Teks Pengacara Majlis Perhimpunan Rasmi Sekolah 2017 | Strait Of ...

December 26, 2016 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Documents
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INTRODUCTION NYANYIAN DAN IKRAR. ASSALAMUALAIKUM W.B.T , a very morning kita to all, SALAM 1 Pgood erhimpunan sampai dipenghujungnya, bersurai, MALAYSIA, SALAM sebelum PERAK AMAN JAYA kita melafazkan ikrar . DANakan SALAM PERAK EXCELLENT. Semua murid diminta berdiri tegak dan bersedia untuk melafazkan ikrar. I am _________________________ from Bacaan ikrar pada pagi ini class __________________ willakan be the diketuai oleh master of ceremony for our today’s ________________________________ dari ceremony. kelas ______________.

Seterusnya, semua guru dan murid diminta berdiri tegak dan bersedia untuk menyanyikan lagu Negaraku, lagu Negeri Perak, lagu sekolah dan lagu Perak Excellent bersama dengan iringan muzik. 1

Terima kasih kepada guru-guru dan semua murid atas nyanyian dan ikrar

yang dilafazkan sebentar tadi.

UCAPAN ALU-ALUAN The most Honourable, Mr Ahmad Nizam Bin Ahmad Khalil, officer of School Improvement Specialist Coaches, The Honourable Mr. Ramlan Bin Hussin, Headmaster of SK Pangkalan TLDM The respected senior assistants: Madam Khatijah Bt Ali – senior assistant of Curriculum Madam Hajah Siti Zaharah Bt Mokhtar – Senior assistant of Students’ Affairs. Mr___________________________ –senior assistant of Co-Curriculum, Madam Noor Faazila bt ______________- senior assistant of Afternoon Session Dearest teachers and fellow friends. Alhamdulilah to The Most7 al-Mighty. Ladies & Gentlemen, we are here today for the launching ceremony of ‘Highly Immersive Programme’ or known as HIP.


of all, to receive blessings for today’s ceremony, I would like to invite ___________________ form class ______________ to recite prayer. 2

Thank you to ___________________ for the recital.

HEAD OF ENGLISH PANEL’S SPEECH Now, I would like to invite Mr/Madam

________________________ to deliver his / her speech regarding HIP ‘Highly TEACHER ON DUTY’S SPEECH Immersive Programme’ Next, I would like to invite Mr/ Madam _______________________ teacher on duty to deliver some information.

Thank you to Mr/Madam

Thank you Mr/ Madam _______________________ _______________ for the information.

for the speech. Hopefully we can learn something from the beneficial speech. 3

ADMINISTRATORS’ SPEECH Now, I would like to invite Mr/Madam

________________________ senior assistant of Curriculum / Students’ Affairs / Co-Curriculum / Afternoon session to deliver his / her speech. Welcome.

Thank you to Mr/Madam _______________ For the speech. Hopefully we can learn 4 something from the beneficial speech.


I would like to welcome our

headmaster Mr.

RAMLAN BIN HUSSIN to deliver his speech. Thank

you headmaster Mr Ramlan Bin Hussin for delivering great speech. May all his valuable advice inspire us towards achieving excellence.


Good morning to En Jeffrey Nicholas, a representative from PPD Sandakan, our Principal Madam Poh Siew Boon, to our dearest teachers and 6 to our fellow friends Assalamualaikum wbt. And a very good morning to all. Ladies and Gentleman, we are here today for the opening ceremony of the SMK Elopura 2 English Day 2015. This year’s English Day Programme will be organized by the English Language Panel as the main organizer assisted by English Language Society. Before we proceed further this morning, I would like to invite teachers and students to stand up straight for the singing of our National Anthem ‘NegaraKu’……

Thank you very much. Teachers maybe seated. Ladies and Gentlemen, So as to pray for blessings for this morning’s gathering, I would like to invite ………………………………….. from ……………………. for the recital of Doa. Thank you ………………………………………. Let us now continue with the Speech by our Principal, Madam Poh Siew Boon. I would like to welcome Madam Poh Siew Boon to deliver her speech. Thank you Madam Poh Siew Boon for the speech. Let us now continue with the Speech by En jefrey Nicholas, a representative from PPD Sandakan. I would like to welcome _________________________to deliver his speech. Thank you _____________________________________ for the speech. Ladies and Gentlemen of the floor and students, Now we have come to the Official Opening Ceremony of the Language day 2015.With this, I would like to _______________________________to accompany _______________________________, for the opening of the SMK Elopura 2 Language Day Programme 2015. Now, we have almost come to the end of this ceremony. Before the teachers and students adjourned from this ceremony, I would like to to postpone the ceremony by Tasbih Kifarah and Surah Al-A¶sr





A very good morning to Mr. Zainudin Bin Kasmani, Headmaster of SK Tmn Tun Aminah 2, Mdm. Hajjah Sa’diah bt Kipli; Senior Assistant of Curriculum, Mdm. Saliha bt Ja’afar; Senior Assistant of Students’ Affairs, Mr. Mohd Khusairy b. Ahmad Rashid; Senior Assistant of Co-Curriculum, teachers and all my dear friends.

Make sure our Headmaster and all the Senior Assistants have taken their seats.


First of all, to begin our assembly today, I would like to invite _______________________________ to lead the recitation of prayer.


Thank you to __________________________ for the prayer.

Our assembly will proceed with singing Johor song and our school song. For that, please welcome _________________________ to lead the singing of those songs. Please stand still and get ready to sing. 4

Next, our assembly will be continued with recitation of Rukun Negara Oath. For that, I would like to invite ______________________ to lead the recitation of Rukun Negara Oath. Thank you to ______________________ for the oath.


Now, I would like to invite the Head of teachers on duty this week to deliver his/her speech. Please welcome _______________________ .


Thank you to _________________________ for his/her speech. Hopefully, all of us here could learn something from the beneficial speech.


Next, I would like to invite *** ( ) Mr. Zainudin Bin Kasmani, Headmaster of SK Tmn Tun Aminah 2, ( ) Mdm. Hajjah Sa’diah bt Kipli; Senior Assistant of Curriculum, ( ) Mdm. Saliha bt Ja’afar; Senior Assistant of Students’ Affairs, ( ) Mr. Mohd Khusairy b. Ahmad Rashid; Senior Assistant of Co-Curriculum, to deliver his / her speech and at the same time officiate the opening ceremony of English Week. Please welcome.


Thank you to our ………………………………… for his/ her speech.


Now, in conjunction with English Week, let us listen to our friends’ presentations. Therefore, I would like

*change the name of the teacher if there is another teacher who would like to deliver the speech.

to invite Year 4 pupils to presents their performance. Please welcome. 9

Next, please welcome ____________________ to ……………………..


Thank you Year 4 for the lovely performance. Next, our assembly will proceed with the singing of National Anthem. Once again, I would like to invite ____________________ to lead the singing.


With that, we end our assembly. Thank you.


BERSURAI Sampai di sini sahaja perhimpunan kita, saya merakamkan ucapan jutaan terima kasih kepada Tuan Guru Besar, Semua Penolong Kanan, dan guru-guru yang hadir dalam perhimpunan ini. Kita akhiri perhimpunan ini dengan membaca Tasbih Kifarah dan Surah AlAsr. PERHIMPUNAN BERSURAI Terima kasih.


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