. Balai Penelitian Veteriner. Bogor, hlm. 148-155.
Studi kluster ekonomi di Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara.
Taufik, Y.
Studi kelayakan proyek; konsep teknik dan penyusunan laporan.
Studi Kelayakan Pembuatan Kecap dari Daging Sapi secara Hidrolisa Enzimatis Tinjauan dari Suhu dan Lama Inkubasi
Sanyoto, A.
Studi Kelayakan Pembangunan Pabrik Bioferlizer "EMAS"
YKPN Yogyakarta
Studi Kelayakan Pembuatan Kecap dari Daging Sapi secara Hidrolisa Enzimatis Tinjauan dari Suhu dan Lama Inkubasi
Fak. Pertanian Univ. Brawijaya, Malang.
Studi Kelayakan Pembangunan Pabrik Bioferlizer "EMAS"
Unit Penelitian Bioteknologi Perkebunan, Bogor.
Studi kelayakan bisnis Studi Kasus: Komposisi Susu Kuda Sumbawa
Umar H Mirnawati, S.
Studi kelayakan bisnis Studi Kasus: Komposisi Susu Kuda Sumbawa
Gramedia Jkt Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan IPB, Bogor.
Studi Kasus Pola Kemitraan Usaha Plasma-Inti Ayam Ras Pedaging di Kabupaten Sukabumi dan Bogor.
Somasanti, D.B.
Studi Kasus Pola Kemitraan Usaha Plasma-Inti Ayam Ras Pedaging di Kabupaten Sukabumi dan Bogor.
Skripsi. Fakultas Peternakan. Institut Pertanian Bogor.
Studi Kasus Komposisi Susu Kuda Sumbawa
Sudarwanto M.
Studi Kasus Komposisi Susu Kuda Sumbawa
Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan IPB, Bogor.
Studi karakteristik dan pengolahan ubi jalar (Ipomoea batatas) untuk pangan dan bahan baku industri Bahan pangan sumber vitamin A.
Syarif, R.
Studi karakteristik dan pengolahan ubi jalar (Ipomoea batatas) untuk pangan dan bahan baku industri Bahan pangan sumber vitamin A.
Pusbangtepa Lembaga Penelitian Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor.
Studi inkorporasi aasam lemak omega 3 pada minyak sawit dengan metode asidolisis enzimatik. Unpublished
Elisabeth J
Hlm 225 dari 1800
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Penulis Utama
Studi Identifikasi Kelompok Sasaran dan Pola Pemberian Bantuan sesuai dengan Kategori Kemis kinannya
Semaoen, I.
Studi Hubungan Ketersediaan Nitrat dan Phosphat dengan Kelimpahan Phytoplankton di Perairan Waduk Gajah Mungkur.
Mostra, C.Y.
Studi Hubungan Ketersediaan Nitrat dan Phosphat dengan Kelimpahan Phytoplankton di Perairan Waduk Gajah Mungkur.
Skripsi. Fak. Perikanan, Univ. Brawijaya, Malang
Studi habitat merak hijau (Pavo mulicus Linneaus) di resort Bekol, taman nasional Baluran. Jawa Timur
Studi habitat merak hijau (Pavo mulicus Linneaus) di resort Bekol, taman nasional Baluran. Jawa Timur
Jurusan Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan. Fakultas Kehutanan IPB. Bogor
Studi fusi protoplast Solanum khasianum clarke dengan protoplas S. mammosum L.
Priyanto, B.
Ringkasan Disertasi Thesis 37 hlm.
Program Studi Budi Daya Pertanian. Program Pascasarjana, IPB.
Studi evaluasi pola pertumbuhan dan produksi umbi beberapa varietas garut pada lahan kering, Desa Jatikerto, Kab Malang
Jur. Budidaya Pertanian, FP Unibraw
Studi evaluasi pengembangan masyarakat miskin di daerah kritis Kecamatan Biromaru, Kabupaten Donggala, Sulawesi Tengah
Nuhfil, H
Pusat Penelitian Universitas Brawijaya, Malang
Studi Ekobiologi dan Tingkat Serangan Hama Penggerek Buah Conopomorpha cramerella Sn. pada Tanaman Kakao di Sulawesi Utara.
Moniaga, W.M.,
Studi Efisiensi Penyadapan Getah Pinus merkusii Jungh et de Vriese Dengan Metode Quarre, RUI Dan Portugis
Nurjanto, A. D
Judul Buku
Penerbit Kerjasama Lembaga Penelitian Unibraw dengan Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan. Daerah Propinsi Dati I Jawa Timur, Surabaya
Studi Ekobiologi dan Tingkat Serangan Hama Penggerek Buah Conopomorpha cramerella Sn. pada Tanaman Kakao di Sulawesi Utara.
Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado. 33 hal.
Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor
Hlm 226 dari 1800
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Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Studi Distribusi komunitas makrozoobenthos di sungai kedunguling kecamatan Candi kabupaten Sidoarjo
Widjayanto, N
Studi Distribusi komunitas makrozoobenthos di sungai kedunguling kecamatan Candi kabupaten Sidoarjo
Skripsi Fakultas Perikanan Universitas Brawijaya Malang
Studi Dinamika Pantai Delta Jeneberang
Abdul Sobur, A.S.
Studi Dinamika Pantai Delta Jeneberang
Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Hasanuddin, Ujung Pandang.
Studi Dekomposisi dan Mineralisasi Bahan Panen dan Pangkasan Budidaya Lorong dengan Menggunakan Kantong Serasah
Sidhi, P
Studi Dekomposisi dan Mineralisasi Bahan Panen dan Pangkasan Budidaya Lorong dengan Menggunakan Kantong Serasah
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
Studi Dasar Pemanfaatan Limbah Buah Nangka
Kumalaningsih. S.
Fakultas Pertanian. Universitas Brawijaya. Malang.
Studi bahan tanam dan pembibitan tanaman garut pada lahan kering, Desa Jatikerto, Kab Malang
Jur. Budidaya Pertanian, FP Unibraw
Studi Awal Keanekaragaman Jenis Anggrek di Jayapura Papua.
Simbala Herny,
Studi Awal Keanekaragaman Jenis Anggrek di Jayapura Papua.
Studi Analisis Skala Usaha Budidaya Tambak
Hardjolukito. S
Direktorat Jendral Perikanan Bekerjasama Dengan Aquatic Consultans. Jakarta
Studi Analisis Skala Usaha Budidaya Tambak
Hardjolukito. S
Direktorat Jendral Perikanan Kerjasama Dengan Aquatic Consultans. Jakarta
Studi analisis profil wilayah dan masyarakat miskin di daeiah lahan kering Kecamatan Cerme dan Wringin, Kabupaten Bondowoso , Jawa Timur
Hidayat, H
Pusat Penelrtian Univer sitas Brawijaya, Malang-BAPPEDA Jawa Timur
Studi Analisis Profil Kesejahteraan Rumah Tangga Miskin di Wilayah Perkotaan dan Pedesaan Jawa Timur
Semaoen, I.
Kerjasama Lembaga Penelitian Unibraw dengan Bioro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta
Hlm 227 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Studi Analisis Model Anatomi Desa Miskin di Wilayah Jawa Timurdan Strategi Pengen tasannya
Fakultas Perta nian, Institut Pertanian Malang
Studi Analisis Keterpaduan Pasar Pada Sistem Pemasaran Komoditas Pangan Strategis
Kuntjoro. S.U
Kantor Menteri Negara Urusan Pangan Kerjasama Dengan Pusat Studi Kebijakan Pangan dan Gizi Lembaga Penelitian IPB. Bogor
Studi Analisis Coliform dan Colifecal Pada Perairan Sungai Siak Di Daerah Kodya Madya Pekanbaru
Studi Agrobisnis Gula Aren di Lombok Barat
Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Mataram
Studi Agribisnis Mangga, Melinjo dan Pisang di Magetan bagian Selatan
Imam Syafii
Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya, Malang.
Studi Agribisnis Mangga, Melinjo dan Pisang di Magetan bagian Selatan
Imam Syafii
Studi "Cost-Effectivenes Intervensi Zat Gizi Mikro
Studi mengenai penggunaan berbagai bagai umur kultur bakteri Acetobacter xylinum, terhadap pembuatan palikel pd pembuatan nata de coco secara ferentasi dari medium air kelapa
Uning Satya Bakti
Jur. Mikrobiologi Industri Fak. Tek. Pertanian UGM
Studi komunitas makrozoobentos sebagai bioindikator di sungai Banyubiru Kec. Gending Kab. Probolinggo
Studi komunitas makrozoobentos sebagai bioindikator di sungai
Faperik, Univ, Brawijaya. Malang
Struktural Glue Laminated Timber
Japanese Agricultutal Standart
Japanese Agricultural Standart
Japan Plywood Inspection Corporation.Tokyo
Judul Buku
Studi Analisis Coliform dan Colifecal Pada Perairan Sungai Siak Di Daerah Kodya Madya Pekanbaru
Studi Agribisnis Mangga, Melinjo dan Pisang di Magetan bagian Selatan
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru. 71 hal.
Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya, Malang.
Hlm 228 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Struktur Tingkah Laku dan Penampilan Pasar Buah Mangga di Kabupaten Lombok Barat
Struktur Sistem Agribisnis Komoditas Buah-buahan Andalan Jawa Timur
Struktur pendapatan dan konsumsi Rumah Tangga pedesaan di Jatim
Fausal K
Struktur Otak Pada pnderita Sizofrenia Kronik
Amir. N
Masalah Psikiatri, Desember
Struktur Ongkos Usaha Tani Padi dan Palawija 1994
Biro Pusat Statistik
Struktur Ongkos Usaha Tani Padi dan Palawija 1994
Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta.
Struktur ongkos usaha tani padi dan palawija
Biro Pusat Statistik
Struktur ongkos usaha tani padi dan palawija
Biro Pusat Statistik. Jakarta. 218 hlm.
Struktur ongkos padi dan palawija
Biro Pusat Statistik
Struktur ongkos padi dan palawija
Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta.
Struktur laju pertumbuhan PDB menurut lapangn usaha
Struktur kandungan gizi beras.
Damardjati, D.S.,
Struktur genetik beberapa populasi kelapa berdasarkan analis Isozim dan karakter morfologi-agronomi
Dwi Asmono
Struktur dan Penjelasan Hubungan llmu Ekologi Terhadap llmu Ekonomi, Sosiologi dan Anthropologi.
Adiwibowo, S.
Materi Kuliah Mata Ajaran Ekologi Manusia (SPD 523).
Program Studi PSL-SPD. Program Pasca-sarjana. IPB. Bogor (unpubl).
Struktur dan Distribusi Pendapatan Rumah Tangga Pedesaan di Lampung
Nurmanaf, A.R.
Pasandaran, E. dkk (eds) : Perkembangan Struktur Produksi, Ketenagakerjaan dan Pendapatan Rumah Tangga Pedesaan.
Pusat Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian.
Struktur bunga Padi
Sutaryo B
Judul Buku
Penerbit Fakultas Pertanian UNRAM
Struktur Sistem Agribisnis Komoditas Buah-buahan Andalan Jawa Timur
Pusat Penelitian Pembangunan Wilayah Pedesaan, Lembaga Penelitian, Unibraw Puslit Agro Ekonomi, Balitbang Pertanian Deptan
Jakarta Padi Buku 1. M. Ismunadji, S. Partohardjono, M. Syam, A. Wijono (Eds.).
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor.
Program Pascasarjana IPB
Hlm 229 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Struktur bunga Padi Structures des peuplements ichtyologiques d'herbier a zostera marine de l'etang de thau (france). Etude de la composition alimentaire des juveniles du loup (Dicentrarchus labrax, Linnaeus, 1758), de la durade (sparus aurata, Linnaeus, 1758) st dumuge (chelon Labrosus, Risso, 1826) par des approches experimentale.
Sutaryo B Zainuri, M
-Structures des peuplements ichtyologiques d'herbier a zostera marine de l'etang de thau (france). Etude de la composition alimentaire des juveniles du loup (Dicentrarchus labrax, Linnaeus, 1758), de la durade (sparus aurata, Linnaeus, 1758) st dumuge (chelon Labrosus, Risso, 1826) par des approches experimentale.
Structured Lipids: Fats of the Future. Food Technology, November 76 - 83.
Kennedy, J.P
Structure, literfait and net primary production in the mangrove forest in East Kalimantan
Sukardjo, S
Structure, literfait and net primary production in the mangrove forest in East Kalimantan
Vegetation Science in Forestry, Kluwer Academie Publisher. Printed in the Netherlands
Structure of endocrine glands, him. 25-60.
Sedlak, B.J.
G.A. Kerkut, & L.I. Gilbert (ed.), Comprehensive Insect Physiology, Biochemistry, and Pharmacology, Vol. 7
Oxford: Pergamon Press.
Structure in Five: Designing Effective Organizations
Mintzberg, H
Structure in Five: Designing Effective Organizations
Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
Structure and protein offish and shell fish. Part II
Sikorski, Z.E.
Conell. J.J. (Ed). Advances in Fish Science and Technology.
Fishery News Book Ltd. Farnham. Sirrey.
Structure and Physiological Ecology of Soil Microbial Communities.
Metting, F.B. Jr.
F.B. Metting, Jr. (ed), Soil Microbial Ecology. Application in Agricultural and Environment Management
Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.
Structure and organization of purple bacterial antenna complexes, him. 315-348
Zuber, H.
R.E. Blankenship, M.T. Madigan & C.E. Bauer (ed.) Anoxygenic Photo-synthetic Bacteria
Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publisher.
Structure and development of the potato plant.
Cutter, E.G.
The potato Crop.
Chapman and Hall. London
Penerbit These de Doctorat, Univ. Montpellier II Scie. Tech. Du Languedog
Hlm 230 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Structure and Development of Meat Animals.
Swatland, H. J.
Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
Structure and Development of Meat Animals.
Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
Structure and development of meat animals
Swatland, H. J.
Prentice-Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
Structure and development of meat animals
Swatland, H. J.
Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
Structure and development of meat animals
Swatland, H. J.
Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
Structure and development of meat animals
Swatland, H. J.
Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
Structure and development of meat animals
Swatland, H. J.
Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
Structure and development of meat animals
Swatland, H.
Prentice-Hall, Engelwood Cliffs, New Jersey
Structure and development of meat animals
Swatland HJ
Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
Structure and development of meat animal.
Swatland, H. J.
Prentice-Hall Inc. Englewood, New York, New Jersey
Structure and development of meat animal
Swatland HJ
Prentice hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
Structure & Development Immun System
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Structural organization of soil and crop production
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Structural of Change and Development Policy
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Structural equation modeling with LISREL: Essentials and Advances
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Basic Human immunology.
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Structural of Change and Development Policy
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Structural Analysis of Hydrologic Time Series
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Stress and Disease
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Streptococcus Caprinus sp.nov., a Tannin-Resistant Ruminal Bacterium from Feral Goats.
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Letters in Applied Microbiology.
Streptococcal disease
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A.W. Stableforth and I.A. Galloway (eds.). Infectious disease of animals. Disease due to bacteria.
Streplococcus caprinus sp. Nov., a tannin-resistant ruminal bacterium from feral goats
Brooker, J.D
Letters in Applied Microbiology
STREK Project Objectioves and Methodology
Silvicultural Research In Lowland Mixed Dipterocarp Forest of East Kalimantan . The Contribution of STREK Project
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Street Food Project
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Lembaga Penelitian Fakultas Ekonomi, UI, Jakarta
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Penerbit Colorado State University. Fort Collins Colorado
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Strategis in the Design of a Penicillin Acylase Process. In E. Gallindo and O.T. Ramirez (Eds.). Advances in Bioprocess Engineering
Gomez, A
Strategis in the Design of a Penicillin Acylase Process. In E. Gallindo and O.T. Ramirez (Eds.). Advances in Bioprocess Engineering
Kluwer Academic PubI., London
Strategis for integreted control of bacterial wilt of potatoes.
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Bacterial Wilt: The Disease and its Causative Agent, Pseudomonas solanacearum.
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Strategies In Fungal Ecology Strategies for using gene probes. In: Gene probes 1. A practical approach. Hames and Higgins (eds)
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Strategies for integrated control of bacterial wilt of potatoes
French, E.R.
A.C. Hayward and G.L. Hartman (Eds.), Bacterial Wilt: The Disease and its Causative Agent, Pseudomonas solanacearum. p. 199-208.
CAB International, Willingford, Oxon, U. K.
Strategies for integrated control of bacterial wilt of potatoes
French, E.R.
Bacterial Wilt: The Disease and Its Causative Agent, Pseudomonas solanacearum. A.C. Hayward and G.L. Hartman (Eds.). p. 199-208.
CAB International, Willingford, Oxon, UK.
Strategies for integrated control of bacterial wilt of potatoes
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Strategies for integrated control of bacterial wilt of potatoes
French, E.R
A.C. Hayward & G.L. Hartman (ed.) 1994. Bacterial Wilt : The Disease and its Causative agent, Pseudomonas solanacearum
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Strategies for developing highquality beef production in Japan
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IRL Press at Oxford University Press, New York-Tokyo
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Strategies for bacterial wilt control in potato
French, E.R.
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Strategie Plan
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Glenn Boseman
Strategie Management: Text and Cases, 2nd Edition
John Wiley&Sons
Strategie Management, Concepts and Aplications
Certo, S.
Strategie Management, Concepts and Aplications
Mc Graw Hill Inc., London.
Strategie Management and Business Policy (Terj.)
Glueck, W.F.
Strategie Management and Business Policy (Terj.)
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Raghavan, G.V
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Strategic Processes In Mansoon Asia's Economic Development
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Strategic Plan Agency for Agricultural Research and Development 1999-2004
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Strategic Plan Agency for Agricultural research and Development
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Strategic Management: Planning, Implementation Concept, and Cases
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Harper and Row, New York
Strategic Management, Fifth Edition
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Strategic Management, Fifth Edition
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Strategic Management Formulation, Implementation and Control. 6th Ed
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Strategic Alliances and SME Developments in Indonesia
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Strategic Alliances and SME Developments in Indonesia
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Strategi Perluasan dan Pengelolaan Lahan Sawah Irigasi Untuk Meningkatkan Pendapatan Petani dan Meraih Kembali Swasembada Beras
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Strategi Perbaikan Pemasaran Hasil Perikanan.
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Laporan Lokakarya, Fakultas Perikanan Institut Pertanian Bogor.
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Strategi Pengembangan Kelompok UPPKS Dalam Gerakan Pembanguanan Keluarga Sejahtera Nasional
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Seminar Nasional Sumberdaya Lahan : Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat
Strategi Pengembangan Pertanian di Propinsi Irian Jaya
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Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Kantor Mentri Kependudukan/ BKKBN
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Strategi Pengembangan Agroindustri Buah-buahan Tropis.
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Strategi Pembangunan Perikanan Kelautan Nasional dalam Peningkatan Devisa Negara
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Strategi Pembangunan Pedesaan
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Strategi Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa di Indonesia
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Strategi Pemasaran. Edisi Ke dua. Cetakan Pertama
Fandy Ciptono
Strategi Pemasaran. Edisi Ke dua. Cetakan Pertama
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Strategi Pemanfaatan Limbah Pertanian Untuk Pakan Ruminansia
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Radjagukguk, B.
Strategi operational pengembangan agro industri sapi potong dalam agro industri sapi potong Strategi Nasional Pengembangan Pola Tata Ruang (SNPPTR)
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Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara-Medan
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Strategi Nasional Pengelolaan Hutan Bakau
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Strategi Nasional Pengelolaan Hutan Bakau Strategi Mekanisasi pertanian
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Strategi Mekanisasi pertanian
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Strategi isolasi dan kultur kion embryonic stem cell kambing
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Strategi isolasi dan kultur kion embryonic stem cell kambing
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Strategi dan Pengembangan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit di Indonesia
Direktur Jendral Perkebunan
Strategi dan Langkah Operasional Tanaman Pangan Berwawasan Lingkungan
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Dalam Mahyuddin Syam et al
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Strategi Bersaing, Teknik Menganalisa Industri dan Pesaing.
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Strategi Bersaing Strategi Aliansi, Suatu Alternatlif Baru dalam Mewujudkan WinWin Competition
Anonimous Martani
Strategi Bersaing Strategi Aliansi, Suatu Alternatlif Baru dalam Mewujudkan Win-Win Competition
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Judul Buku
Strain differentiation of Pseudomonas solanacearum by molecular genetic methods
Cook, D.
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CAB International,Willingford, Oxon, U. K.
Storks, Ibises and Spoonbills of he World
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Storks, Ibises and Spoonbills of he World
Academic Press, London.
Stork, Ibises and Spoonbills of the World
Kahl, M. P.
Stork, Ibises and Spoonbills of the World
Academic Press, London.
Storge and Environment and the control viability
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E. H. Roberts. (ed) Viability of Seeds
Chapman and Hall, Ltd. London
Stored Product Pests and Their Control.
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Stored Product Pests and Their Control.
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Stored Grain Insects.
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Storage of pond culture shrimp (Penaeus monodon) held in melting iced and at ambient temperature.
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Storage Grain and Seeds
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Mycotoxin and Animal Foods
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Storage cycles in marine bivalve molluscs: a hypothesis concerning the relationship between glycogen metabolism and gametogenesis.
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Storage at farm/ village level and in ware house
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Storage and environment and the control viability
Viability of seed
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Stomata. Ed. ke-1
Willmer, C.M.
Stock condition and root initation on cuttings.
Andersen, A.S.
Stochastic Water Resource Technology
Kottegoda, N.T
Stimulation of the rate of Llactate fermentation
Voncktavesuk, P
Stimulasi pertumbuhan semai manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.)
Jawal, M.A.
Sterillisasi Komersial Produk Pangan
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Sterilisasi Komersial Produk Pangan
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Sterilisasi komersial produk pangan
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Staüstik Indonesia.
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Staüstik Indonesia.
Status, trends and future scenarios for forest conservation including protected areas in the Asia-Pasific Region
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Penulis Utama
Status report on genetic resources of durian in malaysia, Singapore
Status pengetahu-an tanahtanah mangrove di Indonesia
Status pengetahu-an tanah-tanah mangrove di Indonesia
Seminar III Ekosistem Mangrove, Den Pasar. Bali
Status Pengetahuan Hutan Bakau di Indonesia
Kartawinata, dkk
Status Pengetahuan Hutan Bakau di Indonesia
Seminar Ekosistem hutan Magrove. Jakarta
Status Penelitian Jagung dan Sorgum
Subandi, M
Status Pemanfaatan Bioteknologi penggunaan inokulum Rhizobium dalam pertanian di Indonesia
Microbiologi di Indonesia
Status of resistance of Phthorimaea operculella Zell. from some potato storages in the district of Bandung against several types of insecticide (In Indonesian language, unpubl.).
Sastrosiswojo, S.
Status of resistance of Phthorimaea operculella Zell. from some potato storages in the district of Bandung against several types of insecticide (In Indonesian language, unpubl.).
Status of Rambutan Industry In ASEAN.
Laksmi. L.D.S
Status of groundnut bacterial wilt research in Indonesia
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Status of exchangeable aluminum under different cropping systems
Budianta, D
Report Faculty of Agriculture
Sriwijaya University. Palembang, Indonesia
Status of Epizootic Ulcerative Diseases in Indonesia.
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Status of Epizootic Ulcerative Diseases in Indonesia.
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Status of Coral Reefs of the World: 2000.
Wilkinson, C.
Status of Coral Reefs of the World: 2000.
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Status of biological control of diamandback moth by introduction of parasitoid diadegma eucerophaga in Indonesia
Sastrosiswojo S
Diamondback Moth management. Proc of the first international workshop.
AVRDC Taiwan
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Penerbit IPGRI regional office for Asia, The Pacific and Oceania, Singapore
Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan. Bogor
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Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Status of biological control of diamandback moth by introduction of parasitoid diadegma eucerophaga in Indonesia
Sastrosiswojo S
Diamondback Moth management. Proc of the first international workshop.
AVRDC Taiwan
Status konsumsi gizi di Indonesia
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Status Kacang Tanah di Indonesia. Asal dan Sejarah Kacang Tanah.
Status hara P dan K serta sifatsifat tanah sebagai penduga kebutuhan pupuk padi sawah di pulau Lombok.
Soerpartini, N.
Pemb. Penel. Tanah dan Pupuk.
status hara lahan sawah di Sumatera Barat
pemberitaan penelitian Sukarami Badan Penelitian dan pengembangan
Bqalai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan
Status hama wereng pada tanaman padi dan pengendaliannya
Baehaki, S.E.
Padi Buku 3. hlm. 681-721.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan Bogor.
Status Gizi Balita.
Forum Pengkajian Pangan dan Gizi Nasional. LIPI, Jakarta.
Status dan potensi zat pengatur tumbuh serta prospek pengembangan Rootone-F dalam perbanyakan tanaman
Manurung, S. O.
Status dan pengembangan nasional komoditi jambu mete di Indonesia.
Status dan Kemungkinan Pengembangan Ayam Buras Secara Tradisional dan Semi Intensif
Status dan Kemungkinan Pengembangan Ayam Buras Secara Tradisional dan Semi Intensif
Status Attainment of Costarican Males : a Cross-Cultural Test of a Model
Hansen David. O
Rural Sociology
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan. Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Malang
Departemen Kehutanan, Jakarta
Proceeding, Seminar Nasional Tentang Unggas Lokal. Semarang
Hlm 241 dari 1800
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Judul Buku
Status and current research of soybean insect pest in Indonesia
Soejitno, J.
Soybean reseatch and development in Indonesia
Proc. Of a workshop, Cipayung, Indonesia
Statitiscal procedures for agricultural research
Gomez KA
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Stat-itcf. Users Manual. H. Avenue Du President Wilson, Paris.
Statistika untuk penelitian Statistika untuk Biologi. Farmasi. Kedokteran dan llmu yang Bertaufan. Terjemahan:Suroso.
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Statistika untuk Biologi, Farmasi, Kedokteran, dan ilmu yang Bertautan.
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Statistika untuk Biologi, Farmasi, Kedokteran, dan ilmu yang Bertautan.
ITB Bandung.107-116.
Statistika Terapan. Diktat Kulian
Statistika Terapan. Diktat Kulian
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Statistika terapan
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Statistika Sosial
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Statistika Sosial
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Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan, Jakarta
Statistika Perikanan Indonesia
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Statistika perikanan dalam angka
Statistika perikanan dalam angka
Dirjen Perikanan Departemen Perikanan Jakarta
Statistika Nusa Tenggara Barat 1995
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Statistika non Parametrik
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Astuti, M.
Fakultas peternakan UGM, Yogyakarta
Bagian pemuliaan ternak fakultas peternakan UGM, Yogyakarta
Astuti, M.
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Statistik Vertion 4,0 User's Manual
Statistik Vertion 4,0 User's Manual
Analytical Software, St Paul, MN
Statistik Update Statistik Untuk Biologi, Farmasi, Kedokteran dan Ilmu Yang Bertautan, Ed. II.
Oil World Scheffler, W.C.
Statistik Update
Hamburg Germany ITB Bandung
Statistik the 1990-1997
Statistik Teh
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pusat penelitian the dan kina, bandung Statistik Teh
Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta
Statistik Tanaman Padi
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Statistik Tanaman Padi
Biro Pusat Statistik
Statistik Sumberdaya Lahan/Tanah Indonesia
Puasat Penelitian anah dan Agroklimat, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Departemen Pertanian
Statistik Sulawesi Tenggara 1996.
Kanwil Deptan Sulawesi Tenggara.
Statistik sosial Statistik Produksi Tanaman Padi Dan Palawija NTB
Suparman, L.A Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS)
Statistik sosial
Statistik Produksi Tanaman Padi dan Palawija di Nusa Tenggara Barat
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Statistik peternakan tahun 1998
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P3GI Pasuruan
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Statistik Peternakan Sumatera Barat Tahun 1997-1998.
Dinas Peternakan.
Statistik Peternakan Sumatera Barat Tahun 1997-1998.
Dinas Peternakan Dati I Sumatera Barat.
Statistik Peternakan Sumatera Barat Tahun 1997/1998.
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Statistik Peternakan Sumatera Barat Tahun 1997/1998.
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Statistik Peternakan Propinsi Sumatera Barat 1998-1999.
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Statistik Peternakan Propinsi Sumatera Barat 1998-1999.
Pemerintah Daerah Tingkat I Sumatera Barat, Padang.
Statistik Peternakan Jawa tengah
Disnak Tk I prop. Jateng
Statistik Peternakan Indonesia.
Dinas Peternakan Prop. Jateng Ungaran Statistik Peternakan Indonesia.
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Statistik Peternakan Direktorat Bina Program
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Statistik peternakan 1995
Direktorat Jenderal Peternakan Jakarta.
Statistik peternakan
Direktorat jenderal peternakan
Departemen Pertanian
Statistik pertanian tanaman pangan dan hortikultura
BPS Sul-Sel
BPS Sul-Sel
Statistik Pertanian Propinsi Maluku
Kantor Wilayah Deptan Propinsi Maluku
Statistik pertanian propinsi Jambi.
Kanwil Deptan Propinsi Jambi
Statistik pertanian Propinsi Jambi.
Kanwil Deptan Propinsi Jambi.
Statistik Pertanian Propinsi Bali Tahun 1996
Dept. Pertanian Prop. Bali
Bagian Proyek Pengembangan Sumberdaya Sarana dan Prasarana Pertanian Propinsi Bali T.A. 1997/1998
Statistik Pertanian Indonesia 1990 - 1994.
Biro Pusat Statistik,
Statistik Pertanian Indonesia 1990 - 1994.
BPS, Jakarta.
Statistik Pertanian 1994
Kanwil Deptan Sumhar
Statistik Pertanian 1994
Propinsi Sumatera Barat. Kanwil Deptan Sumbar. Padanp
Statistik Pertanian
Biro Pusat Statistik
Statistik Pertanian
Jakarta. BPS.
Hlm 244 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Statistik Perkebunan Sulawesi Tenggara. Dok. Statistik perkebunan propinsi Sumatera Barat tahun 1999
Disbun Sumbar
Statistik perkebunan Maluku
Judul Buku
Statistik Perkebunan Sulawesi Tenggara. Dok.
Dinas Perkebunan Propinsi DATI I Sulawesi Tenggara
Dinas Perkebunan Propinsi Maluku
Statistik Perkebunan Lampung 1997
Statistik Perkebunan Lampung 1997
Dinas Perkebunan Daerah Tingkat I Lampung. 178 hlm.
Statistik Perkebunan Lampung 1996
Statistik Perkebunan Lampung 1996
Dinas Perkebunan Daerah Tingkat I Lampung. 149 hlm.
Statistik perkebunan kelapa sawit Indonesia.
Direktorat jenderal perkebunan.
Statistik perkebunan kelapa sawit Indonesia
Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan
Statistik Perkebunan Jawa Tengah 1993.
Dinas Perkebunan Propinsi Daerah Tingkat I Jawa Tengah, Ungaran.
Statistik perkebunan Jawa Tengah 1993
Dinas perkebunan Daerah Propinsi Tk. I Jawa Tengah, Ungaran
Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia: Nilam ( patchouli).
Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia: Kayumanis (Cassia vera).
Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia: Kayumanis (Cassia vera).
Departemen Kehutanan dan Perkebunan, Jakarta.
Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia. Kakao
Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia. Kakao
Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan, Jakarta
Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia,Nilam (Patchouli),Jakarta
Direktorat Jendral Perkebunan
Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia, Kelapa Sawit. Jakarta
Direktorat Jendral Perkebunan
Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia, 1996-1998, Kelapa Sawit
Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia 1996-1998
Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia, Kelapa Sawit. Jakarta Deptan Jakarta
Kelapa sawit
Ditjen Perkebunan, Jakarta Hlm 245 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia 1996-1998
Direktorat Jendral Perkebunan
Kelapa Sawit
Deptan Jakarta
Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia 1996-1998
Direktorat Jendral Perkebunan
Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia 1995 -1997 Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia 1991-1995
Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia 1977-1999.
Statistik perkebunan Indonesia : Kelapa Sawit . Dirjen Perkebunan-Dep.Pertanian RI
Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia 1995 -1997
Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan 1996, Kakao, Jakarta
Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia 1991-1995
Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan Jakarta
Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia 1977-1999
Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan dan Kehutanan, Direktor Jenderal Perkebunan, Jakarla
Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia
Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan Dephutbun, Jakarta.
Dirjen Perkebunan
Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia
Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia
Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia
Statistik Perkebunan 1998 Statistik Perkebunan Indonesi.
Deptan. Jakarta
Statistik Perikanan Sulawesi Selatan
Dirjen Perkebunan Jakarta Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia 1997-1999 : Kelapa Sawit. Dephutbun 52p
Statistik Perkebunan 1998
Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan, Jakarta.
Statistik Perkebunan Indonesi.
Kopi. Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan. Jakarta
Statistik Perikanan Sulawesi Selatan
Dinas Perikanan Propinsi Dati I Sulawesi Selatan. Ujung Pandang. 158 hlm.
Statistik Perikanan Jawa Timur.
Statistik Perikanan Jawa Timur.
Dinas Perikanan Tk. I Jawa Timur, Surabaya, 64 pp.
Statistik Perikanan Indonesia. 1997.
Buku Statprod No. 27.
Direktorat Jendral Perikanan Jakarta. 73 pp.
Hlm 246 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Statistik Perikanan Indonesia. 1996.
Buku Statprod No. 26.
Direktorat Jendral Perikanan Jakarta. 74 pp.
Statistik Perikanan Indonesia. 1995.
Buku Statprod No. 25.
Direktorat Jendral Perikanan Jakarta. 74 pp.
Statistik Perikanan Indonesia. 1994.
Buku Statprod No. 24.
Direktorat Jendral Perikanan Jakarta. 74 pp.
Statistik Perikanan Indonesia. 1993.
Buku Statprod No. 23.
Direktorat Jendral Perikanan Jakarta. 74 pp.
Statistik Perikanan Indonesia. 1992.
Buku Statprod No. 22.
Direktorat Jendral Perikanan Jakarta. 73 pp.
Statistik Perikanan Indonesia.
Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan.
Statistik Perikanan Indonesia.
Dit.Jen PerikananDEPTAN. Jakarta 75 p.
Statistik Perikanan Indonesia.
Statistik Perikanan Indonesia.
Ditjen Perikanan, Departemen Pertanian. Jakarta. 102 pp.
Statistik Perikanan Indonesia.
Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan.
Statistik Perikanan Indonesia.
Ditjen. Perikanan. Deptan. Jakarta.
Statistik Perikanan Indonesia Tahun 1997.
Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan.
Statistik Perikanan Indonesia Tahun 1997.
Departemen Pertanian, Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan , Jakarta
Statistik Perikanan Indonesia 1998
Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan, Jakarta. 77 hlm.
Statistik Perikanan Indonesia 1995
Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan, Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta. 74 pp.
Statistik Perikanan Indonesia 1992
Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan, Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta. 73 hlm.
Statistik Perikanan Indonesia 1998 Statistik Perikanan Indonesia 1995
Statistik Perikanan Indonesia 1992
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Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Statistik Perikanan Indonesia 1991.
Buku Statprod No. 21.
Direktorat Jendral Perikanan Jakarta. 73 pp..
Statistik Perikanan Indonesia (Fisheries Statistic of Indonesia).
DGF, Minist. Agr. statprod.
Statistik Perikanan Indonesia (Fisheries Statistic of Indonesia). Statistik Perikanan Indonesia
Direktorat jendral Perikanan Departemen Pertanian.Jakarta
Statistik Perikanan Indonesia
Statistik Perikanan Indonesia
Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan, Jakarta. 75 hlm.
Statistik Perikanan 1994.
Statistik Perikanan 1994.
Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan, Jakarta.
Statistik Perdagangan NTB 1994
Dep. Perdagangan NTB
Statistik Perdagangan Luar negri Indonesia ( IMPOR )
Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negert Indonesia
Biro Pusat Statistik
Statistik perdagangan luar negeri Indonesia: Ekspor. BPS Vol. 1, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Mataram. NTB
Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negert Indonesia
Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta. 67 hlm.
Statistik perdagangan luar negeri Indonesia: Ekspor. BPS Vol. 1, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia. Produksi dan Eskpor
Biro Pusat Statistik.
Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta
Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia. (Ekspor
Biro Pusat Statistik
Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia. (Ekspor
BPS, Jakarta
Statistik perdagangan luar negeri Indonesia.
Ekspor 1996
Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta.
Statistik perdagangan luar negeri Indonesia.
Ekspor. Jilid/Volume I, Jakarta
Biro Pusat Statistik Jakarta-Indonesia
Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia Impor. Jilid II
Badan Pusat Statistik
Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia Impor. Jilid II
Jakarta: BPS.
Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia Ekspor 1995. Jilid 1.
Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia Ekspor 1995. Jilid 1.
Biro Pusat Statistik Indonesia, Jakarta
Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia
Ekspor. Jakarta.
Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia
Ekspor. Jakarta.
Hlm 248 dari 1800
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Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia
Biro Pusat Statistik
Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia
Statistical Year Book of lndonesia, Jakarta.
Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia
Biro Pusat Statistik
Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia
BPS, Jakarta Ekspor. Jilid I/Volume I
Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia
Balai Pusat Statistik, Jakarta
Statistik perdagangan luar negeri Indonesia
Biro Pusat Statistik
Impor. Vol. II
BPS. Jakarta
Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri
Biro Pusat Statistik
Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri
Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta
Statistik Perdagangan di Propinsi Bali Tahun 1996
Dep. Perdagangan Prop. Bali
Statistik Pembangunan Propinsi NTB
Statistik parametrik. Uji T dan Anova Satu Arah
Penataran Metodologi Penelitian dan Komputer. Universitas Airlangga.
Statistik of year 1991
Statistik of year 1991
Statistik Nonparametrik. Edisi ke2.
Saleh, S.
BPFE, Yogyakarta
Statistik Non-Parametrik Untuk Ilmu-ilmu Sosial
Siegel. S
Gramedia Jakarta
Statistik Nonparamemetrik untuk ilmu-ilmu sosial
Siegel, S
Statistik non parametrik utk ilmuilmu sosial
Siegels S
PT Gramedia Jakarta
Statistik non parametrik untuk penelitian
CV. Alfabeta, Bandung
Statistik Non Parametrik untuk llmu-llmu Sosial
Siegel, Sidney
Statistik non parametrik untuk ilmu-ilmu sosial
Siegels, S.
PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta
Statistik Non Parametrik Statistik Non Parametrik
Djarwanto. P.S Sidney Siegel
BPFE. Jogjakarta Penerbit PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.
Statistik Kopi 1992 Statistik Kesejahteraan Rakyat
Kantor Perwakilan BPS Propinsi NTB. Matarm
Statistik Nonparamemetrik untuk ilmu-ilmu sosial
Statistik Non Parametrik untuk llmu-llmu Sosial
Statistik Non Parametrik
Survey Sosial Ekonomi Nasional
BPS. Jakarta , Indonesia
PT, Gramedia Jakarta
Gramedia, Jakarta.
AEKI, Jakarta BPS. Bogor
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Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Statistik kelapa sawit Indonesia 1961-1996
Statistik kelapa sawit Indonesia 1961-1996
Ditjen Perkebunan RI, Dephutbun
Statistik Kelapa Sawit 1998
Direktorat Jendral Perkebunan
Departemen Kehutanan dan Perkebunan
Statistik Kelapa Sawit 1998
Direktorat Jendral Perkebunan
Dep Kehutanan dan perkebunan
Statistik Kehutanan Kalimantan Tengah 1995/1996.
Kanwil Kehutanan.
Statistik Kehutanan Kalimantan Tengah 1995/1996.
Statistik Kecamatan Nguling 1996
Statistik Kecamatan Nguling 1996
Kantor Statistik Kabupaten Pasuruan.
Statistik Kecamatan Lekok 1996
Statistik Kecamatan Lekok 1996
Kantor Statistik Kabupaten Pasuruan.
Statistik Kecamatan Kraton 1996
Statistik Kecamatan Kraton 1996
Kantor Statistik Kabupaten Pasuruan.
Statistik Kecamatan Bangil 1996
Statistik Kecamatan Bangil 1996
Kantor Statistik Kabupaten Pasuruan.
Statistik Industri Kecil di Jawa Timur
Statistik Industri Kecil di Jawa Timur
Statistik Industri Besar dan Sedang
Badan Pusat Statistik
Statistik Industri Besar dan Sedang Vol III.
Statistik Industri Besar dan Sedang, Bagian l dan II, Sensus Ekonomi Nasional, Jakarta, 1986
BIro Pusat Statistik
Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia, Jilid l dan II, Jakarta.
Statistik Industri
Biro Pusat Statistik
Statistik Industri
Statistik Industri
Biro Pusat Statistik
Hasil Pengolahan Industri Besar dan Sedang, Jakarta
Statistik Induktif. Edisi keempat. Cetakan Ketiga
Sjarwanto, PS
Statistik Induktif. Edisi keempat. Cetakan Ketiga
Statistik induktif Statistik Induktif Statistik Indonesia. Statistical year book of Indonesia
Djarwanto Djarwanto Biro Pusat Statistik
Statistik Indonesia. Jakarta. 615 hlm.
Biro Pusat Statistik
Statistik Indonesia. Jakarta. 615 hlm.
Statistik Indonesia. hlm. 204205.
Biro Pusat Statistik
Statistik Indonesia. hlm. 204-205.
BPS, Jakarta.
Statistik Indonesia.
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Yogyakarta: BPFE. BPFE, Yogyakarta BPFE. Yogyakarta Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta.
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Statistik Indonesia.
Badan Pusat Statistik
Statistik Indonesia.
BPS, Jakarta.
Statistik Indonesia. Statistik Indonesia.
anonim Biro Pusat Statistik
Statistik Indonesia.
BPS. Jakarta. 664 hal. Jakarta
Statistik Indonesia.
Biro Pusat Statistik
Statistik Indonesia.
Biro Pusat Statistik
Statistik Indonesia.
Biro Pusat Statistik
Biro Pusat Statistik Jakarta.
Statistik Indonesia, tahun 1998
BPS, Jakarta
Statistik Indonesia, Jakarta.
CBS (Central Bureau of Statictics)
Statistik Indonesia, Jakarta.
Statistik Indonesia, jakarta
Biro Pusat Statistik
Statistik Indonesia, jakarta
Statistik Indonesia tahun 1996
Biro Pusat Statistik
Statistik Indonesia tahun 1996
Statistik Indonesia tahun 1989
Biro Pusat Statistik
Statistik Indonesia 1998
Badan Pusat Statistik
Statistik Indonesia 1998
Badan pusat statistik.
BPS. Jakarta
Statistik Indonesia 1997
Badan Pusat Statistik
Badan Pusat Statistik, Jakarta
Statistik Indonesia 1997
Biro Pusat Statistik
Statistik Indonesia 1997
BPS Jakarta, Indonesia.
Statistik Indonesia 1996. (Statistical Year Book of Indonesia 1996)
Biro Pusat Statistik
Statistik Indonesia 1996. (Statistical Year Book of Indonesia 1996)
Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta
Statistik Indonesia 1996.
Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS)
Statistik Indonesia 1996.
Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS)
Statistik Indonesia 1995
Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta
Statistik Indonesia 1990
Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS)
Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta
Statistik Indonesia 1985
Statistik Indonesia 1985
Biro Pusat Statistik. Jakar-ta
Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia
BPS Biro Puasat Statistik (BPS)
Statistik Indonesia
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Statistik Indonesia
Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS)
Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta BPS. Jakarta
Statistik Indonesia 1998
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Statistik Indonesia
Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS)
Statistik Indonesia
Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS)
Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia
Statistik Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik
Badan Pusat Statistik Jakarta
Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia
BPS Badan Pusat Statistik
Statistik Indonesia
BPS Jakarta Jakarta: BPS.
Statistik Indonesia
Biro Pusat Statistik
Statistik Indonesia
BPS. Jakarta, Indonesia.
Statistik Indonesia
Biro Pusat Statistik
Statistical year book of Indonesia.
Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta.
Statistik Indonesia
Biro Pusat Statistik
Statistik Indonesia
Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta. 597 hlm.
Statistik Indonesia
Biro Pusat Statistik
Statistik Indonesia
Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta. 594 hlm.
Statistik Indonesia
Biro Pusat Statistik
Statistik Indonesia
Biro Pusat Statistik. Jakarta, hlm. 23.
Statistik Indonesia
Biro Pusat Statistik
Statistik Indonesia
Biro Pusat Statistik
Statistik Indonesia
Biro Pusat Statistik
Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia
BPS BPS BPS BPS BPS Biro Pusat Statistik
Statistik Indonesia
Statistik Indonesia
Statistik Indonesia
Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia
Statistik Indonesia
Judul Buku
BPS. Jakarta BPS. Jakarta BPS. Jakarta Statistical Year of Book Of Indonesia. Jakarta
Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia
BPS BPS Jakarta BPS Jakarta BPS, Jakarta BPS Biro Statistik Indonesia, Jakarta Biro Pusat Statistik Indonesia, Jakarta BPS Jkt Biro Pusat Statistik Indonesia, Jakarta. Biro Pusat Statistik Indonesia, Jakarta Hlm 252 dari 1800
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Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia Statistik Indonesia Statistik II Statistik for Windows.
BPS BPS BPS BPS BPS BPS Sudjana Anonimous,
Statistik for Windows.
Statistik Ekspor Impor Indonesia
Biro Pusat Statistik
Statistik Ekspor Impor Indonesia
Statistik Ekspor Hasil Perikanan 1984.Jakarta
Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan
Statistik Ekspor Hasil Perikanan 1984.Jakarta
Statistik ekonomi, keuangan daerah prop jateng
Bank indonesia Semarang
Statistik Ekonomi Keuangan Indonesia
Bank Indonesia
Statistik Ekonomi I
STIE YKPN Yogyakarta
Statistik Ekonomi I
STIE YKPN Yogyakarta
BPS, Jakarta BPS BPS Jakarta BPS Jakarta BPS, Jakarta BPS tarsito bandung Analytical Software. Florida. Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta
Statistik Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan Statistik Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan
Statistik Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan
Statistik dan Informasi Peternakan Propinsi DIY.
Kantor Statistik Propinsi DIY.
Statistik dan Informasi Agribisnis
Badan Agribisnis
Statistik dan Informasi Agribisnis
Badan Agribisnis Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta
Statistik Dalam llmu Rekayasa dan Manajemen
Statistik Dalam llmu Rekayasa dan Manajemen
Penerbit Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta
Statistik A/on Parametrik Untuk llmu-llmu Sosial.
Siegel, S.
Statistik A/on Parametrik Untuk llmu-llmu Sosial.
Gramedia. Jakarta, p. 218-229.
Statistik Sumberdaya lahan
Pusat penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat
Pulit Tanah dan Agroklimat Balitbag Pertanian
Statistik Sumberdaya lahan
Pusat penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat
Pulit Tanah dan Agroklimat Balitbag Pertanian
Astuti, M.
Fakultas peternakan UGM, Yogyakarta
Hlm 253 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Astuti, M.
Statistics of pulp and paper industry
Judul Buku
Penerbit Fakultas peternakan, UGM, Yogyakarta
Statistics of pulp and paper industry
Statistics of pulp and paper industry
Indonesian Pulp and Paper Association Indonesian Pulp and Paper Association Jakarta
Statistics of Indonesia
Central Bureau of Statistics
Statistics of Indonesia
CBS, Jakarta. 472 p.
Statistics in Roy.
S.A.S. Institute.
Statistics in Roy.
5th Ed. SAS® Users Guide. Cary, NC. United States.
Statistics in Research.
Ostle, B.
Statistics in Research.
The IOWA State Uni. Press. Ames, Iowa, USA. 80 pp.
Statistics in Ray.
SAS Institute.
SAS Users Guide (Cary, NC, SAS Institute, Inc.).
Statistics in RAY,
S. A. S. Institute.
User Guide, Cary, NC, SAS Institute, Inc., United States.
Statistics in Biology.
Bliss, C. I.
New York: McGraw-Hill.
Statistics for Social Research
Argyrous. G
MacMillan Education. Australia
Statistics for Mangement and Economics, A Systematic Approach
Keller. G
Wadsworth Publishing Company Belmont, California
Statistics for Engineering and The Sciences
New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc
Statistics analytical Software version 4.0 user's manual
Siegel J
Analytical Software 1958 Eldridge avenue St Paul Minnesota
Statistics analytical software Version 4.0 user's manual
Siegel J
Statistics 7th
Mc Clave JT
Statistics : A Tool For Social Research.
Healey, Joseph S.
Statistical Yearbooks of Indonesia
Statistical Yearbooks of Indonesia
Analytical Software 1958
Eldridge Aveue St Paul Minnesota Prentice-Hall International
Fourth Edition. USA : Wadsworth Publishing Company. 1996.
Hlm 254 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Statistical year book of Indonesia
Central Bureau of Statistics
Statistical year book of Indonesia
Central Bureau of Statistics, Jakarta. 589 pp.
Statistical Techniques in Quantitative Genetics
Jain. J.P
McGraw-Hill International. New York
Statistical survey techniques.
Jessen J. Raymond
John Wiley and Sons, New York-CichesterBrisbane-Toronto
Statistical Structural and Neural Approaches
Schalkoff, R.
Statistical rosedure For agricultural Research
Gomez. A.A
Statistical Quality Control
Grant E.L
Statistical product and service solution (SPSS).
Santoso, S.
Statistical Process Control:Penerapan Teknikteknik Statistikal Dalam Manajemen Bisnis Total
Gaspersz V
Yayasan Indonesia Emas, Institut Vincent
PT.Gramedia Pustaka Utama Jakarta
Statistical Process Control Penerapan Teknik-Teknik Statistikal Dalam Manajemen Bisnis Total. Terjemahan
Gaspersz, V.
Statistical Process Control Penerapan Teknik-Teknik Statistikal Dalam Manajemen Bisnis Total. Terjemahan
Penerbit PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.
Statistical procedurs for agricultural rsearch with emphasis on rice
Gomez KA
IRRI Los Banos Philippines
Statistical Procedures in Food Research
Piggot, J.R
Elseiver Appl. Sci. London and New York
Statistical Procedures for Gricultural Researsh.
Gomez, K.A
Statistical Procedures for Gricultural Researsh.
John Wiley & Sons . New York, Brisbane, Toronto.
Statistical procedures for agriculture research. 2nd ed.
Gomez, K. A.
An International rice research institute book
John Willey and Sons Inc., New York
Statistical procedures for agriculture research
Gomez KA
IRRI Los Banos Philippines
Statistical procedures for agriculture research
Gomez KA
IRRI Los Banos Philippines
Statistical procedures for agricultural rsearch 2 nd
Gomez KA
John Wiley & Sons New York
Statistical Structural and Neural Approaches
John Wiley & Son, Inc. Toronto. John Willey & Sons. New York
Sixth Edition McGraw-Hill Book, Inc.New York PT. Elex Media Komputondo Kelompok Gramedia. Jakarta.
Hlm 255 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Statistical procedures for agricultural rsearch 2 nd
Gomez KA
John Wiley & Sons New York
Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research. 2nd ed.
Gomez, K. A.
John Willey & Sons, New York, Chichester, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore.
Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research.
Gomez, K. A.
Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research.
Gomez, K. A.
Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research.
Gomez, K.A.
2nd ed. An International Rice Researsh Institute Book.
John Wiley and sons, New York. Chichester. Brisbane. Toronto.
Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research, with Emphasis on Rice
Gomez KA
Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research, with Emphasis on Rice
Los Banos: International Rice Research Institute.
Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research, 2nd ed.
Gomez, K.A.
Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research, 2nd ed.
IRRI-John Wiley & Sons, Singapore.
Statistical procedures for agricultural research, 2nd edn.
Gomez K.A.
an International Rice Research Institute Book.
Singapore; John Wiley and Sons.
Statistical procedures for agricultural research with emphasis on rice
Gomez, K. A.
John Willey and sons Inc., New York
Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research with Emphasis on Rice
Gomez, A.K
IRRI. Los Banos
Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research Second Edition. An International Rice Research Institute Book
Gomez, K.A.
Statistical procedures for agricultural research
Gomez KA
Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research
Gomez, K.A
Statistical procedure of agricultural reaserch. 2nd ed.
Gomez, K.A.
Judul Buku
A Book of International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Manila, Philippines. John Willey and Sons Inc. Toronto.
Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research Second Edition. An International Rice Research Institute Book
John Wiley And Sons. New York, Chichester, Brisbane. Toronto, Singapore. John Wiley & sons
2nd Ed. An International Rice Research Institute Book
A Wiley-Interscience Publication. John Wiley and Sons. New York John Willey & Sons. New York.
Hlm 256 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Statistical procedure for Agricurture Research
Gomz, K A
Statistical procedure for Agricurture Research, 2nd ed
IRRl, Wiley and Sons. New York
Statistical Principles In Experimental Design. Int. Student Ed
Winer B. J
Statistical Principles In Experimental Design. Int. Student Ed
McGraw Hill
Statistical Principles In Experimental Design
Winer B. J.
Statistical Principles In Experimental Design
McGraw Hill.
Statistical power analysis for behavior sciences.
Cohen J
Statistical Methods. Fifth Edition.
Snedecor, G.W.,
Statistical Methods. Fifth Edition.
The State College Press, Ames, Iowa.
Statistical Methods. 8th edition,
Snedecor, G.
Statistical Methods. 8th edition,
Iowa State University Press, Iowa, USA, 499 pp.
Statistical Methods. 7th Ed
Statistical Methods. 7th Ed
Iowa State Univ, Press. Iowa.
Statistical methods. 6th ed.
Snedecor, G. W.
Oxford and I. B. H. Publishing Co.
Statistical methods. 6th ed.
Snedecor, G. W.
Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., Calcutta
Statistical methods. 6th ed.
Snedecor, G.W.
Statistical methods. 5th ed.
Snedecor, W. G.
The Iowa state Univ. Press, Ames, Iowa
Statistical methods. 5th ed.
Snedecor, G. W.
The Iowa State Univ. Press Ames. Iowa, USA
Statistical Methods. 5 ed.
Snedecor, G.W.
Statistical Methods.
Snedecor, G. W.
Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa.
Statistical Methods.
Snedecor, G. W.
The Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa, USA.
Statistical Methods.
Snedecor, G. W.
Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa.
Statistical Methods. Statistical methods.
New York: Academic Press
Statistical methods. 6th ed.
Statistical Methods. 5 ed.
The Iowa State University Press. Ames. Iowa. USA.
Iowa State University Press. Ames, Iowa.
Iowa State University Press, USA. Snedecor, G. W.
The Iowa State University Press. Ames, Iowa, USA.
Hlm 257 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Statistical methods.
Snedecor, G.W.
Statistical methods.
The Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames, Iowa, USA.
Statistical Methods.
Snedecor, G.W
Statistical Methods.
The lowa State University Press, Ames, lowa, USA
Statistical Methods, Applied to Experiment In Agricultural and Biology
Snedecor, G. W
Statistical Methods, Applied to Experiment In Agricultural and Biology
The lowa State Univer-sity Press USA
Statistical methods, 8th edition,
Snedecor, G.
Statistical methods, 8th edition,
Iowa State University Press, Iowa, USA. 499 pp.
Statistical Methods Second Edition.
Snedecor, G. W.
Oxford and IBH Published, Calcuta,Bombay, New Delhi.
Statistical methods in agriculture and experimental biology. 2nd ed.
Mead, R.
Chapman & Hall, London.
Statistical methods in agricultural research
Little, T. M.
University of California, Davis. (in press)
Statistical Methods in Agricultural Research
Little. T.M
Administration Building Univ. of California. Davis. California
Statistical Methods For Psychology
Howell. D.C
Duxbury Press. Boston
Statistical Methods For Psychology
Howell. D.C
Ducbury Press, Boston
Statistical methods for phylogenetic tree recontruction
Saitou N
Rao CR, Chakraborty R
Editors Handbook of Statistic Vol.8 Elsevier Science
Statistical methods for phylogenetic tree reconstruction, him. 317-346
Saitou, N.
C.R. Rao & R. Chakraborty (ed.), Handbook of Statistics Vol 8
Kota: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
Statistical Methods for Phylogenetic Tree Reconstruction
Saitou, N.
Rao, C.R., & R. Chakraborty (eds.). Handbook of Statistics, Vol. 8
Elsevier Science Publisher B.V.: 317-346.
Statistical Methods and Design and Analysis of Experiments.
Rasch, D.
Statistical Methods and Design and Analysis of Experiments.
Department of Mathematics, Wageningen Agricultural University. Wageningen.
Hlm 258 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Statistical methods
Snedecor. G M
Statistical methods
lowa State University Press Ames
Statistical Methods
The Iowa University Press, Ames, Iowa USA
Statistical Methods
Iowa State University Press Iowa
Statistical Methods
Statistical Methods. 7 edition
IOWA State University Press
Statistical methods
Snedecor, G.W
Statistical methods
The lowa State University Press, Ames, lowa, USA
Statistical methods
Snedecor, W.G
Statistical methods 5th ed
The Iowa State Univ. Press. Allies. Iowa USA.
Statistical Methode In Agriculture and Experimental Biology
Mead R
Statistical Methode In Agriculture and Experimental Biology
Chapman and Hall, London
Statistical Methode in Agricultural Research
Statistical Method. Ed. 5. Iowa State Univ. Press, Allies Iowa. Sofianti, E. 1991 Kajian Pemutihan Rotan Batang {Calamus ornatus Bl.) dengan Berbagai Konsentrasi bahan Kimia dan Cara Penggiinaannya.
Snedecor, G.W.
Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor.
Statistical Method. Ed. 5, Lowa State Univ, Press, Ames Iowa.
Snedecor, G.W.
Statistical Method. Ed. 5,
Lowa State Univ, Press, Ames Iowa.
Statistical Method Procedure for Agricultural Research
Gomez, K.A.
Statistical Method Procedure for Agricultural Research
John Wiley and Sons, New York
Statistical Method In Agriculture and Experimental Biology
Mead R
Statistical Method In Agriculture and Experimental Biology
Chapman and Hall, London
Statistical Method for Social Sciences
Agresti A
Printice Hall International, Inc.3rd.Ed
Statistical Method
Snedecor, G.
The Iown State University Press, Iowa
Statistical In Biology.
Bliss G. l.
Agric.Ext.Univ. Of California
Statistical In Biology
McGhraw Hill, Inc., USA.
Hlm 259 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Statistical In Biology
Bliss G l
Statistical In Biology
Mc Ghraw Hill, Inc USA
Statistical genomics linkage, mapping and QTL analysis.
Liu, B.H.
Statistical genomics linkage, mapping and QTL analysis.
CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
Statistical ecology: a primer on methods and computing
Ludwig, J.A.
Statistical ecology: a primer on methods and computing
John Wiley & Sons, New York
Statistical Ecology.
Ludwig, J.A.
A Primer on Methods and Computing.
John Wiley and Sons, New York.
Statistical Ecology.
Ludwiq, J.A.
A Primer on Methods and Computing.
John Willey and Sons, New York.
Statistical Ecology : a primer on methods and computing
Ludwig, J.A.
Statistical Ecology : a primer on methods and computing
John Willey & Sons.
Statistical Ecology : A primer on method and calculation
Ludwig, J.A
Statistical Ecology : A primer on method and calculation
John Wiley and Sons. New York
Statistical Ecology
John Willey and Sons, Singapore
Statistical Ecology
John Willey and Sons New York
Statistical Ecology
Ludwig. J.A
A primer On Methods and Computing
John Willey & Sons Inc. New York
Statistical Concepts and Methods
Bhattacharyya, G.K.
Statistical Concepts and Methods
John Wiley & Sons. New York, P 293.
Statistical book on livestock.
Directorate general livestock and services.
The Directorate general of livestock services, jakarta.
Statistical Analysis System.
SAS Institute Inc. Box 8000 Carry, NC. 27511800 USA.
Statistical Analysis in Geography
King, L.J
Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J
Statistical Tables.
Sokal, R.R
Statistical Analysis System
Statistical Tables.
W.H. Freeman and Company, San Fransisco
Statistical Analysis System
SAS/STAT guide for personal computers. Version 6. Cary. US:SAS Institute Inc
Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research
Gomez, K. A
Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research
John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Statistical Procedure for Agriculture Research, 2nd ed
Gomez K.A
Statistical Procedure for Agriculture Research, 2nd ed
IRRI, Wileh and Sons, New York.
Statistical STATISTICA for Windows [Computer Program Manual].
Anonimous. StatSoft, Inc.
Statistical Tulsa, OK: StatSoft, Inc.
Hlm 260 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Statistic of Indonesia
Statistic non Parametric for Sosial Science
Siegel, Sidney
Statistic non Parametric for Sosial Science
John Willey and Sons Publisshing. New York
Statistic Methods Statistic for The Biological Science, Transl. by: Suroso.
Snedecor, G. W Schefler, W.S.
lowa. USA. Statistic for The Biological Science, Transl. by: Suroso.
ITB Bandung.
Statisrik Indonesia 1997 Statiscal Yearbooks of Indonesia
Biro Pusat Statistik BPS Jakarta
Statiscal Yearbooks of Indonesia
BPS Jakarta
Statiscal procedures for agricultural research with empasis on rice
Gomes KA
The International Rice Research Institute Los Bnos Philippina
Stating Behavioral Objectives For Classroom Instructon
Gronlund Norman. E
The Macmillan Comapany CollierMacmillan Limited, London
Stating Behavioral Objectives For Classroom Instruction
GronLund Norman. E
The MacMillan company Collier MacMillan Limited. London
Stat View SE + Graphics : The Solution For Data Analysis and Presentation Graphocs
Abacus Concepts Inc. Berkeley, California
Stastistik Indonesia
Badan pusat statistik.
BPS. Jakarta
Stastistical Methods In Agricultural Research
Little. T.M
University Of California, Davis, California
Staren: Chemistry and Technology. Secon Edition
Whistter. R.L
Staren: Chemistry and Technology. Secon Edition
Academie Press, Inc. Oriando. Florida. USA.
Starch: Structure, Analysis, and Application,
Zobel, H. F.
In A. M. Stephen, ed.. Food Polysaccharides and Their Applications.
Marcel Dekker, Inc., Hongkong.
Starbio. Meningkatkan efisiensi ransum ayam petelur, broiler dan babi
CV. Lembah Hijau Multifarm, Jakarta, Indonesia
Standart Operational Procedure (SOP)
PT. Sekar Abadi Jaya
PT. Sekar Abadi Jaya. Sumbawa. NTB
Judul Buku
Penerbit Statistical Central Bureau.
Hlm 261 dari 1800
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Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Standart Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste
Standart Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste 14th ed
APHA Washington DC
Standart Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater.
Standars methods for the nutrition & feeding of farmned fish & shrimp
tacon AGJ
Standarisasi Pengajaran Agama di Pondok Pesantren
Sys. Z.A
Standarisasi Pengajaran Agama di Pondok Pesantren
Standarisasi Nasional Indonesia (SNI) 01-3925-1995
Badan Standarisasi Nasional
Standar karkas kambing/domba. Departemen pertanian: peternakan Indonesia, Jakarta
Standards methods for analysis of oils, fat & derivatives 6th ed
Paquot C
Standards methods for analysis of oils, fat & derivatives 6th ed
Standardization of Garlic Preparations
Muller, B.
Cardiology in Practice Supplement, June 4.
Standardization of chemical analyses for water and pond muds
H.S. Swingle
Standardization of chemical analyses for water and pond muds
FAO Fish Rep. 44(4)
Standardisasi Mutu Protein bahan makanan ruminansia berdasarkan parameter metabolismenya oleh mikroba rumen.
Sutardi, T.
Standardisasi Mutu Protein bahan makanan ruminansia berdasarkan parameter metabolismenya oleh mikroba rumen.
P3T, Dirjen. Pendidikan Tinggi Depdikbud dan IPB, Bogor
Standardisasi mutu protein bahan makanan ruminansia berdasarkan parameter metabolismenya oleh mikroba rumen
Sutardi T
Standard Values in Blood.
Albriton, B.C.
Standard Values in Blood.
W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia.
Standard Values in Blood
Albritton, A.B.
Standard Values in Blood
Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders.
Standard Pertanian Indonesia Bidang Perikanan
Standard Pertanian Indonesia Bidang Perikanan
Directorate General of Fisheries Departement of Agriculture, Jakarta
Dirjen Lembaga Islam Departemen Agama Rl, Jakarta
Pergamon Press Oxford
Proyek Pengembangan Imu Pengetahuan & Tek. DP3M DITJEN DIKTI. JKT
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Penulis Utama
Standard Nasional Indonesia.
Judul Buku
Standard Nasional Indonesia.
Balai Bimbingan dan Pengujian Mutu Hasil Perikanan, Ditjen. Perikanan, Jakarta
Standard Methods, 19th Edition
Standard Methods, 19th Edition
Standard methods of conducting machining tests of wood and wood-based materials : ASTM D 1666-64.
Annual Book ofASTM Standards, Part 22 : Wood Adhesives.
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia.
Standard Methods for the Examinations of Water and Wastewater.
Standard Methods for the Examinations of Water and Wastewater.
APHA inc. Washington,DC.
Standard Methods for the Examination, of Water and Wastewater. 15"' Edition.
Standard Methods for the Examination, of Water and Wastewater. 15"' Edition.
American Public Health Association. Washington. 1070 pp.
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater 15th ed
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater 15th ed
American Public Health Association, N.Y.
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water. Fifteenth Edition.
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water. Fifteenth Edition.
American Public Health Association. Washington.
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water. 17 ed.
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water. 17 ed.
APHA, AWWA and WPCF. Washington D.C. 3464 pp.
Standard Methods for the Examination of Waste and Waste Water
Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater.
Cleseri, L.S.,
Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater.
Port City Press, Baltimore.
Standard Methods for the Analysis of Oils, Fats and Derivatives, 7th ed. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Commission on Oils, Fats and Derivatives
Standard Methods for the Analysis of Oils, Fats and Derivatives, 7th ed. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Commission on Oils, Fats and Derivatives
Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, England.
Standard Methods for Examination Water dan Wastewater.
Standard Methods for Examination Water dan Wastewater.
American Public Health Associstion, New York
Hlm 263 dari 1800
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Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater
Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater
American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation. Washington DC.
Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. 14th ed.
Washington, D. C.
Standard Methods for Examination for water and Wastewater
American Public Health Assocaiation, Washington
Standard Methods for Examinaation of Water Including Bottom Sediment and Sludges
Standard Methods for Examinaation of Water Including Bottom Sediment and Sludges
American PUBLISHING Health A Sc. Inc. New York.
Standard Method for Laboratory Evaluation to Determine Resistance to Subterranean Termite
AWPA Standard M 12-72
Standard Method for Laboratory Evaluation to Determine Resistance to Subterranean Termite
New York: AWPA Book of Standards.
Standard laboratory method for soil, Pland, fertilizer from field experimence, Vienna
Standard laboratory method for soil, Pland, fertilizer from field experimence, Vienna
IAEA Austria
Standard handbook for civil engineers
Merrit FS
Standard evaluation system for rice. 4th ed.
Standard evaluation system for rice. 4th ed.
IRRI, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines. 52 pp.
Standard evaluation system for rice.
Standard evaluation system for rice.
Manila Philippines.
Standard evaluation system for rice International Rice Research Institutc, Los Banos. Philippines. 54 pp
Standard evaluation system for rice International Rice Research Institutc, Los Banos. Philippines. 54 pp
Standard Evaluation System For Rice 3rd ed.
International Rice Testing Program
IRRI. Los Banos. Laguna. Philippines
Standard Evaluation System For Rice
International Rice Testing Program
IRRI. Philippines
Standar syarat mutu sohun Standar pertanian Indonesia Bidang Perikanan. Petunjuk pengujia organoleptik
SII 0372 - 80 Ditjen Perikanan
Mc Graw Hill Book Company NY
Hlm 264 dari 1800
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Standar pertanian Indonesia Bidang perikanan Petunjuk Pengujian Kimia
Ditjen Perikanan
Standar Pertanian Indonesia Bidang Perikanan
Standar Pertanian Indonesia Bidang Perikanan
Direktorat Jenderal Departemen Perikanan, Jakarta.
Standar Perencanaan Irigasi. Kriteria Perencanaan Bangunan (KP-04).
Standar Perencanaan Irigasi. Kriteria Perencanaan Bangunan (KP-04).
Badan Penerbit Pekerjaan Umum. Jakarta
Standar Perencanaan Irigasi. Kriteria Perencanaan Bagian Bangunan (KP-04),Jakarta
Standar Perencanaan Irigasi. Kriteria Perencanaan Bagian Bangunan (KP-04),Jakarta
Departemen Pekerjaan Umum.
Standar Perencanaan irigasi Kriteria Perencanaan Jaringan Irigasi (KP-01).
Standar Perencanaan irigasi Kriteria Perencanaan Jaringan Irigasi (KP-01).
Badan Penerbit Pekerjaan Umum. Jakarta
Standar Operational Procedure (SOP)
PT. Sekar Abadi Jaya
Standar Nasional Indonesia. SNI.01-2728-1992.
Standar Nasional Indonesia. SNI.01-2728-1992.
Standar Nasional Indonesia Ikan Pindang. NO. 0l-2717-1992. Jakarta.
Standar Nasional Indonesia Ikan Pindang. NO. 0l-2717-1992. Jakarta.
Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI).Komoditas Perikanan. Tuna dalam kaleng
(SNI 01-2712-1992). 1-10 pp.
Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI)
Ditjen Perikanan
Standar Nasional Indonesia
(SNI): 01-2900-1992. Damar.
Dewan Standarisasi Nasional Indonesia.
Standar Nasional Indonesia
(SNI): 01-2900-1992. Damar.
Dewan Standardisasi Nasional Indonesia, Jakarta.
Standar mutu gambir.
Standar mutu gambir.
Departemen perdagangan Republik Indonesia
Standar mutu crude palm oil (CPO) SNI-2901-1992.
Standar Method of Evaluating The Properties of Wood Base Fiber and Particle Panel Material
Judul Buku
Penerbit Ditjen Perikanan Deptan
PT. Sekar Abadi Jaya. Sumbawa-NTB Dewan Standardisasi Nasional.
Balai Bimbingan dan Pengujian Hasil perikanan Jakarta
Dewan Standarisasi Nasional - DSN Annual Book of ASTM Philadelphia
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Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Standar Industri Indonesia. Cara Uji Kadar Selulosa Alfa, Beta dan Gamma Dalam Kayu dan Pulp.
Standar Industri Indonesia. Cara Uji Kadar Selulosa Alfa, Beta dan Gamma Dalam Kayu dan Pulp.
Departemen Perindustrian. Jakarta.
Standar Industri Indonesia. Cara Uji Kadar Lignin Dalam Kayu dan Pulp (Metoda Klasson).
Standar Industri Indonesia. Cara Uji Kadar Lignin Dalam Kayu dan Pulp (Metoda Klasson).
Departemen Perindustrian. Jakarta.
Standar higiene dan keamanan pangan
Sri Poernomo
Bahan penataran manajemen usaha jasa boga di IPB, Bogor
Standar evaluation system for rice.
Standar dan masalah mutu minyak nilam Indonesia.
Sumangat, D.
Standar Perencanaan Tapak
Chiara, J.D.
Standar Perencanaan Tapak
Penerbit Eriangga. Jakarta
Staining and Histopathological Techniques in Nematology
Daykin. M.E
Advanced Treatise on Meloidogyne Vol. II
Metodology. North Carolina State University. Raleigh, N.C. USA
Stages of soybean development.
Fehr, W.R
Lowa State Univ.
Exp. Stn. Spec. Rep.
Stability of Vitamin in Food
Ottaway, P.B.
Technology of Vitamins in Foods. P.B. Ottaway, Ed.
Blackie Academic & Professional, Glasgow.
Stability and change in human caracteristics
Bloom B.S
Stabilitical procedures for agriculture research
Gomez KA
2nd edition A Willey Interscience Publication
John Willey & Sons New York
Stabilitical procedures for agriculture research
Gomez KA
2nd edition A Willey Interscience Publication
John Willey & Sons New York
Stabilitas hasil, tinggi dan umur tanaman galur-galur harapan sorghum
Roesmarkam, S.
Stabilitas hasil, tinggi dan umur tanaman galur-galur harapan sorghum
Pemb. Pert. Balittan Bogor
St.udi Identifikasi/Inventarisasi Plasma Nutfah Perikanan Perairan I/mum Propinsi Jambi. 119 pp. St.atisfika i/ntuk Biologi, Farinasi, Kedokteran, dan limn yang Bertatifan.
IRRI Los Banos Philippines
New York : John Wiley and Sons
St.udi Identifikasi/Inventarisasi Plasma Nutfah Perikanan Perairan I/mum Propinsi Jambi. 119 pp. Schefler, W.C.
ITB Bandung.107-116.
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Srandar perencanaan irigasi Kriteria perencanaan bagian jaringan irigasi (KP-01)
Sub Direktorat perencanaan teknis, Dirjen Pengairan, Dep PU
SPSS Proffesional Statistic 6.1.
Norusis, M.J.
SPSS Proffesional Statistic 6.1.
Michigan, Illinois: SPSS Inc.
SPSS Mengolah Data statistik secara Profesional Versi 7,5
Santoso S
PT Elex Media Computindo.jakarta
Spray Drying Handbook.
Masters, K.
John Wiley and Sons. New York. 687 pp.
SPPS/PC+ Statistic 4.0 for the IBM PC/XT/AT and PS2
SPPS/PC+ Statistic 4.0 for the IBM PC/XT/AT and PS2
Michigan : SPSS Inc. Chicago
Sporulation and Light-Induved Development in Tricodherma
Betina, V.
Dalam Kubicek & Harman (eds.), Tricodherma and Gliocladium
Taylor & Francis Ltd. UK.
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Sport Fishery Investigation.
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Spore Variation in the Thelypteridaceae
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Spore Variation in the Thelypteridaceae
Departement of Botany, The University of Liverpool, Liverpool.
Spore Atlas of New Zealand
Large, M.F.
Spore Atlas of New Zealand
SIR Publishing, Wellington.
Spontaneus tree growing initiatives by farmer : An explanatory study of study five cases in Luzon, Philippinse.
Pasicolan, P.
Imperata Project 1996/3
Improving Smallholder Farming Farming System in Imperaca Areas of Southeast Asia.
Spontaneous Healing: How to Discover and Enhance Your Body's Natural Ability to Maintain and Heal Itself.
Weil, Andrew, M. D.
Sponges bioactive screening for bactericide in shrimp culture.
Ahmad, T.
Sponges bioactive screening for bactericide in shrimp culture.
Spodoptera exigua
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Elsevier AmsterdamOxford-NewYork-Tokyo.
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Spices, Vol. I.
Purseglove, J.W.,
Spices, Vol. I.
Longman, London and New York. p. 100-147.
Spices, Condiments and Seasoni-ngs
Farell, K.T
Spices, Condiments and Seasoni-ngs
AVI Publishing Company inc. Westport. Connecticut
Spices Vol. 2.
Purgeslove, J.W.
Spices Vol. 2.
Longman Inc. New York.
Spices Vol. 2 Spices Vol 1
Purseglove. J.W Purseglove JW
Longman. New York Longman Groupo limited, longman House, Burnt Mill Harlos Essex, UK
Spices Vol 1
Purseglove JW
Longman Groupo limited, longman House, Burnt Mill Harlos Essex, UK
Spices and Condiments,.
Pruthi, J.S.
Spices and Condiments,.
Academis Press. New York. 449 pp.
Purseglove, J.W.
London: Tropical Agricultural Series.
Spesifikasi Pengawetan Kayu untuk Perumahan. Edisi ketiga.
Martawijaya, A.
Spesifikasi Pengawetan Kayu untuk Perumahan. Edisi ketiga.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor.
Spesies slak dan varietasnya
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Spermatozoa and seminal plasma, Mm. 189-209
Garner, D.L.
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Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger,
Spermatozoa and Seminal Plasma
Garner, D.L.
Reproduction in Farm Animals
Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia
Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds. Fourth Ed
Silverstein RM
Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds. Fourth Ed
John Willey & Sons, Inc London
Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compound
Silverstein, R.M.
Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compound
New York: John Willey & Sons.
Spectometric identification of organic compound. 4th ed
Silverstein RM
Specific recognition in gene-forgene hostparasite systems.
Keen, N. T.
John Willey & Sons, Inc, Inggris
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Judul Buku
Specific receptors for endothelin3 in cultured bovine endothelial cells and its cellular mechanism of action
Emori, R.
FEBS Lett., 263
Species, Condiments and Seasoning
Farrel. K.T
Species interactions in freshwater fish communities,.
Werner, E.E
J. Diamond and T.J. Case. (Eds.). Community Ecology.
Happer & Row, Publisher, New York. p. 344-358.
Species Interactions in freshwater fish communities
E.E. Werner
Community ecology
Harpper & Row, Publisher, New York
Species Differences in Seed Growth Characteristics
Egli, D.B
Species catalogue, Vol 3 Cephalopods of the world
C.F.E. Roper
An Annotated and illustrated catalague of species of interest to fisheries
FAO fish synop
Specialty Fats from Palm and Palm Kernel Oils
Goh, E.M.,
Specialty Fats from Palm and Palm Kernel Oils
New Jersey
Specialty Fats Based on Palm Oil and Palm Kernel Oil
Specialty Fats Based on Palm Oil and Palm Kernel Oil
MPOPC , Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Specialty fats based on palm oil and palm kernel oil
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Palm oil information series, Malaysia
Specialized sugar for the food industry
No yes data corporation, New Jersey
Special Study on Forest Management, Afforestation and Utilization of Forest Recources in The Developing Regions
Sumitro, A
Special Study on Forest Management, Afforestation and Utilization of Forest Recources in The Developing Regions
Special features. Contributions of ecology to biological control
Kareiva, P.
Spatial-temporary colonization patterns of a rhizobacterium on underground organs of potatoes.
Bahme, J.B.
Spatial Variability of Soil Sampling For Salinities In South West Iran
The AVI Publ. Co. Inc. Westport, Vam Nostrand Reinhold, New York
Field Crop Res.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Bangkok
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Spatial Variability of FieldMeasured Soil-Water Properties
Nielsen. D.R
Spatial Variability and Pedology
Wilding. L.P
Pedogenesis and Soil Taxonomy : I. Concept and Interaction Chapter 4
Spatial Distribution Of Adults Of Ooencytrus Kuvanae (Hymenoptera : Encyrtidae) An Egg Parasite Of Lymantria Dispa (Lepidoptera : Lymantriidae)
Brown. M.V
Can Entomol
Spacial Change
Vago Steven
Soybeans Chemistry, Technology and Utilization. An Aspen Publication
Liu, K.
Soybeans Chemistry, Technology and Utilization. An Aspen Publication
Aspen Publishers.Inc. Gaithersbug, Marylan.
Soybean. In Diepenbrock, W., and H.C. Becker (eds). Pp:169213. Physiological Potentials for Yield Improvement of Annual Oil and Protein Crops
Soldati, A
Soybean. In Diepenbrock, W., and H.C. Becker (eds). Pp:169213. Physiological Potentials for Yield Improvement of Annual Oil and Protein Crops
Vaedehi. M.P
Handbook Of World Fod Legumes : In Nutritional Chemistry, Processing Technlogy and Utulization Vol. III
SRC Press Inc. USA
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Soybean respond to controlled waterlogging, him. 4-8
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Soybean respond to controlled waterlogging
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Soybean respond to controlled waterlogging
R Lechane (ed) Rural Research
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Penerbit Hilgardia
Elsevier. Amsterdam
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Soybean in Family Meals
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Diepenbrock, W., and H.C. Becker (Eds). Pp: 169-213. Physiological Potensials for Yield Improvement of Annual oil and Protein Crops.
Soybean hull and its effect on atherosclerosis in non human primates (Macacafascicularis)
Piliang, W. G.
Biomedical and environmental science. Vol. 9
Soybean breeding for multiple and intensive cropping system in Indonesia
Shanmugasundaram, S., E.W. Sulz-berger, and B.T. McLean (Eds). Pp:121-125
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Disease loss estimates for the top ten soybean producing countries in 1994.Plant disease
Southeast Asian fish products.
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Sources of Resistance to Viruses of Pepper {Capsicum spp.): a Catalog
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Sources of Infection : Food Source of heavy metals in wastewater. In JN Lester (ed) Heavy metals in wastewater and sludge treatment processes, Vol 1 Sources, analysis and legislation
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Source book of food enzymology.
Schwimmer, S.
SRC Press Inc. United States Of America
Lancet CRC Press, Inc. Boca Raton pp1-30
Source book of food enzymology.
Connecticut: Avi. Pub. Co. Inc.
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Source Book of Food Enzymology
Schwimmer, S.
Source Book of Food Enzymology
The AVI Publishing Company Inc., Westport, Conneclicut.
Sosiologi. Sosiologi Suatu Pengantar.
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Sosiologi Suatu Pengantar
Universitas Indonesia Jakarta
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Sosiologi Pembangunan Pedesaan
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Sosio Economic Factors Influecing Farmers In Adopting a New Technology : a Case Of Ground Water Pump Irrigation in Lombok
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Sosio Budaya Gizi
Sosio Budaya Gizi
Pusat Antar Universitas Pangan dan Gizi IPB Bogor
Sosio Budaya Gizi
Pusat Antar Universitas Pangan Dan Gizi, IPB, Bogor
The University of Adelaide Australia
Departemen Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi
PAU. Pangan dan Gizi IPB. Bogor
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Sosio Budaya Gizi
Sosialisasi dalam Keluarga.
Amal S.H
Sosial Budaya Gizi
Sorption phenomena in foods theoritical and practical aspect
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Sorgum Tanaman Serba Guna.
Sorgum insect identification handbook .
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International crops research institute for the semi Arid Tropics
Yayuk, A.B.
Monograf Ballitan Malang No.5.
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Sorghum and the Millets: Their composition and Nutritive Value
Hulse, J.H
Sorghum and the Millets: Their composition and Nutritive Value
Academie Press, London
Some theoritical aspect at the scoring of mutation frequencies after mutagenic treatment of barley seeds
Rad Bot, p143-147
Some suggestions for improved productivity through management. In:
Shelton, M.S.
Some suggestions for improved productivity through management. In: Improving Meal Goal Production in The Semiarid Tropics. 98112. (Eds W.I. Johnsond An E.R. de Oliveira).
SRCRSP Univ. California. Davis.
Some Studies on Mushroom Polyphenol Oxidase in Liquid and Solid Solvents. PhD. Thesis
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Some Studies on Mushroom Polyphenol Oxidase in Liquid and Solid Solvents. PhD. Thesis
The University of Reading. Reading
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Kelompok Studi Wanita FISIP UI. Lembaga Penelitian Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta. Pusat antar Universitas Pangan dan Gizi IPB.Bogor
Theory determination and control of physical properties of food materials
D. Reidel Publ. Co., Boston Sinar Baru, Bandung.
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Some Recent Advances in the Basic Chemistry of Milk Proteins and Lipids
Creamer, L.K
International Dairy Journal
Some Prespectives in Environmental Research for Agricultural Land Use Planning in Developing Countries
Wright. R.L
Some observations on marine dinoflagellate cultures
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Some Methods for Statistical Analisys of Samples of BenthicInvertebrates Freshwater
Elliot, J. M.
Some Methods for Statistical Analisys of Samples of BenthicInvertebrates Freshwater
Biological Assosiation, Sdentific Publication
Some mechanism involved in the development iron toxicity symtonas in the rice plant. Soil
Tanaka, A.,
Some mechanism involved in the development iron toxicity symtonas in the rice plant. Soil
Sci. Plant Nutr
Some implication of the use of anabolic agents
Hoffmann B
Buttery PJ. DB Lindsay (ed) Protein deposition in animals
Butterwood London
Some Genetic Aspects of Morphometric Variation, p. 346363
Atchley, W.R.
Numerical Taxonomy. J. Felsenstein (ed.)
Springer-Verlag. Berlin, Heidelberg, West Germany.
Some factors of gracilaria farming in brackish water pond
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Some factors of gracilaria farming in brackish water pond
BPPT Jakarta
Some Factors Influencing the Efficiency of Feed Utilzation by Ruminants with Special Reference to the Tropics
Leng, R.A
Recents Advances in Animal Nutrition in Australia
D.J Farrell (editor). Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Nutrition, University of New England. Armidale, NSW
Some experiences atld highligllts of the Indonesia trawl banned
Chong, K
Some experiences atld highligllts of the Indonesia trawl banned
Some evidences of subterranean termite infestation on buildings and trees in Bogor and its around.
Sukartana, P.
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Some environmental considerations for stock assessment of small scale fisheries.
Saila, S.B.
Saila, S.B and P.M. Roedel (Eds.)Stock Assessment for Tropical Small Scale Fisheries. ter. Center for Mare Resource Develop. University of Rhode Island, p. 60-69.
Some Effective Law Temperatur Storage of Milk
Chapman., J.R
Some Effective Law Temperatur Storage of Milk
on Cheese Production and Cheeder Cheese Falavour
Some Effect of Overheating of Protein on Its Digestion and Absorption. Mattews, D.M. and Payne, J.W. eds. Peptide Transport in Protein Nutrition. Amsterdam
Ford, J.E
Some Effect of Overheating of Protein on Its Digestion and Absorption. Mattews, D.M. and Payne, J.W. eds. Peptide Transport in Protein Nutrition. Amsterdam
North Holland Publishing Company, p.183.
Some concept and new methods for moleculer mapping in plants crop
Burt B
Philips RL,IK Vasil (eds) DNA Based Marekers in Plants
Kluwer Academic pub. Dordrecht, Boston London
Some chemical constituents often-year-old. American Sycamore and black locust grown in Illinois.
Chow, P.,
Wood and Fiber Science 28 (2) : 186-193.
Some characteristics of Andosols from Western Indonesia.
Sjarif, S.
Ph.D. thesis
University of Western Australia.
Some biological control concepts and questions.
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DeBach P, Schlinger El (ed). Biological Control of Insect Pests and Weeds
London: Chapman & Hall. him 118-142.
Some biological control concepts and questions
Doult, R.I.
The Biological Control of Insect Pest and Weeds. P. De Bach (Ed) Chapmanand Hill, London. 118p.
Some biochemical properties of the protein synthesizing machinery of acidothermophilic archaebacteria isolated from Japanese hot springs, him. 353
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Some aspects of the population dynamic of tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus at Toba lake, North Sumatera.
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Fisheries Journal Gahng, Fisheries Faculty and Alumna, Bung Hatta University, Padang. 2(1): 5-8p.
Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer.
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Some Aspects of the Physiology of Coffee Arabica L. : A review
Kumar, D
Some Aspects Of Seed Germination In Vegetables I
Bierhuizen. J.F
The Determination And Application Of Heat Sums And Minimum Temperature For Germination
Scientia Horticulturae
Some Aspects Of Metabolic Regulation Of Seed Germination And Dormancy
Come. D
Seed Development and Germination
Marcel Dekker Inc. New York
Some aspects of food and feeding ecology of sympatric hornbill species in Khao Yai National Park, Thailand Pp 137157 in P Poonswad (Ed.).
Poonswad. P
The Asian hornbills: Ecology and conservation BIOTEC-NSTDA
Some Aspects of Food and Feeding Ecology of Sympatric Hombill Species in Khao Yai National Park, Thailand.
Poonswad, P.
P. Poonswad (Ed.). The Asian Hornbills: Ecology and Conservation, pp. 137-158. Thai Studies in Biodiversity No. 2, Bangkok.
Some aspects of ascorbic acid on reproduction in fish. Proc. Ascorbic Acid in Domestic Animals.
Sandnes, K
Some aspects of ascorbic acid on reproduction in fish. Proc. Ascorbic Acid in Domestic Animals.
The Royal Danish Agricultural Soc. Copenhagen. p:206-212.
Some aspects of amino acids transport in yeast
Eddy, A.A.
Payne, Nitrogen Sources
John Wiley and Sons, New York, USA.
Some aromas produced by Trichoderma spp.
Panji, T.,
possible production of associated flavoring agents using cocoa sweating.
Menara Perkebunan 63 (1): 27-32.
Somatic Plant cells.
Murashige, T.
Tissue Culture Methods and Application.
Academic Press. New York.
Somatic plant cells
Murashige, T.
Tissue culture methods and application
Academic Press, New York
Somatic hybridization of sexually incompatible to-fruit tree rootstock, wild pear (Pyrus communis L. var pyraster) and colt cherry (Prunus avium x pseudocerasus)
Ochatt, S. J.
Judul Buku
Penerbit Kenya Coffee
Hlm 276 dari 1800
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Judul Buku
Somatic hybrid-ization of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) with its close and wild relatives
Sihachakr, D.
Somatic Hybridization in Crop Improve-ment. Y.P.S. Bajay (Ed.). l. Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry. Vol. 27: 255-278.
Somatic hybridization of citrus with relatives for germplasm enhancement and cultivar development.
Grosser, J. W.
Somatic Hybridization in Citrus : navelorange (C. Sinensis Osb.) and grapefruit (C. paradisi Marcf.)
Ohgawara, T
Theor. Appl. Genet.
Somatic hybrid plants obtained by protoplasts fusion between citrus sinensis and poncirus trifoliata
Ohgawara, T
Theor. Appl. Genet.
Somatic hybrid plants obtained by protoplast fusion between Citrus sinensis and Poncirus trifoliata
Ohgawara, T.
Somatic Embryogenesisof Banana and Plantain from Young Flowers
Escalant, J. V.
Somatic embryogenesis in Indonesia soybeans as a step towards gene transfer.
Somatic Embryogenesis In Coconut from Immature Inflorescence explants
Hornung. R
Current Advances In Coconut Biotechnology
Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dorrecht, Boston, London
Somatic Embryogenesis In Coconut (Cocos Nucifera L)
Blake. J
Somatic Embryogenesis In Woody Plants Vol. 2
Kluwer Academic Publisher, Netherlands
Somatic Embryogenesis In Coconut (Cocos Nicifera L.)
Verdeil. J.L
Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry. Vol. 30. Somatic Em,bryogenesis and Synthetics Seed I
Springer Verlag. Berlin
Somatic embryogenesis and somaclonal variation in Medicago sativa
Arcioni, S
L.J. Genet. Breed. 43:223-230
Somatic Embryogenesis and Regeneration In cocnut From Plumular Explants
Saenz. L
Current Advances In Coconut Biotechnology
Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dorrecht, Boston, London Hlm 277 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration through cell suspensions in Musa acuminata.
Marroquin, C.G.
Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from cultured zygotic embryos of soybean (Glycine max L. Merr).
Hammatt, N.
Somaclonal resistance in Cavendish banana to fusarium wilt
Hwang, S.
Somaclonal resistance in Cavendish banana to fusarium wilt
Hwang, S.
Solutions, Minerals and Equilibria
Garrels, R. M.
Solutions, Minerals and Equilibria
Harper and Row, New York, 450p.
Soll Micro organisms and Plant Growth
Rao, N. S. S.
Soll Micro organisms and Plant Growth
Oxford & iBH Publishing CO. New Delhi, Bombay, Calcuta
Solid-state fermentation for biological delignification
Reid, I.D
Solid Substrate Fermentation. Di dalam Advances in Applied Microbiol
Aido, K.E
Solid Substrate Fermentation. Di dalam Advances in Applied Microbiol
Solar energy conversion efficiency and growth aspects of the duckweed, spirodella puncatata
Mestayer, C. R.
Aquatic Botany
Solar Crop Dryer, Leaflet
Strofhove. W
Extension Material From Departement Of Energy and Exploration. R.I
Sol Karet Cetak. Standar Nasional Indonesia.
SNI 0778-1989-A
Sol Karet Cetak. Standar Nasional Indonesia.
Soils: an Introduction To Soils and Plant Growth
Donahue. R.L
Prentice Hall. Inc. Englewood Cliffs New Jersey
Soils, an introduction
Singer MJ
MacMillan Pub. Co New York
Soils of the Tropies
Van Wambeke, A.
Judul Buku
APS Press. St. Paul. Minnesota
Enzyme Microb. Technol
Soils of the Tropies
Academic Press, Inc
Badan Standardisasi Nasional, Jakarta
McGraw Hill., New York. 343 pp.
Hlm 278 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Soils of the tropics
Van Wambeke, A.
Soils of the tropics
McGraw Hill Inc., New York. 343 p.
Soils of Malaysia: Use of soil surveys and effect of soil properties on oil palm cultivation.
Paramananthan S
Soils Nutrient Biovailability A Mechanistic Approach
Barber. S.A
A Willey Inter Publ. 2nd Ed. John Willey & Sons. New York
Soils and Soil Management
Soper. C.D
Prentice Hall Co Virginia
Soils And Soil Fertility
Thompson. L.M
McGraw-Hill International. New Delhi
Soils and Soil Fertilily.
Thompson, L.M.
Soils and soil fertiity
Thompson LM
MC Graw Hill Publ Company, New Delhi, India
Soils : An Introduction to Soils and Plant Growth
Miller, R.W
6th ed. Prentice Hall. New Jersey
Soil-Plant-Relationships. 2nd.
Black, C.A.,
Soil. Fertility and Fertilizers
Tisdale. L.T
Soil With Variable Charge : Agrnomic and Fertility Aspects
Fox. R.L
Soil With Variable Charge
Theng, B. K. G
Soil water conservation
Hillel, D.
Water deficit and plant growth 1
Soil Variability Within Land Facets In Areas Of Low, Smooth Relief : A Case Study On The Gwagwa Plains. Nigeria.
Areola. O
Soil Survey and Land Evaluation
Soils and Soil Fertilily.
Soil-Plant-Relationships. 2nd.
Assosiate Dean of Agriculture Iowa State Univ. McGraw-Hill Book Comp. Toronto –New York
Wiley Eastern Private Limited, New Delhi. MacMillan Publishing Co. Inc. New York and Collier Macmilan Publisher. London
Soil With Variable Charge
Soil Bereau. Dep. Of. Sci and Ind. Res. Lower Hut N.Z Soc. Soil Sci. New Zealand Academic Press, New York
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Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Soil Variability in Map Units Delineated by Aerial PhotoInterpretation : A Case Study In Aambara State. Nigeria.
Akamigbo. F.O.R
Soil Use and Management
Soil Variability A Serious Problem in Soil Site Studies in NorthEast
Mader. D.L
Soil testing and formulating fertilizer recommendation
Widjaya-Adhi, I. P. G.
Soil testing and formulating fertilizer recommendation
Widjaya-Adhi, I. P. G.
Soil taxonomy: a basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil surveys
Soil Survey Staff
Soil taxonomy. A basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil surveys soil conservation service USDA
Soil survey staff
Soil Taxonomy. A basic System of Soil Classification for Making and Interpreting Soil surveys
Soil. Sci. Soc. Am
Handbook USDA No. 436
Washington DC.
Soil Survey Staff
SCS USDA Hnadbook No. 436
US. Grout Printing Office, Washington DC
Soil Taxonomy. A basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil survey
Soil Survey Staff
USDA Agric. Handbook. (435). Washington DC.
Soil Taxonomy, USDA Handbook No. 436, Washington DC
Soil Survey Staff
Soil taxonomy A basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil surveys 2nd Edition
Soil Survey Staff
Soil Taxonomy : A Basic System of Soil Classification for Making and Interpreting Soil Survey
Soil Survey Staff
USDA. Washington. D.C
Soil Taxonomy : A Basic System of soil Classification for Making and Interpreting soil Survey
Soil Survey Staff
Soil Cons. Serv. USDAHandbook No. 436. Washington D.C
Soil taxonomy A basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil surveys 2nd Edition
United States Dept Agric., Natural Resources Conservation Service, Washington D.C.
Hlm 280 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Soil Taxonomy
Soil Survey Staff
A Basic System of Soil Clasification for Making and in Terpreting soil Survey
SCS-USDA. Agric Handbook No. 436. Washington D>C
Soil Suvey Laboratory Method and Procedure for Collecting Soil Samples
Soil Concervation Service
Soil Surv. Invest. Rep. 1
Soil Conserv. Serv. USDA. Washingto, D.C
Soil Survey of Island ofHawaii State ofHawaii
Harry H.
USDA, Soil Conservation Service in Cooperation with Univ. of Hawaii. Agricultural Experiment Station, Univ. of Hawaii.
Soil Survey Manual.
Soil Survey Staff,
Agricultural Handbook. No. 18. Revised Fifth Draft.
Soil survey manual.
Soil conservation service
Soil survey manual.
Soil conservation service
Soil survey manual.
USDA Washington, DC.
Soil survey manual.
Soil Conservation service.
Soil Survey Manual
Soil Survey Division Staff
USDA Handbook No. 18
Soil survey manual
Soil survey Staff,
USDA Handbook No. 18 Washington DC.
Soil Survey Lahoratory Methods Mamial SSIR Numher 42 Version 10 Soil survey laboratory, methods and procedures for collecting soil samples
Soil Survey Lahoratory Methods Mamial SSIR Numher 42 Version 10 Soil Survey Staff
United States Department of Agriculture-Soil Conservation Service.
United States Dept of Agric, Washington. DC 611 pp
SSIR Number 1. Washington DC. 63 p. Soil Survey Staff. (1994). Keys to soil taxonomy. USDA Soil Conservation Service. 6th Ed., Washington DC. 306 p.
Soil survey laboratory methods manual. SSIR Number 42. Version 1.0
Soil survey laboratory methods manual. SSIR Number 42. Version 1.0
United States Dept. of Agric., Washington DC. 611pp.
Soil survey laboratory methods manna] Soil Survey Investigation Report, Numher 42. Version 10
Soil survey laboratory methods manna] Soil Survey Investigation Report, Numher 42. Version 10
US Dept of Agric., Washington DC. 611 pp.
Hlm 281 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Soil Survey Laboratory Methodes and Properties for collecting Soil Samples.
Soil Survey Investigation.
Soil Conservation Service. ( Rev. 1972)
Soil Survey Laboratory Method and Procedure For Collecting Soil Samples
Soil Conservation Service
Soil Survey. Invest. Rep. I
Soil. Coserv. Serv. USADA Washington. D.C
Soil survey interpretation and its use
Steele JG
FAO of the united nations
Soil Survey and Land evaluation.
Dent, D.
George Allen & Unwin (Publishers) Ltd. UK.
Soil Survey and Land Evaluation
Dent, D
Soil Survey and Evaluation.
Dent, D.
Soil suitability guidelines for major tropical crops
Landon, L.R.
Booker Tropical Soil Manual.
Booker Agric. Int'I 2td., London.
Soil Suitability Guideline For Major Tropical Crops,
Landon, L.R
Booker Tropical Soil Manual,
Booker Agric. Int'l Ltd., London 8 pp.
Soil Structure, Tilth and Mechanical Behaviour
Payne. D
Soil Conditional and Plant Growth. 11th ed.
English Language Book Society
Soil Stresses Important To Management
Groenevelt. P.H
Soil Management For Sustainability
Soil and Water Conservation Society. Iowa
Soil Science in the next twentyfive years
Lauchli, A
Does biotechnology play a Rol
Soil. Am. J
Soil sampling, preparation, and analysis.
Soil sampling, preparation, and analysis.
The University of GeorgiaMarcel Deklar. Inc. N. Y. 356 pp.
Soil Sampling, Preparation, and Analysis
Marcel Dekker, Inc 270 Maison Avenue, New York
Soil Sampling, Preparation and Analysis
Tan. K.H
Marcel Dekker. Inc. New York
Soil Sampling Preparation and Analysis
Tan. K.H
Marcel Dekker. Inc. New York
Soil respiration and carbon input from crops in wheat soybean rotation under different tillage systems
Alvarez, R.R
Soil Survey and Land Evaluation
George Allen & Unwin, London George Allen and Unwin. Boston - Sydney.
Soil Use & Management
Hlm 282 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Soil Redox Potential and Chermical Composition of Water in Acid Sulfate Soils of South Kalimantan
Purnomo. E
Research Report
LAWOO. The Netherlands
Soil Reaction and Exchangeable Acidity
Hendershot. W.H
Soil Sampling and Methods Of Analysis
Can. Soc. Soil. Sci. Lewis Publisher, Chelsea, Michigan, USA
Soil quality and sustainability
Lal, R
Methods for assessment of soil degradation. Advance in soil Science
CRC Press. Washington, D.C
Soil quality and soil erosion. Soil Properties variability in Slope Studies : Suggested Sampling Scheme and Typical Required Sample Size
Lal, R. Reynold, S. G
Soil Productivity Aspect of Agro forestry
Z. Geomorph. N. F
Soil Productivity Aspect of Agro forestry
ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya
Soil Processes and The Behaviour of Metals
Alloway. B.J
Heavy Metals Soils
Blakie London
Soil Processes and The Behaviour of Metals
Heavy Metals in Soils
Blakie, London
Soil Processes and The Behaviour of Metals
Alloway. B.J
Heavy Metals Soil
Blackie. London
Soil Processes and The Behaviour of Metal
Alloway. B.J
Heavy Metal In Soils
Blakie. London
Soil Processes and The Behaviour of Metal
Alloway. B.J
Heavy Metal In Soils
Blakie. London
Soil Processes and The Behavior of Metals
Heavy Metal Soils
Blakie London
Soil physics. Fourth Edition.
Baver. L.D.
Soil Physics. Fourth Edition
Baver, L.D
Soil Physics 4th ed
Baver. L.D
Wiley Eastern Limited. New Delhi
Soil Physics 4th ed
Baver. LD
Wiley estren Limited. New Delhi
Soil Physics 4 th
Baver LD
John Willey and Sons, New York
Soil Physics 4 th
Baver LD
John Willey and Sons, New York
John Wiley and Sons. Inc. New York. Soil Physics. Fourth Edition
Wiley Elastern Limited. New Delhi.
Hlm 283 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Soil Physics 3rd edition
John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York
Soil Physics
Jury, W.A
5th ed. John Willey & Sons Inc. New York
Soil Physics
Baver, L.D
Fourth Edition. Wiley Eastern Limited. New Delhi
Soil Physics
Baver, L.D
John wiley and Sons Inc., New York
Soil Physics
Kohnke, H
Mc Graw-Hill. New York
Soil physical Characteristics of Kalitirto and Rangkasbitung soil.
Notohadisuwarno, S
Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University. Yogyakarta
Soil physical characteristics and root growth
Trouse, Jr. A. C.
John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York
Soil Physic 4th Ed
Willey Estrn Limited. New Delhi
Soil Physic
Canbridge. University. Press. Great Britain
Soil Phisics
Jury, W.A.
5nd ed. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Soil pH changes during legume growth and application of plannt material
Yan, F
Biol. Fert. Soil
Soil pH and Lime Requirement
McLean. E.O
Method of Soil Analysis II chemical and Microbiological Properties 2nd
ASA Madison, Wincosin
Soil pH and Lime Requirement
McLean. E.O
Method of Soil Analysis II Chemical and Microbiological Properties 2nd ed
ASA Madison. Wicosin
Soil pH and Lime Requirement
McLean. E.O
Methods Of Soil Analysis II Chemcal and Microbiological Properties 2nd ed.
ASA Madison. Wicosin
Soil Organic Matter, Crop Residues and Green Manuring Mangement
Vagnai. S.I
Soil Management Under Conditions in Asia and Pasific
Asialand. IBSRAM. Bangkok
Soil Organic Matter, Crop Residues and Green Manuring Management
Vagnai. S.I Kheoruenromne
Soil Management Under Humid Conditions in Asia and Fasific. Asialand
IBSRAM. Bangkok
Judul Buku
Hlm 284 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Soil Organic Matter Microoganism and Crop Production
Soil Water and Crop Production
AVI Publishing.Co.Inc. Westport-Connecticut
Soil Organic matter losses
McGill, W.B
Agricultural Land : Our Disappearing Heritage. A Symposium
Alberta Soil & Feed Testing Lab. Edmonton
Soil Organic Matter Biological and Ecological Effects
Tate III.R.L
John Willey & Sons. New York
Soil Organic Matter Biological and Ecological Effect
Tate. R.L
John Willey & Sons Inc. New York
Soil Organic Matter and Structure Stability : Mechanism And Implication For Mmanagement
Oades. J.M
Plant And Soil. J
Soil Organic Matter and Role in Crop Production
Alison, F.E.
Soil Organic Matter and Its Role in Crop Production
Allison. F.E
Elsevier Sci. Publ. Co. Developments in Soil Science 3 Amsterdam
Soil Organic Matter and its Role in Crop Production
Allison, F.E
Elsevier Science Pub., Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Soil organic matter and its Rog in erop production
Allison, F.E
Soil organic matter and its Rog in erop production
Elsevier. New York
Soil Organic Matter and Biological Avtivity
Vaughan, D
Development in Plant and Soil Sci. 16.
Martinus Nijhoff/Dr W. Junk Publish., Dordrecht, The Netherlands
Soil Organic Matter and Biological Activity
Development in Plant and Soil Sci. 16
W. Junk Publs, Dordrecht. The Netherlands
Soil Organic Matter and Biological Activity
Vaughan. D
Soil Organic matter and biological activity
Vaughan, D
Soil Organic Matter 2nd ed.
Pergammon Press Oxford
Soil organic matter : its nature its role in soil formation and in soil fertility
Kononova MM
Pergamon Press, London
Soil Organic Matter and Role in Crop Production
Elsevier, Amsterdam
Martinus Nigh off/Dr. W. Junk Publisher Developments in Plant and soil Sci
Martinus Nijhoff/ Dr. W. Junk Publishers, Dordrecht, the Netherlands
Hlm 285 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Soil organic matter : its nature its role in soil formation and in soil fertility
Kononova MM
Pergamon Press, London
Soil Organic Matter : Biological and Ecological Effects
Tate. R.L
John Willey & Sons. New York
Soil of Tropics and Subtropics. Genesis and characteristics.
Isbell, R. F.
Mineral Nutrition of Legume in Tropical and Subtropical Soils.
SCIRO Melbourne.
Soil of the tropics
van Wambeke, A.
Soil of the tropics
McGraw-Hill Inc., New York. 343 pp.
Soil of the Tropics
Van Wambeke. A.
Soil of the Tropics
McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York.
Soil Nutrient bioavailability. A Mechanistic Approach
Barber, S.A
Soil Nutrient Bioavailability.
Barber, S.A
A Mechanistic Approach. A Wiley Inter. Publ. 2nd.
John Wiley & Sons . New York.
Soil Nutrient bioavailability
Barber, S.A
A Mechanistic Approach
A Wiley Inter. Publ. 2nd Ed. John Wiley and Sons, New York
Soil Nutrient Bio-availability
Barber, S.A
A Mechanistic Approach
A Wiley Inter. Publ. 2nd Ed. John Wiley and Sons, New York
Soil Nutrient Bioavailability
Barber, S.A
Soil Nutrient Bioavailability
Barber, S.A
A Mechanistic Approach
A Wiley Inter. Publ 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons. New York
Soil morphology, genesis and classification
Fanning, D. S.
Soil morphology, genesis and classification
John Wiley and Sons. New York.
Soil Moisture and Temperature Regimes
SMSS Technical Monograph 9, Cornell University. Ithaca-New york
Soil Mineralogy.
Stoops, G.
Part II. Techniques.
ITC-Rijksuniv. Ghent. Belgium.
Soil Microorganism and Plant Growth
Rao, S.N.S.
Soil Microorganism and Plant Growth
New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publ. Co.
Soil Microorganism and Plant Growth
Rao, N. S. S
Soil Microorganism and Plant Growth
Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. New Delhi, Bombay, Calcuta
Judul Buku
A Wiley Inter. Publ. 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons, New York
A. Wiley Inter. Publ., John Wiley and Sons New York
Hlm 286 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Soil Microorganism and Plant Growth
Rao, S.N.S
Oxford & IBH Publ. Co. New Delhi
Soil Microorganism
Longman. London.New York
Soil Microbiology.
Waksman, S.A
Soil Microbiology.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, London. 890 pp.
Soil microbiology and biochemistry
Paul, E. Alvin
Soil microbiology and biochemistry
Academic Press, Inc. San Diego, California
Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry
Paul, E.A
Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry
Academic Press Limited. San Diego. CaliforniaSan Diego. California
Soil Microbiology & Biochemistry
Paul, E.A
Soil Microbial Ecology. Applications In Agricultural and Environmental Management
Metting, F.B.
Soil Microbial Ecology. Applications In Agricultural and Environmental Management
Marcel Dekker, Inc. Madison Avenue, New York
Soil Microbial Ecology
Metting, Jr., B
Soil Microbial Ecology
Marcel Dekker, inc. New York
Soil Mechanics and Foundation
Pun Mia
Soil Mechanics and Foundation
Rajin and Kumar, New Delhi
Soil map of the world
Revised Legend, World soil resource report 60. Rome
Soil Management
Davies. D.B
Soil Loss Estimation Research in Africa - A Review
a. Review - Dept. of Agriculture Engineering
Univ. of Illionis. USA
Soil Laboratory Manual.
Melville, M.D.
Soil Laboratory Manual.
School of Geography. University of New South Wales. 74 pp.
Soil Geography and Land Use.
Foth, H.D.
Soil Genesis and Classification.
Buol, S.W.
Soil Genesis and Classification 3rd ed.
Buol. S.W
Iowa State University Press
Soil Genesis and Classification 2nd ed.
Buol. S.W
Iowa State University Press. Ames
Soil Genesis and Classification 2nd Ed.
Iowa State University Press, Ames
Judul Buku
Academic Press. Inc. USA
National Book Store. Inc. Manila. Phllippines
John Wiley and sons, New York 2nd ed.
Iowa State Univ.Press Ames IA.
Hlm 287 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Soil Genesis and Classification
Buol. S.W
Iowa State University Press. Ames
Soil Genesis and Classification
Buol. S.W
Oxford and IBH. Publ. Co. New Delhi
Soil genesis and classification
Buol, S.W.
Soil genesis and classification
Buol, S.W
2nd ed. Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames, IA
Soil genesis and clasification.
Buol, S. W.
The Iowa State University. Press. Ames
Soil genesis
Van Runst
Ghent University Belgium
Soil genesis
Van Runst
Ghent University Belgium
Soil formation on granodiorites near Pontianak, West Kalimantan
Buurman, P.
P. Buurman (Ed.) Red Soils in Indonesia. SRI. Bogor. p. 107118.
Soil Formation on Granodiorites Near Pontianak, West Kalimantan
Red Soil In Indonesia
SRI. Bogor
Soil Formation on Granodiorites Near Pontianak (West Kalimantan)
Buurman. P
Red Soils in Indonesia
Centre Agric. Publ. Doc. Wageningen
Soil Formation on Granodiorites Near Pontianak (West Kalimantan)
Buurman. P
Soil for agriculture expansion in Indonesia
Driessen, P.M.
Soil for agricultural expansion in Indonesia.
Driessen, P.M.
Soil For Agricultural Expansion In Indonesia
Driessen. P.M
Soil Fertility Management for sustainable Agriculture.
Soil fertility and plant growth
Blair WC
A ourse manual in annual crop production (Maize, sorghum and soybeans) EM Matheson (ed)
Academic Press Brisbane
Soil Fertility and Fertilizers. Third edition.
Tisdale, S.
Soil Fertility and Fertilizers. Third edition.
Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., New York. 694 pp.
Judul Buku
Soil genesis and classification
Oxford & IBH Publishing Co, New Delhi. 360 pp.
Centr. Agric. Publ. Doc. Wageningen Soil Res. Inst. Bogor. FAO (1990) Guidelines for soil profile descriptions
FAO, Rome. 66 p.
Bulletin No. I
Soil Research Institute. Bogor Lewis Publ. New York.
Hlm 288 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Soil Fertility and Fertilizers. 3rd Ed.
Tisdale, S. L.
Soil Fertility and Fertilizers. 3rd Ed.
New York. Mac Millan Publishing.
Soil Fertility and Fertilizers.
Tisdale, S.L.
Soil Fertility and Fertilizers.
Macmillan Publ. Co., New York.
Soil fertility and fertilizers.
Tisdale, S.L.
MacMillan Publishing Co. Inc. New York.
Soil Fertility and fertilizers.
Tisdale, S.
Mc. Millan Publ. Co. Inc. New York.
Soil Fertility and Fertilizers.
Tisdale, S.D.
Soil Fertility and Fertilizers 4th ed.
Tisdale. S.l
Macmillan Publ. Co. New York
Soil Fertility and Fertilizers 4th Ed
Tisadale. S.
McMillan Publishing. Co. Inc. New York
Soil Fertility And Fertilizers 4th ed
Tisdale. S.S
McMillan Publ. Co. Inc. New York
Soil Fertility and Fertilizers 3th ed.
Collier MacMillan. New York
Soil Fertility and Fertilizers 3th ed.
Tisdale. S
Collier MacMillan. New York
Soil Fertility and Fertilizers 3rd ed.
Tisdale. S
McMillan Publishing. Co. Inc. New York
Soil Fertility and Fertilizers 3rd cd
Macmillan Publishing.Co.Inc. New York. London
Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
Tisdale. S.L
MacMillan Publishing Company. New York
Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
Tisdale, S.L.
Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
Macmillan Publ. Company, New York
Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
Tisdale, S.L.
Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
The Macmillan Co., New York.
Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
Tisdale, S.L.
Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
Macmillan Publ. Co., New York
Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
Tisdale, S.L.
Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
Macmillan Pub. Co, New York.
Soil fertility and fertilizers
Tisdale, S. I.
McMillan Publishing Company, New York
Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
Tisdale, S.S
McMillan Publ. Co. Inc., New York
Soil fertility and fertilizers Soil fertility and fertilizers
Tisdale, S.L Tisdale, S.L
Macmillan, New York The McMillan Publication Company. New York
Soil Fertility and Fertilizers.
Mc Millan Publ.Co. Inc. New York.
Hlm 289 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
Tisdale, S.L
4th ed. Mac Millan Publ. Company, New York
Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
Tisdale, S.L
MacMillan Publishing Co. New York
Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
Tisdale, S.L
The MacMillan. New York
Soil fertility and fertilizers
Tisdale, S.S
4th ed. McMillan Publ. Co. Inc., New York
Soil fertility and fertilizers
Tisdale, S.S
4th ed. McMillan Publ. Co. Inc., New York
Soil fertility and Fertilizer. Third Edition
Tisdale, S.L.
Soil fertility and Fertilizer. Third Edition
Mc Millan Company. Inc. New York
Soil Fertility and Fertilizer.
Tisdale, S.L.,
Soil Fertility and Fertilizer.
Mc Publishing Co. New York. 754 pp.
Soil Fertility and Fertilizer.
New York, Macmilan Publ.Co
Soil Fertility and Fertilizer.
4th.Ed. McMillan Publ.Co., New York
Soil Fertility and Fertilizer.
Mac Millan Publ.Co.New York
Soil Fertility and Fertilizer.
Tisdale, S.L.
Soil Fertility and Fertilizer 5th ed.
Tisdale. S.H
MacMillan Press. Ltd. United Kingdom
Soil Fertility and Fertilizer 4th ed.
Tisdale. S.H
MacMillan Publishing Company. New York. Maxwell
Soil Fertility and Fertilizer 4th ed.
Tisdale. S.L
MacMillan Publ. Co. New York
Soil Fertility and Fertilizer 4th ed.
Tisdale. S.L
MacMillan. New York
Soil Fertility and Fertilizer 4th ed.
Tisdale. S.L
MacMillan Publishing Company. New York
Soil Fertility and Fertilizer 4th ed
Tisdale. S.L.
Macmillan Publishing Company. New York
Soil Fertility and Fertilizer 3rd ed.
Tisdale. S
Collier Macmillan Publisher. London
Soil fertility and Fertilizer 3rd ed.
Tisdale. S.
Collier MacMillan International ed. New York
Soil Fertility and Fertilizer
Tisdale. SL.
McMillan Publ. Co., New York
Judul Buku
Soil Fertility and Fertilizer.
The Mcmillan Company, New York.
Hlm 290 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Soil Fertility and Fertilizer
Tisdale, S. L.
Soil Fertility and Fertilizer
The Macmillan Publishing Company, New York
Soil Fertility and Fertilizer
Tisdale, S. L.
Soil Fertility and Fertilizer
The Macmillan Publishing Company, New York.
Soil fertility and fertilizaers.
Tisdale, S.
Soil fertility and fertilizaers.
McMillan Publ. Co. New York.
Soil fertility & fertilizers 3th ed.
Tisdale S
mc milan Publishing Co NY
Soil fertility
Malherbe, I. de V.
Oxford University Press, New York
Soil fertiity and fertilizer 4th ed
Tisdale SL
Mc Millan Pub. Co. New York
Soil fertiity and fertilizer 4th ed
Tisdale SL
Mc Millan Pub. Co. New York
Soil feertility and fertilizer
Trisdale, S. L.
Soil erosion research on steep lands
Lal, R.
Soil erosion in Peninsular Malaysia
Soong, N. K.
Soil erosion from tropical arable land and its control.
Soil Erosion and Conservation, Longman
Morgan, R.P.C
Soil Erosion and Conservation
Morgan, R.P.C.
Soil erosion and conservation
Morgan RPC
Soil erosion
Morgan, R. P. C.
Soil Ecology
Cambridge University Press. England
Soil degradation in south and southeast Asia
UNEP-FAO-ISRIC, Netherlands
Soil data bank as a basic of fertilizer use efficiency.
Karama S
Soil Conservation.
Soil feertility and fertilizer
McMillan Published Coy. Inc NY
London and New York Soil Erosion and Conservation
Longman Group UK Ltd., New York Longman Group Hongkong
Richard clay Ltd.Bungary, suffolk, Murdock, L. W.
National soil summit (presscription arming : Matching productivity and security with sustainability) Jakarta 26 th Feb 98 McGraw-Hill.Inc. Book Co. New York
Hlm 291 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Soil conservation.
Hudson, N.
Soil conservation strategies for upland areas of Indonesia.
Carson, B.
Occasional papers of the East West Environment and Policy Institute.
Soil Conservation Consultant Report
Hamer, W.I
Soil Conservation Consultant Report
Soil Research Institute, Bogor
Soil Conservation
Kohnke, H.
Soil Conservation
McGraw Hill Book Co. Inc., New York
Soil Conditions and Plant Growth.
Russell, E.W.
Soil Conditions and Plant Growth.
Longmans, London
Soil conditions and plant growth.
Russel, E.
Longman Green, London.
Soil Conditions and plant growth
Russell, E.W
New Impressions. NY
Soil condition and plant growth. 9th Edition
Russel, E.W
Soil condition and plant growth. 9th Edition
John Wiley and Sons Inc. New York.
Soil Condition and Plant Growth. 9th ed.
Soil Condition and Plant Growth. 9th ed.
Longmans, Green and Co. London
Soil condition and plant growth.
Russelle, E.J.
Soil condition and plant growth 10th edition
Russel, E. W.
Soil Condition and Plant Growth 10th ed.
Russel. E.W
Soil condition and plant growth
Russell, E. W.
Soil Compaction on Over Looked Problem
Lamond, R.E
Soil Compaction- An Overlooked Problem.
Lamond R. E.
Soil classification in Indonesia
Dudal, R
Soil Research Institute. Bogor
Soil Chmistry
John Willey & Sons. New York
soil chemstry and plant nutrition
Drake, M
Soil Chemistry.
Bohn, H.L.
Soil Chemistry.
Bohn, H.L.
Judul Buku
Penerbit B.T. batsford Ltd, London.
Longman Green, London. Soil condition and plant growth 10th edition
ELBSN. Longman United Kingdom Longman New York
The english language book Society and Longman, London Kansas State University, kansas Cooperative Extension Service.
Kansas State University, Manhattan, kansas
Jhon Wiley & sons, New York. Soil Chemistry.
2nd edition John Wiley & Sons, New York
Hlm 292 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Soil Chemistry.
Bohn, H.L
John Wiley & Sons. New York.
Soil Chemistry 2nd ed.
John Willey & Sons. New York
Soil Chemistry 2nd ed.
John Willey & Sons. New York
Soil Chemistry 2nd ed.
Bohn. H.L
John Willey & Sons. New York
Soil Chemistry 2nd ed.
Bohn. H.L
John Willey & Sons. New York
Soil Chemistry 2nd ed.
Bon. H.L
A Willey Interscience Publication. John Willey & Sons. New York
Soil Chemistry
Bohn. H.L
John Willey And Sons New York
Soil Chemistry
Bohn, H.L
John Wiley and Sons. Inc., New York
Soil Chemistry
Bohn. H.L
John Willey & Sons. New York
Soil Chemistry
Bohn. H.L
John Willey & Sons. New York
Soil Chemistry
Bohn, H.L
John Wiley and Sons, New York
Soil Chemistry
Bohn, H.L
John Wiley and Sons. New York
Soil Chemistry
Bohn, H. L.
Soil Chemistry
Bohn HLB
John Wiley and sons New York
Soil Chemistry
Bohn, H
2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons. New York
Soil Chemistry
Bohn, H
2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Soil Chemistry
Bohn, H
2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons. New York
Soil Chemistry
Bohn, H.L
John Wiley & Sons. New York
Soil Chemistry
Bohn, H
2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons. New York
Soil Chemistry
Bohn HLB
John Wiley and sons New York
Soil Chemistri.
Bohn, H. L;
Judul Buku
Soil Chemistry
Soil Chemistri.
John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York
John Wiley and Sons. N. Y. 341. pp. Hlm 293 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Soil Chemical Analysis
Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliff, New York
Soil Chemical Analysis
Jackson. M.L
Prentice-Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs
Soil Chemical Analysis
Jackson, N. L
Taylor, Gamets Evans, and Co. Watford
Soil carbon dynamics and cropping practices in agriculture and energy
Lucas, R.E.
W. Lockeretz (ed.) Agriculture and Energy
Academic Press, New York, p. 333-351.
Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Pool Changes After Long-Term and Nitrogen No-Till and Plw Tillage System
Handayani. I.P
Agron. Abs.
SSSA. ASA St. Louis, Missiori. USA
Soil Biotechnology. Microbial Factors in Crop Productivity
Lynch, J.M.
Soil Biotechnology
Lynch. J.M
Soil Biology
Moawad. A
Soil Architecture and Distribution Of Organic Matter
Kooistra. M.J
Soil and water. Physical principles and process
Hilel D
Academic Press New York, San Fransisco, London
Soil and water. Physical principles and process
Hilel D
Academic Press New York, San Fransisco, London
Soil and Water Management Systems
Soil and Water Management Systems
John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Chichester, New York
Soil and Water Conservation Engineering.
Frevert, R.K.,
Soil and Water Conservation Engineering.
John Willey and Sons Inc., New York.
Soil and Water Conservation engineering
Schwab, GO
John Willey & Sons
Soil and water conservation engineering
Scwab, G.O
3rd ed. John Wiley and Sons. NY
Soil and Water Conservation engineering
Schwab, GO
John Willey & Sons
Judul Buku
Blackwell Sci. Pub., London. 191p. Microbial Factors In Crop Productivity
Blackwell. Sci. Pub. London Institute Of Agronomi The in Tropics, Gottingen University Goettingen
Structure and Organic Matter Storage in Agricultural Soils
Lewis Publisher
Hlm 294 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Soil and water analysis. A Laboratory Manual for the Analysis of Soil and Water.
Menon, R.G.
Soil and water analysis. A Laboratory Manual for the Analysis of Soil and Water.
Food Agricultural Organisation United Nations Development Programme. 191 pp.
Soil And Plant Manual Methods For The Examination of Soil and Determination of The Inorganic Constituents of Plant
Piper. C.S
Soil and Land Form : An Introduction of Geomorphology and Pedology
Gerrard, A.J
George Allen and Unwin
London-Boston- Sydney
Soil and introduction. 2nd ed. Mac. Millau. Publ. Co. N. Y.
Singer, M. J.
Soil and introduction. 2nd ed.
Mac. Millau. Publ. Co. N. Y.
Soil an introduction to soils and plant growth
Miller RW
Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
Soil an introduction to soils and plant growth
Miller RW
Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
Soil Aggregation
Martin J P
Norman AG (ed) Adv Agron 7:237
Soil Acidity and liming
Kamprath, E.J
Soil of Humid Tropics
National Academy of Science Washington
Soil Acidification its Measurement and The Processes InVolved
Heylar. K.R
Soil Activity and Plant Growth
Sydney Academic Press
Soil : Variability : Areview Soil Vertility and Plant Nutrition
Beckett. P.H.T Menzel, R. G.
Soil and Fertilizers in Isotopes and Radiation in Agricultural Science
Academic Press, London
Soft-sediment marine invertebrates of Southeast Asia and Australia. A guide to identification
Arnold, P.W.
Soft-sediment marine invertebrates of Southeast Asia and Australia. A guide to identification
Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville.
Soft Sediment Marine Invertebrates of Southeast Asia and Australia: A Guide to Identivication
Arnold P.W.
Soft Sediment Marine Invertebrates of Southeast Asia and Australia: A Guide to Identivication
Australian Institute of Marine Science. Townsville
Soft sediment ma-rin6 invertebrates of Southeast and Australia: A Guide to Identification.
Arnokl, P.W.
Soft sediment ma-rin6 invertebrates of Southeast and Australia: A Guide to Identification.
Australian Institute Marine Science. Townvillb. 435 pp.
The University of Adelaide
Hlm 295 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Sociology The Core 2th ed
Zanden J.W.V
Sociology an-Introduction Little Field
Sociology and Development : Theories, Policies, and Practices
Hulme David
Harvester Wheatsheaf, New York
Sociology and Development : Theories, Polices, and Practices
Hulme David
Harvest Wheatsheaf. New York
Socioeconomic aspects of village duck production in Central Java and Yogyakarta. Duck production science and world practice
Sabrani M
Socio-Ecology Study of The Crab-Eating Monkeys at Gunung Meru, West Sumatra
Koyama, N
Social Problems And the Quality of Life.
Lauer, R.H
Social Orga nization of Hanoman Langurs
Sugiyama, Y.
Social Orga nization of Hanoman Langurs
The University of Chicago Press. Chicago
Social Learning Theories
Social Learning Theories
Prentice Hall Inc., New Jersey
Social Learning Theories
Bandura, Albert
Social Learning Theories
Prentice Hall Inc., New Jersey.
Social Forestry Management (Dalam Forestry in Indonesia)
Mulyadi Bratamihardja
Social Forestry Management (Dalam Forestry in Indonesia)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation, Bangkok.
Social development: Putting people first, in bureaucracy and the poor: closing the gap.
Korten, D. C.
Social Class and Ten Dimensions of Religius Involvement
Davidson James.D
Judul Buku
Penerbit McGraw-Hill Publishing, USA
Sociology an-Introduction Little Field
Kyoto University. Overseas Research Report of Studies on Asia Non-Human Primates IV
Adams & Co. Patterson, New. Yersey
Kyoto University Primate Research Institute
Brown and Benchmark. Wisconsin.
McGraw-Hill Inc. Singapore.
Doctoral Dissertation University of Notre Dame
Hlm 296 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Social and Environmental Impact of Coastal Aquaculture in Indonesia
Muluk C
Aquaculture Developmet social Dimensions of an Emerging Industry ( hlm 193-209)
Westview Press.Colorado
Social and Culture Perspective in Nutrition
Sanjur D
Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New York
Social and Culture Perspective in Nutrition
Sanjur D
Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New York
Social And Cultural Perspectives In Nutrition
Sanjur. D
Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New York
Soal Wanita
Dewantara, Ki Hadjar
Soal Wanita
Majelis Hukum Taman Siswa, Jakarta
Snack Food Technology
Matz, S.A.
Snack Food Technology
The AVI Publ. Co., Westport, Connecticut.
Smoking of fish and carcinogens
Sikorski ZE
Fish smoking and Drying, edited by JR Burt
Elsevier Applied Science, London and New York
Cutting, C.L.
G. Borgstrom, Fish as Food, Vol. III
Academic Press, New York and London.
Smoke in Food Processing.
Maga, J.A.
Smoke in Food Processing.
CRS Press, Inc. Boca Raton, Florida. 154 pp.
Smith's Introduction to Industrial Mycology. Seventh edition.
Onions. A.M.S.,
By Edward Arnold (Publisher) Ltd. London. p. 271-283.
Smith' s Introduction to Industrial Mycology 7th ed.
Onions A.H.S.
’Edward Arnold Publisher, Ltd.
Borchardt. G
Mineral In Soil Environments 2nd ed.
SSSA. Book series I Soil. Sci. Soc. Amer. Madison. W.I. USA
Smallholder tree growing on erosion prove marginal upland : a case study in Sumedang, West Java
Gunawan, M
Imperata Project paper 1996/1
The Australian National University, Australia.
Hlm 297 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Small Scale Test Method for Determining Formaldehyde Emissions from Wood Products Two-Hour Desicator Test (FTM. 1).
Small Scale Test Method for Determining Formaldehyde Emissions from Wood Products Two-Hour Desicator Test (FTM. 1).
National Particleboard Association (NPA), Hardwood Plywood Manufacturer Association (HPMA), Formaldehyde Institute (FI), Washington DC.
Small scale Fishes in Asia : Socio-economic Analysis and Policy
Pannayotou, T.
Small scale Fishes in Asia : Socioeconomic Analysis and Policy
IDRC, Ottawa. 283 pp.
Small Ruminant Production Systems. In: Proceedings Production in South and Southeast Asia, 6-10 October 1986, Bogor, Indonesia.
Devendra, C.
International Development Research Centre and The Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Support Program.
International Development Research Centre and The Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Support Program.
Small ruminant production in the humid tropics (with special reference to Indonesia)
WodzickaTomaszewska, M.
Small ruminant production in the humid tropics (with special reference to Indonesia)
Sebelas Maret University Press. Surakarta.
Small ruminant on small farms in West Java, Indonesia: Preliminary results of a baseline survey of upland and lowland farming systems
Sabrani, M.
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Sifat dan ciri tanah
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Departemen llmu Tanah dan Pemupukan IPB Bogor
Sifat dan Ciri Tanah
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Sifat dan Ciri Tanah
Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor.
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sifat dan ciri tanah
Goeswono Soepardi
IPB, Bogor
Sifat dan ciri tanah
Soepardi, G.
Sifat dan Ciri tanah
Soepardi, G.
Sifat dan ciri tanah Sifat dan Ciri tanah Sifat dan ciri tanah
Soepardi, G. Soepardi, G. Soepardi G
Sifat dan ciri tanah
Soepardi Goeswono
Dep. Ilmu Tanah IPB Bogor
Sifat dan ciri tanah Sifat dan Ciri Tanah
Soepardi G Soepardi, G
Faperta IPB Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor
Sifat dan Ciri Tanah
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Fakultas Pertanian, Institut pertanian Bogor. Bogor
Sifat dan ciri tanah
Soepardi Goeswono
Dep. Ilmu Tanah IPB Bogor
Sifat dan ciri tanah Sifat biologis dari kandungan kimia mimba (Azadirachta indica, A. juss) sebagai sumber pestisida botanis.
Soepardi G Djamin, A.
Faperta IPB Buletin Manggar
Sifat biologi dan kandungan kimia nimba (Azadirachta indica) sebagai sumber pestisida botani
Djamin, A.
Sifal dan Ciri Tanah
Soepardi G
Institut Pertanian Bogor Sifat dan Ciri tanah
Departemen Ilmu Tanah. Faperta IPB, Bogor
Fakultas Pertanian IPB Bogor
Departemen Ilmu-ilmu tanah Fakultas Pertanian
Pusat Penelitian Perkebunan. Bandar Kuala
Sifal dan Ciri Tanah
IPB Bogor
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Sidik lintas sifat agronomi terhadap hasil jagung.
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Si Hijau Yang Cantik Shrimp Pond Bottom Soil and Sediment Management
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Si Hijau Yang Cantik Dalam Wyban J (Ed) Proceeding of the Special Session on Shrimp Farming ( hlm 166-181
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Shrimp meal
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A new look an old product Feedstuff's
Shrimp immunity and disease control: an integrated approach.
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Shrimp feed requirements and, feed management
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Shrimp Disease General. Disease Diagnosis Apd Control In North American Marine Aquaculture
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Shrimp Disease General. Disease Diagnosis Apd Control In North American Marine Aquaculture
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Should layers feeds be restricied
Latshaw. J.D
Short Term Calf Removal to Improve Conception Rates in Angoni Cows.
Chipepa, J. A. S.
IAEA Vienna Austria.
Short Course Beef Cattle Management and Economic
Tulloh N.M
Hasanudin University, Ujung Pandang
Short chain fatty acids in the human large intestine, portal, hepatic and venous blood
Cummings, J.H.,
Shore Protection, plan & design
Technical report No 4
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Ship Stabihty for Masters and Mates.
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Ship Stabihty for Masters and Mates.
The Marritime Press Limited 13 Long Acre London, W.C.2.
Shifting Cultivation on The Tidal Floodplains of Amazon : Impact on Soil Nutrient Status
Zarin. D.J
Shells of the World Color
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Vol II. The Tropical Pacific. 193 pp.
Shelf-life Dating of Foods
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Shelf-life Dating of Foods
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Shelf Life Prediction of Packaged Foods. Chemical, Biological, Physical and Nutritional Aspects, (G. Charalambous, ed.)
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Shelf Life Prediction of Packaged Foods. Chemical, Biological, Physical and Nutritional Aspects, (G. Charalambous, ed.)
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Shelf Life Dating of Foods
Labuza, T.P.
Shelf Life Dating of Foods
Food and Nutrition Press Inc., Westport, Connecticut.
Sheep production in the tropics.
Carles, A. B.
Oxford Univ. Press. London.
Sheep production in the tropics and sub tropics
Gatenby RM
Longman London and New York
Sheep production and management in a mediterranean climate: the agropostoral system of morocco.
Judul Buku
Agroforestry Systems
Small ruminant collaborative research support program. Univ. of California, Davis, CA.
Hlm 310 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Sheep and Goats in Reproduction in Farm Animals. 4th
Hulet, C. V.
Sheep and Goats in Reproduction in Farm Animals. 4th
Edited by E.S.E. Hafed Lea and Febiger (Eds.) Philadelphia. p. 346-357.
Sheep and goats
Jainudeen, M. R.
reproduction farm animal. 6th ed. E. S. E. Hafez.
Lea and Fabiger, Philadelphia
Sheep and Goats
Jaenudeen M R
In E S E Hafez (ed): Reproduction in Farm Animals 6th edition
Lea & febiger Philadelphia
Sheep and goats
Jainudeen MR
Hafez ESE (ed). Reproduction in Farm Animals. 6* Ed
Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger. him 330-342.
Sheep and goat markets during the Islamic holiday "Idul Adha" in Bandung, West Java
Soedjana, T.D.
Working Paper No.7
Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Support ProgramBalai Penelitian Ternak, Bogor, Indonesia.
Shark's Don't Get Cancer
Lane, W.
Shark's Don't Get Cancer
New York: Avery Publisher, Inc.
Shark Fleks in Food Industry
Gordvieskaya, U.S.
Shark Fleks in Food Industry
Pacific Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries, 95: 2733.
Shark Don't Get Cancer:How Shark Cartilage Could Save Your Life.
Lane, I.W.
Shark Don't Get Cancer:How Shark Cartilage Could Save Your Life.
Avery Publishing Group Inc., New York, 192 pp.
Shark Don't Get Cancer: How Shark Cartilage Could Save Your Life
Lane, I.W.
Shark Don't Get Cancer: How Shark Cartilage Could Save Your Life
Avery Publishing Group Inc., Garden City Park, New York. 192p.
Shark cartilage contains an inhibitor of tumor neovascularization
Lee, A.
Colwell, R.R., A.J. Sinskey, and E. R. Pariser (Eds.) Biotechnology in the Marine Sciences. p. 215-218.
John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Shadow hunters Shadow Hunters
Valli, E Valli, E
Shadow hunters Shadow Hunters
Sun Tree. Singapore Sun Tree Publishing Ltd. Singapore
Shadow Hunter Shading Effect of Some Tree Species on The Growth of Some Diptercarp Species
Valli, E Hardiwinoto.S
Shadow Hunter Annual Report Of Join Research GMU-KEEC 1995/1996
Sun Tree. Singapore
Sfatistik Perikanan Indonesia 1990.
Buku Statprod No. 20.
Direktorat Jendral Perikanan Jakarta. 74 pp.
Hlm 311 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Sexual Reproduction of Tree Crops.
Sedgley M
Sexual Reproduction of Tree Crops.
Academie Press Limited. London-New York-Tokyo
Sexual reproduction in five species of coral Montipora
Heyward, A.J.
P.L, |okiel, R.H. Richmond and R.A, Rogers (Eds), coral Reef Population Biology. Hawaii Inst Mar. Biol. Tech, Rep. 37: I70-178.
Sexual Maternal and Neonatal Behavior
Alexander, G.
E.S.E. Hafez (ed). Reproduction in Farm Animal
Lea & Febiger. Philadelphia.
Sexual Dimorphism in Snake
Shine, R.
R.A. Seigel dan J.T. Collms. Snakes Ecology and Behavior, pp. 49 - 86
McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York.
Sex Reversal in Earthen Pond. International Centre for Aquaculture Expriment Station
Popma, T.J.
Sex Reversal in Earthen Pond. International Centre for Aquaculture Expriment Station
Auburn University, Alabama. Series No. 35. 83 p.
Sex Differensaation. p : 117 175
W.S. Hoar and DJ, Randal (Eds). Fish Physiology Vol. III.
Academic Press, New York.
Sex Control and Sex Reversal in Fish Under Natural Condition. P: 171-213
Chan, S.T.H
W.S. Hoar, D.J. Randal and J.R. Brett (Eds). Fish Physiology Vol. IX
Academic Press, NewYork.
Sewindu Penelitian Pertanian di Lahan Rawa. Proyek Penelitian Pertanian Lahan Pasang Surut dan Rawa-Swamps II
Ismail Inu G. Trip Alihamsyah
Sewindu Penelitian Pertanian di Lahan Rawa. Proyek Penelitian Pertanian Lahan Pasang Surut dan Rawa-Swamps II
Badan Litbang Pertanian. Bogor.
Sewindu Penelitian Pertanian di Lahan Rawa, 1985-93
Ismail, I G.
Sewindu Penelitian Pertanian di Lahan Rawa, 1985-93
Badan Litbang Pertanian, Jakarta. hlm. 1-116
Sewindu Penelitian Pertanian di Lahan Rawa (1985-93) Kontribusi dan Prospek Pengembangan. Proyek Penelitian Pertanian Lahan Pasang Surut dan Rawa Swamps-II
Ismail, I G.
Sewindu Penelitian Pertanian di Lahan Rawa (1985-93) Kontribusi dan Prospek Pengembangan. Proyek Penelitian Pertanian Lahan Pasang Surut dan Rawa Swamps-II
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengem-bangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor.
Sewage in the sea
Sewage in the sea
Department of Zoology University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK.
Severe boron deficiency in young oil palms in sumatera
Purba AYL
Planters 49, 10p
Kuala Lumpur
Hlm 312 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Seuntai Usaha Tani Indonesia
Seuntai Pengetahuan Tentang Usahatani.
Kaslan, A.T.,
Seuntai Pengetahuan Tentang Usaha Tani Indonesia
Tohir. K
Bina Aksara Jakarta
Seuntai Pengetahuan Tentang Usaha Tani Di Indonesia
Kaslan. A.T
Bina Swadaya. Jakarta
Serum cholesterol and lipoprotein metabolism in hypercholesterolaemic NIDDM patients before and during sitostanol estermargarine treatment
Gylling, H
Serology of plant viruses
Van Regenmortel, M.H.V
Serology of plant viruses
Acad. Press, New York
Serological techniques for the detection of Pseudomonas solanacearum
Robinson-Smith, A
V.K. Mehan & D. McDonald, 1994 (eds.). Techniques for Diagnosis of Pseudomonas solanacearum, and for Resistence screening against Groundnut Bacterial Wilt.
International Crops Research Institut for SemiArid Tropics (ICRISAT), Hyderabad, India
Serological methods to detect plant viruses: production and use of monoclonal antibodies
Torrance, L.
Technique for the rapid detection of plant pathogents
Blackwell Acientific. Publ.
Serological detection of Pseudomonas solanacearum by ELISA
Robinson, A.
G.L. Hartman and A.C. Hayward (Eds). Bacterial Wilt Proceedings of an International Conference, Kaoshiung, Taiwan, 28-31 October 1992. ACIAR Proc. (45): 54-61.
Seri Kajian MR ; Merencanakan Pembangunan Hutan Untuk Strategi Kehutanan Sosial
Seri Fauna
Ensiklopedi Indonesia
Seri Fauna
PT. Intermasa, Jakarta, 256 p.
Seri Fauna
EnsiKlopedia Indonesia
Seri Fauna
PT. Intermasa. Jakarta. 256 h.
Judul Buku
Penerbit CV. Rajawali. Jakarta
Seuntai Pengetahuan Tentang Usahatani.
PT. Bina Aksara, Jakarta.
Aditya Media Yogyakarta
Hlm 313 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Serelia. Sumber karbohidrat utama.
Nurmala, T.
Serba-serbi Semiotika. Seration and circulation for effective aquaculture pond management
Sudjiman G.L. Rogers
Serba-serbi Semiotika Aquaculture Engineering
Jakarta: Gramedia.
Serat Pustakaraja Purwa
Ronggowarsito, R.Ng.
Serat Pustakaraja Purwa (dilatinkan)
Yayasan Centini, Yogyakarta
Sequence Conservation of Microsatellites Between Bos Taurus (Cattle), Capra Hircus (Goat) and Related Species
Pepin L.
Sequence and characterization of 6 LEA proteins and their genes from cotton
Baker, J
Seputar Makanan Ayam Kampung.
Rasyaf, M.
Sepuluh program percepatan pemuluihan ekonomi
Menko bid. Perekonomian
Separation of yeast chromosome size DNAs by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis
Schwartz DC
Cell 37:67-75.
Separation of isomers using double salts of CaCl2
U. S. Patent
Senyawa Obat. Edisi ke2. Terjemahan Joke. R. Wattimena
Schunack, W.,
Senyawa Obat. Edisi ke2. Terjemahan Joke. R. Wattimena
Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.
Senyawa Obat. Buku Pelajaran Kimia Farmasi (edisi 2), Terjemahan J.R. Wattimena dan S. Soebito
Schunack, W.
Senyawa Obat. Buku Pelajaran Kimia Farmasi (edisi 2), Terjemahan J.R. Wattimena dan S. Soebito
Gajah Mada Univ. Press, Yogyakarta. 250 hal.
Senyawa Anti Gizi
Noor, Z.
Sentra Industri Kecil di Propinsi Sumatera Barat.
Judul Buku
Penerbit Rineka Cipta, Jakarta.
Plant Mol. Biol
Seputar Makanan Ayam Kampung.
Penerbit Kanisius, Yogyakarta. kantor Menko bid. Perekonomian, Jkt
PAU Pangan dan Gizi UGM, Yogyakarta Sentra Industri Kecil di Propinsi Sumatera Barat.
Proyek Pengembangan Industri Kecil dan Menengah (PIKM) Propinsi Sumatera Barat.
Hlm 314 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Sensus Tanaman Buah dalam Kotamadya Manado.
Pangemanan, L.,
Sensus Tanaman Buah dalam Kotamadya Manado.
Penelitian Fakultas Pertanian Unsrat Manado.
Sensus Pertanian, Pendapatan Rumah Tangga Pertanian Propinsi NTB. Mataram
Sensus Pertanian 1993: Pedoman Pengumpulan Data Tanaman Pangan dan Holtikultura
Sensus Penduduk Indonesia 1971-1990
BPS Sensus Penduduk 1990
Biro Pusat Statistik Tk.II Tapanuli Utara
Sensus Penduduk 1990 Sensory evaluation of foods: principles and methods
Mabesa, L. B.
Sensory Evaluation of Food and Food Product.
Mabesa, L.B.
Sensory evaluation of food
Lawless TH
Sensory Evaluation Method of The Food Products
Mabesa, L.B.,
Sensitivity of simulated phosphorous uptake to parameters use by mechanisticmathematical Models.
Silverbush, M.
Sengon. Budidaya Ke-gunaan dan Prospek
Seng dalam Mineral
Sandstead. H.H
Pengetahuan Gizi Mutakhi (Nasution. A.H ; Karyadi. D (Penterjemah)
Gramedia. Jakarta
Seng ( Penerjemah D.Karyadi & A.H. Nasution)
Sandstead H.H
in : Olson R.E., H.P.Bro-quist, C.O.Chichester, W.J.Darby, A.C.Kolbye & R.M.Stalvey (Editors).Mineral
Sandstead H.H
R.E.Olson, H.P.Broquist, C.O.Chicester, W.J.Darby, A.C.Kolbye Jr, R.M.Stalvey (Eds) Mineral (A.H.Nasoetion, penerjemah)
Gramedia , Jakarta
CRDL Printing Press. Makiling Subdivision. Los Banos. Laguna Sensory Evaluation of Food and Food Product.
Food Science and Technology UPLB. Philippines. International thomson Publ. NY
UPLB Los Banos Philipines
Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta
Hlm 315 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Senescence and Postharvest Physiology of Cut Flowers-part I
Halevy. A.H.
Horticultura Reviews
AVI. Publishing. Westport, Conecticut
Senescence and Postharvest Physiology of Cut Flowers-part
Halevy. A.H
Horticultura Reviews
AVI. Publishing. Westport, Conecticut
Sendi-sendi Silvicultur
Sendi-sendi Pokok Usaha Tani.
Sendi-sendi pokok usaha tani
Departemen ilmu-ilmu sosial ekonomi. Faperta, IPB, Bogor
Sendi-sendi pokok usaha tani
Departemen Ilmu-ilmu sosial ekonomi fapera IPB Bogor
Sendi-sendi Pokok Ilmu Usahatani.
Sendi-sendi Pokok Ilmu Usahatani.
IPB, Bogor.
Sendi-sendi Pokok Ilmu Usahatani,
Soeharjo, A.
Sendi-sendi Pokok Ilmu Usahatani,
Univ. Hasanudin, Ujungpandang.
Sendi-sendi Pokok Ilmu Usahatani
Ratag, J.G.A.
Sendi-sendi Pokok Ilmu Üsahatani
Fak. Pertanian Unsrat Manado.
Seminar Nasional Lustrum ke VI Fakultas Peternakan, UGM, Yogyakarta 8 Nopember 1999
Triatmojo, S
semen Evaluation, Handling and Thawing, Proceedings of a Deer Course for Veterinarians.
New Zealand Veterinary Association.
Semarang municipal develops.
Semarang Municipal Government,
Semarang municipal develops.
Department of Public Relations, Regional Level II, Semarang, Indonesia.
SEM : A User's Manual for Material Science
Gabriel, B.L.I
SEM : A User's Manual for Material Science
The American Society for Metals Park, Ohio. American.
Irawadi, T
Diktat. PAU Bioteknologi IPB, Bogor.
Direktorat Djendral Kehutanan. Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta Sendi-sendi Pokok Usaha Tani.
Departemen Sosial Ekonomi, Fakultas Pertanian, IPB. Bogor. p.36-41.
Hlm 316 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Seluk Beluk dan Teknik Perdagangan Luar Negen.
Judul Buku
Seluk Beluk dan Teknik Perdagangan Luar Negen.
Penerbit PT. Pustaka Binaman Pressindo. Jakarta.
Burk. R.F
Pengetahuan Gizi Mutakhir Mineral
Gramedia. Jakarta
Mason. A.C
Trace Minerals In Foods
Marcel Dekker, New York
Seleksi terhadap Melanococaa.
Lubis A.U.
Seleksi terhadap Melanococca, (publikasi intern)
Marihat Research Station, Pematangsiantar
Seleksi Jagung Untuk Toleransi Terhadap Kekeringan
Slamet. S
Selection of trichogramma for inundative biological control
Pak GA
Grafich Bedfisch Ponsen en looijen. Wageningen
Selection of trichogramma for inundative biological control
Pak GA
Grafich Bedfisch Ponsen en looijen. Wageningen
Selection of mutants highly resistant to black spot disease in japanese pear 'Gold Nijisseiki' by irradiation of Gamma-rays
Masuda, T.
Selection of Beef Cattle for The Tropics. Beef Cattle Production in The Tropics.
Seifert, G. W.
Selection of a High Phosphate Slubility Activity Bacteria.
Shinmyo, A.
Selection Indices In Plant Breeding
Baker. R.J
CRC Press Inc. Boca Raton. FL
Selection for litter sizes. In: genetics of reproduction in sheep. R. B. Land and D. W. Robinson. Ed.
Bradford, G. E.
Butterworth, London
Selection for litter sizes. In: Genetics of reproduction in sheep. R. B. Land and D. W. Robinson. Ed.
Bradford, G. E.
Butterworth, London
Selection for Grain Filling in Maize
Poneleit, C.G
Ann. Corn and Sorghum Res. Conf
James Cook University of North Quennsland, Townsville. Abst. Review ofBiotech.
Hlm 317 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Selection For Earlines In Corn (Zea Mays L)
Selection for drought tolerance in maize Adapted to the lowland Tropics.
Edmeades, G.
Selection for drought and heat resistance in grain legumes. In: H.Mussel and R.C.Staples (Eds). Stress Physiology in Crop Plants.
Sulhvan. C.Y.,
Selection and Breeding Methods
Hallauer, A.R
Selecting Uncertainty Calculi and Granularity: An Experimentation in Trading-off Precision and Complexity, in Kanal, L.N. and Lemmer, J.F. (eds.)
Bonissone, P.P
Selecting Beef Cattle for Maximum Productivity. Animal Genetic and Breeding Unit.
Hammond K.
University of New England, Air Midale.
Selected Tropic in Animal Nutrition.
Close, W.
Universitat Honenheim, Institut fur Tierernahrung Federal, Republic of Germany.
Selected Topics in Animal Nutrition. Manual prepared for the 3rd Hohenheim Course on Animal Nutrition in the Tropics and Semi-Tropics 2nd edi-tion. In Cooperation with : H. Steingass and A. Trocher
Close, W,
Selected topic in animal nutrition
Clause W
Selected Exercises from Microbes in Action. 3rd ed.
Seeley, H.W.
Judul Buku
Penerbit Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Bogor
Selection for drought and heat resistance in grain legumes. In: H.Mussel and R.C.Staples (Eds). Stress Physiology in Crop Plants.
John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York. p. 268281.
K.J. Frey (ed.) Plant Breeding II Selecting Uncertainty Calculi and Granularity: An Experimentation in Trading-off Precision and Complexity, in Kanal, L.N. and Lemmer, J.F. (eds.)
Selected Topics in Animal Nutrition. Manual prepared for the 3rd Hohenheim Course on Animal Nutrition in the Tropics and SemiTropics 2nd edi-tion. In Cooperation with : H. Stein-gass and A. Trocher
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. Pp. 167-195. North Holland, Amsterdam.
The Institute of Animal Nutrition, University of Ho-henheim
The Institute of Ammal Nutrition Univ. of Hohenheem, Germany Selected Exercises from Microbes in Action. 3rd ed.
W.H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco, Pp. 37-41.
Hlm 318 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Selayang Pandang Perikanan Kebupaten Sumenep, Madura.
Selayang Pandang Perikanan Kebupaten Sumenep, Madura.
Dinas Perikanan Kabupaten Sumenep.
Selayang Pandang Perikanan Kabupaten Sumenep
Selayang Pandang Perikanan Kabupaten Sumenep
Dinas Periakanan Kabupaten Sumenep.
Selat Malaka ditinjau dan segi perikanan
Unar, M.
Selat Malaka ditinjau dan segi perikanan
LPPL. Jakarta, 22 hal.
Selai Buah
Standar Industri Indonesia
Selai Buah
Departemen Perindustrian. Sll 017378. Jakarta.
Selai & jelly
Sektor Informal, Urbanisasi, Pengangguran di Kota
Hart. K
Sektor Informal, Urbanisasi, Pengangguran di Kota
Gramedia, Jakarta.
Sekolah Tani : Sebuah Studi Kasus SLPHT
Fakih, M
Kapita Selekta SLPHT
Program PHT Deptan. Jakarta
Sekolah Lapangan : Suatu Upaya Pembaharuan Penyuluhan Pertanian
Dilts, R.
Kapita Selekta SLPHT.
Program PHT Deptan. Jakarta
Sekitar Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia serta Masalah Sosial
Abdul Madjid
Sekilas Pengelolaan Cendana di Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Kupang.
Dinas Kehutanan.
Sekilas Pengelolaan Cendana di Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Kupang.
Sekam Gabah Sebagai Bahan Industri
Somaatmadja D
Komunikasi Balai Pelatihan Kimia Bogor
Sejarah SLPHT di kab. Banjarnegara
Dinas Pertanian Kab. Banjarnegara
Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Kab Banjarnegara
Sejarah SLPHT di kab. Banjarnegara
Dinas Pertanian Kab. Banjarnegara
Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Kab Banjarnegara
Sejarah kehutanan Indonesia II-
Sejarah Kehutanan Indonesia I : Periode Pra Sejarah-Tahun 1942
Departemen Kehutanan
Sejarah kehutanan Indonesia
Gramedia Pustaka Utama Jkt
Kompas, July 1989
Sejarah kehutanan Indonesia II-
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Industri, Departemen Perindustrian Bogor
Departemen Kehutanan RI. Jakarta PT, Beenbar Grafiscont
Sejarah kehutanan Indonesia
Departemen Kehutanan
Hlm 319 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Sejarah dan perkembangan budidaya nilam di Indonesia
Dhalimi, A.
Seiners fisheries in Indonesia.
Potter, M.
M.Potier & S.Nurhakim (eds.). Biology. Dynamics, Exploitation of the Small Pelagic Fisheries in the Java Sea. AARD-ORSTOM : p.195-214.
Sehat tanpa Daging
Kurniawan H.D
Majlis Agama Budha Mahayana.Indonesia .Jakarta
Segi-segi Sosial Budaya, Pola Konsumai dan kebiasaan Makan di 5 Daerah Pedesaan di Indonesia
Direktorat Gizi, Dirjen Pembinaan Kesehatan, Depertemen Kesehatan RI
Seewed and Plant Growth Seeds. Physiological of Development and Germination 2nd ed.
Senn. T.L Bewley. J.D
United States Americ
Seedling of black (Betula lenta L.) as foragers for nitrogen
Crabtree, R.C
Seedgermination and seedling growth
Takahashi N
Biology of rice (ed S Tsunoda and N Takahashi)
Japan Scientific Press
Seed-Borne Diseases and Seed Health Testing of Rice
Agrawal PC
Technical Bulletin No 3
Danish Gov.Inst.Seed Path.Developing Countries
Seed: Physiology of development and Germination
Bewly JD
Plenum Press, New York, London
Seed: Physiology of development and Germination
Bewly JD
Plenum Press, New York, London
Seed Vigor Testing Handbook
Seed vigor testing Handbook
Association seed analyst handbook on seed testing.
Seed vigor testing Handbook
Association seed analyst handbook on seed testing.
Judul Buku
Plenum Press, New York and London New Phytol
Contribution No.32 To the handbook On Seed Testing
The Seed Vigor Test Committee of the Association of Official Seed Analysts
Hlm 320 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Seed transmitted virus diseases, biology, detection and control
Lange, L.
Seed transmitted virus diseases, biology, detection and control
Danish Govt. Inst. Of seed pathology for dev. Country
Seed technology
Agrawal RL
Oxford and IBH Publ co New Delhi
Seed technology
Agrawal RL
Oxford and IBH Publ co New Delhi
Seed storange and longevity
Harrington JF
In TT Kozlowsky (Ed) Seed Biology Vol.III
Academic Press.
Seed Storage, Germination and Quality
Taylor. A.G
The Physiology of Vegetable Crops
CAB International Wallingford. U.K
Seed storage ang longevity
Harrington JF
TT Kozlowski (ed) seed biology, vol III
Academic Press New York and London
Seed storage ang longevity
Harrington JF
TT Kozlowski (ed) seed biology, vol III
Academic Press New York and London
Seed storage and longevity
Harrington, J.F.
T. Koslowski (Ed.). Seed Biology. Vol. 111
Academie Press, New York. p. 145-245.
Seed quality of secondary food crops in Indonesia. 183-200
Nugraha, U.S.
H. van Amstel, J.W.T. Bothema, M. Sidik and C.E. van Santen (Eds.) Integrating seed systems for annual food crops. Proc. Workshop
CGPRT Centre, Bogor.
Seed production.
Tamaru C.S. in Research Institute for Freshwater Fisheries.
Bogor-Indonesia (September 1992).
Seed production and agricultural crops longman scientific & Technical
Kelly AF
Copublished in the US with John Willey & Sons Inc, New York
Seed production and agricultural crops longman scientific & Technical
Kelly AF
Copublished in the US with John Willey & Sons Inc, New York
Seed Planning and Policy for Agricultural Production
Kelly, A.F.
Seed Planning and Policy for Agricultural Production
Belhaven Press. London, New York.
Seed physiology of development and germination
Bewley, J.D.
Seed physiology of development and germination
Plenum Press, New York
Seed improvement course TC 130-3PM
Participant's manual. Seed Tech. Laboratory MSU. USA.
Seed dormancy. In: Seed Biology: T.T. Kozlowski (Ed.).
Villiers, T.A.
Seed dormancy. In: Seed Biology: T.T. Kozlowski (Ed.).
Seed dormancy IRTP, Annual report for 1997
Seed dormancy IRTP, Annual report for 1997
Acad. Press. NY.
Hlm 321 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Seed Dormancy
International Rice Testing Program . Annual Report
FIR 1987. IRRI. The Phillippines
Seed certification in the next 10 years: A seedsmen’s view
Voris, M.
M.B. McDonald., Jr and W.D. Pardee (Eds.). The Role of Seed Certification in the Seed Industry. (10): 41-46.
CSSA Special Publication.
Seed certification
Svenson, O.
W.P. Feistritzer (Ed.). Cereal Seed Technology: A manual of Cereal Seed Production, Quality Control, and Distribution. p. 163202.
FAO of United Nation, Rome.
Sedimentologi Process and Products”
Leeder, M.R.
“Sedimentologi Process and Products”
Unwin Ltd. London.
Sedap Malam
Rukmana. R
Sedap Malam
Penerbit Kanisius, Yogyakarta
Secondary Structure Changes and Peptic Hydrolysis of BetaLactoglobulin induced by Diols
Dib, R
Secondary plant metabolites in preinfectional and postinfectional resistance
Stoessl, A.
Secondary plant metabolites in preinfectional and postinfectional resistance
Academic Press Ltd. Australia
Secondary Plant Metabolism.
Vickery, L.M.
Secondary Plant Metabolism.
The Macmillan Press Ltd., London.
Secondary Plant Metabolism
Vickery, M.L.
Secondary Plant Metabolism
London: The Macmillan Press.
Secondary metabolism in microorganism, plants and animals
Luchker, M.
Second land resource evaluation and planning project
centre for soil and agroclimate research, Bogor
Sebuah Pandangan Tentang Penguasaan Hutan di Kalimantan Timur serta Hubungannya dengan Keseimbangan Lingkungan
Wirakusuman, SR
Sebuah Pandangan Tentang Penguasaan Hutan di Kalimantan Timur serta Hubungannya dengan Keseimbangan Lingkungan
Fahutan, Unmul, Samarinda
Sebuah Dunia Yang Dilipat, Realitas Kebudayaan Menjelang Milenium Ketiga dan Matinya Postmodernisme
Piliang, Yasraf Amir
Sebuah Dunia Yang Dilipat, Realitas Kebudayaan Menjelang Milenium Ketiga dan Matinya Postmodernisme
Bandung: Mizan
Hlm 322 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Seaweed: Their environtment, biogeography and ecophysiology.
Luning. K
Seaweed: Their environtment, biogeography and ecophysiology.
A Wiley interscience pub. Jhon Wilwy and Sons inc. New York
Seaweed and Their Uses. 3rd edition.
Chapman, V.J.
Seaweed and Their Uses. 3rd edition.
Chapman and Hall, New York.
Seaweed and Their Uses. 3r ed.
V.J. Chapman
Seaweed and Their Uses. 3r ed.
Chapman and Hall, Ltd London
Seaweed and plant Growth
Senn, T.L
Seaweed and plant Growth
Clemson University USA
Seawater: Its composition, Properties, and Behaviour
Seawater: Its composition, Properties, and Behaviour
Pergamon Press, New York. 60p.
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National Academy Press. Washington D.C. National Academic of Sci. Washington
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Ruminant (buffalo) nutrition
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the asiatic water buffalo. M. R. de Guzman and A. V. Allo. Eds. ASPAC Taiwan
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Ruminal fermentation. In: D. C. Church (ed.), the ruminal animal digestive, physiology and nutrition
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D.C. Church (Ed), The Ruminat Animal Digestive Physiology and Nutrition. A Reston Book Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs, New Yersey.
Rumen Probiosis : the Effect of novel microorganism on rumen fermentation and ruminal productivity
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Elsevier Science Publisher BV Amsterdam Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
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Rumen Dry Matter Degradability and Apparent Digestibility of Variously Treated Rice Hulls.
Flachowsky, G.
Wissenchaftsbereich Tierenahrun Gscemie, Selection Tierproduction und Veterinarmedizin, Karl Marx Universitat Leipzig, Dornburger. Str. 246900 Jena, German Democratic Republic.
Rumen Daegradation of Straw. 1.
Tuah, A. K.
Untreated and ammonia-treated Barley, oat and Wheat Straw Varieties and Triticale Straw
Rumen ciliate protozoal faunae of Bali cattle (Bos javanicus javanicus) and water buffalo (Bubalus bubalus) in Indonesia with the description of entodinium javanicum, new species
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Zool. Sci. Tokyo
Rumen bacteria. In: methods in microbiology. Vol 3B. (eds. J. R. Norris and D. W. Ribbons)
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Rumen bacteria
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Rubber: Botany, Production and Utilization.
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Rubber seed as supplement for lactating ewes. 1988-1989
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Ruang Lingkup Dampak Sosial Ekonomi
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Bahan Kuliah II. Training Penyusunan Analisis Dampak Lingkungan
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Rough Rice Tempering American Society of Agricultural Engineers Paper No. 79
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Anim. Prod.
Academic Press, London
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Rose breeding : past, present, prospect
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Rootstocks for Fruit Crops
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Roots Growth And Development In Sandy Clay Soils Of Sinegal
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Soil Physical Properties and Crop Production In The Tropics
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Roots as Primary Producers in Below Ground Ecosystems. Dalam: Fitter, A.H (eds) Ecological Interaction in Soil
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Roots as Primary Producers in Below Ground Ecosystems. Dalam: Fitter, A.H (eds) Ecological Interaction in Soil
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Rooting and sprouting of stem cuttings of Citrus jambhiri Lush in response to Indol Butyric Acidand Cyclophosphamide.
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Root Nodule of legumes : Structure and Function
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Root Dynamics in Drying Soil Environments
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Root development of oil palms in inland soils of west malaysia
Tan, K. S.
Root Crops
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Root Corps. The tropical product
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Roleof lipoprotein lipase and hepatic endothelial lipase in the metabolism of high density lipoprotein: a nevel concept on cholesterel transport in HDL cycle. In: Metabolic Risk Factors ol' Coronary Heart Disease
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Metabolic Risk Factors of Coronary Heart Disease
Raven Press, New York
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Role of women in development dan poverty alleviation in the fisheries sector.
Role of Wetland Plants in The Diurnal Control of CH4 and CO2 Fluxes in Peat
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Role of VAM fungi in biocontrol
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Mycorrhizae and Plant Health.
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Role of Soil and Sediment in Water Pollution Control Part 1. Reaction of Nitrogenous and Phosphatic Compound With Soil Soil and Geologic Strata
Bailey. G.W
U.S Departemen of The Interior. Federal Water Pollution Control Administration
SouthEast Water Laboratory
Role of root colonizing bacteria plant growth in Phytopathogenic procaryotes.
Suslow, T.V.
Role of Potassium in photosynthesis and respiration
Huber, S.C
R.D. Munson (Eds.). Potassium in Agriculture. Proceedings of an International Symposium
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Role of plasmid in starter cultures. Dalam: bacterial starter cultures for foods
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Role of plant aerenchyma in wet tolerance and methane emission from plaints. Pp. 455-461.
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Role of Phosporus Fertilization in Improving Soil Fertility of Acid Tropical And Subtropical Soils in Asia
Role of phenolic in plant disease resistance in biotechnologyin plant disease control. Edited by Ilan Chet
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Role of irrigation in agricultural systems
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Role of iron in the suppression of bacterial plant pathogens by fluorescent pseudomonads
Bakker PAHM
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Academic Press san Diego
Role of iron in the suppression of bacterial plant pathogens by fluorescent pseudomonads
Bakker PAHM
LL Barton, BC Hemming (ed) Iron chelation in plants and soil microorganisms
Academic Press san Diego
Role of fats in food and nutrition
Gurr MI
Role of Cultivar tolerance in increasing rice production on saline lands
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R.C. Staples & G.H. Toenniessen (eds.) Salinity Tolerance in Plants, Strategies for Crop Improvement
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Role of Alumunium and Iron In Accumulation of Organic Matter With Variable Charge
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Environmental Impact of Soil Component Interactions : Natural and Antrhopogenic Organic
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Rokok dan Kesehatan Road Making Machinery, english translated by Troisky,
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RNA Methodologies: A Laboratory Guide for Isolation and Characterization.
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RKS intergrated Sugar Project Kubang Balambak Feasibility Study.
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River Pollution.
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River and reservoir Yield
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Rising game bird in Captivity
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Risalah widyakarya nasional pangan dan gizi V
Elsevier Applied Science Pub., London
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PT. Ranji Karya Sakti Corporation, Jakarta. Vol 2 : Causes and Effect.
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Rising game bird in Captivity
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Risalah Widyakarya Nasional Pangan dan Gizi V
Risalah Temu Lapang Penakit Tngro di Daerah Banyumas Jawa Tengah
Sama Shagir
Badan Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Suka Mandi
Rintangan-rintangan Mental dalam Pembangunan Ekonomi Indonesia
Ringkasan Hasil Penelitian
Maman Suratman
Ringkasan Eksekutif Survai Pemetaan Tanah Tinjau Mendalam PLG Satu Juta Ha Propinsi Kalimantan Tengah
Subagjo, H.
RIMIK CP10 Cone Penetrometer
Rift Valley Fever
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Coetzer, J.A.W., G.R. Thomson, and R.C. Tustin (Eds.). Infectious Disease of Livestock with Special Reference to Southern Africa". Vol. II. p. 688-717.
University Press, Capetown, Oxford
Riee diseases. 2nd ed.
Ou, S.H.
Riee diseases. 2nd ed.
Commonwealth Mycological Institute, CAB, Kew Surey, England. p. 109-201.
Rice-fish systems as intensive nurseries, p. 117-130
Costa-Pierce, B.A.
C.R. Dela Cruz, C. Lightfoot, B.A. Costa-Pierce, V.R. Carangal and M.P. Bimbao (eds.) Rice-Fish Research and Development in Asia. ICLARM conf. Proc. 24.
Rice-fish farming research in lowland areas: the West Java case
Fagi, A.M.
C.R. Dela Cruz, C. Lightfoot, B.A. Costa-Pierce, V.R. Carangal and M.P. Bimbao (Eds.) Rice-Fish Research and Development in Asia. ICLARM Conference Proceedings 24: 273-286.
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Rintangan-rintangan Mental dalam Pembangunan Ekonomi Indonesia
Penerbit Bhatara, Jakarta
Institut Manajemen Koperasi Ind. Ringkasan Eksekutif Survai Pemetaan Tanah Tinjau Mendalam PLG Satu Juta Ha Propinsi Kalimantan Tengah
Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat, Bogor. hlm. 1-47.
Agridry Rimik Pty. Ltd. Toowomba. Australia.
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Rice-fish farming research in lowland areas: the West Java case. p. 273 - 286
Fagi, A.M.
C.R. Dela Cruz, C. Lightfoot, B.A. Costa Pierce, V.R. Carangal, and M.P. Bimbao (Eds.) Rice-Fish Research and Development in Asia. ICLARM conf. Proc. 24.
Rice: soil. water, land
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Rice: Production and utilization
Luh, BS
Rice: Chemistry and Technology.
Juliano, B. O.
Rice: Chemistry and technology
Juliano, B.O.
Rice: Chemistry and technology
The American Association of Cereal Chemists. Inc. St. Paul, Minnesota 774 pp.
Rice: Chemistry and Technology
Rice: Chemistry and Technology
The American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc. St. Paul Minnesota
Rice, Soil , Water Land Rice, Production and Utilization
Moorman. F.R Luh, S.
Rice, Production and Utilization
Rice, Chemistry and Technology
Rice, Chemistry and Technology
Rice Virus Diaseses in The Phlippines
Ling. K.G
Rice virus desease
Ling, K.C.
Rice Straw as Livestock Feed.
Jackson, M.G
World Anim. Rev London
Rice Straw as Feed for Ruminants.
Doyle, P. T.
Rice Straw as Feed for Ruminants.
Doyle, P. T.
Intern. Rice Res Inst. Los Banos. Rice: Production and utilization
The AVI Publ., Co., Westport, Connecticut 925 pp. American Association of Cereal Chemists Inc. St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.
IRRI. Philippines The AVI Publication Co., Westport, Connecticut. The AVI Publ. Co. Inc. Westport, Connecticut. IRRI. Philippines Los Banos, Philippines
IDP, Canberra. International Development Program of Australian Universities, Canberra.
International Development Program of Australian Universities, Canberra.
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Rice Straw as Feed for Ruminants
Doyle, P.T.
Rice Straw as Feed for Ruminants
Int’l Development Program of Australian Univ. and Colleges Ltd. (IDP), Canberra.
Rice straw as a feed for ruminants.
Doyle, P. T.
International development program of Australian Universities and colleges Limitted, Cnberra
International development program of Australian Universities and colleges Limitted, Cnberra
Rice straw as a feed for ruminants
Rice straw as a feed for ruminants
IDP, Canberra.
Rice straw as a feed for ruminant.
Doyle, P.T.
Rice straw as a feed for ruminant.
Rice straw as a feed for ruminant
Doyle, P.T.,
IDP. Camberra
Rice straw as a Feed for Ruminant
Doyle, P.T
Rice Straw A Feed for Ruminants
Doyle, P.T
Rice soil, water and land IRRI in Rajagukguk. Pertanian berkelanjutan di lahan gambut.
Moorman, F.R.
Rice Production and Utilization, 5th Ed.
IDP, Canberra Rice Straw A Feed for Ruminants
IDP of Australia Univ. and College Limited Canberra
Luh, S.
Rice Production and Utilization, 5th Ed.
The AVI Publ. Co., Westport, Connecticut.
Rice Production and Utilization
Luh, S.
Rice Production and Utilization
The AVI Publ. Co., Westport, Connecticut.
Rice Production and Utilization
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Rice Production and Utilization
The AVI Publ. Co., Westport, Connecticut.
Rice Post-production Technology in the Tropics. An East-West Center Book trom the East-West Food Institute
Rice Post-production Technology in the Tropics. An East-West Center Book trom the East-West Food Institute
Published for the EastCenter by the University Press of Hawaii, Honolulu
Rice Post-Harvest Technology
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Rice plant growth and development
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Rice Irrigation in Japan
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Rice Improvement.
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Rice Improvement.
Rice improvement International Rice Research Institute. Los Banos, Philippines. 186 pp
Jenning, P.R.,
Rice improvement International Rice Research Institute. Los Banos, Philippines. 186 pp
Rice Hull and Rice Straw in Rice dalam Chemistry' and Technology. 2nd Ed
Juliano. B.0
The American Association of Cereal Chemist, Inc. Minnesota, USA
Rice Flour,
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Di dalam D. F. Hauston (Ed) Rice Chemistry, Ins, Minesota
Rice Diseases. Ed. ke-2.
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Rice Diseases
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Rice diseases
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Rice diseases
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Rice diseases
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Rice diseases
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Rice chemestry and technology
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Rice Breeding for Extremely higher Yielding ability
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Rice Bran and Polish.
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Rice bran : Chemistry and technology
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Rice Volume II. Utilization. B.S. Luh. Ed.
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Rice as potential source of bypass energy in ruminant diets
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Recent Advances In Animal Nutrition in Australia : 7a. Eds
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Rice anther culture at IRRI
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Rice Agriculture: factors controlling emission. Pages XXX.
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Global Atmospheric Methane. NATO ASI/ARW Series.
Rice Production Manual. 3rd.ed.
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Rhodiment Nutrition Guide. Rhone Poulenc Animal Nutrition
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Rhizobium, Nodulation and Nitrogen Fixation
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Grain Legume Crop
William Collinsang Co Ltd
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Rhizobium as a factor in soil fertility. In Division of soil CSIRO
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An Ausralian viewpoint
CSRO, Melbourne
Rhizobium as a factor in soil fertility. In Division of soil CSIRO
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An Ausralian viewpoint
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Rheometers For Molten Plastics
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Rheology in Polymer processing
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Rheological and scanning electron microscopic examination of skim milk cels obtained by fermenting with ropy and non ropy strain of lactic acid bacteria
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RFLP technology. P 8-38. In Phillips RL and IK Vasil (eds)
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DNA-based Marker in Plants
Revisiting Merkens and Soemirat's landmark paper on Small Ruminant Research in Indonesia
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Publication of the Indonesian Small Ruminant Network (ISRN) and Small RuminantCollaborative Research Support Program, Bogor, Indonesia
Revisi pola operasi dan pemeliharaan dan kalibrasi Waduk Wonogiri dan bendung Colo
Virama Karya
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Penerbit Rhone Poulenc Nutrition, France.
CRC Press Inc.
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International Jute Organization, Dhaka.
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Review of rice-fish vulture in Southeast Asia, p. 1- 14.
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R.S.V. Pullin and Z. Shehadeh (eds.). Integrated AgricultureAquaculture Farming Systems. ICLARM Conf. Proc. 4.
Review of Physiological Chemistry, 17th Ed.
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Review Of Physiological Chemistry 17th Ed.
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Review of Medical Physiology, 14th ed.
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Review of medical physiology
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Review of medical physiology
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Review of Medical Phisyiology.
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Review of Medical Microbiology. 16th ed.
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Review of Japanese Fishing Reef Technology.
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Review of duration and concentration urea treated straw on digestibility
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Review of crustacean immunity.
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Review of crustacean immunity.
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Review of crustacean immunity.
Soderhall, K.
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Lange Medical Pub., Los Altos
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Review of clinical laboratory methods, 2nd Ed.
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Review of clinical laboratory methods, 2nd Ed.
The C.V. Mosby Company, St. Louis, Toronto, London, pp. 4-5.
Review of Biochemistry. Diterjemahkan oleh Nyan Darmawan.
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Review hasil penelitian kakap putih, Lates calcarifer. p. 68-72.
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Review cf Phase I Results. Java and Bali. Regional Physical Planning Programme for Transmigration
Review cf Phase I Results. Java and Bali. Regional Physical Planning Programme for Transmigration
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Rethingking The Future
Gibson, R.
Rethingking The Future
Nicholas Breakly Publishing, London
Retensi fosfat tanah-tanah debu vulkanis gunung Sago.
Ahmad, P.
Retensi fosfat tanah-tanah debu vulkanis gunung Sago.
Pusat Penelitian Universitas Andalas Padang.
Retardation of Ripening of Mangoes by Postharvest Application of Calcium
Tirmazi, S.I.H
Retardation of Ripening of Mangoes by Postharvest Application of Calcium
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Results With Commercial Neem Pormulation Produced In India
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The Neem Tree : Azarachta Indica A Juss and Other Meliaceous Plants : Sources Of Unique Natural Products For Integreted Pest Management, Medicine, Industry and Other Puposes
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Results of surveys for pelagic resources in Indonesia waters with the R/V Lemuru December 1972 to May 1976
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D. Pauly and P. Martosubroto. (Eds). Baseline Studies of Biodiversitythe Fish Resources of Western Indonesia. DGF-GTZICLARM.p. 102-122.
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Result of the Alcoa Foundation Suriname Expedetion X
Studholme K.M
Pattern of cellular divergence and evolution in the gastric mucosa of two genera of phyllostomid bats,Trachops and Chiroderma
Ann.Carnegie Mus
Result of the Alcoa Foundation Suriname Expedetion VII
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Restribution with Growth
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Restibution With Growth London
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Responses of plants to environmental stresses
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Response of soil aggregate stability to manure amendments in the ultuna long term soil organic matter experiment
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Z Pflanzenernahr Bodenk 158:257-60
Response of seasonally anoestuous ewes to 23 hours circadian darknes
McDonald, B. J.
Reproduction in sheep. Australian academy of science in conjunction with the Australian Wool Corporation
Response of rainfed lowland rice to potassium and sulphur under intensive and diversified cropping system and low fertility soils. p. 215-225.
Mamaril, C.P.,
In K.T. Ingram (Ed.) Rainfed Lowland Rice: Agricultural research for high-risk environments.
Response of plants to Environmental Stresses
Levitt, J
Academic Press. New York
Response of plants to environmental stress
Academic Press, in New York
Response of Different Rice Varietas to Azospirillum spp. Inokulation
Gopalaswamy, G
Response of Corn and Soybean Intercropped Tillage System and Fertilizer Nitrogen on a Tropopluvent Lombok
Yasin. I
Response to Rhizobium Inoculation and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Soybean in The Volcanic Soil in Garut West Java
International Rice Research Institute. Los Banos, Philippines.
Response of Different Rice Varietas to Azospirillum spp. Inokulation
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Response to Rhizobium Inoculation and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Soybean in The Volcanic Soil in Garut West Java
ESCAP CGPRT Center, Bogor
Response to Rhizobium Inoculation and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Soybean in The Volcanic Soil in Garut West Java
Sunarlim, N
Response to Rhizobium Inoculation and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Soybean in The Volcanic Soil in Garut West Java
ESCAP CGPRT Center, Bogor
Respons Masyarakat Desa Terhadap Modernisasi Produksi Pertanian Terutama Padi
Herman Soewardi
Respons Masyarakat Desa Terhadap Modernisasi Produksi Pertanian Terutama Padi
Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press
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Respon tanaman kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merrill). Terhadap pemupukan kalium dan cekaman kekeringan pada fase reproduktif.
Harnowo, D.
Respon Tanaman Brokoli (Brassica oeiraceae L.) terhadap Pemberian Pupuk Kandang Ayam dan EM4 (Efektif Mikroorganisme-4).
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Respon seleksi terkait terhadap padi sawah dataran tinggi.
Bahar, H.
Respon seleksi terkait terhadap padi sawah dataran tinggi.
Bahar, Y. H
Respon seleksi terkait terhadap padi sawah dataran tinggi
Bahar, H.
Respon Masyarakt desa terhadap modernisasi pertanian terutama Bali
H. Soewardi
Respon jagung manis terhadap pemberian kotoran ayam, fosfot dan dolomit pada tanah gambut pedalaman.
Lamina, S.H.
Respon eksplan epikotil manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.) terhadap dosis arang aktif dan komposisi konsentrasi BAP dan NAA secara in vitro.
Satria, B.
Respon eksplan epikotil manggis (Garcinia mangostana L) terhadap dosis arang aktif dengan kombinasi konsentrasi BAP dan NAA secara in vitro (tesis) Pascasarjana
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Respon Tanaman Brokoli (Brassica oeiraceae L.) terhadap Pemberian Pupuk Kandang Ayam dan EM4 (Efektif Mikroorganisme-4).
Skripsi. Fakultas Pertanian. Universitas Brawijaya. Malang
Respon Masyarakt desa terhadap modernisasi pertanian terutama Bali
Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta
Universitas Andalas Padang.
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Penulis Utama
Respon Eksplan Epikotil Manggis ( Garcinia Mangostana L.) Terhadap Kombinasi antara Dosis Arang Aktif dengan Komposisi Konsentrasi BAP dan NAA secara in vitro
Satria, B.
Pasca Sarjana Universitas Andalas, Padang
Respon Eksplan Epikotil Manggis ( Garcinia Mangostana L.) Terhadap Kombinasi antara Dosis Arang Aktif dengan Komposisi Konsentrasi BAP dan NAA secara in vitro
Pasca Sarjana Universitas Andalas, Padang
Respon Eksplan Epikotil Manggis ( Garcinia Mangostana L.) Terhadap Kombinasi antara Dosis Arang Aktif dengan Komposisi Konsentrasi BAP dan NAA secara in vitro
Pasca Sarjana Universitas Andalas, Padang
Respon Broiler terhadap berbagai kondisi Lingkungan
Unpad, Bandung
Respon Anak Sapi Perah Terhadap Jerami Padi yang diberi Molase
Siregar, S.B
Lembaran LPP.
Resource Management : The First Step To A Green Economy
Salmon Gray
Environmental Resouces and The Market Place
North Sydney, Australia : Allen and Unwin
Resived Chemical Equlibrium data For Major Water Mineral Reaction and Their Limitation
Nordstrom. D.K
Chemical Modelling of Aquoeus Systems II
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Resistence and tolerance.
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Principle and Practice of Nematode Control in Crops.
Acad Press New York.
Resistence and tolerance
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Acad Press New York
Resistant starch a new food component : a classification of starch for nutritonal purposes
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in : Morton I.D.(Ed) Cereal in a Europan Context : Chicester : Fist European conference on food science and technology
Ellis Horwood
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Resistance to pseudomonas solanacearum in potato : strain specificity and temperature sensitivity
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Resistance to parasites
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Resistance to Bacterial Wilt (Pseudomonas solanacearum) in Tomato : Present status and prospect
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Resistance to anthracnose (Collectotrichum spp) in pepper
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SK Green, TD Griggs, BT Mc Lean (eds) Tomato and Pepper production in the tropics
AVRDC, Shanhua, Taiwan China
Resistance pattern of microbial agents in the live stock production.
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Resistance of Indonesian Timber to Impregnation with CCA. Preservative. Pengumuman No. 5.
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Resiko dan Ketidakpastian Dalam agribisnis Teori dan Aplikasi.
Resiko dan Ketidakpastian Dalam agribisnis Teori dan Aplikasi.
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Residues for soil conservation
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Residual effect of dry cattle manure on plant growth and soil properties
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Residu Obat Hewan Dalam Produk Peternakan
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Penerbit Phytapathology
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Residu analysis of organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticides in soils, water and vegetables from central java and bali island
Oskawa, K.
Ecological impact of pest nanage ment in Indonesia. Tokyo university of agriculture Japan
Reservoirs of Srilanka and Their Fisheries
S.S. De Silva
Reservoirs of Srilanka and Their Fisheries
Research survey methods. Research on tropical agronomy for potatoes in Indonesia
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Research on rice-fish culture: Past experience and future research program, p. 287 - 293
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Research on Podzolic Soil In Central and North Lampung (Sumatera) And its Bearing on Agricultural Development
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Research on mineral nutrition by IRHO
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Requirements of Prawn, Penaeus japonicus, for essential fatty acids
A. Kanazawa
Requirements of Prawn, Penaeus japonicus, for essential fatty acids
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Requirements for successful fertilization to increase milkfish producrtion.
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In: TVR. Pillay (Ed). Coastal Aquaculture in the Indo-Pacific Region.
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Requirement of warm water fishes
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Requirement of warm water fishes
National Academic Sciences, Washington DC.
Requerement in Digestable Amino Acids For Poultry
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Words Poultry Science Assosiation Proceeding. 9th Europpen Symposium In poultry Nutrition Poland.
Reprouction in Farm Animal. 5th, ed
Hafez. E.S.E.
Reprouction in Farm Animal. 5th, ed
Lea & Febiger. Philadelphia
Reproduksi, Tingkah laku dan Reproduksi Ternak di Indonesia
Reproduksi, Tingkah laku dan Reproduksi Ternak di Indonesia
P.T. Gramedia Pustaka Utama,Jakarta
Reproduksi, Tingkah Laku dan Produksi Ternak di Indonesia
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Reproduksi Udang Galah Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man
Bucher, D.
Reproduksi Udang Galah Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man
Universitas Nasional, Jakarta, 18 hal.
Reproduksi Tingkah laku dan produksi ternak di Indonesia
Reproduksi Ternak di Indonesia
Lindsay, D.R
Reproduksi Ternak di Indonesia
Universitas Brawijaya Malang
Reproduksi Ternak di Indonesia
Lindsay, D.R
Reproduksi Ternak di Indonesia
Universitas Brawijaya Malang
Reproduksi ternak di Indonesia
Lindsay DR
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Penerbit Longman. Melboune. Australia
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Reproduksi Peta.
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Reproduksi Peta.
Jawatan Topografi TNlAD. Jakarta.
Reproduksi pada Ternak Reproduksi & dasar endokrinologi pd hewan ternak
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Reproductive Physiology
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Reproductive Performance of Sumatra and Hair Sheep Crossbred Ewes
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SR-CRSP Annual Report.
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Reproductive Patterns of Sheep and Goat
Pineda, M.H.,
Reproductive Patterns of Sheep and Goat forth ed
Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, London
Reproductive Pattern of Rusa Deer (Cervus timorensis russa) in New Caledonia. 178p.
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Reproductive management program for large dairies; current theraphiin theriogenology 2.
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Reproductive Function in Beef
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Reproductive cycles. In: Reproduction in Farm Animals.
Hafez, E.S.E.
Reproductive cycles. In: Reproduction in Farm Animals.
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Reproductive Cycles and Pregnancy in Interspecific Sheep-Goat Chimeras
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Mol. Reprod.
Reproductive cycles and performance of deer in the tropics and sub-tropics, him. 262267
Woodford, K.B.
P.R Wilson (ed.), Proceedings of Deer Course for Veterinarians. No. 8
Palmerston North: New Zealand Veterinar Association-Massey University.
Reproductive Cycle. In Reproduction in Farm Animal
Hafez, E.SE
5th Reproductive Cycle. In Reproduction in Farm Animal Edition
Lea Febiger.
Reproductive Cycle. In Reproduction
Hafez, E.SE
Farm Animal
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Reproductive biology and harvesting strategy of Indian scad Decapterus russelli (Ruppel, 1830) (Pisces: Carangidae of the Java Sea)
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Jur. Pen. Per. Laut:. 53: 89-96.
Reproductive and Trophic Ecology of Nudibranch Molluscs.The Mollusca. Vol. VI. Ecology
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Reproduction, dispersal and recruitmrnt of Scleractinian corals
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reproduction, dispersal and recruitment of scleratinian coral
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Reproduction, dispersal and recruitment of scleractinian corals
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Reproduction the Domestic Animals
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Reproduction techniques goat husbandry and breeding in the tropics
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Reproduction of some common Hawaiian reef corals
Stimson, J.S.
G.O. Makie (Ed), Coelenterate Ecology and Behavior. Plenum Press. New York, pp. 271-279.
Reproduction of Shepp
Terril C E
In E S E Hafez :Reproduction in Farm Animals
Reproduction of Marini' Invertebrates.
Giese. A.C.
Reproduction of Marine Invertebrates.
Giese. A.C.
Reproduction of Marine Invertebrates.
Reproduction of main small pelagic species in Java Sea.
Atmaja, S.B.,
Potier and S. Nurhakim (Eds.): Biology, Dynamics and Exploitation of small pelagic in Java Sea (BIODYNEX). AARD/ORSTOM. 69-84
Reproduction of main small pelagic species in Java Sea.
Atmaja, S.B.,
Potter and Nurhakim, S. (Eds.): Biology, Dynamics and Exploitation of small pelagic Java Sea (BIODYNEX).
Reproduction of animals
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Reproduction in tropical species, him. 249-261.
Mylrea, G.E.
Reproduction in Poultry
Etches, R. J.
Cab. International, Ontario
Reproduction in Poultry
Etches, R. J.
Cab. International, Wallingford Oxon OX 10 8DE. United Kingdom
Reproduction in poultry
Etches, R. J.
Department of animal and poultry science, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Reproduction in groupers
P.Y. Shapiro
Lea & febiger Philadelphia Academic Press. New York. San Francisco London. 301 pp. Academic Press. New York. San Francisco London. 301 pp.
Axademic Press, London, New York, Toronto, Sydney,San Fransisco P.R. Wilson (ed.). Proceedings of Deer Course for Veterinarians. No. 8
Tropical Snappers and groupers, biology and fisheries management
Palmerston North: New Zealand Veterinary Association-Massey University.
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Reproduction in Farm Animals. Seventh edition
Hafez, E,S.E
Reproduction in Farm Animals. Seventh edition
Lippincott William & Wilkins Baltimore. USA .
Reproduction in Farm Animals. Ed. ke-5
Hafez, E.S.E
Reproduction in Farm Animals. Ed. ke-5
Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger.
Reproduction in Farm Animals. 7th Ed.
Hafez, E.S.E.
Reproduction in Farm Animals. 7th Ed.
Lea and Febiger Philadelphia. USA.
Reproduction in Farm Animals. 6th edition
Hafez ESE
Reproduction in Farm Animals. 6th Ed.
Hafez, E.S.E.
Reproduction in Farm Animals. 6th Ed.
Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia.
Reproduction in farm Animals. 2nd ed.
Hafez, E.S.E
Reproduction in farm Animals. 2nd ed.
Lea and Febiger
Reproduction in Farm Animals.
Hafez, E.S.E.
Reproduction in Farm Animals.
Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia.
Reproduction in farm animals
Hafez, E,S.E.
Reproduction in farm animals
Lea Febiger, Filadelphia.
Reproduction in farm animals
Hafez, E. S. E.
Reproduction in Farm Animals
Reproduction in Farm Animals 6th.Edition
Lea & Febiger .Philadelphia
Reproduction in Farm Animals
Hafez, E.S.E.
Reproduction in Farm Animals. 6th ed
Lea and Febiger Philadelphia.
Reproduction in Farm Animal. 6th.
Hafez, E.S.E
Reproduction in Farm Animal. 6th.
Edition. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia.
Reproduction in Farm Animal. 6th Ed.
Hafez, E.S.E
Reproduction in Farm Animal. 6th Ed.
Lea and Febiger. Philadelphia.
Reproduction in Farm Animal. 6th Ed.
Hafez, E.S.E
Reproduction in Farm Animal. 6th Ed.
Lea and Febiger. Philadelphia.
Reproduction in farm animal. 5th ed.
Hafez, E. S. E.
Lea and Febiger, philadelphia
Reproduction in farm animal. 5th ed.
Hafez ESE
Lea and febiger, philadelphia
Reproduction in farm Animal. 5th ed
Hafez ESE
Lea, Febriger, Philadelphia
Reproduction in farm animal, 5th Ed.
Hafez, E.S.E.
Lea and Fabiger, Philadelphia
Reproduction in farm animal, 4th Ed.
Hafez, E.S.E.
Lea Febiger. Philadelphia.
Reproduction in Farm Animal,
Havez E.S.E
Reproduction in Farm Animal, 5th Edition
Lea and Frebiger, Philadelphia
Reproduction in Domestic Livestock in Indonesia
Lindsay, D.R.
Reproduction in Domestic Livestock in Indonesia
University of Queensland Press, Melbourne.
Lea and febiger. Philladelphia
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Reproduction in Domestic animals. 3rd edition
Cole HH
Reproduction in domcstis animals. 2^ Ed
Cole, NLH.
reproduction in cattle, 2 nd .
Peters, A.R.
Reproduction in Cattle Reproduction in Cattle Reproduction et Croissance de Limande Limanda Limanda (Linnaeus, 1958) (Teleostern. Pleuronectidae) en Manche Orientale et Baie de Douarnenez. Cybium, 10(2):155176.
Peters A.R. Piters, A.R. Deniel, C.
Reproduction Efficiency in Cattle A Guideline for Project in sDeveloping Countris
FAO Rome
Reproduction des volailles et production d'Oeufs.
Sauveur, B.
INRA, Station de Recherches Avicoles Centre de Tours-Nouzilly. INRA Paris.
Reproduction Cycles in Hafez (ed) Reproduction in Animal.
Hafez. E.S.E.
Reproduction Cycles in Hafez (ed) Reproduction in Animal.
Lea dan Febriger
Reproduction behaviour in Indian goats
Agrawal KP
Research on Goats Indian Experience
Makhdoom-Mathura: Central Institute for Research on Goat. him 82-93.
Reproduction and Breeding Techniques for Laboratory Animals
Bennet, J.P
Reproduction and Breeding Techniques for Laboratory Animals
, Lea & Febiger. Philadelphia
Reproduction and breeding
Baker DEJ
Baker HJ, Lindsey JR, Weisbroth SH (ed). Laboratory Rat. Vol. 1
New York: Academic
Reproduction in Domestic Livestock in Indonesia
Lindsay, Entwistle
Reproduction in Domestic Livestock in Indonesia
Repression of asexual embryogenesis in vitro by some plant growth regulators.
Tisserat, B.
Judul Buku
Penerbit Academic Press. New York and London
Reproduction in domcstis animals. 2^ Ed
Academic Press, New York. Blackwell Science Ltd. Oxford, London, Australia.
Reproduction in Cattle Reproduction in Cattle Reproduction et Croissance de Limande Limanda Limanda (Linnaeus, 1958) (Teleostern. Pleuronectidae) en Manche Orientale et Baie de Douarnenez. Cybium, 10(2):155- 176.
Butterworth. London. Butterworths, London.
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Judul Buku
Reports of the EIFAC, ILINS and ICES Working Group on Standardization of Methodology in fish nutrition research.
Castell, J.D.
EIFAC Technical Paper No. 36. FAO Rome. 24 pp.
Report prepared for the 13 th Asian Cropping system working Group meeting.
Report prepared for the 13 th Asian Cropping system working Group meeting.
Bangkok and chiangmai, Thailand, October 11 -15
Report on genetic improvement of the Javanese fat tailed sheep. Balitnak-FAO.
Sabrani, M.
Report on Genetic Improvement of Javanese Fat Tailed Sheep
Sabrani, M.
Report on Genetic Improvement of Javanese Fat Tailed Sheep
Bogor: Bogor Research Institute for Animal Production and FAO.
Report on Aquaculture Problem Analysis Entitle Extensive (Non feeding) Fish Cage Culture in Reservoir wifh Case Study in Soufheast Asia
Wiadnya, D.G.R.
Report on Aquaculture Problem Analysis Entitle Extensive (Non feeding) Fish Cage Culture in Reservoir wifh Case Study in Soufheast Asia.
Department of Fish Culture, University Wageningen The Netherland.
Report on 1982-83 acoustic survey ofpelagic fish resource in the coastal waters of Sangihe and Talaud archipelago ofNorth Sulawesi.
Report on 1982-83 acoustic survey ofpelagic fish resource in the coastal waters of Sangihe and Talaud archipelago ofNorth Sulawesi.
Report of the Working Group on Terminology. Format, and units of measurement relaled to flow trogh and recirculation systems.
EIFAC Tech Pap. 49: 100p.
Report of the forage consultant
Keoghan, J.
Report of the FAO Global Survey of Pesticide Susceptibility on Stored Grain Pests.
Champ, B.R
FAO Plant Production Series No. 5. Rome.
Report of survey by MY Lemuru Year 1976
Report of survey by MY Lemuru Year 1976
Directorate General of Fisheries, Department of Agriculture. Jakarta
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Report of investigating on circulation Mechanism of water resources
Sugawara, M
On Discharge Model Association of science and technology for investigating circulation Mechanism of water resource, Japan (in Japanese)
Replanting the Tree of Ufe, Towards an International Agenda for Coconut Palm Research. CAB International
Persley, G.J
Replanting the Tree of Ufe, Towards an International Agenda for Coconut Palm Research. CAB International
Replanting The Tree Of Life : Towards an International Agenda For Coconut Palm research
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Recent advances in vitamin nutrition and metabolism in fish.
Halver, J.E.
C.B. Cowey, A.M. Mackie and J.G. Bell (Editors). Nutrition and Feeding Fisli.
Academic Press Inc, London, 415-429.
Judul Buku
Penerbit Franche
INRA Editions, Paris
Hlm 376 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Recent Advances In the Chemistry of Spoilage
Liston, J.
Chemistry and Biochemistry of Marine Food Product. Roy E Martin (ed.)
The AVI PubL Co, Inc, Westpoint, Connecticut
Recent advances in small ruminant research in Indonesia, feeding and nutrition strategies for Indonesia
Pond, K.R.
Advances in Small Ruminant Research in Indonesia. In Soebandryo and R.M. Gatenby (Eds.) RIAP-SRCRSP. Bogor. p. 115-125.
Recent advances in protoplasts cultures of horticultural crops : Citrus
Vardi, A
Recent advances in penaeid nutrition in Japan
A. Kanazawa
Recent advances in penaeid nutrition in Japan
Recent advances in oil palm clonal propagation . Aplication of palnt in vitro technology Syposim UPM 16-18 Nov pp 150-164
Rival. A.
Recent advances in oil palm clonal propagation . Aplication of palnt in vitro technology Syposim UPM 16-18 Nov pp 150-164
Recent Advances in NearInfrared Applications for Industries.
Williams, P. C.
Non-Destructive Measurements Symposium, Tsukuba.
Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition.
Johnson, I. D.
Re-cent Advances in Amino Acid Nutrition
Baker, D.H
Re-cent Advances in Amino Acid Nutrition
Ajinimoto Co. Inc. Tokyo
Recent advances and new developments in poultry nutrition. Temu Ilmiah HasilHasil Penelitian Peternakan
Balnave, D.
Recent advances and new developments in poultry nutrition. Temu Ilmiah Hasil-Hasil Penelitian Peternakan
Balai Penelitian ternak. hlm. 81-84.
Recent advance in oil palm clonal propagation. Application of plant in vitro technology symposium
Rival A
UPM nov 1996. P 156-164
Recent advances in goat production, RR. LOKESHWAR (Ed.)
Scien. Hortic
Aquaculture Nutrition Workshop, Salmander Bay, Australia
(Eds. W. Haresign and D. J. A. Cole).
Recent advances in goat production, RR. LOKESHWAR (Ed.)
Recall of meat and poultry products
Recall of meat and poultry products
FSIS Directive no. 8080. l, Rev. 3. FSIS-ÜSDA, Washington, D.C
Recall Cases
Recall Cases
Recall information center, FSIS-USDA, Washington, D.C
Hlm 377 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Recall Cases
Recall Cases
information center, FSISUSDA, Washington, D.C
Recall Cases
Recall Cases
Recall information center, FSIS-USDA, Washington, D.C
Recall Cases
Recall Cases
information center, FSISUSDA, Washington, D.C
Recall Cases
Recall Cases
Recall information center, FSIS-USDA, Washington, D.C
Rearing of Termites and Testing Methods Used in The Laboratory, him. 351-385.
Becker, G.
K. Krishna & F. Weesner (ed.), Biology of Termites
New York: Academic Press.
Realitas Sosial
Veeger, K.J.
Realitas Sosial
Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
Reaksi buah beberapa kultivar lombok besar terhadap penyakit antraknosa
Sidik, N. I.
Reaksi buah beberapa kultivar lombok besar terhadap penyakit antraknosa
Perhimpunan Fitopatologi Indonesia
Reading on Diarrhea. Student Manual
Reading on Diarrhea. Student Manual
WHO, Geneva.
Reading In Attitude Theory and Measurement
Reactions with organic matter
Stevenson, F.J
Copper in soils and plants. Loneragan, J.F., D. Robson & R.D. Graham (Eds)
Academic Press. Sydney
Reactions of phosphate fertilizers in soils. p. 263-310
Sample, E.C.
F.E. Khasawneh, E.C. sample, and E.J. Kamprath (Eds.) The Role of Phosphorus in Agriculture
ASA, CSA & SSSA, Madison, WI.
Reactions of inorganic sulfur in soils. p. 233-249.
Bohn, H.L.,
In M.A. Jabatabai (Ed.) Sulfur in Agriculture. Agronomy Series no. 27. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Madison, WI, USA.
Reaction With Organic Matter
Stevenson. F.J
Copper In Soil and Plants
Academic Press. Australia. J
Reaction With Organic Matter
Stevenson. F.J
Copper in Soil and Plants
Academic Press. New York
Reaction With Organic Matter
Stevenson. F.J
Copper In Soil and Plants
Academic Press Australia
John Willey & Sons. New York
Hlm 378 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Reaction ofenzymes with starch granules:enhanced reaction of glucoamylase with gelatinized starch granules
Kimura, A.
Carbohydrate Research
Reaction ofenzymes with starch granule.s: kinetics and products of the reaction with glucoamylase
Kimura. A
Carbohydrate Research
Reaction Kinetics and Accelerated Test Simulation as a Function of Temperature
Labuza, T.P.
Computer-aided Techniques in Food Technology (I. Saguy, ed.)
Reaction in the rumen
Barnett, A. J. G.
Reacteurs Enzymatiques: Cinetique D'hydrolyse de L'amidon. These DucteurIngeneur.
Marc, A
Rayap dan Pemberantasannya (Penanggulangan dan Pencegahannya)
Hasan, T
RawmateriaIs inTheScience and Technology of gelatin. Edited by A.G. Ward and A. Courts
RawmateriaIs inTheScience and Technology of gelatin.
Academie Press. London, New York, San Fransisco
Rawa pasang surut sebagai daerah potensial untuk budidaya. Prosiding Seminar Perikanan Perairan Umum.
Sastrosoedarja, S.
Rawa pasang surut sebagai daerah potensial untuk budidaya. Prosiding Seminar Perikanan Perairan Umum.
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian.
Raw materials for concentrats. Proc of first workshop on the technology of animal feed reduction utility food waste materials, NRC, 1984.
Nitis IM
Nutrient Requirement of Poultry. 9th edition
National Academy of science, Washington DC
Raw Materials dalam Cosmetics & Toiletries Industry
Spiess E
Blackie Academic & Professional, London
Rats and mice. Their bilogy and control
Meehan AP
Research and development Rentokil Limited East Grinstead
Marcell Dekker, NY.
Edward Arnold, Ltd. London Reacteurs Enzymatiques: Cinetique D'hydrolyse de L'amidon. These DucteurIngeneur
lnstitut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, Nancy Yayasan Pembinaan watak dan bangsa. Jakarta
Hlm 379 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Rats and mice. Their bilogy and control
Meehan AP
Rapport betreffende de productie van de timmer-hout panglong no. 14-f in het Katemanche (Onderafdeling Karimun) Report Concerning The Production of Timber In The Panglong 14-F in The Kateman Region Karimun Subresidency)
IndonesianForestry Abstrct, Dutch Literature Untill About 1960
RAPP Logging Plan
PT. Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper, Riau
Rapid HPLC Determination of Fatty Acids Profiles of Lipids by Conversion to their Hydroxyamic Acids.
Gutnikov, G.
.J. Chromatography. 5K7: 292296.
Rapid Clonal Propagation by Tissue Culture
Zimmerman. R.H
Genetic Engineering : Application To Agriculture
Rowan and Allanheld Pub.
Rapid Assesment of Sources of Air, Water and Land Pollution. Diterj. dan Disadur oleh Djajadiningrat, S.T. dan H.H. Amir. 1989. Penilaian Secara Cepat Sumber-Sumber Pencemaran Air, Tanah dan Udara
Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta
US. Environmental Protection Agency, Assessment and Watershed Protection Division. Washington
Rapid Assesment of Sources of Air, Water and Land Pollution. Diterj. dan Disadur oleh Djajadiningrat, S.T. dan H.H. Amir. 1989. Penilaian Secara Cepat Sumber-Sumber Pencemaran Air, Tanah dan Udara
Judul Buku
Research and development Rentokil Limited East Grinstead
Rapid bioassessment protocols for use in streams and rivers: Benthic macroinvertebrates and fish.
Plafkin, J.L
Rapid bioassessment protocols for use in streams and rivers: Benthic macroinvertebrates and fish.
RAPD technique in silkworm (Bombyx mori} strain differentiation and identification. XVI International Sericultural Congress, Bandung, Indonesia, March 21-25, 1995.
Saksoong, P.
RAPD technique in silkworm (Bombyx mori} strain differentiation and identification. XVI International Sericultural Congress, Bandung, Indonesia, March 21-25, 1995.
Centre for Agricuktural Publishing and Dokumentation. Wageningen
Hlm 380 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
RAPD markers in the genetic diversity study of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.), abstr. 2, him. 4
Wadt, H.O.
International Symposium on Coconut Biotechnology
Mexico:Centro de Investigation Cientifica de Yucatan.
RAPD marker selectionusing DNA bulk of cultivars for differential respons in soybean cyst nematod races 3, 5 and 14.
Choi IS
Soyb-genet-newsl 22:245-250
RAPD and RFLP markers linked with the gene resistant to a SMV strain in China,
Gai J
Soybean Genetic Newsletter, 24. 75-78
RAPD analysis : use for genome characterization, tagging traits and mapping. P 305-333
Waugh R
MS Clark (ed) Plant Molecular Biology - A Laboratory Manual. Chapter 6
Ransum Ternak Rusminansia.
Siregar, S.B.
Ransum Ternak Ruminansia.
Siregar, S. B.
Ransum Ternak Ruminansia Ransum Ternak Ruminansia
Siregar, S.B. Siregar, S. B.
Penebar Swadaya Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta
Ransum ternak ruminansia
Siregar SR
Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta
Ransum Praktis Untuk Ternak Potong.
Soegiri, J
Ransum Praktis untuk Ternak Potong.
Soegiri, J.
Range Legume Inoculation and Nitrogen Fixation by ' RootNodule
Holland, A.A
Range Legume Inoculation and Nitrogen Fixation by ' RootNodule
Bakteria University of California
Random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis
Polick BR, JE Thomson (ed). Methods in plant molecular biology and biotechnlogy.
CRC Press, Boca Raton, London Tokyo
Ranci Sapi Usaha Peternakan Yang Leblh Bermanfaat,
Tafal, Z.B.
Ranci Sapi Usaha Peternakan Yang Leblh Bermanfaat,
Bharata Karya. Jakarta.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg
Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta. Ransum Ternak Ruminansia.
Ransum Praktis Untuk Ternak Potong.
Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.
Direktorat Bina Produksi Ditjen. Peternakan. Departemen Pertanian. Jakarta. Direktorat Bina Produksi. Ditjen Peternakan Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta.
Hlm 381 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Rancang-bangun Bioreaktor Unggun Diam dan Fluidisasi. Karya ilmiah
Priadi, A
Rancang-bangun Bioreaktor Unggun Diam dan Fluidisasi. Karya ilmiah
Jurusan Teknologi Industri Pertanian, IPB Bogor.
Rancangan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia tentang Paten. 200 pp.
Rancangan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia tentang Paten. 200 pp.
Rancangan Standar Nasional Indonesia No. 29 Durian
Rancangan Standar Nasional Indonesia No. 29 Durian
Dewan Standardisasi Nasional, Jakarta.
Rancangan Standar Nasional Indonesia Gaharu.
Rancangan Standar Nasional Indonesia Gaharu.
Dewan Standardisasi Nasional (DSN), Jakarta.
Rancangan Standar Nasional Indonesia : Kayu Bundar Rimba (Revisi Semua SNI Kayu Bundar Rimba).
Konsep SNI
Dewan Standardisasi Nasional, Jakarta.
Rancangan stadar industri Indonesia, mutu dn cara uji tembakau pipa
Balitbang Industri
Rancangan Rencana Pembangunan Lima Tahun Keenam Sub-Sektor Perkebunan (1994/19951998/1999). Buku I
Dep. Perindustrian Jakarta Rancangan Rencana Pembangunan Lima Tahun Keenam Sub-Sektor Perkebunan (1994/1995-1998/1999). Buku I
Dit Jen Bun,Deptan. Jakarta.
Rancangan Pola Kesejahteraan Sosial Anak Terlantar
Departement Sosial. R.I
Rancangan Percobaan: Teori dan Aplikasi
Kemas, A.H.
Rancangan Percobaan: Teori dan Aplikasi
Rajawal Press, Jakarta.
Rancangan Percobaan. Teori dan Aplikasi
Hanafiah, K.A.
Rancangan Percobaan. Teori dan Aplikasi
Rajawali Pers, Jakarta.
Rancangan Percobaan.
Srigandono, B.
Rancangan Percobaan.
Fakultas Peternakan dan Perikanan Universitas Diponegoro. Semarang, 132 pp.
Rancangan percobaan.
Srigandono, B.
Fakultas peternakan UNDIP, Semarang.
Rancangan Percobaan.
Astuti, M.
Fakultas Perternakan. Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.
Rancangan Percobaan, Teori dan Aplikasi
Hanafiah, Kemal Ali.
Badan Litbang, Jakarta
Rancangan Percobaan, Teori dan Aplikasi
Rajawali Press.. Jakarta
Hlm 382 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Rancangan Percobaan dan Analisis Statistik. Bag 1.
Astuti M
Fak Peternakan UGM Yogyakarta
Rancangan percobaan dan analisis statistik.
Astuti. M.
Fakultas Perternakan Universitas Gadjah Mada. Yogyakarta.
Rancangan percobaan dan analisis statistik Bgn I
Astuti M
Faperta UGM
Rancangan Percobaan dan Analisis Statistik Bagian II (Randomized Complete Block Designs, Repeated Measurement and Split Plot Design).
Astuti, M.
Bagian Pemuliaan Ternak. Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.
Rancangan percobaan dan analisis statistik Bagian II
Astuti, M.
Fakultas peternakan, UGM, Yogyakarta
Rancangan percobaan dan analisis statistik Bagian I
Astuti, M.
Fakultas peternakan, UGM, Yogyakarta
Rancangan percobaan dan analisis statistik bagian I
Astuti, M.
Bagian pemuliaan ternak, fakultas peternakan, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
Rancangan percobaan dan analisis statistik
Astuti, M.
Bagian pemuliaan ternak, fakultas peternakan UGM Yogyakrta
Rancangan percobaan dan analisis statistik
Astuti, M.
Bagian pemuliaan ternak, fakultas peternakan UGM Yogyakrta
Rancangan percobaan dan analisis statistik
Astuti, M.
Bagian pemuliaan ternak, fakultas peternakan, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
Rancangan Percobaan dan Analisa Statistika. Bagian Il
Astuti, M.
Bagian Pemuliaan Ternak Fakultas Peternakan UGM, Yogyakarta.
Rancangan Percobaan dan Analisa Statistika. Bagian II
Astuti, M
Bagian Pemuliaan Ternak Fakultas Peternakan UGM, Yogyakarta.
Rancangan Percobaan dan Analisa Statistika. Bagian II
Astuti, M.
Bagian Pemuliaan Ternak Fakultas Peternakan UGM, Yogyakarta.
Judul Buku
Hlm 383 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Rancangan Percobaan dan Analisa Statistik. Bagian satu. Bagian Pemuliaan Ternak
Astuti, M
Rancangan Percobaan dan Analisa Statistik. Bagian satu. Bagian Pemuliaan Ternak
Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Gadjahmada
Rancangan Percobaan dan Analisa Statistik. Bagian II. ( Randomized Complete Blok Design, Repeated Measurement and Split-plot Designs).
Astuti, M.
Bagian Pemuliaan Ternak. Fakultas Peternakan. Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.
Rancangan Percobaan dan Analisa Statistik. Bagian II.
Astuti, M.
Bagian Pemuliaan Ternak Fakultas Peternakan UGM, Yogyakarta.
Rancangan Percobaan dan Analisa Statistik. Bagian I.( Completely Randomized Designs ).
Astuti, M.
Bagian Pemuliaan Ternak. Fakultas Peternakan. Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.
Rancangan percobaan dan analisa statistik. Bagian I. (Completely randomized designs)
Astuti, M.
Bagian pemuliaan ternak, fakultas peternakan, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
Rancangan percobaan dan analisa statistik. Bagian I.
Astuti, M.
Fakultas peternakan, UGM, Yogyakarta
Rancangan Percobaan dan Analisa Statistik. Bagian I
Astuti, M.
Bagian Pemuliaan Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan UGM, Yogyakarta
Rancangan percobaan dan analisa statistik. Bag. 2. (Randomized complete block design, repeated measurement and split plot design).
Astuti, M.
Bagian pemuliaan ternak fakultas peternakan UGM, Yogyakarta
Rancangan percobaan dan analisa statistik. Bag. 1.
Astuti, M.
Bagian pemuliaan ternak fakultas peternakan UGM, Yogyakarta
Rancangan percobaan dan analisa statistik, bagian ke-2
Astuti, M.
Bagian pemuliaan ternak, fakultas peternakan, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
Hlm 384 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Rancangan percobaan dan analisa statistik, bagian ke-2
Astuti, M.
Fakultas peternakan, UGM, Yogyakarta
Rancangan percobaan dan analisa statistik, bagian ke-1
Astuti, M.
Bagian pemuliaan ternak, fakultas peternakan, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
Rancangan percobaan dan analisa statistik, bagian ke-1
Astuti, M.
Bagian pemuliaan ternak, fakultas peternakan, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
Rancangan Percobaan dan Analisa Statistik, Bagian I.
Astuti, M.
Bagian Pemuliaan Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan, UGM, Yogyakarta.
Rancangan Percobaan dan Analisa Statistik I.
Astuti, M.
Bagian Pemuliaan Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan UGM, Yogyakarta
Rancangan percobaan dan analisa statistik Bg II
Astuti M
Bgn Pemuliaan Ternak, Fak Peternakan UGM Yogyakarta
Rancangan percobaan dan analisa statistik bagian II (Randomized complete block designs, repeated measurement and split plot designs)
Astuti, M.
Bagian pemuliaan ternak, fakultas peternakan, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
Rancangan percobaan (experimental design)
Srigandono, B.
Fakultas peternakan dan perikanan Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang (tidak diterbitkan)
Rancangan Percobaan & analisis statistik bgn I
Astuti M
Fapet UGM
Rancangan percobaan & analisis statistik
Astuti JM
faperta UGM
Rancangan Percobaan Rancangan percobaan Rancangan Percobaan
Widasari.S Srigandono Hanafiah, K.A
Karunika Jakarta Undip Semarang Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta
Judul Buku
Teori dan Aplikasi
Hlm 385 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Rancangan Pengendalian Perladangan Pola Usaha Pertanian Menetap (UPM) di Propinsi NTB
Lembaga Penelitian IPB
Kerjasa Antara Direktorat Penghijauan dan Pengendalian Perladangan, Direktorat Jendral Reboisasi dan Rehabilitasi Lahan, Departemen Kehutanan dengan Lembaga Penelitian IPB. Bogor
Rancangan Pelita VI Daerah Nusa Tenggara Barat
Pemerintah Daerah Propinsi Tk I NTB. Mataram
Rancangan dan Uji Teknis Alat Pengering Gabah dengan Menggunakan Energi Surya.
Tjahjohutomo, Rudi.
Rancangan dan Uji Teknis Alat Pengering Gabah dengan Menggunakan Energi Surya.
Rancangan dan Analisis Statistik.
Astuti, M.
Fakultas Peternakan UGM, Yogyakarta.
Rancangan dan analisa statistik
Astuti JM
fak. Peternakan UGM. Yogyakarta
Rancangan Alat Perajang Ubi Kayu.
Herdian, H.
Rancangan Alat Perajang Ubi Kayu.
Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Andalas. Padang.
Rancangan Acak Lengkap Rancang Bangun Sentra Pengembangan Komoditas Unggulan Kedele di Kabupaten Bima Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat
Kusriningrum. R. Sayuti. R.H
Rancangan Acak Lengkap
FKH Unair, Surabaya. Kantor Wilayah departemen Pertanian Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat
Rancang Bangun Bak Pendingin Susu pada Koperasi Sarono Makmur, Cangkringan
Rambutan cultivation Rakitan Teknologi Usahatani bawangmerah
Tindall, H. D. Baswarsiati
Rakitan Teknologi Usahatani bawangmerah
Monograf Rakitan Teknologi BPTP Karangploso.
Rakitan Teknologi Budidaya Kedelai
BPTP Karangploso
Rakitan Teknologi Budidaya Kedelai
BPTP Karangploso
Raiting Your Own Livestock
Weisburd, C
Raiting Your Own Livestock
Raising goats for milk and meat.
Sinn, R.
A heifer project int. training course, Arkansas.
Fakultas Mekanisasi dan Teknologi Pertanian. IPB Bogor.
PrenticeHall, INC., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
Hlm 386 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Rainfall types based on wet and dry ratio periods for Indonesia and Western New Guinea. Verh. 47
Schmidt, F H
Rainfall types based on wet and dry ratio periods for Indonesia and Western New Guinea. Verh. 47
Jawatan Meteorologi dan GeoHsika, Jakarta.
Rainfall types based on wet and dry period ratios for Indonesia. with Western New Guinea
Schmidt, F.H.
Rainfall types based on wet and dry period ratios for Indonesia. with Western New Guinea
Kementrian Perhubungan Djawatan Meteorogi dan Geofisika. Verh No 42 77 hlm
Rainfall types based on wet and dry period ratios for Indonesia with Western New Guinea. Verh. 42
Schmidt, F.H.
Rainfall types based on wet and dry period ratios for Indonesia with Western New Guinea. Verh. 42
Jawatan Meteorologi dan Geofisika, Jakarta.
Rainfall types based on wet and dry period ratio for Indonesia with Western New Guinea
Schmidt FH
Rainfall types based on wet & dry periode rations for Indonesia with New Guinea. PT Djulie Bogor
Schmidt, FH
Rainfall type based on wet and dry ratios for Indonesia
Schmidt, F.H.
Rainfall type based on wet and dry ratios for Indonesia
Rainfall Type Based on Wet and Dry Period Ration For Indonesia With Westrn New Guinea
Schmidt. F.H
Jawatan Met and Geofisika. Jakarta
Rainfall Type Based on Wet and Dry Period Ration For Indonesia With Westrn New Guinea
Schmidt. F.H
Rainfall Type Base on Wet and Dry Period Ratios for Indonesia with W. N. Guinea. Verth. 42
Schmidt, F. H.
Rainfall Type Base on Wet and Dry Period Ratios for Indonesia with W. N. Guinea. Verth. 42
Raifall Type based on wet and dry period ratios for Indonesia with westrn new guinee.
Schmidt, F.H.
Verh. No. 42, Jawatan meteorologi dan geofisika. Jakarta.
Rahasia sukses produksi telur
Kementrian Perhubungan Jawatan Meteorologi dan Geofisika, Jakarta
Djawatan Meteorologi dan Geofisik. Verh. 42. Jakarta. 77p.
Jawatan Meteorologi dan Geofisika. Jakarta
Kementrian Perhubungan RI. Jakarta.
Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta
Hlm 387 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Rahasia Herbalis Cina. Ramuan Tanaman Obat Cina
Lucas, R.
Rahasia Herbalis Cina. Ramuan Tanaman Obat Cina
Pustaka Delapratasa, Jakarta.
Rahasia Dalam Pembuatan Roti
Bogasari Flour Mills
Rahasia Dalam Pembuatan Roti
Jakarta, Indonesia.
Rahasia Bercocok Tanam Melon
Yusuf, R
Ragam Budidaya Padi
Taslim. H
Ragam Ayam Piaraan Cet. V
Sarwono, B
Ragam ayam piaraan
Sarwono, B.
Ragam ayam piaraan
Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta
Rafllesia Indonesia keanekaragaman ekologi dan pelestariannya. Yayasan Pembinaan Suaka Alam dan Suaka Margasatwa Indonesia (Indonesian Wildlife Fund) dan Laboratorium Konservasi Tumbuhan Jurusan Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan
Zuhud, E.A.M
Rafllesia Indonesia keanekaragaman ekologi dan pelestariannya. Yayasan Pembinaan Suaka Alam dan Suaka Margasatwa Indonesia (Indonesian Wildlife Fund) dan Laboratorium Konservasi Tumbuhan Jurusan Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan
Fakultas Kehutanan IPB.
Radiotracers in Agricultural Chemistry
L'Annunziata, M. F.
Radiotracers in Agricultural Chemistry
Academic Press, London, New York, San Fransisco
Radiotracers in agricultural chemistry
L. Anunziata, FM
Radiotracers in agricultural chemistry
Academic Press
Radiotracers in Agricultural Chemetry,
L'Annunziata, F. M.
Radiotracers in Agricultural Chemetry,
Academic Press
Radioisotopes studies on F. Gigantica infection of cattle, isotopes and radiation
Bitakaramine, P. K.
Radioimmunoassay of Testosteron in Serum or Plasma. Laboratory Training Manual on Radioimmunoassay in Anima Reproduction. Vienna.
Radioimmunoassay of Testosteron in Serum or Plasma. Laboratory Training Manual on Radioimmunoassay in Anima Reproduction. Vienna.
Wisnu A.W.
CV. Subur Makmur, Medan Padi. Buku I
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Tanaman Pangan. Bogor Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta
IAEA, Vienna
Penerbit Andi, Yogyakarta. Hlm 388 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Radical developments in accounting thought
Chua WF
the Accounting review (October): 601-632
Radiation Type and Radiation Source
Brigg, R. W.
Manual on Mutation Breeding, IAEA, Vienna
Radiation processing of food and drugs
Goldblith, S.A.
Fundamentals of food processing operations, J.L. Heid dan M.A. Joslyn (Eds).
Radiation induce cell lethality of Salmonella typhimurium ATCC 14028 Cooperative effect of hydroxyl radical and oxygen
Kim, A.Y
Radiation biophysic,
Alpen EL
Prentice-Hall International ed p: 103-110
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Quatitative Genetics In Sheep Breeding
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Quatification Of Vesiculararbuscular Mycorrhiza in Plant Roots
Methods and Priciple of Mycorrizha research
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Quantitative studies of ovvine haemonchossis.
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Quantitative relationship between mineralogy and properties of tropical soils
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Quantitative protein and fat metabolism in bulls calves treated with beta - adrenergic agonist
Chwalibog, A.
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Quantitative Plant Ecology 3rd.ed.
University of California Press.Berkeley
Quantitative Genetics Statistic and Plant Breeding
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Iowa State Univ. Press Ames Iowa
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Quantitative genetics in maize breeding 2nd.
Hallauer, A.R.
Iowa State University Press, Iowa USA.
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Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames, IA
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Quantitative Genetics in Maize Breeding
Hallauer AR
Quantitative genetics in maize breeding
Hallauer, A.R.
Quantitative genetics in maize breeding
Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames.
Quantitative Genetics in Maize Breeding
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Quantitative genetic statistic and plant breeding
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Quantitative Determination of Allicin from Garlic by HPLC.
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A revised model for the renewal of spermatozoa
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Quantitaive genetics in Maize Breeding
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Quantitaive genetics in Maize Breeding
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Quantitaive Analysis
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John Willey & Sons New York
Quantifying the Agroecological Component Of Sustainable Agriculture
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Routledge, Chap-man & Hall, Inc
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Quality Criteria for Water
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Quality Control, 2nd Ed.,
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Quality Control, 2nd Ed.,
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Quality Control of Refined Oils – Requirements and Organization
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Quality Control of Refined Oils – Requirements and Organization
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Ockerman, H. W.
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Quality assurance in seafood processing: A practical guide
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Quality Aspect in Extrusion Cooking
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P. Zuenthen (ed.) Thermal Processing and Quality
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Quality and Quality Changes in Fresh Fish
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Qualitative mineralogy and chemical properties of few soils from Sao Paulo, Brazil
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Qualitative Evaluation An Research Methods
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Quail production system. A review.
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Purification, characterization, and properties of an endotype mode of action of 1,4-?-Dglucan cellobiohydrolase from Cellulomonas CS1-17
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Biotech Biochem
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Purification and characterization of potato leaf roll virus
Rowhani, A.
Pupuk Tablet Majemuk Lengkap Formula Felksibel (MLFF) Ramalet (Granular Majemuk Tablet)
Sinar Kencana
Pupuk NPK
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Pupuk mikro dan Prospeknya.
Pupuk Lepas Terkendali
PT. Pasirmaung Agritech, Bogor
Pupuk Kalium Klorida
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Pupuk dan Pemupukan dalam Penggunaan Pupuk pada UPLB, Bogor
Effendi, S.
Pupuk dan Pemupukan dalam Penggunaan Pupuk pada UPLB, Bogor
Pupuk dan pemupukan
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Jurusan Ilmu Tanah fakultas Pertanian Universitas islam Sumatera Utara, Medan
Pupuk dan pemupukan
Lubis, A.M.
Jurusan Ilmu Tanah Fakultas Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara
Pupuk dan pemupukan Pupuk dan Pemupukan
UISU Sabiham, S
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Setyamidjaya, D Lingga, P.
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Pupuk dan pemupukan Pupuk dan Pemupukan Pupuk dan Pemupukan
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Judul Buku
Badan Standarisasi Nasional
Badan Standarisasi Nasional
Jurusan Tanah Fakultas Pertanian Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor
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Pupuk dan pemupukan Pupuk dan pemupukan
Setyamidjaja, D. Suriatna
Pupuk dan pemupukan
Simplex, Jakarta Medyatama Sarana Perkasa, Jakarta
Pupuk dan pemupukan Pupuk dan Pemupukan
Sutejo MM Rinsema.
Pupuk dan Pemupukan
Rinsema, W.T
Bharata Karya Aksara. Jakarta
Pupuk dan pemupukan
Leiwakabessy, F.M
Jurusan Tanah, Fakultas Pertanian Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor
Pupuk dan pemupukan Pupuk dan Pemu pukan
Sutejo MM Suriatna
Bian Aksara Jakarta Mediyatania Sarana Perkasa. Jakarta
Pupuk dan cara pemupukannya, diterjemahkanoleh HM Saleh,
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Penerbit Bhatara Karya Aksara, Jakarta
Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan.
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PT. Rineka Cipta, Jakarta.
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pupuk dan cara pemupukan.
Rinsema, W.J.
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Pupuk dan cara pemupukan.
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Pupuk dan cara pemupukan.
Rineka Cipta.
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Pupuk dan cara pemupukan.
Rineka Cipta. Rineka Cipta, Jakarta.
Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan Tanah Pertanian.
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Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan Tanah Pertanian.
Pustaka Buana, Bandung.
Pupuk dan cara pemupukan tanah pertanian
Sarief, E. S.
Pupuk dan cara pemupukan tanah pertanian
Pustaka Buana Bandung
Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan
Sutedjo, M.M.
Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan
Rineka Cipta. Jakarta.
Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan
Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan
Rineka Cipta. Jakarta
Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan
Riensema, W.J.
Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan
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Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan
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Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan
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Pupuk dan cara pemupukan
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Pupuk dan cara pemupukan
PT. Bina Aksara, Jakarta
Pupuk dan Pemupukan
Pupuk dan Pemu pukan
Bian Aksara Jakarta Bhratara Karya Aksara Jakarta
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Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan
Rinsema, W.T. Sutejo M.
Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan
Karya Aksara, Jakarta. PT. Bina Aksara. Jakarta
Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan
Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan
PT. Bima Aksara, Jakarta.
Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan Pupuk dan cara pemupukan Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan Pupuk dan Cara Pemu pukan
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Mulyani Sutejo, M.
Pupuk dan Cara Pemupukan
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Pupuk Buatan dan Penggunaannya
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Public Health ( 8th ed )
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Public Action and the Quality of Life in Developing Countries
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Psikologi Sosiologi
Psikologi Sosial Suatu Pengantar
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Psikologi sosial Psikologi Praktis : Anak, Remaja, dan Keluarga.
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Psikologi Pnedidikan
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Psikologi Perkembangan Anak Remaja
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Psikologi Perkembangan
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Psikologi Perkembangan
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Psikologi Perkembangan
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Psikologi Perkembangan Psikologi Pengembangan
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Psikologi Pendidikan Psikologi Manajemen dan Administrasi
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Pseudomonads as biocontrol agents of deiseases caused by soil borne pathogens
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Pseudomonads as biocontrol agents of deiseases caused by soil borne pathogens
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Protein Enrichment : Studi cassava enrichment mclalui proses biologi untuk ternak monogastrik
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Prostaglandin Synthetase Inhibitor, A New Approach tor Insect Control in Biologically Active Natural Products
Kubo, l.,
Prostaglandin Synthetase Inhibitor, A New Approach tor Insect Control in Biologically Active Natural Products
Clarendon Press Oxford
Prospek Usaha Sapi Pedaging di Indonesia
Soegiono, W
Makalah Kuliah Umum Mahasiswa Fakultas Peternakan UGM Yogyakarta
Prospek tanah Podsolik Merah Kuning di Lampung Khususnya dan di dataran 4 pulau besar pada umumnya untuk perluasan areal pertanian.
Menara Perkebunan.
Lembaga Penetian Tanah.
International Peat Society 12p
Prospek tanah gambut utk tanaman kelapa sawit di Indonesia
Purba, AU
Prospek sumberdaya tanah podsolik merah kuning dalam pembangunan pertanian di Indonesia
Suyono, A.D
Prospek Pengusahaan Gaharu di Nusa Tenggara Timur.
Studi Potensi dan Manajemen Eksploitasi, Kajian Permasalahan Lokal dan Nasional Hutan dan Kehutanan di Indonesia.
Universitas Nusa Cendana dan Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan, Departemen Kehutanan, Jakarta.
Prospek Penggunaan Beauvaria bassiana untuk mengendalikan hama tanaman perkebunan
Haryono, H
E. Martono et al. (Eds.) Simposium Patologi Serangga
Prospek Penggunaan Bacillus dalam Pengendalian Patogen Tanaman Penghuni Tanah di Lahan Kering, khususnya Sclerotium spp. Hal 127-133.
Sudjarwo, Darsam, A. Sujanto, L. Susanto, H.A. Djatmiko dan B.S. Nugraha, 1991 Peningkatan Pemanfaatan Serangga dan Mikroba Berguna Usaha Menaikkan Pendapatan Petani. Prosiding Seminar Sehari Tingkat Nasional
Fak. Pertanian UNSOED, Purwokerto.
Prospek Pengembangan Usaha Petemakan dalam Upaya Membuka Peluang Ekspor
Prospek Pengembangan Usaha Petemakan dalam Upaya Membuka Peluang Ekspor
Seminar Perunggasan Nasi-onal di Surabaya
Universitas Padjajaran. Bandung
Hlm 405 dari 1800
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Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Prospek pengembangan ternak domba pada lahan kritis di Jawa Barat. Proc Seminar Penelitian Peternakan.
Djaja, S.K.
Prospek pengembangan ternak domba pada lahan kritis di Jawa Barat. Proc Seminar Penelitian Peternakan.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Peternakan, Bogor
Prospek pengembangan sistem usaha pertanian modern di lahan pasang surut Sumatera Selatan. Proyek pengembangan sistem usaha pertanian lahan pasang surut Sumatera Selatan
Badan penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Jakarta. 251 hlm.
Prospek pengembangan sistem usaha pertanian modern di lahan pasang surut Sumatera Selatan. Proyek pengembangan sistem usaha pertanian lahan pasang surut Sumatera Selatan
Prospek Pengembangan Sistem Usaha Pertanian Modern di Lahan Pasang Surut Sumatera Selatan. Proyek Pengembangan Sistem Usaha Pertanian Lahan Pasang Surut Sumatera Selatan
Ananto, E.E.
Prospek Pengembangan Sistem Usaha Pertanian Modern di Lahan Pasang Surut Sumatera Selatan. Proyek Pengembangan Sistem Usaha Pertanian Lahan Pasang Surut Sumatera Selatan
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Departemen Pertanian.
Prospek pengembangan peternakan sapi dan kerbau di daerah mekanisasi pertanian (studi kasus di Kabupaten Subang)
Suryadi, D.
Prospek pengembangan peternakan sapi dan kerbau di daerah mekanisasi pertanian (studi kasus di Kabupaten Subang)
Prospek Pengembangan Pemasaran Teh di Dalam Negeri
Prospek Pengembangan Pemasaran Teh di Dalam Negeri
Prospek pengembangan agribisnis jambu mete di Indonesia.
Sukmadinata, I.
Prospek penerapan teknologi pendederan udang windu di tambak lahan gambut payau
Pantjara, B.
A.M. Pasaribu, S. Saenong, A. Hanafi, N.1. Sidik, dan A. Ella (Eds.). Prosiding Seminar Regional Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Spesifik Lokasi, Buku 11.
Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Kendari, Kendari. hlm. 828-834.
Prospek penegmbangan kedelai di NTT
Adisarwanto T
Tastra dkk (ed) Teknologi utk meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman pangan di prop NTT
Balitkabi Malang
Hlm 406 dari 1800
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Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Prospek Penambangan P tanah sawahan dalam upaya efisiensi pemupukan P dan Optimasi usaha tani
Taher A.
Prospek penambangan P tanah sawah dalam upaya peningkatan efisiensi pemupukan P dan optimasi usaha tani
Taker, A.
Prospek penambangan P tanah sawah dalam upaya peningkatan efisiensi pemupukan P dan optimasi usaha tani
Balittan Sukarami.
Prospek Pembangunan Peternakan Indonesia Ditinjau dari Berbagai Segi SosialEkonomi.
Atmadilaga, D.
Biro Research dan Afiliasi
FP UNPAD, Bandung
Prospek Pembangunan Ekonomi Pedesaan Indonesia
Prospek Pembangunan Ekonomi Pedesaan Indonesia
Jakarta; Yayasan Obor Indonesia
Prospek Pemasaran Pupuk ZA dan TSP di Indonesia
Santoso, B.
Prospek Pemasaran Pupuk ZA dan TSP di Indonesia
Pusat Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Bogor. 249 hlm.
Prospek Pemasaran inokulum rizobin di Ind. hal. 49-60. Dalam M. Syam, Ruhendi, dan A. nitrogen secara hayati pada kacang-kacangan. Bogor 30-31 Agustus 1988
Widiastuti, P.D.
Prospek Pemasaran inokulum rizobin di Ind. hal. 49-60. Dalam M. Syam, Ruhendi, dan A. nitrogen secara hayati pada kacang-kacangan. Bogor 30-31 Agustus 1988
Pusat Penelitian Pengembangan Bioteknologi, Lembaga llmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Bogor
Prospek pemanfaatan timbunan P dan optimasi usaha tani padi sawah
Taher, A.
Prospek pemanfaatan timbunan P dan optimasi usaha tani padi sawah
Taher, A.
Prospek Pemanfaatan Patogen Serangga Untuk Pengendalian Serangga Hama di Sulawesi Selatan.
Saranga, A.P.
Dalam: E. Martono, E. Mahr-ub, N.S. Putra, dan Y. Trisetyawati (Eds.)
Prosiding Makalah Simposium Patologi Serangga I, 12 - 13 Oktober 1993.
Prospek komoditi hortikultura di Indonesia dalam kerangka pembangunan ekonomi
Pasandaran, E
Bahan rapat kerja Puslitbanghorti di Solok
Prospek komoditi di Indonesia dalam kerangka pembangunan ekonomi.
Pasandaran, E.
Hlm 407 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Prospek kelapa sawit di Indonesia.
Prospek Inokulasi Pada Peningkatan Produksi Kedelai dan Leguminosa Lainnya
Prospek Inokulasi Pada Peningkatan Produksi Kedelai dan Leguminosa Lainnya
Dep. Mikrobiologi. Fakultas Pertanian UGM
Prospek dan Tantangan Pengembangan Industri Pulp dan Kertas Indonesia dalam Era Ekolabeling dan Otonomi Daerah
Ibnusantoso G
Dalam: Prosiding seminar: Prospek dan Tantangan Agribisnis Pulp dan Kertas dalam Era Ekolabeling dan Otonomi Daerah
Penyunting Sipayung T (dkk) bogor: Pusat Studi Pembangunan-IPB
Prospek dan strategi pemanfaatan insektisida alami dalam PHT
Prijono D.
Nugroho BW, Dadang, Prijono D (ed). Bahan Pelatihan Pengembangan dan Pemanfaatan Insektisida Alami, Bogor, 9-13 Agu 1999
Bogor: Pusat Kajian PHT, IPB. him 1-7.
Prospek dan Permasalahan Ekspor manggis dan Rambutan
Marsyasni, E.
Pertemuan Teknis Penyusunan Standar Asparagus, Manggis dan Rambutan
Departemen Perdagangan. Dirjen Perdagangan Luar Negeri. Direktorat Standarisasi dan Pengendalian Mutu, jakarta
Prospek dan pemamfaatan lahan gambut di propinsi Riau.
Bappeda Tingkat I Riau.
Prospek Dan Kendala Pengembangan Kedelai Di Indonesia
Sihombing. D.A
Pusat Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan . Bogor
Prospek dan Kendala Pengembangan Kedelai di Indonesia
Sihombing. D.A
KEDELAI (S. Smaatmadja)
Prospek dan kendala pengembangan kedelai di Indonesia
Sihombing DA
Somaatmadja S, et al (eds) Kedelai
Prospek dan kendala pengembangan kedelai di Indonesia
Sihombing DA
Somaatmadja S, et al (eds) Kedelai
Judul Buku
Dep. Mikrobiologi Fakultas Pertanian UGM. Yogyakarta
Puslitbangtan. Bogor
Hlm 408 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Prospek dan Kendala Pengembang Kedelai di Indonesia dalam Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian.
Sihombing, D.A.
Prospek dan kendala komoditi atsiri Indonesia
Tobing, K. H.
Prospek dan kendala dalam pemanfaatan mimba sebagai pestisida nabati. Dalam Sitepu dkk (penyunting): Prosiding Hasil Penelitian dalam Rangka Pemanfaatan Pestisida Nabati, 1-2 Desember 1993
Sudarmadji, D.
Prospek dan kendala dalam pemanfaatan mimba sebagai pestisida nabati. Dalam Sitepu dkk (penyunting): Prosiding Hasil Penelitian dalam Rangka Pemanfaatan Pestisida Nabati, 12 Desember 1993
Balit. Tanaman Rempah dan Obat, Bogor
Prospek dan Kendala Pengembangan Kedelai di Indonesia.
Sihombing, D.A.
Prospek dan Kendala Pengembangan Kedelai di Indonesia.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor.
Prospek dan kendala pengembangan kedelai di Indonesia
Sihombing, D.A.
Prospek dan kendala pengembangan kedelai di Indonesia
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor.
Prospek cerah bertanam kedelai
Mjlh Trubus no 339 th xxix Feb 98
Prospek dan Kendala Pengembangan Tehnologi Budidaya Sebar Langsung Padi Sawah di Lahan Irigasi
Malian, A.H
Kinerja Penelitian Pangam Buku 3
Prospek komoditi hortikultura di Indonesia dalam kerangka pembangunan ekonomi. Makalah Penyusunan Prioritas dan Desain Penelitian Hortikultura
Pasandaran, E
Prospek komoditi hortikultura di Indonesia dalam kerangka pembangunan ekonomi. Makalah Penyusunan Prioritas dan Desain Penelitian Hortikultura
Puslitbang Hortikultura, Jakarta
Prospects Of Hybrid Rice In The Tropics and Subtropics
Virmani. S.S
Hybrid Rice Technology New Development And Fututre Prospect
IRRI. Losbanos. Phlippines
Prospects for utilization of parasites and predators for management of Heliothis spp
King, E.G.
W. Reed, V. Kumble (Eds.). International Workshop on Heliothis Management. p. 103122.
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi Arid Tropics. Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh India.
Hlm 409 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Prospects for small farm goat production in a transmigration area of Indonesia: results of a survey
Mink, S.
Working Paper No.2
Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Support ProgramBalai Penelitian Ternak, Bogor, Indonesia.
Prospect of native chicken in bangladesh.
Barua, A.
Poultry adviser.
Prospect for the management of the cocoa pod borer in Malaysia
Wood BJ
in PAC Ooi et al (eds). Symposium on the managemnet of the cocoa pod borer. Malaysia protection Plant Society
Prospect for increasing productivity from sheep and goats
Yousef MK
Prospect for breeding program in fish
T. Gjedrem
Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Praeger Publisher USA
Prospect for breeding program in fish
Institute of Aquaculture Research Ltd. Norway
Prosiding Teknologi Evaluasi Hasil Penelitian Usaha Tani Lahan Kering Waingapu Prosiding Pertemuan Teknis Tengah Tahunan II. Pusat Penelitian Perkebunan Gula Indonesia, Pasuruan
Prosiding Pertemuan Teknis Tengah Tahunan II. Pusat Penelitian Perkebunan Gula Indonesia, Pasuruan
Proses-proses mikrobiologipangan
Kuswanto, K. R.
PAU pangan dan gizi Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
Proses-proses Mikrobiologi Pangan.
PAU. Pangan dan Gizi.
Universltas Gadjah Mada.
Proses-proses Mikrobiologi Pangan
Kuswanto, K.
Proses-proses Mikrobiologi Pangan
PAU Pangan dan Gizi. Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta.
Proses penyamakan kulit
Starher F
Proses Penelitian Survai
Efendi, Sofian
Proses Penelitian Survai
Metode penelitian survai. LP3ES. Jakarta.
Proses Pemutihan Rotan, Bambu, Pandan daun lontar.
Proses Pemutihan Rotan, Bambu, Pandan daun lontar.
Balai Kerajinan Dinas Perindustrian DK.I, Jakarta.
Penerbit Balai Penelitian Kulit Yogyakarta
Hlm 410 dari 1800
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Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Proses Pembuatan "Abon" (The Production of "Abon"). Teknologi Tepat Guna
Proses Pembuatan "Abon" (The Production of "Abon"). Teknologi Tepat Guna
Akademi Usaha Perikanan, Jakarta, Indonesia
Proses Mikrobiologi Pangan.
Proses Mikrobiologi Pangan.
PAU Pangan dan Gizi, Universitas Gajah Mada.
Proses Biodegradasi 2,4-D Pada Tanah Persawahan
Widyati, E.
Proses Biodegradasi 2,4-D Pada Tanah Persawahan
Skripsi S-1. Fak. Biologi Lingkungan UGM, Yogyakarta.
Proses Proses Mikrobilogi Pangan
Kuswanto, K. R
PALJ Pangan dan Gizi
Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Prosedur statistik utk penelitian pertanian edisi kedua
Gomez KA
Univ. Indonesia Press. Jakarta
Prosedur statistik untuk penelitian pertanian. (Terjemahan : E. Syamsudin & J.S. Baharsyah, 1995)
Gomez, K
UI Press. Jakarta
Prosedur statistik untuk penelitian pertanian
Gomez, K. A.
Universitas Indonesia Jakarta
Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu pendekatan Praktis. Edisi Revisi IV
Arikunto, Suharsimi
Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu pendekatan Praktis. Edisi Revisi IV
Yogyakarta, Rineka Cipta.
Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik
Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik
Penerbit Rineka Cipta, Jakarta
Prosedur kerja scanning electron microscope
Komunikasi Pribadi
Prosedur dan Tatacara Kerja distribusi Semen Beku
Prosedur Analysis Untuk Bahan Makanan dan Minuman
Sudarmadji. S
Lyberti Yogyakarta
Prosedur analisa utk bhn makanan dan pertanian
Sudarmaji S
Liberty, Yogyakarta
Prosedur analisa utk bhn makanan dan pertanian
Sudarmaji S
Liberty, Yogyakarta
Prosedur Analisa untuk Bahan Pangan dan Pertanian. Edisi III.
Sudarmadji, et al.
Unit Pelaksana Teknis Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya Prosedur dan Tatacara Kerja distribusi Semen Beku
Prosedur Analisa untuk Bahan Pangan dan Pertanian. Edisi III.
Direktorat Jendral Peternakan Departemen Pertanian,BIB Lembang, Bandung.
Liberty. Yogyakarta.
Hlm 411 dari 1800
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Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Prosedur Analisa untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian.
Sudarmadji, S.,
Prosedur Analisa untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian.
Liberty, Yogyakarta.
Prosedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian.
Sudarmadji, S..
Prosedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian.
Liberty Yogyakarta
Prosedur analisa untuk bahan makanan dan pertanian.
Sudarmadji, S.
Prosedur Analisa untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian.
Prosedur Analisa untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian.
Penerbit Liberty, Yogyakarta.
Prosedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian.
Sudarmadji, S.
Prosedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian.
Liberty, Yogyakarta
Prosedur analisa untuk bahan makanan dan pertanian
Sudarmadji S et al
Prosedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Ma-kanan dan Pertanian
Sudarmadji, S.
Prosedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian
Sudarmadji. S
Liberty. Yogyakarta
Prosedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian
Sudarmadji. S
Liberty. Yogyakarta
Prosedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian
Sudamadji S.
Prosedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian
Penerbit Liberty, Yogyakarta.
Prosedur Analisa untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian
Sudarmadji, S
Prosedur Analisa untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian
Penerbit Liberty, Yogyakarta
Prosedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian
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Prosedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian
Liberty. Yogyakarta.
Prosedur Analisa untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian
Sudarmadji, S.
Prosedur Analisa untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian
Penerbit Liberty, Yogyakarta.
Prosedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Makan dan Pertanian
Liberty Yogyakarta
Prosedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Makan dan Pertanian
Liberty Yogyakarta
Liberty, Yogyakarta.
Liberty Yogyakarta
Prosedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Ma-kanan dan Pertanian
Penerbit Liberty, Yogyakarta.
Hlm 412 dari 1800
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Penulis Utama
Prosedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Makan dan Pertanian
Sudarmadji. S
Liberty Yogyakarta
Prosedur analisa Untuk Bahan Makan dan Pertanian
Libertu Yogyakarta
Prosedur Analisa Kimiawi Ikan dan Produk Olahan Hasil-hasil Perikanan.
Instalasi Penelitian Perikanan Laut Slipi, Jakarta. 100 pp.
Prosedur Analisa Bahan Pangan
Sudarmadji. S.
Prosedur Analisa Bahan Pangan
Gramedia, Jakarta,
Prosedur Analisa Bahan Makanan Dan Pertanian
Sudarmadji, S.
Prosedur Analisa Bahan Makanan Dan Pertanian
Liberty, Yogyakarta.
Prosedur Analisa Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian
Sudarmadji, S.
Prosedur Analisa Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian
Liberty, Yogyakarta.
Proseding Widya Karya Nasional Pangan dan Gizi VI
Proseding Widya Karya Nasional Pangan dan Gizi VI
Proposed scheme for an International Standard Test for the Resistance of Timber to Impregnation with Preservative.
Smith. D.N.R.
Proposed scheme for an International Standard Test for the Resistance of Timber to Impregnation with Preservative.
Ministry of Technology Forest Product Research Laboratory. New Zealand.
Proposed Baluran national park: Management Plan 1978 -1982. Field Report of UNDP/FAO Nature Conservation and Wildlife Management Project
Field Report of UNDP/FAO Nature Conservation and Wildlife Management Project
Food and Agriculture Organization. Bogor. Indonesia
Proposed Bawean Island Wildlife Reserve
Blouch, R.A
Proposed Bawean Island Wildlife Reserve
The World Wildlife Fund Indonesia Programme. Bogor.
Propose of Physical Measurement in Flooded Rice Soil
Tabuachi. T
Proposal penelitian Uji coba Pengoperasian Sistem Skyline Thunder Bird TTY 70 di Hutan Produksi Terbatas PT .Sumalindo Lestari Jaya.
Idris, M.M.,
Kerjasama Penelitian Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan dan Sosial Ekonomi Kehutanan dengan PT. Sumalindo Lestari Jaya.
Proporties of transformed root cultures. 201-225.
Rhodes, M.J.C.,
In B.V. Charlwood, and M.J.C. Rhodes (Eds.) Secondary Products from Plant Tissue Culture.
Judul Buku
IRRI. Philippines
Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Hlm 413 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Proporties and Management of Soil in The Tropics
Sanchez, P.
Proporties and Management of Soil in The Tropics
John Wiley and Sons.Inc
Proporties and Management of Soil In The Tropic.
Sanchez, P.A.
Proporties and Management of Soil In The Tropic
John Willey & Sons. New York.
Property, Power, and Public Choice: An Inquiry into law and economics
Schmid, A Allan
Property, Power, and Public Choice: An Inquiry into law and economics
Praeger Publisher, New York
propertoes and management of soil in the tropics
propertoes and management of soil in the tropics
Jhon willey, los banos, Laguna, Phlipines.
Properties, Genesis and Classification Of Vertisols
Eswaran. H.J
Properties, Genesis and Classification of Vertisols
Eswaran. H
Classification Management And Use Potential Of Swell-Srink Soils
A.A. Balkema. Rotterdam
Properties of microbial proteinase, him. 32-96.
Ward, 0. P.
W. Fogarty (ed.), Microbial Enzymes and Biotechnology
London: Appl. Pub.
Properties of Agricultural and Municipal Wastestes
Soil For Management of Organic Wastes and Waste Water
SSSA.Inc, Madison
Properties of Agricultural and Municipal Wastes
McCalla. T.M
Soil for Management of Organic wastes and Waste Water
SSSA Inc. Madison
Properties of Agricultural and Municipal Wastes
McCalla. T.M
Soil For Management of Organic Wastes and Waste Waters
SSSA Inc. Madison
Properties Genesis and Clasification of Vertisol
Eswaran. H.
A.A. Balkema. Rotterdam
Properties and process in upland acid soils in Sumatera and their management for crop production
Arya, L. M.
Sukarami Agriculture Research Institute for food crops. West Sumatera Indonesia
Properties and potential of natural pesticides from he neem tree, Azadirachta indica
Annu. Rev. Ent
Properties and Mnagement of Soil In the Tropics
Sanchez, A. Pedro
Properties and Mangement of Soil InThe Tropics
Sanchez. P.A
John Willey & Sons Inc. New York
Properties and Management Soil In the Tropics
Sanchez. P.A
John Willey & Sons. New York
A.A. Balkema. Rotterdam
A Wiley Inter Science Publication
John Wiley and Sons, New York, London. SiDney. Toronto
Hlm 414 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Properties and management of soils in the Tropics.
Sanchez, P.A.
John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Properties and Management of Soils In The Tropics
Sanchez. P.A
John Willey & Sons. New York
Properties and Management of Soils In The Tropics
Sanchez. P.A
John Willey & Sons. New York
Properties and Management of Soils in The Tropics
Sanchez, P. A
John Wiley and Sons, New York
Properties and Management of Soils in The Tropics
Sanchez, P.A
John Wiley and Sons. New York
Properties and management of soils in the tropics
Sanchez, P.A.
Properties and Management of Soils in the tropics
Sanchez. PA.
A Wiley Inter Science Publication
Properties and management of soils in the tropics
Sanchez PA
John Willey and Sons Inc. New York
Properties and Management of Soils in The Tropics
Sanchez, P.A
John Wiley and Sons. New York
Properties and Management of Soils in the Tropics
Sanchez, P.A
John Wiley & Sons. New York
Properties and Management of soils in the tropics
Sanchez, P.A
John Wiley and sons, New York
Properties and Management of soils in the tropics
Sanchez, P.A
John Wiley and sons, New York
Properties and management of soils in the tropics
Sanchez, P.A
John Wiley & Sons, New York
Properties and management of soils in the tropics
Sanchez PA
John Willey and Sons Inc. New York
Properties and management of soil in tropics. Soil Organic Matter
Sanchez, P. A.
Properties and management of soil in tropics. Soil Organic Matter
John Wiley and Sons, New York
Properties and Management of Soil in the Tropies
Sanchez. RA.
Properties and Management of Soil in the Tropies
J. Wiley and Sons, New York. 618 pp.
Properties and Management of Soil in the Tropics.
Sanchez, A.
Properties and Management of Soil in the Tropics.
A Wiley-Inter Science Publication. John Wiley and Sons New York. Toronto.
Properties and Management of Soil in the Tropics.
Sanchez, P.A
A Wiley Interscience Publ.
John Wiley & Sons. New York.
Properties and Management of Soil in The Tropics
Sanchez. P.A
John Willey & Sons. New York
Properties and Management of Soil in The Tropics
Sanchez. P.A
John Willey & Sons. New York
Judul Buku
Properties and management of soils in the tropics
J. Willey and Sons, New York. 618 p.
Hlm 415 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Properties and management of soil in the tropics
Sanchez, P. A.
johnWilley and sons Inc New York
Properties And Management Of Soil In The Tropics
Sanchez. P.A
John Willey & Sons Inc. New York
Properties and management of soil in the tropics
Sanchez, P. A.
Properties and management of soil in the tropics
John Wiley and Sons. New York-London
Properties and Management of Soil in the Tropic.
Sanchez, P.A.
Properties and Management of Soil in the Tropic.
Department of Soil Science North Carolina Univ. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
Properties and Management of Forest Soils 2nd ed
Proper Handling to Food Enzymology
Reddy, G.V.
Propagation. Rootstocks for Fruits Crops.
Howard, B. H.
John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Propagation. Rootstocks for Fruits Crops.
Howard, B. H.
A Wiley Interscience Publication, New York
Propagation of horticulture plants. Second edition.
Propagation of horticulture plants.
Adriance, C. W.
Propagation of Horticultural Plant.
Adriance, G.W.
Propagation of Horticultural Plant. Second ed.
Tata McGraw Hill Publ. Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
Propagation of Horticultural Plant
Adriance, G.W.
Propagation of Horticultural Plant
Tata McGraw Hill Publ. Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
Pronciples and Procedures of Statistics : A Biometrical Approach 2nd ed.
Steel, R. G. D.
Pronciples and Procedures of Statistics : A Biometrical Approach 2nd ed.
McGraw-Hill International Book Co., Singapore.
Promotong Stewarship of Forest in the Humid Forest Zone of Anglophone West and Centra Africa. C1FOR. Bogor.
Dykstra, DP
Promotong Stewarship of Forest in the Humid Forest Zone of Anglophone West and Centra Africa. C1FOR. Bogor.
Promoting Healthly Growth : Rationale and Benefits : Child Growth and Nutrition Country : Priorities Of Action
Martorell. R
Judul Buku
John Willey & Sons. Inc. New York Proper Handling to Food Enzymology
Propagation of horticulture plants. Second edition.
Departement of Food Science University of Wisconsin Madison.
Tata Graw-Hill Book Company, USA Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. Bombay, New Delhi
Cornell University Press, New York
Hlm 416 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Promise in seabass culture. S
Garcia, L.M.B.,
EAFDEC Asian Aquaculture 10(3):3.
Prolific Tropical Sheep
Mason, I.L.
Prolific Tropical Sheep
Prolific Breeds of Indonesia.
Bradford, G. E.
Prolific breeds of Indonesia, him. 137-146
Bradford, G.E.
M.H. Fahmy (ed.). Prolific Sheep
Prokasih. Enviromental Impact Management Policy. Jakarta.
Prokasih. Enviromental Impact Management Policy. Jakarta.
Proinciples of microbial processes of chemical degradation, assimilation, and accumulation
Keeney, D.R
W.S. Nelson et al (Eds.). Chemical Mobility and Reactivity in soil Systems.
Proinciples and Procedures of Statistics
Steel, D.G.R
2nd ed. Mc Graw Hill International Book Company. Singapore
Progress Report and Program Planning.
Soetarno, T.
Milk Quality Team of PT. Sari Husada. (Unpublished Report).
Progress in Weed Science and Control Technology in Tropical Rice
De Datta, S. K.
Progress in Weed Science and Control Technology in Tropical Rice
Second Tropical Weed Sci. Conf, Thailand
Progress in Pesticide Biochemistry and Toxicology V Insecticide,
Hutson, D.A.
Progress in Pesticide Biochemistry and Toxicology V Insecticide,
John Wiley and Sons, New York.
Progress in developing drought and low soil Nitrogen tolerance in maize.
Beck, D.
Programmed Cell Death
Kohn, K.W.
J.H. Vos (Ed.). DNA Repair Mechanisms:Impact on Human Diseases and Cancer. p.247-284
Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany.
Program Utama Nasional Riset dan Teknologi dalam Pembagunan Lima Tahun VI
Dewan Riset Nasional
rogram Utama Nasional Riset dan Teknologi dalam Pembagunan Lima Tahun VI
Kantor Menteri Negara Riset dan Teknologi Dewan Riset Nasional. Jakarta
Rome: Food and Agricultural Organization. CAB International, Oxon, UK. London: CAB International, University Press, Cambridge.
SSSA. 11. Madison, WI
Hlm 417 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Program penyuluhan pertanian Kecamatan Sumatera Pesisir Selatan
BPP Surantih
Program Penyediaan Hijauan Makanan Ternak Sepanjang Tahun
Sudarmadi, H
Fakultas Peternakan. IPB. Bogor.
Program Peningkatan Ekspor Hasil Perikanan, Protekan 2003
Direktorat Jendral Perikanan
Departemen Pertanian, Jakarta
Program pengembangn Jagung di indonesia
Bastari, T
Subandi, M. Syam, & Adi Widjojo (Penyunting)
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor
Program pengembangan jagung di Indonesia
Bastari T
Subandi, Mahyudin Syam, Adi Widjono (ed) Jagung
Balitbang Pertanian. Puslitbang Tanaman Pangan
Program pengembangan jagung di Indonesia
Bastari T
Subandi, Mahyudin Syam, Adi Widjono (ed) Jagung
Balitbang Pertanian. Puslitbang Tanaman Pangan
Program penelitian hama dan penyakit untuk menunjang pening-katan produksi dan kualitas hasil sayuran. Risalah Seminar Hania dan Penyakit Sayuran, 29-30 Mei 1994 di Cipanas
Ciptono, A. P
Program penelitian hama dan penyakit untuk menunjang peningkatan produksi dan kualitas hasil sayuran. Risalah Seminar Hania dan Penyakit Sayuran, 29-30 Mei 1994 di Cipanas
Badan Litbang Pertanian, Jakarta
Program penelitian hama dan penyakit untuk menunjang peningkatan produksi dan kualitas hasil sayuran. Risalah Seminar Hama dan Penyakit Sayuran, 29-30 Mei 1994 di Cipanas
Ciptono, A. P.
Program penelitian hama dan penyakit untuk menunjang peningkatan produksi dan kualitas hasil sayuran. Risalah Seminar Hama dan Penyakit Sayuran, 29-30 Mei 1994 di Cipanas
Badan Litbang Pertanian, Jakarta
Program pembangunan nasional (PROPENAS) perlindungan dan konservasi alam tahun 2000-2004
Program pembangunan nasional (PROPENAS) perlindungan dan konservasi alam tahun 2000-2004
Departemen Kehutanan dan Perkebunan Direktorat Jenderal Perlindungan dan Konservasi Alam. Jakarta.
Judul Buku
Hlm 418 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
program pembangunan dan kebutuhan teknologi pertanian berdasarkan agroekosistem wilayah Kotamadya Padang
Temu tugas Peneliti-PenyuluhBIPP se-Sumatera Barat. BPTP Sukarami
BIPP Padang
Program pembangunan dan kebutuhan teknologi pertanian berdasarkan agroekosistem wilayah kabupaten Padang/Pariaman
Temu tugas Peneliti-PenyuluhBIPP se-Sumatera Barat. BPTP Sukarami
BIPP Padang/Pariaman
Program Neway. International feed resources unit.
Chen, X. B.
Rowett research institute, bucksburn, Aberdeen AB2 9sb, UK.
Program Nasional Penelitian Kacang-kacangan
Puslitbang Balitbangtan Deptan
Program Nasional Penelitian Kacang-kacangan
Puslitbang Balitbangtan Deptan
Program Nasional Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Pengendalian Hama Terpadu.
Gallagher, K.,
Program Nasional Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Pengendalian Hama Terpadu.
Proyek Prasarana Fisik Bappenas, Jakarta.
Program Linear untuk Industri Ransum Ternak
Rasyaf, M
Program Linear untuk Industri Ransum Ternak
Yayasan Kanisius. Yogyakarta.
Program linear dan variasinya.
Nasendi, B.D.
Program linear dan variasinya.
PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.
Program komputer untuk mengukur stabilitas hasil tanaman.
Program komputer untuk mengukur stabilitas hasil tanaman.
Penelitian pertanian Balittan, Bogor
Program Implementasi Pola llmiah Pokok Uni versitas Brawijaya Tahun 1992-1997 Bidang penelitian
Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Brawi jaya
Program Implementasi Pola llmiah Pokok Uni versitas Brawijaya Tahun 1992-1997 Bidang penelitian
Universitas Brawijaya. Malang
Program Bimas Intensifikasi Padi, Palawija, dan Hortikultura
Badan Pengendali Bimas
Program Bimas Intensifikasi Padi, Palawija, dan Hortikultura
Badan Pengendali Bimas Pusat. Jakarta.
Program bantuan penghijauan dan reboisasi (buku VII)
Instruksi bersama Menteri Dalam Negeri dan Menteri Pertanian
Program Alkohol di Indonesia
Djojonegoro, W
Bahan Ceramah di Universitas Brawijaya
Hlm 419 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Progesterone Directed Gene Expression in Rat Uterine Stromal Cells.
Mulholland, J.
Profit Pesantren; Laporan Hasil Penelitian Al Falah dan Delapan Pesantren Lain Di Bogor
Prasodjo, S
Judul Buku
Penerbit J. Mulholland and A. Plenum Press, New York.
Profit Pesantren; Laporan Hasil Penelitian Al Falah dan Delapan Pesantren Lain Di Bogor
LP3ES, Jakarta.
Profile Potensi Pembangunan Di Pulau Madura
Profile Potensi Pembangunan Di Pulau Madura
Lembaga Penelitian Univ. Brawijaya, Malang.
Profil Potensi Pembangunan Di Pulau Madura
Profil Potensi Pembangunan Di Pulau Madura
Lembaga Penelitian Univ. Brawijaya, Malang
Profil Peternakan di Kabupaten Malang
Profil Peternakan di Kabupaten Malang
Malang Dinas Peternakan Kabupaten Malang.
Profil Pesantren: Laporan Hasil Penelitian Al Fatah dan Detapan Pesantren Lain Di Bogor
Prasodjo, S
Profil Pesantren: Laporan Hasil Penelitian Al Fatah dan Detapan Pesantren Lain Di Bogor
LP3ES, Jakarta.
Profil Pertanian Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara.
Profil Pertanian Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara.
Profil pertanian dlm angka Profil perdagangan luar negeri Propinsi Jambi
Deptan BPS propinsi Jambi
Deptan Jkt
Profil perdagangan komoditi jagung di Indonesia.
Rahmanto, B.
Pusat Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Departemen Pertanian. Pros Agribisnis.
Profil Pengembangan Industri Rotan di Kabupaten Cirebon tahun 1993-1997.
Profil Pengembangan Industri Rotan di Kabupaten Cirebon tahun 1993-1997.
Kantor Departemen Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Kabupaten Cirebon.
Profil Komoditi Kopi Racik
Profil Komoditi Kopi Racik
DEPERINDAG Kotamadya Kediri
Profil Kesehatan Indonesia, Th 1998
Depkes R.I
Pusat Data Kesehatan
Depkes R.I, Jakarta
Profil kelapa sawit Indonesia Profil Kelapa Sawit Indonesia
Hlm 420 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Profil Industri Perkayuan Besar dan Menengah.
Anonimus, 1
Profil Industri Perkayuan Besar dan Menengah.
Biro Pusat Statistik.
Profil Industri Kecil dan Kerajinan Rumahtangga di Indonesia.
Profil Industri Kecil dan Kerajinan Rumahtangga di Indonesia.
Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta.
Profil dan Peranan Industri Pangan dalam rangka Menghadapi Globalisasi. Seminar: Mendorong Industriindustri Pangan untuk Memperkuat Ketahanan Pangan, Jakarta.
Profil dan Peranan Industri Pangan dalam rangka Menghadapi Globalisasi. Seminar: Mendorong Industriindustri Pangan untuk Memperkuat Ketahanan Pangan, Jakarta.
Profil biji kakao rakyat asal Sulawesi.
Profil Pesantren Profil kependudukan Provinsi Jawa Timur
Prasodjo BPS
Profil Pesantren Profil kependudukan Provinsi Jawa Timur
Professionalism, organizational commitment and job satisfication in an accounting organization
Norris D
Accounting, Organization and society: 49-58
Prodution and Operation Management
Dilworth, S. B
Prodution and Operation Management
Produktivitas dan Mutu Kehidupan. Seri Produktivitas I.
Ravianto J
Lembaga Sarana Informasi Usaha dan Produktivitas. Jakarta.
Produktivitas dan manusia Indonesia
Lembaga Sarana Informasi dan Produktivitas, Jakarta
Produktivitas sapi Perah
Produktifitas sapi Ongole, Bali dan Bahman cross di ladang ternak bila River Ranch Sulawesi selatan
Produktivitas sapi Perah
LP3ES, Jakarta Biro Pusat Statistik Jakarta, Indonesia
Random House Business Division. New York
Jurusan llmu Produksi Ternak Fakultas Peternakan Institut Pertanian Bogor
Hlm 421 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Produksi, Nilai gizi dan Daya Cerna Rumput Benggala (Panicum maximum) dan Gajah (Pennisetum purpurem) dengan Interval Pemotongan yang berbeda dan Tiga Tingkat Pemupukan
Soetanto, H.
Produksi, Nilai gizi dan Daya Cerna Rumput Benggala (Panicum maximum) dan Gajah (Pennisetum purpurem) dengan Interval Pemotongan yang berbeda dan Tiga Tingkat Pemupukan
Fak. Peternakan dan Perikanan, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang/NUFFIC
Produksi Unggas Air
Srigandono, B
Produksi Unggas Air
Gajah Mada Press Yokyakarta
Produksi Ternak Perah
Adi Soedono
Produksi Ternak Perah
Fakultas Peternakan, IPB, Bogor
Produksi ternak Kambing di daerah tropis
Devandra C
Produksi Tebu Sumatera Barat Tahun 1989 - 1994.
ITB Sekilas Sumatera Barat. Padang.
Produksi Tanaman Sayuran Dan Buah-buahan
BPS, Jakarta
Produksi Tanaman Sayuran Dan Buah-buahan
BPS, Jakarta
Produksi Tanaman Palawija di Propinsi Jambi.
BPS Propinsi Jambi.
Produksi Tanaman Palawija di NTB
Produksi tanaman padi di Indonesia.
Produksi tanaman padi di Indonesia.
BPS. Jakarta , Indonesia
Produksi tanaman padi di Indonesia
Produksi tanaman padi di Indonesia
BPS Jakarta, Indonesia
Produksi Tanaman Padi dan Polowijo.Survai Pertanian.
Biro Pusat Statistik.
PT. Willey Sahat Jakarta.
Produksi Tanaman Padi dan Palawija. Prop. NTB
Produksi Tanaman Padi dan Palawija Jawa Barat
BPS Propinsi Jawa Barat
Produksi tanaman Padi dan Palawija di Jawa barat 1988 1992 per Wilayah Pembangunan
Bandung : Kantor Statistik Propinsi Jawa Barat
Produksi Tanaman Hijauan Makanan Ternak Tropik.
Reksohadiprodjo, S.
Produksi Tanaman Hijauan Makanan Ternak Tropik
Fak. Ekonomi Univ. Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta.
Produksi Tanaman Bahan Makanan di Lampung
Biro Pusat Statistik
Produksi Tanaman Bahan Makanan di Lampung
BPS-Lampung. Bandar Lampung
Produksi Tanaman
Warsito, D.P
Produksi Tanaman
Soeroengan Jakarta
Hlm 422 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Produksi Sapi Pe-rah.
Sudono, A
Produksi Sapi Pe-rah
Jurusan llmu Produksi Ternak. Institut Pertanian Bogor
Produksi Sapi Perah.
Sudono, A.
Produksi Sapi Perah
Jurusan ilmu Produksi Ternak Perah. Fakultas Peternakan IPB Bogor
Produksi Sapi Perah.
Sudono, A.
Produksi Sapi Perah.
Fak. Peternakan IPB, Bogor.
Produksi Sapi Perah
Sudono, A
Produksi Sapi Perah
Fakultas Peternakan IPB Bogor
Produksi Sapi Perah
Sudono, A
Produksi Sapi Perah
Jurusan Ilmu Produksi Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor.
Produksi Renin Mucor pusillus pada Substrat Sisa Industri Minyak Jagung
Fardiaz, D.
Produksi pisang. Produksi pangan hewani di pedesaan. Makalah seminar tentang pendidikan tinggi dan masalah pangan, tanggal 19-21 Mei 1980
Sunaryono, H. Martojo H
Produksi kompos bioaktif TKKS dan efektifitasnya dlm mengurangi dosis pupuk kelapa sawit di PT Perkebunan Bioteknologi Perkebunan Untuk Praktek, Bogor 5-6 Mei 1999, 18
Hermawan S
PAU Pangan dan Gizi, IPB, Bogor
Produksi Kayu Propinsi Sumatra Utara.
Produksi Kayu Propinsi Sumatra Utara.
Kanwil Kehutanan Propinsi Sumatra Utara.
Produksi Kambing si Daerah Tropis
Davebdra, C
Produksi kambing di daerah tropis. Diterjemahkan oleh IDK Putra
Davendra C
ITB, Bandung dan Univ Udayana, Denpasar
Produksi Kambing di Daerah Tropis
Devendra, C
Produksi Kambing di Daerah Tropis
Pcnerbit ITB BandungUNUD.
Produksi Kambing di Daerah Tropis
Devendra, C.
Produksi Kambing di Daerah Tropis
Penerbit ITB Bandung UNUD.
Hlm 423 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Produksi kambing di daerah tropis
Devendra, C.
Produksi Kambing dan Domba di Indonesia ed. manika Wodzicatomaszewska, l Made Mastika, Andi Djajanegara, Susan Gardiner dan Tantan R. Wiradarya
Ginting, Ng
Produksi Kambing dan Domba di Indonesia ed. manika Wodzicatomaszewska, l Made Mastika, Andi Djajanegara, Susan Gardiner dan Tantan R. Wiradarya
Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta
Produksi Jagung Menurut Propinsi
Departemen Pertanian
Produksi Jagung Menurut Propinsi atistik7p rodjagungprop.htm
Produksi Induk Masak Telur. Di Dalam Pembenihan Udang Penaeid
Kokarkin, C,
Produksi Induk Masak Telur. Di Dalam Pembenihan Udang Penaeid
Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan. Departemen Perikanan
Produksi dan teknologi benih kedelai
kedelai. Badan Litbang Pertanian. Puslitbangtan, Bogor
Departemen Agronomi Fakultas Pertanian IPB Bogor
produksi dan teknologi benih kedelai
Somaatmadja S, et al (eds) Kedelai
produksi dan teknologi benih kedelai
Somaatmadja S, et al (eds) Kedelai
Produksi dan reproduksi ayam Kedu di Kecamatan Kedu Kabupaten Temanggung
Budiman, I.
Produksi dan Pemberian Ransum unggas
Rasyaf, M.
Produksi dan pemasaran apokat di Jawa Timur.
Suryadi, A.
Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Kabupaten/ Kotamadya di Indonesia 1993-1995. Jakarta.
Biro Pusat Statistik
Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) Propinsi NTB Per Kabupaten 1993-1995
Products of Allicin Transformation : Ajoene and Dithiins, Charac-terization and Their Determination by HPLC
Iberi, B
Judul Buku
Penerbit ITB, Bandung
Fak. Peternakan Unsoed. Purwokerto (tidak dipublikasikan) Produksi dan Pemberian Ransum unggas
Penerbit Kanisius, Yogyakarta
Kantor Perwakilan BPS Propinsi NTB. Matarm Products of Allicin Transformation : Ajoene and Dithiins, Characterization and Their Determination by HPLC
Planta Med
Hlm 424 dari 1800
Judul Artikel
Penulis Utama
Judul Buku
Products from Oil Palm Residues.
Akmar, P.F.
Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia.
Productivity of Zooxanthellae
Muscatine L
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Production/Operation Manajement
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Production/Operation Management Concepts, Structure and Analysis
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Production Technology and Economie Efficiency: A Conceptual Framework
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Production Technology and Economie Efficiency: A Conceptual Framework
Production Technology and Economie Efficiency: A Conceptual Framework
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Production Technology and Economie Efficiency: A Conceptual Framework
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Vincent Foundation dan PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.
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Production offish protein hydrolysates by microorganisms.
Venugopal, V.
Martin, A.M. (ed.) Fisheries ProcessingBiotechnology Applications.
London, Chapman & Hall.:223-243.
Production of valuable breeding material of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) resistant to fungal and bacterial wilts and root knot nematodes by using protoplast fusion
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l" Annual Reports. Somatic fusion in eggplant. EC Project. (EC Contract No. IC 18-CT97-0187). 13 pp.
Production of vaccines against gastrointestinal nematoda of livestock
Emery, D. L. L.
Immunology and cell biology
Production of Meal, Oil, and Protein-Vitamin Preparation in the Fishing Industry.
Kulikov. P.I.
Production of Meal, Oil, and Protein-Vitamin Preparation in the Fishing Industry.
Production of Koumiss
Mambetaliev B.D.
USSR Patent SU. 1: 544, 341.
Production of Histamine on "Cakalang" (Katsuwonus pelamis L) During Postharvest
Genisa, J.
Disertasi Program Pasca Sarjana
Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar.
Production of fish protein concentrate.
Barzana, E.
Martin, A.M. (ed.) Fisheries ProcessingBiotechnology Applications.
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Production Of Field Crops.
Production of fatty acid esters of fructose. United States Patent No. 3,909,356
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Amrind Publ, Co. PVT. New York. 253 pp.
McGraw Hill Book Company, Newyork
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Production of Endomycorrizhal Inoculum A. Increase and Maintenance of VesicularArbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi
Ferguson. J.J
Methods and Priciple of Mycorrizha research
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Costa, N. D.
Production of Chimaeric Bovine Embryos and Calves by Aggregation of Inner Cell Masses with Morulae
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Mol. Reprod.
Production of biosurfactant.
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Production of Baker's Yeast,
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Production of Artemia in Culture Tanks.
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In Artemia Biology (Persoone, G., Sorgeloos, P., Roels, O. and Jaspers, E., Eds.).
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Production of Antisera to Steroid Hormones in Sheep
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Production of 6-APA with Immobilized Cells: A Catalyst Development in Al Laskin (ed) Enzyme and Immobilized Cells in Biotechnology
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Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta
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Doll, Jhon, P.
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Universitas Brawijaya. Malang.
John Wiley and Soon New York.
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in M. A. Rivai (Ed) Asian Grain Legumes. Central Res. Inst. Agric, Bogor
Production and utilization of dissolved vrtamins by marine phytoplankton. In "Effect of the Ocean Environment of Microbial Activities" ( R. R. Colwell and R. Y. Morita),
A. F. Cariucci
Production and utilization of dissolved vrtamins by marine phytoplankton. In "Effect of the Ocean Environment of Microbial Activities" ( R. R. Colwell and R. Y. Morita),
University Park Press, Baltimore
Production and scavenging of active oxygen in photosynthesis
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Production and Operation Management; A Life Cycle Approach, sixth Edition
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Production and Operation Management; A Life Cycle Approach, sixth Edition
Irwin, Illinois
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Tondok, A.R
Production and Marketing of The Indonesian Palm Oil: Past, Present, and The Future. Di dalam Proceedings 1998 International Oil Palm Conference, Commodity of the Past, Today, and the Future
Indonesian Oil Palm Research Institute, Medan, Indonesia
Production and growth habit of 23 winter growing fodder species and 5 fodder mixtures on resambari bathan.
Vaughan, A. M.
Bangladesh cattle development project technical paper.
Production and carcass composition of the broiler.
Leeson, S.
Chicken Poultry science.
Production of Field Crop
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Product Sapi Perah
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Jurusan Produksi Ternak Fak. Peternakan IPB Bogor
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H. Kurata and Y. Ueno. Toxigenic Fungi: Their Toxins and Health Hazard
Kodansa Ltd., Tokyo.
Processing of sweet potato flour into some cakes
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Drait Report of Root Crops Research Project (IDRC Funding). 16 pp.
Malang Research Institute for Food Crops (MARIF). Malang.
Processing of poultry byproducts and their utilization in feed. Processing of poultry byproducts.
Davis, J.G.
Utilization Res. Rep.
US Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.
Processing of Oil Palm Fruit and Its Products
Cornelius, J.A
Processing of Oil Palm Fruit and Its Products
Tropical Products Institute, London.
Processing of fish oil
Bimbo, A.P.
M.E Stansby (ed) Fish Oils Nutrition
Van Nostrand Reinhold, New. York.
Processing of Aquatic Food Products.
Wheaton, F.W.
Processing of Aquatic Food Products.
John Willey & Sons, Inc. New York. p. 425-448.
Processing Aquatic Food Products.
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Processing Aquatic Food Products.
John Wiley & Sons, New York. p 453-460.
Processing and storage of traditional dried and smoked fish products. In : Burt, J.R. (ed.).
Fish smoking and drying.
Elsevier Applied Science, London and New York.
Processing and quality of fruit and vegetables.
Processing and preservation of quail products
Panda, B.
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