Verbos regulares en inglés y español | Semantic Units | Semantics

November 23, 2017 | Author: Anonymous | Category: CSS
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Aunque estas reglas parecen ser muy simples, la ortografía de los verbos regulares cambia de acuerdo con varias reglas f...


Verbos Regulares Compartir 1287 56

La mayoría de los verbos ingleses son regulares y forman el pasado agregando el sufijo -ed o -d , y el gerundio o participio presente agregando -ing a la forma infinitiva del verbo. Aunque estas reglas parecen ser muy simples, la ortografía de los verbos regulares cambia de acuerdo con varias reglas fonéticas y morfológicas. Past Simple Los verbos aquí

to accept aceptar; admitir Conjugar Infinitive accept

Past simple accepted

Past participle accepted

Gerund accepting

Past simple achieved

Past participle achieved

Gerund achieving

Past participle acted


to achieve lograr; conseguir Conjugar Infinitive achieve

to act actuar; interpretar; comportarse Conjugar Infinitive act

Past simple acted


to add sumar; añadir; agregar Conjugar Infinitive add

Past simple added

to admit admitir; dejar pasar; confesar Conjugar

Past participle added

Gerund adding

Infinitive admit

Past simple admitted

Past participle admitted

Gerund admitting

Past simple affected

Past participle affected

Gerund affecting

Past simple agreed

Past participle agreed

Gerund agreeing

Past simple aimed

Past participle aimed

Gerund aiming

Past simple allowed

Past participle allowed

Gerund allowing

Past simple answered

Past participle answered

Gerund answering

to affect afectar; influir en Conjugar Infinitive affect

to agree estar de acuerdo; acordar Conjugar Infinitive agree

to aim apuntar; dirigir Conjugar Infinitive aim

to allow permitir Conjugar Infinitive allow

to answer responder; contestar Conjugar Infinitive answer

to appear aparecer Conjugar

Infinitive appear

Past simple appeared

Past participle appeared

Gerund appearing

Past simple applied

Past participle applied

Gerund applying

Past participle argued

Gerund arguing

Past simple arranged

Past participle arranged

Gerund arranging

Past simple arrived

Past participle arrived

Gerund arriving

Past simple asked

Past participle asked


Past simple

Past participle

to apply aplicar Conjugar Infinitive apply

to argue argumentar; discutir; sostener Conjugar Infinitive argue

Past simple argued

to arrange arreglar; organizar; ordenar Conjugar Infinitive arrange

to arrive llegar Conjugar Infinitive arrive

to ask preguntar; pedir Conjugar Infinitive ask


to attack atacar Conjugar Infinitive






Past simple avoided

Past participle avoided

Gerund avoiding

Past simple based

Past participle based

Gerund basing

Past simple believed

Past participle believed

Gerund believing

Past simple belonged

Past participle belonged

Gerund belonging

Past simple called

Past participle called


Past simple cared

Past participle cared

to avoid evitar Conjugar Infinitive avoid

to base basar Conjugar Infinitive base

to believe creer Conjugar Infinitive believe

to belong pertenecer Conjugar Infinitive belong

to call llamar(se) Conjugar Infinitive call


to care importar; preocuparse Conjugar Infinitive care

Gerund caring

to carry cargar; llevar Conjugar Infinitive carry

Past simple carried

Past participle carried

Gerund carrying

Past simple caused

Past participle caused

Gerund causing

Past simple changed

Past participle changed

Gerund changing

Past simple charged

Past participle charged

Gerund charging

Past simple checked

Past participle checked

Gerund checking

Past simple claimed

Past participle claimed

Gerund claiming

to cause causar Conjugar Infinitive cause

to change cambiar Conjugar Infinitive change

to charge cobrar; cargar Conjugar Infinitive charge

to check comprobar; verificar; checar Conjugar Infinitive check

to claim reclamar Conjugar Infinitive claim

to clean limpiar Conjugar Infinitive clean

Past simple cleaned

Past participle cleaned

Gerund cleaning

Past simple cleared

Past participle cleared

Gerund clearing

Past simple climbed

Past participle climbed

Gerund climbing

Past simple closed

Past participle closed

Gerund closing

Past simple collected

Past participle collected

Gerund collecting

Past participle committed

Gerund committing

to clear despejar(se) Conjugar Infinitive clear

to climb escalar; subir; trepar Conjugar Infinitive climb

to close cerrar Conjugar Infinitive close

to collect coleccionar; reunir Conjugar Infinitive collect

to commit cometer; comprometer(se) Conjugar Infinitive commit

Past simple committed

to compare comparar Conjugar Infinitive compare

Past simple compared

Past participle compared

Gerund comparing

Past simple complained

Past participle complained

Gerund complaining

Past simple completed

Past participle completed

Gerund completing

Past simple concerned

Past participle concerned

Gerund concerning

Past simple confirmed

Past participle confirmed

Gerund confirming

Past simple connected

Past participle connected

Gerund connecting

to complain quejarse; reclamar Conjugar Infinitive complain

to complete completar Conjugar Infinitive complete

to concern preocupar(se); concernir Conjugar Infinitive concern

to confirm confirmar Conjugar Infinitive confirm

to connect conectar Conjugar Infinitive connect

to consider considerar; tener en cuenta Conjugar Infinitive consider

Past simple considered

Past participle considered

Gerund considering

Past simple consisted

Past participle consisted

Gerund consisting

Past simple contacted

Past participle contacted

Gerund contacting

Past simple contained

Past participle contained

Gerund containing

Past simple continued

Past participle continued

Gerund continuing

Past simple contributed

Past participle contributed

Gerund contributing

to consist consistir Conjugar Infinitive consist

to contact contactar Conjugar Infinitive contact

to contain contener Conjugar Infinitive contain

to continue continuar; seguir Conjugar Infinitive continue

to contribute contribuir Conjugar Infinitive contribute

to control controlar Conjugar Infinitive control

Past simple controlled

Past participle controlled

Gerund controlling

Past simple cooked

Past participle cooked

Gerund cooking

Past simple copied

Past participle copied

Gerund copying

Past simple corrected

Past participle corrected

Gerund correcting

Past simple counted

Past participle counted

Gerund counting

Past simple covered

Past participle covered

Gerund covering

to cook cocinar Conjugar Infinitive cook

to copy copiar Conjugar Infinitive copy

to correct corregir Conjugar Infinitive correct

to count contar Conjugar Infinitive count

to cover cubrir Conjugar Infinitive cover

to create crear Conjugar Infinitive create

Past simple created

Past participle created

Gerund creating

Past simple crossed

Past participle crossed

Gerund crossing

Past simple



Past participle cried


Past simple damaged

Past participle damaged

Gerund damaging

Past simple danced

Past participle danced

Gerund dancing

Past simple decided

Past participle decided

Gerund deciding

to cross cruzar Conjugar Infinitive cross

to cry llorar Conjugar Infinitive cry

to damage dañar; prejudicar Conjugar Infinitive damage

to dance bailar Conjugar Infinitive dance

to decide decidir Conjugar Infinitive decide

to deliver entregar; repartir Conjugar Infinitive deliver

Past simple delivered

Past participle delivered

Gerund delivering

Past simple demanded

Past participle demanded

Gerund demanding

Past simple denied

Past participle denied

Gerund denying

Past simple depended

Past participle depended

Gerund depending

Past simple described

Past participle described

Gerund describing

Past simple designed

Past participle designed

Gerund designing

to demand exigir Conjugar Infinitive demand

to deny negar; denegar Conjugar Infinitive deny

to depend depender Conjugar Infinitive depend

to describe describir Conjugar Infinitive describe

to design diseñar Conjugar Infinitive design

to destroy destruir Conjugar Infinitive destroy

Past simple destroyed

Past participle destroyed

Gerund destroying

Past simple developed

Past participle developed

Gerund developing

Past simple



Past participle died


Past simple disappeared

Past participle disappeared

Gerund disappearing

Past simple discovered

Past participle discovered

Gerund discovering

Past participle discussed

Gerund discussing

to develop desarrollar Conjugar Infinitive develop

to die morir Conjugar Infinitive die

to disappear desaparecer Conjugar Infinitive disappear

to discover descubrir Conjugar Infinitive discover

to discuss discutir; hablar de; analizar Conjugar Infinitive discuss

Past simple discussed

to divide dividir Conjugar Infinitive divide

Past simple divided

Past participle divided

Gerund dividing

Past simple dressed

Past participle dressed

Gerund dressing

Past simple dropped

Past participle dropped

Gerund dropping

Past simple enabled

Past participle enabled

Gerund enabling

Past simple encouraged

Past participle encouraged

Gerund encouraging

Past simple enjoyed

Past participle enjoyed

Gerund enjoying

to dress vestirse Conjugar Infinitive dress

to drop dejar caer Conjugar Infinitive drop

to enable habilitar Conjugar Infinitive enable

to encourage animar; impulsar; fomentar Conjugar Infinitive encourage

to enjoy disfrutar Conjugar Infinitive enjoy

to examine examinar Conjugar Infinitive examine

Past simple examined

Past participle examined

Gerund examining

Past simple existed

Past participle existed

Gerund existing

Past simple expected

Past participle expected

Gerund expecting

Past simple experienced

Past participle experienced

Gerund experiencing

Past simple explained

Past participle explained

Gerund explaining

Past simple expressed

Past participle expressed

Gerund expressing

to exist existir Conjugar Infinitive exist

to expect esperar Conjugar Infinitive expect

to experience experimentar Conjugar Infinitive experience

to explain explicar Conjugar Infinitive explain

to express expresar Conjugar Infinitive express

to extend extender; ampliar; prolongar (tiempo) Conjugar Infinitive extend

Past simple extended

Past participle extended

Gerund extending

Past simple faced

Past participle faced


to face afrontar; encarar Conjugar Infinitive face


to fail fallar; fracasar; suspender Conjugar Infinitive fail

Past simple failed

Past participle failed

Gerund failing

Past simple fastened

Past participle fastened

Gerund fastening

Past simple filled

Past participle filled

Gerund filling

Past participle finished

Gerund finishing

to fasten sujetar; abrocharse; fijar Conjugar Infinitive fasten

to fill llenar; rellenar Conjugar Infinitive fill

to finish terminar; acabar; finalizar Conjugar Infinitive finish

Past simple finished

to fold doblar Conjugar Infinitive fold

Past simple folded

Past participle folded

Gerund folding

Past simple followed

Past participle followed

Gerund following

Past simple forced

Past participle forced

Gerund forcing

Past simple formed

Past participle formed

Gerund forming

Past simple gained

Past participle gained

Gerund gaining

Past simple handled

Past participle handled

Gerund handling

to follow seguir Conjugar Infinitive follow

to force forzar; obligar Conjugar Infinitive force

to form formar(se) Conjugar Infinitive form

to gain ganar; cobrar Conjugar Infinitive gain

to handle manejar; tratar; tocar Conjugar Infinitive handle

to happen pasar; ocurrir; suceder Conjugar Infinitive happen

Past simple happened

Past participle happened

Gerund happening

Past simple hated

Past participle hated

Gerund hating

Past simple headed

Past participle headed

Gerund heading

Past simple helped

Past participle helped

Gerund helping

Past simple hoped

Past participle hoped

Gerund hoping

Past simple identified

Past participle identified

Gerund identifying

to hate odiar; detestar Conjugar Infinitive hate

to head dirigirse Conjugar Infinitive head

to help ayudar Conjugar Infinitive help

to hope esperar Conjugar Infinitive hope

to identify identificar Conjugar Infinitive identify

to imagine imaginar(se) Conjugar Infinitive imagine

Past simple imagined

Past participle imagined

Gerund imagining

Past simple improved

Past participle improved

Gerund improving

Past simple included

Past participle included

Gerund including

Past simple increased

Past participle increased

Gerund increasing

Past simple indicated

Past participle indicated

Gerund indicating

Past simple influenced

Past participle influenced

Gerund influencing

to improve mejorar Conjugar Infinitive improve

to include incluir Conjugar Infinitive include

to increase aumentar; subir Conjugar Infinitive increase

to indicate indicar Conjugar Infinitive indicate

to influence influir en; infuenciar Conjugar Infinitive influence

to inform informar Conjugar Infinitive inform

Past simple informed

Past participle informed

Gerund informing

Past participle intended

Gerund intending

Past simple introduced

Past participle introduced

Gerund introducing

Past simple invited

Past participle invited

Gerund inviting

Past participle involved

Gerund involving

to intend tener la intención de; pretender Conjugar Infinitive intend

Past simple intended

to introduce presentar (una persona); introducir Conjugar Infinitive introduce

to invite invitar Conjugar Infinitive invite

to involve involucrar; implicar; suponer Conjugar Infinitive involve

Past simple involved

to join unir(se); ingresar en; afiliarse a; acompañar a Conjugar Infinitive join

Past simple joined

Past participle joined

Gerund joining

to jump saltar Conjugar Infinitive jump

Past simple jumped

Past participle jumped

Gerund jumping

Past simple kicked

Past participle kicked

Gerund kicking

Past simple killed

Past participle killed

Gerund killing

Past simple knocked

Past participle knocked

Gerund knocking

Past simple lasted

Past participle lasted

Gerund lasting

Past simple laughed

Past participle laughed

Gerund laughing

to kick patear; dar una patada Conjugar Infinitive kick

to kill matar Conjugar Infinitive kill

to knock tocar (la puerta) Conjugar Infinitive knock

to last durar Conjugar Infinitive last

to laugh reir Conjugar Infinitive laugh

to like gustar Conjugar Infinitive like

Past simple liked

Past participle liked

Gerund liking

Past simple limited

Past participle limited

Gerund limiting

Past simple linked

Past participle linked

Gerund linking

Past simple listened

Past participle listened

Gerund listening

Past simple



Past participle lived


Past simple looked

Past participle looked

Gerund looking

to limit limitar Conjugar Infinitive limit

to link relacionar; vincular; enlazar, conectar Conjugar Infinitive link

to listen escuchar Conjugar Infinitive listen

to live vivir Conjugar Infinitive live

to look mirar Conjugar Infinitive look

to love amar; encantar Conjugar Infinitive love

Past simple loved

Past participle loved

Gerund loving

Past simple managed

Past participle managed

Gerund managing

Past simple marked

Past participle marked

Gerund marking

Past simple mattered

Past participle mattered

Gerund mattering

Past simple measured

Past participle measured

Gerund measuring

Past simple mentioned

Past participle mentioned

Gerund mentioning

to manage gestionar; administrar; manejar Conjugar Infinitive manage

to mark marcar Conjugar Infinitive mark

to matter importar Conjugar Infinitive matter

to measure medir Conjugar Infinitive measure

to mention mencionar Conjugar Infinitive mention

to mind tener cuidado con; importar; hacer caso de; cuidar Conjugar Infinitive mind

Past simple minded

Past participle minded

Gerund minding

Past simple missed

Past participle missed

Gerund missing

Past simple moved

Past participle moved

Gerund moving

Past simple needed

Past participle needed

Gerund needing

Past simple noticed

Past participle noticed

Gerund noticing

Past simple obtained

Past participle obtained

Gerund obtaining

to miss extrañar; perder (un bus; una cita, etc.) Conjugar Infinitive miss

to move mover Conjugar Infinitive move

to need necesitar Conjugar Infinitive need

to notice notar Conjugar Infinitive notice

to obtain obtener Conjugar Infinitive obtain

to occur ocurrir; suceder Conjugar Infinitive occur

Past simple occurred

Past participle occurred

Gerund occurring

Past simple offered

Past participle offered

Gerund offering

Past simple opened

Past participle opened

Gerund opening

Past simple ordered

Past participle ordered

Gerund ordering

Past simple owned

Past participle owned

Gerund owning

Past simple passed

Past participle passed

Gerund passing

to offer ofrecer Conjugar Infinitive offer

to open abrir Conjugar Infinitive open

to order pedir; ordenar Conjugar Infinitive order

to own poseer; tener Conjugar Infinitive own

to pass pasar Conjugar Infinitive pass

to perform realizar; actuar Conjugar Infinitive perform

Past simple performed

Past participle performed

Gerund performing

Past simple picked

Past participle picked

Gerund picking

Past simple placed

Past participle placed

Gerund placing

Past simple planned

Past participle planned

Gerund planning

Past simple played

Past participle played

Gerund playing

Past participle pointed

Gerund pointing

to pick escoger; elegir Conjugar Infinitive pick

to place colocar Conjugar Infinitive place

to plan planear Conjugar Infinitive plan

to play jugar Conjugar Infinitive play

to point apuntar; indicar; señalar Conjugar Infinitive point

Past simple pointed

to prefer preferir Conjugar Infinitive prefer

Past simple preferred

Past participle preferred

Gerund preferring

Past simple prepared

Past participle prepared

Gerund preparing

Past simple presented

Past participle presented

Gerund presenting

Past simple pressed

Past participle pressed

Gerund pressing

Past simple prevented

Past participle prevented

Gerund preventing

Past simple produced

Past participle produced

Gerund producing

to prepare preparar Conjugar Infinitive prepare

to present presentar Conjugar Infinitive present

to press presionar Conjugar Infinitive press

to prevent prevenir Conjugar Infinitive prevent

to produce producir Conjugar Infinitive produce

to promise prometer Conjugar Infinitive promise

Past simple promised

Past participle promised

Gerund promising

Past simple protected

Past participle protected

Gerund protecting

Past simple proved

Past participle proved

Gerund proving

Past simple provided

Past participle provided

Gerund providing

Past simple published

Past participle published

Gerund publishing

Past simple pulled

Past participle pulled


to protect proteger Conjugar Infinitive protect

to prove probar Conjugar Infinitive prove

to provide proveer Conjugar Infinitive provide

to publish publicar Conjugar Infinitive publish

to pull tirar Conjugar Infinitive pull


to push empujar Conjugar Infinitive push

Past simple pushed

Past participle pushed

Gerund pushing

Past simple raised

Past participle raised

Gerund raising

Past simple reached

Past participle reached

Gerund reaching

Past simple realized

Past participle realized

Gerund realizing

Past simple received

Past participle received

Gerund receiving

Past simple recognized

Past participle recognized

Gerund recognizing

to raise levantar Conjugar Infinitive raise

to reach alcanzar Conjugar Infinitive reach

to realize darse cuenta Conjugar Infinitive realize

to receive recibir Conjugar Infinitive receive

to recognize reconocer Conjugar Infinitive recognize

to record grabar Conjugar Infinitive record

Past simple recorded

Past participle recorded

Gerund recording

Past simple reduced

Past participle reduced

Gerund reducing

Past simple referred

Past participle referred

Gerund referring

Past simple reflected

Past participle reflected

Gerund reflecting

Past simple refused

Past participle refused

Gerund refusing

Past simple regarded

Past participle regarded

Gerund regarding

to reduce reducir Conjugar Infinitive reduce

to refer referir Conjugar Infinitive refer

to reflect reflexionar; reflejar Conjugar Infinitive reflect

to refuse rechazar Conjugar Infinitive refuse

to regard considerar; concernir Conjugar Infinitive regard

to relate relacionar; vincular Conjugar Infinitive relate

Past simple related

Past participle related

Gerund relating

Past simple released

Past participle released

Gerund releasing

Past simple remained

Past participle remained

Gerund remaining

Past simple remembered

Past participle remembered

Gerund remembering

Past simple removed

Past participle removed

Gerund removing

Past simple repeated

Past participle repeated

Gerund repeating

to release soltar; liberar Conjugar Infinitive release

to remain permanecer Conjugar Infinitive remain

to remember recordar; acordarse de Conjugar Infinitive remember

to remove quitar, eliminar Conjugar Infinitive remove

to repeat repetir Conjugar Infinitive repeat

to replace reemplazar Conjugar Infinitive replace

Past simple replaced

Past participle replaced

Gerund replacing

Past simple replied

Past participle replied

Gerund replying

Past simple reported

Past participle reported

Gerund reporting

Past simple represented

Past participle represented

Gerund representing

Past simple required

Past participle required

Gerund requiring

Past simple rested

Past participle rested


to reply responder Conjugar Infinitive reply

to report reportar Conjugar Infinitive report

to represent representar Conjugar Infinitive represent

to require requerir Conjugar Infinitive require

to rest descansar Conjugar Infinitive rest


to result resultar Conjugar Infinitive result

Past simple resulted

Past participle resulted

Gerund resulting

Past simple returned

Past participle returned

Gerund returning

Past simple revealed

Past participle revealed

Gerund revealing

Past simple rolled

Past participle rolled


Past simple saved

Past participle saved


Past simple seemed

Past participle seemed

Gerund seeming

to return regresar; volver Conjugar Infinitive return

to reveal revelar Conjugar Infinitive reveal

to roll enrollar Conjugar Infinitive roll


to save guardar; ahorrar Conjugar Infinitive save


to seem parecer Conjugar Infinitive seem

to separate separar Conjugar Infinitive separate

Past simple separated

Past participle separated

Gerund separating

Past simple served

Past participle served

Gerund serving

Past simple settled

Past participle settled

Gerund settling

Past simple shared

Past participle shared

Gerund sharing

Past simple shouted

Past participle shouted

Gerund shouting

Past simple smiled

Past participle smiled

Gerund smiling

to serve servir Conjugar Infinitive serve

to settle establecerse; instalarse; resolver Conjugar Infinitive settle

to share compartir Conjugar Infinitive share

to shout gritar Conjugar Infinitive shout

to smile sonreir Conjugar Infinitive smile

to sort ordenar; clasificar Conjugar Infinitive sort

Past simple sorted

Past participle sorted

Gerund sorting

Past simple sounded

Past participle sounded

Gerund sounding

Past simple started

Past participle started

Gerund starting

Past simple stated

Past participle stated


Past simple stayed

Past participle stayed


Past simple stopped

Past participle stopped

Gerund stopping

to sound sonar Conjugar Infinitive sound

to start empezar; comenzar Conjugar Infinitive start

to state declarar Conjugar Infinitive state


to stay quedarse; permanecer Conjugar Infinitive stay


to stop parar; detener Conjugar Infinitive stop

to study estudiar Conjugar Infinitive study

Past simple studied

Past participle studied

Gerund studying

Past simple succeeded

Past participle succeeded

Gerund succeeding

Past simple suffered

Past participle suffered

Gerund suffering

Past simple suggested

Past participle suggested

Gerund suggesting

Past simple suited

Past participle suited

Gerund suiting

Past simple supplied

Past participle supplied

Gerund supplying

to succeed tener éxito; triunfar Conjugar Infinitive succeed

to suffer sufrir Conjugar Infinitive suffer

to suggest sugerir Conjugar Infinitive suggest

to suit sentar bien a; venir bien a Conjugar Infinitive suit

to supply suministrar; proveer Conjugar Infinitive supply

to support mantener; apollar Conjugar Infinitive support

Past simple supported

Past participle supported

Gerund supporting

Past simple supposed

Past participle supposed

Gerund supposing

Past simple survived

Past participle survived

Gerund surviving

Past simple talked

Past participle talked

Gerund talking

Past simple tended

Past participle tended

Gerund tending

Past simple tested

Past participle tested


to suppose suponer Conjugar Infinitive suppose

to survive sobrevivir Conjugar Infinitive survive

to talk hablar Conjugar Infinitive talk

to tend tender; atender; cuidar Conjugar Infinitive tend

to test probar Conjugar Infinitive test


to thank agradecer Conjugar Infinitive thank

Past simple thanked

Past participle thanked

Gerund thanking

Past simple touched

Past participle touched

Gerund touching

Past simple trained

Past participle trained

Gerund training

Past simple traveled (US) travelled (UK)

Past participle traveled (US) travelled (UK)

Gerund traveling (US) travelling (UK)

Past simple treated

Past participle treated

Gerund treating

Past participle tried


to touch tocar Conjugar Infinitive touch

to train entrenar Conjugar Infinitive train

to travel viajar Conjugar Infinitive travel

to treat tratar Conjugar Infinitive treat

to try intentar; tratar de; probar Conjugar Infinitive try

Past simple tried


to turn girar; voltear Conjugar Infinitive turn

Past simple turned

Past participle turned


Past simple used

Past participle used


Past simple visited

Past participle visited

Gerund visiting

Past simple voted

Past participle voted

Gerund voting

Past simple waited

Past participle waited

Gerund waiting

Past simple walked

Past participle walked

Gerund walking


to use usar; utilizar Conjugar Infinitive use


to visit visitar Conjugar Infinitive visit

to vote votar Conjugar Infinitive vote

to wait esperar Conjugar Infinitive wait

to walk caminar; andar Conjugar Infinitive walk

to want querer; desear Conjugar Infinitive want

Past simple wanted

Past participle wanted

Gerund wanting

Past simple warned

Past participle warned

Gerund warning

Past simple washed

Past participle washed

Gerund washing

Past simple watched

Past participle watched

Gerund watching

Past simple wished

Past participle wished

Gerund wishing

Past simple wondered

Past participle wondered

Gerund wondering

to warn advertir; avisar Conjugar Infinitive warn

to wash lavar Conjugar Infinitive wash

to watch mirar Conjugar Infinitive watch

to wish desear Conjugar Infinitive wish

to wonder preguntarse Conjugar Infinitive wonder

to work trabajar; curar Conjugar Infinitive work

Past simple worked

Past participle worked

Gerund working

Past simple worried

Past participle worried

Gerund worrying

Past simple reviewed

Past participle reviewed

Gerund reviewing

Past simple agreed

Past participle agreed

Gerund agreeing

Past simple answered

Past participle answered

Gerund answering

Past simple arrived

Past participle arrived

Gerund arriving

to worry preocuparse Conjugar Infinitive worry

to review revisar; repasar Conjugar Infinitive review Cargando ...

to agree estar de acuerdo; acordar Conjugar Infinitive agree

to answer responder; contestar Conjugar Infinitive answer

to arrive llegar Conjugar Infinitive arrive

to ask preguntar; pedir Conjugar Infinitive ask

Past simple asked

Past participle asked

Gerund asking

Past simple believed

Past participle believed

Gerund believing

Past simple called

Past participle called

Gerund calling

Past simple carried

Past participle carried

Gerund carrying

Past simple changed

Past participle changed

Gerund changing

Past simple charged

Past participle charged

Gerund charging

to believe creer Conjugar Infinitive believe

to call llamar(se) Conjugar Infinitive call

to carry cargar; llevar Conjugar Infinitive carry

to change cambiar Conjugar Infinitive change

to charge cobrar; cargar Conjugar Infinitive charge

to clean limpiar Conjugar Infinitive clean

Past simple cleaned

Past participle cleaned

Gerund cleaning

Past simple closed

Past participle closed

Gerund closing

Past simple continued

Past participle continued

Gerund continuing

Past simple cooked

Past participle cooked

Gerund cooking

Past simple



Past participle cried


Past simple danced

Past participle danced

Gerund dancing

to close cerrar Conjugar Infinitive close

to continue continuar; seguir Conjugar Infinitive continue

to cook cocinar Conjugar Infinitive cook

to cry llorar Conjugar Infinitive cry

to dance bailar Conjugar Infinitive dance

to decide decidir Conjugar Infinitive decide

Past simple decided

Past participle decided

Gerund deciding

Past simple



Past participle died


Past simple enjoyed

Past participle enjoyed

Gerund enjoying

Past simple explained

Past participle explained

Gerund explaining

Past participle failed

Gerund failing

Past participle finished

Gerund finishing

to die morir Conjugar Infinitive die

to enjoy disfrutar Conjugar Infinitive enjoy

to explain explicar Conjugar Infinitive explain

to fail fallar; fracasar; suspender Conjugar Infinitive fail

Past simple failed

to finish terminar; acabar; finalizar Conjugar Infinitive finish

Past simple finished

to happen pasar; ocurrir; suceder Conjugar Infinitive happen

Past simple happened

Past participle happened

Gerund happening

Past simple helped

Past participle helped

Gerund helping

Past simple hoped

Past participle hoped

Gerund hoping

Past simple imagined

Past participle imagined

Gerund imagining

Past simple improved

Past participle improved

Gerund improving

Past simple laughed

Past participle laughed

Gerund laughing

to help ayudar Conjugar Infinitive help

to hope esperar Conjugar Infinitive hope

to imagine imaginar(se) Conjugar Infinitive imagine

to improve mejorar Conjugar Infinitive improve

to laugh reir Conjugar Infinitive laugh

to like gustar Conjugar Infinitive like

Past simple liked

Past participle liked

Gerund liking

Past simple listened

Past participle listened

Gerund listening

Past simple



Past participle lived


Past simple looked

Past participle looked

Gerund looking

Past simple loved

Past participle loved

Gerund loving

Past participle missed

Gerund missing

to listen escuchar Conjugar Infinitive listen

to live vivir Conjugar Infinitive live

to look mirar Conjugar Infinitive look

to love amar; encantar Conjugar Infinitive love

to miss extrañar; perder (un bus; una cita, etc.) Conjugar Infinitive miss

Past simple missed

to need necesitar Conjugar Infinitive need

Past simple needed

Past participle needed

Gerund needing

Past simple opened

Past participle opened

Gerund opening

Past simple passed

Past participle passed

Gerund passing

Past simple played

Past participle played

Gerund playing

Past simple received

Past participle received

Gerund receiving

Past participle remembered

Gerund remembering

to open abrir Conjugar Infinitive open

to pass pasar Conjugar Infinitive pass

to play jugar Conjugar Infinitive play

to receive recibir Conjugar Infinitive receive

to remember recordar; acordarse de Conjugar Infinitive remember

Past simple remembered

to repeat repetir Conjugar Infinitive repeat

Past simple repeated

Past participle repeated

Gerund repeating

Past simple rested

Past participle rested

Gerund resting

Past simple returned

Past participle returned

Gerund returning

Past simple saved

Past participle saved

Gerund saving

Past simple shared

Past participle shared

Gerund sharing

Past simple started

Past participle started

Gerund starting

to rest descansar Conjugar Infinitive rest

to return regresar; volver Conjugar Infinitive return

to save guardar; ahorrar Conjugar Infinitive save

to share compartir Conjugar Infinitive share

to start empezar; comenzar Conjugar Infinitive start

to stay quedarse; permanecer Conjugar Infinitive stay

Past simple stayed

Past participle stayed

Gerund staying

Past simple stopped

Past participle stopped

Gerund stopping

Past simple studied

Past participle studied

Gerund studying

Past simple talked

Past participle talked

Gerund talking

Past simple touched

Past participle touched

Gerund touching

Past simple traveled (US) travelled (UK)

Past participle traveled (US) travelled (UK)

Gerund traveling (US) travelling (UK)

to stop parar; detener Conjugar Infinitive stop

to study estudiar Conjugar Infinitive study

to talk hablar Conjugar Infinitive talk

to touch tocar Conjugar Infinitive touch

to travel viajar Conjugar Infinitive travel

to try intentar; tratar de; probar Conjugar Infinitive try

Past simple tried

Past participle tried


Past simple turned

Past participle turned

Past simple used

Past participle used


Past simple visited

Past participle visited

Gerund visiting

Past simple waited

Past participle waited

Gerund waiting

Past simple walked

Past participle walked

Gerund walking


to turn girar; voltear Conjugar Infinitive turn

Gerund turning

to use usar; utilizar Conjugar Infinitive use


to visit visitar Conjugar Infinitive visit

to wait esperar Conjugar Infinitive wait

to walk caminar; andar Conjugar Infinitive walk

to want querer; desear Conjugar Infinitive want

Past simple wanted

Past participle wanted

Gerund wanting

Past simple warned

Past participle warned

Gerund warning

Past simple washed

Past participle washed

Gerund washing

Past simple watched

Past participle watched

Gerund watching

Past simple wished

Past participle wished

Gerund wishing

Past simple wondered

Past participle wondered

Gerund wondering

to warn advertir; avisar Conjugar Infinitive warn

to wash lavar Conjugar Infinitive wash

to watch mirar Conjugar Infinitive watch

to wish desear Conjugar Infinitive wish

to wonder preguntarse Conjugar Infinitive wonder

to work trabajar; curar Conjugar Infinitive work

Past simple worked

Past participle worked

Gerund working

Past simple worried

Past participle worried

Gerund worrying

to worry preocuparse Conjugar Infinitive worry

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