dragan pavlović slobodan žunjić

April 9, 2017 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Documents
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Moja i vaša filozofija naša. Slobodan Žunjić. 65. Strategija spavača. Slobodan Žunjić. 91. Kako se rodilo ono “...



SLOBODAN ŽUNJIĆ _________________________________________________________


O uzurpiranju „Odeljenja za filozofiju”, inkvizicionoj hajci na Istoriju Srpske filozofije, otmici časopisa Theoria, i o moralnom padu. _____________________________________________________ Dialogue & Čigoja štampa Pariz/Beograd, 2016

Dragan Pavlović Direktor i glavni urednik, Dialogue - International Journal for Arts and Sciences, Paris. Chercheur Associe et Directeur de reserch Associe / Unite INSERM U408 (226), Paris, France, 1985-2000. PD Dr. med. habi, Research Director, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Universität, Greifswald, Germany, 2000-2014 Professor of Pathophysiology, European University, Belgrade, Serbia, 2011-2013. Adjunct Professor of Anesthesiology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada, 2015 -2017.

Slobodan Žunjić Docent za Historiju filozofije, University of Belgrade, 1986-1992 Associate Professor of Greek Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy, 1989-1997. Chair, History of Philosophy Group, University of Belgrade, 19901996. Associate Professor of Ancient Philosophy and the History of Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, 19901997. Visiting Professor, University of Pennsylvania, Philosophy, Classics, Balkan History, 1997/1998. Adjunct Professor of Philosophy at the University of Rhode Island, 1999-2012. Zamenik urednika časopisa Theoria od 1981 do 1986; Glavni urednik časopisa Gledista, 1989 – 1999.







N A S I LJ E N A D FILOZOFIJOM _______________________________________ O uzurpiranju „Odeljenja za filozofiju”, inkvizicionoj hajci na Istoriju Srpske filozofije, otmici časopisa Theoria, i o moralnom padu. ______________________________________

Dialogue, Pariz & Čigoja štampa, Beograd 2016

Dragan Pavlović i Slobodan Žunjić Nasilje nad filozofijom Izdavač: Dialogue, Pariz, Francuska i Čigoja štampa, Beograd, Srbija Copyright © Dragan Pavlović i Slobodan Žunjić, 2016. ISBN: 2-911527-09-7 Štampano u Beogradu: Čigoja štampa, 2016.

SADRŽAJ Predgovor




Logika logičke greške (o napadu na profesora Slobodana Žunjića) Dragan Pavlović


Otmica Theorie Dragan Pavlović


Otmica Theorie (tehnički dodatak) Dragan Pavlović


Herodot i Aristotel o uzrocima plavljenja Nila Kako profesor Jovan Aranđelović čita Herodota i Aristotela Dragan Pavlović


Moja i vaša filozofija naša Slobodan Žunjić


Strategija spavača Slobodan Žunjić


Kako se rodilo ono “samoporičuće” u prikazu moje knjige? Slobodan Žunjić




Redosled događaja i objavljivanja piblikacija povodom skandala oko Istorije srpske filozofije Slobodana Žunjića


Objavljene istorije srpske filozofije


Bibliogafija Dragana Pavlovića Prirodne nauke Društvene nauke

151 189

Biografija i Bibliografija Slobodana Žunjića Biografija Slobodana Žunjića Bibliografija Slobodana Žunjića

199 201


Predgovor Stvari o kojima će u ovoj knjizi biti reči mogu se uobičajenom čitaocu učiniti dosta kompleksnim i verovatno će sve biti jasno samo onima koji su u tome učestvovali. Materija ipak nije tako kopleksna i svaki pažljivi čitalac ipak će moći da oformi jedan okvirni utisak o trvenjima na katedri za filozofiju i o moralnim implikacijama vezanim za te događaje. Tekstovi koje objavljujemo nisu bili prihvaćeni od mnogih novina kojima su bili ponuđeni, uključujući i beogradsku Politiku. Pošto sam ja, posle dugog čekanja na odgovor o objavljivanju mog prvog teksta, obavestio Politiku da odustajem, jer je Srpski književni list već bio prihvatio da ga objavi, jedan od urednika Politike je odgovorio da se „upravo spremao“ da ga objavi - bez da je imao nameru da me o tome izvesti. Takva je, eto, praksa Politike. To govori o izvesnoj medijskoj blokadi u Srbiji i o tabloidnoj prirodi čak i same Politike u kojoj skandali i jeftine teme i ulični žargon često dobijaju mesto na prvoj strani. Povodeći se za trendom, Politika je uvela izdanje „online“ čiji forum predstavlja pravo đubrište komentara čitalaca, a koji se uz to ozbiljno cenzurišu i kojima se čak i manipuliše, verovatno u iluziji da takav forum može da utiče na javno mnjenje. Njeni uvodnici, koji su bez tematske supstance, izgubili su i na ozbiljnosti i na političkoj težini, a nekad referentna evropska dnevna novina se, u poslednjim godinama, srozala na nivo prosečne bulevarske štampe. Ne verujem da je to iz zle namere i neznanja, već radije zbog nedovoljnog znanja – nešto što je svima nama prisutan nedostatak. Isti su razlozi i za ponašanje Odeljenja za filozofiju i pisanja tih nekoliko filozofa koje spominjemo. Cilj nam nije neko podučavanje o moralu. Ja lično verujem da postoje fakti čije poznavanje pomaže u našim moralnim odlukama.

Zato nam je namera, dakle, da objavljujući ove tekstove, pomognemo da se taj nedostatak znanja nekako smanji, ne bi li naši stavovi o tome šta je dobro a šta loše bili postavljeni na nešto malo boljoj osnovi. Efekat sigurno neće biti odmah primećen, ali se nadam da će vreme doneti neki mali pomak u pravcu povećanja znanja; neki lak, jednostavan i brz - „kraljevski“ put ka znanju, naravno, ne postoji. Zato ovi tekstovi ne bi trebalo da nekog prisiljavaju da se izvinjava, ni da objašnjava, niti pak da naljute, već samo da nas nagnaju na razmišljanje. Znam da će čitaoci primetiti da ja u poslednjih 40 godina nisam baš mnogo koristio srpski jezik, ali se nadam da im to neće mnogo smetati. Hronologija događaja vezanih za ovaj skandal data je posebno, mada se mnoga objašnjenja i literatura ponovo daju u samom tekstu ili na kraju svakog teksta, što omogućava da svako poglavlje može da se čita nezavisno od ostalih. Ovde će, između ostalog, biti reči o vrednosti akademskog rada nekih autora. Za prirodne nauke postoje kompleksni i često nedovoljno puzdani pokazatelji kvaliteta objavljenih publikacija kao i raznovrsni indeksi. Za društvene nauke još uvek nema dobro razvijenog sistema traženja citata preko kompjuterske mreže. U načelu, ono što predstavlja na neki način kvalitet rada nije dužina listi objavljenih radova, nije broj sakupljenih „impakt faktora“ ili veličina nekih pokazatelja, već sadržaj radova, čiji je kvalitet, nažalost, uvek veoma teško proceniti. Nekritičko korišćenje tih listi indeksa je rasprostranjeno. Mnogi univerziteti, pa verovatno i Beogradski univerzitet, kako bi sebi olakšali posao, nekritički koriste te metode i time nanose veliku štetu naučnom radu. Nedavni skandali oko doktorata i podmetanja lažnih članaka časopisima, afera Sokal, Bohannon scandal sa Science ili naš skandal oko

Metalurgia International (videti Etika naučnog teksta, Beograd 2015) delom su bili indirektno prouzrokovani zloupotrebom pomenutih metoda procenjivanja naučnog rada. U drugom delu knjige, sitnijim slogom, date su liste publikacija oba autora (Žunjića i Pavlovića). To je potrebno i zbog uobičajenih razloga, a pošto autori posredno kritikuju naučnu delatnost i objavljivanje nauke svojih kolega, time se, radi konsekventnosti, akademska i naučna delatnost samih autora daje na uvid. Gore naznačena ograničenja svakako važe i za ove liste. Publikacije gde su tekstovi bili objavljeni imale su, svaka od njih, različita pravila citiranja pa se naslovi radova i publikacija u originali, razlikuju jedni od drugih: zbog obima posla liste publikacija nisu posebno formatirane i naslovi radova su ostali gotovo isto onako kako su bili predsavljeni u originalnmj publikacijama. Nekad su korišćeni različiti tipovi slova i način predstavljanja publikacije nije koherentan. Verujemo da će to biti korigovano, ako bude došlo do drugog izdanja. Internet reference. Internet publikacije su efemerne, često menjaju adrese ili nestaju. U listama, pogotovo onim o publikacijama iz društvenih nauka, koje se oslanjaju na internet pretraživače, dat je samo jedan mali broj izvora. Sigurno je da veliki broj važnijih citata nedostaje. To je zbog toga što društvene nauke još uvek nemaju dobro razvijen sistem traženja citata preko kompjuterske mreže. Za neke tekstove

(koji su pri kraju ove pomenute liste) nismo bili u stanju da pronađemo adrese na internetu te su oni morali biti tako ostavljeni. Od početka 2002. godine razni tekstovi profesora Žunjića su bili postirani na ličnoj engleskoj internet prezentaciji: http://www.uri.edu/personal/szunjic/

Taj sajt je sad arhiviran. Sam Arhiv sadrži većinu tekstova koji su bili na Univerzitetu Rod Ajland, SAD, mada na njemu mnogi linkovi više ne funkcionišu: https://web.archive.org/web/20150905062529/http:/w ww.uri.edu/personal/szunjic/index.html Ilustracije. „Otmica Evrope“, na koricama i u tekstu, je sa Wikipedie, „public domaine“. Ostale ilustracuje su ili iz privatnih zbirki autora ili sa Interneta, sa sajtova koji su takođe „public domaine“ i mogu se reprodukovati bez posebne dozvole. D. P. Pariz, 24. marta, 2016.


Uvod Jedan od najvećih istoričara srpske filozofije je u svom monumentalnom delu Istorija srpske filozofije procenio da je poslednjih dvadesetak godina bio pad kvaliteta filozofije na Odeljenju za filozofiju u Beogradu. Malo je filozofa koji ne misle da su najmudriji te su pogođeni članovi tog odeljenja, dakle, nagnali odeljenje da izda jedno Saopštenje i štampa još 3 teksta u svom glasilu gde se to „bogohulno“ delo osuđuje kao ništavno, a pisac proglašava nefilozofom, neznalicom i lošim čovekom. Ipak, to monumentalno delo na preko 500 stranica, koje je visokog kvaliteta i jedinstveno u Srbiji, će u narednih 500, 1000 ili više godina ipak saopštavati tačno to što je u njemu napisano: na Odeljenju za filozofiju je ovaj period bio period osrednje filozofije. Ovo užasno saznanje nagnalo je pogođene filozofe da traže bilo kakvo rešenje. Pronašli su samo jedno, koje to nije: pokušali su da zgaze čoveka koji se drznuo da to napiše. Njihov problem je svakako na drugom mestu i - nerešiv. Istorija se ne da ispravljati. Evo nešto više detalja. Slobodan Žunjić, filozof i istoričar srpske filozofije je u svojoj Istoriji srpske


filozofije (2009 i drugo izdanje 2014) okarakterisao Odeljenje za filozofiju (OF) sa Beogradskog univerziteta (BU) kao neuspešno u smislu proizvodnje značajnih filozofskih radova. Takva ocena je shvaćena od strane nekih sa OF verovatno kao uvreda. OF nije reagovalo odmah, već nakon nekih 6 godina, tj. posle drugog izdanja, verovatno jer su značajni filozofi kao Mihailo Marković, Ljubomir Tadić i Mihailo Đurić, koji su delili mišljenje Žunjića i bili i recenzenti pomenute Istorije (prva dvojica), još bili prisutni. Međutim, animoziteti između ove dve grupe traju preko dve decenije. Analitičku filozofiju (AF) je u Jugoslaviju uveo M. Marković izradom svoje druge teze odbranjene u Engleskoj 1956. Mlađi kadrovi, u toku napuštanja marksističke filozofije, orijentišu se prema na Zapadu modernoj AF tako što se pretežno bave logikom i matematikom (to su pomoćne nauke filozofije) i time se udaljavaju od prethodne generacije filozofa mnogo širih vidika koja je bila jedna međunarodno veoma uspešna generacija (generacije Praxisovaca, na primer). Ne prateći dovoljno razvoj AF na Zapadu, oni na taj način zaostaju u kreativnosti, a uz to deformišu profil interesovanja samog OF, kojim sada počinju da preovladavaju pomoćne nauke, logika i matematička logika, a ne proizvode vredne radove značajne za filozofiju uopšte. Oni se pritom ograničavaju na objavljivanje na nacionalnom nivou koje je skromno po obimu i po temama i retko učestvuju u debatama na međunarodnom nivou. U nekim svojim radovima


koji se odnose na prikaz srpske filozofije, uključujući i njeno predstavljanje u inostranstvu postoje ipak bar 2 takva kratka (od po jedne stranice!) enciklopedijska priloga objavljena u inostranstvu - ignorišu pomenutu prethodnu generaciju afirmisanih filozofa, a njene članove polako udaljavaju sa OF. To udaljavanje je čak i administrativno – što dovodi do konflikata. Potom, u 2014. godini (tad izlazi iz štampe drugo izdanje Istorije), OF objavljuje Saopštenje za javnost u kome oštro napada Istoriju Žunjića, doduše ne ograničavajući se samo na poglavlje 18, u kom se OF ocenjuje kao neuspešno, već odbacuju u stvari sad to celo monumentalno delo Žunjića bez ikakvih argumenata i kad raspravljaju o pomenutom poglavlju, koriste razne nepristojnosti i uvrede, neuobičajene za akademsko kominiciranje. To dobija i široku medijsku podršku u Srbiji i pretvara se u kompletnu hajku na Slobodana Žunjića. Ova zakasnela akcija, pokazalo se tokom 2015. godine, imala je i dodatni motiv (a možda i centralni motiv!) u aktuelnom izbornom ciklusu Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti, za koju je Žunjić bio kandidovan i pre 15 godina, i koji je onda kao i sada, imao protivnike upravo u gore pomenutoj grupi AF. Žunjićeva ocena da je filozofija na Odeljenju za filozofiju BU bila „osrednja“ nema sumnje tačna. Ni Jugoslavija ni Srbija nikad nisu imale vrhunsku filozofsku tradiciju. U prvi ili drugi ešalon u svetu spada samo nekoliko univerziteta. U ostalom


ogromna većina univerziteta spada u drugi ili treći ešalon ili mnogo niže. Pravo bi čudo bilo da je Žunjić našu filozofiju uvrstio u vrhunske! I bilo bi smešno. Međutim, ocena Žunjića je naše filozofe šokirala. Oni su izgleda verovali da su u samom vrhu svetske misli. Te iluzije sujete se teško mogu objasniti. U posleratnom periodu je verovatno „novi marksizam“ u vidu Praxis filozofije doživeo neki uspon i to je verovatno sve što se može o našoj filozofiji reći. Doprinos naših filozofa sa BU analitičkoj i post-analitičkoj filozofije je neprimetan. Naši filozofi se nisu čak dovoljo trudili da objavljuju na međunarodnom nivoum a objavljivanje kod nas je bilo svedeno na lokalne, privilegovane recenzije i siromašno publikovanje u časopisima koje su često ili sami uređivali ili im je uredništvo bilo blisko (Theoria, Filozofija i društvo i sl.). Eksplozija sujete sa Odeljenja za filozofiju je zato pravi skandal i moralni pad koji će ostaviti svoje posledice. Naši filozofi su mogli, kako bi pokazali da je Žunjićeva ocena preoštra, da citiraju nekoliko radova koje su objavili u vrhunskim svetskim časopisima, kao što je britanski Mind, Analitic Philosophy, ili The British Journal of the Philosophy of Science, na primer, i time ukažu da je Žunjićeva ocena netačna. Filozofi su nesumnjivo najkvalifikovaniji za argumentaciju i svi imaju i trening i rutinu u tome. Kako oni takve argumente nisu imali, preduzeli su hajku, inkvizicione metode i uvrede. Neakademski način kojim su odgovorili je indirektan ali pouzdan dokaz da nisu imali druge argumente te da su tvrdnje Žunjića verovatno tačne.


Moralni aspekti ove hajke na filozofa Žunjića izneti su u prva tri poglavlja. Treće poglavlje sadrži tehnički dodatak gde se neki važniji argumenti, izneti u tekstovima objavljenim u časopisu Theoria, ipak diskutuju u nešto detalja. Delovi teksta Aranđelovića se diskutuju samo u vezi sa raspravom o plavljenju Nila koja gotovo nema veze sa pomenutim tekstom i ima nezavistan značaj u ovoj polemici, ilustrujući površnost pomenutog filozofa. Pojavio se u međuvremenu i jedan prikaz Istorije, zapravo ponovni prikaz od autora Đorđevića. Prvi prikaz, objavljen pre nekoliko godina, je bio pozitivan, dok je sada izmenjena verzija tog istog prikaza sasvim negativna, mada je reč o istom delu koje je prikazano. Žunjić diskutuje taj prikaz. Ja sam međutim smatrao da takva ekstremna nekonsekventnost autora taj prikaz definitivno diskvalifikuje, te sam ga s toga oglasio „nepostojećim“ i nisam ga uzeo u obzir u svojim tekstovima. Unutrašnje spletke, moguće namere, pojedinosti i moguće zakulisne aktivnosti, hipotetičko opisuje Slobodan Žunjić u svojim tekstovima. Unutrašnji konflikti kolega na Odeljenju za filozofiju, konkurentni odnosi i afiniteti za pojedine pravce u filozofiji koji su različiti među njima, zauzimanje rukovodećih položaja na katedri od strane „logičara“, zapostavljanje ostalih grana filozofije, nizak stručni nivo po Žunjićevoj oceni – sve su to preduslovi za ovaj skandal. Centralni događaj je bio


izbor u Srpsku Akademiju nauka i umetnosti (SANU) pre 15 godina i svakako u 2015. godini. To treba imati na umu, pogotovo kad se čitaju tekstovi profesora Žunjića. Tu se osvetljava, i naravno, moguća uloga profesora Arsenijevića, a zatim Đorđevića, Lazovića, Aranđelovića, i Đurića. Žunjićev pristup nije grub, nema težinu optužbe pred sudom, ali ima suptilnost moralne osude unutrašnjih spletki i karijerizma kolega koji u borbi za vlast ne prezaju od svega što im je pri ruci. Verovatno u nedostatku najviših intelektualnih i filozofskih dostignuća kojima streme, tim ljudima takva sredstva mogu biti jedina na raspolaganju. Ovde neće biti diskusije oko tačnosti procene Žunjića o kvalitetu rada OF koje je on izrazio u njegovoj Istoriji, proceni koju OF negira. S jedne strane, samo Odeljenje je zainteresovano te je neprikladno da se njegova procena uzima kao validna. S jedne strane, način na koji su negirali tu procenu diskvalifikuje ih za validno učešće u jednoj takvoj raspravi. S druge strane, bes koji su ispoljili ne samo da dokazuje da je Žunjićeva ocena verovatno tačna, već i potvrđuje ono što Žunjić u svojim tekstovima ovde opisuje kao zakulisne igre i manipulacije, kao nešto verovatno ili moguće, ili što iznosi samo kao svoju procenu sa određenim rezervama - jer takva reakcija nije mogla biti izazvana samo akademskim procenama njihovog kolege: takav odgovor Odeljenja za filozofiju je morao imati dugu predistoriju trvenja, konflikata, suprostavljanja i zakulisnih manipulacija. Njih


Žunjić ovde samo okvirno implicira. Neki odnosi, koji su implicitno naznačeni, biće jasni nekad samo samim akterima. Žunjić namerno ostaje ponekad neodređen, ali to neće smetati neobaveštenom čitaocu da razume suštinu spletki. Pored toga, kad je reč o samoj Istoriji srpske filozofije, akademici Marković, Tadić i Basta su dali svoja objektivna i visoko stručna mišljenja u recenzijama Žunjićeve Istorije i mi ćemo se na njih osloniti. S druge strane Žunjić je u Istoriji izneo svoj autorski stav te on ostaje kao takav i u načelu se ne može raspravljati oko prava na autorski stav. Najzad, Žunjić pokazuje svojum dosadašnjim radom da je kvalifikovan da daje procene o Srpskoj filozofiji koje jedan istoričar filozofije treba da daje, te se i taj njegov čin davanja nepovoljne ocene ne moze negirati, mada se u budućnosti nesumnjivo može diskutovati, ali uvek na odgovarajućem nezainteresovanom nivou i od strane kvalfikovanih istoričara fiozofije. Izgleda da na OF momentalno nema istraživača čiji radovi garantuju tu stručnost. D. P. Pariz, 24. marta, 2016.





Redosled događaja i objavljivanja piblikacija povodom skandala oko Istorije srpske filozofije Slobodana Žunjića


Objavljene istorije srpske filozofije


Bibliogafija Dragana Pavlovića Prirodne nauke Društvene nauke

151 185

Biografija i Bibliografija Slobodana Žunjića Biografija Slobodana Žunjića Bibliografija Slobodana Žunjića

199 201



Redosled događaja i objavljivanja publikacija povodom skandala oko Istorije srpske filozofije Slobodana Žunjića __________________________________________ 1988 Contemporary Yugoslav Philosophy: The Analytic Approach, edited by A. Pavkovic, Springer, 1988. 1995. M. Arsenijevic, Serbian philosophy, pp. 842 in Oxford Companion to Philosophy, ed., T. Honderich, Oxford University Press 1995, (pp. 1010). 1998. Z Lazovic, A. Pavkovic, “South Slavs, Philosophy of “, pp. 4855, in Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Edvard Craig, Ed., 10 vol., London 1998 (1996), https://www.rep.routledge.com/articles/south-slavsphilosophy-of/v-1 (konsultovano 14. 1. 2016.) 2009. Slobodan Žunjić, Istorija srpske filozofije, prvo izdanje, Plato, Beograd; 2009, 503 strana, glava 17 se bavi filozofijom posle 2. sv. rata. Recenzenti: M. Marković i Lj: Tadić. Tu se u glavi 15 tj. 17 spominje i Odeljenja za filozofiju, Filozofskog fakulteta Beogradskog univerziteta, najznačajnije publikacije s te katedre se diskutuju. Žunjić ocenjuje da ova katedra u poslednjih 20 godina teži analitičkoj filozofiji i da je njen doprinos filozofiji, u poređenju s ranijim posleratnim periodom, inferioran. Ovo prvo izdanje Istorije je dobilo jedan obiman i povoljan komentar: Radomira Đorđevića, u Unus Mundus, 2013. godine (videti niže). 2013. Radomir Đorđević, Istorija srpske filozofije, rubrika Osvrti, Unus Mundus, Niški kulturni centar, p. 609-616, 2013.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM https://fr.scribd.com/doc/200132846/Radomir-ĐorđevicOsvrti-Slobodan-Zunjic-Istorija-Srpske-Filosofije 2014. Slobodan Žunjić, Istorija srpske filozofije, drugo monumentalno izdanje A4 formata s minimalnim izmenama, glave 17 prvo izdanje, i glava 18 drugo izdanje, gotovo identične, Zavod za izdavanje udžbenika, Beograd; 2014, 520 strana: recenzent D. Basta. 2015. Saopštenja za javnost, Internet portal Odeljenja za filozofiju http://www.f.bg.ac.rs/files/fs_saopstenje_za_javnost_2014-0424.pdf (nedostupno posle decembra 2015.) (konsultovano 14. 1. 2016.) http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/img/doi/0351-2274/2015/035122741502135D.pdf (konsultovano 14. 1. 2016.) Tribinа povodom knjige Slobodаnа Žunjićа Istorijа srpske filozofije (Najava : Nа Filozofskom fаkultetu u Beogrаdu 21. mаjа 2015. u 14 čаsovа održаće se tribinа povodom knjige Slobodаnа Žunjićа Istorijа srpske filozofije (Zаvod zа udžbenike i nаstаvnа sredstvа, Beogrаd 2014). Tribinа će biti održаnа u svečаnoj sаli „Drаgoslаv Srejović“ nа prvom sprаtu Fаkultetа i nа njoj će govoriti Drаgo Đurić, Živаn Lаzović, Milorаd Stupаr i Rаdomir Đorđević.) Ovde su zvucni materijali sa Tribine: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/98583081/Filoz%201%20 WS310225.WMA https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/98583081/Filoz%202%20 WS310227.WMA https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/98583081/Filoz%203%20 WS310230.WMA https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/98583081/Filoz%20Disku sija%20WS310230.WMA

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM Drugi tekstovi: Članci u Politici Članak u Politici, Beograd: "Knjiga Slobodana Žunjića izazvala oštru reakciju filozofa", izašao 18. maja 2015, potpisan M.D. http://www.politika.rs/scc/clanak/327863/Knjiga-SlobodanaZunjica-izazvala-ostru-reakciju-filozofa Clanak u Politici, Beograd: "O čemu se polemiše na Filozofskom fakultetu", izašao 22. maja 2015, potpisan M. Dimitrijević http://www.politika.rs/scc/clanak/328268/O-cemu-se-polemisena-Filozofskom-fakultetu Članak u Politici, Beograd: Potpisan: Marinko Lolić. Članak u Politici, Beograd: Marinko M. Vučinić. Suđenje na Filozofskom http://www.politika.rs/scc/clanak/329443/%D0%A1%D1%83 %D1%92%D0%B5%D1%9A%D0%B5-%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%A4%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B7%D0%BE %D1%84%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BC www.politika.rs/scc/clanak/329443/Суђење-на-Филозофском Članci u nekim drugim medijima (NSPM). Radomir Đorđević, Šta je sve sporno u "Istoriji srpske filozofije" Slobodana Žunjića, NSPM, 2015, ponovni prikaz Istorije, nešto izmenjen i sad sasvim kontradiktoran prethodno objavljenom prikazu u Unus Mundus iz 2013. http://www.nspm.rs/polemike/sta-je-sve-sporno-u-istorijisrpske-filozofije-slobodana-zunjica.html?alphabet=l (konsultovano 14. 1. 2016.) Marinko M. Vučinić Debata ili javni linč na Filozofskom fakultetu, Nova srpska politička misao, internet (NSPM): http://www.nspm.rs/kulturna-politika/debata-ili-javni-linc-nafilozofskom-fakultetu.html?alphabet=l

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM Dragan Pavlović: Inkviziciona hajka na profesora Žunjića, Nova srpska politička misao, internet (NSPM) http://www.nspm.rs/polemike/inkviziciona-hajka-na-profesorazunjica.html?alphabet=l (konsultovano 14. 1. 2016.) Dragan Pavlović, Logička greška ili metafora na kvadrat, Srpski književni list, 12/117 (godina IV/XIV) st. 5, 2015, i ovde: https://www.academia.edu/13328037/Logi%C4%8Dka_gre%C 5%A1ka_ili_metafora_na_kvadrat_Inkviziciona_hajka_na_pro fesora_%C5%BDunji%C4%87a_-_longer_version_ (konsultovano 14. 1. 2016.) Theoria, 2/2015, http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/issue.aspx?issueid=2520 (konsultovano 14. 1. 2016.) Đurić Drago, O jednom pokušaju prekrajanja istorije srpske filozofije (Saopštenje za javnost), Theoria, Beograd, 2015 58(2):135-138 Aranđelović Jovan, Kako je neznalica oklevetala Odeljenje za filozofiju, Theoria, Beograd, 2015 58(2):139-142 Lazović Živan, Čemu prekrajanje istorije srpske filozofije?, Theoria, Beograd, 2015 58(2):143-160 Đurić Drago, Istorija filozofije bez filozofije, Theoria, Beograd, 2015 58(2):161-168 2015 Jesen, izbor novih članova SANU, Slobodan Žunjić je jedan od predloženih kandidata iz oblasti društvenih nauk; Odeljenje za filozofiju ima svog protiv kandidata. Nijedan kandidat nije bio izabran.


Objavljene istorije srpske filozofije (Dati su samo tekstovi koji obrađuju cele periode ili jedan veći deo istorije)

______________________________________________ Ksenija Atanasijević, Penseurs Yougoslaves, Bureau central de Presse, Jugoslovanska tiskarna, Ljubljana, Belgrade 1937 (pp. 5-307). Mihailo Markovic, "Yugoslav Philosophy", u: The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 8 vols, (pp. 359-564). Paul Edwards (ed.), Collier Macmillan, New York, 1967. Dragan Jeremić, "O filozofiji kod Srba (I)", Savremenik, 5/1967, str. 401-427; (II), 6/1967, 534-549; (III) 7/1967, 620-628; (IV) 8-9/1967, 174-186; (V) 10/1967, 311-325; (VI) 11/1967, 416-425; (VII) 12/1967, 487-500; "O filozofiji kod Srba (VIII)", Savremenik, 1/1968, str. 5874; "O filozofiji kod Srba (Kraj)", Savremenik, 2/1968, str. 97-125. Аndrija Стојковић, Почеци философије у Срба, Од Саве до Доситеја на основама народне мудрости, Београд, Dijalektika, 1970 (188 str). Аndrija Стојковић, Развитак философије у Срба 1804–1944, Београд, Slovo ljubve, 1972 (632 str). Аndrija Стојковић, L’Evolution de la Philosophie Serbe, Aperçu, Belgrade, Radiša Timotić, 1977 (98 str). Contemporary Yugoslav Philosophy: The Analytic Approach, Edited by Aleksandar Pavković, Springer, 1988 (pp. 309).


Slobodan Žunjić, "Uvod u istoriju srpske filozofije", Gledišta 1-2/1990, str. 5-77. Slobodan Zunjic, “Philosophie in Serbien heute. Ansätze zu Entwicklungsgeschichte und zum gegenwärtigen Stand”, (Mitverfaser: M. Đurić), in: Serbische Philosophie Heute, Műnchen 1993, SS. 9-72. Miloš Arsenijevic, “Serbian philosophy”, pp. 842 in Oxford Companion to Philosophy, ed., T. Honderich, Oxford University Press 1995 (pp. 1010). Dragan Jeremić, O filozofiji kod Srba, Plato, Beograd 1997 (235 str). Milan Uzelac, "Yugoslavia", in: Encyclopedia of Phenomenology, edited by Lester Embree, Elizabeth A. Behnke, David Carr, et al., (pp. 744-749). Contributions to phenomenology, Volume 18, Cluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, London 1997. (pp.764). Ilija Marić, O srpskoj filosofiji, Plato, Beograd 2003 (353 str.). Zivan Lazovic, Aleksandar Pavkovic, “South Slavs, Philosophy of “, pp. 48-55, in Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Edvard Craig, Ed., 10 vol., London 1998 (1996). Slobodan Žunjić, “La Philosophie en Yougoslavie”, in: A. Jacob, ed., L’Encyclopedie Philosophique Universelle, tome IV : Le discours philosophique, sous la direction de J. F. Mattei, pp. 769-788, PUF, Paris 1998.


Ilija Marić, Filozofija na Velikoj školi, Plato, Beograd 2003 (231 str). Ilija Marić, Uspon srpske filozofije, Počeci sistematskih filozofskih istraživanja kod Srba, Plato, Beograd 2004 (272 str). Slobodan Žunjić, Istorija srpske filozofije, Plato, Beograd, 2009 (504 str). Zdravko Kučinar, Srpsko filozofsko društvo, Kratka istorija, Knj. 1, Službeni glasnik Srbije, Srpsko filozofsko društvo, Beograd 2011, str. 1-192. Ilija Marić, Stara fizika i fizika kod Srba, Otačnik Beograd 2013 (384 str). Slobodan Žunjić, Istorija srpske filozofije Zavod za izdavanje udžbenika, Beograd 2014 (520 str). Istorija srpske filozofije, Irina Deretić (priređivač): knjiga 1 (str. 615, 2011), 2 (prilozi istraživanju, str. 712, 2012), i 3 (prilozi istraživanju, str. 707, 2014), Evro Giunti, Beograd.



Bibliogafija Dragana Pavlovića (This list includes the articles in biomedical sciences, including the articles bordering to the philosophy of science and biomedical ethics. The social and political sciences and related issues and various polemic articles are given below in a separate list.) https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dragan_Pavlovic/publications/2?so rting=published Personal homepage: http://www.science-dialogue.com/indexpavlovic.htm

___________________________________________________ Google scholar Citation indices All Citations 1987 h-index


Since 2011 974 15

i10-index 45 28 _____________________________________________ ResearchGate 348 Publications 6.62k Reads 1,162 Citations 559.79 Impact Points ______________________________________________

Prirodne nauke London, United Kingdom, London Hospital Medical School 1985 Articles Pavlovic, Dragan. Anaesthesia and analgesia in sports injuries. Thesis, The London Hospital Medical School, London, 1985. _________________________________________________________ Paris, France, University Paris 7, INSERM U408 (U226) 1986 Abstracts Dureuil, B. N. Viires, D. Pavlovic, R. Pariente, and M. Aubier. Alteration in nerve conduction and diaphragmatic function after phrenic nerve

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM hypothermia. Proceedings, VII Congres Europeen DíAnesthesiology, Vienne, 1986. Dureuil, B. , N. Viires, D. Pavlovic, R. Pariente, M. Aubier, and J. M. Desmonts. Effects of phrenic nerve cooling on nerve conduction and diaphragmatic function in dogs. Poceedings, International Symposium on Anaesthesia for Cardiac Patients, Munchen, 1986.

1987 Abstracts Dureuil, B., N. Viires, B. Weber, D. Pavlovic, M. Aubier, R. Pariente, and J. M. Desmonts. Effects of acute starvation on diaphragmatic function. Am. Rev. Resp. Dis. 4: A329 (suppl), 1987.

1988 Abstracts Pavlovic, D., M. Fournier, M. Aubier, and R. Pariente. Modulation of the tracheal smooth muscle response to carbachol stimulation by the epithelium in the rats. Am. Rev. Resp. Dis. 137 (suppl): 243, 1988. Jorga, V. I., I. K. Jorga, D. V. Pavlovic, Olivera Bosnic, Snezana Vukovic, M. Aubier, and V. M. Mujovic. Prostaglandins in top karate sportsmen during specific work load test. Jugoslav. Physiol. Pharmacol. Acta, 24 (Suppl 6: 161), 1988.

Articles D. Pavlovic, Jorga, I. K., V. Mujovic, M. Aubier and R. Pariente. Opioids have depressant effect on diaphragmatic fiber tension generation. Jugoslav. Physiol. Pharmacol. Acta 24 (Suppl 6: 159-160) 1988. Boczkowski, J. , B. Duireil, N. Viires, D. Pavlovic, D. Murciano, R. Pariente, and M. Aubier. Effects of sepsis on diaphragmatic function in rats. Am. Rev. Resp. Dis. 138: 260-265, 1988.)

1989 Abstracts Boczkowski, J. , B. Dureuil, D. Pavlovic, R. Pariente, M. Aubier. Preventive effect of indomethacin on contractile diaphragmatic Alteration in septic rats. Am. Rev. Resp. Dis. 4: A163 (suppl), 1989.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM Nussaume, O. , Murciano, G. , Viires, N., and Pavlovic, D. Stimulation musculaire - travail preliminaire, Proceedings, Socite de Chirurgie Thoracique et Cardio-Vasculare de Langue Franáaise, Versailles, 1989.

Articles Pavlovic, D., M. Fournier, M. Aubier, and R. Pariente. Epithelial versus serosal stimulation of tracheal muscle: role of epithelium. J. Appl. Physiol. 67: 2522-2526, 1989. Dureuil, B., N. Viires, B. Veber, D. Pavlovic, R. Pariente, J. M. Desmonts, and M. Aubier. Acute diaphragmatic changes induced by starvation in rats. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 49: 738-744, 1989.

1990 Abstracts Pingleton, S. K., J. Boczkowski, N. Viires, D. Pavlovic, R. Pariente, and M. Aubier. Effect of combined starvation and sepsis upon diaphragmatic function. Am. Rev. Resp. Dis. 1990 (suppl). Pavlovic Dragan, Evelin Brione, Michel Fournier, et Michel Aubier. L’epithelium inhibe la relaxation du muscle lisse tracheal de rat induit par un activateur des canaux potassiques (BRL 38227). Proceedings of Journée de la Recherche (UFR Xavier Bichat), Paris, Sept. 1990.

Articles Viires, N., D. Pavlovic, R. Pariente, and M. Aubier. Effects of steroids on diaphragmatic function in rats. Am. Rev. Resp. Dis. 124: 34-38, 1990.

1991 Articles Viires, N., D. Pavlovic, and M. Aubier. Multiple effects of BAY K 8644 and nifedipine on isolated diaphragmatic fibres in vitro. J. Appl. Physiol. 71: 841-846, 1991.

1992 Abstracts Pinquier, D., G. Boussignac, D. Pavlovic, and F. Beaufils. Sonde

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM d'intubation multi-canaux: Une voie pour limiter le barotraumatisme pendant la ventilation mécanique. Proceedings of Journée de la Recherche (UFR Xavier-Bichat), Paris: 105, 1992. Pinquier, D., G. Boussignac, D. Pavlovic, and F. Beaufils. Sonde d'intubation multi-canaux: intérêt dans le sevrage de la ventilation mécanique. Proceedungs of Journée de la Recherche (UFR XavierBichat, Paris): 106, 1992. Pinquier, Didier, Georges Boussignac, Dragan Pavlovic, Michel Aubier, and F. Beaufils. Multichannel endotracheal tube: a way to limit barotrauma. Intensive Care Med. 18 (S2), 164, (A 186), 1992. Pinquier, Didier, Georges Boussignac, Dragan Pavlovic, Michel Aubier, and F. Beaufils. Multichannel endotracheal tube: a way to improve weaning from mechanical ventilation. Intensive Care Med. 18 (S2), 164 (A 185), 1992.

1993 Abstracts Pinquier, Didier, Georges Boussignac, Dragan Pavlovic, Michel Aubier, and F. Beaufils. Ventilation intratracheale multichanalaire. Rev. mal. Resp., 10 (S1), 18 (A 32), 1993. Gacic, Z., M. Grgurevic, D. Pavlovic, and V. Nedeljkov. The effect of penicillin on Retzius nerve cells of the leech. Proceedings of III Congress of Yugoslav Neurologists, 210, 1993. Grgurevic, M., S. Malobabic, Z. Gacic, D. Pavlovic, and V. Nedeljkov. The dendroarchitectural organization of the neurons in the substantia gelatinosa of the spinal cord. Proceedings of III Congress of Yugoslav Neurologists, 405, 1993. Articles Pavlovic, Dragan, Evelin Brione, Michel Fournier, and Michel Aubier: Partial inhibition by epithelium of tracheal smooth muscle relaxation induced by potassium channel activator BRL 38227. Br. J. Pharmacol., 110: 139-144, 1993.

1994 Abstracts Pavlovic, Dragan. , Naima Viires, Christine Zedda, Michel Fournier, and Michel Aubier: Effects of corticosteroids on epithelial structure and

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM smooth muscle function of rat trachea. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 4: A905, 1994. Pavlovic, D., Cheik-Zeinedinne, T., Fournier, M., and Fournier, M. Carbocisteine diminishes rat tracheal smooth muscle reactivity in epithelium denuded preparations. Eur. Resp. J. Vol 7, suppl 18: 76s, 1994.

Articles Genevieve Le Bourdelles, Naima Viires, Jorge Boczkowski, Natalie Seta, Dragan Pavlovic, and Michel Aubier. Effects of mechanical ventilation on diaphragmatic contractile properties in rats. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med., Vol. 149: 1539-1544, 1994.

1995 Abstracts Viires, N., Pavlovic, D., Moutaouakkil, S., and Aubier, M. Effects of chronic hypoxia on diaphragmatic contractility, capillarity and fibre type distribution. Proceedings of XXIV European Muscle Conference, 13-16 Sept. , 1995, Firence, Italy. Viires, N., Pavlovic, D., Zedda, C., and Aubier, M. Effects of chronic hypoxia on diaphragmatic contractility, capillarity and fibre type distribution. Eur. Resp. J. Vol. 7, suppl. 18: 88s, 1995. Pavlovic, D, Moldovan, F, and Aubier, M. Selective perfusion of rat tracheal preparation: no evidence for EpDRF secretion. Eur. Resp. J. Vol. 8, suppl. 19: 43s, 1995.

1996 Abstracts D. Pavlovic, N. Viires, F. Roux, and M. Aubier. Chronic hypoxia diminishes sensitivity of rat tracheal smooth muscle to carbachol applied epithelialy. Am. J. Resp. Crit. Care. Med. , Vol. 153, N∞ 4 (suppl., part 2): A840, 1996. Ouksel, H., D. Pavlovic, N. Viires, Y. Amrani, N. Seta, and M. Aubier. Modifications in MLCK expression induced by repeated bronchoconstriction. Proceedings, EMC, XXV European Muscle Congress, Montpellier, France, 14 - 17 Sept., 1996. Nedeljkov, V. Cemerikic, D, Grgurevic, M, Dragovic, S, and Pavlovic, D.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM The effect of Ni2+ on Retzius nerve cells of the leech. XV Yugoslav. Symp. of Epileptology, 1996.

Articles Didier Panquier, Dragan Pavlovic, Georges Boussignac, Michel Aubier, and François Beaufils Benefits of the low pressure multichannel endotracheal ventilation. Am. J. Resp. Crit. Care. Med. 154: 82 - 90, 1996.

1997 Abstracts Didier Panquier, Dragan Pavlovic, G. Fromont - Hankard, L. Ferkdadji, G. Boussignac, M. Peuchmaur, M. Aubier, and F. Beaufils. Effects of tracheal gas insuflation during CMV on pulmonary pressures and Airway Histology. Am. J. Resp. Crit. Care. Med. vol. 155, No 4, (suppl. , part 2): A773, 1997. Ouksel, H., N. Viires, D. Pavlovic, C. Peiffer, N. Seta, Y. Amrani, and M. Aubier. Modifications in MLCK Expression in guinea-pig airway smooth muscle: role of repeated bronchoconstrictions and role of inflamation. Am. J. Resp. Crit. Care. Med. Vol 155, No 4 (suppl, part 2): A370, 1997. Didier Panquier, Dragan Pavlovic, G. Fromont - Hankard, L. Ferkdadji, G. Boussignac, M. Peuchmaur, M. Aubier, and F. Beaufils. Effects of TGI during CMV on pulmonary pressures and airway histology. Eur. Resp. J. vol 10, 80s (suppl), 1997. Ouksel, H., N. Viires, D. Pavlovic, C. Peiffer, C. Zedda, and M. Aubier. MLCK and SERKA expression in tracheal smooth muscle from sensitized guinea-pigs. Eur. Resp. J. vol 10, 291s (suppl), 1997.

1998 Abstracts Ouksel, H., N. Viires, D. Pavlovic, C. Peiffer, C. Zedda, M. Pretolani, C. Ruffiè, and M. Aubier. Effects of Inflamation on myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) expression in guinea-pig model of bronchial hyperreactivity. Am. J. Crit. Care Med., Vol 157, 3 (Suppl): A519, 1998. Grgurevic-Nedeljkov, Marica, N. Puskas, L. Puskas, M. Malis, S. Malobabic, D. Pavlovic, and V. Nedeljkov. The distribution of neuropeptide Y (NPY) in the rat spinal cord. Folia Anatomica, vol 26 (Suppl. 2): 109, 1998.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM Grgurevic-Nedeljkov, Marica, N. Puskas, L. Puskas, M. Malis, S. Malobabic, D. Pavlovic, and V. Nedeljkov. Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) in the rat spinal cord: a light microscopic analysis Folia Anatomica, vol 26 (Suppl. 2): 110, 1998. Grgurevic -Nedeljkov, M. , N. Puskas, M. Malis, S. Malobabic, D. Pavlovic, and V. Nedeljkov. Immunohistochemical localization of substance P in cat spinal dorsal horn. The Eleventh European Anatomical Congress, Timisoara, Sept 10-13, 1998. Procedings, p. 102. Grgurevic - Nedeljkov, M., N. Puskas, L. Puskas, M. Malis, S. Malobabic, D. Pavlovic, and V. Nedeljkov. The cat spinal cord: neuropeptide Y (NPY) immunoreactivity. The Eleventh European Anatomical Congress, Timisoara, Sept 10-13, 1998. Procedings, p. 103.

Articles Pavlovic, Dragan, Naima Viires, Christine Zedda, Michel Fournier, and Michel Aubier: Effects of a high dose corticosteroids on smooth muscle function in rat trachea. Eur. Respir. J., 11: 575-582, 1998.

1999 Articles Grguvevic Marica, Malobabic Slobodan, Pavlovic Dragan and Nedeljkov Vladimir. Large multipolar neurons in the substantia gelatinosa (Rolandi) of the cat spinal cord. Folia Anatomica, 1: 51-55, 1999. _________________________________________________________ Greifswald, Germany, Ernst Moritz Arndt University. 2000 Abstracts H. Ouksel, N. Viires, D. Pavlovic, C. Ruffie, C. Zedda, C. Peiffer, C. Vizzuzaine, M. Pretolani, M. Aubier. Allergic bronchial hyperreactivity in the guinea-pig is sssociated with an inflammation-dependent increase in the expression of MLCK In the tracheal smooth muscle. Am. J. Crit. Care Med, 161: A840, 2000. A. Samb, C. Lisdero, J. Callebert, D. Pavlovic, M. Pretolani, M. Aubier, J. Boczkowski. Decreased lung expression and activity of type I nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) after ovalbumin immunisation and aerosol challenge in guinea pigs. Am. J. Crit. Care Med. 161: A919, 2000.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM 2001 Abstracts D. Pavlovic, F. Zimmerman, T. Hachenberg, M. Wendt. Dehydroepiandrosterone induced relaxation of rat trachea and aorta is not affected by potassium channel blocking agents. Am. J. Resp. Crit. Care Med., Vol. 163, No 5, A: 976, 2001. Grgurevic, M., Pavlovic, D., Ristanovic, D., Wendt, M., and Nedeljkov, V. A Golgi study of the neurons of the lamina VI of the rat spinal cord. Proceedings, 83eme Congres de l'Association des Morphologistes, and 12th European Anatomical Congress, p. LIII, (23-27 may, 2001) Lyon, France. Pavlovic, D., Grgurevic, M. , Puskas, N. , Ristanovic, D. , Wendt, M. , and Nedeljkov, V. The morphology of Golgi-stained neurons in lamina IV of the rat spinal cord. Proceedings, 83eme Congres de l'Association des Morphologistes, and 12th European Anatomical Congress, p. LII, (23-27 may, 2001) Lyon, France.

2002 Abstracts Meissner, Konrad, Michael Wendt, and Dragan Pavlovic. Steroid muscle relaxants inhibit carbachol induced tracheal smooth muscle tone in the rat. Europ J Anaesthesiol, 19 (Suppl 24), 2002. S. NJ. Lopicic, D. Cemerikic, D. Pavlovic, M. Wendt, M. Grgurevic, D. Ristanovic, V. Nedeljkov. The excitatory effects of -N-methylamino-Laspartate on Retzius nerve cells of the leech Haemopis sanguisuga. European Journal of Neurology 9 (Suppl 2): 139, 2002. Milchert, M, Meissner, K., Usichenko, T., Lehmann C., Wendt, M. und Pavlovic, D. Muskelrelaxanzien hemmen Kontraktion der glatten Tracheamuskulatur der Ratte. NAT (Norddeutsche Anästhesie-Tage), 56. 10. 2002, Hamburg. Helge Frieling, Mathias Gruendling, Christoph Strang, Thomas Hachenberg, Michael Wendt, and Pavlovic, Dragan. Lavasept relaxing effects on rat aorta are partially nitric oxide mediated. Intensiv Medizin und Notfallmedizin 39 (Suppl 1): 37, 2002. (Second Prise for Poster)

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM D. Pavlovic, K. Meissner, H.-E. Wagner, U. Bartels, and M. Wendt. Bidirectional venturi pump for emergency transtracheal lung ventilation. Intensiv Medizin und Notfallmedizin 39 (Suppl 1): 49, 2002. Usichenko T. I., S. Foelner, D. Pavlovic, M. Wendt. Reducing venipuncture pain using ”cough-trick”: a volunteer study. Der Schmertz, 16 8 (Suppl 1): 590, 2002.

Articles Pavlovic, Dragan. A device for manual venturi-jet ventilation (Beatmungsgerät, insbesondere zur notfallmäßigen transtrachealen Beatmung). (German Patent Office) DPMA N° 202.13.420.2, August 29, 2002. Dragan Pavlovic. Modulation des Tonus der Atemwege durch das Epithel: Effekte von Carbocistein. Medizinischen Fakultät Der Ernst – Moritz - Arndt Universität, Greifswald, 2002. (German Doctoral Thesis).

2003 Abstracts Meissner, Konrad, Taras I. Usichenko, Christian Lehmann, Michael Wendt, Dragan Pavlovic. Bi-Directional Venturi Pump for Short Term Emergency Transtracheal Lung Ventilation. ASA 2003, A-467. Dragan Pavlovic, Juliane Maskow, Taras Usichenko, and Michael Wendt. Dehydroepiandrosterone induces relaxation of human and rat bronchial smooth muscle and rat aorta. Eur Resp J, Vol. 22 Suppl- 45: 105s, 2003. Usichenko TI, Pavlovic D, Foellner S, Wendt M. Reducing venipuncture pain by a “cough-trick”: a randomized cross-over study. Eur J Anaesth 2003;20(Suppl.30):180. Foellner S, Usichenko TI, Lehmann Ch, Wendt M, Pavlovic D. Akrinor produces transitory contraction of pig coronary artery pre-treated with propranolol. Eur J Anaesth 2003;20 (Suppl.30):134. Sebastian Foellner, Taras.I.Usichenko, Christian. Lehmann, Michael Wendt, and Dragan Pavlovic. Akrinor induced relaxation of pig coronary artery is transformed into transitory contraction by propranolol. HAI 2003 Foellner, S., T. Usichenko, Ch. Lehmann and M. Wendt, Pavlovic D,: Akrinor produces transitory contraction of pig coronary arteries that have been pre-treated with propraolol. J. Anästh. Intensivbeh. 2 (2003), 222.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM Sebastian Foellner, Taras.I.Usichenko, Christian. Lehmann, Michael Wendt, and Dragan Pavlovic. In the presence of propranolol akrinor induces transitory contraction of the pig coronary artery. Proceedings of Pan-Hellenic Cardiology Congress, p 41, Rhodes, Greece, 2003. Juliane Maskow, Matthias Gründling, Frank Feyerherd, Albrecht Stier, Michael Wendt, and Dragan Pavlovic. Dehydroepiandrosterone induces relaxation of human and rat bronchial smooth muscle and rat aorta. J. Anäst Int Beh, 2; 2003.

Articles Dragan Pavlovic and Michael Wendt. Hypothesis. Diaphragm pacing during prolonged mechanical ventilation of the lungs could prevent from respiratory muscle fatigue. Medical Hypotheses, 3: 398-403, 2003. Dragan Pavlovic and Michael Wendt. Hypothesis that vagal reinervation of diaphragm could sensitise it to electrical stimulation Medical Hypotheses, 3: 404-407, 2003. Usichenko TI, Lysenyuk VP, Groth MH, Pavlovic D. Detection of ear acupuncture points by measuring the electrical skin resistance in patients before, during and after orthopedic surgery performed under general anesthesia. Acupunct Electrother Res. 2003; 28 (3-4):167-73. Birnbaum J, Lehmann C, Stauss HM, Weber M, Georgiew A, Lorenz B, Pulletz S, Grundling M, Pavlovic D, Wendt M, Kox WJ. Sympathetic modulation of intestinal microvascular blood flow oscillations in experimental endotoxemia. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2003; 28 (4):20920. T. I. Usichenko and D. Pavlovic. Suggesting the optimal control procedure for acupressure studies. Anesth Analg. 2003 Oct; 97(4):1196-7. Usichenko TI, Pavlovic D, Groth M. The effect of auricular acupuncture on anaesthesia: a search for optimal design. Anaesthesia. 2003 Sep;58 (9): 928-9.

2004 Abstracts Henning Erber, Christian Lehmann, Matthias Gruendling, Thomas Hachenberg, Taras Usichenko, Konrad Meissner, Michael Wendt and Dragan Pavlovic. Lipopolysaccharide induced hyposensitivity of rat aorta in vitro is reversed by potassium channels blocking agents and

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM orthovanadate. 16th WCA, CD Room: S166, Published by WFSA, Paris, 2004. Kai-Steffen Lauer, Helge Frieling, Theoni Kanellopoulou, Dragan Pavlovic, Konrad Meissner, Taras Usichenko, Christian Lehmann, and Matthias Gründling. Peritonal lavage with taurolidin and polyhexanid modulates intestinal microcirculation in experimental endotoxemia. 16th WCA, CD Room: P1098, Published by WFSA, Paris, 2004. Helge Frieling, Matthias Grundling, Kai-Steffen Lauer, Christian Lehmann, Taras Usichenko, Konrad Meissner, Michael Wendt, and Dragan Pavlovic. Polyhexanide relaxing effects in rat aorta are partially mediated by nitric oxide and cGMP. 16th WCA, CD Room: P1099, Published by WFSA, Paris, 2004. Helge Frieling, Matthias Gruendling, Kai-Steffen Lauer, Michael Wendt, Christian Lehmann, and Dragan Pavlovic. Polyhexanide induced hypotension during peritoneal lavage is due to its vasodilating properties: in vivo and in vitro study in the rat. 16th WCA, CD Room: P1122, Published by WFSA, Paris, 2004. Marcin Milchert, Konrad Meissner, Taras Usichenko, Matthias Grundling, Christian Lehmann, Michael Wendt, and Dragan Pavlovic. Skeletal muscle relaxants inhibit tracheal smooth muscle tone in the rat. 16th WCA, CD Room: P0737, Published by WFSA, Paris, 2004. Helge Frieling, Matthias Grundling, Kai-Steffen Lauer, Christian Lehmann, Michael Wendt, und Dragan Pavlovic. Mechanismen der Lavasept (Polyhexanid) - bedingten Vasodilatation während Peritoneallavage (Third Poster Prise, HAI, Berlin, 2004). J. Anäst Int Beh, 2: S161, 2004. Kai-Steffen Lauer, Helge Frieling, Theoni Kanellopoulou, Dragan Pavlovic, Christian Lehmann und Matthias Gründling. Auswirkungen einer Peritoneal-Lavage mit Taurolidin bzw. Polyhexanid auf die intestinale Mikrozirkulation im septischen Rattenmodell. J. Anäst Int Beh, 2: S154, 2004. Henning Erber, Christian Lehmann, Matthias Gründling, Michael Wendt, Dragan Pavlovic. In-vitro-Untersuchungen zur Beeinflussbarkeit der LPS-induzierten vaskulären Hyporeaktivität. J. Anäst Int Beh, 2: S154, 2004. Kuhn, S., Friesecke, S., Abel, P., Feyerherd, F., Pavlovic, D., Gründling, M. Comparison of the percutwist and Ciaglia Blue Rhino tracheostomy techniques: first results. (ESCIM, Berlin 2004) Lopicic, SNj., Nedeljkov, V., Pavlovic, D., Cemerikic, D., Ristanovic, D. Bicarbonate augments the excitatory effect of beta-N-methylamino-Lalanine on Retzius nerve cells of the leech (Haemopis sanguisuga).

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM Proceedings of the 22nd International symposium on biophysics, St Stephan-Belgrade, Sebia-Montenegro. S3: 14, 2004. Nedeljkov, V., Lopicic, S.Nj., Pavlovic, D., Cemerikic, D., Ristanovic, D. Effects of beta-N-methylamino-L-alanine on input membrane resistance of directly polarised membrane of the Retzius nerve cells of the leech (Haemopis sanguisuga). Proceedings of the 22nd International symposium on biophysics, St Stephan-Belgrade, Sebia-Montenegro, S3: 16, 2004. Helge Frieling, Dragan Pavlovic, Johannes Kornhuber, Christian Lehmann and Stefan Bleich. Effekte verschiedener Antidepressiva auf den Gefäßtonus der thorakalen Aorta der Ratte, DGPPN KONGRESS, Berlin, 2004. Dragan Pavlovic, Matthias Gruendling, Helge Frieling, Kai-Steffen Lauer, Vo Hoai Bac, Michael Wendt, and Christian Lehmann. Thermostatic tissue platform for intravital microscopy: “the hanging drop” model. Intensiv Medizin und Notfall Medizin 41 (suppl. 1): 28, 2004.

Articles Konrad Meissner, Michael Wendt, and Dragan Pavlovic. Optimierung des Fluid-Managements auf der Intensivstation. German PatentOffice, 07.04. 2004. Lehmann C, Birnbaum J, Luhrs C, Ruckbeil O, Spies C, Ziemer S, Grundling M, Pavlovic D, Usichenko T, Wendt M, Kox WJ. Effects of C1 esterase inhibitor administration on intestinal functional capillary density, leukocyte adherence and mesenteric plasma extravasation during experimental endotoxemia. Intensive Care Med. 30 (2):309-14. 2004. Taras I. Usichenko, Dragan Pavlovic, Sebastian Foellner, Michael Wendt. Reducing venipuncture pain by a ”cough-trick”: a randomized cross-over, volunteer study. Anaesth-Analg, 98:343-5, 2004. Lehmann C, Pavlovic D, Usichenko TI. Sphingomyelinase pathway activation in septic myocardial depression--another brick in the wall? Crit Care Med. 32 (2):609-10. 2004 (Editorial). Grundling M, Pavlovic D, Kuhn SO, Feyerherd F. Capnography vs. bronchoscopy for percutaneous tracheostomy placement. Anaesthesia. 59 (3):301-2. 2004. Grundling M, Kuhn SO, Nees J, Westphal K, Pavlovic D, Wendt M, Feyerherd F. PercuTwist dilational tracheostomyprospective evaluation of 54 consecutive patients. Anaesthesist. 53 (5):434-40, 2004.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM Hannich, H. J., U. Hartmann, Ch. Lehmann, M. Grueundling, D. Pavlovic, F. Reinhardt. Biofeedback as a supportive method in weaning long-term ventilated critically ill patients. Med Hypotheses, 63 (1): 21-5. 2004. Kumar Sinha P, Manikandan S, Usichenko TI, Pavlovic D. Reducing venipuncture pain by cough trick. Anesth Analg. 99 (3):952-3. 2004. Pavlovic D, Usichenko T. B-Aware: recall of intraoperative events. Lancet. 364 (9437): 840-841. 2004.

2005 Abstracts Christian Lehmann, Vo Haoai Bac, Dragan Pavlovic, Martina Lustig, Claus-Dieter Heidecke, Michael Wendt, and Matthias Gründling. Metronidasole has antiinflamatory effects and could improve microcirculation in rat model of sepsis. Hawaii 2005 Andreas Knöck, Stephan Diedrich, Dragan Pavlovic, Michael Wendt, Christian Lehmann. Activated protein C improves intestinal microcirculation in experimental endotoxemia in the rat, ESCIM, Brussels. Crit Care 9 (Suppl 1), S31-32, 2005. Marc Fogliata, Thomas Feyerherd, Dragan Pavlovic, Matthias Gruendling, Michael Wendt, and Christian Lehmann. Ketamine and propofol do not affect intestinal microcirculationin in the rat edotoxemia: experiments in a new model for intravital microscopy, ESCIM, Brussels. Crit Care 9 (Suppl 1), S31-32, 2005. T.I. Usichenko, K. Bolz, M. Dinse, M. Wendt, Ch. Lehmann, F. Feyerherd, D. Pavlovic. Naloxone suppresses the pain relief effect of “cough-trick” during venipuncture: a crossover volunteer study. Eur J Anaesth 22, suppl 34: 187 (A-727), 2005. T.I. Usichenko, M. Hermsen, T. Witstruck, M. Dinse, D. Pavlovic, C. Lehmann, F Feyerherd.. Auricular acupuncture reduces intraoperative fentanyl requirement during total hip arthroplasty – a randomised controlled study. Eur J Anaesth 22, suppl 34: 189 (A-734), 2005. T.I. Usichenko, S. Foellner, Ch. Lehmann, M. Wendt, D. Pavlovic. Theodrenalin but neither cafedrine nor ephedrine produces transitory contraction of pig coronary artery pre-treated with propranolol. Eur J Anaesth 22, suppl 34: 135 (A-515), 2005. Konrad Meissner, Thomas Iber, Jan-Patrick Roesner, Christian Mutz, Christina Layher, Christian Lehmann, Michael Wendt, and Dragan Pavlovic. In-vivo tests of a Bi-directional venturi pump for emergency

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM transtracheal lung ventilation Eur J Anaesth 22, suppl 34: 181 (A-701), 2005. Marc Fogliata, Thomas Feyerherd, Dragan Pavlovic, Matthias Gruendling, Michael Wendt, and Christian Lehmann.. Ketamine and propofol do not affect intestinal microcirculationin in the rat edotoxemia. J Anästhesie Intensivbehandlung 2: S. 162, 2005. Dragan Pavlovic, Konrad Meissner, Thomas Iber, Jan Roesner, Christian Mutz, Christina Layher, Christian Lehmann, and Michael Wendt. Bi-directional venturi pump can provide satisfactory transtracheal lung ventilation during more then 1 hour in 40kg pigs. J Anästhesie Intensivbehandlung 2: S. 178, 2005. Andreas Knöck, Stephan Diedrich, Dragan Pavlovic, Michael Wendt, Christian Lehmann. Activated protein C improved intestinal microcirculation without affecting the cytokine release in experimental endotoxemia in the rat. Infection 33 (Suppl. 1): 36, 2005. Christian Lehman, Vo Haoai Bac, Dragan Pavlovic, Martina Lustig, Claus-Dieter Heidecke, Michael Wendt, and Matthias Gründling. Metronidasole has antiinflamatory effects and could improve microcirculation in rat model of sepsis. Proceeding of the 2nd International Symposium on Microcirculation and mitochondrial disfunction in Intensive Care Medicine, Amsterdam, 24th Sept, 2005. Hackenberg I, Usichenko T I, Gruendling M, Meissner K, Rothe K F, Lehmann C, Wendt M, Pavlovic D. Dopexamine induces contraction in pig coronary artery in vitro. Intensive Care Medicine, Vol. 31 (Suppl. 1): S17 (051), 2005. Vo Hoai Bac, Dragan Pavlovic, Martina Lustig, Claudia Spies, ClausDieter Heidecke, Michael Wendt, Matthias Gründling, and Christian Lehmann. Effects of imipenem on intestinal microcirculation and cytokine release in septic rats. J Vasc Res 2005;43:27-60 (First Prise for Poster). Christian Lehman, Vo Haoai Bac, Dragan Pavlovic, Martina Lustig, Claus-Dieter Heidecke, Michael Wendt, and Matthias Gründling. Metronidasole has antiinflamatory effects and could improve microcirculation in rat model of sepsis. DAC, Dresden, 2005.

Articles Henning Erber, Christian Lehmann, Matthias Gruendling, Thomas Wenzel, Albrecht Stier, Michael Wendt and Dragan Pavlovic. Reversal of lipopolysaccharide induced hyporeactivity in rat aorta and human mesenteric artery in vitro by orthovanadate. First Prise for Poster, ESCIM, Brussels 2005. Critical Care 9 (Suppl 1): S61-62, 2005.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM Usichenko T.I., Dinse M., Hermsen M., Witstruck T., Pavlovic D., Lehmann Ch. Auricular acupuncture for pain relief after total hip arthroplasty – a randomized controlled study. Pain. 114 (3):320-7, 2005 Christian Lehmann, Taras I. Usichenko, and Dragan Pavlovic. Heparins in sepsis-induced disseminated intravascular coagulation: low weight – high impact? (Editorial). Crit Care Med, Jun; 33 (6):1455-7. 2005. Usichenko TI, Hermsen M, Witstruck T, Hofer A, Pavlovic D, Lehmann C, Feyerherd F. Auricular acupuncture for pain relief after ambulatory knee arthroscopy-a pilot study. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2(2):185-189, 2005 Vladimir Nedeljkov, Srdjan Lopicić, Dragan Pavlović, and Dušan Čemerikić. Electrophysiological effect of β-N-methylamino-L-alanine on Retzius nerve cells of the leech Haemopis sanguisuga, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. (Series: Biophysics from Molecules to Brain: In Memory of Radoslav K. Andjus) 1048: 349–351, 2005. Christian Lehmann, Taras I. Usichenko, and Dragan Pavlovic. From scurvy to sepsis: Vitamin C - a pill for all seasons? (Editorial). Crit Care Med, 33 (8): 1881-2., 2005 Grundling M, Pavlovic D, Kuhn SO, Feyerherd F. Is the method of modified percutaneous tracheostomy without bronchoscopic guidance really simple and safe? Chest. 128(5):3774-5, 2005.

Book Chapters Ch. Lehmann, V. H. Bac, D. Pavlovic, M. Lustig, S. Bohnenstengel, C.D. Heidecke, M. Wendt, M. Gründling: Metronidazol verbessert die intestinale Mikrozirkulation bei septischen Ratten, in: Natscke K., Knaut, M, and Jung, F. (Ed.): Myocardial Microcirculation, PABST SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, (page: 141-155) 2005.

2006 Abstracts Usichenko TI, Foellner S, Gruendling M, Feyerherd F, Lehmann Ch, Wendt M, Pavlovic D. Akrinor®-induced relaxation of pig coronary artery in vitro is transformed into 1-adrenoreceptor-mediated contraction by the pre-treatment with propranolol. DAC 2006 Abstract CD. Christian Lehmann, Vo Hoai Bac, Johanna Hellmuth, Martina Lustig, Matthias Gründling, Dragan Pavlovic. Effects of antibiotics on intestinal

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM microcirculation, cytokine release and in vitro vascular reactivity in septic rats. ISICEM, Bruxelles, CD: 58, 2006 Vo Hoai Bac, Dragan Pavlovic, Johanna Hellmuth, Martina Lustig, Matthias Gründling, Konrad Meissner, Taras Usichenko, Michael Wendt, and Christian Lehmann. Antibiotics modulate rat vascular reactivity in vitro and intestinal microcirculation as well as cytokine release in murine colon ascendens stent peritonitis. HAI, Berlin, J Anä Int Beh, 13: 70-71, 2006 Gizhko VV, Pavlovic D, Dinse M, Wendt M, Lehmann Ch, Usichenko TI. Patient vs. evaluator-reported pain intensity after total hip arthroplasty. HAI Berlin , J Anä Int Beh, 2006 Bolz K, Dinse M, Wendt M, Lehmann Ch, Feyerherd F, Pavlovic D, Usichenko TI. Naloxon vermindert den hypoalgetischen Effekt des “Hustentricks³ während der Venenpunktion: eine Crossover Studie mit Freiwilligen. Der Schmerz 2006;20 (Suppl.1):68. Bolz K, Dinse M, Wendt M, Lehmann Ch, Feyerherd F, Pavlovic D, Usichenko TI. “Hustentrick³ vs. Ablenkung zur Schmerzreduktion während der Punktion peripherer Venen: eine randomisierte Crossover Studie. Der Schmerz 2006; 20 (Suppl.1):68. Michael Manthey, Christian Lehmann, Henning Erber, Matthias Gruendling, Konrad Meissner, Taras Usichenko, Sabine Will, Albrecht Stier, Michael Wendt, and Dragan Pavlovic, Effects of tyrosine kinase or phosphatase inhibition in LPS induced vascular hyporeactivity. (ESICEM 2006) 19th Annual Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 24-27 September 2006. D. Pavlovic, H. Erber, M. Manthey, T. Wenzel, A. Stier, M. Wendt, Ch. Lehmann. Tyrosine phosphorylation modulates vascular response to lipopolysaccharide. (DIVI 2006) Intensiv Medizin und Notfall Medizin, 43 (S1), 51, 2006. D. Pavlovic, T. Hammann, O. Adamek, H. Erber, M. Manthey, T. Wenzel, A. Stier, M. Wendt, Ch. Lehmann. Tyrosine phosphorylation modulates rat vascular response to experimental endotoxemia in vivo and in vitro. (DGKMH, Teltow, 2006) Bac V, Pavlovic D, Lustig M K, Spies C, Heidecke C-D, Wendt M, Gründling M, Lehmann C. Effects of Imipenem on intestinal microcirculation and cytokine release in septic rats. J VASC RES 2006, 43:27-60. Konrad Meissner1, Thomas Iber 2, Jan-Patrick Roesner 2, Christian Mutz, Christina Layher1, Christian Lehmann1, Michael Wendt1, and Dragan Pavlovic1. In-vivo Tests of a Bi-directional Venturi Pump for Emergency Transtracheal Lung Ventilation. ASA 2006


Articles Jurgen Birnbaum, Ortrud Vargas Hein, Carsten Luhrs, Oskar Ruckbeil, Claudia D Spies, Sabine Ziemer, Matthias Grundling, Taras Usichenko, Konrad Meissner, Dragan Pavlovic, Wolfgang J Kox and Christian Lehmann. Effects of coagulation factor XIII on intestinal functional capillary density, leukocyte adherence and mesenteric plasma extravasation in experimental endotoxemia. Critical Care Manuscript: C50927P, 2006. Helge Frieling, Matthias Gründling, Kai-Steffen Lauer, Michael Wendt, Thomas Hachenberg, Christian Lehmann, and Dragan Pavlovic. Intraperitoneal instillation of polihexanide produces hypotension and vasodilation: in vivo and in vitro study in rats. Int J Colorectal Dis., 21: 373-380, 2006. Ch. Lehmann, V.H. Bac, D. Pavlovic, M. Lustig, S. Bohnenstengel, S. Maier, F. Feyerherd, T. I. Usichenko, K. Meissner, M. Wendt, C.-D. Heidecke, M. Gründling. Metronidazole improves intestinal microcirculation in septic rats independently of bacterial burden. Clin Hemorheol Micro 34: 427-438, 2006. T.I. Usichenko, S. Foellner, M. Gruendling, F. Feyerherd, Ch. Lehmann, M. Wendt, D. Pavlovic. Akrinor®-induced relaxation of pig coronary artery in vitro is transformed into 1-receptor-mediated contraction by the pre-treatment with propranolol. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol, 47: 450455, 2006. Dragan Pavlovic and Matthias Gruendling. Tracheotomy could have been performed by the Greeks in the fourth centudy B.C. Journal für Anästhesie und Intensivbehandlung, 3: 86-87, 2006. Birnbaum J, Klotz E, Spies CD, Lorenz B, Stuebs P, Vargas Hein O, Grundling M, Pavlovic D, Usichenko T, Wendt M, Kox WJ, Lehmann C. Effects of dopexamine on the intestinal microvascular blood flow and leukocyte activation in a sepsis model in rats. Crit Care. Aug 7; 10 (4): R117 [Epub ahead of print], 2006. Dragan Pavlovic. Intravenöse Kanüle, insbesondere für die Schocktherapie (Intravenous cannula with changeable diameter: a new shock therapy device). German Patent Office: DE 10 2005 005 387 A1 2006 08 10. Christian Lehmann, Konrad Meissner, Andreas Knöck, Stephan Diedrich, Dragan Pavlovic, Matthias Gründling, Taras Usichenko, Michael Wendtand and Jürgen Birnbaum. Activated protein C improves intestinal microcirculation in experimental endotoxemia in the rat. Critical Care, 2006, 10:R157 (On line, 13 November 2006) (doi:10.1186/cc5093)

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM Helge Frieling, Kai-Steffen Lauer, Matthias Gründling, Taras Usichenko, Konrad Meissner, Theoni Kanellopoulou, Christian Lehmann, Michael Wendt, and Dragan Pavlovic, Peritoneal instillation of taurolidine or polihexanide modulates intestinal microcirculation in experimental endotoxemia. Int J Colorectal Dis, 21:154-159, 2006. Dragan Pavlovic, Helge Frieling, Kai-Stephan Lauer, Vo Hoai Bac, MSc, Jorn Richter, Michael Wendt, Christian Lehmann, Taras Usicenko, Konrad Meissner, and Matthias Gruendling. Thermostatic tissue platform for intravital microscopy: “the hanging drop” model. Journal of Microscopy, 224 (2) 203-210, 2006. Usichenko T, Edinger H, Gizhko V V, Lehmann C, Pavlovic, D. Wendt M, Feyerherd F. Low-intensity electromagnetic millimeter waves for pain therapy. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2006, 3 (2): 201-207 Taras I Usichenko, Michaela Dinse, Victor P Lysenyuk, Michael Wendt, Dragan Pavlovic, Christian Lehmann. Auricular acupuncture reduces intraoperative fentanyl requirement during hip arthroplasty--a randomized double-blinded study. Acupuncture & electro-therapeutics research 02/2006; 31 (3-4): 213-21.

Books/journal supplements M. Grundling, S-O Kuhn, D. Pavlovic and M. Wendt (Ed.). Tracheotomy – past and present. Suplement to the Journal für Anästhesie und Intensivbehandlung, 3 (96 pages), 2006.

2007 Abstracts D. Pavlovic, T. Hammann, O. Adamek, H. Erber, M. Manthey, T. Wenzel, A. Stier, M. Wendt, Ch. Lehmann. Tyrosine phosphorylation modulates rat vascular response to experimental endotoxemia in vivo and in vitro. Brussels ISICEM 2007. Pavlovic, D, Wendt, M., Meissner, K., Iber, T., Roesner, J.P., Mutz, C., Wagner, H.E., Layher, C., Bartels, U., Gründling, M., Usichenko, T.I. Lehmann, C. Successful Transtracheal Lung Ventilation using a Venturi Pump: A Combined In-Vitro and In-Vivo Study. Prehosp Disas Med,Vol 22, suppl. 1: s72, March-April 2007. D. Pavlovic, H. Erber, M. Manthey, Ch. Lehmann, M. Gruendling, T. Wenzel, T. Usichenko, A. Stier, and M. Wendt. Tyrosine phosphorilation modulates lipopolysaccharide-induced vascular hyporeactivity in vitro in rat aorta and human mesenteric artery. J Muscl Res Cell Motil, 27: 538, 2007.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM Ch. Lehmann, T. Hammann, O. Adamek, H. Erber, M. Manthey, T. Wenzel, A. Stier*, M. Wendt, and D. Pavlovic. Tyrosine phosphorylation modulates rat vascular response to experimental endotoxemia in vivo and in vitro. Crit Care, Vol 11, Suppl 2: S3, 2007. Ch. Lehmann, D. Saeger, U. Wuttke, M. Gründling, D. Pavlovic, M. Wendt, O. Hung, and M. Murphy. Effects of glutamine on the intestinal microcirculation during experimental endotoxemia. 8th World Congress for Microcirculation (15.-19.8.2007, Milwaukee). Ch. Lehmann, S. Rickert, M. Gründling, T. Usichenko, K. Meissner, M. Wendt, O. Hung, M. Murphy, D. Pavlovic. Sodium selenite administration improves intestinal microcirculation without affecting cytokine release in experimental endotoxemia. 14th Conference of the European Society for Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation (, Dresden): Ch. Lehmann, S. Bohnenstengel, D. Pavlovic, M. Gründling, V.H. Bac, T. Usichenko, K. Meissner, M. Wendt, O. Hung, M. Murphy, U. Lindequist. Effects of the new ampicillin derivative KKP723 on the intestinal microcirculation in experimental endotoxemia. 14th Conference of the European Society for Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation (27.-30.6.2007, Dresden): Lehmann Ch., Schade M., Scheibe R., Murphy, Hung, Wendt M., Pavlovic D. Effects of Glutamine and Alanyl-Glutamin on the mesenteric microcirculation during experimental endotoxemia. 4th European Meeting on Vascular Biology and Medicine (17.-20.9.2007, Bristol): Edinger H, Witstruck T, Zach M, Pavlovic D, Lange J, Wendt M, Lehmann C, Usichenko T. Millimeter wave therapy for pain relief after total knee rthroplasty: a randomised controlled study. Journal für Anästhesie und Intensivbehandlung, 2007; 4: 86-7. Kuchling S, Gurack J, Zach M, Witstruck T, Pavlovic D, Merk H, Wendt M, Lehmann C, Usichenko T. Auricular acupuncture did not reduce intraoperative propofol during day-case arthroscopic surgery: a randomised controlled study. Journal für Anästhesie und Intensivbehandlung, 2007; 4:97. Christian Lehmann, Christian Fuchs, Elena Ladwig, Kristina Behrend, Matthias Gründling, Dragan Pavlovic. Argatroban Improves Intestinal Microcirculation in Experimental Sepsis. Infection (suppl II), 34, 2007 Christian Lehmann, Ulrich Wuttke, Daniela Saeger, Dragan Pavlovic, Michael Wendt, Matthias Gründling. Glutamine improves microcirculation in experimental endotoxemia. Infection (suppl II), 35, 2007. Corinna Thaumüller1, Sebastian Wilk1, Konrad Meissne, Dragan Pavlovic, Martin Landsberger, and Christian Lehmann. Lectin-like

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM oxidized low-density-lipoprotein-receptor-1 inhibition in experimental endotoxemia. FFJ-8 and HAI Berlin M. Schmidt, S. Oswald, M. Lustig, D. Pavlovic, W. Siegmund, C. Lehmann. Efflux transporter protein expression and function in different tissues during experimental sepsis. Int Care Med 33, Suppl 2, S26 (0084), 2007. Kerstin Starke*, Christian Lehmann**, Michael Wendt, Dragan Pavlovic, and Matthias Gruendling. Glutamine exhibits inhibiting effects on the smooth muscle tone in the rat aorta in vitro. Heidelberg, Proceedings, 2007. Elena Ladwig, Christian Fuchs, Dragan Pavlovic, Christian Lehmann. Daptomycin administration during experimental sepsis improves functional capillary density and attenuates leukocyte adherence. Heidelberg….

Articles Taras I Usichenko, Dragan Pavlovic, Michael Wendt. Auricular acupunctur. Canadian Medical Association Journal 04/2007; DOI:10.1503/cmaj.1070011 Ch Lehmann, F Feyerherd, Th Feyerherd, M Fogliata, M Gründling, T I Usichenko, K Meissner, M Wendt, D Pavlovicm Ketamine does not affect intestinal microcirculation in pentobarbital-anaesthetized rats during experimental endotoxaemia . Laboratory Animals 02/2007; 41(1):55-62. C. Lehmann, R. Scheibe, M. Schade, M. Wendt, D. Pavlovic. Effects of activated protein C on leukocyte adherence and mesenteric plasma extravasation during experimental endotoxemia: 4AP8-8 . European Journal of Anaesthesiology 01/2007; 24. DOI:10.1097/00003643200706001-00198. Taras I. Usichenko, Sven Kuchling, Torsten Witstruck, Dragan Pavlovic, Maria Zach, Andre Hofer, Harry Merk, Christian Lehmann, Michael Wendt. Auricular acupuncture for pain relief after ambulatory knee surgery: a randomized trial. CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal) 176 (2): 179-183, 2007. Christian Lehmann, Frank Feyerherd, Thomas Feyerherd, Marc Fogliata, Matthias Gründling, Taras I. Usichenko, Konrad Meissner, Michael Wendt, and Dragan Pavlovic. Intravenous anesthesia with pentobarbital and ketamine does not affect intestinal microcirculation in experimental endotoxemia. Lab Anim. 2007 Jan; 41(1):55-62. Martina Katja Lustig, Vo Hoai Bac, Dragan Pavlovic, Stefan Maier, Matthias Gründling, Olaf Grisk , Michael Wendt, Claus-Dieter Heidecke,

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM Christian Lehmann. CASP (Colon Ascendens Stent Peritonitis) – a model of sepsis adopted to the rat: physiological, microcirculatory and laboratory changes. Shock. 2007 28: 59-64. Helge Frieling, Kai-Steffen Lauer, Matthias Gründling, Taras Usichenko, Konrad Meissner, Theoni Kanellopoulou, Christian Lehmann, Michael Wendt, and Dragan Pavlovic. Peritoneal instillation of taurolidine or polihexanide modulates intestinal microcirculation in experimental endotoxemia. Int J Colorectal Dis, 22:807-817, 2007. Usichenko TI, Lietz P, Schmidt R, Hosemann W, Pavlovic D, Gizhko VV, Lehmann C, Wendt M. Acupuncture applied to specific points influences cortical auditory evoked potentials in comparison with needling of non-specific acupoints - a volunteer crossover study. Proceedings of II Congress of Ukranian Reflexotherapy Association. Kiev: Vipol, 2007:308-312. Richter J, Pavlovic D, Bac VH, Gründling M, Lehmann C. The effects of vancomycin and tobramycin on the intestinal microcirculation in experimental endotoxaemia (Abstract). Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2007 Dragan Pavlovic. Atem-Muskulatur, glatte Muskulatur und lokale Zirkulation bei Trauma und Inflammation (Respiratory skeletal muscle, smooth muscle and local circulation in trauma and inflammation), Habilitationsschrift, speciality: Anesthesiology and Intensive Medicine, Medizinischen Fakultät, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald, 13. Nov, 2007; veinia legendi 19. Dec, 2007.

2008 Abstracts Lehmann, Ch., V. Bac, J. Richter, M. Gründling, M. Wendt, O. Hung, M. Murphy und D. Pavlovic: Antibiotics-related acute effects within the intestinal microcirculation in experimental sepsis. Crit Care, 12(2): P56, 2008. Dommasch, M., Ch. Lehmann, M. Gründling, M. Wendt, R. Kosanke und D. Pavlovic: Incubation of rat aortal rings with procalcitonin (PCT) partially inhibits sodium nitroprusside induced relaxation in vitro. Eur J Anaesth, 25(44): 165, 2008. Dommasch, M., Ch. Lehmann, M. Gründling, A. Spassov, TL Gedrange, M. Wendt und D. Pavlovic: Incubation of rat aortal rings with procalcitonin partially inhibits sodium nitroprusside induced relaxation in vitro. Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin, 49(7):222, 2008. A. Spassov, T.Gedrange, S. Lucke, D. Pavlovic, H. Brinkmeier, and C. Kunert-Keil. Masticatory muscles show differential mRNA expression of

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM MHC-isoforms in mdx-mice. European Muscle Conference proceedings, Oxord October 2008, J Muscle Res Cell Motil (2008) 29:257–314 A. Spassov, a. Lupp, T.Gedrange, D. Pavlovic, and C. Kunert-Keil. Oxidative state and histological changes in muscles of mastication in mdx-mice. European Muscle Conference proceedings, Oxord October 2008, J Muscle Res Cell Motil (2008) 29:257–314. Helge Frieling, Silvia Ribback, Thomas Hillemacher, Johannes Kornhuber, Christian Lehmann, Michael Wendt, Stefan Bleich and Dragan Pavlovic. Effects of Amitriptyline, Fluoxetine, Tranylcypromin and Venlafaxine on rat aortal smooth muscle tone in vitro – the role of the endothelium. HAI, Berlin 2008. Anästhesiologie & Intensivmedizin, Volume 49, Suppl. 7, S247 (Second Prise for Poster) Lehmann, Ch., K. Utpatel, E. Janke, D. Saeger, T. Issekutz, M. Wendt, D. Pavlovic, S. Whynot, O. Hung und M. Murphy: Acute tigecyclin administration improves functional capillary density and attentuates leukocyte adherence in the intestinal microcirculation during experimental sepsis. Intens Care Med, 34 (1):28, 2008.

Articles Usichenko TI, Edinger H, Witstruck T, Pavlovic D, Zach M, Lange J, Gizhko V,Wendt M, Koch B, Lehmann C. Millimetre wave therapy for pain relief after total knee arthroplasty: a randomised controlled trial. Eur J Pain. 2008;12: 617-23. Gründling M, Lehmann Ch, Saeger D, Bohnenstengel S, Pavlovic D, Bac V, Usichenko T, Meissner K, Wendt M, Hung O, Murphy M, Whynot S, Lindequist U. Response of the rat intestinal microcirculation to experimental endotoxemia is attenuated by ampicillin but not by its derivative KKP723. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2008;38 (3): 163-70. Pavlovic D, Frieling H, Usichenko T, Nedeljkov V, Nafissi T, Lehmann C, Aubier M, Wendt M. s-Carboxymethylcysteine cysteine inhibits carbachol-induced constriction of epithelium-denuded rat and human airway preparations. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 35: 663-669, 2008. Lehmann C, Scheibe R, Schade M, Meissner K, Gründling M, Usichenko T, Wendt M, Hung O, Whynot S, Murphy M, Pavlovic D. Effects of activated protein C on the mesenteric microcirculation and cytokine release during experimental endotoxemia: [Effets de la proteine C activee sur la microcirculation mesenterique et la liberation de cytokines durant une endotoxemie experimentale]. Can J Anaesth. 2008 Mar; 55(3):155-62. Konrad Meissner, Thomas Iber, Jan-Patrick Roesner, Christian Mutz, Hans-Erich Wagner, Christina Layher, Utz Bartels, Matthias Gründling,

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM Taras I. Usichenko, Michael Wendt, Christian Lehmann, and Dragan Pavlovic. Successful Transtracheal Lung Ventilation using a Manual Respiration Valve-an in vitro and in vivo Study, Anesthesiology. 2008 Aug;109 (2): 251-9. Lietz, P., Schmidt, R., Hosemann, W., Pavlovic, D., Gizhko, V., Lehmann, C., Wendt, M., Usichenko, T.I. Acupuncture of specific points influences cortical auditory evoked potentials - A volunteer crossover study. Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutics Research, 33 (1-2) pp. 18, 2008 Pavlovic, D. Atem-Muskulatur, glatte Muskulatur und lokale Zirkulation bei Trauma und Inflammation, Journal fuer Anaesthesie und Intensivbehandlung, 2: S 47-48, 2008. S. Lopičić, D. Čemerikić, D. Pavlović, V. Nedeljkov Sustained depolarization of Retzius nerve cells of the leech Haemopis sanguisuga caused by high doses of ammonium bicarbonate. Clinical Neurophysiology 03/2008; 119(3). DOI:10.1016/j.clinph.2007.11.029. V. Nedeljkov, S. Lopičić, D. Pathak, D. Pavlović, D. Čemerikić. Neurotoxin β- N-oxalylamino- l-alanine acts via non-NMDA receptors on Retzius nerve cells of the leech Haemopis sanguisuga . Clinical Neurophysiology 03/2008; 119(3). DOI:10.1016/j.clinph.2007.11.028 CH Lehmann, V Bac, J Richter, M Gründling, M Wendt, S Whynot, O Hung, M Murphy, T Issekutz, D Pavlovic. Antibiotic-related acute effects within the intestinal microcirculation in experimental sepsis . Critical Care 01/2008; 12. DOI:10.1186/cc6277. J Dietzel, M Grundling, D Pavlovic, T I Usichenko. Acupuncture for persistent postoperative hiccup. Anaesthesia 10/2008; 63(9):1021-2. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2044.2008.05669.x. J Dietzel, M Grundling, D Pavlovic, T Usichenko. Acupuncture for persistent hiccup in an intensive care patient – a case report . Aktuelle Neurologie 09/2008; 35(S 01). DOI:10.1055/s-0028-1086769.

2009 Abstracts K. Frank, S-O. Kuhn, S. Friesecke, P. Abel, S. Knigge, C. Koch, D. Pavlovic, and M. Gründling, Systematic Educational Program Improves Compliance With Sepsis Protocols, Infection, 37 (Suppl. III): 65, 2009. Knöck A, Holtfreter B, Bandt C, Kuhn SO, Pavlovic D, Wendt M, Gründling M, Predictive value of serum albumin and PCT in septic patients, Infection, 37 (Suppl. III): 37, 2009.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM Eck T, Kropf F, Rahmlow K, Pavlovic D, Wegner A, Guderian L, Kuhn SO, Wendt M, Gründling M, The Sepsis-Tool Helps to Recognise Severe Sepsis Earlier, Infection, 37 (Suppl. III): 65, 2009. Kiesow I, Pavlovic D, Kuhn S, Lehmann Ch, Wendt M, Gründling M, Volume replacement therapy with HAES 130/0.4 does not influence rate of renal failure in septic patients, Infection, 37 (Suppl. III): 50, 2009. Pavlovic D, Bac V, Wegner A, Will S, Gründling M, Wendt M, Whynot S, Hung O, Murphy M, Retter S, Lehmann Ch, Dehydroepiandosterone administration improves intestinal microcirculation in colon ascendens stent peritonitis-induced sepsis in male rats, Infection, 37 (Suppl. III): 11, 2009. Christian Lehmann, Stefan Masur, Michael Wendt, Matthias Gründling, Dragan Pavlovic, Sara Whynot, Orlando Hung, Michael Murphy, Physostigmin reverses disturbances of the intestinal microcirculation during experimental endotoxemia, Infection, 37 (Suppl. III): 18, 2009. Julia Willecke, Dragan Pavlovic, Annett Wegner, Matthias Gründling, Michael Wendt, Claudius Friedel, Michael Schmidt, Sara Whynot, Orlando Hung, Michael Murphy, and Christian Lehmann, Activated protein C reduces leukocyte adherence and improves capillary perfusion within the pial microcirculation in experimental endotoxemia, Infection, 37 (Suppl. III): 11, 2009. Sharawy N, D. Pavlovic, A. Wegner, M. Gründling, M. Wendt, T. Witter, S. Whynot, O. Hung, M. Murphy, and C. Lehmann, Impact of ovarectomy on microcirculatory changes during experimental sepsis, Infection, 37 (Suppl. III): 12, 2009. Sharawy N., D. Pavlovic, A. Wegner, S. Will, M. Wendt and Ch. Lehmann: Effects of estradiol and DHEA on the intestinal microcirculation during experimental sepsis. Crit Care, 35(1): S32, 2009. Pavlovic D. and Ch. Lehmann: Euthanasia: In defence of a good, ancient word. DAC-Abstract-CD, 2009.

Articles Gründling M, Rickert S, Saeger D, Pavlovic D, Usichenko T, Meissner K, Wendt M, Hung O, Murphy M, Whynot S, Lehmann C. Acute highdose sodium selenite administration improves intestinal microcirculation without affecting cytokine release in experimental endotoxemia. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2009; 23 (2):138-43. Dragan Pavlovic. Two problems of empirical biomedical science: example of awareness monitoring with bispectral analysis. Eur J Anesth, 26: 87-9, 2009.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM Srdjan Lopicic, Vladimir Nedeljkov, Dusan Cemerikic, Zoran Dudvarski, Dragan Pavlovic, and Nedjo Cutura. Comparison of Effects of Endogenous and Exogenous Excitatory Amino Acids on Retzius Nerve Cells of the Leech. Folia biologica (Kraków), 57: 83-90, 2009. Samira Abdulla Mahmood, Dragan Pavlovic, and Ulrich Hoffmann. Methanol fractions of Cathaedulis frosk (Celastraceae) contracted Lewis rat aorta in vitro: a comparison between crimson and green leaves. Afr. J. Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines, 2009. Pavlovic, D, Wendt, M., Lehmann, Ch, and Meissner, K. Pressure and flow(meter). Anesthesiology, 110: 1187-1188. 2009. Dragan Pavlovic, Christian Lehmann, Michael Wendt. For an indeterminist ethics. The emptiness of the rule in dubio pro vita and life cessation decisions, Philos Ethics Humanit Med. 2009 May 14; 4(1):6. Dragan Pavlovic. Beatmungsgeraet, insbesondere zur notffalmeßigen transtrachealen, intermitterenden Druckbeatmung. Deutsche Patent Office 10 2009 029 959.9 (23.06.2009). DE 10 2009 029 959 A1 2010.12.30. Dhruba Pathak, Srdjan Lopicic, Marija Stanojevic, Aleksandra Nedeljkov, Dragan Pavlovic, Dusan Cemerikic and Vladimir Nedeljkov Ethanol and magnesium suppress nickel-induced bursting activity in leech Retzius nerve cells. Gen. Physiol. Biophys. 2009, Special Issue, 28, 9–17. S. Lopičić D. Pathak M. Stanojević A. Nedeljkov A. Popović D. Pavlović D. Čemerikić V. Nedeljkov. Effect of 2,4-diaminobutyric acid on Retzius cells of the leech. Clinical Neurophysiology 120(3) 2009.

2010 Abstracts Zimmermann K, Krieg T, Soltow M, Pavlovic D, Zhou J, Whynot S, Hung O, Murphy M, Lehmann C: Adenosine signalling has a protective role in intestinal ischemia and reperfusion injury. Critical Care 2010, 14(Suppl 1):P94. Zimmermann K, Pavlovic D, Zhou J, Johnston B, and Lehmann C: TLR4 inhibition improves intestinal microcirculation in experimental endotoxemia. Inflamm Res 2010, 59(Suppl1):S66. Zimmermann K, Krieg T, Soltow M, Pavlovic D, Zhou J, Lehmann C. The adenosine receptor agonist NECA improves microcirculation following intestinal ischemia and reperfusion. Inflamm Res 2010, 59(Suppl1):S11.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM Rimasch D, Pavlovic D, Boesche M, Lehmann Ch, Wendt M, Usichenko TI.m Erholung der psychomotorischen Leistung nach Allgemeinanästhesie bei ambulanten Patienten – die Suche nach einem geeigneten Testverfahren. Anästhesiologie & Intensivmedizin 2010;51(Suppl.6):746. Weber S, Balzer C, Pavlovic D, Wegner A, Wendt M, and Lehmann Ch. Dehydroepiandosterone and Sodium Orthovanadate effects on the intestinal microcirculation in experimental endotoxemia in rat. DAK, Nirnberg, 2010 Weber S, Balzer C, Pavlovic D, Wegner A, Wendt M, and Lehmann Ch. Dehydroepiandosterone (DHEA) and Sodium Orthovanadate (SOV) improve intestinal microcirculation in experimental endotoxemia. HAI, Berlin, 2010. Pavlovic D, Weber S, Balzer C, Wegner A, Wendt M, Lehmann C. Combination of dehydroepiandrosterone and orthovanadate reduces leukocyte activation and improves capillary perfusion within the intestinal microcirculation in experimental endotoxemia. Paris, World Congress for Microcirculation, Proceedings, PS2-77, p. 129, 2010. Dragan Pavlovic, Claudius Balzer, Stefan Weber, Michael Wendt, Christian Lehmann. Dehydroepiandrosteron and sodium orthovanadate improve intestinal microcirculation in experimental endotoxemia. ESICM, Barcelona, 2010

Articles C. Lehmann, E. Bauer, M. Murphy, D. Henzler, D. Pavlovic. Impact of different fluid management strategies on the intestinal microcirculation in experimental endotoxemia: 12AP2–10 . European Journal of Anaesthesiology 01/2010; 27. DOI:10.1097/00003643-20100612100552 · M Soltow, K Zimmermann, D Pavlovic, J Zhou, S Whynot, O Hung, M Murphy, B Johnston, C Lehmann. The TLR4 antagonist CRX-526 reduces LPS-induced leukocyte activation and improves capillary perfusion of the rat intestine . Critical Care 01/2010; DOI: 10.1186/cc8240 A. Spassov, T. Gredes, T.Gedrange, D. Pavlovic, D. Klein, S. Lucke, U. Botzenhart, C. Kunert-Keil. Expression von muskelspezifischen Wachstumsfaktoren in der orofazialen Muskulatur der mdx Maus. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Kieferorthopaedie (DGKFO) Frankfurt am Main, 11.11.-13.11.2010. Alexander Spassov, Tomasz Gredes, Tomasz Gedrange, Dragan Pavlovic und Christiane Kunert-Keil1. Expression of myogenic

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM regulatory factors in orofacial muscles of dystrophic (mdx) mice by Real-Time PCR. European orthodontic society Congress Portoroz 1519. May 2010 Eur J Orthod (2010) 32(6): e1-e156. Simon-Friedrich Böttger, Dragan Pavlovic, Matthias Gründling, Michael Wendt, Orlando Hung, Dietrich Henzler, Hartmut Richard Kern, Christian Lehmann. Comparison of arterial pressure cardiac output monitoring with transpulmonary thermodilution in septic patients. Med Sci Monitor, 16: 1-7, 2010. Spassov A, Gredes T, Gedrange T, Lucke S, Pavlovic D, Kunert-Keil C. Histological changes in masticatory muscles of mdx mice. Arch Oral Biol. 55: 318-324, 2010. M. Milchert, A. Spassov, K. Meissner, V. Nedelkov, C. Lehmann, M. Wendt, B.W. Loster, M. Mazurkievicz-Jank, T. Gedrange, D. Pavlovic. Skeletal musle relaxants inhibit rat tracheal smooth muscle tone in vitro. J Physiol Pharmacol, 60: (Supp. l8) 5-11, 2009 (printed in 2010). R. Scheibe, M. Schade, M. Grundling, D. Pavlovic, M. Wendt, S. Retter, M. Murphy, U. Suchner, A. Spassov, T. Gedrange, Ch. Lehmann. Glutamine and alanyl-glutamine dipeptide reduce mesenteric plasma extravasation, leukocyte adhesion and TNF-α release during experimental endotoxemia. J Physiol Pharmacol, 60: (Supp. l8) 19-34, 2009 (printed in 2010). Spassov A, Gredes T, Gedrange T, Lucke S, Morgenstern S, Pavlovic D, Kunert-Keil C. Differential expression of MyHC isoforms in masticatory muscles of mdx mice. European Journal of Orthodontics 2010, Doi: cjq11310.1093/ejo/cjq113. Pavlovic, D., Wendt, M., and Meissner, K. Original and its replica. British J Anaesth, E-Letter, p: 1-3, with one Figure; 26 April, 2010. Pavlovic, D. Original and a ‘bench study’ replica. Anaesthesia, 65: 413– 414, 2010. Joern Richter, Juan Zhou, Dragan Pavlovic, Ricardo Scheibe, Vo Hoai Bac, Johanna Blumenthal, Orlando Hung, Michael F. Murphy, Sara Whynot and Christian Lehmann. Vancomycin and to lesser extent tobramycin have vasomodulatory effects in experimental endotoxemia in the rat. Clin Hemorheol and Microcirc 44: 1-13, 2010. Christian Fuchs, Elena Ladwig, Juan Zhou, Dragan Pavlovic, Kristina Behrend, Sara Whynot, Orlando Hung, Michael Murphy, Vladimir Cerny, Christian Lehmann. Argatroban administration reduces leukocyte adhesion and improves capillary perfusion within the intestinal microcirculation in experimental sepsis. Thromb Haemost. 2010 Nov;104 (5):1022-8.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM Bert Wetzel, Dragan Pavlovic, Renate Kuse, Andreas Gibb, Harry Merk, Christian Lehmann, Michael Wendt, and Taras I. Usichenko. The Effects of Auricular Acupuncture on Fentanyl Requirement During Hip Arthroplasty – A Randomized Controlled Trial. Clin J Pain, 2010. T I Usichenko, A Mustea,2 D Pavlovic. On ears and Head. Acupunct Med December 2010 Vol 28 No 4. Pathak, D, S. Lopicic, M. Bratic-Stanojevic, D. Pavlovic, P. R. Andjus and V. Nedeljkov. Modulation of nickel-induced bursting with 4aminopiridine in leech Retzius cells. Arch. Biol. Sci., 62 (4), 1035-1045, 2010. Dragan Pavlovic. Beatmungsgeret, insbesondere zur notffalmeßigen transtrachealen, intermitterenden Druckbeatmung. Offenlegungsschrift, Deutsche Patent Office 10 2009 029 959.A1 2010.12.30. Landsberger M, Zhou J, Wilk S, Thaumüller C, Pavlovic D, Otto M, Whynot S, Hung O, Murphy MF, Cerny V, Felix SB, Lehmann C. Inhibition of lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor-1 reduces leukocyte adhesion within the intestinal microcirculation in experimental endotoxemia in rats. Crit Care. 2010;14(6):R223. Books/Proceedings Pavlovic, D., Gründling, M, and Fischer, T. Ethics for an aging world. International Conference, Heringsdorf, 23-26 Sept. 2010. Journal für Anaesthesie und Intensivbehabdlung, 3 (Supplement), 2010.

2011 Abstracts Kuschnereit R, Lehmann C, Whynot S, Hung O, Shukla R, Henzler D, Cerny V, Pavlovic D, Kelly M: Cannabinoid receptor-1 inhibition causes anesthetic-induced excitation in septic rat. Critical Care 2011, 15(Suppl 1):P360. Wagner L, Drzymulski I, Pavlovic D, Henzlers D, Wendt M, Lehmann C: Desmopressin improves intestinal functional capillary density and decreases leucocyte activation in experimental endotoxemia in the rat. Critical Care 2011, 15(Suppl 1):P256. Kuster I, Lehmann C, Kuschnereit R, Whynot S, Hung O, Shukla R, Henzler D, Cerny V, Pavlovic D, Kelly M: Cannabinoid receptor-1 inhibition causes anesthetic-induced seizures in experimental sepsis. DAC-Abstract-CD, 2011. Wagner L, Drzymulski I, Pavlovic D, Lehmann C, Henzler D, Wendt M: Desmopressin improves intestinal functional capillary density and

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM decreases leucocyte activation in experimental endotoxemia in the rat. DAC-Abstract-CD, 2011. Pavlovic D, Jaskulsky M, Weber S, Balzer C, Wegner A, Wendt M, Gru¨ndling, M, Lehmann CH. Combined therapy with dehydroepiandrosterone-orthovanadate may influence intestinal leukocyte activation and increase capillary perfusion in experimental endotoxemia in rats. Infection, 39 (Sup. 2): S106, 2011. Kuhnert T, Herrmann A, Wegner A, Gru¨ndling M, Wendt M (1), Pavlovic D, Lehmann CH. The short time impact of different HESsolutions on the microcirculation of the mesentery is not different from crystalloids in colon ascendens stent peritonitis-induced experimental sepsis. Infection, 39 (Sup. 2): S104, 2011. T. Kuhnert, A. Herrmann, A. Wegner, M. Gründling, M. Wendt, D. Pavlovic, Ch. Lehmann. The impact of different hydroxyethylstarch preparation on the microcirculation of the mesenteriy is not different from crystalloids in colon ascendens stent peritonitis- induced sepsis. Journal of vascular sience, Vol 48, Suppl. 1, Page 99, September 2011. Christian Lehmann1, Lea Schuster2, Friederike Soltow2, Juan Zhou1, Sara Whynot1, Orlando Hung1, Fatma Ashour1, Annette Wegner2, Dragan Pavlovic2 and George Robertson1. Inhibition of the cIAP2 pathway reduces leukocyte recruitment in the intestinal microcirculation in experimental sepsis. Presentation: (1Departments of Anesthesia, Pharmacology and Microbiology & Immunology, Dalhousie University, 1278 Tower Road, Halifax, B3H 2Y9, Nova Scotia, Canada. 2 Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, Ernst-MoritzArndt-University, Loefflerstr. 23, 17475 Greifswald, Germany.

Articles C Lehmann, R Kuschnereit, I Kiister, J Zhou, S Whynot, O Hung, R Shukla, D Henzler, V Cerny, D Pavlovic, M Kelly. Impact of modulation of the endocannabinoid system on the intestinal microcirculation in experimental sepsis . Critical Care 01/2011; DOI:10.1186/cc9675 Wetzel B, Pavlovic D, Kuse R, Gibb A, Merk H, Lehmann C, Wendt M, Usichenko TI.The effect of auricular acupuncture on fentanyl requirement during hip arthroplasty: a randomized controlled trial. Clin J Pain. 2011 Mar-Apr; 27 (3): 262-7. Spassov A, Pavlovic D, Spasov, K. About light and shadow. Letters to Editor.Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2011 Jan;139(1):2. Spassov A, Gredes T, Gedrange T, Lucke S, Pavlovic D, Kunert-Keil C. The expression of myogenic regulatory factors and muscle growth

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM factors in the masticatory muscles of dystrophin-deficient (MDX) mice. Cell Mol Biol Lett. 2011, Jun;16 (2): 214-25. Srdjan Lopicic, Marija Stanojevic, Pathak Dhruba, Dragan Pavlovic, Milica Prostran and Vladimir Nedeljkov. Excitatory amino acid beta-Nmethylamino-L-alanine is a putative environmental neurotoxin. Journal Serbian Chemical Siciety, Usichenko TI, Lietz P, Pavlovic D, Schmidt R, Wendt M, Mustea A. Acupuncture does not influence brainstem auditory evoked potentials: a volunteer crossover study. Acupunct Med. 2011 Sep;29(3):215-20. Taras I. Usichenko, Eric Anders, Dragan Pavlovic. Certain doubts and uncertain fears of acupuncture. Pain 2011 Sep; 152 (9): 2182-3. Pavlovic D, Spassov A. Asymmetries of Patient Autonomy and Paternalism. J Clinic Res Bioeth (2011) 2: 112. Spassov, A, and Pavlovic, D. The apple of Sir Isaac Newton. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2011; 139:714. Spassov A, Gredes T, Gedrange T, Pavlovic D, Lupp A, Kunert-Keil C. Increased oxidative stress in dystrophin deficient (mdx) mice masticatory muscles. Exp Toxicol Pathol. 63: 549-552, 2011. Sharawy N, Pavlovic D, Wendt M, Cerny V, Lehmann C. Evaluation of the effects of gender and estradiol treatment on the intestinal microcirculation during experimental sepsis. Microvasc Res. 2011 Nov;82 (3): 397-403. Adler D, Gottfried SB, Bautin N, Mirkovic T, Schmidt M, Raux M, Pavlovic D, Similowski T, Demoule A. Repetitive magnetic stimulation of the phrenic nerves for diaphragm conditioning: a normative study of feasibility and optimal settings. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2011 Oct 20. Zhou J, Schmidt M, Johnston B, Wilfart F, Whynot S, Hung O, Murphy M, Cerny V, Pavlovic D, Lehmann C. Experimental endotoxemia induces leukocyte adherence and plasma extravasation within the rat pial microcirculation. Physiol Res. 2011 Oct 12. Spassov A, Gredes T, Lehmann C, Gedrange T, Lucke S, Pavlovic D, Kunert-Keil C. Myogenic differentiation factor 1 and myogenin expression not elevated in regenerated masticatory muscles of dystrophic (mdx) mice. J Orofac Orthop. 2011 Nov 30. Spassov A, Gredes T, Gedrange T, Lucke S, Morgenstern S, Pavlovic D, Kunert-Keil C. Differential expression of myosin heavy chain isoforms in the masticatory muscles of dystrophin-deficient mice. Eur J Orthod. 2011 Dec;33 (6): 613-9.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM Books Dragan Pavlovic: Research Notebook, Greifswald, Germany, 2011, Copyright © Dragan Pavlovic 2011. ISBN: 2-911527-03-8 (170 p)

2012 Abstracts Wetzel B, Pavlovic D, Kuse R, Gibb A, Wendt M, Usichenko T. Kein Placebo-Effekt der Ohrakupunktur unter Allgemeinanästhesie – eine randomisierte Untersuchung mit einer zusätzlichen nicht-randomisierten Studiengruppe. Deutscher Anästhesiekongress Leipzig 2012. Lehmann C, Schuster L, Götz F, Ashour F, Pavlovic D, Robertson G: Inhibition of the cIAP2 pathway reduces leukocyte recruitment in the intestinal microcirculation in murine experimental sepsis. Anesth Analg 2012. Lehmann C, Schuster L, Götz F, Ashour F, Pavlovic D, Robertson G: Impact of cIAP2 deletion on intestinal leukocyte adhesion and capillary perfusion in experimental endotoxemia and poly-bacterial sepsis. DACAbstract-CD, 2012. Dragan Pavlovic, Wolfgang Fischer. Anesthesiology, Universitetsmedizin, Greifswald, Germany: Transtracheal lung ventilation with a manual respiratory valve with a variable flow. Proceedings of the ERS Annual Congress, Vienna 2012, p. 851s. Bender C, Pavlovic D, Wegner A, Hinz P, Ekkernkamp A, Kramer A , et al. Intravital Fluorescence Microscopy for the Assessment of Microcirculation and Leukocyte-Endothel Interaction after Applikation of Tissue Tolerable Plasma in the HET-CAM. 4th International Conference on Plasma Medicine; 2012 Jun 17; Orleans. Bender C, Pavlovic D, Wegner A, Hübner N, Hinz P, Ekkernkamp A , et al. Beurteilung der Effekte von Niedertemperaturplasma auf die Chorioallantoismembran zur entwicklung therapeutischer Konzepte für die Behandlung chronischer Wunden (Vortrag). 15. Jahreskongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Wundheilung und Wundbehandlung e.V.; 2012 Jun 15; Kassel. Lehmann I, Bender C, Pavlovic D, Wegner A, Hinz P, Kramer A , et al. Autogenic Leukocyte Staining in the HET-CAM-Model to Evaluate the Irritation Potential of Tissue Tolerable Plasma (TTP) with the kINPen MED (Vortrag). 1st Young Professional Workshop on Plasma-Medicine; 2012 Sep 18; Boltenhagen.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM Articles Silvia Ribback, Dragan Pavlovic, Diana Herbst, Ruzica Nedeljkov – Jancic, Michael Wendt, Vladimir Nedeljkov, Stefan Bleich, and Helge Frieling (SR and DP contributed equally to this work) Effects of Amitriptyline, Fluoxetine, Tranylcypromine and Venlafaxine on rat vascular smooth muscle in vitro – the role of the endothelium, Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, February 2012, Vol. 63, No 2 Juan Zhou, Dragan Pavlovic, Julia Willecke, Claudius Friedel, Sara Whynot, Orlando Hung, Vladimir Cerny, Henry Schroeder, Michael Wendt, Romesh Shukla, Christian Lehmann (JZ and DP contributed equally to this work) Activated protein C improves pialmicrocirculation in experimental endotoxemia in rats. Microvascular Research, 2012, May; 83 (3):276-80. Lehmann C, Pavlovic D, Zhou J, Wuttke U, Saeger D, Spassov A, Hung O, Cerny V, Witter T, Whynot S, Suchner U, Alteheld B, Stehle P, Gründling M. (ChL and DP contributed equally to this work). Intravenous free and dipeptide-bound glutamine maintains intestinal microcirculation in experimental endotoxemia. Nutrition. 2012 May;28 (5): 588-93. Lehmann C, Kianian M, Zhou J, Kuster I, Kuschnereit R, Whynot S, Hung O, Shukla R, Johnston B, Cerny V, Pavlovic D, Spassov A, Kelly ME.Cannabinoid receptor 2 activation reduces intestinal leukocyte recruitment and systemic inflammatory mediator release in acute experimental sepsis. Crit Care. 2012 Mar 15;16(2):R47. Spassov A, Gredes T, Pavlovic D, Gedrange T, Lehmann C, Lucke S, Kunert-Keil C. Talin, Vinculin and Nestin Expression in Orofacial Muscles of Dystrophin Deficient mdx Mice. Arch Immunol Ther Exp (Warsz). 2012 Apr; 60(2): 137-43. Inga Küster, Rieke Kuschnereit, Melanie Kelly, Juan Zhou, Sara Whynot, Mandana Kianian, Orlando Hung, Romesh Shukla, Vladimir Cerny, Dragan Pavlovic, and Christian Lehmann. Cannabinoid Receptor 1 Inhibition Causes Seizures During Anesthesia Induction in Experimental Sepsis. Anaesthesia & Analgesia, 2012, Jun;114(6):12179. Anatolij Truhlar, Zdenek Turek, Roman Skulec, Christian Lehmann, Dragan Pavlovic, Vladimir Verny. Terlipressin/adrenaline is better than adrenaline alone in a porcine model of prolonged ventricular fibrillation. A randomized controlled study. Signia vitae 2012; 7(1): 89 – 90. Christian Lehmann; Nivin Sharawy; Juan Zhou; Dragan Pavlovic. Metabolomic analysis as biomarker to study steroid hormone administration in sepsis. Medical Hypotheses, 2012, June 1.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM Al-Banna NA, Pavlovic D, Gründling M, Zhou J, Kelly M, Whynot S, Hung O, Johnston B, Issekutz TB, Kern H, Cerny V, Lehmann CH. (Al-B and DP contributed equally to this work). Impact of antibiotics on the microcirculation in local and systemic inflammation. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2012 Sep 13. Nivin Sharawy, Silvia Ribback, Nadia Al-Banna, Christian Lehmann, Hartmut Kern, Michael Wendt, Vladimir Cerny, Frank Dombrowski, Dragan Pavlovic. Estradiol receptors agonists induced effects in rat intestinal microcirculation during sepsis. Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität, Greifswald, Germany. Electronic address: Microvascular Research 10/2012; DOI:10.1016/j.mvr.2012.10.002.

2013 Abstracts Usichenko T, Städing D, Heße T, Wendt M, Pavlovic D. Measurement of cognitive function recovery after general anesthesia in patients scheduled for ambulatory surgery - a prospective comparison of 3 psychological test. Annual Meeting of European Society of Anaesthesiology; 2013 Mai 31; Barcelona. Sckell A, Bender C, Lehmann I, Pavlovic D, Wegner A, Hübner N , et al. Hypothese zum Wirkmechanismus von gewebeverträglichem Niedertemperaturplasma auf die Chorioallantoismembran bei der Therapie chronischer Wunden – eine experimentelle Studie mit der Intravitalmikroskopie (eingeladener Vortrag). 16. Jahreskongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Wundheilung und Wundbehandlung e.V.; 2013 Jun 15; Bielefeld. In: Z Wundheilung 18, No A:55, 2013. Lehmann I, Bender C, Pavlovic D, Wegner A, Hübner N, Hinz P , et al. Gewebeverträgliches Niedertemperaturplasma führt zu einer lokalen Erhöhung der Leukozyten-Endothel-Interaktion – eine experimentelle Studie mit Hilfe der Intravitalmikroskopie (Vortrag). Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie 2013; 2013 Okt 25; Berlin.

Articles Al-Banna NA, Pavlovic D, Gründling M, Zhou J, Kelly M, Whynot S, Hung O, Johnston B, Issekutz TB, Kern H, Cerny V, Lehmann Ch.Impact of antibiotics on the microcirculation in local and systemic inflammation. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2013;53(1-2):155-69. doi: 10.3233/CH-2012-1583. Sharawy N, Ribback S, Al-Banna N, Lehmann C, Kern H, Wendt M, Cerny V, Dombrowski F, Pavlovic D. Estradiol receptors agonists

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM induced effects in rat intestinal microcirculation during sepsis. Microvasc Res. 2013 Jan;85:118-27. doi: 10.1016/j.mvr.2012.10.002. N.A. Al-Banna , D. Pavlovic, V.H. Bac, K. Utpatel, E. Janke, J.N. Rippke, M. Borowiak, V. Cerny, A. Spassov, B. Johnston, T.B. Issekutz, C.H. Lehmann (Al-B. and D. P. ,equally contributed to this work.). Acute administration of antibiotics modulates intestinal capillary perfusion and leukocyte adherence during experimental sepsis.International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 2013. Wafa K, Lehmann C, Wagner L, Drzymulski I, Wegner A, Pavlovic D. Desmopressin improves intestinal functional capillary density and decreases leukocyte activation in experimental endotoxemia. Microvasc Res. 2013 Jan;97:98-104. doi: 10.1016/j.mvr.2013.09.001. Alexander Spassov, Olaf Bernhardt, Christian Lehmann, Dragan Pavlovic. Crossbite cause TMD: a good hypothesis does not make it always true. European Journal of Orthodontics, June 5, 2013, doi:10.1093/ejo/cjt025

2014 Articles Juan Zhou, Dragan Pavlovic, Johanna Rüb, Stefan Masur, Alexander Spassov, Sara Whynot, Orlando Hung, Hartmut Kern, Islam Saleh Abdo, Romesh Shukla, Vladimir Cerny, Christian Lehmann, (JZ and DP contributed equally to this work) Physostigmine reverses disturbances of the intestinal microcirculation during experimental endotoxemia. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2014;56(3):273-84. doi: 10.3233/CH-131743. Al-Banna N, Pavlovic D, Sharawi N, Bac VH, Jaskulski M, Balzer C, Weber S, Nedeljkov V, Lehmann C. (Al-B. and D. P. ,equally contributed to this work.). Combination of dehydroepiandrosterone and orthovanadate administration reduces intestinal leukocyte recruitment in models of experimental sepsis. Microvasc Res. 2014 Jul 30. pii: S00262862(14)00114-9. doi: 10.1016/j.mvr.2014.07.010. Wafa K, Herrmann A, Kuhnert T, Wegner A, Gründling M, Pavlovic D, Lehmann C. Short time impact of different hydroxyethyl starch solutions on the mesenteric microcirculation in experimental sepsis in rats. Microvasc Res. 2014 Aug 5. pii: S0026-2862(14)00116-2. doi: 10.1016/j.mvr.2014.07.012. Lehmann C, Zhou J, Schuster L, Götz F, Wegner A, Cerny V, Pavlovic D, Robertson GS. Effect of deletion of cIAP2 on intestinal microcirculation in mouse endotoxemia and polybacterial sepsis. Shock. 2014 May;41(5):454-7. doi: 10.1097/SHK.0000000000000132.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM Lehmann Ch, Abdo I, Kern H, Maddison L, Pavlovic D, Sharawi N, Starkopf J, Hall R, Johnson P, Williams L, Cerny V; MiDAS (Microcirculation Diagnostics and Applied Studies) group. Clinical evaluation of the intestinal microcirculation using sidestream dark field imaging--recommendations of a round table meeting. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2014;57(2):137-46. doi: 10.3233/CH-141810.

2015 Articles Alexander Spassov, Hartmut Bettin, Dragan Pavlovic: From misinformation to overtreatment, Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2015;147:295. http://www.ajodo.org/article/S08895406%2814%2901065-8/pdf. Juan Zhoua, Katrin Zimmermannb, Thomas Kriegc, Marieke Soltowb, Dragan Pavlovicb, Vladimir Cernya,d and Christian Lehmanna. Adenosine receptor activation improves microcirculation in experimental intestinal ischemia/reperfusion. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 59 (2015) 257–265. DOI 10.3233/CH-141846 Marija STANOJEVIC, Srdjan LOPICIC, Zorica JOVANOVIC, Dhruba PATHAK, Dragan V. PAVLOVIC, Svetolik SPASIC, Vladimir NEDELJKOV, and Milica PROSTRAN. Magnesium Effects on Nonsynaptic Epileptiform Activity in Leech Retzius Neurons. Folia Biologica (Kraków), vol. 63 (2015),No 4 : 301-6. Zhou J, Soltow M, Zimmermann K, Pavlovic D, Johnston B, Lehmann C. Experimental TLR4 inhibition improves intestinal microcirculation in endotoxemic rats. Microvasc Res. 2015 Sep;101: 33-7. doi: 10.1016/j.mvr.2015.06.004. ________________________________________________


Društvene nauke i drugi tekstovi (The publication that are not in the above list)

1987 Articles Dragan Pavlovic. What is “nation” (Sta je « nacija »). Our Word, London, 1987 Dragan Pavlovic. Sience and politics (Nauka i politika). Our Word. London, 1987.

1991 Articles Dragan Pavlovic. Why did Cain kill Abel (Zasto je Kain ubio Avelja), Billetin, Assotioation Liberation, Paris, 5: 19-26, 1991.

1992 Edition of periodics and books. Dialogue, international journal for arts and sciences, Paris, 1992, vol. 1, nr.1, 2-3, 4. ISBN 2-911527-04-6.

1993 Edition of periodics and books. Dialogue, international journal for arts and sciences, Paris, 1993, vol. 2, nr.5, 6, 7-8. ISBN 2-911527-04-6.

1994 Articles Thomas Todorovic & Dragan Pavlovic. Et Cain tua Abel...; Nationalismes et guerre civile en ex-Yougoslavie. Aichi Shukutoku Digaku «Ronshu», Aichi Shukutoku University Bulliten, (Japan) (vol. 19) 3: 37-47, 1994.


Edition of periodics and books Dialogue, international journal for arts and sciences, Paris, 1994, vol. 3, nr. 9, 10, 11, 12. ISBN 2-911527-04-6.

1995 Articles Dragan Pavlovic. Interdependance complexe et «political realisme», Dialogue (Paris) 14: 5-17, 1995.

Edition of periodics and books Dialogue, international journal for arts and sciences, Paris, 1995, vol. 4, nr.13, 14, 15, 16. ISBN 2-911527-04-6.

1996 Articles Dragan Pavlovic. Justice, tribunal et heritage helleniques, Dialogue (Paris) 18: 3-8, 1996.

Edition of periodics and books Dialogue, international journal for arts and sciences, Paris, 1996, vol. 5, nr.17, 18, 19, 20. ISBN 2-911527-04-6.

1997 Books Thomas Todorovic & Dragan Pavlovic. Crise Balkanique (100p). Editions du Titre, Paris, France, 1997. ISBN : 2907324128, 9782907324120.

Edition of periodics and books Dialogue, international journal for arts and sciences, Paris, 1997, vol. 6, nr. 21, 22, 23, 24. ISBN 2-911527-04-6.


1998 Edition of periodics and books Dialogue, international journal for arts and sciences, Paris, 1998, vol. 7, nr.25, 26, 27-28. ISBN 2-911527-04-6.

1999 Articles Dragan Pavlovic. Masada: Why the Serbs Went for Bombing, Dialogue, 29-30, 1999. http://www.ius.bg.ac.yu/apel/materijali/info-warfare.html#masada http://meltingpot.fortunecity.com/benin/260/a1.htm Dragan Pavlovic and Diana Johnstone. Letter to Joseph Fischer http://www.human-net.org/war-issue/en/akcije/openletter.htm Edition of periodics and books Dialogue, international journal for arts and sciences, Paris, 1999, vol. 8, nr.29-30, 31-32. ISBN 2-911527-04-6.

2000 Articles Dragan Pavlovic. The Humane in Aesthetics: A Defence of Forgotten Idea. GREEK PHILOSOPHY AND THE FINE ARTS, VOL. II, IONIA PUBLICATIONS, ATHENS 2000, pp. 264-270,ISBN: 960-7670-30-2; 960-7670-32-9. http://www.hri.org/iagp/books/vol34.html https://www.academia.edu/9872334/The_human_in_aesthetics_a_defe nse_of_a_forgotten_idea Dragan Pavlovic. New WORD Order: Exodus, justified, bombing -About the plan "potkovA". http://it.groups.yahoo.com/group/crj-mailinglist/message/166, from 11. 4. 2000 (accessed 19. 10. 2008) Books Dragan Pavlovic et Jacques Hertz. La Turquie en Europe ? Un problème de societe. Sous la patrobage de la revue Dialogue, (ISBN 2911527-04-6), Paris, 2000.


2001 Articles Dragan Pavlovic. Above and Beyond the Law http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/WO0006/S00073.htm Intervju: Dragan Pavlovic, Politica Estera. Pubblicato in: Penisola balcanica http://guide.supereva.it/questioni_internazionali/interventi/2001/07/53351.shtml http://guide.supereva.it/questioni_internazionali/interventi/2001/07/53355.shtml http://guide.supereva.it/questioni_internazionali/interventi/2001/07/53358.shtml

2002 Articles Dragan Pavlovic, The Reign of Terror (and How To Stop It ) http://www.mediamonitors.net/draganpavlovic1.html http://www.antic.org/YU4NSP/Pavlovic/terror.htm http://www.indybay.org/news/2002/04/123389.php http://www.apisgroup.org/article.html?id=79 http://news.serbianunity.net/bydate/2004/July_23/1.html 2003 Articles Dragan Pavlovic. A-Morality and Logic of the ”Empire” http://www.mediamonitors.net/draganpavlovic2.html 2004 Abstracts Pavlovic D. (1), Wendt M. Moral and ontological grounds of the life cessation decisions and emptiness of the rule "in dubio pro vita". 16th WCA, CD Room: CD072, Published by WFSA, Paris, 2004.

Articles Dragan Pavlovic. Towards the End of the Ethnic States https://www.academia.edu/9710706/Towards_the_End_of_the_Ethnic_ States_-About_the_Nazi_and_the_modern_concepts_of_ethnic_states Dragan Pavlovic. Etnic States http://www.apisgroup.org/article.html?id=1780

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM Raymond K. Kent and Dragan Pavlovic. Some Thoughts on The Reign of Terrorism and How to Deconstruct It

https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/yugoslaviainfo/conversati ons/topics/5342 https://www.academia.edu/6773368/Some_Thoughts_On_The_ Reign_Of_Terrorism_And_How_To_Deconstruct_It 2005 Abstracts Dragan Pavlovic and Snezana Divac: Ethics of concerns and life cessation decisions: when emotions are all what remains. Infection 33 (Suppl. 1): 15, 2005.

Articles Dragan Pavlovic and Snezana Divac. Ethics of concerns and life cessation decisions: when emotions are all what remains. Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics (EJAIB). 15: 178-182 (November) 2005.

2008 Articles Dragan Pavlovic. Right to be wrong: If the brain is guilty, are we responsible? The Open Ethics J., 2: 40-43, 2008. Dragan Pavlovic. Clash of the Last Men and Its (A)moral Roots https://www.academia.edu/6773389/Clash_of_the_Last_Men_and_Its_ A_moral_Roots http://ceimsa.org/publications/Scholars/ScholarlyEssays2008.htm https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dragan_Pavlovic/publications?sorti ng=newest&page=8 2009 Abstracts Pavlovic, D. und Ch. Lehmann: Euthanasia: In defence of a good, ancient word. Critical Care 13 (suppl 1): P358, 2009. (ISICEM2009) Pavlovic, D. und Ch. Lehmann. Euthanasia: In defence of a good, ancient word. J Anästh Intensivbeh, 2:58, 2009 (DAK2009).

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM Dragan Pavlovic and Christian Lehmann. Euthanasia: In defence of a good, ancient word. 2009 NELS ICE, Wednesday, December 16, 2009, Bethune Ballroom | Halifax, NS, 12:00pm - 2:30pm Pavlovic D. and Ch. Lehmann: Euthanasia: In defence of a good, ancient word. DAC-Abstract-CD, 2009.

Articles Dragan Pavlovic. Šta bi Galilej rekao? (What would Gallile say). Politika (Belgrade), August 25, 2009, Cultural Appendix, pp. 3-4. Dragan Pavlovic, Christian Lehmann, Michael Wendt. For an indeterminist ethics. The emptiness of the rule in dubio pro vita and life cessation decisions, Philos Ethics Humanit Med. 2009 May 14; 4(1):6. Kroll, H., A. Spasov, D. Pavlovic, A Yugoslav gravestone on the "Intrenational Honour Cemetry 1939-1945" at the New Cemetery in Greifswald, Voprosy epigrafiki (=Questions in Epigraphics. Moskau). Bd. 3: 266-271, 2009.

2011 Abstracts Dragan Pavlovic. Beyond Paternalism. Conference Proceedings, Ethics for an aging world-2, Columbus, Ohio, 8-9 Oct, 2011.

Articles Dragan Pavlovic, Alexander Spassov, and Christian Lehmann. Euthanasia: In defense of a good, ancient word. J Clin Res Bioeth. 2011, 2:105.

2012 Articles Pavlovic D, Spassov A. Asymmetries of Patient Autonomy and Paternalism. J Clinic Res Bioeth (2011) 2:112.

2013 Articles

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM Dragan Pavlovic. Comment on Who's Afraid of Peer Review? By John Bohannon. Science 4 October 2013: Vol. 342 no. 6154 pp. 60-65, DOI:10.1126/science.342.6154.60. live at http://comments.sciencemag.org/content/10.1126/science.342.6154.60, Dragan Pavlovic : Briselski sporazum - bez prava, pravde, obaveza i zakona, Nova srpska politička misao, nedelja, 09. jun 2013. http://www.nspm.rs/politicki-zivot/briselski-sporazum-bez-prava-pravdeobaveza-i-zakona.html?alphabet=l Dragan Pavlovic. Наука почива на поверењу (Science is based on confidence). Politika, Beograd, published: 13.09.2013. Dragan Pavlovic. Нема добронамерних превара (There are no good frauds). Politika, Beograd, published: 24.10.2013 Dragan Pavlovic. Шта је стварно објављено у румунском часопису (What was published in the Romenian journal). Politika, Beograd, published: 24.10.2013 Dragan Pavlovic. Ругање у огледало (Making faces in the mirror). Politika, Beograd, published: 11.11.2013 Dragan Pavlovic. Лопта је у пољу академских институција (The ball is on the side of academic institutions). Politika, Beograd, published: 12.11.2013

2014 Articles Dragan Pavlovic. Comment on Bohannon's article. Science onlone, Special Issue News, 2014. http://comments.sciencemag.org/content/10.1126/science.342.6154.60 Pavlovic D, Usichenko T, Lehmman C. The last bite was deadly - About responsibility in scientific publishing. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2014; 57(2):95-9. Dragan Pavlovic, Taras Usichenko, Christian Lehmann. Clash of Confidence and Responsibility in Scientific Publishing, Dalhoisie Medical Journal, Vol 40, No 2, 30-32 (2014). DMJ • Spring 2014 • 40(2) | 30-32. http://ojs.library.dal.ca/DMJ/article/view/4575/4097 Dragan Pavlović, Ugušiti debatu – ubiti univerzitet (Sufocate a debate – kill the university), Politika (Beograd), section „među nama“, published 19. 7. 2014, p. 22.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM Драган Павловић. О плагијату или има ли зоо-врт трогрбу камилу (About plagiarism or is there tree-hamps camel in the zoo). Politika, Beograd, section “pogledi”, published: 23.12.2014 Драган Павловић. Исправка (Correction) Politika, објављено: 28/12/2014.

2015 Articles Dragan Pavlovic. Logička greška ili metafora na kvadrat, Srpski književni list (SKL), 12/117 (godina IV/XIV) s. 5, 2015. Драган Павловић. Косово, насилно створена држава. Политика, 21.10.2015; Драган Павловић. Недостатак знања, или зашто академик Костић треба да поднесе оставку. Nova Srpska Politicka Misao, 26. 10. 2015. Драган Павловић. Отмица Theoriе https://dal.academia.edu/DraganPavlovic https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dragan_Pavlovic Books Dragan Pavlović. Etika naučnog teksta, Dialogue, Paris i Čigoja štampa, Beograd, 2015.

2016 Articles Драган Павловић i Александар Спасов, Асиметрија између аутономије пацијента и патернализма, Годишњак за филозофију, 2, Ниш, 2016. (Translation of already published articles in English; in press). Драган Павловић, Александар Спасов, Кристијан Леман, Eутаназија: у одбрану једне добре, античке речи, Годишњак за филозофију, 2, Ниш, 2016. (Translation of already published articles in English; in press). Драган Павловић, Право да се буде у криву: ако мозак греши, да ли смо ми одговорни? Годишњак за филозофију, 2, Ниш, 2016 (Translation of already published articles in English; in press).

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM Драган Павловић, Кристијан Леман, Мајкл Вент, За једну индетерминистичку етику:бесмисленост правила in dubio pro vita и одлуке о прекиду живота, Годишњак за филозофију, 2, Ниш, 2016 (Translation of already published articles in English; in press).

Books Dragan Pavlović i Slobodan Žunjić, Nasilje nad filozofijom, Dialogue, Paris i Čigoja Štampa, Beograd, 2016. Dragan Pavlović, Moral theory of concerns, Dialogue, Paris i Čigoja Štampa, Beograd, 2016 (in press).



Biografija i bibliografija Slobodana Žunjića ________________________________________________________

BIOGRAFIJA SLOBODANA ŽUNJIĆA Slobodan Žunjić (rođ. 1949, Priština), jugoslovenski ili srpski filozof i stvaralac. Predavao je antičku filozofiju na Filozofskom fakultetu u Beogradu i u Novom Sadu do 1997. godine. Te iste godine je nastavio sa predavanjem filozofskih predmeta na Univerzitetu Pensilvania u Filadelfiji, a zatim i na Univerzitetu Rod Ajlend u SAD sve do početka 2012. godine. Dobio je više priznanja za svoja dosadašnja dela (pored ostalog Nagrada “Nikola Milosević” II programa Radio Beograda za najbolju knjigu u 2013; Oktobarska nagrada grada Beograda za najbolju knjigu iz 2013. u oblasti društvenih i humanističkih nauka, te Nagradu Sajma knjiga u Novom Sadu za najšire postavljen iskaz o logici iz te 2013. godine; na 20. Sajmu knjiga u Banja Luci 2014. godine njegov pregled Istorije srpske filozofije je dobio nagradu za najbolje delo u „njegovanju srpske tradicije i pravoslavne duhovnosti“). Pored brojnih studija i članaka, objavio je i više knjiga: Fragmenti Elejaca. Parmenid, Zenon, Melis (1984), Aristotel i henologija. Problem jednog u Aristotelovoj metafiziciji (1988), Martin Hajdeger i nacionalsocijalizam. Dokumenti i interpretacije (1992), Službe Mnemosini. Polemike o samozaboravu balkanske filozofske svesti (2007), Modernost i filozofija. Razmatranja o duhu vremena sa razmeđa vekova (tom I, 2009), Istorija srpske filozofije (2009; prvo izdanje), Logika i teologija. Dijalektika Jovana Damaskina u vizantijskoj i srskoj filozofiji (2012), Filozofija i njen jezik, I-II (20122013), Prirok i suštastvo, I-IV: Srpske logike u srednjem veku (2013), Srpske logike u ranoj moderni (2013), Srpske logike u poznoj moderni (2013), Suštastvo u srpskoj filozofiji (2013), Filozofija i postmodernost. Razmatranja o stanju filozofije na razmeđu vekova (tom 2, 2013), Temida filozofije. Iz filozofske kritike (2013), Parerga

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM iz srpske i južnoslovenske filozofije (2014), te novo, dvostruko prošireno izdanje Istorije srpske filozofije (2014), koje uključuje izbor iz najnovijih radova nastalih unutar naše savremene misli. Tokom 2015. godine izašla je njegova monumentalno sklopljena monografija Hajdeger i pre-sokratovci. Temeljna „imena“rane grčke misli kao osnovica razumevanja njegovog „bivstvovanja“ (2015).


BIBLIOGRAFIJA SLOBODANA ŽUNJIĆA 1968. 1. „Niče o lirskom pesništvu”, Iskra, 1/1968, str. 4-5. 2. „Svetlo umetnosti, preko Save”, Student, 9. januar 1968, str. 15. 3. „O takozvanom 'ugodničarenju' ili kako najlakše uspeti u školi”, Student, 16. januar 1968, str. 15. 4. „O smislu predmeta koji se zove 'tehničko obrazovanje'”, Student, 16. april 1968, str. 11. 5. „Otpora je bilo svuda, ali mestimično”, Student, 23. april 1968, str. 11. 6. „Živopisac u ‘hramu idolskome’”, Novi Beograd, 92/1968 (8. avgust 1968), str. 5.

1972. 7. „Universalitas – večni okvir filozofije”, Student, 1/1972, str. 9. 8. „Corruptio culturae”, Student, 7/1972, str. 8. 9. „Politika versus etika”, Student, 14/1972, str. 9. 10. „Elejska teorija bića”, Filozofske studije, 3/1972, str. 143216. 11. „Fragmenta eleaticorum”, Ideje, 4/1972, str. 129-136.

1973. 12. „Prilog istorijskoj kritici naturalizma i filozofije života”, Književna reč, 13/1973, str. 9.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM 13. „Filozofija povesti kao povesno događanje”, Vidici, 153/1973, str. 12. 14. „Heidegger i problem antropologije”, Filozofija, 3-4/1973, str. 89-111.

1974. 15. „Esej o kazni”, Književna reč, 29/1974, str. 14. 16. „Transcendentalna uobraženja filozofije (ne)mogućnosti”, Vidici, 161/1974, str. 13. 17. „Transcendentalna metoda razmotrena na primeru prostora i vremena”, Vidici, 167--168/1974, str. 14 – 15. 18. „Alfred Schmidt, ’Geschichte und Struktur’”, Praxis, 35/1974, str. 45-48. 19. „Karl Löwith, ’Von Hegel zu Nietzsche’”, Ideje, 4-5/1974, str. 187-191.

1975. 20. „Šta je noumenalno u Kantovoj filozofiji?”, Theoria, posebno izdanje 1975, str. 99 – 105. 21. „Živa misao”, Književna reč, 35/1975, str. 13. 22. „Kjerkegorova egzistencijalna dijalektika vere”, Književna reč, 41/1975, str. 12. 23. „Kjerkegorova egzistencijalna dijalektika vere”, u: Seren Kjerkegor, Strah i drhtanje, BIGZ, Beograd, 1975, str. 5 – 24. 24. „Fenomen administracije”, Mladost, 7. III 1975, str. 12. 25. „Marksizam i poststrukturalizam”, Ideje, 2/1975, str. 117123. 26. „Lukač i Hajdeger”, Gledišta, 3/1975, str. 318-326.


1976. 27. „Althusserovo čitanje Kapitala i kritika humanizma”, Gledišta, 1-2/1976, str. 89 – 195. 28. „W. Lepenies, H. Nolte, ’Kritik der Anthropologie’”, Gledišta, 6/1976, str. 659 – 662. 1977. 29. „Deset godina rada Instituta za filozofiju”, Theoria, 2/1977, str. 152 -156.

1978. 30. „Kraj filozofije kao dovršenje filozofije”, Theoria, 12/1978, str. 74 – 85.

1979. 31. „Heraklitov logos kao zbirajuća zbranost”, Filozofske studije, 10/1979, str. 89 – 149.

1980. 32. „Rani Hajdeger”, Theoria, 4/1980, str. 105 – 106. 33. „Stevo Medić (1934 – 1980)”, Sveske, 9-10/1980.

1981. 34. „Zenonovi dokazi protiv mnoštva”, Živa antika, 1-2/1981, str. 157 – 170. 35. „Uvežbavanje u aristotelijanskim tumačenjima”, Theoria, 1/1981, str. 84 – 87. 36. „Kad katedra zaključuje naučnu raspravu”, Theoria, 1/1981, str. 101 - 103.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM 37. „Filozofija i teološko mišljenje“, Theoria, 2-3/1981, str. 39. 38. „O smislu sveta i pravdi Boga (Lajbnicova teodiceja)”, Theoria, 2-3/1981, str. 83 – 93. 39. „Objava i autoritet”, Theoria, 2-3/1981, str. 153-154. 40. „Tri nova zbornika o novoplatonizmu”, Theoria, 4/1981, str. 82 – 86. 41. „Pristupi Hajdegerovom mišljenju”, (ko-autor: R. Kalik) Treći program Radio-Beograda, 51/1981, str. 411 – 427. 42. Odrednice: „Gerontokratija”, „Grad-Država”, „Građanin”, „Građanstvo”, „Plebs”, „Polis”, „Rob”, u: Sociološki leksikon, Savremena administracija, Beograd, 1981, str. 198, 205 – 207, 448, 459 – 460, 549 – 550.

1982. 43. „Mimesis i poiesis: samootkrivanje bivstvovanja u X knjizi Platonove Države”, Mišljenje na kraju filozofije, Beograd, 1982, str. 57 – 64. 44. „O uznemirenosti i čuđenju (Odgovor A. Pražiću i S. Knjazev)”, Theoria, 1-2/1982, str. 143 – 150. 45. „Aktuelnost Nietzschea”, Theoria, 3-4/1982, str. 3-5. 46. „Pojmovnost i metafora – Napomene o Ničeovoj kritici filozofskog jezika”, Theoria, 3-4/1982, str. 87 – 97. 47. „Tribina o Nietzscheu”, Theoria, 3-4/1982, str. 279 - 281.

1983. 48. „Ime i pojam teorije”, Theoria, 1-2/1983, str. str. 203 – 220. 49. „Nova slika Platonove metafizike”, Theoria, 1-2/1983, str. 236 – 241.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM 50. „Razvoj srpske terminologije”, Zbornik Filozofskog fakulteta, XIII-2/1983, str. 225 – 244. 51. „Aristotel i Marx”, Filozofska istraživanja, 7/1983, str. 1 – 14.

1984. 52. „Habermas i Marx. Teorija komunikativnog delanja i Marxovo shvatanje društva”, Theoria, 1-2/1984, str. 21 – 37. 53. „Aristotel i presokratska shvatanja Jednog”, Luča, 12/1984, str. 136 – 158. 54. Fragmenti Elejaca. Parmenid, Zenon, Melis, BIGZ, Beograd, 1984, 158 str.

1985. 55. „C’est idee”, Thema, 4/1985, str. 33 – 55. 56. „Habermas i praxis-filozofija”, Theoria, 1-2/1985, str. 79 – 98. 57. „Stojanovićeva fragmentarizacija marksizma”, Theoria, 12/1985, str. 145 – 154. 58. „Niče i novi početak mišljenja”, Theoria, 1-2/1985, str. 247 – 251. 59. „Nova teodiceja na vidiku?”, Zarez, 1-2/1985, str. 27 – 31. 60. „Glavno Hajdegerovo delo”, Theoria, 3-4/1985, str. 189 – 191. 61. „Filozofi – zečevi”, Književne novine, 697/1985, str. 5. 62. „Lenjinistička opomena filozofima”, Književne novine, 699/1985, str. 2.


„Branko Pavlović”, Politika, 25. mart 1986, str. 8.

64. „Branko Pavlović (1928 – 1986)”, Theoria, 1-2/1986, str. 3 – 5. 65. „Filozofija (SR Srbija)”, (koautori: Veljko Korać i Zdravko Kučinar), Enciklopedija Jugoslavije, 4, 1986, str. 175 – 177.

1987. 66. „Begrifflichkeit und Metapher. Einige Bemerkungen zu Nietzsches Kritik der philosophischen Sprache”, NietzscheStudien, 16/1987, SS. 149 – 163. 67. „Leg(alistička) artis(tika)”, NIN, 1912/1987 (23. avgust 1987), str. 4, 6.

1988. 68. Aristotel i henologija. Problem jednog u Aristotelovoj Metafizici, Prosveta, Beograd, 1988, 452 str. 69. „Večna filozofija i zdrav razum”, predgovor za: Koplston, F., Istorija filozofije. Grčka i Rim, BIGZ, Beograd, 1988, str. 7 – 27. 70. „Heidegger i postmoderna”, u: Postmoderna. Zabluda ili nova epoha?, Zagreb, 1988, str. 95 – 105. 71. „Politika jednog ’teorijskog’ osporavanja praxisfilozofije”, Pitanja, 3-4/1988, str. 79 – 87. 72. „Hegel i Heidegger. Odnos povesnosti i vremenosti u rasponu prevladavanja i ponavljanja”, Zbornik Filozofskog fakulteta, XV-2/1988, str. 125 – 167. 73. „Parmenidovo biće i Heideggerovo bivstvovanje”, Filozofski godišnjak, 1/1988, str. 7 – 73.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM 74. „Filozofski angažman i kriza”, Treći program RadioBeograda, 77/1988, str. 71-76, 99-100; 79/1988, str. 66-72, 98103.

1989. 75. „Politika jednog teorijskog osporavanja praxis-filozofije”, Pitanja, 2-3/1989, str. 86 – 94. 76. „Nasleđe zapadnog marksizma: Ernst Bloch i György Lukacs ”, Gledišta, 3-4/1989, str. 3 – 7. 77. „Heidegger i praktična filozofija”, Gledišta, 5-6/1989, str. 3 – 6. 78. „Filozof na Univerzitetu Trećeg Rajha. Martin Hajdeger i nacional-socijalizam”, Treći program Radio-Beograda, 8081/1989, str. 341 – 408. 79. „Logos: skica za istoriju pojma”, Luča, 1-2/1989, str. 112 – 119. 80. „Dvesta godina Francuske revolucije”, Gledišta, 7-9/1989, str. 3-5. 81. „Dogmatska opsjednutost marksizmom”, Slobodna Dalmacija, 5. rujna 1989, str. 27.

1990. 82. „Univerzitet i autonomija”, Univerzitet na pragu XXI veka, Marksistički centar, Beograd, 1990, str. 451 – 455. 83. „Lust an der Vernunft”, in: Nietzsches Begriff der Philosophie, Königshausen & Neumann, hrsg. M. Đurić, Würzburg, 1990, SS. 131 – 150. 84. „Postmoderna”, Gledišta, 5-6/1990, str. 3-5. 85. „Modeli postmodernog zaboravljanja”, Gledišta, 56/1990, str. 46 – 63.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM 86. „Talet kao protejska figura početka”, Dijalog, 3-4/1990, str. 79 – 94. 87. „Anaksimandar i začetak evropske filozofije”, Filozofski godišnjak, 3/1990, str. 7 – 84. 88. „Veljko Korać (1914 - 1991)”, Treći program RadioBeograda, 85/1990, str. 36 – 38.

1991. 89. „B. Šijaković: Mythos, Physis, Psyche”, Filozofski godišnjak, 4/1991, str. 194 – 199. 90. „Tales kao protejska figura početka filozofije”, u: Filozofija i svijet života, knj. 30, sv. 2, ANU BiH, Posebna izdanja, Odeljenje društvenih nauka, Sarajevo, 1991, str. 317 – 334. 91. „Postmoderni klistir”, Književna reč, 384/1991, str. 4. 92. „Homo Faber und Seine Emanzipation. Jürgen Habermas und die jugoslawische Praxis-Philosophie”, in: Ideen zu einer integralen Anthropologie, hrsg. S. Bonk, München, 1991, SS. 211 – 238. 93. „Večna filozofija i zdrav razum”, u: Koplston, F., Istorija filozofije. Grčka i Rim, drugo redigovano izdanje, BIGZ, Beograd, 1991, str. 5 – 26. 94. „Postsemantička upotreba terminologije”, Theoria, 2/1991, str. 101 – 117. 95. "Trijumf Zapada", Treći program Radio-Beograda, 190191/1991, str. 64-72, 102-107.

1992. 96. „Postmoderno ’znanje’”, Književna reč, 386-7/1992, str. 4.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM 97. „Oriđinal ’postmodernog’ falsifikata”, Književna reč, 391/1992, str. 4. 98. „’Postmoderni’ terminološki cirkus”, Theoria, 1/1992, str. 127 – 147. 99. „M. Kozomara: ’Govor i subjektivnost (O nekim aspektima arheologije znanja Michaela Foucaulta’)”, Filozofski godišnjak, 5/1992, str. 231 – 242. 100. „Mihailo Đurić: ’Putevi ka Ničeu. Prilozi filozofiji budućnosti’”, Filozofski godišnjak, 5/1992, str. 276 – 293. 101. Martin Hajdeger i nacionalsocijalizam, KZNS, Novi Sad, 1992, 316 str. 102. „Herrschaft und Souveränität. Hegel und Nietzsche in der Lekture von Georges Bataille”, in: Nietzsche und Hegel, hrsg. M. Djuric, J. Simon, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, 1992, SS. 145 – 174.

1993. 103. „Philosophie in Serbien heute. Ansätze zur Entwicklungsgeschichte und zum gegenwärtigen Stand” (Mitverfasser: M. Djurić), in: Serbische Philosophie heute, Slavica Verlag, München, 1993, SS. 9 – 72. 104. „Modelle postmodernen Vergesens”, in: Serbische Philosophie heute, Slavica Verlag, München, 1993, SS. 279 – 308. 105. „Samorađanje i samoproizvodnja”, Zbornik Filozofskog fakulteta, Serija B: Društvene nauke, XVI, Spomenica Vojina Milića, Beograd, 1993, str. 239 – 274. 106. „Ilija Marić: Platonizam i moderna fizika”, Filozofski godišnjak, 6/1993, str. 267 – 274. 107. „Zoran Kinđić: Hajdegerova kritika antropocentrizma”, Filozofski godišnjak, 6/1993, str. 283 – 285.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM 108. „Aktuelnost antičkog humanizma“, Dnevnik, 27. I 1993, str. 16. 109. „Filozofija u Srbiji“, (koautor: Mihailo Đurić), Politika, 9. X 1993. 110. „Bit mišljenja kao smokvin list nacizma“, Vreme, 116/1993, str. 54-55. 111. „Nasrtljivost visokoparnog praznoslovlja“, Vreme, 119/1993, str. 48-49. 112. „Zaglupljivanje, filozofsko mirotvorstvo i politička pretencioznost“, Književna reč 419/1993. 113. “Nesamerljivost dijagonale”, (koautor Mihailo Đurić), Politika, 22. jun 1993, str. 20.

1994. 114. „Filozofski pojam kritike u antici”, Godišnjak Filozofskog fakulteta u Novom Sadu, knj. XXI-XXII, 1994, str. 30 – 40. 115. „Nietzscheova dijalektika sećanja i zaboravljanja“, To Jest, 10/1994, str. 4-13. 116. „Damaskinova Dijalektika u srpskoj filozofiji”, Istočnik, 9/1994, str. 43 – 77. 117. „Mihailo Marković - praktična egzistencija nauke”, Treći program Radio-Beograda, 100/1994, str. 323-331. 118. „Mihailo Marković - praktična egzistencija kritičke nauke”, u: Marković, M., Filozofski osnovi nauke, BIGZ, Geness štampa, Prosveta, SKZ, Beograd, 1994, str. XI XXXIX. 119. „The Definitions of Philosophy in the Dialectica of John Damascene: Their Ancient Sources and their Byzantine Meanings”, Philosophy and Orthodoxy, ed. K. I. Boudouris, Athens, 1994, pp. 294 – 323.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM 120. „Damaskinov luk srpske filozofije”, Zbornik Filozofskoknjizevne škole u Kruševcu, knjiga prva, Kruševac, 1994, str. 119 - 132. 121. „Nepoverenje u moć uma”, Dnevnik, 30. oktobar 1994, str. 10. 122. „Priznanje, istorija, poredak”, [saopštenje na raspravi Trećeg programa Radio Beograda „Priznanje, istorija, poredak”, (Apatin, 10-12. jun 1994)], Treći Program Radio Beograda, 100/1994, str. 85-91, 107-108, 129-142, 145-148, 155, 171-174. 123. „Mogućnosti aktuelizacije pravoslavnog nasleđa”, saopštenje na međunarodnom okruglom stolu, Eastern Christian Countries and the Challenges of the New International Order (Beograd, SANU 21-24 juli 1994).

1995. 124. „Sudbina, duh i sredina – tri toposa evropske germanske ideologije”, Kako misliti budućnost Evrope, Sremski Karlovci, 1995, str. 44 – 66. 125. „Ničeova dijalektika dubine i površine”, Zbornik filozofsko-književne škole u Kruševcu, knj. 2, Kruševac, 1995, str. 69 – 79. 126. „Karl Šmit - pojam političkog“, Treći program RadioBeograda, 102/1995, str. 107-113, 123-126, 135-138. 127. Kriza i perspektive filozofije, priredili D. Basta, S. Žunjić, M. Kozomara, Tersit, Beograd, 1995. 128. „Antički koreni Evrope“, Prosvetni pregled, 14. II 1995, str. 5. 129. „Nihilizam, metafizika, postmodernizam”, Kriza i perspektive filozofije, Tersit, Beograd, 1995, str. 507 – 539. 130. „Definicije filozofije u Dijalektici Jovana Damaskina”, Filozofski godišnjak, 8/1995, str. 19 – 53.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM 131. „The Biological and the Political Side of Human Nature in Aristotle”, Aristotelian Political Philosophy, vol. I, ed. K. Boudouris, Athens, 1995, pp. 151 – 173. 132. „Nastava i sistematika filozofije u Vizantiji”, Gledišta, 16/1995, str. 7-33.

1996. 133. „Bog filozofa u antici”, u: Pojam Boga u filozofiji, Novi Sad, 1996, str. 9 – 53. 134. „Bog filozofa u antici”, Polja, 400/1996, str. 19-24 135. „O antičkom nasleđu u vizantijskoj filozofiji”, Gledišta, 3-4/1996, str. 191 –237. 136. „Postmoderni ždanovizam“, Naša Borba, 1. februar, 1996, str. 15. 137. „Kako je Damaskin postao Srbin“, Naša Borba, 15. februar 1996, str. 15. 138. „Šta traži angel na Filozofskom fakultetu?“, Naša Borba, 28. februar 1996, str. 16. 139. „Balkanska lakoća postmodernog švindlovanja”, Theoria, 1/1996, str. 105 – 139. 140. „Borčanski pogled na filozofiju“, Theoria, 3/1996.

1997. 141. „Sumrak vizantijske filozofije u VII veku”, Gradac, 43/1997, str. 69 – 84. 142. „Pavlovićevo izvođenje filozofije iz duha grčke mudrosti”, u: Pavlović, B., Eros i dijalektika, ΠΛΑΤΩ books Beograd, 1997, str. 317-324. 43. „Beleška redaktora“, u: Pavlović, B., Presokratsku Misao, ΠΛΑΤΩ books, Beograd, 1997, str. 323 – 324.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM 144. „Lako jezgro pesništva”, u: Đerić, Z., (prir.), Pesnik nokturna: o pesništvu Selimira Radulovića, Kulturno-prosvetna zajednica Novog Sada, Novi Sad, 1997, str. 7 - 14.

1998. 145. „Petronijevićevi istorijsko-filozofski spisi” (koautor: Ilija Marić), u: Petronijević, B., Izabrana dela 5: Od Zenona do Bergsona, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd, 1998, str. 671 – 694. 146. „La philosophie en Yougoslavie”, in: L’Encyclopedie Philosophique Universelle, ed., A. Jacob, t. IV, sous la direction de J. F. Mattei, PUF, Paris, 1998, pp. 769 – 788. 147. „Večna filozofija i zdrav razum”, u: Koplston, F., Istorija filozofije. Grčka i Rim, Treće redigovano izdanje, BIGZ, Beograd, 1998. 148. „O srpskoj filozofiji. Uvod” (koautor: Branko Pavlović), u: Pavlović, B., Filozofski Triptih, ΠΛΑΤΩ books, Beograd, 1998, str. 145 – 151.

1999. 149. „Uvod u istoriju srpske filozofije”, Gledišta, 1-2/1999, str. 5 – 77. 150. „Petronijevićevi istorijsko-filozofski spisi” (koautor: Ilija Marić), u: Kučinar, Z. (prir.), Uvođenje u filozofsko i naučno delo Branislava Petronijevića, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd, 1999, str. 73 – 96. 151. "Lako jezgro pesništva", u: Radulović, S., Sa visa sunčanog, strašnog, izabrane i nove pesme, Rad, Beograd, 1999, str. 117 – 130.


D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM 152. „Dijalektička lirika straha i drhtanja”, predgovor za: Kjerkegor, S., Strah i drhtanje, ΠΛΑΤΩ books, Beograd, 2002, str. 5 – 140.

2003. 153. „Likovi filozofije u srednjovekovnoj Srbiji”, u: Marić, I., (prir.), O srpskoj filosofiji, ΠΛΑΤΩ books, Beograd, 2003, str. 233 – 266. 154. „Bibliografija“, u: Marić, I., (prir.), O srpskoj filosofiji, ΠΛΑΤΩ books, Beograd, 2003, str. 347– 353.

2007. 155. „Critical Thinking and Beliefs“, CCRI, May 23, Knight Campus, http://www.ccri.edu/ctc/powerpoints.html, Warwick. 156. „Ideje i dela stare srpske filozofije (1)”, Istočnik, 61 – 62/2007, str. 5 – 77. 157. „Ideje i dela stare srpske filozofije (2)”, Istočnik, 63 – 64/2007, str. 5 – 131. 158. Službe Mnemosini. Polemike o samozaboravu balkanske filozofske svesti, ΠΛΑΤΩ books, Beograd, 2007, str. 1-489.

2008. 159. „Obrasci i vizulizacije moderne subjektivnosti”, Istočnik, 65/2008, str. 45-91. 160. „Moderna i pravoslavno nasleđe”, Istočnik, 66/2008, str. 5-48.


D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM 161. Modernost i filozofija, razmatranja o duhu vremena sa razmeđa vekova, ΠΛΑΤΩ books, Beograd, 2009, str. 1-682. 162. Istorija srpske filozofije, ΠΛΑΤΩ books, Beograd, 2010, str. 1-489.

2010. 163. „Prva srpska filozofska teza“, Politika, 3. VII 2010, Kulturni dodatak, str. 2. 164. „Povratak Dimitrija Matića“, Letopis Matice srpske, knj. 486, 3/2010, str. 359-386. 165. „Damaskinova Dijalektika kao spona filozofske tradicije i teologije“, Istočnik, 75-76/2010, str. 19-61. 166. „Logika Makarija Petrovića i njeni izvori“, Otačnik, 12/1910, str. 419-441. 167. „Prilog raspravi o srpskoj i/ili hrvatskoj filozofskoj terminologiji“, Otačnik, 1-2/2010, str. 442-459.

2011. 168. „Mihailo Ristić i Logička propedeutika. Jedno zaboravljeno poglavlje iz srpskih gimnazija“, Letopis Matice srpske, god. 187, knj. 488, 5/2011, str. 805-836. 169. „Najstarija logika kod Srba. Srpskoslovenski prepisi Pripreme Teodora Raituskog“, u: Deretić, I., (prir.), Istorija srpske filozofije I, Evro-Giunti, Beograd, 2011, str. 5-50. 170. „Logički dijagrami u srpskim srednjovekovnim rukopisima“, Theoria, vol. 54, broj 4, str. 127-160.

2012. 171. „Slaveno serpske verzije philosophiae rationalis“, Istočnik, 81-82/2012, str. 58-97.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM 172. Logika i teologija. Dijalektika Jovana Damaskina u vizantijskoj i srpskoj filozofiji, Otačnik, Beograd, 2012, str. 1720. 173. Filozofija i njen jezik. Jezik filozofije, tom 1, ΠΛΑΤΩ books, Beograd, 2012, str. 1-319. 174. Filozofija i njen jezik. Povesnost filozofskog jezika, tom 2, ΠΛΑΤΩ books, Beograd, 2012, str. 1-475. 175. „Kako su se prekosavske gimnazije odlučile na prelaz ka Kantu“, u: Deretić, I., (prir.), Istorija srpske filozofije II, EvroGiunti, Beograd, 2012, str. 15-83. 176. „Kritika Ničeove koncepcije supstancije“, u: Basta, D., (prir.), Čuvar dostojanstva filozofije: Spomenica o godišnjici smrti Mihaila Đurića (1925-2011), Dosije studio, Beograd, 2012, str. 122-129.

2013. 177. Filozofija i postmodernost. Razmatranja o stavu filozofije na razmeđu vekova, (tom II), Otačnik, Beograd, 2013, str. 1512. 178. „Dositej Obradović i engleski moralizam“, Dositejev vrt, Godišnjak Zadužbine „Dositej Obradović“, godina 1, broj 1, str. 124-142. 179. Temida filozofije. Iz filozofske kritike, Otačnik, Beograd, 2013, str. 1-432. 180. Prirok i suštastvo. Srpske logike u srednjem veku, Službeni glasnik, Beograd, 2013, str. 1-347. 181. Prirok i suštastvo. Srpske logike u ranoj moderni, Službeni glasnik, Beograd, 2013, str. 1-277. 182. Prirok i suštastvo. Srpske logike u poznoj moderni, Službeni glasnik, Beograd, 2013, str. 1-396.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM 183. Prirok i suštastvo. Suštastvo u srpskoj filozofiji, Službeni glasnik, Beograd, 2013, str. 1-245. 184. „Protivlatinske i isihastičke rasprave u srednjovekovnoj srpskoj filzofiji“, iz: OUSIA, UPOSTASIS, ENERGEIA. Aspekti misli Grigorija Palame, priredio M. Knežević, Institut za teološka istraživanja PBF, Beograd, 2013, str. 524-571.

2014. 185. Parerga. Iz srpske i južnoslovenske filozofije, Otačnik, Beograd, 2014, str. 1-271. 186. Istorija srpske filozofije, II prerađeno i dopunjeno izdanje, Zavod za izdavanje udžbenika, Beograd, 2014, str. 1520.

2015. 187. Lako jezgro pesništva. O pesnikovanju Selimira Radulovića, Gradska narodna biblioteka Zrenjanin, Zrenjanin, 2015, str. 1-110. 188. „Večna filozofija i zdrav razu“, u: Koplston, F., Istorija filozofije. Grčka i Rim, Dereta, Beograd, 2015, str. 5-30. 189. Hajdeger i pre-sokratovci. Temeljna „imena“ rane grčke misli kao osnovica razumevanja njegovog „bivstvovanja“, Orpheus, Novi Sad, 2015, str. 494. ___________________________________________________


1972. 1. Russell, B., Copleston, F., „Dijalog o egzistenciji Boga”, Student, 20/1972.


1974. 2. Kant, I., „O uobičajenoj izreci: to bi moglo biti ispravno u teoriji ali ne vredi za praksu”, u: Kant, I., Um i sloboda, Velika edicija Ideja, Beograd, 1974, str. 89 – 121.

1975. 3. Kjerkegor, S., Strah i drhtanje, prevod i komentari, BIGZ, Beograd, 1975. 4. Gadamer, H-G., „Šta je praksa? Uslovi društvenog uma”, Treći program Radio-Beograda, 26/1975, str. 143-155.

1976. 5. Adorno, T., „Zvezde silaze zemlji”, Treći program RadioBeograda, 28/1976, str. 527 – 622.

1981. 6. Parmenid, „O prirodi”, Letopis Matice srpske, 6/1981, str. 749 – 755. 7. Schmidt, G., „Samoodnošenje znanja kod Platona”, Theoria, 4/1981, str. 25.

1982. 8. Stegmeier, W., „Nietzscheovo novo određenje istine”, Theoria, 3-4/1982, str. 9 – 114.


D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM 9. Fragmenti Elejaca. Parmenid, Zenon, Melis, sa grčkog preveo, predgovor i komentare napisao Slobodan Žunjić, BIGZ, Beograd, 1984.

1985. 10. Habermas, J., „Tri teze o delovanju Frankfurtske škole”, Theoria, 1-2/1985, str. 5 – 9. 1988. 11. Koplston, F., Istorija filozofije. Grčka i Rim, BIGZ, Beograd, 1988.

1989. 12. Schmidt, B., „Bloch i Lukacs: tendencija i trenutak u povesti”, Gledišta, 3-4/1989, 67-70. 13. Karadi, E., „Bloch i Lukacs u Weberovom krugu”, Gledišta, 3-4/1989, str. 111-117. 14. Mayer,H., „Sećanje na Ernsta Blocha”, Gledišta, 3-4/1989, str. 118 – 123. 15. Riedel, M., „Hermeneutika prirode i etika u Heideggerovom mišljenju”, Gledišta, 5-6/1989, str. 7-26. 16. Gadamer, H-G., „Povratak iz Sirakuze”, Gledišta, 56/1989, str. 149-151. 17. Habermas, J., „Martin Heidegger? Nacista, svakako jedan nacista!”, Gledišta, 5-6/1989, str. 152-154. 18. Derrida, J., „Heideggerovo ćutanje”, Gledišta, 5-6/1989, str. 155-157. 19. „Razgovor R. Wissera sa Martinom Heideggerom”, Gledišta, 5-6/1989, str. 159-164. 20. Gadamer, H-G., „Heidegger i Grci”, Filozofski godišnjak, 2/1989, str. 179 – 190.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM 1991. 21. Rosen, S., „Hiperborejska hermeneutika”, Filozofski godišnjak, 4/1991, str. 120 -134. 22. Koplston, F., Istorija filozofije. Grčka i Rim, drugo redigovano izdanje, BIGZ, Beograd, 1991.

1992. 23. Hajdeger, M., „Univerzitet u nacionalsocijalističkoj državi”, u: Žunjić, S., Martin Hajdeger i nacionalsocijalizam, KZNS, Novi Sad, 1992, str. 108 – 114. 24. Hajdeger, M., „Zašto ostajemo u provinciji”, u: Žunjić, S., Martin Hajdeger i nacionalsocijalizam, KZNS, Novi Sad, 1992, str. 120 – 123. 25. Hajdeger, M., „Pismo rektoratu Albert-Ludvig univerziteta”, u: Žunjić, S., Martin Hajdeger i nacionalsocijalizam, KZNS, Novi Sad, 1992, str. 124-130. 26. Hajdeger, M., „Pismo Herbertu Markuzeu”, u: Žunjić, S., Martin Hajdeger i nacionalsocijalizam, KZNS, Novi Sad, 1992, str. 152-153. 27. „Razgovor Martina Hajdegera s Rihardom Viserom”, u: Žunjić, S., Martin Hajdeger i nacionalsocijalizam, KZNS, Novi Sad, 1992, str. 181 – 187. 28. Huserl, E., „Pismo Aleksandru Pfenderu”, u: Žunjić, S., Martin Hajdeger i nacionalsocijalizam, KZNS, Novi Sad, 1992, str. 191-195. 29. Huserl, E., „Pismo Ditrihu Mankeu”, u: Žunjić, S.,. Martin Hajdeger i nacionalsocijalizam, KZNS, Novi Sad, 1992, str. 196-197. 30. Jaspers, K., „Pismo Martinu Hajdegeru”, u: Žunjić, S., Martin Hajdeger i nacionalsocijalizam, KZNS, Novi Sad, 1992, str. 198.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM 31. Levit, K., „Poslednje viđenje s Hajdegerom”, u: Žunjić, S., Martin Hajdeger i nacionalsocijalizam, KZNS, Novi Sad, 1992, str. 199-202. 32. „Rešenje političkog odbora za denacifikaciju”, u: Žunjić, S., Martin Hajdeger i nacionalsocijalizam, KZNS, Novi Sad, 1992, str. 203-206. 33. Jaspers, K., „Mišljenje o Hajdegeru”, u: Žunjić, S., Martin Hajdeger i nacionalsocijalizam, KZNS, Novi Sad, 1992, str. 207-211. 34. Jaspers, K., „Pismo Gerdu Telenbahu”, u: Žunjić, S., Martin Hajdeger i nacionalsocijalizam, KZNS, Novi Sad, 1992, str. 216-217. 35. Habermas, J., „Martin Hajdeger? Nacista, svakako jedan nacista!”, u: Žunjić, S., Martin Hajdeger i nacionalsocijalizam, KZNS, Novi Sad, 1992, str. 223 -226. 36. Gadamer, H-G., „Povratak iz Sirakuze”, u: Žunjić, S., Martin Hajdeger i nacionalsocijalizam, KZNS, Novi Sad, 1992, str. 281-284. 37. Derida, Ž., „Hajdegerovo ćutanje”, u: Žunjić, S., Martin Hajdeger i nacionalsocijalizam, KZNS, Novi Sad, 1992, str. 294-297. 38. Liotar, Ž. F., „Ne okolišiti okolnošću”, u: Žunjić, S., Martin Hajdeger i nacionalsocijalizam, KZNS, Novi Sad, 1992, str. 298-300. 39. Reno, A., „Hajdeger i politika”, u: Žunjić, S., Martin Hajdeger i nacionalsocijalizam, KZNS, Novi Sad, 1992, str. 301-313.

1993. 40. Reno, A., „Martin Hajdeger, 1883 – 1976. Predavanja i članci, 1954”, u: Šatle, F., Dijamel, O., Pizije, E., Enciklopedijski rečnik političke filozofije, Izdavačka

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM knjižarnica Zorana Stojanovića, Sremski Karlovci, Novi Sad, 1993, str. 324-332.

1996. 41. Russell, B., Copleston, F., „Dijalog o postojanju Boga”, Gledišta, 3-4/1996, str. 83 – 99.

1998. 42. Koplston, F., Istorija filozofije. Grčka i Rim, treće redigovano izdanje, BIGZ, Beograd, 1998.

2002. 43. Kjerkegor, S., Strah i drhtanje, predgovor, prevod i napomene Slobodan Žunjić, ΠΛΑΤΩ books, Beograd, 2002. 44. Koplston, F., Istorija filozofije. Grčka i Rim, četvrto izdanje, Dereta, Beograd, 2015, str. 33-600. ___________________________________________________

O autoru 1. M. Đurić, „Slobodan Žunjić: Pojam jednog u Aristotelovoj Metafizici”, Filozofski godišnjak, 1/1988, str. 205 – 215. 2. A. Knežević, “Neka razjašnjenja oko našega filozofijskoga nazivlja; kritički osvrt uz tekst Slobodana Žunjića ’Razvoj srpske filozofske terminologije’ i Žunjićev odgovor“, u: Filozofija i slavenski jezici, Zagreb, 1988, str. 45-54. 3. R. Šajković, „Slobodan Žunjić: Pojam jednog u Aristotelovoj Metafizici”, Filozofski godišnjak, 1/1988, str. 216.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM 4. F. Grgić, „Aristotel i henologija. Problem jednog u Aristotelovoj ’Metafizici’”, Prilozi za istraživanje hrvatske filozofske baštine, (27-28), 1-2/1988, str. 189 – 192. 5. B. Mikulić, „Studija o jednom“, Borba, 1. decembar, 1988, str. 8. 6. M. Lolić, „Pojam Jednog“, Danas, 23. maj, 1989, str. 39. 7. V. Simeunović, V., „Mišljenje i odgovornost (Slobodan Žunjić, Hajdeger i nacionalsocijalizam)“, Theoria, 1/1993, str. 135 - 145. 8. V. Simeunović, „M. Đurić, S. Žunjić, Die serbische Philosophie heute, Műnchen, 1993“, Srpski književni glasnik, 1-4/1994, str. 170-181. 9. B. Tomašević, „Savremena srpska filozofija: Die serbische Philosophie heute, priredili Mihailo Đurić i Slobodan Žunjić, 'Slavica Verlag Dr. Anton Kovač', Műnhen, 1993“, Letopis Matice srpske, knj. 455, 1/1995, str. 189-197. 10. D. Stošić, Od Hegela do Rortija, Beograd, 2002, str. 124126. 11. F. Zore, Početak i smisao metafizičkih pitanja, Studije o povijesti grčke filozofije, Filosofska biblioteka Dimitrija Savića, Zagreb, 2006, str. 1-296. 12. B. Lubardić, „Srpska religijska filosofija u XX veku: ličnosti, ideje, tokovi“, Srpska teologija u dvadesetom veku: istraživački problemi i rezultati, knj. 4 (2009), str. 7–56 (o S. Žunjiću str. 24). 13. N. Daković, „Ko se još seća Slobodana Žunjića?“, Danas, 7-8. avgust 2010. godine. 14. Z. Kučinar, “Suočavanje sa Evropom, ali i sa knjazom“, Politika, 3. VI, 2010, Kulturni dodatak, str. 1. 15. Z. Kučinar, “Detektivska priča - misteriozna disertacija“, Politika, 3. VII 2010, str. 2.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM 16. M. Novaković, „Umetnost i kritika prosvetiteljstva“, Filozofija i društvo, 3 (XXI) 2010, str. 119-144. 17. A. Popović, „Kosovo i Metohija između osporavanja i uređenosti, 1“, kpolisa.com, str. 4-8. 18. I. Marić, „Službe Mnemosini Slobodana Žunjića“, u: Marić, I., Od filosofije do književnosti, ΠΛΑΤΩ books, Beograd, 2011, str. 48-64. 19. I. Marić, „Modernost i filozofija Slobodana Žunjića“, u: Marić, I., Od filosofije do književnosti, ΠΛΑΤΩ books, Beograd, 2011, str. 65-77. 20. R. Tubić, Na obalama istorije savremenog sveta, Svet knjige, Beograd, 2011, str. 314-317. 21. Praxis. Društvena kritika i humanistički socijalizam, ured., D. Olujić Oluja i K. Stojaković, Zbornik radova sa Međunarodne konferencije o jugoslavenskoj ljevici: Praxisfilozofija i Korčulanska ljetna škola (1963-1974), Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Beograd, 2012. 22. B. Jakšić, Mišljenje kao diverzija, Sužbeni glasnik, Beograd, 2012, str. 109-112, 136-148. 23. M. Lolić, „Kritičko određenje pojma srpske filozofije“, Kultura, 134/2012, str. 401-414. 24. N. Daković, „O Parmenidu i filozofiji“, NIN, br. 3272 od 12. 9. 2013. godine. 25. N. Jovančević, „Filozofija na putu od agore do manastira”, Kalenić, br. 3 (2013), 33–-35. 26. S. Damnjanović, “Filozofija na svojoj zemlji: Slobodan Žunjić, Filozofija i njen jezik”, Treći program Radio Beograda, 155/156, 2012, str. 342-345. 27. S. Damnjanović, “Filozofija na svojoj zemlji”, Letopis matice srpske, knj. 491, 4/2013, str. 579-582.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM 28. S. Kostić, „Osvrt na knjigu S. Žunjića Logika i teologija“, pročitano u hronici Trećeg programa radio Beograda, 08.02.2013. 29. R. Đorđević, „Osvrti. S. Žunjić, Istorija srpske filozofije“, Unus mundus, časopis za umetnost, nauku i kulturu, Frimenlend, 2013, str. 609-610. 30. P. Popović, „Anarhija na petom bojnom polju: kibernetski prostor i međunarodni odnosi“, Politička misao, 4/2013, str. 53. 31. S. Damnjanović, „Srpske logike u srednjem veku –epigonstvo ili stvaralaštvo?“, Letopis Matice srpske, knjiga 494, sveska 4, oktobar 2014, str. 539-543. 32. M. Lolić, „Kapitalno delo o srpskoj filozofiji: Slobodan Žunjić, Istorija srpske filozofije, drugo, ispravljeno i dopunjeno izdanje, Zavod za udžbenike, Beograd, 2014“, Srpski književni list, 10/115, januar, februar i mart 2015, str. 7-8. 33. “Saopštenje za javnost”, prvobitno štampano na fakultetskom Internetu, Saopštenja za javnost, Internet portal odeljenja za filozofiju od 24. 4. 2015. Ona je sada objavljena pod imenom Đurić Drago, „O jednom pokušaju prekrajanja istorije srpske filozofije“ (Saopštenje za javnost), Theoria, Beograd, 2015 58(2):135-138. 34. Aranđelović Jovan, „Kako je neznalica oklevetala Odeljenje za filozofiju“, Theoria, Beograd, 2015 58 (2): 13914. 35. Lazović Živan, „Čemu prekrajanje istorije srpske filozofije?“, Theoria, Beograd, 2015, 58 (2): 143-160. 36. Đurić Drago, „Istorija filozofije bez filozofije“, Theoria, Beograd, 2015 58 (2): 161-168. ___________________________________________________

Strani pisci o autoru

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM Štampani radovi 1. A. Schaefer, „MIHAILO DJURIC, hrsg., Nietzsches Begriff der Philosophie, 270 S., Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, 1990“, Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger, Bd. 44, Hf. 3, Juli – September 1991, S. 238. 2. R. Fietz, Medienphilosophie: Musik, Sprache und Schrift bei Friedrich Nietzsche, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, 1992. 3. J.N. Nepomuk, Wahrheit, Perspektive, Interpretation: Nietzsche und die philosophische Hermeneutik, W. de Gruyter, Berlin/New York, 1994. 4. M. Stingelin, “Unsere ganze Philosophie ist Berichtigung des Sprachgebrauchs”, in: Friedrich Nietzsches LichtenbergRezeption im Spannungsfeld zwischen Sprachkritik (Rhetorik) und historischer Kritik (Genealogie), Vol. 3. Fink Wilhelm GmbH+ Company KG, 1996. 5. H. Volkers, „Von der Schwirigkeit der Philosophie im Postkomunismus den Kommunismus loszuwerden“, Münchener Zeitschrift für Balkankunde, Bd. 12/1996, SS. 1921. 6. R. Heinen, Sprachdynamik und Vernunft: Untersuchungen zum Spätwerk Nietzsches und Wittgensteins, Vol. 232, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, 1998. 7. M. Niazi, „Behaving themselves: Aesthetic disposition between Nietzsche and Pascal in ’Über Wahrheit und Lüge im aussermoralischen Sinne’“, Paragraph, vol. 22, Issue 3, Nov. 1999, pp. 263-277. 8. J. Schwitalla, “Nietzsche's Use of Metaphors: Semantic Processes and textual Procedures”, Journal of Nietzsche Studies, 22/2001, pp. 64-87. 9. A. Ariew, „Platonic and Aristotelian Roots of Teleological Arguments“, u: Functions. New Essays on Psychology and Biology, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2002, pp. 7, 14.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM 10. K. Hanza, „Nec docere neque delectare sed sublimare. Sobre la metafora de la literatura como sublimacion en Freud y Nietzsche“, Estudios de Filosofia, 28/2003, pp. 35-53. 11. J. Grković-Major, Compounds in Varlaam and Ioasaf: Hilandar Slavic Manuscript no. 422, ed., by Gribble C., Matejić P., Monastic Traditions, 4th International Hilandar Conference, Aug. 14-15, Columbus OH, Ohio State University 2003, pp. 129-142. 12. V. Wollf, Hofmannstahls ’Chandosbrief’ und Nietzsches Sprachreflexion, Ein Vergleich, Hausarbeit, FernUniversität Hagen, 2009. 13. L.P. Gerson, ed., „The Cambridge History of Philosophy in late Antiquity“, vol. II, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010, p. 1170. 14. L. Hegenberg, Filosofia moral, Metaetica, 2, Sindicato Nacional dos Editores des Livros, Slobodan Bob Zunjic, PHL 346, Zunjijic leciona filosofia, Univ. of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rio de Janeiro, 2010, p. 174. 15. L. Hegenberg, Filosofia moral, Etica, 2, Sindicato Nacional dos Editores des Livros, Rio de Janeiro 2010, p. 170 (Slobodan Bob Zunjic, PHL 346, Zunjijic leciona filosofia, Univ. of Rhode Island, Kingston). 16. Z. Dimić, „Re-legitimization of University; a New Witz“, Filozofska Istraživanja, vol. 31, Issue 3, 2011, pp. 619-634. 17. J. Constancio, M.J. Mayer Branco, As the Spider Spins: Essays on Nietzsche’s Critique and Use of Language, de Gruyter, Berlin/New York, 2012. 18. P. Frigger, „Knechtschaft und Symmetrie – Untersuchung zur Anerkennung“, 2014, S. 317. Zunjic, Slobodan: “Herrschaft und Souveränität. Hegel und Nietzsche in der Lektüre von Georges Bataille”; in: Mihailo Djuric/ Josef Simon (hrsg.), Nietzsche und Hegel, Darmstadt, 1992, SS. 146 – 174.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM 19. T. Hochstadt, The Age of Virtual Reality, Odessa, Texas, 2013, p. 107. https://books.google.rs/books?isbn=1257923595 20. M.J. Newby, Eudaimonia. Happiness is not Enough, Liecester, UK, 2011, p. 123. https://books.google.rs/books?isbn=1848767501 21. Robert Trundle, A Theology of Science, From Science to an Political Ethics, Brown Walker Press, Boca Raton Florida, 2009, I am quoted as the man who knows the internal quotes from “Modes of Negation” (J-P. Sartre), p. 44: https://books.google.rs/books?id=rGjHeS5P6YC&pg=PA44&l pg=PA44&dq=Bob+Zunjic&source=bl&ots=EqJLORv8Pr&si g=_v1plut249fMuoYv2OW8ZStnJU&hl=sr&sa=X&ved=0ahU KEwiMuZmxtMfLAhUKAXMKHZqWBwo4ZBDoAQgMAU#v=onepage&q=Bob%20Zunjic&f=false

Radovi na Internetu 22. Archer Pelican on a quote from Nicomachean Ethics refering to my explanation in http://www.uri.edu/personal/szunjic/philos/nicom.htm (January 2007). 23. I am cited in Abandonment (existentialism), in 3rd footnote, Zunjic, Bob, “Fear and Trembling: Outline.” The University of Rhode Island. URI, Web. 05 Dec. 2011, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abandonment_%28existentialism %29 24. I am quoted in the bibliography of Alonzo Farley with Bob Zunjic, “Existentialism is a Humanism, 2”, December 2014. 25. Kritische Houding, I am quoted with my interpretation of Russell’s “What is Philosophy?” (Dutch, Internet) http://www.kritischehouding.nl/2015/01/de-filosoof-alsultieme-vragensteller.html

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM 26. Carol Weaver quotes my interpretation of S. Kierkegaard, Fear and Trembling (posted on Friday, May 24, 2013). http://carolhomeschool2.blogspot.rs/2013/05/34-fear-andtrembling-by-soren.html 27. My quote from Sartre’s comments in Being and Nothingness made by New Clear Vision on the 22. of July in 2013. Bob Zunjic's accessory to Being and Nothingness by Robert C. Koehler http://www.newclearvision.com/tag/iraq/ 28. Probaway, Life Hacks, Many helpful things on living your life more successfully. A reference to Bob Zunjic’s explanation of life better squared among philosophers. I am quoted in the interpretation of Russell’s “What is Philosophy? Defining Philosophy” - everything taken from The Value of Philosophy (2007).https://probaway.wordpress.com/tag/whatis-philosophy/, https://probaway.wordpress.com//?s=Zunjic&search=Go 29. Terence Hoyt, Practical Philosophy, 2011 September, a reference to my interpretation of Kierkegaard’s Concluding Unscientific Postscript, www.practicalphilosophy.net/?m=201109 30. F. Nietzsche, Jenseits von Gut und Böse, Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beyond_Good_and_Evil, An outline for Nietzsche Selection, Dr. Bob Zunjic. 31. A. Borghini, About Education, The Paradox of the Sublime summing up Kant’s discussion of the topic in his Critique of Judgment, http://philosophy.about.com/od/Philosophical-TheoriesIdeas/a/The-Paradox-Of-The-Sublime.htm 32. M. Germen’s comments on Kant’s Deduction of the Judgment of Taste based on the explanations by Bob Zunjic for his course PHL 230; http://www.uri.edu/personal/szunjic/philos/deduct.htm; accessed on 23/12/2007.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM 33. Ave Philosophy! Morituri Te Salutant! With reference to his blog Slobodan Bob Zunjic 23. 2. 2009. http://maverickphilosopher.typepad.com/maverick_philosopher /2014/04/dissertation-advice-on-the-occasion-of-kantsbirthday.html, http://philosophyforever.blogspot.rs/2009/02/tales-izmileta.html 34. B. Amber, Influences on American Government, especially with Hobbes’ Leviathan, chs. XIII and XIV, for the course PHL 212 (this was taken for 11 months ago). https://storify.com/MsLBrooksJ8/influences-on-americangovernment 35. Felsefe, Terimleri, - Ingilisze; Utilitarianism with reference to Bob Zunjic’s article (Turkish). www.fenomen.org/felsefe-terimleri-ingilizce.html 36. Research Assistance with reference to Bob Zunjic’s help about Kant. 37. Utilitarianism Resourses with an article about utilitarianism (Utilitarian Ethics). http://www.hedweb.com/philsoph/utillink.htm 38. Utilitarianism on the Net. Utilitarian links. I am represented in this article as a specilaist for Bentham line utilitarianism.wikia.com/wiki/Utilitarianism_links 39. A.Williams, Mind or Body Philosophy Paper - Essays –Mylastbreadth 1, October 22, 2012, Dualism (Philosophy of Mind), Philosophy 1100. www.studymode.com › Essays › Mind 40. St. Thomas Becket Philosophy, James Ransom, Saturday March 2, 2013. Prepared for Dr. Bob Zunjic's Phil 212 Class, this outline, replete with Zunjic's illuminating side-notes, charts of concepts, and more, is a gateway to key passages of Leviathan, 1, 13-14. www.linkedin.com/pub/jamesransom/33/988/791

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM 41. Sadler’s Existentialism Updates: Existentialism Resources. Fear and Trembling very extensive page of notes by Bob Zunjic. A little difficult to read in parts just because of the way his page is set up, but worth the effort Concluding Unscientific Postscript another similar page of notes on the work by Bob Zunjic. http://existentialismupdates.blogspot.rs/p/resources.html 42. Nadia on Kant’s Analytic of the Sublime. Reading in Slow Motion. Zunjic, Bob. Immanuel Kant Analytic of the Sublime: An Outline. 17 Mar 2014, http://www.uri.edu/personal/szunjic/philos/subl.htm. 43. God and Ethics. Professor Bob Zunjic, provides an excellent analysis of the Euthyphro for his Philosophy 103 class at the University of Rhode Island, www.skeptically.org/phrel/id5.html 44. Stefan Bolea, Jean-Paul Sartre, The Humanism of Existentialism, I, An Outline, http://doctorat.ubbcluj.ro/sustinerea_publica/rezumate/2012/fil osofie/Bolea_Tit_Stefan_EN. 45. John Brown’s Notes and Essays, Is American Cultural Diplomacy a Hot Potato? A reference to Bob Zunjic, “Plato: The Republic Books 2, 3 and 10: An Outline”, http://johnbrownnotesandessays.blogspot.rs/2013/05/isamerican-cultural-diplomacy-hot_30.html 46. The Sloane Court Clinic; Bob Zunjic says: “What you cannot do is to praise faith and Abraham while at the same time condemning religious zeal, blind obedience and moral egotism stemming from it. Conversely, if you see that faith is the foundation of human existence then you need to appreciate its personal, temporal and subjective character.” http://www.uri.edu/personal/szunjic/philos/fear.htm 47. Indifferentia ad Fata, The Often Overlooked Influence of Sören Kierkegaard on Ingmar Bergmans Seventh Seal, Monday June 27, 2011. Zunjic, Bob, Sören Kierkegaard, “Fear and Trembling, Problema I, An Outline”, University of Rhode

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM Island, 12 Jul 2010, Aletheophilus Manqué, http://queenofthestoned.blogspot.rs/2011/06/often-overlookedinfluence-of-soren.html. 48. Project Gutenberg Self-Publishing Press. Dr. Bob Zunjic, Sartre’s Being and Nothingness (Outline). 49. Introduction to Modern Literary Theory. Kristi Sigel. Existentialism. “Jean-Paul Sartre, The Humanism of Existentialism”, by Dr. Bob Zunjic (University of Rhode Island). January 2006. http://dks.thing.net/Post-Colonialstructuralism.html 50. Zunjic, Bob, Sören Kierkegaard, Concluding Unscientific Postscript, http://dongten.net/noidung/13373, (Vietnameese). 51. Carsten Korfmacher, Radaris, Bob Zunjic, Universität von Rhode-Island, “Auf der Bedeutung von Genealogie in der Kritik Nietzsches der Sittlichkeitsgefühls.” radaris.de/p/Carsten/Korfmacher/ 52. Viographiko Simeioma. K. Petsios. Panepistimion Ioanninon. Kathegetes Bob Zunjic tou Panepistemiou Rhode Island, present Greek logicinas from the XVII century, p. 167, http://council.uoi.gr/images/CVipopsifiwn/CV-K.Petsios.pdf 53. Bob Zunjic on a Chinese site because of S. Kierkegaard. blog.sina.com.cn/u/1081159492 54. Zunjic, Bob, “The Humanism of Existentialism, Existentialism Is a Humanism”, N.p. Web, 19 Sept. 2014. 55. Bob Zunjic, “Euthyphro in This Early Dialogue of Plato’s”, Retrieved 9 February 2009. 56. Whosafraid, Dr. Bob Zunjic, “The Humanism of Existentialism, I, phl 103”, Introduction of philosophy. University of Rhode Island, 1946. Web. 24 Oct. 2010. https://whosafraid.wikispaces.com/The+Necessity+of+Difficul ty

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM 57. JV-PHILOBLOG. Insta-Philo-Pundit. Euthyphro. Another excellent outline from Dr. Bob Zunjic at URI. This one is about the Eythyphro. Good background as well as analysis. “Existentialism is a Humanism”. Detailed notes on Sartre's “The Humanism of Existentialiasm” a.k.a. "Existentialism is a Humanism" from Dr. Bob Zunjic. Dr. Zunjic provides an detailed analysis of the argument of Sartre's essay. Goes into what Sartre was trying to accomplish and analyzes his argument. It is a detailed for the serious student of Sartre. 58. Utilitarianism links -– Utilitarianism Wiki. A reference to utilitarianism by Bob Zunjic. http://newsactivist.com/en/articles/media-ethics-summer2015/drinking-age-moral-dilemma 59. M. Croswell’s Philosophy Forum. Zunjic, Bob. “What is Philosophy?” , Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2005, 16 February 2006. 60. DKJs blog. Some thoughts on the nature of philosophy from Dr. Bob Zunjic, posted by David Kenneth BradenJohnson, http://critojazz.blogspot.rs/2011/01/nhnap-definingphilosophy.html 61. Inadvertent (Ars Accidentalis), Zunjic, B., Deduction of the Judgment of Taste by Immanuel Kant. An outline by Dr. Bob Zunjic for his course coded PHL 230. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/24c3/4ab13638dc0270ff920f2 eb936243a0d6d67.pdf (Accessed: 23/12/2007). 62. Rezigno (ekzistadismo), Zunjic, Bob. “Stupeur et tremblements: Outline.” The University of Rod-Insulo. URI. Web. 05 la 2011-an de decembro http://www.uri.edu/ personal/szunjic/philos/fear.htm 63. Abbie Gostelow, Bob Zunjic quoted for the utility of his formula of a rule of conduct. 64. C. Birkvad Bernth, Table of Contents, Rudar, Zunjic, Bob, “Jeremy Bentham, An Introduction to the Principles and

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM Morals of Legislation (1789), An outline”. http://rudar.ruc.dk/bitstream/1800/10879/1/2.Final%20Project. pdf. 65. Twin Cities for daily Planet. Jeremy Iggers recounts the story about the Sartrian description of a “waiter”. 66. I Love Philosophy. The Metaphysical Myth of Mortality. Zunjic, Bob. Being and Nothingness - An Outline, University of Rhode Island. 21 Sept. 2004, http://www.uri.edu/personal/szunjic/philos/being.htm 67. DNA analysis. Presentation of Sartre’s Being and Nothingness according to the exposition of Bob Zunjic. 68. 123 Helpme.com. Zunjic, Dr. Bob. “The Humanism of Existentialism II.” Jean Paul Sartre, 1946. Web. 12 Mar. 2012. 69. ACM DL Digital Library, ZUNJIC, B. Deduction of the Judgment of Taste by Immanuel Kant. An outline by Dr. Bob Zunjic for his course coded PHL 230. http://www.uri.edu/personal/szunjic /philos/deduct.htm (Accessed: 23/12/2007). 70. F. Nietzsche Beyond Good and Evil, Wikipedia. An outline for Friedrich Nietzsche selections, Dr. Bob Zunjic, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beyond_Good_and_Evil. 71. What have you got to add? April 16, 2014. Dr. Bob Zunjic of the University of Rhode Island makes a phenomenal points in studying philosophy. 72. Counterpunch, Missy Beattie, “The Liar Negates His Own Existence”, with reference to Bob Zunjic, www.intrepidreport.com/archives/10200. 73. Boston University. Alexandra Shadrow. Zunjic, Bob. "Beyond Good and Evil." The University of Rhode Island. Web. 4 Dec. 2011, http://www.uri.edu/personal/szunjic/philos/beyond.htm. 74. The Sublime. Analytic of the Sublime, PHL 230, Instructor Dr. Bob Zunjic. Pempti, 4 Dekemvriou 2014.

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM 75. Bitije i nicto. Slovari i enciklopoedii na Akademike. Dr. Bob Zunjic: SARTRE’s Being and Nothingness (Outline). 76. Smartsheep.org. “Jean-Paul Sartre: The Humanism of Existentialism” by Dr. Bob Zunjic (University of Rhode Island). 77. PHILWEB BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ARCHIVE University of Rhode Island: Modern Philosophy (Zunjic). http://www.phillwebb.net/history/modern/Modern.htm 78. About Fear and Trembling, as is portrayed by myself, http://www.timlebon.com/kierkegaard.html 79. Sept. 1, 2015, Eva Frantinou, http://www.scribd.com/doc/277314245/Analytic-of-theSublime-by-Dr-Bob-Zunjic#scribd 80. Ruth Ellen Kocher, „Kant's Observations on Beatiful and the Sublime“, add. About Bob Zunjic, https://prezi.com/yrz40eh3b3xg/kants-observations-on-thebeautiful-and-the-sublime/ 81. Jean-Paul Sartre by Marisol Mancilla, 23.04.2015. SARTRE, The Humanism of Existentialism I., 27/02/15, Dr. Bob Zunjic https://prezi.com/0sqgkurfbaex/jean-paul-sartre/ 82. DocFoc rereading the “Concluding Unscientific Postscript”, http://www.docfoc.com/zunjic-bob-concludingunscientific-postscript-lecture 83. „God is then an antithesis to Sartre's freedom“ (they treat me as the knowledgeable person of Sartea, footnote 29, „Freedom and Responsibility“, https://www.coursehero.com/file/p4ml72/God-is-then-anantithesis-to-Sartres-freedom-Despite-the-anguish-forlornness/ 84. „5 he escapes from the truth of meaninglessness“ https://www.coursehero.com/file/p4131n/5-He-escapes-fromthe-truth-of-the-meaninglessness-into-his-historical-writings/ 85. „Some Useful Ancient Philosophy Web Sites (Includs some Video and Audio Resources)“, for me the most relevant

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM will be the page about Aristotle http://faculty.piercecollege.edu/woodmc/classes/Handouts/Onli ne_Ancient_Resources.pdf 86. „Some Useful Modern Philosophy Web Sites (Includes some Video and Audio Resources)“, for me the most relevant will be syllabus on Modern Philosophy, http://faculty.piercecollege.edu/woodmc/classes/Handouts/Onli ne_Modern_Philosophy_Resources.pdf 87. mpt – Catawba College Website, makes reference to Thomas Hobbes, http://faculty.catawba.edu/cmcallis/history/mpt/mpt.htm 88. Thomas Miller, “For the Sake of Argument”, makes reference to my Aristotle course, http://tmiller.faculty.arizona.edu/classical_rhetoric_resources 89. Bob Zunjic, What is Philosophy?: Defining Philosophy (Based on "The Value of Philosophy" by B. Russell), “Union of the Whys”, http://www.un-whys.org/docs/questing.php 90. “6-Blog za sve i ni za koga; M. Rajić, B. Simić, P. Đokić i M. Petrović”, doing common reference to my philosophy pages http://patos.blog.rs/blog/patos/stranica/6 91. Eric Brenan, “Mixed Motives: Hegemony in Landscape”, an appendix about passion. https://dspace.iup.edu/bitstream/handle/2069/2433/Eric%20Bre nnan%20%28Thesis-MFA%29.pdf?sequence=1 92. Ana Sayfa, with regard to Dostojevski, http://belirtiler.blogspot.rs/2008/12/t-snrda-dergisi-12-saykt.html 93. Teach Philosophy 101, Combining web-based syllabus and on-line very creative material by B. Zunjic, http://www.teachphilosophy101.org/#!sample-syllabi/s0z52 94. In one slides 33 dealing with Jean-Paul Sartre compare my contribution http://slideplayer.com/slide/4319777/

D. PAVLOVIĆ & S. ŽUNJIĆ : NASILJE NAD FILOZOFIJOM 95. I am listed as the „author“ of Being and Nothingness, http://eventualawareness.com/resources/ 96. Pearltrees, Bob Zunjic teaching on Aristotle’s Physics A and B, http://www.pearltrees.com/seanmhines/aristotleish/id14803946#item156790038/l810 97. Class lecture notes by professor Spade who uses my compendium about Being and Nothingness; http://everything.explained.today/Being_and_Nothingness/ 98. Lounge Cujabá, Bible Errancy. Bob Zunjic, Philosophy, „Sermon on the Mount“. http://loungecba.blogspot.rs/2015/06/a-lei-dos-heterodoxosum-estudo-do.html 99. Excerpt from the Documents including my own article about Euthyphro, http://www.paperdue.com/essay/socrates24939 100. Bob Zunjic wrote an extensive outline to Concluding Unscientific Postrscript to Philosophiscal Fragments, https://en.scio.pw/Concluding_Unscientific_Postscript_to_Phil osophical_Fragments 101. Palmer, D. Aristotle's Causes. Williamette. Dr. Bob Zunjic, n.d. Web. 16 Dec. 2014. http://www.willamette.edu/~sbasu/poli212/AristotleonCause.ht m, http://ancientgreekphilo.weebly.com/bibliography.html


Internet liste literature. U listama, koje se oslanjaju na internet pretraživače, dat je samo jedan mali broj izvora za Slobodana Žunjića. On je, pored ovoga gore, objavio veliki broj tekstova – više od 30 obimnih monografija pojedinih filozofa i njihovih glavnih dela – koje su bile dostupne samo na Internetu, to jest samo na njegovom sajtu na univerzitetu Rod Ajland. Taj sajt je sad prebačen u Arhiv. Arhiv sadrži većinu tekstova koji su bili na Univerzitetu Rod Ajland, SAD i nalazi se ovde: https://web.archive.org/web/20150905062529/http:/www.uri.e du/personal/szunjic/index.html


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