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Skip carousel. budidaya-tanaman-sayuran_2.pdf. New. 2595 Pedoman Budidaya Tanaman Sayuran. Tabel Duncan. Kuliah-5. 9 Spl...
Name : Hendri Eka Budiarasa NIM : A41120292
1.Write out letters with the kinds of paper you found using three different letter style !
a. Semi Blocked Style STONE LIGHT INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION 757A Kingdom Street. Australia, AUS 10012 May 10, 2014 Mr. Daniel M. Gozali Finance Manager General Accounting Corporation Demang City Platinum 22th floor 197 Fifth Spurs Street Australia, AUS 10078 Dear Mr. Gozali, We have received your letter of 7 march requesting 17 additional days within which to pay the amount of US$ 170,000,000 due us for purchase you made last November. We are happy to inform you that we could cooperate and will grant you to extra days you asked for in which to make full settlement. We hope the extention we give will be of help to you and look forwad to receiving your settlement. Yours sincerely, Hendri Eka Budiarasa General Manager
b. Blocked Style STONE LIGHT INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION 757A Kingdom Street. Australia, AUS 10012 May 10, 2014 Mr. Daniel M. Gozali Finance Manager General Accounting Corporation Demang City Platinum 22th floor 197 Fifth Spurs Street Australia, AUS 10078 Dear Mr. Gozali, We have received your letter of 7 march requesting 17 additional days within which to pay the amount of US$ 170,000,000 due us for purchase you made last November. We are happy to inform you that we could cooperate and will grant you to extra days you asked for in which to make full settlement. We hope the extention we give will be of help to you and look forwad to receiving your settlement. Yours sincerely, Hendri Eka Budiarasa General Manager
c. Full Blocked Style CAMBRIDGE ELECTRONIC CORPORATION 231 Blackmore Street New York, N.Y. 20011 USA
Ref : JS/LL/12B May 10, 2014 Messrs. Johnson Smith & Carlton Ltd Managing Director 16 Fifth Avenue Street Los Angeles, USA
Dear Sirs, We have to rimind you that account for television ordered on 12 february has not yet been paid. Discount cannot now be allowed. You will remember that we went to some trouble to meet your delivery date, and we are sure that you would not wish to inconvenience us by delaying your payment. A copy of the statement is enclosed, and we shall be glad to receive your cheque by return.
Yours faithfully,
Jonathan R. Smith Managing Director.
2. Compose a business letter in which you may have different business lines !
PT.JAYA SELALU Jl. Tanjung Barat No. 12 Phone. (0265) 354612 Tasikmalaya 46123 May 10, 2014 to Designation. General Manager Affair PT MAJU TERUS Jl. Malioboro 23 Tasikmalaya Dear Sirs, Through this letter, let us introduce our company to you. Our company named PT Jaya Selalu is engaged in the distributor of office stationery. According to the information we collect, PT MAJU TERUS is a property company that is growing rapidly and will open again some marketing office in Tasikmalaya. In this connection, let us offer some of stationery products that we market. Together with this letter we attach a list of items and their respective prices. If your company needs our services, then simply contact us via telephone numbers (0265) 35412 and we'll deliver the goods directly to the site. Further, we will send you an invoice each end of the month for transactions occurring in the corresponding month. We will give special discount if accumulated purchase within one month of more than Rp 2.000.000, - (two million rupiah). We hope that this offer can proceed in a form of cooperation that benefits both parties. If Mr interested, we are ready to make presentations and conduct further discussed. Thus we submit the offer letter, delivered thank you for your attention.
Windi Sondari Marketing Manager
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