Dental Mnemonics | Common Carotid Artery | Peripheral Neuropathy

May 20, 2017 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Documents
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Dental Mnemonics - Download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text ... s Contents of pterygopalatine fossa Po...


Dental Mnemonics Here are certain Mnemonics which i have found over the net and jotted them down onto this one place for a quick review just before the exam day. These are a mix of all subjects i ll keep updating this blog with new Mnemonics on the top, so keep visiting for new Mnemonics :)

Updated 2/05/20! "ruption of permanent teeth #Mama $s $n %ain, %apa &an Make Medicine# 1st Molar -  yrs 1st !ncisor - " yrs #nd !ncisor - $yrs 1st %remolar - &yrs #nd %remolar - 1'yrs (anine - 11 yrs #nd Molar - 1#yrs )rd Molar - 1$ - #* yrs

'(spepsia s(mptoms

*+M ymptoms •

+naemia ,iron deficiency

oss of wei/ht


0ecent onset of pro/ressive symptoms

Melaena  haematemesis

2wallowin/ difficulty !f dyspepsia and either 3**yrs or ++0M 2ymptoms then 45672(7%8

(philis characteri-ed b( ! stages.primar( st ages.primar( ,secondar( ,latent ,tertiar( %rimar( s(philis.%+$" %-painless lesion 0-re/ional lymphadenopathy +-c+rtila/enous consistency of lesion ... !-indurated lesion 2-sin/le lesion 4-exudation with dischar/in/ serous fluid

econdar(.&M% (-condylomata lata +-associated lesions,opthalmic9osseous9 lesions,opthalmic9osseous9menin/eal menin/eal M-mucocutaneous lesion9mucous patches %-pruritic papules

atent-:ve serolo/y;no clinical manifestation

ertiar(.&* (-cardiovascular disorder -late beni/n sypillis,/ummata +-asymptomatic nuerosyphilis 2-symptomatic nuerosyphillis2-sin/le lesion4-exudation with dischar/in/ serous fluid Ulcerative colitis 1U&) complications

ow o %erform 3i &olonoscop( •


Toxic me/acolon

%erforation  %seudopolyps

lood pressure 7besity 6iabetes mellitus !nflammation ,raised (0% !ncreased thrombosis 4xercise 2mokin/

&auses of gastric carcinoma J+%+5K2 2H+M4F Japanese + >lood /roup %ernicious anemia +nemia-chronic atrophic /astritis

5itrates 2moked92alted food92curvy92ur/ery /astric H.pylori +denomatous polyp MenetrierKs diseaseF/landuar hyperplasia

'rugs causing pancreatitis lue ## < 8ellow #O <

&auses of asteri?is 1flapping tremor) GG 60=( E+!46 Helpin/ Him  60=( F - +lcohol - carbamaAepine E+!46 F - respiratory failure - liver failure - renal failure Helpin/ F GGG H P H8%7  - hypo/lycemia - hypokalemia - hypoma/nesemia Him F GGG H P H4M700H+arbiturate

eneficial actions due to %3 s(nthesis inhibition * +Ks +nal/esia F %revention of pain nerve endin/ sensitiAation+ntipyresis +ntiinflammatory +ntithrombotic+rteriosus-6uctus closure in 5ewborns ,!ts infact 6uctus +rteriosus but to fit in mnemonic +rteriosus ductus is used here

A(locaine: lood ? haemolytic anaemia9 leukopaenia9 thrombocytopaenia

0enal disorder ? proteinuria and cell casts

+rthritis ? symmetrical9 involvin/ #: small or lar/e peripheral joints

!mmunolo/ical disorder ? anti-ds65+

5eurolo/ical ? seiAures9 psychosis +U&U+" +U3 U%"+$+ +$* =$U+"

LOT of FANs for OPHTHALMIC MEN. . -lacrimal nerve 7-oculomotor nerve T-trochlear nerve E-frontal nerve +-abducens nerve 5s-nasociliary nerve 7%HTH+M!(-ophthalmic veins,sup.Ninf. M45-menin/eal br.of acrimal +rtery -middle menin/eal anastomotic br

ranches of =acial 4erve:

 urnin/ pain in extremities >=5 increased in serum >oys 0enal failure 8R /enotype ,male9 R linked recessive 2phin/olipidoses 'iabetes. complications @4$8" Iidney9 5europathy9 !nfection9 @ascular9 4yes9 2kin lesions (pogl(caemia +"."A%*$4 0enal failure9 exo/enous9 pituitary9 liver failure9 alcohol9 infection9 neoplasm ,insulinoma %haeochromoc(toma !%s %ain9 pallor9 palpitations9 perspiration

'own s(ndrome patholog( 675F 6ecreased alpha-fetoprotein and unconju/ated estriol ,maternal 7ne extra chromosome twenty-one omen of advanced a/e 5ondisjunction durin/ maternal meiosis

issues which donCt need insulin for glucose uptake +$&@*"

> for brain 0 for 0>(s ! intestine ( cornea I kidney  liver 4 excercisin/ sk muscle

lood &lotting =actors )Foo!ish Peop!e Try C!im*ing Long "!opes Af#er Chris#mas "ome Peop!e Ha+e Fa!!en Q

Eactor ! P Eibrino/en Eactor !! P %rothrombin Eactor !!! P Tissue factor Eactor !@ P (alcium Eactor @ P abile factor Eactor @! - 6oes not exist as it was named initially but later on discovered not to play a part in blood coa/ulation. Eactor @!! P 2table factor Eactor @!!! P +ntihemophilic factor + Eactor !R P +ntihemophilic factor > or (hristmas factor ,named after the first patient in whom the factor deficiency was documented Eactor R P 2tuart %rower factor Eactor R! P +ntihemophilic factor ( Eactor R!! P Ha/eman factor Eactor R!!! P Eibrin stabilisin/ factor

&itric cid &(cle (an - citrate ! - isocitrate Ieep - keto/lutarate 2ellin/ - succinyl (o+ 2mile - succinate Eor - fumarate Money - malate 7fficerD - oxaloacetate

(perth(roidism igns and (mptoms9+$'$M

Tremor Heart rate up 8awnin/ ,fati/uability 0estlessness 7li/omenorrhea amenorrhea !ntolerance to heat 6iarrhoea !rritability 2weatin/ Muscle wastin/ N wei/ht loss

lkalosis vs cidosis 'irection of p and & 07M4F 0espiratoryP 7ppositeF U pH is hi/h9 %(7# is down ,+lkalosis. U pH is low9 %(7# is up ,+cidosis. MetabolicP 4qualF U pH is hi/h9 H(7) is hi/h ,+lkalosis. U pH is low9 H(7) is low ,+cidosis ilirubin levels increase causes: QH7T iverQ Hemolysis 7bstruction Tumor iver disease

%hen(lketonuria: which en-(me is deficient

%H %henylalanine Hydroxylase

vental mesentr( : forms *= , i/ament teres 9 esser 7mentum9 Ealciform li/ament  hypersensitivity reactions F &$' type ! F ,+naphylactic type !! F ,cytotoxic type !!! F ,!mmune complex type !@ F ,delayed hypersensitivity

=unctions of thalamic nuclei ,ateral to ook; Median for Music 1. ateral +TT4--%hrenic nerve @a/us Thoracic duct eft recurrent laryn/eal nerve >rachiocephalic vein +ortic arch and its ) branches Thymus Trachea ymph nodes 4sopha/us %"+$+ M"'$$4UM sructures--there r four birds-esophaeta-->est ,complete 9 !nfleunAa 9 Japenese encephalitis 9 !pv 9 cholera 9 anthrax 9 rabies

UM* 'ominant disorders mnemonic 'M$44 6P 6ystrophicas Myotonic. 7P 7sto/enesis !mperfecta. MP Marfans syndrome. !P !ntermittent %orphyria. 5P 5oonans 2ymdrome. +P +dult %olycystic Iidney9+chondroplasia. 5P 5eurofibromatosis. TP Tuberous sclerosis.

%4&+"$$ $ ""4 $4 1 3" Med) racheiocephalic trunk9 the left (ommon (arotid9 and the left 2ubclavian artery hree trisomies %uberty a/e 1) %atau trisomy 1) 4lection a/e 1$ 4dwards trisomy 1$ 6rinkin/ a/e #1 6owns syndrome #1 tart and top &odons

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